Minutes 1979-12-11 U_ T-- 271 I ~r. I CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 11, 1979 The City Council met in regular Upon roll call, Council Members Hugh o. B'Ann Smith reported present. Council session with Mayor Millis presiding. Pope, Jr., Matthew P. Gallagher, ar., and Member Gabe de Leon was absent. PLF.DGF. OF AT,LEGTANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; Thereafter, Reverend Robert J. Banker of the Open Door Church, Oceano, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MTNT1'l'R>; On motion of Councilwoman Smith, seconded by Councilman ',Gallagher and unanimously carried, the minutes for the regular meeting of November 27th and December 4, 1979 were approved as prepared. (' I t APPROVAL OlO' WA'R'RAWrS On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried; Demand Warrants No. 11917 through No. 11961 in the total amount of $44,939.54; and No. P762 through No. P779 in the total amount of $154,591.01; and Payroll Warrants No. 16006 through No. 16086 in the total amount of $44,823.58, were approved and ordered paid. APPROVAL OF CONSF.N'I' AGF.NDA T'l'F.M>; On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were approved, as recommended by City Administrator Butch. A-I. Request that the City Council Designate the Following Dates for Burn Week, February 3-9, 1980 (Winter); May 4-10, 1980 (Spring); August 17-23,1980 (Summer); November 2-8, 1980 (Fall). RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVE BURN DATES FOR 1980. A-2. Letter Noting the Demonstrated Achievement of Lt. William Andrews at the Recently Concluded Middle Management Police Course, 'RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-3. Letter Noting the Demonstrated Achievement of Sgt, Roy Gibson at the Recently Concluded Supervisory Police Course. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. RECEIPT OF DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLV RF.PORT FOR 'l'HF. MON'I'H OF NO"RMRRR. lq7q Administrator Butch reviewed the Departmental Monthly Report with Council and noted that the Total Building Valuation for Year to Date is over ten:'million dollars. r PROGRESS REPORTS - VARTOUS CT'I'V PRO.TF.l''I'>; FIRE STATION-Administrator Butch reported that proposals from soil en- gineers and surveyors should be ready for-presentation to Council in January. COMMUNITY BUILDING-Administrator Butch reported that the signed contract had been received from the Woman's Club. Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler presented the preliminary floor and electrical plans. Keisler felt the.building would be relatively low cost. The building is proposed open beam with flourescent lights,at 10 feet. The building will also have a stage area. A plastic laminate is proposed around the inside walls to prevent scarring from use. Councilman Gallagher proposed the question of solar heating. Keisler replied that the building will have skylights. as one energy saving measure, but ot~er measures are included in the project, including timed'outside lighting. After Council discussion, 'a motion-was made by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried to approve the preliminary design concept of the project. . STROTHER.COMl1UNITY PARK-Parks Director Keisler reported that the night time Kiwanis had help~d to install some of the playground equipment including a Lunar Module. The slides will be installed next. Also, City Engineer Karp reported that the crosswalks had been painted. SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX-Parks Director Keisler reported that the grading for the Tennis Courts is ready to begin. Gary Thies of the Parks & Recreation Commission spoke from the audience advising Council that eight 6' telephone poles had been purchased to be installed along the baseball diamonds. 272 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 11, 1979 PAGE 2 WATER SYSTEM-City Engineer Karp stated that there was nothing new to report at this time. 