Minutes 1993-03-04 i-,....--~:_. . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1993 COMMUNITY CENTER, 211 VERNON AVENUE ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met at 7:00 P.M., with Mayor Matthew Peter Gallagher, III, presiding. Present were Mayor Gallagher and Council Members Drew Brandy, Bernard Burke, Gene Moots and James Souza. Staff Members present were City Manager Chris Christiansen, Interim City Attorney Roger Lyon, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler, Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Consultant Sandra Bierdzinski and Tim Carmel, an associate of Mr. Lyon. 1. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Gallagher led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FRED FLANNELL of 550 Via Vaquero complimented the City Council and Staff Members for the manner in which the Public Records Act is administered. He referred to newspaper clippings advertising openings for players in softball leagues, and said the City is advertising for more players at the same time it is saying that more playing fields are needed. He said users of Nipomo Regional Park were surveyed and they want much of the park to remain undeveloped and as a natural area. MAURICE PHILIPS of 158 Avenida De Diamante requested time to speak to the Council about Rancho Grande Park, but Mayor Gallagher said Oral Communications was only for persons in the audience to speak about items not on the agenda. JOHN HILE of 413 Mesquite Lane asked the Council for the name of the City's Parks and Recreation Director and if he was at the meeting. Mayor Gallagher said his name is John Keisler, he was at the meeting, and Mr. Hile could speak to him after the meeting. 3. RANCHO GRANDE PARK EXPANDED INITIAL STUDY AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Mayor Gallagher said the City had been through an exhausting process relative to this issue of the park. He said there were numerous public hearings in the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Planning commission and the City Council. He said there had been an Expanded Initial Study, and now the Council will be making a determination as to the direction the City will be headed with the park. Council Member Moots asked for a description of what was contained in the two resolutions before the Council, the resolutions on the Original Rancho Grande Park Plan and the Alternative Park Plan. Mr. Keisler said the Al terati ve Plan eliminates the score keeper's box, bleachers, the access onto Avenida De Diamante and the parking adjacent to one corner of the park. He said the Alternative Plan changes the location of motorcycle parking. He said the Original Plan had two accesses onto Avenida De Diamante, extended bleachers, a restroom and score keeper's box, a recreation building and parking located within 10 feet of a residence. He said both plans contained conduit for lighting in the future. Mayor Gallagher asked for the changes that had been made in the amended resolutions the Council received the day of the meeting. The Interim City Attorney listed the technical changes that he said were made to be sure the City was in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, as follows: 1- The Title was changed to delete instructions for the Staff to file a Notice of Determination at this time. The Notice of Determination will be filed when the modified plan comes back to .' '.' 97 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 1993 the Council for approval. 2. Paragraph 2 includes more specific language saying that the attachments to the resolutions contain not only mitigation measures to the project but also constitute a mitigation monitoring program now required by the Environmental Quality Act. Time periods when compliance of the mitigation measures is required and who is responsible for doing that are contained in the new wording. 3. Mitigation Measures will be conditions of approval of the project, as per new requirements of the Environmental Quality Act. 4. The Public comments and Staff responses to those comments will be part of the approval of the Negative Declaration. Council Members discussed the Planning Director's Staff Report dated March 4, 1993, and had questions about the alternatives for Council action listed there. Mayor Gallagher asked if after the Council makes its decision at this meeting would the project have to go back through the Parks and Recreation and planning commissions for development of the master plan. Mr. Christiansen said normally that is the procedure. He said it would have to go through the Planning Commission because a master plan is being considered. Council Members discussed with Staff the various circumstances that would cause the City to have to "revisit" the CEQA process. Council Member Moots said he did not think lighting for the athletic field should ever be considered for Rancho Grande Park. Council Member Souza said he agreed except he thought the conduits for future lights should be installed. Mr. Keisler said installation of conduits would cost under $10,000 at this time and probably four times that in the future when park amenities have been installed. Council Member Brandy asked if there was lighting for the tennis courts and the Planning Director said not at this time. Mayor Gallagher said tennis court lighting could be added at the time the master plan is developed. Council Member Moots said he could not approve any pole lighting for the ball field. Council Member Moots made a motion to amend the Alternative Rancho Grande Park resolution to add as a second sentence to item b. of Page 2 LIGHT/GLARE, as follows: "The Master Plan shall be revised to eliminate the athletic lights around the ball field, including t~e i~stallation of conduits for future lighting." There was discussion of night lighting for the tennis and basketball courts in the Expanded Initial Study, and Mr. Lyon said lighting for these could not be added without a subsequent environmental review. He said the conduit for future lighting could be put in without an EIR. Council Member Burke seconded the motion. The motion failed on a roll call vote, with Moots and Burke voting aye, and Souza, Brandy and Gallagher voting no. Mayor Gallagher said he would like to approve both the original and alternative Rancho Grande Park plans, so there would be maximum flexibility. Council Member Souza said two resolutions and two master plans would make more work for Staff, the Council and the Public. After further Council discussion, it was moved by Council Member Burke to approve the resolution Adopting a Mitigated -- ~. \.' , .......- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 1993 Negative Declaration for the Original Rancho Grande Park Plan. The motion was seconded by Mayor Gallagher. The motion failed with Burke and Gallagher voting aye, and Brandy, Souza and Moots voting no. It was moved by Burke/Souza (5-0-0, Burke, Souza, Brandy, Moots and Gallagher voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2972 Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Alternative Rancho Grande Park Plan. 4. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Moots/Burke and approved unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 P.M. ATTEST: ~O.~ NANCY A. AVIS, CITY CLERK