Minutes 1977-06-29
JUNE 29, 1977
7:30 P.M.
The City Council met in regular adjourned meeting with Mayor de Leon
presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel and
Millie reported present.
The Council agreed to review the summary sheet of the two Town Meetings and
discuss them in terms of the four general categories.
The first item of discussion was agriculture. It was suggested by
Councilman Spierling that these items be referred to the Agricultural Committee
that he had suggested. A great deal of discussion was held on setting a time
limit on the appointed committee, and it should give progress reports and have
perhaps sixty days to do their report. It was generally agreed that the Committee
would be appointed at the Council's next regular meeting of July 12, 1977, and
that the committee would have a report back to the Council by its September 13th
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JUNE 29, 1977
regular meeting.. It was also agreed that the Agriculture Committee receive only
the raw data from the Planning Commission's Agricultural Study Committee.
The'second item discussed was Zoning. It was generally agreed that this
should probably be headed "Zoning-Growth". There was discussion on appointment
of "Neighborhood Architectural Review Committees" to aid the City in the establish-
ment of greater citizem participation. The Council requested the staff to make a
study of the possible establishment of Neighborhood Committees. The general
feeling was that the Neighborhood Committees would not be a standing committee. A
suggestion was also made that volunteer committees•would be appointed as develop-
ments occur.. It was also suggested that there be~'a public hearing at:the
Architectural Review Board meetings. The Council directed City Staff to come up
with a study on the establishment of some type of "Neighborhood Architectural
Discussion on the question of phasing of future growth in the community
was also held, relating to the phasing of developments and their effect on the
resources of the City. The Council suggested that the staff review what other
cities are doing in phasing and how it works.
The third point of discussion was General Services. One of the questions
submitted at the Town Meeting was the retention of top soil in subdivisions. The
City Staff was directed to make this part of the City's Development Standards.
There was also discussion on development that occurs outside of the City. The
Council indicated its desire to be informed on some of the developmentnthat has
been occurring outside of the City Limits. The City Administrator was directed
to write a letter to the County Board of Supervisors, indicating that the City
would appreciate more time to respond to zoning actions that occur outside of the
City of Arroyo Grande, but within its sphere of influence. It was also suggested
that a copy of this letter be sent to the Soil Conservation District of Arroyo
With reference'to water, it was generally agreed that a separate study
session on water only will be held.
The fourth category discussed was General Interest. With reference to
bike racks, it was suggested that this be referred to the Parking & Traffic
Commission and also the Downtown Parking Advisory Committee for their input.
Regarding a Tree Ordinance, it was suggested that since the County has
recently adopted a Tree Ordinance that will be used in the surrounding County
areas of our City, that we look at it as it might be of interest to this City.
The Council instructed the City Staff to make copies available of any proposed
Tree Ordinance to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Discussion was held on
placing of trees on the west side of Highway, 101 by service groups, with the
feeling being that perhaps a service organization would be interested in planting
trees along the west side of the freeway.
General discussion was held on the annexation of the Brisco/Chilton area.
A suggestion was made that water rates be increased and that no services be
made available to that area from the City.
In regard to a question about the foot and bike bridge across Coach Road,
it was suggested that a report and recommendations be made.
Regarding additional annexations, the attitude was that the question needs
to be answered as to whether the City has adequate services for within the City.
Do we have enough to help the outside?
There was discussion on a master timer on signals and possible grant
from the federal government for this.
The Council referred the question of beautification of the business
district on the west side of town to the Parks & Recreation Commission. General
discussion was held regarding retail support; prime jobs within the City and the
direction our City is going versus commercial development. Are there any efforts
to encourage industry; and a desire to retain the shopping atmosphere presently
available in our community.
JUNE 29, 1977
General discussion was held on having an annual Town Meeting to give the
citizens an opportunity for input to the Council.
On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and
unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
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