'The Title Report has not yet been received. RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COHMISSION MEETING OF WEDNESDAY. NOV.28. Administrator Butch read a memo from Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman Dorace Johnson in re: Knollwood Acres Development. The Commissioners,' recommended that a fifteen acre park site be dedicated by the developer for recreational purposes. This letter was received as information only at this time. 1979 RRC-F.TPT OF T,ATRST LRAC-:TJF. OF CAT,TFORNIA CI'T'TRS I LRC,TST.A'T'TVF. BTTLT.F.TTN AND OTHRRS Administrator Butch reviewed the Latest League of California Cities' Bulletin for Council and stated the three major items of interest and concern were (1) suggested implementation of the Gann initiative with proper legislation, (2) also, a legislative wrap-up was included for Council's review and (3) and' that some type of direction was needed from Council in response to the League Meeting in San Francisco to adopt Resolution 62 that would make available to Cities and Counties 19 of the 69 sales tax instead of the usual baii-out money. The League is suggesting that Cities bring the item to their citizens as an I advisory proposition on the next Municipal Ballot. After Council discussion, no action was taken on this item. ~ li'HR'T'HRR nT~r.TT~~TON ON r.ONSTnRRATTON OF TlPDATTNC, 'T'HF. 'T'RT.F.PHONR SYSTRM FOR THE C-TTY OF ARROYO C-:RANDF. Administrator Butch advised Council that a comparison report between the Telephone Company and Telephone West was not yet available and asked that this matter be delayed until the January 22, 1980 meeting. RRrRTPrp OF' T,F.'1"1~F.R OF TNFORMATTON FROM I.AFr.o F,XF.CtJTIVF. OFFTCRR RR- ANNEXATIONS Administrator Butch reviewed for Council a letter from Mrs. Barbara Carlson, Deputy Executive Officer of LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission): in regard to Council's concern over the Sternbergh and Filer annexations. Under Sternbergh, LAFCO has already approved this annexation and the City has the alternative of (1) initiate and set it for hearing at which time, because it involves only one landowner who desires annexation and it is classi- fied as uninhabited, the City would approve it pursuant to Government Code . Section 35229; or (2) for the City to appeal LAFCO's decision of approval (by letter to the Commission expressing reasons for the appeal). This is allowable under Government Code Section 35162 within sixty (60) days of LAFCO':s action approving the annexation. Under Filer Annexation, the Public Hearing is set for December 20, 1979. The City, should be represented at.the hearing and may protest the annexation if that is the Council's decision. Council discussion ensued about the sternbergh matter with Councilman : Gallagher stating that the City should have a Master Plan for that whole area. Councilman Pope stated that he is still in favor of the matter being put to a vote of the people in that area. After further discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher directing the staff to make an appeal of the Sternbergh annexation to LAFCO listing the reasons for the appeal, Le. (1) Inadequate for City Service; (2) Request of time for City to prepare a general plan for the area; and (3) This matter is considered spot annexation. SAID MOTION PASSED on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, and Mayor Millis; NOES: Council Member Smith; ABSENT: Council Member de Leon. Council then discussed the Filer annexation. Mr. Gordon Filer~ owner of the property in question; spoke from the audience saying that he had asked for an annexation over two years ago and had felt that this was the wish of the Council. Mr. Filer stated that he had done everything possible to comply' with the wishes of the Council in regard to the design and construction of the units to be built on the property. Filer stated that he has permits from the, County and expects to begin construction in January. He reminded Council that an annexation would be far simpler now that after the property had been sold to other people. He therefore proposed that Council do one of two things. One; that the City of Arroyo Grande take in his property at this time or two; in order to keep control by one owner, start and build up to 75% completion and the City would then take in the property. . The 75% completion figure would allow annexation of the entire parcel before escrow was closed on any of the units. u I" -~ 273 ..' CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 11, 1979 PAGE 3 ~ Mayor Millis posed the question of zoning and thought that the property would be taken in under no specific zoning and would have to have approved zoning through the Council. John Weebee, Pismo Beach, stated that he felt whatever the property is zoned by the County, the City would be forced to take it in that way. City Attorney Shipsey felt that this was not so, but.that the zoning would not hinder existing buildings even if it were changed. Mr. Filer stated that while the Council might call this "spot annexation" that the Council had made it evident that they wished the entire area to come into the City and he felt his property wasa.:gbod'starting"poi!nt. .