Minutes 1978-11-28 '108 CITY COUN.C I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER. 28, 1978 7:30 P.M: .The City. Counci 1 met. in regular session with Mayor roll call, Council Members Matt Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de B'Ann Smith reported present. Mark Millis presiding. Upon Leon, Hugh Pope, Jr., and APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci 1 Member. de Leon and unanimously carried that the minutes for the meetings of October 24 and 25 and Novemc ber 4 and 14, 1978, be approved as. submitted. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS I.t was moved by Counci 1 Member de Leon, seconded by Counci]' Member Gallagher and unanimously carried that Dem~nd,Warrant No. 9563 to and including' 9798 and P564 to and including P570, in the total amount of $214,668.42 and Payroll Warrants No. 12679 to and including 12861, in the total amount of $78,869.80, for a Grand Total of $293,538.22, be approved as submitted and ordered paid. u PRESENTATION BY ROBERT CARR, SLO COG, ON COUNTY AIR QUALITY ATTAINMENT/MAINTENANCE PLAN Mr. Robert W. Carr, Assistant Project Manager for the San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments, gave an oral report on an Air Quality Attainment and Maintenance Plan for San Luis Obispo County. He explained the hearing for this plan will be held on November 30, 1978, before the Area Council; however, staff does not. feel this plan is ready for adoption and'will recommend delaying the hearing until January, 1979. San Luis Obispo County does not currently meet Federal air quality requirements for oxidents, thus necessitating the developmeht of an ai r qual Lty/maintenance,plan., Thi.s plan deals primarily with eliminating hydrocarbon emmission' from 'various source's throughout the County and will' include control measures such as emissH>nl control devises on automobiles, inspection of emiss.j()n , upon sale and annual inspection programs. He reviewed the various agencies involved in this plan, stages of development, standards for hydrocarbons in the air and levels to be achieved by 1987, noting implementation of the plan will fall on' the County Board of Supervisors. After brief discussion, Mayor Millis thanked Mr. Carr for his presentation and asked that he keep the Council informed on any progress made. ~ APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On the motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were approved as recommended by .Administrator Butch: u A~l. .Receipt of Minutes of Board of Directors, Central Coast Self-Insurance Fund, October 11, 1978. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-2. Receipt of Part 1 and 2, Crime and Del inquency in California, 1977. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. . A-3. Receipt of Claim Presented Against the City of Arroyo Grande.by Manuel R. Medina. RECOMMEND THAT IT WAS NOT. TIMELY FILED. AND BE REJECTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. A-4. Receipt of a Letter and Certificate of Appreciation by the Arroyo Grande Gay Nine- ties Harvest Festival Committee. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-5. Resolution from San Lu'is Obispo County Board of Supervisors, Re. Name Change from Arroyo Grande Resource Conservation District to Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation. District. .RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. ~ A-6. Memorandum of Appreciation, Lucia Mar Unified School District, Re. Arroyo Grande Police Department Protection for Rooter and Team Buses. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE:' . A-7. Letter of Appreciation f'rom' Functional Living; Inc. for F~nding of' $1,500 for Social Services by the City of Arroyo Grande. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-8. Receipt of Informal Minutes of Coastal San Luis Resource Conservatio~ District Meet- ing of November 1, 1978. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. ), u A-9. Receipt of a Letter from Mr. John.Bennett, Noting that Future Growth Should be Cautiously Planned. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. RECEIPT OF, MONTHLY DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR OCTOBER, 1978 Administrator Butch briefly. reviewed copies of the Departmental Reports for October, 1978. . ' CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA PROGRESS REPORT ON SOUTH COUNTY AREA TRANSIT (SCAT) Administrator Butch gave an oral report ,on the South County Area Transit System, (SCAT), noting changes had been made in the local transit route in,Arroyo Grande: the route has been altered to provide transportation stops along"Farroll Road and Carmella Drive; because of congestion at the Grand Avenue transfer point (next to,the Shell Station), the transfer point has been changed to Branch and Mason Streets; the early- bird special has been instated for those needing transportation at 7:30 A.M.; the system will be in operation from 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. I I ':L08 I' , NOVEMBER 28, 197811; PAGE 2 SLO COUNTY AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS MEETING - NOVEMBER 2, 1978 Mayor Millis noted there would be no report on this item. RESOLUTION,ESTABLISHING DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY IN RETIREMENT OF RANDY LEE Administrator Butch requested this item be held,over; Council concurred. r RECEIPT OF AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1977-78 Finance Director Bacon reported the City received a clean audit for,the, Fiscal Year 1977-78, with no qual ifications, APPROVE JOINT POWERS ,AGREEMENT WITH S.L.O. RE. REGIONAL NARCOTIC CONTROL PROGRAM Administrator Butch reviewed the Regional Narcotic Addict Control and Crime Re- duction Program, explaining it is funded by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning, and the City of San Luis Obispo is the prime sponsor in our County. This program will offer the services of three narcotic officers to the cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City, Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo, at no cost and based upon a joint powers agreement between'each city and San Luis Obispo, and ,administered by the local office of Criminal Justice Planning, After brief'discussion, it was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded 'by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried to approve the joint powers agreement for the Regional Narcotic Addict Control and Crime Reduction Program between the City of Arroyo ,Grande and the City of San Luis Obispo and authorizing the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk,to sign the agreement. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING RE. AMENDMENT TO THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN: TALLY HO ROAD FROM COLLECTOR STREET TO LOCAL STREET - DENIED City Engineer Karp gave an oral report on the request to ,change Tally Ho Road, from a colle~tor street to a local street on the Circulation Element of the General Plan for Arroyo Grande. He explained this item was in conjunction with the drainage system planned'for Tally Ho Road which will require installation of curbs to carry the water to the creek if the district is'formed. ,Before curbs can be installed the width of the road had to be determined. The General Plan calls for a 44 foot wide roadway, the Planning Commission recommended a .40 foot street, and Tally Ho residents requested it be redesignat~d a local street with a 28 foot paved section. , After study, staff felt once Tally Ho is paved it will receive increased traffic"and will'act as a collector street (its cyrrent designation). For reasons of safety, the lowest staff: will recommend is a 40 foot paved section, curb to curb, which would allow two twelve I foot driving lane and a parking lane on either side. Parking lanes are recommended as a majority of the property have frontages which are substandard to the rural require- ments, which would provide adequate space for off-street parking. Mayor Millis then opened the hearing to public comment. r , , The following people were present and'spoke on this matter, noting several con- cerns, i.e., widening Tally Ho will create increased tr.affic in the area 'and possibly a drag strip for some, some residents felt a 28 foot road would adequately serve pre- sent needs, this might ,r~quir,e the condemnation and purchase of pieces of properties, high costs will be involved because of the high water table which will have to be corrected, a~d a request that ttJe ,Co~nci 1 consi,der a 32 foot bl'acktop as a compromise: , John Sprague, ,21.2 Tally Ho Road;..,Joseph Agrusa, 300 Tally Ho Road; Sandy Facchetti, 248 Tal fy Ho Ro~d; Vincent Lechner, 331 Tally Ho Road; Mr. Si,pes, 188 Tally Ho Road; Shawn Davies, 258 Tally Ho Road. Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson, 208 Fairview Drive, and,Mr. Joe Agrusa, 300 ,Tally Ho Road, asked what would be done to eliminate the congestion at Le Point and Mason Street whict] would result with the widening of Tally Ho Road. City Engineer Karp explained the City plans to eventually widen Le Point Street to a 28 foot paved strip with no parking on : either side; the properties that have access to Le Point are in excess of the nine foot. minimum for off street parking in a rural section; with no excess on the ~phill side. This will provide two 14 foot driving lanes, which are wider than the lanes to be pro- vided on Tally Ho Road. Doris Olsen, Santa Maria Times, asked if Pismo Beach's ,plans to develop their Oak, Park section by extending James Way down to Tally Ho Road would effect Arroyo Grande' s I. , " street plans for this area. City Engineer Karp explained the current plan is to pro- vide parallel streets along Highway 101, to allow residents to travel from city to city, without having to use the freeway. Upon question, he explained the property owners wi 1'1 110 CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 28, 1978 PAGE 3 be responsible for paying for curbs and gutters on,:their frontage, along with the creek on their frontage, and the City would pay for the between-curb paving out of Gas Tax Funds or the General Funds; also, .the City will not receive any Federal funds.if a sub- standard road is constructed. Mr. Sipes, 188 Tally Ho Road, asked if there was going to be an extensive report on the Tally Ho Road Drainage Project, which was scheduled for later in the evening. After brief discussion, it was decided the Tally Ho Drainage item would be heard after this hearing to accomodate any people who'came to speak on the matter. There being no further public comment, Mayor Millis closed the hearing to audience participation and Council discussion ensued. During Council discussion several points of clarification were made: some residents have deposited funds with the City, to be credited to their account. for curbs and gutters, .once the City adopts a plan line for Tally Ho Road and the ground water problem is solved; the homes on the southerly side of ~ Tally Ho Road have a minimum 30 foot setback from the curb; the only acquisition of property involved 'is 4"5 parcels on La Barranca; certain State requirements must be met . in order to receive gas tax funds and the Federal Government.pays for 83% of the cost for road improvements; 40 foot roadway is the minimum required to take care of current problems and flooding in the area; for reasons of safety, the City Engineer would not sign or approve plans. for anything less than 40 feet. After discussion it was the deci- sion of the Council that the improvement of Tally Ho Road.effects the whole community and the minimum that can be allowed.is a 40 foot paved section, which is four feet less than what is required by the General Plan. On the motion of Council .Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried, Attorney Shipsey was in- structed to prepare.a resolution approving the 40 foot paved, .curb to curb, roadway for Tally Ho Road in the Circulation Element and approving increasing the East .Frontage Road cross section right of way to 56 feet in the Circulation Element. WITH PERMISSION OF THE COUNCIL, MAYOR MILLIS REQUESTED THAT ITEM D-2 ON THE AGENDA BE CONSIDERED AT THIS TIME FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF CITIZENS IN THE AUDIENCE. PROGRESS REPORT ON TALLY HO ROAD DRAINAGE City Engineer Karp gave an oral progress report on the Tally Ho Road Drainage.Project. Petitions will have to be circulated among the residents of Tally Ho before the District can be formulated, but the City has had some approvals on the Canyon Way drainage improve- ments. Now that the Council has made the final decision on the Tally Ho road width, the plans for the culvert can be submitted to Cal Trans, who will forward them to the Federal Government. There was general discussion on the stat~s of the petitions at this time. Mr. John Sprague, 212 Tally Ho Road, presented a copy of a petition circulated among some of the residents of Tally Ho Road, stating they were not in favor of the formation of the assessment District. The Clerk received the petition and Mr. .Sprague was asked to bring the original copy 6f the petiiion to the City Clerk's office. CONTINUED HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT MAP Planning Director Castro reviewed the proposed amendments to.the adopted General Plan's Land Use Element Map of the City of Arroyo Grande, Items 43 through 57, as published in the Notice of Public Hearing for November 28, 1978. He reviewed each of the items, the locations involved and changes proposed for wording and definitions in the General Plan's Land Use Element. Mayor .Millis then declared the continued public hearing open for public commen t . ~ Mr. Roger Fuller, 271 South Alpine, spoke on Item 54, describing the proposed hous- ing project planned for this area if the change to high density residential is approved. The desi.gn was for two bedroom units, providing basic 1 iving quarters for middle ag~d and retired people. There being .no further publ ic comment, the Mayor closed the hearing to public