Agenda Packet 2011-03-22City Con e1*1 Tony Ferrara, Mayor /Chair Caren Ray, Mayor Pro Tem /Vice Chair Joe Costello, Council /Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council /Board Member Tim Brown, Council /Board Member Steven Adams, City Manager Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL /REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2011 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE 4. INVOCATION 7:00 P.M. EL CAMINO- 4 -H GROUP REV. VALERIE VALLE ST. BARNABAS EPISCOPAL 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Honorary Proclamation Declaring April 2011 as "Autism Awareness Month" 5.b. Honorary Proclamation Declaring April 2011 as "Month of the Child" and "Child Abuse Prevention Month" 6. 6a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY — MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period February 26, 2011 through March 15, 2011. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report listing the current investment deposits of the City, as of February 28, 2011, as required by Government Code Section 53646(b). 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of February 8, 2011; the Special City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meeting of February 17 2011; the Special City Council Meeting of February 22, 2011; the Special City Council Meeting of March 8, 2011; and the Regular City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meeting of March 8, 2011, as submitted. AGENDA SUMMARY — MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) 8.d. Consideration of Authorization to Use City Property and Close City Streets for the Centennial Celebration on June 25, July 9 and July 10, 2011; Temporary Use Permit No. 11 -004; Centennial Celebration Incorporated (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the use of City property and closure of City streets for the Centennial Celebration on June 25, 2011, July 9, 2011 and July 10, 2011. 8.e. Consideration of Proaram Suaalement Aareement No. 011 -N to Administerin Aaencv -State Aareement No. 05- 5199 -R for the Monteao Street Sidewalk. Phase II Project (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Program Supplemental Agreement No. 011 -N to Administering Agency -State Agreement No. 05- 5199 -R for the future Montego Street Sidewalk, Phase II Project. 8.f. Consideration of Acceatance of the Citv Hall Fire Sarinkler Proiect. PW 2009 -08 (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the project improvements, as constructed by Whittle Fire Protection in accordance with the plans and specifications for the City Hall Fire Sprinkler Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorize release of the retention, thirty -five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.g. Consideration of an Agreement for Consultant Services with Stetson Engineers, Inc. for the Lopez Reservoir Spillway Raise Project (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to execute an Agreement for Consultant Services with Stetson Engineers, Inc. to evaluate the feasibility of the Lopez Reservoir Spillway Raise Project. 8.h. Consideration of an Amendment to the Wallace Groua Consultant Services Agreement for Design of the Castillo Del Mar to Arroyo Grande High School Bike Path Project (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Wallace Group Consultant Services Agreement for the Castillo Del Mar to Arroyo Grande High School Bike Path Project for the not -to- exceed amount of $22,500; and 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment. 8.i. Consideration to Adopt a Resolution Accepting an Offer of Dedication for Open Space on a Portion of Lot 16 of Tract 2236 (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution accepting an offer of dedication for open space on a portion of Lot 16 of Tract 2236. AGENDA SUMMARY — MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 4 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) 8.j. Consideration of Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for Consultant Services with GEI Consultants, Inc. to Install Transducer Equipment in Monitoring Wells in Conjunction with the Northern Cities Management Area Quarterly Sampling and Annual Monitoring Report (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to execute an amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services with GEI Consultants, Inc. in connection with the annual groundwater monitoring report. 8.k. Consideration to Authorize an Award of Bid for a Video Surveillance Svstem (ANNIBALI) Recommended Action: Authorize the award of bid to purchase a mulit -pod surveillance system to Security Lines US of Studio City, California, in the amount of $64,817 and authorize the City Manager to execute the Order of Confirmation and Purchase Agreement. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2010 -11 Mid -Year Budget Report (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments /San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG /SLORTA) (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Brisco /Halcyon /Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee (4) Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM RAY: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (3) Tourism Committee (4) Other AGENDA SUMMARY — MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 5 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (con't) (c) COUNCIL MEMBER COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) (4) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER GUTHRIE: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Community Action Partnership (CAPSLO) (3) Homeless Services Coordinating Council (HSOC) (4) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER BROWN: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (3) Other 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and /or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and /or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence /Comments as presented by the City Council. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence /Comments as presented by the City Manager. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. AGENDA SUMMARY - MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 6 18. ADJOURNMENT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability - related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805 - 473 -5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arroyogrande.org * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo- span.org CITY OF C A L I F 0 R N I A 7 -t HONORARY PROCLAMATION DECLAR17VG APRIL, 2 A "A I M AWARENESS M " WHEREAS, autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that typically lasts throughout a person's lifetime, and it Is part of a group of disorders known as autism spectrum disorders SDs); and WHEREAS, EAS, autism affects all persons regardless of race, religion, socio- economic status or geography; and WHEREAS, the incidence of autism in San Luis Obispo County reflects the national rate of 1 in 'I 10 and a child is diagnosed with autism every 20 minutes; and WHEREAS, , SDs are the fastest growing serious developmental disability, making these disorders more common than pediatric cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined; and WHEREAS, individuals with ASDs and their families face tremendous and overwhelming challenges in accessing and navigating the complex programs and services for these disorders; and YMEF EAS, individuals with ASDs are valuable and talented citizens; and WHEREAS, EA , the Central Coast Autism Spectrum Center will celebrate Autism Awareness Month in the WALK for "Autism" and "autism Awareness Farr on April 3, 2011 in Mission Plaza. Both events help to increase and develop knowledge regarding autism and are of paramount importance in creating an empathetic and compassionate citizenry. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Tong Ferrara, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim April, 2011 as "AUTISM AWARENESS MONTIV, recognize and commend the talents, abilities and contributions of the individuals in our community diagnosed with ASDs and their parents, relatives, and professionals that provide valued services. IN WETNESS WHEREOF, F, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 22r of March 2011. TONY FERRARA, MAYOR A NCORPORATED Al JULY 10, 1911 a} 4 # 0 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 5.a. Page 2 L I F 0 R I #' HIL REN'S OPPORTUNITIES - OUR RESPONSIBILITIES #8 WHEREAS, Saturday, April 9, 2011, will commemorate the ,.bay of the Child" celebration during Children's Day in the Plaza of the San Luis Obispo Mission Plaza, a day where children and families can play, learn and interact with the agencies and programs providing services throughout the County: and WHEREAS, Month of the Child and Child Abuse Prevention Month is a time to recognize that children's opportunities are our responsibility. and to commit ourselves to ensuring that each and every child experiences a high quality early environment - of home, at child care, at school, and in the community - that will promote their optimal development: and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande recognizes that every moment in a child #s fife is an opportunity for that child to learn, and that the quality of these experiences may determine whether a child succeeds in school and in life, and that all children need caring and loving adults in their lives; and WHEREAS, the activities of this month will provide are opportunity to acknowledge youth and early care and education "rams and - their dedicated staff, and to raise the awareness of the community, employers and erected officials of the need to improve the quality, availability, and accessibility of such programs. NOW, THEREFORE, B E IT RESOLVED, that I, Tony Ferrara, Mayor of the City of Arroyo rande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim April 2011 as "'Month of the Child" and "Child Abuse Prevention Month ", and April 9, 2011 as "bay of - the Child," and may we remember to listen to and watch the children around us, to have patience, and to allow them the opportunity to enjoy the journey of childhood. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be off i ced this 22 day of March 2011. TONY FERRARA, MAYOR may- oho o INCORPORATED r Judy le, loll L J F O " CITY OF HONORARY PROCLAMATION DECLARING APRIL 2011 AS "MONTH OF THE CHILD" and " HILL ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH of THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 5.b. Page 2 vtR 0 � INCORPORATE C %JULY 10, 111 c• T: CITY COUNCIL MEMORAN DU FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE E SER Ic 0) Y: TRIcIA MEYERS, SENIOR R ACC I T cLERIB Irry SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DATE: MARCH 22,2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the city Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period February 26 through March 1, 201 FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is a $807,793.37 fiscal impact that includes the following items: ! Accounts Payable Checks 148929- $ 332,544.58 0 Payroll Checks & Benefit checks 475,248.79 B ACKGROUND: Cash disbursements are made we based on the submission of all required documents supporting the invoices submitted for payment. Prior to payment, Administrative Services staff reviews all disbursement documents to ensure that they meet the approval requirements adopted in the Municipal Code and the City's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual of February 2000. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations during the period. The disbursements are accounted for in the FY 2010 budget. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the council's consideration: 0 Approve staffs recommendation; 0 Do not approve staffs recommendation; Pr d irection to staff. Agenda Item 8.a Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 2 ADVANTAGES: TAGES: 0 - rhe Administrative Services Department monitors payment of invoices for accountability, accuracy and completeness using standards approved by the Council. Invoices are paid in a timely manner to establish goodwill with merchants. Discounts are taken where applicable. DISADVANTAGES: TAGES: No disadvantages have been identified as long as City Council confirms all expenditures are appropriate. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC !NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, March 17, 2011. "fhe Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, March 18, 2011. No public comments were received. Attchrnents: 1. February 26- March 15, 2011 —Accounts Parable Check Register 2. March 11, 2011 — Payroll Check & Benefit Checks Register Agenda Item 8.a Page 2 ATTACHMENT I P age: 'I ap kHlst 0311412011 :1 7AM C heck History Listing CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Bank oche: boa C heck # D ate Vendor Statue CleadVold Date Invoice fay. Date Amount Peed Che Total 143929 0212412011 000553 SLO COUNTY D 02/28/2011 022411 02/24/2011 E 350.5422.7301 2,094.00 2,094.00 2,094.00 143930 03/0212011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 030111 03/0212011 E 01 0.4424.5251 15.00 E 010.4426.5553 15.00 30.00 30.00 143943 0310412011 000553 SLO COUNTY 030411 03/D412011 E 010.4062.5201 50.00 50.00 50.00 1444 0310412011 000553 SLO COUNTY 022411 0310412011 E 010.4002.5201 50.00 50.00 50.00 14345 0310712011 001259 AP VIDE, INC 4313 0211512011 E 211.4101.5330 2 2,220.00 2,220.00 148946 0310712011 000013 AIR-VOL BLOCK, INC 339881 0211712011 E 220.4303.5613 560.06 D c� 143947 9310712011 003317 AI lEI IP I DE UNIFORM VC V 0310712011 0.00 0.00 00 0.00 w� Page: I im t� tD CL 0) -� tD tD 00 -pkh i apkHist 03/14/2011 9:1 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Inv. Date Amount Paid Bank code: boa Check Data Vendor Status ClearfVoid Date Invoice 148948 93/97/2911 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS 15199118 78 1599273887 1599285132 1599273883 1599285128 1599288484 1599275348 1599279355 1599273889 1599285121 Page: Check Tota 01/04/2011 E 919.4429.5143 35.95 35.95 91/11/2911 E 919.4213.5143 29.99 E 919.4213.5393 9.99 29.99 01/25/2011 E 919.4213.5143 29.99 E 919.4213.5393 9.99 29.99 01/11/2011 E 919.4429.5143 23.92 23.92 01/25/2011 E 919.4429.5143 23.92 23.92 01/04/2011 E 919.4213.5393 29.25 29.25 01/18/2011 E 919.4213.5393 29.25 29.25 01/18/2011 E 229.4393.5143 15.79 19.70 91/11/2911 E 919.4213.5393 19.59 19.59 01/25/2011 919.4213.5393 15.50 15.59 Page: Page: ap kHiet Check History Listing Page: 3 0311412011 :17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice i Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1500288490 0110412011 E 220.4803.5143 19.20 1$.20 1500273882 0111112011 E 220.4308.5148 19.20 19.20 1500285124 01125/2011 E 220.4808.5143 19.20 1$.20 1500268488 0110412011 E 010.4213-5303 18.00 1 8.00 1500279353 0111812011 E 01 0.4218.5808 1 8.00 18.00 1500288491 0110412011 E 01 0.4420.5148 17.02 17.02 1500279358 01/18/2011 E 01 0.4420.5148 17.02 17.02 1500273876 01111/2011 E 010.421 3.5308 17.00 17.00 1500285115 0112512011 E 010.421 3.5308 17.00 17.00 1500273884 0111112011 E 640.4712.5148 15.50 D 15.50 1500279357 01118/2011 CL E 640.4712.5148 15.50 i .T 15.50 M Page: apCkHlst Check History Listing Page: 4 03/1412011 9:17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code; boa Check # Date Vendor Statue Clear/Vold Date Invoice 1500268492 1500285128 1500278888 1500285131 1500279854 1500285128 1500288489 1500273881 1500288495 1500279880 Inv. Date A Amount Paid 01/04/2011 E 840.4712.5143 1 1 5.00 1 8.00 0 1/25/2011 E E 840.4712.5143 1 1 5.00 1 8.00 01/11/2011 E 010.4805.5143 7 7.25 7.25 0 1/25/201 1 E 010.4305.5148 7 7.28 7.28 01/18/2011 E 812.4810.5143 8 8.50 8. 01/25/2011 E 812.4810.5148 8 8.50 8.50 0 1/041201 1 E 812.481 0.8148 8 8.00 8.00 01/11/2011 E 612-4610-5143 8 8.00 8.00 0 1/04/201 1 E 010.4213.5148 8 8.00 8.00 01/18/2011 E 010 4213 5143 8 8 n 6.00 c� 1500268485 01/04/2011 CL 0 E 010.4213.5303 8.0 5.00 c� 00 Page: 4 Ch T ta I ap kHist Check History Listing Page: 5 0311412011 :17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearfVold Date Invoice 1500279349 1500268493 1500273885 1500279358 1500285130 1500268494 1500279359 Inv, Date Amount Paid 01/18/2011 E 010.4213.5303 5.00 5.00 0110412011 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 0111112011 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 0111812011 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 0112512011 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 0110412011 E 010.430. 143 3.00 3.00 01/18/2011 E 010.4305.5143 3.00 3.00 540.47 148949 0310712011 008304 AT&T MOBILITY 030111 0310312011 E 010.4425.5255 63.30 63.30 63.30 148950 0310712011 000055 B & T SVC STN 115159 0211612011 D E 010.4305.5303 145.00 145.00 CL 145.00 c� 00 Check To tal Page: Page. apCkHlst 03/1412011 :1 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO ANDE Page: Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 148951 0310712011 008169 BAKERSFIELD ELECTRIC L55843 0310412011 E 640.4712.6201 1,005.00 E 640.4712.6201 1,005.00 E 640.4712.6201 344.00 E 640.4712.6201 28.33 E 640.4712.6261 82.91 2,465.29 2}465.29 148952 0310712011 007633 B I C DE WAREHOUSE 2794 0211712611 E 010.4201.5261 97.92 E 010.4201.5261 5.95 103.87 163.87 148953 0310712011 000073 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS E 12125 0212312611 E 350.5422.7361 135.94 135-94 135.94 143954 03107/2011 003205 SUSAN BONDS 622411 0212412611 E 226.4306.5554 275.00 275.66 275.66 143955 0310712011 000090 BRISCO DILL & LUMBER 147372 6316212611 E 226.4303.5613 273.40 278.40 147363 0212312611 D E 220.4303.5613 39.1 39.1 147371 6316212611 CL E 226.4303.5613 69,21 69.21 \V M W ij) Page. ap kHi t Check History Listing Page: 03/1412011 :1 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor 148956 03/07/2011 004149 BUNY N BR OS TREE 148957 03/07/2011 005601 MARY CANNON 148958 03/07/2011 004548 CARMEL & NACCASHA, LLP 148959 03/07/2011 004548 CARMEL & NACCASHA, LLP Status ClearNold Data Invoice 147403 147384 Inv. Date Amount Paid C heck Tota 03/03/2011 E 220.4303.5613 9.77 9.77 03/02/2011 E 220.4303.5613 8.83 1,999.50 c� 148960 03(07/2011 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS T 7314- 462635 02/01/2011 CL E 6'1 2.46'1 .5603 7. 7. c� c� 00 Page: 6.83 453. 1711 02/17/2011 E 220.4303.5303 2,540. 2 2,540.00 030211 03/02/2011 E 010.4423.5253 80.00 80.00 80.00 14078 03/02/2011 E 010.4003.5304 13, 887.60 13,887.60 14077 03/02/2011 E 284.4103.5303 730.50 730. 14,618.1 14076 03/02/2011 E 640.471 .5575 1 1,999.50 c� 148960 03(07/2011 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS T 7314- 462635 02/01/2011 CL E 6'1 2.46'1 .5603 7. 7. c� c� 00 Page: Rage: ap kHIst 03/1412011 :17AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue Clear/Vold Date invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 7314 -48849 0212112011 E 010.4201.01 9.8 9.8 67 .18 148961 0310712011 005255 CBC INN VI , INC 10320204 0113112011 E 0 10.4201.5315 30.00 30.00 30.00 148982 0310712011 003988 CENTRAL COAST -288 0112512011 E 220.4303.5552 172.00 172.00 172-00 148983 0310712011 000184 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET 76788 02122/2011 E 010.4201.01 305.97 3.9 3.9 148964 0310712011 000175 COAST NUT & BOLT 39718 0210212011 E 640.4 42.41 42.41 42.41 1489 0310712011 005777 CONTRACTORS 8733 0211712011 E 220.4303. 03 285.12 285.12 285.12 14898 0310712011 008341 GEORGE CR 031011 0311012011 D E 22.430.4 100.00 c� tD 1 00.00 1 00.00 �o o� Rage: Page: ap kHist C heck History Listing Page: 03 /14/2011 :1 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa Check Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 148967 0310712011 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 17922 62/62/2011 E 010.4101.5201 39.1 E 010.4120.5201 39.1 E 010.41 30.5201 39.1 117.46 117.46 148966 03107!2011 005091 J DEERE LANDSCAPES 56622064 0210312011 E 010.4420.5605 157.15 157.15 56635660 02/07/2011 E 010.4420.5605 69.58 89 246.73 148969 0310712011 008335 JAMIE DEVENS 022411 02/24/2011 E 226.4306.5554 100.00 100.00 100.00 148970 0310712011 007047 F R E TEF L D U D 74632 0211 712011 E 010.4201.5255 1 57-69 157- 157-69 148971 0310712011 008096 ENNIS PAINT INC 10191637 0212212011 E 220.4303-5613 1,400.1 1,466.1 10191866 0212212011 D E 220.4303-5613 1 c� 1,400.1 2,800.32 CL �CO Page: ATTACHMENT I P age: 'I ap kHlst 0311412011 :1 7AM C heck History Listing CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Bank oche: boa C heck # D ate Vendor Statue CleadVold Date Invoice fay. Date Amount Peed Che Total 143929 0212412011 000553 SLO COUNTY D 02/28/2011 022411 02/24/2011 E 350.5422.7301 2,094.00 2,094.00 2,094.00 143930 03/0212011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 030111 03/0212011 E 01 0.4424.5251 15.00 E 010.4426.5553 15.00 30.00 30.00 143943 0310412011 000553 SLO COUNTY 030411 03/D412011 E 010.4062.5201 50.00 50.00 50.00 1444 0310412011 000553 SLO COUNTY 022411 0310412011 E 010.4002.5201 50.00 50.00 50.00 14345 0310712011 001259 AP VIDE, INC 4313 0211512011 E 211.4101.5330 2 2,220.00 2,220.00 148946 0310712011 000013 AIR-VOL BLOCK, INC 339881 0211712011 E 220.4303.5613 560.06 D c� 143947 9310712011 003317 AI lEI IP I DE UNIFORM VC V 0310712011 0.00 0.00 c� 0.00 �00 N� Page: I im t� tD CL 0) tD .& 00 C4 i apkHist 03/14/2011 9:1 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Inv. Date Amount Paid Bank code: boa Check Data Vendor Status ClearfVoid Date Invoice 148948 93/97/2911 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS 15199118 78 1599273887 1599285132 1599273883 1599285128 1599288484 1599275348 1599279355 1599273889 1599285121 Page: Check Tota 01/04/2011 E 919.4429.5143 35.95 35.95 91/11/2911 E 919.4213.5143 29.99 E 919.4213.5393 9.99 29.99 01/25/2011 E 919.4213.5143 29.99 E 919.4213.5393 9.99 29.99 01/11/2011 E 919.4429.5143 23.92 23.92 01/25/2011 E 919.4429.5143 23.92 23.92 01/04/2011 E 919.4213.5393 29.25 29.25 01/18/2011 E 919.4213.5393 29.25 29.25 01/18/2011 E 229.4393.5143 15.79 19.70 91/11/2911 E 919.4213.5393 19.59 19.59 01/25/2011 919.4213.5393 15.50 15.59 Page: apCkHlst Check History Listing Page: 4 03/1412011 9:17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code; boa Check # Date Vendor Statue Clear/Vold Date Invoice 1500268492 1500285128 1500278888 1500285131 1500279854 1500285128 1500288489 1500273881 1500288495 1500279880 Inv. Date A Amount Paid 01/04/2011 E 840.4712.5143 1 1 5.00 1 8.00 0 1/25/2011 E E 840.4712.5143 1 1 5.00 1 8.00 01/11/2011 E 010.4805.5143 7 7.25 7.25 0 1/25/201 1 E 010.4305.5148 7 7.28 7.28 01/18/2011 E 812.4810.5143 8 8.50 8. 01/25/2011 E 812.4810.5148 8 8.50 8.50 0 1/041201 1 E 812.481 0.8148 8 8.00 8.00 01/11/2011 E 612-4610-5143 8 8.00 8.00 0 1/04/201 1 E 010.4213.5148 8 8.00 8.00 01/18/2011 E 010 4213 5143 8 8 n 6.00 c� 1500268485 01/04/2011 CL E 010.4213.5303 8.0 5.00 �00 Page: 4 Ch T ta I ap kHist Check History Listing Page: 5 0311412011 :17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearfVold Date Invoice 1500279349 1500268493 1500273885 1500279358 1500285130 1500268494 1500279359 Inv, Date Amount Paid 01/18/2011 E 010.4213.5303 5.00 148949 0310712011 008304 AT&T MOBILITY 5.00 0110412011 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 0111112011 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 148950 0310712011 000055 B & T SVC STN 3.00 0111812011 D E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 0112512011 CL E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 0110412011 E 010.430. 143 3.00 3.00 01/18/2011 E 010.4305.5143 3.00 Check To tal Page: 3.00 540.47 148949 0310712011 008304 AT&T MOBILITY 030111 0310312011 E 010.4425.5255 63.30 63.30 63.30 148950 0310712011 000055 B & T SVC STN 115159 0211612011 D E 010.4305.5303 145.00 145.00 CL 145.00 �00 Check To tal Page: Page. apCkHlst 03/1412011 :1 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO ANDE Page: Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 148951 0310712011 008169 BAKERSFIELD ELECTRIC L55843 0310412011 E 640.4712.6201 1,005.00 E 640.4712.6201 1,005.00 E 640.4712.6201 344.00 E 640.4712.6201 28.33 E 640.4712.6261 82.91 2,465.29 2}465.29 148952 0310712011 007633 B I C DE WAREHOUSE 2794 0211712611 E 010.4201.5261 97.92 E 010.4201.5261 5.95 103.87 163.87 148953 0310712011 000073 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS E 12125 0212312611 E 350.5422.7361 135.94 135-94 135.94 143954 03107/2011 003205 SUSAN BONDS 622411 0212412611 E 226.4306.5554 275.00 275.66 275.66 143955 0310712011 000090 BRISCO DILL & LUMBER 147372 6316212611 E 226.4303.5613 273.40 278.40 147363 0212312611 D E 220.4303.5613 39.1 39.1 147371 6316212611 CL E 226.4303.5613 69,21 69.21 CO W A, Page. ap kHi t Check History Listing Page: 03/1412011 :1 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor 148956 03/07/2011 004149 BUNY N BR OS TREE 148957 03/07/2011 005601 MARY CANNON 148958 03/07/2011 004548 CARMEL & NACCASHA, LLP 148959 03/07/2011 004548 CARMEL & NACCASHA, LLP Status ClearNold Data Invoice 147403 147384 Inv. Date Amount Paid C heck Tota 03/03/2011 E 220.4303.5613 9.77 9.77 03/02/2011 E 220.4303.5613 8.83 1,999.50 c� 148960 03(07/2011 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS T 7314- 462635 02/01/2011 CL E 6'1 2.46'1 .5603 7. M0 0 7. �00 Page: 6.83 453. 1711 02/17/2011 E 220.4303.5303 2,540. 2 2,540.00 030211 03/02/2011 E 010.4423.5253 80.00 80.00 80.00 14078 03/02/2011 E 010.4003.5304 13, 887.60 13,887.60 14077 03/02/2011 E 284.4103.5303 730.50 730. 14,618.1 14076 03/02/2011 E 640.471 .5575 1 1,999.50 c� 148960 03(07/2011 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS T 7314- 462635 02/01/2011 CL E 6'1 2.46'1 .5603 7. M0 0 7. �00 Page: Page: ap kHist C heck History Listing Page: 03 /14/2011 :1 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa Check Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 148967 0310712011 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 17922 62/62/2011 E 010.4101.5201 39.1 E 010.4120.5201 39.1 E 010.41 30.5201 39.1 117.46 117.46 148966 03107!2011 005091 J DEERE LANDSCAPES 56622064 0210312011 E 010.4420.5605 157.15 157.15 56635660 02/07/2011 E 010.4420.5605 69.58 89 246.73 148969 0310712011 008335 JAMIE DEVENS 022411 02/24/2011 E 226.4306.5554 100.00 100.00 100.00 148970 0310712011 007047 F R E TEF L D U D 74632 0211 712011 E 010.4201.5255 1 57-69 157- 157-69 148971 0310712011 008096 ENNIS PAINT INC 10191637 0212212011 E 220.4303-5613 1,400.1 1,466.1 10191866 0212212011 D E 220.4303-5613 1 c� 1,400.1 2,800.32 CL �CO 00 i Page: a kHi t Check History Listing E 010.4201.5008 P age: 1 03/14/2011 :17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE E 010.4201.5501 275.80 Bank code: boa 25.00 E 010.4201.5501 835.81 Check # Date Vendor MMMMMMMMM Status learlotd Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 148972 0310712011 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 0905142 0211712011 66.42 E 010.4201.5001 214.00 E 640.471 2.5610 706.89 E 010.4201.5501 350.00 E 010.4201.5255 700.89 6005480 0212212011 E 010.4201.5255 179.44 9.44 E 512.4010.5010 87.06 87.06 793.95 A � c� 3 W A, 148973 03/07f201 1 006333 FIA CARD SERVICES 2120 - 9702 02 #20 #2011 E 010.4201.5008 33.35 E 010.4201.5608 54.00 E 010.4201.5501 275.80 E 010.4201.5501 25.00 E 010.4201.5501 835.81 1 2120 -7845 0212012011 E 10.4201.5501 350.00 E 010.4201.5255 66.42 E 010.4201.5001 214.00 E 010.4201.5501 1 8.30 E 010.4201.5501 350.00 E 010.4201.5255 57.77 1,050.49 2120 -5054 0212012011 E 010.4201.5255 179.44 9.44 E 010.4201.5255 49.48 2120 -5330 0212012011 E 010.4201.5255 2 E 010.4201.5501 55.40 58.17 P age. 10 a kHi t Check History Listing E 010.4201.5008 P age: 1 03/14/2011 :17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE E 010.4201.5501 275.80 Bank code: boa 25.00 E 010.4201.5501 835.81 Check # Date Vendor MMMMMMMMM Status learlotd Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 148972 0310712011 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 0905142 0211712011 66.42 E 010.4201.5001 214.00 E 640.471 2.5610 706.89 E 010.4201.5501 350.00 E 010.4201.5255 700.89 6005480 0212212011 E 010.4201.5255 179.44 9.44 E 512.4010.5010 87.06 87.06 793.95 A � c� 3 N 00 0 ij) 148973 03/07f201 1 006333 FIA CARD SERVICES 2120 - 9702 02 #20 #2011 E 010.4201.5008 33.35 E 010.4201.5608 54.00 E 010.4201.5501 275.80 E 010.4201.5501 25.00 E 010.4201.5501 835.81 1 2120 -7845 0212012011 E 10.4201.5501 350.00 E 010.4201.5255 66.42 E 010.4201.5001 214.00 E 010.4201.5501 1 8.30 E 010.4201.5501 350.00 E 010.4201.5255 57.77 1,050.49 2120 -5054 0212012011 E 010.4201.5255 179.44 9.44 E 010.4201.5255 49.48 2120 -5330 0212012011 E 010.4201.5255 2 E 010.4201.5501 55.40 58.17 P age. 10 im c� c� CL 0) M— c� � N 00 ep kHI t 03/14/2011 :1 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 11 Bark code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice 2/20 2120 - 7837 148974 9310712911 009897 FIRST ASSEMBLY F GOD 109 148975 9310712011 008398 GEI CONSULTANTS I I D 7 07789A 148976 9310712011 998351 HA H HUTS 4 148977 0310712011 008342 INVESTED 931911 14897 8 0310712011 998339 ASH LEY > I N G 930211 021/20/2011 E 0 1 0.420 1.5255 E 91 0.4291.5255 02/20/2011 E 91 0.4291.5694 0212812011 E 91 0.4426.5553 0112612011 E 640.4719.5393 02/08/2011 E 220.4303.5552 03/10/2011 E 226.4396.5554 03/02/2011 191 0.9999.4354 18.67 25.75 4,007.50 4,007.50 3,420.97 3,420.97 136.09 136.09 29 ,805. 00 29,805.00 30.00 k 1 1 1' 2,644.23 4,007.50 3,420.97 136.09 29,805.00 30.00 Inv. Date Amount Paul Check Total Page: 11 c� c� 3 N 00 N a pC kH it 03/1412011 9:17AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 12 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 148979 03/07/2011 000379 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid 105159 01/11/2011 E 010.4145.5503 6,342.00 6 145950 03/07/2011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 100422 02/05/2011 E 010.4426.5553 1 1,965.23 100419 02/05/2011 E 010-4426.5553 1 1,746.90 11 0440 02/05/2011 E 0 10.442 553 1 , 166.67 1,166.67 110345 12/22/2010 E 010.4424.5251 191.70 E 010.4424.5257 630.63 822.33 110399 01 /28/2011 E 010.4425.5303 457.50 467.50 11 0343 12/2112010 E 01 0. 4426.5553 122.45 E 01 0. 4426.5553 117.15 E 010.4426.5553 223.65 } 463.25 100416 02/0512011 E 010.4426.5553 255.60 255.60 110451 02/0512011 E 010.4425.5303 195. 195.00 Ch T otal 6, Page. 12 a p kHlst Check History Listing P age: 13 03114512011 :1 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 11 0344 1212212010 E 01 156.02 156.02 1 10450 0210812011 E 010.4425.5303 47.95 47.95 7,323.43 148981 0310712011 003340 NANCY MENDOZA 030211 0310212011 R 010.0000.4354 30.00 30.00 30.00 143032 0310712011 000415 FETAL SHOP, INC 1901 02/1612011 E 010.4213.5303 444.30 444.30 444.30 143933 0310712011 000420 MINER'S IER' ACE HARDWARE, K91015 0211312011 E 220.4303.5273 206.61 E 220.4303.5613 130.96 337.57 K41 0212212011 E 640.4 113.09 113.09 K303 0212312011 E 220.4303.5613 91.31 91.31 K241 0310112011 E 220.4303.5613 71.69 t� 1.69 K23 0211012011 CL E 010.4420.5601 69.21 69.21 N 00 cw i Page: 13 im CL 0) .T N 00 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 14 03/1412011 :17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa C heck # Date Vendor Status DlearJV id Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total K6641 02/1412011 E 010.4420.5605 46.34 43.34 K67497 02/23/2011 E 640.47 12.5255 43.46 43.46 K67001 0211312011 E 640.4712.5603 42.31 42.31 K67665 0212412011 E 220.4303-5613 30.17 30.17 K67763 0212512011 E 220.4303.5613 22.60 22.60 K63362 0310212011 E 640.4712.5604 15.61 15.61 K63031 0212312011 E 640.4712.5255 15.20 16.20 K346 0212312011 E 640.4712.5255 13.57 13.57 K67827 0212612011 E 220.4303.56 13 6.04 5.04 K67437 0212212011 E 640.4712.5604 -2.2n x.20 917.17 Page. 14 a P kHi t Check History Listing Page: 1 0311412011 9:17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: b oa Check # D ate Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Irv. D ate A mount Paid Chec Total 148984 0310712011 006328 NICKS TELECOM (DBA) 4336 0211612011 010.4201.5606 474.00 474.00 4337 0211612011 E 010.4201.5601 68.76 E 010.4201.5606 27 .60 148985 0310712011 007202 NOSSAMAN LLP 96.26 380971 02109 /2011 E 640.4710.6575 1 1 570.25 1,963.04 148986 0310712011 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 660903031 001 0210312011 E 010.4201.6201 148987 0310712011 004085 OMNI MEANS LTD 31146 148988 0310712011 006706 ON TRAC 7041992 0210112011 E 010.4130.6303 278.48 278.48 2,000.00 2,000.00 0210612011 E 010.4201.6324 32.89 32.89 278.48 2,000.00 32.89 148989 0310712011 999481 PACIFIC CAB & ELECTRIC 2110194097 D c� c� 2116-164603 c� 3 N 00 cn h 0211612011 E 010.4304.6402 14,028.31 14 1 625.31 02116/2011 E 010.4146.6401 346.64 346.64 Rage: 16 Page: 16 ap kHi t 0311412011 :17AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO FAD E Page: 16 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Taal 2/14-704689 0211412011 E 0 10. 414 5.5401 62.62 62.62 15,034.57 148990 0310712011 000498 PITNEY BOWES, ES, IN 7658355 -FB11 0211312011 E 0 10.4101.5602 855.00 855.00 7147128 -FB11 02113/2011 E 010.42 01.5208 56.00 56.00 911.00 148991 0310712011 007453 PLANNING COMPANY ASSOC 935 0113112011 E 350. X42.770 1 5,47 1.1 5A71.18 5,471.18 148992 0310712011 008336 PUBLIC SAFETY SOLUTIONS 1272 0211412011 E 0 10.42 0 1.5603 359.40 E 0 10.4201-5603 7. 367. 367. 148993 0310712011 000520 QUINN COMPANY W0030026273 02627 1212612010 E 220.4303.5603 1,037.64 1,037.64 1,037.64 148994 0310712011 003031 ROBERTSON SUPPLY 08911 0212212011 D E 220.4303.5613 122.45 122.45 122.45 CL N 00 Mi Page: 16 apCkH! t Check History Listing Page: 17 03/14/2011 :17AM CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Taal 143995 93/07/2911 992932 RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP 602979 02/1112011 E 285.4562.5393 2,933.92 2,033.92 602978 02/1112011 E 265.4563.5393 195.09 195. 692969 0211112011 E 265.4561.5393 97.50 97.59 692968 9211112011 E 264.4193.5393 19.50 148996 0319712911 999579 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE 143997 03/07/2011 999575 SANTA MARIA TIRE, INC 143993 0319712011 993838 SILVAS OIL COMPANY, IN CL 0 148999 03/07/2011 000550 SLO COUNTY AIR tD N 00 4 j 27967 9211 612911 E 919.4291.560 27968 0211612911 E 010.4201.5693 564153 02-115/2011 E 640.4712.5601 269128 13548 9212212911 B 010.0000. 1202 0212512911 E 919.4395.5393 19.59 165.99 165.99 744.20 744.20 4 4p4 3 . 519.99 510.00 2,345.92 330.00 744.20 4,438.08 Page: 17 ap kHiet Check History Listing Page: 1 0311412011 :17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 810.00 149000 03 /0712011 0 SLO COUNTY 0074119 02/10/2011 E 640.4710.8303 1.466.42 Page: 1 1,466.42 1,466.42 149001 03/07!2011 000864 SLO COUNTY NEWSPAPERS 6923196 12/29/2010 E 010.4130.5316 316.00 3 16-00 3 16.00 149002 03/07/2011 000731 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF'S AGP D 02/2212011 E 010.4201.5607 2,860.44 2,860.44 2,860. 149003 0310712011 000598 SNAP- TOOLS CORP 204676 02123/2011 E 220.4303.5273 107. 107.81 107.81 149004 0310712011 007321 SOFIA SOFIA 030211 0310212011 01 0.0000.4354 30.00 30.00 30.00 149005 0310712011 000613 STATEWIDE SAFETY& 669 0211412011 E 220.4303.8613 177.42 177.42 177.42 D c� 149 006 0310712011 000616 STERLING 26057 0211 712011 E 220.4303.5601 48.00 48. Ml roll 48.00 M B N 00 00 i Page: 1 im Q cD cD �3 N 00 (D i apC 03114/2011 :1 AIWA Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 1 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149007 0310712011 001015 SUMMIT UNIFORMS 149088 8318712811 888622 SUN BADGE CO 149889 8318712011 880623 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH 149010 8318712011 887712 JENNY TA 149011 8318712011 882884 TEMPLET ON UNIFORM 149812 0318712811 802378 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 148813 8318712811 884689 TROESH RECYCLING, IN Status ClearNold Date Invoice 39881 02111120 11 E 818.4201.5272 468.68 468.68 488.68 321 383 8112812811 E 818.4281.5272 3 3,475.1 3,475.1 2459 8113112811 E 018.4281.5681 74.64 E 228.4383.5681 54.32 E 640.4712-5601 28.36 149.32 149.32 038211 8310412811 818.8888.4354 3. 30.00 30.00 44623 8212312811 E 018.4281.5272 63.81 63.81 83.81 1044384 8211112811 E 228.4383.5255 68.25 68.25 88.25 15603 8211 812811 E 220.4303.5307 41.76 E 220.4383.5387 824.43 866.1 Inv, Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 1 ap kH! t Check History Listing Page: 2 03114/2011 9 :1 AM CITY OF ARROYO RAN E Bank code: boo Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 866.19 149014 0310712011 002377 TUFF STAR, INC 8895358 -00 0212812011 E 010.4420.5603 10-36 10.36 10.36 149015 0310712011 006551 UNITED STAFFING ASSOC. 075105 0212312011 E 840.4712.5303 1,083.80 1,3.80 074957 0211812011 E 840.4712.5303 870.83 870.83 1,934.43 149018 0310712011 000880 USA BLUE BOOK 339822 0212412011 E 840.4712.5273 107.28 107.28 333479 0212312011 E 840.4712.5804 50.54 50.54 339054 0212312011 E 840.4712.5804 39.81 im CL 0 1T W 00 O 149017 0310712011 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 39.81 19.1 09475 1 5328 0212712011 E 010.4201.5403 595.37 595.37 0948317256 0210712011 E 010.4421.5602 43.09 43.09 838.98 Page: 2 arp kHl t Check History Listing Page: 21 03/14/2011 :17AM ClITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Sank code: b C heck 9 Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 14901 0310712011 00 337 VETERINARY PET 021011 0310412011 E 010.4201.5322 524.23 524.23 524.23 149019 03/07/2011 007599 WATER SYSTEMS 0224 12/31/2010 E 640.471 .5303 1 1 1,902.25 149020 0310712611 600689 WE PAYMENT CENTER 82221 8282 0210112611 E 010.4201.5324 157.50 157- 157. 