Agenda Packet 2006-07-11 CITY OF Tony Ferrara Jim Guthrie Jim Dickens Joe Costello Ed Arnold Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Agenda City Council .." ~~M~LIFOR~.' ~-~~~'-' Sleven Adams City Manager Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Kelly Wetmore City Clerk AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2006 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande , I !I 1. CALL TO ORDER: I' I 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: 7:00 P.M. ROTARY CLUB OF ARROYO GRANDE 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR PAUL JONES, RETIRED 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Move that all ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY - JULY 11, 2006 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: . Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. . A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. . It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: . Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. . Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. . Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. :1 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period June 16,2006 through June 30, 2006. 8.b. Consideration of Two-Year Review of Plot Plan Review 04-002: Tried and True Tattoo: 1037 East Grand Avenue (STRONG) Recommended Action: Receive and file the two-year review of Plot Plan Review 04-002 as required by Resolution No. 3744. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. AGENDA SUMMARY - JULY 11, 2006 PAGE 3 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Consideration of Ordinance Addina Chapter 3.22 to Title 3 of the Arrovo Grande Municipal Code Establishina a Transactions and Use Tax to be Administered bv the State Board of Eaualization (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Introduce the proposed Ordinance adding Chapter 3.22 to Title 3 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code establishing a transactions and use tax to be administered by the State Board of Equalization. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Adoption of the Five-Year Radar Speed Survey (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution certifying the five-year radar speed survey. 11.b. Consideration of Community Reauest Reaardina Citizen Appeal of Staff Decisions and Recommendations (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Review and discuss the request made by the Mike Titus Memorial Committee and direct staff to proceed with the proposed actions outlined in the staff report. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a. Request for discussion of establishing goals and timelines for Advisory Body review and consideration of project applications (ARNOLD) 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. a. None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. AGENDA SUMMARY - JULY 11,2006 PAGE 4 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT ************************* I, I' I , All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the City Clerk's office and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************** Note: This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arrovoqrande.orq 8.a. MEMORANDUM BY: CITY COUNCIL ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICEs/K FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR~ CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: JULY 11, 2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period June 16 through June 30, 2006. FUNDING: There is a $2,893,357.76 fiscal impact. All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendation; . Do not approve staff's recommendation; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing Attachment 2 - June 16, 2006, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 3 - June 16, 2006, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 4 - June 23, 2006, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 5 - June 23, 2006, Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks Register Attachment 6 - June 27, 2006, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 7 - June 27,2006, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 8 - June 30, 2006, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 9 - June 30, 2006, Accounts Payable Check Register ~ ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS For the Period of June 16 Through June 3D, 2006 "',".... "",,-,.,.~.........._,.. ^ ,",- "....., - -. July 11, 2006 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period June 16 to June 30, 2006. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. WEEK TYPE OFpAY~ENT '. ATTACHMENT AMOUNT. June 16, 2006 .Accounts Payable O<s 1268t:& 126810 2 $ 109.55 .Accounts Payable O<s 126ID-126879 3 43,520.83 $ 43,630.38 June 23, 2006 JIaxlunts Payable O<s 126880-126973 4 1,231,301.69 Payroll 01Erl<s & Benefit 01Erl<s 5 395,429.66 1,626,731.35 June 30, 2006 .Accounts Payable O<s 126975 6 33.68 .Accounts Payable O<s 126974-126981 7 12,942.04 .Accounts Payable O<s 126982-127084 8 1,208,711.34 .Accounts Payable O<s 127087-127103 9 1,308.97 $ 1,222,996.03 THREE-WEEKlOTAL -$ 2,893,357.76 U,\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\CASH DISBURSEMENT FORMS\CASH DISBURSEMENT SCHED wEXCEL WKS.doc CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) Citv Government {Fund 010J 4001 - City Council 4002 - Administrative Services 4003 - City Attorney 4101 - City Manager 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4120 - Financial Services 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4130 - Community Development 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4140 - Management Information System 4145 - Non Departmental Public Safetv {Fund 010J 4201 - Police 4211 - Fire 4212 - Building & Safety Public Works {Fund 010J 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance 4304 - Street Lighting 4305 - Automotive Shop Parks & Recreation {Fund 010 J 4420 - Parks 4421 - Recreation 4422 - General Recreation 4423 - Pre-School Program 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 4425 - Children in Motion 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4SS0 - Park Development Fee Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4501 - Traffic Fund Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4553 - Public Transit System Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4556 - Construction Tax Police Grant Funds 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd 271) 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring (Fd 274) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4103 - Redevelopment Administration ENTERPRISE FUNDS Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4610 - Sewer Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) 4710 - Water Administration 4711 - Water Production 4712 - Water Distribution Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4750 - Lopez Administration CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 350) 5501-5599 - Park Projects 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 5901-5999 - Water Projects U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT SCHED wEXCEL WKS.doc ... - '" '" co'" '" '" ~ c .... .... ........ '" '" ::l cO ..; NN en en 0 E - "'''' 0 0 - - <I: a; a; Ol Cl CO '" .... ll. ll. E-< Z ~ B ~ I!! foil 0 " .c ::t l- I- - " "'" ::l == C 0 co U "" "" '" '" OJ > <: on on '" '" ~ .... .... 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'" '" e: " CD CD CD '" III e: '" '" '" .D :;: ~ 0 0 0 ~ - :!! 0 0 0 .g .!: <( CD CD CD l!? III CD 0 0 0 ~ '? .Sl 0 0 0 <1> " ~ ~ "I .s:: .s:: ~ '" '" 2; u u e 0 0 0 ~ ~ '" ::> ::> en .0 co ~ 0 > r- r- CD ~ ~ " C> " C> 0 ~ N '" ... N " ;; .!!! 2> u .s:: 0 0 -" u r::: r::: r::: :c .., e: ::> u; '" 0 N N "I t) III > ~ ~ ~ > C> -- I.b. MEMORANDUM BY: CITY COUNCIL ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ~ RYAN FOSTER, ASSISTANT PLANNER ~ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: TWO-YEAR REVIEW OF PLOT PLAN REVIEW 04-002; TRIED AND TRUE TATTOO; 1037 EAST GRAND AVENUE DATE: JULY 11, 2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive and file the two-year review of Plot Plan 04- 002 for Tried and True Tattoo. FUNDING: None. DISCUSSION: On May 11, 2004, the City Council denied an appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of Plot Plan Review 04-002, approving a minor use permit for Tried and True Tattoo at 1037 East Grand Avenue (Attachment 1). This approval included a condition that a two-year review be conducted to ensure that the facility is not being run in a manner that is detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. In the two years that the facility has been in operation, the County Public Health Department has conducted four (4) inspections of the facility in accordance with the Agreement for Consultant Services between the City and the County (Attachment 2). These inspections were conducted under the provisions of the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) Body Art Model Code and Guidelines. The only concern raised in these reviews was an ill-fitting screen door, which has been replaced. Project approval also included conditions that the parking lot behind the building be improved to meet minimum parking requirements and that each tattoo artist annually complete education/training in the area of preventing disease transmission in tattooing. The parking lot has been improved as conditioned and the applicant has submitted copies of the most recent education/training completed by each tattoo artist (Attachment 3). In the two years that the facility has been in operation, neither Community Development Department nor Neighborhood Services staff has received any complaints directed towards the facility. Based on the semi-annual inspections by the County Public Health Department, it appears that the facility is being run in a manner consistent with the NEHA I II CITY COUNCIL TWO-YEAR REVIEW OF TRIED AND TRUE TATTOO JULY 11. 2006 PAGE 2 OF 2 Guidelines and that its continued operation will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. ALTERNATIVES: Receive and file the two-year review of Plot Plan Review 04-002; Reject the two-year review of Plot Plan Review 04-002; Provide direction to staff Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 3744 2. County Public Health Department Inspection Records 3. EducationfTraining Records ATTACHMENT 1 , i RESOLUTION NO. 3744 \ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE UPHOLDING THE APPEAL AND MODIFYING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF PLOT PLAN REVIEW CASE NO. 04-002, LOCATED AT 1037 EAST GRAND AVENUE, APPLIED FOR BY GARY ELLSWORTH WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered an application for Plot Plan Case No. 04-002, filed by Gary Ellsworth, for the establishment of a tattoo parlor; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: FINDINGS 1. The proposed project is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the Arroyo Grande General Plan including Land Use Policies LU5-2, LU5-8 and LU5-8.1; 2. The proposed project conforms to applicable performance standards and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare as a result of conditions of this approval which Impose stringent safety, sterilization and sanitation standards and related regulations which reduce to a reasonable and acceptable level potential health and safety concerns; 3. The physical location or placement of the use on the site is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, which consists of similar retail and personal service uses located within a general commercial zone. NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Plot Plan Review 04-002, with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth In Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The City Manager is authorized to execute contracts consistent with and . implementing the terms of this Resolution. On motion by Council Member Lubin, seconded by Council Member Runels, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Lubin, Runels, Costello Council Member Dickens and Mayor Ferrara None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 11111 day of May, 2004. RESOLUTION NO. 3744 PAGE 2 L.L~Jb"-- --" TONY M. FER~~OR ATTEST: JILL- E, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~~~') . ST EN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: RESOLUTION NO. 3744 PAGE 3 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLOT PLAN REVIEW 04.002 1037 EAST GRAND AVENUE This approval authorizes the operation of a tattoo shop ("tattooing" as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 1193oo(a)), only. It does not authorize body piercing, branding, permanent cosmetics or extreme body modification. I. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL CONDmONS: 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as ara applicable to this project. 2. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Plot Plan Review 04-002. 3. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the City Council at their meeting of April 27, 2004 and marked Exhibit "B". 4. The applicant shall, as a condition of approval of this Plot Plan Review application, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Arroyo Grande, its present or former agents, officers and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City, its past or present agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul City's approval of this permit, which action is brought within the time period provided for by law. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 5. Adequate parking for full retail office and residential uses per the Development Code (1 space for 250 square feel of retail and office and 2 spaces for residential) must be provided within 90 days of opening the tattoo shop for business. The applicant and ail employees shall follow and comply with all provisions contained in the draft copy of the California Conference of Local Health Officers Proposed Model Program ("Model Program', which Is attached hereto as Exhibit "e- and incorporated herein by this referance, except as amended as follows: (a) Section I (i) of the Model Program shall be amended to read as follows: "ENFORCEMENT OFFICER means the Arroyo Grande City Managers designee: (b) Section I (m) of the Model Program shall be amended to read as follows: "LOCAL ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (LEA) means the City of Arroyo Grande: The applicant shall pay all reasonable and actual Inspection costs associated with the Model Program. The Model Program referenced above shall remain in full force and effect unless and until the State Department of Health Services formally adopts sterilizations, sanitation, and safety standards for persons engaged in the business of tattooing, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 119300 et seq. Tattoo guidelines developed by the National Environmental Health Association ("NEHA Guidelines") may be substituted for the Model Program and the applicant shall comply with all provisions therein if the City Manager determines that the NEHA Guidelines provide more stringent regulation. 6. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 3744 PAGE 4 8. Any modification or expansion of this approval shall require an amendment to this permit and shall be subject to a duly noticed public hearing. 9. A minimum of one workstation shall be capable of being fully enclosed for the privacy of the clients. 10. This Plot Plan Review shall be reviewed by the City Council within two years of the date of this approval to ensure that it is being operated In a manner consistent with the conditions of approval and in a manner that is not detrimental to the public, health, safety and welfare. The Council may impose additional conditions determined to be necessary to mitigate impacts to the public, health, safety or welfare. 11. There shall be a minimum of two (2) comprehensive inspections annually and copies of all inspection reports shall be provided to the Council. 12. All operator/tattoo artists shall complete annually a minimum of six (6) hours of continuing education In the area of preventing disease transmission in tattooing, which course shall be offered through either the Alliance of Professional Tattooists or an accredited medical or equivalent association approved by the City Manager. , RESOLUTION NO. 3744 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of pe~ury. that Resolution No. 3744 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 11thday of May, 2004. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 13th day of May, 2004. ~tfjJJ IV- RE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI " DEPUTY CITY CLERK ..~~.~. "S:;~~i'~.a. ....:;.::.;.. . .. .' .?...~.:: ....~.. .:..~.... .' . .;.. .. '''~'I'~'~~~;~:' .' ,:~~. .'.~: ~~:..~.~;..~:.~i::':"",:~ . ':',J'.,.. .;t":..:. '. ,.,' :":;":'~.:'.~' _Tried and True.Tattoo~ 1 037 E GramS Av~,ArrpY9 <Jr,aofje, f:;;A.'S ':'~':':';'.:". ....~.~.~... :....;..... . .., :~"'." ...~.....-:.. . ";::': : .....; - .... ;;.,.. ' 8054.81-9400' . .. ;;".--,,;~,;....~-~,:,-;,..,~, - ,. ~r:~'Contact. Gary Ellsworth -805"'801 ~956-..~,......U""."':~'~'m.s' :.~- . ::~J.,:,i~~~1~~;~~~;:;:~~8~ 2:;;<:.::::.; >;': . :." ,., ;:'i~.~ h.:. :. ~:' ". "::.~ :.::: ~':::",.: ~.'.' r'7....;:~~~~':'-:i~~:~~ .~-. ~J: .. ....... .. - ".:~:~.:.~".::,. _... . .:. ~. . . . ... . ....(J~.~:~. ..- . 0 Lobby al ~a .. .. . .. appro)! 14'W X 8. i'l . . . ~. Work StatiO ~ approx SW X S'L k> Work Statio approx SWX8'L :> ..~" BIR 4wX45d ::a ~~....': . - ~ ... ......-- Exhibit ,:. . o ". . Center aisle. 3'wide Red liries iriqicate p~.rtlt!~~..~~n~. V!alls will be 48".~all, frarnedwith 2x4's, nail~d with'16d.ni:lils~ studs o'n center at 1611. Walls will be covered With 5/8" dryWall attached with 1-1/4" drywall screws. Walls will be anchored to floor with standard shot pins every 1 and to outefwall with t I~g bolt~ r Wall dimensibns: . Walls extending from outer wall will be~'6'! wide Walls running parellel to building in middle offloorwill be 4' long. Walls running parellel to building towards back of floor will be 2'long. All wallswill be 48" tall aisle 3'widE Work Sta ion appro 5WXl L o '=:r-"'::,;,'.'!: -:.......[~ ~;.,-~-:-:.::::.-t;. ~i:"....> :":-;t!.~ t- -p. ,., ~,,-:...'\o. '~'... ....: '.' . ....... ......../: "i!~~.:::'t .r:.;7.i~: .. :' ~f. V~:5d . .... . -. . -. ........ . . .... ... ..........-- ( ,,-. ., . Tried and True Tattoo, 1037 E Grand Ave, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 805-481-9400 Contact: Gary Ellsworth, 805-801-4956 - -~--~ 0 0 - ( ~ "-" ~j 0 - ( ~ I ..... J - ;) 0 - .. ;.'Y '. ....'....:'> .. .- BIR .. ... .- .. .. .- 4wX4.5d '..'" '/':. .-. .:~ittl~ 9.5 f/X4Sd ....,. :;'.:- . .~.'" '.~'~.~~::.;;;:;; Green lines indicate new track lighting layo'ut which will replace existing 8' flour. - . fixtures. Tracks runn'ing parallel to the building are 12' long. These tracks are placed 3' from the side walls and 4' from the rear wall. There is an additional track, 8' long theat parellels the angle og the front wall of the unit. It is placed approximately 6' back from the front wall Green circles incicate ceiling fan placement. Fans wi! be on 6" downrods. Small circles along walls indicate outlets. 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" 't~~:~~~\:7;2;~;;:~:~.9,,'f;';.4'1~~fb~~~~,. .".. '..",.."~M",,,,,,,, ...'., '''''''~'.''-'''' ".n '.'tOOl"~ '~.'f:J'~.:I ::~{!,~e;;~~;!~i!;:'~':,,[~~~it~~ In ;;:'w <5:0 u.lw=:; . >.. Z'[2-- _ON '. .~~ . .' Exhibit C CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE OF LOCAL REALm O~ICERS PROPOSED MODEL PROGRAM , including STERILIZATiON. SANITATION, AND SAFElY STANDARDS FOR TATI'OOING. PERMANENT COSMETICS AND BODY PIERCING , ' As Submltte4 to the Calirorala Department of Health Services, 6130/98, Pursuant to AB'186 9/30/98 LDerlDitioDS The following terms contained in Jbis document shall have the following meaning: (a) .Al':P:RO~ means acceptable to the Director of the local enforcement agency (LEA). (b) BLOODBORNEPAmOGENS means pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in huu\ans. These ' pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). (c) BLOOD EXPOSURE INCIDENT means piercing the skin through such events as needlesticks, cuts, and abrasions from material contaminated with blood frOm a client, or eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, or non-intact skin contact with blood or blood-CODtamin..ted material from a client. (d) ,BODY :PIERCING means the' creation ofan opening in the human body for the purpose of inserting jewelry or other decoration. This includes but is not limited to, piercing ofan ear; lip, tongue, nose or eyebrow. Body piercing does not, for the purpose of these standards, include piercing the leading edge or earlobe of the ear with a sterile, disposable, single-use stud , or solid needle that is applied using a mechanical device to' force the needle or stud through the ear. . , (e) BODY PJERCER means any person who is registered by the LEA to , perform body piercing. (f) BUSINEss OWNER means a1!Y person, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, association, trust or unincorporated organiziltion which ,owns or partially oWns the business conducting tattooing. body piercing or permanent cosmetics. (g) CONTAMINATED means the presence or reasonably anticipated presence of blood, body fluid or other p,otentially infectious materials in or on the surface if an item. (h) CONTAMINATED WASTE means any contaminated material used in tattooing, permanent cosmetics or body piercing that is to be disposed of. (i) ENFORCEMENT OFFICER means the Director or hislher designees of the LEA. Proposed Model Program September 30,19SB (j) . (k) (1) (m) (n) (0) (P) (q) (r) (s) EXPOSURE CONTROL PLAN means a written plan. applying to all' those who perform tattooing, application of permanent cosmetics, or body piercing Within a facility, describing how the applicable requirements of this standard will be implemented. It is designed to eliminate or minimize employee and client exposure to bloodbome pathogens and other communicable diseases. PACILlTY means any room, shop, space or vehicle where tattooing, , pennanent cosmetics or body piercing is perfonned. ' . INSTRUMENT ,means tattooing, permanent cosmetics or body piercing equipment. Such equipment includes, but is no~ limited to needles, needle bars, needle tubes, forceps, hemostats, tweezers, pliers, or other implements used to insert pigment, pierce, puncture, or be inserted into any part of the human.body for the intended purpose of making a tattoo or permanent hole. Such equipment also includes studs, hoops, rings, or other ' decorative jewelry, materials or apparatuses inserted into any part of the body for the intended'purpose of placement in a hole resulting livm ' piercing. LOCAL ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (LEA)means the local department of health orenvironmental health responsible for enforcing these standards. MINOR means any person under the age of 18 ' (eighteen) years. OWNER means and includes every person having ownersmp..control or ,custody of any place ,of business or employment.' , ' PERMANENT COSMETICS means the application of pigments to or under the skin of a human being for'the purpose of permanently changing the color or other appearance ofthe skin. TIlls includes, but is not limited to, permanent eyeliner, eye shadow, or lip color and semi-oermanent cosmetic make-uo aoolication.' PERMANENT COSMETICS TECHNICIAN means a person who is registered with the LEA to apply permanent cosmetics. PERMANENT BOLE means a hole produced by piercing or puncturing any part of the body, with instrume~ intended to leave an opening"in body tissue(s) into which an appropriate device or apparatus may be inserted. Permanent hole would include any body part newly pierced or punctured which is undergoing a healing process; and, any piercing whether or not removal ora device or apparatus fi:om the perforation would result in' fusing or heal41S of the tissue or skin structures. PERMIT means written approval by the LEA to operate a tattoo, pennanent cosmetics or body piercing facility. Approval is given in accordan~ with these standards. and is separate from any other licensing requirements that may exist within the local jurisdiction. PIERClNG DEVICE means any device used for the creation of an opening in the human body for the purpose ofinsertingjewc1ry or other decoration. . . (t) 2 Ptoposed Model Ptogram Septembet 30,1998 PIERCING GUN means a handheld tool that shall be used exclusively for piercing the ear. into which single use pre-sterilized studs and clutches are placed and inserted into the ear by band squeezed or spring loaded action to create apennanent hole. The tool must be made of plastic, stainless steel or other material that is able to be disinfected. . PROCEDURE.AREA means the immediate area where instri1ments and supplies are placed during a procedure. PURCHASED PRE-STERILIZED means instruments or procedure set- ups that are sold individually packaged and ste~. Each p~kage shall have an auditable sterilization lot number from a sterilization facility. REGISTRATION means the applicant has complied with all the requirements of the LEA and bas received a Certificate of Registration. SANlTIZATlON means effective bactericidal and virucidal treatment of clean equipment suditces by a process that has been approved by the LEA as being effective in destroying pathogens. It is not the same as . sterilization. . STERILIZATION means the destruction of alllivilig organisms including , spores. TATTOOlNG means inserting pigment under the surface of the skin by pricking with a needle or otherwise, to permanently cha,nge the color or appearance of the skin or to produce an indelible mark or figure visible through the skin. This includes but is not limited to, eyeliner. lip color, camouflage, stencil designs and free hand designs. . TA'ITOOIST means any person who is registered with the LEA to apply tattoos. WORKSTATION means an area that is set up to perform tattooing. permanent cosmetics or body piercing. A workstation can be a separate room or an area that can be screened to insure privacy when perfonning nipple. genital or other discretionary area tattooing or piercing. n. IUgllts If ~e Enforcement Officers (u) (v) (w) (x) (y) (z) (aa) (bb) (ee) Euforcement Officers are charged with the enforcement cif all provisions of these standards. and all Standards adopted pursuant to it. The Enforcement Officer may enter. inspect, issue notices ofviolatioo, impound. copy records, and secure any samples, photographs. or other evidence from any tattoo, permanent cosmetic or body pierciIig shop, or any facility suspected of being a tattoo, permanent cosmetic or body piercing shop, for the purpose of enforcing these standards. The Eriforcement Officer shall be a pUblic Hialth Nurse or Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) and"have a minimum ofthefollowing training: (a) A. health and scifety clasS with a curriculum that includes all of the sections included in the Erposure Control Plan, and (b) Basic knowledge afvocabulary, instruments and equipment used in .3 . , proposed Model Program September 30,1998 tattooing, permanent cosmetics, Cmd Qodypiercing 1w/JJJtJ IJ1I!If ....flhltll IlL Certificate Of RegistnltioD No person shall perform tattooing, application of permanent cosmetics, or body piercing unless such a person is registered with the LEA to perform tattooing, permanent cosmetics, or body piercing. Vpc5n completion of all the requirements of registration, the candidate will receive a Tattooist, Body Piercer, or Permanent Cosmetics Technician Certificate of Registration. The certificate cifRegistration shall require renew'a1 three (3) years fTom the date of issuance. A physician and surgeon licensed under Chapter S (commencing with see. 2000 oCDivision 2, Business and ProCessions Code) or a person . engaged in the piercing of the l~ding edge or earlobe of the ears only is exempt from registration requirements. . IV. . Registration Requirements and .Proeedures Applicant must be at least eighteen (18) years ofage at the time ofapplication, and shall: (a) (b) (c) Cd) (e) (f) (h) (g) Obtain a copy of the LEA standards and commit to comply. with the standards. Sim acknowledgement of the receipt oCtbe standards. Complete all LEA application fonns and pay required relfistration. oermit and insDection fees where required.. . RegistrQ/ion information shall include the full name oj applicant, home address oj applicant and afull description oj the procedures to be performed by qpplicant. . Provide the name, business address and bours of Qperation oCthe facility asd !he address at which tbe registrant will perform any activity covered by these standards. . . Provide prooJ oj successful completion oj an LEA approved hea/fh and sqfety class that has a curriculum that contains all oJthe sections oJthe Exposure Control Plan. . Demonstrate by examination, knowledge ojbaSic tattooing, permanent cosmetic and/or body piercing techniques, Universal Precautions, health and sqfety precautions, sanitation and sterilization techniques designed to prevent cross contamination. The minimum passing grade Shall be set by the LEA. /1l18rB /l1tt/8 f!QIl!IRIl!lIZIlIIJ t/JI8 fF'1/>,a,_"fktiJuj For renewal ojregistration, the registrant must provide prooJ oj successful completion oj an LEA approved continuing education course. The registrant must complete at least one LEA approved continuing education course during every three-year registration period. The class in preventing diseaSe transmisSion may be repeated. Registration is not transferable from one person to another. The Certificate of Registration must be prominently displayed to the public, at the registrant's workstation, in every shop where the registrant practices. 