Minutes 1979-04-24 CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA , ,~ ... i05 :f I~ ._ APRIL 24, 1979 7:30 PlrM. met in regular session with Mayor Mark Millis presiding. Upon r611 Matt Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon, Hugh Pope, Jr., and B'Ann Smith The City Counc i 1 call, Council Members reported present. " Gallagher, seconded by Council Member-Smith and ulan- meeting of April 10, 197~were approved as submitted. Ii APPROVAL OF MINUTES On the'motion of Council Member imously carried, the minutes for the APPROVAL' OF 'WARRANTS On the motion of Counci 1 Member de Leon, seconded by Counci I Member Gallagher and:' unanimously carried, Demand Warrants No. 10556 to 10670; in the amount of'$40,726.85, and Payroll Warrants No. 13831 to,13912, in, the amount of- $35,754.19, for a Grand Total of1 $76,481.04, were approved as submitted and ordered paid. I APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On-the motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were approved as recommended by Administrator Butch: A-I. Request that the Mayor Proclaim the Week of May 6 - 12,- 1979, as "Clean-Up Week" i".ln the City of Arroyo Grande. RECOMMEND MAYOR PROCLAIM AND THAT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I WORK WITH LOCAL RUBB I SH COMPANY.: A-2. Request of the Oceano-Five Cities Elks Lodge No. 2504, that the Mayor-Proclaim the Week Beginning May 1st as "Youth Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande. RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. , A-3. 'Request for Proposal, Tri-County-Commission'for Senior Citizens' Programs for the:,'1 Elderly. RECOMMEND REFERRAL TO PARKS AND RECREATION-COMMISSION. , II A-4. Receipt of ' March 31, 1979 Management Summary 'of Workers' Compensation Self-Insurari'ce Fund. RECOMMEND RECEIVE-AND FILE. A-5. Request by the Environmental Center of San Luis Obispo County that the Mayor Proclaim May 3, '1979 as "Sun Day". RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE: REZONI~~'CASE NO. 79-123, 1122 & 1160 EL CAMINO t REAL FROM "A" AGRICULTURAL TO "P-D" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (GIFFORD AND FAGAN) , " Planning Director Castro reviewed the proposed ordinance which ,would rezone 1122 and 1160 El Camino Real from "A" Agricultural District to "P-D" Planned Development. He r~- viewed the items the Counci 1 wished to have included in the ordinance, as 'noted in the I, last regular meeting. There was discussion between 'the staff and Council with the'follll>w- ing corrections to the-ordinance: (1) In Section 2, Line 4 should read "...Circulation!1 Element, said plan to be approved..." (2) In Section 4, Line 5 should read ".. .can, by, City ordinance, consider and approve:.." and (3) In Section 6, Item 10 should be "Side-ii walks are recommended...". There was considerable-discussion between Council, staff and audience on an 'easement to the property along Frontage Road. City Engineer Karp read the deed, recorded in Volume '1943, Page 834 of the'Official Records dated December 22, 1979~ which provides this 50' easement--an additional 6 foot easement will have to be dedicated to the City once this development begins. Planning Director Castro explained that whoeVer develops the property first will be responsible for improving certain portions of Frontbge Road, at their own cost. After discussion, Administrator Butch 'gave the first reading ,'to the title of the ordinance which rezones 1122 and 1160 El Camino Real from "A" Agricult"ural District to "P-D" Planned Development. It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, secon'ded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of 'the ordinance. G , i DENIAL OF LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUEST FROM RONALD HARRIS, PLANNING COMMISSIONER I Administrator Butch reviewed the request made at the Council's last meeting, by Pl'an- ning Commissioner Ron Harris for a Leave of Absence from May 14, 1979 to August 24; 19Z9, as he was called to active military duty in Virginia. Attorney Shipsey had researched :\:he requirements 'for the granting of absences for military duty; in his opinion there was rio restriction which mandated that an appointed commissioner be given leave of absence for military duty--it was the Council's option whether or not to grant the leave. After brief discussion on the necessity for retaining a full Planning Commission, it was moved by ! Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Pope and unanimously carried, to deny the request for Leave of Absence from Planning Commissioner Ron Harris, for the period ,of May 14, 1979 to August 24, 1979. I " , REVIEW OF LATEST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' ,BULLETINS Administrator Butch reviewed the latest League of Cal ifornia Cities Bulletins noti~g concern reo a proposal to switch funding between school districts and,the cities in callif- ornia. The proposal is to exch..""ge: the property tax funding and the l~ sales tax funds'!1 so !! 166 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 24, 1979 PAGE 2 that schools would be financed by revenue from sales tax and cities would receive property tax monies. He noted there were many unknown variables in this proposal which could cause serious consequences. On the motion of Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried, staff was directed to write to Mr. Leo McCarthy, State Assembly, stating the Council's grave concerns with this proposal and the,Council's wish to receive further information on this subject'and an extension of time for consideration of the p roposa 1 . PUBLIC HEAR. REZONING CASE NOS. 79-124 & 79-126, "RAB3" TO "RAB2"" CANYON WAY, JAMES WAY, AND PORTIONS OF TALLY HO ROAD (CANYON WAY PROPERTY OWNERS AND BOB SHiGENAKA). Planning Director Castro reviewed the property submitted for rezoning' from RAB3 to RAB2, (Canyon Way, James Way and portions of Tally Ho Road). He reviewed lot size and loca- tion and the total area involved. After brief discussion, Mayor Millis opened the hearing to public comments. The following people were in attendance and voiced no objection to the rezoning: MR. BUD LAURENT, 241 James Way; MR. BILL WEITKAMP, 251 James Way. u MR. SANDY FACCHETTI, 248 Tally Ho Road, spoke in objection to the rezoning without proper resolution of the drainage problems in that area: He felt if the area was to be rezoned the drainage problem should be resolved prior to development. Administrator Butch read a telegram received by the City from MR. & MRS. WAYNE FRISBY, Sari Jose, stating they were not in favor of the rezoning and wished to be excluded from the improvement district. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed to the audience and Council discussion ensued. After'considerable discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that the rezoning be approved on the condition that the problem of drainage be resolved prior to any development, and with the condition that, in the ordinance, all improvements be in- stalled prior to the issuance of any building permit. After discussion, it was 'moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Pope and unanimously carried, that the Council approves the Rezoning of Canyon Way, James Way and portion of Tally Ho Road, as designated in Rezoning Case No. 79-124'& 79-126, from RAB3 to RAB2, and staff is instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance, which is to include the condition that the drainage problem be resolved and all improvements installed prior to the issuance of any bui lding permits or developments in that area. ADOPTION OF A SCENIC ELEMENT - RESOLUTION NO. 1357 Planner Sullivan reviewed the draft Scenic Element and the new implementation tools this would provide to the City, such as a Scenic Element to be considered in new develop- ments in the City; control of signs within the Scenic Element; control of utility lines; and landscaping and cleanliness along the Scenic routes. After this review, Mayor Millis opened the hearing to public comment. There being no comment, the hearing was closed and Council discussion ensued: Upon 'question from Counci 1, Planner Sull ivan explained that' Highway 101 had been added to the Scenic Element, in recognition of future plans by CAL TRANS for scenic improvement of this highway; also, Grand Avenue is the main connection between Pismo Beach and Lopez Lake, which is the busiest connection in this area, and therefore should be made as pleasant as possible: General discussion ensued. 