Minutes 1978-10-10 096 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 10, 1978 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Mark Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Matt Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon, Hugh" Pope, Jr., and B'Ann Smith reported present." PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter, Reverend Duane Kirchner gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon" and una"r,imous".ly carried that the minutes "for the meetings of September 27 and 28, 1978, be approved as submitted. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unan- imously carried that Demand Warrants No. 9374"to 9449 and P551 to P563, in the total amount of $11,487.77, and Payroll Warrants No. 12475 to 12575, in the total amount of $42;367.13, for a grand total of $157,242.90, be approved and ordered paid. u APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried that the following agenda items be approved as recommended by Admin- istrator Butch: 1. Receipt of County-wide Tax Rates for 1978-79 from County Auditor/Controllecc"Cusick. (RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE) 2. Receipt of Resolution from City of South El Monte Establishing Strong Opposition to Lack of State Concern, Re. Impact of State Mandated Cost. (RECOMMENDATION: LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES HAS JOINTLY"EXPRESSED THEIR CONCERN TO STATE LEGISLATURE AND THIS WILL BE AN ISSUE IN 1979) REVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS FOR SEPTEMBER, 1978 Administrator Butch reviewed the Departmental Reports for the month of September, 1978, noting an increase in the activities of the police and fire departments. Mayor Millis commended Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler for" the good job he is doing. FURTHER REPORT ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF THE UNINCORPORATED ISLAND, EL CAMINO REAL NO. Administrator Butch explained "a lack of quorum has prevented this item from going before the Board of Supervisors. It is on the age~da for their meeting on October 16, 1978. FLORENCE L. LaPORTE APPOINTED TO PARKING & BUSINESS" IMPROVEMENT AREA ADVISORY BOARD On the nomination of Mayor Millis, seconded by Council Member Gallagher,';, Florence L. LaPorte was nominated"as a member of the Improvement Area Advisory Board. A brief ex- planation of the candidate's qual ifications was given, noting she had worked in this area for 30 years, thus meeting appointment requirements. Upon vote, the nomination was unan- imously carried" by the Counci 1, a~d Mrs. Florence LaPorte was appointed to the Downtown Parking Advisory Board, her term of office to run until June 30, 1979; ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE TO REZONE RANCHO GRANDE PROPERTIES FROM "A" TO "p-D" (186 C. S:) Planner Sull ivan gave a brief review of the ordinance to rezone the'Rancho Grande U Properties from "A" to "P-D". Mayor Mi 11 is" confi rmed wi th Planner Su11 ivan that on the -, first page of the Ordinance, under Section I, the "...Zoning Unit Map, attached hereto..." and the ".. .Master Conceptual Plan..." mentioned on Page I," in Section 2, are both Exhibit A. Attorney Shipsey then gave the second reading to the Ordinance. It was moved by Counc i 1 Member Ga 11 agher and seconded by Counc i 1 Memb,er de Leon to dispense wi th further reading of the Ordinance. Council Member Pope noted a correction in the Title and First Paragraph"of" the Ordinance: "Interstate Highway 101 should read U. S. HIGHWAY 101". The Council then voted on, and unanimously carried, the motion to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 186 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4 ZONING, ARTICLE 32 OF SAID CODE, REZONING APPROXIMATELY 464 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF U. S. HIGHWAY 101, AND'LOCATED APPROX- IMATELY 450 FEET DUE EAST OF OAK PARK BOULEVARD AND U. S. HIGH- WAY 101 FROM "A" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "P-D" PLANNED CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA 087 OCTOBER 10, 1978" PAGE 2' OEVELOPMENT OISTRICT, ANO APPROVING A OEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR APPROXIMATELY 354 SIINGLE FAMILY DWELLl.NG-UNltS, 40 CLUSTERED SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING UNITS, AND 40 ACRES OF COMMERCIAL AREA, AND DESIGNATING THE UNPLANNED "P-D" AREA NOT TO 'EXCEED 133 UN I TS AS -PER COND I T IONS OUTLI NED I N'TH I S ORD I NANCE. On the motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and on the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: 'ABSENT: Counc i 1 Members Ga Hagher.. de Leon, Pope" Sm i th 'and Mayor 'M i 11 is. None. None. the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 10th day of October, 1978. n RECOMMENDATION OF HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION RE. PORNOGRAPHY Administrator Butch reviewed the recommendations of the'Human Relations Commission on the issue of pornography noting the best solution seemed to 'be the voluntary control of the