4 Proposed Model program September 30, 19911 ill (j) 'Yo A Certificate of Registration may be revoked at any time after due process. Registration may be suspended by the LEA. after failure to correct violations on 8J\ official notice of violation. or failure to comply with the . conditions set forth at an administrative hearing. If the rerzistrant shows an inability or unwillimmess to correct violations and comoly with the standards. his or her Certificate ofRelristration may be revoked. Notwithstanding the other provisions or~ese standards; if the Enforcement Officer or any other duly authorized representatiVe finds any unsafe practices or unsanitary conditions in the operation of a tattoo, permanent cosmetic, or body piercing shop which constitute an imminent danger to the public health, the Enforcement Officer may serve an order upon the registrant, owner or manager citing such conditions 8J\d specifying the corrective actiones) to be taken within a period offifteen (IS) days or less as designated by the Enforcement Officer. Such order may state that the registrant's registration is immediately suspended alid all ,tattooiDg, permanent cosmetics andlor body piercing procedures are to be discontinued forthwith and such tattoo, permanent cosmetic, or body piercing operations are to be closed. Any person to whom such an order is issued shaIi comply immediately. As promptly as possible thereafter and within fifteen (15) days, the Enforcement Officer shall provide such a person an opportunity to be heard. . Temporary Certificate of Registration (a) A person may obtain a Temporary certificate of Registration that allows the practice of tattooing, permanent cosmetics'ortJody piercing in a permitted shop, convention, oreducationalfunction. A temporary . Certificate of Registration is validfor no more than thIrty (30) consecutive days in a ninety-day period. ' Requirementsfor temporary registration Applicant must be at least eighteen (18) years of age at the time of application and shall: , (J) Obtain a copy of the Department's standards and commit to cOmply with the standards. (2) Complele application and pay fees to the LEA. (3) , Provitk the nome and address of the LEA. approvedfacilityor , special event where registrant will ~ performing tattooing, pennanenJ cosmetics or body piercing. . (4), Pass a registration examination with a minimum grade of 70%. (5) Prominently display the Certificate of Registration at Cl1U' workstation in which he/she practices. ' A temporary Certificate of Registration may be revoked at any time if the Enforcemer't Officer finds any unsafe practices' or unsanitary conditions in the operation of a tattoo, permanent cosmetics or piercingfacilily, which constitutes an imminent danger to public health. AllY person to (b) (c) s prop<!sed MOdel Program september 3D, 1998 whom such an order is issued shall refrainfrom all tanooing or piercing procedures until all unsafe practices and conditions are corrected and the Eqforcemf!nt Officer approves the shop to reopen. VL Clients aDd Client Records (a) (b) (c) No tattoo or permanent-cosmetic aJlJllication shall be applied to any person under eighteen (18) years of age, regardless of parental consent; except when authorized or prescn"bed by a physician's Statement. Persons under the age of eighteen (18) years of age may recei~e body, piercing provided they llI'e aeeeHlilanieEl by their that the body piercinll: is performed in the presence of. or as directed by a notarized writintz by. the person's parent o~ guardian. The ,mnor shall have a valid identification and '. thg parent or guardian shall have a valid pic:tuJ'e identification. Nipple and genital piercing is prohibited on minors regardless of parental consent. Before administering a tattoo ot permanent cosmetic, the client must be advised that permanent cosmetics or anY other tattoo should be considered permanent; that there is potential for adverse healiDlz such as keloid formation and hVJlertrophic scarrinll: that it can only be removed with a surgical procedure; and that any effective removal may leave seaning, Written information to this effect, shall be included on the consent form to apply a tattoo. , ' Tattooing, 'peimanent cosmetics, or body piercing sha.ll not be performed on Skin surfaceS which have sunburn, rash, pimples, infection, open lesions, ~ or manifest any evidence ofunheaithful conqitions without medical clearance. Tattooing, permanent cosmetics and body piercing may not be performed on any person who is impaired by drugs or alcohol. The 6h6p business shall maintain proper recordsfor each customer. The records of the procedure shall be kept for three (3) years and shall be 'available for inspection by the Enforcement Officer. ,The records shall include the following: ' (d) (e) (f) (1) The date of the procedure. ('2) Record ofir1fonnation on the picture identification showing name, date of birth,' gender and current addTess of client. (3) The design and location' of the tattoo, pennanent Cosmetics, or botb' piercing. . . (4) . 'The name and registration nwnb,er of the tattooist, pennanent cosmetic technician or body piercer. (5) Copy of the signed client infonnation and consent fonn to peifonn the tattoo, pennanent cosmetic or body piercing procedure. 6 ' " proposed Model program September 30,.1998 ~ (e).At least fifty (SO) foot-candles of artificial light sha11 be provided at the level where the tattoo, pennanent cosmetics or body piercing procedure is being performed. (f) All surfaces, including but not limited 10, counters, tables, equipment, chairs, recliners, shelving, cabinets in the service areas and cleaning room shall be made of smooth, non-absorbent, non-porous materilils to allow for . easy cleaning. . (g) Hand sinks with bot and cold running water operated by wrist or kpee action shall be located in each work area. Hand sinks shall be ~pplied with liquid soap and single-use paper towels from sanitarY dispe'nsers, If there are two or more work stirtions within, a roOm, all may share the band sink. A work station in a separate room shall include a band sink. . (11) The cleariing room'or area'shall have a separate sink reserved for. instniment cleen up activities only. (iJ In addition to OLkquate hand sinks and a cleaning area sink, the shop sIuill have a separate jemitorial sink available for use by ihe facility. 81/1 I/JtIdI/J8t ~'. _i /rJr /fJrtJ8 #11/111 "611 1Ilk. /IllY t:nIt6. /w'tIsblZl (i) Water supply shall be from an approved source. (j) .SeWage including liquid wastes shall be'disposed ofin a public sewer or, in 'absence thereof; in a manner approved by the LEA. G) There shall be access to a telephone in order to make paramedical services available in case of need. i,e.. access to 911, . .' . XIL' Tempora,y'and Mobile FaeDities " (a) Temporary fa.ciJities .include those for educational or convention purposes. To the extent possible, they shall meet the facility requirements in Section XIV. At a minimum, they must include: (1) Temporary handwash facilities and band sanitizer located within each work or demonstration area. A temporary hand wash facilitY sbaU consist ofliquid hand cleanser, single-use paper towels arid warm potable water dispensed from an insulated Container with a spigot that is raised a minimum of twenty-five (25) inches ofFthe floor. Wastewater shall be collected in a bucket placed on the floor under the spigot. Warm potable water sha11 be replenished and wastewater removed as necessary. (2) At least fifty (50) foot-candles of light at the level where the procedure is being performed. (3) A separate cleaning and'steri1ization area must be provided for use by the participants that supplies an adequate nuinber of sinks and LEA-apprOVed sterilization units for cleaning and sterilizing equipment to be used during the event.. (4) .Only stenlization units approved by the LEA and used, cleaned and maintained accor~iIig to manufacturer's instructions sha11 be utiljzed. All sterilization units used at the event shall have . 9 Proposed Model Program ,September 3D, 1998 (b) certification of a negative spore test on the sterilizer within the last 30 days: ' MobBe units or vehicles must comply with the following requirements. (1) The mobDe vehicle sball be equipped with a sink for the exclusive use of the registrant for band washing and preparing customers. An adequate supply of potable water shaIlbe maintained at all times that the mobUe shop is open for business. ," (2) ,All liquid wastes' shaI1 be stored in an adequate storage ~ with a capacity at least fifty percent (50%) greater thaD the capacity of the on-board potable water. Liquid wastesshaII be disposed of at any approved trailer dumpsite. ' (3) If there is not'an oo-board restroom, the mobDe vehicle shaI1 be operated vrlthin 200 feet of a public restroom. , (4) All pr~ures must be perfonned inside the mobile vehicle. No procedures sba1I be performed outside of the vehicle. ,~ xm. Housekeeping Standards . All tattoo, permanent cosmetic, and body piercing facilities shall meet the following criteria:, ' (a) AIl areaS shall, be kept neat, clean and in good repair. ' (b) ,AIl surfilces and equipmen~ (chairs, work stations, counters, client recliners , or chairs, clispensers) in the procedure area: sha1l be made of smooth, non- absorbent, non-porous material that can Withstand repeated disinfection. ' (c) k Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) regist~ed hard surface ' disinfectant product sr gemieiEle (iodophor, chlorine. phenolic, or alcohol containing germicide used according to manufacturer'sinstructions. or a 1:100 dilution of household bleach and water (two (2) tablespoons of bleach in one (1) quart of water) sha1I be used after cleaning to disinfect , any surface contaminated with blood or body fluids. '(d) All facilities sha1I have the waiting area separatecJ from the workstations and the cleaning room or area. A public restroom sha1I be available to clients during all business hours. (e) Tattooing, body piercing and permanent cosmetic activities'sball be separated from nan and hair activities by a solid barrier in such 'a manner as to prevent contact with irritants including but Dot limited to hair spray and nail dust. . (t) The cleaning room or area shall be set up in a manner'to provide distinct, separate areas (or clt'-"ning equipment, and for the handling and storage of sterilized equipment. The clC"-"ning area sink sbaIl be reserved for , instrument cleaning only and shall not be used as a janitorial sink. (g) Large capacity ultrasonic cleaning Units sha1I be clearly labeled biobazardous and placed away from the steri1izer and workstations. All ultrasonic cleaners shall be ~ cleaned and maintamed according to mllnufacturer's specifications, ' , . ", 10. Propolllld Model Program , Septernber30, 1998 vn. Hepatitis B Vaccination . All registrants must either: (a) Document protection against hepatitis B in the form of: (1) . certification of completed vaccination or, (2) laboratory evidence of immunity or (b) File a certificate of-Vaccination declination forHBV. The declination for vaccination shall be kept on file in the shop and made available during inspection. . . VI11. Facility Permit Requirements (a) It shall be unlawfulforcUQ' person to operate a ttittoo,permarzent . cosmetics or piercingfaeility without first obtaining Q permit from the LEA. A physician. peiforming tattoo 9r piercing procedures in the physician's ojftce or clinic, is exempt from this requirement. (b) Only a person who complies with the requirements of these standards shall be entitled to receive and retain such a permit. Permits shall1/i)t be transjerablejrom one person to another, from one place to another or from one vehicle to another. The permit must be prominently displayed to the public. The permit shall expire (1) one year jrQm the date of issuance. (c) The following information will be requiredfor the permit application: (1) Name of applicant. . (1) Residence of applicant. (3) Jj a partnership, the names and r.esidence addresses of each of the . partners. (4) Jj a corporation, the names and addresses of a designated corporate 'ojftcerand an onsite facility representative. (5) The location of the proposed establishment, Department approved plans and scope of operation. (6.) A complete description of all tattoo, permanent cosmetics or piercing services to be provided IX. . Faeility Business Owner RespoDsibilities The feeilit}. business oWller or operator of any tattoo, permanent cosmetic, or body piercing facility shall: . (a) Allow the Enforcement Officer or any duly authorized representative, after proper identification, to enter during business hours, any tattoo, permanent cosmetic, or body piercing shop within bislher jurisdiction, to inspect, and 7 Proposed Model Program September 30, 1998 (b) (c) (d) (e) make as many additional inspections or re-inspections as are necessary for the enforcement of these standards. '. Be responsible for all facility registrants complying with all health, safety, sanitation and sterilization rules arid standards of the LEA. .Require each individual within the facility providing tattooing, permanent cosmetics or body piercing services to be registered with the LEA. Maintain a list of facility registrants providing services at the facility for. review by the Enforcement Officer during inspections. Develop and ensure compliance with the Exposure Control PIll!1 as specified in Section XIiI. A copy of the plan must be available at all times for use and inspection. X Construction Standards : (a) Plan Review . (J) All new, or to be remodeled, tattoo, pennanent rosmetic or body piercing shops sJWII require LEA approved plans prior to commencing 'Work and in advance of the issuance of a1O' bUilding, plumbing or elecrricalpenniis::' .., (2) Plans shall indicate the layout of the reception area, the procedure 'areas, the cleaning and sterilization area, the storage area .and the . toilet facilities.. (3) All construction shall be done in occQrdance with all applicable codes,' including but not limited to Unifonn Building, Plumbing, and . Electrical Codes, and altlocalfire and zoning ordinances. (4) All violationsfound during the final construction inspection shall be corrected before openingjor business. . XI. Facility Requirements (a) All Ooors, walls and ceilings shall be made ofsmootli. nonabsorbent and nonporous matenal that is easily cleanable. Concrete blocks or other masonry used in wail construction shall be covered or made smooth and sealed for a washable surface. (b) Adequate toilet facilities shall be provided in accordance with the specifications of the Uniform Plumbing Code and any other local ordinances. Hand sink must be located inside the restroom facilitY and shall be supplied with liquid hand cleanser and singie use paper towels or other approved hand-drying device. (c) The walls and ceilings in the cleaning room or cleaning area and restrooms shall be light colored.. '. : (e) The premises shall beconstnlcted and maintained in a state of good repair at aU times to prevent insect and rodent infestation. (d) The establishment shall be well ventilated and be provided with an artificial light source equivalent to at least twenty (20) foot-candles. 8 Proposed Model Progl'lll1l September 30,,1998 (e) At least fifty (50) foot-candles ofartificialJight shall be provided at the , level where the tattoo, pennanent cosmetics or body piercing procedure is being perfonned. '(f) All surfaces, including but not limited to, counters, tables, equipment, chairs, recliners, shelving, cabinets in the service areas and cleaning room shall be made of smooth, non-absorbent, non-porous materials to allow for easy cleaning. ' (g) Hand sinks with hot and cold running water operated by wrist or kpee action shall be located in each work area. Hand sinks shall be supplied with Jiquid soap and single-use paper towels from sanitSJ)r di~. If there are two or more work stations within a room, all may share the hand sink. A work station in a separate room shall include a hand sink. (11) The cleaning room or area shall have a separate sink reserved for instrument clean up activities omy. (i) In addition to adequate hand sinkf and a cleaning area sink, the shop shall have a separate janitorial sink available for use by the facility. 0//1 6fJI81I1JJ8I11""" _1 f1Ir tI1r86 68fJI1'III db/1/llj' IJ1'68t8II11r111bjJJ (i) Water supply shall be from an approved source. (j) Sewage including liquid wastes shall be disposed ofin a public sewer or, in absence thereof, in a manner approved by the LEA. (i) There shall be access to a telephone in order to make paramedical services available in t"-"CI;l of need i.e. access to 911. xu. Temporary and Mobile Facilities (a) Temporary facilities include those for educational or convention purposes. To the extent possible, they shall meet the facility requirements in Section XlV. At a minimum, they must include: (1) Temporary handwash facilities and hand sanitizer located within each work or demonstration area. A temporary hand wash facility shall consist ofliquid hand cleanser, single-use paper towels and . wanD potable water dispensed from an insulated container with a spigot that is'raised a minimum of twenty-five (25) inches off the floor. Wastewater shall be collected in a bucket placed on the floor under the spigot. Warm potable water shall be replenished and wastewater removed as necessary. (2) At least fifty (50) foot-candles of light at the level where the procedure is being performed. ' ' (3). A separate cleaning and sterilization area must be provided for, use by the participants that supplies an adequate number of sinks and LEA-approved steriliution units for cleaning and sterilizing , equipment to be used during the event. (4) Only sterilization units approved by'the LEA and used, cleaned and maintained ac;cording to manufacturer's instructions shall be utiiized. All Sterilization units used at the event shall have 9 Proposad Model Progranl SeptBmber30, 1998 (b) certification of a negative spore test on the sterilizer within the last . 30 days: . Mobile units or vehicles must comply with the following requirements. (1) The mobile vehicle shall be equipped with a sink for the exclusive use of the registrant for hand washing and preparing customers. An adequate supply of potable water shall be maintained at all times that the mobile shop is open for business. :" . (2) All liquid Wastes shall be stored in an adequate storage ~ with a capacity at least fiftY percent (SO"'{') greater than the caJlacity of the on-board potable water. Liquid wastes shall be disposeCi of at any approved trailer dUll1psite. (3) !fthere is nofan on-board restroom, the mobile vehicle shall be operated within 200 feet of a public restroom. . (4) .All pfocedures must be perfonned inside the mobile vehicle. No procedures shall be perfonned outside of the vehicle. . Housekeeping Standards XDL All tattoo, permanent cosmetic. and body piercing facilities shall meet the fonowing CtitCfia: . (a) All areaS shaI1 be kept neat, clean and in good repair. (b) All surfaces and equipment (chairs, work stations; counters, client recliners or chairs, dispensers) in the procedure area shall beR)ade of smooth, non-' absorbent, non-porous material that can Withstand repeated disinfection. (c) An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regist~ed hard surface disinfectant product er germieiEle (iodophor, chlorine. phenolic, or alcohol containing germicide used accordim~ to manufacturer's instructions. or a 1 :100 dilution ofhousdlold bleach and water (two (2) tablespoons of bleach in one (1) quart of water) shall be used after cleaning to disinfect anY surface. contaminated with blood or body fluids. . (d) All facilities shall have the waiting area separated from the workstations and the cleaning room or area. A public restroom sIian be available to clients during iIll business hours. (e) Tattooing, ,body piercing and permanent cosmetic activities shall be separated from nail and hair activities by a solid barrier in such a manner as to prevent contact with irritants including but not limited to hair spray and nail dust. . (f) The cleaning room or area shall be set up in a manner to provide distinct, separate areas for cleaning equipment, and for the handling and storage of sterilized equipment. The cleaning area sink shall be reserved for instrument cleaning only and shall not be used as a janitorial sink. (g) Large capacity ultrasonic cleaning Units shall be clearly labeled biohazardous and placed away from the sterilizer and workstations. All ultrasonic cleaners shaI1 be ~ cleaned and maintained according to manufacturer's specifi~tions. 10 . ' Proposed Model program September 30. 199B (h) (i) (j) XIV. (k) Adequate foot-operated receptacles shall be provided in each workstation for disposal of tIlI,Sh and debris. . . . ' Each work station shall have an LEA-approved sharps contamer that IS rigid, puncture proof; leak proof and not red in color for disposal of sharp objects that come into cpntact with blood or body fluids. /W11y/JlJtf'flll11//JIJt 1'IIf. willi..,} The procedure area and client cbairltable must be wiped ,down with an EP A regiStered disinfectant or germicide using a single-use paper towel, before and after serving each client. , Immediately before tl ~ procedure. the procedure area must be wiped down with an EP A registered hard surface disinfectant product ef gefHlieide (iodo,phor. chlorine. phenolic. or alcohol containing I!ennicide tised accordinll to.manufacturer's instructions. or a 1:100 dilution of household bleach and water (two (2) tablespoons of bleach in one (J) ouart of water) using a single-use paper tev.re1 wipe. '. All germicides and disinfectants must be used according to manufacturers recommendations. . All chemicals shall be properly labeled and stored. Pets or other animals shall not be permitted in the facility. Trained guide or assistance animals for tbe disabled and fisb in aquariums in the waiting area . , are exempted. 