'Afterwards, Administrator Butch read the title of the resolution to adopt the Scenic Element 'of the General Plan. It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded 'by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1357 u A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE SCENIC ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. On the mot i on of Counc i 1 Membe r de Leon, seconded by Counc i 1 'Membe r Ga 11 agher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Counc i 1 t1embers Ga 11 agher; de Leon, Pope, Sm'i th and Mayor Mill is. None. None. the foregoing Resolution 'was passed and adopted 'this 24th day of April, 1979. REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF FEDERAL AGING PROGRAMS (CITY OF HAYWARD) Administrator Butch explained the City of Hayward was concerned about adequate fund- ing for Federal Aging Programs and was asking that the City adopt a resolution supporting the Federal Aging Programs. City Council requested, that before any action is taken, Federal 'representatives be contacted for further information 'and details on the programs involved and the budgeting for these programs. ~~~. 'I ., '''7 Jo, " APR I L 24, 1'979 " PAGE 3 Ii REQUEST ON ZON I NG RE. 1401 TO 1491 BR I GHTON AVENUE; BUENA V I STA TERRACE il Administrator Butch read a letter from Mr. Donald Haymaker, President of the Buena Vista Terrace Homeowners Association, requesting the Council not change the zoning at 1401 to 1491 Brighton Avenue to conform with the General Plan, which. indicates this area as:! single family residential. Mr. Haymaker explained there were 16 units on this propert~, which he felt acted as a buffer zone between single family residences'on one side and the commercial zone on the other. Mr, Haymaker also requested the Council clarify the General Plan to reflect what is already in existence on these parcels. It was the Council's fJel- ing that there was no objection to allowing only the 16 units on 1401 to 1491 Brighton ii Avenue to remain in the R-3 zoning.. On the 'motion of Counci 1 Member Gallagher, secondJd by Counci I Member de Leon and unanimously carried, this matter was referred to the Plari'- ning Commission, with the recommendation that the 16 units on 1401 to 1491 Brighton Av~- nue be allowed to remain in the R-3 zoning. ., CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA r SUBDIVISION REVIEW, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 761 - HELD OVER . 'I It was.the consensus of the Council that this item be.he1d over to the next meeting, as additional information had 'just been received by the Counci I on the Tentative Tract II Map 761, which the Council has not had time to review or study. This item will be revi;ewed at the next Council meeting. ' '". ....' CLARIFICATION OF COUNCIL POLICY ON PRELIMINARY PROJECT REVIEWS Planning Director Castro explained the Planning Commission was requesting the Council clarify its position on the subject of preliminary review of projects and/or rescind i{s policy restricting the Commission's review of proposed projects. He explained.the Com~is- sion has always been open minded about study sessions and review of proposed projects, Iland now.needed some direction from the Council as to how to proceed with this restrictive .1 pol icy. 'i ., M~yor Millis explained that this policy was to prohibit the review of specific prd- jects'at specific locations. It was not meant to undermine the study session or revieJ procedures, as long as these procedures spoke in general terms and not with regard to il specific development 'projects.. Approval of a project should not be forthcoming or deni,;ed until such time as a public hearing has been held on the development and surrounding p~o- pertyowners notified of said hearing. Consequently, general ideas and suggestions coLi'ld be discussed and reviewed, however review of specific projects is not permissible. :i. . i REPORT ON STATE COASTAL COMM I SS I ON MEET I NG OF APR I L 18, 1979 Ii Planning Director Castro informed the Council that the California State Coastal Com- mission had voted in favor of excluding Arroyo Grande from the Coastal Commission bounJI daries, at their meeting of Apri 1 18, 1979. Staff wi 11 keep informed on .the actions ot, the Coastal Commission. ADOPTION OF RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR CITY COUNCIL.- .RESOLUTION NO. 1358 Administrator Butch explained a text on Rules of Procedure had been prepared for the .Council's review and proposed adoption. The City Council does not presently have aRul'~s of Procedure Manual; consequently, this text had been prepared for .the Council's consid~r- ation and use. The Council then reviewed the text and made the following changes: (1) :'Un- der ATTENDANCE, Item A should read: "The City Attorney should be present..."; (2) Item Ii III should read: "Amendments to these rules of procedure shall be by majority vote of i'he Counci 1." After this review, Administrator Butch read the title of the Resolution adop:t- ing the Rules of Procedure for the City Counci 1. It was moved by Counci 1 Member Gal1adher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried, to dispense with further rea~ing of the resolution. {'\ J j I RESOLUT I ON NO. ,1358 f \\ I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE..CITY COUNCIL. . On the motion of Council Member de .Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Millis. 'None. None. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted.this 24th day of April, .1979. .1 .1 " I LETTER OF I NFORMAT I ON ON SOUTH COUNTY ECONOM I C DEVELOPMENT ASSOC I AT I ON: RUEBEN KV I DT II. Ii Administrator Butch read a letter from Mr. Rueben Kvidt, President of the South I County Economic Development Association, offering Association membership to the City. il This Association is to enhance economic growth in this area. After. brief discussion, ii,t was decided the City would .not become a member of this Association, however staff will Ii " 158 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANOE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 24, 1979 PAGE 4 be present at its next meeting and available for assistance if needed. PROPOSAL TO REQUIRE GAS STATIONS TO DISPLAY COMPLETE GASOLINE PRICE LISTS - DENIED Administrator Butch reviewed Council Member Gallagher's request, from the. last Cou~- cil meeting, that gasol ine stations be required to post all gasoline prices at their stations. He explained this would constitute a change in the Zoning Ordinance, and would have to be referred to the Planning Commission for public hearing, if approved. Council discussion ensued on this proposal, with some Council Members feeling that the sign or- dinance already adopted by the City is not fully enforced, and this proposal would add additional regulations, which would.also require constant enforcing--the City does not have the current manpower to enforce such a proposa Lit was the fee 1 i ng of some Counc i 1 Members that it would be better to enforce the current ordinance, and take care of deter- iorated signs that are already in existence, rather than adding to the problem. Council Member Gallagher spoke in favor of the proposal, stating he felt it was a social service which should be implemented for the citizens of the community. After considerable dis- iU-I'.^' cussion, it was moved by Council Member Gallagher, and seconded by Mayor Millis that this I item be "referred to the Planning Commission for public hearing--on the following roll I call vote: ;. " AYES: Counc i 1 MembersGallagher and Mayor Mi 11 is. NOES: Counc i 1 Members Pope, Smith and de Leon. ABSENT: None. the foregoing motion was denied. Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane, spoke to the Council and asked that they consider adopting a resolution, to be sent to the President, asking for action,on the rapidly e~calating prices which are being felt by gasoline dealers and tustom~rs all .over the area. PROGRESS REPORT ON SCAT OPERATIONS Administrator Butch gave an oral review on SCAT operations, noting revenue has now exceeded $11,000; any revenue received over $11,000 is divided between .SCAT and the trans- portation company. There was brief discussion on possible extension of the transportation . line once Strother Park is completed. PROGRESS REPORTS: FIRE STAT! ON; COMMUN!TY BLDG.; STROTHER PARK; ELM ST. COMPLEX; RESERVO I R Fire Station Relocation: Administrator Butch explained that Mrs. .Keesaman's appraiser is out of town until the last part of April; consequently negotiations on the Halcyon .site are at a standstill. Staff has checked into the two alternate backup sites on Traffic Way and Branch Street--both sites are available. Community Building Expansion: Preliminary plans have been prepared for the expansion of the Community Building; they will be reviewed and hopefully before the Council at the next regular .meeting. On the request of Council Member Pope, the Council and City Attor- ney will review the agreement between the City and the Woman's Club on the ownership and use of the Community Building and property. Strother Park: Construction is underway on Strother Park. .Dedication ceremonies are Iplanned for Augus~ 31, 1979. Elm Street Sports Complex: It was.exp.lainedby City, Sta.fL that-.the Parks.an.d Recreation Department has received bids for the hiring of an architect for the Elm Street Sports -, Complex; this will have to be approved by the State. After brief discussion, it was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council.Member Smith and unanimously carried, to ap- ",'" <h. h;,rl 0, ,f '" I. <'''" O"f k.. A.'. ,.. " <h. ",h' '""' foe <h. 