problem. The Human Relations Commission took the stand it did not like porno- 'graphy, but did not ,feel an ordinance would be able to control the distribution of these materials. The Commission approved the visiting of rocal stores 'by a citizens' committee asking their voluntary participation in the program ~ontrol; and perhaps iss~ing decals to stores participating in the program. Mayor Millis commended Mr. Lorenz and his com- mittee for their work in this 'area. Mr. Jim Fortson, 139 Rosewood Lane, requested the Council's support on 'thi's matter. After discussion, 'it was moved by Council Member Ga 1'1 agher, seconded 'by Counc i 1 Member de Leon and unan-i mous ry ca rr i ed th'at the City Council is against pornography. The Council requested Mr. Fortson keep the Council in- formed on the progress of the voluntary control program and commended ,the program. SET SECOND STUDY SESSION WITH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - OCTOBER 25, 1978, AT 4:00 P.M. Administrator Butch reminded the Council this item was held over from the October 10 meeting as 'the Chamber was' busy with the Harvest Festival: Th'e Chamber of Commerce sug- gested October 25, 1978, at 4:00 P.M., as the possible date for this study'session; the Counc i 1 concurred . STUDY SESS I ON SET ON GENERAL PLAN - OCTOBER 30.- 1978, AT 7: 00 P. M .' After a brief -discussion, the study session on the' Ge'neral Plan for -Arroyo 'Grande was set for Monday, October 30_, 1978, at 7:00 P.M. WORKSHOP ON ZERO BASE BUDGETING SET - NOVEMBER 29, 1978, AT 6:00 P.M. Administrator Butch explained the Workshop on Zero Base Budgeting had been tenta- tively scheduled for Novemb'er 29, 1978, at 6:00 P.-M., to allow entire' Counci 1 and staff participation. The Council agreed to the meeting date and time. Council Member Gallagher requested the information to be used at the workshop be given to the Council in advance of the workshop for their' own study and preparedness. CONTINUED HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT MAP Planner Su 11'i van rev i ewed the proposed amendmen ts to the adopted General PI an's Land Use Element Map of the City, Items 31' through ,36, as pub1 ished in the Notice of Publ ic Hearing for July 25, 1978.- He explained that Item 34: (Buena Vista Terrace Condo- miniums and the Baden property, from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential), carreto the Council- as staff recommendation; the Planning' Commission had no recommendation on this item. Mayor Mi 11 is then declared the continued publ ic hearing open for public comment on said items. r Mr. Siegfried Baden, 1385 Brighton, spoke on Item No. 34, (Buena Vista Terrace Condo- miniums and the Baden Property), requesting'the change from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential. He noted the zoning'maps since 1960 had shown the property zoned as R-3, the value of his land is determined by the R-3 zoning, to zone ~his land low density would greatly decrease the value of his property, the R-3 zone would provide a proper buffer between' the highway commercial area on Grand Avenue and the R-l area north of his property and' asking that he be allowed to keep what' he purchased, i'.-e..- the lana with R-3 zoning. Mr. Tom Higdon,'l83 Fairview Drive and Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson, 208 Fai-rview'Drive, spoke in opposition to the change stating dissatisfaction with the environment created':by condominium development in that area and requesting Mr: Baden's consideration for resiaents in this area who wish to keep the land in R-l status. Mrs. Jackson stated the residents in that area'were under the impression the total area was zoned R"l and noted the Land: Use Element Map of 1966 ref 1 ected th i s a rea as R-l. She a 1 so noted the res i dents were not denying development, but wished it to' be in conformance with the single family dwellings already, in the neighborhood. 098 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 10, 1978 PAGE 3 Mr. Paul Geihs, Attorney for Mr. Baden, spoke noting there were no development plans at this time. He explained their information indicated the land had been R~3 since the 1960's and as part of this property is already under high density with the Buena Vista Terrace Condominiums, changing the Land Use Element to high density would conform to what is already there. He also rioted the Planning Commission at its meeting of June 6, 1978, recommended the entire parcel be zoned R-3, and he requested the entire parcel be brought into conformity with what is already in existence. He also requested the Land Use Ele- ment be brought into conformity with the R-3 zoning this parcel has had since the 1960's. There being no further public comments, the public hearing was closed ~to publ ic comment and Council discussion ensued. ITEM 31 It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon ~' and unanimously carried to tentatively approve changing the block bounded by Grand Avenue, South Elm Street, Poplar Street, and Juniper Street, and excluding the southwest