Agenda Packet 2011-04-12Z C ity Coiuicil Tony Ferrara, Mayor /Chair Caren Ray, Mayor Pro Tem /Vice Chair Joe Costello, Council /Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council /Board Member Tim Brown, Council /Board Member d. Steven Adams, City Manager Timothy J. Carmel , City Attorney Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL /REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2011 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE 4. INVOCATION 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL /RDA BOARD BROWNIES TROOP 42320 PASTOR ROBERT BANKER OPEN DOOR CHURCH 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Honorary Proclamation Declarina April 2011 as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" 5.b. Honorary Proclamation Declaring April 10 — 16, 2011 as "National Public Safety Telecommunications Week" 5.c. Honorary Proclamation Declaring April 29, 2011 as Arbor Day 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY — APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period March 16 2011 through March 31, 2011. 8.b. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Special City Council meeting of March 22, 2011; the Regular City Council /Redevelopment Agency meeting of March 22 2011; and Special City Council meeting of March 24, 2011, as submitted. 8.c. Consideration of a Resolution Renamina Villaae Green Park as Centennial Park (PERRIN) Recommended Action: The Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council adopt a Resolution renaming Village Green Park, located at Short Street and Olohan Alley, to Centennial Park. AGENDA SUMMARY —APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) 8.d. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Refunding of Certain Obligations Secured by its Water Supply Contract with the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the refunding of certain obligations secured by its water supply contract with the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. 8.e. Consideration of a Consultant Contract Amendment with Wood Rodaers. Inc. for the Brisco Road - Halcyon Road /Route 101 Project Approval and Environmental Determination and Plans, Specifications and Estimates (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Approve Contract Amendment No. 6 with Wood Rodgers Inc., in a form approved by the City Attorney, to update environmental studies and continue preparation of the Project Approval and Environmental Determination, for the Brisco Road — Halcyon Road /Highway 101 Interchange Improvement Project, for an additional not -to- exceed amount of $487,662 for the PA &ED. 8.f Consideration to Implement the Stormwater Low Impact Development Program (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the City's continued participation in the joint effort project; 2) Authorize the use of the Interim Low Impact Development Guidelines and the SLO County Stormwater Quality Plan and Application; and 3) Direct staff to begin the implementation of an illicit discharge program by training staff to detect illicit discharges, contacting automotive services, and related businesses to advise them of appropriate BMPs in managing illicit discharges and placing illicit discharge reporting information on the City website. 8.g. Consideration of Transportation Planning Grant Application for Preparation of a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution authorizing a transportation planning grant application in the amount of $72,000 for preparation of a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 8.h. Consideration of Waiver of the Ar)Mication Fee for Conditional Use Permit 11- 002; Interim RTA/SCAT Parking and Storage Facility; 800 Rodeo Drive (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving a waiver of the planning application fee for Conditional Use Permit 11 -002. 8.i. Consideration to Aaarove First Amendment to Aareement for Consultant Services with Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. for the Housing Element Update (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Approve First Amendment to Agreement for Consultant Services with Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc.; and 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Amendment. AGENDA SUMMARY —APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 4 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) 8.j. Consideration of an Agreement with Water Systems Consulting, Inc. for Updates to the Water and Sewer Master Plans (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Approve a Consultant Services Agreement with Water Systems Consulting, Inc. in the amount of $99,495 for updates to the Water and Sewer Master Plans; 2) Authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with Water System Consulting Inc.; and 3) Appropriate $21,733 from the Water Fund and $19,733 from the Sewer Fund into the Water and Sewer Master Plan project. 8.k. Consideration of a Third Amendment to the Agreement with Dyer Engineering for the Le Point Street Improvements and Parking Lot Expansion Project, PW 2011 -02 (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Approve a Third Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services with Dyer Engineering to increase the "not to exceed" amount by $18,800 to provide construction survey staking and construction support services for the Le Point Street Improvements and Parking Lot Expansion Project; 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Amendment; 3) Make the following amendments to restore the original budgeted funds: appropriate $134,000 from the Transportation Facility Fund towards the Le Point Street widening improvements, $5,000 from the Water Fund for the installation of a water line by City forces, $155,820 from the Downtown Parking Funds for the Le Point Street Improvements, and return $168,789 to Police Building Project and $151,211 to Redevelopment Fund; and 4) Appropriate an additional $13,000 from the Downtown Parking Fund. 8.1. Consideration of Acceatance for the Base Bid of the Tenant Improvements at 300 East Branch Street, Project PW 2010 -12 (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the Base Bid project improvements, as constructed by Nick. E. Pokrajac, Inc. in accordance with the plans and specifications for the tenant Improvements at 300 East Branch Street. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Consideration to Adopt a Resolution Denvina Appeal to Citv Council Case No. 11 -001, and Approving Administrative Sign Permit 10 -017 with a Condition of Approval Not To Allow Petco Sign Panel on Existing Five Cities Center Tower Sian (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Continue to a date certain of April 26, 2011 consideration of appeal for Case No. 11 -001, as requested by the applicant in order to allow an alternative sign plan to be prepared, as well as to allow the applicant's representative to attend. AGENDA SUMMARY —APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 5 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS (cont' d) 9.b. Consideration of Purchase and Sale, Financing and Leaseback Agreement Between the City and Redevelopment Agency for the Existing Police Building Property, A Proposed Funding Agreement Between the City and Redevelopment Agency for the Agency Funding of Architectural Services for the Police Building Project, and First Amendment to the Architectural Services Agreement with BFGC Architects for the Police Building Project [CC /RDA] (ADAMS) Recommended Action: It is recommended: 1) the City Council adopt a Resolution approving a Purchase and Sale, Financing and Leaseback Agreement with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande for the Agency's purchase of City -owned property for future affordable housing purposes and including, as part of the Agreement, a financing agreement for a City loan to the Redevelopment Agency to assist in funding the Agency's acquisition, and a lease by and between the Agency, as landlord, and the City, as a tenant, for the continued use of the property as the City's Police Station for up to five years or until the property is vacated and thereby available for use for an affordable housing project, and making the findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445 in connection with the foregoing transaction; 2) the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors adopt a Resolution approving the Purchase and Sale, Financing and Leaseback Agreement with the City as identified in the foregoing clause; 3) the City Council approve an amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with BFGC Architects for the Police Building project in a form approved by the City Attorney; 4) the City Council adopt a Resolution making necessary findings to approve a Funding Agreement between the City and Agency to utilize Redevelopment Agency funds for this purpose; and 5) the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors adopt a Resolution making necessary findings to approve a Funding Agreement between the City and Agency to utilize Redevelopment Agency funds for this purpose. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Consideration of Chanaes to Reaulations Reaardina Temaorary Banners and Signs (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Direct staff to prepare an Ordinance making the proposed changes to regulations regarding temporary banners and signs for Planning Commission and City Council consideration. 11. NEW BUSINESS: None. AGENDA SUMMARY —APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 6 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and /or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. None. 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and /or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence /Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence /Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability - related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805 - 473 -5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arroyogrande.org * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo- span.org. -E CITY OF .MMO Rve LIFORI WHEREAS, sexual assault impacts women, children, and men of all racial, cultural, and economic backgrounds, and WHEREAS, no one person, organization, agency or community can eliminate sexual assault on their own—we must work together to educate our entire population about what can be done to prevent sexual assault, support victim survivors and their significant others, and increase support for agencies providing services to victimstsurvivors; and WHEREAS, Sexual Assault Awareness Month is meant to encourage public education that leads to full public competence in speaking out against sexual violence; and WHEREAS, E S, the City of Arroyo Grande supports the dedicated efforts of the Sexual Assault Recovery Prevention Center of San Luis Obispo County to encourage every citizen to actively engage in public and private efforts to end sexual violence. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Tony Ferrara, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim April, 2011 as "SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH"". IN FITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 12 day of April 2011. TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ,go NCORPORATED 0 M r JULY 10. 1911} 1 0 Agenda Item 5.a. Page 1 Honorary Proclamation Declaring April 2011 as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 5.a. Page 2 4 Nk 0 CITY OF LIFORI Honorary Proclamation Recognizing the week of April 1 --- 16, 2011 as `National Public Safety Telecommunications Week'. WHEREAS, Public Safety Dispatchers are dedicated to preserving the safety of the citizens of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, emergencies can occur anytime requiring a prompt response from Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Services; and WHEREAS,, Public Safety Dispatchers are the first and therefore most critical contact the citizens of Arroyo Grande have with Emergency Services; and WHEREAS, EA , Public Safety Dispatchers are the single vital link for our Police Officers, Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services by monitoring their radio activities while updating them with information and insuring their safety; and WHEREAS, Public Safety Dispatchers for the City of Arroyo Grande have contributed substantially to the apprehension of criminals, suppression of fires and treatment of patients; and WHEREAS, , the United States Congress in 1331 set aside the second week in April of each year to recognize public safety telecommunicators who aid in providing 3 -1 -1 emergency assistance to citizens everywhere. NOW, THEREFORE, E, BE IT RESOLVED OLVED that I Tong Ferrara, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council in recognition of the dedication, loyalty and professionalism exhibited by Arroyo Grande Public Safety Dispatchers, do hereby proclaim the week of April 1 — 16, 2011 as "National Public Safety Telecommunication Week ". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 12 day of April 2011. Tony Ferrara, Mayor RY INCORPORATED JULY 11o, 119111 1F Agenda Item 5.b. Page 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 5.b. Page 2 L 1 F O R 1 Honorary Proclamation Recognizing Arbor Day April 29, 2011 WHEREAS, in 1872 J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees; and WHEREAS, this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska; and WHEREAS, 2011 is the 139 Anniversary of Arbor Day, and it is now observed throughout the nation and the world; and WHEREAS, trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and coding costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce life-giving oxygen, and provide habitat for wildlife; and WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes fuel for our fires, and countless other wood products, increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business areas, beautify our community, and trees, whenever they are planted are a source of joy and spiritial renewal; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has been recognized as a Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day Foundation for the 29 consecutive year and desires to continue its tree - planting ways. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Tony Ferrara, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behaff of the City Council, do hereby recognize and proclaim April 28 as OARBO DAY" in the City of Arroyo Grande, and urge all citizens to celebrate "ARBOR DAY" and to support efforts to cane for our trees and woodlands and to su pport our City's community forestry program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, OLVED, that all citizens are urged to punt a tree to gladden the heart and promote the well -being of this and future generations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set :any hand and caused the 0,1ro Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 12 th day of April 2011 INCORPORATE r JULY 10. 1911 TONY FE RARA, MAYOR ' � CITY OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 5.c. Page 2 r iNCORPORATE aRRoya � 9 JULY 10, 19 All F 0 ft ft MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA K AETSCH, DIRECTOR F F ADMINISTRATIVE ATIVE SERVICE Y: TF I C IA M EYE RS, SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION F CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION I DATE: APRIL 12, 2011 RECO MMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period March 16 through March 31, 2011. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is a 1 000,776.83 fiscal impact that includes the following items: • Accounts Parable Checks 149080-149354 $ 544 • Pa Checks & Benefit Checks $ 456,525.1 B ACKG ROUND : Cash disbursements are made weekly based o the submission of all required documents supporting the invoices submitted for payment. Prior to payment, Administrative Services staff reviews all disbursement documents to ensure that they meet the approval requirements adopted in the Municipal Code and the City's Purchasing Policies and Procedur Manual of February 2000. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual o p e rati o ns during the period. The disbursements are accounted for in the FY 2010-11 budget. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staffs recommend • Do not approve staff s recommendation; • Provide direction to staff. Agenda Item 8.a. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 2 ADVANTAGES: • The Administrative Services Department monitors payment of invoices for accountability, accuracy and completeness using standards approved by the Council. • Invoices are paid in a timely manner to establish good gill with merchants. • Discounts are taken where applicable. DISADVANTAGES; No disadvantages have been identified as long as City Council confirms all expenditures are appropriate. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: : No environmental revie w is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: MENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, April 7, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, April 8, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachments. 1. Mauch 16- March 31, 2011 — Accounts Payable Check Register 2. Mauch 25, 201 1 — Payroll Check & Benefit Checks Register Agenda Item 8.a. Page 2 ATTACHMENT I a pDkHi t Check History Listing Pale. 01/2011 :59AM CITY OF ARROYO NDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 149989 03/18/2011 004815 AIFAS VILEST INC 1931 351 02/2812011 E 019.4420.8288 36.79 149981 93118/2911 903817 A IEF IPRIDE UNIFORM SVGS V 93118/2011 149982 93/18/2011 003817 A I E F I P F I DE UNIFORM SVGS D c� c� CL 0 c� M 00 w� Page: I 36.79 36.79 9.99 9.99 9.99 1 51991 3201 92/22/2911 E 019.4429.8143 61.19 61.19 1500295788 92/98/2911 E 91 0.42 13.81 3 29.99 E 010-4213.5303 9.99 29.99 1500306565 02/22/2011 E 010.4213.8393 9.09 E 010.42 20.09 29.09 150029578A 02/08/2011 E 010.4420.5143 23.02 23.92 1500306561 02/22/2011 E 91 0.4420.51 3 23.02 23.02 1500290284 02/01/2011 E 919.4213.8393 20.28 20.25 1500301153 92/18/2911 E 019.4213.8393 20.28 29.28 Page: I pkHist C he c k History Listing Page: 04/01/2011 9:59AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Dante Vendor status ClearNoid Date Invoice i Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1500295781 0210812011 E 01 0.421 3.5303 19.50 1 1500306558 0212212011 E 010.4213.530 19.50 19-50 1500290290 0210112011 E 220.4303.5143 19.20 19.20 1500295783 0210812011 E 220.4303.5143 19.20 19.20 1500301160 02/15/2011 E 220.4303.5143 19.20 19.20 1 500306560 0212212011 E 220.4303.5143 19.20 1 9.20 1500290288 0210112011 E 010.421 3.5303 18-00 18.00 1500301158 02/15/2011 E 010.4213.5303 18.00 18.00 1 500290291 0210112011 E 010.4420.5143 17.02 17.02 1500301161 0211 512011 D E U I U. ""d- U. I " 17.02 17.02 CL 1500295777 0210012011 E 010.4213.530 3 17.00 1 7.00 c� M 00 -gh.iD Page: � M M ^ V ■ ice/ P a pCkHl t Che History Listing P a g e: 04 1 0 1/2011 M CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1500306554 0212212011 E 010.4213.5303 17.00 17.00 1500290292 0210112011 E 640.4712.51 43 15.00 15.00 1500295785 0210812011 E 640.4712.51 43 15-00 15.00 1500301162 0211 5/2011 E 640. 15-00 15-00 1500306562 0212212011 E 640.4712-5143 15-00 1 5-00 1500295787 0210812011 E 010.4305-5143 7.75 7.75 1500306564 0212212011 E 010.4305.5143 7. 25 7.25 1500290295 0210112011 E 010.4213.5143 6.00 6.00 1500301165 02/15/201 E 010.4213.5143 6.00 6.00 1500290289 0210112011 D E 612.4610.5143 6.00 6.00 CL 1500295782 0210812011 0 E 612.4610.5143 6.00 c� 6.00 � M M ^ V ■ ice/ P im c� c� MU M �3 c� c� 00 pCkH!st 0410112011 : 9AM Che History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 4 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1500301159 0211 512011 E 612.4610-5143 0.00 0.00 1500306559 0212212011 E 012.4010.5143 0.00 4 0 Y 1500290285 0210112011 E 010.4213.5303 5.00 5 ,00 1500301154 0211 512011 E 010.4213.5303 5.00 5. 00 1500290293 0210112011 E 010.44 3 0. 143 3.00 3.00 1500295786 0210812011 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 1500301163 0211 512011 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 1500306563 02/22/201 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 1500290294 0210112011 E 010.4305.5143 3.00 3.00 1500301164 02/15/2011 E 010.4305.5143 3.00 3.00 564.57 Page: 4 a pDkHi st Check History Listing P 6 04!0112011 9: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boar Check # Date Vendor Status lean/ old Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 149683 03118/2011 003175 AIWA- METRIC SALES 6636582 63191 12611 E 640.4712.6201 4 E 649.4712.5291 359.59 4,459.39 4,469.39 149084 03/16/2011 006633 ARROYO GRANDE )N BLOOM 415 62/2112611 E 916.4426.5595 89.83 89.83 89.83 149685 0311512911 006607 AT 2169466 6212512611 E 616.4145.5463 15.26 15,26 15.29 149686 6311812611 668369 B R EI EN AI MA 631611 6311 712611 E 616.4424.5352 186.69 189.96 186.99 149687 0311812611 690957 BERCHTOLD EQUIPMENT CO P 56186 6212512611 E 010.4430.5605 354.44 354.44 354.44 149085 0311812911 660678 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS 11992 9216812911 E 356,5433.7361 269.55 269,85 D 11475 12163/2619 t� E 619.4361,5255 17.67 17.67 11684 12128/2010 E 359.5683.7391 6.36 3 5.36 M 00 --.Ai Page: 6 p kH!st E 01 0.4430.3301 Check History Listing 38.27 P a g e: 0410112011 :69A M 20.13 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 20.13 56.42 Bank code: boa E 010.4421.3602 120.00 120.00 Check# Date Vendor Status C lear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 293.68 140080 0311312011 003133 NICHOLAS PETER 021411 0211412011 E 010.4424.3331 233.50 283.30 283.30 149000 0311312011 000000 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER 147354 0212812011 E 010.4213.3304 20.42 20.42 147202 0212212011 E 010.4213.5604 7.03 7.03 27.48 140001 0311812011 007737 CAP 012811 0112812011 E 230.431 1.8012 1,123.00 1 1,123.00 140002 0311812011 008331 CHRIS CARLSON 031311 03113/2011 E 010.4424.3332 120.00 120.00 120.00 c� c� 3 M 00 00 140003 0311812011 000303 CARQUEST AUTO PART 140004 0311312011 000130 CHAPARRAL 7314 - 487402 0212412011 E 01 0.4430.3301 88.27 38.27 7314- 483884 0210712011 E 010.4420.3601 20.13 20.13 56.42 320748 0310112011 E 010.4421.3602 120.00 120.00 Page: c� c� MU M �3 c� c� 00 apc kHist 04/01/2011 :5 SAM Check Hi Listing CITY OF BARD GRANDE Irv. Date Amount Paid Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149995 93/13/2911 999163 CHERRY LATE Statue c lea r l id Date Invoice 29613 29635 2 .9628 02/03/2011 03/16/2611 E 919.4420.5605 217.18 E 919.4424.5 352 217.13 92/07/2011 E 649.47 12.5664 65.24 02/28/2011 65.24 02 0712011 E 919,4421.5201 E 919.4420.5605 - 43.43 -43.43 149996 93/13/2911 967723 SCOTT CRAIG 149997 93/13/2911 999195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 931611 03/16/2611 E 919.4424.5 352 1 32. 00 132.00 014273 02/28/2011 E 919,4421.5201 34.46 34.46 943519 93/07/2011 E 91 0,4212.5201 20.95 20.95 979931 93/0212011 E 919.4429.5665 13.51 13.51 48517 02/23/2611 E 919.4391.520 1 13.50 13.50 963949 03/021/2011 E 919.4439.5605 15.66 15.66 Rage: T Check Total 120.00 233.99 132.00 Rage: 7 a pCkHi t Check History Listing P 8 0410112011 9: 9AM CITY O F ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check N Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice i Inv. Date Amount Paid Ch Total 179 9319212911 E 919.4191.5291 5.49 6.49 113.48 149998 9311312911 997548 CSG SYSTEMS INC 79546 9212412911 E 649.471 1 E 019.4145.5298 37.22 1,696.71 9812 9212412911 E 649.4719.5393 329.99 E 612.4619.5393 89.99 E 649.4719.5556 91.84 E 612.4619.5555 22.96 514.89 2,121.51 149999 9311812911 998362 RICH DERING 931 611 9311712911 E 919.4424.6352 69.99 69.99 69.99 149199 9311812911 997129 TERRY ENGER 931 611 9311 612911 E 919.4424.5352 119.99 119.99 119.99 149191 0311812911 998996 ENNIS PAI INC 19191918 9212212911 E 229.4393.5613 1,691.96 1,691.96 > � 1,691.96 c� CL 149102 9311812911 995735 EVERGREEN LANDSCAPING 931711 93117!2911 E 919.4429.5393 75.99 76.99 75.99 �F o� Page: D t� (D 0) ca 3 cD �F ap kH!st 04/9112911 9 :59AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Inv. Date Amount Paid Bank code; boa Check # Dante Vendor 149103 03118/2011 000240 FARM SUPPLY C Status ClearNoild Dante Invoice 552861 548398 54888 548215 547545 02108120 11 03/01/2011 E 010. 4430.5005 366.84 E 350.5435.7001 366.64 02/02/2011 E 010.4430.5605 310.57 0212412011 3'10.57 02/03/2011 E 040.4712.5010 E 010.4430.5273 59.81 59.8'1 02/02/2011 E 010.4430.5605 28.97 0311012011 28.97 02/01/2011 E 010.4424.5352 E 010.4430.5005 0.46 lO 149104 0311812011 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 149105 0311812011 004790 DEANNA FL YD 149100 0311812011 000202 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY Page: Check Total 772.45 6942750 03/01/2011 E 350.5435.7001 215.05 215.05 0930188 0212412011 E 040.4712.5010 107.16 107.'16 322.21 031011 0311012011 E 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 48.00 31 605 0212412011 E 220.4303.5255 46.76 46.76 Page: 9 apCkH iet 04/01/2011 9:59AM C he c k History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149107 93/18/2911 990905 THE GAS COMPANY Status ClearNold Date Invoice 1 050 / -214 3/8-111 /4 -211 318 - Inv. Date Amount Paid 02/17/2011 E 919.4429.5695 13.05 13-05 03/03/2011 931911 93/10!2911 E 919.4145.5491 153.86 E 919.4424.5352 153.89 93/98/2911 E 919.4145.5491 139.72 130.72 03/04/2011 9471455027 92/25/2911 E 91 9.4145.5491 19.1 E 649.4712.5255 198.1 93/98/2911 E 919.4145.5491 47.69 47.09 Page: 1 C heck Total 59.81 449. 149108 93/18/2911 094142 S TAN G AXIOLA 931911 93/10!2911 E 919.4424.5352 132.00 132.00 132.00 149199 03/1812011 092813 GRAIN INC 9471455027 92/25/2911 E 649.4712.5255 143.55 143:55 143.55 149110 93/16/2011 006958 RDIEY GRAY 931911 93/19/2911 t� E 9 19.4424.5352 1 32.00 1 32.99 1 32.99 � c� 3 c� �F N� Page' 10 c� c� CL 0) c� �F w� p kHi t Check History Listing Page: 11 X410112011 9:59AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 49111 0311812011 000292 HAH COMPANY 7121948 0211812011 E 640.4712.5255 231.25 231.25 231.25 149112 0311812011 002405 CHARLES HARE 031611 0311612011 E 010.4424.5352 110.00 110.00 110.00 149113 0311812011 008351 HARVEY'S HONEY HUTS 224 0212812011 E 220.4303.5552 86.09 86.09 $6.09 149114 0311812011 002820 INDOFF, INC 1832963 0212812011 E 612.4 55.25 E 220.4303.5255 55.25 E 010.4305.5201 38.96 149.46 149.46 149115 0311812011 003949 KERN'S PAPER 30061 0212412011 E 010.4102.5255 250.25 280.25 30062 0212412011 E 010.41 02.5255 179.17 179.17 459.42 14911 0311 812011 007299 GASTON KE I I ING OLIVIER 031 611 0311 612011 E 010.4424.5352 352.00 352.00 352.00 Page: 11 apDI Hist Check History Listing Page: 12 04101/2011 M CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status Clear/Void Date Invoice Iny. Date Amount Paid Check Total 149117 0311812011 005265 KID L SOCCER (DBA) 031411 0311412011 E 010.4424.535 1 2 2,037.00 2 149118 0311 812011 007531 CINDY I ULLI AN 031111 0311112011 E 010.4424.5351 168.75 E 01 0. 1 331-50 E 0 10. 44 24.5351 221.00 721.25 721.25 149119 0311812011 005511 CHRISTOPHER LINTNER 031611 03/16/2011 E 010.4424.5352 216.00 216.00 216-00 149120 0311312011 003818 LITERACY COUNCIL 030911 0310912011 E 250.481 0.8024 956.00 956.00 956.00 D c� c� CL 0 MMM W 149121 0311812011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 149122 0311812011 000415 FETAL SHOP, INC 031411 19021 19019 03/14/2011 E 010.4425.5303 0310212011 E 010. 4213.5604 0212412011 E 0 1 .4213.5604 15.00 15.00 562.00 432.50 15.00 Page: 1 a pkHist 04/01/2011 :5 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 13 Bank code: boa Check Date Vendor 110.00 1,104.50 D c� c� c� 3 c� �F to � 149123 0311612011 007302 MID -STATE Alfa AND 149124 0311612011 000426 MIER BROS LANDSCAPE Statue Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Raid 5261 0310212011 E 010.421 3.5604 1 10.00 0062 0211412011 E 010.4424.5351 106.60 010.4213.5604 936.1 216.66 936.16 174437 0210212011 426.22 E 350.5910.7001 317.55 3 1 7. 55 174934 02/17/2011 E 350.5632.7005 156,76 156.76 174468 0210312011 E 350.5910.7001 133.76 133.76 174401 0210212011 E 350.5632.7005 106.75 106.75 175064 02/2412011 E 010.4420.5605 12.72 12.72 149125 0311612011 007760 OLIVIA MILLE 149126 0311612011 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 1IAf E, 021611 0211612011 E 010.4424.5351 106.60 E 010.4424.5351 106.06 216.66 165725 0210612011 E 010.421 3.5604 426.22 936.16 731.56 216.00 Page: 13 Check Total D t� tD � tD c� 3 tD �F 04 0) apCkHi t Check History Listing P 14 0 4101/2011 :5 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status C learNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total K67596 0212412011 E 010.4420.5805 187.30 187.30 6 12500 0211812011 E 010.42 13.5804 182.38 182. K 0211812011 E 010.42 13.5804 130.50 130.50 K8349 02/15/2011 E 010.4213-5604 85.2 85.25 K0049 0211412011 E 010.42 13.5804 57. 57 K67394 0212212011 E 010,4213.5804 49. 49.43 K52069 0212312011 E 01 0.4430-5605 48.90 48.90 K003 02/25/2011 E 010.4430.5805 42.33 42.33 K68171 0212812011 E 010.42'1 .5804 39.12 39.1 K91419 0211812011 E 010.4430.5805 37.82 37.82 K65679 0210812011 E 010.4213.5804 35.09 35.09 P 14 Page: 1 ap kHi t Check History Listing Page: 15 0410112011 :5 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor Status ClearNoold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total K 68132 0212812011 E 01 0.4213.5604 34.22 34.22 6700 0212712011 E 010.4420.5605 23.01 23.01 67044 0211 812011 E 0 1 0.4213.5604 22.80 22.80 K 66736 02/1612011 E 010.4213.5604 20.00 20.00 6678 02/17/2011 E 01 0.4213.5604 18.81 1 8.81 X67002 0212712011 E 01 0.4420.5605 16.10 16.10 168063 0212812011 E 010.4213.5604 14,00 14,00 152203 0212612011 E 010.4430-5605 12.16 12.16 67764 0212512011 E 0 10. 4213.5604 11.05 11.05 60668 0311412011 D E 220.4303.5613 1 0.86 10.86 CL K67088 0211012011 E 01 0.4420.5605 8.60 c� 8.60 ( � MM ^ ice/ Page: 1 D c� c� CL 0) c� �F 00 0) pCkHist Check History Listing Page: 1 0410112011 9:59AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Dame Vendor status Clear/V Date Invoice Inv. Da Amount Paid Check Total 182284 0210812011 E 010.4430.5605 6.50 6.50 K67693 02/24/2011 E 010.42135604 6.50 6.50 1681 0212812011 E 0 10. 4213.5604 .42 5.42 X748 02/16/2011 E 010.4213.5604 4. 45 4.45 K5101 02105/2011 E 010.4430.5605 4.33 4. 33 X7481 0212312 E 010.4213.5604 1.60 1.60 1,485.34 149127 0311812011 001162 NICKS N`S MACHINE SHOP, 79676 0212812011 E 640.471 794.63 794.63 794.63 149128 03/18/2011 000466 NOBLE SAW, INC 106226 0212212011 E 010.4420.5603 94.87 94.87 106227 0212212011 E 010.4420.5603 63.29 63.29 105670 0211412011 E 010.4420.5603 58.38 58.38 Page: 1 a pCkHist Check History Listing P a ge: 17 04/0112011 :5 AM CITY O ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor i Statue ClearlVoid Data Invoice Inv, Date Amount Paid 10 01/31/201 E 010.4420.5503 55.53 55-53 100228 02/22/2011 E 010.4420.5603 42.00 42.00 149129 0311812011 000458 OFFICE DEPOT 553725124001 0212312011 0310412011 E 010.4002.5201 285.92 E 010.41 02.5255 516.56 286.92 554479357001 03/04/2011 5'15.55 E 010.4002.5201 55.04 66.04 554298555001 03/03/2011 E 010.4120.5201 41.97 21 8957 4'1. 553552447001 0212512011 E 0 10. 4102.52 55 E 010.4120.5201 24.71 24.71 149130 0311812011 000503 POOR RICHARD'S HAF D'S PF E , 213958 0310412011 E 010.41 02.5255 516.56 5'15.55 21 8955 03104/2011 E 010.41 353.44 353.44 21 8957 03/04/2011 D E 0 10. 4102.52 55 21 . c� 21 7.07 218837 02/28/2011 E 010.4102-5255 1 51.43 c� 3 151.43 c� �F cfl � 314.07 419.54 Check Total Page: 17 ap kH! t Check History Listing Page: I 0 4/01/2011 9:59AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue Clear/Vold Date invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 218790 02/24/2011 E 010.4102-5255 84.83 84.88 1,323-33 149131 08/18/2011 008857 RALIE REED 031711 08/17/2011 E 226.4808.5554 150.00 150.00 150.00 149132 03/18/2011 003031 ROBERTSON UPPL ' 8910 02/27/2011 E 010.4480.5805 101.68 101.68 101.68 1491 03/18/2011 000536 GREG ROSE 081 611 03/18/2011 E 010.4424.5352 182.00 132.00 182.00 149134 08/18/2011 000589 SAN LUIS PAINTS 92954 02/01/2011 E 010.4480.5605 189.19 189.19 914 02/18/2011 E 010.4430.5605 189.19 189.19 91 02/24/2011 E 010.4430.5605 11.89 11.89 289.77 \u 149135 08/18/2011 006048 JEAIETTE SEARBY 030111 08/01/2011 CL E 10.4424. 85.00 85.00 65.00 o� Page: 1 D t� 0) ca 3 cD N co apkHist 04/0112011 9:6 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Banc code: boa Check # Bate Vendor 149130 0311812011 008365 SENIOR NUTRITION N 149137 0311812011 008359 MEGAN SIEMS 1 491 3 0311812011 000564 SLO COUNTY NEWSPAPERS 149139 0311 812011 008383 PAYTN SMALL Inv. Date Amount Raid 0210312011 E 250.4810.8079 1.481 Pa 1 C heck Total 1 t 481.00 1,481.00 031111 0311112011 010.0000.43 54 30.00 30.00 30.00 6927867 0210812011 E 226.4306.5303 434.86 434.86 6929390 02/2212011 E 350.5422.7301 161.84 161.84 8930802 02/25/2011 E 010.4002.5301 150.23 156.23 892781 0212712011 E 010.4 130.5301 133. 133.79 8930803 0212512011 E 010.4002.5301 105.74 105.74 8929394 0211812011 E 010.4002.5301 94.52 94.52 1,088.98 031611 0311012011 E 010.4424.5352 20.00 20.00 20.00 Status Clear/ Date Invoice i 21312 011 A Page: 1 a kHi t Check History Listing P age: 20 0410112011 9:59AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bark code. boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 149140 0311 812011 003831 RANDY D SMART, OD 030211 0310212011 E 220.4303.5303 548.00 Page: 20 548.00 548.00 149141 0311812011 003641 SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY 3237413 0310112011 E 010.421 3.5303 212.32 212-32 3237646 0310112011 E 010.4213-5303 11 2.16 112.16 3237200 0310112011 E 010.4213-5303 112.16 112.16 3237870 03101/2011 E 010.4213.5303 5.91 5.91 442.55 149142 0311812011 004393 S MAINTENANCE 34241 0310112011 E 220.4303.5303 2,727.82 E 010.4303.5303 4 6 6,994.40 149143 0311812011 000609 BOB SPEAR 031611 03116!2011 E 010.4424-5352 132.00 132.00 132.00 D c� 149144 0311812011 006645 STANLEY CONVERGENT 8072165 02124/2011 E 010.4213-5604 153.02 153.0 153.02 c� 3 c� N co N� Page: 20 a p kHi t Che History Listing Page: 21 04!01/2011 :5 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 149145 08!18/2011 000620 STI E T F PIPE & SUPPLY 51179172.001 02!01/2011 E 010.4430.5605 1 24 - 74 D t� c� CL 0 c� w� 1 24.7 4 1 08!18/2011 000628 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH 149147 93/18/2911 092370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 149148 03/18/2011 994801 TOMARK SPORTS 2488 1944472 93866461 02/28/2011 E 0 10. 442 0.56 01 E 612.4610-5601 92/18/2011 E 919.4429.5255 92/1412911 E 910.4439.5605 124.74 59.47 84.93 145.25 145.25 282.99 84.93 145.25 282.99 149149 93/18/2911 094699 TF ESH RECYCLING, IN 149 159 93/18/2911 998364 UNIT 549 DUPLICATE 149151 03/18/2911 906551 UNITED STAFFING ASSOC. 15686 931411 975236 02/23/2011 E 359.5422.790 1 E 640.4712.561 03/14/2011 B 919.0000.2206 93!92/2911 E 649.4712.5303 282.99 441.68 518.53 279.09 270.09 1,063.60 518.53 279.99 1,963.69 Page: 21 apCkHi C he c k History Listing Page: 04/01/2011 9:59AM CITY OF ARROYO F ANDE Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 149152 03/13/2011 000660 USA BLUE BOOK 343003 03/02/2011 E 640.4712.5273 315.94 31 5.04 340064 02/25/2011 E 640.47 1 2.5255 1 0.40 1 0.40 335.34 14915 03/1 3/2011 000635 W GR A CALIF 31 256 02/09/2011 E 350.5673.7501 2 E 350.5673.7301 241. 3,050.25 31106 02/07/2011 E 010.4301.5303 727.33 E 010.4301.5303 724.5 E 010.4301.5303 1 2,762.14 31200 02/00/2011 E 350.5910.7501 703.92 E 350.5910.7301 34.50 323.42 31201 02/07/2011 E 350.5636.7301 276.00 276.00 31200 02/07/2011 E 350.5633.7301 133.00 133.00 31107 02/07/2011 D E 350.5656.7301 103.50 c� 103.50 CL 31103 02/07/2011 E 350.5653.7301 103.50 103.50 c� 44h� Page: ap kHist Check History Listing Page: 04101!2011 :5 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa C heck Date Vendor Status C lear/Vold Date Invoice Inv, Da Amount Paid Check Total 3120 02/07/2011 E 350.5642.7301 34.50 34.50 31100 02/07/2011 350.5682.7301 34.50 34.50 31202 02/07/2011 E 350.5754.7501 34.50 34.50 7, 355.31 149154 03118!2011 008168 WHITTLE FIFE PROTECTION 031111 03!11/2011 E 350-5435-7001 1 1,260.00 1,250.00 149155 03/18!2011 000600 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC 0578A 03!0312011 E 010.4304.5303 1 1461.17 1,461.17 1,451.17 149156 03!23/2011 003005 D I A REGION VI 032311 03!2312011 E 010.4201.5501 40.00 40.00 40.00 149157 03/23/2011 001014 C PRS DISTRICT T VIII V 03!28!2011 032111 03!2112011 E 010.4421.5255 230.00 230.00 230.00 149158 03!24/2011 001014 CPRS DISTRICT T VIII 032411 03!24/2011 E 010. 210.00 210.00 c� 210.00 3 N F Page: D c� c� CL 0) c� 0 N. a� 0) apckHist 04/01/2011 9 :69AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Page: 24 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 140103 0312512011 003367 ABALONE COAST Status clearlV ld Date Invoice 11 - 127.50 127.50 2 0311112011 E 640.47 10.5310 140164 0312512011 001250 AP VIDEO, INC 4353 0310012011 E 211.4101.5330 3715 0110512010 E 211.4101.5330 140165 0312512011 003175 AQUA-METRIC SALES 0036606 -II 0310712011 E 640.47 12.5611 140166 0312512011 005507 AT & T 317-0133 0310712011 E 010.4145.5403 317 -7430 0310712011 E 010.4201.5403 317 -3056 0310712011 E 220.4303.5303 317 -3950 0310712011 E 6440.4710.5403 1401 03/2512011 006507 AT &T 10.00 331.54 331.54 183.49 31.43 330.00 830.00 000002159411 02125!2011 E 010.4145.5403 127.50 2,036.50 331.54 aD1DI Inv. Date Amount Paid check T otal Page; 24 D t� c� CL 0) c� N o0 m*40) ap kHist 0410112011 9:69AM C he c k History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 25 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149168 0312512011 008240 M.E. AVILA CON STRUCTION 149169 0312512011 000053 B & B STEEL & SUPPLY, IN 149170 0312512011 000055 B & T SVC STN Status ClearNoid Date Invoke Inv. Date Amount Paid 00000216941 0 2/25/ 20 11 /' E 010.4201.5403 85.94 E 350.5658.7201 85.94 0000021 69407 0212512011 9,533.26 E 010.4145.5403 38.93 361 331 0311612011 38.93 0000021 69410 0212512011 86.1 E 010.4145.5403 30.32 30.32 0000021 64044 0212212011 E 010.4201.5403 8.67 28.67 000002169414 02/25/2011 E 010.4145.540 61.71 -61.71 961.15 0315 0311 512011 E 350.5658.7001 6 E 350.5658.7201 2,823.08 9,533.26 9,533.26 361 331 0311612011 E 220.4303.5613 86.1 86.1 86.1 115383 02126!2011 E 010.4305.5303 600.00 800.00 115510 03/15/2011 E 010.4305.5303 145.00 1 945.00 Check Tot Page: 25 D c� (D 0) ca 3 (D N o0 00 0) apC kH!st Check History Listing Page: 2 0410112011 9: 9AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Deck # Date Vendor Status ClearlVold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid C heck Total 149171 0312812011 000058 BANK OF AMERICA 318 -2050 0310812011 E 010.4426.6201 62.29 E 010.4213-5303 319.50 E 010.4424.5257 84.81 E 010.442 1.5201 730.04 1,197.24 318 -7782 0310812011 E 010.4428.5255 411.23 E 010.4425. 5259 340.10 751.39 318 -0730 0310812011 E 380.8435.7001 098.44 008.44 318 -4272 0310812011 E 010.41 20.5501 24.00 E 380.8438.7001 612-00 030.00 318 -0444 0310812011 E 010.4101.8201 274.37 E 010.4001.5504 7.01 E 010.4001.8804 180.40 E 010.4101.5201 29.20 E 010.4101.8201 59.20 E 010.4101.8201 05.00 505.84 318 -9436 03108/2011 E 380.8438.7001 305.04 365.64 318 -2083 0310812011 E 010.4130.5201 0.51 E 010.4301. 316 66.33 73.34 Page: 2 D c� c� CL 0) c� � N. apkHist Check History Listing Page: 2 04/01/2011 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoke Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 8/8 -091 08/08/2011 E 010.4001.5501 82.60 E 010.4001.5501 14.00 46.60 4,334.49 14917 08/25/2011 000065 BRENDA BARROW 032811 03/28/2011 E 010.4428.5258 96.18 96.18 96.18 149178 08/25/2011 000935 BRUCE BEAUD IN & FILE#1 1167 12/15/2010 E 350.5420.7501 2 2,678.00 2,678.00 149174 08125/2011 000078 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS 12868 03/21 /2011 E 850.5910.7801 106.08 106.08 106.08 14917 03/25/2011 001917 BOB'S EXPRESS E IIA H 20186 0310612011 E 010.4201.5601 43.00 E 640.47 12.5601 60.00 E 612.4610.5601 40.00 143,00 148.00 149176 0812512011 000087 BIEDEN PEST CONTR 186171 0811012011 E 010.4218.5604 112.00 112.00 112.00 149177 0812512011 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER 147524 0811612011 , E 220.4308.5618 21 6.02 216.02 Page: 2 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 2 04/01/2011 9: 9AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Taal CL 0 U W F 0 0 140178 03/25/2011 000104 CA CAF OF ARSON 149170 03/25/2011 005800 CANNON 140180 03/25/2011 000603 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS 147348 02/28!2011 E 010.4201. 147520 03/16/2011 E 220.4303.5613 147400 03/11/2011 E 010.4430.5605 032411 03/24/2011 E 010.4201.5503 50300 02/28/2011 E 612.4610.5610 178.35 7314 - 470000 03/14/2011 E 220.4303.8603 7314 - 460006 03/04/2011 E 220.4303.8601 7314 - 468803 03/03/2011 E 010.4201.8601 7314 - 460130 03/04/2011 E 220.4303.5601 0.24 65.00 65.00 1 1,540.77 138.76 36.27 417.73 65.00 1,540.77 Page: 2 D t� c� c� 3 c� w 0 ap 04/01/2011 9:59AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearfVold Date Invoice 7314 - 455059 02/1 7/2011 E 010.4201.5601 28. 28.19 149181 03/25/2011 000150 CHAPAR 329779 03/01/2011 E 010.4140. 9 E 515.4140.5151 825 .55 75548 52/52/2511 1 329783 53/52/2511 45.57 E 515, 155.55 75943 53/57/2511 1 55.55 149182 93/25/2911 551995 CHARTER 522411 5224/2511 45.57 E 51 5.4145. 5353 374. 75952 53/58!2511 374.75 149153 93/25/2911 555539 CHEVRON & TEXACO CARD 28999414 52/55/2511 45.57 E 515.4251.5558 233.48 233.48 149154 03/25/2911 555154 CHRISTIANSON C HEVROLET 75788 52/21/2511 E 01 0.4201.5501 355.97 355.97 75548 52/52/2511 E 51 5.4251.5551 45.57 45.57 75943 53/57/2511 E 51 5,4251.5551 45.57 45.57 75952 53/58!2511 E 515.4251.5551 45.57 295.23 15,415.55 374.75 233.48 Page: 2 Inv. Date Amount Raid Check Total Page: 30 a p kHi t Check History Listing Page: 04/01/2011 M CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor Statue Clean old Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 502.63 149185 0312512011 000171 CLINICAL LABORATORY OF 913184 0310912011 E 640.4710.5310 1 1,887.00 1,887.00 149138 0312512011 003370 COMPLETE PAPERLESS 1173 0311512011 E 010.4201.5607 1 1 1,575.00 149187 03/25/2011 005091 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 58993054 0310312011 E 010.4420.5605 210.13 210.13 5701 7373 0310712011 E 010.4420.5805 3.75 3.75 213.33 149133 03f25/2011 000208 J B DEIIAR, INC 754371 0212812011 E 010.4201.5803 64.30 4.30 753538 0211812011 E 010.4201.5803 41.69 41.89 105. 149139 0312312011 002873 DOCTORS MEDPLUS MED #1903408 0110512011 E 010.4201.5313 180.00 180.00 c> c� #1903396 0210712011 CL E 010.4130.3315 30.00 30.00 230.00 w 0 N 0 Page: 30 apCkHist 041011201' 9:59A Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 31 Bank code; boa Check # Date Vendor 149190 0312512011 003368 K I T PHER DOE Inv, Date Amount Paid 0311712011 E 010.4424-5351 156.23 156.23 Che ck Total 156.23 149191 0312512011 007333 EAGLE COLLISION REPAID Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice 031 711 530 031111 03/15/2011 E 010.4201.5601 3 3 03/11/2011 E 010.4201.5601 764.20 764.20 4 3 W F 0 W 149192 0312512011 005712 ELECTI ICI AFT INC 149193 0312512011 000240 FARM SUPPLY C 149194 0312512011 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 4953 0310912011 E 612.4010.5610 404.63 404.03 0934604 03114/2011 404.03 573325 0310512011 97.00 E 010,4201.5322 64.1 0903297 0310712011 04.10 554270 0210912011 20.12 E 01044201.0322 40.93 43.93 113.03 0903272 0310712011 E 040.4712.5010 435.00 430.00 0934604 03114/2011 E 040.4712.5010 97.00 97.00 0903297 0310712011 E 040.4712.0010 20.12 Page: 31 D c� c� CL 0) c� w 0 ap kHlst 04/01/2011 9:59A C heck His Lis CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa Check Date Vendor 1491 03!28!2011 008309 FIVE STAID RAIN GUTTERS 149190 0312812011 000833 FORD MOTOR CREDIT 149197 0312512011 000202 FRANK'S LOCK & KE 149198 0312512011 000005 THE GAS COMPANY Status Clear/Vold Date Inv l e 022211 Inv. Date Amount Paid 02122!2011 E 010.4213.8303 500.00 AT84100 0312112011 E 010.4201.5803 ACCT55541 01 0312412011 E 010.4201.8803 31 778 3111 -200 3114 - 3114 -350 3110 -910 3/10-1500 0311412011 E 380.5435.700' 800.00 17,007.32 03/11/2011 E 01 0.41 45.5401 0311412011 E 010.4145.5401 0311412011 E 010.4145.540' 0311012011 E 010.4145.5401 0311012011 E 010.4145.5401 11,248.97 125.00 125.00 248.47 15.84 P Check Total 553.00 500.00 28,256.29 1 25.00 720.47 Page: apDkHist Check History Listing P a g e, 04/01/2011 :5 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 140100 03/25/2011 007040 GENERATIONS OF 11 - 02/00/2011 E 01 0.4201.56G4 254.10 254.10 254.10 140200 03/25/2011 002513 GRAINGER, INC 0470755755 03/07/2011 E 540.4712.5504 58.45 55.45 55.45 140201 03125/2011 000285 CITY OF GR 1 ER BEACH 032411 03/24/2011 R 512.0000.4751 70.77 70.77 70 .77 140202 03/25/2011 000330 GSA -I N F O RMATI O N TECH 457 03/0712011 E 010.4201.5505 237.20 E 01 0.4201.5505 126.80 354.00 364.00 140203 03125/2011 008334 RACHEL H I NES 031111 03/11/2011 E 010.4425.5303 75.00 75.00 75.00 140204 0312512011 002820 INDFF, INC 1838311 0311012011 E 010.4421.5201 50.17 50.17 D 50.17 t� 149205 0312512011 005201 JAS PACIFIC B110735 03107/2011 CL E 010.4212.5303 3 3,555.00 c.Q 3,888.00 c� w 0 P age: ap kHist Check History Listing Page: 34 0410112011 :5AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 149206 0312512011 005187 ANGELA KRAETDH 032111 0312412011 E 01 0.4120.5501 284.08 284.08 284.08 149207 0312512011 000387 LIII IIDBA 6659 02/10/2011 E 010.4201.5601 420.00 420.00 6666 02/18/2011 E 010.4201-5601 195.00 195-00 615.00 149208 0312512011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 11 0526 0311312011 E 010.4426.5553 2 2,443.70 110524 0311312011 E 01 0.4426.5553 1 1,81 6.47 110522 0311312011 E 010.4426.5553 1 1,268.58 110523 0311312011 E 010.4426-5553 630.03 630. 110527 0311312011 E 01 0.4426.5553 440.1 440.13 D 6,598.91 ca 149209 0312512011 008366 MAACO COLLISION REPAIR & 12626 12/10/2010 CL E 010.4201-5603 586.79 586. 586.79 w 0 a*) 0 Page: 34 ap kHist Check History Listing Page: 04/0112011 :5 AM CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Bank code; boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 140210 0312512011 000405 CATHY MALLORY 032111 0312112011 E 010.4423.5253 27.06 27.06 27.06 149211 0312512011 007944 RICARDO MARTINEZ 030511 0310512011 E 010.4201.5601 150.00 150.00 150.00 140212 0312512011 006088 MATCO TOOLS #30585 0311712011 E 220.4303.5273 176.41 176.41 176.41 149213 0312512011 000420 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 1 0312512011 0.00 0.00 0.00 140214 0312512011 000420 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, K68213 0310112011 E 010.4420.5273 232.70 232.70 K97332 0311012011 E 010.4430.5605 108.83 108.83 105025 0310812011 E 010.4430.5605 150.66 150.66 K68491 03125/2011 c> E 010.4213-5604 02.30 CL 02.30 K96463 03103/2011 E 010.4430.5605 01.28 01.28 w 0 0 Page: 35 1T t� 3 W F 00 0) apkHist 04/0112011 9: 9AM Che History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor i Sta ClearNoid Date Ingle Inv. Date Amount Paid K9934 03/16/2011 E 010.4420.5605 8022 6,22 K69907 03116/2011 E 010.4213.5004 54.09 54,09 K65571 0210712011 E 010.4213.5004 50.63 50.03 K52534 03104/2011 E 220.4303.501 3 43.47 4 3. 47 K53747 0311712011 E 220.4303.5013 35.05 35.05 K52494 03/03/2011 E 010.4420.5605 35.32 35.32 K0531 0310212011 E 010.4213.5504 33.08 33.68 K70014 0311 712+011 E 010.4420.5005 32.01 32.01 K69210 0311012011 E 010.4213.5604 32.56 32.56 K69037 03109/2011 E 010.4430.5605 32.56 32.56 K70103 0311 8!2011 E 010.4213.5604 2.1 27.17 Check Total Page: ap kHlst Check History Listing P a ge: 37 0410112011 9:59AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor Status Clear /Void Date Invoice 698 K68342 �:=] K683 K6824 K49363 K6896 K149 I::. 6828 0311412011 E 010.4420.5605 27.1 27.1 03192120 11 E 010.4213.5604 26.94 26.94 0310312011 E 019.4420.5605 28.91 28.91 0310212011 E 010.4213-5604 22.89 22.89 0310112011 E 01 0.4420.5605 21.4 21.74 0112412011 E 010.4213.5604 21.74 21.74 0310812011 E 91 0.4420.5605 21.72 21.72 0312212911 E 640.4712.5604 21.18 21.18 0311112011 E 010.4213.5604 29.64 29.84 0310112911 D E U 1 UA 13.64 19.06 19.56 CL K2629 0310412011 E 220.4303.5613 16.88 16.83 c� w 0 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Tota Page: 37 D t� tD CL 0) � tD tD co o 0) apckHist 04/01/2011 9:59AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 3 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status clean oid Date Invoice K6643 Lam'' K69190 4 K690 K6433 K69911 K69664 K 661 K031 Inv. Data Amount Paid 03/07/2011 E 010.4213.5604 1 5.20 15.20 03/17/2011 E 0 10. 442 0.560 13.04 13. 0311 012011 E 010.4212.5201 13.03 13.03 0310212011 E 010.4213.5604 11.93 11.93 0310912011 E 010.4213.5604 11.83 11.83 0112812011 E 010.42 3.5604 11.40 11.40 0311 612011 E 220.4303.5613 11.39 11.39 03/15/2011 E 220.4303.5613 9.77 9.77 0210912011 E 640.4712.5255 9. 9.55 0310112011 E 0 1 0.4213.5604 6.67 6.67 0312212011 E 640.471 2.5273 7.05 7.05 Check Total Page: 3 a p kH ist Check History Listing P 39 44/41/2411 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank c ode. boa C heck # Date Vendor Statue ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total K6386 03/12/2011 E 010.4420.5605 5.97 5.97 1631 87 01/19/2011 E 010.4213.5604 5.43 5.43 K68 347 03/02/2011 E 010.4213.5604 4.88 4.88 K604 03/08/2011 E 010.4430.5605 4.68 4.88 K614 03/15/2011 E 010.4213.5644 3.80 3.80 169849 03/15/2011 E 640.4712-5610 2.61 2.81 1, 627.28 14021 03/25/2011 007434 MINER'S HARDWARE AF E 1 52808 03/07/2011 E 220.4303.5255 9.74 9 .74 9.74 140216 03/25/2011 005650 NAPA AUTO PARTS 306247 02/21/2011 E 010.4201.5601 416.98 416.98 416.98 D c� 140217 03/25/2011 000832 NEXT DAY S I G NS 0088 01/07/2011 CL E 010-4201.5601 36.70 36.70 c� 44- co Page: 39 D c� c� CL 0) c� co N� arpkHist 0410112011 9:69AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 4 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149218 0312512011 000488 OFFICE DEPOT 149219 0312512011 004085 OMNI MEANS LTD 149220 0312512011 006705 ON TR 149221 0312512011 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC Status ClearNoid Dante Invoice 548897842001 0111912011 30.10 E 010.41 30.5201 17.12 E 010.4212.5201 185.84 31145131223 0311712011 203.95 553295822001 0212312011 E 350.5422.7501 E 010.4130.5201 53.52 E 010.4301.5201 53.53 1 07.25 5488981 00001 0111912011 2,980.00 E 010.41 30.5201 15.05 E 010.4301.5201 15.05 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 40 30.10 341.31 31145131223 0311712011 E 350.5422.7501 2 2,980-00 2,980.00 7066172 0310512011 E 010.4201.5324 5.50 5.50 5.50 2117 - 853299 0211712011 E 010.4 304.5402 1,124.2 E 540.4712.5402 3 E 540.4711.5402 3572.18 E 512.4510.5402 2,152.4 E 010.4145.5401 5 E 217.4450.5355 15.51 15,820.57 15,520.57 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 40 ap kHI t Check History Listing Page: 41 04/01/2011 :5 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearlVold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Ch eck Total 149222 03/25/2011 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 8532998718-5 01/20/2011 E 010.4304.5402 1 E 640.4712.5402 2 E 640.4711.5402 314.46 E 612.4610.5402 44. E 010.4145.5401 7 E 217.4460.5355 19.1 11,443.49 11,443.49 149223 03/25/2011 007108 PARAMOUNT CLEANERS 3582 03/01/2011 E 010.4201.5303 436.75 436.75 436.75 149224 03/25/2011 007868 PC WHOLESALE 1901 03/24/2011 E 010.4140.5602 1,1 99.70 E 010.4140.5602 119.71 1 1,819.41 149225 08/25/2011 004158 PHOENIX UP 012011157 02/22/2011 E 010.4201.5808 104.98 104.98 0220111 08/11/2011 E 01 0.4201.5808 104.98 104.98 209.96 t> 149226 08/25/2011 000498 PITNEY BITES, INC 7147128 -1111 08/1812011 c� E 010.4201.5208 56.00 CL 56.00 56.00 � tD tD 00 W � Page: 41 D c� c� CL 0) c� co ap kHist 04/01/2011 :5 AM Che History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P age: 4 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice 149227 0312512011 007453 PLANNING COMPAf Y ASSOC 952 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0212812011 E 350.5642.7701 5.540.75 49.1 Check Tot Page: 4 5,540.75 5,540.75 149228 0312512011 004757 PLUMBERS DEPOT INC. PD -1 5551 0310912011 E 612.4610.5610 96.79 96.79 96.79 149229 0312512011 008249 NICK E POKRAJAC INC 032411 0312412011 E 350.5435.7001 31,099.25 E 350.5435.7201 17 48,690.57 48,690.57 149230 0312512011 000503 POOR RICHARD'S HAF D' PRESS, , 218608 0211712011 E 010.4102.5255 142.60 142.60 215607 0211712011 E 010.4102.5255 142.58 142.58 219088 0311012011 E 01 0.4102.5255 1 38.11 138.11 218299 0210412011 E 010.4102.5255 127.24 127.24 218436 0211012011 E 01 0.4102.5255 84.8 84.83 219054 03/0912011 E 010.4102.5255 49.1 49.1 Check Tot Page: 4 D t� c� CL 0) c� co apIHist 0410 112011 9-.69AM Che History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149231 0312512011 002363 PRIMARY Y CA E DOG & CAT 149232 0312512011 003358 NICOLE IENHI 149233 0312512011 000531 I IDHETTI COMPLETE WATER 149234 0312512011 003031 ROBERTSON UPPLY 149235 0312512011 000538 S & L SAFETY PRODUCT 149236 0312512011 000552 S LO COUNTY Status ClearfVoid Date Invoice 213435 36343 031111 89560 3941 619510 020511 030411 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0211012011 E 010.4102.5255 42.41 0311012011 E 010.4201.5322 0311112011 010.0000.4354 0310112011 E 010.4201.5604 0310912011 E 010.4430.5605 0310712011 E 010.4420.5605 0210512011 010.0000.4203 0310412011 010.0000.4203 Page: 4 Check Total 42.41 37.00 37.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 225.93 225.93 163.02 163.02 209.50 105.00 726.94 411111 41111111 15.00 225.93 163.02 Page: 4 D t� c� CL 0) c� co �0) ap kHIst 04/01/2011 :59AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 44 Bank code: boa Check# Date Vendor 149237 0312512011 000598 SNAP TOOLS CO Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice 1 11 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0310212011 E 220.4303.5613 184.78 149238 0312512011 000616 STERLING 26101 0310712011 E 010.4201.5606 149239 0312512011 007158 SUPERIOR ALTERATIONS 45363 02/1612011 E 010.4201.5272 45366 0310212011 E 010.4201.5272 Check Total 184.76 270.00 270.00 227.00 12.00 12,00 125.00 81.13 149240 0312512011 000624 SUPERIOR QUALITY 37060 0912712010 E 010.4212.5602 149241 0312512011 002904 TEMPLET ON UNIFORMS 45076 0311512011 E 010.4201.5272 45056 0311412011 E 010.4201.5272 149242 0312512011 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1044706 0311112011 E 640.4712.5255 22.57 127.39 127.39 314.50 184.76 270.00 239-00 125.00 103.70 Page: 44 D c� c� CL 0) c� co m*40) apkHist 04101/2011 9:59AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boar C heck # Date Vendor 149243 03/25!2011 002377 TURF STAFF, IN 149244 03/25!2011 006551 UNITED STAFFING ASSOC. 149245 03/25!2011 002933 U IVAF USA, IN 149246 03/25!2011 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS ELESS 1 49247 03/25!2011 000689 WEST PAYMENT T EI TEF 149248 03/25!2011 000699 LEE WILSON ELECTRI I Status Clear/ Vold Da Invoice 1 044641 6699070 -00 Inv. Date Amount Paid 03/07/2011 E 010.4201.5272 63.34 03/14/2011 E 010.4420.5603 075589 03/16/2011 E 640.4712.5303 07541 03/09!2011 E 640.4712.5303 625433 03/02!2011 E 640.4712.5274 0957193589 03/07/2011 E 010.4421. 02 Page: 4 Check Total 63.34 417.99 417.99 1,063.60 910.71 1 1 48.09 48.09 157.50 157.50 1 822397323 03/01/2011 E 01 0.4201.5324 1102 03/17/2011 E 010.4304.5303 1 5.00 190.73 417.99 1,974.31 1, 48.09 157.50 Page: 4 Page: 46 apkHit 04101/2011 :5 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Page: 45 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 140240 03/2512011 000704 1lITME -TYSON IMPORTS TS T8 1 02/0112011 E 010.4201-5322 500.00 500.00 500.00 149250 0312012011 007157 MKT HOLDINGS LLC 032011 0312012011 E 350.5680.7001 111,732.1 111,732.12 111,732.12 140251 0313012011 008377 ELI NE FREEMAN N F f0001105 0312812011 B 640.0000.2301 56.12 56.12 56.1 140252 0313012011 008376 PATRICK IBS Ref0001 105 2 0312812011 B 640.0000.2301 67. 67.37 67.37 140253 0313012011 008374 SE & AMY NIBET Ff0001 10520 0312812011 B 640.0000.2301 46.41 46.41 46,41 140254 0313012011 008378 OCEAN OAKS ff001 10524 0312812011 B 640.0000.2301 30.00 30.00 D 30,00 ca 140255 0313012011 008375 RYAN & SUSIE PINKER TON N F f000110521 0312812011 CL B 640.0000.2 301 40.08 40.08 40.66 c� 00 000 Page: 46 pCkHI t 04/01/2011 9:59AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 47 Bank coda: boa C he c k # Date Vendor 149256 03/30/2011 008372 KELLI STETTIIE IE I Statue Iaar/Void Data Invoice If00011018 03/28/2011 640,0000.2301 11.73 11.73 11.73 D c� c� CL 0 c� 44- co 149257 03/30/2011 008373 LISA S I NTEK 149258 03/30/2011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 149268 03/31/2011 008328 FURNITURE INSTALL. TEAM 149269 03/31/2011 003651 3T EQUIPMENT II PA Y, 149270 03/31/2011 007704 AECOM USA IN Irv. Date Amount Paid Check Total If00011019 03/28/2011 640.0000.2301 69.48 E 612.461 0.6201 69.48 E 612.4610.6201 69.48 032911 03/29/2011 20.00 E 010.4424-5251 15.00 15-00 15.00 11821 1 03/29/2011 E 010.4130.5201 217.50 217.50 217.50 55 146 03/16/2011 E 612.4610.6201 1 ? 487.00 E 612.461 0.6201 50.00 E 612.4610.6201 167.22 E 612.4610.6201 20.00 E 612.4610.6201 149.12 1,873.34 1,873.34 37099445 03/30/2011 E 350.5829.7501 2 2,813.40 2 + 813.40 Page: 47 D c� c� CL 0) c� co o0) apCkHlet 0410112011 9: 9AM Che History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Inv. Date Amount Paid 0313012011 E 010.4426.5256 85.00 Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor 149271 0313112011 006606 AH SIFT BOUNCE A LOT 149272 0313112011 006607 A T&T Status Dlerloid Date Invoice 301 022511 1 70101 1 70176 140273 0313112011 006304 AT&T MOBILITY 149274 0313112011 000056 BACKYARD II PI VEI ENT 032611 73280 0212512011 E 010.4145.5403 0212612011 E 010.4145.6403 0212612011 E 010.414 0312612011 E 010.4425.6265 0310712011 E 220.4303.6603 P 48 Check T otal 65.00 6,666.66 57.60 63.60 63.50 21.70 66.00 6,747.15 63.60 21.70 140275 0313112011 008360 BIEVEN BIII 140276 0313112011 000076 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS ESS 032011 12441 21.70 0312 012011 E 010.4424.6362 E 010.4424.6362 0312912011 E 360.5422.7301 120.00 160.00 365.06 385.06 160.00 Page: 48 D c� c� CL 0) c� co a p k H !st 0410112011 : 9AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 49 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149277 0313112011 000090 BRISCO BILL & LUMBER 149278 03131 12011 000110 CAST DEPT OF 149279 0313112011 000134 CAST DEPT OF JUSTICE 149280 0313112011 002488 ALB -CA BUILDIN 149281 0313112011 000143 AP IA CANBY WELDI 149282 0313112011 MARYC AN Statue ClearN Date Invoice 11 797 147573 0111412011 E 350.5433.7301 0312 312 11 E 220.4303.5613 1800089712 - 14189729 0311812011 E 220.4303.5303 1800089724 -27 0311812011 E 220.4303.5303 836769 0310412011 E 010.4201.5329 932911 0312912011 E 919.4212.5503 7368 0312412011 E 350.5435.7001 033011 0313012011 E 010.4423.5253 129.14 129.1 21.74 21.74 2,287.03 5 15 . 0 9 21.74 1,713.08 2,015.00 2,91 5.00 215.00 215.00 100-00 100- 80.00 80.00 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Tota 4,000.11 2,015.00 215.00 199.99 Page: 4 D c� c� CL 0) c� co N� a p k H it 04/01/2011 9:59 Check History Listin CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 50 Bank cote: b Check 0 Date Vendor 149263 03/31/2011 008361 CHRIS CARLSON 149264 03/31/2011 002509 CHIEF SUPPLY 149285 03/31/2011 007723 SCOTT F A I B 149236 03/31!2011 003362 RICH H DEL IN Statue Clear/V Date Invoice 032911 03/30/2011 E 010.4424.5352 120.00 120.00 337510 02/23/2011 E 010.4201.5255 99.99 E 010.4201.5255 10.99 110.93 366518 03/01!2011 E 010.4201.5603 74.95 E 01 0.4201.5603 10.99 35.94 369326 03/04/2011 E 010.4201.5272 40.00 E 010.4201.5272 3.99 43.99 094715 02/03!2011 E 010.4 01.5272 -35.39 -35.39 094714 02!0312011 E 010.4201.5272 -46.43 -46.43 03 911 03!2912011 E 010.4424.5352 132.00 132.00 032911 03/3012011 E 010.4424.5352 60.00 60.00 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check T tal 30.00 120.00 164.04 132.00 Page: 50 Page: 51 ap kHf t Che History Listing Page: 51 04/01/2011 9:59AM CITY OF ARROYO F ANDE Bank code: boa C heck # Dante Vender Status ClearlVoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 60.00 149287 03!31/2011 000208 J B DEW AR, , INC 758203 03!16!2011 E 010.4201.5608 81.51 81.51 81.51 149288 03!31/2011 006848 D 13 INDUSTRIAL L SUPPLY 118 04A 03!25/2011 E 220.4308.5255 222.44 222. 222.44 149289 03/31/2011 006333 FIA CARD SERVICES 3/20 -9596 08!20/2011 E 010.4201.5603 674.79 E 010.4201.5603 689.54 E 010.4201.5603 419.96 1,784.29 3 /20-6335 03!30/2011 E 818.4281.5581 111.95 E 010.4201.5501 737.32 E 010.4201.5208 68.24 E 010.4201.5501 130.40 1,047.91 3/20- 4015 03120/2011 E 01 0.4201.5603 649.24 E 010.4201.5603 11.94 661.1 3/20 -7845 03!20/2011 E 010.4201.5501 350.00 D E 010.4201.5255 39.99 c� E 01 0A201.5255 11.42 E 010.4201.5255 44.28 445.64 V ■ W W ice/ Page: 51 apkHist Check History Listing Page: 6 6416112611 :6 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status DlearlVoid Date Invoice 3/20-5330 3/20-970 3120 -5054 3126 -0907 3120 -7837 0312612611 E 016,4261.5201 30.43 E 016.4261.5667 72.32 E 016.4261.5255 23.84 126.50 0312612611 38.06 E 016.4261.5665 46. 47 E 616.4261.5665 36.73 E 616.4261.5261 10.56 E 610.4201.5668 36.06 1 25.76 6312012011 87.10 E 610.4261.5201 45.65 E 016.4261.5604 22.12 67.07 0312612611 E 016.4261.5668 50.67 50.67 6312612011 E 010.4201.5501 26.20 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 6 26.26 4,347.21 140290 0313112011 060262 FRANKS L & KEY 31 741 6316812011 E 220.4303.5255 38.06 36.06 36.06 149291 0313112011 067481 GALLS-AN ARAMARK CO 3478332 6312112011 D E 610.4201.5272 87.10 c� c� 67.10 C 67.10 c� co 406� Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 6 D t� c� CL 0) c� co apCkHiet 04/01/2011 9: 9AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 53 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149292 03/31/2011 004142 STAN GAXIOL 149293 03/31/2011 008303 G EI CONSULTANTS IN 149294 03!31/2011 007839 SAMUEL GILSTRAP 149295 03/31/2011 006058 RODNEY GRAY 149296 03/31/2011 002353 GREAT WESTERN ALARM 149297 03/31/2011 002405 CHARLES HARE Status Clear/Void Date Invoice 032911 Inv. Date Amount Paid 03!29!2011 E 0 1 0.4424.5352 264.00 707821 0 E 640.471 0.5303 032511 03125!2011 10. 0000.4 354 032911 03!29/2011 E 010.44 24.5 352 11040071 3201 04/01/2011 E 01 0.421 3.5303 110302455101 04/01/2011 E 010.4213.5303 110302323101 04/01/2011 E 010.4213-5303 032911 03!29/2011 E 010.4424.5352 Check Tota 264.00 1,1 59.63 1,1 59.63 230.00 230.00 198.00 198.00 28.00 28.00 11 0.00 11 0.00 264. 1 230.00 193.00 34.00 110.00 Page: 63 D t� c� CL 0) c� co �0) apkHit 0410112011 :5 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 54 Bank code: boa Check 0 Date Vendor 149298 03/31/2011 004188 EDDIE HARRIS 149299 03/31/2011 003730 INDUSTRIAL TOOL BOAC 149300 03/31/2011 008379 J L 149301 03/31/2011 003949 K E RN 'S PAPER Status ClearNold Da te Invoice 032911 34497 032911 30231 30203 149302 03/31/2011 007299 GASTON KETTING O LIVIER 149303 03/31/2011 008290 KYLE CO MPANY ROOFIN Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 032911 R -2011-136 03/29/2011 E 010.4424.5352 03/13/2011 E 220.4303.5803 E 220.4303.5603 03/29/2011 E 010.4212.5503 03/23/2011 E 010.4102.5255 03/23/2011 E 010.4102.5255 03/29/2011 E 010.4424.5352 03/02/2011 E 010.4213.5303 1 00.00 1 00.00 1 00.00 287.00 285.88 14.99 14.99 186.83 285.88 14.99 93.42 288.00 288.00 647.00 647. 280.25 288.00 847.00 Page: 54 D t� c� CL 0) c� co m*40) pkHit 04/0112011 :5 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P 55 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149304 03/3112011 004845 ,JOHN LARS 149305 0313112011 008381 I AI I LAUX 149306 0313112011 000376 LAWSON LAWS PRODUCTS, INC Status Clearloid Date Invoice 032911 032511 0264972 0269378 149307 0313112011 005511 CHRISTOPHER PHEI LI T EI 149308 0313112011 001136 DOUGLAS L I T E I 149309 03/31/2011 000393 L UC IA MAR U N IFIED SC H 0 0 L 032911 032911 110532 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 0312912011 E 010.4424,5352 0312512011 E 010.4425.5303 0311 512011 E 220.4303.5255 E 220.4303.5255 03/16/2011 E 220.430, 5255 E 220.4303.5255 40.00 40.00 75.00 75.00 51.39 38.76 38.40 132.00 132.00 66.00 66,00 225.00 225.00 03/29/2011 E 010,4424.5352 0312912011 E 010.4424,5352 03/13/2011 E 010.4425.5303 40.00 75.00 89.42 132.00 66 .00 225.00 Page: apCkH!st Check History Listing Page: 04/011201/ 9:59AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice 149310 0313112011 008366 MAACO COLLISION REPAIR & 12852 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0212612011 E 010.4201.5601 869.64 869.64 869.64 149311 0313112011 008386 NICHOLAS MADDOX 032911 0312912011 E 010.4424.5352 .00 55.00 55.00 149312 0313112011 003337 COREY MAYNE 032911 0312912011 E 010.4424.5352 50.00 E 010.4424.5352 33.00 33.00 33.00 149313 0313112011 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, K53715 0311712011 E 220.4303.5273 134.59 134.59 K41 0312512011 E 220.4303.5255 45.14 4 K4169 0312112011 E 612.4610.5601 36.08 36.03 K 0312812011 E 640.4712.5255 24.99 24.99 K026 0312012011 D E 010.4201.5255 4.38 tD 4. CL K331 0312312011 E 640.471 2.71 t� 2.71 c� 00 000 Check Total Page: arp kH I t Check History Li i rig Page: 57 0410112011 9:59AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149314 03131/2011 007951 MIN ARCHITECTS IN 149315 0313112011 000452 NFPA - N FIRE Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice K75392 K70396 10346.009 5 150899X Inv. Date Amount Paid C heck Total 0312312011 E 640.4711.5603 2.69 2.69 0312312011 E 612.4610.5601 -5,87 0312512011 E 350.5435.7501 0312912011 E 010.4212.5503 x.87 1,331.53 1 150-00 245.21 1, 331.53 150.00 149316 0313112011 006328 NICKS TELECOM DB 149317 0313112011 007202 NOSSAMAN LLP D t� c� 149318 0313112011 000468 OFFICE DEPOT c� co 150.00 4358 0312512011 E 010.4201.5601 E 010.4201.5601 E 010.4201.5601 4344 03123/2011 E 010.4201.5208 382037 03109/2011 E 640.4710.5575 556256302001 0311812011 E 010.4002.5201 41.25 13.75 12.94 1, 1,544. 14.34 14.34 153.64 1, Pane: 57 apC kHist Che History Listing P a ge: 5 04/01/2011 :5 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank coda: boa C h ec k # Da V en d or Stat ClearN Da I nvoice Inv, Dat Amount Paid Ch Total MENNEN 556256200001 03/18/201 E 010.4002.5201 4.1 4. 1 1. 2 14931 03/31/2011 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 3/18-194097 03/1 8/2011 E 010.4304.5402 14 14,741.09 3121 - 154503 0312112011 E 0 10.4145.5401 505.74 505.74 3/12- 620838 03!12/2011 E 612.461 0.5402 215.92 215.92 3 /16-704689 0311 6!2011 E 010.4145.5401 85.14 85.14 3!14 - 781296 03!14/2011 E 01 0.4145.5401 19.88 19.88 3 /15-190318 03!15!2011 E 010.4145-5401 9.75 9.76 15,577.53 149320 03/31/2011 000503 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS, 21 9256 03{16{2011 E 01 0.41 02.5255 405.84 405.$4 219257 03!18!2011 D E 010.4102.5288 383.44 383.44 219288 03!18!2011 E 010.4102.52 88 383.44 353.44 c� a� 0 o� Page: 5 p kHist Che History Listing P 04!0112011 9:69AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearfVold Date Invoice I nv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 219259 8111211 E 010.4102.5288 858.44 858.44 229488 0812112011 E 350.5422.7301238.40 38.40 19442 03/25/2011 E 010.4102.5255 113.1 113.10 19211 0311812011 E 0 10.4102.5255 87.00 87.00 219299 0311712011 E 010.4102.5288 42.41 42.41 1 9483 0312312011 E 010.4102-5255 42.41 42.41 1,989.48 149321 0313112011 005390 PROFORCE LAW 106743 0311812011 E 010.4201.5272 1 1,291.68 1,291.68 149322 0313112011 000523 R & T EMBROIDERY, INC 38132 0312212011 E 010.4201.5272 266.84 266. /'� 266.84 i3 149323 0313112011 004833 STEPHEN ROMO 032911 03129!2011 CL E 10. 4424.5 352 66.00 66. 