Agenda Packet 2011-08-09CITY OF City Co Tony Ferrara, Mayor Caren Ray, Mayor Pro Tem Joe Costello, Council Member Jim Guthrie, Council Member Tim Brown, Council Member 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: 4. INVOCATION: q Steven Adams, City Manager Timothy J. Carmel , City Attorney Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2011 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 7:00 P.M. MAYOR FERRARA PASTOR ROBERT BANKER OPEN DOOR CHURCH 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6.a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY — AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period July 1, 2011 through July 31, 2011. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report listing the current investment deposits of the City, as of June 30, 2011, as required by Government Code Section 53646(b). 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting of July 12, 2011, as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of Appointment of Voting Delegate and Alternate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Appoint the Mayor as the voting delegate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference. AGENDA SUMMARY — AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) 8.e. Consideration of Joint Council Meetina with Citv of Grover Beach Reaardin Police Consolidation (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Direct staff to proceed to schedule a joint Council meeting with the City of Grover Beach to discuss Police consolidation options, savings, benefits and issues. 8.f. Consideration of a Budget Amendment; Program Supplement Agreement No. N013 to Administer Agency -State Agreement No. 05- 5199R; and Authorization to Distribute Requests for Proposals for Engineering /Bridge Design and Environmental Services for the Bridge Street Bridge Project (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Approve a budget amendment to include $75,000 of Local Highway Bridge Program funds in the FY 2011 -12 capital improvement program budget for preliminary engineering work on the Bridge Street Bridge project; 2) Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Program Supplement Agreement No. N013 to Administer Agency -State Agreement No. 05 -5199R for the Bridge Street Bridge project; and 3) Direct staff to prepare and distribute requests for proposals for consultant services to provide engineering bridge design and environmental services. 8.g. Consideration of a Resolution Accepting Easements and Public Improvements for Conditional Use Permit No. 08 -002 Veterinary Clinic Located at 205 El Camino Real (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution accepting easements and public improvements for Conditional Use Permit No. 08 -002, Veterinary Clinic located at 205 El Camino Real and owned by VCA Antech, Inc. 8.h. Consideration of a Resolution Accer)tina Easements and Public Improvements for Conditional Use Permit No. 04 -009 Hampton Inn Located at 1400 West Branch Street (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution accepting easements and public improvements for Conditional Use Permit No. 04 -009, Hampton Inn located at 1400 West Branch Street and owned by Pacific Host Hotels. 8.i. Consideration of a Resolution Approvina and Authorizina the Citv Manaaer to Enter into an Exclusive Vendor Police Tow Service Agreement (ANNIBALI) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution in order to approve and authorize the City Manager to enter into a two -year exclusive vendor police tow service agreement with Johnboy's Towing for light -duty, medium -duty and heavy -duty towing. 8.j. Consideration of Temporary Use Permit 11 -017 Moving the El Camino Real Park - and -Ride Lot Temporarily to a Portion of City Property at West Branch Street and Old Ranch Road (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt a Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit Case No. 11 -017, for the temporary relocation of the City's Park - and -Ride Lot for a four -month period, August 2011 through November 2011 during construction of the El Camino Real Road Rehabilitation and Enhancement project; and 2) Authorize the City to provide any necessary hold harmless and indemnification to the Five Cities Youth Foundation to be executed by the City Manager in a form approved by the City Attorney. AGENDA SUMMARY — AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 4 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance Amending Chapter 10.20 of Title 10 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Relating to Abandoned, Wrecked, Dismantled and Inoperative Vehicles (CARMEL) Recommended Action: Introduce an Ordinance to amend Chapter 10.20 of Title 10 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code relating to the abatement and removal of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled and inoperative vehicles. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of an Ordinance Determining the City Will Comply with the Voluntary Alternative Redevelopment Program Pursuant to Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code in Order to Permit the Continued Existence and Operation of the Redevelopment Agency (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Introduce an Ordinance determining the City will comply with the voluntary alternative redevelopment program pursuant to Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code in order to permit the continued existence and operation of the Redevelopment Agency. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and /or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. 12.a. Request to Direct Staff to Prepare Modifications to the Art in Public Places Process (RAY) 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and /or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence /Comments as presented by the City Council. AGENDA SUMMARY — AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 5 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence /Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability - related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805 - 473 -5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arroyogrande.org * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo- span.orgg THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK � r INCORPORATED JULY 10. 1 1 � 1F 0 ft MEMORANDU TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA K AETSCH, DIRECTOR I F ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES B : TRICIA ME ERS, SENIOR ACCOUNT CLER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION F CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION i DATE: AUGUST 9,2011 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended mended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period July 1 through July 31 , 2011. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is a $ 2,830,028.81 fiscal impact that includes the following items: 0 Accounts Payable Checks 1 50406 -1 $ 1 , 'I 1 585.34 0 Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks $ 1 5 478,443.47 BACKGROUND: : Cash disbursements are made weekly based on the submission of all required documents supporting the invoices submitted for payment. Prior to payment, Administrative Services staff reviews all disbursement documents to ensure that they meet the approval requirements adopted in the Municipal Code and the City's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual of February 2000. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations during the period. The disbursements are accounted for in the FY 2011 budget. ALTERNATIVES: The f alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staffs recommendation; • Do not approve sta ffs recommendation; • Provide direction to staff. Agenda Item 8.a. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 2 ADVANTAGES: • The Administrative Services Department monitors payment of invoices for accountability, accuracy and completeness using standards approved by the Council. • Invoices are paid in a timely manner to establish goodwill with merchants. • Discounts are taken where applicable. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified as long as City Council confirms all expenditures are appropriate. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION IN COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, August 4, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, August 5, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachments-. 1 . July 1 — July 31, 2011 — Accounts Payable Check Register 2. July 1, 2011 — Payroll Check & Benefit Checks Register 3. JuNl ,r 15 201'1- Payroll Check & Benefit Checks Reg 4. J ly 29, 2011 - Payroll Check & Benefit Checks Reg Agenda Item 8.a. Page 2 apCkHi t Che History Listing ATTACHMENT 1 08!0112011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 1 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor statue Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 180408 07/01/2011 008884 DAME COLLINS FLOORING 8879 07/01/2011 E 010.4213.8303 3.200.00 3,200.00 150407 07!01/2011 000113 CPCA - C A POLICE CHIEFS ACCT 5554100 0710112011 E 010.4201.8803 380. t� c� CL 0 t� M 00 w 0 180408 07/01/2011 002808 DLT SO LUTIONS, IN 218 690699 06/01/2011 E 01.4201.8803 380.00 380.00 06/23/2011 E 010.4301.8803 704.04 70 1 50409 0710112011 003057 DYNAMIC IMAGIN 0018134 - II 05/19/2011 E 0 10.420 .5607 1,899.38 1,899.38 17,007.32 1 180410 0710112011 006833 FORD D M T F CREDIT 180411 0710112011 002388 G REAT WESTERN TERN ALARM 180412 0710112011 008237 MACE SECURITY ALARM 3,200.00 704.04 1,899.38 17,007.32 110602323101 07/01/2011 E 0 10.4 201.56 04 28.00 28 28.00 18370 0610112011 E 010.4201.8604 132.00 132.00 132.00 Page: 1 apCkHist C heck History Listing Pa ge: 08/01/2011 1:64PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa C heck # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150413 07/01/2011 002606 TRAINING INNOVATIONS, INC 11 -042 06/02/2011 E 010.4201.5607 600.00 600.00 600.00 150414 07/07/2011 008548 IAVANNA BEY If00011 2847 06/29/2011 B 640.0000.2301 38.76 38.76 38.76 1 5041 07/07/2011 008552 CAL WEST If00011 06/29/2011 B 640.0000.2301 26.02 26.02 414 1 3 0 A 150416 07/07/2011 008546 CHAD F R ESTEF If0011 2845 06/29/2011 B 640.0000. 115. 115.06 115.06 150417 07/07/2011 008549 MICHAEL FREEMAN If0011 2848 06/29/2011 B 640.0000.2301 112.69 112.69 112- 15041 0710712011 008550 GABRIEL GARCIA If0011 2849 06/2912011 B 640.0000.2301 39.98 39.98 39.98 D 150410 0710712011 008545 MAZY GENTHNER If0001144 0612912011 c� B 640.0000.2301 117.1 CL 117.13 117.13 c� M 00 44-� Page: apkHit Check History Listing Page: 3 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearfVoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150420 07/0712011 008553 CYNTHIA HENKEL R 12852 00/29/2011 B 640.0000.2301 179.43 179.43 179.43 150421 07/0712011 008547 HOWARD S P F K ff00011 846 06/29/2011 B 640.0000.2301 4.75 4. 75 4.75 150422 07/0712011 008551 KARNA M FESNEf Ff00011 2850 0612912011 B 640.0000.2301 78.14 78.14 78.14 150423 07/0712011 008544 VANGUARD NSTRU TI N Ref0001 1 2843 06129/2011 B 640.0000.2 301 116.8 116.83 116.83 t� c� CL 0 t� M 00 CA 0 1 50439 07/0712011 000946 A D ST ARR 1 50440 07/0712011 008513 ADVANTAGE TECHNICAL 150441 07/0712011 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVGS V 07/0712011 89 327A 0612212011 E 010.4424.5257 398.85 E 01 0.4424. 5257 26.25 425.10 425.10 3083 06/17/2011 E 350.5910.7301 3 3 ,135-00 3 ,135-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page: Page: 4 arpHist Check History Listing Par. 4 0810112011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa Check 0 D ate Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150442 0710712011 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM S1 C 1500360465 0510312011 E 010.421 3.5303 9.00 E 010.4213.5143 0.00 E 010.4213.5303 14.00 29.00 1 50037 1192 05/17/2011 E 010.4213.5143 0.00 E 010.4213.5303 9.00 E 010.4213.5303 14.00 29.00 1500381807 0513112011 E 010.4213.5303 9.00 E 010.4213.5143 0.00 E 010.4213.5303 14.00 29.00 1500376487 0512412011 E 640.4712.5143 25.50 25.50 1500360458 0510312011 E 010.4420.5143 17.02 E 010.4213.6303 6.00 23.02 1500371187 05/17/2011 E 010.4420.6143 17.02 E 010.4213.6303 6.00 23.02 1600361602 0613112011 D E 010.4420.6143 17.02 E 010.4213.6303 6.00 c� 23.02 CL 0 1500365826 06110/2011 E 010.4213.5303 20.60 20.60 M 00 Mi Page: 4 pDkHi t Check History Listing P 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearfVold Date Invoice t� M 00 ft-40 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 1500376479 0512412011 E 01 0.4213.5303 20.60 20.60 1500360457 0510312011 E 01 0.4213.5303 19.50 19.50 1500371185 0511712011 E 010.4213.5303 19.50 19-5 1500331300 0513112011 E 010.4213-5303 19.50 19.50 1500360460 0510312011 E 220. 4303.5143 19.20 19.20 1500365333 05/10/2011 E 220.4303.5143 19.20 19.20 1500371189 05117/2011 E 220.4303.5143 19.20 19.20 1500376486 0512412011 E 220.4303.5143 19.20 19.20 1500381804 0513 112011 E 220.4303.5143 19.20 19.20 1500365830 05/10/2011 D E 010.4213-5303 18-00 tD 18.00 CL 1500376482 0512412011 0 E 010.4213-5303 18-00 18.0 t� M 00 ft-40 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: ap kHist C heck History Listing P 08!01/2011 1 :54PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearfVoid Date invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1500365831 05/10/2011 E 010.4420.5143 17.02 1500376484 05/24/2011 E 010.4420.5143 17.02 17-02 1500300455 05/03/2011 E 010.4213-5303 17 .00 1500371184 0 E 010.4213.5303 1 7.00 c� M 00 00 iD Page: 6 1500381708 05/31/2011 E 010.4213.5303 17.00 17.00 1500300463 05/03/2011 E 640.4712.5143 15.50 15.50 1500381805 05/31/2011 E 640.4712.5143 15.50 15.50 1500365836 05/10/2011 E 640.471 15.00 15.00 1500371 '100 05/17/2011 E 640.471 15.00 15.00 1500365824 05/10/2011 D E 010.4213.5303 8.00 8.00 CL 1500376477 05/24/2011 0 E 010.4213.5303 8.00 8.00 c� M 00 00 iD Page: 6 t� tD CL 0) � D t� cD 00 a pkHl st 0810112011 1: 4PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P 7 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice 1500360462 1500371101 1500381806 1500365333 1500376400 1500360459 1500305332 1500371186 1500370433 1500381801 1500300401 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0510312011 E 01 0.4305. 1 3 7.25 7. 25 05/1712011 E 010.4305.5143 7.25 7. 25 0513112011 E 010.4305.5143 7.25 7.25 0511012011 E 010.4213. 6.00 6.00 0512412011 E 010.4213. 143 6.0 6.00 05/03/2011 E12.410.143 6.00 0.00 05110/2011 E 612.4610.5143 0.00 0.00 0511712011 E 012.4010.5143 0.00 0.00 05124/2011 E 012.4010.5143 0.00 0.00 05131 12011 E 012.4010. 1 3 0.00 0.00 0510312011 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 C heck Tota l Page: 7 apCkHist Check History Listing P 08/01/2011 1: PM CITY O F ARROYO GRANDE Bark code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearlV ld Date Invoice 1500365834 Inv. Date Amount Paid C heck Total 05/10/2011 3.00 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 063011 0613512011 3.00 05/17/2011 1,425.00 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 05/24/2011 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 05/31/2011 E 010.4430.5143 3.00 3.00 05/10/2011 E 010.4305. 1 43 3.00 3.00 05/24/2011 E 010.4305.5143 3.00 1500371188 1500376485 1500381803 1 500365835 1 500376489 150443 0710712011 0 01188 ARROYO GRAND LIONS 150444 07/07/2011 006607 A T&T (^ E 010. 1 5. 5403 15.26 15.26 CL 2461 06/25/2011 E 010. 14.25 14.25 c� o� Page: 3.00 660.05 063011 0613512011 E 01 0.4424. 5353 1,425.00 1 } 425.00 1,425.00 2461 061 06/25/2011 E 640.4710.5403 29.1 29.1 2461869 06/25/2011 (^ E 010. 1 5. 5403 15.26 15.26 CL 2461 06/25/2011 E 010. 14.25 14.25 c� o� Page: CL 0) apCkHiat 0510112011 1 :54PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: g Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 1 50445 9719712011 098304 AT&T MOBILITY 150446 07/07/2011 091955 AVCO FIFE EXTINGUISHER 150447 07/07/2 011 900056 8 & T SVC STN 150448 07/07/2 011 008556 VICTORIA BARAJAS 150449 9719712011 097492 BATTERY Y SYSTEM S Status DlearNold Date Invoice 062711 Inv. Date Amount Paid 06/27/2011 E 919,4426.6265 64.91 23- 943842 64.91 E 010.4201-5601 64.91 003954 06/17/2011 E 919.4396.6256 26.68 E 919.420 1.6694 94.38 314.25 23- 927254 94.38 E 91 0.4291.6691 94.38 116589 0611612911 E 919.4305.6265 25.68 E 919.4395.6393 146.90 296.25 23-027691 146.09 E 640.47 12.560 1 145.90 962311 9612312911 77.37 B 919.9999.2296 267.69 257. 69.63 257.59 23- 943842 04/26/2011 E 010.4201-5601 288-57 E 919.4396.6256 26.68 314.25 23- 927254 9519212011 E 91 0.4291.6691 27.7 E 919.4305.6265 25.68 296.25 23-027691 0612112911 E 640.47 12.560 1 77. 37 77.37 23- 927489 0612612911 E 0 10. 442 0.560 3 69.63 69.63 TT. Page: 9 Check Total D c� c� CL 0) c� �F N� a p kH1st Che History Listing Page: 1 08!0112011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 50450 07!07!2011 000078 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS ESS 12548 04/1 3/2011 E 350.5656.7301 5.00 5.00 5.00 1 50451 07!07!2011 004796 J DI BOB 062311 06!23/2011 B 010.0000.2206 280.00 280.00 280.00 150452 07!07!2011 007523 SHERYL BFI HAM 063011 06!30/2011 E 226.4306.5554 167.00 167.00 167.00 1 50453 07!07!2011 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER 152459 06!29/2011 E 220.4303.56 13 9.21 9.2 9.2 150454 07!07!2011 001577 BUR DINE PRINTING DBA) 17118 06/16/2011 E 640.471 500.00 E 640.47 10.5201 843.43 1,343.43 1,343.43 150455 07!07!2011 007304 BURKE, WILLIAMS & 147198 06114/2011 E 010.4003.5327 23,139.30 23,139.30 23,139.30 150456 07!07!2011 008049 CA DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 063011 06!30/2011 E 640.47 12.5501 120.00 120.00 120.00 Page: 1 apCkHi t Check History Listing Page; 11 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO F ANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status Clear/Vold Date Invoice 1 50457 07!07!2011 000110 CAST DEPT CORRECTIONS 1800098033 180009803 1 800098038 180098304 08!08!2011 E 220.4303.5303 2 2,284.98 08!08!2011 E 220.4303.5303 302.40 150458 07107!2011 007802 CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS 302,40 06/06/2011 E 220.4303.5303 222.49 222.49 08!08!2011 E 220.4303.5303 8 Inv. Date Amount Paid C heck Total Page: 11 8 2,892.37 150458 07107!2011 007802 CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS 050511 05!05/2011 E 010.4209.5303 481.84 481.84 481,84 150459 07!07!2011 008558 DAME SECURITY ALARMS 14882 08!2112011 E 350.5435.7001 3,975.00 B 350.0000.1302 233.07 4, 208.07 4,208.07 150480 07!07!2011 004548 DAR EL & NADDA HA, LLP 14499 07!0512011 E 010.4003.5304 12,253.13 12 D 14498 07!0512011 E 284.4103.5303 717.00 717.00 CL 14497 07!0512011 E 010.4003.5327 477.00 477.00 00 13,447,13 w� Inv. Date Amount Paid C heck Total Page: 11 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 12 0810112011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boar C heck # Dame Vendor 150461 0710712011 000603 C ARQUE S T AUTO PARTS Status ClearfVold Date Invo ice 7314 - 490302 06/16/2011 E 010.420 42.49 42.49 06/17/2011 E 220.4303.5601 1 3 .29 7314- 490561 150462 0710712011 000160 CHAPARRAL 1 50463 0710712011 001 990 CHARTER 150464 0710712011 001243 C RA - CA REDEVELOPMENT D 150465 0710712011 000208 J B DEIJAR, INC 935958 06/1 7/2011 B 0 10.0000.12 02 23 CL 23 763963 06116/2011 c� E 010.4201.5608 143,72 0 143.72 Inv. Date Amount Paid C heck Total Page: 12 13.29 55.78 334058 0611612011 E 01 0,4201.5201 717.75 7 1 7.75 3340 0611712011 E 010.4201.5201 242.51 242. 33411 0612012011 E 010.4201.5201 91.35 91.35 1,051.61 061411 06114/2011 E 010.4140.5303 214.99 214. 214.99 3653.5 06/17/2011 E 284.41 03.5303 200.00 200.00 200.00 D 150465 0710712011 000208 J B DEIJAR, INC 935958 06/1 7/2011 B 0 10.0000.12 02 23 CL 23 763963 06116/2011 c� E 010.4201.5608 143,72 0 143.72 Inv. Date Amount Paid C heck Total Page: 12 D t� c� CL 0) c� � �, apkHist 08101 1: 4PM Check History Listing C ITY OF ARROYO RAN DE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 150466 0710712011 067828 DRIVE CUSTOMS 1 50467 0710712011 067985 WILLIAM R DYER 150468 0710712011 007452 EAGLE ENER IN 1 50469 0710712011 604676 ECS IMAGING, INC. 150470 0716712011 001525 FERGUSON E TERMSES, 1 50471 0710712611 066333 FIA CARD SER Status ClearNold Date Invoice 991 8206 128810 8454 7265616 6126 -7845 6126 -5474 Inv. Date Amount Paid 06/21/2011 E 610.4201.5661 149.99 6610212611 E 356.5422. 06/16/2011 E 220.4303.5663 0613612611 E 356.5438.7361 06/17/2011 E 646.4712.5273 6612012611 E 616.4201. 2 E 610.4261.5607 6612612611 E 610.4261.5561 E 0 10.4201.5 50 1 E 016.4261.5561 140.66 3,265.00 3,205.00 55.21 55.21 3,643.10 3,643.16 97.96 97.96 649.24 38.17 187.42 413.01 Page: 1 Check Total 23,306.22 149.99 3,205.60 55.21 3,643.10 97.90 Page: 1 apDkHist Check History Listing P 1 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Ch eck # Date Vendor Status Clean old Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 6120 - 5954 06/20/2011 E 010.4201.5291 144.40 E 010.4291.5291 89.69 E 919.4201.5291 21 .74 6!29 -6321 06/20/2011 E 919.4201.5691 168 .45 E 919.4201.5608 60.00 228.45 6!20 -7837 06/20/2011 E 010.4291.5594 66.75 E 9 10.4201.5255 39.46 E 910.4291.5255 26.36 E 919.4291.5255 52.94 1 76.5 1 6/29 -5339 06/29!2911 E 010.4201. 21.04 E 919.4291.5255 29.99 41.04 6!29 -9792 !9/2911 E 910.4291. 16.38 E 919.429 1.5694 17.0 6129 -6335 06/20/2011 E 010.4201-5501 11.48 11.48 1 ,998.89 D 150472 07!97!2911 008432 S.D. FRANKLIN ELECTRIC I 2201 06!29!2011 E 350.5435.7091 255.59 255.59 CL 255.50 c� �F a� 0 Page: 14 a pkHit Check History Listing P 1 0810112011 1:4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. tea C he c k # Date Vendor 150473 6710712611 668491 FRANC'S LOCK & KEY Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice 32164 Inv. Date Amount Paid C he c k Total 0611 612611 E 61 0,4120.6261 66.00 66.06 06108/2611 71.63 E 61 0.421 3.6604 4. 36 4,36 06/1 612011 E 286.4163.6363 E 616.4420.6606 2.18 32148 32151 1 50474 6710712011 664372 GARING TAYLOR 1 66475 67/67/2611 066499 GRAND AWARDS, IN 1 50476 6710712011 602358 GREAT WESTERN TERN ALARM 166477 67/67/2611 666288 CITY OF GR VER BEACH D 1,281.79 c� 166478 67/67/2611 668361 HARVEY'S HONEY HUTS 1317 6612612611 CL E 226.4363, 6662 86.09 86.69 86.09 �F ft-4 0 Page: 1 2.18 71.63 11206 05/31/2011 E 286.4163.6363 346.66 346.60 346.06 4322 66/2312011 E 61 6.4201, 6664 62.26 62.20 62.20 110602323261 0!16/2011 E 616.4261.6664 86.00 86.00 86.06 652811 0$/28!2011 E 610.4269.6363 1 D 1,281.79 c� 166478 67/67/2611 668361 HARVEY'S HONEY HUTS 1317 6612612611 CL E 226.4363, 6662 86.09 86.69 86.09 �F ft-4 0 Page: 1 D c� c� CL 0) c� �F 00 0) apCkHi t 08/01/2011 1: 4PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 1 Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor 150479 0710712011 002820 I N DDF F, INC 1 50480 0710712011 007027 I NTE RA CHEMICAL 150481 0710712011 000354 JOBS AVAILABLE, INC 150482 0710712011 008557 HAI LEEN KHAIRA 150483 0710712011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SC HOOL Status Clear/Void Date Invo ice 1$94433 0099573 A14 062311 110804 ifi[er : 1 50484 0710712011 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total K88 K848 0611512011 E 010.4305.5201 06/15/2011 E 640.47 12.56 1 E 640.4712.561 06/21/2011 E 0 1 0.4002.530 1 06/23/2011 B 0 10. 0000. 2206 06/10/2011 E 010.4425.5303 06/15/2011 E 010,4425.5303 06/29/2011 E 640.4712.5273 06/30/2011 E 640.4712,5273 1'13.00 1'13.00 1 350.00 360.90 192.50 192.50 320.00 320. 315.00 150.00 150.00 23.90 23.90 15.20 15.20 360.90 192.50 320. 465 Page: 1 D t� c� CL 0) c� �F a pD H ist 0810112011 1 :64PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 17 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 150485 0710712011 006328 NICK'S K'S TEL_E M DB► 150486 0710712011 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 150487 0710712011 007108 PARAMOUNT T CL_EA ER 150488 0710712011 004158 PH GROUP 1 50489 0710712011 005378 BILL_ RAET 150490 0710712011 000575 SANTA MARIA TIRE, INC 1 50491 0710712011 000552 SLO COUNTY AUDITOR Status Clean oid Date Invoice 4425 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0612012011 E 010.4201.5601 111.55 39.10 565787 06/17/2011 E 640.47 12.5601 676. 676. 676. MAY 2011 0511012011 R 010.0000.4203 331.50 33 1.50 33 1.50 Check Total Page: 17 111.55 111.55 567810275001 0611512011 E 010.41 30.5201 108.74 108.74 108. 3732 0612912011 E 01 0A201-5303 430.25 430.25 430.25 052011157 0612012011 E 010.4201.5303 116.60 116.60 116-60 062711 06/2 E 010.4201.5272 70.00 70.00 70.00 565787 06/17/2011 E 640.47 12.5601 676. 676. 676. MAY 2011 0511012011 R 010.0000.4203 331.50 33 1.50 33 1.50 Check Total Page: 17 ap kHist Check History Listing P 1 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Ch eck Total 150492 07/07/2011 000612 STAPLES 1007573001 04/06/2011 E 010.4201.5201 319.67 319.67 319.67 150493 07/07/2011 00101 UMM IT UNIFORMS 41 822 06/22/2011 E 010.4201.5272 435.91 435.91 435.91 150494 0710712011 002904 TEMPLET ON UNIFORMS 47462 0612912011 E 010.4201.5272 1 1 47464 0612912011 E 010.4201.5272 517.33 5 17.33 47393 06127!2011 E 010.4201.5272 213.09 213.09 1,705.13 150495 0710712011 007515 ULINE 38775436 0613012011 E 0 10.4424-5252 31 7.4 7 317.47 31T4 150496 0710712011 006551 UNITED STAFFING A SSOC. 077027 06/22/2011 E 640.471 1 1,063.60 D 1,063.60 t� 150497 0710712011 000660 USA BLUE B 418104 0610912011 CL E 640.47 12-6201 1,262.62 1,262.62 c� N o0 o� Page: 1 ap kH!st 08/01 1; 5 PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Status ClearNoid Date Invoice 421317 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 1 396 1 610.57 2,556.25 4,030.00 D c� CL 0 c� 13183 150405 07!07!2011 002137 VEI I N WIRELESS 0053105346 06/04/2011 E 010.4201.5403 0053007502 06!07!2011 E 010.4421.5602 150400 07!07!2011 000655 WALLACE G ROUP A CALIF 3 1804 06!07!2011 E 350.5010.7501 150500 07!07!2011 007253 LISA WISE CONSULTING INC 150501 07!08!2011 000075 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS ESS 150502 07!05!2011 006533 FORD D N T F CREDIT 150503 07!08!2011 002355 GREAT WESTERN N AL RM 072311 Inv. Date Amount Paid 06!14/2011 E12.410.510 522.99 Page: 19 C heck Total 522.99 562.50 47.98 2,556.25 2 06/01/2011 E 010.4130.5303 4 4,030.00 07/01/2011 E 350.5829.7301 07!23!2011 E 010.4201.5803 11060071 3101 07/01/2011 E 010.42'1 3. 5303 47.8 47.85 11,248.97 11,248.97 28.00 28.00 47.55 11,248.07 Page* 19 D t� c� CL 0) c� N o0 N0) apDkH!st 08/01/2011 1: 4PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 2 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor i 1 50504 07/08/2011 008327 JOHN AND MAUREEN 150505 07/08/2011 000439 MOSS, LEVY & HART HELM 1 50506 07/08/2011 00421 NATIONAL TRAINING 1 50507 07/08/201 000456 NATL REC & PARS{ ASSN 150508 07/08/2011 001 834 PAPA - PESTICIDE Statue ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid 1 10602 4 55 1 01 0 201 1 E 350.5435.7001 28.00 Check Total Page: 2 28.00 56.00 070 111 07/01/2011 E 284.4103.5803 6,000.00 6,000-00 6,000.00 273 06/30/2011 E 010.4120-5303 1,000.00 E 61 2.4610.5303 1,000.00 E 640.4710-5303 1,000-00 E 284.4103-5303 1,000.00 4, 000.00 4,000.00 070811 07/08/2011 E 010.4201.5501 554.00 54.00 554.00 070111 07/01/2011 E 010.4421.5503 150.00 150.00 150.00 062811 07/08/2011 E 010.4420.5501 160.00 160.00 160.00 Check Total Page: 2 Page: 21 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 2 0810112011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150512 0710812011 003360 BREVEN HAIFA 070611 0710612011 E 0 1 0.4424. 160.00 E 01 0.4424.5352 60.00 220.00 220.00 150513 07108/2011 007723 SCOTT CRA18 070611 0710612011 E 010. 55.00 55.00 55.00 150514 0710812011 004142 STAN GAXILA 070611 0710612011 E 01 0.4424. 5352 132.00 132.00 132.00 1 5051 0710812011 006058 R DNEY GRAD 070611 0710612011 E 010.4424.5352 88.00 88.00 88.00 150516 0710812011 002405 CHARLES MARE 070611 0710612011 E 010.4424.5352 44.00 44.00 44.00 1 50517 0710812011 004188 E D D I E HARRIS 070611 0710612011 E 010.4424.5352 220.00 220.00 D 220.00 ca 150518 0710812011 007299 GA LETTING O LIVIER 070611 07106/2011 CL E 010.4424.5352 154.00 ,. 154.00 154.00 c� N °° w 0 Page: 21 ap kHi t Check History Listing Page: 22 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 150519 07/08/2011 004845 JOHN LARSN 150520 07108/2011 005511 CHRISTOPHER LINTNER 150521 07108/2011 001130 DOUGLAS LINTNER 150522 07108/2011 008387 CORE' MAYNE Inv. Date Amount Raid 07/00/2011 E 010.4424.5352 80.00 07061 07/00/2011 E 010.4424.5352 70.00 E 010.4424.5352 143.00 213.00 213.00 150523 07108/2011 000536 GREG ROSE 070611 07100/2011 E 010.4424.5352 06.00 E 010.4424.5352 100.00 106.00 100.00 150524 07108/2011 000578 ANELITA ANN SARIIENT 070011 07/00/2011 � E 010.4424.5352 55.00 55.00 55.00 CL 0 150525 07108/2011 000080 MARTI NA SARMIENTO 070011 07/00/2011 E 010.4424.5352 253.00 N o0 253.00 9h. 0 Statu learlVold Date Invoice 070011 Check Total Page: 22 80.00 80.00 07061 07/00/2011 E 010.4424.5352 90.00 E 010.4424.5352 00.00 102.00 102.00 070011 07106/2011 E 010.4424.5352 120.00 120.00 120.00 07061 07/00/2011 E 010.4424.5352 70.00 E 010.4424.5352 143.00 213.00 213.00 150523 07108/2011 000536 GREG ROSE 070611 07100/2011 E 010.4424.5352 06.00 E 010.4424.5352 100.00 106.00 100.00 150524 07108/2011 000578 ANELITA ANN SARIIENT 070011 07/00/2011 � E 010.4424.5352 55.00 55.00 55.00 CL 0 150525 07108/2011 000080 MARTI NA SARMIENTO 070011 07/00/2011 E 010.4424.5352 253.00 N o0 253.00 9h. 0 Statu learlVold Date Invoice 070011 Check Total Page: 22 �.l.i CL 0) c� N o0 �0) apCkHi t 0810112011 1: PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa 1 50526 0710812011 003024 MARK S HAF F EF 1 50527 0710812011 007792 TIM SH EF I DAN 150528 0710812011 007229 DONALD SNYDEF 150529 0710812011 007920 AMANDA SOU HEK 150530 0710812011 000609 BOB SPEAR 150531 0711212011 008437 THE SHOPS AT SHORT T BT 150532 0711412011 008561 ACT II BOUTIQUE Status Clear/Voi Date Invoice 070611 070611 070011 070611 070011 D 061 511 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0710612011 E 010 3 80.00 0710612011 E 010.4424.5352 0710612011 E 010.4424.5352 0710612011 E 010.4424.5352 0710612011 E 010.4424.5352 06122/2011 E 350.5689.7001 380.00 120.00 120.00 40.00 40.00 121.00 121.00 220. 220.00 49,056.66 49, 056.66 06115/2011 E 250.4812.8051 653.13 653.1 Page: C heck Total 253.00 380.00 120.00 40.00 121.00 220.00 49,056.66 653.13 Page: 23 D c� c� CL 0) c� N o0 a� 0) a pCkHist 08/01/2011 1:5x4 PM Check History L isti n CITY OF ARROYO RANDE P 2 Bank code: boa 1 56533 67/14/2611 008192 APPLE TIME IN 156684 67/14/2611 6681 75 AQUA-METRIC SALES 166686 07/14/2011 606607 A T & T Status Clearlld Date Invoice 15186 66/61/2611 E 01 0,4201-5504 8,886.66 E 010.4201.5504 67.78 066662461664 8,487.78 8,487.78 6688245 -IN 66/28/2011 826.66 E 646.4712.5611 462,28 826.65 462.28 6638244 -I 66/28/2611 E 646.4712,6611 251.14 85.62 251.14 6638288 - IN 66/28/2011 85.62 E 646.4712.5611 188.65 188.65 E 610.4145.5468 887.62 066662461664 66/25/2611 E 616.4146.5468 826.66 826.65 666062461666 06/25/2611 E 616.4261.6468 85.62 85.62 000002461831 66/25/20 11 E 610.4145.5468 67.52 57.52 600062461666 06/25/2611 E 616.4146.5468 89.85 89.85 666602461668 66/25/2011 E 61 0.4146.5468 81.82 81.82 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 2 apCkHist 08/01/2011 1 :54PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 25 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid 2456215 66/22/2011 E 016.421 7.5463 28.92 28.92 666662455544 66/22/2611 E 016.4201.5463 28.61 28.61 156536 07/14/2611 606653 B & B STEEL & SUPPLY, INC 368361 06/29/2011 E 640.47 12.5601 388.24 388.24 368306 06/29/2011 E 640.47 12.5661 301.56 301-56 1,098.39 689.80 CL 0 N 0 ft-4 0 156537 67/14/2011 067987 BATTERY UNIVERSE I N 12366 05/2612011 E 61 0.4261.5255 224.33 E 010.4201-5255 26.1 244.52 244-52 156538 67/14/2611 601917 BOB'S EXPRESS WASH JUNE 2611 07/6112011 E 610.4261.5661 112.06 E 640.4712.5661 10.00 122.60 122.00 156539 67/14/2611 608183 NICHOLAS PETER 662011 06/2012611 E 61 0.4424.5351 294.60 294.06 294.00 156540 67/14/2611 600087 BREMEN PEST CONTROL, 140573 06/23/2611 E 616.4213.5604 112.66 112.00 Page: 25 Check Total arpCkHi t Check History Listing Page: 26 08/01/2011 1:64PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 150541 07/14/2011 000095 BUR E AND PACE OF AG, Status Clear/Void Date Invoice 241 102 Inv. Date Amount Paid 06/15/2011 E 640,471 2.5255 163.72 112.00 C heck Total 163.72 163.72 150542 07/14/2011 000123 CA ST BIND EQUALIZATION 063011 06/30/2011 B 010.0000.1202 679.00 679.00 679.00 150543 07/14/2011 000125 CA ST DEPT CONSERVATION 33111 06/30/2011 B 010.0000.2203 597.29 010.0000.4601 -29.66 567.43 567.43 150544 07/14/2011 007177 CALIFORNIA BUILDING 63011 06/30/2011 B 01 0.0000.2223 120.00 B 010,0000.2223 -12.00 1 03.00 106.00 1 50545 07/14/2011 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 7314-493147 06/29/2011 E 220,4303.5601 142.16 142.16 7314 - 493137 06/2$/2011 E 220.4303.5601 117.75 117.75 D 7314 - 493122 06/29/2011 E 220.4303.5601 109.42 C 109.42 7314 - 493133 06/29/2011 E 220.4303.5601 103-88 N o0 1 03.33 000 Page: 26 C heck Total Page: 27 ap kHi t Check History Listing Page. 2 0810112011 1 :54PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa C heck # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice i Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 7 314493112 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 86. 