Agenda Packet 2000-02-22 CITY COUNCIL ??ity 0/ AGENDA ~ 8J~a/J'uje Michael A. Lady Mayor Rick TerBorch Interim City Manager Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tem Timothy J. Carmel City Attomey Thomas A. Runels Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Steve Tolley Council Member Jim Dickens Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2000 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: 3. FLAG SALUTE: AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 136 RAY COOK, ADJUTANT 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR JAMES WICKSTROM BEREAN BIBLE CHURCH, ARROYO GRANDE 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: S.a. Proclamation - "Spay Dav USA" S.b. Oral Presentation by Paavo Ogren. Financial Consultant to Zone 3. regarding Lopez Dam Bond Issue. Measure C 6. AGENDA REVIEW: . 6A. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA' SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 PAGE 2 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 7.a. Consideration of a Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual; 2) Introduce Ordinance repealing Chapter 4 of Title 2 of the Municipal Code and adding thereto a new Chapter 4; and 3) Continue the item to the next regular meeting to consider adoption of the Ordinance and a Resolution establishing levels of purchasing authority. 7.b. Consideration of an Affordable Housing Reauirements Ordinance (McCANTS) Recommended Action: 1) Find the proposed Ordinance amending Title 9 of the Municipal Code by adding Chapter 19 to establish mandatory affordable housing requirements is consistent with the General Plan; 2) Introduce Ordinance amending Title 9 by adding Chapter 19 to the Municipal Code; and 3) Direct the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Exemption. 8. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS: Persons in the audience may discuss business not scheduled on this agenda regarding any item of interest within the jurisdiction of the Council. The Council will listen to all communication but, in compliance with the Brown Act, will not take any action on items that are not on the agenda. Upon completing your comments: . You may be directed to staff for assistance; . A Council Member may indicate an interest in discussing your issue with you subsequent to the Council meeting; . The Council may direct staff to research the issue and subsequently report back to the Council (generally in the form of a memorandum or staff report); or . No action is required or taken. 9. CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA:. The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 9.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approve the listing of cash disbursements to vendors for the period February 1, 2000 through February 1S, 2000. -'---"-'-~'-- . AGENDA SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 PAGE 3 9. CONSENT AGENDA (continued): 9.b. Minutes of City Council MeetinQs of Januarv 25. 2000 and Februarv 8. 2000 (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve minutes as submitted. 9.c. Reauest for Authorization to Close City Streets and Use City Property for the Following Annual Events: Easter in the Villaae; Strawberry Festival; Fourth of July (McCANTS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing closure of City streets and use of City property for annual events. 9.d. Reauest for Authorization to Use City Property for the March of Dimes Walk America on Saturday. May 6.2000 (McCANTS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the use of City property. 9.e. Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Chapters 13 and 18 of Title 9 of the Municipal Code to Allow Portable Signs (MCCANTS) Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance No. 512 C.S. amending Chapters 13 and 18 of Title 9 of the Municipal Code; and direct the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination. . 9.f. Declaration of Surplus Property (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution declaring used vehicles, equipment, and miscellaneous items as surplus and authorize their sale; and authorize the Interim City Manager to sign the auction contract with Bill Phelps Auction Services. 9.g. Budget Amendment Reauest for Emergency Repairs to Sewer Lift Station No.1 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Authorize an appropriation of $7,000 from the Sewer Fund for emergency repairs to Sewer Lift Station NO.1. 9.h. Grand Avenue. Elm Street to Halcyon Road. Proiect No. 60-70-90-98-6. ProQress Payment No.7 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Approve progress payment in the amount of $250,085.19 to Whitaker Contractors. 9.i. ProQram Supplement Agreements for the Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road and Tally Ho Road Reconstruction Proiects (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Program Supplement Agreement No. 256 for the Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road project; 2) Adopt Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Program Supplement Agreement No. 2S7 for the Tally Ho Road project; and 3) Direct the Director of Administrative Services to submit the Program Supplement Agreements and authorizing resolutions to Caltrans. AGENDA SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 PAGE 4 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Level of Service Policy and Traffic Study Guidelines (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Approve policies regarding Level of Service Analysis and Traffic Studies. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Contract ChanQe Order - Grand Avenue Phase II. Elm Street Paving (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Approve a Contract Change Order to Whitaker Contractors in the amount of $106,800 to pave Elm Street from Grand Avenue to Fair Oaks Avenue. 11.b. Draft General Plan Elements (McCANTS) Recommended Action: 1) Direct staff to distribute the Draft Land Use Element and the Draft Agriculture/Open Space/Conservation Element for a 60-day public review period; 2) Direct staff to prepare and circulate a-Notice of Preparation for the Environmental Impact Report as required by CEQA; and 3) Set a date and time for a City Council workshop to consider the disposition of the pending requests for General Plan Amendments which have not been included in the Draft General Plan Elements. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR MICHAEL A. LADY: (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (2) Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (3) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (4) Economic Development Task Force (5) Other --..-.-------.----.-.----- AGENDA SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 PAGE 5 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (continued): (c) COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (3) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER STEVE TOLLEY: (1) Long-Range Planning Committee (2) South County Youth Coalition (3) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORT A) (4) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1 ) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Economic Development Committee/Chamber of Commerce (3) Five Cities Recreational Center Subcommittee (4) Economic Opportunity Commission (5) Other 13. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 14. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondencellnformation for the City Council as presented by the Interim City Manager. 15. ADJOURNMENT ~-~,._..._~-_.- ..._--_.......,,------ AGENDA SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 PAGE 6 * * * * * * * Copies of the staff reports or other written materials relating to each item of business referred to on this agenda are on file with the Director of Administrative Services and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If you have questions regarding any agenda item, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at (80S) 473- 5414. * * * * * * * In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at the number listed above at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to th,e meeting. * * * * * * * Note: This agenda is subject to amendment up to 72 hours prior to the date and time set for the meeting. Please refer to the agenda posted at City Hall for any revisions. or call the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473-5414 for more information. www.arrovoQrande.org ~~._-_.- -_.._--_._..._-~--_..,--~....~------ -- ---'- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - ABBREVIATIONS revised 10/26/99 A Agricultural Preserve JPA Joint Powers Authority AB Assembly Bill LAFCO Local Agency Formation Commission ADA Americans with Disabilities Act LOCC League of Califomia Cities AG General Agriculture LLA Lot Line Adjustment AGMC Arroyo Grande Municipal Code LUE Land Use Element AGPOA Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association MER Lot Merger APN Assessor's Parcel Number MF CondominiumfTownhouse APCB Air Pollution Control Board MFA Apartments APCD Air Pollution Control District MHP Mobile Home Parks ARC Architectural Review Committee. 0 Office Professional ASCE American Society Civil Engineers OCSD Oceano Community Services District ASD Administrative Services Department OSCE Open Space and Conservation Element AWWA American Water Works Association PC Planning Commission BD Building Division PD Police Department CA City Attomey PF Public/Quasi Public CC City Council PPR Plot Plan Review CCC California Conservation Corps PRD Parks & Recreation Department CCCSIF Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Fund PRE-APP Pre-application CD Community Development PSHHC Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corp. CDBG Community Development Block Grant PSP Planned Sign Program CE Circulation Element PUD Planned Unit Development CEC Califomia Energy Commission PW Public Works Department CEOA Califomia Environmental Quality Act RE Residential Estate CIP Capital Improvement Program RFP Request for Proposals CIWMP California Integrated Waste Management Plan RFQ Request for Qualifications CM City Manager's Office RH Hillside Residential CMC Califomia Men's Colony RHNP Regional Housing Needs Plan CMP Congestion Management Plan RR Rural Residential COC Certificate of Compliance RS Suburban Residential CPI, Consumer Price Index RTA Reversion to Acreage CUP Conditional Use Permit RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education SAC Staff Advisory Committee DC Development Code SB Senate Bill CEA Drug Enforcement Administration SCAT South County Area Transit E.C. Election Code SEIU Service Employees Intemational Union EDD Economic Development Department SF Single Family EOU Equivalent Dwelling Unit SLO San Luis Obispo EIR Environmental Impact Report SLOCOG San Luis Obispo Council of Governments EIS Environmental Impact Statement SLOHA San Luis Obispo Housing Authority EVC Economic Vitality Corporation SLONTF San Luis Obispo Narcotics Task Force FAU Federal Aid Urban SLORTA San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority FO Fire Division SLOWRAC San Luis Obispo County Water Resources Advisory FOAA Federal Disaster Assistance Administration Committee FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency SR Senior Housing FrO Financial Services Department SSLOCOWA South San Luis Obispo County Water Association FPPC Fair Political Practices Commission SSLOCSD South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District FTA Federal Transit Administration SRRE Source Reduction & Recycling Element FY Fiscal Year SWRCD State Water Resources Control Board G.C. Government Code TPM Tentative Parcel Map GC General Commercial TT Tentative Tract Map GF General Fund TTAC Transportation Technical Advisory Committee GP General Plan TUP Temporary Use Permit GPA General Plan Amendment UBC Uniform Building Code HCO Califomia Department of Housing and Community UFC Uniform Fire Code Development USA Underground Service Alert HOP Home Occupancy Permit VAR Variance HUD Housing and Urban Development Dept. VC Village Commercial I Industrial and Business Park VSR View Shed Review ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation ZONE 3 San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Zone 3 (Lopez Project) ---..--..-------..-- ---.~----_.~,~---~._-._-_.- '.a. H.",.,..,.,. ,,..,I...,l.,,, HONORING FEBRUARY 29, 2DDD SPAY DAY USA WHEREAS, dogs and cats give companionship to and share home,s of over 50,000,000 individuals in the United States; and WHEREAS, two unaltered cats and their kittens can produce 420,000 more cats in seven years and two unaltered dogs and their puppies can produce 67,000 more dogs in six years; and WHEREAS, humane societies and shelters euthanize 8 to 10 million dogs and cats each year, although many of them are healthy and adoptable, simply because there are not enough good homes; and WHEREAS, the problem of companion animal overpopulation costs the taxpayen of this country millions of dollars annually through animal control. programs aimed at coping with the millions of unwanted dogs and cats; and WHEREAS, spaying and neutering dogs and cats has been shown to drastically reduce dog and cat overpopulation; and WHEREAS, veterinarians, humane societies, and national and local animal protection organizations worked together to ensure the spaying or neutering of more than 110,000 companion animals through IISpay Day USA" in 1 999; and WHEREAS, veterinarians, humane societies, and national and local animal protection organizations have joined together again to advocate the spaying and neutering of companion animals during IISpay Day USA 2000". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Michael A. Lady, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim that February 29, 2000 is designated IISpay Day USA"; and encourage people of Arroyo Grande to observe the month by having their own dogs or cats spayed or neutered or by sponsoring the spaying or neutering of another person's dog or cat. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this 22nd day of February 2000. Miehae) A. Lady, Mayor ,..- 7... CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the following item: CONSIDERATION OF A PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL. APPLICANT: City of Arroyo Grande PROPOSAL: The Council will consider the adoption of a Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual. The Manual establishes formal purchasing guidelines for City Staff in the purchase of goods and services at competitive prices. REPRESENTATIVE: Financial Services Director Any person affected or concerned by the proposal may submit written comments to the Office C?f the City Manager before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal at the time of the hearing. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Financial Services,. Department at 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, or by telephone at (805) 473-5430 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). The proposal will be available for public inspection at the above address. IF YOU CHALLENGE AN ITEM IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELlV.ERED TO THE CITY COUNCIL AT, OR PRIOR TO, THE PUBLIC HEARING. FAILURE OF ANY PERSON TO RECEIVE THE NOTICE SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE GROUNDS FOR ANY COURT TO INVALIDATE THE ACTION OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY FOR WHICH THE NOTICE WAS GIVEN. Date and Time of Hearing: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. Place of Hearing: Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 E. Branch Street ~ Arroyo Grande, California 93420 /j ~ <JtJvia ~ Kelly etm e Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk Publish 1 time, February 11,2000 --- ~---- .----- - MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE~ SUBJECT: DRAFT PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Approve the Purchasing Policies & Procedures Manual dated February 2000; . Introduce for first reading an Ordinance repealing Chapter 4 of Title 2 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and adding thereto a new Chapter 4; and . Continue the public hearing to March 14, 2000 to consider the adoption of the aforementioned Ordinance and a Resolution establishing levels of purchasing authority. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact expected from the establishment of purchasing policies and procedures. DISCUSSION: Over the years purchasing policies and procedures were drafted to remedy particular problems or address new situations. The effect of this piecemeal approach to the establishment of polices and procedures have been varying levels of approval authority for various activities. Often the policies enacted to solve one problem conflicted with the policies established for another problem. For instance, Chapter 4 of Title 2 of the City Municipal Code provided authority for Department Directors to order merchandise or services with a value of $7,500 or less. However, Department Directors are not authorized to approve payments of more than $1,000 per the Accounts Payable Procedures. Therefore, under current policies a Department Director may order $7,500 worth of equipment, but must defer payment authorization to the City Manager. The Financial Services Department has been well aware of the benefits of drafting a comprehensive policies & procedures manual for some time. Of the forty Auditor Findings and Recommendations in the June 30, 1996 audit, thirteen (33% of the total findings) were related to purchasing goods and services and payments for those purchases. However, a great deal of foundation work was needed before a policies draft and the ramifications of --~---- PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL PAGE 2 those policies could be studied. Though access to the computerized encumbrance systems by all City departments still must be completed, much of that foundation work has been completed. The Manual established four levels of authority with each having separate bidding, payment authorization, and purchase orders requirements. The requirements have been detailed in the text portion of the Manual and for ease of understanding, in flow charts. The following is a brief overview of those proposed levels: Authority Levels Approval Authority Bid Requirements $0-$1,500 Department Director or designee No bid requirements $1,501-$5,000 Department Director Document 3 vendor quotes (verbal/phone) $5,001-$10,000 Department Director with solicited Informal bid process, City bids from 3 vendors Manager approval required $10,001 + City Council Approval Written specifications, public Public bid process advertisement, sealed bids, office opening Procedures for professional service agreements have been separated from the purchase of services and supplies. This was done because professional services are unique, are offered by a limited number of firms, and are budgeted based on the service. The proposed levels of authority for professional services is basically the same as that proposed for services and supplies, except that the City Manager would have approval authorization for amounts up to $2S,000 if the service was budaeted in the oriainal adopted budaet. Approval by the City Manager is simply an extension of the approval given by the City Council during the budget process. To illustrate the differences, the purchase of office supplies may be done from any number of office supply stores. However, the annual audit requires a firm with specific skills and is listed separately within the Budget Supporting Documentation. If the original approved adopted budget contains a $20,000 appropriation for the annual audit, it is redundant to again seek the City Council's approval when a specific firm has been selected to conduct the audit. A revised Chapter 4 of Title 2 of the Municipal Code has been structured to eliminate all references to specific dollar amounts. This structure allows the adoption of the dollar limits by resolution rather than by ordinance. By adopting the dollar values through resolution, the authority levels may be either increased or decreased by resolution, depending on current circumstances. For instance, should the economy suffer from several years of increased inflation, and prices for services and supplies increased dramatically, the levels of authority could be changed through the City Council's adoption of a resolution. __.-___n______ _____ PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL PAGE 3 Conversely should the City suffer from severe economic restraints, the levels of authority could be reduced during one City Council meeting rather than the lengthy ordinance approval process. The Manual requires that a purchase order be issued when merchandise is valued at $1,500 or more. Unfortunately, implementation of this portion of the manual will be delayed. The City has purchased and installed the purchase order module of the Eden Financial Management System. This module will enable each department to issue its own purchase orders with citywide consecutive numbers. However, at this time the' Police Department has not been connected to the City network and the Public Works and Recreation Departments has incurred printing problems when using the Eden System. Rather than having some departments issue purchase orders and some not, it is recommended that the implementation of this portion of the Manual be delayed until the computer technician is able to resolve the problems. A full-time computer technician is expected to join the City staff during the coming weeks. Once the computer communication problems have been resolved purchase orders will be required for items costing $1,500 or more. The Purchasing Policies & Procedures Manual is an important addition to the City's documentation of rules, procedures and policies. This Manual is as important as the existing Administrative Policies, Personnel Regulations, Investment Policy, and Customer Service Program. It is user friendly, aids the departments by establishing coordinated dollar limits, and addresses all areas of the purchasing function. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations; - Deny staff recommendations; - Modify staff recommendations and approve; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments 1. Purchasing Policies & Procedures Manual 2. Chapter 4. Purchasing Procedure-Legislative Format ORDINANCE NO. C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REPEALING CHAPTER 4 OF TITLE 2 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING THERETO A NEW CHAPTER 4 WHEREAS, the City finds it serves the interests and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Arroyo Grande to encourage and assist businesses to locate and remain in the City, and thereby preserve and foster the City's economic and social vitality; and WHEREAS, it is in many cases difficult or impossible for businesses located in the City to compete with non-local businesses for City and other contracts. This competitive disadvantage results in many businesses leaving or choosing not to locate in Arroyo Grande, and thus further results in the deterioration of the local tax base and labor force, and in some local persons and families having to leave Arroyo Grande in order to secure work; and WHEREAS, by affording local businesses a preference in the award of City contracts, businesses will be encouraged to locate and remain in the City, and as a result the City's interests and general welfare will be served. NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That Chapter 4 of Title 2 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby repealed and deleted in its entirety and replaced with a new Chapter 4 of Title 2 attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth. SECTION 2: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact than anyone or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 3: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the Proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such ad6pted Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member J and on the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of ,2000. --------- ORDINANCE NO. . PAGE 3 . MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY -_._-~--------------- EXHIBIT A 2-4.01 2-4.02 CHAPTER 4. PURCHASING PROCEDURE Sec. 2-4.01. Reauisitions. (a) Form. Whenever any user department requires the purchase or acquisition of materials, supplies, or services for the proper functioning of such department, it shall order the purchase from among available vendors, subject to budgeted dollar constraints, in either written or verbal form. Upon invoicing from the vendor, the user department shall clearly mark the budget account number( s) to be charged upon payment, for the benefit of the Financial Services Department. (b) Authorization. Written invoices shall be signed by the chief officer of the department ordering the materials or services. The chief officer shall be deemed to be the department director, as well as such assistants as he/she may authorize. (c) Petty Cash Purchases. Written requisitions shall not be required for the purchase or acquisition of materials, supplies, or services under the amount established by resolution of the City Council. Such purchases may be made from petty cash or via the normal accounts payable process. The department director shall approve and initial all invoices for purchases under the amount established by resolution of the City Council and clearly mark the budget account number to be charged upon payment. (Sec. 1, Ord. 181, as amended by Sec. 4, Ord. 447 C.S., eft. July 23,1992; Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eff. September 14, 1997) Sec. 2-4.02. Purchasina Process. (a) First Level Expenditures. For First Level Expenditures, in an amount established by resolution of the City Council, the user department is not obligated to obtain bids nor to issue a written purchase order. (b) Second Level Expenditures. For Second Level Expenditures, in an amount established by resolution of the City Council, the user department shall first solicit at least three (3) informal bids, diligently attempting in good faith to obtain the best value for the City. The user department director or his/her authorized assistant shall record all informal bids. The user department shall prepare a written purchase order for all Second Level Expenditures. The original purchase order shall be forwarded to the designated vendor, and the second copy shall be filed with the user department until delivery or acceptance of the purchase. ~-_.__..- (c) Third Level Expenditures. For Third Level Expenditures in an amount established by resolution of the City Council, unless otherwise ordered by the City Manager, the user department shall first solicit at least three (3) written competitive bids, diligently attempting in good faith to obtain the best value for the City. All written bids shall be retained by the user department director or hislher authorized assistant. For purchases greater than First Level, the user department shall prepare a written purchase order. The original purchase order shall be forwarded to the designated vendor, and the second copy shall be filed with the user department until delivery or acceptance of the purchase. (d) Fourth Level Expenditures. For Fourth Level purchases, in an amount established by resolution of the City Council, only the formal bid process shall be permitted. The completed purchase order, with bids or bid summaries attached, shall be forwarded to the user department director for hislher approval and signature on all copies. The original purchase order shall be forwarded to the designated vendor, and the second copy shall be filed with the user department until delivery or acceptance of the purchase. (e) Expenditures Involvino Public Proiects. Expenditures involving public projects shall be made in compliance with the State laws applicable thereto. (f) Open Purchase Orders. (1) Defined. "Open purchase order" shall mean a purchase where the acquisition is not made all at one time; it shall be a continuing order providing continuing authority to purchase from vendors who furnish monthly supplies or services in such volume as to justify the issuance of an open order. All open purchase orders shall state a maximum amount of expenditures. (2) Use. Upon the user department's written request therefor, an open purchase order may be prepared and issued. The original copy, after approval and signature, shall be forwarded to the vendor. The second copy shall be retained by the user department. When an open purchase order is utilized, expenditures shall be reported by the use of requisitions. Such requisitions shall be signed by the department director or his/her duly authorized assistant. Such requisitions against an open purchase order shall be filed immediately by the user department before each and every purchase. (g) Guidelines for Evaluatino Bids. Except as otherwise required by law, guidelines for evaluating bids shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1 ) The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the bidder (this may include an analysis of previous work performed for the City); (2) The ability of the bidder to perform the contract, or provide the materials, ------~--_._- __m__,,__,_m"'__~ supplies, or services required, within the time specified, without delay or interference; (3) The ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance, repair parts, and replacement of purchased materials or supplies; (4) Compliance by the bidder with federal acts, executive orders, and state statutes governing nondiscrimination in employment; (S) The results of any evaluation relating performance and price, such as testing, life cycle costing, and analysis of service, maintenance, and technical data; (6) Fitness and quality being equal, a preference may be granted to local vendors for the purchase of materials, supplies, and services. The City may provide a preference to each qualified local vendor if the bid of a local qualified vendor does not exceed the lowest bid or price quoted by other vendors by more than five percent (5%). Application of the five percent (S%) preference in the award of the contract shall mean the amount by which the local vendor bid or estimate shall be deemed reduced in the City's bid award or selection process and shall not actually reduce the amount ultimately paid by the City to the successful bidder. To qualify as a local vendor, a business must have all current applicable City licenses and permits, must maintain its primary office, distribution point, or place of business within the City of Arroyo Grande and must report and pay sales tax to the State of California that identifies the point of sale for taxable transactions as a location within the City limits. (Sec. 1, Ord. 188, as amended by Sec. 4, Ord. 447 C.S., eff. July 23,1992; Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eff. September 14, 1997) Sec. 2-4.03. Third Level Purchase Orders: Approval by City Manaaer. Department directors and all other City employees shall not be authorized to sign, issue, or deliver any purchase order, or accept any delivery of goods or services of Third Level value, until such time as the City Manager has authorized same in writing. Any such purchase orders or acceptance of goods or services of Third Level value without the prior written approval of the City Manager shall be a nullity. (Sec. 3, Ord. 181, as amended by Sec. 4, Ord. 447 C.S., eff. July 23,1992; Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eff. September 14, 1997) Sec. 2-4.04. Purchase Orders For Four Level Purchases: Accroval bv Council. The City Manager and department directors shall not be authorized to sign, issue, or deliver any purchase order, or accept any delivery of goods or services, of Fourth Level value until such time as the Council first shall have authorized the same. Any purchase orders or acceptance of goods or services in excess of Fourth Level value without the prior approval of the Council shall be a nullity. --- (Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eff. September 14,1997) Sec. 2-4.05. Professional Services Contracts. The City Manager and department directors shall not be authorized to sign, issue, or deliver any purchase order, or accept any professional services contract, in excess of amount established by resolution of the City Council, until such time as the Council first shall have authorized same. The issuance of any purchase orders or acceptance of a contract in excess of amount established by resolution of the City Council without the prior approval of the Council shall be a nullity. Professional services contracts of less than the amount established by resolution of the City Council and budgeted in the original approved annual budget, may be approved by the City Manager. Sec. 2-4.06. Use of Procedures Not Reauired. The procedures and provisions set forth in Sedion 2-4.02 of this chapter may be dispensed with, at the discretion and judgment of the City Manager if deemed to be in the best interests of the City, as follows: (a) When an emergency requires that an order be placed with the nearest available source of supply; (b) When the item(s) to be purchased can be obtained from only one vendor or supplier; (c) When the purchase will be made cooperatively with one or more other units of government, or by use of another agency's bid procurement procedure, provided it meets the standards established by this chapter; (d) When reasonably necessary for the preservation or protection of public peace, health, safety, or welfare of persons or property; or (e) When, given the indeterminate nature of the City's need, a request for proposal will result in a more favorable and efficient comparison of materials, supplies, or services ---~-- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING LEVELS OF PURCHASING AUTHORITY WHEREAS, City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California ("City") is duly authorized and existing under the laws of said State; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande purchases goods and services for the operation of City functions; and WHEREAS, it is prudent to establish levels of authority for such purchases of goods and services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, hereby adopts the Levels of Purchasing Authority attached to this Resolution and marked as Exhibit A, and hereby incorporates such Exhibit into this Resolution. The Levels of Purchasing Authority shall become effective May 1, 2000. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2000. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY -' -"--'-"" RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 EXHIBIT A Petty Cash Limit: Under $100 First Level Expenditures: Under $1,500 Second Level Expenditures: Over $1,500 Under $5,000 Third Level Expenditures: Over $S,OOO Under $10,000 Fourth Level Expenditures: Over $10,000 Professional Service Contract Authorization Under $25,000 if Included in Original Adopted Budget --,-~.._-- ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PURCHASING POLICIES & PROCEDURES MANUAL Issued by Financial Services February 2000 ---------... ..- --_._--.----- TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ......................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 1 Legal Basis.............................................................................................................................. 3 General Policies....................................................................................................................... 5 Purchasing & Bidding Flow Chart............. ..................................... ......................... ................ 9 Profession Services Flow Chart.............................................................................................. 10 Purchasing Authority and Responsibilities... ...................................... ........................ ............ 11 Purchase and Payment Authority Table.................................... .... .......................................... 13 Purchase of Goods and Services......... .................................................................................... 15 Request for Proposals............................................................................................................. 17 Formal Bid Process............... ............ ..................................................................................... 23 Competitive Bid Process for Public Projects .......................................................................... 25 Contract Management......... ........ ... ........... . ................. .......... .. ........ . . . . ........................ ........... 32 Other Purchasing Issues and Policies..................................................................................... 35 Requests For Payment............................................................................................ .'..:... ......... 37 Appendix Proposed Ordinance-Purchasing Procedures.................................................. ...... ....... 39 Proposed Chapter 4 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code ........................................ 43 Proposed Levels of Authority Resolution......................................................... ...........47 Resolution 3356-Adopt Uniform Public Works Construction Cost Accounting........... 51 Ordinance 503 C.S.-Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Procedures .........53 Sample Purchase Order............................................................... .........:................. .'.... 57 Sample Telephone Bid Form (Quotation Evaluation Summary).................................. 59 Sample Signature Form............................................................................... ............... 61 Sample "I Form" ........................................................................................................ 63 Sample Contract Payment Form ................................................................................. 65 Sample Travel Authorization and Payment Form........................................................ 67 Index............. ........ .. ......... . ... ......... ................... ............................................. ............. 69 i ---.------ INTRODUCTION This Purchasing Manual has been prepared to translate purchasing information from the Municipal Code into everyday practices and procedures. The establishment of a formal purchasing system provides guidelines for City staff in the purchase of goods and services at competitive prices. The basic purchasing policy is to obtain quality supplies, services, vehicles, and equipment required for proper operation of the City of Arroyo Grande, at the lowest price. It is recognized that the lowest price is not the sole factor in evaluating the cost of purchases. Service, quality, timeliness, and price are all a factor of a satisfactory purchase. The information in this document is presented to ensure that purchases made by City staff comply with State, as well as City, purchasing requirements. This manual does not contain or repeat State requirements, nor is it intended to conflict with or supersede State requirements. In the event of any conflict between the provision of this manual and State law or City ordinance/resolution, the more stringent requirement shall prevail. Because circumstances change, more effective and efficient ways are discovered to accomplish tasks and achieve goals, the information in this document may change. Establishing and documenting policies and procedures is a dynamic process. Changes to City policy, updates, and revisions will be issued from time to time. This document has been developed to readily accommodate additions and deletions. This manual is divided into two sections. The first section describes purchasing policies and procedures while the second section contains applicable exhibits. The purchasing section from the Municipal Code, an index by subject, and examples of City forms are contained in Section 2. 1 ---..------ LEGAL BASIS On August 12, 1997 the Arroyo Grande City Council adopted Ordinance 488 C.S. which replaced Chapter 4 of Title 2 of the City Municipal Code with revised purchasing guidelines. The new Chapter 4 of Title 2 implemented major changes to the City's purchasing policies. Purchasing limits, definitions, and guidelines for evaluating bids were incorporated in the new Chapter 4. This replaced outdated dollar limits, ambiguous purchasing policies and procedures, and outdated language. With the adoption of this manual and the accompanying ordinance, Title 2 of Chapter 4 will be changed once again. The following is a general description of this ordinance (with proposed changes) and other City purchasing ordinances and resolutions currently in place: Proposed Ordinance No. C.S. The revised Chapter 4 of Title 2 of the City Municipal Code contains the following six sections. Section 2-4.01: This section deals with Requisitions, the form, the authorization, and petty cash purchases. Section 2-4.02: The purchasing process and the procedure for purchasing items under Four Levels of expenditures are defined. The dollar value of the four levels is established by resolution of the City Council (shown in parenthesis). At the First Level bids of any nature are not required (under $1,500). Second Level expenditures require three informal bids and/ or City Manager (Under $5,000). Third Level expenditures require three written competitive bids (Under $10,000). Fourth Level expenditures (Over $10,000) must be approved by the City Council and conform to formal bid procedures. All public projects are to be made in compliance with State laws. This section also defines open purchase orders and guidelines for evaluating bids. Sections 2-4.03: Requires City Manager written approval for a purchase order with a value greater than the Third Level (Over $5,000, under $10,000). Sections 2-4.04: City Council approval is required for all purchase orders of the Fourth Level ($10,000). Section 2-4.05: City Council approval is required for all professional services contracts over $25,000. Budgeted Professional Services Contracts of less than $25,000 may be approved by the City Manager. Section 2-4.06: Those occasions when the procedures of this ordinance may be dispensed with is defined. Emergencies, sole source vendors, cooperative purchases with another government agencies, and for the preservation or protection of the public are examples of those unusual circumstances. 3 --~,--_._--------- --~~ LEGAL BASIS (continued) Resolution 3356 _ Adoption of Uniform Public Works Consbuction Cost Account Act (UPCCAA) Under the State of California Public Contact Code, all governmental jurisdictions are limited to the dollar amount of public project work that can be performed using internal resources. Cities are also required to follow various bidding procedures in undertaking public projects. In 1983 the State of California provided alternative bidding procedures for public agencies undertaking public project work, provided the agency subscribed to uniform construction cost accounting policies and procedures. The City elects, through Resolution 3356, to become subject to the Uniform Public Construction Cost Account procedures. Ordinance No. 503 C.S. This ordinance replaces Section 2-4.02(c) of Chapter 4 of Title 2 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. The ordinance establishes the following guidelines. (1) Public projects of $25,000 or less may be performed by City employees or by negotiated contract or purchase order approved by the City Manager. (2) Public projects of $75,000 or less may be let to contract by informal procedures. (3) Public projects of more than $75,000 require formal bidding procedures. 4 GENERAL POLICIES GENERAL: The basic purchasing policy of the City of Arroyo Grande is to obtain supplies, services, vehicles, and equipment needed for the proper operation of its various departments/ divisions at the lowest possible cost. This will be accomplished through the use of quotes and competitive bidding whenever possible (or required). The purchasing functions are decentralized, with each department/ division responsible for compliance with City policies and procedures. The following summary of policies and procedures are defined in detail in this document and in the City's Administrative Policies and Procedures. . No purchase will be approved or undertaken unless an appropriation has been established, through either the adopted annual budget or City Council approval of additional appropriations. . All purchases shall be of the quality deemed necessary to suit the intended purpose, suitable, and beneficial to the City, and in the City's best interest. . The dollar limits for purchases and bids are established by ordinance or resolution. Purchases shall not be split to avoid the required procedures or certain dollar limits. . Competitive quotations will be sought based on established dollar limits. . Approval of purchases of supplies and equipment are made according to the following schedule: $0 - $1,500 Departmental authority with no written bid required. $1,501 - $5,000 Department Director approval is required along with written documentation of an informal competitive evaluation and selection process (at a minimum completion of telephone bid form). $5,001 - $10,000 City Manager approval required with wri tten documentation of a competitive evaluation and selection process. $10,001 + Formal bid process required, i.e. City Council approval for public bid, which includes written specifications, public advertisement, sealed bids, and public bid opening by Deputy City Clerk/ Administrative Services Director. S __'..U.______.. ---.------..------..- GENERAL POLICIES (continued) . The City Manager may approve Professional Service contracts of less than $25,000 when the appropriation for the contract is included in the original approved budget However, when ever possible, Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be issued as a form of solicitation. . Public works construction projects are subject to the dollar limits of the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCA). Where differences exist between City policy and the Act, the more stringent requirements shall prevail. The following are the minimum bid standards required by UPCCAA. $0-$25,000 Projects may be performed by City employees by force account, by negotiated contract, or by purchase order. Formal bids, either oral or written, are not required; however, City procedures require written documentation of a competitive evaluation for services and supplies over $1,500. $25,001-$75,000 Informal bid procedures, either oral or written, are required. $75,001 + Written specifications, public advertisement, sealed bids, and official bid opening are required. . Where possible, the City will consider the use of cooperative purchasing or blanket contracts for goods and services, as such contract may provide savings. . A 5% local preference is given to community vendors when all factors are equal except price. Application of the five percent (5%) shall mean that the local vendor bid shall be deemed (but not actually) reduced by 5% for purposes of the selection process only. . Receipt of goods or services will be verified and approved by the appropriate official prior to payment of invoices. . The emergency purchase of goods is authorized under certain conditions. These purchasing principles will allow the City to spend tax money and public funds in the most prudent fashion. With a formal system of buying goods and services, including a purchase order system, the City clearly specifies what it buys, avoids disputes with vendors, provides a full audit trail of purchases, allows level competition to set prices, controls spending within budget limits, creates a positive tone for relationships with vendors, sets a professional standard of organizational behavior, limits the possibility of waste, creates an organized system of checks and balances, enhances public trust, and give the City the opportunity to save money. 6 GENERAL POLICIES (continued) BUDGET: The annual budget is an essential element of the financial planning, control, and evaluation process of the City. This annual budget is reviewed each fiscal year by the City Council and is designed as the financial blueprint for the City. Upon adoptions, this document serves as the financial operating plan for the City. Upon adoption, the appropriations and estimated revenue amounts are entered into the City's financial system. Monthly reports are issued on the fifteenth (15th) of each month, for the financial transactions of the previous month. These monthly reports are provided to each department/ division to allow the tracking of expenditure activity and revenue earnings. It is the responsibility of the department/ division to maintain budget control of their individual budgets. Ultimate responsibility for the individual budget rests with the Department Director. Grant Funding: Federal, State, or grant programs may require special conditions that are more stringent than City procedures. It is the responsibility of the department accepting the grant to ensure that all grant provisions are c9mplied with. 7 --_._~. --., SUPPLIES AND SERVICES PURCHASING, BIDDING, PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION, & PURCHASE ORDER FLOW CHART Yes Written bid not required P. O. not required Dept. Director (or designee) approval Is amount Provide documentation more than Yes of three informal bids $1,500 and less Dept. Director approval than $5,000 Issue Purchase Order No Is amount Yes Three written bids more than City Manager Approval $5,000 and less than $10,000 Issue Purchase Order No Yes Formal bid process City Council Approval Purchase Order Issued 9 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION, & PURCHASE ORDER FLOW CHART Yes Written quote not required P. O. not required Dept. Director (or designee) approval Is amount Yes Provide documentation more than of three informal quotes $1,500 and less Dept Director approval than $5,000? Issue Purchase Order /es Is amount Yes Three written quotes more than City Manager Approval $5,000 and less Sign Contract than $25,000? Issue Purchase Order No No Is amount Formal bid process more than $25,000 &/ or City Council Approval Unbudgeted Sign Contract Purchase Order Issued 10 ------..----.- PURCHASING AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITIES PURCHASING AUTHORITY: There are three levels of authority for normal purchases: Department/Division Award, City Manager Award, and City Council Award. Generally, authority is established by the dollar amount of the purchase. Except as permitted by the exceptions listed in this manual, a formal purchase order, approved by the Department Director is required for all purchases where any single items exceeds $1,500. For purchases exceeding $1,500, but where no single item exceeds $1;500, a formal purchase order is not required. However, purchase orders may be issued, regardless of amount, when required by the vendor, or when the complexity of the contract demands a formal document for clarity. DEPARTMENT AUTHORITYjRESPONSIBILITY: The department/ division manager may authorize the purchase of supplies, equipment, or services as needed for purchases up to $5,000. When an individual item exceeds $1,500, product requirements will be defined, documentation of the three quotes received, and a purchase order obtained before the item is acquired. For purchases over $5,000 and under $10,000, the department/division will provide detailed specifications to vendors and receive in return three quotes for the supplies or services. The City Manager's approval is required, along with copies of the written documentation before the bid may be accepted and a purchase order issued. It is the responsibility of the acquiring department/ division to: . Prepare standards and specifications. . Maintain lists of supplies and services vendors. . Make purchases in accordance with established policies and procedures. . Verify that an appropriation is available for the purchase. . Anticipate the department/ divisions' needs well in advance, in order to minimize the need for emergency purchases. . Review goods and services received to ensure conformity with purchase order or contract. . When a cost discrepancies or goods/ services dissatisfaction arises, notify the Financial Services Department. No bill should be processed for payment when the goods or serves are unsatisfactory, or there is a price discrepancy ! between the originally quoted price and the bill received. 11 ------~---"-- ".~~ PURCHASING AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY (continued) PROHIBITED PRACTICES: . No City employee shall have a direct or indirect financial interest in any contract or purchase of goods or services entered into by the City, or shall derive any personal benefit from the City's purchase of goods or services. . No City employee shall use the City's purchasing procedures to obtain property for personal use, by misrepresenting to vendors, for the purpose of obtaining price discounts, that the personal purchases are for the City. . No City employee shall draft or cause to be drafted any specifications for bids in such a way as to intentionally limit the bidding directly or indirectly to anyone bidder, except for the sole source procurement. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Purchase orders for chemicals, solvents, cleaners, or other products that may contain any kinds of hazardous material shall include a requirement that the vendor furnish a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) with the shipment. RECYCLING: It is the policy of the City to conserve and protect its natural resources. The maintenance of a quality environment for citizens of the City is an ongoing objective. In light of these statements, it is the policy of the City to encourage the use of recycled goods whenever possible. AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE LIST: The Authorized Signature List certifies those departmental personnel who are authorized to sign departmental purchase orders, receiving reports, invoices, and requests for payment. The list is maintained within the Financial Services Department. The following items relate to this list. . One copy of the list should be retained by Financial Services and one copy by the issuing department. . The list shall be reviewed semi-annually by the department with any changes promptly submitted to Financial Services. . Whenever any changes are made to the list, the signature of the Department Director is required. I I 12 -.