- , 'Councilwoman Smith stated that she felt the property should be 'annexed so that the City would have more say in the development of the land. Councilman Gallagher asked City Engineer Karp what problems his department would have in servicing this area if annexed. Karp replied that'hydrants, street lights, and sweeping would have to be furnished. Mrs. Carlson spoke saying that Mr. Filer had been trying to get this annexation done since 1977. She wished Council to note that through two LAFCO, hearings, only about six persons appeared to either support or contest the annexation. After further discussion, a mobion was made by Councilman Pope, seconded by Councilman Gallagher to direct the staff to attend the LAFCO Public Hearing on December 20th, and to notify LAFCO of the City's opposition to the Filer Annexation; that the annexation and permit be held in abeyance and that the staff be instructed to prepare a resolution requesting LAFCO to put the item on the June 1980 ballot for annexation of the entire 60 acre parcel by election. SAID MOTION PASSED on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, and Mayor Millis; NOES: Council Member Smith; ABSENT: Council Member Gallagher. REQllEST nTY COllNCIL AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT OF CENTRAL COAST CITIES' SELF INSURANCE FUND TO INCLUDE HEALTH COVERA~E AND OTHER F.MPLOYEE BENEFITS , Administrator Butch explained that under the Self Insurance program the City would save approximately $1.57 per employee per month in premiums and the employee would save approximately $6.58 per month on the maternity portion of the coverage. The coverage would be identical .to the existing coverage. After Council discussion a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Joint Powers Agreement. REPORT ON RECENT SPECIAL MEETING OF SLO COUNTY AREA COUNCTL OF GOVT. MEETTNG. DEC. 3. 1979 Councilman Gallagher reported on the recent SLO County area Council of Governments Meeting saying that the van project was getting under way and there would be no cost to~he City. I LETTER OF REOUEST FROM ASSEMBLYWOMAN M. BERGESON. RE: LEGISLATION WHICH WILL HAVE AN EFFECT ON THE COASTAL COMMISSION lWTHORITY WTTH RESPECT TO AFFORDABLE HOllSTN~ Administrator Butch reviewed a letter from Ass~mblYW9man Bergeson asking for support of the cities in the Coastal Commission Zone with respect to affordable housing. Butch stated that Arroyo Grande was not in the Coastal Zone and therefore the item was information only. Mrs. Ella Honeycutt, Oak Hill Road, spoke from the audience saying that she felt Council should support the concept because there was little or no affordable housing in Arroyo Grande for families just starting out. Mayor Millis said that while he appreciated Mrs. Honeycutt's concern that the City was not in the Coastal Zone and therefore need not and probably should not support this item at this time. After Council discussion, no action was taken. RF.r.F.TPT OF RTD!=: ON 1980 SF-DAN RF.PT,n.r.F.MF.NT FOR rTTV ADMTNTSTRATOR Administrator Butch explained to Council that the City Administrator's auto was often used by other department heads for meetings or schooling, and to transport Council Members to meetings. Administrator Butch went over the bids received for a 1980 Granada, 1979 LTD, 1980 Fairmont, 1980 LTD, 1979 Caprice, 1980 Impala, and 1980 Malibu Sedan. Butch felt that a sedan would probably be best because of the number of people usually transported. Paul Reynolds, of Paul Reynolds Ford, spoke saying that the 1979 model was a better built car for the money. After Council discussion, staff was instructed to have the equipment itemized completely on each auto and to make a formal recommendation at the next Council Meeting. -' ~ 274 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 11, 1979, PAGE 4 R"QJl""'I' BY rT'I'Y rT,F.RK FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR rn,1\1nTDn.'T''Rg FOR F.T.F.