0) (m) (n) Exposure Controlllan , ' The owner of every tattoo, permanent cosmetics, 8Ild body piercing facility shall establish a written Exposure Control Plan applying to all those who perform tattooing. application of permanent cosmetics, or body piercing' within a facUity, descnoinghow the applicable requirements of this standard will be implemented. The Exposure Control Plan shall contain at least the fonowing elements: The method ofimp1ementlltion for each of the following applicable sections ofiliese standards: ' , xv. (V) Clients, (VIII) FaCility Requirements, (X) Housekeeping Standards, (XIII) Approved Sterilization Equipment and Monitoring Methods, (XIV) InstIUment Sterilization and Set-Up, (XV) Contaminated Wastes, (XVI) Tattooing, (XVll) Permanent Cosinetics, and (XVID) Body Piercing. Exposure Control Training Requirements (a) All persons registered with the LEA to perform tattooing, application of . permanent cosmetics, or body piercing must receiVe exposure control training. (b) Training shall be completed within one year of the effective date of this 11 Proposed Model Program September 30, 1998 standard and must be updated at least every three years thereafter. . Training in CardiopulmollllI}' Resuscitation (CPR) sha1l be required, Additional training must be completed when changes such as modification . of procedures or institUtion of new procedures a.ff'~ the practitioner's or client's exposure. The additional training may be limited to addreSsing the new exposuCes created. /I1JIrIlIltIJI~llfJI~.IIlJlP6J . . (c) Material appropriate in content and vocabulary to educational level, literacy, lind language of trainees shall be used. '. (d) The training program sball contain, at a minimum, the following elements. (1) An accessible copy of the these and other applicable stahdards and an expl;mation of their contents; . (2) A general expl;mation of the epidemiology and symptoms of bloodborm: diseases and other exposures appropriate for the practice of the trainee; (3) An explanation of the modes of transmission ofbloodbome pathogens and other communicable diseases appropriate for the practice of the trainee; . (4) An expl;mation of the appropriate methods for recognizing tasks and other activities that may involve exposure to blood for either the practitioner, the client. or both; . (5) An expl;mation oftbe use and limitations of methods that will . prevent or reduce expo~re to both the practitioner and the client; (6) Information on the types, properl,lse, and removal of gloves and proper handWashing techniques; (7) Information on proper selection and use of disinfectants and antiseDtics: (8)' Information on the hepatitis B vaccine, including infomiation on its efficacY.' safety, method of admiDistration, and the benefits of being vaccinated; . (9) An expl;mation of what constitutes a blood exposure incident, the risk of disease transmission following a blood exposure incident, and the options for post-exposure evaluation and follow-up if an exposiJre incident occurs, specific to each bloodbome pathogen; (10) An opportunity for interactive questions and ansWers ~ the person conducting the ~g session. . (e) The person conducting the training shall be knowledgeable in the subject . matter covered by. the training program as it relates to the workplace that the training will address. . me AIDlIlt:ia Bill CI'lIss \l8S 12.u.r ClIlII'IlIIIItIII8d 1'm8IIDJg D1saaS8 Tl'lIusmblloq, ClIDrSI bb8r lI22lIl 12 ~"- ." Proposed Model Program September 30,1998 XVI. Approved Sterilization Equipment and Monitoring Method~ . Instruments used in tattooing, pennanent cosmencs, and body piercing shal1 be properly cleaned and packaged in sterilizer bags with a color change indicator and then sterilized in a sterilizer that meets the following requirements: (a) Is sOld as steriliZing equipment for medica1' instruments. (b) Has been approved by the Departlfte8t LEA. (e) Is used; cleaned and maintained to manufacturer's specifications. (d) Is tested.at least monthly (unless otherwise specified by manufactUrer) by using a commercial biological monitoring (spore) system to asSure that all . microorganisms, including spores, have been destroyed. Biological indicator test reSultS must be available for inspection at all times.. xvn. . (b) . (c) Instrument Sterilization and Set~Up (a) Contaminated non-dispo~leequipment including but not limited to.. needles, needle bars, needle tubes; needle caps, body piercing tubes or . other instruments that are contaminated sballbe immerSed in liquid in the cleaning area or room until cleaned and sterilized. Before being sterilized, all instruments shall be thoroughly cleaned in an ultraSonic cleaner following manufacturer's instructions. After cleaning, non-disposable instruments sball be packaged into p~ure set-ups with color change indicators or packaged individually in. . peel-packs with color change indicators. All packages shalt be dated and initialed by the preparer. If a sterilized package has been breached or allowed to get wet, the instrument(s) shall be re-packaged and re-sterilized be~ore use. After sterilization, the instruments sball be stored in a dry, clean cabinet or other tightly covered container reserved for storage of sterile instruments. . A record of sterilization procedures should be maintained. . Wearing new clean disposable examination gloves, the tattooist, permanent cosmetics tec:1miclan, or body piercer shal1 use proper technique to . assemble, without cOntamination, all instruments andsuppties to be used in theprocedure. Allsteri1ized instruments shall remain in sterile packages until opened in front of the client. If a glove is pierced, tom or contaminated by contact with any non-clean surface~ both gloves must be properly reinoved and discarded. The gloveS shall be discarded after the completion of each procedure on an individual client, and hands shall be washed prior to dorming the next pair of gloves. Under no circumstances sball a single pair of gloves be "sed on more than one person. The use of disposable examination gloves does not preclude or substitute for hand washing procedures as a part of a good personal hygiene program. (d) (e) (f) 13 ~ .~ .~ Proposed Model Program September 30,1998 xvm. Contaminated Wastes Contaminated wastes generated by a tattoo, permanent cosmetics or body piercing facility shaIi be classified into two categories: (a) Contaminated sharps, which means any CO[ltRmin~ted object that can penetrate the skin including, but not limited to, tattoo needles, permanent cosmetic needles, piere;mg needles and razors, shall be eae&flsulated &fill dispssed Elfin the uesh. Elfn~'~ sf aeeeptal:lle eaea.psuletieBinelade fiIIiIlg !fie shelps 8eBteill.er wHB plaster ef pE1ri5 Elf the 1I5e sf eef!1Rleraiel eaee.pMaasB syitemS' di~sed of in accordance with the Medi'cal Waste MlIIWlcment Act followinlZ an l\pproved method oftreatinent to render them non-lnfectious. ShllIJ's containers may be autoclaved prior to di~sa1. Thev must be autoclavable (will not melt under high heatloressure conditions) and must be marked with an indicator to show theY have been sterilized. Stenlization by autoclave procedures must be done in accordance with the Medical Waste Management Act. (b) Other cOntaminated waste, meaning waste other than contaminated sharps, which include contaminated gauze, wipes, tissues, unused dyes and inks, and other non-slwp(s) used in tattooing, permanent cosmetics, or body piercing. shall be double-bagged, securely tied and disposed of daily in a trash container that prevents unauthorized access. This material shal1 be disposed ofin an approved site by a general trash hauler (licensed solid waste hauler). ' XIX. Tattooing <a) Before the procedure is started, the tattooist shall discuss all the topics' on the LEA-approved information fonn lind the consent fomt for application of a tattoo. The client shall fill out and sign the forms. One copy of each , form shall be retained by the shop; the other copy sha11 be given to the 'client. The tattooist must also explain all aftercare inStructions and have the client initia1 the box on the consent fonnto indicate that he or she bas received written aftercare instructions. (b) The tattooist shall not smoke, eat or drink at the workstation or cleaning room .during or between procedures. . (c) . ' The tattooist shall thoroughly wash hands and forearms with soap and warm water before and after serving each client, to prevent cross contamination and/or tranSmission 'of body fluids, ,infections or exposure to service related chemicals or wastes. Following thorough washing, bands shall be dried using clean, single use paper towels. (d) The tattooist shall wear new clean disposable examination gloves for every client during the procedure. If a glove is pierced, torn or contaminated by Coming into contact with any other person or non-clean surface, boih 'gloves must be properly removed and discarded. Gloves shall be discarded after the completion of each procedure on an individual client, and hands 14 ,.."..... propDsed MDdel program September 30,1998 shall be washed prior to donning a new pair of disposable ClWIlination gloves. Under no ~anees shall a single pair of gloves be used on more than one person. The use of disposable examination gloveS does not preclude or substitute for hand washing procedures as part of a good. personal hygiene program. (e) The tattooist shall use freshly laundered linens or new disposable drapes, . .lap cloths, or aprons for each client. All drapes, lap cloths, aprons and linens sbaIl be stored in a closed cabinet or container. Used disposable items shall be placed into a closed. container that is Jinedwith a plastic bag for disposal at the end of the da:y. Used linens shall be placed into a liwndry hamper lined with a plastic bag. . (f) All substances used in the procedures shall be dispensed from containers in a manner to prevept contamination ofthe unused portion. (g) When a wor~ station rinse cup is used alone or in an ultrasonic cleaner, the cup and solution must be changed after each client~ (h) Ifspray.bottles are used to dispense liquids, the liquid shall be sprayed onto a single-use wipe rather than directly 'onto the client. (i) Single-use ointment tubes, applicators and supplies sbaIl be discarded after thetatt~ procedure. (j) All pre-sterili2ed instruments to be used in the tattooing procedure shall be opened in front of the client. . (k)The use of hectographic or single-service tissue stencils shall be required for applying a: tattoo outline to the skin. The use of acetate or other mUlti- use stencils is prohibited. .' . (1) . When the design is drawn free hand, non- toxic markers or other devices shall be used. (m) Individual portions of inks, dyes or pigments in single-use containers shall be used for each client. Any remaining unused "ye or pigment sballbe discarded immediately fonowing the tattoo procedure. (n) !. Ifinks, dyes or pigments are prepared by the tattooist only non toxic, non- contaminated materials shall be used. . (0) Excess ink, dye or pigment applied to the skiIi during tattooing shall be removed with a clean single-use paper product. (P) Immediately, before the prOcedure is begun. the procedure area shall be . wiped down with an EPA regiStered germicide or disinfectant or a solution of twO (2) tablespoons ofbleacb in one (1) quart of water and the procedure area covered with an uncontaminated paper toy/el or tray cover. All instruments and supplies needed for the procedure shall then be ananged on the paper. (9) Before placing the design on the skin, the tattoo,m ~ shall clean any area other than the face with gennicidal soap, and if necessary, shave off any hair with a nm disposable, single-use safety razor, then apply the stenCIl. The area shall be cleaned during and after the procedure with an antimicrobial soap that has been.applied with a single-use paper pFe daGt m. lfshwliBg is a'eeessaFYt single use dispesahle fHers er safe~.RmefS IS ~ .. ~ Proposed Model Program september 30,1998 (5) (t) ......itk siegle seFViee elalles shall ee usellllJlEl diseerllea after eileh lJSe, and the reesable kelEler shall ee sterilti!ea ill en &l:Iklele-veafter eaeh lJSe. Following shaving, the skin and surrounding area sha11 be washed with an antimicrobial soap and water or an EP A-approved antiseptic solution applied with a clean, single-use JlaperJlr-eduet~. . Tbe sten~ sball be applied with the antimicrobial soap or some other approved product dispensed from a container in a manner that does not contaminate the unused portion. . , Tbe tattooed area sha1I then be covered with clean gauze that is held in place with a suitable skin tape. ' . . .Upon completion of the procedure, aftercare instructionS sha11 be reviewed with the client. Aftercare shall consist of both verbal and written instructions cont:efJling proper care of the tattooed skin. Instroctions shall specify: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Responsibilities and care following the tattoo procedure. . Possible side effects. Restrictions. Signs and symptoms of an infection. Instructions to call a physician if infection occurs. (r) xx. Permanent Cosmetics (a) Before the procedure is started, the pennaneilt cosmeticstechhici,all shall discuss all topiCs on the LEA-approved client infonnation fonn and the consent fonn for the application of a pennanent cosmetic proc;edure. The client shall fill out and sign the forms. One copy of each fonn shall be retained by the shop; the other copy shan be given to the client. The permanent cosmetics technician must also discuss all aftercare instructions . and have the client initial the box on the consent fonn to indicate that he or she has,received written aftercare instructions. (b) The permanent cosmetics technician shall not smoke, eat or drink at the work station or cleaning area during or between procedures. (c) The permanent cosmetics technician shall thoroughly wash hands and foreanns with soap and warm water before and after serving each client, to prevent cross contamination andlor transmission of body fluids, infection or exposUre to service related chemicals or wastes. Following thorough , : washing, the hands shall be dried using clean, single use paper towels. (d) , The permanent cosmetics technician shall wear new clean disposable , examination gloves for every client during the procedure. If a glove is , pi~rced. tom or contaminated by coming into contact with any other person or non-dean surface, both gloves must be properly removed and discarded. Gloves shall be discarded after the completion of each procedure on an individual client, and hands shall be washed prior to donning a new pair of disposable eJCamination gloves. Under no circumstances shall a single pair of gloves be used on more than one 16 ~' ( ~ .....111:. . Proposed Model Program September 30, 1998 (e) (t) (g) (h) (i) person. The use of disposable.e~on gloves does not preclude o~ substitute for band washing procedures as JllI;I1 of a good personal hygiene program. . The permanent cosmetics te<:hnician shall use freshly laundered linens or new disposable drapes, lap cloths, or aprons for each client. All drapes, lap cloths, aprons and linens shall be stored in a closed cabinet or container. Used disposable items shall be placed into a closed container that is lined with a plastic bag for disposal.at the end of the day. Used linens shall be placed into a laundry hamper lined with a plastic bag. ..; .. All substances, including but not limited to pigments and dyes, Used in the . procedures shan be dispensed from containers in a manner to prevent contamination of the unused portion. If spray bottles are used to dispense liquids, the liquid .shall be sprayed onto . a single-use wipe rather than directly onto the client. If the permanent cosm~c technician &hall Bet he r~ired te have aft ukmsenie e\e&ftcr Md a heSflital grade steFili2er if enly uses ONLY Durchased. pre-sterili7M individually packaged, sterile, single-use, needles, needle chambers machine tips, machine casings, and conibo couplers..Jhm an ultrasonic cleaner and a hospital 2I'ade sten1izer shall not be required. . life used. If any iBst."l:IiBCftts non-disposable comDonents of a manual devise. rotaIy pen. or traditional coil machine are n>used, they must be cleaned in an ~trasonic cleaner and sterilized.in a hospital grade sterilizer . following the manufacturer's instructions. Liquid sterilants shall.not be used for sterilizine any ie-usable inStruments or components. If a manual device is used, it shall be single use and.disposable. The device shall be .sterilized .before use, and discarded in a sharps container at the end of the procedure. The use of some rotary pens (also called cosmetic machines) is permitted. ^!'-y rotary pen that uses a sponge at the opening of chamber to stop the . pigment or body fluids from getting into the machine oris designed in a . manner that doesn~t allow it to be properly cleaned and sterilized shall not be permitted. Only rotary pens that have detachable, disposable, sterile combo couplers and detachable, disposable or autoclavable casings that can be cleaned and sterilized can be used. Pre-sterilized needles shall be used.in all . procedures. The use of any traditional coil machine shaIl.be pennitted providing the permanent cosmetic technician has a shop with an ultrasonic .cl~er and hospital grade sterilizer to clean and sterilize the needles and needle bars, and the needle tubes. Disposable sterile machine tips, combo couplers, needles. needle chambers, and casings shall not be re-used... . Fresh pigment.and disposable pigment conwners shall be used for each client. Used pigmeotanci pIgment containers shall be discarded after each Client. (j) (k) (I) (m) (n) 17 ,..... .....&'.' Proposed Model Progi'am September 30,11198 . XXI. (0) (P) (q) (r) (s) Immediately, before the procedure is begun, the procedure area shall be. wiped down with an EP A registered germicide or disinfectan~ or a solution. of two (2) tablespoons of bleach in one (1) quart of water and the . procedure area covered with an uncontaminated paper towel or tray cover. All instruments and supplies needed for the procedure shall then be . arranged on the paper. . Before application of permanent cosmetics, where feasible. the immediate and surrounding area of the skin where the cosmetics are to be applied sball be washed with an antiinicrobial soap and water or an EP A-approved antiseptic solution applied with a clean single-use Jlllller Jlftldllet W. If shaving is necessll'Y, ~ single-use disposable raZors er safely reefS . with Single scrABe blades shall be used and discarded after each use ed the . fClISllNe Balder 5MIl he steril~d in IIfi fllIleellF.'e de!' eaefi lise. Following shaving. the skin and sumlunding area shan be wash~ with an antimicrobial soap and water or an EP A-approved antiseptic solution applied with a clean single-use paper PFedeBt.. . All disposable items such as cotton balls, Q-tips, tissue. water cups, new or . used that have come into contact with the procedure table/chair, or work area sha1I be discarded into a closed container lined with a plastic bag and removed at the end of the day. After the procedure a thin coat of antibiotic cream or sterile petroleum jelly may be 'applied using a fresh Q-tip, . cotton ball or sterile applicator: Upon Completion of the procedure, aftercare instnictions shall be reviewed. Aftercare shall consist of both verbal and written instiuctionS concerning proper care of the skin. The instructions shall specify: (1) R.esponsibilities and care following a permanent cosmetic procedure. (2) Possible side effects. (3) R.estrictions. (4) Signs and symptoms ofinfedion. (5) lnstnJ~ons to call a physician ifinfection occurs. Body Piercing (a> Before beginning any body piercing procedure, the body piercer shall discuss the risks and respcmsibilities required in the particular piercing With the client. The client. shall fill out and sign a client information form and the consent fonn for body piercing. One copy of each fonn sha11 be retained by the facility and the other copy shall be given to the client. The body pieri:er must also explain aftercare instructions and have the client initial box on the consent form to indicate that he or she has received written aftercare instructions. . , The body piercer shall not smoke, eat or drink at th~ work station or cleaning room during or between procedures. The client may consume a pre-packaged beverage or candy. (b) 18 V"- "i"J!" Proposed'Model program . september 30, 1998 (c) (d) (e) (f) The body piercer'shall thoTOughlywash hands and forearms with soap and warm water before and after serving each client. to prevent cross contamination and/or tranSmission of body fluids, infection or exposure to service related chemicals or wastes. Following thorough washing, the hands shall be dried using clean, single use paper towels. The body piercer shall wear new clean disposable examination gloves for every client during the procedure. If a glove is pierced, tom or contaminate4 by coming into contact with any other person or non-clean surface,both gloves must be properly removed and discarded. (noves shall be discarded after the completion of each procedure on an indi~dual client, and hands shall be washed prior to donning a new pair of disposable ' examination glOves. Under no circumstances shall a single pair of gloves be used' on more tQan one person. The Use of disposable examination gloves does not preclude or substitute for hand washing procedures as part of a good personal hygiene program. The body piercer shall use freshly laundered linens or new disposable dental bibs or dtapes for each client. All drapes, dental bibs, and linens shall be stored in a closed cabinet or container. Used disposable items shall be placed into a closed container that is lined with a plastic bag for disposal at the end of the day. Used linens shall be placed into a laundry hamper lined ,with a plastic bag. ' All body piercing needles shall be single use, sterilized disposable piercing needles slightly larger or of the same gauge'as the jewelry or ornaments to be inserted, and disposed ofinunediately after use in a sharps container. All instruments, as defined in Section 2, shall be properly cleaned and sterilized in bags with color indicator strips. Each bag shall be dated and initialed by the person preparing the instruments. . All forceps, hemoStats, tubes, etc. shall be properly cleaned and sterilized in individual bags using a Department approved sterilizer. AU non-sterilizable implements such as calipers shall be nonporous and disinfected after each use with an appropriate disinfeCtant.' Only pre-sterilized jewlllIy or ornaments in new or good cOndition shall be used for piercing. Ear studs or otherjewell)' designed for ears shall not be used in other parts of the body. '_ Only jewelry made ofintplant grade, ASTM Fl38 and ISO 5832-1 implant . grade stainless steel, solid 14K through 24K gold, niobium, titanium, . platinum or other materials eppre'/ed lly the :u;;..... found in the future to be equallv bie-compatible shall be used in newly pierced skin. Inunediately, before the procedure is begun, the procedure area shall be wiped down with an EP A registered germicide or disinfectant or a solution of two (2) tablespoons of bleach in one (1) quart of water and the procedure area covued with an uncontaminated paper towel or tray cover. All instruments and ,supplies needed for the procedure shall then be , arranged on the paper. (g) (h) (i) <D. (k) (l) 19 ':~ proposed Model Program . . september30,1998 (m) (n) . XXIL , d din f the skin which is to Before piercing. the immediate an surroun g area ~. ' be pierced sba11 be washed ~th an EP A-approved ~ep~c solution applied with a clean, single-use paper product. If shaVIng IS n~cessary. single-use, disposable razorS~ or safety razors with single-service blades sba1l be used and discarded after each use and the reu~le holder ~ba1I ~e sterilized in an autoclave after each use. Following shaVIng, ~e s~ . surrounding area shall be washed with an EPA-approved. antiseptic solution applied with a clean single-use paper product. . . . Upon completion of the piercing, the body piercer shall reY1~;verbal and printed instructions to the client on.the care of the body Op~g creat~ by the piercing to minimize the likelihood of infection. Aftercare instructions shall specifY: . . . (1) . Care specific to the site of the piercing. , . . (2) Infonnation regarding tightness to prevent aCCldental mgestion or imb~ding of certain jeweby if appropriate. (3) Restrictiol\S. .. (4) Signs and symptoms of infection. (5) Instructions to consult a physician if infection ocCurs. Enforcement and Violations (a) Impoundment oj Equipment. In.rtnnnents. Pigments. (J) A1& read,y-to-use dye, ink, i",rrument, implement or found to be. or suspected of being toxic,. unsanitciry or contaminat~ shall be . impounded or discarded . . (1) Such impounded materials shall have an impourUl notice attached that Can be removed only by the Enforcement Officer. (3) No ~ inks. instrument, implement or equipment shall.be used unless the impoundment has been released (4) Within thirty (30) days. the Department shall commence proceedings to release the impounded materials or to seek administrative or legal remedy for its disposition. Violation Of Article; Punishment Any person who violates 010' provision of these standards is guflty of a misdemeanor. Each offense shall be]nmished by a fine or by . imprisonment in the county jail for a term not to exceed six months, Or by bothfine and imprisonment. Violations By Employees; SeParate Offense . (1). The owner, manager. or operator of any tattoo. permanent cosmetic, or body piercing shop is responsible for a7V' lIiolation by an employee 0/ any provision a/these standards. (2) Each day the violation occurs. shall be a separaie and distinct offense. _. . . 'Violations In Shared Shops . (b) (c) (ei) 20 ." ~:, proposed Model Progral1l September 30,1998 , A violation of ll1O' provision of these standards relating to establishm~ MId in cammon'or shared by more than one tattoo1 permtm8nt caS11Jetic, or body piercing shop shall be deemed in violationfor which the owner, manager, or operator of each shop is responsible. XX1IL. Permit Suspension, Revocation, Reinstatement . ' ~ ~~Th~~~ ; (J) Whenever the Enforcement Officer finds that a tattoo, permanent, cosmetics or body piercing shop is not in compliance with the requirements of these standards, a written notice to comply shall be issued t(j the permit holderand/or regi~ant., " ,(2) ljthere is afailure to camp~, ,the Eliforcement Officer shall issue , to the permit holderand/or the registrant, a notice of violations ' , and inform himlher of the right to a hearing. '(3) A written request for a hearing shall be made by the permit holder or registrant within fifteen (lj) calendar days aJier receipt of the , notice. A failure ,to request a hearing within fifteen (J 5) calendar days tifter receipt of the notice shall be deemed a waiver of the right toa hearing. When circumstances warrant, the hearing officer may order a hearing at aT!)' reasonable time within this fifteen day period ' ' ~ Heari~ ' The hearing shall be held within '15 calendar days of the receipt of a request for a hearing. Upon written request of the permit holder, the heari~ officer. desirmated bv the local Health Officer or Director or Environmental Health. 