Minutes 1980-05-13 336. CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 13, 1980 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Pope presiding. Upon roll call Council Members Smith, Vandeveer and Millis reported present. Council Member Hogan was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Pope led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter, Reverend Alan P. Gorsline of the United Methodist Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered .the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was pointed out by Council Member Millis' .that the minutes for the Regular Adjourned Meeting of April 29, 1980, needed a correction on the third paragraph under the discussion of the Soto Sports Complex drainage question. The minutes should be corrected to read "...Council Member Millis asked that the minutes reflect that "primary use" meant that if ever there .is a conflict, that the . complex would always win out." A motion was then made by Council Member Vandeveer', seconded by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried approving the minutes of the regular meeting of April 22, 1980 as stands and approving the minutes of the regular adjourned session of April 29, 1980 with the correction indicated. D APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer and unanimously carried, Demand Warrants No. 12732 through 12938 and No. P0865 through P0880 in the total amount of $379,555.33; and Payroll Warrants No. 17064 through 17168 in the total amount of $71,888.79, were approved and ordered paid. MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Mayor Pope announced the following .Committee Assignments: Area Planning Council, Councilman Vandeveer, alternate to be City ,Engineer Karp; Rubbish Commission, Councilman Hogan and Administrator Butch; Water Resources Commission, Councilman Vandeveer and City Engineer Karp; EOC, Councilwoman Smith; SCAT, Councilwoman Smith and City Administrator.Butch; South County Water Association, Councilman Vandeveer; South County Sanitation District, Mayor Pope and alternate Councilman Millis; Underground Utilities, not appointed at this time; Zone 3 Board,City Engineer Karp. FURTHER DISCUSSION OF OFFICE HOURS FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS IN CITY HALL Because Councilwoman Smith and Councilman Vandeveer had not yet had time to formulate a time table, this item was heldover until the next Council meeting. !>pPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA TTEMS On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were:approved, as recommended by City Administrator Butch. A-I. Receipt of March 12, 1980, Minutes for Human Relation Commission of the South San Luis Obispo County. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-2. Receipt IDf Monthly Management Report on Workers' Compensation. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-3. Receipt of Monthly Management Report on Liability Experience. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. u A-4. Receipt of State Report on Crime and Delinquency in California, 1979. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-5. Letter of Appreciation, Bethel Baptist Church-Keep Up the Good Work. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-6. Letter of Request from Tri-County Commission for Senior Mayor to proclaim the Month of Mayas Older American Month. PROCLAIM. Citizens, asking RECOMMEND MAYOR SO A-7. Receipt of 1980, Department of Finance Estimate of Population for January 1, 1980--10,950, (January 1, 1979--10,500). A 4.2% Increase. RECOMMEND POPULATION ESTIMATE BE CERTIFIED. A-8. Request that Mayor Proclaim the Week of May 11 to May 17, 1980, as National Police Week. RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. ITEMS DELETED FROM AGENDA - B-20.C-4 337 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 13, 1980 PAGE 2 ADOPT ORDINANCE-REZONING CASE NO. 80-136. OAK PARK ACRES. TRACT 'NUMBER 604 Administrator Butch read the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by rezoning certain property (Lots 1,2,3) in Oak Park Acres; Tract Number 604. A motion was then made by Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis and unanimously carried ,to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. n ORDINANCE NO. 215 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9" CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ,SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. 'On motion of ,Council' Member'Millis;"seconded by Council Member Vandeveer and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, "Vandeveer, -Millis 'and Mayor Pope None Council Member Hogan the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 13th day of May, 1980. PROGRESS REPORTS-VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS FIRE STATION-Vic Montgomery, of Richmond, Rossi & Montgomery, presented to Council renderings of the proposed Fire Station. He stated that the firm,',s initial concentration was to establish the building layout on the site. Also, discussion has been held with the owner of the adj?cent property in regard:to a lot line adjustment that would allow for an,incr,ease of pa,rking spaces from 26 to 36. Mr. Montgomery then presented the refinement of the'floor plan with actual room sizes and