'I" ",," S,,,,, I. II Complex, at a fee of $2,910.00, subject to the approval of the State. l.J New Water Reservoir Construction: Engineer Karp explained a tentative site for the new water reservoir has been sd:ectea; preliminary surveys and engineering work is being conducted and the owners are being contacted. The Engineer on this project has been asked to prepare a lump-sum contract estimate for the design of the transmission main and the reservoir, which will hopefully be ready for Council review at the next meeting. COUNCIL MEMBER DE LEON'S REPORT ON ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1979 Council Member de Leon gave an oral report on the Zone 3 Advisory Committee meeting of April 19, 1979. He reviewed the number of visitors to Lopez Lake, noting the Lake is now at full capacity. Engineer Karp explained the water treatment plant is now operating at six million gallons per day and the City is still unable to keep the Number 1 Reservoir filled, which shows the need fo~ increased storage which the new reservoir will provide. ACCEPT SOUTH ELM STREET DEDICATION, VIC PACE AND THELMA WilLIAMS City Engineer Karp presented a Grant Deed for South Elm Street from Vick Pace and Thelma Williams to the City of Arroyo Grande. He explained this property underlies the 1 ;;/ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ,J c',o tic.,) ,I 24, 197.9 PAGE !5 next 'to the new apartment complex on the west side of Sou~h Bon i tas Commun i ty Park. 'I t was moved 'by Counci I Member 'i'" Member 'Pope and unaniniously carried, that the'City accep't' Street from Vick Pace and Thelma Williams to the City of', i Ii APRIL existing street improvements Elm Street, south of Encinas de Leon, seconded by Council the Grant Deed for South Elm Arroyo Grande. ACCEPTANCE OF GULARTE ROAD INTO ARROYO GRANDE'S STREET SYSTEM Engineer Karp reviewed the location of Gularte Road (old Wilholm Lane) noting dedication of the 60 foot roadway had 'been a condition to the lot split; This is in t~e rural section,'and as certain modifications are planned for this'street with the devel~ opment of Tract 553, it 'would be appropriate to accept the road into the City's system', at this time. It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Smith .i and unanimously carried, that the City Council accept on behalf of the public, the off~r of dedication of Gularte Road, thus adopting Gularte Road into the City's road system.' ,(\ q I ~ I, ,l REV I EW :OF GRAD I NG PLAN, 'TRACT 689, OAK PARK V I LLAS ' , 'I Engineer Karp reviewed the final grading plan on Tract'689, Oak Park Villas, for I, the Council's information. This plan has been reviewed and approved by'the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission, with the conditions to include con-,' touring for relief, parking to be off of Robin Circle and the provision of 15 trees toj the Park. I ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS ON TRACT 674 (ONEAL) Engineer Karp reviewed the location of Tract 674, The Coastal Oaks, which fronts on James Way and Equestrian Way. The improvements on the tract are nearly completed, ex-il cept for the hookup to Cable television; the energy for this hookup will not be avarJabJe until June. Staff was requesting 'acceptance of the improvements for Tract 674, subject to the condition that the buyers sign and provide to the Building'Official, prior to :f , ~cc~pancy,a statement that the buyer is aware the cable television antenna is not hooked up yet and that the installation of the system'is the responsibility of the Cable tele- vision service and the 'developer. 'On the motion of'CoLinci 1 Meniber Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, the Council accepted the final im- ,I provements on Tract 674, with the condition that prior to occupancy the buyer sign a Ii statement acknowledging that he is aware the antenna system is not hooked up, that such hookup is the responsibi1 ity of 'the 'developer and'Cable Television; and submit this 'I statement to the Building Official, I r ,l , '- AUTHORIZE PROGRESS PAYMENT TO BOUZARD CONSTRUCTION ON STROTHER PARK IMPROVEMENTS Engineer Karp explained the City was being requested to approve the first progres~ payment to Bouzard Construction for the Strother Community Park Improvements currentlyil underway. ',He then reviewed',the work :involved in the project and the amount to be paid~, I t was moved by Counc i 1 Member de Leon, seconded by Counc i 1 Member Ga 11 agher and unan i- mously carried, that the Council approve the paying of the first