Minutes 1980-06-10 352 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 7, 1980 REGULAR ADJOURNED SESSION The City Council met in regular adjourned session with all members present. Council left to tour Knollwood development and returned at 10:10 A.M. A motion was made by Council Member Millis, seconded. by Council Member Smith and unanimously carried to adjourn until bOO P.M. for a budget study session. BUDGET SESSION All Council Members were present and also present was City Administrator Butch, Finance Director Bacon and City Attorney Shipsey. Council reviewed the total ~udget. Council adjourned to an executive. session at 4:03. P.M. The Council returned. and upon motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Millis and unanimously. carried, the meeting adjourned at 4:35 P.M. u '=T. t.?:>1~@AM-t-~ DEPU CITY CLERK [ n '/ r ..r_----" 353 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 10, 1980 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Pope presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Karl A. Hogan, Mark M. Millis and Lawrence E. Vandeveer reported present. Council'Member B'Ann Smith was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION" Council Member Hogan led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Thereafter ,:i Rev. Robert J. Banker, of the Open Door Church in Oceano, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, the minutes for the regular meeting of May 27, 1980, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer and unanimously carried, Demand Warrants No. 13036 through No. 13114 in the total amount of $26,816.99; and Payroll Warrants No. 17253 through No. 17336 in the total amount of $44,500.27. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer and unanimously carried, the following Consent Agenda Items were approved, as recommended by Administrator Butch. A-I. Official certification from State Office of Finance, City of Arroyo Grande Population is 10,950 as of January 1, 1980. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-2. Letter of Request from'the Rainbow Girls, Assembly #100 for a Fee Exempt Permit for Fireworks Booth. RECOMMEND APPROVAL SUBJECT TO FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. A-3. Receipt of Notice of Quarterly Channel Counties' Division of of California Cities' Quarterly Meeting in Lompoc, June 13, 1980. COUNCIL MEMBERS ADVISE IF THEY PLAN TO ATTEND. the League RECOMMEND A-4. Notice from City of San Luis Obispo Rental of Film Purchased from the National Trust for Historic Preservation Entitled "Main street." RECOMMEND NOTICE BE SENT TO VARIOUS CIVIC GROUPS FOR THEIR INTEREST. A-5. Letter of Request from American Legion, Arroyo Grande Post No. 136 for a Fee Exempt Permit for Two Fireworks Booths. RECOMMEND APPROVAL SUBJECT TO FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. A-6. Request of Village Merchants to Hold a ,Sidewalk Sale on July 5, ,1980, from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVAL SUBJECT TO REQUIREMENTS OF PUBLIC WORKS AND PLANNING DEPARTMENTS. A-7. Letter of Request from Arroyo Grande Lions Club for Fee Exempt Permit for Fireworks Booth. RECOMMEND APPROVAL SUBJECT TO FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. ITEMS WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA - D-5(a). REPORT AND UPDATE ON 'PROPOSED ,LEASE AGREEMENT WITH SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY ON LOPEZ HIGH SCHOOL' Administrator Butch stated that the Staff'is recommending the lease be in effect for five years with a one year termination notice clause rather than six months. Also that it begin 7~1-80 and end 6-30-81 to be consistent with the fiscal year. Dr. George McDonald, member of the School Board, .thanked the Council for its' cooperation. He stated that since Prop. 13 tax cuts the District has had a difficult time particularly with the costs of relocating. He needs assurance .of another five years. Mr. George OIConnor) President) thanked Council for their consideration. 354 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 10, 1980 PAGE 2 It was moved by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman HoganJ~to enter into the lease agreement with Lucia Mar School District as recommended by Staff and to become effective July 1, 1980. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ,'.ABSTAIN: Council Members Hogan, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope~ None" Smi th Millis. ORDINANCE NO. 217 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 4 'OF TITLE 6 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 6-4.10 THERETO RELATING TO GARBAGE COLLECTION RATES' On motion of Council Member~Vandeveer, seconded by' Councilman Hogan and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilrnembers Hogan, Vandeveer, Millis and Mayor Pope. None Council Member Smith the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this lOth day of June 1980.. PROGRESS REPORTS-VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS FIRE STATION - Nothing new to report at this time. . COMMUNITY BUILDING - Administrator Butch. reported that the groundbreaking will be June 12, 1980. He also reported regarding the letter received from James H. Maul Associates, Inc. requesting revision of their fee due to the low bid made. Mr. Maul's letter stated there had been an error in'estimating the bid. Mr. Maul spoke from the audience, asking Council's consideration of this matter. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Hogan, seconded by Co~ncilman Vandeveer, and unanimously carried to deny the request by . James H. Maul Associates, Inc. STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK - Administrator Butch. reported that the handicap fountain has been dedicated. SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX - Nothing to report at this time. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUATION - REZONE CASE NO. 79-130. KNOLLWOOD DEVELOPMENT City Engineer Karp stated Staff's recommendation is to connect Miller Way to N. Halcyon or James Way and still recommend that sidewalks should be required. This would make Miller Way more accessible as it would nave secondary access. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Pope declared it open for public comment. DICK ZIEGLER, 276 Miller Way; stated he was not in favor of Miller Way being a through street. HAL BELCH, 262 Miller Way, said the current streets are not adequate and the problem should not be compounded. BLAIR BARNETT, 327 Miller Way, questioned the figures given by Staff. RICHARD LASIEWSKI, 324 Miller Way, asked the date of the map being displayed. There being no further public comment, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. o r ., ~ ,,0 1 -- 11355 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA .JUNE 10,. 1980 PAGE 3 Mayor Pope indicated he was in favor of extending Miller Way and if problems arise in the future it could be corrected. Councilman Millis stated that density is causing a problem and this i~ a sensitive area. He said the density should.be lower and r~commended 180 units. The ordinance recommends cluster development which would cut down on erosion. Councilman Vandeveer agreed with Councilman Millis that this is a sensitive area .and the City must work with the developer to allow a little latitude. He would like the maximum number of units and the continuance of Miller.Way. Councilman Hogan said he is in favoL,.of continuing Miller Way. for safety reasons. Administrator Butch reported that Council needs to find.the EIR and addendum are adequate for approval of the project. A motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer to find the EIR, addendum, . and 49 conditions acceptable and to direct the City Attorney and Staff to prepare the necessary ordinance to rezone from A to PD with abovenamed conditions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hogan. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council"'"NeIt1.bers:::Hogan, Vandeveer, and Pope, Council Member Millis Council Member Smith. ADOPT RESOLUTION -.PLANNED USES OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR 1980-81 The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Pope declared it open for public comment. BETTY HILL, Hotline, requested $500 to assist in annual expenses. HAZEL JONES, County Symphony, requested $600. There being no further public comment, Mayor Pope declared the hearing closed. He stated he feels that social service organizations should not be supported by governmental agencies but by the citizenry. Councilman Vandeveer and Millis agreed with the Mayor. After discussion, Council concurred that $4,500 originally proposed for Social Services be applied to development of the fire station. Administrator Butch read the title of the resolution. Upon motion by Councilman Millis and seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, it was voted unanimously to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1414 A RESOLUTION OF.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING PLANNED. USE OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR THE 1980-81 FISCAL YEAR On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer and on the following roll call.vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hogan, Vandeveer, Millis and Mayor Pope. None Council Member Smith the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of June 1980. ADOPT RESOLUTION - NECESSITY RELATING TO THE CITY WATER STORAGE FACILITY, INCLUDING NECESSARY ACCESS .AND EASEMENT FOR SAID FACILITY City Engineer Karp defined the .proposed easements and the areas on the map consisting of the Frederick and Marsalek properties. City Attorney Shipsey advised that in order to adopt the resolution the Council .must find that the public interest and necessity.require the project; the project is planned or located'in the manner.that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private .injury .and; that the property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project. . Mr. Karp explained why these three findings apply to the proposed property. Upon motion by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Millis, it was voted unanimously to find that the above three conditions apply to the Frederick property. Upon motion by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman. Vandeveer, it was voted unanimously to find that the above three conditions apply to the Marsalek property and that the City Attorney shall assist the City Engineer in preparing the appropriate documents.. 