Agenda Packet 2006-05-23 CITY OF Tony Ferrara Jim Guthrie Jim Dickens Joe Costello Ed Arnold Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Agenda City Council "'" ~~LIFOR~." .-~~~'-' Steven Adams City Manager Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Kelly Wetmore City Clerk AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 23,2006 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: COUNCIL/RDA 3. FLAG SALUTE: BOY SCOUT PACK 425 DEN 2 BEARS 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR JERRY NELSON SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Honorary Proclamation Proclaimina Mav 21-27.2006 as "National Public Works Week" 5.b. Honorary Commendation Recoanizina the Tree Guild of Arrovo Grande 6. AGENDA REVIEW: - 6a. Move that all ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 23,2006 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: . Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. . A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. . It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: . Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. . Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. . Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period May 1, 2006 through May 15, 2006. 8.b. Statement of Investment Deoosits (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of April 30, 2006. 8.c. Consideration of Aooroval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006, as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of Annual Aareement with the San Luis Obisoo Countv Visitors & Conference Bureau (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the annual Agreement with the San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau (SLOCVCB). 8.e. Consideration of Public Art Donation Proaram (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve the proposed Public Art Donation Program. AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 23, 2006 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA: (continued) 8.f. Consideration of a Resolution Establishina a' Job DescriDtion for the Civil Enaineer Job Series (SISKO) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution establishing a job description for the Civil Engineer job series. 8.g. Consideration of ADDroval of Land Lease Aareement with New Cinaular Wireless PCS. LLC dba Cinaular Wireless (CARMEL) Recommended Action: Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a Land Lease Agreement between the City and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, dba Cingular Wireless, for use of approximately three hundred twenty (320) square feet of property located at 1221 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, California (Soto Sports Complex). 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-001 and Administrative Sian Proaram Case No. 06-001 to Construct a 4.375 Sauare Foot Sinale StOry Buildina for a Financial Institution Located at 1570 W. Branch Street in the Oak Park Plaza: ADDlied for bv Coast Hills Federal Credit Union (STRONG) Recommended Action: The Planning Commission recommends the City Council adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-001 and Administrative Sign Program Case No. 06-001. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2005-06 Third Quarter Budaet ReDort [CC/RDA] (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: 1) Approve detailed budget adjustments listed in the 3rd Quarter budget report; 2) Approve Schedule A & B; 3) Approve (Deny) requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund as detailed. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR TONY FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA) (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Other AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 23, 2006 PAGE 4 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: (Continued) (b) MAYOR PRO TEM JIM GUTHRIE: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (2) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) South County Youth Coalition (3) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Fire Oversight Committee (4) Fire Consolidation Oversight Committee (5) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER ED ARNOLD: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (3) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (4) Other 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a. None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. a. None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 23, 2006 PAGE 5 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 18. ADJOURNMENT ************************* All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the City Clerk's office and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************** Note: This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arrovoqrande.orq 5.8. OF ... ~ "UCALIFOR~Jf ..-\-~~ ~~I WHEREAS, public works services provided in our community are an inte9ral part of our citizens' everyday lives; and WHEREAS, the support of an understandin9 and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of public works systems and pr09rams such as water, sewers, storm drains, and streets; and WHEREAS, the health, safety and comfort of this community 9reat1y depends on these faCIlities and services; and WHEREAS, the quality and effectiveness of these faCIlities, as wen as their plannin9, desi9n, construction and maintenance is vitally dependent upon the dedication and skin of public works professionals; and WHEREAS, "National Public Works Week" is celebrated durin9 May 21-27, 2006 to rec09nize the invaluable contnbution of public works professionals. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I. Tony Ferrara, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City CounCIl, do hereby proclaim the week of May 21" throu9h May 27'" as "NATIONAL PUBLlC WORKS WEEJ(" in the City of Arroyo Grande and can upon an citizens and civic organizations to acquaint themselves with the issues involved in providin9 OIAY public works and to recognize the contnbutions whichpub1ic works professionals make every day to our health, safety, comfort, and quality of life. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 23" day of May 2006. TONY FERRARA, MAYOR 5.b. OF 'i ,'.. ; !hkc A L I FOR N I A ..\-~~ ,,' ,. ~ ~5~ ~~.~~ WHEREAS, the Tree Guild was formed by concerned citizens interested in volunteering their time and resources to assist the community in expanding the urban forest of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, these volunteers, on their own initiative drafted and presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council, a tree planting plan for Traffic Way; and WHEREAS, phase I of this plan was unanimously approved by the City Council in March 2006; and WHEREAS, in conjunction with Arbor Day, the Tree Guild planted 10 trees along Traffic Way and the Arroyo Grande Fire Station, completing Phase 1 of the Traffic Way Tree Master Plan; and WHEREAS, trees enhance the economic vitality of a business area, beautify the community, clean the air and provide habitat for wildlife. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Tony Ferrara, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby recognize the Tree Guild of Arroyo Grande for their volunteerism and contribution in the April 291h tree planting on Traffic Way. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 23'd day of May 2006. TONY FERRARA, MAYOR 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICESji. FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR@ CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION L BY: SUBJECT: MAY 23, 2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period May 1 through May 15, 2006. DATE: FUNDING: There is a $882,605.18 fiscal impact. All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendation; . Do not approve staff's recommendation; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing Attachment 2 - May 5, 2006, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 3 - May 8, 2006, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 4 - May 12, 2006, Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks Register Attachment 5 - May 12, 2006, Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS For the Period of May 1 Through May 15, 2006 --"-~"--" --" .._".. "- ""- _m~ - ~ -~ ~ -------~<-".,~ May 23, 2006 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period May 1 to May 15, 2006. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. WEEk!!!::!'!": ' .~;TY;PE OF PAYMEN1t:il:. .", : Af:rACHMENT:.j;j;AMOUNT ~ May 5, 2006 Accounts Payable O<s 126160-126265 Accounts Payable O<s 1126266-126269 2 3 $ 191,309.02 377.99 $ 191,687.01 May 12, 2006 Payroll 01ecks & Benefit 01ec:ks Accounts Payable O<s 126270-126356 4 5 424,797.67 266,120.50 $ 690,918.17 lWO-WEEKTOTAL j 882,605.18 , U.\MSWORD\ CITY COUNCIL FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT SCHED wEXCEL WKS.doc CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) City Government {Fund OIO} 4001 - City Council 4002 - Administrative Services 4003 - City Attorney 4101 - City Manager 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4120 - Financial Services 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4130 - Community Development 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4140 - Management Information System 4145 - Non Departmental Public Safety {Fund OIO} 4201 - Police 4211 - Fire 4212 - Building & Safety Public Works {Fund OIO} 4301- Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance 4304 - Street Lighting 4305 - Automotive Shop Parks & Recreation {Fund OIO} 4420 - Parks 4421 - Recreation 4422 - General Recreation 4423 - Pre-School Program 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 4425 - Children in Motion 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4550 - Park Development Fee Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4501 - Traffic Fund Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4553 - Public Transit System Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4556 - Construction Tax Police Grant Funds 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd 271) 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring (Fd 274) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4103 - Redevelopment Administration ENTERPRISE FUNDS Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4610 - Sewer Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) 4710 - Water Administration 4711 - Water Production 4712 - Water Distribution Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4750' - Lopez Administration CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 350) 5501-5599 - Park Projects 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 5901-5999 - Water Projects U:\MSWORD\ CITY COUNCIL FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT SCHED wEXCEL WKS.doc ~ - 00 00 .... "' 0 '" '" ;; CD.... 00 on ~ " cq~ 0 '" 0 0 on "' 00 CO q~ '" " 0 ~ ~ .. N ,..: .. ~ ..; .0 oari ~ ~ 0 E ........ '" '" '" CD ~ .... CD 00'" CD'" '" ...---- 00. ~ "'. ~ <( ~ ~ ~ ;; a; C> C> N .. '" E- D. 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'" e 0 i5 0 0 .0 :E ~ 0 0 0 ~ - :E 0 0 0 0 .e .5 <I: CD CD CD CD f! f! co 0 0 0 0 ... .s 0 0 0 0 CI> CI> ~ ~ ~ ~ .c .c ci:i '" .. u u C N N N N II) 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ " " a; .0 - in in - 0 ~ '" '" > .... .... CD '" '" CI> 0 'C 0 0 ~ '" ... '" CD .... N U CI> .!II N .c '" '" '" '" "" u '" '" '" '" :c ~ e " CD CD CD CD in .. ~ N N N N U m ~ ~ ~ ~ > 0 a.b. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ilK.. FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO~ STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS ~ BY: SUBJECT: DATE: MAY 23,2006 Attached please find a report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of April 30, 2006, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b). Staff recommends that the Council receive and file the report. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT As of April 30, 2006 """" , ''''''',- , ,- '" , ,',' ,,- " , ..~~~ , May 23, 2006 This report presents the City's investments as of April 30, 2006. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, type of investment, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of April 30, 2006, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. Current Investments: The City is currently investing short,term excess cash in the following accounts: . Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) . Certificates of Deposit Following is a comparison of LAIF investments based on book values as of April 30, 2006, compared with the prior month and the prior year: LAIF INVESTMENTS AS OF APRIL 30, 2006 Current Month Prior Month Prior Year DATE April, 2006 March, 2006 April, 2005 AMOUNT $11,026,950 $11,512,563 $12,229,651 INTEREST RATE 4.31% 4.14% 2.72% Following is a listing of Certificates of Deposit showing the amount purchased, the Purchase Date, Interest Rate, and Maturity Date: CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT AS OF APRIL 30, 2006 Financial Institution First Standard Bank Redding Bank of Commerce Bank of Santa Clarita International City Bank Granite Community Bank Amount $99,000 $99,000 $99,000 $99,000 $500.000 $896,000 Purchase Date December 2, 2005 February 8, 2006 March 9, 2006 April 5, 2006 April 23, 2006 Interest Rate 4.96% 4.95% 5.05% 5.22% 5.20% Maturity Date December 2, 2006 April 7, 2006 March 9, 2007 April 5, 2007 April 23, 2007 Total B.c. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: City Staff Present: Council Members Jim Dickens, Joe Costello, Ed Arnold, Mayor Pro Tern Jim Guthrie, and Mayor Tony Ferrara were present. City Manager Steve Adams, City Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Financial Services Angela Kraetsch, Chief of Police Tony Aeilts, Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Dan Hernandez, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Don Spagnolo, and Director of Community Development Rob Strong. 3. FLAG SALUTE Jim Mitten, representing Knights of Columbus, led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Retired Pastor Paul Jones delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Honorary Proclamation Recognizing "Arbor Day" - April 28, 2006. Mayor Ferrara presented an Honorary Proclamation recognizing April 28, 2006 as Arbor Day. Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Hernandez accepted the Proclamation and invited the Council and public to Arbor Day festivities to be held at Elm Street Park on Friday, April 28th . He also announced that on Saturday, April 29th, the first phase of the Traffic Way Tree Master Plan would be implemented with the planting of 10 trees along Traffic Way. 5.b. Presentation of Tourism Business Improvement District Briefing by San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau. Jonni Biaggini, representing San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau, gave a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Administrative Service Department) regarding the need for a Tourism Business Improvement District in San Luis Obispo County. Prior to consideration of the next Agenda item, Mayor Ferrara announced that John B. Loomis recently passed away. He acknowledged Mr. Loomis' contributions to the community and expressed condolences to the Loomis family on behalf of the City and requested a moment of silence in honor of Mr. Loomis' memory. He also indicated that the meeting would be adjourned in his honor. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Page 2 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only Council Member Costello moved, Council Member Arnold seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS None. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited any member of the public who wished to comment on any Consent Agenda item to do so at this time. Mike Liebo, Destination Imagination Coordinator, referred to Item 8.e. and introduced a group of students from the Ocean View Elementary and Judkins Middle School Global Competition teams, who each gave brief overviews of their experiences during their recent competition at the State finals. They expressed that they are looking forward to going to the World Finals in Tennessee in May. Council Member Dickens requested that Item 8.1. (Consideration of Agreement for Contractor Services with SP Maintenance to Provide Street Sweeping Services) be pulled. In response to the supplemental information distributed to the Council (on file in the Administrative Services Department), staff recommended the Council approve an amendment in Section XI (Insurance Requirements) of the proposed Agreement to set the minimum limits of required insurance at $1,000,000. Council Member Arnold moved, and Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.i., with the recommended courses of action. The motion carried on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Arnold, Guthrie, Dickens, Costello, Ferrara None None 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period April 1, 2006 through April 15, 2006. 8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of March 31, 2006. 8.c. Consideration of Resolution Increasing Operating Fees Based on Changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3913 increasing operating fees by the January 2006 CPI increase of 5.4%. 8.d. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings of March 14,2006 and the Special and Regular City Council Meetings of March 28, 2006 as submitted. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Page 3 8.e. Consideration of Funding Request from Destination Imagination. Recommended Action: Appropriated $1,000 for a contribution to the Ocean View Elementary and Judkins Middle School Destination Imagination Global Competition teams. 8.1. Consideration of Disposal of Surplus Bicycles. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3914 declaring bicycles as surplus for donation to the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office to be refurbished and donated to needy children. 8.g. Consideration to Approve Final Tract Map 2310 - Phase II; Subdividing 8.2 Acres into Fifty-Two (52) Residential Parcels, One (1) Park Parcel, and One (1) Drainage Basin Parcel, and to Approve Related Easement Agreements with S&S Homes and the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. Action: Approved Final Tract Map 2310 and adopted Resolution No. 3916 conditionally approving Easement Agreements for Storm Drain and Sanitary Sewer Purposes with the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District and S&S Homes for Tract 2310. 8.h. Consideration of a Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans for Development of the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 Interchange Project through Project Approval and Environmental Determination (PA&ED). Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No.3915 approving Cooperative Agreement #05-CA-0140 between the City of Arroyo Grande and the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for development of the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 Interchange project through Project Approval and Environmental Determination (PA&ED); and 2) Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement. 8.i. Consideration of Agreement for Contractor Services with SP Maintenance to Provide Street Sweeping Services. Action: 1) Approved a two-year agreement, as amended, with a provision for three one year extensions, with SP Maintenance, for street sweeping services; and 2) Authorized the Mayor to execute the Agreement for Contractor Services. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Consideration of Ordinance Establishing Regulations for Peddling and Soliciting Activities. City Attorney Carmel presented the staff report and recommended the Council introduce an Ordinance adding Chapter 5.76 to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code establishing regulations for peddling and soliciting activities. In response to questions by Council, City Attorney Carmel clarified that all non-profit, non-commercial organizations that have legal non-exempt status are exempt from the ordinance and do not require a permit; and clarifications regarding how the provisions regarding the solicitation permit can be enforced. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing and invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. Tonv Peret, representing Keller Williams Realty-Central Coast, expressed concerns regarding the impact of the ordinance on their Annual Food Drive in which food is collected from residences for the Food Bank and asked if the ordinance would prohibit or restrict this activity. City Attorney Carmel explained that there is some discretion involved in enforcement and under those circumstances, it appeared that the activity may fall under a non-profit exemption or on behalf of a non-profit agency as a representative of the Food Bank. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Page 4 Michael VanBellinaan, realtor, expressed concerns regarding the effect of the ordinance on small businesses who go door to door as well as the costs to the City for enforcement. He noted that a Do Not Solicit sign that is posted at residences is the most effective way to restrict door to door soliciting. Steve Ross, Garden Street, expressed concerns regarding the effect the ordinance will have on political campaigning. City Attorney Carmel explained that political speech is exempt as a First Amendment right and does not fall under the definition of peddling which involves the sale of goods or services. He then reviewed the definition of "solicitor". Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding support for the ordinance; that it does not restrict anyone from doing business if a permit is obtained; that the provisions of the Do Not Solicit Registry provide privacy protection for residents who do not want to receive solicitors; the ordinance does not infringe on First Amendment rights; the availability of the Do Not Solicit Registry will save time for those who are soliciting; and that concerns expressed about solicitation activities were generated from complaints received from neighborhoods in the community. Council Member Arnold moved to introduce an Ordinance by title only for first reading as follows, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADDING CHAPTER 5.76 TO THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR PEDDLING AND SOLICITING ACTIVITIES". Mayor Pro Tem Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Arnold, Dickens, Costello, Guthrie, Ferrara None None 9.b. Consideration of Appeal of the Planning Commission's Interpretation and Denial of Viewshed Review Case No. 05-021; 1238 Montego Street. Director of Community Development Strong presented the staff report and stated the Planning Commission recommended the Council adopt a Resolution denying the appeal and denying Viewshed Review 05-021. Staff responded to questions from Council regarding the original project design versus the revised project design as it relates to building height and number of stories. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing and invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. Mark Vasauez, architect representing the applicant, gave a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Administrative Services Department), which included an elevation rendering of the proposed project, and noted that the issue at question is whether the project is a one or two-story residence. He described the original project as a two-story residence with a subterranean garage and the revised design as a single story residence; displayed an aerial photo of the existing neighborhood; displayed photos of one-story homes located at 1226, 1234, and 1238 Montego Street; displayed photos of one-story homes with basements located at 1214, 1218, 1230, 1242, II I I Ii i, Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, April 25, 2006 and 1246 Montego Street; displayed photos of two-story homes located at 1202, 1206, 1222, and 1250 Montego Street; reviewed the design considerations in the proposed project design; and discussed Design Overlays throughout the City. He then responded to questions from Council regarding building height from highest point of the lot; design as it relates to viewshed issues; square footage of living space; determining definition of story versus basement; status of compromise discussions regarding the project design; and clarifications regarding ceiling height and roof pitch. Rav Bierina, representing Howard Mankins, gave a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Administrative Services Department), spoke in support of staff's recommendation; referred to previous written comments submitted regarding the project; and expressed concern regarding two issues: 1) Is the proposed development subject to the viewshed ordinance (Yes), and 2) Is the proposed development consistent with the three required findings (No). He discussed the definition of "basement" as meaning any area of the building having its floor subgrade, i.e., below ground level on all sides, and explained his interpretation of the definition as it relates to the project. He displayed a rendering of the proposed project and noted it appeared to be a two-story house consisting of a first story with a garage and various other living area including a workshop, a game room, and other large undisclosed living area. He said he believes the proposed project is inconsistent with the findings because it is not consistent with the established scale and character of the neighborhood and will unreasonably and unnecessarily affect views of surrounding properties. Jim Garina, engineer representing Howard Mankins, stated he was asked to look into the impact of this proposed structure on his viewshed. He stated the height of the existing roof was measured and then compared it to the planned height of the proposed building. He stated that the new building roof is going to go up 5.2 feet from the existing roof. He acknowledged that in terms of compromise, there were three things that could be done to lower the impacts to the Mankins viewshed: 1) lower the garage down to a minimum reasonable grade; 2) lower the plate height down to 8 ft.; and 3) lower roof pitch from 4:12 down to 3:12. He noted the net result would be no height increase to the house or impact on views to the Mankins. He displayed before and after photos taken from the Mankins' residence of the existing Harmon residence compared to depictions of the proposed residence as it relates to resulting view impacts. Howard Mankins, Hillcrest Drive, read a prepared statement into the record (on file in the Administrative Service Department) expressing concerns regarding the proposed project's impact on his viewshed and requested the City Council uphold the decision of the Planning Commission to deny the project as proposed. Richard Duffin, Newport Avenue, spoke in opposition to the proposed project and expressed concerns about setting a precedent if the project is approved. Larrv Harlan, Hillcrest Drive, spoke in opposition to the proposed project; stated the proposed project does not conform to applicable codes and ordinances; disagreed that the project is exempt from CEQA; the capacity of the proposed structure exceeds the capacity of the existing structure by 75%; examined the definition of "basement"; the viewshed process must apply; spoke of the intent of the City to develop D-Overlays for the north side of Montego Street; and that the establishment of precedence should be applicable. He requested the Council determine the project is not categorically exempt from CEQA; determine that the garage and adjacent living space do not meet the definitions of a basement as defined by the Municipal Code; propose and adopt an urgency ordinance that requires a viewshed review process for any replacement or reconstruction that exceeds the current height of the existing structure until such time that the City can adopt the D-Overlays; affirm the action of the Planning Commission; and not lose sight of the intent and spirit of the Municipal Code. Joseph Beckham, Hillcrest Drive, expressed concern with the proposed project's viewshed impacts. Page 5 :' ! , Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Page 6 Wendv Beckham, Hillcrest Drive, expressed concern that lower Montego Street has more restrictions than the north side of Montego Street, and further expressed concern about the establishment of precedence if the proposed project is approved. Diane Feraae, niece of Mr. Mankins, spoke in opposition to the proposed project due to viewshed impacts. Stacv Harmon, appellant, referred to the first design of the proposed project, noted he approached Mr. Mankins to review his plans and he had refused, making it clear he wanted to preserve views from all parts of his property. He stated he redesigned the project to preserve as much as possible; a compromise was attempted, but was unsuccessful. He stated that his current plans demonstrate compromise and noted that future plans for a D-Overlay will protect the other homes. Albert Eostein, Woodland Drive, noted the rural character of the City has always been a priority in the City. Carrie Randoloh, Sierra Drive, spoke in opposition to the proposed project and stated that the viewshed needs to be protected. Karen Phillios, Sierra Drive, spoke in opposition to the proposed project. Mark Vasauez, architect, responded to comments made regarding issues related to undisclosed living space, suggestions to mitigate impacts to the view, retaining walls, character of the neighborhood, and the D-Overlay. Jim Schiller, Montego Street, said viewshed review should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Tom Parsons, Montego Street, urged the Council to preserve the views and protect property values. Scott Adams, Montego Street, stated he would lose some of his viewshed; however, he supported the proposed project. Stacv Harmon, appellant, responded to public comments and clarified the intention of his previous comments. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council comments and discussion ensued regarding whether viewshed review applies to the proposed project; the definitions of "basement" and "story" pursuant to the City's Municipal Code versus the Uniform Building Code; impact of interpretations and findings on future projects as it relates to establishment of precedent; what is reasonable as it relates to viewshed impacts; acknowledgement that the City is currently studying the viewshed review process and expanding D-Overlays for residential areas in the City; the need to put some form of a policy in place which will provide criteria to be used on a case-by-case basis; and acknowledgement of the applicant's efforts to redesign the project. Further discussion ensued with regard to the potential actions the Council could take to make a determination that the viewshed review process applies to the project and then take action on the viewshed appeal; to continue the viewshed review, or both. Council requested that if the item was continued, to direct staff to provide clarification regarding the findings for viewshed reviews and related definitional issues. Council Member Costello moved to continue the item to the Regular City Council meeting of June 13, 2006. Council Member Arnold seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: Costello, Arnold, Dickens, Guthrie, Ferrara None Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Page 7 ABSENT: None Mayor Ferrara called for a break at 11 :00 p.m. The Council reconvened at 11: 1 0 p.m. 9.c. Consideration to Amend the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to Permit Service and Consumption of Alcohol at the Village Green for Special Events Upon Issuance of an Alcohol Beverage Service and Consumption Permit by Chief of Police. Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Hernandez presented the staff report and recommended the Council approve the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation that the Municipal Code not be amended to permit service and consumption of alcohol at the Village Green for special events. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, and when no one came forward, he closed the public hearing. Council comments and discussion ensued regarding the nature and intent of the Village Green as a neighborhood park; concerns about potential impacts to the surrounding neighborhood; that consumption of alcohol is not allowed in any other City parks; that there are other areas and facilities within the City that allow consumption of alcohol at special events upon obtaining a permit; and concern about potential enforcement issues. Other cornments included the suggestion of a policy that allows the use of alcohol at the Village Green if limited to wine for no more than a limited number of fund raising events per year as an opportunity to meet certain objectives in the City's Economic Development Element of the General Plan. I II I i I I Council Member Costello moved to approve the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation that the Municipal Code not be amended to permit service and consumption of alcohol at the Village Green for special events. Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Costello, Dickens, Arnold, Ferrara Guthrie None 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS None. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a. MAYOR TONY M. FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). Approved expanded transit service to include Sundays; started pilot route to serve Nipomo/Mesa area; providing evening service on certain routes to meet unmet transit needs. (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Routine items discussed; plant continues to operate well. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Page 8 (3) Other. Attended League of California Cities Channel Counties Division Business Meeting and CITIPAC fund raiser. Reported that 18 of 25 member cities were represented at the meeting. b. MAYOR PRO TEM JIM GUTHRIE: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). None; haven't met since the last report. (2) Other. None. c. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). No report. (2) South County Youth Coalition. No report. (3) Other. None. d. COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (ABSENT) (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. No report. (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). APCD providing County residents opportunity to participate in the lawn mower exchange program. Staff was requested to investigate the APCD program to determine if it would be beneficial to the City to participate. (3) Fire Oversight Committee. Mutual training efforts ongoing; approved shift in boundaries for first response; joint efforts between Grover Beach and Arroyo Grande continue to be successful. (4) Fire Consolidation Oversight Committee. Committee agreed on process regarding scope of work as well as efforts to pursue studies on joint dispatch opportunities. (5) Other. None. e. COUNCIL MEMBER ED ARNOLD: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). Staff was requested to investigate the potential for City participation in the IWMA rubberized asphalt grant program. (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA). No report, (3) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). No report. (4) Other. Participated in a tour to review proposed new bike lanes, routes, and sidewalks in the City. 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: City Manager Adams announced there would be a Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers regarding City funding needs and a potential sales tax measure. Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Page 9 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: None. 18. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Dickens moved, Council Member Arnold seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 11 :40 p.m. in honor and memory of John B. Loomis. Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg ) B.d. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER5-r SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ANNUAL AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY VISITORS & CONFERENCE BUREAU DATE: MAY 23,2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the annual Agreement with the San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau (SLOCVCB). FUNDING: The annual cost of the Agreement is $7.315, which is charged to the Redevelopment Agency. This represents an increase of $215 over last year, and funding is included in the FY 2006-07 budget. DISCUSSION: The mission of the SLOCVCB is to "promote the County's economic opportunities through its primary industry - tourism." The SLOCVCB promotes tourism through a number of programs and it is cost effective for the City to coordinate these efforts with other agencies and businesses in the County. The City has been a dues paying member since 2000. The City's Economic Development Strategy includes a section on tourism, and one of the specific goals is "to become an active participant in the San Luis Obispo Countywide tourism programs." Therefore, this item forwards the goals of the Economic Development program. The City's funds assist the SLOCVCB in expanding their outreach efforts. Most recently. SLOCVCB accomplishments have included expansion of their website materials and marketing efforts. Jim Bergman from the Community Development Department has been serving as the City's representative on the SLOCVCB Board of Directors. At this time, the City Manager will be reassuming this responsibility until Mr. Bergman's responsibilities are reassigned in his absence. Participation in the SLOCVCB will continue to be more important in the future if the City is successful in its efforts to attract new hotel development. CITY COUNCIL SLOCVCS AGREEMENT MAY 23, 2006 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Authorize the Mayor to execute the annual agreement with the SLOCVCS; Modify the agreement and then authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement; Do not approve agreement; Provide staff with other direction. r , i i i , Attachments: 1. Proposed Agreement with SLOCVCS 2. Funding Request from the SLOCVCS :1 I' , S:\AdministrationICITY MANAGERISTEVEIConncil ReportslVCB Agreement 5.23.06.doc ATTACHMENT 1 AGREEMENT FOR SLOVCB SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, is made and effective as of July 1, 2006, between the SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY VISITORS AND CONFERENCE BUREAU, a California non-profit corporation (herinafter referred to as "SLOCVCB"), and the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a Municipal Corporation ("City"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2006 and shall remain and continue in effect until June 30,2007, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. SERVICES SLOCVCS shall perform the tasks described and comply with all terms and provisions set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. ' 3. PERFORMANCE SLOCVCS shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of his/her ability, experience and talent, perform all tasks described herein. SLOCVCS shall employ, at a minimum generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons' engaged in providing similar services as are required of SLOCVCS hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. AGREEMENT ADMINISTRATION City's City Manager shall represent City in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. PresidenUCEO shall represent SLOCVCS in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. 5. PAYMENT In consideration for the services to be performed by SLOCVCS, the City agrees to pay the SLOCVCS seven thousand, three hundred and fifteen dollars ($7,315). 6. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the SLOCVCS at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the SLOCVCS shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. Page 1 of 12 If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. 7. TERMINATION ON OCCURRENCE OF STATED EVENTS This Agreement shall terminate automatically on the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) Bankruptcy or involvency of any party; (b) Assignment of this Agreement by SLOCVCB without the consent of City; (c) End of the Agreement term specified in Section 1. 8. DEFAULT OF SLOCVCB (a) The SLOCVCB's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that SLOCVCB is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating SLOCVCB for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the SLOCVCB. If such failure by the SLOCVCB to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the SLOCVCB's control, and without fault or negligence of the SLOCVCB, it shall not be considered a default. ,I :1 " (b) If the City Manager or his/her delegate determines that the SLOCVCB is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, he/she shall cause to be served upon the SLOCVCB a written notice of the default. The SLOCVCB shall have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the SLOCVCB fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 9. LAWS TO BE OBSERVED. SLOCVCB shall: (a) Procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices which may be necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the services to be performed by SLOCVCB under this Agreement; (b) Keep itself fully informed of all existing and proposed federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees which may affect those engaged or employed under this Agreement, any materials used in SLOCVCB's performance under this Agreement, or the conduct of the services under this Agreement; Page 2 of 12 (c) At all times observe and comply with, and cause all of its employees to observe and comply with all of said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above; (d) Immediately report to the City's Contract Manager in writing any discrepancy or inconsistency it discovers in said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above in relation to any plans, drawings, specifications, or provisions of this Agreement. (e) The City, and its officers, agents and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the SLOCVCS to comply with this Section. 10. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS (a) SLOCVCS shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts, and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. SLOCVCS shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. SLOCVCS shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records; shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records; shall permit City to make transcripts therefrom as necessary; and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. (b) Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused, or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the SLOCVCS. With respect to computer files, SLOCVCS shall make available to the City, at the SLOCVCS's office and upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring, and printing computer files. 11. INDEMNIFICATION (a) Indemnification for Professional Liabilitv. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for SLOCVCS's Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, SLOCVCS shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including attomey's fees and costs to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of SLOCVCS, its officers, agents, employees or subContractors (or any Page 3 of 12 entity or individual that SLOCVCB shall bel'lr the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. (b) Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liabilitv. Other. than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, SLOCVCB shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, and any and all of its employees, officials and agents from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including attorneys fees and costs, court costs, interest, defense costs, and expert witness fees), where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by SLOCVCB or by any individual or entity for which SLOCVCB is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or subContractors of SLOCVCB. (c) General Indemnification Provisions. SLOCVCB agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth here in this section from each and every subContractor or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of SLOCVCB in the performance of this agreement. In the event SLOCVCB fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required here, SLOCVCB agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this section. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth here is binding on the successors, assigns or heirs of SLOCVCB and shall survive the termination of this agreement or this section. 12. INSURANCE SLOCVCB shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the duration of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 13. INDEPENDENT SLOCVCB (a) SLOCVCB is and shall at all times remain as to the City wholly independent. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of SLOCVCB shall at all times be under SLOCVCB's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, or agents shall have control over the conduct of SLOCVCB or any of SLOCVCB's officers, employees, or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. SLOCVCB shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officers, employees, or agents of the City. SLOCVCB shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. (b) No employee benefits shall be available to SLOCVCB in connection with performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to SLOCVCB as provided in Page 4 of 12 the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to SLOCVCS for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to SLOCVCS for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. UNDUE INFLUENCE SLOCVCS declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure was or is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of the City of Arroyo Grande in connection with the award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method of coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of the City of Arroyo Grande will receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from SLOCVCS, or from any officer, employee or agent of SLOCVCS, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. Violation of this Section shall be a material breach of this Agreement entitling the City to any and all remedies at law or in equity. 15. NO BENEFIT TO ARISE TO LOCAL EMPLOYEES No member, officer, or employee of City, or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or responsibilities with respect to the project during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub-agreement, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the project performed under this Agreement. 16. RELEASE OF INFORMATION/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST (a) All information gained by SLOCVCS in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by SLOCVCS without City's prior written authorization. SLOCVCS, its officers, employees, agents, or subContractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attomey, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories, or other information conceming the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered .voluntary" provided SLOCVCS gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. (b) SLOCVCS shall promptly notify City should SLOCVCS, its officers, employees, agents, or subContractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions, or other discovery request, court order, or subpoena from any person or party regarding this Agreement and the work performed thereunder or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent SLOCVCS and/or be present at any deposition, hearing, or similar proceeding. SLOCVCS agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by SLOCVCS. Page 5 of 12 However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 17. NOTICES Any notice which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, which provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by notice: To City: City of Arroyo Grande Steven Adams City Manager 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 To SLOCVCB: Jonni S. Biaggini Executive Director SLO County Visitors & Conference Bureau 1037 Mill Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 18. ASSIGNMENT The SLOCVCB shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, without the prior written consent of the City. 19. GOVERNING LAW The City and SLOCVCB understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the superior or federal district court with jurisdiction over the City of Arroyo Grande. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, and statements, or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. Page 6 of 12 21. TIME City and SLOCVCS agree that time is of the essence in this Agreement. 22. CONSTRUCTION The parties agree that each has had an opportunity to have their counsel review this Agreement and that any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits thereto. The captions of the sections are for convenience and reference only, and are not intended to be construed to define or limit the provisions to which they relate. 23. AMENDMENTS Amendments to this Agreement shall be in writina and shall be made only with the mutual written consent of all of the parties to this Agreement. 24. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of SLOCVCS warrants and represents that he/she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the SLOCVCS and has the authority to bind SLOCVCS to the performance of its obligations hereunder. Page 7 of 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SLOCVCB By: Jonni S. Biaggini, Executive Director SLO County Visitors & Conference Bureau By: Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor By: Greg Padgett, President SLO County Visitors & Conference Bureau Attest: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney Page 8 of 12 EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the WorK, SLOCVCB will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. SLOCVCB will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, SLOCVCB agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. SLOCVCB acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. SLOCVCB shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office .Commercial General Liability" policy from CG 00 01 or the exact equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage from CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less than $1,000,000 per accident. If SLOCVCB owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If SLOCVCB or SLOCVCB's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, SLOCVCB shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. Workers Compensation on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurer that are admitted carriers in the state California and with an A.M. Bests rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size VII. General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by SLOCVCB. SLOCVCB and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by SLOCVCB: Page 9 of 12 1. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit SLOCVCS, or SLOCVCS's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. SLOCVCS agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all SLOCVCSs and subContractors to do likewise. 2. All insurance coverage and limits provided by SLOCVCS and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 3. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 4. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any SLOCVCS or subcontractor. 5. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. SLOCVCS shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. .6. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to SLOCVCS's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by SLOCVCS or deducted from sums due SLOCVCS, at City option. 7. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. SLOCVCS agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 8. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by SLOCVCS or any subContractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available to City. Page 10 of 12 9. SLOCVCS agrees to ensure that subContractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by SLOCVCS, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of SLOCVCS. SLOCVCS agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. SLOCVCS agrees that upon request, all agreements with subContractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 10. SLOCVCS agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any SLOCVCS, subContractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self-insure its obligations to City. If SLOCVCS's existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to the City. At the time the City shall review options with the SLOCVCS, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 11. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the SLOCVCS ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the SLOCVCS, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increase benefit to City. 12. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 13. SLOCVCS acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform SLOCVCS of non-compliance with any insurance requirements in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 14. SLOCVCS will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 17. SLOCVCS shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from SLOCVCS's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to Page 11 of 12 the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 18. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of SLOCVCS under this agreement. SLOCVCS expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 19. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all-inclusive. 20. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 21. The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 22. SLOCVCS agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or SLOCVCS for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. 23. SLOCVCS agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against SLOCVCS arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. Page 12 of 12 L "\i '~ San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau April 3, 2006 FEU] \jt.U C\T\' ',r :'l"';';j;' i\'.: 1:" ATTACHMENT 2 0.'0- r.~~ -- I, P:11 IS': 1,14 Mr. Steve Adams ' ,,'" "'.' " ,~ City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Dear Steve: The San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau funding request for the fiscal year 2006/2007 is $7,315 from Arroyo Grande. Our budget for 2005-2006 has the following expenditures: Budget allocations for 2006-2007 are dependent on the amount received, but should follow the same guidelines. 2005-2006 Budget Amount % of Total Marketing $309,228 57% Co-op programs $226,400 Admin/Operations $401,477 43% Total Budget $937,105 43% public sector 57% private sector Activity for Arroyo Grande Arroyo City Web Number of Click-thrus to Click thrus to Click-thrus Publicity Num. of Grande Page Views Web listings Members Reservations to Events Coverage Members 200S 2,884 72 11.995 75 3,172 1,140 col. in. 25 (began 12/1/05) $73,532 value 2006 901 72 3,146 170 1,004 59 coLin. 27 YTO* $6,935 value Arroyo City Web Maps Group Leads Grande downloads 200S 978 147 2006 YTO* 1,845 21 *YTD as of February, 2006 Total Web Site Activity 2005 2006 YTD* Number of Visitor Sessions 936,467 264,209 Number of Travel Guides Mailed 20,147 3,745 Number ofE-Travel Guide Downloads 6,642 950 Number of Member Site Referrals 390,800 113,598 . 811 EI Capitan Way, Suite 200 I San Luis Obispo j CA 93401 I PH: 805-541-8000 I FAX; 805~543~9498 I www.SanLuisObispoCounty.com CAUr"ORNIA:$ Natural E:scape; -:"\.-.. San Luis Obispo County VCB Page 2 The San Luis Obispo County Visitors & Conference Bureau will provide the following to the City of Arroyo Grande for tourism promotion in the 2006/2007 fiscal year. Trade Shows: . Representation at all Trade Shows on final schedule. . Arroyo Grande brochures will be distributed at applicable shows. Group Business . Access to leads sent to Arroyo Grande members . Inclusion in all applicable F AM tours . Public Relations: . Inclusion in all applicable F AM tours . Travel Writer referrals and leads when applicable . Press releases written about Arroyo Grande activities and events, attractions, and special features sent to appropriate media contacts. Official Destination Guide . Editorial coverage in the Official Destination Guide. Web Site: . Destination representation with photos on internet site . Link to VCB and Chamber of Commerce's web sites . Link to City of Arroyo Grande web site. . I, :1 8.e. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PUBLIC ART DONATION PROGRAM DATE: MAY 23,2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the proposed Public Art Donation Program. FUNDING: There is no direct cost impact to the City from this action. DISCUSSION: In 2002, the City Council approved a policy on review and approval of art in public places for projects on private property. The San Luis Obispo County Arts Council was instrumental in assisting the City with development of this policy. Recently, representatives of the Arts Council recommended the City also adopt a policy regarding the donation of art to the City for public property. The City of Pismo Beach has adopted a similar program. While the City does not currently have an active public art program, staff and members of the Art Council believe that it would be beneficial to have a program in place if we receive interest from potential contributors of art, and it may help increase interest in public art in the future. Attached is a copy of the proposed program for City Council consideration. The criteria and processes recommended in the program are consistent with the City's policy regarding public art on private property. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Approve proposed program; Amend and approve proposed program; Do not approve proposed program; Provide direction to staff. S:\AdministrationICITY MANAGERISTEVEICouncil ReportslArt Donation Program 5.23.06.doc CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC ART DONATION PROGRAM MAY 23, 2006 PAGE 2 Attachments: 1. Proposed Public Art Donation Program Description ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC ART DONATION PROGRAM Purpose Public art can provide aesthetic, cultural and economic benefits to the community. The City of Arroyo Grande Public Art Donation Program is a means by which an artist, or an individual or group commissioning an artist, may donate, gift or bequeath public art to the City of Arroyo Grande for location in a city owned public place. Definition Public art can be defined as ''The engagement of an artist with public place involving original, creative work by an individual or a group." This includes functional and original works of art that also serve as capital improvements, such as, but not limited to seating, fountains, lighting and public, and free standing art forms. Pre-fabricated manufactured items such as benches, fountains etc. are not considered public art. Proposal Proposals should include: 1. A donor application form (See Attachment 1) 2. The artist or donor's name, 3. Title of the work and artist statement 4. Description of the work (such as a photograph, artist's rendering or computer generated image) 5. The materials and size of the work 6. A preferred public location 7. A statement from the donor and artist that the art is free of encumbrances 8. The artist's resume if available 9. Estimated value of donated work Process The following steps will result in the review and decision regarding a proposal: 1. The proposal would be submitted to the Community Development Department Planning division where it will be checked for Zoning and General Plan consistency, accuracy and appropriateness. 