'may postpone any hearing date. (c) Duration ' (1) AI'Q' permit may be suspended or revoked by the Enforcement Officer for a violation of these standards. . (2) 'AI'Q' tattoo, permanent cosmetic, or body piercing shop for which the permit has been suspended shall close and remain closed until the permit has been reinstated by the Department. , , (3) Any person whose registration has been suspended or revoked shall refrainfrom Performing any tattoo, permanent cosmetic, or body piercing services until their registratton has been reinstated or reissued by the Department. (4) AI'Q' shop for which the permit has been revoked shall close and remain closed until a new permit has been issued (el) Temporary Susperision as a Result of Imminent Public Health Threat (J) Imminent danger to the public health and safety means D1!Y condition, based upon inspection findings or other evidence, that C(U1 cause infection, disease transmission, or hazardous cmuJiti(JTIS. including but not limited to, improper sterilization procedures, 21 -'~'.::/ . . , .Proposed Model Program September 3D, 1998 cross contamination of inks, ~ instruments and implements with blood or body fluids, or improper san/tatjon that can cause disease transmission. (2) Jf any imminent threat to the public health or sqfety is found. unless the threat is immediately corrected, the Enforcement Officer l1U!Y temporarily suspend the permit and order the tattoo, permanent cosmetics or body piercing shop Immedkrtely closed. (3) Whenever a permit or registration is suspended as a re$ult oj an imminent danger to the public health or sqfety, the Enforcement Officer shall issue to the pennit /wltkr or registrant, a notice ~~ft~the~or~~~~~~thepe=is , . charged, specifying the pertinent standard section, andinforming the permit holder of the right to a hearing. . ' (4) At any time within 15 calendar days after the service ofa notice pursuant to'subdivision (B); the permit /wIder or registrant may , request in writing a hearing before hearing officer to show cause. wlv' the suspension is not warranted The hearing shall be held within 15 calendar days of receipt of the requestfor a hearing. A failure to request a hearing within 15 calendar days shall be deemed a waiver of the right to a hearing: XXIV, caVOSHA Where tattooing. application of penn anent cosmetics, or body pierCing involves an _ employer-employee relationship, the CaVOSHA Bloodbome Pathogens siandard, General Industry Safety Orders, Section 5193, Title 8, California Code ofReguIations may apply. Nothing in these standards is intended to conflict with or preclude the application of or compliance with that standard.' XXV. SeverabUity In the event any particular clause or section of these standards should be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Toward that end, the provisions of these standards are . declared to be severable. .... County of San Luis Obispo · Public. ATTACHMENT 2 .. \ Envi ronmental-Health-Services 2156 Sierra Way. 1'0. Box 1489 San Luis Obispo, California 93406 (805) 781-5544. FAX (805) 781-4211 Gregory Thomas, M.D., M.1'H. County Health Officer Public Health Director ) September 20, 2004 \-' ,; ';) :~ '~'O.:. Curtis A. Batson, R.E.H.S. Director Jim Bergman, Assistant Planner City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 RE: Inspection of Tried and True Tattoo Parlor, 1037 E. Grand Avenue Dear Mr. Bergman: On September 16, 2004, I performed a routine inspection of the Tried and True Tattoo Parlor in Arroyo Grande. As you know, this recently opened facility is the first of its kind in the city and it is required to conform to the standards established in the NEHA Body Art Model Code and Guidelines. This document was the basis of my inspection of this tattoo parlor. I found Tried and True Tattoo to be in excellent condition. The facility is very clean and well maintained; all of the required equipment (autoclave, sterile packs, sharps containers, covered waste receptacles, and handwashing stations) was found to be clean and in good working order. The operator keeps excellent records of the procedures performed. All clients are required to present picture identification verifying that they are at least eighteen years old; the operator takes a copy of this I.D. and keeps it on file. Aftercare instructions were on hand and are presented to all clients. The autoclave has been tested monthly and appears to be operating properly; the operator keeps the test records on file. Contaminated waste is placed in red plastic "Biohazard" bags and stored on site until they are collected once every two weeks by the licensed waste hauler. The operator has elected not to have the Hepatitis B vaccine series. My only concern has to do with the screen door at the rear entrance. It does not fit tightly in the frame and is not an effective barrier to the entrance of insects, rodents or other vermin. I have required the operator to correct this violation and he said it would be taken care of immediately. I will confirm this during my next inspection. Please call me at my office (473-7056) if you have any questions or need any additional information. Sincerely, ~p~ Bradley Prior Environmental Health Specialist Cc: Gary Ellsworth % Tried and True Tattoo Parlor 1037 E. Grand Ave. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 April 4, 2005 RECEIVED APR 0 6 2005 CITY OF ARR COMMUNITY g~c: GRANDE . ~ n:LOPMENT Jim Bergman, Assistant Planner City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 . RE: Inspection of Tried and True Tattoo Parlor, 1037 E. Grand Avenue Dear Mr. Bergman: On March 16,2005, I performed a routine inspection of the Tried and True Tattoo Parlor in Arroyo Grande. As you know, this recently opened facility is the first of its kind in the city and it is required to conform to the standards established in the NEHA Body Art Model Code and Guidelines. This document was the basis of my inspection of this tattoo parlor. I found Tried and True Tattoo to be in excellent condition. The facility is very clean and well maintained; all of the required equipment (autoclave, sterile packs, sharps containers, covered waste receptacles, and handwashing stations) was found to be clean and in good working order. The operator keeps excellent records of the procedures performed. All clients are required to present picture identification verifying that they are at least eighteen years old; the operator takes a copy of this 1.0. and keeps it on file. Aftercare instructions were on hand and are presented to all clients. The autoclave has been tested monthly and appears to be operating properly; the operator keeps the test records on file. Contaminated waste is placed in red plastic "Biohazard" bags and stored on site until they are collected once every two weeks by the licensed waste hauler. The operators have elected not to have the Hepatitis B vaccine series. My only concern had to do with the screen door at the rear entrance. During my previous inspection (September 16, 2004) I found this door to not fit tightly in the frame and that it was not an effective barrier to the entrance of insects, rodents or other vermin. I required the operator to correct this violation and he said it would be taken care of immediately. This violation had not been corrected at the time of my inspection on March 16th; I told the operator that satisfactory repairs had to be completed within the next seven days. I re-inspected this facility on March 2200 and found that the screen door had been properly repaired. The shop is now in compliance with all applicable regulations. I will re-inspect this facility in approximately six months. Please call me at my office (473-7056) if you have any questions or need any additional information. Sincerely, .~~ Bradley Prior Environmental Health Specialist Cc: Gary Ellsworth % Tried and True Tattoo Parlor 1037 E. Grand Ave. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 County of San Luis Obispo · Public Health Department October 7,2005 .' \,...,. .\ t" '_.;-c.1 '...Jvl Environmental Health Services 2156 Sierra Way. P.O. Box 1489 San Luis Obispo. California 93406 (805) 78].5544 . FAX (805) 781-4211 Gregory Thomas, M.D., M.P.H. County Health Officer Public Health Director .... ,. .._, j ...' -': .;-- Jim Bergman, Assistant Planner City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 ,- .. j' Curtis A. Batson, R.E.HS Director /" I . ",-" ,'.,.ill' ' RE: Inspection of Tried and True Tattoo Parlor, 1037 E. Grand Avenue Dear Mr. Bergman: On September 30,2005, I performed a routine inspection of the Tried and True Tattoo Parlor in Arroyo Grande. As you know, this recently opened facility is the first of its kind in the city and it is required to conform to the standards established in the NEHA Body Art Model Code and Guidelines. This document was the basis of my inspection of this ,tattoo parlor. I found Tried and True Tattoo to be in excellent condition. The facility is very clean and well maintained; all of the required equipment (autoclave, sterile packs, sharps containers, covered waste receptacles, and handwashing stations) was found to be clean and in good working order. The operator keeps excellent records of the procedures performed. All clients are required to present picture identification verifying that they are at least eighteen years old; the operator takes a copy of this I.D. and keeps it on file. Aftercare instructions were on hand and are presented to all clients. The autoclave has been tested monthly and appears to be operating properly; the operator keeps the test records on file. Contaminated waste is placed in red plastic "Biohazard" bags which are stored on site until they are collected once every two weeks by the licensed waste hauler. The operators have elected not to have the Hepatitis B vaccine series. The shop is now in compliance with all applicable regulations. I will re-inspect this facility in approximately six months. Please call me at my office (473-7056) if you have any questions or need any additional information. Sincerely, ~~:n Bradley priof Environmental Health Specialist Cc: Gary Ellsworth % Tried and True Tattoo Parlor 1037 E. Grand Ave. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 County of San Luis Obispo · Public Health Department March 22, 2006 Environmental Health Services 2156 Sierra Way' P. 0. Box 1489 San Luis Obispo, CalifOrnia 93406 (805) 781-5544' FAX: (805) 781-4211 Gregory Thomas, M.D., M.P.H. County Health Officer Public Health Director Curtis A. Batson, R.E.HoS. Director Jim Bergman, Assistant Planner City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 RE: Inspection of Tried and True Tattoo, 1037 E. Grand Avenue Dear Mr. Bergman: On March 16, 2006, I performed a routine inspection of the Tried and True Tattoo facility in Arroyo Grande. This facility continues to operate in compliance with the standards established in the NEHA Body Art Model Code and Guidelines. This document was the basis of my inspection of the aforementioned body art facility. I found Tried and True Tattoo to be in excellent condition. The facility is very clean and well maintained; all of the required equipment (autoclave, sterile packs, sharps containers, covered waste receptacles, and handwashing stations) was found to be clean and in good working order. The operator keeps excellent records of the procedures performed. All clients are required to present picture identification verifying that they are at least eighteen years old; the operator takes a copy of this 1.0. and keeps it on file. Aftercare instructions are on hand and are presented to all clients. The autoclave is tested monthly and appears to be operating properly; the operator keeps the test records on file. Contaminated waste is placed in red plastic "Biohazard" bags or sharps containers, which are stored on site until they are collected once every two weeks by a licensed waste hauler. One of the facility operators recently received certification for "Blood Borne Pathogen Prevention Training." All professional training records and certifications are kept on"site for departmental review. The facility is currently in compliance with NEHA Guidelines and will be re-inspected in approximately six months. Please Gall me at my office at 788-2722 if you have any questions or need any additional information. Sincerely, ~dson, ~.E.H.S. Environmental Health Specialist Cc: Gary Ellsworth Tried and True Tattoo 1037 E. Grand Ave. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 ATTACHMENT 3 ~ 1de! & ~ IUU ~4ttOO lO~T e ~ Au,., ~~, CA ~:lO, (S(5) 481.9400 .I Arroyo Grande City Council Re: 2 year review of Tried & True Tattoo Dear City Council Members, Two years ago the Arroyo Grande City Council voted to approve our application for a business permit to operate a tattoo studio at 1037 E Grand Avenue. With our pledge,to operate our business at the highest standards of cleanliness and professionalism we opened our doors in late June of 2004. Since then we have beeninspected by the Public Health Department on a regular semi-annually basis and have had excellent reports on all counts. Recently Tried & True Tattoo was voted "Best Place to get a Tattoo" in the 20th Annual New Times Best of SLO County Readers Poll, as well as shop owner Gary Ellsworth being voted "Best Local Artist" in the same poll. We have earned collectively as a shop 5 awards at tattoo conventions statewide since opening. The awards help to uphold ~he fact that all things are better in Arroyo Grande. Hoping to open and operate a business that would allow us to earn a living and support our families, we have surpassed all initial goals. Our steadily growing clientele proves that the community is pleased to have a world class tattoo studio right here in our home town. The vast majority of our business is with repeat customers and referrals, illustrating that our customers are completely satisfied with their tattooing experience. Our doors are always open to any member of the City Council that might wish to see first hand the level of professionalism that we pride ourselves on as artists and businessmen. al\\W00~ Gary Ellsworth Owner, Operator Tried & True Tattoo 1037 E Grand Ave. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) 481-9400 R' h"'~,!f"'nl\ /!'r=D~ 1_, l:= (( ',"= II "''!If.' 1= Ii ) 'I~~~~!.l \. ~[! "~AY ~ l! "on<, I" _Ii. u'-. 00 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNllY DEVi::LOFMENT , Emergency University Training Certificate Page 1 of1 '~:7~~?~~~~~f?~:;~:.~..;Y~=:;;;;;;:~:~~~~~~~&j~~~j: \...'~;~_~~~'}':~_~~"'~;:'~"~Y . ': - .I~:-,L~"............,;_ ...~~~-_:. 4A~"-1'Z:'~;,::' .,...".- . ..-~....,.. 'Z'::'-?' I 'lfj':~'~_"'Ut.'''Cj :~"e'~-:' .... ''''-. .~~ .~ - ,..... :':;;f,' . I' A ' .,1uc,r't'v' M~ .J..L:: ~'-. if I' .....-. .- .__._'_._~:__.--. "" ,"'" ...~~;1 iI;::~ :~~; ..r bt+hfic('ltb '''f 1rompLhh'on '.~~ :,...;;;~, ~\....I IL' a '-- \::I ~ ~" ...;:::~- ~.~- . .~ t.....,'.......,:, '__"M ;.~",.:~; i[h. il' ((rtirkl' {h.ll ~~~ ~"..-_.' ......-- ~-~ --'~ ;"~:"_'..t G Ell I -~-~~;:: ;S~ ary swart 1 .~~ ;.:~:".;.: .~~--:;~ ..~-.,....... '~.~- ~ ......"....-. ti!:.......... .~...,"""'!'-.~ ...- ,..., E~ has demonstrated competence of the appropriate cognitive skills associated ~+~ ~.;.....;j with Blood Borne Pathogen. You are hereby ccrlifiC"d as ;"Z,:::t. ~j~ having completed Blood Borne Pathogen training. ~t J,.,..:;., __, ...___----.. ~-."- ':~~; ,"-~ -". .~::~...tt ~;7' ~ ~1.I\ 16. 2006 ~f' ".- ';.:'~-".: ~" '.. i\lay 16. ~O()7 tf "j:......~ 'i~~ I I hIli' ',1;(1' Jl,.t l~~'-"- ':: ~ '~'.-~~~:'\ \I'l!{ ',,11 I.... fi\f; ~';;'f ~.._ ".,,",..~ . ,~~ ....-1~&"" J......,..._~ li<-*~."~~;""h--;';;s;.-~..y;~.:;,;~-.;;..!ii.;";.~"t;' ~ .~~'-......." ~"5rif."" ."iif~~,r;-~ "'-~~~~;:'/~~ ;:':'~,~~." :'::~'.._ ~.::..::-~ :4 ..~..,~.. -;:" ~ ~_.~.-+.: .. ,: ~"" ,:';"~;'1-... ,.. ...,..d,l~~-~""'"",""",~~''''__*+'>'I"':,",...~...",...., ..."'~,~"""'. - -..f . "*~""",, ',..___~ fl. ~~-~~,_~,::-~,~~filo.:oM:'-'- ~~.:...... .~...~-.... ~~ 'i'" ......,.....~"" .~.."""'t...-:.,.... ""$;"'-~" -~.." -,,::~~~~~, "'.,j".~ ~"' "'. ~~~> ',' -, ,"'. ':'"-~r"'~' '. Emergency University Training Certificate -Page 1 on . Close ." http://www.emergencyuniversity.comltrainee/eu _ cert2.asp?cid= 12 5/15/2006 Emergency University Training Certificate Page 1 of 1 .-.. .,- _~~""" _V"""'< '\ ~ __.~~~~~..~~~.:";"\~ fr........~,'.. ',....."..... ,". ~ ~ '" ~. .......~._._"1__,.. ,-t',. ~_._~.,..f -. ~,'.,. ,..' ~'A~~_t......' ~ "':.r:-~ ~ ' .' . ~." . " '~!:1"'JI \r;.,:., ).....~ "'''''/-:~~~p,~'l'\.\ ,---'..., ....q"1f;!f.Q~\..].:;...,I:r~<i~~~;.;;:',.,.-.,'~. "1~, I~ .., '-.. ~ ,"; ,~'~ 1( ";fi t 'C\f 1" l~ ~:.>t~) , :('?'~ e1 u ca e ~ ~omp ~ "on ~<~,~) j' :';~j '~>~ ,', ~;:, ittli,'l!:01itlct' itn.ll ' <.:,'i .. ~';i '::<'y'i fY:;' James Coughlin ~;Ji ~f l;}~ !~~j~[~ ~J ~ .,d f~; (<,", -;. t', ~i, has demonstrate.d competence of the appropriate cognitiv.e s, kills associated L,.~.'~')>;', ~,~ with Blood Borne Pathogen. You are hereby certified as '~:<' , (C(~ havmg completed Blood Borne Pathogen tram mg. :~";0J ~~' ~) > ';-~1 ~1"~'~i t€<. .,....., 1....(;. )rr~~ ,,~a.}' 16,2006 f.f,~' 0 May 16,,2007 ;!t';,:) .':':::{ "'1<"11< \11""1>\11 <' ~I ;, ,\ '~.. 1,'I'I~\II"")\ljl:!":: "',, /)~, ?~~*ll" ,,~ ~:jii:Y(~~};'}II\tr;:i: j- d~ t '~ "~~rij t:; I \.:!i!!lff?~~f7if1":~I~!~ ,:; : (,ty; . , '\,,;.,~,.,/ / "''''::I~....' '..;_ 1"-Q~... ,~'?~!" ,../..~ ,:c~iJl/ /.i', '..... 'l.tt~CI , \;::t; -.r ' v'''e:'':...../.'' ... _ t:: ..,.-,' .... , ~::.;;:r:l;;;~?y:~,/ ". ~.'-'''' ~..."'.~ "~'~~'-'!" ,;"_/.,,,,~ CloSe http://www.emergencyuniversity.com/trainee/eu _ cert2.asp?cid= 12 5115/2006 Emergency University Training Certificate Close http://www.emergencyuniversity.com/trainee/eu _ cert2.asp?cid= 12 Page I of I 5/15/2006 Emergency University Training Certificate Close lm Page 1 of1 10.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER()Jr SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 3.22 TO TITLE 3 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING A TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION DATE: JULY 11,2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council introduce the proposed Ordinance adding Chapter . 3.22 to Title 3 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code establishing a transactions and use tax to be administered by the State Board of Equalization. FUNDING: If approved by the voters, the proposed measure will generate an estimated $1.4 million in additional annual revenue. DISCUSSION: At the June 27, 2006 meeting, the City Council approved placing on the November 7, 2006 ballot a local sales tax measure. The City Council approved by resolution the text of the ballot measure. The full text of the Ordinance was included as an exhibit. The Ordinance has been submitted to the State Board of Equalization for their review. It is their opinion that the Ordinance needs to be formally adopted by the City Council prior to the election in order for the Board of Equalization to administer the tax. Therefore, to ensure the sales tax is established correctly, the Ordinance is now presented to the City Council for first reading. Once introduced, the required public hearing will be scheduled when the Ordinance is presented for second reading and adoption at the July 25, 2006 meeting. The Ordinance also includes some minor cleanup language. The City Council will be required to conduct a public hearing every five years to determine whether it is necessary to maintain the sales tax in effect. The City Council will have the ability to reduce or repeal the tax at that time. Originally, staff had included the option of suspending the tax. However, the Board of Equalization has determined that once the tax is in effect, it cannot be suspended. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF LOCAL SALES TAX MEASURE AND ADVISORY MEASURES JULY 11, 2006 PAGE 2 If adopted and approved by a majority vote of the qualified electors of the City, it will establish Y. cent local sales tax. The revenue is necessary to fund needs identified in the City's long-range financial plan, including, but not restricted to major transportation improvements, infrastructure improvements and maintenance; public safety facilities, equipment and staffing; and improvements to public facilities necessary to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act regulations. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Introduce the proposed Ordinance; Make additional modifications and introduce the Ordinance; Do not approve the Ordinance and reconsider the sales tax measure; Provide direction to staff. ! " :\ I I I , II 'I I, I I, t S:\Administration\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports\Sales Tax\Sales Tax Measure 7.11.06.doc ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADDING CHAPTER 3.22 TO TITLE 3 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING A TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Title 3 is hereby amended to add Chapter 3.22 to read as follows: CHAPTER 3.22. TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX. 3.22.010. TITLE. This ordinance shall be known as the "Transactions and Use Tax Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande". The City of Arroyo Grande hereinafter shall be called "City." This ordinance shall be applicable in the incorporated territory of the City. 3.22.020. PURPOSE. This ordinance is adopted to achieve the following, among other purposes, and directs that the provisions hereof be interpreted in order to accomplish those purposes: A. To impose a retail transactions and use tax in accordance with the provisions of Part 1.6 (commencing with Section 7251) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and Section 7285.9 of Part 1.7 of Division 2 which authorizes the City to adopt this tax ordinance which shall be operative if a majority of the electors voting on the measure vote to approve the imposition of the tax at an election called for that purpose. ;: I I B. To adopt a retail transactions and use tax ordinance that incorporates provisions identical to those of the Sales and Use Tax Law of the State of California insofar as those provisions are not inconsistent with the requirements and limitations contained in Part 1.6 of Division 2 ofthe Revenue and Taxation Code. I 'I I , C. To adopt a retail transactions and use tax ordinance that imposes a tax and provides a measure therefore that can be administered and collected by the State Board of Equalization in a manner that adapts itself as fully as practicable to, and requires the least possible deviation from, the existing statutory and administrative procedures followed by the State Board of Equalization in administering and collecting the California State Sales and Use Taxes. D. To adopt a retail transactions and use tax ordinance that can be administered in a manner that will be, to the greatest degree possible, consistent with the provisions of Part 1.6 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, minimize the cost of collecting the transactions and use taxes, and at the same time, minimize the burden of ,record keeping upon persons subject to taxation under the provisions of this ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 3.22.030. OPERATIVE DATE. "Operative Date" means the first day of the first calendar quarter commencing more than 110 days after the adoption of this ordinance, the date of such adoption being as setforth below. 3.22.040. CONTRACT WITH STATE. Prior to the operative date, the City shall contract with the State Board of Equalization to perform all functions incident to the administration and operation of this transactions and use tax ordinance; provided, that if the City shall not have contracted with the State Board of Equalization prior to the operative date, it shall nevertheless so contract and in such a case the operative date shall be the first day of the first calendar quarter following the execution of such a contract. 3.22.050. TRANSACTIONS TAX RATE. For the privilege of selling tangible personal property at retail, a tax is hereby imposed upon all retailers in the incorporated territory of the City at the rate of .5% of the gross receipts of any retailer from the sale of all tangible personal property sold at retail in the City on and after the operative date of this ordinance. 3.22.060. PLACE OF SALE. For the purposes of this ordinance, all retail sales are consummated at the place ot business of the retailer unless the tangible personal property sold is delivered by the retailer or his agent to an out-of-state destination or to a common carrier for delivery to an out-ot-state destination. The gross receipts from such sales shall include delivery charges, when such charges are subject to the state sales and use tax, regardless of the place to which delivery is made. In the event a retailer has no permanent place of business in the State or has more than one place of business, the place or places at which the retail sales are consummated shall be determined under rules and regulations to be prescribed and adopted by the State Board of Equalization. ! 3.22.070. USE TAX RATE. An excise tax is hereby imposed on the storage, use or other consumption in the City of tangible personal property purchased from any retailer on and after the operative date of this ordinance for storage, use or other consumption in said territory at the rate of .5% of the sales price of the property. The sales price shall include delivery charges when such charges are subject to state sales or use tax regardless of the place to which delivery is made. " I " I 3.22.080. ADOPTION OF PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW. Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance and except insofar as they are inconsistent with the provisions of Part 1.6 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, all of the provisions of Part 1 (commencing with Section 6001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code are hereby adopted and made a part of this ordinance as though fully set forth herein. 3.22.090. LIMITATIONS ON ADOPTION OF STATE LAW AND COLLECTION OF USE TAXES. In adopting the provisions of Part 1 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code: ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 A. Wherever the State of California is named or referred to as the taxing agency, the name of this City shall be substituted therefore. However, the substitution shall not be made when: 1. The word "State" is used as a part of the title of the State Controller, State Treasurer, State Board of Control, State Board of Equalization, State Treasury, or the Constitution of the State of California; 2. The result of that substitution would require action to be taken by or against this City or any agency, officer, or employee thereof rather than by or against the State Board of Equalization, in performing the functions incident to the administration or operation of this Ordinance. 3. In those sections, including, but not necessarily limited to sections referring to the exterior boundaries of the State of California, where the result of the substitution would be to: a. Provide an exemption from this tax with respect to certain sales, storage, use or other consumption of tangible personal property which would not otherwise be exempt from this tax while such sales, storage, use or other consumption remain subject to tax by the State under the provisions of Part 1 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, or; b. Impose this tax with respect to certain sales, storage, use or other consumption of tangible personal property which would not be subject to tax by the state under the said provision of that code. I II I 4. In Sections 6701, 6702 (except in the last sentence thereof), 6711, 6715,6737,6797 or 6828 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. B. The word "City" shall be substituted for the word "State" in the phrase "retailer engaged in business in this State" in Section 6203 and in the definition of that phrase in Section 6203. 3.22.100. PERMIT NOT REQUIRED. If a seller's permit has been issued to a retailer under Section 6067 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, an additional transactor's permit shall not be required by this ordinance. 3.22.110. EXEMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. A. There shall be excluded from the measure of the transactions tax and the use tax the amount of any sales tax or use tax imposed by the State of California or by any city, city and county, or county pursuant to the Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Law or the amount of any state-administered transactions or use tax. B. There are exempted from the computation of the amount of transactions tax the gross receipts from: ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 4 1. Sales of tangible personal property, other than fuel or petroleum products, to operators of aircraft to be used or consumed principally outside the county in which the sale is made and directly and exclusively in the use of such aircraft as common carriers of persons or property under the authority of the laws of this State, the United States, or any foreign government. 2. Sales of property to be used outside the City which is shipped to a point outside the City, pursuant to the contract of sale, by delivery to such point by the retailer or his agent, or by delivery by the retailer to a carrier for shipment to a consignee at such point. For the purposes of this paragraph, delivery to a point outside the City shall be satisfied: a. With respect to vehicles (other than commercial vehicles) subject to registration pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 4000) of Division 3 of the Vehicle Code, aircraft licensed in compliance with Section 21411 of the Public Utilities Code, and undocumented vessels registered under Division 3.5 (commencing with Section 9840) of the Vehicle Code by registration to an out-of-City address and by a declaration under penalty of perjury, signed by the buyer, stating that such address is, in fact, his or her principal place of residence; and b. With respect to commercial vehicles, by registration to a place of business out-of-City and declaration under penalty of perjury, signed by the buyer, that the vehicle will be operated from that address. , !; ,I 3. The sale of tangible personal property if the seller is obligated to furnish the property for a fixed price pursuant to a contract entered into prior to the operative date of this ordinance. 4. A lease of tangible personal property which is a continuing sale of such property, for any period of time for which the lessor is obligated to lease the property for an amount fixed by the lease prior to the operative date of this ordinance. 5. For the purposes of subparagraphs (3) .and (4) of this section, the sale or lease of tangible personal property shall be deemed not to be obligated pursuant to a contract or lease for any period of time for which any party to the contract or lease has the unconditional right to terminate the contract or lease upon' notice, whether or not such right is exercised. C. There are exempted from the use tax imposed by this ordinance, the storage, use or other consumption in this City of tangible personal property: 1. The gross receipts from the sale of which have been subject to a transactions tax under any state-administered transactions and use tax ordinance. 2. Other than fuel or petroleum products purchased by operators of aircraft and used or consumed by such operators directly and exclusively in the use of such aircraft as common carriers of persons or property for hire or compensation under a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued pursuant to the laws of this ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 5 State, the United States, or any foreign government. This exemption is in addition to the exemptions provided in Sections 6366 and 6366.1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. 3. If the purchaser is obligated to purchase the property for a fixed price pursuant to a contract entered into prior to the operative date of this ordinance. 4. If the possession of, or the exercise of any right or power over, the tangible personal property arises under a lease which is a continuing purchase of such property for any period of time for which the lessee is obligated to lease the property for an amount fixed by a lease prior to the operative date of this ordinance. 5. For the purposes of subparagraphs (3) and (4) of this section, storage, use, or other consumption, or possession of, or exercise of any right or power over, tangible personal property shall be deemed not to be obligated pursuant to a contract or lease for any period of time for which any party to the contract or lease has the unconditional right to terminate the contract or lease upon notice, whether or not such right is exercised. 6. Except as provided in subparagraph (7), a retailer engaged in business in the City shall not be required to collect use tax from the purchaser of tangible personal property, unless the retailer ships or delivers the property into the City or participates within the City in making the sale of the property, including, but not limited to, soliciting or receiving the order, either directly or indirectly, at a place of business of the retailer in the City or through any representative, agent, canvasser, solicitor, subsidiary, or person in the City under the authority of the retailer. 7. "A retailer engaged in business in the City" shall also include any retailer of any of the following: vehicles subject to registration pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 4000) of Division 3 of the Vehicle Code, aircraft licensed in compliance with Section 21411 of the Public Utilities Code, or undocumented vessels registered under Division 3.5 (commencing with Section 9840) of the Vehicle Code. That retailer shall be required to collect use tax from any purchaser who registers or licenses the vehicle, vessel, or aircraft at an address in the City. D. Any person subject to use tax under this ordinance may credit against that tax any transactions tax or reimbursement for transactions tax paid to a district imposing, or retailer liable for a transactions tax pursuant to Part 1.6 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code with respect to the sale to the person of the property the storage, use or other consumption of which is subject to the use tax. 3.22.120. AMENDMENTS. All amendments subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance to Part 1 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code relating to sales and use taxes and which are not inconsistent with Part 1.6 and Part 1.7 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and all amendments to Part 1.6 and Part 1.7 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, shall automatically become a part of this ordinance, ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 6 provided however, that no such amendment shall operate so as to affect the rate of tax imposed by this ordinance. 3.22.130. ENJOINING COLLECTION FORBIDDEN. No injunction or writ of mandate or other legal or equitable process shall issue in any suit, action or proceeding in any court against the State or the City, or against any officer of the State or the City, to prevent or enjoin the collection under this ordinance, or Part 1.6 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, of any tax or any amount of tax required to be collected. 3.22.140. ANNUAL REPORT. City shall annually mail to each household an annual report, which presents in summary form expenditures from the prior fiscal year from revenue generated from the Transactions and Use Tax and budgeted expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year. 3.22.150. PERIODIC REVIEW. The City Council shall consider reduction or repeal of the Transactions and Use Tax at public hearings every five years after the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 2. USE OF TAX PROCEEDS. All proceeds of the tax levied and imposed hereunder shall be accounted for and paid into the City of Arroyo Grande General Fund, and may be used for any lawful purpose as designated by the City Council. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR TAX. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 7285.9. SECTION 5. ELECTION REQUIRED. This ordinance shall not become operative unless and until a majority of the electors voting on this measure vote to approve the imposition of the tax at the general municipal election to be held on November 7,2006. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. If this ordinance is approved by a majority of the electors voting on the issue at the November 7, 2006 general municipal election, pursuant to Elections Code Section 9217, the tax shall become effective ten (10) days after the City Council accepts the certified results of the election. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 7 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY 11.8. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER MIKE LINN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER J1t-- SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION FOR ADOPTION OF THE FIVE-YEAR RADAR SPEED SURVEY BY: DATE: JULY 11, 2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council adopt a resolution certifying the attached five-year radar speed survey. FUNDING: Any cost associated with speed limit signs or traffic legends will be accommodated within the Public Works Departmental budget for FY 2006/07. DISCUSSION: The California Vehicle Code requires an engineering and traffic speed survey be performed every five years to enable the radar enforcement of any speed limit set by a local jurisdiction. Section 8- of the Caltrans Traffic Manual details the methodology for conducting engineering and traffic surveys to be used to establish or justify prima facie speed limits on city arterial and collector streets. The Public Works Department, in close coordination with the Police Department, conducted the survey between July 2005 and May 2006. The basic presumption of the engineering and traffic speed survey. requirement is that the majority of the public drives at a reasonable speed and that limits should be established which reflects this. Speed limits should be set at or near the 85th percentile, which is defined as the speed at or below which 85% of the traffic is moving. Therefore, according to the requirements of California Vehicle Code, a limit should be established at the five-mile-per-hour increment closest to the observed 85th percentile (or critical) speed unless the City Engineer determines that there are mitigating factors not readily observable to the driver. Mitigating factors include the most recent two year accident record, roadway design speed, safe stopping distance, super-elevation, shoulder conditions, profile conditions, intersection spacing and offsets, commercial driveway characteristics, and pedestrian traffic in the roadway without sidewalks. The City Engineer is permitted to lower the critical speed by an additional five-miles-per-hour if necessary. It is an establishment of the speed that allows enforcement of citations against those who are exhibiting unreasonable behavior. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION FOR ADOPTION OF THE FIVE-YEAR RADAR SPEED SURVEY JULY 11, 2006 PAGE 2 On October 17, 2005, staff presented the results of the survey to the Traffic Commission. The Commission recommended approval of the speed survey on the various streets, but requested follow-up investigations on a number of streets that were designated for adjustment. Staff performed the investigations, made the appropriate adjustments, and hosted an informational workshop to present the results to residents on June 1, 2006 at the Council Chambers. Based on concerns expressed during the workshop, staff performed additional investigations on Rancho Parkway, Elm Street and Brisco Road. Based on the data collection, Traffic Commission and citizen input, follow up investigations and engineering analysis, staff presents the following recommendations for the posted vehicle speed limits (see Attachment Nos. 3 and 4): East Grand Avenue - Halcyon Road to Oak Park Boulevard The roadway is classified as a major arterial street in the City's General Plan. Based on the vehicle speed data, staff calculated the 85th percentile speed between 38 and 39 miles per hour. It is recommended that the posted speed limit be raised from 35 miles per hour to 40 miles per hour. Rancho Parkway The roadway is classified as a collector street in the City's General Plan and was constructed to arterial roadway standards. The data from the speed survey supports an adjustment of the posted speed limit from 35 miles per hour to 45 miles per hour. However, staff determined that the sight distance for vehicles stopped on Via Vaquero looking eastward to Rancho Parkway is only 266 feet, which meets the requirement for a 35 mile per hour speed limit (250 feet minimum), but falls short of the required 300 feet for a 40 mile per hour speed limit. Due to the limited sight distance at Via Vaquero, it is recommended that two separate speed limits be established for Rancho Parkway; a 35 mile per hour speed limit between West Branch Street and Camino Mercado, and a 40 mile per hour speed limit betWeen Camino Mercado and James Way. Although the data would normally necessitate a 45 mile per hour speed limit, staff believes that a ten mile per hour increase in speed between the two zones is excessive and justifies the 40 mile per hour speed on this segment. South Elm Street Staff performed radar speed surveys at three separate locations; the 100 block (primarily commercial near East Grand Avenue), the 400 block (residential area adjacent to Elm Street Park) and the 500 block (residential). The results showed the 85 h percentile speeds to be split for the three locations; the 100 block and 500 block close to 40 miles per hour and the 400 block closer to 35 miles per hour. Given the short distances of the roadway segments and the presence of Elm Street Park, the Director of Public Works recommends keeping the speed limit at 35 miles per hour. It is recommended that the posted speed limit remain at 35 miles per hour. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION FOR ADOPTION OF THE FIVE.YEAR RADAR SPEED SURVEY JULY 11, 2006 PAGE 3 Tally Ho (100 Block & 200 Block) Both segments are within residential areas. However, the street is used as an informal collector by a number of vehicles because it is perceived as a direct route from the Village to Highway 227. California Vehicle Code Section 515 defines a residential district as follows: 515. A "residence district" is that portion of a highway and the property contiguous thereto, other than a business district, (a) upon one side of which highway, within a distance of a quarter of a mile, the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by 13 or more separate dwelling houses or business structures, or (b) upon both sides of which highway, collectively, within a distance of a quarter of a mile, the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by 16 or more separate dwelling houses or business structures. A residence district may be longer than one-quarter of a mile if the above ratio of separate dwelling houses or business structures to the length of the highway exists. Tally Ho meets the conditions of a residence district as it has more that 13 separate dwelling houses on both sides of the roadway within one-quarter of a mile. The prima facie speed limit on a residential road is 25 miles per hour in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 22357 (see Attachment No.2). Therefore, it is recommended that the posted speed limit be lowered from 30 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour. West Branch Street - Vernon Street to Rancho Parkway The roadway is classified as a minor arterial street in the City's General Plan. Based on the vehicle speed data, staff calculated the 85th percentile speed at 44 miles per hour in each direction. Therefore, it is recommended that the posted speed limit be raised from 40 miles per hour to 45 miles per hour. The data compiled for the remaining streets in the survey supported the current posted speed limits. It is therefore recommended that the speed limit remains the same. I Ii CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION FOR ADOPTION OF THE FIVE-YEAR RADAR SPEED SURVEY JULY 11, 2006 PAGE 4 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendations; . Do not approve staff's recommendations; . Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendations; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. California Vehicle Code Section 627 2. California Vehicle Code Sections 22350 through 22358 3. Vehicle Speed Survey Locations 4. Vehicle Speed Survey Tabulation I RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS WHEREAS, the City Council of Arroyo Grande has conducted traffic speed surveys on various City streets in accordance with the requirements of the California Vehicle; and WHEREAS, the Director Public Works has analyzed said surveys. made appropriate adjustments, and made recommendation for the establishment of speed limits on said streets in accordance with the requirements of the California Vehicle Code; and WHEREAS, radar enforcement of any speed limit other than those expressly established by State law requires that such be based upon an engineering and traffic speed survey as has been conducted; and WHEREAS, the Police Chief supports the recommendations of the Director of Public Works; and WHEREAS, on October 17,2005 the Traffic Commission supported the recommendation of the Director of Public Works for the speed limits on the various streets identified herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby establishes speed limits on various City streets as provided below: I . I: Ash Street (west of Elm) Brisco Road Corbett Canyon East Cherry Avenue EI Camino Real (Oak Park - Brisco) Elm Street Fair Oaks Avenue (Halcyon - Valley) Fair Oaks Avenue (Valley - Traffic Way) Farroll Avenue East Grand Avenue (Barnett - Halcyon) East Grand Avenue (Halcyon - Oak Park) Halcyon Road (north of Grand) Halcyon Road (south of Grand) James Way (Oak Park - Mesquite) James Way (Mesquite - Tally Ho) Pike (west of Elm) Pike (east of Elm) Rancho Parkway (West Branch - Camino Mercado) Rancho Parkway (Camino Mercado - James Way) Tally Ho Road Traffic Way Valley Road West Branch Street (Vernon to Rancho Parkway) West Branch Street (Rancho Parkway to Oak Park) I 35 mph 35 mph 45 mph 35 mph 45 mph 35 mph 40 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 40 mph 35 mph 40 mph 40 mph 35 mph 35 mph 40 mph 35 mph 40 mph 25 mph 35 mph 40 mph 45 mph 40 mph RESOLUTION NO. Page 2 On motion by Council Member the following roll call vote, to wit: , seconded by Council Member , and by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this TONYFERRARA,MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY day of ,2006. ~:.. _ :....~ :5 c ~~:.E ~,g ~1 - -..>' ~.._.:.-.:__~ ::::-... = ~ ~ _ _ 0; - ... .. -=;!l: "" .~.=.- - ....1 _ _ ::.~ ~.' ~ ":",": =. 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Cl 01 "' "' "' ... II. j: 01 Z Cl "' "' U ... II: 01 "' o II. II. ... .. '" .. " ~ II ICIIGtGdE z51"''' ~",i!lii aa 110 ZZ :>:> ~::I::I~ aa ..I0OW aa lDIIlII!C ~i 5-= Wz w~u 'I "U U aa ... zZ ... :>:> 00 Z I!l! "' LI. 'I U :IE 0 :IC U > C f- 5 U ,i!? Arroyo Grande Vehicle Traffic Survey July 2006 Attachment No.4 "rreet Reference Direction . Posted 85th % . Recorrmended Location' MPH MPH MPH Ash Street (1300 Block) Soto East 35 38 35 West 35 37 Brisco Rd 200 North 35 37 35 South 35 37 Cherry E (200 Block) 200 East 35 37 35 West 35 37 Corbett Canyon (300 Block) Gularte East 45 44 45 West 45 47 East Grand Ave (600 Block) Bell East 35 36 35 West 35 37 East Grand Ave (1100 Block) 1100 East 35 39 40 West 35 39 East Grand Ave (1300 Block) Juniper East 35 38 40 West 35 39 EI Camino Real Hillcrest East 45 47 45 West 45 45 Elm st (100 Block) Poplar North 35 39 35 South 35 39 Elm 5 (400 Block) Fair Oaks North 35 35 35 South 35 35 Elm S (500 Block) Pacific North 35 37 35 South 35 38 Fair Oaks (400 Block) California East 35 38 35 West 35 39 Fair Oaks (800 Block) Woodland East 40 41 40 West 40 42 Farrell Ave (1200 Block) Golden West East 35 36 35 West 35 37 Halcyon S (200 Block) Dodson North 40 41 40 South 40 40 Halcyon S (500 Block) Sandalwood North 40 41 40 South 40 42 James Way (300 Block) Mesquite North 40 38 40 South 40 41 James Way (1000 Block) Jenny Place North 40 42 40 South 40 42 Pike (1000 Block) Terrace East 40 41 40 West 40 42 Pike (1200 Block) Lancaster East 35 38 35 West 35 37 Rancho Parkway Palos Los Secas North 35 44 40 South 35 43 Tally Ho (100 Block) La Baranca North 30 36 25 South 30 39 Tally Ho (200 Block) Canyon Way East 30 40 25 West 30 38 Traffic Way (200 Block) Neison North 35 38 35 South 35 35 Valley Rd Northbound Tiger Tail North 40 42 40 South 40 42 West Branch (800 Block) Library East 40 44 45 West 40 44 West Branch (1400 Block) Oak Pk. Plaza East 40 41 40 West 40 42 Lynn Titus 404 Lierly Lane Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 489-5295 To: City Council City of Arroyo Grande July 3, 2006 Re: July 11 CC meeting I will be out of town for the above meeting, so I am sending you my thoughts on the appeal matter before you. My husband Mike worked on the General Plan update and we both considered that the General Plan is the standard for development in the city. Exceptions to the plan seem to be part of almost every project now. This situation makes citizen input more important than ever before. The Community Development Department's role should be to insist on conformance with the City's General Plan. Its role is not to encourage and work with applicants to make exceptions and amendments to the Plan. The Public Comment procedure allows the public a limited time to comment on the staff report published by the Planning Department. This assumes that the public has had adequate time to read the report. Sometimes further information is forthcoming during the staff presentation to the Planning Commission that is new and unknown to the public. Therefore the people deserve the right to appeal whenever the staff makes decisions and recommendations concerning amendments to the General Plan to the Planning Commission . Thank you for your consideration. f/~/ LL nn Y Chair, Mike Titus Memorial Committee cc:: Planning Commission c~~, -~ ~~~~~~~. ~~~~- ~ ~ ~ = League of Women Voters Of San Luis Obispo Count Postal Address: Post Office 4210, San Luis Obispo, California 93403 Office Location: 4111 Broad Street, San Luis Obispo, CA Phone (805) 543-2220 ~ wwwslo.ca.lwvnet.org ~ e-mail info@slo.ca.IwvneLOrg OFFICERS July 12, 2006 c _ Presidem , Trudy Jarratt ~ --~~ Isr Vee-Presmeru Arroyo Grande City Mayor and Council • r-; .