Minutes 1977-09-13CI'T'Y COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 .The City .Council met,.in regular session with Mayor. de Leon presiding. Upon, roll call, Covncil.Members Al Spierling, Matthew Gallagher, Jr.,.Calvin Schlegel and Mark Millis reported present. PLEDGE OF-.ALLEGIANCE 'AND INVOCATION -~ Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and<immediately :.thereafter, Reverend Larry Pitcher, of the Church of the Nazarene in Grover'City, zxlelivered she .invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for fhe.regular meeting of August 23 and special meeting of August 25, 1977-, were approved as prepared, :- APPROVAL OF WARRANTS Om.mmtion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling'and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. P344 through No..P374-and No. 7092 through No,.7158, in the total. amount of $194,671.57; and Payroll Warrants No. 9543 through No. 9636, in the total amount of $39,422.67, were approved-and ordered paid, Mayor de Leon presented a plaque, }~earinq a Certificate of AppreciaEion, to Hugh O,.Pope, Jr,, in .thanks for his service on the Planning:Commission. Similar Certificates will.be sent to tha::following ia:appreciation for their service: =Nancy Davis and Sharon Fischeri.who served on the South County°Human' Relations Commission; and Cal Thurman, who resigned from the Housing Advisory. and-Building Appeals Board. 'PROCLAMATION -SUPPORT CALIFORNIA NATION~IL GUARD AT CAMP SAN LUIS OBISPO Mayor de Leon read:a proclamation declaring that the 351st.Service.& Supply Company is adopted as Arroyo Grande's.. official. unit. of the.California National Guard. ~ 404 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 PAGE 2 PROCLAMATION - "DOWNTOWN WEEK" - SEPTEMBER 26TH THRU OCTOBER1. 1977 Mayor de Leon proclaimed the week of September 26th through October 1st; 1977, as "Downtown Week" in the Arroyo Grande Village area, as requested by the Village Merchants and Professional Association. RESOLUTION FROM SAN DIEGO RE.- NUCLEAR POWER --NO ACTION The Council reviewed a resolution from the City of San Diego, supporting Assembly Bill 1852 (regarding nuclear fuel reprocessing and waste management) if it is amended to provide for the timely licensing of essential power projects. Council discussion of the matter indicated they would prefer receiving copies of the full bills for which support is being requested and that in general further information and study would be necessary before they could take a stand on this. RECEIPT OF ANNUAL REPORT ON THE COUNTY'S LIBRARIES The Council received and reviewed the San Luis Obispo County's Annual ' Library Report for 1976-77, which gives statistics of expenditures and services rendered. RECOMMENDATIONS RE. DEVELOPMENT OF CROWN HILL'- REFER TO PLANNING COMMISSION The Council read a'letter from Mrs. Carl Carlson, 324 Longden Court, requesting that Crown Hill be rezoned to single family residential as soon. as possible because of the nature of the area;and traffic and water problems. Alsi3'" reviewed was a report from Planning Director Castro, addressing the problems cited in Mrs. Carlson's letter." .. After a great deal of Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, referring to the Planning Commission the recommendation that the "R-G" zones on Crown Hill be rezoned to "R-1"; that any '`review of proposed-dpdeiopments in the "R-G" area by the Architectural Review Board include residents from the Crown Hill area; and that final architectural approval be made by the Council. °" INVITATION TO CONFERENCE OF SOCIAL SERVICES COORDINATING COUNCIL: 9/23/77 The Council read aaaetter:from the Social,.Services Coordinating. - Council of San Luis Obispo County inviting them to attend a conference to be held September 23, 1977 at the United Methodist Camp in Arroyo Grande. DISCUSSION RE.IINAME OF PRIVATE ROAD - "OAK HILL ROAD" The Council read a letter from Leola Lundgren stating. her. concern-that the road which has been known as "Oak Hill Road" for many years has now been changed to "Lemon Lane". Administrator Butoh explained that Mr, Lemon had so named the .- road in conjunction with a lot split, The road is privately owned.