2. The Public Works Department would review the proposal to: a. Insure it would not create an undue risk or a safety problem" b. Consider maintenance requirements Public Art Donation Program Page 2 c. Determine durability d. Identify any engineering concerns 3. In order to solicit community input and involvement for the consideration and promotion of public art, the proposal would then be reviewed by a Public Art Panel, which shall prepare a recommendation to the City Council. The Public Art Panel shall include the following representatives: a. Two representatives designated by the County Arts Council in Public Places Committee b. One representative from the Architectural Review Committee c. One representative from the Chamber of Commerce or one representative from the Village Improvement Association if the project is within the Village District d. One representative from the Historical Society 5. Along with a staff recommendation, the Public Art Panel recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for review and action during a public hearing. The Council would have final approval of the donation. Guidelines for Review of the Proposal The following guidelines would be used for review of art donations: 1. Public art shall be original and of high artistic quality. 2. Public art shall reflect the character of the area. 3. Public art shall be compatible with the immediate site and neighborhood in terms of social and cultural/historical characteristics, architectural scale, materials, land use and geographical and environmental context. 4. Public art shall not impede pedestrian or vehicle traffic or conflict with public or private easements. 5. Consideration shall be given to any public safety or public health concerns related to or created by the artwork. 6. Public art shall be constructed of durable, high-quality materials and require minimal or no maintenance. 7. Public art shall be securely installed. 8. A wide variety of artistic expression is encouraged. However, expressions of profanity or vulgarity are inappropriate. Public Art Donation Program Page 3 Displav of Public Art 1. A contract shall be executed between the artist and the City establishing the terms of the proposed installation. 2. Artwork shall be displayed to include the artwork title, artist's name, patron's name if applicable and date of completion. The materials used and a short explanation of the work could be included as an option. Plaques will not be used for advertising purposes. 3. Prior to accepting the project, the Public Works Department shall receive from the artist or donor a set of plans, specifications, and a copy of a maintenance record, which identifies maintenance, installation and removal instructions. The transportation, installation and adjunct costs (such as engineering, a base for the artwork or other installation elements) related to artwork are the responsibility of the donor. 4. Once the art piece is installed (by the donor under the supervision of City staff with the artist's installation direction and donor installation funding), it will require inspection and sign off by a City Building Inspector. 5. Following inspection, the artwork shall become the property of the City. A publicized dedication ceremony shall be held and the art piece is presented to the community. Attachment 1 PUBLIC ART DONATION APPLICATION FORM The Donor/owner must complete and sign this application form. If the Donor/owner is not the artist who created the artwork, the artist must also sign this application. Artist/Donor (Name, address and phone #) Title of Work: Description of Work (attach drawings or photographs or other graphic depiction): Materials/Size: Proposed location (inside or outside, location should be specific, for example, "at the entry of xyz park, or on the northwest corner of x street and y street) Maintenance Requirements: An appraisal or other evidence of the Value of the proposed public artwork: By signing this application below and in consideration for participating in the City's Public art program, the artist/owner hereby acknowledges and assigns the right to the City to collect any royalty payment provided by Civil Code section 986. Except as provided above, the artist/owner further acknowledges and waives, for himself and his successors in interest, to the greatest extent allowed by law, any rights the artist/owner may have under California Civil Code sections 986, 987, 988 and 989, or other applicable law. The artist/owner further acknowledges and understands that upon completion and installation of artwork, and upon its acceptance by the City Council, the work shall become the property of the City without any right of reversion in the artist/owner. The City retains the right to remove or relocated the artwork in its sole discretion, as the interest of the public welfare, heath and safety may be required. If the artwork is damaged, defaced, altered or destroyed by human acts, by acts of nature or otherwise, the City retains the right to remove, restore, repair or replace the artwork at any time in keeping with the artist's original design intent, without consulting the artist, or his or her heirs or assigns. The City will make reasonable efforts to contact the artist, or if unavailable, another design professional, to advise or assist in ay restoration work. The artist/owner agrees to an alternate site should the City Council determine a more appropriate location. I have read, understood and accept the terms of this Application and represent that I am the of the artwork, which is the subject of this application. Owner, artist, or owner and artist: Signature Print Name Date: I have read, understood and accept the terms of this Application and represent that I am the of the artwork, which is the subject of this application. Owner, artist, or owner and artist: Signature Print Name 8.f. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: BY: CITY COUNCIL STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER KAREN SISKO, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A JOB DESCRIPTION FOR THE CIVIL ENGINEER JOB SERIES DATE: MAY 23, 2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution establishing a job description for the Civil Engineer job series. FUNDING: There is funding in place for the position in the FY 2005/06 and FY 2006/07 budget. DISCUSSION: The City currently has two Associate Engineer positions budgeted in the Public Works Department. In order to assist with the recruitment and retention of Engineers. a Civil Engineer job series was approved in the most recent Service Employees' International Union (SEIU) Memorandum of Understanding per City Council Resolution No. 3875. The job series will allow the City to recruit Engineers with various levels of experience and education depending on the needs of the City and give the opportunity for current Engineers to move into more senior positions. The salary ranges for the new Assistant Engineer position and Senior Engineer position have already been established in the SEIU Memorandum of Understanding. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve staffs recommendation; 2. Do not approve staffs recommendation; 3. Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendation; or 4. Provide direction to staff. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A JOB DESCRIPTION FOR THE CIVIL ENGINEER JOB SERIES WHEREAS, the Civil Engineer job series and salary ranges were approved in the Service Employees' International Union Memorandum of Understanding, City Council Resolution No. 3875; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") deems it in the best interest of the City to establish a job description for the Civil Engineer job series which includes the positions of Assistant Engineer, Associate Engineer and Senior Engineer, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that the Civil Engineer job series, which includes the positions of Assistant Engineer, Associate Engineer, and Senior Engineer, is hereby established to perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in the job description so attached hereto as Exhibit "An, This Resolution shall become effective as of May 24, 2006. On motion of Council Member seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2006. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CIVIL ENGINEER (ASSISTANT, ASSOCIATE, SENIOR) Class specifications are intended to present a descriptive list of the range of duties performed by employees in the class. Specifications are not intended to reflect all duties performed within the job. DEFINITION To perform a variety of engineering functions in support of City land development, traffic, or capital improvement programs; to coordinate and plan projects including preparation of proposals, reviewing plans. preparing reports and coordinating construction activities; to ensure work quality and adherence to established policies and procedures; and to perform the more technical and complex tasks relative to assigned area of responsibility. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS Positions in this engineering series are flexibly staffed and candidates may be appointed at any level depending upon the needs of the City and the qualifications of the candidate. Assistant Enaineer - This is the entry-level class in the Civil Engineer series. Since this class is typically used as a training class. incumbents may have limited related work experience. Routine to more complex work is performed requiring the application of fundamental engineering principles. Associate Enaineer - This is the journey-level class within the Civil Engineer series. Employees within this class perform the full range of duties as assigned. Employees at this level receive only occasional instruction or assistance as new or unusual situations arise. and are fully aware of the operating procedures and policies. Assignments are increasingly difficult and complex. requiring the application of professional knowledge and skills. Senior Enaineer - This is the advanced journey-level class in the Civil Engineer series. Positions at this level are distinguished from other classes within the series by the level of responsibility assumed and the complexity of duties assigned. Employees perform the most difficult and responsible types of duties to classes within this series. Employees at this level are required to be fully trained in all procedures related to assigned area of responsibility and have the ability to work with a reasonable degree of independence. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXCERCISED Receives immediate supervision form the Assistant City Engineer. Publii: Works and general supervision from the Director of Public Works. ESSENTIAL AND MARGINAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS The following tesks ere typical for positions in this classification. Any singie position may not perform aJJ of these tesks end/or may perform similar related tasks not listed here: Essential Functions (All Positions): 1. Perform a variety of professional engineering functions related to land development. traffic or capital improvement projects. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CIVIL ENGINEER PAGE 2 Essential Functions (Contlnuedl: 2. Coordinate and plan various capital improvement projects; prepare proposals to solicit professional designs; coordinate various construction activities. 3. Prepare civil engineering designs for assigned projects utilizing a variety of computer software programs; perform detailed calculations and computations; prepare and/or review the adequacy and accuracy of computation, preliminary layouts, and design work from field and survey data. 4. Exercise engineering judgment in accordance with current accepted practice of civil engineering and appropriate laws and codes. 5. Prepare special engineering studies and reports; conduct comprehensive engineering studies for water, sewer and street projects. 6. Perform necessary calculations to check engineering drawings prepared by outside consultants. 7. Conduct field inspections of capital projects during construction; ensure compliance with applicable codes and regulations; provide resolutions to construction problems. 8. Provide assistance to construction inspectors in the interpretation of plans and resolution of problems during construction; review record drawings to ensure compliance with original plans and specifications. 9. Attend and participate in professional group meetings; stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of civil engineering. 10. Attend City Council, Traffic Commission and/or Planning Commission meetings; make staff presentations. 11. Prepare detailed staff reports for City Council and Traffic Commission. 12. Assist in preparing the five-year capital improvement program. 13. Perform related field duties and responsibilities as required. Essential Functions (Develoament Onlvl: 1. Review and process land development applications; review project parameters with applicants and explain City policies and procedures; make recommendations to proposed plans and prepare conditions of approval. 2. Review final maps, conditions of approval. easement documents and agreements with the City Attomey to ensure compliance with various. legal standards. 3. Review traffic studies in accordance with the City's General Plan; make recommendations as appropriate; maintain the City's traffic model. Maralnal Functions: 1. Perform related duties and responsibilities as required. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CIVIL ENGINEER PAGE 3 QUALIFICATIONS Knowledae of: o Operations, services and activities of public works engineering program. o Modern and complex principles and practices of engineering design and construction. o Principles and practices of engineering relative to assigned area. o Principles and practices of project and construction management. o Terminology, methods, practices and techniques used in technical engineering report preparation. o Principles and practices of project supervision and administration. o Materials, tools, and equipment used in engineering projects. o Principles of mathematics as applied to engineering work. o Construction principles, practices, methods and materials. o Standard specifications for public works construction. o Subdivision Map Act. o Pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations. Abilitv to: o Perform engineering duties in support of land development, traffic, or capital improvement projects. o Perform construction project management duties. o Manage time efficiently to complete assigned tasks. o Ensure project compliance with appropriate Federal, State and local rules, laws and regulations. o Coordinate phases of construction projects and prepare progress reports. o Analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions, and implement recommendations in support of goals. o Prepare and maintain technical engineering records, and prepare comprehensive reports. o Develop, review and modify engineering plans, designs, and specifications. o Exercise engineering judgment to achieve results consistent with objectives. o Interpret and explain City policies and procedures. o Prepare clear and concise technical reports. o Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. o Prepare clear written communications, including letters and staff reports. o Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Experience and Trainina Guidelines: Any combination of experience and training that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: A combination of training and experience equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree in Civil, Traffic or Transportation Engineering or a related field, and depending on assignment, related experience in civil, traffic, construction or water resource planning as follows: Assistant Engineer: One year of qualifying related work experience and an Engineer in Training (EIT) certificate issued by the State of California is highly desirable. Associate Engineer: Three years professional work experience, preferably with a public agency; or two years experience equivalent to an Assistant Engineer with the City of Arroyo Grande. Engineer in Training (EIT) certificate issued by the State of California is required. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CIVIL ENGINEER PAGE 4 EXDerlence and Tralnlna Guidelines (contlnuedl: Senior Engineer: Three years professional experience, preferably with a public agency and registration in the State of California as a Professional Civil Engineer. All positions require the possession of, or ability to obtain, an appropriate, valid driver's license. WORKING CONDITIONS: Environmental Conditions: Office and field environment; travel from site to site; exposure to computer screens, noise, dust and inclement weather conditions; may work around heavy construction equipment; moving objects/vehicles. Phvslcal Conditions: Essential functions require maintaining physical condition necessary for sitting, walking or standing for prolonged periods of time, and for traveling to various locations. 8.g. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNE~ CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF LAND LEASE AGREEMENT WITH NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC dba CINGULAR WIRELESS SUBJECT: DATE: MAY 23, 2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a Land Lease Agreement between the City and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, dba Cingular Wireless for use of approximately three hundred twenty (320) square feet of property located at 1221 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, California (Soto Sports Complex). / FUNDING: Cingular Wireless will pay the City rent of two thousand dollars ($2,000) per month. Rent is increased each year by an amount equal to four percent (4% of the rent for the previous year). Additionally, Cingular Wireless will pay a one-time administrative review and processing fee of two thousand dollars ($2,000). , , , DISCUSSION: Cingular Wireless has expressed an interest in leasing a portion of the Soto Sports Complex for a communication facility site. After negotiations, the parties drafted the attached Land Lease Agreement ("Lease") for an approximate three hundred twenty (320) square foot portion of the Soto Sports Complex property located at 1221 Ash Street. The proposed facilities will include installation of a new light standard between the Don Roberts and Porter fields for use as an antenna. The term of the Lease is for five (5) years with four (4) additional five (5) year extensions. On May 2, 2006, Cingular Wireless obtained approval from the Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit to operate the proposed facility (attachment 2). Prior to construction of any improvements of the proposed Lease site, Cingular Wireless will be required to obtain all necessary permits and comply with all applicable conditions for its proposed facility. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF LAND LEASE AGREEMENT WITH NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC dba CINGULAR WIRELESS MAY 23, 2006 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff's recommendation; - Do not approve staff's recommendation; - Modify staff's recommendation as appropriate and approve; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Land Lease Agreement 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 06-1998 VN0200-01 Solo Sports Complex ATTACHMENT 1 LAND LEASE AGREEMENT This Agreement, made this _ day of 2006 between the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation formed under the laws of the State of California, with its mailing address located at PO Box 550, 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California 93421, Tax ID #95-6000-668, hereinafter designated LESSOR and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, having a mailing address of6100 Atlantic Boulevard, Norcross, GA 30071, hereinafter designated LESSEE. The LESSOR and LESSEE are at times collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as the "Party" I. PREMISES. LESSOR is the owner of that certain parcel of property (the entirety of LESSOR'S property is referred to hereinafter as the Property), located at 1221 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, California, 93421, which property is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, also known as assessor's parcel number 077-121-004 recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo. LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE a portion of the Property, which portion is more particularly described as (i) sixteen (16') by twenty foot (20') parcel containing three hundred twenty (320) square feet (the "Ground Space") and (ii) antenna space (the "Antenna Space") on a new metal light standard to be constructed on the Property by LESSEE (the "Light Standard"), as more particularly described below, together with the non-exclusive right for ingress and egress, seven (7) days a week twenty-four (24) hours a day, on foot or motor vehicle, including trucks, and for the installation and maintenance of utility wires, cables, and conduits, under, a twelve (12') foot wide right-of-way extending from the nearest public right-of-way, at Ash Street and running through the City's public parking lot to the demised premises, said demised premises and right-of-way (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Premises") for access, being substantially as described herein in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. In the event any public utility is unable to use the aforementioned right-of-way, the LESSOR hereby agrees to grant an additional right-of-way to either the LESSEE or to the public utility at no cost to the LESSEE. In addition, LESSOR agrees that LESSEE shall have tree access to the Light Standard at all times for the purpose of installing and maintaining LESSEE'S equipment. ' In connection with the construction of LESSEE'S communications facility at the Premises, LESSEE shall pay, at its sole cost, for the purchase and replacement of an existing wood lighting standard adjacent to the Premises on Porter Field, with the Light Standard as designed by LESSOR, and more particularly described and depicted in Exhibit "C" attached hereto, that shall be suitable for LESSEE'S antenna installation. LESSEE shall also have the right to install underground utility connections from the Ground Space to the Antenna Space, and within the Light Standard to LESSEE'S antennas. The new Light Standard shall be the sole property of the LESSOR, and all maintenance of said Light Standard shall be LESSOR'S sole responsibility. LESSEE agrees to cooperate with LESSOR in its maintenance of the Light Standard. LESSOR also agrees that it will keep the Light Standard in good repair and in compliance with any applicable federal state, county and local laws and regulations. If LESSOR fails to so maintain the Light Standard, LESSEE may make such repairs or perform such maintenance after providing LESSOR with thirty (30) days prior written notice (except in the event of an emergency endangering life or property), and the costs thereof shall be payable to LESSEE by the LESSOR within thirty (30) days after LESSOR'S receipt of written demand. If the LESSOR does not make such payment to LESSEE within such thirty (30) day period, then LESSEE shall have the right to deduct those costs from the succeeding monthly rental amounts due from LESSEE to LESSOR. VN0200-01 Solo Sports Complex 2. SURVEY. LESSOR also hereby grants to LESSEE the right to survey the Property and the Premises, and said survey shall then become Exhibit "D" which shall be attached hereto and Made a part hereof, and shall control in the event of boundary and access discrepancies between it and Exhibit "B". Cost for such work shall be borne by the LESSEE. 3. TERM. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of execution by both parties, provided, however, the initial term shall be for five (5) years and shall commence on the Commencement Date (as hereinafter defined). The Commencement Date is defined as the first (1st) day of the month following the date this Agreement is executed by the parties or the first (I st) day of the month following the date LESSEE is granted a building permit by the governmental agency charged with issuing such permits, whichever event occurs last. This Agreement shall automatically be extended for four (4) additional five (5) year terms unless the LESSEE terminates it at the end of the then current term by giving the LESSOR written notice of the intent to terminate at least six (6) months prior to the end of-the then current term. 4. ADDITIONAL EXTENSIONS. If at the end of the fourth (4th) five (5) year extension term this Agreement has not been terminated by either Parry by giving to the other written notice of an intention to terminate ii at least six (6) months prior to the end of such term, this Agreement shall continue in force upon the same covenants, terms and conditions for a further term of five (5) years and for five (5) year terms thereafter until terminated by either Party by giving to the other written notice of its intention to so terminate at least six (6) months prior to the end of such term. 5. RENT. (a) Within thirty (30) business days of the Commencement Date, and on the first day of each month thereafter, LESSEE shall pay to LESSOR Two Thousand and Noll 00 dollars ($2000.00) per month ("rent"). Rent for any fractional month at the beginning or at the end of the Term or Renewal Term shall be prorated. Rent shall be payable to LESSOR at City of Arroyo Grande, P.O, Box 550, 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421; Attention: Financial Services Director. (b) During the term hereof, LESSEE shall have the right to sublet all or a portion of the Premises, upon notice to LESSOR, to any designated wireless communication provider, provided such sublease is subject to the provisions of this Agreement. LESSOR, shall be entitled to additional monthly rent from any such sublessee pursuant to the terms and provisions of Paragraph 17 of this Agreement, (c) Rent shall be increased on each anniversary of the Commencement Date by an amount equal to four percent (4%) of the rent for the previous year during the initial term and all extension terms. (d) Rent payments made after the fifteenth (15 *) day of any month will be considered delinquent, and shall accrue interest at the rate often percent (10%) per annum on that delinquent amount until LESSEE'S account is paid to current If the fifteenth (15*) day of the month is on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, then LESSEE has until the next business day for the payment to be received by LESSOR. (e) Within thirty (30) days of the full execution of this Agreement, LESSEE shall pay to LESSOR as additional consideration a one time administrative fee of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for City transactional costs associated with preparation and processing of this Agreement. 6. USE: GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS. LESSEE shall use the Premises for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a telecommunication site and all necessary appurtenances. A security fence consisting of chain link construction or similar but comparable construction may be placed around the perimeter of the Premises at the discretion of LESSEE (not including the access easement). All improvements shall be at LESSEE'S expense and the installation of all improvements shall be at the discretion and option of the LESSEE subject to site design approval by LESSOR, which 2 VN0200-01 Solo Sports Complex approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. LESSEE shall have the right to replace, repair, add or otherwise modify its equipment or any portion thereof, whether the equipment is specified or not on any exhibit attached hereto, during the term of this Agreement LESSEE will maintain the Premises (not including the Light Standard) in a good condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted. LESSOR will maintain the Property, including the Light Standard but excluding the Premises, in good condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted It is understood and agreed that LESSEE'S ability to use the Premises is contingent upon its obtaining after the execution date of this Agreement all of the certificates, permits and other approvals (collectively the "Governmental Approvals") mat may be required by any Federal, State or Local authorities as well as satisfactory soil boring tests which will permit LESSEE use of the Premises as set forth above. LESSOR shall cooperate with LESSEE in its effort to obtain such approvals and shall take no action which would adversely affect the status of the Property with respect to the proposed use by LESSEE. In the event that any of Governmental Approvals should be finally rejected or any Governmental Approval issued to LESSEE is canceled, expires, lapses, or is otherwise withdrawn or terminated by governmental authority or soil boring tests are found to be unsatisfactory so that LESSEE in its sole discretion will be unable to use the Premises for its intended purposes or me LESSEE determines that the Premises is no longer technically compatible for its intended use, I LESSEE shall have the right to terminate this Agreement Notice of the LESSEE'S exercise of its right to terminate shall be given to LESSOR in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be effective upon the mailing of such notice by the LESSEE. All rentals paid to said termination date shall be retained by the LESSOR. Upon such termination, this Agreement shall be of no further force or effect except to the extent of the representations, warranties and indemnities made by each party to the other hereunder. Otherwise, al! the Parties shall have no further obligations including the payment of money, to each other. 7. TAXES. LESSEE shall pay any personal property taxes assessed on, or any portion of such taxes attributable to, LESSEE's communications facility or use and occupancy 'f the Property. LESSOR shall pay when due all real property taxes and all other fees and assessments attributable to the Property. LESSEE shall pay, as additional rent, any increase in real property taxes levied against the Property which is attributable to LESSEE' s use of tile Property upon production of documentary proof of such increase to LESSEE. In the event one party fails to comply with the requirement to pay taxes or any other legal requirement and that noncompliance interferes with the other party's rights under this Agreement, the compliant party will have the right after ten (10) days written notice to the noncompliant party to takes steps necessary to effect compliance. All costs and expenses incurred by the compliant party in effecting compliance will be either charged to the LESSEE, in the event the LESSEE is the noncompliant party, or offset against me Rent in the event the LESSOR is the noncompliant party. 8. INDEMNITY; INSURANCE;(a) Indemnity. This Agreement is made upon the express condition that LESSEE shall indemnify, defend, keep and save harmless LESSOR, and its directors, officers, agents and employees against any and all suits, claims or actions, and any losses, costs or damages including reasonable attorneys' fees), arising out of any injury or injuries to, or death or deaths of, persons or damage to property that may occur, or that may be alleged to have occurred, from any cause or causes whatsoever, in any way resulting from LESSEE'S use or occupancy of the Premises during the term of this Agreement, including any extension term or during any holdover tenancy thereof, except to the extent caused by the proven negligence or willful misconduct of LESSOR, its directors, officers, agents and employees. (b) Insurance. (i) Worker's Compensation. LESSEE shall procure and maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement, any extension term and any holdover tenancy thereof Workers' Compensation Insurance in conformance with the laws of the State of California and Federal laws where applicable as well as Employers' Liability Insurance in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per 3 VN0200-01 Solo Sports Complex accident or disease.(ii) Bodily Injury. Death and; Property Damage Liability Insurance. LESSEE shall also procure and maintain at all times during die term ofthis Agreement, any extension term and any holdover tenancy thereof comprehensive :broad form General Public Liability Insurance (including automobile operation) covering LESSEE and LESSOR for any liability arising out of the use of, or occurring in, on, or about the Premises. The policy(ies) shall include coverage for all vehicles, licensed or unlicensed, or 'off the Premises, used by or on behalf of LESSEE or Sublessee during the term of this Agreement or holdover tenancy thereof The policy(ies) shall be subject to a limit for each occurrence of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) naming as an additional insured, in connection with LESSEE'S activities, LESSOR, ,its officers, employees, and agents. The Insurer(s) shall agree that its policy(ies) is Primary insurance and that it shall be liable for the full amount of any loss up to and including the total limit of liability without right of contribution from any other insurance covering LESSOR. Inclusion of LESSOR as an additional insured shall not in any way affect ts rights with respect to any claim, demand, suit, or judgment made, brought, or recovered against LESSEE. Said policy shall protect LESSEE and LESSOR in the same manner as though a separate policy had been issued to each; but nothing in said policy shall operate to increase the Insurer's liability as set forth in the policy beyond the amount or amounts shown or to which the insurer would have been liable if only one interest had been named as an insured. (iii) f ire and Extended Coverage Insurance. LESSEE shall maintain a policy of standard fire and extended coverage insurance on its improvements to the Premises. Upon commencement of the initial term, LESSEE shall provide LESSOR with Certificates of Insurance, with provisions stating that coverage shall not be reduced, suspended or cancelled except after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to LESSOR. 9 ANNUAL TERMINATION. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, and provided LESSEE is not in default hereunder and shall have paid all rents and sums due and payable to the LESSOR by LESSEE, LESSEE shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon the annual anniversary of this Agreement provided that six (6) months prior notice is given the LESSOR. 10. INTERFERENCE. LESSOR agrees that LESSOR and/or any other tenants of the PropertY who currently have or in the future take possession of the Property will be permitted to install only such radio equipment that is of the type and frequency, which wflI not cause measurable interference to the existing equipment of the LESSEE. (a) LESSEE shall construct, maintain and operate the Premises and improvements thereon in such a manner that will not cause interference to LESSOR including, but not limited to, LESSOR'S re- broadcaster for its fire, police and other public safety departments, and other lessees or licensees of the Property. All operations by LESSEE shall be in compliance with all Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") requirements and all applicable laws. (b) Subsequent to LESSEE'S construction, installation and operation of improvements in the Premises, LESSOR shall not permit itself; its lessees or licensees to install new equipment on the Property contiguous thereto owned or controlled by LESSOR, if such equipment will cause interference with LESSEE'S operations. In the event interference occurs, LESSOR agrees to take all reasonable steps necessary to eliminate such interference, in a reasonable time period. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary in the event LESSOR fails 0 comply with this paragraph, LESSEE'S sole remedy is to terminate this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in the event LESSOR, fails to comply with this section, LESSEE'S sole remedy is to terminate this Agreement 11. REMOVAL UPON TERMINATION. LESSEE, upon termination of the Agreement, shall, within ninety (90) days, remove its building@, antenna installation^) (except footings), fixtures and all personal 4 VN0200-01 Solo Sports Complex property and otherwise restore the Premises to its original condition, reasonable wear and tear and casualty excepted. LESSOR agrees and acknowledges that all of the equipment, fixtures and personal property of the LESSEE shall remain the personal property of the LESSEE and the LESSEE shall have the right to remove the same, whether or not said items are considered fixtures and attachments to real property under applicable law. If such time for removal causes LESSEE to remain on the Premises after termination of this Agreement, LESSEE shall pay rent at the then existing monthly rate or on the existing monthly pro-rata basis if based upon a longer payment term, until such time as the removal of the building, antenna structure, fixtures and all personal property are completed. 12. RIGHTS UPON SALE. Should the LESSOR, at anytime during the term of this Agreement, decide to sell all or any part of the Property to a purchaser other than LESSEE, such sale shall be under and subject to this Agreement and LESSEE'S rights hereunder, and any sale by the LESSOR of the portion of this Property underlying :me right-of-way herein granted shall be under and subject to the right of the LESSEE in and to such right-of-way. 13. OUlET' ENJOYMENT- LESSOR covenants that LESSEE, on paying the rent and performing the covenants shall peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Premises. 14. TITLE. LESSOR covenants that LESSOR is seized of good and sufficient title and interest to me Property and has full authority to enter into and execute this Agreement LESSOR further covenants that there are no other liens, judgments or impediments of title on the Property or affecting LESSOR'S title to the same and mat there are no covenants, easements or restrictions which prevent the use of the Premises by the LESSEE as set forth above. 15. INTEGRATION;. It is agreed and understood mat this Agreement contains all agreements, promises and understandings between the LESSOR and LESSEE and that no verbal or oral agreements, promises or understandings shall be binding upon either the LESSOR or LESSEE in any dispute, controversy or proceeding at law, and any addition, variation or modification to this Agreement shall be void and ineffective unless made in writing and signed by the Parties. In the event any provision of the Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such finding shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, The failure of either Party to insist upon strict perforqlance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to exercise any of its rights under the Agreement shall not waive such rights and such Party shall have the right to enforce such rights at any time and take such action as may be lawful and a authorized under this Agreement, either in law or in equity. 16. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement and the performance thereof shall be governed, interpreted, construed, and regulated by the laws of the State in which the Property is located. 17. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement may be sold, assigned or transferred by the] LESSEE without any approval or consent of the LESSOR to the LESSEE'S principal, affiliates, subsidiaries of its principal; to any entity which acquires all or substantially all of LESSEE'S assets n the market defined by the Federal Communications Commission in which the Property is located y reason of a merger, acquisition or other business reorganization; or to any entity which acquires r receives an interest in the majority of communication towers of the LESSEE in the market defined by the Federal Communications Commission in which the Property is located. As to other parties, this Agreement may not be sold, assigned or transferred without the written consent of the LESSOR. LESSEE may sublet the Premises within its sole discretion, upon notice to LESSOR. Any sublease that is entered into by LESSEE shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement Deluding, but not limited to, the provisions for payment of additional monthly rent as stated below, and shall be binding upon the successors, assigns, heirs and legal representatives of the respective parties hereto. In the event LESSEE subleases any portion of the Premises to any party which is not a permitted 5 VN0200-01 Solo Sports Complex assignee as described above, in accordance with this Agreement, any rental paid by any Sublessee(s) shall be divided between the LESSOR and the LESSEE in the following manner, fifty percent (50%) to LESSOR and fifty percent (50%) to LESSEE. Any Sublessee shall be instructed X> pay the foregoing percentage amounts directly to the LESSOR and the LESSEE. The LESSEE shall not be responsible to the LESSOR for the collection or payment of rents by the Sublessee to the LESSOR, and the LESSEE shall have no liability to the LESSOR in the event of failure of payment by Sublessee, In this event (i) the LESSEE shall have no liability of any nature to the LESSOR for failure to sublet all or any part of the Premises to any or all potential Sublessee(s), and u) at LESSOR'S request, LESSEE will provide LESSOR with a tri-partY agreement to be executed by the LESSEE, it's Sublessee, and LESSOR to confirm direct payment obligation from the Sublessee to the LESSOR and to indicate LESSOR, has been notified of the sublease. It is understood and agreed by the Parties that the foregoing rental percentage amounts shall only apply if the LESSEE is able to accommodate all of Sublessee's facilities within the Premises. If the LESSEE is unable to accommodate any or part of Sublessee's facilities within the Premises, then LESSOR may enter into an agreement with the Sublessee for a portion of the Property that Sublessee requires to locate its facilities. In this event, LESSOR $hall receive 100% of the rental, negotiated by the LESSOR and Sublessee, for the portion of Sublessee's facilities that are located on the Property outside LESSEE'S Premises. 18. NOTICES. All notices hereunder must be in writing and shall be deemed validly given if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested or by commercial courier, provided the courier's regular business is delivery service and provided farther that it guarantees delivery to the addressee by the end of the next business day following the courier's receipt from the sender, addressed as follows (or any other address that the Party to be notified may have designated to the LESSOR: City Manager, City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550, 214 Ash Street Arroyo Grande, California 93421 LESSEE: Cingular Wireless LLC Attn: Network Real Estate Administration Re: Cingular Wireless Cell Site #:VN0200-01 Cell Site Name: Soto Sports Complex 6100 Atlantic Boulevard Norcross, Georgia 30071 With a copy to: Cingular Wireless LLC Attn.: Legal Department Re: Cingular Wireless Cell Site #: VN0200-01 Cell Site Name: Soto Sports Complex IS E Midland Ave. Paramus, NJ 07652 Notice shall be effective upon actual receipt or refusal as shown on me receipt obtained pursuant to the foregoing. 6 VN0200-01 Solo SpOrts Complex 19. SUCCESSORS. This Agreement shall extend to and bind the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the Parties hereto. 20. SUBORDINATION AND NON-DISTURBANCE. At LESSOR'S option, this Agreement shall be subordinate to any mortgage or other security interest by LESSOR which from time to time may encumber all or part of the Property or right-of-way, provided, however, every such mortgage or other security interest shall recognize the validity of this Agreement in the event of a foreclosure of LESSOR'S interest and also LESSEE'S right to remain in occupancy of and have access to the Premises as long as LESSEE is not in default of this Agreement. LESSEE shall execute whatever instruments may reasonably be required to evidence this subordination clause. In the event the Property is encumbered by a mortgage or other security interest, the LESSOR immediately after this Agreement is executed, will obtain and famish to LESSEE, a non-disturbance agreement for each such mortgage or other security interest in recordable form. In the event the LESSOR defaults in the payment and/or other performance of any mortgage or other security interest encumbering the Property, LESSEE, may, at its sole option and without obligation, cure or correct LESSOR'S default and upon doing so, LESSEE shall be subrogated to any and all rights, titles, liens and equities of die holders of such mortgage or security interest and the LESSEE shall be entitled to deduct and setoff against all rents that may otherwise become due under this Agreement the sums paid by LESSEE to cure or correct such defaults. 21. RECORDING. LESSOR agrees to execute a Memorandum of this Lease Agreement which LESSEE may record with the appropriate Recording Officer. The date set forth in the Memorandum of Lease is for recording purposes only and bears no reference to commencement of either term or rent payments. 22. DEFAULT. In The event there is a default by the LESSEE with respect to any of the provisions of this Agreement or its obligations under it, including the payment of rent, the LESSOR shall give LESSEE written notice of such default. After receipt of such written notice, the LESSEE shall have fifteen (IS) days in which to cure any monetary default and thirty (30) days in which to cure any non- monetary default, provided the LESSEE shall have such extended period as may be required beyond the thirty (30) days if the nature of the core is such that it reasonably requires more than thirty (30) days and the LESSEE commences the cure within the thirty (30) day period and thereafter continuously and diligently pursues the cure to completion. The LESSOR may not maintain any action or effect any remedies for default against the LESSEE unless and until the LESSEE has failed to cure the same within the time periods provided in this Paragraph. 23. ENVIRONMENTAL. LESSOR represents that, to the best of LESSOR'S knowledge, the Premises have not been used for the generation, storage, treatment or disposal of hazardous materials, hazardous substances or hazardous wastes. In addition, LESSOR represents that, to the best of LESSOR'S knowledge, no hazardous materials, hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, or underground storage tanks are located on or near the Premises. LESSEE will not bring onto or store on the Premises hazardous materials, hazardous substances or hazardous wastes. Notwithstanding the immediately preceding sentence, LESSOR and LESSEE acknowledge that LESSEE shall be utilizing and maintaining on the Premises sealed batteries, propane/diesellgasoline, HV AC system, and a halonlFM200 fire suppression system and mat the use and maintenance of such items shall not constitute a violation or breach ofmis paragraph. LESSEE shall be responsible for and shall indemnify and hold harmless LESSOR from any and all liabilities and damages, including but limited to removal costs, arising out of any environmental damage caused by LESSEE. 24. CASUALTY. In the event of damage by fire or other casually to the Premises that cannot reasonably be expected to be repaired within forty-five (45) days following same or, if the Property is damaged by fire or other casualty so that such damage may reasonably be expected to disrupt 7 VN0200-01 Solo Sports Complex LESSEE'S operations at the Premises for more than forty-five (45) days, then LESSEE may at any time following such fire or other casualty, provided LESSOR has not completed the restoration required to permit LESSEE to resume its operation at the Premises, terminate this Lease upon fifteen (15) days written notice to LESSOR. Any such notice of termination shall cause this Lease to expire with the same force and effect as though the date set forth in such notice were the date originally set as the expiration date of this Lease and the Parties shall make an appropriate adjustment, as of such termination date, with respect to payments due to the other under this Lease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all rental shall abate during the period of repair following such fire or other casualty. 25. CONDEMNATION. In the event of any condemnation of the Property, LESSEE may terminate this Lease upon fifteen (15) days written notice to LESSOR if such condemnation may reasonably be expected to disrupt LESSEE'S operations at the Premises for more than forty-five (45) days. LESSEE may on its own behalf make a claim in any condemnation proceeding involving the Premises for losses related to the antennas, equipment, its relocation costs and its damages and losses (but not for the loss of its leasehold interest). Any such notice of termination shall cause this Lease to expire with the same force and effect as though the date set forth in such notice were the date originally set as the expiration date of this Lease and the Parties shall make an appropriate adjustment as of such termination date with respect to payments due to the other under this Lease. 26. SUBMISSION OF LEASE. The submission of this Lease for examination does not constitute an offer to lease the Premises and this Lease becomes effective only upon the mil execution of this Lease by the Parties. If any provision herein is invalid, it shall be considered deleted from this Lease and shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of this Lease. Each of the Parties hereto warrants to the other that the person or persons executing this Lease on behalf of such Party has the full right, power and authority to enter into and execute this Lease on such Party's behalf and that no consent from any other person or entity is necessary as a condition precedent to the legal effect of this Lease. 27. APPLICABLE LAWS. LESSEE shall use the Premises as may be required or as permitted by applicable laws, rules and regulations. LESSOR agrees to keep the Property in conformance with all applicable, laws, rules and regulations and agrees to reasonably cooperate with the LESSEE regarding any compliance required by the LESSEE in respect to its use offee Premises. 28. SURVIVAL. The provisions of the Agreement relating to indemnification from one Party to the other Party shall survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement Additionally, any provisions of this Agreement which require performance subsequent to the termination or expiration of this Agreement shall also survive such termination or expiration. 29. CAPTIONS. The captions contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and are not intended to be part of the Agreement They shall not affect or be utilized in the construction or interpretation of the Agreementó 8 VN0200-01 SOlo Sports Complex IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be effective as of the last date written below. "LANDLORD" City of of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation By: Print Name: Its: Date: "TENANT" New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC a Delaw re limited liability company , yV Mgr Real Estate & Con8InlCIon z/z.e/p6 By: Print Name: Its: Date: 9 VN0200-01 Soto Sports Complex EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Page _1_ of _1_ to the Agreement dated , 2006, by and between City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation, as Landlord, and New Cingular Wireless, PCS, LLC a Delaware limited liability company, as Tenant. Landlord owns certain property with an address of 1221 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, CA, hereinafter identified as the "Property," legally described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of Lot 106 of the Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Ow:misal Ranchos, in the City of Arroyo Grandt, County of San Luis Obispo, State ofCalifumia. according to map surveyed by las. T. Stratton, September, 1873, and filed for a record in Book A, Page 65 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the Sou1hwest comer orland described in deed to Conrad Grieb, reoordod J&DlI8Iy 7. 1894 in Book R. Page 404 of Deeds; Thence West, 34.88 chains; Thence North, II chains 41 % links; Thence East, 34.88 chains; Thence South, II chains 41 % links to the point of beginning. APN: On,I21,OO4 End ofl.egal Description 10 VN0200-01 SOlo Sports Complex EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES Page _1_ of _1_ to the Agreement dated , 2006, by and between City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation, as Landlord, and New Cingular Wireless, PCS, LLC a Delaware limited liability company, as Tenant. The Premises are described and/or depicted as follows: , - .. ... @ ANTENNA PLAN """"......... . :>0.' Y '/<' j' 'y ',' Y" ,,/,,;' ..."'. '.;, ... . .~ / .;" '/' .' , / /~. "., .", /, /\, ". . .",,/ ~ . 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IIiClCIS8 oaL _ .,,,.,... 11 ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. 06.1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 05-016, APPLIED FOR BY CINGULAR WIRELESS, LOCATED AT 1275 ASH STREET WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Conditional Use Permit Case No. 05-016, filed by Cingular Wireless, to install telecommunication antennas on a 70' tall replacement light standard and nine (9) outdoor equipment cabinets located within a 16' x 30' lease area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with City Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and the environmental documents associated therewith; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: Conditional Use Permit Findings: 1. The proposed use is conditionally permitted within the subject district pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.16.050 of the Development Code, and complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code, the goals and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City. In addition, the facility will operate in full compliance with all state and federal regulations including the Telecommunications Act of 1996. 2. The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the district in which it is to be established or located. The installation of the facility will not result in any material changes to the character of the immediate neighborhood or local community. 3. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development that is proposed. The facility is not located within a predominantly residential neighborhood, and the stealth design of the structure will camouflage the antennas. 4. There are adequate provIsions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure the public health and safety. RESOLUTION NO. 06-1998 CUP 05-016 PAGE 2 of6 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity. The telecommunication facility will be unstaffed, have no impact on circulation systems, and will generate no noise, odor, smoke or any other adverse impacts to adjacent land uses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Conditional Use Permit Case No. 05-016, with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Tait, and by the following voice vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Brown, Tait, Fellows and Ray None Commissioner Parker the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of May 2006. ATTEST: (Approved, but not yet executed) (Approved, but not yet executed) L YN REARDON-SMITH, SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION CHUCK FELLOWS, CHAIR AS TO CONTENT: (Approved, but not yet executed) ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RESOLUTION NO. 06-1998 CUP 05-016 PAGE 3 of6 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 05-016 CINGULAR WIRELESS 1275 ASH STREET COMMUNITY nFVELOPMENT nFPARTMENT GENFRAI CONnlTIONS This approval authorizes the installation of telecommunication antennas on a 70' tall replacement light standard and nine (9) outdoor equipment cabinets located within a 16' x 30' lease area. 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Conditional use Permit Case No. 05-016. 3. This application shall automatically expire one year after approval unless a building permit is issued. Thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the approval, the applicant may apply for an extension of one (1) year from the original date of expiration. 4. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the Planning Commission at the meeting of May 2,2006 and marked Exhibits "B-1 through B-4". 5. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in anyway relating to the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fee's which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. 6. Construction shall be limited to between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No construction shall occur on Sunday. 7. Development shall conform to the Public Facility (PF) zoning requirements except as otherwise approved. RESOLUTION NO. 06-1998 CUP 05-016 PAGE 4 of6 SPFCIAI CONDITIONS 8. The color of the antennas shall match the new light standard. 9. The facility shall not bear any signs or advertising devices other than certification, warning, or other FCC required seals or signage. 10. All accessory equipment associated with the operation of the wireless facility shall be located within a building, enclosure, or underground vault that complies with the development standards of the PF zoning district. 11. The operator shall cooperate with any subsequent applicants for wireless communications facilities in the vicinity with regard to possible co-location on the light standard. 12. The applicant shall obtain a lease agreement with the City prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, and shall comply with all terms of the lease agreement. BUILDING & FIRE DEPARTMENT 13. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of all California Building and Fire Codes, as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. 14. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced, per Police Department and Fire Department guidelines. 15. Project shall have a fire flow based on the California Fire Code appendix III-A. 16. Prior to combustible materials being placed on site, fire hydrants shall be installed, per Fire Department and Public Works Department standards. 17. Prior to Occupancy. the applicant must provide an approved "security key vault". per Building and Fire Department guidelines. 18. Provide Fire Department approved access or sprinkler-system per National Fire Protection Association Standards. 19. Prior to issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, applicant shall show proof of properly abandoning all non-conforming items such as septic tanks, wells, underground piping and other undesirable conditions. 20. Any review costs generated by outside consultants, shall be paid by the applicant. 21. Building Permit fees, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. RESOLUTION NO. 06-1998 CUP 05-016 PAGE 50f6 22. Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance in accordance with State mandate. PIIRLlC WORKS DEPARTMFNT GFNFRAL IMPROVFMENT RFOLJIRFMENTS 23. Sitp. M::Iintp.n::lnr.p. - The developer shall be responsible during construction for cleaning city streets, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks of dirt tracked from the project site. The flushing of dirt or debris to storm drain or sanitary sewer facilities shall not be permitted. The cleaning shall be done after each day' s work or as directed by the Director of Public Works. 