other functional aspects'of the building. Montgomery " stated, thedhformation before Council this evening had already been presented to the Volunteers and Fire Chief. The Fire Department had approved the conceptual plans. Montgomery showed Council different elevations of the Fire Station and advised that the concept was to build a brick building. Mon~gomery stated that' the Fire Department had voiced concern over a ured" brick building, but there are many color choices,' M~~tgom~ry then displayed"some,of the possible choices of brick for Council. He stated,:that even though brick was, initially more expensive than stucco or wood, the upkeep would be much 'less and brick would lend itself to the design of the ,building much better so far as room definition and particularly 'roof line. Montgomery pointed out that a pitched roof situa- tion in a building of this size would not necessarily be as attractive or functional. Another 'reason ~or brick was because the material would really harmonize with the buildings in the Village. Councilman'Millis asked of any seismic problems with a brick structure, but Montgomery advised that the Building Code allowed for such. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer and unanimously carried'to approve the'architectural concept and renderings and authorize the architects to proceed with the final plans. r COMMUNITY BUILDING-Administrator Butch reported that tomorrow (5-14-80) would be the bid opening for the' Community Building., STROTHER,~?MMUNITX,~A~~Nothing,new to report at this time. ";;0;0 SPORTS COMPLEX-Administrator Butch rep';rted that the Lights are ready to install; 'also there is a problem getting portable bleachers ,for the Babe Ruth Tournament, but hopefully that will be resolved soon. City Engineer Karp reported that as directed, he had met with the San Luis Engineers and an alignment for the force main and plans for the pump house have been developed. WATER SYSTEM-City Engineer Karp reviewed for Council his memo regarding the reservoir site and acce~s...~l<?quisitions (Frederick and M?r:l?a~.ek). He stated it is the staff recommendation that the City Council be requested to direct the City Attorney 'to take appropriate ,action to ,gain rights of immediate possession of the refjerenced- "acquisitions for construction of a one and a half 'to two million gallon water storage reservoir to serve existing needs within the City of Arroyo Grande. Karp reviewed the history of the proposed'project for Council and showed the site on the map. Karp advised that the property in question had one owner" btit~,,-an "additional easement was necessary and involved one other pwner. 338 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 13, 1980 PAGE 3 After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey stated that a Public Hearing "should be held to allow the owners of the property a chance to voice their opinions. After further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried authorizing a Public Hearing on June 10,- 1980 at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of considering the necessity of acquiring the site in question and the necessary easements for a water tank for the City. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING" COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 6. 1980 Administrator Butch advised Council of the Planning Commission rec- ommendation for a Public Hearing on May "27, 1980 at 8:00 P.M. for Rezoning case No. 79-130, Knollwood Development. RECEIPT OF LATEST LF.AGnF. OF CALIFORNIA ~TTTF.S' LEGISLATIVF. RF.PORTS AND OTHF.'RS The Council received the Latest League of California Cities' Legislative reports for their review. Administrator Butch also advised that he had just received information of a biLL currently pending on the assemblJl."~floor that would allow mobile homes on foundations to be located in residential areas on single family lots. After Council discussion, the Mayor directed that Staff write to appropriate legislators opposing this bill. Butch also informed Council of pending legislation that would give the State control of billboards rather than cities having local control. "After.."_" discussion, Mayor Pope instructed Staff to advise appropriate legislators ""of the City's opposition to this bill. ~ ORDINANCE 1ST READING-AMENDING THE PRESENT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RE~TREMEN~ SVS~F.M TO PROVIDE FOR UNUSED ST~K T.F.AVF. rRRDTrr Administrator Butch read for its first reading the title of an ordinance authorizing an amendment to the contract between the City of Arroyo Grande and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System. A motion was then made by Councilwoman Smith,. seconded by Councilman Vandeveer and unanimously carried to dispense wlth reading the balance of this ordinance. SET PUBLIC HEARING RE. REOUEST OF SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE FOR RATE CHANGE Administrator Butch reported that he, Council Member Hogan and rep- resentatives of "various cities had met with South County Sanitary Service to discuss a possible rate increase of .75~ per month. The Sanitary Service felt that increase would be adequate for "3 years unless the "inflation in any one year was 20% or"more. Butch "reported the Sanitary Service"had generally