74 86.74 7 31 4 - 4 93152 0612912911 E 220.4303.5601 78.50 78.50 7314 - 493124 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 68.99 68.99 7314 -493115 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 57.2 5.21 7314 - 493145 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 56.46 56.46 7314 - 49311 01291211 E 220.4303.5601 52.80 52.80 7314 -493144 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 38.51 38.51 7314 - 493141 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 37.46 37.46 7314 - 493154 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 37.43 37.43 7314 - 493158 06/2912011 D E 220.4303.5601 36.86 36.86 CL 7314 - 493140 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 30.15 30.15 c� Page: 27 apCkHist Check History Listing P 08/01/2011 "1: PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code; boa Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 7314 - 493134 7314 - 493157 7314 - 49161 7314 - 4931 7314 - 493131 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 29.93 29.93 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 25.99 25.99 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 18.45 18.45 0612212011 E 220,4303.5603 1 7.53 17.53 0612912011 E 220.4303.5601 15.50 15.50 06129/2011 E 220.4303.5601 10 .11 19.11 1,171.83 150546 0711412011 999160 CHAPARRAL 334774 06130/2011 E 010.4140.6101 959.1 959.18 334297 06124/2011 E 010.4421.5602 120.00 120.00 1 50547 0711412011 003042 COLLEGE TOWING IN UTH 2722 06120/2011 1,079.1 D E 010.4201.5303 102.00 t� 102.00 102.00 c� w 0 o� Status Claarloid Da Invoice 73 14-493155 Page: D t� c� CL 0) c� wF apDkHiat 08/01/2011 1: 4PM Check History Listing C ITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page; Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearlVoid Date Invoice 1 50548 07/14/2011 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS S WATEF 014273 Inv. Date Amount Paid 06/30/2011 E 010.4421.5201 10.43 10.43 150549 07/14/2011 007543 CSG SYSTEMS INC 73659 06/2 7/2011 06/22/2011 E 640.4710.5206 1,561.69 E 010.4145.5203 31.22 E 010.41 66.1 65, 334.07 1,659.06 66660 06/27/2011 E 640.4710.5303 320.00 E 612.4610.5303 30.00 E 640.4710.5555 104.72 E 612.4610.5555 26.13 530.90 10.43 2,13.9 150550 07/14/2011 003563 DATA 911 ( DBA) IN -CA010 06/22/2011 E 271.4202.6201 65, 334.07 65, 334.07 I NV -CA012 06/2912011 E 271.4202.6201 33,607.54 33 I NV -CA011 06/22/2011 E 271.4202.6201 3,463.10 3,463.10 102,404.71 150551 07/14/2011 003236 DATAARC LLC 1170 06/30/2011 E 350-5438.7301 6p597.60 6,597.60 1172 06/3012011 E 350.5433.7301 520.54 520.54 Page: Check Total ap kHist 08 /01/2011 1: 4PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa heck # Date Vendor Statue ClearNold Date Invoice E 010.4201.6101 86.00 E 010.4201.5607 150552 0711412011 000577 LEONARD B DE LOS S NT S 002011 Inv. Date Amount Paid 0612012011 E 010.4424.5351 075.00 E 010.4424.5351 202.50 1,177.50 150553 0711412011 001840 DELL MARKETING LP F C R 11 M9/X F C F 1l M4W1 0611412011 E 350.5438.7301 2 E 350.5438.7301 2 E 350.5438.7301 320.1 4,677.30 150554 0711412011 001840 DELL MARKETING LP E 010.4201.5607 1 E 010.4201.6101 1 E 010.4201.6101 86.00 E 010.4201.5607 85.63 E 010.4201. 101 124. 2,006.1 1 50555 0711412011 000208 J B DEWA , IN Page; Check Total 7,118.14 1 4,677.30 2,006.18 83.02 t� c� CL 0 c� w 0 N 0 150556 0711412011 000240 FARM SUPPLY CO } F T 4P01 F WP 0 0612412011 765252 0613012011 E 010.4201.5608 83.02 83.02 585477 0612712011 E 010.4201.5 322 04.15 64.15 556975 06108/2011 E 0 10. 4201.5 322 48.9 113-08 Page: ap kHi t Check History Listing Page: 31 0810112011 1:54PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendo Status ClearfVold Date Invoice 150557 0711412011 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, ISES, 7275533 150558 0711412011 008121 FIVE CITIES FIFE 150559 0711412011 008559 GARDENSOFT V 150560 0711412011 000605 THE GAS COMPANY 150561 0711412011 000339 INTERSTATE SALES Inv. Date Amount Paid 0612812011 E 640.4712.5609 1.172.37 FF -0 07106/2011 E 010.4201.5606 3985 06105!2011 E 226.4306.5303 711 -211 0710112011 E 010.4145.5401 716 -111 0710612011 E 010.4145.5401 1275 0613012011 E 220.4303.5303 Check Total 1,1 72.37 1,1 72.97 1,004.40 1 1,004.40 597.16 597.16 597.16 38.01 38.01 14.79 52.80 1,161.53 1,161.59 1,161.59 1 50562 0711412011 005201 JAS PACIFIC B1 10845 07108!2011 E 010.4212.5303 4,560-00 4 .l.i CL .l.i W F 0 W Page: 31 D c� c� CL 0) c� w 0 a pkHit 0810112011 1:54PM Chef History Listing C ITY O F ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor Status ClearlVoid Date Invoice 150563 07/14/2011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 110709 150564 07/14/2011 008564 MANNING MA 150565 07/14/2011 000420 MIER BROS LANDSCAPE 150500 07/14/2011 007760 O LIVIA MILLER 150567 07/14/2011 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, Inv. Date Amount Paid P C heck Total 0 E 010.4424.5257 692.25 E 010.4424.5257 346.13 E 010.4424.5351 151.70 132274 1,230.03 E 010.4420.5605 1,230.08 1 340 00/30/2011 53.04 E 350.5433.7001 554.00 554.00 46.75 554.00 179611 06/22/2011 05/2612011 E 350.5032.7005 114.15 32.50 114.15 3. 176505 05/24!2011 114.15 062411 06/24/2011 E 010.4213.5604 10.30 E 010.4424.5351 735.00 735.00 735.00 132274 06/25/2011 E 010.4420.5605 53.04 53.04 175365 05/13/2011 E 010.4424.5257 46.75 46.75 177250 05/2612011 E 010.4213.5604 32.50 3. 176505 05/24!2011 E 010.4213.5604 10.30 10.30 Page: D t� c� CL 0) c� w 0 apkHist 0810112011 1: 4PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page; Bank code: boa Status Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid 0512712011 E 220.4 613 16.28 16.28 0511112011 E 010.4420.505 15. 74 15. 74 05/24/2011 E 640.47 12-5604 14.1 14.1 0613012011 E 010.4420.505 9.22 9.22 0512312011 E 640.4712. 6.51 6 .51 0 E 010.4420.5 05 4. 88 4.88 0612912011 E 010.421 .5 04 2.71 2.71 0511112011 E 010.4420.505 - 15.74 X77444 X7499 X7971 X847 X7741 K X844 X7504 150568 0711412011 000441 II ULLAHEY FORD D 150569 0711412011 000400 NOBLE SAW, IN - 202.98 52515 012012011 E 640.4712-5 118.28 118.28 118.28 2450 0010812011 E 010.4420-5 499.5 499.5 Chec Taal Page: �.l.i CL 0) c� w 0 a� 0) a pCkHist 08/01!2011 14 Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Inv. Date Amount Paid 06!02/2011 E 010.4420.5603 178.08 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 150570 07!14!2011 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELE 150571 07!14!2011 000254 PACIFIIET ENER 150572 07!14!2011 000492 PETTY CASH 150573 07!14/2011 006696 POSTAL CONCEPT Status ClearNoid Date Invoice 2456 0/27- 053299 0 PETTY CASH 063011 178.08 06!27!2011 E 010.4304.5402 E 640.4712.540 E 640.47 11.5402 E 012.4010.5402 E 010.4145.5401 E 21 00!30/2011 E 350.5439.7301 06!30/2011 E 3 0.5650.7301 E 010.4301.5201 E 010.4001.5504 E 010.4120.5200 E 010.4002.5303 E 010.41 0.5501 E 640.4712.5501 P Check Tta l $77.73 1,063.68 5 ,772.26 4, 394.67 1, 704. 6,337.97 19,294.1 2,200.40 2280.40 19,294.1 2,280.40 5.00 15.21 10.06 5.79 29.31 3.00 74. 10.49 10.49 00!3012011 E 220.4303.5613 74.17 18.49 Page: p kHist Check History Listing Page: 35 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor statue Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 50574 07/14/2011 002363 PRIMARY MAR CAFE DOG & CAT 90106 06/07/2011 E 010.4201.5322 1 8736 Pare: 35 187.36 187.36 150575 07/1 4/2011 000523 R & T EMBROIDERY, INC 38057 06/27/2011 E 010.4201.5272 370.09 370.69 370.09 150576 07/14/2011 000531 I I HETTI COMPLETE WATER 92833 07/01/2011 E 010.4201.5604 15.00 15.00 1 150577 07/14/2011 002142 SAN LUIS PAPER 627566 -00 06/03/2011 E 350.5440.7001 239.16 239.16 239.16 150578 07/14/2011 000575 SANTA MARIA TIRE, E, I N 565935 06/30/2011 E 220.4303.5601 676.66 676.36 676.66 150579 07/14/2011 003562 JULIA NA S H II DT 063011 06/30/2011 010.0000.4602 25.00 25.00 25.00 D 150580 07/14/2011 000593 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP 203532 06/30/2011 c� E 220.4303.5613 499.97 CL 499.97 499.97 c� w 0 ft-4 0 Pare: 35 D c� c� CL 0) c� � w. 00 0) apHist 08/01/2011 1:4PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code. boa heck # Date Vendor Status DlearNoid Date Invoice 150581 07/14/2011 003641 SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY 53202 150582 07/14/2011 000602 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT 150583 07/14/2011 004393 SP MAINTENAN 150584 07/14/2011 007158 SUPERIOR ALTERATIONS 150585 07/14/2011 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL Inv. Date Amount Paid Check T otal 07/01/2011 E 010.4213.5303 1,993.67 1,993.67 063011 06/30/2011 B 760.0000.2304 136,701.44 E 010.4145.5401 15.30 E 010.4145.5401 15.30 010.0000.4753 - 6,433.93 R 010.0000.4753 -12.00 130,286.11 35546 07/01/2011 E 220.4303.5303 2759.02 E 010.4303.5303 4,315-38 7,074.40 35718 06/29/2011 E 010.4303.5303 250.00 250.00 35722 06/29/2011 E 010.4303.5303 250.00 250.00 45402 06/24/2011 E 010.4201.5303 30.00 30.00 1040072 06/28/2011 E 640.4712.5255 778.69 1,993.67 130,286.11 7,574.40 30.00 778.69 Page: apCkHit Check History Listing Page: 37 0810112011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank cede. boa Check # Date Mender Statue ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 50585 0711 412011 004801 T OMAR K SPORTS 354671 0612412011 E 010-4424-5257 98.55 Page: 37 96.55 98.55 150587 0711412011 004809 TR ESH RECYCLING, INC 16641 0612912011 E 220.4303.5307 241.00 241.00 241.00 150588 0711412011 005252 ULTREX BUSINESS 129822 0812312011 E 840.4710.5802 95.00 95.00 95.00 150589 0711412011 000666 UNITED RENTALS 93000420 -001 04118/2011 E 840.4712.5552 54.84 54.84 54 150590 0711412011 008551 UNITED STAFFING ASSOC. 078090 0812912011 E 840.47 12.5303 1 1,083.80 1,083.80 150591 0711412011 000677 PEGGY VALKO 083011 0813012011 E 010.4424.5351 1,568.40 E 0 1 .4424.5351 119.60 1,886.00 1,686.00 D 1 50592 0711412011 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 0988883542 0612212011 E 010.4305.5403 62.31 62.31 82.31 c� w 0 Page: 37 D c� c� CL 0) c� co o0) apkHist 08101 12011 1 :6 PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clean old Date Invoice 150593 0711412011 000685 WALLACE GROUP A CALIF 31798 31 654 31796 31842-CA 31797 31 795 31804 Inn. Date Amount Paid Check Total 0610612011 E 919.4391.5393 339.33 E 010.4301.5303 2 E 010.4301.5303 4 71 310.84 0510912011 E 350.5910.7501 4 1 324.94 4 1 324.94 0610612011 E 350.5656.7301 724.50 724.5 0610812011 E 350.5678.7301 241,50 241.50 0610612011 E 350.5638.7501 69.00 69.00 06/06/2011 E 010.4301.5303 34.50 3 4.50 0610712011 E 350.5910.7301 34.50 34.50 150594 0711412011 000688 WEST CO VINA NURSERIES 150595 0711412011 000699 LEE WILSON ELECTRI 344227 0610312011 E 010.4420.5308 162.38 162.38 1106 0613012011 E 010.4304.5393 1 1,51 5.00 12,739.78 162.38 Page: 38 apDHft Check History Listing Page: 0810112011 1: PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank ode: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 0720 06130/2011 E 010.4304.5303 273 Page: 273.07 1 150590 0711412011 000704 1lITMER - TYSON IMPORTS T8695 0710112011 E 010.4201.5322 500.00 500.00 500.00 150597 0711512011 007241 AN SERVICES 070111 0710112011 E 010.4201.5321 23,134.00 23,134.00 23,134.00 150598 0711512011 001146 ARROYO RANCH COMPANY 12 0610112011 E 010.4201.5605 2,968.00 2 2,908.00 150599 07/15/2011 000078 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS 13195 0710012011 E 350.5829.7301 281.49 281.49 281.49 150600 07/15/2011 004790 JDI BOB 070711 0710712011 B 010.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 30.00 D 150601 07/15/2011 004077 CA ST DEPT OF HEALTH 071111 0711112011 t� E 220.4303.5303 55.00 c� 55.00 CL 55.00 c� co Page: ap kH! t Che History Listing P age: 08/01/2011 1: PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa 1 59502 9711512011 003775 CA LIFORNIA J P I Status ClearNold Date Invoice 38731 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 0710112011 E 010.4145.5579 18.697.00 18,697.00 N 0 18,697.00 57.37 12,190.00 150.00 150.1 1,258.97 Page: 150603 0711512011 099603 CA RQUEST AUTO PARTS TS 7314 - 494517 9710712011 E 019.4305.5691 57.37 57.37 159504 9711512011 095531 EXECUTIVE I IF RM TI I 6736 9610212011 E 919.4201.5607 12 12,100.00 150595 9711512011 098566 JOYCE H Y SHI 971411 9711412011 E 226.4306.5554 159.09 159.00 159606 0711512911 905644 IRO M OUN TA IN D S 7 06/3012011 E 0 1 0.4092.5303 150.1 150.12 1 50507 9711512911 998536 JESSE JACOBSON 979111 0710112011 E 284.4 1 03.5803 1 1,179.00 9701 0710112911 E 284.4 193.5393 88.07 t� 88.07 c� CL 159508 0711512911 908291 LANSPEED SYSTEMS INC 19547 0710112011 E 010.4149.5393 4 4,394.60 N 0 18,697.00 57.37 12,190.00 150.00 150.1 1,258.97 Page: p kHist Check History Listing P 41 08/01/2011 '1: PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Banc code: boa C heck # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Ingle Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 YV w! fw 11 iv 1 1 E 010.4140.5303 4 1 002.00 4, 002.00 6,396.60 150609 07/15!2011 000429 MINER'S 'S ACE HARDWARE, 627 07!07!2011 E 640.4712, 5604 129.10 129.10 K 83739 07/11/2011 E 010.4420.5605 68.92 X66 07!06!2011 E 640-4712.5604 1. 71 51.71 K 83348 07/08/2011 E 640.4712.5604 51.71 51.71 K73288 288 07/07/2011 E 010.4420.5605 50.35 50.35 X8606 07/01/2011 E 220.4303.5613 49.53 40.53 K73370 70 07!08/2011 E 01 0.4420.5605 4( K83374 07!08/2011 E 010.4420.5605 1.1 17 �.l.i CL 2) �.l.i F W 163314 07!07/2011 E 010.4420.5605 13-99 13.00 Page: 41 D t� c� CL 0) c� co apCkH!st 0810112011 3: PM Chef History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 15061 0711512011 000492 PETTY CASH 1 50611 0711512011 000533 S & L SAFETY PRODUCT 150612 0711512011 000553 SLO COUNTY CLRK RECORD RD 150613 0711512011 003641 SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY Status ClearlVold Date Invoice K33071 K33335 K30 K33471 PETTY CASH 643653 071211 3351 857 3351645 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 07/06/20 E 01 0.4420.5605 1 2.92 07/08/2011 E 010.4420-5605 07/07/2011 E 640.4712.5255 07/09/2011 E 010.4420.5605 0710512011 E 010.4120-5501 E 0 1 0.4145.5503 07/06/2011 E 0 10.4420-5605 07/12/2011 E 010.4002.5201 0710112011 E 010.4213.5303 07/01/2011 E 010.4213-5303 6.45 6.45 4.27 4.27 3.76 3.76 35.11 516.37 53.10 71 9.32 719.32 50.00 5M 212.32 53.10 719.82 50.00 Page: 42 D c� c� CL 0) c� co apCkHi t 08/01/2011 3:06PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 4 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 150614 07!15!2011 000624 SUPERIOR F UALITY CO PIER 15061 07!1 5!2011 000673 US POSTAL SERVICE E Status Clear/ Void Date Invoice 3352090 07/01/2011 E 010.4213.5303 3352313 07/01/2011 E 010.4213.5303 37432 07/01/2011 E 010.4201.5602 070811 07!08!2011 E 0 10.414 5.5208 112.16 5.91 736.40 736.40 3 # 000.00 442. 736.40 3,OO. 150616 07!15!2011 004097 WELLS FARGO BANFF NATL 1 50622 07!18!2011 008546 CHAD F R ESTEF 150623 07!1 8/2011 008570 ROGER & JO ANN HI AF D ACCT #14313000 07/07/20 E 470. 4850.5802 E 470.4850.580 1 Ref0001 13278 07!1 5!2011 640.0000.2301 Ref0001 1327 07/1 5/2011 640.0000.2301 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check To tal 3,000-0 28,800.68 108,800-68 70.00 7.0 9.53 108,800.68 70.00 9.53 9.53 Page: 4 ap k H I t Check History Listing Page: 08/01/2011 '1: PM CITY OF ARROYO F ANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 156624 67/18/2611 668574 EDDIE MCCAA F (666113281 61!1512611 B 646.6666.2361 84.22 84.22 84.22 166625 67/18/2611 668571 FLEURY PIERS ON RefOO 6113277 61!15!2611 B 646.6666.2361 7.38 7.38 7.38 156626 67/18/2611 668573 DAVID F I HAF DS RefOOO 113280 67!15!2611 B 646.6666.2361 96.63 95.53 96.53 1 56627 67/18/2611 668572 CASSANDRA G SASSO Ref0001 13279 67/1 5!2611 B 646.6666. 361 63.71 63.71 63.71 1 56638 07/2 1/2011 661256 A P VIDEO, INC 4535 07/01/2011 E 211.4161.5336 3,11 9.27 1 56636 07/21/2011 004815 All AB WEST IN 163867846 3 r 119.27 3,119.27 66!36!2611 E 616.4426.5255 36.79 36.79 36.79 D 1 56646 07/21/2011 663817 AI IEI IPI IDE UNIFORM SV S V 07/21/2011 6.66 CL 6,66 6.66 c� 44- co a*) 0 Page: 44 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 45 08/01/2011 1:54PM CITY OF ARROYO R NDE Bank code. boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150641 07/21/2011 00381 AMEF IPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS 1500402858 0 ! ! 011 Page: 45 E 010.421 3.5303 9.00 E 010.42 1 . 143 48.48 E 010.4213-5303 14.00 71.48 1500397644 06!21!2011 E 010.421 3.5143 49.98 49.98 1500397638 06!21!2011 E 010.4420.5143 39.01 39.01 1500392430 06!14!2011 E 010.4213-5143 6.00 E 010.4213.5303 14.00 E 010.421 3.5303 9.99 29.00 1500387163 06!07!2011 E 010.421 3.5303 25.20 25.20 1500397633 06!21!2011 E 010.4213.5303 25.20 25.20 1500392425 06!14!2011 E 010.4420.5143 17.02 E 010.42 13.5303 6.00 23.02 1500402853 06!28!2011 E 010.4420.5143 17.02 E 010.4213.5303 6.00 23.02 CL 1500392423 06!14!2011 E 010.42 13.5303 19.50 19.50 co � 0 Page: 45 D c� c� CL 0) c� F0 00 0) apCkHi t 08/01/2011 1: 4PM C he c k History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page; 4 Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor Statue ClearNoid Date Invoice 1500402351 1500337170 1500392427 1500397640 1500402355 1500337166 1500397636 1500337163 1500392421 1 500402849 1500387171 0612312011 E 010.4213-5303 06/07/2011 E 220.4303. 143 06/14/2011 E 220.4303.5143 0612112011 E 220.4303.5143 06/28/2011 E 220.4303-5143 06/07/2011 E 010.4213.5303 0612112011 E 010.4213-5303 06/07/2011 E 010.4420-5143 0611412011 E 010.4213.5303 0612812011 E 010.4213-5303 06/07/2011 E 640.4711-5143 19-50 15-50 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 4 Page: 4 apDkH!st Check History Listing Page: 4 081011 011 '1: PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1500392428 0611412011 E 640.4711.5143 15.00 15.00 1500397641 0612112011 E 840.4711.5143 15.00 15.00 1500402856 0612812011 E 640. 15.00 15.00 1 50039763 1 0812 1120 11 E 010.4213.5303 10.50 10.50 1500387160 0610712011 E 0 10. 42 1 .5303 8.00 8 .00 1500392429 0611 4/2011 E 010.4305.5143 3.00 E 0 10. 305.5303 4. 25 7.25 1500402857 0612812011 E 010.4305.5143 3.00 E 010.4305.5303 4.25 7.25 1500387167 0610712011 E 612.4610.5143 6.50 6.56 1500402852 0612812611 E 612. 6.50 D 6.50 1500392424 06114/2011 CL E 612.4616.5143 6.00 6.00 � tD tD co to � Page: 4 CL 0) (�7 F0 0 0) app kHi t Check History Listing Pag 4 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO F ANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Chec Total 1 500397637 06/21/2011 E 612.4619.5143 6.09 6.99 1500387174 06!07!2011 E 010.4213-5143 6.00 6.99 1500387173 06/07/2011 E 91 0.4395. 143 3. 3 1500387169 06!97!2911 E 919.4430. 143 3.00 3.99 194 96!14!2011 E 910.4439.5143 3.90 3.90 1500397639 06!21!2011 E 910.4430.5143 3.99 3.90 1 500492854 06!28!2911 E 019.4439.5143 3.00 3.99 159939 7643 06/21/2011 E 019.4395.5143 3.90 3.09 159642 07/21/2011 006607 AT&T 2461 853 06/25/2011 E 919.4145.5403 10.26 10.26 159643 97!21!2911 999957 R BAKER, IN 063911 96!30!2011 E 359.5934.7091 22,153-00 E 359.5934.7291 1,542. 23,695- 631.73 10.26 Page: 4 D c� c� CL 0) c� co apkHJet 08 /01/2011 1 :54 PM C heck History Listing CITY O F ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa Check # Date Vendor 150644 0712112011 008044 BEAR STATE PUMP & EQUIP Status ClearlVold Date I nvoice 5441 Inv. Date Amount Paid 06/30/2011 E 010.4420.5605 321.45 321.45 150645 0712112011 000090 BRISCO NULL & LUMBER 143394 148436 152471 148401 143411 146365 148355 143223 06/22/2011 E 640.4712.5604 E 640.4712.5273 6612 E 640.47 12.5604 06/30/2011 E 016.4213.5664 06/2 E 640.47 12.5604 E 640.4712.5273 06/24/2011 E 646.4712.5664 6611712011 E 640.4712.5255 06/16/2011 E 220.4303.5613 0513112611 E 646.471 0.5662 659.12 32.27 5.44 Page: 4 C heck Total 23,695.50 321.45 Page: 4 ap kHist Che History Listing Page: 50 08/01/2011 1 :54PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Ch T otal 148420 06/27/2011 E 640.47 12.5504 2. 2.38 14 8403 05/24/2011 E 540.47 12.5273 -23.50 -2. D c� c� CL 0 c� co N� 150645 07/21/2011 000134 CA ST DEPT O F JUSTICE 855308 05/30/2011 E 010.4201.5315 32.00 E 010.4201.5329 2 2 1 50647 07/21/2011 005800 CANNON 5112 06/30/2011 E 350.5010.7001 2,557.50 2,557.50 1113 06/30/2011 E 612.4610-5610 375.00 375.00 1112 05/30/2011 E 350.5904.7501 3 12.50 312.50 51114 05/30/2011 E 640.47 11.5503 125.00 125.00 150648 07/21/2011 008565 DESIREE C ARD OZ A 070711 07/07/2011 - R 010.0000.4605 280.00 280.00 150640 07/21/2011 0001 CLINICAL LABORATORY 015393 07/08!2011 E 540.4710.5310 348.00 047.10 2,451.00 3,470.00 280.00 Page: apkH ist 08/01/2011 1, 4PM Check History Listing C ITY OF ARROYO RAN E Bank code. boa C hec k # Date Vendor 150650 07!21/2011 003042 COLLEGE TOWING SOUTH Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice 27059 I nv. Date Amount Paid 06/01/2011 E 010.4213.5601 1- 5 150651 07!21/2011 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 018068 07!02/2011 E 010.4001.5201 3 37.28 37.28 063949 07!02/2011 E 010.4430.5605 2 21.80 2 070931 07!02/2011 E 010.4420.5605 1 1 1 8.78 1 0 52 07/21/2011 008576 DEPARTMENT O PARKS R -1 001 03!08/2011 E 010.4209.5303 458.1 458.1 R 05/03/2011 E 010.4209.5303 284.65 264.65 Page: 81 C heck Total 348.00 51.00 77.86 722.79 150653 07!21/2011 008458 F F «TI RIBBER 063011 0613012011 010.0000.4605 80.00 86.66 D c� 150654 07/21/2011 000240 FARM SUPPLY CO 668022 06!09!2011 E 010.4430.5605 74.52 74.52 c� co w� Page: 51 ap kHist Check History Listing Page: 52 08101/2011 1 :64PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearfVoid Date Invoice 549395 0210312011 010.4420.5505 65.12 55.12 139.54 150055 0712112011 001058 TONY M FEF RARA 063011 150555 0712112011 008579 ANGELA FISHER 053011 0613012011 E 010.4001.5501 315.34 315.34 0513012011 E 010.4424.5351 92.00 92.99 316.34 92.00 150057 0712112011 002820 I N D FF, INC 1903810 0613012011 E 612.4510.5201 409.17 409.17 150558 0712112011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 110905 0513012011 E 010.4425.5303 312.50 312.50 1 50659 0712112011 000415 METAL SHOP, INC 19054 0511 812011 E 010.4213.5504 242.00 242.00 150550 0712112011 000426 MIER BROS LANDSCAPE 179563 0612212011 D E 010.4420.5505 339.30 339.30 CL 179086 06/0812011 E 010.4420.5505 11 9.53 11 9.53 co 409.17 312.50 242.00 Inv, Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 52 p kH! t C heck History Listing Page. 08101/2011 1: 4PAll CITY OF ARROYO I ANDE Banc code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearNold Date Involve Irv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 79920 06/2912011 E 010.4420.5605 113.10 113.10 177623 05/0312011 E 640.4712.5610 70.69 70.69 179631 0612212011 E 010.4420.5605 56.55 56.55 178949 06/03/2011 E 010.4420.5605 16.31 16.31 179382 0611512011 E 010.4420.5605 14.62 14.62 730.20 150661 0712112011 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, IIAF E, K8241 0613012011 E 010.421 3.5004 80.95 80.95 K82037 0012712011 E 640.47 1 2.50 1 0 17.10 17.10 104.05 150662 0712112011 007978 ANDREA EA ONTES 070711 07/0712011 B 010.0000.2200 30.00 30.00 30.00 150003 0712112011 008567 SHEILA MOORE 070711 0710712011 B 010.0000.2200 30.00 CL 30.00 30.00 c� co Page: ap kHist Check History Listing P age: 54 08/01/2011 1:64PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 150064 07/21/2011 007202 NOSSAMAN LLP Status Clear/Void Date Invoice 385685 Inv. Date Amount Paid 06/15/2011 E 640.4710.5575 7,2 7,213.39 7,213.39 150005 07/21/2011 008568 LUCAS PEARS ON 070711 07/07/2011 010.0000.4606 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 50000 07/21/2011 000492 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH -PD 06/30/2011 E 010.201.501 9.00 E 0 10.4201.550 1 15.00 E 010.4201.5600 20.00 E 010.4201.5255 3.50 E 010. 201.5 01 10.00 E 010.4201.5501 3.75 E 010.4201-5501 20.00 E 010.4201.550 1 15.00 E 010.201.501 9.00 105.25 105.25 150607 07121/2011 007453 PLANNING C 0 MPANY A 150668 07121/2011 007670 RA DESIGNS 1012 06/30/2011 E 350.5642.7701 5,567.00 5,567.00 5,567.00 54 06101/2011 D E 010.4424-5251 130.00 130.00 CL 130.00 c� co a� 0 C heck Tote l Page: 54 D c� c� CL 0) c� co w-40) apkHist Check History Listing Page: 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150669 97/21/2911 995316 CAREN FLAY 963911 96/30/2911 E 919.4901.5591 298.49 298.40 298.40 150670 97/21/2011 092670 FIH LEASING 9920368 06/25/2911 E 919.4421.5692 179.55 170. 17 0 . 55 159671 07/21/2911 093931 ROBERTSON SUPPLY 99094 06/39/2911 E 010.4424.5257 154.59 154-59 9998 06/30/2011 E 919.4439.5695 134.69 134.69 289.28 159672 07/21/2011 992932 RUTAN & TUCKER, , LLP 611929 06/19/2911 E 284.4193.5303 546.64 546.64 546.64 159673 97/21/2911 909575 SANTA MARIA TIRE, ING 565873 06/23/2011 E 220.4303.5691 676.86 676.86 56591 06/25/2011 E 91 0.4201.5691 66.33 66.33 743.19 150674 07/21/2011 096241 EUGENE SANT S 979711 07/97!2011 B 019.0090.2296 39.90 39.09 39.00 Page: a p kHist 08/01/2011 1: 4PM C heck History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P a ge: Bank code: boa Check # Dame Vendor Statue DlearlVoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 50675 07/21/2011 006048 JEANETTE SE BY 06302011 06/30/2011 E 01 0. 4424. 3 1 233.13 233.13 233.13 1 50676 07/21/2011 003838 SIL AS OIL COMPANY, INC 97058 06/28/2011 E 220.4303.5608 143.60 143.60 143.60 150677 07/21/2011 008577 STAN SIS EY 071411 07/14/2011 R 010.0000.4605 75.00 75.00 75.00 150678 07/21/2011 000564 SLO CO UNTY NEWSPAPERS 6945995 06/12/2011 E 010.4002.5301 358.00 358.00 6944597 06/03/2011 E 010.4002.5301 270.30 270.30 6945641 06!10/2011 E 010.4130.5301 122.57 122-57 6946794 06/21/2011 E 01 0.4002.5301 120.70 120.70 6944428 06/02!2011 E 010.4002.5301 116.96 116.96 6946797 06/21!2011 CL E 010.4002.5301 116.56 ,.� 116.56 c� 00 000 Page: CL ^ ice/ V ■ W arpkHist Check History Listing Page: 0810112011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Pared Check Total 6945642 0611 012011 E 010.4130.5301 115.09 115.09 6945434 0611 012011 E 01 0.4130.5301 113.22 113.22 6945435 0611 012011 E 010.4130.5301 103.37 103.37 6944214 0610112011 E 0 10 .4002.5301 93.26 98.26 1,535.93 150679 0712112011 990623 SUNSET NORTH CAFE WASH 2600 0613012011 E 01 0.4420.5601 / E 2 .43 3. 01 / 54.32 20.36 E 010.4301.5601 25.46 E 640.4712-5601 20.36 120.50 120. 150680 0712 1120 11 007683 THE TOP SHOP CRP10010883 0613012011 E 010.4424.5257 21096.70 2,096.70 2,096.70 150681 07/2112011 006062 TRANSITIONS 033011 0313012011 E 235.4563.5303 4,752.99 4,752.99 4,752.99 150682 97/2112011 006551 UNITED STAFFING ASSOC. 07311 07/0612011 E 640.4712-5303 1,063.60 1,063.00 Pane: apCkH! t Check History Listing P a g e: 5 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Ven Status Clearl oid Date Invoice' Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1,03.0 1 50683 07/21/2011 007599 WATER SYSTEMS 0303 06/30/2011 E 640.47 10.5303 709.70 709.70 709.70 1 50684 07/21/2011 002609 WATERBOYS PLUMBING 1 6752 06/29/2011 E 010.4213.5604 105.00 105.00 105.00 1 50685 07/21/2011 008569 J EN EA Y ST 070711 07/07/2011 B 010.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 30.00 150686 07/21/2011 008578 K ARIN YOUNG 070711 07/07/2011 R 010.0000.4605 140.00 140.00 140.00 1 50687 07/22/2011 008580 TAMARA ANGELLO 071811 07/18/2011 B 010.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 30.00 150688 07/22/2011 005315 ABCAP 072111 07/21/2011 E 010.4003.5319 309.00 309.00 D 309.00 t� 150689 07/22/2011 005507 AT & T 7 -0183 07/07/2011 C E 010.414 .5403 183.22 183.22 c� o co o� Page: 5 apCkHist Check History Listing P 5 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE B ank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status CfearNold Date invoice 7/7 - 3 959 717 -3956 0710712011 E 640.4710.5403 31.38 31.33 07/07/2011 E 220.4303.5303 31.38 150693 0712212011 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER 152591 0711312011 220.4303.5613 11.60 11.60 15261 07/15/2011 220.4303.5613 4.34 4 .84 152595 0711312011 t� E 220.4303. 5613 3.37 3.87 C 20.31 c� a� 0 I nv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 5 31.33 245.98 1 50690 0712212011 003531 MYRIAM BARRERA 071 811 0711 X12011 B 010.0000.2206 30.00 30.00 150691 0712212011 001 266 BRANCH STREET DELI 071011 0711012011 E 010.4001.5504 341.57 341.57 341.57 150692 0712212011 005726 BRENNTAG PACIFIC INC 110936 0710112011 E 640.471 511.75 511.75 11.7 150693 0712212011 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER 152591 0711312011 220.4303.5613 11.60 11.60 15261 07/15/2011 220.4303.5613 4.34 4 .84 152595 0711312011 t� E 220.4303. 5613 3.37 3.87 C 20.31 c� a� 0 I nv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 5 a p kH!at Check History Listing Page: 60 0810112011 '1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150604 0712212011 005355 CHANNEL CO UNTIES 072011 0712012011 E 010.4001.5501 60.00 E 010.4001.5501 60.00 E 010. 60.00 160.00 150695 0712212011 006409 C ITI CHEMICAL IN 150696 0712212011 000174 COASTLINE 150607 0712212011 000178 COLD CANYON LANDFILL, 43550 36837 02 -6466 0- 646625 0- 646724 02-646656 0710412 011 E 220.4303.5601 E 220.4303.5603 0711 2120 11 E 220.4303.5603 07113!2011 E 220.4303.5307 07113!2011 E 220.4303.5307 0 7113/2011 E 220.4303.5307 0711312011 E 220.4303.5307 160.00 260.35 520.70 95.57 95.57 93.25 520.70 *Sim D t> 62.50 c� 269.25 CL 150696 0712212011 008554 DAVE COLLINS FLOORING 5561 07111/2011 E 010.4213.5303 4,700.00 0 00 4, 700.00 a� N� Page: 60 app kHi t Check History Listing Page: 6 08 /01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Banc code: boa 7323053 0710612011 Ch # Date Vendor Status DlearJ old Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 146.55 4,700.00 150699 0712212011 005091 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 53461056 071011201 E 010.4145.5303 E 0 1 0.4420.5605 41 2.44 E 213.4101.5303 22,500.00 412.44 403,532.55 58491761 07106!2011 403,582. 7111 - 200 0711112011 E 010.4420.5605 26.37 1 50700 0712212011 006343 DNB INDUSTRIAL IAL SUPPLY 150701 0712212011 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, PF ISES, 150702 0712212011 003121 FIVE CITIES FIFE 150703 0712212011 000605 THE GAB COMPANY 26.37 439.31 733753 07113/2011 E 010.4305,5255 11 3.62 113.2 113.62 7321427 0710612011 E 350.5910.7001 217.66 21 7.66 7323053 0710612011 E 350-5910.7001 146. 146.55 364.21 F FA -20 12- 13 07/0 E 010.4145.5303 331 E 213.4101.5303 22,500.00 403,532.55 403,582. 7111 - 200 0711112011 D E 010.4145.5401 39.35 39.35 CL 717 - 500 07107/2011 E 01 0.4145.5401 15.38 15.38 54.73 a� 0 w� Page: 61 a CkHi t Check History Listing P 08 /01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status ClearlVold Date Invoice i Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150704 07/22/2011 008582 JULIA GOMEZ 671 811 07/18/2011 B 016.0060.2206 30.00 30.66 30.66 150705 0712212611 008583 Y1ETTE GOMEZ 071811 07/1 8/2011 B 016.6606.2266 30.00 30.66 30.60 1 50706 0712212011 000400 GRAND AWARDS, INC 4407 0716612011 E 016.4421.5201 20.06 29.96 20.66 150707 0712212611 000288 CITY O G R O VER BEACH 070211 07/0212011 E 010.4260.5303 371.44 37 1.44 37 1.44 150708 07122/2011 008584 RYAN HARVEY 071811 07/18/2011 B 010.0666.2206 36.00 30.06 36.00 D t� c� CL 0 c� co 156700 0712212011 000338 IIIIII - INTL INST O F 10406 0612812611 E 016.4602.5563 135.66 135.00 25400 0612812611 E- 610.4662.5563 75.66 75.00 210.60 Page: c� co Page: apCHist Check History Listing Page: 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank cod boa C heck # Date Vendor Status Clear/ Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150710 07/22/2011 008291 L N PEED SYSTEMS INC 51647 07/07/2011 E 0 1 0.4201.5607 423.81 E 271.4201.6201 989.59 1,41 3.40 51648 07/07/2011 E 271.4201.6201 92.1 92.1 1,505.53 150711 07/22/2011 000417 MELL SON'S PUMPS & 3012 07/01/2011 E 010.4420.5605 95.00 5.0 95.00 150712 07/22/2011 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, 25 7 07/01/2011 E 0 10. 421 3.5273 258.57 258.57 X40 07/15/2011 E 220.4303.561 163-14 163.14 07/12/2011 E 0 1 0.421 3.5604 45,1 45.1 X4207 07/14/2011 E 220.4303.5613 19.37 19.37 07/08/2011 E 010.4420.5605 5.15 D 5,15 1 0 07/13/2011 E 220.4303,561 3.76 CL 3.76 495.1 c� co Page: app kH!st Check History Listing P a g e: 0810112011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 150713 0712212011 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 570356041001 0710612011 E 01 0.4101.5201 17.26 17.26 17 . 26 150714 0712212011 000472 ORCHARD SUPPLY AUTH #200001 0711912011 E 640.4712.5273 34.03 34.03 34.03 1 5071 5 0712212011 000538 B & L SAFETY PRODUCTS 645654 07106/2011 E 220.4303.5255 171.89 171.89 171.89 150718 0712212011 002142 SAN LUIS PAPER 529635 07/01/2011 E 010.42 13.5604 849. 849.55 629639 07/01/2011 E 010.4420.5605 707.41 707.41 1,556.99 15071 0712212011 003538 BI LVAS OIL COMPANY, INC 263372 0711 2!2011 B 010.0000.1 202 407.14 4,487.14 4,487.14 15071 0712212011 003668 MICHAEL SMILEY 072211 0712212011 E 01 0.4201.5501 109.00 D 109.00 109-00 CL 15071 0712212011 000598 SNAP TOOLS CORP 205689 07106/2011 E 220.4303.5273 439.03 439.03 a� 0 a� 0 Page: apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 6 08/01/2011 1:64PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code. boa C heck # Date Vendor Statue DlearNold Date Invoice Irv. Date Amount Paid C heck Total 208901 07/1 3/2011 E 010.4305.5273 247.77 D c� c� CL 0 U3 c� a� 0 ft-4 0 1 50720 07/22/2011 001 888 SPORT SUPPLY GROUP, IN 1 50721 07/22/2011 000613 STATEWIDE SAFETY 1 50722 07/22/2011 000653 DOROTHY TRULOCK 150723 07/22/2011 005252 ULTI EX BUSINE 247 1,407.04 1 811.88 811.88 1,152.00 1,1 52.00 26.94 26.94 150724 07/22/2011 006551 UNITED STAFFING ASSOC. 1 50725 07/22/2011 002609 WATERBOYS PLUMBIN 3558831 1640 071911 130752 078279 16767 07/01/2011 E 010.4424.5257 07/08/2011 E 220.4303.5613 07/19/2011 E 010.4424.5351 07/11/2011 E 640.4710.5602 07/13/2011 E 640.4712.5303 E 220.4303.5303 07/07/2011 E 010.4213.5604 1 } 000.47 1,407.04 811.88 1,152.00 KOSO 1,213.19 1,213.19 320.00 320.00 Page: 65 apCkHlt Check History Listing Page: 66 08/01/2011 1:54PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check Date Vendor Status ClearfVoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Taal 16766 67/06/2011 E 010.4213.5604 165.66 1 65.69 425.69 150726 07!22/2011 008585 DEVI N WILSON 071811 07/18/2011 B 016.0060.2266 39.69 30.06 30.00 150727 07/27/2611 006249 NICK E PGKRAJAC INC PW 2010 -12 67/26!2611 E 350.5435.7001 15,230.54 E 350.5435.7201 12,188.94 27,4 1 9.48 27,419.48 150731 07/28/2611 004611 JOYCE ANDERSON 671811 67/18/2611 B 010.6600.2206 36.06 39.69 36.06 150732 07/28/2611 008586 LISA BENKG 671111 07/11/2611 R 016.0660.4665 35.06 35.69 35.99 1 50733 07!28/2611 008587 BIG 1 AKGG FENCE INC 661111 06/11/2011 E 610.4201.5255 459.69 459.69 456,69 D 150734 07!28/2611 005812 BROUGH CONSTRUCTION 3 67/26!2011 E 356.5422.7001 71 CL E 356.5422.7261 13,591-35 85,165-97 85,165.97 00 000 Page: 66 apCkHist Check History Listing Page: 67 08!01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor Status DlearfV id Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 50785 07!28/2011 000608 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 781 493287 06!80/2011 E 640.47 12-5601 1 4.54 14.54 14.54 150786 07!28/2011 005255 CBC I NNOVI S, INC 1184014045 00!80/2011 E 010,4201.5815 10.00 10.00 10.00 150787 07!2812011 007468 COAST RIDERS 062111 06!21/2011 E 010.4201.5601 527.80 527.80 527.80 150788 0712812011 008568 DATA 911 ( DBA) I IV A018 0710712011 E 271.4202.6201 10,289.49 B 271.0000.1802 10 } 808.72 20,608.21 20,008.21 150789 0712812011 000225 EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC 287240 0510812011 E 850. 