66.00 c� a� 0 Page: D c� c� CL 0) c� a� 0 N� a p k H ist 04/01/2011 :5 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 5 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 140324 03/31/2011 000536 GREG ROSE 149325 03/31/2011 003649 CHARLES D (DON) F IJ I 140326 03/31/2011 002032 RUTAN & TUCKER, , LLP Status Clear/ Vold Date Invoice 032011 032011 605054 605042 605044 140327 03/31/2011 000575 SANTA MARIA TIRE, IN 140328 03/31/2011 006080 MA TINA SARM I ENT 140320 03/31/2011 003024 MARK S HAFFEF Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 564683 032911 032011 03/20/2011 E 010.4424.5352 03/29/2011 E 010.4424.5352 03/10/2011 E 285.4562.5303 03/1012011 E 284.4103.5303 03/10/2011 E 284.4103.5303 66.00 66.00 22.00 22.00 292.50 03/28/2011 E 010.4201.5601 03/29!2011 E 010.4424.5352 03/29/2011 E 010.4424.5352 58.50 145.71 145.71 110.00 110.00 160.00 160-0 66.00 22.00 429.00 145.71 110.00 160.00 Page: 6 D c� c� CL 0) c� a� 0 w� a p k H ist 04101/2011 9:59AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO F ANDS Page: 61 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149339 9313112911 998383 FRED H SCH TT 149331 9313112911 000607 SD AF - SO DAL MUNICIPAL 149332 9313112911 003838 SILVAS OIL COMPANY, INC 1 49333 0818112011 001876 KAREN SIS 149334 0313112011 008363 DAYTON SMALL 149335 0313112011 000598 SNAP TOOLS CRP Statue ClearfVold Date Invoice 112419 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 9931977 -IN 280890 033011 032911 205359 11/24/2010 E 919.4130-530 3 9319112911 E 919.4421.5593 03/22/2011 B 919.9999.1292 0313012011 E 010.4129.5501 0313012011 E 010.4424.5352 E 010.4424.5352 03/16/2011 E 220.4303.5273 3,972.59 3,972.59 79.99 79.99 4,880.77 4,880.77 488.71 488.71 3 ,972.50 79.99 4 488.71 60.00 82.00 217.17 217.17 82.00 217.17 Page: 61 pDkHit Ch History Listing Page: 5 0410112011 :5 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status ClearNoid Date Invoice 149336 0313112011 000602 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SA NIT 22311 0212812011 B 760.0000.2304 11 4 P .4 B 760.0000.2305 1 E 01 0.4145.5401 15.30 E 01 0.41 45.5401 15.30 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 6 11 6,553.24 116,553.24 149337 0313112011 000609 BOB SPEAK 032911 0312912011 E 010.4424.5352 110.00 110.00 110.00 149333 0313112011 007176 SPRINKLER IKLER KI IG INC 17531 0310112011 E 226.4306.5303 708.00 708.00 708.00 149339 0313112011 003332 CATHERINE IE STA IT l 033111 0313112011 E 226.4306.5554 250.00 250.00 250.00 149340 0313112011 000616 STERLING 26122 0311512011 E 010.420 1.5606 97.3 97.38 97.88 149341 0313112011 002260 STEVEN ENTERPRISES, PI ISES, I lC 0267664- 0312212011 E 010.430 1.5201 8 t� E 010.4130.5201 80-87 161.73 CL 161.73 c� a� 0 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 6 D c� c� CL 0) c� o� 0 apCkHi t 04/01/2011 :5 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 03 Banc code: boa Check 0 Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice 149342 03/31/2011 007158 SUPERIOR ALTERATIONS I 45367 149343 93/31/2011 009824 SUPERIOR F UALIT 149344 03/31/2011 994878 THOMSO 149345 03/31/2011 008054 TRIES PRESS RE 149348 03/31/2011 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 37257 812533 039811 03/97/2011 E 010.4291.5393 03/17/2011 E 910,4291.5291 02/17/2011 E 019.4212.5503 03/98/2011 E 010.4291.5593 1 044587 92/28/2011 E 010.4201.5272 1044814 03/21/2011 E 010.4201 ,5272 5.99 5.99 382.69 382.69 1 25.00 125.90 19.20 19.20 1,203.35 84.33 149347 03/31/2011 008384 TOP TEN H L WEAR IN 149348 03/31/2011 004079 TRI COUNTY OFFICE FUR N, 3r- 918039 02/1 0/2011 E 010.4201.5504 2 2,020.25 88389 03/24/2011 E 350.5435.7001 2 5.00 382.69 125.00 19.20 1,348.18 2,026.25 Page: 63 Inv. Date Amount Paid Che Total D t� c� CL 0) c� a� 0 a� 0) apkHist 0410112011 9:59AM Che History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 149349 0313112011 007515 U L I N E 140350 0313112011 006551 UNITED STAFFING ASS. 149351 0313112011 000660 USA BLUE B OOK 140352 0313112011 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 140353 0313112011 007813 WET DOG DESIGNS DEA 140354 0313112011 008385 G. WIEMANN Statue ClearNold Date Invoice Page: 64 2,313.37 36968628 0311 012011 E 010.4201.5255 308.90 308.90 308.90 075601 0312312011 E 640.4712.5303 1,063.60 E 612.4610.5303 39.89 E 220.4303.5303 79.78 1,183.27 1,183.27 357378 0312112011 E 612.4610,5610 522.66 522.66 522.66 0056385375 0310412011 E 010.4201.5403 560.18 560.18 560.18 12597 03/17/2011 E 010.0000.2229 570.55 570.55 570. 032111 03/21/2011 E 350.5435.7001 2 boa Total: 5",251.6" Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 2 Page: 64 D c� c� c� 3 c� 04 0 a p H ist 04/01/2011 9:59AM C he c k History Listing CITY of ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code. boa Check # Date Vendor 262 checks in this report Status ClearNoid Data Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Total Checks: Check Total 644 Page: 6 ATTACHMENT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 314/2011- 3/17/2011 03125111 FUND 010 299 FUND 217 86.08 FUND 219 23.66 FUND 220 17 FUND 226 1 FUND 284 890.40 FUND 285 1,135.98 FUND 290 109, 651.25 FUND 612 5 FUND 640 20,182.51 5 456 OVERTIME BY DEPARTMENT: T: Admin. Support Services - Community Development - Police 5,314.34 Fire 7 Govrnment Bldg Maint. 4 Engineering Comp Pay Fleet Maintenance 5115 Parks 2,943.18 Recreation - Admn PERS Retirement Rec - Special Events - Children to Motion - Soto Sport Complex 7.56 Public Works Maintenance 885.48 Mate Disability Ins. 13,645.22 5101 Salaries Full time 221 5102 Salaries Part -Time - PPT 17 5103 Salaries Part -Time - TPT 31 5105 Salar'es OverTime 13,645.22 5107 Salaries Standby 858.50 5108 Holiday Pay 2 5109 Sick Pay 5 5110 Annual Leave Buyback - 5111 Vacation Buyback - 5112 Sick Leave Buyback - 5118 Vacation Pay 4 5114 Comp Pay 8,064.16 5115 Annual Leave Pay 2,943.18 5121 PERS Retirement 76 5122 Social Security 26,943.56 5123 PARS Retirement 681.22 5126 Mate Disability Ins. 1 5127 Deterred Compensation 688.21 5181 Health Insurance 44,748.57 5182 Dental Insurance 4 5188 Vision Insurance 1 5134 Life Insurance 458.76 5185 Long Terra Disability 851.66 5143 Uniform Allowance - 5144 Car Allowance 675.00 5146 Council Expense - 5147 Employee Assistance 217.36 5148 Boot Allowance - 5149 Motor Pay 75.00 5156 Bi- Lingual Pay 125.00 5151 Cell Phone Allowance 352.50 456 Agenda Item 8.a. Page 68 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING F THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NIA 1. ROLL CALL: Mayor Ferrara called the special meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. council Member ,ice Costello, Council Member Jim Guthrie, Council Member Tim Brown, Mayer Pro Tern Caren Ray, city Manager Steven Adams, and city Attorney Tim Carmel were present. 2 . PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 3 . CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Cede Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Steven Adams, City Manager Unrepresented Employees: Management Employees 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mayor Ferrara announced that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 5 . ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:46 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg ) Agenda Item 8.b. Page 1 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR ULAI MEETING of THE CITY COUNICIL /I EDE11ELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL To ORDER Mayor /Chair Ferrara called the Regular City Council/ Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:01 p. m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council/RDA: Council /Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council /Board Member Joe Costello. Council /Board Member Tim Brown, Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Caren Ray, and Mayor /Chair Tony Ferrara were present. City staff Present: city Manager Steven Adams, City Attomey Tim Carmel, Director of Legislative and Information services /city clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative services Angela F raet ch, Chief of Police Steven Annibali, and Community Development Director Teresa McClish. 3. FLAG SALUTE Members of the El Camino -H Group led the Flag salute. 4. INVOCATION Reverend Valerie Valle, St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Honorary Proclamation Declaring April 2011 as "Autism Awareness Month". Mayor Ferrara read and presented the Proclamation to Steve Lumm and shawna Whitfield, representatives of the central coast Autism spectrum Center. 5.b. Honorary Proclamation Declaring April 2011 as "Month of the child's and "Child Abuse Prevention Month". Mayor Ferrara read and presented the Proclamation to Maddy Quaglino, a representative from Arroyo Grande United Methodist children's Center. 6 . AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Council Member Brown moved, Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read by title only and all further readings be waived. Mayor Ferrara announced that Item 16, staff Communications, would be moored up on the Agenda prior to Item 7. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Police chief Annibali provided an update on the recent cross burning incident on S. Elm street in the city, which is being investigated as an arson and hate crime. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 2 Minutes: City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meeting Page 2 Tuesday, March 22, 2011 7. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS The following members of the public spoke during citizens' Input, Comment and Suggestions: Lawanda Lyons- Pruitt, Branch President of the Santa Maria/Lompoc NAACP; Dr. Margaret Carmen, Deborah Miller, Tommy Keough; Ryan Page and Carolyn Henson, Arroyo Grande High School students; M. Nea, Arroyo Grande resident; Jeff Pinock and Brad Snook, representing surfrider Foundation; and Patty Welsh, Pradera court. 8. CONSENT T AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited public comment on the consent Agenda. speaking from the public was Patty Welsh regarding Item 8.k. There were no other comments received, and the public comment period was closed. Council Member Guthrie and Mayor Pro Tem Flay requested Item 8.k. be pulled. Council Member Costello requested Item 8.g. be pulled. Action: council Member Brown moved, and council Member Guthrie seconded the motion to approve consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.J., with the exceptions of 8.g. and 8.k., with the recommended courses of action. The motion passed on the following roll -call vote: AYES: Brown, Guthrie, Costello, Fury, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period February 26, 2011 through March 15, 2011. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report listing the current investment deposits of the city, as of February 28, 2011, as required by Government code section 3b, 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Special city council Meeting of February 8, 2011; the special city Council/ Redevelopment Agency Meeting of February 17, 2011; the Special city council Meeting of February 22, 2011; the special city council Meeting of March 8, 11; and the Regular city Council/ Redevelopment Agency Meeting of March 8, 2011, as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of Authorization to Use City Property and Close City streets for the Centennial Celebration on June 25, July g and July 10, 2011; Temporary Use Permit 1o. 11 -004; Centennial Celebration Incorporated. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4348 as follows: "A RESOLUTION TIO OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1 CIL DF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE USE OF CITY PROPERTY AND CLOSURE OF CITY STREETS FOR THE CITY `S 2011 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ON SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2011 8.e. Consideration of Program Supplement Agreement 1o. 011-N to Administering Agency -Mate Agreement No. 05-5199-R for the Montego Street sidewalk, Phase II Project. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4349 as follows ""A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE D # THORIZIN THE USE OF CITY PROPERTY AND CLOSURE OF CITY STREETS FOR THE CITY'S 2011 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 3 Minutes: City Count llRe fevelo meat Agency Meeting Pare Tuesday, March 22, 2011 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ON SUNDA , JULY 10 2011; TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 11 -004 81 consideration of Acceptance of the city Hall Fire Sprinkler Project, P 11 2009 8. Action 1 Accepted the project improvements, as constructed by Whittle Fire Protection in accordance with the plans and specifications for the city Hall Fire Sprinkler Project; 2 Directed staff to file a Notice of completion; and 3 Authorized release of the retention, thirty -five 3 days after the Notice of completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.h. consideration of an Amendment to the Wallace Group consultant Services Agreement for Design of the Castillo Del Mar to Arroyo Grande High School Bike Path Project. Action: 1 Approved Amendment No. 1 to the Wallace Group consultant Services Agreement for the Castillo Del Mar to Arroyo Grande High School Bile Path Project for the not-to-exceed amount of $22,500, and Authorized the Mayor to execute the amendment. 8.1. Consideration to Adopt a Resolution Accepting an offer of Dedication for open Space on a Portion of Lot 18 of Tract 2238. Action Adopted Resolution No. 4350 as follows: "A RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING AN OFFER of EDICA TION FOR OPEN SPACE ON A PORTION of LOT 16 of TRACT 2236 ". 8.j. consideration of Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for consultant Services with GEI consultants, Inc. to Install Transducer Equipment in Monitoring Wells in Conjunction with the Northern cities Management Area Quarterly Sampling and Annual Monitoring Report. Action: Authorized the Mayor to e an amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services with GEI consultants, Inc. in connection with the annual groundwater monitoring re port. ITEMS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA 8.g, Consideration of an Agreement for Consultant Services with Stetson Engineers, Inc. for the Lopez FZ eservoir Spillway Raise Project. R ecommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to execute are A greement for Consultant Services with Stetson Engineers, Inc. to evaluate the feasibility of the Lopez Reservoir ervoir Spillway Raise Project. Council and staff discussion ensued about the status of proceeding with the project; the associated scope of work and related costs; participation of neighboring jurisdictions; concern about the impact the project could have on the progress of the Habitat Conservation Plan; and whether this project is a viable long -term water source. Action: council Member Costello moved to authorize the Mayor to execute an Agreement for Consultant Services with Stetson Engineers, Inc. to evaluate the feasibility of the Lopez Reservoir Spillway Raise Prefect. Mayor Ferrara seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll -call vote: AYES: Costello, Ferrara, Guthrie, Flay NOES: Brown ABSENT: None Agenda Item 8.b. Page 4 Minutes: City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meeting in Page Tuesday, March 22, 2011 8.1. consideration to Authorize an Award of Bid for a Video Surveillance system. Recommended Action: Authorize the award o f bid to purchase a multi -pod surveillance system to security Lines US of Studio city, California, in the amount of $64,817 and authorize the city Manager to execute the Order of Confirmation and Purchase Agreement. Council and staff discussion ensued with regard to the system's portability; that all cameras would be visible and in public locations; and The constitution Project — Guidelines for Public Video surveillance, which is a guide to protecting communities and preserving civil liberties. Action: Council Member Guthrie moved to authorize the award of bid to purchase ar multi -pod surveillance system to security Lines US of studio City, California, in the amount of $84,817 and authorize the City Manager to execute the Order of Confirmation and Purchase Agreement. Council Member Brown seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll -call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Brown, Costello, Flay, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 9 . PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS 1 1.a. consideration of Fiscal Year 2010-11 Mid -Year Budget Report. [CC/RDA] Administrative Services Director Kraetsch presented the staff report and recommended the Council /Board: 1 Approve detailed budget adjustments listed in the Mid -Year budget report; 2 Approve Schedule A; and 8 Approve requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund. Mayor /Chair Ferrara opened the public comment period. No public comments were received. Action: council /Board Member Costello moored to 1 Approve detailed budget adjustments listed in the Mid -bear budget report; Approve Schedule A; and 8 Approve requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund. council /Board Member Brown seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Brown, Guthrie, Flay, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 12. CITY COUNCIL. REPORTS TS The Mayor and Council Members provided brief reports from the following committee, commission, board, or other subcommittee meetings that they have attended as the city's appointed representative. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 5 Minutes: City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 5 Tuesday, March 22, 2017 (a) Mayor Ferrara: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments /San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG /SLORTA). (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Brisco /Halcyon /Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee (b) Mayor Pro Tern Ray: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). (2) California ,faint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (3) Tourism Committee (c) Council Member Costello: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) (d) Council Member Guthrie: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Community Action Partnership (CAPSLO) (3) Homeless Services Coordinating Council (HSOC) (e) Council Member Brawn: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Pro Tern Ray commented on the crass burning incident and diversity issues; and Council Member Costello urged the perpetrators of the crime to come forward. Mayor Ferrara provided an update on issues related to redevelopment and the League of California Cities Board's vote to support the position of the California Redevelopment Association (CRA). 16. ADDITIONA STAFF C OMMUNICATIONS City Manager Adams announced the upcoming Budget Workshop hop to be held on Thursday, March 24 th at 6:00 p.m.; the City Hall Open House on Saturday, March 2 6 th from 12 neon to 3:00 p.m.; and a possible Special City Council Meeting on April 12 to at 6:00 p.m. 17. COMMUNIT IIT C MII ENTS ADD SUGGESTIONS None. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 6 Minutes.- City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meeting Page Tuesday, March , 201 18. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 9:26 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore,, City Clerk/Agency Secretary {Approved at CC Mtg ) Agenda Item 8.b. Page 7 MINUTES UTE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY C U CIU EDEVEL PI LENT AGENCY THURSDAY, MARCH 24,2011 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND WOMAN'S CLIMB COMMUNITY CENTER 11 VERNON STREET ARROYO GRANDE, DE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL. TO ORDER Mayor /Chair Ferrara called the special City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council/RDA, Council /Board Member sloe Costello, Council /Board Member slim Guthrie, Council /Board Member Tim Brown, Mayor Pro Tem ice Chair Caren Flay, and Mayor /Chair Tony Ferrara were present. City staff Present: City Manager/Executive Director Steven Adams, Director of Legislative and Information Services /City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services Angela Kraet Ch, Community Development Director Teresa McClish, Police Chief Steven Annibali and Director of Recreation and Maintenance Services. 3 . FLAG SALINE Mayor /Chair Ferrara led the Flag salute. 4. CITIZENS' INPUT COMMENTS,, AND SUGGESTIONS None. 5 . CONSIDERATION F FY 2011-1 AND FY 2012-13 BUDGET STRATEGIES City Manager/Executive Director Adams provided information on the budget goals and strategies workshops ps that would be conducted for preparation of the FY 2011-12/FY 2012-12 Biennial Budget; provided overviews of General Fund Revenue History; 1 -year staffing history; accomplishments and record of success; reorganization outcomes; trends the City has experienced with General Fund expenditures; 1 -year PERS rate history; and medical rates. Administrative Services Director KraetsCh provided preliminary financial projections which included revenue and expenditure estimates for FY 201 1 -1 FY 2012-13. City Manager Adams provided a breakdown n f the projected shortfall which is Comprised of a structural deficit ($200,000); PERS rate increase ($300,000); salary increases ($250,000), and liability Costs ($50,000). He explained PERS rates as it relates to employee and employer shame of costs, and associated increases anticipated in FY 11 -1 FY 2012-13. He then reviewed other major cost issues relating to the City's liability program, retiree medical, and redevelopment, as well as the status of the redevelopment, grater, sever local sales tax, and facility funds. He Concluded by reviewing proposed strategies and options for Council Consideration. Chief Annibali provided an overview o f the school Resource Officer Program. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 8 Minutes: Special City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meeting Page Thursday, March 24, 2011 Director of Recreation and Maintenance Services Perrin provided an overview of the Recreation Programs, including sports, facilities and classes, as well as childcare, pre - school, and special events. Staff responded to questions regarding the PERS rates and retiree medical costs, sports facilities and classes, the city's liability program through the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority CJPIA and if this is still a financially sound option /program for the city, redevelopment obligations, school district security on campuses, sports programs, whether any information was available on the city of Paso Robles' restructuring efforts in recreation, and the school resource officer program. Mayor /chair Ferrara opened the public comment period and the following member of the public spoke: Otis Page, Myrtle street. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor /chair Ferrara closed the public comment period. City Manager/Executive Director Adams recommended the following primary strategies for moving forward to address the projected budget shortfall in the FY 2011 -12 and FY 2012-13 Biennial Budget, which include: 1 pursuing labor concessions to address increases in salary and benefit costs, and 2 utilizing reserves in excess of the minimum 15% reserve policy. Council/Board comments ensued on all strategies presented and a majority of the council supported moving forward with the primary strategies to address the projected budget shortfall. Council Member Brown commented that he did not support the use of reserves to balance the budget, only for emergencies. Mayor Pro Tenn Fay requested that staff follow up with the city of Paso Robles to obtain information regarding the restructuring of its recreation programs so that the information could be reviewed at the nett Budget Workshop. There was no formal action taken at the Budget Workshop. 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor /chair Ferrara adjourned the special Meeting at 8:50 p.m. to the next Regular city Council/ Redevelopment Agency Meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at :00 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, city Clerk/Agency secretary (Approved at CC Mtg } Agenda Item 8.b. Page 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.b. Page 10 ;J kR O INCORPORATED JULY W. t911 � MEMORANDUM To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DOUG PER RI DIRECTOR of RECREATION EATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES 0, . SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of A RESOLUTION N F ENAMING VILLAGE GREEN PARK AS CENTENNIAL PAR DATE: APRIL 1 , 2011 RECOMMENDATION: The Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council adopt Resolution olution rena min illar e Green Park, located at Short Street and oloharn Alley, to Centennial Park. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total cost of the Centennial Park project is $238,394. There is no cost impact from this action. BACKGROUND: On October 1 , 1 975, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 11 (Attachment 1 naming the park area at the end of Short Street and part of the Civic Center Complex "The Village Green ", as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The area referred to in the Resolution is on the north side of the Swinging Bridge and contains the Village Green Gazebo. In July, 2011, the City will be celebrating its 100 anniversary of incorporation with a centennial celebration. At the January 25, 2011 meeting the City Council awarded construction contract to Marino Construction for renovations to the pillage Green Park to create the Centennial Park. Improvements currently underway include enhancement to the existing gazebo, re-grading rn i reinforcing the lawn area between the gazebo and the creek, extending the Creekside Path sidewalk to connect both sides of the path, redesign and relocation of the planters to eliminate the need for the metal railing, creation of a brick area for recognition of sponsors, creation of a pedestal for centennial commemorative plaque and a s a location for a centennial time capsule, a flag pole, relocation of the electrical service and the irrigation controller, and relocation of existing benches (Atta . Agenda Item 8.c. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION RENAMING THE VILLAGE GREEN PARKAS CENTENNIAL PARK APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 2 To help commemorate the Centennial, it has been requested by the Centennial Celebration steering committee that the park be renamed as Centennial Park. At its February g, 2011 meeting the Parks and Recreation Commission unanimously recommended the City{ Council adopt a Resolution renaming Village Green Park as Centennial Park. April 30, 2011 has been tentatively established as the dame for reopening and dedication of the facility. On Centennial day, July 10, 2011', the time capsule than was buried in 1986 will be opened, and the new 100 year time capsule will be placed in the Centennial Pedestal. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: It has been established in Arroyo Grande City Council Resolution No. 735 {Attachment 3 ) than the Parks and Recreation reation Commission will recommend names for City parks to the City Council for its approval and adoption. The Resolution also provides guidelines for naming parks. Section 1 states, "Binh parks or recreation areas of sufficient size to be used for recreational purposes by neighborhoods or by the entire c ommunity shall be given Spanish names and identified as a "park." Section 2 states, "such areas which are tee small to provide recreation facilities or are located or designed primarily to serge purposes other than recreation, shall be called "pocket parks." Section 3 states, "In uses where a "park' or "pocket park" has been donated in part or in its entirety for park purposes to the City of Arroyo Grande, if so recommended by the Parks and Recreation reation Commission, said 'I parka or "pocket park" may commemorate the name of the person or persons instrumental in said gift to the City . Section 4 states', fill uses in which public property c annot be identified as set forth in Sections 1, 2, and 3 hereof, upon recommendation of the Parks and Recreation reation Commission, said property may be identified by other appropriate names." Since the 2001 General Plan identifies pillage Green as a pocket park, and since the property was not donated to the City, the Parks and Recreation reation Commission may recommend another appropriate narne. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Commission's consideration: • Adopt a Resolution renaming the pillage Green Park as Centennial Park; • Modify and adopt a Resolution giving the property a name other than Centennial Park; Do not adopt a Resolution renaming the park; Continue consideration of a recommendation to rename the park; or • Provide d i re do n to staff. ADVANTAGES: Renaming the park will help commemorate the celebration of the City's 100 gear of incorporation. Agenda Item 8.ic. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of ADOPTION of A RESOLUTION RENAMING IAMI THE VILLAGE GREEN PARK AS CENTENNIAL PAR APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE DISADVANTAGES: Changing the name of the park could create temporary confusion for people who identify the gazebo with the Village Green. In addition, facility use forms will need to be reprised to reflect the new name. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Centennial Steering Committee has been notified of the meeting. The agenda was posted in front of City hall on Thursday, April 7, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, April 8, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 1183 2. Centennial Park rendering 3. Resolution No. 725 Agenda Item 8.c. Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY F ARROYO GRANDE RENAMING IAMIN THE VILLAGE GREEN I PAR AS CENTENNIAL PAR WHEREAS, the City o Arroyo Grande "City" ) owns ar pocket park which features ar g azebo and located adjacent to the historic swinging bridge at Short Street and 01ohan Alley; and WHEREAS, it has been established bar Resolution N . 735 that the Parks and Recreation Commi i n shall recommend names for City Parks to the City Council for its approval and adoption; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission has considered a new name for the pocket perk c urrent.ly identified as the "pillage Green Park" and has recommended, as ar result of ar recommendation from the Centennial Celebration Steering Committee, the pocket park be renamed "Centennial Park" to ommem r to the City's '1 Do Tarr of incorporation. NOW, THEREFORE, E, E IT RESOLVED ED thart the City Council of the City of Arroyo G hereby renames "Village Green Parry ", located at Short Street a nd Olohan Alley, as "Centennial Park On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was parsed and adopted this darer of 2011. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 4 RESOLUTION NO, PAGE TONY FER A# A, MAYO ATTEST: KELLY 1 ETMO E, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: T: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.c. Page 5 AESCLUTl ON $ 13 ATTACHMENT 'I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO - I L OF THE CITY OF ARMY GRANDE NMI NG THE SHORT MEET PARK AREA "THE VILLAGE ME W N WHEREAS It has bmn establ ishad by f solut:1 " NO. 'S ttat the Parks and Recreatlon.Comission wt 1 1 racommand names for C i t y Parks to the C i tY- Counc t 1 for its approval and adept i an ; and WHEREAS i the Parks and Recreation C Iss ?on has don ldetad rres to be used for Identification of certa l n park areas in tha, City of Arreyro Grande and has raccamnded, as a resul -t of, rec mwndst i one from the parrk I ng and gum )nest ImprovegnAt Area Advisory Board and the Downtown herchants' Association. that the park area at tha and Of Short Street and part of the Civic Canter l ax be named "THE VILLAGE GREEMI and be so approved and adopted bY the City Cau i l . NOW, THEREFORE THE CI Ty CauxtilL of THE -cj.TY OF ARROYO PMVE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE-AS FOLL01 That the park area at the ' +arid of Short Strdat and part Of the Civic Center l-ex to hereby officially nand 1 "E VILLAGE GR ' t as racaarssr dad by the parks and Recreation Cormisslons on motion of C.ounci bran de aeon, seconded by 6uncl lmn Splari ing and an the following roll call Grote, to I t DYES: Councl Imen Splerling, de Lean, Schlegai , Mi 1 l is and Myor Talley No ES w None DISSENT: Nona ' the foregoing Resolution was passed and adapted this 14th day of October, 19 IMR ATTEST: -,Olew ' CITY CLERK ,i Ines A. dal Campo, City Clark of the City of Arroyo iranda County . of San Luis Obispo, State 6f Callfornia do hareby rertlfy Xhat the foregoing R,aaoijst ion Me. 1183 Is a true, full and correct copy of sa 1 d rosiolLitton passim and adopted by the City Counell of the Clty of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of sa rd Coune l l hold on the 1 4th day of October, 1 975. WITNESS my nand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande. a f f I xed this 1 sth day of October 1 975 . ci4lierk or the Clt of -A" ve r SEAL ) a Agenda Item 8.c. Page 6 i3 tD CL 2) rMIL M O M 3 tD 00 "*4 0 New brick cro existin Veteran's Mer and fla Veteran's Met Lawn with net. NOMMMMM Existin g aze, enhancement- Raised plante New trees (2) 'The Villa 1: PDtS New steps wr marker and ti Flexible use L farmer's mart displa etc. Existin li i to remain New promenus- -to swin -L Existin fencA, Centennial Park Enhancements Cit Of Arro Grande t of 1 1) o M RE 9 OLUT1011 N O.9 7 35 ATTACHMENT MSOLM Carr coUWxL. 01P TM CI . M ARROW GRA= cow =NO mutING OF PUBLIC. PARYUS CPAs, it has been de termined b th e Parka an d Re creation a i sIon of the' 'City of ArroW Grande thaw public. open; spaces * - beauty areas, smell and large park areas and such other uses of larnd ahould be intlid # 'aud was the Fax" and Recreation Cris s ivn has, by sclu- t1on, recce ded that certain public places be named' to rx rate _ certain parsons who have ctmtributed land to the C ity of JL rzvyo Grande sad to yes oxate tea- Spanish heritage of t City of Arroyo Grande s 5KW TWIMFORE BE IT I REBY RESOLVED AS FOLD B t Section 1, such parks or recreation areas of sufficient size to be used for recreational p xpo e e s by neigbbckrh or b "th y e ntire shall be given p names naes and identlflod as a 'park a .- Secti 2. Such areas w hich are tOo MalI t:o provide rac"Rti oral f acilities g or are located or designed priaawarily to serge puxpoe other thals recreation, shall be called 'met .rks "# Section 3. in cases Wbere a O ftxk o or OftMet: park has been donated in part or in ita entirety for park paxposes to the City of Arroyo Grande., if no reocmmmnded by the Parka wind MAcreatica caasission, said "Park" or "Pocket Park" may 4111MM. t name o f the person or persona inatrumental in said gift to t C;LtyA S ection 4. -3 oases in doh public property cannot be i dbsntif ied as set forth in Sections 1, 2 and 3 booreof, upon re a fits-1— dation of the Faxs and R Cc=-Ii=, s aid property ma be identified by other appropriate Caves On motion of Co=cllman Burt, seconded by Council Buhl *"l and by the following roll Call Prot s t tO -Wit: I A Y= c o=ci i a I vines Schlegel, Bu and Xeyor Wood. K ozo MUM Council ThOMP90no the f oregolng Resolution was adopted this 14th day of Febr wLr # 1967. ASS Clark r I, Folly B, Mlllerr city Clara of tba City o Ax o Gr a mAs County of San Win Cb ispo, State of California, do hereby certify thet the forego Re s olution I is a taus full and c oye st o p o said Resolution passed and adopted by the Ci moil Of City o A xoyo Gran4e at a regular meeting of said Co oll on tae 14th da of Vabrtitary, 196% WAS may hand a ad the seai of the City of Ar royo Gr affixed this 1 th ' day of February, 000�1 i ty C :a ity Of Uro" Gr ALUft Agenda Item 8.c. Page 8 q4 -A e R G1 fo 01 AP ORATE I _ X JULY 10, 1011 FOR To: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: MEMORANDUM CITY COUNCIL STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER CONSIDERATION of A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REFUNDING of CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS S SECURED BY ITS WATER SUPPLY CONTRACT WITH THE SAN LUIS o 1sPo COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT APRIL 1 , 2011 RECOMMENDATION: : It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution authorizing the refunding of certain obligations secured b its water supply contract with the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Hater Conservation District. FINANCIAL IMPACT: It is projected the refinancing will result in a savings of approximately $20,000 per year to the City's Water Fund. - there will also be a savings of approximately 10% or $20,000 in the property tax assessment paid by Arroyo Grande property o wners. BACKGROUND: : The City entered into a contract with the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District "District" in 1966 for the delivery of water from the Lopez Dam facility. The contract was amended in 2000 in order to issue bonds to finance retrofit of the dam. This provided for issuance of $28,905,000 of Lopez Dam Improvement Revenue Bonds, which included $13,200,000 in general obligation bonds and $15,705,000 in revenue bonds. "therefore, about 6% of debt is paid through property tax and 54% through water rates. The District recently determined that existing conditions of the financial market present an opportunity to achieve savings to agencies contracting for Lopez water. Current estimates by the County of San Luis Obispo shover gross savings in the total amount of $3.1 million. In order to refinance the bonds, each participating agency must approve a contract amendment. The District will then sell the refunding bonds. At the November 10, 2010 meeting, the City Council approved an amendment to the Water Supply Contract with the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Hater Conservation District and a Continuing Disclosure Agreement in order to refinance the Lopez Dam retrofit bonds. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REFUNDING OF CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS S SECURED BY ITS WATER SUPPLY CONTRACT WITH THE SAN LUIS O ISPO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT APRIL 1,, 2011 PAGE ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Shortly after the amendment was approved, projected interest rates for the bonds increased. Therefore, it was determined not to more forward to refinance the bonds at than time. The bond market has since improved, but not to the previous point when the refinancing was originally proposed. At that time, a savings target of 5% was established. The attached Resolution would to wer the savings target from 5% to 3 %. By adopting It, the Council will enable the County to move forward In a timely manner whenever the bond market reaches the targeted savings point. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the Resolution; Do not adopt the Resolution; Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Adoption of the Resolution and refinancing of the bonds will provide savings to property owners and the City's Water Fund. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL TAL RE 1 I : No environmental revie w is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, April 7, 2010. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, April 8, 2010. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 2 RESOLUTION No. RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE REFUNDING of CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS SECURED BY ITS WATER SUPPLY CONTRACT WITH THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande (the "City Council ") executed and delivered ar form of Contract between the Baru Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (the "District ") and the City of Arroyo Grande (the &`City" ), effective September 19, 2000 (the "Existing Contract"), respecting the water provided through the District's Lopez Darn facility, including its appurtenances (collectively referred to as the "Facility "; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by its Resolution olution o. 4318, adopted November 9, 2010 ("Resolution No. 4318"), did approve an amendment to the Existing Contract "Amendment Nor 2," and, together with the Existing Contract, the "Amended Contract" to allow for the refunding of certain tax-exempt obligations (the "Tax - Exempt Obligations") secured by the revenues under the Amended Contract, and WHEREAS, the City and the District did enter into Amendment No. 2; and WHEREAS, circumstances in the financial markets will now permit the refunding of the Tax- Exempt obligations on terms beneficial to the ratepayers and ta of the City; and WHEREAS, the City now wishes to establish revised parameters under which the Tax-Exempt Obligations may be refunded, pursuant to Resolution No. 4318. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve and determine as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. 2. In connection with-the above-described refunding, the City understands and a than delivery of revenue bonds by the SLo County Financing Authority intended to effect the refunding will be conditioned upon a showing that the refunding will result in savings to the City in the amount of not less than 3.0% of present value of the City's pro rata share of Installment Debt Service (acs defined in the Amended Contract). 3. This Resolution olution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll c all vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Resolution olution was adopted this day of April, 2011. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 3 RESOLUTION PAGE TONY F E R AI A, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMFE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: M: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.d. Page 4 P6 0 INCORPORATE JULY 10. 1911 MEMORANDUM Fob To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, DIRECTOR of COMMUNITY ITY E ELOPMENT SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of A CONSULTANT T CO TRACT AMENDMENT FOR WOOD RODGERS, INC. FOR THE BRISCO ROAD - HALCYON ROA IRO TE 101 PROJECT APPROVAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION (PA&ED) AND PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AN ESTIMATES PS E F DATE: APRIL 12, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: ATION It is recommended the City Council approve Contract Amendment No. 6 with Wood Rod , Inc., in a form a p p roved by the City Attorney, to u pd ate environmental studies and continue preparation of the Project Approval and Environmental Determination (PA&ED), for the Brisco Road — Halcyon F oad /Highway 101 Interchange Improvement Project, for an additional not-to-exceed amount of $487,662 for the PA ED. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City's Capital Improvement Program budget included a total $560,925 for Wood Rodgers to prepare the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 PA ED and $17,000 to prepare the necessary Design Exception Fact Sheets. On May 11, 2010, the Council approved Contract Amendment No. 5 for an additional $175,000 to reprise alternative (some of which were ultimately rejected as infeasible) and provide project support and documentation for the PA ED. Approximately half of the $175,000 is remaining in the widget. The proposed contract amend ment includes not-to-exceed costs for engineering studies, the project report and the environmental document for complete the PA& ED phase for $487,662. BACKGROUND: In 2001, a Project Study Report-Project Development Support PSR -PDS was completed to develop alternatives to improve operation of the Frisco Road-Halcyon Road interchange on Route 101. The PS -PDS identified fire potential alternative (including a "no -wild" alternative ) , and recommend ed four of these, including the "no- build" al ernative, for further evaluation. The four alternatives were brought for ward to the current phase of project development, Project Approval and Environmental Determination PA ED . During PA ED development, additional alternatives have been identified and analyzed. Alternatives were presented to the City Council at the August 12, 2008 meeting. The City Council selected a preferred alternative and directed staff and the City Council Subcommittee to pursue approval and funding through the San Luis Obispo Council of Government SL O G and Caltran . The 2008 preferred alternative (Alt A ) included: 1 closure of the northbound on- and off -ramps at Frisco Road; 2 closure of the northbound on -ramp at East Grand Avenue; realignment of West Branch Street to Agenda Item 8.e. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONTRACT APPROVAL AL o. 6 FOR WOOD F ODGERS, INC. FOR TIME BF ISCO ROAD- HALCYON F OADIROUTE 101 PROJECT APPROVAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL TAL DETERMINATION PA ED APRIL '12, 20'1'1 PAGE 2 intersect East Grand Avenue at the current location of the northbound on- ramp; 4) construction of a new northbound hook on- and ofd ramps at Old Punch Road; and 5) construction of " po rk chop" islands on East Grand Avenue to prevent wrong way traffic onto the northbound off -ramp at East Grand Avenue. In c lay of 2000, the City Council approved C ontract Ame nd ment No. 4 with Wood Rod Inc. for preparation of the design exception fact sheets for the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 Project Approval and Environmental Determination PACED In the amount of $17,500. Additionally, the Council authorized the Mayor to send a letter to Caltrans regarding opposition to requests for further analysis and urging support for the City's preferred alternative. In August 2000, the Planning Company was contracted to assist in determining a design solution to the Brisco impasse and develop strategies to achieve Caltrans approval. On May 11, 2010, the Council approved the Contract Amendment No. 5 to include alternative 3B that placed ramps at Old Punch Road, and continue an update of environmental studies and 'the PA ED project. However, it was subsequently determined that this alternative had a fatal flavor due to the grade separation between Freeway 101 and Old Punch Road. On October 2, 2010, the Council approved Alternative 4 to be included in the PACED. Alternative 4 involves moving the Brisco northbound on -ramp and ofd ramp to Rodeo Drive. Additionally, the Council approved the preparation of supporting information and design exception fact sheets and to provide the public an opportunity to comment at the Traffic Commission and neighborhood meetings. The Traffic Commission considered the project alternative on January 10, 2011 and a well attended neighborhood meeting was held on February 2, 2011. Project accomplishments include completion of the Purpose and bleed document, established performance criteria and th e traffic a n a lys i s wit h concu rre n ce fro m Caltrans District 5 Traffic Operations. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: Obtaining Caltrans approval for improvements to the Brisco Rand/Halcyon Road-Highway 101 I nterchange has proved to be a difficult task given the inability to add ress deficiencies with an older road highway system while meeting new Caltrans design standards. Given concurrence between the City and Caltrans on the Alternatives to be studied in the PACED documents, staff and consultants are ready to complete the PACED Issues identified by the public include potential impacts to the Rodeo Drive neighborhood, St. Patric4s School and County properties and the cost benefit of Alternative 4 in comparison to the ve rr long range potential of having to widen the underpass. Alternative requires realignment of Rodeo Drive and would utilize some of the lot originally acquired for the Police Building Project. It would also impact a small portion of County and St. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONTRACT ACT APPI OVAL NO. 6 FOR WOOD F OD EF S, INC, FOR THE BRISCO ROAD- HALCYON I OADI OUTE 101 PROJECT APPROVAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL TAL DETERMINATION PA ED APRIL 1, 2011 PAGE Patrick's School properties. Staff and consultants have met with representatives from the school, the County, and neighborhood groups and have identified mitigation factors to be included in the PAED document, including a bus turnout and pedestrian facilities for the school, a realignment of Grace Lane at Rodeo Drive to address neighborhood circulation concerns and revised parking lot design and access for the County property. It also should be noted that the Alternative 4 does correct operational deficiencies and provides for long term circulation benefits. It is recognized that additional work, including widening the underpass may be necessary beyond the. 30-50 yr. planning horizon. However, alternatives that include widening the underpass as a part of this project have been determined to be infeasible due tooth cost and the fact that the benefit gained from widening the underpass is realized only if the Brisco ramps are moved. A copy of the consultants work plan and proposal for the PA ED is attached as Exhibit A to the Consultant Services Agreement. The proposal for future Phase II PSE is also attached (Attachment 1) for reference. However the PSE is not proposed to be approved at this time. Due to the age of the previous environmental studies, they are not considered valid and must be re- analyzed per Caltrans requirements. Additionally, the new alternative requires a different mapping and analysis of a different and larger Area o f Potential Environmental Concern (APE). Given the focus on the new alternative and delays in the project, the majority of analysis and work involved in preparing the PA EDf rCaltransconsideration is necessary to be done over. Approximately half of the amended contract amount (Amendment No. remains in the budget and is tieing used for the APE mapping and to commence time sensitive (Spring) environmental surveys. The proposed amendment projects worst -case costs however, it is anticipated that much of the previous analysis will used to reduce costs significantly. A project schedule has been developed as follows: PHASE DELIVERABLES PAIED PS &E FAIN cert. F TL start c n t. End c n t. (project approval (plans, (right of way (ready to list) and specifications certification) environmental and determinations estimates 1212011 101/2013 12/2012 03/2013 0612013 061201 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL CONTRACT APPROVAL AL No. 6 FOR WOOD F O GERS, INC. FOR THE BI ISco ROAD- HALCYON ROAD/ROUTE 101 PROJECT APPROVAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL D ETERMINATION (PA&E APRIL 1 2, 2011 PAGE 4 ALTERNATIVES: ES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Approve an amendment to the Agreement with Wood Rod i n the not to exceed amount of 487,662.50 to Complete the PA CED; w Do not approve an amendment to the Agreement with Wood Rodgers and put out a n ew request for proposals for the PACED completion; 0 Provide staff direction. ADVANTAGES: Proceeding Frith completion of the PA CED through a contract amend ment wi ll provide the greatest likelihood of obtaining approval from Caltrans for a project alternative that achieves the goals of the City and to complete the process in a timely manner to allow the City to compete for State and Federal funding through the net STIP cycle. DISADVANTAGES: ApprovaI of the recommendation wiII increase costs to the City for analysis and wiII result in further delays to project construction if the alternative is not approved. Ho wever, given Caltrans concurrence with the feasibility of Alter ative 4 � it is antic1pated that the benefit of being in good position for design and construction funding outweighs the risks of proceed with PA ED at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: : In accordance with the California Quality Act (CE QA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) a detailed environmental revie w is required during the Project Approval and Environmental Determination (PA& ED phase of project development. A d raft Project Report (PR), an engineering report that describes the work and possible alternatives, i prepared in parallel with the environmental studies. Following circulation of the Draft environmental document (the public rev period ), a public hearing is held. After analyzing the public hearing comments, a preferred alternative is normally selected , which allows the preparation and approval of the final environmental document which is attached to the PFD. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, April 7 2011. The Agenda and staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, April 8, 2011. No public commen were re ce ive d. Att ac h ment: 1. Detail Proposal - Phase 11 PS&E Agenda Item 8.e. Page 4 CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO, 6 This Sixth Amendment ("Sixth Amendment" to Consultant's services Agreement ("CSA") by and between the CITY of ARROYO GRANDE arnd WOOD RODGERS is made and entered into this day of April 2011, based on the following facts: WHEREAS, S, the parties entered into ar CSA darted January 11 200 5 to prepare Project Approval and Environmental Determination PA ED for the Brisco -F o d- Harlcyon Road/Route 101 Interchange; and WHEREAS, S, the panties entered into ar First Amendment to CSA darted November ember , Zoo, to include the environmental studies for the Frisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 PAE; and WHEREAS, S, the parities entered into ar second Amendment to CSA darted November 14 2006, to include ar northbound auxiliary lane in the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 PAED; and WHEREAS, S, the parties entered into a Third Amendment to CSA darted June 24, 200 8, to include additional analysis in the Frisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 Project Approval & Environmental Document PAE; and WHEREAS, S, the panties entered into a Fourth Amendment to CSA darted May 26, 200 9, for preparation of the design exception fact sheets for the Frisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 Project Approval and Environmental Document PAED; WHEREAS, S, the parties entered into ar Fifth Amendment to CSA darted June 16, 2010 for preparation of the Project Approval and Environmental Document PAED for the Frisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 Interchange Improvements Project; and WHEREAS, S, the panties desire to further modify the CSA as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, F E, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowled the parities a as follows: 1. To include the additional services at the increased cost as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 5 III WITNESS WHEREOF, F, CITY and CONSULTANT have ut d this Fifth Amendment the chary and year first above rritt n. WOOD RODGERS B . ■ CITY OF ARROYO FAIRE B . TONY FEF RAI A, MAYOR Agenda Item 8.e. Page 6 Wood Rodgers Inc. Cost Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for risco- Halcyon Road Interchange Phase I - PA & ED (Project Report) City of Arroyo Grande EXHIBIT A DIRECT LABOR Hours Rate Total Principal Engineer Project Manager 278 $150-00 $41 Project Engineer (Engineer 111) 472 $1 40.00 $66 Senior Structures Engineer 16 $150.00 $2,400.00 Design Engineer (Engineer 11 ) 538 $120.00 $64 Engineer 1 276 $105.00 $28 Assistant Engineer CAD Technician 111 448 $95.00 $42 Administrative Assistant 162 $70.00 $11 Total - Direct Labor 2,190 $257 OTHER COSTS • Mileage Reproduction other direct Costs $6 Total - Direct Cost $6,000.00 TOTAL - Wood Rodgers SUB CONSULTANTS T • Wallace Group - Surveys & dapping $58 • SWCA Environmental Consultants - Environmental Documentation $ 160,255.00 • Bender Rosenthal - ROW Data Sheet $5 TOTAL - Subconsullants $263,620.00 $224 TO TA L COST NOT TO EXCEED S48 7,66 2 .50 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 7 SUEC NSULTANT COST BREAKDOWN e Wallace Group - Surveys & Mapping DIRECT LABOR Director Senior Land Surveyor 2 -man Survey Crew 2 -man GPS Crew Total - Direct Labor OTHER COSTS • Golden State Aerial Surveys Photogrammetry * Markup 1 % of Above Costs) Other Costs Subtotal WALLACE GROUP TOTAL • S WCA Environmental Consultants - Environmental Documentation DIRECT LABOR Hours Rate Principal 1 Project Director 27 $158-00 Project Manager 1 Biologist 152 $110.00 Senior Planner 114 $121.00 Senior Biologist 44 $121.00 Associate Biologist 72 $100.00 Environmental Planner 40 $79.00 Visual Resources Specialist 20 $121.00 1 1 Visualization Specialist 50 $100.00 I 1 CAD Specialist 10 $110.00 Technical Editor 4 $79,00 Adminisiralive 1 Clerical 14 $68.00 Total - Direct Labor 683 OTHER COSTS e Reim ursi le Expenses (Reproduction, Supplies, Travel, etc,) o Far Westem Anthropological Research Croup (Archeological Survey Repo) o JRP Historical Consulting (Historic Property Survey Report) o JRP Historical Consulting (Historical Resources Evaluation Report) e I leinfelder DL & Asbestos Survey Reports) • KM Aceoustics (Air Quality/Climate Change Report) • KM Aeeou tics (Noise Impact Report) Other Costs Subtotal SWC4 Environmental TOTAL Hours Rate Total 2 $154.00 $4,004.00 2 $154.00 $8 1 $215.00 $3,870.00 24 $232.00 $5 120 S21,450.00 Hours Rate e Bender Rosenthal - ROW Data Sheet DIRECT LABOR _ Senior Appraiser _ Total - Direct Labor OTHER COSTS o Direct Costs (Mileage, Postage, Reproduction, etc.) Bender Rosenthal TOTAL $32,250.00 $4,837.50 $37,087,50 $58,53 Total $4,266.00 $16 $13. $5,324.00 $'7,200.00 $3 $2 $5 $11 $3,555.00 $952.00 573,941.00 $6,050.00 $9,093.00 $13, $10,086.00 $35,234.00 $6,480.00 $5,850.00 S861314.00 $160,255.00 Total 40 $125.00 $5 40 $5 $250.00 $5,250.00 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 8 C:> 4R C:>s April 6, 2011 Ms. Teresa Mc lish, AI P lireetor of Community Development Cit of Arroyo Grande PC Box 550 214 E. Braneh Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Subj ect: Proposal —Project Approval and Environmental Document rfco Road Improvement Project Dear Ms. McClish: Attached, phase find Wood Rodgers, Inc. proposal for services required to prepare the Project Approval and Environmental Document PEI, and the Plans, Specifications, and Estimate PSG. /Contract Documents for the Brisco Road Improvement project. As you are aware, Wood Rodgers ers has been engaged on this project with the City of Arroyo Grande (City), and has the background and insight that will be important assets as the project progresses. Additionally, Wood Rodgers has been able to add ubcon ultants to our Team that have both project specific as well as Caltrans District 5 experience. Our Team's combined xperiences and expertise will assist the City with achieving the goal of constructing improvements at Brisco Road. At the City's request, our proposal is broken into two Phases. They are as fellows} • Phase 1 — All efforts required tom complete the PA/ED Phase of the project. There has been efforts on this phase in the past, and our Team believes that some of this may in fact be usable as we progress; therefore, our Team is confident that our Not -to- Exceed budget will be adequate to complete this phase, Phase 2 -- All efforts to complete the P S&E for the project. This would include all environmental permitting as well as right- of-way support activities. It is believed that initiating this Phase as early as possible will better align the City to take advantage of any funding opportunities that are currently available or may arise. We look forward to our continued service to the City, and request approval of the scope and budget so that we can immediately initiate project activities consistent with the schedule outlined by the City and Caltrns. Should you have any questions, please contact meat l 440-8131, or via email at mra b ack ),woodrod gers c oin. . Sincerely, WOOD & RDDOe INC, Dark payback, P Principal Attachment 8094.001 V3risco Corer Ltr.doc Page 9 B Ris coR OA DIHA L C YON R OA DITJS 10 1 IN TER CHA NGR IMPR 0 VEMEN TS WORK PLAY PROJECT UNDERSTANDIN Project ffistury - In 2001, the City of rroyo Grande had a Project Stud Report (Project Development Support) [PSR PIS ] completed to develop alternatives to improve the operation of Brisco Road - Halcyon Road Interchange on Route 101, in the central portion of the City. The approved P R PPS identified five alternatives (including the "no- build" alternative) and recommended four alternatives (including three build and the no -build alternative) for further evaluation. In January 2005 the City contracted with wood Rodgers to study the previously - identified alternatives further and to develop additional alternatives, with the intent of preparing a Project Report and Environmental Document that would define the project to be constructed, and obtain environmental clearance and approval of both Caltrans and the City of Arroyo Grande. Wood Rodgers prepared conceptual drawings and traffic operational analysis for numerous alternatives, but the situation is such that either Caltrans or the City found the various alternatives unacceptable in One aspect or another. In Febnary of 2011, Caltrans District 5 and the City of Arroyo Grande reached agreement to re -start the process of preparing the Project Report and Environmental Document based on "Alternative 4 ", which would relocate the northbound ramps from Brisco Road to opposite the current Rodeo Drive, and "Alternative P, which would eliminate the northbound ramps at Brisco Road. Both of these "build" alternatives would also include vanious Other improvements, and would be compared to the "No Build" alternative. This current work scope is intended to outline professional services to further refine these alternatives, define the project, and complete environmental analysis for the study interchange improvements in Order to Obtain altrans' Project Approval and Environmental Determination PAIEI clearance to construct a "preferred" set of interchange improvements. wood Rodgers will then prepare the construction Plans, Special Provisions, and Engineer's Estimate P.E for bidding and construction of the project. History of Project Involvement — The key members o f the wood Rodgers, Inc. project team have specific experience with pr'or phases o f this project. Mark Rayh cl , PE will continue to lead the consultant team. This provides familiarity, continuity and contacts that can he utilized to maximize design efficiency. The following wood Rodgers staff members will continue to assist Mr. Rayback with this project within their respective areas of expertise: Ravi Narayanan, PE (traffic forecasting and analysis), Keith Hallsten, PE (project development reports, specification writing, utility design, and drainage design), Lute Fuson, PE (roadway geometric design and plans preparation), Lip Chong, PE (interchange geometrics, Olan preparation and specification writing), Dwayne Slain, PE (structures design, bridge plan preparation and specification writing), and Jerry Fitch, PE (traffic signal, street lighting and ramp meter design, plans preparation and specifications writing). Our strong team of suhconsult nts includes the San Luis Obispo office of SWCA Environmental Consultants (formerly Morro Group), which provided environmental planning for earlier phases of wort. Wallace Group of San Luis Obispo will provide surveys and new topographic/ plan imetric cadastral mapping of the project area to comply with C ltrans' requirement that new US- customary -unit mapping he used. Parih Consultants will provide geotechnical investigation and foundation recommendations. Bender Rosenthal will provide right of way data for the Project Report, and Appraisal and Acquisition services for the PS&E phase of project development. Project Issues — The timely and cost effective completion of the design of the Brisco Road/Halcyon Ro d/I JS 101 Interchange Improvements Project will require resolution of several engineering, right- of-way and administrative issues. The following are items will be addressed during the design of this project, as outlined in the irk Plan section of this proposal: • Interchange geometric design Design surveying, topographic and base 0 Utility Coordination and Relocation mapping Page I of 34 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 10 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING 0 Geotechnical analysis of existing soils for 0 Street Lightin embankments, retaining walls, and structure • Highway Lighting at ramps foundation recommendations. • Pedestrian & bicycle access 0 Pavement Design 0 Right-of-Way Engineerin 0 Drainage desi 0 Construction Traffic Control 0 Undercrossing Structure design 0 Agency Department Coordination 0 Modification of Existing Traffic Signals 0 Permitting 0 Design of Traffic Signals at Ramp 0 Construction Special l Provisions Intersection 0 Construction Cost Estimates Signing and Striping within Caltrans DW 0 Environmental Document coordination Signing and Striping within City DW ight f way and Utility Relocations — The proposed l risco DoadlHalcyon Road US 101 project will require acquisition of State and City right -of -way. Construction of the interchange improvements will require relocation of existing utilities within the project limits. WORK PAN Through years of experience in planning and design of transportation projects for Caltrans and local agencies, wood Dodgers staff has developed a thorough understanding of how to satisfactorily complete the planning and design of interchange improvement projects. Based on our experience, the Wood Dodgers Team has developed an integrated project approach for preparation of the Project Deport, and coordination with the City of Arroyo Grande in preparation of the Environmental Document, and preparation of Plans, Specification and Estimate PSE for construction of a Brisco Road/Halcyon Road US 10 1 Interchange Improvements Project. This integrated approach to the project will assure that critical issues are addressed early in the process, that the most appropriate interchange design is selected for construction, and that the plans and specifications meet all applicable local, Mate and federal requirements. The following project approach has been prepared based on our recent experience with similar projects, as w l l as our knowledge of the requirements for this project, and conforms with tanks identified in Caltrans' Project Development Procedures and workflow Tasks Manuals. PROJECT MANAGEMENT T This continuous activity commences with the receipt of the Notice to Proceed and continues through submittal of the final project deliverables. Key elements of our project management program include regular progress reports and meetings with the Cit work progress direction and monitoring, coordination, and communications. All coordination will be with the Arroyo Grande Project Manager. The wood Dodgers Project Manager wilI monitor and direct work activities on this project in accordance with the contracted work scope, schedule, and budget. Quality Control is also a part of project management. Kick -off and Project Development Team Meetings: A project kick-off meeting will t>e scheduled as soon as practical after Notice to Proceed. This meeting should include representatives of Arroyo Grande, Caltrans District 5, wood Dodgers, and subconsultants, who will constitute the Project Development Team (PDT). This meeting will t>e used to establish lines of communication, review the project scope of work, finalize the schedule, and identify key project goals and issues. Agenda Item 8.e. Page I I Wood Rodgers will prepare the meeting agendas in consultation with the City's Project Manager and the altrans Project Manager, distribute the agenda prior to the meeting, arrange for appropriate participants to attend, and prepare and distribute the meeting minutes t o th participants within five days after the meeting. Project Schedule: woo Rodgers will develop and maintain a comprehensive Critical Path Method PM schedule for the project development process. This schedule will be updated once a month or as necessary to show the master schedule and the actual progress schedule. The project schedule will be developed using Microsoft Project, and will show the major milestone timeline and identify all major tasks associated with preparation of the Project Report and PE for the project. wood odgers's Project Manager will review the schedule with the Cityaltrans Project Manager at the project Kick- O ff Meeting and modify it if necessary to obtain altransCity concurrence. wood Rodgers will then use that schedule as a baseline to monitor the project's progress throughout the project development process. The schedule will be in Gantt format. Oversight, Progress Reporting, etc.: wood Rodgers' project management program includes regular progress reports, work progress monitoring and cost control, coordination, and communication. This task includes project management for a project schedule of up}¢ # t from the Notice to Proceed. If the project schedule exceeds �'k the budget may need to be modified accordingly. x,x ......,t„ Wood Rodgers' Project Manager is responsible for providing oversight and the controls necessary to ensure that assignments are completed within th budget and schedule for development of the Environmental Documentation and Project Report and development of the Ply package for this project. Once project protocol is defined, the wood Rodgers Project Manager will maintain close contact with the County's Project Manager and the members of the wood Rodgers Project Team. The Project Manager will act as the principal liaison between the City and the Project Team. Written progress reports will be submitted monthly to the City with monthly invoices. These progress reports will present work progress by project activity /task. Progress will be presented by comparison of work hours expended to estimated work product completed and the baseline project schedule. This report will include a discussion of issues requiring action or decisions that may impact project deliverables, schedule and budget, and anticipated work for the following month. Quality Assurance /Quality Control: Quality Assurance A at wood Rodgers is a project -wide approach that establishes and oversees policies, procedures, standards and guidelines aimed at producing an acceptable level of quality. Quality Control QC consists of task specific activities that apply the QA policies at each level to maintain an acceptable level of quality through the application of sound project management, guidance and review. Prior to the submittal of any draft or final document to the City, a senior staff engineer will complete a Q review. The reviewer will verify that the documents are prepared in conformance with the contract requirements and generally accepted professional standards of engineering. wood Rodgers' Project Manager has the general responsibility for ensuring that al elements of the QA are complied with, including that adequate resources are available to perform q work. Each and every team member is responsible for ensuring quality as an integral part of his/her project responsibility. The senior staff review is an additional check, the final QC review prior to making a submittal. Our approach to QA combined with active coordi early in the analysis and design process with the City and third party interests will ensure that project requirements are met, thus avoiding costly design iterations, contract addenda, and change orders. Page 3 of 34 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 12 BRIS CO R OA DIHA L C'YON R OA DIUS 101 INTERCHANGE IMPR 0 VEMEN T HAS 1— ENGINEERING S 1 U I S PROJECT REPORT & ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT The following tasks are needed to gather the information required to define project scope and develop the preliminary design beyond that provided in the approved Project Study Report - Project Development Support PR -PD and during the additional project alternative development that wood Rodgers and the City have performed since the PSR -PDS was approved in 2001. The engineering studies for the Bri sco Road/Halcyon Road/US 101 interchange Improvements project will include the updated Traffic Operations Analysis Report, update of the Conceptual Geometric Drawings, and preparation of a fridge Advance Planning Study for the on -ramp undercrossing at Brisco Road. SWCA will prepare the associated environmental documentation for the project, wood Rodgers will provide necessary exhibit maps, the Area of Potential Effects map, and prepare the Prat Pro, Report and final Project Report for this project. The following are the tasks involved in the preparation of the Project Report, Environmental Document coordination and completion of the preliminary engineering studies. Task 1.1: Preliminary research Any available updated data that has not been previously furnished to wood Rodgers will be requested, in writing, from the City and/or Caltrans. Additional data is expected to include: City as- built, Caltrans as -built or Private improvement plans for existing roadway and drainage facilities, maintenance records, traffic counts, accident reports or summaries, survey monumentation and/or existing surveys, utility locations and current land ownership. Task 1.2: Field Investigation Wood Rodgers and subconsultants. will perform a field review of the project site with the project team as needed to develop the Project Report and the PS &E for the improvements to Brisco Road/Halcyon Road[US 10 1 intersection within the study area. Task 1.3. Right-of-Way Investigation Wallace Group will obtain and review recent information regarding existing right-of-way and parcel ownership within the project limits. Based on available data, it appears that small portions of both west Branch Street and F1; Camino Real have been created by deeds. Most of the City streets and portions of the State right of way have been plotted on recorded reaps. Wallace Group will use information from the County Assessor Parcel lumber Plats where insufficient data is shown on the recorded maps. Wallace Group will perform a partial field survey to locate key monuments in the field so that the record information can be plotted. Not every monument will be located in the field, so the right of way lines can be expected to change slightly if and when a boundary survey is performed. The budget assumes that no material discrepancy will occur for the monuments that are located. Wallace Group will locate at least a portion of the individual property lines in five specific areas: 1, Rodeo Drive /Grace Dane area, to include Goo W. Branch Street St. Patrick's School), the South County Government Center, the City -owned parcel at Rodeo Dr1ve/w, Branch Street, and the Si yland Partnership property at the corner of Grace Lane/Rodeo Drive. These property lines will be re- established through a combination of field surveys and plotting an approximate boundary line. A portion of the Skyland Partnership property would be limited to plotting record information only. These areas are affected by the new ramps of Alternative 4, the associated realignments of W. Branch Street and Rodeo Drive, and the realignment of the Grace Lane/Rodeo Drive intersection, Page 4 of 3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 13 i asco R of DMA L C YO N R of DIUS 10 l IN T iNGE IMPR 0 VEM N TS 2. 