24. Fnr.ro::lr.hmp.nt Pp.rmit - The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining an encroachment permit for all work within a public right of way. 25. Gr::lding - All grading shall be done in accordance with the City Grading Ordinance. 26. fees - Applicant shall pay all applicable City fees at the time they are due. The following Public Works Department conditions of approval are to be complied with prior to issuance of a building permit. 27. 7p.ro Conflir.t with City's Commllnir.::Ition - Prior to issuance of building permit, the applicant shall perform a radio frequency study to determine possible conflicts with the City's communication system, and to develop alternatives to eliminate any such conflicts. Prior to activation of the proposed Cellular system, the applicant shall perform a live radio test to ensure that there is no unanticipated interference with the City's radio system. If the proposed system does interfere with the operation of the City's communication system, the proposed system shall remain inactive until such time that the proposed system can be made to cause zero interference. 28. The applicant shall replace the fence along the western side of the access road with an eight-foot (8') chain link fence to match the fence along the south side of the corporation yard. 29. The applicant shall replace the fence and gate at the north end of the access road adjacent to the parking lot. The gate shall be shifted west to line up with the access road. 30. The applicant shall remove the existing asphalt in the parking lot adjacent to the access road and replace with concrete. RESOLUTION NO. 06-1998 CUP 05-016 PAGE 6 of6 31. The applicant shall pave the access road with colored concrete from the edge of the existing; asphalt at the parking lot to the gates to the south of the proposed building site. This road shall be "V" shaped to convey drainage from the parking lot to the ball field at the end of the access road. 32. The applicant shall install a trough structure for the blow off for Well No. 5 to direct the water onto the access road. 33. A registered civil engineer in the State of California shall design all project improvements required by the Public Works Department. 34. The applicant shall supply one reproducible set of plans on mylar, four (4) paper copies for inspection purposes and an electronic copy on CD in AutoCAD format. 35. The applicant shall submit one (1) set of record drawings on mylar and an electronic copy on CD in AutoCAD format at the conclusion of the improvements. 36. The applicant should note that Ash Street was overlaid in March of 2005. Cutting of the asphalt will not be permitted until March of 2010 in accordance with City pavement management practices. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 9.a. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande will conduc.t a Public Hearing on TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2006 at 7:00 P.M. in the City ~ouncll Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, to consider the following Item: Applicant: Coast Hills Federal Credit Union Proposal: . Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-001 - The City Council will c~nsider an application for a new, one-story credit union facility, With one drive-up lane. Location: 1570 W. Branch Street In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the Community Development Department has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above project. The Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for review at the Community Development Department, City of Arroyo Grande. If the City Council does not feel that a Mitigated.' Negative Declaration is appropriate, project approval will not be considered. ,. I I The Council may also discuss other hearings or business items before or after the item- listed above. If you challenge the proposed action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. ., I i Information relating to these items is available by contacting Arroyo Grande City Hall at 473-5414. The Council meeting will be televised live on Charter Cable Channel 20. Publish 1 time, The Trib!.me, Friday, May 12, 2006 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: IIJl-KELL Y HEFFERNON tr:tI, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-001 AND ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 06- 001 TO CONSTRUCT A 4,375 SQUARE FOOT SINGLE-STORY BUILDING FOR A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION LOCATED AT 1570 WEST BRANCH STREET IN THE OAK PARK PLAZA; APPLIED FOR BY COAST HILLS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION DATE: MAY 23,2006 RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends the Council adopt a resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. 06-001 and Administrative Sign Program No. 06-001. FUNDING: There are no financial impacts to the City with approval of this project. PROJECT LOCATION: -- -,- - - -------7-------- --------------- - -- - -----<,-- .. -- - .. ------ --- ..-- /1 " '.. / /' ", /1 / / "", . ',,/ I I r -.......... / . -',_ I " 7 /;' - .,-" ---~- -"-'f ..,."",... )....) / //- PRO.JECTSIJ' / / \ -=~-====:=~:::~:>,_ /??l /" 1/ .co',.., "'~...;:"-,,, """ ~/'"'' ! " 1.____.._____" j '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i:~~~,;~!~"-- ~,,) f/ I 7--~- I I ~~'" - ~~ --:::: '-. '" - .. I ! I-__! / / -7"'-~- - ,~:,::-:_:::-:~'.":_':'-~:" ----'_-~' -- _, I / 7''''''''' ,..' I 1 / ' "-',:c. --- . ",,) " ~7~~~/T<{;7~.~~Jl/;'5~~;/~~~::~~~~~:~~~~0-;:>(,,~:,-~ I ,/ / ! ' I, ! 1'" ',./ ,. 7. "'" -.,'-.>,'" "". ", '. '{,~ /;; """1._.-1..." //-~~-"<.'~'.(<./ /'<.-: / h -,......" "'<:-:::::~~:"':.- ''''-::::::-:.>,:. CITY COUNCIL CUP 06-001; ASP 06-001 MAY 23,2006 PAGE2of6 DISCUSSION: Backqround The project s~te is located within the Oak Park Plaza shopping center and is currently used for parkl~g. The gross floor area of the center is approximately 130,180 square feet and consists of K-Mart, a two-story retail/office building, and two (2) freestanding restaurants (the Quarterdeck and Carl's Jr.). On January 13, 1998, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 97-544 creating a new 20,007 square foot parcel adjacent to the Quarterdeck Restaurant in the Oak Park Plaza. During the public hearing process, discussion focused primarily on parking related issues within the shopping center. It was determined that since development of the property would likely reduce the total number of parking spaces available in the center below Development Code requirements, a parking study would be required to justify a reduction in parking as part of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application. A parking analysis was prepared for the Oak Park Plaza as part of the Tentative Map approval process in 1998 and is included as Attachment 1. The original analysis concluded that a surplus of ten (10) spaces exists at the shopping center at that time. The applicant processed a Pre-Application (PRE No. 05-009) to determine if a drive-up window for a financial institution would be acceptable to the City, and to obtain any other helpfur feedback prior to submitting the formal application. The City Council reviewed the Pre-Application on August 23, 2005 and generally had favorable comments (see Attachment 2 for meeting minutes). A Development Code Amendment has subsequently been approved to allow drive-up facilities for financial institutions in the Regional Commercial (RC) zoning district. The Planning Commission considered this project on April 18, 2006 and recommended approval to the City Council subject to the following changes (see Attachment 3 for Meeting Minutes): 1. MM 10.1: change the construction times to state from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 2. Place signage illumination on a timer to go off between 10:30-11 :00 p.m. 3. Store construction equipment on northwest side of the project. 4. Contain construction parking to the west side of the project. 5. Provide a separate control valve for irrigation purposes (Coast Hills water to be used). 6. Contain employee parking on the west side of the project. 7. MM 5.2: change to state "shall be used". 8. Provide outdoor landscape lighting. These changes have been incorporated into the conditions of approval. c CITY COUNCIL CUP 06-001 ; ASP 06-001 MAY 23,2006 PAGE 3 of 6 Proiect Description Proposed is a single-story, 4,375 square foot structure with a drive up window and walk up ATM for the Coast Hills Federal Credit Union. Earlier plans reviewed by the Planning Commission showed a slightly larger building with little architectural detail, a drive up window and separate drive up ATM. The site plan and architectural design were revised based on Planning Commission and Architectural Review Committee (ARC) comments. Specifically, the building has been moved closer to West Branch Street, improving traffic circulation and safety, and the architectural style has been updated to a more modern look. Proposed exterior building materials are divided into a split-faced masonry base below the window, ground-face unit masonry above, and synthetic plaster as the upper band and cornices. The columns would be sandblasted poured-in-place concrete to blend with the ground-face unit masonry. Proposed building materials and colors, as indicated on the attached copy of the color and material board, are as follows (note that these building colors are revised from previous ARC consideration to reflect more neutral tones): . Ground-face Concrete Masonry Units (CMU) - Trendstone 'Walnut Creek" . Split-face CMU - Mesastone "Plum" . EIFS - #456 "Oyster Shell" . Paint - #2112-30 "Stone Brown" (accent, steel) . Pre-finished Metal - "Aged Bronze" (coping/gravel stop) . Annodized Aluminum Frames - "Dark Bronze" . Tinted Insulated Glass - "Dark Bronze" Three (3) trees would be removed with the proposed development and nine (9) trees would be planted along with an assortment of shrubs and groundcover as indicated in the preliminary landscape plan. A trash enclosure is not proposed given the limited amount of trash generated by the bank. Disposal of shredded paper will be handled through a separate pickup service, and other trash, such as lunchroom waste, will be handled by means of waste wheelers and recycling containers provided by South County Sanitary Service. Also proposed is an Administrative Sign Program to install three (3) wall signs totaling 115.5 square feet as summarized in the table below. As indicated in the attached graphics, the faces of the channel letters combined with the type of illumination provide a halo glow effect against the wall of the building. CITY COUNCIL CUP 06-001; ASP 06-001 MAY 23,2006 PAGE4of6 Size of Sign (Max. size allowable is 70 s.1.) Letterin Details South Elevation: 45.5 s.f. East Elevation: 35.0 s.f. West Elevation: 35.0 s.f. Total: 115.5 s.f. "Coast Hills Federal Credit Union" "Coast Hills" uses combination channel letters (face and rear illumination), white acrylic face with applied translucent solid and full- color digital-print vinyl graphics, clear Lexan backs, black aluminum returns, and black plastic trim cap. "Federal Credit Union" uses dimensional letters (non-illuminated), clear ac lie base, and aluminum face with forest reen enamel finish. Either white neon or white LED. illumination s stem. 5PM - BAM, Mon. - Sun. The Community Development Director is authorized to approve Administrative Sign Programs after receiving input from the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). The ARC reviewed the proposed signage on March 6. 2006 and recommended approval (see Attachment 4 for Meeting Notes). Development Code Requirements The proposed project is subject to the general standards of the Regional Commercial zoning district. The table below summarizes how the proposal complies with these requ irements. Project Summary Area Parking (see Setbacks Height Lot Floor Landscaping parking analysis Coverage Area belowT Ratio Determined Dev.Code nla 18 spaces through 35ft. 100% max. 1.0 10% min. of Require- discretionary max. max. site area (2,000 ments action s.f.) Proposed 4.375 s.f. 26 spaces Front: 15 ft. 26 ft. 22% 0.22 17% (3,516 s.f.) W. Side: 25 ft. E. Side: 34 ft. Rear: 55 ft. CITY COUNCIL CUP 06-001; ASP 06-001 MAY 23,2006 PAGE 5 of 6 Parkina Analvsis A total of 18 parking spaces are required per the Development Code for this project, and 26 are proposed. Because of the unique location of this property, however, the overall parking impact to the Shopping center is a net loss of 13 spaces (see table below). The Development Code allows up to a 30% reduction in the required number of parking spaces for common parking facilities based on a parking study that clearly shows that the shared uses have different hours of operation that do not conflict. The applicant is requesting a minor deviation to the required number of parking spaces based on this provision. PARKING SUMMARY Number of Spaces Removed 49 Provided on project site 26 Net difference for shopping center 23 Net deficit (includes surplus of 10 spaces noted in previous study conducted for the shopping center- 13 see Attachment 1) As previously mentioned, in 1998 a Traffic and Parking Impact Study for the Oak Park Plaza was prepared to specifically address shared parking and peak our trip generation impacts of developing this property (Attachment 1), and a project-specific parking analysis was also prepared (Attachment A of the Initial Study). It was determined that parking in the shopping center would not be impacted below acceptable levels with development of the site, and the applicant is requesting an overall parking reduction of 2.3% based on these conclusions. The City has not approved any other parking reductions for the Oak Park Plaza shopping center. Traffic The traffic impact study prepared for this project estimated an additional 306 average daily trips with a generation of 15 AM and 31 PM peak hour trips (see Attachment A of the Initial Study for traffic analysis). Per the traffic study, the project is not expected to create a significant impact to the surrounding intersections during the AM or PM peak hours or change the daily roadway level of service. However, to offset cumulative traffic added from the project, the applicant is conditioned to pay the City's Traffic and Signalization Impact fees. Staff Advisorv Committee (SAC) The SAC reviewed this project on February 1, 2006 (see Attachment 5 for Meeting Notes). Issues discussed included refuse storage and removal, signage, compatibility with Farmers' Market, exterior lighting and security cameras. CITY COUNCIL CUP 06-001; ASP 06-001 .MAY 23,2006 PAGE 6 of 6 Architectural Review Committee (ARC) The ARC considered the project on March 6, 2006 and recommended approval with the following modifications: . · Change the two (2) Gold Medallion Trees at the drive-thru exit to London Plane Sycamores. · Add a bulbout (halfway thru the parking strip on the east side of the building) with a London Plane Sycamore, if the Traffic Study allows loss of one parking space. · Change the Camphor Box from 15 gallons to a 24-gallons. · Change the Gold Medallion Tree at the drive-thru entrance to a London Plane Sycamore. ARC recommendations have been included as conditions of approval. Environmental Assessment Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines and the City of Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA. Based on the review, staff does not anticipate that this project will have a significant effect on the environment. Therefore, staff has prepared a negative declaration with mitigation measures for the Planning Commission's consideration (see Initial Study, Attachment 6). ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: 1. Adopt the Resolution as recommended by the Planning Commission; 2. Modify the project and/or conditions of approval and adopt a Resolution approving the project; 3. Take tentative action to deny the project application and direct staff to prepare the appropriate resolution for City Council action; or 4. Provide other direction to staff. If the Council selects alternative 3, staff will return with the appropriate resolution at a later meeting. Attachments: 1. Parking Study and Analysis for the Oak Park Plaza dated December 30, 1997 2. City Council Meeting Minutes of August 23, 2005 3. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of April 18, 2006 4. Architectural Review Committee Meeting Notes of March 6, 2006 5. Staff Advisory Committee Meeting Notes of February 1, 2006 6. Initial Study S:ICommunity Developmen"PROJECTSICUPI06-001 Coast Hills Credit UnionlCC rpt.doc RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, INSTRUCTING THE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-001 AND ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PROGRAM NO. 06-001, LOCATED AT 1570 WEST BRANCH STREET WITHIN THE OAK PARK PLAZA, APPLIED FOR BY COAST HILLS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered applications for Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-001 and Administrative Sign Program 06-001, filed by Coast Hills Federal Credit Union, for construction of a new 4,375 square foot commercial building; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with City Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and the environmental documents associated therewith; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and has determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration can be adopted; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL Conditional Use Permit Findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted within the Regional Commercial district pursuant to Section 16.16.050 of the Development Code, and complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code, the goals and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City. The proposed use is consistent with Policy Objective LU7 of the City's Land Use Element, which describes allowed uses within the Regional Commercial (RC) land use category. 2. The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the district in which it is to be established or located because the proposed use is consistent with the RC zoning district and does not conflict with existing businesses within the Oak Park Plaza. 3. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development that is proposed because all the necessary easements, circulation, parking and setbacks would be provided. 4. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure the public health and safety. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity because the proposed project would not create adverse environmental impacts. Required CEQA Findings: 1. The City of Arroyo Grande has prepared an initial study pursuant to Section 15063 of the Guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), for Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-001. 2. Based on the initial study, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for public review. A copy of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and related materials is located at City Hall in the Community Development Department. 3. After holding a public hearing pursuant to State and City Codes, and considering the record as a whole, the City Council adopts a negative declaration and finds that there is no substantial evidence of any significant adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively on wildlife resources as defined by Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code or on the habitat upon which the wildlife depends as a result of development of this project. Further, the City Council finds that said Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration, instructs the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination, and approves Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-001 and Administrative Sign Program 06-001, with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On a motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 23rd day of May 2006. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONYFERRARA,MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT "An CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-001 ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PROGRAM 06-001 Coast Hills Federal Credit Union 1570 West Branch Street COMMUNITY DEVFI OPMFNT DFPARTMFNT GFNERAI CONnlTIONS This approval authorizes the construction of a new 4,375 square foot commercial building for a financial institution. 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-001. 3. This application shall automatically expire on May 23, 2008 unless a building permit is issued. Thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the approval, the applicant may apply for an extension of one (1) year from the original date of expiration. 4. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the City Council at the meeting of May 23,2006 and marked Exhibits "81 - 84". 5. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in anyway relating to the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fee's which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. SPFCIAI CONDITIONS 6. The final landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Committee and the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Director. The following changes shall be made to the landscape plan: a. Change the two (2) Gold Medallion Trees at the drive-thru exit to London Plane Sycamores. b. Add a bulbout (halfway thru the parking strip on the east side of the building) with a London Plane Sycamore. The bulbout shall also be shown on the Site Plan. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 5 c. Change the Camphor Box from 15 gallons to a 24-gallons. d. Change the Gold Medallion Tree at the drive-thru entrance to a London Plane Sycamore. 7. Signage illumination shall be on a timer set to turn off between 10:30-11 :00 PM. 8. Construction equipment shall be stored on the northwest side of the project. 9. Construction parking shall be contained to the west side of the project. 10. A separate control valve for irrigation purposes shall be installed. 11. Employee parking shall be restricted to the west side of the building. 12. Outdoor landscape lighting shall be provided. nFVFI OPMFNT CODF 13. Development shall conform to the Regional Commercial (RC) zoning requirements except as otherwise approved. 14. Signage shall be subject to the requirements of Development Code Chapter 16.60, and as approved per Administrative Sign Program Case No. 06-001. 15. Setbacks, lot coverage, and floor area ratios shall be as shown on the development plans except as specifically modified by these conditions. 16. All parking spaces adjacent to a wall, fence, or property line shall have a minimum width of 11 feet. NOISF 17. Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and between 8 a.m. and 5 p:m. on Saturday. No construction shall occur on Sunday. liGHTING ; 18. All lighting for the site shall be downward directed and shall not create spill or glare to adjacent properties. WATFR 19. All new construction shall utilize fixtures and designs that minimize water usage. Such fixtures shall include, but are not limited to, low flow showerheads, water saving toilets, instant water heaters and hot water recirculating systems. Water conserving designs and fixtures shall be installed prior to final occupancy. SOlin WASTF 20. Solid waste pick-up shall utilize waste wheelers and recycling containers. Clear access for solid waste pick up shall be provided. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 6 PRIOR TO ISSUING A BUILDING PERMIT: 21. A landscaping and irrigation plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department and the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Department. The landscaping plan shall include the following: a. Tree staking, soil preparation and planting detail; b. The use of landscaping to screen ground-mounted utility and mechanical equipment; c. The required landscaping and improvements. This includes: 1. Deep root planters shall be included in areas where trees are within five feet (5') of asphalt or concrete surfaces and curbs; 2. Water conservation practices including the use of low flow heads, drip irrigation, mulch, gravel, drought tolerant plants and mulches shall be incorporated into the landscaping plan; and 3. An automated irrigation system. 4. The selection of groundcover plant species shall include native plants. 5. Linear planters shall be provided in the parking area. PRIOR TO ISSUING THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 22. Development shall comply with Development Code Sections 16.48.070, "Fences, Walls and Hedges"; 16.48.090, "Lighting"; 16.48.120, "Performance Standards"; and 16.48.130 "Screening Requirements". 23. The developer shall paint a test patch on the building including all colors. The remainder of the building may not be painted until inspected by the Community Development Department or Building and Fire Department to verify that colors are consistent with the approved color board. A 48-hour notice is required for this inspection. 24. All electrical panel boxes shall be installed inside the building. ARCHITFCTlJRAI REVIEW COMMITTFF 25. All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment, and other mechanical equipment, whether on the ground, on the structure or elsewhere, shall be screened from public view behind the parapets, or with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure. PARKS ANI) RFCREATION DEPARTMFNT CONDITIONS 26. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of the Community Tree Ordinance. 27. Linear root barriers shall be used at the front of the project to protect the sidewalks. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 7 28. All street front trees shall be 24-inch box. POLICE DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ISSUING A BUILDING PERMIT: 29. The applicant shall submit an exterior lighting plan for Police Department approval. PRIOR TO ISSUING THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 30. The applicant shall install a burglar alarm system per Police Department guidelines, and pay the Police Department alarm permit application fee. 31. The applicant shall post designated fire lanes, per Section 22500.1 of the California Vehicle Code. 32. The applicant shall post handicapped parking, per Police Department requirements. BUILDING AND FIRF DFPARTMFNT 33. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of the California State Fire and Building Codes and the Uniform Building and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. 34. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced, per Police Department and Fire Department guidelines. 35. The project shall provide a 35-foot inside turning radius for all fire lanes. 36. The project shall have a fire flow that complies with the Unified Fire Code requirements. PRIOR TO ISSUING A BUILDING PERMIT: 37. The applicant shall show proof of properly abandoning all non-conforming items such as septic tanks, wells, underground piping and other undesirable conditions. PRIOR OT BRINGING CUMBUSTABLES ON SITE: 38. Fire hydrants shall be installed, per Fire Department and Public Works Department standards. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 8 PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY: 39. The applicant must provide an approved "security key vault" per Building and Fire Department guidelines. . 40. The buildings must be fully sprinklered per Building and Fire guidelines. 41. An opticom traffic signal pre-emption device shall be installed that meets Building and Fire Department requirements at Oak Park Boulevard and West Branch Street (if not already existing prior to issuance of occupancy). PIIRLlC WORKS DEPARTMFNT SPFCIAI CONDITIONS 42. The project will connect to the public sewer main on-site. 43. The project will pay the proportiol")ate share to the following wastewater capital improvement projects: }> EI Camino Real Sewer Upgrade (0.27%), }> Walnut Street Sewer Upgrade (0.19%). 44. The project will connect to the public water main on-site. 45. The project will install backflows on all domestic water services. 46. The project will install a double detector check valve with FDC for the sprinkler system. 47. The project will install a fire. hydrant adjacent to the FDC. 48. The project will dedicate the appropriate public water easements for the fire hydrant and FDC. The easement shall be a minimum 15' wide. 49. The project will overlay West Branch Street across the project frontage with 1" Type B asphalt. GFNFRAI CONDITIONS 50. Clean all streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks at the end of the day's operations or as directed by the Director of Public Works. 51. Perform construction activities during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 7 A.M. to 5 P.M.) for noise and inspection purposes. The developer or contractor shall refrain from performing any work other than site maintenance outside of these hours, unless an emergency arises or approved by the Director of Public Works. The City may hold the developer or contractor responsible for any expenses incurred by the City due to work outside of these hours. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 9 IMPROVFMFNT PI ANS 52. All project improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Arroyo Grande Standard Drawings and Specifications. 53. Submit three (3) full-size paper copies and one (1) full-size mylar copy of approved improvement plans for inspection purposes during construction. 54. Submit as-built plans at the completion of the project or improvements as directed by the Director of Public Works. One (1) set of mylar prints and an electronic version on CD in AutoCAD format shall be required. 55. The following Improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Public Works Department: a. Grading, drainage and erosion control, b. Street paving, curb, gutter and sidewalk, c. Public utilities, d. Water and sewer, e. Landscaping and irrigation, f. Any other improvements as required by the Director of Public Works 56. The site plan shall include the following: a. The location and size of all existing and proposed water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities within the project site and abutting streets or alleys. b. The location, quantity and size of all existing and proposed sewer laterals. c. The location, size and orientation of all trash enclosures. d. All existing and proposed parcel lines and easements crossing the property. e. The location and dimension of all existing and proposed paved areas. f. The location of all existing and proposed public or private utilities. 57. Improvement plans shall include plan and profile of existing and proposed streets, utilities and retaining walls. 58. Landscape and irrigation plans are required within the public right of way, and shall be approved by the Community Development and Parks and Recreation Departments. In addition, The Director of Public Works shall approve any landscaping or irrigation within a public right of way or otherwise to be maintained by the City. WATFR 59. Construction water is available at the corporate yard. The City of Arroyo Grande does not allow the use of hydrant meters. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 10 60. Each parcel shall have separate water meters. Duplex service lines shall be used if feasible. 61. Lots using fire sprinklers shall have individual service connections. If the units are to be fire sprinkled, a fire sprinkler engineer shall determine the size of the water meters. 62. Existing water services to be abandoned shall be properly abandoned and capped at the main per the requirements of the Director of Public Works. 63. The applicant shall complete measures to neutralize the estimated increase in water demand created by the project by either: a. Implement an individual water program consisting of retrofitting existing off-site high-flow plumbing fixtures with low flow devices. The calculations shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. The proposed individual water program shall be submitted to the City Council for approval prior to implementation; OR, b. The applicant may pay an in lieu fee of $2,200 for each new residential unit. SF:WFR 64. All sewer mains or laterals crossing or parallel to public water facilities shall be constructed in accordance with California State Health Agency standards. 65. Existing sewer laterals to be abandoned shall be properly abandoned and capped at the main per the requirements of the Director of Public Works. 66. Obtain approval from the South County Sanitation District for the development's impact to District facilities prior to issuance of a building permit. PIJRIIC IJTIIITIFS 67. Underground all new public utilities in accordance with Section 16.68.050 of the Development Code. 68. Submit all improvement plans to the public utility companies for approval and comment. Utility comments shall be forwarded to the Director of Public Works for -approval. All utility company shall sign the improvement plans prior to final submittal. STRFFTS 69. Obtain approval from the Director of Public Works prior to excavating in any street recently over-laid or slurry sealed. The Director of Public Works shall approve the RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 11 method of repair of any such trenches, but shall not be limited to an overlay, slurry seal, or fog seal. 70. All trenching in City streets shall utilize saw cutting. Any over cuts shall be cleaned and filled with epoxy. 71. All street repairs shall be constructed to City standards. CLJRR GlITTER AND SIDFWAI K 72. Remove and replace any damaged or broken curb, gutter, and sidewalk across the project frontage. 73. Utilize saw cuts for all repairs made in curb, gutter, and sidewalk. 74. Install tree root barriers for all trees planted adjacent to curb, gutter and sidewalk to prevent damage due to root growth. GRADING 75. Perform all grading in conformance with the City Grading Ordinance. DRAINAGE 76. All drainage facilities shall be designed to accommodate a 1 DO-year storm flow. DFDICATIONS AND FASFMFNTS 77. All easements, abandonments, or similar documents to be recorded as a document separate shall be prepared by the applicant on 8 1/2 x 11 City standard forms, and shall include legal descriptions, sketches, closure calculations, and a current preliminary title report. The applicant shall be responsible for all required fees, including any additional required City processing. 78. Street tree planting and maintenance easements shall be dedicated adjacent to all street right of ways. Street tree easements shall be a minimum of 10 feet beyond the right of way. 79. A Public Utility Easement (PUE) shall be dedicated a minimum 6 feet wide adjacent to all street right of ways. The PUE shall be wider where necessary for the installation or maintenance of the public utility vaults, pads, or similar facilities. 80. Easements shall be dedicated to the public by separate document approved by the City, for the following: a. Water easements for all publicly owned facilities outside the existing easements. The easements shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 12 PFRMITS 81. Obtain an encroachment permit prior to performing any of the following: a. Performing work in the City right of way or on City facilities, b. Staging work in the City right of way, c. Stockpiling material in the City right of way, d. Storing equipment in the City right of way. 82. Obtain a grading permit prior to commencement of any grading operations on site. FFFS 83. E.ees - The applicant shall pay all applicable City fees at the time they are due. (For your information, the "Procedure for Protesting Fees, Dedications, Reservations or Exactions" is provided below). PROCEDURE FOR PROTESTING FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR EXACTIONS: (AI Any party may protest the imposition of any fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions imposed on a development project, for the purpose of defraying all or a portion of the cost of public facilities related to the development project by meeting both of the following requirements: . (1) Tendering any required payment in full or providing satisfactory evidence of arrangements to pay the fee when due or ensure performance of the conditions necessary to meet the requirements of the imposition. (2) Serving written notice on the City Council, which notice shall contain all of the following information: (a) A statement that the required payment is tendered or will be tendered when due, or that any conditions which have been imposed are provided for or satisfied, under protest. (b) A statement informing the City Council of the factual elements of the dispute and the legal theory forming the basis for the protest. (B) A protest filed pursuant to subdivision (A) shall be filed at the time of the approval or conditional approval of the development or within 90 days after the date of the imposition of the fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions to be imposed on a development project. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 13 (C) Any party who files a protest pursuant to subdivision (A) ,may file an action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul the imposition of the fees, dedications reservations, or other exactions imposed on a development project by a local agency within 180 days after the delivery of the notice, (0) Approval or conditional approval of a development occurs, for the purposes of this section, when the tentative map, tentative parcel map, or parcel map is approved or conditionally approved or when the parcel map is recorded if a tentative map or tentative parcel map is not required. (E) The imposition of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions occurs, for the purposes of this section, when they are imposed or levied on a specific development. 84. Pay all required City fees at the time they are due. 85. Fees to be paid prior to plan approval (based on an approved construction cost estimate): a. Plan check for grading plans based on an approved earthwork estimate. b. Plan check for improvement plans based on an approved construction cost estimate. c. Permit Fee for grading plans based on an approved earthwork estimate. d. Inspection fee of subdivision or public works -ponstruction plans based on an approved construction cost estimate. AGRFFMENTS 86. Inspection Agreement: Prior to approval of an improvement plan, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City for inspection of the required improvements. PRIOR TO ISSLJING A RI III OING PFRMIT 87. The project plans shall be approved. PRIOR TO ISSLJING A CFRTIFICATF OF OCCLJPANCY 88. All utilities shall be operational. 89. All essential project improvements shall be constructed prior to occupancy., Non- essential improvements, guaranteed by an agreement and financial securities, may be constructed after occupancy as directed by the Director of Public Works. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 14 MITIGATION MEASIJRES A negative declaration with mitigation measures has been adopted for this project. The following mitigation measures shall be implemented as conditions of approval and shall be monitored by the appropriate City department or responsible agency. The applicant shall be responsible for verification in writing by the monitoring department or agency that the mitigation measures have been implemented. MITIGATION MEASLJRFS MM 4.1: The applicant shall complete measures to neutralize the estimated increase in water demand created by the project by either: Implement an individual water program that utilizes fixtures and designs that minimize water usage. The calculations shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for review and appro\(al. The proposed individual water program shall be submitted to the City for approval prior to implementation; or, pay the in lieu fee. Monitoring: Monitoring Agency: Timeframe: Review of individual water program or payment of the in lieu fee Public Works Department Prior to issuance of building permit MM 4.2. All new construction shall utilize fixtures and designs that minimize water usage. Such fixtures shall include, but are not limited to, water saving toilets, instant water heaters and hot water recirculating systems. Water conserving designs and fixtures shall be installed prior to final occupancy. Monitoring: Monitoring Agency: Timeframe: Review of building plans Building and Fire Department Prior to issuance of building permit MM 4.3. All landscaping shall be consistent with water conservation practices including the use of drought tolerant landscaping, drip irrigation, and mulch. To the greatest extent possible, lawn areas and areas requiring spray irrigation shall be minimized. Monitoring: Monitoring Agency: Timeframe: Review of landscaping and irrigation plans Parks & Recreation Department Prior to issuance of building permit MM 5.1: All dust control measures listed below (MM 5.2 - 5.6) shall be followed during construction of the project and shall be shown on grading and building plans. The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the dust control program and to order increased RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 15 watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust off site. The name and telephone number of such person(s) shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and finished grading of the area. MM 5.2: During construction, water trucks or sprinkler systems shall be used to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. At a minimum, this would include wetting down such areas in the later morning and after work is completed for the day and whenever wind exceeds 15 miles per hour. Reclaimed (non-potable) water shall be used whenever possible. MM 5.3: Soil stockpiled for more than two days shall be covered, kept moist, or treated with soil binders to prevent dust generation. MM 5.4: All vehicles hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) .in accordance with CVC Section 23114. MM 5.5: Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads on to streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site. MM 5.6: Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried on to adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. MM 5.7: To mitigate the diesel PM generated during the construction phase, all construction equipment shall be properly maintained and tuned according to manufacturer's specifications. The measures below (MM 3.8 - 3.10) shall be clearly identified in the project bid specifications so the contractors bidding on the project can include the purchase and installation costs in their bids. MM 5.8: All off-road and portable diesel powered equipment, including but not limited to bulldozers, graders, cranes, loaders, scrapers, backhoes, generator sets, compressors, auxiliary power units, shall be fueled exclusively with California Air Resources Board (ARB) motor vehicle diesel fuel. MM 5.9: To the maximum extent feasible, the use of diesel construction equipment shall meet the ARB's 1996 certification standard for off-road heavy-duty diesel engines. MM 5.10: Unless otherwise approved by APCD, the developer shall install catalytic diesel particulate filters or Diesel oxidation catalyst on two RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 16 (2) pieces of construction equipment involved in primary earth moving and construction activities and projected to generate the greatest emissions. APCD staff shall be included in the selection of candidate equipment along with a representative of the contractor. MM 5.11: If utility pipelines are scheduled for removal or relocation, or building(s) are removed or renovated, this project may be subject to various regulatory jurisdictions, including the requirements stipulated in the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (40CFR61, Subpart M - asbestos NESHAP). These requirements include, but are not limited to: 1) notification requirements to the APCD, 2) asbestos survey conducted by a Certified Asbestos Inspector, and 3) applicable removal and disposal requirements of identified asbestos containing material. MM 5.12: Prior to any grading activities at the site, the project proponent shall ensure that a geologic evaluation is conducted to determine if Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) is present within the area that will be disturbed. If NOA is not present, an exemption request must be filed with the APCD. If NOA is found at the site, the applicant must comply with all requirements outlined in the Asbestos Air Toxins Control Measure (ATCM) regulated under by the California Air Resources Board (ARB). Responsible Party: Monitoring Agency: Developer City of Arroyo Grande - Public Works Dept., Building and Fire Department; APCD Prior to issuance of Grading Permit and during construction Timing: Operational Pha!':e Fmi!':!':ion!': MM 5.13: To encourage walking within the development and provide a safer pedestrian environment, the applicant shall use textured and/or colored concrete at pedestrian crossings. MM 5.14: Provide continuous sidewalks separated from the roadway or driveways by landscaping with adequate lighting. MM 5.15: Provide shade tree planting along southern exposures of buildings to reduce summer cooling needs. Responsible Party: Monitoring Agency: Developer City of Arroyo Grande - COD. Public Works Dept., and Building & Fire Dept. Prior to issuance of Building Permit Timeframe: RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 17 MM 6.1: The applicant shall pay the City's Traffic and Signalization Impact fees prior to issuance of building permit. Monitoring: Monitoring Agency: Timeframe: The applicant shall pay the fees Public Works Department Prior to issuance of building permit MM 10.1: Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No construction shall occur on Sunday. Equipment maintenance and servicing shall be confined to the same hours. To the greatest extent possible, grading and construction activities should occur during the middle of the day to minimize the potential for disturbance of neighboring noise sensitive uses. MM 10.2: All construction equipment utilizing internal combustion engines shall be required to have mufflers that are in good condition. Monitoring: Notes shall be placed on the construction plans referencing the above measures. Public Works Department During construction Monitoring Agency: Timeframe: MM 14.1: The following note shall be placed on the grading and improvement plans for the project: "In the event that during grading, construction or development of the project, and archeological resources are uncovered, all work shall be halted until the City has reviewed the resources for their significance. If human remains (burials) are encountered, the County Coroner (781-4513) shall be contacted immediately. The applicant may be required to provide archaeological studies and/or mitigation measures." Monitoring: Construction plans shall be reviewed prior to issuance of a grading permit to ensure the note is in place. Public Works Department Prior to issuance of grading permit Monitoring Agency: Timeframe: ..,,,~\,.,,,,,:,,.. <...,,~,' ,,,,,. '.'''' .", '''''-'.. ."" '''"C"."."..., "." ". .... '/W>.<.""" ~ ~'" ,.,"" ""'.,, I . i ! I EXHIBIT B-1 , ... .. 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"ii hi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1> ~ , ~ ~ b>O 1!l!1 ~ ~ c ~ , . ;;~ 'n .~ It I~ I~ c n If HI " ~ ~ ~, .. !If I~~ ., r '" H~ K) Imll ~ " Landscape Plan I ~ ~ " (j)Q;l~!!!. ..... q . ~ " --. :J a{f ~ ~'" ~S!o ~. i q , <=. !Jit'g i"'~~ ! 11~.., '" -. ;;o>J;>O<{'N ((i-;;6' ;::;''{'(Jl l> l> G) G)CDl> InG"l r--g.....l!1l>nl>O....."P1!-<~~ ill 'V..... ~ ..... a ... ~ c; ~ l> _ l> ~ ::n ~ _ii1~~~m~ (I"J ~ m e -I " -I -i 'gj ." tn ~ l> ;s gl~~~m~: ~ F ~ \; ~ ~ . - ~ ' ~ Ii I I~ 15, , , 1;;,:- bN 'n' [..... ~..... ~ i ~ ~ . z , ~ ~ ~ I~ I~ ((i-G)::::;' -~o- :-. :-0N'f' ~O~nl>l;'~~~Il>p-'~;::9 r-- ~ ~""';1! O-'~ ~ ~,...~,... ~ ~ ft ~~ ~ ~ ft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~R ui ~ 2 ~ m l> '" n ~ 5 ~ n"'E~rn'~@ ~ i:;; n ~ t:i 3: ~~~~~~~~ ~_ ~.- <:: ~ W Al ~ 8 ~ -< ~ ~ ~ , I I ATTACHMENT ~ PARKING STUDY & ANAL YSIS FOR OAK PARK PLAZA (K-MART SHOPPING CENTER) Tentative Parcel Map Application Submittal at 1570 West Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA. 93421 PREPARED FOR: Mr. Jim Wood WOOD INVESTMENTS 580 Broadway, Suite # 117 Laguna Beach, CA. 92651 ** Prepared by : ~' l'if~'lna-J.'l'lIil ARCHITECT & .1 5 S 0 C I 1. TIS CRAIG R. SMITH. AlA. ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES 890 MONTEREY STREET, SUITE '0' CIty of Arroyo Gr!nde SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA. 93401 CommunIty Developm"n' tOt (805) 544-33801FAX (805) 544-8625 '" ep . C-13651 JAN 2 1998 . September 19, 1997 ** !.eV/Gf50 P&:;.7q 111f7 OAKPARK (K-MART) PLAZA PARKING ANALYSIS 12/30/97 - Revision TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. GENERAL PARKING ANALYSIS 3. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE 4. INFORMATION SURVEY 5. EXHIBITS SITE PLAN SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANS HOURS OF OPERATION GRAPH 6. DEVELOPMENT SCENARIO! CONCEPTUAL STUDY WITH PARKING 7. CONCLUSIONS ,.. i I , i I , ! I OAKPARK (K-MART) PLAZA PARKING ANALYSIS 12/30/97 - Revision I , INTRODUCTION I , , The fbllowing report is a comprehensive parking study for determining the scale of any future and proposed uses or the possible expansion of any existing uses. The most immediate possibility is the futur~ development of the proposed parcel 3 (refer to the tentative application and exhibit prepared by 'Latit~de 33'). I The process to determine the parking compliance was to initially perform an inventory of actual, existing" designated parking spaces. This was accomplished by a physical, on-site count of the existing number 6f designated (stripped) parking spaces available for use as a designated parking space (note: existing, : on-site spaces used for full time storage display were IJQ! considered in the total count). I Onc~ the on-site number of spaces was determined a calculation of required parking was performed. This is pr~sented as an exhibit and is labeled' Oak Park (K-Mart) Plaza General Parking Analysis'. AdditionallY. a survey of business hours-of-operation was documented for a comparison of different business use for' , the overall parking facilities. The intent of this later survey was to illustrate the total picture of parking use, as it ';"'ould apply over a full weekday and weekend capacity. I ' Also attached are schematic plans of the site plan and floor plans. This later item was also broken down to illustrate a 'real situation' of each individual use of all the specific businesses. It delineates between public and private use. Although there is no distinction between public and private use. with respect to ' the parking ordinance, it is needed to better understand the actual situation should a parking reduction appliCation be required or requested. I I I A po~ible parking impact against example development scenario has also been included (developmen! scenario/conceptual study, with parking table). This expanded example is a commercial use facility, or i business example. This example is expressed in general terms with the required parking impact. ' I : Lastly. a one-day, infonnal, question and answer survey was conducted for very basic use-only feedback. This ras not conducted under a strict survey guideline but does provide some illustration to certain major issuE;s. These questions, with answers, are illustrated on the enclosed outline labeled' Use-Survey to : Oak park (K-Mart) Plaza'. i This :survey/report concludes with a conclusion summary that gives ahemative use and feedback with various possibilties to the parking and planning impact on this shopping facility. , . , OAKPARK (K-MART) PLAZA PARKING ANALYSIS 12/30/9.7 - Revision , GENERAL PARKING ANALYSIS Total required number of on-site, designated parking spaces: Building/Use Use Gross Area . Parking Area (S.F.) Factor Total Required Percentage Parking of Required -_.~----!---------------------------------------------------------------------------.------.------------------- K-Mar:t Retail Sales DeIiY., Warehouse total 89,400 70,860 18,540 250 250 283.44 74.16 357.60 63.5% Retail (East) Retail(L.L. - South) Retail (U.L.- South) total 10,500 12,550 12,300 250 250 250 42.00 50.20 49.20 141.40 25.1 % Restaurants Otr. Deck Carl's Junior 2,505 2,925 100 25.05 4.4% 75 39.00 7.0% I Total required parking Round off (+ @ <:: 0.5, - @ ::;0.5 ) 563.05 563.00 Total number of existing, on-site, desig~ated spaces Difference (-/+) 573.00 + 10.00 surolus --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL SALES/OFFICE (SOUTH) - UPPER lEVEL ... w 5:i ... c " " ~ N 0 " '" ;\ '" " ~ ~ ~ ~ M '" M N :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! ... W > W ... >- 0 " '" ~ '" 0 " '" ~ ~ 0 ~ M '" '" N N N ~ (!! (!! ~ :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! i8 :!! RETAIL SALES (SOUTH). LOWER LEVEL N '" :!! " >=' ~ '" :!! \[ ~ '" W '" oJ :!! Ui ... 0 ~ ~ :!! a: I I I I , i I , KjMART 1 i o <- :!! ~ I I I i PLAN! I ITE [J QUARTERDECK P,::::5TAURANT 1590 CARL'S JUNIOR RESTAURANT f5z~ ." mg-\ C m~~ '" VACANT r ;<:-<." ('i ~rn;!! ~ :II oz< j:;) -<0" m IHf:iTt ~ ." ~ > :II C"'" '" -i enc:II "CK" NAILS -< ~ II m~s;! " ~ l> i5 ~5 z m ,- ~ - r r ~ ." C NEXT DAY '" en r SIGNS ('i l> r " ." ,. m :II :II PEOPLE IN -< ~ en " MOTION is -< 7+z z m ~o 0_ en fIl~ ." ,,-< 0 GREATER '-m C -<en SUBURBAN '" -<:II C r MORTGAGE ('i "Om en -i --i -< 0 :II :I: --i '" :>- MUTUAL OF r OMAHA r en 0 0 c :>- :E :n m m ::!:I :II ~ '" r <.n '" m 0 < "THE m CLINICS" r ." FAMILY AFFAIR C '" HAIRCUTTERS r ('i 'I! ." :II JEWELRY <! ~ " PLUS i5 -< z m THE WINE ." C GUY '" r ('i PRIVATE ~ C-Z ",Zo mQ-( m\li1' FAMILY !::-<." DENTISTRY ;grn~ oz< ~ :0 -<o~ PAIV. ;:;, ~~m q m c.",. "'C" 11 ;; m~~ ~ ~o PRIVATE , ~ q - r TELE GOLF (J) DIRECT ." :t> c '" r ~ c; m (J) en 0 ." C l+Z C JTS '" ~ PARTITION Wo 0_ -f -i c; ",n Sl PRIVATE .,. ~-< p '-m ,. -<'" r -<" en :em C 0 '" .... C ." " "'C ,. LIFETIME c !:: :n '" "'C WELLNESS ~ m c; m :!j :0 '11 '" r w ." ~ ." m 0 DON LEE c " 0 '" ~ ~ ~ < REALTY c; '" INVESTMENT 0 .... m m Z r ." " CALTRANS <: ,. -< m " THE CL!NICS ;!! r'\ - ~ ADMIN. OFFICE ,. .... m VACANT ~z~ mQ-l ~ :II -C"lm m>" ;;, 3:-<.., PAYLESS .., "i: m ..,m:o SHOE :0 ~en_ ~ II ;! Q~;: SOURCE ~ Hlf:n1 m - c",. ~ - ",c:o r m~~ (J) ~o ~ :t> ::S r VACANT m -f (J) Q 11'- ,. 8 ~~ r C/) PET z !=tl~ 0 EMERGENCY "'c "n-< C -<z "-m CLINIC :00 , -<en ,. 5gJ -<:0 :JJ :Om m '" :!l 5 -< Z :0 0" ;:: 0 '" " 0 c 0 m GREAT WALL ~ 0 :0 ~ KITCHEN VACANT u.: en '" o '" " <( OJ 0: <( o :J <D ::J Q. " J ~ U LU C 0: LU I-b a:;:. <(11 ::>b O~ ~ u: of "'. - '" '" c,j <( w a: <( () :J CD ::0 a. L , o l- e: 0: ::J m Z LU LU a: ~ -:l en. _ 0 ..J~ 0:" <(1:> U~ ~. . , ''''''-.'' u: en u: 0 I ..- en '" 0 <D "' cc ~ 0" II: .... W -< > w :J I II: W -< Cl 0 ill :J (f) fD => => 0 Cl. I W II: ~ \ I- 0:0 .' <(Ii 2~ ~I;! /~ WEEKDAY BUSINESS HOURS STORE NAMEI DAYS OF HOURS BUSINESS 7A BA 9A lOA llA 12P ,p 2P 3P 4P 5P BP 7P BP 9P lOP llP QUARTERDECK M-TH I F THE WINE GUY M-T I W-F JEWELRY PlU, T-TH F FAMILY AFFAIR HAIRCUTTERS ,,_c MTHE CLINICS. M-F DR. RANDY S-SMART, OPTOMETRIST M-F GREATER SUBURBAN MORTAGAGE I M-F PEOPLE IN MOTION M-F NEXT DAY SIGNS M-F I .CK" NAILS M-F DON LEE REAL TV INVESTMENTS M-F FAMILY DENTISTRY M-F PAYlESS SHOE SOURCE M-F GREAT WALL M-TH F KMART M-F PHA~~ACY GARDEN M-F CARL'S JRI GREEN BURRIT M-TH ~ I F MUTUAL OF OMAHA- UNDER CONSTRUCTION CAL TRANS. HOURS NOT POSTED POSSIBLE HRS SA-Sf J15- NO PUBLIC ACESS TEtE GOLF DIRECT. HOURS Nor POSTED POSSIBLE HAS SA-SP THE CLINICS ADMIN. OFFICE. HOURS Nor POSTED POSSIBLE HAS eA-SP LIFETIME WELlNESS- OPEN BY APPOINTMENT SELECT HOURS WEEKEND BUSINESS HOURS STORE. NAME! DAYS OF HOURS BUSINESS 7A SA 9A lOA llA 12P lP 2P 3P 4P 5P SP 7P SP 9P lOP liP OUARTERDECK I SAT I SUN THE WINE GUY SAT I I SUN ~ JEWELRY PLUS SAT I I FAMILY AFFAIR I I HAIRCUTTERS I SAT MTHE CLINICS" I SAT OR. RANDY S.SMART. OPS~gMETR1ST ClOS SAT & SUN GREATER SUBURBAN MORTAGAGE CLOSED SAT & SUN PEOPLE IN I MOTION SAT NEXT DAY SIGNS CLOSED SAT & SUN lOCK" NAILS SAT I SUN DON lee REAL TV INVESTMENTS CLOSED SATS SUN FAMILY DENTISTRY CLOSED SAT & SUN PA YLESS SHOE SOURCE SAT I GREAT WALL SAT I SUN KMART SAT PHARMACY SAT , , GARDEN I , I SAT & SUN CARL'S JRJ I GREEN BURRITO ~~ SAT I SUN MUTUAL OF OMAHA- UNDER CONSTRUCTION CAL TRANS- HOURS NOT POSTED POSSIBLE HAS SA.SP JT5- NO PUBLIC ACESS TELE GOLF DIRECT. HOUAS NOT POSTED POSSIBLE HAS SA.SP THE CLINICS ADMIN. OFFICE. HOURS NOT POSTED POSSIBLE HAS SA-S? LIFETIME WELLNESS. OPEN BY APPOINTMENT SELECT HOURS , OAKPARK (K-MART) PLAZA PARKING ANALYSIS 12/30/97 - Revision I DE~ELOPMENT SCENARIO/CONCEPTUAL STUDY, WITH PARKING: I co~mercial Building @ 5,000 SF (5000/250) = 20.00 required parking spaces (. ~c;l:I I ber of.existing parking spaces potentially lost to parcel 3 development = .- 47 0 parking spaces I Nurrtber of parking spaces added to parcel 3 development. per concept design = . 18.00 parking spaces . I Reduction in parking required for a 5000 S.F. retail building (47 - 18 - 10 + 20) = 39 parking space reduction (or 6.9 % of required parking. Note: Ordinace allows up to a 30 % reduction) , ,., J I I I I OAKPARK (K-MART) PLAZA PARKING ANALYSIS 12130197 - Revision I CONCLUSIONS The denera' parking analysis shows a surplus (10 spaces), in the existing designated parking count, as compared to the required parking analysis. This situation will exist until the proposed parcel three is i development. I The Jeview of the varying hours of operation puts the overall parking lot to use at a lower capacity over a fJII day, br (24) hour, operation of the entire shopping facility. This puts the total true parking capacity at a i Iimit~d, and shorter, period of use that occurs only during peak periods. Specifically, lunch and dinner I traffid for the on-site restaurants and weekend traffic for K-mart. I An e~amPle of an off hour operation is best illustrated with the Quarterdeck restaurant. This operation doesr't open until 11 :00 AM and closes at1 0:00 PM. Even though it only represents a demand of , twenty - fIVe (25) spaces, this gives a greater use to early moming businesses, or the earlier 8:00/9:00 AM to mid moming opening time of any retail business. Also, its peak lunch time use on weekdays is less then its p~ak dinner time use on weekdays and weekends. Its greatest week day peak period is its dinner time: between 4:00PM and 6:30PM, and weekends between 5:30PM and 7:30PM. I I , I Additionally, there are some businesses that are closed on weekends with no impact on weekend parking demands. Specifically, the upper level retail office use. This represents a significant impact on weekend I parking with almost a fifty car difference. This weekend balance works significantly well due to the fact that a larger weekend demand is expected for K-Mart customers. Therefore, it appears a minor exception, or I on-site parking reduction request, could be considered as a result of off-set hours of operation over a 'I' combined weekday and weekend use. I It should be noted that the maximum city allowed parking reduction is 30 %, by ordinance, and any request for a parking reduction, as a result of the future development of the new parcel 3, would be I significantly less then this allowed reduction. As shown in the Development Scenario/Conceptual Study'l' this inodel example development may require a reduction of only 6.9 %. This is based on a 5000 square .foot, 'single story building designated for a commercial type use (refer to the schematic site and parking I plan 'eXhibit). I I I '" o :c m s: 1'; o '" ::; m :l> z c " :l> :n '" Z " " Ij;: z leI. \ I I I , rf 00" i! I I , i, I I. I r-, I : I I I .: I Ii I ' I =.:: tl~. 1 ~ ~ I I I I I ", I DI ! I I 0' fi ,.1lnfG ,S ------_-: ! i ~.II,i HI ij ij I[ I" "I fl [I I or Ill! IHi 11 IIi! II HZ 1. 1. ,I .1, t II ,"o'or ~ I ,0 , _} ,'F '} i; J ! I~ ~[ · - ,"" '! ~ , '! a .if I I It . i i J ~} H I II! .. _ Ii _ I .. ~ , . --- -n :t'i' t g if ~ ~! I I ! ~ ; ~ ! i iii hA ;i.~ ~ i U lr I ;:;l '-I t ~ i t~ I ! i" =. m " ij i r ~ II I I' i: ~ ~! " ,._" 'E' .. I i H i Ii" ~". .