Minutes 1978-08-28 074 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 22, 1978 7:15 P.M. The City Council met in ,regular adjourned meeting with Mayor Mil~is presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon and Smith reported present. OPEN STUDY SESSION WITH CITY STAFF The Council 'met for an informal study session with the City Department Heads. Councilman Gallagher questioned City Engineer ,Karp a~d Director of Public Works Anderson regarding drainage solutions for Sunset Drive and 'funding for same. Both Department Heads addressed the questiol! with various informa~io~, -_including eventual plans for drainage in that area of the ci.ty. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 7:27 P.M. ATTEST: ~J1/ ,g,~~(J_~ CITY ,CLERK , ( ~.p~ u CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 22, 1978 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Mark Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Hugh Pope, Jr., Matthew Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon and B'Ann Smith reported present. PLEDGE ,OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to ,our Flag. Thereafter, Reverend Alan P. Gorsline, of the United Methodist Church in Arroyo Grande, delivered the invoc~tion. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, the minutes for the regular meeting of August 8, 1978, were approved as prepared with the fo~lowing corrections on Page 5: under the Resigna- tion of City Treasurer Schultz;" the effective date of his resignation be included, . - . , which is August 31, 1978; and that':;the time of adjournment of said meeting be noted as 10: 12 P.M. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unani~ mously carried, Demand Warrants No. 9148 through No. 9238 and No. P518 through No. 529, in the total amount of $137,810.13; and ,Payroll Warrants No. 12103 through No. ,12206, in the total amount of $38,175.07; were approved and ordered paid. WELCOME OF A.F.S. EXCHANGE STUDENT FROM AUSTRALIA - McLAREN Mayor Millis introduced and welcomed Craig McLaren, foreign exchange student under the American Field Service Exchange Program, from District Council of Lacepede, Australia. He will be living with the Robert Gallop Family while attending his senior year at the Arroyo Grande High School. u APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On ~otion of Cou~cilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unani- mously carried, the following Consent Agenda items were approved, as ,recommended by City Administrator Butch: A-1. Receipt of Letters of Appreciation from Sheriff Whiting, Re. Mutual Aid at the Diablo Nuclear Plant. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND'FILE. A-2. Letter of Concern from,Mr. Wm, H. Galentine, 703 Cornwall Avenue, Re, Lopez Wilderness and the Recent Ventana W~lderness Fire. RECOMMEND LETTER BE REFERRED TO COUNTY BOARD OF ,SUPERVI$ORS AND TO OUR CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVE. A-3. Notice that Volunteer Fire Fighter Derril Pilkington has been nominated to Receive the 1978 California state Firemen's. Association Award for Heroism Displayed at the Collision on Highway 227. RECOMMEND MR. PILKINGTON BE CONGRATULATED FOR HIS, OUTSTANDING EFFORTS BY LETTER FROM THE CITY COUNCIL. A-4. Receipt of Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year 7-1-77 through 6-30-78, Re. Central. Coast Self-Insurance Fund-Worker's Compensation Insurance. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. r r g-7 r:; , ,~ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 22, 1978 PAGE 2 A-5. Receipt of Regional Transportation the Coast of San Luis Obispo, 77/78 Work AND REFER TO CITY ENGINEER. Planning Agency Study of the Access to Program. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE A-G. Receipt of Letter of Thanks from Reverend Kermit Seehawer, Re. .Rescue Efforts of the Arroyo Grande Fire Department. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE AND REFER TO FIRE DEPARTMENT. A-7. Request from Tri-County Commission for Senior Citizens Area Agency on ~ging. Re. Names of Tw~ to be Considered for Nomi!lation to the. Commission. RECOMMENDATION THAT ANY NAMES BE REFERRED TO COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION. PETITION TO SAVE GNARLED OAK TREE ON OAK PARK BLVD. - 4-H CLUB The Council head a presentation by members of the Arroyo Verde 4-H Club, in regard to the preservation of a gnarled Oak tree on Oak Park Road. A petition with approximately 223 signatures to save the Oak was also submitted. The Club and petition urged that an alternate alignment of Oak Park Road be designed in conjunction with the -Oak Park Acres Development, in order to save the tree. City