Agenda Packet 2011-05-26 SPCity Con e1*1 Tony Ferrara, Mayor /Chair Caren Ray, Mayor Pro Tem /Vice Chair Joe Costello, Council /Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council /Board Member Tim Brown, Council /Board Member Steven Adams City Manager Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Kelly Wetmore City Clerk NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING FISCAL YEAR 2011 -12 & 2012 -13 BUDGET CITY COUNCIL /REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA SUMMARY THURSDAY, MAY 26 2011 6:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: COUNCIL /RDA BOARD 3. FLAG SALUTE: MAYOR FERRARA 4. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS on Special Meeting Agenda Items. Members of the public wishing to address the Council /RDA on any item described in this Notice may do so when recognized by the Presiding Officer. 5. BUSINESS ITEMS: 5.a. Fiscal Year 2010 -11 Third Quarter Budget Report (KRAETSCH) [CC /RDA] Recommended Action: 1) Approve detailed budget adjustments listed in the Third Quarter Budget Report; 2) Approve Schedule A; and 3) Approve (Deny) requests for additional adjustments in the General Fund. 5.b. Consideration of Preliminary FY 2011 -12 1FY 2012 -13 Biennial Budaet [CC /RDA] (ADAM S/KRAETSC H) Recommended Action: Review the Preliminary FY 2011 -12/ FY 2012 -13 Biennial Budget documents, provide opportunity for public comment, and direct staff to make any requested changes prior to formal consideration at the June 28, 2011 meeting. AGENDA SUMMARY- MAY 26 2011 PAGE 2 6. ADJOURNMENT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at .www. arroyogrande. orq If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability- related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805 - 473 -5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. p,,R 1oRPF1TED r *X JULY 10, 191 1 C +` MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCILIRE[ E ELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD of DIRECTORS FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR of ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET REPORT DATE: MAY 26 2011 RECOMMENDATION: ATION: It is recommended the City Council/Agency Board: • A pprove detailed budget adjustments listed in the Third Q uarter budget report; • Approve Schedule ; and • Approve (Deny) requests for additional adjustments in the General Fund FINANCIAL IMPACT: The General Fund ending balance will be impacted by the approval of the recommended revenue and appropriation adjustments as follows: Fund Balance at Mid Year Budget Report: $2�576 Net increase in Expenditures 232,500 Total Decrease to General Fund Balance (232,500) Adjusted Fund Balance 0313112011 $2.344; 1 BACKGROUND Each year the City Council/ RDA Board of Directors adopts a budget, which commits resources to the accomplishment of its policies. The Administrative Services Department routinely prepares quarterly budget updates for the city council. The purpose of the City's Third Q uarter budget revie w Is to. • compare revenues received and expenditures made to budgeted amounts to determine appropriate adjustments. Comment on any significant budget trends that will impact financial planning. • Provide a link between the city budget the financial records, and the independent financial audit. Agenda Item 5.b. Page 1 CONSIDERATION OF THIRD QUARTER BUDGET REPORT MAY 26, 2011 PAGE 2 0 Compare current revenues and expenditures against the prior fiscal year. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The current projected available General Fund Balance for ,dune 30, 2011 is $2, 1 1 . This fund balance is projected to be 16% of appropriations, which is above the City Council fund balance goal of 15%. The projected Fund Balance assumes revenues are received exactly as budgeted, all budget expenditures are made, and all capital transfers required by the CiP Program are completed. Historically, the General Fund has not been required to fund all budgeted capital transfers and expenditures at year-end are traditionally less than budgeted. As part of the Third Quarter p rocess, staff is asked to determine if any adjustments are required. Staff is appropriation of $81,500 to pay half of the amount liability retro payment to the California Joint Powers addition, staff is requesting a reallocation of certain revenues is zero. review their current budgets and requesting one adjustment, the owed towards the City's general Insurance Authority CJPIA. In revenues but the net impact to The Council approved the following adjustments to the General Fund over the third quarter: 1 An increase in expenditures of $151,000 for the City Hall project. Additional increases and/or decreases in appropriations are being requested in several funds. Detailed descriptions of these requests are included in the Third Quarter Report and shown on Schedule A. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council /RDA Board consideration: 1. Approve Schedule A included in the Third Quarter Budget Deport; 2. Do not approve recommended budget adjustments and propose reductions to balance the budget and /or increase General Fund reserve; 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The Third Quarter Budget Report maintains an updated review of the City finances in the existing fiscal year, allocates additional funding to met current needs and complete projects, and maintains a fund balance that exceeds the Cit s minimum reserve policy amount. DISADVANTAGES: Based on the recommendations, departmental budgets will continue to be constrained and will present a challenge to maintain current service levels. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. Agenda Item 5.b. Page 2 CONSIDERATION F THIRD QUARTER BUDGET REPORT F T MAY , 2011 PAGE 3 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Mall on Monday, May 23, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Monday, May 23, 2011, No public co mment s were received. Attachment(s): a Third Quarter Budget Report rt Agenda Item 5.b. Page 3 Oly F NOW dP _ L I F 0 R N l Quarterly Financial Report Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 -11 May 26,2011 VE YI W This report summarizes the City's overall financial position for the fiscal year through March 2011. Except as noted below, revenues and operating expenditures are generally on target based on past trends for the third quarter. Staff' is projecting that General Fund revenues will come close to reaching 100 o f budget at year end and that overall General Fund expenditures will come in less than currently budgeted. Adjusted Budge The revenue projections and budgets include the adjustments for encumbrances, carryovers, and expenditures that are included in this report. GENERAL FUN 3rd Quarte — Current Fiscal Year General Fund Financial Condition: 3rd Quarter - Prior Fiscal Year W ith 75 o f the year com plete, General Fun revenues are at 65% and expenditures are at 68 %. The projected General Fund balance is approximately 16% of appropriations. This is higher than the City Council reserve goal of 15% and it is anticipated that the actual percentage will be higher at the end of the year, l General .-Aw ym. Fund Balance PiDpffV Tax 3,638,300 2,346,284 64% Tri le Flip -Sales Tax 761 5 318 380 50° Triple FIIP -VLF' 1,234,71 617,355 50 Sales Tax 2,190,000 1 59% 1 TOT 360,000 242,063 6 ° Franchle'Tax 519 241, 126 46° BUldir Perrr�is 103,000 71,926 70% VLF 30 26,598 % Children in Motion 252 165 , 037 65 % Telec mm mication site leases 1 85 1 44,932 78 Total 9;274,793 5%537,138 60% General Fund Financial Condition: 3rd Quarter - Prior Fiscal Year W ith 75 o f the year com plete, General Fun revenues are at 65% and expenditures are at 68 %. The projected General Fund balance is approximately 16% of appropriations. This is higher than the City Council reserve goal of 15% and it is anticipated that the actual percentage will be higher at the end of the year, l General .-Aw ym. Fund Balance al .:lff D Aptu l W. Revenues 13 8 1 65% 1 Expenditures 14,675,657 9,944,187 68 % Beginning Fund Balance 3 22 % End ing Fund Balance 2,34410169 16 % Top Ten Revenues: The top ten revenues account for 68% of the General Fund revenue. By highlighting these, we can get better understanding of the City's revenue position. Overall, these revenues are generally performing as projected based on payment schedules and past trends. any significant variances are noted o th e next page. Exol .-Aw ym. % Property Tax 3 3 527 5 415 2,32 66 % Triple Flip - Sales Tax 530 265,031 5010 Trip F1i - VLF 1 618,511 50 % Sales Tax 2,196,300 1,239,324 56% TOT 450 217,979 48 0 � Franchise Tax 660,000 282 43 % B uil ding Permits 145 6 5,406 45 % VLF 33 18,691 % Children in Motion 422,000 230 55 % Telecommunication site leases 175,000 136,072 7 8 % Total 9 1 5 % Agenda Item 5.b. Page 4 Quarte Financial R e p o rt Third Q ua rter of Fiscal Year 2010-11 By comparing the YTD prior year top revenues to the current TD top revenue sources we can see an overall increase in the revenue of 3 %. Comparison of Actual VTD Revenue to Prior YT Revenue Tbp YTDAdual . Y ear, % Pmp rty Tax 2,346 2,323,053 23,231 1% Triple F lip - Sales Tax 380 5 659 265,031 115, 28 44% Triple Flip - VLF 61 7,355 6111,511 1,45 N Sal es Tax 1,30 1,158 1,23924 61,834 5°6 TOT 242,063 217079 24,084 11% Franchi se Tax 241 282,169 1,043) -15°/0 Building Permits 71,926 65,406 6,520 1 0 ° o VLF 26,598 18,691 7,907 42 Children in Motion 165,037 230 (65, 715 ) - Teleeorr site leases 144,932 136,07.E 8,8601 0 lotal 5 97 139,850 3° 6 Comparison of 3rd Qtr Current Year Budget to Prior Year Budget Tip Ten Revue 'M Bk*d 0 Y Prom ty Tax 3,638,300 3527,415 1 Q 885 3° Triple Flip - Sales Tax 761,318 530,063 231 44° Fri le Flip - VLF 1,234,710 1237,22 L%912) 0° Sala Tax 2,190,000 2,196,300 4300 OP TOT 360,000 450,000 (90 000 -2D° F ranclise Tax 5 19,965 660,000 X4035 t° BUl dn g Pen 103 145 (42,000 ) -29 VLF 30 33,804 3,800 - lildren in Wtion 252,000 422,000 17 0 0 40 Tole mmuni afien site leases 1$5,500 1 75,E 10500 6° Total 9 9 77,, 0 Q0:4407) -1 ° are available, the State Board of Equalization ( BOE) issues a trite up p in the next year. This revenue is higher in the currant year due to this true up payment. Triple Flip - VLF: This revenue is received 5 ° o in F eb ruary and 50 in May. This revenue source is calculated differently than the Sales Tax Triple Flip payment. This revenue is calculated based on assessed values similar to property taxes. Sales Tait - This revenue is showing an increase when compared to the prior year. The City has received 7 months of revenue 59 of the y ear) and is on track to reach 100% of budget by year end. Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT): This revenue is showing an 11% increase when compared to the prior year. However, the City has received 8 months of revenue and should be at 67% of the budget. Staff is projecting that this revenue source will complete the year at approximately $360,000, which is $140,000 less than budget. Staff' is requesting a decrease of 140,000 in this revenue source. • Franchise Fees: This revenue is lower than the prior year due to audits performed by PG&E and Charter communications. These audits determined that the City had been receiving revenue based on rural Arroyo Grande addresses that are outside of the City limits. Staff is requesting a decrease in this revenue of $55,000. • Building Permits - This revenue source continues to increase due to the increase in building projects. Ho ever, staff does not anticipate this revenue source reaching 100 o f budget and is requesting a decrease of $42,000. Property Tax - The City receives the majori of it tax revenue in December and April. This revenue source is showing a I increase over the prior year and is expected to be above 100 of the budgeted amount at year end. Staff is requesting an increase of $250,000 in this revenue source. Triple Flip - Sales Tax: This revenue is received 50 in February and 50% in May. This revenue is calculated on prier year sales tax receipts. Once actual sales tax amounts 2 Telecommunication Site Leases: This revenue is higher than the prior year due to contractual CPI increases. Staff is requesting a decrease in this revenue source of 56,500. This is due to Council approved renegotiated lease agreements with Cin wireless for two sites. Rent: This revenue is from the rental of the old City Hall building. Due to the delay in renting the building and an error in the original rental calculation, staff' is requesting a decrease in this revenue source of $6,500. Agenda Item 5.b. Page 5 Qu arterly Fin ancial R Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2010 -11 E xpenditures: Operating costs are l ess th an b udgeted in th e P quarter as summarized below: D�Pe bv T E. 8 - 440t .- : ctm: YT 0 Netual Salaries and Benefits 8 6 68% Supplies 252,222 11%031 % Services 2 1,690 71 0 Other operating costs 2 74,214 1 55% Capital purchases 970 855,024 8 % Total 14475,657 9,944,187 68° The key variances "by type" are supplies, other operating costs and capital purchases. Supplies are below 75% due t o the diligence o all departments to contain their expenditures. Other operating costs are below due t o the fact that we make capital project transfers at year end. we currently have $451,000 budgeted for the City Hall project that has not been ..roved to the CIP at the time of this report. Capital purchases are above 5% due to the purchase o f a majority of budgeted equipment b y the Thin Qua Departmental operating expenditures are also on target as s ummarized by the following: Ex penditures y D epartment -2 t . YT 0 Netual C ity Manager 266 1 88,55 7 71% C ity Cou nci l 126 83 66 ° c ity CleFk 302,211 214,651 71 % C ity A ttorney 261,952 195 75 % Retirees 12%000 77 6 Mo Administ Svcs 695,576 496 71 % IT 274,718 191 0 % Community De 725,061 497 69% Poli 5,856,968 3, 66% Fire 854,792 824,626 96 % Pudic works 728,355 45100 62 % Parks and Recreation 1 1 88 9 142 67% Non- Departmental 2 1,640,465 61 % Total 14,675,657 9,944 8 % The primary variance in expenditures is the Fire department and is due to the formation of the Five Cities Fire Authority in July 2010. The majority of the expenditures in this department were due to the purchase o f the ladder truck which was offset by grant revenue. All other departments are at 75% of budget o below. Third Quarter Adjustments: General Fuud: The Council approved $151,000 for the it r lull project in the 3r' quarter. Staff` is not requesting any additional adjustments to expenditures in this report. Staff is requesting an appropriation of $81,500 to pay half of the City's general liability insurance p ayment. The City currently owes approximately $877,000 which is dine by July 1, 2013. Half of this amount is $438,500. The City currently has a refund of $357,000 in its Worker's Compensation program. Staff is proposing that the Worker's Compensation refund of $357,000 he applied towards the amount of $438,500 which would leave a balance of $8 1,500, Overtime Summary: n .ry ... own Feb Total Pole S 13,281 11 12,709 S 37 Fire 11 11,917 20,540 51 Re Maint S vcs 2,589 1 1 5 Total S 27,436 S 32,468 S 34,925 S 94,430 Agenda Item 5.b. Page 6 Q uarterly Financial Report Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2010 -11 'HER FUNDS Farb Development Fund: Staff had requested an increase of $37,300 for the Centennial Park project. Farb Improvement Fund: Staff is requesting a decrease of $3,698 due to the completion of the Soto Pond project. Local Use Tax Fund: Staff is requesting several adjustments for CIP funding due to project completions and funding changes. Decreases are Doing requested for the following projects: Creep Ivy removal - $3,000; Pavement Management Program - $8,500 (moved to Short Street project); Fl Camino Deal rehab - $243,388 (replaced with Transportation Facility funds); Orchard Street - $4,203 (moved to Tally Ho West Branch Street - $25,503 (proj completed); Peafw d - $484 (project completed); Myrtle - $4,181 (project completed); and Creep Preservation - $65,153 ($55,000 moved to Newsom Springs). Increased funding is being requested in the following projects: Police Station - $100,000; Tally Ho - $4,20 ; Short Street - $8,500; and Newsom Springs - $55,000. The adjustments total to a net decrease o f $186,709. Water Neutralization Fund: Staff is requesting an increase of $12,000 for the Short Street public restr om project. Traffic Signal Fund: Staff is requesting a reduction of $25,000 that was originally budgeted for a left turn and signal at west Branch Street and Oak Farb. This project is being removed from the CIP as restriping of this Intersection was accomplished as part of the West Branch Street overlay project. Transportation Facility Fund: Staff is requesting a decrease of $1,089,723 for the l risco Road/101 Interchange project and an increase of $243,388 for the Fl Camino Real Rehab project. On April 12` Council approved an increase of $134,000 for the Le Point Street project (although this adjustment was approved in the 4' Quarter, staff is including it in this report in order to match the preliminary budget). Water Availability Fund: Staff is requesting a decrease of $2,504 for the Recycl water study which has been completed and $5,000 for the Lopez Spillway feasibility study due to lower anticipated costs. Downtown Faring Fund: Council approved the increase of $120,000 for the Le Point Street project at the April 12'' Council meeting. Staff is requesting a decrease of $14,500 in the Car Corral project. Redevelopment Agency (RDA): Staff is requesting decreases in the following projects: Police Station - $37,129, Green Zone - $1,700 (project is being removed from the CIP), and Fast Branch Street - $1,405 (project completed). This is a net decrease of $40,234. Sewer Fund: The Sewer Fund ended the 2009-10 Fiscal Year with a fund balance of $496,134. Staff is requesting a decrease of $50,000 for the Lift Station 3 project. This portion of the cost is being moved to the Severer Facility Fund. The estimated ending fund balance for the Sewer Fund i $166,410. This does not meet the City Council's goal of 60 days of operating expenses plus $500,000. Sewer Facility Fund: Stuff is requesting an increase in appropriations of $50,000 for the Lift Station 3 project. Water Fund: The water Fund reports an audited fund balance of $3,043,985 at the end of fiscal year 2009-10. Staff is requesting a reduction in appropriations of $362,600 for the Reservoir Igo. 7 project which has been moved to future years. The Council approved an increase in appropriations of $5,000 for the Le Point Street project at the April 12' Council meeting. The estimated ending fund balance in this fund is 1,743,235. This meets the City Council's policy goal of 60 days of operating expenses plus $500,000. Water Facility Fund: The water Facility Fund has a beginning fund balance of $876,444. Staff is requesting a decrease of $560,000 for Reservoir Igo. 7 which is being moved to future gears. The estimated fund balance for Fiscal Year 2010-11 is $637,805. Capital Project Fund (CIP Staff is requesting an overall reduction of $7,141,583 in CIP projects. These reductions are due to project completions, funding changes, and delay of projects into future gears. The majority of these adjustments have been listed in the above funds. In addition, staff is requesting the following changes: increase CDBG funding by $32,000 for the Short Street restroom project; decrease C l G funding b $21,915 for ADA improvements; decrease TF funds by $101,127 for Elm Street and Tally Ho Road sidewalk projects to reflect actual grant funds received this fiscal gear; decrease Safe route to School program by $12,363 for the Crown Dill Sidewalk to reflect actual grant funds received; decrease Sale of Land by $950,000 for the Police Station project; decrease expense recovery revenue by $3,605 for various projects; decrease donation revenue by $20,000 for the Centennial Celebration project; decrease developer contributions by $576,293 for various projects; and decrease the budgeted Certificate of Participation (COP) of $3,750,000 for the Police Station project. Agenda Item 5.b. Page 7 5 GENERAL FUN - FUND SUMAL4R FUND: 010 G ENERAL FUND FISCAL YEAR 2008- BIENNIAL BUDGET 2006-07 2007 -08 ORIGINAL AMENDED 2009 - 2010 -11 REVI ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET AC17UAL ACTUAL BUDGET Beginning Fun Man $ 2 $ 1, 2, 042 1 389 $ 2 2,442,389 2,191,544 3,152,622 Revenues: Revenues 11,864 12,304,755 13,424, 12,425,973 12,106,971 11,768,219 11,445,142 Transfers In 1 1,901,942 2 2,221,383 2,215,319 2,293445 2,339,800 Total Revenues 13 { 128 { 214 14,206,697 15,427, 14,647, 14,322,290 14,061,667 13,784,942 Salaries an Benefits 10719,723 11,130,548 11 11,517,222 10,848,358 10,289,663 8,962,907 C urrent E x penses 2,78057 2,599,428 2,867, 2,564,590 2,378,508 2,362 4 Debt Se rvice 25,068 12,534 - 124,680 1 22,501 133, 160,180 Eq ui p ment Replacement 288,336 244,406 274,280 285,640 718,887 232 { 210 887,124 Transfers Out (280,880) 20,990 60, 700 203,119 144,881 - - aprtal Transfers 140,286 4,806 38,700 _ _ _ 451,000 Total Expenditures 13,678 13,972,712 14,827,490 14,695,250 14,173,135 13,018,327 14,593,395 Total Ope rating Increases (Decreases) (550,674) 233,985 600 { 395 (47,894 ) 149,155 1 (808,453) Au Adjustm to Fund d ala ale Total Adjuslanimts to F un d Balance (550,674) 233,9$5 600,395 (47,894) 149,155 1, 043,340 (808,453) Ending Fund Balance 1,808,404 2,042,389 2,642,784 1,994,495 2,191,544 3,234,854 2 { 344,169 t� Reserve for Ca rry -Over of App ropriations 195,892 89,561 82,262 - tD CL Available Fun Balance 1,612,512 $ 1,952,828 2,642,784 $ 1 $ 2,191 3, 152,622 2,344,169 0 /Y W C 5 City of Arroyo Grande Fund Balance - Con&ol All Fronds Operating Budget 2010/11 Adopted Budget Schedule A i CL 2) ZwJ Audited Estimated "Total Total Unreserved Unreserved Fund Balance Original Adjustment Operating Operating FY 2009 -10 Budgeted Adjustments to Fund Balance July 1, 7010 Revenues to Revenues Transfer In Transfer Out Carryovers Appropriations Appropriations June 30, 2011 ital Pro'et Fads: 350 Capital Improvement Fund $0 $5,670,000 ($751,777) $3,212,996 0 $10,122,403 $8,783,500 $4,774,684 0 Total Capital Project Funds $0 $5,670, ($751,77 $3,212,996 $0 $10,12-2,403 $8,783,500 ($x#,774,684) $0 Enterprise Funds: 612 Sever $496,134 $978. $0 0 $943,845 0 $315,600 (1,721) $166,410 634 Server Facility 331,665 12,O00 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 293,665 640 Water Find 3,043,985 3,532,900 0 0 2,6$034 0 2,106,960 42,656 1,743,235 641 Lopez Water 3,597,943 2,854 0 0 343,3M 0 2,903,618 (109,980) 3,315,805 642 Water Facihty 876,444 30,000 0 0 268,639 0 0 0 637,8+05 Total Enterprise Funds $8,346,174 $ 7 0 407,700 $0 $0 $4,.339.818 $0 $5,326,178 ($69,04 $6 56,923 Trust and Agency Fund: 751 Downtown Parking $137,940 $11,600 $104,000 $0 $247,222 0 $3,100 0 $3,218 Total Trust & Agency Fund $137,9 $11,600 $104.000 $0 $247,222 $0 $3,100 $3,218 Grand Total All Funds $24,484,649 $28,162,996 {$32,331) $11,824,396 $11,824,396 $10,789,250 $30,96142$ ,028,169) $14.8`2.805 City of Arroyo Grande Fund Balance -- Control All F Op erating Budget 2010/ Adopted Budget Schedule A 6 Audited Estimated Total Total Unreserved Unreserved Fund Balance Original Adjustment Operating Operating FY 2009 Budgeted Adjustments to Fund Balance July 1, 2010 revenues to Revenues Transfer In Transfer Out Carryovers Appropriations A ro nations June 30, 2011 General Fun 010 General Fund. $3,234,884 $10,843,670 $601,472 $2,33 ,St _ $451,000 $228551 $13,8338800 $162,226 $2, X4,1 9 S pe c i a l Revenue Funds. 210 Fire Protection Impact Fees $22,632 $12,700 0 0 0 $0 0 $35,332 211 Public Access Te 68,224 47, 000 ( 0 0 0 36,000 0 64,574 212 Police Protection Impact Fees 50,776 1,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 52,476 213 Park Development Feces 681,511 35,000 0 0 352 0 0 0 364,51 214 Park Im provement F ees 341,6255 20,400 0 0 286,632 0 0 0 75,393 215 recreation Community Cuter 37 1 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 24,232 216 Grace Lane Assewment District 39,981 9,.500 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 44,481 217 Landscape Maintenarwe District 25,025 6,800 0 0 3,300 0 3,8170 0 24,725 21 Local Use Tax Fund 1,765,542 1,613,625 0 0 2,853,936 0 144,700 (39,200) 419,73 219 Parkside Assessment District 232,059 58,700 0 0 3, 600 0 8,0170 0 279,159 220 Streets D 294,500 168,486 271,600 6,OM 0 796,70D (68,114) 0 221 Traffic Congestion Relief 90. 