&,.... ~r " l .. I ::,' I' " i ~ 11 11" ; ! . ...f.J1"'....._ ""_!nY....,,"",. OenerlllParklng AnalysIs OAK PARK (K."'ART) PLAZA "'00' B"",,~ S...., ........."(';,,_"_r. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \~ i i I I ATTACHMENT 2 i I ! ---/' CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 23, 2005 PAGE 11 Mayor Pro Tem Costello's comments included the following: . Supports split of proposed uses; . Traffic mitigation to address additional parking; . Supports extension of Woodland Drive; . Research impact to triangular piece of agricultural land that was referred to; . Acknowledged archeological issues and need for monitoring; . Good opportunity for hospital to expand and provide additional housing, Mayor Ferrara's comments included the following: . Acknowledged CHW and observed improvements made to date; . Likes layout, site plan; . Supports amount of green space provided/recreation paths; . Area can support density; . Supports Woodland Drive extension/continuation to improve circulation; . Maintain agricultural buffer. . Expressed concern about runoff from project and potential impacts to creek; (referred to Zone 1/A drainage issue), City has heightened duty to responsibly manage its creek corridors. . Regarding small agriculture piece of land, suggested contacting LDS Church to suggest a temporary use for the land to enhance the residential area and also accentuate the agricultural use of the adjacent agriculture use, He referred to the City of Irvine website for an idea regarding a community garden project. I' I ., , Upon conclusion of Council comments, Mayor Ferrara ensured that the applicant had received sufficient feedback and direction with regard to the proposed project. There was no formal action on this item. 11.c. Consideration of Pre-Application Review Case No. 05-009 to Construct a One-Story Building with Drive-up Window for a Financial Institution; Applicant: Coast Hills Federal Credit Union; Location -1570 West Branch Street. Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report and recommended the Council review the project plans and provide suggestions and comments to the applicant. Mayor Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. Jeff York, President, Coast Hills Federal Credit Union, (formerly Vandenberg Air Force Credit Union) currently located at 1452 E. Grand Avenue, commented that the proposed location is a more visible location to serve the community. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public comment period. Council Member Dickens' comments included the following: . Extensive discussion regarding parking and architectural style held for previous project (The Parable); . Proposal is consistent with prior proposal; land use is not more intense; . No problem with design of drive-up window; L CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 23, 2005 PAGE 12 . Biggest issue is with southwestern look; doesn't see as southwestern; Needs to blend in with existing shopping center; No issue with land use; Farmer's Market held in area should not be an impact. . . . Council Member Guthrie's comments included the following: . Appropriate land use; . Banking use is less intense than retail as far as parking; . Architecture should be reviewed by ARC; Council Member Arnold's comments included the following: . Favors financial institution at this location; . No issue with drive-through; . Concern with main entrance; not sure with flow; . Very little parking near main entrance. . Supports proposal. Mayor Pro Tem Costello's comments included the following: . Never liked structure in this location - would prefer if moved to other side; . No issue with land use - good fit; . No issue with drive-through; . Expressed concern with exit onto W. Branch at Quarterback; . Difficult to picture southwestern architecture; ARC should review. Mayor Ferrara's comments included the following: . Use will compliment what is already there; . Will be positive addition to center; . Likes layout; may encourage pedestrian traffic to restaurant; I . Reconfigure ingress/egress to widen driveway at Quarterdeck if possible (soften corner at~ ~~; I . Concern about proposed architecture; I . Supports land use. I Upon conclusion of Council comments, Mayor Ferrara ensured that the applicant had received' sufficient feedback and direction with regard to the proposed project. I , I , There was no formal action on this item. I I 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ! i a. MAYOR TONY M. FERRARA: : (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). No report. I (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation. District (SSLOCSD). Supervisors, Achadjian and Lenthall were present; discussed Zone 1/1 A issues. i (3) Other. Attended Zone 1/1A taskforce advisory committee meetings. i , i I , I i PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 18, 2006 ! ATTACHMENT 31 Fellows: "- · He likes the idea of building another house on this parcel because its infil!. · Likes to the use of rigid plastic with detailing and stucco over it instead of foam. · We need to include a condition of approval to keep the tree discussed by Commissioner Parker and in addition require two street trees instead of just one in the front of the house. Commissioner Parker made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tait, to approve Tentative Parcel Map 05-004 and Planned Unit Development 05-003 with the following changes: · Scale down the size of the front house to the same as rear house (rear house acceptable at 1900 sq. ft.). . Add a condition to keep the tree near the driveway on the left hand side. . Add a condition to require two trees in front of the property instead of one. , . Retrofit the rear house with low-flow devices. I . CC&R's to include a condition that the retention basin on Parcel 2 not be tampered with. and adopt: RESOLUTION-06-1995 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 05- 004 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CASE NO. 05-003; LOCATED AT 137 JUNIPER STREET; APPLIED FOR BY PATRICK MCKENNA The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Parker, Tait and Chair Fellows None Commissioners Brown and Ray. the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18th day of April 2006. The Commission agreed that the revised plans should be reviewed and approved by the ARC. B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-001 AND ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 06-001; APPLICANT - COAST HILLS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION; LOCATION -1570 W. BRANCH STREET Ms. Heffernon presented the staff report for consideration of an application for a new, one- story credit union facility, with one drive-up lane and a walk-up ATM. The project site is currently used for parking so a parking reduction is necessary for any project proposed on this site and a 2.3% parking reduction is being requested. The traffic impact study concludes that the project traffic will not change the daily level of service along the studied road segments; in addition, the project applicant is required to pay the City's standard traffic impact fees. All changes suggested by the Planning Commission and ARC, when the pre- application was considered, have been incorporated into the design. The Administrative PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 18,2006 PAGE 4 Sign Program (for three wall signs) has been approved by the ARC. In conclusion, Ms. Heffernon stated that staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit and Administrative Sign Program to the City Council. Ms. Heffernon referred questions regarding types of trees proposed for removal and detail' on the trash pick-up to the applicant. . Commissioner Tait stated concern that there were no trees shown on the southern exposure to provide shade and cooling for the building as a mitigation measure. Ms. Heffernon recommended that more landscaping or evergreen trees could be added to this 'd ' ~a ~ Commissioner Tait stated concern that the drainage would not be filtered from this proposal' before getting to Meadow Creek. Commission Tait pointed out that MM 5.7 should be corrected to state "5.8 - 5.10"; also, the floor plan shows a vault located in the women's restroom, which is probably a mistake. Commissioner Tait asked why the parking for this proposal is not diagonal (not consistent' with the rest of the lot). Mr. Devens explained that the perpendicular parking allows vehicles to pull in right when coming in off West Branch Street. Commissioner Parker stated that a correction should be made to the Negative Declaration, Page 4. a) to state that this will be a "Less than significant effect", as there is no mitigation included. Ms. Heffernon stated she would correct this. Commissioner Parker asked if there were filters for drainage into the sewers and asked if this is the one that is overloaded? Mr. Devens stated that the site predates most of the requirements of filtering and the net increase in drainage is zero; the applicant will have to either do the retrofit program or pay the in-lieu fee. , Commissioner Fellows commented that if a parking reduction were allowed for this proposal I at this site we would have to consider the same for the next applicant that requests this. Ms. Heffernon agreed with this comment. In reply to Commissioner Fellow's question, Mr. Devens stated that he had informed the project engineer that the double-detector check value connector for the Fire Department has to be screened and he would be following up on this. In reply to a question from Commissioner Parker, Director Strong explained that the parcel, map was created in 1998 and the pad was probably located where it is to minimize development directly in front of the major anchor; it would be very complicated to move it. Chair Fellows opened the public hearing to public comment. In reply to a question from Commissioner Tait, Clarence Steel, designer for the project, explained that the tree species are shown on the drawing. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 18, 2006 PAGE 5 In reply to a question by Commissioner Tait, Scott Cohen, Coast Hills, explained that "Docu Shred" picks up their paper and recycle it. Mr. Steele stated the location of the safe deposit vault is shown on the drawings (the one shown in the women's restroom is an error). Steve Orosz, traffic engineer, clarified Commission questions in reply to the traffic report: . A traffic signal can carry traffic through an intersection more quickly than a stop sign I as it allows more traffic to move consecutively. . Explained Brisco Road was not included in the study as the project traffic estimated toward that intersection was very small and Public Works did not include this on the. list of intersections to be studied. I . The appendix to the traffic study gives a list of approved projects and pending projects and the City guidelines count them both together. ! . Explained how the traffic numbers in the report change as they move through! intersections and also that it was normal to have a small number of cars missing I between two intersections. I Commissioner Parker stated concern that the lighted sign would be on all night long. Mr.1 Cohen stated that they could have the sign on a timer to go off at the same time as the rest! of the center. I In reply to a question from Commissioner Fellows, Mr. Devens explained that preparations I for the installation of the traffic signal light at Camino Mercado would start in about 8-101 weeks. I Commissioner Tait asked if the hours of construction could be changed so as not to impactl the restaurant business and that the equipment yard be located on the west side so as to' not interfere with customers. Matt Beckett, Clayco, stated usual construction times are 7:001 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (lunch break is 30 minutes about noon time), so normally they would not' interfere with the dinner time and they had already agreed to locate their equipment yard on the west side. Randy Potle, manager of shopping center, stated they are pleased with the parcel! development but have two concerns: 1) they would prefer that the irrigation water be a' separate meter, 2) they would like the building lit in the evening to be consistent with the I rest of the shopping center and would like this building to have certain lights on all night fori security purposes (this building will block retail shops behind). He asked if there would be; any site lighting that would shine on the building at night and how the trash would be. handled and screened? ' Mr. Devens stated there could be a separate meter for the irrigation water. Director Strong' suggested that it could be part of the metered water system for Coast Hills with a separate' control valve for the outdoor landscaping. i 1 Mr. Steele stated that there are three low pylon landscape lights proposed and they would be located along the walkway in front of the building; in addition, they intend to relocate one parking light fixture and add one more matching light. The trash would be removed nightlx PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 18, 2006 PAGE 6 by the cleaning personnel and the shredded material stored until it is picked up from the building periodically. Mr. Potle stated he would like to see some up-lighting reflected towards the building so it would look more active in the evening. He commented that the service people who remove, the trash nightly would need a place to dispose of it and he requested that they not use the i shopping center or restaurant trash dumpsters. The applicant showed the Commission an updated colored rendering. . Chair Fellows closed the hearing to public comment. 7:50 p.m. The Commission took a 10-minute break. Commission Comments: i Tail: I . MM 5.2, last sentence, should be changed to state "Reclaimed (non-potable) water. shall be used" and delete "whenever possible". . . He had concern that there is no filtering of the drainage before it gets to Meadow. Creek when recently other projects have been required to do this. . . MM 10.1: change the times to state "no later than 5:00 p.m. for construction worf('. . The new color board of the building looks good and he has no other problem with the design of the building. Parker: . She is glad to see something going forward on this property and it should work very well. . The traffic situation seems acceptable and she is very glad to see that the signal is going forward for West Branch Street and Camino Mercado. . Proposal for the storage of equipment on the west side so that it will have less impact on the other businesses; she would also like to see the construction parking on the west side. ; . Disagrees with Commissioner Tail's comments on the building; the whole center hasl a Spanish red-tile feeling, but the proposed building looks more modern and does: not fit in; the design will take away from the center. I . She recommended that the proposal be revised and come back with something that fits more into the center (not take away from it). Fellows: . A credit union will have the least impact at this site. I . The traffic report shows that the parking should be adequate for the traffici generated. ! . He does not like split-faced block. I . It's a nice building, but does not fit the small-town atmosphere; he suggested that the I look be softened. I . The Quarterdeck Restaurant has asked that no construction take place between the hours of 12-2:00 pm., can this be resolved? . A condition of approval should be included to require that construction materials be' stored on the west side. I I I PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 18, 2006 PAGE 7 I . He agreed that the lights should go out between 10:30-11 :00 p.m. and suggested I some up-lighting in the landscaped area on the side of building. Tait: . Restated concern with the lack of filtering before it gets to Meadow Creek (he understands that the other businesses at the center do not filter either). Mr. Devens I explained that they cannot request that just this proposal filter their water; the only logical solution would be to require filtering at the discharge location and it would then be an overall shopping center problem. Commissioner Fellows asked Mr. Beckett if there is a way to address the restaurant concern with the lunch hour problem. Mr. Beckett stated they could look at this, but to stop 30-35 construction workers for two hours may be costly for the credit union and if the workers are stopped for two hours it may be difficult to keep them on site: , Mr. Orosz suggested that it might be helpful if the parking spaces on the side of the building' were constructed first before the other construction begins. Commissioner Parker made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tait, to recommend approval to the City Council of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-001 and Administrative Sign Program Case No. 06-001, with the following changes: 1. MM 10.1: change the construction times to state from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 2. Place signage illumination on a timer to go off between 10:30-11 :00 p.m. 3. Store construction equipment on northwest side of the project. 4. Contain construction parking to the west side of the project. 5. Provide a separate control valve for irrigation purposes (Coast Hills water to be used). 6. Contain employee parking on the west side of the project. 7. MM 5.2: change to state "shall be used'. 8. Provide outdoor landscape lighting. and adopt: RESOLUTION 06-1996 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, INSTRUCT THE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION AND APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-001 AND ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 06-001, LOCATED AT 1570 WEST BRANCH STREET, APPLIED FOR BY COAST HILLS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION The motion passed on the following roll call vote: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 18,2006 I I PAGE 8! I' ii , I , AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Parker, Tait and Chair Fellows None Commissioners Brown and Ray. the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18th day of April 2006. ,: i C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-002; APPLICANT - SOUTH COUNTY; , VET CLINIC; LOCATION - 270 N. HALCYON. i Mr. Foster presented the staff report for consideration of an application for demolition of all existing veterinary clinic and construction of a new two-story clinic on the opposite end ot the property. He explained that there are long range plans to widen Halcyon Road; the effects of widening on the proposed project would reduce the setback on the Halcyon Road , side to zero feet (which is consistent with the current mixed use zoning) and would also reduce the parking by two spaces. There are eight eucalyptus trees proposed to b~ removed located on and adjacent to the southern property line and two street treeS proposed to be removed (due to the location of the building and the foundation prep required), on the western side of the property. The applicant is proposing a replacement ratio of 2:1, double the Code requirement, so there will be a total of 27 trees (20 new & ~ existing). The applicant is asking the Planning Commission to establish appropriate parking requirements (as they are not specifically delineated in the Code for this type of a use). i I' Not included in the staff report is a proposal to utilize the existing building while the new building is being built; the applicant is discussing additional parking with the church across the street to mitigate the loss of on site parking, but there is no formal agreement at this time. I I The ARC recommended approval of the project including the proposed removal of eucalyptus trees with recommended changes to the landscape/parking; a condition waS included in the Resolution that the revised landscape/parking plan is returned for review to the ARC prior to issuance of a building permit. In conclusion, Mr. Foster stated that staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Us~ Permit 06-002, including the findings of approval for the project. I I I I Commissioner Tait asked for clarification on the area behind the police modular and what this area would be used for in the future. Mr. Foster explained that parking is located there and a 3-foot fence to help screen it; plans for the future will change this area and parking may be where the modular is now located. i I Commissioner Parker asked if there would be a retention wall in the area that the Police Department had graded next to the veterinary property. Director Strong stated there would not be a retention wall in this area. I I I Eugene Sims, architect, stated he had brought a model, material board, and photograph of the proposed project for Commission review; introduced Dr. Pollock and LeeAnn Palm from The Commissioners asked questions to clarify some statements in the staff report. Chair Fellows opened the public hearing to public comment. ! /' I J ,/ / / ~. ~, 1 '-.f' · Mr. Peachey stated he could "go either way". I o Secondary dwellings are good things, and it's not a good approach to preclude two-stories in the Village. o He likes the 50s style, and the new building should tie in with the existing structure so it looks like it was designed together, but it could be a different color. . o He's seen a lot more dense development, and is okay with the density. o He appreciates the parking, which will really help the neighborhood. o He objects to all the pavement and suggested turf block and grasscrete. · Difficulty in site planning was acknowledged due to setbacks. · Ms. Barneich agreed with the idea of not using as much concrete in front. · Chair Hoag requested a comparison of nearby lot sizes including Allen Street. \ I I ATTACHMENT 41 I ./ ARC NOTES MARCH 6, 2006 PAGE 4 Kristen Barneich moved and Amy Miltenberger seconded recommendation of continuance off-calendar for VSR 05-016 to allow the applicant time to redesign the project: . The architectural style and materials of the new structure should match the existing 1950's structure. . The driveway along Garden Street should be narrowed to curve to the open parking space along the southern property line. Landscaping should be added where it was previously hardscaped. . A Hollywood driveway is encouraged. . Colors should be similar or compatible (not necessarily identical) between the new and existing structures. . The new and existing structures should be tied together more architecturally (with something more substantive than the laundry room). Motion approved: 4/1 voice vote, Gary Scherquist dissenting. C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-001 and ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 06-001; APPLICANT - Coast Hills Federal Credit Union; I REPRESENTATIVE - Clarence Steele; LOCATION -1570 W. Branch Street. . Associate. Planner Kelly Heffernon presented the staff report and described the site plan. There are three signs proposed with this project. Clarence Steele, Clayco architectural designer, described efforts to satisfy pre- application meeting requests, including changing the architectural design and relocating the building along Branch Street. He presented photos of the same signage used on other branches in the area, including Santa Maria. The same sign company will do' these signs. One sign is the same size as in the photo. The other two are smaller to fall i within the maximum allowable square footage. There are directional signs as shown on I the site plan. One indicates the drive-up entrance, the other reads "stop", and the third! reads "one way - do not enter". These will be in an aluminum finish. ARC NOTES MARCH 6, 2006 PAGE 5 ARC had the following comments and questions: . Which trees will be removed? There are three (two island trees on the southeast side of the building and one other shown as crossed out on the site plan). . Do you propose to plant some Sycamores? Yes. . Is there a trash enclosure? No, they plan to use waste wheelers. o Is there a daily trash pickup? The majority of paperwork is shredded andl there's a pickup service. A custodian can typically handle lunchroom I' waste, so they shouldn't need a dumpster. Peachey . How much is equipment screened by the parapets? The equipment, is! completely screened in two tower elements. ] o Entering the building, there would be a lower ceiling with offices. . Thei center would have "remote tellers", and all the live tellers are actually in ai back room. It's like a drive-up, ""ith color monitors showing the tellers,1 which eliminates certain issues. It also gives the credit union an opportunity to have messages for members about services. In back is the, vault itself, with a privacy booth and services to the rear of the building. o Does that coincide with the big side windows? Yes, so you get a nice viel>1l through the building. I . It looks like a nice project, and hopefully the other businesses will upgrade. I . The pink color looks kind of dated. Is it more sand or tan? It's not salmon - it's more gray than shown on the sample. o He likes the red brick. It's split-face (not red), with a gray sheen to it. i o He would like the body color a little more tan - or maybe more yellow. I . From the street, will drivers see sides of the units that are stacked? No, there wili be access in the center of the roof itself. The tower elements are four-sided with I a slit to allow a serviceman in to enter over the top to service units. I Barneich . Is the parking okay? They're taking away old parking, but adding new spaces. Part of the traffic study includes studying parking. I o She would have liked another landscaped island, but then they would lose a parking space. They are actually adding more greenspace tharJ currently exists. The restaurant will use more parking than. a credit uniorJ at certain times of the day. . I o Chair Hoag asked what the bank hours are. They will probably be 9am -: 6pm (standard bank hours). He noted the peak hours will probably be different between the bank and restaurant. He added that he liked the building location at the front of the center much better than having parking there. It helps a lot with circulation and is not unreasonable to asl( restaurant patrons to walk one or two tiers of parking spaces.. i o Mr. Scherquist asked if parking is shared? Yes, it's all shared parking. : o Will the traffic study determine parking requirements? Yes. The overall parking for the center was built with a surplus. . I . They could offer ridesharing and/or employees could park in backi but it seems like there's always parking available. ' " I, , ,I , I I ._ J, ARC NOTES MARCH 6, 2006 PAGE 6 I I I , i . She didn't care for the style of the building. It's nice that it's modern, but it seems! to need more architectural elements and accents. Also, she doesn't care for the, split-face nor the smooth-face block. : . She suggested replacing a Camphor Tree with another London Plane Sycamore,1 since the Camphors take so long to grow to maturity. I o. Mr. Scherquist liked the Camphor tree, so she instead suggested, replacing some of the Gold Medallion trees with Sycamores. Gold Medallions also grow to only about 25' tall (see plans on file at CDD). I . She did like the signs. Miltenberger . Her only concern is the vision triangle with the heavy circulation pattern. Trees should be trimmed so that foliage is at the top and cars can see clearly below. I oMs. Barneichnoted the London Plane grows fast and the foliage is up hig~ to start with, much more so than the Gold Medallion, which grows slowly and is droopy. As long as there's a root barrier and a deep watering pipe; they'll be okay. The other Sycamores onsite look healthy. o Ms. Miltenberger noted she would like everything else to be low and lush. I o Chair Hoag asked if there were any proposals for sidewalk demarcations! Ms. Heffernan noted that was more of an overall site issue. I . She liked the architecture, colors, split-face block, rest of the landscape plan and . I ~~. ! Scherquist ' . He appreciated Ms. Barneich's and Ms. Miltenberger's landscape comments. I . This site plan works much better than the last time, especially moving the building forward. I . He had no problem with materials and liked the split face block. I . He was disappointed with the architectural expression, because he preferred the graphics presented last time. This building is more formal and cold. He also doesn't care for the cornice, as it's too overpowering for the building. He doesn't like the proportions of the towers at the ends. The cornices could be broadened. Ms. Heffernan noted that banks generally are formal in nature. 'I' Hoag . He expected a more contemporary building that makes a statement for the center, and this building does that. i . The towers could be lengthened, but are okay as they are. The cornice angles are a little bold, but we may need something to shake things up a little bit. ' I . It doesn't seem that formal, particularly because it is a financial institution and they want to convey substance,and permanence. ! . He liked the exterior materials and split face block. The smooth face block gives it a nice variety. i . He liked the site planning. The single lane drive-thru is less confusing. . He agrees with Ms. Barneich's and Ms. Miltenberger's landscape comments. . He supported the architecture as submitted. . He liked the sign's background lighting. I I, I "I I ARC NOTES MARCH 6, 2006 PAGE 7 ! Amy Miltenberger moved and Warren Hoag seconded recommendation of approval to: the Planning Commission for CUP 06-001 and ASP 06-001 with the following changes: i . Change the two (2) Gold Medallion Trees at the drive-thru exit to London Plane' Sycamores. . . Add a bulbout (halfway thru the parking strip on the east side of the building) with a London Plane Sycamore, if the Traffic Study allows loss of one parking space. ! . Change the Camphor Box from 15 gallons to a 24 gallon box. i . Change the Gold Medallion Tree at the drive-thru entrance to a London Plane Sycamore. I . Colors and materials were acceptable as presented. Motion passed: 3/2 voice vote, Mr. Scherquist and Ms. Barneich dissenting. I I , I D. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CASE NO. 05-010 & TENTATIVE TRACT MA~ CASE NO. 06-001; APPLICANT - Bill and Jane Sadek; REPRESENTATIVE - Bili Sadek; LOCATION -1136 E. Grand Ave. I Assistant Planner Ryan Foster presented the staff report. In regards to previous access discussions, there's a Traffic Study being done. Access will be ultimately decided by the Fire Chief and Planning Commission. There is a pedestrian pathway from Linda Drive to Grand Avenue. Different fence plans were provided for ARC to choose from! Applicants request ARC feedback on preference for eight vs. nine residential units, anq alternative landscape plans are presented for each. I ! Bill Sadek, representative, spoke in support of the project. The eight unit plan was in response to the Planning Commission's request for more open space. It has benchel1 and trees and is located further from the commercial property. The nine-unit plan has no benches, less landscape, less public area, and is closer to the commercial area. Tb address ARC concerns, they decreased the footprint of each building by 300 sf. (from 1600 to 1300). They also added an additional parking space beyond City requirements.1 I Mark Burns, one of Mr. Sadek's partners, noted a tradeoff between affordable housing and open space. With nine units, two are affordable. With eight, it would be only one. I I I ARC had the following comments and questions: I . Where is the ADA parking space? It's on the commercial properly. There is nq plan to change the office, which was recently remodeled, other than interior ADA upgrades. . Will they get a density bonus for horizontal mixed use? Yes and no. The Code allows higher density with mixed use, but the proposed density is less than the maximum allowed without a bonus. I Circulation and landscapino . Mr. Sadek noted that ARC and Planning Commission preferred 2-way circulation thru the project, so that's what it is now. At the same time, ARC wanted to keep as many trees as possible with respect for Fire Chief Fibich's safety concerns. The arborist's report recommends removal of Cypress trees to address safety issues. NOTES STAFF ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SAC) FEBRUARY 1, 2006 1 :30 p.m. I ATTACHMENT 5 I I STAFF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Community Development Director; Chief Building Official; Police Commander; Public Works; ROLL CALL: 1 APPROVAL OF NOTES: No Notes. I. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. II. PROJECTS: A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-001; APPLICANT - COAST HILLS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION; LOCATION. 1570 WEST BRANCH STREET. Project Planner - Kelly Heffernon. Review of a new, one-story credit union facility, with one drive-up lane. Community Development . The City needs copies of the colors and materials board . Applicant should address trash enclosures . City needs mailing labels to notify nearby property owners . Signage application is required, and the council does not support freestanding I signs within the center. ! . Address concerns regarding the farmers market. Public Works . Written comments were circulated to City Departments and applicant. Police . Exterior lighting and security cameras required Building . Buildings need to be sprinklered. . Standard requirements B. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 06-001; APPLICANT - MARINA PITKYANEN; LOCATION - 312 MILLER WAY. Project Planner- Jim Bergman. Review of division of one 4.27 acre parcel into three parcels; an additional envelope for a "granny unit" will be noted on the largest parcel. Community Development . Issues with the 20% slope of the driveway . Discussion of CEQA regulation, which does not allow lots to be created on slopes that average more than a 25% grade . Recommendation that the lots provide as much open space as possible outside of the building footprint NOTES STAFF ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SAC) FEBRUARY 1, 2006 I 1 :30 p.m. 'I STAFF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS: I Community Development Director; Chief Building Official; Police Commander; Public Works; ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF NOTES: No Notes. I , ATTACHMENT 5 i I : I I. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. II. PROJECTS: 1 , A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06-001; APPLICANT - COAST HILLS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION; LOCATION - 1570 WEST BRANCH STREET. Project , Planner - Kelly Heffernon. I Review of a new, one-story credit union facility, with one drive-up lane. I Community Development I . The City needs copies of the colors and materials board . Applicant should address trash enclosures . City needs mailing labels to notify nearby property owners . Signage application is required, and the council does not support freestanding signs within the center. . Address concerns regarding the farmers market. Public Works . Written comments were circulated to City Departments and applicant. Police . Exterior lighting and security cameras required Building . Buildings need to be sprinklered. . Standard requirements B. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 06-001; APPLICANT - MARINA PITKYANEN; LOCATION - 312 MILLER WAY. Project Planner- Jim Bergman. Review of division of one 4.27 acre parcel into three parcels; an additional envelope for a "granny unit" will be noted on the largest parcel. Community Development I . Issues with the 20% slope of the driveway I . Discussion of CEQA regulation, which does not allow lots to be created on slopes I that average more than a 25% grade . Recommendation that the lots provide as much open space as possible outside of the building footprint ATTACHMENT 6 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE _ INITIAL STUDY - j Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06-001 1 . Project Title: 2. Lead Agency Name 8< Address: City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550/214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 3. Contact Person 8< Phone #: Kelly Heffernon, Associate Planner (805) 473-5420 4. Project Location: 1570 West Branch Street ArroyO Grande, CA 93420 "7'" j-~. I , // II ii / / '~ ./ ./ .I "i '> . ,I !,/ ~,~=-~~-'-:":':,~i././ tlJl ' '. . / ,;/ ,---MC'7" ___-=--,.- __. Ist:s.>- _ "'" /,; /, ,...,. ,I _.. _~~ _~_ e~' "--',.', /. / c~~,~~::~,;~;~~;~~&?*~( :J/ -.-..;::'" ....-.".-:.,..." -. ll~l'4} , ,~"~~S,::~::~::;;;"' :':,.:':..:.. !__' ' 7 1..... J ~ ^ ,'., ,- - ;.i:.~t!j././;:(// ,<~w/~~. . ,': ~~~~~.: ,C:. l; '~. ::. " I I, I ! I ' 1;- I I " I -, '. .J I f -. f '<S'~ .; I (' I ' ,-' -.....,..... ,', ' . ! I '...1 " ''-. ,'~~-~ " '.'~ ,~~ / \ ~. '-",\ :i ~/ ~i f: tjl i i I I I I I ' I i .j (" 5. Project Sponsor's Name 8< Address: 6.pr1il"':::lInt: Coast Hills Federal Credit Union P.O. Box 200 LompOc, CA 93438-0200 (805) 294.2845 R~prt:lo~&>nt~th/e.: Clayco Financial Facilities 2199 Innerbelt Business Center Drive St. Louis, MO 63114 -1. 6. General Plan Designation: Regional Commercial (RCI 7. Zoning: Regional Commercial (RC) 8. Project Description: The proposed project is to construct a single-story, 4,375 square foot structure with a drive up window and walk up ATM for the Coast Hills Federal Credit Union. The project site is approximately 20,000 square feet in size and is located within the Oak Park Plaza shopping center. The site is currently used for parking. 9. Other Agencies whose approval is required (and permits needed): None. 10. AttA~hmQ.ntc.' Att;>"hmpnt A: Traffic and Impact Study conducted by Orosz Engineering Group, dated March 29, 2006 - 2 - DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. X I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposal MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated". An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. J1l~ 2~ 'Z-d#& . Date ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT IMPACT" or "POTENTIALLY IS SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATED", as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. o Land Use and Planning o Population and Housing o Geophysical r2J Water r2J Air Quality [81T ransportation/Circulation D Biological Resources D Energy and Mineral Resources o Hazards r2J Noise D Mandatory Findings of Significance o Public Services D Utilities and Service Systems o Aesthetics [81 Cultural Resources D Recreation EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: 1. A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" question is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project specific factors as well as general standards le.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project-specific screening analysis). 2. All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off-site as well as on-site, cumulative as well as project- level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operations impacts. 3. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if an effect is significant or potentially significant, or is the lead agency lacks information to make a finding of insignificance. If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is required. 4. "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level Imitigation measures from Section XVII, "Earlier Analyses", may be cross referenced.) 5. Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). Earlier analyses are discussed in Section XVII at the end of the checklist. 6. Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). A Source List should be attached and other sources used or individuals should be cited in the discussion. - 3- Issues (and Supporting Information Sources): Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact 1. lAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal: al Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? Isource #(sl: 1,2,3.4) b} Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? Isource tis): 1,6) c) Affect agricultural resources or operations (e.g., impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land usesl? Isource tIs): 11) d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including a low-income or minority community)? (source #lsl: 2.4,11) 2. POPULATION AND HOUSING: Would the proposal: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections? Isource #lsl: 1,5,9) b) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or indirectly le.g., through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure)? (source #lsl: 9,10) c) Displace existing housing, espeCially affordable housing? (source #lsl: 9,10,111 3. GEOPHYSICAL: Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving: a) Seismicity: fault rupture? (source tIs): 5,61 b) Seismicity: ground shaking or liquefaction? Isource tIs): 5,6) c) Seismicity: seiche or tsunami? (source tis): 5,6) dl landslides or mudslides? (source #lsl: 5,61 el Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soils conditions from excavation, grading or fill? (source #lsl: 10) fl Subsidence of land? (source #(sl: 5,6) g) Expansive soils? Isource tIs): 5,6) h) Unique geologic or physical features? Isource tIs): 5.6,10,11) 4. WATER: Would the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? (source #(sl: 10) bl Exposure to people or property to water related hazards such as flooding? (source tIs): 81 c) Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? (source #(s): 91 dl Changes in the amount of surface water in any water body? (source #(sl: 9, 101 - 4- x , X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Issues (and Supporting Information Sources): Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact eJ Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements? (source #(s): 9, 10) f) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? (source #(sl: 9, 10) g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? (source #(s): 9, 10) hi Impacts to 9roundwater quality? (source #(sl: 9,101 j) Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? (source #(5): 6) 5. AIR QUALITY: Would the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation? (source #(s): 7, 131 bl Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? (source #(s): 10, 11) c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or cause any change in climate? (source #(sl: 9) d) Create objectionable odors? (source #(s): 9,10) 6. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION, Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion? (source #(sl: 13) b) Hazards to safety from design features le.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? (source #(s): 9, 10) c) Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby sites? (source #(sl: 9, 10) d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? (source #(sl: 3, 9, 10) e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? (source #(s): 9,101 f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? (source #(5): 9, 10) 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a) Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds? (source #(s): 61 b) Locally designated species (e.g., heritage trees)? (source #Is): 10, 11) c) Locally designated natural communities le.g., oak forest, coastal habitatl? Isource #lsl: 10, 11) d) Wetland habitat (e.g., marsh, riparian and vernal pool)? (source #Is): 11) e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? (source #(sl: 11) - 5 - x x x x x x x x X X X X X X X X X X X X 8. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? (source His): 1, 6) b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner? (source His): 9, 10) 9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation? (source Its): 9) bl Possible interference with an emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? (source His): 9, 10) c) The creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? (source #(s): 9, 10) d) Exposure of people to existing sources of potential health hazards? (source His): 9,10,11) e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flammable brush, grass, or trees? (source #(s): 10, 11) 10. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: a) Increases in existing noise levels? (source #(5): 1, 9) bl Exposure of people to severe noise levels? (source His): 9, 10) 11. PU8L1C SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a) Fire Protection? (source #(s): 6) b) Police Protection? (source His): 6) c) Schools? (source #(s): 6) dl Maintenance of public facilities, including roads, sewer system? (source #(s): 6) e) Other governmental services? (source #(s): 6) 12. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? (source His): 9, 10) b) Communications systems? (source His): 9, 10) cl Local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities? (source #(s): 6) d) Storm water drainage? (source #(s): 6) e) Solid waste disposal? (source #(s): 6) 13. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? (source #(s): 1, 10, 11) b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? (source #(s): g, 10, 11) c) Create light or glare? (source #(s): 9,10) - 6- x x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: al Disturb paleontological resources? (source #(5): 6. 11 I bl Disturb archaeological resources (source #151: 6, 11) c) Affect historical resources? (source #(5): 6, 111 dl Have the potential to cause a physical change that would affect unique ethnic cultural values? (source HIs): 111 x x x x e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? (source #(51: 10, 11) 15 . RECREATION. Would the proposal: a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? (source #(5): 1,3) x x b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? (source #(51: 1, 5) 16. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. x al Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short- term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? c) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects. I d) Does the project have environmental effects that will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? x x x x 17. EARLIER ANALYSES. Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case, a discussion should identify the following on attached sheets: a) Earlier analyses used. Identify earlier analyses and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed by earlier documents. c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "potentially significant" or "potentially significant unless mitigated", describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. Authority: Public Resources Code Sections 21083 and 21087 Reference: PubliC Resources Code Sections 21080(c), 21080.1, 21080.3, 21082.1,21083, 21083.3, 21093. 21094, 21151; Sundstrom v. County of Mendocino, 202 Cal. App. 3d 296 (19881; Leonoff v. Monterey Board of Supervisors, 222 Cal. App. 3d 1337 (1990). - 7- SOURCE LIST: 1. City of Arroyo Grande General Plan (October 2001) 2. City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Land Use Map (October 2001) 3. City of Arroyo Grande Development Code 4. City of Arroyo Grande Zoning Map 5. City of Arroyo Grande Existing Setting and Community Issues Report 6. City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Program EIR (October 2001) 7. Air Pollution Control District Clean Air Plan 8. FEMA - Flood Insurance Rate Map 9. Ordinance No. 521 (Amending Title 10, Chapter 3 of the Municipal Code regarding the Community Tree Program) 10. San Diego Council of Governments - Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates 11. Project Description 12. Project Plans 13. Site Inspection ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: The project site is 20,007 square feet in size and is located within the Oak Park Plaza. The property is currently used for parking. The center is roughly 130,180 square feet in size and consists of K-Mart, a two-story retail/office building, and two (2) freestanding restaurants (the Quarterdeck and Carl's Jr.). There are five (5) parcels that comprise the Oak Park Plaza. Surrounding the shopping center are condominiums to the north, retail commercial development to the east, Highway 101 to the south, and restaurants and a motel to the west. The site is flat, paved, and includes some commercial landscaping in the parking medians. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant proposes to construct a 4,375 square foot, single-story structure with a drive up window and walk up A TM for the Coast Hills Federal Credit Union within the Oak Park Plaza. Although the Development Code requires 18 parking spaces and the project is providing 26 spaces, the shopping center will experience a net deficit of 13 parking spaces. The finished grades around the proposed building will connect with the existing grades of the parking lot, maintaining the current drainage pattern and access to existing and proposed parking spaces. All utilities needed for the proposed building can be accessed on site. Three (3) trees will be removed with development of the project and nine (9) trees will be planted as indicated in the preliminary landscape plan. EXPLANATIONS TO INITIAL STUDY CHECKLIST: 4. W4TFR The City used approximately 94% of its available/allocated water supply between December 2004 and November 2005. Per Chapter 13.05.010 of the City's Municipal Code (Water Supply - 8 - Conditions), this level of water use is considered a "severely restricted" water supply condition that has not yet reached a "critical" level. To manage its water supply deficiency, the City adopted a two-phased strategy in November 2004 that included alternatives to be pursued to meet the City' s water demand over the next 10- year period (phase 1), and identified alternatives that will provide permanent water supply increases to meet the long-term demand that are most desirable, feasible and cost effective (phase 2). As part of phase 1, the City adopted a Water Conservation Program in May 2003 that included: . Plumbing Retrofit Program; . Water Shortage Contingency Analysis; . Public Information and Education; . Information System Assessment for Top Water Users; . Enforcement of City's Water Conservation Codes; and . Optional components, including washing machine rebates, irrigation system or landscaping rebates, and retrofit of cemetery with non-potable water. Other components of phase 1 include construction of Well No. 10 (located on Deer Trail Circle!. pursuing oil field water on Price Canyon, implementing a tiered water and sewer rate structure as financial incentives for water conservation, and a utility retrofit upon-sale program. Phase 2 provides various permanent water supply options that include: . Conducting a groundwater study (in process); . Pursuing water from the Nacimiento Project; . Implementing a reclaimed water system; . Pursuing feasibility of a desalination plant; and . Pursuing water from the State Water Project. At the March 14, 2006 meeting, the City Council adopted the 2005 Urban Water Management Plan, which outlined water supply projections over the next 20-year period given General Plan growth estimates. Based on current projections, the Plan determined that the City could meet its short-term and mid-term water demand during normal rainfall years with existing resources and projects under way. During drought conditions, mandatory conservation measures set forth in the Municipal Code may be necessary for a period of time. Adequate long-term supply is dependent upon securing additional water through one of the alternative measures under study. The current severely restricted water supply situation is considered a cumulatively significant impact. The project's contribution, however, is considered di minimis, meaning that the environmental conditions would be the same whether or not the project is implemented. The City adopted overriding considerations for cumulative water supply impacts identified in the Program EIR for the 2001 General Plan Update and therefore cumulative water supply impacts were addressed at that time by overriding considerations. Development of the proposed project would require water for both domestic use and landscape irrigation. The water consumption by this project would further reduce the City' s supply of available water. This impact could be mitigated using water conserving designs, fixtures and landscaping and the development and implementation of an individual water program to neutralize water use. - 9- Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated. Mitigation Measures: MM 4.1. The applicant shall complete measures to neutralize the estimated increase in water demand created by the project by either: Implement an individual water program that utilizes fixtures and designs that minimize water usage. The calculations shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. The proposed individual water program shall be submitted to the City for approval prior to implementation; or, Pay an in lieu fee. Monitoring: Review of individual water program or payment of the in lieu fee Public Works Department Prior to issuance of building permit Monitoring Agency: Timeframe: MM 4.2 All new construction shall utilize fixtures and designs that minimize water usage. Such fixtures shall include, but are not limited to, water saving toilets, instant water heaters and hot water recirculating systems. Water conserving designs and fixtures shall be installed prior to final occupancy. Monitoring: Monitoring Agency: Timeframe: Review of building plans Building and Fire Department Prior to issuance of building permit MM 4.3 All landscaping shall be consistent with water conservation practices including the use of drought tolerant landscaping, drip irrigation, and mulch. Lawn areas and areas requiring spray irrigation shall be minimized. Monitoring: Monitoring Agency: Review of landscaping and irrigation plans Parks and Recreation Department; Development Department Prior to issuance of building permit Community Timeframe: 5. 41R n11411TV Grading and construction of the project would occur over a period of many months. Short-term impacts related to dust generation from site preparation and grading would result in dust generation that could affect adjacent properties. Mitigation measures placed on the project would reduce short- term dust generation during construction of the project to less-than-significant levels. Dust generated by the development activities shall be kept to a minimum with a goal of retaining dust on the site. The dust control measures listed below shall be followed during construction of the project. and shall be shown on grading and building plans. The following mitigation measures are necessary to reduce air quality impacts to a less-than- significant level. Air pollution impact assessment is divided into the construction and operational phases of the project. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated. - 10- Mitigation Measures: Con!;tnJ(~tion Ph!'l!;p. Fmi!;!;ion!; The project shall comply with all applicable Air Pollution Control District (APCD) regulations pertaining to the control of fugitive dust (PM1O) as contained in section 6.5 of the Air Quality Handbook. All site grading and demolition plans shall list the following regulations: MM 5.1: All dust control measures listed below (MM 5.2 - 5.6) shall be followed during construction of the project and shall be shown on grading and building plans. The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the dust control program and to order increased watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust off site. The name and telephone number of such person(s) shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and finished grading of the area. MM 5.2: During construction, water trucks or sprinkler systems shall be used to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. At a minimum, this would include wetting down such areas in the later rnorning and after work is completed for the day and whenever wind exceeds 15 miles per hour. Reclaimed (non-potable) water shall be used whenever possible. MM 5.3: Soil stockpiled for more than two days shall be covered, kept moist, or treated with soil binders to prevent dust generation. MM 5.4: All vehicles hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance withCVC Section 23114. MM 5.5: Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads on to streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site. MM 5.6: Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried on to adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. MM 5.7: To mitigate the diesel PM generated during the construction phase, all construction equipment shall be properly maintained and tuned according to manufacturer's specifications. The measures below (MM 3.8 - 3.10) shall be clearly identified in the project bid specifications so the contractors bidding on the project can include the purchase and installation costs in their bids. MM 5.8: All off-road and portable diesel powered equipment, including but not limited to bulldozers, graders, cranes, loaders, scrapers, backhoes, generator sets, compressors, auxiliary power units, shall be fueled exclusively with California Air Resources Board (ARB) motor vehicle diesel fuel. . MM 5.9: To the maximum extent feasible, the use of diesel construction equipment shall meet the ARB's 1996 certification standard for off-road heavy-duty diesel engines. MM 5.10: Unless otherwise approved by APCD, the developer shall install catalytic diesel particulate filters or Diesel oxidation catalyst on two (2) pieces of construction equipment involved in primary earth moving and construction activities and projected to generate the greatest emissions. APCD staff shall be included in the selection of candidate equipment along with a representative of the contractor. -11 - MM 5.11: If utility pipelines are scheduled for removal or relocation, or building(s) are removed or renovated, this project may be subject to various regulatory jurisdictions, including the requirements stipulated in the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (40CFR61, Subpart M - asbestos NESHAP). These requirements include, but are not limited to: 1) notification requirements to the APCD, 2) asbestos survey conducted by a Certified Asbestos Inspector, and 3) applicable removal and disposal requirements of identified asbestos containing material. MM 5.12: Prior to any grading activities at the site, the project proponent shall ensure that a geologic evaluation is conducted to determine if Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) is present within the area that will be disturbed. If NOA is not present, an exemption request must be filed with the APCD. If NOA is found at the site, the applicant must comply with all requirements outlined in the Asbestos Air Toxins Control Measure (ATCM) regulated under by the California Air Resources Board (ARB). Responsible Party: Monitoring Agency: Developer City of Arroyo Grande - Public Works Dept., Building and Fire Department; APCD Prior to issuance of Grading Permit and during construction Timing: OpArational Pha!':A Fmi!':!':ion!': MM 5.13: To encourage walking within the development and provide a safer pedestrian environment, the applicant shall use textured and/or colored concrete at pedestrian crossings. MM 5.14: Provide continuous sidewalks separated from the roadway or driveways by landscaping with adequate lighting. MM 5.15: Provide shade tree planting along southern exposures of buildings to reduce summer cooling needs. Responsible Party: Monitoring Agency: Developer City of Arroyo Grande - CDD, Public Works Dept., and Building & Fire Dept. Prior to issuance of Building Permit Timeframe: 6. TR4FFIC The site ingress/egress is onto West Branch Street, designated as an arterial street in the City' s Circulation Element. The proposed project is estimated to add 306 average daily trips (ADT) with 15 A.M. and 31 P.M. peak hour trips based on the Traffic and Impact Study conducted by Orosz Engineering Group, dated March 29. 