Agenda Packet 2000-05-15 SP
AGENDA ~ 8J~nde
Michael A. Lady Mayor Rick TerBorch Interim City Manager
Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tem Timothy J. Carmel City Attomey
Thomas A. Runels Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services
Steve Tolley Council Member
Jim Dickens Council Member
MONDAY, MAY 15, 2000
6:00 P.M.
Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers
215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande
1. CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M.
Members of the public wishing to address the Council on any item
described in this Notice may do so when recognized by the Presiding
The City Council is requested to provide direction to staff with regard to
the disposition of those General Plan amendment requests dealing with 1)
conversions from Agriculture to other land use designations; and 2)
annexations; which are not currently reflected in the Draft General Plan
Land Use Element.
6. ADJOURNMENT to Regular City Council Meeting of Tuesday, May 23,
2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 215 East Branch Street.
DATE: MAY 15, 2000
It is recommended the City Council:
Provide direction to staff with regard to the disposition of those General Plan
amendment requests not currently reflected in the Draft General Plan Land Use
Element dealing with 1 ) conversions from Agriculture to other land use
designations; and 2) annexations.
On February 22, 2000 staff was directed by the City Council to distribute the
Draft Land Use Element and the Draft Agriculture/Open Space/Conservation
Element for a 60-day public review period, which would include two workshops.
Staff was also directed to prepare and circulate a Notice of Preparation for the
Environmental Impact Report and set March 28, 2000, as the date for the City
Council to discuss General Plan Amendment requests that are not annexations
or conversions from agriculture and, which are not currently reflected in the Draft
General Plan Land Use Element.
On March 28, 2000 the City Council directed that the April 6, 2000 workshop with
the Planning Commission and Traffic Commission be used to determine the
focus for the Circulation Element of the General Plan Update.
At their April 11, 2000 meeting the City Council set May 15, 2000 as t~e date for
a meeting to discuss the disposition of the General Plan Amendment requests.
which are annexations or conversions from Agriculture to a more intense use and
which are not currently reflected in the Draft General Plan Land Use Element.
The City Council also directed that the requests to be considered at this meeting
should be grouped in such a way that, if sufficient time is not available to address
-- - ---~-------
the disposition of all the requests, a second meeting could be scheduled.
Consistent with this direction, and to conveniently and in an organized fashion
address the remaining requests, they have been separated into two (2) groups.
The first group consists of those requests for conversion from Agriculture to a
more intense use. The second group includes ahnexation requests.
Reauests before the Council changing Agriculture to Residential
APN No. 07-761-020, and 07-761-021. (#6 ON MAP) (Bean and Stava) The
'property is located at 1167 and 1212 Flora Road. The request is that the
designation of two (2) parcels of 5.0 and 5.08 acres respectively, be changed
from Agriculture to Residential use.
APN NO. 06-341-018. (#7 ON MAP) (Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter
Day Saints) The property is located on Fair Oaks Blvd. The request is that 4
acres of a parcel of 13.15 acres designated Agriculture be changed to Public
Facility to allow construction of a new church with the remaining 9+ acres to
remain as Agriculture.
APN NO. 07-761-032. (#10 ON MAP) (Hughes and Jones) The property is
located at 1189 Flora Road. The request is that 9.99 acres be changed from
Agriculture to Single Family Residential.
APN NO. 07-791-022. (#11 ON MAP) (Vander Veen) The property is located
at 1273 Branch Mill Road. The request is that 5 acres be changed from
Agriculture to Residential.
Requests before the Council for Annexation
APN NO. 75-011-041, and 75-011-042. (#1 ON MAP) (Ellsworth) The property
is located on Halcyon Road adjacent to the City limits. Parcel 75-011-041 is 1.7
acres and currently designated Residential Multi-Family. Parcel 75-011-042 is
20.3 acres and is currently designated Agriculture. The request is for both
parcels to be annexed into the City and the designation changed on the second
parcel from Agriculture to Residential.
APN NO. 75-021-040. (#2 ON MAP) (Saint John's Lutheran Church) The'
property is 5.22 acres and is located at 959 Valley Road. The request is to
change the designation to Single Family Residential and annex into the City.
APN NO. 75-001-045 AND 75-001-046. (#4 ON MAP) (Hollywood) The
property is 27.7 acres and is located at 770 Valley Road. The request is for
annexation of the 27.7 acres into the City.
APN NO. 47-301-001. (#3 ON MAP) (Williams and Yon Achen) The request is
for the annexation of 200 acres located south of Arroyo Grande on the east side
-~- --~- -----".- - -~_....
of Highway 101, adjacent to the Frederick's property. The current designation is
Agriculture and the request is to change this to Business Park/Light Industrial.
The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration:
- Approve staff's recommendations;
- Do not approve staff's recommendations;
- Modify staff's recommendations as appropriate and approve;
- Provide direction to staff.
1) Copies of original General Plan Amendment request letters
2) Response letters to General Plan Amendment requests
3) City Council Staff Report from October 16, 1997
4) Map of General Plan Amendment requests
a ,
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! a.' ., . A TT ACHMENT 1
. .
City of Arroyo Grande
Community Development Department Qommunlty DeYelopment Dept.
P. O. Box 550 DEC' 3 1997
Arroyo Grande, CA' 93421
Dear Community Development Department, .
We understand the City of Arroyo Grande is beginning a
General Plan update to look at zoning and rezoning of
property. Please consider our two five acre parcels at 1167
Flora Road and 1212 Flora Road for rezoning in the Master
Plan. We are currently zoned Agricultural, and five acre
parcels are too small to farm. The few crops we have tried
to grow have not been agriculturally viable. The highest and
best use" of this land would be Residential zoning. We'
currently adjoin a. residential neighborhood in the
Greenwood Manor. All city utilities and services are
provided at the edge of our property. Please give our
rezoning to Residential a high consideration. Please keep
us updated and notified of any meeting that take place
pertinent to the General Plan update. Thank you.