177,570 (176,570) 0 6 0 0 0 91,230 222 Traffic Signal 393,273 10,000 83,000 0 0 0 0 0 486,273 223 Traffic Circulation 24,910 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,910 224 Transportation Facility Impact 2,740,579 55,000 0 0 1,728,583 0 0 0 1,066,696 225 Transportation 0 256,431 (157,917) 0 90,400 0 7,000 1 ,1000 1 14 226 Water Neutralization Impact 542,423 26,40D 40,000 0 57,000 0 51,800 245,806 254,217 230 Construction Tax 3,190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 231 Drainage Facility 2,029 60D 0 0 0 0 0 0 x,629 t> �p 232 In-Lieu Affordable Dousing 92$,030 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 928,330 233 In -Lieu Underground Utility 101,815 0 0 0 0 0 0 101,815 0 CL 241 Water Av Fund 1 * 838,532 41,000 0 0 444,068 0 0 0 1,435,464 250 CDBG Grant Funds 0 0 71,625 0 0 71,625 0 0 0 271 State COPS Block Grant 191,611 101,000 0 0 0 189,877 100,000 0 2,734 �p 284 Redevelopment ent Agency 695,652 1,118,0D0 0 0 905,$37 0 727,020 152,155 28,637 285 Redevelopment Set Aside 1,948,570 340,000 0 0 39,700 176,794 1,134,750 259569 _ 677,457 O Cr Total Special Revenue Funds $12765,651 $4,230,026 s 13,974 $271,600 $6,786,356 $438,296 3,01 770 _ $653,.334 $6,M495 6 o INCORPORATED rM # JULY 10, 19 It, F pit MEMORANDUM To: CITY COU NCI LfREDE ELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD of DIRECTORS FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER E ECUTI E DIRECTOR ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR of ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of PRELIMINARY FY 2011-12 FY 2012-1 BIENNIAL BUDGET DATE: MAY , 2011 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the City Council and Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors review the Preliminary FY 2011 -12/ FY 2012-13 Biennial Budget documents, provide opportunity for public comment, and direct staff to make any requested changes prior to formal consideration at the June 28, 2011 meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACT: At this time, the Preliminary FY 201 1 -12 FY 201 2 -13 Biennial Budget is not yet balanced. Total Citywide preliminary expenditures for FY 201 1 -12 are $23,859,345 and $ 24,870,854 for FY 2012 - 13 without transfers). The total General Fund budget ( without transfers) is $13,841,475 for FY 2011-12 and $14,2 for FY 2012-13. This represents a projected General Fund shortfall of approximately $410,000 in FY 2011 -12 and $790,000 in FY 2012-13 All other funds are balanced. However, the Server Fund does not maintain the minimum reserve amount set by City policy. B ACKGROUND : The City Council held prior budget workshops on February 17 th and March 24 At the February 17 th workshop, staff presented recommendations, and the Council provided direction on budget goals. At the March 24 � workshop, staff recommended strategies for addressing the General Fund shortfall, projected at that time in the range of $700,000 to $950,000. The primary strategies agreed upon included; 1 use of reserves above the 15% minimum; and 2 concessions from labor organizations. Since then, a number of meetings have been held with union and management representatives. However, negotiations have not been completed. Therefore the preliminary budget does not include final recommendations. Staff has prepared the s ummary pages for all funds in order to present the current budget status, along with Agenda Item 5.b. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL/ REDEVELOPMENT PMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY FY 2011 -12/ FY 2012-13 BIENNIAL BUDGET MAY 2 , 201'1 PAGE 2 the Capital Improvement Fund detail. Existing budget summaries do not include anticipated salary and benefit reductions. The preliminary budget recommendations are designed to maintain key service levels, accomplish the goals set forth at the Febru a � 17, 2011 budget workshop, and i mplement the strategies directed at the (larch 2 budget workshop. It ■ �s staff's intent to present the updated and full detailed budget document at the ,June 28, 2011 meeting when final budget approval is considered. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: General Fund Revenue projections were based upon experience over the past two -year period, a well as analysis provided by the City's sales tax consultants and the County Ta Assessor. Sales tax is projected to increase by %. Property takes are expected t decrease by approximately 2 %. Building and land use permit revenues are based upon projected Fly 2010-11 amounts with no increase projected. Transient occupancy to revenues are projected to increase by % or $ 140,000. The Hampton Inn Hotel i assumed t open by Fall 2011. Minor adjustments are proposed to Oman' Club and City of Arroyo Grande Community Center fees. Otherwise, no fee or tax increases are proposed. It is recommended that $350,000 o f reserves be used towards addressing the shortfall in each of the two years of the budget. The objective of this recommendation is t establish a reasonable and feasible level of targeted employee salary and benefit reductions, while relying on a responsible amount of one -time revenues that will not create an increasing structural deficit. Reserves erve in excess f the minimum policy amount of 15% have been generated duce largely to concentrated efforts by all departments to reduce costs over the past two years. Therefore, it is proposed that approximately $410,000 in General Fund budget cuts will need to be established in Fly 2011-12 thr employee compensation concessions. This would maintain a General Fund balance of over 20 %, but a remaining shortfall of nearly $380,000 in FY 2012-13. Since negotiations are currently focused n one -year labor agreements, it is recommended that the remaining FY 2012-13 shortfall be addressed through future additional concessions the following year unless other expenditure reductions r revenue increases can be accomplished by that time. O f the projected shortfall, the majority of increased costs are directly related t increases in employee compensation costs, which are as follows: • PERS pension cost increase $305,000 • Previously negotiated and delayed salary increases $139,000 • Social Security $11,000 • Projected medical benefit cost increase $44, X00 • Total 2 000 Agenda Item 5.b. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL/ REDEVELOPMENT EL PMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY FY 2011-12/ FY 2012 -13 BIENNIAL BUDGET MAY 26 2011 PAGE 3 Operational accounts have been held at the same level as the prior year with a fever exceptions that include the following: An increase of $1 34,000 for the City's contribution to the Five Cities Fire Authority. An increase of lease payments of $43,300 for fleet leasing. An increase o f $50,000 for ongoing personnel litigation. It is proposed to fund 50% of the unfunded California Joint Powers Insurance Authority costs in FY 201 -11. Future payments wiII be determined after the fund balance can be further evaluated at the end of the upcoming budget year. The preliminary budget also includes an increase of $200,000 in FY 2012-13 for retiree medical costs to begin pre - funding these expenses, The actual necessary budgeted amount will be identified when an actuarial is prepared in FY 2011 -12. Water Fund The projected year -end fund balance is $11,118,867 for FY 2011-12 and $11,137,736 for FY 2012 -13, which meets the City's policy goal of 60 days operational costs plus $500,000. However, once you subtract out the amount for fined assets of $9,520,956 the projected amounts are $1,597,911 for FY 2011 -12 and $1,616,780 for FY 2012-13. Therefore, reserves may fall below the City's policy goal if water usage continues to decrease. Projects have been delayed, operational costs held constant, and one maintenance worker position held vacant to maintain the necessary reserve amount. Costs for water conservation administration have been transferred from the Water Neutralization Fund to the Water Fund due to the depletion of the Water Neutralization Fund. Despite the delay in capital improvements, a relatively aggressive capital improvement program is recommended. Severe r F u nd The projected ending fund balance is $1 04,600 in FY 201 1 -12 and $308,000 in FY 2012-13, both of which are well below the City's reserve policy of 60 dams operating expenses plus $500,000. Revenues have decreased significantly due to reduced water usage since rates are largely based on water consumption. Capital projects have been delayed and operational costs held constant in order to maintain a positive fund balance. Reserve amounts will need to be addressed during the net fee study. Despite the delay in capital improvements, a relatively aggressive capital improvement program is recommended. Iedevel meat A Fund The Redevelopment pment Agency Administration Fund remains balanced, but most revenues have been allocated. E include ongoing operational costs for staff and consultants, the El Camino Real Rehabilitation n Project, the Le Point Street Parking Lot Expansion, arnd design costs for the Police Building. Any additional revenue will be recommended to be allocated for upgrade of the Car Corral and additional expenses related to the Police Building project. Additional funding is available for another affordable housing project. Agenda Item 5.b. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL! REDEVELOPMENT AGENC BOARD of DIRECTORS CONSIDERATION ATION of PRELIMINARY FY 2011 -1 FY 2012-13 BIENNIAL BUDGET MAY 11 PAGE Both the Governor' s and Republicans' proposed budgets include elimination of redevelopment.. If these proposals are adopted, the California Redevelopment Association (CRA) will likely pursue legal action since cities and the legislative counsel have both determined it to be unconstitutional. If the State is successful in eliminating redevelopment, it would result in elimination of all economic development efforts, participation in the San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation, San Luis Obispo County Visitors' and Conference Bureau, San Luis Obispo County Hoeing Trust Fund, funding for capital improvements, and funding for assistance to housing and commercial projects. The General Fund will also be impacted by an estimated $328,000 through the reduction of revenue for staffing and transfer costs. If this were to happen, it would likely not be resolved until well into the fiscal gear. Therefore, as a contingency plan, staff recommends a combined strategy of delaying capital projects, utilizing a portion of Local Sales Tax funds, and increasing use of reserves in FY 2011- 1 . The additional revenue reductions would then need to be addressed through additional budget reductions in FY 2012-13. Development Impact Fee Account Development impact fee accounts are established to fund upgrades in public facilities through fees on development projects. These accounts have experienced a significant reduction in ongoing revenues due to the impact of the economy on new development, which has in turn affected the City's ability to fund major capital improvements. Each of the funds remains balanced. Projected expenditures and fund balances are as follows: Fee FY 2011 -1 Fire Protection $0 Police Protection $0 Park Development $0 Park Improvement $45,000 Community Center $0 Traffic Signali ation $0 Transportation Facility $0 Water Neutralization $181 , 1 go Affordable Hoeing $0 FY 2012 -13 Balance $0 $71,062 $0 $66,937 $0 $439,211 $45,000 $18,792 $0 $26 $200,000 $315,273 $130,000 $1 $169,400 $72,534 $0 $979,670 Streets (Gas Tax) Fund Staff is anticipating an increase in Gas Tax and Local Transit funds. This has reduced the amount of Local Sales Tax funds budgeted to pay for staff and materials for ongoing s treet repairs. Capital Improvement Pro -gram Despite operational funding constraints, it is recommended to maintain use of Local Sales Tax funds primarily for capital improvements. A s a result, the budget recommendation continues a substantial investment in transportation, street, drainage, creek, street tree, and public safety facility and equipment improvements. Highlights include: design of the Brisco Road Interchange improvements; resurfacing of the Traffic Agenda Item 5.b. Page 4 CITY COUNCIU REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONSIDERATION F PRELIMINARY Y F 2011-12# FY 2012 -1 BIENNIAL BUD MAY 2, 2011 PAGE Way extension; an increase in street sidewalk and street tree maintenance; matching funds for creek preservation grant applications; the majority of ongoing funding necessary to finance the Police Station project; lighting of Don R Field; completion of tine El Camino Real rehabilitation project; signali ati n of East Grand Avenue and West Branch Street; resurfacing of the Greenwood tract; drainage improvements at Miller Way and Platinc Lane; replacement o f Sewer Lift Station No. 3; upgrade of Reservoir #6 and Oro Booster Station; and Reservoir #7 construction. The Capital Improvement Program recommendations reflect the agreed upon -year expenditure plan for the Local Sales Tax funds and gratis outlined at the February 17 t " Budget Workshop. ALTERNATIVES: ES: The foll alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Provide staff direction to present the Preliminary Budget for formal consideration at the June 28 meeting; 2. Provide staff direction to make specific changes to the proposed budget for consideration at the June 2 1� meeting; 3. Direct staff to utilize more or less reserves o propose additional cuts or expenditures; 4 . Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The recommendations in the Preliminary strategies that will accomplish the following: 0 Maintain key service levels; Budget reflect revenue and expenditure Maintain a substantial investment in improvements to the City's infrastructure and faci Reduce current and future salary and benefit costs; Maintain reserves at or above the City's policy levels; D o not rely on tax or fee increases; and Limit reliance on one - time revenues to responsible amounts that will not result in significant structural budget issues. DISADVANTAGES: The recommendations will rely on negotiated concessions with employee unions that have not yet been finalized, will utilize reserves, and will leave a projected shortfall in F 2012 -13 that will need to be addressed during the upcoming fiscal year. ENVIRONMENTAL F EVIE : No environmental review is required for this item. Agenda Item 5.b. Page 5 CITY COUNCIL/ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD of DIRECTORS CONSIDERATION SIDEF ATION of PRELIMINARY AF Y FY 2011-121 FY 2012-13 BIENNIAL BUDGET MAY 6, 2011 PAGE 6 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hall and on the City's web site on Monday, May 23, 2011. A press release was issued regarding the public workshop , w# ich was also announced in an article in the Stagecoach Express. ttahrnent: 1. Preliminary FY 2011 -12/ FY 2012 -13 Biennial Budget Summary Documents Agenda Item 5.b. Page 6 FY 2011 -12 & FY 2012 -13 BIENNIAL PRELIMINARY BUDGET Mayor 'Tony Ferrara cD Ma Pro wren R Council Member Jim Gut rie CA y y y ; Council Member Joe Costello Council Member 'Tim Brown City of Arroyo Grande A city serving the community c� c� CL 0) rMIL MO m c� 00 Cr CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE � R O�� a c,� � INCORPORATED 9 U m * JULY 10, 1811 C 44 IFOR 14 11P CITYWIDE BUDGET CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROJECTED FUND BALANCE Fiscal Year 2010 -11 Audited Estimated 7 1 10 Fund Estimated Transfers Net Appro -- Net Transfers 6/30/11 Fund Funds Balances Revenue In priations Out Balance General Fund 3,234 11,440,280 x,339 1800 13,365,871 415,000 3,234,093 S - Decial Reven Funds Fire P Impact Fees 22,632 16,130 _ _ - 38,76 Public Access Television 68,224 31,710 - 33,000 - 66,934 Police Protection Impact Fees 50,777 13 { 560 - - - 64,337 Park Development 681,511 51,700 - - 177,30 555,911 Park Improvement 341,624 19,800 - 26,632 334,792 Recreation Community Center 37,431 1,500 - - - 38,931 Gracelane Assessment District 39,981 9,700 - 5,000 - 44,681 Landscape Maintenance District 25 { 026 5,950 - 600 3,300 27,076 Local Use T ax Fund 1 1 765,542 1,659,100 - 104,401 1 1 526,085 1,794,156 Parkside Assessment District 232 58,100 - 1,300 3,600 285,259 Streets G as Tax) - 470,734 271,0 674,760 6 - T raffi c Congestion Relief 90,230 450 - - - 90,680 Traffic Signalization 393,273 97,000 - - - 490,273 Traffic Circulation 24,910 100 - - - 25,010 Transport Facility Impact 2,740579 277,000 - - 335,495 2,682 { 084 Transportation - 98514 - 8 1 000 90,400 114 Water Neutralization Impact 542,423 75,600 - 213,189 12,000 392,834 Construction Tax 3,190 1 - - - 3,191 Drainage Facility 2 10 - - 2,038 In -Lieu Affordable Housing 928,03+0 51,040 - - - 979,070 In - Underground Utility 101,814 300 - 101,814 - 300 Water Availa Fund 1,838,531 42 - 228,881 1 { 651,650 D C DBG G rant Fund - 8,824 - 8 - - c� Mate COPS Block Grant 191,610 101,100 289,871 - 2,833 Redevelopment Admnustration 695 { 652 1 - 927,811 695,838 286 CL 0 Redevelopment Set Aside 1,984 { 570 329,000 - 645,883 39,700 1,627,987 Pnterorise Funds. cD to Se wer 496 { 124 844 { 300 293 650,042 396,603 to Cr S ewer Facility 331,668 2600 - - - 358,268 I /Y i� /Y w � Cr 0 V Trust & Agency Fund; D ownt o wn Parking Capital Project Fund: Calaital Improvement Program ToW 137,940 113,200 - '1 ACY] Crkr- P1 r_zn dMP1 3,424 169,920 77,796 $ 34 $ 25 $ 6,181,092, $ 27,269,499 $ 6,181 $ 32,065,202 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE IDE PROJECTED FUND BALANCES Fiscal Year 2010 -11 Aud Estimated 7 1 10 Fund Estimated Transfers Net ppro- Net Transfers 6/30/11 Fund Funds Balances Revenue In priations Out Balance En Funds (continued). Water 12576,725 2895 ' 1,929 1,290J49 1 2,252 Lopez 3,597 2,845,000 - 2592,866 343,300 3,506,778 'mate F acili t y 876,445 45,500 - - 167,450 754,495 I /Y i� /Y w � Cr 0 V Trust & Agency Fund; D ownt o wn Parking Capital Project Fund: Calaital Improvement Program ToW 137,940 113,200 - '1 ACY] Crkr- P1 r_zn dMP1 3,424 169,920 77,796 $ 34 $ 25 $ 6,181,092, $ 27,269,499 $ 6,181 $ 32,065,202 TTY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROJECTED FUND BALANCES Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Estimated Estimated 7/1/11 Fun Es Transfers Net App Net Transf 6/30/12 Fun Funds Balances Revenue In priations Out Balance General Fun $ 3 10,761 , 510 2,320,300 $ 13,841 , 475 $ - 2 S pecial Revenue Funds. Fire Protection Impact Fees 38,762 16 - - 54,912 Public Acce Television 66,934 38,500 - 36 - 69,434 Police Protection Impact Fees 64,337 1 - - - 65,637 Park Development 555 f 911 29 f 00D _ _ _ 584,911 Park Improvement 334,792 17,000 - 45,000 306,792 Recreation Community C ente r 38 1 - - - 4o G racelane Assessment District 44,681 9,700 i 5,000 - 49, 381 Landscape M aintenance District 27,476 6 1 000 - 2 3 27,176 Local Use Tax Fun 1,794 1 - 134,163 1,395,100 L Parksi Assessment District 285 58 - 3 3,600 336,159 S treets (Gas Tax) - 46 290,400 758,900 _ Traffic Congestion Relief 90 , 680 500 - - - 91,180 Traffic Signaliz 490,273 12,500 - _ - 502,773 Traffic Circulation 25,010 200 - - - 25,210 Transport Facility Impact 2 40,000 - - - 2,722,084 Transportation 114 108,365 10,000 98 179 Water Neutralization Impact 392 , 834 37,640 - 181, 100 - 24 Construction Tax 3,191 - - - 3,191 Drainage Facility 2 - - _ _ 2,038 In -Lieu Affordable Housing 979 300 - - - 979,370 In -Lieu Underground Utility 300 - - - - 300 Lopez Facility Fund 1,651 35,000 - - 1 ( 686,650 D CDBG Grant Fund i _ _ _ - c� Mate COPS Block Grant 2 500 - - - 3,333 CL Redevelopment Agency Admin. 286,003 1,314 800,880 345,100 454,023 Re d evelopment Set Asi 1,627 354,000 216,111 39,700 1,726,176 Enterprise Funds. to Sewer 3%,,603 928,800 - 33100 546,000 448,403 Cr Sewer Facility 358,268 12,000 - - 50,000 320,268 CITY OF ARROYO GRAN PROJECTED FIND BALANCES Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 I /Y CL 0 /Y � V � N V Esiamated Estimated 7/1/11 Fund Estimated Transfers Net Appro- Net Transfers 6/30/ Fund Funds Balances Revenue In pyriations Out Balance Enterprise Funds (e nt nued,l: Wat 12,252 3,4 r 4D0 - 2 1,090 12,512,752 Lopez 3,506,778 2,504,000 - 2,738,305 343,300 2 Water Facility 754,495 25,000 - - 200,000 579,495 Trust & Agency Fund. ]d owntown Parking 77,796 3 - 3,500 6,100 77,496 Capital P roiect Fund. Capital Inp rovement P - 1,104000 1,555,000 2 Total 32,065,202 23 4165 1 700 23,859,345 4,165,700 31,256,682 I /Y CL 0 /Y � V � N V TI i OF ARROYO GRANDE PROJECTED FUND BALANCES Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 Estimate Estimated 7/1/12 Fund Estimated Transfers Net Appro- Net Transfers 6/30/13 Fund Funds Balances Revenue In priations Out Balance General Fund 2 10,816,920 2,320,300 14,277 - 1 Special Revenue Funds: Fire Protection Impact Fees 54,912 16,150 - - - 71,062 Public Access Television 69,434 38,500 - 36,000 - 71,934 Police Protection Impact Fees 65,637 1,300 - - - 66,937 Park Development 584,911 29,000 - - - 613,911 Park Improvement 306 17,000 - - 45,000 278,792 Recreation Community Center 40 1,500 - - - 41,931 racelane Assessment District 49,381 9,700 - 5,000 - 54,081 Landscape Maintenance District 27,176 6,000 - 2,600 3,300 27,276 Local Use Tax Find 1,933,993 1,669,100 - 134,163 1,392,100 2,076,830 P Assessment District 336,159 58,100 - 3,600 3,600 387,059 Streets (G Tax) - 468,500 310,700 779,200 - Traffic Congestion Relief 91,180 500 - - - 91,680 Traffic Signalizatlon 502,773 1Z500 - - 200,000 315,273 Traffic Circulation 25,210 200 - - - 25,410 Transport Facility Impact 2,722,084 40,000 - - 130,000 2,632,084 Transportation 179 111,616 - 10,000 101,600 196 Water Neutralization Impact 249,334 37,600 - 169,400 - 117,534 Construction Tax 3,191 - - - - 3,191 Drainage Facility 2,038 - _ - 2,038 In -Dieu Affordable Housing 979,370 300 - - _979,670 In -Dieu Underground Utility 300 Lopez Facility Fund 1 35,000 - - - 1,721,650 C DBG Grant Fund State COPS Block Grant - 3,333 500 - - - 3,833 C Redevelopment Agency Adnuin. 