2006 (Att"rhm"nt A). Per the traffic study. the project is not expected to create a significant impact to the surrounding intersections during the AM or PM peak hours. The roadway operation of W. Branch Street near the project site is at a level of service (LOS) B on a daily basis. The additional project related daily traffic and cumulative project daily traffic would not change the daily roadway level of service. The existing and future level of service baseline conditions at the W. Branch Street and Camino Mercado intersection are unacceptable by City standards. Caltrans has approved the construction of the traffic signal at this intersection and the City is presently bidding the signalization project. With construction of the traffic signal. operation of the intersection would improve to acceptable limits as set by the City. - 12- The parking supply for the project will meet the minimum requirements set forth by the City. While the project would result in a net loss of parking, a sufficient parking supply would remain within the shopping center with development of the proposed project. To offset the cumulative traffic added from the project, the applicant shall pay the City's Traffic and Signalization Impact fee (based on the adopted fee at the time of building permit issuance). Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated. Mitigation Measure: MM 6.1: The applicant shall pay the City' s Traffic and Signalization Impact fees prior to issuance of building permit. Monitoring: Monitoring Agency: Timeframe: The applicant shall pay the fees Public Works Department Prior to issuance of building permit A total of 49 spaces will be removed from the project site and 26 spaces will be constructed. Given the existing 10-space surplus, the net deficit is 13 spaces for the shopping center. Based on the traffic study, parking in the shopping center would not be impacted below acceptable levels with development of the site. The applicant is requesting an overall parking reduction of 2.3% (13/573 = 2.3%) based on these conclusions, and the Development Code allows up to a 30% decrease for any given shared parking situation. The City has not approved any other parking reductions for the Oak Park Plaza. Analysis of Significance: Less than significant. 10. NnI!'::F Existing ambient noise in the vicinity of the project site is primarily generated by vehicular traffic. Existing noise levels would be increased temporarily during the construction phase of this project. Noise resulting from construction activities will be short-term, and is subject to the City's Noise Ordinance. The project is expected to generate loud noise during construction that will impact adjacent development. This is considered a potentially significant impact that can be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the below mitigation measures. Long-term increases in traffic and other operational noise levels are considered less-than-significant impacts and no mitigation measures are necessary. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated Mitigation Measures: MM 10.1: Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No construction shall occur on Sunday. Equipment maintenance and servicing shall be confined to the same hours. To the greatest extent possible, grading and construction activities should occur during the middle of the day to minimize the potential for disturbance of neighboring noise sensitive uses. MM 10.2: All construction equipment utilizing internal combustion engines shall be required to have mufflers that are in good condition. - 13- Monitoring: Notes shall be placed on the construction plans referencing the above measures. Public Works Department During construction Monitoring Agency: Timeframe: 14. ~III TIIR41 RI'!':OIIR~I'!': The proposed project is not located in an area that has been identified as a known site for cultural resources. The project site has been graded and developed and is highly unlikely that any cultural resources are present on the site. As a precaution, however, if during construction excavation, any buried or isolated prehistoric cultural materials or historic features are unearthed, work in that area shall halt until a qualified archaeologist can examine them and appropriate recommendations made as outlined in CEQA. In such an event, the Community Development Department and/or the Public Works Department of the City of Arroyo Grande should be contacted. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated Mitigation Measure: MM 14.1: The following note shall be placed on the grading and improvement plans for the project: "In the event that during grading, construction or development of the project, and archeological resources are uncovered, all work shall be halted until the City has reviewed the resources for their significance. If human remains (burials) are encountered, the County Coroner (781-4513) shall be contacted immediately. The applicant may be required to provide archaeological studies and/or mitigation measures. II Monitoring: Construction plans shall be reviewed prior to issuance of a grading permit to ensure the note is in place. Public Works Department Prior to issuance of grading permit Monitoring Agency: Timeframe: - 14- ATTACHMENT A I \ Traffic and Parking Impact Study Coast Hills Federal Credit Union Oak Park Plaza Financial Facility Building Arroyo Grande, California Prepared For: Coast Hills Federal Credit Union PO Box 200 Lompoc, CA 93438-0200 Prepared By: Orosz Engineering Group, Inc. 1627 Calzada Avenue Santa Ynez, CA 93460 805-688-7814 Stephen A. Orosz, PE, PTOE Traffic Engineer #1209 REceiVED MAR 3 1 2006 CllY OF AAROYO GRANDE COMMUNllY DEVELOPMENT OEG Ref 80305 March 29, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Report Section Page INTRODUCTION Impact Thresholds PROJECT TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Existing Conditions Existing Conditions Plus Project Impact Analysis Existing Plus Project Plus Funded Improvements Existing Plus Approved and Pending Projects Plus Proposed Project Existing Plus Project Plus Cumulative Plus Funded Improvements Average Daily Traffic Parking Analysis SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS 1 1 2 4 4 4 6 6 7 7 9 10 10 LIST OF TABLES 1 Signalized Intersection Thresholds of Significance for Traffic Impact Studies 1 2 Project Trip Generation 2 3 Existing AM and PM Peak Hour Intersection Operation and Level of Service 4 4 Existing Plus Project AM Peak Hour Intersection Operation and Level of Service 4 5 Existing Plus Project PM Peak Hour Intersection Operation and Level of Service 6 6 Existing Plus Project AM and PM Peak Hour Camino Mercado at W. Branch Street - Funded Improvement Intersection Operation and Level of Service 6 7 Cumulative AM and PM Peak Hour Intersection Operation and Level of Service 7 8 Existing Plus Project Plus Cumulative AM and PM Peak Hour Camino Mercado at W. Branch Street - Funded Improvement Intersection Operation and Level of Service 7 9 Daily Traffic Volume Operation and Level of Service 9 LIST OF EXHIBITS 1 2 3 Project Traffic AM/PM Peak Hours Existing AM/PM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Counts Cumulative AM/PM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Counts 3 5 8 TECHNICAL APPENDIX Project Site Plan Raw Traffic Count Data Cumulative Project List Intersection Operation and Level of Service Worksheets Coast Hills Federal Credit Union - Oak Park Plaza Traffic Impact Study INTRODUCTION The proposed project consists of the construction of a 4,375 square foot (SF) financial building and 26 parking spaces on a separate parcel within the existing Oak Park Plaza shopping center. Approximately 49 parking spaces will be removed to accommodate the building and parking areas. The change in parking with the project is a net loss of 23 spaces. The project site is located on W. Branch Street to the east of Oak Park Boulevard and west of Camino Mercado in the City of Arroyo Grande. The current project site plan is attached to the rear of this report. The City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department identified a scope of work for this project that included the analysis of five intersections in the vicinity. They are: . W. Branch Street at Rancho Parkway . W. Branch Street at Camino Mercado . Oak Park Boulevard at James Way . Oak Park Boulevard at W. Branch Street . Oak Park Boulevard at EI Camino Real The City requested AM and PM Peak Hour intersection analysis for existing conditions and future conditions (approved and pending projects). The following report has been prepared to address these specific requirements and following the City's Traffic Impact Study Policy. Impact Thresholds The City Traffic Impact Study Policy identifies when a significant impact is created by the addition of proposed project traffic volumes. A project has significant traffic impacts when: 1. The addition of project traffic to a signalized intersection exceeds the thresholds provided in the following table. Table 1 Signalized Intersection Thresholds of Significance For Traffic Impact Studies Threshold Criteria Guidelines based on projected trips qenerated from the Proiect Level of Per Lane Peak Hour Total Project Peak Project Peak Hour Service trips added to critical Hour Trip Trips Entering a (LOS) movements Generation Critical Intersection C >45 150-540 90-180 D >15 SO-180 30-60 E >10 30-120 20-40 F >5 15-60 10-20 2. The Project's access to a major street requires an access that would create an unsafe situation or a new traffic signal, and/or major revisions to an existing traffic signal. 3. The Project adds traffic to a street with design features (e.g. narrow width, roadside ditches, sharp curves, poor sight distance, and inadequate pavement structure) that may cause potential safety problems with the addition of project traffic. 4. The addition of project plus cumulative traffic to a signalized intersection increases the delay by 2 or more levels of service if the intersection is currently operating at LOS A or B, or contributes traffic to an intersection operating below LOS C and meets thresholds defined in Table 1. Orosz Engineering Group, Inc 1 March 29, 2006 Coast Hills Federal Credit Union - Oak Park Plaza Traffic Impact Study If the above thresholds are exceeded, the Developer will be required to construct improvements or implement other methods to reduce the level of impact to insignificance except where mitigation measures have already been identified in the City's CIP and funded as part of the City's Traffic Mitigation Fee Program. The thresholds of significance identified above assume full contribution to the Traffic Mitigation Fee Fund. The addition of project, or project plus cumulative, traffic to an unsignalized intersection increase the level of service to an unacceptable level (less than LOS C). Level of Service shall be determined by the Highway Capacity Manual. PROJECT TRAFFIC To estimate the amount of traffic that is potentially generated by the project, the San Diego Association of Governments Trip Generators (SANDAG) reference was used. In this reference, there are trip rates for a variety of land uses. Based on the description and location of the proposed project, the best fit for a trip rate is the Financial Institution with Drive-through rate. The individual trip rates for daily and peak hour time frames are 200 ADT per 1000 square feet for the daily rate with 5% for the AM peak hour rate and 10% for the PM peak hour rate. All of these rates are in terms of trips per 1,000 square feet of building. Additionally, 35% of the trips generated will be expected to be added to the road system. The remaining 65% of the traffic is expected to be pass-by or linked trips with existing traffic streams using W. Branch Street and the rest of the Oak Park Plaza Shopping Center. The project trip estimates are summarized in Table 2. Based on the SANDAG trip rates, the proposed project would be expected to add 306 ADT with 15 AM peak hour and 31 PM peak hour trips to the surrounding street system. The SANDAG reference indicates that 65% of the potential trips generated will come from existing traffic on adjacent streets or adjacent land uses. In other words, 65% of the project traffic will come from existing traffic already on the surrounding road system. Table 2 Project Trip Generation Land Use ADT AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Financial 200.0 per 1000 SF 5% of ADT 10% of ADT Institution (60/40) (50/50) w/Drive Thru 4.375 KSF 876 trios 44 Trios 88 Trips Less Pass-by Factor 65% -570 trios -29 trios -57 trios Net Project 15 AM Peak Hour 31 PM Peak Hour Added Traffic 306 ADT 9 in / 6 out 16 in / 15 out To estimate the potential impact of the project, the net project added trips were assigned to the surrounding road system. Based on a 60/40 trip distribution (West/Eastbound) on West Branch Street, the additional project traffic was added assigned to the surrounding road system and is graphically depicted on Exhibit 1. Orosz Engineering Group, Inc 2 March 29, 2006 '::-Vo v 0/0 """"0 i Vi --.J VA 0/0 --- /! ; ~or o ~ -? 0"'7& 00' , , I:J ~ ~ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , / " " r')r')r') """ ~~N j~l ~ '- </1> ,....... 0/0 0/0 f'/ O/Oi--.J 0/0 --- ; o 0\ Y J/ o oYo Yo '-J ) 21 o~y RANCHO PKWY o o 4: U IY W :2' ----- ----- ---- , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I-(f)O::::C U 1-::::>.2 Wzoc -:JW ::::> O::2I;;o O::::w:x:::~ CL><(u OW- 8::2CL2 (f) ~ o():L<l> ZCLLL CL- Ul ~ 22"~ CL::::>"",~ I-..e::Ul <( g Z u o I- U W (f) 0:::: W I- Z ,--- ~~ u C >lCJ\id >l\iO .1 '" ~ -0 III I x w '" 0 .! '" 0 00 N '" Ul 0 0 '- 0 0 00 Coast Hills Federal Credit Union - Oak Park Plaza Traffic Impact Study IMPACT ANALYSIS Existinq Conditions As directed by the City, new peak hour traffic counts were collected for this project. The traffic counts were collected on Tuesday March 7, 2006. The traffic count data is included in the technical appendix to this report. The intersection turning movement counts are summarized in Exhibit 2 for the AM and PM peak hours. To form a basis for project and cumulative impact analysis, the existing intersection operation and level of service was calculated for the five intersections using the Highway Capacity Manual procedures. The results of this analysis are presented in Table 3. Table 3 Existing AM and PM Peak Hour Intersection Operation and Level of Service Location Controls AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Oak Park Boulevard at James Way Traffic Siqnal 14.1 secjveh LOS B 16.4 secjveh LOS B W. Branch St Traffic Signal 16.8 secjveh LOS B 26.7 secjveh LOS C EI Camino Real Traffic Siqnal 11.6 secjveh LOS B 14.6 secjveh LOS B W. Branch Street at Camino Mercado All-Way Stop 12.8 secjveh LOS B 25.1 secjveh LOS D Rancho Parkway Traffic Signal 12.1 secjveh LOS B 12.2 secjveh LOS B As seen in this table, most of the intersections operate within acceptable limits set by the City. Currently, the intersection of W. Branch Street at Camino Mercado operates at LOS D. Existinq Conditions Plus Proiect Imoact Analvsis The proposed project traffic from Exhibit 1 was superimposed on the existing conditions traffic volumes from Exhibit 2 and the intersection operation was recalculated. The resuiting intersection operation and level of service is summarized in Table 4 and 5 for the AM and PM Peak Hours, respectively. Table 4 Existing Plus Project AM Peak Hour Intersection Operation and Level of Service Locati on Controls AM Peak Hour AM Peak Hour Plus Project Added Project Traffic Oak Park Boulevard at Traffic 14.1 secjveh LOS B 14.1 secjveh LOS B 2 trips James Way Siqnal W. Branch St Traffic 16.8 secjveh LOS B 17.5 secjveh LOS B 9 trips Siqnal EI Camino Real Traffic 11.6 secjveh LOS B 11. 7 secjveh LOS B 6 trips Siqnal W. Branch Street at All-Way 12.8 secjveh LOS B 12.8 secjveh LOS B 6 trips Camino Mercado Stop Rancho Parkway Traffic 12.1 secjveh LOS B 12.2 secjveh LOS B 3 trips Siqnal Orosz Engineering Group, Inc 4 March 29, 2006 >-- ~ <0 "<oll) "'''~ '>'>2;- ::{::::"- .J I [ c.ro '-- t> <:/<:<: r-- 6//0 L <:0<:/ [;<: / t>[;L o,/r ~(j]co O'^'7E) ,,~ "') ... ;,.~ 'DfJ - ot>/, 60<,/, <'L----.j [;9/~? ---.... ') '" o 0 "'ll)..- '- U"l '- r-- ,-ro U"lroro N__ Jll c.o<, '--<'<://<'&L r--6L<:j([;[;t> &Ot> &,;: L/, 9<:9/, 09----.j ';:9L/gl><,---.... 6L') RANC\1O PKWY o o <( () no: w ::;; o :<:: ~ <5 co... 0, .;:::"'~ co ::::.. C'J J 1 L :::6<:/,;:<: 6<: r-- 609/ <:<(9),/t>&----.j [;9/9 Lt>( 69<: &[;<: [; /[;&L::; ]! r Oll)co ~~o oco~ "''''- C'J co - , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , >I~'v'd >I'v'O 0(/)0::(5 Z I- ::::J.c I-ZO::::> (/)W:r::.... -:2 'iJ XW::,,::" W><cu Ow- :20-2 " "0 0:2" ZO-l.o.. - Ul ~ "'- ~ ::::J:2U) I-<cg () 0-.J Z o I- U W (/) 0:: W I- Z ~~ '" u ~ C -0 <D o o N I n I N X w Lfl o n o <XJ .1 I I I I .! Ul o L o Lfl o n O. <XJ Coast Hills Federal Credit Union - Oak Park Plaza Traffic Impact Study Table 5 Existing Plus Project PM Peak Hour Intersection Operation and Level of Service Location Controls PM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Plus Project Added Proiect Traffic Oak Park Boulevard Traffic 16.4 secjveh LOS B 16.4 secjveh LOS B 5 tri ps at James Wav Sianal W. Branch St Traffic 26.7 secjveh LOS C 27.0 secjveh LOS C 19 trips Sianal EI Camino Real Traffic 14.6 secjveh LOS B 14.6 secjveh LOS B 10 trips Siqnal W. Branch Street at All-Way 25.1 secjveh LOS D 25.9 secjveh LOS D 12 trips Camino Mercado Stop Rancho Parkway Traffic 12.2 secjveh LOS B 12.2 secjveh LOS B 6 trips Sianal As shown in Tables 4 and 5, the addition of project traffic does not exceed any of the significant impact thresholds. The project does not result in any significant traffic related impacts. Existina Plus Project Plus Funded Improvements The City has identified the installation of a traffic signal and intersection improvements to the intersection of Camino Mercado and W. Branch Street. This improvement has been designed, funded, and is out to bid at this point in time. The improvement should be completed within the next 12 months. The intersection operation for this location has been recalculated with the existing plus project traffic volume conditions for the AM and PM Peak Hours. The resulting intersection operation and level of service is summarized in Table 6. Table 6 Existing Plus Project AM and PM Peak Hour Camino Mercado at W. Branch Street - Funded Improvement Intersection Operation and Level of Service Location Controls AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Camino Mercado at W. Branch Street Traffic Sianal 15.5 secjveh LOS B 18.1 secjveh LOS B As shown in this table, the funded improvements at the intersection of Camino Mercado and W. Branch Street will improve the intersection level of service in the PM Peak Hour from LOS D to LOS B. During the AM Peak Hour, the intersection would continue to operate at LOS B. Existina Plus Approved and Pendina Proiects Plus Proposed Proiect The City provided the list of approved and pending projects to be evaluated for this analysis. The list of projects is provided in the Technical Appendix of this report. The trip generation for each of the approved and pending projects was obtained from previous traffic reports or estimated by OEG using the SANDAG trip generation rates and the generalized trip distribution patterns used in this and other traffic analysis reports. The resulting AM and PM Peak Hour cumulative traffic volumes are depicted in Exhibit 3. Orosz Engineering Group, Jne 6 March 29, 2006 Coast Hills Federal Credit Union - Oak Park Plaza Traffic Impact Study The intersection operation was again calculated for the study area intersections with the cumulative traffic volumes from Exhibit 3. The resulting intersection operation and level of service is summarized in Table 7 for the AM and PM Peak Hours. All of the study area intersections would operate at LOS C or better, with the exception of the Camino Mercado and W. Branch Street intersection, which is forecast to operate at LOS E under cumulative conditions. Table 7 Cumulative AM and PM Peak Hour Intersection Operation and Level of Service Location Controls AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Oak Park Boulevard at James Way Traffic Signal 14.8 secjveh LOS B 16.6 secjveh LOS B W. Branch St Traffic Siqnal 17.2 secjveh LOS B 28.2 sec/veh LOS C EI Camino Real Traffic Siqnal 11. 9 secjveh LOS B 15.0 secjveh LOS B W. Branch Street at Camino Mercado All-Way Stop 13. 7 secjveh LOS B 38.0 secjveh LOS E Rancho Parkwav Traffic Siqnal 12.0 secjveh LOS B 13.3 secjveh LOS B Existinq Plus Proiect Plus Cumulative Plus Funded Imorovements The City has identified the installation of a traffic signal and intersection improvements to the intersection of Camino Mercado and W. Branch Street. This improvement has been designed, funded, and is out to bid at this point in time. The improvement should be completed within the next 12 months. The intersection operation for this location has been recalculated with the existing plus project plus cumulative traffic volume conditions for the AM and PM Peak Hours. The resulting intersection operation and level of service is summarized in Table 8. Table 8 Existing Plus Project Plus Cumulative AM and PM Peak Hour Camino Mercado at W. Branch Street - Funded Improvement Intersection Operation and Level of Service Location Controls AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Camino Mercado at W. Branch Street Traffic Siqnal 18.0 secjveh LOS B 20.0 secjveh LOS C As shown in this table, the funded improvements at the intersection of Camino Mercado and W. Branch Street will improve the intersection level of service in the PM Peak Hour from LOS E to LOS C. During the AM Peak Hour, the intersection would continue to operate at LOS B. Averaqe Dailv Traffic The City requested that that average daily traffic volume along the segment of W. Branch Street between the project site and Oak Park Boulevard be evaluated under the same traffic volume scenarios as the intersections. The existing daily traffic volume on W. Branch Street was documented over a 72-hour period of time during March 2006. The three-day average ADT was found to be 12,696. Orosz Engineering Group, Inc 7 March 29, 2006 o <0 <b CO -Z:<b ~"" _0)<0 -" ~ ..J I L ......... GC/11 !i 0 {['/G[' 11>/,/1---.} 9c/!i 1><;/ Gc----.. ~ &c 1>['') cJ J r ~,,~ <0\:0 '0" tv) '" >- ~ fvJ ",,<0 "',,- """ COO'" -QJQJ j/[ 01>/, cc['/, ['I---.} !i9/~~C ----.. ') ~IIC .........90("!iC1 0['OC;:['!iC / 1><;1 O)!r '\: :;;; Q:) O/j Ie " :;; f! '0(J - " " 0 ~ N r'lco..- '-..lfl'-.. o '-..<D <D0l0l N ~~ J~l t....1>.( .........['['//IIC 0Glc /9!i1> /&01> !iGI/ .(C9/ .(9---.} 1>.(I/,C1>,. /'COc ----.. ') ---- RANCHO PKI/'J'I o '0 <( o IY W ::;: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , >1tJ\ld >1\10 W(/)Ct:c > I- ::) .2 I-ZO:5 <( W:r:: ~ -12 '6 ::::Jwy::,: 2><(0 ::::JOwo U2o..a; u G2" Zo..LL - (j) ~~~ ::) 2 "t) 1-<(8 o n Z o I- U W (/) Ct: W I- Z ~~ 0' U ;< C -0 <D _n III[~ .~~ (j) 0 o r'J L 0 o OJ Coast Hills Federal Credit Union - Oak Park Plaza Traffic Impact Study The roadway level of service is based on the Highway Capacity Manual procedures and has been documented in other traffic reports on file with the City. For W. Branch Street, the LOS C threshold daily traffic volume is 14,500 ADT. The proposed project is projected to add 184 ADT to this road segment. Cumulative projects are anticipated to add 578 ADT. The daily traffic volume capacity analysis and level of service is summarized in Table 9. As seen in this table, the road segment of W. Branch Street between the Oak Park Plaza driveways and Oak Park Boulevard operates and is projected to operate at LOS B on a daily traffic volume basis. Table 9 Daily Traffic Volume W. Branch Street - Oak Park Plaza to Oak Park Boulevard Operation and Level of Service Location Capacity Volume Conditions Existina ADT Plus Proiect ADT Plus Cumulative ADT W. Branch Street- Oak Park Boulevard to 14,500 ADT 12,696 ADT 12,880 ADT 13,458 ADT Oak Park Plaza Entrance Classification 2-Lane Arterial with LOS C LOS B LOS B LOS B two-way left turn lane Parkina Analvsis To construct the proposed project, a total of 49 existing parking spaces would be removed from the project parcel within the overall shopping center. The proposed project will construct 26 parking spaces on the subject parcel. The City of Arroyo Grande normally would require 18 spaces to be provided with a building of this size and use. The Urban Land Institute (ULl) has a recommendation of a peak parking demand of 3.8 spaces per 1,000 square feet of building at 1 PM on weekdays and 4.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet on a Saturday afternoon. The project proposes to provide 26 spaces and would be consistent with the City parking requirements (18 spaces) and those recommended by ULl (18 spaces at peak usage times). The project would still result in a net reduction of the overall shopping center parking by 23 spaces. The previous approval of the shopping center noted a surplus of 10 spaces over the City's parking requirements. Therefore, with this proposed project, the overall center would be 13 spaces short of the City's parking requirements. During a site visit approximately two years ago, OEG observed a farmers market/swap meet occurring in the eastern end of the shopping center parking lot at the noon hour during the week. The activity utilized approximately 50-60 spaces. We observed over 100 vacant parking spaces within the center during this activity. The tenant mix in the center has not significantly changed since that site visit. Therefore, with the net loss of parking that would result with this project, the shopping center would still provide adequate parking to meet the needs of the uses within the shopping center and the proposed project during periods of peak use. Orosz Engineering Group, Inc 9 March 29, 2006 Coast Hills Federal Credit Union - Oak Park Plaza Traffic Impact Study SUMMARY The proposed project is expected to add up to 31 PM peak hour trips to the surrounding road system. The project would not create a significant impact to the surrounding intersections during the AM or PM Peak Hours. The roadway operation of W. Branch Street near the project site is at LOS B on a daily basis. The additional project related daily traffic and cumulative project daily traffic would not change the daily roadway level of service. The existing and future level of service baseline conditions at the W. Branch Street and Camino Mercado intersection are unacceptable by City standards. The construction of the traffic signal has been approved by Caltrans and the City is presently bidding the project for this intersection. With the construction of the traffic signal, the operation of the intersection would improve to acceptable limits as set by the City. The parking supply for the project will meet the minimum requirements set forth by the City of Arroyo Grande. While the project would result in a net loss of parking, a sufficient parking supply would remain within the shopping center with the proposed project. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the potential impacts identified in this report, the following recommendations are made. 1. The project developer should pay the standard Public Works Traffic Impact fees. Orosz Engineering Group, Inc 10 March 29, 2006 Traffic and Parking Impact Study Coast Hills Federal Credit Union Oak Park Plaza Financial Facility Building Arroyo Grande, California TECHNICAL APPENDIX Prepared For: Coast Hills Federal Credit Union PO Box 200 Lompoc, CA 93438-0200 Prepared By: Orosz Engineering Group, Inc. 1627 Calzada Avenue Santa Ynez, CA 93460 805-688-7814 Stephen A. Orosz, PE, PTOE Traffic Engineer #1209 OEG Ref 80305 March 29, 2006 I I I I I I I I 'I I 1+ 11+ " I I ~II: ;:;!..W.LJ I I ! " Ii I, I, II I: I! Ii I: i I I: I! I' I! II I: ; ! Ii I: II I: Iln I I :=J: I , I .. ~i--, , I i ) I I I I I i I i 1+ 1+ I I I I I I /1 ~ + +~ ~ ~ ~ +~ ~ ~ ~ City Traffic Counters Page 1 626.256.4171 Site Code: Station 10: W. Branch St SIO Oak Park Latitude: O' 0.000 Undefined s"", 23-M..-06 Soulh No<. Combi'led 24-Mar-06 Sou. Norlh Combi'led T... Th" A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Frj A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. .... 12:00 4 123 4 130 8 253 3 110 140 10 250 12:15 2 78 4 116 6 194 3 106 144 8 250 12:30 4 94 7 133 11 227 3 124 162 9 286 12:45 3 101 3 120 6 221 2 129 138 6 267 01:00 2 112 2 151 4 263 1 117 144 3 261 01:15 1 95 4 122 5 217 2 116 138 4 254 01:30 1 98 2 120 3 218 1 110 108 3 218 01:45 2 98 3 122 5 220 2 115 155 6 270 02:00 2 98 3 122 5 220 1 121 133 3 254 02:15 0 101 5 122 5 223 0 110 136 4 246 02:30 1 122 3 124 4 246 1 120 146 5 266 02:45 0 106 2 126 2 232 0 101 153 0 254 03:00 0 101 1 164 1 265 o l"""'~1531 153 1 ~1366i ':,,'J~,l}, ; 03:15 1 ki~'10i 0 166 1 269 1 ~:~$~r~'128' '191j 3 ':i1~~32O: 1 r }'ioo; f\'\'!!'i'~l 62J ! .".....-.'i 03:30 2 150 3 250 1 ~4t,,~;123t 2 Y~:J"'F(285: 03:45 ,'~ 1f."1:.~,,",,.' 0 128 2 238 IE'''('>''>~ 's~. K<li'~'i'l 2 ,"{.\'I,110; 2 ,.~;;.tLQg 3 ~';~~i2dO;'i 04:00 1 m~12~1:~ 2 162 3 285 2 118 6Q, 4 278 04:15 1 96 2 126 3 222 0 103 166 3 269 04:30 2 97 5 tl';.,i"178' 7 ~f;27tf 1 117 160 5 277 liJ"\'''~.....1 04:45 2 114 7 r~~'4f'Y136ij 9 50; 1 108 151 7 259 05:00 5 114 ~Sj~:f,~:P"""'{ 11 i~l 7 129 184 12 313 6 fft~Sb1~i 05:15 7 103 9 ;""''''175' 16 u 6 126 158 11 284 L'>~__;..J 05:30 5 104 11 139 16 243 2 122 168 12 290 05:45 12 98 14 144 26 242 14 108 142 26 250 06:00 8 101 17 128 25 229 4 95 162 24 257 06:15 11 106 22 124 33 230 14 116 152 35 268 06:30 16 96 25 118 41 214 18 129 153 42 282 06:45 22 94 33 120 55 214 20 103 122 56 225 07:00 21 75 47 116 68 191 23 101 113 73 214 07:15 27 70 55 94 82 164 28 100 109 80 209 07:30 31 80 57 88 88 168 28 89 109 86 198 07:45 34 60 86 62 120 122 37 96 82 131 178 08:00 59 53 111 105 170 158 66 72 86 184 158 08:15 45 55 99 72 144 127 40 62 88 133 150 08:30 50 47 94 64 144 111 53 51 80 167 131 08:45 59 40 92 69 151 109 76 48 90 158 138 09:00 62 36 117 46 179 82 69 37 50 204 87 09:15 66 27 104 47 170 74 58 32 69 156 101 09:30 82 34 95 58 177 92 78 40 74 174 114 09:45 84 37 88 31 172 68 96 44 60 178 104 10:00 79 25 106 41 185 66 76 41 54 186 95 10:15 75 19 101 34 176 53 74 35 46 172 81 10:30 92 7 105 44 197 51 86 20 34 199 54 10:45 99 8 117 66 216 74 107 13 30 215 43 11:00 :~~ 8 ~~~~{f.~ 84 ~ 92 ~ 10 21 ,,'- 3if 31 11:15 's1'. a *"(;'j"4ttl:j"i;,,, 92 :'1 100 6: 6 27 14'] 33 11:30 92 '~~r~,,~ 30 37 >i,.J.9.j 6 31 243~ 37 02" 7 t~1~(;BtH! ., 11:45 3 fi:i?~126\l 9 8,1 12 ,,:',d18'1 12 .~~,;\:~ 26~ 21 Total 1472 3585 2143 5074 3615 8659 1556 4179 5497 3765 9676 Day 5057 7217 12274 5735 13441 Tolal % Total 12.0% 29.2% 17.5% 41.3% 11.6% 31.1% 16.4% Peak 11:00 03:15 11:00 04:30 11:00 04:30 11:00 03:00 11:00 03:15 11:00 03:00 Vol. 389 436 471 645 860 1073 449 514 513 664 962 1171 P.H.F. 0.900 0.886 0.935 0.906 0.943 0.941 0.943 0.840 0.867 0.865 0.904 0.915 City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 ..., 25-Ma--oS S<>"~ North Combi"led 26-M.....()6 Tm. .~ ..... P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. PM. SUn 12:00 6 145 11 164 17 ."'"-09' 12:15 4 111 21 152 25 ..3 12:30 2 ~~ff~i,'1.jHf 12 143 14 ',;<"J!~J ;t~~,j,."".r, 12:45 4U'~I,,';Et~~152; 11 133 15 ,'::,~'i~g~ t1~:x:'!;N"':.>"",.,.., 01:00 3~~m; 7 156 10 298 01:15 2 ti')U~"'~1122; 5 144 7 266 ~:."",~,--~ 01:30 0 136 3 139 3 275 01:45 0 145 3 150 3 295 02:00 4 132 3 144 7 276 02:15 2 134 3 140 5 274 02:30 0 132 6 147 6 279 02:45 0 118 3 148 3 266 03:00 3 118 4 146 7 264 03:15 0 140 0 140 0 280 03:30 2 139 4 152 6 291 03:45 1 132 2 155 3 287 04:00 4 118 4 130 8 248 04:15 0 139 2 ~:(~'#31Ji1l 2 293 04:30 1 130 31fsa1 4 280 04:45 1 129 4 c"!t.al 5 307 '~~"-"'''~''-'. 05:00 1 115 3 rr"l:y.1!'t3B.1 4 253 05:15 2 112 7 136 9 248 05:30 4 106 5 126 9 232 05:45 3 94 7 112 10 206 06:00 5 98 8 110 13 208 06:15 4 110 16 136 20 246 06:30 5 90 13 148 18 238 06:45 14 130 18 136 32 266 07:00 14 94 23 122 37 216 07:15 19 97 26 90 45 187 07:30 28 66 32 88 60 154 07:45 28 68 42 82 70 150 08:00 35 72 58 89 93 161 08:15 46 70 54 81 100 151 08:30 35 57 48 70 83 127 08:45 60 64 69 72 129 136 09:00 74 51 64 72 138 123 09:15 67 49 82 68 149 117 09:30 76 56 75 84 151 140 09:45 85 43 74 66 159 109 10:00 95 50 98 64 193 114 10:15 92 28 102 44 194 72 10:30 91 21 114 41 205 62 10:45 118 11 134 36 252 47 11:00 11 T 16 27 11:15 4 17 21 11:30 2 26 28 11:45 3 14, 17 Total 4427 5249 3388 9676 Day 13064 Total % Tolal 11.9% Peak 11:00 00:30 11:00 04:15 11:00 12:00 Vol. 511 557 554 620 1065 1141 P.H.F. 0.919 0.916 0.866 0.871 0.890 0.923 AOT Not Calculated .'"" A.M. P.M. . o 0 o 0.0% 0.0% Page 2 Site Code: Station 10: W. Branch SI SIO Oak Park Latitude: O' 0.000 Undefined Norlh Combr.ed A.M. PM. AM. P.M. o 0 o 0.0% 0.0% o o o IYldl I V VV Vv,;,).c:.~ r\UAi::III1It;;l LUf.lt;;l.c:. OLO-LOO-oq ( I P,IO City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 File Name : RanchoBranch Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 3/8/2006 Page No : 2 Rancho Pkwy Southbouoo ,--.. ! Slart Time Left Thru Right i ~ Left 'Peak Hour From 07:00AM to 11:.015 PM - Peak 1 of1 Intersection 08:00 AM Volume 112 0 41 153 0 Percent 73.2 0.0 26,8 0,0 06:30 26 0 14 40 0 Volume Peak Factor High Inl 08:45 AM 08:30 AM Volume 34 0 14 4B 0 64 Peak Factor 0.797 -;:: jiJ:; ~ -~ti-1' ~,,[}iilIN: . ~--+ - ,>- ~' ~ _." n_ ~ ::::IN ii2: ... l App. Left App, left App, Int Tolal Total Total Tota' 216 161 377 0 0 0 0 38 122 0 160 690 57,3 42,7 0,0 0.0 0.0 23,8 76.3 0,0 64 43 107 0 0 0 0 10 33 0 43 190 0,908 16:45:00 AM 43 107 0 0 0.881 i 08:15 AM o 8 41 o o 49 0.816 Oul In TD181 r-19-9J 153 ~ C3il:::-.. 0 112' Righi: nU\! letI ~ ! L. T ...:... ~O ~~ 3:.~ pl8I2OO6 8:60:00 I>Nf .~, 3f812OO68:45:0QAM I b-UnstIIfted _~ I _ 4--::r,." --tlI5'" ~ ~: ~U ~~~ ~~ '1 i r> L"~' L....~O 0-: r-'-n, '-'., ~ ~L~L-...!J.. Out In Total I 'Yl..U t..... VV V............G.~ n.U^dl If It:: LUI-''='L Rancl10 PItwy Southbound Start llme Left 1llfu Right . ~~~i. Left Peak Hour From 12:00 PM to 05:45 PM. Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 04:15 PM Volume 263 Percent 68.0 04:45 67 Voll.D1le Peak Faclor High Int 05:00 PM Volume 79 Peak Faclor o 0.0 o 124 32.0 32 387 o 28 107 0.904 ~O~~ .... ~ . !-' ~ -E~ ~,~_ ~ OJ! dO on 99 O~O-~:X>"'411 p.1f City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 o 0.0 o App. Left Total 240 374 614 0 0 0 39.1 60.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 77 99 176 ! 0 0 0 04:45 PM o 77 99 176 0.8121 o o Out In Total C@ r ~387: ~~ diI: ruO ~J :r T1 4 1. 0064:16:00PMl ooe 5:00:00 PM I 1-~iW I .. T r> Left ThN Rigk r-;or 01 01 L. 01 I I 01 r.:::ID 0uI In TDt8I o File Name : RanchoBranch Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 3/812006 Page No : 3 App. Left App. Int. TDlaI Total Total 0 84 231 0 315 1316 26.7 73.3 0.0 0 16 55 0 71 346 0.951 04:15 PM 01 26 67 0 93 0.847 U~D~ ;tit ~. -< ; +--:r"" . lJI-iiiI i! a ..~ H ~ ~- r~_. _'~ ~ ~ iil~ IVIOI Iv VV Vv.v'-I-' I\U^Cllllll:l L...Ul-'l:IL VLV-LoJV-V"'" I f).lv City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 File Name : RanchoBranch Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 3/812 006 Page No : 1 Grou- Printed-1 - Unshifted Rancho Pkwy I W. Btanch St Rancho Pkwy W. Branch SI SouthbClund Westbound Northbound , Eastbound Start TIme Left Ttru R hI left Tntu Rihl Left Thru R h1 Left Thru Rlg!1t. Inl Total I Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 I 07:00 AM 10 0 3 0 31 12 0 0 0 3 22 0 81 07:15 AM 21 0 2 0 39 16 0 0 0 0 2D 0 98 07:30AM 26 0 9 0 37 23 0 0 0 2 21 0 118 _..fJ7:4!5AM 18 0 8 0 59 45 0 0 0 2 30 0 182 Total 75 0 22 0 186 96 0 0 0 7 93 0 459 08:00AM 18 0 :1 0 47 391 0 0 0 3 22 II 137 08:15AM 34 0 0 59 35 0 0 0 8 41 182 08:30 AM 26 0 14 0 64 43 0 0 0 10 33 190 06:45AM 34 0 14 0 46 44 0 0 0 17 26 181 Total 112 0 41 0 216 161 0 0 0 3ll 122 690 04:00 PM 68 0 26 0 65 n' 0 0 ~I 13 58 0 a07 04:15 PM 60 0 33 0 45 781 0 0 26 67 0 309 04:30 PM 57 0 31 0 60 103 0 0 18 66 0 335 04:45PM 67 0 32 0 77 99 0 0 0 16 55 0 346 Total 252 0 122 0 247 357 0 0 0 73 245 0 1297 05:00 PM 79 0 28 0 58 941 0 0 0 24 43 ~I 326 05:15 PM 77 0 25 0 60 82 0 0 0 15 44 303 05:30 PM 70 0 28 0 58 81 0 0 0 23 63 323 05:45 PM 80 0 26 0 61 84 0 0 0 16 53 320 Total 306 0 107 0 237 341 0 0 0 76 203 O! 1272 Grand Total 745 0 292' 0 866 9551 0 0 01 196 664 0.~1 3718 Apprch % 71.8 0.0 26.21 0.0 47.6 52.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 ; 22.8 772 Total % 20.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 23.3 25.7 0.0 0.0 0.0. 5.3 17.9 0.0 'V'UI t v v.... ................. I\.VAClIIIIII:!' L..U!JC'L O.!o-.!OO""O'f { I pA City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 File Name : BranchCamino Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 3fB/2006 Page No : 2 L , App.1 Total I App. Int Total Total 26 44 73 167 9 269 265 14 8 307 34 2()5 0 239 659 63.6 27.1 69.5 3.3 92.6 4.6 2.6 14.2 65.8 0.0 12 15 13 56 2 71 80 0 1 61 9 66 0 75 242 0.867 08:45 AM 06:30 AM 08:00 AM 08:30 AM 0 3 12 15 24 56 3 63 73 6 2 61 11 64 0 75 0.733 0.810 0.948 0.797 ... Out " T.... '.E] Cffi o:w ~!fl~ J :!i~ - 1~ .eO li...c I ~ ...... ~..~ ~- r: .""OOAMi -a :~". 8I2OO68:4S:00AM . ..,. ~ c_ -~ - r, ~ 6'" h 1-Unshifted .r-I~ e f <; r r+ loft TIuu .""" '-L1 ~ ~ no7l : 3951 our In Tot.II ,w,,.., ,v VV Vv."'TV.... I'V^,,:lllllO L..VtJ'C.?I:. V'V-';')v-V~I I ~.o City T rafflc Counters 626.256.4171 File Name : BranchCamino Site Code : 00000000 Start Date ; 31812006 Page No : 3 , Camino Mercado . W. Branch SI I Southbound Weslbound I Start Tim~ lllN. Right ::i LltftfThN RighI Peak Hour From 12:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 04:15 PM I Volume 6 27 44 77 174 358 Percent 7.8 35.1 57 1 32.3 66.4 04:15 2 7 12 21 43 104 Volume Peak Factor . High Int. 05:00 PM 04:15 PM VokJme 0 11 19 30. 43 104 1 Peak Fact>r 0.642 I App. Total CamillO MercadO Northbound LeIlI_ThN Right App. Total App. Total InL Total Len J 7 539 262 4 21 287 58 396 2 454 1357 1.3 91.3 1.4 7.3 12.3 87.2 0.4 1 148 87 0 8 75 11 105 1 117 361 0.940 148 0.910 04:15 PM 67 0 8 . 04:15PM 751' 11 105 0.957 I 117 0.970 \.iammo MelCaGO_ Oul In Tdal r:=EI C 71. CE4J I ':_: 16] '"'I" TIvu loft ._ L. 1 L_____ -r;.1 ~I;. Iij :._1 -("liJ ~=~ I Bli-. ~.~ " ~~ ~ ;r--;.. T 1'1,"" -I - 0 'Y~' ~ ~s " .-~ I ri"i .--5:- ~....ii ... ~ ili!! ~- 31B12006 .:15:00 PNi--' 3fBI2OOEj 5:00:00 PM I 11-lAIVIfted __J l I I i .., i '''. J J , left T'hn.i Riohl I~ '1 2~ D:@ L~L~ Out In T I I I ; -- ......... .- -- --"'r- , ._..~." ,- ...-,......- "'....."'-.....VV'""'V"TI I ~." city Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 File Name : BranchCamino Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 31B/2006 Page No : 1 Grou"" Printed- 1 - Unshifted I Camino Mercado I w_ Brancll 5t Camino Mercado W. Branch SI Sou1hbound Weslbound Northbound Eastbound 5wt Tme I.e/ll ThnJ I RkIhl' I.e/lT Thou R"hl LeftT Thru r ""hi. lalli Thru 1 Riahl Int Talal i Faclor 1.01' 1.0-) 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.01 1.01 1.0 1.0 I 1.0, 1.0 07:00 AM 1 0 0 14 9 0 26 1 0 5 20 0 78 07:15 AM 1 7 0 17 13 1 43 3 0 2 26 0 113 07:30 AM 1 7 3 24 24 2 S7 4 2 8 10 0 140 07:45 AM 4 7 6 18 47 3 88 14 3 16 30 0 2J6 Talal 7 21 9, 73 93 6 214 22-. 5 29 B6 0 565 , 08:00 AM 0 1 4' 21 32 3 73 6 2 6 30 0 178 08:15AM 1 5 7' 15 43 1 69 6 0 8 45 0 200 08:30 AM 0 6 5 24 56 3 63 2 5 11 84 0 239 08:45 AM 0 3 12 13 56 2 80 0 1 9 68 0 242 Total 1 15 28-: 73 187 9 285 14 8 34 205 0 859 04:00 PM 1 6 10 41 85 it 85 1 8 15 90 0 322 04:15 PM 2 7 12 43 104 or 0 8 11 105 1 381 04:30 PM 1 5 8 40 79 87 0 6 15 95 1 319 04:45 PM 3 4 5 50 79 70 2 0 17 95 0 326 ToIal 7 22 35 174 347 269 ...-3 20 56 385 2 1330 05:00 PM 0 11 19 41 96 ~I 58 2 7 13 lOt ] 349 05:15 PM 2 4 11 40 63 60 2 2 5 93 302 05:30 PM 2 5 11 61 77 84 2 2 9 100 338 05:45 PM 2 7 10 38 n O. 72 1 6 5 96 309 Tolal 6 27 51 180 326 4 254 7 17 32 390 1296 GrClfld Total 21 65 1231 500 955 27' 1022 46 4~1 153 1066 0.;1 4050 App'ch% 9.2 37.1 53.7 33.7 84.4 1.8 91.4 4.1 12.5 87.3 Total % 0.5 2.1 3_0 12.3 23.6 0.7 25.2 1.1 1.2 i 3.8 26.3 0.0 U'IClI I"" VV Vo,J.v1t-J l'\UACllllll=' LU].Jt:::L O,O-LOO-o4' "I p.1.j City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 File Name : OakCamino Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 31712006 Page No : 2 Left App. Left App. IIllI Total TOIaI . Total I 185 527 18 31 102 151 66 741 Z1 _I 220 26 161 4071 1919 35.1 11.9 20.5 67.5 7.9 88.8 32 54.1 6.4 39.6 49 1-48 5 10 28 43' 19 211 9 239 68 8 40 106 S36 0.895 08:15AM 07:45 AM 07:45 AM 07;45 AM 24 76 48 150 I 5 10 26 43 19 211 9 239 68 8 40 106 0.8781 0.878 0.872 0.960 "" -1!L TaIaI I 1063, 5'Zl I 15901 r\eSI--= I 841 :r - Loll I 4 ~ ~~~: ~:l'l~...1' DeO OCI". c=:_.... (If~_ E ('. . 1l~' Ch T NorlIl ~ E1lll7:31f.OOAN:J l'2OO68;1S:OOAM 1-Unshilled ~i ., T r' left T.... 56 ., om .34 =mD 0'- .. T"'" ..,...' ,............ .............,1-' , '....^a. 1110 l-Vt-/vL OLO-LOO-o~' I p.H City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 Stan TIme Left Thru Right App. App. Total: Total Peak Hour From 12:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 IntersecliOn 04:45 PM I 1411 Volume 129 522 259 1020 ! 38 34 69 65 609 Percent 12.6 61.0 26.4 i 27.0 24.1 48.9 9.2 116.6 05:00 42 148 67 257 9 10 31 50 20 162 Volume I I 04:45 PM Peak Factor High Int 05:30 PM , 05:00 PM Volume 25 172 67 2641 9 10 31 50 20 166 Peak Factor 0.966 0.705 File Name : OakCamino Site Code :00000000 Start Date : 3f712006 Page No :3 App. Le1t App. In!. Total Total TCltalJ 29 703 401 55 406 862 2726 4.1 46.5 6.4 47.1 8 190 106 14 100 220 717 0.950 05:15 PM 5 191 99 19 118 236 0.920 0.913 Out .. ... Tolal I 10791 ~ ' 2099: 1_. 2891 622/ '1 1291 '"I/< Thru l.sft ,- L. .. 1--.. i i ':f T l~': .:1 ~ N_ I~ ~.5~. :&~~ C1'2iicio...,00....---1 -;} '''~''~ ~ - ~ I7r.:OO6 5:30;00 PM i:! ~ ~. 6 ii. ~ . G_ '<<I . o.e 1-l!.~ftecl .-------.-! .-' (I ~l~ ...~ .a,:--&':r.o '-fD G ~l! ~- -, I- I .., 1 r+ Ldt Thill Rilihr I 651 609~ 2i] I 1i0661 C.~ 17691 I Out In Total ",.... ,.., '-'v..................."" ".....^Ollll~ L-VtJQL OLO-LOO-t:l4fl p.l;! City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 File Name : OakCamino Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : Sn/2006 Page No : 1 .. El Camino Real ,. Oak Park Blvd EI Camino Real ! Oak Parle. Blvd Southbound Westbound Northbound EastbOUfld SlaltTk'ne Left Tllru Riaht Left I Thru r Riahl' LeIt I TIIru RoW Left Thrv R' hI. In!. Total FadDr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 I 1.0.. 1.0' 1.0 I 1.0 1.0 1.0/ 1.0 '.0.. 07:00AM 8 27 20 4 2 22 8 115 2 29 3 18 256 07:15AM 13 39 4' 2 5 14 18 133 6 34 6 2' 332 07:30 AM 22 49 50 4 3 22 24 200 61 60 3 38 481 07:45 AM 23 76 49 5 '0 28 19 211 ~l 58 8 40 636 Total 68 '91 160 15 20 86 69 659 18' 20 117 1607 G~P_ 1 - Unshifted 08:00 AM 15 55 38 3 9 30 10 17' 3 49 5 40 428 08:'5AM 24 78 48 6 9 22 13 159 9 53 10 43 474 08:30AM 26 67 31 4 9 39 9 153 5 61 11 41 456 08:45 AM 15 69 40 2 7 32 15 183 8 75 8 45 477 Total 80 269 157 15 34 123 47 646 25 238 32 169 1835 t>4:00 PM 31 161 46 6 7 21 8 131 19 91 14 74 609 t>4:15 PM 32 183 61 9 8 18 15 139 5 100 10 80 640 t>4:30 PM 36 131 68 8 9 18 18 139 5 95 12 101 640 t>4:45 PM 33 158 61 13 6 14 20 166 5 89 9 102 676 Total '32 613 238 36 30 . 71 61 575 34 375 45 357 2565 05:00 PM 42 148 67 9 10 31 , 20 162 8 106 14 1001 7'7 05:15 PM 29 144 74 7 12 131 17 137 7 99 19 118 676 05:30 PM 25 172 67 9 6 11' 8 144 9 107 13 861 657 05:45 PM 25 126 61 7 8 11! 10 131 4 82 12 941 571 ToIaI 121 590 269 32 36 66 55 574 28 394 58 3981 2621 Grand ToIaI 399 1663 822 98 120 6~1 232 2454 110 1188 155 10411 8628 ~rth% 13.8 57.7 28.5 17.4 21.3 8.3 87.8 3.9 49.8 6.5 43.7 Total % 4.6 19.3 9.5, 1.1 1.4 4.0 2.7 28.4 1.3, 13.8 1.8 '2.1 ..,.... ,... -... .............,... ,'\VA<;U II ,<;;> L..VtJQL. OLO.LOO.oQ4 (-I p.1U City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 File Name : OakBranch Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 3/7/2006 Page No : 2 App. Total App. Total W. Brancl1 SI Eastbound Left Thru Right! Aw. Total Int. Total Left 195 595 188 18 257 463 408 455 163 10.6 0 0 0 0 2104 32.8 40.6 3.9 55.5 39.0 43.5 17.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 92 51 155 49 5 81 135 105 143 53 301 0 0 0 0 591 , 0.69D 06:15AM 07:45 AM : 07:45 AM 6:45:00 AM 15 88 55 158, 49 5 81 135 105 143 53 301. 0.941 i 0.857 0.8691 "" 'n T.... c:::rg; 595 I 13011 '95 340 .. - TtnJ Left +-' 1 4 ~ !r@ >-O~1~.,j" =- ., o ~~ O2 l!L f=.-+ c'l~ h T -- Um'~~ ~~ t--~..: ~,~ ~~'Yi' 1!lJ- iTf2006 7:45:00 r.lGGS 8:30:00 AM l-Urlshifl8d --1 T left TIwu RIghl 1 ~81 4~~ , , S28J I '0461 DlliI O&t In Tala! 1---- ., c> , 'Vldl ,v VV V\J....JVJJ r..UAi::U Illt:# LUIJt:#,l. Oak Park Blvd Soutnbound Start Time LeIt Thru Right I ':-:~i left Peak Hour From 12:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 04:45PM Veluma 178 626 167 971 401 Pertanl 18.3 64.5 17.2 52.8 05:00 41 168 50 259 108 Velume Peak Factor Hi9h Inl 05:00 PM 05:00 PM Volume 41 168 50 259 108 16 Peak Factor 0.937 :oj o~ o'!;J '"' ~ L dE O2 e , t=- 8~ 0_ ~ ~-... City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 O.o::::O-LOO-oq., I p.11 File Name : OakBranch Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 31712006 Page No : 3 w. Branch sj' Eastbound App. Lelt Thru Right App. Int. T_ Total Total' 55 303 759 219 523 330 1072 0 0 0 0 2802 7.2 39.9 20.4 48.8 30.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 16 89 213 59 142 74 275 0 0 0 0 747 0.938 05:30 PM 89 213 47 143 0.891 Od In Total C]1!] L:]ITI D!W f----hrrr- 6281-1781 Riqht 1hRl Left ..1 4 T Nath 1317:200S 4:45:00 PM t3m2OOG 5:30:00 PM . I1-Unshilted ...~.J ~ l' ~ left Thru ~ht r-r91 5Z31~~9J . '=1 r',-bJ [,2099] 0.... 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Braoclt St I Soufhbound Weslbaurd N_bound Ea.\boU1d Start Time Lefll Thru Riahl Lelll Thru Left I Thru R'ht Left I Thru I Riehl I loL Telal Factor 1.01 1.0 1.0 1.0; 1.0. 1.0 1.0 I 1.0. 1.0 1.01 1.0 I 1.0 ) 07;00 AM 4 47 2B 15 3 32 80 46 27 0 0 0 282 07:15 AM 19 69 32 19 8 26 104 50 22 0 0 0 347 07:30 AM 16 91 39 17 5 44 136 87 39 0 0 0 476 07:45 AM 12 92 51 49 5 61 105 143 53 0 0 0 591 Total 51 299 150 100 19 183 427 326 141 0 0 0 1696 08:00 AM 17 74 37 39 1 ~I 107 105 46 0 0 01 486 08:15 AM 15 86 55 62 7 98 96 33 0 0 O. 508 08:30AM 16 86 52 36 5 62 96 111 51 0 0 0 519 08:45AM 26 79 42 42 14 64 67 138 55 0 0 0 647 Total 74 327 186 181 27 240 390 450 185 0 "0-' 0 2060 04:00 PM 35 151 171 101 18 85 43 118 72 0 0 0; 838 04:15 PM 41 143 31 105 17 75 52 137 81 0 0 0 882 04:30 PM 43 149 35 86 14 85 42 125 64 0 0 0 863 04:45 PM 49 146 40' 104 10 79 Sl 119 68 0 0 0 694 Telal 168 591 123 396 57 324 194 499 325 0 0 0 26n 05:00 PM 41 168 t'~ 16 ~I 59 142 :1 0 0 01 747 05:15 PM 46 146 12 56 119 0 0 0 676 05:30 PM 40 162 36 94 17 58 47 143 6B 0 0 0 663 05:45 PM 35 138 34 79 11 71 42 102 85. 0 0 0 597 TclaI 164 616 161 376 56 295 204 506 327. 0 0 0 2705 Grand Total 457 1833 620 I 1053 159 10421 1215 1781 9781 0 0 0~1 9136 Appl'ch% 15.7 63.0 21.31 46.7 7.1 46.2 30.6 44.8 24.6 0.0 0.0 Total'll. 5.0 20.1 6.8 11.5 1.7 11.4 13.3 19.5 10.7 0.0 0.0 0.01 IVlcal loJ VV Vv.""tV.., , 'V^Ol 1110 L.VjJOL VLV-LVV-V.." 1 City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 Oak Park Blvd Southbound Start Time Loft Thru Right I :':i Left Peak Hour From 07:00 AM to 11 :45 PN - Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 07:451W1 Volume 13 213 25 251 170 77 Percent 5.2 84.9 10.0 65.1 29.5 07:45 4 66 6 76 45 19 Volume . Peak Factor High Int 07:45 AM 07:45 AM Volume 4 66 6 76 45 19 Peak Factor 0.826 , ]I~ 020 H~t"...t ~,,~ n~: I 5-! I "'-. \~Ilfh :.J - l I I App. Total 14 5.4 3 2611 I . 67 ' 154 29.3 42 3 I 07:45 AM 67\ 42 n 0.974 T ....h piit2006 704':00:J pn12006 8:30:0C1 All. 1-UnsNftec;i _ ~ i ~ len TtnJ~ht ~ 250 1221 ,....; [3;j 10111 l".iOI an Total ".. File Name : JamesOak Site Code :00000000 Start Date: 317/2006 Page No : 2 Left 250 47.5 n 122 23.2 36 102 52.6 20 36 526 34 58 17.5 29.9 150 10 8 \. 08:00 AM 150 8 16 0.877 . '-+ t-i~~.~ ~[? ...- ,I ~ <4-2" '5'": . .!l ~!:a ~i r-- --- I App. Int. Total Tolar I 194 : 1232 , 38 331 0.931 31 55 0.882 . IVlal ,-.) VV V-.).""t'Q'1-" I \VAOIIIIO L..VpOl:.. V"'V-"',^,,~'l ~.v City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 File Name : JamesOak Site Code : 00000000 Start Date: 317/2006 Page No : 3 Start Time Left Aw. Ajlp. Right App. Left Aw. Inl Total Total Total Total 65 414 156 76 27 2591 202 194 2lI3 599 79 160 238 ml 1749 15.7 60.2 29.3 10.4 33.7 32A 33.9 16.6 33.5 49.9 I ! 16 115 46 19 8 73 46 55 53 154 27 37 48 112 464 0.963 05:30 PM 05:15 PM 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 10 97 12 119 46 19 8 73 57 58 51 1661 16 43 68 127 0.870 0.887 0.9ll2 0.939 0.. In TdaJ O@ ~lf1:il ~' .: 55 3091 401 hi l1vu left , 4 <-' . i I ~J~ rlj~J ~.E~~~_' ~ ~ ~ "- ~ h j North 't...i'~i, ~~ it ~ ~ - . -< 3 <t-;;r 5= . j ~ ~ n ~i 3l1J20D64:45;01l PM~l 3f7/20OG 5:30:00 PM : 1 . ~sHfted *1 T r" I Cr,: ~J' "ri . , I 703; 599 ~ I Out In Total I"QI I V VV Vu,""TVP I \V^QIIII'G L..VtJCi" City Traffic Counters 626.256.4171 V,,"V-'o,..,/V-V"T I t ~.v File Name : JamesOak Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 317f2006 Page No : 1 Grou"" Printed- 1 - Unshifted Oak Part_ T James Wa~ Oak Pall< BIYd James Wa~ I Southbound Westbound Northbound EasIbound Sian Tine Left . ThruT RIlIhI Left I TIwu . hi. Left Thru R' hi Left ThnJ . RiOht Int Tofail Factor 1.0 1.0' 1.0 1.0 I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 , 07:00 IW. 1 17 2 32 11 4 26 35 10 6 -3 11 158 07:15 AM 4 33 8 3D 13 2 26 28 10 4 8 27 193 07:30AM 2 80 7 48 8 9 24 55 18 5 7 28 272 07:45AM 4 66 6 45 19 3 42 72 36 10 8 20 331 Tolal 11 176 23 155 51 18 118 191 74 25 2Il 86 954 06:00 AM 08:15 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM Tolal 04:00 PN 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:00PM 05:45 PM Tola! Grand Total Apprdl % Tolal% 3 2 4 6 15 51 49 47 35 182 2 7 6 8 23 59 63 69 66 247 58 88 97 59 302 907 78.3 16.9 11 11 10 7 39 88 7.6 1.6 1641 14.2 aD, 9 8 4 6 25 :~ 1 16 20: 80 17 III 31 36 23 35 125 39 46 36 30 151 591 62.7 11.0 40 39 46 35 180 17 22 20 25 84 19 19 13 10 61 277 29.4 5.1 22 21 15 23 81 3 4 4 5 16 :1 6. z:1 751 8.01 1.4 ~I 3 4 15 . 45 24 43 40 152 56 66 65 69 256 57 46 30 37 170 696 34.4 12.9 61 64 53 50 228 35 41 38 37 151 58 55 44 35 192 762 37.7 14.2 31 27 28 36 122 8 11 5 10 34 41 41 37 51. 170 . 19 18 20 18 75 51! 18 43 53 27 37 48~ 18 40 45 18 22 197 79'- 142 5631 213 372 27.9 16.9 29.6 10.5 4.0 6.9 16 18 18 14 64 31 J 25 26 26 108 3S 27 3B 40 140 64; 67 73 66 270 681 481 ~I 672 ' 53.5 I 12.5 322 289 290 285 1186 375 403 399 440 1617 445 454 410 314 1623 5380 w c Z(;jco ~:::ig In ....('11 -g>> 0........ >-ora ... :::::J OQ.!: D::CI.lra .... >..., ....0::"0 <( ra CI.l -.... 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M~h~;:Qt.ilf:F:aGt9r?~%W:~;:,' ' ,; ~'::;,',':~;m1,~'99/,~{,~1[QQ~1:r~~;~~~;,OQy,'~{~~}~Q:QFj<;~;@KQQ~E:*P;:{:-';~::({~{~~.~t~,QQ;f~}}lQ,I.~1?:7,\.':;~;~':~',:I~,~;':::tj::,t1.)~PQ~~,;;Q.r~~:~-(':S;:~~;:1i[.~ Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.98 ~'!li:!Efq.t~9!~'q,':~!f":i,."~:::~~~Jx~~};}1:'Q:;'~9.,~~~l:st'[Q.QJ~t!f{t;Q"Q~1;~.Pl~~fdf~~~E1'~'Q'Q]~1~[~&5~~~t~i~~9I~~~-:'~;:1,~'QQ)!ttf:1t}~1~t{flQ:~,~~iB~il~~.QQ.~tf;'~;1;~;;>;~ Said. Flow (prot) 1770 1863 1583 1770 1820 1770 3365 1770 3484 ~Iti,~~rmitted;;" :it '.. '.. .............0!(j9'.;@\Q,Q;S'vliiQQ;:'.!';Q: 1;?!.t(~,1~:O~':;);1j~,..,;;.;iot~.~i~9;1~Q()t\;~.~~,:',':..;Q,~~(.(;.1'!Q~6).;i,2.,G';;: Said. Flow (perm) 1291 1863 1583 1334 1820 1770 3365 1770.. 3484 YOlume(vph) 345.8.....' .'1 Q2':"':0110."\%7'" ;;'14" 154;;;i.~~0i"';,;}g?;,;. '13);:;:~,13(':Y:f25 Peak-hour faclor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92" 0.92 0.92 f\dj.FI()~(vph)37;.;, ,.133 .tt1;j!i;i")!l4 .15 167,> .2}2'13~VY14""?32 /?,T RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 88 0 12 0 0 61 0 0 16 0 l2'ane,GroLIp.'FIQw.,(yph): .,', ';37",'" ;,63],:'i,i{23}:";1!t5F;;"\'JIl7,0';;~!%O,.Y"'1 E;7,!,':;' 3i1.41!;Ji;7%;~Oi:9ii!;i:;14jb g43~(.'" .':'0 Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Prol Prol Pt9t~9t~9: phases: Permitted Phases A,CfiJaledGreeh((3X(s) "';1Q:?};' .:;1gt?'i;::19;?:1'i::1q:gf(:,m.g,!gJl!!7'f;':;'g::;"9;?'!~f?Z.(gtf:!3.~:2:D . ,OI8;::WIj Bl6,{'> ,; Effeclive Green, g (s) 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 9.2 27.0 O:il'x-j8.6" , 1;\~Il:!a!Eld,g/C 'R~li().;" . '()i~.Q(iJ"Ol?Q"io.go ;,'rF?pff::'o:?p,\::,it.. ,.-;/!t,):;i);@:R OY~4!i:>!..(;ij~:2~;l:lj9,?'i[f'Of~Z;:!;:!!;h;j~1 Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 'Y.e~icle ExlehsiohE(~);:.>;!3:0!i\:!;!.3!Oj'}F{;.J1Pli!i;;;:1.3':oji!Eii:rol{~*:;!fi;@".;;!3jO:;;f~Jf31Pfl;;i~,--:;;'::"W~3~O;t;i;j: 3~Qg:;:C'.!;;i Lane Grp Cap (vph) 263 380323 272 .371.. .326 1817.. . 28 1296 y!~'1 ~~!.i.(;W~r.ot;;~,;,fr:'~SV, ;~::f;;i}" ...;;~;;:'..?;~iQ{9,~:H,i!~:~~9'"i!:;f"5;ht~;~[{~lJ;WI~~\;\'T~~,~t~;tJ:~~;FQ;9,~~r~~~~f.j~:9.'f~2Mff~tf{}t~;~i: ~1.Q;~}~~E~O.;Q7;:j~~l~~;VtJ vis Ratio Pemi 0.03 0.01 cO.14 v/cRalio .','" 0:t4..'O!'1,".)"ilf:07'C'O!68; . or2':t;\':J" Unifo~rn Delay, d1 16.3'16:4 . '16.118:4 ,. 16:6 . Progression Factor 1.00 1.00" LOO,t.M" 1.00': incremental Delay, d2 0.2 0.2 0.1 6.8 0.3 Delay(s) 16.6.'}6.6! 16;2. 25:2i.I{)irO Level of Service B B B C B Api?rq?cb!Del~%($Ji. i.. .;:tti:t',"c;1'~;4:i .'. .. Approach LOS B I I! -. "-I' _!!S',-- -,':1'i'i~~"-"".'! ""'''~''''''ifb'''''';'' "~li:,;<. i,__;h"",*",~""__", . . "'","'."""" .-'~._~r:$,~.9._[O.IJ~. _,qr;n1J1~~:~~..;.,,";;~~~~:gi;;~~~~,J.7\,~.:;.ct!~~~~'};m;~I!~~ '"'.~:.:. '~~l:~'t~~1Jl~~r.;.,~~~. HCM Average Conlrol Delay 14.1 HCM Level of Service B H G M ,\-y o.J, Li iii e ,tt?:',Gap~qi.tY:fati Q:; ;. :'q,it:F:',:('. .;;~;~t); q~?~~:i::,.;:,~j1Jl~t:;f::~~~~"~~'f1'!;i~~~~f;W:Z~;:{f1;}i!;~}~:~;:ft~:g;'~t~':x,r'~r~~~~~.~a;~~?': :f~;[:\;:}ft~j;;i,~S7 ,'~~;;',:~~~i0~~:;~~\~?c. ~!'.' :~; ACtualed Cycle LEmglh (s)' 50.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Inier$~cliori' ()?p~citY".W.ti!!k@p.6;f'F~::?r11{!:j41t3%;';M!i,jj\~,!€!(m.~~y~1.'6.fll3.~rY.i6~"J!!W~f;.')i;. '5~j'~;!i'iK~it~.!:Z~~},tj;. Anaiysis Period (min) .. 15 q~r~~FJ!i,S~'~,L_~D~~~.f9:~P. :~.v~:2~!:)iJ?J:;:;:~. '~,H;:~~;~~r;t;'t~~~l@~~~~,::"H~~r::j;1j1.i~~(;~0:i~;~~Jf1f1~Er~\~~:f1:~'.~~::!i~g~:,.~~{~;(rt~t~~~f..~~E;}~~f~;:z,-J,'G~':';::~JjNl:~~~:~~;,:\~~~{~!3nJ~ ,) 0 !51';UFd;19 .c;;;,"".?()!5()'o:1!.;Oj;19.......i, 18.4' 5.9 '24.4' 1 0.6 '1!:.o6. .1 :99; \;+ifroo .1'0911/ 1.4 0.2 13.4 0.3 .19;7;./;;p.13:1;';:"'" "_37r,~';i.;'1 O,.gi'i., BAD B <~: ,;. ~. :;"i'H' Existing AM Peak Hour Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: W Branch Street & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 / - "'). .. - '- '\ t /'" \. + ~ ;Y;o~i:[r'i~~;r~~:;~,J1E.~Ig;~l,t~~~~[\R~~J:!1Il1,^,)!g.6J~'t>t~~IjJI:l.~F.l~.tilBmii.l~BiJ1l1~I3.J!ltiig!2m1t~rB.~ @i~[(~~~:{"~ff~1)i~~!:':~:i:;!.~Q9,ji;,1~ltQl'BI~QQ;?i~~ 90~1'\~ft"~;mjt~;9~W.i,jgQd~g,1:~:@\!gQ9!:.!9~<l~ihI}9QAY;!x1.~Q~ Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 kfi6~t~JO.i;';,F~~JPL'~:~':" ; ;~;:~\~:Bf4;I~i\0{;::1!:,{k~,,:,::~:~:~;'~~lfX;~~1Y[QUjtit~:~~~~'n~~dJ~9}~~1~g!!f,Q:g~}.:rQ~$]J::;;:(\;ifl1~f€lQ~1P9is~:t~if{Q"m~::~~t1gQ Frt 1.00 0.87 0.85 1.00 0.96 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt;F,'fqt{i:SJ~d""':;;::,1'] .' '.:;';r~;\iBt'~tjj~iA;'i~~I;i~i' :;K;'t:Qf~~~i'lt;QQ)]~j:l::Q.Qt'~;\;;Q.:~~1lft'\~iL(JQ;i;X;~:[:"'ti{gf9.8;!f..,1i90!i\2:,~)fQQ Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1538 1504 1770 3387 1770 1863 1583 F'li Perm itted ,. 0.95..,.1:(J(J2:;:'1"00' . (J.g5>.~I1::00~;;.:i::.;CO!95t{i'}!(J(Jft.1.0(J Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 15381504 1'1'7'0'3387" 1i76"186:t 1583 \/ohimEl.(vph) '. .0, .,O.i'; '0,: j13ei;:,:}8",,?9~:'.,408i:4?8;;.:i.113~i":R~;:340':;,}99 Peak-hour factor, PHI" 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0;92 0.92.~:920.92 0:92 0,92 0.92 0.92 Adj iFlow,(vph) ':;:~O' /'2041';'20. . 2-79:':')i..44~;'/;;495~,;ii199tj,'!Ji:;;;6!5i ~70,:,'+:;j'2,j!2 RTORReduction(vph) 0 0'0 112 '113' '0 59""i)"'o ' 0 "1s-6 ti3be'~-r6Up,Flo'wr(VRtJ );:;;':;;)'0~:,:'?i~;.;[tJi;;Xc:2j(J}('!:';'20ilif~t'!iiii4't0;;i:R:,,2i~'i'\~4:433'l1!(133S,~liti/~t.!(Ji,;;'i;;;::6~~;~;i3'iOf,)1'1\,,6:,1 Turn Type Prot Prot Prot Prot Perm Rtotected Phases;;:::,;'.,: . ..... Permitted Phases Actu<!tEld:Greeh,:(3',{s) . .'[:,;,;!<:k'; ,;',' ' Effective Green, g (s) AcllIaled:g/C Ratio"';';:;',.;' " ,.. Clearari~e Time(s) Yehicle~Extensiqfjr(sh;'>[!';~::.~;~\;;:f:,;':'i~Y}'~;)}9'st;~~~:~;~~,~_U?~~~:{:,-F_):;-:T3Td,iti'01.;~31Qf;~r~1~@YO*':(':'\ ':3rQg~~1;':f:r{;o.~;Z.~dl{g;:~:I,~Wt:,3rO.~~~~~~;.3~O.t:~~.~~:;3::0. Lane Grp Cap (vph) 345 300 293 552 1801 130 546 464 Y{'~'.8Clt!o.Prot'.'?::i:ti:;(":Ai ....liFm.ji;i::,~i:1!~~!i\f.:'r9i:l.12:j.iiOiQ~f0~!.Q:9g,;:rc9l?p;!;;t:'~t'f.~~:j:.:yW'.' :!~ii!,,(J!(j4;~99]~9ir:';i,U vis Ratio Perm vie Raii() . Uniform Delay, d1 Progression Factor Incremental Delay, d2 pelay,,(s).' ." .. Level of Service 6 ;:..,'~::11 ;lj;5{:~~;l'fi;11::7;i:/:':18;t' ir3f9\;:;::;:'}:i;"{:::fi:~.: "1.t:6';'i~1:7,\6 .. . TU - 11:7 1'1:7" iaY'3(9 . .. . .... . - 4.4' 17.6 '. i7.6 :...:3QIA~r~\~QA 9' "o.!;1 ~~;:;FQ;~~1t. .:~,53::':!'t::f;;;:o.:07, 0.29~;::0,2~ 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 . "0.59. '0,16'::0:'09> 22.0 20.1 19.8 1'.00 1.00 1.00.' 2.7 0.2 0.1 ..... ';::;':;';;;;,::",24.T:,;?q.~3.;::;1~:9.. C C B "':, 0.04 . OJllF(J{35' "', h,:;:i"';(J:5(J,\0[68/FOi!j'3 19.0 8.1 "26:7 18.'715.6 1.09>/0:62 .:....:)}O;. 0.65..9:49 7.6 0.5 2.9 6.4 0.6 ",.2.8:?'.' .!:;:R!.8~::;;7::s,d.",~Z:l!~~i1.?jZ':. ;,.13,2 CAD B A ~ef!l\!'ifs.\Trj1rnaf,Wli'at!Ei~&J'~:;;i1,~,t;"'~1!t3!J~\"Z!I;'1iil.ij~Ai.~~~Hl-:~~~~~$'g;ijl~;i!t$~A HCM Average Control Delay 16.8 HCM Level of Service B HCM.Volume,to,Ca'pacity.ralio: "':,;i.t,:i".:io~7:1L'.':' ,:"",\:i,,>; ::, ..<::;'k<-X,:,:"l, ,;t.", Aci~atedCycleLe~gih(sj .' ".'. '!ili.a' "Surii;;fiostii;;;~(s) ....".. Jh~~~~'~~t!.9ri,'q.~P.~9-!tYZ;~1i!~~'~.tJ9'n:i:::iiri::~j'f~;ji~~~]]'~~)2;.':;\):'f[;i:j:'~)i:~~B~14j~if~~!NfJ~:~rVj~~[;~i~~(~;~4f19J1~yllif~~~~~~.~i'; _i:::~"::::"Ii'I_'~4;i;}A~.~-~~T~~;' '-,' . - \' Analysis Period (min) 15 g);~~;:~'~ri.!jc:?'{,~an.~~Gf9.qP:,~j,:::i~~:81~%~,:t{k~~!~B~;~2!;:~f::~~$7.iE;:~~i~:~3:~}~D.;:~~r~;~~f~0;f~1~f~\~~&~~?f?{~~k0~~F~i:;~1~(f~\k1;~)4~~t;E:~~~r~it~:~,G~:::;~rt~:;g'~~:'j~;.-~:J~t}M~; Existing AM Peak Hour Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 15: EI Camino Real & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 /' - l- .. - '- '\ t I'" \. + .; M9V~eQ~~t~:f;T~1"~~~~~~~jf~~II\YYJ~;i"~W~Jl!\!@~*'1it:J]:!iI"~i~tilE!~.t'il3.SBlimSE!tr~s@J~ Lane Configur~tions . ... . ,... . <t . rr . '.' .. 'i... f>.....<. \ tf>.. .... .' . 'i . t.. .. rr 18e.al..~.19.Vy.'(YRhpl )'d~t.. f.' ....1. $q:9.i:;;~1;g~Qi~[;.jg9:9W',~~g9sr~;ijA~9:9::t~.1~90!i;i%I~.og~&f%g:R~:'1 ~QQ~!;;1gQQ'B'!;f~gjI0:1~\!Q Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 "-.ane"Uiil: FaCtor' . .,., .... .... Oi95..F()i!j51';(j.()'!,';i1'[bQ'?'. 1.()0!"iJ., ',~;"'1~Q()'9i!=i~Wi/;i'i!i','"<,1"%1,,Q()G'.:1{opr!;',1((jQ Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.89 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.85 FlfProtected'0:95 ,0:96" 4,00.. 0;95',:(;\1..00 '0:95'<';1WO'::0:95.:' '1.00: :1:00 Satd. FI~w (prot) 1681 1702 15831770. 1649 1~io,,3521 ..1770'1863'.1583 FltPermilled' '. '0.95 0:96:1:00'./ ':0'95:'.,1':00 .. ,0.9.7.,;:1.001,:" . O,~8; ,1:00W~;,1\'00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1681 17021583'1'770 1649 10533521'" .. 528"1863"'1583 '!!Qlql'ne,:(yp~}" ,:,:'~','.' . ':~,?~S!~;,,3{~11~.j:!~~gQ:::.'.';W)iJ~~i~i9!':~~1~.gV~:1.9?'!~it:5;,22)'E:Zf;74:1;;: " ',?.r{:&i',;2~~};j!;\E2~~;H;nl:~9 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj;' FI9w.: (vp,p)',. :S..,'..;,;';;" ?~~i'~':;~??';;)\(\1iI~.{:;;:.,?'Ql))!~.M8~{;i~fu1\ll1i',:~~rt{:::Qg~!~,F~j:2~i!;;;:!11~~JJF;,;.g~Qi':2'f..2o..1' RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 146 0 99 0 0 3 0 0 0 95 Eanei'(3rol1p.FI.Dw.(vph)/...:\'j'30,' ;';\13'7.;:';:, "'~29j;;'f'5iif'20~i\i;;7~il6 ,.'i':iiL'Q''!i'i, }6j\'ilijr;!l3.1;;):i:!!riOi~:;:[9Jj!i';.'280ii:,1j'06 Turn Type Split Prot Split Perm Perm Perm ~~~~~::~ ~~:::::. ..'r ,;,.'.4 ' . . .:J;;;:i'f;;;.;;,8;:i:";~Y2~t::fij:';"i~Jj"'i!i;!j;;;;;:[2.:i:',,,ij;iCQ:.....i~:~.N!J,iy:.f;i;;\;'X,~ A~tuat~i:J.i.~fe~iJ;..G( ~)",: ..10)9,~!j~0g[q'B'@,Q!pt,i*~12~2iii\~6-;~.!S.W't;jW,:ii:li~:r;~~:}!~l:::!!\(::y!;i~'1\~~~l~'t.... ...i~t]di..;I~i1'kt Effective Green, g (s) 10.0 10.0 10.0 6.3 6.3 31.7 31.7 31.7 31.7 31.7 Aetuatedg/C.' i'{atio:,/;,!"'i,'0.17:i,:;O )17'>i'O~1tti:i.bi:fot'.i,~:O:;1 ()\1(,j!,:ti1;i5i"p{5?~i)(i1531i~~;:):i?'."'Xj';53d:i,O'53!i';;~O;5-a ciearance :hme(~)' . 