operated on the basis of a 10% return on their investment. This has not been possible the last couple of years with the cost of everythlng "increasing. For example, a dumpster "that was budgeted at $40,000.00 actually cost $85,000:00. Discussion followed, with Councilman Millis stating he felt a Public Hearing should be held .on the matter so the public would be informed. After further discussion of the increase, Mayor Pope directed the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance and ordered a Public Hearing to be held on the matter on May 27, 1980 at 8:00 P.M. NO'T'Tr.R OF' PtTRT.H: HRARTNC::. RR()Rr:::n.NT'7.ATTnN n'F' THR n("RANn ARRA MAV ll:i 1 qs:W AT 9.00 A.M. ~ As a matter of information, Administrator Butch advised Council of a Public Hearing to be held May 15, 1980 at 9:00 A.M. for the purpose of a re- organization which would establish the Oceano Community Service District. ~ Butch showed the area in question on "the map and reported there are 60 acres in question which LAFCo has encouraged to be annexed partially to the City of Arroyo Grande and partially to Grover City. After Council discussion, the Mayor asked Butch to attend the meeting and Councilman Vandeveer volunteered to attend in the place of Mrs. Smith who could not be there. LETTER OF CONCERN FROM BILL LACKEY. RE. BUSINESS LI!:ENSE Administrator Butch read "a letter from Bill Lackey stating his concern over what he felt was an over charge .for his business license. Council. heard a report from Finance Director Bacon on the procedure generally followed in.such matters. After discussion, the City's policy was upheld and no.further action. was taken on the matter. LETTER OF REQUEST FROM BILL "LACKEY, PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT, PRINTZ ROAD -, il339 !I :1 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 13, 1980 PAGE 4 Administrator Butch read a letter from Bill Lackey asking,:'Council's feeling on rezoning a piece of property on Printz Road. Butch advised Council that it had 'previously been Council's policy not to make decisions on 'stich matters until the Public Hearing'process; Mr; Lackey spoke saying he knew'the system but felt some idea of Council's opinion would give him direction 'and that the " current system is expensive for the developer. Council Member Vandeveer stated he could appreciate Lackey's comments but felt the Public Hearing process was important so input could be gathered from all concerned. After discussion, no action was taken on this mattei.' n NOTICE OF FINAL PAYMENT ON ANDERSON PROPERTY UNDER LEASE PURCHASE'AGREEMENT WTTH DOWNTOWN PARKING ADVISORY BOARD ' Administrator Butcn reviewed the memo"from Finance Director Bacon rioting' the final payment on the Anderson property. This signifies that the Downtown Merchants, through their,assessment process, "have completed purchase of another parcel of land 'for off-street parking. Butch,adivsed Council that the Downtown Parking Advisory Board would like to meet with the City Council sometime, inTJune, ,after. the Board has had a session with the Parking & Traffic Commission. A tentative date of ,June ,16, 1980 was, set for a study session. REOUEST CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER AMENDMENT TO BICYCLE ORDINANCE , Administrator Butch revi~wed a memo from Police Chief Clark regarding complaints and problems created by bicycle riders on the sidewalks within the business districts. After Council discussion, this matter was referred to the Downtown Parking Advisory Boar~. RECEIPT OF PROPOSED 1980-81 BUDGET FOR THE ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND REQUEST FOR A STUDY SESSION TO REVIEW THE CHAMBER BUDGET , Administrator Butch informed Council that the Chamber is requesting ,funds in the amount of $10,500 ,from, the Council for the next fiscal year. The Chamber is also asking for a study session with Council. After discussion, a date of May 19, 1980 was selected for the study session. FURTHER DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED LEASE BETWEEN CITY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT. LOPEZ HIGH Administrator Btuch reviewed the report of Park & Recreation Director Keisler on the affects of out-of~pocket fees on our recreation program as collected by the school district. _ Presently our yearly out-of-pocket for the school facil- ities are $1700 to $1800 per year and another $1000 for 1/2 of the lighting of the tennis courts at the high school. What staff is proposing is that the, City be willing to continue the $lOOO, for 1/2 of the lighting and pay a flat fee of $1000 per year for use of the fa~ilities. Also, the lease with the School District would be on a year-to~year basis: GARY THIES of the Parks & Recreation Commission spoke from the audience asking Council to let Parks & Recreation review the matter. However, Mayor Pope pointed out that the l~ase was up soon and action needed to be taken. After discussion, Mayor Pope asked the City Attorney to check on the terms of the lease to see if once 'it 'is, up, will it automatically renew or go to a month to month basis and also.have the Parks & Recreation Commission review the matter. r \- ~- LETTER OF RF.OYm~~ ~nR CONCEPT APPROVAL. ANNEXATION TO TAR CTTV O~ ARROVO r,RANnR VALLEY GARDEN AREA Administrator Butch