454,023 1 - 800,731 345,100 622,192 Redevelopment Set As ide 1,726,176 354,000 - 216,659 39,700 1,823,817 � tD c� Enterprise Funds. W Cr Sewer 448,403 1,020,100 - 340,700 476,000 651,803 Sewer Facility 320,268 12,000 - - 9000 242,268 Trust & Av Fund: Do Parking 77,496 9 - 3,500 1 82,1% Capital Project Fund: Capital Improvement Program - 650,000 2 3,252 - Total 31,256,682 22859,786 5,233,600 24,870,854 5,233,600 29,245,314 tD CL 0 � tD tD .9h. Cr CITY O ARROYO RANDE CES PROJECTED FUND BALANCES F isca l Year 2012 -2013 Estimated Estimated 7/1/12 Fund Estimated Transfers Net ro- Net Transfers 6/30/13 Fund Funds Balances Revenue In priations Out Balance Enterprise Fronds (continued: Wate 1Z512 4,x 8 - 2,446,731 1 12,531 Lopez Z 929,1 7 lr93 f000 21 2,129,988 Mater Fac 579,495 25,000 - - 360,000 244,495 Trust & Av Fund: Do Parking 77,496 9 - 3,500 1 82,1% Capital Project Fund: Capital Improvement Program - 650,000 2 3,252 - Total 31,256,682 22859,786 5,233,600 24,870,854 5,233,600 29,245,314 tD CL 0 � tD tD .9h. Cr CITY OF ARR GRANDE ESTWAT'ED REVENUES BY FIND Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 and Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Tax Revenues Licenses, Permits & Fines Use of Money Inter- Governmental Fronds FY 2011 - 12 FY 2012 - 13 FY 2011 - 12 FY 2012 -13 FY 2011 -12 FY 2012-13 FY 2011 -12 FY 2012 -13 General Fund 9 9,171,000 290,150 290,150 290, 295,720 315,000 225,200 Fecial R evenue F Fire Protecti - - - - 150 150 - - Public Access Tel evision - - - 500 500 Police Protection _ _ - - 300 300 - Par Development - - - - 4,000 4 1000 - - Park Improvement - - - - 2,000 2,000 - - Recreation Communl Center - - - - 200 200 - - Gracelane Assessment District 9,500 9,500 - - 200 200 - - L M aintenance District 5 500 - - 200 200 - - Local Use Tax Fund 1,660,000 1,660 { 000 - - 9,100 9 - - ParlCside Assessment District 57,000 57,000 - - 1 1, 100 - - Streetws (Gas Tax) - - - - - - 466,000 466 Traffic Congestion Relief - - - - 500 500 - - Traffic Signahzation 10,000 10 - - 2,500 2,500 - Traffic Circulation - - - - 200 200 - - Transp Facility Impa 25,000 25,000 - - 15,000 15,000 - - Transp ortation - - - - - - 108,365 111, Water Neutralization Impact 35,000 35,000 - 2,600 2 - - Construction Tax _ _ _ _ - lrairwge Facility - - - - - - - - In -Lieu Affordable Housing - - - 300 300 - - Irv--Lieu Underground U ility - - - - - - - - later Availability Fund - - - -- 10,000 10,000 - - CDBG Grant Fund - - - - St ate COPS Block Grant - 500 500 - - Redevelopment Agency Admire, I 1,310,000 - 4,000 4,000 - - Redevelopment Set Aside 345,000 545,000 - - 9,000 9,000 - Enter Funds: Sewer - - - - 1 1,800 - - Sewer F acility _ _ - 2 2,000 - - W ater - - - 17,000 17,000 - - Lopez - - - - 15,000 15 00 - - CL /� � dater F - - - - 5 { 000 5,000 Trust & A enc F a D owntown Parking 8,300 8 - - 1,000 L 000 - api 1 Proiect Fund. V7 Fr C Improvement Program - - - - - - 604,000 100,000 TOTAL 12,520,600 12 290,150 290,150 394,660 399,870 1,493,365 902,816 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTIMATED EIS ENUE, B FUN Fiscal Year 2011-2012 and Fiscal Year 2012-1 Charges For Services Other Revenues Total Revenues Funds FY 2011 -12 FY 2012-13 FY 2011 -12 FY 2012-13 FY 2011 -12 FY 2012 -13 General Fund $ 741,850 744,350 $ 69,000 $ 90,500 10,761,510 10,816 Special Revenue Finds: Fire Protection 16,000 16,000 - - 16,150 16,150 Public Access Television 38,000 38,000 - - 38,500 38,500 Police Protection 1,000 1,000 - - 1,300 1,300 Park Development 25 25,000 - - 29,000 29,000 Park Improvement 15,000 15,000 - - 17,000 17,000 Recreation Community Center 1 100 - - 1 { 500 1 Cracelane Assessment District - - - - 9 9 Landscape Maintenance District 6,000 6 Local Use Tax Fund - - - - 1669,100 1,669,100 Parkside Assessment District - - - 58,100 58,100 Streets (Gas Tax) - 2,500 2 468,500 468,500 Traffic Congestion Relief - _ - - 500 500 Traffic Signalization - - - - 12,500 12,500 Traffic Circulation - - - 200 200 Transport Facility Impact - - - 40,000 40,000 Transportation - - - - 108,365 111,616 Water Neutralization Impact - - - - 37,600 3700 C rwtruction Tax - _ _ _ - Drainage Fac; ;t 111J - - - - - - In -Lieu fforda ► ble Housing - - - - 300 300 In -Lieu Underground Utility - - - - - - later Availability Fund - - 25,000 25 ,000 35 * 000 35,000 CDBC Grant Fund _ _ - - - State COPS Block Grant - _ _ _ 500 500 Redevelopment Agency Admin. - - - - 1,314,000 1,314,000 Redevelopment Set Aside 35000 35000 Enterprise Funds: Sewer 922,000 1,013,300 5,000 5 925,800 1,020,100 D Sewer Facility - - 10,000 10,000 12 12,000 Water 3,456,300 4,136,300 15,100 15,100 3,488 ,400 4,168,400 Lopez 2 1,922,000 - 2,504,000 11937,000 CL C Water Facilit 20,000 20,000 - - 25,000 25,000 Trust & A.enc Fund. Downtown Parking - - - 9,300 9 Capital Protect Fund. M Cr Capital Improvement Program - - 500,000 550,000 1,104,000 650,000 TOTAL $ 7,725,450 7 626,600 698,100 23 22,859,786 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE A PPROPRIATIONS BY FUND Fiscal Year 2011-2012 and Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies Debt Service Funds IFY 2011-12 FY 2012 -13 IFY 2011-12 IFY 2012 -13 IFY 2011-12 IFY 2012 -13 General Fund 9,371,200 9,836,410 4,229,450 4,178,350 177,100 195,650 Svecial Revenue Funds: Pudic Access Television - - 36,O0 36,000 - racelane Assessment District - - 5,000 5,000 - - Landscape Maintenance District 1,600 1,600 1 1 # 000 - - Local Use Tax Fund - - 53,000 53,000 81,163 81,163 Parkside Assessment Dis trict 1,600 1,600 2 2,000 - - Str eets (G Tax ) 499,100 519,400 259,800 259,800 - - Transportation - 10,000 10,00 - - Water Neutrali Imp act - - 181 { 100 169,400 - - R edevelopment Ag ency Admin. 18,800 19,100 491,500 491,500 290,580 290,131 Red evelopment Set Aside 32,660 33,460 20,000 20,000 163,451 163,199 E 1terpris Funds: Sewer 215,700 230,900 101 { 100 9 11 ,700 11,700 W ater 647, 670 672,570 1 1,758 1 361 8,600 ,00 L o pe z - - 2,738 { 305 2 - - Trust A en i Fund: Downtown P arking - - 3,500 3,500 - C a vital Pr *ect Find. C a pit a l Im P ro gr am - - - - TOTAL 10,788,330 11,315 9,596,196 9 732,594 750,643 /Y CL i� /Y � V V CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AP RC PRIA TIONS BY FUND Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 and Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 Capital Items Capital Projects 'Total Appropriation Funds FY 2011-12 FY 2012 -13 FY 2011-12 FY 2012 -13 FY 2011-12 FY 2012 -13 G eneral Fund 63,725 66,675 - 13,841,475 14, 277, 085 ecial Revenue Funds: Public Access Te - - - - 36, 000 36,000 Crace Assessment District - - - - 5,000 5 Landsca Maintenance District - - - R 2,600 2,600 Loca U se Tax Fund - - - - 134,163 134,163 Par.side Assessment District - - - - 3,600 3 Str eets (Gas Tax ) _ _ _ _ 758, 900 779 Transportation - - - - 10,000 10,000 Water Neutralization Impact 181,100 169,400 Redevelopment Agency Admin. - - - - 800,880 800,731 Redevelopment Set Aside - - - - 216,111 216,659 Fntewrise Funds: Severer 2 2, 500 - - 331,000 340, Water 17,000 7,000 - - 2,137 2 Lopez - - - 2 2,392 Trust & Agency Fund: Downtown Parking _ _ _ - 3,500 3 Capital Project Fund: Capital Improvement Program 209,000 3 2,659,000 3,252,600 D TOTAL 83,225 76, 175 2,659 3,252 23 24,870 /Y CL i� /Y w /� Cr W V CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ALL CITY FUNDS AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUNDS REVENUE & TRANSFER HIST R Y - B Y SOURCE FI SCAL YEAR 010 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED Revenue Source ACTUAL ACTUAL BUD GET BU DGE T ACTUAL BIENNIAL BUDGET 2011 - 12 2012 - BUD GET BUDGET 5 TAXES. 4 f 843,300 Property Taxes 5, Sales Taxes 5 f 303 ( 000 F ranchise Fees 4 Other Taxes 4 Total T axes 4,117, Licenses & P erauts 639,775 Fines es 665 ,,000 Use of honey and Property 520 Aid From Ctlter Governments 540,000 Charges for Current Service 1,897 Otter revenue 7 Total l ev enues 1, 960,600 Transfers In �^ 11,556 12, 0001 1 025 12,148 { 018 12,618,628 12 ,, 520 1 600 CL Total Rev enues and Transfers 1,760,416 5 9,106,901 1 /Y 098,100 � V � (D C 5 4 , 801, 537 4 f 843,300 4 5, 5 5 f 303 ( 000 4,65 8,778 4 4 4 4 4,117, 4,7 3 f 000 639,775 604,325 665 ,,000 574,965 520 540,000 540,000 1,838441 1,897 1,944,100 7 2 1, 960,600 2 1 010,600 12 f 768 11,556 12, 0001 1 025 12,148 { 018 12,618,628 12 ,, 520 1 600 12 1 636 1 600 175,202 207,801 218,420 283,420 205,450 205,150 205, 150 104320 77,145 111 111 70 f 900 85,000 95 694,179 373,555 508, 050 528,890 A 342,,521 394 399 1 2,086,262 1 f 253 f 101 2 f 802 1 083 2 1 1 493,365 902 ( 816 7,874,440 7,741,726 8 8,116,350 7,45.5 f 550 7 7 1,520,348 1,760,416 5 9,106,901 1 626,600 098,100 24,127,111 23,803298 28,162,996 33,047 25 23,050,825 22,959,786 4,704 5,,384, 5,9 80 1 900 11,813 6,181,092 4 1 165 f 7O0 5 28,832,030 29,187,654 34,143 44,860,888 31 27, 28,093,386 I A ii ' i) O Cr CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ALL CITY FUNDS AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FU1 D REVENUE & TRANSFER HIT RY - BY FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 REVENUE SOURCE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET General Fund 14,322,288 14,061,667 13,208,870 13,803485 13 13,081,810 13 peci ll Revenue Funds: Fire Protection 9,923 18,389 12,700 12,700 16,130 16,150 16,150 Public Access Television 45,121 41,802 47,000 32,350 31,710 38,500 38,500 Police Protection 1,419 4 1,700 1,700 13,560 1,300 1,300 Park Development 33,682 57,551 35,000 35,000 51,700 29,000 29,000 Park Improvement 23,434 24,347 20,400 20,400 19,800 17,000 1 7,000 Recreation CoII mun1ty Center 1,593 1,529 1,800 1,800 1 1500 11500 racelane Assessment District 9,994 9,687 9,500 9,500 9,700 9,700 9,700 Landscape Maintenance District 6,673 6,079 6,800 6,800 5,950 6,000 6,000 Local Use Tax Fund 11689,935 1 1,613 1 1,659,100 1,669,100 1 Parksnde Assessment District 59,270 59,958 58,700 581700 58,100 58,100 58,100 Streets (Gas Tai 741,552 674,592 796,700 734,586 742,334 758 # 900 779,200 Traffic Congestion Relief 72,029 155,291 177,570 1,000 450 500 500 Traffic Signa&ation 11,961 33,222 10,000 93,000 97,000 12,500 12,500 Traffic Circulation 2,421 147 21000 21000 100 200 200 Transport Facility Impact 71,919 104,752 55,000 55,000 277,000 40,000 40 # 000 Transportation 205 { 417 103,102 256,431 98,514 98,514 108,365 111,616 Water Neutralization Impact 26,309 37,383 26,400 66,400 75,600 37,600 37,600 Construction Tax 1 2 - - 1 - Drainage Fa ; .ty 544 22,137 600 +600 10 - -- In -Lieu Affordable Housing 14,619 10,933 300 300 51,040 300 300 In-Lieu Underground Utility 22,477 602 - - 300 - - Water Avarlabiity Find 50,827 32,613 41 # 000 41,000 42,000 35,000 35,000 CDBG 64,576 211,317 - 291 { 580 8,824 - - State COPS Block Grant 101,115 100,618 101,000 101 { 000 101,100 500 500 RDA Agency Admen. 1 1,279,895 1,118 1,118 1,214,000 1,314,000 1 RDA Set Aside 687,658 1,320,926 340,000 340,000 329,000 354,000 354,000 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ALL CITE FUNDS AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUNDS R EVENUE & TRANSFER HISTORY - BY FUND I /Y CL 0 /Y N Cr V FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 REVENUE SOURCE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL, BUDGET BUDGET Enterprise Funds: Sewer 791590 793,913 978,000 978,000 844,300 928,800 1,020 Sewer Facility 15,158 12,140 12,000 12,000 26,600 12,000 12,000 Water 2,330,650 21504,968 3,532,900 3,532,900 2,895,400 3,488,400 4,168,400 Lopez 3,707,335 3,280 2,854,800 2,854,800 2,845,000 2 1,937 } 000 Water Facfty 32,638 23,758 30,000 30,000 45,500 25,000 25,000 Trust & Acv_ Find. Downtown Parking 11,077 9,235 11,600 115,600 11 3,200 9,300 9,300 CaL/iW i 1 ect F Capital Improvement Program 2,463,720 2 8 18,798,548 6,O X9,387 2,659,000 3 Total 28832.030 29.187,654 34,143,896 44,860,888 31,5231990 27,216,525 28.093.386 I /Y CL 0 /Y N Cr V CITY OF ARR GRANDE ALL CM FUNDS AND REDEVELOPMENT ELOPMEI T AGENCY FUND EXPENDITURE & TRANSFER HISTORY - BY EXPENDITURE TYPE t� c� CL 0 c� N� NCr FI Y 2 -1 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -0 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET CURRENT EXPEN S a l aries and B 12,225,573 ► 11,592,981 12,357,284 10,275,285 9,713,321 10,788,330 11,315,040 Services and Supph 6 7,850,354 7,864,618 10595,383 9,492 9,596 9,476,396 De Service 189,046 250,360 683,650 638,650 699,734 732,594 750,643 C a pi tal O utlay/ Operating Equip ment 1,418 1,485,594 256,280 2 } 152 1,294,954 83 ,225 76,175 CIP Fun ding 2,463,720 2,606,912 8,783,500 18,798,548 6 2,65900 3, TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES 22 23,786,201 29,945,332 42514,018 27,25409 28 2070,854 TRANSFERS: 5,117 1 231 5,835,654 5,980 { 900 11,849,397 6,181,092 4,165 5, 233,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 28,066,998 29,621,855 35,926,232 54,363,415 33 { 435,591 28,025,445 30,144,454 PUBLIC SAFETY 4201 Police 6,025,914 CITY OF ARR GRANDE 5,931,250 5 5 6,050,850 6 4209 ALL CITY FUNDS AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 50, 310 - 162,063 101,147 EXPENDITURE & TRANSFER HISTORY - BY FUNDS AND DEPARTMENT 31,200 4211 Fire 1,777,283 1 1 FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 824,665 BIENNIAL BUDGET - 4212 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED DED ES`ITMAT ED 2011 -12 2012 - FUND/ DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET GENERAL FUND: 2,105 - - 4217 Emer Operations Center 18,467 185 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 4,0O0 3,250 1 1000 1,000 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 8 7,425,242 4001 City Council 101,492 100,143 131,150 $ 126,820 125,512 $ 117,850 118,950 4099 Retirees 86,017 106791 12900 12900 112,300 119,000 319,000 4101 City Manager 483,096 258,523 236,600 239,541 221,038 240,120 246,020 4102 Printing/ Duplicating 20, 743 22,116 27,450 27,450 23,300 37,450 37, 450 4002 City Clerk 164,805 282,398 297,160 302,211 290,171 322,760 302,060 4003 City Attorney 164,298 186,547 179,250 261,952 261,141 233,250 183,250 4120 Administrative Services 532,445 669,930 703,900 695,576 692,926 745,620 755,020 4145 Non -departmental 769,196 652,791 796,640 2,675,929 2,535,030 2,341,050 2,444 4130 Planning 485,275 442,463 455,570 483,954 455,110 513,640 535,940 4140 Wormation Tedunology 241,347 307,881 256,790 274,718 263,818 273,930 268,940 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 3,048,714 3,029583 3 { 213,510 5,217 4,980,346 4 5,210 1 630 PUBLIC SAFETY 4201 Police 6,025,914 5,409,314 5,931,250 5 5 6,050,850 6 4209 STS - Avoi the 14 DUI C ampai gn - 50, 310 - 162,063 101,147 121,000 31,200 4211 Fire 1,777,283 1 1 850,792 824,665 - - 4212 Building & Safety 254, 230,159 23090 234,615 228,765 237,790 245,690 4216 N Services 18,380 16,906 20,800 6,492 2,105 - - 4217 Emer Operations Center 18,467 185 4,000 4,0O0 3,250 1 1000 1,000 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 8 7,425,242 7 6,971,410 6 1 451,058 6,410 6 PUBLIC WORKS 4301 P.W. Administration 581, 375,694 360, 900 297,600 243,590 314,150 320, 950 CL 4303 Street Bri Main tenance 51,199 42,316 500 50,000 45,000 50,000 50 { 000 4304 Street Lighting 211,227 218, 235,200 235 ,200 225,000 235,200 235, 200 4305 Automotive Sho 106,221 108,665 117,430 145,555 139,105 119,830 123,530 r.j TOTAL PUBLIC 1�OR S 950,171 745,318 763,530 728,355 652,695 719,180 729,680 C4 Cr CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ALL CITY ]FUNDS AND REDEVELOPMENT A EI' CY FUND E & T RANSFER HISTORY - BY FUNDS N DEPARTMENT ENT FIS YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 FUND DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PARKS AND RECREATION 4420 Parks 723,902 586,445 632,300 552,264 516,593 568,915 600,965 4421 Recreation AdnAnistration 174,741 134,079 138,470 142,505 132,805 147,850 151,350 4422 General Recreation 114,183 124,864 136,900 137,601 129,001 116,800 121,600 4423 Pre - School Programs 54,927 73,722 75,170 78,776 72,086 72 74,350 4424 Recreation - Special Programs 92,283 96,723 110,500 110,500 105,200 11 112,500 4425 Children In Motion 474,755 374,372 446,660 261,643 280,343 247,400 253,500 4426 Five Cities Yourth Basketball 44,786 46,950 52,750 52,750 49 # 050 52,750 52,750 4430 Soto Sports Complex 232 # 242 253,501 279,070 268,332 252,882 265,450 275,150 4213 Government Buildings 167,698 127,527 170,880 172,912 158,812 182,470 186,770 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 2,079517 1 2,042 1 106,772 1,766,985 1,828,935 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 14,173,131 13 13,833,880 14 13,780,871 13,841,475 14,277,085 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: Eire Protection 2,723 6 - - - - - Public Access Television 32,678 32,251 36,000 36,000 33,000 36,000 36,000 Police Protection - - _ - - - _ Park Development 53,975 33,E 80,000 352,000 177,300 - - Park Improvement 174,427 77,817 20,000 286,632 26,632 45,000 45,000 Recreation Commurdty Center 3,000 61082 - 15,000 - - - Cracelane Assessment District - - 5,000 5,000 5,000 5 5 # 000 t> M Landscape Maintenance District 21604 28,148 6,900 7,100 3 5,900 5,900 Local Use Tax Fund 11454,484 1 1,304,600 2 1,630 1,529,263 1 Parkside Assessment District 17,059 - 8 11,600 4 7,200 7,200 M Streets (Gas Tax) 741,553 674,592 796,700 734,586 680,760 758,900 779,200 Traffic Congestion Relief 110,949 171,314 100,000 - - - - Cn Traffic Signalization 13,926 57,572 - 25,000 - - 200,000 DE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ALL CITY FUNDS AND REDEVELOPMENT EVEL PMEI T AGENCY FUNDS EXPENDITURE TRANSFER HISTORY -BY FUNDS AND DEPARTMENTS FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009-10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 011 -1 2012 -13 FUND/DEPARTMENT ACTUAL A CTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Traffic Circulation 99,737 20 - - - _ _ Transport Fa ' 't Impact 199,802 177,415 11000,000 1,728,883 335,495 - 130,000 Transportation 247,782 103,102 248,900 98,401 98,400 108,300 111,600 Water Neutralization 168,392 190,381 -- 354,606 225,189 181,100 169,400 Construction Tax _ _ _ - - - _ Drainage Facilit - 32,076 - - In -Lieu Affordable Housing - 4,105 - - - - - In -Lien Underground Utilities - - - 101,814 - - Water Availability Fund 10,987 20,678 - 444,068 228,881 - CDBG Fund 64575 211 - 291,580 8,824 - - Federal Fire Act Grant - - _ _ _ _ State COPS Block Grant 108,825 (18,605) 100, 00 289,877 289,877 - RDA Agency Admin. 1,147,268 1,905,439 1,059,820 1,772,515 1 3,649 1,145,980 1,145,831 RDA Housing Set -Aside 533,899 2,232,468 301,050 1,611,113 685,583 255,811 256,359 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 5,188,645 7,023 5 11,023,396 6,159,690 4,078,454 4,417 { 753 ENTERPRISE FUNDS: Sewer Fund 695,071 713,345 1,015 1 943,821 877,000 816,700 Sewer Facilit Fund 2,135 201,380 - 50,000 - 50,000 90,000 Water Fond. 4710 Water Administration 1 1,411,585 1 3,075,328 1,618 } 677 1,518,390 2 4711 Water Production 343,325 273,236 410,308 409,463 380,363 391,170 379,970 t> 4712 Water Distribution 609,329 1,127 1,323,889 1,348,858 11220,822 1,318,351 1,620,671 C 2 } 305,573 2,812,496 3,482,464 4 } 833,649 3,219 3,227,911 4 Lopez Fund 3,174,424 3,100,232 31247,418 3 21936 3 }081 2,736 { 185 ■1■i CA Water Facility Fund 58,239 71,705 492,000 268,639 167,450 200,000 360,000 fIVw V Cr ■ TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 6 1 23 5,442 6,959,158 81237,6 9 {950 7 7 436,51 6 8,152,416 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ALL CITY FUNDS AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUNDS EXPENDITURE TRANSFER HISTORY - BY FUNDS AND D EPARTMENTS I /Y CL 0 /Y Cr FUND/DEPARTMENT FIS CAL YEAR 2010 -11 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDG BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BIENNIAL BUDGET TRUST & AGENCY FUND: Downtown Parking CAPITAL PRJEC*r FUND: Capital Improvement Program TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 6 13,538 4,200 250,322 173,344 9 1 600 4 2,463,720 2 ,606 { 912 8 18,798 6,054 2 3,252,600 28 29 35,926,232 54,363,415 33,435591 28,025,045 301104,454 c� c� CL 0) c� N� w-4 Cr CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE � pRROy� lop h INCORPORATED 7 — V T � JULY 10. 1911 c9 < <FORN ,P GENERAL FUND GE NERAL FUN ` FUN SUMAMR FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries and Benefi Current E D ebt Service Equip ment Replacement Transfers Out Capital Transfers Total Expenditures Total Operating Increases (Decreases) Audit Adjustments to Find Balance Use of Reserves Total Adjustments to Fund Balance Ending Find Balance 14,322,288 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -13 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 2584,900 4 3,883,228 4,229 4,178,350 122,501 133,750 1 60,180 Begm=g Fun Balance 2,042 2,191,544 3,234, 3 3, 234,884 3,234, 2 Revenues: 63725 66,675 104,882 _ - - Revenues 12,106,969 10,824,018 10,843,670 11,463,685 11,440,280 10,761,510 10,816,920 Transfers In 2,215,319 3,237,649 2,365,200 2,339,800 2,339 2,320,300 2 Use of Reserves 350.000 350.000 Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries and Benefi Current E D ebt Service Equip ment Replacement Transfers Out Capital Transfers Total Expenditures Total Operating Increases (Decreases) Audit Adjustments to Find Balance Use of Reserves Total Adjustments to Fund Balance Ending Find Balance 14,322,288 14,061,667 13,08,870 13,803,485 13 13,431,810 13,487,220 10,848,356 10,289,661 10,970,320 8 8 9,371 9,836 2 2,362,704 2584,900 4 3,883,228 4,229 4,178,350 122,501 133,750 1 60,180 160,180 133,750 177,100 195,650 718,886 232,211 118,480 989,393 978,636 63725 66,675 104,882 _ - - - - - - 451,000 415,000 - - 14,173,131 13,018,326 13,833,880 14,694,200 13,780,871 13 14,277,085 149,155 1,043,340 (625,010) (890,715) (791) (409,665) (789,865) - _ _ - (350,000) (350,000) 149,155 1 1 043,340 (625,010) (890,715) (791) (759,665) (1 2,191,544 3,234, 2 2,344 1 169 3 1 234, 093 2,474 1,334,563 Reserve for Carry -Over of Appropriations (95,658) (82,262} - - CL 0 Available Fund Balance 2,095 3, 152 1 622 2 2,344 3, 234, 093 2,474 1,334,563 � tD tD N � 00 Cr GENERAL FUND REVENUE D ETAJ L I i� /Y C FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND FISCAL YE AR 2010 -11 TWO YEAR BUDGET 2008 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LIFE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET TAXES 4124 4001 Current Secured 4002 C urrent Ufisecured 4003 P rior Secure 4004 Prior Unsecure 4005 Redempti 4007 Tri ple Flip - VLF 4008 Tri Flip - Sales Tax 4010 Transient Occupancy Tax 4011 Sales & Use Tax 4012 Sales Tax - Safety 4013 Property Transfer Tax 4030 F ranchise Taxes 4050 Business l icense Tax - Total LICENSES & PE MM 4124 Fire Pernuts 4125 Poli Pernuts 4126 Other Permits - Alcohol 4127 Oth er Permits - Tobacco Retailers 4128 Oth er Permits - Solicitation 4141 Oth er Permits - Encroac 4161 Sign Permits 4162 Use Permits 4164 Use Permits- Temporary 4181 Building Permits 4182 Plumbing Permits 4183 Electrical Permits 4184 Sewer Ins P ermits 3,752,983 3,055,110 3,280,000 3,295,000 3,560,000 3,490,000 3,490,000 102324 101,274 93,000 93,000 100,000 100 ,000 100,000 7 (10, 617) (5, 000) (5,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) 3,710 3, 152 5, 000 5,000 4, 000 4,000 4,000 - 2 300 300 - - _ 1 1,237,622 1,200,000 1,234,710 1,234,710 1 1,230,000 827,267 530,063 650,000 761,318 761,318 737 { 000 737,000 389,067 348,014 550,000 50000 36000 500,000 550 { 000 2 2,053 2,190 2,19000 2,1 56,000 2,210 { 000 2,276 96,834 94,153 110, 110,000 100,000 110,000 1100000 67524 63,450 70,000 70,000 62,000 64,000 64,000 639,775 604,325 665,000 574,965 520,000 540,000 540,000 79,111 80,283 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80 9,286,013 8 088,300 8,909,293 8,928,028 9,055,000 9 { 171 1 000 9 7,799 5 5,800 9 1 600 9,600 9 33,887 31, 025 25, 000 2500 28,000 28,000 28,000 40 80 20 20 50 50 50 2,703 3,744 3,500 3,500 3,500 3 3 2 187 100 100 200 200 200 5,930 6 8,400 8 1 400 6,700 6, 700 6 3 5,235 3,000 300 2,000 5,200 5 1 200 302 00 40,172 11,500 26500 27,900 27,000 27,000 1 2 2,000 2 1 000 2,200 2 1 500 2500 74,198 94,371 145,000 145, 103,800 1 01,000 10100 5,293 3 6,000 6 4 1 900 5 5 1 000 5,810 7581 6, 000 6 1 000 8,000 8,000 8,000 125 - 100 100 - - GE FUN REVENUE DETAIL FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 TWO YEAR BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL A rUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET LICENSES & PERMITS (continued) 4185 Excav Grade Permits 4187 Meehauieal Permits 4188 Other Pern 4189 Other Permits - Demolition 57,924 50,144 30,000 30,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 41,735 33,773 33,800 33,800 33 { 800 34,000 34,000 4 Total 500 FINES 200 200 4201 Vehicle Code Fines 1,000 4202 Local Ordinance 3,500 4203 Parking - - Total 300 T USE OF MONEY AND PROPERT 31600 4301 Interest 500 4350 Rent 1,100 4351 Telecommunication Site Leases 207,801 4353 Rent - Commercial Buildings 201,450 4354 Part User Fees 76,161 4355 Building Supervision 82,000 4375 I ettimed Check Fees 58,000 4376 Collection- Credit Bureau 7 {500 7 1 500 Total 7,000 AID FROM OTHER GOVERNMENT 20,837 4411 Motor ehdcle License Fees Q 8,900 20,000 ( D 4413 Homeowners P.T.I. 111,500 111,500 70,900 85,000 85 { 000 15,973 ^ CL 10,000 9,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 3000 - - ( U3 B 6,420 35,310 38,520 165,182 169,505 W 192,000 170,000 O Cr 184,000 15 57,924 50,144 30,000 30,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 41,735 33,773 33,800 33,800 33 { 800 34,000 34,000 4 500 500 200 200 200 2,039 31691 1,000 1,000 3,700 3,500 3,500 - - - - 300 3,600 31600 518 11036 500 500 1,100 1,100 1 175,202 207,801 218,420 233,420 201,450 205,150 205,150 76,161 59,1 82,000 82,000 55,500 58,000 58,000 71322 7,152 7 {500 7 1 500 6 7,000 71000 20,837 10,873 22,000 22,000 8,900 20,000 20 104,320 77,145 111,500 111,500 70,900 85,000 85 { 000 15,973 8,108 10,000 9,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 3000 - - 12,840 6,420 35,310 38,520 165,182 169,505 180,000 192,000 170,000 182,000 184,000 15 23,303 13,000 13,000 20,600 21,000 21,000 41,170 31,713 40,000 40,000 29,400 30,000 30,000 9 10,637 10,000 10,000 9,700 10,000 10,000 200 200 150 150 200 200 200 42 90 100 100 - - - 276,919 243,556 253 { 250 277,090 248 290,510 295,720 57,924 50,144 30,000 30,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 41,735 33,773 33,800 33,800 33 { 800 34,000 34,000 GENE FUND REVENUE DETAI ii i� /Y W Cr V FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND COMMUNM DEVELOPMENT PMENT CHAR, ES FOR SERVICES 4501 Developer Application Fees 12,595 15,922 12,000 12,000 7 7, 10,000 4502 Filing Certificate Fees - 750 - - - - - 4503 File Fees - Variances 1,260 - 1 1 1,300 1,300 1,300 4504 File Fees - Appeals - 250 FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 TWO YEAR BUDGET 1,000 1,000 2008 -09 2009-10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 _ 2012 -1 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET AID FROM I TrHEI GOVERNMENTS entinued 2,500 2500 2 4507 Arcfdtect Review Fees 4,184 4,735 4426 P..S.T. Reim 15,406 10, 279 20,000 20,000 5,000 x,000 5 4427 Mandated Cost Recovery 2,216 4,865 - - 9 9,000 9,000 4445 Bata111on Chi Reimbursement 62,940 67, 575 63,50{ - - - - 4447 Fare Ch Reimbursement 86,500 92, 722 86, 800 - - 600 250 4448 Assist to F irefighters Grant - FE MA - - - 774,844 774,844 - 1,408 44 1 Lucia Mar Reimbursement 73,544 74,311 75,000 750 75,600 76, 000 76,000 4452 SL Progr 805 - - - - - 165,283 4460 De o Justice G rant - - - 18,543 18,543 - - 4463 CDBC G rant 14, 358 16,562 20,000 20,000 16,400 15, 000 15, 000 4479 Offi o Traffic Safety G rant - Police - 50,309 - 162,595 162,595 121,000 31,200 Total 355,428 400540 329,100 1,134 1,150 31 5,000 225,200 COMMUNM DEVELOPMENT PMENT CHAR, ES FOR SERVICES 4501 Developer Application Fees 12,595 15,922 12,000 12,000 7 7, 10,000 4502 Filing Certificate Fees - 750 - - - - - 4503 File Fees - Variances 1,260 - 1 1 1,300 1,300 1,300 4504 File Fees - Appeals - 250 - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 4505 flan Check Fees 70,002 124,186 78,400 103,400 81,300 80,000 80,000 4506 Let Split/ Subdivision 3,600 2 - - 2,500 2500 2 4507 Arcfdtect Review Fees 4,184 4,735 4,000 4 4,600 4,600 4,600 4509 Home Occupancy Permits 4,960 5,200 5,000 5,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4510 Miscellaneous flan Fees 9,348 5,846 8,000 8,000 2 2,000 2 1 000 4511 Pre - application Reviews 2700 250 3,000 3,000 - -- - 4512 Sign Reviews 600 250 - - 700 1,000 1,000 4514 Miner Exceptions 1,212 1,408 1 1,000 800 1 1,000 4518 EIR Administrative Fee 5,395 4 3,000 3,000 2,200 2,200 2,200 Total 115,856 165,283 110,400 140,400 108,400 107,600 110,100 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND F ISCAL YE 2010 - , TWO YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4701 Miscellaneous Engineering Fees 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL AC 17UAL BUDGET BUDGET AC 17UAL BUDGET BUDGET RECREATION CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4703 Engineering Inspection Fees 31248 51,129 10,000 25 20,000 4601 Playground Fees 21,820 85 22,000 - - - - 4602 Children in Motion 384,189 327,778 400,000 252,000 234,400 235,000 235,000 4603 Play/ Learn Sessions 56,775 63,237 52,500 52,500 65,000 65,000 65,000 4604 Play/ Learn.