4.6'4.04:04:6 ""4~O"'" '4.l)"'''4:0 "'" .....4.0 '- 4:0 4:0 V ehiCleiiExtensiciri ...(s)' ',3:0,'3iQ.'i'}/3();i3X;,,3lQ::<'7,3:P, . :,~;, j 3:d!i'~se:3 :0.., ',~iti.:/'.i {':.3:O':;:', 3,oVi1J3:0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 280 284 264186 173 5561860 279 984 836 vis RatioProt 0.08 cO:0,8 "0.02'0:01 cO,p3.' '. cO;24' "0;15 vis Ratio Perm 0.06 0.17 0.07 vie Rcitio :. ' 0.46,0:'48 . Qt,11 "c;()'1!1'i:" 0:26 ..... ,Q).11 0:45 .. . .:;:Q,3:3' 0'2~i..0;1~ Uniform Delay, d1 22.6 22.7 21.2 24.3 24.7 7.1 8.7 8.1 7.9 7.2 Pfiigres~ i6~. ~.<!<';t6,r< '/1:.00.::11~9Q.:~'r1i.qp;;:;:..1 ,qp1:;i;I:1r.:Q.Q':M~,@;;.:",;'1::,QQ;);y,!k1~mj'S'jm':('{i !:oig!i.S:~' O:~~i;. !:t:O;I~ Incremental Delay, d2 1.2 1.3 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.8 2.4 0.6 0.2 ~:~~r~r ~ervic~\';:"" .! \;.~$~'i .':~~!~fV2:1'~~\'f&?1~~~~:~~i?~~Z;nXE~iIj(:;~~~:f~;1!i~if:~~~Yiij'0iT';;;i:4~~\' ",;;'?*;ijij;:1}X Approa'cn, D~I~y:(s ){' Approach LOS lil~s~flQfcff~Drr)m~~~~~~~t;5~~~f.~~1tf&~~~;;;~4i~J.WE1~~~1~~.i%;~~~~t~~~~~~~Mr4~m1!pllt~~~ HeM Average Control Delay 11.6 HCM Level of Service B tjGM~,~{oJ ~rnej!9,~.g,i:jp~~ity;r~~9,>:~,:a;~~cl;\~fi~C, '.Q.~4g!~y~l~j:l;t[~i!11~i[t~~ir('~~ili:l::;\:i1,t~~8~:12i:l~4~~\~~;~i;~1;:;~tff~~;:~":~bE~f1:qt~:~~if~~:iJS~:~['.--}" :l~'~!)~i~i:)n~ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Iriters~9tion C~p~~ity!utili~~ti9n "'i:~:;;">M;O.W~""!M<<:;' "'jc:.9t:q~y~lt9f[Sifr&j[~ii",'I:Ef!%~~':i'iE,~;~ifis;~!;t:" Analysis Period (min) . 15 c, CriticaFLaneGrbup Existing AM Peak Hour Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 / - " .. - -\... '\ t I" '. + ./ MQ,'{~QJ~~~~~~@~~T;&;t1J:;!!~'!}~,,'l.ii'J:lIt:ii'.w.E.lllii;jjWLI?R~~I:l~J.~!l!E.lJr~~~B~SB1~~JMr~s~g Lane Configurations "l f> "l f> "l f> "l f> Sign:,'Cdnfroi'i~ ' .' ,;', :' ~ !,~. ;:'/>P~'Sfop~,:,\~:,':F::'~'~;'\h::::Y~,', X';~:S:~J~Nl{Stop'~~;' ':ii~{,:~::~;:;t;;~>;;_;;:::~~;i~jA~if,tWSt~p::-ir~f~:~~::;1~.;:~:~1~~~~b;1$toR11;~%Jt~'~~ Volume (~ph) 34 "205 ',' 073 'is7 '9 285 '14~"ii~""'~"1 "015""-'28 peak Hqur Factor . 0,92 0.~2 ",0,92"."0.92 ",().9f1",;0:~g,:().9:2,,;;O:!!?',1\~(n[~JJ~;Q'9~1~tA~~~~~QWi Hourly flow rate (vph) 37 223 0 79 203 10 310 15 9 1 16 30 ~jrit~tjqi1fihl'i'!g~!!li~~,I;,B~~r;B12~I!YJ;J!a;i!}~Jlj~flJ~:t1~6L4iiiJ2Bl;1E:.4~fuZ~~~~a:.~ Volume Total (vph) 37 223 79 213 310 24 1 47 Y9t~tn:~!Y:~~1~YRb)FBf?%~~';-:;,::::;::.??Q~~#:~~01g1}&~t~~~{;:1;JlD~J~;;Q~;~:;J:~'~AQ1t1l{;~~;gi~;;~rii'?;2~n~i&~lr~!I~jt!2~Ef,~.;tt~~~~~~K~?JJ;l:~~~{~'t~ Volume Right (vph) 0 0 0 10 0 9 0 30 Hadj'\(s): ,;; ".',:.:', '., '.,;O;5:r:'."'d'03':.;,:O;531'(t'iY.tiOj:);'~(j:53"lOi22:'!~'?:O''53''l'~,~tl'42J(~:.il1!:\;1,;tf~~\i'i;iR,:'r~ ',,{,;i>)~"~'(:j , " " ' -. ", '';:'-- ,'~'::':\;;,>.:. '.: '~<':<~'.;h.."~',- ",;;~'<\-'-:....i::.h.';"."":"~'_::""-__,~-,_,~',"",;-':.','h,.;, ..,_,.'~_" ;;.",,~. .,~,j~'J...:,;-;,..";"_-":::'..,.;:~.,...~',,. "";lti'Ir1,:;:J!!'."""c",-,-,-",,'':'''u~~i!i!Ltt.:;,-t;;~,:.:;':t:'~~,,'j:u.;~,~~l~.~f.:i:.\l;'l Departure Headway (s) 6.7 6.2 6,6 6.1 6.6 5,9 7.1 6.2 Deg" ree; Utilizatibn'.,,{x;.~~\: ;~:'<,'iofd"7;~;\;;O~381iJ?On'5~:~;~,;~:b!-3'6~1;,>:;;O~57~,,~~~Ib{oW$},~:d~bofY,",'~Jnf08,t}~i~1,7~ir.m1f~~-,t''-!;~<~,.~~~~Tit*.i),}j:,f,~~:~~,~(:~~tt"l' .'-' _ , -, ..,,',. .... ," " :. ,'" "'~""""_""_"""~"''''''''~~:'''''''''_'~'<"'''',"'''.7''''',,_..A''''''~_-':;'''''''.,,' .,.., ,_"..,._.".,.......,'.~.,_"...."'.,.~...."......""""'.".;..\l',""..,r..":'i,_"~""",^..""""_.,.,..~~~:.;;;,,.Ni.J.,,_..,"'..;_'~,', Capacity (veh/h) 507 556 514 563 520 581 460 528 ConfroIHjelay'~','(s)":,\,:;:~~::L:~;!,~;,_ ..,J~;'9~'O.~,:kTIIf1:'(i~.;:i~;!~\~j:9f6'-t1::~~it1'i@;)',':~;;:[1:s1'"fj'~Ft.I..t:fi:r91\i~910g;;'2'~~>8"1f5B0'g~;~~~'~$:f:~~t:;c~[~@f~})p,~::~ll~-:::3j:.,:~ , - . . .- ,.. .. . ,., ,. "~_~"'.:i;,,,c,,..,:;~-:.~'.-jj~~;;,,,.:_.,,__,~':.:'",',,::r:....i:j''._~;.~.:!:.";l.:.',,,~,,;l'-.~':<<,~~2'iO.:,,'rt,-:.;:,g-1lli<I~:':'~';';;"'n-:;i-~~~~""';;:;:;_":<::;-;.~~-",,,,;,,",,~~~~~,,_,,,,~~~~;Z.~i'-"$..'O..; Approach Deiay (s) -'. 11.3 10.8 16.2 8.5 ~P'~[q~q.~::(Q]J~;[~I::~~::~;Wi1:,7:GJl~:':'.::~t:t~1~Etr~~~jJ~~~t]-1":i~tI~~~~.{f~~1~1X:~~:t~~~~r~~f~~:~~~~!~![~;1ili~i"~~~~~~~~ .. ;:-('c{";"A 7~3 %-,';:'.':;;:r()~';~ IGiJ\;~g~'y~i; o~;~,$~'~'9.~;~:r~~l:I(i ~::. ;\i:s;YJ~;l(;:~':~i:\;J~~lf~}tt~~~f?~(;! \'::1:~'.;:;!i~~~~ 15 Existing AM Peak Hour Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HeM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: W Branch Street & Rancho Parkway f[Q~mgn~l~i~~~~~S3~ur'.~.~gl;~Ir@~T!~WJ~I~~~~tBJrt~~~~~~2~~~:i;3~~~;Y:f~~~~i?~,~~$'~ Lane Configurations "i tt t1> "i'" Ideal Flow (v[lhpl)i',,5 ;1900"1'900;>,,190();, ::"1900ti::{,1900?i< HiDO:' -'0 '." ., -.. -.' . " """""":"'''~'''.,,,,.._,~'oill'_,',,,,,:1<-A'..,,.,,..... .,.".,...;...,,"'..".:,.,.......,,'_,....A{;,J.i.c-.-<.,~, ,'_'.~' ~""",", Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4,0 4.0 4.0 b311'Ef Uti I ~ F adoh':~,:;:.~: /;;, ;, j;:OOT..yj;10[9.$~:~~;ri9:~_~~'<,:;~:!n1;;1:gq~::f,1:-~1tSiQ:*6I~i\1rQ~C);~;:~~n1~~~{#f~t!~&L4;~~'~:~:f;~1~~&~~~~;:;J~f~:~;WZi~{i~,\::il~,~'~lii;~~1::}:::~,~;;:;~:r0~;,f;:\q1 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.94 . 1.00 0.85 ' . ... " slt,::,P f9"~e,~tea ;~~~:~~~~;~.;:~;::; : - }:,'" !f, ~,Q ~ ,~~gi1i~ri~1dQQ.~(~;!~1r~qQ";X':~':t.;~~jt:~,~t;j;1~Q~f1~i~fti~~LqQ.~;.';.}~:rr;;~~\:~3~~;)Y(f]~fll\;~:':T;Y,i;;~~\~:~:; :' ?;~'~':;;~;!~@::~i~';)jr~:::;t.~:7' ',~: c:, ~~":'7 Satd. Flow (prol) 1770 3539 3313 1770 1583 F.lt PermitleiL:';'~ ..',: .... .,q:~~.J::l;Q:0};:i;,,1,.OO,~~ '/'~~.;I~~~9]~~5~,. ..\~.Oit"t'ijtiKr::.:1i2," ""'::iN';:;'~;;:'~i: : Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 3539 3313 1770 1583 yc5'y.m,~~.(ypB,Fpr1~;~s:;D:CC ;, .', ~.:~~~~J:{1f~t1'6t~;:~!,~~:gJq:~, :;~,1J;Wt;~1~;u1r~~~}F~~::~]!:fjj~::1:~:.f~~{;:'~.~~!~~fJf~~I~lrl~::'I:;i~ '~', :>:,::;:'~;~~i;:r~~~~:;f~b;; ,~:~";:";'}-i~1 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flpw;(vph)'::. RTOR Reduction (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases." Permitted Phases f'ptti~!~.~. 'qr'~e~'.}~>'($)i: ,<", .. \.?{r !':W~~;~t?~€;~(;::;il::~I~,~;I.1J~:~:~;jn~~;l.~:~]1.:~J.~:~:n..;(?9.l?h:.:;1;;:.f~~~~t~I:;. '..~.:/:,:t';!:;:;:~~i~;~;h~~'~~~~~~~~l :;~~~:.,t~r~':'v~~':, " ~~,h Effective Green, g (s) 2.7 15.2 8.5 18.5 25.2 ~ctiJateC!'gI9,:RaiioT:,' ; Clearance Time (s) Vehicle Extension (s) Lane Grp Cap (vph) vis R<jtioProt'.",:>', vis Ratio Perm Y/9:.:,R~Ji9.:.;{,.)~~;~~~!J);:;:Y;~t;;;;-.;::. ;~:!.;:':;.;:.Q.'f$~1~i;gT~LRi~1~!,SQ:~iQJ~f~;;;~~!R~{~f~~~~t9:~~.~.i~::~~.qIQ~!~\~L?:;.~.:ii;~~~~~;{~@;~.:~%~ri~:~~;~(;~~Tfd:~\;f;~i:itt~~i:~~;~c~:.r~~;;:t..:;Lijf;:; ::'2' Uniform Delay, d1 18.7 8.7 14.4 6.9 3.3 progression .Iii~t~r:;:' '. Incremental Delay, d2 Delay (s)'" Level of Service Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS 3/18/2006 ./' "-. .... .I - - 133 , O. 122 27 pt+ov . 67... ;,--;. <, '.1 A. .8 ~~ 6 -',:;.,''',,;'", ,'" :u,,:'" -',,",,'. i'''~., ;.. '" .:'b~.Q~:,:.':.:~!~Q[~:~J0f.~;Qt?:Qt~~;~~:\{@)is0~19,~4~4~~:t;{t5f.~g;~;~~:i0S1~tr@:j~~~~i;s~~ti~:r:?:.!;;f~~;:~~~.m~j~f:;~~~:S;.;J~i;.:~:,:iT-?~(~;~:::j: 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 , 3.0, \;-3:0ry' -3:0' ,.L..;:.:,p';:3mk," 115 1290 675 785 ,,~.,. ,:;~~:J~ff~r~'~i~~.: -,..''''' ~.'", "." r/t):':2J, '_ 957 206 C ,'8:8: A H:rr B . '7'4 . A ; :.6.3 A 'i .14.8 ' B 14.8 B '. 3.3, A rntetsectlo.mrslfr:fl'ffia"":'1"'~:1~~~~~~~;,m?:;.!t:"*'&1p:;j:~::w~~~"1l~\~1~i1-~"€i~~if-J?irtii<'f!"~~~1iR1ml;fj,~~A!(~~~~~~ry,.;~ ., If .'.. ...."_"..~._. _'.';<" " . _.~, m"" ~'i;~~~e'..,.;M~;~4..~~;!!f,:',lJ.;_.~~Yi~,.t._ ~-*,."'<I"..~..",..,.,.,_,~t~l~o\ltiii.)!?:~....-..;t:ui~... .~*:::;h-,.1'~..", ~. .:. HCM Average Control Delay 12.1 HCM Level of Service B H~M~YoJUm~~~q~~~li~cj~y;~r~H9;.~':typ~~T1]2~Q~~,41N[i.~~~!~~~l,i~IT~:;~!i::{;.:~~tg{::.S21f~jiK~F~W~~I{i~rlr.:E~~~:~)1:?';)t~~\;i~}.i~'~:;':.~~~X~~(::f%.. ,;~; "." Actuated Cycle Length (s) 41.7 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 ~~~~=i~ti~~r~~i:>~i~ Utilization,:,,:i:)30:~J~ . (~; ; ..~IGlJ.;g~v,elof Ser:Vi.c~ii'L~U ',' :~Y~::'A.jr;;Z{}~ .... ~. ,;: Grjtj~?E 4~r,1~:~G'(<?~p ;, ,:.;,'~:.::i':~' 'i~::/:~tf~~~:b~;;;';": r;'~L't:'~i' ;;:.:,(.~\(j;~~;~.~j~&l~~;,i[i::i~:!:~.:K;j,~r.~,';:",:;~i::~~~;1j~JRf{~~.{;;f:)~,'~' ,).:-, ';;'l' . ,::':;.';'.:~ ".',:k,,'::;r,,, Exisling AM Peak Hour Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 3 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: James Way & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 /' - ,. . - "-. "\ t /'" \. + -cI ~mi!i;:;~~~~!1:_JtTt€!~E.!3B~\IM~Kll.~I('li:lg*'m.N~~i1ttieJ'8lliti!J?~{!/,'';iZL$~~ilrt'!fuT~~J~~ Lane Configurations 'I. t. .. r ....~... 1>. .' .. ." . 'I .t1> .. 'I +1> 1C1l3a1Flow, (vphpl)' " 900 \19(9),,;j ~9o'i"!;1999i('ii!1900't"19b9i!!:.:~'~bo'}};i",190(j: 1900;' ..1900(t'i(1~OO~;::~j gOO Total Lost time (s) 4.04.6 4.0'4.0"4:'0 "4~6"'4.0'" '4:0' ,rod' LaneUtil. FaCtor 1:00 1.00 roef ';@o; 1:00>""'1:00'\9(95J{/.1.obi(";l):9~,;!p:i~i:!; Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.92 1.00 0.97 FIU?rotected 0,95, 0.1,.00.;. :.1.00.,., ,,:0.95... .1~00',', ...0.95/..,,"1.00' /"'0,95'......1':00'..... '. "Ii , ... /..,-, ," -. .,.. ,-",,,,'''..' ',... ,-' ...~,... ',_, . ... "V'-. ""'_,., ~ _. '..,.". -.,. Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1863 1583 1770 1790 1770 3268 1770 3447 . ,1J1:J;l')rmittegi,1i',:;, f"';\:,;.9:B~:;'i;,tQ,Q';i:,'i;1'19Jllki;jIQr~~;[\i:~)llQ.Q:iJ0'ill~;1!i,;;Q,'~8,1ii::it!,Q.P,;!":t;:~~.:~i;!!:,\Qi~~.1iJ;1!.QP2~;i~S{ Satd. Flow (perm) 1276 1863 1583 1107 1790 1770 3268 1770 3447 Vql,urne ,(vp~ );::;";';" ';;:rZ!l,~"c..:1~~Ql:i\(![jg?~"0ili!imRitji:j:&Mp.\ '?Z,i;J8);fQ~[;&~!)~:~~;V''<fg~ki,~~;~iQ~iiA?p~i;;,:n"t;qg Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 A~j(F'iow. (vph) .;Cbs ':~'.', 'i"'U8~:;'. {'i1g4;';iiWlcg~g;'?i4'.;1!?9J'.'. .,j[2';&\)";ii??i;f!"!B~gq,,};iZ~1~~Jm;}22j~3!;;;,n:'t~;in:g~~$!:.,;J::i;t!ITi RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 204 0 23 0 0 99 0 0 29 0 'a' n"e .Group '''''10 w' (v'p"Ii') '! :"86/.:",'.1,74' '\';',""'155" """'j.7"O"r:,;;'j'8'9'!"YIIF',O'f:".2'20'!J:.if3' "3'3"i:,;,: 'O":"~,!:J'i!;r4'3,:'i! ":37' 81"'", ""0' . L........ ... .;' _._ ' "" .' .r::._..... .._",." ... _ .,', ~ '_"" L.__ __I~"",:.:;:'..".J "":'~"'" :,C",je, ,_,__~",.'~<~,3.!-._.',,,,,,.,,,,,___, .. -";Mi,.:,,.:."::. ~.. .:.<.,,,-______...,.t,."kr.,. ..... ~,!",""';'.' ~.". _ -;."....,;..:<'._ .. .".eo,..,'_,,_' : '-'<''''. ,.. ", Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Prot Prot Protected,' Pha~esi:!:."";';':':;,; Permitted Phases 4 ~~~1J~~'g;==~:~i~j)!!' !,,~,~'.~l:'i:~~{~11";"1~\~}':!ij;~~1~1t;;[~3[~i~{';:,c;'ft('i!;i;~~~;:;;%~~: ~ .~W;;tf!itj.i!~::ii,tH~~j~~:~;;,..,~,j:!iZ ACtlJated gig Ratio"'> .. 0:21,:, 9.2~r?'0:g);'j Oi?1:,UO:?L';', , ;? oj?!' 'Oi~$,!;;:.iC.\:'%;;0.()4!j;,Q:~?~:i Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 VehicieExtension(s) 3.0. '.'.3.03,0 ;3.0..,/3,Oq;0', .3.0:'...:;....(3;O'>3TO;:. ,. Lane Grp Cap (vph) 272 397 338 236 382 481 1803 62 1086 iilsRatio ProtO:OQ, ....... "';'0;05::.;', '~Q.1,? -:'9'.1,0; co.o?;I,i~Oi11 vis Ratio Perm 0.07 0.03 cO.15 v/,?~.ati(j.. .,i,. ... O'32',';".'Qiii4,;.',;,'0:113i'.)'O.'tg;'T.0',23:"',,". ;3;'iO:~1>,i~1!.();!1:8';;;'''!?,Jt~j{~tQlp.9.!;;m;Q:~~;:I';iX~::~; Uniform Delay, dl '19:9' 2()!S19.2'"'Z1".9' '\9'.5' 'J.. 18.2 6.7 28.6 15.8 R..,. i:.'o."gr,essioi1'..F. a.c.. t.o.i.'.' . .' '1"60:':': i 00r;',7j?'0'6,"fi6o"F:,'fo'-0'~~.j'~(,:::'.'tO'{6''t.';'':'t 0\2--"":" ,'.' '""""'::"1'0" '0'!i'ti1iiO"0"."',","', ......,.....,'.',..',; . .. . '. ..' .... .. _". " , " ,.. .. <,.~. ::! "'. ~"" / ;,l,.~\ ....... .... '-j...", _\"'<:"\ ". _" <",,,,,,,~"':,"":,:""':',, '. ." ,," ,It,!" "" . ":"'.0' '" ' , .. :,~::...~;!~.::"""..", _' "NJ)" _:~ , ''',' :~.>.; ..c;~. Incremental Delay, d2 of' O~8" 'O.216~3 '()j"o."6" 6:2 "28.5 o.g' E;~~~i);ervice ..' .....'...c..2b.~';"i,g1J:g;5;:j~!~11;~'i~~~\j;f.l~:~ c. '~SW;ii,;,';l~;:~q ...~]~:;.m:;;3\~:w:;'I~!:f~i? ;;;1~;~~i~.!'j;,~,i; Approach Delay (s)e; " 'gQJc~i::}j:W';;~iC . Approach LOS fijters.ecuomrS,UqHna:-(,y~i~~~~#~1~a~~~~~~~~~~~"?~~r1'~~~~1t~~4!H{~1i~;lm~~~~~~ HCM Average Control Delay 16.4 HCM Level of Service B HC...MNolurriEdo'Cap' acity ralio",';'(~:/"'T'X.O{49' .. ....,.c.'.. .. ,__,._.,. ',-.--'-.",'" . ",'-'" -, .. ......, -,l.' '. p',. .....,,'..~.'"I\. Actuated Cyde Length (s) '. . 6<i.0 l~t~tseciionC%pa~ity 8ti1iz?llion .. .' .' . .- Analysis Period (rnin) c ,Critical Lane Group -.' .(. .. Existing PM Peak Hour Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HeM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: W Branch Street & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 ..J. - ... -('" - '- '\ t I" \. ~ .I !Vf[iem:eil~~~!~I~~':;;,\@jlj;;';;:l!;ItlR~jjlNY,~l,.~~~N~NE\l!!;'f~rNE\m~;;;&B)~,~AiSE\~J,it~~iT~1lli Llda~eIFClonfig(.urhatilo)n.s '1'900'" "19"'0"0' 19"0'0"'''' 'i. r+", ,t, . .. 'L ..,'!'lo.,, . ... ..,....~ ... . '.. t t ,ea 5 . ow .yp p ',';c" .,,";..~ "t;;"""jJi:'d;99Q,:!'tj@QQll,;,.\(I,~QQ(;:;i!199R1ij!,,!1~gmi!,(;1!!Q(F!i1gQq~;[J~qg&1~t!!99 Total Lost time (s),. .... . .. 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~?'~~~'Ptjt., F~ctQf;t:,"~".;':::'!:i;~,~':: ?;i~};~Wr~:f~~~S:';~?:_':~:;;j':';~tg;~~:1Q!2~l~[QJ~:~1\',:';,:._i;Q~[gW2:Y~1?~Qcrt~t[Q.r&r~::::,:;"i~JF:~~t~~1~{~};~.[~,~~fJ~:~r,tQtf1;;~~t~1'i~Qq Frt 1.00 0.89 0.85 1.00 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.85 I';lt; Rr9tested' . '<..,1,., .. ',.';;..":Y'i"j:~;;:':'Qi:;):;1;iJ1iir:i;I;!\i'()'!g2b ,j1'{9Q'rJ;!.ila~Iiii!:~!Q;~5:;;'~,[j:!Q~~~\mE~;~~0i:".0;9$~,:::,1',OOf';;':J,'OO Satd. Flow(prot) .. ...... ... 1770 .1583 1504 1770 3334 ." 1770 "1863 .. 1583 Eit~'.:F'eHf).i~t~stT-:-~,;,'.__ ':':N ,;'/:N:,:r';>':>;:i,~,;U:::{~}~~;;~;~~~~ ,','.\S~11 ,~,,'~:t;~~~Q~~~Kf.~~~~~IJfm:~fT~j.~"Q9~Y1~~;g}~~iij,,1~i~HQg~~~~~3}~::;~;:R;:~;[Qr~:~T~~;~:"'~1i991i%;lI~;;1~9:g Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 1583 1504 1770 3334 1770 1863 1583 yolu,Q1e; (vph ).;,?~\!.,:(:',;~:;j:~:'i,::;>;i,:l},,: ,:~op l:;;'''~(~~'~,~Qf3~~i2;1?,~~'iK'f,.~~:cr1gH~~~~+~q,Q;~~:;:p~?"Q~d~0I-:~.g;t~;~~~3P7J.~~~~~~'~~qT?rj.f~;;.~'i18Ji~gTh~q~?':ri~~~1;1'$1 Peak.hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 '6.92 . 0.92 0.92'0.9:1'" Cr92 Adj,' FJowi(vph), ' j!9C;kYj1~fl</:~q3.. '~?~';';~B~)};j'(!~~f~~' ,... ;3.~~Hg'k1~3.;~;:i:6a:6.<'~(1 ~& RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 0 103 138 0 167 0' 0 .. 0 '112 l!aileGroupFloW{vph)' 0.:0,/","0,; -436: ".':~8' ,',;.;.50', .:238'. ;ii7,'60':;; 0.":.',193'l:;:f'68()",';: 70 Turn Type Prot Prot Prot Prot Perm p'r(j!ect~d phases 8 ..8: Permitted Phases Actqate.d;Greeri;ig,(~) ." ",.. Effective Green, g (s) AClu'atecttg/C RatiO',',;. Clearance Time (s) VehiCle. Extensio6:(s);:' Lane Grp Cap (vph) v/~{R.ati6 Pro! ,. . vis Ratio Perm Yt~'.f{,i;#i9:':\-t\fAD:;;';~ <- Uniform Delay, d1.. ..... pfogfession)Fa~t6r,; ....... Incremental Delay, d2 DeIi3y(s):i';:/ , .' Level of Service Approach l?el<ilY (s) Approach LOS ;'.:;~;'it;i:;t~~/:~~&)~;:~~~i~,,~;~i\;;-:,1;~'}g~T~1,~;~Q:~;:i~1'~1'i~rg ~:';'i:Dii~~~QJ~i~i.K~,,3I9WK~~t\r:i~i!.:';: ;;' '\~n2L~~:'?'~}2,;~r:I~.~~;g 16.0 16.0 16.0 9.0 23.0 9.0 23.0 23.0 . .';::f~~'r:~nt~J:'i:'::;..;t:]:t~1~~.~, ,.:':,;.."/i~;~1~'QI~:t.Y;~1(QI?Z~:'f~E~Q~[g~~~~f;.Q.:~,:~[~iliY9j~.~!~'(:f',:~E~~t~;?~;~,Q1,;~~?,f;i~1{91,~~~mi;Q,~,~'~ 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ,;c:: .; S~~t~:'~/:{~::.::;:({i O'::":':~::;: "~~~:;Q}Ej~~;~3'-;b_':'~(,;1g;:~i 3':p~F,~~;~~~3TOY'~:::>' . "::,,,:t,>~),~:!~;~t:i3 ;b)W\{i:~31(g~:,~:';":~3.': b 472 422 401 266 1278 266 714 607 '1"!';::~~~.;iCO!.?~~;;\;0;q6 'W163':.cO;)3:;:;;;<1;?~:~r ,"t; '?~,\5:,1,1' :c()1~7~:<\';;;; 0.04 ;~::i~;,~:i{l~rj?!J.:~~1N};~i0I~,~l:9,,:,~~1~~R!~~f~,~'q1;nl~'~~~KsQ~~]~~%(jr.$:q;1.\l{ijM3;,:,~~,::;JgJ~.W~1;QI~~?~Mf,Q~~~j.i 21.4 17.2 16.7 25.0 14.8 24.3 18.0 11.9 ,;,':Y:;:;'.'i:; ";;':;;::>~:"~1{oti:;":~:9:0;;":1i9P.;5'1:C0~;<;(jm€:;. :~:lS:ti~9,?7~::Q,-7g'UQ~~:i: 23.8 0.3 0.1 26.7 1.8 9.1 23.2 0.4 . ;l.",;' '45~2L')7:5' 16.8.':' Sr3;,;:,1:t:'4::/, ,,';)'3f;~t':J:5;8"2'9 DB B . DB' .. CD A '32;0 . .2mB.. ., '~.'.' ",29[:4~t..~ c . C C 0:0 A ~:eQIiQrilSllrX'1.m~~~~'~IMt~~1:~~~~~clr~~&l~~~~~~~~~A~~~~lii~~~~f~I{S:~~*! HCM Average Control Delay 26.7 HCM Level of Service C ftGM.yo!ume"tp ~ 9.~R.~gi~y.ir~~,i{i:::(::~.,;<,:;,:.i!~l'i;Uila:gI~~'~;:';\::,;:t~ff~'~:,~.;:t,i~~;%t~!{~~Eiit~~~;~~;i:]~:it:~f~~~0);t~~i~t~mSg;~-fGhV~Ji;:!j0V;~j:~~:~:~~";- AciuatedCycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 inJer~ectJ~~'(e,~p~~jW;,;.uti!l?~~.i~B'fr~:~.)\~~;t}T,~~,;tZi;~Y{~i::~';td~-0f~{~:Wjj~~x~1~~9E~~o/i.9'~;~~i;;j;;'j:I",::>TYf,J~~:~kr:'};'~,QlE1)~~,~,~\E~'~"?'!~,~~;i~1f;!~>~?,;;h~:ji Analysis Period (min) 15 c:>~~':~eriticai'~af}~_::Glqup }::";;'i:~{,,\:,:(;':;).,.\;'j~1l:Ji;.;};:~~.:~iiJi:;~~~i:~fV;{;'c~;~W~;':~~;::;:~i~~I~+?;~&iSi;1fjf~;{:;::{1i':", Existing PM Peak Hour Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 2 HeM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 15: EI Camino Real & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/20.0.6 ./' - "'). ~ - ~ ~ t r \. + ~ !illlJl'eij'\~i;l!~i};;;ID1~~i1ii~1L~$~~E;.B.~I;ji;itYll!3t1:;g\N,J'3~B~4Tr~\2!'J.!31fiJiil!t!i!J:!~J~~I~s..B..~dJts..~~$.JlB L~~e.c~nfi(g~~~!,iO).~S,."",,,,.1t ,.".4:.. .. t.",,,,.'!,,,.. .1+"". ..."",.,'i.,,,,,, ,tt."..,..... "." J.,.,. 't",.J' 1~!<!;lI,:~19w' ypH\?.I. ;i;.:..'\::~:f1,:~QQ' ,1,~g9.,,:;!1~Q9.!'c!~i1:~,QQ,ij.,'L!i\9~Q<,,\1.~QP.ti,,1.~9g0~n1,9,9Q;';,~19gQ.~f,1 ~QgF\1'19gq~,;;!'1g0Q Tolal Losl time (s) 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. . 4.0. 4.0' . .' <0"4.0 E~ne;:'Ut!I~~jRa(;:t9~j1:N;<':;;:ii;,;/ :., .:-():~,~~}r~:I~Q:t~~~J~i~~~;1I;9qT'r:;~;1~'Q.Qf2~:~1~'QQ~~J~:;,::~,:,fj'r\}\V}~,~~1tQ91[f~Itr~,~.~:,;.'";'/"~:8~.Q:q;![:i~~:\1.~QQ\r:Tin~'p'9~:-"-;::~t;1~QP Frt 1.0.0. 1.0.0. 0..85 1.0.0. 0..90. . 1.0.0. 0..99 ... . 1.0.0. 1.600..85 Fltjf?rol~qled" .:",,;. '" 09$";'ilQ!(6)).tj;1i!~ob(',;;,:'q;95'W:(1'X)a;i;lf:;'T;{jaY9~~,;1!r()(j~F;;j,) .:ii;:di95 \ ,,,'h':ao;i)fi:1'cOa S~ld: Flow (prol)" '1681' "170.5 '1583 1i70" '1676" ., '. '1770"3snr' .' "1770"'1'863"1583 FI\,f;;'errrii!!eq;i;,.;;;'. . "'Q,~.5;i;)!ir,iIg~;:imi.<rQ.Q':;;;..Q,f~,~}r;;;;1f'~Q,'.'/i{f~jtiW;?>~Q}~91;li)f1'IQQ}';i;;!;i:ji::;~;9I~~;t:i.)'.9Qn;~;(f92 SaId. Flow (perm) 1681 170.5 1583 1770. 1676 349 3515 616 1863 1583 ~2mhJ~:,:(\ip.~.)~':)~~'\!.~+;:':[l1;\;~~~'~:ftQj~:,,::[(~~~'~,~J~J?/f!~:~~~.tQq?tf~fr1::~I~~~J~t~~~~!~i~ti4j~(l?g~~~~i;~;;~~it?~~~~e-O~,~1tf;1f@~:~;~,%~~k~_~,\~~ftY~J?~g:~!ft1~,~~ Peak.Hour faclor, PHF 0..92 0..92 0..92 0..92 0..92 0..92 0..92 0..92 0..92 0..92 0..92 0..92 A!1i. Flpw,;('{phi},",i:'i.' '. ';4~~)';;~:%tl'>:Q'n2j4~1;:{~~[~~E~[i,!!~:r'~?~.'ji;,;;,Z~J::;',~;~~i~;1i\;' .......:~~~~2;,1t';'~'g;;BJ~1~9.F,~4;~.'&~;: '." t&~~~ RTOR Reduclion (vpH) a a 340. a 67 a a 4 a a a 155 iianeGroup ,FIQw,(vpH)';': 242. ,<254.,. ;i;f(j.1''',''4f:; .4!5',':;:;,iY:Q';. 71\, ;c6lid,.,'"" .'. Q>;~14a;;."\61l3": '13~ Turn Type Splil Prol Split Perm Perm Perm ProlecledPHases 41 ''44:,. .".:8"8 2' ,6.!"CH",: Permitted Phases 2 6 .I\(;liJal~~'.OreElr;i;.;qi( i; I,,' '.1'~:.1 'i' i. 1~]:!?!>J;g, :'{:gigi:",\,.,~(?i;;Y~','i;<;~~~1i':)&28!,h '<:.';:~{}2.?r1t.ii(*f~;1i,;:inf~:1 Effeclive Green, g (s) 13.7 13.7 13.7 6.2 6.2 28.1 28.1 28.1 28.1 28.1 AcW<lI~~':g(C; Rali!>;'.,.;. ";c()~g8l;::;i~():?,3J/:!:93.6[t!-aQ~tQt)\(\9f~Qii;iii;,:rjP!'i:~i.Qt'HtiI1m;::Qr~:?!ii/.,~!;&'}~;'7i:9i~;r{i'iip.rif~JJit,P!i!'l Clearance Time (s) 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. Y.~bicle,:Exten$i6rt($r~\i);~;.,v:~<',3':.'(j~?~'N(3tQ~ef:~?~fO:;:~~ii,,/:3fQ;};~t~~i3:0,~;{~\~riti;'.~,:::;~:'/;5.t~f.Q,~;~~~X:3:0.ltq~ZfX~:_ .,,:~~':'<%','~~lp~~@~Jf3:;b}~~~::,;X--,:tb Lane Grp Cap (vpH) 384 389 361 183 173 163 1646 288 873 741 v/s.,Ralio,"pr91 .........j .. .,.;'..:,;9i:1,4i;c(j,'l~\it a~99,1;~,~(),a?;:i':<:,9lg~.,,';i;;l,'2i.0J~;'!!:7;:[i;'U9:?'Q~;.ii ,,5;':Ji~;} c9.~6i;}'!;<iJ vis Ralio Perm 0..20. 0..23 0..0.9 v/6.:, R?!!q;';:; ":';;:,;;' .<~,!X:::\:;".:' ,f, ':QI~,~::)k:L')~m'~~~,f@:f:9Z?~:i:~~;:Ri~6:~!~f,Q)?&~~,~Ij);i:~r\:;:?;\}~1:~~:'qt1.~'&W~~~r~?,e~,',';: :~::,:';:j:"1;;~':,i:?'g.itt:~tir::~KQ!.~z:';;;{,.i",:g';.:~.,~. Uniform Delay, d1 20..9 21.0. 19.1 24.7 24.8 10..7 10..6 11.0. 13.3 9.3 Rtqgressio~;F 1'J~,I6i: ,;:'. .;,::i1'''()()1i,;;:i'i:g()F'f':;11Q!!):j;t:1)iQQ:~i:;~;j,mQ;;ll;:'i:g~':~"~'~{q.Q~J;n2Q[~fi;jf~~'~'li\lr,q~Ztll':Q14~g?:Q!~ill Incremental Delay, d2 3.4 3.9 0..4 0..6 0..8 8.3 0..8 2.0. 2.4 0..2 Delay ( s)';;;;:',."';" ..(24,2 .:i24;9:0:';i;1~'5::;25:~Ytl'~2.$:6' . ....1@\;gi~~;1't'8:ti'H;~'.;~(,i;>>'\@!!..i. 8;4;1: '.8.\! Level of Service C C B C C B B A A A Apprmicn Delay:'(s). .' 22.2:. 'iX),,",c"" " 2$:5 ApproacH LOS C C rn~'le-~r:'s"""e"='c..."t'I'o.~S""'rrmu m~""1w{~8.~t":,.?,~~W!i-y;~..~~~$,f:t,~~,';~t~.,~ !M;f#~{4~;~~~f,:~J'~~~~~P!t~.riJm;;~".,.~S,if;?!\\1kk.':;'>=1;.',';~ !<,'\~'r., " ,..._.' .-..... nl!h,.,\.l.. .~:,.U:'!."' "~"",,.,;'J .J,!;lr;'!:"'.:J:W.""""'->"r......~'~ ,tijIJ..Mlf:~,~-F-zr..;.M"i"",,~~."f-.,"~,[~.., ...,.... ::.L~.,~;I_f_ _ ~,..,..,",..__ ,%~;.,,,,,',I~,..~'<'"~,.'<<l<'-o' ;~~,~~_ HCM Average Control Delay 14.6 HCM Level of Service B " "',. ,.., I...."C-' . :.t-' 'c'.. "I'" .! ", .....,.:,~<\"""...a-..i'6-.:7:...:._,':-'-:""":'~:.".~r:.<,\..\ .1 ',~-, ~'"' ~ > '._''f{'''r::r; - _ ".;.",'t.' ,.....;'.. ~:G.~' V91 urre..p.u ~8?Gt y;'r~...19t:" i\:'~~'~~,.\i:.,Ri:~.':".~:....;\..}.r::~/--:':~/:" :~t-,',},f;::tltE<,~ "_"-" ~ .'~.% . - -At:'. , '~ .;":{ .-it .~~J;' . ~ i':.+~~(;\~;:~~F;{';,; \~S; Acluated Cycle Len9.lh (s) ., ...~g;?.> c ~lJm of,l?sl time.N..... 12.0. Int~t~~:9l~6~-~-C?i5~'9;iJy,:;.L!~il ,i,~t~9h:~::::;l;tThl~t::~i~Z~.~g!ro:;~1i?,:~bj~2~..~!iJI.~~R~~veljj'~f.~9..~.r;Y:Lq~ll~;!*~::\~',:,',';~:::.: ;;~~7~B-i:j1~~:: ~~;~\1~:t(4;'~~~,; ;,;.,';_;i\~.:i~;~~'~;f; Analysis Period (min) .' . .' 15 ~.7CCriti9al..Lanei.,Gr9up.:;;;,~,;: Existing PM Peak Hour Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 4 HeM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 ..;. - ...... ;f - "-- '\ t I' \. + ~ tW"".. OV~k"~'f'1!'!!)\~";2~1'!EBU;1'\"'EB1lliJIIN'IEBR'i!;~WBla$'.i'\VQBilI""'WBRI;'",NBlli'ii!f!iI'JB!Ii"'f~N"'''''\1''lc'SBI!Jf~S13;r""Jk1<;!BR . _. ...~"...",""_.....".,__=,t"~-"lliM.1;-.~"t(:.",,.'l!o:~_,.....~...._~"'"*,.~-_.,:':i!li-\",~_",=",'",,"iIi"',,_.....=";'Il1.. .!.i"__'"""'~~"'__._..~;.;;.d"."':;3 '-_~~~,~..~~l:__~.~,u,v.~, _:!E'oiI.~._~.1~./'tiJi:j!.. ,~ lane Configurations "l to "l to "l to "l to ~.!9nl':~9nl~Q][~~i~\:;:~j[fr:~:;i!'.!:::\~'~lMs~~;~%~;t~~fQWEJ:~:;j'1;[~~I~~i0[~2RJEI'1:'-';;~:!~~~i~i~~~ir($19Hl~I[~~~;lli~~~~I2~~lI Volume (vph) 56 396 2 174 358 7 262 4 21 5 27 44 ~eak'.lJo'urC.F~9t9r~%llbi?i{~)~fl~\;ii;IE~~jf01();~g:;}:f!ClYg?21iJ,Qi9~C9-t@111QT~f{"5r~I~~~f;[oZl!2~T9~~1~~I(:~gI~ Hourly flow rate (vph) 61 430 2 189 389 8 285 4 23 5 29 48 jjJ.i~mmr.\#Jmi!ii1f~~'ffi]l!lm~~~e~JjllilllJ;31~J::lJ!~'1!;fj~~lij,lSJ~lii1~r$Bk?!~~J'llD,Y~1!~;~~1ilJ Volume Total (vph) 61 433 189 397 285 27 5 77 V olurile.left (vp~) !.61" ";"i/(QF' ..I~$>.""Q':L~~~L';;i9.i; . Volume Right (vph) 0 2 0 8 0 23 trt~PJii(~):~;::,::Z:::,,''!: :(/;'!;~:'~:t,D;'~.~~~JHRQf.~~{fi \',(:9 ;'o.~~~gEJ~9J,~~(J~:J19Jp?r::,t';::j~:Q';;$.~~jz~I~~t~~f9I~~J~!~tt'Qt~:~~[~1t~1&~~:~,~~~~~3l~~~~f~dti~.L~:: Departure Headway (s) 7.5 7.0 7.4 6.9 8.0 7.0 8.8 7.8 rp'~'g.re~';;~~il!z~J!8ri\~)~})t:<:;:::;;d'9;~:1"~;j~ir~QJ~5K~~~!;Q[,~!]):z;j'i~".QJ7,~~&~~9i~:i17~~~;Q:g~:Q~IQI9ill;~Q'~~1~~];~~:H}b:m~1}1~J~}f~1?&l[~~~ Capacity (veh/h) 460. 505 473 509 429. 489 382 .424 G,9!if6f.D~!~S~::( $):~'~~t}~t;i~:~,;,~;t$1'g;~~':~~;~~~;r~'~@:'~:;A'Wt~1~1i~~{?~{gl'~~~~~:gl@;.~~di~~~~Jrr2r~1!Q1~~~~]~~~j~;~~~~~1~~iiRf~Jg~~~~!j]tt~7{;~1 Approach D~lax (s) ,32.3... . 22.9 21.7 11.2 Appro~ct) l::0.~})1i{:<g.:;~::"}>,,<8/l;Y~Qf:'~~~~~~~;~;(j;~8~~,.; ;~;it~,\)~~\1~faij~*;,~j~~~,;~tIW1i~.~L,f:.,liill_~;~ti~ly:;?:~I~IS.g-;lJj1:':~ HCM level of Service I.h~~r,~~9!J9D~~q~'p~(jitQf,Q,!H,!~~J9.1J!~&~~:;~d,i;':;:"~~"'~M'~~~0rlJ~J~j;Ls~~-~:!~gfl~~~1~y,i,?E~~~r2~~,~~i~~~lliti:!~~~l~~il~~~~ Analysis Period (min) . 15 .] '" _.'. "r t_Y. ;',;' ',,\;~:; _, ,'"" Existing PM Peak Hour Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: W Branch Street & Rancho Parkway 3/18/2006 /' - - "-. \. ~ MbjL~)'1gtitt!~::~~f~~~J;E~U;r,;~~e~~~V'l6.JM~f.yg':_~~m.S~~~~.S.6.~~'ii;'~~_'. '. _ . ..~~~i~t:~1~?J;t~~&~~;i:t~firi" Lane Configurations "i tt tf> "i'" IdeaU;low(vptlpl)';;'.., . ):19i50."\19do!X:1900~;;/Xf90~b~;;?1 ~.bb "1.900;;;~?ri';~p,,*:!:'i:4:}:;;;;;~<'. "';';;:lY';i~ :::;';;;;::.if~~~ Total Lost time (s) ... '4.'6'4:6' . f6 .... .' . 4.0 4.6'""""'" .", l:ane UtiL; Fa:ctor 1.00: 0:95;,"0:951200.;. . Frt 1.00 1.00 0.91 1.00 0.85 FltProtecteih 0:95 . .'.1:,00 1,00....;'0.95 ,1.00',:" Satd. Flmv(prot) 1770 35.39. ~216, . 1770 1583 Flt:~ermi!!ed "'Yt .'.f' 0,~5:.:.>1iiQ.Q,~f:,)'fOO: .i:, ;. ::'::~,Q:9,g/: 1;QQ ;~~.!,~:g';f:;~~': Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 3539 3216 1770 1583 ~Rt~!ii~;{(YPt1:)" ;:Z;:(:;~lEE::,ik_,~':,~!t~{~~~W::~:;:~~g~1W~tj.;;g1Qi~Ji:i8,?'4~,"J\~:?p~r;1~i:~~t~.~f:?:t{!:~~?:~'it:,~i~(~~1~~;f;:~~,; \;.:fJ;~~&~1if~i,~[;: ':~ft~~~~ff\iI;~:K;;;~:'~:;?:;t~~~~]~;'~i; Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj..Flo;Oj;(vph)", <: .;. RTOR Reduction (vph) La'ne,Group Flow (vph)': ;\ Turn Type Prote.ctea Phases::" Permitted Phases 8qt0.~!~t~;"~'re~Q~;~'21(~) :,~--;~~~f5~~t(:,~:?,,;~i;;1:'~1.~lFtk1.9~~s~~\~1j~21ii:~:t~r;i'I:~L~~i~!?.2=~[Cft~!~~!i~~1fi0f:'i, .:tr]TB;t:};~~~~}G~~V%t;:~ir,';":f}6t~,~~~~:;;3~t~~~i11 Effective Green, g (s) 4.5 18.6 10.1 16.5 25.0 ~c~0?te'd. ?i(q; :_F{~fi'q:,~I<:>::":' 'i> "d}~:QW~~~~Yb,1'~~'fj::t,l\QY??'i:;;~;~t~~}i;.r{~fEy~Q~~ID1:.f~rq::$,'~~i:~:;t~~~;;~\,1]l?:5~"~.~W\\~::,:F'"7:"~:;fU'~f~S;;k}:)\!7:"::,~~;~,j~;::[~:';-: :i:il~'~;E~~~~ Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 . . Vehicle'Extension (s). . 3.0 ';':\.0, :'::3~(J ,'::' "~c. .' '.;';:,3.0..,::' ". c.....: \'. \,:. "." . d .:' . 'f;.;,;, ..:".," Lane Grp Cap (vph) 185 1527 754 678 918 vis Ratio Prot cO:05 0:9.7 "cO:!,1" <::0':16' 0,05. vis Ratio Perm Y/~.Ratio:;":.; " _'!";'" '. 0:4~., '. 0.16,.\0:47 Uniform Delay, d1 18.2 i':{14:2 f?Y9gr~~.~~9rl'::.f~s.!qr "'!:S.;: j' ~j.:~Q!XS:f~1t[Q.Q\::,:?;'~1!Q9}:}[;,>~~~2?~:~;tj::f~:'"Qg~';~lfj:!;1:;QQk:~;~~~?fi~:~i: ".:~,Ti~/:,~Xi }:;;~S{~:~:;~~~!:/~~lf~Y~(;~,~ Incremental Delay, d2 2.1 0.1 0.5 1.9 0.0 p~I~Y:': (~r ': ,; Y::;<:,:,,\;:::: ..' :i.;:\:;;;;;~.O':~,:~&;b;~i~:~f;:'~ii~,:~)]iE;,~:'r~,~iS~~i:'~~:~J:r:illJi[~z~~~)1~~1t'p'j::~,":::~flK~~:ii~!J~~~~~~f:~:~,if>{:jD~. ~';: ~;:':~;~Z~1::~i:~~l1~;~+~i'~i~)f[:;;:';\~' Level of Service CAB B A Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS !i;i.t~Ls.ep!iO\iiSl1iiLRjJjJ<li[~TI'>~i!Ili'~~~;~j7~-m~1[:~ll:r;~~1,ift'*i1;i~;tlt'fi:,;t~i;Jl~~~~'ll\.~~ HCM Average Control Delay 12.2 HCM Level of Service B 1i!~~~;V9ju.m~:i~fii:R,~e~'pj!Yir~Ii,g:i;l;~!~Ej!1g;:::::djX:_Qt~'].~~~{~tm;i~'~~;:~~~fj'm!~1~~~6l~:;~;~::~~7t~~f~;2;':'r~j;rri(~k~:~~[fw:~~;~#flt0I;;t~":~':i:l):~;~t:~~:~:;I~l:R~ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 43.1 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 !rrte"rs'e,~t,i9ri';'gap~-?lfY::tJtili'~at1q'ry::' .'~:;~:;?R,,:~~J;47;,t'~_~'l<r(:;/,; '~'i;~G;I[QJ:[~Vf@qr.ir~,~'[p(9~~zUi13;D~f :'~7tI~;f3~;J~,;':j/,fi~~i[fKf~;,\t;,~Fi!';:~:;1i~~:1~:~,~~;')1 Analysis Period (min) 15 G. 'Cri,tical Lane Group o .- ~ ~ ~'." ;::/:~::,~~$i;' _{':;~~ $~:\;~{i:G:,;rQ '~~l~i~<~2$~ :i~).t~' ;DE/'8~;X;,f'~;~t:'~~Ht~"'J,; .;'L; ;~:~inf/~~~~~{,~,~;~-G::~' .~.r :':":;}{~:; ,_ ~~7{.~:~dG{~f;3rk:C'" '-~ Prot pt+ov .'>::;;'?~\t:::.~~~~,~1jj.;t'j '.;1,i:~J~i~;TI;;~~~1~0(;~1R1L~;j:~\:,;;!,~1i~::~~.;!]i:Jt~l~~&ll1B~tli,::':?;;i}:;';~:~N:f[i:~'~;:;l~;Jit:B/:i~~;~;:-., ;:' ;;:::~~:~;}:;;1\Q~z1 \': . """;-;.' Existing PM Peak Hour Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 3 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: James Way & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 i I I .-J- - " .('" - -\.. '" t ,.. \. ! .,; t;1bxem}j6f!1:;\;;,fl~~f"'%iit-:E~J~~1fi;~J.tli.-\\I;B.8~~MlB~~~~t'I~[!~'!iNBjlk"r.:iN~.~f$~.s6lf,'i'21':$6~ LaneConfigurations/....i.'. "i......ti.\ .'.. ."i. .1+....... '. "i..t1+.;.... .."i,....t1+ Ige,a,l!!iloY'!.' (xPtlpl ):;".,,'iki.;I!!ftti~~;fr~.p'q~;~~16,~k:;01 gQ91[;:I@QEjii;1.~<QQ!I~~!lgQ[;11 g9:~~~~~~QQ.~i&1.~92:\.!gQQ~i811.gQ9 '!'.?~~,! Lost til11e(~). ",4'O,,~:O...,,~Op4:0 . 4~O_ ., ... . ~:O. ,,4,0 ,,_, ", 4,0.4:0 , ~~hE!'l:Jtil.. Fac;t()~:;;'~1'tjf,~;;;.:~,~~~.iiJ:!~~!L~~lii?~,*~!:"i,,; .:~~~~~%~lii1[%;~;?;~:;:i~::~~!~~~I~~,[v;;:i;, '~r,i~:f~gE~iI\~~~t.'. ;~~';:0 f!f''''rqt~ctedi}>,J:';, ;:9:WQ!!:J.~".i' 1r:Q.9,i......,,1,J~Q(?i;\t;Q:~j;Y:T;1&gQi;.,\X;;r~'~;oI!:J.9i:d,~;.qo~s~.:r~'j;i! . 'o'g$',!':!::OQJlIHi\;;Si Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1863, 1583 1770 1820 1770 3365, " 1770 34~4 Fltf?erniitted 0.69;,1,00:"-;,1,00:0,72\"1':00.; 0,95;";1;,00' "\ ';0:95:.:itOO Satd, Flow (perm) 1291' 1(363" 1583 1334 1820 1770 33651ii6"3484 ~oluhie (vpl1}\\. ..". ," ','34 "}. 58/:)02 ,'170i:?t?dJ,;1~(;!;'154..t25ji#;>)22:i').':,:13;"2~;4,!:"25 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0,92 0,92 '0,92 0,92o~92ii,92' 0.92 0;92 '0,920.92 6:9'2"0,92 Il{dj:,.Fli>'^'.. (vph}i:.j...,"';'i'1iS;;,37.'.;,...~;;;jJ~',;; .jm~'i... ':n~$~;:;:iH~~'it:~%11i~;)",'i'~~1,tiZi~~:\~:i;'fi,1.33';Milft~!;::;2~~;i~j'D;2Z RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 88 0 12 0 0 61 0 0 16 0 LanEi!,Gtoup. ~ibw;(vptij-:;'2t~~7;).'.';&L63::n;;;;i23:;tJ~;;185~'~GfJi)'(j7J"ii:;;ilj)~;.~:),1'67~;!)i:i:345'i~fi~iI\b.. 'i~:;.;if4t;i-02M&!.;~\I;'O Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Prot Prot ~rotecjedPha~e~:Xt . Permitted Phases Ac(uated G(eeh;Gi(s}V.',.,!:fo:~ik~;i{0;2.;t!1b12:';;-,,10:2;:;1{f2if:~;g,-~'.i'1i',:;~.i' i.",'".>. .9,'. ,'.',2,".',.'.:,;2. 7.}.O,..";,'~.'!.',',,...i.".:"-""'.",'.'.,;..',";;,<.:,i,i,.. 0.'....:.8" ,l,.... '.',.:1..,~,;.9., ',,-,i'.l,;,;..'; :.','1 . '",-'...',c'.c, ... - .. ,"".," ,..,_..,~',-_ c. .-.\. ,~,., '.",',',"__, .,._,",,'..,.." ~"->-.,.,_~J<. .,_, ".. ...,,,,_,",,,,'.<",,:'~'.;i,,,,',,,",_,..~...,< ._..._.... ,.., . . ~_...... ._...._ _... _ ...._ ....... n _ ._... .... Effective Green, g (s) . 10,2 10,2 10.2 10,2 10.2 9.2 27.0 0,8 18.6 ~S!~,~ted:.gIG)t~?',~J~::':~:",~;:~r\::~;:t 9,;:?-9}{a~~K!.(?,~t~J'/'\P2'?~9..\~.~2'::~q'~?_Q!~irQr?:Q~:i0':(~~t~~:J;~};!~,Q}J~~~~~~,Q,I~4tt~{;-::;~ih~t~\~i~tQ~q~:~>,i#?'~~~~1!;~'~~.~~: U;:j Clearance Time (s) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 l/eJ)iclij:Exleh.siOr'{( sj;.f,\iWF3;Q...,:3:'b';i;):~'ii;3;b,lf2,3ToF"';E~Y(J.f~K!lT;'t;!f-;'?3'(jG,illii!t:fOi';~ti;:i'r:i); ......i':fO::~:,!;:3!b~:')l{l\ij': Lane Grp Cap (vph) 263 380 323 272 371 326 18.17 28 1296 v/sRatio Prol "','" "0,03\'"..... ,"\0/'i,.,O:O$:' <,cO:W'. "i;0:01<iW07. ;!',ii: vis Ratio Perm 0,03 0.01 cO.14 .1i/eRatio . '.C, 0.14 '0:17.,6,0y., 0,68..9:;23'.': 0'5): Cl:19""C Uniform Delay, (j'1 '.'" 16,3 16.4 16,1 18.4 16,6 18.4 5,9 Prqgf!l$s ion Fastbr .,,1.00:'1.:00 .1'00. ::;:1'OQtt':t:90"i,,";'1'.QQ.~'::1ii6,0 Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 0,2 0.1 6,8 0.3 1.4 0,2 p?,e.r~y;( $1' "'i';:{;:i,.",,;r':!ii,f$[ll, i':j.~.!.~A;;;~j:$I4F"..'~.~'~;;U~ft.:t;g:~:I:\(}~;:fi:i):.;j 9:t'..Y\m?~j,~;r:i';'i" Level of Service B B B C B B A A"'foacIi8Eiia '(5}'!'-',";', .J?I1..., ." ". Y . ,.~..' Approach LOS 'tlJ!{r.~Jlcmci]'.S,dNmi!I\Y~~\1!1I!iL,~!"J.~~~",,"~}_,~l::l!1!i:~ii~1\\lf~~lW-l~Nj.t.ei1l6."fcl!,~i'll HCM Average Control Deiay 14.1 HCM Level of Service B .8~.M~V61 L.frne";l()t:(j~'p'~,GitYJ.iati~F :"';~~:7t!,~:{ti:..,;__iOI4~~(t~;<~;;~i;Ji~lYi~~.B~:,:;;~",.;'g';~~~~~ff1f~~f,?Y~f::';':~~~~~Wi.:~;~':;B~!0r~;;0,":fr~;:':~:'i~1,~i';1~~-::,".".\:"~}L~;;i:(~~;~~~~j ACtuated CycieLengtt;'(s)""''''50-:'6--- Sum oflOsrtirrie(s) ." ""'T:t6"" .., ". '. i'~1~f~~:~tf<?B':.b'~R~C!!}i;;:,Q~IH~.?t,'l.9fHli_J{~~~;~~1j1;~..?lc(:~~:?,;:,~~~~,j~{~~~7~[~I;,9ft$,~~6!..tg,~t;~;~;;i~:~f~J?\\~~~:u;:;~t~y,~~~fJ"~'~~~~~!~!:m:~it~~~;';..;",..":"~~?g:0j~ Analysis Period (min) 15 pB1B~ritic~ i ;:~-~b erG "r~'p' :~~;J.r: :;-!!i~:j~mZ~LC(',;:',;:,~:} :'i'::~;~i~~l~~~;;?iv~;:;;2r~;~~~;~~~~ :;, :i?{:~'~~t~J~:;-: :;,:i~':j:;:~;~:BfL;. ~,~;~Jf:~~~i~STf~~!~~f~~::::~~%:;:~:;~;5: ;~:::"S;~:i: tJ.:;ffi~~i,~~~ ~A~~~ '(, :q,50:" q:192 24.4 10.6 ... c1~QO:,t;q9::Vi;it;~: 13.4 0.3 ... 3?i;l!':i,:(;~0!9i'(";;,;; D B Existing AM Peak Hour + Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: W Branch Street & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 / - .. ('" - "-. '\ t /" \. . .; r\ifP:Y.'~1~~'f~~~~g!:l.i[~i~':l!E;g~~!lhV)tElW~~IJ)l!:l.~tt.t,z'!~B~~~,~!:lBiillt~$El~&$!!.'\'i&i:lR Lane Co~figuration~,,><.. ,~......".. '.. ....".,.", ..... . ...:'1.,.., ,..1'.",. t". ~.l. '. t.!!,,",.. ",,,'t. ..,.. .t 7' IdeaI!'Flow'.(vphpl);h,'jti,;:1900'iM.900!r::';,1900,,'i'1900:i!:'(,,1900$i,,1900f::''1900;'',,1,900.l,'Ii1,1900:;Ci,(:1900,.", t9()Ot"&19'OO ,. ",,' '. ;..... ,..,.. ....,.. ., 0' ,,_, .. - .. ..- '.,." ""," ,..,.. ,-"..., "". ,,',"-'., "~c<'_"J;"',.;',',.., "" ,"""';"',",OC,"".'r ''''''~;C:'''''''''k''~'' ,'c. -'.,,'" .",......;;...".~~."'.""~.,._:"..'~""h~._''''''..,.'".".:;......,...,.... :~...'::';:.,. ._,'~"';;:=".l;;"''''''. .....,::i'"."i.>:.:.l,.:,i".""',,; Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 lhaile;Util i;Factqr;,., .' ,H~!ti~11QQ}~;:~:QJg?j;t,rQr@~ji'~~1~QQlWJ.!!(1i.~~f.:;~t!;~.!!j~~1i(";11QQ;li~:.1!.9(jrff!ii1:;:Qg Frt 1.00 0.87 0.85 1.00 0.96 ..' .. 1~OO {OOO:85 FIt :P~qt~qt~,q':~;:,,~ji1:~~;::::':~::2?i:~~;:~".:f~~?t~:':~:~'; ,::::;,';~~I~l;~ft~:~.;~:!"!)[t\~.g~~""~)~!;~%t1P.Q.~~~1~Rqg~;:!j;:9,~'9.51~{u1jj!i~'~~,~{si:IGi;:,;,~~tQlg~.~:Jr~~!~Qj,:'i'~&~~Qg Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1539 1504 1770 3385 1770 1863 1583 FJt;PermJ~~ar;- -c. "'~.', .~~~~~!W'~PJ,:j/Ht\i;<;:;~la!~~~:':,~~';~i,'d'tQ;:9_5~~~f~~~OO'~~,;:,;':1ioOJ&~QT95~;?::;~t!pd,':5~]:R1;~:~:t~ig~o1~]~~l~~r:~1rOo1.~r~\Od Satd. Flow (perm) _e..... .... ......'1770.. 'i53fr"15o,rTi7o";3385""""~~1Y7o "'18'63"1583 Voiume(vp" 11) ".,".;." ;.'"i ;':;;::["'0';''''-'-' :01; 1'd!')i(OF:;'190i:'f:,;;f9,,;;i"~258~X'''408g~.,i'i455;;',::'ii,j:87...,:,;;g&!6~k:""'34(r,'i\';'195 '.' ;',."'" ... -, -.' " ,",' ;"., '."';, ~_. <::"":_C' "'''..' ".'::..:'::.>:< ':::' :'~":'~'~hf,; ..,,;: :,':;)~:~;'1<~,.: r':~:"" .:;. ,,.....~ ::-.' "",,':;:'_' __",;,,-':':",":"";,", "".:.,..,;,:.;?", i :,'..""...,..i':;:~:;':~~c,"_"__",,--<1.R{~,'!:'.'.L;".:..,,.:::,';'.~:;'mf';"';~(:,"";i;_ "',..,,:;.,,""r.':.~'~\::'[.,:\....,;,~ Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj' F!()w(vph)' .,0.... '.0 .'O!"/?pl>...2,t ..., 28Q.",~,"443:;;i:..495'<\?Q3' '3IOf<~~1;f{~ RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 0 112 113 0.62 0 O. 0...150 Lane GroupoFlow,(vph) , '0 .';Or . '.:0.. ':20.7": :,,~til8!{j'.28:';'}';A43"';;',LQ36/;: ',O,y,.,)i66.,);!3Z0:,{(ir^:62 Turn Type Prot Prot Prot Prot Perm Protected phases '. Permitted Phases As\uated;GY~en;:(3'(s)i ,Y. Effective Green, g (s) Actuatec!C IC'Ratib .. ,,,__, . .:g. '" , . ", c'_, ,,' c. i-;" ,>;.~.;~-, Clearance Time (s) V ehide ,Exten$ioi'i; (5).'. ,..,&:";, ;.. jL!.:;tg'c:::f!'" .' Lane Grp Cap (vph) vIs r Rati 0 ::J? rot ' .>.:';..~..~.i, ~.i.::.:-'._'; ;~J:,:~.,::;rf~f;l.::,f~!;:.~'.i!i.:,*~.:,,~.':-j.,:. "'_'. " _c: ".,.~." _". ",. . __ ". . vis Ratio Perm \i(e, Rati()"\';\';::': :, Uniform Delay, d1 prcig'ressionFactor ' Incremental Delay, d2 Delay (s). Level of Service ApproachDelay(s) O;Q': Approach LOS A J~~t ---t'-'';"S-U'"'' '. "t"~,~,~",~W'",,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,",,,,,,j\'",".!.'"'"'''''''''''''''"'''''''''''_'''i'i''''ilil<,e"",,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;o;''',w''''''_'''j<,,,". _n_~,r:seJUQ.tl\;;_...II1,ro.a!,.M~~'-'. ~,~'-il:;;'.;.lnl~&'At~'itf,I~~~~'f.l!r::f.";$i;\lWr:;J~~~~~~(~~t~iti;"J:~~r~fi\~#1':m.-~~ HCM Average Control Delay 17.5 HCM Leyel of Service B Jtlc;r\!1~'M,Qlqffi~._.tQ,r~~p~qj!y::"r1;fti9:';:~';:':~';';"':~~::i;:;~~;d~~Q1ThtY:;0,::;gj;~)'[T;;'i~}j~t1~:;E >~~f;~~~~l~~,~~~~~!1~}~~~jr!\\;~~~,;;:~~~~~;~'!~:_:~~(~~~~~1{;t~J}.';:;];!;;:;;~t;~[i;!~~ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 'l.rtt~'t~~9U9,h~ C?P?G,iJy~~ i;JtiJ,i~,t~qr(~':2'::::;01]~';:f:M1:'~j.t~9rt~,~;!t;::~?J{~KTI,9W;:_~~~~.t~~E$:~I:YI?~!.;~;[:;.;:,,::';:~"~~&r~1h'&[~\~~;:~!;;~:lS~~~q:"~~~~7;t?~'j:~~'~1~fj~.~r~),~ Analysis Period (min) . 15 . , c";r:~\G,tit!~'aFJi~~e~<?,r,qlfpi!;~ji~,'::7;:::;< "~:~:@~i~';;ft.{fkN~;'~~r:&tin~,:,::;l:&: '~g1li~~~tSi~i,~t$;{[~;t~Ff;;i" '"?':fl~i:0r ~:~m~i::~)~~;e'~;t):: ~:;1;:;'-~i{~~1~1'~~I~;;:;:n:.t:1~t~;i,~ ::i~:~~~j:f2.~~r;,~:~:~:';~;2':;~f~'::,i~:~~;:{1t~j~r(t7'tZ:~,~,ftA;%tt{~ 11.8 11.8 11.8 18.6 31.8 4.4 17.6 17.6 .' '.';',i:;i':.." ~U;;Q.20;~Q~~q.~.:~j:?g;1:f'o'.~~~1';i:~(t5~~i:~~;tW:~:i> 0:6t;., Q:?9!;'~'!.q~?Q 4.0 4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 :;::)iil';~~~'~'~ 0 ks.!~;}31Q!:~~t;:~i;~:a:; o.~~J&~;~~,31b};4fii~~3.?O}~;;;~'0~\;,~.':, iiH ~~~~~; ~,Q_J~.{~~!;~~\Q,1:~:~~:,il3_~'b, 348 303 296. 549 1794 130 546 464 :f/i~:~~f;~f(~QI1~3Mi~_,QJ'q~~~;{~~;Qr9~?;'!8P~:~~,~I~i~wQ'~tl~~~ii1i?l~~~~~'2KQJQ4,_;Ji;2-.(r?g1}Y~:~:~~~ 0.04 ";\;;~t:i~::.i}_ ,,:~:~{'i;::~:::NiF~~:~~'iQr$,~t~;:f,rQtt:$~::\:f{fQ,~Q,.~fi:;:~q~~1~~Q}~'~Elf!~;I~t:~:~:.Ki[{q{~A~:~~",Q\??~~~~Qi1:~ 21.9 20.0 19.7 19.0 8.2 26.8 18.7 15.6 i"';;:' . .!:!!S'';1,i'OO,'! }j'i!i9J';i,1?9()f;~;1.!!.Q,9.~\~Mi!l~~H~Y;t!;;;;:!'!r..: 0'.~?f;;,~O:(14r(i7iq}~~ 2.7 0.2 0.1 7.8 0.5 3.0 6.5 0.6 , '?4"6~1' 2()2".\t9.fjii"i:17)t;:f"i!?''!,) .... ......'\27 ;7;;;;?iJ:4,i;.1$i,~ C C B C A C C B . . ....i.2Jt.').".;.?14:~;/i:S\ '. ',;;t~;~F; Existing AM Peak Hour + Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 2 HeM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 15: EI Camino Real & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 .,J- - ,. ~ - '- '" t I" \. + .; i'iovemenl?P'l!I'3lr~'".'EBC:WiWiEBI':!ji!7'E;;BR""!WBI!'~,~'wH;r1il"WBR,,{WNB~"'''NB''''1i(';NBR",,''SB~'.t~SDm:~iliSIi13 IY.L.^~. ____,_ _~ ,~,~,,;l,=,I..J"'!'i.,f.i.< . ~,"'.. ~_~ ~__:i.~_.> - -_~~_. J.~..._~.,.. ':':Xoii"l.... ._--,:.r~~,,,___;';.Jif'~..,,_,,_~ia..,_u,,_"".~~~_._ il>'~~>.:: !!rli~};'.,,"'-, _.b',Rf Lane Configurations '1.. <f .. If... . .."l.. . 10. .. ....... ...... "l t1o... '. .' "l. . t... . . l' I~&al FI.9Yfi (vRI:iRI )i' g9QF:;t!i:.qQ~\';:;I~:QoC\:ill1.g,QQ121i1~g(jj;1i,1~q9;1ki:~~9Qi!\~~1'gQQ}~;".ig99~;;i:iL~9Q;!(4;ig2@ti";1~QIJ Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 La ne .lJtil, 'F act!>f:,; : Qg5~(,',..,.()X~$~::.A;1~.(m~::t;:Q.Q . ..J:!QQi12~~;;;:'i";~jXQJ110XQ1~$F:f:1:1;':":0:;!J1YQQffi~!1JQQi~,~j19Q Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.89 1.00 0.99 1,00 1.00 0.85 ,17_!~1;Rr~t~,'2~~:Q->\',::;,:~~i.!'~{:~~'~~~:.~;i;:~i~t:Q~$q:~}i;~~~Q~:9~~d;t~ittQQ5i0xQf~,~I~~~;~~\f1lQ~Q.ifi~~~;~:~x~~~r~pm"RtH~~~!~~Q~~iB~~;~;!r~;riQJ.~,9~j~~1:~Q'9lrtlit~QQ Satd. Flow (prot) 1681 1702 1583 1770 1649 1770 3521 1770 1863 1583 sJt::,ger& t1~'~g~;:;~~:, ", .,__;::t~~..,~~, SQ1~~~~~;',;:1(:g~~g~;~;:~\t{rtJ..gp~~,~~-Q1~~J]7~HQ9)~~$f~hrPfJ~~~9~~1~'f;jlqQ~~d~~~t;~~!~~(~~rQ}?<~'~;~t8ji1~lQ.Qfi<~~rqg Satd. Flow (perm) 1681 1702 1583 1770 1649 1049 3521 525 1863 1583 V.614m~;(yph);;t;; ,.'...:i'.........,..;t~~~;i'(\.;~\i?,(?i~J,:J.~rt.i!;?1::;;1~~,l{~W!':j~f:3,~' .!q~!f10?;;'2~[dX{~!?Wl;~:ljM?,::~)!~iii.fIl~f\.\',:~~):\:~"2~~\t:":],~~ Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj:Flo;y:(yph) · .'. 242' .. ;18!.:' :'1t~.?9\.;[34:XjH'.:c:MC.n~()tF';.;;2~1,;.;. .91~~i;!:28~'in,i;;~~? RTOR Reduction (vph) . 0 0 146 0 99. 0.0 .3. 0 0 O. ...96 LariE'ie>roup,Flow(vphV 131' ." 139'.<>29<', 20.',.,.246';;,"'."0.'" '6t..'8:3.3)'J';':;';.','0,'.;,g1<;';':k282\;'!,;tf06 Turn Type Split ~:()t.SplitT Perm Perm Perm R~Qteg!!lq'pha~e~.' \";rA1:'j~,!::\j;,;;4' :(i;i;!t~"iL;, Permitted Phases A~W~t\iiCjI.~reen';,<3 (5)'" .,.1p1;1l~"~' '1Q;}i ':\1.Q)i1B~'t[6':~{'\'r~;~';:}7S)i\C\i1J~1\R:'/;!~l~f;!l::~i\~~:;'(S\~:;'31;;~f(;j}1:,!>.j;;t~8J&:~ Effective Green, g (s) 10.1 10.1 10.1 6.3 6.3 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 Actuil!Eld:.gjC. ~~t!9' i" I' ")Q:1.t!A)~'Q';1'?;1'~?()'.jj,f,'.t()IQ\;\tQFK9Y;~",(;;JJ.:.....;~Q!.@:I{g;;()}~;3';2f;t~:.'.;:~\i'ij(j'!5~\\1'[Q:R~)~;;WQJ[a Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 V ehicje .'Extensioii,( il);', . ..:'.:"a. 0.\....',i;3illF;,;.'!!(3:oF,';,.,;a;O:,'.i,\'310::{;'"',,,;l;{?,'i:;;::'3rO:,g;;2:,i;~im:;,;;;)~};,:";;;3;0,;;::':t'a:o;" ..::,?a!Q Lane Grp Cap (vph) 283 287 266 186 173 552 1854 277 981 834 V{.~J.I3,~,!j2/f?tC?('?~:;':.'~~{~:':::~;2\'.~ ,~f9.\:Q~;",':":)'S,91Q~~;~~;t~Q~~P',~~j1::;il{Q.rQ:1~;,'~,g91Q~T~G~'!t:~'~$f!:':i;:~.;.:~:,JJ1BDi~~Jlr~t!~$~~r{-~~:;t'sjh:i:?~1:l2~?~~~:!~Qi'~I..~1!:,}~IT~,~~',0.$i vis Ratio Perm 0.06 0.17 0.07 '{tctR~tlQ.t~'~',~;:'::..:.~~'!~~:.:!;X ....,'J.,~~':;;h\~;pt1R:i!}~:Q'~~'~};i'1-J~Q:~~~~~,~~~;g'~1j1::r'J;'~19J~~Jf~~qgr~t~,t]Iq,~~,~1,:k:~~Ilmlr~~;f;f,t~~7~I~g~sQ;:~$.~~~,:':~Q~g~!~~~,Q10,~ Uniform Delay, d1 22.5 22.6 21.1 24.3 24.7 7.1 8.8 8.1 7.9 7.2 E'r6'gression;F act6~,,'.).;~j':9~r;j~1noQF;,i1:-o,QA&;}!(:QQ1#" .1"Q6~ .,; .'~,t~1'j'i\;1l92l'i!:\;1[QqlJr~,\~#!::1,\~;9.~?~;,~1:9}g9!2lfQlti~ Incremental Delay, d2 1.2 1.3 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.8 2.4 0.6 0.2 Delay(s) '23.7 :2a"g"'21'3:24':6:<25,$;[:'. '. '\,.. "7:!?:;:.::'.;9f6':::'!,\,:~}4\i;:',,'t?:4':'i??;\Kfl Level of Service C C C C C A A A A' A Approach;pelay(s) 221~. ~5:4/; ";,,,";;9;5;\, Approach LOS C C A Ji5re.E$.e~c.tH)roS~um~~~~~~~~~~~t~t~~~: ,_,.~~,~~Jtf,&!i~i~~~~7~ HCM Average Control Delay 11.7 HCM Level of Service B ~_~MWi.9.!q,m'~'~tp_-'~.~'R,~~!fy{:t~!i~f:- "g\~~i~.{~:f~'lfl:i~,Q~~~jl~:,:~;!1;~'7'~;g1tr}~~~.:~~f~~f~~~~;~i:{~:~~~~~'i~;:~~{~~~?'}~}'R~~~*f:2~~:;.:t-sl~~':tt~-~~1f:~'t:fu~~i~~'\~~(1'~j:t,.~ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 !_~t.e~~~,gti9nrC~p'?9!Jy':~~fij'!~~t!9r!'::,~\,~i:\inr;~'L"~~1'~~.i%'~:_:ii3::~~;!f5.tGg!,~:S~y,.~!{Qti~'[@Ig~~t1t1,:~B,;f;_Y~!Wi~tH~~~~;'~~0Z!'~'~~l~t@f::;?Il~r~~}~~~n Analysis Period (min) . 15 c ,. Criticc\li~arie,'Group'; Existing AM Peak Hour + Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 .J- - '. of - '- '" t /'" \. + <41' f\!11iv.~!fLEiiiiG;;:;C1:.~il~?J;~\\'1!jEB~1',!iiI~S~El8.i'i~\j\{,I;l.g:'~~S1T!:liw'i:t8.~~!'iJJ31I:{~~.~BJ[~IjJJ~BiCll~SJ:!J!i\.;!!!';~~.B;1;'~~L9B.~ Lane Configurations "i. to "i to "i to "i t+ ~.i'gh 'C9~Jr,qj{' . ;:'i'i:';~;:~~~~O~!~I]:;~j.~X(~':;i:'j~';'~:;,':'3'f;'~1~~~!fKit~~tfiw~~;~g};f!';-::{"!r~}~;l!i4~S1~B~,~1gp~5l};tb:0';;}t!~iEth~~i~g:!i~~:~,f2'RNI}}fj~J~~ Volume (vph) 34 207 0 73 190 9 285 14 8 1 15 29 Peak 'Hour' Fattpr . ,." .' ~', '0~2V:;j(j:9i:i':~Of92~1""(j!92"i:i.i()'.92',i';\(){92;;i;1(j';~21';i;"(r92;}'~oi92f/O;92 ,. \(ji92'i~;~'(jj92 Hourlyflowrate(~ph) .... 37225 ''''0'79 "2oi"io''':i10'''' "{5"''''9'{'{6'''''' 32 QifcfJ:c.tiQw.&~i:li'f~f~_~!ii1;ID;1[,~J;BJ~WEl~I2t4f,\~tile~'L~!:l!J~!r2~~Ell~~~J:!i2tfi~iliif~;~1~\ll'~~~~1il~ Volume Total (vph) 37 225 79 216 310 24 1 48 VolU'm'~F~~ft,,(~:p~ >'~~~;;,?;~V'0:{' r~.~Z}:Mfi~':~~~:Qi:m~ig;t~~~~;'~}o:~~~b~Q'~\!:M~IQ,~~~;~~":?]q;I~\;07f[.:1~~~.Qfl1_~;:tjJ~:";iY]r~iiD2;~'t1r~~1~~i~-g'J:,,~l;;f~~iil~i' Volume 'Right (vptij " 0 0 0 10 0 9 0 32 I,f~dji(~ )i'''.') ..... ......:/~i";0;5~!'.~61(j~;';;;Q~,~~;,,WQfQQf.};(j!~3);..;1();g?]!~,;(j19~f:;,(j:tI~I:N;i;'\,'i;;;~;.):t.;,;",U!;' ';;~i.:K)X~i!;~~~ Departure Headway (s) 6.7 6.2 6,6 6.1 6.6 5.9 7.2 6,2 Degree Utilization, x .0.Q70:?9 '. 0:15 ..0.37'0;57 .,q,Q4 dO.()Q';;.:C:O;()8';, . Capacity (veh/h) 506 555 514 562 518 579 459 527 ;~~~~~~e~~~~)(~) ;'~:~' "1!1;~'ig;~,..;;;ji1i4..';" '+~J,:&7d!1'i..,.'E~:~'J;3'~',9d;';::k;;F; ; Aj:ip.ro,a9.b.LO~";:';:I)".'. ~sItG!jg:r;\'g?w.m:i~r,y,.~~~~~!if'~~.3iq",1;~~~D__~~~~~1ili~~.li~ P~IWJi'~,:;;7?::::':f'.:-::~<n- ':>. i,);~~,'?:;;~Xf~;~D-~;-:~;:,\,~,';~W:,';(:;::);)[,-;r~!~7rf~~~~~f;;~f;~;~.~~7~J(~:;::;;'iD.~,~;::,:~~i~~s~iTI~'FI;~}]1~~~ill;r}}~-~~1f1{tJ~~:S:'~~:~~;J!~i~:ft:;r,i.;i~~';~W~t[t}Ii~~,~~~ HCM Level of Service B Analysis Period _c_''';,_, . ;~. Existing AM Peak Hour + Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: W Branch Street & Rancho Parkway 3/18/2006 --" - - "'- \. ..; tV19:Y['~tlJ~Y~II~-~~~ig.6jfr~,fElli\!)ll?m:tr1tW~~if.fPJl~r~{sa.~~~~~~rs~~~~~~mtI~'1.}i\~t';41%:;J~B!jK~~41!~ Lane Configurations "i tt tf> "i'" Ideal Flow:(vphp'I)"'" :c, 1900,'. ',~j900' ~.'1900'. .:':1900,,:.'1 900" 1900<;: o)"~:r""',,i . ~.',y,'..,..,""'."~.;,,,f.,:,'7,',:.":\,.'.",",-,".~~.',:...i,"c;:,]j.'....""..,,,..,,:-.,,.;,,,~,",, . -'. \ '.' - ,:" , '.;", - , -, ,.' " ,,:r ",,,-,',' .i:':':.~:':, 0, I' ..>- ~~,;; ,-':-,",,,, ~':~:'~<,: -- "1-,.,<'~;,'):' ~__,.>",:.r:::~~:~:~: \,,:{~~j,:,'_:"'\:i;::;.'~,,_: ,'- ';i~-;'.:'. ~':":' :: ,~:--_ '.<:'-' :::" :: i. :".:..~ Total Lost time (s) 4,0 4.0 4,0 4.0 4,0 Lane Utii:Factor . 1.00. .. '" 0:9,5 '0:95;- '0'-;":'" ::fqo'" ',qJ(), "?:/")" Frt 1.00 1.00 0.94 1.00 0.85 Fit protected, . .09,5, ,;, :,1',O()', . .@9: : if,; 0:,9~,:),.()\l':, c'>';;" 'j' Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3539 3314 1770 1583 F!~;_I?~rtritt~d :",~' :.;-..,~': '.,' ". ..:;;-(t~~'<}'~~A~QQ~~;>:, ~it,99t;:;:~:P;i~:Z:J5~7~(':,:9i',~~~h~;;h~!~<1qg~~':;~~&~1J~~};;:i{f~k;:~~~t:.f1{\~;i~~~i~{;;};1fi,t(?~",:~l;ft11:~i:t(\!f,~}j~!~~~ Satd.Flow(perm) 1770 3539 3314 1770 1583 V9!U)!!~,;'(,~lp~')7::~,: i.~:':,;~~:~:k,;;;;A'::/i,:;?t~~~,?~;:,';(:,j2:~~~,~;:~~[Ji@1~7ih':~,1E~rng~~~i1~~,,~l~i,~:t:@]~~~f~:TIi;~,W~1[~':rS~~~1~i~M~~~V[~~8;~}::~;::~Df;):;J,\~i@lht~~:;f~1~~~{;;<l\i~ Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj:~,~fl6.w :(vph F!"':i:";::;~h;;,:~'~';~\'~:4:,1(.V\',,';:\~:3:1l::~&i~~Z!+{f:f'~'~jf~~j~,;:',;!;:;~:j'~l!tj~:/;-j~~A$~1i~~;H1::l~[~F0L&;>f;':;~~~.i:l:,'~;~\4;(:f~)~:~!'<~r,~;;:~~f;:Uif:n;:;!ij;;:,:~7~::f.i&:Y:~,~i.,~ RTORReduction'(vph) . 0'" 0139 .. O' "'- 0'- 18 "..., . h"", .,," ...'.' ,,, "a' 'n"e' . 'G'r'o' 'up'";''low''' (v'p"h')< ':''''''';4'''1'.'','c;'-'''13'4'' ".... "27."3' '''",-~~-rlO'';':'''''1';2'2' --'''j "2"7' ;.,~ ".,",O''',? "", :'" ",,". :.~ik': ~.;. ".' . ,';/,,"':,:",'.:' ,.",."-.!,,:,,,.o,''',..,:,;;.'',,' L_ __,,' "_ ;f;i ,\ ' .,:;:;;,,~,';:i;~. ::~,;";':';',~:'~ _ ." J::<!-_~! _ ' ;',~~,: ~.;h\','(6", .;'i'(',',~;: .~ '-:,::;;X.,:i'" _ ~f::r,,,;: ";,:;:,;:''';>,,:,:'",''.'';'';>~~';r.;,;:;;,:,,;t';:,~:f;i>,_:,.''_,_,;:,~':': - ,...;'.', .... - .~"_,~ - ",\",- Turn Type Prot pt+ov Pto~e~i~~::~H~,s,~,~'::!j,;-~.~~f9>:!F~1'r-:;:;"7,:,:-<' ;W:':~;iiF4]~J~~i;~V~~~~;IT;~;0t';~:~_;.~~z~;J:-',;%;::,1pJ~t~i~~21flf~8;t{{1~~~~~~{gt~~}i?i~~~~'8;~j1~~;UYf;'~i"'lt~t~~:j~;~7~1T~~)~~~1tJ\~ Permitted Phases .., .. .... - , , , .., J:\ct~;~t~9::~re~_d;;_::,'GX(~),;',~.:~:;;~:~~;2~<tj:;: :,:j1:~:?-~:~}~!i~~1,~r$:~(~~i~F:-fy~~:~:'~~-~:~'."~:i~~:~~%1~~?~r~:.:'g(:~~;:~~EJt~'~~~~}3~~~:~~:~,;~:~T.i:B'J~~~~t~r:l;W.~~'::~~~(;i~~t{@itJS Effective Green, 9 (s) 2.7 15.2 8.5 18.5 25.2 Actuated g/CRatio'c' ."0.06 ,.',0:'36, Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 Vehicle Extehsiori(s), . 3.0' 3.0,.:- '3:0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 115 1290 676 V1$.'R~tioJ~1.r9t). '..,~O;Q2, ':O;Q4?\,'qq:-9.8.::', ',',>ic:: vis Ratio Perm v/c Ratlq '.~., '. . Uniform belay, d1 Progression:Fa'ctor. ,:;. . Increii,ental Delay:'d2 . Delay (s), ' ' Level of Service App'rb.~ct1.JDeiaY;,:{s)i~:\ t"'::'!(b.';j,.~ :;~':~~:tMiJ!l~~~;~{t4:;~~~:~~)';j~~~,:~&~~~~1~~~~~:$~~~::!~','~]:g;~~:~-;:":;;:;~l~>li;%~~~~;::ill~:~~~,~1':;:~~~~f:!L~:' Approach LOS B B A ""~ ' ".11- "S'=-=-~"~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.''''''''''''''''-''''~'''''' ,""'.",.1>1C,."""''''lW''''',."......''',,'''''''''. ""'''''''''''''',J'{',^''''',- I!ilJ.~rS&.q".gOl:,.~y,l;,!i..ID?JJy~1~l-,;{~~~~~~~;;il!jlj1i~~t~~~,,~T::~~.f-.St..~l.'.il~5:r~~";,~"if!'{'<E~!!,*~~i?*J5f.'5f!'5.~}.illrf'.J1.YW;:t~ HCM Average Control Delay 12.2 HCM Level of Service . B HCIVI'V.blum~to Cap~cItY;fatjo,(,t:., ",';::".:,(j.;.:2~0':it;":;~rr Actuated Cycle Length (s) 41.7 Sum Intersection CapacityUtilizatibn Analysis Period (min) c""Critical Lane Group ,,3.0' 785 com:,' '..i'" ",:,:: ".~"'., ",,"" '" " .',' ,~,:\"~}:-",..,, , 957 ';\9.:,29,> '.;}i.9.}~1,P~:Z~;}'Ql~QJi;i:::(ji~j[::)jj:,\~~~:Q~J1~~~;~:,~:P,~'Q.?;f,;:';,~;!t~~t~~~i~~~1;)i;;~d;:~1:}JiTI i,.~_ 18.7 8.8 14,4 6.9 3.3 ,!:.; ';""'>:'."'" Existing AM Peak Hour + Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 3 HeM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: James Way & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 .,.; - "'t .. - '- ..... t I'" \. + ~ '''''~'='~=I'''m:Q1ii'=~'T"'~'1'';E- B8"" 'EB"'IiFEBO"""WB"'" 'A' "'.1 .. -. , ~-=- !VLO)'!lJT:!!l!iL'.'l'ff"""],,i\),~,~,,,";1lii_'_..~,,t,,....,'t"1L__,-,,lii<f,,- , J;Wbc~,!3jTI,,,,WB~jJK~trj!!a.!1>'!ii!m~J?~ANB~E~:QB!%!iik'$~T~$B~ La~.e CO~fi~~,:~!io~_~._ .~,.___L,t,..... ..,\'" _J~.... ... _ . ",..,~'l...wJ1+...... "'.'_ ,~ . .t1+. ... . !a.l:l~!F"I()YY\(YRl)pl);i .....,J.!i",1 !!g9jdlM~99W;;;,1~QQ."iijl~Q9!'f:.1~P.Q\j,d~Q91X'l1,,9,qQo~\jl~jJ,Q;i!!i)1~QQ}~?;\1,~Q9j~:~.1.~Qg.is'J~19()9 Total Lost time (s) 4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 .. 4.0' .. 4.0' .- t~n~:::;Wtli.~..~.~a.ctoip(!F1W;?~\:!':.-:;;~NQq'~;:~.~rf1KQ'9~*;s~~1.~~.Q9~~~Ja!pli~2l;i1~i~QQ~;t~~;~r;t',;?YA~~;:~..~:1]9g~1I9r~r~][-;p]1Nf~.:jt:hThilYQQlfi:~QJ~,$~~;~;:.:~i~i;~~~ Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.92 1.00 0.97 Flt;Protectea!;':". . 'Oi~5 "i".q9ij'i~\1"9,,;::r\i6!95\i~:1i(j0'!:;:;~!;;W"i"','iif6;9~;t;'1i;OO~i";i ':1;;1'!i 6:95 ',:;;<1~06::,ij';i:;;i;A Satd. Flow (prot) 17io 1863158317701'790 '11io'-'3268 "17763447" FltPerinitt!lq 0;68 1.00. 1.qp, 0.601'.60,.i;.;.'!t{\l':!),~;'i:j:rg9i;1i,:;!::q;\j';;0;~~k.~l[R.Q:;:::c;i"?ft Satd. Flow (perm) 1276 1863 1583 1109 1790 1770 3268 1770 3447 V'olu'm' e'(v'p" h) '7.9',i,.,., '16'0"'" ,i 2'.3'.'8".'."""'1"'5'7'.".'." .....7...6. ""';'2.7' ...."2. .03,.'..'.'.1..9.5.'....';..'2.0.. "'';''''''.'0'. '...."'."3<. O,,<,x""'6. 5'., .. " ,::,:, ." _, ,,"'. ,_ :~~.:'.:_:.: ,,:.:~ '{_' _.:j':,:;;..', _";"-'~"",' ,',':,";;',',:"j.:""",""., ~:f:':,"; ;"t':,'-"':' ~I '.'.,1':'<-':-' Peak:hourfactor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92"0.92 0.92 "0.92 '''0;92 0.92'0:92 "'"6.92 A9j"Slq~,(yph)', .;',.;L~9\;;(.;1!4';.:i.~9~X,..::c,1!t.iW:,Ni,i 8~;i:i;'Jfg;,;'.??;1:t{#~:?~.g':i!k??<?tiii~};~9>"";~9ZiJ;'i1i%~ RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 203 0 23 0 0 100 0 0 28 0 L:ane;Gr.oup. Flow. (vph ); . .86.gi;{,1;7!4Y:;';:;:ii6{1:i~i;f7;.1h:;\jW;i89J;:":ii\":O!,:t;,?2~1'~'Ej'34\!/;, '.fQ:,::,~)j43i,':'380(: ',;:'20 Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Prot Prot Prote~ted'i?l1a#~s,,! '.' Permitted Phases ActU;<jte,o'.<3.re.en;;<3,( ~)!' ";1?:9';;':;;1'f !gr;,;'i1.t~I.;;tit?!~):;;'4 .2;~Z ~,;Ji~;~".'1.~;4i!t%I~~}i.~71;;:;,!,~')~W;\;;:?i;1;-.:r;;1 ~!t;'~;~;i'Z'; Effective Green, g (s) 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 16.4 33.0 2.1 18.7 ~t:,\[i;3~![<!.g?q\Ha~9?;;.l\"'.'.'.i".Q}~?:'~'}9I22.., "tQ;~?:!~iQ~~]Wi..~,?gJl:~',,,>~[fiii~Q!.gl,l~~;qXt>])l?~!",,~'4h;;s'1.()i.9~r.;QI~jr;\,;~~(j Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 V ehible'Extiin~.i6n'(s)';""",',," ". 3;Ol.;:;;;;;3:0",i'.,'i3:0"....;15~~0:;:;~*~j~'0{}4':'{..,.,;,1;!:::,3Io~1:'q;3iQJii:;\:;:).tri,,':'i~3rO~t;;i3:Q:]";.:t01;i Lane Grp Cap (vph) 274 401 340 238 385 484 1797 62 1074 vIs:: B:3tio: J?rqL,;';c.<<--' ", " :~/::i;,. '~:Q~~Q:$!cj~::' --~?":f~;JF; ..;;jrl~i".\q,~~9,tQ,fnx.: ~:~~:i:,:;' l~~S'::~Q~~}~~W;~\Qf1:;Q'~~:,;;:.~~:il,:;~~~:!':.)::~~Q!b_~f,\\9'Q;t1~1:~I:::.":'i::i.~j5~f vis Ratio Perm 0.07 0.04 cO.15 vlc Ratio .'\:9.163" 0.720,29;0~6~.;;O:'19\':r':,,";.0:69.'\:Oi~?::t..; Uniform Delay, d1 19.8 20.4 19.2 21.9 19.5 18.fii,il'" 28.6 16.0 Rr6gressi6n,F,actor 1,001,00>,:,1'.1,)0;'1:00 ,J.OO' .'. "O'68:\0'?,7;,::)'OO.1:g0'}'>S;:' Increme.ntaIDelay, d2 0;7 0,.8,. O} 9.9 0.3 0.6 0.2 28.5 0.9 I?,elay;( ~ lc; ...... 2(),g . .'~1:,'1.... ,,;i1;9:~;; ,,?)~~i\I.i1~.'?:i:i'~.%'~~;';'@.?!~'diljE?:QJiJjii./'~;'iJ1:L~$1;~?;t :1~~~i,;;;i"Y0~i Level of Service C C B C B B A E B ApRrq~shi~,el?Y($).. Approach LOS fQt~~~~~lj9]Tf$WTIm~!M~~y,:-'f~~~,~~~~~ ';lt~:<.~~'~fJ~:'.~'" , HCM Average Control Delay 16.4 HCM Level of Service B 1ft_GM-:V9!~rrt:~..J9XG&paclty -~a,1i9:::;,__,}:!,;~::;,:~f~~~KQ-J~'fF;'{::;:,'~?~~~-~;tB~;;:{i~t~~1M:;1~;S~B;'~;i~:l;!~:~,f~t.j~~~i{r"i;1~~1;%~f~~~ri:~!'~;;';:,~c i};,Y?,~.\;W?~~;~::!t~f?~G: ~3&r~~}~'i't:i'!,~~c~r Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 l_nJe.fse9119fl)'<~~p,~9..itY;;~]~)!~,~~(g.Q(?::B.\;;it~i.~~~?}~fZ~t]t~,~i1bt~I~~W,;~~y~f{qf~]r:y!?]~::~~~1~?lt~~J~1~~~r;~t;.'l~~\~.;;~&~:~5~~:i:~j::~~:nT:t~ Analysis Period (min) 15 ~':~; ":~~tjti,c~if:'~~D-~::J3.~Q~XpJ~:i;~~::J~;j:~!t~'~ji;:~:I~?~:4~ill~tiiE~-;0i~~~j~~:~~:{::~"'~~:J;~0i0~~tt~~~!T:~~~1;&1Ri~~,~~~i:'~~~~;~;:"'~~t;'~,W;~g~~lt1&t~;~\~~W}:~ry: Existing PM Peak Hour + Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: W Branch Street & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 /' - ,. ('" - "-. '\ t I' \. ~ ~ Mo}~em~1:1;~~wJii~~~Tit~?{W~~~;~~~~j3B~~eJlj[~~~~WJt~;;~~l~l~I~~~~:[~["Bll~\~g,e[(~~is.~.B Lane Configurations "i . 1+. rr "i.. 1'1+ ... . "i l' . rr Idea!'Flow (Yphpl), . 1900' '1~001900190():1.!l00!/1900. '1900i;;;,l[O(j:,19.00,")1900."li3PO::'C1.9Q9 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 '" . 4.d4.0 .....4.0 Lan.~.,.\Jtil.",fj'~ct()r.,.. .."....J,f)1.1()g~i1:QJ~$,...iii,())g~i[;ii;1EQqc!:ii;)j,g.:.2~i6,,;s'1};id[~jsQ()~:,:.t;(j,~)'.!@99. Frt 1.00 0.90 0.85 1.00 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt18tot~9te_q~;':i?:;if;~rk\;:ty',~~J.~~!.;;-: 1':\~i;l\;~;;';~-~,;~~"it~if~~?~rtri~;f;1~;~::r,i:i~;,';m.b~'9'5tit~~f,:~11fOOf~TI\;i':1f;b~o1PJ~'O!9$T$;T;1~OO~mu;f:~)'.~iili:~~',-S.O'{95~1~t1(fbOf.~L~~1'~~'(m Satd. Flow'(prot)'" .... .. .'.'.. "1770'1586 '1504'"'1770""333 j"''''-''1770''1863"i583 F:lt:e_~rmjt!$.p~<e~,:;:'-\:t':}:\ ,;;'ii;;_:;;j~!~};~~~{~i~1~'W!~Y\:'!;;i:":5~l:'lf~J~i,g~9~.t~li~1~:[Q:i't~~~~1K[Qt;'t~QI~~~J~~~S1!~Q~~vr~l~1j;:~t"f;i~q[~2f~J,~jiIQ,qf~~~t~;lQ9 Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 1586 1504 1770 3331 1770 1863 1583 Vqlume,(,!~h) ,." . .,.",.;;p;0!t\'i:';P;';"';';,;X9'!;:t~~~;!;\,.;~j,~8'0t';t~O:~)'!:it~;1~~}]je, ~~~:,:,;i(:!9~~g&;;:~1[j;!;;[;.i~:2,3ii:!~)j.[IJ Peak,hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Mi, 'F!Q)-Y,(v,ph )/"1"" ,..:.i,; ;,:.;i:'Q~~'~EirC;:Q'iL ..'f~EO;~i;i4~~~;'[J1f~g;''''i::!..$3.~r;:(JJ[~!l;1!i!;i~~~~2itj@:.6.;:!;!;k1c~7;lg:i.9~!hLi,~t~~. RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 0 103 141 0 175 0 0 0 112 L'a'" 'n"eG'r"o' ',;.,'p' :,". 10. w'T(v"'p'h' )i.'.:. ,'C',''.\;O'. ':~"f;,l,:1-0'r~':;'lll1,jo'~j;]",rA3'9'f#.'''c.'0'''WdB''','r5'j'\ll.!';J'2-38";..;\t::':%'Y'5"9',,''''!:;;r''''0',,'!.:;;il'9'''''ii.'~J!'.,'6"8-0f. H!';;'''O ._________ _ .. .Y . G.... ____'" ... __ . "....,."._>.~..,~".,...",~,.',..... "'''''''"..,.,.",(i'?~,,!i';.., 'i,,,,!,_,,,___~,-,-,,,,>,,,..'.'....__.~li"E'!',"',,,_ '.. )1_"',_.._"...:...... _-. ..l',L......:;.{!, . .d..:~:;i".;!-, .t_, ."'J~.C",-,....,(l" ','.",.,1. ...........J'i. ,;;.;.<~:,,_:- Turn Type Prot Prot Prot Prot Perm e.,~9J~.C~~~9U3ti~.~eW'~\i~~;: . .ri:~.\J:.'-tf~(t~~~,~.':~~c~;;f\K~:;(Q!.;:;~~~__j~~.~~..:!:?;)!;~~~~~~,;;:~j~~::~,::1J~~~~:s.~~,~:~ITI~~~;~,~~;i,~!i~[?~~}tV;tll.:::t:.;1~fif,~:;~~;~i1~::..:~ Permitted Phases ACtuated'Green; G(s) .. '.' :16,0,19,0 jf):9:.:0,~!0'/r2~:9)i":,i);F, ",'.'9'O'j/"23:0\;\,23(0 Effective Green, g (s) 16.0 16.0 16.0 9.0 23.0 9.0 23'.O'd'23.0 ActLJatedg/C RatiO. ,.'. " q,?7;,(),?:7 ..Wl?7.';;,01~~;:":Qi3!!;;U'. <\/;,;'Q;tq!~)()'9~(.;,0:~? Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 V ehicle: E~terision (s )", "'.', . 'i, :. . . /" " . ;,:~t.;". ,i3!O".'1;':,i3(()'&~:Q!';:ib'i3jO';)i'(\.3;o~;<\\0:/;i~:,rii3:0>i);;;;,;.3;();;i~/i$:() Lane Grp Cap (vph) 472 423 401 266 1277 266 714 607 y!~"'~i3Jig;:,er9t{f,;:~.:~ .!:t:l,:t(;W)~~~~;rY:~~:~<?{!~~(~~f~' ;_1:3j;;~!.i~!;~~rtIgQ]~~.'~;i~t"g,i&Q,~J~~':'~PIQ:~1~(ts2Jtf?1~'i~~QJ1?1~~i;1f!;~i~:/;S~g:o.f1]jL::,g,Q[~1;rE~)~:~c,!~' vis Ratio Perm 0.04 v/9;~aljo ,J .~ Q:;.,:?3;';~ri};;.',,:,;\B:,~~~.:';m?:~~~~;'~1~:i):g;g~!Xi::~:Jrg~;e;:0}{QrNl~~~,~;KQ!~~~~~;,~tAt;QL~~,~~~~.~;,~~;?Kt~:!~;;;~m,'t~4~~~~t~.Q~~,~Y;:~iQI;;'J! Uniform Delay, dl 21.5 17.2 16.7 25.0 14.8 24.4 18.0 11.9 r~~r~~~~fai:5:f~~~d~"'i:!j"i~;;,'!i.i,i>D:;;{"!~:';ii~i~~~{J:i,l~~?;i,:h)i~~;;!m'~w~x!tQ~7(~~!\;:t;g'i:;j,:*~:[~Ji~;i\~i~f!J;:;q[~ [)e@y(~),... .....c.;!yitX+~: '.....:'.,!;p.!'!'\;!;;.>;;1,\;I';J:~;i;i:;W~~\.9::;~1\tt;9k;t;;1:9lli.Ji~;;;;[~,:~t~1M:~~g\f:'iy]gE;~;f()J;'fJ:~,~!~'?;U;~2,g~ Level of Service D B B D BCD A ARPrRa.~Il:.g~I~Yi(~){~~!!':E;[""ib.. . Approach LOS Ifl'El'5Il'ciiot1i!cS'i1i'fiJ'Ra"'('1i\1!"!i"fl!':m~11i\\'J':J!<!l'!'1'!''''!~-''''''''!~w1,''''''''~2~''''~''''''ft'fit\~''~~"'''''~tl!l'~fl'''''''''''''1!-'',~!,,,'lf'l'I\Sr!'i'!i>l'~'''1:l.. L1~.~_k.~~.t!I._... ,,_~_,~~ .,...._ ..'.1,ji:.;1J0;......t'J,,",<,~_j,..~J;:~!;~~:<s"'.r:f~Jtt"if'iJii.'fl:'~*~.,,""'~~'io'-='''~___,''''-Q;,.~.....;-.t't;'''''';'''~,1>j;~~~..~nx~,~~..::!f! HCM Average Control Delay 27.0 HCM Level of Service C HCMVblume:t<iCapacitYTatioO'!~~, ..:: .;,i'ii','i'fci;:~f!?Ji)'Z\<;;:T;; ....;"':. ,.(:' ;'i'''..,., .....:,it,~ Actuated Cycle Length (5) 60.0 Sum of lost time (5)" . 12.0 l~tet~Elctibn Capac!tYlJtili~ati()h .. .tt]W'(O,'i; it ;ICI;J'Ce~~lcj\;~e,r?i9El' ~;r<; Analysis Period (min) 15 c "Cr!li.c<3I'Lalle:GroLlp, Existing PM Peak Hour + Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 2 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 15: EI Camino Real & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 / - ~ .f - " '" t /'" .... ~ >4" j~j~gp!i~Ti~7E:~gB~~);6:~~Ee.~~eJl;1Sl;;.'i\lEl~l:(1i)I\!!3.I!!fi&I\!!3i1I~l1klN!3.~El!tt"~SJ:}jlf~s"El8 lane Configurations 'I. 4' ., 'I f>.. .'1 . .ff> .. 'I. .f .., IdeaHFlow (vphpl) 19001900 :190Q<1900""1.9QO(,1 ~OOi,"1 9,QoJ,':'J(jQQ';! }96o'.19,O()0~;\lg()o:;;?'\1$OQ Total lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 !i,<:ine)lJtil 'f'iact(jr' '. .0,95' .q!9.5.. ')i,1\(jg%;:;~1r:QQ':.1i,OQ:;i.:(~,d:\~h'1:;(im:i)Qi~!?H).5;;s.;':';1~9.Q...;,1:9i:l",;,f:O() Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.90 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 0,85 FltjRr<;>tefted!'."}, ...i", "'.o'(l~f(1)i()X(l9.' ':-JiQ~LiJQL~2:;::';;~~QQ,:.i:'i(~'F'.i1:i:~1\;9J~z;~~!~:i:li:li!tt:;',,,;~~~F;)t~()i~8llij;\?ji;92~i;fj;L02 Satd. Flow (prot) 1681 1704 1583 1770 1676 1770 3515 1770 1863 1583 F!~.i'R~!tbj1f~,q,~_^, ~E~+~\:, :",:? ~~::~<:;, q,~~,~~\\~i~IQI~~~:,:,~,ri~1~Q;Q~I~::i~QI1f~~Ja~;1,RQQ~:~:',{J:::J(~,~:;~;({ii:9~~i~~~~9:qv:':~(f1~:::-. ~:~'~~I~Btm~~~'iISa7i';qQij~j~~~QQ Satd. Flow (perm) 1681 1704 1583 1770 1676 348 3515 614 1863 1583 V6IUme(vpi1) ...... ,. ,.,.. ... .:i!Q6;......'i;i:{5,,~.iij~i:4~9)Hji.t3,!!i~.~..;;9ft..~~..~g,it!tir~2.~:\~[~jf!~f"fg~f,ll~,1t,9,,;.~~;~?~;~r;;~gZm Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ~~j~, ,FtgW::.('{p.b)I;};J;#~,':;:,i:!~:j:~,~j~~-",~jft,:I$.~1~'~;l~j:1ftd:J~TIqm;;14;'lli3~~~};~?L:~;E:1f(~::?,~21:~~I;;;J;-1t~[~}Et&~y&j-}t~]I:L: ,'.:;i-n,~~~t~~~1~lg~[:);lg~ RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 340 0 67 0 0 4 0 0 0 157 Liin~"K(;fQ.Lrp-';~Ii5.w.f(~t"pn)p'I.~.~:2~~~~J~~~~;:257l:;.:j-~j;Qa~*\~~j:~ii:S~tif5,i;gHi~Jl~OXi~~~~~f';;;i~N$~Q2:1~;2t~01N~~,i':~'ttO:~?:":-.:i~6%7~~~~1:3-6 Turn Type Split Prot Split Perm Perm Perm R,f9~e.8_~~.;:.gft?~,~~'~W;-:t\/'.. :r;;,:~:~,/' _ ~F;;-;f~~:";8c~~'j~~~<~~j(fl~~~gI~r~~\~,r;~~:~;(,~}~:',~.~~~it~1rlTI~'(~I71itf:y;~i~'gts:;~~~(~:~'~:~~~;,[fJ1:a1~~i~f:~f~~rr~~f,.9}~\'~;iJ;'~~ Permitted Phases 2 6 6 Actuated. G reen;G 1(5 )ij.3:7' ,)(;l,3:7:):fl,ti;ii6:f;;;:}:El"2i:;\~.;S,i;,2?l1t;"2?::;1'(;.;,('1\. J;E;2i\!~t\;; ,2'8,1 '.',28i:i! Effective Green, g(s)' 13,7 13.7 13.7"6.2 "6.2 ..... 2il.'i' 28.1 . .' '28:i'28.i 28.1 Ac.tuaiedg/C Ratio' . 0.?3 0:";.!3'; '()'?,9iO:1,0:"9:JPr:/'.::h;{0:47~.~;;:()At:(i.i,; : o'4y;i:;".o:~.7iO:4.7 Clearance Time(s) 4.0 4.0 4:0 .....4:0 . 4.0. .... . 4.0. .. 4.0. ." 4.0. 4.0 4,0 VehicleJ:xtensioh.(s)i 3.0.3:Q.:.L;3,OCB'.3:0..;,3:0;.!.:;;/.:i';\';'q.0;'".;ji:3\Q:.....L,' i::"::3:0;>.:,'.. :rOi)h ,,3'0 lane Grp Cap (vph) 384 389 361 183 173 163 1646 288 873 741 v/~if{~ji9: F!:r9t;....; .,...... . :.', " ."~(!8:",~OY1$ H;2:~;~2'2;~:O:Q?J;i,.~()r9~;'3?1!,,;;;;jt'!~l:i:. '~?Ql?N;:it:;.;!;:',;f:y.':~,,::0;.;;c.Qi~l'f!J:~f}~~! vIs Ratio Perm 0.20 0.23 0.09 vIe; ..R~!!o.: .', .. ." 9;M\f~;;P1~~f;'q:g8'.!8:q:g?}~~J()',.?~:ri~'([i:::;;6.2!Jffcg,t4]JJ:{::91~~;.:"l:;:~~~~w:~r~~;;::q;:t~;;'.:Q!~,9. Uniform Delay, d1 20.9 21.0 19.1 24.7 24.8 10.7 10,6 11.0 13,3 9,3 p'rpgr~_~~..i.9QJ:~Ctqr ~:'::if';.:i:: ,f'!pq);~i;:i,;1:TQQ,~~~:~,':1~;9,Q,::}YXh~?~QQh~1mf1~:~qQ}#~;~;~,~;y~t'~,I~'~:~~~lQg~t(i1.~9g~l["~~:t':'-.{'f@:~.fg~~4:1~t~~rqT~9)~:~'tt);;~~, Incremental Delay, d2 3.4 4.2 0.4 0,6 0.8 8.3 0.8 2.0 2.3 0.2 De.layX( s )'. .......,;;.::;:,i...i.::;24.91i.r?