Minutes 1993-10-12 182 --. , - . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCl'OBER 12, 1993 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the city of Arroyo Grande met at 7: 30 P.M., with Mayor Matthew Peter Gallagher III presiding. 1.. &: 2. FLAG SALUTE AHD IHVO~TIOH Mayor Gallagher led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and Pastor Ken Lockwood of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Arroyo Grande gave the invocation, making mention of the passing of Bob Collett. 3. ROLL (!AT,T.] present were Mayor Gallagher and Council Members Drew Brandy, - Gene Moots, and James Souza. Absent was Council Member Bernard Burke. Staff Members present were city Manager Chris Christiansen, city Attorney Roger Lyon and Nancy Brown, who substituted for city Clerk Nancy Davis. 4. ORAL COMMUHICJ\TIONS None 5. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Brandy/Souza to approve Consent Agenda items 5.a. through s.j., and motion carried with the exception of Moots abstaining on item S.b. (September 14, 1993, city council Minutes). a. Proclamation, "Red Ribbon Week" Mayor so proclaimed b. September 14, 1993, City Council Minutes Approved c. September 21, 1993, City council Minutes Approved d. October 6, 1993, Senior Advisory Commission Minutes Information e. Third Quarter, 1993, Sales Tax Revenue Information Report f. September, 1993, Investment Report Information g. Approval for Tow Service Bid, as recommended by the Police Department Awarded Low sid h. Car Corral Lease Approved 1 ._..._-_.~- '-- 183 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 12, 1993 i. Agreement to Provide Funding for IDA AUdits, as requested by SLOCOG Approved j. Setting Date and Time for Public Hearing Set for 11/9/93 for Adoption of 1991 Model Codes with Amendments; Fire and Building Codes Mayor Gallagher read and presented a Proclamation on behalf of the city of Arroyo Grande to Laura Freberg for "Red Ribbon Week," October 23-31, 1993. Ms. Freberg then presented the Mayor with a banner, bracelets and pins, expressing her appreciation for the City's continued support. " 6. REGISTER OF CHECKS v It was moved by Souza/Moots, and the motion passed unanimously to approve Cash Disbursements in the amount of $401,966.23, as listed in the october 6, 1993, Staff Report of Finanoe Director David Bacon. 7.A. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF ST. ~A-:rRICK'~ ~THOJ4,'IC SCHOOL REG~I1fG COlfDIT:IQH)U. USE PERMIT CASE HO. 93-509 AND RRROQJ1IOIf NO. 93-14P Mayor Gallagher and Counoi1man Brandy left Council Chambers due to conflicts of interest. Mayor Pro Tem Moots stated that because of a lack of a quorum, there could be no decision-making on this item and it would therefore be continued. He then opened the public hearing. There being no comments, Mayor Pro Tem Moots continued the Public Hearing to the next city council meeting of October 26, 1993. Mayor Gallagher and Councilman Brandy returned to Chambers. B.A. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE APPRQVING AM AIIRRnMEIIT TQ ORDINANCE Np. 430 C.S.. APPLIED FO~ BY ~CB BIBLE CHURCH TO At.T.oW DRl:.RTIOH OF MITIGA~ION MRASURBS 5 AND 7 OF ORDINAHCB 1fO. 430 c. s. It was DIOved by Moots/Souza (4-0-1, Moots, Souza, Brandy and Gallagher voting aye, Burke absent) to adopt Ordinance Ho. 456 c.s. Approving an Amendment to Ordinance No. 430 c.s. Applied for by Grace Bible Churoh to Allow Deletion of Mitigation Measures 5 and 7 of ordinance No_ 430 c.s. ~.~~ SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MQNICIPAL CODE TO I. W THE CITY ATTORNEY DISCRETION TO PROSECUTE MUNICIPAL MISDEMEANOF.S AS I~FRACTIONS. It was moved by Souza/Brandy (4-0-1, Souza, Brandy, Moots and Gallagher voting aye, Burke absent) to adopt Ordinance No. 457 C.S. Amending Chapter 2 of Title 1 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. 2 184 -. , . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 12, 1993 9.A. EMPLOYEE StlGGgSTION AWARD PROGRAM Employee Suggestion Award Program was approved by Minute Motion of Brandy/Souza and unanimously approved. Councilman Brandy asked if the City employees would be receiving information on this program, and Mr. Christiansen answered in the affirmative. Mayor Gallagher requested that a presentation be made as a Consent Agenda item, perhaps in the form of a Proclamation, to the award-winning employee, and that a bulletin or poster board be placed in council Chambers with a photograph of the employee, a description of the suggestion and the amount of savings his/her suggestion made to the city. He stated that the citizens of Arroyo ~_.. Grande would thereby be apprised of the employee, the suggestion, and savings to the city. The Mayor then commended Councilman Brandy, stating it was an excellent suggestion. 10 . ~IT'.t'El( COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Christianson advised Council that Poole street would probably be closed on saturday due to the services for Bob Collett. 11. ORAL CO.,.roHICATIONS None. 10. CLOSED SESSION None. 11. ADJOURIfKERT It was moved by Burke/Souza, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 P.M. to the regular meeting of the City Council on October 26, 1993. ~ II, MAYOR ATTEST:~,",,-~ ~ NANCY WN for NANC . DAVIS, '" 3 ~--