James and Evelyn Stava
1167 Flora Road
Arroyo. 'Grande, CA 93420
H.E. and Sarah E. Been
1212 Flora Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
--'--_.---------~"_._~--"---"- -~~._-----_._,
. 'ED A
. "
ASSOCIATES City of Arroyo Grande
Community Development Dept.
APR 2 0 1998
April 1-7;1998
Ms. Helen Elder
Community Development Department
City of Arroyo Grande
PO Box 550
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
RE: General Plan Update; Request for Land Use Change for APN 006-341..018
Dear Ms. Elder:
The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints (LDS) requests that the City of
Arroyo Grande consider General Plan changes that would allow them to build a
church on their property on Fair Oaks Avenue (see map, Exhibit A). The property
is currently zoned General Agriculture (AG) and churches are not listed as an
allowable use on AG parcels.
The LDS church requests that the City consider three ways to allow a new facility
to be built on their land:
1. Pennit churches in the AG land use category, or
2. Rezone the property to Public Facilities (PF)
3. Rezone part of the property to Public Facilities (PF) and the balance of
the property to Residential (SF).
A discussion of these approaches follows.
1. Permit Churches in AG zoning. The City's Development Code currently
allows Public/Quasi-Public Uses in the AG category, subject to plot plan review.
Churches are listed in the city's Development Code as a Public/Quasi-Public use.
Listing churches as a pennitted use subject to Plot Plan Review (PP) would be
consistent with the Development Code.
We recommend the following modification of the Development Code, Chapter 9-
05 (page 136). Our proposed new language is underlined.
E. PubliclQuasi-Public Uses
1. Public utility and public service substations, reservoirs. pumping plants,
aAEI similar installations not including public utility offices, and churches.
2. Rezone the Property to Public Facilities. Alternatively, we request rezoning
the subject property to Public Facilities (PF). This classification would be
1320 NIPOMO ST. · SAN LUIS OBISPO. CA 93401 · 805-549-8658 · FAX 805-549-8704
744 OAK ST. · PASO ROBLES. CA 93446 · 305-237-1033 · FAX 805-237-3797
, "
, Ii .
appropriate for an infill property such as this one, which has public services in
Fair Oaks Avenue and compatible neighboring uses. Land uses to the west are
Arroyo Grande Community Hospital and residential development. To the east,
across Fair Oaks Avenue, are a mortuary, St. Patrick's church and the
Lighthouse Christian School. This proposed change is shown on the attached
portion of the city's Zoning Map.
3. Rezone the Property to allow Public Facilities and Residential
Rezoning about one third of the subject property to PF would provide sufficient
area for a church building and parking lot. Given the neighboring land uses and
available public services, we request that the City also consider Single Family
Residential (SFR) zoning about two thirds of the property. This proposed change
is shown on the attached portion of the city's Zoning Map with approximate
boundaries for the two land use classifications.
We appreciate your consideration of this request by The Church of Jesus Christ
Latter Day Saints. If you have any questions, please call me.
Jeffrey P. Wagner
Senior Engineer
cc: Fred Scott
1320 NIPOMO ST. · SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 · 805-549-8658 · FAX 805-549-8704
744 OAK ST. · PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 · 805-237-1033 · FAX 805-237-3797
-. ~-"._.--_.
, .
8/5/97 City of A-:royo Grande
~" Community Development Dept.
\ AUG 0 5 1997
TO: Arroyo Grande City Planning Dept.
..... .,; ..
RE: Property Development at 1189 Flora Road, Arroyo Grande.
We ask that yoU re-zone the property at the above address for residential development.
We would like to split it into 6,000 square foot lots.
This is the. perfect location fora subdivision of higher quality homes. It is already within
the city limits, it is adjacent to Strother Park, it allows easy access to the freeway and the
downtown area, but would not increase the traffic through downtown. This subdivision
would generate a great deal of new revenue for the city because it is already in the city
limits, and the homes we plan to build would be of higher quality. Also, it is an
exceptionally good location: easy access to the park, less thaQ. 2 miles to the 101 freeway,
and the closest shopping area is the old town area.
We are very eager to work with your staff and are very interested in any comments or
suggestions. We will need your help to accomplish this goal. .
While considering the new general plan, please grant our request to re-zone our property.
Sincerely, ~
~. {b.y
Alton and Linda Jones
1189 Flora Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
(805) 481-2010
Pearlie HugheS ,
555 Pearlie Lane
, , Nipomo, CA 93444
, , (805) 929-5934
, ..
J, ,~ .
. ....." 473 HAZEL LANE
NIPOMO, CA 93444
Telephone: (Bt6) 929-4156 Pager: (8a5) 547-7aa7
. City of A:TO~/::' Gr::mde
Community Develop~ent Dept.
September 10, 1997 SEP 1 6 1991
Community Development Director
P.O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
Dear Doreen:
It is my understanding that the City of Arroyo Grande is bepnmg a General Plan update
to consider rezoning of properties. Please consider a five acre parcel on Branch Mill Road
. adjacent .to the Greenwood Manor (APN #007-761-022, Lot -3, TraCt No. 600) for
." rezoiring in the General Plan.
This five acre parcel is CUITently zoned Agricultural, and has proven to be too small t.o
farm and not agriculturally viable. The land has not been farmed for over 10 years. Since
the lot CUITently adjoins a residential neighborhood in Greenwood Manor, rezoning of this
parcel to Residential would provide for the highest and best use 'of the property. All city
utilities and services are CUITently provided at the edge of this property. Please give this
rezoning to Residential your highest consideration.
Please keep me informed of any Community Development Department, Council or
Planning Committee decisions that may affect the above noted property, 8nd notified of
any meetings that take place pertinent to the General Plan update. Thank you for your
consideration of this matter. Please feel tree to contact me if I can provide additional
Bruce R VanderVeen
.GD BRV:ld c:. ~U~
U9 Bridge Street. SuIte B
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
Real Estate Broker & General Contractor (8OS) 481-7071 Fu (8OS) 481-7171
license No. JS7972
City ot Alia
Community Devt
93420 SEP 2
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Saint John's Lutheran Church
~ (E.L.C.A.)
vJ;jJ. ~.. City of Arroyo Granci,:=
...A:. Community Development Dept.