read a letter from Allen Campbell, requesting Council concept approval for the annexation of the property commonly known aS,the Grieb or Prince property-adjacent to Valley Gardens., Butch ,also reminded 'Council the City's present General Plan indicates that no annexation will take place of prime agricultural land. ,Butch also showed Council the area in question on the sphere of influence map~ Bobby Fowler, a local realtor representing the owner and purchaser of the property, went over a number of points with the Council as to why the area should be annexed to the City. Mayor Pope pointed out to Mrs. Fowler that it had previously been.. the Council1s policy not to annex Prime AgrJcultural Land, i~e. Class I or Class II. After" a gooq.deal of discussion;. a motiq~_ was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer that in accordance with the General' Plan and concept of previous Councils that the Council does not support the concept of annexation of prime agricultural land or this particular parcel' " at this time. SAID MOTION PASSED on the following roll call'vote: AYES: Council ~1embers 'Smith, Vandeveer, Millis and Mayor Pope; NOES: None; ABSENT: Council Member Hogan. 340 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 13, 1980 PAGE 5 REOUEST BY CHIEF OF POLICE TO SUBMIT A TRAFFIC SAFETY PRO.TRCT PROPOSAT, FOR A TRAFFIC SAFETY OFFICER Administrator Butch reviewed the request by Chief Clark to submit a traffic safety project for a traffic safety officer, specifically a motorcycle officer. What this proposal would do is to furnish the 'City of Arroyo Grande with a traffic safety officer and a motorcycle police vehicle for two years, funding':to:,be covered completely in the first year and one half ':', covered in the second year, and then finally the City would pick up the full cost in the third year.;1 Butch also reported the main thrust of complaints to the Police Depart- ment were about traffic control. Discussion followed with questions as to exactly ,how the program would work. After discussion, a motion was made by, Councibman Millis, seconded by Councilwoman Smith and unanimously carried author- izing'Chief Clark to apply for 'state funds for the traffic safety officer program. REPORT ON RECENT MEETING HELD WITH SONIC CABLE T.V.. HE RATF. TNrRRA~F. RR~lR~T Councilman Vandeveer reported on the recent meeting with Chtis Cohen, President of Cable TV and representatives of other cities. Vandeveer stated that ,the information provided was rather sketchy and the representatives had asked Cohen to gather more information and provide a pro forma statement. Van~ deveer and Butch will report to Council later with new developments. u ,SET PUBLIC HEARING ON 1980-81 PROPOSED USES OF REVENUE SHARING Administrator Btuch advised Council that as required by law, a Public Hearing on the 1980-81 Proposed Uses of Revenue Sharing would be held on May 27, 1980 at'8iOO P.M. REPORT ON RECENT COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS MEETING HELD ON MAY 1. ]980 Councilman Vandeveer reported that the COG meeting had actually been a public hearing for County residents to'comment on transportation needs in the County.. The residents cited many needs for the 'COG to consider including those of the handicapped and Senior Citizens. A transportation link up between Arroyo Grande and San Luis Obispo was also discussed. No formal action was taken at this time. SET PUBLIC HRARTNG FOR PROPORED UPDATE 197Q.j' TJNTFORM FTRF. c:onF. Th~ Council received a copy of. the Fire Chief's. report as previously requested. It was noted that the Planning Commission had made recommendations regarding the code. A Public Hearing was set for June 24, 1980 at 8:00 P.M. LETTER OF TNFORMATION FROM COUNTY DRPARTMRNT OF FACILITY SERVICES. RE. EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Administrator Butch reviewed that as the Council is aware, the National Guard is interested in a site in Arroyo Grande for an armory. The City had expressed interest in the County Road Yard on Ide Street; the County is inter- ested in exchanging property with the City and the National Guard. The County ,has advised the City they would like to get an appraisal of the properties in~ 'volved, and that 'the 'City might be interested in ,sharing in the appraisal ,cost, and further, that the actual cost would,be.resolved in escrow, if it ever devel- oped that far. The armory is basically a 9ymnasium and would be available to the public. Administrator Butch also showed the areasiin' question on the' map. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried authorizing staff to proceed so that the County can have the, parcels appraised. .RECEIPT OF DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF APRTT.. 1 'lBO, The Council received for their" information the Monthly Departmental Reports for the month of April, 1980. Councilman Millis asked the City Engineer to pre- pare a list of those streets that had installed more than 1/2 curbs, gutters, and sidewalks for the next Council meeting. u MAYOR POPE THEN CALLED A BRIEF RECESS (9:40-9:45) FnRTHF.R nTs~nSSTON ,ON RFi':QT1RST RV MSR PROPRRTTF.!::; TNr il'O'R RRT.TRil' Oil' m:~:aTNlH'~F. RRonTREMRNTS TN CONlTUN~TTON WTTH T.TNnA nRTVR RXTRNSTOl\l City Engineer Karp reviewed his previous memo to Council stating his ~' recommendation that the City participate in construction of the required drainage facilities between' Linda Drive and Grand Avenue in the following manner: 1. City to share equally in construction of the new drop inlet to be located" on Grand,~Avenue .at the southerly terminus of the proposed~ 30" culvert. I 1!341 I ! CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 13, 1980 PAGE 6 2. That the City assure P.G.