-Suminer 3,806 3,542 3 1 700 3,700 4 4,400 4,400 4605 Special Interest Classes 29,112 32,006 30,000 30 31,400 33,000 33,000 460+6 Sports Leagues 39,696 36,527 40,000 40,000 40,500 40,500 40500 4607 Special Events 14,013 1 2,085 13,000 13,000 13,900 12,000 1 2,000 4608 Softball Leagues 50,950 58,763 50,000 50,000 68,500 60,000 60,000 4609 Recreation - Other Revenue 15,920 16,220 15,000 15 { 000 10,800 11,000 11 4611 Vending Machine Income 45 - 200 200 - - - 4613 Fire Cities Youth Basketball 46,622 48,306 48,200 48,200 48,300 52,750 52,750 4614 Youth Wresfling Fund Raising 839 - - - - - 4615 Children in Motion - Masses - - - - 10,000 10,0DO 10 Total 662,948 599,388 674,600 504,600 527,200 523,650 523,650 PUBLIC WORKS CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4701 Miscellaneous Engineering Fees 219 56 200 200 5 # 000 5,000 5 4702 Engineering Map/ Plan Check 1,391 - 5 5,000 11,000 11,0 11,000 4703 Engineering Inspection Fees 31248 51,129 10,000 25 20,000 X0,000 20,000 4704 Grading Fees 820 1,105 1,000 1,0 - - 4705 Speciallnspections 384 - 4,000 4,000 - - 6 52,290 20 35,200 36,000 36,000 36,000 O THER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4725 Police Impact Fees 100 412 _ t> M 4726 Fire Impact Fees 645 445 1 - - - C 4728 Fingerprint Fees 150 100 100 100 1 1,000 1 { 000 4729 Fire -First Responder Support 9,479 9 9 - - - - 4730 Fire - Strike Team Reimbursement 230,140 168 { 475 20,000 - - - 4731 Lire Scan Fingerprinting 38,328 56,971 30,000 30,000 57,600 57,000 57,000 N V GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL t� tD � t�D tD W � W Cr FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 2008 - 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL TWO YEAR BUDGET 2011 -12 2012 -13 BUDGET BUDGET TIER CHARGES FOR SERVICES ( continue d) 4753 Sanitation District B' g Services 4762 Sewer Facility Charge 4776 Sweep State Fiighwa rs Total OTHER REVENUE 4801 Other Revenue 4802 Sales -Land 4803 Sales - Equipment / Materials 4804 Sales - Publications /Reports 4805 bi.surance Refunds/ Dividends 4807 Ex R ecovery 4808 Expense Recovery-Police 4810 Expense Recovery - Community De v. 4813 Expense Recovery -Fire 4815 PEG Access Fees 4816 #her Financing Sources 4818 Cash ever short 4880 Bore Proceeds Total TRANSFERS IN 4901 Personnel Transfers 4902 Operating Transfers 4903 Cost Allocation Total G rand Total 12,915 6,838 14,000 14,000 12,800 1 3,000 13,000 558 999 - - 3,800 3,600 3 1 100 685 - _ _ _ _ _ 293,000 243,546 74,600 44,100 75,300 74,600 74,600 3 2 3,000 3 1 000 2,300 3,000 3,000 - 35,799 - - - - - 17,490 - 15,000 15,000 3 - - 43 768 300 300 60 0 1, 000 1 49561 42,886 - - 16,000 20,000 20,000 72,505 34,128 5 5 37,000 16,500 16,500 109,925 52, 987 13000 50,000 31, 000 28,500 50,000 93,423 23,249 10,000 - - - - 100 - - - - 44,799 - - - - - - - 14 - 481,332 - - - - - 31,221 674,150 163,300 73,300 89,900 69,000 90,500 1 1,118,196 1 1,148,000 1 1,148,000 1,148,000 468,082 1,377,553 426,400 365,800 365,800 346,300 346, 300 652,740 741, 779, 82600 826, 82600 826,000 2 3237 2,365,200 2,339,800 2 2,320,300 2 14,322 14,061,667 13,208 13,803,485 13, 780,080 13 13, 137,220 GENERAL FUND EX EN ARE SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT I tD i� � tD w. 406 r FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -0 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED 2011 -1 2012 -1 DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 4001 City Corxncil 4099 Re 4101 City M anager 4102 Printing Duplicating 4002 C ity Clerk 4003 City Attorney 4120 Adminis Services 4145 Non- Departnnental 4130 Planning 4140 Information Technology 4201 Police 4209 OTS - A void the 14 DUI Campaign 4211 Fire and Emergency Services 4212 Building & Life Safety 4216 Neighborhood Services 4217 Emergency Operations Center 4301 P. W . Adm ni.stration Engineering 4803 Street Badge Maintenance 4304 Street Lighting 4805 Automotive Shop 4420 P 4421 Recreation Administration 4422 General Recreation 4423 Pre - School Programs 4424 lecreationpecial Programs 4425 Children In Motion 4426 Five Cities Youth Basketball 4430 Soto Sports Complex 4213 Government Buildings TOTALS 101,492 100,143 131,150 126,820 125,512 117,850 118,950 86, 017 106,791 129, 1 29, 000 11 2,300 119,000 319,000 488, 096 258,523 236,600 239,541 221,038 240,1 246,020 20,743 22,116 27,450 27,450 23,300 37 37 164,805 282,398 297, 160 302,211 290 322,760 302,060 164,298 186,547 179,250 26052 261,141 233, 188,250 582,445 689,930 703, 695,576 692,926 745,620 755,020 769, 652,791 796,640 2 2585,030 2,341,050 2,444,000 485,275 442,468 455,570 483,954 455,110 513,640 535,940 241,347 307,881 256,790 274,718 263,818 273,930' 268,940 6,025,914 5,409,314 5,931 1 250 5,713,448 5 6,050,850 6,229,950 - 50,310 - 162,063 101,147 121,000 31,200 1,717,283 1 1 717,068 1,619,400 850,792 824,665 - - 254,685 230,159 238,690 234,615 228,765 237,79 245,690 18, 880 16,906 20,800 6,492 2 1 1 05 - - 18,467 1,485 4 1 000 4,000 3,250 1,000 1 581524 37504 360,900 297, 243 590 814,150 320,950 51,199 42,316 50,000 50,000 45,000 50, 000 50,000 211,227 218 , 643 235,200 285,200 225,000 235,200 235,200 106,221 108,665 117,480 145,555 189,105 119,880 128,530 723,902 586,445 682,300 552,264 516598 568,915 600,965 174,741 134,079 188,470 142,505 1 82,805 147,850 151,350 114,188 124,864 186,900 137,601 129,001 116,800 121,600 54,927 78,722 75 { 170 78,776 72,086 72,850 74,350 92,288 96723 110,500 110,500 105,200 112,500 112,500 474,755 874,372 446,660 261,643 280,843 247,400 253,500 44,786 46,950 52,750 52,750 49,050 52,750 52,750 232,242 253,501 279,070 268,882 252,882 265,450 275,150 167,698 127,527 170,880 172,912 158,812 182,470 186770 14,173,131 13,018,326 13,833,880 14 18780 13,841,475 14,271,085 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE BY OBJECT I i� /Y V C FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT LINE ITEM 2008-09 ACTUAL 2009 -10 ACI UAL FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED BUDGET BUDGET ACI UAL BIENNIAL BUDGET 2011 - 2012 -13 BUDGET BUDGET SALARIES/ FRINGE BENEFTf` 5101 Salaries - Full Time 4 4,512 5,469,900 4 3,547,440 4,656,200 4,696,600 5102 Salaries - Part Time 558,805 511,904 688 448,120 346,220 428,220 438,120 5103 Salaries - Temporary Part Time 273,548 369,348 298,100- 221,490 234,400 326,700 326,700 5105 Salaries - Ov ertime 309, 962 289,923 243, 236,076 228,150 240,800 215,000 5108 Holiday Pay 276, 096 265 130,800 1 04, 700 228,020 120,000 120,000 5109 Sic L eave Pay 105,880 92 50,000 50, 000 96,100 - - 5110 Annua Leave Bu Bank 93,065 129,648 71, 700 67,600 61,660 75, 400 65,200 5111 V acation Buy Back 69, 715 32 35,600 27,313 25,861 25, 700 25 0 700 5112 Sic L eave Bu Bank 54,378 20,161 23,550 22,250 11,680 19, 500 19,500 5113 V acation Leave Pa 180,255 184,209 - 500 178,100 - 5114 Comp ensation Pa 115,012 105 ,719 - 4 79,900 - 5115 Annual Leave 130,.545 110,140 - 12Z960 - - 5121 PERS Retirement 1,837 1,759,998 1,835, 1,557,700 1,547, 1862,300 1,923,300 5122 Social Security 491,855 456,022 473,300 404,657 389,071 397,400 397,800 5123 PARS 10,121 11,654 12,480 14,030 14,418 11, 900 12,400 5126 State Disability (SDI) 19,499 22,610 23,400 17,800 16,300 18 18,260 5127 Deferred Compensa 19,445 17,021 16,200 13,700 13,660 13,400 13,400 5131 Health Ins urance 901,932 833,471 1 1 051,800 788,600 785,700 790,400 870, 5132 Dental Imurance 82,128 76,420 80,100 71,670 66,460 70,700 73,000 5133 V ision In s urance 17,730 16, 641 17,740 15,760 13,252 14,980 15,290 5134 Life Insurance 11 1 ,118 11, 045 10,420 8,910 8,903 8 8,700 5135 Lon Term Disa bilit y Ins. 15,719 15,294 15,700 9,870 9 9 10,300 5136 Retiree Medical Insurance 89,141 112,944 129,000 129,000 120,000 119,000 319,000 5141 Workers Compe nsation 256,416 228,142 234,420 170 170 110,000 215, 5142 Unemployment Insurance 17,476 50,474 - - - - - 5143 Uniform All owance 19,985 20,167 23,700 16,400 16,700 16,900 16,900 5144 Car All owance 22, 559 16,501 16,200 16,200 16,200 16,350 16,350 GENERAL FLWD EXPENDrMRE BY OB FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ACCOUNT DINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET SALARIES /FRINGE BENEFTI' continue!4 5147 Employee Assistance Program + L, 1 + 2,109 + 2 + Z18 + 2 + 2 + 2,100 5148 Boot Allowance 2 1,431 1 1,900 2 x,100 2,100 5149 Motor Pay 1,808 2587 3,600 3600 3600 3 3,600 5150 Bilinpal Pay 3 3,013 3,000 3 3 3,000 3 5151 Cell Atone Allowance 8,959 81210 8 81100 10,100 7 7,890 5199 Salary Reimbursement 21,700 - _ _ _ _ _ Total Salaries & Benefits 10,848,356 10,289,661 10 8,904,474 8 9 9 SERVICES & SUPPLIES 5201 Supplies - Office 40,946 38,228 49,130 45,642 29,742 47,810 44,110 5206 EMS Supplies 5 4,492 6 1 000 - - 5208 Postage /Mailing 15,196 17=1 24,800 24800 17,850 24800 24,800 5251 Supphe&4Msses 2 2 2,900 2 2,800 x,900 2,900 5252 Supplies- Recreation Events 10212 9 11,600 11,600 11,600 11,600 11,600 5253 Play L,eam Smions 1 2,110 2,.500 2,.500 2 2,500 2,500 5254 Play/ Lem Summer 391 481 800 800 800 800 800 5255 Special Department Supplies 77,232 78,084 83,300 93,880 62,400 142 89,700 5256 Playground Supplies 1,432 - 1,900 1,900 - - 5257 Supplies- Leagues 22,923 22,805 28,500 28,500 25,000 28,500 28,500 5258 Vending Machine Purchases - - 100 100 - - - 5259 Children In Motion Supplies- Snacks 3 3 3 3,800 3 3 3,800 5272 Protective /Safety Clothing 65,550 51,953 46,300 30,900 18,000 30,900 30,900 5273 Snuff TGols 3521 3,618 5,300 3 3 3,700 4 5274 Chen icals 3 3 3,600 3,600 2 3,000 3,600 D 5301 Advertising 7 9,067 9,800 10 1006 12,600 12,600 5303 Contractual Services 392 363,.383 376,250 1,888,546 1,805,016 2,068 2,079,700 5304 Professional Services 155,417 165,567 156)000 160,632 160,000 160,000 160,000 CL 5306 Printing Services 385 2,082 3 3,150 3,100 3 3,150 5307 Disposal Fees - - 200 200 200 200 200 5308 Street Trees 2,317 1,611 2,500 2 2 2,500 2,500 to 5315 Pre - Employment Physicals 12,637 3,075 10,300 7,535 4 4,800 41800 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE BY OBJECT I i� /Y w W Cr V FUND. 010 GENERAL FUND FISCAL YET 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -0 2009-10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESITMATED 2011 ;1 _ 2012 -1 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES (continued) 5316 J ob R ecruitment Expense 4 , 582 4� i73 5 5,165 4,050 3,900 3 1 900 5319 Se rvices - Miscellanneous 3 3 4, 800 4,486 2, 986 4 f 80O 4 5321 Animal Control Services 120 , 242 137 124 94,305 94,305 97,000 97,000 5322 Canine Program 6,724 3,856 6 6,100 6,100 12, 600 12,600 5324 Forensic Mandate Services 5 # 582 7,557 9,000 4,200 4 4,200 4 , 200 5325 Hamat /Safety Pro gram 1 2,579 3,100 - - 5327 Se rvices - L N -Ins. 8,579 20,621 20,000 100,634 100,455 70,000 20 5328 Task F orce Services 4 4 1 000 4 4;" 4 24,000 24,000 5329 Live Scan Fin E 28,030 42 , 988 22fOOO 22,04]0 30,000 22,000 22,000 5351 Services- Classes 18,469 23,455 29,700 29,700 27,000 29,700 29,700 5352 Services - Leagues 34,968 34,609 34,000 34..0W 35,000 36,000 36,000 5353 Services Events 3,533 3,588 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 5354 Building Su pe rvision - - 100 100 - 100 100 5441 Utili 120,358 116,111 185,100 185 # 100 125,04]0 130,000 135,000 5402 P ower 186,605 187,586 190 , 000 190 190,000 190,000 190,000 5403 Telephone 51,210 49,949 60,880 59 53,950 55,500 58,500 5501 Travel Con 52,219 71,081 78,080 88,277 62,493 70,920 70,820 5502 Tuition Reim bursement 8,370 7,721 10,300 10,300 8,500 10,300 10,300 5503 Members & Su bscriptions 35,799 35 43,220 38,625 32,500 39,.220 39,620 5504 Public r 28 20,324 28 34 f00V 32 35,500 25,000 5506 Elections 274 17,452 11,000 11,90+0 11, 900 8 11,000 5508 Miscellaneous Expenses 10 527 7 4�0W 1 6,500 6 5551 Property Taxes 830 845 840 840 840 850 5552 R ent - Equipment 440 761 1 1,450 1,000 1,450 1,450 5553 R ent - Buildings & Land 24 24,251 28,800 28 25,100 29,000 29,000 5555 Bank Charges 7,584 9 0 0 5,000 12,000 9 15,000 15, 000 5576 Liability Insurance -JPA Share 434,898 417,715 430,000 499,500 499,300 4.2 # 000 470,800 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE BY OBJECT FUND- 010 GENERAL FUND T 5902 Operating Transfers Sub-Total 104,882 104,882 - - - - - - t� tD CL 2) � tD tD w � 00 Cr FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 - 10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 - 12 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BLT GET BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES (continued) 5578 Liability Insurance Underground Tanks 295 347 300 300 300 300 300 5579 Property Insurance 12,884 22,080 40,000 24,300 21,331 25,000 25,000 5580 Surety Bonds 1,314 1 3 3,000 1 1,500 1 5599 W Abatement 2,400 2,400 2,400 2 1400 - - - 5601 Maintenance- Vehicles 63,295 54,406 66,270 42,470 74,000 46,150 46,650 5602 Maintenance - Office Equipment 23,071 17,316 29,550 31,624 21,324 26,100 26,100 5603 Maintenance- Machinery & Equipment 26 { 452 19,017 25,900 50,900 47,100 15,500 15500 5604 Maintenance - Buildings 3325 25,820 26,700 26,700 25,700 26,700 26,700 5605 Maintenance Grounds 60,142 58577 63,700 67,831 59,600 63,200 63200 5606 Maintenance -Radio Communications 22,886 10,983 22 22,5OO 15 22,500 22,500 5607 Maintenance- Automated Services 22,894 27,996 30,000 30,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 5608 Gas & Oil 94,575 90,624 99,080 86,280 60,650 85,600 85,600 Total Services & Supplies 2,378,506 2,362,704 x,584,900 4,189,152 3,8€33,228 4,229,450 4 DEBT SERVICE 5801 Debt - Prin Pa yment 109,775 114,627 - - 121,183 128,100 118,034 5802 Debt - Interest Payment 12,726 19,123 - - 12,567 5 34,316 5803 Lease Purchase Payments - - 160,180 160,180 - 43,300 43,300 Total 122,501 133,750 160,180 160,180 133,750 177,100 195,650 T 5902 Operating Transfers Sub-Total 104,882 104,882 - - - - - - t� tD CL 2) � tD tD w � 00 Cr GENERAL FUND E1' PENDMI E BY OBJECT I /Y CL 0 /Y Cr FUND: 010 GENERAL FUND FISC YEAR 2010 - 11 2008 -09 2009-10 ORIGINAL TENDED ESTIMATED ACCOU LI ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BURET BUDGET ACTUAL BIENNIAL BUDGET 2011 -12 2012 -13 BUDGET BUDGET TRANSFERS (continued) 5904 Capital Transfers Total Transfers OPERATING EL]IPMENT 6001 Office Furniture & Equipment 6101 Data Processing Equipment 6103 Computer licensing/ software 6201 Machinery & Equipment 6301 Vehides 6401 Structures & Inlpro ements Total GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURE BY TYPE Total Operation Expenditures Total Intra - Cit Expenditures GRAND TOTAL - - 451,000 415,000 - - 104,882 - - 451,000 415,000 - - - 2 2,500 6 61000 4,700 4 26,592 29,380 16,700 28,904 28,944 12,700 14,700 16,071 74,298 21500 20500 20,500 11,700 9,000 59,138 110,508 72,250 921,336 910,579 29,125 32,775 612,525 12,927 - 7,153 71153 - - 4,260 2 5 51500 5,500 5,800 5,800 718,886 232211 118,480 989,393 978,636 63,725 66,675 14,178,131 13,018,326 13,833,880 14,694 1 3,780,871 13,841,475 14 { 277,085 14,068249 13,018,326 13,$33,580 14 } 243,199 13,365,871 13 14,277,085 104,882 - 451 415 - - 14,178,131 13,018,326 13,833 14,694,199 13,780,871 13,841,475 14277,085 c� c� CL 0) c� oCr CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE � R Oy 0 � INCORPORATED 9 2 � JULY 10. 1811 c '� <� F oRN� SPECIAL REVENUE FINDS FIR P RO TEC TI ON IM C ' FEES FUND: 210 FIDE PROTECTION IMPACT FEES 2008 -09 2009 - ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET ORIGINAL A MENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 - BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Begiruding Fund Ba $ Revenues: Revenues Transfers In Total Revenues Expenditures: Salazies an Benefits Curren Expens Capital O utlay Transfers Out Total Ex A djustments to Fund Ba * Ending Fund Balance Deserve for Carry --Over of Appropriations Available Fund Balance $ D t� c� C 0 U3 m 44-� �Cr 3 $ 9 10, 623 $ 18,389 22,632 $ 12,700 22 $ 12, 700 22,632 $ 16,130 38,762 $ 16,150 54,912 16,150 9 18,389 12,700 12,700 16,130 16,150 16,150 2,723 080 - - - - - 2,723 6 1 380 - - - - 10,623 22,632 35,332 35,332 38, 762 54,912 71, 062 10,623 $ 22,632 $ 35,332 $ 35,332 $ 38,762 $ 5012 71,062 P UBLIC ACCESS TEL W I N FUND: 211 PUBLIC ACCESS TELEVISION FISCAL YEAR 2010 - 11 BIENNIAL BUDGET �.l.i C 0 �.l.i w v N Cr 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 - ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beghirding Fund Balance 46,230 58,673 68,224 68,224 68,224 66,934 69,434 Revenues: Revenues 45,121 41,802 47,000 32,350 31,710 38,500 38,500 Transfers In _ _ _ _ - - - Total Revenues 45,121 41 # 802 47,000 32,350 31,710 38,500 38,500 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - - - - - - - urrent E 32,678 32,251 36,000 36,000 33,000 36,000 36,000 Capital Outlay - - - - - - - Tranfers Out _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Expenditures 32,678 32,251 36,000 36 33, 000 36,000 36,000 Adj ustments t0 Fund Balance - - - - - - - * Ending Fund Balance 58,673 68,224 79,224 4 # 574 66,934 69,4 71,93 �.l.i C 0 �.l.i w v N Cr CL 0 F W Cr POLICE FACILITIES IMPACT FEES FUND: 212 POLICE PROTECTION IMPACT FEES FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -13 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be iruxin Fund Balance $ 45,299 46,718 50,777 50 $ 50,777 64,337 65 Revenues: Revenues 11419 4,059 1,700 1,700 13,560 1,300 1,300 Transfers In _ _ _ - _ _ _ Total Revenues 11419 4,059 1,700 11700 13,560 1300 11300 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - - - Current Expenses _ Capital Outlay _ Transfers Out - Total Expenditures - - - - - - Adjustments to Fund Balance -- * Ending Fund Balance $ 4 6,71$ $ 50,7 $ 52,477 $ 52,477 $ 64,337 $ 65,637 $ 66,937 CL 0 F W Cr PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND SUMMARY FUND: 213 PANIC DEVELOPMENT FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2 008-09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -1 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beginning Fund Balance 77,478 657,185 681,511 681,511 681,511 381,211 410,211 Revenues. Re 33,682 57,551 35,000 35,000 51,700 29 29,000 Transfers In - - - - - - - Total Revenues 33,682 57,551 35,000 35,000 51,700 29,000 29,000 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - - - - - - - Current Expenses - - - - - - Capital O utlay - - Transfers Out 53,975 33,225 MOW 352,000 177,300 - - Total Expenditures 53,975 33,225 80,000 352,000 177,300 - - Adjustments to Fund Balance - - - - - - - * Ending Fund Balance 657,185 681,511 +636,511 364,511 555,911 410,211 439,211 Reserve for Ca rry - Ove r o Approp riations (174,700) Available Fund Balance ► 657,185 681,511 +636,511 364,511 381,211 410,211 439,211 D t� c� CL c� 9h. Cr PARK IMPR 0 VEMENT FUND FUND FUND: 214 PARIS IMPROVEMENT ITEM 2008 -0 ACTUAL 2009 -10 ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 ORIGINAL AMENDED DED ESTIMATED BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BIENNIAL BUDGET 2011 -12 2012 -13 BUDGET BUDGET Beir►g Fund Balance 546,087 395,094 341,624 341,624 341,624 74,792 46,792 Revenues: Revenues 23,434 24,347 20,400 20,400 19,800 17,000 17,000 Transfers In - - - - - - - Total Revenues 23,434 24,347 20,400 20,400 19,800 17,000 17,000 Ex Sal aries and Benefits Current Expenses - - - - - - C apital Outlay _ - _ - _ _ Transfers Out 174,427 77,817 20,0{}0 286,632 26,632 45,000 45,000 Total Expenditures 174,427 77,817 20,000 286,632 26,632 45,000 45 ,000 Adju to Fund Balance - - - - - - - * Ending Fund Balance 395,094 341,624 342,024 75,392 334,792 46,792 18,792 Reserve for Carry -Over o Appropriations (260,000) Available Fund Balance 395,094 341,624 342,024 75,392 74,792 46,792 18,792 D t� c� CL 0 c� �Cr RECREATION CO MMUNTTY CENYER FUND SUMMARY FUND: 215 RECREATION COMMUNITY CENTER FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -0 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -13 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be ginnin g Fund Balance 43,391 41,984 37,431 37,431 37,431 23,931 25,431 Revenues: Revenues 1,593 1,529 1,800 1,800 1 1 1,500 Transfers In - - - - - Total Revenues 1 1 593 1,529 1 1,800 1,500 1,500 1,500 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - _ _ _ Current Expenses _ Capital Outlay 3 - _ _ Transfers Out - 6,0 - 15,000 - Teal Expenditures 3 6,082 - 15,000 - - Adjustments to Fund Balance - - _ _ _ _ * Ending Fund Balance 41,984 37,431 39,231 24,231 38,931 25,431 26,931 Reserve for Carry -Over o Appropriations (15,000) D Available Fund Balance 41,984 37,431 39,231 24,231 23,931 25,431 26,931 c� c� CL c� M Cr Total Revenues 9 907 9,500 9 9,700 9 9,700 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - - _ - - _ _ Current Expenses - - 5,000 5 5 5,000 5 Capital outlay _ _ _ - - - _ Transfers Out _ _ - _ - - _ Total Expenditures - - 5,000 5 5 5 5,000 Adjustments to Fund, Balance - - _ _ _ _ Ending Fund. Balance 30,294 39,981 44,481 44,481 44,681 ► 49,381 54,081 t� c� CL 0 c� 44-� w-4 Cr GRACELANE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND SUMMARY FUND: 216 GRACELANE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -1 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be Fund. Balance 0 OO 30,294 39,981 39,981 39,981 44,681 49,381 Revenues; Revenues 9,994 9,687 9,500 9 1 500 9 9 9,700 Transfers In - _ - _ - - - Total Revenues 9 907 9,500 9 9,700 9 9,700 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - - _ - - _ _ Current Expenses - - 5,000 5 5 5,000 5 Capital outlay _ _ _ - - - _ Transfers Out _ _ - _ - - _ Total Expenditures - - 5,000 5 5 5 5,000 Adjustments to Fund, Balance - - _ _ _ _ Ending Fund. Balance 30,294 39,981 44,481 44,481 44,681 ► 49,381 54,081 t� c� CL 0 c� 44-� w-4 Cr t� c� CL 0 c� 44-� 00 Cr LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE IS TRIC FUND S UMMA RY FUND: 217 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS FISCAL YE 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009-10 ORIGINAL AME ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -1 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beghu ng Fund Balance 43,026 47,095 25,026 25,026 25,026 27,076 27,176 Revenues: Revenues 6,673 6 1 079 6,800 6,800 5,950 6 6,000 Transfers In - - - - - - - Total Revenues 6,673 6,079 6,800 6,800 5 6,000 6 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - - - - 200 1 1 Current Expenses 324 236 3,800 3,800 400 1,000 1,000 Capital O utlay _ - _ - _ _ _ Transfers Out 2,280 27,912 3,100 3,300 3,300 3,300 3 Total Expenditures 2,604 28,148 6,900 7 3 5,9OO 5,900 Ad justments to Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 47,095 25,026 24,926 24,726 27,076 27,176 27,276 t� c� CL 0 c� 44-� 00 Cr I /Y CL 0 /Y w Cr LOCAL L TAX FUND SUMMARY FUND: 218 LOCAL USE TAX FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -13 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be nni ri g Fund Balance 1,024,586 1,260,037 1 1,765,542 1,765,542 466,305 606,142 Revenues: Revenues 1,689,935 1 1,613,625 1 1,659,100 1,669,100 1,669,100 Transfers In - - - - - - Total Revenues 1 1,583,649 1,613,625 1,613,625 1,659,100 1,669,100 1 Expenditures. Salaries aL d Benefits - - - Current Expenses 42,126 10,587 10,500 100,500 100 53,000 53,000 Capital Outlay - _ - - - - - Debt Service 47,000 105,750 50,000 51000 4,100 81,163 81,163 Transfers Out 1,365,358 961,807 1,244 2 1526,085 1 1,392,100 Total Expenditures 1,454,484 1,078,144 1,304,600 2,959,436 11630,486 1 1526,263 Adjusbments to Fund Balance - - - - - - - * Ending Fund Balance 11260,037 1 2,074,567 419,731 1,794,156 606,142 748,979 Deserve for Carry-Over of Appropriations (1,327,851) Available Fund Balance 1 11765,542 2,074,567 419,731 466,305 606,142 748,979 I /Y CL 0 /Y w Cr PARKSIDE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND SUMMARY c� c� c� oCr FUND: 219 PAIISIDE ASSESSMENT DIS"TIT FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 - 2009-10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -1 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beginner g Fund Balance Revenues: Revenues Transfers In Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits Current Expenses Capital Outlay Transfers Out Total Expenditures Adjustments to Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 129,890 59,270 172,101 59,958 232,059 58,700 2-32,059 58,700 232,059 58,100 285,259 58,100 336,159 58,100 59,270 59,958 58,700 58,700 58,100 58,100 58,100 - 56 17,003 - - - - 8,OOO - - 8 300 200 1,100 3 1 2 3,600 1,600 2 300 17,059 - 8,000 11,600 4,900 7 7,200 172J01 232,059 282,759 279,159 285,259 336 ,159 387,059 c� c� CL 0 c� �Cr S'T'REETS FUND SUMMARY FUND: 220 STREETS (GAS TAX) FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008-09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beghming Fund Balance 1 - - - - - - Revenues: Revenues 295,429 299,892 294,500 462,986 470,734 468 468,500 Transfers In 446,123 374,700 502,200 271,600 271,600 290,400 310,700 Total Revenues 741,552 674,592 796,700 734,586 742,334 758,900 779,200 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits 556,355 444,412 536,900 468,786 473,760 499,100 519400 Current Expenses 185,198 208,460 259 # 800 259 201,000 259,800 259,800 Debt Service - - _ - - _ - Capital Outla - 21,720 - - - - Transfers Out - - - 6,000 6,000 Total Expenditures 741,553 674,592 796,700 734,586 680,760 758,900 779,200 Adjustments to Fund Balance - - - - - - - Ending Fund Balan - - - - 61,574 - c� c� CL 0 c� �Cr I /Y CL 0 /Y N V TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF FUND SUMMARY FUND: 221 TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -13 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be ginnin g Fund Balance 145,173 106,253 90,230 90,230 90,230 90,680 91,180 Revenues: Revenues 72,029 155,291 177,570 1 450 500 500 Transfers In - - - - - - Total Revenues 72,029 155,291 177,570 11000 450 500 500 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - - - - - - - urrent Expenses Capital Ou _ _ - - - - Transfers Out 110,949 171,314 100,000 - - - Total Expenditures 110,949 171,314 100,000 - - Adjustments to Fund Balance - _ _ Ending Fund Balance $ 106,253 $ 90,230 $ 167,800 91,230 $ 90,680 $ 91,180 $ 91,680 Reserve for Carry-Over of Appropriations Available Fund Balance $ 100,253 90,230 $ 167,800 $ 91,230 90,680 $ 91,180 $ 91,680 I /Y CL 0 /Y N V TRAFFIC SI NALI A ION FUND SUMMARY FUND: 222 TRAFFIC SI NALII ATIC N FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL! BUDGET 20 08-09 2009-10 ORIGINAL! AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 --1 2012 -1 I ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUD t� tD � tD tD wCr Be r ire Fund Balance Revenues: Revenues Transfer's In Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits Current Expenses Capital Outla Transfers Out Total Expenditures Adjustments to Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Reserve f or Carry- of Appropriations Available Fund Balance 419 $ 417,623 393,273 $ 393,273 $ 393,273 490 $ 502,773 11,961 11,961 33,222 33,222 10,000 10 93,000 93,000 97,000 97,000 12,500 12,500 12,500 1 2,500 13,92 57,572 - 2500 - - 200 * 000 13,926 57,572 - 25,000 - - 200,000 417,623 393,273 403,273 461,273 $ 490,273 $ 502,773 $ 315,273 $ 417,623 $ 393,273 403,273 $ 461,273 $ 490,273 $ 502,773 $ 315,273 TRAFFIC IR LATI N FUND SUMMA c� c� c� 406 r FUND: 223 TRAFFIC CIRCULATION FIS YEAR 2 010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 201142 2012 -13 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET B e g m'ru ' n g Fund Balance $ 122,099 $ 24, 783 24,910 24,910 $ 24,910 $ 25,010 $ 25,210 Revenues: Revenues Transfers In Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits Current Expenses Capital Outlay Transfers Out Total Expenditures Adjustments to Fund Balance Ending Find Balance Reserve for Carry-Over o Appropriations Available Fund Balance 2,421 147 2 ,800 2,000 100 200 200 2,421 147 2,000 2,000 100 200 200 99,737 20 99,737 20 - - - - - 24,783 24,910 2010 26,910 25,010 25,210 25,410 $ 24, 783 $ 24,910 $ 26,910 $ 26,910 $ 25,010 25,210 $ 25,410 TRANSPORTATION ACID IMPACT FUND SUMAIAR FUND: 224 TRANSPORTATION FACILM IMPACT FISCAL YEAR 2010 - 11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -0 2009 -10 - ORIGINAL AL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beginning Fund Balance 2,941,125 2,813 2,740,579 2 2,740,579 11288,9 1,328,696 Revenues: Revenues 71,919 104,752 55,000 55,000 277,000 40,000 40,000 Transfers In - - - - - - - Total Revenues 71,919 104,752 55,000 55,000 277,000 40,000 40,000 E Sal aries and Benefits _ - - - - - C urrent Expenses - -- - - C apital Outlay - - - - - - - Trans Out 199,802 177,415 1,000,000 1 335,495 - 130 Total Expenditures 199 177,415 1 t 0 # 000 1,728,883 335,495 - 130,O00 Adjustments to Fund Balance - - - -- - - - Ending Fund Balance 2 2 1,795 1,066 2,682,084 1 1 Reserve for Carry -Over of Appropriations (1,393,388) Available Fund Balance 2,513,242 2,748,579 1,795 1,066 1,288,696 1,328,696 1,238,696 c� c� CL 0 c� �Cr TRANSPORTATION FUND S UMMARY FUND: 225 TRANSPORTATION FISCAL YEAR 201011 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -0 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beg�nr ing Fund Ba 42,365 - - R 114 179 Revenues: Revenues 205,417 103,102 256,431 98,514 98 108,365 111,616 Transfers In - - _ - - _ _ Total Revenues 205,417 103,102 256,431 98,514 98,514 108,365 111,616 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - - - - T Current Expenses 9,633 10,540 7 8,000 8 10,000 10,000 Capital Outlay - - - - - - Transfers Out 235,149 92,262 241,900 90,400 90,400 95,300 101,600 TOtal Expenditures 247,752 103,102 245,900 95,400 95,400 105,300 111,600 Adjustments t0 Fund Balance - _ - - - - - Ending Fund Balance R - 7,531 114 114 179 196 t� c� CL 0 c� �Cr WATER NEUTRALIZATION IMPACT FUND SUMMAR FUND: 226 WATER ER NEU 1 I LI 1 I IMPACT FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 - 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be nn3n Fund Balance 837,504 695,421 542,423 542,423 542,423 347,534 204,334 Revenues: Revenues 26,309 37,383 26,400 66,400 75,600 37,600 37 00 Transfers In - - _ - _ - Total Revenues 26,309 37,383 26,400 66 e 4OO 75,600 37,600 37,600 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits 41,308 49,165 - 51,606 51,189 - - Current Expenses 38,290 141,216 - 246,000 162,000 181,100 169,400 Capital Outlay - - _ _ _ - - Tranfers Out 88,794 - 57,000 12,000 - - Total Expenditure 168,392 190,381 354,606 225,189 1 81,100 169,400 Adjuslanents to Fund Balance - - - - - - Ending Fund Balance 695,421 542,423 565,823 254,217 392,834 204,334 72,534 Deserve for Carry -Over of Appropriations 1 X Available Fund Balance 695,421 $ 542,423 568,823 $ 254,217 347,534 $ 204,334 $ 72,534 t� c� CL 0 c� w-4 Cr t� c� CL 0 c� 00 Cr CONST TA FUND SUMMA FUND: 230 CONSTRUCTION TAX FISCAL YEAR 2010~ -11 --+ BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008-09 2009-10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beginning Fund Ba 3,1 3 3,190 3,190 3 3,191 3 R evenu es: Revenues 1 2 - - 1 - _ Transfers In Total Revenues 1 2 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - - - - - C urrent Expenses - Capital Outlay - Transfers Out - Total Expenditures - Adjustments to Fund Balance - - - - - - Ending Fund Balance 3,188 3,190 3,190 3,190 3,191 3,191 3,191 Reserve for Carry-Over of Appropriations Available Fund Balance 3,188 3,190 3,190 3,190 3,191 3,191 3,191 t� c� CL 0 c� 00 Cr D t� c� CL 0 c� c� Cr DRAINA FACILITY FUN MMA Y FUND: 231 DRAINAGE FACILITY FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -1 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beginning Fund Balance 11,423 11,967 2,028 2,28 2,028 2,038 2 * 038 Rev enues : enues Revenues 544 22, 137 600 600 10 - - T rans f ers In _ - _ _ _ Total Revenues 544 22,137 600 600 10 - - Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - - - - - - - C urrent Expenses Capital Outlay Transfers Out - 32,076 - - - - - Total Expenditures - 32,076 - - - Adjustments to Fund Balance - - Ending Fund Balance 11,967 2 1 028 2,628 2 2 2,038 2,038 Reserve for Carry-Over of Appropria Available Fund Balance 11,967 2,028 2,628 2 2,038 2,038 2,038 D t� c� CL 0 c� c� Cr IT -LI AFF HOUSING .FUND SUMMARY t� c� c� o� oCr FUND: 2.32 IN -LIEU AFFORDABLE HOUSING FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Beginning Fund Balance Revenues: Revenues Transfers In Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits Current Expenses Capital Outlay Transfers Out Total Expenditures Adjustments to Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 906,583 14,619 921,202 10,933 928,030 928,030 300 300 92-$ 51,040 979,070 979,370 300 300 14,619 10,933 300 300 51,040 300 300 - 4 - 4 - - - - 921,202 928,030 928,330 928,330 979,070 979,370 979 IN-LIEU UNDERGROUND UTILITY FUND t� tD � tD t� tD Cr FUND: 233 IN -LIEU UNDERGROUND UTILITY FISCAL, YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL, BUDGET 2008 -0 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -1 ACCOUNT DINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be gitunin g Fund Balance Revenues: Revenues Transfers In Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits Current Expenses Debt Service Capital Outlay Transfers Out Total Exp enditures Adjustments to Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 78,735 101,212 101,814 101,814 101,814 300 300 22,477 602 - - 300 - - 22,477 602 - - 300 - - _ - 101,814 - - - - - 101,814 - - 101,212 101,814 101,814 101,814 300 300 300 WATER AVA ILABILITY FUND SUMM FUND: 241 WATER AVAILABILITY FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -0 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -1 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be ginnin g Fund Balance 1,786,756 1 1,838,531 1,838,531 1,838,531 1,651,650 1 Revenues: Revenues 50,827 32,613 41,000 41,000 42,000 35,{}00 35,000 Transfers In - - - _ Total Revenues 50 32fiU 41,000 41,000 42,000 35,000 35,000 Expenditures. Salaries and Benefits - - C urrent Expenses Ca Outlay - - - - - - Transfers Out 10,987 20,678 - 444,068 228,881 - Total Ex 10,987 20,678 - 444,068 228,881 - - Adjustments to Fund Balance - - - - - r _ * Ending F un d Balance 1 1,838 1,879,531 1 1 1,686,650 1,721,650 Rese f or Carry -Over of App ro p riations (215,187) Available le Fund Balance 1 * 596 1 1,879,531 1 1,436,463 1,686,650 1,721 .l.i C i� .l.i w v N r. r Total Expenditures 64,575 211,317 - 291,580 8 Adjustments to Fund Balance - - - - - - Ending Fund Bal ance - - c� c� CL 0 c� wCr CDBG GRANT FUND SUMMARY FUND: 250 CDBO GRANT FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2 008-09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011-12 2012 -1 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET e iruuin Fund Balance - - - - - - - Revenues: Revenues 64,576 211,317 291,580 8,824 - - Transfers In - _ _ - - Total Revenues 64,576 211,317 291,580 8,824 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - Current Expenses 64 211 291 8,824 - Capital Outlay - - - - - - - Transfers Out - - - - - - Total Expenditures 64,575 211,317 - 291,580 8 Adjustments to Fund Balance - - - - - - Ending Fund Bal ance - - c� c� CL 0 c� wCr S TATE COQ'S BLOCK GRANT FUND S UMMAR Y FUND: 271 STATE COPS BLOCK GRANT FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 - 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 - ACCO DINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be ginnin g Fun Balance 80,097 72,387 191,610 191,610 191,610 2 $ 3 Re venu es: Revenues 101,115 100,618 101,000 101,000 101,100 500 500 Transfers In - - - - - - - Total Revenues 101,115 100,618 101,000 101,000 101,100 500 500 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits - - - - - - - Current Expenses - - - 15,059 15,059 - - Ca Outl 108,825 ( 18,605) 100,000 274,818 274,818 - - Transfers Out - - - - - Total Expenditures 108,825 18,605) 100,000 289,877 289 - - Adjustments t Fun Balance _ - - - - Ending Fund Balance 72,387 191,610 192,610 2 1 733 2,833 3,333 _ 3,833 Reserve for Carry -Over Of Appropriations ^ .l.i Availa Fun Balance $ 72,387 $ 191,610 $ 192,610 $ 2,733 $ 2,833 $ 3,333 $ 3,833 C i� .l.i w v Cr REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY A MIM T ATION FUND SUMMARY FUND: 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADMINISTRATION N DIAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL A CTUAL BU BU DGET A BUDGET BUDGET Be ginruin g Puna Balance 1,265,358 1,321,196 695,652 695,652 $ 695 $ 76,003 244,023 Revenues: Revenues 1,203 1,279,895 1 1 1,214,000 1,314,000 1,314,000 Transfers In _ - _ _ _ .. Total Revenues 1,203,105 1 1,118,000 1,118,000 1,214,000 1,314,000 1,314 Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits 22,932 55,821 27,860 42,757 51,091 18,800 19,100 Current Expenses 474,784 972,174 408,300 533,060 585,860 491500 491 Dent Se rvice 14,380 10,860 290,860 290,860 290,860 290,580 290,131 Capital Outla Transfers Out 635,172 866,584 332,800 905,838 695,838 345,100 345,100 Total Expenditures 1,147,268 1,905,439 1,059,820 1,772,515 1,623,649 1,145,980 1,145,831 Total Operating Increases (Decreases) 55,838 (6,544) 58,180 (654,515) (409,649) 168,020 168,169 Ending Fun Balance 1,321,196 695,652 753,832 41,137 286,003 244,023 412,192 Reserve for Carry -Over of Appropriations - - - - (210,000) - - Availa Fun Balance 13 695,652 753,832 41,137 76,003 244,023 412,192 i3 /Y CL A � /Y V C �� M SU MM AR Y FUND: 285 REDEVELOPMENT HOUSING SET ASIDE FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BIENNIAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LIFE ITEM AC TUA L ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET B ]n�L1n Fund Balance R evenues: Revenues Transfers In Total Revenues Expenditures: Sal aries and Benefits Current Expenses Debt Se Capital Outlay Transfers Out Total Expenditures _ Adjustments to Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Reserve for Carry -ever of Appropriations Availa Fund Balance tD CL 0 � tD tD CD Cr 2 2 1 1 1,984,570 1 1,726 687,658 1,320,926 340,000 340,000 329,000 354,000 354,000 687,658 1,320,926 340,000 340,000 329,000 354,000 354 28,626 29,503 31,340 31,209 30 { 409 32,660 33 13,919 89,447 39,800 476,594 445,864 20,000 20,000 - - 163,610 163,610 163,610 163,451 163,199 340,500 1 - 900,000 6,000 - - 150 1,108,692 66,300 39,700 39,700 39,700 39,700 533,899 2 301,050 1,611,113 685,583 255,811 256,359 (5 2,896,112 1,984 { 570 2 713 1 1,726,176 1,823,817 2,896,112 1 2,023,520 713,457 1 1 11823,817 t� tD CL 0) � tD tD w-4 Cr CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE � RO y� F INCORPORATED 9 2 V T � JULY 10, 7811 \ i RNP ENTERPRISE FINDS SEWER FUND SUMMARY FUND: 612 SEWER FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BI- ANNUAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012-13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be n'n Fund Balance 379,037 475,556 496,124 496,124 496,124 52,800 104,600 Revenues: Revenues 791,590 793,913 978,000 978,000 844,300 928,800 1 Transfers In _ _ - Total Revenues 791590 793,913 978,000 978,000 844,300 928,800 1,020,100 Expenses: Salaries an Benefits 151,358 181,552 210,200 202,179 190,979 215,700 230,900 Current E xpenses 72,480 86,381 86,100 92,400 88,700 101,100 95,600 De S ervke - - 5 5,000 2,100 11,700 11,700 C apital Outla 18 ,743 13, 883 14,300 14,300 1 { 000 2,500 2 Transfers Out 452,490 491,529 700,200 993,845 650,042 546,000 476 { 000 Total Expenditures 695,071 773, 345 1 1,307 943,821 877 ,000 81 6,700 Adjustments is t0 Fund Ba - - _ _ _ Ending Fun Balance 475,556 496,124 458,324 166,400 396,603 104 } 600 308,000 Reserve f or Carry - of Appropriations (343,803) Available Fund Balance 475,556 496,124 458,324 166,400 52,800 104,600 308,000 D t� c� CL c� 00 Cr SETTER FACILITYFUND 5 MARY FUND: 634 SEVER FACILITY FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BI- ANNUAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -1 ACCOUNT LINE ITE M ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be ginnin g Fund Balance 507,885 520,908 331,668 331,668 331,668 308,268 270,268 t� c� CL 0 c� c� Cr Revenues: Revenues 15,158 12,140 12,000 12,000 26,600 12,000 12,000 Transfers In - - - - - - - Total Revenues 15,158 12,140 12,000 12,000 26,600 12,000 12,000 Expenses: Salaries and Benefits - C urrent Expenses - - - - - -- - D Service - C apital Outlay Transfers Out 2,135 201,380 - 50,000 - 50,000 90,000 Total Expenditures 2,135 201,380 - 50,000 - 50,000 90,000 Adjustments to Fund Balance - - - - - - - Ending Fund Balance 520,908 331,668 343,668 293,668 358,268 270,268 192,268 Reserve for Carry -Over of Appropriations (50,000) Available Fund Balance 520,908 331,668 343,668 293,668 308,268 270,268 192,268 WATER FUND SUMA FUND: 640 WATER FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BI- ANNUAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -1 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LIM ITEM ACTUAL A CTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be ginnin g Fun B 12,885,541 12 12,576 12,576,725 12,576 { 72 10 11,118,867 Revenues: Revenues 2 2,504, 3, 3 2 3 4,168,400 T ransfers In _ _ _ _ Tot R evenues 2,330,650 2 3 3,532,900 2,895,400 3 4,168,400 Ex Salaries an Benefits 576,638 542,867 580,664 574,274 545,236 647,670 672570 Current E 501,024 944,732 1,508,700 1,533,700 1,357,477 1,464,441 1,758 De Serv 5 14,000 14,000 3500 8,600 8 Capital Outlay 5,017 1,605 23, 500 27,641 23,500 17,000 7 Transfers Out 994,248 1 1 2 1,290,149 1 * 200 1,702 * 800 Total E 2 2,582,542 3 4,833,649 3 3 4,149,531 Adjustments to Fun Balance Audit fixed asset & de entries (236,663) (243,136) E Fund B alance 12,897,435 12, 576 * 725 12, 11, 275,976 12 11,118,867 11,137,736 Deserve f or Carry-Over o C IP Trans - - - - (1,393,885) - - Avail Fund Balance 12, 897,435 12,576, 12,627,161 11,275,976 1 0,858,378 11,118,867 11,137,736 CL i� /Y O V Cr LO PEZ FUND SUMMARY FUND: 641 LOPE FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BI- ANNUAL BUDGET 2008 -09 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be guuun g Fund Balance 2,884, 3 1 417,696 3 3 3,597,944 3,506,778 2,929,173 Revenues: Revenues 3 1 707, 335 3 2,854 20 2 1 845,000 2 1,937,000 Transfers In - - - - - - - Total Revenues 3,707,335 3 2,854,800 2,854 2,845,000 2 1,937 Expenses: Salaries and Benefits - - Current E 2 2,772, 2,903,618 2,793,638 2,592, 2 2,392,885 Debt Service - - - - - - - C apital Outlay Transfers Out 340,008 327,396 343,800 343,300 343,300 343,300 343,300 Total Exp 3,174,424 3,100,232 3,247,418 3,136,938 2,936 3,081,605 2,736,185 Adjustments to Fund Balance - _ _ - - - _ Ending Fund Bal ance 3,417 3,597,944 3,205,326 3,315,806 3,506,778 2 2,129,988 C miDonents o f Fund Bal ance D C ash 1, 1, 1 1,407,814 1 1,021,181 221,996 c� Fixed assets & current assets 2,015,286 1,907,992 1,907,992 1,907,992 1,907,992 1,907,992 1,907,992 CL Current & long te liabilities - Ending Fund Balance 3 3,597 ; 3 3,315 3,506, 2,929,173 2 c� r * The Lopez Dam Remediation debt is being shown as an operating lease rather Marti a long -term debt. WATER FACILITY FUND SUMMAR FUND: 642 WATER FACILITY FUND FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BI- ANNUAL BUDGET 2008 -0 2009 -10 ORIGINAL AMENDED E 2011 -1 2012 -13 ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be ginnin g Fund Balance 949,993 924,392 $ 876,445 $ 876,445 $ 876 653,306 $ 478,306 Revenues: Revenues 32,638 23,758 30,000 30,000 45,500 25,000 25,000 Transfers In - _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Revenues 32,638 23,758 30,000 30,000 45,500 25,000 25,000 Expenses: Salaries and Benefits Current Expenses Capital Outlay Transfers Out 58,239 71,705 492,000 268,639 167,450 200,000 360,000 Total E 58,239 71,705 492,000 268,639 167,450 200,000 360,000 Adjustm to Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 924,392 876,445 414,445 637,806 754,495 478,306 143,306 Reserve for Carry -Over of CIP Transfers - - - - (101,189) Available Fund Balance $ 924,392 $ 876,445 $ 414,445 $ 63 $ 653,306 $ 478,306 $ 143,306 t� c� CL 0 c� "*4� Nr. r c� c� CL 0) c� wCr CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE � OAF �yO � INCORPORATED 9 V T * JULY 10. 