1005 El Camino Real Mankins property), where the El amino/Brisco intersection is to be improved. 3. 500 Fair Oaks Avenue Saruwatari property), 490 Fair Dabs Avenue (Lan -vest Limited property), and APIA 006-311-066 Polin property) wher the southbound on -ramp from Grand Avenue is to be realigned. 4. 251 East Grand Avenue 1 Grand Avenue LLC vacant property), API's 007-482-007 and 007 -484 -010, where improvements to the northbound off -ramp to Grand Avenue may be made. 5. 200 west Branch Street (Bank of America) and 222 East Grand Avenue Equil n Enterprises property), where improvements to the W. Branch St/E. Grand Ave or NB on -ramp /Grand Ave intersections may be made. Wallace Group will incorporate the City and Mate right of way lines and affected private property lines into the project base map. wood lodgers will use that information to prepare a Right-of-Way Exhibit Map to show current information ation regarding parcel ownership hip and right-of-way boundaries within the project limits. Task 1A: 'Topographic Mapping and Surveys Wallace Group will perform field surveying and mapping services to support the preparation of Conceptual Geometric Approval Drawings for the project as well as the design effort for the Project Report and the PSE phases. The surveying and mapping tasks will include: • Research available Caltrans/City/County survey monumentation and/or other right-of-way ay boundary recorded data. • Perform site visit to determine right-of-way property monumentation conditions and adequacy. • Wallace Group will construct and survey the ground photo control panels, and provide coordinates and elevations of those control points to the photograrnmetrist. Golden Mate Aerial Surveys, under subcontract to Wallace Group, will provide new aerial photography from an altitude of 1,600 feet above mean terrain, and use it to compile a topographic map at a scale of 1 inch = 40 feet shoving contours at a one -foot interval. In addition to topography, the map would show roads, buildings, fences, power poles, trees, brush, and other features according to standard practice. Accuracy will equal or exceed national map accuracy standards for large -scale topographic maps compiled by photorammetric methods. A color digital orthophoto with 0.3-foot pixel resoluti n, a Digital Terrain //Model, and an AutoAD drawing file for the topographic mapping will be provided. All survey work will be in US customary units and conform to Caltrans Standards. Task 1.: Conceptual Geometric Drawings: The preparation of the Conceptual Geometric Drawings and typical sections are the first step of pr+elimimar design. Using the information provided in the approved PSR and the information that has been gathered during the development of Alternative 4, including the updated traffic analysis report, wood Rodgers will prepare a 100 -scale Conceptual Geometric Drawing C D in U.S. Customary units of the project improvements for Caltrans and City review and approval. The CD will include at minimum topographic planimetric mapping of the project area, calculated right of way lines, centerlines, mathemtid geometric layouts, and typical cross - sections for Alternative 1 and Alternative 4. The design will comply with Caltrans standards as defined by the current edition of the Highway Design Manual to the fullest practical extent. The goal is to receive conceptual geometric approval from the City and Caltrans, to develop the APE map for environmental studies and the Project 1port, and to define the project features to be included in the PS&E for the Briseo Road/Halcyon Road 10 1 - The CGD will be identified as the 3 0% plans for utility coordination. Page 5 of , Agenda Item 8.e. Page 14 [de li vera bles: a Conceptual Geometric Drawing 1 o copies assumed) b Typical roadway cross sections on separate 2" x 11" sheets copies assumed) Task 1.6: Traffic operations Analysis Report The traffic forecasting and operations analyses for the > risco load- Halcyon ' oad CJS 101 interchange improvements have largely been completed during the development of additional alternatives since the approval o f the PS -p S in 2001. However, the various previous traffic studies and memos need to he updated as necessary and compiled into a single comprehensive Traffic Operations Analysis Deport suitable for attachment to the project Deport. This report will include the following ' items: E xis Iiag Co rs dit 1*0ns O era I io naI Analysis: Wood lodgers will collect and compile recent (2009 -11 ) relevant traffic count data within the project area. Annual Average Daily Traffic AAT, peak month AT data as well as truck axle classification data for US 101 are readily available from Caltrans data publications. Decent peak hour intersection traffic volumes for study intersections are also available from recent traffic /circulation studies. Background planning documents including the City's General plan Circulation Element, Caltrans T ransportation Concept Report TC for US 101 through the study area, etc. will be reviewed for relevant traffic circulation data. Existing intersection lane geometrics and control data for study area intersections will be verified by Wood Rodgers staff. No new intersection traffic counts are planned as part of this study. The traffic operations analysis will evaluate the intersections in the project area under weekday AEI and PM peak hour periods. The US 101 freeway analysis will include analysis of the mainline segments south of Grand Avenue, between Grand Avenue and the existing ricoHalcyon ramps, abd between the riscoHalcyon ramps and the Camino Mercado /Oak park ramps. This analysis will include ramp merge /diverge junction analysis for all study interchange ramp - mainline ,'unctions and mainline "weaving" segment analysis. In general, all operational capacity analyses will be completed utilizing Highway Capacity M anual 2000 Hi -000 methodologies. Freeway mainline weaving analysis as relevant) will be completed using the Leisch methodology described in Caltrans' Highway Design Ma nual ( HDM). We will coordinate closely with Caltrans District 5 and other PDT members on the use of appropriate analysis methodologies, software and other operational input parameters including (but not limited to: design hours, heavy vehicle percentages, peak hour factors, traffic signal cycle lengths, etc. We propose to use the SynchrolSimtraffic software to com plete traffic operational analysis. We will also use traffic micro - simulation models (like Simtra�rffi or VISSIM to present/demonstrate the traffic operations analysis results, findings and recommendations at PT meetings and public workshops. Accident Data Analysis The study will include a Traffic Safety analysis based on recent three -year (2006 -09 ) accident data (including TABS fable B summary and TSAR accident data records) provided by Caltrans District 5 for the study vicinity. The Accident data will be analyzed and summari in an appropriate tabular format and a discussion of the significance of accident rates will be presented. Focal accident data for City - maintained roadway facilities within the study area will be obtained from the City, analyzed an summarized. "Project Opening Day "Analysis We assume that the proposed interchange improvements will open to public traffic no sooner than year 2015. "Year 2015" traffic forecasts will be developed that reflect land development and circulation Page Agenda Item 8.e. Page 15 BRisco R Ofd D121A L C" YON R Ofd DIUS 101 INTER CH INGE IMPR VEM ENTS improvements reasonably expected to be in place by the time the interchange improvements are constructed. The appropriate 2015 development levels for major approved/pending development projects within study vicinity will be identified based on discussions with the PDT and the relevant agencies. As necessary, US 101 mainline forecasts for year 2015 will be projected by superimposing appropriate background traffic growth rates on top of existing base traffic volumes. We will quantify year 201 "opening day" traffic operations for the interchange improvements, utilizing the estimated year 2015 traffic projections. Year 2035 Traffic Forecasting State transportation projects are typically required to have a 20 -year minimum design life for acceptable operations without significant modification, subsequent to their completion. At the present time, "year 2035 is regarded as the designyear for the ultimate improvements for the proposed interchange project. As appropriate, General Plan land uses for the City of Arroyo Grande, adjacent cities and San Luis Obispo County will be reviewed. SLGCGG regional travel demand model projections as well as Caltrans' Transportation Concept Report for US 101 mainline segment through the study area will be reviewed for future traffic growth rates through year 2035. Based on this review and evaluation, a set of "year 2035 design traffic volume" projections will be presented for the proposed study interchange facilities. Year 2035 design traffic volume forecasts will be reviewed with the PICT and finalized based on PICT review and feedback. The year 2035 traffic operational analyses tasks will be undertaken upon obtaining PICT "pre - approval" of the year 2035 design traffic forecasts. Year 2035 operations Analysis Year 203 5 traffic operations analysis under "No Build" conditions will help reinforce the proj ect's Deed Purpose. Year 2035 operating conditions will be evaluated for both Alternative 1 and Alternative 4 for the proposed interchange improvements. All interchange facilities ramps, junctions and intersections will be analyzed under year 2035 Ai and Pi peak hour traffic volumes. Auxiliary lanes to and from adjacent interchanges will be included, as appropriate. Draft Traffic operations Analysis Memorandum Report The analysis described above will be summarized using appropriate text, tables, exhibits, figures and appendices to document and explain the technical evaluation, findings and recommendations. A detailed Traffic Operations Analysis Memorandum Report will be prepared and submitted for administrative review b PICT staff. wood lodgers will also be available to present/demonstrate the Traffic Operations Analysis results and recommendations at PDT meetings and/or public workshops. As needed, we will be available to demonstrate traffic operations with micro - simulation software such as Sim traffic or VIS,S M at these meetings. The administrative draft Traffic Operations Report will be included as a Technical Chapter attachment to the Draft Project Report PR and submitted for Agency approval. Final Traffic operations Analysis ChapterlReporl Following review of the preliminary traffic report by the PDT, and upon receipt and resolution of all agency comments, wood lodgers will prepare the Final Traffic Operations Analysis memorandum report and submit to Caltrans for final approval as part of the final Project Report and environmental document. Task 1.7: Structures Advance Punning Study for on -ramp Undercrossing Wood lodgers' structures design staff will review the available As-Built Plans for the Brico load Undercrossing, Maintenance Reports, mapping, photographs, utility data and the proposed geometric layout of the on -ramp from Rodeo Drive to gain an understanding of the conditions for the proposed widening of the undercrossing over Brisco load. That information will inform the preliminary layout Page 7 of 3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 16 is o ROADIVALcYoNRoADAUS 101 INTERCHANGE IMP o EM 7" and preparation of the Advance Planning Study (APS) for the structure involved. We will develop alternatives for the widening structure that will be compatible with the existing Brisco Road Und ercrossing structure. In order to accommodate the planned widening of Brisco Toad approaching Vest Branch Street, the planned clear span of the new undercrossing widening will likely be in the range of 52 feet to 60 feet. The existing undercrossing has a deck slab clear span of 40 feet, so the structure depth and deflections of the two structures will not likely match. Therefore, it will likely be necessary to keep the two structures structurally separate, even if they function as a single structure from a traffic operations point of view. The width of the new widening deck slab is approximately 40 feet. It may be necessary to lower B risco Road somewhat under the undercrossing structure to accommodate the structure depth and deck slope needed for drainage while maintaining a 15' vertical clearance. To minimize impacts to traffic during construction, the widening may need to be constructed high and then lowered into final position. Seismic design will be considered as appropriate. APS work will involve developing a Plan view, elevation and typical section for the Proposed structure. The AP drawing will show the structure length, width, span length, barrier falling type, footing type, falsworl clearances, aesthetic treatment, roadway widths, location of cuts and fills, slope paving and approach slabs. The APS will also show an estimate of Total Structure Cost, including a % contingency and 10% mobilization factor. This will involve deterinining a square foot cost with an explanation of assumptions used to come up with the cost. Wood Rodgers will prepare a Draft APS for review by the City and Caltrans, and Wood Rodgers will address any review comments and incorporate the final APS into the Project Report. Task 1.8: Environmental Studies and Documentation 1.8.1 Environmental Coordination, Meetings & Management SWCA Natural Resources Team Leader, Jon Claxton, will serve as the project manager for the environmental effort for this project. He will coordinate each report and will work closely with the environmental team, including sub - consultants, to ensure each team member has the appropriate project information and each deliverable is completed in a professional and timely manner. lair. Claxton will prepare monthly progress reports, which will be submitted with each invoice. The progress reports will include a detailed list of accomplishments during the invoicing period, planned work for the next month, pending issues /recommendations for resolutions, and project status. CA's San Luis Obispo Office Director, Bill Henry, will provide Quality Assurance /Quality Control (QA/QC). Because Alternative 4 introduces new project components, SCA has budgeted time to review this new alternative to ensure that impacts are addressed adequately for each of the remaining technical studies. Mr. Claxton will be available to attend up to five Project Development Team PDT technical coordination meetings throughout the duration of the project. Coordination with various regulatory agencies will be required regarding environmental issues associated with the project. Mr. Claxton will be in contact with the agencies throughout development of environmental documents. Agencies include Caltrans, United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE), Regional Water Quality Control Board IQ, and the California Department of Fish and Game CDFG. Wood Rodgers will prepare the Area of Potential Effects (APE) map and project descriptions in coordination with SWCA. SA will - coordinate with the environmental technical specialists, including sub - consultants, regarding new project description information and the revised APE map prepared by Wood Rodgers. The archaeological APE will encompass all areas of construction activity, including staging areas, haul roads, etc., for each of the alternatives considered Caltrans will require that the revised APE map be submitted to Caltrans District 5 for concurrence and signature prior to field Page 8 of 3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 17 work for the archaeological reports. we would recommend that the APE map be one of the first project tasks to be completed under this scope of work. lair. Claxton, with assistance from Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc. (Far western, will provide archaeological boundaries, along with the appropriate format for the APE map. The APE map will also be used to define the Biological Study Area (BSA) during preparation of the required biological reports for the project. Environmental Technical Studies and Reports Various technical studies must be conducted to collect data that will be used in the preparation of environmental documents to satisfy CQA and NPA. These studies must undergo an intensive review process to meet Caltrans standards. SWCA assumes that, after work has begun on the technical studies and documentation, any changes in the project description or plans that require new analysis (e.g., project footprint changes or adoption of new alternatives) would require additional budget. After SWCA's initial internal peer - review of the technical documents, two copies of the Administrative Draft of each document will be simultaneously submitted to the City and wood Rodgers for review and comment. After SWCA has responded to any recommended edits from wood Rodgers and the City, the revised technical documents (now the Draft documents) will be submitted to Caltrans for review and comment. After SWCA has responded to any recommended edits from Caltrans, the technical documents will be submitted to the City, wood Rodgers, and Caltrans as Final documents. In summary, SWCA assumes two rounds of review /document revision for each technical study before final submittal. Any additional requests for review or revision beyond two rounds of review would require additional budget. Based on previous documentation and meetings with Caltrans, it is anticipated that the following studies will need to be final led for the purposes of CQAINPA review. 1.8.2 Biological Resources and wetlands Studies Various studies will be required to analyze the project's impacts on biological resources and wetlands other waters. SWCA biologists will conduct the required background research, field surveys, and documentation to satisfy the needs of CEQAJNEPA review. SWCA IS CADD Specialist, Kevin Doyle, will be the primary preparer of project maps and graphics for the biological resources documentation and will assist with maps and graphics for other technical studies. 1.8.2& Natural Err it nmen ad Stud The Natural Environment Study (N consists of an environmental analysis of the sensitive biological resources with potential to occur within the BSA encompassing the project impact area. Progress was made on an Administrative Draft NES for an earlier version of this project in past years, but no significant work has been undertaken on this document since 2007. with consideration of the new footprint and features of Alternative 4 as well as the passage of time, the Administrative Draft ITS will need to be updated. An updated literature review will need to be conducted for the ITS revision, including, but not necessarily limited to, a literature search of the California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB), the California Dative Plant Society (GNPs) Online Inventory, and previous documents prepared for the proposed project. This information is required to comply with agency protocols. Once the boundaries of the new BSA are established, field surreys will be conducted to provide baseline information on vegetation communities, habitat types, and plant and wildlife species in the BSA. Duch of the habitat characterization and mapping work has already been conducted previously and likely remains valid. Minimal additional mapping is anticipated for any new areas in addition to the original BSA that was defined in 2006. New resources identified during field surveys will be mapped with Global Positioning System (PS /Geographic Information System (IS ) and will be overlain on plans and/or aerial photographs provided by wood Rodgers. Page 9 of 34 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 18 B Ris co R oA DAYA L c YoN R OA DAIS 101 IN TER CHA NGE IMPR0 VEMEN TS Field survey efforts for the original Administrative Draft NS were conducted in 2006 and new surveys will be necessary to account for the new area that needs to be added to the BSA for Alternative 4. SWCA proposes three floristic botanical surveys to be conducted in March, May, and July 2011 to accommodate the full range of blooming periods i.e., the identification periods) for the numerous special - status plant species with potential to occur within the BSA. Botanical surveys will follow the applicable guidelines from the USFWS publication General Rare Plant Survey Guidelines and the CIFG publication Guidelines for Assessing the Affects of Proposed Projects on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plants and Natural Communities. Reconnaissance wildlife surveys will be conducted concurrently with the botanical surveys to _ add to the previous botanical and wildlife inventory. WCA's scope of work assumes that floristic botanical surveys will not need to be repeated for the areas originally surveyed in 2006. If Caltrans or other regulatory agencies determine these surveys need to be repeated, additional budget will be necessary. Topics of discussion in the NES will include a description of each project alternative currently under consideration; regulatory overview; study methods; documentation of existing conditions; special - status plant and animal species, sensitive habitats, and jurisdictional wetland /other waters with potential for occurrence; evaluation of permanent, temporary, direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts; and recommended avoidance and minimization measures. Several topic - specific reports will be included as appendices of the N (see below). The NS will compile information from these individual studies and will be prepared using the most current Caltrans template. Mr. Claxton and SWCA Associate Biologist, Travis Belt, will prepare the N. .. & 2b. Biological Assessment A Biological Assessment BA is required for formal or informal consultation with the U FWS and/or N AA Fisheries. As with the NES, progress was made on an Administrative Draft BA for the project in past years but no significant work has been undertaken on the BA since 2007. with consideration of the Alternative 4 proposal, the Administrative Draft BA will need to be updated. Mr. Claxton and Mr. Belt will prepare the BA. The BA will be restricted to a discussion of federally listed species with potential for occurrence within or adjacent to the project area and will be prepared pursuant to the most recent Caltrans template. Federally listed species anticipated to be considered include south - central California coast steelhead ncorhynchus mykiss (Federal Threatened), California red - legged frog (Rana draytonii ) (Federal Threatened), western yellow- billed cuckoo Coccyus americanus (Federal Candidate), and least Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus ) (Federal Endangered). It is assumed that protocol California red - legged frog surveys conducted in 2007 will not need to be repeated and no other protocol surveys will be required. It is also assumed that no least Bell's vireo specialist will be required for WCA's habitat assessment for this species, as the BSA supports fringes of extremely marginal habitat for this species and it is not expected to occur in or near the BSA. if additional protocol California red - legged frog surveys or a least Bell's vireo habitat assessment conducted by a specialist will be required, additional budget will be necessary. Because the effects determination for a BA cannot be completed until a final project design (the preferred alternative) has been adopted, it is assumed that Alternative 4 will be the preferred alternative. If this changes, additional budget will be required. Any contact with U FWS and N AA Fisheries will be restricted to information gathering regarding federal listed species in question, during preparation of the Draft BA. Once the Final BA has been submitted to Caltrans, all contact coordination with U FWS and NAA Fisheries shall be through Caltrans. L 8.2c. Wetland Assessment Wetlands and/or other jurisdictional waters regulated by the USAGE, RWQCB, and CI FG may occur within the BSA. Impacts to these resources will require permits from and/or consultation with these Page 10 of 3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 19 BRisco R oADA Lc YON O IUS 101 INTER CHANGE IMPRO VEMENTS agencies. Permit applications will eventually require accurate calculations of permanent and temporary impacts to jurisdictional areas that are based on the final project designs. An Administrative Draft Wetland Assessment was prepared in 2007, but will need to be updated to include Alternative 4 and comply with new USAGE guidelines for wetland delineation. SWCA will amend the previously conducted formal wetland delineation of the project site to include the additional area accommodating Alternative 4. All potentially jurisdictional areas within the additional area accommodating Alternative swill be identified, delineated, and characterized. It is assumed that the previous wetland delineation work and field data from 2007 will remain valid for the purposes of drafting the Final wetland Assessment. If Caltrans or other regulatory agencies determine that wetland delineation field work conducted in the original BSA needs to be repeated to collect new data, additional budget will be necessary. The soil, vegetative, and hydrological characteristics of all identified wetland areas will be examined and categorized according to the USAGE 1987 wetland Delineation Manual and the Final Regional Supplement to the USACE wetland Delineation Manual; Arid west Region (2008). Identified jurisdictional boundaries and biological habitats will be mapped with Trimbles GPS, capable of determining positional accuracy to ± 0. 5 meter and the resulting acreages quantified using ArcIS or AutoCA. The wetland delineation will be conducted to satisfy USACE three - parameter wetland requirements, RWQCB state wetlands /waters, and delineation of CDFG jurisdictional limits. SWCA Senior Biologist, Bob Sloan, will prepare the wetland Assessment in consultation with USAC . SWCA will incorporate the latest AutoCAD topographic and project plans as a base map for the Wetland Assessment. The jurisdictional wetlands/other waters maps will be overlaid on these plans and may be used for planning and permitting purposes. The Wetland Assessment will be included with the ICES as an appendix, but will also function as a "stand - alone" document suitable for submittal to regulatory agencies during the permit application process. L 2d Conceptual Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan A Conceptual Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan HMMP will be required by regulatory agencies to discuss the impacts to sensitive communities and jurisdictional waters resulting from project implementation, a mitigation proposal, and a monitoring plan to ensure the success of the mitigation. The CHMMP will be prepared per the most recent USACE requirements and guidelines. Permitting regulatory agencies will require the submittal of a revegetation and restoration plan that outlines the compensatory mitigation strategy to offset impacts to jurisdictional wetlands/waters. SWCA will prepare a CUMMP as an appendix to the NES. The CHMMP will propose a suggested mitigation ratio and outline the methods to restore and monitor the impacted jurisdictional areas, including establishing quantifiable success criteria goals. Generally, a CHMMP consists of a three -year restoration maintenance program and a five -year monitoring program. The combined programs amount to five years of restoration work and monitoring following construction activities. Once the CHMMP is approved by Caltrans, a final HMMP suitable for submittal with the permit application packages can eventually be prepared; regulatory permitting and preparation of a final HMMP are not included under our scope of work at this time. The CHMMP would identify impacts to native vegetation and include a Replanting Plan. It is assumed that the CHMMP will allow for on -site mitigation in or near the project site without the need for significant additional field work. If a CHMMP must be prepared for an off -site location, additional field wort, mapping, and data collection may be required, and this must be prepared under an amended scope of work. Mr. Sloan will prepare the CHMMP. Page 11 of 34 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 20 Ri A DIHA L C YON J? OA DIUS 10 1 INTER CHA NGE IMPR 0 VEMEN # 1.8.3 Cultural Resources Studies Given Federal involvement, the project will comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NffPA) in accordance with the January 2004 Programmatic Agreement among the Federal Highway Administration, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the California State Historic Preservation Officer, and the California Department of Transportation regarding compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as it pertains to the administration of the Federal -Aid Highway Program in California. Project oversight will be provided by Caltrans District 5. A prior negative survey conducted by SWCA's sub - consultant Far Western in 2006 covered the Alternative 1 footprint; however, additional unsurveyed lands are affected by Alternative 4 and will require field inspection. Far Western will complete a current Archaeological Survey Report (ASR) for the new APE. JP will prepare the project Historic Resources Evaluation Report HR.E and Historic Property Survey Report (YIPS R). 1. 8 .3a. Archaeological Survey Report (Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc. Far Western will conduct a records search at the Central Coast Information Center 1, University of California, Santa Barbara for land within a 0.25 -mile radius of the project APE for any recent site or survey data. Following receipt of the records search results, Far Western will complete a field survey of the unsurveyed lands of Alternative 4. If archaeological deposits are encountered, a preliminary assessment of site boundaries will be made through surface inspection, a site map will he prepared, and the site will be recorded on a standard archaeological site record (California Department of Paris and Recreation (DPR)form 5.23 ). Pat MikkcIsen and Debbie Jones of Far Western will prepare an ASR using pertinent information from the prior document and presenting findings from the study. If the survey results in negative findings, a short Negative ASR report will be prepared. If archaeological sites are identified, a positive ASR will he prepared and will include results of background research, project context, descriptions of field work, appropriate maps and photos, and site records (DPR 523). The report will document contact with the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and local Native American individuals groups. A cover letter wil I detail management recommendations which could include avoidance or test excavations to determine site significance. L 8.3h, Historic Property Survey Report (JRP Historical Consulting) In preparation of the HPSR, Meta Bunse of JRP will coordinate with individuals and organizations that may have knowledge of, or concerns with, historic properties in the area. Coordination will include inquiries to local governments, and local historic groups regarding their knowledge of historic properties in the immediate vicinity of the APE. A JRP Architectural Historian will direct an intensive -level survey of the indirect APE. JP assumes that archival research will need to he conducted and the historical resources will need to he recorded on DPR forms in order to comply with Caltrans guidance. JRP assumes inventory and evaluation of up to three properties, and updates for no more than four properties. The forms will constitute a portion of the HREI. Should additional resources that are older than 50 gears he identified within the indirect APE, JRP would request additional budget to conduct the additional work. Upon completion of the draft APE, coordination with local historical groups, and the built environment survey and archival research, JP will prepare a HER. The HRER will be prepared according to Caltrans' current guidance as specified in the Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference SEI. JRP assumes only two rounds of revision to the HRE will be required. Page 12 of Agenda Item 8.e. Page 21 Rr S CO R OA DIRA YO N R OA DIUS 10 1 INTERCHANGE IMPR 0 VE MEN TS 1.8.3c. Historic Resources Evaluation Report (JRP Historical Consultants Upon completion of the ASR and HRER, Ms. Bunse will prepare a short - format Caltrans H? SR according to Caltrans current guidance as specified in the SER. The HP SR is the overarching document that summarizes the results of the cultural resources investigation; it will include a project description, a description of the APE, details of coordination with Native American groups /individuals as well as and local government and historic groups, a summary of identification efforts, information regarding any properties identified within the APE, a list of attached documentation, and the findings of the study. JRP assumes that only two rounds of revision to the HPR w i l l be required prior to submittal to Caltrans, and two revisions following review by Caltrans. JP also assumes attendance will not be needed for meetings, presentations, or preparation of any other environmental documents. 1.8.E other Technical Studies &4a. Norse Impact Report The noise environment in the project area is dominated by traffic sources from a mix of vehicle types mostly traveling on Route 10 1 and its interchanges, but additionally there 1s a substantial contribution of traffic noise generated by streets adjacent to and throughout the project corridor. The project area is located primarily within an urbanized area that consists of a mix of commercial /retail, public facilities and single - family residential land uses on the north and south of the highway. The mined land uses in the area combine to generate a mix of traffic types, which includes light -duty passenger vehicles, and medium to heavy truck traffic. WCA's sub - consultant Karl Mikel of KM Acoustics will review and update existing data regarding estimated noise contours on the project site based on updated noise measurements and traffic data. This task assumes that a completely new Noise Impact Report would be required using the current Caltrans Noise document report template, which has been updated since an Administrative Draft of the project Noise Impact Report was prepared in 2007. The Noise Impact Report will identify sensitive receptors adjacent to the project site and transportation routes that have direct exposure to the additional- project - generated traffic noise. Existing noise levels will be re- measured in the field to quantify and assess existing noise conditions in the study area since the original measurements are several gears old. Potential future noise levels would be assessed using the TNM 2.5 highway noise prediction model as determined necessary by the results of the field work. Predicted levels will be compared to City of Arroyo Grande and Caltrans thresholds to identify potential impacts, and develop feasible noise reduction mitigation measures. Recommended mitigation will be tailored to fusible and effective measures and developed in sufficient detail to allow for compliance monitoring. 1.8.4b. T i. al Impact Assessment Because the Alternative 4 features will be visible from a state highway and other public roads, SWCA proposes to revise the previously- prepared visual Impact Assessment for the project to include that new alternative. The revised visual Impact Assessment will provide a visual analysis and photo simulations to address aesthetic impacts of the new alternative which meet CEQA, NEPA, and Caltrans requirements and format. In addition to the three Key viewing Areas KVAs identified in the existing Visual Impact Assessment, two additional KVAs will be required to ensure adequate coverage of the new alternative. The visual analysis will include photographic documentation of existing conditions, preparation of photo simulations of the new alternative structure's potential visibility, analysis using the methodology Page 13 of 34 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 22 utilized in the existing visual analyses for the proposed project, revision of the existing report for electronic submittal, as well as response to review comments. Photo simulations will be prepared for the new alternative from each of the five KVAs. wood Rodgers wil l provide SW CA with a three - dimensional model of the alternative in oogle SketchUpTm to be used for the simulations. SW CA will then use Google EarthTm for the placement of the proposed facilities in a 3D environment, and Adobe Photoshopt to integrate these elements to create and edit the final image. The visual analysis will be prepared using altrans- accepted methodology and will follow the format of the previously - prepared Visual Impact Assessment. SW CA Visual Resources Specialist, Steve Leslie, and GISNisualization Specialist, David Reinhart, will update the previous Administrative Draft of the project Visual Impact Assessment. . . . 'o ioe onom% Report SW CA Environmental Planner, Emily Creel, will update the previous Administrative Draft of the project Socioeconomic Report following Caltrans Community Impact Assessment Guidelines. The purpose of this level of study is to address the socioeconomic effects of the physical impact on the environment resulting from implementation of the project. Property values will be determined as part of the socioeconomic study. Caltrans guidelines will be followed since they are most relevant to this project. 1. . 4 d Air QualitylClimate Chan Report SW A's sub- consultant Karl Mil el of Kiln Acoustics will review the previously- prepared Administrative Draft of the project Air Quality Report and prepare a new Air Quality /Climate Change Report. The original AQ report did not use the Caltrans document template, which is a requirement that altrans strictly enforces. Preparation of the Noise Report also assumes that a new AQ report would be prepared using the Caltrans AQ document report template. San Luis Obispo County is currently in attainment unclassified for all federal ambient air quality standards and is considered non - attainment for Mate ozone and for fugitive dust PM l o air quality standards. The proposed project operational improvements and infrastructure construction would result in both short -term construction related emissions of Reactive Organic Gases RG and Oxides of Nitrogen Nx (which are ozone precursors), the emission of diesel particulate matter PM, greenhouse gases , and the creation of fugitive dust PM 10). Air pollutant emissions generated by construction and demolition activities may exceed newly adopted short -term construction related Air Pollution Control District AP thresholds. Proposed operational improvements would likely reduce traffic related emissions as driver delay and out-of-direction travel is reduced and fuel is consumed more efficiently. The traffic study for the proposed project (prepared by wood Rodgers) will be used to provide data regarding trip generation and analysis of automotive related emission reductions due to the proposed project. Preparation of the Air Quality /Climate Change Report would include estimating potential emissions resulting from all sources of the project through use of the urban emissions modeling software URBEMIS 2007. The report will include an analysis of greenhouse gas emissions, and the project's contribution to the cumulative effects of global climate change. The County is currently in the process of developing a Climate Action Strategy, and has completed an updated CEQA Air Quality Handbook. SW CA will consult with the County to identify any potential inconsistencies with proposed policies or standards. Mitigation strategies will be developed specific to the project to ensure feasibility and effectiveness. Page 14 of Agenda Item 8.e. Page 23 Risco R OA DIHA L c YoN R oA DIUS 101 IN TER CHAN IMP IMPR o VEMEN TS 1.8.4e. imi ed Aerially Deposited Lead Assessment and Limited Asbestos Survey Report WA's sub - consultant, Kleinfelder, will update the previous Administrative Drafts of the project Limited Aerially Deposited Lead AL and Limited Asbestos Survey Report. The proposed road modifications, ramp improvements, and construction of new ramps will disturb sail that may be impacted with AL. AL is typically found along major highways and interstates clue -to historical use of leaded fuels emitted as exhaust by automobiles. The purpose of the investigation is to evaluate the presence of AL in soil prior to the proposed improvement activities. Kleinfelder will prepare a work plan and health and safety plan. The work plan will state the purpose of the investigation, the proposed scope of work, and the proposed methods for sampling and analysis. Kleinfelder standard procedures will be included in the sampling plan. The health and safety plan will be included within the sampling plan and will include information relevant to the project and appropriate health and safety procedures to be followed during completion of the field wort portion of the investigation. Appropriate encroachment permits will be obtained prior to start of field wort. Kleinfelder anticipates that the City has an existing encroachment permit through Calttans that will be adequate for the proposed work; however, additional permits may be required by the City. Prior to soil sampling activities, the soil sampling locations will be marled in white paint. Kleinfelder will contact Underground Service Alert (USA) hours prior to conducting field work to notify local utilities of the proposal subsurface work. Feld activities will include the advancement of up to 32 soil borings to a depth of 2.5 feet, or refusal, whichever occurs first. borings wi I I be advanced using either a Geoprobeg drill rig or hand -auger equipment, depending on access restrictions. Samples will be collected at three intervals from each 2.5-foot soil boring: 0.0 to o. 5 feet, 1.0 to, 1. 5 feet, and 2.0 to 2.5 feet. These borings will be, placed at a maximum of Soo -foot intervals along the unpaved shoulders, approximately 5 to 20 feet from the edge of pavement. Duplicate samples will be colleted at a rate of one for every 10 samples collected. Up to 96 samples will be collected and submitted- for laboratory analysis. An additional 12 duality control samples rinseate and duplicate) are anticipated. The samples will be submitted under chain-of-custody control to a laboratory approved by the State of California Department of Health Services for total lead analysis using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 6010. Soil samples reported to contain total lead concentrations in excess of 5 o mg kg will be further analyzed for soluble lead using the Waste Extraction Test T method, EPA Method 7000. Kleinfelder has assumed for cost estimate purposes that 50 percent of samples will be analyzed for soluble lead. Soil samples will also be analyzed for pH, and may be analyzed for soluble led by both a modified WET method (using cue- ionized water for extraction) -or by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TCLP . These additional analyses may be necessary, dependent h the total lead analytical results. Additional analyses will be at additional cost. The samples will be analyzed on standard laboratory turnaround time requiring approximately 10 working days for completion. Kleinfelder will tabulate the soil sample analytical data generated during the investigation. The data will be keyed to field locations and represented on site maps. The analytical data will be evaluated using a statistical model accepted by Caltrans. Upon completion of soil sampling, and receipt and review of analytical results, a report will be prepared for client review. The report will include: l a description of. field activities, - observations, and protocols; results of the sample analysis with copies of certified analytical laboratory results and chain-of-custody documentation; description and documentation of QA/QC procedures employed for field and laboratory work; A graphical representation of soil sampling locations; data statistical analysis and discussion; and Kleinfelder's conclusions and recommendations based on the data acquired. Page 15 of 3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 24 BR isco R oA DATA L c YoN R OA DIUS 101 IN TER CHA NGE IMPR 0 VEMEN TS 1.8.5. CE A NEPA Com - Dliance Environ Documentation 1.. 5a CE QA In itial Stu dylM tigated / egati ve Declaration SPCA assumes that an Initial Study 1S leading to a Mitigated Negative Declaration (NND) will be the appropriate CEQA document. However, if a significant unavoidable impact were identified, then an Environmental Impact Report I would be required. Costs for an EIR are not included in this proposal. SPCA Senior planner, Shawna Scott, will prepare the ISINWD based on the appropriate format. This task also includes publishing of the environmental documents, appropriate noticing, document revisions after public review, and the final NIN. Should it become apparent during environmental- evaluation that an EIR is needed, the City of Arroyo Grande will be notified for appropriate action, which may include a change order to add scope and budget to the contract. NEPA Categorical Exclusion It is assumed that the appropriate NEPA document will be a Categorical Exclusion C with required technical studies. The federal agencies will use the information within the ISINWD and all technical reports prepared for the project to prepare the CE. Costs for preparing a CE or any other NEPA document are not included in this proposal as it is assumed that Caltrans will prepare this document. Should it become apparent during environmental evaluation that an Environmental Assessment A is needed, the City of Arroyo Grande will be notified for appropriate action, which may include a change order to add scope and budget to the contract. L& 5b Public Information Meeting Members of the SWCA project team will be available to organize and present public information meetings and prepare the environmental maps for meetings and hearings. It is assumed that Wood Rodgers will prepare engineering- related exhibits for the meetings. This task also includes publishing notices in local papers, preparing presentation graphics related to environmental concerns, presentations, and response to questions at the meetings and public hearing. The scope of work includes two public meetings and one public hearing. The SWCA project manager and applicable team members are available for additional meetings upon authorization, applying our standard hourly billing rates. 1. & 5c Notice of Determination SPCA will prepare a Notice of Determination (NOD) for the City's use in submitting to the State Clearinghouse following City approval of the NiN. Task 1.: Environmental Document Coordination Wood lodgers will work closely with SWCA during the development of the environmental technical reports and Environmental Document for the project to provide exhibits and project design information to the SPCA staff as necessary for their preparation of the Environmental Documentation for the project. This will include a list of properties identified by assessor parcel numbers and a map that compiles the assessor parcel maps and delineates the existing City and Caltrans right -of -way and existing pertinent property lines. food lodgers will review the draft environmental technical reports and Draft Environmental Document for consistency with the preliminary interchange design and provide comments as necessary to SPCA within the allotted comment period. Task 1.10: Identify Permitting Agency Requirements Wood Rodgers staff will utilize the available topographic mapping and Approved Conceptual Geometric Drawing for the project to prepare the project Area of potential Effect AP and/or project impact area map with assistance from SPCA to identify all agencies with permitting authority over any aspects of the project and will maintain communication and coordination efforts with such agencies Page 16 of 34 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 25 BRiscoRoADATALcYoNROADIUS 101 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS throughout all phases of the wort. Preparation of rgulatory agency permit applications is not included as task during the PAED phase of the projet, but is anticipated to be included during the design phase. Wc will discuss the project needs and impacts with the City, SWCA and Caltrans, obtain the permitting agency requirements and establish how their requirements will be implemented. The incorporation of all permitting requirements in preliminary and final engineering will be accomplished during the appropriate phases of the work. Task 1,11; Preliminary Drainage Report Wood Rodgers will prepare a Preliminary Drainage Deport that idntifies existing drainage systems and will contain the hydrology and hydraulic design criteria, the results of hydrology analysis, conceptual drainage modification plans, and a preliminary cost estimate. The results of a field review of existing conditions and recommendations for rehabilitation, if required, will be incorporated. The Preliminary Drainage Report will be submitted to the City and Caltrans for review, and any resulting comments will be addressed in the final Drainage Report. Deliverable a copies of Preliminary Drainage Report Task 1.12: Identify Utility Relocation Requirements, "" Plan Submittal to Utility Companies Wood Dodgers will prepare draft transmittal letters to affected utility owners for City review and approval prior to transmitting two sets of the "" plans to utility owners. The Geometric Concept Drawing will serve as the "" plans or base maps for this project. A copy of the utility data obtained from utility owners will be provided to the City and State and the original will be Dept in the protect files. Wood Dodgers will prepare a utility facility map in accordance with any information supplied by the utility owners. Information on existing utilities obtained as a result of this effort will be used to identify potential utility conflicts and Wood Rodgers will develop a strategy for resolving those conflicts. Deliverables: a copies of utility impact plans. b Letter report on utility issues. Task 1.13; Storm Water Data Report Wood Rodgers will prepare the Storm Water Data Deport 'DI for the Project per the requirements of the Caltrans Project Planning and Design Guide. The SWDR will include completion of both the required narrative and the checklists. In addition, the SWDR will include identification of targeted design constituents, design pollution prevention, treatment and temporary construction site best management practices. The SWDR will be submitted to Caltrans for review and comment per the District's SWDR approval process. Task 1.14: Design Standards Compliance Wood Rodgers will analyze the design for compliance with applicable Caltrans design standards contained in the current edition of the Highway Design Manual HDllri . This will include filling out the "Design Checklist" of Design Information Bulletin #78 for Caltrans review and concurrence. The Design Exception Fact Sheets previously drafted and submitted to Caltrans will be finalized in accordance with review comments to be provided by Caltrans. Page 17 of 34 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 26 isco ROADIHALCYONROADIUS 101 INTERCHANGE IMPRO M NT Task 1,15; Right of Way Requirements Map Wood Rodgers design staff will prepare a Right-of-Way ' ay Requirement Map showing the existing right- of-way, proposed right-of-way, permanent and temporary easements, and access restrictions and their location in reference to roadway centerline or other construction or control lines. The existing right of way and property lines will be as plotted by Wallace Group during the preliminary right of way investigation. The Right-of-Way ay Requirement Map will include utility locations, locations of utility conflicts, and major drainage facilities. The project surveyor will then use this map to determine the ownership limits with new right-of-way requirements and to calculate areas of ownership, right-of-way r takes, excesses, and remainders as a basis for preparation of plats and descriptions. The deliverables will include a plan showing the existing and proposed right-of-way lines, the approximate square footage of right-of-way that must be acquired from the properties, and whether temporary, slope and/or drainage easements will be necessary. Task 1.16: Right-of-Way Data Sheet & Utility Information Sheet Bender Rosenthal will prepare a light of Way Data Sheet for each of the two build alternatives for the interchange improvements project. Wood Rodgers will provide a spreadsheet with required acquisition and easement areas by parcel, along with the Right of Way Requirements Map. Bender Rosenthal will estimate land values affected by the project and prepare a draft Right of Way Data Sheet for City review. Wood Rodgers will assist Bender Rosenthal with the preparation of a Utility Information Sheet for attachment to the Right of Way Data Sheet, including estimated costs for utility relocations. The Right-of-Way ay Data Sheets will then be provided to Caltrans for review. A copy of the Right-of-Way ay Data Sheets will be an attachment to the Project Report. Bender Rosenthal's senior appraiser will visit the project site to inspect the proposed right of way for opportunities to avoid sensitive sites, critical constraints, and environmental problems. He will confer with Wood Rodgers' project engineer and other members of the project development team, by teleconference when possible. The appraiser will review current and projected patterns of land use from a right of way cost perspective for each of the "build" alternatives under consideration, and provide a comparable analysis of each property, including damages to affected property improvements. He will then provide estimates for the right of way costs, by parcel, and summarize them in the ROW Data Sheets. We assume that a detailed Relocation Impact Study or Relocation Plan will not be required. The analysis is expected to involve 3 land uses CommercialndurialAricuitural. Detailed appraisals will net be provided in this phase. Task 1.17: Preliminary Estimate of Project Cost Wood Rodgers will estimate quantities of work e.g., earthwork, building materials, traffic signal equipment, etc.) to construct the proposed project and will estimate the construction cost on the basis of contract prices paid for similar items of work on similar projects as reported in Caltrans' Contract Cost Data book. The estimate will be formatted in accordance with Caltrans guidelines for the Preliminary Project Cost Estimate Summary to be incorporated in a Project Report, including the appropriate factor for contingencies. Cost estimates for environmental mitigation, right of war acquisition and utility relocation will also be incorporated in the cost estimate summary. Task 1.18: Project Report Preparation Wood Rodgers will prepare the Project Report in accordance with the Guidelines for Project Reports in the Caltrans "Project Development Procedures Manual ". Page 18 of 34 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 27 Task 1.1 &1- Draft Project Report Wood Rodgers will prepare the Draft Project Report in accordance with the Guidelines for Project Reports in the Caltrans "Project Development Procedures Manual ". The Draft PR will bear the stamp and seal of the registered civil engineer responsible for its preparation, and will discuss the background of the project, the need and purpose, the viable alternatives for the project, the engineering features proposed for the project, utility ,involvement, highway planting. cost estimates, right o f way issues, environmen t.al issues, public involvement and requirements for a public bearing, and issues related to construction of the project such as the need for detours. The draft Project Report will be illustrated with a Vicinity Map, the geometric plans of the viable alternatives, and tables of significant data. A copy of the Draft Environmental Document umen will be attached to or circulated with the Draft Project Report. The following documents will be included as attachments to the Draft Project Report: * Draft environmental document • Location Map * Conceptual Geometric Drawing, including typical cross - sections Preliminary Project Cost Estimate summary Traffic Report Right -of -Way and Utility Data Sheets and Right-of-Way Exhibit Map Bridge Advance Planning Study ityaltrns Review: The Draft Project Report will be circulated within the City of Arroyo Grande and Caltnans for review and comment. The Wood Rodgers Team wi H address all review comments in writing and male necessary revisions to the Dram Project Report. The Draft Project Report will then be submitted to altran for approval to circulate the Dram Environmental Document for public review. Deliverable: Draft Project Report up to 50 copies, each submittal) 'ask 1. 1 & 2 - Draft Fin a Project Report When the public review process for the draft environmental document has been completed, Wood Rodgers will male any indicated revisions to the Draft Project Report, and with assistance from the County add a discussion of the results of the environmental process to the text of the Project Report. This will include the description of the Preferred Alternative for the project. The Recommendation section of the PR will recommend Caltrans approval of the project on the basis of the Preferred Alternative. Deliverable Draft final Project Report up to 50 hard copies and CD-ROM) Task 1. 1& 3 - Project Report App ro Pal The dram final Project Report will be circulated within Sacramento County and Caltrans for review and comment. The Wood Rodgers Team will address all review comments in writing and make necessary revisions to the Project Report. The Project Report will then be submitted to Caltrans for approval, Once approval has been received, Wood Rodgers will produce the required number of copies for County and Caltrans files. Deliverable: Approved Project Report up to 50 hard copies and CD-ROM Page 19 of 3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 28 BRisco RoADAYAWYoNROADIUS 101 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS ATTACHMENT I PHASE 2 — PROJECT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS P S & E At this time it is anticipated that Alternative 4 will be the basis of project design. If the features of the project alternative to be constructed should change during the course of the Project Approval and Environmental Document phase of project development, the scope and budget for this phase of work may need to be revised. Task 2.1: Base Plans Upon Caltrans approval of the project features defined by the Conceptual Geometric hawing and receipt of a Notice to Proceed with project design from the City of Arroyo Grande, Wood Rodgers will prepare preliminary layouts, profiles, and superelevation diagrams for the proposed interchange improvements. These plan sheets will be prepared in accordance with Caltrans Plans Preparation Manual, CADD User's Manual, and the latest Caltrans Standard Plans. The layouts will include calculated horizontal alignment at a scale of o:1; the profiles and superelevation will include calculated vertical alignment at a scale of 1:100 horizontal and 1:10 vertical and will conform to design requirements established in Caltrans Highway Design Manual, except as approved otherwise. Typical cross sections will be prepared for the proposed interchange improvements. Preliminary design cross sections will be generated at a minimum 50 feet interval. Sections will also be provided at major changes in roadway section, drainage structures and at major changes in horizontal curve, vertical curve and superelevation. Wood Rodgers will locate and show on the base plans existing highway and street facilities such as edge of pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage facilities, medians, right of way and property lines. Adjacent property information, including assessor parcel number and owner's name will be shown. All existing physical features such as nearby structures, fences, driveways, wood poles, roadway signs, street name signs, etc. will be shown on the base plans. All utility facilities will be shown on the base plans, including utility poles, guy anchors, vaults, fire hydrants, valve boxes, manholes, pull boxes, etc. Pipe sizes, types of pipe and invert elevations will be shown for drainage facilities. During the course of this activity, adherence to the design standards adopted by the City and Caltrans will be evaluated. The Project Engineer will prepare a Fact Sheet describing any design standard that has not been met, the reason the standard was not met, what alternatives are available to meet the standard, and an estimate of the additional cost to meet the design standard. The Fact Sheet will be signed by the Project Engineer from Wood Rodgers and will be submitted to the ountyaltrans for review and approval. The goal of this Milestone is to receive final geometric approval for the project from the County and Caltrans. In general, all existing facilities on the project plans will be drawn with screened and/or dashed lines. All new improvements, street names, right-of-way lines, property lines, street centerlines, and north arrow will be drawn with solid, normal weight line work. Wood lodgers will use the Caltrans standard symbols where possible and supplement with additional symbols from our database as necessary. Lettering style will be clear, legible and uniform, as acceptable to the County. Preliminary Improvement plans "" Plans) will consist of Layout, Profile and Superelevation Sheets for Elverta Road and the ramps at approximately 30% level of completion. The Layouts will include mathematically calculated horizontal and vertical alignments and superelevation diagram. Alignment data, stationing, and curve radii of all layout lines will be shown. Directional arrows will be included and public roads, and channels will be labeled with their official names on the layout sheets. Project limits will be identified. Layout plan sheets will show lane lines, edges of traveled way, edges of pavement, edges of shoulder, fences, and preliminary right-of-way lines. Preliminary profiles will show existing ground line and proposed grade line. The proposed grade line will be labeled to show gradients, lengths of vertical curves, design speed, and stopping sight distances. Page 20 o'. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 29 Upon approval of the preliminary plans, the design will begin for the bridge structure, roadway, drainage, lighting, traffic signals, signing and striping at the Elverta Road interchange. Task .: Striping and Layout Plans (Geometric Approval Drawings) Wood Rodgers will use base plans to prepare final striping and layout plans of the interchange at >lverta Road/SR 99 for County/Caltrans review and approval. Wood Rodgers will use the approved striping and layout plans to define limits of roadway improvements, and to control remaining phases of engineering. Any subsequent changes to the striping and layout plans will be provided to the County for review and approval prior to incorporating there into final design. Task .3: Traffic Handling Plans Wood Rodgers will prepare plans for temporary detour routings necessary to safely handle public traffic during project construction. Since the existing northbound ramps at Brico load are in the same area in which the new on -ramp and undercrossing are to be constructed, it is anticipated that a temporary closure of those ramps will be required. The goal will be to minimize inconvenience to the travelling public while accommodating efficient construction operations. Task .: On-Ramp Under crossing & Structure Type Selection Wood Rodgers will closely coordinate the structures design effort with the City of Arroyo Grande and Caltrans Division of Structures (DDS), External liaison and Support, Liaison Engineer for District 5 to assure Caltran ' requirements are met and their comments addressed in the bridge design. Wood Rodgers will review available existing data and conduct a field review to ensure the base plans accurately represent the field conditions. Based on the approved Conceptual Geometric Drawing, approved Advance Planning Study for the Bric Road/Halcyon Road[US 101 Interchange, as well as traffic opening requirements through falseworl, and preliminary foundation recommendations, Wood Rodgers will prepare a Type Selection Report per Caltrans Standards and male recommendations to the City Caltmns in regards to the appropriate bridge type and size for the project site. The Structure Type Selection Report will address all pertinent issues related the creation of the General Plan. It will include a bn*ef description of the project; the results and - conclusions of the Advance Planing Studies; discussion regarding stage construction and traffic handling during construction; foundation considerations; seismic consliderations; construction considerations; aesthetic requirements; Bridge Railing, vicinity map; Type Selection Memo; General Plan and General Plan Estimate. Type Selection Memo — Wood Rodgers will prepare a Type Selection Memo for the Grace Lane (Rodeo Driv On-ramp Undercrossing structure(s). The Type Selection Memo is a document that will assist the CityCaltrans in considering the structure type and document the decisions made through the planning process. Structure General Plan — Wood Rodgers will prepare the General Plan for the proposed undercrosing to be included in the Type Selection Report. The General Plan will be prepared to show the plan, elevation and typical section view of the structure. The plan 'is based on the approved base plans and the data included in the Bridge Site submittal. Foundation type will be shown based on preliminary geotechnial recommendations. The plans will conform to Section 10 of the Bridge Design Aids Manual, Section 3 of Bridge Design Details, and Section 1 -9 of the Memo to Designers Manual issued by Caltrans. General Plan Estimate — Wood Rodgers will prepare General Plan Estimate for the proposed improvements to be included in the Type Selection Report, The estimates will be done according to Section 11 -1 "Estimating" of Caltrans Bridge Design Aids. Page 21 of 3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 30 BRiscoRoADIHALcYoNROADIUS 101 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS General Plan Review. wood Rodgers will conduct an in -house independent review the General Flan, General Plan Estimate and Type Selection Package and provide mark -ups for suggested improvements. The bridge layout and resulting clearances will be reviewed and compared to the CHAD. Wood Rodgers will review the following items during the in -house independent review: Conceptual Geometric Drawing General Plan Estimate (sign Exception Fact Sheets Type Selection Report vercrossing General darn Brisco Road Pavement Elevations under U Wood Rodgers will incorporate any comments and/or markups to the General darn and/or the General Plan Estimate. Type Selection Report Submittal and Type Selection Meeting - Three copies of the draft Type Selection Report including the preliminary geotechnical report will be submitted to the ityaltrans for review. Two weeps after the draft report submittal, a Structure Type Selection meeting will be held with the ity altrans staff. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and present our recommendations and reach consensus for the selected structure type. All comments from the meeting will be addressed and incorporated into the final report. One weep after the Type Selection meeting we will submit five ( copies of the final Type Selection Report to the Cit for final approail. Task ,: Geotechnical Investigation and Recommendations Parikh Consultants, Inc PI will conduct a geotechnical investigation and prepare a Bridge Foundation Report and Geotechnlcal Design and Materials Report for the proposed interchange improvements. These reports will include geoteehnical investigations and recommendations for the on -ramp undercrossing, approach embankments, the interchange ramp pavements, foundations for overhead sign structures, and Elver to Road pavement within the project limits. Task . . : GeolechnicalMemorandumfor Type Selection Parikh Consultants will prepare a memorandum summarizing the anticipated foundation characteristics at the site of the on -ramp undercrossing structure, including seismicity, based on available subsurface data for adjacent structures and sites, and published seismic and geologic maps. This memorandum will be used in preparing for the Type Selection Meeting for the undercrossing, prior to conducting the field investigation for the project. Parikh Consultant's senior engineer will attend the type selection meeting with Caltrans. Task x.5.2 — Bridge Fo u ndation Report Parikh Consultants will evaluate the subsurface conditions at the proposed on -ramp undercrossing structure over Brisco Road as follows: Task 2.5.2a - research and Data Collection. PCI will review readily- available geologic and soil literature in the vicinity of the site, including review of as -built drawings and existing Logs of Test Borings LTB. Permits T JSA Clearances: PCI will comply with Caltrans and City /County Permit requirements for borings. PCI will marls boring locations in the field and call Underground Service Alert (USA) for mark-out of utility locations so that clearance can be verified. Task 2.5.2b - Field Exploration: To obtain subsurface information for the design of the foundations for the bridge structure to support the northbound on -ramp, Parikh Consultants will drill two borings up to o' in depth. The existing foundations of the Brisco Road Undercrossing are supported on spread footings, so we anticipate that the soils are competent to support spread footings for the new structure. Limited access is available at this time. In the event the borings Page 22 of 3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 31 BmscoRoADAVALCYONRoA DIUS 101 INTERCHANGE MPR 0 VEMENTS have to be drilled from the top of the embarkment the depth will be increased to 7 feet and traffic control (lane closure) will be required. We anticipate using a truck mounted drill rig for our work. Project Element Number of Borings i r X a Depths Abutments of NB On-Ramp Undercrossin 50' -70' Parikh's field engineer wil [ classify and continuously log subsurface soil conditions encountered in each test boring at the time of drilling. He will obtain "relatively undisturbed" and bulk samples 6f from test borings. The borings will be drilled and capped in accordance with the permit requimmerit Task 2.5.2c - Laboratory Testing: Perform laboratory tests on representative soil samples such as moisture density, unconfined compression, gradation analyses, corrosion fest and Plasticity Index test, as necessary. Task 2.5. - Soils Analysis/Evaluation: PC1 will perform engineering analyses and develop design recommendations for the proposed foundations. Task 2.5. - Prepare Draft Foundation Memo (Type Selection Letter): PCi will prepare preliminary recommendations for foundations and provide a Type Selection Memo with the LOTB. Task 2 ... - Prepare Final Foundation Report: PCI will prepare a detailed - report, including design recommendations for foundation types and footing elevations, lateral design capacities, and vertical capacity recommendations for pile foundations or spread footings. -: The report will discuss seismic considerations, evaluate the liquefaction potential -and comment on the site soil conditions from this standpoint. Information related to Caltrans Seismic design criteria (SDC v 1. and 2009 updates shall be provided. Information related to the revised Seismic design guidelines and ARS curves (2009) will be provided. After review of the dram foundation report by Wood Rodgers, the City and Caltrans, Parikh will prepare the final Foundation report for the bridge structure. Using the general plan provided by Wood Rodgers as a base map, Parikh Consultants will prepare the Log of Test Boring sheet(s) of the plans. Task 2.5.2g - Parikh Consultants will provide Design Review Consultation with Wood Rodgers and the reviewing agencies through final design of the project. Task 2. ..3 - Geotech nical Design and Materhds Report Parikh Consultants will prepare a Geotechnical Design and Materials Report DM for the project. This report will be prepared in accordance with current C ltr ns standards and procedures. This report will provide the information necessary for design of the roadway approach embankments, roadway pavement sections, and foundations for overhead sign structures. Sacramento County- and Calrans will provide the Traffic Index for the roadways under their respective jurisdictions, on which Parikh Consultants will base the pavement design. Task 2.5.3a - Research and Data Collection: PC1 will review additional available geologic and soil literature in the vicinity of the project site, including review of any as-built drawings and existing LOTB. P r•milsl S Clearances: Parikh will comply with local permit requirements. We will obtain a Caltnans encroachment permit for any borings in State right of way, and any fee charged will be billed as a reimbursable expense. We assume that any necessary permits or permissions for borings in City right of way Page 23 of , Agenda Item 8.e. Page 32 Risco ROA DIHA L C YON ROADIUS 101 IN TER CHA N GE IMPR EN TS or on adjacent private property will be provided by the City of Arroyo Grande. We will field - locate the borings and call for Underground Service Alert (USA) clearance. Task 2.5. - Field Exploration: Because of high costs associated with performing field borings we wil l plan the borings in a judicious manner. The boring program is provided in the table below. Elewnt Number of Borings l rox ate Depths - Project Overhead signs 2 2W Embankments for rams 2 30" Retaining walls 6 3W Pavements 9 5' - 101 In addition, the borings for the proposed on -ramp undercrossing structure will be used for this study. These explorations will -provide an evaluation of subsurface conditions for the proposed roadway portion of the project. The boring locations will depend upon the available access and any boring data- from previous studies. we anticipate using a truck mounted auger drill rig for our work. Some traffic control is assumed at this time in areas where necessary. Parikh's field engineer will classify and continuously log subsurface soil conditions encountered in each test boring at the time of drilling. He will obtain "relatively undisturbed" and bulk samples of substrata from test borings. The borings will be drilled and capped in accordance with the permit requirements. we anticipate that the borings will be required to be backf lied with cement grout. Task 2.5. - Laboratory Testing: Parlkh will perform laboratory tests on representative soil samples such as moisture density, unconfined compression, consolidation, gradation analyses, F- value tests, corrosion tests and Plasticity Index test, as necessary. The tests to be performed will depend on the type of soils encountered and anticipated loading conditions. Task 2.5.3d - Soils Analysis/Evaluation: P rikh will perform engineering analyses and develop design recommendations for the embankments, overhead sign structures, parking facility and pavement design. Slope stability and settlement evaluation of proposed embankments will also be considered. Task 2.5.3e - Prepare Draft Geotechnical Design and Materials Report: Parikh Consultants will prepare preliminary recommendations for retaining walls, pipe culverts, embankments, and pavement design. The draft report will be submitted to Wood Rodgers, the City and alt for review. Task 2... - Prepare Final Geotechnical Design and Materials Report. t. P rikh Consultants will prepare a detailed report, including design recommendations for embankment foundation, overhead sign structures, and pavement sections. Also specified in the report will be information on recommended slopes, groundwater conditions, corrosion evaluations, etc. Using the project layout provided by Wood Rodgers as a base map, Parikh Consultants will provide boring logs. Unless otherwise specified, standard L TB format will be provided. Task - Design Review Consultation through fnal design. PCI wiII assist the Wood Rodgers design team durtng design review process and attend meetings if necessary). Task 2.6: Roadway Design — Prepare "B" plans Task Z 6.1- Roadway Plans In close coordination with the City and Caltrans, wood lodgers will prepare the Roadway Plans for the Brisco load interchange improvements. Approved geometric layouts will provide Page 24 of , Agenda Item 8.e. Page 33 BRisco ROADATAWYONROADIUS 101 INTERCHANGE IM O VEMENT the base for the roadway plans and will be used to create the 65%, 95% and 100% (Final submiftal packages. The % submittal will include a letter addressing comments from the "A" plans submittal, revised plans as necessary to address comments from "A" plans submittal as well as additional sheets for more detailed design. The % submittal will include a letter addressing comments from the % submittal and revised plans as necessary to address comments from the % submittal. The roadway PS &E at this submittal is complete. Wood lodgers will use Microstation for plan preparation. The following roadway plan sheets are anticipated for the proposed project: 0 Title Sheet • Typical Cross Sections • Alignment Sheet 0 Key Map Dine Index 0 Layout 0 Profiles and Superelevation Diagrams 0 Construction Details 0 Contour Grading • Drainage Plans, Profiles, Details Quantities 0 Utility Plans 0 Stage Construction plans • Traffic Handling plan • Pavement Delineation Plans & Quantities 0 Sign Plans, Details & Quantities 0 Summary of Quantities 0 Highway and Street Lighting Plans 0 Signal and Ramp Metering Plans Title Sheet - The Title Sheet will 'Include a strip map of the project, the protect description, a small -kale location map, an index of the plan sheets, the signature and registration data of the person in responsible charge for preparation of the entire project, the limits of construction and work, contract number, and project identification block information. The strip map will show existing public roads, and prominent geographic features. Mandatory material sites or mandatory disposal sites, if identified for this project, will be shown on the title sheet. Typical Cross Sections - Typical Cross Sections will show and dimension all geometric elements, including pavement widths, shoulders, curbs, medians, drainage ditches, landscaping concepts, and right-of-way. Layout Plans — The approved Conceptual Geometric Plans will be the basis for the project layout sheets. Layout sheets will include topographic mapping in screened line type. Existing facilities will be shown in dashed lines and proposed construction in solid lines. Any features pertinent to construction, such as ditches, roads, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, will be shown. Alignment data for all layout lines will be shown. Stationing equations, distances and bearings of all tangents, stations of all curve points, curve data, and beginning and end of work and construction will be calculated and shown. Right-of-way lines, easement lines, right of entry, access taping, access openings, including temporary access openings, and boundary lines will be shown and labeled. In general, layout plans will show edge of traveled way, edge of pavement, edge of shoulders, curbs, sidewalks, street lighting, fences, guard railing, barriers, and all other facilities to be constructed, except those facilities that will be shown on separate plan sheets. Necessary dimensions wil l be included. The toe of fill and top of cut slopes will be shown. Erosion control will be shown on the layout plans. Prorilc and Snperelevation Diagrams - Preliminary Profiles approved as part of the Conceptual Geometric Drawings will be the basis for the roadway profiles. The Profile will Page 25 of 34 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 34 i5 co R oA DATA 'YON R OA DIUS I WIN TER CHA NGE IMPR 0 VEMEN TS show existing ground line and proposed grade line for each alignment. The original ground line will be extended a few stations beyond the beginning and end of the project, unless this would entail an additional sheet. Future grade lines will be labeled and shown as short dashed lines. Other grade lines, such as ditches, gutters, and pipes, will be shown by distinctive symbols and labeled. Elevations will be shown at IVs, EVCs, PRVCs, PCVCs, station equations, and at each edge of the sheet on profile grade. Vertical curve lengths and tangent gradients, including at points of reverse or compound vertical curve, will be shown. If the profile grade line is not the construction layout line, a note will be added to indicate the position of the profile grade, such as 'Profile Grade at Inner ETW" or 'Profile Grade is X feet Lett or Right) of S L." Station pluses will be shown for all points where elevations are shown if these points do not fall on the vertical grid lines. The names of all major intersected roads, and other layout lines will be labeled vertically along the profile. Utilities - Existing, relocated, and new utilities will be clearly and accurately depicted on the utility sheets. High hazard utilities will be shown in accordance with Caltrans policy on high and low risk underground facilities within right-of-way. Potholing to determine accurate location and elevation of high risk underground facilities, if any, will be provided by the utility owner or others. wood Rodgers will show the location and elevation of the high risk underground facilities on the plans, based on pothole survey results. Partial cross sections showing the relation of an existing utility to a proposed drainage pipe or bridge footing wil I be shown on the plans to avoid conflicts. Utilities to be placed in the bridge will be closely coordinated with the bridge design. Stage Construction Plans - These plans will show the sequence of operation, work to be performed, materials to be used, and the traveled way to be used for all movements of traffic during the construction sequence. Particular attention will be given to the staged construction and traffic handling for the new ramps and undercrossing and its approach embankments. Construction Area Signs or Temporary Signs and pavement delineation required for the direction of public traffic through or around the work during construction will be shown on these plans. Construction Details Sheet - The Construction Details Sheet will show the details prepared by the Engineers to supplement lnfonrnation that cannot be'shown on the layout plan sheets because of complex and extensive details required. Examples of construction items that may require construction details are temporary crash cushions, curb transitions, guard railing, sidewalks, curb ramps, curbs and gutters, and driveways. Any miscellaneous details that do not involve drainage items will be shown. Striping Plans - Striping and Pavement Delineation Plans will be prepared on skeletons of the base layout plan sheets. These plans will include final and temporary traffic lines, pavement markings, pavement markers, and object markers, channeliers, and delineators. Lines will include lane lines, edge lines, crosswalks, limit lines, arrows, and any other appropriate delineation. Lane widths will be indicated. The limits and detail number for each line of marking will be shown on these plans, if necessary. A list of quantities for the items of traffic lines, pavement markings, pavement markers, delineators, channeli ers, and markers will be included in the plans. Signing - Signs will be shown on the Striping and Pavement Delineation sheets. These plans will show existing signs, which are to be removed, salvaged, relocated, reset, modified, or reconstructed. New signs to be installed or constructed will also be shown on these plan sheets. If needed, an individual sign number that will correspond to that used on the sign plans, sign Page 26 of . Agenda Item 8.e. Page 35 details, and sign quantities list will identify -each sign. Sign quantities for roadside signs and any overhead signs will be summarized in tabular formats. Water Pollution Control Sheets - All required temporary construction site best management practices lips will be shown on the Water pollution Control sheets per the requirements of the Storm Water Data Report and the project planning and Resign Guide. The type, location and proposed quantities of all major temporary construction site BMPs will be shown on these plan sheets. Supplemental Items - Wood Rodgers will prepare design cross sections, slope stake listing, and earthwork calculations, which will include; Design Cross Sections - Resign Cross Sections will be generated at 50-feet intervals; at major drainage structures, and at beginning and ending of each horizontal or vertical curve. Resign Cross Sections will show original ground line, the grading planes, the finished grade, ditches, existing and proposed right-of-way =way lines, and cut and fill areas. Each Resign Cross Section will be identified by line designation and stationing corresponding to the cross section base line, and will show a ground elevation at the baseline. Additional cross - sections may be necessary at conforms and at unusual design features Slope Stake Listings - Slope Stake Listings showing offsets, elevations of hinge points and catch points, and finished and subgrade elevations at 50-feet intervals, at major drainage structures, and at beginning and ending of each horizontal or vertical curve will be generated. Slope staking notes will be formatted to meet any specific requirement of the City/County, and space will be provided between listings to write field notes. Task Z 6.2 — special Provisions Wood Rodgers will prepare Technical Special provisions for the project based on Caltrans' Standard Special provisions and Standard Specifications. Specifications will be modified as' appropriate to the specific requirements of the City for the project. Lane closure requirements will also be specified. Task x.6..3 - Engineers Estimate Wood Rodgers will prepare a construction cost estimate based upon approved plans and special provisions. The Engineer's Estimate will be prepared in the Caltrans "BEES" format. Task 2.6.4 — Draft PP Submittal Wood Rodgers wi 11 prepare and furnish the draft P S&E for the proposed project to the City and Caltrans for review and comment. A safety review meeting will be held with City/Caltrans during the Draft PS&.E review period, if requested by Caltrans. Task .7: Storm Drainage Design Based on the recommendations of the preliminary drainage report, topographic mapping, contour grading and cross section data, Wood Rodgers will develop drainage plans to be incorporated into the PS &.E package and reviewed at % and % submittals. An analysis of the project drainage will be prepared ' in accordance with Caltrans requirements, including site - specific rainfall intensity-duration- frequency uency data; design criteria and assumptions; contributing shed areas; design discharges based on the Rational Method; pipe sizes, slopes and materials; and hydraulic grade lines based on Manning's Equation. We assume that this analysis is to include only the area of the project. Drainage Pl - Drainage facilities will be shown on the drainage plan sheets. Existing facilities will appear as dropouts in the background. The proposed drainage work will be shown as solid lines. These sheets will indicate what work will be performed on existing facilities, such Page 27 o'3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 36 is co R oA DIHA L C YON J? OA DIUS 101 INTERCHANGE LVfPR O VEMENTS as 'abandon" or "remove ". The size, type, and location (station pluses) for each pipe culvert, box culvert, etc. will be shown. Ditches will be identified with arrows to show direction of flow. Drainage DetaMs - The details that are unique to this project, and those for which there are no Standard Plans, will be shown on the Drainage Detail Sheet. These details usually depict special drainage structures, channel changes, modifications to existing structures, etc. Task 2.8: Storm water Data Report Wood Rodgers will prepare a Storm Water Data Report SWDI during the Design phase per the requirements of the Caltrans Project Planning and Design Guide. This will be an update and expansion of the SVMR prepared during the PA &ED phase of project development. The SVMR will be prepared using the current SWDR template. The SVMR will include completion of both the required narrative and the checklists. In addition, the SWDR will include an identification of targeted design constituents, design pollution prevention, treatment and temporary construction site best management practices. The WDI will be submitted to Caltrans for review and comment per the District's SVMR approval process. Task 2.9: Utility Coordination Wood lodgers will perform a utility investigation and coordinate with utility owners throughout the project development process such that the City is immediately notified if there is any anticipated delay to the project clue to utility company reviews or relocations. During P &E, Wood lodgers will set up a meeting with the City, Caltrans and local utility agencies/companies to present proposed project and request utility verification. Wood lodgers will provide necessary wrapping to utility agencies /companies for utility verification. Wood Rodgers, if requested, will arrange for any necessary surveying for the "pot- holing" of existing utilities to establish horizontal /vertical location of underground utilities as extra work. Notification letters and plan sets will be provided to utility owners during development of the PS&E for the Interchange Improvements as follows: 'ask Z . 1 — " " Plait S'u bmida I to tilty Comp an ies Wood lodgers will prepare draft transmittal letters Utility verification and Notice to Owners) to affected utility owners for County review and approval prior to transmitting "B" Plans to utility owners.' Two sets of half-size 95% plans "B" plans) will be provided to each utility owner as an attachment to the transmittal letter. The letter will request that utility owners verify any utility conflicts with proposed improvements and indicate whether any future utilities are proposed in the area that may require accommodation through the overcrossing structure. A copy of the utility data obtained from utility owners will be provided to the City and State and the original will be kept in the project files. Information on existing utilities obtained as a result of the "B" plan submittal will be used to determine potential utility conflicts and to resolve the conflicts identified. 'ask 2.9.2 — "'C" Plaits Submittal to Utility Companies Wood Rodgers will prepare , draft transmittal letters to affected utility owner's for City review and approval prior to transmitting "C" Plans to utility owners. Two sets of half-size 100% plans or "C" plans will be provided to each utility owner as an attachment to the transmittal letter. The letter will indicate to the utility owners whether any changes have been made to the project plans since the "B" plans submittal and request written confirmation of utility relocations and utility relocation schedule. Page 28 o`,3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 37 BRis co R oA DAVA L c YON R OA DINS 101 IN TER CHA S IMPR 0 VEMENTS Task 2.10: Permitting Coordination Wood Rodgers and SW CA wil l work with C ity staff during deve lopment of the environmental document to identify permit requirements so the City can obtain the necessary permits for project construction. Wood Rodgers will provide all necessary information regarding project staging and design details for the proposed improvements. Task .11: Structures Design Wood Rodgers will perform the following tads during development of the Bridge PS&E for the on- ramp undercrossing structure: Task 2.11.1 - Design Calculatio Upon approval of the structure type, wood Rodger's Structure Design Engineer will perform a complete structural - design for the undercrossing, for all relevant loading conditions. The design will conform to current standard Caltrans structure design specifications, guidelines and procedures including the use of Load and Resistance Factor Design LIF>. Only computer programs that are currently approved by altrans will be used. The structure design "will be coordinated with the development of the Foundation Deport to ensure the proper selection of foundation type and proper development of foundation capacity. Promptly following or concurrently with the development of calculations, the designer will develop draft details, to insure that they will be fully compatible with the structural calculations. Task 2.11.2 - Plan Detailing During plan detailing, wood Dodgers' detailers tale the dram details from the designer (usually hand drawn sketches, but sometimes CAD drawn) and develop the plan details sheets. For the on- ramp undercrossing, the following bridge plan sheets are anticipated: 0 General Plan 0 Deck Contours 0 Foundation Plan Abutment Layouts Abutment Details Typical Section 0 Deck or Girder Layout Miscellaneous Details 0 Structure Approach Details Structure Approach Drainage Details Slope Paving Details Log of Test Borings Task Z11.3 - % Plans Review & Check Calculations. Wood Dodger's Structure Check Engineer will review the % Bridge Plans 100% designed and detailed), including the preparation of independent design calculations, cheep conformance with geotechnical and foundation reports, cheep conformance with road plans and survey data, and a cheep conformance with all applicable detailing standards. A Design Check Memorandum will be prepared summarizing all review comments. wood Dodger's Structure Check Engineer will revise his independent design cheep calculations as corrections to the details are made, such that the final cheep calculations will clearly indicate that the finished design is acceptable. The cheep will be performed by a California- licensed Civil Engineer. Wood Dodgers' Design Engineer will provide the following items to the Check Engineer: 65% Unchecked Bridge Plans )raft Geotechnical and Foundation Deports 65% Road Plans Page 29 of 34 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 38 The Check Engineer will return the following items to the Design Engineer: Design Check Memorandum Independent Design Check Calculations Red - marked Flans Final Independent Design Check Calculations Task Z 11.4 - Check Conference and Checked tail -- Wood Rodgers's structure design engineer and check engineer will compare their results and resolve any differences. Both sets of calculations will be corrected so that they are in substantial agreement with each other. Next,, agreement will be reached regarding revisions to the plans; the designer will direct the detailer in completing the revisions. After plan revision, both the designer and checker will review the corrected details, and when satisfactory, this will become the "checked details" plan set. Task x.11.5 - Quantity & Quantify Check Calculations and cast Estimate — Using the checked details plan set from the previous task, the construction contract quantities will be computed. The special provisions writer determines the appropriate items to _use. Two separate sets of quantity calculations will be computed independently, and subsequently compared for agreement. Corrections will be made until both sets of quantity calculations agree within standard tolerances. Unit prices will be assigned to the quantities to produce a construction cost estimate. The estimators will also develop comments on the plan details sheets as they perform their calculations; this makes this task a valuable part of the QA/QC process. Task 2.11.6 - Bridge Special r ision — The bridge special provisions will be prepared by a senior -level engineer, experienced in both design and construction. They will be prepared in the standard Caltmns format, and make as much use of the Caltrans Standard Special Provisions (SSP's)as possible. Completion of this task completes the "Draft Bridge IBS &E ", which is then submitted to Caltrans and the City for review and comment. All hidden text for edit strikeouts and comments and underlines for added text will only be shown in the special provisions printout for draft submittals. Deliverables; • One set of signed full -size Vellum or Mylar Original Tracings; • Drawings on dish in Microstation format; Printed original of the Contract Specifications; CD-ROM of the Contract Specifications in Microsoft word format; 1 "= 4 ft scale drawing of the Deck Contours; Marginal Estimates; • Design and Design Check Calculations; • Quantity and Quantity Check Calculations; Working days schedule; E Pending File. Task 2.12: Traffic Signal and Lighting Design Referencing the approved striping plan, wood Rodgers will prepare traffic signal plans for the off -ramp intersection with west Branch Street. Flans for removing the existing signals at the Brisco Road NB ramps intersection and modifying the existing signals at Brisco Road/El Camino Real and Brisco Page 30 of , Agenda Item 8.e. Page 39 Road /West Branch Street will also be prepared. The project also includes modifications to the traffic signals at the ramp intersections on Grand Avenue. No ramp meter installations are anticipated. The traffic signal plans will be fully coordinated with striping and road work plans to insure an orderly, efficient, economical, constructible, and safe design. Intersection lighting will be integrated into the traffic signal facilities. wood Rodgers will confer with the ity altrans on design options such as count -down pedestrian heads, signal interconnect, uninterruptible power sources (UPS), hike lane detection, and video detection. Any required special features such as audible pedestrian heads and emergency vehicle detection will be included. : Wood Rodgers will confer with PG&E to identify power sources and obtain overhead conductor clearance dimensions, as applicable. we will field verify electrical service point locations and service voltages for traffic signals and associated street lighting. wood Rodgers will confirm sufficient vertical clearance for all. proposed facilities and provide appropriate coordination with PG &E to resolve any vertical clearance conflicts. Wood Rodgers will also confer with ATT if a telephone line to the signal controlleris required, and will determine an appropriate location for the telephone demarcation. An initial Signal Layout submittal will be made to the ity altrans showing project striping (including pedestrian crosswalk, proposed signal phasing, and proposed locations of poles, -heads, luminaires, 11N's, detectors, handholes, controller cabinet, service point, and sidewalk rb ramps. The ityaltrans comments on this submittal will be incorporated into the Signal Layout plans. Following ityaltrans approval, the plans will be completed with details of conduit layout, pole schedules, conduit and conductor schedules, and design notes. Wood Rodgers will prepare electrical P &E for the proposed interchange improvements including traffic signals, signal interconnect, and street and highway lighting. The signal and lighting P &E will be incorporated into the roadway plans for and submittals. Wood Rodgers will use the results of the traffic study as the basis for selection of lane /phase configurations. This will include recommendations for design, hardware, and system components to support the operational strategy. wood Rodgers will incorporate traffic signal and lighting into the P &E for project construction, with full coordination of pavement delineation and signt'ng plans. Deliverables: 0 1 2-kale sheet for the intersection, showing most signal facilities ( 1) sheet for conduit and conductor schedule and pole and equipment schedule 0 1 ) 40-scale sheet for advance detector placement. These may be shown on the interconnect plan, at the City's option. . Technical specifications for non - standard features such as IISNS brackets and UPS's. Quantity and cost estimates. Task 2.13: Transportation Management Plan Wood Rodgers will prepare a Transportation Management Plan MP for the construction of the proposed improvements for Caltrans and City review and approval. The TiP will be in accordance with Caltrans guidelines, and will show the staged construction of the interchange, traffic handling at each stage, any detours, permissible lane closures, and .analysis of traffic operations. Review comments will be incorporated in successive submittals to achieve approval of the TMP. Page 31 of 3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 40 I * AV 1TJS 101 INTERCHANGE IMPROlvEMENTS Task 2.14: Constructibility Review Senior engineering staff' at wood lodgers will review the P &, prior to submittal, to ensure that the documents are `biddable, buildable, and administratable." we anticipate that the City and Caltrans will also review the construction documents from a contructibility point of view. Upon finalization of plans, specifications and estimate, the % PS&E package will be submitted to Caltrans and the City for review. Comments received will be incorporated prior to the submittal of the final, 100% P S& E. At each stage, prior to these submittals, quality control reviews will be performed. Task 2.15: Right-of-Way nineri n Wallace Group will provide right of war engineering and surveying for the preparation of legal descriptions for property to be acquired for the Brisco Road Interchange Improvements. light -of way engineering will include closure calculations and establishment of any necessary ties to re- establish any monuments that may be destroyed during construction. Wallace Group will prepare plats and legal descriptions for properties to be acquired for construction of the proposed interchange improvements at Brisco Road. Wallace Group will procure the Preliminary Title Reports and backup documents. Wallace's budget is based on acquisition from 10 parcels, and assumes that no more than two easements need to be plotted from each report. Task 2.16: Right-of-Way Appraisal & Acquisitions Bender Rosenthal, Inc BRI will perform right of way appraisals and acquisition for the project. APPRAISALS - BRI will develop complete appraisals that will state the estimated fair market value of the fee simple interest in each referenced property. The appraisal reports will be summary appraisal reports that will be prepared in conformance with and subject to the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics and the Standards of Professional Practice of the Appraisal Institute, which fully incorporate the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice UPAP of the Appraisal Foundation. Jurisdictional exceptions may apply in some cases. Plats and legal descriptions for each of the properties to be appraised will be provided to BRI by wood lodgers /Wallace Group. Some of the items that may affect the appraisal process include: Complexity of the valuation; Impact of the interests to be acquired e.g. 'Temporary Construction Easements, and Public Utility easements). Damage Analysis (Severance Damage, Cost to Cure, etc.) The primary steps in completion of fair market value appraisals of the property rights to be acquired include but are not limited to the following: nsite physical inspection of the subject property with the owner. Visual inspection of the comparable market data. Study of community and neighborhood in which the subject is located. Collection of data from appropriate governmental agencies. Market investigation of vacant and improved comparable data. • Verification of market data with sources knowledgeable with the pertinent details of the transaction. Analysis of all appropriate data in the before and after condition to arrive at an opinion of value. • Preparation of report. BRI will provide three copies of each Appraisal that meet all State and Federal Standards. The project budget is based on preparation of up to 5 Appraisal reports. I DEPENDE1 '1' APPIRAISAL REVIEW - Per Federal and State regulations (Uniform Act), a qualified reviewing appraiser shall examine all appraisals to assure that they meet applicable appraisal Page 32 of Agenda Item 8.e. Page 41 BRiscoRoADIHALcYoNRoADIUS 101 INTERam N o VEMENTS requirements and shall, prior to acceptance, seek necessary correction or revisions. In addition, the review appraiser shall certify that the opinion of fair market value is reasonably supported by an acceptable appraisal. BRI is pleased to include Mr. Stephen Rosenthal, NMI, as the independent reviewer for the project. The budget is based on preparation o review certification appraisal reports for up to 5 Appraisals. ACQUISITION SER I ES - Bender Rosenthal, Inc. proposes to develop all necessary contracts, conveyance documents and escrow instructions necessary to male offers based on the Client's process. We will meet with the owners, and convey documents until acceptance or impasse is reached. Steps within the acquisition process are outlined below: I . Review of the project concept and design with staff and other consultants. 2. Review of appraisals, title reports, maps and descriptions of the required parcels. 3. Field review the project with the Project Manager or other designated person. 4. Preparation of right-of-way contracts and other acquisition documents. 5. Meet with the property owners to discuss the project in general; review of maps and legal descriptions; confirm information about occupants/owners and male the official First Written Offer to owner. Acquire tenant consent if required. 6. Acquisition activities are based on settlement by the third contact either in person or by telephone. A recommendation to the Client will be made after impasse has been reached. To reach impasse there are specific requirements: A. Go through the acquisition steps outlined below; plus B. Mae at least three contacts with owner (personal call, letter or phone call) in any combination; plus C. Spend up to eight hours working on the parcel acquisition. D. Responding to property owner inquiries verbally and in writing within two business days. The acquisition steps when offering compensation to the property owner include: A. Owner accepts offer. (Close) B. Owner rejects offer. 1. Owner refuses to counter. Impasse) 2. Owner males counter proposal. a. The Client accepts counter. (Close) b. The Client rejects counter. (Impasse) c. The Client makes new offer. 1. Owner accepts new offer. (Close) 2. Owner does not accept new offer. (Impasse) 7. Deliver signed right-of-way contract and signed and acknowledged grant deed for closed transaction. Deliver a memorandum explaining impasse. 8. Final report, including transfer of all pertinent correspondence and files, to the Client. The budget is based on acquisition of up to ownerships, and assumes that title and escrow services are to be handled by others. Wood Rodgers and Wallace can provide support as requested (place "show me" stales, prepare exhibits, etc.) as part of post design assistance. Task 2.17: Final FS&E ("'C" Flans) Upon completion of the % submittal package, Wood lodgers will schedule a review session, if required, with the County and Caltrans to discuss review comments and resolve any conflicting Page 33 of 34 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 42 R IS CO R OA DAVA L C YON R OA DIUS 101 IN TER CHA NG VEMEN TS comments. Prior to final design submittal, Wood Rodgers will perform an internal quality and constructability revie w of the entire PS &E package. Corrections to the PS &E documents are made as per the review comments. The next step is to complete the final merging of the Bridge PS&, E with the Roadway P &E, to form a complete package that is ready to advertise for construction. Additional documents that are prepared at this stage are the working day schedule, 1" = 4 ft deck contours plot, and the "Resident Engineer RE pending" file. Upon approval of the final P & , Wood Rodgers will furnish the County of Sacramento approved Plans, Specifications and Estimates for to be used for project advertising. Plan submittal to Caltrans and the County will include velum plots and electronic CADD drawing files. Specifications submittal will include a "camera ready" copy and electronic files in Word for Windows format. A hard copy and electronic files used to generate the Engineer's Estimate will also be furnished to the County and altrans. POST-DESIGN ASSISTANCE Wood Rodg will provide a proposal for post- design assistance upon the request of the City, once the scope and schedule for construction can be determined with more certainty. Such assistance may include attendance at a pre -bid meeting, and assistance to the City in answering questions from Contractors during the bidding process, as well as assisting the Cit with hid evaluation as required. During the construction of the project, the City may errant staff` from the Wood Rodgers Team to be available to provide on -going consultation and interpretation of construction documents. Typical construction support services would include: • Attend pre - construction meeting. • Review and approve Contractor submittals and shop drawings as requested b the Cit • Provide on -going consultation and interpretation of contract documents. • Consult with and assist the City's construction management staff` regarding Contractor proposals, construction issues, and plan revisions. • Prepare plan and/or specification modifications for contract change orders. • Assist the City in review of contractor's SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) to insure NPDES compliance. If desired, the Wood Rodgers Team can provide construction staking, mnumentatin of new right of Tray, and preparation of Caltrans right of way maps. At the completion of construction, Wood Rodgers can draft any changes to the project plans to create the "As- built" record drawings, used on red - marked plans prepared by the Resident Engineer. Page 34 o f 3 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 43 Wood Rodgers Inc. Cost Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for ri- Halcyon Road Interchange Phase 2 - Construction Documents (PS&E) City of Arroyo Grande DIRECT LABOR Hours Rate Total Principal Engineer Project Manager 435 $150.00 $65 Project Engineer (Engineer 111) 666 $140.00 $93,240.00 Senior Structures Engineer 380 $150.00 557,000.00 Design Engineer (Engineer lI ) 1650 $120.00 $198 Engineer I 864 $105.00 $90 Assistant Engineer CAD Technician 111 1676 $95.00 1 59,220.00 Administrative Assistant 566 $70.00 $39,620.00 Total - Direct Labor 6,237 S703,050,00 OTHER COSTS • Mil ag R produ tior other direct Costs $9,000.00 Total - Direct Cost S%000,00 TOTAL - Wood Rodgers S UB CONSULTANT S 712 , 0 50. 0 0 • Wallace Group - ROW n in rin 1 , 11.00 • WCA E nvironmental C onsultants - Environmental Permitting $13 • arikh Consultants, Inc. - Geotechnical S102 • Header Rosenthal - ROWAppraisals & Acquisition $45 TOTAL - Subconsullants S173,566.01 TO 'AL COST NOT TO EXCEED S885 ,616.01 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 44 SUBCONSULTANT COST BREAKDOWN • Wallace Group - ROW Engineering DIRECT LABOR Director Land Surveyor Total - Direct Labor OTHER COSTS • 10 Preliminary Title Reports @a $394/ea * Markup 1 % of Above Costs) WALLACE GROUP TOTAL Hours Rate 'Total 8 $154.00 $1, .00 $142.00 $6 $7480.00 $3,940.00 d" ZI A„ f,„ Other Costs Subtotal $4 512,011. • S i CA Environmental Consultants # Environmental Permitting $10 DIRECT LABOR DIRECT LABOR Hours Rate Total Project Manager / Biologist 52 $110.00 $5 Biologist 64 $79.00 $5,056.00 IS f CAD Specialist 6 $110.00 $660.00 Technical Editor 3 $79.00 $237.00 Administrative Clerical 1 $68.00 $816.00 Total- Direct Labor 137 $12 OTHER COSTS • Reimbursible Expenses (Reproduction, Supplies, Travel, etc.) $600,00 Other Costs Subtotal $600,00 S CA Environmental TOTAL S1309- • Parikh Consultants, Inc. - Geolechnical DIRECT LABOR Hours Rate Total Principal Project Manager 58 $218.40 $12 Sr. Project Sorts Engineer 30 $157.52 $4 Project Sods Engineer 1 $141.27 $23 Staff Engineer 163 $84.17 $13 Feld Engineer 103 $102.73 $10 Senior Lab Technician 32 $110.71 $3 Laboratory Technician 56 $70.80 $3,964.80 Engineering Draftsperson 7 $84.17 $6,00.24 Total - Direct Labor 679 $78,571.01 OTHER COSTS • Direct Costs (Drilling, Traffic control, reproduction, etc.) $24,145.00 PARIKH TOTAL 5102, 716. 01 * Bender Rosenthal - ROW Appraisals Acquis ition $10 DIRECT LABOR Hours Senior Appraiser 80 Appraiser 100 Review Appraiser 37.5 Senior Acquisition Agent 70 Acquisition Agent 90 Total - Direct Labor 287.5 Rate Total OTHER COSTS • Direct Costs (Mileage, Postage, Reproduction, etc.) Beerier Rosenthal TOTAL $125.00 $10 $100.00 $10 $200.00 $7,500.00 $115.00 $8,050.00 $105.00 $9,450.00 $750.00 , 750. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 45 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.e. Page 46 INCORPORATED IIIEIMOIAANDUIII Z; ig JULY 10 1911 1F TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TER ESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY E EL PMENT DIRECTOR BY: LES E ANS, PROJECT ENGINEER EEF SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO IMPLEMENT THE STORMWATER LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT (LID) PROGRAM DATE: APRIL 1 2, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: MENRATIOI : It is recommended the City Council: 1. Approve the City's continued participation in the Tint Effort Project; 2. Authorize the use of the Interim Lour Impact Development Guidelines and the SLO County Storm grater Q uality Plan and Application; 3. Direct staff to begin the implementation of an illicit discharge program by training staff to detect illicit discharges, contacting automotive services, and related businesses to advise them of appropriate BMPs In managing illicit discharges and placing illicit discharge reporting information on the City website. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The recommended actions will necessitate the printing and distribution of existing educational materials and utilizing staff time for attending meetings and training sessions. The initial costs will be relatively minor, although the increased allocation of staff time for storm water management will mean less time for other tasks. Ultimately, the implementation of the Storm water Management Plan required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board RWQC will create the need for additional staff to perform monitoring and testing as standards for storm water quality and volume of runoff are developed. Estimates of the cost of the program are still controversial with the RWQCB insisting that they will be minor and most implementing enting agencies believing they will amount to significant new costs. BACKGROUND: At their meeting of October 27, 2009 the City Council approved the City's participation in the Centr f Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board W C and the Lour Impact Agenda Item 8.f. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION APRIL 1 , 2011 Purge 2 of Development Center's .point Effort Project for the development of Hydromodification Control Criteria methodology for the Central Coast Region. The Council also approved the City's participation in the collaborative p rogram for local municipalities for the development of Best Management Practices (BM Ps) for Public Education, Public Participation and Pollution Prevention. Finally the City Council approved the incorporation of additional requirements set forth by the RWQCB into the City's Storm Water Management Plan S MP and authorized the City Manager to approve minor modifications to the S MP, as required by the RWQCB in response to annual reporting and plan implementation. The City of Arroyo Grande's S MP was approved by the Central Coast RWQCB on December 15, 2009 in accordance with Mate guidelines for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System APES permit for small municipalities. The permit requires that BMPs, measurable goals and timetables be developed for six Minimum Control Measures MCMs included in the S MP. The MCMs are as follows: 1. Public Education 2. Public Participation 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 4. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control 5. Post - Construction Storm Water Management 6. Pollution Prevention /Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations The S MP outlines a fire year plan to improve the quality of storm grater through MPs which are designed to reduce the volume of storm grater runoff into our creeks and streams and to eliminate the discharge of pollutants to the City's storm rater collection system. The approved S MP will require a new way of doing business for developers, businesses, residents and the City. The City is currently in the second year of our fire year S M P. The City submitted its First Annual Report ort of progress toward implementation of the MPs described in the S MP in December 2010. The Report ort documented the activities the City performed in Year One (September 15, 200 — September 14, 2010 to implement the various BMPs. The City is participating in two countywide joint efforts related to stormwater management. The fiat is the San Luis Obispo County Partners for Water Quality (the "Partners Group") created for the purpose of mutual participation in countywide public education and outreach programs. The Partners Group is made up of City and County staff and other interested stakeholders with meetings held bimonthly. The second joint effort group that the City participates in is the San Luis Obispo Countywide Hydromodification Technical Advisory Committee HTAC . The HTAC is made up of representatives from San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz and Agenda Item 8.f. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT EMENT PLAT IMPLEMENTATION APRIL 1 , 201 1 Pepe 3 of Monterey counties, and the engineering, development and consulting communities. The HTAC meets monthly for the purpose of developing interim and long -term hydromodifi ation management criteria and Lover Impact Design (LID) objectives. Although the City has begun the implementation of BMPs in all sic of the MCMs, the full impact of the measures required for protecting and preserving our watershed have not yet been felt. The design of new development projects will soon be subject to LID standards that will stress reducing stormwater runoff by infiltrating it onsite rather than collecting it in off -site drainage systems. Post - construction stormwater controls that will treat stormwater pollution at its source will b required and an inspection program will be developed to ensure their continued maintenance and operation. Construction sites will be subject to stricter controls on run -off. Improving City proc for dev review and construction site inspections will b necessary. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: Among the actions that the City must undertake this year are: 1. A letter to our automotive service businesses advising them of the need to control any contaminated runoff from their property by treating it or collecting and disposing of it at an authorized site is in preparation. It will include "tips" on how to accomplish this task. The letter will advise the business owners that the City will be implementing a "management assistance visit" to ensure they understand the need for zero discharge of contaminants to the City's drainage system. Ultimately the City will need to inspect industrial /commercial businesses to ensure complianer'. 2. Field personnel will start documenting possible illicit discharges to our storm drain system using a field inspection checklist. The Director of Recreation and Maintenance Services will train his staff, who will in turn use a checklist to record any suspicious smells, stains, etc. that may indicate an illegal discharge to the drainage system. An investigation of the source of the possible illicit discharge will follow at the supervisor's direction. 3. The City has agreed to place an Illegal Discharge /Dumping Report form on the wesite. Citizens who observe illegal dumping or solids or liquids can notify the City of their observation. Currently both the cities of San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles have forms on their wesites that can serve as examples. The Paso form can b e found at: ww r it . 1 overnment de artments/ ubli wort s /stormwater /swan re ort.as 4. The City is required to analyze its codes, ordinances and standards to ensure that they do not create obstacles to the development of LID standards and hydromodification controls. Staff is commencing a "gap analysis It of the City's codes and standards to determine what development standards must b revised or added to integrate Agenda Item 8.f. Page 3 CITY-COUNCIL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION APRIL IL 1 , 2011 Page 4 of h rdr rn difi ati n control standards and LID standards into development controls. The "gap analysis" is dine to be submitted to the RWQCB on April 30,2011. 5. As required by the SWIVIP the City is currently using Interim Lover Impact Development Guidelines (Guidelines"). The Guidelines were developed by the Countywide HTAC and are proposed for use by all County agencies. A copy of the Guidelines is attached. For projects that are identified in the Guidelines as "Tier 2" or "Tier 3 Projects," the Community Development staff is,currently utilizing the San Luis Obispo County Strrnwater Quality Plan and Application to guide the design of these more intensive projects. The County St rmwater Application form is attached. (Aftachment 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Approve continued participation in the Tint Effort Project and implementation of the 13MPs in the City SWIVIP. - Do not approve continued participation in the Tint Effort Project or implementation of the BIVIPs. Provide other direction to staff. The recommended action is consistent with the City's SWIVIP and requirements of the EPA and the RWQC . The implementation of the LID standards and the aggressive action to eliminate illicit discharges should be beneficial for both the quality and volume of the water in City creeks and storm drain systems. DISADVANTAGES: The recommended actions will add another layer of requirements for land development and probably increase the cost of development. The illicit discharge program will ultimately require certain businesses to change some methods of operation and possibly add treatment or collection systems for runoff. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND D C E 1TS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, April 7, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, April 8, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. "Interim Low Impact Development Guidelines" 2. SLO County Strmwater Quality Plan Application Agenda Item 8.f. Page 4 t� tD ii 0) Guidelines c� CO Additional DefirOtipns 4 T �C ;'<= .M:';:8r o'.> iGa6o.> 9BadKYd + §:'P?N0.§` < dvKxhatlhi0.�L•< �kxx..:,tl Direcdy Connected Impervious Area: Any impervious surface which drains into a catch burin, area drain, or ocher conveyance structure without First allowing flow across pervious areas (c.g. Vegetated area_). Hydromodification: The alteration of hydrologic characteristics and channel geomcrry WAF1 n a watershed Impervious Surface Area: A hard surface area which either prevents or reduces the entry of water into the soil mantle. Common impmious surfaces include, but are not limited ro, roof tops, wadk- a patios, drivoLvays, parking locs or storage areas, concrete or m -phalt paving, gxavel roads, packed earthen materials, and oiled, macadam or other surfaces wFr ich simdady impede the natural infiltration of storm water. Low Impact Development (LID): An integrated site design methadolog that uses small -scale detention and retention Integrated Management Practices, or IMPS} to mimic pre- proKci site hydmiegical conditions or improve pre - project conditions. New Development: Development actixiry that includes site alteration (e.g,, paNin& grading, excavating, filling, or clearing) or installation of structures and other impervious surfaces. Parking Lot A land area or facility for the parking or storage of motor vehicles used personally, for business, or for commercial purposes. Permeable Pavements: Pavements for roadways, sidevalks, or plazas that are designed to infiltrate a portion of rainfall, including pervious concrete, pervious asphalt, unit- pavers -on - sand. N;¢.ax¢,¢ .¢ ... Pre- project The existing land use r-Ondition prior to a proposed http;//www.slogreet oAd.org/Library/ documents development acd%li ty. general 0101 117LID uide.pdf Redevelopment The creation, addition, and replacement of impervious surface on an Already developed site. Exarnples include the expansion of a building footprint, road widening, the addition to or replacement of :t structure, and creation or addition of impervious surfaces. Replacement of unpervious surfaces includes any ac&tiry that is not part of a routine: maintenance activity where impervious materials are removed, exposing underlying soil during construction. Redevelopment does not include trenching wd resurfacing associated with utility work, resurfacing and reconfiguring surface parking lots and existing roadways, nnv sidewalk construction, pedestrian ramps, or bike lane on existing roads, and routine replacement of damaged pavement, such as pothole repair. R oadway-, Any paved surface used to carry vehicular traffic (cars/ trucks, forklifis, farm machinery, or any ether largr- machinery). Runoff. Storrnwater that does not infiltrate into the ground during and after a rainfall event. Stormwater: runoff that originates as precipitation on a particular site, basin, or watershed. H t nxn :: : "nnv ¢ "a °¢nx; "x. "nv° http-// Creeks/ Storm—Water—Management — Program.htm Program.htm ,�.a¢ajF.a%' a;� �a� ,.. }¢a. e a4: ~¢¢ � ° _ 3 �� - ;��. ¢¢ '� ¢8 "x ¢¢,axa °8?`o; °s88 °'a,.¢. ?� n',a; 8;oKO8x �- »o - > "" .;¢ #:.<.o x> a $��. s 8" > v ' 0ox nxa¢n¢..xan'. ¢¢¢ ¢sue ¢ ,a, wM ¢ a, x¢; a :¢; s ° a ....S.a:E�.K¢¢ °¢ xs¢ >'.; Nn °an" http://www.casqa.org/LID/SoCalLID/ Default.a px http-// Storm ater 3 Guidebook_5th_Edition.pdf ATTACHMENT I Interi Low Impact Developmen Participating Agencies: } y �iiAb► f ,4- 4�' �4 - -x one s -- jat LlD G 1uldelines H and Oli[h' ¢� s x<- 19 xro-�a:� ff�8 °¢roeao-o-rsa.�ea��: Interim LID Gaidefinen HandeUt.' �g° m 'as�Ra "r«s Created in Partnership with the Central Coast Hydr nvdlfi ati n ' TochnkaI Adylsary C It Wh p t 4 Tiem bn S rW sxa»*�k;o4:. kaerh�a a a�i�o 4- 'ra�7oE�#R�- �d:�d�6: >H'b'SP r8 ".lP'1 eo �7i97d« Y:V[A[a�5a�- r>.*.6- n'Y2�n4� II¢laAge�ad! .. .JGFJ:SCkY&'.'(t�,i44S�+2,i� R unoff Reduction Measures he interim IA)w I D evelopment (LID) guidelines are a pilot project sponsored by municipalities in San Luis Obis po County and the Central Coast l e onal Water Quality Control Board. These &delines and regulations act as a transition into new rules that will be developed as a part of a joint effort to develop new hydromodification control criteria. In addition to the environmental benefits, LID may provide aesthetic benefits, and in some cases, an econormc benefit as well. These guidelines should be utilized to the extent fusible to re on -site stormwater runoff . O ur local agency is participating in this effort to meet goals developed by the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. If you h ave any questions regarding the information in this handout, please contact a planner of public works representative. Exempt Projects Any projects that create less than 2,500 square feet s# of increased impervious surface are exempt from these guidelines. These projects are still encouraged to reduce stormwater runoff as much as possible by utilizing any of the provided stormwater runoff reduction measures included in this handout. Tier, I Projects Any p roject that creates between 2.500 sf to 5 Sf of increased impervious surface is considered a Tier l project. A 'Fier l project is requited to utilize at least one 1 agency approved stormwater runoff reduction measure. Please contact this agency's project engineer or Manner for additional 9uidance. Tier 2 Projects Any p roject that creates more than 5,000 sf of increased xnmpervious surface is considered at 'Fier 2 project. A Tier 2 project is required to utilize at least two agency approved stormwater runoff reduction measures. Please contact this agency's project engineer or planner for additional 9uidance. Tier 3 Projects The following projects within this atgency's jurisdiction require additional measures that may not be outlined in this handout. Please contact this agency's planning or public works department for information on additional requirements. Tier 3 projects will require at least two LID measures that retain or reduce runoff and meet any additional agency requirements. 0 automotive repair 0 Parking lots of 25 shops Ex2rnple Co mmercia l ... •.,�,,.�s rt rt ........•.. ;... ;.�.�.�..•...... devel opments of NTS 1 00 1 000 sf or more s to rm water runoff Gasoline line stations Cn J Parking lots that are residentia homes on larger than 5,000 sf R that are potentially F exposed to subdivisions maps C ' Rain water harvestin e tin or more units 0 tD Street • D e d uce roa 0 CO Impervious Buildi Area 0 Wetland creation permitted) Impervious Surface Tier, I Projects Any p roject that creates between 2.500 sf to 5 Sf of increased impervious surface is considered a Tier l project. A 'Fier l project is requited to utilize at least one 1 agency approved stormwater runoff reduction measure. Please contact this agency's project engineer or Manner for additional 9uidance. Tier 2 Projects Any p roject that creates more than 5,000 sf of increased xnmpervious surface is considered at 'Fier 2 project. A Tier 2 project is required to utilize at least two agency approved stormwater runoff reduction measures. Please contact this agency's project engineer or planner for additional 9uidance. Tier 3 Projects The following projects within this atgency's jurisdiction require additional measures that may not be outlined in this handout. Please contact this agency's planning or public works department for information on additional requirements. Tier 3 projects will require at least two LID measures that retain or reduce runoff and meet any additional agency requirements. 