&E. that public funds are-involved in con- struction of this drainage system in order that the existing power pole in the vicinity of the aforementioned drop irilet can be moved at 'no expense to the de- veloper. for 3. That ,the developer be credited for drainage fees previously paid construction adjacent to the proposed 30" storm drain. Karp reviewed the area in question on the map and reviewed for Council the ov~rall drainage ptcture for that area. Council expressed various concerns, including the question of whether the ponding area at,Soto Sports Complex ,would be sufficient to hold the quantity 'of water in question. Karp answered that it would for the amount of development in question. There was also discussion of where the flow originated ,and who was responsible for how much of the drainage problem. n Carrol Pruett, representing MSBProperties, spoke saying he still felt' this was an unreasonable demand for the development of that property and pointed out that the water had not originally flowed across the property in question but rather by the Jane Thompson Realty property. A good deal of discussion followed and after discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer and unani- mously carried to approve the recommendation of the City Engineer on the three points previously stated. FURTHER 'DisCUSSION AND REPORT BY CITY ENGINEER. RE CHIINf;F, 7.0NTNC: ORDTNIINrF, APPLICABLE TO CURB. GUTTER AND SIDEWALK Mayor Pope requested this matter be held over until the next Council meeting so that Councilman Hogan could be in attendance. AUTHORIZE PROGRESS PAYMENT NO. 4. TALLY HO DRAINAGE, City Engineer Karp asked, authorization of progress payment No.4, Tally Ho Drainage Project to Melcher Construction in the amount of $11,855.88 and re- quested authorization to request reimbursement from the state of our portion of the participating funds in the amount of $15,114.66. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded'by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried authorizing progress payment No. 4 to Melcher Construction in the amount of $11,855.88 and authorizing reimbursement of state funds in the amount"6f $15,114'.66. LETTER OF REOUEST FROM OWNER OF 608 ALPINE PLACE, TRACT *775 Administrator Butch read a letter,requesting occupancy of 608 Alpine Place by the owners 'of the residence, Mr. & Mrs. Carr. City Engineer Karp re- ported that even though the tract improvement,s ,ha<'l,.')ot officially been accepted, he was recomiriending 'the Carr"s"heallowed"occupancy. The only item that needed to be completed before occupancy would be the completion of the pump station, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer and unanimously carried, allowing the Carr's occupancy of 608 Alpine Place with said ,occupanc~ being based on ,the pump station being operable 'and approved by the City Engineer. n SET PUBLIC HEARING-IICOUTSTTTON OF PROPERTY AT CORNF.R OF m,TVF. IIND HIILCYON (RTZON) FOR STREET WIDENING ,City ,Engineer Karp reviewed the location of the property in question for Council and stated that despite negotations, no decision had been satisfactorily made for acquiring the property in question and asked Council to set a Public Hearing for discussion of rights to gain immediate possession. Said Hearing was directed to be held on June 10, 1980 at 8:00 P.M. ~ REPORT ON RECENT COUNTY-WIDE WATER ASSN. MEETING HELD ON MAY 7, 1980 City Engineer Karp;':'reported the Nacimiento project is now underway to get on the November ballot. The issue would provide for a $100,000,000 bond issue; $45 million for the project and the balance for overhead. There was also some discussion of placement of a hydro ele~tr~c site, possibly at Nacimiento Tunnel; the Salinas. project or Lopez'project. Karp will keep Council posted. PROGRESS REPORT ON THE SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch reported the present outfall was undermined by the creek and surfaced but this has been corrected. Council received a written re- port on the District for their review. 342 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE,2CALIFORNIA MAY 13, 1980 PAGE 7 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS MAYOR POPE proclaimed May 26-30. MAYOR POPE proclaimed May 11-18 as "Soil Stewardship Week". "Clean Up Week in Arroyo Grande" for the week of ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COUNCILWOMAN SMITH felt that there were many requests for annexations and the Council should have a study session. Council concurred, and annexations will be discussed at the meeting of May 19, 1980. ADJOURNMENT On motion of CounciLman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer and unanimously carried, Council adjourned at 10:40 P.M. to a regular adjourned session on Monday, May 19, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. u ATTEST. ~~' ~A~ .DEPUTY CITY ERR u