Jim Hamilton, AICP
Director of Community Development OCT 1 9 1998
P.O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
October 15, 1998
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
On behalf of the congregation of Saint John's Lutheran Church we respectfully ask for annexation into the
city of Arroyo Grande. We currently are located on the comer of Valley Rd. and Los Berros Rd. on the
south east comer, on the southerly border of the city. Our parcel # is 075,021,040. We further ask that
this may be considered during the current General Plan Update.
The reasons for this request are many fold:
1. the largest number of our household members are themselves residents of the City of Arroyo Grande.
2. the automatic aid of fire and police service could be upgraded to primary response.
3. future planning dept and building dept interface would be desirable for us
4. possible city sewer and/or water hook ups would greatly enhance our present well and drain field
5. our location as a gateway to the southern arterial entrance into the city
6. even though we do not create a tax base because we are a tax exempt corporation, we bring a spirit of
good will and healthy influence into the city
We thought we were contiguous; however, it has been pointed out to us that the Los Berros creek that
runs just to the north of the Los Berros Rd. is the responsibility of the county, and not the city. Would this
pose a problem or become a barrier to our annexation? Is it possible for the city to take responsibility for
that portion of the creek equal in length to our northern lot line? We would be glad to meet with you to
explore any options to this concern.
We look forward to your response.
Pastor Randy Ouimette
and the Congregation Council
959 Valley Road Arroyo Grande, California 93420 (805) 489-1259 Randy Ouimette Pastor
Walter Hollywood
5516 Halifax Road
Arcadia, CA 91007
January 24, 2000
Kerry McCants
Planning Director
City of AlTOYO Grande .
208 E. Branch
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Dear Mr. McCants,
This letter is in response to our telephone conversation last week concerning annexation
of my property on Valley Road. My parcel is '1:7.7 acres (see attached map) and is
surrounded on three sides by the city of Arroyo Grande. The parcel map number is CO AL
85-079 for your reference. I would like to submit this parcel for annexation to the city
of Arroyo Grande.
Please advise necessary steps to proceed with this possible annexation. Thank you for your
Since}': ~
FAX 626-448-3310
You may cootatct my daughter, Ma1y Lou Johnson
2275 Flora Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
544-5278, FAX 544-7841 for more information.
JAN 3 1 2000
- ~-----~-- ~---------- -~-~
March 29, 1999
Mr. Robert Hunt, City Manager
City of Arroyo Grande
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
Subject: Letter of Intent - Request for Annexation (See attachment)
Dear Mr. Hunt:
The Williams family wishes to have their property annexed to the City. The
property adjoins the Fredericks' land and approximates 200 acres in size. It is a
superb "high view" area with outstanding potential land-use applications for
Arroyo Grande: commercial frontage on USI0l; a business park equidistant from
San Luis and Santa Maria with potential semi-industrial uses away from the -
Village. And it has water!
Accordingly, this letter serves as a formal "Letter of Intent" for annexation. We
believe the annexation of our property will meet the requirements for City
Boundary Expansion outlined in section 10.1 a., Implementation Actions, stated in
the present General Plan.
It is our understanding the City is finalizing its General Plan Update. As a part of
this consideration, the City will make a determination whether to annex lands to
accommodate plans for "Managed Growth - South and East ofUSI0!" in response
to the recently completed Citizen's General Plan Survey. Please consider our
property along with the Fredericks as a part of the Council's determination on
annexation. We believe there are many advantages for the City in doing this.
The effort and fees required to implement an annexation plan are burdensome and
expensive. We request that the Council consider this Let~er of Intent and make a
decision whether it would be to the City's interest to annex our property, subjecting
it to the City's "sphere of influence" before we formally proceed with the LAFCO
application and the hiring of consultants to aid us in the planning task. A positive
decision by the Council would allow us to proceed knowing we would have the
City's preliminary agreement and support.
We would greatly appreciate an early response to this letter so that we may proceed
with our part in organizing for the annexation effort.
~l;= ,
pc:{ W~
;1 Z .8 LIlt 62 HVH 66
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Mary Von Aclaen Pat Williams
:;C::\"d~ D.A.OtJdV .:10 A1IJ
'j'~ .0/
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ........ \-.;J, ."07-ii7'9_
FAX: (185) 473-1315
E-MaD: -acfty@..-roJOll'Ude.orl
May 5, 2000
H.E. and Sarah E. Been
1212 Flora Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
RE: General Plan Amendment Request
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Been:
On March 1 7, 2000 a letter was sent to inform you of the status of your
General Plan Amendment request to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
properties located at 1167 and 1212 Flora Rd., APN Nos. 07-761-020 and
07'-761 -021.
As the letter stated, your request that the General Plan designation for these
properties to be changed from Agricultural to Resid~ntial use is directly
contradictory to the proposed Land Use Policy and was not reflected in the
current version of the Draft General Plan Land Use Element.
The City Council will hold a. workshop on May '5th at 6:00 p:m. to discuss
the disposition of all General Plan Amendments requests, not already
included in the Draft Land Use Element, that involve a chang,e from.
Agricultural to a more intense use, and if time permits, those that- involve
annexations .. Your General Plan Amendment request may be discussed at
this. workshop.' If there is not enough time for all the. requests to be
reviewed, a second workshop will be scheduled to discuss the. annexation
A copy of the Draft General Plan text and Land Use Policy Map are available
on the City's web site or in hardcopy from the Community Development
Department. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at
(805) 473-5420.