149921 0310712911 999699 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC 1912 9211912911 E 919.4364.5303 1 1,51 5.96 1,51 5.06 149922 9319712911 994897 W R INC 74526 1119912919 E 359.5642.7701 21,189.26 21,1 89.26 21,189.26 149623 0310712611 992289 WULFING'S BACKGROUND 921311 6211312011 E 919.4291.5316 459.90 450. 450.60 D 149024 0310712911 998338 SABRINA ZIMMERMAN 639211 03102/2011 t� R 919.9999.4354 45.96 45.66 CL 4. W 00 Page: 21 im c� c� CL 0) w 00 N� p kH! t Check History Listing P 22 0311412011 :1 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bark code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 149025 9311012011 008352 1 I F I I I BALDIVIEZ I of 9 109972 0310912011 B 640.9000.2301 28.88 2. 2. 149026 9311012011 908359 CAL-WEST RefOOO 109934 0310412011 B 649.0900.2301 108.73 108.73 108.73 149927 9311012011 098344 PATRICK I FISHED Ref0001 0992 0310412011 B 649.0000.2301 39.77 39.77 39.77 149928 9311612611 668343 GAILY GIUMARRA I ef696109927 0316412611 B 649.6666.2361 257.76 257.76 257.76 149929 0311612611 668349 LOAD ZONE INC Ref0001 09933 6316412611 B 649.6666.2361 164.73 164.73 164.73 149939 9311912611 698348 ESTHER SCHEPPER RefOOO 109932 6310412611 B 646.6666.230 1 11 7.7 1 117.71 117-71 149031 9311912911 968345 SCOTT SMITH RefOOO 109929 6316412611 B 646.9660.2361 47.12 47.12 47.12 Page: 22 im c� c� CL 0) W 00 cw i ap kHI t 03/14/2011 9 :1 T AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Page: 23 Bank code, boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice 149032 03/10/2011 008346 STEVEN & STACIE TOMAZIN Ref0001 09930 03/04/2011 B 640.0000.2301 149033 03/10/2011 008347 AN E MAF IE WOODWARD Fef0001 09931 03/04/2011 B 640.0000.2301 149034 03/10/2011 008353 G ENEVIEVE YAMADA 149038 03/11/2011 007704 AECOM USA IN 149039 03/11/2011 006341 AN FL 149040 03/11/2011 006607 AT Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total F of 000109973 03/09/2011 B 640.0000.2301 3708847 02/0412011 E 350.5829.7501 19291 02/16/2011 E 010.4213.5604 9999921 6940 02/25/2011 E 640.47 19.5493 999992169409 02/2512011 E 01 0.4145.5403 118.09 118.09 118.09 25.07 25.07 25.07 79.39 79.39 79.39 3 3 V15.20 91.35 91.35 91.35 29.26 14.34 43.60 Page: 23 ap kHist Check History Listing Page: 24 03/1412011 :1 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Tote 149041 03/11/2011 000065 BRENDA BARROW 030711 03/10/2011 E 010.4423.5253 22.87 E 010.4425.5255 84.68 Page: 24 107.55 107.55 14904 03/1112011 000078 BLUEPRINT INT E PF E 12165 03/01/2011 E 350.5910.7301 342.13 342.13 11902 01/2912011 E 010.4301.5201 33.80 33.80 375.93 149043 03/11/2011 000087 BREMEN BEN PEST CONTROL, 134805 02/24/2011 E 010.4213.5604 114.00 114.00 135369 02/18t2011 E 010.4213.5604 109.00 109.00 1 34801 02/24/2011 E 010.4213.5604 105.00 105.00 134800 02/17/2011 E 010.4213.5604 80.00 80.00 408.00 149044 03/11/2011 008292 BURNES COMMERCIAL 030811 03t=2011 E 010.4101.5303 2 c> 2 2,923.00 w 00 -gh. i Page: 24 im CL ^ ice/ W 0 ♦ V ■ A, ap kHist Check History Listing 03114/2011 9 :1 AM CITY OF ARROYO # ANDE Page: 2 Bank code: boa Che # Data Vendor 149045 03/11/2011 004077 CA ST DEPT OF HEALTH 149946 03/11/2011 091243 CIA - CA REDEVELOPMENT 149047 0311 112011 0979851 WILLIAM R DYER 149048 9311112011 999225 EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC 149049 03/11/2011 003017 RYAN FOSTER 149050 0311112011 000262 FRANK'S K'S L IB KEY Status Clear/ Vold Data Invoice 021911 Inv. Data Amount Paid 02/19/2011 E 649.4712.5501 60,00 E 220.4303.5501 79.99 Check Total Page. 2 130.00 130.99 3653 0310712011 E 284.4103-5303 200.00 200.00 290.99 8180A/818013/8179 0211 012011 E 350.5422.7501 19,949,94 1 9,049.94 19,049.94 236591 0219812011 E 350.5435.7391 381.59 381.50 381.59 931111 0311112011 E 010.4140.5602 51.82 E 010.4140.5602 26.08 77.90 77.90 31649 0310112011 E 350.5435.7001 439.69 439.69 1 635 0212512011 E 350.5435.7001 378.09 378.09 817.78 Check Total Page. 2 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 0311412011 :1 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 28.00 Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 149051 0311112011 002358 GREAT WESTERN ALARM 110200013101 0310112011 008844 ]R ON MOUNTAIN D D3 35 0212812011 E 010.4213.5303 28.00 28.00 110200713101 0310112011 E 010.4213.5303 28.00 150.1 28.00 110102455101 0310112011 E 350.5435.7001 28.00 149053 0311112011 28.00 030211 110202323101 0310112011 E 010.4213.5303 28.00 Page: 28.00 112.00 149052 0311112011 008844 ]R ON MOUNTAIN D D3 35 0212812011 E 010.4002.5303 150.12 150.1 150.1 149053 0311112011 008355 GENA rl 030211 0310212011 010.0000.4805 1 5-00 16-00 15.00 149054 0311112011 000088 MATCO TOOLS 39244 0310312011 220.4303.5273 377.82 377.82 377.82 149055 0311112011 008350 MEATHEAD MOVERS INC OR- 645738 0310112011 D 350.5435.7001 2,889.75 2 2,889.75 c� �3 w 00 CD h Page: t� c� �3 W 00 4i ap kHist 03/14/2011 9 :17AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 27 Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor status ClearfVoid Date Invoice 140058 03/11 /2011 000428 MINER'S 'S A E HARDWARE, E, X 885 552 152587 198541 152888 X075 169097 X68607 14057 03/11/2011 007951 MW AR IN 14058 03/11/2011 003308 ALI NEFF Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Tot 10346.007 030211 03/04/2011 E 812.4810.5810 03/00/2011 E 840.4712.5604 03/0412011 E 812.4810.5273 03/0312011 E 010.4424.5257 03/00/2011 E 840.4712.5255 03/08/2 E 640.4712.5604 03/0012011 E 640.4712.5604 03/04/2011 E 612.4610.5610 12/10/2010 E 350.5435.7501 03/02/2011 E 010.4421.5201 80.77 -39.03 3,430.88 3,439.88 43.47 43.47 136.19 3 Page: 27 spDkHi Check History Listing Pa ge: 2 03/1412011 9:17AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149059 03/11/2011 000468 OFFICE DEPOT Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid 5519331 08001 0211 112011 E 010.4120.5201 393.57 398.57 552246963001 0211512011 E 010.4120.5201 65.15 65.15 552243577001 0211712011 E 010.4120.5201 ,367.14 43.47 Check Total - 367.14 91.58 149060 0311112011 000503 P RI HARD'S PRE 218183 0113112011 E 350.5638.7501 506.57 506.57 506.57 149061 0311112011 002670 RICOH LEASING 8799448 0212012011 E 010.4421.5602 170. 170.55 170.55 149062 0311112011 000564 S LO COUNTY NEWSPAPERS 6921068 1212612010 E 010.4212.5301 1 1 887-85 1,887.85 6922389 1212612010 010.41 0. 5301 137.53 137.53 6922890 1212612010 D E 010.41 30.5301 98.26 98.26 2,123.84 c� �3 W 00 00 i Page: 29 Check Total ap kH! t C heck History Listing 0311112011 000641 T STE CO NSTRUCTION 8 P a g e. 0311412011 :1 TAIGA CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa E 350.5638.7501 8 850.00 C heck # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 149063 03111/2011 002250 STEVEN ENTERPRISES, INC 0255849 -IN 0211112011 149065 0 0311112011 006062 TRANSITIONS 0 022511 0 E 010.4301.5201 73.02 E 010.4130.5201 73.01 E 285.4553.5303 1 1 02,528.41 146.03 0265586 -ITV 0210812011 102528.41 149066 0 E 010.4301.5201 5139 0311012011 E 010.4130.5201 51.80 103.59 w 00 249.52 850.00 102,628.41 185.00 55.94 Page: 149054 0 0311112011 000641 T STE CO NSTRUCTION 8 845 0 0210312011 E 350.5638.7501 8 850.00 850.00 149065 0 0311112011 006062 TRANSITIONS 0 022511 0 0212512011 E 285.4553.5303 1 1 02,528.41 102528.41 149066 0 0311112011 000822 US POSTMASTER 0 030911 0 0311012011 E 01 0.4145.5208 1 185.00 185.00 149057 0 0311112011 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS ELESS 0 0953244873 0 02122/2011 E 010.4305.5403 5 51.69 E 010.4301.5403 1 15.59 E 010.4301.5403 - -11.34 D 5 55.94 c� c� 149058 0 0311112011 002609WATERBOYS PLUMBING 0 030411 0 03104/2011 — E E 226.4305.5303 2 25 c� 25,373.77 00 249.52 850.00 102,628.41 185.00 55.94 Page: ap kHlst Check History Listi Page: 03 /1412011 :17AM CITY O F ARROYO ANNE Sank co boa Ch eck # Date Ven Status Clear/Void Date invoice Inv. Date A mount P Ch eck Tota 16544 0211 5120 11 E 010.4213.5303 189.05 189.05 16556 021/ E 010.4213.5303 150.00 150.00 25, 12.82 149069 03!11/2011 007254 CHELSEA WIDING 021611 021/16/2011 1 0.0000.435 4 70.00 70. boa Total: 332,644.58 126 che in this report Total Checks: 332,544.58 c� c� c� �3 406 00 oi Page: ATTACHMENT CITY OF ARROYO GF A DE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION TION PAY PERIOD 1 81201'1 - 31312011 0 3/11111 FUND 010 314,258.88 5101 Salaries Full time 200,743.28 FUND 219 18.01 5102 Salaries Part -Time - PPT 18,205.42 FUND 220 17 5103 Salaries Part -Time - TPT 27 FUND 226 1 5105 Salaries OverTime 21,280.08 FUND 284 1 5107 Salaries Standby 350.25 FUND 285 1 24.78 5108 Holiday Pay 21 FUND 290 111 5109 Sick Pay 7,571.72 FUND 812 8,919.58 5110 Annual Leave Buyback FUND 640 20 5111 Vacation Buyback 475, 248.79 5112 Sick Leave Buyback 5113 Vacation Pay 10,009.65 5114 Comp Pay 3,108.75 5115 Annual Leave Pail 4,178.44 OVERTIME NE BY DEPARTMENT: TMENT: 5121 PERS Retirement 78,647.1 Admin. Support Services - 5122 Social Security 22 Community Development - 5123 PARS Retirement 563.86 Police 7 5126 State Disability Ins. 1 Fire 12 5127 Deferred Compensation 633.21 ovrnment Bldg Maint. 5131 Health Insurance 49 Engineering 5132 Dental Insurance 5 Fleet Maintenance 102.00 5133 Vision Insurance 1,165.76 Parks 5134 Life Insurance 458.76 Recreation - Admn 5135 Long Term Disability - 1 ec - Special Events - 5143 Uniform Allowance - hildren In Motion 5144 Dar Allowance 875.00 Soto Sport Complex 5146 Council Expense - Public Works Maintenance 1 5147 Employee Assistance - 21,280-08 5148 Boot Allowance - 5149 Motor Pair 75.00 5156 Bi -Lin ual Pay 125.00 5151 Dell Phone Allowance 352.56 475,248.79 Agenda Item 8.a Page 41 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.a Page 42 N RRO Y6 INCORPORATWD JK'VULY W. 19 1 11 * c 14 MEMORANDUM To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA K AETSCH, DIRECTOR of ADMINISTRATIVE SEF VICE BY: MICHELLE MAYFIELD, TREASURER 9/4 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of STATEMENT of INVESTMENT T DEPOSITS DATE: MARCH 22, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive and file the attached report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of February 28, 2011, as required by Government Code Section b. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no funding impact to the City related to this report. However, the City does receive interest revenue based on the interest rate of the investment(s). BACKGROUND: This report represents the City's investments as of February 28, 2011. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, investment type, boob Value, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of February 28, 2011 the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State lavers and the City's investment policy. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The Director of Administrative Services has historically submitted to the City Council a monthly report, providing the following information: 1. Type of investment. 2. Financial institution (bank, savings and loan, broker, etc). 3. Date of maturity. 4. Principal amount. 8. Fate of interest. 6 Current market et Value for all securities having a maturity of more than 12 months. 7. Relationship tionship of the monthly report to the annual statement of investment policy. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of INVESTMENT DEPOSITS MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: R ecommended Alternative - Approve staff's recommendation to receive and file the attached report listing the current investment deposits. - o not appro staffs recommendation - Provide direction to staff ADVANTAGES: Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the City. investments are undertaken In a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. DISADVANTAGES: TAGEs: Some level of risk is present in any investment transaction. Losses could be incurred due to market price changes, technical cash flow complications such as the need to withdraw a non - negotiable Time Certificate of Deposit early, or even the default of an issuer. To minimize such risks, diversifications of the investment portfolio by institution and by investment instruments are being used as much as is practical and prudent. ENVIRONMENTAL ONMEI TAL F E1 IEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, M arch 17, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, March 18, 2011, No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. Portfolio Summary: February 28, 2011 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 2 ATTA H ME NT 1 im t� c� �3 t� c� 00 CITY O Ala- r- .. CITY F ARROYO GRANDE Portfolio Mana Portfolio Summar February 28, 201 City of Arroyo Grande 214 E. Branch S Arroyo Grande, CA 93430 Phone: (305)473 -5400 I nterest Investments Book Value Interest Rate Rate PY Date of Purchase Term Maturity Date % of Portfolio Local A encyInvestment Funds 16,824,188.51 0.512% 0.577% 91.32% C ettcaW of Deposit - Banks First Fed Bank of California 99,000.00 2.53 September 18, 2009 731 Septe 21, 2011 0.54% Redding Ban of Commerce 250,000.00 2.40% September 21, 2009 913 March 21, 2012 1.36% First Republic Bank 250,000.00 3.00% November 9, 2009 30 mos November 9, 2012 1.36% DARS 1,000,000.00 1.91 .July 1, 2010 24 rhos .June 28 2012 5.43% Total Certificates of Deposit 1,599,000.00 8 .68% Total Investments $ 10,423,100.51 100.00 wCr THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.b. Page 4 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING of THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. ROLL CALL: Mayor ror Ferrara called the special meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. council Member Joe Costello, Council Member Jim Guthrie, council Member Tim Brown, Mayor Pro Tern Caren Ray, City Manager Steven Adams, and City Attorney Tim Carmel were present. 2 . PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 3 . CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — Anticipated Litigation Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government code Section 9.9c: 1 Case 4. RECONVENE To OPEN SESSION: M ayor Ferrara announced that there was no reportab)e action from the closed session. 5 . ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg Agenda Item 8.c. Page 1 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGEN Y FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 2012-13 BUDGET GOALS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2011 CITY of ARROYO GRANDE AND WOMAN'S CLUB COMMUNITY CENTER, 211 VERNON STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA I. CALL To ORDER Mayor /Chair Ferrara called the Special City Council/ Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council/RDA- Council /Board Member .doe Costello, Council /Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council /Board Member Tim Brown, and Mayor /Chair Tony Ferrara were present. Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Caren Flay was absent. City Staff Present: City Manager Steven A dams, Executive Assistant/Deputy City Clerk Kitty Norton, Director of Administrative Services Angela Kraet ch, Community Development Director Teresa McCli h, Police Chief Steven Annibali and Information Technology Manager Walt Cu ick. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ferrara/Chair Ferrara led the Flag Salute. 4. cITI BI 6' II PUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS Mayor /Chair Ferrara provided information regarding the Budget Workshop and the Critical Needs Action Plan. He explained the format of the meeting, which would include public input, comments and suggestions: referenced the handout provided; and then introduced City Manager Adams. 5 . CONSIDERATION of FY 2011 -12 AND FY 2012 -1 BUDGET GOALS AND PRIORITIES City Manager Adams provided background information on the budget and public input processes. He stated the second workshop, called a budget strategy workshop, would be held at 6:00 p.m. on March 24, 2011 at the City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club Communit Center, and the third meeting, highlighting budget recommendations, would be held on May 2 in the Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers, also at 6:00 p.m. City Manager Adams also provided an outline of the Critical Needs Action Plan as well as Citywide Major Goals. Mayor /Chair Ferrara opened the public comment period, and the following members of the public provided comments and suggestions: Jim Bro , Susan Flores, Patty Welsh, (like McConville and Tian Moore. Council /Board Member comments and suggestions were also added to the goal list and are designated with an asterisk on the following lists. The following items were presented and documented as follows: Goals Not Nece ary (public comment) Brico Interchange Agenda Item 8.c. Page 2 Minutes: Special city CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meeting Pepe 2 Thursday, February 17, 201 Goals to Add (public and Council comments Repave East Branch Street Crown bill Intersection /Lefthand Huasna Road Sidewalks — north side to LaCresta Stagecoach Sidewalks next to Paulding School on East Branch Street *Increase reserve policy to Flo *Consolidation and /or sharing of public safety and other services *Oak Paris Boulevard joint project with Grover Beach Traffic Way repairing New police building *Ability to fight wildland fires Enhance first responder for emergency situations Page Elm Bt re et *Education for purchase of State Water Review current barricade at Crown Hill Correct what happened to Conrad House and historical properties City Manager Adams and staff responded to questions from the public. City Manager Adams then provided a report on Local Sales Tax projections and goals. Mayor /Chair Ferrara opened the public comment period, calling for additions or deletions regarding Local Bales Tax Funds, and the following members of the public spoke: (like McConville, Patty Welsh, Susan Flores and ,John Keen. Local Sales Tax Funded Items to Add (public and Council comments) Sidewalk south side of East Branch Street near Paulding School Automated speed signs — 500 Block East Branch Street near driveway Erosion control on East Branch Street near driveway at Paulding School Reserve funds for maintenance of City buildings Tree trimming in the creek Correct drainage problems at East Grand Avenue and Larchmont Drive *Remove ,James Way speed bump *In sidewalk and concrete funding City Manager Adams and staff responded to questions from the public and Council regarding future Police Department loan, property owner contribution to installing sidewalks, flooding at the corner of Vilest Branch Street and East Grand Avenue, police firing range funds, and flexibility to shift funds. Local Sales Tax Items to Delete (Council comment *Creek ivy removal (use of volunteers *Drainage/Creek protection City Manager Adams provided a summary of goals for the City Manager's office. Deputy City Clerk Norton provided a summary of goals for the City Clerk Division of the Legislative and Information Services Department. Information Technology Manager Cuzick provided a surnmary of goals for the Information Technology Division of the Legislative and Information Services Department. Administrative Services Director Kraetsch provided a summary of the goals for the Administrative Services Department and the Human Resources s Division. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 3 Minutes: Special City CouncillRodevelopment Agency Meeting Page Thursday Thursda Y February 17, 2011 Community Development Director McCllsh provided a summary of goals for the Community Development Department, including the Engineering, Planning and Building Divisions. City Manager Adams provided a summary of goals for the Recreation and Maintenance Services Department in Recreation and Maintenance Services Director Per yin's absence. Police Chief Annibali provided a summary of goals for the Police Department. City Manager Adams and staff answered questions or provided clarification regarding the OPEB actuarial study, the Fredericks property, status of the General Plan update, resources for the Zone 8 Advisory Board, pedestrian pathway for housing project south of Hillcrest, Newsom Springs Phase 11 drainage project grant potential, FredericklWilliams property and Land Use Element, halter neutralization fees, and fueling station. Council /Board Member Guthrie requested information be provided in the future regarding the gross costs per student for the City's Children In Motion program, as well as the purpose and cost of the Arroyo Grande High School Resource Officer. Mayor/Chair Ferrara opened the public comment period, calling for additions or final comments, and the following members of the public spoke: Susan Flores and Mike McConville. De artment Goals (public comment) Expand water conservation to washing machines, dishwashers, tankless water heaters, etc. Ensure caller can get human voice when calling City offices Building Code training for contractors Trail grant for creek — trail expansion Guitars Not Guns youth program Eliminate sidewalk trip and fall hazards from three to two gears or sooner Hearing no further public comments Mayor /Chair Ferrara closed the public comment period. There was no formal action taken at the Budget Workshop. 8. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the Special Meeting at 8:50 p.m. to the next Regular City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST. Kitty Norton, Deputy City Clark/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Mtg Agenda Item 8.c. Page 4 CORRECTED MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING F THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22,2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BLANCH STREET ARROYO IRANDE, CALIFORNIA NIA 1. (ROLL CALL: Mayor Ferrara called the special meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. council Member Joe Costello, Council Member Jim Guthrie, council Member Tim Brown, Mayor Pro Terry Caren Flay, city Manager Steven Adams, and city Attorney Tim Carmel were present. 2 . PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 3. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION. ar. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8: Property: APN : 077-131 -011; Located at 1 303 E. Grand Avenue Agency Negotiator: Steven Adams, City Manager Negotiating Party: Betty A. Carroll Under Negotiation: Price, Terms and Conditions of Potential Purchase 4 . REC TO OPEN SESSION: Mayor Ferrara announced that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 5. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kell y Wetmore, City clerk (Approved at CC Mtg ) Agenda Item 8.c. Page 5 ACTION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING of THE CITY COUNCILIF EDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2011 COUNCIL C FOAM B E IRS , 215 EAST BRANCH ST E ET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL To ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Special City Council/ Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 6: P.M. 2 . ROLL CALL City Council/RDA: Council /Board Member Tim Brown, Council /Board Member .Jim Guthrie, Council /Board Member .Joe Costello, Mayor Pro Tem ice Chair Caren Fury, and Mayor /Chair Tony Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager/Executive Director Steven Adams, City Attorney Tim Carmel, and City Clerk /Agency Secretary Telly Wetmore. 8. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ferrara led the Flag Salute. 4 . PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were received. 5 . CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTIONS APPROVING A FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR LE POINT STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND PARKING LOT EXPANSION PROTECT, PW 2011= 02 rCOUNCIUR DAl City Manager/Executive Director Adams presented the staff re port and recommended that the Council /RDA DA Board: 1 Adopt ar Resolution olution of the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency approving ar Funding Agreement by and between the Agency and the City of Arroyo Grande, and mating the findings required by Health & Safety Code Section 33445, for Agency funding of the Le Point Street Improvements and Parking Lot Expansion Project, PW 2011-02; Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande approving a Funding Agreement by and between the City of Arroyo Grande and the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency, and making the findings required by Health & Safety Code Section 33445, for Agency funding of the Le Point Street Improvements and Parrying Lot Expansion Project, PW 2011-02; and 3) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Funding Agreement contingent upon the award of the construction contract for the Le Point Street Improvements and Parting Lot Expansion Project. Action: Board Member Costello moved, and Vice Chair Ray seconded the motion to adopt a Resolution as follows: " RESOLUTION OF THE ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROWNG AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND LOAN AGREEMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING RENTAL PROJECT AND FINDING G THA T THE AGENCYS EXPENDITURE OF LOW AND MODERATE INCOME 1E HOUSI G FUNDS OUTSIDE THE B G UNDA RIES OF THE ARROYO GRANDE 1 E El EL OPME T PROJECT AREA BENEF1TS THE PROJECT A REA The motion passed on the follow ing roll -call vote: Agenda Item 8.c. Page 6 Action Minutes: City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Special Meeting Page Tuesday, March 8., 2011 AYES: Costello, Ray, Guthrie, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: T: None Action Council Member Costello roved, and Mayor Pro Tem Ray seconded the motion to adopt a Resolution olution a follows "'A RESOLUTION F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO RA AIDE APPROVING A FUNDING A C REEMEN T BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE ARROYO GRADE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AND MAKING THE FINDINGS REQUIRED BY HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445, FOR AGENCY FUNDING F THE LE POINT STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND PARKING LOT EXPANSION PROJECT,, PSI 2011-02"". The motion passed on the following roll -call vote: AYES: Costello, Ray, , Guthrie, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the special meeting at 6:49 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, re, City Clerk/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Mtg 1 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 7 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING of THE CITY COUNCILI EDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, All AI D H 8, 2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH DH STF EET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL To ORDER Mayor /Chair Ferrara called the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2 . ROLL CALL City Council/RDA: Council /Board Member Joe Costello, Council /Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council /Board Member Tian Brown, Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Caren Flay, and Mayor /Chair Tony Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager/Executive Director Steven Adams, City Attorney Timothy Carmel, Director of Legislative and Information services /City Clerk belly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services Angela Kraets h, Building Official J hnathan Hurst, Associate Planner Ryan Foster, Associate Planner Kelly Heffernon, and Community Development Director Teresa McClish. 3 . FLAG SALUTE Peggy Hoobery, representing Arroyo Grande Rotary Club, led the Flag Salute. 4 . INVOCATION Mayor Ferrara delivered the invocation. 5 . SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5 .a. Honorary Proclamation Declaring 2011 as a Year of Celebration of the 100 Year Anniversary of California W Having the Fight to ate in the City of Arroyo Grande. Mayer Pro Term Flay read and presented the Proclamation to Colleen Ehrenberg, a representative from the League of Women V oters. 8. AGENDA REVIEW 8.a. Ordinances Read in Title only. Council /Board Member Brown moved, Council /Board Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read by title only and all further read ings be waived. 7 . CITIZENS' INPUT, DOMMEI TS, AND SUGGESTIONS The following members of the public spoke during Citizens' Input, Comment and Suggestions: Patty Welsh, Pradera Court; Richard DufFin, Arroyo Grande resident; and Brad mock and Jeff Pinock representing Surfriders Foundation. 8. CO S� T AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited public comment on the Consent Agenda. Speaking from the public was Patty Welsh regarding Item 8.d. There were no other comments received, and the pudic comment period was clo Agenda Item 8.c. Page 8 Minutes: . Cit Council Redevelopment Agency Regular Meetin Tuesday, March , 2011 Page 2 Acton: Council /Board Member Costello moved, and Council /Board Member Brown seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.e. through 8.g., with the recommended courses of action. The motion passed on the following roll -call vote: AYES. Costello, Brown, Guthrie, Flay, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.a. consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period February 16, 2011 through February 2, 2011. 8.b. consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City Council /Redevelopment edevelopment Agency meeting of February 8, 2011, the special City Council Meeting of February 22, 2011 and the Regular City Council /Redevelopment edevelopment Agency Meeting of February 22, 2011, as submitted. 8.c. consideration of Award of Bid for the Plumbing Retrofit Program. Action: 1 Awarded the Plumbing Retrofit Bid to Iaterboys Plumbing, Inc. in the amount of $103,770.00; 2 Authorized the Mayor to execute the contract; and 8 Directed staff to issue the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed along with other necessary contract documents. 8.d. consideration of an Award of contract to Brough construction, Inc. for Construction of the Le Point street Improvements and Parking Lot Expansion Project, PTV 2011-02. Action: 1 Awarded a contract for the Le Point street Improvements and Parking Lot Expansion Project to Brough Construction, Inc. in the amount of $801,038.78; and 2 Authorized the City Manager to approve change orders for approximately 18°x. of the contract amount, $75,000.00, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project; and 8 Appropriate $320,000 in Redevelopment Agency funds for the le Point street Improvements and Parking Lot Expansion Project. 8.e. consideration of FY 2011 -12 and 2012-13 Budget Goals and Priorities. Action: Approved proposed budget goals and priorities for FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012-13. 8.f. consideration of a Retainer Agreement with Phillips & Cohen LLP and Day Pitney LLP in connection with the city's Participation in United states and State of California Et Al. Esc Rel. Hendry V. J -M Manufacturing Co., Et Al. as a Real Party in Interest. Action. Approved and authorize the City Manager to execute a Retainer Agreement with Phillips & Cohen LLP and Day Pitney LLP in connection with the City's participation in United states and state of California et al. ex rel. Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Co., et al. as a Real Party to Interest. 8.g. consideration of a Resolution Accepting Easements for the Ell Camino Real Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project, PW 2008 -9. Action: Adopted Resolution olution No. 4344 as follows: "'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING ING SLOPE EASEMENT DEEDS FOR THE EL CA INO REAL REHABILITATION AND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT, PW 2008-09 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 9 1Vlinute : City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Regular Meeting Pare Tuesday, March 8, 2011 9 . PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Consideration of Community D velopm nt Bloch Grant Projects for Year 2011. Associate Planner Hffernon presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving CDBG Project funds for Year 2011. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. speaking from the public in support of staff's recommendations were Pearl Munick, representing Transitional Food and Shelter; Carol Florence, representing Big Brothers Big Sisters; Maria Torres, representing Mission Community Services Corporation; Camay Arad, representing Chameleon Fine Furniture and speaking on behalf of Mission Community Services Corporation; Stephane Michel, representing CAPSLO Homeless Services; and Laura Mohajer representing Alliance for Pharmaceutical Access. There were no other comments received, and the public hearing was closed. Acton. Council Member Costello moved to adopt a Resolution, as follows: ` "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of A o O GRANDE APPROVING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EL C ANT CDBG PROJECTS FOR YE4R 2011': Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Guthrie, Brown, Ray, Ferrara NOES: Pone ABSENT: None Mayor Ferrara declared a conflict of interest relating to Items 9.b., .c., and g.d. due to ownership of real property within Soo feet of the proposed project, stepped down from the dais, and left the meeting. Manor Pro Tern Ray took over as Presiding Officer. 9-b. Consideration of Specific Plan Amendment 10 -001; Amend the Berry Gardens Specific Plan as it Relates to Development of Subareas 3 and ; Location Southwest Corner of East Grand Avenue and South Courtland Street — Applicant: l T Commercial. Community Development Director McClish referred to correspondence received today from the applicant and included in the Suppiementaf Memorandum distributed to Council regarding Items g.b. and 9.c. which requests the Council limit consideration of the Specific Plan Amendment to Subarea 4 for the Peoples Self Help Housing project and continuing Item 9.c. (subarea 3 ) to a dame uncertain. Associate Planner Foster presented the staff report and provided an Alternative recommendation to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and adopt a revised Resolution with a revised Exhibit B designating Subarea 3 as an unplanned area and establishing development standards for subarea 4 only. staff responded to questions from Council. Manor Pro Tem Ray opened the public hearing. Speaking from the public were Dick Tompkins, applicant, re presenting N T Commercial; and asking for clarification about the proposal were Richard Duffin; Benadene Duffin; Russell Read representing Cookie Crock warehouse; John Agenda Item 8.c. Page 10 Minutes: City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Regular ular Meetin age Tuesday, March 8, 2011 Mack; and Beth stepnit. There W ere no other comm received, and the public Dearing was closed. Action council Member Brown moved to adopt a Resolution, olution, a modified, as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO RANDS ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGA TI VE DECLARATION AND APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 1 L CA TED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF EAST GRAND A VEN E AN SO UTH C � RTLAN STREET; APPLIED FOR 1111 T COMMERCIAL'S Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Brown, Guthrie, Costello, Flay NOES: Bone ABSENT: Ferrara 9 .c. consideration of Tentative Parcel Map 10-001 and conditional Us Permit 10-001; Subdivide 4.47 Acres into Four Parcels of 0.51, 0.59, 2.58, and 0.57 Acres and Construct Four commercial Buildings of 5,800, 8,787 35,788 and 5,700 Square - feet Respectively; Location - Southwest corner of East Grand Avenue and South courtland Street - Applicant: NIT commercial. As noted earlier, the applicant requested a continuance of Item g.c. to a date uncertain. Action: council Member Brown moved to continue Item g.c. to a date uncertain. council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Brown, Guthrie, Costello, Flay NOES: Bone ABSENT: Ferrara g.d. consideration of conditional Use Permit 10-003; construct a Thirty -Sic 8 Unit Apartment Complex on 1.83 Acres; Location - Southwest corner of East Grand Avenue and South courtland Street; Applicant - Peoples' Self Help Housing Corporation and Affordable Housing and Loan Agreement. [COUNCIURDA] Associate Planner Foster presented the staff report and recommended the council adopt a Resolution approving conditional Use Permit 10-003 to construct a thirty -sic unit apartment complex on 1.63 acres. In addition, staff recommended that the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors adopt a Resolution approving an Affordable Housing and Loan Agreement and authorize the Executive Director to execute the Agreement. Mayor Pro Tern Flay opened the public hearing. Speaking from the public in support of the project were Scott smith and Bruce Frasier, representing Peoples' self Help Housing. other members of the public who spoke and expressed concerns about the project were Jeff Buhler; John Mack; Carla Wiley; Barbara White; and Wendy Beckham. There were no other comments received, and the public hearing was closed. Action: council Member Brown moved to adopt a Resolution, as follows: "A RESOLUTION F THE CITY COUNCIL CtL F THE CITY OF ARROYO RANDS APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1 LOCATED A T THE E UTl f E T CORNER OF EAST GRAN Agenda Item 8.c. Page II Minutes: City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Regular uler Meeting Page Tuesday,, March , 2 A EN E AND SOUTH COU TLA N STREET; APPLIED FOR PEOPLES' SELF -HELP HOUSING". Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES; Brown, Costello, Guthrie, Ray NOES: hone ABSENT: Ferrara Action: Board Member Costello moved to adopt a Resolution, as follows: " "A RESOLUTION F THE ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT A ENCY APPROVING AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING LOAN AGREEMENT EEMENT F 1 THE DEVELOPMENT OF AIII AFFORDABLE HOUSING RENTAL PROJECT AND FINDING THAT THE A EI CY'S EXPENDITURE OF LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUNDS OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ARROYO RAN E REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ECT A EA BENEFITS THE PROJECT AREA ", ice char Flay seconded and the motion passed on the following cell call vote. AYES: Costello, Ray, Guthrie, Brown NOES: None ABSENT: Ferrara 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS None. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS None. 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS a Request from Village Improvement Association to reconsider closure of E. Branch Street for April 30, 2011 Farmer's Market. City Manager Adams reported than the Village Improvement Association had requested the Council reconsider closure of E. Branch Street in April due to negative impacts it would have on Village businesses. The Council unanimously concurred with the request. b Request for direction whether to maintain or delay city Hall Ribbon cutting ceremony due to delays in elevator installation schedule. In response to a request for direction by city Manager Adams, the council agreed unanimously to maintain the date of March 26, 2011 as the dame for the city Hall Ribbon cutting Ceremony. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member B rown expressed concern about the cross that was stolen from St. John's Lutheran Church and encouraged those responsible to return the cross with no questions asked. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 12 lir e . City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Regular lar lee in Page Tuesday,, Mar h 8. 201 Mayor Pro Term Flay referred back to Item g.b. and clarified that the public hearing process does not generally include questions and answers; however, latitude was given to speakers due to the request for a continuance and to provide an opportunity for clarification. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Done. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 17. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pro Tern/Vice chair Flay adjourned the meeting at 9 -. 15 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor /chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, re, city Clerk/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Mtg } Agenda Item 8.c. Page 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.c. Page 14 ROY NCORPORATE� � Y 104 '0" MEMORANDUM Nfr T: CITY COUNCIL ,� FROM: TERESA MCC LISHt.'I RE DT R OF COMMUNITY DEVELO BY: DARRYL MIMIC K, ASSISTANT PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO USE CITY PROPERTY AND CLOSE CITY STREETS FOR THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ON JUNE 25, JULY 9 AND JULY 10, 2011; TEMPORARY USE PERMIT N. 11-004; CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION INCORPORATED DATE: MARCH 22, 201 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution authorizing the use of City property and closure of City streets for the Centennial Celebration on dune 25, 2011, July g, 2011 a nd duly 10, 2011. FINANCIAL IMPACT: It is recommended that the City assume the costs for maintenance and other City services used to conduct this event. Estimated costs have not yet been determined. BACKGROUND: Arroyo Grande was incorporated as a City on duly 10, 1911. Over the past 100 years Arroyo Grand has maintained its unique character and community spirit. This will be a year of celebration in Arroyo Grande to honor the City's Centennial. Events are planned throughout the year with a special celebration on Sunday, duly 10 the 100th anniversary of the City's incorporation. Along with the parade, additional events include feed booths and entertainment in Olohan Alley and the IOOF Building, the Centennial Bide Ride, the Centennial 5K Run, the Centennial Time Capsule, the Centennial Past Mayers and Council Member Gathering, the Centennial Ball and the Centennial Fi A Temporary Use Permit approved by the City Council is required in order to authorize the use of City property and the closure of City streets. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO USE CITY PROPERTY AND CLOSE CITY STREETS FOR THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ON JUNE 25, JULY 9 AND JULY 10 2011 20F ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Numerous events and activities will take place in conjunction with the Centennial Parade. On .June 25 th from :ggam to 2:00pm the Centennial Bike Ride will take place starting on Nel Street adjacent to Heritage Square Park. O n .July ��', the Centennial Ball will take place at the Arroyo Grande W oman's Center from 6 4.00pm to 11 :00pm and the Centennial We Dance will take place in the adjacent parking lot next to the IOOF building. On .July Stn from :ggam to 2 :00pm the Centennial 5K Run will take place along Branch Mill Road between East Cherry and the City limit. On .July 1 o Olohan Alley will host various displays, activities and food booths from :ggam to :ggpm, followed by the Centennial Parade and Fireworks concluding at 1 g:ggpm. The Centennial Parade will operate substantially the same as the former mute of the Harvest Festival Parade. In order to operate the celebration, Centennial Celebration I ncorporated CCI) has requested street closures and the use of City property a follows: 1. The closure o f East and Vilest Branch Street from Traffic flay to Ma Street, from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Sunday, .July lo 2. The closure of Ma Street from East Branch Street to Poole Street from 4 :00 pm to 10:00 pm on Sunday, .July lo No parking signs shall state, "I Parking from 3 :00pm to 1 g :g pm. 3 . The closure of Short Street from East Branch Street to O l o han Alley from : am to 10:00 pm on Sunday, .July lo 4 . The closure o f Bridge Street from Branch Street to lel n Street from :00 am to 10:00 pm on Sunday, .July 10 5 . The closure o f Nelson Street from Mason on Street to Traffic Way from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm on Sunday, .July 1 oth. 6 . The use of parking lots along Ol Alley from Ilan Street to Bridge Street from 9:00 am t o 5:0 pm on Sunday, .July 1 oth for vendor and food booths, and other activities. 7 . The northerly half - -block portion of Short Street between Nelson Street and the Syringing Bridge shall be posted "No Parking" from :00 am to 10 pm o n Sunday, .July 1 o 8 . The use of Heritage Square Park between Short St reet and Ilan Street on Nelson n Street from 90.00 am to :00 pm on Sunday, .July 1 oth. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO USE CITY PROPERTY AND CLOSE CITY STREETS FOR THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ON JUNE 25, JULY 9 AND JULY 10, 2011 30F g. The use o f the fire -acre lot next to the man's Club Community Center on West Branch Street for parking o Sunday, July 1g 1. The use of the dirt lot off LePint Street behind Branch Street Deli from 9:00 am until 10:00 pm o Sunday, July lo 1. The use o f the Doty Hall parking lot at 300 East Branch Street from 9 :00 am t o 10:00 pm n Sunday, July 1g 12. The use of the lot behind the City Council Chambers from 10: 00 am to 11: 00 pm o Sunday, July lo 13. The use of the City's electrical service as needed for lighting of booths, sound systems, and other activities. 14. The use of the Council Chambers on Sunday, July lo from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm for the reception and celebration of past Mayors and Council Members. 1. The closure of a portion of East Grand Avenue from U.S. Highway 101 t Traffic Way, acrd the closure of entrance and exit ramps of U. High gray 10 1 at East Grand Avenue on Sunday July 1 g., 2011 between the hours o f 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm, for the Centennial Parade. It is important for the City Council to approve the permit at this meeting to provide adequate time for Caltrans review. 16. That the Arroyo Grande Police Department will control traffic along and around the parade route, and police officers and/or designated volunteers will be stationed to give instructions to motorists on detouring the parade route; and further, the Police Department will restrict and control traffic at the freeway ramps from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Sunday, July 10, 2011. 17. Than the following streets shall be closed for the Centennial Parade on Sunday, July 10, 2 011, from :00 pm to :00 pm, beginning at East Grand Avenue and Brisco Road and east to the corner of East Branch and Mason Streets; and Halcyon Road from El Camino Real to Dodson Way. 18. The closure o f Barnett Street form East Grand Avenue to Cornwall Avenue from :g pm to 10:00pm on Sunday, duly lo 19. The closure of Nevada Street from East Branch Street to the Car Corral from 4 :00 pm to 10:00 pm on Sunday, July lo g. In addition, to facilitate and operate the Centennial Bike Ride, the Bike Ride Committee has requested the closure o Nels Street from Mason to Short Agenda Item 8.d. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of AUTHORIZATION To USE CITY PROPERTY AND CLOSE CITY STREETS FOR THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ON JUNE 25, JULY 9 AND JULY 10, 2011 40F5 Street, and the northerly half-block portion of Short Street between Nelson Street and the Syringing Bridge from - 00 am to 2:0 pm on Saturday, .June 25, 2011 for the Centennial Bile Ride. 1. In addition, to facilitate and operate the Centennial 5K Faun, the Kiyranis Club of Greater Pismo Beach has requested the closure of Branch Mill Road between East Cherry Avenue and the City limit line be closed to through traffic from 8 :00 am to 9:30 am on Saturday, .July 9, 2011. 2. That Branch Mill Road between East Cherry Avenue and the City limit line be closed to through traffic from 8:00 am to 9:30 am on Saturday, .July 9, 2011 for the running of the Centennial 5K Run. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the attached Resolution; - Modify as appropriate and adopt the attached Resolution; - Do not adopt the attached Resolution; - Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The event will draw thousands of Visitors to the City, will provide an important opportunity for the community to celebrate its history, and will help promote pride and sense of community. DISADVANTAGES: The Centennial Celebration requires the closure of City streets for up to 24 hours, which can be inconvenient to citizens and visitors. It will also result in costs incurred for city staff. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This temporary event is exempt from environmental revie w per CE QA Section 15061 (b)(3). PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: A condition of approval has been developed, which will require the applicant to notify property o wners and businesses located within the area of street closures and/or restricted parting. In addition, the Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, March 17, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, March 18, 2011. No public comments were received. Conditions of approval are also included in the Resolution requiring the event organizers to mail or hand deliver notification of street closures to all affected V illage residents one week before the event. A second condition of approval requires the event organizers place an advertisement in Agenda Item 8.d. Page 4 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO USE CITY PROPERTY AND CLOSE CITY STREETS FOR OrHE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ON ,DUNE 25, ,DULY 9 AND JULY 10 2011 5 F 5 the Five Cities Times -Press Recorder prior to the event to advise the public of street closures. Attachments: 1. Road Closures and Alternative Routes Map Agenda Item 8.d. Page 5 RESOLUTION No. A RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANGE AUTHORIZING THE USE of CITY PROPERTY AND CLOSURE of CITY STREETS FOR THE CITY'S 2011 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ON SUNDAY, , JUL 10, 2011; TEMPORARY USE PERMIT No. '1'1 -004 WHEREAS, Centennial Celebration Incorporated (CC[),, organizers of the City's 2011 Centennial Celebration, have requested closure of certain City streets and the use of City property as outlined below, for the purpose of activities and events during the Centennial Celebration, including displays, food booths and entertainment, a Centennial Time Capsule, Centennial Bike Ride, Centennial Ball, 5K Centennial Run, Centennial Parade, Centennial fireworks display, and similar activities; and WHEREAS, members of the CCI will be responsible for traffic control, cleanup, and payment of all related fees and costs for the use of City property and City employee time related to the event; and WHEREAS, the I iwanis Club of Arroyo Grande V alley, organizers of the Centennial Parade, have requested closure of certain City streets and use of City property as outlined below for the purpose of the parade; and WHEREAS, the Kiwanis Club of Greater Pismo Beach, organizers of the bK Centennial Run, have requested closure of certain City streets and the .use of City property as outlined below, for the purpose of a runall; WHEREAS, the Centennial Bike Ride Committee, organizers of the Centennial Bike Ride, have requested closure of certain City streets and use of City property as outlined below, for the purpose of a bike ride. Noll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that Centennial Celebration Incorporated is hereby granted use of certain City streets and property as follow: 1, The closure of East and Vilest Branch Street fr m Traffic Way to Mason Street, from :oo pm to 10:00 pm on Sunday, ,July 1 o th . 2. The closure of Mason Street from East Branch Street to Poole Street from :00 pm to 10:00 pm on Sunday, ,July lo No parking signs shall state, ii No Parking from .00pm to 1 o.00pm. 3 The closure of Short Street from East Branch Street to 0 1ohan Alley from g:oo am to 10:00 pm on Sunday, ,July 'I o th . Agenda Item 8.d. Page 6 RESOLUTION N. PAGE 4. The closure o f Bridge Street from Branch Street to Nelson Street from 9:00 m to 10 :00 pm on Sunday, July 1 o th . 5. The closure of Nelson Street from Mason Street to Traffic Way from 9:00 aim to 10 :00 pm on Sunday, July lo th . 6. The use of parking lots along 01ohan Alley from Mason n Street to Bridge Street from 9:00 arm t ' :gg pm on Sunday, July 1 o1 for vendor and food booths, and other activities. 7. The northerly half-block portion of Short Street between Nelson Street and the Swinging Bridge shall be posted "No Parking" from 9 am to 10:00 pm on Sunday, July lo th . 8 The use o f Heritage Square Park between Short Street and Mason n Street on Nelson Street from 9:00 am to : pm on Sunday, July 1 o th . 9. The use of the five-acre It net to the Woman's Club Community Center on West Branch Street for parking on Sunday, July loth. 10. The use of the dirt lot off LeP int Street behind Branch Street Deli from : arm until 10:00 pm on Sunday, July 1 o th . 11. The use of the City Hall parking lot at 300 East Branch Street from 9 am to 10:00 pm on Sunday, July loth. 12. The use of the lot behind the City Council Chambers from 10:00 am to 11 - .00 pm on Sunday, July '1 oth. 13. The use of the City's electrical service as needed for lighting of booths, sound systems, and other activities. 14. The use of the Council Chambers on Sunday, July loth from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm for the reception and celebration of past Mayors and Council Members. 15. The closure of a portion of East Grand Avenue from U.S. Highway 101 to Traffic Way , and the closure o entrance and exit ram ps of U.S. Highwary '101 at East Grand Avenue on Sunday, July 10, 2011 between the hours o f :g pm and 9:00 pm, for the Centennial Parade. It is important for the City Council to approve the permit at this meeting to provide adequate time for Caltrans review. 16. That the City Council authorizes the closure of East Grand Avenue from Brisco Road to Stanley Avenue for the Centennial Parade, and the closure of entrance and exit ramps o U.S. Highway 101 on East Grand Avenue from Agenda Item 8.d. Page 7 RESOLUTION No. PACE 3 :oopm to 1 o :oopm upon authorization from the State Department of Transportation. 17. That the Arroyo Grande Police Department rill - control traffic along and around the parade route, and police officers and/or designated volunteers will be stationed to give instructions to motorists on detouring the parade route; and further, the Police Department will restrict and control traffic at the freeway ramps from :00 pm to 10 :00 pm on Sunday, July 10, 2011. 1. That the following streets shall be closed for the Centennial Parade on Sunday, July 10, 2011, from :00 pm to :00 pm beginning at East Grand Avenue and Bri co Road and east to the corner of East Branch and Mason Streets; and Halcyon Road from El Camino Real to Dodson Way. 19. The closure of Barnett Street form East Grand Avenue to Cornwall Avenue from :oopm to 1 o :oopm on Sunday, jUly loth. 20. The closure of Nevad Street from East Branch Street to the Car Corral from .00 pm to 10.00 pm on Sunday, July 'lo 21. The closure of Nelson Street from Mason to Short Street, and the northerly half -block portion of Short Street between Nelson Street and the Swinging Bridge from :oo am to 2 :00 pm on Saturday, June 25, 2011 for the Centennial Bike Fide. 22. The closure of Branch Mill Road between East Cherry Avenue and the City limit line be closed to through traffic from :00 am to :30 am on Saturday, July 9, 2011 for the Centennial 5 K Finn. 23. That Branch Mill Road between East Cherry Avenue and the City limit line be closed to through traffic from :00 am to :30 am on Saturday, July 9, 2011 for the running of the Centennial 5K Finn. E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, ED, that Centennial Celebration Incorporated ( CCI) will adhere to certain requirements and conditions imposed by the City regarding cleanup and traffic control and all other applicable conditions of the Temporary Use Permit with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion of Council Member on the following roll call Grote, to grit: , seconded by Council Member , and AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Agenda Item 8.d. Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2011. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 9 RESOLUTION N . PAGE TONY FER AI A, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMO E, CITY CLEF . APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CA MEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.d. Page 10 RESOLUTION Rio. PAGE EXHIBIT "A'p CONDITIONS S of APPROVAL FOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 11 -004 2011 CITY CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION This approval authorizes the use of City property and to close City streets for City's Centennial Celebration on June 25, July 9 and July 'lo 2011. General Conditions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial c onformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department office. 3. The event organizers shall c omply with all the conditions of the City Council Resolution adopted on March 2, 2011. 4. The applicants shall agree to defend, indemnify and hold the City harmless, at his /her /its sole expense from any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action, but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his /her /its obligations under this condition. Recreation n and Maintenance services Department Conditions 5. The event organizers, Centennial Celebration Incorporated CCI shall provide the waste and recycle receptacle containers prior to June 20, 2 011. 6. CCI is responsible for providing trash bags and restroorn supplies for the Centennial Celebration. 7. The event organizers shall have an individual designated to periodically inspect the restroorn and areas around the food vendors and waste containers. That individual shall be responsible for maintaining cleanliness of these areas and gathering and disposing of all debris. 8. The event organizers shall remove any tame placed on streets and parking arrears after the event. 9 F estroom facilities, barricades, signing and detour routes shall be provided by the applicant as required. 10. The event organizers shall provide (pay for) all traffic barricades and delineators. The CCI will place the barricades and delineators. 11. The events organizers shall place an advertisement in the Fire Cities Times Press Recorder just prior to the event to advise residents of street closures. 12. The event organizers shall mail (include in City grater bill) or hand deliver a notification of street closures to every property located within the area where street closures will occur. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 11 RESOLumnON NO. PAGE 13. The event organizers shall provide a $1,000,000 insurance policy naming the City as additional insured. 14. The event organizers shall contact the [Maintenance Services Department two weeks prior to the event to check on the status of street maintenance /construction activities. The Maintenance Services Department may require the event organizers to provide temporary construction (orange plastic) fencing around areas designated as potentially hazardous. 15. Notification of all streets subject to closure must be posted a minimum of 2 hours prior to closure, stating the dates and times of closures. ,Building Department and Fire Authority conditions 16. All food booths must comply with the Fire Authority guidelines, and must have County Health Department approval. CCI (Activities Events will inform booth applicants of Fire Authority guidelines, and will ensure total compliance of booth operators. CCI (Activities Events will not allow non - compliant booths to operate. 17. The event shall com Frith the most recent edition of the California State Fire and Building Codes as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande; including, all temporary wiring provisions of the N.E.C. must be met. 18. The Building Department and Fire Authority must inspect all food booths, generators and temporary electrical service. 19. Emergency access must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. A detailed chart o map will be provided to the Building Official and Fire Chief for approval prior to the event, showing ing placement of all booths, to include actual dimensions of access pathways for fire a a nd emergency vehicles. 20. Per the approval of the Fire Chief, there will be ambulance service dedicated to the event. 21. The use of generators must be reviewed and approved by the Fire Chief and Building Official. 22. All fire lanes must be posted with no parking signs and enforced in accordance with Police and Fire Department guidelines. Fire lanes and access must be approved by the Fire Chief. 23. The CCI shall identify an individual to act as liaison with the Fire Authority for the purpose of maintaining life and safety. 24. Prior to opening the event, the fire access road shall be posted. The applicant shall provide continuous enforcement of the fire access road during the event. 2. CCI will coordinate with and be responsible for costs associated with San Luis Ambulance to provide standby personnel and equipment for Bike [Medic and golf cant transport for entire duration of the event on Sunday, .July 10, 2011. 26. The use of tents shall be reviewed by the Building Official to ensure compliance with 2010 California Building Code. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 12 RESOLUTION Flo. PAGE Police Department conditions Parade 2. All temporary "loo Parking'} signs shall be posted a minimum of 24 hours prior to the event set up by 8 arm, Saturday, .July 9, 2011). 28. The event organizers shall provide and place all barricades and signs, and arrow boards. 29. The event organizers shall replace all delineators that are stolen, misplaced, or vandalized. 30. The Police Department shall obtain the necessary permit from Caltrans for permission to close a portion of East Grand Avenue from U.S. Highway 101 to Traffic Way, , and the closure of entrance and exit ramps of U.S. Highwa 101 at East Grand Avenue on Sunday, .July 10, 2011 between the hours of 4:00 pm and 10:00 pm, for the Centennial Parade. Bike Fide 1. Two police traffic units shall escort and facilitate the Centennial Bike Ride within the City limits. 2. All activities associated with the Bike Fide shall abide by all City ordinances. Run 33. Two police traffic units shall escort and facilitate the Centennial Faun within the City limits. 34. All activities associated with the Centennial Faun shall abide by all City ordinances. Special conditions 35. Notification of all streets subject to closure must be posted a minimum of 2 hours prior to closure, starting the dates and times of closures. 36. CCi shall distribute State Board of Equalization forms to all vendors to report the sales tarn collected during the Festival, and shall notify them that a list of vendors will be supplied to the City to verify payment of sales tax. 37. CCl shall provide to the City's Financial Services Department a list of all vendors participating to the festival. The list will be used to verify that sales tax was collected and reported as earned in Arroyo Grande. 8. CC I shall mail or hand deliver notification of street closure to all affected residents one week before the event. 3. No parking shall occur on the w estern side of Lepoint Terrace from :oam to 10: 00 pm on Sunday, .July, 2011. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 13 � ARROYO GRANDE °"' °' A IPPROVED BY: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION PLANNING DIVISION IV DATE ROAD CLOSURES AND ALTERNATE ROUTES .�{! Created B M atthew Downi 9 11 WCORPORATED it JMY 10. loll o 4t MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL � FROM: TE ESA MccLISH, COMMUNITY DE EL PM ENT DI RECTOR F Y: MIKE LINN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of PROGRAM AM SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 011-N To ADMINISTERING AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT NO. - 5 199-R FOR THE MONTEGO STREET SIDEWALK, , PHASE II PROJECT DATE: MARCH 22, 2011 RECOM It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Program Supplement Agreement No. 011 -Ii to Administering Agency -State Agreement No. 05-5199R for the future Montego Street Sidewalk, , Phase II Project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The city was successful in securing Transportation Enhancement (TE) grant funds for the project. Since the project is 100% funded, it will not require a local match. The Program Supplemental Agreement No. 011 -I i will fund the preliminary engineering design and environmental determination if required). The future construction contract is currently budgeted at $2 Execution of the supplemental agreement enables the City to begin invoicing for reimbursement of the work performed. B ACKGROUND: The proposed capital project is the second phase of sidewalk construction along Montego Street, between Hillcrest Drive and the cul -de -sac approximately 100 feet to the east. The first phase, infill construction of sidewalk segments on the south side of Montego Street, w completed in the late 1990's. The second phase will finish the sidewalk infll project on the north side of Montego Street. In order for a local agency to expend State funds through the State Transportation I Program (STIP), it must enter into a general Master Agreement with the State. The Master Agreement contains general provisions and identifies responsibilities of each agency for any Federal Aid Projects. Once a Master Agreement is in place, the City and the State can enter into a Program Supplemental Agreement, which is a Agenda Item 8.e. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION ATION of PROGRAM AM SUPPLEMENTAL ADMINISTERING AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT MONTEGO STREET SIDEWALK ALIT PROJECT MARCH 22 PAG AGREE No. 11 -N To No. 05-5199-R FOR THE project- specific agreement that is incorporated in the Master Agreement. The City entered into the Master Agreement for this side walk project on November 13, 2008. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: Before the City can begin invoicing for reimbursement of the work performed, a supplemental agreement must be e A resolution must be adopted by the City Council that clearly identifies the official authorized to execute the Program Supplemental Agreement No. 009 . Staff will schedule the performance of the project design following adoption of the resolution. Some of the properties present issues given the current grade of their driveways. Therefore, when designed, it may be determined that it is not possible to make the s i d e w alk contiguous through the entire street. ALTERNATIVES: ES: The follo alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve Program Supplement Agreement No. 0'1'1 -N; D o not approve Program Supplement Agreement Igo. 01 1-N; Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: �rhe project has been accepted. Approving Program Supplement No. 011-N to Administering Agency - State Agreement for Federal -Aid Projects Igo. 0 -51998 will allover the city to request reimbursement for e to the project. DISADVANTAGES: There may be impacts on existing properties given the grade and short driveways. ENVIRONMENTAL TAL REVIE11 : - rhe project is categorically exempt from CE QA pursuant to Section 15301 ( c). PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, March 17, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on F March 18, 2011. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 011-N T ADMINISTERING AGENCY-STATE A I EEMEI T NO. 06-6199R FOR THE MONTEGO STREET SIDEWALK, ALIT , PHASE 11 PROJECT WHEREAS, the City and the State have entered into Administering Agency -State Agreement for Federal Aid Funded Projects No. 05-51 99R and WHEREAS, EAS, P rog ram Supplement I . 011-N to the Administering Agency -State Agreement for Federal Aid Funded Project No. 05-5199R designates the State funds requested and the matching funds to be provided by the City o Arroyo Grande for the Montego Street Sidewalk, , Phase II Project; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande is eligible to receive State funds. N', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City o Arroyo Grande hereby: 1. Approves E chibit A attached, entitled "Program Supplement Agreement No. 011 -I , to Administering Agency -State Agreement for Federal Aid Project No. 05-5199R ". 2. Appoints the Mayor as the official representative authorized to sign the Program Supplement Agreement. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call Grote, to vit: APES: NOES: ABSENT; the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2011. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 3 RESOLUTION N. PAGE TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY ,J.' CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.e. Page 4 EXHIBIT A PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT No. N011 Date: November 5 , 2010 to Location: - SL - -AFGD ADMINISTERING ING AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT Project Number: SENSE - 199(026) FOR FEDERAL -AID PROJECTS N 05-5199R E.A. Number: - 930311 Lcde: 51 This Program S upplement hereby adopts and incorporates the Administering Agency -Mate Agreement for Federal Aid which was entered into between the Admini tering Agency and the St on 11113108 and i s subject to ali the terms and conditions thereof. This Program Supplement is executed in accordance with Article I of the aforementioned Master Agreement under authority of Resolution No. approved by the Administering Agency on (See copy attached). The Administering Agency further stipulates that as a condition to the payment by the State of any funds derived from sources noted below obligated to this PROJECT, the Administering Agency accepts and will comply with the special covenants or remar set forth o the fo p PROJECT LOCATION: Ocean View Elementary Sidewalks. Montego Street between Hlllcre t Drive an d Ocean View Elementary. TYPE of WORK: Safe Route to Schools Estimated cost $20,000. Federal Funds LU2 $20 LENGTH: O.O (MILES) Thatching Fends LOCAL $.0 $0.00 CITY of ARROYO GRANDE B Title Date Attest STATE of CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation By Chief, office of Project Implementation Division of Local Assistance Date hereby certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance: Accounting Officer Ji� 04 -' ���� Date I f I < i ) ) C THEE $20.000.00 Chapter Statutes I Item Year Program BC Category Fund Source AMOUNT Program Supplement - 1 R -N 11 - - I TEA Rage 1 of 3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 5 05 � L - -A D SITS. -1 99(026) SPECIAL. COVENANTS OR EMARKS 1. The PROJECT will be administered in accordance with the BENS Program Guidelines effective at the time of Program Supplemental Agreement e The ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to encumber the funds under agreement and award the construction contract by September 30th of the fiscal year in which funds are programmed. For projects unable to meet this deadline, the ADMINISTERING AGENC may request in writing, a time extension from the District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE). One time extension, for a maximum period of one year, may be granted by the DLAE. Projects unable to meet the new deadline may be dropped from the program. 2. The ADMINISTERING AGENCY will advertise, award and administer this project in accordance with the current published Local Assistance Procedures [Manual. 3 . ADMINISTERING ING AGE C agrees that it will only proceed with work authorized for specific phase with an "Authorization to Proceed" and will not proceed with future phase of this project prior to receiving an "Authorization to Proceed" from the STATE for that phase unless no further State or Federal funds are needed for those future phases. 4 . ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees, as a minimum, to submit invoices at least once every six months commencing after the funds are encumbered for each phase by the e of this Project Program Supplement Agreement, or by STATE's approval of an applicable Finance Letter. STATE reserves the right to suspend future authorizations /obligations for Federal aid projects or encumberances for Mate funded projects, as well as to suspend invoice payments for any on -going or future project by ADMINISTERING AGENCY if PROJECT costs have not been invoiced by ADMINISTERING AGENCY for a six-month period. 4 If no costs have been invoiced for a six-month period, ADMINISTERING AGENC agrees to submit for each phase a written explanation of the absence of PROJECT activity along with target billing date and target billing amount. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to submit the final report documents that collectively constitute a "Deport of Expenditures" within one hundred eighty (1 80) days of PROJECT completion. Failure of ADMINISTERING AGENCY to submit a "Final Report of Expenditures" within 180 days of PROJECT completion will result in STATE Imposing sanctions upon ADMINISTERING AGENCY in accordance with the current Local Assistance Procedures [Manual. 5 . The Administering Agency shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, disability, color, national origin, or sec in the award and performance of any Federal- a ssisted contract or in the administration of Its DBE Program implementation Agreement. - rhe Administering Agency shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFI Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of Federal - assisted contracts. The Administering Agency's DBE Implementation Agreement is incorporated Program Supplement 05-5199R-NOI I- ISTEA Paige 2 of Agenda Item 8.e. Page 6 05 -SL- -D FTL- 5199(026) 11/0512010 SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS by reference in this Ag ree m ent. Implementation of the DBE Implementation Agreemen including but not limited to timely re porting of DBE commitments and utilization, is legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this Agreement. Upon notification to the Administering Agency of its failure to carry out its DBE Implementation Agreement, the State may impose sanctions as provided for under CFR Part 26 an may, in ap cases, refer the ma .for e nfo rceme nt under 1 U.S.C. 1 001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.. 