Minutes 1992-01-28 . . 475 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1992 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 214 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. 1. & 2. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Paul Bautts of Bethel Baptist Church delivered the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Millis and Council Members A. K. "Pete" Dougall, M. P. "Pete" Gallagher, Gene Moots and B'Ann smith. Staff ! members present were City Manager Chris Christiansen, City Attorney Judy Skousen, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Planning Director Doreen L Liberto-Blanck, Current Planner Scott Spierling, Public Works Director Van Laurn, Deputy Public Works Director Avelino Lampitoc and Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 5. PRESENTATION OF PLAOUE OF APPRECIATION TO ALEX WQOLWORTH. FO~ER PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONER Mr. Woolworth was present to accept the plaque and thanks from the City from Mayor Millis. ' 6. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Dougall/Smith, and the motion passed to approve Consent Agenda Item$ 6.A. through 6.D., with the recommended courses of action. 6.A. Audit Report Ending June 30, 1991. Information. 6.B. Overview, coordinated Agricultural support Program. Information. 6.C. Purchase of Breathing Apparatus (2): Public Works Department, Budgeted Item. Approved. 6.D. Fourth Quarter Departmental Monthly Reports. Information. 7. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by Dougall/Smith, and the motion passed to approve Cash Disbursements in the amount of $621,601.72, as listed in the January 22, 1992 Staff Report of Finance Director David Bacon. 8.A. PpBLIC HEARING - APPEA~ OF GENERAL 90NDITION OF APPROVAL NO. 2 OF A PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION GRANTING VARIANCE CASE NO. 91-157. APPLIED F9R BY CHARLES DOSTER ~ 320 EAST BRANCH STREET (LAST CHANCE LIOUOR). APPELLANT OBJECTS TO THE DENI~L OF PROPOSED SIGN NO. ~ AND PROPOSED SIGN NO.5. - Mr. Spierling referred to the January 28, 1992 Staff Report of the Planning Director, and said the Planning Commission had recommended that the City Council adopt the resolution upholding the actions of the Commission and denying the appeal. Mr. spierling described the entire sign program for Last Chance Liquor, and answered Council questions on the subject. He described in detail the types of signs proposed for use at the store. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Millis declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. CHARLES DOSTER, owner of Last Chance Liquor at 320 East Branch Street, spoke to the Council and said he needed the neon signs to I .._._____.u._._..____..__ __m_____~...__,. ._.,__ __~_..________ ----~--- ,--_._-,--- ...... J -.._------ 476 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 28, 1992 attract customers on their way to Lopez Lake. He said the signs not approved were necessary for his business, which is open after dark. He said the "open" sign is basic to the business, and the "Coors" beer sign is needed because selling beer accounts for 30 percent of his business. He said he had submitted petitions to the Planning Commission signed by approximately 400 persons supporting his sign plan. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Millis closed the hearing to the floor. There was Council discussion of the "open" and "Coors" signs, \ and shadow box and neon signs. Council Member Gallagher said the I Planning Commission had tried to compromise with the appellant. HeJ said the city has been more than accommodating in the matter. He said he agreed with the shadow box sign design. He said this matter came up because of a Conditional Use Permit review where Mr. Doster was found to be out of compliance with the original agreement. Council Members Smith and Dougall agreed with Council Member Gallagher. Mayor Millis said he could see nothing wrong with the neon "open" sign, especially since there are other neon signs in the village and the City is not making all businesses conform. He said he would go along with the Planning Commission on denying the "Coors" sign, but not the "open" sign. Council Member Moots agreed with the Mayor. After further discussion, it was moved by Smith/Dougall (3-2- 0, smith, Dougall and Gallagher voting aye, Millis and Moots voting no) to approve Resolution No. 2906 Upholding the Planning commission's Approval of Variance Case No. 91-157, Including Condition of Approval Number 2(C), Applied for by Charles Doster, to Exceed the Allowed Aggregate Sign Area, and the Allowed Number of Signs, and to Allow Two (2) Neon Window Signs Located at 320 East Branch street, and Denying the Appeal of the Above Decision. 9.A. LETTER OF REQUEST FROM ~NCHO GRANDE HOMEOWNE~S ASSOCIATION REGARDING RANCHO ~RANDE PARK AND DECISION MADE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ON THE REFERENCED SUBJECT It was moved by smith/Dougall, and the motion passed to continue this agenda item to February II, 1992. . 