Kerry . . cCants
Community Development Director
C: Envicom Corporation
City. Council
~Uy 0/
~ &~ P.O. Box 550
214 East Branch Street
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phone: (805) 473-5420
FAX: (805) 473-8_
May 5, 2000
James and Evelyn Stava
11 67 Flora Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
RE: General Plan Amendment Request
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stava:
On March 1 7, 2000 a letter was sent to you to inform you of the status of
. .
your General Plan Amendment request to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
properties located at 1167 and 1212 Flora Rd., APN Nos. 07-761-020 and
As the letter stated, your request that the General Plan designation for
these properties to be changed from Agricultural to Residential use is
directly contradictory to the proposed Land Use Policy and was not
reflected in the current version of the Draft General Plan Land Use Element.
The City Council will hold a workshop on May 15th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss
the disposition of all General Plan Amendments requests, not already
included in the Draft Land Use Element, that involve a change from
Agricultural to a more intense use, and if time permits, those that involve
annexations. Your General Plan Amendment request may be discussed at
this workshop; If there is not enough time for all the requests to be
reviewed, a second workshop will be scheduled to discuss the annexation
. ..
A copy of the Draft General Plan text and Land Use Policy Map are
available on the City's web site or in hardcopy from the Community
Development Department. If you have any questions or comments please
contact us at (805) 473-5420.
Kerry L. McCants
Community Development Director
C: Envicom Corporation
City Council
. '~e?y cf
~ fff~ P.O. Box 550
214 East Branch Street
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phone: (105) 473-5420
FAX: (80S) 473-0_
E-Mail: agcity@arroy.ande.orl
May 5, 2000
Jeff Wagner
1 320 Nipomo .St
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
RE: General Plan Amendment Request
Dear Mr. Wagner:
On March 1 7, 2000 a letter was sent to you to inform you of the status of
your General Plan Amendment request to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
property located at Fair Oaks Ave, APN No. 06-341-018.
As the letter stated, your request that the General Plan designation for this
property to be changed from Agricultural to Residential use is directly
contradictory to the proposed Land Use Policy and was not reflected in the
current version of the Draft General Plan Land Use Element.
The City Council will hold a workshop on May 15th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss
the disposition of all General Plan Amendments requests, not already
included in the Draft Land Use Element, that involve a change from
Agricultural to a more intense use, and if time permits, those that involve
annexations. Your General Plan Amendment request may be discussed at
this workshop. If there is not enough time for all the requests to be
reviewed, a second workshop will be scheduled to discuss the annexation
. \.
A copy of the Draft General Plan text and Land Use Policy Map are
available on the City's web site or in hardcopy from the Community
Development Department. If you have any questions or comments please
contact us at (805) 473-5420.
Community Development Director
C: Envicom Corporation
City Council
4 ~Uy 0/
~ ~~ P.O. Box 550
214 Eau Broda Street
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
FAX: (80S) 473-8_
May 5, 2000
Pearlie Hughes
555 Pearlie Ln
Nipomo, CA 93444
.RE: General Plan Amendment Request
Dear Ms. Hughes:
On March 1 7, 2000 a letter was sent to you to inform you of the status of
your General Plan Amendment request to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
property located at 1189 Flora Rd, APN No. 07-761-032.
As the letter stated, your request that the General Plan designation for this
property to be changed. from Agricultural to Residential use is directly
contradictory to the proposed Land Use Policy and was not reflected in the
current version of the Draft General Plan Land Use Element.
The City Council will hold a workshop on May 15th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss
the disposition of all General Plan Amendments requests, not already
included in the Draft Land Use Element, that involve a change from
Agricultural to a more intense use, and if time permits, those that involve
annexations. Your General Plan Amendment request may be discussed at
this workshop. If there is not enough time for all the requests to be
reviewed, a second workshop will be scheduled to discuss the annexation
.. ..
A copy of the Draft General Plan text and land Use Policy Map are available
on the City's web site or in hardcopy from the Community Development
Department. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at
(805) 473-5420.
~~~s -'
Community Development Director
C: Envicom Corporation
City Council
· cw~ 0/
~ ~~ P.O. BoxSSO
214 East Branch Street
Arroyo Grande, CA '3421
CO~YDEVELOPMENT Phone: (105) 473-5428
FAX: (105) 473-0_
E-Man: aacity@arroy.ande.orl
May 5, 2000
Alton and Linda Jones
1189 Flora Rd
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
RE: General Plan Amendment Request
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones:
On March 1 7, 2000 a letter was sent to you to inform you of the status of
your General Plan Amendment request to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
property located at 1189 Flora Rd, APN No. 07-761-032.
As the letter stated, your request that the General Plan designation for this
property to be changed from Agricultural to Residential use is directly
contradictory to the proposed Land Use Policy and was not reflected in the
current version of the Draft General Plan Land Use Element.
The City Council will hold a workshop on May 15th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss
the disposition of all General Plan Amendments requests, not already
included in the Draft Land Use Element, that involve a change from
Agricultural to a more intense use, and if time permits, those that involve
annexations. Your General Plan Amendment request may be discussed at
this workshop. If there is not enough time for all the requests to be
reviewed, a second workshop will be scheduled to discuss the annexation
- -----~---- ----.--~----~--,-----,-,-~
. .
A copy of the Draft General Plan text and Land Use Policy Map are available
on the City's web site or in hardcopy from the Community Development
Department. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at
(805) 473-5420.
Community Development Director
C: Envicom Corporation
City Council
. .~~ 0/
~ ~~ P.O. Box SSG
214 East Branch S.treet
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
FAX: (80S) 473-0_
~-MaiI: ..dty@arroyovande.orl
May 5, 2000
Bruce Vander Veen
. 1273 Branch Mill Rd
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
RE: General Plan Amendment Request
Dear Mr. Vander Veen:
On March 1 7, 2000 a letter was sent to you to inform you of the status of
your General Plan Amendment request to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
property located at 1273 Branch Mill Rd, APN No. 07-761-022.
