Minutes 2006-08-29
. TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,2006 -7:00 P.M.
Mayor Tony Ferrara called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
City Council:
Council Members Jim Dickens, Joe Costello, Ed Arnold, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim Guthrie and Mayor Tony Ferrara were present.
City Staff Present:
City Manager Steve Adams, City Attorney Tim Carmel,' Director of
Administrative Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Public
Works/City Engineer Don Spagnolo, and Consulting Engineer Craig
Mayor Ferrara led the Flag Salute.
Mayor Ferrara acknowledged the Wood family who had experienced the loss of their young son
in a tragic accident that took place in the Village earlier this morning. He requested the
audience pause for a moment to send their thoughts to the family.
Bob Lloyd, AGP Video, announced that government access channel 20 had been experiencing
technical difficulties recently and encouraged the community to call 772-2715 if the channel was
Mayor Ferrara invited any member of the public who wished to comment on any Consent
Agenda item to do so at this time. There were no public comments received.
Council Member Costello moved, and Council Member Dickens seconded the motion to
approve Consent Agenda Items 5.a. and .5.b., with the recommended courses of action. The
motion carried on the following roll-call vote:
Council Members Costello, Dickens, Arnold, Mayor Pro Tem Guthrie, and Mayor
5.a. Consideration of Temporary Use Permit 06-018 Authorizing Closure of City Streets
and Use of City Property for the 69th Annual Arroyo Grande Valley Harvest
Festival, Friday and Saturday, September 22-23, 2006.
Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3948 authorizing closure of City streets and use of City
property for the 69th annual Arroyo Grande Valley Harvest Festival.
Minutes: Special City Council Meeting
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
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5.b. Consideration of Agreement with Bob Murray & Associates for Director of
Building and Fire Recruitment.
Action: Authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement with Bob Murray &
Associates to provide consultant services to coordinate the recruitment process for the
position of Director of Building and Fire and approved an additional appropriation of
6.a. Consideration of Alignment Alternatives for Newsom Springs Drainage
Council Member Dickens declared a conflict of interest due to his indirect financial interests in
the Dixson Ranch and stepped down from the dais.
Consulting Engineer Campbell gave a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Administrative
Services Department) of the Newsom Springs Regional Drainage Project, which depicted the
watershed, existing flood problem areas, potential source control sites, sediment yield
estimates, bank erosion sites, potential detention pond sites, sediment control sites, alternative
alignment locations (A, B, and C), a review of the four alternatives in Alignment A, including A-1,
A-2, A-3, & A-4; a review of the three alternatives in Alignment B, including B-1, B-2 & B-3; and
review of Alternative C-1; and concluded by giving an overview of recommendations including
selecting a preferred alignment for the Newsom Springs drainage improvements.
Mayor Ferrara invited representatives from Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District
(RCD) to address the Council.
Julie Thomas and Cheryl Lenhardt from Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District
addressed the Council on issues regarding protection of downstream developed properties;
protection of agricultural lands between Newsom Springs Canyon and the Cherry Creek
extension; efforts to obtain grant funding for erosion control on stream sites; and the need for
sediment control mechanisms and stream restoration.
Council questions ensued regarding the use of detention basins to reduce sedimentation; the
use and effectiveness of the "low flow" channel along Branch Mill Road; sizes and effectiveness
of proposed collection ditches in the various alternatives; affect of flow volumes and speeds on
downstream sedimentation; and the capacity of the stone culvert under Branch Mill Road.
Mayor Ferrara invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the
Jim Dickens, Branch Mill Road, explained the content of the video taken of the area in 1997 and
during the March 10, 1995 storm (copies presented to the Council at a previous meeting), which
showed the extensive ponding that resulted in some damage to the agricultural fields. He
expressed concern about the capacity of the existing stone culvert, and the potential for more
extensive flood damage during a higher magnitude flood/storm event. He stated that there
would be continued development in the Newsom Springs area that will create more impervious
surfaces, which would increase the amount of water coming out of Newsom Springs Canyon.
He referred to the Dixson Ranch which, in collaboration with the RCD, have looked at widening
the low flow ditch to accommodate 200 cubic feet of water per second; and spoke of grant
Minutes: Special City Council Meeting
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
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funding opportunities for the project. He referred to the proposed alignments and pointed out
that there was an additional alignment along an existing dirt road that should be considered.
Julie Thomas, RCD, referred to a proposed collection ditch and inquired whose property it was
located on. In response to Consulting Engineer Campbell's response that it is located on the
Dixson Ranch property in order to be on the upstream side from Cherry Avenue, she
commented that because the Dixson Ranch is under a perpetual conservation easement, the
terms of the easement are very strict as to any non-agricultural uses for the property. She noted
she would have to research the issue.
Ella Honeycutt, Oak Hill Road, expressed concerns about erosion from future development
projects in Newsom Springs Canyon. She noted this is a regional project that needs County
Damien Mavis, Cherry Creek project applicant, explained how the proposed site and
development fits into the regional drainage solution. He noted that Alternative A-4 is a significant
component of the project, and noted that the Cherry Creek project applicants would pay for all
drainage improvements on the Cherry Creek property.
Marjorie Gilliano, Valley Road, read a letter into the record (on file in the Administrative Services
Department) expressing concerns about proposed future development that would increase
runoff water going directly into the creeks.
Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing.
Mayor Ferrara provided the following comments:
Goals are to minimize or eliminate sheet flowing across agricultural land; minimiZe or
eliminate creek bank erosion and downstream sedimentation impact; minimize or eliminate
impact on agricultural production; and ensure that residents along Noguera Place get their
backyards back.
- Stressed the need to address bank erosion issues; ability to enhance creek maintenance
efforts through grants.
Council Mernber Costello provided the following comments:
- Makes most sense to pursue Alignments B or C configuration as it is important to minimize
the sheet flooding on the agricultural land; channel the water as it comes out of Newsom
Springs to get it to the creek as expeditiously as possible;
Supports modified version of Alignment B or C as suggested;
Recommended pipe over ditch to minimize the impact on existing agricultural lands;
Pursue studying potential creek impacts and vigorously pursue grants for creek stabilization;
Goal has to be to minimize any of the flooding that occurs west of the existing low flow ditch.
Council Member Arnold provided the following comments:
- Concurred with Mayor's comments;
- Need to make sure to avoid flooding in residential neighborhoods and strive to minimize or
avoid flooding of the agricultural fields;
- Favors combination of alternatives; favors modified version of Alignment B-3 to realign the
road as suggested, as well as possibly raising Branch Mill Road to form some kind of
ponding basin;
- Also favors Alignment A-4; there may be funding issues related to Alignment B options;
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
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- Need to support Dixson Ranch efforts to obtain grant to improve and deepen the low flow
- Acknowledged that City does not have jurisdiction over County developments.
Mayor Pro Tem Guthrie provided the following comments:
- Need to pursue Alignment A; need to oversize pipes on lower Branch Mill;
Need to look at stabilizing Branch Mill Road if it is in our jurisdiction;
Would like a second look at the retention basin on south side of Branch Mill Road;
Look at sediment control in Arroyo Grande Creek
Need to look separately at bank erosion control in Arroyo Grande Creek;
Need to look at project in phases; Alignment A-4 is only part of the fix and must not stop
Concurs that there will be further development in Newsom Springs Canyon; however, will
not increase runoff significantly.
Mayor Ferrara summarized the comments as follows:
- City has very large, comprehensive drainage problem;
Need a formidable, comprehensive solution;
Focusing on one alternative is not practical;
Alignment A-4 is a must to accomplish goals; however, should not be considered as the
sole, initial effort;
Acknowledged huge costs that should be planned for;
Plan should include action steps on a timeline as a single approach so elements are not
Comprehensive plan should include several elements, including Alignment A-4, a modified
B-3 (to provide a straighter alignment);
Look at feasibility for potential detention basin on the south side of Branch Mill Road;
Include treatment of bank instability into plan (as funding is available).
Move forward with environmental review.
Based on feedback from the Council, City Manager Adams amended staffs recommendation as
- Direct staff to develop a comprehensive plan for Newsom Springs regional drainage
improvements which would include Alignment A-4;
Direct staff to perform additional engineering analysis and to initiate the environmental re-
view process in accordance with CEQA, to include all of the Alignment alternatives dis-
Transfer $25,000 from the Pavement Management Program Capital Improvement Program
(CIP) budget; and
Direct staff to work with representatives of the RCD to identify and apply for grant funding to
further pursue future drainage improvements to reduce or eliminate impacts on existing
agricultural land.
Discussion ensued regarding environmental review on all the proposed alternatives and
associated costs.
Council Member Costello moved to direct staff to begin the engineering analysis based on all
the options presented, with the concept of a master plan that would include Alignment A-4 and a
study of the B & C options, as well as the potential for a detention basin; begin the environ-
mental review process and issue an RFP; direct staff to continue to work with representatives
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
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from the RCD to identify and apply for grant funding to further pursue future drainage improve-
ments and creek bank stabilization in the areas that were identified in the study. Council Mem-
ber Arnold seconded, and the rnotion carried on the following roll-call vote:
Costello, Arnold, Guthrie. Ferrara
Council Member Dickens returned to the dais.
(1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Au-
thority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). Executive Committee met; two locations identified
for alternate SLOCOG and SLORTA facilities.
(2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Voted to endorse
the multi-jurisdictional Creek Memorandum of Understanding.
(3) Other. Announced appointment as President of the League of California Cities
Mayor/Council Department, as well as another term as President of the League
of California Cities Channel Counties Division. Will be seeking appointments to
serve on various League Policy Committees.
(1) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) No report.
(2) Other. None.
(1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). No report.
(2) South County Youth Coalition. No report.
(3) Other. None.
(1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. No report.
(2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). Announced upcoming composting and
greenwaste workshops free to South County residents.
(3) Fire Oversight Committee. Joint efforts with City of Grover Beach working well.
Currently recruiting for a new training officer.
. (4) Fire Consolidation Oversight Committee. Reviewed potential cost savings by
consolidating purchase and use of certain equipment. Also pursuing study on
potential for joint dispatch opportunities.
(5) Other. None.
(1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). No report.
(2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA). No report.
(3) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). Discussed study on economic impact on
wine region.
(4) Other. None.
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Page 6
Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. to the next Regular City Council Meeting on
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers, 215 E.
Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA.
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Tony F~'3' a,lYIayor
(Approved at CC Mtg 10 -/0 - 20010 )