- He pointed ' out that all official City records show the road to be "Oak Hill Road". He further stated that no name change has gone through the Planning Commission, which would be required for naming streets. The Council directed Administrator Butch to write to Mrs. Lundgren detailing the above information. PUBLIC HEARING - COMMERCIAL GARBAGE PICK-UP SERVICE RATE INCREASE - ORD. 1ST READING Administrator Butch reviewed that as directed by the Council, a public hearing has been set to consider the rate increase in fees for garbage pick-up e service from commercial users by the South County Sanitary Service. Mayor de Leon opened the hearing after being told by the City Clerk it had been properly noticed. There was np..pubiic.comment; ~o'Mayor"de Leon closed the hearing. The Council discussed_,_the proposed increase and other._related matters_to garbage collection service. The force of laws regarding the Blue Bag program will be incorporated into the franchisebid request in January. The City's Newsletter will inform citizens of the enforcement of mandatoiry garbage pick-up beginning October 1, 1977. After Council discussion, Administrator By`'~ch read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code b~ increasing the rates for commercial garbage pick-up service; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading ,the balance of this ordinance. .PUBLIC'+HEARING -'REZONE 77-106. ALPINE ST~."RAB3" TO "R1"(MILLER) -ORD. 1ST READING Planning Director Castro reviewed with the Council the recommendation of the Planning Commission to rezone, from "R=A-B-3" to "R-1", property at 139 So. Alpine Street, as requested by John Miller. He also reviewed on the map certain access routes to various adjacent properties, which will be resolved with develop- ment of the-property. ~,. `~05 CITY COUNCYL ARROYO GRANDEe CALIFORNIA .SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 FADE 3 MaYar de Lean opened the hearing after the City Clerk told him that p_apsr nc'tica far it had been given Madeleine Steele, 1596 Hillorest, inquired as to Indian. burial grounds in the area and whether the filing of an Environmental 'Impact Report would not be proper in this cased City Staff informed her that a Negative Deolaration was adopted and that the burial grounds recently found are further down from `this development. Tt was also pointed out that if any artifacts acre discovered in any development, the work is stopped immediately "Chars was na further public comment, sa Mayor de Leon closed the hearing, After Council discussion, Administrator Hutch read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the City's Zoning Map so as to rerone, from 11R-A-B-3" to °'R.-'d4°, certain property in the City A motion was then made by CoeaTxcilman Shlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unani- moasly carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ~ DEPARTMENTAL'REPOR'R'S kOR AUGUST, 1977 The Depar~".mentafl. Reports for the month of Augw.xst, 1977, ineludng the first ~- report from the 1'•ts;xth Services Officer, were reviewed and ordered filed. AP'POINT'MENT OF t~EP °TO HOiiSING ADVISORf' 6 BLDG APPEALS BOARD - HELD OVER Mayor de Lean requested for ~soluntaers andjor suggestions for appointment to the vacancy o~~ the Hoaxsing Advisory and Bc:ilding Appeals Boardo 4:IYL?~IN_ANCE ADC?T_TON. = C,_ONFORM TERMS. OF OFFSC'E F'OR PARKING & BUS. YMPROV. B Administ.ra~`or Butch read the title of an Ordinance conforming the terms of -office of the Parking and Business Improvement Advasory Board Members to all other City Ctn~nmission teems. A motiar~ was then made by Councilman 5chlegelD seconded by Cc+~,xncal;Tan Gallagi:er and unanimausly carried, to dispense with reading the balance of th~s ordinance, RDINANCE NOS ~i52 CoS., AN ORiSIN~.,A1CE OF THE C';~T°I OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING T'HE ARROI`O GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING '6UH~SECTION B TO SECT"ai~.~N ~09 OF C'HAFTER 5, TITLE 3, TO PROVIDE FOR THE TERM F'E)R. MEMBERS OF THE PARKiN6 AND Bd7SINESS aCMFROVk~SE. ADVISORY BOARD,. Om motion of Counoilman Sck,'_~ege1L seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the iallawing tall o.a.ll vats, to wit; AYE~a Caunci'.amen ilpse_^1ing, Ga7L.ag`tcer, Sc`ilegel, Millis avid Mayor de Lecn NOES. None ABHENT; None the forage`-n'g Ordinance was passed and adopted true 13th day of September, 1977, REVIEW OF LEGTSLATY4;~ BULLETIN' FROM LEAGUE °"F CALIF CITIES The Ccun¢:9l rewi,ewed the latest LegislatS~e Bulletizas from tine League of CaYifarnia Citieso Alsa reuiePaed was a response from UoS, Senator Nimmo, stating he supparts the City°;= positian regarding cotninuatian of CETA benefit payments by the federal rather than laoa]L government. Tn reviewing the latest information on property tax relief billsD %runciilman Gallagher suggested property tax by the City be eliminated and only income taxes be used for a source of revenue, ~, O_RDTNANCE .ADOPTION - REZONE 77-10'5 "R%" TO "H " ~ORruWATT/Ox sir fnMnFRSnru Fm nr9 Administrat-nr Butch read the title of an ordinance amending the Zoning Map cf the Municipal Cade sa as to rerone, from 11R-1", Single Family Residential, to "H-S", Highway Service Districts A oration was that, made by Councilman GaIY'agher, seconded by Counr'it!sman Spierling and unanimausYy carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinanaeo ORDIN_fiNCE NO. 763 C:..3~ AN ORDTiNANCEC>F 'THE CITY OE ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTI~CIN OF 'T'HE ZONING MA'P OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANLBE REFERRED Tti~ IN SECTI6N .302 OF TITLE 9. CH.AFTER 4 OE THE MUN1C.iPAL CODE SO AS TO REZ:6NE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE ~i.TTY OF ARROYO GRANDE, On motion of Councilman SchYegel, seaanded by Councilman Spier7..ing and on the fallawing .roll call vote, to wits 4os CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordiranee was passed and adopted this 13th day of September, 1977. PROGRESS REPORT -FIRST MEETING OF AG. LAND COMMITTEE Councilman Spierling reviewed with the Council the minutes of the first meeting of the Agricultural Comraitt2e held on August 31, 1977, At its next meeting, scheduled for September 22nd, a map will be available showing just the agricultural lands. Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill, urged that farmers be notified of the October 31st deadline to apply for Ag Preserve status which would be reflected on next year°s tax bill. RECEIPT OF AREA PLANNING COUNCIL°S WORK PROGRAM FOR 1977-78 The Council received copses of the San Luis Obispo County and Cities' Area Planning Coordinating Council°s Draft Overall Work Program for the 1977-78 fiscal year. The City Staff will fully study the draft and report on it to the Council. RECOMMENDATION TO NAME BRIDGE ON FAIR OAKS AVENUE AS "FRED GRIEB BRIDGE" Administrator Butch reviewed that some time ago a request had come before the Council to name something sn honor of Fred Grieb, who has been a resident of this area for nearly 100 years. A suggestion has now been received to name the Fair Oaks Bridge in honor of him. The Council stated its agreemant to this. Relatives of Mr, Grieb wsll be contacted to see sf this is also agreeable with them. DISCUSSION RE .. SUPPORT OF SENIOR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IN SOUTH COUNTY Administrator Butch introduced Mickey Ryan and Rachel Harrington, Chair- persons of the South County Seniors° Transportation. They reported briefly on the transportation program and what thew needs are. They reviewed the monetary support given by other South County agencies, Administrator Butch suggested that the City contribute gasoline for the vans, with the vans fueling up directly at the City's Corporation Yardo After further discussion among the Council and Mr, Ryan and Mrs. Harrington, the City Administrator was directed to meet with the Seniors to wank out how the City oould support them according to their needs. PROGRESS REPORT - COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES The Council re~riewed a report from Police Chief Clark regarding the recent Animal Control meeting. Reports on the Budget and Expenditures for the Department of Animal Regulation, for the last fiscal year, were also reviewed. The City received services in excess of its $5,900 contract amount, by $4,768<39. DENY LATE FILING OF APPEAL RE. CONDITIONS OF LOT SPLIT #77-275 (SULLIVAN) The Council reviewed a letter from Bernard Sullivan, appealing the conditions for Let Split Case Nc~ 77-275, on South Traffic Way Extenssonm The Council also reviewed a memo from the City Clerk stating that the Planning Commission had approved the lot split with the conditions, at its August 16, 7977 meeting. The appeal was not submitted however until August 29th, making it three days late under Municipal Code Sectson 9-3.710 et al, The Council had to decide whether to permit the late filing and consider the appeal at a sub- sequent date to be set. The Counoil discussed the matter, including the confusion of MunicipaY Code Seotions 9-3.710 and 9-3.711, The City Attorney was requested to separate these paragraphs for clarification. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, rec~cending the applicant, Bernard Sullivan, refsle his lot split request. The Council did not wish to set a precedent in this case by allowing the late filing of the appeal. RECEIPT OF EoI.R, ON RANCHO GRANDE PROPOSED PLANNED DEVELOPMENT The Council received copies of the Ensircnmental Impact Report for "Rancho Grande", a proposed planned development on the east side of Highway l01 between Oak Park Acres and the South County Government Center, APPROVE PROJECT SORT FOR 6-MONTHS TRIAL PERIOD Administrator Butch introduced Terry Conner, Manager of the County's Project SORT (Separation of Office and Residential Trash). Mr, Conner described the purpose and function of the program, stating it has been successful in San- Luis Obispo, He also described how materials are sorted and picked-up. After ~ 0'7 cITY col~NCaL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 PAGE 5 Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously ca~°ried, encouraging the program and directing that City Staff work out details wit`s Project Sort for a 6-months trial period in this City. ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING STAFF TO PURCHASE FED. SURPLUS PROPERTY Administrator Butch stated that the State and Federal Governments have revised their programs making federal surplus property available to cities. A it new resolution and agreement is neoessary authorizing certain staff members to ~ acquire surplus property.. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read the title of a resolution aastho.rizirg certain City employees to purchase surplus ~ property, A motion was then :ands by Councilman Schlegel, seconded. by Councilman ' Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this I' resolution. ~ ~ IiE:S~OLUTION NO-, 1299 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN CITY EMPLOYEES °IO PURCHASE _ SURPLUS PROPERTY. ~ On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll Dell vote:, to wits AYES: Councilmen Spierlinga Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon ~ NOES. None ' ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of September, 1977. NOTICE OF DISASTER PREPAREDNESS TRAINING CLASS The Council received notice of a Disaster Preparedness Training Class offered by the State Office of Emergezacy Services in San Luis Obispo on January 29-25, 1978, City staff members will attend the meeting. DISCUSSION OF COMPLAINTS RE. LA BARRANCA TRACT & TALLY HO CREEK City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council his report regarding the La Barranoa Tract and Tally Ho Creak, `I°te report was written in response to a leng°"hy complaint s~.~bmitted previously by Beverly Simmons of Tally Ho Road, Mr. Karp reviewed the conditions placed on La Barranoa and how they are being met or have been delayed. He also stared that s~nr_e Tally Ho Creek is in private owner=hip, i.t is the responsibility of the property awners to keep it cleared. Mr. Karp autlined the restrictions by the Department of Fish and Game put an the City in its attempts to clear the or2eke He also explained in detail the drainage plan of La Barranoa and how the flow inter Tally Ho Creek will be reduced and oantrolled by large dams with metering piping, put in as part of the La Barranoa Tract, fibs Council discussed the matter and took no action. E"URTHER DISCUSSION - WATER SER'V~CE_&_ANNEXATION OF EL CAMIN0IBRISCO AREA Administrator Butch reported on a meeting he recently had with Leo Brisco, a-major property owa,er of the E1 Camino Real No. 1 annexation proposal, As a result of flee meeting, he made the following recommendar_ionse 1) establish. town meetings for the residents in the area proposed for annexation to give them an opportunity to review with the City the plans, proposals, advantages and dis- ' advan"rages of annexation that may be of ooncern to the residents; 2) ask the ' Planning Commission to initiate pre-planning of the area so it is proper and in ' i conformance with the Gecaeral Plan of the City, which might also put at ease any concerns of property owners along E1 Camino Real; and 3) the water service be permitted to Jerry Jones who is proposing a skateboard park on property he is leasing from Mr, Brisco cr. E1 Camino Real. The 1959 agreement with Mr. Brisco, ~ discussed previously, is legitimate and in force. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Counoilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, approving the three recommendations of Administrator Butch as stated above. REQUEST FOR WATER & SEWER CONNECTIONS__IN.CUdJN'TY_AREA (WRIGHT3 - DENIED The Council read a latter from Mr> and Mrs, Lloyd Wright, reques"ring. water and sewer connaotions to their unimproved property at Robles and Chilton Street. This property is within the El Camino Real No. 1 Annexation proposal. After Council discussion, City Administrator Butch was directed to write them a letter outlining the City's policy regarding such services to areas outside of the City and the proposed annexation, 4~J~ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 PAGE 6 STUDY SESSION SET RE, WATER PRODUCTTON. CONSUMPTION ETC 10/3/77 The Council set a study session for Monday, October 3, 1977 at 4 P.M. regarding water production, consumption, revenues and expenditures. SET STUDY SESSION - ANNUAL IAPEZ REPORT ON FIVE-YEAR FUNDING° 10/3/77 The Ceuncil received an amended report to the Annual Lopez Report on a Five-Year Funding Period. They agreed to study this also at the water study session set for October 3rd, REQUEST TO GRADE DURING RAINY SEASON - OAK PARK ACRES (KVIDTB - DENIED The Council read a letter from Reuben Kvidt, developer of Oak Park Acres, requesting that Ordinance No. 140 C.S. be amended in regard to grading. He wants to be allowed to perform extensive grading during the rainy season after approval of a drainage control plan by the City. City Engineer Karp reviewed his report on the request, setting forth three conditions which the proposed amendment should be subject to, if the Council approves it. The Council discussed the matter at great length, with general consensus being not to approve any change to the Ordinance, City Engineer Karp pointed out an additional problem.. If the developers have to stop grading in about November, they would probably do extensive grading up to then, which would then leave the slopes bare and subject to erosion by rain.