-.---.,--... '."-.---'--'- _. _._~_u PURCHASING AUTHORITY TABLE Category Authority Limits for Purchases/Payments Bid Requirements Equipment/Supplies/Trade $0-$1,500 Department Director or No bid requirements Services designee $1,501-$5,000 Department Director Document 3 vendor quotes (verbal/phone) $5,001-$10,000 Department Director with Informal bid process solicited bids from 3 vendors City Manager approval required $10,001 + City Council Approval Written specifications, Public bid process public advertisement, sealed bids, office opening Professional Services Request for Proposal $0-$1,500 Department Director No written quote required Request for Qualifications $1,501 - $5,000 Department Director Informal quotes $5,001 - $25,000 City Manager approval if Written quotes required included in adopted budget $25,000 + City Council Approval RFP, written bids, etc. Public Projects $0-$25,000 City Council approve- work may be performed by City employees, or negotiated contract $25,001-$75,000 City Council approve- informal bids required $75,001 + City Council approve- formal bud process to award contract 13 .-------- PURCHASES OF GOODS AND SERVICES PURCHASES OVER THE $1,500 LIMIT: Simply stated, a Purchase Order is required when someone wants to buy goods or services that cost more than $1,500. There are some exceptions to this basic rule, each of which is discussed, in greater detail in the following sections. . H formal bidding is required, the Purchase Order is prepared after a contract has been executed. . H, due to the nature of the service, no bidding is required, the Purchase Order is prepared after the contract has been executed. At the time of this writing, manual purchase orders are being issued by Financial Services upon request. However, the City is working toward implementing the Eden Purchase Order System that will allow departmental input of purchase order information. It is expected that after departmental input, Financial Services will approve, print purchase orders, and distribute to the originating department on a weekly basis. The returned purchase orders are to be reviewed for accuracy and completeness before copies are distributed to the following: . Forward the white (Vendor) copy to the vendor. . Forward the yellow (Financial Services) copy along with supporting documentation to Accounts Payable. . Retain the pink (Department) copy in the ordering department. BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: Trade services, equipment and supply purchases have the same bidding requirements and levels of approval. Trade services include those activities that do not require a high degree of profession certification, such as gardeners, painters, and printers. When bidding for trade services, equipment, and supplies, the contract is awarded to the lowest bidder. Purchases of technology equipment or supplies, such as computer equipment (hardware and software), must meet standards and receive approval of the Computer Technology Committee. Requirements (to be documented on the bid sheet) . Less than $1,500 No bid required (and no Purchase Order). . $1,501 to $5,000 Three (3) documented quotes (verbal/phone acceptable) . $5,001 to $10,000 Three (3) written quotations. . Above $10,000 Formal bid process (detail later in this section). 15 - PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES (continued) BIDDING EXCEPTIONS: A bid is not required if one of the following conditions is met. 1. The merchandise or service is unique because of its quality, durability, availability, or fitness for a particular use. 2. The merchandise or service is available from only one source. 3. A State or local emergency has been declared and the City Manager determines that critical circumstances require the immediate purchase of the merchandise or service. 4. The merchandise or service is provided by an independent contractor that has contracted with the City to provide labor and materials for other than a Pubic Works project. An example is an office supply contract that is in place for one year with purchases of supplies made periodically based on the contract. 5. The service is to be performed by a professional (discussed below). PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: Professional services are those activities performed by a consultant who posses a high degree of expertise in a particular profession, such as an Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Engineer, and Architect. There is no bidding requirement for this type of service, since the agent is being hired based on his/her qualifications, not lowest bid. Any professional service agreement must have sufficient background analysis to support the contract. A purchase order is to be issued after the contract is signed to facilitate budgetary control. Each agreement must be properly executed and l1eld on file with the Administrative Services Department. The City Manager may approve up to $25,000 of professional services if funds were allocated for such a contract in the original adopted budget City Council approval is required for unbudgeted (and thus unexpected) professional service contract and contracts with a value of more than $25,000. Requirements (to be documented on the bid sheet) . $1,500 through $5,000 Telephone/Verbal quotations. . $5,001 through $25,000 Written quotations. . Above $25,000 Formal bid (RFP) process Verbal quotations, usually obtained by telephone call, are to be described. on the Informal Bid Form. It is important that the specifications are accurate and comprehensive. Thus it may be beneficial to transmit the specifications by fax or mail even when the quotation is received verbally. Written quotations are attached to the Informal Bid Form. Again, it is important that the specifications are accurate and comprehensive. Professional Services of $25,001, or more, must follow the Formal Bid Process discussed beginning on Page 23. I I i 16 . - ---_.__.~-~-~ ~~ REQUEST FOR PROPOSAl/QUALIFICATIONS A Request for Proposal (RFP) or a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is a form of solicitation for a proposal requiring some professional, unique, or technical service or product The RFP or RFQ may be used as a basis for purchasing or entering into a contract when specifications and price will not necessarily be the predominant award criteria. The RFP andj or RFQ may be used to contract for professional services or advice in financial, economic, accounting, legal, engineering, architectural, environmental, land surveying, technical, or administrative matters, and for the acquisition of unique products or equipment in some or all of the following circumstances: 1. The evaluation factors involve technical or professional ability 2. The evaluation involves artistic andj or aesthetic value 3. The price or cost is secondary consideration 4. The advantages of a particular vendor out weight any price differential DEVELOPING THE RFP OR RFQ Because RFP's and RFQ's ask for a subjective product, they should contain the greatest detail possible, including (but not limited to) the following: . A precise description of the problem or objective . The services to be performed . The product to be provided . The anticipated time schedule for; Submittal of RFP jRFQ (date and time) Any pre-proposal conference (date, time, and location) Review and evaluation of the proposals A ward of the contract Commencement of work on the project Completion date . Expectations or limitations on the part of the City, i.e. The format, form, and quantity of any expected reports The extentjnature of assistancejcooperation available from the City . Expected content of the RFP jRFQ, including; The overall description of techniques to be used Listing of similar services provided to other clients Listing of available reference to contact Description and qualifications of assigned lead and supporting personnel Time and staff expected to be expended Facilities and equipment to be used 17 -- ~-- ~-~-- ---- REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS/QUALIFICATIONS (continued) . Expected content of the RFP jRFQ, including (continued); Portion of contract to be performed by sub-contractors Subcontractor j Subconsultan ts qualifications Cost, in summary and total, and desired method of payment . Contractual requirements including, but not limited to: Prohibition against assignment Indemnification Insurance requirements Bonding requirements Warranties Compliance with federal, state, and City laws, rules, and regulations Compliance with any grant related regulations Sample contract RFP/RFQ PROCEDURES The RFP jRFQ for services may, but are not required to, state the amount budgeted for the service. Because unique services are requested, cost is not considered the primary selection criteria. Construction project management service RFP's shall require evidence be provided of experience in construction project design review and evaluation, construction mobilization and supervision, bid evaluation, project scheduling, cost-benefit analysis, claims review and negotiation, and general management and administration of a construction project. To ensure maximum exposure and competition, the responsible department shall prepare a list of potential firms to receive the RFP jRFQ. City staff shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that small business firms, located in San Luis Obispo County, are aware of the RFP jRFQ' s issued. If required or desired, the responsible department will submit the RFP jRFQ notice to be advertised in a local newspaper of general circulation. The notice will be published one or more times beginning at least thirty calendar days prior to the designated closing. Additional advertisements may be placed in a regional newspaper of general circulation; appropriate professional or trade journals; and state or governmental publications designed for public notice. The requesting department shall prepare sufficient copies of the RFP jRFQ to allow distribution to potential respondents of record and responses to the published advertisements. In addition, a list should be maintained of RFP jRFQ' s issued and responses. 18 ~ REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS/QUALIFICATIONS (continued) RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS: Proposals received by 5:00 p.m. of the designated closing day will be opened on the following workday for preliminary review. No information can be distributed to any potential respondents until all responses have been reviewed completely and the contact awarded. A reasonable length of time between solicitation and closing dates must be allowed to provide potential respondents time for preparation in accordance with the complexity, the size of the project, and the scope of advertising. Respondents may modify or withdraw their proposals prior to the established closing date and time, without penalty. However, any modifications submitted after the established closing date and time will not be accepted. Such modifications will be returned to the respondent, unopened. City staff may conduct conferences to explain the requirements of the project. A sufficient amount of time should be allowed after the RFP / RFQ has been issued to allow potential respondents to become familiar with the project. Any clarification or changes required to the RFP /RFQ, as a result of the conference, shall be added as a written amendment. A summary of the conference shall be provided to all prospective respondents receiving the request. AMENDMENTS TO THE RFPjRFQ: Amendments to the RFP /RFQ shall be identified as such and shall require acknowledgment as such by firms receiving the RFP /RFQ. Amendments shall be sent to all known recipients of the RFP /RFQ within a reasonable time period before the closing date. H the time and date established for the receipt of proposals does not allow sufficient time for consideration and changes, the time and date will be modified by amendment. Amendments should be used to make any changes in quantities, descriptions, schedules, or to correct defects or ambiguities in the original RFP /RFQ. Amendments are provided to ensure that all potential respondents are furnished with the same information with which to prepare proposals. PROPOSAL OPENING: Proposals shall be received in the Administrative Services Director/Deputy City Clerk's office, shall be time-stamped upon receipt, and shall be retained in a secure place until the established closing date and time. 19 - --- REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS/QUALIFICATIONS (continued) To avoid disclosure of the contents of competing RFPsjRFQs, proposals will be opened in the presence of the Administrative Services DirectorjDeputy City Clerk and the department director, or hisjher designee, requesting the proposals. The contents of the RFPsjRFQs will not be made available for public inspection until after an award is made, or all proposals are rejected. The project manager (or Department Director) shall maintain a register of proposals received, including name and address of respondent, the number of modifications received, if any, and any additional information requested. The register will be open to inspection after the award of the contract or the rejection of all proposals. Proposals and modifications shall be shown only to the evaluation committee personnel (or the Administrative Services DirectorjDeputy City Clerk and the department director requesting the proposals) until the contract is awarded or all proposals have been rejected. EVALUATION FACTORS AND METHOD: The RFP jRFQ shall state the evaluation factors and the relative importance of each. Evaluation Jactors may include: General quality and responsiveness of the proposal, including but not limited to; 1. Responsiveness to the terms, conditions, and items of performance; 2. Completeness and thoroughness of the proposal; 3. Grasp of the problem, work to be performed, and approach to be used. Organization and personnel making the proposal; 1. Evidence of a good organizational and management practices. 2. Qualification of the personnel. 3. The firm's experience and past performance. 4. The financial condition of the firm. If appropriate, the price, in any of the following formats, may be considered. 1. Total price and price breakdown. 2. Price range. 3. Cost schedule. Factors not specified in the RFP jRFQ may not be considered in the evaluation. The most commonly accepted evaluation method is as follows: . Review proposals to determine those meeting minimum RFP jRFQ requirements. . Score proposals using the factors specified in the RFP jRFQ. 20 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS/QUALIFICATIONS (continued) . Prepare a listing, by ranking, of the proposals. . Meet with the firm preparing the highest rank proposal to ensure that the City and the firm have a clear understanding of the contract provisions. . Reach agreement on a fair and reasonable price (if not stated in the RFP jRFQ). . H agreement is not reached, terminate negotiations in writing, and begin process with second ranked proposal. The RFP jRFQ procedures do not require that a contract be awarded after the proposals have been evaluated. All proposals may be rejected. AWARD OF CONTRACT: Department Directors are authorized to contract for up to $5,000. The City Manager is authorized to approve professional service contracts up to $25,000 if the contract cost was budgeted in the original approved budget. All contracts with a value of more than $25,000 must be approved by the City Council. All professional services shall be by written contact in a form approved by the City Attorney. 21 FORMAL BID PROCESS FOR MERCHANDISE OR SERVICES The responsibility for completion of the formal bid process are shared by the department wishing to purchase merchandise or services ("Initiating Department") and the Administrative Services Director/Deputy City Clerk. INITIATING DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITIES: . Prepare a notice inviting sealed bids that includes the following: 1. A general description of the item to be purchased. 2. A statement indicating where bid forms and specifications can be obtained. 3. A statement specifying the time and place for the opening of the bids. 4. A statement describing the bid security required, such as a bid bond equal to 10% of the amount of the bid. 5. Statement describing performances bond requirements if the vendor is selected. Sample Bid Public Notice: The City of Arroyo Grande, California invites bids for the supply of (name of bid item). Bid specifications are available from the (Department) at City Hall, 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420, (805) 473-XXXX. Sealed bids will be received until XXp.m. (date), 2000, at which time bids will be opened in the City Hall Council Chambers. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids if deemed in the best interests of the City. . Prepare a bid form including detail specifications for the item to be purchased. The following format is suggested for both competitive bids and Request for Proposals: 1. Background - Provide as much background as necessary to give the bidder an understanding of the environment in which the job will be performed and to which the job relates. 2. Scope of work - Describe in detail the requirement for the job and detail specific a tion. 3. Desired project schedule - Be as specific as possible. 4. Minimum and desirable qualifications - Be as specific as possible. 5. Submission of bids (or proposals) - Include date, time, location. Include a detail list of the information the bid or proposal should contain. 6. Questions - List the name, address, and telephone number of the person to be contacted concerning questions about the project. . Send a notice to all applicable vendors. 23 -~------ - FORMAL BID PROCESS (continued) INITIATING DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) . Send the notice to the Administrative Services Director/Deputy City Clerk for publication. . Review qualifications and references of successful bidder(s). . Negotiate contract with vendor selected. . Prepare Staff Report for presentation to City Council. . If approved by City Council, obtain certificates of insurance and performance bonds from the vendor. . Forwards all appropriate documents and two original contracts, signed by the vendor, to the Administrative Services Director/Deputy City Clerk. . After the Administrative Services Director/Deputy City Clerk has executed the contract, enter purchase order data into computer system to record encumbrance. . Deal with the vendor on a day to day basis for completion of the contract and processing of payments. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESjDEPUTY CITY CLERK RESPONSIBILITIES . Publish or post the notice in three places at least ten (10) days before the scheduled bid opening date. . Conduct the bid opening. . Notify vendors not selected and return bid bonds. . Maintain copies of the rejected bids until contract is awarded by City Council. . Obtain and attest to Mayor's signature on executed contract. . Send original, signed contact to vendor, copy to Initiating Department, and retain one original contract in file. SELECTION OF VENDOR AND REVIEW OF BIDS The City's policy is to obtain goods and services of the highest quality for the lowest cost. The following factors should be considered when seeking the "highest quality" vendor: . Ability, capacity, and skill. . Ability to meet time requirements. . Character, integrity, and reputation. . Previous vendor experience. . Financial resources available for contract performance. (Note security and bid bond requirements when formal bids are received). . Ability to provide future maintenance and service, if necessary. The City has established a policy that provides for a five percent (5%) preference to local bidders and vendors. This is accomplished by reducing the local vendor's bids by 5% when comparing such bids to those of other bidders. 24 -- COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS FOR PUBLIC PROJECTS GUIDELINES: The competitive bid process guidelines presented in this manual are based on the State of California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act ("Act"). Federal, grant, or City rules and regulations may be more stringent; the stricter regulations shall prevail. DEFINITIONS: Public Project means construction, reconstruction, erection, alteration, restoration, improvement, demolition, and repair work involving any facility owned, leased, or operated by the City. The definition also includes painting or repainting any facility owned, leased or operated by the City. Construction, erection, improvement, or repair of dams, reservoirs, and electrical transmission lines of 230,000 volts and higher that are owned by the City, are considered a public project. A public project does not include maintenance work, consisting of routine, recurring, and usual work for the preservation or protection of facilities owned or operated by the City, including minor repainting. Street and highways resurfacing at less than one inch (1") deep, landscape maintenance (mowing, watering, trimming, pruning, planting, replacement of plants, and servicing of irrigation and sprinkler systems) are not a public project. Work performed to keep, operate, and maintain water, power, or waste disposal systems owned by the City shall not be subject to the competitive bid process. Facility is any plant, building, structure, ground facility, real property, street, highway, or public work improvement; and any utility system owned by the City, subject to the limitations on utility systems previously stated. Force account is work performed on public projects using internal resources, including, but not limited to, labor, equipment, materials, supplies, and subcontracts of the City. CONTRACTING PROCEDURESjDOLLAR LIMITATIONS: Public projects of $25,000 of less, with City Council approval, may be performed by the employees of the City by force account, negotiated contract, or purchase order. Force account work is performed with internal resources, including, but not limited to, labor, equipment, materials, supplies, and subcontractors of the City. The Department Director shall request a project number with which to record all expenditures in the Capital Improvement Project Fund. Purchase orders are to be issued for purchases of 25 COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS (continued) more than, $1,500. Any negotiated contract associated with the project shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney. Public project of $25,001 to $75,000 shall be contracted by informal procedures, which does not require published notices inviting bids, public openings, or other formal bid procedures. However, all requirements established for projects with a lesser dollar amount apply to this category of projects. Public projects of more than $75,000 are subject to the formal bidding procedures described in this section. INFORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES: A notice inviting informal bids shall be mailed to all contractors for the category of work to be bid in accordance of Section 222034 of the Act, and to all construction trade journals specified by the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Commission (Commission). Additional contractors and/ or construction trade journals may be notified at the discretion of the department soliciting bids. The notice inviting bids shall be sent only to the construction trade journals specified by the Commission if there is no list of qualified contractors maintained by the department for the particular category of work to be performed. The notice inviting informal bids may be sent exclusively to specific contractors if the product or service is proprietary in nature such that it can be obtained only from a certain contractor or contractors. The notice inviting informal bids shall describe the project in general terms, how to obtain more detailed information about the project, and the time and place for the submission of bids. These mailings of notices to contractors and construction trade journal shall be completed not less than ten (10) days before bids are due. FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURES: All public projects greater than $75,000 require City Council authoriZation to solicit bids. Once authorization has been received, the Department shall prepare and publish a notice inviting formal bid in a newspaper of local circulation, at least fourteen (14) calendar days before the date scheduled to open bids. Notices will be mailed to all IIbidders of record" and all construction trade journals at least thirty (30) days before the date scheduled to open bids. Other such notices may also be given, as the department director deems to be necessary. Advertisements and invitations to bid will contain, at a minimum, the following: . An overview of the project, including a brief description of the work. 26 - -- ~OMPETITIVE BID PROCESS (continued) . An estimated construction cost range. . Any special conditions or requirements of the project, the funding, and the prevailing wages. . When and where the specifications will be available. . Instructions of how to obtain the specifications (nonrefundable cash or check made payable to the City of Arroyo Grande). . Type of California contractor's license required. . The City of Arroyo Grande business license requirement. . The time and place of any "pre-bid conference", if scheduled. It should be noted that attendance is not mandatory at the pre-bid conference, but bidders are urged to attend to review the bid documents, plans, specifications, and the job site. . When and where to submit bids. . When and where the bids will be opened. . Requirements for a bid bond in the form of cash, cashier's or certified check payable to the City of Arroyo Grande, or a bidder's bond executed by an admitted surety insurance carrier in the State of California. The bid shall be in an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the bid amount. A bid will not be considered unless one of the forms of bid security is enclosed (Government Code Section 201710). The instructions to the bidders must include: . The date and time that bids are to be received and opened. . The bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, addressed to the Administrative Services Director/Deputy City Clerk, and designated with the title of the project and specification number. The envelope must contain only the bid proposal forms provided and the bid bond required, in addition to the bidder's name and address of business. . Late bids will be rejected and returned to the bidder, unopened. . Bids may be withdrawn only by a written request at any time prior to the time designated for the bid opening. Bid information must include: . Bids must be submitted on the prescribed forms provided with the specific a tions. . All blank spaces for bid pricing must be completed, in ink or typewritten. . All documents with the notation "Bidder's Failure to Complete All Items Contained on this Page May Cause Rejection of Your Bid" must be submitted with the bid proposal documents. 27 COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS (continued) . Contractors will be required to provide an insurance certificate and/ or policy declaring that the policy is in full force and effect The City will be given written notice by registered mail at least 30 days prior to the effective date of any changes in the policy that affect the City of Arroyo Grande, or its officers or employees, or of cancellation of the policy. . The insurance policy must include the City of Arroyo Grande as an additional insured, but only as respects the employees of the named insured doing business for the City. General conditions must include: . All items will be constructed as complete and in place; all prices shown will be the price proposed for all equipment, labor, material, and services required in the plans and specifications. . Bidders cannot be released from their obligation of their bid because of events during their submittal. However, the bidder may request release from the City if a written request is received within five calendar days after the bid opening. . Unit price will be the basis for award after all prices submitted ha'\Te been verified. . The bidder, to verify changes, must initial any erasures or deletions of information entered in the proposal. Bid proposal documents must be signed, dated, and completed in ink or by typewriter. . Any proposal signed by an agent, other than an owner, partner, or corporate officer, must be accompanied by a power of attorney. . Subcontractors performing more than one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the bid amount must be identified in the bid documents, including business location and contractor's license class. . Subcontractors are subject to all state, federal, and municipal requirements. . Subcontractors are required, upon award of the contract, to file certifications identical in substance to those included in the proposal submitted by the bidder. A required bid surety will be administered as follows: . A bidder must submit with their bid, by either cash, certified check, or cashier's check (payable to the City) a corporate surety bond. The bond will be issued by an admitted surety insurer in the State of California for ten percent (10%) of the bid total. Such bid will act as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract, if awarded. 28 --~------~--.- ----- COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS (continued) . After the award, bid security will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders, except the three lowest bidders. The bid security of the three lowest bidders will be returned after the final execution of the contract. . Upon failure of the successful bidder to execute and deliver the contract and bonds within fourteen (14) calendar days after receiving notice of the award of the contract, the bid security of the successful bidder will be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages. . H the City awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the forfeited security will be applied to the difference between the two bids, and any surplus shall be returned to the forfeiting bidder. . The specifications must include the number of working days required to complete the project . The successful bidder must commence work on or before the date specified in a written "Notice to Proceed" and must fully complete the project with the specified number of working days. . H work is not completed as specified, liquidated damages will be assessed for each consecutive calendar day work is delayed. The bidder's responsibilities include, but are not limited, to the following: . The bidder should conduct a site inspection, including visiting the job site, being informed of the conditions of the construction of the project, the employment of labor, and the existence of any surface conditions affecting the cost of the work. Failure to carry out the provisions of the contract. . The City will not provide to prospective bidders, oral addenda or interpretation of the meaning of the plans, specifications, or other documents. Any and all request for such interpretations must be in writing and received by the Department Director at least ten (10) days prior to the specified date of the bid opening. . Interpretations and supplemental instructions will be supplied in the form of written addenda to all "plan-holders" not later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the specified or revised date of the bid opening. Failure of any bidder to receive any such addendum or interpretation shall not relieve the bidder from any obligation under the bid submitted. All addenda shall become a part of the specifications and contract documents. Performance and Payment Bonds: . Performance and payment bonds will be furnished by the successful bidder, to be issued by an admitted corporate surety, in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. . Bonds must be in a form accepted by the City and must meet all City requirements, include the requirement that the bond limit will be 29 -.---..---- ~--- COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS (continued) automatically increased if the contract amount is increased after the execution of the contract. . The performance bond will remain in effect for one (1) year after acceptance of the work by the City, as a guarantee against defective work . The payment bond shall remain in effect until six (6) months after the period in which claims may be filed in accordance with Section 3184 of the Civil code. Bid Selection: . The City Council may reject some or all bids, or may award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder with a bid complying with all requirements. . All bids will be compared on the basis of the quantities and unit costs, or on lump sums shown on the bid proposal. . Before award, the bidder may be required to furnish evidence of capability, equipment, and financial resources to adequately perform the work Bidders found to not be qualified may have their bid rejected. . H no bids are received, the Department Director may have the project performed by negotiated contract or by force a~count. . H the City council has approved the plans, specifications, and working details for the project an award of bid will be made within sixty (60) days after the bid opening. . The City may consider the next lowest bidder within four (4) additional weeks, if the lowest responsible bidder refuses or fails to execute the contract. . H all bids are rejected, the Department Director shall reevaluate the cost estimates for the project. The Director may then, with the concurrence of the City Manager, abandon the project, re-advertise for bids, or request that the City Council adopt a resolution by a four-fifths (4/5) vote, declaring that City employees can perform the project more economically. H such a resolution is adopted, the Department Director may have the project done by force account. Contract Execution: . Execution of a contract will occur after an official "Notice of Award of Contract" is mailed to the contractor with contract along with the contract and bond forms for signature. . Laws and regulations, including all applicable State laws, City ordinances and resolutions, and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project, shall apply to the contract and deemed to be included in the contract. 30 I I COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS (continued) . The Department Director shall determine whether bids are responsive, may reject bids as improper or nonresponsive, deem a contractor unresponsible, or determine that the project has become infeasible. . Bid instructions must be strictly followed by bidders. However, the City reserves the right to waive any minor bid irregularity. . The successful bidder may request the retention portion of payments under the contract be released to the contractor, provided substitute securities in the same amount are deposited by the bidder with the City or a chartered bank as escrow agent. The bidder shall be deemed the beneficial owner of such securities and receive any interest earned. 31 -- --------- CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Upon contract award, the City must administer the contract, control payments, provide contract extensions, maintain a procurement file, and approve any changes in products or services. Further, the quality and quantity of goods must be inspected before payments are made. Contract management is the primary responsibility of the department in charge of the project. Finally, after the materials or equipment are no longer used or are obsolete, the Department Director may dispose of this as surplus property upon City Council approval. All of these functions, which occur during the lifecycle of procured goods, are discussed in the following sections. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: Upon contract award, the Department Director will determine that all required contracts have been prepared in proper form and properly executed. In addition, the Department Director will review all payment to vendors in accordance with the payment schedule specified in the contract. Payment to vendors shall not be made: . Under a contract made in violation of these procedures. . For a product or service rendered prior to the execution of a valid contract, except in an emergency. . In an amount in excess of the authorized contract amount. CONTRACT EXTENSIONS AND RENEWALS: Contract shall provide than any option for renewal or extension may be exercised at the sole discretion of the City and shall not be subject to agreement or acceptance by the vendor. No option shall be exercised unless the Department Director determines in writing, after reasonable investigation of costs and benefits, that the exercise of the option is more advantageous to the City than other means of procuring comparable supplies or services. Renewals should contain a well-defined time limit in days, months, or years. PROCUREMENT FILES: A file shall be maintained on each contract. The file shall be maintained for at least three years from the date of final payment under the contract. The file shall include a copy of all written documents required by these procedures and shall be open to public inspection. QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF ITEMS PURCHASED: To obtain the correct quality of goods purchased, the following steps may be taken, as appropriate: 33 ---- CONTRACT MANAGEMENT (continued) . Testing, analyzing, and measuring past performance of items may be used to determine quality. . The intended purpose of goods should be considered when purchasing a particular product or service. Quality of goods should be stated in the procurement specifications. . Purchase orders must be in writing to avoid vendor questions on the description of items to be purchased. . Commercial grades or standards should be used when applicable. All purchases shall be of the quality deemed necessary to suit the intended purpose, be suitable and beneficial to the City. The least expensive goods meeting quality standards should be purchased. The quantity of goods purchased is determined by scheduled work on continuing operations. The necessary quantity can be affected by changes in operations, markets, cost and availability of storage facilities, handling and shipping costs, and losses. RECEIP:I', INSPECTION, AND TESTING: The department must verify that delivered items conform to purchase order specifications and that no discrepancies in quantity or quality exist. The Department Director, or designee, is responsible for signing for delivery. The inclusion of a signed shipping notice, the vendor's invoice, and a "request for payment" form to the Financial Services Department is sufficient assurance that the delivered commodity meets specifications. When a shipment does not conform to the purchase order, the Department Director shall immediately notify the vendor of the discrepancy, and hold the goods for inspection. Tests or samples of items to be purchased may be required as part of a bid. The Department director shall reject an item if it does not conform to specific a tions. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY: Existing materials, supplies, or equipment that are no longer in use or have become obsolete may be deemed as surplus property by resolution of the City Council. Once property is deemed as surplus, the Department Director may: . Use the surplus equipment as a trade on replacement equipment. . Sell or otherwise dispose of surplus material, supplies, or equipment at public or private sale in the following manner: 1. A notice inviting formal bids shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation if the item is expected to sell for more than $5,000. The sale will be made to the highest bidder. 2. The property shall be included in a list prepared by the Department and sold by informal bid to the highest bidder if the value is $5,000 or less. 34 - ----...----------- OTHER PURCHASING ISSUES AND POLICIES SOLE SOURCE PROCUREMENTS: Sole source procurement is any transaction in which the services and/ or supplies can be obtained only from one source. The only justification for sole source procurement is as follows: 1. The contractor or supplier is the sole provider of the service or supply. 2. The contractor or supplier is the only source permitted to provide the service or supply because of the manufacturer's agreement with the contractor or supplier as sole representative in a certain geographical area. Sole source justification should be in memorandum form describing, in general terms, the reason for making the sole source purchase. An authorized departmental representative must sign the memorandum. CANCELLATIONS: The Department Director may cancel an invitation for bids, a request for proposals, or other solicitation, may reject in whole or in part, any and all bids or proposals when it is determined that cancellation or rejection serves the best interest of the City. COOPERATIVE PURCHASING: Cooperative purchasing is a technique where by municipalities cooperate to purchase goods and services. This arrangement offers the participants significant economies of scale. Although the municipalities jointly issue specifications and receive bids, each entity independently executes its own contract, administers the procurement function, and finances the purchase. STOCKLESS PURCHASING: Stockless purchasing is a specialized technique providing for the purchase of a commodity or service at an agreed price, but in quantities delivered and paid for as needed by the City. The vendor owns the inventory and the City has no responsibility for that inventory. Stockless purchasing is recommended as an alternative to maintaining significant inventories of supplies used by numerous departments and offices. Stockless purchasing uses a blanket contract that designates approximate quantities, specified time periods, prices, provisions for price adjustments, delivery and billing procedures and a catalogue of items covered by the contract. By shifting inventory requirements to the supplier, the City is able to conserve public funds and, to a cortsidera ble degree, dispense with the storage of certain supply items until requisitioned for delivery by the user department. The types of items typically 35 OTHER PURCHASING ISSUES AND POLICIES (continued) purchased under stockless purchasing are office supplies, maintenance, and repair parts, and operating items. SPECIFIC BLANKET CONTRACTS: A specific blanket contact includes items, prices, quantities and time frames. It is based upon established prices for supplies, either picked up or delivered to the City. A contract of this type offers major price advantages over small individual purchases made by separate deparbnents. The City Manager approves all blanket contacts bid negotiated by Deparbnent Directors. INVENTORY: A fixed asset inventory is an important are in which information can be valuable to the purchasing function. Every purchase of a furnishing, vehicle, or piece of equipment (with a value equal to or greater than established $500) should be carried in a fixed asset inventory. Information about cost, date of acquisition, condition, and other pertinent information is important to maintain. Information on projected replacement is needed for proper planning and insurance purposes. CONFLICT OF INTEREST/fHIRD P ARlY TRANSACTIONS: It is important to maintain public trust and confidence in the integrity of purchasing transactions. Any City employee who has a real or perceived conflict of interest should refrain from participation in the transaction. 36 ------..------- - REQUESTS FOR PAYMENT GENERAL: The Accounts Payable person shall receive directly all original invoices for goods and services. The invoices will be date marked, copied and distributed to the receipting departments. The original invoices will remain with Financial Services to be attached to a copy of the payment check. Before a check can be processed by Financial Services, one of the following forms must be submitted. "1 Forms" and "Form C's" must accompany the invoice. All checks will be mailed by Financial Services, unless specifically requested to be held for the department or the vendor. Any check received directly must be signed for in Financial Services. FORMS: . "I FORM" to be used for invoices, subscriptions, and any other payments. The department shall included on the "1 Form" the vendor's name and address, the invoice number, a brief description, account number, and invoice amount. The designated department representative shall authorize payment by signing the "1 Form". If the "1 Form" requests payment on a single items of greater than $1,500 value, a completed bid sheet must be attached. Depending on the value of the item, either three documented informal (telephone or oral) bids ($1,501 to $5,000) or informal bids ($5,001 to $10,000) must accompany the "1 Form"., This form is available on the shared network (as is "Form C" and "Form T") and is shown on page 57 in this document. . "FORM C" to be used for contracts. This form will be used for contracts where progress payments are to be made during construction. Enabling documentation includes (1) invoice from the vendor showing percentage of completion (2) City Council authorization for payment (3) documentation of the release of any liens if final payment is to be made. To make (2) a little easier on the department, the first page of the staff report with recommendation and fiscal impact portion will be accepted in lieu of the complete report. This form is shown on Page 59 in this document. . "Form T" is used for travel expenses. Before the travel takes place, Part 1 of the form is filled out, listing the traveler, date of trip, location, estimated costs, and approval by the Department Director and City Manager. Part 1 also lists the checks that are to be prepared before the trip is taken, such as hotel and conference registration. Upon return from the trip Part II of the form is completed. This area compares the estimated costs with the actual costs incurred. Should the advance exceed actual costs, the employee is to return the completed form to Financial Services along with the excess advance, in the form of a check or cash. If actual costs exceed the advance, the City will reimburse the employee with the next check run. Page 61 is an example of this form. 37 REQUESTS FOR PAYMENT (continued) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE FORMS: Authorized Signature Forms are to be on file for the employees authorizing payment on either the HI FormH or the HForm C". The authorization limits are as follows; $0-$1,500 Department Director or designee (supervisor, etc.). $1,501 - $5,000 Department Director (with City Manager Approval) $5,001 to $10,000 City Manager $10,001 & Above City Council OTHER ISSUES: Multi-Division Payments - All divisions must approve payments made from multiple divisions in a department. To better inform the divisions of expenditures being made against their budget, all divisions will sign the HI Form" or HForm C".. Computer Purchases - All computer related purchases will be approved by the Chair of the Computer Technology Committee. Departments shall routinely route a data processing invoice to the Computer Technology Committee for approval. Vehicle Repair Invoices - When vehicle repairs are completed, the Fleet Maintenance Coordinator will submit the original invoices (department/division indicated on the invoice) directly to Financial Services, where the original will be retained and a copy sent to the departments. The departments prepare the HI Form" using the appropriate account numbers. Though parts are received by Vehicle Maintenance the preparation of the HI Form" gives more control to the departments. Original Invoice Copies - All original receipts received by the departments must be attached to the HI Form". Some vendors issue an original invoice when merchandize is received and send a duplicate with the monthly billing. If the Department has the original receipt, it must be submitted with the payment request. If the original is not submitted with the HI Form", nor received directly with from the vendor, a check will not be issued. The preferred method is for the vendor to mail the original invoice, with the monthly statement, directly to the Accounts Payable Clerk. 38 ORDINANCE NO. C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REPEALING CHAPTER 4 OF TITLE 2 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING THERETO A NEW CHAPTER 4 WHEREAS, the City finds it serves the interests and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Arroyo Grande to encourage and assist businesses to locate and remain in the City, and thereby preserve and foster the City's economic and social vitality; and WHEREAS, it is in many cases difficult or impossible for businesses located in the City to compete with non-local businesses for City and other contracts. This competitive disadvantage results in many businesses leaving or choosing not to locate in Arroyo Grande, and thus further results in the deterioration of the local tax base and labor force, and in some local persons and families having to leave Arroyo Grande in order to secure work; and WHEREAS, by affording local businesses a preference in the award of City contracts, businesses will be encouraged to locate and remain in the City, and as a result the City's interests and general welfare will be served. NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That Chapter 4 of Title 2 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby repealed and deleted in its entirety and replaced with a new Chapter 4 of Title 2 attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth. SECTION 2: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact than anyone or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 3: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (S) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the Proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (1S) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. 39 -.~-- ORDINANCE NO. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after it's final passage. On motion of Council Member I seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of ,2000. 40 ---..----.---"'.-,--.-..--------- ------_...__._-~-- ORDINANCE NO. MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY 41 2-4.01 2-4.02 CHAPTER 4. PURCHASING PROCEDURE Sec. 2-4.01. Reauisitions. (a) Form. Whenever any user department requires the purchase or acquisition of materials, supplies, or services for the proper functioning of such department, it shall order the purchase from among available vendors, subject to budgeted dollar constraints, in either written or verbal form. Upon invoicing from the vendor, the user department shall clearly mark the budget account number(s) to be charged upon payment, for the benefit of the Financial Services Department. (b) Authorization. Written invoices shall be signed by the chief officer of the department ordering the materials or services. The chief officer shall be deemed to be the department director, as well as such assistants as he/she may authorize. (c) Petty Cash Purchases. Written requisitions shall not be required for the purchase or acquisition of materials, supplies, or services under the amount established by resolution of the City Council. Such purchases may be made from petty cash or via the normal accounts payable process. The department director shall approve and initial all invoices for purchases under the amount established by resolution of the City Council and clearly mark the budget account number to be charged upon payment. (Sec. 1, Ord. 181, as amended by Sec. 4, Ord. 447 C.S., eff. July 23,1992; Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eff. September 14, 1997) Sec. 2-4.02. PurchasinQ Process. (a) First Level Expenditures. For First Level Expenditures, in an amount established by resolution of the City Council, the user department is not obligated to obtain bids nor to issue a written purchase order. (b) Second Level Expenditures. For Second Level Expenditures, in an amount established by resolution of the City Council, the user department shall first solicit at least three (3) informal bids, diligently attempting in good faith to obtain the best value for the City. The user department director or his/her authorized assistant shall record all informal bids. The user department shall prepare a written purchase order for all Second Level Expenditures. The original purchase order shall be forwarded to the designated vendor, and the second copy shall be filed with the user department until delivery or acceptance of the purchase. 