comment and Council discussion ensued. ITEM 43 It was moved by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unani,mously carried to EXCLUDE the area on both sides of .Brisco Road from the City limits 1 ine .near Linda Drive and the. Ci ty 1 im; ts 1 ines near the Cemetery on the east and the Oceano View School on the west FROM THE GENERAL PLAN. ITEM 44 It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to tentatively approve the removal of six proposed elementary school/ park sites. ITEM 45 It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to tentatively approve the addition of one proposed elementary school/park si.te in the general location as proposed in both the Lucia Mar School District Report and the current Rancho Grande proposal. CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA :j ~ 1 ~i ~- """- NOVEMBER 28, 1978:' PAGE 4: ITEM 46 It was moved by Council Member de leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to EXCLUDE the-addition of a proposed high school/park- in the same general location as proposed by Lucia Mar School District-FROM THE GENERAL PLAN. ITEM 47 It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member de leon- and unanimously carried to tentatively approve the addition of-the South County Re- gional Center facil ity. ITEM 48 It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and carried with Council Member de leon dissenting, to tentatively approve changing the language related to Agriculture density to read "5 acre minimum". ITEM 49 It was moved by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried to tentatively approve changing !'fami I ies/acre" to "dwel ling units/acre". n ITEM 50 It was moved by Council Member de leon, seconded by-Council Member Smith and unanimously-carried to-tentatively approve splitting the Medium Density into a "low" and a "high" to read Medium low Density - 11 dwelling units per acre; and Medium High Density - 17 dwell ing units per acre. ITEM 51 ca r r i ed Density It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by with Council Member Pope dissenting, to tentatively deny category to 29 dwel ling. uni ts per acre. Mayor Millis and increasing the High ITEM 52a It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member de leon and carried with Council Member Smith dissenting, to tentatively approve changing the properties between Poole and Allen-Streets and bounded by Short Street from Highway Commercial to HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. ITEM 52b It was moved by Council -Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried to tentatively approve changing the properties between Allen Street and Cherry Avenue bounded by an extension of Short Street from Highway Commer- cial to lOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. ITEM 53 It was moved by Counci 1 Member- Smith, seconded by Counci I -Member de leon and carried with Council Members Pope and Gallagher dissenting, to tentatively ap- prove changing the property bounded by-Crown Terrace, East Branch Street, le Point Street and generally known as.the Loomis Properties, from Medium Density Residential and C. B. D. TO HEAVY COMMERC I Al/l I GHr INDUSTRY. (Was. I tem 12) ITEM 54 It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member de leon and on the fol lowing rol I cal I vote: AYES: Counci I Members de leon, Pope; NOES: -Counci I' Members Gallagher, Smith-and Millis; ABSENT: None; the motion to tentatively approve changing the properties-on the south side of-Farroll Avenue-and bounded- by the City limits on the west and generally known as the Grandmothers~'Mobilehome Park, and one undeveloped-parcel of land fronting on Farroll Avenue, from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential was denied. (Was Item 28) ITEM 55 It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member de leon and unanimously carried to tentatively approve changing the southwest corner of the block described in Item 31, from Neighborhood Commercial to MEDIUM lOW DENSITY RESI- DENTIAL. (Was Item 32) n ITEM 56 It was moved by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried to tentatively approve changing the area on the south side of Grand~Avenue betweeri ~uniper Street and the City limits, and approximately to the alignment of Rockaway Averiue in Grover City, from Heavy Commercial/light Industrial to HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL:' (Was Item 33) ITEM 57 It was moved by Council Member de leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to tentatively approve that the corner of Grand Avenue and Brisco Road be labelled 100 feet on Grand Avenue as HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL, and