Engineer Karp explained that the tree lies within the County road right of way and the Oak Park Road improvement is planned for the best and safest sight distance on said road and those coming onto it from other tracts. In answer to a question, it was determined that Club Members had not yet commumicated with Reuben Kvidt, Developer of Oak Park Acres, although letters had been presented with the petition, ~:from the Arroyo Grande Resource Conservation District and Environmental Center of S.L.O. County, in support of the 4-H Club's Community Pride Project to save the tree. Lengthy discussion was held on the matter among Council Members, City Staff and persons present in the audience. City Engineer Karp pointed out that if the road alignment is changed, Mr. Kvidt would have to be given an.extension of time for the road repairs. After Council discussion, it was generally agreed that a meeting be held among 4-H Club Members, Developer Kvidt, the City's Planning and Parks & Recreation Commissions and City Staff, to see what can be feasibJ,y worked out. PUBLIC HEARING - SPREAD OF ASSESSMENTS ON THE PIKE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT The Council reviewed a report from the Superintendent of Streets/Director of Public Works Anderson, stating that properties had been posted and owners notified by mail on.the north side of The Pike, between South Elm Street and the westerly City Limits, of the costs for required installation of concrete curbs, gutters, driveway aprons and driveway conformance, pursuant to the short Improve- ment Act of 1911. Property owners who "had additional work done by also installing sidewalks, were also notified of these costs. Cost of the required installations has been assessed to the properties in the total amount of $7,792.42. This being the date, time and place for p.ublic hearing on the spreading of assessments for concrete improv~ments as described above, Mayor Millis declar~d the hearing open and all persons for or against this assessment would now be heard. There being no public discussion on the matter, Mayoy Millis declared .the hearing closed. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution confirming the report of the Superintendent of Streets and levying assess~ents for concrete curb, gutter, drivew~y apron & conf?rmance installation. A motion was then made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1328 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS AND LEVYING ASSESSMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE CURBS, GUTTERS AND DRIVEWAY APRONS & CONFORMANCE. On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of August, 1978. .; 076 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 22, 1978 PAGE 3 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING RE. LAND USE ELEMENT MAP AMENDMENTS Planner Tom Sullivan reviewed with the Council proposed amendments to the adopted General Plan Land Use Element Map of the City, Items 13 through 18 per the Council's Hearing Notice dated July 12, 1978. Mayor Millis then declared the continued public hearing open for public comment on said items. The following persons were present and spoke on Item No. 14 involving properties bounded by Nelson Street, Whiteley. Street, Poole Street, and Traffic Way, proposed for change on the Land Use Map from Central Business District & Highway~Commercial, to High Density Residential: Elizabeth Jackson, 508 Fair View, stated her impression that this item had not been advertised properly and was to be considered ad Item No. 52 on November 14th. It was clarified for her by City Staff that Item 14 had been properly noticed, but that an item involving properties east of Traffic Way, between Poole Street and Cherry Avenue, reco:mrnended for amendment from "R_3" to "H-S", had been omitted from the list of recommendations from the Planning Comission and will be added as Item 52 for consideration November 14th. The following members of the First Presbyterian Church of Arroyo. Grande spoke in opposition to the proposed amendment No. 14: Lou Caballero; Jim Wilmont; Pete Duca; Warren Howell; Mr. McCaslin; and Al Padgett. There being no further discussion on these items, Mayor Millis closed the hearing to public discussion, for continuation on September 12th for consideration of Items 19 through 24. After Council discussion, the following actions were taken: . .I'l'EM 13: A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, tentatively approving a change in the Land Use Map for property at the southeast corner of Le Point and Mason Streets, from Medium Density Residential TO CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. ITEM 14: A motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, holding over the proposed amendment to the Land Use Map as described above, to be reconsidered after further study, as Item No. 54 on November 14, 1978. ITEM 15: A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, tentatively approving a change in the Land/Use Map for the triangular shaped properties west of Nevada Street and Bridge Street, and bounded by Traffic Way and Wesley Avenue on the west, from Highway Commercial TO CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. n Item 16: A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, .tentatively approving a change in the Land Use Map for the extension of South Traffic Way classified as Highway Commercial, being reclassified TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. ITEM 17: Council held diiscussion on the recommendation that the southeast corner of Traffic Way and Cherry Avenue, designated as Highway Commercial, be reclassified to AGRICULTURE on the Land Use Map. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, tentatively changing Item #17 from the recommendation so as to include that the front portion of the property fronting on Traffic Way, as delineated on the existing Zoning Map as Highway Service, will remain HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL, and the remainder of the parcel will be tentatively changed TO AGRICULTURE. ITEM 18: A motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher ['.., and unanimously carried, tentatively approving a change in the Land Use Map for the property known as Sunrise Terrace Mobilehome Park, from Low Density Residential TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH COUNTY AREA TRANSIT Administrator Butch gave a progress report on the South County Area Transit (SCAT) system. He stated that the average daily ridership of the buses is 224 people. Revenue in the amount of $1500 was generated from the middle of June when SCAT began operation, through the end of July. Sale of monthly bus passes has been slow. The area's Chambers of Commerce will be encourage~ to publicize SCAT more. RECOMMENDATION FOR APPOINTMENT ON SO. COUNTY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION - PENA Mayor Millis recommended Gregorita pena be considered by the Council for appointment at the Council's next regular meeting to fill the vacancy on the South County Human Relations Commission. ORDINANCE 1 ST READING-EXCHANGE PROPERTY ON GRAND AVE. FOR PONDING (CARMICHAEL) City Attorney Shipsey reviewed with the Council an agreement and Ordinance to facilitate the exchange of property between the City and the Carmichaels, as outlined in previous Council minutes. The Planning commission had found the exchange to be in conformance with the-:-'City's General Plane " n r r~ C' ~7 c.! ( , CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 22, 1978 PAGE 4 After Council discussion, City Attorney Sh'iJD.sey read, for its first reading,: the title of an Ordinance authorizing'the exchange of City owned real property. A motion was then made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and: unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Ordinance. DISCUSSION RE. GRANDE HIGHLANDS ANNEXATION/PREZONING - HELD OVER TO 8/24, 4 P.M. Administrator Butch reviewed the resolution from LAFCO that the'Council had received at its~ last meeting and referred to the Planning Commission. The annexa- tion applilcation'of Grande'Highlands had been approved by LAFCO, subject to the propertybeiilg rezohed,by~the City prior to completion of the annexation. The Planning Commission has denied the rezoning application at its last 'meeting. City Attorney Shipsey indicated that the Council needs to take some action within 35 days from the date LAFCO adopted its resolution. Additionally, an appeal has been filed by Grande Highlands' developers, regarding the Commission's denial. City Attorney Shipsey reviewed the Council's opti~ns at this time to keep jurisdiction of the matter within the City. After lengthy Council discussion of the matter, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, 'adjourn~ng t~is portion of the Agenda for further consideration at 4 P.M. on Thursday, August 24, 1978, to enable City Staff to get more information as to what needs to be done at this time regarding the Grande Highlands annexation and appeal from th~ Planning Commission's action. REQUEST APPLICANTS FOR CITY TREASURER VACANCY -- TO BE FILLED BY APPOINTMENT Administrator Butch reviewed that with the resignation of City Treasurer Orville Schultz to be effective August 31, 1978, the Council may ,fill the position by appointment or call a special city-wide election. It is too late for this matter to be placed on the November ballot. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Pope and unanimously carried, that the unexpired elected term of the City Treasurer be filled by appointment by the City Council. City Staff was directed to publicize the vacancy to solicit applications from interested citizens, with application deadline set for noon on September 7, 1978, :so an appointment can be made at the Council's September 12, 1978 meeting. RECEIPT & REVIEW OF LATEST LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS - LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES The Council reviewed the latest Legislative Bulletins from the League of California Cities. Of particular concern is AS 3819, which provides for a major loophole in the Subdivision Map Act. After ~ouncil discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by ~ouncilman ,Gallagher and unanimously carried, directi~g City Staff to write ietters to the City~s Legislative representatives, citing its opposition to AS 3819. Mayor Millis reported on the recent meeting of the Channel Counties Division of the League which he had attended. A resolution from the City of Morro Bay was passed unanimously, urging that implementation of SB 325 not be so restrictive. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - AMEND ZONING ORD. RE. NON-CONFORMING USES: 9/12/78 The Council was informed that a public hearing will be set before them to consider the Planning Commission's recommendation to amend Art~~le 29 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding non-conforming uses. Said hearing will be set for 8:00 P.M. on September 12, 1978. PROGRESS REPORTS: FIRE STATION; COMMUNITY BLDG.; STROTHER PARK; SPORTS COMPLEX Administrator Butch reported that five potential FIRE STATION SITES have been reviewed with Fire Department personnel and a committee had been formed which should be presenting a recommendation to the Council at its next regular meeting; further progress on the COMMUNITY BUILDING EXPANSION will be reported after the City's new Parks & Recreation Director, John KeiSler, starts work; and progress on STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK will be reported later in the meeting under Receipt of Bids for the park. City Engineer Karp reported that all;jre~cl" ,"uryey' work for the ELM STREET SPORTS COMPLEX has been completed and grading plans need to be prepared now. Advertisement signing on the fencing has been sold for $4,000 and is up now in a temporary manner. Grover City will be contacted regarding hooking the Complex's facilities to their sewer system. PROGRESS REPORT - RECENT LAFCO MEETING RE. ANNEXATION OF COUNTY "STEM" ON THE PIKE Administrator Butch reported on the August'17th meeting of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) and its actions regarding the unincorporated "stem" between Grover City and Arroyo Grande on The Pike. By resolution, the Commission " 078 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 22, 1978 PAGE 5 had established a "Sphere of Inftuence line for the Cities of Arroyo Grande and Grover City in the unincorporated stem area north of The Pike" under the condition that I~no further annexations of property within this stem ar'ea will be considered by the Local Agency Formation Commission unless the entire area within a City's Sphere of Influence is annexed as one proposal". The Obayashi and Sakamoto properties were placed within the City of Arroyo Grande's Sphere of Influence; and the Nagashima, Samano and North Oceano School properties with Grover City's Sphere of Influence, with the Jackson and Harris properties being already proposed for annexation to Grover City' as part of the Bonita Homes Housing Development expansion. - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - STREET NAMES CHANGES: CROWN ST. & WILHOLM LANE: 9/12/78 The Council was informed that a public hearing will be 'set' befor'e them to consider the Planning Commission's recommendations to change the street name of Crown Street to Crown Hill and Wilholm Lane to: Gularte Road. Said hearing will be set for 8:00 P.M. on September 12, 1978. REPORT - RECENT ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - DE LEON Councilman de Leon reported on the August 17th meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee. The regular monthly reports from the Lopez Recreation Area and Water Treatment Plan had been heard. It was reported that the previously thought Uillegal" hydrants hooked onto the Lopez line in Avila were required by the State. Research is continuing into who gave the permission for the hook-up into the Lopez line. ~ RECEIPT OF BIDS ,& AWARD PURCHASE ORDER FOR STREET SWEEPER - HAAKER EQUIPMENT The Council reviewed a repcrt from Director of Public Works Anderson regarding three bids received and opened at 2 P.M. on August 17, 1978 for a vacuum- type street sweeper, as follows: BIDDER, HAAKER EQUIPMENT COMPANY 3505 Pomona Blvd., Pomona, CA 91768 FREEMAN EQUIPMENT COMPANY 13048 A Firestone Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT SALES/SERVICE (FMC CORP.) 12-1 E. Lexington St., Pomona, CA 91766 TOTAL BID - NET UNIT PRICE $58,214.00 $65,361. 