~- -~~~; Ann Garfinkel P. ~. BOx 550 , Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 _ _~ _ 2nd Vice-President Sara Horne Subject: Direction to Staff in response to Agenda Item 11(b) at the ~~ secrerap~ July 11, 2006 Council Meeting Lee Chivens Honorable Mayor Tony Ferrara and Treasurer Christine Volbrecht Arroyo Grande City Council Members: The League, after in-depth study on the benefits of open and accessible government DIRECTORS believes that government must be open and accessible to all citizens in order to Acton and Heo(rh Issues sustain a healthy democracy. Donna Sullivan The League opposes any process that allows changes to an official public document Communications after it is released to the public unless the changes occur in a public forum. Julie Tizzano-Schumann Changes of any type to a public document should not be conducted in a private meeting. Development Robert McDougle The compromise presented at the July 11 Council meeting instructed staff to Education design an "informal" process where interested parties could, after release of a Alice Yamada public report, but prior to a public meeting of the Planning Commission on the report, provide staff with data or opinions to modify the report. We feel this is not Member Services good public policy and is not in the spirit of open government. Colleen Ehrenberg Natural Resources We strongly recommend the suggested "informal" process not be implemented. Marilee Hyman Smart Voter Vera Wallen Respectfully, dater Edimr Elinor Kogan Voter Services Sara Horne Trudy J ~ resident cc: Mr. S. Adams, City Manager ~c~~r~d ~ll~(o~ /l. b. Colleen Martin Mike Titus Memorial Committee 855 Olive Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) 489-2764 July u, 2006 To the City Council of Arroyo Grande Subject: The Citizen's Appeal Process Reference: i) Steve Adams' memorandum: Consideration of community request regarding citizen appeal of staff decisions and recommendations; 2) Committee letter to the Council of July 6, 2006: The Citizen's Appeal Process with Attachment; 3.) Email by Colleen Martin to Council members of July u, 2006 The Committee's formal statement for the Council meeting on July ti, 2006 on the appeal matter is the referenced letter of July 6, 2006. With due respect to all, I do not wish to detract from the Committee's referenced letter and attachments of July 6 submitted to the Council, but I am now obliged to comment on Steve Adams' memorandum. The committee was not given the opportunity to review Adams' memorandum as requested before its submission to the Council: ADAMS MISSES THE POINT Adam's misses the point. The issue here is the General Plan. Numerous amendments to the General Plan are proposed by staff and the applicant. Adams raises the "bogeyman" of increased cost and suggests the specter that more staff may be required if appeals are allowed. (Pages i & 3). Adams dismisses the fact that the Committee is requesting the "discretionary right" for an appeal when there is inappropriate and excessive use of General Plan amendments to support a given applicant. It is a fact no appeals will be forthcoming if there is a responsible use of amendments that recognize the realities and justified necessities for change, such as exemplified by the Orcutt Road proposal to be considered by the Planning Commission on July i3, 2006. Appeals urill be a very rare event urith responsible management of the General Plan! The City, therefore, suffers no financial exposure or administrative burden with the appeal process! THE CONTEXT OF THE GENERAL PLAN APPEAL PROCESS An appeal process would provide an incentive to the staff to adhere to the General Plan unless firmly directed by the City Council. The Council has the only right by law to make changes whenever it deems change is required subject to the State's General Plan Code and the eventual scrutiny of the citizens at election time! The context of the General Plan is missed by all who have commented negatively on the appeal matter, such as Sharma's technical point giving a "due process" argument supporting public comment. When Adams says he is not aware of other cities "that provides such a procedure" (Page 3) he makes an erroneous conclusion since he doesn't comprehend the General Plan context being addressed. The General Plan context is confirmed in the Committee's letter to the Planning Commission of May t6, the referenced letter to the Council of July 6, and Adams' referenced memo to the City Council dated July ii. INTERPRETING THE DEVELOPMENT CODE The Committee is not aware of any written procedure regarding the administration of the current existing development code except as subjectively interpreted and determined by the City Manager. Considering this fact, Adams interestingly admits to the confusion on interpretation of the Development Code by his recommendations for new clarifying "language" stated on page 3 of his memorandum. This begs the question, is the Development Code the exclusive province of developers and the staff supporting applicants? If that is the City policy it dismisses the citizens. Besides this, Adams declares the staff decisions are only advisory. This ignores his admission that staffs advice is obviously based on decisions! (Page 2) A COMPLAINT PROCEEDURE IS IRRELEVANT Adam's asserts an "apparent" understanding of the Committee's concerns, i.e.: the appeal of staff recommendations; the lack of same opportunity to express concerns as the applicant; and the possible requirement for improved complaint procedures. Of these "understandings" the complaint procedure, although discussed informally with the mayor, is definitely not relevant to the appeal or the record on this matter. The committee is not complaining - it is appealing! The complaint procedure should be dismissed from the Council's consideration of the appeal matter. It is not relevant to the issue of objecting to staffs decisions and recommendations to amend the General Plan. Further, "the lack of same opportunity to express concerns as the applicant" also pertains to the staff and its presentations! The staff has allowed the applicant to make blatant exceptions to the General Plan as specified in the Committee's appeal to the Planning Commission on May i6, 2006. CREATING AN APPEAL RECORD WHEN APPEALS OCCUR Adam's suggests the public has the same opportunity to express comment in written form as an argument against a dedicated appeal. But he ignores the fact an appeal creates a record "unto itself' that maybe considered by the Planning Commission and for subsequent final "action" by the City Council. MATERIAL CHANGES DON'T ADDRESS THE PROBLEM Adam's solution on "materials and changes" to the "original Staff Report" does little in adding to citizen confidence in the integrity of the process. In the specific matter of this appeal, the official record has been evolving for over two years, since March z3, zoo4 - and it continues to evolve today. This appeal is based on a staff report at the May i6, 2006 PC meeting -and we are advised a new staff report will be beheld at the meeting of July i8, 2006. Here we have a moving target where the staff works cooperatively with the applicant. IN CONCLUSION The staff is represented to be "unbiased" (Page 2) while supporting the applicant even though a "cloud of conflict and controversy" exists. The Committee definitely believes the staff is biased on this matter and has evidence of the conflict and cloud. Is there a "cover up" here? If the City Council seriously believes, "The general plan process provides an excellent opportunity for citizen direction and participation in city government", as stated in the City's General Plan language, then the Committee earnestly and respectfully requests that the Council consider the "appeal process" in the context as a creative means for the citizens to interact on protecting and monitoring the evolution of the City's General Plan beyond the pedestrian "due process" of normal public comment. If this is a precedent set by Arroyo Grande allowing citizens to discretionally monitor their General Plan - it is to Arroyo Grande's credit and good judgment! Respectfully, for the Committee Co~leewMarZ"cty 85,5 Olive Street, AG, CA 93420 ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Colleen Martin Co-Chair Address Copy: The Planning Commission The City Manager 11.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER;;Is SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY REQUEST REGARDING CITIZEN APPEAL OF STAFF DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS DATE: JULY 11,2006 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended City Council review and discuss the request made by the Mike Titus Memorial Committee and direct staff to proceed with the proposed actions outlined in the staff report. FUNDING: No cost impact is projected in response to the recommendations. However, any significant expansion of the appeal process could result in increased costs due to the need for additional staffing. DISCUSSION: Backqround In May 2006, the Mike Titus Memorial Committee attempted to file an appeal of staffs report and recommendations to the Planning Commission regarding the Cherry Creek Neighborhood Plan and project application. The appeal was not processed since the existing procedure only applies to the appeal of final decisions and actions. The City Council has the authority to make the final decision on this application. On May 18, 2006, the Mike Titus Memorial Committee filed a formal objection to the City Council requesting this item be placed on the City Council agenda for discussion. At the June 13, 2006 meeting, Mayor Ferrara requested that the item be placed on the agenda for discussion. The Mike Titus Memorial Committee has submitted information, which is attached. Based on our understanding, there appears to be a number of specific concerns identified that staff has attempted to address with regard to an appeal procedure for staff reports. First, the primary objective appears to be creating the right for citizens to appeal staff recommendations, which representatives of the Committee believe constitute appealable decisions since staff is responsible for administering the initial steps of the process. Second, there is a concern that citizens are not given the same opportunity to express concerns at the public hearing as the applicant. Third, there is a S:\AdministrationICITY MANAGERISTEVEICouncil Reports\Appeal Process 7.11.06.doc CITY COUNCIL CITIZEN APPEAL OF STAFF DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS JULY 11, 2006 PAGE 2 concern that the City lacks formal complaint procedures. Lastly, there is a concern about whether the public can adequately review staff materials and!or changes that are provided after the initial staff report is distributed. 'i Current Procedure The current development review process requires staff to prepare and present an unbiased report and recommendation of a project! application as applied to the City's Development Code, guidelines and applicable law. The process itself allows for the applicant and the public to provide their comments and concerns to be considered, included and! or incorporated into the staff report. Presently, such input may be accomplished through staff meetings, written correspondence to the City and! or the Council, or by presentations at the public hearing. I i I' ,I I, Appeal of Staff Recommendations Currently, a process does not exist to allow a citizen to formally appeal a staff report or staff recommendation. As mentioned above, the public hearing regarding a project application is intended to provide such an opportunity for an Advisory Body or City Council to hear concerns from the community regarding staffs recommendations or to contest specific issues within the staff report itself. While staff must make decisions regarding the process, these decisions are considered advisory since the process and recommendations are not binding until approved by the Planning Commission and!or City Council. Exceptions to the process described above include the following Community Development Department administrative items: " . Administrative Sign Permit . Architecture Review Permit . Home Occupation Permit . Minor Exception . Minor Use Permits (Plot Plan Review, Viewshed Review) . Non-discretionary time extensions . Temporary Use Permit II II The Municipal Code provides for appeal of these actions. They constitute decisions and are treated differently because the Community Development Director's action is final unless appealed. To address this misunderstanding, staff has recommended modifying the language in the Municipal Code to provide better clarification. The following change to Section 15.12.150 Appeals, A. Appeal of Action, has been recommended as part of the Development Code update process: I ~ ! CITY COUNCIL CITIZEN APPEAL OF STAFF DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS JULY 11, 2006 PAGE 3 Current Language: Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, any decision made under this title shall be subject to the appeal provisions set forth in this section. !) Proposed Language: Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, any appeal, denial, suspension or revocation of a license, permit or entitlement referenced in Sections 2. 17.030.A.2. or 16.08.060 shall be subject to the appeal provisions set forth in this section. Staff does not recommend expanding the appeal process to include items that have not yet reached a final decision. We are unaware of any city that provides for such a procedure. Staff believes the steps potentially added to the process would be duplicative of the opportunity for public input that is already provided and would create unnecessary costs and delays for both the City and applicant. i I Opportunitv to Present Concerns While both State law and City policies include provisions regarding public comment practices, how they are administered is largely at the discretion of the Mayor or advisory body chair. While public comment time allotted to each individual is limited and must be applied in a consistent manner, exceptions are normally made when an individual represents a group andlor makes a special request prior to the meeting. Moreover, as discussed above, the development process also provides an opportunity for public comment in written form, which is unlimited as to the number of pages and may be provided during any stage of the process. Therefore, staff believes the opportunity exists to provide any information at the public hearing that would be presented at an appeal hearing. I I I I I Formal Complaint Procedure The City's complaint procedures are currently decentralized. Specific procedures are in place for law enforcement, code enforcement, and personnel complaints in order to allow each department to enforce its respective rules and regulations. Each department is responsible for appropriate tracking and follow-up. Therefore, no citywide standard complaint form currently exists. Complaints are received and directed to the appropriate department for follow-up. The City has traditionally maintained a process that is less formal in order to provide more specialized, personal and responsive service. !I However, staff does believe that it would be beneficial and possible to develop more formalized procedures, while maintaining the current responsiveness and flexibility. Therefore, staff is working on drafting complaint procedures, which may include the following: I ! I II I CITY COUNCIL CITIZEN APPEAL OF STAFF DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS JULY 11, 2006 PAGE 4 . Preparation of a general complaint form, which would be available on the City's web site. However, it is recommended that completion of the form be voluntary and used only for those individuals who prefer to submit a written form rather than meeting to verbally present their concern. This form would supplement current enforcement procedures. . Development of a Citywide automated complaint tracking software. The City does not have administrative staff sufficient to provide for a centralized complaint tracking system. In addition, a centralized system often adds unnecessary steps that negatively impact the level of service to the complainant. Therefore, in order to better ensure complaints are properly handled and responded to, the objective of the software is to provide a standard system that each department can independently access and enter tracking data. Administration staff will enter the initial complaint. The operating department involved in response to the complaint will then enter follow-up data. The goal of the software will be to generate periodic reports to ensure that follow-up to all complaints is completed. II I! . Documentation of the procedure in the City's Administrative Policy Manual. . Establishment of some type of hotline or other ability for individuals to make anonymous complaints regarding any potential illegal behavior, fraud or abuse. I I I I II I I Review of Staff Materials and Chanoes Provided After the Orioinal Staff Report is Distributed Staff has recently made changes to existing procedures to improve the opportunity for public review of staff reports. First, City Council and Planning Commission agenda packets are now normally distributed on Thursdays instead of Fridays. This represents a significant improvement because staff reports can now be made available to the public prior to the weekend to allow more opportunity for review before the Tuesday evening meetings. Secondly, City Council staff reports are now placed on the City's web site to provide for more convenient and timely public access. I i I I I d Although it is highly discouraged, there are times when it becomes necessary to present the City Council with corrections, changes and/or supplemental information after the original staff report has been distributed. In addition, to improve staff's ability to respond to Planning Commission concerns, staff has attempted to distribute its initial staff report early and then provide a revised report after Commissioners have had an opportunity to identify issues that they do not believe are adequately addressed in the report. However, if members of the public have obtained a copy of the original staff report, they may not always be aware of the additional information or changes until the meeting and not have sufficient time for review. Staff recommends the following practices and policies be implemented to address this problem: CITY COUNCIL CITIZEN APPEAL OF STAFF DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS JULY 11, 2006 PAGE 5 . The Community Development Department will establish a log of individuals who have obtained Planning Commission staff reports that have been distributed early so they can be sent copies of any revised staff reports. Ii II I, I: I , I , . Staff will make an announcement at the beginning of the staff presentation if supplemental materials or changes have been provided to the City Councilor advisory body. Copies of all such materials will be available to the public prior to and at the meeting. Members of the public may express concerns during the community comment period. The City Councilor advisory body members would then decide if the materials include information substantive enough to warrant postponement of a decision on the item. Staff believes these actions will effectively address the issues identified. However, staff is also interested in additional suggestions and direction from the City Council after the Committee has an opportunity to further present their concerns. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: " I Direct staff to proceed with the activities outlined in the staff report; Direct staff to prepare a formal appeal process to staff recommendations and reports; Direct staff to make no changes to the City's existing procedures; Provide other direction to staff. Attachments: 1. July 6, 2006 correspondence from the Mike Titus Memorial Committee 2. June 27, 2006 correspondence from the Mike Titus Memorial Committee 3. June 12, 2006 correspondence from the Mike Titus Memorial Committee 4. May 18, 2006 correspondence from the Mike Titus Memorial Committee 1 .. n (\ n ATTACHMENT 1 THE MIKE TITUS MEMORIAL COMMllTEEREcEiVED "T'f n~- ^"~'n~'o i'~\'r,"'l::- THE APPELLANT lr ; l.n MililL,1 lj",,",c'_ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 9342~6 JUL - 6 Pi'! 4: I (J July 6, 2006 To the City Council of Arroyo Grande Subject: The Citizen's Appeal Process Reference: City Council hearing on the right of appeal by citizens to be heard on July 11, 2006. Attachment: Selected Letters, Articles and Commentary, The Chronology of the Appeal, and General Plan Law, City Policy and Relevant Code. What is the major issue here? The Committee asserts that wheu the City staff makes decisions and recommendations to the Planning Commission that involve numerous ameudments to the City's General Piau, the citizens mnst have a right to chaDenge "the collective aequlsition and aclumge of ft1ds" used by the staff in its deliberations,' determinations, decisions and recommendations in a dedicated public hearing - that the "due process" of normal public comment is not snff"lCient. The Committee's letter of May 16, 2006 letter of appeal to the Planning commission clearly establishes the issue as it pertains to the General Plan, as foDows: ADMINISTRATION OF THE GENERAL PLAN It is with relllclimce tIud the Appellant Committee submits this appeoL Committee members have been very actWe in the past in the development of the City's General Plan (GP), so it is with a deep belkfthat the GP is the abiding sliUUlJlrdfor deveIopnumt The reh<<1ance is bose4 on the questiolUlble adherence to the pTOl'ision and spirit of the GP "W ensure pubUc awareness and full and open public discIIssion and debate regarding proposed actions" as prOl1ided in the Development Code Section 16.12160. In this context the reluctJmce expressed here also pertains to the loss of conjidenJ:e be1:ause of the Community Development Depiutment's apparent managerial cotif/kls and advocacy in a:dl'ising and supporting the Cherry Creek applictmts on "options twaiJable" and "identified issues" as compared to defending the intl!rest of the citizens in adhering to the "pTOl'ision and spirit" of the GP. The Community Development lJeptutment's role shoultJ be to insist on confoTllUl1U:e with the City's General Plan and not to encoumge and work with appUcanls to nuzke aceptions and amendments to that Plan. n The major question is do citizens have the right to make a formal appeal of the City staff's decisions and reeommenda.tion made to the Planning Commission on amendments and changes to the General Plan? The Committee asserts it does have this "right", and if the City Council does not acknowledge and denies the "right", the denial and lack of acknowledgement is inconsistent with the spirit and may be a violation of the Brown Act and the provisions of the General Plan. The foDowing is stated as a part of the City's explanation of the General Plall: Since a general phm prwides directionfor future dePelopment, the charader and quoJity of life in a community could substantially cJumge. Most citizens are concerned about the future growth and development of their city. Since an updllted general phm IIUIY clumge land use designaJions in sePeml areas of the city, it will directly impact most citizens. The general plan process provides an exceUent opportunity for citizen direction and participation in city government The explallatioll then proceeds to state the Iewll requirements on amelldments, zollillg, the zolling ordillance and the function of the development code: n A development code is the combination of a zoning, subdivision and any other ordinance ns:essary regulate dePelopment in the City. The development code, therefore, is a part of and an implementation of the General Plan. And as such the code does not alld should not exclude citizells from the ri2ht of appealing decisiollS and recommendations of the staflwhen such recommendations and decisions involve changes and amendmellts to the Gelleral Plan. The code is not alld should not he the exclusive province of the staff and developers. This is especially true when considering the role of the development code in serving the goals and policies of the General Plan to achieve a community which: . Promotes a rurat smDll town lltmbsphere and reIllins Arroyo Grande's tradJtiotwl ties to agriculture. . Recognizes limitotion upon the IUllUraI resources necessmy to support IU'ban and rural development, and live within those Iindts. . Accommodates II bahuu:e and variety of IU'ban and ruratlifestyles, providing the best possible qwdity of lifefor aD residents. n Accordingly, the Committee respectfully requests that the City Council acknowledge and allow the exercise of a procedural diseretionary "right" of the citizens to formally appeal the decisions and recommendations ofthe.Commnnity Development Director in a dedicated public hearing whenever amendments to the General Plan are proposed. ? n This letter may be emended based on a review and analysis of the City's staff report once it is received by the Committee. Respectfully, the Appellant Committee ~k (8t) WlJJih~~ Lynn Titns, Chair Address (}f!)lljJJ~'J!;r /l Ji/;J 855 Oh U-v,~t- Colleen Martin Co-Chair ~~ Otis Page Address c5L2, ~6~4 FL. I/..c;, .J Address bO~ ~ M Address (\ Copy: The Planning Commission The City Manager (\ ~ n THE MIKE TITUS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE THE APPELLANT ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420 July 6. 2006 Attacbment to letter to tbe City Council, subject: The Citizen's Appeal process. For submission to the City Council witb the coincident submission of the City's staff report on tbe appeal matter. Tbe following reference information is in three parts: Selected Letters, articles and commentary; The Cbronology oftbe appeal; General Plan Law, City Policy and Relevant Code. 1. SELECTED LETTERS, ARTICLES AND COMMENTARY Article in the Coast News: City Rejects Resident's Appeal (\ Bob Bebme Tbe rejection by Arroyo Grande City Manager Steve Adams of an appeal filed by "Tbe Mike Titus Memorial Committee" - a group of residents living between Cherry Avenue and tbe village - bas brougbt in response, an angry letter questioning the city's actions. The new letter, addressed to the City Council, was delivered on May 18. At issue is tbe controversial Cberry Creek Estates, a proposed development of 35 bomes tbat would be built on a nine acre site east of Myrtle Street and north of Cherry Avenue. The proposed project has been before the city's Planning Commission four times and is part of what could eventually be a larger 22-acre site tbat could see tbe construction of as many as 99 new homes. At its meeting last Tuesday Planning Commissioners continued a hearing on tbe project until July 18, despite objections from the developer. 