Minutes 1978-05-23 022 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 23, 1978 PAGE 2 5, Letter Favoring the Annexation Grande--Mr, & Mrs, Pete Blankenship, FORWARDED TO LAFCO, 6, Letter of Thanks and Appreciation from the San Luis Obispo County Symphony Association, RECOMMEND LET-TER BE RECEIVED AND FILED, of the Brisco Hill Area to the City of Arroyo RECOMMEND THE LETTER BE RECEIVED AND A COPY 7, Letter of Request from the Arroyo Grande Merchar..ts Council to hold Band Day on Saturday, May 27, 1978, at the Village Green, RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND NOTIFY PROPER DEPARTMENTS, 8, Re<::leipt of a Letter of Commendation from Superior Cou,rt Judge William R. Fredman, Re, Officer Salser and Officer Wulfing Working with Young People, RECOMMEND LETTER BE RECEIVED AND COPIES PLACED IN EMPLOYEE'S FILE, 9, Recommendation of the Claims Adjuster that the Council Deny the Claim of Charles Evers, RECOMMEND COUNCIL DENY CLAIM OF CHARLES EVERS, 100 Request of the Arroyo Chapter Order of DeMolay as a Fund'-Raising proj ect to Paint Street N'wnbers on Curbs on May 27 and June 10, 19780 RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND REFER TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEN'T F'OR DIRECTION, ~ RESOLUTION ADOPTION - REQUEST AU'1'IlORIZATION TO CLOSE BRANCH 5T 0 FOR PARADE, 9/30/78 The Council reviewed a letter'Trom the Harvest Festival Committee, requesting permission to, close Branch Street for a period of time on September 30, 1978. for the annual parade, As Branch Street is a portion of State Highway 227, permission for the closure must also be obtained from the Department of Transportation, which r;squir'B:E: a 1t"esolutiono After C~'\lJntdl disc'Ussion~ Administrato1:' Butch read the title of a r!!"olu~ion .tequa,eting authorization to close a City s,treet, A motion was then made by CouncilmCI'.\ de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallaghe,r and unanimously carried, to dispsn!N; withreadirng the balance of this resolut.ion, RESOLUTION NO,. 1 319 A RESCLUTICN OF THE: CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GAANDE REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION 'ro CLOSE A CITY STREET On rol\c,ti<e>t'l of' Councilman Gall:agher~ seconded by Councilwoman Smith and on the following roll call vcte~ t~ witg AYES, Comlcil Membe"" Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis NOES, None ABSE:N'I' ~ N'cms AEs'rATNED, Council Msmber 1"<>1'''' the fO;L'sge,in9 llesoluti.,cn w"s p,asssd ":ld adopted this 23rd day of May, 19780 NonCE OF l'TEMS WITHDRAWN F'ROM AGENDA Mayor Millis anr.ouncsd that the following i~ms have been withdrawn from the regular agenda, for benefit of anyone in the audience present for these items, E-3--Acceptance of First Phase of Tract 604, E-7--Approval of Final Tract Map 553, and E-8--Approval of Final Tract Map 6670 PETITION REo SIGHT/NOISE PROBLEM ON LE POINT STREET - ATTORNEY HANDLING MATTER The Council reviewed a petition from residents on Le Point Street ~ regarding a sight and noise prOblem in their neighborhOOd during the remodeling of a house, City Attorney Shipsey reported that the matter has been turned over to Attorney LeSage, who handles Municipal Code violations for the City, RECEIPT OF LATEST LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 'The Council received and reviewed the latest Legislative Bulletins from the League of California citieso Discussion was held regarding the following proposed bills, sa 1874 which would cut the island annexation proceduree from last year"s newly adopted annexation bil11 AB 3653 is an effort to constrain the ability of cities to require park and recreation exactments under the Quimby Act; and AB 2757, which would cut the City's pcwers regarding sign abatement, General consensus of the Council during discussion of the foregoing bills was opposition to them, and. the City Administrator was directed to write the City's legislative represent:atives indicating thi.s City's opposition to said billso r n ~'22 \ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 'MAY 23, 1978 i: 'PAGE 3 MAYOR MILLIS EXCUSED HIMSELF FROM TIlE COUNCIL CHAMBERS.DUE TQ.A'POSSIBLE:CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN TIlE FOLLOWING ITEM, AND IS NOW ABSENT. MAYOR PRO TEMGALLAGHER .IS NOW PRESIDING. ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SCHOOL FACILITIES FEE ON CONSTRUCTION -'FURTIIER REVIEW Administrator Butch reported that a meeting had .been held,'yesterday on a proposed ordinance to establish a school facilities. fee on new construction. At the same time, a model ordinance for such a fee was received from the .League'of California Cities, which has been determined to be more accountable..,and .better structured for cities. Superintendent of Schools, Robert Hoagland, will be requested to call an additional meeting right after the June 6th. election with all representatives studying the proposal, to review this model'ordinance, with a recommendation on it coming to the Council hopefullybefcre.June 30th. MAYOR MILLIS RESUMED HIS PLACE AT TIlE COUNCIL TABLE AND IS NOW PRESIDING. RECOMMENDATION TO INCREASE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX FROM S% TQ'6% -NOTIFY AFFECTED BUSINESSES 'ltle Council reviewed a proposed ordinance.to increase the..City'.s'Transient Occupancy Tax (Bed Tax collected by motels, hotels, rooming houses) .from.S% to 6%, to be in line with the state's sales tax rate and what surrounding cities charge. The Council briefly discussed the proposal, with general consensus being that the affected business owners be notified of the proposed increase, to get their feeling on the matter. ORDINANCE ADOPTION - INCREASE MEMBERSHIP OF PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION City Attorney shipsey read the title of an ordinance amending.the Municipal Code by providing for an increase in the Parks & Recreation Commission. membership. A motion .was then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded'by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 179 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 1 OF TI'rLE 10 OF TIlE ARROYO GRANDE' MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 10-1.01, 10-2.02 AND 10-1.03 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR SEVEN MEMBERS IN THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member 'de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon ,~'SmitlL and Mayor 'Millis Council Member Pope None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 23rd day of May, 1978. NOTICE OF' EXPIRATION OF TERMS OF VARIOUS COMMISSIONERS - RECOMMEND APPOINTMENTS TO PLANNING COMMISSION.- GORSLINE & FISCHER 'Administrator Butch reviewed the various terms of City Commissioners that will be expiring June 30, 1978. Mayor Millis stated he would make two suggestions tonight to fill the terms expiring on the Planning Commission, with actual voting on the appointments not to be done until the Council's next regular meeting, to give the Council Membere time to review the proposed Commissioners'.applications and Conflict of Interest Statements. Appointments to other expiring' Commission terms will also be accomplished at the next regular meeting. Mayor: Millis then recommended to the Council for consideration, the appointment, for three years terms each on the Planning Commission, the following: Reverend Alan"Gorsline and Sharon Fischer. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, that letters of thanks and appreciation be presented to Planning Commissioners William.Gerrish,and Allen Ries, for their years of service to the City. NOTICE OF RATE INCREASE IN BLUE CROSS MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE The Council received, reviewed and ordered filed a notice' from',Blue':Cross of an increase in the major medical insurance premium. , J __L ~~_ , 02L, CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 23, 1978 PAGE 4 ""'''''''IPT OF PRELIMINARY 1978-79 MUNICIPAL BUDGET - SET STUDY SESSIONS The Council received the Preliminary 1978-79 Municipal Budget. Study sessions on the budget were set at 4 P.M. on the following dates: May 24th and 25th; and June 5th and 6th. ADOPT SPHERE OF INFLUENCE MAP RE. SAN LUIS BAY PLANNING AREA Planner Sullivan displayed two maps showing various colored boundaries around the area of the City, as per the Council's discussion at its last meeting of the San Luis Bay Plan. The Council favored a Map marked #2 which showed boundaries roughly as follows: a) a broken red line designated as an "Urban Service Line", showing projected ten year growth; b) a broken green line desig- nated as an "Urban Reserve Line" showing the ultimate area that could receive City services; and c) shaded green areas designated as "Area of Urban Reserve" (more than ten years in the future) showing areas which are not actively sought U for annexation. Included'in the green shaded" areas of the Map are the properties fronting on Printz Road, . The 47 acre area just south of Orchard Street School, which is a portion of a proposed "Grande Highland" development, is not included . wi thin any of the above described boundary lines. The three boundary areas are more specifically defined in a report on the matter from the Planning Commission, on file in the Planning Department. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and carried, going on record as adopting the Map designated as No.2 showing the City's proposed area of service and sphere of influence, as described generally above. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED USES OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS Administrator Butch reviewed that this evening the f1rst of two required public hearings is being held regarding Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. The Council reviewed a report showing Revenue Sharing Funds available, their approved use in the 1977-78 budget, and suggested use by City Staff in 1978-79. The Council also reviewed requeste for funds from varioue social service groups, as follows, People's Self Help Housing Corp. of San Luis Obispo County requested $2500; San Luis Obispo County Symphony Association requested $500; Five Cities Meals on Wheels, Inc. requested $2,000; and the Functional Living Program requested $1500. After being assured by the City Clerk that notice of this public hearing has been made according to law, Mayor Millis declared the hearing open and all persons would now be heard regarding proposed uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. The following persons spoke on the matter: Al Gorsline, 1300 Brighton and Ron Harris, 602 Eman Court, spoke in favor of granting the request for funds from Meals on Wheels; Audrey Hass and Jean Uhey, 290 Pismo, San Luis Obispo, spoke in favor of granting the request for funds from People's Self Help Housing Corpora- tion of San Luis Obispo County; Eileen Taylor, 1029 Ash, spoke in favor of the suggested allocation for the Woman's Club Community Building expansion; Charles Walters of Functional Living Program spoke in favor of granting the request for funds from that organization; and Ted Falconer, 501 Bennett, spoke in favor of granting all the foregoing requests. There being no further public discussion on the matter, Mayor Millis announced that the second public hearing on the relationship of Revenue Sharing Funds with the City.'s Budget, would be held at .8:00 P.M. on June 13, 1978, after which the Council will take formal action on adopting uses of the funds. He then declared the hearing closed. There was no Council discussion on the proposed uses of the Revenue Sharing Funds, as any Council action on the matter will come following the June 13th hearing. u SET TIMETABLE RE. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED RANCHO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT The Council set a study session on the proposed Rancho Grande Development, for 7:30 P.M. on "June 12, 1978 and generally agreed that a public hearing could be held on both the Environmental Impact Report and rezoning request of the development on June 27, 1978. REPORT RE. RECENTLY ADOPTED BLDG. SURCHARGE FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - BLDG. INSPECT. The Council read a report from Building Inspector Donald Shetters, in which he cites his concerns regarding the recently adopted ordinance establishing a sur- charge on new construction in the City. His concern is with the 30~ per square foot charge on alterations and additions, which he feels is inequitable in that an addition to an existing dwelling does not require additional City services of fire and police protection, etco r n w'r; ~i i........ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 23, 1978 !' PAGE 5 The Council discussed Mr, that the ordinance be left as is for possible changes, Shetters' report, with general consensus being for the time being, but be reviewed in a year RECOMMENDATIONS FROM PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION, ADOPT RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING STOP' SIGNS ON CHERRY & BRANOII MILL ROAD The Council reviewed the minutes for the May 4, 1978 meeting of the Parking & Traffic Commission, which included two recommendations for Council action, The first suggestion is that a boulevard stop sign be placed on Branch Mill Road to stop traffic before entering East Cherry Avenue, and a stop sign on East Cherry Avenue to stop traffic traveling east, Placement of the signs is suggested for a six-month period after which its',',effectiveness will be reviewed by the Commission, A Mr, Ziegler of East Cherry Avenue recounted various accidents he is aware of having happened at this "T" intersection and urged place- ment of the stop signs at least for a trial period, City Engineer Karp stated that he had recommended against placement of the signs, feeling they will not solve the speeding problem and may cause additional problems of motorists failing to stop, Jens Wagner, Jr, asked if perhaps patrolling the area at certain hours would help, but the City Engineer stated that had already been tried, The Council discussed the matter at length, generally agreeing to try the step signs