As the letter stated, your request that the Genera' Plan designation for this
property to be changed from Agricultural to Residential use is directly
contradictory to the proposed Land Use Policy and was not reflected in the
current version of the Draft General Plan Land Use Element.
The City Council will hold a workshop on May 15th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss
the disposition of all General Plan Amendments requests, not already
included in the Draft Land Use Element, that involve a change from
Agricultural to a more intense use, and if time permits, those that involve
annexations. Your General Plan Amendment request may be discussed at
this workshop. If there is not enough time for all the requests to be
reviewed, a second workshop will be scheduled to discuss the annexation
"J .
A copy of the Draft General Plan text and Land Use Policy Map are
available on the City's web site or in hardcopy from the Community
Development Department. If you have any questions or comments please
contact us at (805) 473-5420.
~~~ ----
Kerr . cCants
Community Development Director
C: Envicom Corporation
City Council
.~ 8f~ P.O. Box SSG
214.East BnacIa Street
Arroyo Grode, CA 93421
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phone: (115) 473-5428
FAX: (185) 4~
E-MaD: .'ty@arroJOll"Ude.ora
May 5 ~ 2000
Coker Ellsworth
129 Bridge 5t, Suite B
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
RE: General Plan Amendment Request
Dear Mr. Ellsworth:
On March 17, 2000 a. letter was sent to you to inform you of the status of
your General Plan Amendment request to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
properties located. at Halcyon Rd, APN Nos. 75-011-041 and 75-011,.042.
As the letter stated, your request that the General Plan designation for these .
properties to be annexed to: the City is directly contradictory to the proposed
Land U~e Policy and was not reflected in the current version of the' Draft
General Plan Land Use Element.
The' City Council will hold a workshop on May 15th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss
the disposition of all General Plan Amendments requests, not already
included in the Draft Land Use Element, that involve a change from
Agricultural to a more intense use, and if time permits, those that involve
annexations. Your General Plan Amendment request may be' discussed at
this workshop. If there is not enough time for all the. requests. to be
reviewed, a second workshop will be scheduled to discuss the annexation
. .
A copy of the Draft General Plan text and Land Use Policy Map are available
on the City's web site or in hardcopy from the Community Development
Department. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at
(805) 473-5420.
. Kerrt McCants -..-
Community Development Director
C: Envicom Corporation
City Council"
. "~~ 0/
~ ~~ P.O. Box 551
214 East Bruch Street
Arroyo Grode, CA 93421
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phoae: (185) 473-5420
FAX: (185) 473-03U
May 5, 2000
St. John's Lutheran Church
956 Valley Rd
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
RE: General Plan Amendment Request
To Whom It May Concern:
On March 1 7, 2000 a letter was sent to you to inform you of the status of
your General Plan Amendment request to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
property located at 959 Valley Rd, APN No. 75-021-040.
As the letter stated, Your property is not currently located within the City's
designated Sphere of Influence (SOl), nor within a SOl Study Area for
future possible inclusion. Therefore, the property is not shown on the Draft
Land Use Policy Map, although it is within the Area of Environmental
Concern and thereby, within the General Plan Study Area.
The City Council will hold a workshop on May 15th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss
the disposition of all General Plan Amendments requests, not already
included in the Draft Land Use Element, that involve a change from
Agricultural to a more intense use, and if time permits, those that involve
annexations. Your General Plan Amendment request may be discussed at
this workshop. If there' is not enough time for all the requests to be
reviewed, a second workshop will be scheduled to discuss the annexation
~ .' ~
A copy of the Draft General Plan text and Land Use Policy Map are
available on the City's web site or in hardcopy from the Community
Development Department. If you have any questions or comments please
contact us at (805) 473-5420.
Community Development Director
C: Envicom Corporation
City Council
, ~'7 0/
~ .~~ P.o. Box 5SO
214 E.t BnndaStreet
Arroyo G......., CA'3421
Ii' AX: (lIS) 473-t3M
E-Mail: ...ty@.....oy........cq
May 5, 2000
Walter Hollywood
5516 Halifax Rd
Arcadia, CA 91 007
RE: General Plan Amendment Request
. Dear Mr. Hollywood:
On March 1 7, 2000 a letter was sent to you to inform you of the status of
your General Plan Amendment request to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
properties located at 770 Valley Rd, APN Nos. 75-001-045 and 75-001-046.
As the letter stated, your request that the General Plan designation for this
property to be annexed to the City is directly contradictory to the proposed
Land Use Policy and was not reflected in the current version of the Draft
General Plan Land Use Element.
The City Council will hold a workshop on May 15th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss
the disposition of all General Plan Amendments requests, not already
included in the Draft Land Use Element, that involve a change from
Agricultural to a more intense use, and if time permits, those that involve-
annexations. Your General Plan Amendment request may be discussed at.
this workshop. If there is not enough time for all the requests to be
reviewed, a second workshop will be scheduled to discuss the annexation
req uests.
-. ~ ---~------------_._------~--,-,----~,. - .---------------"
. . ..
A copy of the Draft General Plan text and land Use Polic,y Map are available
on the City's web site or in hardcopy from the Community Development
Department. If you have any questions. or comments please contact us at
(805) 473-5420.
Kerry . McCants
Community Development Director
C: Envicom Corporation
City Council
. w~of
~ !ff~ P.O. Box SSG
214 East Bnnch Street
Arroyo Grude, CA 93421
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phone: (885) 473-5420
FAX: (80S) 473-8_
May 5, 2000
Patrick Williams
2420 Brady Ln
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
RE: General Plan Amendment Request
Dear Mr. Williams:
On March 1 7, 2000 a letter was sent to you to inform you of the status of
your General Plan Amendment request to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
property located south of Fredrick's Ranch.
As the letter stated, Your property is not currently located within the City's
designated Sphere of Influence (SOl), nor within a SOl Study Area for
future possible inclusion. Therefore, the property is not shown on the Draft
Land Use Policy Map, although it is within the Area of Environmental
Concern and thereby, within the General Plan Study Area.