6. As a condition for receiving federal -aid highway funds for the PROJECT, the Administering Agency certifies than NO members of the elected board, council or other Ivey decision makers are on the Federal Government Excluded Parties List System (EPLS). 7. Award information shall be submitted by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY to the District Local Assistance Engineer within 60 days of project contract award or with the submittal of the ADMINISTERING AGENCY's first invoice for the construction contract, whichever is earlier. Failure to do so will cause a delay in the State processing invoices for the construction phase. Please refer to Section 15.7 'Award Package" e" of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 8. Any State and Federal funds that may have been encumbered for this project are available for disbursement for limited periods of time. For each fund encumbrance the limited period is from the start of the fiscal year that the specific fund was appropriated within the State Budget Act to the applicable fund Reversion ion Date shown on the State approved project finance letter. Per Government Code Section 16304, all project funds not liquidated within these periods will revert unless an executed Cooperative Work Agreement extending these dates is requested by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY and approved by the California Department of Finance. ADMINISTERING AGENCY should ensure that invoices are submitted to the District Local Assistance Engineer at least 75 days prior to the applicable fund Reversion ion Date to avoid the lapse of applicable funds* Pursuant to a directive from the State Controller's Office and the Department of Finance; in order for payment to be made, the last dame the District Local Assistance Engineer can forward an invoice for payment to the Department's Local Programs Accounting office for reimbursable work for funds that are going to revert at the end of a particular fiscal year is May 15th of the particular fiscal year. Notwithstanding the unliquidated sums of project specific State and Federal funding remaining and available to fund project work, any invoice for reimbursement involvin applicable funds than is not received by the Department's Local Programs Accounting Office at leant 45 days prior to the applicable fined fund Reversion Dante will not be paid. These unexpended funds will be irrevocably reverted by the Department's Division of Accounting on the applicable fund Reversion Date. Program Supplement 5 -51 R- 1'1- I TEA Page 3 of Agenda Item 8.e. Page 7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AND CERTIFICATION FORM PF (REV. 01/2010) T: Page I of t PROJECT NUMBER: 0500020265 FROM: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUBJECT: ENCUMBRANCE DOCUMENTS VENDOR/ CONTRACTOR: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONTRACT AMOUNT $209000-00 PROCUREMENT TYPE: LOCAL ASSISTANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY UPON MY OWN PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE THAT BUDGETED FU NDS ARE AVAILABLE FOR THIS ENCUMBRANCE AND PURPOSE OF THE EXPENDITURE STATED ABOVE. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 8 Claims Audits . 3301 "',' Street, Rm 404 ;ar p__nfn_ CA -CIRRI DATE PREPARED: 11/8/2010 REQUISITION NUMBER / CONTRACT NUMBER: RQS-2660-0500000001 ADA Notice For individuals with sensory disabilities, this docurn nt is available in alternate formats. For information, call (91 5) 654 -6410 of TDD (9 16) 6O or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N. Street, MS 9, Sacramento, CA 95814. INCORPORATS E arn *kim io, roil 4q tv. MEMORANDUM To: CITY COUNCIL Llo� _�w FROM: TER ESA McCLiSH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ELOPMENT I IF ECTOF Y: MIKE LINN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of ACCEPTANCE OF THE CITY MALL FIFE SPRINKLER PROJECT, PIN 2009 -0 DATE: MARCH 22, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: ATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Accept the project improvements as constructed by Whiffle Fire Protection in accordance with the plans and specifications for the City Hall Fire Sprinkler Project; 2. Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3. Authorize release of the retention, thirty -five 3 days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funding for the City Hall Fire Sprinkler Project is budgeted as a component of the City Hall Improvements for 300 East Branch Street. The actual total construction project cost for the City Hall Fire Sprinkler Project, including authorized construction changes, is $38,800. B ACKGROUND : O n August 2, 2010, Council awarded a construction contract to perform the City Hall Fire Sprinkler Project to Whittle Fire Protection for $37,100 and authorized the City Manager to approve change orders in the amount of $3,710. The fire sprinkler project scope of work involved the design of a fire protection system per NFPA 13 Standards, obtaining the appropriate permits through the division of Building and Life Safety, and constructing the system components throughout the building from an underground supply line. City forces had previously installed the exterior improvements to the water system, including construction of a water main etenion and the installation of a double detector check valve and fire riser, prior to the performance of the fire sprinkler contract. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of ACCEPTANCE of THE CITY HALL FIRE SPRINKLER PROJECT, PW P ' 2009-08 MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The contractor has completed the work in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. There are no outstanding issues. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendations to accept the project as constructed; Do not accept the project; or - Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The project is complete. Accepting the improvements w ill allow staff to close out the project and return any remaining funds to the fund balance. DISADVANTAGES: The disadvantage of accepting the improvements would be if subsequent deficiencies in the work are identified. Ho wever, the contract documents include a one -year warranty period for the contractor to address any construction defects that may arise. ENVIRONMENTAL R E I E11: The project is categorically exempt from CEA pursuant to Section 15301 e. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, March 17, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, March 18, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachment: 1. Notice of Completion Agenda Item 8.f. Page 2 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TD: CITY CLERK CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P.D. B OX 550 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 NO'T'ICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: ATTACHMENT 'I 1. The undersigned is owner or agent of owner of the interest or estate or the property hereinafter described as stated below. 2. The FULL NAME of the OWNER is: The CLCY OLArrovo Grande 3. The FULL ADDRESS of the OWNER is: 300 East Branch Street, Arrovo Grande California 93420 4. The NATURE OF THE INTEREST or ESTATE of the undersigned is: ire, Lee 5. THE FULL NAME and FULL ADDRESS of ALL PERSONS 5 if any, who hold such interest or estate with the undersigned as JOINT TENANTS or as TENANTS IN COMMON are: NAMES ADDRESSES Norge 6. THE FULL NAMES and FULL ADDRESSES of the PREDECESSOR'S in interest of the undersigned if the properly was transferred subsequent to the commencement of the work of improvements rents herein referred to: NAMES ADDRESSES Norge 7. All work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was COMPLETED February 19, 2011 8. The NAME OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR, if any, for such work of improvement is: Whittle Fire Protection. 9. The street address of said property is: Norge 10. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and is described as follows: Qy Hall Fire Prinklers. P W 2008 - Verification of NON-INDIVIDUAL owner: I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am the Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities f the aforesaid interest or estate in the property described in the above notice; that I have read the said notice, that I know and understand the contents thereof, and the facts stated therein are true and correct. Teresa McClish, Community Development Director March 23, 201 1, Arroyo Grande, California -- END OF DOCUMENT -- Agenda Item 8.f. Page 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.f. Page 4 INCORPORATE " AK MEMORANDUM JULY 10, 1911 1 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA MccLIsH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of AN AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH STETSON CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR THE LOPEZ RESERVOIR SPILLWAY RAISE PROJECT DATE: MARCH 22, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement for consultant services with Stetson Engineers Inc. to evaluate the feasibility of the Lopez Reservoir Spillway False Project "Lopez Spillway Project''. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost to prepare a final report for the evaluation of the Lopez Spillway Project is $49,865. The cost is shared among several agencies, of which the City would be responsible for 54.2% (based on the Lopez grater allocation of 50.6% and redistributed for cost sharing among zone 3 agencies' without the Oceano CSD to .2 or $27,015. The cost is funded In the Capital Improvement Program. BACKGROUND: An initial feasibility study for the Lopez Spillway Project was prepared in 2008 by UFS Corporation. The estimated total cost of the project is approximately $5,000,000. In December 200 8, the Zone 3 Technical Advisory Committee JAC) and Zone 3 Advisory Committee recommended to move forward with nett steps in further investigating the feasibility of the Lopez Spillway Project by funding a second phase of the UFS study estimated to cost $230,000. On September 8, 2009, the City Council requested a new Request for Proposals with a modified scope of work for the feasibility study in conjunction with the Cities of Pismo Beach and Grover Beach in an amount not to exceed $75,000, with the City's share not to exceed $40,000. n Aug ust 2010 the City of P ismo Beach acted as the lead agency for the N orthern Cities Management Area Technical Advisory Group CI IA to solicit proposals for a feasibility analysis of the Lopez Spillway Project. In October 2010 the NC MA Technical Group formed a selection committee to evaluate three proposals from which Stetson Engineers was selected. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL. CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT WITH STETSON ENGINEERS FOR THE LOPEZ RESERVOIR IF SPILLWAY PROJECT MARCH 22, 201'1 PAGE 2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES. In continuing efforts to maintain a stable, cost effective and diversified long term water supply, the City has analyzed a range of potential water supply sources in addition to existing groundwater supplies and Lopez water. These include the Nacimiento Water project, Price Canyon Oil field recycled water, desalination, recycled water, acquisition of State Water Project water and raising of the spillway at the Lopez Lake darn. These analyses have been conducted in concert with interim water supply strategies, including purchase of OC SD water, utilization of Lopez surplus water and the potential for b ro Ir ering water from neighboring jurisdictions that obtain emergency State Wate r. The City has also programmatically red used demand through the wate r conservation program and tiered rate structure. A preliminary assessment of the Lopez Spillway Project indicates that the project would provide for the Lopez darn to have to capability of storing an additional 2,000 to 5,000 gross acre feet of additional water storage capacity by installing o perable s pillway gates. The added capacity depends on the height of the new gates, yet to be determined and based o impacts o f the added height on the structural design and environmental considerations of the eating darn. ALTERNATIVES: ES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 0 Approve an agreement with Stetson Engineers in the amount of $27,015 with cost contributions from the Cities of Pismo Beach and Grover Beach for a total cost of $49,865; • Do not approve an amendment to the agreement with Stetson Engineers; or Provide staff direction. ADVANTAGES: Preparation of a feasibility analysis for the Lopez Spillway Project will enable the City in conjtjnction with the Cities of Pismo Beach and Grover Beach to evaluate the cost effectiveness and con tructability of obtaining additional water supply by adding storage capacity to the Lopez Re Initial cost estimates indicate this potential supply to be cost effective in comparison to other long -term strategies the City has evaluated. The Stetson Engineers team includes staff with local work ex perience and familiarity with the Lopez dam and Arroyo Grande Habitat Conservation Plan and extensive capabilities in design of hydraulic control structures and hydrologic modeling. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT WITH STETSON ENGINEERS FOR THE LOPEZ RESERVOIR IF SPILLWAY PROJECT MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 3 DISADVANTAGES: By approving the agreement, the City will need to pay it's er rata share of the cost for the feasibility study, which is $27,015. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: : No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, March 17, 2011. The Agenda and staff report were posted o n the City's website on Friday, March 13, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachment: 1. Consultant Services Agreement Agenda Item 8.g. Page 3 ATTACHMENT 'I AGREEMENT T FOF CONSULTANT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and .effective as of March 23, 2011, between Stetson Engineers Inc. "Consultant" , and the CITY of ARROYO GRANDE, a Municipal l Corporation ("City"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on March 23, 2011 and shall remain and continue in effect until April 23, 2012, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. SERVICES Consultant shall perform the tasks described and comply with all terms and provisions set forth in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. PERFORMANCE Consultant shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of his /her ability, experience and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Consultant shall employ, at a minimum generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Consultant hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. AGREEMENT ADMINISTRATION City's Director of Community Development shall represent City in all matter pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. James Reilly, shall represent Consultant in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. 5. PAYMENT The City agrees to pay the Consultant in accordance with the payment rates and terms set forth in Exhibit "E ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 6. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION of AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE (a) The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Consultant at least thirty days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Consultant shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not mere void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. Page 1 Agenda Item 8.g. Page 4 (b) In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Consultant the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Consultant will submit an invoice to the City pursuant to Section b. 7. TERMINATION ON OCCURRENCE of STATED EVENTS This Agreement shall terminate automatically on the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) Bankruptcy or insolvency of any party; ( b) Sale of Consultant's business; or (c) Assignment of this Agreement by Consultant without the consent of City. (d) End of the Agreement term specified in Section 1. 8. DEFAULT of CONSULTANT (a) The Consultant's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Consultant is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Consultant. If such failure by the Consultant to male progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Consultant's control, and without fault or negligence of the Consultant, it shall not be considered a default. ( b) If the City Manager or his /her delegate determines that the Consultant is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, he /she shall cause to be served upon the Consultant a written notice of the default. The Consultant shall have ten 1 days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Consultant fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at laver, in equity or under this Agreement. g. LAWS To BE OBSERVED. Consultant shall: ( Procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices which may be necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the services to be performed by Consultant under this Agreement; (b) Deep itself fully informed of all existing and proposed federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees which - may affect those engaged or employed under this Agreement, any materials used in Consultant's Page 2 Agenda Item 8.g. Page 5 performance under this Agreement, or the conduct of the services under this Agreement; ( c) At all times observe and comply with, and cause all of its employees to observe and comply with all of said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above; ( d) Immediately report to the City's Contract Manager in writing any d iscrepancy or inconsistency 'it discovers in said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above in relation to any plans, drawings, specifications, or provisions of this Agreement. ( e) The City, and its officers, agents and employees, shall not be liable at la or in equity occasioned by failure of the Consultant to comply with this Section. 10. OWNERSHIP SHIP of DOCUMENTS TS (a) Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts, and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting priniples and shall be dearly identified and readily accessible. Consultant shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records; shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records; shall permit City to nuke transcripts therefrom as necessary; and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three 3 years after receipt of final payment. ( b) Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused, or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Consultant. With respect to computer files, Consultant shall make available to the City, at the Consultant's office and upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring, and printing computer files. 11. INDEMNIFICATION FOR PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY To the fullest extent permitted by la, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees and agents "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees and costs which arise out of, pertain to, or relate to the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of the Consultant. Page 3 Agenda Item 8.g. Page 6 12. INSURANCE Consultant shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the duration of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 13. INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT (a) Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent Consultant. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, o agents shall have control over the conduct of Consultant o any of Consultant's officers, employees, or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not at any time o in any manner represent that it o any o f its officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officers, employees, o agents o f the City. Consultant shall not incur o have the power to incur any debt, obligation, o liability w hatever against City, o bind City in any manner. (b) No employee benefits shall be available to Consultant in connection with performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, gages, or other compensation t Consultant for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation o indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. UNDUE INFLUENCE Consultant declares and warrants that no undue influence o pressure was or is used against o in concert with any officer or empl o f the City o Arroyo Grande in connection with the a ward, terms o implementation of this Agreement, including any method d f coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. N officer or employee o f the City of Arroyo Grande will receive compensation, directly o indirectly, from Consultant, o from any officer, employee or argent of Consultant, in connection with the award of this Agreement o any work to e conducted as ar result of this Agreement. Violation of this Section shall be ar material breach o f this Agreement entitling the City to any and all remedies at laver or in equity. 15. NO BENEFIT TO ARISE TO LOCAL EMPLOYEES No member, officer, o empl o f City, o their designees o agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or responsibilities with respect to. the project during his /leer tenure o for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement o sub- agreement, o the proceeds thereof, for work to e per in connection with the project performed under this Agreement. Page Agenda Item 8.g. Page 7 16. RELEASE of INFORMATION/CONFLICTS of INTEREST EST (a) All information gained by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Consultant without City's prior written authorization. Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories, or other information concerning the wort performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provid Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. (b) Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions, or other discovery request, court order, or subpoena from any person or party regarding this Agreement and the work performed thereunder or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant and/or be present at any deposition, hearing, or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide the opportunity to revie w any response to discovery requests provided b Consultant. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or re write said response. 1. NOTICES Any notice which either panty may desire to give to the other panty under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either b i personal service, (ii) delivery by ar reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, which provid a receipt shoring date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, add ressed to the add of the panty as set forth below or at any other address as than party may lamer designate by notice: To City: City of Arroyo Grande Teresa McClish og E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 To Consultant: Stetson Engineers Inc. James Reilly, PE 2171 E. Francisco Blvd., Suite K Baru Rafael, CA 94901 The Consultant shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any pant thereof, without the prior written consent of the City. Page Agenda Item 8.g. Page 8 1 . GOVERNING LAND The City and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the superior or federal district court with jurisdiction over the City of Arroyo Grande. Both parties agree to submit any claims, disputes or controversies arising out of or in relation to the interpretation, application, or enforcement of this Agreement to non- binding mediation pursuant to the Rules for Commercial Mediation of the American Arbitration Association, as a condition precedent to litigation or any other form of dispute resolution. 19. ENTIRE E AG EEMEI T This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, and statements, or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 20. T IME City and Consultant agree that time is of the essence in this Agreement. 21. CONTENTS TS of REQUEST UEST FOF PROPOSAL AND PROPOSAL Consultant is bound by the contents of the Request for Proposal. In the event of conflict, the requirements of City's Request for Proposals and this Agreement shall take precedence over those contained in the Consultant's proposals. 22. CONSTRUCTION The parties agree that each has had an opportunity to have their counsel review this Agreement and that any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits thereto. The captions of the sections are for convenience and reference only, and are not intended to be construed to define or limit the provisions to which they relate. Page Agenda Item 8.g. Page 9 23. AMENDMENTS Amendments to this Agreement shall be in writin- and shall be mad only with the mutual written consent of all of the parties to this Agreement. 2. AUTHORITY T EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT T The person o r persons executing this Agreement o n behalf of Consultant warrants and represents that he /she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Consultant and has the authority to bind Consultant to the performance of its obligations hereunder. 2. Assistance By CITY Subject to other provisions of this Agreement, the CITY shall provide the CONSULTANT with copies of any specifications, maps, drawings, records, o r other documentation, which are required by the CONSULTANT in order to perform the services specified herein. CITY shall provide all further reasonably necessary information to CONSULTANT upon CONSULTANT's request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, F, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONSULTANT T Tony Ferrara, M ayor Attest: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney Its: Page (Title) Agenda Item 8.g. Page 10 EXHIBIT A STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING AND SCOPE OF WORK Page 8 Agenda Item 8.g. Page 11 PROJECT APPROACH STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING AND SCOPE OF WORK The Cities of Pismo Beach, ,Arroyo Grande, and Grover Beach, and CSA 12, with the City of Pismo Beach taking the lead, are exploring the possibility of i an inflatabledeflatable rubber dam across the spillway of Lopez Dam. The purpose o the spillway would be to increase the storage capacity and, h ence, they yield, of Lopez Reservoir which Is the primary source of municipal supply to the Cities and CSA 12. 00 In its lead role for the Lopez Reservoir Spillway Project, the City of Pismo Beach has solicited proposals for a feasibility study of the rubber dam. Based on statements in the RI~P supplemented by our independent assessment, the feasibility study has several purposes that, In our view, fall int four dominant issue ar eas: Dom1nant Issue Area Purpose o f the Feasibift Study Water Supply To evaluate the additional safe yield provided by a rubber dam Engineering — Regulato To identify modificat to Lo Dam or any requirements other that may be Imposed by DWRDD as a condition of approval for the rubber darn Engineering - C onstructability To confirm the constructability of the rubber dam and develop a feasible conceptual design that complies with DD re quirements Environmental — Arroyo Grande H P To determine if how the rubber dam migglit impact the HP and, further how this impact might affect the additional yield of the rubber darn To analyze operational measures that may simultaneou ly conform to the HP while preserving, insofar as possible, the additional yield of the rubber dam. Environmental — Reservoir To identify environmental issues along the shoreline arising from raising the reservo wat level Costs and Timing To determine the costs and timing to implement the rubber dam, including permitting, engineering, and construction d The following paragraphs ex pound on these dominant issues and ou tline h oer we will address them in the feasibility shady. Water u�pr 00 Lopez reservoir provides a major source of municipal supply to the Cities and CSA 12. The safe yield' of the reservoir, under current operations, is 8,730 acre -feet per year (Zone 3 Urban Water Management Plan, 2005) of which 4,53 acre -feet per year is f contr actual entitlements for the Z one 3 members f - om a 6 MGD treatment plant and 4,200 acre -feet per y ear is for downstream release to maintain instream habitat flows and recharge the .Arroyo Grande groundwater basin. 1 Used herein, the term "safe yield" is defined as the annual amount of water that can be annua Ily taken from the reservoir over a period of }wars without depleting storage beyond its ability to be replenished naturally. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 12 146) Z Stetson evaluated the additional safe yields for rubber dams of heights of 3 feet, 4 feet, and 5 feet. The results for feet hight ranged from 671 t 1 acre - feet per year; for fit height ranged from 8 to 1, 166 acre - feet per year; and for a feet height ranged from 974 to 1,371 acre - feet per year (Stetson, 2008. No higher dam heights were evaluated. The water supply issue of the amount of additional safe yield provided by a rubber dam will be addressed in Task 2 To address this issue, we will follow the same approach as before; that is, we will use the hydrologic operations model developed by Stetson. Simulations will be run for various rubber dam heights up to the maximum practicable and affordable height that can be installed to be determined in Task 1 . To provide for a better understanding of the additional yield, Stetson will acquire the necessary hydrologic records to extend the period of record analyzed in the model form 2004 to 2010. Stetson will present th results of additional yield for each year of the extended period of record 1 969 to 2010). 'neerla -" Regulato The engineering regulatory issue of identifying modifications to Lopez Dam or any requirements other that may be imposed by >i R DS D as a condition of approval for the rubber dam will be addressed in Task . Stetson subcontractor, Miller Pacific, will tale the lead on this issue. Miller Pacific will review geolog and eote hni al data available from various sources (Co of San Luis g t Obispo, DS D , as well as review published LIS S and state geologic data, and relative Miller Pa if Engineering Group reference data. Following review, Miller Pacific will perform a site reconnaissance to observe the site conditions, project features, constr and site access, Miller Pacific will examine the slopes and general reservoir area for existing landslides, rock outcrops, structure and stratigraphy. Miller Pacific will examine air photo examination for evaluation of geologic surface features suggestive of instability, faulting or shear zones and review available to pographic mapping. Capon completion of the data review and site reconnaissance, Miller Pacific will develop a model of the dam and from the previous geotechnical exploration and laboratory testing performed at the sit This may include some estimated soil properties based on the soil type and construction p ractices. Casing the model, and based on consultation with DS OD regarding design requirements and probabillstic ground shaping accelerations at the project site, Miller Pacific will perform preliminary, two - dimensional, sta and pseudo- static stability analyses using a cross - section near the center of the dam. Miller Pacific will evaluate dam stability for various reservoir levels (corresponding to the various rubber dam heights up to the maximum -� practicable and affordable height that can be installed as determined in Task 1 . Darn stability will also be evaluated for sudden drawdown conditions and potential seismic deformations using procedures published by * Mal disi Seed or Brag. As an interim deliverable, Miller Prepare technical memorandum describing the geologic and geote finical evaluation, site seismicity, dam stability and gothnicai feasibility of raising the spillway of Lo pez Reservoir. Preliminary estimated costs for any modifications to the darn will be provided. _ Ea ine ria --• Comimctabift -� The engineering constructability issue of the rubber darn will be addressed in Task 1 where the constru. abili of the rubber dam. ' e understand that Cl prepared a p reliminary program level t P r assessment of installation of a rubber dam at Lopez spillway, and we reviewed that assessment which found no fatal flaws. However, further investigation Is needed to confirm constructability. • Agenda Item 8.g. Page 13 i ' Stetson Engineers will start with a review design plans and other documents available from various sources _4 (County of San Luis Obispo, D) documenting as -built conditions of the dam and spillway. Following review, Stetson will perform a site reconnaissance to observe the site conditions, project features, constraints and site access. Working with Miller Pacific and rubber dam manufacturers, including Obermeyer and others, and based on the review of as -built designs and site conditions, Stetson will perform necessary engineering analysis to _ confirm the construct ability of the rubber dam. As part of this effort, Stetson will determine the maximum practicable and affordable height that can be installed. Stetson will consult with the City regarding criteria to be used in this determination. Stetson will prepare concetual design plans showing the layout, placement, and configuration of the rubber darn and appurtenant facilities, as well as key details. These design plans will form the basis for preliminary installation cost estimates. -4 Environmental — Arroyo Grande H P The environmental issue of if how the rubber dam might impact the H P and, farther how this Impact might affect the additional yield of the rubber dam will be addressed in Task 4. To address this issue, we will follow the same approach as in Task ; that is, we will again use the hydrologic operations model developed by Stetson. Simulations will be run for various rubber dam heights up to the maximum practicable and affordable height that can be installed to be determined in Task 1). The primary effect that the rubber dam will have on Instream flows In Arroyo Grande flows below Lopez Dam will be a reduction in spills. Historically, spills have been infrequent, occurring in only 16 of the last 4 years, with n os pill since 1 998. It is these spills that the rubber clam +ould partially or completely capture which, in turn, ould result in an increase in reservoir yield. The impact of the rubber dam on the H P, if any, would be an Indirect impact in that it would reduce spills that would otherwise provide passage opportunities for migrating fish and flushing action necessary for maintaining suitable in- channel habitat conditions. Environmental regulatory agencies may view this impact as adverse and initiate further consultations to revise the proposed HP to off -set these captured spill flows. -- The net result may be a reduction In the additional yield of the rubber darn. - 11 Again, to address this issue, we will follow the same approach as before by using the hydrologic operations model to simulate the impact of the rubber dam on reduced spill flows. This will, however, require refinement of the model to operate on a daily time -step and account for daily flows and operations. Stetson will make necessary refinements to the model and will simulations run for various rubber dam heights up to the maximum practicable and affordable height that can be installed to be determined in Task 1). Stetson will present the results of reduced spills over the extended period of record ( 1969 to 20 10. The model results will be used by Stetson subcontractor, Hanson Environmental, to consult with San Luis Obispo County DPW staff and, if appropriate, the regulatory agencies with regard to impacts on the proposed HP and possible remedies. Environmental — Reservoir The environmental issue of impacts along the shoreline arising from raising the reservoir water level will also be addressed in Task 4. To address this issue, Hanson Environmental will examine aerial photos and perform Agenda Item 8.g. Page 14 a xm;) a a a a a a reconnaissance survey of the shoreline. Based on the information review and site survey, Hanson will identify environmental issues that would need to be evaluated in subsequent environmental review. Costs and 7 JMJn Costs and timing will be addressed in Task 5. In the final project report, Stetson Engineers will describe the costs and timing to implement the rubber darn, including permitting, engineering, and construction. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 15 EXHIBIT PROJECT BUDGET Page Agenda Item 8.g. Page 16 Lopez Reservoir Spillway Project - Cost Sharing Lopez Cost Sharing Lopez Cost Sharing (minus O D) Total Project Cost 49,865 c� c� c� 3 c� �FO Lopez Fraction o Lopez Arroyo Grande Entitlement (AFY) Entitlement Arroyo Grande 2290 0.506 Grover Beach 800 0.177 OCS ID BB 0.067 Pismo Beach 896 0.198 A 12 241 0.053 " Tota 1 4530 c� c� c� 3 c� �FO Agency Cost Share Lopez Fraction of Arroyo Grande Entitlement Lopez Grover Beach ( AFY) Entitlement Arroyo Grande 2290 0.542 Grover Beach 800 0.189 Pismo Beach 896 0.212 A 12 241 0.057 Tota 1 4227 Agency Cost Share Arroyo Grande 27 0 015 Grover Beach 9,437 Pismo Beac 10,570 A 1 2,843 Total 49,865 EHIBIT C INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS TS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Consultant will maintain insurance in con orr ance with the requirements set forth below. Consultant will use existing coverage a to comply with these requirements. ff that existing coverage e does not meet the requirements set forth here, Consultant agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage a to do so. Consultant acknowledges that the insurance coverage a and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage a required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage a required in this 6greement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. Consultant shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: [Note 4: verify minimum limit for each coverage with city Manager or city A tto rney Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy from CG 00 01 or the exact equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than 1, 000,000 per occurrence. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage from CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the enact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less than $1,000,000 per accident. If Consultant owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non -owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Consultant or Consultant's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. [Note 5: may reed to delete workers' compensation and employers liability insurance requirements for certain sole proprietorships, partnerships, or corporadons without employees Workers Compensation on a state - approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. [Note : if the required limits for general liability, auto and employer's liability are $1 million or less, the following paragraph may be muted. Page 1 Agenda Item 8.g. Page 18 Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance (Over Primary) if used to meet limit requirements, shall provide c overage a t least as broad as specified for the underlying c overages. Any such c overage provided under an umbrella liability policy shall include drop down provision providing primary c overage above a maximum $25,000 self - insured retention for liability ility not covered by primary but covered b y the umbrella. Coverage shall be provided on a "pay on behalf' basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. Policy shall contain a provision obligating ting insurer a t the time insured's liability is determined, not requiring actual payment by the insured first. - there shall be no cross liability exclusion precluding c overage for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall b to City for injury to employees of Consultant, subcontractors or others involved in the Work. The scope of c overage provided is subject to approval of City following receipt of proof of insurance a required herein. Limits are subject to revie w but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designated to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the Consultant and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1 ,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this a greement. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurer that are admitted carriers in the state California and with an A. M. Bests rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size 1II. General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: 1. Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Consultant also agrees to require all Consultants, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require a ll Consultants and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Consultant and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Page 11 Agenda Item 8.g. Page 19 Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any find that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any Consultant or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due Consultant, at City option. 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" ( opposed to tieing required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available to City. 10. Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provid the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and revie w all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for revie w. Page '1 Agenda Item 8.g. Page 20 11. Consultant agrees not to self - insure or -to use any self - insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any Consultant, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self - insure its obligations to City. if consultant's existing coverage includes a deductible or self - insured retention, the deductible or elf - inured retention must be declared to the city. At the time the city shall review options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self - insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. - 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increase benefit to city. 13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 1. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform consultant of non - compliance with any insurance requirements in no way imposes any additional obligations on city nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 1. Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as city, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until city executes a written statement to that effect. 16. Consultant shall provid goof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been reneged or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the reneging or new coverage must be provided to City within fire days of the expiration of the coverages. 17. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. consultant expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. Page - 13 Agenda Item 8.g. Page 21 1 . - Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage limits or other requirements nor as a giver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all - inclusive. 1. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 2. The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21. Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. 22. Consultant agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. Page 1 Agenda Item 8.g. Page 22 { INCORPORATED " MEMORANDUM JULY 10, 1 � /FOB To: CITY COUNCIL � FROM: TER ESA I IccLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: MIKE LINN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of AN AMENDMENT To THE WALLACE GROUP CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN of THE CASTILLO DEL MAR To ARROYO GRANDE DE HIGH SCHOOL BIKE PATH PROJECT DATE: , MARCH 22, 2011 RECOMMENDATIO It is recommended the City Council: 1. Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Wallace Group Consultant Services Agreement for the Castillo Del Mar to Arroyo Grande High School Bike Path Project "Bike Path Project" for the not -to- exceed amount of $22, 500; 2, authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proposed cost of the Wallace Group Amendment No. 1 is $22,050. Approval of the amendment will increase the not -to- exceed price of the Wallace Group Consultant Services Agreement from $7,950 to $30,000. The estimated cost of the Bike Path Project is approximately $'197,000. lender the project Memorandum of Understanding (MOM), J.H. Land Partnership agreed to pay $50,000 of the costs with the remainder being funded from a Transportation Enhancement (TEP) grant of $150,000. BACKGROUND: O n November 22, 2010, the City entered into a Consultant Services Agreement with the Wallace Group to perform design and environmental services for the Bike Path Project for the not -to- exceed price of $7,950. O n December 15, 2010, the Council approved the Bike Path Project and an amendment to the MOM regard the Castillo Del Mar roadway extension with the Lucia Mar Unified School District, J.H. Land Partnership and .John Taylor, Trustee. Agenda Item 8.h. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE WALLACE GROUP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE WALLACE GROUP FOR DESIGN OF THE CASTILLO DEL MAR TO ARROYO GRANDE HIGH SCHOOL BIKE PATH PROJECT MARCH 22,2011 PAGE 2 The Bike Path Project scope of work involves the construction of a Class I bicycle and pedestrian path within the right-of-way of Castillo Del Mar between Orchard D rive and Halley Road, The bike path will follo w an existing pared fire access that bisects the Arroyo Grande High School property. The approximately 800 foot long, 10 foot pride bike path will be detached from the existing pared fire access road and located at the edge of the road right -of -gray. The Class I bike path will cross the fire access lane from the south side to the north side opposite the school's parking lot entrance, The Class bike path will then continue another 200 feet on the campus side of the existing access road until reaching the faculty parking lot, where it will transition to follow an existing pedestrian path through the parking lot as a Class 11 bike lane. Modification to the parking It includes the relocation of a light pole and restriping of a portion of the parking lot. ANALYSIS F ISSUES: The initial Wallace Group Consultant Services Agreement involved the feasibility of constructing a bike path between Castillo Del Mar and Valley Road, , which also involved extensive coordination with staff, Caltrans, and the adjacent homeowner's association. Based on the results of the feasibility study, Amendment ent No. 1 provides for performance of the actual project design and the development of contract documents to facilitate the advertisement of formal construction bids. Staff is accelerating the project design to ensure that the project can be constructed in the summer months when school is not in session. Upon approval of Amendment No. 1, staff anticipates advertisement of the project for construction bids in May, with construction commencing in late .June, 2011. The funding was originally approved for bike lanes as part of the overall street w idening and extension project. since developer funding for the road construction has been delayed, the bike path enables the City to utilize the grant to complete a portion of the project. All parties involved recently approved amendments to the MOU. ALTERNATIVES: ES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Wallace Group Consultant Services Agreement; - Do not approve staff's recommendations; - Modify staff's recommendations, - Provide direction to staff, Agenda Item 8.h. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of AN AMENDMENT IT To THE WALLACE GROUP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT T ' ITH THE WALLACE GROUP FOR DESIGN OF THE CASTILLO DEL MAR TO ARROYO GRANDE HIGH SCHOOL BIKE PATH PROJECT MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 3 ADVANTAGES: Approval of Amendment No. 1 will enable completion of the project design in a timely manner to enable construction of the Bike Path project during the summer months and will enable the City to utilize the grant funds before they are lost. DISADVANTAGES: The project will expend funds on construction of a bike path that will have limited use, but will reduce future cost of the road construction. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is categorically exempt from CE QA pursuant to Section 15304(h). PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, March 17, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, March 18, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachment; 1. Consultant Services Agreement Amendment No. 1 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 3 CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT T AMENDMENT No. 1 This First Amendment to Consultant's Services Agreement "CSA" by and between the CITY of ARROYO GRANDE and WALLACE GROUP is made and entered into this day of March 2011, based on the following facts: WHEREAS, the parties entered into CSA dated November 22, 2010, for feasibility and design coordination of the Castillo Del Mar to Arroyo Grande High School Bile Path Project, WHEREAS, the parties desire to modify the CSA as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. To include the following additional services to the CSA at the cost specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this First Amendment the day and year fiat above written. WALLACE E R UP By: By: CITY of ARROYO GRANDE Tory Ferrara, Mayor Agenda Item 8.h. Page 4 EXHIBIT A CONTRACT AMENDMENT Project Name: Castillo Del Mar Bike Path CA No. /I Client Name: City of Arroyo Grande Project/Phase No. 0232 -5678 Attention: Teresa McClish Date: February 17, 2011 Address: PO Box 5500 Arroyo Grande, California 93421 Wallace Group requests the Client's authorization to proceed with revisions to the contract agreement for the above referenced project as herein described. A pproval below incorporates this document as a part of the original contract signed November 2 If approved, please return one signed original Contract Amendment to Wallace Group. Description and Purpose of the Revision(s) We pr viou s ly provided you with our proposal dated No Vern ber 17, 2010 for feasibility determination and concept engineering of a proposed bike path along the right --of -way of Castillo Del Mar between Orchard and Valley Road. This contract in the amount of $7,950 was executed as an Agreement for Consultant Services with the City on November 22, 2010. This Contract a mendrnent replaces our December 14, torto proposal for extending the Scope of Services to complete the construction engineering plans and obtain funds for construction. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1: Engineering Construction Documents $15,1950 • P1 a n s, Specifications and Estimates (P EE ) to 5 0% of construction documents for City review • PS&E to Hof construction documents for City review • Final P EE to 100% Assu mptions - 1. The plan set is estimated at three sheets including: • Title sheet • Plan and profile with typical section, striping, and erosion control • Details 2. Specifications provid d by WaII ace Group will be limited to Technical Specifications, Mea s u rem ent and Payment, and the Bid Sheet provided in MS Word format for the City to incorporate into their larger specifications package. 3. City Staff will review, redline and return comments within three ) working days of receipt of draft plans and specifications. Task : Legs i Descriptions $1, 0 Draft legal descriptions for road right -of -way and bicycle pedestrian /easement. Task : Project Management 54,600 Management tasks during engineering design and environmental review ar , anticipated to include, but are not limited to: WALLACE cRouN CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PLANNING PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION SURVEYING 1 GIS-SOLUTIONS WATER RESOURCES WALLACE E S1 AN N INTERNATIONAL WALLACE GROUP A California Corporation 612 CLARION CT AN LUIS OBISPO CALIFORNIA 93401 T 805 544 -4011 • Coordination and correspondence between City, Caltrans, environmental sub-consultants, School F 80 544 -4294 District and design team • Two ) meetings with City and/or School District wwwmallacegroup.us Agenda Item 8.h. Page 5 0232 -5678 CA A February 17, 2011 • One 1 meeting with Caltrans staff • Meeting documentation and distribution of discussion notes • Coordination with Caltrans throughout the preparation of the NEPA document • Coordination with City sub - consultant to complete required archaeological study • Maintain and oversee project schedule and budget • Coordination regarding ROW, access path Easement with District, City, Caltran Deliverables: • Three hard copies and electronic copy of PS&E at 50% and 90% for review and comment Three hard copies and electronic PDF of 1009 (final) PEE SCHEDULE Note: WaIlace Group rnu st recants the Gigs Notice -t - Proceed for engineering design by February 11% 2011 in order to meet the project schedule: Fund Allocation Request sent to the CTC months before allocation) March 4 ,2011 509 Engineering design to City for review March 4,2011 City to return Comments to Wallace Group March 9, 2011 90% Plans and Specifications to City for review March 16, 2011 City to Respond with Comments to Wa I I a ce Group March 22, 2011 100% Plans and Specs completed by Wa 11ace Group March 28 2011 Request to Proceed with construction sent to Ca Itra ns March 31, 2011 Fund Allocation Request approved by CTC uthori ation from Caltran May 11 -1 2 2011 TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT Section thickness of asphalt and base pavement PS&E Redline review turnaround within 3 working days at the 0% and 90 % submittals ASS UM PTIO N ITEMS NOS` INCLUDED IN SCOPE OF SERVICES Engineering plans do not include wetlands or biological mitigation or design. Design changes resulting from environmental review findings will addressed with a revised engineering scope and cost estimate. Additional design submittals beyond the 50,90, and 100% PS&E submittals are not included in our estimated fees (add it ion aI com me nts after 100% PS&E will b e addressed on a time and materials basis). Drainage and utility coordination is not anticipated and therefore not in this scope. PROJECT E EE The project fees are shown allocated by task to indicate our expect d distribution of word . However, the tas i fee allocations are not individual contract limits. waII ace Group will perform the services denoted in Task 1 of the proposed Scope of Services in accordance with the attached Schedule of Fees (Exhibit ). These services will be invoiced monthly on an accrued cost basis, and our total fees, exclusive of reimbur able , will not exceed our estimated fee of $17,450 without receiving written authorization from the Client. Wallace Group will perform the services denoted in Task of the proposed Scope of Services on a time and ,materials basis. For budgeting purposes, our preliminary estimate is that over the next eight ) months, our fees will be $4,600. These services will be invoiced monthly on an accrued basis in accordance with the attached Schedule of Fees (Exhibit . Reimbursables will be invoiced as an additional cost and are not included in the time and materials estimated fee amount stated above. WALLACE GROUP Agenda Item 8.h. Page 6 0 23 2 -56 78 CAA, February 17, 2011 Tot es irnated fees for th Bi ke Lane project are not anticipated to exceed $30, 000: • $22, total for this Contract A m e nd men t • F 9 5 0 under the previously e xecu t d Novemb r 22, 2010 Service Agreement Revision(s) Represent: a change in previous instructions ( a change in Scope of Services ( other: Issued b, WAUACE Signature: Print Name Revision(s) Fee: X hourly (time & materials) , o progress billing: X not-to o authorization. S17,450 TOTAL: 522,050 Revision(s) will be invoiced as: increase to an item within the existfng contract (X ) a new Stern added to existing contract iifrnia Corporation R. r h al P E 41819 Approved by Client Signature: Print Name: Title: Principal, CEO I Title: I Date; February 1 , 2011 1 Date: WALLACE 'M. GROUP Agenda Item 8.h. Page 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.h. Page 8 FZRO A WC HPORATED P� JK JIJL V 10. 101 1 c• M EMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL � FROM: TE ESA MCCLISH, COMMUNITY UNITY DE EL P LENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION MARCH 22, 2011 v CIT COUNCIL AGENDA 1TEIAA 8.h, --- AMENDMENT T TO THE WALLACE GROUP N S LTAI T SERVICES AG E E IAA E i T FOR DESIGN OF THE CASTILLO DEL MAR TO ARROYO GRANDE DE HIGH SCHOOL RIFE PATH PROJECT DATE: MARCH 22, 2011 Attached is supplemental information regarding Agenda Item 8.h. In response t request by Mayor Pro Tern Ray to provide an updated project schedule pare 6 of the s taff report)_ City Manager City Att City Clerk MEMORANDUM �_.Zv Date: March 22, 2011 WALLACE crtouP, To: Teresa McCli h, City o Arroyo G rande WATER RESOURCES Fund Allocat Request sent to t he CTC (2 months before allocat CIVIL ENGINEERIN Fr rnl Cindy Chambers, Wall Grou CONSTRUCTION City to Return Comments to Wallace Group MANAGEMENT Subject: Castillo Del Mar Contract for Engineering Services LANDSCAPE City to return Plan Check Comments to Wallace Group ARCHITECTURE Teresa: MECHANICAL Request to P rDc eed w/C on stru ctio n sent to Caitran s ENGINEERING This memo updates the schedule outlined its the Contract A mendment proposal we PLANNING provided the City on F ebruary 17 201 f or completing design services on the June 10 2011 Castillo Del Mar Bike Path. The schedule assumes ap f our contract and June 1 5 & 22, 2011 return of redlined plans by March 23, 2011. IVfIRATION A Council Awards Construction Contract SURVEYING ! G IS SOLUTIONS SC HEDULE WATER RESOURCES Fund Allocat Request sent to t he CTC (2 months before allocat WALLACE SWANSON Marc 4,201 INTERNATIONAL 0% Engineer Des Plans to City for Review March 4 2011 City to Return Comments to Wallace Group Marc 23 , 2011 90 Engineering design plans to City for Review April 1, 2011 City to return Plan Check Comments to Wallace Group April 1 , 2011 100% Plans & Specs completed by Wallace Group April 29, 2011 Request to P rDc eed w/C on stru ctio n sent to Caitran s M 6 2011 Fund Allo atiDn Request approved by CTC May 1 , 2011 Authorization Rec ived from CaItrans June 10 2011 City Advertises Bids June 1 5 & 22, 2011 Bid Opening July 12, 2011 Council Awards Construction Contract July 26, 2011 WAL GROUP A Califomia CoaporaDon 612 CLARION CT AN LUIS OBI P C ALIFORNIA 93401 T 805 W-4011 F 805 4 -4294 ► rw ,wallacegrwp.us M-%232 -C ity of A =-5678- Casfill o De Mar Mapping0lKE PATH G RANT_FUNDEMONTRA T- BIKE PATHWemo m Schedule on Contract 3-22- 11_ m P RO INCORPORATE MEMORANDUM 1K JULY 10 1911 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA IIIICCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: LES E ANS, PROJECT ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION To ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER of DEDICATION FOR OPEN SPACE ON A PORTION of LOT 16 of TRACT 2236 DATE: MARCH 22, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: ATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a resolution accepting an offer of dedication for open space on a portion of Lot 16 of Tract 2236. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funds for the maintenance of the open space area are included in the Grace Lane Assessment District. BACKGROUND: The open space parcel proposed for dedication is a portion of the original Lot 18 of Tract 2236, the Grace Lane project, and is contiguous to the existing open space area adjacent to Grace Lane. Tentative Tract 2236 was approved in January 2004 to subdivide a 29-acre property into nineteen (1 9) residential lots, four of which were restricted to the moderate - income level as a density bonus (Lots 1 - Two open space parcels of 0.47 and 1 5.96 acres (Lots A and B, respectively ) were also created. Public improvements for the tract were accepted on September 1, 2010. The affordable units on Lots 16-19 are currently under construction. The applicant received Planning Commission approval on February 15, 2011 for a lot line adjustment between two lots (Lots 16 and 17). The lot line adjustment corrected a problem with the original configuration of the lots that placed the front yard of Lot 1 on Lot 17. The new lot line was placed down the center of the access driveway, creating a more logical lot configuration. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION To ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER of DEDICATION FOR OPEN SPACE ON A PORTION of LOT 16 of TRACT 2236 MARCH 22, 201'1 PAGE 2 In addition to the lot line adjustment, Mangano Homes has made an offer to dedicate approximately 15,000 square feet of open space (portion of existing Lot 1 to the City. The additional open space is contiguous to the previously offered open space. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The proposed open space dedication would place approximatel y 15,000 square feet of oak - covered slopes, including a Drell -used trail, into the adjacent open space, rather than having it as part of an affordable housing residential lot. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - approve staffs recommendation and adopt the resolution approving the offer of dedication of open space; Reject the offer of dedication of open space; o Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Accepting the offer of dedication of open space guarantees the preservation of a trail and Brooded area for the benefit of the public. DISADVANTAGES: Adding the 15,000 square feet of open space increases the cost of maintenance of the overall open space area. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: There is no environmental impact. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, March 17, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, March 1 S 2011. No public comments were received as of the publishing of this report. Attachment: Tract 2236 Final Map Agenda Item 8.i. Page 2 RESOLUTION No. A RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING AN OFFER of DEDICATION FOR OPEN SPACE ON A PORTION of LOT 16 of TRACT 2236 WHEREAS, the City Council approved Final Tract Map 2286 on November 28, 2006; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved Lot Line Adjustment 10-004 on February 15, 2011; and WHEREAS, the developer has offered to dedicate approximately 15,000 square feet of additional open space; and WHEREAS, staff has inspected the area proposed for dedication and found it to be an area contiguous to existing City open space and as such a benefit to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the following offer of dedication for Tract 2236: A portion of Lot 18 of bract 2236 as described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion of Council Member and b y the following roll call vote, to grit: , seconded by Council Member AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2011. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 3 RESOLUTION N. PAGE TONY F E F AF A, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLEFT APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.i. Page 4 EXHIBIT A OFFER OF DEDICATION for OPEN SPACE (Portion of Lot 16 of Tract 2236) Legal Description portion of Lot 16 of Tract 2236 in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo,, State of California, according to map filed December 8,, 2 006 in Book 29 of Maps at pages 14 through 1, in the office of the County Recorder of said County described as follows; Beginning at the most Southeasterly corner of Parcel B of Parcel Map AGAL 10-0075 filed filed October 2Q, 2010 in Book 74 of Parcel flaps at Pages 48 through 50 in the Record office of said County and State, said point being witnessed by a " rebar "LS 5693 "; thence 1 North 49 2 V 22 " East a distance of 148.47 feet to the Northeast line of said Lot 1 ; thence 2) South 51 1' 04" East along the northeast line of said Lot 16 a distance of 132.13 feet to the Easterly corner of said Lot 1; thence 3) South 27 50'46" West along the Southeast line of said Lot 16 a distance of 104.01 feet; thence 4) North 43 41 "Infest along the southwest line of said Lot 16 a distance of 129.42 feet; thence 5) South ,' 10' '' Rifest along the southeast line of said Lot 16 a distance of 80-02 feet to the Point of Beginning. The above-described parcel contains 14,818 square feet, more or less. The above-described parcel is graphically shorn on Exhibit B attached hereto and made part hereof. f f I - J Agenda Item 8J. Page 5 I N57 LD 7 LU 0 (0 NA > �, z 9PF 4 -91P J-0 0. V, 1-1. t 19 Z 0 Li F- LLJ A TAM < 'n OL :F( Elf LAO -t -., OL L r I �- r C) Lj LLI X ff Li L Lij LJ a- CA LJ--- L L- L/j UJ UJ n CA 0 < Z L 19 O Z S, NI, 441"04"'W 321.9 Nk5j *47'041 132.7 3 Po 41 4mW 2 26,24'\ �� , �� o �� Jo 0 -1 CYO r 0 % \10 ui 0 LO a i LA)i I v i D Jfl X, LNPA P '%. la i ffiffilllp� z 0 4< LL. 0 L j 4< Z . J J w W Q 4 < 4< CL W 0 < Ir LL; v) -J CL cr) z L L C) LL;. II Z < U) w 0) C) W [L Co < _ Lf) (D lez 0 2 N (n 00 Z 24 .. � � x��. �� $.•... is •� -L -T yF l .�]` ;: � �` V •' f Si - ' � - r `Pa's -`Y �r� Ey.fs., V "�. �` ;� �'7# �. *}���.'+ .d + *� °�•� .� { � �-i * La..MV � #s a�j; ' _.� {. '_ J ♦ Y y� ,.Y.. VV i�' ■+ y.3 * � _i••a^ ". .'�+� �' {' � y� � D '4f � t- .. -a4 � »r:" + 4 M +�+ '�� .�x?� • i + n. C ,$:'}• - >' • i �- ± +��., . r-'*` ��� y ,a[ .q',w ° ±��tr _� i ° . y � • �� ",�� .�� °s• - p * w � � i ' . } '4i; - - t l t� - M1 .. x. vn..n v..v.. .ti Q ... a t Wv Y ..n mzft �MM- JL @ Abi pi@w I. I. ell t3 . : µ. Mo Ok r #¢ tee• ..�,< . • � n. -.a ��6. kn.. . +.. : ,., " °• " • ..... ',�;;,�. '�. „� v �. Nr ` ... air ' °� -�',� � .."�* '� °'�" ... .;: • '• • �,..�,.aws °"..,. ,..,a v�'� 110111111;::10 40 'mss.. .. ,v�.. _ ae�'• �:,� 'a°` �°•. v ,,�� v n ,,.. m IL All 4t-I ti �+. �! ' i . '4P"+�1^ - tryr 'NP'vq$. � '�#'+�' r LAo-•.W as.o- +en YaF' '` �tn�x *•w'-Y'�t "v6"` ....�v,.,:.�...k+': 'i` IT � 4 9L r THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.i. Page 8 INCORPORATED ` MEMORANDUM JU LY 1 19 11 � To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TER ESA McCLISH, C OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of AMENDMENT No. 1 To THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GEI CONSULTANTS, INC. To INSTALL TRANSDUCER EQUIPMENT T IN MONITORING WELLS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE NORTHERN N CITIES MANAGEMENT T AREA QUARTERLY SAMPLING AND ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT DATE: MARCH 22, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute an amendment to the agreement for consultant services with GEI Consultants, Inc. in connection with the annual groundwater monitoring report. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total costs to install transducer equipment is $11,770. The cost is shared among several agencies, of which the City is responsible for -05%, or $3,537. The cost will be paid from the Water Fund. BACKGROUN In 2008, a crater balance study of the groundwater basin conducted by Todd Engineers indicated a need to implement a monitoring and reporting program. Such a program was recommended as a way to more efficiently manage the condition of the water supply in the groundwater basin. During April 2009, Todd Engineers completed the fiat Annual Monitoring Deport for the Northern Cities Management Area CMA) and Initiated the collection of sentry well water quality samples. The findings o f the sentry w ell water quality data wiII be incorporated 4 1 nto the 2 009 — 2011 monitoring program and any needed special studies. The City has continued to participate with the N orthern Cities Management Area Technical Advisory Group C - TAC comprised of neighboring jurisdictions on required reports and monitoring activities concerning the management of the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin. On September 2, 2010, the City in conjunction with the NCMA contracted with GEI to complete monitoring and annual report preparation as required by the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin Adjudication. The 2010 Annual Groundwater Monitoring report is due to the California Department of Hater Resources on April 3, 2011. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 1 cInr COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT NO. 7 TO THE CONTRACT WITH GE! CONSULTANTS TO INSTALL WELL MONITORING EQUIPMENT MARCH 22, 2019 PAGE 2 ANALYSIS SIS of ISSUES: GEI, Consultants, through its subcontractor Fugro West, have submitted additional scope of services to their contract with each of the participating agencies comprising the NCM Technical Group. The additional scope of services was recommended in reports summarizing quarterly monitoring results (fourth quarter 2010 and first quarter 2011). Recommendations that were approved through the lfCMA included the installation of pressure transducers and electrical conductivity meters in three sentry wells for one year to better monitor short term water level fluctuations than could affect interpretation of quarterly measurements. The transducers and meters were installed in three sentry wells on February 11, g1 1 as part of the 2011 well sampling rounds, An additional transducer is programmed to be installed in an additional well in the corning weeks. Data will be incorporated in the preparation of both quarterly reports and subsequent annual reports. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Approve an amendment to the Agreement with GEI Consultants in the amount of $3,537 in connection with the well monitoring activities for the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin Adjudication; Do not approve an amendment to the Agreement with GEI Consultants; or Prov ide staff direction. ADVANTAGES: TAGES: Implementation of the monitoring and reporting program, including changes in water levels or quality, will enable the City and its partner jurisdictions to react quickly to any issue affecting water supply in the groundwater basin. The monitoring program has provided a mechanism allowing all parties to be better informed with regard to the changing condition of the basin, and consequently, has allowed for the opportunity for better collaboration between the City and partner jurisdictions included in the Arroyo Grande Groundwater Basin Management Agreement. DISADVANTAGES: TAGES: By approving the agreement, the City will need to pay its share of the cost, wh ich is 30.05% according to the Arroyo Grande Groundwater Basin Management Agreement. Based on the proposal submitted by GEI Consultants, this amount would be $3,537. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: IEII : No environmental revie w is required for this item. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE CONTRACT WITH GEI CONSULTANTS TO INSTALL WELL MONITORING EQUIPMENT MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 3 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: TS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, [March 17, 2011. The Agenda and staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, March 1, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachment: 1. Consultant Services Agreement Amendment No. 1 Agenda Item 8.j. Page 3 CONSULTANT T SEF VICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT No, 1 This First Amendment "First Amendment" to Consultant's Services Agreement "CSA" by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and GEI CONSULTANTS, is made and entered into this day of March 2011 , based on the following facts: WHEREAS, the parties entered into a CSA dated September 28, 2010, for 2010 Annual Monitoring Report — NCMA; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to modify the CSA as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, E, for Valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. To include the additional services at the increased cost as specified in Exhibit "" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, EOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this First Amendment the day and year first above written, GEI CONSULTANTS TS B CI171 of ARROYO GRANDE Tony Ferrara Altar Agenda Item 8.j. Page 4 EXHIBIT A GE1 Consultants (1C111C' +11 F.11\ 11'[ 111111CI1[A Walcr 11CS<1wFcV'.' J anuary 17, 2011 eowol'�I1 s Teresa McClish City o f Arroyo G rande 214 Branch St. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 I1r, Gregory Ray City of Grover Beach 154 S. Eighth Street Grover Beach, CA 93433 Mr. Dwayne Chisam City of Pismo Beach 760 Matti e Road Pismo Beach, CA 93449 l affaele Montemurro eano Community Services District P.O. Box 599 Oce an o ,, CA 93475 -0599 Subject: Additional Scope of Services for Consultant Services, Preparation o the 2010 Annual Monitoring Report for the Northern Cities Management Area. We are pleased to submit this additional scope of services to our contract of Decemb 2010 with each of the above agencies comprising the Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group. The additional scope of services was recommended in our report summarizing October 2010 well monitoring (Fourth Quarter 2010 Sentry Well Mo nitoring, Northern C ities Management Area). G 1, through its subcontractor Fugro west, proposes to install pressure transducers and electrical conductivity meters in three sentry wells, 32 S I 2E 24B 0, 3 2S 1 3E 30F E C E IVE Ion) d 32S/13E 30N 02 for one year to record measurements every 20 minutes. we JAN 1 2oll YF-,l CAynsultanot, Inc. 5100 California Avenue, Suite 227, Bakersfield, CA 93309 661.3 7.7601 fax 6 1.327,0173 11Y OF ARROYO GRANDE Agenda Item 8.j. Page 5 Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group January 17, 2010 Page recommended this change in scope to gain insight regarding short term water level fluctuations that could affect interpretation of quarterly measurements and provide insight to degree of direct influence by tidal fluctuations. These instruments would be installed as part of the first quarter 2011 well sampl ing rounds and data collected during subsequent well measurements. Data will be incorporated in the preparation of both quarterly reports and subsequent annual reports. The proposed scope of work would be provided for 8,610 (eight thousand six hundred and ten dollars) and would include installation oftbree instruments, removal after one year, data recovery and compilation, as well as incorporation of data into quarterly reports. Pursuant to our existing contract, the total cost includes a GEI management charge for the subconsultant's services. The cost for this work will be prorated among the N MA group on the carne basis as other contract costs and will be billed after initial installation. If you agree to this proposal, please sign a copy of this letter and return the signed copy to: Mr. Tim Anenson Mice President/Regional Manager I Consultants, Inc. 10860 Gold Center Drive, Suite 350 Rancho Cordova, CA 9560 We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal for your consideration. If you have any questions regarding our proposal, please contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Robert B. Almy PG Project Director GI Consultants Inc. 101 Forth Brand Boulevard, Suite 1780 Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: 805.448.6815 Enclosure: Subcontractor Proposal, Fugro West, Inc., January 7, 2011 Agenda Item 8.j. Page 6 Northv,m Cities Management Area Technical Group January 17, 2010 Page Additional Scope f Services for Consultant Services, Preparation of the 2010 Annual Monitoring Report for the Northern Cities Management Area. City of Arroyo Grande 214 Branch St. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 City of Grover Be ach 154 S. Eighth Street Grover Beach, CA 93433 City of Pismo Beach 760 Mattie Road Pismo Beach, CA 93449 coano Community Services District P.O. Box 599 Ocean o, CA 93475 Date Date Date Date Agenda Item 8.j. Page 7 FU RO CONSULTANTS, INC. EL February 2, 2011 Project N. 04.2011 0123 Water Systems Consulting PO Sox 4255 San Luis Obispo, California 93403 Attention: Jeffery Szytel, Principal 4820 McGrath Street, S ufte 100 Ventura, California 93003p.-7778 Tel: (505) 550 -7000 Fax: (805) 850 -7010 Subject: Proposal to install and Instrument Monitoring Wells within the Northern Cities Management Area Fugro is pleased to provide this proposal in support of the on -going work related to the collection and reporting of the groundwater conditions in the Northern Cities Management Area. During the routine, quarterly sample collection effort it was noted that all of the nested monitoring wells identified as the Oceano CSD wells located in the parking lot of the Oceano Train Depot parking lot were in relatively poor condition. specifically, these wells, which are - inch diameter steel monitoring wells completed to depths of between 130 and 645 feet, produce water quality and water level data of low to very low quality. The produced water from the wells suffers from high turbidity and excessive metallic oxide deposits which preclude the collection of reliable water level data and high quality samples. Based on recent discussions, we are pleased to present this proposal to perform one or more of the following options: 1. Drill, construct, and develop four monitoring wells at the Oceano Train Depot property to replace the so- called Oceano Green, Slue, Silver and Yellow wells. 2. Drill, construct and develop one monitoring well for at the O ceano Train Depot property to replace the shallowest well, the so-called O ceano Green well. 3 . Install a pressure transducer capable of measuring and recording groundwater level, temperature, and electrical conductivity in the shallowest monitoring well 2S/12E- 24B1 located in the North Beach campground in Pismo Beach, California. W ORK OUTLINE To accomplish these tasks, we propose to provide a combination of the following tasks: Task I - Drill, construct and Develop Four monitoring Wells. T 1 include the drilling, construction and development of four monitoring wells ed to depths of 845, 510, 265, and 130 feet. The well casing material will st of 2 -inch PVC casing with perforated intervals at similar depths of the wells is replacing. It is presumed that the locations for the four monitoring wells wil Ithin the parking lot adjacent to the existing monitoring wells, completed in dis oreholes horizontally separated by 10 to 15 feet. During the drilling and install ' rocess, we will observe the progress of the work and monitor the procedures used contractor. Following well construction, each well will be developed by airlift met to remove accumulated fine - grained material. We will observe the construc ' rid development of each well to ensure proper workmanship, and provide you with a etion report that documents the work. ....................... ...... member of the Fu ro g roup of com anies with offices thr�ou ho the world. $ { Agenda Item 8.j. Page 8 Water Systems Consulting URU ANEVNE EN February 2, 2011 (Proposal No_ 04.20110123) maw Task 2 - Drill, construct and Deve one Shallo Monitoring W This ould include the drilling, construction and development of one monitoring well, ed to a depth of 130 feet. The well casing material would consist of -inc calling with perforated intervals at similar depths of the well it is replacing. resumed that the location of the monitoring well would be within the parking to nt to the existing monitoring wells. During the drilling and installation process, observe the progress of the work and monitor the procedures used by the contr . Following well construction, the well will be developed b airlift methods to rem cumulated fine-grained material. We will observe the construction and developm each well to ensure proper workmanship and provide you with a completion report t cuments the work. oo Task - Installation of a Pressure Transducer in well 32SI12E-24BI. This task would include the installation of a single pressure transducer within the shallowest monitoring well in the North Beach Campground. In order to (monitor water levels within the well, a Schlumberger CTD Diver will be installed. The device is a small self - contained pressure transducer, which measures and records 24,000 measurements of pressure, temperature, and electrical conductivity. This will allow as manor as one measurement every 2 minutes for 1 months. The built -tin battery has an expected life span of 10 }rears, according to the (manufacturer. SCHEDULE AND FEES Our fees for the various scope of work items outlined above will be charged on a time and expense basis according to our current fee schedule (attached). The anticipated fees for each task are shown, below and include drilling contractor costs. We are prepared to start immediately upon your authorization to proceed. We anticipate that Task 'I will require two to three weeks of field time following preparation of the site, utilities clearance, and permit acquisition. The Task 2 work will require approximately one week of field work following utilities clearance and permit acquisition. Task 3 will require 1 day for installation of the pressure transducer. Task Estimated Fees Anticipated schedule Task 1 - Drill, construct, and develop four monitoring wells. $84 TaslrC - Drill, construct I aid l uut deeP 14,900 1 Week or�llo Task - Install pressure transducer i n s h a llow No rth Beac 0 1 Da Campground well 325112E - 21 ,1 We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, FUGRO CONSULTING, INC. Timoth . Nicely, P.G., C. Project Hrdrogeologist M:IWPM11YAM 101231PROP2 =2311 _DOC Agenda Item 8J. Page 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.j. Page 10 F� N!!RO�b INCOPPORATE MEMORANDUM To: CITY COUNCIL, FROM: STEVEN N. ANNI AL,I, CHIEF of POLICE 4k SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION To AUTHORIZE AN AWARD of BID FOR A VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM DATE MARCH 22, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the award of bid to purchase a multi -pod surveillance system to Security Lines U S of Studio City California., to the amount of $64,817 and authorize the City Manager to execute the Order Confirmation and Purchase Agreement. FINANCIAL, IMPACT: There will be no negative fiscal impact to the City of Arroyo Grande as the funds for this project are provided by a combination of grant funds and the approved Police Department budget. B ACKGROUND: O n May 12, 200% the City Council granted a request allowing the Police Department to file a grant application w th the U.S. Department of Justice D J , Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program for the funding of technical assistance as pro ided by the grant guidelines. After a thorough needs analysis,' the development of a video surveillance system dubbed "Operation Blue Watch" was identified as the most effective and efficient use of the funding. The Council approved $15,000 in the Police Department FY2009-10 budget for video surveillance that was authorized to be carried over into F 2 1 -11 along with an additional $5,454 equipment funds toward this project. The Council also approved $30,000 in the Police Department FY2 1 -11 budget toward the Video Surveillance Project. The Police Department has worked w th representatives of the South County Historical Society, Village Improvement Association and other stakeholders to develop a phased approach to this project. The design phase has been completed and this step represents the first Implementation phase. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The City of Arroyo Grande has experienced ongoing criminal conduct in and around The V illage, South County Historical Society property and neighboring parks and open spaces. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION ATION To AUTHORIZE E AN AWARD of BID FOR A VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM MARCH 22, 2 '1 '1 PAGE 2 The majority of the reported criminal activity involves vandalism, graffiti, thefts from vehicles, alcohol and drug violations and disorderly conduct. Although the Police Department has aggressively worked to resolve these issues, the nature and location of the crimes has made it difficult for officers to limit the activity. Officers do not have the available time and staffing to monitor the problem areas on a constant basis. Additionally, The Village is host to numerous large special events each year such as the Strawberry Festival and Harvest Festival that taps public safety resources that require monitoring activities, patrolling, sea rch i ng fo r m issi ng children and or adults and providing incident management and situational awareness. The use of public video surveillance cameras is proving to be a valuable tool for businesses, local government and public safety agencies. Arguments for using video surveillance to ensure public safety include the following: • Increased safety -- The presence of video surveillance cameras can have a positive effect on increasing public safety. Active surveillance systems that are monitored routinely on a real -time basis provide the advantage of being able to detect suspicious activity. Early detection can lead to crime prevention. Crime deterrent -- The mere presence of video surveillance cameras can act as a powerful crime deterrent. IndividuaIs are less likely to comm a crime if they suspect that they are being monitored. Provides evidence for investigations — Evidence that has been obtained from video gathered from video surveillance cameras has proved invaluable in police investigations. The ability to review captured video images has aided many investigations by providing clear details of what actually took place. • Emergency /Incident Management — Video surveillance assists in situational awareness, crowd management, locating missing children and/or adults and managing emergency responses to first aid, criminal conduct and other needs. Some real advantages can be gained through the proper use of public video surveillance. If implemented properly, surveillance can be a very effective tool. This program calls for the placement of cameras in open public areas coupled with clear guidelines and management oversight of the angle of views and use of any captured images. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION EI ATIOl TO AUTHORIZE E A! AWARD OF BID FOR A VIDEO SURVEILLANCE cE S STEM MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 3 In addition to systems in cities throughout the country, smaller jurisdictions in California such as Hemet, F eedley, Banning and others have benefited from systems such as the one proposed in Arroyo Grande. Other San Luis Obispo County cities such as Pismo Beach and Atascadero are in the process of implementing like systems with the same recommended vendor. Although surveillance cameras have had proven results in a number of jurisdictions, until now, there were limited options available to smaller cities and towns that could not afford the high cost of infrastructure for multi- camera systems. Security Lines US of Studio City, California has developed a completely portable video surveillance system that hosts four cameras, a digital video recorder, and wireless broadband router all in one easily mounted enclosure. The "Pods" are plug and play and can be moored to needed locations. The video can be remotely viewed and downloaded if needed from any Internet location using a secure access code. Upon the following, staff is recommending purchasing the "I Pod Video Surveillance System from a sole source as permitted by Section 3..B of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. Security Lines US is a sole proprietorship business with offices and facilities in Studio City and Van Nuys, California and they have been in the video surveillance business since 2003. They have developed unique design and use and are the only identified company that provides compact, weather proof pods that can be operated remotely aria a LAN or cellular connection have on board digital video recording, can be easily moored without wiring or other infrastructure and functions utilizing commonly available Windows Media File software. The use of a vendor within a three hour response time facilitates a coordinated effort between the vendor and the Police Department during the design and implementation process ensuring the final product meets intended use requirements. Furthermore, the vendor location is a benefit in meeting our needs as to maintenance and warranty work. Security Lines US is an approved Small Business Vendor for the Mate of California; City of Los Angeles; Los Angeles Community College District; Los Angeles Department of Water and Power; Metropolitan Water District; Los Angeles Unified School District; Kings County Unified School District; City of F eedley and the City of Hemet. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 3 CITY CODICIL CONSIDERATION To AUTHORIZE E AI AWARD of BID FOR A VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM MARCH 22,2011 PAGE ALTERNATIVES: mrhe following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Recommended me a Alternative: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the award of bid to purchase a Video Surveillance System to Security Lines S; Do not approve staff s recommendation and select another vendor; - Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Procurement of the requested equipment from a regional vendor insures warranty and maintenance work is completed in a timely cost effective manner. The vendor provides a unique design and can customize the product to meet specific needs of the City of Arroyo Grande. The recommended vendor is in the process of providing similar systems for other San Luis Obispo County lair enforcement agencies including the Pismo Beach Police Department and the Atasadero Police Department The system will assist in deterring criminal activity, provide for increased safety and assist w th situational awareness during special events Without dedicating additional police staff resources. DISADVANTAGES The tradeoff for video surveillance are potential privacy concerns. The general rule of thumb is that any video monitoring activity that takes place anywhere that the public has access to does not constitute an invasion of privacy. This should not be an issue with this project due to the fact that the system will be used in very open public areas. ENVIRONMENTAL ENTAL F EVIE : No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The public impacted by the proposal is the Arroyo Grande Police Department's service population. The public has been made aware of the proposal before Council by a posting of the Agenda in the front of City Hall on Thursday, March 17, 2011 and public notice posted on the City's website on Friday, March 18, 2011. No public input has been received to date. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 4 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE AI AWARD OF BID FOR A HIDED SURVEILLANCE CE SYSTEMI MARCH 22,2011 PAGE 5 Attachments: 1. Secu ri r Lines US., Project Estimate Job Order #481 2. U.S. Department of Justice J / Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant staff report, May 12, 2009. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 5 ATTACHMENT 'I U,5 12930 Ventura Blvd. Studio City, CA 91604 Phone # 818-906-1212 Fax # 818 -501 -2854 Name / Address Arroyo Grande PD 200 N Halcyon Load Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 AT N: Chief Annibali Phone # Fax Project Estimate Date Job Order# 31192011 481 -Q Terms: 0% Deposit 150% Completion Rep: RC Project Item Description Qty Cost Total i4-POD-S i4-POD-S a portable surveillance system with: 5 6 32 1. 1 Digital Video Recorder wl00gb hard drive, 2. 1 Wireless Cellular Router or .4l.8gzh wireless transmitter and receiver 3. 1 Par - Tilt -Zoom Camera, Sony Color chip, Day/Night, High - resolution w/ 480 TV lines camera at 0. 1 LUX, 27x Optical Zoom, 128 Pre -Set, 3 60 Degree Viewing Range 4. Sony chip Hi- Impact High - resolution Color Vandal Proof Dome Carnera Day/Night Color Stationary Cameras w/ 00TVIines of resolution a@ day w/650TVLines of resolution a@ night 5. 1 Power re -boter over Internet 6. 1 Custom Powder Coated metal enclosure 7. 1 Mounting bracket 8. Central Monitoring, Web browser and PDA software for viewing cameras and DVR no per - computer licensing fee) i4 -POD-P R -POD -P portable surveillance system with: 3 7,495.00 22,485.00T 1. 1 Digital Video recorder w/ 1 OO gb hand drive 2. 1 Wireless Cellular router or .41 .8gzh wireless twsmitter and receiver 3. Pan- Tilt -Zoom "1" w 7x optical zoom & "2" wl10x optical Zoom) Pan - Tilt -Zoom Camera, Sony Color chip, Day/Night, High - resolution w/ 480 TV lines camera at 0. 1 LUX, w/ Heater & Blower 4. 1 Sony chip Hi- Impact High - Resolution Color Vandal Proof Dome Camera Day/Night Color Stationary Camem w/600TVIines of resolution a@ day wlOTVLines of resolution @a night 5. 1 Power re -bo ter over Internet 6. 1 Custom Powder Coated metal enclosure 7. 1 Mounting bracket 8. Central Monitoring, Web browser and PDA software for viewing cameras and DVR no per- computer licensing fee) Thank you for your business!! Total Priees are subject to change at SLUS' di cretion. Quote is partially based on Custoiner inforination. If the information is found to be incorrect at am, [ime. SLUS nia, re%. i se the quote to incl tide wiv addiiional parts and labor to success fu11 complete the job. Such additional parts and lal )r wiII be subject to 'usionier's written appro , al. I f the Cu toiner chooses not to accept the rev 1scd quote and there fore, the job cannot be completed sue cessl61ly. S 11)'S rnaN r move any inaterials and products that S 1, US in talIed and C ustoni er wiI I only,+ be r ix)nsible for any labor that was OF 3 Please Print Name and Title Agenda Item 8.k. Page 6 U 12430 Ventura Blvd. #533 Studio City, CA 91604 Phone # 818 - 901212 Fax # 818- 501 -2854 Name / Address Arroyo Grande PD 200 N Halc Road Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 TTN: Chief Annibali Phone # Fax Project Estimate Date Job Order# 3/15/2011 481 -Q Te rFns: 0° o Deposit 0° 0 Completion Rep: RC Project Item Description Qty Cost Taal lnstallation Installation, Parts and Materials: 5,048.00 5,048.00 1. Photoelectrie senors, wireless transmitter and battery power with a to 3 year battery life . 1 " LCD color monitor for dispatch 3 . 1 Mo computer 4. 7 InsWlation of A -P Dts 5 . Instal I ation of sensors 6 . Materials Sales Tax 8.75 4,809. Thank you for your business!! Total $64 Pries are subject (o ehangc at S 1,U ' discretion. Quote is partially based on Customer in format lon. Ifthe infiormation is found to he incorrect at an S S maN raise the gLIOtc to include a.nv additional parts and labor to successfully completc the job. Sikh additional parts and latx)r will bu subject to Customer's % %ritten approNal. ll'the Customer chooses no( to acec pt the rev - iscd quote and therelbre. the J ob cannot be completed riccessfull -. S Lt JS nia% remove any materials and products that SLUS installed and CII toCrie Nr% ill only be rcpc)nsible for any Iatx)r that was � f 3 ic -An rwafarw Ic ? A We fflnut 0: ENft Please Print Name and Title Agenda Item 8.k. Page 7 ATTACHMENT o WCO ORATE " MEMORANDUM #� .t[►4 10, f e l l To, CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN N. ANNIBALI, CHIEF of POLICE SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL of A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR A U .s* DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE I BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE EDWARD D BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT — FORMULA PROGRAM DATE; MAY 12, 2009 RECOMMENDATION The Police Department recommends the city council adopt a Resolution approving the filing of an application and accepting $18,543.00 in grant funds from the Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA Edgard Byrne Memorial .Justice Assistance Grant Local Solicitation A ward. FINANCIAL IMPACT: +phis grant does not have a matching funds stipulation nor are there any reoccurring casts attached. This is a standard "formula" grant w hich identifies the grant award available to each local jurisdiction based on the BJA formula. It is non - competitive. Therefore there is no negative fiscal impact to the city of Arroyo Grande based on the allocation of funds alone. BACKGROUND: O n February 17, 2005, President O bama signed into lair the landmark American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2005 (the "Recovery Act"). As one o f its many elements, the Reco Act provides the U.S. Department of Justice DJ with funding for grants to assist state, local, and tribal law enforcement to combat violence against women, to fight int rnet crimes against children, to improve the functioning of the criminal justice system, to assist victims of crime, and to support youth mentoring. The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (SAG) Program is the primary r provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. JAG funds support all components of the criminal justice system, from multi- judsdictionarl drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and domestic violence programs, courts, corrections,, treatment,, and justice information sharing initiatives. JAG funded projects may address crime through the provision of services directly to individuals and/or communities and by improving the effectiveness and efficiency of criminal justice systems, processes, and procedures. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: If approved by the City council, staff will submit an application to the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Applications are non - competitive and based solely on the BJA formula. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 8 CITY COUNCIL CIL CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL of A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR A U.S. DEPARTMENT of JUSTICE I BUREAU of JUSTICE ASSISTANCE EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT FORM L P OGRAM MAY 112, 2009 PAGE Beginning in 2009, the formula calculation for the local portion of the JAG statute has changed significantly as a result of final implementation of the JAG statute. The statute, 4 U.S.C. d P , specifies that for Fiscal Years 2005 through 2008, allocations to units of local government would follow the Leal Law Enforcement Block Grant LLEBG formula. Pursuant to the statute, however, calculations for FY 2009 {and subsequent JAG calculation require that units of local government must have submitted to the FBI at least three years of Uniform Crime Report {UDR} data during the most- recent ten -year period for which UC data are available (here, 1998 -2007) in order to be eligible. Upon review, the City of Arroyo Grande was allocated $18,543.00 based off of the Uniform Crime Report data. If approved and awarded, it is the intention of the Chief of Police to utilize the allocated funds for the one or more of the permitted purposes including but not limited: to technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, information systems for criminal justice, and criminal justice related research and evaluation activities. A needs assessment will be conducted prior to final application to identify the planned use. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt the Resolution approving filing an application for the Bureau of Justice Assistance - Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant; 2. Do not adopt the Resolution; or 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The acceptance of this formula grant award will improve or enhance the law enforcement programs of the Arroyo Grande Police Department. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL ONMENTAL F E IEW: No environmental review is required at this time. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The public impacted by the proposal is the Arroyo Grande Police Department's service population. The public has been made aware of the proposal before Council by a posting of the Agenda in the front of City Hall on Thursday, May 7, 2009 and public notice posted on the City's website on Friday, May 8 t ', 2009. No public input has been received to date. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.k. Page 10 ,R I1RPORTED JULY 10, 1911,/ C" MEMORANDUM To: CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD of DIRECTORS FROM: ANGELA K AETSCH, DIRECTOR of ADMINISTRATIVE E SE ICES Vroo SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 MID YEAR BUDGET REPORT T DATE: MARCH H , 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council /Agency Board: 0 Approve detailed budget adjustments fisted in the Mid-Year budget report; Approve Schedule A: and Approve (Deny) requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund FINANCIAL IMPACT: The General Fund ending balancer will be impacted by the approval of the recommended revenue and appropriation adjustments as follows: Fund Balance at 1 Quarter Budget Report: $2,839,477 Net Increase in Revenue $649 Net increase in Expenditu 1 Total Decrease to General Fund Balance (262,80 Adjusted Fund Balance 12/31/2010 $2;576,669 BACKGROUND: Each gear, the City Council /RDA Board of Directors adopts a budget, which commits resources to the accomplishment of its policies. The Administrative Services Department routinely prepares quarterly budget updates for the City Council. The purpose of the City's Mid Year Budget Report is to: Compare revenues received and expenditures made to budgeted amounts to determine appropriate adjustments, 0 Report on Departmental accomplishments. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 1 CONSIDERATION of MID YEAR BUDGET REPORT T MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 2 Provide a link between the City budget, the financial records, and the independent financial audit. 0 Compare current revenues and expenditures against the prior fiscal year. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The total Citywide Fund Balance reported at June 30, 2010 was $34,017,391. This is a decrease of approximately $1.6 million compared to June 30, 2009. The beginning General Fund balance is $3,234,884, which was an increase of $1,043,340 from the prior year and was 25% of General Fund expenditures at year-end. The audited Fund Balances reported in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report CFF have been incorporated into the beginning fund balances on Schedule A. There is one adjustment to the beginning fund balances that is different from the CFF. The adjustment was to subtract the Fined Asset balance of $9,532,740 from the Water Fund in order to reflect a more accurate cash fund balance. The current projected available General Fund Balance for June 30, 2010 is $2,576,669, an increase of $1,431,007 from the projected fund balance of $1,145,662 published in the FY 201 0-11 Budget. This fund balance is projected to be 18% of appropriations, which is above the City Council fund balance goal of 15%. The increase in the projected fund balance is dine to higher than expected swings and the one time revenue of $980,000 for the sale of land in fiscal year 2009-10. The projected Fund Balance assumes revenues are received exactly as budgeted, all budget expenditures are made, and all capital transfers required by the CIP Program are completed. Historically, the General Fund has not been required to fund all budgeted capital transfers and expenditures at year -end are traditionally less than budgeted. 0 As part of the Mid Year process, staff is asked to review their current budgets and determine if any adjustments are required. This report includes General Fund requests of a net decrease in appropriations of $129,154; an increase of $19,500 in transfers and a net decrease of $160,663 In General Fund revenue. revenue Garr rover for the O TS Avoid the 14 grant of $16,307 was left off of the 1 ' Quarter report. The Council approved the following adjustments to the General Fund over the third quarter: 1 An increase in revenue and expenditures of $774,844 for the Assistance to Firefighters grant used to purchase the ladder truck. 2 An increase in appropriations of $300,000 for the new City Hall building. 3 reduction of $32,894 in health care costs. Additional increases in appropriations are requested in the Streets Fund ($6,000), Redevelopment Agency Fund ($5 1,000), Sewer Fund ($4,500) and the Water Fund ($34,000). Detailed descriptions of these requests are included in the Mid-Year Report and shown on Schedule A. Agenda Item II.a. Page 2 CONSIDERATION of MID YEAR BUDGET REPORT MARCH 22, 2011 PAGE 3 Revenue increases are being requested for the Traffic Signal Fund ($83,000), Hater Neutralization Fund ($40,000), and Downtown Parking Fund 104,000). Mans ement Reportina System Status Re Dort The Management Reporting System Status Report on departmental accomplishments and ley issues in progress is presented as a separate section at the end of this report. Each department/division reports the work accomplished during the first half of the fiscal year to ward an improved City government. Also reported is the progress toward those ongoing projectstwork efforts that will continue into the remaining quarters. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council/RDA Board consideration: 1. Approve Schedule A included in the Mid Year Budget Report; 2. Do not approve recommended budget adjustments and propose reductions to balance the budget and increase General Fund reserve; 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The Mid Year Budget Report maintains an updated review of the City finances in the existing fiscal year, allocates additional funding to meet current needs and complete projects, and maintains a fund balance that exceeds the City's minimum reserve policy amount. DISADVANTAGES: Based on the recommendations, departmental budgets will continue to be constrained and will present a challenge to maintain current service levels. ENVIRo ENTAI REVIEW: No environmental revie w is requ1red for this item PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on "rhur day, March 17, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's web site on Friday, March 18, 2011. No public comment s were received. Attachment {s }: Mid Year Budget Report Agenda Item 11.a. Page 3 City of Arroyo Grande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/2011 March 22, 2011 City of Arroyo Grande Administrative Services Department r im ca m a a� f- d 3 MID -YEAR BUDGET REPORT A 9 City of Arroyo Grande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/2011 March 22,2011 FISCAL YEAR 2010 -2011 Table of Contents Overv • +rrrrrrs + ++ ■6666666.66 #6666.6 +ae +■ 6666 # }.rr +. 6666 ++ 6666 666••..6. *. *rr + +r + +rr +is * *.rs 3. S K Points ■rr ■6 + + +■rr+r 00a....r + + + +. + + +■ rrr++++•+• arr00 r.+++•■ r+. bed ■+ + ■r + +■ ■.... +s+ r.00006000..r. +r. + w ood .0666 rr L Mid Year Budget Req ■ 666666 +s + ■+64r 6660 .6I.•.++ + r r ......rsr... .......... #.. 6r......... 6 ........................................ General Overview ■......0..06.0..... +r• ++ rrr++. r++++66.....00# r+++rr...... 6.. 6600 6i4.....#.....666rr06666. r0... r ........ ............ + +r.0 + + +rr..... +...+00+.0...06...... / General Re • r r r r + . + . + r r . 6 rrr . ... a r .. + .................... r ........... f ...... 6 ........ r ....................... 4 ............................................. + ................... General E xpenditures ■ ■ + +rr + +.... 66rrr66rr.. + +6 ... it . r..+f+.++rr++......+6. r0....##rr ............... 4.... ..+s................ +660. +..666 1 2 General Balance ......rr.d ..... #.+..+++r+++.... ......4.44.....• + +.. ■ + + ++ ■ +.. .. rrr. rrr...+ + ............... 666. f..+.................... s .............. 66....+...+ +a......4....... 1 3 Other F u nds 0 6r. 66. r.... q....rr++++......6.r06rr. 6 ...+ r...♦.■+++rr+....... rw. .....rr + +r++rr+...........r ++++ .............. 66..6. ..66.6 +666606006 #..r.+r + ++ 6 r................ 66 r.... 1 S chedules: , Unreserved F und Balance Control -All Funds ........ ++ +rrr. + ++ 666 ............................... 6666++ 6666++. 6666 . Gener F u ! F Sunu rrrr++...... ......r s. s. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6..... 6 6 6 6 +.. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6.... +. r s r r 6 6 t r i i r....s...+. r. 1 Management Reporting System .................... 6 r r r 6. 6 6 r.......r 0....... r+ 6+.. 6 0..... r.+.. 66. 6.. ............................. ++ +. 6 0 0 0...... +r.. +r 6 6 6 6 6. 1 A � 3 �lrfi V ■ ice/ P City of Arroyo Grande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/2011 March 22,,2011 Overview The City's Mid - Year Deport is prepared to compare the revenues and expenditures occurring during the first sic months of the fiscal year against budgeted amounts to determine appropriate adjustments; to report on departmental accomplishments; to provide links between the City budget, the financial records, and the independent financial audit; and to compare revenues earned and e made during the first sic months of the 2010 -11 Fiscal Year against the FY 2009 -10 figures. This information is provided in the following format: S : The starting point is the audited 2009 -10 Fiscal Year ending fund balances, which is also the beginning Unreserved Fund Balances for the 2010 -11 Fiscal Year. Combining the beginning Unreserved Fund Balances with the estimated revenues, transfers, and appropr iations adopted in the Annual Budget and the 1st Quarter report, provides the estimated fund balances. As a result of a comprehensive preview, a djustments are recommen where actual recei and d isbursements are materially different from the budgeted amounts. Although budget adjustments are recommended across several City funds, the emphasis of the Mid -Year Budget Report continues to be directed at the General Fund. The General Fund is deemed to be the most critical as it provides most services commonly associated with government (public safety, recreation, parks, building, and planning) and is limited primarily by ta x - generated revenges, Summary of Key Points The total Citywide Fund Balance reported at June 30, 2010 was $34,017,391. This is a degrease of approximately 1. million compared to June 30, 2009. The beginning General Fund balance is $ 3,234,884, which was an increase of $1,043,340 from the prior year and was 25% of General Fund expenditures at year -end. The audited Fund Balances c> reported i the Comprehensive Annual Financial Deport (CAFR) h ave been incorporated into the beginning fund balances on Schedule A. There is one adjustment to the beginning fund balances that is different from the CAF. The a adjustment was to subtract the Fined Asset balance of $9,532,740 from the Water Fund in order to reflect a more accurate cash fund balance. c� Q City of Arroyo Grande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/2011 March 22,2011 The current projected available General Fund Balance for June 30, 2010 is $2,576,669, an increase of $1,431,007 from the projected fund balance of $1,145,662 published in the FY 2 010 - 11 B udget. This fund balance is projected to be 18% of appropriations, which is above the City Council fund balance goal of 15 %. The increase in the projected fund balance is due to higher than expected savings and the one time revenue of $980,000 for the sale of land in fiscal year 2009-10. The projected Fund Balance assumes revenues are received exactly as budgeted, all budget expenditures are made, and all capital transfers required by the CIP Program are completed. Historically, the General Fund has not been required to fund all budgeted capital transfers and expenditures at year - end are traditionally less than budgeted. The Management Deporting System Status Deport is presented as a separate section at the end of this report. This provides a summary of what individual departments have accomplished during the year. Also reported are th e key issues and work efforts in progress that wfll continue into the rerx au' u'ng quarters. Mid Year Budget Requests As part of the mid -year process, departments are nor asked to review their current budgets and determine if any adjustments should be proposed in this report. Departments have been asked to closely monitor their budgets and spend only what is absolutely necessary. Therefore, at this tine, staff is only recommending minor adjustments to the General Fund Departmental budgets. General Fund Expenditures: Auto Shop - The City must make e modification to its' fueling station vapor recovery system by July 26, 2011 in order to comply with air duality regulations. An increase of $30,000 is being requested for this modification. This expenditure will be partially offset by an increase in operating transfers from the Streets Fund ( $6,000), water F und ( $9,000). and Sewer Fund ($4,500 The net cost to the General Fund will b $10,500. c� C it y Manag - A real estate conunission w as required for the lease of the prior C ity Hall building located at 214 F. Branch Street of $5,,846. This expenditure will be offset by an increase in rental income of $12,840 from the City Hall lease. � c� c� 4 City of Arroyo Grande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/2011 March 22, 2011 IT - Staff is requesting that $1,700 be moved from Non-Departmental property insurance savings to the IT department for the purchase of a core net switch that recently failed. The IT department is currently using borrowed equipment from the San L uis Obispo County to fix the net City Attorne - Staff is requesting a transfer of $75,000 from the Police department to the City Attorney budget for ongoing personnel litigation costs. Children in Motion - Staff is requesting that salary expenditures be decreased by $ 165,000 due to staffing reductions resulting from loss of one after school site and restructuring of the program staffing. General Fund Revenues: : Operating Transfers In - As mentioned in the Auto Shop expenditure request, operating transfers - in will increase by $19,500 for the modifications to the fueling station d ue to allocating the costs to Streets (20%), water (30%), and Sewer Funds 1 %). The remaining 35 % will be paid from the General Fund. Dent - A increase of $ 12,840 for the lease of the prior City Hall building. Franchise Trees - Staff received notice from Pacific Gas and Electric ( that they performed are audit of addresses they had allocated to the City and determined that some addresses were actually in the County. There will be decrease of $13,503 in Franchis revenue that will be used to reimburse the County. Children in Motion - Staff is requesting a decrease of $ 160,000 clue to drop in enrollment and loss of an additional after school site, Streets: Staff is requesting an increase of $6,000 in expenditures to fund a portion of the cost of modifying the vapor recovery system for the fueling station. c> Redevelopment ment Agency Fund: Staff is requesting that part - tine salaries be increased by $ 15,000. This amount was inadvertently left off of the second year of the budget. In addition, staff is r an increase of $36,000 for contractual services and economic _ development clue to assistance provided by the City's Redevelopment ment consultants and legal counsel on a number of ongoing efforts, c� c� 00 iD 5 City of Arroyo Grande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/2011 March 22, 2011 Capital Improvement Program Fund cIP : Staff is requesting that $8,400 be moved from the Pavement Management Program to the Short Street project. Increased sub grade was required after soil testing determined saturated sub sods. Traffic Signal Fund: Due to increased development, staff is requesting an increase in this fund of $83, in i mpact fee revenge. Water Neutral* atlon Fund. Due to increased development, staff is requesting an increase in this fund of $40,000 in u' npact fee revenge. Downtown P arking Fund: Staff is requesting an increase in pa in -lieu revenue of $104,000 from the Short Street shops project. Sewer Fund: Staff is reque an increase of $4,500 in order to fund a portion of the cost of modifying the vapor recovery system for the fueling station. Water Fund: Staff is requesting an additional appropriation of $25,000 in contractual services to fund a temporary maintenance services worker to temporarily replace an injured em ploy ee on modified duty. In addition, staff is requesting $9,000 to fund a portion of the cost of m dif firing the vapor recovery system for the fueling station, c� c� c� �3 c� c� cfl � C7 City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report - 2010/2011 March 22, 2011 c� c� c� c� o � General Fund Overview Shown below is an overview of the revenues, expenses, and transfers for Fiscal Fea 2009-10 an 2010-11. Comparing the two fiscal years in this summary format readily shows the impact of both increases and decreases in revenues and expenditures. Revenues increased by $338,224. The majority of this increase is due to the County withholding $287,027 from the December 2009 property tax payment in order to pay the State lean. In addition, Sales tax revenue and TOT are showing an increase compared to the prior year. General Fend FY 2009 -1 Revenues: 310,824 Mid - (ear Ac tual 3 Mi - Year Transfers 1,133,748 Total 4 Expen Mid - (ear Actual 6 Mi - Year Transfers - Tetal 6,759,583 FY 2010 -11 Variance 4,011 310,824 L161J48 27 5,172 * 476 338, 224 6,350,41 2 (409, 6,350 (409 Impact on Fund Balance $ (1,925,331) $ 1,177,936) $ 747,395 City of Arroyo Grande Mid-Year Budget Report - 2010/2011 March 22, 2011 Shown here is gr r o f the 2010 -11 Fiscal Ye revenues an expen to date, compared with the amended budget including th recommended Mi - ar adjustments. Transfers In and Transfers out are included on this graph to present th total impact on the fund bal ance. General Fund Budget & Actual as of Dec. 3 2010 Budget Actual Revenue/ Transfers $13,784,942 $ 5,172,476 Operations 13,172,307 6 E q uipment Purc 970, 57,894 Capital Transfers 300,000 Total Expenditures 14,443,157 6, 350,412 Change in Fund Balance 6 58,215) 1 r17 7x 9 3 6) 144 120 M x0JD 82 i i n 2D on After Mid-Year adjustments are recorded, the June 30, 2011 fund balance in the General Fund will be approximately X2,576,669, ff all budget projections are fulfilled. However, at June 30, 2011, the City rear find that revenue have not met c� the budgeted ro'ect an not all b approp riations will be spent as year - end actual expenditures are traditionally less than budgeted amounts i.e. FY 09 -10 - $1,596,673 less, FY 08-09 - $547,717 less, FY 07-0 - $737,598 less, FY -07 - $560,02.5 less, FY 05 -0 - $182,237 less). c� c� 8 Revenues E en se s aAtualYTD 0 Budgeted City of Arroyo Grande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/11 March 22, 2011 General Fund Revenues With half of the year complete, the total General Fund revenue is at 37%. This is below % for several reasons. The mid - year revenue only includes four months of Sales Tax revenue, Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenue is for five months. Franchise Fee revenue only includes five months of revenue. Children in Lotion revenues are declining due to a drop in enrollment and loss of an additional site. However this is offset by a decrease in expenditures due to lower staff costs. Finally, the triple flip - amounts for saps tax $380,659 and VLF $617,355 were not received until January. A s part of the Mid - Year Report,, adjustments m aybe r econunended to revenue budgets when m athematical calculations comparing current year revenues w prior year revenues suggest that either a significant ov erage or underage may occur at year -end. Below are the major revenue variances: 1 TOT is up approximately $33,000 when compared to the prior year. However, with the Hampton Inn not a ntici pat e d to open befo the en of this fiscal year, it is estimated that this revenue will c ome in approximately $70,000 below budget. 2 With four months of revenue, Sales Tax is u % when compared to the budget and 1s up approximately $80,000 or 4% when compared to the prior year. 3 Children in Motion revenues are showing a sharp decline due to a drop in enrollment and the loss of an additional site. This revenue source is estimated to be a pproximately $160,000 below the $412,000 that is budgeted. However, the expenditures in this program have also decreased significantly and are estimated to come in approximately $130,000 below the $426,643 budgeted. This would amount to the Cit s ubsidizing this program by a $45,000. The Children in Motion staff has been working to reduce this subsidy by holding fundraiser barbeques, a race, and offering special enric hment classes for Child in Motion p for an a dditional cost. It is D anticipated that this will reduce the current subsidy by $10,000. Since only one -half year of the savings is experienced this gear, implementation of measures to address the majority of the subsidy by net year are on track. Staff is re questing reductions of $160,000 i n Children in Motion revenue and $165, i n Children in Motion expenditures . enditures in order to delete the estimated subsidy. p y c� 4 Exp r ecovery for the Police d e p artment is curren 40 below budget. It is estimated that this revenue sour will come in ap $31,000 below the current bu of $50,000. N � g 01 City of Arroyo Grande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/11 March 22,2011 n c� c� w � 5 Due to the delay in r eplacing the parking enforcement officer position, parking fines are also down b y 40 or approximately $9,000. However, this position was recently filled and it is anticipated that this revenue will increase. 6) B uilding permit revenues are down 16% when compared to the budget. It is estimated d that this revenue source will he approximately $33,000 below budget. The table shown below presents a comparison of the top ten revenue accounts. The table is followed by an analysis of changes in the revenues, loth increases and decreases. Because the top revenue sources account for approximately % of total General Fund revenues, changes here can have profound impacts. In addition, the trends in these ten r evenues can provide a general understanding of the total General Fund revenues. Current year revenues are $372,475 more than the previous fiscal year as shown below). Titl Sales & Use Ta Triple Flip - Sales Ta P r op erty Ta Motor Vehicle License Fees Triple Flip - VLF Bui lding Permits Children in Motion F r anchise Fees Telecommunication Site leases Transient Occupancy Ta Mid-Year Current Fiscal Year N id -Y ear P Fi scal Y ear Actual B u dt Attu al % B udget Actual Chang $ 2,190 $ 767,389 35% $ 2,196,300 $ 687,523 31% 761,31 - 0% 530,063 - 0% 3,388,300 1,994,296 59% 3,527,415 1 49 % 30,000 15,729 52% 30,000 11 38 % 1,234,710 1,23 - ° 145,000 49,318 34 % 145,000 45,000 33 ° o 252,000 121 48 % 400,000 143,000 3 6 % 588,468 135,409 23% 660,000 152,604 23% 192,000 500,000 100,456 52% 194,339 39% 175,000 88,842 450,000 161,524 79,866 281,254 4 1,315 (21,525) ( 1 7, 195) 51% 11,614 36% 32,515 Total $ 9,281,796 $ 3,378 36% $ 9 $ 3,005,933 32% $ 372,475 1 • ity o A rroyo Gra Mid-Year Budget Report - 2010/11 March 22, 2011 Sales Tax - Sales tax is higher than the prior year due to an increase in sales activity. Property Tax - Property tax should actually be showing a decline of $5,743 when compared to the prior year. As mentioned previously in th�s report, the County had withheld $287,027 of property tax payments that the City would normally receive in December in FY 2009 -10. Motor vehicle License Fees -- This revenue h as begun to show an increase when compared to the prior year and is on track to equal the $ 30,000 budgeted at year end. Building permits - The City is seeing a slight increase when compared to the prior year due to several remodeling projects and additions to existing homes as well as the building of new custom hones. However, it is still well below the 0% budget mark. Children in Motion - This revenue is shoring a decrease of approximately $22,000 when compared to the prior gear. A s mentioned previously, this program is seeing a drop in enrollment but is also off by decreasing expenditures. Franchise Fees - This revenue source is showing a decrease when compared with the prior year. This is due to audits performed by both Charter C ommunications and PG&E in which it was determined that the City was receiving revenue that s hould h ave go ne to the County. Th i s revenue source is below 50 due to one -time payments from PG&E and So C a l Gas that are received in April. Staff will continue to monitor this revenue source to determine if an adjustment is required once the one -time revenues are receiv Telecom mum* cation Site Leases - This revenue source is showing an increase when co to the p rior year. The reason for this increase is due to the closure of City lull for the holidays and mandatory furloughs in the prior year; revenues that were norm received at the end of December were not received until City Hall reopened in January- Transient Occupancy Tax - This revenue is showing an increase of approximately imately $33,000. Currently, with i months of revenue received, this revenue source is at 43%. This revenue is projected to be approximately $7 0,000 D below budget at year end. c� All other variances are within normal ranges. c� 3 c� 4N.� 11 C ity of Arroyo Grande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/11 March 22 2011 n c� c� c� 3 c� cn � General Fund Expenditures Most departmental expenses are under the % budget mark with total Fiscal Year 2010 -11 expenses at 44 % of budg Individual department/ divis ion differences between the current and prior fiscal year are hig ighted 'n the table shown on the next p This fiscal year, there is an approximate $409,171 decrease in General Fund expenditures over the previous fiscal year. • City Manager - the decrease of $21,647 is due to the reorganization of this department and the retirement and annual leave payout for the executive assistant In the first half of the prior year. 12 Mid -Year Current Fiscal Year M prior Fisc Year Actual Titl Bud get _ Actual Budget Actual Chang r City Manager $ 393 $ 182,378 46 % $ 412,938 $ 204,025 49 % ( 21,647 ) Legislati & Info rmation S vcs 302,211 139,316 46 % 285,057 130,788 46 % 8,528 Reti rees 129,000 53,257 41 % 128,000 59,979 47 % 6 City tt orne 261 1 52,634 58 % 179,250 70,761 39% 81, 8 73 A dministrative Se rvices 695,576 340 499' 701,302 338,350 48 % 21219 Community DevelopmEnt 469,954 221, 47% 474,852 227,640 48% ( 5 1 87 5) IT 274, 718 127, 46 % 287,931 145,516 519' (18,18 Mon DepartmEntal 2 1,225,434 % 1,294,943 550,641 43% 674 Police 5,856 2,672,560 46 % 5,939,941 2,694 45% 22,301 Fire 854 49 1 726 6% 1 902,070 519' (852,344 Building & Life Safety 241 121 1 % 256,084 122,005 48% 232 Pu Works 311,600 114,110 379' 460,967 236,106 519' (121,996 Recreation and Mamntenance Svcs 2 949,559 43 % 2 1 4 (127,28 Total $ 14,443 $ 6,350 44% $ 14 $ 6,759,583 46% $ (409,171 • City Manager - the decrease of $21,647 is due to the reorganization of this department and the retirement and annual leave payout for the executive assistant In the first half of the prior year. 12 • it o A G rande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/11 March 22, 2011 • Legislative & Information Services - this increase is due to the staffing reorganization of this department that was put in place in the prior year. • Retirees - this cost is the retiree health care that the City pays on behalf of the retired employee. This is lower due to recording 7 months of health care costs in the prior year. • City Attorney - this increase is due to ongoing personnel litigation. Non- Departmental - the $674,793 increase is due to the Five Cities Fire Authority (F CFA) quarterly payments of $34'7,122 being paid from this fund. At midyear, the City had made two q uarterly p ayments for a total of $694,244. Fire - This decrease is due to the formation of the Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA). This expense has been moved to Non - Departmental. The budget in this department includes the expenses incurred before the FFA was formed on July 9 , 2010 an d ue to th e p ayment of $774,54 -4 for the Fire la tr uck whi w as offset by Fire grant revenue. • Police -- This savings is due to staffing vacancies. • IT - this decrease is due to the purchase of a majority of the budgeted computer equipment in the first half of the prior fiscal year. Staff had not purchased any budgeted computer equipment at the first half of this fiscal year. • Public worts - this decrease is due to the reorganization of this department in the prior year in which the Public Works Director position was elim and the employee received an annual leave payout. • Recreation and Maintenance Services - this decrease is due to the reorganization of this department. A full time maintenance worker position was eliminated and filled with part -time staff. There will be additional savings in this department due to the recent retirement of th Facility Coordinator. • All other variances are within a normal range. n General Balance The City Council has established an Undesig ated General Fund Balance goal of 20% of annual appropriation with a rrummurn go of 15%. The City's Undesignated General Fund Balance represents the available resources to provide tD funding for future contingencies such as earthquakes, civil unrest, economic fluctuations, major infrastructure repairs and � 3 an eff l e • c� investment in capital for improved p d Inadequate reserves increase financial risk, negative) 13 City of Arroyo Grande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/11 March 22, 2011 impact cash flow, and reduce the City's ability to attract and sustain economic development and growth within the City of Arroyo Grande. The net impact of th budgeted fund balance and recommended id -Year adjustments will result in a projected fund balance of approximately $2,576,669 as of June 30, 2011 which is 18 of appropriations. The projected fund bal ance is based on conservative c alculations. Based o mi -ye ex p en ditures, this amount is likely to increase at y ear - end. OTHER FUNDS Local Use Tax Fund (Fund 218) This fund has been established to account for the 1 c ent sales tax increase that was a pproved in Nove mber 2006. with four months of Sales, this revenue source is at 37% A this time this revenue source is showing a 4 % increase over the budget. The estimated fund balance in this fund is $233,848, which is 7% of appropriations if all budgeted funds are expended. However, staff believes the fund balance will remain above 15% when factoring project savings and project delays. Redevelopment Agency Fund 284) Currently, the Governor is proposing that Redevelopment Agencies be eliminated to assist in balancing the State budget. The status of this Fund is uncertain at this time. It is hopef that staff will have more inf or- nation on this development when the 3rd quarter report i presented. Staff is re questing an increase of $51,000 in a ppropri ations . The details for this increase in appropriati is listed on page 5 of this report under Mid Year Budget Requests. guests. CI (Capital Improvement Program ) Fund Fund 350) The procedures of the CIP require that revenues equal expen in this fund, which means the fund does not typically have a fund balance at year - end. If additional expenses are encountered in c ompleting a project, funding must be found c> to match the expenses. In reverse, when additional revenues are found, the scope of the project can be expanded, previous funding returned to other funds, or revenues returned to the source. � D �3 t� tD � 1 C ity of Arroyo Grande Mid -Year Budget Report - 2010/11 March 22, 2011 Sewer Fund (Fund 61 The Sever Fund is projected to have a fund balance of approximately $116,410 (Schedule A). Staff is requesting an increase o f $4,500 in appropriations. The details for this appropriation are listed on page 6 of this report under Mid Year Budget Requests. Water Fund (Fund 640) The Water Fund is projected to have a cash f und balance of approximately $1,376,712 at June 30 2011. This is a dec rease when compared to prior gears. T is due to the high costs of several large water projects that are being funded by the Water F such as the construction of Reservoir No. 6 ($728,000), El Canino Real rehabilitation ($413,000), Reservoir No. ( 62,600) and the waterline upgrade on B and Faeh ($250,000). In th e p a st, staff was a ble to use d eve lopment impact fee revenue to help offset these capital improvement costs; however, with the reduction in development, these fees have decreased dramatically. Staff is reque a net increase of $34,000 in appropriations. The details for these appropriations are listed o n page 6 o this report under Mid Year Bu dget Requests. Attachments A brief overview o the attached schedules is provided to inform the reader of the purpose of each schedule. Schedule - Fund Balance. This schedule is provided to incorporate prior year fund balance into the current year and to summarize the 2010/ budget adopted by the City Council. This schedule includes adjustments that were incorporated in the 1st Quarter report and lists the current requested adjustments in total. Management Reporting System Status Report. This provides a look at ghat the individual departments have accomplished during the first half o f the fiscal gear. Also reported are the ley issues and work efforts in progress that D w ill continue into the remaining quarters. c� c� c� c� co 0 1 City of Arroyo Grande Puna Balance Control All Funds Operating Budget 2010/11 Adc9ted Budget Schedule General Fund 010 General Fund: Audited Estimated Total Total Unreserved [Unreserved Fund Balance Original Adjustment Operating Operating IFY 2009 -10 Budgeted Adjustments to Fund Balance July 1, 2010 Revenues to Revenues Tran sfer In Transfer Out Carryover5 Appropriations Appropriationsi June 30, 2011 $3 $10 $601,472 $2 $300,000 $228 551 $13 $80,726 $2,576,669 S pecial Revenue Funds: 210 Fire Protection Impact Fees $22,632 $12,700 0 0 $0 0 0 $35,332 211 Public Access Television 68 47,000 (14,650) 0 0 0 36 0 64,574 212 Pol Protection Impact Fees 50,776 1,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 52,476 213 Park Devel opment Fees 651,511 35,000 0 0 254,700 0 0 0 461,811 214 Park I mprovement Fees 341,625 20,400 0 0 290,330 0 0 0 71,695 215 Recreation Community Center 37,432 1 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 24,232 216 Grace Lane A ssessment District 39,981 9 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 44,481 217 Landscape Maintenance District 25,025 6,800 0 0 3,300 0 3,800 0 24,725 218 Local Use T ax Fund 1,765,342 1,613,625 0 0 3,040 { 645 0 144 { 700 (39,200) 233,022 219 P arkside Assessment D istrict 232,059 58,700 0 0 3,600 0 8,000 0 279,159 220 Streets 0 294,500 168,486 271 6,000 0 796,700 (68,114) 0 721 Traffic Congestion Relief 90,230 177,570 (176,570) 0 0 0 0 0 91,230 222 Traffic Signal 393,273 10,000 83,000 0 25,000 0 0 0 461,273 723 Traffic Circulation 24,910 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 26910 224 Transportation Facility Impact 2,740,579 55,000 0 0 2,441,218 0 0 0 354,361 225 Transportation 0 256,431 (157,917) 0 90,400 0 7,000 1 114 226 Water N Impact 542,423 26,400 40,000 0 45,000 0 51,800 245,806 266,217 230 Construction Tax 3,190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,190 231 Drainage Facil 2,029 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,629 232 In -Lieu Affordable Housing 928,030 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 928 3 In -Lieu Underground Utility 101,815 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101,815 241 Wate Avai Fund 1,838,532 41,000 0 0 451,572 0 0 0 1,427,959 250 C1BG Grant Funds 0 0 71,625 0 0 71,625 0 0 0 271 State COPS Block Grant 191,611 101,000 0 0 0 189,577 100,000 0 2,734 284 Redevelopment Agency 695,652 1 0 0 94 0 727,020 139,658 903 285 Redevelopment Set Aside 1,948,570 340,000 0 0 39,700 176,794 1,134,750 259,869 677,457 Total Special Revenue Funds $12,765 $4,230,026 13,974 $271 $7,652,537 $438,296 3,014,770 $539,019 $5,636,630 t� tD to 1 City of Arroyo Grande Fund Balance - Control 111 Funds Ope rating Budget 2010/11 Adopted Budget S chedule Audited Total Unreserved Fund Balance Original Adjustment Operating Operating July 1, 2010 1 ]r evenues to ]revenues Transfer In Transfer Out Estimated Total Unreserve FY 2009-1 Budgeted Adjustments to Fund Balance Carryovers Appropriations Ap pro priationsl June 3 0, 20 11 C apital I oiect Funds: 350 C Im p rovement Fund $0 $5,670 $401,280 $10,740,277 0 $10,122,403 $5,783,500 $x,155, 0 Total Capital Project Funds $0 $5,670,000 $4,651,280 $10,740,277 $0 $10,122 $8,783,5W $2,155,654 $0 Ln4 rnrise Funds s 61 Se wer $496,134 $978,400 $0 4 $1,443,845 0 $313,600 (1,721) $116,410 634 Server Facility 331,668 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 343,665 640 Water Fund 3,043,986 3,532,900 0 0 3,041,635 0 2,146,960 51,579 1,376,712 641 Lo pez Water 3,597,943 2,854,800 0 0 343,300 0 x,903,618 (109,980) 3,315,805 642 Water F acil i ty 876,444 30,000 0 0 828,639 0 0 0 77,8055 Total Enterprise Funds $8,346,175 $7,407,700 0 $0 $5,257,418 $4 $5,326,178 230,401 Trust and Agency F 75 D owntown P arking $137,940 $11,600 $104,000 $0 $141,722 $0 $3,100 $0 $105,719 Total Trust & A Fund $137,940 $11,600 $104,000 $0 $141,722 $0 $3,100 $0 $105,719 Grand Total All Funds $24,484,651 $28,1 62,996 $5,370,726 $13,351 { 677 $13,351,677 $10,789,250 $30,961,428 $2,715,277 $13,552,419 (D N � O 1 GENERAL FU - FUND SUMMA 1 FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2006 -0 2007-08 ORIGINAL AMENDED 2009 -10 2010 -11 REMISED ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Beginning Fund Balance 2,359,078 1 2,042 2,042,389 2 2,191,M4 3 Revenues: R evenues 11,864,263 12,304, 13, 424,285 12,425, 12,106 11 11 T rans f ers In 1 1, 901,942 2, 003,600 2,221, 2 2, 2, 339,800 Total Revenues 13, 128,214 14 1,427,88 14,647,356 14 14,061,667 13, 784,942 Expenditures: Salaries an Benefits 10,719,723 11 11,586,190 11,51 7,222 10,84,38 10 8,962 C urrent Expenses 2 2 2,867,620 2 1 564,590 2, 2,362,704 4 Debt Service 25, 068 12,534 - 124,680 122,501 133, 160,180 Equi Repl acement 288 336 204, 274,280 285,640 718,887 232,210 887, 124 Trans Out 2 O f 880 20,990 60,700 203, 104,881 ^ Capital Transfers 140,286 4,806 38, 700 - - - 300,000 Total Expen 13, 13 14,827, 14, 14,173,135 13, 018,327 14,360, Total Ope ratin g Inc reases (D ecreases 550 ) 233,985 6003 47, 894 149,155 1,0433 575,953 Au dit Adju irnents to Fund Balance Tota Adjusirnents to Fund Balance 550,674 233,985 600, 47, 894 149,155 1,043, (575,953 Endmng Fun Balance 1,08,404 2 2,642 1, 2 1 191,544 3,234,84 2,576 } 669 c� R eserve for Carry -Over of Appropriations 19,892 ) (89, - 82,262 ii 0 Available F un d Balance 1 1, 2,642,784 1 2 3, 152,622 2,576,669 /Y N � 1 � pPR0y 0 � C 9 h INCORPORATED o M• M 1•11 + MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM /FORN� MID -YEAR July 1, 2010 — December 37.2070 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: CITY ADMINISTRATION Mid-Year Accomplis Prepared and distributed public education materials for the ballot measures to male the City Clerk and City Treasurer positions appointed rather than elected. Coordinated financing of the acquisition and design of improvements to the City Hall building. 0 Participated in and coordinated Centennial Celebration planning activities. 0 Coordinated feasibility analysis of Police building alternatives. Prepared and coordinated approval of an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement for a potential hotel project on the Redevelopment pment Agency's Faeh Street property. Prepared an amendment to the Transportation Facility Fund Impact Fee Study t fund the Le Point Street widening improvements. Options were identified, studied and presented for temp relocation of the Saturday Farmers' Market. Coordinated preparation and approval of a funding agreement for the People's Self Help Housing affordable housing project. 1 Agenda Item II.a. Page 22 Coordinated preparation and approval of a loan agreement for purchase o f property o Brisco Road by Habitat for Humanity for an affordable housing project. Coordinated negotiation of a lease agreement w ith the o wner of Gina's restaurant for City right -of -way for construction of an o utdoor dining area. Reached agreement with all labor groups regarding adjustments to employee medical rate formulas. 0 Coordinated a leadership retreat for City directors, management and supervisors. 0 Coordinate the City Council Budget Goals workshop. Key Issues Work Efforts In Pro-gross Coordinating with the County on an agreement for PG&E 20A credits to enable the City to complete under of utilities on East Grand Avenue. Continuing to negotiate with the oceano Community Services District on a water purchase agreement. 0 Developing recommendations on strategies for the new Police building project. Preparing strategies to address shortfall projections in the FY 2011 -1 FY 2012-13 biennial budget. • Preparing to begin labor negotiations with the SEW and AGPOA. 0 Continuing to prepare for the Centennial Celebration activities. Finalizing adjustments to layout and furnishings in the City Hall building to address issues that have been identified. 20 Agenda Item II.a. Page 23 Sk e�.90,� 7 INCORPORATED M JULY 10. 1911 4 4 1 F 0 4 MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID -YEAR FUND: July 1, 2010 - December 3 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: LEGISLATIVE AND INFORMATION SERVICES Mid-Year Accomplishments Prepared candidate Hand and guided sic candidates through the nomination process for the November 2, 2010 General Municipal Election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and 2 council Members. Prepared materials required for placement of two city measures on the ballot relating to the city clerk and city Treasurer positions changing from elective to appointive. Coordinated and conducted a candidate Orientation for city council and May candidates. Served a FPPC Filing Officer and assisted candidates with campaign disclosure filing requ Completed two 2 Municipal code Supplements to incorporate newly adopted Ordinances into the city's Municipal code. Coordinated two 2 publications of the city newsletter, Sta c ach Express which w mailed to all city residences and businesses. Coordinated records destruction day pursuant to the Records Retention Schedule. Completed biennial review and update of the city and Redevelopment A Conflict of Interest codes. Began document imaging /scanning project to scan all Building Division building permit street files, Engineering Division capital improvement project files; Planning Division project files, and Planning commission Resolutions and Minutes for implementation into the document imaging system. Administered oaths of office to newly appointed advisory body members who assumed office on various City commissions, boards, and committees. Distributed Semi - Annual Campaign Statement forms to current officeholders. 1 Agenda Item II.a. Page 24 • Coordinated biennial ethics training for elected and appointed officials. • Processed City documents (deeds, contracts, agreernent, resolutions, ordinances, minutes) in a timely manner. • Net all legal publishing and posting requirement. • Updated government access channel with information provided by City departments on events, programs and services. Key Issues / Work Efforts In Prowess • Upgrade LaserFiche document imaging system and licensing for use by all City Hall departments as part of the scanning project. • Distribute Annual Statement of Economic Interests Forms to all elected and appointed officials of the City including members of the City Council, commissions, boards, committees, staff, and consultants. • Coordinate publication of two 2 issues of the City newsletter, Stag ecoach Exr)ress for distribution to community. • Update the Municipal Code to reflect City reorganization as it related to departmental /functional changes. • Update the Citywide Records Retention Schedule to reflect City's reorganized structure. • Supplement the Municipal Code as new Ordinances are adopted. • Expand use of government access channel to include videos on departmental or Citywide activities and programs. • Update the Commissioner's Handbook. • Update Department Procedural Manual. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 25 4 0�R 0 Iro G, �0 Z- MCORPORATE l IN JLXY 10, l 1 MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID -YEAR July 1, 2010 - December 31,,2010 FUND: GENERAL FU D DEPARTMENT: LEGISLATIVE AND INFORMATION SERVICES DiVISION INFORMATION TE HN L GY Mid -Year Accomplishments 0 MCSE (Mi training complete. Technical and budgetary ry requirements established to implement a broadband redundancy system. Procured firewll replacement appliance, and started initial policy creation. Finalized agreement with Citi enServe for CDDMMS software solution. • Completed CIti enServe permits module implementation. • Implemented Information Technology Help Desk tool. • Launched near ly designed City and Police department websites. 40 Implemented ICP Police Hideo Surveillance System. 0 Established email domain for Five Cities Fire Authority FCF. • Configured hosted Microsoft Exchange email environment for FCF . • Designed and installed T -1 data network connecting FCFA facilities. • Migrated FCFA Stations 61 and 68 to FCFA network. • Created unified Firehouse Incident reporting system. Migrated FCFA Stations 61 and 68 to unified system. Migrated FCFA Stations 61 and 68 to FCFA hosted email domain. Established enterprise anti - spam protection for FCFA email domain. Designed and implemented ATT phone system at FCFA Stations 66, 61, and 68. Established website domain for FCF .fiveitiesfireauthrit.rg . Established virtual site and redirect on City o rry Grande wetsite for FCFA domain. Established appropriate DNS and Mail Exchange records to support FCF . 3 Agenda Item II.a. Page 26 • Removed fiber optic cable from Building Dept, and Engineering buildings and removed buildings from existing City network in support of the City Hall relocation project. • Installed fiber, and connected 300 East Branch (new City Hall to existing City network. • Rel Building, and Engineering Dept phones and computer equipment to 300 E. Branch Street. • Designed server room for 300 East Branch relocation project to include all data, voice, environmental, power, bonding /grounding, and security requirements. • Designed voice/data lacy ut for 300 East Branch offices. • Established Information Technology Managed Services Agreement with Larnspeed, Inc. • Established broadband Internet access at the Police Dept Resource urce Center, and removed existing T -1 network extension. Kev Issues ! W Efforts In Progress w�w.r • Complete firewarll replacement project. • Implement b r o ad b and redundancy. • Complete CDD/W S Business License implementation. • Establish secure VPN (Virtual Private Network) rl mobile user access. • Complete Laserfiche document imaging system upgrade and expansion. • Implement an enterprise level data backup solution. • implement an enterprise level anti -virus solution. • Design and implement Blackberry mobile device solution. • Replace core net routing and switching equipment. • Procure and install replacement digital printer /copier system at City Hall. Implement Lanpeed IT support services. Implement Firehouse Enterprise incident reporting software upgrade for FCFA. Complete Far nics P werSave software instarllarti n on the City network, and implement power s aving policy and reporting to support the energy saving project. Establish dedicated broadband access at the Police Dept. • Install firewall appliance at the Police Dept, and establish security policies. • Procure and install all F 1 -11 computer replacements for the City, and Police Depts. • Reinstall surplus computers as appropriate to retain the latest technology. • Test for MCSE certification. • Attend Microsoft Exchange (email) training to enhance the level o f administration and support t o the City. 4 Agenda Item II.a. Page 27 /pRROy ti INCORPORATE O �• 1^. * MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM C FORN P MID -YEAR July 1, 2010 - December 31.2010 FUND: GENERAL. FIND DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Mid-Year Accomplishments • Completed the Fiscal Year 2009-10 audit. • Completed the California Street Report arnd California Transportation Report. • Completed the State Controllers Report for the City and the Redevelopment Agency. • Completed the Statement o f Indebtedness for the Redevelopment Agency. • Prepared the City's third Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. • Prepared Continuing Disclosure statements for the Lopez bond and the RDA tarn allo bonds. • Prepared the GANN appropriation limit calculation. • Updated the City's investment policy. • Updated the City's Cost Allocation plan. • Completed the CJPIA underwriter's report, property insurance update, and criminal bond r • Calculated the assessments for the Landscape maintenance district, Grans Larne ass district and Parrkside assessment district. • Prepared the annual T A claim form. • Calculated the Fire GO Bond Tack levy. • Prepared the State Cops reporting forms. • Prepared the Prop 1B annual report. 