5422.750 1 860.25 860.25 800.25 150740 07/28/2011 000880 GSA- INFORMATION TECH 545 0710012011 E 010.4201.5606 236.00 E 010.4201.5606 286.91 t> 472. c� CL 150741 0712812011 008591 LI KEITH 071411 0711412011 R 010.0000.4605 75.00 c� 75.00 c� 75.00 c� Page: 67 D t� c� CL 0) c� y 00 o0) apDkHist 08/01 1: 4 PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 88 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 160742 07!23!2011 003949 KERN'S PAPER Status Clean old Date Invoice 3063 30626 30640 30631 160743 07!23!2011 006266 KIDZ L SOCC ( DBA ) 160744 07!23!2011 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 2011 S 110916 110956 160746 07!23!2011 000441 MULLAHEY F 62673 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 06!29/2011 E 010.4102.6266 06!29!2011 E 010.4 102.5256 06!29/2011 E 010.4102.6265 06!29/2011 E 010.4102.5256 06!06!2011 E 010.4424.6361 06!30/2011 E 0102.6303 06!30/2011 E 010.4425.6303 396.79 41.29 1 } 771.00 1,771.00 142 .50 993.63 1,771.00 125.00 114.33 114.33 06!24!2011 E 010.4306.5601 267-50 11 4.33 Page: 68 D c� c� CL 0) c� y 00 apDkHit 0810112011 1: 4PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P 6 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 1 50746 0712812011 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 1 80747 0712812011 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 1 50748 0712812011 008893 PATRIOT DIAM INC 1 50749 0712812011 008221 JUAN SAF ABIA 150750 0712812011 000564 SLO COUNTY NEWSPAPERS SPAPERS Statue Clear/ Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid 869699778001 0612812011 E 010.4212.8201 27.62 E 010.41 30.8201 3.34 30.96 7113 - 620838 0711312011 E 612.4610.5402 3 11.74 311.74 7/13-190318 07/13/2011 E 010.4148.8401 53.87 53.87 7/13-781296 0711312011 E 010.4145.5401 23.58 2 99216 0612312011 E 640.4712.5610 269.16 269.16 072111 0712112011 B 010.0000.2206 400.00 010.0000.4353 - 120.00 280.00 0945052 0611412011 E 350.8638.7301 356.32 356.32 C heck Total 30.96 389.19 269.16 280.00 356.32 Page: 6 ap kHist Check History Listing Page: 7 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check T taf 150751 0712812011 000612 STAPLES 1137135001 06/24/201 E 010.4201.5201 027. 627.13 150752 0712812011 003000 JAIIE THIIAI 071411 627.13 75.00 D t� c� CL 0 c� y 00 N� 150753 0712312011 007000 TIEFRA WE ADVI IN 150754 07/28/2011 003500 G RA C IELA 1EA 150755 0712812011 002137 V E R I ZO N WIRELE 150758 07/28/2011 003507 IILETTE 1LTIAI 150757 0712012011 003380 BRE E 1 BAI 1A A -0011 072511 07/0812011 E 284.4103.5303 0902013704 071111 144.00 072711 0711 412011 010.0000.4005 75.00 75.00 07125/2011 B 010.0000.2200 F 010.0000.4353 07/0412011 E 010.4201.5403 07/2212011 B 010.0000.2206 010.0000.4353 175-00 175.00 175.00 400.00 240.00 013.00 013.00 240.00 813.00 1 00.00 144.00 100.00 07127/2011 E 010.4424.5352 100.00 Page: 7 Page: 71 ap kHist 08/01!2011 1: 4PM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 71 Bank code: boa Check Date Ven Status ClearfVold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 50758 07/29/201 007728 SCOTT C RAM 072711 07/27/201 E 010. 99.00 99.00 .00 1 50759 07/29/2011 004142 STAN G AXI O LA 072711 07/27/2011 E 010.4424.5352 264.00 264.00 264.00 150760 07/29/2011 006058 R D IEY GRAD 072711 07/27!2011 E 010.4424.5352 110.00 110.00 110.00 150761 07/29/2011 002405 CHARLES HARE 072711 07/27/2011 E 010.4424.5352 176.00 176.00 176.00 1 50762 07/29/2011 004188 EDDIE HARRIS 072711 07!27!2011 E 010.4424.5352 180.00 180.00 180-00 150763 07/29!2011 007299 G ASTON KETTING OLIVIER 072711 07/27!2011 E 010.4424.5352 286.00 286.00 286.00 D t� 1 50764 07/29/2011 004845 JOHN LARSON 072711 07/27!2011 E 010.4424.5352 200.00 CL 200.00 200.00 c� y 00 w� Page: 71 ap kHfst C he c k History Listing Page; 7 08/01/2011 1: 4PM CITY Of ARROYO GRANDE Bank c oder boa Check # Date Vendor 159765 07/20/2011 005511 CHRI LINTNEF Status ClearlVold Date Invoice 072711 Inv. Date Amount Paid 07/27!2011 E 010.4424.5352 156.00 E 010.4424.5352 88.00 Check Total Page: 7 244.00 244.00 1 59766 07/20/2011 001 136 DOUGLAS LINTNER 072711 07/2712011 E 010.4424. 5352 44.00 E 0'10.4424.5 352 1 80.00 224.00 224.00 150767 07/20/2011 008387 COREY MAYNE 07271 07/27/2011 E 010.4424.5352 20.00 E 010.4424.5352 .00 86.00 86.00 150768 07/20/2011 000536 GREG FE 072711 07/27!2011 E 010.4424.5352 44.00 E 010.4424.5352 460.00 504.00 504.00 159769 07/20/2011 000578 AN ELITA ANN S ARMIENTO 072711 07/27!2011 E 010.4424.5352 220.00 220.00 220.00 D 159779 07/20/201 006080 MARTINA S ARMIENTO 072711 07!2712011 E 010.4424 363.00 c� 363,00 CL 363.00 - c� y 00 -9h. 0 Check Total Page: 7 D t� c� CL 0) c� y 00 CA 0) apCkHi t 08/01/2011 1: 4PM Che History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code: boa 1 5 077 1 07/29/2011 003024 MARK S H F FE 1 50772 07/29/2011 007792 TIM SHERIDAN 1 50773 07/29/2011 008363 PAYTON SMALL 1 50774 07/29/2011 007229 DONALD YDEF 1 50775 07/29/2011 007926 AMANDA SO UCHEK 150776 07/29/2011 000609 BOB SPEAR 1 50777 07/29/2011 007927 SHIRLEY 1 ILLM TT Status Clearl Date Invoice 072711 072711 072711 072711 072711 072711 072711 07/27/2011 E 010.4424.5352 07/27/2011 E 010.4424.5352 07/27/2011 E 010.4424.5352 E 010.4424. 07/27/2011 E 010.4424.5352 07/27/2011 E 010.4424.5352 07/27/2011 E 010.4424.5352 E 01 0.4424. 300.00 300.00 40.00 40.00 300.00 40.00 50.00 105.00 260.00 260.00 77.00 77.00 105.00 260.00 77.00 220.00 260.00 132.00 260.00 07/27/2011 E 01 0.4424. 5352 132.00 Page: Inv, Date Amount Paid Check Total D c� c� CL 0) c� y 00 a*) 0) apH it 08/01/2011 '1: PM C he c k History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 7 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 336 checks in this report Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid boa Taal: Taal Cheops: C heck Total 1 1 ,361,585.34 Page: 7 ATTACHMENT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 6/10/2011 - 0/23/2011 07/01/11 FIND 010 319 FIND 217 31.80 FUND 219 22.25 FIND 220 17,003.61 FUND 226 1 FIND 284 364.35 FUND 205 1,124.80 FUND 290 110 FUND 612 71258.67 FUND 640 20 2 478 OVERTIME BY DEPARTMENT: Admin. Support Services 5111 Community Development - Piice 4 Fire 9 Govm rent Bldg Maint. 14 Engineering Comp Pay Fleet Maintenance 5115 Parks 5 Recreation - Admn PERS Retirement I ec - Special Events - Children In Motion - Soto Sport Complex - Public Works Maintenance 433.44 State Disability Ins. 14,066-50 5101 Salaries Full time 217,415.66 5102 Salaries Part - Time - PPT 17 5103 Salaries Part - Tirane - TPT 31 5105 Salaries OverTime 14,066.50 5107 Salaries Standby 349.59 5108 Holiday Pay 9,21 0.28 5109 Sick Pay 2 5110 Annual Leave Buyback - 5111 Vacation Buyback 5112 Sick Leave Buyback - 5113 Vacation Pay 14 5114 Comp Pay 2 5115 Annual Leave Pay 5 5121 PERS Retirement 80 5122 Social Security 21,811.17 5123 PARS Retirement 647.03 5126 State Disability Ins. 1 5127 Deferred Compensation 658.21 5131 Health Insurance 49,635.92 5132 Dental Insurance 5,178.97 5133 Vision Insurance 1 5134 Life Insurance 454.54 5135 Long Terra Disability - 5143 Uniform Allowance - 144 Car Allowance 675.00 5146 Council Expense - 147 Employee Assistance - 140 Boot Allowance - 149 Moto Pay 150.00 5150 Bi- Lingual Pay 125-00 5151 Cell Phone Allowance 352. 478,059.55 Agenda Item 8.a. Page 77 ATTACHMENT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 6!2412011 - 71712011 7115111 FUND 010 41 2,01 9.86 FUND 217 25.44 FUND 219 5.65 FUND 220 17 FUND 226 2 FUND 284 304.34 FUND 285 1 FUND 0 115,378.03 FUND 012 3 FUND 040 24 3,926.28 533,398.63 OVERTIME BY DEPARTMENT: Admen. Support Services - Dcmmunity Development - Police 7,039.13 Fire 10, 544.15 Ovrnment Bldg I faint. 10 Engineering Corp Part' Fleet Maintenance 5115 Pars 9 Recreation n - Ad r n PEE S Retirement Fec - Special Events - Children In Motion - Soto Sport Complex - Public Works Maintenance 312.37 State Disability Ins. 19,045-70 5101 Salaries Full time 195 5102 Salaries Pant -Tire - PPT 16 103 Salaries Part -Tire - TPT 32 5105 Salaries OverTime 101045.70 5107 Salaries Standby 303.75 5108 Holiday Parr 10,818.93 5109 Sick Pay 3,926.28 5110 Annual Leave Buyback 72,721.10 5111 Vacation Baal - 5112 Bich Leave Bu - 113 Vacation Pay 10 5114 Corp Part' 8 5115 Annual Leave Pay 9 5121 PEE S Retirement 96,177.93 5122 Social Security 28,411.81 5123 PARS Retirement 642.1 5126 State Disability Ins. 1,539.72 5127 Deferred Compensation 653.21 5131 Health Insurance 45,389.26 5132 Dental Insurance 4,724.72 5133 Vision Insurance 983.35 5134 Life Insurance 454.14 5135 Long Terra Disability 875.28 5143 Uniform Allowance 10, 050.00 5144 Dar Allowance 675.00 5146 Council Expense - 5147 Employee Assistance 219-83 5148 Boot Allowance - 5149 Motor Pay 132.32 5150 Bi- Lingual Pay 125.00 5151 Dell Phone Allowance 352.50 533,393. Agenda Item 8.a. Page 78 ATTACHMENT CITY OF ARROYO [GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 7/8/2011 - 7/2112011 07129111 FUND 010 273,829.29 FUND 217 16.95 FUND 219 12.01 FUND 220 17,490.68 FUND 226 - FU D 284 800.91 FUND 285 1 FUND 290 96 FUND 612 7,1 07.07 FUND 640 20,362-59 3 416 OVERTIME BY DEPARTMENT: Admin. Support Services - C Community Development - Polie 13,518.96 Fire 7,820.43 ovrnment Bldg Maint. 17,013-50 Engineering Comp Pay Fleet Maintenance 5115 Parks 4 Recreation - Admn PET S Retirement e - Special Events - Children In Motion - Soto Sport Complex 75.00 Public Iris Maintenance 2 State Disability Ins. 24,296.51 5101 Salaries Full time 216,306.11 5102 Salaries Part- Time - PPT 17,377.79 5103 Salaries Part -Time - TPT 32,554.83 5105 Salaries OverTime 24 5107 Salaries Standby 358.50 5108 Holiday Pay 983.49 5109 Sick Pay 3 5110 Annual Leave Buyback - 111 Vacation Buyback - 5112 Sick Leave Buyback - 5113 Vacation Pay 17,013-50 114 Comp Pay 1,395.7 5115 Annual Leave Pay 4 5121 PET S Retirement 75,128-58 5122 Social Security 21,514.74 5123 PADS Retirement 687.81 5126 State Disability Ins. 1 5127 Deferred Compensation - 1 1 Health Insurance (244.31 5132 Dental Insurance - 5133 Vision Insurance - 1 4 Life Insurance - 5135 Long Terra Disability - 5143 Uniform Allowance - 144 Car Allowance - 5146 Council Expense - 147 Employee Assistance - 5148 Boot Allowance - 149 Motor Pay 133-54 5150 Bi- Lingual Pay - 1 1 Cell Phone Allowance - 416 Agenda Item 8.a. Page 79 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.a. Page 80 > i NRRO�6 0 INCORPORATED JULY 10. 1 1 F 0 P14 MEMORAND T: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA K AETSCH, DIRECTOR F F ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES BY: MICHELLE MAYFIELD, TREASURER 0 k SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: AUGUST 9, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive and file the attached report listing the current investment deposits of the City o Arroyo Grande, as of June 30, 2011, as required b y Government Code Section 53646(b). FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no funding impact to the City related to this report. However, the City does receive interest revenue based on the interest rate o f the investment(s). BACKGROUND: ND: This report represents the City's investments as of June 30, 2011. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, investment type, book value, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of June 30, 2011 the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The Director of Administrative Services es has historically submi ted to the City Council ar monthly report, providing the following information: 1. Type of investment. 2. Financial institution (bank, savings and Ivan, baker, etc). 3 . Date of maturity. 4 . Principal amount. 5 . Rate of interest. 6 . Current market value for all securities having a maturity of more than 12 months. 7 . Relationship of the monthly report to the annual statement of investment policy. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION F INVESTMENT DEPOSITS AUGUST 9,2011 PAGE ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Recommended ►r mended Al emative - Approve stafrs recommendation to receive and file the attached report fisting the current investment deposits. Do not approve staff recommendation Provide direction to staff ADVANTAGES: Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the City. Investments are undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. DISADVANTAGES: Some legal of risk is present in any investment transaction. Losses could be incurred due to market pace changes, technical cash flog complications such as the need to withdraw a non- negotiable Time Certificate of Deposit early, or even the default of an issuer. To minimize such risks, diversifications of the investment portfolio by institution and by investment instruments are being used as much as is practical and prudent. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review i required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION I' AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, August 4, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, August 5, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. Portfolio Summary: .dune 30, 2011 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 2 ATrA H M E T 1 t� c� CL 0 t� c� 00 C17V F s p w ' + C A LIFORr4 r' #: L ` CITY O ARR GRANDE Portfolio Management Portfolio Summary .June 30 2011 C ity o f Arroyo Grande 300 E. Branc S Arroyo Grande, DA 93420 Phone: (805)473 - 5400 Money Market Account labcbank 1,000,902.67 0.580% Total Investments 10,445,1 May 9, 2011 nla 5.426% 100.000 wCr Interest Investments Book Value Interest Rate Rate PY Date of Purchase Term Maturity Date % of Portfolio Local Agency Investment Fund 15,845,230.33 0.448% 0.528% 85.905% ertfcat s of D - Bank First Federal Bank of Califomia 99,000.00 2.530% September 18, 2009 731 September 21, 2011 0.537% Redding Bank of Commerce 250,000.00 2.400% September 21, 2009 913 March 21, 2012 1.355% First republic Bank 250,000.00 3.000% November 9, 2009 36 mos November 9, 2012 1.355% DAIS 1 1.910% July 1, 2010 24 mos June 28, 2012 5.421% Total C erUfleates. of Depos 1 Money Market Account labcbank 1,000,902.67 0.580% Total Investments 10,445,1 May 9, 2011 nla 5.426% 100.000 wCr THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.b. Page 4 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING F THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, .JULY 1 2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1, CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular city council meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2 , ROLL CALL City council: council Member Joe Costello, Council Member Jim Guthrie, council Member Tim Brown, Mayor Pro Tern Caren Ray, and Mayor Tony Ferrara we present. City Staff Present: city Manager Steven Adams, city Attorney Timothy Carmel, Director of Legislative and Information Services /city Clerk Kelly Wetmore, re, Director of Administrative Services Angela Kraetch, chief Steve Annibali, and Community Development Director Teresa Mceli h. 3 , FLAG SALUTE A representative of the central coast Masonic Lodge led the Flag Salute. INVOCATION Dr. Mayer- Harnish, Bahai Faith, delivered the invocation. S. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6,a, Ordinances Read in Title Only. Council Member Brown moved, council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read by title only and all further readings be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, MENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS The f ll wing members of the public spore during citizens' Input, Com me nts and Suggestions: Patter Welsh, Pradera court; Brad Snoop, representing Surfrider Foundation; and Linden meda. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited public comment on the consent Agenda. There were no comments received, and the public comment period was closed. Action: Mayor Pro Terri Ray moved, and council Member Costello seconded the motion to approve consent Agenda Items 8,a. through 8.j., with the recommended courses of action. The motion passed on the following roll -call vote: AYES: Ray, Costello, Brown, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None Agenda Item 8.c. Page 1 Minutes: City CouncH Regular Meetlrn Tuesday, July 1, 2 1 1 Page seam consideration of cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period June 16, 2011 through June 30, 2011. 8.b, consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Special City council meeting of June 28, 2011, and the Regular city Council/Redevelopment Agenc r meeting of June 28, 2011, as submitted. 8-c. consideration of a Resolution Approving a Memorandum of understanding with the Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association and Repealing Resolution Nos. 4098, 4139 4179 4279 and 4822. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4380 entitled: ""A RES L.# TIN THE CITY COUNCIL 1 CIL. F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MEMORANDUM DUM F U NDERSTANDING FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED Y THE ARROYO GRANDE POLICE OFFICERSY ASSOCIATION AND REPEALING ,s RES L.#. TIN NOS. 4099. 139, 4179p 4279, AND 4322 IMPACTING SAI EMPLOYEES' Bid* consideration of Resolutions to Implement paying and Reporting of Employer Paid Member contributions EMPC to the California Public Employees' Retirement system EERS for all Employee Groups. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4381 entitled: "A RESOLUTION TION F THE CITY COUNCIL CIL. F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FOR PAYING AND REPORTIMG THE VALUE OF THE EMPLOYER PAID MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM PERS "; and Resolution No. 4382 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CIL. F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FOR PAYING AND REPORTING THE VALUE OF THE EMPLOYER PAID MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPL. 0 YEES' RETIREMENT S YS TEAM PERS) 8.e. consideration of Approval of a First Amendment to the Agreement for contractor Services Dated November 1, 2010 with Lanspeed in Order to Include Network Systems Management and Information Technology Services. Action. Approved and authorized the Mayor tc execute a First Amendment to the Agreement for contractor Services dated November 1, 2010 with L.anspeed to include network systems management and information technology services. 8.f, consideration of Approval of a consultant services Agreement with Davey Resource G roup to perform a Tree Inventory. Action: 1 Approved a consultant services agreement with the Davey Resource Group in the amount of $35,013; 2 Authorized the Tarr to execute the agreement; 3) Authorized the city Manager to ap prove additional inventory services, not to exceed a total aggregate cost of $47,000 for the entire project; and Directed staff to issue the Notice to Proceed along with other necessary contract documents. 8fg. consideration of Acceptance of the Elevator for the Base Bid of the Tenant Improvements at 800 East Branch street, EVIL 2010-12, Action: 1 Accepted the elevator installation, as constructed by Nick E. Po rajac, Inc. in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Tenant Improvements at 300 East Branch Street; 2 Directed staff to file a Notice of Completion; and Authorized the release of the remainder of the retention. 8 -h- consideration of consultant services Agreement with The Wallace croup. Action: Approved and authorized the Mayor to execute are updated agreement with the Wallace Group for engineering services. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 2 Minutes: City Councft Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 12 1 2011 Page 3 .i* consideration of Amendment to Consultant services Agreement with Planning Company Associates. Action: Authorized the city Manager to execute a fourth amendment to the consultant services agreement with Planning company Associates for assistance in obtaining ealtrans approval for a proposal to address deficiencies at the Brisc R Road —Highway 101 Interchange. 8,j, consideration of Appointment of Mayor Pro Tenn Ray as city Representative to the South county Library Donor Recognition committee. Acton. Appointed Mayor Pro Tern Ray as the city representative to the South county Library Donor Recognition Committee. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a,. consideration of Adjustments to the City-Wide Master Fee schedule. Administrative Services Director Kraetsch referred to supplemental information distributed to the Council recommending that the Recreation Division fees be continued for further revie w and analysis. She then provided the staff report and recommended that council adopt a Resolution increasing operating fees in the citywide Master f=ee Schedule based on changes in the 201 Consumer Price Index of 1.2%; approving a fee decrease for the Police citation correction Certification fee; and eliminating duplicative fees in the Engineering Division for Grading Plan Check and Inspections. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. There were no comments received and the public hearing was closed. Action: council Member Costello moved, and council Member Guthrie seconded the motion t adopt a Resolution, as amended, entitled: ""A RESOLUTION F TIME CITY COUNCIL OF TIME CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INCREASING ERTAI OPERATING FEES SET FORTH I THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE BY THE CONSUMER PENCE TI DE 1 AND ADJUSTING FP CERTAIN FEES IN THE POLICE AND COMMUNITY DE EL E T DEPARTMENTS, The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Guthrie, Brown, Ray, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11, NEW BUSINESS None. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS None. 13, CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 3 Minutes: City Council Regular Meeting Pepe Tuesday, duly 12, 2011 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Brown acknowledged the success of the centennial celebration and all the positive comments he has received. He also expressed concern regarding the Eucalyptus trees that were cut down near Hampton Inn without permits. city Manager Adams noted that staff was made aware of the latter issue and is investigating the matter. Mayor Pro Tern Ray acknowledged and thanked staff for efforts during labor negotiations, and thanked city Manager Adams for all his work on the centennial celebration. Mayor Ferrara acknowledged city Manager Adams, the centennial Committee, and the many volunteers who made the centennial event a success and noted that the celebration would continue throughout the year with more activities. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Adams reported that the Le Point street parking lot is completed and a ribbon cutting would be held in August. He also gave a status update on the Hampton Inn project and that it is anticipated it would be opening soon. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 17. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST; Kelly Wetmore, rye, City Clerk {Approved at CC Mtg Agenda Item 8.c. Page 4 1. INCORPORATED rn JK JULY 10, 1 1 1 d dq t� F 14 1 M EMORANDU M TO: CITY COUNCIL r FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER , SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE FOR THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE DATE: AUGUST 9, 2011 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the City Council appoint Mayor Ferrara as the voting delegate for the League of California Cities Annual Conference. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The only costs associated with this action are costs for attendance at the Annual Conference, which are included in the FY 2011-12 Budget. BACKGROUND: This year's League of California Cities Annual Conference is scheduled to take place September 21 -23, 2011 in San Francisco. One important activity of the Conference is the annual business meeting, to be held n Friday, September 23 t 2:30 .m., when the membership ties action on Conference resolutions. Designated voting delegates ( or their alternates) registered to attend the Annual Conference constitute the League's General Assembly. ANAL IS OF ISSUES: Annual Conference resolutions guide the League and its members In their efforts to improve the quality, responsiveness and vitality of local government in California. League bylaws state that "any official of a Member City may, with the approval of the City Council, be designated the City's designated voting delegate or alternate delegate to any League meeting." Thus far, Mayor Ferrara is the only City representative registered to attend the Conference. Mayor Ferrara a lso currently serves on the League of California Cities Board of Directors and has been appointed by the city council a the council's liaison to the League of California Cities. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of APPOINTMENT of V OTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE FOR THE LEAGUE of CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1 Appoint the Mayor as the voting delegate and up to two Council Members as the alternate voting delegates for the League of California Cities Annual Conference; or 2 Provide staff with other direction. ADVANTAGES: Participation in the General Assembly enables the City to impact issues that are important to City government and guide the League of California Cities' activities, assists the League of California Cities in their efforts by ensuring direction is representative of all member er cities, and helps the City to obtain support for resolutions that may be proposed by the City or important to the City in the future. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental revie w is required for this item. PUBLIC INFORMATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, August 4, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, August 5, 2011. Attachment: 1. June 9, 2011 League of California Cities Memorandum Regarding rding otin Delegates Agenda Item 8.d. Page 2 ATTACHMENT 1 1400 KSTREET LEAGUE A RAME T0, .A 95814 OF CA L L F R N i PH: ( 1 658- 8200 24 Council Action Advised by August 26, 2011 - ,Tune 9, 2011 { TO: Mayors, City Managers and City Clerks ' RE: DESIGNATION of VOTING DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES ; League of California Cities Annual Conference — September 1— , San Francisco The League's 2011 Annual Conference is scheduled for September 21-23 in San Francisco. An important part of the Annual Conference is the Annual Business Meeting (at the closing General Assembly), scheduled for 2:30 .m., Friday, September 23, at the San Francisco Moscone west Convention Center. At this meeting, the League membership considers and takes action on resolutions that establish League policy. In order to vote at the Annual Business Meeting, your city council must designate a voting delegate. Your city may also appoint up to two alternate voting delegates, one of whom may vote in the event that the designated voting delegate is unable to serve in that capacity. Please complete the attached voting Delegate form and return it to the League"s office no later than Friday, August 26, 2011. This will allow us time to establish voting delegate /alternates' records prior to the conference. Please note the following procedures that are intended to ensure the integrity of the voting process at the Annual Business Thing. Action by Council Required. Consistent with League bylaws, a city #s voting delegate and up to two alternates must be designated by the city council. When completing the attached voting Delegate fonn, please attach either a cOR of the council resolution that reflects the council action taken or have your city clerk or mu or sign the form affirming that the names provided are those selected by the city council. Please note that designating the voting delegate and alternates must be done by city council action and cannot be a by individual action of the mayor or city manager alone. Conference Registration Required. The voting delegate and alternates must be registered to attend the conference. They need not register for the entire conference; they may register for Frida only. To register for the conference, please go to our wbsit: vrxw.caciti s.or . In order to cast a vote, at least one person must be present at the Business Meeting and in possession of the voting delegate card. Voting delegates and alternates need to pick up their conference badges before signing in and picking u - more—v<2 1114—p ,1 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 3 the voting delegate card at the Voting Delegate Desk. This will enable them to receive the special sticker on their name fudges that will admit them into the voting area during the Business Meeting. Transferring voting Card to lion- Designated Individuals Not Allowed; The voting delegate card may be transferred freely between the voting delegate and alternates, but only between the voting delegate and alternates. if the voting delegate and alternates fend themselves unable to attend the Business Meeting, they may not transfer the voting card to another city official. Seating Protocol during General Assembly. At the Business Meeting, individuals with the voting card will sit in a separate area. Admission to this area will be kited to those individuals with a special sucker on their name badge ldentit img them as a voting delegate or alternate. If the voting delegate and altemat s wish to sit together, they must sign in at the Voting Delegate Desk and obtain the special sticker on their fudges. The Voting Delegate Desk, located in the conference registration area of the San Francisco 1 loseone Nest Convention Center, will be open at the following times: Wednesday, September 21 8:30 a.m. --- :00 .m.; Thursday, September 22, 7:30 a.m. — 4:00 .m.; and September 23, 7:30 -10:00 a.m. The Voting Delegate Desk will also be open at the Business Meeting on Friday, but not during a roll call vote, should one be undertaken. The voting procedures that will be used at the conference are attached to this memo. Please share these procedures and this memo with your council and especially with the individuals that your council designates as your city's voting delegate and alternates. Once again, than you for completing the voting delegate and alternate form and returning It to the League office by Friday, August 26th. if you have questions, Tease call Mary McCullough at (916) 655 - 8247. Attachments: 2011 Annual Conference Voting Procedures Voting Delegate /Alternate Form Agenda Item 8.d. Page 4 7400 K Street, Suite 400 •Sacramento, California 95814 LEAGUE Phone: 916.658.8200 Fax: 916.656.8240 144110-- OF CALIFORNIA www.cacities.org CITIES Annual Conference Voting Procedures 2011 Annual Conference One City One Vote. Each member city has a right to cast one vote on natters pertaining to League policy. 2. Designating a City Voting Representative. Prior to the Annual Conference, each city council may designate a voting delegate and up to two alternates; these individuals are identified on the Voting Delegate Form provided to the League Credentials Committee. 3. Registering with the Credentials Committee. The voting delegate, or alternates, may pick up the city's voting card at the Voting Delegate Desk in the conference registration area. Voting delegates and alternates must sign in at the Voting Delegate Desk. Here they will receive a special sticker on their name badge and thus be admitted to the voting area at the Business Meeting. 4. Signing Initiated Resolution Petitions. Only those individuals who are voting delegates (or alternates), and who have picked up their city "s voting card by providing a signature to the Credentials Committee at the Voting Delegate Desk, may sign petitions to initiate a resolution. 5 . Voting, To east the city's vote, a city official must have in his or her possession the city's voting card and be registered with the Credentials Committee. The voting card may be transferred freely between the voting delegate and alternates, but may not be transferred to another city official who is neither a voting delegate or alternate. 6. Voting Area at Business Meeting. At the Business Meeting, individuals nth a voting card will sit in a designated area. Admission will he limited to those individuals with a special sticker on their name badge identifying them as a voting delegate or alternate. 7. Resolving Disputes. In case of dispute, the Credentials Committee will determine the validity of signatures on petitioned resolutions and the right of a city official to vote at the Business Meeting. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.d. Page 6 A. INCORPORATED " MEMORANDUM JULY 10, 1911 dq ' /F Oft To. CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT; CONSIDERATION of JOINT COUNCIL MEETING WITH CITY of GRO ER BEACH REGARDING POLICE CONSOLIDATION DATE* AUGUST 9. 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council direct staff to proceed to sc hedule a joint Council meeting with the City of Grover Beach to discuss Police consolidation options, savings, benefits and issues. FINANCIAL IMPACT: At the May 10, 2011 meeting, the Police Chief presented cost estimates that concluded annual combined savings could total $1,1 30,675 for the two agencies. These figures are being updated heed upon the approved Fly 2011 -12 budgets. BACKGROUND: At the May 10, 2011 meeting, staff presented a cost analysis of providing consolidated police services to the City of Grover Beach on a contract basis. As a result, the City Council directed staff to invite the City of Grover Beach to participate in a joint council meeting to discuss contracting police services from the City of Arroyo Gra nde. The City Manager transmitted a letter to the City Manager of Grover Beach heed on Council's direction. A copy of the letter is attached. A letter of the response received from the Grover Beach City Manager is also attached. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The letter received is heed on direction from the Grover Beach City Council. They expressed a w illingness to meet as long as all Police consolidation options "remain on the table." Staff believes this would provide an opportunity to present the cost analysis, outline options and related pros and cons, and discuss issues and opportunities to proceed with a course of action designed to increase the quality of cost efficiency of public safety services for both jurisdictions. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF .JOINT COUNCIL MEETING WITH CITY OF GROVER EACH REGARDING DING POLICE CONSOLIDATION AUGUST 9. 2011 PAGE ALTERNATIVES: ES: The following alternative have been identified: 1, Direct staff to schedule a joint Council meeting with Grover Beach regarding police consolidation and agree to their request to consider all alternatives. 2. Direct staff to decline the response from Grover Beach to participate in a joint Council meeting regarding police consolidation. 3. Direct staff to prepare information for Council revie w regarding police consolidation options before scheduling the joint City Council meeting. 4. Provide staff other direction. ADVANTAGES: Staffs analysis has indicated that police consolidation with Grover Beach could result in significant cost savings, while improving public safety service levels. A joint Council meeting could provide a productive step in mooring forward with a plan to accomplish this. Agreeing to the request submitted by the City o Grover Beach would provide an opportunity to outline and discuss the benefits and disadvantage of available alternatives in order for both jurisdictions to make the best decision regarding how to provide effective and efficient public safety services to our citizens. DISADVANTAGES: TAGES: Consolidation efforts present issues regarding local control, identity and labor relations. However, staff believes there are gays to address these concerns. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No envi revie w is req for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, August 4, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, August 5, 2011. No comments were received. Attachments: 1. May 18, 2011 City Manager letter to the City of Grover Beach 2. July 29, 2011 Letter from Grover Beach City Manager 3. May 10, 2011 Police Chief staff report regarding cost analysis of police consolidation Agenda Item 8.e. Page 2 CITY OF w rt • C ALIF0RNIA May 1 , 2 o 1 1 Bob Perrault City Manager City of Grover Beach 154 South Eighth Street Grover Beach, CA 93433 Dear Bob: C''rnry n= ATTACHMENT 1 ARROYO GRANDE CALIFORNIA At the request of the City Council, the Arroyo Grande Police Department staff has prepared an analysis of the potential cost savings from providing contract police services to the City of Grover Beach. The study concluded than consolidation of police services would reduce the combined costs of the two agencies by $854,609 - $'1,'1 30,675, while enhancing service levels. It was also determined than given vacancies and anticipated retirements, a unique opportunity exists at this time to implement consolidation without the need for layoffs of existing staff. The concept would provide the additional benefit of providing joint dispatch services for the Fire Cities Fire Authority. The Arroyo Grande City Council considered the results of the analysis at their May lo meeting. A copy of the report is attached. They took action to invite the City of Grover Beach City Council to participate in a joint meeting of the two councils to discuss police consolidation. It was suggested to hold the meeting at the South County Regional Center. The preferred date based on availability of Council, staff and the facility is ,June 29 if that is agreeable. Otherwise, please provide alternative dates if the invitation is accepted by your City Council. The City of Arroyo Grande appreciates the cooperative partnership we maintain with the City of Grover Beach. We hope this may present another opportunity for us to work together to provide services to our respective citizens in a more efficient and effective ma nner. Thank you. Sincerely, Steven Adams City Manager cc. City Council CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE a 300 East Branch Street 9 Arroyo Grande, Califomia 93420 Phone: (805) 473 -5400 a Fax. {805} 473 --0386 9 E -mail. agcltygarroyogrande.org le 1T b 1 gawdatftwyp r *,pd . r Page 3 ATTACHME 2 C' VRL 0Y City of - - 3 rDve r B eac h r Ma ()r Jo P. Shoals R Maycv Tein Bill Nicolls Council M ein ber Karen Bright, inbertP A Molnar, Council Member Debbie Peterson Bob P errau lt C M an ager July 29,, 2011 Steve Adam City Manager City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande. California 9.14 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO YOUR LETTER REQUESTING A JOINT MEETING REGARDING THE C ON SOLI OF LAND ENFO CE lEf T SERVICES Dea r Steve: I submitted your letter to the City Council requesting a joint meeting between the Arroyo Grande City Council and the Grover Beach City Council to discuss the consolidation o lava enforcement services. Based on the Council's review of the matter, I have been instructed to reply and indicate the following: The Council supports a meeting to discuss consolidation provided that all options remain on the table. The Council recognizes that consolidation could benefit the City of Grover Beach if first, services to the City's residents could be maintained or enhanced; and second, cost efficiencies could be realized. In providing this direction, the Council was quite cl ear in indicating the Council was not int erested in simply contracting with Arroyo Grande for lava enforcement services. Ultimately, any discussion of lava enforcement consolidation should reflect an equitable relationship between the cities similar to the relationship achieved through the organization of the Five Cities Fire Authority. The Council also wanted me to indicate that while the discussion of lava enforcement services i important, the need to resolve the Fire Dispatch issue remains a top priority that should be resolved prior to progressing with an effort to consolidate lava enforcement. Should you have any questions reg arding the letter or the direction provided me by the Council, please do not hesitate to give me a call. S incerely, - in y x , ROBERT PEAULT City Manager �} c: City Counc .. Police Chief Copsey �-,J 154 S outh Eighth Street Grover Beach, Ca 93433 4P FAX (805) 489 -9657 -0 www.g rover.org Administrative ServicesfWater (805) 473- • *• C ity C ouncil/ City Manager (805) 473 - 4567 ❖ C ity Clerk (505) 473 - 4568 C ommunity I v lopm nt - Building, Planning & Economic Development (505) 473 - 4520 Human Resources (505) 473 -4564 Parks & Recreation ation {505} 473 -4550 ❖ Police/Non-Emergency (505) 473-4511 ❖ Public Works (805) 473 -4520 Agenda Item 8.e. Page 4 0 INCORPORATE .w JULY 10. 181 # J O N To: FROM: CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM ATTACHMENT STEVEN N. ANNIBALI, CHIEF of POLIO SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF COST ANALYSIS SIS of PROVIDING CONSOLIDATED POLICE SERVICES TO THE CITY of G O EF BEACH ON A CONTRACT BAT DATE: MAY 10 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council direct staff to invite the City of Grover Beach to request a formal proposal for contract police services from the City of Arroyo Grande. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The current combined police department F 2 11 -12 Grande and Grover Beach are as follows: Arroyo Grande = $ 61050,850 * Grover Beach = $ 31480 Total = $ 9 budgets of the City of Arroyo The proposed Conceptual Model consolidated police department has an estimates range as follows: • Conceptual model — $ 8,696293 - $ 8 • oceano CSD Revenue - $ 20,000 ) $ 20 ) Total $8 - $ 8,400 Estimated annual savings $ 854 - $ 1,1 30,675 ' Flange depends upon level of retirement benefits negotiated for new employees under a proposed contract. Figures are based on Arroyo Grande annual salary and other benefit costs and overstaffing of one non -sworn position. t) Based on current o eano CSD dispatch contract with G rover Beach. Actual savings in the range depends on negotiated final integration of personnel and PERS calculations. Start Costs In order to ensure the success of the consolidation and avoid disparate equipment it is essential that integrating members receive the same equipment and materials that are currently issued in the Arroyo Grande Police Department. The proposed Conceptual Model start up casts are estimated to be as follows: Fully outfit fourteen sworn officer per AGPD standards $ 639000 Department shirts for non -sworn personnel = $ loo Agenda Item 8.e. Page 5 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of COST ANALYSIS OF PROVIDING CONTRACT POLICE SERVICES To THE CITY OF GROVER BEACH MAY 10 2011 PAGE 2 • Equipment and installation on three patrol vehicles = $ 30,000 • Equipment and installation on two unmarked vehicles = 8,000 • Misc. guides, books, manuals, etc. = $ 5 • Total estimated start up costs = $106J00 The recovery of start up costs could be obtained through the sale of police department assets for the City of Grover Beach 0 .e. vehicles, equipment, furnishings, etc.) Recovery of start up costs for the City of arroyo Grande could be made through initial contract negotiations. Preliminary analysis of new Police Building alternatives indicates the potential need to allocate up to $460,000 a n n u a I I y to fi na nce site acquisition and construction. The City has programmed approximately $260,000 annually forthis project. Therefore, allocation of up to an additional $200,000 from the projected savings may be required in order to make consolidation feasible if the facility is determined to be necessary for implementation. BACKGROUND: On February 22, 2011, the City Council was provided with a report of options regarding provisions of joint fire and police dispatch services. One of the alternatives provided to Council at that time was a broad overview of the concept of full police consolidation and the potential cost savings that may result if such a concept was implemented. Council directed staff to return with a more detailed analysis of the costs associated with providing contract police services to the City of Grover Beach. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Over the past thirty years there has been much discussion and research as to the benefits of full police consolidation in the Five Cities Area. Although past efforts may have had merit, the collective staNffing, budget, and or community interest were not aligned in order to mace the concept a reality. A comprehensive revie w of the current climate as it relates to police consolidation efforts indicates the following window of opportunity over the next 18 months: Both the cities of Grover Beach and Arroyo Grande are facing sizable budget deficits in both FY 201 1 -12 and FY 2012-13. PERS rues will be climbing dramatically for safety members. • The necessity to consolidate fire dispatch services is pending. • There area number of potential vacancies in management and supervisory Agenda Item 8.e. Page 6 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of COST ANALYSIS of PROVIDING IDING COI T ACT POLICE SERVICES TO THE CITY of GROVER BEACH MAY 109 11 PAGE positions due to contract expirations, retirements and potential retirements. Potential site(s) exist for the new Arroyo Grande Police building are near the border of Grover Beach and are large enough to provide for a full consolidation of police services. Current Staffing Comparisons The Arroyo Grande Police Department operates with the following authorized positions: 26 sworn officers (including an a en , supervision and lire officers) 0 8 non -swom civilians (including dispatchers,, records, property and secretary) 0 16 part -time positions (Including crossing guards, dispatchers., neighborhood services, cadets and reserve police officers) There is one Sergeant vacancy and both Commanders are scheduled to complete their contract term in March, h, 2012. The Grover Beach Police Department operates with the following authorized positions: 19 sworn officers (including management, supervision and line officers) non -sworn civilians (including dispatchers, records, property rid secretary) 0 1 grant funded dispatcher There are two police office rvacancies and a minimum of three potential retirements within the next year. Additionally, the funding for the grant - funded dispatch position may no longer be available after this year. Propo Co nce to al Model In January 2011, both Chief Annibali and Chief Copsey met and developed a conceptual model for consolidated police services for the service area that would include the cities of Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach. Calls for service, minimum staffing levels, workload analysis, operating budgets and demographics were all taken into account when identifying the ideal proposed conceptual model. The Conceptual Model Police Department would operate with the following authorized positions: 38 sworn officer (including management,, supervision and line officers) 1 non -sir om civilians (including dispatchers, records, property and secretaries) 1 part-time positions (including crossing guards, neighborhood services, cadets and reserve police officers) Agenda Item 8.e. Page 7 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION ATION of COST ANALYSIS of PROVIDING CONTRACT POLICE SERVICES To THE CITY of GROVER GROVE BEACH MAY 10p 2011 PAGE The Conceptual Model would result in the combined elimination of seven sworn positions and two non- sworn positions. Based on the current vacancies and anticipated retirements, there would be the need to hire one additional officer and reduce the non - sworn positions by trio. This could be accomplished by eliminating the grant - funded dispatcher position and carrying one additional position until such time as a vacancy evolves. There could be some variations in staffing and cost figures due to changes in projected retirements. Implementation of a "golden handshake early retirement incentive may also become necessary in order to avoid layoffs and ensure maximum savings. Service Levels The Conceptual Model mould provide for a combined increase in services levels in patrol services of two officers per shift, including full -time traffic motorcycle officers during the dayshift and dedicated canine officers on the evening shifts. Additionally, the model would increase the Investigations Section to include a Sergeant and four detectives. Records and secretarial staff would be doubled to two each and Communications (Dispatch) mould reach the staffing level goal of ten trio supervisors and eight dispatchers) which mould allow for consolidation of fire dispatch and ach1eve two dispatchers per shift. ill Since the narrow defeat of the police station bond measure in June 2010, staff has been working on development of alternatives to meet the Police Departmentrs facility needs. Alternative sites have been studied with the goal of reducing costs enough to fund the project without the need for another bond measure. It is anticipated that options will be presented to the City Council at the Ma 24 2011 meeting for Council direction. Sites conveniently accessible from the City of Grover Beach have been included in the analysis to have options than would accommodate a service contract proposal if requested and determined necessarto male consolidation feasible. Even if consolidation is not pursued at this time,, staff believes this should be a key site location goal in order to provide maximum flexibility to meet the needs of the community in the future. However, in order to achieve this goal, it is estimated than approximately $200,000 from the projected total savings may need to be dedicated to the building project on an ongoing basis to fund site acquisition and construction. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration Recommended mendedAl ema i e: It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to submit an invitation to the City of Grover Beach to request a formal proposal for contract police services provided by the City of Arroyo Grande; Direct staff to work with Grover Beach to determine interest in other forms of police consolidation and other potential processes to jointly develop a proposal; Agenda Item 8.e. Page 8 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of COST ANALYSIS of PROVIDING CONTRACT POLICE SERVICES To THE CITY of GROVER BEACH MAY 10 2011 PAGE Direct staff to invite Grover Beach to participate in a joint City Council rneeting to discuss consolidation efforts: Request additional information from staff, Direct staff to take no further action at this time regarding police consolidation: Provide direction to staff. A The consolidation of police services with the City of Grover Beach would provide for economy of scale, operational efficiencies and increased service levels for both cities. Additionally, a reduction in the duplication of like services and significant cost efficiency benefits would be realized. DISADVANTAGES: Consolidation efforts present issues regarding local control, identity and labor relations. However, staff believes that there are ways to address these concerns. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, May 5, 2011 and public notice posted on the City's webs ite on Friday, I lacy 6, 2011. No public input has been received to date. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.e. Page 10 RO O INCORPORATED AdWL it JUL 10. 1 � 1 I t MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL ell FROM: TERESA I ICCLISH, IIAlI U ITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Y; JILL MCPEElr , SENIOR CONSULTANT T EI II EER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A BUDGET AMENDMENT; PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT NO, N013 TO ADMINISTER AGENCY- STATE AGREEMENT T 1 . 06-6199R; AND AUTHORIZATION T DISTRIBUTE REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR ENGINEERING/ EERIl G/ BRIDGE DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENTAL TAL SERVICES FOR THE BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE PROJECT DATE: AUGUST 9, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. approve a budget amendment to include $75,000 of Local Highway Bridge Program ( H BP) funds in the FY 201 1 -12 capital improvement program budget for preliminary engineering work n the Bridge Street Bridge project; 2. adopt a Resolution authorizing the Mayor r t cut Program Supplement Agreement No. N013 to Administer Agency -State Agreement No. 05-5199R for the Bridge Street Bridge project; and 3 . direct staff to prepare and distribute requests for proposals for consultant services t provide engineering bridge design and environmental services. FINANCIAL CIAL IMPACT: The City was successful in securing $75,000 of Local Highway Bridge Program ( H BP funds for preliminary engineering work n the Bridge Street Bridge project (no local match required. E of the supplemental agreement enables the City to begin invoicing for reimbursement o f work performed. BACKGROUND: Due to various deficiencies, the Bridge Street Bridge is restricted to a -ton ma load limit. Rehabilitation o replacement may both be feasible options to bring the bridge up to standard loading conditions. In 2005, a Preliminary Engineering Study (PES) was prepared that presents a preliminary set of solution alternatives and associated costs for rehabilitating or replacing the Bridge Street bridge. However, further project development was halted Agenda Item 8.f. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of A BUDGET AMENDMENT; PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT No. N013 To ADMINISTER AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT No. - 1 F; AND AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE UTE f E UESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR ENGINEERING/ BRIDGE DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENTAL ONMENTAL SEF ICES FOR THE BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE PROJECT AUGUST 9. 2011 PAGE 2 dine to the required local match funds under the regular Local Highway Bridge Program (HBP In July 2010, the City was made aware of an opportunity to receive 100 Federal funding through the use of toll credits for bridges off the federal -aid system. The Bridge Street Bridge fit that category. Application was made by the City in August 2010, and the Bridge Street Bridge project is currently programmed for 100 funding for both Preliminary Engineering ,000 and Construction ($2,975,800). Preliminary Engineering work includes environmental studies, NEPA approval, final design, and other related work, including the cost of advertising leading to physical construction of a project. Construction work includes the actual cost to construct the project itself, construction engineering, and administrative settlement of cost for contract claims. The City and Caltrans staff met on July 12, 2011 to review the alternatives contained in the PES. In reviewing the alternatives and the anticipated environmental processes at this meeting, it was suggested that $75,000 for Preliminary Engineering would net be enough to take the City through to construction. It was suggested the City use the current $75,000 of Preliminary Engineering funds to secure a consultant team that would provide, but not be limited to, the following services: 0 refinement of feasible alternatives; 0 visual displays of the alternatives for public review and input; 0 environmental studies; and 0 preparation of plans, specifications and estimates of the preferred alternative. Once the City has secured a consultant team and the fees are determined, the City will then request a Preliminary Engineering fund increase. Caltrans has indicated that at this time, the additional Preliminary Engineering funds, as well as Construction funds, should still be at 100% funding. In order for a local agency to expend funds through the Highway Bridge Program, it must enter into a general Master Agreement with the State. The Master Agreement contains general provisions and identifies responsibilities of each agency for any State /Federally funded project. Once a Vaster Agreement is in place, the City and the Mate can enter into a Program Supplemental Agreement, which is a project- specific agreement that is incorporated in the Master Agreement. The City entered into the 11 ap.ter Agreement on November 13, 2008. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION I of A BUDGET AMENDMENT; PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT T lo. N013 To ADMINISTER AGENCY STATE AGREEMENT T I O. - 199 ; AND AUTHORIZATION To DISTRIBUTE REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR ENGINEERING/ EEF ING/ BRIDGE DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE PROJECT AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 3 ANALYSIS SIS of ISSUES: The Preliminary Engineering Study (PES) identifies the following preliminary alternatives for bringing the Bridge Street Bridge up to standard loading: A. Do nothing. B. Upgrade the deck. C. Leave the existing geometries and upgrade the bridge for pedestrian & bicycle use only without seismic. D. Leave the existing geor etrics and upgrade the bridge to meet H 15 and seismic/ lateral loads. E. Upgrade the existing bridge to meet H 15 & seismic lateral loads and widen to the outside to meet current geometric standards. F -1. Replace the bridge and build to standard geometries without historic features. F -2. Replace the bridge and build to standard geometries with historic features. 3F-3. Replace the bridge with a reduced width; hang the pony trusses off the side of the bridge and install a wooden walkway and rail full length both sides. Because there are various alternatives identified to bring the bridge up to standard loading conditions, the desire for public input and review, and the environmental process required due to the bridge's historic significance and creek crossing, a consultant team that specializes in this type of work is recommended to perform these tasks. Maintaining the bridge's historic appearance and features has been identified as are important goal by staff. The procurement of the c onsultant team will be performed in accord with federal- aid funding requirements. This will require the City to award any engineering and design contracts on the basis of fair and open competitive negotiations, demonstrated competence, and professional qualifications. Caltrans has authorized the City to expend $75,000 for Preliminary Engineering for the Bridge Street Bridge project which includes the costs in securing a consultant team. But before the City can begin invoicing for reimbursement of the work performed, ed, a supplemental agreement must be executed. A resolution must be adopted by the City Council that clearly identifies the official authorized to execute the Program Supplemental Agreement No. N013. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Agenda Item 8.f. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A BUDGET AMENDMENT; PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT NO. N013 TO ADMINISTER AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT N . - 1 F AND AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE REQUESTS UESTS F F PROPOSALS FOR ENGINEERING/ BRIDGE DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENTAL SEF VICES FOR THE BRIDGE STF E ET BRIDGE PROJECT AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 4 e Approve staff s recommendations to amend the CIP budget, approve Program Supplement Agreement No. 013, and authorize staff to distribute f FPs to qualified consultants; 0 Do not approve staffs recomm endations to amend the CIP budget, approve Program Supplement Agreement No. 013, and authorize staff to distribute f FPs to qualified consultants; Approve staffs recommendations to amend the CIP budget and approve Program Supplement Agreement No. 013, but do not authorize staff to distribute f FPs to qualified consultants; or Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Amending the CIP budget and approving the Program Supplement Agreement will allow the City to request 100% reimbursement for Preliminary Engineering expenditures on the Bridge Street Bridge project. Procuring a consultant team that specializes in this type of historic bridge work will ensure the project progresses through the development process smoothly and thoroughly. Bringing the Bridge Street Bridge up to standard loading conditions will remove the -ton maximum load limit and would allow delivery and fire tru to utilize Bridge Street as a route. DISADVANTAGES: The Bridge Street Bridge project will require some time and effort of existing City staff. If Preliminary Engineering work is not completed in a timely manner, it is possible that 100% funding for construction may not be available due to other projects in the State completing theirs first. Construction activity will be disruptive to the pillage. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Preliminary Engineering work being requested in this staff report includes environmental studies and National Environmental Policy Act (N EPA) approval with Caltrans as the lead agency. The City will be the lead agency for California Environmental Quality Act (CE QA) approval and an environment determination will be presented to Council at the time of the selection of the preferred alternative. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Wall on Thursday, August 4, 2011. The Agenda and staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, August 5, 2011. No public comments we rece ived. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 4 RESOLUTION No. RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT No. N013 To ADMINISTERING ISTERII AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT NO. 05-5199R FOR THE BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE PROJECT WHEREAS, the City and the State have entered into Administering Agency - State Agreement for Federal Aid Funded Projects No. 05-5199R; and WHEREAS, Program Supplement No. N013 to the Administering Agency -State Agreement for Federal Aid Funded Project No. 05-5199R designates the State and/or Federal funds requested for the Bridge Street Bridge Project; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande is eligible to receive State and/or Federal funds. NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby: 1. Approves Exhibit A attached, entitled "Program Supplement Agreement Igo. N 01 , to Administering Age ncy- Starte Agreement for Federal -Aid Projects No. 0 5- 1 R 2. Appoints the Mayor as the official representative authorized to sign the Program Supplement Agreement. On motion of Council Member t seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to grit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution olution eras parsed and adopted this day of Augut, 11. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 5 RESOLUTION CVO. PAGE TONY FER AI A, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMO E, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: T: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.f. Page 6 EXHIBIT A PROGRAM S UPPLEMENT No. NO 1 to ADMINISTERING AGENCY4TATE AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL - AID PROJECTS NO 05-5199R Date, May 6,2011 Lotion. O6S1.CW3-ARG Project Number: BRL 5199 O 7 E.A. Num ber: 05930321 L oode. 5199 This Program Supplement hereby adopts and Incorporates the Administering Agency -Mate Agreement for Fed Aid which was entered into between the Administering Agency and the Mete on 11 13108 and is subject to all the tem►s and conditions thereof. This Program Supplement Is executed in accordance with Article l of the aforementioned Master Agreement under authority of Resolution Flo. approved by the Administering Agency on (See copy attached). The Administering Agency further stipulates that as a condition to the payment by the State of any funds derived from sources noted below obligated to this PROJECT, the Administering Agency accepts and will comply with the special covenants or remarks set forth on the following pages. PROJECT LOCATION Bridge Street Bridge at Arroyo Grande Creek Mr. N 9'C.-Ot 9 - Upgrade or R e)d ting bridge while retaining historic features of badge - using Toll Credits TYPE OF WORK: Upgrade existing bridge or replace with new badge - Historic Bridge LENGTH: O.O(MILES) fed cost F'ede i Funds I Matching Funds 1.11E $75,000-00 LOCAL OTHER $75,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 CFTY of ARROYO GRANDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation By c lef of P m Title �� of'l�e Pr I�ple elRtatlo Division of Local Assistance Date Date Attest - hereby certify upon my per anal i nowiedge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance: & 6-, d v w ." Date ,y/ I I Ac Officer 7S.O00.00 Chapter Statutes Item Year Program BC Category Fund Source AMOUNT Program Supplement 0541991144013. I TEA Page 1 of Agenda Item 8.f. Page 7 054LO41-wARG0 0510612011 ORC01 99(027) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS S 1. The ADMINISTERING ING AGENC will advertise, award and administer this project in accordance with the current published Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 2. ADMINISTERING AGENC agrees that: it will only proceed with work authorized for specific phase(s) with an "Authorization," to Proceed" and will not proceed with future phase(s) of this project prior to receiving' 'an "Authorization .ation to Proceed" from ' the STATE for that phase(s) unless no further State or Federal funds are needed for those future phases. 3. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees, as a minimum, to submit invoices at least once every sic months commencing after the funds are encumbered for each phase by the execution of this Project Program Supplement Agreement, or by STATEts approval of an applicable Finance Letter. STATE reserves the right to suspend future authorizations obligations for Federal aid projects, or enc mberances for State funded projects, as well as to suspend invoice payments for any on -going or future project by ADMINISTERING AGENC if PROJECT costs have not been invoiced by ADMINISTERING AGENCY for a six-month period. If no casts have been invoiced for a six-month period, ADMINISTERING INN AGE C agrees to submit for each phase a written explanation of the absence of PROJECT activity along with target billing date and target billing amount. ADMINISTERING ISTEF ING AGENC agrees to submit the final report documents that collectively constitute a "Report of Expenditures' within one hundred eighty (180) days of PROJECT completion. Failure of ADMINISTERING INISTEF ING AGE C to submit a "Final Report of Expenditures" within 180 days of PROJECT completion vAll result in STATE imposing sanctions upon ADMINISTERING Ifi G AGE C in accordance with the current Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 4. The Administering Agency shall not discrIminate on the basis of race, religion, age, disability, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of any Federal - assisted contract or in the administration of its DBE Program Implementation Agreement. The Administering Agency shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFF Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of Federal - assisted contracts. The Administering Agency's DBE Implementation Agreement is incorporated by reference in this Agreement. Implementation of the DBE Implementation Agreement, including but not limited to timely reporting of DBE commitments and utilization, is a legal obtigadon and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this Agreement. Upon notification to the Administering Agency of its failure to carry out its DBE Implementation Agreement, the State may impose sanctions as provided for under 9 CFR Part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1988 1 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). -- . - - As a condition for receiving federal -aid highway funds for the PROJ ECT, the Program Supplement 05-51 R-N 1 } I TEA Page 2 of Agenda Item 8.f. Page 8 05-SL04DARGD 0510612011 BRI.o" 1 027) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS Administering Agency certifies that NO members of the elected board, ooundl f or other Ivey decision makers are on the Federal Government Excluded Parties List System (EPLS). 6. Any State and Federal funds that may have been encumbered for this project are available for disbursement for limited periods of time. For each fund encumbrance the limited period is from the start of the fiscal year that the specific fund was appropriated within the Mate Budget Act to the applicable fund Reversion Date shown on the State approved project finance letter. Per Government Code Section 16304, all project funds not liquidated within these periods ill revert unless an executed Cooperative Work Agreement extending these dates is requested by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY and approved by the California Depar# ent of Finance. ADMINISTERING AGENCY should ensure that invoices are submitted to the District Local assistance Engineer at least 75 days prior to the applicable fund Reversion Date to avoid the lapse of applicable funds. Pursuant to a directive from the Mate Controller's Office and the Department of Finance; in order for payment to be made, the last date the District Local Assistance Engineer can forward an invoice for payment to the Depa ent's Local Programs Accounting Mice for reimbursable work for funds that are going to revert at the end of a particular fiscal year is May 15th of the particular fiscal year. Notwithstanding the unliquidated sums of project specific State and Federal funding remaining and available to fund project work, any 'invoice for reimbursement involving applicable funds that is not received by the Departments Local Programs Accounting Office at least 45 days prior to the applicable freed fund Reversion Date will not be paid. These unexpended funds will be irrevocably reverted by the Departments Division of Accounting on the applicable fund Reversion Date. 7. Award information shall be submitted by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY to the District Local Assistance Engineer within 60 days of project o ntract award and prior to the u mftl of the ADMINISTERING AGE CYS first invoice for the construction contract. Failure to do so will cause a delay in the Mate processing invoices for the construction phase. Please refer to Section 15.7 "Award Package" of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual. y A Prouram Supplement 1 -NO1 - ISTEA Purge 3 of Agenda Item 8.f. Page 9 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM SUPPLMENT AND CERTIFICATION FORM P + F (REV, 011 010) P ~p To- STATE CONTROLLER'S OFFMIE DATE PREPARED. PROJECT NUMBER: ER: CWI Audfts 11 330' "C" Stroat, Rm 4" RE UISMN NUMBER 1 CONTRACT NUMBER: Saem nto CA 95816 105000000"69 FROM; Department of Tranap rtaU n SU B.IEDT: E ncumbrance Document PCKM / LOCAL AGEWCY. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONTRACT AMNT; $75 PROC RE NT TYPE: Local Aitance Agenda Item 8.f. Page 10 ADA N tfo For individuals with sensory disablifts, this dmwd is avallabW In albarnate fbrnralt. For left ii aWn, call (915) 654 -6410 a# TDD (918) -3080 or wrft Records an+d PornU MW62wwd, 1120 N. StreK M 9, Saaamento, CA 95014. 0 INCORPORATED JULY 10, 1911 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: I: TEF ESA MCCLISH, COMMUNITY ITY E EL PMEI T DIRECTOR BY: LES E AT S, PROJECT ENGINEER EEF SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING EASEMENTS TS AI PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TS F F CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 8- VETERINARY CLINIC LOCATED AT 205 EL CAMINO REAL DATE: AUGUST 9, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution accepting easements and public improvements for Conditional Use Permit No. 08-002, Veterinary Clinic located at 205 El Camino Real and owned by VCA Antech, Inc. FINANCIAL IMPACT: By acceptance of the improvements, the City will become responsible for maintenance and will eventually incur costs associated with adding infrastructure to its inventory. BACKGROUND: On September 2, 20 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 08-2069 approving Conditional Use Permit Case No. 08-002 for a phased Veterinary Clinic at 20 El Camino Real. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The project installed curb, gutter and sidewalk, , landscaping and water service improvements. Staff' has inspected the improvements and recommends the City Council accept the improvements as constructed. Staff' also recommends that the easements for right of gray on El Camino Deal and the easements for street trees and utilities be accepted. At the time of approval of the veterinary clinic CUP, the City was planning the resurfacing of El Camino Deal adjacent to the proposed project. The conditions of a pproval for the project required that the developer "Coordinate with the project across El Camino Deal." In compliance with this condition, the engineer for the veterinary clinic and the engineer for the City resurfacing project on El Camino Real collaborated on the appropriate design of the curb gutter and pavement adjacent to the project. The original plan for the project assumed that the veterinary clinic would precede the El Agenda Item 8.g. Page 1 CONSIDERATION ATION of A RESOLUTION TION ACCEPTI I EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ITS FOF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Igo. -002 VETERINARY AI Y CLINIC LOCATED AT 205 EL CAMINO DEAL AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE Camino Beal paving project by several years. It was agreed that the Veterinary clinic developer would construct curb, gutter and sidewalk to the ultimate final grade of the street and repave the street in an interim condition, so that good drainage could be achieved and it would not pond grater, until the City project was constructed. However, as the Veterinary clinic project neared completion, the City's El Camino Beal resurfacing project was out to bid and it was agreed that the developer would contribute funds to the City re- paving project rather than construct an interim pavement section that would be removed and replaced as part of the City project. The developer has contributed $9,180 as their fair shame of the project, $1,756 of which was taken in the form of a credit for extra work the developer performed on Cornwall Avenue. The owner has provided the 10% warranty security as required by the Municipal Code. The warranty security will be released after one year provided the improvements are still in satisfactory condition. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Accept the easements and improvements. - o not accept easements or improvements. Provide other direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Accepting the easements will alloy the City to have access to all the public facilities constructed as part of the subdivision and by accepting the public improvements the City will have ownership of facilities in the public right of way. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL F EVIEI : No environmental review is required for this ministerial item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, August 4, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's Vet site on Friday, August 5, 2011. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 2 RESOLUTION No, RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING EASEMENTS AND IMPROVEMENTS TS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT No. - 08-.002 VETERINARY CLINIC LOCATED AT 205 EL CAMINO REAL WHEREAS, on September 2, 2008 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution n No. 08-2069 approving Conditional Use Permit Case No. 08-002 for a phased Veterinary Clinic at 205 El Camino Real; and WHEREAS, the project was conditioned to offer a dedication of easements and to construct certain public improvements; and WHEREAS, the developer has offered the easements and constructed the improvements required by the conditions o approval for Conditional Use Permit No. - 002; and WHEREAS, staff has inspected the improvements and finds they are constructed in accordance with the approved plans for the project; and WHEREAS, the developer has provided the 10% warranty security as required by the conditions of approval, to be released at the conclusion of the one -year warranty period, provided the improvements are still in satisfactory condition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the following for Conditional Use Permit No. 08-002: 1. Offer to dedicate a Public Road Easement on El Camino Real (Barnett Street). 2. Offer to dedicate Public Utility Easements on El Camino Real (Barnett Street) and Cornwall Avenue. 3. Offer to dedicate Public Street Tree Easements on El Camino Feat (Barnett Street) and Cornwall Avenue. 4 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk installation on El Camino Real (Barrett Street) and Cornwall Avenue. 5. Water Services and Devices Installation. On motion of , seconded by , and by the following roll call Grote, to grit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of August 2011. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 3 RESOLUTION N . PAGE TONY FE AI A, MAYOR ATTEST. BELLY WETM ICE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT. STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER E APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CAF L, CITY ATTORNEY NEY Agenda Item 8.g. Page 4 INCORPORATED JULY 10, 1911 .1 4 1 FOR MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TER ESA MCCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Y: LES E1 ANS, PROJECT ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION ATION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS EMENTS F F CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. - HAMPTON INN LOCATED AT 1400 WEST BLANCH STREET DATE: AUGUST 9. 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution accepting easements and public improvements for Conditional Use Permit Flo. 4 -009, Hampton Inn located at 1400 West Branch Street and owned by Pacific Host Hotels. FINANCIAL IMPACT: By acceptance of the improvements, the City will become responsible for maintenance and will eventually incur costs associated with adding infrastructure to its inventory, BACKGROUND: On July 26, 2005, the City Council adopted Resolution oluNtion Igo. 3567 approving Conditional Use Permit Case Igo. 4 -009 and a Tentative Parcel Map Case Igo. -003 for a hotel and restaurant at 1400 West Branch Street. Since a time extension wa not applied for, the map expired on July 26, 2007. The tentative map was reapplied for and approved by the Planning Commission on May 6, 2008. On May 27, 2008 the Council approved Final Parcel Map AG -0204, subdividing 2. 7 acres into two 2 parcels, one for the restaurant and one for the hotel. On May 12, 2009, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande amended Conditional Use Permit Case Igo. 4 -009 to eliminate conditions of approval numbers 79, 80 and 83 regarding repaving of West Branch Street and Camino Mercado adjoining the hotel and restaurant at 1400 West Branch Street. The improvement bond amount was adjusted to reflect only the incomplete improvements. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES. The project installed curb, gutter and sidewalk, landscaping and water service improvements. Staff has inspected the improvements and recommends the City Agenda Item 8.h. Page 1 CONSIDERATION of A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TS FOR CONDITIONAL AL USE PERMIT NO. -009 HAMPTON INN LOCATED AT 1400 WEST BRANCH STREET AUGUST 9. 2011 PAGE 2 Council accept the improvements as constructed. Staff also recommends that the easements for water, street trees and utilities as shorn in the Parcel Map be accepted. The owner has provided the 10% warranty security as required by the Municipal Code. The warranty security will be released after one year provided the improvements are still in satisfactory condition. The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Accept the easements and improvements. Do not accept easements or improvements. Provide other direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Accepting the easements will allow the City to have access to all the public facilities constructed as part of the subdivision and ownership of facilities in the public right of way. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL TAL RE IEW: No environmental review is rewired for this ministerial item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: TS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, August 4, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, August 5, 2011. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 8.h. Page 2 RESOLUTION I CVO. A RESOLUTION I of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TS FO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. -003 HAMPTON III LOCATED AT 1400 WEST BRANCH STREET WHEREAS, the City Council approved Conditional Use Permit Flo. 04-009 on ,Judy 2005, and a Final Parcel Map on May 27, 2008 and amended the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit on May 12, 009; and WHEREAS, the project was conditioned to offer a dedication of easements and to construct certain public improvements; and WHEREAS, the developer has offered the easements and constructed the improvements required by the conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit Flo. 04- 009 and WHEREAS, staff has inspected the improvements and finds they are constructed in accordance with the approved plans for the project; and WHEREAS, the developer has provided the 10% warranty security as required by the conditions of approval, to be released at the conclusion of the one -year warranty period, p rovided the improvements are still In satisfactory condition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the following for Conditional Use Permit No. 04-009 and Parcel Map AG -020: 1 . Offer to Dedicate a Public Water Main easement 2. Street tree planting and maintenance easement on Parcel Map AG 06-0204. 3. Public Utility easement on Parcel map 06-0204. 4. Curb, Quitter and Sidewalk installation. 5. Water Services and Devices installation. On motion of , seconded by and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES, ABSENT. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of August 2011. Agenda Item 8.h. Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE TONY FE F AF A, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETM FEE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.h. Page 4 4 A p R 0 �O A. INCORPORA ` MEMORANDUM JULY 10, r � c� TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN N, ANI IBALI, CHIEF OF POLICE lk B Y: .JOHN W, HOUGH, POLICE COMMANDER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUOrHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER EF T ENTER INTO AN EXCLUSIVE VENDOR F POLICE TOW SERVICE AGREEMENT T DATE: AUGUST 9, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: DATI I : It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution in order to approve and authorize the City Manager to enter into a two -year exclusive vendor police tour service agreement w ith JohnB y's Towing for light -duty medium -duty and heavy- duty towing. FINANCIAL I M PACT: As part of the February 23, 2010 exclusive vendor police tow service agreement the City entered into with College Towing, an administrative fee of $62 er as established by Council for each vehicle towed by College Towing under the terms of the agreement. At the time the 2010 agreement was executed, the $62 administrative fee per vehicle recovered the actual and reasonable costs incurred by the City in connection with the towing service program. That $62 administrative fee per vehicle is still consistent with City costs in 2011 and that amount is provided for in the proposed agreement with JohnBoy's Towing. College Towing paid the City $10,540 in administrative fees in 2010, which is close to the $9,424 in revenue originally projected. BACKGROUND: D: The 2010 exclusive vendor police tow service agreement with College Towing was due to expire o February 22, 201 In anticipation of the end of the one -year term of the agreement, an I FP process was initiated by the Police Department in which competitive bids were solicited from twelve 12 tow operators from Banta Maria to Ban Luis Obispo on January 12, 2011. The F FP process provided written notice to the tour operators that the only change in the terms of the tow agreement and the Police Department's towing program requirements from the 2010 versions was the decision to lengthen the term of the agreement from one 1 year to two 2 years. Only three 3 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN EXCLUSIVE VENDOR POLICE TOW SERVICE AGREEMENT AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 2 bids, from College Towing, Jhnoy's Touring and Central Coast Towing, were received by the Police Department. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: When the bids were reviewed, staff made an error that resulted in College Towing being awarded the exclusive vendor police tow service agreement for light -duty and medium - duty towing. Staff compared the 2010 College Towing bid for light -duty and medium - duty towing to the 2011 John Boy's Towing bid submitted for the same service, a n error that resulted in the light -duty and medium -duty police tow service agreement being awarded to College Tiring. When staff realized the error and compared the 2011 College Tiring bid for light -duty and medium -duty towing to the 2011 John Boy's Towing bid submitted for the same service, it was evident that the John Boy's Towing bid was the l ower bid that met the FP requirements. John Boy's Towing was already the only tow operator that submitted a 2011 bid for heavy -duty touring service When Council approved the existing contract with College Towing there was a provision in the contract allowing the contract to be terminated with a 0 -day written notice. Staff has complied with that provision in the existing contract with College Towing and has received acknowledgement from College Towing that it received the written notice. As a result, to resolve the administrative staff error, John Boy's Towing should be awarded the two -year agreement for exclusive vendor police tow service for light -duty, medium-duty and heavy -duty towing. The two -year term of the new agreement with Jchnoy's Touring should be revised to begin on August 10, 2011 to reflect a date that is subsequent to the discovery of the administrative staff error and Council action. ALTERNATIVES The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve staff re 2. Do not approve staff recommendation; 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Adopting the staff recommendation would bring the exclusive vendor police service tow agreements for light -duty, medium -duty and heavy -duty tors into compliance with the requirements of the competitive bid process. The sole vendor competitive bid process results in a more competitive price. DISADVANTAGES: The sole vendor provision of the police towing service program limits the Police Department's options if problems arise with the service provided by that vendor or if the sole vender was unavailable for an unreasonable period of tune. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN EXCLUSIVE VENDOR POLICE TOW SERVICE AGREEMENT AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This item is exempt from CE QA per CEQA Guideline 15062(b)(3). PUBLIC NOTIFICATIONS AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, August 4, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted o n the City's website on Friday August 5, 2011. No public co mments were received. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 3 RESOLUTION N. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN EXCLUSIVE VENDOR POLICE TOW SERVICE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, towing and storage of vehicles on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") demands a high level of proficiency by contractors and must create trust and confidence by the public and the Police Department, not only in the personnel and equipment utilized for the towing of vehicles but also in the facilities used for storage; and WHEREAS, the Police Department has the responsibility to the public to ensure that only those tow operators who have the appropriate facilities, record - keeping and control systems, and personnel to protect the interests of the City, vehicle owners, and the public are authorized to tow and store vehicles for the Police Department; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to enter into an exclusive contractual agreement with a towing operator to ensure the safe and efficient towing and storage of vehicles and to establish reasonable fees for tow operators to help defray the cost of this effort; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the interests of the City, vehicle owners and the Police Department are best served by the payment of a reasonable fee to the City by the contracted towing operator to provide towing and storage service; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves and authorizes the City Manager to enter into a police tow service agreement with John o 's Towing attached hereto as Exhibit "A" to conduct towing and storage of vehicles for the Police Department. On motion of Council Member and on the following roll call Grote, to wit: , seconded by Council Member AYES: NOES: ABSENT, the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2011. Agenda Item 8.i. Page 4 RESOLUTION 1 . PAGE TONY FEFAFA, MAYOR ATTEST. KELLY 1 ET O E, CITY CLEFT APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.i. Page 5 EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TOW SERVICE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 1 th day of August, 2011 b and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, (hereinafter referred to a s "CITY" and JohnBoy's Towing, a California corporation whose address is 2091 21 Street, O ceano, California 93445 (hereinafter referred to as "operator"), and is made with reference to the following: 1. RECITALS A. The City of Arroyo Grande Police Department "AGPD" has established a Towing Program in order to provide for the designation of a specific company as the police tow service provider. The AGPD desires to ensure the availability of prompt, efficient and reliable police touring services in emergency or arrest situations and in the removal of vehicles that are abandoned, involved in an accident, or constitute an obstruction to traffic because of mechanical failure within the CITY. B. In accordance with the AGPD Towing Program, it is the purpose of this Agreement to provide a fair and impartial means of reviewing competitive bids for police touring services from qualified Operators and to ensure that such service is prompt and reasonably priced and in the best interests of the public as well as the interest of efficient policing operations for the removal of vehicles from public property. C. The Chief of Police of the Arroyo Grande Police Department has selected JohnBoy's Towing to operate as the AGPD's exclusive tour service company to provide light -duty, medium -duty and heavy -duty tour service at the request of the Police Department throughout the CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained in this Agreement, the undersigned parties agree as follows: Revised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 6 EXHIBIT A IL TERM A. The term of this Agreement shall be for two 2 years, and shall commence on the 1 1h day of August, 2011, and shall terminate on the 9th day of August, 2013, unless terminated earlier as set forth herein. 111111. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY OPERATOR A. The O perator agrees to operate as the AGPD}s elusive light -duty, medium -duty and heavy -duty police tour service company pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. E. All services of the Operator shall be performed in accordance with the AGPD Touring Program requirements, a copy of which is attached hereto as Attachment 1 and made a part of this Agreement as if fully set forth at this point. Ill. RATES AND FEES A. The Operator shall charge the rates and fees for services in accordance with the AGPD Towing Program requirements. B. In accordance with this Agreement, tie Operator shall pay to the CITY a fee 2 for each vehicle provided tow service at the recuest of the AGPD for which a CHP 180 Form is completed The parties agree that based upon the analysis contained in the Staff Report darted January 12, 2010 from the Chief of Police to the Arroyo Grande city council, this fee represents an amount necessary for the CITY to recover its actual and reasonable costs incurred in connection with its touring service program, consistent with the requirements of Vehicle code Section 1 211 gb. 1. Fee payments shall be made on a quarterly basis to the Director of Administrative Services for the CITY, payable no later than the I5 calendar day of the month following the close of each preceding quarter. Revised 07/27/11 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 7 EHiIT A V. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR A. The parties of this Agreement intend that the relationship between them created by this Agreement is that of CITY - independent contractor. The manner and means of conducting the work are under the control of the Operator, except to the extent limited by statute, rule or regulation and the egress terms of this Agreement. No civil service status or other right of employment will be acquired by virtue of the Operator's services. None of the benefits provided by the CITY or the AGPD to its employees, including but not limited to unemployment insurance, workers' compensation insurance, retirement and deferred compensation plans, vacation and sick leave, are available from the CITY to the Operator, its employees or agents. VI. HOLD HARMLESS A. The Operator shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY, its City Council, boards and commissions, officers, agents, servants and employees from and against any and all less, damages, liability, claims, suits, costs and expenses for damages of any nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to, bodily injury, death, personal injury, property damages, or any other claims arising from any and all negligent accts or omissions of the Operator, its employees, agents or subcontractors which arise out of or result from, or occur in connection with the Operator's p erformance of services pursuant to this Agreement. VII. INSURANCE A. without limiting the indemnification provided in Section 111 above, the Operator shall obtain and maintain throughout the term of this Agreement, at the O perator's sole cost and expense, insurarnce argainst claims for Injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the services provided by the Operator under this Agreement. On or before the commencement of the term of this Agreement, the Operator shall furnish the CITY with certificates shoring the type, amount, class or operations covered by such insurance, and the effective dates and dates of expiration of such insurance policies. Such certificates shall also contain substantially the following statement; "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after thirty 3 days written notice has been received by the CITY. r' Revised 1 ?111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 8 EXHIBIT A C. All insurance policies shall be issued by an insurance company currently authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to transact the business of insurance in the State of California, with an assigned policyholders' Rating of A or higher) and Financial Size Category Class VII or larger) in accordance with the latest edition of Bests Key Rating wide, unless otherwise approved by the CITY Director of Administrative Services. The policies rewired are as follows: 1. Commercial Lirbilit The Operator shall obtain and maintain at all tunes during the term of this Agreement comprehensive general commercial liability insurance covering third -party liability risks in a minimum amount of $1 million combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. 2. Automobile Lia ili Commercial automobile liability and property insurance covering any vehicles owned, leased, Fired or borrowed by the Operator in a minimum amount of 1 million combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, and shall include sudden and accidental coverage. 3. Workers' Compensation: The Operator shall maintain full Worker's Compensation Insurance for all persons for whom it employs in accordance with the requirements of the most current and applicable State Workers' Compensation Insurance laws in effect 4 Subro ation Waiver: The Operator agrees that in the event of loss due to any of the perils for which it has agreed to provide insurance, the Operator shall look solely to its insurance for recovery. The Operator hereby grants to the CITY, on behalf of any insurer providing insurance to either the Operator or the CITY with respect to the services of the Operator herein, a waiver of any right of subrogation that any such insurer of said the Operator may acquire against the CITY by virtue of the payment of any loss under such insurance. Revised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 9 EXHIBIT A 5. Additional Insured; The CITY, its City Council, boards and commissions, officers, agents, servants and employees shall be named as an additional insured on all policies of insurance required by this Agreement. The naming of an additional insured shall not affect any recovery to which such additional insured would be entitled under this policy if not named as such additional insured and an additional insured named herein shall not be held liable for any premium or expense of any nature on this policy or extension thereof. Any other insurance held by an additional insured shall not be required to contribute anything toward any loss or expense covered by the insurance provided by this policy. Proceeds from any such policy or policies shall be payable to the CITY primarily, and to the Operator second if necessary. C. The Operator agrees that if any policy of insurance required by this Agreement is not maintained in full force and effect, the Chief of Police or his/her designee many, in his /her sole discretion, suspend this Agreement, immediately, until such time as the required insurance is in effect and the required certificates and endorsements are delivered to the CITY. X ll. PROHIBITION AGAINST TRANSFER A. The Operator shall not assign, sublease, hypothecate or transfer this Agreement or any interest therein directly or indirectly, by operation of laver or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the CITY. Any attempt to do so without the consent of the CITY shall be null and void, and any assignee, subleasee, by othecatee or transferee shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecate or transfer. B. The sale, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any of the issued and outstanding capital stock of the Operator, or of the interest of any general partner or joint venture or syndicate member or cotenant, which shall result in change in the control of the Operator, shall be construed as an assignment of this Agreement. Control means fifty percent % or more of the voting power of the corporation, partnership, joint venture, syndicate, or co- tenancy. Revised 07/27111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 10 EXHIBIT X III. PERMITS AND LICENSES A. The O perator, at its sole expense, shall obtain and maintain during the terra of this Agreement, all appropriate permits, licenses and certificates that may be required in connection with the performance of services provided hereunder including, but not limited to CITY zoning and business license requirements and the appropriate display of the business license on a tour vehicle or business location. XIX. NOTICES A. All notices. demands, requests or approvals to be given under this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be deemed served when delivered personally or on the second business day after deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified, addressed as hereinafter provided. All notices, demands, requests or approvals from the O perator to the CITY shall be addressed to the Arroyo Grande Police Department art: Arroyo Grande Police Department Zoo North Halcyon Road Arroyo Grande, California 93420 Attention: Chief of Police All notices, demands, requests or approvals from the CITY to the Operator shall be addressed to Operator t: JohnB 's Towing 2091 21' St reet ceno, CA 93445 Revised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 11 EXHIBIT A X. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. The grounds for termination of this Agreement include breach of any terms of this Agreement. In the event the Operator has breached the terms of this Agreement or other grounds for termination exist, the CITY shall provide written notice of the nature of the default and the steps necessary to cure the default. If such default is not cured within a period of two 2 days after receipt b the Operator of written notice of default, this Agreement may be terminated by the Chief of Police by giving written notice to the Operator. Notice that the Agreement has been terminated shall state the reasons for termination. Notwithstanding any other terra or provision of this Agreement, either party may terminate this Agreement upon 30 dais written notice. XXI . COST OF LITIGATION A. If any legal action is necessary to enforce any provisions of this Agreement or for damages by reason of an alleged breach of any provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the losing parity all reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. X IL COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS A. The Operator shall comply with all lags, state or federal, and all ordinances, rules and regulations enacted or issued by the CITY. X 1 I 1. WAI R A. A waiver by the CITY of any breach of any terra, covenant or condition contained herein shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant or condition contained herein whether of the same or a different character. XI. INTEGRATED CONTRACT A. This Agreement represents the full and complete understanding of emery kind or nature whatsoever between the parties hereto and all preliminary negotiations and agreements of whatsoever kind or nature are merged herein. No verbal agreement or implied covenant shall be held to vary the provisions hereof. Any modification of this Agreement will be effective only by written execution signed by both the CITY and the Operator. Revised 07127/11 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 12 EXHIBIT A The CITY hereby reserves every right and poorer, in the exercise thereof, which is reserved or authorized by any provision of any lawful ordinance or resolution of the CITY, whether enacted before or after the effective date of this Agreement. Neither the decision to select the Operator as a rotational police tour service provider nor any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver or a bar to the exercise of any governmental right or power of the CITY. XI. OPERAT MEETINGS A. As necessary, the Chief of Police or his /her designee will schedule and chair a meeting with the Operator. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss and, if possible, resolve mutual problems. While attendance is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged. B. The undersigned agrees that as a condition for inclusion in the touring list of the AGP, he /she gill fully comply with the Agreement and all towing service procedures as established by the A P . Furthermore, the undersigned agrees that any failure to fully comply with the provisions of this Agreement, by him /her or anyone in his /her employment, may be cause for immediate suspension or removal from the touring list and/or termination of the Agreement, upon notification by the Chief of Police. Revised 07127/11 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 13 EXHIBIT A IN WITNESS ESS THERE F, the parties hereto have caused the Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONTRACTOR 0 Steven Adams, City Manager Its: (Title) Attest: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney Revised 07/27111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 14 ATTACHMENT I ARROYO GRANDE POLICE DEPARTMENT TOWING G PR GF AM I, PURPOSE AND INTENT This Towing ing Pr gram is tarbli h d to set forth standards to provide for ar method of establishing ar towing program whereby ar towing service company can be designated the exclusive police tow service provider for the Arroyo Grand Police Department AGPD . The AGPD desires to ensure the availability of prompt, efficient and reliable police tiring services in emergency or arrest situations and in the remo val of veh icles than a aba invo in an accident, or constitute an obstruction to traffic because f mechanical farilur within the City of Arroyo Grande (City). It is the purpose and intent of this Towing Program to provide ar fair and impartial means f requesting bid proposals for police towing services from qualified tow companies h r inarft r called "Operator") and to ensure than police towing service is prompt and reasonably priced and in the best interests of the public as well as the interest of efficient policing operations for the removal o f vehicles from public property. Agreements entered into by the City pursuant to this Towing ing Program s hall be lu iv barred upon ar review of the bids submitted than are consistent with the specifications of the AGPD. il. OPERATOR AGREEMENT AND TOWING PROCEDURE. A. The City may enter into an Agreement with an O perator to provid exclusive towing service for the AGPD pursuant to the terms o f this Towing ing Pr g ram. E. The O perator s hall be available on ar 24-hour, 7-day ar week basis and the area of availability of such service s hall be within the incorporated City limits. The Operator shall provide ar 20-minute response time. In the agent the O p e rat o r is unable to respond o will be delayed, AGPD Dispatch shall be notified immediately and another tow service co mpany may be requested by the AGPD. III. RATES AND FEES. A. The O p e rat o r s hall change rates for services o riginating from the AGPD barred upon an open competitive bid process announced by ar Request for Proposal RFP. Devised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 15 ATTACHMENT 1 1. Based upon the rates submitted, the Chief of Police o his /her designee shall determine the lowest r a nabl bid that is consistent with the requirements of the AGPD. ar. A reasonable rate shall be not in excess of 115% of the average f rates charged for similar services by all competitive bids submitted by the Operators. 2. The rates s hall apply t all vehicles towed art the request of the AGPD, whether o not a CHP Form 180 is completed, includinc i vehicles toured at the dr iver'slowner's request if the driverlowner does not s e i i ally request the contract Operator. For example, a vehicle involved in a traffic collision may be turd at the request of the driver/owner b aru the driver/owner has no preference for ar specific Operator, but a C H P Form 180 would n of be completed. The AGPD rates shall alp to that vehicle. 3. The rates submitted shall be all - inclusive based upon the type of touring service, e.g. light, medium or heavy duty. B. An Operator who submits ar rams than is determined by the Chief of Police or his /her designee to be unreasonable sharll be allowed to re-submit rates only one time. 1. if the re-submitted rate is determined t be unreasonable, the Operator shall be disqualified until the next enrollment period. 2. The Operator shall be provided with written notification regarding di qualifi anti n within thirty days. C. Rama requirements represent the maximum the Operator may change. The O p e rat o r is not precluded from changing less when deemed a p p r p r i art by the e rant r. 1. These requirements s hall not be construed as requiring ar charge if an Operator would not normally charge for a specific service. D. in an effort to remain competitive in the open market, the Operator may lower retail rates at any time by notifying the AGPD. When n the Operator lowers the retail rate, that retail rate becomes the Operator's new approved rate. Operators may raise rates for non- AGPD calls at anytime. Revised 07/27111 _ Agenda Item 8.i. Page 16 ATTACHMENT 1 E. Any O perator who changes rants above the submitted rants for an AGPD call shall be in violation of the Agreement and subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination f the Agreement. F. No Operator or e mployee shall refer to any rate as ar required o I'AGPD Rate." G. The approved schedule of rants changed by the O p e rat o r shall b e available In the tow vehicle and sharp be presented upon demand t o the vehicle owner /argent for whom the tow service was provided or to any AGPD member at the scene. H. There shall be no additional change for moving, e.g. driving, towing pushing or utilizing ar forklift ar stored vehicle from inside an O perator's st rang yard to the front of the business establishment. I. Operators may only raise rates during the RFP period o upon app roval after ar mid-term agreement review. J. The rate for tiring service shall be computed from portal to portal when ar vehicle is towed to the pram's st yard. 1. Portal to portal is defined as follows: Time shall start from either the point of dispatch or upon departure from the plane of business, whichever is closer to the location f the call, and shall end at the estimated time f return to the plane of business or completion of the call, if any other c all is pending, whichever is shorter. 2. The im e expended for towing ar vehicle bank to the Operator's s yard shall be changed at ar rate not to exceed the hourly ran. Time expended in excess of the hourly rate shall be in no more than one - minute increments. There shall be no additional changes for mileage, labor, etc. K. The O perator may change up to ar one -hour minimum per call on AGPD response calls. L. The O p e rator may submit two tow rays to the AGP: One rate for calls originating during normal business hours and another rate for calls originating after normal business hours. M. The Operator shall base towing changes upon the class of vehicle being towed regardless of the c lass o f tow vehicle used, except when the vehicle recovery operation requires ar large c lass tow vehicle. Revised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 17 ATTACHMENT I The O shall only provide bids on the type of towing service, i.e. light, medium or heavy duty, that the Operator can provide with his /her own company. As such, based upon a review o f the bids, it may be necessary to determine one designated Operator for light and medium duty towing service and another designated Operator for heavy duty towing service. N. Fees for special operations shall be reasonable and consistent with industry standards for similar operations. 0. Storage Fees 'I. The Operator shall submit proposed storage fees for inside and outside storage to the AGPID. The Chief of Police o his /her designee shall determine the reasonableness of the storage fees for inside and outside storage based upon the average of the proposed storage fees submitted. . Fees charged for storage of a vehicle originating from the AGPID shall be reasonable and not in excess of 115% of the average o rates charged for similar storage services by all competitive bids submitted by the Operators. b, The Operator shall display in plain view at all cashiers' stations a sign as described in Section d of the Civil Code disclosing all storage fees and charges in force, including the maximum storage rate. C Vehicles stored 24 hours or less shall be charged no more than one -day storage pursuant to Section 3068.1(x) of the Civil Code. Each day thereafter may be calculated on a full calendar -day basis, pursuant to Section 3068.1 of the Civil Code. d. inside storage fees shall only be charged when inside storage is requested by the AGPD, registered owner, legal owner, insurance company, or when inside storage can be reasonably justified by the O P. AAA Fates 1. If an AGPID tow a nd/or storage involves a vehicle subject to special tow a nd/or storage rates, e.g. AAA o a s imilar company requested by the driver /owner, the tow and storage rate shall not exceed the rate established by AAA o similar company. Revised 07127/11 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 18 ATTACHMENT I Q. Collusion 1. The O perat o r and/or applicant shall not conspire, attempt to conspire, or commit any other acct of collusion with any other O perat o r and/or applicant for the purpose of secretly, or otherwise, establishing an understanding regarding rates or conditions to the Tiring Pr agreement than would bring about any unfair condition than could be prejudicial to the AGPID or the public. 2. A finding by the AGPID than any O perator o r applicant has been involved in collusion shall be cause for denial of an application or shall nullify the Tiring Pr agreement with than Operator. Any Operat o r applicant found to be involved in any acct, or attempted acct, of collusion shard be disqualified from participation in all AGPID tow lists for the current term o f the Agreement, plus three 3 years. R. In accordance with this Tiring Program, the Agreement shall provide than the O perator s hall pay to the City ar fee for each vehicle to e f for which a CHP 180 Fora is completed. This fee shall be arlulartd so as to be consistent with the requirements of Ca Iif rniar Veh isle Code Section 12110 b whi h permits the City to collect ar fee to recover its actual and reas costs incurred in connection with its hying service program. As of February 12, 2010, such fee shall be $62/vehicle t ur d for which a CHP 1 Fo rm is completed under the terms o the Towing Program and Agreement. 1 . Fee payments shard be made on ar quarterly basis to the Director of Administrative Services for the City o Arroyo Grande, payable no Tarter than the '15 calendar day o f the month following the close of each preceding quarter. 1. STORAGE OF VEHICLES A. The O perat o r s hall store all impounded /stored vehicles, together with all accessories, equipment, and personal property lamed on or in each vehicle, in ar s torage facility approved by the AGPID and within reasonable driving distance from the City. Such storage facility shall contain ar minimum of 25 vehicle strange spares. B. The O perat o r s hall maintain minimum operating hours for the s torage facility of Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM except legal holidays. An attendant responsible for arranging the r o f vehicles to the public shall be present in person or on- call during those days and times to respond to police requests and to assist the public in obtaining vehicles within ar reasonable time. Revised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 19 ATTACHMENT I G. Provisions will be made for the adequate off - street security of vehicles and property at the plane of storage. As ar minimum, ar - foot high fenced o enclosed area s hall be provided. D. The O perator s hall take any and all reasonable measures ne to prevent theft o damage to vehicles and the accessories, equipment, o other personal property on o r in therm while in the s t o rage facility. E. At the discretion of the vehicle owner, the O perator s hall repair damage to ar vehicle that occurs while the vehicle is under his /her control o r s hall reimburse vehicle owners for such damage if such damage i re ed by the action(s) of the Operator. "Damage" includes, but is not limited, to body damage such as dents, paint damage, and chrome damage; trarnmiin damage; undercarriage damage caused by unreasonable towing procedures; and cut, broken, removed or damaged accessories and wire caused by unreasonable towing procedures. F. Vehicles that are impounded as evidence shard be stored in ar secure area and under conditions approved by the AGPD. The s torage area s hall be protected against access by persons not authorized by the AGPD. The AGPD shall retain sole custody of the lock mechanism used to prevent unauthorized access to vehicles impounded as evidence. 1. At the reasonable discretion of the AGPD, the Operator agrees to tow a vehicle impounded as evidence to an alternative secure storage facility, e.g. the San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Department. The O perat o r shall be entitled to change all reasonable towing fees associated with towing ar vehicle impounded as evidence to an alternative secure storage facility. G. The Operator shall take all reasonable precautions required by the AGPD to avoid damage to any evidence in or on a vehicle, e.g. fingerprints, stains, or forensic evidence. H. The O perator agrees to reduce o r waive towing and/or storage fees when reasonably requested by any AGPD supervisor o the rank of Police Sergeant o above. Such request shall generally be limited to the towing of City o AGPD vehicles and the towing and storage of other vehicles as ar result of ar mistake o error by a City o AGPD member. I . The Operator agrees to hold the registered owner of a vehicle impounded as evidence by AGPD responsible for all towin and impoundIstorage fees, including towing fees created by towing vehicle to an alternative secure storage facility outside the City. Revised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 20 ATTACHMENT 1 J. The tow service will provide ar receipt with ar copy planed in the stored vehicle whenever any item is removed from than vehicle and taken to another plane of storage. K. Daly upon approval from the AGPD and with AGPD present shard the Operator release personal property from ar vehicle impounded for evidence or investigation. The personal property shall only a released to the person approved by the AGPD. 1 . There shall be no change for the relea o f personal property during normal business hours as per California Vehicle Code Section 22851 b. Pursuant to Section 22851 b of the California Vehicle Code, an Operator may change ar release fee for property relearned after normal business hours than shall not exceed one-half the hourly tow rate changed, or less, for initially towing the vehicle. 2. Personal property is considered to be items than are not affixed to the vehicle. ar. Personal property includes: papers, transportable cellular telephones, portable stereo equipment, clothes, luggage, tools, etc. b. Personal property from ar stored vehicle shall be relearned upon request of the vehicle owner or argent. 3 Cargo s hall be relearned upon demand of the carrier o pursuant to ar court order. No lien shall be attached to any personal property in or on the vehicle, pursuant to Section 22851(b) of the California Vehicle Code. L. All vehicles towed and stored by the AGPD shall be made available by the O perator to the owner o f the vehicle o his /her representative, any insurance argent, insurance adjuster, o any body shop o car deader for the purpose of estimating o appraising damages, except vehicles impounded as evidence. M. All vehicles towed and stored as ar result of an AGPD request shall be towed directly to the Operator's s t o rage It unless the AGPD o other person legally responsible for the vehicle requests than it be taken to an locati N. The Operator shall not proceed with any repair work o n ar vehicle o plane any changes against ar vehicle other than those required for towing and s t o rage at the request of the AGPD, unless authorized by the vehicle owner or his /her designated argent. Revised 07/27111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 21 ATTACHMENT '1 The Operator shall keep ar written record o every vehicle stored for ar period longer than 12 hours, pursuant to Section 10650(a) of the California Vehicle Code. 1. Such record s hall contain the name and address o f the person storing or requesting the tow, the names f the o wner and driver o f the vehicle if reasonably ar rtainarbl and ar brief description of the vehicle mark, model, license plane and any vehicle damage) pursuant to Section 10650(b) of the California Vehicle Code. V. RECORDS A. The O perator will maintain records o f towing and storage services furnished at the Operator's primary business office. Records rd for each call shall indicate the description of each vehicle, the nature of service, start time, end time, location of call, itemized costs of towing and storage and tow vehicle driver's name and tow vehicle used. If Form CFIP22A, Notice of Stored Vehicle, is not received within one week from the date of storage, the Operator must contact the AGPD. The Operator's lien for towing and storage is contingent upon the required notice being forwarded to the legal and registered owners o f such vehicle. The Operator will comply with Section 10652 of the California Vehicle Code in reporting the trace of vehicles over 30 days. C. When disposing of unclaimed vehicles, the Operator shall abide b all applicable California Civil Code regulations and requirements. D. Upon specific request from the AGPD, o at learnt on a quarterly basis on o before the 1 th calendar day of the month following the close of the preceding quarter, an Operator s hall submit a report to the Chief of Police and/or the Administrative Services Director which shall include the following: 1 . Total calls for police tows and storage /impounds. 2. Location of the calls. 3 Number o f vehicles towed and stored /impounded . 4. License number, make and model of each vehicle towed or stored /impounded . 5. Date o release of each vehicle. 6 . Person or firm to whom the vehicle was released. 7 . Charges imposed and proceeds received. 8. Dumber of vehicles sold on lien sale under authority of Section 3072, California Civil Code and reporting such lien sales as per authority of Section 22851.2 of the California Vehicle Code. Revised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 22 ATTACHMENT 1 g. Number of vehicles sold under auth o f Section 3073, California Civil Code (under $200 value). 10. Names and addresses o f buyers and descriptions of vehicles when sold. 11. Total price and net price the Operator received from each vehicle disposed of by lien sale. E. Operators s hall maintain all records related t police tors and storage/impounds under the Agreement for ar period o f three 3 years. Such records s hall include, but are not limited t: 1 . Information described in Sections 11 A through D. 2. Vehicle impound reports C H P 180). 3. Copies of registered letters to vehicle owners. 4. Charge sheets than list police tow, labor and s torage fees charged against each vehicle and administrative fees collected on behalf of the City or the AGPD. Change sheets must contain the signature of the vehicle owner or legal representative and be available for reasonable periodic data collection. 5. Inventory list of personal property in each vehicle impounded or stored. 6. Record of all vehicles sold under authority of California Civil Code Section 3074. 7. Record of all vehicles sold under authority of California Civil Code Section 3072. F. All required reports and records s hall be furnished at the sole expense of the O perator and shall be submitted on computer disk, or by modem in a format compatible with the City computer y t m at no rdditi n rl charge to the City. G. All O perator records s hall be subject to periodic inspection without notice during normal business hours by AGPID personnel. H. All reports provided by the O perator pursuant to this Towing Program s hall be signed under penalty f perjury by a responsible official representing the O perator than the report is complete and true. 111. FINANCIAL INTEREST A. No O perator or a pplicant shall be directly involved in the towing- related business of any other Operator or applicant in the AGPID Towing Program. Revised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 23 ATTACHMENT I B. The sale or transfer of the controlling interest in a company shall immediately terminate the Agreement. A new owner may apply for the Towing Program at any time during the remainder o f the current A term regardless o f the open enrollment period. 1111. OPERATION A. Operators and tow vehicle drivers will be sufficiently capable to ensure safe and proper discharge of their service responsibilities. 'I. Operators applying for the Towing Program shall have a minimum of three verifiable years of for -hire grin experience, as an owner or principal, prior to the final filing date of an enrollment period in order to qualify for the towin list. a. The three verifiable years of for -hire grin experience shall be decided by the AGP . 2. Operators and owners who do not meet the three (3) verifiable years of for -hire towing experience may be considered for the towing list if a furl -time manager is employed who possesses three verifiable years of for- hire towing experience as an owner, principal or full -time manager. a. The three verifiable years of for -hire grin experience as an owner, principal or full - time manager shall be decided by the AGP. b. Management experience shall be decided and qualified by the AGPD as an individual with general powers that reasonably infers that the individual so designated is crested with the general conduct and control of his /her employer's business or an individual who has charge and control of a business and is crested with a certain reasonable level of discretion and independent judgment. C. if a manager ceases to be employed by an Operator, the Agreement shall be terminated until a new manager is approved by the AGP . B. Operators and tow vehicle drivers will be properly licensed' in accordance with the requirements of the California Vehicle Code. C. Tow vehicles will be maintained in compliance with the applicable California Vehicle Code Sections and the California Revenue and Taxation Code. 1 The Operator shall arrange with the AGPD or the CHP for inspection of new and/or replacement tow vehicles prior to placing therm in service. Revised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 24 ATTACHMENT I 2. The Operator must equip each tow vehicle in compliance with Section 27700 of the California Vehicle Code. This Section of the California Vehicle Code requires the driver of the tow vehicle to remove all glass and debris deposited upon the roadway by the disabled vehicle. 3. The Ope rator must comply with Section 27907 of the California Vehicle Code regarding signs on tow vehicles. D. An Operator on the AGPD towing fist is required to have an ample supply of hi flames in each tow vehicle. Flares used by a tow vehicle prior to the arrival of the AGPD will be replaced by the AGPD. E. All tow vehicles must be equipped with two -way radios between the tow vehicle and the Operator's dispatch personnel. F. A request from the AGPD for any type of towing services sharll not be accepted unless: 1 . A tow vehicle and competent driver are immediately available. 2. The specific rig and/or equipment requested is /are immediately available. G. In the event there is to be ar delay in responding to the call, such fact shall be made Known to the AGPD so than a determination may be made if the call should be directed to another towing company. Deliberately providing misleading information shall result in disciplinary action. If the Ope rator will be unavailable for any extended period of time, the AGPD must be notified. H. AGPID calls shall not be referred to nor accepted from another towing agency unless requested to do so by the AGPD. if the Operator cannot respond, the AGPD must be advised. The AGPD will then decide what alternative tow service will be called. 1. If the Operator assigned to an initial call requires a ssistance from an additional towing company, the Operator may, with the concurrence o f the AGPD personnel at the scene of the incident, request a specific towing company for additional assistance. Such request shall be routed through the AGPID. 1. When tow service is requested by the AGPID, then cancelled prior to the vehicle actually being towed, the Operator shall not charge the AGPD. The Operator may collect fees for services from the vehicle owner, if appropriate. (This paragraph does not apply to "owner's r qu sf for services). Revised 07/27/11 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 25 ATTACHMENT I J. Unreasonable excessive failures to mpl with the response provisions above without reasonable explanation(s) shall result in removal from the towing list, subject to the termination provisions in the Tow Service Agreement. K. If it is determined that the Operator is not needed and is canceled by the AGPD, up to and including arrival at the scene, there shall be no monetary charges. There shall be no monetary charges for standby time that does not result in a ter. '1. If the tow service is canceled by the vehicle's owner or agent prior to the Operator taking possession of the vehicle, there shall be no charges for towing. The Operator shall immediately contact the AGPD and advise of the cancellation. L. If an Operator who is not called to collision comes upon collision scene where a vehicle or vehicles is/are blocking roadway or where immediate tow assistance is needed for lifesaving operations, the AGPD officer on scene may direct that Operator to move vehicle(s). The Operator shall provide the assistance as directed. There shall be no charge for this assistance. M. The Operator receiving a call shall be certain that it is understood exactly where the accident or incident is located and the type of equipment required before leaving to the call. If there is question as to this information, the AGPD Dispatch should be contacted at 473-5100. If the tow driver is unable to find the vehicle or accident scene, the driver should use the nearest telephone and request further instruction. N. Speed and driving procedure enroute to tow request must be within lawful limits. Unless an emergency is encountered, no stops should be made enroute to the accident or incident scene. If delay in response is unavoidable, a reasonable effort should be made to advise the AGPD Dispatch. '1. No flashing or rotating warning lights are to be used enroute to any calls. 0. All tow drivers should receive and sign a copy of the AGPD storage report from the officer requesting his /her services, as well as to indicate agreement with the inventory in and on the vehicle being towed. The tow driver, upon signing for the inventory of the contents of the vehicle stored by the AGPD, is responsible for this property. Revised 07!27111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 26 ATTACHMENT i P. The AGPD officer a the scene investigating an accident o incident is in charge. Anyone called to the scene will act under his/her direction. Any problems that may arise at the scene may be addressed to the Chief of Police o his /her designee by telephone, in writing, or by appointment in person. An officer at the scene will normally not involve himself /herself in towing techniques, but only in maintaining the security of the incident scene. 1 . If two o more towing companies are called to the same incident, distribution o the vehicles shall be at the discretion of the AGP. Q. The Operator is required to have in its possession Transportation Permits that are issued by the Department of Transportation authorizing the movement of extra-legal size loads and/or equipment. Operators of heavy -duty tow vehicles shall obtain permits for movements involving extra-legal size and/or weight. An Operator desiring such a permit should contact the California Department of Transportation Permit Department in San Luis Obispo. R. All towing services that will result in road blockage in excess of minutes during a salvage operation and where there will be no AGPD officer in attendance shall have an appropriate encroachment permit obtained at first opportunity. These permits can be secured from the California Department of Transportation o the San Luis Obispo County Road Department, whichever is appropriate. S. ALL VEHICLES WE AT THE REQUEST 1 AGPL FOR WHICH A CHP FORM 180 HAS BEEN COMPLETED MUST BE RELEASED ONL Y WITH AUTHORIZATION R M THE GPD. All vehicle owners requesting the release of their vehicles shall be directed to the A GPD to obtain the necessary documentation to authorize the release. V111. STANDARD OF CARE A. Operators shall warrant and guarantee that all services performed pursuant to n Agreement with the City shall be provided in manner reasonably consistent with the highest professional standards and shall be performed by qualified, licensed, and experienced personnel. The Operator shall be responsible for the acts employees while on duty. The Operator shall not permit any of the following conditions to occur: 1 . Failure to comply with the requirements and provisions of the signed AGPD Tow Service Agreement. 2. Repeated and/or flagrant violations of the provisions of the California Vehicle Code by the driver(s) o r Oper Revised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 27 ATTACHMENT I 3. A pattern of not being available, failure to n sw r calls, or failure to respond to calls within the required 20-minute time frame. 4. Failure to reimburse the owner for property stolen or lost while under control of the Operator. 5. Failure to maintain reasonably clean and orderly storage facilities. 6. Failure to perform all tiring operations in the safest and most expeditious manner reasonably possible. 7. Failure to ensure than all tow drivers who respond to AGPD tows are at Tart 1 years of age and in possession of current and proper class of license and endorsements for the towed arnd towing v h i l. 8. Failure to ensure than all tow drivers who respond to AGPD tows are wearing an identifiable uniform, e.g. shirts and paints or coveralls, displaying the company and driver name while engaged in AGPD tows. 9. Failure to ensure than all tow drivers who respond to AGPD tows present ar professional personal appearance. An unacceptable personal appearance would include, but is not limited to, unbarth d or excessively dirty /torn uniform. 10. Failure to ensure than all tow drivers who respond to AGPD tows are wearing appropriate warning garments, e.g. crests, jackets, shirts o r tr -reflective clothing, for daylight and hours of darkness n in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1598. . If the tow driver is working ing n a Federal -aid highway, the driver shall comply with the guidelines contained in the Federal Code of Regulations, Title 23, Highways, C h ar pt r 1 Federal High Crary Administration, Department of Transportation, Part 634, Worker Visibility than requires high - risibility personal protective safety clothing to b e worn that meets the Performance Class 2 or 3 requirements of the A SMSEA 107-2004 (compliance dame of November 24, 2008). 11. Failure to comply with the secure storage requirements for vehicles impounded as vid n by the AGPD. 12. Failure to maintain reasonable business records related to AGPD tows. 13. Engaging in unethical business practices. Revised 07/27/11 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 28 ATTACHMENT I 1 . Failure to maintain ar current City of Arroyo Grande business license. 15. Failure to participate in and/or comply with the AGPD 2- hour vehicle abatement program. 16. For any reasonably ju tifiarbl aru as determined by the Chief of Police or his /her designee. IBC. INSPECTION OF TOW SERVICES A. The AGPD shall provide or arrange for not less than one annual inspection of all tow vehicles at no change to the O perator. The AGPD may conduct additional inspections without notice during normal business hours. The O perator s hall not dispatch a tow vehicle to an AGPD initiated call than has not been inspected and approved. 1. Inspection of tow vehicles by the AGPD may be waived when there is documentation of current CHIP inspection of the vehicle provided to the AGPD. B. Storage facilities for the O perator will be inspected at random to ensure compliance with the applicable provisions of the California Vehicle Code and this Agreement. X. DEMEANOR ADD CONDUCT A. While involved in AGPD towing operations or related business, the O perator and/or employees s hall refrain from any accts of misconduct including, but not limited to, any of the following: 1. Rude or discourteous behavior. 2. Larch of service, selective service, or refusal to provide service than the operator is/should be capable of performing. 3. Any acct of sexual harassment or se xual impropriety. 4. Unsafe driving practices. 5. Exhibiting any objective symptoms of alcoholic beverag and/or illegal narcotic use. 6. Appearing at the scene of an AGPD towing call with the odor of an alcoholic beverage e marnartin from the driver's or employee's breath. . The t our driver shall submit to ar prelimin alcohol screening (PAS) examination upon demand of the AGPD. Revised 07127/11 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 29 ATTACHMENT 1 XI. TOW COMPLAINTS A. All AGPD related tow service complaints received by the AGPD against an Operator o the Operator's e mployees will be accepted and investigated in a fair and impartial manner. 1. The Operator and his /her employees shall cooperate with the AGPD and/or its designated representative during the course of an investigation. 2. As a result of the investigation, the AGPD may remove the Operator from the towing list. 3. The Operator will be notified of the results of all investigations if legally permitted and/or if notification will not jeopardize a criminal investigation in writing within 3 calendar days of the conclusion of the investigation. B. Should the filing of criminal charges be possibility, the AGPD will conduct the investigation to conclusion or assist the lead investigating agency and, if warranted, request criminal prosecution. XI1. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW A. The Operator and his /her empl shall at all times comply with federal, state and local la and ordinances. E Any conviction f the Operator or an e mployee involving a stolen o embezzled vehicle, fraud related to the towing business stolen or embezzled property, a crime of violence, an illegal drug - related offense, felony driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverag o drugs, misdemeanor driving under the influence o f an alcoholic beverage or drugs or moral turpitude should be cause for suspension o removal f an Operator or e mployee, denial of an O perator's application o termination f the Agreement. C. Op and their e mpl o yees shall not accept gratuities pursuant to Section 1 211 of the California Vehicle Code. D. Operators and their e mployees shall not accept a gratuity from repair shop for the delivery f a vehicle not owned by the repair shop o tow company, for the purpose o f storage o repair pursuant to Section 1211 c ) of the California Vehicle Code. E. Operators shall satisfy a court order mandating r imbur m nt to the vehicle r property owner for damage or loss that occurred while the vehicle r property was in the O perator's custody. F. Any O or e mployee arrested /charged with any of the above issues should be suspended until the case is adjudicated. Revised 07/27/11 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 30 ATTACHMENT 1 X111. COMPLIANCE WITH THE AGREEMENT A. The Operator agrees, as a condition of inclusion in the Towing Program, to comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Program will result in removal the designated Operator for police tows, subject to the termination provisions in the Tow Service Ag reement. B. A violation of the equipment requirement related to safety shall be cause for immediate suspension that shall remain in effect until the suspension period is completed and the AGPD has inspected the equipment and determined that the Operator is in compliance. C. A violation of intentionally o vercharging o r a pattern of overcharging shall be cause for immediate suspension that shall remain in effect until the suspension period is completed and proof of reimbursement to the aggrieved customer(s) has been provided to the AG PD. D. Operators and/or their employees shall not record, e.g. videotape or photograph, a scene unless it is for official use by the tow company for business - related reasons. I. The AGPD personnel on scene shall determine when an Operator or his /her employee may record a scene for tow- related business reasons. 