7811 c4 ��FORN� P AGENCYFUND DOWNTOWN PARKING FUND SUMMARY FUND: 751 DOWNTOWN PARKIN FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 2008 - 2009 -10 ORIIAL AMENDED ESTIMATED 2011 -12 2012 -13 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACrUAL BUDGET BUDGET Be ginnin g Fund Balance 137,226 $ 142,243 137,940 $ 137,940 $ 137,940 494 $ 194 Revenues: Revenues 11,077 9 1 235 11,600 115,600 113,200 9, 300 9,300 Transfers In - - _ _ _ _ - Total Revenues 11,077 9,235 11,600 115,600 113,200 9 9,300 Ex p enditures Salaries and Benefits - - _ Current E 4,967 3,068 3,100 3,100 3 3,500 3,500 Capital Outlay - _ Transfers Out 1,093 10,470 1,100 247,222 169, 6,100 1,100 Total Expenditures 0,060 13,538 4,200 250,322 173,344 9,600 4,600 Adjustments to Fund Balance - - - - (77, 302) - - Ending Fund Balance $ 142,243 $ 137,940 145,340 $ 3,218 $ 494 194 $ 4,894 Reserve for Carry-Over of Appropriations Available Fund Balance $ 142,243 $ 137,940 $ 145,340 $ 3,218 494 $ 194 $ 4,894 t� c� CL 0 c� "*4� .9h. Cr t� tD CL 0) � tD tD to Cr CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE � R 0 �� A' INCORPORATED 9Z h v m i� JULY io, ieii cA41 FORN� P CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM City of Arroyo Grande Projected revenue for FY 2011112 through FY 2015/16 CIP Budget i tD � tD tD M Cr Fundiniz Source Acct # Acct. Description Carry -ever Funding FY 2011-12 New Funding FY 2011-12 Total Funding FY 2012 - 13 FY 2013 - 14 FY 2014 -15 FY 2015 - Total Projected Funds 4906 Recreation Center Imp $15,000 - $15 $2 59,000 $ 15,000 4914 Park Improvement $260,000 $45,000 $305,000 $45,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $410,000 4921 Park Development $174,700 $9,550 $174,700 $9,550 � $174,700 4922 Traffic Signalization RSHA $225,000 $3 15,000 $200,000 $200,000 4926 Transp ortation Fund $1,393,388 $2 3,500 $1,393,388 $130,000 $930,000 $130,000 $130,000 $2,613,388 4927 Pater 1 eutralrzation 4 ,00 $499,000 $45,000 $499,000 $4.5,000 49x70 Sewer P i+.nd $346, $75,00 0 $421,250 0 $5,000 j� /� �} a$105,00 f� $105,000 $70,000 $636,25 4931 Sewer Facili $50,000 $50,000 $ 1 00,000 $90,000 $190,000 4940 Water Fund $1 ,393,429 $1 0,000 $1,403,429 $622,600 $1,310,000 $10,000 $3,346,029 4942 Water Facility $99,751 $240,000 $299,751 $360,000 $659,751 4943 Wa ter Availability $215,187 $4,500 $ 215,187 $4,500 $215 4950 Sales Tax $1,368,611 $1,170,000 $2538,611 $1,150,000 $1,200,000 $1,235,000 $950,000 $7,073,611 4951 Downtown Parkin $77,302 $5,000 $82,302 $215,155 $82,302 4952 RDA Fund $210,000 $210,000 $210,000 S ub-Total Deb -Total $5,648,626 $1,555,000 $7,203,626 $2,6 02,600 $3 ,465,000 $1,500 $1,100,000 $1 5,871 0 226 OTHERS ClrS 4441 Accrued CEC Loan $33,000 $33,000 $33,000 4455 Federal S T $259,000 $2 59,000 $259,000 4463 CD BG $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $34,000 $90 4463 Deferred CDBG $9,550 $9,550 $9,550 4482 RSHA $225,000 $3 15,000 $540,000 $540,400 4483 Proposition 40 $2 3,500 $23,540 $23,500 4484 TE Funds $499,000 $499,000 $499,000 4486 USH $311,77 $311 } 774 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,0{)0 $591,774 4802 Sale Land $80 0,000 $800,000 00 481.!7 E xpe n se R ecovery $10"000 � , 00,000 $10"000 10 "V yw 0 0 4807 Deferred Expense Recove $287,048 $287,048 $287,048 4 Deferred Donations $4,500 $4,500 $ 4825 Develop (� (�(� k$5 OoOOO $550,0 0 482.5 Deferred Developer Contribution $215,155 $215,155 $215,155 4999 TBD $13,$43,900 Deb -Total $2,418,527 $604,000 $3,022.527 $650,000 $100,000 $70,000 $74,000 $17,756 G rand Total $8,067,153 $2,159,000 $10,226,153 $3,252,600 $3,565,000 $1,570,000 $1,170,000 $33,627,653 Capital Improvement Program Projected Expenditures for FY 201x/12 through FY 2015/16 CIP Budget tD � tD tD w-4 Cr Expenditures by Acti i Account Activity Carry -Over Budget FY 2011 -12 New Budget FY 2011 -12 Total Budget FY 2012 -13 FY 2013 - FY 2014 -15 FY 2015 -16 7001 Construction 5 1,437 7,395,926 2,5 67,700 3,055,847 1,471,400 1,094,600 7005 PTV Construction - Concrete 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 7006 FW Construction-Asphalt 12,500 12,500 12,5 12,500 12,500 12 ,500 7201 Constructio C ontingency 403,754 39,740 443,494 144,300 121,000 6,000 12,600 7301 Contract Administration 203,044 120,240 323,284 106,900 249,285 16,000 33,600 7401 Testin 51,800 27,780 79,580 11,300 31,000 2,000 4,200 7501 Design 1,211,470 493,540 1,705,010 322,400 7,868 49,600 7701 Study 238,859 15,000 253,859 7999 TBD 75,000 75,000 8,067,153 2,159,000 10,226,153 3,252,600 3,565,000 1,570,000 1,170,000 City of Arroyo Grande CL 0 rF CO Cr Proj Summary by Type 91Project Total, Proj. Projed Source Prior FY's 2010-11 Carry-Owr 2011 -12 2011 - 12 Total Nao Proied Name Budeet of Funds Revenues revenues Fundsne New Funding Total Funding 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Proiected Funds OU PROIE ' Funded h[iscellaneo Projects 5416 Corprnadan Yard Repairs 202,180 Exp Recovery 180 180 Sewer Fund 35,000 4,285 10,715 10,715 S 15,715 5,000 5 5,000 Water Fund 99,999 16,159 43,840 43,840 10,000 53,840 10,000 10,DDO 10,000 Sales Tax 67,ODU 27,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10 10,000 154,555 5420 Police Station 2,570,433 Sales of Land 8M OOO 8M 800,000 80DAM Sales Tax 1,407,562 97,562 400,000 360,000 130,000 490,01V 260,010 260,000 260,000 RDA 36Z871 202,671 160,000 160,OD0 160,0DO 2,290,000 5432 Carr Corral Upgrade 90,500 Downtown Parki 90,500 8,198 77,302 77,302 5 82,302 82,302 5454 Fast Branch 5beet Paulding Wall Extension 40,000 Sales `fax 40,000 9AA00 40,000 40,000 5437 let There Be Lights 6,OM Donations Deterred Donatic 6�" 6,000 4,56]0 4,5620 4,500 5439 Moden- dution do RetmAt Tech Solutions 325,021 EBCBG Grant SZ236 82,236 Accrued CEC La 2.28,371 228,371 33,000 33,000 Accrued Exp Rec 14,414 14,414 33,000 Subtotal - Finaded Mis cetXaristo7ms Projecf 6,216,436 6,216,436 69$.120 4A63,316 1,489.357 200,004 1,689, 357 285,000 285,0❑U 2a5,000 2,544,35 Unfunded 14 KeVlaneous PrOJm9 Subtotal - Unfunded MiscrUameous Projeeb TofaIMiscrik uoma Projects 6,216,436 6,216A36 698,120 4,463,316 1,489,357 200,000 1,689,357 2S5,000 285,000 285,000 2,.544,357 City of Arroyo Grande Project Summary by Type YProject Total prop. I Projetl Source Prior FY's 2010 -11 Carry-over 2011 -12 2011 -12 Total No. Project Name Budget of Funds Revenues Rewuvor Funding New Funding Total FLm*g 2011 -13 2D13-14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Projected Funds PARKS PROTECTS Funded Parks Projects 5515 Park Improvements - Various Locations 174,447 Park Improve 162,959 41,956 21,003 20,000 20 20,DD0 20,000 20,000 20,000 Park Develop 11,448 11,448 100,000 5532 Lighting at Don Roberts Field 174,700 Park Develop 174,704 174,700 174,700 174,700 174,700 5533 Amer ang with DkcabWUes Act (ADA) 378,220 CDBG 296AN 206,404 30,0001 30 000 13'0, 30,40+0 Improvements Awed CDBG 37,805 37,805 Deffered CDBG 9 9 9 9,550 bxp Recovery 410 410 Comm Center Im 6,082 6,062 Park Devetop 27,969 27,959 99,550 5534 Reswface Cnarts 73,770 Park Impmve 73,770 23.770 25,000 25,000 25,{]00 50,000 5536 replacement Lighting - Lower Basin Fields 170,000 Park Improve 170,000 170,00D 170,000 170,0+00 170,000 5540 Central h igatfun System 135,000 Park Improve 90,000 90,040 90,000 90 Water Neul 45,000 4500 45,000 45,000 135 000 5M MM Stmt Gammaidty Center Roaf Replacement 25,000 Rec Ctr Impact 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Sales Tax 10AM 10,000 9,741 9,741 24,741 5543 Tree tnvu tary 47,000 Prop 40 lac 84 UrE 23,500 23,500 23,5M 23,50 Sales Tax 23,500 23,500 23,500 23,500 47 Old Subtotal - Fmdrd Parks Praiects 7,.5(?7,592 1 1 507,59'2 386,144 881,448 560,941 75,000 635,991 75,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 8{10,991 Unfunded Parks Projects F Sm*total - Unf"ded Partin Projects Total Parks Projects 1,507,592 1,507,542 386,144 881,446 560,941 75,000 635,991 75,000 50,000 20,000 2I DOO 80D,991 I /Y M ^ 0 CL i) M /Y M 'Vw, (D Cr City of Arroyo Grande i CL 0 � tD CO 0 Cr Project Summa Pro ' ct Tula! Prof_ Prufed Source Prior FY's 201O-11 c'nrry -Ores 2011.12 7011 -12 ToLal No. Projec Name Bud t of funds Revenues Revenges Fundft New Funding Total Fw,din 2012 -13 2073 -14 2414 -15 20]5 - 16 Projected Funds STREETS PRIEC"T' Funded Streets Projects 5622 Montego Street SideweW, Phases [ & If 304,257 Federal SR'T'S 25R DDD 759,000 259,000 Coast Tax 45,257 45,257 259,000 5632 Annual C onade Replacement Program 305,896 USHA 15,547 15,547 Exp Recovery 5,000 5,000 Ge neral Fund 12,053 12,053 Const Tax 49,411 49,411 Sales Tax 223 886 65,515 33,373 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,ODD 125,000 5638 Pavement Management Program rm*ct, x,776,244 Prop 18 300,199 300,199 USHA 400,763 120,763 70,004 70,000 70,000 70,000 Traffic Cong Rei 930,961 430,961 Exp Recovery 7,57+4 7,574 Developer 3,726 3,726 Genera] Fund 170,874 170,874 Traffic [arc 69,090 68,090 Transp Fund 537,848 17,$96 130,000 130,000 130 130,000 Sales Tax 2,8%,209 278,209 378,000 273,000 400,000 673,000 400,OOD 400,000 500,000 500 3,273,OOD 5642 Brisr Road- Nalcynn Road/Route 101 Unterdiange 3,444,021 R 482,320 1W20 300,000 aft" PA/ ED wW PS&E Transp Fund 2,321,701 420,206 1,2M,495 1,000,0(10 1,000,000 700,000 Sales Tax 600,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 20 0,OW 2,500,000 5666 Ei CAUdno Pavemerd Relubilitation 7.,.361,932 Prop 1B 127,424 127,424 Deferred Prop 1F 59,347 57,347 R HA 225,0 DO 225,DOU 225= 225,040 TE fiends 349,000 349,000 349,000 349,ODD USHA 311,933 159 311,774 31 1,774 911,774 Deferred Exp Rec 6,616 6,616 Transp Fund 393,388 393,368 393,388 393,388 Water Fund 413,000 413,OOU 413,000 413,000 Sales Tax 426,224 428,224 428,224 428,= RDA 50,000 5004 50,000 50,400 2,170,386 5658 hibm4lanehow Striping, Crosswalks„ Sidewalkgs and 504,860 CD13G 48,901 46,901 Cross Gu# Accured TE $6865 88,865 Expense Recover 570 570 Sales Tax 366,524 25,892 52432 40,981 55,000 95,981 55,ODO 55,000 60,000 60,000 325,981 5bb4 with D,�sabdigas Art (ADA) Program 83,000 Sales Tax 85,000 20,00D 20,000 20,000 20,000 75,0 00 a A ,� m � erk A w and Retrofits 5678 CastMa Del Mar Road Extm1on /lrx&y Road 813,5[)0 Prop 1B 32,232 32,2,32 Drainage Improremeats Deferred Prop A X1,766 4,768 TE Funds 150,OOD 150,000 150,000 150,000 Developer 6E10,ODU 50,000 550,000 Sales Tax 26,500 7,500 19 17,772 17,772 717,772 M Fist Brawl Street Relinquishment Repairs 50,000 Exp Recovery 582 1582 Def Exp Dover 57,418 57,418 56,866 56,866 5 6,866 5668 DIOW Speed Unfit Sign sit Strother park 10,000 Sales Tax 10,000 10,ODO 10,000 10 000 City of Arroyo Grande Unfunded Streets Pmjecte Project 2010 -1 Revenues I carry -Over funding Total I 2011 -12 I Total Funding 13,884 Prvl. 5#24 Equwbian Way Crmk Croa g 505,000 TBD 506,UOO of Funds 5690 Alpine St Overlay / Waterhm Improvements 150,000 Deffered Develol 86,116 Water Fund 50,000 �DSI OO O 5640 Dplical Deuolott Devices at Grand Avenue/ 101 60,000 TBD 60,000 350,000 Sales Tax 56% LamhmorA Street Improvements N/B Ramps dr Oak Park Blvd at West Brarrdi Street Sales Tax 5695 Pecan Race 50,000 Sales Tax SM Crown Bill / E Brarkh Street InterwcHc n ADA 60 ,000 5697 Traffic Way Btid,ge Sour 500,000 TBD 50D,000 5698 East Grand Avenue / West Branch Street Traffic 200,000 Traff Sill Sigma! 25,000 125,000 5602 Bicycle and pedestrian Master plan 15,000 RSHA 500,000 5699 Flaleyon Re pajr 225,000 TBD 225,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2U,OOD 20,000 225,0DO 560t Branch Mill Rand Retaining Wail 75,000 TBD 75,000 200,000 15,000 75 OOO Subtolat - Uxl coded Stmets Prairdi 1,365,DW 1,365,000 4,41,161 5,998,719 1,%5,OW Total Stmets Projetty 18,383,880 1,675,000 1,075,000 18,383,880 4,341,161 51998,719 3,888 1,334,000 5,222,529 7,675,000 1,675,040 1,010,000 965,000 11,932,528 i (D 0 CL 2) tD tD 00 Cr Pro 'ea t Summary by Ty pe o Project 2010 -1 Revenues I carry -Over funding Total I 2011 -12 I Total Funding 13,884 Prvl. Project Sourre No. Project Name Budget of Funds 5690 Alpine St Overlay / Waterhm Improvements 150,000 Deffered Develol 86,116 Water Fund 50,000 Sales Tax %92 Traffic Way Extension XOO,DDO Sales Tax Sb93 Greenwood Tract 350,000 Sales Tax 56% LamhmorA Street Improvements 150,000 Sales Tax 5695 Pecan Race 50,000 Sales Tax SM Crown Bill / E Brarkh Street InterwcHc n ADA 30,000 Exp Recovery Improvements 200,0OD Sales Tax 5698 East Grand Avenue / West Branch Street Traffic 200,000 Traff Sill Sigma! 25,000 125,000 5602 Bicycle and pedestrian Master plan 15,000 RSHA Sabtataf - Funded Stmets Prajecte 17,018,890 13,894 Friar FY's Revenues 2010 -1 Revenues I carry -Over funding I 2011 -12 New Funding .� _ I 2011 -12 I Total Funding 13,884 2012 -13 J 2013 -14 - 13,884 � � 13,884 86,116 86,116 86,116 86,116 5000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 1 00,000 100,000 350,000 150,000 150'" 200,0OD 150,004 25,000 125,000 501 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2U,OOD 20,000 19.523 19„523 200,000 200,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 17ABOO 4,41,161 5,998,719 3,89,528 1,334,000 5 ,222-5 28 1,675,000 1,075,000 Tout 201 -1 5 2015 -16 FroKcled Funds H H 985,000 10,567,528 C ity o A rroyo Grande Pro'ect Summary b e o Pro *ect TOW Prof, Prcjc<t sour" MGr FY's Ano-11 Carry -Over 2011 -12 2011 -12 TdaL I Fr ` ct t�iea a Eud ei of Funds Revenues Revenues FLLndjmg New FundLng Total Fundin 2012 -13 2013 -14 1 2014-15 2015 -16 Projected Funds DRAINAGE PROLECTS Funded 1Dxa image Frojects 5754 !Newsom Springs Drainage Prood 634,529 Exp Recovery 62 62 Deferred Exp Re 250,000 3 247,000 230,182 230,182 on Tax 38,587 38,587 Drainage 22,200 22200 Sewer Fund 2,342 2,342 Sewer Facility 151 151,820 Sales Tax 169,518 68,6418 100,870 100,870 10D,870 331,052 5756 VaFley Road Culvert System 210,000 Sales Tax 214,000 100044 110,D00 210,000 5757 Plafto Lane & Oro Drive Inlet 50,DDD Sales Tax 50 OM 50,000 SM Underground Drainage at Mille !Nay near Miller 100,000 Sales Tax 100,000 25,000 75,00[1 #rde 104,000 5964 Underground Draim p System, Colima do Via La 150,O DD Sales Tax 150,000 1$0,000 150,000 Banana 150,00(0 5771 Restrict Basin Outflows along via La B&Tam 15,004 Sales Tax 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,0D0 15,000 5773 Larcluavnt hive ara►irwge Improvemerft 30,000 $ales Tax 30,0DO 30ACO 30,000 30,000 30,000 57 3 Cr"k Preservation / Creek Ivy Remioval Pr*cts 356,339 Sewer Fund 4,500 4,.501} Sales Tax 351,839 I 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 MAD 55,000 350000 Subtotal - Frraded Dmfnage Projects 1,58 ,174 1,%Z170 291,159 431,011 376,052 730,000 606,052 155,00D 155,E 155,000 16V= 1,236,052 i CL 0) 00 N Cr City of Arroyo G rande Proj ect Summary by Typ 9f Proj ect Total Prof. Project Source Prior FY's 2070`11 Carry -Over 2011 -12 2011 -12 Tula[ Na. Pr ct Name Budget of Funds Revenues Revenues Funding New Funding Tout Funding 3012 - 2073 - 2014 - 2015 - Pro ected Funds Total Drx bwge Proccu 3,417,870 3,417,870 291,159 431,011 376,052 730,000 606,052 155,00+0 155,0+04 155,000 165,000 3,071,75 C rF 2) M M 0 W Cr Unfunded Drainage Projects 5759 PCC Swale P&wo Street near Tally lio Creek 38,90 TIO D 38, 38 T4Rl 5761 Drainage � at Grand Avenue & West Branch 63,900 TBD 63,900 5bWt 63,9 5762 Drainage WKS at Grand Avenue & North E)m 58,100 TBD 58,104 58 5766 Upgrade Eu#hen Ditch at The Pike to South Elm 1 22,900 T8D 1 22„900 Basin 1 5767 Upgrade Earthen Ditch between Pasea Sheet and 43, *rVD 43,5W Mghwaty 227 43,500 5770 Storm brain System at Rxicy►on Road and Cra nd 60,5M TBD 60,5D0 Avenue 60,500 5772 Soto SporIs Comp[ex Infiltra Lion Basin 54 800 TBD 54,$00 54,600 5777 4 Oro Drive Drainage Improvements 29,300 TBD 29,3W 29 00 5775 Dkw Dr&l wage improvements 46 ,300 TBD 46,3W 46,300 5779 Sunset Drive Pipe Lh Wg 317,10D TBD 317,100 317 5780 South Halcyon Undergro=ding 173,000 TBD 173,000 173,000 TM Drairoge Basin Na. 2UonrectorPipe 3 ,1(]11 TBD 32,100 32,100 5762 Palm Coact Drainage 425M TBD 42,500 5783 Fair Oaks Drain h et Upgrade 26,500 TBD 26,5W 25 57$4 El Cambw Real CI++IP Dung and Undergrour4ing 221,7M TBD 221,200 221 5785 Hodges Road Cormector 68,100 TOD 68,100 6$100 5766 CUrence AvEnue,%c m Dram, 85,100 TBD $,5,100 85100 5787 Tally Ho Creek Oil Sepmtors 83,M TBD $3,000 83,000 SM Arroyo Grande Creek Oil Separators 177,700 ITBD 177,70D 177 5789 Los Berms Creek Olt Separators 54,800 TBD 54,804 50 0D 5792 Fit Grand Ave Drainage Improvements - Hakyun 36AM TBD 36,400 Road to Srisco Road Sab10taf - ilnImule DrainaS a Pry jecrb 1,835,701} 1,835,7#]0 1,835.700 C ity of Arroyo G r an d e Project Summary by Type o Pro'ect TiAai Prof. Project Source Prior FY's 2010.11 arry VOT 2G11 -12 ZM1 -12 ToW No. Pro'ed Name Budget of Funds Revenues Revenues Funding New Funding Total Funding 2012 -13 2013 -14 ZM4 -15 2DIS -16 Pruiected Funds SEWER PRIEM Funded Sewer Frvjert9 5W7 Crown Terrace f Le Pont Sewer Upgrade 90,000 Sewer Facility 90,000 go,000 90,OD0 3814 Sewer Master Plan Update 60,DDO Sewer Fund 60,000 60,ODO 50,000 50,000 50,000 5818 The Pike Sewer Upgrade 120,000 Sewer Fund 70AO 70,000 70,000 Sewer Facility 50,000 50,000 50,000 120,000 5824 Lift Station No. 3 Replacement 40 ,03+! Def Developer 1"4 491 543 Sewer Fund 350,000 350,000 285,543 285,E Sewer Facility 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 335 5032 Ash ckreet Sewer Upgrade 246,785 Def Developer 46,785 46,785 46,785 46,785 Sewer Fund 200,000 100,000 100,000 246,785 Subtotal - Funded SewffrProjecfs 917,$19 917,819 491 507,328 432,378 120,000 557„328 90,OW 100,000 100,000 842,328 i3 t� tD CL 0) � tD tD 00 cr 44h Cr City of Arroyo Grande P ro 'ect Su mmary b y Pro * ct T4tAI Prof ProjeeE Source Prior FYI 201041 Carry- Ct++er 2x11 -]2 11-12 Total No. FrojecL Name Budget of Funds Revenues Revenues Fundinp New Fundtng Totat Funding 2012 -13 2013 -14 2214 -15 )M3-16 Pro cled Fends Unfunded Sewer Frojecle 5817 Alder Street Sewer Replacement 454,590 Def Developer 190 194 190 190 TBD 454,400 454 590 5820 Wood Place Sewer Upgrade 96,000 TBD 96,000 fi 5821 Alpine Street Sewer Upgrade 117,500 TBD 117,500 117,500 5822 Tally Ho Road Sewer Upgrade 273,673 Def Developer 1,273 1,273 1,273 1,273 TUD 272,400 273,673 5825 Huasna Road Sewer Upgrade 358,589 Def Developer 189 189 189 189 TBD 358 358,589 5826 Woodlwt d Dave Sewer Upgrade 471,88$ Def Developer 11,788 11,788 11,788 11.788 TBD 460,100 471 5827 South TrafRc Way Sewer !Upgrade 138,069 Def Devel+ope'r 46+9 469 469 469 TBD 137,600 138,069 5828 Eman /Newman Sewer Upgrade 83,100 TBD 83,100 83, 100 5M II Camino Rest Sewer Upgrade 971,395 DO Developer 88,395 88,395 88,395 88,395 TBD M3,000 971,395 5831 Walnut Street Server Upgrade 753,588 Def Developer 51,188 51,188 51,188 51,188 TBD 702,400 753,588 M3 Farroll Avenue Sewer Relmtion 1,0034 94 Def Developer 994 994 494 994 TBD 1,033.500 1 ,0 3 4 A 94 5834 Otrrhard Cahforrda Sewer Relocation 774,100 TBD 774001 774,100 5835 first Serra Sewer Relocation 1,284.400 TBD 1,284,400 1,2M 5837 hens Street Sewer Upgrade 164 T13D 164,804 164,600 5838 New Drive Sewer Upgrade 74,500 TBD 74,5W 74,500 Subtotal - Unf ceded Sewer Projects 7,050,686 7,050 686 15 ,486 1,54,486 154,486 7,0150,686 Toro S ewer Projeco 7,968,505 7,968,505 491 661,814 566,814 120,000 706,814 90,000 100,000 100,000 7,893,014 M 0 CL 0) M (a B M 00 CA Cr City of Arroyo Grande Project Summary by Type of Proj Total Prof- Project Source Nor FY's 2p1 O-11 Carry-Owes 2011 -12 2071 -12 Taal No, Project Nacre Budget o! Funds Revenues Revenues Funding hfe+w Funding Total Fund 2012 -1 � 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - Pro cted Fund AR PROTECTS Funded Water projects 5904 Water Master Elan Update 70,000 Water Fund 70,000 1,128 68,872 58,872 58,872 58,872 5910 Reservoir No. b Corrstructiom and Oro Booster 877,$92 Exp Recovery 570 570 -Ration Upgrade Developer 4,824 4,824 Water Fund 772.486 44,484 728,006 541,601 541,601 Water Facility 99,712 99,712 W51 74,751 616,352 5911 Fair Oaks, H alcyon and Cornwall Upgrade from 8" 1,55000 Water Fund 1,550,000 250,OOD 1,300,000 CEP to 8" and 12* PVC 1 5932 WaterUm Upgrade. 4" to 8 ", on Bell Street and Foeh 275,000 Water Fond 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Avenue Water Facility 25,000 25,000 25,000 2500 '/y`y■/�' 27 %%2 Reservoir No. 7 Construction 422,600 Water Fund 362,6W 362 Water Facility 560,OOD 200,000 200,000 360,01V 922, 5943 Lopez Spl]Rway Feasibility Study 30,169 Water Avail 30,159 182 29,987 29,987 29,987 29,997 5944 Water Well No. 11 Fadh0a 2 85,2DO Water Avail 285,200 285,200 1$5,200 185,200 ]$5,200 Subtotal - Fmwded Wa ter Projec# 4,666,683 4,686,68 453,738 1,760,345 L165,411 200,000 3,965,411 97Z60Q 1,300,000 3,638,011 i CL 0) co � 0) Cr City of Arroyo Grande Project 'ect ma by Type qf Project Total Prof, Project No, I Project Name Budgtet Source Prior FY's 2010-11 Carry - OveX 2DIl -12 2011 -12 1 Total of Funds Revvnues Rev enue, Fundin New Fundi Tota Fun 1012 -1 3 1013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Pmlected Funds Unfunded Waler Frvjects 8,433,683 8,433,583 453,738 1, 750,345 1,165,411 200,000 1,365,411 97,600 1,300,000 7,.3,85,011 G rand Total, All Capital Projects 45,927,966 5912 Waterthm Upgrade, to 8 ', HarloeSthoot Area, 5622 ,00 TBD 562, 2,159,000 1OX 6,153 1 3,252,600 J 3,565,000 1,570,#F 1,170,000 33,627,653 Ald er Street 562, 104 5914 Guk to Pres� Reducing Fadlity, Gularte & Om 90,700 'f 13D 90,700 Drive 90,700 5917 Waterline Installation, 4* to 8 0 , on Peam BeKh and 389,900 TBD 389,900 Sandlewood 389,900 5920 {'heck Valve Upgrade, HMcrest Area 113,304 TOD 113 113,300 9922 Waterline Upgrade, 4' to 8' on East Cherry Avenue W000 TBD wow 544,000 5923 Waterline Upgrade, 10' to 12 *, on Garden Street 74,000 TBD 74,000 74,040 5924 Waterline Upgrade, 4" to S ", LePoint Area Upgrade 743,500 TBD 743,500 7 5925 Waterlirtie Upgrade, #" to 0, on Alpine Street at 108,$40 THD 108 Eman Court 108 p 5926 W aterlim Upgraft, 4' to 8", Sierra Upgrade 17Z3M TBD 172,3M 17 5927 Waterline Upgrade, 4' to go, Irtorth Alpine Upgrade 136,000 TBD 136,004 136,M 5928 Wabezli * Upgrade, 4"to 8 0 , on Sunset from Elan to 398,900 TBD 398 Alden 398,900 SM Waterline Upgrade, 4' to 8% on Ide Street from 732,100 TBD 232,100 Whitele to Ad 232,100 SM Waterline Upgrade, 4 to 8 , on Wood Pleas at 90,700 TBD 90,700 Dodson Way 90,700' 5931 1+11aterline Upgrade, 4' to 8, on Coach Road from 90,700 TBD 90,700 Bruuh mia to Flora 90 F su b total LJjI - ded Watrr jff ra y 3, r � 4},0M 3 J r� ,/ r � 4} ftiIMJV i3 A � i i � co Cr Total WMterFrojects 8,433,683 8,433,583 453,738 1, 750,345 1,165,411 200,000 1,365,411 97,600 1,300,000 7,.3,85,011 G rand Total, All Capital Projects 45,927,966 6,170,813 14,196,653 8,067,153 2,159,000 1OX 6,153 1 3,252,600 J 3,565,000 1,570,#F 1,170,000 33,627,653 IMP t M!',��a'��i' . n�'� �¢� 7 N, tr< � < 'ax � � ,s � "A �• x'�< _ :,#.' � � r¢' " .� '}`� a2� .'�.^ _ "z�`•�:°���.:�1.. �", - :i � - 'z -e . n_ } __ ; � ` ' 'F = Fra, }','qi m '4'j >: k �x'$ �.�^.`. �._ � 717 ccih"r PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total Project Cost $202,180 This project will repair various elements of the Corporation Yard facilities including painting, building refs, building exteriors and parking areas. Revenue Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Funding to Account Source Bridget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4807 Exp Recovery 180 180 4930 Sewer Fund 35,000 4,285 10,715 5,000 15,715 5,000 5,000 5 30,715 4940 Water Fund 99,999 16J59 43,840 10,000 53,840 10,000 10,000 10,000 83,840 4950 Sales Tax 17,000 27,000 1000 MOW 10,00(} 10,000 10,000 40,000 Total 20,180 47,625 54,555 25,000 79,555 25,000 25,000 25,000 154,555 Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Bridget 2012 -13 2013• -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 192,382 37,827 54, 5 55 25,000 7 9, 555 25, 000 25,000 25,000 154555 7301 Contract A dmire 8,298 8,298 7501 Design 1 1,500 Total 2OZ180 4 54,55 25,000 79555 25,000 25 2,5,000 154,,555 AM * 7 : � . -� tD CL rry 'or anodow CCM" 1 lnCN 'VARY 2) 2) M to B M 00 CA 00 Cr un& 350 PR OJECT T DE I IPT ION Total Project Cost $2,570,433 Phase 1: Analysis of Police Depayrtment space nee ds, conce d of expansion alternatives, and p of cost estimates. Phase II: Current budget will fund the design and partial construction. Future year progranuaned funds w ill fund debt service on a COP to fund the remainin construction costs. enue Revenue Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011 -12 Fundin to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 4802 Sales of Land 800, 800,000 800,000 800,000 4950 Sales Tax 1 137,562 360,000 13 490 ]0 260,000 2600 260 * 000 1,270,000 4952 RDA 362,871 202,871 160,000 160,000 160,000 Total x, 570, 433 340,433 1, 320, 000 130,000 1,450,000 260,000 260,000 260,000 Z230, Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011-12 Cost to Account Description Bu dget to da te Ove Ex pendi tu res Total Budget 2012 -1 201 -14 20 14 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction .2,110,165 37,294 1 130,000 1,292,871 260 260,000 260,000 2,072,871 7301 Contract Admin 850 950 7501 Design 395,575 238,446 157,129 157,129 157,129 7701 Study 63,844 63,844 T otal x,57 0,4 33 340 1, 130,000 1,450,000 260,000 260, 000 260,000 22 30,000 t� tD CL 2) � tD tD 00 cr to Cr POLICE DEPARTMENT� EXPANSION r V Ppt G STATION 2 E. GRAAQ AVE, Fart 350 Tota 90,500 8,198 77,302 5 82,302 Expenditures Total Funding Carry IFY 2011 -12 IFY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total, Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 8Z697 395 77,302 5,000 82 8Z302 7301 Contract Adm n 927 927 7501 Design 8,876 6,876 CL 2) O C To Ld 90500 8,198 77,302 5 82,302 8Z302 82,3{ i 4 ,r" x . 