0 automotive repair 0 Parking lots of 25 shops s or more that Co mmercia l ar p otentia lly devel opments of exposed to 1 00 1 000 sf or more s to rm water runoff Gasoline line stations • mi le fa nr�l y Parking lots that are residentia homes on larger than 5,000 sf Hillsides that are potentially 0 Residential tentative exposed to subdivisions maps stormwater runo with a potential of 5 Rain water harvestin e tin or more units 0 0 Restaurants he firs* step in reducing srormwater runoff may be as sirnple as revisiting a proposed site plan with a design professional and adjusting the location of a development to preserve natural areas, natural drainage, and limit the amount of grading. Ways to achieving this may include: • Clustering b uil din g(s) • Deducing impervious paved areas • Deducing the footprint of a proposed building and inc reasing its heighr as permitted by local ordinance • Increasing landscaping with the use of drought tolerant plant material In addition to Some basic site plan /design modifications, a proposed project that is considered Tier 1 shall incorporate at least one 1 of the following Law Impact Development LID measures. A project that is considered Tier 2 and Tier 3 shall incorporate at least two LID measufes. A partial list of measures are located below. If an applicant proposes to use a measure to fulfill their project requirement, the local agency m ay req mire drainage calculations. LID Measures • Rain garden • Open-joint block • Vegetated swales Pavers • Hollywood driveway • Porous turf pavement • ii} o io retention s 0 Pavement y�y t] € • In pla nters di sco nne c tion • 4 4 u mend soil? 0 Rain barrel • D 0 Rain water harvestin e tin disco nnect 0 Green roofs • D e d uce roa 0 S tormwater ponds surface (where 0 Wetland creation permitted) • O ther, as approved by • Porous paving systems this agency • pen -cell block pavers Interim LID Guidelines Handout Interim [.1D Guidel Handout In#crirm 11D Guidelines Handout u rt Ir kr r .eti� ATTACH ME ITT If you are a Priority Project please supply the following information and submit this information with your land use permit / buildin I- permit application package. Stormwater Quality Plan Application for Priority Projects Applicant Information: Check the box for the contact person assigned to this project ❑ Landowner Name Mailing Address Entail Address Phone ❑ Applicant Name Project Location Map (drawn to scale) Mailing Address Email Address Site Map (drawn to scale) with easements and rights- depicted, Phone ❑ Agent Name St rmw ter Q uality Plan (this package) Mailing Add Email Address Treatment BMP Location Map Pho Attachments: Include the follo attachments (as applicable) Attachment Complete NA A Project Location Map (drawn to scale) B Site Map (drawn to scale) with easements and rights- depicted, C St rmw ter Q uality Plan (this package) D Treatment BMP Location Map E Operation and Maintenance Plan for Treatment BMP t r wat Q uality Plan — Priority Projects 1 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 7 Stormwater Quality Plan Checklist The following checklists are intended to aid the design engineer in preparing a stormwater quality plan. Prior to design of your project, the following information should be identified and used to compliment the design of your project. Exhibits This information should be provided as part of the Stormwater Quality Plan Application for priority projects. Li Existing natural hydrologic features (depressions, watercourses, relatively undisturbed areas) and significant natural resources with drain areas and sub -areas if applicable) delineated and with arrows showing flow direction of stormwater. If applicable, show the 100 -year flood elevations. The soil types and depth to groundwater. If applicable, show monitoring well locations, soil boring locations. Existing and proposed site drainage network and connections to offsite drainage. ❑ Proposed design features and surface treatments used to minimize imperviousness. ❑ Entire site divided into separate drainage areas, with each area identified as self - retaining (zero discharge), self- treating, or draining to a treatment/flow control facility. 11 For each drainage area, the types of materials proposed for impervious surface areas (roof, plaza/sidewalk, and streets parking ) and the required area of each. The proposed locations and sizes of infiltration, treatment, or flow - control facilities. Include tributary area and basins for sizing (rational C, NRCS CN value, T , etc.). 1 Potential pollutant source areas, including but not limited to loading docks, food service areas, refuse areas, outdoor processes and storage, vehicle cleaning, repair or maintenance, fuel dispensing, equipment washing, etc. Report: Project and applicant name, location (address and APIA), and description (type of project). List of permits requested and other permits required (401, 404, Caltrans Encroachment, etc) . L List of water bodies that will receive runoff from the site. Identify if any of the water bodies are impaired for sediment (using the most current 3 03d list). Demonstration of compliance with the requirements in Section 22.10.1 Stormwater Management. Narrative analysis or description of site features and conditions that constrain, or provide opportunities for, stormwater control. ❑ Narrative description of the site design characteristics that protect natural resources. El Narrative description and/or tabulation of the site design characteristics, ,wilding features, and pavement selections that red uce imperviousness of the site. Li A table of identified pollutant sources and for each source, the source control measures used to reduce pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. S tormwater Q uality Plan — Priority Projects Agenda Item 8.f. Page 8 Applicable flowcharts for determining minimum requirements with decision path clearly marked. J I dent if !cat i n of any conflicts with codes o r requirements o r other anticipated obstacles to implementing the St rmwater Quality Plan e.g. conflict with public improvement specifications, etc.). Fli Tabulation o proposed pervious and impervious area, showing self- treating areas self - retaining areas, and areas tributary to each infiltration, treatment, o r flow - control facility. Prelim designs, including calculations, for each infiltration, treatment, o flow-control facility. Elevations should show sufficient hydraulic head for each. General maintenance requirements for infiltration, treatment, and flow-control facilities. iJ Means by which the facility maintenance will be financed and implemented. Statement accepting responsibility for operation & maintenance of the facilities. Certif ication by a civil engineer, architect, and/or landscape architect. termw ter (duality Plan — Priority Projects Agenda Item 8.f. Page 9 Checklist for Source Controls Please complete the following checklist for Source Control B lVlPs. Source control BlVlPs control the pollutant at the source and minimize other treatment requirements. If the BMP is not applicable for this project, then check N/A only at the main category. Note Attach additional sheets if an explanation is necessary. i 9e+M1oM1 `: :M1A 1. Provide Storm Drain System Marking a. All storm drain inlets and catch basins within the project area shall have prohibitive language (such as: "N DUMPING — DRAINS TO WATERS DY ") and graphical icons to discourage illegal dumping. 2. Design outdoors Material Storage Areas to Reduce Pollution Introduction a. This is a detached single - family residential project. Therefore, personal storage areas are exempt from this requirement. b. Outdoor equipment and materials storages areas are either: 1 placed in an enclosure such as, but not limited to, a cabinet, shed, or similar structure that prevents contact with runoff or spillage to the stormwater conveyance system; or ) protected by second containment structures such as berms, dikes, or curbs. . Non hazardous storage areas are paved and sufficiently impervious to contain leaks and spills. d. The storage areas have a roof or awning to minimize direct contact with precipitation within the secondary containment area. 3. Design Trash Storage Areas to Reduce Pollution Introduction a. Paved with an impervious surface, designed not to allow run -on from adjoining areas, screened or walled to prevent off -site transport of trash; or, b. Provide roofing on all trash enclosures and lids on all trash containers that exclude rain, or roof or awning to minimize direct contact with precipitation. 4. Use Efficient irrigation Systems & Landscape Design a. Irrigation system has a rain shutoff device to prevent irrigation after precipitation. b. Irrigation system is programmed for each landscape area's specific water requirements. tormwater Quality Plan — Priority Projects 4 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 10 Stormwater Quality Plan — Priority Projects Agenda Item 8.f. Page 11 c. Irrigation system utilizes flow reducers or shutoff valves triggered by a pressure drop to control water less in the event of broken sprinkler heads or lines. d. Plant material sel ected shall be appropriate to site specific characteristics such as soil type, topography, climate, amount and timing of sunlight, prevailing winds, rainfall, air movement, patterns of land use, ecological consistency and plan iterations. e. Existing native trees, shrubs and ground corer are retained and incorporated in the landscape plan. f. Proper maintenance and landscaping is the responsibility of the owner. 5. Private Roads a. Rural Swale system: street sheet flogs to vegetated Swale or gravel shoulder, curbs at street corners, culverts under driveways and street crossings. b. Urban curb /swale system: street slopes to curb, periodic Swale inlets drain to vegetated Swale /blofliter. c. Dual drainage system: First flush captured in street catch basins and discharged to adjacent vegetated Swale or gravel shoulder, high flows connect directly to stormwater conveyance system. 6. Residential Driveways & Guest Parking a. Design driveways with shared access, flared (single lame at street) or wheelstrips (paging only under tires); and drain into landscaping prior to discharging to the stormwater conveyance system. b. Uncovered temporary or guest parking on private residential lots pared with a permeable surface; or, designed to drain into landscaping prior to discharging to the stormwater conveyance system. 7. Dock Areas a. Loading dock arrears are covered and /or graded to minimize run -on and runoff from the loading area. b. Loading docks use for the loading and unloading of liquids in containers shall be provided with an inlet with a shutoff valve and have enough capacity to hold a spill while the valve is closed. Direct connections to storm drains from depressed boarding docks (truck wells) are prohibited. 8. Mal'ntenance Bays a. Repair /maintenance bays shall be indoors: or, designed to preclude stormwater run -on and runoff. b. Design a repair /maintenance bay drainage system to capture all wash water, leaks and spills. Connect drains to a sump for collection and disposal. Direct connection of Stormwater Quality Plan — Priority Projects Agenda Item 8.f. Page 11 tormwater Q uality Plan — Priority Projects Agenda Item 8.f. Page 12 the repair /maintenance bags to the storm drain system is prohibited. 9. Vehicle Wash Areas a. wastewater from vehicle washing operations is not discharged to a storm drain system (without a permit). b. Commercial./industrial facilities wash areas are self - contained; or covered with a roof or overhang, be equipped with a clarifier, grease trap or other pretreatment facility, as appropriate and properly connected to a sanitary sewer (with a permit). 10. outdoor Processing Areas a. Cover or enclose areas that would be the most significant source of pollutants; or, slope the area toward a dead -end sump; or, discharge to the sanitary sewer system following appropriate treatment in accordance with conditions established by the applicable sewer agency. b. Grade or berm processing areas to prevent run -on from surrounding areas. c. Installation of storm drains in areas of equipment repair is prohibited. Drains must be connected to a sanitary sewer. 11. Equipment Wash Areas a. Be self - contained; or covered with a roof or overhang. b. Sink and cleaning areas are equipped with a clarifier, grease trap or other pretreatment facility, prior to discharge to the sanitary sewer. c. Interior floor drains shall be properly connected to a sanitary sewer. d. Food service facilities, including restaurants and grocery stores, have a sink or other area for cleaning floor mats, containers, and equipment. The cleaning area is located on a paved surface and has secondary containment, and is large enough to clean the largest mat or piece of equipment that needs cleaning. 12, Parking Areas a. where landscaping is proposed in parting areas, incorporate landscape areas into the drainage design. b. Overflow parting (parking stalls provided in excess of the minimum parking requirement ) are constructed with permeable pawing material c. Interior level parting garage floor drains shall be connected to a water treatment device approved by the Counter prior to discharging to the sanitary sewer system. d . Parking lots are swept regularly to prevent the accumulation of litter and debris. tormwater Q uality Plan — Priority Projects Agenda Item 8.f. Page 12 1 . Fueling Area a. Fuel dispensing areas have an overhanging roof structure or canopy that extends a minimum of ten feet in each direction from each pump. The cover's minimum dimensions are equal to or greater than the area within the grade break. The cover does not drain onto the fuel dispensing area and the downspouts are routed to prevent drainage across the fueling area. The fueling area drains to the project's treatment control BPs prior to discharging to the stormwater conveyance system. b. Fuel dispensing areas are paved with Portland cement concrete (or equivalent smooth impervious surface) and graded at the minimum slope to prevent ponding. Fueling areas are separated from the rest of the site by a grade break that prevents run -on of stormwater. c. Have an appropriate slope to prevent ponding, and must be separated from the rest of the site by a grade break that prevents run -on of stormwater. d. At a minimum, the concrete fuel dispensing area must extend 6.5 feet from the corner of each fuel dispenser, or the length at which the hose and nozzle assembler may be operated plus 1 foot, whichever is less. 14. Pool / Spa / Fountain Discharge a. Swimming pool, hot tub, spa and fountain discharge drains. 15. Miscellaneous Drain/Wash water a. Building roof drains discharge away from the building to an unpaved or vegetated area. Btormwater Quality Plan — Priority Projects Agenda Item 8.f. Page 13 Please consider these auestions when destgniac your iproject for the purpose of avoiding and minimiziag impacts to water a it . Checklist for Site Design Controls Commonly Needed site Information For all Priority Projects, consider the following site design measures or justify why they are not needed. ` * Stormwatter Quality Plata — Priority Projects 8 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 14 e­ 6s, n" pfions,,,-,, 1. Can the project be relocated or realigned to avoid /reduce impacts to receiving waters or to increase the preservation of critical or probl emati areas such as f loodplains, steep slopes, wetlands, and areas with erosive or unstable soil conditions? 2. Can the project be designed to minimize impervious footprint? Are natural areas conserved where feasible? 4. Where landscape is proposed, can rooftops, impervious sidewalks, walkways, trails and patios be drained into adjacent landscaping? 5 . For roadway projects, can structures and bridges be designed or located to reduce work in live streams and minimized construction impacts? 6. Can any of the following methods be utilized to minimize erosion from slopes? a. Ilinimie slope disturbance? b. Shorten slope length or steepness with retaining walls? . Provide benches or terraces on high cut and fill slopes to reduce concentration of flows? d. Can the slopes be rounded to reduce concentration of f lows? e. Can concentrated flows be collected and co nveyed in stabilized drains and channels? 7 . Are stormwater facilities located outside of streams and wetlands? ` * Stormwatter Quality Plata — Priority Projects 8 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 14 For projects that include wo rk in a water channel or wiII increase d own stream flows from project related improvements, consider the following site design measures or justify why they are net needed. Channel Site Design Impact Table item OM 1. Will the project increase v elocity or volume of If YES, go to downstream flog? 5. 2. Will the project discharge to unlined channels? If YES, go to 5. 3. Will the project increase potential sediment load If YES, go to or downstream flog? 5. 4. Will the project encroach, cross, realign, or cause If YES, go to other hydraulic changes to a stream or affect 7. upstream and /or downstream stability? 5. Review channel lining materials and design for Continue to 6. streambank erosion. 6. Consider channel erosion control measures within Continue to 7. the project limits as well as downstream. Consider scour velocity. 7. Include, where appropriate, energy dissipation Continue to 8. devices at culverts. 8. Ensure all transitions between culvert Continue to 9. outlets /headralls /ringralls and channels are smooth to reduce turbulence and scour. 9. Include, if appropriate, detention facilities to reduce peak discharges. 10. "Hardening" natural downstream areas to prevent Continue to erosion is not an acceptable technique for 11. protecting channel slopes, unless pre - development conditions are determined to be such that that hardening could be required even in the absence of the proposed development. 11. Provide other design principles that are comparable and equally effective. tormwater Quality Plan — Priority Projects Agenda Item 8.f. Page 15 Treatment Control Feasibility Checklist If your project has the potential to result in the release o f contaminants in stormwater, identify appropriate treatment control measures to minimize the identified impacts unless the pollutants can be treated at the source with appropriate source control measures. Other treatment control BhPs may be appropriate based on the potential contaminants associated with your project. TREATMENT CONTROL BM P CONSIDERED FOR USE REJECTED BASED ON Infiltration Trench (T -1 ) Constructed Wetland (T - 1) Retention Basin (T -11 ) Detention Basin T- f Vegetated Swale (T- Vegetated Filter Strip (T -1 ) Biretentin (T- Surface Sand Fitter Media Filter TC -4) Oil & Water Separator T -0 Catch Basin Insert Proprietary System * CAS OA BMP reference numbers St rmwater Q uality Plan — Priority Projects 10 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 16 RO INCORPORATE IIIEIIIoRANDUIII J K JULY 10. 1911 Tor CITY COUNCIL V FROM: TE ESA MCCLIS�I, C I OMII UNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of TRANSPORTATION PLANNING GRANT APPLICATION FOR PREPARATION of A BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN DATE: APRIL 12, 2011 REC OM M E N DAI`I ON: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a Resolution authorizing a transportation planning grant application in the amount of $72,000 for preparation of a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The requested amount of the grant is $72,000. If approved, the City will be required to provide local snatching funds in the amount of $8,000, providing a total of $80,000 to prepare a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. B ACKGROU N D : The transportation planning grant program is funded through Proposition 84 and administered by CalT cans. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The City adopted a Bicycle Plan in 200 6; however, this plan was not certified by the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments SLOG dine to inconsistencies with the California V ehicle Code C . Because the plan has not been certified, the City is not eligible to receive ETA (bicycle transportation account) funds. Additionally, the General Plan Guidelines have been updated to meet the- requirements of Assembly Bill 1 385 regarding "complete streets" that meet the needs of all users. Preparation and adoption of a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan will address both of these issues, as a SLOG certified plan will allow the City to receive BTA funds and the plan will be integrated into an update of the City's Circulation Element, helping to meet the requirements of Assembly Bill 1385. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for City Council consideration: 1. Adopt the Resolution, authorizing a transportation planning grant application; 2 . Do not adopt the Resolution; or Agenda Item 8.g. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CUP 11 -002 APRIL 14, 2011 PACE 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: TAGES: Submittal of the grant application could result in the awarding of funds in the amount of $72,000, which would corer 0% of the estimated costs for preparation of a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. DISADVANTAGES: Staff has not identified any disadvantages related to submittal of the grant application. ENVIRONMENTAL TAL F EllIE 11: None required for grant applications. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENT: 1T: The Agenda for this meeting was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, April 7, 2011. The Agenda and this staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, April 8, 2011. No public comment has been received. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING A TRANSPORTATION PLANNING GRANT APPLICATION FOR PREPARATION OF A BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN WHEREAS, CalTrans is soliciting transportation planning grant applications; and WHEREAS, the City's Bicycle Plan, adopted in 200 6, was not certified by the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments SL C G ; and WHEREAS, without a SL C G- certified bicycle plan, the City is net eligible to receive BT (bicycle transportation account) funds; and WHEREAS, the General Plan Guidelines have been updated to meet the requirements of Assembly Bill 1385 "complete streets"); and WHEREAS, preparation of a SL C G ertified comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan will allow the City to receive BTA funds and help to meet the requirements of Assembly Bill 1385. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby authorizes submittal of a transportation planning grant application for the purpose of preparing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call Vote, to wit: AYES. NOES. ABSENT. the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12 day of April, 2011. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 3 RESOLUTION I'. PAGE TONY F E R A A, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK[ APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.g. Page 4 RO MCORPORATED 0 MEMORANDUM JULY 10 1911 T: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TER ESA MCCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR F BY: DAR YL II IMICK, ASSISTANT PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION P WAIVER EF P THE APPLICATION PEE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 11 -002; INTERIM F TAISCAT PARKING AND STORAGE AGE FACILITY; 800 RODEO DRIVE DATE: APRIL '1 , 2011 RECOMMENDATION: MMENRATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a Resolution approving a waiver of the planning application fee for Conditional Use Permit 11 -002. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Waiving planning application fees will result in a reduction in revenues of $3,650. The Regional Transportation Authority ITAISuth County Area Transit (SCAT) is the public transportation operator searing the Five Cities area with fined bus routes and senior shuttle services. I TA SCAT has applied for Conditional Use Permit 11 -002 to move its current parking/storage parking/storage facility from Grover Beach to property o wned by the County of San Luis Obispo at 800 Rodeo Drive (former County corporation yard). ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The City is a member o f SCAT therefore, fees charged to SCAT are ultimately passed on to the City. Past City practices have been not to charge fees b the City to the City or to agencies the City directly funds. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for City Council consideration: 1. Adopt the attached Resolution, granting a waiver of planning application fees for Conditional Use Permit 11 -002; 2. Do not adopt the attached Resolutions; r 3. Provide direction to staff. Agenda Item 8.h. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF WAIVER E F THE APPLICATION FEE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 11 -002; INTERIM RTA SCAT PARKING AND STORAGE AGE FACILITY; 800 RODEO DRIVE E APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 2 ADVANTAGES: Approving the requested fee waiver will reduce costs to I TA SCAT in the amount of $3,650. DISADVANTAGES: Approving the requested fee waiver will result in a loss of revenue to the City in the amount of $3,650. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: None required for waiver of fees. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENT: The Agenda for this meeting was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, April 7, 2011. The Agenda and this staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, April 8, 2011. No public comment has been received. Attachment: 1. Letter from IOTA Agenda Item 8.h. Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING A WAIVER of THE PLANNING APPLICATION FEE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 11-002; LOCATED AT 800 RODEO DRIVE; APPLIED FOR BY THE IT/SCAT WHEREAS, the applicant has applied for Conditional Use Permit 11-002 and has requested ar waiver of associated planning application fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the requested waiver of planning application fees at a meeting on April 12, 2011 in accordance with the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHET EAS, the City Council finds, after due study and deliberation,, that granting the requested waiver of planning application fees associated with Conditional Use Permit 11- 002 will benefit the community by allowing those funds to be spent on public transportation. OW, THEREFORE, E, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby grants ar waiver of planning application fees associated with Conditional U se Permit 11- 02 in the amount of 7 650. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call Vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12 day of April, 2011. Agenda Item 8.h. Page 3 RESOLUTION 1 . PAGE 2 TONY FE R AF A, MAYO ATTEST: KELLY WETM F E, CITY CLEFT APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: M: TIMOTHY J. CAl MEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.h. Page 4 ATTACHMENT 7 { eF ; r REGIONAL Al 1f AUTHORITY April 1, 2011 Ms. Teresa McC:lish Director of Community Development City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 9340 Regarding: Conditional Use Permit -- Waiver of Fees Gear Ms. McC:lish: 179 Cross Street, Suite San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 781-4472 Fax (805) 781`1291 www.slorta.or South County Area Transit and the San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority have applied for a Conditional Use Permit Chi to lease the former San Luis Obispo County Road Yard located at 800 Rodeo Drive in Arroyo Grande. This is a short term lease of up to five years. The City of Arroyo Grande's fees for the CUP total $3,450. As you are aware, the City of Arroyo Grande is a member ber of the South County Area Transit and the Regional Transit Authority and contributes funding through the Joint Powers Authority agreement to both agencies. By this letter, South County Area Transit and the San Luis Obispo regional Transit Authority formally request a waiver of these fees. Please contact nee at 781-4455 should you have any questions or require additional information regarding this request. Thank you for your tune and aMsslstaMnce with this matter. Sincerely, Edward F. King Executive Direct r The Regional Transit Authority is a Joint Powers Agency serving residents and visitors of: Arroyo Grande Atas adero Grover Beach Morro Bair Paso Robles Pismo Beach San Luis Obispo and The County of San Luis Obispo Agenda Item 8.h. Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.h. Page 6 PAR 10 0 1P A. 94 ORPORATED M ,�kxY 1 1911 , c• dq MEMORANDUM TG: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TER ESA I ICCLI H, CO MM U NITY D DI RECTO R S UBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION APRIL 12, 2011 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 8.h. — WAIVER F APPLICATION FEE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 11 =002 DATE: APRIL 1 , 20x'1 Attached is correspondence received today from Mr. Bob Dockerty regarding Item 8.h. relating to request for an application fee waiver for Conditional Use Permit 11 -002. City Manager City Att City Clerk (! 4 -bt- . C NN,-q Kitty_No CD2 From: Bob Dockerty [bob @americanst rinc. ne C Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 8:17 P �. T: Ditty Norton C c: 'Bob Dockerty' Subject: For the record! I, Robert Dockerty, cannot be present at the City Council meeting on April 12 due t a re unplanned surgery. In this regard I request that you have this statement read aloud during (and entered into the record) the April 12, 2001 Arroyo Grande City Council meeting. (Item gh: Consideration of Waiver of the Application Pee for Conditional Use Permit 11 -002; Interim RTA /SCAT Parking and Storage Facility; 80 Rodeo Drive). We are asking that the Arroyo Grande City Council not grant a waiver of the Conditional Use Permit fees to the RTA /SCAT Transit Agency. The permit process was flawed and the many past problems with this facility were not addressed. The very noisy bus backup beepers on the RTA /SCAT buses were not addressed. The Rancho Grande Homeowner's Association was not notified of the Planning Commission hearing as had been the custom in the past. Many of the homeowners on via Va quero in the R ancho G rande D evelopment were not notified of the Planning C ommission hearing. The Planning Commission did not require a trash enclosure as required of every commercial project �n Arroyo Grande. The Planning Department did not require new fencing and screening be installed to prevent headlight glare from entering the homes in Rancho Grande. This was another source of complaints in the past. The permit requirements did not specify that landscaping work, replacement of the dead trees and the repair of the irrigation system was a condition of the permit. No requirement to replace the outside unshielded lighting fixtures on the building was specified. This was another common complaint from the occupants of the homes on ilia vaquero. Mr. Icing, Director of RTA/SAT stated during the Conditional Use Permit hearing, that he would have his one 'floating" supervisor present during all driver bus inspections, brake testing, pullouts and returns to the facility at night. This is how they would control the drivers. This will .require that this one supervisor work 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for 365 days a year without using a sick or vacation day. According to California labor laws; this one floating supervisor could earn more than $247,520.00 a gear. M r. Icing stated that RTA /SCAT would not wash the buses at the new Arroyo G rande facility; all buses would be washed and cleaned at the RTA San Luis Obispo facility. The cost to wash each bus three times per week, pair for the shuttle driver and the fuel could amount to over $83,,587.00 per gear. Mr. ding is asking the City of Arroyo Grande to waive the Conditional Use Permit fees of $3,550.00. However, the City of Arroyo Grande will spend more than the $3,550 dollars in staff and police services to monitor the constant complaints that will be generated from the neighbors around this facility. INCORPORATED JULY 10, It IFO MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR B: r KELLY HEFFERNN, ASSOCIATE PLANNER Af SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE FIRST AMENDMENT T AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH LTA WISE CONSULTING, INC. FOR THE HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE DATE: APRIL, 12, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: Approve First Amendment to Agreement for Consultant Services with Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc.; and 2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the Amendment. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost proposal from Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. totals $22,880. It is recommended that $11,648 of consultant costs be funded through Community Devel pment Department contractual servi ces. The remaining $11,232 would be funded through the City's Affordable Housing In -Lieu Fund. BACKGROUND: State law requires each city and county to adopt a General Plan containing at least seven elements, including housing, which is to be updated approximately every fire years. The Housing Element is subject to detailed statutory requirements and mandatory revie w and certification by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The purpose of the Housing Element is to allow cities and counties to establish policies, procedures, and incentives that will result in the maintenance and expansion f the housing supply to accommodate existing and future households. At a minimum, the Housing Element should clearly identify and address the following: An assessment of housing needs and an inventory of resources and constraints relevant to the meeting of these needs. Agenda Item 8J. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE CONSULTANT CONTRACT AMENDMENT APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE statement of the community's goals, quantified objectives, and policies relative to the maintenance, preservation, improvement ent and development of housing. A program which sets forth a five -year schedule of actions the City is undertaking or intends to undertake to implement the policies and achieve the goals and objectives of the Housing Element. State law also requires jurisdictions to identify adequate sites for housing, including rental housing, factory -built housing, and mobile homes, and make adequate provision for the existing and projected needs of all economic segments of the community. HCD allocates a region's share of the statewide housing need to Councils of Governments (COG) based on State Department of Finance population projections and regional population forecasts. The San Luis Obispo Council of Governments SLOG adopted the Regional Housing Needs Plan FHNP for the incorporated cities and unincorporated areas of the County in August 2008. Each jurisdiction is required to integrate the housing unit distribution numbers identified in the FHNP in their Housing Element update in order to accommodate their "fair share" of the anticipated future housing demand. For SLCG's 2007 — 2015 Housing Element cycle, the Regional Housing Needs Allocation FH NA) data has been established for the City of Arroyo Grande as follows (see Attachment 1 for SLCG's Regional Housing Needs Plan): The distribution of 362 total housing units for the City is considerably less than the previous program period, which allocated 1,609 total housing units to the City. The City's previous Housing Element was adopted on November 2 2003, which the City amended on March 8, 2005 to include recommendations from HCD. HCD certified the City} amended Housing Element on June 22, 2005. This was the City's first Housing Element certified by HCD. O November 28, 2007, the City updated the Housing Element to be in compliance with Government Code Section 65915 regarding density bonuses and development concessions for qualified affordable housing projects. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: To assist the City in updating its Housing Element, a Request for Proposal (FFP) was sent to several consulting flans to prepare a portion of the Housing Element Update in Agenda Item 8.i. Page 2 *A 11 = Area Median Income CITY COUNCIL HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE CONSULTANT CONTRACT AMENDMENT APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 3 conjunction with City staff. The City received three 3 proposals, and selected Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. based on experience, proposed work plan, availability and cost. The agreement for consultant services with Lisa vise Consulting, Inc. was made effective March 24, 2009 for the amount of $14,834 of which $11,645.48 was spent to prepare a working draft of background data and housing needs assessment. The delay in completing the update can be attributed to limited City staff resources and shifting of City staff priorities. The additional $22,880 is needed to complete the Housing Element Update process. The scope of work for this process is included as Exhibit "A" of Attachment 1. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are offered for Council's consideration: - Approve the First Amendment Agreement for Consultant Services with Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. to assist the City with the Housing Element Update; - Do not approve the Amendment. - Modify as appropriate and approve the Amendment; or - Provide other direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: - rhe following are positive aspects of approving the proposed amendment and appropriation: The consultant is local and familiar with the South County area, thereby saving the City time and money in travel expenses and understanding the character of the community. The consultant has valuable experience in preparing housing elements, is familiar with what HCD is looking for to obtain certification, and has updated the housing elements for the cities of Pismo Beach and Grover Beach. The consultant will provide guidance and expertise to staff and decision makers to ensure the City is meeting all State Housing Element requirements, including recent legislation e.g. S82, the "fair share zoning law" regarding homeless and emergency shelters). Hiring a consultant will allow time for staff to work on other City - identified priorities. The consultant is available to start the update process immediately. DISADVANTAGES: Hiring a consultant to assist the City with the Housing Element Update would appropriate $ from the Community Development Department's Contractual Services Fund and the City's Redevelopment Agency Set Aside Fund that could otherwise be spent on other projects or programs. Agenda Item 8J. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE CONSULTA14T CONTRACT AMENDMENT APRIL '1 , 0 1 1 PAGE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The proposed consultant services agreement is exempt pursuant to CE QA Guidelines Section 15061 (b)(3), which states that CEQA applies only to projects that have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Fall on Thursday, April 7, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, April 8., 2011. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. Fiat Amendment to Agreement for Consultant Services nth Lisa wise Consulting Inc. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 4 FIRST AMENDMENT T AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES This FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES (hereinafter referred to as the "First Amendment" is made and entered into this '13 day of April, 20111 by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ("City"), ar municipal corporation, arnd LISA WISE CONSULTING, INC., (hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant"). WHEREAS, the panties entered into an Agreement for Consultant Services ("Agreement") darted March 24, 2009, ar true and correct copy of which is on file in the Legislative and Information Services Department and incorporated herein by this reference as though as set forth in full; and WHEREAS, the Agreement expired on December 31,2009; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to revive and amend the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, E, for the good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree that the Agreement is hereby revived and in full force and effect as modified, and subject to the terms and conditions set forth below: 1. Section 1, entitled "TERM" shall be amended in its entirety as follows: This Agreement shall commence on April 13, 2011 and shall remain in effect until December 31, 2011, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions hereof. 2. Section 2, entitled "SERVICES " shall be amended in its entirety as follows: Consultant will perform the tasks described and comply with all terms and provisions set forth in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referen 3. Section 5, entitled "PAYMENT" shall be amended in its entirety as follows: City a to pay the Consultant in acc with the payment rates and terms set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 4. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Agenda Item 8J. Page 5 cinr Tony Ferrara, Mayor Attest: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney CONSULTANT T Title: Agenda Item 8J. Page 6 EXHIBIT A City of Arroyo Grande Scope of ork Housing Element Update March o, 2011 This Scope of Wo rk for the City of Arroyo Grande (City) Housing Element update - is based on State requirements for Housing Element certification and our understanding of the City's needs. Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. (the "Consultant" ) is open to revising the Scope of Work to accommodate local goals, budgets, and time constraints. Task I - Project Scope Refinement and Document Review 1.1 Meetings ing with Staff. The Consultant will meet with Community Development Staff to: Dlefine the project scope, schedule, and budget; and DCoordinate with Staff on project milestones, timeline and deliverables The Consultant anticipates 2 (two) Staff meetings in Task I that will include individuals from the City and other organizations, as appropriate, at the City's discretion. Task 2 - Housing Element Preparation The Consultant will review and evaluate the 2003 Housing Element for changes in conditions and State requirements using the HCD !-lousing Element Review Worksheet and the HCD Building Blocks for Effective !-lousing Elements. As mandated by Mate law, the following Tasks will be completed as part of this review and update. 2.1 Evaluation of oo Housing Element. In order to ensure a comprehensive and effective update, the Consultant will review and evaluate Arroyo Grande's 2003 Housing Element. As part of the Evaluation of the 2003 Housing Element, the Consultant will: 0 Determine the effectiveness the existing goals, objectives, policies, and programs; 0 Consult with relevant organizations, as needed; • Recommend modifications or replacement of goals, policies, and programs pursuant to IL current Mate law and guidelines; and 0 Analyze the prior Regional Housing heeds Allocation RHIIA and permits issued. 2.2113ackground Data and Housing Needs Assessment. The Consultant will prepare the housing needs assessment in compliance with Government Code Section 65583. The Consultant will also coordinate with City staff to evaluate housing conditions using Mate criteria. The information provided in the 2003 Housing Element will be used and updated, as necessary, to complete the housing needs assessment including: • Population and demographic trends; Number of households and housing units; • Overcrowding and tenure characteristics; • Condition of housing stock, including the number of substandard and dilapidated units; • Analysis of government assisted at -risk units; Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. 1983 sos Street, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93401 1805.595.1345 Agenda Item 8J. Page 7 & Special housing needs in accordance with Government Code Section 683a7 e.g. homeless, persons with disabilities, seniors, female - headed households, etc), 0 Housing affordability; and • Projected housing deeds I HNA Allocation). 2 Vacant and Und eruti liz d Land Inventory. The Consultant will update the land inventory in compliance with Government Code Section 65583 and SB 2348. The purpose of the land inventory is to identify specific sites suitable for new residential development and to prepare an analysis of the relationship between the projected housing needs by income category and the dwelling unit capacity of vacant or underutilized sites. Housing constraints. The Consultant will update the governmental and non - governmental constraints to housing production in compliance with Government Code Section 6558,3. The 2003 Housing Element will serve as the starting point for this analysis. The Consultant will revise, as necessary, and consider changes in local conditions, and regulations, and procedures. Where constraints exist., the Consultant will develop recommendations to mitigate their impacts. The following City ordinances, policies, and procedures will be analyzed for potential constraints to housing production: 0 Land Use Controls; 0 Building Codes; Coastal Zone Requirements; & Constraints- housing for persons with disabilities 683a )(4), 65583(c)(3), SB 520; 0 Fees and exactions; • Non- governmental constraints; and 0 Energy conservation procedures. Task 3 — Public Workshop/Meeting 3. Workshop/Meeting.The Consultant will participate in one workshop or public meeting during the Housing Element update process. At the workshop, the Consultant will take the opportunity to discuss the Housing Element update, educate the public, and garner support fir the process.. The meeting can also solicit input on specific housing issues and affordable housing strategies. The City will have primary responsibility for developing a list of participants and determining methods for public noticing. Task 4 — Prepare Housing Elemen 4.1 Administrative Draft Housing Element. The Consultant will prepare and submit the Administrative Draft Housing Element for Staff review and comment,. This document will contain fully formatted tent, tables, data, graphs, and illustrations. 4.2 Public Hearing Draft Housing Element. The Consultant will prepare a Public Draft Housing Element for the City of Arroyo Grande to submit to HCD, the Planning Commission, the City Council, and the public for review and comment. Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. 1983 sos Street, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93441 1805.595.1345 Agenda Item 8J. Page 8 Proposed Project Schedule The Consultant will work with the City to create a detailed project schedule. Proposed Cost Estimate The cost estimate for this proposed Scope of Work for the Housing Element update is twenty - two thousand, eight hundred and eighty dollars ($22,880). MKS Principal Sen Associate Associate Total Hours t Cost Tours I - Cost Hours Cost { Hours ? Cost nn n ¢n {¢ ¢ x t¢ ;¢:¢x¢t ¢n. t.. , �¢{ �.�� *�t ¢f¢.t t ,�¢ ¢ ¢xix�¢t¢x¢¢��nx},�¢v� �. }¢v�� ,n¢v¢,t,t¢x¢v¢,t,x¢,¢,¢,x¢.t� v¢ 1.1 Meetino with St aff 4 800 4 f 480 } 0 $ - 8 1,06o t nfntt :¢x¢t, ¢¢¢ v¢tt ¢xx¢ ¢xt ;¢x¢¢ ¢ixt, ¢ ¢¢x¢t¢ x,;, ¢ *n¢x¢ *¢v¢v I. ¢,¢;¢n¢¢ ¢x¢x x ¢ xt ;�x � ¢¢ f ¢¢1 ;1 1..i¢ %, " " ". ¢¢:f¢ t :f;,, ¢ x: }f ¢¢ ; ,¢, ¢ *¢ f ¢ x }¢ ¢ }¢x * #t ¢n n }f¢¢ }f;n¢x¢;t¢; n¢x¢ t¢;t* ;¢; x ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢.¢,x¢x¢,t,t,t,.¢, X x x¢x¢x¢,., n.t¢.¢.¢ ,.t.vn,¢, v t¢ t f¢ � x¢x ix,r ¢x {t ¢;t ; *,v.t,nt,t,.¢x¢.¢.¢;t :¢ ; x :v ¢t t¢ ¢ .¢x¢nt,x¢vt,.¢.¢xt,t¢,...t,¢,x, ¢x¢ t � ¢ v} n ¢v��F _1 Evaluation of 2003 Housing Element 2 $ 300 _ 080 � $ 800: 1 $ , .2 f Background Data and Housing Peels Assessment 2 000 10 .n 1,200 1,8, 1,600 28 0,100 f . Vacant and Underutilized land Inventory 4 000 18 � 1,920 � 24 2,400 44 ¢ $ 4,920 -- 2. - . - my - - - Hosin Constraints 4 { $ 600 12 ; $ 1,440 1 0 1 ,600 82 8,640 ¢,�n� f ¢�: if}¢ ¢fv x�v¢� f *¢ f ,�n�¢ n� ��t��}������ � i}t ��¢ ¢}� �f¢�t t}� nfn f¢ft ¢v¢t ¢¢ „t ¢f ¢xt¢¢ ¢};ifv, ¢¢ttt¢xt¢xv *¢¢v¢v¢ ¢x nix ,�¢nv��n�. ��t;�¢x¢n�xx¢:�iv�¢,�„�,,. �x� ¢mot .I Workshop/Meeting 4 000 4 $ 480 r 4 $ 40 12 $ 1,480 x ¢x �. I ......... ...... --m- ... ¢n¢t ry, {. 7777 ;¢ x %¢¢ ¢t¢ ;t� ¢t..nv;¢¢ x¢: ¢¢x ...... n; ¢¢ ;¢ ¢ {n ¢:¢ xt t xf�n.,.¢� ¢f ¢n ¢. F �¢ x�¢. n�.�:v:vv¢n¢:���¢nt;t;t¢t¢t¢x x�;t;x¢;tt¢;t,�.x „¢vt.v .¢�t,:¢ ¢ 4.1 Administrative Draft Housing Element 8 1,200 1 1,440 18 $ 1,000 08 4,240 4.2 Public Hearing Draft Hou ln Elernent 4 $ 600 8 # $ 960 8 $ 800: 20 2,880 t :ft ¢x ¢t r - :¢ �.¢¢;:¢nt:t;n¢;t¢t¢x¢;�v¢x¢;t ¢ , �n t;::�:¢n¢;¢tt¢:�nt;nn,t � 5 .:: nont �¢x t t :¢ t t¢x¢xt x ;v f Lisa Wi Consulting, Inc. 1983 Street, Sara Luis Obispo, C 9340 1805.595.1345 Agenda Item 8J. Page 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.i. Page 10 16 le GN WCORPOnATED P. JULY 1a, ,ate , Igo MEMORANDUM To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TER ESA IIII CLISH, C IVIIV UN11 Y DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: MIKE LI Il , ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER EEF SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION ATIOl of AN AGREEMENT EEMEI T WITH WATER sys , rEMS CONSULTING, INC. FOR UPDATES To THE WATER AND SEWER MASTER PLANS DATE: APRIL 12, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: MEl ATIOl : It is recommended the City Council: 1. Approve a consultant services agreement with Water Systems Consultants in the amount of $99,495 for updates to the Water and Sewer Master Plans; 2. Authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with Water System Consulting Inc.; and 3. Appropriate $21,733 from the Water Fund and $19,733 from the Sewer Fund into the Water and Sewer Master Plan project. FINANCIAL CIAL IMPACT: The Capital Improvement Budget includes a total of $58,000 to perform the updates ($28,000 for the Water Master Plan Update and $30,000 for the Sewer Master Plan Update). A total transfer of $41,465 to the CIP is requested; comprised of $21,733 from the Water Fund and $19,733 from the Sewer Fund. BACKGROUND: The original Waster System Master Plan and Wastewater System Master Plan were produced in 1 999, and 2001, respectively. Both master plans have been in place for roughly 10 years and are valuable references to guide the City's development ent and capital improvement ent projects. Many of the recommended capital improvement projects have been completed. However, regulations continue to change, the City's development picture has evolved, and there were a number of weaknesses a in the original plans that should be addressed and resolved. Although it is not a legal requirement, the Engineering Department strongly believes it is prudent to revisit and update the master plans every five years to address charging regulations and circumstances. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of AN AGREEMENT WITH WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING, INC. FOR UPDATES To THE WATER AND SEWER MASTER PLANS APRIL 12, 2 11 PACE 2 O ,January 25, 2011, staff forwarded requests for proposals to qualified engineering firms for design and construction support services for the plan update project. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: On March 8, 2011, staff received three consultant proposals. A Consultant Evaluation Committee, consisting of four staff members, independently ranted the proposals based on pre - selected criteria, and then met to discuss the results. The Committee selected Water Systems Consulting, Inc. as the most qualified firm to meet the objectives specified in the request for proposal. The intent of the subject updates is to use the existing master plans as baseline documents. Although different, much of the modeling information to produce the two plans is similar. The selected consultant, Water Systems Consulting, Inc., will wort closely with City staff to perform the background ground research, review the existing infrastructure, evaluate current and projected demands, perform the state -of -the art computer modeling, and provide recommendations for system improvements. As a cost savings measure, staff will write and produce the final master plan documents, compiling and incorporating the information from Water Systems Consulting Inc. This approach will combine the experience and expertise of the consultant with the institutional Knowledge of the City of Arroyo Grande staff. The scope of work and activity pricing has been negotiated with Water Systems Consulting, Inc. representatives in the amount of $99,465. All payments shall be verified on a monthly progress basis and the pricing shall be based on pre - established terms and hourly rates. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Approve a Consultant Services Agreement with Water Systems Resources, ources, Inc.; Do not approve the agreement; or - Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: - rhe selected consultant has an excellent track record in the preparing and updating water and sewer master plans. Awarding a contract at this time will allow the final product to be completed before the end of the calendar year. This will enable staff to use the master plans as a basis for planning future capital improvement projects. DISADVANTAGES: TAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING, INC. FOR UPDATES TO THE WATER AND SEWER MASTER PLANS APRIL 1 , 201'1 PAGE ENVIRONMENTAL NMEI' TAL F EVIEW: An environmental review is not required at this time. Staff will prepare an initial study in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CE QA) requirements for Council's consideration during a given milestone of the project (such as the consultant's 50 completion submittal ) when the particular components and its potential impacts, if any can be better identified. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: MENTS: The agenda was posted on Thursday, April 7, 2011. The agenda and staff reports were posted on the City's V ebsite on Friday, April 8, 2011. No public comments were received as of the time o f preparation o this report. Attachment: 1. Agreement for Consultant Services Agenda Item 8.j. Page 3 ATTACHMENT T 1 AGREEMENT T FO CONSULTANT T sEI ICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of 2011, between WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING, INC. ("Consultant"), and the CITY of ARROYO GRANDE, a Municipal Corporation "City" for Water and Sever Master Plan Update. In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on April 13, 2011 and shall remain and continue in effect until December 31, 2011, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. SERVICES Consultant shall perform the tasks described and comply with all terms and provisions set forth in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. PERFORMANCE Consultant shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of his /her agility, experience and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Consultant shall employ, at a minimum generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Consultant hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. AGREEMENT ADMINISTRATION ATIOI' City's Community Development Director shall represent City in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. Jeffery M. Sytel shall represent Consultant in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. 5. PAYMENT The City agrees to pay the Consultant in accordance with the payment rates and terms set forth in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 6. SUSPENSION OR *rE MII IATIOI I of AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE (a) The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Consultant at least ten 1 days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Consultant shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. Page 1 Agenda Item 8.j. Page 4 If the City suspends o terminates ar portion of this Agreement such suspension o termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder o f this Agreement. (b) In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to nultarnt the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is f value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Consultant will submit an invoice to the City pursuant to Section 5. 7. TERMINATION ON OCCU ENCE OF STATED EVENTS TS This Agreement shall terminate automatically on the occurrence of any o f the following events: {a} Bankruptcy or insolvency of any party; {b} Sale of Consultant's business; or {c} Assignment of this Agreement by Consultant without the consent of City. (d) End of the Agreement term specified in Section 1. 8. DEFAULT OF CONSULTANT (a) The Consultant's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute ar default. In the event that Consultant i in default for cause under the terms o f this Agreement, City shall have no obligation o duty to continue compensating Consultant for any w performed after the date o default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Consultant. If such failure by the Consultant to make progress in the performance of work hereunder anises out of causes beyond the Consultant's control, and without. fault or negligence of the Consultant, it shall not be considered ar default. (b) If the City Manager or his /her delegate determines that the Consultant is in default in the performan of any o the terms or conditions of this Agreement, he /she shall cause to be served upon the Consultant a written notice of the default. The Consultant shall have ten 10 days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering ar satisfactory performance. In the event that the Consultant fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at laver, in equity or und this Agreement. g. LAWS TO BE OBSERVED Consultant shall: (a) Procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices which may be necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the services to be performed by Consultant under this Agreement; Paige Agenda Item 8.j. Page 5 ( b) Keep itself fully informed of all existing and proposed federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees which may affect those engaged or employed under this Agreement, any materials used in Consultant's performance under this Agreement, or the conduct of the services under this Agreement; (c) At all times observe and comply with, and cause all of its employees to observe and comply with all of said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above; ( d) Immediately report to the City's Contract Manager r in writing any discrepancy or inconsistency it discovers in said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above in relation to any plans, drawings, specifications, or provisions of this Agreement. (e) The City, and its officers, agents and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Consultant to comply with this Section. 10. OWNERSHIP of DOCUMENTS (a) Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts, and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records s hall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be cleanly identified and readily accessible. Consultant shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such boobs and records; shall give City the right to examine and audit said boobs and records; s hall permit City to male transcripts therefrom as necessary; arnd shall allow inspection of all wort, data, docum proceedings, and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three y after receipt of final payment. ( b) Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files, surveys, notes, and other docum prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused, or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Consultant. With respect to computer files, Consultant shall male available to the City, at the Consultant's office and upon reasonable written request by the City, the n e c ess ary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring, and printing computer files. Page 3 Agenda Item 8.j. Page 6 11. INDEMNIFICATION I ( a ) Indemnification for Professional Li bill . When the law establishes professional standard o care for Consultant's Services, to the fullest extent permitted b law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees and agents "Indemnified Parties" from and against any and II losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees and costs to the extent same are caused in whole o in part by any negligent o wrongful act, error o omission o f Consultant, its officers, agents, employees o subcontractors r any entity or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. (b Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liability Other than in the performance o f professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, and any and all of its employees, officials and agents from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses o costs o f any Kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including attorneys fees and costs, court costs, interest, defense costs, and expert witness fees), where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, o are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Consultant o by any individual o entity for which Consultant is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees o subcontractors o f Consultant. ( c ) General Indemnification Provisions Consultant agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth here in this section from each and every subcontractor or any other person or entity involved by, for, with o r on behalf of Consultant in the performance o f this agreement. In the event Consultant fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required here, Consultant agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms o f this section. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver o f any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth here is binding on the successors, assigns o heirs of Consultant and shall survive the termination of this agreement or this section. 12. INSURANCE Consultant shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the dur o f this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 13. INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT (a) Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent Consultant. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and Page Agenda Item 8.j. Page 7 control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, or agents shall have control over the conduct of Consultant or any of Consultant's officers, employees, or agents, e as set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officers, employees, or agents of the City. Consultant shall not incur or have the poorer to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. ( b) No employee benefits shall be available to Consultant in connection with performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. UNDUE INFLUENCE Consultant declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure was or is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of the City of Arroyo Grande in connection with the award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method of coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of the City of Arroyo Grande will receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from Consultant, or from any officer, employee or agent of Consultant, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. Violation of this section shall be a material breach of this Agreement entitling the City to any and all remedies at lawn or in equity. 15. No BENEFIT To ARISE To LOCAL EMPLOYEES No member, officer, or employee of City, or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or responsibilities with respect to the project during his /her tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub- agreement, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the project performed under this Agreement. 16. RELEASE of INFORMATION CONFLICTS of INTEREST EST (a) All information gained by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Consultant without City's prior written authorization. Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors, shall not without wriften authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories, or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or darting to any project or propel located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary 21 provided Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. Page Agenda Item 8.j. Page 8 (b) Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors be seared with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions, or other discovery request, court order, or subpoena from any person or party regarding this Agreement and the work performed thereunder or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant and/or be present at any deposition, hearing, or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide the opportunity to review any response to d iscovery requests provided by Consultant. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 17. NOTICES Any notice which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by i personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, which provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mil, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by notice: To City: City of Arroyo Grande Teresa IlcClih 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 To Consultant: Water Systems Consulting, Inc. Jeffery M. S yte l P 0 Box 4255 San Luis Obispo CA 93403 18. ASSIGNMENT T The Consultant shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, without the prior written consent of the City. 19. GOVERNING LAIN The City and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall tale place in the superior or federal district court with jurisdiction over the City of Arroyo Grande. 20. ENTIRE AG EEME iT Page Agenda Item 8.j. Page 9 This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, and statements, or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 21. T IME City and Consultant agree that time is of the essence in this Agreement. 22. CONTENTS OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL AND PROPOSAL Consultant is bound by the contents of the City's Request t for Proposal, Exhibit "ID", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of conflict, the requirements of City's Request for Proposals and this Agreement shall take precedence over those contained in the Consultant's proposals. 23. CONSTRUCTION The parties agree that each has had an opportunity to have their counsel review this Agreement and that any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendments o exhibits thereto. The captions of the sections are for convenience and reference only, and are not intended to be construed to define o limit the provisions to which they relate. 24. AMENDMENTS Amendments to this Agreement shall be in writ in and shall be made only with the mutual written consent of all of the parties to this Agreement. 25. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT T The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Consultant warrants and represents that he /she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Consultant and has the authority to bind Consultant to the performance of its obligations hereunder. Page Agenda Item 8.j. Page 10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, F, the parties hereto h caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONSULTANT Bar: Tony Ferrara, Mayor Attest: Its: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney Page 8 {Title} Agenda Item 8.j. Page 11 i i i i i i i i i i i i 8 9 fa ii fi EXHIBIT A A ppendix A — Detailed Scope of Services 1� Appendix i a iled Scope - Sei' i s . Task 0.0: Project Management 0 .1 P roject Administ Project Schedule. Prepare project schedule and update as- required based upon actual progress and City direction. Submit reprised schedules to the City as necessary. 