~'T'T'''F. Oli'FTrl:i~ PF.'RTn. TNTN~ Tn M~'T'F.THJH.S STTP:MT'T'TRO 'T'n 'fIr"TR VO'T'F.'RS. ANn COSTS THRRF.OF FOR ~ENERAr. MTJNICTPAT. RLEC:'rTON OF APRTT, R. 1 QRO Administrator Butch reviewed the memo from Deputy City 'Clerk ,Carver asking for adoption of the resolution setting down regulations for candidates in regard to materials to be submitted to the voters, ,and costs for same. It was mentioned that Section 4, ,regarding payment by candidates for their pro rata share of the candidates statements could be eliminated as was done ,in previous elections. A motion was then made by Council Member Pope, seconded by by Council Member Smith and SAID MOTION PASSED with Mayor Millis not voting to delete Section 4 from the resolution. Administrator Butch 'then read 'the title of the resolution adopting regulations for candidiates for elective office. A motion was made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RF."OLUTION NO 1187 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICE, PERTAINING TO MATERIALS SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORATE AND THE COSTS THEREOF FOR THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1980. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: ~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, Gallagher and Smith Mayor Millis Council Member de Leon the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 11th day of December, 1979. PRO~RESS REPORT ON RECENT SLO COUNTY WATF.R RF.SOURC:F.S AH\lTSORV C:OMMTT'l'F.F. MF.F.rpTN~ OF 12-S-7Q City Engineer Karp reported that the Board had reappointed all the same members fbf 198d'k~I'befbre. Councilman Gallagher is our representative. With regard to the Nacimiento project, Grover ,City and Templeton were the only two cities that complied with the Board's request to lower their allotment request from the Nacimiento project. Therefore, for planning purposes only, there is a proposed plan to lower every city by 30%. A study may be done for the best, alignments. Karp will keep Council posted. " RF.COMMF.NDATION ON THE ABANDONMENT OF PROPERTY BY CAL~TRANS ON HWY 227. BRANCH ST. Administrator Butch reviewed a letter from Donald E. Cross, Right of Way Agent for Cal-T~ans in regard to abandonment of a small parcel of property on Hwy 227, Branch st. ,This property is located in front of the Art Shop. Butch recommended that this matter be referred to the Downtown Parking & Traffic Commission for their recommendation. A motion was made by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried to refer the matter to Downtown Parking & Traffic. RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CONTRACT-SULLY MILLER. HALCYON RD. (', AND FAIR OAKS ',City Engineer Karp reviewed the Public Works Project No. AG 78-180, Halcyon Road widening and Fair Oaks Avenue reconstruction. He recommended acceptance of the project subject to placement of the pump house. A motion was made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to (1) accept the project as complete; (2) authorize the City Clerk to file the appropriate ,notice of completion with the County Recorder's Office and (3) authorize staff to issue Progress Payment No. 3 in the amount of $634.50 immediately and to release the retention 35 days after the date of filing of said Notice of Completion; subject to placement of the pump house. ~ RECOMMEND FINAL APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP AG 79-074. LOT SPLIT CASF. NO. 78-100IKIRKPA'I'RTCK) City Engineer Karp explained the particulars of Lot Split Case No. 78~390 and requested final approval of Parcel Map AG 79-074 by the Council. Discussion ensued with Mayor Millis questioning the size of the lot fronts. The matter was temporarily tabled while City Attorney Shipsey checked the code requirements. 1'- ~ - --- :275 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 11, 1979 PAGE 5 RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENT TRACT 672 (OAK PARK LEISURE GARDENS) City Engineer Karp reported that the improvements for Tract No. 672, Oak Park Leisure Gardens have been completed and he is recommending final acceptance of said improvements. After discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to accept the public improvements and authorizing staff; to write,; ,,'" letters of release for the Subdivision and Payment bonds posted for the project. r FURTHER DISCUSSION RE: APPROVAL'OF PARCEL MAP I\~ 79 074 City Attorney Shipsey reported that the lot frontages were in conformance with the Municipal Code. A motion was then made by Council Member Pope, seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unanimously carried to (1) accept, subject to improvement, the offer of dedication for 'Printz Road widening; (2) find that Parcel Map AG 79-074 is consistent with the General Plan; (3) find that Parcel Map AG 79-074 is consistent with City zoning and (4) approve Parcel Map AG 79-074. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF AG PARCEL MAP 79~067. LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 79-312 (CLAGG-CHERRY AVE. BETWEEN TRAFFIC WAY AND RAILROAD 'PLAeR) City Engineer Karp reviewed Lot Split Case No. 79-311 for Council. Said lot split is located on the northerly side of Cherry Avenue between Traffic Way and Railroad Place. It is classed low density residential in the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is zoned "R~l". After Council discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Pope and unanimously carried to (1) enter into an improvement agreement with the developer for completion of the required street improvements; (2) find that the required street improvements are necessary prerequisites 'to the orderly development of the Community; (3) find that Parcel Map AG 79-067 is consistent with the General Plan; (4) find that Parcel Map AG 79-067 is con- sistent with City zoning; and (5) approve Parcel,Map AG 79-067. RECOMMEND COUNCTL Anop~ RESOLTTTTON ON CANYON WAY ASSESSMENT DTSTRTc:rr RR~ BOUNDARIES AND RESOLUTION OF INTENTION Administrator Butch reviewed a letter from'F. Mackenzie Brown, attorney for the Canyon Way Project, requesting adoption of a Resolution Adopting Proposed Boundary Map; and a Resolution of Intention in regard to the Canyon Way Assessment District: Administrator Butch explained that, in the process of moving along with the assessment district it is necessary to adopt these resolutions. Butch then read the title of the resolution to adopt the"vro- posed boundary map. A motion was made by Council Member Gallagher; seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. ]388 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY" 'COUNCIL ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE GENERAL NATURE, LOCATION AND EXTNET OF THE CON- STRUCTION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND SHOWING THE PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED FOR CERTAIN COSTS AND EX- PENSES OF SAID IMPROVEMENT. n }!- On motion of ,Council Member Gallagher, seconded by C~uncil Member Pope and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Member Pope, Gallagher, Smith and Mayor Millis None Council Member de Leon the foregoing Resolution was passed and "adopted this 11th day of December, 1979. Administrator Butch then read the title of the resolution of 'Intention in regard to the Canyon Way Project. A motion was made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Pope and unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RRSOLUTION,NO. 1389 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECLARING INTENTION TO "ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS TOGETHER WITH APPURTENANCES AND APPURTENANT WORK IN CONNECTION THEREWITH IN A PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PURSUANT TO THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE "MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1913", DE- CLARING THE WORK TO BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY BENE- FIT AND DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED TO PAY THE 276 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 11, 1979 PAGE 6 COSTS AND EXPENSES THEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Pope and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, Smith and Mayor Millis None Council Member de Leon the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 11th day of December, 1979. REVIEW INSTALLATION OF CURB AND GUTTER ON NORTH SIDE OF TALLY HO ROAD City Engineer Karp reviewed the memo from Public Works Director Anderson requesting authorization to call for bids to construct curbs and gutters on Tally Ho Road. Staff has recently observed that the ground water in this area appears to be receding and three test holes that were drilled indicate that the ground water is now approximately 6 feet deep, which will permit the installation of the curbs and gutter within this area. Those property owners who did not previously pay for these curb and gutters could install on a voluntary basis. Some restrictions would have to be placed on the properties on the down hill side however, in that the curb and gutter should be done all at once rather than piecemeal to alleviate further drainage problems. After discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried authorizing staff to call for bids to construct curb, gutter and driveway apron on those properties on the northwesterly side of Tally Ho Road between Hwy 227 and Canyon Way that have deposited money for this work in conformance with adopted plan lines and any additional cost of concrete to be born by