10 a meeting with Coast News, Adams said that the Titus Committee appeal was rejected only because the Planning Commission has not made a decision and material on a staff report are "recommendations", uot decisions, and thus not subject to appeal. n Area residents contend that the construction of even the first phase of35 new homes will threaten their community, increasing traffic, changing the character of the area and affecting tbe price of their homes. Residents also claim that the area is, and has been rural in cbaracter, is essentially agricultural land and should have a much lower density. n The action began on May 16 when CoUeen Martin, who represented the Titus Committee, attempted to de6ver a letter to the Planning Commission and to file a formal appeal. "A required appeal form and a cheek for $224 were presented along with a letter statement of the appeal to the City manager ....... The letter was accepted, bnt the appeal form and the check were rejected..... the May 18 letter charged. "The City Manager's position that the Director of Community Development does not make decisions in preparing the staff report with recommendations to the Planning Commission is clearly not true," the Titus Committee letter stated. Adding that developers and citizens have a right of appeal to override the decisions and recommendations of the Planning Commission, the Titus Committee asked that the city place the matter on the June 6 City Council Agenda. Named in honor of Mike Titus, an active and popular resident, the Titus Memorial Committee members include Lynn Titus, chair; Colleen Martin, Co-Chair; Larry Turner and Otis Page. Article in the Coast News: An Appeal on Citizen's Rights Could Have Broad Implications Bob Behme n An Arroyo Grande mother and danghter are pnshing for what may turn ont to be a land- mark decision concerning the pub6c's right to appeal city staff decisions before the decisions go public in either a City Council or Planning Commission hearing. The question will be decided in King Solomon fashion by the Arroyo Grande City Council in a coming meeting. The council's respon~ may be more than preeedent-setting, it might have repercussions that could stretch across the state. The process began with Lynn Titus and her daughter Colleen Martin, who believe that any city staff is less than perfect and oceasionally makes a mistake - in fact or in judgment. They also believe and that if those errors can be challenged before they reach a public hearing, the challeuge could save the city time and money. "We are dealing with the process and the public's right to question it," Martin said. The women, members of the Mike Titus Memorial Committee, say their decision to take action began with a proposed 35-honse residential development on land near the Titus home off East Cherry Lane. In tbat ease they found what they believed were errors in tbe research that aecompanied the developer's request for approvaL The questioned material bad been generated by the city. n 7 n On May 16, Martin, representing the Titus group, attempted to initiate an appeal regarding the issue to City Manager Steve Adams. Their appeal was accompanied by a check for $224, the amount the city charges to process the document. Adams rejected their appeal and their check on grounds that the Planning Commission had not reached a decision and that staff comments were therefore considered as 'recommendations' and not a decision. On that basis Adams said, there was no reason for a public appeaL On May 23 Martin returaed to the counCil attempting to file the appeal a second time. This time it was Mayor Tony Ferrara who told Martin that she, her mother and the committec had misunderstood the appeal process. Ferrara offered to meet with Martin to "clear up the situation." Titus, Martin and other members of their group said they were eager for the meeting though they believed there was nothing to "clear up". They contended that the city ordinance aU ready gives citizens a right to appeal such decisions. After meeting with the Mayor and after exchanging numerons ~maiJs it was agreed that Titus and her daughter would present a request to the city council for a decision on exactly what rights of appeal citizens have when they believe that data generated by the city staff is in error. ~I think it would be much better to appeal something like that early rather than after the Planning Commission has made its decision - especially if the decision was based on information that was not totaUy accurate," Titus said. n On June 13 the issue was again presented to the City Council Accompanying it Martin submitted a letter signed by her, her mother, Larry Turner and Otis Page. In part the letter said, "The intent of this letter is to support an action by Mayor Ferrara to place the citizen's right of appeal regarding staB's decisions and recommendations to the Planning Commission on the City Council agenda." This time their proposal was accepted by the Mayor with a promise that the issue of citizen' right of appeal would be placed on a coming City Council agenda. Martin said she felt it was a victory of sorts. THE SHARMA LETTER AND REPLY IN THE COAST NEWS - JUNE 28, 2006 SHARMA'S LETTER: The report of impending, "broad implications" by Bob Behme (Frout page, The Coast News, June 21-June 27), concerning an appeal by tynn Titus and her daughter, Colleen Martin is of interest in the exercise of "DUE PROCESS" by public bodies. n 1 n Having scrutinized the report nnmber of times, no where one finds any reference to the public hearing on the issue by the Planning Commission of City of Arroyo Grande. Yes, the intentions ofLynn Titus and Colleen Martin are very commendable but if each and every issue that required the city staff study was made the subject of scrutiny by the applicaut at each step, the DUE PROCESS will be in shambles. It is surprising that only recently a situation in which City Conncil members ofPismo Beach interjected, albeit claiming their First Amendment Rights, in matters of Planning Commission, a subordinate body, nonetheless violating an equally important step called the DUE PROCESS was in the headlines, that Honorable Mayor Ferrara has in effect done the same in this case. Let the issue oome before the Planning Commission. It is, during the public hearing before the Planning Commission, the right of the applicants, Lynn Titus and Colleen Martin to mount a vigorous public case against the erroneous data generated by the city. REPLY TO THE SHARMA LETTER Subject: Registered Parliamentarian, BRAHAMA D. SHARMA's letter re: The report of impending," broad implications" by Bob Behme; The Coast News, June 21-June 27 n The Cherry Creek appeal made by Lynn Titus and Colleen Martin to the Planning Commission (PC) of Arroyo Grande was presented at the PC meeting of May 16, 2006. Parliamentarian Brahama Sharma is against allowing the appeal and defends existing Public Comment procedures. He states, "bnt if each and every issue that required the city staff study was made the subject of scrutiny by the applicant (by citizeus) at each step, the DUE PROCESS will be in shambles." Titus and Martin insist this is not true. Public Comment by citizens is often oonstrained by time and the random format of comment, where staff's and developer's presentations typically have no time constraints. Staff reports are issued late ou Friday for the PC meetiug on the following Tuesday therefore not allowing timely review. Further, staff's presentations at the PC typically provide new information. This also does not allow sufficient time for citizen understanding of staff's decisious and recommendations. The existing procedures, therefore, has the effect of limiting informed citizen Comment and is inconsistent with the spirit of the Brown Act. Titus and Martin believe the staff's report on Cherry Creek is corrupted by error and possesses all these limitations. It is for these reasons they are seeking a hearing of their appeal A focused Public Hearing ou the subject of an appeal does not put "DUE PROCESS - in shambles". It accomplishes the opposite in establishing a thoughtful response by citizens for a complete record for the PC. The real qnestion is will the City Council allow or deny the right of citizens to make such an appeal (\ 4 n ARTICLE IN SAN LUIS OBISPO TRIBUNE REGARDING APPEAL MATTER - JULY 1, 2006 AG woman pusbes for earlier appeals She wants to let people appeal staff reports before projeets get to Planning Commission Mariecar MendoZa mmendcw>t6lUl8lribunenews.com An Arroyo Grande woman's opposition to a proposed residential project has her pushing the city to allow residents to appeal staff reports on development projeets before they get to the Planning Commission. If approved, Colleen Martin's idea would give the city's residents more power in the development process earlier than is allowed by any other city in the state. "We're trying to break new ground bere in the wbole state regarding the concept of appealing a staff report," Martin said. The matter will come before the City Council for a discussion July 11. n Arroyo Grande City Manager Steven Adams ealled the idea highly unnsnaL And otber city officials say tbe concept doesn't make sense beeause residents have a chance to voice their concerns to tbe Planning Commission before it votes and to appeal commission decisions to the City Council Arroyo Grande's Municipal Code states that anyone affected by a decision or vote made by the community development director, arehitectnral review committee or Planning Commission c:an file for an appeal to the City Council, wbose decision is finaL A fee of 5224 and a completed form are required. Martin wants residents to have the chance to intercept documents for early review. "Prior to the Planning Commission making that vote, we wonld like to contest the staff report," Martin said, "beeause there are so many misrepresentations, errors and inconsistencies." Specifically, Martin is referring to a report on the Cherry Creek project, wbich calls for nearly 30 new l"!!5idences on nine acres off East Cherry Avenue, the first pbase of a 22-acre project. In the report, city staff bad listed aud described areas surrounding the Ial1d as "bigh- density residentiaL" Martin said that's not true and that tbe area is a walnut orchard. Adams said be bas instructed staff to clarify the report for the future. It refers, be said, to tbe side of the project beyond the Arroyo Graude Creek, uowoceupied by mobile bomes. :!!:! s!!:!! !!!!!!. somebodv S!!!!!! misunderstand that. !mt !!:!!!!!! inaccurate." Adams!!!!!b "The report lists different densities ou all sides of the project. _ One of tbe densities listed was biglt-density beeause the area north, on the other side of tbe creek, is a mobile bome park, wbich is described as high-density. " n ~ A broad idea n Though the idea for the change sprang ont of the Cherry Creek proposal. Martin said it is not limited to that project. "It's au exciting idea because if the conucil approves it, it sets a precedent for open and honest government with full citizen participation." she said. "Right now, the way it works is that a citizen only has three minutes oral time during a pnblic hearing. That's not enough." Assistant City Attorney Ziyad Naeeasha disagrees. "Someone ean voice their objections or submit a written objection." Naeeasha said, "and the deciding body ean look at it and accept or reject it and make recommendations accordingly." nere's no precedent for Martin's idea, said Patrick Whitnell, assistant general conusel for the California League of Cities, a lobbying and professioual association for cities in the state. He doesn't think it wonld spark a trend in the state. But he does think it would jam up Arroyo's development process. "The question is whether the council feels this will reaDy provide any meaningful input," he said, "or if it's just another hurdle that staff needs to overcome before a decision can be made by the Planning Commission and City CounciL" And, WhitDClI added, "Who would hear the appeal?" City officials said they don't have an answer. Martin said she would want residents to appeal to the Planning Commission. n POSTED COMMENT BY DAVID GRIM REGARDING THE TRIBUNE ARTICLE. - JULY 2, 2006 Colleen Martin's proposal is a signa) of a greater disconnect between the development process and the citizen participation that should Uttur amongst a changiJig human habitat. ne simple fact is that the current public hearing process is not participatory. Speaking before a panel of decision-makers for th~five minutes has the effect of making citizens defensive and sometimes desperate in trying to explain the importance of their viewpoint. Staff reportS, as has been noted, are prepared beforehand and rarely represent any collaborative effort ofthe city, developer, and community. Both the applieant and public ageney have spent time and money on preparing and producing materials that propose some type of action. nis dedication of resources represents an investment of labor that neither party takes lightly; both become frUstrated when faced with chauges in plans. n Most jurisdictions require early CODSultationS with developers so as to avoid these problems, but still, even if the projects goes along swimmingly behind the scenes, there is (, n no guarantee that it will survive ont in the open. Basically, the current process aRows for too mucb waste. The time and money spent going back and making incremcutal changes to plans represents considerable loss to society as a whole, even for commnnity members wbo find a new development as a threat to their quality of life. This process of waste culminates with the public hearing, where any development with impacts, however smaR in comparison to other problems, elicits more frustrated and desperate individuals who were relegated to an afterthought by the development review process. Colleen Martin's proposal is the sign of a greater need for effective and meaningful citizen participation in the planning and development process. Some other jurisdictions assign the developer to appropriate "neighborhood associations" in order for them to work with citizens on forming a projeet tbat is reasonably amicable to both parties. These meetings are held before any city staff reports where recommendations of approval or denial are made in a vacuum void of citizen understanding and support. However, an additional appeals process would not make the process more participatory. It would further the current adversarial atmosphere of development issues and relegate land- use to an even more volatile political process. n Hopefully, though, this issue wiD bring meaningful citizen participation out to the forefrout of planning and polities in California and help formulate a future process of sustainable decisiou-making. LETTER TO NEIGHBORS ON NOGUERA PLACE REGARDING THE CHERRY CREEK PLAN AND THE RELEASE OF THE EASEMENT July 5, 2006 To: The neighbors on Noguera Place Subject: Where we stand on the easement The City has not and probably will not release the easement back to its rightful owners at this time. As you know I have been active on The Mike Trtns Memorial Committee that is appealing the staff report on the Cherry Creek project. I believe my participation has brought "political focus" on the easement issue and the interests ofthe owners on Noguera. n 7 n It is my belief my participation in the Committee has been important in gaining concessions from the developer. They now plan that the property in the Cherry Creek project facing Noguera will be one story residences on 7200 sq ft lots! Most important! It is my present opinion that the City is locked into a drainage solution using the present ditch - or a solution that provides the same capability for drainage - and the justification of the easement's use for drainage no longer exists. Because of this fact, I believe that we will eventually succeed in having a release from the City on the easement. But we should not rest until that commitment is in writing. Larry Turner 2. THE CRONOLOGY OF THE APPEAL OUTLNE OF EVENTS: Submission of an incomplete staff report ou the Cherry Creek applicatiou to the Planuiug Commission on May 12, 2006. n The presentatiou by the City Staff aud the appliCaut at the Planniug Commission meeting on May 16, 2006. Letter of Appeal May 16, 2006 to the Planning Commission. Submission of a letter of objeetion to the City Council on May 18, 2006. Rejection of the Committee's formal appliCation of appeal by tbe City Manager prior to the Planning Commission meeting of May 16, confirmed by Adams' letter of May 19, 2006. The presentation to the City Council by Lynn Titus and Colleen Martin during Public Comment on May 23, 2006. Meeting of May 31, 2006 including Mayor Ferrara, Ed Arnold, the City Manager Steve Adams, Lynn Titns and Colleen Martin on the Appeal matter. Email by Otis Page to Mayor Ferrara and City CoUncil dated June 2, 2006 regarding tbe meeting with Martin and Titus. Email reply by Ferrara to Otis Page in respouse to his Email of June 2. Meeting with Mayor Ferrara, Otis Page, Larry Turner and Colleen Martin June 6, 2006 at the Brancb Street Delicatessen. (', R n Mayor Ferrara's Email reply to Otis Page regarding his meeting with Steve Adams and Tim Carmel on June 6. Letter to the City Council: City Council re: Agenda Item 12, June 13, 2006; City Council Member Items: Appeal Process and Public Participation (Ferrara). The Council decision to place the Committee's appeal on the Council agenda date July 11, 2006 in its mcetiug of June 13, 2006 per the request made in the letter to the Council of May IS, 2006. THE AUTHORITY FOR THE APPEAL STATED IN A LETTER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON MAY 16, 2006 Reference: Development Code Amendment 04-007; Neighborhood Plan 04-001; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 04-002; Planned Unit Development 04-002; Cherry Creek Estates The following recites the authority for the appeal: Development Code: 16.12150AppeaJs. A. Appeol of Action. (\ 2. Any affected person may appeol a dedsion of the co1lllllllnity tlevebJpment director or the architectural review committee to the Pburnlng Commission. A decision of the PllUllling Commission on such appeol may be flU1her appealed to the city cOll1lCil, whose decision shall be Jim THE APPEAL ITEMS THAT CONTRADICT OR AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE: L NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN (EVNP) The Neighborhood Plan (EVNP) is a cooperative effort by staff and the RRM Design Group af cursory discussions with affected ncighbors in Subarea 2. Of the 11- page explanation in the PI only slight mention is made of Subarea 2 in the first 10 pages tbat deals with Subarea 1, and 01 one page is dedicated to Subarea 2 on page 11. A consensus of the neighbors in Subarea 2 is required for a neighborhood plan regarding the PUB precedent, agreements to an Ag buffer ir Subarea 2, and the disposition and changes planned on the East Cherry Street dirt Road. The EVNP does not fulfill the intent of the General Plan in requiring a Neighborhood Plan for developmeut of area 7E, so designated by the then sitting City Council ou October 9, 2001. H. PLANNED UNIT DEVEWPMENTS n Q ('I Development Codel6.16.060 PltI1UU!Il unit development permits. B. Authority. The Planning Commission is authoriv!d to approve pImrned unit development permits. subject to the appeal provisions of Section 16.11.150 of this title. (See above) The community development rOrector, staff advisory conunittee, and archited1ual review committee shall provide recomtnJ!lUlotWns to the Phuming Commission regarrOng pltl1UU!ll unit development permits. A public hearing PUt'SlUlnt to Set:don 16.11.16() of this title shall be required. Neighbors attending different presentations of the Cherry Creek development were never informed of the PUB plan. They were never informed that the PUB was a way to avoid the General Plan zoning. Neighbors and certain Planning Commissioners have objeeted to the density of the project. Some insisted on adherence to the General Plan for minimum 7,200 sq foot lots. Development Code 16.11.160 Publk hearing and notiflCtltion p1'OCl!l!llres. (regarding PUBs): (\ A public hearing shall be 1reld prior to action by the Pbuuring Commission or city council when required by state law or IoaJl ordhuuu:e, guidelines or polides. ApplicatIonfor a phumed unit development shall nqt co1lStit1de an application for subrOvision. If a subrOvision of land is proposed in conjunction with a planned unit development project, separate application, review, andfuulings shall be nuule in accordance with the provisions of the code. The PUB hearing is being held ennenrrent with the application of the Cherry Creek application. The applieation is for a subdivision and should not be allowed. The Development Code provides that an independent public hearing of the PUD in Subarea 1 be held prior to the ennsideration of the project. ID. USE OF AGRICULTURAL SOILS The property nses land possessing agricultoral soils. The City's policy to preserve undeveloped Ag Soils is clearly stated and ennfirmed by a Planning Commissioner. This is a subject of reenrd before the Planning Commission and City Council clearly depicted in the Council's TV tapes of the meetings when and where the new Agricultural Policy was established. The staff has insisted the policy does not pertain to the Cherry Creek area, as ennfirmed by its presentation to the Planning Commission and the Council (on May 24, 2005 agenda n 10 (\ item lOa, Ag policy). even though the property is presently zoned Residential Rural and tbe area is a fallow agricultural area with a walnut orchard. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION BY THE ACTING DIRECfOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Reference is made to CEQA FAQS httD:Jlwww.arroVOQrande.oralcomm dev/!*'8 faCls.php and the'specific instructions quoted as follows: What If I Disagree With The Environmental Determinadon? The Community Development Director's decision appealable to the Planning Commission within 10 dIlys from the dJreision date. The Pltuming Commission's decision can be appealed to the City CounciL OTHER SIGNIFICANT CHERRY CREEK MATTERS The four items above represent the major considerations of this Appeal besides the detail of the Cherry Creek application requiring judgments that are not included as items of the Appeal: (\ Building heights: one story, if two stories. Respousibility for East Cherry Road. Road widths: 36' vs 40' Creek side park area. Why a gate and special treatment of Venderveer residence. Adequacy of Open Space considerations? Preservation of existing productive avoCado and walnut trees? Commitment ofintent on Noguera easement? Adequacy of parking areas? Size of buffer. 130 feet exceeds General Plan requirement. Parkiug on Cherry? Critical traffic impacts? Traffic calming (speed bumps) on Myrtle? Traffic light at Traffic Way? Adequacy of drainage solution and impact on Creek. APPEAL PROCESS CONFORMANCE With respect to Development COde 16.12.150 on Appeals, the appeal involves the decision by tbe acting community development director, with the knowledge of the City Manager, to make recommendations baSed on a representation offacts to the Planning Commission on the Cherry Creek application. (\ 11 n The appellant respectfully recognizes that the Planning Commission "11UlJ1 review Il1Ul toke action on all determinations. imerpretotions, decisions, judgments, or similar actions token on tM application or project, Il1Ul are not limited to 1M reason stated/or tM appeol." The appellant further understands the appeal "sludI not be withdrawn except with 1M consent of the appropriaJe hearing body", the Planning Commission. The appeal filed May 16, 2006 with the secretary of the Planning Commission, a filing within ten (10) calendar days following the date of action of the Cherry Creek staff report distributed May 12, 2006 and is outstauding dependent on a ruling by the City Council to allow or deuy the appeal, as clarified by the Committee's letter to the Council dated July 7, 2006. The appellant expects a Public notice of an appeal hearing shall be given in the same manner as set forth for public hearings, Section 16.12.160 and that a hearing date shall be set within thirty (30) days of the filing of the appeal with the secretary. The appellant respectfully requests a dedicated hearing. . The appellant understands that in considering the appeal, the Planning Commission may affirm, affirm in part, or reverse or otherwise modify the previous determiuations in prior meetings and those of the present meeting of May 16, 2006 that pertain to the issues of the appeal with the proviso that appellant may also appeal the Planning Commission's findings to the City Council. n Further, the appellant prays that while the appeal is pending, any decisions by the Planning Commission regarding Cherry Creek will be suspended until such time the appeal is heard and exhausted, including any possible submission to the City Council, or at that time, by accommodation, the appellant withdraws the appeal RECORD OF OBJECTION FILED WITH CITY COUNCIL - MAY 18, 2006 On May 16, 2006 Colleen Martin representing THE MIKE TITUS MEMORIAL COMMTITEE attempted to me a formal appeal to' the Planning Commission of Arroyo .Grande. A required appeal form and check for $224 was presented along with the letter statement of the appeal to the City manager on the afteruoon of May 16, 2006. The letter was accepted, but the appeal form and check were rejected by the City Manager. It was emphasized the objection does not deal with the substance of the appeal It deals with rights ofthe citizens to appeal based on the intent and spirit of Development Code 16.12.150. n It was further emphasized the denial of a right to appeal, as that right is stated in Development Code 16.12.150, is a clear discrimination against the rights of citizens as confirmed in the spirit of the Brown Act (see note below) and in Development Code Section 17 n (\ n 16.12.160, "to ensure public awareness andfull and open public discussion and debate regarding proposed actW~", that the City Manager was wrong in denying the Committee's formal appeal based on his and the City attorney's interpretation of the Development Code only pertaining to developers . The Committee requested that the matter be pnt on the agenda for a public hearing at the City Council meeting on June 6, 2006. It is now scheduled for July 11, 2006 after substantial comment in the press including letters in the Coast News. . REFERENCE TO THE BROWN ACT "The purpose ofthe Brown Act is to allow the public to attend, observe, monitor and participate in the decision-making process at the local area of government. Not only are the actions taken by the legislative body to be monitored by the public but also the deliberations leading to the actions taken. The term deliberations has been broadly construed to connote not only collective discussion, but the collective acqoolisition and exchange of facts preliminary to the final decision." District Attorney of Orange County, August 2005 CITY MANAGER'S LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE DENYING THE APPEAL - MAY 19, 2006 "a process does not exist to formally appeal a staff report or recommendatio~ Furthermore, staff does not provide direction to the applicant. Staff provides feedback regarding interpretation of City regulations as they pertain to the proposed project and, in some cases, recommendations regarding how City reqnirements can best be addressed. Information provided in the staff report to the Planning Commission also consists entirely of analysis and recommendations with no binding decisions made at this point in the process." APPLICANT MEETING WITH NOGUERA TRACT OWNERS - JUNE 21, 2006 No two story houses facing Nognera. Lot size on houses facing Noguera will be 7,200 sq fL APPLICANT MEETING WITH INTERESTED PARTIES AND NEIGHBORS - JUNE 27, 2006 Major change in track map. Myrtle extended around to East Cherry. No walls or gates protecting Vanderveer house. Rob Strong's option has expired. New swale design and culvert to dump water into creek. House bordering swale will be PUDs with small lots. n n Number oflots reduced from 38 to 30. Lots facing Noguera and Lierty lane will be 7,200 sq ft. Applicant annoUDced be did not intend to bnild bit to secnre approval for track map. AD other issues such as traffic are not resolved. LETTER TO CITY COUNCIL REQUESTING JULY 11, 2006 HEARING DATE AND TIME DELIVERANCE OF CITY STAFF REPORT -JUNE 27, 2006 "the Committee requests that 1) the appeal item be heard at the City Council meeting on July II, 2006, and 2) that ~ Committee receive the staff reuort on the matter in time!!!!! reDlv mav be included with the staff's submission to the City connciL" The letter further establishes, "the Development Code is in effeet until changed in a Public Hearing by the Planning Commission and by subsequent action by the City CounciL The Committee's appeal is made nnder the language of the Development Code as stated in the letter of Appeal to the Planning Commission of May 16, 2006 and the letter of objection to the City Council on May 18." (\ The letter acknowledges "the City Manager holds that the appeal is invalid in terms of the code" but that the "substance" ofthe Committee's formal appeal to the Planning Commission, nevertheless, is compelling." That "the matter of , substance' ... may pertain to any modifications in a subsequent report that may be revised for the Planning Commission meeting to be held July 18". The letter states, "The May 16 staff report inclndes errors, some of whicb may be construed as being false, and substantially deviates from the General Plan in many respects. Further. it is believed ~ staff reuort snffers fr!!m the apparent conflict of ~ Director of Community Development because of his past interests in DroDerty suhiect to development I!I ~ Cherry Creek aDDlieatioD." 