The City Council will hold a workshop on May 15th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss
the disposition of all General Plan Amendments requests, not already
included in the Draft Land Use Element, that involve a change from
Agricultural to a more intense use, and if time permits, those that involve
annexations. Your General Plan Amendment request may be discussed at
this workshop; If there is not enough time for all the requests to be
reviewed, a second workshop will be scheduled to discuss the annexation
. ..
A copy of the Draft General Plan text and Land Use Policy Map are
available on the City's web site or in hardcopy from the Community
Development Department. If you have any questions or comments please
contact us at (805) 473-5420.
Community Development Director
C: Envicom Corporation
City Council
, '~e7 0/
~ ~~ P.O. Box SSG
214 East Branch Street
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
FAX: (80S) 473-0_
E-Man: agcity@arroYOlrande.orl
May 5, 2000
Mary VanAchen
2420 Brady Ln
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
RE: General Plan Amendment Request
Dear Ms. VonAchen:
On March 1 7, 2000 a letter was sent to you to inform you of the status of
your General Plan Amendment request to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
property located south of the Frederick's Ranch.
As the letter stated, your property is not currently located within the City's
designated Sphere of Influence (SOl), nor within a 501 Study Area for
future possible inclusion. Therefore, the property is not shown on the Draft
Land Use Policy Map, although it is within the Area of Environmental
Concern and thereby, within the General Plan Study Area.
The City Council will hold a workshop on May 15th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss
the disposition of all General Plan Amendments requests, not already
included in the Draft Land Use Element, that involve a change from
Agricultural to a more intense use, and if time permits, those that involve
annexations. Your General Plan Amendment request may be discussed at
this workshop; If there is not enough time for all the requests to be
reviewed, a second workshop will be scheduled to discuss the annexation
- -.,----.-- --_._---~-----_.-.-----,.".._--~._---
. , .
A copy of the Draft General Plan text and Land Use Policy Map are
available on the City's web site or in hardcopy from the Community
Development Department. If you have any questions or comments please
contact us at (805) 473-5420.
Kerry L. McCants
Community Development Director
C: Envicom Corporation
City Council
DATE: OCTOBER 14, 1997
It is recommended that the Council:
1. Approve a contract in the amount of $286,876 with ENVICOM
CORPORA TION for the General Plan Update with an amended scope of
work and budget to address issues raised in public scoping meetings.
2. Approve a budget appropriation of $119,800 from Fund 23, Traffic
Circulation, and an appropriation of $13,100 from the General Fund.
3. Approve a policy to require all General Plan Amendments received
subsequent to November 14, 1997 be included in the General Plan Update.
The FY 1996/97 budget included an allocation of $77,000 for the General Plan
Update. The FY 1997/98 budget includes an additional $77,000 for the
General Plan Update for a total allocation of $154,000. The revised budget of
$286,876 is $132,876 more than the existing allocation. The additional
funding can be allocated from the Traffic Circulation Fund (Fund 23),
$119,800, and the General Fund, $13,100. Fund 23 is estimated to have a
fund balance of $234,500 by June 30, 1998 after the proposed appropriation.
In the General Fund, revenues are anticipated to exceed expenditures by
$110,700 as of June 30, 1998 (if the $13,100 appropriation is approved).
City Council
General Plan Update
October 14, 1997
Page 2
The General Plan Update budget allocations are as follQws:
1. Existing budget allocations:
FY1996/97 (General Fund) $ 77,000
FY 1997/98 (General Fund) $ 77,000
Subtotal: $1 54,000
2. Additional budget allocations requested:
From General Fund $ 13,100
From Fund 23 $ 119,800
Subtotal: $ 132,900
3. Total cost and total allocations requested: $ 286,900
In July the Council authorized the selection of ENVICOM Corporation to
prepare the General Plan Update and the setting of two public scoping sessions
prior to completion of the scope of work and approval of a contract with
The two scoping sessions were held on Wednesday, September 17, 1997.
The first session was held at 2:00 p.m. and repeated at 7:00 p.m., in
consideration of work and family schedules. The consultant acted as a
facilitator for the comments and suggestions from members of the public. The
afternoon session was attended by 20 persons; the evening by 11 persons.
Attached is the summary of issues discussed at these meetings.
As a follow-up to the public scoping sessions, the Council and Planning
Commission held a joint workshop on October 1 st to review and discuss the
items raised by the public and to consider how the consultant's scope of work
will be affected. The consultant gave an overview of the September 1 J'1'
sessions. The Council and Commission discussed the variety of comments,
with a consensus of both Council and Commission that the General Plan
Update should address all the issues raised, particularly focusing on traffic and
circulation and fiscal and economic implications of changes in land uses.
- ___u
City Council
General Plan Update
October 14, 1997
Page 3
The total budget, including the amended items, is shown by the following
Land Use Element: $ 28,875
Parks & Recreation Element: 14,215
Open space & Conservation Element: 6,610
Traffic and Circulation (amended scope): 59,990
Fiscal and economic analysis (amended scope): 34,880
Environmental Impact Report: 47,210
Development Code Update: 3,880
Public workshops and hearings: 56,820
Travel: 5,400
Project Management: 28,996
Total: $286,876
In addition to the traffic and circulation and fiscal and economic analysis
sections, the other tasks that ,were amended based on the public scoping
sessions are outlined as follows:
Land Use Element: Add school related policies and senior issues - $ 6,700.
Public workshops and hearings: Add $6,250.
Administration: Add additional management - $9,250
The ENVICOM budget, as presented, offers the Council the opportunity to
remove items if it is felt the overall cost is prohibitive. For example, should the
Council direct staff to remove consideration of the Parks and Recreation
Element at this time, there would be a minimum $14,215 savings; plus
concomitant savings in such areas as public workshops and the EIA. Should
the Council decide to remove an item (or items), staff recommends the Council
continue this report for two weeks so that staff and ENVICOM can recalculate
project costs.