corner, from Neighborhood Commercial to HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL. ITEM 32 After discussion, it was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried to pos'tp'one action on Item No. 32 until November 14, 1978, to allow time for further'cons'ideration and'study~' :-- -,~ , ITEM 33 After discussion, it was moved by Counci 1 Member Pope, seconded by Counci 1 Mem- ber Gallagher; and unanimously carried, to postpone action on thrs item unti 1 November 14, 1978, to allow time for consideration of depth for parking and location of property lines. ITEM 34 After brief discussion, it was moved by Council Member de Leon, and seconded by Council Member Pope to tentatively approve Item No. 34. Council discussion ensued with severa 1 Counc i'l Members concerned about the increased dens i ty th i s woul d create, chang i ng the character and environment in the area. Council Member Pope reminded the Council that ha 1 f the property in ques t i on is zoned R- 3, and the deve 1 oper is on 1 y reques t i ng tha't the rest of the property be given R-3 status. Staff noted plans for development were presented to the Council long ago, however the building permits were never applied for. Discussion continued on possible development, with Mr. Geihs noting the only agreement ever arrived at on this property was the closure of Brighton Avenue, which is mandated unde'r the approved and recorded parcel map, thus it is not subject to easy change'. After drscussion, a vote was taken on the motion to tentatively approve Item No. 34. On the following roll call vo te , to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Counc i 1 , Counci 1 None. Members de Leon and Pope. Members Gallagher, Smith and Mayor Millis. the request to change the Land Use Element from Low Density Resi!dential'to',High Density Residential on the Buena Vista Terrace Condominiums and the Baden property was denied. ITEM 35 It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, sesonded bY,Council Member Pope and tentati ve 1 y approved' to chahge. the a rea"j mmed i ately,;outh'oh;the..~,ajJen pro'p~i:ty,: DoLi'nded on the"east by the'Fair View Tract;-frolT!,low Dens1ity'ResidentLar.'to,HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL. ITEM 36 It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Pope and unanimously carried to tentatively approve changing the property at the southeast corner of Oak Park Boulevard and Brighton Avenue, from Highway Commercial to LOW DENSITY RESIDEN- TIAL. ~ MODIFICATION TO STREET PLAN LINE FOR LINDA DRIVE AND BENNETT STREET Planner Sull ivan presented the map and recommendations on the alignment of Bennett Street and Linda Drive. He explained that Mid State Bank representatives came in with a request to modify Development Plan No.3, changing the al ignment sl ightly to follow the existing property 1 ine, 'bisecting the Burke property and going into Linda Dr'ive; this would meet the needs of Mid State Bank for its development. " Administrator Butch presented staff recommendations on the realignment of Bennett Street and Linda Drive. There are serious cOncerns about the entrance of Linda Drive and Brisco Road, because'of the l?w, visibility problem. Staff suggests allowing the road to be constructed, but not permitting connection until such time as the traffic problems on' Brisco Road are resolved. This would not stop the proposed development at Mid State Bank, and would feed the bank traffic into Bennett Street. In' order to correct the problem on Brisco, the grade will' need to be lowered and the right of way' obtained, but this will have to be worked out with the County as Brisco Road is in the County's territory. n n CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 'inQ9l 11 ~ v OCTOBER 10, 1978001 0 'I PAGE 4' , After discuss ion, it was moved by Counc i 1 Member Pope, seconded by Counc i 1 Membe'r Gallagher and unanimOusly carried, that the City 'accept Amended Development Plan No.3, Street Plan line 'for Linda Drive and Bennett Street, subject to the proviso,that the 0 properties be allowed to be developed and the road constructed, but 'the roads will not l:ie permitted to connect unti 1 such 'time as the traffic problems on Brisco Road have been'resolved. ESTABLISHMENT OF EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT TO VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS Administrator Butch explained the staff was recommending a max,imum annual reim- bursement amount of $60.00 for each volunteer fireman for expense of traveling to and' from fires and fire drills, such reimbursement based on a $5.00 per month fee based on attendance at fires and drills. It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried, that the expense reimbursement to 'volun~ teer 'fire fighters for the expense of travel to and from fires and weekly meetings be an annual maximum fee of $60:00 per year. SET 'MEETING DATE WITH REGION V MEMBERS OF REGULATORY COMMISSION Administrator Butch explained the meeting 'with the Region V Members'of the'Regul-' atory'Commrssicin ha's been set for October 26, 1978, at 4:00 P.M: The Council concurred with Council Member Gallagher noting items of 'concern to be considered at the meeting. RECEIPT OF FIRST HALF OF '1978 CRIME PROFILE REPORT FOR REGION P OF O.C.J.P. Administrator Butch presented'the report on the first'half of the 1978 Crime Pro- fi Ie for Region P of the Office of Criminal Justice Planning, noting the crime in San' Luis Obispo County has increased by 12%. SET 'PUBLIC HEARING'RE. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF GENERAL PLAN Administrator Butch explained the public hearing on Planning Commission recommend- ations for the proposed amendment to the Circulation Element with regard to East Fron- 'tage Road right of way and Tal'ly Ho Road becoming a'local street, has been set for October 24, 1978, at 8:00 P.M. Engineer Karp confirmed that all bends in the road on Tally Ho Road wi 11 be staked before the publ ic hearing: PROGRESS REPORTS: SPORTS COMPLEX Administrator Butch explained the staff hopes'to have recommendations 'to the Coun- ci 1 on the FIRE STATION RELOCATION at thei r next meeting. On the COMMUNITY BUILDING,~ Parks and Recreation Director Keisler has set up a meeting with the Community Building Commi tteeand hopes to have the i r reccimmendat ions to the Counc i I, at the' next meet rng., Administrator Butch reviewed the plans for STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK, noting changes in~ the parking facilities and reviewing the outlay for Othe park; it was moved by Couricil' Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Pope, and unanimously carried that the Council approve the plans as presented for Strother Community Park. The plans on the ELM STREET SPORTS COMPLEX are being reviewed by the Planning staff for adequacy in parking, then will go back for more details. FIRE STATION; COMMUNITY BUILDING, STROTHER PARK; ELM STREET' NOTICE OF APPOINTMENTS ON PLANNING COMMISSION 'AND OTHER VARIOUS COMMITTEES Administrator Butch noted that Ron Harris was elected to the position of Chairmar on the Planning Commission, with Alan Gorsline as Vice Chairman. He also reviewed appointments to various other committees as follows: Architectural Revi.ew'Committee: Sharon Fischer; Rori Harris; Pearl Cole (AI ternate): Subdivision Review Board/Lot Split Committee: Sharon Fischer; Pearl Cole (Alternate). REPORT ON COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER'4, 1978 For the Council's information, Administrator Bu'tch passed out a general informat'iori bulletin on the State Water Project, which wil'l 'be distributed to all citizens: I , " 'PROGRESS REPORT ON TALLY HO DRAINAGE City Engin'eer Kar:p reviewed the progress on 'the:Tally Ho Drainage Project, notin'g surveying has begun on the proposed pipel ine between James Way and Canyon Way, but re~ ported the project will not be completed before this year's winter rains. Cleaning of the culverts and di tches wi 11 be::dgn'e Tn the 'wi ~ter_ to 'hell0:!l-(h o'dra i.nilge. The City ha'~ appl ied to the State 'for the funds to complete 'the pipel ine project, but has riot yet been awarded the funds. " SET TOUR OF CONSTRUCTION SITES IN ARROYO GRANDE, OCTOBER 14, 1978, AT 11 :00 A:M. Administrator Butch explained that due to time conflictions, the tour of'the con, struction sites in Arroyo Grande has been set for October 14, 1978, at 11 :00 A.M., and noted_,a SCAT bus will be provided to keep everyone together on the tour. The Council concur"red. ,I 100 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 10, 1978 PAGE 5 AUTHORIZATION OF SEWER REIMBURSEMENT ON JAMES WAY,TRACT 625 .City Engineer Karp explained the City 'had collected sewer benefit unit charges from the developers of Tract 625, James Way. 'The developers are now requesting 'reimbursement of 50% of their original costs, as promised by the previous City Engineer, although there was no document to the effect. Council/staff discussion ensued. It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried, that the'reim- bursement on the sewer installation on James Way be approved as follows: Harry Voakes, $887.00; Don McHaney, $887.00; Bill Weitkamp, $887.00. COUNCIL MEMBER GALLAGHER LEFT THE MEETING AND IS NOW ABSENT. APPROVAL OF FINAL 'MAP ON TRACT 555 Engineer Karp gave a presentation on the Final Map for Tract 555, located easterly of the Terra 'de Oro Tract, between Stagecoach..Road and Huasna Road. He explained initial ~ development is Unit I and calls for development of residential parcels on Stagecoach Road and division of the backlands into three parcels all having access for future development. Lot 1 is being dedicated to the City and graded for retarding basins. Also, dedications are required for Stagecoach Road and PlatinoLane, along with easements for street trees, drainage and 'ponding basi.ns. The developer has provided a cash security in 1 ieu of bond- ing, wi th an agreement to spend the money if he does not fulfi 11 his contract"; unti 1 such time as he provides the City with normal subdivison bonds. The City Engineer has requested the Counci 1 to agree to take the normal bond at a later date, wi th release of the cash security when the bonds are provided. It was moved by Council Member Pope and seconded by Counc i 1 Member de Leon .that the Counc i 1 'agree to" 1. Authorize the Mayor to execute the appropriate subdivision improvement agreement on behalf of the City, presently secured by cash security and to be secured by bonding in the future. 