Minutes 1980-04-22 328 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 22, 1980 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Pope presiding. roll call vote, Council Members Smith, Hogan, Vandeveer and Millis reported Upon present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Pope led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter, the Reverend Rick smith of Church of God, Grover City delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried, the minutes for the regular meeting of April 8, 1980 were approved as prepared. Mayor Pope pointed out ,that on the minutes for the April 15, 1980 meeting, that on the section referring to the election of the Mayor, the last two sentences should be striken ,~rom the first paragraph. A motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan and unanimously carried to approve the minutes for the April 15, 1980 meeting with the correction indicated. r " U. APPROVAL OF WA"RRZlNTS On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer and unanimously carried, Demand Warrants No. 12668 through No. 12731 in the total amount of $24,581.67; and Payroll Warrants No. 16979 through 17063 in the total amount of $47,974.50, were approved and ordered paid. MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTF.F. ASSIGNMENTS The Mayor described some of the various committees for the new Council Members and stated he would be in touch with the Council Members to decide who should be on each committee. Mayor Pope did ask Councilwoman Smith to continue as the City's representative to LAFCo. He also asked Councilman Millis to continue with the League of California Cities. Pope asked Councilman Hogan to attend the upcoming Rubbish Committee'meeting on April 24th. Mayor Pope also asked Council Member Vandeveer to serve',on the COG Committee due to his experience on the Trans- portation Committee; Pope also asked Councilman Millis to serve as an alternate for the Sanitation District Committee. DISCUSSION ON ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE HOURS FOR SEVERAL CITY COTmCTT. MF.MRF.RS IN CITY HALL Mayor Pope stated that two Council Members had discussed the possibility of establishing office hours at City Hall. He asked Administrator Butch if any space was available for this purpose. Butch said that some space was available in a back office. Councilwoman Smith stated she would like thai,opportunity to discuss the idea further with Councilman Vandeveer so far as hours, days, etc. were concerned. Vandeveer was in agreement with this and stated he had received feedback during his campaign that his sor of program was needed. Council Member Millis mentioned that the fact that each Council Member had hisjher number listed in the phone book was also an aid to greater communication. After dis- cussion, Mayor Pope instructed Administrator Butch to discuss the matter more fully with Vandeveer and Smith and perhaps such a program could run on a trial basis for six months to see how it worked out. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were approved, as recommended by City Administrator Butch. A-I. Notice of Quarterly Meeting of the Channel Counties' Division of the League of California Cities' will be Held on Friday, June 13, 1980, in Lompoc. RECOMMEND COUNCIL ADVISE IF THEY PLAN TO ATTEND. u A-2. Letter of Request from Sheriff Whiting, Re. Support of Regulating the Sale of Drug Use Information and Paraphernalia to Minors. RECOMMEND REFER TO POLICE CHIEF AND STATE LEGISLATORS. A-3. Receipt of Fees for Use of South County Regional Center. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-4. Receipt of Copy of County Ordinance Change, Re. County Animal Regulation. RECOMMEND REFER TO MANAGERS' GROUP FOR REVIEW AND STUDY. A-5. Receipt of Letter from Retail Clerks International Union Local 899, Re. Price Marking Favored by williams Bros. Markets. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. RECEIPT OF THE LATEST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS AND OTHERS 1329 I , CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 22, 1980 PAGE 2 Administrator Butch advised that the League is holding a Mayors' and Council Members Institute, on May 8-10, 1980 in the City of Santa Clara and asked any Council Members .interested in going to inform him. Butch also advised that the League Bulletin contains a great deal of information on Proposition 9 and 11. On 9, there is also an analysis by the California Taxpayers Association. There were no recommendations to Council at this time. NOTIFICATTON OF TTF.MS WITHDRAWN FROM Ar,F.NnA D-2 n PTTRT,Tr HRn'RTNr:_'RF.7.()NF. ("A~F. NO RO-116. ()l),K PARK A(,,'RF.~ 'l''RAC''T' *;;04 MOOTFV rTlRRRN'T' H.S. DISTRTCT AND P C DTSTRTCT-ORDTNANCF. 1ST RF.ADTNG Planning Director Castro showed the area in question on a map and advised Council that they would be considering an application of Oak Park Acres to modify Lots 1 and 2 currently zoned Planned Development ("H-s" Highway Service District) totaling 13.30 acres to a revised acreage of 17.07, and to further modify Lot 3 currently zoned Planned Development ("P-C" Professional-Commercial District) totaling 12.48 acres to a revised acreage of 8.47 acres. Said Proposed amendment to the Municipal Code.shall not preclude the City Council to reconsider .previous approvals to Parcels 4,5,6,.7,8,9,10,11,12,13,. and 14. Castro also stated that the Planning Commission's recommendation was unanimous to recommend approval of the zoning change and lot line adjustment. The Architectural approval has not yet gone through the Planning Commission. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Pope de- clared it open for public comment. ';RUEBEN KVIDT, developer of Oak Park.Acres, spoke saying that the area being added to the green belt and deleted from Commercial was primarily a sloping area with Oak trees. The net result of the additions and subtractions would be that the exis.ting has 25:.72 acres total .and the pro- posed, including the roads to be dedicated, will have 25.55 .acres and in the plan is the agreement to coordinate with Rancho Grande in regard to a circulation plan for the area. With the dedication of that road, the net result would be a commercial parcel of 24.2 acres. Kvidt stated this plan would make a better commercial parcel because of the space needed for parking and better access to the back of the stores by the perspective tenants. PENNY BENN, Rt. 2, Box 906, spoke saying she used Oak Park daily and is concerned about traffic control. Mrs. Benn stated she doesn't want to see the problem that Nipomo has in the Flea Market area. She stated that the visibility is not all that good right now and she is concerned about congestion. Also, Mrs., Benn spoke of the problem of drainage. PEGGY LANGWORTHY, Printz Road, stated she had spoken to Mr.. Kvidt about the ~oncept of having a master plan frontage road and this is something she would like to have the Council consider; also Mrs. Langworthy stated she particularly liked the idea of the interior access road that would go over to Rancho Grande. She felt that wi~h the commercial development and the new South County Regional Center, that Council should consider a bike path in the .whole area for safety and convenience. JOE MYER, 1116 Grieb Drive, spoke in regard to the lot line adjustment saying that a number of the property owners in Oak Park felt that these changes would make it more convenient for the residents to walk to the shopping center.. MR. KVIDT, stated he felt Mrs. Langworthy's suggestion of a master plan frontage ro~d was a good one; also in regard to the drainage question, there is an engineer's study available in Mr.. Karp's office and this study addresses the drainage question in detail. There being no further public comment, Mayor Popecdeclared the hearing closed. Council discussion was held on the proposed question. Councilwoman Smith asked if the channel holding water now would need to be deeper? Lou Cavalero, of Los Padres Engineering, spoke to the question saying that Lot 1 would be approximately 12 ft. higher than it now exists and the channel is .so designed to carry..lOO year flood and the basin at the corner .will be deepened and there will be an approximate storage of seven acre feet total. Smith was concerned as to how people would be able to walk through there. Mr. Kvidt stated that a rustic design walkway was proposed. smith also wanted to know exactly where the road that would connect with Rancho Grande was located. Planning Direct6r Castro said he had not seen the exact design plan ~s yet. Councilman Millis stated he supported the rezoning because it makes the property more usable and saves the live oaks on the hill. He also stated that approximately one year ago, Council had asked staff to do a feasibility study of development of a regional shopping center in that entire area and he certainly hoped that anything the Council now approves would blend into that concept. Castro stated he had checked previously with some people involved in developing regional shopping centers and while this center would not be out of step with other development, it would stand by itself and not be able to be integrated in a r 330 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 22, 1980 PAGE 3 larger center. Councilman Vandeveer agreed that the addressed. Councilman Hogan agreed with the concept traffic problem must be also. Administrator Butch then read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending a portion of the zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande with reference to Oak Park Acres. A motion was made by Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer:and~unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. PIlRLTr HF.ARTNG-PROPOSED ST. NAMF. CHANr,F. "AT.PTNF. PT.Ar.F." T.nrA"PF.D TN rrlH!..rrp~ (;71 ll.Nn 77r:::.. Planning Director Castro reviewed his memo to Council recommending that the name "Alpine Place" be changed to eliminate confusion with "Alpine Street". The Staff recommended the 'name be changed to "Chamisal Place". Administrator Butch advised Council that Chief Clark had been concerned over the similarities of names in case of emergencies. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Pope declared it open for public comment. There being no public comment, Mayor Pope declared the hearing closed. Councilman Vandeveer mentioned that a list of Pioneer families names had been furnished by the Historical Society to the City some time ago fur just this type"of.thing. Councilman Millis agreed that it might be a good idea to check into that list. The Council concurred and a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Hogan and unanimously carried, to refer the matter back to the~staff for a further name recommendation. PROGRESS REPORTS-VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS FIRE STATION-Administrator Butch reported that the funds for the energy program on the fire station had been denied. Butch also advised that he hoped to have the exterior materials for the building for Council by next meeting. COMMUNITY BUILDING-John Keisler reported that the contracts were out for bid and due in by May 14, 1980. STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK-Keisler reported that the Optomist Club had donated $400 for a drinking fountain to accomodate the handicapped. Also, the spiral slide has been installed and so have the waste receptables. SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX-Administrator Butch reported that three bids had been received, and all were considerably higher than the budgeted amount of $105,200.00. A number of alternatives could now be chosen, including (l)deny all bids and re-establish a new budget with a 15% inflationary 'increase and re-bid as designed; '(2)deny all bids and re-design for four courts, less lighting, bleachers and masonry backboard, and maintain current budget with a 5% increase; (3)accept low bid of $140,840.00 by R. Burke Construction; or (4)deny all bids and wait until summer to re-bid anticipating a change of construction costs and a lowering of prime interest rate for construction monies to contractors. JIM RUIZ,. architect for the project, spoke saying his firm had done extensive research for special contractors that deal exclusively in tennis courts or that type of construction and had.written 68 letters to various contractors, but only three had responded and none.were apecifically tennis court contracotrs. Discussion ensued, and Council considered the ,alternatives to the problem. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Smith and ,unanimously, carried to deny any and all bids and return the matter to Parks and Recreation for further evaluation and recommendation. WATER SYSTEM-Administrator Butch read a memo from J.E. Anderson, Jr., Director of Public Works stating that Staff has been working diligently with the property owners and their agents on this matter.. As of this date, it appears that they are unable to reach an agreement and will have to request condemnation if the City is to acquire this site. Due to the bad feelings often associated with condemnation, Staff would like to continue negotiations until the Council meeting of May 13th, at which time they will have a positive request. For the benefit of the new Council Members, City Engineer Karp showed the site on the map and mentioned that this site is particularly good because it is one of the few remaining hills available that will flow off the Lopez system with no pump. After Council Discussion, the Mayor directed that the matter be brought before Council again at the May 13th meeting. ,REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PARKS AND REC. COMMISSION MF.F.TTNG OF 4-9-80 Administrator Butch reported ,that the Parks & Recreation Commission had requested a session with Council on April 29, 1980 to discuss Soto Sports Complex Drainage Plan and other pertinent items. COMMISSIONER RANDY SMITH spoke from the audience saying that the Commission hoped Council would consider a regular o u CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 22, 1980 PAGE'; 4 11331 il 'I :1 adjourned meeting rather than just a study session. DORACE JOHNSON, CHAIRMAN of the Commission, stated that the entire Commission had discussed the matter and thought a regular adjourned mee~ing would be' better. Council concurred with the request. TI REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PARKING & TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING OF 4 10-80 RE. ESTABLISHING A NO PARKING ZONE AT 209 S. HALCYON-ADOPT RESOLllTTON Administrator Butch reviewed the recommendation of the Parking & Traffic Commission upholding a request of Dr. Brauninger that because of a sight distance problem on his property at 209 S~ Halcyon that a no parking zone be established along the frontage of his property. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read the title of a resolution establishing said no parking zone. A motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer and unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1410 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A "NO PARKING" ZONE ON A PORTION OF HALCYON ROAD. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by'Council Member Vandeveer and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Vandeveer, Millis, and Mayor Pope None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of April, 1980. ~RPOR'1' ON RR~RNT MRRTTNG WTTH T.nCTA MAR UNTFIED SCHOOl, DISTRICT. RF.. LOPEZ HIGH SCHOOL LEASE AGREEMENT Administrator Butch reviewed for, Council that the present lease with the school permits, Lopez Continuation High School to be located at the Elm Street Sports Co~plex for no cost. In return, the school furnishes restrooms and the. building when not in use by the school, specifically vacation time. The City has indicated that they are now being charged by the school district, for use of school facilities. We have asked the school to permit us use of the school facilities at no cost, in exchange. for no cost on the lease ,of Lopez. The school board did not make a decision and asked to have it held over. The Parks & Recreation Commission has suggested that one solution might be to put the school on a year to year lease basis. Staff would suggest that the matter be reviewed again to see if a satisfactory solution can be reached. After Council discussion, Mayor Pope directed Administrator Butch to continue efforts and report back to Council. n LETTER OF REOUEST FROM HUASNA VALLEY RESIDENTS. RE. CONCERN FOR SAFETY ANp ~nNnT"rTnN nF Ron.ne:: rp() RF. nSRD WITH THF. RRT.:n.TRD OIT. rrnNKRR TVPF. TRAFFTC: THAT. WTLT. BR nSTN~ COUNTY. CTTXo AND S'T'ATF. ROAns Administrator Butch reported that it appears there will be oil drilling in the Huasna Valley and the Associated Petroleum Engineering firm' is asking for permission to start two or. more oil tanker vehicles to use Huasna Road into Arroyo Grande. The Huasna residents are asking for Council consider~tion on this matter. The County would require a pilot vehicle be in front of the oil trucks to advise people that the trucks were in route. City Engineer Karp showed the two truck routes that were allowed through the City to the freeway; specifically Huasna Road to Grand Ave. through the village to Mason St. turning on to Traffic Way to the freeway entrance or Huasna Road to Newsome Springs to Cherry Avenue to Traffic Way and on to the freeway. MRS. HART, resident of Huasna Valley, spoke in depth about a nUmber of'problems the'residents of the area felt would come about because of these oil trucks. Mrs. Hart stated the application was approved on three conditions; (1) that the pilot car be in front of the oil truck, but only as far as Tar Springs Ranch; (2)that the hours of transport be between 9 A.M.' and 2 P.M. and (3)that the application be reviewed again in 6 months. Mrs. Hart asked that the Council consider the problem'of safety within the City limits to bikers, pedestrians and vehicles using the road. She also asked Council to consider the weight problem of the trucks on bridges they would be using. Mayor Pope 'mentioned to Mrs. Hart that the City did have these two truck routes to prevent trucks from using other streets in the City. Pope stated that if the trucks were of legal weight that there wasn't much that could ,be done to prevent the use of City streets. Mrs. Hart said she understood that but wanted Council to be aware of the overall picture of what may begin to occur. JACQUELINE 332 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 22, 1980 PAGE 5 JONES, another Huasna Valley resident, spoke saying that she and Mrs.. Hart have a geologist's report that purposes that up to 34 million barrels of oil could be extracted from the Huasna Valley. Many of the Huasna Valley residents feel that an alternate route is available for the trucks if the road were developed. The route would be through the Porter Ranch on a road that is now passable but would need additional work. In answer to Councilman Hogan, Mrs. Jones said the road would require approximately 7 miles of paving. JIM TRUELOCK, 492 Tanner Lane,. spoke saying that he did not think Cherry Avenue was a good choice for the trucks because of the number of children that must used that street. After further discussion, Mayor Pope thanked Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Jones for bringing this matter to Council's attention and said Council would keep abreast of the situation. RECEIPT OF UPDATE. ONGOING CAPITAL PROJECTS Mayor Pope reviewed for Council the list of ongoing capital projects and Council had the opportunity to ask specific questions about projects to City Engineer Karp. u ADOPT RESOIJJTION OF INTENTION TO PROVIDE SECTION 20.862.8 FOR LOCAL MISC. AND LOCAL SAFETY MEMBERS TO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Administrator Butch reviewed for Council that in the continuous effort to reduce costs for various items, it has come to his attention that the City's present rate for Public. Employees' Retirement System (PERS) would be 14.11% effective 7-1-80. After reviewing with the State, the unpooling of our funds from a larger pool of funds would make it possible to save 2.39% on the City's share of PERS. In order to do this, the City must make a change in the existing contract. One of the least expensive means, is the use of unused sick leave credited upon retirement. This would cost the City 1/4 of a percent. The overall savings to the City on its share of retirement costs would then be 2.14%. In round figures, this would represent over $15,000 in savings. per year to the City's share of retirement costs. Councilman Vandeveer asked for the clarification that if this was done would the sick leave be able to accrue indefinately? Butch answered no, that'the policy of a maximum 90 day accrual would stand as is. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read the title of a resolution of. in- tention to approve an amendment to contract between the Board of Administration of the PERS and the City of Arroyo Grande. A motion was made by Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to dispense. with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1411 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call' vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members SMith, Hogan, Vandeveer, Millis and Mayor Pope None None o the foregoihg Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of April, 1980. REOUEST AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE WATER TRUCK FOR PARKS DEPT. (UNBUDGETED ITEM) Administrator Butch explained that through a computer error a local dealer had an extra half ton pick up. Originally, it was thought that perhaps the truck could be purchased to replace vehicle No. 28, our three-quarter ton flat bed. No. 28 could then be converted to a water truck. However, after discussion with the Public Works Superintendent, this method was found to be unsafe. ""However-, . a 'second 'polht---is that the 1980-81 budget was going to request the purchase of a pick-up for the Public Works Superintendent. Therefore, Staff is asking for authorization to purchase the truck now, which is being offered at the August 1979 price. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Hogan and unanimously carried authorizing purchase of the 1980 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pick up at the price of $5,000.00 plus applicable tax and license. " --jI333 'I il CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 22, 1980 PAGE 6 LF.rrTRR OF 'RF.QTJRS'T' FROM S()NTC CABT.F. TV. HR. 'RATF. TNCRRASF. Administrator Butch reviewed the letter of request from Sonic Cable TV, with reference to a rate increase. Butch stated that recent legislation has given the cable companies the right to deregulate from an agency and establish regular rates. However, Sonic would prefer to work with the City on this matter. Mr. Christopher Cohan, President of Sonic Cable TV had requested in his letter that Council appoint a representative to join representatives of pisrno 'Beach, and Grover to study with Sonic a rate modification. Councilman Millis mentioned that if such a study session took place he hoped that Sonic would be like the Garbage Company had been in previous years and be able to justify-their request. After discussion, Mayor Poper instructed Mr. Butch to setup the meeting and Pope would appoint a Council Member to attend. r -~ MAYOR POPE THEN CALLiLA BRIEF RECESS (10: 08 - 10: 14) FURTHF.R DISCUSSION. RE. r.F.TTRR OF RF.OTJEST FROM MSR PROPRRTTRS. TNC. . HR. LTNDA DRIVE EXTENSION AND DRAINAGE PROJECT City Engineer Karp reported that Council had a copy of the drawing adopted by the City Council with the plan for Arroyo Grande Drainage Area No.1. The print shows a 30" diameter storm drain to be constructed between Bennett Avenue and Grand Avenue in drainage area labeled 2b. Resolution No. 1006, adopted by the City Council on August 22, 1972, established all of the improvements and fees to be required of developers with any improvements within the Fair Oaks Drainage Area. Therefore, it is the staff recommendation that the City partic- ipate in construction of the required drainage facilities between Linda Drive and Grand Avenue in the following manner: (1) City to share equally in construction of the new drop inlet to be located on Grand Avenue at the southerly terminus of the porposed 30" culvert; (2) That the City assure P.G.&E. that public funds are involved in construction of this drainage system in order that the existing power pole in the vicinity of the aforementioned drop inlet can be moved at no expense to the developer; and(3)That the developer be credited for drainage fees previously paid for construction adjacent to the proposed 30" storm drain. CARROL PRUETT, representing MSB Properties, spoke saying that in the landowners'~'opinion, th~re are several inequities in this e~tire project. First, there is an objection to paying more than MSB Properties and Blankenburg Bros. Investments share toward the huge drainage project in question. Pruett stated that their assessments for drainage have been paid as the property was developed, and the need for this was recognized. However, he strenuously objected to having to tear up a new parking lot and put in a huge drainage pond and an ex- pensive first link of an overall drainage system which he understood the City as a'whole was undertaking. Council discussion ensued, with discussion of how much responsibility a developer should have, and where the water was being diverted from in the first place. Councilman MilliS pointed out that while he doesn't wish to hold up the project, perhaps this matter should be discussed at the session on April 29th with the Parks & Recreation Dept. when the drainage at Soto Sports Complex would also be discussed because one project could have an effect on the other. After much dis- cussion, Mayor Pope advised that the item would be discussed at the session on April 29th and placed on Council's agenda for May 13th. n REPORT ON RECENT ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 17. 