1 . x ti 5 f / �4 4� h �k � t 1 * � +y �y r r r f fi f { f � k 5 5 f / �4 4� h � � •� : � i {' � � �� � � �, Six.. # . �� � #�M� �i R {Y �,.. c� CL 0) tD � Cfl • PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total. Project Cost $40,000 The wall at the north side of East Branch Street below Paulding School w be extended east to Huasna Read in order to retain the hillside area and maintain the pedestrian and bicycle area adjacent to the roadway. Revenu Account Source Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011 -12 New Funding FY 2011 -12 Total Budget Funding to 2012 -1 2013 -14 014-15 2015-16 Complete 4950 Sales Tax 40,000 40,0OO 40,000 40,000 Total 40,000 40,000 40,E 40,000 Ex Account D Total Budget Funding to date Carry Ov er FY 2011 -12 E x p en d itures FY 2011 -12 Total Budget Cost t 2012 -1 2013-14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construcfion 40,E 40 } 000 4 40,E Total 40,000 40,000 4O,OOO 40,000 KUASKA RD V�N 3 %4 +ef k � 1 } f � , s R � ST Fund: 350 PROJECT DESCRIPTION N Replacement and installation of new street lights in the Village with decorative vintage street lights. Revenue Total Project Cost $6,000 Total 6,000 1,500 4 4,5 ] 4,500 i Cfl � N Cr Total F un din g Carry FY 20 11-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -1 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 4809 Deferred Donau 6,000 1,500 4,500 4,500 4,5OO Total 6,000 1,500 4,500 4,500 4 Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 7501 Design & Survey, 1,500 1,500 7701 Studies Total 6,000 1,500 4 4,5 ] 4,500 i Cfl � N Cr III I -- I a aeo-x ac*evz '\ age gi n - 'e"a. t 3 f PROJECT DESCRIPTION Energy efficiency replacement and upgrade of City facility lighting, HVAC and other equipment. Revenue Total Funding Carry FY 2411-12 FY 2011 -12 Funding to A ccount Source Budget to date Over New Funding ToW Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 4440 EECBG Grant 52,236 82,236 4441 Accrued CEC Lc 228,371 195,371 33,004 33,000 33,404 4807 Accrued Exp Res 14,414 14,414 Total 325,421 292,021 33,004 33,000 33,0 Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2412 -13 2013 -14 2414 -15 2015-16 Complete I /Y CL 0 /Y W Cr 7441 Construction 100,421 9,021 8,000 7301 Contract Admin 225,000 200,000 25,400 8,000 25,000 Total Project Cost $325,021 8,ofl0 25,000 Total 325,021 292,021 33,000 33, 000 33,000 F 350 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Park improvements such as the installation replacement of benches, picnic tables and trash & recycle containers rep lac emein t of irrigation systems; and turf renovations at the various parks within the City. Revenu Total Project Cost $174,407 Account Source Total Budget F un ding to date Ca rry Over FY 2011-12 New Funding FY 2011 -12 Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 - 2015-16 Fundin to Complete 4914 4921 Par Improve Park Develop 162,959 11,448 62,959 11,445 2 0,,000 0,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Total 174,407 74,40' 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,0{0 20 100,00 Expenditures Account Descrip Total Budget Funding to d ate Carry Ov er FY 2011 -12 E FY 2011 -12 'Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Cost to Complete 7001 Construction 174,407 74,40' 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 10000 Total 17 4,407 74,407 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,,000 20,000 20 100,000 i tD � tD tD Cfl � 44h Cr I = �4¢ �+- ; �>. .:k M u W Lr,. w ° do-'.- 1 I (M M M M CA Cr PROJECT DESCRIPTION Design and installation of sports field lighting at Don Roberts Field. Revenu Total Project Cast $174,700 Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 4921 Park Develop 174,70(1 174,700 174,700 174,700 Total 174,700 174,700 174,700 Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Cast to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 144,700 144,700 144,700 144,700 7501 Design 30,000 30,0[10 30,000 30,000 Total 174,700 Ftr,, i 1 74,70 0 174,700 . 174,700 174,700 ASH 5T. * - SOT S YJ � � � � • � � � � * } fir, t � � � # # * * * * * + * * * t • MON QED * r * • • i # .f DON ROBERTS T FIELD LIGHTING IMPWVEMENT Fun& 350 PROJECT D ThL project will design an const ADA restroom and other u pg ra d es to the Elm Street Community Center, and public restrooms at Short Street/ City Hail parking lot, and Soto Sports Complex. Revenue Total Project Cost $378,220 Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -1 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4463 CDBC 296,404 206,404 30,000 30,000 30 } 000 30,000 90,000 4463 Accrue CDBG 37,805 37,805 4463 Dffere C DBG 9,550 9 9,550 9,550 4807 Exp Recovery 410 410 4906 Comm Cent b 6,082 6,082 4921 Park Develop 27,969 27,969 Total 378,220 278 95,5 30,000 39,550 30,000 30,000 99,550 Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Cost to Accoun Desc* ti Budge to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 340,770 241,220 9 30,000 39,550 30,000 30,000 99,550 7201 Const Contxng 1,407 1,407 7301 Contract Admin 5,277 5,277 7501 Design 30,766 30,766 Total 378,220 278,670 9550 30,000 39,550 30,000 30,000 99,550 i3 t� tD � tD tD to � Cr � m .� Rig �� T M W 0 $4 I /Y CL i) /Y w Cr V PROJECT DESCRIPTION Phase I: Resurface four tennis courts and replace windscreen at Elm Street Park. Phase IL Resurface basketball courts at Strother Park, Rancho Grande Park, and Parkside. Revenue Total Project Cost $73,770 Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -1 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4914 Park Improve 73,770 23,770 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 Total 73,770 23,770 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 70,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 7301 Contract Admin 1,3" 1,348 7541 Design 2422 2,422 Total 73. 23,770 25,000 25 . 25,000 50,000 Fund: 350 I Q. 0 c� 00 Cr PROJECT DESMFTION Replace sports field light fixtures on Ikeda and Volunteer Fields, and electrical cabinet replacement. R evenue Total Project C ost $170,000 Account Source Total Budget Funding t0 date Carry Over FY 2011-12 New Funding FY 2011-12 Total Budget Funding to 2012 -1 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Complete 4914 Par Improve 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 Total 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 E pendituies Account Descri Total Budget Funding t0 date Carry Over FY 2011 -12 Expenditures FY 2011-12 Total Budget C ost to 2012 -1 2013-14. 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 ToW 170,000 170,000 170 } 000 170 id ASH ST. MY SO TO SPOM, C PW YAW # 4W * # * * * # 4 w i► * + i I i 0 '* * * * * * * * f AF 4W * # I D F I ELD /VOLUNTEER FIELD LIGHTING REOLACEMEI T Fn& 350 PROJECT DESCRIMON Total Project Cost $1 5,O O Installation of irrigation control system, which will enable staff to remotely turn off, on, and adjust irrigation system and manage water usage more effectively. Revenue Account Source Total Budget Funding to slate Carry Over IFY 2011-12 New Funding FY 2011-12 Total Budget Funding to 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 4914 4927 Park Improve Water Neul 90,000 45,000 90,000 45,0 DO 90,000 45,000 90,000 45,000 Total 135,000 135,000 15,0oo 135,000 Expenditures Account Description Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 Expenditures FY 2011-12 Total Budget Cost to 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 135,000 135,000 135,000 15,00D Total 135,000 135,000 1 35,000 1 5,00D I /Y CL 0 /Y Cr Fun& 350 CL 0 o. CD Cr PROJECT DESC1 IFTIDN Replace the cracked and leaking roof of the Elm Street Community Center. Revenue Total Project Cost $25,000 Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4906 lec C tr Impact 15,00(} 4950 Sales Tax 10,000 15,000 1500 259 9,141 9,741 15, 000 9,741 Total 25,000 259 24,741 24,141 2 4,741 - Expenditures Tots] Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 24,741 24,741 24,741 24,741 7501 Design 259 259 Total 25,000 259 24,741 24,741 24,741 # # ♦ t # # . . * # * # r ' -SOTO SMRTS COUPLE)( ♦ # * # # � r # # # * # V 0 w i ♦ # # 7 * f ! * # WL : # # 7 ELM ST. COMMURITY CUTE ROOF REPLACEMENT Fun 350 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Preparation of a citywide inventory of City owned and maintained trees, which wifl be incorporated into the City eographic Wormation Sys tem I in order to track maintenance, ownership, and other tree management issues. R evenue Total Project Cost $47,000 Account Source Total Budget Fundin to date Carry Over FY 2011 -12 New Funding FY 2011-12 Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -1 Funding to 2014 -1 2015 -1 Complete 4483 4950 Prop 40 & 84 U l Sales Tax 23,500 23,500 23,500 23, 500 23,500 23, 500 23,500 23,500 Total 47,000 47,000 47,000 4 7oOOO E Account Description Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011 -12 Expenditures FY 2011 -12 Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 Cost to 2014 -15 2015 -1 Complete 7001- Construction 47,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 Total 47,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 t� tD CL tQ tD tD o. Cr IL WE!� W-.- ;:�- ; 'S''�E.. Ills 110 0 0 IN 111111111 LEG G C i . e� ' r..r r�._. n' °. roi y. " :r�.' as � " 8. PROJECT DES RIFTI N This project wiU install sidewalks on Montego Street near O cean View Elementary School. Phase One constructed sidewalks on the south side of Montego Street an FY 1998/99. 99. Phase Two consists of the construction of sidewalks on the north side of Montego Street. Revenue Total Project Cost $304,257 �.l.i CL 2) tD O N Cr r W._, L 1 f` - Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Funding to Account Source Budget to slate Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014• -15 2015-16 Complete 4455 Federal S TS 259,000 259,000 259,000 259,000 4923 Const Tax 45,257 45,257 Total 304,257 45,257 259,00 259,00 259,000 Exp enditwes Total Fundin C aTry FY 2 011 -12 FY 2 011-12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date it Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013-14 2014 -15 2015-16 omplete 7001 C onstruction 179,7.02 23,702 155 155,400 1 7201 Const Confing 23,061 7 15,540 15,540 15,540 7301 Contract Admen 45,823 4,383 41,440 41,440 41,440 7401 Testin 5,808 6 28 5 5,180 5 7501 Design 50,463 9,023 41 41,440 41440 Total 304,257 45,257 259,000 259 } 000 259,000 �.l.i CL 2) tD O N Cr r W._, L 1 f` - Fun& 350 .a. r ail Y # PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total P Cost $305,898 This project provides for annual sidewalk, curb and gutter and asphalt repairs, including rubberized sidewalks. Revenue T otal 305 180 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,00 Expendi Total Total Fundin Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -1 Complete to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2014 -15 Complete 4486 USHA 15,547 15,542 4807 Ep Recovery 5,000 5,000 F 4910 G eneral Fund 12,053 12, 053 4923 Co nst Tax 49,411 49,411 4950 Sale T ax 223 9 8 f 888 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 17 5,000 T otal 305 180 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,00 Expendi Total 305,898 180 ,898 25,000 25 * 000 25,000 25,000 2 5,000 25,000 125,00 D t� tD CL �2) tQ tD tD o. cw Cr Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2014 -15 Complete 7002 PW Const 79,186 79,186 7005 PW nst - 132,937 70,432 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 1Z5m 12 62,50O 7006 PW C nst Asph 91775 31 12.5W 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 62,500 Total 305,898 180 ,898 25,000 25 * 000 25,000 25,000 2 5,000 25,000 125,00 D t� tD CL �2) tQ tD tD o. cw Cr Ills 10 10 10 10 10 110 x , �N :. l Sr' 6'. } ,i Ak ,. 3 x»am:�aa xs- cv*k'.. r 44 ,��. x��+W4 ix x,.��. .. ...x ,s.>.w ssitr y 9[ -. -.R Q0.. fax w� "L^:a4. hJ:}:Y -t� kR�v*TS. N� PROJECT" DESCRIPTION Total Project C ost $4,776, This project continues the annual maintenance work outlined in the City's Pavement Management Plan. The work includes slurry seals, micro seals, ov erlay s, and reconstruction of ex is ting streets. The streets to receive slurry sealing will be in accordance with the recommendations in the Pavement Management Program. Revenue Account Source Total Budget Fundin to date C Over IFY 2011 -12 New Fuming IFY 2011 -12 Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Funding to Complete 4446 Prop I 300,199 300,199 7501 Design 21,899 21, 899 4486 USHA 400,763 120,763 70,000 70,000 70,000 7O 28O 4495 Traffic Long lel 430,961 430,961 4807 Ep Recovery 7,574 7,574 4825 Developer 3,726 3 # 726 4910 General Fund 170,874 170,874 4925 Traffic C1Xc 68,090 68,090 4926 Trar sp Fund 537,848 17,848 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 520,000 4 950 Sales Tax 2,856 383,209 273,OOO 400,000 673 400,000 400,000 500 } 000 500,000 x,473 Total 4,776,244 1,503,244 273,000 400,000 673,000 600,000 6 O 00 700,000 700,000 3 Expenditwes Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete CL 0 tD O 44h Cr 7001 Construction 4 1,455,698 273,000 400,000 673, 0'00 600,000 600,000 700,000 700,000 3 7201 Const C ontun g 13 } 783 13,783 7301 C ontract A 5,162 5,162 7401 T estin g 6 6,703 7501 Design 21,899 21, 899 Total 4 1,503,244 27300 400,000 673,000 600,000 600,000 700,000 700,000 31273,000 ........... . . Funih 350 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total Project Cost $3,404,021 This Project Approval Environmental Document PA ED re port is the current please of the interchange pro to examine environmental issues associated with an interchange project. The subsequent phase o the project will be Plans, Specifications & Estimates PSE. A CL 0 t� tD O CA Cr R evenue BRISWRIUHAWYONRDA U91011NiQW11AME Z T otal Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011 -12 Fundin to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4482 R HA 482,320 182,320 300,000 300,000 300,000 4926 Transp Fund 2,321,701 621,701 1,000,000 1,000,000 700,000 1,700,000 4950 Sales Tax 600,000 10000 100,000 200,000 200,000 500,000 Total 3 9014,021 1,000,000 300,000 1,3[10 800,000 200,000 200,000 2,5[10,000 Expenditures T otal Funding Carry FY 201112 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Bu 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 1,200,000 80000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 7301 Contract Admin 33 , 737 33,737 501 Design 1,200,236 236 900,000 300 1,200 { 000 1,200,000 7701 Study 970, 48 870 f 48 100,000 100,000 100,o00. Total 3 } 444 { 021 904 { 021 1,0[]0,000 300,000 1,300 { 000 800,000 200,000 200 } 000 2,5 00,000 BRISWRIUHAWYONRDA U91011NiQW11AME Z F und: 350 /Y ii 0 /Y CD Cr PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction 1,900 56,963 Total Project Cost $2,361,932 The project consists of the resurfacing of FI Camino Real from East Grand Avenue to Oak Park Boulevard. Const Coning The project will also include sidewalk gap closures, bicycle lanes, expansion of existing park- and -ride lot at Halcyon Road, and replacement of various underground utilities. Revenue 246,677 246,677 7301 Contract Aura 32,139 29,139 MOO 8,000 Total Funding Carry IFY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 4446 Prop 1B 127,424 127,424 Study 1,668 1,668 4446 Deferred Prop 11 57,347 57,347 4482 RSHA 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 4484 TE Funds 349,000 349,000 349,000 349,000 4486 USHA 311,933 159 311,774 311 311,774 4807 Deferred Exp Re 6,616 6,616 4926 Transp Fund 393,388 393,388 393,388 393,388 4940 later Fund 413,E 413,000 413,000 411000 4950 Sales Tax 428,224 428,224 428,224 428,224 4952 RDA 50,(}00 50,000 50,000 50,000 Total 2,361,932 191,546 2,120,386 2,170,386 2,170,386 Ex penditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 1,900 56,963 1,848,609 1,843,609 1,843,609 7201 Const Coning 246,677 246,677 246,677 246,677 7301 Contract Aura 32,139 29,139 MOO 8,000 8,000 7401 Testing 22,100 22,100 22,100 22,100 7501 Design 153,776 103,776 50,000 50,000 50,000 7701 Study 1,668 1,668 Total 2,361,932 191,546 2,170 2,170,386 2,170,386 Fun& 350 PROJECT DE N Contract and in -house work to upgrade and repair striping, crosswalks, sidewalks and cross gutters. The majority of work in FY 2011 -12 through FY 13 -14 will focus on sidewalk repair and replacement with the goal of removing trips and fall hazards during that period. Revenue Total Project Cost $504,860 Total 504 178,879 40,981 55,000 95 ,981 55,000 55,000 60,E 60,000 325,98 �i•i ii 2) �i•i O • Cr Expenditures Tot al Fundin Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 F un din g t o Account Source Budget to date Over N ew Funding Tonal Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete Account Description Budget to date 4463 CDBG 48,901 48,901 4484 Accured TE 88,865 88,865 4807 Expense I ecovej 570 570 4950 Sal es Tax 366,524 40,543 4 0,98 1 55, 95,98 55,000 55,00 60,000 60,OOO 325,981 Total 504 178,879 40,981 55,000 95 ,981 55,000 55,000 60,E 60,000 325,98 �i•i ii 2) �i•i O • Cr Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013-14 2014 -15 2015 -1 6 Complete 7001 Construction 433,018 107,037 40,981 55,000 95,981 55,000 55,000 60,000 60,000 325,981 7201 Cnst Cntyn 3,806 3,806 7301 Contract Admin 24,850 24,850 7401 Testin 225 225 7501 Design 1,412 12,412 7701 Study 1 1 Total 544, 178,879 40,981 55 ,000 95,981 55,000 55,0 0 60, 60,000 325,981 Fun& 350 �i•i ii 0 �i•i 0 C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total Project Cost $55,000 Program to systematically upgrade and provide ADA accommodations on sidewalks throughout the City in accordance with the City of Arroyo Grande Public Right-of-Way ay ADA Compliance Program. Revenue Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -1 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4950 Sales Tax 85,000 20,0001 20,000 20,000 20 25,000 85,000 Total 85,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 85,000 Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -1 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 55,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 85,000 Total 85,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 85,000 Fun& 350 PR OJE C T DESC RIPTION Total Project Cost $813,500 Construction, widening and drainage unprovements associated with an extension of Castillo Del Mar Road from Orchard Street to Fair Oaks Avenue. Revenue Total 813,5 95 ,728 167,772 167,712 550,000 717,712 CL 2) o. cD Cr Ex Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -1 2013'14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 4446 Prop 1B 3,232 32,232 Construction 000,196 30,190 4446 Defe Prop 11 4,708 4,768 7201 C onst C onting 57,000 4484 TE F 150,000 42,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 4825 Developer 600,000 50,00 27500 550,000 550,000 4950 Sales Tax 20500 8,728 17,772 17,772 17,7 Total 813,5 95 ,728 167,772 167,712 550,000 717,712 CL 2) o. cD Cr Ex z LLO �� � CAWIU-0 DAL MR ROAD EMNSION Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 000,196 30,190 150,000 150,00(1 420,000 570,000 7201 C onst C onting 57,000 15,000 15,000 42,000 57,000 7301 Contract Admin 40,119 9,847 2,772 2,772 27500 30,272 7302 Appr Land Acq 7,500 7,500 7401 Testing 5,500 5,500 5 7501 Desi 78 23,66 55,000 55,000 7701 S tudy 24,524 24,524 Total 813,500 95,728 167,772 107,7 550,00 717,772 z LLO �� � CAWIU-0 DAL MR ROAD EMNSION Funth 350 PROJECT DESCRIMON Total Project Cost $58,000 Design and construct road repairs associated with the relinquishment of State route 227 from Crown Hill Street to State Highway 101. The majority of work is focused on drainage and road repairs at Larchmont Street and east of Mason Street. Revenue enue Account Source Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 New Funding FY 2011-12 Total Budget Funding to 2012 -1 2013 -1 2014 -1 2015 -16 Complete 4807 4807 Exp Recovery Def Exp recover 582 57,418 582 552 5606 56,866 56,866 Total 58,000 1,I4 56,866 56,866 56,866 Expenditures Account Description Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 Expenditures FY 2011 -12 Total Budget Cost to 2012 -1 2013 -1 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 7001 7501 Construction Design 56,866 1 1,134 56,866 56,866 56,866 Total 58,000 1 11 14 56,866 56,866 56,866 /Y ii 0 /Y O Cr r am k PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total project Cost $10,000 Install digital speed limit sign at Strother Park Revenue Account Source Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 New Funding FY 2011-12 Total Budget Funding t 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014-15 2015- Complete 4 950 Sales Tax 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 E xpenditures Account Description Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 Expenditures FY 2011-12 Total Budget Cost to 2012-13 201 14 2014.15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 t� tD CL �2) tQ tD tD Cr Fun& 350 ii 0 N Cr PROJECT DEIP7'II Grind and overlay of South Alpine Street from Dodson Way to C erro Vista inane and intersection at Newman Drive. Replace existing 4 -inch cast iron water main with new . -inch PVC water main from Taylor Place to Dodson Way. Total Project Cost $150,000 Revenue Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 4825 Deffered Develo 13,884 4940 grater Fund 86,116 4950 Sales Tax 50,000 13,884 13,884 13,884 86,116 86,116 86,116 50,000 500000 50,010 Total 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Expenditures Total Funding Carry IFY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 123,400 123,400 123,400 123,400 7201 Const Conting 19,600 19,600 19,600 19,600 7301 Contract A,dmin x,500 2,500 2,500 x,500 7401 Testing Z000 x,000 2,000 x,000 7501 Design 2500 2 { 500 2,500 2,500 Total 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 n& 350 /Y ii 0 /Y W Cr PROJECT DESCRIPTION Resurfacing of the extension of Traffic Way s0uth of Cherry Avenue. Total Project Cost $100,000 Revenue Total Funding Carry IFY 2011-12 FY 2011 -12 Funding t0 Account Source Budget t0 date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 COmplete 4950 Sales Tax 10000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Total 1 00,000 100,000 100,000 X00,000 Expenditure Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Cost t0 Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 80,000 80,000 80,000 8 0 f OOO 7201 Cont COnting 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 7301 Contract Admtn 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 7401 Testing 2,000 x,000 2,000 2,000 7501 Design 5 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total 100,000 100, 000 100,000 lOQ,00D Pure: 350 tD CL 0 tD 44h rr PROJECT DESCR11rf IOI Construction 307,00(1 Total Project Cost $350,000 Work involves the placement of an asphalt overlay and or reconstruction of roadways in the area known as the Greenwoo d Tract. 