0.2 Progress Reports Prepare progress reports to be submitted with each monthly invoice. The reports will include: 1 summary f activities accomplished in the current month; ) summary of activities planned for the next month; ) outstanding information needs; ) action items; S) schedule updates; and ) coordination needed. Budget is based on eight (8) progress reports 0 3 QA WSC will provide comprehensive quality control of the work items being prepared for delivery to the City. Task 1.0: Data Collection &Field Investigations 1.1 Data R Prepare itemized data request and submit to the City. F Collect and compile relevant data for use in developing the Master Plan Update. Data sources are expected to include; (1) City personnel; { } City reports, studies and files; ( ) customer water usage and water production data; (4) daily operating logs and other statistical data; (5 ) existing water and sewer models; () G1S land use database* () other data sources. Provide tabular summary of the compiled reference material and a listing of outstanding data needs. 1.2 Fire Hydrant Flow Testing Prepare locations and testing protocol to allow City personnel to conduct fire hydrant flow testing to collect water distribution system performance criteria in order to calibrate the hydraulic model. 1.3 Sewer Flow Monitori II S 's subconsultant will place gravity flow meters in the two locations, oak Parr & Pile and S. Halcyon & La Due, that the it s severer s discharges in to 5SL CSD's collection system. The locations will be monitored simultaneously for 2 week durations. II S 's subconsultant will also place a strap - on ultrasonic flow meter at the each of the six lift stations to measure the ca pacitor of pump 1, pump 2 and the combined flow from pumps 1 and 2 (in duplex pump stations). The flow monitoring will be used to calibrate the sewage flow model. 011Water and Wastewater System Master Plan Updates City of Arroyo Grande -1 WiLF1s SysrImS UL I rNIC. I+ee. Agenda Item. 8J. Page 12 Appendix A — Detailed Scope of Services Task 2.0: Land Use, Population and Demand Projections 2 .1 Land Use and Population Projections Land use and Population projections will be based on a thorough review of customer records, past residential, commercial and industrial growth, the local and county regional planning agency forecasts, City land use plans and population projections. In conformance with the existing master plans.. WSC will develop a build -out growth scenario for projecting fu�tu�re land use and population numbers and an existing populati estimate to assess the baseline condition of the water and sewer systems. 2 .2 Wat Demand Projections Residential, commercial and industrial water use factors will be determined from past water production records, and historical customer usage data. Water pealing factors will be determined for Average Day Demand (ADD), Summer Average Day Demand (SADD), Maximum Day Demand (MDD), and Peal Hour Demand (PHD). Demand projections will be determined for residential, commercial and industrial sectors based on the build -out growth scenario and water use factors. WSC will review local or state plumbing codes and regulations that may mandate water savings devices o r appliances will be assessed and included in the demand projections if applicable. Proposed state, federal, or local water conservation initiatives will also be evaluated. WSC will examine Non - revenue and Unaccounted -for water and will base demand projections off historical data and discussions with City staff. WSC wi ll conduct a sensitivity analysis by increasing system demands by 15% a bove the projected build -Dint scenario. F 2 .3 Wastewater Flow Projections Residential, commercial and industrial sever demand factors will be determined from historical customer water usage data and SSL CSD WWTP flow records. Sewer demand factors from the previous master plan, and text book demand factors will be reviewed to update thve land use based demand factors. Sewer peaking factors will be determined for Average Annual Flow (AAF), Peak Day Dry Weather (PDF), Peak Hour Wet Weather (PHWWF), and Average Day M ax M o nth Flow. Flow projections will be determined for residential, commercial and industrial sectors based o n the build -out growth scenario and sewer demand factors. WSC will conduct a sensitivity analysis by incre as! ng sewer system demands by 159 above the projected build -out scenario. Task 3.0: Water Quality and Supply Evaluation 3 .1 Source Wat Quality Analysis WSC will review the Citys historical water quality analyses for the groundwater facilities and Lopez W Treatment Plant and compile a database of the contaminants. Analyze water quality and operations data to assess compliance with applicable federal, state, and local re u I atio ns. 2011 Water and Wastewater System Master Plan Update C S C ity of Arroyo Grande A- WitrF f' Srsr uai C tu��r n V G, I weC_ Agenda Item 8.j. Page 13 Appendix A — Detailed Scope of Services Supply alternatives will be identified, including discussion of potential contamination issues. If potential contaminates are discovered, an effective and economical improvement project will b e identified. Task 4.0 Water Distribution System Hydraulic Analysis 4.1 Evaluate Gathered and Existing Information R eview information collected in the fire hydrant flow test and existing hydraulic model, and use as basis for creation of a WaterGEMS model. 4.2 Establish S ystem Evaluation Criteria Establish, with feedback from the City, pipeline hydraulic evaluation criteria such as maximum velocity, maximum unit head loss, and maximum and minimum pressures. Deimand variability criteria such as seasonal variation and daily variation, based on peaking fac Redundancy criteria such as stand - capacity at pumping stations and weIIs. Power costs and constraints related to peak and o -peak pumping, including time-of-use energy costs. 43 Hydraulic Assessment Develop WaterGEMS hydraulic model of City of Arroyo Grande water system, based on the 1333 WaterCAD model. The model will be used to identify existing and future system deficiencies under existing, build -out and contingency conditions. The final im ode I w111 be delivered to the City for the City's use. The model will be used to evaluate expected changes in system performance due to aging of the infrastructure (decreasing c- factors). 4 *4 Distribution and Storage Systems Evaluation v C will conduct a thorough analysis of the condition and performance of the wells, storage, booster puimping stations and distribution facilities. The analysis wiII be perforimed by speaking to operators and assessing the City's facilities during the kick -off site visit, and application of the hydraulic mode to identify capacity deficiencies. Facilities will be analyzed to discern whether current and projected demands can be met, while meeting Federal, State and Local Drinking later Standards. We treatment systems wiII be evaluated to determine if loading rates for the major components are acceptable under maximum day conditions and to evaluate if sufficient redundancy is In place for long term reliability. 45 operation and Control As sessment vSC will evaluate and update Chapter 3 of the 1333Water S ystem Master Plan and will prepare an updated SCADA analysis in accordance with Task Item 6. 0111 Water and Wastewater System Master Plant Updates S C City of Arroyo Grande A- Agenda Item�� `�.j SII At% C Ux,�uirr�,c.lwc_ Page 14 Appendix A — Detailed Scope of Se r vice Task 5.0 Wastewater Collection System Capacity Evaluation 5.1 Evaluate Gathered and Existing Information ➢ Review information collected from the sewer flow monitoring assessment and existing hydraulic model (Hydra output files) and, and use as basis for creation of a SewerGEMS model. S.2 Establish System Evaluation Criteria Establish, with feedback from the City, pipeline hydraulic evaluation criteria such as maximum d D and maximum velocity. Demand variability criteria such as seasonal variation and daily variation, based on peaking factors. Redundancy criteria such as additional pumps and stand -by capacity at lift stations. S Wastewater System Modelin Develop SewerGEMS hydraulic model of City of Arroyo Grande serer system, based on the City's GIS and the 2001 Hydra model. The model will be used to identify existing and future system deficiencies under existing, build -out and contin envy conditions. The final model will be delivered to the City for the City's use. S.4 Collection System Evaluation WSC will conduct a thorough analysis of the condition and perFormance of the gravity serer collection system. The analysis will be performed by speaking to operators and assessing the City's facilities during the kick -off site visit, and application of the hydraulic model to identify capacity deficiencies. Seger lift stations will be evaluated to determine if the existing lift station capacity is sufficient to meet peak hour flog conditions. System curare figures will be updated. Update Chapter 6 of the 2001 Vaster Plan — SSLOCSD System Status. S.5 Collection System Maintenance and Inspection In coordination with updating C hapter 7 of the 2001 Master Plan, WSC will assess the operation and control of the sewage lift stations. Defer to Task stern 6.2. Task 6. Capital Program 6.1 Prepare Capital Improvement Program Develop a Capital Improvement Program based on the projects identified in the hydraulic analysis of the grater and serer system to correct existing and build -out deficiencies. Draft projects will be identified and discussed with the City at Progress Meeting #2. WSC will update the unit costs for the grater and serer pipelines as shorn in Table 1 -1 of the 1999 Water S ystem Master Plan, a unit cost table was not provided in the 2001 Wastewater rater System Master Plan. An estimated project level allowance for design and construction phase services will be included in the project cost opinions. The projects will be prioritized as Priority 1, 2.. or 3 in conformance with the existing Master Plans. 2011 Water and Wastewater rater ystem Master Plan Updates S C City of Arroyo Grande A- WA 1 1E SYSrLUs COPCFFL E11rec, IME, Agenda Item 8.j. Page 15 r - I L -A Appendix A — Detailed Scope of Services 6.2 SCADA System Evaluation W C *s Subconsultant (J. Calton Engineering) will prepare a Technical Memorandum discussing the existing SCADA system, its major functions, its deficiencies, and recommended improvements to meet future needs of the water and wastewater system. This will involve field site visits for a total of two days to visit typical wells and water storage facilities as well as interviewing City staff. The report will provide general recommendations on current state of the market software packages (e.g. Wonderware InTouch, Rockwell Automation RS i w, GE iFI ), general radio and CA DA equipment improvements, alarm and monitoring features and recommendations. Task 7.0 Mee 7 . 1 Kick-Off M eet ing W C will plan, organize and conduct one kickoff meeting. The purpose of the Kickoff Meetings will be to: (1) establish roles and responsibilities; ( review scope, schedule and deliverables; () review available data and establish data needs; () review master plan update requirements and methodology; discuss agency coordination. Draft agendas, a data requ log, a work plan for the project, a project contact fist, a project schedule with milestones will be provided at least two days before the meeting, and meeting notes including action item assignments will be provided within one week following the meetings. 7 .2 Progress Meeting #1 W C will plan, organize and conduct Progress Meeting #1. The purpose of the progress meeting will be to p rovide an update of the current status of the project. it is anticipat that the land use/ demographics, demand projections and initial builds and runs of the existing water and sewer models will be completed. A brief presentation will be given followed by a discussion of the next steps and issues that have been identified. Draft agendas will be provided at least two days before the meeting, and meeting notes including action items assignments will be provided within one week following the meetings. 7 .3 Progress Meeting # WSC will plan, organize and conduct Progress Meeting #2. The purpose of the progress meeting will be to provide an update of the current status of the project. It is anticipated that the model analysis will be completed at this point and a presentation of the models will be given aloe with y p p p g g discussion of the preliminary deficiencies noted in the system, and anticipated C1P. Draft agendas will be provided at least two days before the meeting, and meeting notes including action items assignments will be provided within one wee k following the meetings. 7 .4 Presentation to City Council WC will prepare for and attend one City Council meeting to present the findings of the mast plan updates. The presentation will be in PowerPoint and will include visual exhibits to convey to the Council members the background information used to develop the Master Plan Updat and W C will walk the Council through the Draft Capital Improvements Program. After the hni al Memorandum Counil Meeting I�IIC will make minor edit to the tables and T t o address Council Member comments. 2011 Water and Wastewater System Master Plan Updates -.: 0 S C City of Arroyo Grande 1�'. 8 R $YSI BAS C[]MwLiI4+C. I?i+C Agenda Item .J. Page 16 Appendix A — Detailed Scope of Services Task 8.0 Prepare Technical Memorandum 9.1 Update Water Master Plan WSC will provide the City with updated tables as requested in the FFP, and as outlined in the Project Understanding section. Where I 's methodology differs from the methodology found in the 1999 Water System Master Plan, a grief Technical Memorandum wi I I be prepared so that the City can update the Final Master Plan Document. WSC will provide the City with marked up figures as listed in the RFP, so that the City can prepare the exhibits for the Final Master Plan Document. WSC anticipates that Chapter 10 of the 1999 Water System Master Plan will require a complete rewrite by I. 9.2 Update Wastewater System Master Plan WSC will provide the City with updated tables as requested in the IFP, and as outlined in the Project Understanding section. Where I 's methodology differs from the methodology found in the 2001 1 Wastewater System Master Plan, a brief Technical Memorandum will be prepared o that the City can update the Final Master Plan Document. WSC will provide the City with marked up figures as listed in the RFP, so that the City can prepare the exhibits for the Final Master Plan Document. WSC anticipates that Sections 5.3 and 5. 4 of the 2001 Wastewater tewater System Master Plan will require a complete re -write by I. 8.3 Deliver Final Water and Sever System Hydraulic Models WSC will submit on DVD the final water and sever models in WaterGEMS and SewerGEMS format respectively. OptionatTask - 2010 Urban Water Management Plan Task Q1. Project Management 01.1 Project Administration Project Schedule. Develop, monitor and maintain the project schedule. Submit revised schedules to the City as required. Progress deports. Prepare progress reports to be submitted with each monthly invoice. The reports will include: (1) summary of activities accomplished in the current month; ) summary of activities planned for the next month; () outstanding information needs; () action items; (5) schedule updates; and (6) coordination needed. Budget is based on six (6) progress reports 01. 2010 UW P Kickoff Meetings WSC will plan, organize and conduct one kickoff meeting. The purpose of the kickoff meeting will be to: (1) establish roles and responsibilities; ( ) review scope, schedule and deliverables; () review key areas of the 2005 plan that require updating; and () review available data and establish data needs. Draft agenda will be provided at least two days before the meeting, and meeting notes including action item assignments will be provided within one week following the meetings. Budget based on one 1 two -hour meeting. 2011 Water and Wastewater System Master Plan Updates S C City of Arroyo Grande A- 1%'Ar[Ik STS ruui. Ca+rouL; I mC. WC. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 17 V 0 • • • • • 1 • • I Appendix A — Detailed Scope of Services 01.3 Workshops 010 UWMP Workshop — Progress Update, Data Gaps and Required Follow -Up. The purpose of the 2010 UWMP Workshop will be to: (1) Review progress to - including outstanding data needs from the Kickoff Meeting; (2) review data gaps and required follow - up. Draft agenda will be provided at least two days be fore the mee ti ng, an meeting not including action item assignments will be provided within one wee following the meeting. Budget includes one 1 two -hour meeting. 01.4 Agency Coordination Support Coordinate and document the City's communication with DWR including telephone calls, em ils and other correspondence. Forward Final Draft plan to DI for "pre - review" prior to finalizing plan. Coordinate and document the City's communication with other agencies including purveyors, cities, counties and o ther interested parties as required by the UWMP Act. Budget based on WSC providing up to g hours of Agency Coordination Support 01.5 Public outreach Support Support the iv(s public outreach effort including: (1) providing input on the public outreach strategy; (2) providing required materials for the public meetings; an ( ) providing supplementary information to the City for responding to public comments. W will provide electronic and hardcopy formats for the City's use. The City will be. responsible for reproduction. Budget based o a total of 8 hours of public outreach support. 01.6 Deliverable Review Meetings Review Meeting #1. Administrative Draft of UWMP. WSC will plan, organize and conduct a review meeting for the Administrati draft 2010 UWMP. Draft a genda will be pr vided at l east two da ys be fore the meeting, an meeting not including act ion item ass ignments w ill be pr vided within one week following the meeting, Budget bused on one 1 two -hour meet ing. Review Meeting #2. Public Review Draft of UWMP. WSC will plan, organize and conduct a review meeting for the Public Review Draft 2010 UWMP. Draft a genda will be provided at least two days before the meeting, and meeting notes including action item assignments will be provided within one week following the meeting. Budget based o one 1 two -hour meeting. Task 02. 2010 U Water M Plan 02.1 Administrative Draft 2010 UWMP Prepare Administrative Draft 2010 UWMP including all attachments and references as required by the UWMP Act. At a minimum, the plan will; o Describe the City and its Sphere of influence o Detail the availability and reliability of current sources o Eva Iuate planned water supply projects 20 11 Water and Wastewater System Master Plan Updates - op C VS l���c ity of A rroyo Grande A- %VAFIR _S"Iims C us:suLrmt, I%c. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 18 Appendix A — Detailed Scope of Services o Evaluate the Citys Water Conservation Plan in regards to compliance with the Demand Management Measures set forth in the UWMP Act and c mplr nce with State 20x2O2O guidelines. It is assumed that the City will tale the lead in summarizing the necessary data to document the Demand Management Measures o Develop baseline, interim target, and target per capita daily grater use values based on historical gross grater use and population estimates in compliance with 88x- o Project grater demand inside the City and project potential grater demand inside the Sphere of Influence o Update the City's current grater shortage contingency plan. It is assumed that the City will finalize and adopt an updated water shortage ordinance and /or amend City Code prig to finalizing the 2010 lJWMP. o Evaluate current and potential recycling programs and opportunities and propose an implementation program o Provide references and a listing of acronyms Complete D R review worksheets Submit three ( ) hardc pies and one (1) PDF copy of the Administrative Draft 2010 lJWMP and completed D R review worksheets to the City for review and comment. 02.2 Public Review Draft 2010 UWMP Prepare Public Review Draft of the 2010 UWMP, addressing staff comments on the Administrative Draft plan and including all attachments and references. Update D R revie w worksheets as required. Submit three ( ) hardc pies and one (1) PDF copy of the Public Review Draft 2010 UWMP and completed D R revie w worksheets to the City for review and comment. Submit Public Review Draft 2010 lJWMP to D R for pre-review. 02.3 Final Draft 2010 U MP Prepare Final Draft 2010 lJWMP based upon comments from D R and the City. Submit three ( ) hardc pies and one (1) PDF copy of the Final Draft 2010 IJWMP and completed D R review worksheets to the City for review and comment. 014 Ftna l 2010 1 MP Prepare Final 2010 lJWMP based upon comments from D R and the City. Submit the Final 2010 lJWMP to the City for adoption. Provide three ( ) hardc pie , one (1) reproducible original and electronic files in Word and PDF formats. All supporting calculations and/or databases will be provided in native electronic format. Assist in drafting Notices, and coordinate submittal of adopted 2010 IJWMP to D R. i 11Water and Wastewater System Master Plan Updates City of Arroyo Grande A -8 S C 1t4'rkT7l[ SiMTFmA CONSLMTINr-. WE- Agenda Item 8.j. Page 19 NO , "N'll wIll", 6 2011 Water and Wastewater S Master Plan updates is C't of Arro Grande A-9 l A Item 8. Pa 20 Deliverables Summary Appendix, A — Detailed Scople of Servicies 2011 Water and Wastewater S Master Plan'Updates Cit of Arro Grande A-10 A Item 8.j. Pa 21 a* 1 - W S C 1 ; 41 nPW15 W5[ acknowledges that ttm Enginimr wlll maintain the lblkswlng public Ilablllty and property darn■ge Insuranco during the I fie of the agrearnsnt. > Comprahens Iva general lie bNIty ins uraroe, IncludFng personal Injury Robb ty, biankst contractual 11abAlty and broad loan property darnage liability. Tha combined single limit for bodily injury and property damaga shall not be less than S1,OOrD.0OO. Automobile bodily injury and property damage llablll Insurance wvering awned, ron wnod, re mad, and hired cars. The combinod single limit bodlly Injury and property damage shall not be less than 'O Statutory Workers Compensation Insurance not less than $i ODD. > Professional Liability Insurance not Is is than $1, ODD. DOO for each claim and in the aggregate for all pmo cts, ;o The owner wlll be IlsUd as additionally insured. Qptkw,W tasks Task Task Description Prof. Print Staff Clerkal/ Cawkal/ No. Mgr. Engr. Engr, Adinin Adinin Q 01 Optkmw1 Talk- Z01O UlWMP 24 PS 10 cD 3 N CO TOW Swb- meal uwhw Total Labor Expenses Ca"M" a Expenses Hogs Fee Estimate Toeal Fey M X Page 1 of 2 City of Arrvyo Grande 2011 Water and Wastewater Master Plan Updates Fee Proposal E C INSURANCE REQUIRE B TS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Consultant will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Consultant will use existing coy er gee to comply with these requirements. if that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, Consultant agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. Consultant acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. Consultant shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy from CG 00 01 or the enact equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage from CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the enact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less than $1,000,000 per accident. if Consultant owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non -o wned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Consultant or Consultant's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. Workers Compensation on a state- approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designated to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the Consultant and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Page 11 Agenda Item 8.j. Page 23 Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurer that are admitted carriers in the Mate California and with an A.M. Bests rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size 1111. General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: 1. Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Consultant also agrees to require all Consultants, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply w ith this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to gale subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all Consultants and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Consultant and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. gone of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been fiat submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serge to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any Consultant or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior wriften consent. 7 Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. in the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other a greement Page 12 Agenda Item 8.j. Page 24 and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant o deducted from sums due Consultant, at City option. 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to City of any cancellation o coverage. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. g. It is acknowledged ledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Consultant or any subContra tor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available to City. 10. Consultant agrees to ensure that subCcntractrs, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance c overage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and revie w all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such c overage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees than upon request, all agreements with subContra tors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for revie w. 11. Consultant agrees not to self - insure or to use any self - insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any Consultant, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of w ork on the project contemplated b this agreement to self - insure its obligations to City. If Consultant's existing c overage includes a deductible or self - insured retention, the deductible or self - insured retention must be declared to the City. At the time the City shall review options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increase benefit to City. 13. For purposes of applying insurance c overage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Consultant acknowledges ledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Consultant of non - compliance with any insurance requirements Page 13 Agenda Item 8.j. Page 25 in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any ether regard. 15. Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 16. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renegued or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shalt be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage birder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the reneging or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such lavers with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 18. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all - inclusive. 19. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such, g. The requirements in this Section supersede all ether sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 1. Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used b any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is net the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. Page 1 Agenda Item 8.j. Page 26 2. Consultant agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or c laims if they are likely to involve City. Page 1 Agenda Item 8.j. Page 27 EXHIBIT D CITY OF }Yy dw %VV x ALIFI�A' January 25, 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS for the City of Arroyo Grande Water System Master Plan Update and Wastewater ater Master Plan Update The City of Arr Grande Will be updating its Water System Faster Fran and Wastewater Faster Plan. Services are required to model both the lfater S ystem and Wastewater System and make recommendations regarding improvements for each system. Proposals Will be received by the City of Arroyo Grande, 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 until 2:00 P.M. on the 22nd of February,, 2011, for the following: i . Consulting services for Water system Faster Plan update . Consulting services for Wastewater system Master Plan update The City of Arr Grande has both surface and gr sources of Water. The surface Water comes from the treatment plant at Lopez Lake. In 2009, Lopez provided 70 % of the City's total suppler. The City receives a blend of Lopez Water and State Water since both are delivered in the same distribution pipeline. The City, however, is not a participant in the State Water Project. The City of Arr Grande supplies approximately 17,000 people With Water and sewer service. Surface Water Provided 74 2 Million Gallons, Groundwater Pumped - 319 Million Gallons, Total Water Delivered - 1,061 Million Gallons, Average Daily Demand - 2.9 Million Gallons. There are two 2 groundwater basins with a total of eight 8 wells in the system. The City of Arroyo Grande supplies its customers with wastewater collection services. The City's collection system conveys raw wastewater to trunk mains owned and o perated by the South San Luis Obispo Sanitation District SSLCSD. Wastewater treatment and ocean disposal is also provided by SSL CSD. The current City population of 17,000, which is based on a combination of Year 2010 census data and an assessment of additional dwellings constructed after the census, is expected to increase to approximately 20,000 at build -out of the existing City limits. As the City corrects current capacitor and age- related problems with the system infrastructure, it is the City's intent to construct wastewater system improvements consistent with the ultimate needs o f the system. In order to facilitate this goal, the City has elected to prepare an update t the existing Wastewater System Faster Plan. The Water System Master Plan Update and Wastewater Master Plan Update will be a revision to the existing Faster Plan. The City o Arroyo Grande will write and produce the final revision document with input and assistance from the selected consultant. The intent of this project is to combine the experience and expertise of the consultant with the institutional knowledge wledge f the City of Arroyo Grande. Page Agenda Item 8.j. Page 28 Water Svstem Master Plan Update The existing 1999 Waster System Master Plan will serve as the basis for the 2011 Water System Master Plan Update. The scope of services to be provided by the consultant shall include the following: System Model • Using available as -built information, model the existing water systems in order to evaluate the water distribution system and infrastructure. The existing model was developed in WaterCAD and is available for the consultant to use. The model must be transferable to the City for future use in assisting engineers and planners analyze the water system during the development review process for proposed projects. • Calibrate the distribution model with fire hydrant field tests conducted throughout the City. • Utilize the existing water atlas information to prepare a comprehensive system map of the existing and ultimate water infrastructure • Based on available elevation information, prepare a pressure contour map showing lines of equal water pressure under average demand conditions. • Identify existing system deficiencies based on the calibrated computer model and build -out flow requirements. Where deficiencies are found, recommend corrective improvements to the system. • Provide system model data in electronic format suitable for use in the City's GIS. Meeting with City Staff • Upon commencing work on the project, consultant shall meet with City staff to identify system deficiencies. Chapter 3 - Land Use and Population • Review and provide recommendations to the City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Land Use Element LUE • Provide recommendations for updating Tables -1 and -2, and Figures -1 and -1 B. Chapter 4 - Water Demand • Review and update historic water demand; provide data for updating Table -1 • Provide recommendations for updating water demand factors; provide data for updating Table -2 • Review and update peaking factors; provide data for updating - • Review and provide recommendations for future water demand; provide data for updating Table . Chapter 5 - Water Supply • Review and provide recommendations for updating existing well summary, Table 5-1. Review and provide updated data historic water supply, Table -2. Review and provide recommendations for updating future water supply, Table 3. • Review and provide recommendations for supply redundancy, Table 5-4. Page Agenda Item 8.j. Page 29 Chapter 6 - vate r Storage • Review and provide recommendations for updating existing storage facilities, Table -1. • Review and provide recommendations for updating emergency storage requirements, Table -2. • Review and provide recommendations for fire suppression storage, Table -3. • Review and provide recommendations for operational storage, Table . • Review and provide recommendations for total storage requirements, Table 6-5. • Review and identify improvement projects for improving waiter storage. Chapter 7 — Water Distribution • Review and provide updated data for the existing waiter system network, Table - 1 A. • Review and provide updated data for the existing booster station inventory, Table 7-1 B. • Review and provide recommendations for updating the waiter system design requirements • Review and identify improvement projects for improving the waiter distribution network. • Review and provide updated data for ar simulated performance of existing and future systems, Table -3. • Review and provide recommendation for updating, Figures -1 A and -1 B - Existing Water Distribution System • Review and provide recommendation for updating Figures 7-2A and -28. — Capital I rn prove ran a nts • Review and provide recommendation for updating, Figures -3 Chapter 8 — Water Quality • Review and provide recommendations for updating Chapter g — Operation and Controls • Review and provide recommendations for updating • Identify improvements to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADA system required to meet future needs of the waiter system. Chapter 10 — Recommendations and Capital Improvements • Review and update unit cost for water system improvement, Table 10 -1 • Review existing list of improvement projects and provide recommendations and conceptual cost estimates for future improvement projects and prioritizing for future projects, Tables 10 -2, 10 -3, and 10. City Council Meeting Presentation • Consult shall be available to present findings to the City Council upon conclusion of all work. Pa ge Agenda Item 8.j. Page 30 Wastewater System Faster Plan The existing 2001 Wastewate r System Master Plan will serve a s the basis for the 2011 Wastewater System Master Plan Update. The scope of services to be provided by the consultant shall include the following: System Model • Using available as-built information, model the existing wastewater collection system, including both gravity and pressure systems, in order to evaluate the waste water collection system and infrastructure. The existing model was developed in Hydra and is available for the consultant to use. The model shall be transferable to the city for future use in assisting engineers and planners analyze the wastewater system during the development review process for proposed projects. • Utilize the existing sewer atlas information to prepare a c omprehensive system map of the existing and future wastewater collection infrastructure • Identify existing system deficiencies based on the calibrated computer model and build -cut flow requirement. Where deficiencies are found, recommend c orrective improvements to the system. • Model shall include SSL CSD trunk mains in the comprehensive computer model. (Note: SSL CSD network has been modeled in InfoSWIM and is available for consultant use.) • Install and monitor flow - recording devices to confirm flow assumptions and peaking factors where necessary. In targeted areas, review the date for the occurrence of storm water intrusion into the system. • Confirm model assumptions through field - testing and flow monitoring. Analyze the collection system in terms of existing and future deficiencies. Provide system model data in electronic format suitable for use in the city's GIS. Meeting with city Staff Upon commencing work on the project, consultant shall meet with City staff to identify system deficiencies. Chapter 3 — Land Use and Population Estimate the current and projected average and peak wastewater flows for the collection system based on flow monitoring and available records, and estimate future flows using a detailed breakdown of land use potential provided by the city Community Development Department. Review and provide recommendations to the city of Arroyo Grande General Plan Land Use Element LUE Provide recommendations for updating Tables 3 -1 and 3 -2, and Figures 3 -1 and 3 -1 B. Chapter 4 — Wastewater Flows Review and update historic average annual (daily) flow; provide data for updating Table -1 Review and provide data for updating peaking factors; Table - Review and provide recommendation for future wastewater flows, Table -3. Page Agenda Item 8.j. Page 31 Chapter 5 — Wastewater Collection System Analysis • Review and provide updated data for the existing wastewater collection system, Table -1. • Review and provide recommendations for updating design criteria and recommendations for the analysis of gravity sewers. • Review and provide recommendations for updating the wastewater collection system design requirement • Review and identify improvement projects for improving the wastewater collection system network. • Review and provide updated data for Table -2 — Existing Lift Station Summary. • Review and provide recommendations for updating Figures -1, -2A, -2B, - 3A and -3B, A, and S • Perform Hydraulic Analysis on Lift Stations Nos. 1, 3 4 , and 7 and provide undated Hydraulic Analysis charts displaying Total Dynamic Head and Pump Discharge. • Identify deficiencies in existing wastewater collection system • Analyze each sewer lift station and force main in terns of pump hydraulic performance, and recommend improvements to be performed within a 20 year planning horizon. Chapter 6 — South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Collection, Treatment, and Disposal • Review and provide recommendations for updating Chapter Chapter 7 -- Collection System Maintenance and Inspection • Review and provide recommendations for Sewer Main Cleaning Program, Pump Station Monitoring and Maintenance, and Video Inspection of Gravity Sewers Chapter 8 — Recommendations and Capital Improvement • Review and update unit cost for wastewater system improvements, Table 8 -1 • Review existing list of improvement projects and provide recommendations and conceptual cost estimates for future improvement projects and prioritizing for future projects, Tables 8 -2, 8 -3, and 8. City Council Meeting Presentation • Consult shall be available to present findings to the City Council upon conclusion of all work. Page Agenda Item 8.j. Page 32 Proposed Project Timeline Project time lines are as follows: Call for Proposals Pro psal due Award o Contract by City 1 t Submission to City Comments by City na Submission to City Comment by City Presentation to City Council January 24, 2011 February 22, 2011 M arch 22 20 May 27, 2011 June 27, 2011 July 25, 2011 August, 2011 October 2011 Technical Proposal Format The Request for Proposal expresses the intent of the City to award this project, but it is not a representation, agreement, or promise that the contract will be awarded on that date or any other time. The consultant shall present generally accepted standards of service and planning in the waterworks industry on relevant topics listed above. The intent is to use AWWA or other acceptable planning and forecasting criteria and standards in the development of the Master Plan Updates. In submitting the response to this IFP, the consultant represents that: 1 the consultant has read and understands the prop documents and his o her proposal is made accordingly; the consultant has familiarized him /herself with conditions of the City of Arroyo Grande and will use in relation to requirements for the Water and Sewer Master Plan Update and has correlated such observations with the requirements o f the proposed contract documents; and 3 the proposal is based upon the proposal documents without exceptions, except those noted. Consultants should submit four original copies of their proposal prior to the closing date and hour. Proposals will be evaluated n: (a) the experience of the consulting firm with master water and wastewater plans; ( b) the consultant's experience and reputation for satisfactory work, judgment, integrity, and timeliness; (c) the consultant's facilities, equipment, and shills for performing the contract (d) the extent to which the proposal and consultant meet the stated requirements and specifications Proposal must contain the following: A. Transmittal Letter - This letter should designate the individual authorized to represent the proposing consultant regarding this proposal and should summarize the key points of the proposal. B. Required Information - This general section of the overall proposal should provide all the information necessary to determine if the consultant services will meet the needs of the City of Arroyo Grande. Page Agenda Item 8.j. Page 33 This section must contain the following: Executive Include 1 a brief statement of the salient features o f the proposal Summary including conclusions and generalized recommendations on the detailed work program; a brief statement indicating the consultant's capabilities and experience in this type of project; 3 any additional information the consultants might wish to add which would allow the Owner to more fully understand the contents of the proposal. Content Include contain a detailed work program that describes how the Requirements consultant will address the task identified in the facility plan topic. This section shall include an estimated schedule in the form of a bar chart showing an approximate task completion schedule and include milestone criteria and products of each step which will be presented to the owners in draft form for review and comment. Documentation Include a description of the contents of the final report, including such things as computer outputs, summary information, and pertinent maps. Consultant Clearly indicate the firm's experience in water system master Qualifications, planning and their experience in working collaboratively with the Relevant client's staff. This section shall also provid a listing of the Experience, personnel assigned to the project with the individual's pertinent References, and experiences and expertise. References es must include other master Resumes of water plan studies relevant to the proposed project, including a individuais Who brief summary of the work performed including size and general 1 11 Work on the description of the Dent's water system, with client name, address, Study contact person, and telephone number. The F FP need not attempt to identify every possible task which would benefit this project. The consultants are encouraged to identify problems, solutions, or any additional features which would benefit the City of Arroyo Grande. SUBiRWD Quantify the support and services the consultant will require and Resource expect of each utility. Requirements Other Relevant Include information specific to this project that will further inform Information the Owner about the c nsult's capabilities and understanding of the project. Page Agenda Item 8J. Page 34 Cost Proposal A cost proposal must be submitted in ar sealed envelope separate from the technical proposal. The City of Arroyo Grande will open and review the cost proposal following the selection of the most qualified consultant. The cost proposal should provide all the relevant cost information of the project as proposed. Prices quoted within the cost proposal shall be deemed to include all costs for which the City of Arroyo Grande shall be responsible. Unspecified costs will be the responsibility of the consultant. Insurance - Acknowledgement that the Engineer will be expected to maintain the following public liability and property damage insurance during the life of the agreement • Comprehensive general liability insurance, including personal injury liability, blanket contractual liability and brand form property damage liability. The combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage shall not be less than 1, 000, 000. Automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance covering owned, non - owned, rented, and hired cars. The combined single limit bodily injury and property damage shall not be less that 1 1 000,000. Statutory Workers Compensation Insurance not less than 1,000,000. Professional Liability Insurance not less than $1,000,000 for each claim and in the aggregate for all projects. • The Owner will be listed as additionally insured. Upon selection of the successful consultant, the City will enter into contract negotiations to develop the detailed terms o f the contract for the study. During this process, specific performance objectives, completion date, the change order process, and payment terms will be defined and become an integral part of the contract terms. If for any ream during the negotiation process the City determines than negotiations with the selected consultant will be terminated, the City will provide written notice to the consultant of their decision. In this event, the City may enter into contract negotiations with another consultant who qualified through the evaluation process. The City will not be responsible for any costs incurred by ar consultant during the contract negotiation process. The successful consultant will be required to assume full responsibility for all s ervices and products offered in their proposal, whether or not the consultant subcontracts any of this work. Contact Information Information pertinent to this proposal may be obtained by e- mailing Thomas Korman, P.E. at tkrmanAarrgrande.rg on by calling Mike Linn, P.E., Assistant City Engineer at (805) 473 -5444. Written requests should be addressed to the same person. Information regarding the City o Arroyo Grande's facilities/data can be obtained from Mr. Shane Taylor, Maintenance Services Department — Utilities Division at (805) 473- 546 r by emailing staylor@arroyogrande.org. Page Agenda Item 8.j. Page 35 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.j. Page 36 MCOAPQRA TED MEMORANDU i� JUL 1 0, 1 , FOR To: CITY COUNCIL -11�' FROM: TERESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: MIKE LINN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of A THIRD AMENDMENT To THE AGREEMENT WITH DYER ENGINEERING FOR THE LE POINT STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND PARKING LOT EXPANSION PROJECT, PII 2011-02 DATE: APRIL 12, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Approve a Third Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services w ith Dyer Engineering to increase the "not to exceed" amount by $ to provide construction survey staking and construction support services for the Le Point Street Improvements and Parking Let Expansion Project; 2. Authorize the Mayor t execute the Amendment; 3. Make the following amendments to restore the original budgeted ed funds; appropriate $134,000 from the Transportation Facility Fund t owards the Le Point Street widening improvements, $5,000 from the Water Fund for the installation of a water line by City forces, $155,820 from the Downtown Parking Funds for the Le Point Street Improvements, and return $168,789 to Police Building Project and $151,211 to Redevelopment Fund; and 4. Appropriate an additional $13,000 from the Downtown Parking Fund. FINANCIAL. IMPACT: The Capital Improvement Program currently includes $640,000 for the project. The total estimated project cost (design, construction, construction contingencies, testing, and contract administration) is $653,00 Appro imately $6,000 is available in the budget for this contract amendment; therefore this amendment request is an additional $13,000 to be allocated from the Downtown Parking fund. Thus far, approximately $70,000 has been spent or encumbered on planning and design, leaving a balance of approximately $49 Agenda Item 8.k. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of A THIRD AMENDMENT To THE AGREEMENT WITH DYER ENGINEERING IN FOR THE LE POINT STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND PARKING LOT EXPANSION PROJECT, P II 11- APF IL 12, 2011 PAGE O March 8, 2011, the Council appropriated $320,000 in Redevelopment ment funds for the project that were originally partially designated for the Police building project. Staff recommends returning the $320,000 to the Police building project and the Redevelopment fund. BACKGROUND: Last year the City Manager approved an agreement w ith Dyer Engineering in the amount of $19,100 for the preparation of a topographic survey and preliminary grading, utility and improvement plans and to p rovide for preliminary grading plans for variation on site layout and for the legal descriptions required to obtain necessary easements from adjacent landowners for the Le Point Street project. On December 14, 2010, the City Council approved a second amendment to the agreement for an additional $25,000 to prepare the final plans and specifications for the project, increasing the "not to exceed" contract total to $44,100. On March 8, 2011, the City Council awarded a contract to grough Construction, Inc. for construction of the Le Point Street Improvements and Paring Lot Expansion Project. The contract documents are now executed and work is anticipated to begin the week of April 18th. The contract time for the project is 65 calendar days. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The Third Amendment includes construction surveying, construction support, and re- monumentation to reset property corners or reference monuments that may be disturbed during the construction process. "rhe work will be billed on an hourly basis for the actual work hours expended against the "not to exceed" total of $18,800. As a standard practice on capital projects, construction surveying is the responsibility of the contractor and is included in the bid price. However, due to the complexity of the required grading and the need to p rovide survey staking for the water line installation (performed by City forces), staff believed the project would be better served Laving the project designer (Dyer Engineering) provide the construction survey. Hence, the contractor's bid Trice did not include construction surveying. ALTERNATIVES: ES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staff s recommendations to approve the Third Amendment to Dyer Engineering Consultant Services Agreement; • Do not approve the Third Amendment; • Provide direction to staff. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of A THIRD AMENDMENT To THE AGREEMENT WITH DER ENGINEERING FOR THE LE POINT STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND PARKING LOT EXPANSION PROJECT, PW 2011-02 APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE ADVAI' TAG ES : Staff believed the project would be better seared having the design engineer (Dyer Engineering) perform the construction surveying due to the following: • The new parking lot is on a hillside and requires complex grading to provide the tiered parking levels; • City forces will install a new waterline on the western edge of the project limit prig to mobilization of Brough Construction Inc. Since this work is not part of the contractor's scope of work, surveying is required for the paper alignment and depth of the new facility. DISADVANTAGES: The Third Amendment increases the Dyer Engineering Contract from $49,700 to $62,900. However, the City would have paid this amount to the contractor if it had been included in the original project scope of work. ENVIRONMENTAL MENTAL REVIEW: The Council adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project at the February 8, 2011 meeting. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted on Thursday, April 7, 2011. The agenda and staff reports were posted on the City's website on Friday, April 8, 2011. No public comments were received as of the time of preparation of this report. Attachment: 1. Amendment No. 3 to the Consultant Services Agreement with Dyer Engineering Agenda Item 8.k. Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT T AMENDMENT NO, This Third Amendment "Third Amendment" to Consultant's Services Agreement CCSX) by and between the CITY F ARROYO GRANDE and WILLIAM R. DYER is made and entered into this day of April 2011, based on the following faros: WHEREAS, the panties entered into ar CSA dated May 27, 2010, for Le Point Street Surveying and Engineering Services; and WHEREAS, the panties entered into ar First Amendment to CSA dated November 24, 2010, for additional site analysis and associated administration; and WHEREAS, the panties entered into ar Second Amendment to CSA darted December 14, 2010, for additions to the final graving and improvement plans; and WHEREAS, the panties desire to modify the CSA as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, F E, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the panties agree as follows: 1. To include the additional services at the increased cost as specified in Exhibit "AH attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, F, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this Third Amendment the day and year first above written. WILLIAM R. DYER By . ■ By: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TONYFERRARA Mayor Agenda Item 8.k. Page 4 EXHIBIT A VV IJLJL]Ldm e C ivil Engineering - Land Surveying 153 North 3' street, Sulte B Phone — (SOS} 481 -1223 P. 0. Box 432 Fax — 805) 481-1323 Grover Beach CA 9348340432 March 17, 2011 Mild Linn Assistant city Engineer City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch St Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Subject: Contract amendment No. Branch Street — Le Point Street Parking Area Project Dear Mike: Per your request we are hereby present this amendment for the engineering services our firm is providing for the above referenced project under our proposal dated March 23 2010, the Agreernent for eonsuitant Service dated May 27, 2010, Amendment No. dated October 25 2010, and Amendment No. 2 dated December 9 , 2010 adding the fol lowi ng contract categories. 1. Construction Staking shall include: A. Le Pont Street — (Approximate stale counts): • Rough grade at 50 ft Stations — 8 • Sawcut and join lines — 4 • Finished Curs at 25 ft Stations minimum — 0 • Storm drains — 8 • centerline Monuments — 4 B. On-Site — (Approximate stake counts): • Waterline — 8 • Rough Grade — 70 • Storm Drains — 85 • Bio -Sales — 1 • Retaining Walls — 5 5 • Lighting/ Electric — 25 • Finished grade/ concrete/ curbs — 5 Staking includes office calculation time, staking materials, and preparation of ;`cut sheets. 2. Enjoineerina construction SuDr)ort includes support to City Staff for plan interpretation and clarification, change order preparation and review, submittal review, re- designs necessitated by unforeseen circumstances, and preparation of record drawings. 8. Re-M numentation includes setting or resetting of property corner or reference monuments that are removed during construction, preparation of proper documentation such as corner records or records of surrey, and processing the documentation through the County Public Works Department. It does not include and checking or processing fee charged by the county. We are requesting the following budgets for the above: 1. construction Staking A. Le Point Street 1 1 500 Agenda Item 8.k. Page 5 Mike Lira March h 1 , 2011 City of Arroyo Grande Page 2 of B. n-S to 10 2. Engineering Construction Support $5 3. Re- lonumentation $1 Total $18,800 Requested Increase. $18,800 Contract Amendment No. 1 5 Contract Amendment No. 2 28,888 Original Contract Amount. 13,200 Revised contract Amount: $62.908 These items are estimates that are not to be exceeded without prior written approval. All other provisions of our proposal dated March 23, 2010, the Agreement for Consultant Services dated May 27, 2010, Amendment No. 1 dated October 25, 2010, and Amendment No. 2 dated December 2010 shall remain in full force and effect. Thank you for your consideration. Please indicate your acceptance of the above by returning a signed copy of this lefter and include whatever you deem necessary to officially amend our Agreement for Consultant Services. Please call if you have any questions. Sin cerely, William R. D er CE 34581 LS 5661, Lic. Exp. 9/30/11 Approved Agenda Item 8.k. Page 6 RO A. INCORPORATED JULY 18 loll MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM TERESA McCLISH1, IIAMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Y: MIKE LINN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION F ACCEPTANCE FOR THE BASE BID OF THE TENANT IMPROVEMENTS AT 300 EAST BRANCH STREET, PROJECT PW P ' 2010-12 DATE: APRIL 12, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1, Accept the Base Bid project improvements, as constructed by Nick E. Polraja, Inc. in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Tenant Improvements at 300 East Branch Street; 2. Authorize the release of the Base Bid retention, FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City Council authorized construction budget for the Tenant Improvements at 300 East Branch Street is $407,745 ($296,745 Base Bid + $55,798 Elevator + $111,000 Contingencies). The current Tenant Improvement expenditures total is $396,096 ($296 Base Bid + $55,798 Elevator + $99,351 Contingencies). BACKGROUND: On October 2, 2010, the City Council awarded a construction contract to Nick E. Pol raja , Inc. to construct the Tenant Improvements at 300 East Branch Street in the amount of $296,745 and authorized the City Manager to approve change orders in the amount of $29,675, 10% of the contract price. "rhe City split the contract time into two separate completion dates to enable staff to relocate into the new facility as soon as possible: Agenda Item 8.1. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of ACCEPTANCE FOR THE BASE BID of THE TENANT IMPROVEMENTS AT 300 EAST BRANCH STREET APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 2 Base Bid (Tenant Improvements) 60 calendar days January 13, 2011 Alternate A (Elevator Construction) 90 calendar days February 12, 2011 The city issued a Notice to Proceed on November 15, 2010. Due to the issuance of contract change orders for various changes during construction, the contract time was increased as follows: Base Bid (Tenant Improvements) 90 calendar days March 1, 2011 Alternate A (Elevator Construction) 150 calendar days May 31, 2011 O January 25, 2011, the city council allocated additional funding for the projects associated with the construction of the new city Hall, which included an increase of the contingency budget for the Tenant Improvement project from $29,674 to $111,000. Staff began mooring into the into the new city Hall on Friday, February 25, 2011, opening the doors officially to the public on Tuesday, February 28, 2011. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The contractor completed the Ease Bid segment of the project scope of work in early March in accordance w ith the approved plans and specifications. The contractor had also completed the structural and preparatory work for the Alternate Elevator Construction) and was prepared to del iver and install the elevator cab and equipment b the end of March. Ho wever, due to the timing of environmental assessment notification associated with the receipt of the Community Development Bloch Grant cD G funds and its subsequent implementation, staff directed the contractor to delay the installation of the elevator cab and equipment until May 4, 2011, in order to satisfy relevant NEPA timelines. { Although the contractor agreed to delay the completion of the elevator construction by a full two months, there are still cost impacts to their operations. It is the city's standard practice to release retention 10% of the total payments to the contractor) 3 5 days following acceptance of the project by the city council. Due to elevator delay associated with cD G funding environmental regulations, the contractor must keep their contract active for an additional two months, thus delaying the release of retention payments to its subcontractors accordingly. To Delp rectify this situation, and to avoid having the contractor submit an impact claim, staff recommends that city council accept the Base Bid segment of the work and authorize the immediate release of the Base Bid retention. Staff will address acceptance of the Alternate A work at a future date upon completion of the elevator. Staff will also file a project Notice of completion at that time. Staff has ngotiated and administered the project contingencies with the exception of the elevator storage fee. Staff agreed to pay the general contractor $20 per day for the Agenda Item 8.1. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION F ACCEPTANCE FOR THE BOISE BID OF THE TENANT IMPROVEMENTS AT 300 EXIST BRANCH STREET APRIL 12, 2011 PTE 3 elevator equipment to be stored in ar secured facility at the elevator contractor's building in San Luis Obispo. Staff will process the final amount, estimated at $1,500, upon final delivery of the elevator equipment to the site. ALTERNATIVES: The following arlternartive are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve s taffs recommendations to accept the Barre Bid segment of the project and authorize the release o f the Base Bid retention; - Do not accept the Barre Bid segment nor authorize the relea of Barre Bid retention; or - Provide staff other d irection. ADVANTAGES: The Barre Bid portion of the work was completed on !March 1, 2011. Acceptance of the staff recommendation will enable the general contractor to relea the outstanding retention to their material supplier and subcontractors. The general contractor has started that they will not pursue any extended overhead claims against the project due to the City's direction to delay the installation of the elevator to allow completion of the environmental assessment required under CD G and Federal regulations. By doing this, the City can take advantage of available CD G funds, which will reduce the impact on the General Fund by approximately $60,000. DISADVANTAGES: Acceptance of the staff recommendation will essentially waive the 35 day retention period that usually follows the issuance of the Notice of Completion. The retention period allows subcontractors and suppliers to resolve any outstanding payment invoices with the general contractor. Staff believes this risk is very lover as staff has carefully inspected the Base Bid work and finds all elements to be satisfying. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: IE1 : The project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Guidelines Section 15301 a. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION INB COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, April 7, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, April 8, 2011. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.1. Page 4 A iNOORPORATED MEMORANDUM JULY r0. 1011 IFO T: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, COMMUNITY MUI ITY DEVEL PMENT DIRECTOR F SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION DENYING APPEAL T CITY COUNCIL CASE NO. 11-001, AND APPROVING ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PERMIT 10-017 WITH A CONDITION OF APPROVAL. NOT TO ALLOW PETCO SIGN PANEL ON EXISTING FIVE CITIES CENTER TOWER SIGN DATE: APRIL 12, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council continue to a date certain of April 26, 2011 consideration of appeal for Case No. 11 -00 1, as requested by the applicant in o rder t o allow an alternative sign plan to e prepared, as well as, to allow the applicant's representative to attend. Attachment 1 -- Letter from applicant Agenda Item 9.a. Page 1 From: Dave Pintard Sent: Monday, April U4,2011 10:06 AM T: Teresa floDlih : Kitty Dorton; Debbie Weichinger Subject: City Council Hearing Dear Teresa, ATTACHMENT I Please accept our request to change the scheduled City Council appeal date of April 1 , 2011 to the following regularly scheduled hearing date of April 26, 2011. The reason for the request to have adequate time to present acceptable directory signs. The interior sign directory's provide a solution to the planning commission concerns regarding Fire Cities Center traffic circulation from the main entry of Infest Branch Avenue as re discussed. I would like to have ample time to make revisions, if necessary, after discussing with the council members. Additionally, the Petea real estate representative is available to attend the later hearing. Thank you, Teresa, for your consideration in making the charge to the councils calendar. Please feel free to call me should you have any questions regarding this matter. I may be reached at 805 - 962 -8989 ext. 344. Sincerely, David Pin and Investec Deal Estate Companies 200 E. Carrillo Street, Suite Zoo Santa Barbara, CA 93101 te 1: 805 -962 -8989 ext, 344 cell: 805 - 895 -4071 fax: 805 - 962 -5768 ., PI :J 115: ► =M 1 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 2 Q Al INCORPOR1ATEO " II E II RAI II -W ,xxy 10. loll „ IF 0 IRK TO: CITY COUNCIURE EVEL PMEI T AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER/ ER/ RE EVEL PMEI T AGENCY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE AND SALE, FINANCING AND LEASEBACK AGREEMENT T BETA EEI THE CITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE EXISTING POLICE BUILDING PROPERTY, A PROPOSED FUNDING AGREEMENT T BETWEEN THE CITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE AGENCY FUNDING F ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE POLICE BUILDING PROJECT, AND FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT T WITH BF GC ARCHITECTS FOR THE POLICE BUILDING PROJECT ATE: APRIL 12, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended: 1 the City Council adopt a Resolution appr vin a Purchase and Bade, Financing and Leaseback Agreement with the Redevelopment pment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande for the Agency's purchase of City -owned property for future affordable housing purposes and including, as part of the Agreement, a financing agreement for ar City loan to the Redevelopment Agency to assist in funding the Agency's acquisition, and a lease by and between the agency, as landlord, and the City, as ar tenant,, for the continued use of the property as the City's Police Station for up to five years o r until the property is vacated and thereby available for use for an affordable housing project,, and making the findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445 in connection with the foregoing transaction; 2 the Redevelopment pment Agency Board o Directors adopt ar Resolution arppr vin the Purchase and Sale, Financing and Leaseback Agreement with the City as identified in the foregoing clause; 3 the City Council a p prove an amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with BFGC Architects for the Police Building project in a form approved by the City Attorney; the City Council adopt a Resolution making necessary findings to approve ar Funding Agreement between the City and Agency to utilize Redevelopment Agency funds for this purpose; and the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors adopt ar Resolution marking necessary findings to approve a Funding Agreement between the City and Agency to utilize Redevelopment pment Agency funds for this purpose. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL s BACK' CONSIDERATION of PURCHASE AND SALE, FINANCING AND LE BETWEEN THE CITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE AGREEMENT EXISTING ING POLICE BUILDING PROPERTY, A PROPOSED FUNDING AGREEMENT H BETWEEN THE CITY AND REDEVELOPMENT 1ELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE AGENCY FUNDING F ARCHITECTURAL CTURAL SEF IICES FOR THE POLICE BUILDING PROJECT, AND FIRST AMENDMENT E DMENT To THE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BF GC ARCHITECTS FOR THE POLICE BUILDING PROJECT APRIL 12 2011 PAGE 2 FINANCIAL, IMPACT: The appraised value of the existing Police Station properties is approximately $1.3 million. The Redevelopment Agency Housing Set Aside existing fund balance is approximately $675,000. It is proposed to fund $25,000 of the acquisition costs from the Housing In lieu Fee Fund. The remainder of the funding of $600,000 is proposed to be temporarily borrowed by the Redevelopment Agency from the City's Transportation Facility Fund. The fund balance is over $3 million. It will be repaid within four gears when at least one of the two properties purchased with housing funds is sold. Therefore, the funds will be repaid before the funds are needed for construction costs for the Brisco Road Interchange improvements. There is currently $160,000 remaining in Redevelopment Agency funds budgeted for the Police Building project architectural services, which will be used to fund the contract amendment. This will provide sufficient funding to complete a major portion of the wort, but is not anticipated to fund the entire costs to complete final design. The proposed Funding Agreement provides for $160,000 in Agency funds to be used as well as for Agency funds to reimburse the City for approximately $240,000 in prig architectural services costs incurred by the City for this project. BACKGROUND: The Police Department does not have adequate space for all personnel to perform necessary functions, the Police Station was acquired from the phone company in 1973 and was last expanded in 1989. Staffing has grown to 36 full -time and 20 part - time from 12 full -time and 6 part -time since the facility began use as the Police Station and from 28 full -time and 15 part -time since the facility was last expanded. Key needs include space for the detective unit, the addition of an adequate Emergency Operations Center to coordinate citywide incident response activities in the event of a disaster, and expansion of the dispatch center. At the , February g, 2010 meeting, the City Council approved placin g a bond measure on the ballot at the November 2010 election to fund construction of a new Police Station at property acquired by the City from the County at West Branch Street and Rodeo Drive. The measure required a 213 Grote and failed with a p ositive Grote of 65.07%. Since then, staff has been developing alternative strategies to address the Police facility needs. Alternative sites and funding plans have been identified and studied for replacement of the existing station, Staff anticipates presenting alternatives to the City Council within the next couple months for direction on how to proceed. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE AND SALE, FINANCING AND LEASEBACK AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE EXISTING POLICE BUILDING PROPERTY, A PROPOSED FINDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND REDEVELOPMENT ELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE AGENCY FINDING OF ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE POLICE BUILDING PROJECT, AND FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BFGC ARCHITECTS FOR THE POLICE BUILDING PROJECT APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 3 At the May 22, 2007 meeting, the City Council approved an agreement With EFGC Architects to develop a feasibility study and needs assessment for expansion of the existing Police Station. As a result of that study, alternative sites were pursued and the City Council approved an agreement with EFGC Architects at the October 13, 2009 meeting for design of the proposed Police station project at West Branch Street and Rodeo D rive. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: One of the keys to the funding plan involving a new police station is the ability to sell and reuse the existing police facility property at 200 N. Halcyon Road. Meanwhile, the City has an existing fund balance in the Redevelopment Agency Set Aside Fund and anticipated future revenues from the sale of property, which are funds legally earmarked to address affordable housing needs in the community. Viable uses of the property may be limited given its specialized design. The existing police station property is adjacent to residential uses and conveniently located close to commercial areas and regional and local transit stops. Therefore, staff believes it provides an effective opportunity for an affordable housing project. As a result, it is recommended the Redevelopment Agency acquire the property from the City for the appraised value with housing set aside funds and affordable housing in lieu fee funds. The funds will be reserved for the Police Station project or used for acquisition of property for the project. The property will be leased back to the City for $100 per year for continued use as the Police station until a plan for a new police station is approved and constructed. Redevelopment Agency funds were previously budgeted for architectural services associated with design of the new police station. It is recommended that the City amend the existing agreement to include a site analysis on alternatives identified and then prepare final design when the preferred site is approved. Approval of findings is required to utilize Redevelopment Agency funds for this purpose. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for consideration: 1. Approve staffs recommendations; 2. Arend the agreement to defer payment of $600,000 of the funding rather than borrowing the funds from the Transportation Facility Fund; Agenda Item 9.b. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE AND SALE, FINANCING AND LEASEBACK AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE EXISTING POLICE BUILDING PROPERTY, A PROPOSED FUNDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE AGENCY FUNDING F ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE POLICE BUILDING PROJECT, AND FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BFGD ARCHITECTS FOR THE POLICE BUILDING PROJECT APRIL 1 , 201'1 PAGE 4 3. Delay consideration approved; of the agreement until the Police Station project is 4. Do not approve the amendment and direct staff to issue proposal for architectural services; 5. Delay approval of the contract amendment until a specific and strategy is approved; 6 . Do not approve the ag reement; or 7. Provide staff other direction. a new request for Police Station site ADVANTAGES: ES: The proposed agreement will enable the City to obtain the full appraised value for the existing Police Station property, which can be used to hel fund a new Police Station project, and it will create an effective affordable housing opportunity. It will also enable the City to utilize existing budgeted funds to proceed with planning and design o a new police station in a timely manner. DISADVANTAGES: The proposed agreement will commit the remainder o f the City's affordable housing funds and will commit RDA funds for design prior to having a determination on total costs. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: : The transactions contemplated by the foregoing described agreements are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under various applicable exemptions. Environmental review of any affordable housing project on the current police station site, and a new poli ce station facility, will be prepared once a project proposal is defined and presented. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: MEl TS: A notice of joint public hearing of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency on the proposed transactions was published in The Tribune on March 25, 2011 and April 1, 2011. The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, April 7, 2001 and on the City's website on Friday, April 8, 2011. Attachments: 1. Purchase and Sale, Financing, and Leaseback Agreement 2. Funding Agreement Agenda Item 9.b. Page 4 RESOLUTION I OE A RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING A PURCHASE AND SALE, FINANCING, AND LEASEBACK AGREEMENT WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE FOR THE AGENCY'S PURCHASE of CITY -OWNED PROPERTY FOR FUTURE AFFORDABLE HOUSING PURPOSES AND INCLUDING, AS PART OF THE AGREEMENT, A FINANCING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND AGENCY AND A LEASE BY AND BETWEEN THE AGENCY, AS LANDLORD, AND THE CITY, AS A TENANT, FOR THE CONTINUED USE of THE PROPERTY AS THE CITY'S POLICE STATION FOR UP To FIVE YEARS OR UNTIL THE PROPERTY IS VACATED AND THEREBY BECOMES AVAILABLE FOR USE FOR AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT, AND MAKING THE FINDINGS PURSUANT To HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445 IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOREGOING TRANSACTION WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande "Agency) is authorized, under the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment ent Laver (Health & Safety Code §33000 of sect.) "C L" , and under the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan" for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project Area "Project Area ", to undertake certain activities necessary for the implementation of the Redevelopment velopment Plan and to effectuate the purposes of the C L; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande "City" is a municipal corporation; and WHEREAS, the Agency proposes to enter into a Purchase and Sale, Financing, and Leaseback Agreement "Agreement" than provides for the Agency's acquisition from the City of certain real property consisting of approximately 32,979 square feet, composed of two parcels: 1 Parcel 1 of approximately 5,818 square feet currently improved with nodular building, located at 206 North Halcyon Road and having the Assessor Parcel Number 006-153-005; and 2 Parcel 2 of approximately 26,979 square feet improved with the City police station and other improvements and an abutting surface parking lot, located at Zoo North Halcyon Road and 803 Cornwall Avenue and having the Assessor Parcel Numbers 006 - 153 -011 and 006- 161 -020, located in. the City o Arroyo Grande (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Agency's acquisition is to acquire the Property for future affordable housing purposes; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33334.16, the Agency may acquire read property for future affordable housing purposes; and Agenda Item 9.b. Page 5 RESOLUTION LUTIO NO. PAGE 'H E E As 9 as p proposed art of the r sed Agreement is a Financing Agreement pursuant to which the City, C' as a condition to the conveyance, proposes to loan $600,000 to the Agency to assist Agency with the acquisition of the Property; and WHEREAS, EAS, Health and Safety Code Sections 33600 and 33601, the City and Agency are authorized to effect the loan transaction identified in the Financing Agreement; and WHEREAS, EAS, as part of the proposed Agreement, the Agency, upon acquisition of fee title to the Property, proposes to lease the Property back to the City to enable continued use of the Property as the City's police station for up to a period of five years or until the City vacates the Property, whichever is earlier; and WHEREAS, the Agency, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33391, is authorized to acquire real property for redevelopment purposes, and pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33430, may tease real property; and WHEREAS, the City, pursuant to Government Code Section 37350 may dispose of real property and, pursuant to Government Code Section 37351 may lease property for municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, EAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33431, the Agency's lease may occur without public bidding upon the holding of a public hearing; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445, the Agency may pay for the cost of the land for a publicly o wned Canal and building by following the procedure set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 33679, including the holding of a public hearing, and making the findings set forth in Section 3344 a 1 - 3 and (b)(2); and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing of the Agency and City Council for April 12, 2011, on the proposed transaction was published in accordance with legal requirements; and WHEREAS, a Summary Report rt wras prepared on the proposed Agreement and was made available for public revie w, all in accordance with the requirements of Health and Safety Code Section 33679; and WHEREAS, on April 12, 2011, the Agency and City Council held a joint public hearing on the proposed Agreement; and WHEREAS, EAS, at the joint public hearing the Agency Board of Directors and City ouncil ty considered the staff report and all of the information, evidence, and testimony presented; NOW, THEREFORE, F E, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande resolves as follows: Section 1. The foregoing Recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein. Section 2 . The City Council finds and determines: Agenda Item 9.b. Page 6 RESOLUTION O. PAGE A. That the acquisition of the Property will provide opportunities for grousing for low- or moderate - income persons. Use of the Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing unds for the purchase will require the use of the property for these affordable g housing purposes. Under Health and Safety Code Section 33334.16 the Agency may acquire property for future affordable housing purposes and has a period of fire years thereafter to commence activities leading to the use of the property for affordable housing. B. That no other reasonable means of financing the acquisition of the Property for affordable housing purposes is available to the community other than Agency Lour and Moderate Income Housing Funds, in that i the Agency Lour and Moderate Income Housing Funds are dedicated for the purposes of improving and increasing the community's supply of affordable housing, including land acquisition, and (ii) without this Agency funding the acquisition and commencement of the process to convert the property to affordable housing uses would be delayed or reduced, all to the detriment of the redevelopment of the Project Area. C. That the payment of Agency Lover and Moderate Income Housing Funds for the acquisition of the propel is consistent with the Agency's Fire Year Implementation Plan adopted pursuant to Section 33490, in that expanding the supply of affordable housing in the Project Area and City is a ley goal of the Agency in the Implementation Plan (page 19), and a specific goat of the Agency is to convert the existing police station property to another use, specifically referencing affordable housing (page 4. D. That, consistent with Health and Safety Code Section 33445(b)(2), the expansion of affordable housing is a component of the Redevelopment Plan. Section 3. The City Council hereby approves the Agreement in the form on file with the City Clerk concurrent with the adoption of this Resolution and authorizes and directs the Mayor to sign the Agreement, Financing Agreement, and Lease on behalf of the city. Section 4. The City Manager and authorized designees are hereby authorized and directed to take such other and further actions, and sign such other and further documents as is necessary and proper in order to implement this Resolution on behalf of the C ity. Section 5. Pursuant to Section 15301 of the State CEA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Fegs. § 15000 et sect.), the activities that are the subject of this Resolution are categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act as a continuation of existing facilities. Section 6. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase, or portion of this Resolution is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, or is rendered invalid, gold, or unenforceable as a result of a change in State or federal laver, such decision shall not Agenda Item 9.b. Page 7 RESOLUTION No. PACE affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this Resolution or any part thereof. The City Council herby declares that it would have adopted this Resolution and each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective. To this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. On motion of City Council Member , seconded by City Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to it: AYES. NOES. ABSENT. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 1 th day of April 2011. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 8 RESOLUTION H. PAGE TONY FER AF A, MAYOR ATTEST. KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: T: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGE APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 9.b. Page 9 RESOLUTION No. RDA II-� A RESOLUTION of THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING A PURCHASE AND SALE, FINANCING, AND LEASEBACK( AGREEMENT EEMENT 1 ITH THE TTY of ARROYO GRANDE FOR THE AGENCY'S PURCHASE of CITY- OWNED PROPERTY T f FOF FUTURE AFFORDABLE HOUSIN PURPOSES AND INCLUDING, AS PART of THE AGREEMENT, A FINANCING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND AGENCY AND A LEASE BY AND BETWEEN THE AGENCY, AS LANDLORD, AND THE CITY, AS A TENANT, FOR THE CONTINUED USE of THE PROPERTY AS THE CITY'S POLICE STATION FOR UP To FIVE YEARS OR UNTIL THE PROPERTY TY IS VACATED AND THEREBY BECOMES AVAILABLE FOR USE FOR AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT, AND MAKING THE FINDINGS PURSUANT To HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445 IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOREGOING TRANSACTION WHEREAS, EAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City o Arroyo Grande "Agency" i authorized, under the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment La w (Health & Safety Code §33000 et seq.) "CRL , and under the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan" for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project Area "Project Area"), to under-take certain activities necessary for the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan and to effectuate the purposes of the C L; and WHEREAS, EAS, the City of Arroyo Grande "City" is a municipal corporation; and WHEREAS, the Agency proposes to enter into a Purchase and Sale, Financing, and Leaseback Agreement "Agreement" that provides for the Agency's acquisition from the City of certain real property consisting of approximately 32,979 square feet, composed o f two parcels: 1 Parcel I o approximately 5,818 square feet currently improved with a modular building, located at 206 North Halcyon Road and having the Assessor Parcel Number 006-153-005; and 2 Parcel 2 of approximately 26,979 square feet improved w ith the City police station and other improvements and an abating surface parking lot, located at 200 North Halcyon load and 803 Cornwall Avenue and having the Assessor Parcel Numbers 006-153- and 006-161-020, located in the City of Arroyo Grande (the "Property "; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Agency's acquisition is to acquire the Prop for future affordable housing purposes; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33334. the Agency may y acquire real property for future afforda housing purposes; and Agenda Item 9.b. Page 10 RESOLUTION CVO, RDA II PAGE WHEREAS, as part of the proposed Agreement is a Financing Agreement pursuant to which the City, as a condition to the conveyance, proposes to loan $600,000 to the Agency to assist Agency with the acquisition of the Property; and g y WHEREAS, Health and safety Code sections 33600 and 33601, the City and Agency are authorized to effect the loan transaction identified in the Financing Agreement; and IIHEFEAS, as part of the proposed Agreement, the Agency, upon acquisition of fee title to the Property, proposes to lease the Property back to the City to enable continued use of the Property as the City's police station for up to a period of five years or until the City vacates the Property, whichever is earlier; and WHEREAS, the Agency, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 33391, is authorized to acquire real property for redevelopment purposes, and pursuant to Health and safety Code section 33430, may lease real property; and WHEREAS, S, the City, pursuant to Government Code section 37350 may dispose of real property and, pursuant to Government Code section 37351 may lease property for municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 33431, the Agency's lease may occur without public bidding upon the holding of a public hearing; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and safety Code section 33445, the Agency may pay for the cost of the land for a publicly owned land and building by following the procedure set forth in Health and safety Code Section 33679, including the holding of a public hearing, and making the findings set forth in section 344 a l - 3 and (b)(2); and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing of the Agency and City Council for April 12, 20111 on the proposed transaction was published in accordance with legal requirements; and WHEREAS, a Summary Report was prepared o n the proposed Agreement and was made available for public revie w, all in accordance with the requirements of Health and Safety Code section 33679; and WHEREAS, on April 12, 2011, the Agency and City Council held a joint public hearing on the proposed Agreement; and WHEREAS, at the joint public hearing the Agency Board of Directors and City Council considered the staff report and all of the information, evidence, and testimony presented; NOW, THEREFORE, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande resolves as follows: Section '1. The foregoing Recitals are true and correct and are Incorporated herein. Section 2. The Agency finds and determines: Agenda Item 9.b. Page 11 RESOLUTION No, RDA II PAGE A. That the acquisition of the Property will provide opportunities for housing for lover- or moderate- income persons. Use of the Agency's Lover and Moderate Income Housing unds for the purchase will require the use of the property for these affordable g housing purposes. Under Health and Safety Code Section 33334.16 the Agency may acquire property for future affordable housing purposes and has a period of fire years thereafter to commence activities leading to the use of the property for affordable housing. B. That no other reasonable means of financing the acquisition of the Property for affordable housing purposes is available to the community other than Agency Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds, in that i the Agency Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds are dedicated for the purposes of improving and increasing the community's supply of affordable housing, including land acquisition, and (ii) without this Agency funding the acquisition and commencement of the process to convert the property to affordable housing uses would be delayed or reduced, all to the detriment of the redevelopment of the Project Area. C, That the payment of Agency Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds for the acquisition of the property is consistent with the Agency's Fire Year Implementation Plan adopted pursuant to Section 33490, in that expanding the supply of affordable housing in the Project Area and City is a key goal of the Agency in the Implementation Plan (page 19), and a specific goal of the Agency is to convert the existing police station property to another use, specifically referencing affordable housing (page 4. D. That, consistent with Health and Safety Code Section 33445(b)(2), the expansion of affordable housing is a component of the Redevelopment Plan. Section 3. The Agency hereby approves the Agreement in the form on file with the Agency Secretary concurrent with the adoption of this Resolution and authorizes and directs the Agency Chair to sign the Agreement, Financing Agreement, and Lease on behalf of the Agency. Section 4. The Agency Executive Director and authorized designees are hereby authorized and directed to take such other and further actions, and sign such other and further documents as is necessary and proper in order to implement this Resolution on behalf of the Agency. Section 5. Pursuant to Section 15301 of the State CEA Guidelines 14 Cal. Code F egs. § 15000 et seq.), the activities that are the subject of this Resolution are categorically exempt from the California Environmental {duality Act as a continuation of existing facilities. Section 6. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or Phrase, o Portion of this Resolution n i , for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, or is rendered invalid, void, o unenforceable as a result of a change in State or federal laver, such decision shall not Agenda Item 9.b. Page 12 RESOLUTION CVO. RDA i 1 -� PAGE 4 affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this Resolution or any part thereof. The Board of Directors of the Agency herby declares that it would have adopted this Resolution and each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph sentence, clause or phrase of this Fesoiution irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective. To this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. Section 7. The Agency Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. O n motion of Board Member seconded by Board Member and on the following roll call Grote, to pit: AYES: !NOES ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 12 th day of April 2011. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 13 RESOLUTION CVO, RDA I I - � PAGE TONY FER AI A, CHAIR ATTEST, KELLY II ETMO E, AGENCY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: AGENCY COUNSEL Agenda Item 9.b. Page 14 RESOLUTION No, A RESOLUTION LUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING ING A FUNDING AGREEMENT EEMENT WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE FOR THE AGENCY'S FUNDING of CERTAIN AF CHITECTU ALI ESIGN SERVICES RELATED To THE NEW CITY POLICE STATION PROJECT AND MAKING THE FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445 IN CONNECTION WITH THE FUNDING AGREEMENT T WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande "Agency") is authorized, under the provisions of the California community Redevelopment La w (Health & Safety code §33000 et seq.) "CRL" , and under the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan "Redevelopment Plan" for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project Area "Project Area ", to undertake certain activities necessary for the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan and to effectuate the purposes of the CRL; and WHEREAS, the city of Arroyo Grande "City" is a municipal corporation; and WHEREAS, the Agency proposes to enter into a Funding Agreement "Agreement" that provides for the Agency's funding of $400 for arch itecturalldesign services for the City's new police station facility project; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing of the Agency and City council for April 12, 2011 on the proposed funding was published in accordance with legal requirements; and WHEREAS, on April 12, 2011, the Agency and city council held a joint public hearing on the proposed Agreement; and WHEREAS, at the joint public hearing the Agency Board of Directors and City Council considered the staff report and all of the information, evidence, and testimony presented; IOW, THEREFORE, E, the city council of the city of Arroyo Grande resolves as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein. Section 2. irhe City council finds and determines: (1) That, pursuant to Health and Safety code Section 33445(a)(1), the Agency funding pursuant to the Agreement is of benefit to the Project Area by helping to eliminate blight within the Project Area, in that= (a) By adoption of Ordinance 487 C. S., the territory within the Project Area has been conclusively determined under law to be a blighted area as defined by law. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 15 RESOLUTION CVO, PAGE ( b) The essential purpose of the Redevelopment elopment Plan is the j redevelopment of the Project Area by alleviating blighting conditions in the Project Area, � which Ordinance No. 487 C. S. identified as including inadequate public improvements. The Rede Plan identifies as an objective the provision of public infrastructure and community facilities and expressly identifies additional public buildings as a project to be funded with Agency funds. ( c) The Public Project will therefore directly help alleviate the foregoing described blighting conditions and thereby benefit the Project Area. ( 2) That, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 334a2, no other reasonable means of financing the cost for the architectural /design services is available to the community for the following reasons: ( a) Potential actions by the State of California to address the State budget are likely to reduce local revenues and increase mandated local services, and these likely changes have necessitated a reassessment of the need for retention of City funds for other projects and the need for alternative funding. ( b) Other City monies are dedicated to critical police, fire, and other necessary expenditures, including the capital improvement projects shown on the City's Capital Improvement Program. ( c) The continued decline in the local and national economy, and reasonable projections in connection therewith, has delayed, and potentially reduced, City funds necessitating the need for alternative funding. ( d) Limits set forth in the State Constitution and State lair on local control over traditional revenue sources make it infeasible for the City to raise new r local revenues to meet the costs for w hich the Agency funding will be used. ( e) Sound financial practices require that payment for all or pant of the cost be made using the Agency funds and the failure to use the Agency funds would be detrimental to the community including specifically the residents and businesses within the Project Area. ( 3) That pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 4a, the payment of the Agency funds is consistent with Agency's adopted Section 33490 Fire Year Implementation Plan FY 2009-10 Through FY 2013-14 (the "Implementation Plan"), in that: Agency funding of these architectural /design costs is a specific forecasted project identified in the Implementation Plan (Page 24, 11 ). ( 4) - that, consistent with Health and Safety Code Section 4 4b 2 , the Agency funding is associated with the type of public infrastructure and facilities improvements identified in the Redevelopment Plan, and the Redevelopment Plan specifically references additional public buildings as projects to be funded with Agency funds. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 16 RESOLUTION No, PAGE Section 3. The City Council hereby approves the Agreement In the form on file with the City Clerk concurrent with the adoption of this Resolution and authorizes and directs the Mayor to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City. Section 4. The City Manager and authorized designees are hereby authorized and directed to take such other and further actions, and sign such other and further documents as is necessary and proper in order to implement this Resolution on behalf of the City. Section 5. Pursuant to Section 17b of the State CEA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Fegs. § 15000 et sect., the Agency funding set forth in the Agreement is merely a funding mechanism and is not a project subject to the California Environmental Quality Act, and additionally that pursuant to Section 15262 of the State CE QA Guidelines 1 Cal. Code Fegs. § 15000 et sect., the activities that are the subject of this Resolution are categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. Section 6. if any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase, or portion of this Resolution is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction or is rendered invalid, void, or unenforceable as a result of a change in State or federal laver, such decision shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this Resolution or any part thereof. The City Council herby declares than it would have adopted this Resolution and each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective. To this end the provisions of this resolution are declared to be severable. Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. On motion of City Council Member , seconded by City Council Member } and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES. ABSENT. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 12" day of April 2011. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 17 RESOLUTION N . PAGE TONYFERRARA,MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY 11ETMFE, CITY CLEFT{ APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 9.b. Page 18 RESOLUTION ! No. RDA 'I I - A RESOLUTION of THE REDEVELOPMENT ELOPMENT AGENCY of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING ING A FUNDING AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE FOR THE AGENCY'S FUNDING of CERTAIN ARCHITECTURAL/DESIGN SERVICES RELATED To THE NEW CITY POLICE STATION PROJECT AND MAKING THE FININGS PURSUANT To HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445 IN CONNECTION WITH THE FUNDING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande "Agency" is authorized, under the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law {Health & Safety Code §33000 of seq.} "C L" , and under the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan" for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project Area "Project Area ", to undertake certain activities necessary for the implementation of the Redevelopment ment Plan and to effectuate the purposes of the C L; and WHEREAS, EAS, the City of Arroyo Grande "City" is a municipal corporation; and WHEREAS, the Agency proposes to enter into a Funding Agreement "Agreements) that provides for the Agency's funding of $400,000.00 for architectural /design services for the City's new police station facility project; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing of the Agency and City Council for April 12, 2011, on the proposed funding was published in accordance with legal requirements; and WHEREAS, on April 12, 2011, the Agency and City Council held a joint public hearing on the proposed Agreement; and WHEREAS, at the joint public hearing the Agency Board of Directors and City Council considered the staff report and all of the information, evidence, and testimony presented; NOW, THEREFORE, E, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande resolves as follows: Section 1. The foregoing Recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein Section 2. The Agency finds and determines: (1) That, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a the Agency funding pursuant to the Agreement is of benefit to the Project Area by helping to eliminate blight within the Project Area, in that: (a) By adoption of Ordinance 487 C. S., the territory within the Project Area has been conclusively determined under laver to be a blighted area as defined by laver. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 19 RESOLUTION N . RDA I 'I - PAGE 2 (b) The essential purpose of the Redevelopment Plan is the redevelopment of the Project Area by alleviating blighting conditions in the Project Area, which Ordinance No. 487 C. S. identified as including inadequate public improvements. The Redevelopment Plan identifies as an objective the provision of public infrastructure and community facilities and expressly identifies additional public buildings as a project to be funded with Agency funds. (c) The Public Project will therefore directly help alleviate the foregoing described blighting conditions and thereby benefit the Project Area. (2) That, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445a, no other reasonable means of financing the cost for the architectural /design services is available to the community for the following reasons: {a Potential actions by the State of California to address the State budget are likely to reduce local revenues and increase mandated local services, and these likely changes have necessitated a reassessment of the need for retention of City funds for other projects and the need for alternative funding. (b) Other City monies are dedicated to critical police, fire, and other necessary expenditures, including the capital improvement projects shogun on the City's Capital Improvement Program. (c) The continued decline in the local and national economy, and reasonable projections in connection therewith, has delayed, and potentially reduced, City funds necessitating the need for alternative funding. (d) Limits set forth in the Mate Constitution and Mate law on local control Over traditional revenue sources male it infeasible for the City to raise new local revenues to meet the costs for which the Agency funding will be used. {e Sound financial practices require that payment for all or part of the cost be made using the Agency funds and the failure to use the Agency funds would be detrimental to the community including specifically the residents and businesses within the Project Area. (3) That, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445a, the payment of the Agency funds is consistent with Agency's adopted Section 33490 Five Year Implementation Plan FY 2009-10 Through FY 2013 -14 (the "Implementation Plan ", in that: Agency funding of these architectural /design costs is a specific forecasted project identified in the Implementation Plan (Page 24, 111). (4) That, consistent with health and Safety Coda Section 33445b2, the Agency funding is associated with the type of public infrastructure and facilities improvements identified in the Redevelopment Plan, and the Redevelopment Flan specifically references additional public buildings as projects to be funded with Agency funds. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 20 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 11- PAGE Section 3. The Agency hereby approves the Agreement in the fora on file with the Agency Secretary concurrent with the adoption of this Resolution and authorizes and directs the Agency Chair to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Agency. Section 4. The Agency Executive Director and authorized designees are hereby authorized and directed to tale such other and further actions, and sign such other and further documents as is necessary and proper in order to implement this Resolution on behalf of the Agency. Section 5. Pursuant to Section 15378(b)(4) of the State CE QA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code F egs. § 15000 et seq.), the Agency funding set forth in the Agreement is merely a funding mechanism and is not a project subject to the California Environmental Quality Act, and additionally that pursuant to Section 15262 of the State CEQA Guidelines 1 4 Cal. Code F egs. § 15000 et seq.), the activities that are the subject of this Resolution are categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 6. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase, or portion of this Resolution is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, or is rendered invalid, void, or unenforceable as a result of a change in State or federal law, such decision shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this Resolution or any part thereof, The Board of Directors of the Agency herby declares that it would have adopted this Resolution and each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective. To this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. Section 7. The Agency Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. On motion of Board Member seconded by Board Member and on the following roll call Grote, to wit: AYES; NOES: ABSENT; the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 12 th day of April 2011. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 21 RESOLUTION NO. RDA I I - PAGE TONY FERRARA, CHAIR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, AGENCY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO CONTENT* STEVEN ADAMS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: AGENCY COUNSEL Agenda Item 9.b. Page 22 ATTACHMENT 1 PURCHASE AND SALE F11 ANCING Al T D LEASEBACK AGREEMENT for Parcel 1: 206 North Halcyon Road APN 006 - 153 -005 and Parcel : 200 North H l r n Road & 803 Cornwall Avenue APN 006-153-011 006-161-020 This PURCHASE AND SALE, FINANCING, AND LEASEBACK AGREEMENT ( "Agreement") is entered into as of April 12, 2011 by and between CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation ^ ("Seller"' or "City"), , and the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a public body, corporate and politic ("Buyer" or "Agency'), RECITALS A. Seller is the owner of that certain real property consisting of approximately 32,979 square feet, composed of two parcels. 1 Parcel 1 of approximately 5,818 square feet currently improved with a modular building, located at 206 North Halcyon Road and having the Assessor Parcel Number 006-153-005; and Parcel 2 of approximately 26,979 square feet improved with the City police station and other improvements and an abutting surface parking lot, located at 200 North Halcyon Road and 803 Cornwall Avenue and having the Assessor Parcel Numbers 006-153-011 and 006-161-020, located in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, more particularly described ire the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ( "Land''). The Land is located within the boundaries of the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project Area. B. Seller desires to sell, and Buyer desires to purchase the Land together with all improvements thereon, all easements, licenses, and interests appurtenant thereto, and all development rights, governmental approvals, and land entitlements, owned or held by Seller in connection with the Land (collectively, the "Property ", pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein and pursuant to the Grant Deed set forth in Exhibit B" attached hereto. C. Seller and Buyer agree that, as part of the consideration for Seller selling the Property to Buyer, and Buyer purchasing the Property from Seller, that the following Will occur: i Seller agrees to assist Buyer in purchasing the property by loaning Buyer the sure of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000) pursuant to the Financing Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "C "; and (ii) Buyer agrees to lease back the Property to Seller for five years at a rent of One Hundred Dollars per year, pursuant to the Lease attached hereto as Exhibit "D" AGREEMENT Based upon the foregoing Recitals, which are incorporated herein by this reference, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Buyer and Seller agree as follows: -1- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 23 1 • PURCHASE AND BADE OF PROPERTY 1.1 Agreement to Purchase and Sell Subject to all of the terms, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement, and for the consideration herein set forth, Seller agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller, the Property. 1.2 Purchase Price• Pa rant of Conveyance Price. 1.2.1 The total purchase price "Purchase Price" ) which Seller agrees to accept and Buyer agrees to pay shall be ONE MILLION THREE HUNDRED I THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,301 .000.00), which is the appraised fair market value of the property as determined by an independent appraisal, dated December 15, 2010, prepared by Bruce Beaudoin and Associates, Inc., a qualified and reputable real estate appraiser with experience in appraising property in Arroyo Grande and Vicinity. Buyer shall also be responsible for all closing costs associated with the acquisition of the Property. 1.2.2 Not later than five business days after the date of this Agreement, Buyer shall pay the Purchase Price to Seller, and Seller shall record the Grant Deed, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B "). 2. PROPERTY T CONVEYANCE MATTERS; FINANCING AGREEMENT: LEASE. 2.1 Buyer Acce tance of Property in Current Condition • Igo Current I evelo meat Contemplated; Pro eqy To Be Held For Affordable Housing oses Pursuant to Health Safety Code Section 33334.16. Buyer hereby accepts the condition of the Property, including the title condition, the environmental condition of the Property, and all other matters pertaining to the condition of the Property. Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that the Property is currently improved as described in Recital A and is being used as the City's police station. Seller and Buyer acknowledge and agree that the Property is being sold to Buyer to be held for future and currently unidentified affordable housing purposes pursuant to the Buyer's authority to acquire and hold real property for such purposes pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33334.1 and is not a sale subject to Health and Safety Code Section 33433. At the time the Buyer sells the Property for an affordable housing development,. Buyer shall comply with Health and Safety Code Section 33433 if and to the extent then - applicable. 2.2 Financing Agreement. Buyer and Seller, as respective conditions to the conveyance of the Property, Buyer and Seller shall execute an deliver the Financing Agreement set forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto. 2.3 Reports. All reports and documents pertaining to the Property held by Seller shall have been deemed to have been transmitted to Buyer concurrent with the date of this Agreement. 2.4 Real Property Taxes. Buyer and Seller are public agencies and are exempt from the payment of property taxes. 2.5 Paym of Costs. Any costs associated with the conveyance of the Property to Buyer shall be paid by Buyer. ,2- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 24 2 . Title olio . Buyer, at Buyer's cost, may in Buyer's sole discretion obtain an owner's policy of title insurance concurrent with the conveyance or at any time thereafter. 2.7 Brokeraize Commissions. Buyer and Seller each represents and warrants to the other that no third party is entitled to a broker's commission and/or finder's fee with respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold the other harmless from and against all liabilities, costs, damages, and expenses, including without limitation, attorneys' fees, resulting from any claims or fees or commissions, based upon agreements by it, if an to pa a broker's commission and/or finder's fee. 2.8 AS IS Sale. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it has full knowledge of the Property and has had time to inspect the Property and to conduct such reviews and investigations as Buyer deems necessary to satisfy itself regarding all aspects of the Property, including without limitation the physical condition of the Property. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Property is to be conveyed to and accepted by Buyer in an "as -is" condition without any representations or warranties of any nature or kind whatsoever from Seller. 2.9 I isclaimer. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that seller has not made any representations, warranties, guaranties, promises, statements or assurances whatsoever, express or implied, directly or through any employee or agent, as to the condition of the property, or any other matter, including, but not limited to, hazardous materials. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing in any wa seller expressly disclaims making or having made any representations or warranty with respect to the documents and materials furnished by seller. Buyer acknowledges and agrees seller specifically disclaims; a all matters relating to the title together with all governmental and other legal requirements such as taxes, assessments, zoning, use permit requirements, building permit requirements, building codes and other development requirements; b the physical condition of the purchase property; c all other matters of any significance affecting the purchase property, whether physical in mature or intangible in nature, development of the property or the operation of the property; d the existence, duality, nature, adequacy and physical condition of utilities serving the property; e the costs of the present or future ownership and/or operation of the property; and the existence of hazardous materials in, under or affecting the property; and, except as otherwise provided herein, buyer is purchasing the purchase property "as is -with all defects" based upon buyer's ovum inspection of the purchase property. 2.10 Leaseback. Buyer and Seller, as respective conditions to the conveyance of the Property, shall execute and deliver the Lease set forth in Exhibit " " attached hereto 3. MISCELLANEOUS TIERMS. 3.1 Time of the Essence Time is of the essence with respect to each of the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement. 3. Binding on Heirs and Successors This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, representatives, transferees, successors, and assigns. __ Agenda Item 9.b. Page 25 3.3 Entire Agreement, waivers and Amendments. This Agreement incorporates all of the terns and conditions mentioned herein, or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations and previous agreements between the parties with respect to all or part of the subject matter hereof. All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the appropriate authorities of the party to be charged. Any amendment or modification to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by Seller and Buyer. 3.4 Inte retation• Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed according to its fair meaning and as if prepared by both parties hereto. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of California in effect at the time of the execution of this reement without regard to conflicts of law. 3. Sever abili , If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way to the fullest extent permitted by law. 3.6 Covenants to Survive. The covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement shall survive the recordation of the Grant Deed and conveyance of the Property 3.7 Execution in Counterpart. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, and all so executed shall constitute one agreement binding on both parties hereto, notwithstanding that both parties are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart. 3 . 8 ' Exhibits Exhibits " (` X 57 64; '15 and "U' attache d to this Agreement are incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof. Said Exhibits are identified as follows: "" - LEGAL DESCRIPTION "B" - GRANT DEED "C" - FINANCING AGREEMENT "D" LEASE [end — signatures on next page] _4_ Agenda Item 9.b. Page 26 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Buyer and Seller have entered into this Agreement as of the date first set forth above. "BUYER" REDEVELOPMENT T AGENCY O THE CITY O ARROYO GRANDE I� Tory Ferrara, Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Agency Secretary APPR AS TO FORM Agency Counsel ``SELLER'# CITY O ARROYO GRANDE I� Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST; Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney [END OF SIGNATURES] __ Agenda Item 9.b. Page 27 EXHIBIT 4L)9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION That certain real property located in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California legally described as follows: Lots 3 and 4. Bloch 10, western Addition, and Lots 1-4, Block 10, western Addition, and Lots 16-19, Block 1, Western Addition, together with abandoned right of ay for Cornwall Avenue between N. Dena Street and I. Halcyon Road, all in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. Exhibit `'" Agenda Item 9.b. Page 28 EXHIBIT "B9? GRIT DEED SEE FOLLOWING PACES Exhibit "B "' Agenda Item 9.b. Page 29 When Recorded Mail To: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Attn: Agency Secretary (Space Above For Recorder's Use) The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s) that this transaction is This document is being recorded for the benefit exempt from the payment of a documentary transfer tax of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 11922. Arroyo Grande and is exempt from payment of a recordation fee pursuant to Government Code §§27383 and 6103. AIN: 006-153-005, 006-153-011, 006-161-020 GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation ("Grantor"), does hereby grant to the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a public body, corporate and politic ("Grantee"), that certain real property located in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, described in the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit "1" and incorporated herein by this reference, subject to matters of record (the "Property"). "GRANTOR" CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST. Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk -I- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 30 State of California ) County of Orange ) On , before me, , Notary Public, (here insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his her their authorized ca acity le , and that by his/her /their s ignature(s) o on the instrument the p erson ( s ) , or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Californian that the foregoing paragraph 'is true and correct. WITNESS my hard and official seal. Signature -- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 31 EXHIBIT 1l i ff TO GRANT DEED LEGAL DESCRIPTION That certain real property located in the City of Cypress, County of Orange, State of California legally described as follows: Lots 3 and 4, Block 10, Western Addition, and Lots 1-4, Block 10, Western Addition, and Lots 16-19, Block 1, Western Addition, together with abandoned right of way for Cornwall Avenue between ITT. Rena Street and ITT. Halcyon Road, all in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. -- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 32 C ERTIFI C ATE OF ACCEPTANCE This to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the foregoing Grant Deed, dated 2011, from the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation ( "Grantor"), to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande, a public body, corporate and politic ("Grantee""), is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer of the Grantee Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the Grantee Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande, pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. RDA 10-03 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo xrand adopted on June 22, 2010, and the Grantee Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande consents to the recordation thereof by its undersigned duly authorized officer. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a public body, corporate and politic Tony Ferrara, Chair m it Dated: ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk State of California ) County of Orange ) On , before nee, (here insert name and title of the officcr , Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to nee on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name 'is/are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to nee that he /she /they executed the same in his/her /their authorized c p cit ie , and that by his/her /their signature(s) on the 'instrument the persons, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS nay hand and official seal. Signature -- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 33 EXHIBIT "C"' FINANCING AGREEMENT [SEE FOLLOWING PAGES EXHIBIT "C" Agenda Item 9.b. Page 34 FINANCING AGREEMENT THIS FINANCING AGREEMENT "Agreement" is made and entered into as of April 129 2011 ` "Effective Date'), by and between the ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body corporate and politic "Agency ", and the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation "city"). ZITS A. Agency is a public body, corporate and politic, organized under the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code § 33000 et seq.); and and E. City is municipal corporation and a general law city of the State of California; C. City and Agency are authorized by Health & Safety Code Section 33601 to enter in an agreement providing for a loan by the City of the Agency; and D. City and Agency mutually desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth their respective obligations with respect to a loan appropriation by City to the Agency in the amount of SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($600,000.00) for the purpose of assisting Agency to fund the cost for Agency's acquisition of certain real property owned by the City consisting of approximately 32,979 square feet, composed of two parcels; l Parcel 1 of approximately 5,818 square feet currently improved with a modular building, located at 206 Forth Halcyon Road and having the Assessor Parcel Number 006-153-005; and 2 Parcel 2 of approximately 26,979 square feet improved with the City police station and other improvements and an abutting surface parking lot, located at 200 North Halcyon Road and 803 Cornwall Avenue and having the Assessor Parcel Numbers 006-153-011 and 006-161-020, located in the City of Arroyo Grande (the "Property ". E. Concurrent with entering into this Agreement, the City and Agency have entered into that certain Purchase and Sale, Finance, and Leaseback Agreement providing for the Agency's acquisition of the Property for future affordable housing purposes and the leaseback of the Property to the City to enable the continuation of the use of the Property for up to five (5) years as the City's police station until the City's new police station is constructed, at which time the Property will be put to use as an affordable housing project site. A NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter contained, Agency and City agree as follows: 1. City Doan City hereby loam to Agency a principal amount of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000.00) "Loan Principal ", from any legally available source, including but not limited to the City's affordable housing in -lieu fund, for the purposes set forth in the Recitals to this Agreement which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof. 2. Interest Interest shall accrue on the outstanding Doan Principal at rate earned on deposits of City funds in the Local Agency Investment Fund during such time as the Loan Principal is outstanding. Interest shall be compounded annually. -1- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 35 3. Agency lepayMent The Loan Principal and any accrued interest shall be repaid In full by Agency from any legally available source. Agency shall male such repayment as and when funds are available but the entire Loan Principal and any accrued interest shall be repaid in full not later than June 3 0, 2015. Agency shall be entitled to repay all or part of the Loan Principal and all accrued interest at any time with no other charges, fees, or penalties. All amounts due under this Agreement shall be payable at the offices of City. 4. Indebtedness of Agency The Loan Principal and accrued interest described in this Agreement shall constitute an indebtedness of Agency within the meaning set forth in applicable law including the California Community redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code § 3 3 000 et seq. . 5 . Subordination. The repayment of the Loan Principal and accrued interest by Agency shall be junior and subordinate to i all Agency tax allocation bonds or other direct long -term indebtedness of Agency, (ii) all pledges by Agency of tax increments for tax allocation bonds or other direct long -term indebtedness of Agency, (iii) Agency financial agreements and other contractual obligations of Agency, and i any contingent obligations of Agency. 6. Non - recourse Obligation No officer, official, employee, agent, or representatives of Agency shall be liable for any am ounts due hereunder, and no judgment or execution thereon entered in any action hereon shall be personally enforced against any such officer, official, employee, agent, or representative. 7. Entire Agreement; Amendment This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement of the parties. This Agreement may be am ended or modified only by an agreement in writing signed by the parties. [end — signature page follows] -- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 36 IN WITNESS S HERE F, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their authorized representatives, as of the date first above written. ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Agency Counsel ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attome "AGENCY" ARROYO GRAN ERE EVEL PMENT AGENCY Tony Ferrara, Chair "CITY" CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Tony Ferrara, Mayor -_ Agenda Item 9.b. Page 37 XHI I it l LEASE [SEE FOLLOWING PAGES] EXHIBIT `rfiD" Agenda Item 9.b. Page 38 When Recorded Bail To. City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Attn: Agency Secretary (space Above For Recorder's Use) The undersigned Lessor declares that this transaction is This document is being recorded for the benefit exempt from the payment of a documentary transfer tax of the City of Arroyo Grande and is exempt from pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 11922. payment of a recordation fee pursuant to Government Code §§27383 and 6103. APNs: 006-153-00 006-153-011 , 006-161-020 LEASE THIS LAS ("Lease") made this clay of Date"), is between THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF GRANDE, a public body, corporate and Politic ("Land-lord"), GRANDE, a municipal corporation. ITN E S SETH: 11 ( "Effective THE CITY OF ARROYO and CITY OF ARROYO 1. Premises Landlord leases to Tenant the real Property consisting of approximately 32,979 square feet and improvements thereon, composed of two parcels: (1) Parcel I of approximately 5,818 square feet currently improved with a nodular building, located at 206 North Halcyon Road and having the Assessor Parcel Number 006-153-005; and (2) Parcel 2 of approximately 26,973 s feet improved with the City police station and other improvements and an abutting surface parking lot, located at Zoo North Halcyon Road and 803 Cornwall Avenue and having the Assessor Parcel Numbers 006 -153 -011 and 006-161-020, located in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of Sari Luis Obispo, State of California, more particularly described ire the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ("'Premises"). 2. Term The primary term ("Term") of this Lease shall be five (5) years, commencing on the date on which Landlord acquires fee title to the Property (the "Commencement Date"). 3. Rent. Tenant shall pay Landlord rent during the Term ann ually in advance on the first day of the Commencement Date and each annual anniversary date thereafter ( "Fixed Rent"). The Fixed Rent shall be in the amount of One Hundred Dollars (V00.00) per year. Tenant shall also pay all other sums of money that shall become due from Tenant under this Lease other than Fixed Rent ( "Additional Rent"). As used in this Lease, "Rent" shall mean Fixed Rent and Additional Rent. Rent for any month's partial occupancy shall be prorated. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all Rent payable herein shall be payable without setoff, deduction, prior notice or demand. The late payment of any Rent will cause Landlord to incur additional costs, including administration and collection costs and processing and accounting expenses and -I- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 39 increased debt service "Delinquency Costs"). If Landlord h not receivers any installment of Rent within ten 10 days after such payment is due, Tenant shall pay a late charge of five percent % of the linqu nt amount, which is agreed to represent a reasonable estimate of the Delinquency Costs incurred b Landlord. In addition, all such delinquent am ounts shall bear interest from the date which is thirty 0 days after the date such wnount is due until paid in full at the rate of tern percent 10% per annum ("Interest Rates') , Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant shall be entitled to one written notice and a ten 10 day opportunity to cure per year with respect to Fixed Rent before a late charge shall accrue. Landlord and Tenant recognize that the dwnage which Landlord shall suffer as a result of Tenant's failure to pay such amounts is difficult to ascertain and said late charge and interest are the best estimate of the damage which Landlord shall suffer in the event of late parrot. 4, Possession Tenant acknowledges being in possession of the Premises on the Effective Date and, as of the Commencement Date, agrees to accept the Premises on the Commencement Date in its AS -IS condition with no representations or warranties by Landlord, 5 . Tenant Riaht to Cancel Larl By not less than ninety 0 days prior written notice to Landlord, Tenant shall have to ri to cause the Term of this Lease to expire early. If Tenant delivers such termination nonce (which shall specify the early expiration date), then Tenant shall deliver up the Premises to Landlord on or before such early expiration date in the surrender condition required under this Lease as if it was expiring on the originally scheduled expiration date. 6. Use. Tenant has the right to use the Premises as a police and public safety facility. change in use shall require Landlord's prier written consent. Tenant shall, in its use of the Premises, comply with all matters of record affecting the Premises prior to the Connn ncem nt Date. 7. COMDliance with Taws Tenant shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, permits, licenses and the like pertaining to Tenant's use of the Premises. Landlord shall comply with all other laws, including legally required repairs and alterations not caused by Tenant's particular use of the Premises. 8. Environmental Compliance, Tenant shall comply with all applicable environirnental laws and regulations pertaining to Tenant's use of the Premises during the Term. Tenant shall not cause or permit any of Tenant's employees, agents, visitors, invitees, licensees, contractors, assignees or subtenants (individually, a "Tenant Party" and collectively, "Tenant Parties" ) to cause any Hazardous Materials to be brought upon, stored, manufactured, generated, blended, handled, recycled, treated, disposed or used on, under or about the Premises, except as otherwise required for Tenant's normal operations and except for routine office and janitorial supplies, provided that any such Hazardous Materials are in customary quantities and are stored, used and disposed of in accordance with all applicable Environmental Laws. As used herein, "Hazardous Materials" means any chemical, substance, material, controlled substance, object, condition, waste, living organism or combination thereof which is or may be hazardous to human ealth or safety or to the environment due to its radioactivity, ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, eplosivity, toxicity, carcinogenicity, mgeniity, phyttoxiity, infectiousness or other harmful or potentially harmful properties or effects, including, without limitation, tobacco -2,- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 40 smoke, petroleum and petroleum products, asbestos, radon, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), refrigerants (including those substances defined in the Environmental Protection Agency's "Refrigerant Recycling Rule," as amended from time to time), and all of those chemicals, substances, materials, controlled substances, objects, conditions, wastes, living organisms or combinations thereof which are now or become in the future listed, defined or regulated in any manner by any Environmental Law based upon, directly or indirectly, such properties or effects. As used herein, `Environmental Laws" means any and all federal, state or local enviro health and/or safety- related laws, regulations, standards, decisions of courts, ordinances, rules, codes, orders, decrees, directives, guidelines, permits or permit conditions, currently existing and as amended, enacted, issued or adopted in the future which are or become applicable to Tenant, the Premises, the or the Property. Tenant and Tenant Parties shall comply with all Environmental Laws and promptly notify Landlord of the violation of any Environmental Law or presence of any Hazardous Materials, other than office and janitorial supplies as permitted above, on the Premises. 