2. If an Operator or his /her employee is determined to be in violation of this condition, the recording shall be immediately surrendered to the AGPD. XI V. MID-TERM REVIEW A. A mid -term review f the terms and conditions of the existing Agreement may be provided by the AGPD if there is legitimate and substantial change in conditions or laws impacting the majority of tow service companies in the Arroyo Grande area or the AGPD. B. A mid -term review, if granted, will not automatically authorize change in the terms or conditions of an existing Agreement. f. It is the responsibility of the AGPD to review the conditions that initially caused the mid -term review and determine if any change in the terms o r conditions of the existing Agreement is justified. If the mid -term review i requested by the Operator, it is the responsibility of the Operator to provid the relevant information necessary for the AGPD to review the request. Revised 07127111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 31 ATTACHMENT I x V. ADVERTISING A. An O perator s hall not display any sign or enga in any advertisement indicating an official or unofficial connection with the AGPD. XVI. 2 -H A A 1 E T TOWS A. The O perator agrees to participate in the AGPD established vehi le abatement program. When ar vehicle is found to be in violation of an applicable section of the California Vehicle Code or the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding abandoned vehicles, cam out proced for abatement towing are the same as regular towin with some defined exceptions: 1 Dispatch or any member of the AGPD authorized by the Traffic Unit c ommander will contact the Operator. 2. A CHP 180 form will be completed by AGPD personnel and delivered to Dispatch after the vehicle has been removed by the O perator. I Abatement towing Mould only be completed during normal business Fours. B. Failure to m ly with the requirements f the Towing Program regarding vehicle abatement towing may e considered adequate grounds for removal from the towing list, subject to the termination provisions in the Tow Service e Agreement D. The O perator must respond to an abatement tow request within 2 hours. Under special limited circumstances, e.g. an abandoned vehicle causing ar public safety hazard, the Operator must respond as soon as reasonably possible. Failure to m ly with this requirement of the Towing Program may a considered adequate grounds for removal from the towing list, subject to the termination provisions in the Tow Service e 1 reement. x VII. ENROLLMENT PERIOD A. The request for proposal (RFP) bid period must be held every two (2) years to coincide with the two -year term of the tow agreement. The RFP period will be open for at least 30 days and the date is determined by the Chief of Police or his/her designee. B. Applicants harll be given ar 30-day written notice of the annual RFP period. Revised 07/27111 Agenda Item 8.i. Page 32 R INCORPORATED * ,KXY 10. 1011 MEMORANDUM T: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, II MUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF TEMPORARY RAR USE PERMIT 11-017 MOVING THE EL CAMINO REAL PARK( -AND RIDE LOT TEMPORARILY TO A PORTION OF CITY PROPERTY AT W. BRANCH STREET AND OLD RANCH ROAD DATE: AUGUST 9,2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council. 1 Adopt a Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit Case No. 11-017, for the temporary relocation of the City's Park-and-Ride Lot for a four -month period, August 2011 through November 2011 during construction of the El Camino Real Road Rehabilitation and Enhancement project; and 2 Authorize the City to p rovide any necessary hold harmless and indemnification to the Fire Cities Youth Foundation to be executed by the City Manager in a form approved by the City Attorney. FUNDING: There is no financial impact to the City for temporarily mooring the Park-and-Ride Lot from City owned property at El Camino Real to City owned property at W. Branch Street and Old Punch Road. BACKGROUND: In 2007, the City completed improvements for a temporary Park-and-Ride Lot in conjunction with PG&E for outage p arking in 2008 and 2009 on City property at W. Branch Street and Old Ranch Road. Improvements consisted of site grading and drainage, an "all Breather" surface 250 -car capacity parking lot including access drives, parking lane delineation, night lighting and entry -exit signage on about 2. 5 acres of the total -acre site area. The upper 1. acres nearest Royal O Estates single- family residential homes contains several mature eucalyptus trees and slopes too steep for pa rling. The eastern 1.g -acre nearest the Women's Center was also left unimproved to provide more distance from the nearest homes on Vernon, Larchmont, Winton and West t Branch Streets further east. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: On May 24, 2011 the City Council a warded the construction contract for the E Camino Real Road Rehabilitation and Enhancement project and just issued the Notice to Proceed. Project improvements include repairing and expansion of the existing Park-and-Ride Lot located at El Camino Real and Faeh Street. In order to reduce impacts to the operation of the Park-and-Ride Lot during construction, mooring the location of the lot to W. Branch Agenda Item 8.j. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of LEASE TEMPORARY PARK-AND-RIDE ID -RIDE LOT ON A -ACRE CITY PROPERTY AT W. BRANCH STREET & OLD RANCH ROAD AUGUST 09, 2011 PAGE 2 Street was identified as a preferred option. Staff at the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments SL O G operate the Park-and-Ride Lot through their Ride Share Program and concur with the proposal to use the W. Branch Street site during the four month construction period scheduled for August — November, 2011. SL C G staff will inform participants of the lot /flyers once the Temporary Use permit is approved. Some additional parking is available at the other existing Park - and -fide lot at the Five Cities Center. The bike lockers located at the El Camino Real lot will be relocated onto the City's Faeh Street property. The SLO Regional Transit Authority bus stop will continue to be located in the vicinity of the existing stop on El Camino Real during construction. The City currently has an approved lease for the site with the Five Cities Community Foundation for the eventual construction of a regional recreation facility. The lease does allow City use of the grounds at the site and representatives of the Foundation have approved use of the site for the Park- and -Ride Lot during the El Camino Deal construction project, but has requested that the City hold harmless and indemnify them with respect to use of the lot. The City will provide any necessary hold harmless and indemnification. Additionally, staff received concurrence from the County of San Luis Obispo General Services Department because of deed restrictions that provide for public facility use. ALTERNATIVES: Adopt Resolution approving Temporary Use Permit and direct staff to prepare an agreement; - o not adopt Resolution; - Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Moving the Park - and -Ride Lot to the W. Brand Street property will reduce the need for traffic control and impacts to the operation of the Park - and -Ride lot during construction of the El Camino Real project. It will also provide an opportunity to utilize the W. Branch Street property for Par;- and -Ride on a test basis since it has been discussed as a potential future joint use with the Recreation Center project. DISADVANTAGES: TAGES: There may be temporary impacts to Park - and -Ride participants who have to move to a new location for four months. It is also an unpaved lot absent the same level of im provements as the existing Park -and -Ride Lot. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act ( CEQA ) , the CEA Guidelines and the City of Arroyo Grande Rules and Proced for implementation of CE A. Based on the revie w, staff has determined that the project is exempt pursuant to CEA Guidelines Section 15301 of the operation of an existing facility. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF LEASE TEMPORARY Y PAR -AI D -I ID LOT ON A 5-ACRE CITY PROPERTY AT W. BRANCH STREET & OLD RANCH ROAD AUGUST 09, 2011 PAGE 3 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, August 4, 2011. The Agenda and report w posted o n the City's website on Friday, August 5, 2011. No public comments we re recei Agenda Item 8.j. Page 3 RESOLUTION No. RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING 1NG TEMPOF AF Y USE PERMIT 11-017 MOVING THE EL CAMINo REAL PARK- AND-RIDE LOT TEMPORARILY ILY To A PORTION of CITY PROPERTY TY AT W. BRANCH STREET AND OLD RANCH ROAD WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo Council of Government SLOCOG operate City Park - and -Fide Lot at El Camino Real and Feh Street In the City; and WHEREAS, during the months of August through November, 2011, the City is constructing the El Camino Real l Street Rehabilitation and Enhancement project that includes the modification and expansion of the City's Park - and -Fide Lot; and WHEREAS, the location of an alternative site for the Park - and -Fide Lot during construction of the El Camino Real Street Rehabilitation and Enhancement project has been identified as 2.0 acres of 5 acres of City-owned vacant real property a t the northeast corner of West Branch Street and old Ranch Road d (the "site") WHEREAS, the site is subject to an existing lease agreement with the Fire Cities Community Foundation "Foundation" for the eventual development of an approved community recreation center and permission has been secured subject to the City agreeing to holding them harmless and indemnifying them relating to the proposed tempor use; and WHEREAS, SLOCOG has agreed to tem porarily operate the site as a temporary Park- and-Ride Lot including night lighting for a four -month period, August 2011 through November 2011; and WHEREAS, uninterrupted use of the Park -and -Ride Lot will continue to provide transportation choices, and red uce single occupant vehicle commuting and traffic congestion, parking demands, commute costs and air pollution; and WHEREAS, the City has previously graded the site and constructed drainage, access, and lighting improvement for an "all weather," low-turnover, temporary parking lot in conjunction with PG&E and approved the site as a seasonal operation as a Park-and- Ride ide Lot for PG&E outages; and WHEREAS, the use as a temporary Park - and -Fide Lot will not interfere with other interim community uses of the Property such as Harvest Festival parking; and Agenda Item 8.j. Page 4 RESOLUTION No. PAGE 2 WHEREAS, EAS, according to the California Environmental Quality Act CE A , the proposed project is Categorically Exempt by Section 15301 operation of an existing facility. NOW, THEREFORE, E, E IT RESOLVED IED thart the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby app rove Tern po rarry lase Permit 11 -0 17. On motion by Council Member following roll call Grote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: seconded by Council Member and by the the foregoing Resolution tion was passed and adopted this 9th day of August g, 2011. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 5 RESOLUTION N . PAGE TONY F~ER Ai A, MAYOR ATTEST. KELLY WETMORE, CI1`Y CLEFT( APPROVED AS TO CONTENT. STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER EFL APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.j. Page 6 INCORPORATED JK JMY 1 0. , a jj MEMORANDUM ANDUI I TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DAVID HIRSCH, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEYb�� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION F ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10.20 OF TITLE 10 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ABANDONED, WRECKED, DISMANTLED AND INOPERATIVE EHICLES BATE; AUGUST 9, 2011 RECOMMENDATI It is recommended the City Council introduce the attached Ordinance to amend Chapter 10.20 of Title 10 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code relating to the abatement and removal o f abandoned, wrecked, dismantled and inoperative vehicles. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact from this action. BACKGROUND: California Vehicle Code Section 22660 authorizes cities to adopt an ordinance establishing procedures for the abatement and removal, as public nuisances, of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or inoperative vehicles o parts thereof from private or public property. In addition, Section 22661 of the Vehicle Code sets forth the requirements of what such ordinances must contain. In accordance with this statutory authority, Chapter 10.20 of Title 10 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code declares abandoned, wrecked, dismantled o inoperative vehicles, o parts thereof to be a public nuisance. The Code also sets forth procedures for notices to abate, public hearings, abatement, and assessment o f costs related to the removal o f such vehicles. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The City Attorney, in consultation with the Police Department, has prepared the attached ordinance to update the Municipal Code's provisions relating to the abatement o f abandoned, wrecked, dismantled o inoperative vehicles, in o rder to facilitate the Police Department's program to abate and remove such vehicles within the City. The amendments will provide clarification regarding securing inspection and abatement warrants o court orders when necessary, since such warrants may be necessary t o Agenda Item 9.a. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE CE To AMEND CHAP - DER 10.20 of TITLE 10 of THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING To ABANDONED, IED, 1 REC ED, DISMANTLED AND INOPERATIVE E VEHICLES AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 2 comply with Constitutional requirements and case law. In addition, the Municipal Code amendment will allow the reconstruction of vehicles that qualify for either horsele carriage license plates or historical vehicle license plates, as required by Vehicle Code Section 22661 f. The code, as currently written, does not expressly refer to the warrant requirement, and does not provide for reconstruction of such historic vehicles. Finally, currently any hearing that is requested is to be held by the City Council. It is recommended that instead any such hearings would be held by the City Manager or his or her designee. Decisions by the City Manager or his or her designee would be final and not subject to further appeal. Staff believes that this amendment is appropriate and will help to facilitate the abatement process by speeding up the hearing process. - rhi proposed change is also acceptable under the requirements of Vehicle Code Section 22661(e), which provides that there be an opportunity for a hearing "...before the governing body of the city...or any other board, commissioner, loner, or official of the city ... a designated by the governing body..." ALTERNATIVES: ES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Introduce the attached Ordinance amending the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code relating to the abatement and removal of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled and inoperative vehicles; 2. Do not introduce the attached Ordinance; or 3. Prov ide di o n to staff. ADVANTAGES: The action will update the Municipal Code relating to the abatement and removal of abandoned, wrecked, , di mantled and inoperative vehicles, and will facilitate abating and removing such public nuisances. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages with the recommended action are identified. ENVIRONMENTAL TAL RE IEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: - rhe Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, August 4, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's web site on Friday, August 5, 2011. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 2 ORDINANCE No. AN ORDINANCE of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 10.20 of TITLE 1 of THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING To ABANDONED, WRECKED, DISMANTLED AND INOPERATIVE VEHICLES WHEREAS, Chapter 10.20 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code contains procedures relating to the removal of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled and inoperative vehicles pursuant to the authority granted by the California Vehicle Code; and WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of the Police Department and the City Attorney, the City Council has determined it is appropriate to amend Chapter 10.20 to update the provisions in the Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN As FOLLOWS: SECTION '1. Sections 10.20.050,10.20-090,10.20.100,10.20.110, and 10.1 20 of Chapter 10.20 of Title 10 of the Arroyo Grande Munici aI code are hereby amended in their entirety to read as follows: "1.2.0 - Administration and enforcement. Except as otherwise p rovided in this chapter, the provisions of this chapter shall be administered and enforced by the chief of police. In the enforcement of the previsions of this chapter, such o ffi cer and his or her deputies when any necessary inspection and abatement warrants or court order have been obtained, may enter upon private or public property to examine a vehicle, or parts thereof, or obtain information as to the identity of a vehicle, and to remove, or cause the removal of a vehicle, or parts thereof declared to be a nuisance pursuant to the provisions of this chapter." "10,20-090 - Notices of intention to abate and remove. A ten (1 0) day notice of intention to abate and remove a vehicle, or parts thereof, as a public nuisance shall be mailed by registered or certified mall to the owner of the land and to the o wner of the vehicle, unless the vehicle is in such condition that identification numbers are not available to determine own erslmip, The notices of intention shall be in sbtan #tally the following forms: Notice of Intention to Abate and Remove an Abandoned, Wrecked, Dismantled, or Inoperative Vehicle, or Parts `thereof, as a Public Nuisance..... Name and address of the owner of the land) As owner shorn on the last equalized assessment roll of the land located at (address), you are hereby notified that the undersigned, pursuant to Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 10.20.080, has determined that there exists upon said land Agenda Item 9.a. Page 3 ORDINANCE No. PAGE 2 an or parts of an abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or inoperative vehicle registered to , license number , which constitutes a public nuisance pursuant to the provisions of Arroyo Grande Municipal code, Title 10, Chapter 20. You are hereby notified to abate said nuisance by the removal of said eh icle or said parts of a vehicle) with in ten (1 0) days from the date of mailing of this notice, and, upon your failure to do so, the same will be abated and removed by the city, and the costs thereof, together with administrative costs, gill be assessed to you as o wner of the land on which said vehicle or said parts of a vehicle is located. As o wner of the land on which said vehicle or said parts of a vehicle is located, you are hereby notified that you may, within ten (1 0) days after the mailing of this notice of intention, request a public hearing, and, if such a request is not received by the Arroyo Grande City Manager within such ten 10 day period the Arroyo Grande chief of Police shall have the authority to abate and remove said vehicle or said parts of a vehicle as a public nuisance and assess the costs as aforesaid without a public hearing. You may submit a s worn written statement within such ten (10) day period denying responsibility for the presence of said vehicle or said parts of a vehicle on said land, with your reasons for denial, and such statement shall be construed as a request for hearing at which your presence is not required. You may appear in person at any hearing requested by you or the o wner of the vehicle or, in lieu thereof, may present a sworn written statement as aforesaid in time for consideration at such hearing. Notice mailed ..... date S/ .... . Chief of Police, Arroyo Grande Notice of Intention to Abate and Remove an Abandoned, Wrecked, Dismantled, or Inoperative V ehicle, or Parts Thereof, as a Public Nuisance..... (Name and address of last registered and/or legal o wner of record of vehicle; notice should be given to both if different) As last registered (and/or legal) o wner of record of (description of vehicle mace, model, license, etc.), you are hereby notified that the undersigned pursuant to Municipal code Section 10.20-0 80, has determined that said vehicle or parts of a vehicle exists as an abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or inoperative vehicle at (describe location on public or private property) and constitutes a public nuisance pursuant to the provisions of Arroyo Grande Municipal code, Title 10, chapter 20. Yo are hereby notified to abate said nuisance by the rem ova I of said vehicle or said parts of a vehicle ) within ten (1 0) days from the date of mailing of this notice. As registered (and/or legal) o wner of record of said vehicle or said parts of a vehicle , you are hereby notified that you may, within ten 10 days afterthe mailing of this notice of intention request a public hearing, and, if such a request is not received by the city Manager of the city of Arroyo Grande within such ten 1 day period, the Arroyo Grande chief of Police shall have the authority to abate and remove said vehicle or said parts of a vehicle) without a hearing. Notice mailed ..... date ... Chief of Police, Arroyo Grander' Agenda Item 9.a. Page 4 ORDINANCE No. PAGE "10.20.1 - Hearings – Notices. Upon a request by the o wner of the vehicle or o wner of the land received by the chief of police within ten 1 days after the matting of the notices of intention to abate and remove, a public hearing shall be held by the City Manager or his or her designee on the question of the abatement and removal of the vehicle, or parts thereof, as an abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or inoperative vehicle and the assessment of the administrative costs and the costs of removal of the vehicle, or parts thereof, against the property on which the vehicle, or parts thereof, is located. If the owner of the land submits a sworn written statement denying responsibility for the presence of the vehicle on his land within such ten 1 day period, such statement shall be construed as a request for a gearing which does not require his presence. Notice of the gearing shall be mailed by registered or certified mail at least ten 1 days before the hearing to the o wner of the land and to the o rner of the vehicle, unless the vehicle is in such condition that identification numbers are not available to determine ownership. If such a request for a hearing is not received within ten 1 days after mailing of the notice of intention to abate and remove, the city shall have the authority to abate and remove the vehicle, or parts thereof, as a public nuisance without holding a public gearing.}' x" 10.20.'1'10 - H ea ri ng s—Determ 1 natio ns. All hearings geld pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be hold before the City Manager or his or her designee who shall gear all facts and testimony he or she deems pertinent. Such facts and testimony may include testimony on the condition of the vehicle or parts thereof, and the circumstances concerning its locatio n on private or public property. The City Manager or his or her designee shall not be limited by the technical rules of evidence. The owner of the land on which the vehicle is located may appear in person at the bearing, or present a s worn written statement in time for consideration at the hearing, and deny responsibility for the presence of the vehicle on the land, with his or her reasons for such denial. The City Tanager or his or her designee may impose such conditions and take such other action as he or she deems appropriate under the circumstances to carry out the provisions of this chapter. He or she may delay the time for removal of the vehicle, or parts thereof, if, *1n his or her opinion, the circumstances so i ustify. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Manager or his or her designee may find that a vehicle, or parts thereof, has been abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or is inoperative on private or public property and order the same removed from the property as a pubiic nuisance and disposed of as provided in this chapter, and determine the administrative costs and the cost of removal to be charged against the owner of the land. The order requiring removal shall include a description of the vehicle, or parts thereof, and the correct identification number and license number of the vehicle, if available at the site. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 5 ORDINANCE CE ISO. PAGE If it is determined at the hearing that the vehicle was placed on the land without the consent of the owner of the land and that he or she has not subsequently acquiesced in its presence, the City Manager o his o her designee shall not assess the costs of administration o removal of the vehicle against the property upon which the vehicle is located or otherwise attempt to collect such costs from such owner of the land. If the owner of the land submits a sworn written statement denying responsibility for the presence of the vehicle on his land but does not appear, or if an interested party makes a written presentation but does not appear, such person shall be notified in writing of the decision. " "10.20,120 — Decision, Abatement and Removal. val. ( a) - rhe decision of the City [Manager or his or her designee is final and there is no appeal therefrom. (b) The City shall obtain inspection and/or abatement warrants or court orders where required by la w to effectuate inspection, abatement or removal of a vehicle from private property. (b) Fire days after the adoption of the order declaring the vehicle, or parts thereof to be a public nuisance, or fire days after the date of mailing of notice of the decision, if such notice is required by the provisions of Section 10.20.110 of this chapter, the vehicle, or parts thereof, may be disposed of by removal to a scrayard or automobile dimantler' yard. (d) After a vehicle has been removed, it shall not thereafter be reconstructed or made operable, unless it is a vehicle which qualifies for either ho rseless carriage license plates or historical vehicle license plates pursuant to Section 5004 of the Vehicle Code of the State, in which case the vehicle may be reconstructed or made operable SECTION2. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, pa rag raph, sentence, or cl au se thereof, irr spective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared unconstitutional. SECTION . A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least fire days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty 3 days after its adoption. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 6 ORDINANCE I O. PAGE O n motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote to grit: AYES NOES; ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 23 day of August, 2011. g g � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 7 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE TONY F E R RA RA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY I ETM RE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: T: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL., CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 9.a. Page 8 INCORPORATED Z; c JULY +0. 1911 1F ft MEMORANDUM TO: CITY C uNCIUREDE EL PMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS F S FR STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MAN ER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE CITY WILL COMPLY WITH THE VOLUNTARY ALTERNATIVE REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PURSUANT TO PART 1. OF DIVISION 24 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE IN ORDER TO PERMIT THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE AND OPERATION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE: AUGUST 9, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council introduce an Ordinance determining the City will comply with the voluntary alternative redevelopment program pursuant to Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code in order to permit the continued existence and operation of the Redevelopment elopment Agency. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The amount the Agency will b required to pay the State of California in Fiscal Y ear 2011 -2012 is approximately $475,000 based on California Department of Finance figures. Ho wever, staff has reviewed their calculations and determined their bond payment figures are inaccurate. Therefore, it is proposed to appeal the amount and the final payment Is anticipated to be In the range of $400,000. It is proposed that $345,000 be paid from the Redevelopment Agency Housing Set Aside Fund (the legislation allows use of the amount that would have been deposited into the Housing Set Aside Fund in FY 2011-2012) and $55,000 be paid from the Redevelopment Agency Administration Fund. One -half of the payment amount would be due on January 15, 2012 and the second half would be due on May 1 2012. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 1 cinr COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE CITY WILL COMPLY WITH THE VOLUNTARY ALTERNATIVE REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PURSUANT TO PART 1.9 OF DIVISION 24 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE IN ORDER TO PERMIT THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE AND OPERATION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 2 If the city is unsuccessful in its appeal, the payment for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 will exceed available Redevelopment Agency Administration funds by appro $55,000. It is recommended that this be addressed through a loan agreement between the city General Fund and the Redevelopment Agency Administration Fund. Budget adjustments will be recommended when the Ordinance is proposed to be presented for approval at the August 23 meeting. There are efforts under way by members of the Legislature to amend the legislation to require any Housing Set Aside funds to be repaid. If this occurs, staff would maintain the current recommendations to utilize Housing Set Aside funds on a loan basis, but the ability to repay these funds in the future without impacting the General Fund will be unlikely. BACKGROUND: Two bills were recently approved by the State Legislature, A X1 26 and A X1 27, designed to divert redevelopment tax increment funds from redevelopment agencies to the State. The first bill eliminates redevelopment agencies as of October 1, 2011. The second bill exempts any redevelopment agency from elimination if its host city adopts an ordinance agreeing to make specified payments to benefit schools. The second bill also allows the redevelopment agency to then pay the city the equivalent amount, so effectively the redev agency pays for the city's payment. Redevelopment agencies that make payments will pay a large amount the first year and an ongoing lesser amount every year thereafter until such time as the city decides it no longer desires to keep its redevelopment agency active. ANALYSIS of ISSUES The California Redevelopment Association CFA has filed a lawsuit regarding the legislation. The CFA believes the legislation is unconstitutional and in conflict with the terms of Proposition 22, which was approved by the voters In the last election to protect Redevelopment and other local revenues. They will be seeking a stay to avoid the need to pay these funds. However, a ruling on the stay is not expected until at least raid - August. A ruling on the lawsuit itself may take an estimated two year period. Under the legislation, in order to continue the F edevefoprnent Agency, the City must adopt an Ordinance (second read ing ) no later than October 1, 2011. Until the Ordinance is adopted, the Redevelopment Agency is not allowed to eater into any new contracts or funding commitments. Alternatively, the City could adopt a non - binding resolution by October 1 expressing its intent to adopt 'the ordinance and then must adopt the Ordinance by November 1. Agenda Item II.a. Page 2 cInr COUNCIL CONSIDERA'T`ION OF AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE CITY WILL COMPLY WITH THE VOLUNTARY ALTERNATIVE REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PURSUANT TO PART 1.9 OF DIVISION 24 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE IN ORDER TO PERMIT THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE AND OPERATION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 3 The above dates are the outside time frames, but there are advantages to acting more qu ickly because the Agency is not allowed under the legislation to make any funding commitments until the Ordinance is enacted by the City Council. If the Ordinance is approved now for first reading and adopted (second reading) at the August 2 rneetir� , the Ordinance would be effective on September 23 At or after the August 23 meeting, the Agency could then proceed to finalize the funding agreement with Habitat for Humanity for the affordable housing pro'ect on Brisco Road. It is preferable to finalize this c ommitment prior to October 1 because new restrictions on redevelopment agencies incurring indebtedness take effect at that time. The City's Redevelopment consultant prepared an analysis on the cost impact to the City of eliminating the Redevelopment Agency, which is attached. The overall tax increment projected for FY 2011 -12 after pass throughs is $1,114,512. From this, the Agency must male a bond payment of $456,816, which the legislation allows to still b e funded from tax increment funds. If the Agency is eliminated, the City would receive a projected increase of $130,700 in property tax. Therefore, the net revenue impact to the City would a loss of $526,996 in tax increment. If the City's economic development efforts were eliminated, staff believes that all but $458 ,950 in Redevelopment Agency costs could be eliminated. These costs are for staffing and transfers currently funded by the Redevelopment Agency that would need to be transferred to the General Fund. Therefore, with the $130,700 increase in property tax revenue, this would result in a net impact to the General Fund of $ 328,250 in increased General Fund costs. ALTERNATIVES: ES: The following alternatives are presented for consideration: Approve staffs recommendations and introduce the Ordinance; - Amend and introduce the Ordinance; Delay consideration of the Ordinance, w could require the council to either adopt an urgency ordinance at a later date or, as the legislation permits, the Council may adopt a non - binding resolution that effectively delays the deadline to adopt the Ordinance by one - month; D o not introduce the Ordinance and allow the Redevelopment Agency to be eliminated; or Provide staff outer direction. Agenda Item II.a. Page 3 cirY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE CITY WILL COMPLY WITH THE VOLUNTARY ALTERNATIVE REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PURSUANT TO PART 1.9 OF DIVISION 24 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE IN ORDER TO PERMIT THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE AND OPERATION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUGUST 9, 2011 PAGE 4 ADVANTAGES: Introduction and adoption of the ordinance will enable the Agency to meet State deadlines for maintaining the city's redevelopment agency and to proceed with approval of a funding agreement for a Habitat for Humanity affordable housing project prier to enactment of new restrictions. Maintaining the Redevelopment ment Agency will reduce the funding impact on the General Fund and continue to provide this economic development tool in the future. DISADVANTAGES: The recommend require the city council to proceed without mowing the outcome of the litigation involving the State legislation. ENVIRONMENTAL TAL F E IEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of the city Fall on Thursday, August 4, 2011 and on the City's web site on Friday, August 5, 2011. Attachments: I May 10, 2011 Memorandum from Tierra West on Impact of Elimination of Redevelopment ment Agencies Agenda Item II.a. Page 4 ORDINANCE No. AN ORDINANCE of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING IT WILL COMPLY WITH THE VOLUNTARY Y ALTERNATIVE REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PURSUANT To PART 1. OF DIVISION 24 of THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE IN ORDER To PERMIT THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE AND OPERATION of THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City o Arroyo Grande "city" approved and adopted the Redevelopment pment Plan for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project ("Redevelopment Plan"') covering certain properties within the City (the "Project Area"); and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arroyo Grande "Agency" is engaged in activities to execute and implement the Redevelopment Plan pursuant to the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Laver (Health and Safety Code 33000, et sew. ) ("CRL" and WHEREAS, since adoption of the Redevelopment Plan, the Agency has undertaken redevelopment projects in the Project Area to eliminate blight, to improve public facilities and infrastructure, to renovate and construct affordable housing, and to enter into agreements with private industries to create jobs and expand the local economy; and WHEREAS, over the next fever gears, the Agency hopes to implement a Variety of redevelopment projects and programs to continue to eliminate and prevent blight, stimulate and expand the Project Area's economic growth, create and develop local job opportunities and alleviate deficiencies in public infrastructure, and expand the opportunities for affordable housing, to name a fever; and WHEREAS, as part of the 2011-12 State budget bill, the California Legislature has recently enacted, and the Governor has signed, companion bills AX1 26 and AX1 2, requiring that each redevelopment agency be dissolved unless the community that created it enacts an ordinance committing it to making certain payments; and WHEREAS, specifically, AX1 26 prohibits agencies from taking numerous actions, effective immediately and purportedly retroactively, and additionally provides that agencies are deemed to be dissolved as of October 1, 2011; and WHEREAS, AX1 27 provides that a community may participate in an "Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program," in order to enable a redevelopment agency within that community to remain in existence and carry out the provisions of the C L, by enacting an ordinance agreeing to comply with Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code; and 3%6.5 a08f03111 Agenda Item II.a. Page 5 ORDINANCE NO, PACE 2 WHEREAS, the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program requires that the community agree b y ordinance to remit specified annual amounts to the county auditor- controller; and WHEREAS, under the threat of dissolution pursuant to ABX1 26, and upon the contingencies and reservations set forth herein, the City shall make the Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 community remittance, currently estimated to be approximately Four Hundred and Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($475,000.00), as well as the subsequent annual community remittances as set forth in the CRL; and WHEREAS, the City reserves the right to appeal the California Director of Finance's determination of the Fiscal Year 2011 -12 community remittance, as provided in Health and Safety Code Section 34194; and WHEREAS, City is informed and believes that an action challenging the constitutionality of ABX1 26 and ABX1 27 has been filed on behalf of cities, counties and redevelopment agencies; and WHEREAS, while the City currently intends to make these community remittances, they shall be made under protest and without prejudice to the City's right to recover such amounts and interest thereon, to the extent there is a final determination that A1 2 and AX1 27 are unconstitutional; and WHEREAS, the City reserves the right regardless o f any community remittance made pursuant to this Ordinance, to challenge the legality of A X1 26 and A X1 27; and WHEREAS, to the extent a court of competent jurisdiction enjoins, restrains, or grants a stay on the effectiveness of the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program's payment obligation of A X1 26 and ABX1 27, the City shall not be obligated to rake any community remittance for the duration of such injunction, restraint, or stay; and WHEREAS, all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Ordinance have occ u rred . NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY oFARR YO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. SECTlo l : Participation in the Alternative Voluntary Redevelo ment Prog In accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 34193, and based on the Recitals set forth above, the City Council hereby determines that the City shall comply with the provisions of Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code, as enacted by ABX1 22329CHS,5 a08103J11 Agenda Item II.a. Page 6 ORDINANCE NO, PAGE 27. SECTION : Payment Under Protest Except as set forth to Section 4, below, the City Council hereby determines that the City shall make the community remittances set forth in Health and Safety Code section 34194 et seq. SECTION : Effect of Stav or Determination of Invalidity. City shall not make any c ommunity remittance in the event a court of competent jurisdiction either grants a star on the enforcement of ABX1 26 and AB X1 27 or determines that AB '1 26 and AB '1 27 are unconstitutional and therefore invalid, and all appeals therefrom are e or unsuccessful, or time for filing an appeal there from has lapsed. Any community remittance shall be made under protest and without prejudice to the City's right to recover such amount and interest thereon in the event that there is a final determination that ABX 1 26 and ABX1 27 are unconstitutional. if there is a final determination that AB1 26 and AB1 27 are invalid, this Ordinance shall be deemed to be null and void and of no further force or effect. SECTION : ImWernentat� The City Council hereby authorizes and direct$ the City Manager to take any action and execute any documents necessary to 'Implement this Ordinance, including but not limited to notifying the San Luis Obispo County Auditor - Controller, the Controller of the State of California, and the California Department of Finance of the adoption of this Ordinance and the City's agreement to comply with the provisions of Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code, as set forth in AB1 27. SECTION : Additional Understandin sand Inter It is the understanding and intent of the City Council that, once the Agen is again authorized to enter into agreements under the C L, the City will enter into an agreement with the Agency as authorized pursuant to Section 341 g .2, whereby the Agency will transfer annual portions of its tax increment to the City in amounts not to exceed the annual community remittance payments to enable the City, directly or indirectly, to make the annual remittance payments. The City Council does not intend, by enactment of this Ordinance, to pledge any of its general fund revenues or assets to make the remittance payments. SECTION : CEA. The City Council finds, under Title 1 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 15378(b)(4), that this Ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act "CE A" in that it is not a "project," but instead consists of the creation and continuation of a governmental funding mechanism for potential future projects and programs, and does not c ommit funds to any specific project or program. The City Council, therefore, directs that a Notice of Exemption be filed with the County Clerk of the County of San Luis Obispo in accordance with CEA Guidelines. SECTION : Custodian of Re The documents and materials that constitute the record of proceedings on which these findings are based are located at the City Clerk's 2232906.5 x08103111 Agenda Item II.a. Page 7 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 4 office located at 30 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California 93420. The custodian for these records is the City Clerk. SECTION I: Several ilit . If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion thereof. SECTION 10: Ordinance Not To Be Codified. This Ordinance shall not be codified in the Municipal Code but shall be an unccdified ordinance. SECTION 11: Certification Publication A summary of this Ordinance has been published in a newspaper published and circulated In the City of Arroyo Grande at least fire 5 days prior to the City Council meeting at which this Ordinance has been adopted. A certified copy of the fall text of this Ordinance has been posted in the in the office of the City Clerk. Within fifteen 15 days after adoption of this Ordinance, the s ummary with the names of those City Council members voting for and against this Ordinance shall be published again, and the City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of this adopted Ordinance. SECTION 12: Date of Continuation of Powers. . Pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 34193(a), the Agency shall have authority to continue to carry out the provisions of the C L as of the date of enactment of the Ordinance, August 23, 2911. SECTION 13: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty 30 days from and after its adoption. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member and by the following roll call Grote, to it: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 23 day of August, 2011 2232906. a08l03l1 Agenda Item II.a. Page 8 ORDINANCE N. PAGE TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST. KELL Y 1 ETM RE, CITY CLERIC APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED ED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY 2232%6,5 a08l03l1 1 Agenda Item I I -a. Page 9 ATTACHMENT 1 W4� FIERRAW A . ) � N t k D ate : May 10, 2011 To Steven Adams, City of Arroyo Grand Angela Kraetsch, City of Arroyo Grand F rom: Tire M Ir nan, Tierra west Advisors Michael Garcia, Tierra west Advisors Subject: Impact of the elimination of redevelopment agencies Pursuant to your request, Tierra west Advisors Inc. "Tierra west" has analyzed the potential impact of the elimination of redevelopment agencies upon the City of Arroyo Grande. Back w oun d As a result of significant budget challenges at the state level, Governor Jerry Brown has proposed a budget for fiscal year 201 1-12 that wou include the elimination of all redevelopment agencies within the State of California ("State" ), This propo wou be implemented by two bills being processed by the legislature, Senate bill SB "SB" and Assembly bill AB 101 "B 101 " (combined, the "Bills"). These bi 11 s were voted on in the legislature in mid-March 2011, with AB 101 missing passage by One 1 vote. The California Redevelopment Association "CRA" has proposed alternate legislation that would keep the redevelopment agencies in business, but provide for voluntary t rans fer o f a portion of the tax increment fun to sc hools. This memoran reviews the larger impacts proposed under AB 101 & SB77 rather than the impacts of the CRA a I m p acts ofAB1 & S Passage of the bills and execution by the Governor wo put the fo I lowi n Ilan iii place: • Eliminate redevelopment agencies s tatewide as f July 1, 2011. • Set up successor agencies to wind up the affairs of redevelopment agencies. } PST Agenda Item 11.a. Page 10 Mr. Steven Adams Nis. Angela Iratsch May 10, 2011 Page 2 • Provide for the successor agencies to honor existing bonds and other contracts outstanding. • The successor agencies have 60 days to develop an Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule for the successor agency to honor. Require the County Auditor - Controllers to perform audits of each redevelopment agency by Octob 1, 2011 an essentia f unc tion as the Treasurer of each successor agency. Lengthen the Statute of Limitations on redevelopment agency actions approved after January 1, 2011 from 90 days to 2 years. • Li m it the activ re agencies can un a January 1 , 2011 so as to p reserve th e assets. Subject to existing obligations, transfer funds which were formerly considered tax increment revenue to Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Funds ( "Trust Funds" ) at each county, and from there to other taxing agencies. • Allocate a combined $1.7 billion from the Trust Funds to Public Health and Safety Funds "Health and Safety Funds" at each county, which would reimburse the Mate for health and trial court services in the respective counties. The counties would administer these Health and Safety Funds or, if they chase not to, they would not receive the moneys remaining in the Trust Funds. In that event the Directors of Finance would designate different entities to administer the Health and Safety Fund Maintain the pass through payments initially implemented by AB 1290. Allocation of 'ax Increment According to documents obtained from the City as well as the San Luis Obispo County Auditor's Office, The Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency "Agency" is expected to collect Net Tax Increment of 1 A9 1 � 114 for Fiscal Year 2010 -11. This figure is before the deductions for the Basic Aid Pass- Through Payment as well as the Tien 1 and 2 Pass - Through Payments. O f this amount, 20 %, or $298,223, will he dedicated for use in the creation and preservation of affordable housing. Additionally, as a taxing entity the City o f Arroyo Gran 1 permitted t recei 19 .87238% of the total pass through amount for tier 1. This figure equates to $59,264 for the 2010-11 fiscal gear. Should re he e liminated and tax increment reverts hack to the taxing entities, this same percentage would apply to the total amount of tax increment, not simply the pass through amount. qq �TIERRA WEST A D V s o R s Agenda Item 11.a. Page 11 Mr. Steven Adams Ms. Angela Kractsch May 10, 2011 Page The Agency issued a Tax Allocation Bond in 2007 in the amount of $6.285 million. This bond was collateralized by the Agency's tax increment revenue, which would not be disturbed by the pending legislation. The bond requires annual dent service payments of approximately $457,000. If the Bills were passed such that they were to tie effect in their present form, the Agency would cease to exist as July 1, 2011. The successor agency would be provided the revenue to honor the 2007 bonds and funds to honor any other outstanding contractual commitments. As of the date of this memorandum the only outstanding contractual commitment is the architectural contract in the amount of $160,000 for the design of the new police department building. The Agency is working with Habitat for Humanity for the development of a new affordable housing project. So far the Agency has loaned Habitat funds which Habitat has used to purchase the land for the project. For this analysis Tierra west has assumed that neither the City nor the Agency would provide any additional funds to Habitat, Habitat would develop the project with funds from other sources, and neither the City nor the Agency would receive repayment on the Habitat loan. Exhibit A to this report indicates Tierra west's estimate of the property tax income that the City and Agency were to receive over the next 20 years if the Agency were to remain in place under the current conditions. This estimate is that the combined funds for fiscal year 2011 -12 would come to $1,420,11. Of this, $456,816 would be required to service the 2007 bond, leaving the City $963,298 in both general fund revenue and Agency tax increment from property taxes. By comparison, Exhibit B indicates the revenue that would accrue to the Cit if the Agency were eliminated. In that ease the City would collect $893,118 in property tax income, from which $456,816 would be required to service the bonds, leaving $436,302 in net property tax income. Exhibits C & D provide Tierra west's estimate of tax increment revenue over the next 20 years with and without the Agency. Tierra west has assumed that the Basic Aid payments to the school districts would remain in place under its current format, as well as the pass through payments required under AB1290. The language of A I o 1 retains the AB1290 payments under the current formulas, so these pass throughs don't change. Tierra west has assumed that the City will receive 19.8% of the rase year property tax collections as well as the tier 1 pass through payments under the AB 1290 pass thro ugh s. The City does not collect v TIERRAWEST A o V s o x s Agenda Item II.a. Page 12 Mr, Steven ,Adams Ms. Angela Kratsh May 1,211 Page a share of the tier 2 or tier 3 payments. Therefore, Tierra West is assuming that the City's revenue from the base year and AB 1290 pass throughs through will not charge. The difference occurs by taping the Agency out of the distribution of tax increment. In fiscal year 2011-12 Tierra west estimates that the tax increment available to the Agency after all pass throughs through would be 1,11 , 12. ,After deducting the bond payments of $456,816 the Agency weld have $657,696 available in both housing and non - housing funds. Tierra west's estimate of the annual debt service required by the bond is indicated in Exhibit E. Tierra west reviewed the Merrill Lynch Final Official Statement in arriving at this amortization schedule. With the Agency eliminated, the $657,696 net remaining in tax increment funds weld be distributed among the taxing agencies. The City's share of this weld be 19.87238 %, which weld provide 1 30,700 to the City's general fund for fiscal year 2011-12. This amount increases to $137,724 in fiscal year 2012-13. As of the date o f this memorandum neither S B7 7 nor ,A B 10 1 have passed. The Bills may or may be passed in the legislature, and, if they are passed, there may be changes in the requirements that Terra west 1s basing 'Its estimates on. The versions Tierra west has been reviewing were last modified March 15 1h , 2011. The requirements of SB77 and AB 10 1 will need to be harmonized to arrive at any final law ultimately signed by the Govemor. Sum • The state legislature has considered SB 77 and AB 10 1 in the current session, which, if passed and signed by the Govemor, weld eliminate redevelopment agencies. • AB 10 1 was brought up for a Grote in mid-March and missed passage by 1 Grote. • If A 10 1 were to pass, and to take effect for fiscal year 2011-12, the funds available to the City and Agency weld be reduced by approximately $526,996 in 2011-12 from what weld be received if the Agency were to remain in place. • On the City general fund account, the City weld receive its share of the tax increment that would have otherwise gone to the Agency. Tierra west estimates this amount to be approximately $130,700 for fiscal year 2011-12. Thank you for the opportunity to review this issue on your behalf. v TIERRAWEST A D V I S O R S Agenda Item II.a. Page 13 EXHIBIT C ity Of A rroyo Grande share Of property tax revenue �.l.i i� 406� TJerra We tAdvi or , Inc. 0412111 2:27 PM r TIERRAWEST A D V I S O R S With Redeve C ity Share City Share Net Agency Ag ncy + Of Base Of Pass Tota C ity Agency Agency non- City Bond Net Fiscal Year Year thrus Revenue Increment Housing housing Revenue Payments Availabl 2009 -2010 $245,,145 $58,457 $303,602 $1,091,954 $294,,161 $797,,793 $1 0 395,556 $367, 651 $1..027 2010 -2011 $245,145 $59,,264 $304,409 $1,099, $298,,223 $801,388 $1,,404,,020 $457,120 $946,,900 2011 -2012 $245,,145 $60,,457 $305,602 $1, 114,512 $304,227 $810,285 $1, $456, $963,,298 2012 -2013 $245,,145 $62 $307,792 $1,149,288 $315,246 $834,042 $1,457,,080 $456, $1 2013 -2014 $245,145 $64,880 $310,025 $1J84 $326,486 $858 $1 $455,413 $1,039, 373 2014-2015 $245,,145 $67,159 $312,304 $1,220 $337,,950 $882,994 $1,5 33 0 247 $454,313 $1 0 078 0 934 2015-2016 $245,145 $69,482 $314 $ $349,,643 $ 207 $1,,572,,478 $457, 948 $1,, 114,,530 2016 -2017 $24,5,145 $71,853 $316,998 $1,,295,497 $361,570 $933 $1,612,494 $456,053 $1,156,441 2017 -2018 $245,145 $74,270 $319,,415 $1,,333..897 $373,,736 $960,161 $1, 653,312 $453,893 $1,199,419 2018 -2019 $24,5,145 $76,736 $321,,881 $1,373,066 86,145 $986,920 $1,,694 $456,467 $1,,238 2019 -2020 $245,145 $79,252 $324,397 $1,413, $398,,803 $1,014,216 $1,, 737,,415 $453, 511 $1" 283 o 9O4 2020- 2021 $245 $ $326,962 $ $411,,713 $1,,042,,058 $1,,780,734 $455, 290 $1,,325,,444 2021 -2022 $245,145 $84,434 $329,579 $1,495,340 $424,882 $1,,070,458 $1,,824,,919 $455 $1,369,199 2022 -2023 $245,145 $87,103 $332,248 $1,537,741 $438,314 $1,, 099 1 ,427 $1,, $455,570 $1.. 2023 -2024 $245,145 $89,826 $334, $1,580,991 $452,014 $1,128,977 $1,915,962 $454,840 $1, 461,122 2024 -2025 $24,5,145 $92,603 $337 $1,625,107 $465,989 $1,159,118 $lp962,855 $453,530 $1,509.325 2025 -2026 $245,,145 $95,436 $340 $lp670,,106 $48O $1J89,,862 $ 2 o OlO o 686 $456 $1, 554, 046 2026 -2027 $24,5,145 $98 $343,470 $1,716,005 $494,782 $1..221,,223 $2,,059 $453,880 $1,605,595 2027-2028 $245,,145 $101,272 $346 $1,,754..519 $509,613 $1,244,906 $2JO0,936 $455 540 $1, 645 396 2028-2029 $245 $104,278 $349 $1, 793, 804 $524,,739 $1, 269 f 065 $2,143 $456 $1 2029 -2080 $245,145 $107,344 $352 $1 $540,168 $1,293,707 $2, 186,864 $456 $1,,730 2030 -2031 $245,145 $110,472 $355,617 $1,874,749 $555,,906 $1,318,843 $2,230,365 $455,300 $1,775,065 TJerra We tAdvi or , Inc. 0412111 2:27 PM r TIERRAWEST A D V I S O R S City of Arroyo Grande share of p roperty tax revenue Without Redevelopment t� tD CL 0 � tD tD � C ity Share of Difference C ity Share of City Share of Bond balance of Total C i ty Total Agency Age ncy + C ity Bond Net due to AB101 Fiscal Year Base Year Pass -thrus ObliRations increment Revenue revenue Revenue Pawents Available * 5B77 2009-2010 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 $245,145 $60 $456,816 $130,100 $893,118 $0 $893,118 ($456,816) $436,302 2012 -2013 $245 $62 647 $456 $131,124 $901,163 $0 $901, ($456,247) $446, 616 2013 -2014 $245,145 $ 4,880 $455,413 $144,939 $910,377 $0 $910,377 x$455,413) $454,964 2014-2015 $245,145 $61,159 $454 $152.348 $918p964 $0 $918 ($454,313) $464, 651 2015 - 2016 $245,145 $69p482 $457 $158,960 $931,535 $0 $931 ($457 948) $473,587 2016-2017 $245,145 $11, 853 $456, 053 $166 $939,868 $0 $939,869 ($456,053) $483,815 2017-2018 $245,145 $74 $453 $174,878 $948,186 $0 $948,186 ($453,893) $494, 293 2018 -2019 $245,145 $16,136 $456,461 $182 $964,498 $0 $960,498 ($456,461) $504,031 2019 - 2020 $245,145 $79,252 $453 $190,077 $968,585 0 $968585 ($453,511) $515,073 2020 -2021 $245,145 $81,817 $455,290 $198,422 $980,674 $0 $980 ($455,290) $525, 384 2021 -2022 $245,145 $84,434 $455,720 $206,591 $991,896 $0 $991,896 ($455,720) $536, 2021 -2023 $245,145 $$1,103 $455510 $215,053 $1,002,811 $0 $1,002,871 ($455 $541,301 2023 -2024 $245,145 %9,,a26 $454 $ $1, 01 604 $0 $1, 01 604 ( $454, MO) $558,164 2024-2025 $245,145 $92, $453 $232, $1, 024, 098 $0 $1024, 098 ($453p 530) $510, 568 2025-2026 $245 $95 $456,640 $241144 $1 1 038,365 $0 $1038 } 365 ($456,6401 $581,725 2026-2027 $245,145 $98, $453p880 $250p814 $1, 048 j 164 $0 $1, 048,164 ($453,890) $594, 284 20272028 $245,145 $101,272 $455,540 $258, $1 $0 $1,060 ($455,5 $604, 2028-2029 $245,145 $104,278 $456,330 $265,188 $1,011,541 $0 $1,071,541 ($456,330) $615,211 2029- $245,145 $107 $456p250 $273, $1, 506 $0 $1,082506 506 ( $456, 250) $626,256 2030-2031 $245,145 $110, $455,300 $282, 07'8 $1, 092, 995 $0 $1,092,995 ($455,300) $637, 695 Tierra West Advisors, Inc. 041211 2 :27 P ($526,996) ($555,317) ($584 ($614 ($640,943) ($672,626) ($705,126) ($734,448) ( ($8000059) $833, 3 ($867,118) ( $902,358) ($938,757) ($972,3211 ($1,011,311) ($1,040,841) ($1,071,686) ($1,103 ($1, 137,370) ($16,481,681) Total Difference over 2 0 {ears ($9,170,155) Present Value @ 5.509 TIERRAWEST A D V I S O R S D ea CL 0 � � v TIERRAWEST A D V I 5 0 R 5 E Arroyo Grande Tax Increment projections with redevelopment agency 1.38% Value Gross Value Total Adj . Tax Basic Aid Pass Tier 1 Pass Tier 2 Pass Tier 3 Pass Total Pass Net Cumulative � amount Year Increment Increment Through Through Through Through ThrouBhs Increment Increment Housing of pass through Base Year $123,359,666 2009 -2010 $265,139,107 $141,779,441 $1 $43 $294,161 $41,283 $0 $378,851 $1,091,954 $1,091,954 $294,161 $58,457 2010^2011 $270,071 $146,712,278 $1,491,114 $43,709 $298,223 $49,571 $0 $891,508 $1,099,611 $2,191 $298,223 $59,264 2011 -2012 $275,473,383 $152,113 $1,521,137 $43,753 $304,227 $58,645 $0 $406,625 $1,114,512 $3,306,077 $304 $60,457 2012 -2013 $280,982,851 $157,623185 $1576,3 $43,796 $315,246 $67,901 $0 $426,944 $1,149,288 $4,455,365 $315,246 $62,647 2013 -2014 $28 6,602,508 $163,242 $1,632,428 $43,840 $326,486 $77,342 0 $447,668 $1,184,761 $ 5,640,126 $326,486 $64,880 2014 -2015 $292,334,558 $165,974,892 $1,689,749 $43,884 $337,950 $86,972 $0 $468,806 $1�220,943 $6 $337,950 $67,159 2015 -2016 $298,181 $174,821,583 $1,745,216 $43,928 $349,643 $96,794 $0 $490,365 $1,257,851 $8,118,920 $349,643 $69,482 2 016-2017 $304,144,874 $18+0,785,208 $1,8+07 $43,972 $361,570 $106,813 $0 $512,355 $1,295 $%414 $361,570 $71,853 2017 -2018 $310,227,771 $186,868,105 $1,868,681 $44,016 $373,736 $117,032 $0 $534,784 $1,333,897 $10,748,314 $373,736 $74,270 2018 -2019 $316,432,327 $193,07 ,6 1 $1,930,727 $44,060 $386,145 $127,456 0 $557,661 $1373,066 $12,121,379 $386,145 $76,736 2019 -2020 $322,760,973 $19%401307 $1,994,013 $44,104 $398,8+03 $138,088 $0 $580,995 $1,413,019 $13,534,398 $398 $79,252 2020 -2021 $329 $205,856,527 $2,058,565 $44,148 $411,713 $145,933 $0 $604,794 $1,453,771 $14,988,169 $411,713 $81,817 2021 -2022 $335,800,517 $212,440,851 $2,124,409 $44,192 $424,M $15%994 $0 $629, 068 $1,495 $16, 48350'9 $424,882 $ 2022 -2023 $342,516,527 $219,156,861 $2,191,569 $44 $438,314 $171,277 $0 $653,827 $1 $18,021,250 $438,314 $87,103 2023 -2024 $349,366,857 $226,007,191 $,0,072 $44, $452,014 $182,786 $0 $679,081 $1,550,991 $19,6D,241 $452 $89,826 2024 -2025 $356, 354,195 $232,994p529 $, 329, 945 $44,325 $465,989 $L94,525 $0 $704 $1,625 107 $21,227,348 $465, 989 $92, 603 2025 -2026 $363 $240,121, 612 $2, 401, 216 $44 $480,243 $206,498 $0 $731,111 $1, 670,106 $22 $480,243 $95,436 2 026-2027 $370,750,904 $247,391,238 $2,473,912 $44,414 $494,782 $218,711 $0 $757,907 $1 $24 $494,782 $98,325 2027 -2028 $378, 165,922 $254,806,256 $2,548,063 $44,458 $509,613 $231,165 $8,305 $793,544 $1,754,519 $26,367,978 $509,613 $101,272 2028 -2029 $385 $262, 369 575 $, 63,i9 $44502 $524 $243,875 $16 $829 $1,793 $8 161, 782 $524 $104,278 2029 -2030 $393,443, 82 $270,084,159 $2, 700,842 $44p547 $540,168 $256 $ 2 5 j 416 $866p967 $1,933p875 $ $540,165 $107 2030 -2031 $401,312 $277,953 $2,779,530 $44,592 $555,906 $270,055 $34,229 $904,782 $1 $31 $555,906 $110,472 D ea CL 0 � � v TIERRAWEST A D V I 5 0 R 5 EXHIBIT 0 D V I S 0 R Arroyo Grande Tax Increment proj without redevelopment agency 0.198723774 C ity share of C City Share of net N Net increment Tota Adi. Tax T Tot P ass C City Sh of B Base YarTax N Net In 2 2007 TAB debt i increment t to City after Increment T Throughs P Pass Through s Sevenue s S service ( (including band b bond debt Year d debt service) s service Base Year 22010 $ $1 $ $376 $ $58 $ $245,145 $ $1 $ $367,651 2010-2011 $ $1,491 114 $ $389 $ $59,264 $ $245 $ $1 $ $457,120 2011-2012 $ $1,521 $ $406 $ $60 $ $245 $ $1,114 512 $ $456,816 $ $587,516 $ $130,700 2012 -2013 $ $1 $ $426,944 $ $62,647 $ $245 $ $1 $ $456 $ $593,971 $ $137,724 2013 -2014 $ $1 $ $447,668 $ $64 $ $245 $ $1,184,761 $ $456,413 $ $600, $ $144,939 2014 -2015 $ $1 $ $468 $ $67 $ $245 $ $1,220,943 $ $454,313 $ $606 $ $152 2015 -2016 $ $1,74$, 216 $ $490,365 $ $69,482 $ $245 $ $1,257 $ $457,945 $ $816,908 $ $158 2016 -2017 $ $1,807 $ $512,355 $ $71, $ $245,145 $ $1,295,497 $ $456,053 $ $622,871 $ $166,817 2017-2019 $ $1, 888 61 $ $534 $ $7 4 270 $ $245 $ $1"333,897 $ $453 $ $ 628 771 $ $174 2018 -2019 $ $1 $ $557,681 $ $78 $ $245 $ $1,373,066 $ $458,467 $ $638,617 $ $182,150 2019`2020 $ $1 994,013 $ $550,995 $ $79,252 $ $245 $ $1 413,019 $ $453, 511 $ $844,188 $ $190, 677 2020 -2021 $ $2 $ $604, $ $81 $ $245,145 $ $1,453,771 $ $455 $ $653,712 $ $198 2021 -2022 $ $2,124,409 $ $629,068 $ $84 0 434 $ $245,145 $ $1,495,340 $ $455,720 $ $662,317 $ $206 2022 - 2023 $ $2,191,569 $ $653 $ $87 $ $245 $ $1 $ $455 $ $670,623 $ $215, 2023 -2024 $ $2,260 $ $679 $ $89 $ $245 $ $1 $ $454 $ $678,633 $ $223 2024 -2025 $ $ , 329 0 945 $ $704,839 $ $92,603 $ $245,145 $ $1,625,107 $ $453 { 530 $ $686 $23 , 820 2025^2026 $ $2 401, 216 $ $731,111 $ $95,436 $ $245 $ $1, 670,106 $ $456640 $ $697 $ $241, I44 2026-2027 $ $ $ $757 907 $ $98,325 $ $ $ $1, 716, OO5 $ $453 880 $ $704p694 $ $250 2027 -2028 $ $2 $ $793 $ $101,272 $ $245 $ $1 $ $455,540 $ $713,678 $ $258 tQ 2029-2029 $ $2o 623,696 $ $ 245145 $ $1 $ $456 1 118 � �' CL 2029- $ $2 F 700, 842 $866, 967 $ $107 $ $245,145 $ $1 833, 875 $ $456, $ $730 $ $ 273, 767 0 2 2030-2031 $ $2,779 $ $904,782 $ $110,472 $ $245,145 $ $1 $ $455,300 $ $737,378 $ $282 .l.i A te, T TI 2007 Arroyo Grande Tax Allocation Bond Amortization EXHIBIT E �.l.i CL 0 000 v TIERRAWEST A D V I S O R S Interest rate 5.304(Wo In rate 5.8000") Sept 1, 2019 Term Bond Sept 1, 2037 Term Bond Combined Year Balance (BOP) Interest Principal Total Balance (BOP) Interest Principal Total Balance (BOP) Interest Principal Total Base Year 009 -2010 $1,270,000 $67,361 $10,000 $77,361 $5,005,000 $290,290 $290,290 $6,275,000 $357,651 $10,000 $367,651 2010 -2011 $1,260,000 $66,830 $100,000 $166,830 $5,005,000 $290,290 0 $290,290 $6,265 $357,120 $100,000 $457,120 2011 -2-012 $1,160 $61,5216 $105,000 $166,526 $5 $290,290 $ 0 $290,290 $6,165000 $ 351,816 $105,000 $456,8 2012 -2018 $1,055,000 $55,957 $110,000 $165,957 $5 $290,290 0 $290,290 $6,060,000 $346 $110 $4 5 6 ,247 2013 -2014 $945,000 $50,123 $115,000 $155,123 $5,005,000 $290,290 $0 $290,290 $5,950,000 $340,413 $115,000 $455,413 2014 -2015 $830, 000 $44,023 $120,000 $164,023 023 $5, 005, 000 $290,290 $0 $290,290 $5,835,000 $334,313 $120, 000 $454,313 2015 -2016 $710, 000 $37,658 $130,000 $167 $5,005,000 $290,290 $0 $290,290 $5,715,000 $327 $130, 000 $457,948 2016 -2017 $580,000 $30,763 $135000 $155 $5,005,000 $290,290 $0 $290,290 $5,585,0000 $321,053 $135,0OW $456,053 2017-2018 $445 $23,603 $140,000 $163,603 $5, 005, 000 $290,290 $0 $290,290 $5 $313,893 $140, 000 $4 53,893 2018 -2019 $305,000 $16 $150,000 $166,177 $5,005,000 $290,290 $0 $290,290 $5,310,000 $306 $150,000 $4 56,467 2019 -2020 $155,000 $8,221 $155,000 $163,221 $5,005,000 $290,290 $0 $290,290 %%60,000 $298,511 $155 $453,511 2020 202] $5 $ 290,290 $165,000 $4 55,290 $5, 005, 000 $290,290 $165,000 $4 55,290 202 -2022 $4 $280 $175,000 $4 55,720 $4,840,000 $280,720 $175,000 $455,720 2022 -2023 $4,665,000 $270,570 $185,000 $455,570 $4,665,000 $270,570 $185,000 $455,570 2023 -2024 $4 1 480,000 $259 $195,000 $454,840 $4,480,000 $259,840 $195,000 $454,840 2024 -2025 $4 $248 $205 $453,530 $4,285,000 $248,530 $205,000 $4 53,530 2025 -2026 $4 $236 $220 $456,640 $4,080,000 $236 $220, 000 $456,640 2026-202 $3,860,000 $223,880 $230,000 $453,880 $3,860,000 $223 $230,000 $453,880 2027-2028 $3, 630, WO $210 $ 245, 000 $455,540 $3,63QOOO $210 $2 45, 000 $455, 540 2028-2029 $3,395,000 $196,330 $260,000 $456,330 $3,385,000 $196 $260,000 $456p330 2029-2030 $3,125,000 $181 $275 $456, 250 $3,125 $181,250 $275,000 45 6, 2 50 2030-2031 $2,850,000 $165,300 $290, $455, 800 $2,850 $165,300 $290, $455 �.l.i CL 0 000 v TIERRAWEST A D V I S O R S