43 (c) Third Level Expenditures. For Third Level Expenditures in an amount established by resolution of the City Council, unless otherwise ordered by the City Manager, the user department shall first solicit at least three (3) written competitive bids, diligently attempting in good faith to obtain the best value for the City. All written bids shall be retained by the user department director or hislher authorized assistant. For purchases greater than First Level, the user department shall prepare a written purchase order. The original purchase order shall be forwarded to the designated vendor, and the second copy shall be filed with the user department until delivery or acceptance of the purchase. (d) Fourth Level Expenditures. For Fourth Level purchases, in an amount established by resolution of the City Council, only the formal bid process shall be permitted. The completed purchase order, with bids or bid summaries attached, shall be forwarded to the user department director for hislher approval and signature on all copies. The original purchase order shall be forwarded to the designated vendor, and the second copy shall be filed with the user department until delivery or acceptance of the purchase. (e) Expenditures InvolvinQ Public Proiects. Expenditures involving public projects shall be made in compliance with the State laws applicable thereto. (f) Open Purchase Orders. (1) Defined. "Open purchase order" shall mean a purchase where the acquisition is not made all at one time; it shall be a continuing order providing continuing authority to purchase from vendors who furnish monthly supplies or services in such volume as to justify the issuance of an open order. All open purchase orders shall state a maximum amount of expenditures. (2) Use. Upon the user department's written request therefor, an open purchase order may be prepared and issued. The original copy, after approval and signature, shall be forwarded to the vendor. The second copy shall be retained by the user department. When an open purchase order is utilized, expenditures shall be reported by the use of requisitions. Such requisitions shall be signed by the department director or his/her duly authorized assistant. Such requisitions against an open purchase order shall be filed immediately by the user department before each and every purchase. (g) Guidelines for EvaluatinQ Bids. Except as otherwise required by law, guidelines for evaluating bids shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1 ) The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the bidder (this may include an analysis of previous work performed for the City); (2) The ability of the bidder to perform the contract, or provide the materials, 44 -- supplies, or services required, within the time specified, without delay or interference; (3) The ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance, repair parts, and replacement of purchased materials or supplies; (4) Compliance by the bidder with federal acts, executive orders, and state statutes governing nondiscrimination in employment; (S) The results of any evaluation relating performance and price, such as testing, life cycle costing, and analysis of service, maintenance, and technical data; (6) Fitness and quality being equal, a preference may be granted to local vendors for the purchase of materials, supplies, and services. The City may provide a preference to each qualified local vendor if the bid of a local qualified vendor does not exceed the lowest bid or price quoted by other vendors by more than five percent (5%). Application of the five percent (5%) preference in the award of the contract shall mean the amount by which the local vendor bid or estimate shall be deemed reduced in the City's bid award or selection process and shall not actually reduce the amount ultimately paid by the City to the successful bidder. To qualify as a local vendor, a business must have all current applicable City licenses and permits, must maintain its primary office, distribution point, or place of business within the City of Arroyo .Grande and must report and pay sales tax to the State of California that identifies the point of sale for taxable transactions as a location within the City limits. (Sec. 1, Ord. 188, as amended by Sec. 4, Ord. 447 C.S., eft. July 23,1992; Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eff. September 14, 1997) Sec. 2-4.03. Third Level Purchase Orders: Approval by City Manaqer. Department directors and all other City employees shall not be authorized to sign, issue, or deliver any purchase order, or accept any delivery of goods or services of Third Level value, until such time as the City Manager has authorized same in writing. Any such purchase orders or acceptance of goods or services of Third Level value without the prior written approval of the City Manager shall be a nullity. (Sec. 3, Ord. 181, as amended by Sec. 4, Ord. 447 C.S., eft. July 23,1992; Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eff. September 14, 1997) Sec. 2-4.04. Purchase Orders For Four Level Purchases: ADDroval by Council. The City Manager and department directors shall not be authorized to sign, issue, or deliver any purchase order, or accept any delivery of goods or services, of Fourth Level value until such time as the Council first shall have authorized the same. Any purchase orders or acceptance of goods or services in excess of Fourth Level value without the prior approval of the Council shall be a nullity. 45 (Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eff. September 14,1997) Sec. 2-4.05. Professional Services Contracts. The City Manager and department directors shall not be authorized to sign, issue, or deliver any purchase order, or accept any professional services contract, in excess of amount established by resolution of the City Council, until such time as the Council first shall have authorized same. The issuance of any purchase orders or acceptance of a contract in excess of amount established by resolution of the City Council without the prior approval of the Council shall be a nullity. Professional services contracts of less than the amount established by resolution of the City Council and budgeted in the original approved annual budget, may be approved by the City Manager. Sec. 2-4.06. Use of Procedures Not Reauired. The procedures and provisions set forth in Section 2-4.02 of this chapter may be dispensed with, at the discretion and judgment of the City Manager if deemed to be in the best interests of the City, as follows: (a) When an emergency requires that an order be placed with the nearest available source of supply; (b) When the item(s) to be purchased can be obtained from only one vendor or supplier; (c) When the purchase will be made cooperatively with one or more .other units of government, or by use of another agency's bid procurement procedure, provided it meets the standards established by this chapter; (d) When reasonably necessary for the preservation or protection of public peace, health, safety, or welfare of persons or property; or (e) When, given the indeterminate nature of the City's need, a request for proposal will result in a more favorable and efficient comparison of materials, supplies, or services. 46 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING LEVELS OF PURCHASING AUTHORITY WHEREAS, City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California ("City") is duly authorized and existing under the laws of said State; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande purchases goods and services for the operation of City functions; and WHEREAS, it is prudent to establish levels of authority for such purchases of goods and services: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, hereby adopts the Levels of Purchasing Authority attached to this Resolution and marked as Exhibit A, and hereby incorporates such Exhibit into this Resolution. The Levels of Purchasing Authority shall become effective May 1, 2000. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2000. 47 RESOLUTION NO. MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY 48 - RESOLUTION NO. EXHIBIT A Petty Cash Limit: Under $100 First Level Expenditures: Under $1,500 Second Level Expenditures: Over $1 ,SOO Under $S,OOO Third Level Expenditures: Over $S,OOO Under $10,000 Fourth Level Expenditures: Over $10,000 Professional Service Contract Authorization Under $2S,000 if Included in Original Adopted Budget 49 RESOLUTION NO. 3356 ." A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ELECTING TO BECOME SUBJECT TO U~IFORM PUBLJC CONSTRUCTION COST ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES WHEREAS, prior to the passage of Assembly Bill No. 1666, Chap. 10S4 Stats. 1983, which added Chapter 2 commencing with Section 22000 to Part 3 of Division 2 of the Public Contract Code, existing law did not provide a uniform cost accounting standard for construction work performed or contracted by local public agencies; and WHEREAS, Public Contract Code Section 22000 et seq., the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accountir'!.g Act (hereinafter "Act") , establishes such a uniform cost accounting standard; and - WHEREAS, the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Commission (the "Commission") established under the Act has developed uniform public construction cost accounting procedures for implementation by local public agencies in the performance of or in the contracting for construction of public projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, California, hereby elects under Public Contract Code Section 22030 to become subject to the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting procedures set forth In the Act, and to the Commission's policies and procedures manual and cost accounting review procedures, as they may each from tim"e to time be amended, and furthermore directs that the Director of Administrative Services notify the State 90ntroller forthwith of this election. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. On motion of Council Member Runels, seconded by Council Member Dickens, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councii Members Runels, Dickens, Tolley, Ferrara, and Mayi5r Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 13th day of April, 1999. 51 - --.- RESOLUTION NO. 3356 PAGE 2 . ~; MICHAEL A. LA{/, ~ ATTEST: ..1l~a. ~ NANCYA. AVIS, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 1Dku L\ ~ ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER . . APPROVED AS TO FORM: EY 52 ORDINANCE NO. 503 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REPEALING AND REPLACING SECTION 2-4.02(c) OF CHAPTER 4 OF TITLE, 2 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the, City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has adopted Resolution 33S6 electing to utilize the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (the II Act") procedures as set forth in Chapter 2, Part 3, Division 2. of the Public,Contract Code (more specifically the alternative procedures provided in Article 3 of the Act) NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY: COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Section 2-4.02(c) of Chapter 4 of Title 2 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code shall be repealed in its entirety and revised to read as follows: 2-4.02 (c) - Expenditures involvinq public proiects. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4 (commencing with Section 20160) of Chapter 1, part 3 of the California Public Contract Code, the requirements for the award of contracts for public projects of the City shall be governed by the alternative procedures contained in Article 3 (commencing with Section 22030) of the Uniform Public ConstrucUon Cost Accounting Act (hereinafter "Act"), except as otherwise provided for in this Chapter. (1) Public proiects of $2S,OOO or less. Public projects, as defined by the Act, of twenty-five thousand dollars ($2S,OOO) or less, appropriations for which have beem "approved by the City Council, may be performed by the employees of the City by force account, or by negotiated contract or purchase order approved by the City Manager. (2) Public proiects of $7S.000 or less (informal biddinq procedures). Public projects, as defined by the Act, of seventy-fiye thousand dollars ($75,000) or less may be let to contract by informal procedures as set forth in Section 22032, et seq., of the Public Contract Code. (a) A list of contractors shall be developed and maintained by the Director of Public Works in accordance with the provisions of Section 22034 of the Act. 53 ------..--- ORDINANCE NO. 503 C.S. PAGE 2 (b) Where a public project is to be performed which is subject to the provisions of this Chapter, a notice inviting informal bids shall be mailed to all contractors for the category of work to be bid, as shown on the list developed in accordance with Section 22034 of the Act, and to' at! construction trade journals as specified by the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission pursuant to Section 22036 of the Act. Additional contractors and/or construction trade journals may be notified at the discretion of the departmentJagency soliciting bids; provided however: 1) if there is , , no list of qualified contractors maintained by the City for the particular category of work to be performed, the notice inviting bids shall be sent only to the construction trade journals specified by the' Commission, or 2) if the product or service is proprietary in nature such that it can be obtained only from a certain contractor or contractors, the notice inviting informal bids may be sent exclusively to such contractor or contractors. All mailing of notices to contractors and construction trade journals shall be completed not less than ten (10) calendar days before bids are due. (c) The notice inviting informal bids shall describe the project in general terms, how to obtain more detailed information about the project, and state the time and place for the submission of bids. . (d) The City Manager is authorized to award informal contracts pursuant to this section. (e) If all bids received are in excess of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000), the governing body of the public agency may by passage of a resolution by a four-fifths yote, award the contract, at eighty thousand dollars ($80,000), or less, to the lowest responsible bidder, if it determines the cost estimate of the public agency was reasonable. (3) Public proiects of more than $7S.000 (formal biddina procedures). For all public projects of more than $7S,OOO, a contract shall be awarded pursuant to a formal bidding procedure as set forth in the Act, and subject to the exemptions provided for therein. SECTION 2: That all ordinances, codes, sections of ordinances and codes, and resolutions that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. 54 ORDINANCE NO. 503 C.S. PAGE 3 SECTION 3: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subs~ction, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 4: Within fifteen (1S) days after passage of this Ordinance, it shall be published once, together with the names of the Council members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On motion of Council Member Runels, seconded by Council Member Tolley and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: . AYES: Council Members Runels, Tolley, Dickens, Ferrara, and Mayor Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 27th day of April, 1999. 55 ORDINANCE NO. 503 C.S. PAGE 4 ~ ~. MICHAELk ~Cfi E. DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES APPROVED AS TO CONTENT~ t la:r- L . l-b.lli \ ~ ROBERT L. HUNT. CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: v:-- 56 ------------_._-~- ------ ~~- [P(UJ[RC~A~[E ORDER .... ,...,.. 6A'" FINANCIAL SERVICES P.O. Box 550 PURCHASE ORDER NO_ Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 (805) 473-5400 . Fax (805) 489-0386 Vendor: Ship To: Bill To: City of Arroyo Grande AUn: Accounts Payable P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 ~~~ Subtotal Sales Tax Shipping & Handling Other TOTAL Instructions: 1. Please send two copies of your invoice. 2. Enter this order in accordance with the prices, tenns, delivery method, and specifications listed above. 3. Please notify us immediately if you are unable to ship as specified. 4. The purchase order number must appear on all related correspondence, shipping papers, and invoices. Authorized by: Title: Date: 57 \ .. ~ i ~ \04 lIS ~ 0 '>"t ~ ~ \ ~ ~ (/) ~ ~ 0 0 ..-\ 0 ~ t' ~ r-\. ~ cG .. ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ \04 % cG 0 ~ ~ ~ ..-\ G) ~ \04 ~ ().I cG ..-\ ~ ~ C" 0 ~ ( &. ~ ( cG ~ . 0 1%1 % .r\ ~ ~ 0 &. 1%1 % G) ~ ..-\ 0 ~ ~ ~ G) p ~ CJ. rt - i r....\ lIS ~ ~ .r\ G) ~ ~ ---------- ~ ri 0 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE FORMS DEPARTMENT THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYEES ARE AUTHORIZED TO REQUEST PAYMENTS BE MADE BY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS Employee Name Signature Departmental Restrictions Department Director Approval CITY POLICY ON DOLLAR LIMIT A nONS Payment Requests: Over $0, less than $1,500 - Department Director or designee (supervisor, etc.) Over $1,500, less than $5,000 - Department Director Signature Required Over $5,000, less than $10,000 - City Manager Signature Required Over $10,000 - City Council Approval Required 61 ---..--- % "i ~ 's.. ~ G) -5 g ~ ~ G) ~ a e ~ ~ ~ .... ~ p.. r;J) g ~ 2 ~ :::: ~ ~ (,) ~~ ~ ~~c<! ~ ~ ~ :.( rn 0 i ~ g t-< ~ 'p ~ ~ 0 Pc C .- ~ ~ ~ ~ c t; r;J) ~~.g 0 ~ CI en" ~ 3 \ .- 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 - t-< ~ ~ ~ ~ 63 -' ------- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUEST FOR PAYMENT FORM "C" F or Contracts DATE: TO: Accounts Payable FROM: SUBJECT: Payment Request Project Name: Contract No. Account Numbers: in the amount of $ in the amount of $ Vendor Payment Request Number The attached invoice was received on the above mentioned project and is found to be in conformance with the requirements of the contract approved by council. Please arrange for payment in the next regularly scheduled check run. Retention is/is not withheld under the terms of the contract. Following is the status of the contract: Contract Amount 100% Completed to Date % Less Previous Payments Amount Due DepartmentlDivision Director Date Contract Administrator Date Finance Director Date Check No. Issued Date Issued Audited by Finance FINAL PAYMENT APPROVALS: INSPECTOR APPRO V AL: LIENS CLEARED: YES NO YES NO 65 -- INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF "FORM C" This form is to be used for all contracts. When the contract is approved by the City Council, please provide the following to Accounts Payable: A copy of the signed contract Copy of the Agenda Report to Council Party authorized to approve request for payment When payments are to be made fill in the blanks on the form, making sure to signifY the account numbers to charge, vendor, payment numbers, whether retention is to be withheld, and the percentage of completion. In addition, please supply copies of all documentation that you have received for work completed on the contract. This documentation includes, but is not limited to the following~ Time sheets for payroll costs Invoices for materials and supplies Invoices for rental equipment If the final payment is to be made, please supply documentation that all liens have been released and inspections have been completed and signed off Finance will audit the request for payment for accuracy and proper documentation. Finance will establish files for each contract and payments made. For good internal control, the issuing department should also keep files on the contract, payments to date and all other useful information. If you have any questions, please call Jackie Yacono at 5436 66 ----~- _.._~.._.- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TRAVEL REQUEST AND EXPENSE REPORT FORM "T" FOR TRA VEL Part I - TRA VEL REQUEST INSTRUCTIONS: Before trip, prepare Part I about trip and obtain proper authorizing signatures. Prepare Part II on estimated expenses, listing checks to be issued in advance in Part I. Send completed form to Accounts Payable. 1. Name & Title of Requester 2. Date of Request 5. Date of Trip 3. Conference or Meeting: 6. Est. cost of Trip 4. Location 7. Account Number 8. Was travel included in the Department budget? Yes No 9. Signature of Requester Department Approval City Manager Approval ADVANCE PAYMENTS REQUESTED Date Req'd AMOUNT CHECK NO. Payable to: ISSUED (Request by Employee for Per Diem on last line) Total Requested PART II-EXPENSE REPORT INSTRUCTIONS: Complete Part II, attaching receipts for transportation, registration, lodging. Submit to Finance Department, along with any reimbursement due the City. After approval by the City Manager, any balance due traveler will be issued by Accounts Payable. Expense Categories City Car ( ) Private Car - Mileage Paid ( ) Rail ( ) Private Car - Credit Card Only ( ) ESTIMATE Air ( ) FINAL COSTS Transportation Garage,an&orParkmg Lodging (Room charges & taxes only) Registration Fees Meals Per Diem @ $40/day Other (Please Itemize) TOTAL EXPENSES Less: Total Advanced I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT STATEMENT OF MY EXPENDITURES Balance Due Employee/City Audited By Employee Date Department Director Approval Check or Receipt No. City Manager Approval 67 ~__ ___~~___._.._w..__ RULES FOR TRAVEL EXPENSE ALLOWANCES AND ROUTING 1. Describe travel and obtain authorizing signatures. Complete Estimated Expense Detail in Part II, and indicate in Part I any advance checks to be issued, and dates needed. If per diem is to be claimed, include the total amount to be issued to the employee on the final line for advance payments. If per diem is the only expense to be incurred, complete both Estimated and Final Cost in Part II when the Travel Request is submitted as only steps 1,2, 3,4, and 5 are to be completed. 2. Indicate on Part II the method of travel. Private autos may be used with Department Director approval for mileage reimbursement. If you elect to take your own car, you should take a City credit card for gasoline~ mileage will not be reimbursed. Check one of these sections under "Private Car". 3. Obtain Department Director approval. 4. Attach copy of registration fonn to Travel Request. Retain original registration fonn as checks will be returned to departments for mailing, in case of last minute changes. 5. Send completed request to Finance Department. 6. When travel is complete, traveler will complete Part II and attach all required receipts, obtain department approval and return completed fonn to Finance. If advances exceeded actual expenses, include money due City. If per diem was the only expense incurred, this final step does not have to be completed. 7. A copy will be returned to the department, following audit. 8. The City will pay for the following expenses for approved travel and training: . Registration . Hotel room rates and applicable taxes . Mileage or transportation costs . Garage and/or parking fees . Meals . Telephone calls to home, not to exceed $5.00 per day (cannot be averaged) . Tips to waiters, bell hops, baggage handlers . Laundry if trip exceeds seven (7) days 9. For travel and conferences, of one full day or more, a per diem amount can be claimed in lieu of itemizing meal and miscellaneous expenses. The per diem amount is intended to cover the cost of meals and all incidental expenses (i.e. taxis, parking, telephone, etc.) related to the day's activities. Receipts are not necessary when Der diem is claimed. The current per diem rate is $40 per day and is based upon the following: Breakfast $ 6.00 Lunch 10.00 Dinner 18.00 Incidentals 6.00 Total $ 40.00 In extremely high cost cities, per diem may be increased with approval from the City Manager, with appropriate receipts. 10. The City will not pay for personal entertainment, i.e., movies, alcoholic beverages, sightseeing, etc. All check requests should be on the appropriate Travel Request - Fonn "T". 68 "----._,--- ------------- INDEX Amendments to RFP / RFQ........................................................................................ 19 Appendix. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 39 Authorizations Signature List........................ ................................. ............................... 12 Authorized Signature Forms................. .............. ...................................................... ..... 38 Bid Cancellations.......................................................................................................... 35 Bidding Exceptions....................................................................................................... 16 Bidding Requirements................................................................................................... 15 Competitive Bid Process for Public Projects................................................................. 25 Competitive Bid-Contracting ProceduresIDollar Limitations......................................... 25 Competitive Bid-Definitions ..... .................................................................................... 25 Competitive Bid-Formal Bidding Procedures................................................................ 26 Competitive Bid-Guidelines................. ......................................................................... 25 Competitive Bid-Informal Bidding Procedures.............................................................. 26 Competitive Bid-Public Project Definition............................................................... ..... 25 Computer Purchases...................................................................................................... 38 Conflict ofInterestlThird Party Transactions................................................................. 36 Contract Management............................................................ ....... . .............. .... ............. 33 Contract Management-Contract Administration............................................................ 33 Contract Management-Disposal of Surplus Property..................................................... 34 Contract Management-Extensions and Renewals.......................................................... 33 Contract Management-Procurement Files...................................................................... 33 Contract Management-Quality & Quantity ofItems Purchased .....................................33 Contract Management-Receipt, Inspection, and Testing................................................ 34 Cooperative Purchasing ................................................................................................ 35 Department Authority/Responsibility ...................... ...................................................... 11 Formal Bid Process....................................................................................................... 23 Formal Bid-Administrative ServiceslDeputy City Clerk Responsibilities ...................... 24 Formal Bid-Initiating Department Responsibilities........................................................ 23 Formal Bid-Selection of Vendor and Review of Bids ................................................. 24 General Policies.............................................................................................................. 5 Grant Funding Provisions................... . ........ . ........... . .... . ........................ ..... ....... .............. 7 Hazardous Materials Purchases..................................................................................... 12 Introduction.. .................................................................................................................. 1 Inventory Purchases.... ... ........ .............. ....... ... .. ........ .. . . ... . . ....... . ................. ................... 36 Legal Basis ....................... .............................................................................................. 3 Local vendor preference.................................................................................................. 6 Multi-Division Vendor Payments........................................ ........ ................... ............... 38 Ordinance 503 C. S.-Summary......................................................................................... 3 Ordinance 503 C.S.-Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Procedures............ 53 Original Invoice............................................................................................................ 38 Other Purchasing Issues and Policies............................................................................ 35 Professional Services Flow Chart .......................................... ............. ......... ... ............... 10 Professional Services-Procuring.................................................................................... 16 Prohibited Purchasing Practices................................................. ... ..... ......... .................. 12 69 "-'"-'--_. ----r -- INDEX (continued) Proposed Ordinance _C.S.-Purchasing Procedures .................................................39 Proposed Ordinance _ C.S.-Summary................... .............. ......... ........................ ........ 3 Purchase and Payment Authority Table....... ................................. ......................... .......... 9 Purchase of Goods and Services......... ....................... ........... .................................... ..... 15 Purchases Over the $1,500 Limit.................. ........................................................... ...... 15 Purchasing & Bidding Flow Chart ....... ..................... ...................................................... 9 Purchasing Authority and Responsibilities.................................................................... 11 Purchasing Authority.......................... .......................................................................... 11 Receipt of RFP jRFQ Proposals................................................................................. 19 Recycling Policy.............................................................. . ........... ................................. 12 Request for Proposals.................................................................................................... 17 Requests For Payment................. ................ .......... .......................... ............... .......... ..... 37 Requests for Payment-"Form C" ......... .................................................................... ...... 37 Requests for Payment-"Form T" ................................................................................... 37 Requests for Payment-"I Form" .. ....... ............................................ ........................ ....... 37 Resolution 3356-Adopt Uniform Public Works Construction Cost Accounting ............. 45 Resolution 3356-Summary.................. ....................................................................... ..... 4 RFPIRFQ Development................................................................................................ 17 RFPIRFQ Evaluation Factors and Method ....................................................................20 RFPIRFQ Opening........................................................................................................ 19 RFP jRFQ Procedures ... ........... ..... ................ ... ...... ...... .......................... .................... 18 RFPIRFQ-Award of Contract........................................................................................ 21 Sample "I Form" ........................................................................................................... 63 Sample Contract Payment Form.................................................................................... 65 Sample Informal Bid Form............................................................................................ 59 Sample Purchase Order................................................................................................. 57 Sample Signature Form............................................................................................ ..... 61 Sample Telephone Bid Form............................... ..... .... ............. .................................... 59 Sample Travel Authorization and Payment Form ..........................................................67 Sole Source Procurements............................ .. . ....... .. .... . . .......... . . . .................. ................ 35 Specific Blanket Contracts..... .... .......................................... ............... .......................... 36 Stockless Purchasing..................................................................................................... 35 Vehicle Repair Invoices...... .............. .................... ........................................................ 38 70 -~- --"--- A IT ACHMENT 2 2-4.01 2-4.02 CHAPTER 4. PURCHASING PROCEDURE Sec. 2-4.01. Reauisitions. (a) Form. Whenever any user department requires the purchase or acquisition of materials, supplies, or services for the proper functioning of such department, it shall order the purchase from among available vendors, subject to budgeted dollar constraints, in either written or verbal form. Upon invoicing from the vendor, the user department shall clearly mark the budget account number( s) to be charged upon payment, for the benefit of the Financial Services Department. (b) Authorization. Written invoices shall be signed by the chief officer of the department ordering the materials or services. The chief officer shall be deemed to be the department director, as well as such deputies assistant as he/she may authorize. (c) Petty Cash Purchases. Written requisitions shall not be required for the purchase or acquisition of materials, supplies, or services under the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100) :". Such purchases may be made from petty cash or via the normal accounts payable process. The department director shall approve and initial all invoices for purchases under One Hundred Dollars ($100) tl~'llf'~"P"""" _ and clearly mark the budget account number to be charged upon payment. (Sec. 1, Ord. 181, as amended by Sec. 4, Ord. 447 C.S., eff. July 23,1992; Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eft. September 14, 1997) Sec. 2-4.02. Purchasina Process. _.m.%(.i.111jj.'~~tj~e~~~I~ttl!~.{1~:fjI_ . -. - ':. -" ',' .>t;. '. -... -". '._d_ c'.,.'. ",', . ::<" ',' ",;O:&:'kft<,.:,,(\. ,:,:,:<;""'0:'i:,:>:,;\:"";\:,:<<:,,:>:,:,,;>,,,,~,,,:'8":,,.:,..,,:,,:,:,:<~;:,v,>::>,,:::,:: :,.)::,::,;,~:,,:><:>(:,:::,:,:,:,".~>;,:~o:>(~:;",,; _,,:-..)t:::<::.i:.,/<"};<X____n. "x-;..- >:&x~ _, , . . , , ? _ - .) ,....~.......~;m: .('1III.111~11~~.lmli!~;iI~);'~mlfI111.II_e.~ - <.: " _ -- ;e;<>~< ,.'," <,j,,'/t<~~~s ~IJ _elExpenditures under 7,500. For am1iilfiiBiI_ under Seven Thousand Fi).'e Hundred Dollars (7,500) ~1\'lillll~'I..I~'i~;::~V~" _, unless otherwise ordered by the City Manager, the user department shall first solicit at least three (3) informal __ bids, diligently attempting in good faith to obtain the best value for the City. All informal" bids shall be recorded f_'Iby the user department director or hislher authorized assistant. For "1B'1!ls e-x enditures 4"_ 1i'''''''V'''i'h''~'''''' pI.. . . . . ,.. .. .. ",,,,,' _ over One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (1,500), the user department shall prepare a written purchase order. The original purchase order shall be forwarded to the designated vendor, and the second copy shall be filed with the user department until delivery or acceptance of the purchase. (b) _ Expenditures over $7,500. For 1_"11 purchase~ oyer Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (7,500), only the _ written bids shall be permitted. The completed purchase order, with bids or bid summaries attached, shall be forwarded to the user department director for his/her approval and signature on all copies. The original purchase order shall be forwarded to the designated vendor, and the second copy shall be filed with the user department until delivery or acceptance of the purchase. (s) II Expenditures over $5.000 Involvina Public Proiects. Expenditures over Five Thousand and no.'100ths Dollars ($5,000) involving public projects shall be made in compliance with the State laws applicable thereto. (Eij I Open purchase orders. (1) Defined. "Open purchase order" shall mean a purchase where the acquisition is not made all at one time; it shall be a continuing order providing continuing authority to purchase from vendors who furnish monthly supplies or services in such volume as to justify the issuance of an open order. All open purchase orders shall state a maximum amount of expenditures. (2) Use. Upon the user department's written request therefor, an open purchase order may be prepared and issued. The original copy, after approval and signature, shall be forwarded to the vendor. The second copy shall be retained by the user department. When an open purchase order is utilized, expenditures shall be reported by the use of requisitions. Such requisitions shall be signed by the department director or his/her duly authorized assistant. Such requisitions against an open purchase order shall be filed immediately by the user department before each and every purchase. (e. Guidelines for Evaluatina Bids. Except as otherwise required by law, guidelines for - evaluating bids shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1 ) The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the bidder (this may include an analysis of previous work performed for the City); (2) The ability of the bidder to perform the contract, or provide the materials, supplies, or services required, within the time specified, without delay or interference; (3) The ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance, repair parts, and replacement of purchased materials or supplies; (4) Compliance by the bidder with federal acts, executive orders, and state statutes governing nondiscrimination in employment; (5) The results of any evaluation relating performance and price, such as testing, life cycle costing, and analysis of service, maintenance, and technical data; (6) Fitness and quality being equal, a preference may be granted to local vendors for the purchase of materials, supplies, and services. The City may provide a preference to each qualified local vendor if the bid of a local qualified vendor does not exceed the lowest bid or price quoted by other vendors by more than five percent (5%). Application of the five percent (5%) preference in the award of the contract shall mean the amount by which the local vendor bid or estimate shall be deemed reduced in the City's bid award or selection process and shall not actually reduce the amount ultimately paid by the City to the successful bidder. To qualify as a local vendor, a business must have all current applicable City licenses and permits, must maintain its primary office, distribution point, or place of business within the City of Arroyo Grande and must report and pay sales tax to the State of California that identifies the point of sale for taxable transactions as a location within the City limits. (Sec. 1, Ord. 188, as amended by Sec. 4, Ord. 447 C.S., eft. July 23,1992; Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eff. September 14, 1997) Sec. 2-4.03. _IIPurchase Orders Over $1,500: Approval by City Manaaer. Department directors and 311 other City employees shall not be authorized to sign, issue, or deliver any purchase order, or accept any delivery of goods ~~ll!l(__4A 8*C8SS of the sum of One Thousand Fi'.(e Hundred Dollars ($1,SOO~, until such time as the City Manager has authorized same in writing. aM Any such purchase orders or acceptance I..~ ~i goods in ox.cess of One Thous3nd Fivo Hundred Dollars ($1,500 in value without the prior written approval of the City Manager shall be a nullity. (Sec. 3, Ord. 181, as amended by Sec. 4, Ord. 447 C.S., eft. July 23,1992; Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eft. September 14, 1997) - ------------ --"..- Sec. 2-4.04. Purchase Orders For 57.600 .1}leill~JII'Ih'1lr.: Approval by Council. The City Manager and department directors shall not be authorized to sign, issue, or deliver any purchase order, or accept any delivery of goods or services, 101__ , in excoss of the sum of Se'/on Thousand Fivo Hundred Dollars ($7,500) in value until such time as the Council first shall have authorized the same-aA. Any purchase orders or acceptance of goods or services in excess of _ Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500) in value without the prior approval of the Council shall be a nullity. (Sec. 1, Ord. 488 C.S., eff. September 14,1997) __111S"'1"~1;I~J~mir:iI\t~ll._IIJI" ,:,._.I~;~illll""1)_JlII '.........ll1l.rll."...;...........'......IIII's.......... ; .',' s .... . . ... '~. '1IZesmf ...... ..... "'. ',':'1.. ; @ ,f%( ':.:~',,'" .:__ E:! )::1;:;:,~:: '~;{<.>;&-eN?W}&'/AK', :.''!:'' . "";'1<<1''''':''1' .. .': '.'" '.' ."', ., 'I"s.."INtirw......,;., ...... ., if '.d'!. ;*I9" ; 'L ,. . ;,.;.;=.,Ii."<;..;;...I<f:rlL."...;",,.. ,... #:~. , ...., , .,'r_.ofas'sJllillRIT....... ". ,,,:: /0/.' ~~,,"_: :_~ '" ,,-:..';,~~ ,_ __ ,&'<";",, i';<,,:-,'i-i:' :r~f,>-::.>,.:.:.~:L.:.:~:,:",::,~:,:':,:':,:':,:,:,:<,:<';,c:,;.>~-',-':.".",-;_,L__'>:_,._ _,_____ _.... ,~,,,,""~'~>':,>i;:;-;:. W'~-;?'~;-~; " "..;."._I".."'BI.......'...".'........"".'II!'..'..'......".,..,;...,....;.....,;....................;........'..._...........".."'.... ;; .. .... "',; ";e'd .~:~rr;eI'I:;m""re:';..~ .. . ."":"'iifi'l. .., '.., .., ..........'.e.. ..' 3";';"" '.; .....'.....w...;e .,..,~;. .,.' ....' ..' ,... ;.."'. '''0IL;'!iiL~ ,0_1..110,d~,.,,:,..:,I.,;,,.I..K,,{, . .,h'. ... .... . ... .,.:.le~JJiil, Sec. 2-4.06 R. Use of Procedures Not Reauired. The procedures and provisions set forth in Section 2-4.02 of this chapter may be dispensed with, at the discretion and judgment of the City Manager _ as to the best interests of the City, as follows: (a) When an emergency requires that an order be placed with the nearest available source of supply; (b) When the item(s) to be purchased can be obtained from only one vendor or supplier; (c) When the purchase will be made cooperatively with one or more other units of government, or by use of another agency's bid procurement procedure, provided it meets the standards established by this chapter; (d) When reasonably necessary for the preservation or protection of public peace, health, safety, or welfare of persons or property; or (e) When, given the indeterminate nature of the City's need, a request for proposal will result in a more favorable and efficient comparison of materials, supplies, or services. -~---~ 7.". ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the following item: PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE ADDING THERETO A CHAPTER 19 ENTITLED "AFFORDABLE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS". Applicant: City of Arroyo Grande Proposal: The Council will consider a proposed Ordinance implementing Affordable Housing Requirements. The Ordinance will implement the primary goals, policies, and objectives of the City's 1993 General Plan Housing Element. The Ordinance would impose requirements on new residential development to provide a continuing supply of new housing units. Projects with four (4) or fewer lots would be exempt from the proposed Ordinance. Representative: Kerry McCants, Director of Community Development In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), it has been determined pursualit to Section 15061 (b)(1) of the CEQA Guidelines that the activity is not a project as determined in Section 15378. Any person affected or concerned about the proposal may submit written comments to the Administrative Services Director before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal at the time of the hearing. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Community Development Department at 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, or by telephone at (805) 473-5400 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). A copy of the proposed Ordinance is available for public inspection at the above address. IF YOU CHALLENGE AN ITEM IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE CITY COUNCIL AT, OR PRIOR TO, THE PUBLIC HEARING. FAILURE OF ANY PERSON TO RECEIVE THE NOTICE SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE GROUNDS FOR ANY , COURT TO INVALIDATE THE ACTION OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY FOR WHICH THE NOTICE WAS GIVEN. Date and Time of Hearing: Tuesday, February 22,2000, 7:00 p.m. Place of Hearing: Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers, ' 215 East Branch Street 11 ~ LA JJ:Jn(tJ!Le- Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Kelly ~tm/e Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk Publish 1T, February 11,2000 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KERRY McCANTS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS ORDINANCE DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Find the proposed Ordinance amending Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code by adding Chapter 19 to establish mandatory affordable housing requirements is consistent with the General Plan; and 2. Introduce for first reading the proposed ordinance amending Title 9 by adding Chapter 19 to the Arroyo. Grande Municipal Code. 3. Direct the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk to file a "Notice of Exemption" with the County Recorder. FUNDING: Subject to the approval of the City Council, the proposed Ordinance provides for the payment of a fee in lieu of meeting on-site Affordable Housing requirements. The fees collected would be deposited in a trust fund and are to be used solely to increase the supply of affordable housing units. DISCUSSION: The proposed Affordable Housing Requirements Ordinance was considered at the City Council meeting of July 27, 1999. The Council authorized the distribution of the Draft Ordinance for public comment. The Council also directed staff to return with a summary of the comments and a recommendation from the Planning Commission. Two agencies responded with comments, The City of San Luis Obispo Housing Authority and Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corporation (Attachment 2). Pursuant to California State law as codified in Health and Safety Code sections 50000 et seq., the City of Arroyo Grande has established goals, objectives and policies to provide affordable housing to low income households. The proposed ordinance would implement some of the primary goals, policies, and objectives of the Housing Element of the General Plan. Specifically, the proposed ordinance imposes requirements on new residential development, which will provide a continuing supply of affordable housing units to meet the needs of existing and future low income households in the City of Arroyo Grande. --_..~.,_._-- The proposed affordable housing in-lieu fee for projects requiring General Plan amendments and/or changes to a zoning designation increasing residential density is 2.S% of the value of new construction for each unit within a development. The proposed affordable housing fee in all other residential development projects is 1 % of the value of new construction for each unit within a development. Projects with four (4) or fewer units or lots are excepted from the provision of the proposed Ordinance. The proposed Ordinance strictly interprets the core General Plan Policies concerning conditions placed on residential development that are intended to help create an affordable housing supply, as set forth in the Housing Element (Le., General Policies A.11., A.12., and A.13, copies attached). By definition, a low income household is one in which the household income is between SO% and 80% of the county median'income. (Table 1, Housing Element.) The referenced Tab~e identifies the additional categories of "very low," "moderate," and "above moderate" income households, which is consistent with state guidelines. However, the General Policies of the City, as well as the programs designed to implement them, appear to only target "low income households. " They should also encompass "very low income households" in their reach. A very low income household is defined as a household with income less than SO% of the county median income. The specific wording of Goal "A" of the Housing Element is as follows: liTo provide a continuing supply of affordable housing to meet the needs of existing and future AffOYO Grande residents in all income c~tegories. II (emphasis added.) The Planning Commission heard this item on December 7, 1999 and unanimously recommended approval with comment that the fee was not high enough to generate adequate funds to meaningfully address the issue. The Commission was also concerned about the provision of the proposed Ordinance, which exempts projects of four or less units. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: 'It has been determined pursuant to Section 1S061(b)(1) of the CEQA Guidelines that the activity is not a project as determined in Section 1S378. Alternatives The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Introduce the Ordinance for first reading; - Modify the Ordinance, and introduce for first reading; - Reject the Ordinance; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1) Arroyo Grande General Plan Housing Element, General Policies A.11, A.12, and A.13. 2) Comments from Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corporation and the Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo 3) "Notice of Exemption" ORDINANCE NO. C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO A CHAPTER 19 ENTITLED "AFFORDABLE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS" WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has a responsibility, pursuant to California state law (Health and Safety Code sectionsSOOOO et seq.), to address the needs of its residents, as well as residents in the region, from all social and economic groups for decent, affordable housing, while at the same time maintaining an economically sound and healthy environment; and WHEREAS, the Housing Element of the General Plan of the City of Arroyo Grande adopted on June 22, 1993, provides for affordable housing programs to address the needs for decent and affordable housing; and WHEREAS, according to the 1990 census, 36% of all Arroyo Grande households (or 2,092 households which equate to S,188 residents) are of low or moderate income; and WHEREAS, according to the 1990 census, the median sales price of a house in Arroyo Grande was $207,700 which is indicative of the high cost of housing and limited ability for low income households to own homes in Arroyo Grande without assistance; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the majority of new housing units being constructed in the City of Arroyo Grande are not affordable to persons of low income, and that the current requirements placed on new housing developments are inadequate to assure sufficient numbers of new housing units are available to persons of low income; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has conducted environmental review for adoption of an ordinance establishing procedures to provide for the development of affordable housing in the City of Arroyo Grande, and has found that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed affordable housing requirements will have an effect on the environment and therefore is exempt from the provisions of CEQA; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information in the proposed document and staff report, as well as public testimony presented at the hearing and make the following findings of fact: A. The proposed affordable housing requirements are consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, and programs of the General Plan, and are necessary and desirable to implement the provisions of the General Plan. B. The proposed affordable housing requirements will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 2 C. The proposed affordable housing requirements are consistent with the purpose and intent of Title 9. D. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed affordable housing require- ments are insignificant. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY~ OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Title 9 is hereby amended to add Chapter 9-19 to read as follows: CHAPTER 9-19 AFFORDABLE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS Section 9-19.010 Purpose To provide a continuing supply of affordable housing units to meet the f needs of existing and future Arroyo Grande residents in all income categories pursuant to the requirements of California state law, and as outlined in the City's adopted Housing Element. Section 9-19.020 Definitions. The definitions of this section and of Chapter 9-18 shall govern this Chapter. "Affordable housing units": Units governed by a legal covenant or other restriction enforceable by the City restricting the availability of said units to lower income and very low income residents, which units are rented or sold to lower income or very low income households, as defined in this subsection. I "Developer": An applicant for an approval or a permit required for a residential subdivision, or to construct a residential development project. "Housing unit": One or more rooms, designed, occupied, or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters, with full cooking, sleeping, and bathroom facilities for the exclusive use of a single household. "Lower income households": Those households defined in section S0079.S of the California Health and Safety Code. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 3 "In-Lieu Fee": A fee paid to the City by a developer subject to this Chapter in lieu of providing the required affordable housing units. "Project": A residential development or land subdivision proposal for which City permits and approvals are required. ''Very Low Income Household": Those households defined in section S010S of the California Health and Safety Code. Section 9-19.030 Applicability. This Chapter shall apply to any residential development project or the construction of such project or any portion thereof, and shall also apply to any development that results from the conversion of any square footage from an exempt use to a non-exempt use. Section 9-19.040 Provision of Housing, In-Lieu Fee, or Dedication of Land. The developer shall meet affordable housing requirements by providing on-site affordable housing units meeting the standards set forth in this Chapter, or paying a fee in lieu of providing such housing, or dedicating land to the City to be used for development of affordable housing. Payment of an in-lieu fee or the dedication of land shall be allowed pursuant to this Chapter if the City Council finds that any of the following circumstances apply: A. The provision of the required affordable housing units on the site is impractical for physical reasons, including but not limited to the following: utility infrastructure limitations, traffic safety. or traffic capacity limitations, site design constraints which preclude the development of the property to City standards at the density permitted pursuant to the General Plan or zoning district in which the property is located; or The City Council determines that the payment of in-lieu fees or the dedication of land will provide a superior opportunity to satisfy the goals and policies of the General Plan; or The payment of in-lieu fees or the dedication of land to the City will provide an equivalent level of mitigation to that of on-site production of the required affordable housing units. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 4 Section 9-19.050 Calculation of Housing or In-Lieu Fee. Projects must provide for the number of affordable housing units as set forth below. In all cases where, at the property owner's request, the City Council amends the General Plan and/or zoning designation of a property, which results in an increase in the allowable residential density above that authorized by the adopted version of the City's General Plan and/or Zoning Map, the requirement shall be as follows: 1. At least 2S% of the units or lots approved for development on the subject property shall be affordable for lower income households; or 2. Payment of an in-lieu fee equivalent to 2.S% of the value of new construction for each unit within the development as computed for building permit purposes. 3. Projects where fewer than 12 units are allowed after amend- ment of the General Plan and/or rezoning increasing the allowable density of the affected property shall be subject to payment of an in-lieu fee equivalent to 2.S% of the value of new construction for each unit within the development as computed for building permit purposes. B. In all other cases, the requirement shall be as follows: 1. Projects of less than 2S units shall pay an in-lieu fee equiva- lent to 1 % of the value of new construction for each unit within the development as computed for building permit . purposes. 2. Projects of 2S to 49 units. . a. Provide at least S% of the units or lots as affordable to lower income households. In all such cases the developer shall be entitled to a density bonus of 5% of the allowable density for the property; or b. Pay an in-lieu fee equivalent to 1 % of the value of the new construction for each unit within the development as computed for building permit purposes. 3. Projects of SO or more units. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE S a. Provide at least 10% of the units or lots as affordable to lower income households. In all such cases the developer shall be entitled to a density bonus of 10% of the allowable density for the property; or b. Pay an in-lieu fee equivalent to 1 % of the value of the new construction for each unit within the development as computed for building permit purposes. 4. Projects subject to Section 9-19.0S0 B.2. and B.3. may meet the requirements of this Chapter by dedicating land to the City when land dedication is deemed suitable by the City Council, pursuant to Section 9-19.040. Such land shall be offered in fee to the City or to another public or non-profit agency approved by the City. S. Projects of four (4) or fewer units or lots shall be excepted from the provisions of this Chapter. Section 9-19.060 Implementation. A. A written housing development agreement, in a form approved by the City, shall be entered into between the City and the developer prior to final approval of a subdivision map, or issuance of a building permit, as applicable. This agreement will set forth the developer's plan to meet the requirements of this Chapter, and the City's approval of that plan. B. All affordable housing units in a project and phases of a project shall be constructed concurrently with or prior to the construction of other units, unless the City finds that extenuating circumstances exist. C. All affordable housing units shall be sold or rented to lower income or very low income households as certified by the Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo or such other entity approved by the City Council, and shall remain affordable for a term of not less than thirty (30) years. D. Unless the City finds compelling reasons to the contrary, the affordable housing units shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the development, shall contain on average the same number of bedrooms as the other units in the development, and shall be ________ .n_~__~_.._._ - -------------,..------- ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 6 compatible with the design of the market rate units in terms of appearance, materials, and finished quality. E. The in-lieu fees shall be paid to the City prior to issuance of any grading or building permit. Payment may be made for each phase of a phased project before the issuance of the grading or building permit for such phase, as applicable. F. If the number of units required for a project includes a fraction of a unit, the developer shall provide either a whole unit or a pro-rata in- lieu payment on account of such fraction of a unit. Section 9-19.070 Affordable Housing Trust Fund - Establishment. Fees paid pursuant to this Chapter shall be deposited in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and used solely to increase the supply of affordable housing units. Section 9-19.080 Affordable Housing Trust Fund - Administration. The Affordable Housing Trust Fund shall be administered under the general supervision of the Community Development Director, and pursuant to such rules, regulations, and guidelines as the City Council shall adopt and/or amend from time to time. The Community Development Director shall make annual reports to the City Council regarding the administration and status of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Section 9-19-090 Project Approvals. No new housing project, residential subdivision, general plan amendment and/or rezoning of land for residential purposes, or other land use authorization related thereto, may be approved unless the requirements of this Chapter have been met. Section 9-19-100 Guidelines. The City Council shall adopt guidelines for the operation of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. SECTION 2: The City Council hereby directs the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk to file a "Notice of Exemption" with the County Recorder. SECTION 3: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unconstitu- - ---~_._-_._...- ---_._-----_._-.-_.-.- ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 7 tional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 4: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (S) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (1S) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of ,2000. . --~r--._._- H. ~>. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 8 MICHAELA. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY .~... . .---...- , . City of Arroyo Granc!e Housing Element . A TT ACHMENT 1 A.S. shall allow housing in conjunction with compatible commercial uses; mix shall be a subject to discretionary review on a case-by-case bas' . mmercial districts. A.9. A.10. The C' , In conjunction with nonprofit or for profit dev ~ for funds from state and federal governments to construct housing for low income 0 A.11. In all cases where the City amends the General Plan and/or zoning to increase the allowed residential density on a particular property, at least 25% of the units devefoped on such property shall be affordable to low income households. This shall include any General Plan amendments changing land designated for agriculture to a residential or mixed use designation, ch~nging commercial to mixed use, or increasing the residential densities on , parcels already designated or zoned for residential uses. The low income units may be either for rent or for sale, but shall remain affordable fer a term to be set on a case by case basis by the City and consistent with applicable State law. Factors which may be considered, in setting the term mayinelude, but are not litraited to, contnbutions to the City housing fund and the conditions of loans or grants, among others. The City Council may allow shorter time terms, for example, if contributions are made to the City housing fund. Low income units shall be available concurrently with market rate units. Sites on which fewer than 12 units are allowed, even after the General Plan amendment or rezoning, shall be excepted. It is the intent of this policy that contiguous parcas in common ownership at the time of the General Plan amendment or rezoning s.iall ~e treated as a single site for purposes of calculating allowed units and ttle application ot .."tis exception. In such cases where an exception is allowed, however, the City may ieqCire the payment of a fee, in lieu of actual construction of Ibw income housing. Said tee s.1all be equal to 2.5% of the value of new construction as computed tor building permit calculations. Said fee shall be used to construct low income units, t~' write-down land or financing costs for lower income units, or for the rehabilitation or preservation of such units. Secondary units or "granny flats. which otherwise meet the requirements for such units as prescnbed by City ordinances and State law, and which wm remain rentals for a. ~rm approved by the City, may be applied toward the requirements of this policy. A.12. All new housing projects or subdivisions of 50 or more units or lots shall provide at least 10% of the units as affordable to low income households. In ail such cases, a density bonus of at least 10% shalf be approved by the City. Such density bonus shaU not be in addition to density bonuses allowed pursuant to State law nor cumulative to atrf density bonus approved under Policy A.11. For new housing projects or subdivisions of at least 25 units or lots but fewer than 50 units or lots, at least 5% of the units shall be affordable to low income households. In all such cases, a density bonus of at least 5% shall be approved by the City. Such density bonus . shall not be in addition to density bonuses allowed pursuant to State law nor cumulative to any density bonus approved under Policy A.11. The low income units may be either for rent or for sale, but shall remain affordabie fer a term to be set on a case by case basis by the City and consistent with applicaiJle State - Cr:1wford Mult:lri :lud Sbrr planning . architec:ure . public policy City of Arroyo G~nde Housing Element law. Factors which may be considered in setting the term may include. but are not limited to, contnbutions to the City housing fund and the conditions of /oens or grants, among others. The CitY Council may allow shorter time terms, for example, if contnbutions are made to the City housing fund. Low income units shall be aVailable concurrently with market rate units. In cases where the City determines that it is impractical for the developer to actually construct the units on the site, the City may allow, as an alternative, the dedication of land sufficient to accommodate at least the required number of the units for low income households andlor payment of an in lieu fee. In cases where land dedication is deemed suitable. such land shall be offered in fee to the City or to another pubrlC or non profit agency approved by th,e City. The amount of any fee shafl be determined on a case-by-case basis. The City may require the developer to fund an anaJysis showing how contribUtions of in-lieu fees could be best utilized to create the desired number of low cost units. These requirements shall not apply to cases where the requirements of Policy A.11, above, have already been applied; ie, the requirements of this policy are not in addition to the requirements of Policy A.11, above, but apply to projects or subdivision which do not involve a new General Plan amendment of rezoning. Secondary units or -granny flats. which otherwise meet the requirements for such units as prescnbed by City ordinances and State law, and which will remain rentals for a term approved by the City, may be applied toward the requirements of this policy. As an alternative to these requirements on new projects, the City wiD consider a city-wide funding program to generate monies to produce new low income housing. If such a funding mechanism is adopted, this policy may be modified (see Program 15). A.13. All new housing projects or subdivisions of less than 25 units or lots shall pay a fee equal to 1 % of the value of new construction as computed for building permit calculations. Said fee shall be used to construct low income units, to write-down land ot-'financing costs for lower income units, or for the rehabilitation or preservation of such units. Exceptions shall be granted to projects or subdivisions at four or fewer units and to projects in which at least 5% of the units are affordable to low income households for a term approved by the City. These requirements shall not apply to cases where the requirements of Policy A.11, above. have aJreagy been applied; ie, the requirements of this policy are not in addition to the requirements otPolicy A.11, above, but apply to projects or subdivision which do not involve a new General Plan amendment at rezoning. As an alternative to these requirements on new projects, the City Will consider a city-wide funding program to generate monies to produce new low income housing. If such a funding mechanism is adopted. this policy may be modified (see Program 15). A.14. . . ro___"_-..J '-f~.I._..... __.... ~...._ ..,t:2"",i"t"'t . ~r'!""""_"r"o!'t. .. ..."....Ii,.. ",,,,,'i,..., U Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corporation A TT ACHMENT 2 October 27, 1999 City Council & Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande PO Box 550 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande CA 93421 RE: DRAFT AFFORDABLE HOUSING ORDINANCE Dear Councilmembers and Commissioners: Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corporation has worked hard for 30 years to meet the needs of working families and individuals of the Central Coast. We would like to commend the City of Arroyo Grande's commitment to promoting housing that is affordable for all families of your City, including low and very low income families. Upon reviewing the City of Arroyo Grande's Draft Affordable Housing Ordinance, Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corporation (PSHHC) would like to make the following comments. Several of these recommendations are based upon our lengthy participation in the ad hoc lnclusionary Housing Task Force for the City of San Luis Obispo. . It appears the method for calculating the in-lieu fee will produce insufficient resources to produce the equivalent amount of affordable housing off-site. This will indirectly encourage the developer to automatically choose to pay the proposed I % in-lieu fee over building his or her required percentage of affordable units. To offset this, instead of requiring a 1 % in-lieu fee, we recommend a 5% in-lieu fee. . With scarcity of land for new development, emphasis should be on producing units, not collecting a fee. Our recommendation for a 5% in-lieu fee would seek to encourage developers to build affordable housing. Any in-lieu fees collected under a proposed amount of 5% would further help to build an equivalent, comparable amount of affordable housing eff..site. . The inclusionary affordable units should be comparable to the market rate units the developer builds in tenns of number of bedrooms. We thank the City Council and City Planning Commission for the opportunity to provide comments and urge you to consider our recommendations. Sincerely, ~~\) Jeanette Duncan ~ Executive Director .' 3533 Empleo Street Son Luis Obispo, California 93401 'I 29 E. Canon Perdido Street TEL: (805) 781-3088 FAX: 1805) 5AA-1901 Santo Barbara, California 9310 I E-mail: admin@pshhc.org TEL: (805) 962.5152 www.pshhc.org A United Way Agency FAX: (805) 962-8152 --l ~~-- ~~SLO @ --- -.......... Housing Authority 487 Leff Street Post Office Box 1289 San Luis Obispo CA 93406-1289 of the City of (805) 543-4478 fax (805) 543-4992 San Luis Obispo Executive Directo,..Secretary Georse J. Moylan August 4, 1999 Mr. Henry Engen, Interim Community Development Director City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Dear Henry: Thanks for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Draft Affordable Housing Ordinance. Its always encouraging to identify communities that take seriously a commitment to affordable housing and the needs of all their residents. I am also a great believer in the long-tenn success of Housing Trust Funds in helping those communities meet their affordable housing goals. However, I don't believe in-lieu fees or newly adopted inclusionary housing ordinances will ever make-up for the deficits in affordable housing stock now existing in our communities. But they are at least steps in the right direction. Having said that my comments on your proposed ordinance are relatively brief. Specifically I have a problem with the philosophical reasons that have led you to conclude that larger developments should be given financial preference, i.e. reduced percentage contributions and increased density bonuses, over smaller developments. Our philosophy has always been that small developments give the client a better chance, have less impact on the cost of fire and police services, and provide for better neighbors. The proposed ordinance seems to fly in the face of those concerns. Our experience, which mirrors what has been found to be the case in this country for the past couple of decades, is that when it comes to housing developments the smaller the better. . A TT ACHMENT 3 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION To: County Clerk County of San Luis Obispo 1144 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 From: City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Re: Project Title: Affordable Housing Requirements Ordinance Location: Citywide Description: Imposes requirements on new residential development, which will provide a continuing supply of affordable housing units to meet the needs of existing and future low income households in the city of Arroyo Grande. Name of Applicant: City of Arroyo Grande Basis for exemption: Section 1 5061 (b) (1) of the CEOA Guidelines determines that the activity is not a project as determined in Section 15378. Lead Agency Contact: Kerry McCants, Community Development Director Signature: Date: Kelly Wetmore Director of Administrative Services/ Deputy City Clerk -""'''"","--' ,-_....._._.-""'.....~,...._. ..--., , 9.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TIFICA TION DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDA TION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period February 1 - February 15, 2000. FUNDING: There is a $812,616.53 fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT A - Cash Disbursement Listing ATTACHMENT B - February 4,2000 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT C - February 11, 2000 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT D - February 11,2000 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks ---..- A'ITACHMENT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS "JM tie 'P~ 01- "J~ 1 7~ "J~ 15, 2000 ""'w<" "w,""~" February 22, 2000 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Deparbnent of Financial Services for the period February 1 to February 15, 2000. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. WEEK TYPEOF PAYMENT February 4, 2000 Accounts Payable Cks 94099-94188 B 166,670.03 February 11, 2000 Accounts Payable Cks 94189-94281 C 390,127.61 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks D 255,818.89 645,946.50 Two Week Total $ 812.616.53 --- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - City Clerk Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - P~blic Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Fund (Fund 271) 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant 4140 - Management Information System 4203 - Federal COPS Hiring Grant 4145 - Non Departmental 4204 - Federal Local Law Enforcement Public Safety (Fund 010) 4201 - Police ENTERPRISE FUNDS 4211 - Fire Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4212 - Building & Safety 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4213 - Government Buildings Water Fund (Fund 640) Public Works (Fund 010) 4710 - Water Administration 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4711 - Water Production 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance 4712 - Water Distribution 4304 - Street Lighting Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4305 - Automotive Shop 4750 - Lopez Administration Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4420 - Parks CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 4421 - Recreation 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4422 - General Recreation 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4423 - Pre-School Program 5701-5799 - D;rainage Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 4460 - Parkway Maintenance Dept. Index for Councilxls ATTACHMENT B VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 02/02/00 08:38 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER ROOM-CITY CLERK CONF 010.4002.5501 248.72 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING 010.4001.5501 362.00 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER ECON DEV CONF 284.4103.5501 450.00 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER LEAGUE OF CITIES CHIEFS CONF 010.4211.5501 15.55 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER FUEL 010.4211.5501 23.72 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER GIFT CERTIFICATE 010.4211. 5601 60.00 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER DOOR CYLINDER 010.4213.5604 81. 47 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER GASOLINE 010.4421.5608 22.07 '207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER GASOLINE 010.4421. 5608 20.00 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER NRPA CONF 010.4421. 5501 199.24 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER PHILS BUTCHER SHOP 010.4421.5201 32.00 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER KITCHEN SUPPLIES 010.4424.5252 51.98 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OTC SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES 010.4424.5252 49.50 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER KITCHEN SUPPLIES 29.25 207 02/02/00 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301. 5255 49.98 1,695.48 94099 02/04/00 000468 A T & T-L/DIST SVC. L/DIST FAX 010.4211. 5403 2.55 2.55 94100 02/04/00 100584 AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA COR OXY & ACET GAS 010.4305.5303 44.82 94100 02/04/00 100584 AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA COR OXY & ACET GAS 640.4712.5610 44.81 89.63 94101 02/04/00 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP SAFETY GLASSES 010.4420.5255 18.88 94101 02/04/00 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP SURVIVAIR HEADGEAR/VALVES 220.4303.5255 122.05 94101 02/04/00 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP REPLACEMENT LENSES 010.4430.5605 45.05 94101 02/04/00 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP OVER SHOE RAIN BOOTS 010.4420.5255 28.95 94101 02/04/00 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP BATTERIES 010.4201. 5255 21.43 236.36 94102 02/04/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS DELGADO SVCS-l/14 220.4303.5303 608.00 94102 02/04/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS DELGADO SVCS-l/21 220.4303.5303 486.40 94102 02/04/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS WILLOUGHBY SVCS 1/14 010.4120.5303 803.06 94102 02/04/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS WILLOUGHBY SVCS-l/21 010. 41;W. 5303 602.88 2,500.34 94103 02/04/00 004914 APEX SHARPENING WORKS OIL 010.4211.5603 34.11 34.11 94104 02/04/00 101038 ARROYO GRANDE LIONS SUPPLIES-VOLUNTEERS BANQUET 010.4424.5252 376.51 376.51 94105 02/04/00 101447 B & H COMMUNICATIONS, IN RETENTION-CREEKSIDE PED.PATH 350.5607.7001 5,090.16 5,090.16 94106 02/04/00 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB.VOL.DINNER SUPPLIES 010.4424.5252 27.86 27.86 94107 \02/04/00 010628 BENS COMPUTER OUTLET 2 COMPUTER MICE 010.4140.5607 34.31 34.31 94108 02/04/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER JOINT COMPOUND 220.4303.5613 19.26 19.26 94109 02/04/00 021294 C.COAST FIRE PREVENTION CCFPA DUES-FIBICH 010.4211.5503 30.00 94109 02/04/00 021294 C.COAST FIRE PREVENTION CCFPA DUES-SCHMIDT 010.4212.5503 30.00 60.00 94110 02/04/00 018096 CA. ST. DEPT. GENERAL SER CHP CONTRACT (SRO) 010.4201.6301 242.88 242.88 94111 02/04/00 018330 CA.ST.DEPT.OF JUSTICE CHILD INDEX-3 PEOPLE 010.4425.5255 45.00 45.00 . ."-- 1 ---- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 02/02/00 08:38 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 94112 02/04/00 016146 CALIF.HWY PRODUCTS & SI U-BRACKETS/REFLECTORS 220.4303.5613 300.84 300.84 94113 02/04/00 016692 CALIF.PEACE OFFICER'S A HENDRICKS/TAYLOR-W/SHOP 010.4201. 5501 20.00 20.00 94114 02/04/00 101582 CCUG CCUG DUES-HOLT 010.4201. 5503 60.00 60.00 94115 02/04/00 021824 CENTRAL COAST SOD HYBRID BERMUDA 010.4430.5605 148.70 148.70 94116 02/04/00 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY WSD SUNBURST 010.4213.5604 68.64 68.64 94117 02/04/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SAFETY INSPECT/LUBE/OIL/FILTER 010.4301. 5601 46.98 94117 02/04/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET R&R FLOOR MATS/CONDENSOR 010.4301.5601 87.50 94117 02/04/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET LUBE/OIL/FILTER/WIPERS 010.4201. 5601 47.81 94117 02/04/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SCOPE/WIPERS/REPL.BULBS 220.4303.5601 85.92 94117 02/04/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET BLADE ASSEMBLY 010.4201. 5601 23.47 94117 02/04/00 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET SMOG TEST 010.4301. 5601 33.00 324.6t 94118 02/04/00 024180 COAST NUT & BOLT OPEN END CHAIN LINKS 010.4305.5255 64.35 94118 02/04/00 024180 COAST NUT & BOLT NUTS/BOLTS 640.4712.5610 78.57 142.92 94119 02/04/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 71.75 94119 02/04/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 43.00 94119 02/04/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 52.75 167.50 94120 02/04/00 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS RESV#5 SCADA SYSTEM 640.4710.5303 5,509.99 94120 02/04/00 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS RPL.RELAYS/TlMERS/SOCKETS 612.4610.5303 1,012.50 94120 02/04/00 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS OCTAL BASE/VAC RELAY/DIN BASE 612.4610.5610 524.46 7,046.95 94121 02/04/00 025428 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL BULBS 010.4213.5604 250.97 250.97 94122 02/04/00 101585 CSFA FIRE SVC.DIRECTORIES 010.4211.5255 60.00 60.00 94123 02/04/00 100959 CUB SCOUT PACK#13 REF. PARK DEPOSIT-CUB SCOUT PK 010.0000.4354 75.00 75.00 94124 02/04/00 029250 J.B. DEWAR, INC. DIESEL 010.0000.1202 163.21 94124 02/04/00 029250 J.B. DEWAR,INC. GASOLINE 010.0000.1202 1,445.60 1,608.81 94125 02/04/00 100956 DOKKEN ENGINEERING ENG SVCS-EL CAMPO/101 350.5616.7701 605.00 94125 02/04/00 100956 DOKKEN ENGINEERING ENG SVC-BRISCO/HALCYON/101 350.5615.7701 8,915.00 9,520.00 94126 02/04/00 101583 DOWE INDUSTRIES, INC. 48 FIRST RESPONSE KITS 010.4201. 5272 389.45 389.45 94127 02/04/00 032260 EVERGREEN ANIMAL CLINIC ADVANTAGE 010.4201.5322 40.94 40.94 94128 02/04/00 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN PVC PIPE 640.4712.5610 83.66 83.66 94129 02/04/00 035060 DAVID W. FOOTE PENFIELD/SMITH ATTENDANCE 010.0000.2352 1,661. 78 1,661. 78 94130 02/04/00 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC REPR.TRUNK LOCK 010.4301. 5601 25.00 94130 02/04/00 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC DUP.KEYS 010.4420.5605 6.44 31. 44 -~'",'" , -- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 02/02/00 08:38 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 94131 02/04/00 100700 G & M MOBILE SERVICE REPR. ELECT. BOOM/REPL. BATTERIES 640.4712.5601 428.85 94131 02/04/00 100700 . G & M MOBILE SERVICE REPR.WATER PUMP 640.4712.5603 492.22 921.07 94132 02/04/00 036786 GAR BAR LIMITED 12/99 DRAINAGE REIMB 010.0000.2220 1,540.00 1,540.00 94133 02/04/00 036894 GATEWAY COMPANIES,INC. COMPUTER WORKSTATION 010.4140.6101 1,219.44 94133 02/04/00 036894 GATEWAY COMPANIES,INC. 17"MONITOR 010.4140.6101 337.84 1,557.28 94134 02/04/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4212.5201 17.44 94134 02/04/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5255 139.37 94134 02/04/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4101.5201 9.93 94134 02/04/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 46.85 94134 02/04/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5501 42.31 94134 02/04/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE .SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 612.4610.5201 17.12 94134 02/04/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 3.21 276.23 94135 02/04/00 039100 GRID NETWORK INTERNET/E-MAIL 010.4140.5607 46.90 46.90 94136 02/04/00 039312 CITY OF GROVER BEACH DOG OBEDIENCE-OCT 010.4424.5351 174.00 94136 02/04/00 039312 CITY OF GROVER BEACH DOG OBEDIENCE-NOV 010.4424.5351 15.20 94136 02/04/00 039312 CITY OF GROVER BEACH DOG OBEDIENCE-DEC 010.4424.5351 129.60 318.80 94137 02/04/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE PKS SUPER 010.4421. 5602 15.54 94137 02/04/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-F. CHIEF 010.4211.5403 25.21 94137 02/04/00 036426 .GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-ENG 1 010.4211.5403 18.34 94137 02/04/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PKS DIRECTOR 010.4421.5602 22.60 94137 02/04/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PD 010.4201.5403 53.01 94137 02/04/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PD 010.4201.5403 19.04 94137 02/04/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PD 010.4201. 5403 15.99 9'413 7 02/04/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PD 010.4201. 5403 21. 54 94137 02/04/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PD 010.4201.5403 18.34 94137 02/04/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PD 010.4201. 5403 15.99 94137 02/04/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PD 010.4201.5403 28.50 254.10 94138 02/04/00 039992 DONNA HAMILTON MILEAGE/EQUIPMENT 010.4201. 5501 240.23 94138 02/04/00 039992 DONNA HAMILTON BOOKS/TUITION 010.4201.5502 482.24 722.47 94139 02/04/00 041808 CRAIG HENDRICKS REIMB.TUITION"HENDRICKS 010.4201. 5502 930.00 930.00 94140 02/04/00 042354 HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE EXTENSION PANEL ASSEMBLY 010.4201. 5601 93.53 93.53 94141 02/04/00 101584 JOHN HODGES REF.PRE-APP FEE-789 VALLEY 010.0000.4511 80.00 80.00 94142 02/04/00 042862 HONEYWELL, INC. REPR.AIR CONDITIONER 010.4213.5303 585.00 585.00 94143 02/04/00 044050 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS,I MAINT/COPY USEAGE 010.4421. 5602 169.99 169.99 94144 02/04/00 045162 INTL CONF OF BUILDING 0 ICBO CLASS DUES-SCHMIDT 010.4212.5503 195.00 195.00 94145 02/04/00 046722 JERRY'S SPORT CENTER, I BATONS/BELT STOPPERS 010.4201. 5272 362.73 94145 02/04/00 046722 JERRY'S SPORT CENTER, I DOUBLE CUFFS 010.4201.5255 241.22 603.95 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 02/02/00 08:38 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 94146 02/04/00 101173 LONGS DRUG STORE PHOTO PROCESSING-DEC 010.4201.5255 54.04 94146 02/04/00 101173 LONGS DRUG STORE PHOTO PROCESSING-DEC 010.4201. 5255 9.63 63.67 94147 02/04/00 053092 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES PHONE-MAINT 010.4145.5403 25.60 25.60 94148 02/04/00 101516 MADONNA CONSTRUCTION CO #3 FAIR OAKS WATER LINE IMPROV 350.5755.7001 25,658.82 25,658.82 94149 02/04/00 101252 MCI WORLDCOM L/DIST PHONE 010.4145.5403 235.72 235.72 94150 02/04/00 055654 MEGG ASSOCIATES, INC. ANNUAL CRISWATCH SUPPORT 010.4140.5607 2,787.50 2,787.50 94151 02/04/00 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA GASOLINE 010.4201. 5608 22.20 94151 02/04/00 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA MEMORIAL BADGE COVERS 010.4201.5255 87.25 94i51 02/04/00 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4201,5501 25.41 94151 02/04/00 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5201 33.61 94151 02/04/00 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA SANTA COP COSTUMES 010.4201.5504 203.78 372.25 94152 02/04/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE AIR FILTER/POWER STEERING BLT 010.4301. 5601 367.77 94152 02/04/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE SHOCKS 010.4301. 5601 231.56 94152 02/04/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE BATTERY 010.4201.5601 105.79 94152 02/04/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTER/SVC 010.4420.5601 194.26 94152 02/04/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE MIRROR 010.4420.5601 93.07 94152 02/04/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTER/HEATER KNOBS 010.4420.5601 197.54 94152 02/04/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTER/WIPER BLADE 640.4712.5601 42.28 1,232.27 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DUP.KEYS/KEY HIDERS 010.4211.5255 16.59 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MASK TAPE/ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 010.4211.5255 31. 67 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SAND PAPER/MASK TAPE/PAINT 010.4211.5603 21. 39 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DUSTPAN/SHOVEL 010.4420.5605 16.67 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINT/MESH TAPE 220.4303.5613 38.99 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SPRAY PAINT 612.4610.5610 4.28 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CEMENT 010.4420.5605 4.05 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CHAIN 640.4712.5610 31. 85 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SANDPAPER/BELT/PAINT 220.4303.5613 35.19 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HARDWARE 010.4420.5605 2.79 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HARDWARE 010.4420.5605 2.79- 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE STENCILS/MASK TAPE/PAINT 640.4712.5604 10.16 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE LADDER HOOKS/DOOR STOP 010.4211.5255 26.79 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BULBS/SENSOR MOTION 640.4712.5604 ~ 40.18 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. KITCHEN SUPPLIES 010.4211. 5255 18.53 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SANDPAPER 220.4303.5613 20.85 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PVC NIPPLES/ADAPTERS 010.4420.5605 9.15 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. SUPPLIES 010.4420.5605 4.76 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELLS/BUSHINGS 612.4610.5610 2.72 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINT ROLLER/SPRAY PAINT/ 220.4303.5613 47.50 94154 02/04/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SOCKET/WHEELBARROWS 220.4303.5273 107.23 488.55 94155 02/04/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 489-2174 010.4201. 5403 37.33 94155 02/04/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-2198 010.4145.5403 90.87 94155 02/04/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 489-2345 010.4145.5403 38.05 94155 02/04/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 841-3960 010.4145.5403 31.71 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 02/02/00 08:38 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 94155 02/04/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-5100 010.4145.5403 604.18 94155 02/04/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-5151 010.4145.5403 300.45 94155 02/04/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-5400 010.4145.5403 1,234.10 94155 02/04/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 481-6944 010.4201. 5403 132.79 94155 02/04/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-9523 010.4145.5403 72 .41 2,541.89 94156 02/04/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4145.5401 8.86 94156 02/04/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 1,397.48 94156 02/04/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 640.4712 .5402 242.73 94156 02/04/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 640.4711.5402 2,523.70 94156 02/04/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 612.4610.5402 837.96 94156 02/04/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4145.5401 4,057.39 9,068.12 94157 02/04/00 064308 PAPER DIRECT,INC. CERTIFICATE JACKETS 010.4201. 5504 221. 20 94157 02/04/00 064308 PAPER DIRECT, INC. AWARDS CEREMONY SUPPLIES 010.4211.5255 86.80 308.00 94158 02/04/00 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE PLAQUES-VOLUNTEERS BANQUET 010.4424.5252 139.42 139.42 94159 02/04/00 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS NOTICES TO APPEAR 010.4201. 5201 863.16 94159 02/04/00 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS COLOR COPIES 010.4201. 5201 104.14 94159 02/04/00 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS COPIES-GRAND AVE PAVING 010.4301. 5255 3.58 970.88 94160 02/04/00 067782 DENNIS PORTE PUPPY PLAY SCHOOL CLASSES 010.4424.5351 660.10 660.10 94161 02/04/00 069148 R & T EMBROIDERY,INC VOLUNTEER JACKETS/EMBROIDERY 010.4201.5255 400.10 400.10 94162 02/04/00 069496 RXLASER W2/1099 UPGRADE 010.4120.5201 293.13 94162 02/04/00 069496 RXLASER W2/1099 SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 84.18 94162 02/04/00 069496 RXLASER 3 PART PERF.PAPER 010.4120.5201 331.31 708.62 94163 02/04/00 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE CLASS AD-ASSIST.ASSOC.PLANNER 010.4130.5316 306.68 94163 02/04/00 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE CLASS AD-COMPUTER SUPPORT 010.4140.5316 306.68 94163 02/04/00 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE CLASS AD-MANAGEMENT ASSIST 010.4101. 5316 306.68 920.04 94164 02/04/00 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. OIL 010.4211. 5608 41.29 94164 02/04/00 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. DIESEL FUEL 010.421'1.5608 98.67 139.96 94165 02/04/00 101587 SEMINARS & COMPANY STUDY GUIDES/BLDG. CODES 010.4212.5501 69.00 69.00 94166 02/04/00 075114 SLO CNTY GENERAL HOSPIT LEGAL TOX SCREEN-NOV 010.4201. 5324 84.00 94166 02/04/00 075114 SLO CNTY GENERAL HOSPIT LEGAL TOX SCREEN-DEC 010.4201. 5324 196.00 280.00 94167 02/04/00 075348 SLO CNTY SHERIFF BOOKING FEES OCT-DEC 99 010.4201. 5323 6,752.50 6,752.50 94168 02/04/00 073660 SLOCO DATA, INC. MAILING CITY WIDE NEWSPAPER 010.4002.5201 90.00 90.00 94169 02/04/00 080106 SMITH AND LOVELESS,INC HOUSING SEALS/O-RINGS/GASKETS 612.4610.5610 1,406.13 1,406.13 94170 02/04/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY MARVEL MYSTERY OIL 612.4610.5608 5.34 94170 02/04/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY TRANS. FLUID 220.4303.5601 15.32 94170 02/04/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY NIPPLE 010.4201. 5601 2.42 23.08 _. VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 02/02/00 08:38 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 94171 02/04/00 101554 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION,INC CC CHAMBER PARKING LOT 350.5623.7001 38,055.42 38,055.42 94172 02/04/00 081200 JEFF SOUZA REIMB.BOOKS/TUITION-SOUZA 010.4201. 5502 113.19 113.19 94173 02/04/00 082134 STATEWIDE SAFETY & SIGN TRAFFIC CONES 220.4303.5613 486.92 486.92 94174 02/04/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS INSTL.GUN LOCKS (SRO) 010.4201. 5601 150.00 94174 02/04/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS MODIFY LIGHT BRACKET(SRO) 010.4201. 5601 120.00 94174 02/04/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS INSTL.VIDEO SYSTEM(SROj 010.4201. 5601 400.00 94174 02/04/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS REPL.UNITROL 010.4201. 5601 752. 90 94174 02/04/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS REPR.BASES ON LIGHTS 010.4201. 5601 14.48 94174 02/04/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS INSTL.BAGPHONE-EXPEDITION 010.4201. 5606 521. 07 94174 02/04/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS BATTERY 010.4201. 5603 95.56 2,054.01 94175 02/04/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 640.4712.5601 30.00 94175 02/04/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4301. 5601 107.00 94175 02/04/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4201. 5601 271.00 94175 02/04/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 220.4303.5601 15.00 94175 02/04/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4305.5601 15.00 94175 02/04/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 220.4303.5601 37.50 94175 02/04/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 640.4712.5601 30.00 94175 02/04/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4301. 5601 38.50 94175 02/04/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4305.5601 7.50 94175 02/04/00 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4201. 5601 68.50 620.00 94176 02/04/00 101581 TESCO CONTROLS,INC DIGITAL PUMP CONTROLLER 612.4610.5610 2,300.00 2,300.00 94177 02/04/00 085644 TOSTE GRADING & PAVING TACK OIL 220.4303.5613 93.75 93.75 94178 02/04/00 086736 DOTTIE TRULOCK DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES 010.4424.5351 784.80 784.80 94179 02/04/00 088070 UNION INSTITUTE SPRING TUITION-SHERRY HEATH 010.4201. 5502 2,096.00 2,096.00 94180 02/04/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. GOPHER TRAPS/FITTINGS 010.4430.5605 25.52 94180 02/04/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC. RAINBIRD FITTINGS 010.4420.5605 13.60 94180 02/04/00 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. SPRINKLER PARTS 010.4420.5605 9.07 48.19 94181 02/04/00 087672 UNITED RENTALS CONCRETE TOOLS 220.4303.5273 51. 46 94181 02/04/00 087672 UNITED RENTALS RENTAL-LOG SPLITTER 220.4303.5552 72.85 124.31 94182 02/04/00 088842 VALLEY AUTO SERVICE WASTE OIL DISPOSAL 010.4211.5303 25.00 25.00 94183 02/04/00 089426 VAVRINEK,TRINE,DAY & CO PROF.SVCS-12/99 010.4120.5303 1,000.00 1,000.00 94184 02/04/00 101588 KEITH VINT & ASSOCIATES HEXAGONAL GAZEBO 350.5511.7001 14,230.00 94184 02/04/00 101588 KEITH VINT & ASSOCIATES METAL ROOF 350.5511.7001 2,835.00 94184 02/04/00 101588 KEITH VINT & ASSOCIATES SHEET METAL-LOUVERED 350.5511.7001 805.00 94184 02/04/00 101588 KEITH VINT & ASSOCIATES SHIPPING/HANDLING 350.5511.7001 2,550.00 94184 02/04/00 101588 KEITH VINT & ASSOCIATES TAXES 350.5511.7001 1,295.58 21,715.58 94185 02/04/00 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE REPR.FLAT TIRE 010.4420.5601 14.00 14.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 7 02/02/00 08:38 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 94186 02/04/00 091338 WESTERN FARM SERVICE, I CAL.HYPOCHLORIDE GRAN 640.4712.5274 406.26 406.26 94187 02/04/00 093522 XEROX CORPORATION COPIER MAINT 010.4301. 5602 195.31 195.31 94188 02/04/00 094146 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES U BRACKETS 220.4303.5613 444.02 444.02 TOTAL CHECKS 166,670.03 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 8 02/02/00 08:38 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 46,817.73 220 STREETS FUND 3,256.55 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 450.00 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 100,039.98 612 SEWER FUND 6,110.51 640 WATER FUND 9,995.26 TOTAL 166,670.03 ..", ATTACHMENT C VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 02/08/00 15:14 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 208 02/02/00 088296 UNITED STATES POSTMASTE POSTAGE 010.4145.5201 2,000.00 2,000.00 94189 02/11/00 000468 A T & T-L/DIST SVC. L/DIST PHONE-473-0386 010.4145.5403 25.14 25.14 94190 02/11/00 000700 ACCURATE AUDIO/VIDEO REPR.EAGLEYE VCR #2482 010.4201.5603 179.84 94190 02/11/00 000700 ACCURATE AUDIO/VIDEO CLEAN/CHECK EAGLEYE VCR 010.4201. 5603 154.84 334.68 94191 02/11/00 000898 ADDICTION MEDICINE CONS D.O.T.DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING 010.4145.5501 1,100.00 1,100.00 94192 02/11/00 101591 AEP 2000 CEQA WORKSHOP REG-HEFFERNON K. 010.4130.5501 145.00 145.00 94193 02/11/00 101590 EARLANE AGUILAR-LUIS REF. PARK DEPOSIT-AGUILAR-LUIS 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 94194 02/11/00 100584 AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA COR OXY/ACET.GASES 010.4305.5303 46.23 94194 02/11/00 100584 AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA COR OXY/ACET.GASES 640.4712.5610 46.22 92.45 94195 02/11/00 040092 ALLAN HANCOCK COLLEGE REGIS-KAUFMAN,J 220.4303.5501 38.50 94195 02/11/00 040092 ALLAN HANCOCK COLLEGE REGIS-ELLIOTT,E 220.4303.5501 38.50 94195 02/11/00 040092 ALLAN HANCOCK COLLEGE REGIS-SMITH, K 220.4303.5501 38.50 94195 02/11/00 040092 ALLAN HANCOCK COLLEGE REGIS-WEIDE,K 220.4303.5501 38.50 154.00 94196 02/11/00 101345 ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, NST HYDRANT DISFFUSER 640.4712.5610 314.57 314.57 94197 02/11/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS DELGADO SVCS-l/30 220.4303.5303 608.00 94197 02/11/00 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS WILLOUGHBY SVCS-l/28 010.4120.5303 727.70 1,335.70 94198 02/11/00 004914 APEX SHARPENING WORKS REPR.EDGER 010.4420.5603 13.07 94198 02/11/00 004914 APEX SHARPENING WORKS BACK PACK BLOWER 220.4303.5273 375.32 94198 02/11/00 004914 APEX SHARPENING WORKS CHAIN SAW OIL 220.4303.5255 54.54 94198 02/11/00 004914 APEX SHARPENING WORKS MOWER FUEL TANK 010.4420.5603 23.92 466.85 94199 02/11/00 005772 ARROYO GRANDE COMM. HOS PRE-EMPLOY PHYS-ALARCON 010.4425.5315 38.50 94199 02/11/00 005772 ARROYO GRANDE COMM. HOS PHYSICAL-STEFFAN 010.4211.5315 609.77 94199 02/11/00 005772 ARROYO GRANDE COMM. HOS COSGROVE REF B 010.4201. 5303 59.00 707.27 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301.5201 5.26 94200 ,02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER MEETING SUPPLIES 284.4103.5501 10.00 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REIMB.MILEAGE 612.4610.5501 6.40 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE STATE OF CITY MEETING 010.4130.5501 10.00 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4301. 5501 24.00 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE KITCHEN SUPPLIES 010.4001. 5201 5.99 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PEST CONTROL MEETING 010.4420.5501 20.00 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER DINNER 284.4103.5201 20.00 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORAL BOARD SUPPLIES 010.4140.5255 16.95 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MAPS-ENVICOM 010.4130.5501 12.25 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PHOTO PROCESSING/MISC 010.4423.5253 12.09 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301. 5255 2.00 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TC MEETING MILEAGE 010.4301.5255 5.89 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REIMB.MILEAGE 612.4610.5501 7.68 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE KITCHEN SUPPLIES 010.4001.5201 18.49 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE KITCHEN SUPPLIES 010.4101. 5201 18.49 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 02/08/00 15:14 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EXPRESS MAIL 010.4101.5201 11.75 94200 02/11/00 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORAL BOARD SUPPLIES 010.4130.5316 13.53 220.77 94201 02/11/00 100069 MARY BASSETT REIMB-CM FAREWELL EXPENSES 010.4101. 5201 61.70 61.70 94202 02/11/00 010296 BEACH FRONT AUTO SERVIC SMOG TEST 010.4301. 5601 28.75 28.75 94203 02/11/00 010998 BETTER BEEP PAGER SVCS 010.4305.5303 20.00 94203 02/11/00 010998 BETTER BEEP PAGER SVCS 640.4712.5303 20.00 94203 02/11/00 010998 BETTER BEEP PAGER SVCS 220.4303.5303 10.00 50.00 94204 02/11/00 011426 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS COPIES 010.4301.5255 60.64 60.64 94205 02/11/00 008000 BNI BUILDING NEWS CAL/OSHA CONST.SAFETY ORDERS 220.4303.5503 66.18 66.18 94206 02/11/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER BATTERIES/SPOTLIGHT/BLUBS 010.4201.5604 105.21 94206 02/11/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER NUTS/BOLTS 010.4201.5604 7.40 94206 02/11/00 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER BALL VALVE/FITTING 612.4610.5610 20.42 133.03 94207 02/11/00 013806 BURKE AND PACE OF AG LUMBER 220.4303.5613 164.85 94207 02/11/00 013806 BURKE AND PACE OF AG LUMBER/BOLTS 220.4303.5613 128.85 94207 02/11/00 013806 BURKE AND PACE OF AG CONCRETE 640.4712.5610 130.76 94207 02/11/00 013806 BURKE AND PACE OF AG NAILS/SHEET ROCK 220.4303.5613 190.13 614.59 94208 02/11/00 021940 C.COAST TAXI CAB SERVIC TAXI SVCS-JAN.16-31 225.4553.5507 1,484.50 1,484.50 94209 02/11/00 018876 CA. ST. DEPT. TRANS PORTAT I SIGNAL MAINT/POWER 010.4304.5303 269.57 94209 02/11/00 018876 CA. ST. DEPT. TRANSPORTATI SIGNAL MAINT/POWER 010.4304.5402 267.67 537.24 94210 02/11/00 019266 CALIFORNIA UNIFORM CTR. RAIN SUITS 010.4201. 5255 120.66 120.66 94211 02/11/00 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY RYE SEED 010.4430.5605 32.16 32.16 94212 02/11/00 077376 SUSAN SAXE- CLIFFORD DUTY EVAL-CHECANSKY 010.4201. 5303 1,450.00 1,450.00 94213 02/11/00 100749 CODE 3 SQUEEZE,INC. SEAT INSERT & PAD 010.4201.5601 509.44 509.44 94214 02/11/00 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 10.00 10.00 94215 02/11/00 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS INSTL.PUMP CONTROLLER 612.4610.5303 180.00 180.00 94216 02/11/00 101592 COMPUMASTER REGIS-BALLAGH-WEB SITE DEV. 010.4140.5501 199.00 199.00 94217 02/11/00 101528 COMPUTERLAND COMPUTER MOUSE 010.4140.5602 21.29 21. 29 94218 02/11/00 101593 CTA TRI-COUNTY UNIT FORKLIFT CERT-MADRID 220.4303.5501 50.00 94218 02/11/00 101593 CTA TRI-COUNTY UNIT FORKLIFT CERT-SAHAGUN 220.4303.5501 50.00 94218 02/11/00 101593 CTA TRI-COUNTY UNIT FORKLIFT CERT-JOHNSON 220.4303.5501 50.00 94218 02/11/00 101593 CTA TRI-COUNTY UNIT FORKLIFT CERT-SCHMIDT 220.4303.5501 50.00 200.00 94219 02/11/00 026832 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO GASKET 010.4211. 5601 15.55 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 02/08/00 15:14 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ ,CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 94219 02/11/00 026832 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO STEEL TOE RAIN BOOTS 010.4420.5255 17.16 94219 02/11/00 026832 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO VISE 010.4420.5273 245.76 94219 02/11/00 026832 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO STORAGE BOX/TOOL BOX 010.4420.5601 82.90 361. 37 94220 02/11/00 027534 D.G.REPAIR INSTL-REAREND ASSEMBLY 220.4303.5601 496.75 496.75 94221 02/11/00 028548 DAYSTAR INDUSTRIES STREET SWEEPING 612.4610.5303 5,276.61 94221 02/11/00 028548 DAYSTAR INDUSTRIES STREET SWEEPING 612.4610.5303 75.00 94221 02/11/00 028548 DAYSTAR INDUSTRIES STREET SWEEPING 612.4610.5303 187.50 5,539.11 94222 02/11/00 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN POLY PIPE COUPLINGS 640.4712.5610 86.39 86.39 94223 02/11/00 101355 FIRST BANK OF SLO GRAND AVE/ELM ST/HALCYON RD 350.5806.7001 30,420.22 30,420.22 94224 02/11/00 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 6119 010.4130.5301 90.00 94224 02/11/00 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 61200 010.4130.5301 67.50 94224 02/11/00 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 61213 010.4002.5301 84.00 241.50 94225 02/11/00 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC PAD LOCKS 640.4712.5610 89.77 94225 02/11/00 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC DUP.KEYS/TAG/RINGS 010.4420.5605 8.47 98.24 94226 02/11/00 035022 GEO.FOLKROD AND SON,INC REPL.WALL TOILET 010.4213.5604 362.69 362.69 94227 02/11/00 037206 GIBBS INTERNATIONAL TRU VALVES/DEFROST MOTOR 010.4211. 5601 281. 28 281.28 94228 02/11/00 100485 GOLD COAST FLORAL FLOWERS/REGALDO 010.4201.5504 40.00 40.00 94229 02/11/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 284.4103.5201 31. 05 94229 02/11/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 23.04 94229 02/11/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 89.80 94229 02/11/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 26.28 94229 02/11/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 64.33- 94229 02/11/00 038454 GRAND OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 203.75 309.59 94230 02/11/00 039312 CITY OF GROVER BEACH 1/31 SEWER BILL-1375 ASH 612.0000.4751 40.58 40.58 94231 02/11/00 036426 GTE WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CODE ENFORCE 010.4301.5403 51.15 51.15 94232 02/11/00 046098 J C LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE MAINT. 010.4420.5303 380.00 94232 02/11/00 046098 J C LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE MAINT. 217.4460.5356 120.00 500.00 94233 02/11/00 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY CMC SUPPLIES 220.4303.5613 116.56 94233 02/11/00 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY ORAL BOARD SUPPLIES 010.4140.5255 24.94 141.50 94234 02/11/00 046410 J.W.ENTERPRISES TOILET RENTAL 220.4303.5552 91.73 91.73 94235 02/11/00 101594 JPS.NET CORPORATION ANNUAL FEE-INTERNET PROVIDER 010.4140.5303 138.00 138.00 94236 02/11/00 048360 LINDA KEY REIMB.PRE-SCHOOL SUPPLIES 010.4423.5253 36.60 36.60 94237 02/11/00 101173 LONGS DRUG STORE PHOTO PROCESSING-JAN 010.4201. 5255 23.08 23.08 - --~-,.._.~._.- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 02/08/00 15:14 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 94238 02/11/00 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. GYM USE-V/BALL 010.4424.5251 408.00 94238 02/11/00 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. GYM USE-V/BALL 010.4424.5251 68.00 94238. 