for a period not to exceed six months and hopefully hear from Mr, Ziegler' and others in that area right away as to how the signs are working after erected, After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution establishing stop signs on certain City streets, A motioncwas then made by Council- man Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution, RESOLUTION NO, 1320 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING BOULEVARJ) STOP SIGNS ON BRANCH MILL ROAD AT EAST CHERRY AVENUE, AND ON E. CHERRY AVENUE AT BRANCH MILL R0AD, On motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit, AYES, Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, smith and Mayor Millis NOES, None ABSENT, None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of May, 1978, ~DOPT RESC)LUTION ELIMINATING PARKING ON PORTION OF CROWN STREET Arroyo Grande Police Officers had pointed out that with increased traffic on Crown Street, aka Crown Hill, parking on both sides of this street created a very narrow and thus hazardous travel way, It was therefore recommended that parking be eliminated on the north side of the street on a section approved by the City to be less than 40" in width, After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution establishing a "no parking" zone in the City, A motion was then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution, RESOLUTION NO, 1321 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A' "NO PARKING" ZONE ON CROWN STREET, On motion of Council Member de LeOn, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit, AYES, Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of May, 1978, Mayor Millis recommended that since Crown Street is known as, and usually referred to as "Crown Hill", that said street name be changed officially to "Crown Hill" , After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, referring to the Planning Commission the Council"s recommendation that Crown Street be renamed to "Crown Hill"o 028 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 23, 1978 PAGE 6 AUTHORIZE SIGNING OF AGREEMENT FOR LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE FUND The Council reviewed an addendum to the Joint Powers Agreement Establishing the Central Coast Self-Insurance Fund, which amends the agreement set up for worker's compeneation self-insurance among the cities in San Luis Obispo County, to include self-insurance of liability coverage, Administrator Butch stated that $55,400 would be the City's share of the pooled funds, and any increase proposed in the premium by the present carrier would be a savings to the City, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Pope and unanimously carried, authorizing ths Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the City, an addsndum to the Joint Powers Agreement of the Central Coast Self-Insurance Fund, PROGRESS REPORTS, FIRE STATION; COMMUNITY BUILDING; AND STROTHER PARK ~ Administrator Butch gave progress reports on various City projects, as follows, a) prices are still being researched on some potential FIRE STATION SITES; bJ the COMMUNITY BUILDING EXPANSION plans are being updated; and 0) approval . from the State of the STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK plans is still being awaited, REPORT - RECENT ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - KARP City Engineer Karp stated that the May 18, 1978 meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee was not attended, but he reported briefly on information received regarding said meeting, Receipts at the Recreational Area are down from last year, Arroyo Grande has 949,20 acre feet left of its Lopez allocation for this year, AMEND CERTAIN WATER CHARGES - ORDINANCE FIRST READING The Council reviewed an ordinance prepared by City Attorney Shipsey, pursuant to the Co.~!cil's direction, revising the front footage charge on water connections from $4,50 to 56,00 per foot, Also reviewed was a recommendation from Finance Director Bacon, that the water turn-off and turn-on charge be increa5ed to 510,00 to better cover the costs foz the time and expense of a City employee traveling ~o the service locstion to turn off and then again turn on the service, The Council was in agreement with the recommendation and directed that the ordinance be amended to include the change to $10,00, which was done, After Oo=cil discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title at an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by changing the front foot charge for wdtel' mains and cha:rg-es regarding turn-off and turn-on of water service" A motion was then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unani- mcusly carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance, REQUEST