2. Authorize the City Engineer to release the cash security upon resubmittal with bonding. 3. Accept on behalf of the publ ic, 'subject to the satisfactory completi"on of the required improvements, the offers of dedication for streets and Lot 1 for retarding basin, and ease- ments for street trees. 4. Reject without prejudice to future acceptance, the drainage easements shown on the map over Lots 2 and A. 5. Find that Tract Map. 'No. 555, Unit I, is consistent 'with the General Plan. 6. 'Find that Tract Map No. 555, Unit I, is consistent with City Zoning. 7. Approve Tract Map No. 555, Unit I. On the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Council Members de Leon, Smith, Pope, Nonef Counci 1 Membe r 'Ga 11 aghe r; Mayor Mill is; the foregoing motion to accept 'the Final Map on' Tract 555, was 'carried: u AUTHORIZE RELINQUISHING TRIANGULAR SHAPED PARCEL ON FRONTAGE ROAD TO CITY Administrator Butch explained the City had received a request from Cal Trans asking if the City was interested in accepting'a small triangular piece 'of property along Front- age Road i.n connection with the 'County Civic Center, which would connect the South County facility to the Brisco exchange. It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and carried, with Council Member Pope abstaining, that the City Admin- istrator be authorized 'to write a letter to the State noting 'the City's willingness to accept the triangular piece of property along Frontage Road'into the City. PROGRESS REPORT ON THE SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch ~ave a progress report on the South San Luis Obispo County Sani- tation District noting the ~istrict has reviewed revised plans on .the outfall 1 ine and in-plant improvements, for economizing operation of the plant. The outfall 1 ine is such that the ~i.strict will no longer need to use chlorine, representing a savings of about $20,000 per year. Upon request bf Mayor Mi 11 is, a copy of the proposed plans 'are to be pres.ented .to the Counci 1 at the next meeting. C ITY~.COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER nnU1! 'I - ...- 10, 1978'1' . PAGE 6: I , AUTHOR I ZAT I ON TO CLOSE CROWN TERRACE FOR WATER AND SEWER LI NE WORK . Administrator .Butch explained the City Engineer would like to close Crown Terrace during working hours from October 16 to 20, 1978, to allow installation of water ser- vices and sewer line corrections. It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member de Leon, and unanimously carried to authorize the closure of Crown Terrace during working hours from October 16 to 20, 1978, for i'nstallation of water services and sewer line corrections. LETTER FROM MARIE CATTOIR RE. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Administrator Butch presented a letter from Marie Cattoir requesting the Ch~mber of ~ommerce remain.neutral nn political/social issues, as the Chamber, is partly sup- ported by taxpayers' funds. r POPULATI ON AND HOUS I NG REPORT FROM COUNTY OF SAN LU I S OB I SPO Administrator Butch passed out copies of the population and housing report from the County of San Luis Obispo for the Council's information. CONFIRMATION OF SOILS TESTS ON PRATHER PROPERTY' Upon comments by Mrs. E1 izabeth Jackson and Mr. Siegfried 'Baden, City Engineer Karp confirmed that current work occurring on the Prather Property off of Fairview Drive is only the conduction of soil tests, with only minimal grading and no construc~ tion occurring. ADJOURNMENT On .the motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member de Leon, and unanimously carried, .the meeting was 'adjourned at 10:20 P.M., unti 1 11 :00 A.M. on October. 14, 1978, for a .tour of the 'construction sites in Arroyo'Grande, ...' ~d& ATTEST: (\:(tB~A~~ ~~ DEPUTY CITY CL K CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 14, 197~ 11 :00 A.M.' The City Council met in a regular adjourned meeting .with'Mayor Mark Mill is pre- siding for a tour of the construction sites in Arroyo Grande. Council Members in attendance were: Matt Gallagher, Jr.; Gabe de Leon; B'Ann Smi.th. TOUR OF CONSTRUCTION SITES Mayor Mi 1 ) is convened the meet i ng and then a 11 Counc i 1 Members, c it i zens and staff .r,ocJe.on a SCAT bus on a pre-determined route established by the Director of Public Works. Approximately 44 vadous projects in different phases of construction and improvement were reviewed for the Council. r ADJOURNMENT The bus returned to the City Hall at approximately 1:15 P.M. It was moved by Counci 1 Member de Leon, seconded by Counci 1 Member Gallagher and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn at 1:15 P.M. .~ . ATTE' ~Y~I~Y~ .~ d;J?;i d'~ 'I