Minutes 1979-10-09 246 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA , OCTOBER .9, 1979 The City Council met in a regular session with Mayor Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Hugh O. Pope, Jr., Matthew P. Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon and B'Ann smith reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter, Councilman Gallagher delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion. of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried the minutes for the .regular adjourned meeting of September 26, 1979 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Gallagher, ~econded by Councilman de Leon, and unanimously carried, Demand Warrants No. 11557 through No. 11669 and No. P731 through No. P744 in the total amount of $162,081.56; and Payroll Warrants No. 15011 through 15134 in the total amount of $50,108.72, were approved and ordered paid. u PRESENTATION OF A RESOLUTION TO ASSEMBLYWOMAN CAROL HALLETT Administrator Butch informed Council that presentation must be postponed: because Mrs. Hallett was recovering from a severe cold. Mrs. Hallett asked for a postponement until the Council meeting of November 13, 1979. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were approved, as recommended by City Administrator Butch. A-I. Receipt of Workers' Experience Report and Liability Experience Report for the Period Ending August 31, 1979. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-2. Receipt of the latest Information on Channel Counties' Division Meetings and Committee Appointments and Minutes. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-3. Request of State and Government High School Students Participate in a of Arroyo Grande on January 8, 1980. Teacher Mark M. Millis, to have his Youth in Government Day with the City RECOMMEND APPROVAL BY COUNCIL. i A-4. Receipt of Tax Rates for San Luis Obispo County for 1979-80. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. RECEIPT OF MONTHLY DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS FOR OCTOBER, 1979. The Council received and reviewed the monthly Departmental Reports for October, 1979. REQUEST OF MR. COLIN CARLBURG, TO MAKE A PRESENTATION ON AN EVACUATION PLAN FOR DIABLO CANYON Administrator Butch notified Council that he had received a letter from Mr. Carlburg stating he was not able to attend this evening's meeting due to previous commitments., u REQUEST OF LOCAL LIBRARY USERS UNITED Re.SUPPORT OF ITEM B-IN NOV. ELECTION Administrator Butch reported that a copy of the Board of Supervisors' Resolution was now available which included actual wording of Item B, as. it will appear on the Nov. 6th ballot. A representative of the Local Library Users United was in the audience to answer any qUestions the Council might have regarding Item B. County librarian Brooks Roddan informed the Council that this money would barely compensate for funds lost from Proposition 13. Mr. Roddan stated that the money would be used for books, maintenance, and staff, not for any new buildings. Councilman Pope stated the measure seemed discriminatory because it exempted mobil homes in parks. Councilman Gallagher and Mayor Millis said they were under the impression the fee was for everyone. Attorney Shipsey was asked to reread the ffie.asure and cl.arify..the question of the charge.. After some"review, Attorney Shipsey informed the Council that the fee was 'to be charged toO eiich dwelling unit. Therefore, in the case of an apartment building" the owner of the building would be assessed $5.00 per unit. Likewise, a mobile, home park owner would be assessed $5.00 per space. The fee does not apply to mobile home sales lots. n r ___ --":::.c.._"_ -I' - ----, " , 21t 7 --jl. ii :! CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 9, 1979.. PAGE 2 After Council discussion a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and carried, with Councilman Pope disssenting, to support the concept of Item B on the Nov. 6th election. PROGRESS REPORTS: VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS FIRE STATION SITE: Administrator Butch reported that thirteen proposals have been received from various architectural firms. He stated that eight firms will be interviewed, and hopefully two or three proposals will be presented to the Council at the next meeting. The committee reviewing the proposals consists of the City Engineer, the Planning Director, Administrator Butch, the Fire Chief, and a member of the fire staff. Councilman Gallagher requested that the committee look at a number of the' newest fire -stations in the area, including the Lompoc "fire station for more ideas. Councilman Gallagher also expressed concern over the fire station being located in a dam safety area,and requested the City Engineer and City Attorney review Senate Bill 896 and Section 8589.5 of the government code relating to dam safety before the Council proceeds with plans for the Fire Station. COMMUNITY BUILDING: Administrator Butch advised that great strides had been made ih',resolving the agreement with the Woman's Club. He stated that on September 27th, 1979 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission an agreement wasnnade on the contract modifications and both the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Woman's Club attorney, Mr. Hilton~agreed to bring the contract to Council for its approval. After much discussion, the Council agreed to meet with Mr. Hilton and Mrs. Yant, President of the Woman's Club on Monday, October 15, 1979 at. 5:30 p.m. to further discuss the matter. Council Members agreed this was best so all parties had ample time to review the modifications. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NO. 79-128, PROPERTIES LOCATED NORTH OF THE EXTENSION OF LE."POINT Planning Director Castro reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation to amend the zoning map by rezoning certain properties located northerly of the extension of Le Point St-reet from "R-I" CsingIe fami:ly residenti"a)l)to lICBDII (Central Business District), as originally requested by Clem and Amanda Lambert. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Millis declared the hearing open for public comment. There being no public comment, Mayor Millis declared the hearing closed. After. Council discussion,. Administrator Butch read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by rezoning certain properties in the City. A motion was then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Coun~ilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, to d~spense with reading the balance of. thissordinance. PRnt':RRc::.c::. RRPnR'T'c::.. VA'RTOIlS r.Trry PRO,TF.C:'T'S (c:oNT'nl STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK:. Administrator Butch stated that the landscaping was now being done. Councilman Gallagher suggested that the restrooms be equipped like the State's because the State restrooms were designed for minimal vandalism potential. Administrator Butch said point was duly noted: SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX: City Engineer Karp reported that the grading on the complex was now 50% completed. Mayor Millis then recognized Parks and Recreation Commissioner Randy Smith from the audience and asked for any comments but Smith said. he had none. WATER SYSTEM:. City Engineer Karp reported that he is scheduled to meet next week with the engineer to discuss the project site. ORDINANCE TO REPEAL CHAPTER 7 OF TITLE 8 Re: WALLS AND FENCES -FIRST READING Administrator Butch reviewed the Building Depart~~ntls recommendation that Chapter 7 of Title 8.of the City Building Ordinance be repealed based on the fact that the ordinance is outdated and the subject ordinance is covered in the Uniform Building Code. 248 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 9, 1979 PAGE 3 Mrs. Libby Jackson spoke from the audience saying she felt there were many abuses of the wall ordinances. Planning Director Castro explained that there had probably been violations in the past but that the City was on top of the problem now. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read, for its first reading, the title of an Ordinance amending the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code by repealing Chapter 7 of Title 8 concerning the regulation of walls and fences. A motion was then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried", to dispense with reading the balance of this Ordinance. RECEIPT OF THE LATEST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS Administrator Butch reviewed a portion of the current League Bulletin, stating that the League has learned of several attempts by the Department of Housing and Community Developmentcto enforce its guidelines as mandatory, in direct violation of the Supplemental Report to the Budget Language, outlined in:: the League's July 27, 1979, Legislative Bulletin. Administrator Butch told the Council that the League's position and the City's position on the matter are the same i.e. that as much local control'as possible should be retained by the City. ~ After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and un animously carried, instructing Administrator Butch to write to all appropriate legislators supporting the League's position and reasserting the City's position. FURTHER DISCUSSION ON THE REVIEW OF A POSSIBLE NEW CITY EMBLEM Administrator Butch reviewed with Council the possibility of improving the existing emblem or changing the emblem altogether. Discussion ensued, with Council Member de Leon stating that he likes the existing emblem but' " feels it should be more colorful. Council Member Smith felt that the current emblem is not indicative of Arroyo Grande and perhaps the current emblem could be modified. Council Member Pope stated it seemed unnecessary to change the emblem and felt the matter should be tabled indefinitely. The Mayor reminded the Council that many staff members and citizens for years have wanted an updated or improved emblem. Mayor Millis 'told Council that Mrs. Lusardi, the contest winner, has generously volunteered to help sketch new ideas for the emblem and bring the sketches to Council. Mrs. Ellen Johnson spoke from the audience saying that enough Council time had been spent on the emblem and further discussion was a waste. After further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and carried, with Councilman Pope dissenting, to appoint, Mrs. Lusardi and Councilwoman Smith as a committee to submit further ideas to Council, perhaps considering or. consolidating all the entries. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 2, 1979 Administrator Butch reviewed a memo from Planning Director Castro stating that a parcel within the group of properties fronting on both Grand Avenue and Brisco Road has a land use zoning of "H-6" but is zoned "P-:-M". Therefore the Planning Commission requested that the Council bring the zoning of the property into conformance with the "H:-S!I District. Mr. Ron Mintz has purchased the property and wishes to develop the proper.ty but cannot do so until"the zoning is brought into conformance. Planning Commissioner Gorsline spoke from the audience saying this matter is quite urgent. City Attorney Shipsey stated that a rezoning action should be intiated by the Planning Commission and a Public Hearing should be held. Councilman Pope felt a Public Hearing. should be held, but that the whole area in question should be rezoned, not just that one parcel, but he reminded Council that the area residents were not previously in favor of rezoning. planning Director Castro agreed that it would be best to do the whole area. After lengthly discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Cou~cilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to request the Planning Commission to consider rezoning the Brisco and Grand Avenue area from '.P:-N"- to IIH-:-S~I to" bring the Land'Use Map'. into conformity with the General Plan. ~ n r 1"------. I ?Lq ..... ; v CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 9, 1979 PAGE 4 RECEIPT OF LETTER OF 'RESIGNATION FROM PLANNER TOM SULLIVAN ~,ADOPT RESOLUTION Administrator Butch read the letter of resignation submitted by Planner Tom Sullivan effective October 3, 1979. Sullivan has accepted the position of City Planner with the City of Grover City. Mayor Millis suggested that a Resolution be prepared commending'Sullivan on his work for the City. Administrator Butch read in full, a Resolution commending Sullivan" RESOLUTION NO. 1379 - A RESOLUTION ,OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF,ARROYO GRANDE COMMENDING TOM SULLIVAN FOR HIS SERVICES TO THE ,CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Council Member de Leon,' seconded-by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis N9il~ None the roregoing Kesolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of October, 1979. REQUEST OF - SUPPORT IMPLEMENTATION OF -THE LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE REFORMS ACT" CALIFORNIA CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION. Administrator_Butch reviewed the report from the California Criminal Justice Planning Directors Association requesting ,support~f its recommendation in Re: Implementation of the Law Enforcement Assistance:"Reform Act. Butch stated that what is needed is an expression by local government to the State and Federal government that local autonomy is desired for the Federal crime control program. Butch felt that if local control was not granted, the funds became diluted -byithe Federal government before ever reaching the local level. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read the title of a resolution encouraging the continued development of regional planning districts. Thereafter, a motion was made by Couricilman Gallagher; seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, -to dispense with reading the balance of- this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1380 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO- GRANDE ENCOURAGING THE CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL PLANNING DISTRICTS. On motion of -Council Member de Leon,_ ,seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis NOES:' None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of October, 1979. CITY ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION ON TRACT NO. 675 (FOREMASTER) AND TRACT NO. 553 (KUDEN) City Engineer Karp reviewed the status on Tract No. 675,csaying the off-site improvements were complete with the exception of a minor sewer problem and requested the improvements be accepted._ Karp stated however, that he had not received the final _written note from the inspector as yet, but had spoken to him on the phone. Councilman Pope voiced concern that all portions of the project were not complete and that written notice had not been received. Jim Durham, 745 parkview, Grover City, Manager for the Foremasterproject, said he felt the inspector was not expedient in inspecting the project and for the sake of time requested the Council to approve the- improvements. In the way of compromise, Mayor Millis suggested the item be added for consideration at the Octobe-r 15, 1979 ,adjourned meeting. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to place the ~tem on the" agenda for the Meeting of M~nday, October 15, 1979 at 5:30 p.m. City Engineer Karp then reviewed the status of Tract No.' 553 (Kuden) stating that the offsite improvements were complete and requesting the Council to accept the improvements. Karp said the inspection had been' completed. 250 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 9, 1979 PAGE 5 After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Pope and unanimously carried, accepting, on behalf of th~ public, the off-site improvements constructed with Tract No. 553, and authorizing the staff to write letters of release for the subdivision and payment of bonds." REPORT ON RECENT COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY CmlMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1979 City Engineer Karp indicated that he had not attended the meeting but had been in contact with Deputy Van ,Loren in regard to the meeting and specifically about the Nacimiento Project. The project should yield 15,135 acre feet. Reques~ for sUbscriptions has been received in the amount of 21,504. The agency has appointed an agency to find a method to prioritize the request. If Bonds are approved