the back. portion be labelled for-HEAVY COMMERCIAL/liGHT INDUSTRY. (Was Item 38) On special request of Mr. Coker Ellsworth, the City Council reaffirmed its deci- sion to tentatively approve Item No.9, the properties bounded by the Arroyo Grande Creek on the north, Allen Street on the South, Garden Street on the east, and one lot deep west of Whiteiy Street from Medium Density Residential. Administrator Butch explained a resolution will be brought back to the Council_ incorporating all adopted changes and deletions, for approval at the .regular meeting of December 12, 1978. II" 112 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 28, 1978 PAGE 5 PUBLIC H~ARING ON STREET NAME CHANGE: MAY STREET'TO CROWN OAKS DRIVE - DENIED' Administrator Butch explained this is the third name change requested this year, which is a costly process involving new signs, advertising, and changing of records and maps. Planning Director Castro explained the name change was requested by the three residents living on May Street. Mayor Millis then opened the public hearing to audience comment; there being no comment, discussion was limited to the Council. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that st'reet name changes would be initiated only in serious circumstances, such as correcting a duplication. It was moved by Counci 1 t1ember Gallagher, seconded by Counci 1 Member de Leon and unanimously carried to deny the request for the street name change. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING CASE 78-122, 1122 and 1160 EAST FRONTAGE ROAD FROM "A" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO "P-D,,'PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Planning Director Castro gave a review of Rezoning Case 78-122, 1122 and 1160 East Frontage Road from Agricultural District to Planned Development, explaining this' involved two parcels not a part of the Rancho Grande Development, but part of the planned com- mercial development that will"front'on Frontage'Road': '''He 'then reviewed tlie'proposed Ordinance for the rezoning. Mayor Millis then,opened the hearing to public comment. Mr. Patrick L. Fagan, Pasadena, spoke noting he was the owner of one of the parcels. His developer is currently preparing a conceptual plan which should be ready soon. ~ Elizabeth Jackson, '208 Fairview Drive, asked for the zoning on the property sur~ rounding these parcels. Ma~or Millis explained the surrounding property was planned development designated commercial. There being no further comment the hearing was closed to publ.Lc comment and Council discussion ensued. There was considerable discussion by Council and staff on zoning, land use and ordinance wording. After considerable discussion, Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance. It was moved by Counci 1 Member de Leon, seconded by Counci 1 Member Gallagher and unanimously carried to dispense with further, reading of the ordin- ance. REQUEST FOR PARKING WAIVER AT 723 GRAND AVENUE, RONALD GOULD - DENIED Administrator Butch explained a request,had been received from Ronald Gould request- ing the City waive the off-street parking requirement at 723 Grand Avenue, in order that they migh proceed with the refurbishing of the building, and on the basis that there is ample street,parking for the building. After a brief discussion, it was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and ,unanimously carried that the re- quest for the waiver be denied. AUTHORIZE REPLACEMENT OF TRIPLEX REEL-TYPE MOWER Administrator Butch explained a new mower had been on the budget for this year, however its purchase was postponed until the next'fiscal year. Since then the Parks De- partment has experienced considerable down time on the mower and it replacement is a necessity. Parks and Recreation Director Keisler explained the City has received a lower quote on a National triplex mower in the amount of $3,179.00. After brief discus- sion, it was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member S~ith and' unanimously carried that the Council authorize the purchase of a 1978 National 84" Tri- plex Mower from Hayman Company in the amount of $3,179.00. AUTHORIZE CALLING FOR BIDS FOR PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR ENCINAS BONITAS PARK It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, that the City be authorized to call ,for bids for playground equip~ ment for the Encinas Bonitas Park, (Elm Street Park). REQUEST FOR BIKE PATHS ALONG JAMES WAY - SENT TO STAFF FOR FURTHER STUDY Administrator Butch explained the Parks and Recreation Commission had requested bike paths along James Way. After brief discuss,i,on, it was moved by Counci I Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried that this item be referred to staff for further study. u SETTING CITY'S ANNUAL SURPLUS SALE - DECEMBER 9, 1978 On the motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and' unanimously carried, various City items were declared surplus for the City's Annual Surplus Sale scheduled for December 9, 1978. ' AUTHORIZE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN LITTER CONTROL PROGRAM THROUGH S.L.O. COUNTY After a brief presentation by Administrator Butch, it was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried that the,Council authorize the County of San Luis Obispo to act on behalf of the City in applying for a proposed fitter control grant application, through the State Sol id Waste Management Board and authorize the County Health Officer to conduct all necessary negotiations for the litter control program. CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA 'I A A ') I !, ;"L'...... V " NOVEMBER 28, 197~ PAGE 611' il PROGRESS REPORTS: FIRE STATION; COMMUNITY BLDG.; STROTHER PARK; ELM ST. SPORTS COMPLEXii Administrator But'ch noted there was nothing to report on the relocation of'the :! FIRE STATION or on the ELM STREET SPORTS COMPLEX. Parks and Recreation Director - ,: Keisler reported the architectural designs for STROTHER COMMUNITY, PARK are almost completed and should be ready for the December meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission--the City will call for bids on the Park in January, 1979. Also, the Council should hear a report on the COMMUNITY BUILDING expansion at their meeting of December 12, 1978. SET STUDY SESSION ON GENERAL PLAN - DECEMBER 4, 1978 After brief discussion, a study session on the General Plan was set for December 4, 1978, at 4:00 P.M., in the'Council Chambers of the City Hall. l RECEIPT OF LATEST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA-CITIES BULLETINS Administrator Butch briefly presented the latest League of Cal1fornia Cities Bulletins. Mayor Millis explained he had received a copy of a Hillside Management Program from the City of Ventura, ,and, made it_available_to_the Council,fo,r..study. SET JOINT MEETING ON GENERAL PLAN WITH PLANNING COMMISSION Administrator Butch presented a request from the Planning Commission for a joint meeting wJth the City Council-to discuss the General Plan. After discussion,' it was the decision of the Council to invite the Planning Commission to the General Plan Study Session on December 4, 1978, at 4:00 P.M. REQUEST JOINT MEETING WITH SCHOOL DISTRICT, COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION - DENIED Administrator Butch presented a request for a joint meeting with the Lucia Mar Unified School District, City Council and Planning Commission, from the Planning Commission. Mayor,Millis requested that instead of a joint meeting, a copy of the Ordinance on the building surcharge, No. 183 C.S; ,'adopted by the Council be forwarde~ to Commissioner Gorsline for his study; Council concurred. SET DATE FOR ZERO BASE BUDGETING WORKSHOP - DECEMBER 13, 1978 Because Council Member Gallagher had to leave, it was requested this item be heard at this time--Council concurred. After brief discussion, the zero base budgeting work~ shop was set for December 13, 1978, from 6:00 to 10:00 P.M. CPUNCIL MEMBER GALLAGHER LEFT'AND IS NOW ABSENT. AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN AGREEMENT FOR WILDWOOD RANCH FOCUS EIR Administrator Butch briefly reviewed the agreement to authorize the preparation of the Wildwood Ranch Environmental Impact Report.' It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried that the, Council authorize the Mayor and-Deputy City Clerk to sign the agreement for the preparation the Wildwood Ranch Focus Environmental Impact Report. "~I i'. Ii of, ADOPT RESOLUTION TO PURCHASE TIRES AND TUBES THROUGH STATE OF CALIFORNIA Administrator Butch explained this program allowed the'City to use the'State's purchasing powers for various items, at considerable savings to the City. Participa- tion in the program has to be authorized by Co~ncil action. Attorney Shipsey then rea~ the title of the resolution authorizing'participation in'the program. It was moved by,: Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to dispense with further reading of the resolution. or: RESOLUTION NO. 1333 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL'SERVICES OF THE 'STATE OF'CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE VEHICLE TIRES AND TUBES. On the mot i on of Counc i 1 Member Sm i th, seconded by Counc i 1 Member de Leon and on " the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: ' Counc i 1 Members de ' Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Mi 