Minutes 1979-05-08 CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 8, 7:30 II 171 " 1979 p.Mll II I: The,City Council met roll call Council Members ported present. in regular session with M~yor Mark Millis presiding. Upon Matt Gallagher, Gabe de Leon, Hugh Pope and B'Ann Smith,re-, APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by unanimously carried, mi tted. Council Member Smith, seconded to approve the minutes fo, the by Counc i 1 meetin9. qf Member de April 24, Leon and 1979, as Ii I' i: il Ii , 'I !, ,.' sub-Ii ii !I r APPROVAL OF WARRANTS " On the motion of Counci 1 Member Gallagher, seconded by Counci 1 Member de Leon and I! unanimously carried, Demand WarrantS No. 10671 to 10739 and P639 to P659, in'the amount]! of $245,734.30 and Payroll Warrants No. ,13913 to 14016, in the amount of $69,131.29, I! for a Grand Total of $314,865.59, were approveq as submitted and,ordered paid. :! I! " APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS, " . . Ii On the mot i on of Counci 1 Member Ga 11 agher, seconded by Cou~ci 1 Member de Leon and II unanimously carried, the following Consent' Agenda Items were' approved ~s recommended bY!,I, City Administrator Butch: .,'f,) A-I. Letter of Appreciat ion f,om the Board of Trustees of Centr~l Coast demy, Re. Coastal Commission Boundaries. R~tOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. :: Chri st i an Aca- 'I Ii II A-2. Letter of Encouragement to Keep up the Good Work from the Bethel Baptist Church o~ Grover City., RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND ~ILE. ,: A-3. Letter of Request for St. Jud~'s Bike-A-Thon, Partially Within the City, on May 20, 1979, from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND NOTIFY POLICE AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS. . ill . I A-4.' Receipt of Notice that Police"Officer Steve Andr~ws Graduated from"Allan Hancock il College, Basic Police Academy as President of his Class, Valedictqrian and Number One II Officer with the Highest Grade Point Average of 95.6%. RECOMMEND THAT OFFICER BE CON-I, GRATULATED AND THAT A COpy BE PLACED IN HIS FILE. A-9. Request Mayor Proclaim the Week of May 20 - 26,' 1979, as "Natio~al'Publ ic Works' Week." RECOMMEND MAYOR,SO PROCLAIM. I'I.' of Congratulation to Investigator John Tooley from Wi 11 iams Bros. Market, .'.1 Arrest. RECOMMEND"THAT OFFICER BE COMMENDED AND THAT A COPY BE'PLACED IN II II A-6. Letter Noting the Demonstrated Achievement of Sergeant Dan Wulfing at a supervisorll:y Tra i n i ng Course. RECOMMEND. THAT OFF I CER BE COMMENDEQ AND A COPY BE PLACED IN HIS FILE .11 A-7. Request Mayor Proclaim the Week of May 13,to 19, 1979, as "Municipal Clerk's Week.::" RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. Ii II ., RECOMMEND MAYOR ;1 I' ,I " II if Ii II Poll u1i ..I I' " , :1 Meetj: II " A-5. Letter Re. Forgery HIS FILE. A-8. Request Mayor Proclaim the Month of Mayas "Older American Month." SOPROCLAIM. A-10. Receipt of Quarterly Reports tion Control District. RECOMMEND No. 3~and 4 from County of San Luis,Obispo Air RECEIVE AND FILE. r / A-ll. Notice of CANCELLED League' of California Cities' Channel Counties' Division ing. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. II FIRST READ I NG OF ORD I NANCE REZON I NGll22 & 1160 EL CAM I NO REAL FROM "A" TO "P-D" i' Administrator Butch reviewed for the Counci 1 the Ordinance rezoning 1122 and 1160 II El Camino Real from "A" Agricultural District to "P-D" Planned Development, noting it Ii had been reviewed and received its first reading at, the Council's last. regular meeting II of April 24, 1979. He explained the development requirements had been incorporated in:1 the ord i nance as reques ted by the Counc iI, and the ord i nance was ready for the' second Ii reading. II " !! City Engineer Karp gave an oral report <;>n the 50-foot easement across the.parcel, Ii expl a i ni ng a difference of op i n i on ex is ted between Gifford and Fagan, owners of the Ii parcels, and ,the Rancho Gra.nde developers. Both Mr. Fagan and Mr. Gifford feel there is, o' I a recorded easement on this property; the Rancho Grande developers, Ottse and Mr. Ron Ii Bennett,. feel this road is only to be used by,Mr'. Bennett and.any successive owners of!1 the property. it :, I! 172 CITY COUNC I L ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY B, 1979 PAGE 2 There'was discussion on the possible solutions to this problem, such.as making the dedication of this road a condition of the ordinance or deeding the property to the City. It was felt the conveyance of the property to the City had to occur to insure the orderly development of this roadway and the Rancho Grande development. E~gineer Karp recommended making the applicant aware that this conveyance is necessary, and requesting that this property be deeded over to the City, prior to the adoption of. the rezoning. ordinance. He explained that the only requirements at this time is the 50' easement, even though the General Plan calls for a 56' easement. MR. PATRICK GIFFORD, Montecito, owner of the property, spoke to the Council expres- sing his desire.to see the Rancho Grande development proceed. He asked, .however, that the City only require a 50' dedication at this time, in order that they might retain the additional ~i~-feet until agreement can be made with Rancho Grande on the nature of the development. Once this is done, the additional six feet would be dedicated to the City. He wishes to retain the six feet, at this time, for bargaining purposes. Engineer Karp ~ agreed with this, noting 56 feet would only be~needed if the road was developed, which would only occur if the Gifford and Fagan property was developed, at which time the City would receive the six feet as part of the requirement for the development. There'was general discussion. Council then directed that the City approve the 50' easement at this time--this easement to be granted to the City at the next regular Counc i 1 meet,i ng of May 22, 1979. Staff was directed to see these deeds were before the Council at their next regular meeting. After this discussion, a change was also noted in Item 10, of Section 6 of the ordinance, noting that sidewalks will be required. This change in the ordinance neces- sitated repeating the first.reading of the ordinance. Administrator Butch then gave the first reading to the ordinance rezoning 1122 and 1160 E1 Camino Real from "A" Agricul-';:lf.t" tura1 District to "P-D" Planned Development. It was moved by Counci 1 Member Gallagher, .., seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously.carried, to.dispense with further read-)'::' i ng of the ordi-;'~C:";.-. I twas confi rmed that the 50-foot easement wi 11 be deeded over t6' . the City before the ordinance receives its second reading. REZONING CASE NOS. 79-124 & 79-126, CANYON WAY, JAMES WAY, PORTIONS OF TALLY HO ROAD FROM RAB3 TO RAB2. Administrator Butch explained an ordinance had been prepared for the rezoning of' Canyon Way, James Way and portions of Tally Ho Road, (Rezoning Case Nos. 79-124 and 79-126), however drainage and improvement requirements had not been placed in the ordinance. The City's attorney felt these requirements were already in the Municipal Code and were not needed in the rezoning ordinance. The Council explained these requirements should be in the ordinance as definite law for this rezoning. Staff was directed to prepare this ordinance, with the.development, requirements for curbs, .gutters, drainage, etc., and have it before the Council at the next regular meeting. " REVIEW OF LATEST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES BULLETINS Administrator Butch reviewed the latest League Bulletins received by the City, noting the proposal to exchange school and city funding, by switching sales tax'and property tax funds, has been withdrawn. Administrator Butch also explained there is a proposal before the Legislature to give the benefit of building assessments to the areas where the building occurs. Currently before the Legislature is a proposal to establish a State Appeal Board for low and moderate cost housing projects. Under this proposal if a developer.proposing a housing project with 30% low/moderate cost housing'is denied a permit, he could appeal to this State Board who would have the power to grant this permit. It was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member.de Leon and unanimously carried, to.direct the City Administrator to write a letter to the Legislature strongly.opposJng this pro- posal, as the County and cities already have the necessary boards to properly define and act upon these projects, without adding another layer of legislation mandating what will be done. ~ SETTING OF PUBLI~ HEARING ON PROPOSED USES FOR REVENUE SHARING FUNDS .After br.ief discussion, the public hearing on proposed uses for Revenue Sharing Funds was set for June 12, 1979, at B:OO.P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Arroyo Grande City Hall, 214 E, Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. PUBLIC HEARING TO ABANDON A PORTION OF B~IGHTON AVENUE Administrator Butch explained this public hearing was to consider the abandonment of a portion of Brighton Avenue. Planning. Director Castro then reviewed the property involved in the proposed abandonment, noting it consisted of the southerly 20 feet of Brighton Ave- nue between Oak. Park Boulevard and the Arroyo Grande City limits. At this time there is a 100 foot right of way on this portion of Brighton Avenue, where only a 60 foot right of way is required. In the interest of making this street uniform with other City streets, the Subdivison Review Board recommended that the City' abandon 20 feet on the south side of 1 ''': .....'"") :i ( .J II CITY COUNCIL MAY 8, 19'79 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGEp B~ighton A~enue; at, a later date an ad?iti~nal 20 feet can be abandone? on the,north "!i side of Brighton Avenue, once Grover City Is're~dy,to develop that portion of the street. Once abandoned, th is 20 feet w, ill revert back to the, property owner, a 1 though pub Ii c ',I utility easements will be retained on this portion of the street~ After this review : . " Mayor Mill is opened the hea ring to pub I i c comment. " ' I MRS. ELIZABETH Jjl,CKSON, 208 Fairview Drive, questioned'staff on ~otices they had :1,>' rece.Ived from the Planning Department; she,felt these notices di9 not adequately reflect the action to be considered.by the Council at this time., Staff explained the notices 'I received pertained to a public hearing, being held by the Planning Commission on May l~, 1979, to bring the zoning into conformance with the General Plan, and had nothing to d~ wi th this proposed abandonment.' MR. LLOYD QUALLS, 167~ Brighton, asked if curb grades could now be obtained for hils , property. Engineer Karp explained curb grades would now be' available to Mr. Quail's i property. r Upon question, Planner Sullivan explained the necessary right of way to connect Brighton Avenue to Courtland is within the City limits of Grover City,and will be developed'at Grover's discretion., ' There being no further comment; the hearing was closed'to audience participation ',! , and Council discussion ensued. The CouncIl had no objection to the proposed abandonment of Brighton Avenue, as it would help achieve uniform road widths in the City. Attorne~, Shipsey then read the title of the resolution to abandon a portion qf Brighton Avenue.~}, It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by'Council Member Gallagher and unani~ mously carried, to dispense with further reading of the resolution. 'I ~ESOLUT I ON NO. 13~9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL,OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING THE jl,BANDONMENT OF'A PORTION OF' BRIGHTON AVENUE, IN , THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA (ST~EETS & HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 8323, ET.'SEQ.) On the motion of Council Member de leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members.Gallagher, de Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayqr Millis. . tjone. None. 'I :! I. I the foregoing Resolution was passed and'adopted this 8th day of May, 1979. r LETTER FROM MARIE CATTOIR & HUGH PLATT RE. NUCLEAR SAFETY I Administrator Butch rea9 two letters ,from Marie Cattoir and Hugh Platt, requesting 'the Council take action urging the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to insure that 1 considerable investigation is made to.guard against nuclear co~tamination of any kind, , prior to the licensing of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Administrator Butch' then reviewed for the Counci I a proposed resolution requesting the Nuclear Regulatory 'I Commission to defer final action on the licensing of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power :1 Plant until a determination of the safety systems has been made. Considerable discussi6n ensued between the Council as to the wo~ding in the resolution and the inclusion of the' concerns with storage and transport of'nuclear material. It was the consensus of the :II Council that.the NRC was concerned with the operation of the plant.and was not dealing, with the storage or disposal of nuclear waste material.. Discussion continued between 'i Counci 1 and audience on this resolution and the subject of nuclear safety. Upon requeslt from the audience, and on the direction of the Council, Administrator Butch then read I the entire resolution, with proposed changes, to the audience, Council agreed with the revised wording of the resolution. RESOLUT I ON NO. 1360 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION TO DEFER FINAL ACTION ON THE OPERATING LICENSE FOR THE DIABLO.CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNTIL DETERMINATION OF SAFETY SYSTEMS HAS BEEN MAOE. ,..,1 ii On the motion of Counci i Member Pope; seconded by Counci I Member de Leon, and on the 'i' fo II ow i ng ro 11 ca 11 vote,' to wit: ,I AYES: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Millis. :1 NOES: None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 8th day of May, 1979. 174 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 761, RANCHO GRANDE Planning Director Castro reviewed various.exhibits presented on Tentative Tract No. 761, Rancho Grande. He reviewed the alignment of the collector system, beginning with Frontage Road.and eventually connecting with James Way, the type of development that.could occur in this area, the slope arrangements and some of the improvements that will .be.made in the portion of the tract next to the Parochial School. He explained that the change in the street design will necessitate more grading than previously planned. After this re- view, the Council decided to consider each item of improvement as.listed in the memorandum from the Subdivision Review Board to.the.Planning Commission, dated.April 11, 1979. The Council then reviewed each item individually, with both Council and audience comment.being hea rd. MAY 8, 1979 PAGE 4 There was considerable discussion between staff, Council and audience on the require- ments of the Planning Department. After discussion, the following amendments were made to the Planning Department requirements: Items A-2 and A-3: deleted from the list of requirements, as they can be handled'through regular tract map approval. u Item A-4: The Council requested that the buffer planting be.created with open trees, rather than the dense pines noted in the exhibit for this development. The open trees could still create a buffer without blocking the view. Item A-7: Held over for.further review by.the City's Attorney. Item B-6: The words "if required." were added to the end of this item. The Council then discussed the Public Works Department's tentative map requirements. There was considerable discussion on Public Works Item A-3, dealing with the installation of temporary vs. permanent improvements on the roadway in the commercial lots. Mr. Stan Abbott, Attorney for the applicant, spoke to the Council, stating the only item before the Council was the approval of the residential tract map; consequently, improvements to the roadway which serves the commercial area should not be considered at this time, as the commercial development was not in conjunction with the residential development. Staff felt improvements to these roadways were necessary as the residential development wa, necessitating improved roads to serve the development. These improvements were to be label.edtemporary because it could not be guaranteed the roadway would not have to be changed once the commercial development plan' is approved. After this discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that decision on this item be deferred until the Council has had an'opportunity to further review and study the requirement. Brief review contin- ued on items under the Public Works Section. Because this item was exceeding the time limits for the Council meeting, it was the consensus of the Council that this matter be continued to an adjourned meeting for the consideration of the remaining requirements. It was moved by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member de Leon, and unani- mously carried, that the Council tentatively approve dev~topment requirements labeljd Planning Department A-I through C-5, as listed in the Subdivision Review Board's Memoran- dum to the Planning Commission dated April 11, 1979, with the exception of Item Ac7, which is to be reviewed by the City Attorney before a decision is made, arid with the following amendments: . PLANNING DEPARTMENT A-2 and A-3: To' be' deleted from the.list of requirements. u A-4: The buffer planting be created with open trees rather than the dense pines noted in the exhibit for this development, as open trees could still create a buffer without.block- the view. B-6: To read "The Pedestrian Parkway design shall show appropriate P.U.E. to Publ ic Works Department and' Planning Department and utility company approval, if required." The date for the adjourned meeting to consider the remaining requirements on this tract will be set at the end of the Council meeting. i$~ CITY POL I CY RE. RE I MBURSEMENT AGREEMENTS FOR OFF -S ITE IMPROVEMENTS Administrator Butch presented a memorandum from Planning Commissioner .Ron Harris, requesting the Council adopt a policy of reimbursing costs to a subdivider when the sub- divider is required to install improvements which will also benefit property which is not within his subdivision. Engineer Karp explained the City is already doing this, in con- formance with the Map Act--it has been done with water, drainage and street improvements. CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ,I , ~5 'II -/ .., I ii 8; 1979 PAGE 5 MAY REPORT 'ON S.L:O. COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS' MEETING, MAY'3; '1979 Council Member Gallagher gave an oral report on the San Luis Obispo'Council of ' Governments' meeting on May 3, 1979. He noted the Housing Allocation Plan was discus- sed, however; the Council of Governments did not pass the housing element. The meeting was adjourned to May 17, 1979, to continue the discussion in regards to the'low income' housing: COG also recedved publ ic input on meeting commitments for providing transpor-j tation (public) for the handicapped and will act on it at a later date. Also, 'Council Member Gallagher was elected Chairman to the COG Council. .~ DISCUSSION ON COG HEARING RE; HOUSING NEEDS ALLOCATION 'PLAN c Planning Director Castro reviewed the new percentage figures in the Housing Needs:!' Allocation Plan, which had been set for the cities; these figures'had decreased, but the cities st.i 11 cannot accomodate these goals. These percentages are the product of " the State's formula, and this formula is more applicable to metropolitan areas than to' rural areas. He explained COG was considering developing and proceeding 'with a plan that recognizes the objectives of each city, as an alternative to fighting the State's, figures. Counci 1 Member Smith stated, and Counci 1 Member Pope supported, her objection to " the attemp~s by the State to try and regulate the housing figures for the City: She felt the City should take a stand objecting to the-State 'mandating housing allocation, through a resolution, and that it be sent to,the other'cities in the State and the League of California 'Cities; ---;-" Planner 'Sullivan expliined the State could, through court order, stop any rezonirig: and building in the Cit~ for failure to comply with the State's program. Council Mem~, ber Gallagher suggested prepafing a housing allocation plan that is acce~table to the l' City, and sending it, with a letter of objection to the State's mandated program, to I the State and to other cities in Cal ifornia. It was moved by Counci 1 Member Smith, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, that the City of Arroyo Grande write a resolution opposing the State mandated housing allocation plan in partie cular, and all State-mandated programs in general, and that the resolution be sent tol all cities in the State of Califorriia and the'League of California cities. RESIGNATION OF DON WHITTEMORE FROM PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Administrator Butch explained a letter of resignation had been received from Don Whittemore, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission; stating a new part-time job necessitated his resignation from the'Commission. It was moved by CounCil Member Smith, seconded by Council Member de Leon, and unanimously carried, that the Counci 1 accept with regret the resig~ation of Don Whittemore from 'the Parks and Recreation Com"' mission, and that a letter of thanks and a plaque of appreciation ,be sent to Mr. Whitte- more for his years of service to the City. Mayor Mi 11 is informed the CounCi 1 of his intention to 'nominate Randy Smith of Arroyo Grande to fill this 'vacancy,at the next Council 'meeting. RECEIPT OF '$153.09 FROM CAMPFIRE GI'RLS' FOR TREES AND PLANTS - STROTHER PARK Administrator Butch explained 'the City had 'received a check from the Campfire Girls~ in the amount of $153.09, to be used for trees 'and plants for Strother Park. It, was moved by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously, carried, that a letter be written to the Campfire Girls,ln appreciation of their donatibn n REFER COMMUNITY BUILDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE'CITY'AND THE ARROYO GRANDE WOMAN'S CLUB' TO THE COMMUNITY BUILDING COMMITTEE FOR'THEIR STUDY AND REVIEW Administrator Butch explained the Council had copies of the Agreement between the" City of Arroyo Grande and the Arroyo Grande Woman's 'Club. It was moved by Council Mem';'1 ber Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and 'unanimously carried; to refer thi~ . , . agreement to the Community Building Committee'for their revi'ew and 'study, ~rior to the';' expenditure of any capital funds'on this project. The Committee is to repor.t,bj'lck'~(o,',;: the Council on theif findings. " " ' , REQUEST STUDY SESS I ON ON BUS I NESS I NDUSTR I AL PARKS CONCEPT - HELD OVER" At the request of staff, this item was held over unti 1 more information is avai"lab:le. _i' PROGRESS REPORTS: FIRE STATION; COMMUNITY BUILDING; STROTHER PARK; ELM STREET SPORTS COMPLEX; NEW WATER SYSTEM AND RESERVOIR Fire Station Relocation: Administrator Butch explained Mrs. Keesaman'had contacted her appfaiser, however she does not wish to s~end ariy money on the appraisal 'unless the, Ci ty is wi 11 i'ng to purchase the property. Mayor Mi 11 is suggested that the Counci 1 meet' with the 'Volunteer Fire Department to insure that the best 'possible site is chosen for I relocation 'of the Fi're Station; After brief discussion, it 'was moved by Counci 1 Member, de Leon and seconded by Counci I Member Smith that the' CounCi,1 wi 11 hold a regular ad- i journed meeting with the Fire Department personnel on Tuesday, May 15, 1979, at 7:00 P.M. at the Fire Station; on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Gallagher:, Ii I 176 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 8, 1979 PAGE 6 de Leon, Pope, Smith and Mayor Millis; NOES: None; ABSENT: None; the foregoing motion was unanimously carried. Community Building Expansion: Administrator Butch presented 'the preliminary plans on the Community Building. COUNCIL MEMBER GALLAGHER LEFT AND IS NOW ABSENT. Strother Community Park: City Engineer Karp explained that staff was requesting an extension of time on the construction of Strother Park as portions of the park were not drying out as quickly as anticipated; he requested the extension be given 'to the next Council meeting. It was moved by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, that an extension of time be granted, on the construction of Strother Park, until the next Council meeting of May 22, 1979. Engineer Karp also exp.l a i ned a change order wou 1 d be requested at the next meet i ng add i ng the pi ayg round equipment sidewalks. Elm Street Sports Complex: Administrator Butch explained the Roberti-Z'bert Grant for the Sports Complex has cleared the State's Clearinghouse and in a short period of time the City'should receive the money. u Water ,System and Reservoi r: Engineer Karp stated a ~1ight"had ;~een, ordered to survey the'Community Building site and for',an;aerial,'survey:of the reservoir 'site 'south of town and the transmission line alignment. Once revi'ewed,.a'final'reservok site'can,',be chosen. It was moved by Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and unani- mously carried, that the Council authoriie the staff to add a maximum $19,500 to the con- tract, and to bring this document to the Council for execution at the next meeting. REV I EW DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR APR IL, 1979 Administrator Butch briefly presented the Departmental Reports for 'April, 1979. POPULATION REPORT AS OF JANUARY 1, 1979 - 10,350 Administrator Butch explained the Department of Finance Census Report showed 'a '1.3% increase in the City's population since January 1, 1978. The population as of January 1, 1979, was 10,350. REPORT ON WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 2, 1979 City Engineer Karp gave an oral report on the County Water Resources Advi.sory Commit- tee meeting of May 2, 1979, noting the County still wants the cities to'respond to the' matter of supplemental water. It was explained the City would not respond until 'more in- formation was available. There was also discussion on ~Iacimiento water. APPROVE SLOPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT TO MILTON HAYES, TRACT NO. 538 City Engineer Karp e~p1ained that Mr: Milton Hayes was requestin~ the City grant him a slope maintenance easement for property adjacent to 477 Platino Lane, for the protection of Mr. Hayes' property 'and this drainage easement; staff had no objection to this proposal. I t was moved by Counc i 1 Member Pope, seconded by Counc i 1 Member Sm i th and ,unan i mous 1 y carried, that the Council direct the 'Public Works Department to prepare the appropriate documents for granting the slope maintenance easement to Milton F. Hayes, on the drainage easement next to 477 Platino Lane, on the conditions that (1) the City 'shall reserve the right to access over; under and through the property; (2) that landscaping and construction (including fencing) within the easement must be subject to review and approval by the Plan- ning Director and the Public Works Director; and (3) that the City should have the right, without the obligation, to remove any and all improvements. ACCEPTANCE OF RYZNER DEEDS - CROWN HILL AND LE POINT TERRACE Engineer Karp reviewed the 'location of 'the proposed easements on Le Point Terrace and Crown Hi 11, which provides a turn-around for publ ic use and property to under'He curb', gutter and paving improvements along the Crown H rn, frontage. rt was moved by Counci 1 Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Pope and unanimously carried that the Council approve the acceptance of the Ryzner Deeds for easements on Crown H,i'11" and Le Point Ter~;r/ce. .",~' ' u ACCEPTANCE OF WESTERN ADDITION WATER AND SEWER LINE INSTALLATION - BAKER Engineer Karp reviewed the final cost breakdown of the Western Addition Water and Sewer Line Installation, Project No. 60-78-1. The final cost of the project was $51,105.00 (original contract less one change order).' He recommended the City Council accept the pro- ject, authorize payment of funds and file with the recorder the notice of completion of project. I t was moved by Counci 1 Member Pope, seconded 'by Counci I Member Smith and unani- mously carried, that the Council accept on behalf of the public, the Western Addition Water and Sewer Line Installation Project No. 60-]8-1; that staff be authorized to dispersefunds due under Progress Payment No.3, in'the' amount':of',$2',280;83" that-the notice of completion be filed with the 'County Recorder and that after thirty-five da'ys, if no lien's have been' fi led against the project, the staff release the retention monies withheld and the bonds posted with the project. II i77 _. I I CITY COUNCIL MAY 8, 1979 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 APPROVE APPLICATION FOR DOMESTIC WELL, LOT 4, TRACT NO. 600, GREENWOOD - BEEMAN II Administrator Butcn explained the City received a permit 'for a domestic'water well from Mr. Beeman on Lot 4, Tract No. 600. It was felt the request for the well 'was ac"i! ceptable as it was the intention to create small farms in the Greenwood area. It was II moved by Council Member Pope; seconded by Council Member de Leon and unanimously carried, that the Council approve the request for a domestic well by Mr. Beeman on Lot 4 Tractil 600,of the Greenwood deve lopment. ' Ii ,I ,I I: " " report on the recent traffic count study con- , Ii Ii II !I ii MAY 14, 197.9 'I 7:30 P.M. I' II Mark Mtllis presidirl~. Pope and B'Ann Smit~ , I " REVI EW REQUI REMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 761, RANCHO GRANDE (CONT' D.) II It was explained this adjourned meeting was held to continue 'the Council's consid~r- ation of the requirements of development for. Tentative Tract No. 761,. Rancho Grande, il which was continued from the Counci I' s regular meeting of May 8, 1979. The Counci 1 had~ tentatively approved the Planning Department's requirements for development, with the I exception of Planning Department Item A-7, and with some amendments to these requiremerlts. The Council was now considering the remainder';of the requirements under Public Works De:~ partment. Council, staff, Mr. Stan Abbott, Attorney for the applicant, Mr. Robert Flow~rs, Enginee~ for the.applicant, an~ Mr. Ron' Ben?ett, ~pplicant, '~l~ ~eviewe~ and discussed Ii, the various requirements on this 'tract as listed In the SubdivIsion ReView Board's memoi randum to the Planning Commission dated Apri I '11, 1979. There was considerable discus~:1 sion on various requirements, with some deletion of items, amendments to requirements !i il II II Ii ii REPORT ON RECENT TRAFFIC COUNrSTUDY Engineer Karp briefly reviewed the ducted in the City. r j\ :1 PROGRESS REPORT SOUTH SAN LU I S OB I SPO COUNTY SAN ITAT I ON D I STR I CT' ]1 Administrator Butch explained the Council had copies of the Sanitation District's!! monthly report 'and the Quarterly Revenue and Expenditure Report. Bid opening for in" ,i plant improvements wi 11 be held on May 9, 1979. Ii " PUBLIC HEARING SET FOR APPEAL OF LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 79-310 - WHITE Administrator Butch explained a public hearing had been set for an appeal of'Lot Split Case No. 79-310, lfiled by Mr. Lester Whit~, on May 22, 1979, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. ' ',NOTICE OF UPCOMING VACANCIES ON SEVERAL COMMISSIONS Admini,strator Butch explained several seats on City Commissions will be of June 30, '1979, and the CoLinc i 1 shou 1 d be cons i der i ng appo i ntments to these sions. Vacancies will occur on the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation sion, Parking and Traffic Commission and the Downtown Parking Advisory Board. " I' I I! " " :1 I! I I vacant as II Comm~s- !I 'Comm I s- , PROCLAIM SOIL STEWARDSHIP WEEK MAY 20-27, 1979 Mayor Millis proclaimed May 20 - 27, 1979, as Soil Stewardship Week. 'ORAL COMMUN I CATIONS There was;.general discussion ject of nuclear safety. on the locati'on of.the new reservoir and on the MR. JIM FORTSON, 139 Rosewood, Up With Families, questioned the progress being made on the study of the ordinance prohibiting the showing of X-rated movies at local theaters. Attorney Shipsey explained another copy of the ordinance has been sent to the League Attorney and he will review same for legality. ADJOURNMENT I t was moved 'by Counc i 1 Member de Leon, seconded by Counc i 1 Member Smi th and unanimously carried to adjourn at 11:30 P.M., to 7:30 P.M. on May 14, 1979, at the City Hall Council Chambers for consideration of the development requirements of Tract 761, Rancho Grande. ATTEST: Ca:t~k:~~~~ PUTY C TY CLERK r CITY COUNCIL, ADJOURNED MEETING ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA . The City Council' met in' regular adjourned meeting, with Mayor Upon roll call, Counci 1 Members MattcGidlagher,,'.Gabe de Leon, 'Hugh reported present. ..'\ 'I sub- I, ,! ,i ii ,. :!