in the 1980 election, they will fund the Nacimiento project. In the meantime, because of Proposition 13, the County suggests a zone of benefit be established. RECEIPT OF BIDS ON SECOND PHASE OF THE PATCHING TRUCK CONSTRUCTION City Engineer Karp explained the necessity of additional funds for a patcher that has a built-in heater which enables the operator to store asphalt for a period up to 24 hours without appreciable curing. This item is very necessary because asphalt must be trucked in from Sisquoc. After further discussion, the motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilmari de Leon to approve additional funds for the patching truck. The motion was unanimously 'carried. ~ RECEIPT OF NOTICE THAT THE CITY WILL RECEIVE $1,800 FOR TRASH CONTROL AND::"CLEAN UP GRANT FROM COUNTY AND STATE Administrator Butch explained that the funds for trash control and clean up in the amount of $1800.00 would be used for additional trash barrels and park clean up. CITY ENGINEER'S RECO~mNDATIONS ON PARCEL MAP AG 79-194 (LACKEY) , AG 79-202(LACKEY) City Engineer Karp brought to 'the attention of 'the Council, that while he had been prepared to recommend approval of Parcel Map AG 79-194 (Lot Split Case No. 79-313), and Parcel Map AG 79-202 (Lot Split Case No. 79-316), Mr. William Lackey had just indicated that he had not been able to secure the necessary bond to complete the requirements. Bill Lackey, 1154 Sunset, Arroyo Grande, spoke from the audience saying that he had previously had a bond but had been informed by Mr. Karp that the amount was incorrect. Lackey said there was not time before the Council meeting to procure a new bond but that he was willing to post a cash bond. After Council discussion, a motion w~s made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilman de Leon to continue the matter until the Council meeting on October 15, 1979 at 5:30 p.m. Said motion passed on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, Smith and Mayor Millis NOES: Council Member de Leon ABSENT: None APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 78-106, HUASNA ROAD (NELSON) City Engineer Karp reviewed his recommendation for ,Parcel Map AG 78-,106 which is located on the northerly side of Huasna Road approximately 200 feet easterly of Stagecoach Road, requested by Milton Nelson. The subject split will create four parcels, varying in size from 8,964 square feet to 36,500 square feet(Lot Split Case No. 79-317). ~ After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconde? by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, as follows: 1. To accept on behalf of the public the dedication made for roadway on Huasna Road. 2. Finding that construction of the street and water improvements were, necessary prerequisites to the orderly development of the community in the surrounding area. 3. Finding that Parcel Map AG 78-106 is consistent with the General Plan and consistent with the City Zoning. 4. Approving Parcel Map AG 78-106. r r -- T------ 2;s1l CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 9, 1979 PAGE 6 PROGRESS REPORT ON CANYON WAY PROJECT City Engineer Karp reported that Federal funds are now available to fund the box culvert project on Tally Ho Road between-Canyon Way and James Way and asked the council for permission to advertise for bids. Karp stated that if construction could begin almost immediately the project could be completed some time in February, 1980. A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith to give the City Engineer permission to advertise for bids for the box culvert project. The motion was unanimously carried. RECEIPT OF PROPOSED BASIN PLAN AMENDMENTS-EROSION/SEDI/1ENT FROM STATE WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD City Engineer Karp felt the Basin Plan Amendments Re: Erosion/Sediment were well done but that such a project by the State Water Control Board would create an additional layer of government control that was unnecessary. The resolution requires that specific plans be drawn up and approved by the state. In most cases the plans that are currently being done in the City are only done as necessary and at the developers expense. The resolution would call for approved plans whether_currently needed or not. Karp felt in many cases this would be a duplication of existing, ordinances. Mr. Clark Moore, 1180 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, spoke from the audience saying he thought this was part of #208 Rural Water Bill designed for farmland. He felt that RCD's were cooperative but that Water Quality might be harder to deal with. After further discussi9n, Councilman Pope made a motion, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, instructing the City Staff to write a letter to the Quality Control Board stating the City's position of wishing to maintain local control as much as possible. The motion was unanimously carried. PROGRESS REPORT-SO. SLO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT The Council received the monthly report for Chief Plant Operator of the Sewer Treatment Plant. stated that the inplant improvements had begun. September, 1979, from the City Administrator Butch WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS-OFF AGENDA A; VALLEY ROAD SHOULDER WIDENING City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council a-recommendation -he received from John Wallo, the County Traffic Engineer, regarding the restriping on Valley Road through the County areas between the High School