00 $53,812.17 The bid of Municipal Equipment was not a vacuum type sweeper and completely out of specifications. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, accepting the recommendations of Director of Public Works Anderson, as follows: 1) that the low bid submitted by Haaker Equipment Co. for a new EcolotecVacu-Sweeper, Bid "Alternate A", which is single right side pickup and single operating controls in the amount of $56,695.58, be accepted; 2) that we do not accept the trade~in allowance; 3) that the hopper be lined with a City approved lining material to reduce noise and wear on the hopper, at an estimated additional cost of $1,000.00; and 4) that as $20,000 was budgeted for this item, a three-year term payment plan be secured from a local bank at 6% interest. RECEIPT OF BIDS - FIRST PHASE OF STROTHER PARK DEVELOPMENT - BIDS REJECTED Administrator Butch read a memo from Director of Public Works Anderson regarding bids received and opened at 2 P.M. on August 17th for the first phase of construction of Strother Park and improvement of Huasna Road, as follows: BIDDER TOTAL BID: STROTHER PARK & HUASNA RD. L R. BURKE CORPORATION P.O. Box 957, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 A. J. DIANI CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. P;O; Box 636, Santa Maria, CA 93454 MADONNA CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. Box 910, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 CONCO ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box 511, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 ENGINEER'S ESTlMATE(Garing, Taylor & Assoc.) $102,461.80 $ 97,000.84 $122,572.80 $127,595.16 $ 75,711.00 Funds in the amount of $37,529.99 were received from the State Urban and Coastal Bond Act and are not sufficient to complete this project. In view of the c",.' "'ni , I r ;"^X, , " ;i: ~ 1, 078 " CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 22, 1978 PAGE 6 $40,000 difference, he recommended rejection of the bids and that present plans be modified and possibly combined with the ,second phase of park, development, and read_yer.~~~_~9.%9r bid at some time in the future. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Co~cilman de Leon and unanimously carried,' rejecting all bids received for the Strother Park-Huasna Road Construction Project No.' 90-78-1. A motion was then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, authorizing the City Administrator to contact the State to see if a new package of plans can be submitted for State Bond monies as outlined in the Director of Public Works' recommendations' above. REPORT - OAK HILL ROAD DUST PROBLEM (PHILLIPS) - PRIVATE NUISANCE PROBLEM City Administrator Butch and City Attorney Shipsey reported that the Oak Hill Road dust problem, brought..to the Council's attention by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phillips of 216 Pearwood A;';n;,;e, is a private nuisance matter and the City has no legal remedy for the problems they are encountering, since Oak Hill Road is a private road. The Phillips, Mr. Lemon, owner of the road, ~nd Ella Honeycutt, resident of Oak Hill Road, were present and commented on the matter. REPORT RE. DRAINAGE IN WILHOLM LANE The Council reviewed a report from City Engineer Karp regarding concerns voiced by several residents of Wilholm Lane about drainage problems they are experiencing during rains. The report included a portion of "Drainage Calculations. for Tracts 434, 538, 553 and 555" refleoting.o:calculations from a licensed engineer which indicate no additional flow to the drainage channel will be caused by develop- ment of Tract No. 553. The report also noted that City Staff' has been working with Mr. James Dorsi of 323 Wilholm Lane to resolve a driveway problem created by the builder of ,his home. If implemented by Mr. Dorsi, the Staff recommendation should prevent future discharge of street drainage across the Dorsi- lot. . Jim Dorsi presented calculations of his own, which differed from the figures presented by the City Engineer with his report, in that they showed additional drainage flow would be generated by the development of Tract 553 to the detriment 'of residents on Wilholm Lane. Mr. & Mrs. Don DeChance of 315 Wilholm, were present and commented on the problem. Mr. Kuden, developer of Tract 553 was also present and spoke on the matter. Discussion was held among the Wilholm residents and City Staff regarding the various calculations presented, with it being suggested to said residents that they be.certain they are getting their information from a lic~nsed engineer. Figures and {nformation th'e~ Tesid'ents presented were from Ar,t Pearson and ~. C~arneck of the Department of Soils Conservation. Mr. DeChance also reported that over the weekend he had filled in a swale on his property in an effort to alleviate future drainage problems across his lot. City ,..