1980 City Engineer Karp reported that 7,000 trout had recently been planted. Also, the dam was still spilling at the time of the meeting. It is anticipated that the mobile home can be installed soon now that the rain has stopped... Karp also stated that some preliminary studies may be done of the feasibility of the lake as a site of an electric power plant. FllRTHER DISCllSSION ON GRANT DEED FOR WATER LINK.EASEMENTMSOUTH ELM ST. PONDING AREA Administrator Butch advised Council that the developer of pike Park II, a subdivision within the County has been required to provide a water line connection between the subdivision which lies south of The Pike and west of Paul Place to the existing County Service Area No. 13 water line which exists within the South Elm Street right of way. Butch reported that staff's concern would be over who would bear the expense if the line had to be relocated. Mr. Bill Simpson, developer of the property had indicated to staff that he would guarantee that he would be responsible for relocating the waterline within the easement once in the next five years, if deemed necessary by the City. City Engineer Karp reported that at a previous Council meeting, it was mentioned that the City should receive 334 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 22, 1980 PAGE 7 some type of renumeration for the easement, but he felt that Mr. Simpson's willingness to relocate the line if necessary would be better for the City in the long run than renumeration now. Mayor pope:-suggested that perhaps a per- formance bond would be in order. Bill Simpson, developer of the property, said he felt the requirement of moving the line if necessary was already very stringent and the only reason he was doing this in the first place was because the County was requiring it. After Council discussion, City Engineer Karp advised Council that his original recommendation had been to grant the easement. A motion was then made by Councilman Hogan, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried to grant the appropriate easement to Mr. Simpson so long as he signs an agreement with the City guaranteeing that he will be responsible for relocating the water- line once within the next five years if necessary. p..CCRP'l'ANCE OF nRATNA(.;F. F.A~F.MF.NT BETWRF.N TALLV HO CRRF.K ANn PASRO STRRF.'T' City Engineer Karp advised that in conjunction with development of May street, drainage structures will have to be constructed in order to convey the improvement water from the existing lots proposed for development on May Street to Tally Ho Creek. The easement will provide public right of way for said drainage crossing the Pacific Coast Railroad right of way currently owned by Mr. John Sprague. Mr. Sprague has agreed to this easement. Karp 'also stated that this drainage will not adversly impact people adjacent to the creek. A motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan and unani- mously carried to accept on behalf of the public said Grant of Easement for drainage purposes. o AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS ON STREET BUILDING AT THE CORP YARD FOR VEHICLE STORAGE City Engineer Karp reported that this steel vehicle storage building has been budgeted for the last two fiscal years and will provide a shelter for City equipment presently being parked without cover in the City's yard. Staff anticipates that the construction can be completed for the budgeted figure of $42,000.00. The building would be approximately 150'x50'. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Smith,seconded by Councilman Hogan and unani- mously carried to authorize a Call for Bids to construct a steel vehicle storage building at the Corporation Yard. WRTTTEN r.OM~TNTrATTONs-ADMINISTRATOR BUTCH reviewed a letter from the County Department of Public Health asking that the Council authorize the County Health Departr(\ent to apply for additional litter control funds. A mqtion to,allto,horize the County Depi1rtment6'f' Public, Health_ to apply'-foi;'sai,Lfunds was made by 'Council- man .Vandeveer J s;;-ondecl by Councilman Millis and "'~~animous~ly . carried r~- "-'- '." . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS-MAYOR POPE asked Staff to check on any ordinances that would effect the unsightliness of the Baker Bros. property near the freeway. MAYOR POPE apoligized for any embarrassment caused the City or other Members of Council for the apparently unautho;i~ed Executive Session he called during the April 15, 1980 meeting. He stated that/no wrong was intended. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by and unanimously carried, the Council adjourned at 11:06 adjourned session on April 29, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. in th the Parks and Recreation Commission. Member Vandeveer a regular Chambers with ATTEST: ~~--")l/~~ DEP Y CITY ERK ~