FOR TRACT 604, FIRST PHASE, ACCEPTANCE - HELD OVER The request for acceptance of the first phase of Tract 604, "Oak Park Acres"p was held over" REPORT RE 0 UNMET TRANSPORTATION NEEDS IN COUNTY - REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN City Engineer Karp reported that on May 4th, the Regional Transportation Planning Agency had held a public hearing regarding unmet transit needs in the County, and it was determined that transportation needs for the elderly and handi- capped have not been met, Therefore, all SB 325 funds are being withheld for now, except those for transit systems, A plan has been reccrranended by the County Engineer whereby the unmet needs would be met and SB 325 funds released, The U plan includes provisions for appointing the County Engineer as the Interim Transit Manager of 4 buses--one for handicapped persons and 3 for senior citizens, Arroyo Grande"s share of the plan would be $10,845, The Area Council of Governments will have a meeting regarding this proposal during the first part of June, and cur representative to that Council will need direction, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, directing the City's representative to the Area Council of Governments, to support the proposal as outlined above, including any reasonable amendments COG may make to it, to meet the existing unmet transit needs in the County, AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS - INSTALLATION OF WATER & SEWER LINES IN WEST, ADDT, City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council his report requesting authorization to call for bids to replace and reconstruct water lines and sewer mains in the Western Addition of the City (Bell, Oak, Bennett, Alpine, Rena and Cornwall Streets) 0 His estimate of total project cost is $46,250,00, I I (1" ~ ~: L ( " ' CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 23, 1978 PAGE 7 After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, authorizing a call for bids on the above outlined project, No, 60-78-1, RECEIPT OF TALLY HO' DRAINAGE STUDY (GARING) The Council received copies of the completed Drainage study of the Tally Ho Road Area between the North City Limits and Arroyo Grande Creek, prepared by Robert S, Garing of Garing, Taylor & Associates, Inc, City Engineer Karp requested additional time to study the report before making final recommendations, However, to keep the project progressing in a timely manner, he suggested that the Council request the Planning Commission to make an Environmental Determination on the project, as required by the state Fish and Game; and set a study session to review the project with Bob Garing and City Staff, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, referring the Tally Ho Drainage Study to the Planning Commission for an Environmental Determination, A study session was set on the Report for 7,30 PoMo on June 7, 19780 APPROVE'FINAL TRACT MAP 553 (GRANT & KUDEN) - HELD OVER App~oval of the Final Tract Map 553 was held over, APPROVE F'INAL TRACT MAP 667 (CURTIS) Approval of the Final Tract Map 667 was held over, APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 78-59, GRAND AVENUE (WOLOSZ) City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council a copy of Parcel Map AG 78-59, reflecting a three-parcel lot split (No, 78-288) in the 1000 block of Grand Avenue, requested by ,NWolosz,.. Mr., Karp explained in detail the Linda Drive "exterlsiOn " dedication, which was required for future acceptance, Roy Burke, who has a business on Bennett Street, stated his objection that the street improvements will not be put in at the time the R-l lots are developed, Mr, Karp pointed out that the statute ,of limitations on objections has expired and the Council's approval now is a required formality, Planner Sullivan read the drainage requirements placed on this development by the Minor Subdivision Review Board, The Council briefly discussed a possible change in power of the Planning Commission so that the Council can add conditions or reject plans for major or minor subdivisions if they find something objectionable, Councilman Gallagher requested the staff to come up with a means of implementing the foregoing concerns, City Engineer Karp informed the Council that the State Map Act allows the Council to delegate the map approval precess to another body, which this Council has done with the Planning Commission; and generally that body also approves the final map, but in the City's Subdivision Ordinance, the Council approves the final mapo The Planning Commission must find the tentative map consistent with Zoning and the General Map, The Council must find the final map to be consistent with Zoning and the General