If the contract is approved, the first step will be a series of visioning
workshops that will be tentatively scheduled before the holidays - mid
November to early December.
City Council
General Plan Update
October 14, 1997
Page 4
Policv for General Plan Amendments reauests submitted during the uodate of
the General Plan.
Related to the consultant effort on the General Plan Update, it is recommended
the Council approve a policy as follows:
All General Plan Amendment (GPA) requests received subsequent to
November 14, 1997 shall be included with and addressed in the General
Plan Update. For the ten (10) GPA requests submitted since August 1,
1997 (reference attachment), the individuals shall be notified that they
have until November 14, 1997 to submit a GPA application for
processing separate from the General Plan Update. Individuals who
decline to process a separate GPA application will have their requests
submitted to the consultant for consideration of as part of the General
Plan Update.
This policy does not include the processing of the following projects:
1. Fredericks Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, etc. (Arroyo Linda
Crossroads) .
2. Berry Gardens Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment (Kawaoka
property) .
3. James Way Annexation/General Plan Amendment.
These three applications will continue to be processed separately from the
General Plan Update. For consistency, the General Plan Update will reference
these applications and incorporate proposed land uses for purposes of
projecting traffic impacts and other cumulative impacts.
The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration:
1. Approve staff's recommendations.
2. Deny staff's recommendations.
3. Approve the original scope of work and budget of $186,900 ($154,000
General Fund and $36,900 Fund 23).
-- -~-------
City Council
General Plan Update
October 14, 1997
Page 5
4. Revise the scope of work and budget by selecting specific elements for
updating and deferring, to a date uncertain, the balance of items;
continue the item for two weeks for staff to revise project costs.
5. Provide direction to staff.
Staff recommends the Council approve the revised scope of work.
Attachments: Consultant Contract
Amended scope of work and budget dated Oct. 6; 1997
List of property owners requesting General Plan Amendments
and copies of letters
Summary of public comments from scoping meetings held
September 17, 1997.
_-GP;CC., ().'4-87.-5R
c:ff't 'to!:J 0 tg'tandE. P. o. Box 550
214 East Branch Street
Administration Arroyo' Grande.. CA 93421
Phone (805)473-5404
FAX (805) 473~386
On October 14, 1997, the City Councir established a policy to require all
General Plan Amendment requests received after November 14, 1997 to be
included in the General Plan Update. General Plan Amendment requests will
be accepted. and processed separately from the General Plan Update, if they
are submitted to the Community Development Department by 5:00 p.m. on
November 14, 1997~
If you have any questions regarding this issue contact Helen Elder, AIC?, in
the Community Development Department at (80S) 473-5420.
." ,. KbL-u:r L. Hu~
IIJ - J~ - 1;
(805) 473-5420
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DATE: MAY 11, 2000
The attached letter from Edwin S. Dorfman was received in the Community
Development Department on April 27, 2000. We are enclosing the letter in the
May 1 5, 2000 City Council Agenda packet for your consideration.
. .
Homes ~
Coellr. Lie. . 711307
Address: Apri126,2000
285 La CRsta Dr.
Arroyo Grande
Fax: Mr. Kerry L. McCants
805-481.3195 Community Development Director
City of Arroyo Grande
P.O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Re: General Plan Update Workshop - Cherry Avenue Property
Dear Kerry:
This letter is to inform you that lam unable to attend the Special City Council
Workshop on the General Plan Update scheduled for May 15, 2000. I will be
out of the Country on a trip that was planned last October. It is my
understanding from our telephone conversation that you will be dividing up
the General Plan requests for discussion into two meetings. Since I will be
unable to attend the May 15th meeting, I am requesting that you schedule our
request for the second workshop. I will be retuming on Tuesday, May 16,
2000. Please let me know if there are any problems with my request. Thank
Z-r?t' ~r
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c:dwli1 .;:I. !JO'II' . II
Dorfman Homes, Inc.
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COt-::~~::~~.;r-.,::'~\f F..,: ~'/EL(;~~:\/:::'\T DEPT.
-. -.......---....
. 0PA-!t-~
City of Arroyo Grande
Community Development Dept.
Dorfman . APR 2 3 1998
Caner. Lie. . n2301 April 21, 1998
805-181-3244 Mrs. Helen Elder, Acting Community Development Director
Add= City of Arroyo Grande
285 La Crata Dr. POBox 550
Arroyo Gtandc Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Fax: RE: Property South of Cherry A venue an East of the intersection of Cherry
805-181-3195 Avenue and Traffic Way - Presently in agricultural zoning.
Dear Helen:
We would like to formally request that the' City of Arroyo Grande change the
agricultural portion zoning from agricultural to single family' residential
housing as a part of the General Plan Update_ This property is what we call
"infill,. meaning that it is completely surrounded by existing residential and
commercial uses, fronts on a collector street which has all the required
utilities in it and it's present use is really incompatible with ifs surrounding
uses. In reality, it is a urban use property, not presently used for urban
This property has already been approved by the City Council for residential
use during a pre-applicqtion process. As you know, we have met with the
adjoining home owners during the pre-application process for a business
park. I think it would be fair to say that most of neighboring home owners
would prefer residential use over the proposed business park use. This fact
came out during our hearing before the Planning Commission for the
proposed business park. We would now like to proceed with the General
Plan Amendment changing the property use from agricultural to residential.
Thank you.
'& ~~
Edwin S. Dorfman for
Lee Web & Edwin S. Dorfman
_.~ ----- -^
DATE: MAY 12,2000
The attached letters are being distributed for your review subsequent to the
printing of the Council agenda on May 11, 2000 .
-. ---~-.
'-Ir-t I -... ':;'-1i:;J1II:;J r- 1""0;'" ...~....~ ~u~~~ ~~~~~UKIH 805 481 7171 P.01
CQk~r Ellsworth, Int.