3. GENERAL PLAN LAW, CITY POLICY AND RELEVANT CODE STATE LAW n 65353. <a> When the city or county has a planning commission authorized by local ordinance or resolution to review and recommend action on a proposed general plan or proposed amendments to the general plan, the commission shall hold at least one pnblic hearing before approving a recommendation on the adoption or amendment of a general plan. Notice of the hearing shall be given pursuant to Section 65090. (b) H a proposed general plan or amendments to a general plan would affeet the permitted uses or intensity of uses of real 14 () property, notice of the hearing shall also be given pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) ofsubdivision (a) of Section 65091. (c) H the number of owners to whom notice would be mailed or delivered pursuant to subdivision (b) is greater than 1,000, a local agency may, in lieu of mailed or delivered notice, provide notice by publishing notice pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 65091. (d) H the hearings held under this section are held at the same time as hearings under Section 65854, the notice of the hearing may be combined. . 65354. The planning commission shall make a written recommendation on the adoption or amendment of a general plan. A recommendation for approval shall be made by the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the total membership of the commission. The planning om mission shall send its recommendation to the legislative body. n 65354.5. (a) A city or county with a planning agency, other than the legislative body itself, which has the authority to consider and recommend the approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of a proposed amendment to a general plan, shall establish procedures for any interested party to file a written request for a hearing by the legislative body with its clerk within five days after the planning agency acts on the proposed amendment. Notice of the hearing shall be given pursuant to Section 6S09O. (b) The legislative body may establish a fee to cover the cost of establishing the procedures and conducting the hearing pursuant to subdivision (a). The legislative body shall impose the fee pursuant to Section 66016. 65355. Prior to adopting or amending a general plan, the legislative body shall hold at least one public hearing. Notice of the hearing shall be given pursuant to Section 6S09O. n 65356. The legislative body shall adopt or amend a general plan by resolution, which resolution shall he adopted by the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the total membership of the legislative body. The legislative body may approve, modify, or disapprove the recommendation of the planning commission, if any. However, any substantial modification proposed by the legislative body not previously cousidered by the commission during its hearings, shall first be referred to the planning commission for its recommendation. The failure of the commission to report within 45 calendar days after the reference, or within the time set by the 1~ legislative body, shall be deemed a recommendation for approvaL (\ CITY POLICY 16.16.010 Purpose and intent. These provisions are intended to prescribe the procedure for filing applieations for permits, appeals, amendments and approvals when required or permitted by this title. These provisions are intended to provide the framework by which applications win he determined to be complete and permitted to be filed. (Prior code t 9-03.010) 16.16.020 General plan amendment. A. Purpose and Intent. As conditions within the city change, it may, from time to time. become necessary or desirable to amend the general plan to enhance it effectiveness. In addition, state law requires that the general plan be periodieally updated. The purpose of this section is to provide a method for amending the general plan to ensure its continued effectiveness. n B. Authority. The city council is authorized to approve general plan amendments. The phmlling director, staff advisory cnmmittee, ant. planning commission shall provide recommentlatimu to the city coundl regarding genera! pkm amendments. A Jlublic nearing pursuant to the pl"lwisiollS of Seetiml 16.12.160 oftllis title sllall be reqllii"ed. The city council may amend all or part of the general plan, or any element thereof. All zoning districts, any specific plan, and other plans of the city that are applieable to the same areas or matters affected by the general plan amendment, and which by law must be consistent with the general plan, shan be reviewed and amended concurrently as necessary to ensure consistency between the general plan and implementing zoning, specific plans, and other plans. C. Initiation of Amendments to the General Plan. An amendment to the general plan or any element thereof may be initiated by any of the following actions: 1. The consensus of the city council or planning commission; 2. The filing of an applieation from a property owner or his or her authorized agent, or any affected party. H the property for which a general plan amendment is proposed is in more than one ownership, all the owners or their authorized agents may join in filing the applieation; 3. The determination by the planning director that changes are necessary to the existing setting report to reflect current conditions in the city. 16.08.020 Consistency with general plan. n Hi (\ A. An application for any permit, license or approval submitted pursuant to this title shall not be accepted as complete for processing under this title unless it is consistent with the general plan, however, the concurrent filing of a general plan amendment application with an amendment to a zoning district or the provisions of this title shall be allowed. In any case where there is a conflict in regulation between this title and the general plan, the general plan shall prevail. B. All subdivisions within the city shall be consistent with the Arroyo Grande general plan, all applicable specific plans, and other applicable laws, titles, ordinances, codes, policies ' and regulations. 16.08.050 City counciL The city council shall have the authority to review and approve the following: A. General plan amendments; B. Specific plans and amendments to specific plaos; C. Amendments to zoning districts and other provisions of this title; 16.08.060 Planning commission review. 16. Appeals of planning director determinations. (1 B. The planning commission will make reeommendations to the city council on the following: 1. General plan amendments; 16.08.080 Staff advisory committee. A. Created. There is created a staff advisory committee for the city. It shall consist ofthe community development director, building official, director of parks and recreation, fire chief, public works director, police chief, or their designated representatives, as well as such other members as the city council may by resolution include. B. Powers and Duties. The staff advisory committee shall have the general power to act in an advisory capacity to the community development director and planning commission in regard to permits, licenses and approvals that are subject to the provisions of this title. In addition to the foregoing general power, the staff advisory committee shall have the following particular powers and duties: 2. Recommend such project revisions, alternatives and conditions as may be necessary to achieve consistency with the Arroyo Grande general plan, as well as compliance with the provisions of this title and other applicable laws, titles, ordinances, codes, policies and regulations; (\ 4. Raise concerns regarding the environmental impacts of a project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and recommend an environmental d~ermination. 17 (\ C. Chair and Committees. The community development director or his or her designated representative shall serve as chairperson of the staff advisory committee. 16.16.060 Planned unit development permits. A. Purpose and Intent. The plauned unit development permit process is intended to facilitate development of properties designated for residential and commercial uses or planned development in the general piau and development code. This process is used where greater flexibility in desigu is desired to provide a more efficient-use of land than would be possible through strict application of conventional zone or land use district regalations. B. Authority. The pl8DDing commission is authorized to approve planned unit development permits, subject to the appeal provisions of Section 16.12.150 of this title. The community development director, staff advisory committee, aud architectnral review committee shall provide recommendations to the planning commission regarding planned unit development permits. A public hearing pursuant to Section 16.12.160 of this title shall be required. MINIMUM LOT SIZE STANDARD (\ The City is definitely remiss in not insisting and/or advising the applicant the "minimum lot size" is 7,200 sq. ft. specified in the General Plan (Table 16.32.050-A Residential Site Development Standards). 16.12.150 Appeals. A. Appeal of Action. Definitions for the noun action: ae-tion (ak'shen) noun 1. The state or process of acting or doing. 2. A deed. See Usage Note at act. 3. A movement or a series of movemenlll. 4. Manner of movement: a horse with good action; a gearshift with smooth action. 5. Habitual or vigorous activity; energy: a woman of action. 6. Ofteo actioDS . Behavior or conduct. 7. a. The operating parts of a mechanism. b. The maoner in which soch parts operate. 8. A change that 0CCUl"S in the body or in a bodily organ as a result of its functioning. 9. A physical change, as in position, mass, or energy. that an object or a system undergoes. 10. The series of events and episodes that form the plot of a story or play. 11. The appearance of animation of a figure in painting or scoIpture. 12. Law. A judicial proceeding whose purpose is to obtain relief at the hands of a court. n III (', 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, any decision made under this title shall be subject to the appeal provisions set forth in this section. 2. Any affected person may appeal a decision of the community development director or the architectural review committee to the planning commission. A decision of the planning commission on such appeal may be further appealed to the city council, whose decision shall be finaL 3. Any affected person may appeal a decision of the planning commission to the city council, whose decision shall be finaL 4. Once an appeal is filed, the appellate body's authority to review the decision being appealed is not limited to the original reason stated for the appeaL The planning commission or city council may review and take action on all determinations, interpretations, decisions, jndgments, or similar actions taken on the applieation or project, and are not limited to the reason stated for the appeal. 5. Once an appeal is filed, it shall not be withdrawn except with the consent of the appropriate hearing body. B. Filing of Appeals. (\ 1. Appeals shall be in writing on a form obtained from the commnnity development department (for appeals to planning commission) or city clerk (for appeals to city council). The appellant shall state tbe specific reasons for the basis of the appeal Appeal applications shall include the required fee and mailing labels for property owners within tbree hnndred (300) feet oftbe project being appealed, nnless otberwise provided in tbis title. 2. An appeal of a community development director or architectural review committee action shall be filed with the secretary of the planning commission within ten (10) calendar days following the date of action for which an appeal is made or the date the action is reported to the planning commission on the consent agenda. 3. An appeal of a planning commission decision shall be filed in the office of the city clerk within ten (10) calendar days following the date of action for which an appeal is made. c. Appeal Hearings. Public notice of an appeal hearing shall be given in the same manner as set fortb for public hearings, Section 16.12.160. A hearing date shall be set within thirty (30) days of the filing of the appeal form and necessary materials. In hearing an appeal, the appeal body may affirm, aff"rrm in part, or reverse or otherwise modify the previous determination that is the subject of appeal. (\ D. Effective Date of Appealed Actions. While an appeal is pending, the establishment of any affected structure or use is to be suspended. (Ord. 544 * 3 (part), 2003; prior code * 9- 02.150) 1<) L ATTACHMENT~ t;. THE MIKE TITUS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE 404 LIERL Y LANE ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420 June 27, 2006 To the City Council of Arroyo Grande Subject: The Mike Titus Memorial Committee (the Committee) Appeal Reference A : 1) the Mayor's request for meeting made in Council meeting on May 23,2006; 2) Ferrara meeting of May 31, 2006 including Ed Arnold, the City Manager Steve Adams. Lynn Titus and Colleen Martin' on the Appeal matter; 3) Email by Otis Page to Ferrara and City Council dated June 2, 2006 regarding the meeting with Martin and Titus (Ret A2); 4) Email reply by Ferrara to Otis Page in response (Ref AJ). 5) Meeting with Ferrara, Page, Turner and Martin June 6, 2006. Reference B: 1) Letter of Appeal May 16, 2006 to the Planning Commission; 2) Letter to the City Council May 18,2006; 3) Adams letter of May 19,2006 confirming the City's rejection of the Committee's appeal; 4) Public Comment by Martin and Titus to the Council on May 23, 2006 requesting action per letter of May 18, 2006. After reviewing the salient documented facts that bear on the subject, as specified as follows: a) the presentation by the City Staff and the applicant at the Planning Commission meeting on May 16, 2006, b) the submission of a letter of objection to the City Council on May 18,2006, c) the rejection ofthe Committee's formal application of appeal by the City Manager prior to the Planning Commission meeting of May] 6, confirmed by Adams' letter of May 19, 2006, d) the presentation to the City Council during Public Comment on May 23, 2006, e) the meeting of May 31, 2006 including Mayor Ferrara, Ed Arnold, the City Manager Steve Adams, Lynn Titus and Colleen Martin on the Appeal matter, f) the Email by Otis Page to Ferrara and City Council dated June 2, 2006 regarding the meeting with Martin and Titus, g) the Email reply by Ferrara to Otis Page in response to his Email of June 2, h) the meeting with Ferrara, Page, Turner and Martin June 6, 2006. i) Ferrara's Email reply to Otis regarding his meeting with Adams and Carmel on June 6, j) Letter to the City Council: City Council Agenda Item 12, June 13, 2006; City Council Member Items: Appeal Process and Public Participation (Ferrara), k) the Council decision to place the Committee's appeal on the Council agenda in its meeting of June ]3, 2006 per the request made in the letter to the Council of May ]8,2006, the Committee requests 1) the appeal item be beard at the City Council meeting on July 11,2006, and 2) the Committee receive the staff report on tbe matter in time so its reply may be included with the staff's submission to tbe City council For the record, the Development Code is in effect until changed in a Public Hearing by the Planning Commission and by snbseqnent action by the City Council. The Committee's appeal is made under the language of the Development Code as stated in the letter of Appeal to the Planning Commission of May 16, 2006 and the letter of objection to the City Council on May 18. Recognizing the City Manager holds that the appeal is invalid in terms of the code, the "substance" ofthe Committee's formal appeal to the Planning Commission, nevertheless, is compelling. It has not been considered at this point, awaiting a clarification of the City Council's formal position on the procedural matter allowing or denying the appeal to the Planning Commission in a formal Public Hearing. The matter of "substance" deals with the Staff's decisions and recommendations made in its staff report presented at the Planning Commission meeting of May 16, 2006 and may pertain to any modifications in a subsequent report that may be revised for the Planning Commission meeting to be held July 18. The May 16 staff report includes errors, some of which may be construed as being false, and substantially deviates from the General Plan in many respects. Further, it is believed the staff report suffen from the apparent conflict ofthe Director of Community Development because of his past interests in property subject to development by the Cherry Creek application. We ask for a fair hcaring and consideration ofthe citizen's right to appeal as specified in the Committee's letters of May 16 and May 18 of2006. Respectfully, the Appellant Committee 1:r:::.~) (l/).I//PJ.5:n. #kk~ cc: Planning Commission City Manager }W~~~ ~ Address ?:s5I1LIM__ lLI-. ~ M-- Addr! J;23d~n. A.? / / Address Co.?, ~ /j-c.. Address ? June 12, 2006 ATTACHMENT 3 THE MIKE TITUS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE THE APPELLANT 404 LIERL Y LANE ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420 To the City Council of Arroyo Grande Subject: City Council Agenda Item 12, June 13, 2006; City Council Member Items: Appeal Process and Public Participation (Ferrara) Reference: Letter to the City Council of May 18,2006; Subject: The rejection by the City Manager of a formal citizen appeal to the Planning Commission The intent ofthis letter is to support an action by Mayor Ferrara to place the citizen's right of appeal regarding staff's decisions and recommendations to the Planning Commission on the City Council agenda In the referenced letter to the City Council of May 18, the Mike Titus Memorial Committee requested that that the citizen's right of appeal for a public hearing ofthe staff's decisions and recommendations to tbe Planning Commission be beard by tbe City Council. As emphasized in tbe Committee's letter to tbe City Council of May 18,2006, this request "does not deal witb tbe substance of the appeal. It deals witb rigbts of tbe citizens to appeal based on the intent and spirit of Development Code 16.12.150." Respectfully, the Committee ~~1~{OI0J 701~./~~J Lynn Titus, Cbair Address Wile l571MiJA1~ R~ ()fju~ ~ Address/ 3~'3 ~~4A, Ar:;, / ( " ( I) ~ Otis Page ~ u/irr;) t: U .(J~ " Address (: 0 6 /)nl$ If( r--- Address ... . . : ATTACHMENT 4 I I , RECEIVElj CITY cr i\f:F~OYO r~'.':GfHE MIKE TITUS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE .. THE APPELLANT . 05 NAY 19 i:il 8: 52 404 LIERLY LANE ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420 ._ _ ! ....- IV -.~ '(l:~C-;~~.,-.\~e6 May 18,2006 . C-ih/ ~e\ To the City Council of Arroyo Grande Subject: The rejection by the City Manager of a formal citizen appeal to the Planning Commission On May 16, 2006 Colleen Martin representing THE MIKE TITUS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE attempted to file a formal appeal to the Planning Commission of Arroyo Grande. A required appeal form and check for $224 was presented along with the letter statement of the appeal to the City manager on the afternoon of May 16,2006. The letter was accepted, but the appeal form and check were rejected by the City Manager. The authority for the appeal is stated in the letter statement: Development Code: 16.12.150 Appeals. A. Appeal of Action. 2. Any ajJected person mo:y appeal a decision of the community development director or the architectural review committee to the Planning Commission. A decision of the Planning Commission on such appeal mo:y be further appealed to the city council, whose decision shall befinaL With respect to Development Code 16.12.150 on Appeals, the appeal pertains to the decision by the acting community development director, with the knowledge of the City Manager, to make recommendations based on a representation of facts to the Planning Commission. The purpose of this letter is to file a formal objection to the decision by the City Manager to deny the filing of a formal appeal. This objection does not deal with the substance of the appeal It deals with rights of the citizens to appeal based on the intent and spirit of Development . Code 16.12.150. The explanation given by the City manager for rejecting the formal appeal is that the word "decision" in Development Code 16.12.150 does not describe the actions ofthe acting director of community development in submitting the staff report and recommendations to , -., the Planning Commission. The noun decision is defined as the judgment or determination of an issue or matter under consideration. The City Manager's position that the director of community development does not make decisions in preparing the staff report with recommendations to the Planning Commission is clearly and substantially not true. We in fact have specific information that the staff was . giving specific directions to tbe applicant on what tbe city wanted in the development besides the infrastructure requirements! Tbe denial of a right to appeal, as that right is stated in Development Code 16.12.150, is a clear discrimination against tbe rights of citizens as confirmed in the spirit of tbe Brown Act (see note below) and in Development Code Section 16.12.160, "to ensure public awareness and full and open public discussion and debate regarding proposed actions". The City Manager is denying the appellant the right of a public hearing of the appeal by the Planning Commission. It is the Planning Commission's prerogative, responsibility and duty to accept or deny the appeal in a noticed public hearing of tbe appeal. Developers and citizens have the "right of appeal" to override the decisions and recommendations of the Planning Commission to the City Council, a right principally exercised only by developers. The Committee asserts the "right of appeal" is also available to citizens, as stated in Development Code 16.12.150 A2, to contest the decisions and recommendations of the director of community development to the Planning Commission, and that the City Manager is wrong in denying the Committee's formal appeal. We ask that this matter be put on the agenda for a public hearing at the City Council meeting on June 6, 2006. Respectfully, the Appellant Committee ~~ Lynn Titus, Chair. ~d}zlrv /ft;'f dt --f~ nt: / IJ. b-, Address Co:tJap Otis Page tcr; WIt-V.! !vi!-, /f,& Addrr '. ~? AIo6~ ?J-, 1/1 ~ r Address 66 {,/lnevv?tr It{/-- Address ? , '_:~::.. ,:...,~- Note: "The purpose ofthe Brown Act is to allow the public to attend, observe, monitor and participate in the decision-making process at the local area of government. Not only are the actions taken by the legislative body to be monitored by the public but also the deliberations leading to the actions taken. The term deliberations has been broadly construed to connote not only collective discussion, but the collective acquisition and exchange offacts preliminary to the final decision." District Attorney of Orange County, August 2005 1