356 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 10, 1980 PAGE 4 ADOPT RESOLUTION - NECESSITY RELATING TO THE HALCYON ROAD WIDENING. PROJECT, 895 OLIVE STREET The hearing having been properly noticed and published, Mayor Pope declared it open for public comment. Administrator Butch explained that the owner is asking $5,900 and. Staff is offering $4,700. PEGGY RIZON, 895 Olive Street, owner of the property, stated she had not received a notice of the public. hearing but attributed it to the postal service. She has no objection to the widening of the street and the only delay is the. asking price for her property. There being no further public comment, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. City Attorney Shipsey read a letter from' Mrs. Rizon's attorney and after Council discussion it was moved by Mayor Pope"secondedcby ..... Councilman Vandeveer, and unanimously voted to continue the hearing to the next meeting of June 24, 1980 to allow a settlement to be reached. PUBLIC HEARING - ESTABLISHMENT OF SHORT 1911 ACT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FOR SIDEWALKS ON THE EAST SIDE OF WALNUT STREET BETWEEN ASH STREET AND FAIR OAKS AVENUE The hearing having been properly noticed and published, Mayor Pope declared it open for public comment. There being none. Mayor Pope closed the hearing. After brief Council discussion Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Millis, moved to establish the improvement district and' the vote was unanimous. u PROGRESS REPORTS - VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS WATER SYSTEM'- Upon motion by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, it was voted unanimously to authorize the City Engineer to begin design of the new reservoir. REPORT AND.RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING. COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 3, 1980. Thec'.report was accepted. RECEIPT OF LATEST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS AND OTHERS Administrator Butch reported on the bulletins and stated that Assemblywoman Hallett had voted for allowing mobile homes on residential lots, although the bill was defeated. LETTER OF RESPONSE FROM SHERMAN COFFMAN. EXECUTIVE OFFICER. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF LAFCOS Administrator Butch read the letter and stated that a meeting date between LAFCO and the City has yet to be determined. NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF TERMS OF OFFICE - 6-30-80 Mayor Pope stated that this item will 'be discussed at the next meeting of June 24, 1980. REPORT ON RECENT SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS' MEETING OF JUNE 10. 1980 Councilman Vandeveer reported that the meeting was a continued public hearing on unmet transportation. needs within the County. There were 14 items identified as unmet. Two items were for connection of south county with San Luis and connection of north.county with San Luis. The County Staff recommended that this was .not an unmet need and should not be approved. Councilman Vandeveer stated that he spoke in opposition to this and COG directed County Staff to do further study while beginning a one bus per week service. The next meeting of COG will be July 17, 1980. After Council discussion, Mayor Pope appointed Councilman Hogan as the COG alternate representative. o FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE OF PROPOSED 1979 UNIFORM FIRE CODE. Administrator Butch read the title of an ordinance relating to the adoption of the proposed 1979 Uniform Fire Code.' Upon motion by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Millis, it was voted unanimously to dispense with reading of the balance of the ordinance. The second reading of' the ordinance will be atca public hearing for the meeting of June 24, 1980. n D -i13571 ~ I , CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 10, 1980 PAGE 5 FIRST 'READING OF A PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON THE SALES AND DISPLAY OF DRUG USE MATERIAL AND PARAPHERNALIA Administrator Butch read the title of an ordinance relating to the adoption of a proposed ordinance'on 'the sales and display of drug use 'material and paraphernalia'. Upon motion by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded'by Councilman Millis, it was voted unanimously to dispense with reading of the balance of the ordinance a .1" REQUEST JOINT MEETING BETWEEN'PARKING'ADVISORY BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL, MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1980, AT 7:30 P.M.' Administrator Butch stated that a new date needs to be set due to conflicting meetings. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ON PROPOSED ,REZONING OF 'ARROYO GRANDE FRINGE BY HUBER RANCH FROM ~IR-A" AND "U" TO "A-I" Administrator Butch reviewed the memos from City Engineer Karp and Planning Director Castro. Af~er Council discussion, Mayor Pope directed Staff to make known Council's'concerns to the County. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON RECENT SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL MEETING OF MAY 30, 1980 Upon motion by Councilman Hogan, seconded by Councilman Millis, it was voted unanimously to authorize Mayor Pope and the City Clerk to sign the agreement with the County Department of Animal Control. RECEIPT OF DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1980 The reports were received. REPORT BY CITY ENGINEER RE: CHANGE ZONING ORDINANCE, APPLICABLE TO CURB,. GUTTER AND SIDEWALK City Engineer Karp stated that the current ordinance is not clear as it relates to curb, gutter and sidewalk~ TI1e proposed ordinance will correct the problem. Administrator Butch read the title of the ordinance. Upon motion by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, it was voted unanimously to dispense with reading of the balance of the ordinance. REPORT'ON RECENT COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 4, 12ll.Q Councilman Vandeveer reported that the meeting consisted of consideration of a resolution pertaining to Zone 3 uses of the water basin and better management of it. The resolution took into account safe yield and was approved. There was also discussion on future use of Lopez water and the matter will be studied later. RECEIPT OF BIDS, STEEL VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING AT CORPORATION YARD City Engineer Karp stated that bids were received June 5, 1980 and Bunnell Construction was low bidder at $27,240.00. He recommended the bid be awarded to Bunnell Construction. Upon motion by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to award the contract to Bunnell Construction. RECOMMENDATION OF CITY ENGINEER, RE: APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP AG 80-31, LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 80-327 (WHITE) City Attorney Shipsey stated that it was recently approved by the State Supreme Court that a parcel may be rezoned after the tentative map is approved. The Council must find that the parcel map is consistent with the General Plan at the time of approval. Upon motion by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Counci~an Hogan, and voted unanimously to approve the map with the above finding' 358 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 10, 1980 PAGE 6 APPROVE - LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 80-326. AG Parcel Map 80-28. (ENGLE. SIERRA DRIVEl City Engineer Karp explained that the property was granted a variance from the cross slope requirements of the subdivision ordinance by the City Council on January 22, 1980 and was subject to a grading plan.to be submitted for approval prior to recordation of the final map. He has also placed a 'buyer beware' notice on the map. Karp recommended the findings that the parcel map AG 80-28 is consistent with the General Plan and city zoning: the Council accept, subject to improvement, the offer of dedication for Printz Road widening; and that parcel map AG '80.~28 be approved. --. Uporf-mo.tion -by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, it was voted unanimously to approve Parcel Map AG 80:-28 subject; .to-::the 'above findings. RECEIPT OF BASIN PLAN REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING EROSION CONTROL FROM CENTRAL COAST REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD Mayor Pope directed Staff to continue work on the basin plan and to keep in contact with Councilman Vandeveer as to its's progress. u AUTHORIZE PAYMENT NO.5, CANYON WAY DRAINAGE PROJECT City Engineer Karp reviewed the request and stated the payment is 'in the amount of $2,553.48. Upon motion by Councilman Millis, seconded by. Councilman Hogan, it was voted to approve payment no. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS' MAYOR POPE stated that Council Member Smith has requested permission to be out of the state from June 16 to June 23. Upon motion by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Hogan, it was unanimously voted to grant the request. COUNCILMAN MILLIS requested permission to be out of state for the month of July and part of August. Upon motion by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, it was voted unanimously to grant the request. MAYOR POPE requested information regarding Canyon Way~ He urged completion due to bad weather approaching. City Engineer Karp explained regarding undergrounding of utilities. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by CouncilmannVandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, it was voted unanimously to adjourn at 10:40 P.M. to the next regular meeting of June 24, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. ,=", &1;jt!k,/{MJ DEP Y CITY CLERK o