02/11/00 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGE-YOUTH/BBALL 010.4426.5553 223.07 699.07 94239 02/11/00 101502 MCI WORLDCOM CONFERENCI CONF.CALLING CHARGE-12/3/99 010.4145.5403 58.01 58.01 94240 02/11/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE SVC-PW 49 220.4303.5601 45.14 94240 02/11/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE SVC-PW 49 010.4420.5601 45.14 94240 02/11/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE SVC-PW 49 010.4421.5601 45.14 94240 02/11/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE SVC-PW 49 612.4610.5601 45.14 94240 02/11/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE SVC-PW 49 640.4712.5601 45.14 94240 02/11/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE REPR.OIL DRAIN PLUG 010.4301. 5601 30.17 94240 02/11/00 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE STARTER 010.4201. 5601 300.17 556.04 94241 02/11/00 056940 MIER BROS. CONCRETE 640.4712.5610 65.64 94241 02/11/00 056940 MIER BROS. CONCRETE 640.4712.5610 83.02 94241 02/11/00 056940 MIER BROS. CONCRETE 640.4712.5610 39.58 94241 02/11/00 056940 MIER BROS. TOPSOIL 010.4430.5605 171. 60 94241 02/11/00 056940 MIER BROS. TOPSOIL 010.4430.5605 107.25 94241 02/11/00 056940 MIER BROS. TOPSOIL 010.4420.5605 670.31 1,137.40 94242 02/11/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE COUPLERS/PVC PIPE/SWIVEL 010.4430.5605 37.58 94242 02/11/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE INSECT SPRAY/MISC. HARDWARE 640.4712.5604 13.95 94242 02/11/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE WATER HEATER CONNECTOR/FITTING 010.4420.5605 22.06 94242 02/11/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SWITCH 010.4211.5601 10.68 94242 02/U/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE WATER BUBBLER 010.4420.5605 28.95 94242 02/11/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE NIPPLE/GOPHOR TRAPS 010.4420.5605 18.52 94242 02/11/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE AIR DEFLECTOR 010.4213.5604 1. 06 94242 02/11/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BATTERY/SPRAYPAINT 010.4420.5605 56.11 94242 02/11/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE HARDWARE 010.4213 .5604 .17 94242 02/11/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SPRAY PAINTS 010.4420.5605 4.05 94242 02/11/00 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE LAWN SEED/BULBS/ELBOWS 010.4420.5605 96.40 289.53 94243 02/11/00 060684 NAT'L PUB. SAFETY INFO.B NTL DIR.LAW ENFORCE.ADMIN 010.4201.5255 99..00 99.00 94244 02/11/00 101012 NICKSON'S MACHINE SHOP, CLEAN/DYNAMIC BALANCE IMPELLER 612.4610.5610 327.15 327.15 94245 02/11/00 061814 NOBLE SAW, INC. WEEDEATER LINE 220.4303.5255 110.68 110.68 94246 02/11/00 101595 OLD VILLAGE GRILL COMM.ADVISE.MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4201.5504 104.38 104.38 94247 02/11/00 062322 ONE HOUR PHOTO PLUS PRINT/DEVELOPING 220.4303.5255 31. 42 31. 42 . 94248 02/11/00 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE PULOSKI AXES 220.4303.5273 64.33 64.33 94249 02/11/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL DATA LINE 473-0379 010.4140.5303 109.28 94249 02/11/00 063960 PACIFIC BELL L/DIST FAX 473-0386 010.4145.5403 24.00 133.28 94250 02/11/00 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 640.4711.5402 86.78 86.78 94251 02/11/00 064258 PAGING NETWORK OF LA PAGING SVCS-JAN 010.4421. 5602 108.02 108.02 ---.- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 02/08/00 15:14 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 94252 02/11/00 064308 PAPER DIRECT,INC. CERTIFICATE JACKETS 010.4001. 5201 83.70 83.70 94253 02/11/00 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE PLAQUE-HUNT 010.4001.5201 53.63 94253 02/11/00 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE CUSTOM ACRYLIC PLAGUE-HUNT 010.4101.5201 150.15 203.78 94254 02/11/00 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS COPIES/BINDING-BRISCO/101 350.5615.7301 181. 51 181.51 94255 02/11/00 072638 S & L SAFETY PRODUCTS SHOP TOWELS 010.4420.5255 64.30 64.30 94256 02/11/00 101136 S.C.A.C.E.O. REGIS-CROCKETT #305 COMM.DEV 010.4130.5501 50.00 94256 02/11/00 101136 S.C.A.C.E.O. REGIS-CROCKETT #201 FIELD ACT/ 010.4130.5501 50.00 100.00 94257 02/11/00 075400 SAN LUIS MOTORS PORTS R&R BATTERY/FULL SERVICE 010.4201. 5601 393.51 393.51 94258 02/11/00 076740 SANTA MARIA TIMES WATER MAIN FLUSHING NOTICE 640.4710.5301 353.37 94258 02/11/00 076740 SANTA MARIA TIMES CLASS AD-ASSIST/ASSOC PLANNER 010.4130.5316 132.25 94258 02/11/00 076740 SANTA MARIA TIMES CLASS AD-COMPUTER SUPPORT TECH 010.4140.5316 132.25 94258 02/11/00 076740 SANTA MARIA TIMES CLASS AD-MANAGE.ASSIST 010.4101.5316 132.26 94258 02/11/00 076740 SANTA MARIA TIMES CLASS AD-ASSIST/ASSOC PLANNER 010.4130.5316 97.62 94258 02/11/00 076740 SANTA MARIA TIMES CLASS AD-COMPUTER SUPPORT TECH 010.4140.5316 97.62 94258 02/11/00 076740 SANTA MARIA TIMES CLASS AD-MANAGEMENT ASSIST 010.4140.5316 97.62 1,042.99 94259 02/11/00 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. GASOLINE 010.4201. 5608 1,352.27 1,352.27 94260 02/11/00 078468 SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES,INC T.R.WATER METERS 640.4712.5207 586.45 586.45 94261 02/11/00 073866 SLO CNTY AIR POLLUTION GAS DISPENSING FACILITY PERMIT 010.4305.5303 230.00 230.00 94262 02/11/00 081072 SO. CALIF. JUVENILE OFF. A REGIS-R.CHECANSKY CA. JUVENILE 010.4201. 5501 215.00 215.00 94263 02/11/00 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY CHROME LIC.HOLDER/BULB 010.4211.5601 32.69 32.69 94264 02/11/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS LIGHT BAR/CONTROLLER/SIGNAL 010.4420.5603 882.57 94264 02/11/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS REPR.TOUCHMASTER UNITROL 010.4201.5603 75.00 94264 02/11/00 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE AGREEMENT MARCH 010.4201. 5606 995.00 1,952.57 94265 02/11/00 082836 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY ELLS 640.4712.5610 14.06 94265 02/11/00 082836 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY 4GAL.WATER HEATER 010.4420.5255 133.08 147.14 94266 02/11/00 085684 TRAFFIX DEVICES, INC. CR:REPL.PARTS 220.4303.5613 89.66- 94266 02/11/00 085684 TRAFFIX DEVICES, INC. SIGNS/BRACKETS/NYLON FLAGS 220.4303.5613 229.58 139.92 94267 02/11/00 086346 TROESH READY MIX CONCRETE 350.5632.7001 314.03 94267 02/11/00 086346 TROESH READY MIX CONCRETE 350.5632.7001 203.01 517 . 04 94268 02/11/00 086658 MICHAEL TRUJILLO REIMB.STEEL-TOE BOOTS 010.4213.5255 32.16 32.16 94269 02/11/00 101541 KATHLEEN TUTTLE REF. WATER DEP-1146 ASH#H 640.0000.4751 42.74 42.74 94270 02/11/00 088062 UNION ASPHALT INC ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 64.40 64.40 VOUcHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 02/08/00 15:14 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 94271 02/11/00 101009 UNISOURCE MAINT SUPPLY CR:SOAP DISPEN. 010.4213.5604 14.33- 94271 02/11/00 101009 UNISOURCE MAINT SUPPLY P.TOWELS/T.PAPER/LINERS 010.4213.5604 156.07 141.74 94272 02/11/00 088842 VALLEY AUTO SERVICE BATTERY 010.4211.5603 53.39 53.39 94273 02/11/00 101526 VALLEY SLURRY SEAL COMP 3-RETENTION FALL PAVEMENT PJT 350.5627.7001 11,705.67 11,705.67 94274 02/11/00 101596 VERITECH INFORMATION SY QWIK-REF.PENAL CODES 010.4201.5255 376.19 376.19 94275 02/11/00 100220 VHS MEDICAL CLINICS,INC PRE-EMPLOY.PHYS-NEFF 010.4421. 5315 185.00 185.00 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. UG STORAGE TANK REPLACEMENT 350.5401. 7301 32.50 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GRAND AVE. CORRIDOR STUDY 350.5603.7301 97.88 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. OPTICOM DEVICES 350.5604.7301 325.00 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. BIKEWAY PROJECT ONE 350.5606.7301 55.00 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. CREEKSIDE PATH 350.5607.7301 16.25 ) 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. OAK PARK BLVD. WIDENING 350.5609.7301 185.00 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. BRISCO/101 INTERCHANGE ALTS 350.5615.7301 312.13 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. EL CAMPO/101 INTERCHANGE ALTS 350.5616.7301 97.50 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. CENTRAL COAST TOWN CENTER 350.5617.7301 48.75 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. PARKING LOT BEHIND CITY HALL 350.5623.7301 535.45 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. PAVEMENT MGMT.PROJECT 99/00 350.5627.7301 231.30 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. ROUTE 227 RELINQUISHMENT STUDY 350.5628.7701 16.25 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. FAIR OAKS RECON/VALLEY TO TRAP 350.5630.7501 2,963.10 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. LOS OLIVOS SIDEWALK 350.5633.7301 46.25 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN/FINANCE A 350.5752.7701 2,105.50 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. DISASTER SVCS 1998 (DR-1203) 350.5755.7301 11.25 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. DISASTER SVCS 1998(DR-1203) 350.5755.7501 345.70 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. SEWER/WATER RATE STUDY 350.5805.7301 32.50 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GRAND AVE. ELM TO HALCYON 350.5806.7301 17,323.72 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GRAND AVE. ELM TO HALCYON 350.5806.7401 181. 50 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. RESERVIOR #1 DESIGN 350.5903.7501 2,316.23 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. WATER MASTER PLAN 350.5904.7701 32.50 94277 02/11/00 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GENERAL CONSULTING SVCS 010.4301. 5303 12,733.01 40,044.27 94278 02/11/00 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE LUBE/OIL/FILTER 010.4201. 5601 89.23 94278 02/11/00 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TIRES 220.4303.5601 92.65 94278 02/11/00 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TIRES/LUBE/OIL/FILTER/WIPERS 010.4201. 5601 165.80 347.68 94279 02/11/00 091026 WEST PUBLISHING PAYMENT ~.BUSINESS STATS 2000 010.4201. 5255 49.34 49.34 94280 02/11/00 091874 WHITAKER CONTRACTORS,IN #6 GRAND AVE/ELM/HALCYON 350.5806.7001 273,781.97 273,781. 97 94281 02/11/00 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO PAPER 010.4102.5255 314.71 314.71 TOTAL CHECKS 390,127.61 ----..--- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 7 02/08/00 15:14 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 21 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 33,144.02 217 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 120.00 220 STREETS FUND 3,215.45 225 TRANSPORTATION FUND 1,484.50 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 61.05 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 343,917.67 612 SEWER F\JND 6,166.48 640 WATER FUND 2,018.44 TOTAL 390,127.61 I ATTACHMENT D CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 1/21TO 2/03/00 02/11/00 FUND 010 226,942.67 Salaries Full time 139,952.17 FUND 220 10,510.27 Salaries Part-Time 30,366.50 FUND 284 4,149.01 Salaries Over-Time 8,796.09 FUND 612 3,703.35 Holiday Pay 4,726.38 FUND 640 10,513.39 Sick Pay 3,159.15 255,818.69 Annual Leave Pay 7,316.58 Vacation Buy Back 262.07 Sick Leave Buy back Vacation Pay 2,159.25 Comp Pay 3,490.56 Annual Leave Pay 619.39 PERS Retirement 15,198.13 Social Security 14,480.59 PARS Retirement 227.23 State Disability Ins. 358.50 Health Insurance 19,260.14 Dental Insurance 3,505.13 Vision Insurance 743.62 Life Insurance 522.41 Long Term Disability - Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 200.00 Council Expense 375.00 Employee Assistance - Motor Pay 100.00 Total: 255,818.89 , ..... CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2000 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Honorable Mayor Lady called the regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting of the City of Arroyo Grande to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Redevelopment Agency: X Council Member Runels X Board Member Runels X Council Member Tolley X Board Member Tolley X Council Member Dickens ~ Board Member Dickens X Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara X Vice-Chair Ferrara X Mayor Lady X Chair Lady Staff Present: X-Interim City Manager/Chief of Police ,X-City Attorney X-Director of Administrative Services Director of Building and Fire X-Director of Community Development X-Director of Economic Development ~Director of Public Works X-Director of Parks and Recreation X-Director of Financial Services X-Contract Planner X-Consultant Engineer 3. FLAG SALUTE Members of Camp Fire Club, An-Wa-Ca-O, led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. INVOCATION Rabbi Norman Mendel, Congregation Beth David, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW Mayor Lady announced that a letter had been received from the Lucia Mar Unified School District requesting Item 11.a. be pulled from the Agenda. , CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25,2000 6.A. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY Council Member Dickens moved, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 7.a. CONSIDERATION OF A HOME-BASED BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Economic Development Director Sheeley highlighted the staff report. Members of the audience present to hear the item were asked to sign in for the record. She explained that the City had received a Planning and Technical Assistance Grant from the State of California Community Development Block Grant Program to prepare a Home-Based Business Development Plan. She noted that Wes Ervin from Applied Development Economics was present. After being assured that the public hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing. Hearing no comments from the audience, Mayor Lady closed the Public Hearing. Council Member Tolley stated it was an interesting report with some interesting concepts. He referred to page 7 of the Plan tided "Element 1 - Committed local leadership" and read the section for the record. He said that he agreed with the statements in the report and that the Council had been doing a good job in improving its commitment by adopting clear policies and programs. Council Member Runels agreed that it was a good report. He said it seems that most of the small businesses in the City are content to stay where they are. He said streamlining the regulation process so that small businesses could move forward was a good idea. Council Member Dickens stated as a City looking after the small business community, there was a need to promote an atmosphere to help small businesses be successful. He noted in the list of objectives the need to work collaboratively with the Economic Vitality Corporation and other professional development agencies to make sure that the City was supporting home-based businesses. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara commended the consultant on a good, comprehensive report. He referred to the staff report, noting two items listed as the City's best diversificat.on opportunities. He said the issue of redevelopment was missing and redevelopment opportunities as they relate to promoting small home-based businesses. He said redevelopment was an area that the City needed to emphasize as a diversification opportunity. Further, he asked for clarification as he referred to conflicting statements in the report that the City should encourage home-based businesses to grow, create new jobs, graduate into office, manufacturing, and other commercial space, while the survey results indicated that Arroyo Grande home-business owners are content and prefer to work at home. 2 I CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 Wes Ervin, Sr. Associate at Applied Development Economics, Inc., responded that the original premise of the report was based on the fact that the City had a couple of home-based businesses which started out in garages and evolved into office space outside of the City. He explained that the office space needed was larger than what Arroyo Grande had the capacity to provide. He said once the study of home-based businesses began, they found that home-bus~!1ess owners were reasonably happy with .their situation. He said there were-about twenty companies that might be interested in growth and expansion. In response to diversification, he explained that in the report they were seeking to identify Arroyo Grande's best opportunities for economic growth and diversification. He said they narrowed it down to 1) growing small businesses, including home- based businesses, and 2) creating additional land for more industrial uses, larger office and commercial spaces. He said at the time of the study, the Arroyo Linda project was being discussed and promoted. In response to redevelopment, Mr. Ervin stated that the Redevelopment Plan was an excellent tool for assisting small businesses through loan programs and working with companies on relocation. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara asked the Consultant to expand on the redevelopment issue in the report. Mr. Ervin stated it was mentioned as a tool; however, it could be looked at in 'more depth. There was discussion relating to the various loan programs available through the Economic Vitality Corporation and how viable the programs might be for small home-based business owners. There was further discussion about the involvement of the Chamber of Commerce in promoting the program and emphasizing its partnership with the City, and linking the Redevelopment Implementation Plan, and the Economic Development Strategic Plan with the Home-Based Business Development Plan for the City so that there was one strategy for the City. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara moved to approve the final Home-Based Business Development Plan report prepared by Applied Development Economics as modified to include amplification in the report of the consistency with the Redevelopment strategy for the City as a diversification opportunity; and further amplification of the partnership .with the Chamber of Commerce aligned with the eight-point program described in the report. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion. _Voice Vote K- Roll Call Vote . 3 --~----......,------- CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 Aye Lady Aye Ferrara ~Runels Aye Tolley Aye Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 7.b. AMENDMENT TO PORTIONS OF TITLE 9, SECTION 13 (SIGN REGULATIONS) AND SECTION 18 (DEFINITIONS) OF THE MUNICIP~L CODE Contract Planner Prutch highlighted the staff report. He explained that Council had previously directed staff to examine the possibility of allowing'portable signs in the City. He stated that staff recommended the Council introduce an Ordinance amending the Development Code to allow portable signs within the City. Council Member Dickens asked for clarification on whether or not it was recommended that portable signs be separated by a minimum of 25 feet along building frontages. Contract Planner Prutchreplied that this amendment was removed and would not be included in the portable sign standards. After being assured that the public hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing. Hearing no comments, Mayor Lady closed the Public Hearing. Council discussion and questions included the intent to help small business owners be more creative in advertising; monitoring and enforceability issues; design standards for portable signs; concerns about upkeep of portable signs; the possibility of allowing portable signs only fQr promotional or special events; sign permit expenses; and review of the comments made by the Architectural Review Committee and Planning Commission. Mayor Lady commented that the business owners and complaints about code enforcement brought this issue to his attention. He stated that the City has a responsibility to support business and portable signs have the potential to enhance a business. He suggested allowing portable signs on a trial basis. Interim City Manager TerBorch explained legal issues relating to the Development Code. He suggested that if Council adopted the Ordinance and made the change, it could direct staff to come back in one year with an evaluation report of the effectiveness of portable signs. City Attorney Carmel confirmed that portable signs are currently prohibited under the Code and the Code would have to be amended to allow them. He said the most effective way was to enact the Ordinance, evaluate it in year, and if it was found to be ineffective amend the Code b~ck to prohibit portable signs. 4 CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 Council Member Runels moved to introduce for first reading an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande amending Chapters 13 and 18 of Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to allow portable signs, and further directing staff to bring the issue back to the Council in one year for review. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded the motion. \ _Voice Vote L Roll Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels No Tolley Aye Dickens . There being 4 A YES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 8. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS Mike Titus, 404 Lierly Lane, spoke about the formation of a focus group two years a.go to start the General Plan Update process. He spoke about the money that has been spent on the process. He expressed his concerns about where the City stands today on the General Plan Update. He requested that there be a major Council agenda item scheduled to have a full update on the status of the General . Plan Update and an anticipated completion date. 9. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Tolley requested that Item 9.f. be pulled because he could not support the Resolution. Council Member Runels moved and Council Member Dickens seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.e., with the recommended courses of action. a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Approved. b. City (Employer) Payment of Member Contributions to the California Public Employees' Retirement System. Resolution No. 3425 Adopted. ' c. Minutes of City Council Meeting of January 5, 2000 and January 11, 2000. Approved. d. Waiver of Fees - South County Historical Society. Approved. e. Grand Avenue, Elm Street to Halcyon Road, Project No. 60-70-90-98-6, Progress Payment No.6. Approved. _Voice Vote L- Roll Call Vote S -_.~_.- -, CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 City Council Aye Mayor Lady Aye Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara Aye Council Member Runels Aye Council Member Tolley Aye Council Member Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara asked for discussion on Item 9.f. Council Member Tolley stated that he disagreed with findings 1 through 4 listed in . the Resolution, and he could not support it. Council Member Dickens moved to adopt a Resolution denying the appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of Conditional Use Permit No. 99"()14, applied for by L.C. LaVine, for a second residential unit located at 137 Tally Ho Road. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded the motion. 9.f. Resolution Upholding Planning Commission's Denial of Conditional Use Permit No. 99-014. Resolution No. 3426 Adopted. Voice Vote lLRolI Call Vote City Council Aye Mayor Lady ~Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara Aye Council Member Runels ~Council Member Tolley ~Council Member Dickens I There being 4 A YES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Council Member Runels moved, Council Member Dickens seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Item 9.g., with the recommended course of action. 9.g. Acceptance of Audited Annual Financial Reports. Received and filed. _Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote City Council Aye Mayor Lady Aye Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara ~ Council Member Runels Aye Council Member Tolley Aye Council Member Dickens 6 ----------....- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Board Member Runels moved, Board Member Tolley seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Item 9.g., with the recommended course of action. 9.g. Acceptance of Audited Annual Financial Reports. Received and filed. _Voice Vote lLRolI Call Vote Redevelopment Aaency Ave Chair Lady Ave Vice-Chair Ferrara Aye Board Member Runels Aye Board Member Tolley r Aye Board Member Dickens There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a. VILLAGE GLEN - ALTERNATIVE WATER SUPPLY Council Member Tolley commented that he was unable to take part in the vote on the Village Glen project due to a conflict of interest; however, this issue involves a City water source which was located 5,700 feet from his property therefore he did not have a conflict of interest. Director of Public Works Spagnolo highlighted the Staff Report. He stated that staff recommended the City Council approve the dedication of the Deer Tail Well site and payment of $266,200 as mitigation for the Village Glen Water Demand, and direct staff to apply the funds to the Reservoir 3 Upgrade project and the Rancho Grande - Oro Pressure Zone project. Mayor Lady opened the discussion for public comment. C.Z. Brown, 350 Old Ranch Road, stated he was supportive of the.. Village Glen project; however, he needed clarification on the water resource issue. He talked about the importance of water resources and questioned the advisability of storing water in larger reservoirs for this project. He said he understood by prior Council action that the well would be dedicated and tested with regard to quality and quantity. He questioned if there would be sufficient water resources in the future. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady closed the public comment and brought the discussion back to the Council. Council Member Tolley asked staff to address Mr. Brown's comments about the quality and quantity of water at the well site. 7 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 Director Spagnolo responded that if and when the well was drilled in the future, there would be additional facilities built to make sure the water met present standards. He said based on preliminary tests, there was enough water to support the Village Glen development. He stated that there was an existing well that is very close to the site. Tim Cleath, Cleathand Associates, spoke about working with the applicant on the project; working on water issues in the Oak Park area for the past fifteen years; identification of the acquifer at the Deer Trail site; and testing that has been done on the acquifer. Council Member Runels commented that this was a good proposal and was in favor of using the funds to upgrade the City's existing facilities to increase water storage with the option to drill the well in the future. , Council Member Dickens commented that if the well was developedj the City was not in a situation where it needed the water now because the Master Water Plan suggests that the City would need additional water resources at build-out in approximately nine to eleven years. He said that on the other side, there was a General Plan policy dealing with City boundary expansion that requires there be no impact on available water resources t.o the City. He explained that when he reviewed the annexation proposal, it was his understanding that the well would be the mitigating factor to address water resource issues. He read comments made by the City's consultant, David Foote, relating to the acquifer and existing wells. He stated that it would be difficult to support the recommendation without assurances that there would be sufficient water resources for the project. He asked staff if the Council's direction was to require the applicant to develop the well site as mitigated in the EIR, could the City use water fund balances to complete the two projects identified in the staff report within the next two years. Director Spagnolo responded that the money from the developer would help toward the funds required for the two construction projects. He explained that the projects were included in the capital improvement program; however, the funds were to be determined. There was further discussion about projects in the capital improvement program; priority status of the capital hnprovement projects; clarification on funding issues; and timing of completing approved capital improvement projects. In response to questions from Council, Mr. Cleath explained that the Department of Water Resources evaluated the acquifer and recognized it as having significant storage. Council Member Runels moved to approve the dedication of the Deer Trail Well site and payment of $266,200 as mitigation for the Village Glen Water Demand, and direct staff to apply .the funds to the Reservoir 3 Upgrade project and the 8 - _._~--------- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 Rancho Grande - Oro Pressure Zone project. Council Member Tolley seconded the motion. _Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Mayor Lady Aye Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara Aye Council Member Runels Ave Council Member Tolley ~ Council Member Dickens There being 4 A YES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10.b. APPROVAL OF THE BRISCO ROAD/HALCYON ROAD/ROUTE 101 PROJECT STUDY REPORT (PSR) Director of Public Works Spagnolo highlighted the Staff Report.. He stated that the draft PSR was distributed for a 30-day public review and comment period. He stated that a list of the comments received along with responses from the consultant has been included in the staff report. He explained that the schedule to approve the report was based on time constraints set to meet the funding requirements of AB 1012. He explained that because technical comments were received today from CalTrans, it did not appear the PSR would be approved by the deadline of February 1st. He said that staff was recommending the City Council postpone approval of the PSR and continue the item so that staff could review and incorporate all comments including Cal Trans comments. Council Member Tolley asked SLOCOG Executive Director Ron DeCarli to address the Council. Ron DeCarli, SLOCOG Executive Director, stated that Arroyo Grande was one of only two local jurisdictions in the State that submitted advanced development funding applications through its Council of Governments. He explained the status of the PSR; and stated that SLOCOG would recommend funding .for the project when the PSR is complete through an FTIP amendment. There was further discussion relating to advance development work and project alternatives. Mayor Lady opened up the discussion for public comment. Howard Mankins submitted written comments on the PSR to the CQuncil and read them for the record. John Keen, 298 N. Elm Street, spoke in support of extending the review period; obtaining more public input; and exploring other options. 9 CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 Carter Hooker, Spanish Moss Lane, spoke about the access going east to west across the freeway. He said this was a main problem and people use the 101 as a street. He said all the accesses from east to west should be reviewed. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady closed the public comment and brought the discussion back to the Council. Council Member Runels commented that he was not in favor of closing any freeway ramps because it could add to problems in other areas. He agreed with the public comments that addressed the need fo~ alternative, 'routes for east to west access. Council Member Dickens asked if any comments had been received from the County. Consultant Wendy Tkacheff from Dokken Engineering responded that the County was not taking an interest in the project and had nocommentson'the PSR. Council comments included discussion about the regional significance of the project. Council Member Dickens requested that the report amplify the regi~nal significance of Brisco. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara agreed with Council Member Dickens' comments about emphasizing the regional importance. He stated that he was not particularly in favor of the alternatives that were presented in the document. He said there was no discussion in the report about the potential concept of widening the Brisco underpass; and no mention of fixing Halcyon west of EI Camino. He said that there were no strategies affecting this particular area and condition. He said there was potential for concepts related to elevated on and off-ramps that are not addressed in the report. Further, there was no mention of potential signalization in the strategy. He stated that the project alternatives seemed freeway oriented and not circulation system oriented. He was in favor of continuing the item and bringing it back to Council with other potential alternatives. There was Council consensus regarding Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara's comments regarding the alternatives in the report and bringing the PSR back with other potential alternatives. Council agreed to continue the item. Mayor Lady called a break at 9:05 p.m. Mayor Lady reconvened the meeting at 9:10 p.m. 10.c. FIVE CITIES CENTER - REDUCTION OF LETTER OF CREDIT Council Member Tolley declared a conflict of interest and stepped down from the dais. ' Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara stated that over the past couple of months he has had several contacts with the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). He stated 10 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 the FP.PC did not feel that the circumstances of this issue represents a conflict of interest. He explained that this was an implementation of action taken by the Council in June 1998, therefore does not represent a conflict. He stated with the direction received from the FPPC, he would vote on the item. Director of Public Works Spagnolo highlighted the Staff Report. He stated that staff recommended the Council approve a reduction in the amount of the Letter of Credit securing completion of on-site improvements at the Five Cities Center from $750,000 to $314,340. He explained this yvould cover only the remaining items of work to be done. Council Member Dickens stated the improvements were to be completed within' eight months after issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. He asked when the first Certificate of Occupancy was issued. . Ty Green, representing the Five Cities Center, stated the first Certificate of Occupancy was issued one year ago. He explained that there were several pads that need to be developed which do not have tenants in them yet. He said the improvements that they are requesting not be done are those that could be removed by a future tenant. Council Member Dickens asked what the intent of the condition was if the improvements were not completed within the specified timeframe. City Attorney Carmel explained that the intent of the agreement was to adequately protect the City to ensure that the project was built out. There was clarification that all of the off-site improvements had been completed. Parks and Recreation Director Hernandez explained that the amount the Department estimated was based on the incomplete work on areas near building pads I, L, and M. Mayor Lady opened the discussion for public comment. Hearing no comments, Mayor Lady closed the public co~ment period and brought the issue back to the Council for consideration. Council Member Runels stated it was a, reasonable request and he had no problem with reducing the amount of the letter of credit. Council Member Dickens stated that reducing the Letter of Credit was a reasonable request, although he had difficulties with the intent of the agreement. He said he would like to see the project move forward in a reasonable amount of time toward completion with all the improvements in place. He stated that reducing the amount of the Letter of Credit would maintain protection for the City. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara said the improvements need to be addressed when the project was built out and the Letter of Credit served as a security measure so 11 I CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 when the pads were developed, landscaping and infrastructure would be installed. He supported the reduction. Mayor Lady agreed it was fair and equitable to the developers while giving fair protection to the City. Council Member Runels moved to approve a reduction in amount of the Letter of Credit securing completion of on-site improvements at the Five Cities Center from $750,000 to $314,340. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion. _Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Ave Mayor Lady Ave Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara . Aye Council Member Runels Absent Council Member Tolley Aye Council Member Dickens There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. . 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. WAIVER OF UTILITY CONNECTION FEES BY LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE CLARK CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS The applicant requested that the item be pulled. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: a. MAYOR MICHAEL LADY (1 ) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). 1) Adopted a brine disposal ordinance fee; 2) Replaced sludge grinder pumps; and 3) Approved employee medical ins~rance change to PERS. (2) Other. None. b. MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). 1) Discussed item on the APCD Agenda relating to the new burn rule; 2) the City of Morro Bay has terminated its contract with RALCCO; and County Environmental Health is continuing to monitor RALCCO; 3) Through regional JPA, the composite diversion rate is 51% which meets the requirements of AB939. However, if the region falls below 50%, individual diversion rates go back to each of the cities; 4) Discussed . how construction/demolition waste could impact diversion rate; Cold Canyon is opening a construction recycling center; met with Community Development Director to discuss amending recycling agreement to include construction/demolition. 12 ^--- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 2S, 2000 b. MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA (continued): (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). No report. (3) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). No report. (4) Economic Development Task Force. No report. February 17, 2000 is the next meeting. (S) Other. None. c. COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS (1) Zone 3 Advisory Board. 1) Dam has 66% capacity; 2) Discussed potential fees for use of recreational area; 3) Gave updates relating to Lopez Dam remediation project; 3) Discussed having workshops on the Bond issue, and asking the cities to adopt a Resolution supporting the bond measure; 4) Reported that a meeting will be held to review the preliminary Budget which shows an 11 % increase for Arroyo Grande; an~ S) Discussed new water contracts. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). Met and discussed routine business. (3) Other. None. d. COUNCIL MEMBER STEVE TOLLEY (1) Long-Range Planning Committee. No report. (2) South County Youth Coalition. No report. (3) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORT A). 1) SLORTA reviewed a performance audit; 2) SLOCOG appointed new officers; 3) Discussed Route 46 corridor project update and Route 46 corridor safety improvement. d. COUNCIL MEMBER STEVE TOLLEY (continued) (4) Other. 1) Attended League Employee Relations Policy Committee meeting where topics discussed included 3% at SO and binding arbitration; and 2) Will be a speaker at upcoming Employee Relations Institute presenting "Educating the Elected Official on Human Resources/Labor Relations". e. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). Will communicate concerns of Arroyo Grande City Council at next SCAT meeting. (2) Economic Development Committee/Chamber of Commerce. No report. (3) Five Cities Recreational Center Subcommittee. An aggressive presentation schedule is planned to present concepts, and receive comments and feedback from area agencies such as the City of Grover Beach, SLO County, City of Pismo Beach, and Lucia Mar Unified School District. An non-profit Oceano group is involved to raise funds for a municipal pool. 13 CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 e. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS (continued): (4) Economic Opportunity Commission. 1) Approved purchase of property in Kerman for a Head-Start Program; 2) Received funds from SLOCOG for complete count program and will utilize EOC staff for Census 2000; 3) Reported that the City will receive Human Service Grant request from EOC for mentor alliance; and 4) EOC is looking for a permanent office location. (5) Other. None. 13. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS . Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara reported that he had attended the League's Public Safety Policy Committee meeting. He said the principal issue was Proposition 1A and Indian gaming. The Policy Committee rejected a request for support from the League of California Cities. . Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara spoke about redevelopment and asked for a consensus from Council on conducting a meeting of the Redevelopment Agency so that staff could provide a status of the Redevelopment Plan. He said he was interested in what was being planned for future Implementation strategy of the Plan. He expressed concerns that. the City might be missing out on opportunities by not aggressively pursuing redevelopment. Interim City Manager TerBorch suggested scheduling a Special Redevelopment Agency Workshop. There was consensus of the Council to hold a Special Redevelopment Agency Meeting to receive a status report on the Redevelopment Plan. . Council Member Runels provided an update on the Santa Maria groundwater basin lawsuit. 14. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 15. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Tolley moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting. Time: 10:10 p.m. MICHAELA LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK 14 -._--------- I MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8,2000 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Lady called the meeting to order at 6:17 P.M. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara, Council Members Runels, Dickens, Interim City Manager TerSorch and City Attorney Carmel were present. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 2. CLOSED SESSION: Mayor Lady announced that the Council was going to meet in closed session to discuss the following matters: A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT APPOINTMENT pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: City Manager B. CONFERENCE CALL WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - PENDING LITIGATION. Name of Case: Leonard C. La Vine vs. City of Arroyo Grande, et a/. San Luis Obispo Superior Court No. CV 000062 3. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: There was no reportable action from the closed session. 4. ADJOURNMENT TO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The meeting was adjourned at 6:52 P.M. to the regular City Council meeting of February 8, 2000. MICHAEL A. LADY, Mayor ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk ~----- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2000 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lady called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: X Council Member Runels Absent Council Member Tolley X Council Member Dickens X Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara X Mayor Lady - Staff Present: lLJnterim City Manager/Chief of Police 1L-City Attorney 1L-Director of Administrative Services 1L-Director of Building and Fire 1L-Director of Community Development 1L-Director of Public Works 1L-Director of Parks and Recreation 1L-Director of Financial Services ~ssociate Planner 1L-Associate Engineer 3. FLAG SALUTE Girl Scout Troop 721 led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Paul Jones delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS . Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara presented the Mayor and City Council with a framed drawing by Chrystal Pyle, Age 7, on, behalf of the families of Juniper Street Apartments and Peoples' Self-Help Housing. . Mayor Lady requested a moment of silence in honor of Saburo Ikeda's memory. -------r--- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2000 '. 6. AGENDA REVIEW None. 6.a. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY Council Member Runels moved, Council Member Dickens secondedl and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. PUBLIC HEARING 7.a. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 99-009, CAMINO MERCADO, PHIL AND CHRISTY KOLBO Associate Planner Heffernon highlighted the staff report. She explained that the proposed project was a 7,690 square foot professional office building on a vacant 1.34 acre site. The applicant was directed to revise the parking configLn"ation for the project and to clarify the difference between light assembly versus manufacturing uses as they related to the project. The 'applicant submitted a description of the proposed use for the building, which includes some assembly and no manufacturing. She stated that the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approved Conditional Use Permit 99-009 subject to the conditions of approval. Council Member Dickens asked if there were any proposals for the undeveloped parcel to the east of the proposed project site. Staff responded that there were no active applications at this time. After being assured that the public hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing. Hearing no comments from the audience, Mayor Lady closed the Public Hearing. Council comments included how long the parcel has been vacant; the willingness of ,the applicant to work with the City to address the concerns of the Planning Commission; the type and compatibility of the proposed business use in the area; the conditions of approval for the project; and how the proposed business would generate an insignificant amount of traffic. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara made a statement on traffic impacts and concurred with comments previously stated. He recognized the fact that the issue of Halcyon and Brisco was still an issue, and guidelines were currently under review with draft policies forthcoming for approval. He commented that although the Brisco issue was still open, he suspected that the project would not have a significant traffic impact. Further, he commended staff on the staff report, particularly with how the mitigation measures were laid out. He referred to page six of the Resolution, #11, relating to solid waste and asked if the structure would be required to have a commercial garbage account and if there should be a statement in the Resolution that they are subject to mandatory recycling. 2 '~-,------ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2000 Director McCants responded that the business would be required to have commercial garbage pick-up. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara stated that he wanted to ensure that the applicant was aware of the requirement for mandatory recycling, as it was a new ordinance. He acknowledged condition of approval #14, which related to ~he applicant submitting a plan for recycling discarded construction materials. Next, he referred to page five of the Planning Commission minutes relating to comments raised by Commissioner Keen on the air quality issue. He pointed out his discussions' with the applicant indicated that in the future there may be some manufacturing in the form of laser engraving that would occur on-site. He talked about a self-contained engraving process and suggested that the conditions of approval address emissions issue as appropriate. He stated he reviewed this project in terms of its size, scale, and intensity of use. He said this project was an excellent example of the type of responsible economic development that was suitable for the City. Mayor Lady spoke in support of the project. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara moved to approve a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande adopting a Negative Declaration, instructing the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination, and approving Conditional Use Permit Case No. 99-009, located on Camino Mercado (APN 007- 771-073), applied for by Phil and Christy Kolbo. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion. - Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Ave Runels Absent Tolley Aye Dickens There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 8. CITIZENS'INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS None. 9. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara requested that Item 9.e. be pulled. Council Member Runels moved and Council Member Dickens seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.k, with the exception of Item 9.e., with the recommended courses of action. , 3 -" -~-- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2000 a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Approved. b. Statement of Investment Deposits. Approved. c. Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facility Fund. Approved. ' d. Annual Review of City Investment Policy. Approved. f. Rejection of Claim Against City - S. Gallop. Rejected Claim. g. Appointments to Architectural Review Committee and Downtown Parking Advisory Committee. Approved. h. Service Agreement with Lee Wilson Electric for Maintenance of Traffic Signals. Approved. i. Req~est for Proposals - Rancho Grande Park Construction Documents. Approved. j. Notice of Completion and Release of Retention for City Council Chambers Parking Lot, Project No. 80-99-1. Approved. k. Authorization to Solicit Bids for the Re-roofing of City Hall, Elm Street Center, and Fire Station. Approved. _Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Absent Tolley Ave Dickens There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9.e. Minutes of City Council Meeting of January 25, 2000. No Action; Item 9.e. continued. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara referred to the top of page 10 in the minutes regarding the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road/Route 101 Project Study Report (PSR) and requested that a statement be added to the minutes regarding Council comments that none of the alternatives presented in the PSR were acceptable and that guidance was provided to staff on proposing other potential alternatives for the project. There was consensus from the Council to direct staff to add a statement to the minutes as requested by Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara, and continue Item 9.e. to the next regular meeting for approval. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 4 --..----..- _._._..~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2000 10.a. DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO WOMAN'S CLUB COMMUNITY CENTER Director of Parks and Recreation Hernandez highlighted the staff report. He explained that the subject property was previou$ly leased to the YMCA and had been returned to the City last year. He stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the property be retained by the City f9r a possible site for a Community Center (Priority 1) or a future Civic Center (Priority 2). Mayor Lady ope~ed up the discussion for public comments. Andy Starkey, 1080 Maple, spoke on behalf of the Oceano Pool Foundation, which is a non-profit group that had been raising funds for the construction of a swimming pool in the Five Cities area. He stated he had attended a few of the Recreation Center Subcommittee meetings. He spoke about the Foundation resurrecting its fundraising efforts and stated that this property should be considered for a pool as it seemed like an excellent site. In response to a question from Council, Mr. Starkey stated that a 50 meter pool would be nice; however, the Recreation Center Subcommittee had proposed a 25 meter, six lane pool similar to the one located at Arroyo Grande High School. Earl Paulding, 232 La Cresta, stated he was currently serving as a member on the Recreation Center Subcommittee, and the need for a multi-use recreational center was great. ' He said he had looked at recreational centers in other jurisdictions. He spoke in favor of using the property for a recreation center. Hearing no further public comments, the Mayor closed the public discussion. Council comments included a recap on feedback received from a community survey on recreational opportunities, which included a swimming pool as one of the top five amenities desired; the size of the property; and using this property to meet the community's needs. There was Council consensus that the City retain the property for future use. Council Member Runels moved to approve the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission that the property be retained by the City for a possible site for a Community Center (Priority 1) or a future Civic Center (Priority 2). Council Member Dickens seconded the motion. - Voice Vote lRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Ave Ferrara Aye Runels AbsentTolley Aye Dickens S __ '_U_~'__"'___. ___~__ . -.--. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2000 There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Staff recommended the Council set a date and time for a joint meeting with the Planning Commission regarding items of mutual interest. Following Council discussion on. items of interest to be considered at the joint meeting, there was consensus of the Council to include the Traffic Commission in the joint meeting. There was consensus of the Council to set April 6, 2000, 6:30 p.m. as the date and time for a Joint City Council/Planning CommissionlTraffic Commission meeting. 11.b. FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 MID-YEAR BUDGET STATUS REPORT Director of Financial Services Snodgrass highlighted the staff report. Council Member Runels asked if the $6,200 being requested by the San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau was a portion of the City's transient occupancy tax. Director Snodgrass replied that was correct and it represented 3.5% of the total tax. Mayor Lady opened up the discussion for public comments. Karen Adeylott, General Director for the San Luis Obispo County YMCA, spoke about the YMCA's request for funding to complete its roller hockey arena which is a multi-use sports facility located at Paulding Middle School. She explained that improvements still needed to be completed such as installation of a sidewalk; an extension of utilities for accessing water and electricity; and on- going maintenance of the surface. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady closed the public comments and brought the discussion back to the Council. Council Member Dickens commented that he was concerned that the City was not meeting its policy objective to establish and maintain a Fund Balance reserve of 15% of expenditures in the General Fund. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara commented that the City was not in a financial position to move. forward with the community funding requests. He referred to page two of the staff report for clarification regarding the ~stimated year-end General Fund balance of $310,431. 6 ---_._._----~ .---,-.... . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2000 Director Snodgrass stated that this figure represented the most likely ending balance and explained how figures were estimated. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara asked questions relating to the carry-over of funds for the Envicom contract; and whether or not the proposed funds for a ,consultant to update the City's salary study could be eliminated so that staff could conduct the update in-house using the template that was in place. Interim City Manager TerBorch responded that Envicom was in the third year of its contract and the carry-over of funds was the remaining amount for the term of the contract. He also explained that since the criteria in the salary. study was established, staff could gather the data to update the study and it could be done in-house. Council Member Dickens moved to approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations as shown on Schedule B; Approve requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund as amended to eliminate $7 ,500 to be spent on the salary study update; Deny funding of community requests as presented and bring them back at third quarter; and Approve Schedules A through E included in the Mid-Year Status Report. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded the motion. . _Voice Vote LRoU Call Vote Aye Lady . Ave Ferrara Aye Runels Absent Tolley Aye Dickens There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11.c. APPROVAL TO RECLASSIFY DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS POSITION TO ASSIST ANT CITY ENGINEER Director of Public Works Spagnolo highlighted the staff report. . Council Member Dickens asked if a candidate would be chosen from the pool of applicants from the last recruitment. 'Director Spagnolo responded that the job description would change, eliminating most of the administrative functions and focusing on the engineering functions so a new recruitment would be conducted. There was discussion relating to the salary range level and the net savings that would result from the reclassification. 7 --------------,-----_. - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2000 Mayor Lady opened the discussion for public comment, and upon hearing no comments brought the issue back to the Council for consideration. Council Member Runels moved to adopt a Resolution approving the reclassification of the Deputy Director of Public Works position to an Assistant City Engineer position. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded the motion. _Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Absent Tolley Aye Dickens There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion,ishereby,declared to be passed. 11.d. FISCAL YEAR 2000-01 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES AND CALENDAR Director of Financial Services Snodgrass highlighted the staff report. Council Member Dickens asked questions regarding the General Fund reserve of 15% which was a target that had not been met. He asked if there was a target date on achieving the goal and whether or not the objective should be revisited. Interim City Manager TerBorch suggested that 15% should be left as the goal and the City should continue to strive to meet that goal. ' He explained that adjustments to the fiscal policies could be addressed during the budget process. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara moved to approve the Budget Development Guidelines for the preparation of the Fiscal Year 2000-01 Preliminary Base Budget, and approve the attached calendar for the development and review of the Fiscal Year 2000..01 Preliminary Base Budget. Council Member Runels seconded the motion. _Voice Vote LRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Aye Runels Absent Tolley Aye Dickens There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, t.he motion is hereby declared to be passed. 8 _...._--- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2000 12. COUNCIL-COMMUNICATIONS . Council Member Runels asked what the status was on scheduling a town hall meeting regarding the Lopez Dam retrofit. Interim City Manager TerBorch explained that the County would be kicking off a public awareness program about two weeks prior to the Election and would be providing a short presentation at the next regular Council meeting. . Council Member Dickens informed the Interim City Manager that he had received several comments about signs not being posted communicating lane closures/changes. . Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara reported he had received a call from Mr. Green who is now representing Investec. He said that Mr. Green indicated that he and the leasing agent for the Five Cities Center wanted to meet with him to discuss issues related to the Center. 13. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 14. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Runels moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:49 p.m. MICHAEL A LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK 9 I.c. MEMORANDUM tlJ--- TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KERRY McCANTS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CLOSE CITY STREETS AND USE CITY PROPERTY FOR THE FOLLOWING EVENTS: . ANNUAL EASTER IN THE VILLAGE, SATURDAY, APRIL 15,2000; . ANNUAL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, MAY 27 & 28, 2000; . ANNUAL FOURTH OF JULY, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 2000 DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the closure of City streets and use of City property. FUNDING: There is no direct funding impact as a result of these events. Event organizers are required to reimburse the City for the costs of police, fire, public works, and other City services used to conduct these events. DISCUSSION: On December 7, 1999 the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association (AGVIA) submitted applications for temporary use permits for Easter in the Village, Saturday, April 1S, 2000; annual Strawberry Festival, Saturday and Sunday, May 27 and 28, 2000; and 4th of July in the Village Celebration, Tuesday, July 4, 2000. The descriptions of the areas to be used are as follows: Easter in the Village - Saturday, April 15, 2000 1. The use of the parking lots in Olohan Alley between Mason S1. and Bridge S1. from 6:00 p.m. Friday, April 14 to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, Apri11S. 2. The use of Short S1. between Olohan Alley and Branch S1. from 6:00 p.m. Friday, April 14 to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, Apri11S. 3. The use of the Nelson S1. lawn between Mason S1. and Short S1. for Easter Egg Hunt. Strawberry Festival - Saturday & Sunday, May 27 & 28, 2000 1. The closure of Branch St. from Traffic Way to Mason S1. from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28. (The Police Department will have to apply to CalTrans for street closure authorization). - -1 Page 2 2. The closure of Short St. from Branch St. to Olohan Alley from 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 26 to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 28. 3. The closure of Bridge St. from Branch St. to McLintock's Saloon parking lot from 6:00 a.m. Saturday, May 27 to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 28. 4. The closure of Bridge St. from McLintock's driveway to Nelson St. from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, May 27 & 28. S. The closure of Bridge St. from Nelson St. to Traffic Way from 6:00 a.m. Saturday, May 27 to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 28. 6. The use of the parking lots along Olohan Alley from Mason St. to Bridge St. from 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 26 to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 28. 7. The use of the Car Corral from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28. 8. Use of the Nelson St. lawn between Short St. and Mason St. from 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 26 to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 28. 9. The use of Hart-Collett Park between Bridge St. and Traffic Way from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28. 10. The use of the five-acre lot on West Branch St. next to the Woman's Club/Community Center for shuttle bus parking on Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28. 4th of July in the Village - Tuesday, July 4, 2000 1. The use of the parking lots on Olohan Alley between Mason St. and Bridge St. from 6 p.m. Monday, July 3rd to 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 4th. 2. The use of Short St. between Olohan Alley and Branch St. from 6 p.m. Monday, July3rd to 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 4th. On January 19, 2000, Mr. John Clark, representing the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association, met with the Department Directors to discuss the requirements for the events. They discussed issues related to security, coordinating Police and Fire support, temporary electrical connections, and inspection of food booths. These items will be addressed in the conditions of approval for the temporary use permits. Temporary use permits will only be issued upon the approval by the City Council of the request for street closures and use of City property. Attachments: 1. Draft Temporary Use Permit, Easter in the Village 2. Draft Temporary Use Permit, Strawberry Festival 3. Draft Temporary Use Permit, 4th of July in the Village _._----~----~-------_. ------. -r----- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF CJTY STREETS AND USE OF CITY PROPERTY FOR THE ANNUAL EASTER IN THE VilLAGE, , SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 2000; ANNUA~ STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, MAY 27 & 28,2000; AND ANNUAL FOURTH OF JULY IN THE VilLAGE, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 2000 WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association (AGVIA), organizers of the annual Easter in the Village, Strawberry Festival, and 4th of July in the Village, have requested closure of certain City streets and the use of City property as outlined below, for the purpose of craft exhibits, displays, food booths and entertainment, and similar activities; and WHEREAS, members of the AGVIA will be responsible for traffic control, cleanup, and payment of all related fees and costs for use of City property and City employee time related to the event. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. That the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association is hereby granted the use of certain. City streets and property as follows: Easter in the Village - Saturday, April 15, 2000 A. The use of the parking lots in Olohan Alley between Mason St. and Bridge St. from 6:00 p.m. Friday, April 14 to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, Apri11S. B. The use of Short St. between Olohan Alley and Branch St. from 6:00 p.m. Friday, April 14 to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, Apri11S. C. The use of the Nelson St. lawn between Mason St. and Short St. for Easter Egg Hunt. Strawberry Festival- Saturday & Sunday, May 27 & 28, 2000 A. The closure of Branch St. from Traffic Way to Mason St. from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28. (The Police Department will have to apply to CalTrans for street closure authorization). B. The closure of Short St. from Branch St. to Olohan Alley from 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 26 to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 28. C. The closure of Bridge St. from Branch St. to McLintock's Saloon parking lot from 6:.00 a.m. Saturday, May 27 to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 28. D. The closure of Bridge St. from McLintock's driveway to Nelson St. from 6:00 a'IT1' to 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, May 27 & 28. E. The closure of Bridge St. from Nelson St. to Traffic Way from 6:00 a.m. Saturday, May 27 to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 28. F. The use of the parking lots along Olohan Alley from Mason St. to Bridge St. from 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 26 to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 28. ---~_...~~-- ----,-----.. . ,w ._~_..,. Resolution No. - Page 2 G. The use of the Car Corral from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28. H. Use of the Nelson St. lawn between Short and Mason St. from 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 26 to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, May 28. I. The use of Hart-Collett Park between Bridge St. and Traffic Way from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28. J. The use of the five-acre lot on West Branch St. next to the Woman's Club/Community . Center for shuttle bus parking on Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28. 4th of July in the Village - Tuesday, July 4, 2000 A. The use of the parki~ lots on Olohan Alley between Mason St. and Bridge St. from 6 p.m. Monday, July 3 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 4th. B. The use of Short St. between Olohan Alley and Branch St. from 6 p.m. Monday, July 3rd to 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 4th. '2. That the AGVIA will adhere to all requirements and conditions of the Temporary Use Permits for each of the above events issued by the City. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2000. Resolution No. - Page 3 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK CK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY, A TT ACHMENT 1 February 23, 2000 DRAFT Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association John Clark, Executive Director and Treasurer P.O. Box 1526 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Subject: Temporary Use Permit for Easter in the Village, Saturday, April 15, 2000 Dear Mr. Clark, On February 23, 2000, after making the findings specified in section 9-03.100 of the Development Code, and after receiving City Council approval to use City property and close City streets, the Community Development Director approved the above project, subject to the following conditions: General Conditions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department office. 3. The event organizers shall comply with all the conditions of the City Council Resolution adopted on February 22, 2000 (reference attachment). 4. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. Parks and Recreation Department Conditions 5. The event organizers shall notify the Parks and Recreation Department of the number and placement of waste containers and barricades prior to April 15, 2000. - - _.~_._--_.- 1--- TUP: Easter in the Village DRAFT AGVIA, John Clark Page 2 of 3 6. The AGVIA is responsible for providing trash bags and restroom supplies for the festival. Any supplies the Parks and Recreation Department may need to provide will need to be reimbursed by the AGVIA. 7. The event organizers shall have an individual designated to periodically inspect the restrooms and areas around the food vendors and waste containers. That individual shall be responsible for maintaining these areas in a clean manner and to gather and dispose of all debris. 8. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for electrical costs ,associated with special events. Specifically, for the outlets by the gazebo, Bridge St., and behind City hall. Public Works Department Conditions 9. Restroom facilities, barricades, signing and detour routes shall be provided as required by applicant. 10. The event organizers shall place an advertisement in the April 12, 2000 edition of the Five Cities Times-Press Recorder advising residents of street closures. 11 . The event organizers shall provide a $1,000,000 insurance policy naming the City as additional insured. 12. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for the costs of Fire, Public Works, and any other City services required for this event. 13. The event organizers shall contact the Public Works Department 72 hours prior to the event to check on the status of street maintenance /construction activities. The Public Works Department may require the event organizers to provide temporary construction (orange plastic) fencing around areas designated as potentially hazardous. Building and Fire Department Conditions 14. All food booths (cooking) must comply with the Fire Department guidelines. 15. All electrical must be inspected by the Building and Life Safety Division, prior to the event opening. 16. Emergency access must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of Building and Fire. 17. The use of generators must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Building and Fire. Police Department Conditions . 18. The event organizers shall pay Police Department costs for officers assigned to the event. 1 TUP: Easter in the Village DRAFT AGVIA, John Clark Page 3 of 3 . Special Conditions 19. The AGVIA shall distribute to all vendors State Board of Equalization forms to report the sales tax collected during the festival, and notify the vendors that a listing of vendors will be supplied to the City to verify payment of sales tax. 20. The AGVIA shall provide to the City's Financial Services Department a listing of all vendors participating in the festival. The listing will be used to verify that sales tax was collected and reported as earned in Arroyo Grande. Please note that some of the above conditions must be met prior to start of the event. Failure to adhere to all the above conditions invalidates the temporary use permit. If you have any questions, please contact me at 473-5420. Sincerely, Kerry McCants Community Development Director c: Rick TerBorch, Interim City Manager/Chief of Police Don Spagnolo, Director of Public Works Terry Fibich, Director of Building and Fire Daniel Hernandez, Director of Parks and Recreation Larry Schmidt, Building Official Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services S:ICommunity Development Dept. - SharedlDEVELOPMENT REVIEW! Temporary Use PermitsIStrawberry-Easter-4th of JulylFestivals-OOleaster apprvlltr. doc ~-------- -----1 A TT ACHMENT 2 February 23, 2000 DRAFT Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association John Clark, Executive Director and Treasurer P.O. Box 1526 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Subject: Temporary Use Permit for Strawberry Festival, Saturday and Sunday, May 27 and 28, 2000 Dear Mr. Clark, On February 23, 2000, after making the findings specified in section 9-03.100 of the Development Code, and after receiving City Council approval to use City property and close City streets, the Community Development Director approved the above project, subject to the following conditions: General Conditions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department office. 3. The event organizers shall comply with all the conditions of the City Council Resolution adopted on February 22, 2000 (reference attachment). 4. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. Parks and Recreation Department Conditions 5. The event organizers shall notify the Parks and Recreation Department of the number and placement of waste containers and barricades prior to May 27, 2000. ----,----- ----~-- TUP: Strawberry Festival 2000 DRAFT AGVIA, John Clark Page 2 of 4 6. The AGVIA is responsible for providing trash bags and restroom supplies for the festival. Any supplies the Parks and Recreation Department may need to provide will need to be reimbursed by the AGVIA. 7. The event organizers shall have an individual designated to periodically inspect the restrooms and areas around the food vendors and waste containers. That individual shall be responsible for maintaining these areas in a clean manner and to gather and dispose of all debris. 8. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for electrical costs associated with special events. Specifically, for the outlets by the gazebo, Bridge St., and behind City hall. Public W()rks Department Conditions 9. Restroom facilities, barricades, signing and detour routes shall be provided as required by applicant. 10. The event organizers shall place an advertisement in the May 24, 2000 edition of the Five Cities Times-Press Recorder advising residents of street closures. 11 . The event organizers shall provide a $1,000,000 insurance policy naming the City as additional insured. 12. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for the costs of Public Works and any other City services required for this event. 13. The event organizers shall contact the Public Works Department 72 hours prior to the event to check on the status of street maintenance /construction activities. The Public Works Department may require the event organizers to provide temporary construction (orange plastic) fencing around areas designated as potentially hazardous. Building and Fire Department Conditions 14. All food booths (cooking) must comply with the Fire Department guidelines, and must have County Health Department approval. AGVIA will inform booth applicants of Fire Department guidelines, and will insure total compliance of booth operators. AGVIA will not allow non-compliant booths to operate. 15. The project shall comply with the most recent edition of the California State Fire and Building Codes and the Uniform Building and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. Specifically, all temporary-wiring provisions of the N.E.C. must be met. 16. The Building and Fire Department must inspect all food booths, generators and temporary electrical service prior to the opening of the event. In lieu of requiring a building permit for temporary electrical service, AGVIA will collect a fee of $15 per every booth utilizing an electrical connection. This fee will be itemized by booth number and submitted to the Department of Building and Fire within 1 5 days of the end of. the Festival. - ------------ -,------- TUP: Strawberry Festival 2000 DRAFT AGVIA, John Clark Page 3 of 4 17. Emergency access must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of the Building and Fire Department. A detailed chart or map will be provided to the Department of Building and Fire for approval prior to the event, showing placement of all booths, to include actual dimensions of access pathways for fire apparatus and emergency vehicles. 18. The use of generators must be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Building and Fire Department. 19. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced in accordance with Police and Fire Department guidelines. Fire lanes and access must be approved by the Fire Chief. 20. The applicant shall identify an individual to act as liaison with the Fire Department for the purpose of maintaining proper life and safety. 21. Prior to opening the event, the fire access road shall be posted. The applicant shall provide continuous enforcement of the fire access road during the event. 22. AGVIA will coordinate, and be responsible for costs associated with Five Cities Ambulance, to provide standby personnel and equipment for Bike Medic and golf cart transport for entire duration of Festival. 23. AGVIA shall pay Department of Building and Fire costs for members and equipment assigned to the event. Police Department Conditions 24. The event organizers shall pay Police Department costs for officers assigned to the event. 25. All temporary "no parking" signs shall be posted a minimum of 24 hours prior to event setup (by 6:00 a.m., Friday, May 26, 2000). 26. A minimum of four (4) private "licensed" security will be provided by AGVIA. The AGVIA will present to the Arroyo Grande Police Department two (2) weeks prior to the event: a. The name of the security agency b. A schedule of security coverage c. Location and hours of security assignments d. Minimal security locations will be one (1) officer stationed at Nelson & Bridge St. Two (2) officers assigned to the swinging bridge. One (1) officer for patrol throughout the nighttime hours on Saturday, May 27, 2000. 27. Failure to provide private licensed security will result in AGPD Officers being assigned with billing made to theAGVIA. Special Conditions 28. All streets subject to closure must be posted a minimum of 24 hours prior to closure, stating the dates and times of closures. --,-.. TUP: Strawberry Festival 2000 DRAFT AGVIA, John Clark Page 4 of 4 29. The AGVIA shall distribute to all vendors State Board of Equalization forms to report the sales tax collected during the festival, and notify the vendors that a listing of vendors will be supplied to the City to verify payment of sales tax. 30. The AGVIA shall provide to the City's Financial Services Department a listing of all vendors participating in the festival. The listing will be used to verify that sales tax was collected and reported as earned in Arroyo Grande. 'Please note that some of the above conditions must be met prior to start of the event. Failure to adhere to all the above conditions invalidates the temporary use permit. If you have any questions, please contact me at 473-5420. Sincerely, Kerry McCants Community Development Director c: Rick TerBorch, Interim City Manager/Chief of Police Don Spagnolo, Director of Public Works Terry Fibich, Director of Building and Fire . Daniel Hernandez, Director of Parks and Recreation Larry Schmidt, Building Official Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services S:ICommunity Development Dept. - SharedlDEVELOPMENT REVIEWlTemporary Use PermitsIStrawberry-Easter-4th of JulylFestivals-OOlstrwberry apprvlltr. doc ---- -1 A TT ACHMENT 3 February 23, 2000 DRAFT Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association John Clark, Executive Director and Treasurer P.O. Box 1526 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Subject: Temporary Use Permit for Fourth of July in the Village, Tuesday, July 4, 2000 . Dear Mr. Clark, On February 23, 2000, after making the findings specified in section 9-03.100 of the Development Code, and after receiving City Council approval to use City property and close City streets, the Community Development Director approved the above project, subject to the following conditions: General Conditions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department office. 3. The event organizers shall comply with all the conditions of the City Council Resolution adopted on February 22, 2000 (reference attachment). 4. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. Parks and Recreation Department Conditions 5. The event organizers shall notify the Parks and Recreation Department of the number and placement of waste containers and barricades prior to July 4, 2000. .---....----- ___ ~n_~_----,____~___ TUP: 4th of July in the Village DRAFT AGVIA, John Clark Page 2 of 3 6. The AGVIA is responsible for providing trash bags and restroom supplies for the festival. Any supplies the Parks and Recreation Department may need to provide will need to be reimbursed by the AGVIA. 7. The event organizers shall have an individual designated to periodically inspect the ,restrooms and areas around the food vendors and waste containers. That individual shall be responsible for maintaining these areas in a clean manner and to gather and dispose of all debris. 8. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for electrical costs associated with special events. Specifically, for the outlets by the gazebo, Bridge St., and behind City hall. Public Works Department Conditions 9. Restroom facilities, barricades, signing and detour routes shall be provided as required by applicant. 10. The event organizers shall place an advertisement in the June 28, 2000 edition of the Five Cities Times-Press Recorder advising residents of street closures. 11. The event organizers shall provide a $1,000,000 insurance policy naming the City as additional insured. 12. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for the costs of Fire, Public Works, and any other City services required for this event. 13. The event organizers shall contact the Public Works Department 72 hours prior to the event to check on the status of street maintenance /construction activities. The Public Works Department may require the event organizers to provide temporary construction (orange plastic) fencing around areas designated as potentially hazardous. Building and Fire Department Conditions 14. All food booths (cooking) must comply with the Fire Department guidelines, and must have County Health Department approval. Non-compliant booths will not be permitted to operate. 15. The project shall comply with the most recent edition of the California State Fire and Building Codes and the Uniform Building and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. Specifically ,all temporary-wiring provisions of the N.EC. must be met. 16. The Building and Fire Department must inspect all food booths, generators and temporary electrical service prior to the opening of the event. A building permit is required for temporary electrical service. The fee is $30.00. 17. Emergency access must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of the Building and Fire Department. 18. The use of generators must be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Building and Fire Department. 19. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced in accordance with Police and Fire Department guidelines. Fire lanes and access must be approved by the Fire Chief. --------...,.- . ----- 1 - TUP: 4th of July in the Village DRAFT AGVIA, John Clark Page 3 of 3 20. The applicant shall identify an individual to act as liaison with the Fire Department for the purpose of maintaining proper life and safety. 21. Prior to opening the event, the fire access road shall be posted. The applicant shall provide continuous enforcement of the fire access road during the event. Police Department Conditions 22. The event organizers shall pay Police Department costs for officers assigned to the event. Special Conditions 23. The Building and Fire Department must approve booth layout and food booth locations prior to the event. 24. All streets subject to closure must be posted a minimum of 24 hours prior to closure, stating the dates and times of closures. 25. The AGVIA shall distribute to all vendors State Board of Equalization forms to report the sales tax collected during the festival, and notify the vendors that a listing of vendors will be supplied to the City to verify payment of sales tax. 26. The AGVIA shall provide to the City's Financial Services Department a listing of all vendors participating in the festival. The listing will be used to verify that sales tax was collected and reported as earned in Arroyo Grande. Please note that some of the above conditions must be met prior to start of the event. Failure to adhere to all the above conditions invalidates the temporary use permit. If you have any questions, please contact me at 473-5420. Sincerely, Kerry McCants Community Development Director c: Rick TerBorch, Interim City Manager/Chief of Police Don Spagnolo, Director of Public Works Terry Fibich, Director of Building and Fire Daniel Hernandez, Director of Parks and Recreation Larry Schmidt, Building Official Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services S: I Community Development Dept. - SharedlDEVELOPMENT REVIEWlTemporary Use PermitsIStrawberry-Easter-4th of JulylFestivals-OOl4th july aprvlltr.doc ----- I -.-.. 9.cL MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL V-~ FROM: KERRY McCANTS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO USE CITY PROPERTY FOR THE MARCH OF DIMES WALK AMERICA ON SATURDAY, MAY 6,2000 DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the use of City property. FUNDING: No fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The March of Dimes has requested use of the grass area fronting Nelson Street between Short and Mason Streets for the start and finish of the annual Walk America fund raising event (Attachment 1). The event is proposed to take place on Saturday, May 6, 2000. Set up will begin at 6:30 a.m. and clean up will end at 3:00 p.m. Registration will take place from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. and approximately SOO walkers will begin the walk at 8:00 a.m. A barbecue lunch will be provided for the walkers and volunteers from 11 :00 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. A live band or recorded entertainment will play during lunch. Upon City Council authorization to use City property, staff will issue a Temporary Use Permit for the event. A draft copy of the permit is attached for your reference (Attachment 2). Attachments: 1. Request Letter from Applicant with exhibits 2. Draft Temporary Use Permit ------- 1 RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE USE OF CITY PROPERTY FOR THE 14TH ANNUAL MARCH OF DIMES WALK AMERICA TO BE HELD SATURDAY, MAY 6,2000 WHEREAS, organizers of the March of Dimes Walk America have requested the use of the grass area fronting Nelson Street between Short and Mason Streets for their annual Walk America fund raising event to be held May 6, 2000; and WHEREAS, members of the,March of Dimes Walk America will be responsible for traffic control and cleanup. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. That the grass area located on Nelson Street between Short and Mason Streets shall be closed from 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 6, 2000 for the purpose of holding the registration, barbecue lunch and live or recorded musical entertainment for the Walk America fund raising event; and 2. That the March of Dimes Walk America will adhere to certain requirements and conditions set forth by the Public Works, Police, and Building and Fire Departments regarding security and traffic control and all other applicable conditions of a Temporary Use Permit to be issued by the City. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2000. --_.~-._~--_._-_.._~ --..----.'....--....--- RESOLUTION NO. - PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY - ---------.-,.--- - - ~.._. ------, 1 March Southern California Chapte, of Dimes 3699 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 520 WalkAmericae Los Angeles, CA 90010 Telephone (213) 637-5050 Fax (213) 637-5055 January 4, 2000 ATTACHMENT 1 Re: Temporary Use Permit Applicant: March of Dimes The March of Dimes requests the use of the City owned lawn area on Nelson Street between Short Street and Mason for our 14th annual Wa1k America fund raising event. The date will be Saturday May 6th, 2000, from 6:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Set up will include tables for registration, balloon arch, banners, straw bales for seating, tables for food serving, tubs for ice, portable barbecue for cooking, and portable toilets. A service organization will provide a barbecue lunch for all the walkers and volunteers. Walkers will begin arriving around 7:00AM for Team Photos. At 8:00 AM, approximately 500 walkers will leave the area, proceed up Mason Street to East Branch. Walkers turn left on East Branch, proceed to West Branch, turn right and go to Oak Park Blvd. They move into Pismo Beach and eventually return to the Arroyo Grande start site through Grover Beach on Grand Ave. We will have live or recorded entertainment for the Walkers from 11:00 AM to about 1:30 PM. March of Dimes volunteers will clean up the site and the route of all paper, litter, etc., that is left behind by the Walkers. ~t~~ 7~ U K. Pete Ugall1 Community Director. ",rou~b 6 P'1SrrtO CoaSt V\l\:1ge . 1 ~ .. = .. ::. ~ < ~ ;; , a - 8 ~ .- ':\ I~""""'~ o~","*"~ -~ tt.- ~ ~151' ~ ~ ~- .-_.~_..~--- - --- . " I.;'" , .0- . . - . ~ - ,.-. .. - ..- ~. - . - ... - -,- I I . ;tv} I1J(j/U JY/L;!t!T ... c: "- \.~ .... \'. J) ...J ~ ~ D; ?- ..... ~ ~ ,.J ni ~ ".J I"- ~ \t'\, \) '-\ ~~0~.. , - ~. v~ ,. ~. ~,' SI;l~1! IFf ! . .~:...:;: -:~u!' C:2:7i!j2.i:!n_inrj:i~:;~thi~r ~~h1;S -~_..- A TT ACHMENT 2 . February 23, 2000 A. K. Pete Dougall March of Dimes Walk America 801 Mesa De Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Subject: Temporary Use Permit for Walk America on Saturday, May 6,2000 Dear Mr. Dougall, On February 23, 2000, after making the findings specified in Section 9-03.100 of the Development Code, and after receiving City Council approval to use City property, the Community Development Director approved the above project, subject to the, following conditions of approval: General Conditions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department. 3. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. Building and Fire Department Conditions 4. The event organizers shall provide handicapped accessible portable toilets. 5. The event organizers shall provide a 2A 1 OB6 fire extinguisher at the barbecue area. 6. Emergency access must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of Building and Fire. 7. The Director of Building and Fire must approve any electrical hookups. - ---,.._~~.~,-,--- -----_.- ------...---- - March of Dimes 14th Annual Walk America To be held May 6,2000 Page 2 Parks and Recreation Department Conditions 8. The City Parks and Recreation Department will provide portable picnic tables and waste receptacles to be placed on Friday, May 5, 2000. The event organizers shall coordinate the location with the Director of Parks and Recreation. 9. The event organizers shall coordinate the location and movement of the barbecue, stage and other equipment with the Director of Parks and Recreation. Sprinklers shall be marked with paint, flags, or flour to prevent damage. 10. March of Dimes Volunteers shall pick up the area and leave trash cans empty. 11. Portable toilets must be picked up 24 hours after the end of the event. 12. The event organizers shall clean up the City property and walk route of all litter. Police Department Conditions 13. The applicant shall contact the Police Commander prior to the event to confirm traffic control requirements and the need for barricades. Please note that some of the above conditions must be met prior to start of the event. Failure to adhere to all the above conditions invalidates the temporary use permit. If you have any questions, please contact me at 473-5420. Sincerely, Kerry McCants Community Development Director Joe Prutch Contract Planner Attachment c: Rick TerBorch, Interim City Manager Don Spagnolo, Director of Public Works Terry Fibich, Director of Building and Fire Daniel Hernandez, Director of Parks and Recreation Larry Schmidt, Building Official Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services ---_......_--_..._.~..__...- ---_..-....~_._-, j 9.e. , MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL il~ FROM: KERRY McCANTS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTERS 13 AND 18 OF TITLE 9 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW PORT ABLE SIGNS DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . adopt Ordinance No. S12 C.S. amending Chapters 13 and 18 of Title 9 of the Municipal Code; . direct the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no fiscal impacts. DISCUSSION: The City Council, at its meeting of January 25, 2000, introduced for first reading, without modification, the attached Ordinance allowing the use of portable signs. It is recommended the City Council adopt the Ordinance and further direct staff to bring the issue back to the Council in one year for review. Attachment: 1. Notice of Determination . ORDINANCE NO. - C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTERS 13 AND 18 OF TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW PORT ABLE SIGNS WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has found that it is necessary and desirable to regulate sign standards to promote the general welfare and public interest of the community; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande Development Code, adopted by the City Council on May 14, 1991, currently prohibits portable signs within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered amending the Development Code Chapters 13 and 18 to allow portable signs within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that portable signs could conform to most of the general provisions for signs within the City, with the addition of some special regulations; and . WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed Development Code Amendments in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEOA Guidelines and the City's Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and determined that the proposed Amendment is categorically exempt under Section 1S311 of CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on January 2S, 2000, at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard on the proposed DeveJopment Code Amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information in the proposed documents and staff report, as well as public testimony presented at the public hearing, and makes the following findings of fact: A. The proposed revisions to the Devel<;>pment Code are consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the General Plan, and are necessary and desirable to implement the provisions of the General Plan. B. The proposed revisions to the Development Code will not adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. C. The proposed revisions to the Development Code are consistent with the purpose and intent of the Development Code. D. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed revisions to the Development Code are insignificant. Ordinance No. C.S. - Page 2 NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Development Code Table 9-13.040-A also known as "Standards for Signs Requiring Planning Permits" is hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "1" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2: Development Code Section 9-18.030 also known as "Definitions" is hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "2" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 4: Upon adoption of this Ordinance, the Director of Administrative Services shall file a Notice of Determination. SECTION 5: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (S) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (1S) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the . summary with the names of those City Council members voting for and against tne Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On a motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted thi~ day of ,2000. Ordinance No. C.S. - Page 3 , MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ARRoyO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE ' Chapter 9-13 TABLE 9-13.040-A EXHIBIT 1 STANDARDS FOR SIGNS REQUIRING PLANNING PERMITS ..}.flif".'r\1i.'~\:;;1".'am..:;;;.'.'.~'':.''.".'.11..: ;:;;j'~.l.. w.:.':r:mJiU.1n...... .c.. .....~ ~i.'-.oca....~........~::w.tic.crJk...1i~.ta~~..~ .....'f:!F,. .... . ' ...:...~...:. .... ..r~~.,..~..;,.......;:.\'.i;..'" ,1i![f~'i':';1~~4"i2"Z '~"~~'iIi'. "'" .'V "''''''''i'n:V4Ii!lr'';~jiJ' ,.... ~".'." i!Oi_\!1I~~ :',,;.~um~l',i~'rnu.ttea4 'R;;~$~ n;Aiia."'1 "it .~S CIn'" '. . T , . . c' ..' . . n$";,.,;l':0;:",,""I,:' 2."",,,..."'''''''..,,..'nc...,'''''''''....,,...d.... ,,,,,,,\\..-.,!,,,,_.-'I "0."",,,~,,,,......9...~~,IL '...,,> ....... ""9,,,,~,1\!gi?...g..,:r,.;; A. RHldentlal Uses 1. Single Family Two (2) wall; or 6' 20 s.f. for each At major Umited to name and logo of Neighborhood sign entrances neighborhood. Maintenance Identification one (1) ground 4' responsibility shall be that of an appropriate maintenance district per major entrance or homeowners' association. 2. Multiple-Family 2 of the following: 20 s.f. for each At major Minimum of 11 units to qualify Complex Identification wall; or 6' sign entrances as M.F. neighborhood, Umited to name, logo and address. ground 4' 3. Apartment Rental 1 wall; or Below roof line or top Total area not to or Leasing Office of wall structure exceed 12 s.f. 1 ground 4' 4. Temporary Model 2 of the following: Below roof line or top Total area not to At public street Sign shall not be illuminated. or Leasing Office wall; or of wall structure exceed 12 s.f. frontage with Sign must be removed after all direct aCcess to homes are sold. ground 4' model 5. Mobile Home Park 2 of the following: 20 s.f. for each At major Umlted to name, logo and Identification wall; or 6' sign entrances address of neighborhood. ground 4' Effective June 13, 1991 285 Amended March 11, 1997 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9.13 1. Commercial 1 ground; or 8' Total area for all Wall signs to Administrative Sign Program Business not within signs, except be separated required If total sign area c:ommercIaI complex 1 projecting Below roof line or top portable signs, by 6' minimum permitted accot'ding to formula within General of wall structure 7' shall not exceed Portable signs exceed 100 sJ. Planned Sign Commercial or Office dearance required. 2 sJ. of sign Program required if total sign ProfessIonal zoning area per linear shall be located area permitted according to district and more than and one of the . foot of building on private formula exceeds 150 s.f. 300 feet from tfNY following per public frontage for the property,and MaxImum of 4 signs per site, 101 right-of-way street frontage: first 25 feet of shall be and maximum of one ground or building frontage prohibited in projecting sign per site. combination canopy Below roof line or top then 1-1/2 sJ. of the public right- and under-canopy of wall structure 7' sign area for of-ways. Ground signs shall be located in (see illustration in dearance required. each linear foot a landscaped area equal to a Definitions chapter); of building minimum of 2 times the area of or frontage for the the sign. next 75'of wall Below roof line or top building Portable signs shall not of wall structure frontage, then Interfere with building ingress 1/2 sJ. of sign or egress or with traffic sight OR 2 of the area for each distance at intersections, shall following per public linear foot of not obstruct onslght parking or street frontage: building frontage pedestrian drculation, shall be there-after. removed after dally business combination canopy Below roof line or top Each sign not to hours, shall not be Intemally and under-canopy of wall structure 7' exceed 70 s.f. Illuminated. and shall have no (see illustration in dearance required. electrical andl or other Definitions chapter); Portable signs connections to any building. or surface area shall not exceed wall Below roof line or top 6 sJ. per side of wall structure with a maximum of 2 sides per sign. 2. Commercial 1 ground per public 8' 70 sJ. Parking area or Planned Sign Program required. Complex Identification street frontage listing adjacent to Ground signs shall be located for Commercial the complex name access drive to In a landsc:8ped area equal to a Complexes with 9 or only. parking area minimum of 2 times the area of more tenants within the sign. General Commercial or Office Professional zoning district and more than 300 feet from tfNY 101 right-of- way Effective June 13, 1991 285-a Amended March 11, 1997 Amended January 25, 2000 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 _ "<<,~~,~,~,~~",~~""^>,.,,:~~~~,,~~w~':".~,,.r~~~' "." . '"" .' ." .,: nJi.~l. '$':'!i!'sr~.'.tt~r,1ji''''''rKi'\i'':''''''i'iC~MaiI'''''' ""',,iji:Q;&"'" ." . ...., \,." OCi!ItI"'.' ('1' .. .. '. '::5'''1 gn p"f.a '1,[",< I~' mUil'''~ ...' mum' ,.... . _i' . , T" ,..,. ,.'. ,..""" '_l'p'~. '"''''~~~lhfRi''f'''t1'''''J "iIk~~ :'~. S' ..' '... :" ,*"..;;,.' . " . . ..".._.....,.....f!!~ A >. '*'..""y,,~-.Lo>."""~tI :.,,;4\!I-):',Ji,..,!Jt! ..,,~t;i,~ .., m _! ,.., .' .-,:'.., 3. CommercIal 1 ground per public 8' 50 sJ. Parking area or Administrative SIgn Program Complex with 2 to 8 street frontage that adjacent to required. Ground signs shall be tenants within General lists the complex access drive to located in a landscaped area Commercial or Office name and/or tenants parking area equal to a minimum of 2 times Professional zoning and street address the area of the sign. district and more than 300 feet from tfNY 101 right-of-way 4. Commercial 1 ground; or 20' Total area for all Wall signs to Administrative SIgn Program Business not within signs, except be separated required if total sign area commerciir complex 1 projecting Below roof line or top portable signs. by 6' minimum permitted according to formula within General of wall structure 7' shall not exceed exceeds 100 sJ. Planned Sign Commerc:ialor Office dearance required. 2 sJ. of sign Portable signs Program required if total sign Profess/onal zoning area per linear shall be located area permitted according to district and more than and one of the foot of building on private formula. 300 feet from tfNY following per public frontage for the property and 101 right~f-way street frontage: first 25 feet of they shall be Ground signs shall be located in building frontage a landscaped area equal to a combination canopy Below roof line or top then 1-1/2 sJ. of prohibited in minimum of 2 times the area of and under-canopy of wall structure 7' sign area for the public right- the sign. (see illustration in dearance required. each linear' foot of-ways. Definitions chapter); of building Portable signs shall not interfere or frontage for the with building Ingress or egress next 75' of or with traffic s/gh~ distance at wall Below roof line or top building intersections, shall not obstruct of wall structure frontage, then onsight parking or pedestrian 1/2 sJ. of sign drculation, shall be removed OR 2 of the area for each following per public linear foot of . after,daily,business hours, shall street frontage: building frontage not be Intemally Illuminated, and there-after. shall have no electrical and/ or combination canopy Below roof line or top Each sign not to other connections to any and under-canopy of wall structure 7' exceed 70 sJ. building. (see illustration in dearance required. Definitions chapter); Portable signs or surface area shall not exceed wall Below roof line or top 6 sJ. per side of wall structure with a and 5' to indude the maximum of 2 1 portable sign supporting structure sides per sign. 5. Commercial Com- 1 ground per public 20' 120 sJ. Parking area or Planned Sign Program required. plex Identification for street frontage listing adjacent to Ground signs shall be located Commerdal the complex name access drive to in a landscaped area equal to a Complexes with 9 or only. parking area minimum of 2 times the area of more tenants within the sign. Highway Commerdal zoning district OR within General Commercial or Office Profess-ional zoning district and within 300 feet of tfNY 101 right- of-way Effective June 13,1991 285-b Amended March 11, 1997 Amended January 25, 2000 . ARRoyO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 ;...... " .'.'..'~. .- ~r~~~ii.~i"l~~ri~i~~~~~~;i,jt; ;;f!;~~~m~~i:~~.;~~4:9" tti~lIj~~t~~fiti~ . ..,. us\i'~~lt.m!!N. ""',,,,':c> ...:~u.;..~":" .~' ."~~~t';t. ""',f,... ;r...;!'! ..., , .'''''"'~''''-' '. ... . ;'. .;.,..,",!.~~~"i~;.~m,~Jc!C~';'l!!,~)],jifi'~{~'ti.t!!.Qfi!~j".,",. ",p,~~!ci ." ._a"S,Wc.J\ 6. Commercial 1 ground per public 20' 50 sJ. Parking area or Administrative SIgn Program Complex with 2 to 8 street frontage that adjacent to required. Ground signs shall be tenants within Highway lists the complex access drive to located In a landscaped area Commercial zoning name and/or tenants parking area equal to a minimum of 2 times disbict OR within and street address the area of the sign. General Commercial or Office Professional zoning cflSbict and within 300 feet from t-mY 101 right~f-way , 7. Commercial 1 ground per public 6' 36 s.f. Street frontage Planned Sign Program required. Complex Identification street frontage or adjacent to Signs in D over1ay disbicts shall within the Village access drive to compty with applicable Design Commercial District parking area Guidelines. 8. Business 1" wall; or Below roof line or top Total area for At building To be consistent with Identification within of wall structure each tenant's frontage. Administrative SIgn PrOgram or Commercial Centers sign shall not Location of Planned SIgn Program, if any. 1 combination Below roof line or top exceed 1-1/2 sJ. signs for Signs in D over1ay districts shall canopy and under- of wall structure. 7' of sign area for businesses compty with the applicable · canopy (see dearance required. each linear foot without building Design Guidelines. illustration in of building frontage to be Definitions chapter); frontage for the determined or business for the during Sign first 100' of Program review 1 projecting Below roof line or top frontage, then of wall structure. 7' 1/2 sJ. of sign dearance required. area for each linear foot of per public street building frontage frontage there-after. Individual sign not to exceed 70 sJ. 9. Major Tenant 1 ground and 8' Total area for At building To be consistent with Identification within each tenant's frontage Administrative Sign Program or Commercial Centers 1 wall; or Below roof line or top sign shall not Planned SIgn Program, if any. of wall structure exceed 1-1/2 sJ. Signs in D overiay districts shall of sign area for comply with the applicable 1 combination Below roof line or top each linear foot Design Guidelines. canopy and under- of wall structure. 