- Councilman Schlegel suggested that "dry months" be established during which grading will be permitted only in the problem areas of the City. in answer to Councilman Millis' question as to how a developer can be made to comply with Ordinance provisions, City Engineer. Karp stated that in the future, a Dash bond could be required and if something were required and not accomplished, the City could have someone else. do it and bill the developer far the costs. City Engineer Karp recommended that the developer put in sewer and water lines now and hold up the heavy grading until after the rainy season. After further Council discussion, City Engineer Karp was given the authority to do what he felt was best within the ccnfines of Ordinance 140 C.S. and the concerns cf the Council, especially with the James Way right of way. REQUEST FOR WATER OUTSIDE OF CITY (FESTIVAL OF THE SUN- - DENIED The Council read a letter of request from James A. Messinger of B.C. Arts Caravan, P. O. Box n°, San Luis Obispo, requesting to purchase enough water to keep a 5,600 gallon tank filled constantly for about ten days during a Festival of the Sun to be held on the Freitag Ranch on Highway 227 during October. The Council discussed the request, generally agreeing that the Festival should approach San Luis Obispc as the more logical place to get water from, in view of the distance and road of travel. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, denying the request of the E,C. Arts Caravan for water service by the City to the Freitag Ranch. DISCUSSION RE. ACQUISITION OF DRAINAGE-PROPERTY ON SO. ELM STREET - FURTHER STUDY Directcr of Public Works Anderson reviewed for the Council his report regarding a proposal to acquire ponding basins at the south City limits on Elm Street. A 5-sore parcel with a single family residence on it could be used for this purpose. He proposed that a 'I/2 acre with the residence could be split off and sold, The remaining acreage to be used for ponding basins could also be developed into a little league ball. park for use during the dry seasons. A report on the condition of the residence (at 2510 Wilmer, OceanoD by Building Inspector Shetters, showed the structure to be in a generally poor condition,- After Ceuncil discussion, the City staff was requested to bring back a fuller package of information regarding this proposal, to include location diagrams, costs, etc. EXCHANGE OF CITY PROPERTY ON GRAND AVE. FOR PONDING BASIN - HELD OVER Director of Public Works Anderson requested that discussion of a proposal to exchange City property on the west side of Grand Avenue for a ponding basin, be held over as negotiations are still in progress. ACCEPTANCE OF HIGH LEVEL RESERVOYR SITE. TRACT553 - HELD OVER City Engineer Karp requested that discussion be held over on the acceptance of a high level reservoir site at Tract 553, for the City's use, until the tract is ready for acceptance. 409 CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 RESOLUTION ADOPTION - REVISED BUDGET~FOR 1977 F.A.U. FUNDING "` Administrator Butch reported that the City Engineer is requesting revision in the City°s F.A.U. funding from the Valley Road Project to the traffic signals on Grand Avenue. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read the title of a resolution requesting approval of a Federal Aid Urban project. A'motion was then made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1300 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF_ THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION TO APPROVE FEDERAL AIR URBAN PROJECT FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE URBAN AREA. On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and. i on the following roll pall vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon i NOESe None ABSENT; None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of September, 1977. REPORT RE. ADJUDICATION OF GROUND WATER RIGHTS IN A.G. BASIN Administrator Butch reported on additional information obtained from representatives of the Division of Water Rights and the Water Resources Control Board, in regard to adjudication of water rights in the Arroyo Grande Groundwater Basin. They advised that the City could request the courts to adjudicate the ground water and request the State Water Resources Board to prepare the report and be the referee of the adjudication. It was also suggested that the County Water Association be advised of the proposal. If there is agreement in general for this type of action, then the agencies involved can proceed together and share on the various costs, in a friendly adjudication. Councilman Spierling, the City's representative to the Water Association, will bring up the proposal at the October 6, 1977 meeting. APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG 77-280, MAPLE AVENUE (CURTIS) City Engineer Karp reviewed with the Council a copy of Parcel Map AG 77-280, reflecting a lot line adjustment (Lot Split Case No. 77-264) on the south side of Maple Avenue between Pine and Elm Streets. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Sohlegel, seconded by Counoilman Spierling and unanimously carried,~*finding Parcel Map AG 77-280 to be consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning; and approving the Parcel Map. RECENT MEETING OF COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE - NO REPORT No report was heard on the September 7th meeting of the County Water Resources Advisory Committee, as no City representative had attended it. RESOLUTION ADOPTION - APPROVE APPLICATION FOR GRANT MONEYS - STROTHER PARK Administrator Butch reported that the City is applying for grant funds under the 1976 State Grant Bond Issue for Parks and Recreation, which has been included in the City`s budget, in the amount of $17,500. After Council dis- cussion, Administrator Butch read the title of a resolution applying for State Grant funds. A motion was, then. made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 1301 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA' APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR 1976 STATE GRANT MONEYS-- STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK PROJECT. On motion of Counoilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de .Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of September, 1977. =------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ".':Finding that the construction of curb, gutter, sidewalk, and conform paving on the Maple Street frontage is a necessary prerequisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area; authorizing the Mayor to execute the Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City;..." 41D CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE., CALIFORNIA PAGE 8 DISCUSSION RE. VARIATIONS IN PARKING REQUIREMENTS ON TWO DEVELOPMENTS For the Council°s information, Planning Director Castro reviewed two developments in the City which do not conform to the City's ordinances. The Planning Commission approved Variance No. 77-56 reducing the off-street parking requirements for a garden apartment development at 204 Aspen Street, as requested by Vick Pace. As construction naaxed completion, it was discovered that the property was 25 feet shorter than as shown on the plans. As a result, the parking area is short three spaces from the 35 shown on the plans, plus the tennis courts have been eliminated. Mr, Castro also reviewed the plans for the apartments under construction on Crown Hill. He stated it appears they will also be short one parking space from the four shown on the plans, because of changes made in the plans after they were reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Board, The Council discussed both cases at length, stating its hope that the new policy of any plan changes being submitted back to the Architectural Review Board far its consideration will alleviate these problems. The Council also directed that letters of reprimand be sent to the two developers invclved in the above constructions. pISCUSSION.RE. ANNEXATION PROPOSAL BEFORE LAFCO - PHILLIPS Christine Phillips of Fearwood Lane stated her concern about a developer who has purchased property adjacent to the City Limits, He plans to develop it and has applied directly to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LFACO) for annexation to the City without coming to the City first. She presented a petition signed bg approximately 160 City residents opposing the proposed Huasna Road Annexation No. 4, rear Pearwood Avenue Administrator Butch suggested she present the petition to LAFCO before their hearing on the annexation. Members of the Co.uicil told of previous attempts to annex land in that area which failed. Ella Honeycutt of Oak Hill Rand urged the City to comment on the Negative Declaration filed for this proposed annexation, stating that the drainage problems in the area should be addressed, PERMISSION TO BE ABSENT FROM STATE & COUNTRY - SCHLEGEL A mot.i.on was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, authorizing Councilman Schlegel to be absent from the State during October and November, and absent fram the Country during January and February ,_ ADJOURNMENT On motion, of Councilman Millis, seconded by Counoilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the mee*_ing adjourned at 11:16 P<M. A'TTEST:.~2f2 ~ ` - LCZX <-0rn, / / "~ ~7 /~~ CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 27, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. Due to a lack of a quorum, the City Council did meet. The City Clerk adjourned the meeting until 4 P.M. on October , 977. ATTEST~2 ~ O~-~C ~CJim/cr~ ~ ~""`~ Uv` CITY CLERK MAYOR