2 Agenda Item II.a. Page 28 0 Completed the Public Safety — Maintenance f Effort report. 0 Updated the 2010 -11 Biennial Budget. Kev Issues/Work Efforts In-Progre Update the City's purchasing policy. 0 Update the financial section of the Administrative Policy Manual. Prepare the 2011 -12 & 2012 -13 Biennial Budget. Agenda Item II.a. Page 29 ,oX pFROYp C 9 F oxvonniE o i a+Y 10. ^" r MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM P ,4 /FOMN \ MID -YEAR July 1, 2010- December 31,2010 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIVISION: CHILDREN IN MOTION Mid -Year Accomplishments Children in (lotion completed a successful Summer Day r Camp once again at Ocean View Elementary School. Approximately 55 children daily attended and participated in a variety of activities including: 26 field trips, 3 guest speakers, and theme based games, crafts, and special events. Three successful weeks of Winter Camp were completed at the Elm Street Community Center with an average daily attendance of 40 children_ The children had an opportunity to attend 5 field trips, and participate in a wide variety of crafts, special events and winter time festivities. The Program was combined with the Playground program to sage costs and reduce overstaffing. Implemented City Council recommendations and formed a volunteer parent group called "Friends of Children in Motion". Current membership has over 50 members and the email contact list of parents is helpful in spreading information about upcoming events and enrichment classes. Implementing City Council recommendations, mendations, staff began a series of successful enrichment classes at Ocean View Elementary School including Music, Robotics, s, and a winter crafts class. Implemented fund raising strategies and cosponsored a BBQ fundraiser with the Lions Club which raised $2000.00. All necessary staff have attended CaIJPIA seminars, which included: Harassment, Blood Borne Pathogens, and fire extinguisher training. 27 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 30 Key IssuesMork Efforts In-Procires • Staff has begun the summer day camp planning process. • All necessary staff will be completing re-certification of First Aid and CPR in April, which will last two gears this time. • Staff is currently completing an examination of children's files for completeness and will be distributing any missing paperwork to parents in (larch with proper documentation t stay in compliance with licensing rules and regulations. • Staff continues to look for gays to reduce the City's subsidy of the program, while maintaining a high level of quality childcare. • The program plans to continue enrichment classes during the spring and has taken parent suggestions to try and offer even more classes. • Continue fundraising strategies. W Agenda Item 11.a. Page 31 �pRRO � yO c 9 � prop � E MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM C, 'QFORM� P MID -YEAR Juiv 1. 2010 - December 31.2070 FUND: GENERAL FUND D EPARTMENT: RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIVISION: GENERAL RECREATION Mid -Year Accomplishments Conducted the Summer Playground Program at Elan Street Parry with an average f g children participating daily. Conducted 17 field trips to local businesses. Conducted Winter Break Program at Elm Street Park with an average of 25 children participating daily. The City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club Community Center has frosted 328 groups totaling nearly 11 ,000 participants. The Elm Street Community Center has hosted 289 groups and approximately 7,887 participants. Key lee ues[W roc Efforts I n -Prq ress 0 All staff will complete or re-certify i n CPR and First Aid training thi Spring. * Scheduling activities for the Spring Playground Program. 29 Agenda Item II.a. Page 32 RO INCORPORATED JUL 1 0. 1 911 � F MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM dJ I BSI fie\ 7 FUND: J u ly 1, 2010 - December 37, 2010 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIVISION. RECREATION PROGRAM: f EC E ATI N ADMINISTRATION Mid -fear Accomplishments 0 Completed ADA upgrades to the Elan St. Community Center. 0 Coordinated projects with Arroyo Grande In Bloom and Tree Guild o Arroyo Grande. 0 Coordinated Harvest Festival events with the Harvest Festival Organizing Committee. 0 Completed and distributed the fall and the Winter /Spring Activity Guides. 0 Coordinated and - sponsored the 2010 summer Concert series he VIA. 0 Completed installation of new fencing around pond one. 0 Coordinated continuing improvements to the dog park. 0 Implemented CIM Subcommittee and City Council recommendations for CIM. 0 Completed Bingo Ordinance. 0 Helped coordinate energy retrofit projects. Key IssuesfWork Efforts In- Progress 0 Implement Recreation Division reorganization. 0 Coordinate the 2011 Summer Concert series he VIA. 0 Install centralized irrigation system. 0 Lighting of Don Roberts Field. 0 Complete the tree inventory. 0 Complete energy retrofit projects. Complete Centennial Park project. Agenda Item II.a. Page 33 MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID -YEAR July 1.2010 - December 31, 2010 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION EATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIVISION: SPECIAL PROGRAMS Mid -Year Accomplishments: • Held ar Summer Carnival on August 6 with 115 children participating. • Conducted the Holiday Decorating Contest for business and residences. • ported with the Arroyo Grande Lions Club and Hancock College Cross Country team to organize the 33r Annual Turley Trot Fun Run with 211 participants. • Organized Harvest Festival Activities including the Diaper Derby and Chili -Felt. • The Parent's Night Out program ran successfully this fall with an average of 1 children participating on the first Friday of each month. • The Preschool and Children In Motion p rograms participated in the Annual Holiday Parade in the pillage on Sunday, November 2 t �', • Organized a variety of youth and adult contract classes including art, personal organization, singing, soccer, tennis, ba dog obedience and babyitting. • Completed the Summer Softball League with 60 teams. • Completed Summer and Fall Adult Basketball Leagues with 32 teams. # e Kev Issues/Work Efforts In- Progress • The depa rtment is planning the Volunteer Banq uet, a nd the An Egg Hunt and Festival. • Organize and conduct the fourth Wrestling Program. • Organize and conduct the Pinter /Spring Adult B asketball League. • Organize and conduct the Spring Adult Softball League. 31 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 34 �paROr JULY 10, 1911 °P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM 41F It P MID -YEAR July 1. 2010 - December 31, FUND: GENEFAL FUND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIVISION: PRE-SCHOOL Aid -Year Accomplishments Conducted the Summer Pre - School Program with an average of 22 children participating in two three week sessions. The Fall Pre - School Program operated with 78 students. Took '1 preschoolers on a field --trip to Holloway's Tree Farm In December. g preschoolers and Children In Motion students participated in the Holiday Parade In the Village o Arroyo Grande. Key Issues/Work Efforts In-Proa 0 All staff will complete o re-certify in CPR and First Aid training in spring. Agenda Item II.a. Page 35 INCORPORATED *XJVLY 10, 1911,1 o % MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID -YEAR July 1, 2010 — December 31.2010 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE ANCE SERVICES DIVISION: PARIS MAINTENANCE Mid -Year Aorni3lishrnents 0 Worked with Street Maintenance Division to trim trees along City truck routes. Worked with various volunteer groups, including Arroyo Grande in Bloom, Arroyo Grande Tree Guild, Salmon Enhancement, and the Five Cities Dog Park Association on special projects. Mounted special event banners and street light banners for various V illage events and activities, including Strawberry Festival, Harvest Festival and the Centennial. Staff assisted with various volunteer projects throughout the City, including Creek Ivy Removal Project by volunteers of the Central Coast Salmon Enhancement and National Make a Difference Day, which included many volunteers that worked on projects coordinated by Arroyo Grande in Bloom. Assisted with Summer Carnival, Harvest Festival, and Halloween Carnival and Turkey Trot activities, Soto Sports Complex - Cops 'N Kids Day and Rotary Bandstand Concerts for the V illage Bummer Concert Series. e Assumed exterior and interior maintenance of the Farm Credit Building. 0 Christmas decorations were placed throughout the City. 0 Continued implementation of City grater saving proced 33 Agenda Item II.a. Page 36 Rewired the light poles at the Theis /K i l r Tennis Courts to mediate electrical problems. 0 Turf renovations at the Soto Sports Complex have been started. Assisted with renovation of the large dog area. Repaired underground electrical shorts in valve wires for Porter Field at the Soto Sports Complex. Re moved the heating /air conditioning unit from the Building Dept roof top and installed it at the Police Station. - the air conditioning unit for the se rver room at Council Chambers was replaced. Roof and building leak repairs at the Police Station. Key Issues / Work Efforts In Progress 0 Complete pruning of City trees on City truck routes. Completion of annual tree pruning program citywide. Define Criteria For Determining Ownership C.F.D. . for City Owned Trees ors. Privately Owned Trees. Assume maintenance responsibilities for the Grace Lane landscape im Agenda Item II.a. Page 37 /pRROyp �d c M1 INCORPORATED * MY 10. 1911 . MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM 0 41 IroaN� MID -YEAR Julyl,2010 - December 31,2010 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES DIVISION: SOTO SOT SPORTS TS C PLE Mich -Year Accomplishment Prepped fields and provided maintenance for adult softball Babe Ruth Baseball, Adult Baseball, the Little League and Sober Softball tournaments, and two AYS soccer camps. 0 Repaired banks and renovated and h dr seeded lkedallolunteer Fields. Replaced ballasts in tennis court lights. 0 Performed o ver 1 25 field preparations for softball, soccer and football games. Key Issues / W Efforts In Progress Complete renovations to Pilg, Campbell, Porter, Don Roberts and Santos infield and turf areas. Coordinate with youth sports groups to repair scorekeeper's booth on Campbell Field. 35 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 38 /pRROy� F O` C I NCORPORATE 9 � J 1�• � MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM P IF OR MID -YEAR JuIv 1.2010 - December 31.2010 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES D IVISION: N: CITIES YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE Mid-Year Accomolishment 0 Registered 112 teams with 9000 participants. 0 Coordinated with Nipomo Recreation for game scheduling to include an additional 16 team with 120 players. Prepared game schedules for the league season (660 games). • Recruited, ruited, trained and assigned 52 volunteer referees. Collected $64,900 in fees. Completed teem and individual photos. Completed the first 265 games of the season including daily preparation of score s hee ts . Kev Issues Work Efforts In P rog ress • Preparation of the end of the season tournament schedule for 210 games. Distributing photo packets and sponsor plaques. Continuing preparation of referee schedules. Preparation for tournament finals and awards c eremony. 36 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 39 �PpROyp INC ORPORATE o + JULY 10, ^11 + MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID -YEAR Julvl,2010 - December31,2010 FUND: GENERAL F ND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIVISION: GOVERNMENT UILDI GS Mid-Year Accomplishments * Completion o 2 + work rd rs for service to various City facilities. * Performed roof repair at the Elm Street Community Center. Performed maintenance of various City air conditioners. Completed plumbing and electrical repairs at various City buildings. Trained part-time u st dian. Removed the heating/air conditioning unit from the Building Dept roof top and installed it at the Police Station. Twice replaced the air conditioning unit for the server room at Council Chambers. Key IssuesMork Efforts Ian- Progress * Continue coordination of floor and carpet cleaning. * Continue improvements to the new City Hall, including carpeting and flooring installation. Complete improvements to the old City Hall to prepare the new tenant. Agenda Item II.a. Page 40 Roy INCORPORATED i MW JULY 10, 1911 MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM 'r _ _. f MID -YEAR July 1, 2010 - December 31.2010 FIND: GENERAL FIND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIVISION: N: AUT M TIVE SHOP Mid -Year Accomplishments 0 At Mid-Year, the Automotive Shop has carried out the following services: Services Oube, oil, filter, safety insp. 140 Tune Up (scope, spark plugs, rotor, cap General (mechanical i.e., pumps, cables) 2 Electric (starter, alternator, wiring) 4 Brake Repair 32 Warranty Repair 42 Transmission Service and Repair 1 Tire Services (replacing, mount & balance) Tire Repair Pre Trip Check Smog Certificates 1 Fuel Island Maintenance 2 Fleet Retrofitting per ARB requirements & regulations 4 Key Issues / Work Efforts In Pro Biennial Inspection of Terminal (BIT) as per the State of California and California Highway Patrol. 0 Continue to maintain the City fleet at a high level of reliability and safety. 0 Annual Underground Storage Tank Inspections. 0 Maintenance on new card & key fuel dispenser. 0 Vehicle & equipment retrofit for diesel particulate matter control. W Agenda Item 11.a. Page 41 /pRR0y 0 JULY 10. * MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM P ,4 /F Oft N� MID -YEAR July 1,, 2010 - December 3 FUND: GENEF AL FIJ I D EPARTMENT: IT: F EC EATIO AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES D IVISION: STREETS Mid-Year Accomp lishments • 28 Concrete Replacement ement projects. • Completed annual cleaning of Tally Ho and Meadow Creels. • Continued with asphalt grinding and paving of city roads 1 2,000 sq. ft.). Key Issues i Work Efforts Ingress • Continuing with concrete replacement. • Asphalt grinding & repairs to roads. • Annual sign program. • Painting red curbs, sign poles, and pavement markings citywide. • Bi annual stripping of the City. 3 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 42 � pRROYp � c 9 * NCopP MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM c441 ORN MID -YEAR July 1., 2010 - December 31. 2010 FIND: SEWER FUND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIVISION: UTILITIES I SEWER MAINTENANCE Mid-Year Accomplishments • Completed Problem Sever Main Cleaning Program. • Foot foamed sever mains on Eman Court, Todd Lane, and South Halcyon Road. Completed the quarterly cleaning of lift stations 1-7. Continued the Fats, Oils & Grease (FOG) Program with inspections of commercial businesses. Replaced ed sever manhole at Bell Street and Bennett Avenue. Key Issues /W Efforts In Progress 0 Pretreatment Program. 0 Lift Station No. 3 replacement. 4 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 43 ROy c p INCORPORATE() 7 m " ULY 10. 1911 • MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM c � 4 iroaH v MID -YEAR JuIv1,2010 - December31,2010 FUND: WATER FUND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIVISION: WATER A I IINISTF A1 N Mid -Year Accomplishments Completed 149 Service Requests. Completed 419 Service Orders & Close. Completed 148 USA Marking requests. A total of gg single family homes, 7 mobile home, 3 apartment knits, and 2 commercial establishments were retrofitted with low-flow toilets/fixtures. Received eived letter of acceptance of the 2005 Urban Water Management Plan from the Department of Water Resour Kev Issues i Work Efforts In Progress Phase II of the Water Conservation Program. Water Conservation Ordinance Revision. Northern Cities Management Area Projects /Meetings. Zone III Projects/Meetings. Plumbing Retrofit Program Phase I. 41 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 44 � p0.ROy� A. p4 C,P INCORPORATEO �. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM C, �ULY 10, 1911 ,,(/F oft M� MID -YEAR J u Iv 1.. 2070 - December 37.2010 FUND: WATER FUND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIVISION: UTILITIES I WATER DISTRIBUTION I li 7Year AccomM ishments Replaced ed six old water services c itywide. Repaired four 4 water services city Re pla c ed two 2 water main Valves. Repla three 3 fire hydrants after being damaged and kn off. Installed new propane fueled stand -by generator for the Corporation Yard. Replaced ed ter 2 Pressure Tanks at Miller Way Booster Station. Repla one 1 pump /motor at Vista Del Mar booster station. Installed two 2 new water services. Key Issu I Work Efforts In P ru rsss Complete Reservoir No. 6 /Oro Booster CIP. Valve Exercise Program. Air a uurn halve Maintenance a Program. 4 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 45 IoM P arcov e � 9 7. "o MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM 41 Oft MID -YEAR Julvl.2010 - December 37.2010 FUND: WATER FUND DEPARTMENT: RECREATION EATI N AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIVISION: UTILITIES / WATER PRODUCTION Mid -Year A • Pumped a total o f 332 acre -feet o well water Jul} V t through December 31". • Rewound and the electric motor to 1lell No. 5. 0 Installed new chlorine analyzers at Well's 1-8 and Well g. Ivey Issues / W Efforts In Progress 0 Completion of Well No. 10 CIP. 0 Well #11 Ea ementNVater Fights. 43 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 46 o` pAROYp , INCORPORATE MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM JULY 10. 1911 C,4( F Oft N� MID -YEAR Julyl,2010 - December 31.2010 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: POLICE Mid -Year Accomplishment Response nse Times - During this time period, Police Department response times for Priority 1 calls averaged 2 minute and 14 seconds. Priority 2 calls averaged 3 minutes and 21 seconds. The reported national average is 8 minutes. Calls for Service - Calls for service in this time period decreased by 2.3% over 2009. o Arrests - Arrests in this time period decreased by 19% over 2009. Unity Team Program — Introduced a new employee engagement program that assigns issues facing the department down n t the team level for discussions and input. This approach encourages dialogue and feedback. Performance Evaluation C mmi tee - Established a committee to begin work on improving the evaluation process in order to identify both depa r - tment and peer standards. Neighborhood Services Technician - Collaborated with Community Development staff to identify a shared position between both departments. The new field position, Neighborhood Services Technician, is a blend of Parking Enforcement and Code Enforcement. Both ar detailed job description and recruitment c ampaign was initiated. O peration Medicine Cabinet - Joined the nation-wide effort of the safe disposal of prescription drugs. A drop box was installed in the Police Department lobby and 44 Agenda Item II.a. Page 47 on the first day more than 39 pounds of drugs were recovered — the third highest amount county - pride. Use of Force Pursuit Tracking in - Introduced contemporary use o force and Pursuit trying forms along with directives addressing supervisory and management oversight. Promotional Hiring Process - Promoted new sergeant Dan Langstaff and hired new Police Off i ce r Jeffery C rr 1. Tow Contract Revenue - The first revenue reports o n the new tow contract administrative fee program produces over $10,000 for the calendar year. Voice Recognition S ftw re - Introduced a pilot program in Investigations to reduce report writing time. Centennial Celebration - Began WOTk on the city -guide committee for the Centennial Celebration. Police representatives are assigned to work on both public safety and community issues. Grants - successfully managed the county -wide $450,000 "Avoid the 14" Office of Traffic safety DUI Grant. Coordinated four county-wide checkpoints. ints. DUI Command Trailer - Took delivery of a 24' customized DUI Checkpoint int Command trailer funded by the DUI grant. The trailer and support lighting is valued a more than $35,000 and transfers to the City at no cost upon completion of the grant program. Canine Program - Completed the community based fundraising efforts that resulted in nearly $5 0,000 raised for the canine program. The canines were obtained and completed their basic training and were put into service. Special Events - Managed public safety efforts at Harvest Festival; Arroyo Grande Valley Car Club Show; Halloween in the pillage and the Christmas P Traffic safety - Introduced a selective enforcement traffic safety program focusing on motorists who fail to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. Future enforcement programs w ill be aimed at distracted driving, red light violations and speed. Cops and Rids - Hosted and participated in the 17 th Annual Cops and Rids Field Day in Soto Pry. This county -guide event was attended by more than 500 children. Investigations - In response to call regarding a domestic dispute at a local motel, officers uncovered a major burglary ring that was operating throughout the Agenda Item II.a. Page 48 county. Two stolen U -Haul truck were recovered along with stolen property housed in storage facilities. Both suspects were arrested and c harged. Investigations - Uncovered and solved a high profile illegal video surveillance incident at the Arroyo Grande Chili's Restaurant. The suspect, an employee, was identified and arrested. Investigations - In response to a call regarding a domestic dispute, officers identified the male party as a parolee. A canine search of the resid resulted in the recovery o 24.2 grams of methamphetamine and the arrest o the male subject. .Key Issues / Work Efforts In Pro-gross Upgrade 911 Systems - The department is continuing to upgrade the 911 emergency communications system through state funding. A new server and software was installed. The new "Viper System" is one o f the most sophisticated 911 systems currently on the market. Mobile Data Terminals - The department is continuing to develop the potential of mobile data terminals in all patrol vehicles. - rhe project is scheduled to e funded through the existing COPS program funds. Staff is coordinating efforts with the City o Grover B each and Pismo Beach Police Departments in order to insure interperaility. Hideo Surveillance - "Operation Blue Watch" is currently being developed as a pilot program through a combination o grant funding and the general fund. The design pease of the project is complete and implementation phases are scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2011. 11e site Expansion - The department is continuing the process o f expanding the ire site to include neighborhood crime report mapping capabilities. Consolidation — Developing cost estimates for consolidation of Police services with the City o f Grover Beach. Continue work on the new Police Facility project. 6 Agenda Item II.a. Page 49 / * MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM IFOR� MID -YEAR Julyl - December3l,2010 FUND: GE NE AL FUN DEPARTMENT: T: coMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Mild- • Processed through approval the Shops at Short Street Project and associated agreements and Conditional Use Permits for Grace Church and Chase Bank. Processed Courtland and E. Grand Commercial project, the People's Self Help Project, and Alder Street subdivision including revisions and associated environmental studies. • Processed Development Code Amendments to rezone properties on North Elm to Gateway Mined Use and properties o Branch Mill Road to Rural Residential; ntial; t define density for infill subdivisions in Multi - family Residential districts and allowed uses in the Public Facilities district. Processed through approval three lot line adjustments one variance, 1 appeal ten miner use permits, twelve temporary use permits including festival events, three sign permits including one planned sign program and eleven Home Occupation permits. • Met monthly with Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group consisting of neighboring jurisdictions on groundwater pumping reductions and water availability alternatives and administered associated agreements. Met with Arroyo Grande Watershed MOLD stakeholder group to prioritize watershed projects. Continued general administration of the Community Development Block Grant program including conducting workshops for applicants. 4 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 50 • Awarded a contract for a Historic Context Studer, limited Historic Resource Survey and Mills Act consultation and received draft study for the Historic Context Assessment. • Participate in the San Luis Obispo Counter GIS laser Group. • Administered Inclusionary Housing programs for City units and attended month i Housing Trust Commission meetings. • Participate in the regional Greenhouse Gas Stakeholders, San Luis Energy Watch Partnership and SLO Greenbuild groups. • Attended monthly regional Partner's in hater Quality and Partner's in Water Conservation meetings. • Implemented the Water Conservation /Landscape Irrigation Water Audit reporting system and developed two projects to implement water savings at Wildwood Ranch and Five Cities Center. 0 Prepared files for digital scanning. • Key issues /Work Efforts In Pro ress * Housing Element and General Plan update. • Interim and longterm growth potential for the Fredric 's and Williams' property. Development Code update portions of code necessary for consistency with General Plan. 0 Complete Village Core assessment of historic structures. Process project applications including Mason Street Market and Courtland and E. Grand Ave. commercial project. Signs, events and process for road closures and special events development code updates. 0 Update of water neutralization fees. 0 Community Development Block Grant Program changes. 0 Implement Citizen Serve software project tracking. 0 Conservation and drainage easements for the Clark property at Printz Road. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 51 * Develop plan for James Way Open Space trail connection. Streamline permit and regulatory processes for new businesses. Continue design and processing for the Le Point St. parking expansion. 0 Assist with alternatives for a new Police Station facility. Prepare the City's Landscape Ordinance in accordance with new state requirements. Prepare the update to the City's Bike Plan. 4 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 52 ,oHpNROYp C•4 o MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM M .uir ia, 1e11 � C'4 /FORN P MID -YEAR Julyt,2010 - December3l.2010 FUND: GENEF AL FUN D EPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DE DIVISION: BUILDING AND LIFE SAFETY Mid -Year Accomplishments Adopted 2011 California- Building codes including the new California Residential code and California Green Building code as amended to fit our local conditions and for consistency with neighboring jurisdictions. Implemented citi enserve software comprehensive permitting software that provides remote inspection tracking and create real time inspection results, and enables streamlined permit tracking and better accounting o f permit & development impact fees. Continued to implement street file scanning project and reorganized document system. Completed the second year o the Multi-dwelling Inspection Program (apartments). Plan review has maintained a maxi 2 -week tu around. Maintained same -day inspection if called in the morning before a certain time. Major projects that have been completed are: - Three of the attached single - family homes adjacent to the Arroyo Grande Community Hospital on Fair Oaks Ave. have gotten their final inspection and o ccupancy granted. Four permits were issued for the affordable homes at the Grace Lane project. Issued three permits for single family residential homes and completed and allowed occupancy of two new secondary dwelling units. Agenda Item II.a. Page 53 Key Issues 1 Work Efforts In Progress 0 Expand interactive remote inspection through use of smart phone devices. Citizen Serve software implementation ent tin for code enforcement planning and maintenance service. 0 Training for the 2011 Ca iif rn ia Building Code. 0 Permitting and inspection for projected projects. 0 Fire Marshal certification. Process, track and record code enforcement cases in coordination with Police Department Neighborhood Services Officer. 1 Agenda Item II.a. Page 54 �pRROyp � c P RPORATE e • ,u• 10 1011 » MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM C,4 MID -YEAR J u ly 1, 2010 - December 31.2010 FUND: GENERAL FUND D EPARTMENT: COMMUNITY IMIAUNIT E EL PM TENT DIVISION: ENGINEERING SERVICES Mid-Year Accomplishme Processed and inspected 30 encroachment permits for w within the City right- o f - way. Presented the proposed development at the s corner of the Cortland Avenue and East Grand Avenue intersection to the Traffic Commission. Started the review of departmental documentation in accordance with the City's archive policy. Managed numerous construction contracts for the new City Hall and coordinated relocation efforts to the new City Hall building. Performed a regulatory update to the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise pr Inspected roadway bridges spanning over Arroyo Grande Creek to assess the current condition o abutment scouring. Developed and submitted a regulatory update to report the analysis. 0 Updated the City's Pavement Management Program Completed Purpose and bleed, traffic analyses and obtained Caltrans agreement to include R Drive Alternative for the Brisco Interchange project. Designed the Newsom m Springs Drainage Stone Culvert project and constructed interim project until dry weather. 2 Agenda Item II.a. Page 55 Received approval and funding allocation for the El Canino Real rehabilitation project including bicycle lane striping, on-street parking impacts, and proposed park- and -ride expansion at Halcyon Road. Represented ented the Engineering Group at twice monthly SAC meetings. Participated In the processing and approval process o f the following significant projects: - Shops at Short Street - Ccurtland and Grand - People} Self -Help Housing - pillage Walk Le Point Street Parking Provided plan checking and coordination on the following projects: CA Animal Hospital PETC - I n -i -Out - Tract 2236 - Grace Lane - Tract 2964 — Pike and Elm - The Shops at Short Street Arroyo Grande Hospital E Processed Lot Line Adj ustments 10-00 1 and 10-002, Developed and chaired the City Storm grater Management Plan ( MP Committee. Pre pared the Illicit Discharge, Construction Site Control and Post Construction Stour water Control portions of the SWAP Annual Report. Represented the City at monthly meetings of the Countywide Hydremodification Technical Advisory Committee. 0 Attended Countywide Low Impact Development Training Sessions. 0 Prepared a draft report describing the operation of the Soto Drainage Basin Complex. Kev Issues ! Work Eff In Progress • Continue Implementation of Storm grater (Management Plan including new code update and required reporting requirements. • Water (Master Plan and Sewer (Master Plan updates. • City traffic model and Traffic Impact Study Policy. �3 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 56 Plan for pedestrian path on Hillrst Drier. 0 NP ES and storm water inspection and erosion control training program. Newsom Springs Phase II drainage improvements grants. Colinas & V Lai Barran ca drainage improvements. Construction f the stone Culvert project. 5 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 57 /p0.ROy� h � c 9 • ^^�� ° C °^ + MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM ' � /FORN MID -YEAR Julyl.2010 - December 31,,2010 FUND: GENEF AL FUN D EPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - ENGINEERING ING DIVISION: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Mid -Year Accomplishment • Awarded contract for the design and installation of fire sprinklers, and tenant improvements for the City Hall Reloc project. • Completed design o f the Centennial Park project. • Completed construction o the Porter Field Backstop Repl project. • Completed construction of the Elm Street Community Center ADA Retrofit fit Ph e I project. • Completed design of the El Camino Re retaining wall, rehabilitation, and waterline installation projects. • Awarded a construction contract for the Elm Street Ash Street Sidewalks and Bicycle Lane Festriing project. • Completed resurfacing o streets in the vicinity of Arroyo Grande High School project: Orchard Street, West Cherry, Arroyo Avenue and P i Ig r m Icy. • Completed construction of the West Branch Street overlay project. • Completed construction o the Tally Ho Sidewalks project. • Completed construction o the Pe rw cd Avenue reconstruction project. • Completed construction of the Myrtle Street Rehabilitation project. • Completed construction o the Newsom Spring stone culvert drainage improvement connection project. • Completed construction of the Soto Pond Fence Replacement cement project. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 58 Awarded a consultant services agreement for the design of the Lift Station N. 3 Rehabilitation project. • Completed design of the Reservoir it N . 6 and Oro Booster Station Upgrade projects. • Awarded a construction contract for the Well No. 10, Phase II project. • Awarded a consultant services contract for the Well No. 11 project. Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pro press • Initiate design of the net priority project for the Corporation lard Repairs project. • Complete design and construction of the Le Point Street Parking Lot Expansion project. • Complete construction of the Centennial Park project. • Complete the City Hall Relocation project. Continue with the City Hall Document Imaging project. • Complete construction of the Porter Field Backstop Replacement project. • Complete construction of the Elm Street Community Center A A Retrofit ft Phase I project. • Initiate design of the Ikeda Volunteer Field Lighting Upgrades project. • Develop a list of streets, advertise and award a construction contract for the 2011 Micr surfacing and Slurry Seal project in accordance with the Pavement Management recommendations. • Complete PA&ED for the Frisco Fad- Halcyon Road/Route 101 Interchange project. Advertise and award a construction contract for the El Camino Real retaining wall, rehabilitation, and waterline installation projects. • Complete design of the Castillo Del Mar Extension project. • Complete construction of the Short Street Narrowing project. • Award a consultant services contract for the Update of the W astewater and later Master Plan Updates projects. • Complete design of the Lift Station No. 3 Rehabilitation n project. • Complete construction of the Reservoir it N . 6 and Oro Booster Station Upgrade projects. • Complete construction of the Well No. 10, Phase 11 project. • Complete design of the Well N. 11 project. 5 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 59 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item I I.a. Page 60 RO A. INCOAP01RATED y 10 1911 Ct It . 1 0vt MEMORANDUM T: CITY COUNCIL FRONT: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE E SER ICES SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 11.a. — MARCH 22, 2011 CITY COUNCIL MEETING FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 MID YEAR BUDGET REPORT DAT E: IARC H 22,2011 When preparing the City's 2010 -11 Mid Year Budget report, staff neglected to include summary cf overtime costs a s requested by Mayor Pro Tem Flay. Below is a summary of the overtime paid from July 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010-D MID YEAR OVERTIME SUMMARY BY MONTH AND DEPARTMENT July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total Comm Dv - 1 - i - - 13 Police 17,354 22,175 19,356 20,956 19,538 20,606 119 ar. Fire 15,055 13,421 9,973 9,748 24,660 15fis4 8%542 Maint S vcs 789 1,044 1,277 2,632 1,775 4,748 12,264 Total 34,1 $ 36,653 30,606 33,336 45. 4 1,038 $221,804