the other property owners requesting concrete. u ~OUEST OF COUNTY SERVICE DISTRICT #13 FOR EASEI~NT OF WATER MAIN TO CROSS SOUTH ELM ST. PONDING AREA City Engineer Karp reported the request of the developer of Pike Park, Unit 2, that the City approve an overlying water line easement, 25' wide, in the same alignment as the existing sewer on the South Elm Street Ponding Area. A review of the City's lease purchase agreement with Lanco Development Company, dated December 14, 1977, indicates that the City has the power to grant such easements. The title company however, has provided a Corporation Grant Deed in Lanco's name for said easement. It is the Staff's understanding that the property will be owned exclusively by the City in January, 1980. After Council discussion, this matter was scheduled for the January 8th meeting. FURTHER DISCUSSION ON TERMINATION OF IMPROVEMENT BOND ON OAK HILL ROAD (LEMON), Administrator Butch read for Council a letter from Mr. Richard Lemon stating that to date he has not been able to sell 217 pearwood and change his residence to 570 Lemon Lane. The Council received this letter for their information and study. RF.SOLU'I'TON AU'I'HORT7.ING MAYOR AND CITY CLF.RK '1'0 STGN LOCAL AGENCY-STATE AGRF.F.MF.NT, TALLY HO ROAD DRAINAGE PROJECT City Engineer Karp reviewed the Staff request that the City Council approve and authorize by resolution the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the U Local Agency-State Agreement supplement. The supplement outlines the extent of Federal and City financial participation in the construction of the box " culvert on Tally Ho Road between Canyon Way and James Way. This item was temporarily delayed to allow the City Attorney to prepare a resolution. PROGRESS REPORT ON THE SOUTHSLO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch reviewed the Sanitation Report for Council and stated that digging of the outfall line pipe will begin December 17th. OFF AGF.NDA-WRITTENCOMMlmTCA'I'TONS ADMINISTRATOR BUTCH reviewed a request from William Davidson to allow the City to pay $13,000.00 of Davidson's bond to Coast Paving and Grading upon completion of the construction work of certain improvements on Bright Avenue in the City. Discussion ensued, with City Attorney Shipsey stating that he felt r n ~ , , 277 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 11, 1979 PAGE 7 this request was reasonable because Mr. Davidson is evidently This item was held over until January for further review. out of state. ADMINISTRATOR BUTCH reviewed the Report on Principal and Interest Cost for Lopez for 1979. Council received this report for.their review. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN LOCAL AGENCY STATE AGREEMENT. TA~LY :;HO ROAn DR}). TNAr,F. PRO,TF.CT. City attorney Shipsey read the entire Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Local Agency-State Agreement Supplement. RESOLUTION NO. 1390 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO' GRANDE APPROVING EXEOWTION OF THE 'LOCAL AGENCY-STATE AGREEMENT SUPPLEMENT. It is HEREBY RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute supplement No. 1 to Local Agency-State Agreement No. 05-5199. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded 'by Council Member Smith and on the following,roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, Smith and Mayor Millis None Council Member de Leon the foregoing Resolution was,passed and adopted this Ilth,day of December, 1979. OFF AGENDA-ORAL COMMUNICATIONS BRIAN'CURRAN, 202 Canyon Way, asked Council when he would have a chance to express his displeasure with the Canyon Way Project. Administrator Butch indicated that the Public Hearing should be sometime in February or March, 1980. COUNCILMAN POPE asked staff for a one page summary of capital improvement projects. Pope also asked staff for a list of accounts payable at each Council Meeting. ::.l' I1AYOR MILLIS felt that in the spirit of patriotism, Flags should be displayed on Branch and Grand Avenue to show the City's support of those Americans held captive in Iran. The City Council agreed with this suggestion and instructed staff to fly the Flags~during the Holidays until January 2, 1980. CANCELLA'I'TON OF COUNCTL MF.RTING OF DRCRMEER 25. 1979 Because of the Christmas Holiday, a motion was made by Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Pope and unanimously carried to 'cancel the Council Meeting of December 25, 1979. ADJOURNMENT On'motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:17 P.M. ATTEST:bE~~LE~ ---JKzt~