7' of building canopy (see dearance required. frontage for the Ground signs shall be located in illustration in business for the a landscaped'area equal to a Definitions chapter); first 100' of minimum of 2 times the area of or frontage, then the sign. 1/2 sJ. of sign 1 projecting Below roof line or tOp area for each of wall structure. 7' linear foot of dearance required. building frontage there-after. per building frontage Individual sign for each business not to exceed 70 sJ. Effective June 13, 1991 285-c Amended March 11, 1997 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 Below roof line or top Major tenant To Planned Sign Program required. of wall structure be determined during Planned Sign Program review Minor tenant 1 sJ. per each linear foot of building frontage in interior of mall 11. Business Directory 1 ground per public 5' 32 sJ. In pedestrian Signs (for multi-tenant street frontage ac:oess area sites 12. Automotive 1 of the following: Total area for all Wall signs to Planned Sign Program required. Service Stations Signs signs shall not be separated PrIce sign can be combined ground. 8' (50' in Highway exceed 300 by 6' minimum with other signs a long ~s no Commercial Zone) square feet. single sign exceeds 70 s.f. Each sign not to Signs advertising such projecting; Below roof line or top exceed 70 sJ. accessory uses as food of wall structure 7' markets, car washes and dearance required. automotNe repairs are Included in permitted sign area and and number. 4 wall Below roof line or top Ground signs shaD be located in of wall structure a landscaped area equal to a minimum of 2 times the area of tiles! 13.Fast Food 1 ground, and 50' Total area for all Wall signs to Planned Sign Program required. Restaurants, signs, except be separated Restaurants, Motels, 1 ground; 8' portable signs, by 6' minimum Ground signs shall be located in and Mini-Marts within shall not exceed a landscaped area equal to a the Highway or 1 1/2 sJ. of sign Portable signs minimum of 2 times the area of Commercial zone or area for each shall be located the sign. within the General 2 wall per street Below roof line or top linear foot of on private Comnnerclalzoneand frontage or wall structure. street frorttage property and Portable signs shaD not within 300' of HWY for first 100' of they shall be interfere, with building Ingr.ess 101 right-of-way and 5' to Indude the street frontage, prohibited in or egress or with traffic sight 1 portable sign supporting structure ten 1/2 s.f. of the public right- di~tance at intersections, shall sign area for of-ways. not obstrud onslght parking or each linear foot pedestrian drculation, shaD be of street frontage removed after dally business there-after. Each hOurs, shaD not be intemally sign not to illuminated, and shall have no exceed 70 sJ. electrical andl or other Portable signs connections to any building. surface area shall not exceed 6 sJ. per side with a . maximum of 2 sides er si n. Effective June 13,1991 285-d Amended March 11, 1997 Amended January 25, 2000 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9.13 _'''''rot;<'''''''f''I!I''!!'''''''''m''.''n'~'''',' ,..~".. ,"""~H'-'=' ~~ ....,....".M ::. '..'.' < ,. ~.~'Wt~1I ,'rg!.1'.maliCf!~~ .' ~u";!\n,'~ II!;N"""~"~""iUicr " ses",,',i~! ',If u r PEitm it "~~H_ . >.'..~.........,.,.,:;: .,.::,.,.",,;;>.:.,i"'~~T _'~~,4;X,!'C....~..,n":F"''''''' "'~'~',:-<,f'"";,;<'"",+~,, 14.Bed and Breakfast 1 of any type, as As approved through As approved As approved As approved through the Inns approved through the conditional use through the through the conditional use permit process. the conditional use permit process conditional use conditional use SIgnS may not be Intemally permit process permit process permit process Illuminated and shall not contain the words "hotel" "meter or "bed and breakfast" C. OffIce Uses 1. Site Identification 1 ground , 6' 5Os.f. At street Planned Sign Program required. or Office and Mixed- frontage with Use Offic:el access Commercial/Industrial per public street Complexes frontage with access 2. Office Building 1 wall Below roof line or top 12 s.f. Umlted to name, symbol or Identification of wall structure address only. 3. Business 1 wall; or Below roof line or top Total area for At building To be consistent with Identification within of wall structure each tenanfs frontage. Administrative Sign Program or Office and Mixed-Use sign shall not Location of Planned Sign Program, if any. Offic:el Commercial/ 1 combination Below roof line or top exceed 1-1/2 s.f. signs for Signs In D overlay districts shall Industrial Complexes canopy and under- of wall structure. T of sign area for businesses comply with the applicable canopy (see dearance required. each linear foot without building Design Guidelines. illustration in of building frontage to be Definitions chapter); frontage for the determined or business for the during Sign . first 100' of Program review 1 projecting Below roof line or top frontage, then of wall structure. 7' 1/2 s.f. of sign dearance required. area for each linear foot of per public street building frontage frontage there-after. Individual sign not to exceed 70 s.f. 4. Business Directory 1 ground per public 5' 32 s.f. In pedestrian Sign street frontage access area Effective June 13,1991 285-e Amended March 11 J 1997 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 D. Industrial Uses 1. Business 1 ground; or 8' Total area for all Wall signs to Planned SIgn Program required Identification Single- signs shall not be separated If total sign area permitted Tenant Sites 1 projecting Below roof line or top exceed 2 s.f. of by 6' minimum according to formula exceeds a of wall structure T sign area per total sign area of 150 s.f. clearance required. linear foot of Umited to maximum of 4 signs building frontage per site, and a maximum of1 and one of the . for the first 25 groUnd or projecting sign per following per public feet of building site. street frontage: frontage then 1- 1/2 s.f. of sign, Ground signs shall be located in combination canopy Below roof line or top area for eadl a landscaped area equal to a and under-<:anopy of wall structure T linear foot of minimum of 2 times the area of (see illustration in clearance required. building frontage the sign. Definitions chapter); - for the next 75' or of building frontage, then wall Below roof line or top 1/2 s.f. of sign of wall structure area for eadl linear foot of OR20fthe building frontage fOllowing per public there-after. street frontage: Eadl sign not to exceed 70 s.f. combination canopy Below roof line or top and under-<:anopy of wall structure T (see illustration in clearance required. Definitions dlapter); or wall Below roof line or top of wall structure 2. Complex 1 ground per public 8' 36 s.f. Parking area or Planned Sign Program required Identification: street frontage adjacent to Multiple- Tenant Sites access drive to I parking area Effective June 13, 1991 285-f Amended March 11, 1997 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 3. Business 1 wall; or Below roof line or top Total area for At building To be consistent with Identification: Multiple- of wall structure each tenanfs frontage. Administrative Sign Program or Tenant Sites sign shall not Location of Planned Sign Program, if any. 1 combination Below roof line or top exceed 1-1/2 sJ. signs for Signs In D overlay districts shall canopy and under- of wall structure. 7' of sign area for businesses comply with the applicable canopy (see dearance required. each linear foot without building Design Guidelines for Historic illustration in of building frontage to be Districts. Definitions chapter); frontage for the determined or business for the during Sign first 100' of Program review 1 projecting Below roof line or top frontage, then of wall structure. 7' 1/2 sJ. of sign dearance required. area for each linear foot of per public street building frontage frontage there-after. Individual sign not to exceed 70 sJ. 4. Business Directory 1 ground per public 5' 32 sJ. In pedestrian Signs: Multiple-Tenant street frontage access area Sites E. other Uses 1. Public and Quasi- 1 ground; or 6' 1 sJ. of sign At street Ground signs shall be located in Public uses area for each frontage a landscaped area equal to a 1 wall; or Below roof line or top linear foot of minimum of 2 times the area of of wall structure building frontage the sign. not to exceed 70 1 combination Below roof line or top s.f. canopy and under- of wall structure 7' canopy (see dearance required. illustration in Definitions chapter); ,or 1 projecting per public street frontage Effective June 13, 1991 285-9 Amended March 11, 1997 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-18 evidence that such use is church as defined herein. City: The City of Arroyo Grande. EXHIBIT 2 City Engineer: The City Engineer of the City of Arroyo Grande. Club: Non-profit association of persons (whether or not incorporated) for a commQn purpose, but not including groups organized solely or primarily to render a service as a business. Cluster Development: Form of development for single-family and multiple-family residential subdivisions that permits a reduction in lot area, provided there is no increase in the number of lots permitted under a conventional subdivision and the resultant land area is devoted to open space. . '"' .!. ~ - ~. ----'r . CLu~TER. DEVELOPME.NT Collection Facility: Center for the acceptance, by donation,' redemption, or purchase, of recyclable materials from the public. Collection Facilities may incluc:te the following: 1. Reverse Vending Machine(s); 2. Small Collection Facilities which occupy an area of not more than 500 square feet, and may include: (a) A mobile recycling unit; (b) Bulk reverse vending machines or a grouping of reverse vending machines occupying more than 50 square feet; (c) Kiosk type units, which may include permanent structures; (d) Unattended containers placed for the donation of recyclable materials; 3. Large Collection Facilities which may occupy an area of more than 500 square feet and may include permanent structures. Commercial Complex: Planned and constructed as a unified grouping of retail business and service uses on a single site with common parking facilities. Commission: The Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande. Community: The City of Arroyo Grande, California. Community Apartment Project: As defined in Section 11004 of the Business and Profession's Code. Conceptual Development Plan: This is a site plan that indicates conceptual ideas for such things as; but not limited to, building placement, circulation/access, drainage/grading, buffer, phase? improvements, and landscaping. Conditionally Permitted: Permitted subject to approval of a conditional use permit. Amended January 25, 2000 ~11"",.ti.u:. _ III""" 1_':1 1qq 1 ~~F: ARRoyo GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-18 Sign (Nonconforming): See NONCONFORMING SIGN. Sign (Portable): Sign designed to be moved or relocated easily, and not permanently affixed to the ground, a building or a structure. PORTABLE SIGNS - Sign (Projecting): Sign other than a surface sign that extends outward, suspended from or supported by a building or structure. Sign (Roof): Sign erected upon or above the roof or parapet of a building or structure. Roof signs are prohibited in the City of Arroyo Grande. Sign (Temporary): A non-permanent sign painted on a window or constructed of paper, cloth, or similar material intended to be displayed for a limited period of time. Sign (Wall): Sign attached to, erected against, or painted upon the wall of a building or structure with the exposed face in a plane parallel to the plane of the wall. Wall signs shall not project from a building more than twelve inches (12") or extend above the roof line or wall structure. Sign (Window): Sign placed inside or upon a window, facing the outside and intended to be seen from the exterior. Window signs shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of. the window area and- shall be included in determining the aggregate sign area permitted. ILLUSTRATION OF SIGN TYPES GROUND 61~N (F!W;.STANDIN&t TYPE) ,",IIJOOW' SIGI-J I Amended January 25, 2000 Effective June 13, 1991 357 NOTICE OF DETERMINATION A TT ACHMENT 1 To: D Office of Planning and Research From: City Of Arroyo Grande 1400 Tenth Street P.O. Box 550 Sacramento, CA 95814 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 m ~ County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of San Luis Obispo 1144 Monterey Street, Suite C San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Adoption of an Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande Amending Chapters 13 and 18 of Title 9 of the Municipal Code to allow Portable SiQns. Ordinance No. 512 C.S. PROJECT CO NT ACT PERSON: TELEPHONE NUMBER: Joe Prutch, Contract Planner (805) 473-5420 PROJECT LOCATION: Citywide; commercial businesses PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Allow for commercial businesses to use portable signs (or sandwich boards) to advertise their business. Signs are not aI/owed in the public right-of-way and are limited to 6 square feet in sign face, and 5 feet in heiQht. STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NUMBER (if applicable): N/A This is to advise that the City of Arroyo Grande City Council approved the above- described project on February 8, 2000 and made the following determinations: 0 A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions for CEQA. 0 An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions for CEQA. ~ A Categorical Exemption per CEQA Guidelines Mitigation measures _ were XX were not made a condition of project approval. The project, in its approved form, _ will XX will not have a significant effect on the environment. A statement of overriding considerations _ was XX was not adopted for this project. A copy of the project approval may be examined at the City of Arroyo Grande, 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420. SIGNATURE: DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: TITLE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DATE: February 22, 2000 9.'. MEMORANDUM TO': CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council; 1. adopt the attached Resolution declaring the used vehicles, equipment, and miscellaneous items listed in Attachment "A" as surplus and authorize their sale; and 2. authorize the Interim City Manager to sign the auction contract with Bill Phelps Auction Services.' FISCAL IMPACT: Upon sale of surplus items, the City could realize revenue of up to $15,000. DISCUSSION: The list of surplus items represents vehicles, equipment, and miscellaneous items from various departments. The vehicles are old police cars, pool cars, and work trucks that have been replaced over several years from the departments of Public Works, Parks & Recreation, Fire, and Police. The surplus list also includes miscellaneous Public Works and Parks & Recreation equipment and various unclaimed Police items. Therefore, staff is recommending the Council declare the items surplus and authorize sale of the items at a public auction. A public auction will be conducted in conjunction with items from the City of Pismo Beach and the Lucia Mar School District and will be conducted by Bill Phelps Auction Services on March 11,2000 at the City Corporation Yard. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendation; - Do not approve staffs recommendation; - Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendation; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment "A": Surplus List Exhibit "A": Contract with Bill Phelps Auction Services . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON A SURPLUS LIST AND AUTHORIZING A SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has certain vehicles and equipment which are no longer used or needed; and WHEREAS, the vehicles and equipment can be classified as surplus property and made available for sale to private parties at public auction. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby declare as surplus the vehicles and equipment described in Attachment "A" and authorize their sale. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2000. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY . ~ , , . . ~ . - EXHIBIT "A" i Bill Phelps Auction Services 1 t 7580 Atascadero Ave. "Atascad~ro. CA 93422 · (805) 434-0404 · CA Bond #8238575 Auction Contract 1. I, RICK TerBORCH , representtng the City of Arroyo Grande ----- agree to contract Bill Phelps Auction Services to conduct 0 public auction on Saturday, March 11.2000 at 10:00 Q.m. at the corporation yard of the City of Arroyo Grand~. 2. Bill Phelps AuctIon Services agrees to: a. Professionally plan, organize and implement a public auction: b. Design and place all advertisement; c. Manage and supervise all auction company personnel: d. Provide all sale-day labor and security; e. Provide consignor(s) 0 full financial accounting of sole revenues . within 10 working days of the auction: f. Guarantee disbursement of funds to consignor(s) within 10 working days of the auction; g. Manage and supervise a public preview of items to be sold; h. Work cooperatively with all consignors to promote a successful auction. 3. The City of Arroyo Grande agrees to: a. Deliver consigned items to sale site in salable condition no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) Friday. March 10,2000: b. Provide Bill Phelps Auction Services personnel access to consigned items, during regular business hours, beginning Monday, March 6. 2000 for the purpose of Hlotting" and developing a manifest of the inventory; c. Provide Bill Phelps Auction Services all required vehicle titles. smog and appropriate Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) paperwork by Monday, March 6, 2000 for the purpose of confirming vehicle identification numbers (VIN) and reconciling inventory manifest: d. Release Bill Phelps Auction Services of any liability or responsibility for loss or damage to consignment that may occur for reasons other than gross negligence; e. Pay a pro-rated percentage of the advertising based on sole revenues of consigned items-total advertising cost is not to exceed $1.000. No "up-front" costs for advertising will be charged. Advertising costs will be deducted from auction proceeds; f. A commission of 15% of gross sales will be deducted and retained by auction company as payment for services rendered. ';(''''''11''1'11/-10 ,'"","<,(:(:(,,1.<1.'If";"'''''' \';n,."" _ IU7 I" ATTACHMENT "A" LIST OF SURPLUS ITEMS VEHICLES: 3. 1987 Chevrolet Spectrum Vin# J81RG517XH8464059 4. 1987 Chevrolet Caprice Vin# 1 G1 BLS168HA 159816 3. 1983 Ford Tempo Vin# 1 FABP22R9EK125334 4. 1992 Chevrolet Lumina Vin# 2G 1 WLS4TON9248208 5. 1987 Chevrolet Caprice Vin# 1G1BL5161HA163724 6. 1985 Chevrolet C-30 Vin# 1GBHC34W9G5121168 7. 1985 Dodge Caravan Vin# 2B4FK41 GXFR346317 8. 1985 Dodge Ram 350 Vin# 1 B6MD3417FS634935 EQUIPMENT: 1. 1979 TCM Forklift FG20 Vin# 28S11531 2. 1985 Kubota Tractor B8200 HST Vin# S0262 with a Vrisimo Mighty Max Flail Mower 3. Hydraulic Energy Company Pump Serial# 4810-239 with a Briggs & Stratton Engine Model 350447 (code# 920S1911) 4. Coleman Powermate Generator Model# PMS4-2200 Serial# 58460061 S. Dayton Generator Model# RF40 Serial# E S274X 6. Multiquip Trash Pump Model QP301 T Serial# 301T-28SS 7. Blu-'Ray Blue Print Machine with stand Model# 3S0 Serial# AU-11S2 8. Alkota Pressure Washer Model# 2101 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: (Recovered property from the Police Department Property Room which has either not been claimed or for which no responsible party can be located.) 1. Gold Watch/Diamond Points (No Case # Given) 2. Square Silver Watch (No Case # Given) 3. Timex Iron man Watch (Case # 96-1227) 4. Roladex Pocket Planner (Case # 96-1227) S. Gold Loop Earrings (Case # 96-19S4). 6. CD Case with 20 CD's (Case # 98-1891) 7. Optimus AM/FM Car Stereo #9436272S (Case # 97-0266) 8. Four Pair Aviator Sunglasses (Case # 97-1282) 9. Killer Loop Sunglasses (Case # 98-1876) 10. Gold Ring (Case # 95-0001) 11. Misc Jewelry/Ring/Money Clip (Case # 96-0402) 12. Silver Chain with Opal Pendant (Case # 97-0169) . - ~..._~-- ~ , , , - - - EXHIBIT "A" i Bill Phelps Auction Services 1 l 7580 Atascadero Ave. · Atascad~ro. CA 93422 · (805) 434-0404 · CA Bond #8238575 Auction Contract 1. L RICK TerBORCH , representtng the City of Arroyo Grande -.-. agree to contract Bill Phelps Auction Services to conduct 0 public auction on Saturday, March 11.2000 at 10:00 a.m. at the corporation yard of the City of Arroyo Grand~. 2. Bill Phelps AuctIon Services agrees to: a, Professionally plan, organize and implement a public auction; b. Design and place all advertisement; c. Manage and supervise all auction company personnel: d. Provide all sale-day labor and security; e. Provide consignor(s) a full financial accounting of sale revenues - within 10 working days of the auction; f. Guarantee disbursement of funds to consignor(s) within 10 working days of the auction; g. Manage and supervise a public preview of items to be sold; h. Work cooperatively with all consignors to promote o successful auction. 3. The City of Arroyo Grande agrees to: a. Deliver consigned items to sale site in salable condition no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) Friday, March 10,2000; b. Provide Bill Phelps Auction Services personnel access to consigned items, during regular business hours, beginning Monday, March 6. 2000 for the purpose of "lotting" and developing a manifest of the inventory; c. Provide Bill Phelps Auction Services all required vehicle titles. smog and appropriate Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) paperwork by Monday, March 6.2000 for the purpose of confirming vehicle identification numbers (VIN) and reconciling inventory manifest; d. Release Bill Phelps Auction Services of any liability or responsibility for loss or damage to consignment that may occur for reasons other than gross negligence; e. Pay a pro-rated percentage of the advertising based on sale revenues of consigned items-total advertising cost is not to exceed $1.000. No lIup-front" costs for advertising will be charged. Advertising costs will be deducted from auction proceeds; f. A commission of 15% of gross sales will be deducted and retained by auction company as payment for services rendered. " ('",., d 1/(""'1 (I \' r U',".' t; t; {,,! J IIf" i ,"," (, 1.."" '-J ,",',' ,u -: , " :J -'---'-".~ .... MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO SEWER LIFT STATION NO.1 DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize an appropriation of $7,000 from the Sewer Fund for emergency repairs to Sewer Lift Station NO.1. FUNDING: Funding for the repairs will be from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $7,000. The estimated fund balance in the Sewer Fund as of June 30, 2000 (per the February 8, 2000 mid-year budget report) is $11,700. This transfer will result in an estimated fund balance of $4,700. DISCUSSION: On January 17, 2000, Sewer Lift Station #1 located by Carl's Jr. on West Branch Street experienced a major failure. A pump seal failed, flooding the dry well with sewage. This immersed the pump motors and the electronic control panel. . Emergency work took place to pump the incoming sewage with the natural gas powered standby pump. Approximately 6,000 gallons of sewage was pumped from the dry well. Once this was complete, all the water from the circuit breakers and motor control components was displaced. The digital pump control panel, however, had to be replaced. The station is now on line with only one pump in service and should be back to regular operation by the end of the month. It was. determined that the pump seal failed due to a sewer lateral compression plug, which is used to plug the end of a sewer service lateral or main, entering the collection system. The cost to repair this facility is estimated to be $7,000. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff's recommendation; - Do not approve staff's recommendation; - Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; or - Provide direction to staff. Budget.1.wpd ..11. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER h SUBJECT: GRAND AVENUE, ELM STREET TO HALCYON ROAD PROJECT NO. 60-70-90-98-6 - PROGRESS PAYMENT NO.7 DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize Progress Payment No. 7 in the amount of $250,085.19 to Whitaker Contractors, Inc. for the Grand Avenue, Elm Street to Halcyon Road, capital improvement project. FUNDING: On June 22, 1999, the Council awarded the constructio.n contract for the Grand Avenue, Elm Street to Halcyon Road Project, to Whitaker Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,707,535 and authorized a contingency of $170,750 to be used for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project ($1,878,285 total available funding). DISCUSSION: Staff receiyed an application for Progress Payment No. 7 for work completed between January 1, 2000 and January 31, 2000 from Whitaker Contractors, Inc. As of January 31, 2000 the original contract was 97% complete and $1,688,304.46 of the $1,878,285 total available funds have been requested by the Contractor. Attachment: Application for Progress Payment No. 7 ~---_.,_._._,~._- Sent By: JLWA; 8055444294; Feb-14-00 3:49PM; Page 2/3 City of ~. AYYoyo-GY~ Public., Works Department AfII'lit'4HM1 for ProP" PRpUltf Cunlr.c:t NomlC: (~rU71dA'f1mUE. 1':1," 811(1 iilllcypn Rd Cunlrad N", l>0-70-90-9~6 '....... Payment No: 7 aly Ar.rolU1tNo; .350...'i806-700l : S 2SO,GII!;.1!/ "I'.u E:!~ Act:uant' 11: $ 27.,.,..24 PaymHlt n.~; ~7.MJ ~'I- !lid IiIIimoM _1011* "_ lid lbt IN :.: =.. ""'" QtII ""'" ""*" UtY - - av Anad 1 La., ~~ .-'" """.. 1 $ 10000.00 '..... J~.!999:1!!1 , 'iiI=:t '0 OOIJ.oo 1.00 I 10.000..II!,.J 10,1!!!f!.~, '~:R 2 1.8 1 I ....!I!!,!I9'1<<1 . 10000.00 , 10 .00 ,..~~ 1,00 . ~,ooo... . 10 .00 ... :i ".ra ,,,",,, ...~.. , .. .1~,m..!! . ,0,175.00 , s I 15.00 'U~.OO .... a~:..,I::~.1 1 100w, ~r:: :'''~j!. , CoonIMIIan 1 1 17_ I S 17.BDII,oo S li.iiG.oii ~- $ ~ "'~aualmC!lllllMl4orMl.il\ 46' 2UO I 1-.00 411" .. ...~.:~.... ...!,~'DO $01 2i.UO $ , ......eo ..,..1.1.1" r_~ !*.!!.1to.CiCiO'_ NMI '.'M'~' . ........ e L~ 185 S 2Uu s..... 4,~I.oo 1(15 . ~f.I!Q....~_......~I.OO 2021' 201.111 I ......;10 ,~~ ( 1!",f'VS..~ 1to CICII,WIMr M&m 4:! S 78.00 I..."....;w,~ 42 . 71.00 f S 71.00 5 ....,lMt, ,.,... ... ....:-,00 ............ ... ",.., ...,.- 1~ ~ I,' ~$~an. 'SO. ceoo_...... ,.. 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D1IIn PIpe, Sell.. 40 _I ~,1j(J . 18,345.00 285 . 70,45 , 11._,~ :2!I!I1 TO.411 . la.:>III!i5 l1li% - Sent By: JLWAj 8055444294j Feb-14-00 3:49PMj Page 3/3 . --- IN. UIII PtIae PIIM AtnaIriI _ 41. S 142.00 134. '" :05_,411 _,.. I~ ."....J~~t $';'M:T--:r~: '''i~;~~= 3 , 4.575,00 t ',1115,00 J 13.n&.Oo, IS,T.I!I.oO ., . 100% . .... 1 S ~'-,UIJ $ ~,_,oo I 5 5;.1i;iQ;i'iii '''j'''. 'iijjjij'.oo 1 $ 5,300.00 $ 5,300.00 100v, 1 $ 4,!I!!11.I1I ... . 4,eso,oO" .....1"..,- .,eso.oo $ ',850.00 I $ ',11&1.00' 4,BJ,DQ I~ 2 " ii.847:oo'....- 13,284,00 2 $ 8.847,00 $ 13,284.00 2 $ &,147.00' ..1J,:IM.iiQ.................."1aiN; 13 .. ,.. ... 1 ....iw.tjjj" ...., l1li 1 .00 $ 2.00 , 00 ~ G4 La ~"'OpIIooIDoIooU",,~ 1 J 11.75<1,00 $ 11,i':iU,UU 1 $ 11.t:)Q.OO $ ".f~U,UO l' 1',7:n00, t1,7~,oo Ian. 011 RaIIIIINI Elm SInIet IIIhI1\I M. T..... .'." ..... . . .... 1 1 300,00 II.DO , 1 ,00" .... , "'1. lOiI~oo" 0.8' 1. I ~... ...,_".I~.~.!)I'_1 eMncIM". 1, 7,12U....l. ...__ 2 L8 . 1ra.....1JCI' ~..... 1 1 5." J Ell. T~,e(i~:~,.:,~_,.. .... 1 1.511-'_._. 4 La ",ex. ~ Tillie :'..':','-fr, =-Z1::J=:':::=': --'.~'_~:_-"----.=- .__ 7 L8 MIll.... Iat .:r.-...,.!!M................... , . . S "1Mr_'_I\C!!!J!b;,I!!'fI.~1iICItn -3...... 7734.7& . 8 ...." ".....,!!,!!!!IIIH: ,,&It 88II1II: Io1oIIIY '" CIIcII--... 5 .......... __.... 7 _06 10 '.Far .....~,~_~~'WdhnlC '"""'TWkCclnduilo-3....... 712G..36 . 11 _Dr_'I!IIIIIOI: -11 .07 12 -, -...,....-,.. foorCCOHo. 1-2...... I . _. ;~.. .....y:f!!!'~~~.~.~.~~~'!!P-'"i"S '%4151116' "';M"!,~I,. TOTAL 1 1 411 ('..._- DAlo Totoll'oy to l)ot" $ 1,6N.acH.* Toto' __ $ l"'UJ~ I'reYiow 1'0JIMI'16 S .1,26!1,38&83 '~~;;;.;e... Dote 1'rmoIw~1I $ H).IK;I.7JI 11.... P.~ I $ ".:1' I 'lhiII~ Si 'l.7.1~,'l.I ~,,-.......--- Public W...... ~ DALe ConItoo:t ~ {Woo t 9-Ju1.99 OnJNlC"- Da7" 110 AdjuoIed C_ Daya; .~ c;yM'....;..-' - . DoI.c Ad~ C~'t _ IJoIoe UII MM 00 ~nd P_mt "...aunt tn, WhitaIoer ContT.....n !no. PO Boc 910 m8l).I!I t:amJno ~ SonIa Mor~rllO, CA ~ Send IIAMD&m NIocIuIlU", l&avw Accuutlt' UI..:J962931 I'IIIC !link 0{ !itIn L.W IJbispo PO IIo>t 1249 s..n l,ui. Obispo. CA 9.W06 - e.l. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER th6 SUBJECT: PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENTS FOR THE FAIR OAKS A VENUEN ALLEY ROAD AND TALLYHO ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council: A. adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Program Supplement Agreement No. 256 for the Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road Project; 8. adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Program Supplement Agreement No. 2S7 for the Tally Ho Road Project; and C. direct the Director of Administrative Services to submit the Program Supplement Agreements and authorizing resolutions to Caltrans. FUNDING: The City was successful in securing $1,148,000 of 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Amendment funds for local street/road rehabilitation and reconstruction projects. There is a total of $486,500 of 1998 STIP Amendment funds programmed for the Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road project and $390,700 for the Tally Ho Road Project. DISCUSSION: In order for a local agency to expend State funds through the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), it must enter into a Program SURPlement Agreement which is a project-specific agreement that is incorporated into the City-State Master Agreement. Caltrans has authorized the City to expend $30,000 of its 1998 STIP Amendment funds for design of Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road project and $24,000 for the design of the Tally Ho Road project. Before the City can begin invoicing. for reimbursement of the work performed, the Program Supplement Agreements must be executed. A resolution must be adopted by the City that clearly identifies the official authorized to execute the Program Supplement Agreements. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendations; - Do not approve staffs recommendations; - Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendations; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Program Supplement Agreement No.'s 2S6 and 2S7 jep:232.5630 & 5631\grants\Prog.Supp.STIP.Staff.Report.wpd --- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT NO. 256 TO ADMINISTERING AGENCY- STATE AGREEMENT FOR STATE FUNDED PROJECTS NO. 000199 FOR THE FAIR OAKS AVENUENALLEY ROAD CAP IT AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the City and the State have entered into Administering Agency-State Agreement for State Funded Projects No. 000199; and WHEREAS, Program Supplement No. 2S6 to the Administering Agency-State Agreement for State Funded Projects No. 000199 designates the State funds requested for the Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road capital improvement project; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande is eligible to receive State funds through the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby: 1. Approves Exhibit "A" attached hereto, entitled "Program Supplement Agreement No. 2S6, to Administering, Agency-State Agreement for State Funded Projects No. 000199". 2. Appoints the Mayor as the official representative authorized to sign Program Supplement Agreement No. 256 to Administering Agency-State Agreement for State Funded Projects No. 000199. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2000. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY . EXHIBIT nAn PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 256 Date:January 11,2000 to Loca tion: 05-SLO-0 AD~NISTERING AGENCY-STATE AGREEMENT proj ect Number: RPL-5199(OI2) POR STATE FUNDED PROJECTS NO. 000199 E.A. Number:05-142884 Locode : 5199 This PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT, effective 12/09/1999, is hereby incorporated into the Administering Agency - State Agreement No. 000199 for State Funded Projects entered into between the ADMINISTERING AGENCY and the STATE with an effective date of 08/02/99 and is subject to all the terms and conditions thereof. This PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT is adopted in accordance with Article I of the aforementioned Master Agreement under authority of Resolution No. approved by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY on (See copy attached). The ADMINISTERING AGENCY further stipulates that as a condition to. payment of funds encumbered to this project, it accepts and will comply with the Special Covenants and Conditions set forth on the following pages. PROJECT LOCATION: Fair Oaks Ave--west of Valley Rd to Traffic Way; and Valley Rd--Fair Oaks Ave to southern city limits TYPE 01' WORK: Road Rehabilitation Estimated Cost State Punds Matching l'unds STATE $30,000.00 LOCAL OTHER $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CITY 01' ARROYO GRANDE STATE 01' CALIPORH1:A Department of Transportation By By Chief, Office of Local Programs Date Project Implementation Date Title I hereby certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance: $30,000.00 Chapter Statutes Program Fund Source ' AMOUNT 50 ' 1999 2660-101-042 99-2000 20.30.600.621 S 262040 042-T 30,000.00 Program Supplement 00-0199-256- SERIAL Page 1 of 3 05-SLO-0 01/11/2000 RPL-5199(012) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS 1. This PROJECT is programmed to receive funding from the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), as amended. Funding may be provided under one or more components. A component{s) specific fund allocation is required, in addition to other requirements, before reimbursable work can occur for the component{s) identified. Each allocation will be assigned an effective date and identify the amount of funds allocated per component{s). This PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT has been prepared to allow retmbursement of eligible PROJECT expenditures for the component{s) allocated. The start of reimbursable expenditures is restricted to the later of either 1) the effective date of the Master Agreement, 2)the effective date of the PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT, or 3)the effective date of the component specific allocation. 2. STATE and ADMINISTERING,AGENCY agree that additional funds made available by future allocations will be encumbered on this PROJECT by use of a STATE approved Allocation Letter and Finance Letter. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees that STATE funds available for reimbursement will be limited to the amount allocated by the California Transportation Commission ( CTC) and/or the ST~TE. 3. Upon ADMINISTERING AGENCY request, the CTC and/or STATE may approve supplementary allocations, time extensions, and fund transfers between components. An approved time extension will revise the timely use of funds criteria, outlined above, for the component{s) and allocation{s) requested. Approved supplementary allocations, time extensions, and fund transfers between components, made after the execution of this PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT will be documented and considered subject to the ter.ms and conditions thereof. Documentation for approved supplementary allocations, time' extensions, and fund transfers between components, will be a STATE approved Allocation Letter, Fund Transfer Letter, Time Extension Letter, and Finance Letter, as appropriate,. 4. This PROJECT will be administered in accordance with the CTC STIP guidelines, as adopted or amended, and the STATE Procedures for Administering Local Grant Projects in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the Local Assistance Program Program SupplementOO-0199-256- SERIAL Page 2 of 3 05-SLO-0 01/11/2000 RPL-5199(012) SPECIAL COVENANTS 'OR REMARKS Guidelines, and the Local Assistance Procedures Manual. The submittal of invoices for project costs shall be in accordance with the above referenced publications and the following. 5. The ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall ,invoice STATE for environmental & per.mits, plans specifications & estimate, and right-of-way costs no later than 180 days after the end of last eligible fiscal year of expenditure. For construction costs, the ADMINISTERING AGENCY 'has 180 days after project completion to make the final payment to the contractor and prepare the final Report of Expenditures and final invoice, and submit to STATE for verification and payment. 6. All funding obligations of STATE under the conditions of this PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT are subject to the appropriation of resources by the Legislature and the encumbrance of funds under this PROJECT. Funding and reimbursement are available only upon the passage of the State Budget Act containing these STATE funds. Program SupplementOO-0199-256- SERIAL Page 3 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT NO. 257 TO ADMINISTERING AGENCY- STATE AGREEMENT FOR STATE FUNDED PROJECTS NO. 000199 FOR THE TALLYHO ROAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ' WHEREAS, the City and the State have entered into Administering Agency-State Agreement for State Funded Projects No. 000199; and WHEREAS, Program Supplement No. 2S7 to the Administering Agency-State Agreement for State Funded Projects No. 000199 designates the State funds requested for the Tally; Ho Road capital improvement project; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande is eligible to receive State funds through the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby: 1. Approves Exhibit "A" attached hereto, entitled "Program Supplement Agreement No. 257, to Administering Agency-State Agreement for State Funded Projects No. 000199". 2. Appoints the Mayor as the official representative authorized to sign Program Supplement Agreement No. 257 to Administering Agency-State Agreement for State Funded Projects No. 000199. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2000. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RICK TerBORCH, INTERIM CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHYJ. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY . EXHIBIT "A" PROGRAM SUPPLBKBNT NO. 257 Date : January 12,2000 to Loca tion: 05-SLO-0 ADMINISTBRING AGENCY-STATB AGRBEMENT Project Humber:RPL-5199(013) FOR STATB FUNDBD PROJECTS NO. 000199 B.A. Humber:05-142894 Locode: 5199 This PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT, effective 12/09/1999, is hereby incorporated into the Administering Agency - State Agreement No. 000199 for State Funded Projects entered into between the ADMINISTERING AGENCY and the STATE with an effective date of 08/02199, and is subject to all the terms and conditions thereof. This PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT is adopted in accordance with Article I of the aforementioned Master Agreement under authority of Resolution No. approved by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY on (See copy attached). The ADMINISTERING AGENCY further stipulates that as a condition to payment of funds encumbered to this project, it accepts and will comply with the Special Covenants and Conditions set forth on the following pages. PROJECT LOCATION: Tally Ho Road---LePoint Street to Route 227 TYPB OF WORK: Road Rehabilitation Bstimated Cost State Funds Matching Funds STATE $24,000.00 LOCAL OTHBR $24,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDB STATB OF CALIFORNIA Department of 'Transportation By By Chief, Office of Local Programs Date Project Implementation Date Title I hereby certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance: $24,000.00 Chapter Statutes Program Fund Source AMOUNT 50 1999 2660-101-042 99-2000 20.30.600.621 S 262040 042-T 24,000.00 Program Supplement 00-0199-257- SBRIAL Page' 1 of 3 05-SLO-0 01/12/2000 RPL-5199(013) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS 1. This PROJECT is programmed to receive funding from the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), as amended. Fu,nding may be provided under one or more components. A component(s) specific fund allocation is required, in addition to other requirements, before reimbursable work can occur for the component(s) identified. Each allocation will be assigned an effective date and identify the amount of funds allocated per component(s). This PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT has been prepared to allow reimbursement of eligible PROJECT expenditures for the component(s) allocated. The start of reimbursable expenditures is restricted to the later of either 1) the effective date of the Master Agreement, 2) the effective date of the PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT, or 3)the effective date of the component specific allocation. 2. STATE and ADMINISTERING AGENCY agree that additional funds made available by future allocations will be encumbered on this PROJECT by use of a STATE approved Allocation Letter and Finance Letter. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees that STATE funds available for reimbursement will be limited to the amount allocated by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) and/or the STATE. 3. This PROJECT is subject to the timely use of funds provisions enacted by Senate Bill 45 (SB 45), approved in 1997, and subsequent CTC guidelines and State procedures approved by the CTC and STATE, as outlined below: Funds allocated for the environmental & per.mits, plan specifications & estimate, and right-of-way components are available for expenditure until the end of the second fiscal year following the year in which the funds were allocated. Funds allocated for the construction component are subject to ,an award deadline and contract completio~ deadline. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to award the contract within 12 months of the construction fund allocation and complete the construction or vehicle purchase contract within 36 months of award. 4. Upon ADMINISTERING AGENCY request, the CTC and/or STATE may approve supplementary allocations, time extensions, and fund transfers between components. An approved time extension will Program SupplementOO-0199-257- SERIAL Page 2 of 3 05-SLO-O 01/12/2000 RPL-5199(013) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS revise the timely use of funds criteria, outlined above, for the component(s) and allocation(s) requested. Approved supplementary allocations, time extensions, and fund transfers between components, made after the execution of this PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT will be documented and considered subject to the ter.ms and conditions thereof. Documentation for approved supplementary allocations, time extensions, and fund transfers between components, will be a STATE approved Allocation Letter, Fund Transfer Letter, Time Extension Letter, and Finance Letter, as appropriate. 5. This PROJECT will be administered in accordance with the CTC STIP guidelines, as adopted or amended, and the STATE Procedures for Administering Local Grant Projects in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the Local Assistance Program Guidelines, and the Local Assistance Procedures Manual. The submittal of invoices for project costs shall be in accordance with the above referenced publications and the following. 6. The ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall invoice STATE for environmental & per.mits, plans specifications & estimate, and right-of-way costs no later than 180 days after the end of last eligible fiscal year of expenditure. For construction costs, the ADMINISTERING AGENCY has 180 days after project completion to make the final payment to the contractor and prepare the final Report of Expenditures and finaloinvoice, and submit to STATE for verification and paymen t . 7. All funding obligations of STATE under the conditions of this PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT are subject to the appropriation of resources by the Legislature and the encumbrance of funds under this PROJECT. Funding and reimbursement are available only upon the passage of the State Budget Act containing these STATE funds. I Program Supplement 00-0199-257- SERIAL Page 3 of 3 - ----~--_. ---~--- 10... MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ^" SUBJECT: LEVEL OF SERVICE POLICY AND TRAFFIC STUDY GUIDELINES DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the following policies regarding Level of Service Analysis and Traffic Studies: 1. Traffic studies shall include roadway capacity, safety and design analyses. The current Highway Capacity Manual shall be the methodology used for capacity analyses of all roadways and intersections. 2. Mitigation measures shall be required for developments generating twenty (20) peak hour trips (PHT) or more which impact any roadway facility now operating or forecast to operate below LOS C. 3. Direct Public Works staff to meet with the applicant prior to approving any application as complete to discuss traffic study needs, potentially significant traffic impacts and possible mitigation measures. 4. Direct City staff to incorporate these policies in the General Plan. 5. Revisit these policies after one year to evaluate effectiveness and revise as necessary. FUNDING: Traffic data collection, including an annual traffic count program, will be programmed in the Capital Improvement Program. DISCUSSION: Environmental Impact Reports recently prepared for a number of proposed development projects have raised concerns about the consistency of the traffic analyses methodology being provided to the City and mitigation measures being accepted for traffic impacts. The primary concern is that traffic created by those projects will increase traffic congestion on the City's roadway system. The mitigation measures being proposed were often not in the foreseeable future and did not have dedicated funding sources. Six questions regarding the City's policy on traffic analysis and mitigation measures were posed for consideration. These questions are: Staff Report: Level of Service Policy and Traffic Study Guidelines February 22, 2000 Page 2 1. Should the City maintain its L.O.S. Threshold at "C"? Any exemptions? If so, what, where, why? 2. Should the City permit "short-term" L.O.S. Threshold Exemptions? If so, how would the Commission define "short-term"? 3. What measurement criteria, if any, should we give traffic consultants to evaluate Level of Service? Delay Times Only (Village Glen FEIR)? Delay Times, Volume/Capacity, Safety & Design? 4. What direction, if any, should the City give regarding peak-period traffic counts? Summer Traffic Volumes vs. School Year Traffic Volumes? Daily Peak-Period Timeframes? S. Determining Thresholds of Significant Impacts for Projects: Higgins Survey Which method or approach best suits the City of Arroyo Grande? Would a variation work best? 6. Working with the Applicant: Implement a Staff/Applicant Review Process Determine "legitimate" mitigation measures Let Applicant know his/her status Use City Traffic Model to determine Number of Project Trips Dispersal Patterns of Project Traffic Save the Applicant time and money The Traffic Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council provided input for the questions and public hearings were offered. Meeting minutes are attached. The current City policy is that all roadway facilities shall be maintained at Level of Service (LOS) C. The desire was expressed by most to maintain this policy. The City currently has no established guidelines for preparing traffic studies or proposing mitigation measures. This has resulted in various analysis techniques being used and inconsistent results being submitted for review. For example, intersections at the Brisco Road interchange have been reported to be operating at both LOS B and LOS D for existing traffic conditions. Furthermore, it was being assumed that because a roadway facility was identified to be improved at an undefined point in the future, oris being studied for improvement, that it would be funded and improved in the foreseeable future, and mitigation measures were not necessary. ------ -~ ----------- -.----..---...- Staff Report: Level of Service Policy and Traffic Study Guidelines February 22, 2000 Page 3 The purpose of the City developing a policy on traffic study guidelines is to standardize traffic studies and to assure that consistent data collection and analysis methodology is used, a standard presentation format is used, and only feasible mitigation measures are proposed. This will assist developers and consultants by establishing standard expectations from the City and will assist the Traffic Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council by producing consistent results and presenting the finding in a standard format. City staff has researched traffic study criteria from several jurisdictions. The City of Ventura Traffic Study Guidelines were used as a format to develop traffic study criteria and study preparation guidelines. Following is a summary of items identified in the traffic study guidelines: 1. Traffic studies shall include analyses for roadway capacity, safety and design features. The current Highway Capacity Manual is recommended as the methodology to be used for capacity analyses of all roadways and intersections. This is the nationally accepted standard and is the standard accepted by Caltrans. The Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) method used by some consultants for intersection analysis which analyzes vehicle to capacity (v/c) ratios does not have the capability to consider design features, signal timing or signal spacing, and is not accepted on Caltrans facilities for design level analysis. 2. Traffic studies shall be required for developments generating twenty (20) or more peak hour trips (PHT). This is consistent with the City's desire that small projects that do not individually contribute significant amounts of traffic to the roadway system, but cumulatively contribute traffic volumes that adversely impact the roadways, be required to mitigate any adverse impacts. It i$ recommended that mitigation measures be required by those developments generating 20 or more PHT which impact any roadway facility now operating or forecast to operate below LOS C. Mitigation measures should be considered viable only if they are funded and scheduled for construction in the City's five year Capitallmproyement Program. 3. Because each development project is unique, data collection and analysis techniques that are appropriate for one study location may not be appropriate for another. City staff should meet with each applicant prior to approving any application as complete to discuss traffic study needs, data collection and analysis methodology, potentially significant traffic impacts and possible mitigation measures. 4. Traffic policies are directly related to the City's General Plan and circulation element and should be incorporated into the Circulation Element of the General Plan. 5. Transportation planning is a continuing, collaborative and comprehensive process. It is directly related to a multitude of factors, including land use, economic and social factors. It is highly dependent upon recommendations resulting from efforts to update "... .~.,_. ,--",.-.- .,'- Staff Report: Level of Service Policy and Traffic Study Guidelines February 22,2000 Page 4 the City's General Plan and Circulation Element. This policy should therefore be revisited after one year to evaluate its effectiveness and to make revisions as necessary. Alternatives The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendations; . Do not approve staffs recommendations; . Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendations; . Provide direction to staff. Attach ments: 1. Arroyo Grande Planning Commission Minutes of January 4, 2000 2. Comments from Larry Greene Concerning LOS Issue to be Heard at Planning Commission January 4, 2000 3. Public comment received at Planning Commission meeting of November 16, 1999 4. Traffic Commission Minutes of December 20, 1999 S. Typical Traffic Study Contents 6. Traffic Impact Study Preparation Guidelines . . . Attachment 1 . ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 4, 2000 PAGE 6 at site. The City needs Industrial zoning and this is one reason that so many of in the City are interested in the Frederick's project. If there is n ndustrial zone in the City, there will be no way for any e jobs to be brought into the "ty. He also wanted the members of the public t now that this is already zoned for . Family so many of the things they com nted on, the natural habitat, beautiful Oak tre etc. would probably change if a I Family project was built on that site. He would not s ort a metal building. He ted that if anyone had looked at the 3 options for the "fix" for . co/Halcyon Road . erchange, they would find that in Option #3, the freeway ramps would . e out thi hole property as well as effect other pieces around it. He would rather see this remain in the Multi Family zone. Acting Chair Costello stated that he " oed" sever f the issues discussed by the other Commissioners. He did feel that re was a need for a fer zone in this area. He would have some extremely difficu questions for the developer answer if this particular project is put in a large . e industrial building. These would i ude issues with noise, traffic, lighting and c" ulation to name a few. He does not know I e could support a project of this ty He stated that the City of Arroyo Grande does nee ome Industrial zoning but he aes not believe this is the appropriate spot. Acti hair Costello thanked those in the audience that had attended the meeting and . en their comments. 