Minutes 1978-09-28 nos vu I' I, CITY COUNC I L '- REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 28, 1978 4:00'P.M. I,. The City Counci 1 met iil;a regular adjourned meeting with Mayor Mark Mi 11 is pre- siding. Upon roll call, Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Pope and Smith re- ported present., Also in attendance were Thomas M. Butch, City Administrator and David Bacon, Finance Director. r ADOPTION OF 1978-79 BUDGET The 1978-79 Municipal Budget review was based upon the. revised property tax apportionment' and state surplus funds, The City Administrator reviewed the result~ of the revised funds and briefly reviewed the final proposed budget for Council adoption, noting that in the coming years fiscal caution should be used. Two "," amounts were added to the Proposed 1978-79 Budget which was adopted on an interim three month basis in June: $ 4,000 for social activities; ,$20,000 for purchase of 4 or 5 much needed good, used vehicles. The City Council reviewed the five requests for social services. The amounts re- quested were: People's Self Help Coun ty Symphony Associ at i on Functional Living Program Five Cities Meals-On-Wheels Family Service Center $2,500 500 1,500 2,000 300 ,,$6,800 TOTAL" The Council 'agreed to review and note their feelings on each item then determine how much would be allocated to the requests approved. The Council agreed to support: People's Self Help; Functional'Living Program; Five Cities Meals-On-Whee1s. The Council did not support: County Symphony Association; Family Service Center. After a great deal of discussion, it was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded:, by Counci I, Member Pope, and unanimously carried, that the, Counci 1 approve funds in I' the'amount,of $1,500 each for, People!;Self Help, Functional Living Program, and Five ' ,Cities Meals-On-Wheels. ,r\ , ' After further discussion, it was moved by,Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Pope, and unanimously carried; that a 'letter be sent to all those social agencies making a request, plus the three approved, noting the Arroyo Grande City Council may not continue to fund social services due to,con'straint' of budget and revenue limits of the City and that the Citywould"like a niiie'::-month-accounting of funds expended that were given by the City. ' ..f It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded ,by Council Member Gallagher, th~t the 1978-79 Municipal Budget as presented be approved and adopted: On the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Pope, Smith and'Mayor Millis. None. None. the' 1978~ 79 Budget was approved and adopted. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 4:4~ ATTE~~ \11.~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK j