Minutes 1979-07-24 210 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 24, 1979 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Hugh Pope, Jr., Matthew P. Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon and B'Ann Smith reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter, Rev. Gorsline, of the United Methodist Church in Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES WITH CORRECTIONS A motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, approving the July 10, 1979 minutes with a correction, and also making a correction to the June 26, 1979 minutes, as follows: On Page 6 of the June 26th meeting, under the heading of "Public Hearing on Land Use-Buena Vill'ta Terrace and Baden Property" - the following is added immediately after Mayor Millis ~" opened the public hearing: "A petition bearing approximately 117 signatures,' and eight letters, had been received prior to the meeting, all opposing a higher density classification for the Baden property, wishing it to be classified for single family dwellings." On Page 6 of the July 10th meeting, under the heading of "Appeal of Planning Commission Decision Re. Lot Split Case #79-303(Poole/Head)" - the motion made after Council discussion should read as follows: "...directing Planning Director Castro to investigate a plan of action to resolve the problem with zoning on the Greenwood property" . APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unani- mously carried, Demand Warrants No. P671 through No. P682, in the total ,amount of $247,420.04, and No. 11159 through No. 11262, in the total amount of $221,448.04; and Payroll Warrants No. 14415 through No. 14522, in the total amount of $50',462.56, were approved and ordered paid. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unani- mously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were approved as recommended by Administrator Butch: A-l. Receipt of Notice of Vacancy on the Tri-County Commission for Senior Citizens Area Agency on Aging. RECOMMEND ANY NOMINEES WILL BE FORWARDED. A-2, Receipt of Monthly Report on Central Coast Cities' Self Insurance Fund, W0rk~rs' Compensation. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-3. Letter of Information from City of Grover City, Re. Emergency Services" Coordinator. RECOMMEND FOR COUNCIL'S REVIEW AND INFORMATION. A-4. Receipt of Part I, Crime and Delinquency ln California 1978, State of California. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND PASS ON TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. ' 'i".;j' A-5. Notice of Quarterly League of California Cities' Channel Counties' Meeting, ,Morro Bay, August 10, 1979, Golden Tee Restaurant, 5:00 P.M. RECOMMEND COUNCIL ADVISE AS TO WHO WILL ATTEND. A-6. Receipt of Monthly Report on Central Coast Self Insurance Fund, Liabiiity Insurance. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. ' , NOTIFICATION, OF ITEMS WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA,: D-5 ~ A-7. Follow-up on City's Resolution, Re. Housing Element Guidelines are Advisory, Channel Counties' Division of the League of California Cities. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. ADOPT RESOLUTION RECLASSIFYING LAND USE MAP - BRISCO/GRAND AVE. - "PM" TO "HS" Pursuant to the'Councilis direction at its last meeting, a resolution has been prepared to 'reclassify, certain properties at Grand and Brisco, from "P-M" to "H_S" on the Land Use Map of the City's General PIano Administrator Butch, read the title of said Resolution, whereafter a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1369 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE AMENDED LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN" n n n n n to,' CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 24, 1979 PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith and on following roll call vote, to wit. AYES. Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis NOES. None ABSBN'l'. None the foregoing As.solution wae passed and adopted this 24th day Qf July, 1979. the ADOPT OlU:lINANCI!l - VARIOUS AMENDMENTs TO ZONING MAP Adminiltrator Butch read the title of an ordinance amending the Zoning ~Ap by relloning vadOUlil areas in the City. A motion was then made by Councilman de Leon, lecOnded by Counoilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to diepenle with reading the'balance of this Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 193 C.S. AN OlU:lINANCB OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING POa'l'IONS OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO G1IANtI.B RBJ'ERRED TO IN SECTION .302 Oll' 'l'ITLE 9, 'CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CI!lR'1'AIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAIIDB. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, secondsd by Counoil Member Smith and on the following roll oall vote, to wit I AYES. Counoil Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor MiIUs N01l:S I None ABSBN'l'. None the foregoJng Ordinance was passed and adopted this 24th day of July, 1979. PROGRESS 'IlBPORr - CONTROL OF MOVIES THROUGH ZONING & USE PERMI'l' M8THODS City Attorney Shipsey reviewed several provisions he has 4rafte4, which would be included in an' ordinance contx'olling not only pornographio lIIOV1ea, but allO lalea of pornographic reading materiale from "adult" book ltore., ~gh ~ning and use permit procedures. Mayor Millis suggested we requ&lt .~e ,Ordinanoes from other Cities utilizing the Zoning method, such as OoYtna, and oompare them all to eltablilh the best possible ordinanoe. SllY2lP.6NCE ADOP'l'INa CUlU'EW FOR MINORS :(N THE CITY - FIRST IU!lADINa Adminiltrator Butoh reviewed an ordinance establishing an l' P... ourf~ for l.ln'~l'B 1n the City, .e recommended by Pollce Chief Clarll. After Counol1 dbou.eion, '.:i'.~ ...ttorney ShipelY re.d, for ite Unt. reading, t.he title of an Ordinancle ~etabliehlng e our few for minore. A motion was then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense reading the balance. r The Counoil ~ea4 a letter' from J.M. McGillis of San Luia Bngineer ,%no., written on behalf of hie client. Gordon Viler, requesting Council cone1deration to serve th.i~ development outeide of the City Limits with suffioient ~ter for fire protection. According to the Developer, thiB condominium complex on 81 Camino Real between Roble. Street and Hillcrest, ie otherwise being developed to City ltan4ar4I in anticipation of the area being annexed in the future. The Counoil had previously authorllla4 domestic water service for the dwellings, subject to Mr. Viler beill9 agreeable to annexation of thiB property to the City. Annexation has been applied for, but is stalled at the County level. Per County and CaUfornia Diviaion of Voreatry requirements for fire protection, Mr. Filer is requesting permieeion to install City ltandard hydrants connected directly to the City's main. The Counoil reviewed a memorandum on the mat.ter from Director of Public Works Andereon, stating that "if this tract was in tho City, the Developer would have been requi~ed to install two fire hydx'ants for fire protection and a 3" water meter to se.r;ve domestic water. As fire protection is not to be eerved by the City, the fire hydrants wore not permitted. The developer then requested perm!ea1on to beve the 3" water meter increased to a 6" meter in order to provide internal fire flows.. 'l'he report also gives cost comparisons between a 3" and 6" meter. Il1tch Walker and Gordon F!ler were present and commented on the metter. Counoil discuased the request and annexation of the "Brisco Hill" area. They encouraged Mr. Piler to write a letter to the Board of Supervisors requesting the annexation application be brought up again. Aftsr Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councirman ds Leon and unanimously carried, allowing installation of fire hydrants on private property (Tract 652 by G. Filer), served through City meters. 212 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 24, 1979 PAGE 3: PUBLIC HEARING - REZONE PROPERTY AT BRISCO/GRAND, "PM" TO "HS" - NOT ADOPTED Planner Sullivan reviewed the property being in the general area of a portion of the north side of the 1100 block of Grand Avenue and a portion of the east side of the 100 block of Brisco Road, proposed for rezoning from Planned Industrial District ("P-M"J to Highway Service District ("H-S"J, to conform the Zoning Map to the Land Use Map, The Council had just reclassified this property from liP_Mil to "H_S" on the Land Use Mapo The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Millis declared it open for public comment, JOHN BAINER, 1148 Grand Avenue, spoke against the rezoning, stating he had also been asked to convey COL. JACOBS' objection to it, He further stated that out of the properties involved, only one owner has not spoken. against this proposed rezoning, Mayor Millis stated" CoL. Jacobs had also called him indicating his objections to the rezoning. There being no further public comment, Mayor Millis declared the hearing closed, The Council discussed the matter with Mr, Bainer, who stated his feeling that the properties have insufficient frontage for "H-S" type businesses. PI"nner Sullivan explained that the Planning Commission had adopted a resolution allowing operation of a key shop in the "H-S" District with a Use Permit, but Mr. Bainer replied that he was not here for that, but rather that he and Col, Jacobs just did not want the rezoning, Mayor Millis stated his feeling that the issue here is apartment house use, which would not be allowed in an "H-S" District, even with a use permit, After further discussion, a moticn was made by Council Member Gallaghet.and seconded by Council Member Smith, directing the preparation of an. ordinance to rezone the subject property from "P-M" to "H-S". Said MOTION FAILED on the following roll call vote: AYES, Council Members Gallagher and Smith, NOES: Council Members Fope, de Leon and Millis. Attorney Shipsey will invest;.gate the proper procedures for the Council to take now, in view of the conflicting actions taken regarding this property. o u PUBLIC HEARING - BLUE CURB ORDINANCE RE. PARKING FOR HANDICAPPED PERBONS 0- The Council reviewed a proposed Ordinance, received from the State Department of Rehabilitation, which provides guidance fer enactment of an ordinance to d~signate exclusive parking spaces fcr the physically handicapped. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Millis declared it 0Jen for public comment, BILL KAPP, 617 Woodland, explained how private property ,. ",F,,'",,; can enforce this ordinance and have unauthorized vehicles towed away fr:om a """ignated "Blue Curb" parking space. DENISE CARUSO, reporter, stated that Grover City just adopted a similar ordinance and private property owners gave the Police Department the power to have unauthorized vehicles towed away. There being no further public comment, Mayor Millis declared the hearing closed, The Council discussed the ordinance at length, being generally concerned with the marking of the parking spaces for the handicapped. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and carried, continuing consideration of this matter to enable staff time to prepare an ordinance for the City that is more specific in where signs for the special parking would be placed, how many signs, etc. FURTHER DISCUSSION - SIGHT DISTANCE ON GARDEN ST. AT BRANCH - RESOLUTION ADOPTION u'~ City Engineer reported he had spoken with property owners on Garden and East Branch regarding the proposed elimination of parking to improve the sight distance for vehicle operators exiting Garden onto Branch. He stated Mr. Gains has no ,: objection, but Mr. Barnes does, stating this would cause a hardship on his renters.. MRS. DOROTHY KEEN, 112 Garden, reviewed the sight distance problem as she has, encountered it. Councilman Pope stated he tested the problem with various sized [J vehicles and feels the problem is Garden Street itself, suggesting a platform be built up to eliminate the steep incline where the street crests on Branch. City Engineer Karp stated it is hoped this could be budgeted next year, After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read the title of a resolution extending a "No Parking" zone on East Branch Street; ther-eafter, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carrieo, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. . 21.3 '! CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 24, 1979 PAGE 4 RESOLUTION NO.. 1170 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXTENDING THE NO PARKING ZONE ON EAST BRANCH ST. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis Council Member Pope None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of July, 1979. n ,,", \ ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT RE.'FIRE PROTECTION The Council reviewed a resolution recommended for adoption by the Fire Chief, authorizing an agreement be entered providing for mutual aid between the City and Department of Forestry/San Luis Obispo County Fire Department. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read the titole of a resolution authorizing execution of a certain agreement, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1371 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY/SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and "n the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of July, 1979. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Rezoning Case No. 79-127, Lot 11 of Tract 604, "Oak Park Acres, to be cc'"'cctl,,,d from "RA" to RAE3" with optional design standards. A public hearing will ,~c for August 14, 1979 at 8 P.M. Mayor Millis indicated some concern in the advertisement for this rezoning, as the whole of Tract 604 has'a "P-D" designation. City Staff indicated the hearing notice would clarify this point. B. Review of previous conditions, Tentative Tract Map No. 824, Lot 11 of Oak Park Acres, will be discussed following the public hearing indicated above (Al. e.. Rezone the Baden property from "R_31i to "R-1", keeping it in low density use as requested by the Council. A public hearing will be set for August 13, 1979 at 8 P.M. I' -' FURTHER DISCUSSION - PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE The Council continued discussion of a proposed Condominium Conversion Ordinance. Councilman Pope stated he could not support the ordinance as written, as it would displace certain people during conversion, and he also objects to the low cost housing mandate. Councilman Gallagher agreed with an additional point made by Councilman Pope, which is that if we are going to have condominiums, they should be built for that in the first place. Councilman de Leon agreed with the above, stating conversions should not be allowed. Councilwoman Smith stated her feeling that the Ordinance is good if we are going to allow conversions, but it is fine with her if we don't want conversions at allo In response to Mayor Millis, Planner Sullivan clarified that condominiums are mentioned in five places in the City's Municipal Code but we have no standards established for condominiums to assure proper construction if apartments should convertc After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, instructing City Staff to corne up with an ordinance setting forth design standards for condominium construction. 214 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 24, 1979 PAGE 5 PROGRESS REPORTS: VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS FIRE STATION SITE: Escrow is closing next week on the Traffic Way location. COMMUNITY BUILDING: Nothing new to report. STROTHER COMMUNITY. PARK: City Engineer Karp recommended approval of a request by J.H. Bouzard Construction Company, for a three week extension of time to complete the items in Change Order No. 2 and a check list of miscellaneous items. As this company is already behind schedule on the original contract, some members of the Council were reluctant. to give 'an additional extension. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher and seconded by Councilman Pope, not. ;to approve the extension and let the Contract stand. Said MOTION FAILED on a three .to two voice vote. A motion was then made by Councilman de Leon and seconded by Councilwoman Smith, granting a two week extension, which motion carried. ELM STREET SPORTS COMPLEX: Soil is being moved out and a proposal being worked on for rough grading for the tennis courts. WATER SYSTEMS: The report from Engineering Science has been received and is being' reviewed by City Staff. A meeting with the property owner will be held tomorrow to discuss opening of escrow, terms, etco ~ REOUEST FOR MEETING TO DISCUSS SANITARY SERVICE RATE CHANGE The Council read a letter from Charles Cattaneo, President of the South' County Sanitary Service, requesting the South County Cities to appoint representatives to a meeting to discuss his company's proposal. for an increase in their rate structure for garbage pick-up services. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, appointing Administrator Butch and Councilman Gallagher as this City's representatives to meet with the other cities as requested above" RECEIPT OF LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES The Council received, reviewed and ordered f11.ed, tne ~atest Legislative Bulletins from the League ot California Cities. RECONFIRM POSITION RE. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY SCHOOL PROPOSED ON OAK PARK BLVD. The Coun011 reviewed a letter from the County Planning Department,. requesting input from the City regarding services to and concerns about the proposed Central Coast Christian Academy construction on the north side of Oak Park Boulevard. Administrator Butch pointed out that this area has been determined to be within the SF;.""e of Influence of Pismo Beach. On April 13, 1978, the Council had approved secving the school with water and sewer. LOU CABALLERO, Rt 2, Arroyo Grande, ~tated ., '.1,.0. County Planning Commission will be considering the project on Thursday. Co.. :;cated that they would be conditioning their approval on the provision that'sewer, water, police and fire protection be prcvided the school by one of the neighboring cH:ies. He reiterated the school's desire to annex to the City of Arroyo Grande. Mayor Millis encouraged him to talk to his County Supervisor regarding this require- ment for services from neighboring citiesc After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher and seconded by Councilman de Leon, directing that a letter be written to the LocaL Agency Formation Commission, with sopies to the County Board of Supervisors and County Planning Department, that we favor annexation of this property, for school purposes only, into the City and if this is looked upon favorably, then the City would provide the services required, and if not, the City will only provide sewer U and water service, as previously committed, Said motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES, Council Members Gall.aghEr, de Leon and Mayor Millis; NOES: Council Memberc Pope and Smith. REPORT - RECENT ZONE .3 ADVISORY MEETING Council Member de Leon stated he had been unable to attend the recent Zone 3 Advisory meetingj but he rev1ewed some Lopez usage figures, stating that Arroyo Grande had only 424 acre feet of water left in its last fiscal year's allotment of :,290 acre feet, Some agencies of Zone 3 were overdrawn. PROGRESS REPORT - CANYON WAY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT City Engineer Karp repcrted on the meeting held with residents involved in the Canyon Way Assessment: District" The preliminary spread of costs .had been discussed and residents had requested for a readjustment to include drainage improvements, In regard to the grant application, the plans had gone to Cal Trans, who in turn transmitted t,hem to the Federal Government for review 0 ,01 ~ :L:~v 'I I CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JULY 24, 1979 : PAGE 6 REOUEST FOR TENTATIVE SUBSCRIPTION FOR NACIMIENTO WATER--HELD OFF FOR PRESENTATION The Council reviewed a letter,~rom the County Engineering Department, requesting the City's tentative. subscription for water from the Nacimiento Project. Administrator Butch suggested, and ~he Council agreed, to hold this' item over until August 28th for a presentation regarding cost comparisons by Clint Milne. n . . ADOPT CITY STANDARDS & DETAILS FOR CONSTRUCTION' . Administrator 'reviewed that the City Engineer and Director of PUblic Works have prepared a computation of City s~andards and details for construction, and recommended they be adopted by resolution. City AttorneY'Shipsey then read the title of a resolution adopting said standards. Thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by, Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading, the balance of this resolution. . RESOLUTION NO. 1372 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by'Council Member Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit, AYES, NOES, ABSENT, Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of July, 1979. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS IN TRACT 675 (FOREMASTER) - HELD OVER This item was held over until a future time, as indicated at the beginning of this meeting. ~C;CjilrwC~ OF CITY PROJECTS, STROTHER PARK & HALCYON/FAIR OAKS PAVING - HELD OVER City Engineer Karp requested that acceptance of the above-named projects be held'over. RECEl~T OF PLEDGE FROM CHAMBER RE~ EMBLEM CONTEST & RESCIND CITY'S MONETARY PRIZE The Council read a letter from the A.G. Chamber of Commerce, stating that it.s S~ard of Directors had voted to give the Council a $100 Savings Bond for V:'i)~"l" tat ion to the winner of the City's Logo art contest. Furthermore, three of ~\;~ oirectors, John Steffan, Reuben Kvidt and Mary Westfall, had individually pledged to cover the costs for an additional $100 Savings Bond, feeling that a $200 prize would be more incentive to people entering the contest. The Council indicated its gratitude to the Chamber, directing a letter of thanks be sent to them. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, nullifying the previous Council action approving the purchase of a $50 Savings Bond for the contest winner, but directing that an appropriate plaque be prepared and presented to the winner from the City. I' APPOINTMENT OF CITY EMBLEM CONTEST SCREENING COMMITTEE Mayor Millis announced he has appointed the following to act as the screening committee for entries to the City's emblem contest, Howard Mankinsl Sab Ikeda, Gladys Loomis; Ruth Paulding and Eileen Taylor. RECEIPT OF LETTER OF APOLOGY - LACKEY The Council received and read a letter from William E. Lackey, Sr., apologizing to the Council for his actions at the last Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, the Council adjourned to an Executive Session at 10:03,P.M., to discuss litigation against the City by Dorsi and DeChance in regard to Gularte Rd. RECONVENMENT The Council reconvened at 10,13 P.M. with all members present as shown on roll call , , , \, 218 nr. , '((.:( ~,. " 'J, o " CITY COUNCIL , ARROYO GRANDE,~ CALIF0RNtA' ~' . . j '. ",.; .~ '" .~, . 4~. ~ Ci1;.Y 'AtttprQ6Y ShJ.psey~then"read in dedication for roaaway purpos~s. . :. . '.- . JULY 24, 1979 PAGE 7 " fUllla. resolu~ion accepting an offer o~ . '!'c ~ ~ . .. . .r./ .' RESOLUTI0N NO. 1313:" ~'" ' ~. ';" . 'A"MSOLUTION OF: THE. CITY COUNCIL OF. THE CITY OF ARROYO 'GjlANDE AacEPT:i~G THE OFFER OF DEDICATION FOR ROADWl\Y, ' , , ,PtJl!POSES. .' ':, . ", . On motio,n of councii. l1~mber ,Gall,agher, 'seConded by councii Member de Leon' or\.the following roll caH, vote" to wit: . . .' . . . " ... " , ,. and " , , 'AYES,: NOES:,: ABSENT: Council 'None None Members .pope, Gallagher~ ,de Leon, Smith,and Mayor 'Millis . o the for~going Resolution was passed ana adopted this 24th day of Ju~y, 1979. . 'ADJOURNMENT . . On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the'm~ting adjourned at 10:15, P.M. .. ATTEST:~~ Y.dLf~ , CITy CLERK o