~ngineer Karp indicated concern about filling in a natural swale, suggesting instead that Mr. DeChance recreate the swale, put in a series .of check dams to retain soil pact in the ditch, or put in a pipe to divert drainage. ','Z'.:'~ COUNCILMAN GALLAGHER LEFT THE MEETING DURING THE ABOVE DISCUSSION AND IS NOW ABSENT. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope', seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, to carryover this item to the September 12th Council Agenda for further review and discussion. PROGRESS REPORT - TALLY HO DRAINAGE PROJECT Director of Public Works Anderson reviewed with the Council his report, regarding Preliminary Cost Estimates and district boundary map received from Consultant Engineer Ken Mullin for the proposed Tally Ho Road Improvement District. He recommended that several property owners in the proposed District be contacted regarding their interest in circulating petitions prepared by F. MacKenzie Brown for interest in formation of an assessment district, which shou'ld be signed by owners of 60% of property in said district. After Council discussion, the Director of Public Works, was.directed to set up ac:meeting with notification going to all involved property owners,' to review the information and material,s regarding the district, as described above. PROGRESS REPORT - TRAFFIC STUDY FOR EAST FRONTAGE ROAD By way of explanation, City Engineer Karp drew a rough section diagram showing the recommendations received from Consultant Jones in regard to the Council directed traffic study he, did for the east Frontage Road property, between Oak Park Boulevard and Branch Street. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilwoman Smi th:3arid1..unanimously carried, referring the recommendations of 080 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 22, 1978 PAGE 7 Andy Jones and his East Frontage Road Traffic Study to the Planning Commission for its review and consideration to amend the Circulation Element of the General Plan. ADOPT RESOLUTION - SUBMIT ANNUAL TRANSPORTATION CLAIM(SB325 FUNDING) FOR 1978-79 City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council his report regarding submittal of the City's Annual Transportation Claim for fiscal year 1978-79, to the San Luis Obispo Area Council of Governments, which disburses the S.B. 325 funds. The total amount of SB 325 funds claimed for this fiscal year is $145,027, with breakdown of use ~utlined in Exhibit "A" of the proposed adopting resolution. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution approving the City's Annual Transportation Claim. A motion was then made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Pope and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1329 A RESOLUTION. OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING THE ANNUAL TRANSPORTATION CLAIM AND AUTHORIZING ITS SUBMITTAL TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS. u On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of August, 1978. REPORT - WORK ACCOMPLISHED BY CETA CREW The Council reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson, regarding the CETA Crew and the work accomplished by it, which included installation of handicapped ramps at various intersections, concrete curbs and gutter and sidewalks, SCAT bus stop signs and benches, building of the gazebo, and removal of street trees in the Valley Garden Tract. The Council commended the CETA crew for its accomplishments and good work. City. Draftsman, Mike Thompson, was also commended for his design of the gazebo. FINAL APPROVAL OF TRACT MAP 672, "LEISURE GARDENS" (O'NEAL) City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Counci.l a copy of Tract Map 672, "Oak Park Leisure Gardens", located on the south side of James Way, easterly of Oak Park Road, and being developed by O'Neal and Peterson. It is a resubdivision of Lot 7 of the Oak Park Acres Tract and will create 117 residential lots of varying size. Afte! Council discussion, a motio~ was made by Councilman Pope, 'seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, as follows: 1) accepting, on behalf of the public, subject to satisfactory completion, the easements for water and sewer; 2) rejecting without prejudice to future acceptance the drainage easements; 3) finding that Tract Map 672 is consistent with the City's General Plan, land. Zoning; and 4) approving Tract Map 672, subject to execution of an appropriate Sewer Maintenance Agr~ement and Bonding. ADDITIONAL OFF-AGENDA CONCERNS AND COMMENTS A. Brief additional discussion was held between .Mr.