11 is. NOES: None. ABSENT: Counci 1 Member Gallagher. the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day of November, 1978. REPORT ON COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1, 1978 Public Works Director Anderson gave an oral report on the recent meeting,of the County Water Resources Advisory Committee meeting held November 1, 1978. Items of 1 114 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 28, 1978 PAGE 7 interest included the Governor's appointment of a Commission to review California State Water laws, and a discussion on proposed amendments on ground water basin management to alleviate the lengthy procedure of ground water adjudication. AUTHORIZE HIRING MR. DAVE HALL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE AS ENGINEERING CONSULTANT' FOR WATER SYSTEM AND RESERVOIR ANALYSIS Public Works Director Anderson explained concerns presently held about the City's current water system and the pull created by new developments. A complete water system and reservoir analysis by a hydraulic specialist is needed, and to;this end'several engineering firms have been contacted to determine their'capabilities in conducting such an analysis. Upon staff determination, the best qualified engineer is Mr. Dave Hall of Engineering Science, as he is a hydraulics specialist and is familiar with the City's water system. The work to'be performed would be done in three phases: Phase I ~,- n a. Reviewing present and ,prior planning and Land Use Plans. b. Obtain current fire flow tests and determine required fire flows. c. Determine present and future water demands and reservoir'storage requirements. d. Investigate adequacy of existing storage capacity'and recommend specific location and volume for additional reservoirs needed at this time, also future required' storage and methods for distribution to additional pressure zones. e. Review existing sources of supply to meet future water needs. PHAS E I I - would be preparation of Plans and Specifications for a reservoir and appurtenances. PHASE III - would be inspection and consultation'of construction of a new r~servoir. The cost for Phase I would not exceed $4,500 and work would be completed within 60 days. Cost of Phase I I and Phase I I I would be by lump sum or time and expense basis after the completion of Phase I. Staff requested the Council authorize preparation of an agreement to perform the Phase I work as outlinedabove. It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unani- mously carried that the Council authorize the hiring of Mr. Dave Hall of Engineering Science to perform the work as'out1ined in Phase I,'at a fee not to exceed $4,500, and staff is authorized to prepare an agreement with Engineering Services to perform Phase work. AUTHORIZE REFUND TO DEVELOPER OF TRACT 538 FOR BENEFITTING ADJACENT PROPERTY TRACT 555 City Engineer Karp explained this was an allowable reimbursement to the developer of Tract 538 for water and sewer'lines installed for Tract'538, 'which also benefits the adjacent Tract 555. The total amount reimbursible to the developer is $3,929.00, ($1,974 reimbursible for water line and $1,955 reimbursible for sewer line installation). It was moved by Council Member Pope; seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried that a reimbursement to Tract 538 Joint Venture, Ronald D. Grant, Partner, be made in the amount of $3,929.00 for ,sewer and water line installation benefitting Tract 555. REPORT ON ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 1978 City Engineer Karp gave an oral report on the Zone 3 Advisory Committee meeting of November 16, 1978, noting no additional fire hydrants will be installed on the Lopez Line. Lopez Lake has been s,tocked with 8,000 rainbow trout and C1 int Mi lne came and reviewed the election resul'ts of an advisory election on the State Water Project. Any action on this project win 'be deferred until Santa Barbara votes on the project. u Council Member Pope asked about the recent condition of the local water--terrible taste, smells and is dirty. It was requested that Council Member de Leon bring this matter up at the next Zone 3 meeting. REVISION OF CONDITION NO.7 OF LOT SPLIT APPROVAL REQUIRED BY MRS. JOHNSON, 163 S. ELM City,Engineer Karp presented the request of Mrs. Johnson to revise Condition No. i of the lot division approval for 163 South Elm, which requires Mrs. Johnson to install street improvements from the new curb line to the existing paving of the parcel on which her house is located. It was staff recommendation not to reI ieve Mrs; Johnson of the requiremen,f, but to extend her agreement and retain her bond to provide sufficient funds to allow ,the City to do