PIano It is not a "rubber stamp" if the Council finds that product is not consistent with these two instruments, then the Map cannot be recorded. But the Map Act sayd that where the finding has been made and all of the conditions of the ,tentative map have been met, then'the body shall approve the map. Discussion was then held regarding notification of adjacent property owners when lot splits are considered, Mayor Millis stated his feeling that 'authority of final approval needs to be delegated back to the Council, and also Environmental Impact report determinations should rest with the Council, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Pope and carried, with Councilman de Leon dissenting, as follows, 1) rejecting without prejudice to future acceptance, the Offer of Dedication for roadway purposes; 2) finding that Parcel Map AG 78-59 is consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning; and 3) approving said Parcel Map, APPROVE PARCEL MAP AGAL 78-112, RUTH ANN WAY '(McHANEY, ET ALl City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council a copy of Parcel Map AGAL 78-112, reflecting a lot line adjustment (Lot Split No, 78-287) on property at the northeast corner of the Ruth Ann Way and Priscilla Lane intersection, requested by Don McHaney, et al, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, finding that Parcel Map AGAL 78-112 is consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning, and approving said Parcel Mapo 028 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 23, 1978 PAGE 8 APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 78-30, PILGRIM WAY (RAMEY, ET ALl city Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council a copy of Parcel Map AG 78-30, ,reflecting a two parcel Lot Split (No, 77-285) at the westerly corner of the Pilgrim Way-Arroyo Avenue intersection, as requested by Ramey, et al, The improve- ments have been bonded by one of Mr. Ramey's partners, the Guidotti family, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the City, an Improvement Agreement with the Guidottis, to finish those improvements on Pilgrim Way and Arroyo Avenue, in conjunction with Lot Split No. 78-286; finding Parcel Map AG 78-30 to be consistent with the City"s General Plan and Zoning; and approving said Parcel Map, APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 78-29, ORCHARD AVENUE (WILLIAMS) City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council a copy of Parcel Map AG 78-29, reflecting a four-parcel lot split (No, 78-286) at the northerly corner of the Orchard Avenue-Pilgrim Way intersection, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, as follows: 1) authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the City, an Improvement Agreement with the Guidottis; 2) accepting, on behalf of the public, the offer of dedication for roadway purposes as shown on Parcel Map AG 78-29; 3) finding Parcel Map AG 78-29 to be consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning; and 4) approving said Parcel Map. ~ INVITATION TO 35TH ANNUAL ELKS RODEO PARADE: JUNE 3, 1978 The Council received an invitation to participate in the 35th Annual Elks Rodeo Parade to be held on June 3, 1978 in Santa Maria, PROTEST RE, DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE FOR OVERDUE GARBAGE BILL (GIBSON) Roy Gibson, 277 E, Cherry Avenue, protested the disconnection of his water service for failure to pay the garbage collection fee, He stated that he carries his garbage to the trash bin at his business for pick-up, and therefore does not have need of the mandatory residential garbage pick-up service, COUNCILMAN GALLAGHER LEFT THE MEETING AND IS NOW ABSENT, Lengthy discussion was held about this procedure, among the City Council; City Staff, who reviewed various pertinent sections of the Municipal Code; and persons present in the audience, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:24 P,M, until 4:00 P.M. on May 24, 1978. ATTEST~.r;t.o&I ~,-} CITY CLERK , l ' /If~ ~ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 24, 1978 4:00 P.M. ~ The Council met in a regular adjourned meeting with Mayor Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Pope, de Leon and Smith reported present, Council Member Gallagher is absent. BUDGET STUDY SESSION The City Administrator Reviewed with the Council budget procedures, from start to finish. Review of the Preliminary Municipal Budget for the fiscal year 1978-79, was then begun, starting with Page A and finishing through Page O. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and carried, that the City Administrator be authorized to advertise for a Parks & Recreation Director in anticipation of a new full time position in the 1978-79 Budget.