Real Estate Broker & General Contractor
129 Bridge Sttect, Suite B
P. O. Box 1238
ArTO)"O GOll1de, CA 93421-1238
Office: (805) 481-7071 PAX: (805) 481-7171
License No. 357972
May 12, 2000
City of Arroyo Grande
Attn: Kerry McCants
FAX 473-0386
Dear Kerry,
I received notice of the May IS,2oo0 general plan IQ.eeting. I will be unable to attend this
meeting as I will out of town the 1 Sth &: 16th at a seminar. I would Jike to request that if a
second meeting is held that my property be discussed then.
J appreciate anything you can do and apolo~ for being unable to attend.
, Coker Ellsworth
--"----- --
;~~ 1 _ 'J " ~ u,.u.:nar ~ \-~~-':c..:."~
Arroyo Grande Community Development Dept.
P.O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
SUBJECT: Comments on Draft: Agriculture, Open Space and Conservation Element
Dear Mr. McCants:
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on your city's draft: Agriculture, Open Space and
Conservation Element.
When Councilman Jim Dickens contacted me on February 22, 2000, my understanding was that he
was primarily requesting my review and comments on the document for consistency with the
Williamson Act or California Land Conservation Act of 1965. Actually, the document does not
contain much infonnation on your city's agricultural preserve program other than specifying that
areas to be designated AglCN will be considered for eligibility and that this designation will be
applied to all agricultural lands having prime farmland soils. San Luis Obispo County's agricultural
preserve program provides that ten acres is the smallest size property consisting of prime fannland
that can qualify; however, the minimum qualification size can be detennined by individual cities and
counties. Santa Barbara County, for example, has a minimum of five acres for coastal prime
fannlands producing high value crops. The minimum size of an agricultural preserve, which may
~onsist of multiple properties, also can be detennined by individual cities and counties with the
finding that the establishment of the preserve which is smaller than 100 acres is necessary due to the
unique characteristics of the agricultural enterprises and that the establishment of the preserve is
consistent with the general plan.
A possible loophole in the Class I and II ratings of prime soils is that by literal definition, a soil is
rated as Class lor II only if it is irrigated; if non-irrigated the same soil, in most cases in the coastal
area of the county, is rated as Class ill. Consequently, if a landowner ceases agricultural use of a
site, the status of the soils rating could change from prime to non-prime and thereby become more
prone to urban development. A possible solution to this problem is to state that land with either an
existing or potential Class I or II rating is prime farmland soil. Another alternative is to refer to
Figures 3A and 3B in the Coordinated Agricultural Support Program (CASP) prepared for the CitY
of Arroyo Grande and California State Coastal Conservancy in 1998 showing lands in Arroyo
Grande and Cienega Valleys meeting the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service definition
COUNl1' GOVERNMENT CENTER . SAN LUIS OBISPO . CALIFORNIA 93408 . (805)781-5600 . 1-800-834-4636
EMAll: i peepl ng@slen et. erg . FAX: (805) 781-1242 . WEBSITE: http://www.slonet.orgivv/ipcoplng
City of Arroyo Grande Page 2
of prime soils. It includes various soils classifications rated as Classes I, II, and ill used to produce
high value irrigated crops.
Nearly all irrigated Class I soils but only some Class II soils in the county have a Storie Index rating
of80 to 100. Most of the irrigated fannland on the southeast side of Arroyo Grande Creek east of
Highway 101 is Class I soil with a Storie Index of80 to 100. This is also the case with most of the
farmland adjacent to the city west of Highway 101. The soils map shows that the majority of
Cienega Valley south of Arroyo Grande has a Class ill soils rating, but yet it is used for multiple
cropping of high value vegetable crops just like the Class I and II soils.
In general, the draft document consists of excellent and succinct policies for the protection of
agriculture and open space lands. The following questions and comments refer to specific policies:
Ag 1-1 :
Has a map already been prepared showing the location of Arroyo Grande's Areas of Environmental
Concern? If so, we would like to obtain a copy.
In the mitigation for loss of prime farmland soil, how is "other suitable location" determined? Does
it include land located either within or outside the city? We fully agree with the aim stated in thelast
sentence of this policy but were wondering how it is to be implemented.
Is the Strategic Action Plan to address areas located outside as well as within the city?
As indicated above, we would appreciate obtaining copies of the maps to be included in the city's
Agriculture, Open Space and Conservation Element.
If you should have any questions or comments, my phone number is (805) 781-5976.
;s::;:::l. a ~
Frank P. Heinsohn
Planner ill
Nicholas A. Alter ""TV RECEIVED
Marcia G. Alter LIt I GF ARROYO GR;l,nDE:
354 Corbett Canyon Road 00 nAY -8 PH 2: S3
Arroyo Grande, CA 94320
(805) 474-8062 Voice
(805) 474-8083 Fax
May 7,2000
Michael A. Lady, Mayor j
Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor Pro Tem
Thomas A. Runels, Council Member
Steve Tolley, Council Mayor
Jim Dickens, Council Member
Dear Mayor and Council:
We understand that the agenda for your May 15,2000 Council meeting will include
action on some proposed conversions of prime fannland in AIroyo Grande. Inasmuch as
we will be out of town and therefore unable to attend the May 15 meeting, we wish to
express our opposition to re-zoning any of the remaining parcels of prime farmland in our
community, however small.
We support the objectives and policy statements laid out in the General Plan Update
having to do with conserving ag land and open space. We applaud the position taken in
the GP Update on "no net loss of prime fannland soils," and look to you to take tl.1e same
finn. stand on the 15th. Anything less would reflect a serious lack of resolve on Council's
part to support our GP Update, and would put the interests of a few ahead of the greater
good and the public will of our community.
We as a community cannot allow the further chipping away of our precious agricultural
resources. We must do all we can to maintain and expand ag land uses, as stated in the
GP Update. Council has a public trust and duty in this regard.
~ fleic ;/il /JIl ~~ 2. aJIv.-
Nicholas A. Alter Marcia G. Alter