9.Q. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9 OF THE MUNICIpAL CODE (AMENDMENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT CODE) TO ALLOW OLD SETBACK/LAND COVERAGE STANDARDS Iii CERTAIN DISTRICTS AND MODIFY THE NON90NFORMING USE SECTION: REZONE CASE NO. 91-224: CITYWIDE It was moved by Smith/Dougall (5-0-0, Smith, Dougall, Gallagher, Moots and Millis voting aye) to pass Ordinance No. 442 I C.S. Adopting a Negative Declaration, Amending Chapter 9 of the 'I Municipal Code (Amendment to the Development Code) and Instructing J the City Clerk to File a Notice of Determination (Rezone Case No. I 91-224). 10.A. SETTING HEARING DATE F9~ A STUDY SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF FORMATION OF A SOLID WASTE MANAGEMEN~ JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY. AND THE DESIGNATION OF THE AREA COUNCIL AS THE LOCAL METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION. AND CONGESTION MANAGEMENT AGENCY. AS REOUESTED BY THE AREA COORDINATIN~ COUNCIL OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Mr. Christiansen said the Area Coordinating Council had requested this meeting and would be present to explain the formation of the joint powers authority. Council Members set the date of Thursday, February 13, 1992 in city Council Chambers, 215 East Branch Street, for the meeting. , L_ . 477 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 28, 1992 . 10.B. GRANT APPLICATION: FUNDS FROM T~E URBAN STREAMS. RESTORATION PROGRAM: FINDING OF CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FROM REVIEW UNDER CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY ACT (CEOA) It was moved by Dougall/Moots (5-0-0, Dougall, Moots, Gallagher, Smith and Millis voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2907 Authorizing an Application to the State Department of water Resources for Grant Funds Under the Urban Stream Restoration Program to Construct a project Entitled Arroyo Grande Creek stabilization Project: and Approving the Filing of a Notice of Exemption from CEQA (Class 1). 10.C. LANDSCAPING AND LIGJ:lTING DISTRICT: TRACT 1769: FARROLL AVENUE: HERB PHJLLIPS Mayor Millis and Council Member Dougall said they may have 1..... conflicts of interest in this matter and left the room. Mayor Pro Tem Moots presided. It was moved by Smith/Gallagher (3-0-2, smith, Gallagher and Moots voting aye, Millis and Dougall absent) to approve Resolution No. 2908 Declaring the Council's Intention to Initiate Proceedings to Form a Landscaping and Lighting District for Arroyo Grande Tract 1769. It was moved by Smith/Gallagher (3-0-2, Smith, Gallagher and Moots voting aye, Millis and Dougall absent) to approve Resolution No. 2909 Declaring the Council's Intention to Form a Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District for Arroyo Grande Tract 1769. 10.D. APPROVAL OF TRACT 1769: FARROLL AVENUE: HERB PHILLIPS Because of possible conflicts of interests, Mayor Millis and Council Member Dougall remained out of the Council Chambers. Mayor Pro Tem Moots continued to preside. Mr. Christiansen gave Council Members copies of the Tract 1679 map and said the Public Works Department had approved all the various development plans. He said Grover City has not yet approved the acceptance of the sewage from this project. He said if Grover City does not approve this, the developer will have to redesign the plan and include a lift station. Council Member Gallagher had questions about the two drainage basins in the project. JIM MC GILLIS, representing the developer, said a landscape architect is working on the project and the basins would not be unsightly. He said the City would be maintaining the basins with funds from the Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District. It was moved by Gallagher/Smith (3-0-2, Gallagher, Smith and Moots voting aye, Millis and Dougall absent) to approve Tract 1769, Farroll Avenue. Mayor Millis and Council Member Dougall returned to the dais. '-.-' 10.E. AMENDMENT TO F.XTENP THE AGREE~ENT OF RANCHO GRANDE PARK TO JULY 31. 1993 Mr. Christiansen recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign an amendment extending the agreement with OTTSE corporation regarding Rancho Grande Park to July 31, 1993. He said the representative of OTTSE has agreed to this IS-month extension. 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 12. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Millis welcomed Van Laurn, the city's new Public works Director/city Engineer. "__-.-.'.__h_n____..._--.._..._"__ ._----_.,.~_.._.._-------------_._------- .... -- -- 478 ~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 28, 1992 13. CLOSED SESSION None. 14. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Gallagher/Dougall, and the motion passed to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 P.M. ~~. ~~ M. MI IS, MAYOR ATTEST: J . I J