>.'Robert Phillips and the City Attorney regarding the definition of a "public nuisance" and how many people need to be involved for such a declaration to be made. It was also pointed out that all maps. of the City show Oak Hill Road as being so named, and not Lemon Lane. u B. City Engineer Karp requested direction from the Council in- regard to the preservation of the gnarled Oak Tree on Oak Park Boulevard, in the event Mr. Kvidt does not want t~ do re-engine~ring of the road. News Reporters present stated they had spoken to Mr ..'.Kvidt who had indicated to them he would cooperate to redesign the road to miss the tree. C. Ella Honeycutt of Oak Hill Road commendedCDirector of Public Works Anderson and City Engineer Karp regarding their quick response to weed and:~dirt problems she had reported. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Cou?cilwoman Smith and unani- mously carried, the Council adjourned into an Executive Session at 11:21 P.M. to discuss p~nding litigation. \j 081 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 22, 1978 PAGE 8 RECONVENMENT The CoUncil reconvened at roll call, except for Councilman 11:42 P.M. with all members present as shown on Gallagher';:.cwho had left earlier in the meeting. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 11:43 P.M. until 4:00 P.M. on August 23, 1978. r AT~ST~ 7- dd..jfJd---. A;j . CITY CLERK ' c...--- J~~J#4b CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 23, 1978 4:00 P.M. The City Council met in regular adjourned meeting with Mayor Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Gallagher, de Leon,;P9P~~ a~d.?~lth ,reported present. Also 'in' attendance' ,aiemeffibers~;of .the"Ai:royo .Grande Chamber of' Comrner-ce' s Board of'Dire;ctors-: ," STUDY SESSION WITH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RE. BUSINESS0PROMOTION IN A.G. Dis.cussion was held by Members of the City Council and Chamber of Commerce of a general concept of business development in the City of Arroyo Grande. The general consensus was that the Chamber would develop an informational brochure that would be available to business developers and that City Staff would work closely with the Chamber on this matter. It was further suggested that this matter be placed on the Council's Agenda for its second -,_meeting in September, so that another joint study session could be held with the Council and Chamber. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Smith, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. until 4 P.M. on August 24, 1978. ATTEce~ tn .~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK c ;(;r:):;k!R.a CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 24, 1978 4:00 P.M. r The City Council met in regular adjourned meeting with Mayor Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Gallagher, de Leon and Smith reported present, with Council Member Pope entering later during the meeting. The City Administrator and City Attorney are also present. CLARIFICATION RE. LAFCO ACTION & CITY OPTIONS RE. GRANDE HIGHLANDS ANNEXATION/APPEAL The Council read a letter dated August 24, 1978 from Barbara Carlson, Deputy Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), clarifying the action of LAFCO and the City's action options in regard to the Grande Highlands Annexation request.. It is her contention that if -tpe,,:CoW1ci.l ~ets a.p~lic hearing in September on the appeal filed pursuant to the Planning Commis~ sian's denial of the Grande Highlands' prezoning request, that the City would be in compliance with MORGA (the Municipal Organization Act) requirements. Warren Thompson, representative of Grande Highlands Developer E.E. Gearing, introduced Environmental Planne~s from Santa Cruz and Sacramento who were present and outlined reasons for a request that the appeal hearing be continued to a later date. Mayor Millis stated that per the City's Municipal Code, the hearing on the appeal from the Planning Commission's denial of the pre zoning application would be set for the first meeting in September, but it very well may be continued to the Council's September 26th meeting.