the paving. After brief discussion, it was moved by Counci 1 Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unaimously carried to retain Mrs. Johnson's~cash bond, to cover the cost of paving, for one year. , 1- CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER ~:~ Jf15 I 28, 1978!1 'I PAGE 8:1 II 'I 1 .1 AWARD BIDS: WATER/SEWER LINE PROJECT ON WESTERN ADDITION - BAKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Staff explained two bids were received on the Water and Sewer Line Improvement Project for the Western Addition. The bids were opened on November 22, 1978, at 2:00 P.M., and were as follows: R. Baker Construction Company Charles A. Pratt Construction $53,555.00 $54,810.00 After brief discussion, it was moved. by Council Member'Pope, seconded' by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried that the Council award the bid for the Water and Sewer Line Improvement Project in the Western Addition to R. Baker Construction in the amount of $53,555.00, Project No. 60-78-1. '" ,. "'. {, PROGRESS REPORT ON SOUTH SAN' LU I S OB I SPO COUNTY SAN I TAT I ON D I STR I CT Administrator Butch gave a progress report on the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, noting the Board of Directors will hold a public information mee t i ng on .Decembe r 6, 1978, - on t he ~ 0 i nt out,fa 1 L~Li.ne~ be tween. the San.itat i on D i.s".. trict and the City of Pismo Beach. This meeting will be held in the Board Room of the District's Treatment Plant. AUTHORIZE. RELEASING CASH SECURITY FOR SURETY BONDS ON TRACT NO. 555, UNIT I City Engineer Karp explained the developer of Tract 555, Unit I, on Stagecoach Road has posted the necessary Surety Bonds for the tract and has signed a revised subdivision agreement; he is now requesting the City release the cash security he previously posted. Engineer Karp advised everything was in order for releasing the cash security. It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Pope and unanimously carried that the Mayor be authorized to execute on behalf of the City a new subdivision agreement with the developer of Tract 555, Unit I,. to be guaranteed by the customary surety bonds and the City Engineer be authorized to draft a .letter releasing the cash security previously posted to guarantee construc- tion of the improvements required with Tract 555, Unit I. NOTICE OF UPCOMING PLANNING TRAINING PROGRAM Administrator Butch p~esented a notice on an upcoming gram being sponsored by the.State of California, Office of There is no fee for this progr,am. It wi 11 be held at Cal on December 14 and 15, 1978, fcom 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. invited to attend. Planning Training Pro- Planning and Research. Poly in San Luis Obispo, Staff and public are , ADJOURNMENT On the motion of Counci 1 Member\Smith, seconded by Counci 1 Member Pope and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M. until 4:00 P.M. on December 4, 1978, for a study session On the General Plan. - ~ '- A ~a;, ~J~9 ATTEST:Ctttt-c ,:.. q ~,^OAA' DEPUTY CITY CLERK CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 4, 1978: 4:00 P.M. I -0, The City Council met in regular adjourned meeting with Mayor Millis presiding. Upon roll call Council Members Gallagher, de Leon and'~mith were present; Council Member Pope was absent. Also in attendance were the City Administrator, Planning Director, Planner, City Engineer and Parks and Recreation Director. The Council had invited members of the Planning Commission to attend the study session. Based upon an opinion from the City's Attorney, it"was determined the Plan- ning Commission had not adjourned to this meeting, so therefore only three members of the Planning Commission could be in attendance. Planning Commission Members in attendance were: Pearl Cole; Lawrence Vandeveer; Beverley Simmons. '. STUDY SESS I ON ON GENERAL PLAN " There was general discussion on the review of the General Plan with reference to possible reviews every two or three years, There was general discussion on the possibility of establishing a document that would aid in the implementation of the General Plan. There was general discussion on the workable procedures and setting priorities for changes in the General Plan with discussion on how publ ic participa- tion could be involved in the review of the General Plan. There was discuss'ion on the possible use of professional consultants and professional staff of the City working with the Council to update the General Plan. Members of the Planning Commis- sion felt they needed guidance from the Council on what the Council felt the goals and objects of the City were. After a great deal of discussion, it was agreed that I