and the Valley Garden Tract. Apparently the existing pavement is too narrow to stripe on the westerly side with a six foot shoulder on the east side. There is apparently sufficient pavement to stripe the newly overlayed road with two 12' driving lanes and two 4' wide shoulders. A 4' width is the minimum width for Class II Bike Lanes. Therefore, Mr. Wallo recommends that the road be striped by relocating the road centerline to allow for a four foot shoulder to be striped on each side of the newly widened pavement. After discussion, the Council decided to informally _support the view of the County but felt no further action necessary. B. INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR LOPEZ AND TERMINAL DAMS Administrator Butch reviewed for the Council a memo from Flood Control Zone 3 Advisory Committee stating the necessity of insurance coverage for Lopez Dam and Terminal Dams. He stated the premium for the Terminal Dam would be $5,000.00 per year and $72,000.00 per year for Lopez Dam. Butch stated that this is an uQbudgeted -item. Councilman Gallagher questioned the fact that Lopez has been in existence for a number of years with no insurance. Administrator Butch said that is because insurance was not previously available. After Council discussion, no immediate decision was made, but Council agreed that the County should be informed that Council would study the matter further. A motion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilwoman Smith directing the City Administrator to write a letter to the County stating that the item of Dam Insurance would be on the agenda for the Council meeting of October 23, 1979. The motion was unanimously carried. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS-OFF AGENDA A. NEW DEPUTY CITY CLERK Mayor Millis welcomed and introduced Terry Carver as the new Deputy City-Clerk. Mrs. Carver was previously employed-by Mid State Bank. B. CONCERN OVER ORDINANCE PROBLEMS Councilman Pope spoke briefly over regards to walls and fencing or any , concern that any citizen complaints' other matter be duly noted and whether in 252 ----- CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 9, 1979 PAGE 7 the proper department advised so that corrective action maybe taken. Administrator Butch said he agreed and that point was duly noted. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Smith, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at on Monday, October 15, 1979. by Councilman Gallagher 10:10 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. ATTEST: ~.1.J.l: I.....l..J.C.t'U.\. A~d'~JL CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 15, 1979 5:30 p.m. u The City Council met in a.regular adjourned meeting. with Mayor Millis presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Hugh O. Pope, Jr., Matthew P. Gallagher, Jr., Gabe de Leon and B'Ann Smith reported present. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF PROPOSED MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY CENTER FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE . The modification agreement was discussed and Attorney Hilton, representing the Woman's Club requested that on Page 4 the wording "licensed appraiser" that the word "licensedll be removed. Staff requested that on 'I Page 2, section 2 that the name of the center be made to read the "City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club Conununity Center". Various ,discussion ensued on the amount of expenses and the termin~~ion date of 2028. There was also discussion on Section 7 about the question of fair rental value and unrented value. A motion was made by Councilman de Leon and seconded by Councilman Gallagher that the Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the modification of agreement f0r the Community Center for the City of Arroyo Grande and that the two changes; striking the word "license" and adding the' word "and" be incorporated into the modification. On ~ roll call vote to wit; AYES.: NOES: ABSENT: Council. Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis None ....None the foregoing motion was passed this fifteenth day of October, 1979. A motion was then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, instructing the staff to proceed with plans for architectural design as soon as possible. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT NO. 675, "OAK HILL.ESTATES"(FOREMASTERl City Engineer Karp reviewed with Council his recommendations for final acceptance of improvements for Tract No. 675, "Oak Hill Estates" ~ After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried as follows: '00'P'"" "0 boh." "' <h. '"""0, <h. ""-,,,. ,",on",,"""~ 000',,"0"'-. . with Tract No. 675 and releasing Payment Bonds. LOT SPLIT~PROVAL OF. PARCEL MAPS "AG 79-1~4. &. 7~~202 City. Engineer Karp reported on AG 79-194, Todd and Olive Street, Easterly of Halcyon Road, noting that all fees had been collected and reviewing for Council his recommendations for approval of said Lot SPlit"*79-3l3. " After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher" secon~ed by Councilwoman Smith" and unanimously carried as follows: 'I 1. Accepting on behalf of the public the dedications made on the map for the purposes listed. 2. Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the appropriat~: improvement agreement on behalf of the City. 3. Finding that the street improvements required are necessary prerequisites to the orderly development of the community in the surroundi~g area. I , -'.