9. e airs and Maintenance. During the Term, Tenant, at its cost, shall perform diligently, promptly and in a good and workmanlike manner, all maintenance, repairs and replacements to i the structural components of buildings the Premises, including without limitation the roof, roofing system, exterior walls, bearing walls, support beams, foundations, columns, exterior doors and windows and lateral supports; (ii) the grounds surrounding the Premises including landscaping, trash removal and sweeping; (iii) the plumbing, lawn and fire sprinkler, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, electrical and mechanical lines and equipment associated therewith; iv the parking facilities, including their lighting systems; v glass replacements; and vi any part of the Premises for which Landlord has not expressly assumed responsibility under this Lease. Tenant shall also make all repairs caused by Tenant's negligence, except to the extent covered by any insurance policy maintained by Landlord and paid for by Tenant under this Lease. 10. Tenant Operating ENpenses Landlord shall no responsibility or liability for any cost or expense of any find or nature in connection with Tenant's use of the Premises. 11. Insurance. ( a) Tenant shall maintain, at its expense, during the Term, workers compensation insurance as required by law, and commercial general liability insurance for the Premises in a combined coverage for bodily injury and property damage in an amount not less than Tenant maintained in the year prior to the Commencement Date. Landlord shall maintain fire and all risk insurance covering the Premises. ( b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained 'n this Lease, the parties release each other and their respective authorized representatives from any claims for injury to any person or damage to the Property that are caused by or result from risks insured against under any all risk or fire insurance policies required to be carried by the parties under this Lease. 1. Services and Utilities. Landlord shall provide all electric, water, and gas utilities for the Premises which are provided on the Commencement Date of this Lease. Tenant shall pay, directly to the applicable provider, for its electricity, water and gas, and shall also be responsible _3- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 41 and liable for the cost of any cable, Internet, microwave, satellite, or other c nn aunlcatl ns facilities, and any and all other utilities or services consumed on the Premises. Tenant hereby expressly acknowledges that the Rent payable to Landlord hereunder also does not include the cost of any security measures and that Landlord shall have no obligation whatsoever to provide same. Tenant assumes all responsibility for the protection of the Premises, Tenant, its agents and invitees and their property from the acts of third parties. 13. As and Sublease. Tenant shall not be permitted, without the prior written consent of the Landlord, assign this Lease or sublet the Premises. Any Landlord consent to any assignment or subletting shall not constitute a consent to any subsequent assignment or subletting. 14. Ca$ualt If the Premises shall be so damaged by fire, other casualty, acts of God or the elements "Casualty"), so that they cannot be restored for Tenant's use and occupancy of the Premises within ninety days from the date of the Casualty, either Landlord or Tenant may terminate this Lease by giving written notice to the other party within thirty days after the date of the Casualty. Nothing herein shall require Landlord to repair or restore the Premises after any Casualty. 15. Subordination and Non-Disturbance. Landlord may subordinate Tenant's interest in this Lease to any mortgage o r deed of trust now or hereafter be placed on the Premises, Tenant's rights under this Lease shall not be disturbed and shall remain in full force and effect for the term, and Tenant shall not be joined by the holder of any ,mortgage or deed of trust in any action or proceeding to foreclose thereunder. 16. Tenant's Defaults. (a) The occurrence of any one o more o f the following events shall constitute a material default and breach of this Lease by Tenant "Event of Default"): 1 the failure by Tenant to make any payment of rent or any other payment required to be made by Tenant hereunder for ten 1 days after Tenant's receipt of written notice of nonpayment from Landlord; or 11 the failure by Tenant to observe or perform any of the covenants, conditions or provisions of the Lease to be observed or performed by Tenant, other than described in Section (a) above, where such failure shall continue for a period of thirty days after Tenants receipt of written notice of default from Landlord; provided, however, if more than thirty days are reas required for its cure then Tenant shall not be deemed to be in default if Tenant commences such cure within said -day period and thereafter diligently prosecutes such cure to completion. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default, Landlord shall have the immediate option to terminate this Lease and all rights of Tenant hereunder by giving Tenant written notice of such intention to terminate. (b) The waiver by Landlord of any breach or partial performance of any terra, covenant or condition contained in this Lease shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such term, covenant or condition or any subsequent breach thereof, or of any other term, covenant or condition contained in this Lease. -- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 42 1 . Landlord's Default. Landlord shall not be in default unless Landlord fails to perform obligation obligationg re of Landlord within a reasonable time, but in no event later than thirty ( 30 ) days after written notice by Tenant to Landlord; provided, however, that if the nature f Landlord's obligation is such that more than thirty days are re for performance then Landlord shall not be in default if Landlord commences performance within such -day period and thereafter diligently prosecutes the same to completion. If Landlord fails to cure any such default within the allotted time, Tenant, at its option, with or without further notice or demand of any find to Landlord or any other person, shall have the right to terminate this Lease and recover the pro -rata share rent paid, 18. Holding Over Should Tenant remain in possession of the Premises after the expiration of this Lease, Tenant shall be a tenant at sufferance and Fixed Rent shall be payable in the amount of one hundred twenty-five percent 125% of the Fixed Rent at the time of expiration of the Lease. In the event Landlord consents to continue the Lease on a month-to-month bads, such month -to -month tenancy may be terminated by either Landlord or Tenant as of the end of any calendar month upon at least thirty days prior written notice. If Tenant fails to surrender the Premises upon expiration of the Lease, Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against all loss or liability resulting from or arising out of Tenant's failure to surrender the Premises and any related damages, costs and expenses directly associated with Tenant's failure to surrender the Premises. 19. Quiet Enj oyn]ent Landlord covenants that if and for so long as no Event of ` Default is outstanding under this Lease, Tenant shall peaceably and quietly hare, hold and enjoy the Premises for the Term. 2. Brokers. ( a) Tenant represents that Tenant has dealt with no real estate broker or agent in connection with this Lease and agrees to defend, indemnify and sage harmless Landlord against all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and other costs of defense) arising from any broker or agent claiming to have represented Tenant. (b) Landlord represents that Landlord has dealt with no real estate broker or agent in connection with this Lease and agrees to defend, indemnify and sage harmless Tenant against all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and other costs of defense) arising from any broker or agent claiming to have represented Landlord. 1. Revenue & Taxation Section 107.6. Landlord and Tenant each acknowledge Arledge and agree that both are "local public entities" as defined in Revenue and Taxation Code Section 107.6 and are exempt from the payment of property taxes. This Lease, therefore, is not required to include the possessory interest tax notice set forth in Section 1 07,6. 22. Entire Agreement This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between the parties as to the leasing of the Premises, there being no other terms, oral or written, relating thereto, except as herein expressed. No modification of this Lease shall be binding on the parties unless it is in writing and signed by both parties hereto. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 43 23. Surrender. Upon the termination of this Lease or Tenant's right to possession of the Premises, Tenant will surrender the Premises, together with all keys, in good condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear and casualty excepted, having removed all of Tenant's personal property. 24. S v ra i i The invalidity of any provision of this Lease, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall in no war affect the validity of any other provision hereof. 25. Time of Essence. Time is f the essence with respect to the performance of all obligations to performed or observed by the parties under this Lease. 2. Counterparts This Lease may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the sane instrument. [end— signature page follows) _- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 44 III WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Lease as of the Effective Tate. "'LANDLORD" REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Tony Ferrara, Chair ATTEST. Kelly Wetmore, Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FRIG Agency Counsel "'TENANT"' CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE IMS Tony Ferrara, Ma ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FRIG Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney [END OF SIGNATURES] -- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 45 EXHIBIT 649) TO LEASE LEGAL DESCRIPTION That certain real property located in the City of Cypress, County of Orange, State of California legally described as follows: Lots 3 and 4 Block 10, western Addition, and Lots 1 -4, Block 10. western Addition, and Lots 16-19, Block 1, western Addition, together with abandoned right of way for Cornwall Avenue between N. Rena Street and N. Flalcyon Road, all in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. __ Agenda Item 9.b. Page 46 ATTACHMENT FUNDING AGREEMENT [ARCHITECTURAL/DESIGN SERVICES] THIS FUNDING AGREEMENT "Agreement ") is made and entered a April 1 ., 201 1 , ( "Effective Date"), by and between the RIEDEVELOPWNT AGENCY DP THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a public body, corporate and politic "Agency" and the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation ("City"). The Agency and City may sometimes be referred to herein as a "party" and collectively as the "parties," R ECITALS : A. The redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande "Agency" is authorized, under the provisions of the California Community redevelopment La (Health Safety Code §33000 et sect.) "CRL" , and under the provisions of the redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan) for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project Area "Project Area"), to undertake certain activities necessary for the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan and to effectuate the purposes of the CRL. E. The City of Arroyo Grande "City" is a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Mate of California. C. The City Council, by adoption of Ordinance No. 487 C. S. on June 10, 1 997, approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project Area, as thereafter amended from time to time ( "Redevelopment Plan"'). The redevelopment Plan delineates the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project Area (`Project Area ". D. The City has commenced a public project to construct a new police station facility and the Public Project will benefit and serve the Project Area as the public safety facility in and serving the Project Area and thereby alleviate the blighting condition of inadequate public improvements. E. Agency funding for new public buildings and facilities is identified in the redevelopment Flan and thus, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 44.14, the Agency, with the consent of the City, may pay for the cost of the land for and the installation of publicly owned facilities and improvements provided the Agency and City Council make certain required findings set forth in Health and safety Code Section 33445. F. The City and Agency, Pursuant to the authority set forth in Health and Safety Code Sections 33445 and 3445.1, desire to make available a portion of the Agency's tax increment revenues allocated to and received by the Agency pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 'lob, in an annount not to exceed FOUR HIDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($400,000.00) (the "Agency Funds ", to pay for, or assist in paying for, the construction of the Public Project by funding architectural services necessary for the construction of the Public Project, Of the $400,000 in Agency Funds identified in the preceding sentence, approximately $240,000 has been spent by the City which the Agency may reimburse in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 33445(c) and approximately $160,000 shall be transferred to City for use by City in funding the remainder of the total $400,000 in costs. _I- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 47 G. The Agency staff and City staff have prepared this Agreement to commit and effectuate the use of the Agency Funds in the arnount described above (the `Project Costs" ) for the Public Project. H. Concurrent with entering into this Agreement, the City is entering into that certain First Amendment to the Architectural Services Agreement with BFGC Architects, G NT, IOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Agency and City hereby agree as follows: 1. Recitals and Exhibits Incorporated The above recitals are incorporated into this Agreement. All defined terms used herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Recitals or as may elsewhere be defined in this Agreement. 2. Amy Funds The Agency hereby agrees to upend the Agency Funds to fund the Public Project. City hereby consents to the use of the Agency Funds for `the foregoing purpose. 3. Findings In approving this Agreement, the Board of the Agency and the City Council of the City, each in their independent judgment, have adopted resolutions making findings and determinations which are incorporated herein as follows: (1) That, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section al, the Public Project to be funded with Agency Funds pursuant to the Agreement, is of benefit to the Project Area by helping to eliminate blight within the Project Area, in that: ( a) By adoption of Ordinance 487 C. S., the territory within the Project Area has been conclusively determined under law to be a blighted area as defined by law. ( b) The essential purpose of the Redevelopment Plan is the redevelopment of the Project Area by alleviating blighting conditions in the Project Area, which Ordinance Igo. 487 C. S. identified as including inadequate public improvements. The Redevelopment Plan identifies as an objective the provision of public infrastructure and community facilities and expressly identifies additional public buildings as a project to be funded with Agency funds, (c) The Public Project will therefore directly help alleviate the foregoing described blighting conditions and thereby benefit the Project Area. ( 2) That, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section a2, no other reasonable means of financing the Public Project is available to the community for the following reasons: ( a) Potential actions by the Mate of California to address the Mate budget are likely to reduce local revenues and increase mandated local services, and these likely _2_ Agenda Item 9.b. Page 48 changes have necessitated a reassessment of the need for retention of City funds for other projects and the need for alternative funding for the Public project. (b) Other City monies are dedicated to critical police, fire, and other necessary expenditures, including the other capital improvement projects shown on the City's Capital Improvement Program. ( c) The continued decline in the local and national economy, and reasonable projections in connection therewith, has delayed, and potentially reduced, City funds necessitating the need for alternative funding to be used for the payment for the Public Project. ( d) Limits set forth in the State Constitution and State law on local control over traditional revenue sources male it infeasible for the Cit to raise new local revenues to meet the cost of the Public Project. ( e) Sound financial practices require that payment for all or part of the cost of the Public Project be made using the Agency Funds and the failure to use the Agency Funds would be detrimental to the community including specifically the residents and businesses within the Project Area. ( 3) That, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a the payment of the Agency Funds for the Public Project is consistent with Agency's adopted Section 33490 Five Year Implementation Plan FY 2009-10 Through FY 2013-14 (the `Implementation Plan"), in that. Agency funding of the design of the new police facility is a specific forecasted project identified in the Implementation Plan (Page 24, X11 ). ( 4) That, consistent with Health and Safety Code Section 3344b, the Public Project is the type of public infrastructure and facilities improvements identified in the Redevelopment Plan, and the Redevelopment Plan specifically references additional public buildings as projects to be funded with Agency funds. 4. Timinia of Pa meat of Agency Funds. 1 Of the Project Cost of $400,000.00, City and Agency acknowledge that a portion in an amount not to exceed $240,000.00 has previously been paid by the City under contracts for work on the Public Project "City's Previously Incurred Costs" and the City's Previously Incurred Costs shall be subject to Agency reimbursement to the City pursuant to subdivision c of Health and Safety Code Section 33445. The City's Previously Incurred Costs shall be reimbursed to City in periodic payments over three fiscal years commencing with the current fiscal year 2010-2011 and ending with fiscal year 2012-2013, with the reimbursement amount in each such fiscal year in the amount of $80,000.00; provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing, in the discretion of the Agency Treasurer i the initial reimbursement payment of $80,000.00 may be paid to the City at any time on and aver the Effective Date of this Agreement but not later than ,fume 30, 2011, and (ii) the remaining portion of the City's Previously Incurred Costs $160,000 shall be payable on or after July 1, 2011 but prior to ,Tune 3, 2013, and may be made in one or more payments during that period provided the remaining portion is fully paid by ,fume 30, 2013. _3m Agenda Item 9.b. Page 49 (2) Of the Project Cost of $400,000.00 not subject to paragraph (1), i.e., the amount of 160,000.00, shall be transferred to the City within five business days after the Effective Date for the purpose of City's payment for the Project Costs to be incurred. (3) Should the Agency have insufficient tax increment to male a payment to City prior to the time the Agency Funds are needed for the Public Project, and the City pays for all or a portion of the Public Proj ect with other funds, the City's expenditures shall be reimbursed by Agency pursuant to subdivision c of Health and Safety Code Section 33445. ( 4 ) The Agency Funds shall be used exclusively by City for payment of the City's costs incurred under the contracts for the Public Project. Any portion of the Project Cost not expended for payment of the Public Project shall be returned to the Agency, without interest. 5. Agency Indebtedness; Subordination The Agency Funds identified herein constitute an indebtedness of the Agency within the meaning of Section 16 of Article XVI of the California Constitution and applicable sections of the Community Redevelopment Law of the Mate of California (Health & Safety Code §33000 et seq.). The Agency's indebtedness and Agency's pledge set forth in this Agreement shall be junior and subordinate to any pledge of Agency tax increment to bondholders of any tax increment bonds or other bonded debt secured, in whole or in part, by tax increment, w hich are or may be issued by the Agency either prior to or subsequent to the slate of this Agreement, and to any obligations of the Agency incurred pursuant to any agreement entered into with any person or entity other than the City except as such agreement contains, or is amended to contain, are appropriate subordination provision. 6. Liabilit y and Indemnification. In contemplation of Government Code Section 895.2 imposing certain tort liability jointly upon public entities solely by reason of such entitles being a party to are agreement defined by Government Code Section 895, the parties hereto, as between themselves, shall agree that Agency shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City for any loss, costs, or expenses that may be imposed upon such party by virtue of this Agreement. The provisions of California Civil Code Section 2778 shall be applicable to this Agreement. 7. Amendment This Agreement may be amended only by are instrument in writing signed by each of the parties hereto after approval by each of such party's governing authorities. 8. Severabilit If any terra, provision, covenant, or condition of this Agreement 1s held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, or is rendered invalid, void, or unenforceable as a result of a change in Mate or federal lave, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Each party hereto agrees and declares that it would have adopted this Agreement and each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph sentence, clause or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective. To this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. 9. Implementation of Agreement The Agency Executive Director and authorized designees are hereby authorized and directed to take such other and further actions, and sign such 10 Agenda Item 9.b. Page 50 other and further documents as are necessary and proper in order to implement this Agreement on behalf of the Agency. The City Manager and authorized designees are hereby authorized and directed to take such other and further actions, and sign such other and further documents, as are necessary and proper in order to implement this Agreement on behalf of the City. 10. Effective Date. This Agreement shall take effect from and after the date (which date shall be inserted into the preamble of this Agreement ) oof adoption and approval by the City and Agency pursuant to official action of the governing bodies thereof. 11. Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and all s executed shall constitute one agreement binding on all parties hereto, notwithstanding that all of the parties hereto are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart. [end— signature page follows] _- Agenda Item 9.b. Page 51 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date. "CITY" CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE I� Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM is Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney "'AGENCY" ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY M Tony Ferrara, Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Agency Counsel Agenda Item 9.b. Page 52 ROY IL INCORPORATED 7. LiE JLMLY 10, 1$11 , I ott P MEMORANDUM To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGERJV SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of CHANGES To REGULATIONS REGARDING TEMPORARY BANNERS AND SIGNS DATE: APRIL 12, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: [ ATIOI It is recommended the City Council direct staff to prepare an Ordinance malting the proposed changes to regulations regarding temporary banners and signs for Planning Commission and City Council consideration. FINANCIAL IMPACT: No financial impact is projected. BACKGROUND: At the ,July 28, 2009 meeting, staff presented an analysis and the Council discussed regulations regard temporary banners and signs. The ability to more strictly limit temporary banners advertising businesses was explored. There were conflicting opinions regarding implementation of more stringent requirements versus more lenient requirements given the difficult economic circumstances that many small businesses are experiencing. As a result, staff was directed to obtain feedback from the Chamber of Commerce. Since then, staff has met on multiple occasions with the Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee regarding this issue and they conducted a surrey of their membership. A copy of the surrey results is attached. The existing Code Section regarding temporary banners and signs is also attached. Temporary signs are currently allowed no more than 30 days prior to an event and no more than 60 calendar days per year. Sandwich board signs are not allowed, but there has been a significant proliferation of them in the public right -of -gray. There are conflicting provisions regarding flags, pennants, balloons and sail and wing signs. They are treated as exempt signs in one Code section, but require a temporary use permit in another. At one time, staff proactively enforced temporary sign violations. Enforcement has been more sporadic in recent months given staff vacancies and consideration of changes to the regulations. Agenda Item 10.a. Page 1 CITY COUNCIl1REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONSIDERATION OF CHANGES TO REGULATIONS REGARDING TEMPORARY BANNERS AND SIGNS APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 2 Off -site real estate and garage sale signs are not currently allowed in the public right- of-way, except for provisions allowing three off -site advertising signs for approved subdivisions. The Police Department has recently assigned staff to remove garage sale signs and excessive real estate signs from the public right-of-way during weekend days. Neighborhood Services procedures recently approved by the City Council specified the following guidelines for enforcement: • Enforcement of violations in response to complaints; • Proactive enforcement of illegal construction and secondary units, temporary banners, and other issues identified as a priority; and • Proactive enforcement of flagrant Code violations. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: Staff recommends each temporary sign category be more clearly delineated in the Municipal Code to clarify confusion that currently exists. Recommendations have been developed based upon feedback from the Chamber of Commerce and staff from each department involved in the code enforcement process. Tem cram Banners The following provisions are recommended regarding temporary banners: • Temporary banners shall be printed on vinyl or plastic and have a professional appearance. No more than one temporary banner shall be allowed to be displayed per business at any time. • No more than four temporary banners shall be allured per business per year. Each temporary banner shall be displayed for no longer than sixty g consecutive days and cannot be redisplayed within the same calendar year. • Temporary banners shall be no greater than twenty -four (24) square feet. • Temporary banners shall be firmly attached to the gall or windo w of the building. Fla -qs, Pennants, Balloons and Sail or Wing Signs It is recommended that flag, pennant, balloon and sail or gyring signs be allowed for special promotion events only. Therefore, provisions similar to those currently specified for searchlights are proposed with reduced frequency. It is recommended Agenda Item 10.a. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL REDE ELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONSIDERATION OF CHANGES TO REGULATIONS REGARDING TEMPORARY BANNERS AND SIGNS APRIL 1 , 011 PAGE 3 that flag, pennant, balloon and sail or wing signs may be displayed for no longer than a consecutive three -day period for a maximum of four such periods in each calendar year and no more than one three -day period during each three months. Display of mylar balloons would be prohibited. Sandwich Board di n A number of businesses utilize sandwich board signs for promotion of their special activities. However, it is important to restrict sandwich board signs from the public right -of -gray to maintain accessibility requirements. Therefore, the following provisions are recommended: 0 No more than One sandwich board sign may be displayed. 0 The sandwich board sign shall not be displayed in the public right -of -gray or block a door or window opening or fire escape. 0 The sandwich board sign shall be constructed of wood or plastic, be painted or printed, and have a professional appearance. 0 The sandwich board sign shall be displayed directly adjacent to the business. Sandwich board signs shall not be displayed in common space areas in shopping centers. Public Education and Enforcement It is proposed that a public education effort initially be implemented, which would include a letter from the Police Department to every business address. It is then recommended to increase proactive enforcement. The Neighborhood Services Technician will patrol the commercial areas on a periodic basis and maintain a log of temporary signs that are identified. Business owners will be contacted and provided a violation letter. They will be requested to correct the violation within 72 hours, an accelerated time frame for voluntary compliance when compared to other types of code enforcement violations since there should be little work required to remove a temporary sign. Staff is also establishing a standardized citation process to expedite and compel compliance when voluntary means are unsuccessful. Real Estate dins Real estate signs in the public right -of -way cannot legally be treated differently than other forms of signs. However, it has traditionally been very important to real estate sales businesses to place directional signs for open houses during weekends. Therefore, staff believes this can most effectively be addressed through enforcement practices rather than a change in the regulations. Consistent with the enforcement procedure outlined above, it is recommended that signs be removed from the public right -of -war when it creates a safety hazard, when a complaint is received or when a flagrant violation occurs. This would involve cases where signs are placed in numerous locations throughout the community rather than limiting them to the Agenda Item 10.a. Page 3 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONSIDERATION OF CHANGES TO REGULATIONS REGARDING TEMPORARY BANNERS AND SIGNS APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 4 immediate vicinity of the open house. Signs left out overnight or after the weekend would also be removed followed by a violation notice. tiara a Sale Since signs must be treated equally, it is recommended that the same enforcement practices be utilized for garage sale signs. Removal and violation notices would focus on those signs for which the City has received a complaint, those creating a safety hazard, flagrant violations when they are placed in numerous locations, and those left out after the weekend. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council /Board's consideration: 1 . Approve staffs recommendations; 2. Direct staff to prepare an Ordinance with more restrictive requirements regarding temporary banners and signs; 3. Provide direction to staff to modify enforcement proced 4. Direct staff to not change regulations regarding temporary banners and signs; 5. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The recommendations are designed to achieve the following objectives: • Establish regulations that provide flexibility for businesses to address challenges they face in responding to current economic conditions; • Establish regulations that are feasible to effectively enforce; and • Initiate efforts to proactively enforce the regulations on a consistent and ongoing basis. DISADVANTAGES: The disadvantage of the recommendations is that it will increase the number of temporary signs that can legally be displayed. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIE W: No environmental revie w is required for this item. Environmental review will be prepared in association with the ordinance adoption. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, April 7, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, April 8, 2011. Agenda Item 10.a. Page 4 CITY CQUNClUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONSIDERATION OF CHANGES TO REGULATIONS REGARDING TEMPORARY BANNERS AND SIGNS APRIL 12, 2011 PAGE 5 Attachments: 1. Chamber of Commerce Survey Results 2. Municipal Code Section 46.60.050 — Exempt Signs Agenda Item 10.a. Page 5 I Should extensions to displa time be g ranted? M Alp For 36 ATTACHMENT 1 No Yes No 18-28% 17 Yes 81.72% 76 Total Responses: 93 Current re limit banner size to 24 s feet ( 61W' ) . Do y ou think this size is: 10 2D w 40 50 60 70 Percenta For 37 4 cp / 0 Ade Too lar Too small 62.37% 58 2.15% 2 35.48% 33 Total Responses: 93 1 Ad& q Ljg* Too Le it TOO 5MMM 10/19/ A Item 10.a. As of 2009 Pa 6 0 20 40 o so 100 Do you thinly exceptions t banner size should be allowed? For instance, if the temporary banner needs to be larger to completely cover a previous permanent sign in the case of a business changing hands) while a replacement sign is on order? For IR i No Yes No 1 2.90 1 Yes 87.10 8 1 T Responses: Do you thinly flags and other items inflat tiles, sandwich boards, etc.) used for calling attention t a business should be allured 0 20 40 60 so 100 Percentage For I R 0 20 40 B4 8D 100 Percentage 4 5 No Yes No 18.28 1 Yes 81 .72% Taal R es po nses of 10/19 � ....: -- �. � .- �r- . � �:. �. , - -.- _ - �:.��: �- Agenda Item 10,:a. Page 7 If you answered yes to question 8, do you think regulations regarding size, appearance, etc., should be developed for these specialty items? Fo 40 ,� �,. ..— �.,,,,....-- ..._.rw... -.� - �- -�,... . F--- *�-- �`"`--- -•-- '-- +rT-- r-'--- -- �^'-^-- �— ��� +r--- ,'T."rT=- '+�e�'1� -'�' ,.: -_ •'-+ N 27.96 Yes 72. 67 Total Responses: s: 9 If you answered yes to question 8, how long do you believe speciality items should be allowed t o remain on display? For 41 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Percentage 0 0 cl per year 0 days per year One or two days as part o f a special promotion Other? 18.28% 17 1 2.90% 1 37.63% 35 3 1.18 % 2 9 Total Responses 9 30 days per year 90 days per year One or Iwo days as part of a speaal pro E Other? As of 10/19/2009 Agenda Item 10.a. Page 8 0 1 0 20 30 40 so 80 70 80 Percentage Do you agree an 'sorer the counter' permit should be required to ensure city regulations regarding appearance, size an installation are followed? For 4 Yes Aep 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Percentage No 60.22% 59 Yes 39.78% Total Responses: 9 What message would you life the Chamber to convey to our City Council members regarding temporary banners and signs 24.73% 2 allow therm for limited periods. Enforce existing rules more 1.08% 1 equitably. As of 1100 9 Agenda Item 10.a. Page 9 As a small business owner, temporary banners are necessary to draw attention to prospective customers. Elimination of banners would be a huge detriment to the local small businesses. That being said, banners need to be discreet and tasteful as to maintain the integrity of Arroyo Grande. Time limits and size restrictions are a must. Small business owners have a tough time getting all they need to do done - any extra steps such as requiring permits for banners would be extremely difficult. The few problem banners out there should not constitute a ban for all the "good" banners that are posted. Personally, we post banners every year - our anniversary sale, and our annual clearance sale. These banners draw in a lot of business for us and we would not be able to succeed without them. Banners and sidewalk signs are essential to business promotion and if done tastefully add flavor to a business district. Guidelines need to be developed (not "regulations" }and if something differs from the guidelines then it can be reviewed by the appropriate committee. Also the review process for signage variances should be 2x a month so anyone needing that should prepare in advance. I also submitted thru the Chamber. Thank you, Camay i Chameleon Banners for special events and new business owners are a necessary media for advertising. They do need to be regulated and comply with city ordnance,like all permentate types of signs. Banners offer an inexpensive way for merchants to advertise their business to the mass market. With the current economic conditions, I believe we should be assisting business owners. Charging additional fees, and regulating items that may generate business defeats that goal. I would much rather see banner advertisements, than have flyers placed on vehicles which results in excessive waste of paper and trash in our yards, streams, beaches and oceans. Banners should only be allowed to note special events etc. and for limited times. They could not be allowed to replace permanent signage Businesses are having a tough time right now, so whatever can be done so that they can continue to grow and make profit should be alowed. Doesn't more revenue mean more taxes for the city anyway? Creating clear, consistent regulations is a good thing, but requiring an "over the counter' permit is too much. if someone is not following regulations, a conversation with the owner should handle the situation. Don't go too far in regulating the sign issue. Get rid of the two ugly billboard which tarnish our beautiful village. Missing co-ed from 13 years ago and the one entering the village from the freeway...several of our guest can't believe our village would allow these eyesores! 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08 1.08% 1.08% As of 10/19/2009 Agenda Item 10.a. Page 10 I answered this question at the beginning of this survey, but the main point I want to convey to the City is that most small local businesses are struggling to survive this current economy. Limiting our advertising in any way right now is going to cause even more businesses to close their doors permanently. I'm sure there is a need for #'solve" restrictions, but during these economic times those restrictions need to be relaxed to allow what few of us are left to continue to try and survive this recession. The banner that hangs right above my storefront was constructed by a professional, local sign company. It is not unsightly in any way. Not only does it bring more desperately needed business into my store, but it advertises a service (mastectomy fittings) that benefits our community. I am the only fitter in the Five Cities for forms and bras for women who have lost a breast due to cancer. I've had SO many women come to me because they saw my banner. Many of these women have been traveling great distances to find a fitter and were so relieved to have finally found someone local. 1 like so many other business owners, am walling a fine line right now. As I watch neighboring businesses put Grp their "going out of business'r signs, I know that could be my business next. Those of us who are still somehow managing to keep our doors open with these greatly reduced sales, need the acid of our city right now --not restrictions that will further add to the decline of our saves and force the rest of us out of business. If there has to be a restriction on banners, why not date it for some time in the future when the economy is more stable again? Maybe a review of these restrictions could be called for in .January 2010. If the economy is still forcing local businesses to close their doors at that tune, it could be extended for another few months. If the reason for limiting our banners and other "'temporary "' signs is to keep the city "beautiful," how will our city look when there are only a handful of shall businesses left to pay taxes for the upkeep we currently contribute to And how will our city look when only one or two businesses, probably only the larger businesses, are still operating? Arroyo Grande will look like a ghost town. My store has been in business locally for 19 years, and I have owned it for the last five years. I arm doing everything I can to keep my doors open right now, as well as saying a lot of prayers than I will still be operating in 2010. With the greatly reduced saves I arm experiencing as a result of the recession, the future of my store hangs in the balance. Please don't force my business to tale down it's best form of advertising at a time when I need it most. I believe to the current economical conditions having a banner is another great wary to bring in business. I Know from the banner that is displayed at our business has generated business than might have not been attained. believe in the state of our economy than any banner or sign promoting business or aftracting attention to a business is in the best interest of the business owner I cam understand than they would tike to monitor this, but we would certainly want our business to Tool attractive. I hope than business owners would be trusted to make the best decision possible. 1.08 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% As of 10/19/2009 Agenda Item 10.a. Page 11 I have never felt th ere was a trig problem In A.G. In this economy 2.15 2 we neee to do what ever we can to keep are business' open . I have no issues with limits on banners. However I think it is ridiculous that the city has began enforcing "some" violators and ignoring others. Case in point - Shell Station on Grand and 101 - owned by a powerful man - has several banners, extra signs, attention grabbers, etc. I have are employee stand in front of my shop with a discount sign and we are told to stop. l put a charity banner up and I am asked to take it down. This city is begining to be like Santa Barbara and it is no fun to do business there! I live in A , l own several business in AG and I do not like the selective enforcement of policies. If you want to keep businesses here then cater to the bu inessesl I think having a business in this economy is bad enough - regulations and fees that prevent businesses from creativity in their sales should not occur. I think temporary is the key.with a permit the city will have a chance to clean up this mess. If they are 'temporary ", allow them to BE temporary. Give them a timeframe and have them adhere to that, does it really matter how long they get to use it If you want customers to shop locally, temporary banners and signs are needed to draw attention to local buisness. If you want to be then you cannot prohibit them.ln these economic times Mom & Pop businesses need all the free advertising that they can get. Most businesses would have a banner made by a company so they should all be fairly acceptable. Limiting the time they stay in front of a store is the most regulating that should be done. In these tough times this is no time to eliminate banners all together. With less customers coming in merchants are turning outside with banners to help draw traffic. In these trying and uncertian times, the City should be trying everything possible to help business draw individual attention to itself as long as it is kept from looking worm and tattered and not imposing additional fees that could cause a potiental hardship on the business owner. In this time of economic problems we need to mare it easier for businesses not harder. also who is going to enforce, do the paperwork, etc. Hold off on this issue at this time. In this tough economy, businesses should be allowed to promote the buisnesses as they see fit, within reason. Limiting signage would not be fair. In today's economy the city should be very relaxed about signs, banners, etc. Let's keep local business' here. I've used banners to thank our loyal customers for their continued support and feel that this is a very effective gray to communicate. l also think if there are any changes to be made to a business (ie. opening for Breakfast) that the most effective way to convey that is through banners. The majority of all Village customers give thru the Viiiage and i believe that they read these banners. 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08% 1.08 1.06 1.08x'0 1.08 1.08% 1.08 1.08 As of 1 0/19/2009 _ v - .,�; �:� -� Agenda Item 10.a. Page 12 Just let people have the banners and signs as needed. 1.08% Keep in mind the city hangs banners to advertise festivals, car 1.08% shows and concerts that exceed the size restrictions stated. Shouldn't we live by the standards we impose? Many businesses like my own aren't very Risible to the street. It 2.15% is vital for my business to have banners signs to let the public know i exist and where they can find me. I litterally lose hundreds of dollars per day without my sign on the street. A simple sign brings me more business then any advertising. The city should realize the more suesful small businesses are, the more money they generate for the city and local economy. Minimal regulations. 1.08% Only enforce if appearance berries an issue or if the display interferes with another business. Most business owners try to enhance the area and our town. 1.08% Banners help guide and provide excellent visual aids, Let's continue to display in good taste. ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL! YOU CAN NOT LIMIT THE SIZE OF 1,08 A BANNER BECAUSE THE SIZE OF EACH BUILDING IS DIFFERENT. WHAT SIZE YOU WOULD HANG ON THE WALMAI T BUILDING MUST BE DIFFERENT THAN WHAT WOULD HANG IN THE VILLAGE. A DECENT REQUEST BY THE CITY OF $150.00 TO HANG BANNERS ON MY BUSINESS WAS OBSCENE1 LET BUSINESSES BE BUSINESSES AND STOP THE COUNCIL FROM BULLYING AND HARASSING LOCAL MERCHANTS. LET THE COUNCIL MEMBERS PUT THEIR PERSONAL MONEY ON THE LINE, AND START A SMALL RETAIL BUSINESS IN ARROYO RANDEAND THEN LET'S SEE HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT BEING BEATEN DOWN BY THE COUNCIL IN THE NAME OF THE COUNCIL'S GOOD TASTE! THE SMALL BUSINESS COMMUNITY F RETAILERS AND RESTAURANTS ARE WHAT MAKE THIS TOWN, WE ARE ALL HONEST HARD WORKING IN FOLKS WHO TOIL LONG DAYS AND NIGHTS, OFTEN FOR LITTLE PROFIT AFTER TAXES, RENT, WATER BILLS, ELECTRIC BILLS, INSURANCE, WORKERS COMPENSATION COSTS AND BANNER FEES1 Over the counter permit; After granting the permit for x am nt of 1.08% days, the city code enforcement could monitor them for removal compliance. Fewer but better m re clear rules. Please don't over- regulate usill! Time is money in a small 1.08 business and making us go in and get a permit or otherwise hampering us by too much regulation or time wasting costs m neyl Quality of a shops' products, and tasteful presentations of the 1.08% products will sell, not bells and whistles in our area. Promote business while maintaining a tasteful presentation of advertisement. Regulations are not required for Banners and Temporary Signs 1.08% Retail business is the back bone on the city. And it would nbe 1.08 important to remember where your dollars come from. F As of 1011912009 Agenda Item 10.a. Page 13 should be up to the business. Help Business" Not hurtl Less regulation needed. In this financial hardship, lets help business get clients which equals success - less vacancy of building and tax revenue Signs should be in good shape, not tattered or sloppy hung properly. No hazards. In this economy we need all the help we can get to attract attention to our business Small business need help in these difficult economic times. We need less goverenment regulation. Why would a business put up a sign that is unatritive. Small business owners, like me and my husband, rely heavily on banners. Our garden center is somewhat hard to see from the road, and if we did not have a banner or signs, no one would know that we are there. It is so Important for us to keep those banners and signs for our business. Small temporary banners should be allowed for a limited time exposure. To many permits for stuff is unfair. We already generate income for the city just by being here. Sometimes businesses need that extra communication to help them out and a reasonable solution should be discussed Temporary banners and signs are a necessity in order to advertise specials and keep the economy moving. However, they must be tastefully done. Temporary banners are in important part of just about any business. There should be guidelines but exceptions should be on a case by case basis. 1 know that might not be fair but for example - a deli should be able to put out its daily specials on a sandwich board sign (pun intended) every day. At Chameleon we need our signage on the grass to call attention that we are down here at the end so we would be out of business if that privilege was denied. the permit process should be easy and that banner applications are reviewed 2x a month so businesses need to plan months in advance. By. the way - there is a typo to corridor In the first paragraph. Temporary banners are just that, temporary. Many can be an eyesore thereby detracting from the overall appearance of the city. Temporary is 0 days and for non - profit advertising of community events and business should be separately reviewed but no longer than 60 days temporary signage and banners are very important for local businesses to draw attention for special events. That the fee, if any, is not a greedy , unreasonable one. And that money doesn't buy favors. The best method for advertising, to actually get someone to walk in the door, is the immediate reminder such as a banner or sign. Media advertising is fine but the banner reminds people to stop and act. With today's economy it's imperative to catch as many customers as possible without pouring out thousands of dollars that might be wasted on media ads. 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08 1.08% 1 1.08% 1 1.08% '1 2.15% 1.08% 1 As of 10/19/2009 Agenda Item 10.a. Page 14 Th ci b usinesses are th life blood of city b usiness taxes. I 1. 08 % these difficult economic times the City Council s hould b working with our busi nesses not ag ain st them. The city coun should be f ocuse d on the big i ssues. Loads, 1.08 public safety, encouraging growth etc. Not sma issues l this The city council should keep in mind that it is important to be 1.08 conscious of helping business and therefore our community in suc trying economic times as these! There are more important issues to wort' about in the City other 1.08 than temporary signs and banners. How about the increase in graffiti and O ther real q of lif Issues. There is no problem. D on't cre one. 1.08 " There should be a permit re quired, but the permit process s hould 1.08 " be o line. These are tou gh times. The city needs the tax revenues 1.08 generated by our l businesses to o perat e and maintain our current programs. F many businesses a banner can be a critica comp t o drawing i business. I thinly if we impose certain banner restrictions, suc as how marry a business can display, co c and size (th really should depend on where It will be placed), we can have banners without the town getting a tacky look. As far as a "over the count permit, if that includ a fee then I cannot agree with that. Other items such as sandwich boards - I think if they are tastefully painted and do not obstruct walk t th can add a ce rta in "old timey" harm to the community. Not i favor of inflat in general, but f the car dealers, I thi it is' appropriate for them -anal they need all the help they can get! I would muc rather have people buying their cars in A G rand e, then in Santa Mari They should be allowed and reasona parameters set forth so 1.08% 1 the overall ambiance of the pillage can be maintained. Times are hard f all business right now. I believe if the banner 1,08 1 is k clean, in good repair and is not unsightly it s hould be allowed. Times are very hard this is not the time t limit advertising in any 1.0% 1 way. To please fight for our use of temporary banners and si gns. It i 1.08 1 crucial to my own busi understand that small business is important. Please sto making 1.08 1 regu l ations that cost both the busi t re do thin and the city to enforce therm Use your own discretion ... 1.08 1 visability vanes f different merc sit and sometimes 1.08 1 a lt erna tives are needed f these merch to get the attention they need for their b usiness As of 10/19/2009 �� f ..`: 1; *; �. f .` _ _ = ti5 .�_ Y.. Agenda Item 10.a. Page 15 We have a unique area, an area that sets an example of consistency, beauty, limits, high standards, visual delights, and regulations upheld by the business community. We have been featured on national television for our mascots and our Village. Tacky advertisements are simply out-of-the question and detract from what we have and what we are. Most landlords address signage in their leases and renters are aware of that part of their lease and must adhere to the landlordrs lease and requirements. It is all in the best interest of our Arroyo Grande Village. Working and living in the Arroyo Grande area, I have never felt 1.08% that signing or special promo ads have cluttetred or cheapened the look of the down torn area. Instead of l p ading the merchants, perhaps stratgising support to overcome this economy for the merchants would be time better spent. Total Responses: 93 A s of 10/1 .. V } _ ; _,_ z`i is f rya " tY■ F t r ` � �+ 'S s q Agenda Item 10.a. Page 16 ATTACHMENT T 1 6.60.05 0 Primary Uses Sign Type mod Number Permitted Maximum Height Maximum Sign Area Loeation /h irt. Spa " Special Regulations i combination Bei ow roof iine canopy and or tap of wall under-canopy structure 7' (see illustration cic in definitions fired, chapter; i projecting per public street frontage r (Ord. 590 § 2, Exh. A (part), 2007) 1 6.60.050 Exempt signs. The following signs shall be exempt from the administrative sign permit, administrative sign program, 'and planned sign program re- quirements, and shall be permitted subject to the limitations contained in this section. A greater number of signs or signs of larger size than specified below shall be prohibited, unless elsewhere specific-ally permitted by, and an appropriate permit Obtained consistent with, the provisions of this chapter. A. Temporary advertising signs or special event displays painted on a window or con- structed of paper, cloth, or similar material, including banners, flags, pennants and bal- loons; provided, that all of the following con- ditions are met: I. Window Signs, Banners, Flags and Pennants. a. The total area of window signs does not exceed twenty 20 percent of the window area. b. The sign is no greater than twenty-four square feet. c. The sign is displayed for no more than thirty 30 days prior to an event; and for no more than sixty 60 calendar days each cal- ender year, to promote events or sales of products or merchandise. d. No more than one such sign is aliowed per street frontage. e. Roof signs are not permitted. 2. Searchlights (single light not moving rapidly). a_ Use of a beacon searchlight may not exceed a consecutive three -day period for a maximum of twelve f such periods in each calendar gear. b. Beacons must be directed into the at- mosphere and not at any point on land. 13. Permanent window signs limited to hours of operation, address and emergency information; provided, that all of the follow- ing are met: 1. The total area of such signs does not exceed twenty 0 percent of the window area. 2. The sign is no greater than four square feet. C. Deal estate signs for sales, rental or lease subject to the following regulations: 1. residential dwellings offered for sale, rent or lease on an individual basis not in as- sociation with a subdivision or apartment (Arroyo Grande Supp. No, 14, 9 -07) 634 Agenda Item 10.a. Page 17 16.60.050 complex, one sign per separate street frontage not exceeding six square feet each and six feet in height. Such signs shall be removed within tern 10 calendar days after the sale has been closed or the property has been rented or leased. Signs shall net create sight distance hazards. 2. One sign per street frontage to adver- tise the sale, lease or rent of commercial or industrial property, provided all of the follow - ing are met: a. Such signs shall have a maximum area of thirty-two square feet each, and be no greater than eight feet in height. b. Signs shall not create sight distance hazards for pedestrians or vehicles. c. Such signs shall be removed within ten 10 calendar days of the close of the sale or termination of the lease or rental agreement. d. Where a project has in excess of six hundred (600) lineal feet of street frontage, one additional sign shall be permitted for each full six hundred (600) lineal feet of street frontage, D. Subdivision signs subject to the follow- ing regulations: 1. Off -site unlighted signs advertising subdivisions within the city, containing only the name of the subdivision, the name of the developer and/or agent, an identification em- blem and a directional arrow shall he permit- ted, provided: a. There shall be no more than three such signs located within the city limits for each subdivision. Signs must be located on private PPS'. b. The total area of each sign shall not exceed thirty -two square feet. c. The total height of each sign shall not exceed eight feet. d. Directional subdivision signs may be displayed during the two years following the date of recordation of the final reap or until ninety 0 percent of the lots have been sold, whichever is earlier, 2. One on -sate subdivision sign persuhdi- vision entrance shall be permitted provided the total area per sign is not greater than thirty -two square feet and sign height does not exceed eight feet. Such on -site signs shall be permitted to remain only as long as a sales office is maintained in the subdivision or until ninety 0 percent of the lots have been sold and provided that such suns are main- tained in good condition as determined by the tau *Id ing official. E. Architect, contractor or construction signs, providing the name of architect(s) and/or contractor(s) working on the site, sub - ject to the following: 1. For residential projects greater than four dwelling units, up to two signs may be placed on the construction site; provided, that the total area of each sign shall not exceed twelve 1 square feet, maximum height shall be six feet, and the sign is located no closer than ten (1 0) feet to any property line. . For commercial and industrial projects, up to two signs may be placed on the con- struction site; provided, that the total area of each sign shall not exceed thirty -two ( 32) square feet, maximum height shall be six feet, and the sign is located no closer than ten 10 feet to any property line. For all other projects, a total of two signs may be planed on the construction site, provided that the total area of each sign shall not exceed eight square feet, maximum height six feet, and the sign is located no closer than five feet to any property line. F. Future tenant identification sign to ad- vertise the future use of an approved project on the property may be placed on vaunt or developing property to give the location (AArmyo Grande supp, No. 14, 9 -07) Agenda Item 10.a. Page 18 16.60.050 where information may be obtained, subject to the following: 1. Only one future tenant identification sign per parcel may be permitted. 2. Future tenant identification signs shall be limited to a maximum of thirty -two square feet and four feet in height. 3. The sign shall be placed no closer than ten { 1 feet to any property line, 4. Such signs shall not be erected until a building permit is issued for the development and shall be removed within one year from the date of the building permit. 5 where a project has in excess of six hundred (600) lineal feet of street frontage, one additional future tenant identification sign shall be permitted for each full six hundred (600) lineal feet of street frontage. G. residential Signs. 1. Multiple - family residential building identification signs limited to address and building number or letter. One wall sign per building frontage located below the roof line, limited to a maximum area of two square feet and a maximum letter height of four inches. 2. Residential name plate: one name plate per parcel for single - family residential or ag- ricultural uses,, limited to a maximum area of two square feet and a maximum letter height of four inches. H. Agricultural signs identifying a tural products grown or raised on the premises subject to the follow'ing: 1. The number of such signs shall be lim- ited to one per street frontage. 2. If wall mounted, the sign shall be lo- cated below the roof line. 3. Freestanding signs shall be no higher than six feet. 4. Each sign shall have an area no greater than sixteen { 16 ) square feet and shall be (Arroyo Grande Supp, No, 14,9-47) 636 erected only during the growing and harvest season. 1. Exempt Signs. Political and religious signs which are no larger than sixteen 16) square feet, placed on private property with the express consent of the property owner and which comply with all other appli cab leprovi- sions of this chapter. If the political sign per tai n s to an upcoming election, the sign cannot be posted sooner than sixty (60 ) days prior to the election and must be removed no lamer than seven days after the election. J. Government and noncommercial flags: an Official flag, except when displayed i n connection with commercial promotion; pro- vided, that such flags are no greater in size than ten 1 feet by fifteen ( 1 feet or as ap- proved with a recommendation from the ar- ch i tectural review committee. I. Miscellaneous Signs. 1. Interior signs completely within a building when not visible or readable or in- tended to be read from Off -site or Outside of the building or structure; 2. Memorial tablets, plaques, or direc- tional signs for community historical and cul- tural resources installed by the city or by city - recognized historical society or civic or- ganization; 3. Official and legal notices issued by any court, public body or officer, or in furtherance of any nonjudicial process by federal, state or local laws; 4. Public utility signs indicating danger or that serve as an aid to public safety, or that show locations of underground facilities or public telephones; 5. Safety signs on construction sites; 6. Public transportation vehicle signs in- cluding, but not limited to, buses and taxi cabs; Agenda Item 10.a. Page 19 16-60.060 7. Signs on licensed commercial vehicles that are not used or intended for use as port - able signs and that are not specifically prohib- ited by the provisions of this chapter; 8. Change of copy Within an approved Manned sign program or administrative sign program that conforms to the provisions of the approved sign program; 9. holiday decorations to celebrate nation - ally recognized holidays and local celebrations; 10. Vehicle -oriented convenience and di- rectional signs solely for the purpose of guid- ing traffic and parking on private property, and not wring advertising material, limited to a maximum area of two square feet and a maximum letter height of four inches; 11. Directional, warning or informational signs as required or authorized by lava or by any federal, state, county special district or city authority and "No Trespassing," "No Parking," "Neighborhood watch" and similar warning signs, limited to a maximum area of two square feet and a maximum letter height of four inches; 12. Incidental signs for auto- related uses, motels and hotels that show notices of ser- vices provided or required by lava, trade af- filiations, and credit cards accepted, provided such signs are attached to an otherwise ap- proved ground sign, structure or building and limited to a maximum area of eight square feet and a maximum letter height of four inches; 0. "Open" and "dosed" signs; one sign per entrance no larger than one square foot in area; 14. Automobile service stations are permit- ted to have the following additional signs, provided they conform to the height and set- back requirements of the district in which they are located: a. State - authorized testing centers. Four square feet per sign, gall mounted only, b. Price signs: one single- or double -faced sign per strut frontage, twenty 0 square feet maximum per face. This exception is in- tended to aIlow for full compliance with state lava for posting of gasoline prices. Portable price signs are not permitted, c. Pump signs: one sign for each gas pump unit not to exceed two square feet per pump face or one sign per bank of pumps, not to exceed eight square feet per face, identify - ing the gasoline brand and rating only. 15. City- sponsored civic signs forenmmu- nity entrance, identification, direction or in- formation. L. Any sign as determined by the commu- nity development director to be similar in use and size to the signs listed above. {Ord. 590 , Exh. A (part), 2007) 1 6.60.060 Prohibited signs. A. Any sign not in compliance with the provisions of this code. Potential violations shall be processed pursuant to development code Section 16.08. 1 0. B. Roof signs extending above the eave or parapet line, except when, in the opinion of the architectural review committee, the sign is a complementary architectural future of the building, This provision does not apply to in- tegral roof signs. C. Flashing suns, except time and tem- perature suns specifically permitted pursuant to a site development approval, such as but not limited to architectural review, plot plan review, conditional use permit review; or sign approval. D. Animated signs conveying the illusion of or actual motion. E. Revolving or notating signs. 637 (Arroyo Grwidc supp. No. 14, 9 -07) Agenda Item IO.a. Page 20 RO INCORPORAT JULY 10. 1911 1 cc �� 1 F 0 V%t14J MEM T: C ITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 10.A SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION DATE: APRIL 12, 2011 Following further discussions with staff involved in the Neighborhood Services code enforcement process, the following additional recommendations are proposed regarding temporary signs: 1 Continue to restrict and enforce any gauge sale, real estate, or ether signs in the public right - of -ire, including during weekend dart's; and 2 Develop a program o f requiring registration (no fee or permit) of temporary signs in o rder to better monitor the dame when they are installed. Please let me know if you have questions or would like additional information. Thank y