progress payment to ,I Bouzard Construction for the Strother Community Park Improvements, in the amount of Ii $35,109.45, (Value of Work = $39,010.50, less 10% Retention = $35,109.45). ALLOW USE OF SEPT I C TANK SERV I CE AT 1097 FARROLL AVENUE (MADV I G) :i Administrator Butch presented a letter from Mr, & Mrs. Anderson, Pacific Palisade~, requesting that the house at 1097 Farroll Avenue, owned by Mr. Madvig, be al.lowed to re- main on septic service, rather than requiring that it be hooked up to the sewer system!1 It was explained that Mr. Madvig, who is an inva1 id, wishes to remain in this house fo~! his lifetime, and that the cost for hooking into the sewer system is prohibitive at thi,'s time. The septic system would be repaired to current standards. On the motion of Coun- cil Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and unanimously carried, the ,i Council authorized the waiving of the hookup to the sewer system during Mr. Madvig's ii lifetime at 1097 Farroll Avenue and approved the repair of the septic tank system. APPROVE CALLING FOR BIDS ON OVERLAY PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH BAKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ON PAVING OF CORNWALL AVENUE Engineer Karp explained the Council was being asked to approve the calling for bids on a street overlay project involving 3000 tons of asphalt for overlaying various streets within the City. The Council was asked to approve and authorize a Contract I Change Order with Baker Construction which would delete Baker's paving of Cornwall Avec' nue after the new sewer installation. This work, and the funds the contractor would credit to the City, would be credited to the proposed overlay project. On the motion i of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, the Counci 1 authorized the call ing for bids on the Overlay Project for various streets i' within the City and authorized Contract Change Order No. 1 with Baker Construction on deletion of the paving of Cornwall Avenue. REQUEST EXTENSION FROM COG ON HOUSING ALLOCATION PLAN REVIEW Planner Sullivan explained a letter had been received from the Council Area of ~overnments, on a hearing to be held on the Housing Allocation Plan on May 3, 1979. It , 170 C!TY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 24, 1979 PAGE 6 was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried that staff be directed to write a letter to COG asking for a continuation on the Fair Share Housing Allocation Plan hearing, to allow time for the City Council to review the Plan before COG votes on it. REQUEST REPRESENTATIVES FROM NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION COME TO COUNCIL MEETING TO ANSWER QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS FROM LOCAL CITIZENS Upon question from the audience on the safety of nuclear power and a request that the Council go on record opposing the licensing of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Council Member Gallagher requested that the representatives from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission be asked to come before the Council to 'answer the questions and concerns about nuclear power. QUESTION ON PROGRESS RE. STUDY OF ORDINANCE CONTROLLING PORNOGRAPHIC FILMS Mr. Jim Fortson, 139 Rosewood (Up With Families), requested an update on the study of the ordinance submitted to the Council for control 1 ing the showing of pornographic films in local theaters. Attorney Shipsey stated he will be meeting with the League people studying this matter within the next couple of weeks 'and will have a report to the Council soon. u QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL ON STREET SWEEPING, PAVING AND PARKING ON SIERRA DRIVE Council Member Pope questioned the schedule used on the City's street sweeping ser- vice. Staff replied that streets are swept every two weeks; the schedule for the sweeping is at the Corporate Yard and available for anyone interested. Council Member 'Pope also suggested the use of a 'concrete cap, covered by asphalt in cases where newly paved streets must be trenched to put in new underground facilities, 'to help preserve the new paving. Council Member Smith reported on parking occurring on Sierra Drive. It was requested that anyone reporting parking on Sierra Drive be referred to the City Engineer or the Parking 'and Traffic Commission. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Council, it was 'moved by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, to adjourn at 10:30 P.M. ATTEST: .... $~d~... u