~\~:tib1~r~;:F;X~~1,9f;<<?~!6.rE;+:i~m;;\ji;;;j.~).~:i;IfK\~~;J;fi;i';?;. ";'i:,g.il,:?li~{\;i:1}1~%~!:.;t;~f~ level of Service C C B C C B B A A A ~p.iitQ~St5'b~I,~yf(~ji;.\:::'P:;~:;fi".::1j.~j;?~?:Ii[~;fi;;.Kz;~ljJ) Approach lOS C I "I t''''''''8''' -.. . ~ -,,-'" <,=",~., ",""" "', .."",;:",." . =""'q'''''".'''','''''''''''',.,...~'-'.''''rf;;~''''~"'"..''''I>iQ_''"'..''''''''."'''' """'''' ~ ._IiL~.r~,e,c:tJQ_n~,,__qrnOO9!W~k't~;~o:!l1}l.t':;~:~a~iW'::[tt~~-~i1!.~~n;B'~:f~~~t::;;o;f~Mty~~;;;;:;";~~gi%zt;.fu~;w-~:Ji~~~~~,i~~f.ll:~ HCM Average Control Delay HCWlloiurrle,to Capacity.r1jiioi Actuated Cycle length (s) Intersecli6riCapaCity. Utili;mtion' Analysis Period (min) c c;ritii::aIL~ii~qr()LJp.. . 14.6 HCM level of Service :';.i;;.'9;~.~'f'!j)'W;tr; "t,'J;;i" 60.0 Sum of lost time 74,0%\" 15 B Existing PM Peak Hour + Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 .,J- - .. .f - "-. '" t ~ \. + .; MQ~~m:e:~~~~BI;:iJf%'E.6llii{i.i;B~~'l\(\lBI,[~\lYJ2ir~iWJ\~~Iii[lj;F'&!~tBJllr$fl!!3B.'i.i!: ~B~ij'jQ$,~T~~SJU~ Lane Configurations "l 1+ "l 1+ "l 1+ "l f+ ~ ~gT]- C.9h trQI. j;: :', ' ;~? .:;':.' ,3t\;;::~W.;:~~;~!2e:€~:~t}~;:,~],:t:';s,,::,~;:)~~.zi~~J~t~{~$.}gR;&Jf,~~1]."~~~l:~ ~~:;::;;;~t~~\fu~;~~;~~~~;:';~ ~19pJ;fi::;~:: ::~:T~~;;:\;1:~;~11:~!~~i~~~tk~t21?~:'~j.'j;;'!;1:~;~~~~ Volume (vph) 58 400 2 174 362 7 262 4 21 5 27 46 R.~il~HoLirf,<:Jcto~,,:,~'2'J'~:)~;!;l?i';:l:'Q:[l?!;d1@1i;&)Qj9~~~i)()~ll.?;:,;~~~j:}5~oITi~;;:,:Qi~?:~:;!L92J'.r();13~.., .ti;g~ltZ~9':~ Hourly flow rate (vph) 63 435 2 189 393 8 285 4 23 5 29 50 Itilre"iilRijtLL;1j@g!g~~I~Billi~'lEBl?jjjl\N~~~~lill!llJl~'l1:iIif9ffi:~~~1~1?o~S~!-:2J,(e~~i1't3k~r~~l~(lJJ~m~~ Volume Total (vph) 63 437 189 401 285 27 5 79 yo!u,melii3ft (YRIljj::;/ Volume Right (vph) Hadj(s) 0;53, 0~03 ():$3b.o?'Y:OiW}S().~.$D()t5.3.T:OA'11\i Departure Headway (5) 7.5 7.0 7.4 6.9 8.1 7.0 8.8 7.9 DEigreeUtilizaticin; x; "., 0:13, 'OJ~5> (,0:39' OTr .. 0;6~.; JO:Q5';0,9,1\y,Q'gij;;: Capacity (veh/h) . 459 504 472 508 428 487 381 425 Cor1!roIiQelaY;( s).... .,' ..' ;'1 o..~W)i~@~~::i'!~f~;li.f0:i8"~3/U;2~:1;:.. .~j?i:i:tfQ:~f~%~l,(j\~,!...,;;lU'flNf;.iN~;&~;i.l:s:;i,,<;~\1~;:~ ApproadiDelay(s) 33.6 23.i""M :'21.9 11.3 Approa~ti~Osi:',iY' rnierse"'tloB;~j'W'i:1= a , ffiL...., !!,,,..,~__.. .I%L. , 0.elay/.(''i.j'.'. HCM Level of Service Il'ltersection', Capai:ity:Utili~ation l;}'jii:K6?,QiYo'ii . 0', .'!~PfW~yelt()f!~~r;Yiii~!:'~{!f;lr!'.\'Xl~;ar~';U':::;Jh;;;;iJ' Analysis P~:i;:;d'(min) ',','C'''''... 15' ..... ": ~,' :~;t~;-:~rr~t~):~. '. ;~:~i;'t~Em:';f ::;;~i~::,:l:~~;:';,::, ',; ";1:2:;{~~'?ili~~.~2;J~3jt}10:~~:< ".' .':' <. fj Existing PM Peak Hour + Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: W Branch Street & Rancho Parkway 3/18/2006 --" - - ....... \. .; tY1Q.Y.erri~~~'*~;ili;~l~~~~BiT'~~we~:~~.I$J~~~1LSB.~~~I~"w~~~~~k,~~1~\f:;:i~~~~~t1it;~~"lr4 Lane Configurations "i tt t'to "i rr !~'~~I_~~.If~w, '(y'php,IJ<::::i>:~.:':g~L,~;1'~,99;l~:~frgQ'Q:~.i1?tgQ.Q1m~a;~QJ~:!:f~;}I~ltQ~~fr~-QJf~~f:~;~W~:,~~~~2;~ii;-_~y.1;~:r:~:~;"L::-~;}~d{~j;:;.~~~~{}r~_::J~~~~~ Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 . ........ ... . L:~f~~,,;~tij~:::;F.adtR'~'~;:;_;.-~. ::::.;;:\:~j:,::?j'iQ9l(if<Qiil]~:;'-;:':~_Q;[$~t~e~iJ~{]tJt1'~~~1rLQKf;~~t~lf.Q~~~Jt:~~-'~~~il~~:;:t~i~~Y~_8~~~;t?~~ :r~;.\fL)}_Fl::f;;~~~~1:1f~~1.0~ Frt 1.00 1.00 0.91 1.00 0.85 .. . . . '" -".. . ...... FfI.t:;ier.Q~~-(*~9~~~;:;~~~U:}: -. ,,~;,,'_::/,~t;~,':~i~_~:~;:;::~1fo~qli~~\~~~:;iQ:~.~1~:~Hi1fai~fJ~{~-$,' Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3539 3217 1770 F1lt:::ifj ~'iftl'i tteq ~\~!\iS~~t; .5:'~~d'/,~ ("; :"~ ': Q,~ ~.~;,:i:fi~ri~'ct~09J;fi.I~',,;~,()Q~S,/);j:;' ,;i ,:,~tN, ,:cQ;i'9.5;~jW~:1,~gb"~~;: ,,;~;,~t:~ili~j~fu~1~:~~~'~'~~~;~)7.iij;;, '<&~f:{~~f;::~~f~~f~\~.:,':::;\:~f~{~r:~:i! Satd. Flow (pe(m) '. 1770 35393217 . d,' 'WiD"' 1583- Volume (vph)' ....... '.. '. 'fl723J,.:;~2i3;<',37A";;2.?~;<,124;:": ;:;:::l:i'9i;':~ ":': Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj':flow(vph) . ..;95..25.1:264:.... .407,.. <286:>::135 ,. '.". ,,_. .. ,,'.,.,- ",...... ".,.,-'__,.'.." ".,. ,c..,,,", , RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 312 0 0 57 Lane. Group Flow (vph) .'. '. .,. 95;:: 251'.,. 35;l)L':,? (i,i;;':'286;. '.07,8,,-. ii,' ;i"v. .., . ',.i,.".;: . t L . .,; ;.,li' . ''':i/;', Turn Type Prot pt+ov Rrbte2,(~ft:~ti~~~s, '!;:~~/t~., . ':~'j';:~~.;.,~.'0.~J~~*/74E~;Ci~:;:;::~~.~jj\~~~:~ff~~~~:~~~f8,~:,~i,j::'.,':~~i!~c,:1;%:l&~~ft~~;~E~1jZ('.\~~.;;.$.r:i~~~~~t.(~~~.@Jff:{!:~~fi~~(,?;;'.~lF:;tij~i~ Permitted Phases ACtuated Green,;G:(s)": '. 4."5. "'" --,'.-..., ,;"""",,,,'" ,".,'".,'-....0.' ._...., ". .,. ,m" .,.;~ .,. Effective Green, g (5) 4.5 V,enicle 'Exten.s_ibHy( 5); ;".).~i,::(~3';.Or,t[,\{j:,~:rQ'd;~~{tUlI~~'O.~X~~:-~~~~::;~~~~~:.:;,,:,)~I01s;1~l?t~)i~::K~~:~ji~i:;S0',;S;'(?:{~1,;ii,::;;;:it-~;!::~}i.~~(r'; ~h:ti)'.' / ,.(bt~ht1j%.~1:H&~ltX:~~:;~ Lane Grp Cap (vph) 185 1527 754 678 918 ,!ls~at!o,l?roL.: . vis Ratio Perm v/Ci: Ratig:, Uniform Delay, d1 Progression Factor, . . Incremental Deiay, d2 Delay'(s) Level of Service Approa.<<hg~I?lY (~)." _ . Approach LOS "':;.,.-, '8'Vi<[~:;"~~\.?,~i",:,:'.i ~ ''';'':.':~j,::,' , . ,','..,', .. - -'; .,'. D. EIDlltG!!9r:t\$.Y[JJ[Q8f,Y 0: HCM Average Control Delay . .. 12.2 B M9M!Y Q_14m~:.to:::G~PC3q!tY;.;~~~!~~~d:,~:}"i~;~:,~t)~> ;;q~~$.t~;~~;~::~~~~tt{;:f'::T\~:tif~!;f'.:;':~:,;~~~;(;~l(~~!~~~~f~~'~'~~1RY:::\!s;~~:}1~f1~:j~~~r;;~~;tt~;::t\:%?::i'0.t::?-Yl;1:t{\~;';;::o:~{~ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 43.1 Sum of lost lime (s) 12,0 !l,t~r~~J~'iQm;9~p~.9r~:~.til',~.ttq]1',.;;~~;~;:~rf4:~E~~rd;t1A;!!!'l~{~t~~@~I!JX~~Y.~trBfl'~~~!,g,~~~~i1~~r~;:";rj5~~;f~;{yt~~~~:;;tt1;~~.~%t~li,,:~i(;:::::~~j~~W~~!; Analysis Period (min) 15 9;:~~/CrH,iq?l:g~:6'~~grQ9;pz~'" ":~~?-'2j~':?~':,:'t"{f;{i;1:$~~~~f;~SD&~~i~~;~~~i?~2.:~t;~[~~~r~}~~~ri~i'~i~h'rgfml~~~t~1;'D~{!y!n:~~:~,01t~1~~{tl;f~JJfI~I;~~I:G1 ".};Oe);;',"1'00' ".' 1.9 0.0 t,q;,./I'Q.\' B A ,.',";. Existing PM Peak Hour + Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 3 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 / - "). .f - '- '\ t I" \. ! .; f\1QyJ3m~j)'tc~1&~~D'BG!~B~:e~~.e~;[~~;~~~T~~~rrg~~i~~~J~fI}?1'fu~f1~~~i;r~~ Lane Configurations . "'I . .. tf+ . ...... . ."'1.< . f+ .... ."'1. ....... f+. . "'I..... 1- Idealflo"'{i(yphpl).. : .' ..19,OPdi;i1!9,9g;:19Q(),(~1 ~~9nMgq9.. .'~ 9QO;.t'\1~QQ;~~.1'9ii()..;J,~Q,~\lF:it9,99$;;19,Qqk;::;;!1:~Qo Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 t~ne.'-:Utll~' F'a'Gt'qr:::!:: ; :~..:::i::,~,d~t~b:( :'\QI~:$..~t;b~ft-)~f~L}\:\j?~9Q.~~:~:'~~:~!;,QQfJ.~Jl:t:::{~",'~:"':'(:;~I:~QQft.~i,~~;;,[d~;:(~;~;7:f<'~1~~~~i~"'.~]~Q!?D~HQ~r.{i{i;i~;jj;: Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.94 1.00 0.90 FII' protected,' '..:,"',';,;: .,....'<0 .(i5.... ~;()O~~)iit:~::i;0':i\O,~g;!':.:;,1!OOBi~.ii:.;~,~.i!(jT(i5":I~1ri(j'oifl;;f.;i';.!, ..,.(ji95j!1!1;1'iOj)#~;:j~!'5,': Satd.Fi~"";(prot) .... dii70 3539 "1770'1S50"d'1770 'i75S"'P'd i7'76'1676'" Flf' p~rtjti~~eQ";'.;,..~-~'/: '::, ':" "', : ;'~~:o.!.g~)~\:4,~@Igdt' E~!\~<;j::i~~X':;;!;,QI~1.5j;:}~:1G:~,Q;j;:[,Xrl~~f,U'~;!JiQ~t~Iiif?injp,~:~1-;;}~HJ~1';~~j$jQIz~\f2:~1-:tqQXF'\~1:ri<9E Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 3539 1770 1850 1352 1758 1381 1676 M91u.fh~1(YRQ)\;::';;,:::;i:. '}.'t!~~J'~~}L~~~~D~ff:[?'Q~~"il:';:,,~:,"~giJ~~~{'f:~Bg'~~4f~'1;~p;"6:'d~~ii~l~fL2.M<~lti;ME1.~4;',,~~:'_d:;if~~~JXlfffi,Ii~1~~,,~g;;1?lii'~:~:p,;~~:t1f,~ Peak,hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 /Xdjt:} ~iQw;:'(vRh ),~~;,(i;~r;'.;'I;:i,;{::'~:{:\-3?:;\.":~;i,i:\:g.?,~;:~s~)~ID;~~:l;::0;)~-$rb7.:~i;'g,p%~~r~~~KT9:;::'i~~:~I~.1~q;Wf;~~~~:~E~f;;~ .~'~,~~~~f'~If~~~;~z~t;~~~t~tJi:~~,1Xeg RTOR Reduction (vph) . 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 18 0 "a' n' e' 'G'ro'up' "'10 "w'C'(v"'p"h')'.'Y ''.37. ""'.k22'5"Ff'm:O"''':, '7"9'"F".:2"~' 'A.i'l';Ci..g{O.....'J.,3. .1.0;n:ii.~"'1.9:i.~i:!"..1{,:;0......':.'!:.'i.1.-i..... '."';"3' O'""},.,,..,,'O' L. ,;" r; , ' . ~- ~ Ii",-"" '.' . .f.~ ""'.>"',, ~. '".'<;>""".~_' ...,"';' ," ,. _.. ._.,".uj,,,._ _, ~,"'"~'~\'':.i!''/.''' ,,:,,',' !"":'. _, .. .I"<','~"; ,~'i.~ . "'~.'t.Ld":":",L _'-,,' '.'.. 0", ',' .<1..;,~ ~'-~, _ _, _",";.; .1:;1~_,,,..... _ Turn Type Prot Prot Perm Perm ProteCted Phases .. ';7 .4i;' Permitted Phases 6 Acluated.Qreen,G(s) ., 1:6''.J~:~,' "}i'2:l!" ,10:3.;" ,,19:f3jl:,J~,l! ....., )~:~,':'19,6i:.{ti"F;~ Effe~tjveGieen, g(s) 1.6 9.3 2.6 10.3 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 ACiu.ated'.g/CiR~tfo;if";:':i,' Oi()jt.. 'o;g'1rt'ii';'X,:;;' >():O$ji. 'Q,?4/ii1;oi';.. '.. .q;:49';i:~;QJ~}')';:ir::. '(j:~52;1:i9[4.$I::;~ii> Clearance Time(~) . ..... . 4.0 . 4:0.. _, . 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 V~,hiGI$.:,E.:_xtehsion~'(s)'~' '~~'~;~i:;t;:'~;.O;;':~'~;;L~~oith;':-::;,~t(:;,:{ ~,j~;?~}t::3io.k'J)r;~[Qf,f~:i:k~I:;i:f,\;~DKE3~O$t{}$1t~~bl~~rH~:t~"ii;}~':~~"'( .3~'O:it~ii0n:3.:rb~Hf%J:~'~:;!-:,';~ Lane Grp Cap (vph) 65 757 106 438 609 792 622 755 vis. Ra.tiO Prot. .'O,Q?',;gliJ6' , ";?;:~(j:(j~~@:1?H7fi,:\'.;~:jMji,;~i~.5'.(j:Q1..."'1'~~1~~;~~{iB.(;; . vis Ratio Perm c0.23 0.00 v/c.Ratio'. . . 0;57'i':'](j\.~Q' ..,'.(;:.i'itii~,(j'!t~k:!:;0:!f~n:;'iiitirt::Q)~1F:;:f;~QfQ~\~f;0~;79:(~,Q:, 9i94"': ;;;f~l Uniform'belay~di 20.6 14.4 20.1 14.3 8.5 6.6 6.6 6.7 Br9gressi.on:'_F,~st~.ti;~1~;~:,;~x;'~~J109 :", . '1i'P2~~~;~.~:n;t~~&.r~1f:XJ~::,[~:":J!1f~P:Q!Hf-j,1'_Iif~lf~~~;,;,~1';.qQi~;1;ff~~1,qQ2~;[:~S~:;:\;;;/<;,~.'::.Q9fr~'ittQQ&;:::,~;:; incremental Delay, d2 10.9 0.2 24.4 0.9 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 ~.~i~Yi( ~ )}hC:?,)'Ms7~1f~:,~:~"i~~r::~:~i!'::-:?;1;~~1:i;i,~~~1~~(~J[iN),:!;~,ij0Y~3~:~:~~ff.~l1])~;,~\~~?;~)~;!,~~~rj~%@i~:L~j.fi~:ml~'H*~~~:~iGr1t~i~tIg~.f~]~}~~I~;~Z~;}]I~~~J{;j~/tf5 Level of Service C B DBA A A A A . i'oach.Dela'(s)" pp ....... ..... 'I... Approach LOS . j'm~t~~G.flQOk~~cff;Y!f~~~0~1~i,~&i~;'~t7'ff~:,~~5~~TIt::~~~~'~k~Wt~~t~ii~~~~~~~fit1~i__~~~~~~r~~ HCM Average Control Delay 15.5 HCM Level of Service B He,M Volume to'Gapacity ratio" ,.,:j'>",O;~.~;.,;'.' :,r ""):~)"~;::c;;:.:;:. Actuated Cycie Length (s) 43.5 Sum of lost time (s) In.te't[~'~tl,qh;Q~P?C;-IJy.'~~il.i~:!fp_a!*;:6;~~~~?:~:~,;,.~~nfo;6\ir{14~;;f:}ID~.~,~~~Y.~t~'qf:~,~fi~9i~\"'~~,1.~~.d{'~':\:-iLh~~'i~!,gK~{~i'~!;~JtirI:;l?;':~ ,~,~;~~~'~~d~:t~~ Analysis Period (min) 15 c,,~; :Ctit!S~.I.';~'?~~;Ii8loQp",: L:t.:'.:L::B~itnh~ii;;fi~::~;~~;. :'fHl;l~~:-;:J\~EW~~f~t~~~'~i;tb::':; .'.,?i~jk#i~rbi1~;!jt" ,:.!"j)ir~f::~5~:$:~:~~~~;;)fl;i,~~?~:~:~t:C,,:;Jjl'r: Existing AM Peak Hour + Project + Funded Traffic Signal Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HeM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 ..J- - " of - '- ..... t !' \. + ~ fV1=;..,.''"'''....u.~."''''-:'7..r;,o.t'~!r~~~~~':','I;!!~''"'.,=_....,!!~;:/~''-=''=''''''~'"1'~''f!'1"; .."'" "".,;,.' ,,~ ""~~""0, " '~ _ 9'!fJm!lH\,,~tI',fc!I";r!I;":;;;",c,.~~6.!li!,,);EB1];;'\'1<;];I3.8'h~6,!t~~\W,6l!e,))lYcElRtiJi~\!)lil.!!!'1~J}!I3.$'lii~,., l2~fil;~j(l)JI~~I3.i1lt~,''?\~6_ ' Lane Configurations "I" ti> "I i> " ,,"Ii>, ' ,"I , i> Iq~~i;.FIi:>w;(YP!Jpl)"'.!! ' 1 flOO!190Q:\1~I)~;,1 ~90; ,1?PQ/';jc!!j1)0 ';;)~9Q; 1?I)Q;?(;:1900;'f;J9.00'1,?OP~;) ?QR Total Lost time (s) 4,0.4,0 """ 4,0 ,., 4:0 . . 4:0. .. 4.0. ' .4.0., 4.0 '. l::a~El" Util. 'F13c\or.<: ...., ....1.:QQ'CQ\9.?,,1('j:!:;.;;1;.PQfir.l:.'J[;QQ~;;.!?i'0;2;,.!J!;9Q3~~,:1,1f,OQ~J:~i:.;J:T" ,,';1!QQ~"':f11poLi,,; ,::i; Frt . 1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 . . . 1.00'0.87 . "1.00 .. 0.91 .,," F:::!t~.~r9~~qt~'p'",~,'{;:};)\~ .::.';{_::j.:::f(\9r~:~},~W0,.~E9,gj~L::;';J&(aw:JQJg?,u;~:~1r~Q-b~,1~;~~;~~~1:l1#J~):g!'~'5~]~Q:::~~~~i~2~~E~tiM)~;,~~1~{~V\'1&qQV~~firt~i~~ Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3537 1770 1857 1770 1625 1770 1686 Fit. Perm itted!'. '" . (y"~?"', i., ~i:O:q8,:;Si;,!;,::".j!f~~~:~:1}iQ9Xv';'T~' !rit~qE~IT;;~~~~fQQjiJ~itti~;r~1[;,q1'r4gi:K1i'QQ?;\;':):r;.t~ Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 3537 1770 1857 . 1314 1625 1378 1686 ~ 9l9.m~,j,(yph).',.", 'c::,::'g~i:;fi~~i;-{~~:i:~'?~?~:i1{'~~Q'Q}~1~1t':i;ttg!~?J;1:'::,'~1,rZ,~ll;f~;~o/:\B:9.~'~~{~~ti~):~!~?i:~i,~t}?~2.~:'t;::~~'~~~1f~~~~12~f';~"~~1';'{~.~\~~i~::~,5J':',?!:;{~~t;-:~.;~"~~~_~.'~g Peak.hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ~~jl:tF!ow,:'(\iRQ)'~~~;tr~:rj~~'~'~KM~1:,~i{"t:~:3.J~ilt~~~:?~i,;;;~~~t~~?,~'il,~!:?'~Wt;~~~3.R~*~~~I~~;Jt;~~2!3][~~fl?4~~~:~]gt~~Xi~;ift~p~~,i1i"~:2~1~j~~B.t~Q RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 16 0 0 34 0 lt~n~:i~ro.up;:Flo~wUvpn) ~_?:lJE~~e3t;::~",:,'.Gi'~!3~r~:~:;;;:;~rO~~X~~1tf9~::~"Q~fQo;~P;[2tt~o~~t!;28$:..~~t~ir1~if;'fif:~~(n~g!;:;;';BE~1~~~~~R:~_5J:;~i0';,(~H:Q Turn Type Prot Prot Perm Perm Protectecj'Phas~s ",., ";;' Permitted Phases 6 ACtuatedGreen,G',(s) ,2.012:3 ";~'6'416.7. "13:9-13,9''''' '+3.9.13:9'> . .,' . Effective Green, g (s) 2.0 12.3 6.4 16.7 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 A<;tuatedg/c;RatioO!04' ,':0128' " "U:,0'lji:;,'O:$7' 'O:31ffi: :O:3,':i~{;'i')J;',,': 'i9t~j;i?o'~r.. " ' Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Vehicl€f::E:xtert~iOh~(s),: :::"}'>~~J)'>;:_J,:,~';4_tt)j1..;;',~:~ ~,~;i~~~1\;~f,:t3!;O,''f:i::~~\~~3"lQir.<~::~};0?:::~\~t;.'rr::!:{:3:(j~:id~~~~3Jbl~~~f';'i~E?:i~,:i ',,{~fd.il(~~~31b ~":.;;~:~'::;,;~~;.~:",:': Lane Grp Cap (vph) 79 975 254 695 410 506 429 525 y/s,.R~t!9~RrQj,.-; 'i{;",\}!:':,~:,:" ' ,.9 1.d~~:I'\Hj:;t'?:;Ni;:~1it::jr ;~:. c.PJ~.i1},~Fm)~??!*;,:;~ if:j~~.~i~'~1~?1;~~);~~CQi_P::t~I:~[:;_;h_-~7.};fWf!}b::.,~~~;::';LE'Qrq:~;~~t. vis Ratio Perm cO.22 0.00 v/c:'Ratio '.: ", .,., 0.80":iQc45',;;IY",' 0!~,~!;:/r.O:~~~Nf:;;;\i;r';,o1t,Qi:(,;"Q,tQ?L1[&:';,~;iro:q1';i{Qid~li';...... '., Uniform Delay,d1 21.1 13.3 18.3 11.1 13.5 10.6 10.6 10.9 R~(;g[~~$ibl1,' F~Ct9.,r . 'i. .:,.:;t,;'i0QQr';;'1:tqQi;'~j'~g;~im!p~Jk1f;QP!,[d)~\~;ifi0,m11:iQmlli;~~,1m9'~i:,j:fi@t'i,.~j1i;P.9:0'i1;qqJilijX~:i Incr~mental D~lax,.d~ 41.2 0.3 11.2 1.2 5.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 p;E:I~YJ(~);;~~: ,';~ili::.:~}_:~};~,.."' '.";{$g{~H;.;~fi~t9f:~~~;:~:t~!g~~~1:f,~W:f;6~I~;..\~z]:~~~~~:~~~'!"K~~,;~J~~~iL~J8~~~~tQf?@~f1t';f:]i~t;71~~:,:1:iQI~~;:rirQS~i~,t-,{~~~,~t\~:~ Level of Service E B C B B B B B ~RPtf;(~..~"~~P:~I~y' (~'}ii~) <:};:~~!f~1,Z~\]RD~,?'~8.Jj~~;)r,22s/~~;-~:'il1t;I%;Ym's~:f~f~r~,':~~~XIWrJ:.;;j~~J~~~~~1~~~~~j;:'~;tZi~~~::s~1~~~i1r;?\~?:,.;}}e)~1,:Qt~i~af~~i~) Approach LOS B B B B I'n"~t 1''''I"''t't'''o_';~S~u-mc--m', 'a-'. ti;i~,i.\.'~::'l!a,K€~.r~;~rjt":i~"fr-$.~~;:i'i"':'''~f'<t~~'~'m"otr., -'v~';'~.;?:.~ ~~.' ,~"v_". . - ''''''~ -,'" . ,-~_~r:~~QJhJ~'C ~,_..L"':'L._.' l\~i;i:'k":;;';j'l'l"ir;:#":!;~;(f:l':r.~rr::;}\:1~~'i,~"&r::;I;;~"(i:9iil,,,;~~I.:~.. : '",",'%~;,';;:*~L:,~""-~~ff~~,;*(,,~~\ti~;::J>J,f:i\,,,"k;::it'~.~-::'i'\<1ii1:Ji~ . 1'f~-"~;-'i~' HCM Average Control Delay 18.1 1;lc:;!\:1\ioh.ime toc;C!Pgdtyratio ,0:63' Actuated Cycle Length (s) 44.6 l.nter~~9ti()n.CapMi!y;Utili~,~~iof1ii~W;:~~,:'iM:Q% Analysis Period (min) 15 S';~TCfitical;.Lah.~G~6.~p ;/~,. HCM Levei of Service B , \,' .),-;\;'.-';' ;"i""_, ;-~~;::;:'i:'~~~t, Sum of lost time (s) :~;;~";~~i'1-~'-CiSJjg~V.~.1::,9f:~'.$~.ry!f~~Ri;f~':,:kf;;.t;k0::]:' ,:.-~':'}~~~.~:~~*:}~~i~i;~~,~-~~~}Ji:;:+~',:,,:":: ~.::::-~;':~~nli Existing PM Peak Hour + Project + Funded Trafic Signal Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HeM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: James Way & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 .,J- - "'). of - "-. '\ t I'" \. ! ..; ~:iiQ~r.g~1%~;~ffi~~E:~~:;!=!'lRWIW:{~j;:'W\N,BJ;';ij,~~~Blt!g;~B.b,;f~R~T~;J!\IB~"",i$Em~~ Lane Configurations "'i + ." "'i 1+ "'i +1+ "'i +1+ i~~~Lflo,^,,:(vphi:>I)':' .... 19por!",1900 <1900','1900,,;1900,!:t900,:1990n.190(j'::;;190Q.(~:p 900 ',..1 ~9g,:)}9QQ Total Lost time (s) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4,0 ('a' "n' e".U t',IFa cto'r c. . . '100. ::1':0'0'" ',.100' ,"'10'0 0: .1,'00'" ,'",'. .. . 1',00 ':":"0'9'5"'l~':';;'.";.:' :;" '11(0' 0' .01'95'''.''.:.... L.:: ,'. . ...y , ",' , . :;'~~.' _" .,. , .~ ~._.:':" "-''', ',. .,;: ';' ',. _~"':~' '-''':1' i;~':' ;;,. ~ .."_;l-,.;-(..",,,_~. .",__:,;:-~~;~".,"':-,:,:<':::':; "~';"",,".c<':'_~::~' ~,,,,,,!i>'r~:,;:~',~;':\' Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0,98 1.00 0,95 1.00 0.98 F;IH:!rc:it~Ct~9' " ':~r~:~~;,f,1ii"OQ~;';:.1 :(jtJii;~~QI~:Pff;:~i~6q'. "'i;iFt:!;~:(E9g':~';"t(Q:C,1:t-:~~~1'if"Oi~~;~!'J :OQ'j;:;l~~fi Satd, Flow (prot) 1770 1863 1583 1770 1817 1770 3363 1770 3485 ~'tt.et;!,j-ry"it~~~:':;,:;:}0,~/!;')~: ; <;,Q,;,~~~;~~', :rl:.QQ:'j,!~J::1}9q;i::i~!'QTt~::1~~~j:~1Kq9:~1jif~Ei,~~~~;~\~{~~t;~tQ.;'~.~tlI~~~g~qr~j~.;rm1,jf~::~~~J~t;~m,~9.{~~t~1K9.9}:~:'~;:{','\E;~~~ Satd, Flow (perm) 1285 1863 1583 1334 18F 1770 3363 1770 3485 ~P!~,(11e(vRti),' "',\,\';;)it\".~~~4;;!':t{:~~,).::;JQ2.\(~;1~1.~?JifJ::~.:',~O K,~~~ :!!1b;':;'TMH"; g,~~(;:~1.~1';!!;':,;;'~ i3!'" :'2t8,i:\~:'?~ Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0,92 0,92 ~djCFI9'o/,(\(Rl]i~\'/<':,:::j ;37., ::,::'i:i~l;: .'t fjf~;;-.19~;;,~~;~!!!~';; 'J;k1l!":,,;::;1~1~:~r 27Et~;;!13!i~;: i,"~~~i':i:~ ?~?J;,~'i, i:~E RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 86 0 13 0, 0 60 0 0 13 0 La_n!i:Gfolipj=low,(YPh ),:{{[q7,; T:ij63E,' .:.2S),~;~f98-::: ,.' ilrli12::\,,-~'iiO:I~:~: 1J):rj<:~"I~~(j~;:;'-;Fif.'[6f;;,;.! fil?;~;;25i1~}~i;~:Q Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Prot Prot ~tQt~pt~q;';J;J]~~"~"~}l;,)i'l;;:: ',; 'I;~,;",,:S~~i~[t0'f;~;~\~~4~'Z::~lt~:r~~;:!:i;'; ;:;":};;:;,W.~1]ii~:t~~~!:(,~J:t~1~:,::~"~l{j:l~rSh~)}~i~1~W~~~?'fgg~~!,:~t:i~';::~~U}$)Wlrl~~;1t;Z~1$]{:i;,~'k:,'k[~:&~~~;lj Permitted Phases 4 4 .' 8 1i6.11Jflted Green, G(s);:':~13:3," )3.3, 13:3:' 1.3:3' Effective Green, g (s) 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 ActlJated 9[9:Riltio'0:22 . 6;2~. 0.22'.:.0.2.2, Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 VehiCle Extension\(s) ,c. '/";'3:0';--: . 3:0.:::; ;:3:0c:f"~' 3:0 .,;:' 3:0;,1O:;,:';}0'> . Lane Grp Cap (vph) 285 413 351 296 403 ~/!!:RCltio:~(o'!;:;.:>, " vis Ratio Perm v!~;Riitio '...... .". '.0:13 '0:1~.;610zf:q.6'i\!'Q,?~:!3f:;~~; :;O.'l4\~Z::o.J~;iiJ.f~.' ;,,~0)~7;:.':O:;1Qf:~":~'.' Uniform Delay, d1 18.7 18.8 18.5 21.3 19,1 20.5 6.4 29.2 13,0 p..(ogt~ssiqrtF~g\9.r" .. :;,,!:~9.9 \~,1 ;Qg :' 1.:Q,Q,c;L!:QQ\:~;f~':9.Q::L.;,:;::n;::(j;~~t;r.Qf.2f:~:~~1f9~i:;;'~1~g(5"1';:),,00});?:~:J Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 0.2 0.1 5.6 0,3 0.8 0.2 11,0 0.3 Q~!a,'i}(S)'i/:7~::~"; /',-',~~f\:~~::i;':;~:,'~:';:O!'.1':~.~~3~;('tM:~L9l;!~~)t~J$,~~i~~:'g:Z!~Q:::FQ;~~;~,~~l~'~~~~:;'f;S~!t~J~;_u,~~4t~?I~~;2:;:~:g;tQi;~r~,Ol$kj}~1~~~4i:';!lri:i~G~ Level of Service B B B C B BAD B 'A;';proai:ti Delay' '(5) .; ,'.:.... '.' .:, ,: :':"'''';1'8'7- ":'::,i:r:..;.;_, ,.;;;T&ft~;.ri:':2'r:.4":j~"'i"", . ',';:~;;:'''';;';;T':8Y4'ir'',' :'~~;'-~'" '"' -;. ",,,,:. < .,'; " '.'," ":."~:: ':-~~~':';(~';;;;!5~;r!'~"" ~>>"h' .;i~,':;:~',';,~;;'~r,i\ii;t'"~:,r,:~),.;!:i:,,, i.'"r",,;:,:a:t',i'~~j!,,:_;:;~'<.i~:,~j,'C~:,.~,;,<;i,:;::'::'.,.",:,:,.*,-:tt\~, Approach LOS B C A . 13:34)<.,:/:: 13.3 Q:22 4.0 < 12:8+}:3$Y7i::fi:!z:' !' ':;gd':9';41'~::i,LJ!'i'; 12.8 33.7-' 1.0 21.9 0.41:~~i9:!)l)..,;,.'t:':O[02';' 0.36" 4.0 4.0 " 4.0 4.0 3~'OFG~,~~t~'~~3rb :i;~!~i:~j~~~MJ;'i;; (,3 ';Q jj.~:'.0.t 3 ;Or{;l@'; 0':,~~ 378 1889 30 1272 ~~Qlj9j;[SulP'rn~fY~~1f~2.~'h~~~~E~W~~~~~~1f41C1i~~f]1;!~1V~lB[{~~1.W~~~~~ HCM Average Control Delay 14.8 HCM Level of Service B j;I.Ctv!.Volyme to.Capacity,rati(?,'..,:. 0.39,>:'::.' .... , '1.";",' Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) !,~le~seclio~ CapEu:ily,Utiliz?tion '.:.'-14;1% !,:, .I.Gi:1;r:eve!:9fS:e[Y,.i;'~, ,',::i:;~'::~:~!;:. '.. f,.{';',;:: .":. Analysis Period (min) 15 ~J~;}~9dtical ;':~'~' n'e':.G rq,Q ~,t1:' ;ff;~:;"':~1'~:5~~,i:::r:,:~:':~:}-:""",: ,,:,'J/i:t~;;~i:~.t~;g}~nfl:!..:;.;:~'~~d:.e~;(':~;~~'i:{~~lg~X?;;~~_i"~t;':::',;;;~:;,~;i:i.,;~::.i::.:;!i';:f:'!*~~,~~{~;{it~f!~N:iK;i'~1::~f;0;';~:;{':';: . Existing AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending Projects Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: W Branch Street & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 / - "'). .- - -\.. .... t I'" \. ~ .-' N\(~.il11Wf.J\t~fi1<ll!f1;.!lr;g'i!l;~jI;"t;110!:~~~{"i',W,I3IZi.))hWl3i~J!'Wfl~;rp1\~I':lJ?..m''k~N!3JTh~~iJill3g~_I3WIiilDSl3i.1l,~SB.8 Lane Configurations .. . . ..' .... ... ..,.. .. 1+ .. .. r. .., +1+ .. ......., .+ . r !ge~LFIC)w. (yphkl);"';"1';;i1 g9g'h19,99i\;~i,199g.'.. i)t~QQr;1~1.~9Q'1"~1@91" '19Qgi\';;'~lli;1:l1~0~Q,\;fr1~92?iJjt~,o9;i:'1.9,@ Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 !l~h~::,Pfil: . P~9.~9f~::';:~;2:;::~''1:.f,;,;),,:;:?i(~~~',;:i.~)j?!I2~'~-t:;f:-B5}~;~~'~;"f~,.::;lii2j~M~.I:;Qg-~.~;i{:C2~~tr~b}~~J0i:\~1t.l~:@2]~lq}9.~J:~<~';'-~~~til'""!~:i[~1.(;O.Q1~k~J1~:9~j:-~i~j:mg Frt 1.00 0.87 0.85 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.85 filt~Ar6~e-&ted!::;{,~;;j~:~1~1);;~t:]-S }~,,:;t~~I~-;-/j~,f:!~rf,,~~1~t~{:;~~'W::\;:T'sQt~,~,iW~f%1r9.Qt~~j&~~Q'9J~it:J.q1~__~~:~[QQr~1;t,~1l~jf~~Ql~~~f'i)tA1ig,pj~;ill1Qg Sald:Flow(proi)""" --. 1770 1537 1504 1770 3374 1770 1863 1583 ~-I.~~'.J?,~f~'itteq ,ii: "~::i-":!;Ys(: ;:' ,'.- :,,'::;:<;j::/<~;.;;;::l:;: ;sjn~~ii:r~C(t'::.:.j';:g::;~:,q';~~$~;~;'::});,1}i,Q,g:01A~;tiQ'Q(k\V,Q3,$~1t_j~1[trQJ~i1~J~~~8,[~t\;ir~~qf~~~1is(113Rgl;~~:~~i;;:Qg Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 1537 1504 1770 3374 1770 1863 1583 VOlume (vph) . 0..0. 0.' . 1.94/;18';";f5~4g~';~?~!?_6,\i:;i?9T)',,;i5Er.~~';31?\!ii':;;10? Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 6!lt.Flow (vph) .' Q '. .;9 o. .?1J '?0(\;'282: '443,;-1'\~496;ii.i..;2?5 . 72'1i!37i?1{i./?20 RTORReduction(vph) 0 0 0 0 1131'13 0 --7'iLo'0'O"156 !.:'iine:Grou p,'.Flow:(vph ),.':<' '.O'E,;'2;;:0}1f]';'!:; '.o}~: ?1~;Y',;;;:~Ilf;i~;;tJiC28,"ii;;4i1;3"(!:8it6~BFlMji4~XOi;i'jI'it-:2f~<i;3i:2f:lifiIa4 Turn Type Prot Prot Prot Prot Perm ~t~~~qte'd,!p~:~'~~~};~;Y~",::;/~;i~~~::<~::i;,~iii':!+::{&1E~:;'$it~'~,i~1;~:;);;;'~~i~;'i!!t;:~{~~'::',8'i:~D~?0~i~r:;~;]f.:~~:~':;it~>*,~~jj~'r~to/bB~f~?;~ttJ~~~5Y~1;~f;:i:\:~~~~11ilirW~}~g.~~'%tt1tl Permitted Phases 6 e,sty~ted Green;,G,!(~)"'" 'c' . ;, "-i,>i,;,'i%1;1',~rfi;im~:,~L:.~~Ff9;'i~~;~~~~,M!fZ{i~0J'T ":iti~~f1!!~.~t;(:1;ti!?'.~. )t?,~ Effective Green, g (s) 11.9 11.9 11.9 18.6 31.7 4.4 17.5 17.5 t,S'c;!uated. g/QiR?\i.6. i'" ..... i" "':';:';'i;<;i,:!'~i~'t!,jc.:m:j'~9!ti;;qigQ;;;:fQi?'Q::.:.q;~1'Wi~Q!i>~~4;j;ti.'!ii:.iIQLq.7;.i"';Q:g~Bi';{Q;?~ Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~eMicle:"Extension~(sl,:S';i:'\,'H-r~:;>!?i~~~l\;~~E~.:;:;':~,~','~:\l~:~[tF~1~}3i_d.i,~:lN\r:~3{Ql~~;~,L,S.1.3m1i7:t;;~.:;3.T()lt;~~;ii3~trTh~~~;1i[C;t"d:::~~:~!~{T.$~(rB;-:ii~;'~TQ\~~':,~:~;~,3,:'O Lane Grp Cap (vph) 351 305 298 549 1783 130 543 462 Y!.~:f.8~tjfiiF?.r<?t::' ;'::~::;-r?l\i~,]t.:',~ (}/V~:~~:'~tltii::::~}:;{if(i;:'~}21};j;iBaj::~!:~.:fs9]"[:~-tf~~;Qlgq)}~R!1I~J;tt~gf&~~\~X0IQ}.{~]Ji~ztti"~~f(~f1:9.1g~}~.QPk?Q]~~;~~n:s:'I~ vis Ratio Perm 0.04 V/c"~atio .' ,." ,"'0.60I:'i6~16\\i;:0:b9;(.6;B.ji:?;;oF36"1 ;?~ :~,::i?i'g'~Ri';.f9!?~~f; O)j~ Liniform Delay, d1 21.91~Uj 19:6-' 19:6" if3" 26.9 18.8 15.7 grogression Factbrl.00 1"00{ toO. 1'i11 '\O!i5?f',' , .33;Fo:?~!.:10:}:;~ Incremental Delay, d2 2.9 0.2 0.1 7.7 0.5 4.9 6.7 0.6 !i).~I~y(s). " .,24.8 .20,1''/';;1%.8 . ?iL!l,:':;:!',5;?:)i),V!;::':"~'~0~fl':t8.!~r~:i9,:g Level of Service C C B CAD B A ~RPtoach Delay-ts): Approach LOS ~t.=...S--' --.vi . ...,"'.".J'.'W<'i,.'."...._'''''''~,,'''''"..;'"'''''' ''''''..",.."",.,-"'''''""-,'''''l'''',,,,,.,.=.. . 1J ~~r~,,~gJ()Jlt, ,Uf1)!J!.gr;Y..~:m~}~~l~~Thf$~1r~~#'..t.};r.'ri:.J~Jt;,:t:{{1tli{;g~:~~~~i.-t~:~.;fft:.:t8'>~)-+Er':0~".,z-.!h'-"::~__1,; HCM Average Control Delay 17.1 HCM Level of Service B ~t~M}Vol urri,e::t6!,Q~'P~.~i~y;:.f;~,ti;Q,H::,;;'\:,;:"t:~~"i:Y/V::t~t!j,.~, ~",::::;;i;;:!:;:';i~:;;~~:~;l~,:l~.~:k~~#j4t~~~;:~:::~;' ,0": ~~~ '.: ~;~~~E~~~:~~:~~'~~j ~ !if~'1. . ;;/ ;.:;!f',~~i:~~j;.~:j~1j~::~;:~f!;f12::,:~Y Actuated Cycie Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Yi!~"t~,~'~,tiorr-'b,~p~9!fY;"4ifi,~j~'!I9b~'{L{ij;~~i~jI1~1~;~fZ~;'~~;:{j~:JJ::@JLQW.~g~y~!H:~N~~~'fYj9.'~j1~~~~;~~1%~~1Vj~~~~li~~~::~~:~i~;~'~'t~~fi;:{~1f~~~,::~1~~~~~~8:~ Analysis Period (min) 15 E:m~;i~r!tical;:~~'n'~J9r~~~Rg!" ,,' ^",~' ~ ~ ~JHi~~f ,~*>\~ ~ ~'''::~~P:,~t, '~.Jtf~ff;;3S;!: ~~~, ~ ~"wi ;~~"'~'?~'~Jf~~~~~;~::~:t~ :~.j[i~~~~it }~r:"'~i <, r/~ Existing AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending Projects Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 2 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 15: EI Camino Real & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 ,;. - "'\- of - , ~ t I" \. + .I ~rp'111t~~;;;%lil\,~~",Ti!!ilNl!tJ.lI;!}J'j!tE~IJ1.!!?~~e.~V)(Bm~ilfjl!?!$'J~~~JI\l~~jiJtt.lI~~~~@BI[~$~J3 Lane Configurations .. 'I... 4'.. ." \.. . :to... '. 'I +:to. . 'I. . + '.. ." lCl",al.i:F;"low' (vph pl.).;.' ";",!;!~1:~qoirJi ~:o.Q',\LJ.f!Qq}J:t~1,~29x;t;1}lQQ>;'i!it\lq9t{1~~9Qj~i@m!k~i,1'!!QQ~;:;;;1~Q9i!i,1,~QQ'~~j~IlQ Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 g,~rr~/,Wtil:. F?ctoG.if~;gf;;f~':;iji';'~~:;j-m.~,9Jt["':~}:~1QI~"~j~iYiS1~g:Q~~i5!Ii1i1QQw:t~~;yt~tQfHl}~!:~~~f?;~~~~1J~Qj;~r.QI~l?J~X~~!;ii?*f;f;h~'~~~'j,[1otJ.:'fr';:'~1:~,Q.Qt~:(7I1:~i;rQ Frt . 1,00 1,00 0,85 1.00 0.89 1.00 0,99 '. . 1.60 1.00" 0,85 E[f~.~,rqt~,qte'd2\:,;:' ;{t~~;i;~:::t:!~~J~0~;b~~~;:!;~;:PJ~,~~0M~~;TqgfjN\~Ql~.~~~~;t1.:~1]'tI1Q}stt~~~ji~:~;~~1~:tErQ:~'~~J{~.,1~!rr'Q'qRrm~1;]p~~t:9J,g~,tt~;;it;Qpt~~~$1~9.q Satd. Flow (prot) 1681 1701 1583 1770 1649 1770 3521 1770 1863 1583 flti~.~rrriitt~d:",.(':;'~:t/;.);.:;.~;.t'~..~I9'_:,~~~>;,~::,:;;_9,~~,~~l}!tj;fQp'[;:~"QI~~~:,:i'X1YRQi{t;~I:f':~1?~J0fSQL~~jf;~Qi~~nI~;~-~~",~1~~~\iimg~f:~}f1KQQ]H.f],',ltg Satd. Flow (perm) 1681 1701 1583 1770 1649 1044 3521 513 1863 1583 V61u7ne (vph) .. ..... . "233""';:: ,26 .......:.161\)'V.:.;.:.lif;;.<;c:,;T3.'1i!;:.,;.!:1.02\.....i'"56\;.i;;~..'l53~;Ji';r2i.'..'0l.:'i84;!t:.;260.E~i?1'85 ~..-., .' ,'. ," ':.~.-: ";.' ,.-:. _'. <;~: ::.. '!!- _,' .../\. '" ',.~,.>..,,;..:~' "'''~'~i''j,:,,>:' <.j:"~c ,\)." ~'''''''~;':;~ ,.;;;\> ''''''''C',:.';'' :', ';';.;"",..;:-"-~;'.?!r..i-_""~~,."''':h".<:,,..,.,,,. :.;;i.;",~, '"'' ".",.~,..t.,~':''; ".:..."",.:~'."':'},T:g~.;,"_,.,> Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 A'dj;Flow (vph). .. . 25,3 "'?8.'. ',. t75~q::;3,t1:,":t1:)i. '.:6.1i),h:I.n~T;:'C~i~9.!{'[!:l1tf};:?83.n':69!1: RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 145 0 99 0 0 3 0 0 0 . 96 Lane Group flow (vph)c ,. 137 ..; .'14'4'(".: 30,":20 ',.:. 46? ..0' 61:i.-','!!SM';;X';oiE,tJl.1;;':'28:f1"1Qs Turn Type '. . Split.. . .... . .prot Split., .... . '" Perm Perm Perm erote.~ted Phases....)..:... \".:.!'.:.1f::"'i.,.,,"":4"'i'.:".'i..'~2i:'Y .,icj'?'S'.,..,;(8'."3P" . Permitted Phases 2 ASt.u.~!~d, Gre~n;;qi(s);";;io;1 Q:i!~i\~i.1fF~;':i~Tgi1,i;;~;~,:~j:i:;;~~I~;0fjl;~;(~t~~~}l)~;[j\t~J'!~~mii ;,;:t,;,,';~~~.1E~J!t"~j!1~1, i:@lI,~ Effective Green,g (s) 10.4 10.4 10.4 6.3 6.3 31.3 31.3 31.3 31,3 31.3 Actuated g/C.Ratio,> 0:i'l',U:j"'17,E,.::' 0: 1.7, ::;"od o,;2b@o..:.~.i'.;:':."'..;;h;i:EiO;52i;::;..~m52.:~~:..'i,:.;:;:,;;.:ro!'52:jC,.:. '6:52~.i.r:ib!52 "....,....,.,,,,_...,...,, . i .' ...... .;. .,.-"_..,,~...,,..>.,," . .,' ... .. . ". d_.''','...~,,,....,,._,,,......., -,..."....... .,',-..,...._>:,~,,,. .-'.'n....'..'."_v_,~.....,.,,. ,,,......"c.'...;...,,. ...."'....';. '" ..L~,-"" -"-",,,,_ ,,"'-f'. ,:_,,,,,.,..; """.1',:0;",.-<..,.,. Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4,0 4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4,0 4,0 4.0 4.0 V.iih icle. Extension..(s),....i.: :/,;3.0\,i,'l','3,oi':';'..3'O:;;:i{3:0i'Pi3:0;:i;"P,1]'j.;;:::3'0201(:;013'0",,0(;<::. ,'2j(';'3m:i:"":3iOi'.d:3:0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 291. 295 274 186 173 545 1837 268 972 826 yt$,:~ B,~l!Q, pr9r;,)I;:~.~::;i.: . ,i:.~:;.~t~'!:rtQ~Af~{~g,m~ .. ';';\!r~;JJ?3l~d&Q,!,Q;1JnH~.Q,;,9,~:;-'~r1r~')::i~;i~i.j;hfc1~\1J~~~~~~9E~4.~~p~:~~tl'~B_~W';~:~E!;\t ;,Qr~~8;~~~t1~ vis Ratio Perm 0.06 0.18 0.07 yl~JJ~~~tio .1: ; /;fi!:'().;.iQ:~~?~j:~IJ;i~}4~~:':'~.:"~QM~Jn~-y\~j'QT:1~111~~\]i>~C~~':~I:";;~~:2)~~;;~!;:~;~;O~nilli~~1@f~HI~~:~~(~kE:~~~4pI~~1i::LQ,[~~~~Zf,,~[t~ Uniform Delay, d1 22.3 22.4 20.9 24.3 24.7 7.3 9.0 8.3 8.1 7.4 Prog~ession. Factor' . .1JiOOA';fi~oo::+;:1'iOO~:: (,';i,,'.; ';'G1ij'!Oo:;'Kj')~o6!\(tr;,;i~'ift;:O'28 ..:i:f....O:21;~;fOy2~ Incremental Delay, d2 1.2 1.3' 0:2 . 0.3 0.8 . 0,4 . '0.8'" 2:6 0.6"" '0:2 Qelijy (s)23:5 23,7' 21.1,24'.6' 25.5 L7.9i~;:;::,i;:. O. 2i~ii);~i2'.;1.i Levei of Service C C C C C A A A A A ,e.pr>@ch De!~y.(s); ';"22;6?).g,:;~':4;i@ Approach LOS . C' A lt1t~lsItqf6R;~'S:O~~~~~~~4iE!ii~~~~~~tiJf~tJ!~ik~~~~+~~~~~~~~j~ HCM Average Control Delay 11 .8 HCM Level of Service B ~.~.M:;V6Iu,me, ~td'::~.~P~(;,Ity/~~!,g}/.}.\}t;?';;(!;\\~~t~~OJ~~J~:i,;<::;'.r~l;r~1~';;&:W~~'~~}~~4~~~~;~i(in~;[~;~\~r_J:it~(~lH~~it;i~;t:~,:~s~;:{~~i~T;;[:~]~\~-~t;~f~~J;r%1;j;~~iL~f;~ Actuated Cycie Le~gth (s) . '. 60.0 Sum of lost time (s). .... ..12.0 tQt~'r$~ctjon C~p~~io/i~Hli~,~i~h':;i.::~~:d~~:,~.:\t$4:~~T~1i~~;:j~;'i;,:j':;'t:1,lg,""G!J;~~v~i.F~{';~~.fVJ9~Jr-~~~li~J,{i(:';~?~~}iij.:7.i,:)~~~~.:;;t~~'~~~;~;~(;w'}:~~Hrs~Yf:if:~f;~~ Analysis Period (min) 15 gg!ijC~i\icalt;anelC?r6up'. . Existing AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending Projects Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 --" - .. of" - '- "'\ t ~ \. + ~ ,_OWD~Ni'tJtr'l;:t~""~~4'lE~!!~igam,*~~}j:ElB,*;w.El~~W.Elif~1\.W.BBf:{""-f\iElI!i;;,,i~.mr. .' ~!3..g,~n"~~!3.!i'iti\"_9~' Lane Configurations .., 1> .., 1> .., 1> .., 1> $Igb8oiitrol ',:StOp/ '~." 5$t~R:j;;:;~;;,,:S'/';~;#9JOp~i~:{~~J; .K;:)\i,ASto.R;';::X~.,j~ Volume (vph) 235 0 76 191 18 285 39 11 1 29 33 PE'lak Hour Factor 0:92' 0:92 0.92 0,92 '0.92 0.9:1:' .0:~2'/,'b,92>:'O:92;<'0.92 .0,9?:\()j~2 Hourly flow rate (vph) 61 255 b 83 208 20 310 42' 12 1 32 36 n=f"~"[""'<U:~~1?':TEB'1' .;,r"S'2"""i,NB"1"" WB-2T'TNB"1"''''']':fB'52ilJliSB'';t'''')!i'SB''2~''lB'' ' ~ ,;!;,,, """"""" '" "","",)!! R'1[~~_IPDik~9.I'l~_~~~;1"'M~"",:':~~_,, ~.~,'l~'i~ ,.f. n;'.."-.,,,,,)J__;~',,,,"~ _.;._ ~;, 4._. ~k",!:"&t!j.,..J!_m;~t.+__".. '_.;~!'!;"i'i~._.~__!J',..~l",!!.;k;,{1i~1f~Ji';1~~\~~~~~rft~vlj%-1; Volume Total (vph) ,. 61.. 25~.. 83 227..31,0., .51. ..1., 67. " .. .., . &.~,Qrrt~:i~ift-.I(.YRb:):{::;,'~;a.~~\;ili!~Ll?;1:~~;t~1&::~;91~~;~~.:M~.~~J:~j?ii}J,p~%t.. ~~~"Q.J;:;~i3:~:[QjpSt~4{~~~1~~ff.~~i~~~[Q~~~~~~~~~~i~tf.~.~1~~:'i1":~g;~;,i~;bit;~~:t~~~~!~N~ Volume Right (vph) .' 0 0 0 20 0 12 0 36 I;liidj'( is), .: '. .... '.' :',:;,.;;',,:6,5~::" Q)?~:~';;,:Q1~~/:~;O:'Q~:' ,~;Q~~3)j;,rgl1.?~~;?,;i');~3.'~!EQ[~~r,~~'l\i~:fJ;,:~\f~;:.~;:;\i,;~~~:.ii'::f;i Departure Headway (5) 6.9 6.4 6.9 6.3 6.9 6.2 7.5 6.6 I?egree Utilization;'x;"" 0:1 :(;..i;~0.4.5:c:c6j6.;';;Q:5Q~< ,qig9l{i'Q;,()9'i;~:Q;q:q,:~f.f:O:~:g"i(i: Capacity (veh/h) 493 540 494 542 499 547 441 497 99ntroIDelay(s)Y{;' :'~;.' c9::9: Approach Delay (s) 12.7 Mpf9~~n.:,l q$.::"".iS~\~~:~~:i(~;(~ffi;:~'I~i:<;~~~\~i;~;::::I~Dl;~ itffii~';ti?;~1;i;~~<;W:Yff;{~"[$.1~:';-~r.\i1;;t~Y;!tS~;tHr~:i1i~~~~i~~~~~:{?.0:;~~~~;!~.:1;~~:id~;)1;;i1~ir&~~~:rlf.~~11 i',."t'e.rs.ec't-,'onTS'.u':m'm." ; """ .,.tiJi;,*,r'~'il''"'1il'''-~''''''''''~''''''''"'f''''~''''''''''ill'c'''''''''''''''''''-'''_'' '..,'-"""''''''''''' ';_~"e' .,,'_ ," "_,H",, __ , _- ....'" ...,~~:,Z'ii~U!~~1,::C;r.~~1.'fuM~1~~~;!J;;lJ7t,;;iE"!R(,-~ii\f.<~W~~f&P:.:..,:&J",~c;,:;uli~;:;13fl}i~ ,Q,elay( , , HCM Level of Service Intersection CapaCity Utilization '" 49:.0%:' :~' 'ICU !:ev~FofService'. Analysis Period (min) 15 -,,' Existing AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending Projects Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HeM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: W Branch Street & Rancho Parkway 3/18/2006 ./' - +- "- \.. .,; ......-.. "'~t!;". "'&Y6.2~"'''''"' 'EB1:."'''"E'''B''''''''WB",N-'W' BR.'~SB"" '=SBR'" ... ." -."" ~,' ,." =.",~"". .w I~,_py--e_m~n ii~'K~:' ,6;),::kt~~3;itt'1~_ ~:.- "'jlikt~ '~"-d!IJh,., .c. ;Ij,;i;,';t,._,j'::. ~.i~~, .~~5f.t~__~ _,,~ii;r;li.~?~f;.'i~~l!~~~~~;;2P&i:~~;ii:ra]?,~t~~i~l~~l,..:eQ:~ Lane Configurations 'i tt 1-1> 'i yr IdEr~I-Flow (vphpl),. -':19QO.1900::"1900 '.,'j9Q0;:'1900'.'i1900'" ". ',y;,;ii?4Y:P1" Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~ane.lJtil. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.95,1.00.. 1 :00 . Frt 1.00 1.00 0.93 1.00 0.85 F;lt p,rcjtectEld;,; ....... 0:95:>0!21';00~~:()b:~.,s, ';;i;9(~?;':1:.0()~;::;:~k~'<:f:~t:'));;1:" :',;~, :.~{~<,;.,;;: Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3539 3294 1770 1583 ... ,. .. ....".. Rtt~.g:_~nn ittEiq ; ",,-~;:., ;;:;,,:;;~;::,\,;;:,;g3.~.~~~~.~1~P]1ft,;:\tKQg-::;~::';@1,~lI{~f;'~r%fQr~~~~1\~~1~QQ:l;~U'J:~~\~%~~~~~~1lW~111~;:]'S\J~:&,fj{?iiff~;:.:~if!i}1:~jH1~i{~'.:t:;;r,';h'~;t.t:it~~:f Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 3539 3294 1770 1583 ~Y~I9'tn~'.:Xyph): Fi;~::~";.!:r.':,,~:,i:;:::,~:,#'~.f;::'{~:!~t~J?~;t1:4:~~it'1'~~frf6~~~,,:,:;';f~'ln!Q%&f~}:),~~]i'"~;~'$i@~f~;:~:;1~~~~~Ji0,S;~~:}'.!~n:}i.(:1'~;~~t~F"f~~:~:"j(i:f;.\}H~t)1:ilJ;:F\1,iiWt!~~! Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 .. .. .. ., .. '.. . /l,dj.'Flow (vph) '.. .... '. .. ~: 5Y,:r'1 q'~." '24?;~;:,;.?qtl'f ;'?1~5f :;";,;$g,:?'~t:~:'.V:,';c>f.,:;';,;;;%"i ;;:,~i' '.." ::::\~.. RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 164 0 0 21 tta'n_e~~Grou'p: FIO'w[(vPtl) <~.:,:~ii$j~W.f~~l$fr':.,,:.:'-26'~;i)~JJ,~;;1Q]J~~;';;;;:1'A5V~~~1{,~~:!:a.;1~~:;:~;iji~::Zf}{~;;~;~8i(:;;,f:~{Ui[t~~~~?:~,1Jf~~~:~~;':r:;,>!2;'.f ,Il~~':;\s!{fJ~~~:}f.;;&:f~;~ Turn Type Prot pt+ov ~J9le.9~~q~;R~a~~$}:;, ~r.,!:{':fY;~~~;'~~?:t~~V~:;;~~r;c~,A:W'::':::~Sr~:~;.~bZ~~~t~;i~}fglfI~~',;1r;:!7~~~~}i~i;~~:%l~~!~;OP11~,~[~~?':[~~"AI~]~~*.~~~J:~J~5<::i'.,:~:'~~~',J'!}~~~~~~{&~1~~ Permitted Phases A,CJlfatedqreen. G(s)>.:,. '2:7f"15:3'/ !~:!5,;" Effective Green, g (s) A<<tuated giG Ratio. ' Clearance Time (s) V.ehicle Extension (s) .. Lane Grp Cap (vph) v/siBatio Prot ' vis Ratio Perm vlclRatio .... '. ..,,'<,0:4~':~: (n?;:~:,:;Q,A2:(:i.;.:\~ ..;co.19lLol03:'~:, Uniform Delay, d'i 18.6 8.6 14.2 7,23.4' ~t6grei;sionEac!or: ),;/;~ ;00': .: .n~(),,'J\:.()O'~:~~,~'c Incremental Delay, d2 2.7 0.0 0.4 Delay,:(s) :; :.C'" Level of Service App.roa'ch Delay(s)\~,'iC Approach LOS ' . ,.. '. '. 2.7 .0,07" 4.0 :3~0' 116 (j0[0$ o,cMi:. OJlO".. . 4,0 .:."3'.0. ::,:/.. .,., . I ",.,..', 771 ;caJda ',,-- ",,""'.'" .."..~., .'.<'< ;',':~~ :/.~':i{~,~~ I,. "c/-";1'..:;'''' 947 j:~())()g:,,:\'" r.-::t~""'-t'=S>':"""""~l.,..},.':.\Ilt'~~J~' ~~~*,~iW!,!~j>'"~,rr};;'~%1;,~"<SJjf.~'~..i<<i"'J-~'~"F,x..."lli':!:1'0111,.'. .,' " "'Mirl "",,, ~ !n..~r.S:~(:~IQlJt....-: UrrJI;n~lW~~ii.,,!_.,'~.i:rf#la~~::mr;i~~t!!hs,j:f':;~~~H"~7:;;;,~.i"~.~~"'!ffi '_",,;,;;, ~::: _ ~i:.~~ \',n.~;,~~,l~:t'.!.,',,!, HCM Average Control Delay 12.0 HCM Level of Service B I:iC;M'Volume to;(;ap?~lt~f@9NiT;" ::"'';;9i2~t:;;;W:('i';;Y;:i!!'!. .>)~~E.,:&:;;'_~i4":c Aciuated Cycle Length (s)' , . 41.3 Sum of lost time (s) Intersection GapacityUlilization'!" ...33.09(?c.. "leO'l:evel.ofS~iVice!,";\ ~"~:.;i;';';:~\';'\!, An'aiysis Period (min)' 15 c. "::~riticaILane'GrCliJp"'c\.. .... .. .~~..: Existing AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending Projects Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 3 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 /' - "'). ~ - "-. '" t /'" \. + ./ ~mJmffit~IJ!~(I,~JB1~!612~~l;lill~:;;:-il';!?E~'Y:<li:lJ~}W]:lsr.,'l'i:~B~J@~l'ij!?~;,~kj.Bjr.~!\U3~~~$.BW~$!llT;j,'tJl\&El~ LaneConfigurations . ~ .1'1+ . .~...1+. ...... .'. .~ ...1+ .... . ....~ . ...1+ Ide?IcFlow(vphpl)/,' .' . 900;:;"h190Q;'!:1 9QO':1900'~"199b'.1.900'f;,19QQ;:'1;19(llj'fji;,1900t:;':;19bjj'lirigQof<~:Jgoq Total Lost time (s)' 4.04.0 ...... "'4:6 4.6" 4.04~0""" 4.0 . '4.0"""" Li;\neUtiL FaCtor" ," 'yoOS,;0:95 :.1:Q,Q"}.obF . " '1,()oi;'.1:oQf::;};i/:::.;:\!1{O()'J~Q();~Ji;";:~ Frt 1,00 1.00 1.00 0,99 1.00 0,97 1,00 0,92 ~It\"r()tect~d 'c.:,Q: 95i,i,li:;Y,Q.Qj >,.,.,;.' S:i. 0.,99.'" 1:'QOj':;,;:;jl.,;,: ,'~Q:g5:)~{f:gQ)j:J;W~;:~*l~f,Q,]!jm,,1':QQ.0gi*tiJ~lli Satd, Fiow (prot) 1770 3539 1770 1838 1770 1801 1770 1715 ~l.t~g~'tm itt~~J,i: ;;"J!~;i0:;';~~i~,~::~~:;,~,9j1t$Si~:~E1i1Q1[~'::~:::,,';'i:~3r~;~:\~~!!-1~9r~~~~~J:'1[:QQc'~~g:lfuii~~~iI91Z;~J~iJ1[~Q~~1~;C{j~~~:Qt!L~~~~~itQQfu~t;4t~~ Satd, Flow (perm) 1770 3539 1770 1838 1328 1801 1345 1715 ~QryJh~; (vph )'... ;:'-,";0JJ;:~[~:;f}~f~~j,~~l!?~~1;~01i~~~~]~,::,i~i;~Q)~hX@'~9W~i:tfC1::,~]~~tf~~~:~:~}~:E6~~;~~.~:Fti~~~?fRM@~~1~~~-j~:~~~51~g~W~,~~:t~!i1~~1~~ Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.9~" ~,~2 0.92. 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0.92 0:92 . 0,92 0,92 0.92 'Ad' "'FI' "( h')" ."" 0 . ''''''6' 1 -'2' 5'5"'.0 . 0" "''''83'' ""2'08""'''' '20" ""3'1'0"""''''4''2 '".1'12''''''' '<"""'3'2""'" '3'6 ,~, ,Jt;,.!!,Pw.' YP: t. ~;~~~;~,;',%:ik>iA;:{' .";}It~r..;"",,jX:~~"i.:~2;;; d~;t:~::.,,,.;-t;.'},';:::t ",,~~)En:\:.~::,.,~~ {"\!;;,>.." "L!IJ",~'5..;,,,;~,.:@~jL':,~.i~;':<~':\:,~~.I~J.:.~:':h{}!' Nc<"~~~tE?', ,,;,.' RTOR Reduction (vph). 0... 0 0..0"... . 7 0" ,0. 6" ...0 . 0 18 .....0 lla'n.t3';Group', FloW,;(vpn)::~;;~.~~ft:6;1;)~~:f~~:::2$.5\~~'[!,,~~"~~J)i1Jt1~~\;ftat(:l,;~:fr~,24m~f'flJ:1)~~O'#~:r;i53.~'q':j~ijlli:.:i.4.&~;4~i~~O.m:~:;;~;:;:~;':J:;:.'-:!::.fX5.0l;3}~iM~Q Turn Type Prot Prot Perm Perm grgte~ted Permitted Phases A. "c"t',.:'a"t'e' 'd' Gree'n ,'G' ,(s....)"."','.' "'3';'7' 'C.;' .'1')<"2' y,', ';'0'''o"1'i''Aii>3''9'''''''?''1(1''''';;;'';;'''''''''1;''>;'"'27r9"''''';2'7jg-$~'''";;'!7;'0'i;2'';'9' """'j'27'9' "'7."",2",, ,~,,- ....~".., ':'., " ,j".,; >;., "' ;~:..,./,). ':1,,' ",,<:.;,:: ,'::,~.,t.;~L; ~. ;'-<';,fi= '~-t:i:b U: '; ,~"i~: ";,:,, S,~t~r J~,'~:!t:,',~:,;i''\!:,(<,~ ":,. \~~,,~ '. :o""_":;;~ ,:"~......!k, ,,&j:;~;:~~\"': ':::,~:::~:i~':,;~rf,.~~ w~: ...-,:E;",~.i{;t.t,\j:;~:,'-,;2,;!;1 Effective Green, g (s) 3.7 11.2 3,9 11.4 27,9 27,9 27.9 27.9 A~t~'atedg)CRati(?,> "'0,070,20,' '<:"Q:Q7'0,21:.~ ' '0.51::0!5~!:Hi~4f;' (:;Oi5j1'i.tQ;~1ii;i~';;;;:;;~ Clearance Time (s) .4,0 4.0 4.0 4,0 , . 4.0. 4,0 " 4:0 , 4,0. . y:eniCleExtensio(l (s):-:/"3.0,.",;:3;();;."., ,y.,' 3.0 ,;3,D.!;;;.;; 'j .:,,3:0'::':',,3.0;.;;':';:;; . "3:0",;.3:0);;;;,', ' '. Lane Grp Cap (vph) 119 721 126 381 674 914 682 870 YisRatio Prot, J["i, ':\;,O{03,':Q,,(J.'f,~i" vis Ratio Perm 9/ciRati.o '., ...... i/:,'~i~'~f;:"",..()i5.1.:C20i35i!i,%'.'~~'W' :Q:$9.,~';;~Q':~~Tj:f;: ;;i:~':.i;;Q:1~~!2ipj95i!i;~jrii;,;iQ;.;:6.[Qg~{,QQm~';~1'~::~:ili~ Uniform Delay,d1 ..'. 24'.ii'1"iGf ". 24.9 19.6 8.7 6,9 6.7 6,9 f1crogt~~sion f' a~!Qr,';g:;.J;:;h,o.Oi;:"1;QQ;;T';1f"'*;; AJ;j:);Qbl~;~\1,fo,Qg:::~:ii'::::'~:':i;}1:;QofIf:i'1fQQt"7~:~Si.j:\:J'.\fl~;;j:LQR:tl;ij~gq:;tF:Ki:'~:::~ Incremental d2 3.7 0.3 11,8 2,1 2,3 0,1 0.0 0,1 aela"(s) :" '......"y".. .' , Level of Service ~ppt()~C~..'~_~I~y~-(~~:~:;0~:r:~~S,',;~~',. ~~::;~!::si"tr.[t~?QI~~';rJ~~~Gft::rl~'",:;;~/~~':!~~1~:~~~t~~~t~',nni~~Jrf~~{~@~:}Ji}~ff~~19~~~~f:~~~'~]H~~\~~K~~~;t~~~t0i1:;?~~QW~;1~.~~;id~~k Approach LOS . C C B A ''ll'''' .' T"'''rs''-' , , Rf"'...."'t~;"",.,"""""'>rl"'(','.".;W,f~""...m""c_..',..."""'''''''II!,~'''''''''''''''<1~_"'''''''-'''?<~"~~'~'<'w,,,,~ ~1.~n,~,tp!"c.JPr:J<,....qmQl~.U'1..f.#i~i<;1$\tt':;;~r:;;11,~.t;JB:r~iIl'~t'-!1l,.~H:.-'!e.,~~'~~~'\::Wr~~)~YWi~~~6W4'.f~.~~~/~~;,..~~:l~~~ HCM Average Control Delay 17.8 HCM Level of Service B ffl9 ~ iV olll.iJl e to '~::~~ R~ct~y;;t~~,iO ;;':: t,': ' . 9::..4~{H\::'.:;>~,:~,\~f~ ,~'~~i,;ifL:,..ii,2;!~!~~~~:~'~~~~tJ(f~;1~~i;';,~t~~~-~f;~1j;\~~~?i'~~JFifE~~;:i~~~~\:)~~~~:;~,i[\~'i~:":i,", Actuated Cycie Length (s) 55.0 Sum of lost time (s) 8,0 @ersElcti6~"Cap~citYtJtilizati6r{?:::";;46'g%.,,;."i;k;'1(;;U(~:~xel'9f;$,er:xic~N: Analysis Period (min) 15 S:;:!,gritical'LaneGrgupej," Existing AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending Projects + Funded Traffic Signal Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: James Way & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 / - ,. f - "' ..... t I" '" ~ .I I\lQYE7r1i~W~E!t1;;~'~if~li'~!;e_lJ,yJ!~EaJ~!;J~~~~vy,BJ!}\lIWI311b,'ti'l'laR,,",~I)I~!!E1#.ilI'!l!2iflfi~~B~~9!2!I~'I1~I31fii!l1liSI3R LaneConfigurations ..... ....... . 1Ij. t r 1Ij. 'to. . .... ...... 1Ij t'to ....i . 1Ij t'to i~~?1 ~1()w.'(,!p~R!)~:f::;ji:;;f;:! ~qgjgt,1;1~:QQI'~~j]Q9;1il~~62f:'!&1~Q9.~~1,~[Q>:~:r~gg1f;rt~.91J]\!;~1 ~,9R;i'011:gQQl(~j~0~qJ~):;j9QQ Total Lost time (5) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~~be". iJ~iB7F actHt~::f::;t;" ,:,;t{r.~1}QQ)~~i;~~1~~~9:Ql~~!i;},'~;;1J9~Qi1~~~g~Q~'j:~1}rQ9]B:','i!~;!€~~~ifi;,J~~~f<.~~~~~~[jhlm~~~~~,1,~iQQrt~.r~(g]~t~Kfi:~;v~ Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.92 1.00 0.97 5:!J:(Pro~e9t~,9' ,~~ c (;I' Q:;'~-~~,.j::i~~~1};'9~QA:Ji!~f.1RQ~:.;;~lt91~~~:~~~:0~.g!Xi~~t,~j~f~~i:,~:0~~:QI~11~~~flJ[Q'Qtf::::',~~~;~~i;j~::,Q[~g~S~f~,~Q~~;0~~>~E:;<]d~ Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1863 1583 1770 1791 1770 3271 1770 3449 g!i) Perm i!ted. . ..i': ,......():.~eiJ;:.\,,1,()Or{iJgOJ;:(t;(ji$9,}'<;~1.:(jg:\,~t;;i"'i";!:G::;q!1i:~:i:::D~9QJ!Z,"i~1?'r:~1'!:Q:g~:ti::~~K\i:.q~ii~:;'~~ Satd. Flow (perm) 1275 1863 1583 1102 1791 1770 3271 1770 3449 ~9Jum e (vph). . ...............'7g::';1\~(;)g;;,',?9~: ',,',1?2'1:t;~""7;7?:T ',; '?iT. .'.:~q?;r,];:20[i?~i;ik?JP"')":J)'~Qlk:(K3J;1~'):~:\'65. Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow, (yph) , .",,:'86: 't76 ...?59.Xi;'176'....... ::'8~:':29+',2?O:':~;T;223';ir)228"':A~1.',;'3i19F;~;7,1: RTOR ReductionJv~h) .. 0 .... Jl .. . 263' '.' 0....: 2,3" .' 6'. ...O.~ 103""-0 .,.' .', O""28"~"6 !ta'he ..Group jFlo~(yph):.. .\86X;/r,~:Z6.~f:; ,i .56:;r;?jg:~;l6J.;;;';,j[:90.~wt;" ..:oi;~~:fi22o;>';!"':3}l8::,.1;j;ii'Q:X8;tR4~.:;;~.{3921,:: ":;[Q Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Prot Prot er(jte"te~ Permitted Phases ~4!U~t~9 .@Iee~~j ~G':(~)tf:~;;;:i{;::1~,!g;~il{~1~~fQ:~;lf:-~i;';t~}Q)G:;~;41~t~12:~~~:GJ,\~yQ_:m~~,~;I:::f~~~f;fi:~::{,';I@gi!~Sf\~?l~1~:l'f~~:~~~[;~'::~,:-~1~:~1~~2zEf~~~t,m:~}~,~[n,J~,;. , ,~ Effective Green, g (5) 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 16.4 32.9 2.1 18.6 ~gtLX~t~d fjlt,. ~?t,9,t,{;,;(','~;y,;~.Ql~?~[~?t.:;~o..~~?"'~,~\}:,{:q1:~~;tQJg~.~1~~;QE~g'ilifl~.[t~:~~~~.~Bj:9'.j~~;,~Lig.2?J]J~il~~X':~;f;~~i;.;9I9~~t:]Ef:[Q1~j1~~~n;.:;;.~;&': Clearance Time (5) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~~hicle:,Extensib8~(~)i;:;, ,:: :,/,:':3LQg~ti&{:t.b~~~H~h$..o';?::;!41Ya'~oIJ~t~#,~:-ta~~.9:~;:t;,;..,~,',:1':;y;::~~P,~g~~O~e;J~falOl~; :::,E,i~}1}~i~8~~()1!f~!,~;:3fo.;;~:{::i{.Ir,::~t1 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 276 404 343 239 388 484 1794 62 1069 v/s; Ratio Prot ,i:i;i'j(;;,~:~;Lgib.~J?':'.fiiji;fN~i.~r,iT;;iiV{r~;;;Q;Q~';'J't{~',! :c;QIQ,f,!'t'<<fD.i1,\1f!:jJ ,..~; vis Ratio Perm . .' 0.07 0.04 cO.16 V(S Ra,tio' \. ;;b,31F;;'g(;I4;61J$liii,g'74;;;'~g!?$i Uniform Delay, d1 19.7 20.3 19.1 21.9 19.4 gsi?g[ession Fact~r '. ......,t.oO .1.00' '1>,60";'1,00 .1:00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.6 0.8 0.2 11.2 0.3 ~:~~r~~)~~r~ice .:X ..... "\'?9;61D:?1;'g'(:i:,1,~,;~%'~X):~~~&M}g~::~:1" 'A'" h "RProac Approach '"' '-':. ~'~~".O~~.$1}:;~:'l9f l.~FLJ[~~~:;:i: :,(:' :"QI~,~.t~ :,' O~:~:~i:~!:!::~$i~GJ~ 18.1 6.8 28.6 16.1 ..."....... o 69.'?O. ~2.9j,".'.{.:. '.',:,"" fob"fT;.j',obiU'X.. . -- -, '~",.....~ ?,""', ',~.,';" 0.6 0.2 28.5 1.0 ::]i:t~,:,~:;~~,~j.:~IQ~::~' ".::,~~'?'lgX:,F.;h~~iZ{1'F:{~~;;'~~1g~~!~t~.~t!S:;~JP;;';:t:,;,Jt1 B A E B 0.. J:s~cJl9dITs~JItrQ'a~!"~{PAi~ir'~~Jlir>f~~y~~~tN~~~~:&i€_..:~,Yo,. . HCM Average Control Delay 16.5 HCM Level of Service B If[~.~' VQJu,~~.~;!9.~~~R.?9ItY:,lfi~1!~.g~j';;',G~~1i~;0:Nd,9r~Qz;~~T:Kj~f;)Ni~~i~~~~ttiJ&&!'i\::':':::~:;;lift!'~'ML~~~~~~i~~~~:,~~[: ,J:'i)i~il,i~~:i~?~}i~.f~~~ii~~:' :-:.;~~'\~U'.~~~~~ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (5) 12.0 LQi~.(~'~,t.tj9'~"lC?pl:i:S~~l!ii,Y!!~~Jf8ff~~[~Kl~'~;:[~:D;~~~?t[r~~y}~7i7:}~L[ll)f'1e~~[~ti~~fY!s~1~~~tj~:;iii_t'~~~~f~r~~;:~~;[)1~~~r,~]%~~~~~~~~~ff;i ~~~r~~~:~~~rj~'~~i~~p:~\~;j~]'::i;.hW:[~it~i~~R~i~~~~~~7~iJ~).~1;~l'~';':0~;JJli~~~~~~}~'~~1~;~,~t.~:~~;rl%~'~~~1~j[~mt~;B:;:',~4~If~f~~1~it;;::.:~:~~ Existing PM Peak Hour + Approved/Pending Projects Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: W Branch Street & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 /' - .,. (" - "- .... t I" \. ~ ..; f;[i2F'm~6i':;'f~~~if1\1f.~~~~~~~~'i;~\.M~j!~vs{l2jfm'l~'r~I!!'4.j).!iJI2['l'!!gt~!J?BltK$BI4i&&1,$J?jT;t1ilti.S.~ Lane Configurations ... 'I . .f>. . J' 'I ..... tf> ..... .'1. t.. l' l~eaIFI()y;(vphpl)" ..'i1!lOQi",1 ~99".' J~,QP!':;n:~ ~90,.::,1,~99i"'eJ9,99;;1 ~gQiti1iJ;ggQj!;~~19:QQ.~':1 ~92.\~':~J!9Q~;'ii1 ~Qq Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~1!f1e:Wtl~~ !~f ~ct6r;~'~:;J:r,';:) . ".~: l:-\':~{~~~~?~j"tl\(~f:'~'.~~:~~:::~:~\~:~:;~j?_~,f::'Jg,~iHQQ~2?l~~~~]y~~{Q.~~~f,~glitltIOQj:1:~I~lg~j}3'::::I~1W~%!f&1~ltRS!~11mfl!K~~~j\,Q.q Frt 1.00 0.89 0.85 1.00 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.85 ~H{l?r6teCted:):J!c','r:~~::~;fi'-?tf0Y:i:"::; ';,:I~w",;~~~~::;03:;~H,:~~.;~:~i~:rf1frO':'9'51f:i!~i~~O(r,~~~~ff1~OQ.:~7';;o~;9'5:.::~~.~~~()b:r,r.1~~t}5~~~t}~~i;.Qr95i'~':1U,1~oli~.f.i~~i1L:'do .....,...... ...."...,. ,'."".' "..,.",.<" ., . '" ..'.' .,,", .,,,..,,..,..:i.U...".,.."'. -._-_, "......~"...., ...h..".....,.......-<3.','..,.,"~'""-'...,..~ ......'..'.-...r-~...,... ......,,';.'.,..~,.;).. ._t....,.,.....~........,.'~X. .,';-',,,..j",.n>>-',,,'~""'-"-'-"-""'..-_"'~C'~~"'''''>;'''';",",,,,~ Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1581 1504 1770 3323 1770 1863 1583 Fit. Perf11itted" "" .';;';';;i0l':b:~~1~1,;~r(99i. 1:19:q~/;lQL~~~@~;.fi:bQ:itgi~!;(;.M~QI~~Q~\1;Q1t~i:[iit19J! Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 1581 1504 1770 3323 1770 1863 1583 &(t?1 u m ~ .:(vph) .,;.~;~;Atm~:-t~0\:'::\.~';:;.:;:,:i;:,g~~~~~I)t1.tQ:J~k\i~~lmWik~;4~L1'.r:::l~1.:;t:1tq'~tgt~0j.$t~:;[0';(:.:,::i,t~1;.~.i;J2J~ttgB9.~~j~~I;~8;Zt)?:\;J~;J;g~1n~~~~1~~j:~[~,i?~~: Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ~~j :jF.!Qvi~ ,fYph) ;-:';';:~;lg1i~t::~{\?!f~~i,YrQ~1ff1i'1~-"O~~{{:::1~~~];QI~;~~~~,~f::;Ji:'.~Q~~i:?::L~1~1f~f~[:gMtt:;.d~[i@jD:li~~1?ElJE?,Q!JIIJtyj~[~}~t:Gl~ RTORReduction(vph) 0 0 0 0 108 142 0 206 0 0 0 117 ~a'ne.;,Gro0'p ~~fQw::<yph):;~~i::~:,;;~1Jj;~fw;l~1~f:~iol~'#~~~~;Q,s~~i~:~;.4:~a1~rfl~r~JJ.~~~ffJI~~~iff,g~1'2'~~~1~;:~7/Z21lt1~j.te'],~2Q~:~i~~a'~l~*1i~:;:72 Turn Type Prot Prot Prot Prot Perm ~r()lected Phas~~; Perm itted Phases j,X'ctuatedGreen;iq((s) . .... . i;'~1,qO; . 1.El,b":ii16,().:9:0!f??O":',;; >tQr(j>:;i2.~10::'.;23!b Effective Green, g (s) 16.0 16.0 16.0 9.0'-':22.6 .. 10:023:0 23,0 &1::tuate(j'glgRatio .;....i')'Q,27':. .0.?],).:g:2T7'i'Q,;1~' q.~?!"_, ..~f:)q:l1r:QL~~]:',t\Q!~~ Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 V.eh icle Extension,(s):;.i.it' ,.jr:~~r,: ,;, ,';:f\"h:,3,0:%'~;:;~3;0'1i:';:i?3 ,0).i$:6.i~Z':i.3:()R:;;';';::;h't3\b;J;;\Jf3"fOJ~I;:;3;0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 472 422 401 266 1218 295 714 607 'll~ f3~ti6~f?r9t- i:'>::5r2~<~~~;~:.d'M~?~~i;j;~1~{t;;~f;0Jt~~~~':i,:.J,:iW::-;t1i~Q:~6"~~; ;FgIQ~,;~;'~,":LQ~'9:~'[;lj9~~J~ltj1~:4Q}?~)ijF~~1(~}:~t:':;Q,~j:?11~;SQI~15rtt~::~~\: vis Ratio Perm 0.05 vIe Ratio ; ~,\. '. ~, ~':';iE~Z:.i::t;~'iH~;F(f,~'7.,"""~;:'~~':~J4~QI~~~~H{qlgftl~f~{q:~,.1~lfi:&~:Q:~~~i~~~QI~~1~1,f;,.~~r~~i?li-~JI;J{Q~f~~1t~Ql~~~,,;:;:'2::Q~:if Uniform Delay, 21.7 17.2 16.7 25.0 15.7 23.6 18.0 12.0 m:pgr~ssion factq~: ;:.;i:\Jtt::\'d(Y:j '~:f~;~;i:J(:-:i~ ., ;,.i~j~~~~~1tti~1~09i~!':::{1!LQ,QI~:X~ji~9J~l:fX~:~Q,~:!~.(~~Qg~~t~??}~-~~:l:t:.~~fQ1.g~ffiJ.itJ,Q~R.Q{t4.1t~I~R Irl~rementai D~lay,d2 30.9 0.3 0.1 26.4 2.2 7.3 23.7 0.4 Q~~lqY (s). i. ~ :'i').;:+;:i, ':~~'i??(~7iL;:0~,:j~::~'!;~M:~N~~;~'i ;:;;:"~1;~1:,ff;;};~~:~?:~,~!iffMfZ:~:~Ef~\1i::~!~[~;J~[;::;.~6M~~tflft~f72.i~&~~2;,g~:]:'}1~%~1~~~0,9J?"~1~~1~;?1~ Level of Service D B B D BCD A ~ppr~ach Approach LOS flte'f's~ct!~fn~:sIiiTr.mif;-'~~~~~~~~iP~IJ;~;~~~rtf!;~~]~r~liLm;~Jj~~~!L~~~~:!:f~~Stt~~t~~~~&;:;:y HCM Average Control Delay 27.9 HCM Level of Service C fijj:M Volume toC<lpaCity'ratio:,():$5'>.".n"~,';;'. ":;:")f' Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) Jhtersection't:;apacilyUtilii,<lii9Q" 7a:2?/d..~. ICQ.Le,,~I,(Jf:~~rYic~:i;,iij;~;: . Analysis Period 15 gr Critical ;"_i" Existing PM Peak Hour + ApprovedlPending Projects Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 2 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: W Branch Street & Rancho Parkway 3/18/2006 ./ - - "-. '" -cI l7..... "''''~=t. .v""""."....Mch.~~'EB""."'E' BT"""'^'BT "^'BD_~SB''''''''\SBR''z;~ '"'~"'-- "il:;' ,~. ~.. .--, _. ...".. ~. ' ~\I:!9.veJJl~ql;:t~~,;8ilr,ia\irlZ1t~;'~l;k:._:...~~~ ~-_~J!tw,~~'!.:Yt _jl~;"Y_~"_Ijyj;.~~~,t ____,_~lr!1/iL. ___.;-!b)f~';t'tt~Sk~l""~;l:.Th%1'trt0;~~;?~~~!$j[~~E~i!(.~~ Lane Configurations 1Ij tt tf> 1Ij'" t~~~lfF.low,(y,phpl)~ij..~~~t~;~}3[9QP67;m~~.g.Q-;:::,:i",;;j~~]E~~'1;~Q9J~~}~t.~Q.Q1~if:[~Q:~Wj"';1H~~ti~~;gf~~'~flf~~~~r,'I:I!:;,:t~~7:~~;~,~l11;;:~i~!(il.~~~;f;-f;j,-/r?'~ Total Lost time (s) 4,0 4,0 4.0 4,0 4.0 " , . --."'" ~~ne~,Ut!_I. .F a~ct~~:t;;::.;';-,:<-r(::~:)~1~}9v~-,~j;~:[qT~.~,f~':-?tt-Qr~[5~~fJ':~1t~~'lf.;.r,:}i~jE:@]i'i;i:']~'Q.lli\&ttt.\~t~}I~2[fJ:~f\J:~';': q;~~~tL'~~1'~~~1f~1~~~j.:,'.\: :~~'~~Jk1ijK~ Frt 1.00 1.00 0.90 1.00 0.85 '~'~I~t tp'~d.', reOr~m~CIWt.ttee&.r. ot );,:." ..:..>...;.:C.:,'.".:,".100i.997~5~;:"'":':"":';'..1'1'~"~O':.~0':,'.~;..,..3..:~1..f.:.:,o~0?~\'.,~~,;.~."'i......:.:,;.?,,.:,...,i"'P:9--5""'" ' "'.1'.00",,'... ',"',', "...:""...(.,.,....,... 11<, ,. __ u ' ':', ".'. < ",:" ',,'" '.m,,"::.,." ".<<, ,', co. ' ~:':':::'_,.'- ',.,.;\.. ,"',': :~~r;~~~ri~~,:,;;;'Dl:r~~;;i~:;~:~~.:~;~i~?~~';l::'~;:;;?!f . -:;~;;.~\~~] Satd'Flow (perm) 1770"3539 3195 . '.. '1770 '1583 ""d. M61ume (vpt1) .'" . :.109,' ,'259' "249:,': '158..... 3381T;,154 .. ";'\;;.:/': :;f';;i;j)F '<N~o;~: ';};i:y;:';: ..~ Peak.hour factor, 'PHF '0.92' 6:92 0.92' 0.92 . 0.92" 0.92 p,.dj. Flow (vRh) . .1,18'.. '.L'h82. 27~'::,,:4.98, 36,7: :'167-, RTOR Reduction (vph) . ''0' -- . . 0 376'" -- 6 0' 71--' ~ane, G r6up'~Flow~'(vpljr J:'~~1}1.6:'(:'\/'~~~2.a~~~';'il,:~;;;'3~3":j,;:,:,,:if:i~r~(jL~' ";:~,3.6tf{~f.t{~:~e"":..;t:, :~,::~~:::~'~~~~1~Mk~2r%f~.~i~~m~1(;~t::,~~ft;:,::1l~~~:~:2!M~~,f ~,'::;;:;}~j~~YH~ Turn Type Prot pt+ov f.J:ot~c~ed':f.>hase~s.::~",':;~;~}:~i;ijLj,.\.,:~::]~~~~~J~::;~~~:~'.' ;::;~;'~~J:.,\;;lti;f~!~~~~i,::~,~~:-::N;K~'~,~i~Miti~~~f1~~:,~:i~li:r;;;I::::~f~~ijTt';}~rF.m~~~~~:;::T....:t~~','~r:~~\:r:;?S:);','~ Permitted Phases ~tuat~d G r~e8;!:[G"1{ ~)}i)\::;~s'f1';$~i,"iI1tJ[?Ni ,;.:tg~1.~~)~2iY,':i~;';) J~~;jKt!?L~~;-~'~;:?~~~9,~~ri?;i~':_ g~~;!k:~~(~?'~T~;*~~,~;,~::t~? ;7jE~:'.~:f#~'t~~:t:';'/;~~h;:':~:,: Effective Green, g (s) 4.5 19.2 10.7 16.5 25.0 :<fctuated glC Ratio~f ' ,<0;:,f(j'~ji~oi~,4,;.:'6.24';;;:;~;;;( ii;'Q~?~':' Clearance Ti~~ (s)' . "4.b''^4.0 4.0.... ~ 4.0 &,ehicle Extension; s),,' . Lane Grp Cap 'iL~ Ratio Rrot , vis RatiO Perm 'lIe Ra'tio' .'. ",'. '.' ,! 0,6.5';Qi1,~;"9.'W'';. Uniform Delay, d1 ~r.ogression' Factof':' Incremental Delay, d2 !2.elay (s), :.ce" Level of Service ~~Pfoach Approach 1555 782 14.2 '1';()(jt;~?:!}(f; 0.5 :1'1'.7 B "1.:<:0"55:, 10.7 ",1'00 3.2 :0,,1;1;,'. 4.3 .1.Q.0'..;, 0.1 18.8 7.5 1"00'::;1':00" , ,:,' . ", ,'.'" !:~, ", ", '~ ,-- ; . 7.7 0.1 ',26:6;.;,,:;\7.:5: C A B ,',;!~~ pt\~rs~c(iohls:lJ'RJ.m.~iM~~~~1i~~,~~_~t~~J.t.,~~~ff!Il~~~~~~~~~~{~~~;;~ii;~~~~ HCM Average Control Delay 13.2 HCM level of Service B fRg M Y olu .me t<;> ~,~'R~.9JW~~.r.~t'g5?:";."iii;i:~~tj~k;0"tQ~~,~,t}~~,~~~:~5r~2~,;i~~~fr~ff~@1~~;rJ,!;!i~;:~1f~'~%1;i~~~:'~[h~i.~:~1~~~Sn~~~n;tji~10j;~t:,i;~:;;~'~i:!Zf.'Vi~tr~"~~?":~?i~ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 43.7 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 . [~tersecti6~n t,CC).p~fIfY:;~Ji.IJ~~Hgf;l1~~~t~:~It~9.E"~~t>Z~,i::ii1~:i;ti{~aU~,tlf~..~2~J..i;g"t:sL~]Y,iE~n~~[~5~+t?~~~Yklri~~qill~i~%~;~.:::'i~'c!:~~;1~i~~1;~G'{~~':f:~ Analysis Period (min) 15 g~{ Gritlc'a[' 4an'~~~'[q.gp~';*~f~~r;~'~{~"0~;;~i~it~:;.(~iHl~~~4~1K~ " Existing PM Peak Hour + Approved/Pending Projects Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 3 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 15: EI Camino Real & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 .-J- ~ - -\.. "\ I" - ...... t \. -cI ~ rKi:lYemei1t)~""'1J!l.~i~t[diEe~il1r.'lj'g!3IR~~WBJ!.~,,~j~BR'M\l!!iI.e!l'Ii,~JNJ~[~.%ll\!eBh'i'ji;*"$eJ~I~~i!l3J!."9BS Lane Configurations 'i 4', r ,'i" " f+.", 'i +r..,"" ',' ,'i " + 7' iIfeal Flow (vphpl) , 19QQ~i<1~Q(')i1900 "1~Q~ii'i190ti!>19901 ~~tiQ"j::19Q()f,1~I)O}t\\1 gQQr'1~6g>;,190g Total Lost time (5) 4.0 . 4.0 4.0. 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~~niJ. UtiL Factor. '" ....0,95':9)5 ,..@QJj.'1'OQj:(:1~OQ~j:;:;'i;};' ..>tQQ,~ii!;ib:g.5J;~;;rifJ;C: . jifQ~ii{(Q.Q:::':i)litQQ Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.90 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.85 jj;tU Eif9,~~~~.~ed:. !:":';~~W~L,, -,:: . ;~JRt~~$iitIQr~~./~jA'C9,P"'~Ni[QT~'~w~.~~z1f[g;9}~::' ';{'~k~::~Ii;j;n1Jg~t~1liQ.QjA:;'~~'&~~~W~iiKQ~li~~H'mR!&~~~lf9.Q Satd. Flow (prot) 1681 1703 1583 1770 1676 1770 3516 1770 1863 1583 ,fiu, F'cenil itteq ,. ,,::i:;.+.~~~, ':-v:~q~:'~~liY::tq(j-::~:~It'~:{i;!:Q,~~_1:~qI~5jisJ;,,;:r]Ql~i~l..:!;~{~;~j',;;'\i~:i~,.9J,13,~~j'~~)i[g,qi~i~~~12~:~~~;fi~~'Q12g0'{3f~f~Q.Ql~;~R4i~g Satd. Flow (perm) 1681 1703 1583 1770 1676 338 3516 591 1863 1583 :~pJ urn e (yph) ,:,,:::'~ir'-"~i - ,~.,"4?=~~;~~;r25B~l ~;~:::;t4Q"$<~t~~d::~~~.iI~1~i~~~":~~_~i;~~E,~:[ltifr~2tY~~f~Ji~I?;i<~:~m~;~\~;',~'~~g.g{~f~~ffJJr-~-!:;~'9.~~R.;";'!:~;,?~2g Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ~~j, F, I!J,,! J vph ).,,;{.,~K;.,,'.'G'i~64'..:i![i.~9.,c;<<[11.illi'[~":Jei41ii!i~:(~:~.ti~~ki~;!I~;il~iii:,Z:1j~{2j:Jl~~Jii;1Ii:j),~gRi;!i[il~Q~~~;!?;~:tf1i{#';?9? RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 339 0 64 0 0 4 0 0 0 157 l!ane..'~ro'Up"Fi'6w:;(,ypb)',Xn;fJ2'~$~~;!~{~1>1f,~*~::1~1J)~]Th~~~;~M.r~~~~i_~t4.~"~tI~~~?;K~~ot&~f.:$ft~1~1~i~~1:3:~?i~~~?~;.'::t~i~Q~Tr:~:::~.~tl'.",:1)3:1'_~3.S Turn Type Split Prot Split Perm Perm Perm eTot~yt~q gnase:~~:f;1t(;;{:~,?~::,;r1';\1~~-i&MqjJ~~_;~~~;w~:~~r.;W~!;tti~,.~~~{k;!~?ff{;f~~f.r~~;;~F';"~~6J1k~!~t::;~~E1Tg~~if~1:~~;'~5J~~t~;~l~itj;~]~~~~~;\S~i;~{H~~ Permitted Phases 2 6 6 A;ctuated Green' ;G~(s) . ..' . 13"glfiXf3'9'cf' .13'9""(":'6 3'iQr6 3:)t.W;:., ;i,.:i"'27'8!f~;':i7(8;'..t'~:""'::[ii'\:ii:27:8'~;.27i8"!;~27F8" ',I;",. - " ' "",;' ," " ';-'-''':__>>{~'''',;.j.~" ",; ~" ,'.:' '""",;'.-, ;~',,;;(-;; ,-.:, ,/,;'; ~-. :...~", ,;~'~,.;~,;i};',\~':',:',::,\",",J.;...,.;,,:,; !'''-'' ,--",'"",:i;',~h,'~/tf,.::'~':'\:";;;~,,,..~1';:"'''\'':''':".",!>r_.:;;';~S~~,~~1":,,,... Effective Green, g (5) 13.9 13.9 13.9 6.3 6.3 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 fe;~tuat\ld g/C Ratio ':023il)~2~., 0;23:1;0,1 0 ".'O!10<:'!r;~ '0:4$!~i~W,4$f;:"!?:I~fi):; .. til~m~;/9'46tIro.:4$ C?learance Time (5) .4.0. 4.0 4.0 ,.4.0 . 4.0, . 4:0.. 4.0....... 4.0. 4.0 4.0 YehicleExtension(s) ,,3m}. '. '3.0: ',3.0)"';3:0:. .::3:0/'.: ':":.//3:0 't;<)3,0i' ".\fc'i\)':cG<. ,'3:0</:>3.d:.':.l"3! I) Lane Grp Cap (vph) 389 395 367 186 176 157 1629 274 863 733 ~ls Ratio ~rot 'ri:'~~;t~~::"Y)'1' :,~b~::~~\1~~:c;m~;t?}:';;,Qm.l?" "'Q1Q?j::~;~FR(Q~}f~~~::'~ "'^':':~'ii \:!5N~4;~:J?;~g}?Q~~~n~}~t'-"t~;~Ef&11]r2~9I$Ql: A;S'~)ji.~ vis Ratio Perm 0.21 0.24 0.09 'fIe ~atio' .tl ";"', ~';~!~~?;~Qt~_~7i~:t?~.QL9:~: ::::P~~~i;~Q.l~g~~~Qt?,@Y~i~~~J:~;EH~(i~;:qJ[~l1i~:IQIi:l~d}m7Ji~~'E~~i::gl~Jf'f;;Em?~:~g}~~;Q~}:~ Uniform Delay, d1 20.9 21.0 18.9 24.6 24.7 10.9 10.8 11.3 13.6 . 9.4 Ercigress ion F act()r,~;..' ". ~1':PQ!\~JJI.Q;Q~!.:..1;:QgE:f;'~H9Ql~3fiifC!Q;;'!';'!~;\(!;';T. ,1i99l:%'i}j[QQlt;'~Y1~~'i;'J;}\bi~7:jllii'f1~:;;s:!:~@~ Incremental Delay, d2 3.9 4.8 0.4 0.6 0.9 9.1 0.9 2.1 2.3 0.2 Qelay (~), .'. ,e!.. \24':81'.~25:8:::'193:-Fj;2$:2&'25:6~"!c';; ":;:J20:J:[!""%1f:l .';N:'~':l'!'I;'7':8:://;';8:11<:,;!!j8:5 Level of Service '''(5'''C . , .. B"'''~''C''''''''''C'''' ........' 'c"" ,....1:(--"'""....,... A'....',....i\. .... "'j" ~p[Jrciach Approach HCM Level of Service . t :.., 't" "s' ~f-....,..~""'..-._~._,.,;~!f,,~<";~.'ll\..R.jJ,"..W,""5'li:li;'.~; .. n er.s,ee lon', urJ1JnaJiY!r~ .. '~'lf:l~'\'~~',,_ J~.r:;g_j.i. :<<...~r.;:};\:JS1;; ';;.-1"h\'.:ft~ "l'1~:..:""i},.-{(<l;Y1.t<~,l:it~t<,;:~ _.,._~~!, '~~f"~\4'~~~~flf~~h.~~~ B HCM Average Control Delay !i!PVl V!Jlume toC~pacitF@ci; . Actuated Cycle Length (5) iJ'liersection ,Capacity.utilization .', Analysis Period ,"',. sL 14.9 6 ~ 69 \'.<~~~;f/:~~;~~ ", ",,'" "'-"'~" '.' :.:r; ',,~~r? ',:hr;. ';:':~t::,:::~':I3ff~~~'.$i~,t;:::'~s?;:~~~j(:\ Sum of lost time (5) ICU Le\l~I,orSeivice, Existing PM Peak Hour + Approved/Pending Projects Orosz En9ineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 .,.f - " .f - '- '\ t I" "" ~ .,.I f[O.,;E%eniii;>'~~~~)E2J3l!1f~i;J:3N1;,,4'f;~B~~~lil~~\@!f~\NJ?g~I,,;JRe~!iBili~l)!ElB~$!'l~i$~TJ'i~e~ Lane Configurations .., 1> .., 1> .., 1> .., 1> ~rg~l'€oh.~rpJ(; ~ :;-; :'~,~~;~~1~t:~\'j;,;':;';f\'}!::!~~gs~;~tp'Rl{:s:'''~J!!j:,'J~~t~~v~:~8i~~J2;<R1i:~ff':~g;J~'~~~j;:~,:~~~~&::1t~~J981i~i~l?l1l~~iff~r.~;::}0e~9,Jge:,j~1:;t!&1~1 Volume (vph) 86 439 2 186 376 16 262 37 29 5 41 52 !il~~!< 'Ho0r f,actor,,;'(' ','>'i(),@ii~QW2;'i1:;'9igg:$:'~Q,g?*ji~;l:\i$.?1.:,;:,Q.!~'?!r'),l6[li?11'2;9L$;i;1),\t;9f~gli-~g(j~~?'1::(;(j'g;iii!i:9I~? Hourly flow rate (vph) 93 477 2 202 409 17 285 40 32 5 45 57 !m~i~Qil~L1lnilT#$,li!~?:]!;~ii1~J;etZ;;J,\lII,_El~00\"MBI?~1~119_B11lti.!i&!312;,~$e!c1~'ll.lSBl4fi4~ii,~M{,~i:',~l!ill\lf&~h~"1 V~lullle Total (vph) d. ' ,93,o"~!~'H o?2?~26., ..2.85~ .oo!?_o,..5.,_"~01____ '.. 0' ~!,y"tu~ L~ft. (vp~)~~}X:.~~;t1ri,.W~~k;,~~;3Yi,i~,K,~:4i9rf~~'i?~Qg~')0~~9.~~i.:';~~(~~,~~jft~3i@\~~:';t'!;~~2r~w;~W~;'q1~~i!~~i~~~€'I~~~~:;ty~j~:[~E~~::~i~&~;;:~~~.g;:~ Volume Right (vph) 0 2 0 17 0 32 0 57 EJ=~pl.'J S ) I' ;,:r?~};?5~'~~.~:;s;j"Q!~?'g);:'~YQm$1~\;~;.i9f~~:>~^,[Q'f6t:~t~'~,; ,~t.$~~~~.,t~'Q!:?'ilf;!,':,Qr~~Jt~;%4Q.~'?~1~~~~[i(j:~5~j,~f't"::~C~i:(;2~t~\i~,~~\~~tr::~~;~:~-~ :':':'" D~partLlre Headway (s) 7.9 7.4 7.9, ,C 7.3 0 8.5, 7.6,9.2, 8.3 .'c, _c, . 'c ' , D'egfee Utilization;jxc ",0.20':0<98, 0':44'". ' 0.87:c",0:67.;i.,,-,O,15;.' O,01:,:,.,.m23j)c5":';W:;;'0I':"':; S;apacity (veh/h')' 441 479 450' 485416 458 369" '400' - -.' @~Jntrol Delay Approach Delay ~pn:>ach LQ$, t'erseC'tion:"S'a~rlmar.y~~~~i~:i'S~Ji~~~~?Y;.~!'!;BWMi!tL~~'~gJ!{~~~yg~atJ~&:~m~Wiif;Wii~$:i~~;i~~ ~'~I~y: ; ", . :"::';:~F:',:;lW ':,:' :::;[;~i.~;;jiE~:~~:i~~:, k20:,'):~~~~?l}f~_mKr;~'!~~~\r,::;~;~;'D~;~i;;~;~i:frk;~~'y{~t:~%?i"Ji~r~~:@}~~~~t~{U~f!}!~~;~(1;Ei:\:';~S"'~~;.:BJ{i~ HCM Level of Service E !n!ersecticin', Anal>:s;s Period l: Existing PM Peak Hour + Approved/Pending Projects Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 ..J- - "'" ~ - "-. '\ t /'" '. + .I ~;lm~i1}~.~jf~i'li;!!i;lJl'.J1~jJE;!;lB1iii,'lYJl~~!3jftf~W,r;lB~Nr;l~1lN1;l;n~M::'I~B~~l2~iiSr;ljTlt>;t$E!B fie1~~~~~ifv~~~~~;"\';:,0..;19(j~f:;il~1\~:i~QI2f:~Rq~*!~fgq~f~~~Q,~~ii1:~Qart:f:g:~C~f~QQti:::(~9fi;",f1~pEil;i"1,gg:Q Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 jfa~~,,;Y'tll'.' Fa~ctot..5;~~~j~\}:~~~"'~~:11;[9}~j~f{fQ:;~~_~~~1j~~1r:gl.:jQQ~~~~~~;[9Q~~~S!~;ii~;;~(~lkt~'.QQ}~~ifillQ}~~Th1~f~t~lI~11f~~tlQ~~;K~HQ~Q214~:~;k:~~ Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.93 1.00 0.92 fmPr,9.t~ct~d,:. . ,:,,;~;:':'.'\t:;_.::t<f:-~'?~}i~~~ti~t~~9.ii~.;t~:r~:i;~Yi:l(t\:~~lt~j1[Q,Q:R+~1~~':~~rn~J~[@.PE~1t].9J:fj~\cfJ*:4~ff~illQrg~~~JflQ"Q1ii~~~J&~ Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3537 1770 1852 1770 1739 1770 1707 !ilt~J?@'~~jft~d~' c:tt:r:~~~,9r~~XX':~;!1[qQ~~f1;~1j~~~~G,;ts~~"Qt~~$]i,g;~t@r~t91~',~:i,;,~~-;f~i~;jtr9~~ll%1~,9~Q1[I~ltI1[11~~LQlTh1~~~J~1.~~gQE0~:,k\' i:ii~,] Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 3537 1770 1852 1287 1739 1323 1707 ~Qlume (vph) .~,; :.'" ".8~s1~9>.~.,'2 . :~':'m6;"'?~?!l,;'V.::~16'~~';(j~ ~J7,~:;;'\;i,;'~911f~':~]..~~;..4.t;'I":'i,5~ Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ADJ. Flow (vph) .',. ':. ...93<..~417 2.. .;:\2(j2..~. 409;';'.,:.-1T; .285. ;;':40i:';.;:ir:32",'"J"5.',' 45 ;>"5i ",,-.:,:~,.,., :.' .. c.. -0-....:.,...", ,>;,:-,....:..,'.,..,"".1'., :,'_ ,"',._ .'.';' ':0-. "'-",~",,:.",": ",r"'''''''';'',---, '-'~~""i:::'o,-, '....,,. ,!.~,.";.~,^_:",._.",:.,~:'>..:~'.-.,-" RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 21 0 0 37 0 L:.a:ne Group Flow (vph): ,';93,:/,,4,8. .... ",~(jc:.,:202,:"(:423';,';:L..0,h,..21l5ihi~,251,,'i()&<;Q::~>;;HE:5)i1\\:6_5.