Minutes 1980-11-05 n n i I i CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 5, 1980 The City Council met in an adjourned regular meeting with Mayor Pope presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Karl A. Hogan,_Mark M.Millis, and Lawrence E. Vandeveer reported present. Council Member B'Ann Smith was absent. DISCUSSION ON ~TE INCREASE REQUEST BY SONIC CABLE TV City Administrator Butch reported to Council regarding the rate increase request of Sonic. He indicated that some action should be taken by Council to grant a six month interim rate'ein order to proceed with the rate study. There was discussion regarding the interim rate. Council Member Vand~veer offered that same proposal granted by the City of San Luis Obispo be made available to the City of Arroyo Grande, which was a $7.00 per month charg~ for residents. Mayor Pope suggested a 5 minute recess so that Sonic Cable TV representatives could review the proposal. RECESS All returned present as above. Mr. Farrell, ~ttorriey' for Sonic, offered to Arroyo Grande residents the charge of $7.50 per month; commercial (covering mobile homes, and apartments) the charge of $7.50 per month per outlet and a 15% discount on mass ownership; the second residential outlet the charge of $1.55; motels the charge of '50% of the residential fee or $3.75 per month on a 6 month limit on the interim study. The installation charge to remain the same. Mr. Farrell stated that Sonic will cooperate with the City on the rate study. Sonic will credit customers on the next month's bill and the rate control' will be seriously studied in the rate study. There was much discussion by Council, Council Member'Vandeveer suggested including a 4% franchise fe~ now or as guaranteed at the end of the rate study. Upon motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Hogan, the motion was passed to giant 'the interim rate' increase as stated above to Sonic Cable Tv for six months (effective November'.l, 1980 until April 30, 1981). Council Member Vandeveer dissented. ADJOURNMENT ~ Upon.motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by'Couricil Member Hogan, it wa~ unanimously voted to adjourn at 7:10 P.M. ATTEST: _ '.\ . I 11417 i' II