307,000 These streets include Greenwood Drive, Fanner Lane, Coach Road, and Flora road. Const Conting 31,000 Revenue 31,000 7301 Contract Admen Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 ComElete 4950 Sales Tax 350,000 150,000 150,000 2000000 350,00(] Total 350 } 000 150,000 150 } 000 200,000 350,000 Expo ditL1Y' s Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 201 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 307,00(1 138,000 138,000 169,000 307,000 7201 Const Conting 31,000 31,000 31,000 7301 Contract Admen 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 7401 Testing Z000 Z000 x,000 Z000 7501 Des!n 5,000 5,000 5,00(1 5 Total 3.50,000 150,00 150,000 200,000 350,000 Fund: 350 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total Project Cost $150,000 Two phased project involving the installation of an interceptor drainage system on the north side of the roadway followed by an asphalt overlay. Revenue Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -1 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4950 Sales Tax 150,000 25,000 125,000 1500000 Total 150,000 25 125,000 1500000 Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 201213 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 125,000 13,000 112000 125,000 7201 Const Corning 13,00 13,000 13,000 7301 Contract Admire 5,003 5 5,000 7401 Testing 2,000 2000 2,000 7501 Design 5,000 5 5 Total 1 50,000 25 125,000 150,000 /Y A ii ' i) /Y V , Cr Fun& 350 /Y ii 0 /Y CD Cr PROJECT DESCRIPTION onstr ction of a storm drainage system and reconstruction of the entire length of the roadway. Revenue Total Project Cost $50,000 Account Source Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 New Funding FY 2011-12 Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 Funding to 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4350 Sales Tax 50,000 5000 50,000 Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 Expenditures Account Description Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 Expenditures FY 2011-12 Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 Cost to 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 7201 7501 Construction Cons# Conting Design 45,000 4,500 500 45,000 4,500 500 45,000 4,500 500 Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 I � PF4� .°„`�� . "3 -0 rte' >.o�o-xo,.•x t;.o'':v.. L. ..nx £. �z�: ra /Y M ^ 0 ii /Y M C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total Project Cost $30,000 Installation of a crosswalk on Crown Hill at its termination with East Branch Street. Work includes the installation of ADA ramps, connecting sidewalks and minor landscaping Revenue Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Bridget 2012 -13 2013 -1 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4807 Exp Recovery 10,0 1 0000 10 1,000 4950 Sales Tax 20,000 477 19523 19,523 19,523 Total 30,000 477 29,523 29,523 29,523 Expenditures , Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Exp nditures Totem Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014-15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 29523 29,523 29,523 29,523 7501 Design 477 477 Total 30,000 477 29,523 29,523 29,523 Fund: 350 D t� tD CL 0 t� cD tD 00 Cr PROJECT DESCRIPTION N Install traffic signal at the intersection o f East Grand Avenue and Vest Branch Street, Revenue Total Project Cost $200,000 Account Source Total B Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 New Funding FY 2011-12 Total Budget 2012 - Funding t o 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 4922 Traffic Signal 200,000 200,000 200,000 Total 200,000 200,000 200,000 Exp enditures Account Description Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 Expenditures FY 2011-12 Total Budget 2012 -1 Cost t o 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 200,000 200,000 200,000 Total 200,000 200,000 200,000 D t� tD CL �0) sv � t� cD tD to Cr PROJEC D Grant monies programmed to d evelop a bicycle an pedestrian master plan for the City. Revenue Total Project Cost $15 Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -1 2013.1 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 4482 ISHA 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Total 15,000 1 5,000 15,000 15,000 Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Cost to Account Description Budget to slate Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 ;14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7701 Study 15,000 1500 15,000 15,000 Total 15,0 15 15,000 15,000 un& 350 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total Project Cost $634,529 This project will provide permanent drainage facilities in the vicinity of Branch Mi.1.]. Road, E Cherry Avenue, & Myrtle Street to provide relief from flooding. The project will consist of drainage facilities to divert runoff directly into Arroyo Grande Creels. Following public input, final alignment for the drainage facilities will be approved by the City Council. Revenue Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 4807 Ep Recovery 62 62 4807 Deferred Exp Re 250,000 19,818 230,182 230,182 230,182 4923 Const Tax 38,587 38,587 4924 Drainage 22,200 22,200 4930 Sewer Fund 2,342 2,34-2 4931 Sewer Facilit 151,820 151,820 4950 Sales Tax 169,518 68,648 100,870 100,870 100,870 Total 634,529 303,477 331,052 391,052 331,052 Expenditures Total Funding Carry IFY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 336 5,178 331,052 331,052 331,052 7301 Contract Admin 47,079 47,079 7302 Appra s/Land A 122,200 122,200 7501 Design 41,183 41,183 7701 Study 87,836 87,836 Total 634,529 303,477 331,052 331,052 331,052 tD CL 2) tD N O Cr n& 350 /Y ii 0 /Y N ■}� ■ V PROJECT DESCR Enlarge existing drop inlets and add pipes to convey runoff downstream. Revenue Total Proj Cost $21 Total Funding Carry IFY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012-13 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015 -16 Complete 4950 Sales Tax 210 10 0,000 110 210 Total 210,000 100 110,000 210,000 E xpenditures To tal Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -1 6 Complete 7001 Construction 126,000 66,400 59,600 126, 7201 C oast Conting 1x,600 1x,600 1 , 600 7301 C ontract Admin 33,600 33,600 33,600 7401 Testing 4 4,200 4,2000 7501 Design 33, 600 33,600 33 TOW 2 10, 000 100,000 110, 2100000 F"un& 350 tD CL 0 tD N N Cr PROJECT DE CI ICI ON Connect existing drop inlet at Pl atino Lane and O ro give to the nearest drop inlet d ownstream with an 18-inch pipe. Re venu e { Total Project Cost $50,000 Account Source Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 New Funding FY 2011-12 Total Budget 2012 -1 Funding to 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4 950 Sal Tax 50,000 . dd Id . le ," ' 50,000 50,000 Total 50,000 t ov 50,000 50,000 Expenditures f r Account Description Total Budget Funding to dame Carry Over FY 2011 -1 Expenditures FY 2011 -1 Total Budget 20121 Cost to 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7999 TrBD 50,000 50,000 50 Total 50,000 50, 000 50,000 J f f f � ff 1 1 � f { d . dd Id . le ," ' t ov _ f r ±` r � f Futz& 350 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct an underground drainage system to collect and discharge underground water, R evenue Total Project Cast $100,000 Fa tal 100,000 25,000 75,000 100 L � ! /' \� \ f I �, 5 ` Y h d� + i` F i !+ / f I { J ,f r rr fir' k } 4 * •m MILLER CR f f C # } � L i f � f r � N ■ W Cr Total Funding Carry FY 2 FY 2011-12 Funding to ,Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -1 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4950 Sales Tax 100,000 25,000 75,000 100 Total 100,000 25,000 75,000 100,000 Ex Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Exp enditures Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 C omplete 7999 TBD 100,000 25,000 75 } 000 100,000 Fa tal 100,000 25,000 75,000 100 L � ! /' \� \ f I �, 5 ` Y h d� + i` F i !+ / f I { J ,f r rr fir' k } 4 * •m MILLER CR f f C # } � L i f � f r � N ■ W Cr Fun& 350 /Y ii 0 /Y V PR J E 'r DESCRIMON Total Proj Cost $ 150,1000 Construction an underground drainage s y stem to coll an disch rising g roun d water. Revenue Total Funding Carry IFY 2011 -1 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budg to d ate O ver New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2 013 -14 2 014 - 2015-16 Complet 49 50 Sales Tax 150,000 150,004 150,400 150,000 Total 150,000 150,000 150,000 1 50, 000 Exp enditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Descrip Bu to slate Over Expend itures Total Bu dget 2 012 -13 2013 -14 2014-15 2015 Complete 7001 Construction 90,000 90,000 9+0,400 90,004 7201 Const Co nting 9,000 9 9,400 9 7301 Contract Admin 24,400 24,,000 24,000 24,40() 7401 b'es'tin 3,400 3,000 3,40(] 3,000 7501 Design 24,400 24,400 24,400 24,400 Total 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 F� L4 CQLINA STREET DRAINAGE SYSTEM Fund 350 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct a restriction plate inside the SDMG nearest to the basin to regulate the outflow from the basin. Revenue Total Project Cost $15,000 Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 4950 Sales Tax 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Total 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Expenditmes Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 9,000 9,000 9,000 9 7201 Const C onting 900 900 900 900 7301 Contract Admin 2400 2400 2,400 2400 7401 Testing 300 300 300 300 7501 Design 2,400 2,400 2 2400 Total 15,000 1500 15,000 15,000 r t� tD CL �2) tQ tD N. CA Cr 124 Z. VIA LA BARANCA RESTRICT BASIN OU7FLOW3 Fun& 350 D c� c� CL 0 N . CD Cr PROJECT DESCRIPTION C ons truction 18,000 Total Project C ost $30,000 Installation of subsurface d rain age components to redirect groundwater, that has been seeping th rough the asphalt onto the roadway, into the City `s stormwater system. Const Coming R evenue 1,800 1 1,800 7301 C ontract A.dnun Total Funding Carry IFY 2011-12 IFY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date O ver New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015 -16 Complete 4950 Sales Tax 30,000 30, 000 30,000 3 Total 30,000 30,000 30,000 3 ExpencHhues Total F Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date O ver Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete O01 C ons truction 18,000 18,OOO 18,000 1,00O 7201 Const Coming 1,800 1,800 1 1,800 7301 C ontract A.dnun 4 4,OO 4,800 4,OO 7401 Testing 600 600 600 600 501 Design 4,800 4,8OO 4 4,OO Total 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 A GMAT Y CEW I. WOM 9 a UB - L,ARC1 DRI L TON T BRANCH ST. LARCHMO T DR. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS � Fund 350 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total Proj Cost $356,339 Local match funds for grants for drainage and sediment control improvements, including projects at Tally Ho Creek, Newsom Springs, and a retention overflow basin at Arroyo Grande near the City entrance. The City will contract with the Calif ornia C onservation C to remove non native pl ants within the publicly owned p ortion of Arroyo Grande Creek. It will primarily involve the removal of ivy, which has consumed a major portion of the creek bank and trees within it. Stabilization of the creep bank will also be included in the project scope of work. Revenue Account Sou Total Bu dget Funding to date C arry Over IFY 7011 -17 New Funding IFY 7011 ^17 Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-I6 Funding to Complete 4930 4950 SewerFun Sales Tax 4,50Q 351,839 4 1 MAO 80 MAO 80,000 55,000 55,000 350,000 Total 356,339 6,339 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 55 55 0000 350 Expenditures Account Descri Total Budget Funding to date C arry Over IFY 2011 -1 Expenditures 2011-12 Total Budget 2012-13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Cost to Complete 7001 7301 Construction Contract Adman 351,839 4,500 1,839 4,500 X0,000 80,000 80,000 8000 55,000 55,000 350,00(} Total 356,339 6,339 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 55,000 55 350,000 /Y ii �/A /rt U3 C Fund: 350 �l•fi CL 0 �l•fi M N • W Cr PROJECT DESCRIPHON Total Project Cost $90,000 The project consists of Lining the existing -inch sewer line along Crown Terrace and Le Point to repair and enhance capacity. Revenue Total Funding Carry F'Y 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Accounf Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 omplete 4931 Sewer Facility 90,000 90,000 90,000 Total 90,000 9000 90,0oo E p Total Funding Carry I'Y 2011 -12 FY 2011-12 Cast to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 G14 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 54,000 54,000 54,00(1 7201 Const Conting 5,400 5 5,400 7301 Contract Admin 14,40D 14,400 14,400 74 01 Testin 1,$0(1 1,800 1,800 7501 Design 14,400 14,400 14 Total 90,000 90,000 90 MAY ST. n LE POINT :iT. lei LE POINT ST. B�_. SEWER UPGRADE F un& 350 PROJECT DESCRIMON Total Project Cost $60,000 Regular update to the approved severer master plan to acconnutiodate the build -out requirements of the City. Revenue Account Source Total Budget Fundin to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 New Funding IFY 2011-12 Total Bud 2012 -1 Funding to 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015 -16 Complete 4930 Severer Fund 60,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Total 60,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Expenditures Account Description Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011-12 Expenditures FY 2011-12 Total Budget 2012 -13 Cost to 2013 -14 2014 -1 201.E -16 Complete 7701 Study 60 { 000 10,000 50,000 50,000 5,000 Total 60,000 10,000 50,000 5 0 f 000 X0,000 /Y ii /Y (D Cr Fun& 350 CL 0 c� c� w. CD PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total P ro j ect C ost $120,000 The project consists of replacing the existing 6 -inch sewer line along The Pike with a new -inch sewer line. Revenue Total Fundin Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding to A ccount Source Budget t o date Ov er New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -1 2014 -1 2015-10 Complete 4930 Sever Fun 70,000 70,000 70,000 70 4931 Sever Facility 50,00+0 50,000 50, 000 50,000 Total 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Ex p en ditures Total Fundin Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011-12 Cost to Account Description Budget to dame Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -1 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 72,000 7ZOOO 7 ,000 72,000 7201 Const Conting 7 7,200 7,200 7,200 7301 Contract A min 19,200 19,200 19,201] 19,200 7401 Testing 2 * 400 2,400 2,400 2400 7501 Design 19,201] 19,200 19,200 19,200 Total 120 120,000 120,00+0 120,00+0 THE PIKE � SEWERUpGR" � 6, �pN01. W pR, Crime uLurr Ills 1111111110 0 �. .� ✓�. �s -r. e ,' vae9-7;" ` r x,. ° "an ¢as }� „x �. , U&I 1w M 440, ifli 90 WWI a � xek a� kvo. #<a. �� $��'x re�.: �'':< PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct a new submersible lift station to replace Lift Station No_ 3. Total Project Cost $401,034 Revenue Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 4825 Def Developer 1,034 1,034 4930 Sewer Fund 350,000 64,457 285,543 285,543 285,543 4931 Sewer Facility 50,000 50,000 50,O O 50,000 Total 401,03 65,491 335,543 335,543 335,543 Expenditures Total Funding Carry F'Y 2011-12 FY 2011 -1 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 241,034 241,034 241,034 241,034 7201 Const Contin 24,O J 24,000 24,000 24,000 7301 Contract Adaun 64,000 1 62,500 62 6 , 00 7401 Testing 8 8,000 8,000 8,000 7501 Design 64 63,991 Total 401,034 65,491 335,543 335,543 335,543 M W } Cr 11111111 more { " �q' RCd4 p"" ,� � 4 {wv {v#..f:"� {b" 3 3+l w6 ... ". .'}d! #�XYdT. �`b_� }9 �'•"� -.. b ". � } � bZ{ ,s - \�:'FA'g \�,C+' '}: l+d'r1'�:ii 'uxC oo x•_ x # ....,. _ # ASH' EWER UPGRADE ii A' = �v7 N Cr PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total Proj Cost $246,785 Replace the existing 12-inch sever along Ash Street with a new 18-inch sewer. Revenue • r V ► • rt • r • ■ • • * + • + 9 0 P 4 lop # # # * # * # • • # • # y # • t V V r 0 • w # V # ♦ y op d, • • ■ # • # # * yr # # Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 IFY 2011-12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 4825 Def Deve 46,785 46,785 46,785 46,785 4930 Sewer Fund 200,000 100,000 100,00 200,000 Total 246,785 46,785 46,785 100 100 1 000 246,785 Expenditures Total F Ca rry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Cost to A ccount Description Budget to date Over E x pe n d itures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construc 165,000 26,153 26,153 78,847 6D,00O 165,000 7201 Const Coming 16 15 10500 6,000 16,500 7301 Contract Adman 17,285 1,285 16,000 1 7,285 7401 Testin 4 } 000 x,000 2,000 4,000 7501 Design 44,000 2O 20,632 7,368 16,000 44,000 Total 246,785 46,7 46 ,785 100,000 100,0 246,785 • r V ► • rt • r • ■ • • * + • + 9 0 P 4 lop # # # * # * # • • # • # y # • t V V r 0 • w # V # ♦ y op d, • • ■ # • # # * yr # # 1 � o,.o�o.x a.. .7:. �. . �r .�i*e�'" -' nnecUZ-so- .� -._., ., , .,,..�..,. ..� ,.,, . -� -zc 's: a '� =::s e ;e c- „'zv. •""'C 3s' .3 >c^a �., r fi t ° .e. ,ar.� ?<?v •,fa a sx¢' 8'P+ ,.''"'> ,. .o- ''<c.$.{.<%�c .. .,..-' #.;- - �. ;c,. k ... t'�3x #,yc"" ._"- x �x�: �¢• �' z �x'°•�` } } � ax x �. � a+ �e��� ;�x �` � � >t��. $ <„ '4°�'^�is.�,.�c#d�9� � tD tD W W Cr PROJECT I" DES RIPTIO T Regular update to the approved water master plan to accommodate the build -out requirements of the City. Total Project C ost $70,040 Revenue Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Funding to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total, Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015 -16 Complete 4940 Water Fund 70,000 11,128 58,872 58,872 58,872 Total 70,000 11 58,872 58,872 58,872 E Total Funding Carty 1Y 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012.1 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 7501 Design 910 910 7701 Study 69,090 10,218 58,872 58,872 58,872 Total 70,000 11,128 58,872 58,872 58,872 f ,............- IF . -. ys 'va'Pre :-.. -. ;w .aoxa - ,., o- ""'\s.8 'k w L .°:°LL.w.....N T. �'�.�:•;b;: ¢a,.,�:� - .°a�. �' - ,� ,�or.Sgo 04 : . m . c.•W6 - 't" �` :.g. ..�, � �.� o,n oc :} �Y�z� 3Yy, : �....,. i /Y M 0 ii /Y M C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total P roject Cost $877,592 Desi and construction of a new 4 mill gallon a b ove g roun d steel reservoir. Design and construction to re pl ace pump to increase the pumping capacity at the Ciro Drive booster pump station, Revenue Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 - 12 F un din g to Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4807 E Recovery 570 570 4825 Developer 4,824 4,824 4940 Water Fund 772,486 230,885 541,601 541,601 541,601 4942 Water Facility 99,712 24,961 74,751 74,751 74,751 Total 877,592 261,240 616,352 616,352 616,352 Expen ditures 'dotal Fun Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures 'do B 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 589,280 100,000 48 9,280 489,280 489 7201 Coast Contin 6Z700 6Z700 6Z700 6Z700 7301 Contract Admin 10 ,742 51,670 51, 072 51 } 072 51,072 7401 Testin 13 13,300 13,300 13,300 7501 Design 109,570 109,570 Total 877,592 261,240 616,352 616,352 616,352 REN. 3 �� 9 PL C*Ao C7. sx v \o f} v >. y /yy $C } ";/$ b " +b �d.3+1 { y6Rry /yS.R / 3.8. ��/ 3v�'4 k wdCb.•xP ¢ "�^t ..�. �q�.. v'f�Y Z�� "��a+�..»..¢. _ b.'+g Y3. m, � ry f f i' 46 .. o k #t • n 0 tQ M tD w . Cn Cr PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total Project Cost $1 This project will replace pre -1920 cast iron pipes with a new 12-inch PVC pipe along Halcyon on Road and Fair Oaks Avenue and a -inch PVC pipe along Cornwall Street. Revenue rr" 111�I Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Funding t o Account Source Bud to date Ov er New Fun Total Bu dget 2 012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015- Complete 4940 Water Fund 1,550 250,000 1 1 Total 1,550,000 250,000 1 1 Ex Total Funding Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Cost t o Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 930,000 930,0(}0 930,000 7201 Cnst Contyng 93,000 91000 93, 000 7301 Contract Admin 248,000 248, 248,000 7401 Testin 31,000 x,000 29,000 31,000 7501 De si gn 248,000 248,000 248, Total 1 250,000 1,300,000 1,550,000 rr" 111�I - . ... .. .......... .. .. „...,..... �M......._. vnn..,... _ .- -F -- _ r .....,,. �.w q o, z .r h*a a-ay a � ._y ¢ - 34ek �*i7 sae� ax�h:�n }te - :ua >' iek is�•t ¢ 'L .tea-.- ,nae�ec ;:f °-'"'„' i � � ' T o k �..:, c..... ':s r r e • # r � i � r r 1 r x � +� • V PROJE DESCRIPTION TIO Total Project Cost $275,000 This project will replace the existing 4 -inch pipes with new 8 -inch pipes along Bell Street. Revenue /Y A ii ' i) /Y cn C Total Fundin Carry IFY 2011 -12 IFY 2011 -12 Funding t o Account Source Budget to date Over New Funding Total Budget 2 012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 4 Water Fun 250 250,000 250,000 250,000 4 Mater Faces 25, 000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Total 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 Ex Total Fundin Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 cost t Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Complete 7001 Construction 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 7201 Const C nting 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,510 7301 Contract Adnun 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 7401 Testing 5,500 5500 5 } 500 5,500 7501 D 44,000 44,000 44 } 000 44,000 Total 275,000 275,000 275,000 275 } 000 /Y A ii ' i) /Y cn C Fund: 350 wm e WPM! n r .. .. ... ... s no- .�r �.,.t .. .. to ... .,. r. r. ,� , �. < f •t � < +�rr "<•<� i.r P RO J ECT Di.+ IPTIO Construction 659,0()0 6Z300 6Z300 596,70() Total Project Cost $9 22,600 Design and construction of a 500,000 gallon above ground steel water tank to be located adjacent to Reservoir Igo. 5 near Paseo Del Sol. 65,900 R evenue 65,900 65,9OO 7301 C ontract A dman 8500 25,600 Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Testin Funding to Account Source Budget t date Over New Funding Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 4940 Wate Fund 362,600 98,900 362600 362,600 4942 Water Facility 560,000 200,000 200 360,000 560,000 Total 922,6OO 200,000 200,000 72200 922,600 Expenditures Total Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 Construction 659,0()0 6Z300 6Z300 596,70() 659,010 7201 Const Contin 65,900 65,900 65,9OO 7301 C ontract A dman 8500 25,600 25,600 60,000 85,600 7401 Testin 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,2OO 7501 Design 98,900 98,900 98,900 98,900 Total 922,,600 200,000 200,000 722,600 922,600 � \ Cr 5 1 l � % l i 4 , .° - - ae zes:,s ' ^g ... �"'�o- ",,;;,-, - x ae•,.'- -sc.F .n , .y. y ... h a .. �.. - us. - r �a -. r� saazo •r �--' ae ra M M ��3 0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total P ro j ect Cost $30,169 joint project with Cities of Grover Beach and Pismo Beach to complete the second feasibility study, Revenue Account Source Tota Budget F undin g to date Carry Over FY 2011 -12 N ew Funding IFY 2011 -12 Total Budget Funding to 2012 - 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015-16 Complete 4943 Water Avail 30,169 182 29,987 29,987 29,987 Total 30,x.69 182 29,987 29,987 29,987 Ex Account Description Total Budget Funding to date Carry Over FY 2011 -12 Expenditures FY 2011 -12 Total Budget Cost to 2012 -1 2013 -14 2014 -1 2015 -16 Complete 7701 Study 30,169 182 29,987 29,987 29,987 Total 30,169 182 29,987 29,987 29,987 /Y A ii ' i) /Y 0 C V' �� ..v.. wt .ss2"�t � .fk}�" > }. _. Y. A M1 � M1 . } . ma _�.. N.a �w.* �. +. �}...- .�... ._ ��. ♦''�`_.+o- 'AbXh "b "M'#ECA�' 3'}"P:. - A 'b ,p uaubb 3. � `.T.... C r r J • � r '� � � � � PR OJECT D ESCRIPTION Total Project Cost $285,200 Design and construction of a Water Well No. 11 treatment facility. Revenue Account 4943 Expend i tures Source Water Avail Total Total Budget 25,200 285 Funding Carry FY 2011 -12 FY 2011 -12 to date Over New funding Total Budget 2012 -13 100,OOO 185,200 185,200 100 185 } 200 185,200 Funding to 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 185,20O 185,200 Total Fundin Carry FY 2011-12 FY 2011 -12 Cost to Account Description Budget to date Over Expenditures Total Budget 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015-16 Complete 7001 C onstruction 21 ,OOO 43,377 168,023 168,023 168,623 7201 Const C onting 1,577 10,577 16,577 16,577 7301 Contract Ad men 286 286 7501 Design 56,337 56,337 Total 285,200 100,000 185,200 185 185,200 F if� a• THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 5.b. Page 140