~'5~~';;;Q Turn Type Prot Prot Perm Perm ~Q!E>~t~d .Phases!"i ::;:JJ.:z;:~';f:t';'fi. . Permitted Phases ~tuated ,q ree~, G~(* Y" ',L,~,i'g~)~;~~,:1~I~~{?:~;?H~:~';tl&;1~:~n~~i;,'~1~}~jf?~i~~~'~~ITr~1]I~~~~1:~i~'t]T~;gJ~t~i~3r~~!,;':';~~~T~3/;::~~H';: ;~ Effective Green, g (s) 5.2 14.3 9.1 18.2 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 r;:ctu'ated. g/C ,Ratj()S;/.;~'\;;~ tC~.:JHQgi:T_~~9J?1?;:;\J,~~~rr~:l:I}\~':Q;Jv~:,:~CQ~~.~li:;:(t~f;,D~:m9'}?-~ii:~~:Q~~~~~f~~~117~rfQl~~i:~~:.tQ}~~F:,~;:~~;i~:~'i:T_'/:~j Clearance 'hm~ (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 '''e-h'-'''cle. Ext.e ns. .'0 n""'~'(s'''''') ';;:>,L:':;i~;:3n;"0'-:f:.j(,J;-:}!C3";:0'j~~}<}1J::'il;,~k~'E,i')3 '0' ~~..;~t~;::;:'3-'" 0" .'~ig~~:t~.;;~:~;:;r~'J.r':-3--'rOi\:';5;'~;q3-'YO"j;~i~;-:L::;;#~~~rB':'~3l0".:fF.!:2:;"~~3YO"=,--":-:'~'.~'::--:~r;;( ~V'" .. I.! '.. _ f.c.-,': ".,'1." . '. .""'-'.'.'_"" .,.. --,_",__r.~;";'""",,,:"\'. ..'-:.-:,.....-:.~." . .,";"l '.~,:4,.' ~o.l'~, ,1ij.:'.,,,,,....,'-:.'''''~.: .'~ ,'. ..,~--r,Y.L_ .:. ff.r~--",..,:.:I,;~'!:,,",~I:..~;;, ''- -' 1'.::t-..o';:', _' .T".""~..;'-'.,,,,-;i\,,, Lane Grp Cap (vph) YZ~iRatio prot,.' .'" vis Ratio Perm Vic:Ratio " 'Uniform Delay, d1 g!:.cigression ~actor; Incremental Delay, d2 !,!:~I~y,(s) . Level of Service [pproachDeia'y (lj)"" Approach LOS 167 920 293 613 459 620 471 608 :'.;.;?i::!;,:Q{6'~r;~'9,9irt,~jt::::::4~~~;~~:~\Qf:1.,1,ii[GSE~~€8 ;:~i~lf;~S:~ri:'~'~t~mxQ~~ir[!:~\i3i1rJ~~~[~!twJmI94;f~:~~B1r:;;,7:;:! ' c0.22 0.00 :;:::::;~ Qt9~}:'-:~:9T~?~:';:~t:i;~::~:~:':,:'~:~S~?!Q/~$lf?}9i6~~;t~~~,~.~&;:~~:~;,:.; 23.8 17A 21.6 16.0 1.00? ..1.00P,00;,W':1!;00t:: 4.0 0.5 6.6 3A .;17':8:,; }7:9. ;;.'\.:?,8,2,:.19: ~?!". C B C B 14.6 11.7 1':oo';~':f1':OO'; 6.2 0.3 ;: ?Q:~ii;,;rct2,O':; C B :~,cr6~?~:~~:~1.~RJ9'~.m~{~g.;~~,~~139rQf!~~I'~Q:J;~:~;~~tM:;~';;:-!:.~\~ 11A 11.8 /,;.;;-;',,::.1100:;:.:1,QO. 0.0 OA '~,,~,~.:lii~)~.~,;'-:'f~l~.:jph, ,1:f,~~~i: B B .:':/1:;_', ~i::~ Dter,s-e:c.tlonj'$um,n:ra~"~~~~f~~~~2$.~~~~~j~~~Jtgf:~:~~~1iji,f~",~~!< . HCM Average Control Delay 19.9 HCM Level of Service B mCry1:,y oiuh1e, to C~P',~9JW~t~,~to,?'~is\i;-:;~:>>f:?,'y:;(rQ,~,~~~~t},~:;}';*/.;~~~~~~:'_::,,1:Blli~;1;1iT;~;~(L~~::.,ir~r{%S':,~~i~1~~}i810L~~i~fj~~~J_~~Zi::t,;{~~riYf;~;:;TI:d~:t;a Actuated Cycle Length (s) . . 55.0 Sum of lost time (s) 8.0 m~~~;;~c<t,iC?~\ Cap~9~:\qJm~~!.i,Q~J;f~;HJ~~:-!:~t~$~'~~~J:fglii~f~~~~~~~,e.~y-~!qt~~[iY.~g~~1f~gJff~2':'1~gD1ID:1:~~d1+t:~1~:~\I}f&i:1L~:i~l~~\~l~',; Analys," Period (min) 15 ~,::'~S:~itiG#[ ~aQ!3-.~Q'y'p,;;;~t~~:~::g'::0~~~~ti~~;,{i~,;:~~Tf0f~t}~ft;::~~ii]fZ,~1E~tGqr@j~f[t1%~~r~&:]i]'~~~i~~~J~t~:f~;~fJi~:;:~EI4ft~H~:~ Existing PM Peak Hour + Approved/Pending Projects + Funded Improvement Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HeM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: James Way & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 --" - ,. of - , '\ t /'" \. + .; ~~meili'~;:~?:,~;p&:1f"'~\EBff;!<jj~EE\El\ifw,e~w,B~l~V,ffRg~I\IJ;l~~t'J!,!;r,,~NJIB!i~;!:$J;lJ1l'1,'SBiT,~SB~ Lane Configurations "i t 'f "i 1+ "i t1> "i t1> Idear'Flow(vphpl)',. ,', 1'900. 1900;,...1900; ~;1900',',1900 ,<1900; ,1900",:;A900,;'?t1900:... 190(f;::';196ol1~:1900 T~t~1 Lost time (s) " 4.0 4:0 . 4.0 4.04:6"" 4,0"';{0 '.... 4.0"'4.0' '~,. ~.~'B'~i)9til;':-.~ ~ct9n;:~~':L:.';;:;" :,.,' .Y;1g~l'Qf~~I~1::0Q(}:t:~~~;1,I;;O,9.X~f~~tfj}~Q~Q~WMti9Q.~~f~.:!jJ: <." ;::;;Eifi.:~HQQ~1i:~;9I~:$:~i:?).!~f~rt:~;~1~_QQ)~K~PI@~~:i"':-~~~jl~t*j Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.98 I7lfli'totected,' .o.95:~ji:1,:9.Q!t;I1,:q:o'!;:q.~P9'i,i.:.1.99:;'~}~<' " ;'o;gq: '~.lW.Q0.;;l;;;~' .~~..!toj,g5;;\:~f:,l[Q;i~ (.y,.~ Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1863 1583 1770 1817 1770 3364 1770 3485 ,~,!f;,l1~~,rmJ_m~q':,:, ):~' ""';,i,' ;\;!r~~ff;~-~~sI1:0r99j,,~t;~;1iQgj]jMt9.Yz~f&~f.{~~JQ,qlH_-lj:~f;:\~f~i~~~~~~~.g~g~'i~~1;~2))'~~Bi~~itH~~~~:,qI~~b~~~t\}Q9jb!l~;1{~;f.~3~ Satd. Flow (perm) ,1285 1863 1583 1334 1817 1770 3364 1770 3485 V91ume (vph) ,:;.;/., ..::' qt1,..c,~(~jj;;::;;:1q-g;~!,F~1~2:.:~~;:~a,:.O~.;0"'fW~;;::~t5,4:~f1i?&pr{,~;L~9I;!' 'i~1~I:~~~I9C;I;5:?5, Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ~j~~I9W]-(YPh)At:~;;:":j~~~<;f2~~!)?'~?1Ef~~~:'}$.-[i\:ij'i:!&t~11~1f~f1l[~i~;~1-:t:;~!!~~W[nt~g1~?Q&~~,1~~!~~,~~E~~:Z~,:~:%il-~].21r~:~\;i~~~;:i':i1i'g~:~'rl}~i~~',4Z RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 86 0 13 0 0 60 0 0 13 0 lt~in.e';~Group: f7-lpWr(vpn)~~j;~'i~,~:::-{1~i;_f4Bj2:6:3~~:~~~r~'~12'5&?'Yf~1~~t8\f;1W;~lK9J~~[~ff{ttrif!~:t6.1Jrp~$5:1~~~~tm?.oT"i~t.Ji:1~~ili~2.5'2~~;;r'i::{::'fd Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Prot Prot Protected ",,"'h _,.~~ . Permitted Phases Actuated Green,G.(s) ) '13;3 13:3..,13,3 .'..13.3 ':~13:3""" 1?!3:3{~~T:::.':::.: .Jb~~:iC21.~;;;::~;;;:; Effecti~eGreen,g(~) 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 12.8 33.7 1.0 21.9 ACtuated,glC Ratio:'.' .0'22' 0220:22;'0'220.22;,;: ,'.0.i10.56"':r"::;:':O:Q2',:0)6.;;6!.~;i~~ Clearance Time (5) , 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Vehicle Extension:(sJ:. ""'.3.0;~::'::),3;0:'i,:3'.0/.: ..' 3;O~);;h.3:0';"<;';, ',: ./,:-':3;0,::;:;ci3:0~1,,;:'::::~}~'l:3,0;:;'c~3:0X,:;' ..~),; Lane Grp Cap (vph) 285 413 351 296 403 378 1889 30 1272 Y!~:~R'~ti9 Prot,':':~';'hi~'.~? ':~.~~':;'~~~W~!:~f~g:~;~fQfQ~~k:~.,W)gtctK\it~{:~~:i~t~~/;;im~QIQ~.7' .;~:~,~ti~JYl~J~jrgQ:!d'~,~~~~~Q,;~t9ji~~t31~~:TIi:~:::;m~LQ'IJ:~,H{~Q~Q~~~~~f::~~/?,:i vis Ratio Perm 0,03 0.02 cO.15 2(~':;R~tio ' . ,;'Q)~,~~ 2::\Q'bf~~t:!J:':9}Q-!dt~'0:J~J~~;1!I$:~1?~~;\\::,:. ';:. >':}6;~~'Qf~~~~9ti1]~':.:"}':':':~~!~ii$,:,.:MP1fi:~~~;WLQ~?O-:-'. '!l::~i~~ Uniform Delay, 18.7 18.8 18.5 21.3 19.1 20.5 6.4 29.2 13.0 Bro\jression. F actqr :,;:; ;.; ..:'1,.00 j\; ~ ,00 .::;)\Op~:~~d;'Q9~ ,,'7, 1 :9.qiii::~1.;J>;.'S9~~L:Q:.(I~~i:~:':/:~,~.1:00;::l;O:o)';{"::~ Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 0.2 0.1 5.6 0.3 0.8 0.2 11.0 0.3 ~~!~y;;.( ~):::, ';;X,( ~~;\::~?":~):';"":};Yt\i.)w;~.~~~w~rrt:~1Q~f;",;;,,~~~I~}~!~rgZ]Q1~~r~1.~~i!1~;~g~~\~'~~~-::1!Jt13i~~g~~~S~~:~;~~rk~~~.':;k)'f]j~~r~~2;~~q.t'itli~^~:'i:k:'-:;;~ Level of Service B B B C B BAD B ~pr9~c.h - p~l~y{(#')1~4t;~t~~:;{&~jf@-;'~;!~ff~}Z~L~J~~Hgf;g;~t~r0~:'n";~Hg1t4~~?Ft&~r:~tf:~:~Wili~,-:;~:~~'t~~l~~T~~~~;~~; ~~Y;},~f}Ji~~~~i~7.~W;~l~<<~F~ Approach LOS B CAB Qt~f$e~tiOn'is_~m.trtaf:.Y~~~~'~~;~J~i~[j=t~~~~~~~~~~~tiwJ-Z1Kt~~~*~~~~~\!~:'ill'~~':lt HCM Average Control Delay 14.8 HCM Level of Service B IiICM Volume to CapaCity ratio " 0.39 Actuated Cycle Length (s) . 60.0 Sum 01 lost time Int~~s,edionCap"city l;J'i1i#at!of1'\ <,. 42:1 O{~1;;'> Analysis Period (min) 15 S";',"~iCfit,i~al.~~~'q~)~t9YP~:k "::~'fU\}: ~'~~}'~~~~5:~lj-;Jtt&~iE:~~~~;:1\~;: ~,_:~:t{~~1!.jfPi;~~tWr1t~~;::~@:1~1:\;.',:,,",:, ,~~m"%J]j1r~fu~1.~J~:;Sl&if~~tlli{{&@&,{1'~~R%}!,.;:S' li_\_t,BD\;:::::,j~l';~~ Ex AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending Projects + Proposed Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HeM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: W Branch Street & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 / - , .f - '- '\ t /'" \. + -cI .. 9xeni~l:lirf:~<j,m~iiE'~!;E!!(~w.I;.~jf8)i~~E,BR~WB.~f:;MlBJI'!ii,'WcBB:r.,-fi;l'~Ell'.;~~~T~'iIllBB\l(i'.i'.SBlfnSEJl!ttl!d~B, Lane Configurations 'I to ." 'I +to 'I + ." I.geal Flow (vphi;>iii:: '. ., :1999: :,\;1, 9o,t).'i")900':;1l1c%pJbZ:jQj:JO:: ;: 19qQ.1Jg~}lQQ:i:;i9g:Cj,. :,1.~m?&L1%90;f~,t~PQ' ',;) 1,~~g Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~~n!i'.Utjl' l;~ctqG:~i~;~;>0'{J:~:t!;~':';:;I(fij~f~;;:%;';1\~~~;;is:\~g~~~2!f$~:~~~~i~~~'W.:~gr~~l"'i!;~~}Jt~~i;i1~~E'~:~~ iEHj.~n~IEt~J~~! ~;,\:':~,' :~~'-I':.:;':~~J,:~:):;:::f~.;,,!f~;~\i~1;~m1:~~,; :~t'~~;";,:~'~~~f:nrQJt1B,~~:1:]~Qi"~::,:t~1~;Q~P.l~~1f]~~1~~.~KQ:g.~~~;~~~1~~~1QT~~~~1:~Q91f~1J.~jj'Q.~ Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1539 1504 1770 3372 1770 1863 1583 fit\perinittecff,i, ?"'. ::::,';: ," " :,:;'><,'10:95'. ;~1'r00;r'1~bb.~ "d:95!;~~1i;(~o:;;;,;g~i,j;'.' ':d:ll$'f;~}~.JloOI''J~1i;bo Said. Flow(perm) .. . '1770 1539,q 1504' 17703372'1770Q'T863 '1583 Volume (vph) .0.' .0' '0.. 196~" 19 . 260,"'A08 '456 ..21',1'::.;;';'61"'.\342'.:.:202 P~a'k,h~ur factor, PHF. 0.92 0.92 0.92 0'.92 0.92 '0.92 0.92 0:92 '0.920.92 0.920.92 Jl:dj, Flow (vph)0;7i,Q:< ;\;:Q ..;2131,~'~,g1;;:;.S?83 i,<4~~:;:;;;.d9~1~',:22~:..:.!!:?X:3,<:'(?~T?~;::';22g RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 0 113 114 0 75 0 0 0 155 ta'rie'Group 'Flow, (vph ).;\\\::.;';,:0":; i:i1:;' 0'; '.', . :,:6{iiA2.13',: 'f'O,49. :.c::!i'28}:::i;[il:43\1"&r6:5Q;:.~;F::i;,~bjl;::;#t33: ;::37:2jifi?i65 Turn Type Prot Prot Prot Prot Perm protected Phase~:r" i':: Permitted Phases A~tl.'-~ted~' Gree0->~~;:{(S )li;',:.';~:,l~~i;~;~;,~~~;: ,:l:C;~;:~~'~~h~I~~:f~if:illj:!~'}j~~~:~:~Y~-!11tf:~~~?;~l~Ig~~'0;~;f~~~;:"';!'~;1;:~miZ{~~~t~~~~;:{~if'~4f;"-:~:::::U~i.~r:'l:'ffit?::1;~ Effective Green:g (5)'" '., . 11.9 11.9 11.9 18.5 31.7 4.4 17.6 17.6 J1:Ciuated gZC:Ratio:r':i'. "::{;/:4!':::<~:g:. '. .' d2g;i$.Q;?Qi;:~0:?9;.jQi~f1;;JLg:f~~~;:i;~~~':;;QlpJJ!~.Ojt9\:::O:?~ ci~aran;;e Time is!' .. . 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 "'e"h','c"Je E xte ns,"o'n'(s) ..i,-'.,:;;, iCe ....!C ",",'n,. .. . "....\;',.."'~".3.'0;' ";('3"'0",,:-"""3' 10"(''''''''3''0''1''''''; '3''-O'r.\'W'''''''''''''::''''''3'~'OV''';;'' 3'0~" "'''''3;0 tV, . _ _m . _ ..;. :>:;~~" .!.:l:{fi :;":;-~::;;,;\:,:;'~;;::~'K,J~~'x',;,"~;:A~~;f.:,8;:~_",,2:i'~ _ ;_';<';:"~'::I'.f..; . :,/:,'A:. .! ./;~~'7'< :,i1,,!!f~,;; :.' ".'5-;; ,\'0J.:\.Ir;:;'};';:':f;'~_ ~._.i';~:::>"-," ..om,' _M~;:;::F' .;_ Lane Grp Cap (vph) 351 305 298 546 1782 130 546 464 vIi;" Ratio protF:~"T..' .' '; : '~;{,\:,. JF:;;~,!;: ~ ;,. :CQ,J2;::XO~Q?t:,.(j:Q2;,;,; ~9;25::~i:oYr9,~:''2iJi;t;kj~:Q!9'~~::9.q!2Ji]'' ,;;i::;::~ vis Ratio Perm 0.04 v/c:'Ratio . "~l;<;;-~O:Rr. 0:16:\q);0:09i"'::'0;81.':0~37!.:R;i"',{;;,;~~;0'56i";6,681:;;!ini4 Unjf~rm Delay, d1 21.9 19.9""'i9:6 '19:1 . "'8:3'" .'. . 'Z6.9'ril:?""is:6 pt9.gre~sioh FaCtor'" 1 :OOj~1WO ", .1:00 .1.~,L::.,O,62(.l;;;:' :j'1'~?:r Oi6,5:.:;;0,~q Incremental Delay, d2 .3.0. 0.2 .0.1 8.1 0.5 .5.3.. 6;5 ....0.6 D.e.l?y(s) . .'. .24.9. '., 20.2, ;,)~.8:. " 2,9.:5 :',,:.,5;~; {~:. 'W~L<!~;7;:i~':~~2 Level of Service C C B CAD B A Approa<i~ Qelay:(s): ' Approach LOS er's e._.:!<!'lc-t'l~o' i'nrllS"''''u'm mai-:\f ~'~Sf.!~~;;,;(.v'~~~ "",i<.~, ~~"",.;':'h. .~'l',~",....~ I.... h"._" h_. .!,.,h .._, ~",':'..:."~.~(.1~' ._W~ :;\!;'a'4!"'J,~:iIMiII!' !~,~1:fh",,~::>.w,:c;,rJ~.;I;t;;il'~ HCM Average Control Delay 17.2 HeM Level of Service B 1?~ ~~~}y ql~,rij~, ~q.\~;;~B~:2itYll~ti.~~~}~J,?1j:~fg:~,~':,;E:-:'~:Qf:%1,&tii~jJ!~~iJi~:~~\~!(",,~,t;~:;i~t~i~1t~?:l1:~~~l:~~t!t~:\:,?ih1~~}ji'S~::j~&55:~~;~:;:,};;!j{i~\'~F~~~~fF;i~~ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 !fft~rs~,c!jc?h. d~;e.~9J!yJ.Qti(i~t,i,gr,:~~;Sfl:i:t~;lrt$':~'~~~,?ZiT3;Ai~!:~;:~~;:~-}1:g.~~~~~~!Ip~~~~:~19~'t~~~~fQ;71~~r,;}1~~~~;~:~;S;;ig;~~1;Jt~~iJ1~1~]':~:~3;5J@~~~;;~ Analysis Period (min) 15 ~'?~:::;.~Ht,!?~'F.~a'ri~~@,t9.H~;%;~~~;~~f~7~{(;:t:.:i:t]::'I1i~!fi24;~c~~~~i~~~}~li~~~J.r~i!;~i~~~i~!~~~~li?;~i:~~EKi~~.;~~~~~t~~~~~S~\~:tl[~~~~fi~~it~St' Ex AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending Projects + Proposed Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 2 HeM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 15: EI Camino Real & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 .,J- - .,. .. - -\.. '\ t /" .... + ..; ,.6YE'lI1i€'O:ij\'ti)~fU";i{~'ff,.,ftJE;a~!,,~llg:ajf~'l[i;agiilZ&\(\f:I?te:~IfuTlfd!t\.\\(B~~i!Na~;ii11>JEt1j~tiJ.BBltt~SB!lii:~SI;l';rt~~!'l, Lane Configurations . . 'I. ".t. ("", , 'I", 10:""" "-'L,,, +10 "" ",l__ t. ., }' Ideal Flow {vpnpl)"',' ,t~.9.o0r):,1,900H'.1900;:~'19001/",'1,900:,,,1900:fj,,,;,1900W;'b1900,t,~1900':ll'i;\1900~,1~,190Ql;1::,1900 '.....' ..... .. " ,- ,.. ' '>",",'-'_H''''''. ',.5 ,.; ''-.'.'.', ..~" , , .. _'0 .. 'I".,. ""''"''..t''_~','''''''.."...,,,,y~,,.. ."....;.".. ..",..,",.':\- _,-. .{;~~,.",''''~'-"".",,,'..;;',y:; .. ."".,-~-"",'"':;_." ,,_c,,'::;,,~.':'~:'... "';''-'''''',.''.'' - ';';'M" ',_'" Total Lost time (s) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 .[{ane Util: F aCtor:;,i;?;~l",~'fiO:95.,i.,)!fOr95!;Si"\~@0:P'W;1TOO\1''"'1fodl;Jrj;j'#;j1:iii~;e~i~WOt("Td(95,~f'li~"im!A',i,i,ji:i,1:oo;lii'lj'.oo'i~'(i"()Q. '. ....... .. ',' -',.- ,h.~..,."<,,, ,."."1.",, ........-.....",. .."..\~.".,,'''''''', ". h"V;""." ..,' '. '-"""~"_""'"''''''''_/'''''~''''''',''''''M''''''''''''''~" ...."'..."~.,""_.lr<"".,.....__.,.,,',;;.;' ~""i,JI. ,",. " '_~" .,.,........,"',. L.;;. .'_.",. Frt 1,00 1,00 0,85 1,00 0,89 1,00 0,99 '1.00 1 :00 ' 0,85 E!~:,'Pro~ect~q ~-D/ . ~,.,~,'1:;_;!;~i~~~~;::'::::~~r,9i~QXf~9I~~1:~~;rf1TQQ~ffiSQL[~1~-m~~~99.j[t~rf~t:,:;:,~fJj,;~1:$~~~,~~~~Q~1~~i~~.~1:;~~iQr~~F,;Itr~Q~{;,~:;i1'l:QQ SaId, Flow (prot) 1681 1701 1583 1770 1649 1770 3521 1770 1863 1583 E!f~,~~~m ilW~.'::~;':t<::::7~t3~~~i(i~~,Q'tg~,;1~~~rq[[tll~ly~~~13QQTC(~:;~g,i'"~.~!;;:~;'~1G9~q~~~~fWlf~;,l~1~~'q\5~iJ[Q:9&)~;~1~':i~~i:~,Q1Zli~f~W1IQ~~1.i1~'9] Satd, Flow (perm) 1681 1701 1583 1770 1649 1042 3521 511 1863 1583 Mpluine (vph) '. i.,,}/\,', ......g3~F"c'~~~:i.'.,1918'yi~ti 8F".!'i\~;1:!,"{i1Q;?';;'j'~;i;~R~;\~i1~8~i::."i';jgT;if,,\~;~~j[PJX~,g:!\~;~'~!;1~? Peak-hour factor, PHF 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92" 0,92 ;6:dj, Flow (yph) . 257, 28 '.. )175;"20,34jN'1.m'l','.','6t';~820:ii>:'g9':i'c,i~1:~,';;'284';"'202 RTOR Reduction (vph) '0 0 144 0 99' 0 .. 0 - ~3" b" ..' 0- .,. 0 ' 97 Lane Group Flow(vph):".t39,,;H1tl6,3Jc!;~".20;,:: '46; "'.,',';0 ":'()JU;:C';84gii),;\.;iJ~O:j'\)!':,91,;l:2e~t<:.'~..;105 Turn Type Split Prot Split Perm Perm Perm BrQt~qted' - _~ h~_4~~:~~;';:.,,/:;~'~!\;:;~',~; ~~,;!::4';';, :.jii~,~Jt'4 ~fl;~~5~.1:~~~~{h~~j<' ",: 8',~:6i~~~*;i::}{~}i.f:,rf'-:::1t::~;!Y~s-ji~~.~_--:::tJL),~f};~~~J,~[,2jHjI~:tri:~~::fi~\:'_i{~~~:~~i~fr~lIt~ Permitted Phases 2 6 ~f,tl;J~te9.~,-c?i-e'e~;:;;8~r(~)?:;~~~ffT91~,I~~~~11fn~;~~~-';1Q.:~1~tijt~~~I?:t~:"iGt:~~~fl:~HtJ1b:~tr{t1~J~~\:g~~~:3~t;l~.:;~1{~~~it~11::~?'t~$[~j1;~?i(~~!~J? EffectiveGreen,g(s) 10,5 10,5 10,5 6,3 6,3 31,2 31,2 31.2 31,2 31,2 ~st'uated g/C .Ratioi'::'Ci.d ;1}l~4;Z'(j(1~r'6rQj'1'~Lr- cilA~Q;Z':i9~1,9:~:1'ii\;);:\~Qi~~~~i9!~~;'l1it!;j?zf(;'7EAQ!@J}'.9I~?UU~@g Clearance Time (s) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 "'e,.'h'I'c'l'e ,Extens ionr(s),:(;{;.'}:./:f(j!\;-"':i~3' 0.- "i'::f(j''';i\,;J('3iOIYJ'@3;0''''';;\i~l;;t'F;3cdlii::';':3T(j1;-;i'C;;;.;;'VS':;!Z3'(jN. ',;'3'O:V':;;'3YO' }!,___ d." . ..' _ ..,',-'..:)..",<.!;:, ., .....~,."..c;." ..~__. -,' '" ,.... ,,_ .::~.,l-',.." ", _..,:':""\',--' ", ._.o:,,,,,',;,j,,,,,,.,,,,,..-.,<!,.,~........ _.:".,'~'"'''''''''' ,,_ ,'"':H."Mh",,, ",_,-:",:",.~'L_.,--.""_",,,'..L.' ""'c~,.!."',, Lane Grp Cap (vph) 294 298 277 186 173 542 1831 266 969 823 W$. R$ti9 :Ptot j;!f~tU:"~,~':{::; ;;,':~#j,:;Q$~,~")~QH?~r!:,r/9.~~~T~~)~.;q,1:~~:;:QQIQ?~;)!SZ;fj'":~~:A~'~~'.::~:~:;~~~'ig09J~?!1Hiff.~~:fu~t:};:~?;;~~~~g~l~iQ}~~,fJ~~;::~~~ vis Ratio Perm 0,06- 0,18 . '0:07 V/p,Ratio; , ' '(;i,~i- .&Jji,Q(4t-f;:;;Q:4,$1;j;.j;Ql~!.t't~~;Q};1;,jif)"qL?~:~;i;%i~';~;;~;trQ~trll['0~qt~~iff,,;~!i!il\;i:;;!gl~~.~]~Qi~g~:;i;(J2f~ Uniform Delay, d1 22,3 22,3 20,8 24,3 24,7 7,3 9,1 8.4 8.2' 7.4 Progression Facto!".: ." '1:qO;'i'i,1(d9'l'i"j;,9d1./00)j'\'i;j~oO;;:!C' "1~ddJ'cWdd!,,{';:'i'0 X;',O?28'''!,iiqi2?'cc;'9!26 i~cremental Delay, d2 1.2 "'1.:ici,2C>.':jd 0.8'0:4'0,8' d .. ''2:6 "0,6'" 0.2 g~lay.(s)23:523;6 21!0};:' 24/6" ,25.5.7;:.$f;f;I~;gLk\H;i'r:5'0..~?:4,'.';'iHgf~ Level of Service C C C C C A A A A A Approach Delay(~)122;6. '.'ig5;~i, Approach LOS C C !!lt~r$~,GW~"~Umfr~r~tY~~i~!~j~,g'r$~t~~;m~1~:~~~'R~~~~~~~~~~:j~f"i ~~~1.l~~? f':~'~~ HCM Average Control Delay 11,9 HCM Level of Service B liteM VP!0rrie:,to,,'$?pa'c,it}?Xrati_c)11~~:f;tW0;',' ;:~rcQ}[41;i~VJr&~;;,~~!r;ftTI1~tTH~~:.'~~;K%~f:lm;,1~~:~~{iE']~:;:G,t,,~[ti~~ili+~~%~~~:~;';1:;":!:,"~~~~i~~1;g~If~;~y~ A~tuated Cycie Length (s)- -,. .... 60,0 Sum of losl time (s) 12,0 { Crii.ica.I~~ne(:m:lY8, Ex AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending Projects + Proposed Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 / -+ ,. .. - "-. "\ t I" \. + .,; M";)5i'e!'il&D!~tl!l~1{~1gE'!~1;:1I1f~11i@lR~t;jl'i-e.!$1iS:\IJ,\I:BlTI~w.eg~l\!E'!ijlll!~!lle.[~i(}lJtlR~~itS,J;l.\'f'\1H!SBIf.'1I~~ Lane Configurations 'i 'to 'i 'to 'i 'to 'i 1+ 9Jgr;:j~9D)fQf:.: t~~t~1t%!f'?!W~~:Wi:~~]~~~4{$fq'PJ~~j?'::~1~~;~~~:rEJ.~gl~3f~ifif~~1ll1i~J2B~~,~~,:::,~1~:~!!!~~4~@!,qP."sl~I~~i~~ Volume (vph) 56 237 0 76 194 16 285 39 11 1 29 34 l?~al{H()u.f'F~ciofd;' ::!fr,a((};92;"f()~I[?I~:~Ol~~14~1(j;[?Bl~9l!l~?(.;iQ]g;~r::Oi$I!!\~9I@~:~t9?'i; 'Qf~~?!ig;9l~?:~,;;iQ!.~2, Hourly flow rate (vph) 61258 0 83211 17310 '42 '12 1 32u'37 bJf~QI'~.~irJ~~~~~r(4E;~~W2\r;J:VYB~t!~~H!YJ;\J2~,K.lJ3J.~iNJ2~21I~S,e.~1tW~~$J:!t2~~r:~:~t~lir~~t~1Ir~ Volume Total (vph) 61 258 83 228 310 54 1 68 .volume Left'(vph) , I. ;",'61" 0:\..:83!\.h:,;.,:031Qj!i;"'.!)'O;;i.<';,. ".1' ,::!i1{Q'. ';'.,0';1';' Volume Right(vph) 0 0' ." '0"17 "'0 '12'" 0 37 Hadj"(s). .. "',; ,,:< ?:' ,.... '".' 6:53U;";'():Q~\'~(qi@;I:;"O'Q?~niQ!M:);;:'cQJ1g1',::Q.~~;:ti{Q~~~;, ,;iFcMif;'i~:'iY~'i~~1i:" '. Departure Headway (s) 6.9 6.4 6.9 6.4 6.9 6.3 7.5 6.6 ~~grij;~::W.~i!!~~W2~';F)(~~i~f;''?i'~!j;Ql~:?_~;:,~t~f~~~'~:K91~&}S];1Q~~9J~!~m~~'~8irW][~~~':~Q7~~i~1I[Qft~:;R~~jt:~,~:t~;:J~f~F;~ . }>':'-Sf:1~~~jE~~:':~;' ,. Capacity (veh/h) 492 539 493 541 499 546 440 497 G6ntrdlpe!~y@;'~.;. ...... Approach Delay (s) Appf9.<1(;b(~()E1' ',:;;'t"""j'f;;.E,ti~i' !n(f;lh1gq!i9![~tim~? . ~t~.I.~S<:':;i:,:,".~~!'~:;~'::2~;:;~~:t,:;',~~~t~~;;:;~I~-:~'~,:~:::l'i~~f4~~ij[4h~{r~1ill~'~;;:.:t:fT$Bf~~~~~~~'.::\ HCM Level of Service B int~t~e'qtI8htq~p,.~9ttYt.gJIIH~~f!qh.;i[i:5E~;'1I.i~{~41iEi~~~jH~70~tfff~,~:'L~X~f[2E$,~J.XJ2~f~&~3\r:~l;~~':,i[~g~1i:fr~Y~t~PJl~~i;~~~i; !:'i~;t~?~;~r:':~~~r:'!~~~ Analysis Period (min) 15 , "-ii_,, ..~s~~:,;,:"~ '-. ,- Ex AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending + Proposed Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: W Branch Street & Rancho Parkway 3/18/2006 ..J. - - '- \. .I ~~~QTI_e'8~'W~~Ef~}1~J;"aJ~fi'~jj1J=~~1:~'t~bVY;6j.J~\~SB~!~a~1i~ii1i~~~~~$t~1:.!f$}4Wli~0~tt~~~:~1Yi~r~~~?~~~t~:". Lane Configurations "I tt tTo "I '(' !dj'JaIFlow (vphpJ)' .J 9.00 '1900:, 1990/;,1900 ':' 190.0,: J 9QO: Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ' 4.0 !"?lre UtiLFactoi\: ,,", 1.00, "0.9~':'0.95,:,:~:",, )'1;0'0:',:1,.00 ", Frt 1,00 1,00 0,93 1,00 0,85'" f!.!1~r9tected " ,,,;.,; ,,_,.,", ; ,,~P(~5~~::;::/:::1'-~1!.9(n_\i:'J;~!.Q9:~}~~';~%~::'<:0!j'i';i:;9"~~pX~?'~~1;I99k~'~"~'~:,';it~~:,~i-:Y~-:~~i~::iN~l%~T;}::~~~-jc.~~{:;:E~'i~-, ~ <~ 11"I~'~~~~f'lZ:"" '-~ :' Satd Flow (pr()t) 1770, ,,_~5~,9. 3296 1770 1583 1E!.tJ,I?,~rrj:1 it!e,Pi ,?;~ .';{l,;~:('?':'; :(ij:',qi~,~j:ifJJX,q9} ':i~,~:r[qj~A~~I~iW;:,~~Th?)Q:~1l~,~~:J;]~rr~{[QJillij)itJR~L;~2~~~:.:.::~}.t~~j't~~~[ti'H:'~~;ji1~~~~~,~~~~~',21~:S&~:!L~;jh,:i(ff~ Satd, Flow (perm) 1770 3539 3296 1770 1583 ~k!0 m~\(\lph:) '!V~~\~"~." -, )\':~:~T '::,' ';1:1ZS!I:~tl\,~.?~~]!E2;;j':9.9'::.I::~Ett3.:~:i:%lD~:\1~1'~\~JV'~<~:; '~'~~~~~1~~~~~l~&U1F!i:t: ,::.:f:\~Jill~~{i~~~1r~'~~~~tl~j:ij, Peak-hour factor, PHF 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 ~~j'~;,F.lo.w,:(yph);.'~;{:'\:~:G:.\;:;;:;:,:~c"c ,<:;:~;~1~1:;~1t,~60,~:~~;::'::;:':;?~'~f:l~~?;,t~9t!:~~.~'l~1.;~:$.;~~~:X;:;iL9..?8~gJ~B#:;?~::~;~'j;~~1W~~;]::w.~'f;!i'~;~;,f~~~W;~:;~,':,I~:4~~X5"-i~~;~:,rJ;t.n~~r~~ RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 164 0 0 21 li'if6e: G roup~: fIQw\(yph jL;':<,'51,~~:fmf;.,1.t)O~Jt~1tfr~}3~?~9iG~1"~~:'Q~~~~~1~'5~~1r~tJ3.~!r;(r::n"tS8:\~LiJi~bt{~~,l~1PI':;~';,.,;'t};~i:~~.;SEit~1Will{;~J1';'::,{~,~[::,,~ Turn Type Prot pt+ov e~tgt~~ted; P8as~~';i> ,': '. '::~,:;,!;'i:~';':~~fr:ff\::j.{f~,~~~;,';"Y';: .",:":~:~:{Bj~~~\;;'!~;{~I~jl~[:f~#7$f:;:)\:~IZ?~!~% o;~:,1~:~\C.':,.,::i,!y,':t~~~~i~i~~~i~;jTftS~:flt-:? i",Ji;:ht?~~jj~~t] Permitted Phases Actuated Greeni:Gi(s)' Effective Green, Ii (s) . J;l.ctuated giG Ratio: . Clearance Time (s) Vehicle Extensiorj::(s):,: Lane Grp Cap (vph) v,l~ ~atio prot . . " vis Ratio Perm "f/e Ratio '". ..i.'" ': .~. ... .6:~4;<i;9~1?T;r.o'~?:;;:i:', . Uniform Delay, d1 18,6 8,6 14,2 g[6gression Incremental p~lay (s). Level of ~ppr6a<;h Approach ",2q.', 2,7 'p:on 4,0 (,3,0 116 qO:()3' 15,.~,l'. 8:6,:,j ..1~\0!~;. 2'('7;:'\ 15,3 8,6 18,0 24,7 ,6.31' - 0:2.1-'.'- O;44::,~';',,,_:b:-6t):' ,," 4,0 4,0 4,0 ">:~;,mo~ . __.^,..~, 3';0' ':',~_L,i;'~:i3-;O:\ ~'. ''''<,~ _ ,':' i' ."', 2i:'~;L 1311 686 771 947 .y;O:P?... c9ig$;Ai~t'~"'):<iq~:g.sh~Q!Q~~:!"{;' ';' \.~::;:''' ""'...,,',' ;~, '" k:'iiI~i:~::;;,: ::~b,;:Q.~:if;j~::;:?;~:,'~.~~}~ll;E~~~1;:;~t,\!>1?:i~;~~fj~j~,~';~i::~i)X~i]\~:'1::~P':': -,' 3.4 Il':it.'e"r"s""e'~ct;l~o=n'.'rS-u'.-.m'm-.a. 'nYffl:''''''''''''':'i>.E&o''''1'ii, ",,,,,;,,,~,":W'';;!r;;1!Ii''''\'r,,,,~~,,ii;.;!i\)1'':''j~;'h,,~,,,,,,I,;:"~;IT.I)"'",~;!):l-,jli''''''!\i'~'i-l'''''i1if-'';';''''''''''','''' !!l:.. -' . .. .,.. 'J:,. _ ,.. .,._. ~i'''f..'i"~i<;!~k~';i!;e:'~'>"ll!.l'r,,,J!~q.''L'),'.~<\.'~JR'-i1''''f!i:?''0':ng,\~1fl:-''wfflli,l'tr;.<<;'~;F-~&~\}l!l'ii'~"""-"!~,,~:,W~~.;;;,,,,,~-Vn'.":"l~t'~~i~ HCM Average Control Delay 12,0 HCM Level of Service B HCMVolume to, Capacity ratio,''': ' O'::2st; ';"::;}C':'i,:J;;'.,,,': Actuated Cycle Length (s) 41,3 Sum of lost time liiterse~iioh CapacityUtiliz;;)tion': ,.... Analysis Period (min) 5 ~i! Cri.tlcal Lan~;i:3i,~,~1? Ex AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending Projects + Proposed Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 3 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 ~ - ...... of - , .... t /"" \. ~ -cI ~xirm~5im~~~~J;JI~'li!EB~!lIRt@,j@Jlli'i!ItWB,~ygJI{;siW:~))J!3_~'Wl~t}lBJT:l!i~t}I!2B~~"e~~ll\i1'Ji~Bn~SM [~~a~' ~~~'r::~~~ri~",,:;1gq~C;;,,1l6}'0\4~,QQ:l~~'A"%9~';.i1-[q~t~;1 ~Q9):,i;;!~9~f;t81~Qt1Bk![qQ";;ii1'~(~~)n~;1gpll~;!h1g<!q Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~;~~e' Util: -F actQf,rY~~~#::1l?~)'~~~f:.~Q"E!', ~Q:i~,,~:~~YJ!r!rT~i~~~:;1GtfQJR~'i:~1KgJi~1~~~ir;;;:1~'~1::i!..~:Q,1~~~~TI[Q]t~~X~~t~~:::,:'~', 1':~Q9!ft~~.!;~I~:~!_i-;;?:~i:ii:{ Frt' 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.97 1.00 0.92 ~!,t Prqte,9ted, ";;. '~(J~,~y1J1f.~tS:Q,.p~!,;"n~~rt~r[q%H~~~J;;~!'.0:;i~;qi~$;f!l~:'~:~1.[[Q~f~J;~;~~:~~iQ:~:~t[1~t~[Q~Qj;~l~r{J;~:'j":l::i~~;;:~i~~],~1;?iqf,&.j.;f:ff?~.:~;,:;j~ Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3539 1770 1842 1770 1801 1770 1713 fiiti"per'l11,ltt$p: :. 'r:':;:jn;;;~:'f:~:W;:HQ':!:~~'!;{::'~fi;l}(QQ)~~ngX~~jifu~jlli~:~~:YP~~.~.9.Q~1~~~;~;i;K~i;tN;,,(Jl~I)IJ~1&1!g:Q!i~~:w%a~~::~~t:Q1:t~~~&11Q,QKI-~\;~~~i8'F1~ Said. Flow (perm)' 1770.3539 1770 1842 1326 1801 1345 1713 v,olume(vph) 56 ... 237',. 6'i'i{76iW4i'r'./t6 285"':>2:~9':J:i'1i1': 'H}'ti;;,~~~~i,;iF:3:4 Pe~k-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0..92 0.92.,0.92 0..92.... 0,.92. .9.92 0.92.?:92.,0.92 ~dJ. Flo,,! (Vph) , ,:, . . 83 ,,}1;tWei 17<310.-)",,,?1?{,:,i,}1?:,,+,,~(\E,~?:~:,,;':3?< RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 18 0 '''a.''n' e Group F' lowi(v"p'h').",",i, :6,'1"'.;::'2' "5' 8' ,;:.,';:'f.;:VO',t!,i\:;,"83..+"-i2'2"'2n",W?'i'I}0..,'r,l3'j'0';-::":;;:;;':4'8' 'f-!;;""i""'O' ';;!":<;;:.:\1W0;;~r5'1;:;;:;':;":;'0 1.:., .,. ,. .. _.' '. c', '., ...";!,.,~,, ',_ .." ,;..i;":'""'.. ._ ...~,...;.._,-..,,':.k ,__,."..,:1,_":.,,..... ._...I':"~d,---. ___ __~"""".:,~:,-",_ ..,""".,..,",.....,..~__.<<.i! ,\"'_""""'_' .....-~.,:"l~,,~... 1",:-":,'..':,''','':~"'"I:1"':'J-",,.,,...~ ...,..<.,;.;..,~ '..; . Turn Type Prot Prot Perm Perm !r[pted~d Permitted Phases ~ctuated' Greei,'/G'( 5 )\"'.., ,?:I:,J;}1'ril'i;f:i'z;:!~;1t!;J~3"~,8:..' ,\,;ti1'1,~~\rs:'i\'. ...?!:8;0J:g!'L~E~;h; (<g!1~t~?I8J':: Effective Green, g"(sj' .' 3.7 11.4 3.8 11.5 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 ~ctuated: g/<:; :Ri~t!plt:~~:;:~~:1:-L9:;Q,t:,;;::~:~,9.~?'1;itj:~{1~il',,;~:;~)~9}Q?~'r.~:!j~~~~~tj~l%r~:,t:t~;:""Q,;~];?J~.~~tQ12~lj~~~.1)jL~;~'i;::::~,t'-:::,Q1$~t~~f;.\i;P'i~Jl;1:t~~-~r;:/!,: ''if Clearance Time (s) 4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~ehicle, Extension~(~ )';S!<::~:,i~:i3::d;;b}i~ta':;'O'f,,:';Sft.}J}5r~~0~;2:!'~<{;bk~~~~~~3VQ~Y~t~~~i?tlj';jJ3W)Y~~.~7@f(j~~Et*t~'rtJ;,):~;B'if:~~rO.E:~:Wff~1b1~~J;nZ~!:~~ Lane Grp Cap (vph) 119 734 122 385 670 910 680 866 Yl~'::~at,q':' Prot.' '~00.~~C:ftr;;~;::l~i:f!,;:9}Q~,~~?~:~~:QI9!d!;.*:~\~tfo~~t~'~Q,:{P,81;;,~;IR'QH~~iW~g~;'f;.;?f'~';~~~~~:i;:~~~~!{t~~QJQEJh~\~~tRt'~;s<~~l';:'m:n~~1~f:Qm~~~~~;li)!~::; :{~' vis Ratio Perm cO.23 0.00 We Ratio"'" .tf5'j6}5'./:.;""il!"6.68,,;'\O,~~;:1,:' "-0,il6{~T'oIjj5'ii;i~i~' ,"ci:6d:~i;O!06W''r;;i'.' Uniform Delay, d1 24.8 18.6 25.0 19.6'8.8 . "i3:9".. ""6.7' "19""''' Progression Factb~,.' .1\00 '1 ;00' . ,)1%O0:1::00!;~ 1:oo';if60;".;t",J,06::C-Q.1!'OlJi" , . iri"cremental Delay, d2 3.7 0.3 14.5 2.1 .'. 2.3" ""0: j'-'" 0.0" "'0.1'" R:~,!C3Y (s) ~>?<~"\,' ')' 2.$,~9 ::::;',,~:r18.~$.r.' :.cn;:t}~i/~;;::.~.g)$.,f;;;:g~1~;.t;%~'~)1}Y{:,:~ ";: '::,/1~1~: :1M(~r~~j?:tQ~_:~~t,ffl(t~~::::f.Sg :::;~;~1:Z{~f?lt7}Ji\:~~ittf~':;: ~) . level of Service C B D C B A A A 8pprq$ch",b~I~-Y.<,(~ )?~;1fl:~ii~F!\':';:'",~~'U~,:g{,~~q,'i~.W;:i}~~f~~t:r~:':~I~:,::~;H?!~i~j:~,t~$!4~~~1/S~rf~i~',',t:;': ,';j~:;:;'fjf~i0r.10i5.*~1f[~n'?~f{;r,:~; ~~it;~~!K~~~:;~~~~I~,~!:~'1;;~~~~~::T:~~ Approach LOS 'c .... . C . .... '.. -"- "8"'" ., . A 1i.R~?Se.cti6I-irSUmm:~iWl~'iil~'f'~1\1'~~~f~i~..f,ti:~:~~~~"J~.:!i~,\l[Jii~t1iJi~~._~"'~m'[;gif~JW:!f~.'I~~ HCM Average Control Delay... . _ .1 a.~. . . HCMLevel of Service B !RCM V plum e. tb:'.~~P;~~9,i~:::~?~!.ctG:,i':?':L;.:{:~~t\~ktQ~.~,"~;;~~~,,",:~~:s,J)h,~~~:'::'c,:i;~1;~Y;1\~:;,,~:'!i',~i-f&t;;~.~'t~S~~~;~~jt;~~~~:~~~f:;;:.:::y~')!f3j!(g~~f~~~Ihi~t~~~*1~~:,;::~,~~ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 55.0 Sum of lost time (s) 8.0 ~ID'$r$'e:sJ!p.ri.,t~~p.~~~WA~t~J!~~t!Qb:;J;~:,\;-(ff:~t;i~*7KQ~1~1~1~:~~~~:~I~~yll.r9J;'~~6i.J[~J~::Bt~~~]~~&t~J!zW;:!&lg[~T~%)~r~rgR~01&I7\~g1}~~t:?llt~ Analysis Period (mln) 15 Q~'_": Cri~!~al La.n&~l,~tgy~Ji:cf;t~:;!'1:~t~_~Ei~:.-;.E':!~0.~~i!t~t~gj~~~t1)'~r]1:::;'r~1it,:';~~'\:'~e..'~;f~~01~12~~~~1::!'{~;~~:S~~~~~~~~~&(~f,i]:';,: ;;:~D;M~1~~~[~i~ij~:'!Af~ Ex AM Peak Hour + Approved & Pending + Proposed Project + Funded Improvements Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 , I; i --~. HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: James Way & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 / - " .f - '- "'\ t /'" \,. ! .I iYf0'9i31'heQTI!!~t"iili\fii"fi~fJ;fiE~"[t;i3~~~~BTrlJ~~~~TI@[~iN[g-m:sB,~~;J$i;imr.~Bi3 Lane Configurations ........ "". +.r. .., t........,.. '. <.., +t..}. .. ..."ift. Ideal'..Rlpl,V,(vijhI?J )i, .,'" ........;1 ~PQt;. {1~qQ~;~1~Qg!'.;?~jgQ2\,:'c"1,%.Q,9,.;'!:iJ~Q9i;;'~t~Q~!S;jgQQ:","1 ~9qiii:;;1,~Qmtf:il~q:q::i~MQ Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4,0 4,0 4.0 l:ane::Ut,i!;'~ F a~tQfY':~:"'''.';~.~)~~:.~:!ifi!!QQ:m;;:,:1~~9:Q;~~:{1~J;!Q,t{f~1JJiO];~Q1}fQIi:r~;~T~~tf{i~~1~~~!i[9~f~q~~:f~~t;~(*~~;~;'7jEQQ~ij~~i'Q.i~~X~f:~~~~t~~ Frt 1.00 1,00 0.85 1,00 0.96 1,00 0,92 1,00 0.97 Fit. Prbtecte,q;:.-. .. "., "\.:~::':: Q::~~:/~~f;~I~j~~QQ~~~t}~~;QP]ifj~:~Q.~_~~~~~r:;~@i1~;i~];~;:,.. :'f;~IQl.~~:~~S!~M~~~;;~~tl&S{fi,.:.J~LQI~q~~t~!~,~~q~f,Tin,? Satd. Flow (prol) 1770 1863 1583 1770 1791 .1770 3271 1770 .3450 FS!~.:'P.etrfl.~~l~~:~::,,:;;;:~':j"..,:/;.:::U:::;t:?~Q.~.~:~J{:jt~@'~rI9J.~:~illlQg}~t1fIft@~JL'~ .~1j?J;t%~~~'~~5m~~~~lif;fQl~:: ;:~~1It~tQ}B2}~i%~0~5m~iQ~'~~,'t::;,~;f~,;i.9'Q>::{~'"~~'],'~;~~j Satd. Flow (perm) 1275 1863 1583 1104 1791 1770 3271 1770 3450 Volum~'(vRtif,'c,,;;:~:,\::,..t::7~\!'" 2J>.:~st:\:g3.:~.:i'i~;1:62~SrJf~~ij;J?:~r@:'=2Q2fi~~~i.~Q~X;?J~;1~jii1..tf4o,Y1S;~~~r..:;;{\fg? Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0,92 0.92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0,92 0.92 Aq):;::,~Hz!Y;/(YRD)J7f;if~~],;n,;~,:'~',;'"i:;ri~::j:.~~;~~~j~;~,fK~~is~',:~:';;~~g~t~~t7,~~!~~~*1?~~~:~f~:~~~~~~~~'~~~~~-.?1J;~~:?:g~1!yt~;J;~.:~~~.~,~~,:i;'~~Q~~i'~~~~7;\1J RTOR Reduction (vph). 0 0 ,202, 0 23 _ 0 0 ,103 .. 0 ,.qO .2.7. ..0 lane, Group'Flow;(vl?h )i,"': 86." 'j,"A'l6i,: :,;;(57;,\'" .1,77;lf,;iifk90'C'f\;11ib'O', ':12;1?f!'~35Q.i*t1,~::':::0'r';i'.,;'43.t{,':,"'3fJ.4';0':f:';:0 Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Prot Prot Protected' Phases '4;;. ,.",;:",5- Permitted Phases 4 4 8 Actuated Green,G (s) . .13,113:1,,) .1~:.1/,: i;J;3il....1;U.\,.'i' 6.4 :i:~?.i~J;:; " ..~:0"h18,~,. Effective Green, g (s) 13.1 13,1 13.1 13.1 13.1 16.4 32.9 2.0 18.5 Actu.a.ted'9!<;;:Ratig.i,'.:' ;,,":<i:?,?:8:!}Q.\??, 'Q,?:~!;i';&;jJ:?2,i;ii;J!i~2;,t;;;i;W,,~!,;W,Q:g'lt,~!;i~:Q.~~::~~~Be:;KQ!Q"~)'" Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4.0 4.0 4,0 4,0 4,0 V. e" h'lc' le"Ex' t'e' 'n"s'I'o'n' (s")', "";;' ",.. "3'0",'fC"!':3TO" ~""';'3';0' "'i":: :3'0.\'t'~;"31"0,iii'<"i;'R, ':......'..,..:3.;0.",....;~";.,i..i.3;0..tJ{[!,'.'.....i,g..,.........,>... :,.;:..~..'3'.'.0.. '."','.',".'..,:3'.'0;;".. .,' ," '. ! , ' , \<,;:'~k"~,:.,.. .,~.::~:!:J;"" ....1... ..."w:B:;,", , . _ ,1-'>,""1: 7... ,,_....:~I.,j;,:;/i.,::;... "":~r,;..~'.,.,::.: . ",,'ce.,_'. . &....,.mC... :",,",:- <',. ,_ . __ .,,. ~. .. ,_', _ . ~,' _),.. ' j.,.,_, Lane Grp Cap (vph) 278 407 346 241 391 v/s'RatiCj'Prot vis Ralio Perm 0.04 vlc Ra.tib ....., ;-:"(. '. .,,6,31 .... Q\4~'jt'~91j~t~i:;\Qti,?lii;'R,?~,~;;;:t';:j!Mit':<i!~9:~:i;q,~~!:;~(.;;);;" .:!O!??T;'O:~!W';; Uniform Delay, d1 19.7 20.2 19.0 21.8 19.3 18.1 6,9 28.7 16.2 P,f.9'gre,~:~,j9rf}._~~?!Rr);)}j~;,;:;;~t~:t~g,QJit'r~~J1f[Q"~:~:::;::,:'~1.{Q.9[~~~1J~:QQg;;I~2Qg/:Kl~~~~Yli]}~~~\Qr~~}~~t;Q~g~St~;':~}?.f0i~~:;~f'QO~:'li'1.~p:~f~,~;;;{i~)~:f:fa Incremental Delay, d2 0.6 0.7 0.2 11.0 0,3 0,6 . 0,2 " .. . '3'6.6 .. 1.0'" .." ID~I?Y'~(* )~<.:':> i:::~::l;:;;'::(:F;:',:\':t\~::.:~;t~f!~~,~1~~Ei:~*~-'1:~:Q~:{&!:W.~~:.4J::E?'~~~..~':t};i .: 1;.1.~2T~~~%~H;1tB.i~;f~J1~ill:~, ;"_~~g:tE:~~~J~;~'tV~f~W~;~:4:!?";:";;~::1.'?:t~?~:11~.{::;'!: ,~ Level of Service C C B C B B A E B Approach "DelaY (s)!;? "":/!';A20:Q;:"; Approach LOS B " :.6 .,'" , 484 1794 59 1064 C r"f""'~"'""-f"""h"S~",n'>.~""";~~~1&f:',..t;;::m7"m'"~7:li;~?li~"~~"";~~~~'~~,'F~'" ',," ) "h..e >,.~.~L"",., ,'"' ~,;,j"~~~lI;i;~,n:'!;l,~'!;~ . r.t~!:~,e.GJO:@T.,'JJmlJ1.?~l~j.'l~1;:~'iif~i*tr11l~t.~:~~::f.j;1,%i!Rf;~'ii;~i$it'iniZ~)~~;;~1t':2~~~~%1~x.f~j.,:~h~')fi~18;i;~t,f;:~i~'isir,:*~~~!;€:;~~j;::~,i1~;:gl\.~~lAt HCM Average Control Delay 16.6 HCM Level of Service B HpJv~:, Volull\~~t()/~ap~Ci~y-n:ltio,:, ,~),;\tL.." ';'~:,f;_f<Q,~?,Q,~.;,:;::::_:/~:.: :;'i"~~(i:?;i:~:;~;:-'~~~~~~I~:f:,;;;el~'~:';"" :::A,?ViG::::\TIl~('j~~:;~~;E;~~::~~,'~F':~:a;~I~i{:~j,~i\:,:r:: '. ~:' 'I. Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Int~.rs.~,?~.,gd'~9~R~'giJW~W!,!.!(~~'t!2tilfilr;~;~~;J;'.':,'},g,~~I!:%1i~I~~~I~,hJi\~~.~~ltQf'~li~i:g:~\~~~::;' ::::'i~i[i.~:1:'}1f;~r(f1X1~];.;::r(j~1E;;:';::~:,:lt;;;:!:i;fV2)I:1;!~iiiL~ Analysis Period (min) 15 c Criticall'.an!l!9fiiup Ex PM Peak Hour + Approved/Pending Projects + Proposed Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: W Branch Street & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 / - l- .f - 4.... "'\ t I" \. + ~ ryj:C;Mim'f~rjt~1'i!h1iA1r:!iD1!li\1W;\]::.I?J:"M1j;EB.m,,,,~.eBRi&v\(!3lr;1?B.\MBj[~:t.\MB.g~"~~~E~liiBllij\\:ilNI3f3{~$!3,~~~ Lane Configurations "'I 1> r "'I +1> "'I + r l,d.e:'!IFlp'N. (yph~!)~");i,;;;;:t~99p:{i1'g9~i;)~:~QQ~[;;i!:g99:i;B'1;~]Q[;Iffl[Oqg,~1.gq9.~11j1}lQg~~0:lm.Qi;ft'1gQg;tit~i~Jl.gg:Q Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0.. 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~a~~',;Ptil:~:,~~,Gt9E~'~:~;_::' ".~,:,Jt~;\"'~'::;'~~~:"}~;'i~~~t'~;10illT~'.";,;~~;~::H~l::i:JEl5jr~Q~JItQJgQr~:?:;tQI~~$~~:~;'.?J~XQ~LQjg~~.:@)~~;jt~?~~~~t~Jf9]~;2~]1"t~qQ,:~gdJ!;90 Frt ' . .' , " . ,. ., ., . . .. 1.00 0.90 0.85 '1.00 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.85 FItProtected', . '" )";':~;:;<:0;95i;.;'1;.OO;:iC1;:(jOih".8!95;'c1'i08jFi';;o' """:;8:95. ,,;1i;PO~:1:,fOO Satd. FI~w (prot) , ,.' .' ""~1'770 '1584 '1504.17'70' 3326'" ,. 1770 11363' 1583 FIIPermitted" . ,. ,.Di95,',' '1i:OP'fi,t:00:""O\(}5,j,,.,t,00i "\::,0:95.:)}1::00: '. "1'00 Satd.Flow(perm) 17701584 150417703320 1770 1863 1583 V(jl ume('ph) i,"!:li ',' '.. ......;::hO,. .;,}g,;:':{~g:;iX~t9.,;rt~,8.i~'3.1z;tlI:gl~f;';r8:3f3Jti;f;.f3.?\4:c':.1~$d;;.9g7iri:~~;1Z4 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Ad']" 'F,lo' w.(v'p"h')'r',' 0" ;W;);.i\-"';:,,p,(','n'i!",:"'4' 5'7':,":f-F:~6"3 }"3'4' '5::::;;',2' 3'8',lfi,W5''''9'T.'';l''4''O' 7'i' X','2,":2","';:)68' "2',.;\1',';'1'8'9 . _, ~ .' .' ... ,_. .... .,.' ..' .', ;.. '.. ,;:.':.i;'~. ,~:'"":~ _ ::_..,~,."i{:;.,;,;., .'...,:..;.. ","";_.~~.';'~",, > .';;',;.~';",""_,",,, ,.;..::<:n:",." ",.", ",.~,:.;~,:.~-:,,!! <. ~ ~';~"'''':c' ,... .......2." .'",:.;".,~L.",,'':;;; :7-:>.:. _.,.._.o."'.l,~'",,',~... .' .- RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 0 108 145 0 212 0 0 0 117 La" ne;G'r' oupcFlo' w' "~it v' p' h')';':",:.iO'.'":""::CO~!:. ,n;;;0'N1K~'45'7Jt?"f1"0'2.":!i.'fWi-53'W'2i,(2'3-8'!:?'""7',7. A~~;:,,,. ':FO' .:, '),;:..2'1"'2 ;oJ' 6' .8....2..':~.;;"'ip2 .' ._ ." .", .". ...'.' .'., >.. .... ,>,"'.._~.".r:,,,"__ """,~,,,_ ..,: .. ....1'.,''''''.'',,"(. .'.hi,,,_,.._. ~ ",,'1_<".' '." ,. ......."<,,""1,....'.(, .. ". '~".' .. .t-.~ ......., .... .~"L,,,,,'.,'.,."'f__ .M.... ,"" ___". ..... . -..,............ ;. >c. '.' , 'j Turn Type Prot Prot Prot Prot Perm ProtectedPhases<<<':' '. >~i"Ni,'?" .:' '. Permitted Phases 6 ~H~!t~~~~f:t~:'~i~))~' ,;,\'!'1(;jf;,i;~:~~:~,.. ";~)~l1l~~;0~';~;~(~:'1~;~fW~gW~~i~~~\!t;~~:*;'0:f(:t'&~':l',fl~,~iEi~;"~:ii;;'~f~ ~,~tyated:, ~;VGr:R~HQ.~n.~~;'\~,1;:'f:/31:'~ '''". :Y:?;:~~j'~{:i01t~~~;};0(~;:?i'YR..Q:~~1~~i[~QIg:?~;~:;g.Q~~~'N:'i:;::;~.OJ~',,~ft:fiQ@]Z{\!~~~:'S':~~":,;i-~~ ;'iQlfl~~l:~[,9 i,~:~Jt~i{;~.9 .~.~ Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 V eniCll'.i'Exiehsioh.( 5 ii ",i,' ";';ii;;;'E.,. .....'...;;:'.i)'?Ji':i{0\'3\b,.,;~:;;f3.0~'1fMf3:0fJt,f:.:;3m~4tf:;r3!O:~:lE''F~;;;T~;~~1}3'.Q,;;':3t(j}F, 3,0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 472 422 401 266 1217 295 714 607 v(sRatio Prot "..' ..'" . .. . . ""'::L,:;L.:<i6'{?~'pJM9,~i;';P;,b4"NcO ,1 ~1;1;i~~r?i\;;~;';:I;'::'Q:12fi9Q;3t';:<;\>).;; vIs Ratio Perm ... . , 0.05 v/cRati() ..,. :;'0:~,'Z;,;;Q.240j3:;pi.l3~i::!(j:64: '8,7;20;96 ,m12 Uniform Delay, d1 21.7 17.2 16,7 25.0 15.7 23.7 18.0 12.0 pf6gressionFilCt~i' .... . .",;::, .'.'1iPQY.i1r.Q9D,i;1{~bi::.,1i.@'?A9;~~'Y;;1i,t' "'P:9,$Sk.0'69,Sf'0:20 Incremental Delay, d2 32.9 0.3 0,1 26.3 2.2 . 7.8 23.7 0.4 ~:~~r~i~~:ice""'" . "'if';,;::::';, '::, '\';':~'Bt;:,,1\~i~,!ii(\:j;9;~C.:;\~?~\iK)~f~~[i ?fr~H~ff.f];~,~,~~!g,';,~;! APRril?Cb:t::>elaY@1; i' Approach LOS lt1J~il$:~:ctlonJ:S.ul]iitfatYSfZ,~1~1;i~Wl;i~~~ffli~~~~~i~;'Ii'~lft~~~~.j&~?t~~!~:)it~~%'~~~1lJ]1~~~J!.~~~Ji1j HeM Average Control Delay 28.2 HCM Level of Service C Ij,PM.~:VO!k1.tj1~!'.tci'~~~'P~'9'!tYff:~lj2~!i:fi~~1!'?;.,. . :"';L~{p~2iJri;~1fu~~t~t~;'~~~;~:1~:~~~~:~}~1t~j~[~i:~~j2D/;~i~r~)m~~::t~~~1~&l~~~;y~~~/:,":.,t::t::::~~:g!;C~,~(J)tW:,f~,' Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Ih~er.s~9ti,9)i.,tQap,~f.!fX;!,QtiJi.~~~t!.~ID~F:~f~.~,,~~1~~,~J~:~:"t';!:6f~~\~T'J.i~!~IJJK~lgf;;i?€f~JE~iill~;,~gjiU~~~;:~;\-~~1~;~~J}?11f,~~1~:f,i0~i!~;.~~~:~;,,(;~:;',;J:i~t~ Analysis Period (min) 15" . ... , ..,. '"'' C :~; ,"C ~iti~'ai " ~'~~'~ :i.Qrqu.-'p~:[~~~.?::-:'~~~:::~~ '!.; .,<;:f:'!::;:i::~~:,::':~:~:;,~'~?;~';::f3:);~:1EiJ)~~;':":;,;.&:~NtF;?~~,~;~~~~!~;g~~X~'~~~~~11i~i'i1!~:jff~\?~?itl~~~H~D."~'" f~::::~m,ti~~~~~~~;j{S!:::1~j~~~1~ Ex PM Peak Hour + Approved/Pending Projects + Proposed Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 2 IF ,,/ .' HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 15: EI Camino Real & Oak Park Boulevard 3/18/2006 / - ,. .. - "-. '\ t /" .... + ..I , I I: I, I' I MQ\7~D1:YJi.i;;j'0;-;;~iIfi!iEElIt"i;WjEEliTh:;;i'1EElB::I~~!}~1ill~B:T;JikYfB.F;<f~~l\!B~q;;~I)J.i:3lfl@i~l)Je8ji~Bt;'~~~ Lane Configurations 'I <t.. '{f 'I . to . ...~ ,-.tto 'd,,~__~L__ .:t ,.. . r Icje,al,! F,t!:iVy.'(vp~~,1 )?Y;S.t;i')1~,QQ~.:. j:~9QJt~~ll:gQ~&';1gQQ~i,j,1@.QJi1l[?,,QQ~it~Qg;!t:t@1)9~~~1~QQlM~J!tQQ\;j};1~9~9f:;~lg9Q J~~~,..b~iV.~~~jo~j~>!"""}{Qf~~i;t;FPk~i\!'ij!j~~Ei)!1~~if)~~~';;i1I~gi}~:\jfu1!f~~ft~9~:\'Kf:L~1\~~0.;\iTh~~~:1!]~}:;~1~] Frt' . ...... . v. '.' 1:00" foo' 0.85 1.000.90 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.85 Fit, Prbtecte(ji'!", . ,,""';;~,g5!;(9!~6'i~;1[Q()1~?9i~~:l':f~1':QO,':::1':'f1:Ji :'(j!gig:~:0::j~'QgT't;iig;:?i::G:q:m$:.~l':1IqQir:~~~QQ Satd. Flov.: (prot) 16.81....17Q~}5831~7'O.1676....,1?!.9.~5.1~,. ,....1770..1~~3 158~ FII' Perm illEidi' .,," ," 0:95,,::,'0;96. .,'i';~!OOf'!O '!:l5ii';ih1i,OO:t;;'.:;Wi' ,..'HOi18..'M" ';1':0,0 ,...' ;......;'''':}0,32:,ii,1i,0.0' '.,-1.00, Satd. Flow (perm) 1681 '1703" 1583 '1770 '1676"" '. '337 "3516 . . . . '589'1'863 1583 liolume(vph)' ." . "'. ."432';;"55"," 4O,6:i,{i38 (34:.:;:i>69Y:.';t:::65.YiHi3I1:';:?9[;, . 12!F .. ':624"':271: peak.hour factor, PHF 0.92' 0.92 0.92 '0.92 0.92 0:92' 0.92'0.92 0:92 0.92 0~92" 0.92 Adj: ..Flbw,'(vp~ ),ii . . ...i; :,"4 zo";"i!:;.~Q.:!i""'~~i1:,,;!!:'41,?tl1:~?t;;;;:.:.,:zJ5:',,'i:i~;~J;;@~:p,M., !:;~i:~.:2>':1i'1QX!fi27:$1,;,,~g~'~ RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 . 0 339 0 63 0 0 4 0 0 0 158 Lane'Gfoup':ItJow:(vpfi}r:,j)'.'2.!'it!ii.;i#,{i212''';ii~lT9~J:il0:;elli1fii)}"0:;';;i91;j7\1ill'.;~0'ki;,\,\:~t,1&::.:.'t]5iiii;ir;trQ!',:.::::j:4:(j,:,(ilJli~:;t131, Turn Type Split Pro! Split Perm Perm Perm R'foteCt~'~;";gl\~~:~~$~~:,Vjj;:J::-;:' '!"~';;',~;~.~4:':?~:~~f;f![~~!.FJ;~J:Jt:r~:t}i~~~~;;~[~fW::~j,~~?!t.f~;tr=~tJlE:TI~~~lli~~~~0:~~~jf?r0~:~ ':\.Yl:,;:?~~r0;r-}fi;~3~~i}~~;~tL$}T;:':h, ;,;,;:,:,(! Permilled Phases 2 6 6 Ac:t~at~a.gr.ee.n;:'g:(s}':jl:ii~r!1i;Mi:;1:~&irl:::~jt~r~]\t~!8$1~t!i;<'!;~I$1i:f;;;(;N!;;~;;~~l:~ilf;1i.?7{?'['tf;~2~j"(6hg't.8i;'~'i@, 'J:.?7:8 Effective Green, g (s) 13.9 13.9 13.9 6.3 6.3 . 27.1f 27.8" ... , 27'.8'" 27.8 "27.8 Aci1i.ate(jf.g/C;Ra\Ii>":...'....Wip.g3+\!W;ii:li?~~:J2Qr~~;!}!;;'Q1jQl,\WQJ;1IbWtTi';)S~i:'p@~!~~iQt4ffi:;:::rgii!!!' ." "iQ(4~t;:i29i4!li;,' fO'49 Clearance Time (s) ...... 4.0 4.0 ,4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Vehic:ie Extensio' n'i(s"') '. """;"'3"0'. "'''''''3''0''''''3'0'''' .."3"0":" "3' ;0..""'","",..''''..'"''3'''0..''''''''3'0''.'''.',.....",.,....>..,'3"0" ""3"'0"";''''3'' '0' . . . .. ..". ':";_'0:' ':'.;';>, '_.,~-\!;'\~U<: _;. ~.. '~":;::~,:"';;,..;,::;:;. ;_ J::;;';:'.:,"..,; J,~':~'k~""):i;'r~:;i;F~~.,:<1: ~. j)':::t::t,(:: :it;~~:,>~~::;';~i,;:;;.:rfr;L' ;:i~':;:>"!'-?; ~.-~;;::~,:' ~, Lane Grp Cap (vph) 389 395 367 186 176 156 1629 273 863 733 ~~: ~:::~'.~~~~;"';:':';';" . i, ..0.1.~..':c(j:f~.':W~0:6t;:~y'Q~.::;;;():[3f:;;:;"i;::::;T;~~f.~;;Q}?Q)~';:::t:;::;;\''';.t.~~..;j@;~9,.'.;r8:()& v/c:Ratio< .'0,66 'O:6~! 'iO'2$~;;'(Of22('h?8"":" .... >""0(46(:['7(0'44. . . """Y:'\:0,51:'"O7!.l";:jO',1g Uniform Delay. d1 20.9 21.1 18.9 24.6 24.810.9' ib:8 .' "., 1 1'.3" 13.6' 9.5 Progression Factor . '1.001.0,0' t.0()i\,1.00' AiOO'!': '1.00;:';'1'00.0,50'> OA8':0.89 Incremental Delay, d2 . 4:2 4.9 04. 0:6 0.9 . 9.3' . 0.9 2.12.3 ().2 ~J~i';'I",,,~:~;~~~~~;~~~;==;:~~:~~~~=t~;~~ '1'''t~-''"''t'"'''S''-- -.'~"",~,..~.., , '''' . r)J::#.r:~~JPI111 .qD:rrna(lyt~~~wJ:~~\\~~kriftfJ~~~r~tf~~~~1ft]~~a.tft~~~{~Jt~~~1:Jii!1Ein~~'~~~~r~Ji~~1j HCM Avera~e Control Delay ... 15.0 HCM Level of Service B HG M,~N:o!ui!i,~'~tq\~,~P~f,.itYir~1i-9:.;:.J~~~,i;t~/::>?:~;,.\L~~E~,~1f~~~]i:ili~1p~B~~f:~~;~~~g~~~~;gE:f;fl;:;;i~lli~:.~;~.:;~,~FF:.:E;:,~~\~s~~T~h~,ql;:L:!W?:'::;,:i:, ,i,,::~",::;,;;::,:~~::':Mi,0~'~~~:" ,.::,ti ~ct~~I~d,g!:CI~_~~~9t~Js..),.,_.....""..,....6.o..:g ...,..",.Sum o([o.~.ttirl1e(sj . .. .... ....iio... ." . . ... ." .h ~G,~il!f?,If'~~D'~~G,fQ,qp,:~:;;f';~~;t~~~i~T~}~;j~:::~t~.ej~:~:1 :::~:~:\~\f2~i?~1i+i~;:~f~~lB~H8~~}9:I&Eg1f~:::~;(~~~l:~&~iI~i0~~:.:;;~i1g;~,;i~fi,~5~~11:g!f0Jf~,~~~ Ex PM Peak Hour + Approved/Pending Projects + Proposed Project Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 4 k// HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: W Branch Street & Camino Mercado 3/18/2006 ./ - l- I" - "- .... t /'" \. + ..; M9Y~rn~~1:~_i:~lJil~i~r~~~!~~f;~m~~W~~w~~I~~1Ih~Hg~{~1I~hJ.S.Ti>?l~~!2B~r?~$~~~~~S~ Lane Configurations 'I t+ '1<-. t+ .. . . ~.... t+.. '.. ...~..,.. .10:,.. Sign Control:;, .~i' ~":_,' ..;::~!2i~r':.: '- "^.::.,::::~ :,,~;.;;:,;~r8t91>.~:~~Lih'{;';::Y.9,,:~~,~- ,s};\:~;f~:(;8.t9fl{',:;:".,;:.<1}!{:2!:;<,~i,.;;SL~i;i+.i;pt~Pj:~:}~:~r !:"~'::: Volume (vph) 88 443 2 186 380 16 262 37 29 5 41 54 Peak. Ho..ur' F aC,tbr! .. .i;. }b'$:<!:;;i,Q;~:<!"li(6f~g~ik91$gf'~1Qigg!t~:;;:Qf~gg~ibr@~J&$i9.Y$?I?,~~\~??;'~Qf,$?;..,..,6'$.??~!,li9',~? Hourly flow rate (vph) 96 482 2 202 413 17 285 40 32 5 45 59 IDIr:eCfron~fliar,EFfh::k1~':~{t~E-Bf~1kW1;:;1EB~2~W,B4}1-'~9WB~2~f4f.I'N Bf'!1~<~~8j:-2W-f~SB'~~1~! 4JSB~2i!n~Z~~~,{~~~:~~~r{~~iF'~~~~t(f7!~a _,._. .L__",. __...._,..,L_ ",.. . ,_......,,~u...~-t\:t".,..._. __.,..,.ll'....",.,. ..____..:__, ....>C_, 01__ ,~ Ah>\,,__.. .'-'.. _L._.""",,', .~.~_~,,"!.iiI'_"',---. ..._!! 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"'i.B!):: ,w~4;3r'd:~':2f'~:*j;j~~:i,.~:~:~~01it;~ :'i,1!3i"!i;#?~'?~;~:f%t?,'1;:g~::;':i"f?::;/ 4t"'.;i,R4 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92' 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0.920.92 4~j~_ cF!.~~:,;(Y8,Q ):';;:2j:l:~~:';~;\\~~H;~{::,~,~1~~;i:4i!;~~~~'~Z~!?}*~~1~[~I0~f.~~41;~'JZ~~~:7::~i~1:;~,""~~~~~1tr:"<{:~~E;~';&tI~:?{~~~)!L:'-~,;:~:~~;;~':f:*i9,~:;;~~'~;~~.~,~ I3TOR Reduction (vph) 0.. ,1 0 0 3 0 0 21 0 0 38 0 L~n~..Grp0pi~IF..loW~~(vpH)nk,.; t':.9.Et~'~:~\:t4a~~'W} f:~:~L~H):}0rP,,~2"()~fu~~W~?trllli~J~1EQ;:!~.;;:t~2~:B~~~ ;'~11~sf?'~1~\OW)~~~~~~~ '~~i~::; _e~,~~:~Hj;~<[~~,;~d Turn Type Prot Prot Perm Perm Protected Pna~es ". >,>"".:.' 7 Permitted Phases Actuated Green,G (s)5,3 '14:5. 8,3' ;::::1.9:4 ., 19,4"'19)1; ;19:4 Effective Green, g (s) 5,3 14.5 9.1 18.3 19,4 19,4 19,4 19,4 Actuatedg/C Ratio 0.10' 0.26..0,17" 0,33 035 0..35' ...0:35 :.9..;3(;; Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4,0 4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4,0 4.0 VehiCle Extensioj,(s), 0:,.3:0"ff'3:0 j .' ii, ,;,3:0~;Xii;'.3;0;i'(2).:;6 .,;;::.,3_tOY:Yi,3iO),i;:in:;E;;, ;:fL':';,'jJQi','.3:0":-.' . ' Lane Grp Cap (vph) 171 932 293 616 453 613 467 601 ,}/5;881io. prot;'d'i~~;",:, ijjjQ5,) ,:';;JJ,~~Q!Q1;;m;ti. vis Ratio Perm 0,00 j~ifo~~o Delay, d 1 i ',. :~35~;; ";~7~'0!!,!,!:~]%~\~t~T~~~~K;!C;;'f~?L\i':~~60~';:J:~\~;;~;:;!;:';;{"!"<~'~q~'t)~~i6U);i:P:, i:~r~~:~~a~;~:~~~d:;'i\) 1:'~,<'1,~.~i'-1!!i'W(":/:':J~~W):'.1.~6~;il<'%(":.,:,1:~~i;i.::,1~~{'~~. ";''''.'1 i!1bQg"':i.,.1~~;':'" ,?/?I?y,( s )" .,"; ", ',' ,'.. 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',' Analysis Period (min) 15 c" CrlticaILane'Gro~p" E* PM Peak Hour + Approved/Pending Projects + Proposed Project + Funded Signal Orosz Engineering Group Synchro 6 Report Page 1 11.8. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIREf}ORS ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES If'J CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2005-06 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET REPORT , \ SUBJECT: DATE: MAY 23, 2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council/Agency Board: . Approve detailed budget adjustments listed in the 3rd Quarter budget report . Approve Schedule A & B . Approve (Deny) requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund. FUNDING: The requested actions will impact several fund budgets as outlined in the Third Quarter Budget Report. The General Fund ending balance will be impacted by the approval of the recommended revenue and appropriation adjustments as follows: Projected General Fund Balance at Mid-Year Report $2,258,681 Decrease of Revenue Council Approved Adjustments Proposed Expenditure Adjustments Total Decrease to General Fund Balance $(168,500) (16,225) 186.999 Adjusted General Fund Balance 6/30/2006 2.274 $2.260.955 DISCUSSION: Each year, the City Council adopts a budget, which commits resources to the accomplishment of its policies. The Financial Services Department routinely prepares quarterly budget updates for the City Council. The purpose of the City's Third Quarter budget review is to: . Compare revenues received and expenditures made to budgeted amounts to determine appropriate adjustments. THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT CITY COUNCIL MAY 23, 2006 PAGE 2 · Comment on any significant budget trends that will impact financial planning. · Provide a link between the City budget, the financial records, and the independent financial audit. · Compare current revenues and expenditures against the prior fiscal year. SUMMARY OF KEY THIRD QUARTER POINTS: · The projected "Budgeted" General Fund Balance for FY 2005-06, after proposed budget adjustments, is approximately $2,260,995. The General Fund Balance is 18% of appropriations. However, this assumes all budgeted amounts will be expended at year- end. Staff expects that expenditure savings will increase the General Fund Balance to meet or nearly meet the 20% goal. . Revenue and expense comparisons are reported for the General Fund for the current and prior fiscal year. FY 2005-06 General Fund reports an approximate $367,731 year-to- date increase in revenues and approximately $874,385 increase in expenditures over the prior fiscal year. The receipt of cyclical revenues and the accrual of revenues earned in FY 2005-06, but received after July 1, 2006, will substantially increase General Fund revenues. In addition, not all budgeted capital transfers and expenditures will be needed by year-end, thus resulting in expenditures less than budgeted. . Council approved additional adjustments of $16,255 from the General Fund in the third quarter. An increase of $1 ,000 for Destination Imagination, matching funds of $11,625 for the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Grant and $3,600 for tree trimming costs related to the Police expansion project. Staff is requesting in this report that the $3,600 appropriation be moved to the Police Protection Impact Fund. . Staff is requesting an overall decrease in General Fund appropriations of $186,999. These adjustments are listed in detail in the attached report. The $64,899 reduction listed below is due to the fact that prior adjustments for increases to salary and benefits were inaccurate. Police City Clerk Parks Non-Dept City Attorney All depts Total $ (168,500) OTS Grant, lease purchase and Live Scan 3,000 Publication of Muncipal Code, legal notices and travel 12,000 New heater unit, replace gas line and pruning of trees (3,600) Tree trimming costs moved to Police Protection fund 35,000 Ongoing litigation (64,899) Prior salary and benefit adjustments were inaccurate $ (186,999) THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT CITY COUNCIL MAY 23, 2006 PAGE 3 · Following are the Council approved and additional staff requests for adjustments to other funds: Police Protection Impact Fund Park Development Fund Park Improvement Fund Drainage Fund Traffic Signalization Fund Sewer Facility Fund Sewer Fund In-Lieu Affordable Housing CIP Fund Water Fund Total $ 3,600 Tree trimming 6,900 Village Green Master Plan 3,000 Turf renovation costs for Strother Park (10,650) Drainage Master Plan 214,800 Council Approved - Traffic Signal (497,662) Fair Oaks Sewer proj moved to 06/07 (120,060) Fair Oaks Sewer proj moved to 06/07 5,000 Developmnt of Affordable Housing Ord. 5,779 Various projects 3,000 Desalination Plant Grant application $ (386,293) . As part of the process in preparing the quarterly reports, revenue line items are reviewed to determine if they are in line with budgeted projections. The following funds required adjustments due to lower/higher revenue than originally estimated. General Fund: $ (90,000) (90,000) 11 ,500 OTS grant State COPs Funds Live Scan $ (168,500) 30,000 Revenue is higher than projected 15,000 Revenue is higher than projected (9,000) Revenue is lower than projected (50,000) Budgeted in error (70,000) Revenue is lower than projected 58,000 Revenue is higher than projected (391,293) Adjustments to CIP projects (585,793) Park Development Fund Park Improvement Fund Drainage Fund Lopez Facility Fund Sewer Facility Fund Water Facility Fund CIP Total THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT CITY COUNCIL MAY 23, 2006 PAGE 4 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: · Approve Schedules A & B included in Third Quarter Budget Status report that summarizes budget adjustments; . Deny staff recommendation and reject the schedule; . Modify staff recommendation and approve the schedule; . Provide direction to staff. ~i_ ~~:~"~'0\":~'~. '~~..., ;~'~~I..S.~LIFORN1-,~_.J . ,. ~,~~:,:,:-;;:~~'-..:::c1.:1>....:J::O:'!"~:::::::: ~-- Quarterly Financial Report Third Quarter a/Fiscal Year 2005-06 May 23, 2006 OVERVIEW This report summarizes the City's overall financial position for the fiscal year through March 2006. Except as noted below, revenues and operating expenditures are generally on target based on past trends for the first quarter. Adjusted Budgets: The revenue projections and budgets include the adjustments for encumbrances, carryovers, and expenditures that are included in this report. GENERAL FUND General Fund Financial Condition: With 75% of the year complete, General Fund revenues are consistent based on prior year payment schedules and expenditures are at 73%. The projected General Fund balance is approximately 18% of appropriations. This is below the City Council goal of 20% due to the payment of approximately $243,000 that the City is required to pay to the State. The General Fund would be at 20% of appropriations if this payment were not required. Revenues Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 12,550,503 12,923,179 2,633,631 2,260,955 61% 73% 20% 18% 7,600,873 9,411,210 Top Ten Revenues: The top ten revenues account for 78% of the General Fund revenue. By highlighting these, we can get a better understanding of the City's revenue position. Overall, these revenues are generally performing as projected based on payment schedules and past trends. Any significant variances are noted on the next page. Property Tax 3,584,110 2,318,554 65% Triple Flip - Sales Tax 798,666 399,333 50% Triple Flip - VLF 1,026,511 485,060 47% Sales Tax 2,873,000 1,475,306 51% TOT 391,400 282,087 72% , Franchise Tax 530,500 249,649 47% I. I Building Permits 217,650 140,158 64% VLF 114,000 60,826 53% Children in Motion 255,000 199,577 78% Telecommunication site leases 135,000 75,394 56% Total 9,925,837 5,685,944 57% :u :EtnWRi Pro ert Tax 2.802.769 1,877,947 67% Tri Ie Fli - Sales Tax 760,721 442,683 58% Tri Ie Fli -VLF 885,365 380,361 43% Sales Tax 2,876,362 1,632,685 57% TOT 454,300 245,039 54% Franchise Tax 502,000 232,665 46% Buildin Permits 169,200 156,521 93% VLF 172,185 80,429 47% Children in Motion 299,000 190,100 64% Telecommunication site leases 129,550 79,783 62% ota 9,051,452 5,318,213 59% By comparing the YTD prior year revenue to the current YTD revenue, we can see an overall increase in the third quarter revenue of 7%. As shown on the following page: Quarterly Financial Report Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2005-06 Comparison of Actual YTD Revenue to Prior YTD Revenue Sales Tax - Year to date results are on target with the City's projections, but are less than 75% due to the fact that the City had only received 6 months of sales tax revenue by the end of March. . Property Tax Triple Flip - Sales Tax Triple Flip - VLF Sales Tax TOT Franchise Tax Building Pennits VLF Children in Motion Telecommunication site leases Total 2,318,554 1,877,947 440,607 23% Motor Vehicle License Fees (VLF): This revenue is low due to the fact that only 8 months of revenue has been received. Franchise Fees: This revenue is low due to late payments that were not received by the end of the third quarter. As of this report, revenue is currently at 85% of budget. Telecommunication Site Leases: This revenue is low due to one month of revenue being recorded in the prior year in error. 399,333 485,060 1,475,306 282,087 249,649 140,158 60,826 199,577 380,361 442,683 1,632,685 245,039 232,665 156,521 80,429 190,100 18,972 42,377 {I 57,379) 37,048 16,984 (l6,363) {I 9,603) 9,477 5% 10% -10% 15% 7% -10% -24% 5% . . . 75,394 5,685,944 79,783 5,318,213 (4,389) 367,731 -6% 7% Expenditures: Operating costs are on target for the third uarter as summarized below: Comparison of 3rd Qtr Current Year Budget to Prior Year Bud et Salaries and Benefits Sup lies Services Other operatin costs Capital purchases Total 10,113,200 235,665 925,917 1,143,978 504,419 12,923,179 7,446,378 74% 149,801 64% 695,980 75% 724,569 63% 394,482 78% 9,411,210 73% Property Tax Triple Flip - Sales Tax Triple Flip - VLF Sales Tax TOT Franchise Tax Building Pennits VLF Children in Motion Telecommunication site leases Total 3,584,110 2,802,769 781,341 28% 798,666 1,026,511 2,873,000 391,400 530,500 2]7,650 1]4,000 255,000 760,72] 885,365 2,876,362 454,300 502,000 169,200 ]72,185 299,000 37,945 14],146 (3,362 (62,900) 28,500 48,450 (58,185 (44,000 5% ]6% O"j( -]4% 6% 29"10 -34% -15% The key variances "by type" are other operating costs and supplies. These expenses are below 75% due to the diligence of all departments to contain their expenditures. 135,000 9,925,837 129,550 9,051,452 5,450 874,385 4% 10"10 Property Tax: The City receives the majority of its property tax revenue in December and April. As of May, this revenue is at 93%. The City is expected to reach 1 00% of the budgeted amount by the end of the year. Triple Flip - Sales Tax: This revenue is received in February and May. Triple Flip - VLF: This revenue is received in February and May. . 566,186 148,307 195,200 439,508 232,725 567,015 5,334,651 1,890,986 1,196,675 2,008,651 343,275 12,923,179 431,93276% 110,09374% 126,660 65% 334,152 76% 161,33369% 420,599 74% 3,991,081 75% 1,393,77974% 827,617 69% 1,496,234 74% 117,73034% 9,411,210 73% Dev . . 2 Quarterly Financial Report Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2005-06 The primary variance in departmental expenditures is in Non- departmental, which is due to the fact that capital transfers for CIP projects will not be made until year-end. THIRD QUARTER ADJUSTMENTS Council approved budget adjustments: · Januarv 10. 2006 - Appropriation of $212,000 from the Traffic Signalization Fund for the traffic signal at Camino Mercado and West Branch Street. . Februarv 14. 2006 - Appropriation of $2,800 from the Traffic Signalization Fund for the purchase of traffic count equipment. . Februarv 28. 2006 - (I) Appropriation of $3,600 from the General Fund to pay for tree trimming related to the Police Department expansion project. This report includes a request by staff recommending that the tree trimming costs be appropriated from the Police Impact Fee Fund; (2) $11,625 appropriation from the General Fund for the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Grant matching funds. . Avril 25. 2006 - $1,000 appropriation from the General Fund for Destination Imagination. Department requested budget adjustments: . General Fund: Police - (I) A decrease of $90,000 that was included in the original budget for lighted crosswalks. These funds were to be received from an Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) grant that is no longer available; (2) Decrease of $90,000 that was budgeted from the State Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) for the purchase of dispatch equipment. This purchase will be made in the next Fiscal Year; (3) An additional appropriation of $11,500 for Live Scan expenditures. All these requests are offset by revenues and the net effect is zero to the fund balance. City Clerk - (I) Increase of $1,400 for the preparation and publication of the Municipal Code; (2) $800 for publishing legal notice; (3) $800 increase for travel related to attending Channel Counties Division meetings. Parks - (I) A $1,000 increase for an unanticipated replacement of a gas line located on the exterior of the Elm Street Community Center; (2) $4,000 for unanticipated safety pruning of trees located at the Women's Center. Specialized equipment was needed to reach these trees; (3) an increase of $7,000 for replacement of a heater unit in the Building department, Honeywell maintenance contract, and new security doors at the Women's Club. Non-Departmental - $3,600 appropriated from the General Fund at the February 2S'h Council meeting for tree trimming related to the Police expansion project is recommended to instead be appropriated from the Police Protection Impact Fee Fund since funds are now available. City Attorney - Increase of $35,000 needed for litigation costs, primarily associated with the Vanderveen case. . Police Protection Impact Fund - $3,600 appropriation for tree trimming costs related to the Police Building expansion project. In-Lieu Affordable Housing Fund Increase of $5,000 for costs associated with consultant services for the development of the Affordable Housing Ordinance. Park Development Fund - (I) Increase in revenue of $30,000; (2) Appropriation of $6,900 for development of the Village Green Master Plan. Park Improvement Fund - (I) Increase in revenue of $15,000; (2) Increase of $3,000 for additional turf renovation costs for Strother Park. . . . . Drainage Fund - (I) Decrease in revenue of $9,000; (2) Decrease in budgeted appropriations of $10,650 due to limited funding. Lopez Facility Fund - Decrease in revenue of $50,000, which was budgeted in error. Sewer Facility Fund - (I) Decrease in revenue of $70,000; (2) Decrease in budgeted appropriations of $137,632 for the Newsom Springs project due to limited funding and $360,030 for the Fair Oaks Sewer project, which were moved to Fiscal Year 2006-07. Sewer Fund - Decrease of $120,060 for the Fair Oaks Sewer project, which was moved to Fiscal Year 2006-07. Water Fund - Appropriation of $3,000 for Prop 50 grant application for the desalination plant study. . . . . 3 Quarterly Financial Report Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2005-06 · Water Facility Fund -Increase in revenue of $58,000 due to the fact that revenues are higher than originally budgeted. OTHER FUNDS Sewer Fund: The Sewer Fund ended the 2004-05 Fiscal Year with a fund balance of$] 8],650. One budget amendment is proposed in the Sewer Fund. A reduction of $] 20.060 related to the Fair Oaks Sewer project. This project has been moved into the 2006-07 Fiscal Year. The estimated ending fund balance for the Sewer Fund is $284,349. This does not meet the City Council's goal of 60 days of operating expenses plus $500,000. It is anticipated that once the Fair Oaks project is completed that this fund will meet its goal in the next three years to four years. Water Fund: The Water Fund reports an audited fund balance of $ ],72 ],378 at the end of fiscal year 2004-05. Staff is requesting an additional appropriation of $3,000 in this report for the Prop 50 grant application for the desalination plant study. The estimated ending fund balance in this fund is $],658,206. This will meet the City Council's policy goal of 60 days of operating expenses plus $500,000. Water Facility Fund: The Water Facility Fund has a beginning fund balance of $9]3,709. Currently, there is $550,303 budgeted for capital improvement projects. The estimated fund balance for Fiscal Year 2005-06 is $475,005. Redevelopment Agency Fund: The Redevelopment Agency Fund has a negative beginning fund balance of $],999,848. The RDA is seeing an increase in revenues and for the first year it is estimated that there will be a positive contribution to the fund balance. The estimated ending fund balance is a negative $],999,746. While this is only a slight decrease in the negative balance, this budget does include the first loan payment to the Lopez Facility Fund of $50,000 and a $25,000 payment to the State to help relieve the State budget crisis. Increasing revenues and control of expenditures will continue to help solve this agency's financial problems. A recent bond capacity analysis indicated the Agency can issue debt next year sufficient to repay all internal debt. 4 '" '0 ,:: rl - '" OJ: '0- " . "'~ o.c&-..o -.8"lj 8 < (\1 Q) N <l.I t1 g.K1~:g 0.. 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