111.8 PLANNING COMMISSION COMMENTS ON THE STANDARDIZATION OF CITY POLICIES REGARDING TRAFFIC STUDIES AND LEVEL OF SERVICE THRESHOLDS (Continued from December 21, 1999) Commissioner London stated that for him this was a very difficult issue to deal with. It is primarily an engineering issue of which none of the Commission was capable of analyzing to the proper extent. He did have some observations however that he would like to share with the City Council. The City, if it is serious in wanting to deal with the problems with traffic, needs to hire a designated traffic engineer, either on staff, or to be shared with the other cities and jurisdictions in the area. It was his view that the City needed a "corporate" memory and sending out for individual studies does not lend itself to having a proper background of the . overall traffic problem in the City. The City looks at each project when it comes in to decide what that project is generating with regards to traffic. Mr. London stated that he does not think that enough consideration is given to the effect that other projects that have been approved and projects that have already been completed have on the overall traffic. He would hope that there would be someone on staff that would pull everything together and try and keep the "traffic flowing". . . . ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 4,2000 PAGE 7 Mr. London said that of all the different plans he looked at, he liked the Cal Trans guide and felt that it would best serve as a starting point for establishing a model for the City. He would like to see more of an analysis on the part of the City staff until such time when the City could hire a traffic engineer. He would like staff to give the Planning Commission a more in depth view of what any project would have on the existing traffic levels. As far as the LOS, he would like to see all LOS at a level of C. However, he stated that he had lived all over the country, and while it is a nice standard to have, he thinks that the City has to recognize that there are certain intersections in Arroyo Grande that are not going to be able to operate at a LOS of C. The City should couch their recommendations based on the acceptance of a LOS of less than C standard. Further, some of the studies from the different cities that he had looked at had a LOS E as not desirable but acceptable. He would suggest that there are a few intersections that will have to be accepted as having a lower LOS. Commissioner Keen first stated that it was important to determine how the LOS should be interpreted. Not the engineering LOS, but the perception of it. It is important to look at this and adopt an interpretation of it into one of the City's programs. It gives the layman a much better interpretation of exactly what LOS means. In the Citv of Ventura - Traffic Stud v Guidelines, page seven (7), it describes LOS of C it describes "c" as "conditions of stable flow, delays of low to moderate, and full use of peak directional signal phases". LOS of D is described as "conditions approaching unsuitable flow, delays are moderate to heavy, and signal time deficiencies are experienced for a short duration during peak hour traffic period". This means that an LOS of D, if you want to accept this as an explanation, if the traffic signal clears the traffic waiting or approaching, and doesn't cut people off so you have to wait through 2 or 3 lights, then he doesn't know of any LOS of D intersection in the City of Arroyo Grande other than at extreme peak times. Mr. Keen stated that he travels through the Brisc:o Road intersection every day and he does not remember any time, except when the signal was malfunctioning, when the traffic did not clear through the intersection. Further, it was easier for him to look at level of service in some kind of a description and relate it to an intersection than it is to just think LOS of C and that it is not acceptable. He feels it would be easier if there was a concrete description to look at. Mr. Keen went on to say that in the Higgins Traffic Report of November 10, 1999 it alluded to the intersection of West Branch and Grand Avenue, where the City is saying this intersection is a LOS of F but yet hardly anyone ever has to stop on Grand Avenue. This makes the LOS of that intersection an A. It is difficult to say that a whole intersection is at the worst LOS because the side street is impacted by a certain amount of traffic. So, when the City is talking about LOS for this type of intersection, they have to take into consideration that the whole intersection is not a level of F but possibly a level of A with some extreme inconvenience for the adjoining side street, which of course would need to be addressed. He stated that he was somewhat confused by the Traffic Committee's interpretation of this issue. . . ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 4, 2000 PAGE 8 With regard to the short term LOS, referred to in the Santa Barbara County criteria, the only place he could find any criteria at all was on one chart for Santa Barbara County on page 4 and 5. The thresholds there of significance were pretty extreme. They said that at "LOS of D, E, or F an additional five or more peak hour travel trips would be considered significant". He felt they would be significant at a LOS of D, let alone E or F. As far as the time that is allowed for an intersection from a project going to a LOS of D, Mr. Keen feels that this depends on the particular intersection. Some of the intersections could operate at a LOS of D if the criterion of Ventura's explanation of D is used without a big problem. As long as the traffic is clearing the intersection each time and it is only this way at peak traffic times he feels it would not be a problem. He has a problem with saying that an intersection is a level of C or D when it is only this way for and hour and a half in the evening. It is inconvenient, however you cannot design a whole intersection for an hour and one half a day. On the other hand, he is not saying that the traffic should be averaged over 24 hours. That would not be a legitimate measure either. Commissioner Keen agreed with the comments submitted by Mr. Greene that the City should keep C as the goal in the General Plan. As far as the short term for LOS of C, he doesn't know. If there is a LOS of C and it will go to a LOS of D for a certain amount of time, does this mean that, even if a project is going to make improvements to bring the LOS back to a C, the project will not be approved because the City does not want any inconvenience at all? Mr. Keen stated that when he first saw the traffic studies that used delay times he was impressed and felt that this was a good idea to have them done this way. But, after reading some of the material he has changed his mind. He feels that the City should go back to the Hiahwav CaDacitv Manual and use it as a guideline for the LOS in conjunction with the guide from Cal Trans. Finally, with regards to the peak traffic counts, he would hate to say that these have to be done during the school year or during the summer because he believes that the individual intersection reflects this. He would like to see the Public Works Department determine when the counts should be done as related to when there really is peak traffic. Commissioner Costello stated that as he was going over all the background materials they were given to help them on this issue there was something that really struck him. In the HiQhwav CaDacitv Manual it stated that "the LOS represents a range of conditions. It varies widely in terms of both the users perception of service quality and the operational values used to describe them". In other words, it is a subjective criteria and not objective. Therefore, since it is subjective the direction the City needs to take is to try and tie this off a bit. In the explanation of LOS in the City of Ventura - Traffic Stud v Guidelines, which he found to be a very good document, on page 7 the description of a LOS of C stated "conditions of stable flow, delays are low to moderate and full use of directional signal phase is experienced". He feels the issue is to define "Iow to moderate" and not leaving it ---- -----~--_._- ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 4, 2000 PAGE 9 as a subjective condition. Mr. Costello stated that the most important thing to do is to have measurable and definable criteria. Define what the LOS levels are so that it is not subject to interpretation. So, it is critical that the City comes up with measurable and definable criteria that can be applied universally. In terms of the six questions that were posed by the City Council and keeping in mind that the City needs to establish the LOS criteria, he feels that a LOS of C is what the City should establish as acceptable. However, this does not mean there should not be any exemptions, the City should leave itself room to work with exemptions when they can be justified. He stated that he would define short term as twelve (12) to eighteen (18) months maximum. If the City were going to allow short term exemption there has to be mitigation that is definite and funded, not just speculative in nature. In terms of measurement criteria for evaluating the LOS, again, there should be clearly defined objective measurements that can be used for all traffic studies. With regards to the "peak traffic counts", he felt that the City needs to evaluate what is the busiest time for a particular intersection and pick the time that is most appropriate for that intersection. Mr. Costello stated that he really liked the Ventura City document. They did an excellent job of laying out the criteria and means to attack the traffic problems. He would like to see the City use this as a model. Finally, he believes that the City should work with the applicant as much as possible. The applicant should know the measurable and definable criteria and the City should have a realistic formula set up for the traffic impact fees so the City does not find itself with large projects with nothing to fund them. Each project needs to pay its fair share. Commissioner Keen and Commissioner London both stated that they liked the Ventura City guidelines and that this should be used as the City's model. Commissioner London stated that he felt there should possibly be a standardization of the criteria within the Five Cities area. He felt everyone should be looking at this matter in a similar light. Commissioner Keen asked Mr. McCants if there was anything else the Planning Commission needed to do at this time with this issue. Mr. McCants replied that the Planning Commission had given excellent comments, in particular the discussion on how to deal with the Level of Service and the general consensus that the Ventura approach to the standardization of traffic studies were particularly valuable. Attachment 2 COMMENTS FROM LARRY GREENE CONCERNING LOS ISSUE TO BE HEARD AT PLANNING COMMISSION 1/4/00 1. Should the city maintain its LOS threshold at level "C"? Yes. Level of service C should remain as the wqrst acceptable level of service for each traffic movement and for intersections as a whole. If the existing delay is greater than for LOS C, preserVation of the existing delay must be maintained. With respect to side street stop sign controlled intersections, LOS E should be the acceptable level of service. We should not permit any long-term or permanent exceptions to our acceptable service levels. 2. Should the city permit "short term" exceptions to the LOS C standards? No short term exception should be permitted unless the traffic impact mitigation plan has been approved with funding in existence and implementation is scheduled for completion within one year of the approvals for the project which will cause the congestion at issue. .., What measurement criteria, if any, should the city give to traffic .). consultants to evaluate levels of service? . The city should have a standardized format to give to all project applicants and to traffic engineers so that fact-finders and decision makers can take a consistent approach to traffic analyses. Several such guidelines have been provided to the Commission by the staff. Included among these documents are the city of Santa Cruz's traffic impact study manual, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority impact analysis guidelines, and the city of Ventura traffic study guidelines. The City staff and our consultant should create similar traffic study guidelines for Arroyo Grande by blending the best approaches used by these and other agencies into a plan which best suits our city's unique character and our unique traffic problems. "---- ~~----"-_.__.- The study guidelines should direct the consultant to look at all of the standard criteria for determining and measuring levels of service. (i.e.: delay times; volume vs. capacity; and safetyl design considerations). The consultant should evaluate LOS using all i of these criteria and the city should employ the standard which yields the most conservative assessment. For example, if one standard establishes that the LOS is C and one standard shows that the LOS is 0, the city should accept the criteria which sets the standard at D. 4. What direction, if any should the City give regarding peak period traffic counts? Each project should be evaluated on its own merits with respect to what the peak periods. for traffic counts should be. Projects which involve seasonal traffic creators or which are close to such sites should be examined with reference to this issue. For example, many streets experience significantly different traffic volumes durinQ the school year due to nearby schools. Also, many streets experience different traffic volumes on weekends and evenings due to thei'r proximity to large churches or shopping centers. The City staff should provide direction to traffic consultants whenever the use of standardized peak period counts will yield skewed results. 5. Determining thresholds of significant impacts for projects. The City should adopt a specific policy for thresholds of significance. I agree with Higgins that it is appropriate to allow a more generous increase in traffic if LOS C is the existing condition than if LOS 0, E, or F is the existing condition. The City should blend Higgins' suggestion for thresholds of significance, using Higgins suggestions and Santa Barbara County's criteria. For example, if the existing level of service is 0, an increase in the average delay of 3.0 seconds or the addition of 5 or more additional peak hour trips, whichever is the more conservative result, is recommended as the maximum allowable threshold. A maximum increase of 2.0 seconds or the addition of 3 or more additional peak hour trips, whichever is lower, is recommended if the intersection currently operates at LOS E. An increase of more than 1 peak hour trip is recommended as the threshold for acceptability for LOS F. --------- Attachment 3 Public Comment from the November 16 Planning Commission Meeting Jav Faeriean, 745 Ridgemont Way stated that the City owes Mr. Ferrara a vote of thanks for the effort he has expended in his presentation and for recognizing a serious problem within the City. Mr. Faerigan has worked as a Civil Engineer and was often frustrated when a governmental agency did not provide any guidelines to applicants. It is not fair to have applicants come in with their projects and City staff tells the applicant to present something and then they will decide if it is appropriate or not. Mr. Faerigan stated that the only thing this accomplishes is to spend someone else's money and creates "bad will". Finally, there are serious traffic problems that need to be addressed and this is a hard problem to solve when the City is split by the freeway. The freeway creates a barrier and makes a very difficult situation traffic wise. C.Z. Brown, 350 Old Ranch Road, stated that there are many problems with the traffic especially at the Brisco Road/101 intersection. The problem will escalate if Cal-Trans improves the traffic over Halcyon to the mesa. He felt that time out was needed to look at the issues and come up with standards. Also, what help staff might need for the Commission to come up with some specific recommendations to the Council. Possibly staff could use some consultant help. Mr. Brown commended Council Member Ferrara for bringing this matter to the Commission's attention. Robert Christianson. 2550 Bayside Place stated that he was very impressed by the clarity of Mr. Ferrara's presentation. He can't imagine trying to do traffic studies to resolve the problems the City is seeing without having some methodology that is uniform and well established. The thing that the City is seeing is an aggregate of small individual projects individually funded and the City needs to aggregate all the projects so the City can receive all the funds they need to not only correct, but to get the City up to the power curve on this issue. Pat Palangi. 1400 Sierra Drive stated that he IS a real estate agent representing a client who was thinking about developing some property on Grand Avenue. He explained that the property is in the pre-planning stages and his client has met with staff at about the time the City Council resolution came about. He wanted to give the Planning Commission some input about how this was received by his clients. The people who have seen the resolution only from the perspective of being in the planning process have not had the opportunity to review Mr. Ferrara's presentation. If they had that opportunity, it would be very helpful and he will relay this information to his client. He went on to say that he understood that it was not the Council's intent to create a moratorium, but this is how it was perceived. Without an understanding on what is to be required and how to proceed, specifically, it is very difficult to make business decisions on how much money to spend in the pre-planning phase of a project. He wanted to know how they should proceed with their project in the interim period before the Council makes a decision? Mayor Pro-Tem stated that this was not a moratorium. What was happening was the Planning staff was sitting down with potential developers and looking at ways in which they could continue to advance and work toward mitigation strategy. The City Council is not turning its back on projects that are underway. Rather, the City is trying to look at them, in the absence of any structure, in a common sense way to look at traffic impacts and dispersal patterns and what some attainable mitigation might be. Ross Konaable. 255 Rodeo, Drive, stated that he hopes the public will take part in the discussions about this issue. He would like so see some forums for the public: so they can better understand what is being done. He would be willing to work along with C.Z. Brown to try and generate some public interest. Jan Scott. 520 Via Vaquero, stated that when she first started attending Planning Commission meetings she thought that when a traffic study was done, truth was found out and things happened the way they were supposed to. She stated that she found out during the "Wal Mart Wars" that this was not true. She felt that having guidelines for a process where, the City is trying to learn something about what is going to happen and make predictions, has got to be valuable. .---- ~- ahead of time. Attachment 4 RESPONSE TO LEVEL OF SERVICE QUESTION Mr. Spagnolo indicated that at the last Commission meeting Mayor Pro- T em Ferrara posed six traffip related questions to the Commission conceming the levels of service at intersections in the City. The Commission requested staff address each question and come up with guidelines based on the ones submitted by Higgins from other agencies. Mr. Spagnolo addressed each question: 1. Should the City maintain it's L.O.S. Threshold at "C"? Any exemptions? If so, what, where, why? Mr. Spagnolo referred to his staff report dated December 20, 1999. He provided the definition of the Level of Service from A to F (six levels of service). The public and Commission provided the following comments: Jan Scott, S20 Via Vaquero, asked to treat this item with respect and asked for no political bickering. She said that traffic congestion and poor planning kill business. This is a serious attempt to improve our traffic policies and procedures. This is a chance to give traffic engineers a structure and guideline so that their studies have a chance of being consistent instead of producing confusing and conflicting outcomes. Commission: Levels of Service below Level C and Level D may be ok; Level of Service C is good; should be Level of Service C; no exemptions allowed, unless approved by Council; also intersection near freeway; mitigation should be looked at closely; the real cost for improvements and money collected should be looked at more closely; we should try to mitigate some of the problem we have at Brisco now and employ some of these mitigation designed in the PSR and do some fixes. 2. Should the City permit "short-term" L.O.S. Threshold Exemptions? Mr. Spagnolo said a "short-term" project is something that has been identified for construction and has financial backing. Commission: Staffs definition is flexible enough to fit projects of the future; like staffs recommendation; it is difficult to put a time frame on a project; proposed projects should be looked at on an individual basis; agrees with staffs recommendation; recommend limiting problematic intersections to a two year exemption; likes the Santa Barbara County criteria; need to control traffic coming into the City Le., traffic coming from the Mesa down Halcyon and other Cities. 3. What measurement criteria, if any, should we give traffic consultants to evaluate Level of Service? Delay times Only (Village Glen FEIR)? Delay Times, Volume/Capacity, Safety & Design? Mr. Spagnolo said staff provided advantages and disadvantages from both the Highway Capacity Manual and Intersection Capacity Utilization Method for Intersections. (This is presented in the staff report). This methodology ~ applies to intersections. Commission: This decision should have strong input from staff; a preselected combination of methodology should be determined by staff and standardized; the methods employed by Higgins in the Brisco 101 Study should be evaluated as a possible standard; constant monitoring of road segments and intersections affected by the Five Cities Center should be done until that build out is complete; City should continue to do traffic counts and add these numbers to the Traffic Model; observations regarding safety and design should not just be mentioned in a study but incorporated into the L.O.S. tables of that study; the City should provide data to consultants; follow the HCM and come up with final methodology; use traffic counter not radar trailer to count traffic; provide consultants with all data; use HCM methodology to follow along with Caltrans; give consultant same methodology chosen by staff; provide consultant with accident data. 4. What direction, if any, should the City give regarding peak-period traffic counts? Summer Traffic Volumes vs. School Year Traffic Volumes? Daily Peak-Period timeframes? Mr. Spagnolo indicated that in the staff report are suggested factors. He said data collection should be scheduled for peak periods at specific locations. Commission: It makes sense to use seasonal factors when performing traffic counts since we have a change in seasons; any intersection to be studied should get direction from the Traffic Commission as to when to do traffic counts; agree with staff's proposal; like a 24 hour study for major intersections Le. Brisco/1 01, Halcyon/1 01, Halcyon/Grand; previous traffic count studies have been thrown out because people thought it was done at the wrong time; the timing of study for traffic counts is critical; prefer school year to perform the traffic counts; bring the projects to the Traffic Commission to determine when the study should be done. 5. Determining Thresholds of Significant Impacts for Projects: Higgins Survey - Which method or approach best suits the City of Arroyo Grande? Would a variation work best? Mr. Spagnolo indicated that staff feels that a variation is appropriate for the City. The City of Ventura and City of Santa Cruz criteria could be used as a basis for the City's traffic study guidelines. Commission: Like the Ventura guidelines; Santa Cruz has a bad traffic problem--their guidelines are not working; like to see the City consider the threshold set by the County of Santa Barbara with the following change: at Level of service D, E, or F, the addition of ten or more peak hour trips will be considered significant; staff's recommendation of using two or more Levels of Service is closing the door after the horse is gone; wants staff's number of 25 peak hour trips lowered to 1S peak hour trips; using 2S peak hour trips as a cut off to prepare a traffic study is good; likes staff's recommendation; leave the peak hour trip at 2S. 6. Working with the Applicant: Implement a Staff/Applicant Review Process - Determine "legitimate" mitigation measures- Let Applicant know his/her status - Use City Traffic Model to determine Number of Project Trips - Dispersal Patterns of Project Traffic - Save the Applicant time and money. Mr. Spagnolo said the Circulation Element and traffic model may be used to define baseline and cumulative traffic volumes and turning movements at intersections for the traffic consultant to use in the traffic analysis. Mr. Spagnolo recommended that whichever guideline or combination is selected, that the Commission review after six months to assess and revise as appropriate based on conditions in the City. Commission: Hold pre-application meeting to let developers know what the City expects from the developer; ask consultant what kind of format they prefer; and wants staff to develop a guideline for Arroyo Grande to use, it may be a combination of Ventura and Santa Cruz guidelines. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW It was moved by Commissioner Tappan, seconded by Commissioner Borda and unanimously carried to table this item to the next regular Commission meeting. --~~- ------ . ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Spagnolo briefed the Commissioners on the following correspondence: -Letter received from Beatrice Sehrt 11/10/99 -Letter received from Jay Jacobs 11/11/99 -Letter addressed to Carie Randolph 11/29/99 -Letter addressed to Dr. Scott E. Adams -Letter addressed to South County Historical Society 12/6/99 -Excerpt from OTS Tracks Oct - Dec 1999. Commissioner Owen inquired about the status of the new speed and volume counts performed for Newport Avenue after the speed humps were installed. Mr. Spagnolo indicated staff is working on that study and will return to the Commission at a future meeting. Commissioner Pilkington asked how to get a speed limit sign placed on a residential street. Mr. Spagnolo said the reason we do not put up speed limit signs on residential ~treets is because the Vehicle Code has established a 2S MPH limit for a certain width of roadway which is usually clarified as residential streets. Commissioner Owen asked if any Commissioners would like to serve as Chair or Vice Chair. Commissioner Owen indicated he would like to step down. Commissioner Scott indicated he would serve either position. Commissioner Owen indicated he would prefer to serve as Vice Chair. Election of officers will be on the agenda in January. Mr. Spagnolo indicated that the next regular scheduled meeting will be on a City holiday, staff is asking the Commission to reschedule. It was the consensus of the Commission that the next regular meeting be scheduled on Monday, January 24,2000 at 7:00 pm. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 pm. Attachment 5 EXHIBIT 1 TYPICAL TRAFFIC STUDY CONTENTS '1. TITLE PAGE (Project Name, Number, Date, Name and Address of Company, Licensed Engineer, Stamp and Expiration) 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (No more than two pages) 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS 4. LISTING OF FIGURES 5. LISTING OF TABLES 6. INTRODUCTION a. Land Use, Site and Study Area Boundaries (Provide map) b. Existing and Proposed Site Uses c. Existing and Proposed Uses in Vicinity of Site (Provide map) d. Existing/Proposed Roadways and Intersections (Provide map) 7. PROJECT TRIP GENERATION AND DESIGN HOUR VOLUMES (Provide table) 8. TRIP DISTRIBUTION (Provide figure) 9. TRIP ASSIGNMENT (Provide figure) 10. EXISTING AND PROJECTED TRAFFIC VOLUMES (ProYide figure for each item) a. Existing P.M. Peak hour site traffic (including turning movements) b. Projected P.M. Peak hour site traffic including Existing and Project (including turning movements) c. P.M. Peak hour total traffic including site existing, project and cumulative traffic d. Any other Peak hour necessary for complete analysis e. Total daily existing traffic for street system in study area f. Total daily existing traffic for street system in study area plus project traffic g. Total daily existing traffic for street system in study area plus project traffic and cumulative traffic from build-out of approved projects 1 11. CAPACITY ANAL YSIS (Provide Analysis Sheets in Appendices) 12. TRAFFIC SIGNALS (Provide analysis Sheets in Appendices) 13. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS (OPTIONAL) (Provide Collision Diagrams and Accident Rate) 14. PARKING ANALYSIS 15. RECOMMENDATIONS a. Proposed Recommended Improvements b. Volume/Capacity Analysis at Critical Points c. Traffic Volume Proportions d. Funded Projects e. Significant Impact NOTE: Information required on figures may be combined provided that the information is clearly legible. 16. APPENDICES References Level Of Service Calculation Sheets Trip Generation Sources Count Sheets Definitions Intersection Lane Configuration Drawings Signal Warrant, Timing, Progression Calculations Data for Delay, Passer-by and Origin-Destination Studies Parking Study Analysis and TM:28-263.doc 2 ---_.""---- Attachment 6 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY PREPARATION GUIDELINES ReSDonsibilities for Traffic Studies Traffic studies may be required by the City in order to adequately assess impacts of a development proposal on the existing and/or planned street system. These impacts would typically be addressed in the "Traffic Circulation" section of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). If a full EIR is not required, a focused EIR, or an expanded initial study addressing traffic impacts only, may be required. The decision to require an EIR will be made cooperatively by the City's Public Works and Community Development Departments. A complete and thorough study will typically be required for a development proposal when trip generation during any peak hour is expected to exceed 20 trips or the thresholds provided in Table 4. The City may recommend an EIR or focused EIR on traffic for projects with a peak hour trip generation of less than 20 trips because of safe access concerns, public opposition to the project, or when existing levels of service on area streets are at "D," "E," or "F." This. study will be the responsibility of the applicant. All traffic studies must be prepared by a registered professional Traffic or Civil Engineer with adequate experience in Transportation Engineering. The Engineer must be from the City's approved list of Traffic Consultants. If required by the EIR Committee, the applicant must contract with the City for payment, and the City will contract with the Traffic Consultant selected by the applicant from the City's approved list of consultants. Upon submittal of a draft traffic study, the Public Works Department will review study data sources, methods, and findings. Written comments will be provided. The developer and the private engineer will then have an opportunity to incorporate necessary revisions prior to submitting a final report. Final reports must be completed and submitted within 14 days after staff comments on the draft are returned to the consultant, or as otherwise dictated by contract. If this requirement is not complied with, applications will be deemed incomplete and returned to the developer. At the determination of the City Engineer, the applicant may be required to complete a new traffic study if, after submitting an original traffic study for any of the above applications, the land use intensity is increased or the land use is changed so that trip generation is increased and the existing levels of service at area intersections are at "D," "E," or "F." All previous EIR's traffic studies relating to the development that are more than one year old will have to be updated unless the City Engineer determines that conditions have 1 __.~_._ _u__ ----..-- ----------- . not changed significantly. The City Engineer and Community Development Director will determine when a supplemental or subsequent EIR is required. If access points are not defined at the time the traffic study is prepared, an additional traffic study may be required when access points are defined. Transportation consultants preparing traffic studies are required to hold a meeting to discuss projects with the City staff prior to starting the study. At a minimum, topics for possible discussion at this meeting will include trip generation, directional distribution of traffic, trip assignment, definition of the study area, intersections requiring aiticallane analysis, data collection and analysis, and methods of projecting cumulatiye traffic demands at buildout conditions. This meeting is intended to provide a firm base of cooperation and communication among the City, the owner or developer, and the project's consultants in order to forecast future traffic characteristics that realistically define traffic movement associated with the proposed development. Specific requirements will vary depending on the site location. Any traffic model input should be coordinated at this stage. No traffic study will be accepted unless the EIR Work Scope, provided in Exhibit 1, as filled out by the City prior to the consultant preparing the traffic study, and is adhered to by the consultant unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer. As a general rule, any intersection on the City's Critical Intersection List as identified in the General Plan Circulation Element and located within two miles of the proposed project will be automatically included in the EIR Scope of Work. Intersections beyond this distance may be required based on the travel characteristics of each project. The City will develop and update a data base of traffic counts as part of the upcoming CIP. These traffic counts will be provided to the traffic consultant as ayailable. Traffic Study Format In order to provide consistency and facilitate staff review of traffic studies, the following format must be followed as outlined below. A summary outline is provided in Attachment 7. Introduction The introduction portion of the report must contain the following: a. Land Use. Site and Study Area Boundaries A brief description of the size of the parcel, general terrain features, and location within the City must be included in this section. In addition, the roadways that afford access to the site, and are included in the study area, must also be identified. 2 The exact limits of the study area should be based on the potential impact of the proposed project on the City's street network, and an understanding of existing traffic conditions surrounding the site. In all instances, however, the study area limits must be mutually agreed upon by the consultant and the City Engineer, and justified in the report. These limits will usually result from initial discussions with the City. A vicinity map which illustrates the site and study area boundaries, in relation to the surrounding transportation system, must be induded. . Existina and ProDosed Site Uses b. The existing and proposed uses of the site must be identified in terms of the various zoning categories of the City. In addition, the specific use for which the request is being made must be identified, if possible, since a number of uses may be permitted under existing zoning ordinance. This information should indude the square footage of each use or number and size of units proposed and, if applicable, the hours of operation of the use. The intent of the traffic study is to evaluate worst case traffic impacts proposed by zoning. If several different uses are permitted by the zoning, the land use with the greatest overall traffic impact must be assumed for the study. c. Existina and ProDosed Uses in Vicinity of Site and Site Access A complete description of all unbuilt but approved developments within the study area and their approved future uses must be provided. If approved uses are not available, a City approved estimate of the probable future uses, based on zoning designations, should be provided. The latter is especially important where large tracts of undeveloped land are in the vicinity of the site, and within the presaibed study area. The most current list of un built but approved developments must be obtained from the Planning Division. One hundred percent (100%) occupancy must be assumed for all developments in the cumulative analysis. A site plan must be included in the report, showing the proposed points of access. If necessary, a separate large-scale blueprint of the site plan may accompany the report. d. Existina and ProDosed Roadways and Intersections Within the study area, the applicant must describe and provide volumes for existing roadways and intersections induding geometric and traffic signal control, as well as improvements that have been funded by goyemment agencies or other developments. This list would indude the nature of the improvement project, its extent, implementation schedule, and the agency or funding source 3 ------..------ responsible. An official list of projects must be obtained from the City. This would include the nature of the improvement project, its extent, implementation schedule, and the agency or funding source responsible. A map must be provided showing the location of such facilities or projects. Proiect Trio Generation and Desion Hour Volumes A summary table listing each type of land use, corresponding size, the average trip generation rates used (total daily traffic and AM/PM peak hours of the street), and the resultant total trips generated must be provided for the project site and all unbuilt but approved projects, projects in process and projects with preapplications within the study area. The current list of projects to be included in the cumulative analysis must be obtained from the Planning Division. Peak hour is defined as the period occurring during a weekday in a one-hour period between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m., or 3:00 and 6:00 p.m., or as determined by the City. The City Engineer should approve the peak hour to be analyzed prior to any additional data collection efforts. The calculation of design hour and daily traffic volumes used to determine study area impacts must be based on the maximum area allowed under existing zoning (or proposed zoning if the property is to be rezoned) and the following trip generation data sources: a. The trip generation rates provided in the Institution of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation manual. b. Recent traffic volume counts for an acceptable number of similar existing uses if no published rates are available. Counts of this nature must be acceptable to the City Engineer. c. Additional sources from other jurisdictions, such as Caltrans, if approved by the City Engineer. d. For mixed-use developments, if Institute of Transportation Engineers rates are used to estimate average daily traffic, the PM peak hour of the street may be estimated by using 10% of total average daily traffic. Use of any other factor must be validated by 24 hour traffic counts collected at 15 minute intervals. e. Existing intersection and average daily volumes as collected for the study or provided by the City. Use of percentage rates to account for passerby traffic may be considered, upon approval of the City Engineer. 4 ----- --~-~.-._-- Any internal trip reductions and modal split assumptions will require analytical support to demonstrate how the figures were derived and will require approval by the City Engineer. TriD Distribution The estimates of percentage distribution of trips from the proposed development to destinations both within and outside the City must be clearly stated in the report. The distribution estimates shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to completion of the report. Market studies, employee address lists, driveway counts at adjacent uses, or other information concerning origin of trip attractions to the proposed ,development, may be used to check trip distribution projections. . A map showing the percentage of site traffic on each street, based on average daily volumes, must be provided as part of the traffic study graphic material. TriD Assianment The directions of approach and departure of site generated traffic, via the area's street system, must be presented in the report. The technical analysis steps, basic methods, and assumptions used in this work must be clearly stated and approved by the City Engineer. The assumed trip distribution and assignment must represent the most logically traveled route for drivers accessing the proposed development. These routes can be determined by observation of travel patterns to and from existing land uses in the study area. Existina and Proiected Traffic Volumes Graphics must be provided in the report that show the following traffIC impacts for private access points, intersections and streets specified in the Traffic Study Requirements form. a. A.M. and P.M. peak hour site traffic (in and out) including turn moyements. b. A.M. and P.M. peak hour traffic totals including site generated traffIC (in and out). These volumes must include through and, turning movement volumes for current conditions and a separate set of numbers, which include all projects, specified in the cumulative analysis. c. Any other peak hour which is determined by the City to be critical to site traffic and the street system in the study area should be included in the graphics and show the same information provided for the AM/PM peak hours; for example, recreational, seasonal, and school related traffic may generate different peak hour trips. S - --------- d. Actual counts of existing total daily traffic for the street system in the study area at the time the study is prepared. e. Projected total daily traffic for the street system in the study area, based on traffic from the proposed development and counts of existing daily traffic obtained in item "d." The component of the existing daily traffic, attributable to existing uses, must be identified, as well as the increase in total daily traffic from proposed uses in the project. f. Projected total daily traffic for the street system in the study area, based on traffic from the proposed development, counts of existing daily traffic obtained in item "d" above, and traffic projections based on all projects specified in the cumulative analysis. Where necessary, volume projections for background traffic growth will be provided by the City, or alternatively, a method for determining the volume will be recommended. All total daily traffic counts must be actual machine counts and not based on factored peak hour sampling. Latest available machine counts from Caltrans, or Ventura County may be acceptable, if not more than one year old as approved by the City. All new average daily traffic counts shall be collected a minimum of 72 hours in 15 minute intervals. Vehicle classification counts may be required. The City Engineer shall approve traffic count locations and data analysis methodology prior to obtaining new counts. All raw traffic count data shall be provided to the City Engineer in a Technical Appendix separate from the Traffic Study. Caoacity Analysis All impacted public street intersections and priyate property access points to streets adjacent to the proposed development, as specified in the EIR Scope of Work Form, and within the limits of the previously defined study area, will be included in the analysis. The average A.M. and P.M., weekday peak hour, and any other peak period specified by the City, will be tested to determine which peak hours need to be analyzed. Capacity calculations should also include an analysis for cumulative impacts. The capacity analysis methodology described in the Highway Capacity Manual shall be used for all roadway facilities. At four-way stop sign intersections, estimates of delay per vehicle and queue lengths on critical approaches must be provided. Levels of Service Leyel of service "C" will be the Peak Hour design objective for all moyements, including cumulative traffic at build-out of the study area. 6 The traffic study must recommend feasible mitigation measures to bring the intersection Level of Service within acceptable standards, except where mitigation measures have already been identified and funded as part of the City's Traffic Mitigation Fee Program. At such locations, interim measures to improve Level of Service that could be funded by the development may be recommended. The following interpretations of "Level of Service" have been provided: Level of Service A: A condition of free unobstructed flow, no delays and all signal phases sufficient in duration to clear all approaching vehicles. Level of Service B: Conditions of stable flow, very little delay, a few phases are unable to clear all approaching vehicles. Level of Service C: Conditions of stable flow, delays are low to moderate, full use of peak direction signal phase(s) is experienced. Level of Service D: Conditions approaching unsuitable flow, delays are moderate to heavy, significant signal time deficiencies are experienced for short durations during the peak traffic period. Level of Service E: Conditions of unstable flow, delays are significant, signal phase timing is generally insufficient, and congestion exists for extended durations throughout the peak period. Level of Service F: Conditions at forced flow, travel speeds are low and volumes are well above capacity. This condition is often caused when yehicles released by an upstream signal are unable to proceed because of backups from a downstream signal. For existing and future conditions, Levels of Service must be calculated by the n1ethod outlined in Section 3 of this Technical Appendix. Where available, existingjl;;evels of Service will be certified and supplied by the City. All Levels of Service must be provided with corresponding volume to capacity ratios. The capacity of an intersection is defined as Level of Service E for the purpose of calculating VIC ratios. Drawings of Lane Configurations assumed in Levels of Service Calculations should be included in the report, as required by the City. Traffic Sianals The need for new traffic signals will be based on warrants contained in the Caltrans Traffic Manual, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and any additional warrants established by the National or California Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. It must be noted that meeting the technical warrants does not necessarily justify the 7 - ----.--- ----.--- need for a signal. Over-all system operations and traffic delay must be considered as well. In determining the location of a new signal, traffic progression is of paramount importance. Whenever there is a conflict, State Standards will take precedence. Pedestrian movements must be considered in the evaluation, and adequate pedestrian clearance provided in the signal cycle split assumptions. To provide flexibility for existing conditions and ensure optimum two-way signal progression, an approved traffic engineering analysis must be made to properly locate all proposed accesses that may require signalization. The section of roadway to be analyzed for signal progression will be determined by the City Engineer and will include all existing and possible future signalized intersections. The progression pattern calculations must use a cycle consistent with current signal timing policies of the City. Cycle split assumptions must relate to volume assumptions in the capacity analysis of individual intersections, and where computerized progression analysis techniques are used, they must be of the type which utilize turning movement volume data and pedestrian clearance times in the development of time/space diagrams. The green time allocated to the cross street will be considered no less than the time which is required for a pedestrian to clear the main street according to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Standards. Those intersections that reduce the optimum bandwidth, if a traffic signal were installed, may be required to remain unsignalized and hdve turn movements limited by access design or median islands. Traffic Accidents Traffic accident data for affected street corridors may be required for the study. The study period will normally be three years. Such locations will be specified by the City Engineer and data provided by the City. Where this is necessary, estimates of increased or decreased accident potential must be evaluated for the development, particularly if the proposed development might impact existing traffic safety problems in the study area. Safety mitigation measures must be included. Recommendations In the event' that an analysis indicates unsatisfactory Levels of Service on study area 8 streets or a significant impact by a development, a description of proposed improvements that return intersections to Level of Service "C" must be included, except at locations where the City has already identified a project to be funded by the Traffic Mitigation Fee Program. At such location, interim measures can be recommended that would improve Levels of Service and which could be funded by the development. These proposals include projects by the City or Caltrans for which funds have been appropriated and obligated. The assumptions regarding all future street land configurations in an analysis will require approval by the City. In general, the recommendation section should include: a. Proposed Recommended Improvements This section must describe the location, nature, and extent of proposed improvements to assure sufficient roadway capacity. A plan drawing of each improvement should be provided showing the length, width, and other pertinent geometric features of the proposed improvements. Plan drawings are only necessary for major improvements that would result in significant changes in circulation patterns, or where it is necessary to determine mitigation feasibility, as determined by the City. b. LOS Analysis at Critical Point A table must be provided clearly showing Levels of Service at aitical intersections for the following scenarios: 1. Existing conditions. 2. Existing plus project traffic without mitigation. 3. Existing plus project traffic with mitigation by funded project (engineering measures). 4. Existing plus project plus cumulative traffic without mitigation. S. Existing plus project plus cumulative traffic mitigated by funded projects (engineering measures). Traffic Demand Management measures cannot be used for project specific or cumulative mitigation measures. A list can be obtained from the City of funded and unfunded projects. New mitigation measures not on this list will be considered unfunded unless a funding source is identified in the text of the study. No Levels of Service can be shown that include unfunded projects as part of the mitigation measures. Tables should show mitigation with funded engineering projects. TDM mitigation measures should be presented separately. Footnotes 9 --.. ----...----------- may be included, or narrative discussion which described unfunded recommendations. c. Funded Proiects Projects that are assumed to be funded must be only those that are on the City's Official list of funded projects which is available from the Public Works Department. Funded projects will include only those that are in the City's CIP and projected to be constructed within five years of the date of the traffic study. The report must include a table showing all projects funded by the City's Capital Improvement Program that are to be used as mitigation measures. d. Traffic Volume Proportions Percentages based on the traffic impact analysis may be required to determine the proportion of traffic using various public improvements (both existing' and proposed) from several developments within the study area. This apportionment will not apply to Traffic Mitigation Fees but to the construction of improvements adjacent to the project, which may be shared by other new developments. e. Sianificant Impact at Sianalized and Unsianalized Intersections A project has significant traffic impacts when: 1. The addition of project traffic to a signalized intersection exceeds the thresholds provided in the following Table. TABLE 1 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION THRESHOLDS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDIES THRESHOLD CRITERIA GUIDELINES BASED ON PROJECTED TRIPS GENERATED FROM PROJECT PROJECT PEAK LEVEL OF PER LANE PEAK HOUR TOTAL PROJECT PEAK HOURS TRIPS SERVICE TRIPS ADDED TO HOUR TRIP ENTER1NG A (LOS) CRITICAL MOVEMENTS GENERATION CRITICAL INTERSECTION C >45 150-540 90-180 D >15 50-180 30-60 E >10 30-120 20-40 F >5 15-60 10-20 10 2. The Project's access to a major street requires an access that would create an unsafe situation or a new traffic signal, and/or major revisions to an existing traffic signal. 3. The Project adds traffic to a street with design features (e.g., narrow width, roadside ditches, sharp curves, poor sight distance, and inadequate pavement structure) that may cause potential safety problems with the addition of project traffic. 4. The addition of project plus cumulative traffic to a signalized intersection increases the delay by 2 or more levels of service if the intersection is currently operating at LOS A or 8, or contributes traffic to an intersection operating below LOS C and meets thresholds defined in Table 1. If the above thresholds are exceeded, the Developer may be required to construct improvements or implement other methods to reduce the level of. impact to insignificance. The thresholds of significance identified above assume full contribution to the Traffic Mitigation Fee Fund. The addition of project, or project plus cumulative, traffic to an unsignalized intersection increases the level of service to an unacceptable level (less than LOS C). Level of Service shall be determined by the Highway Capacity Manual. Revisions to Traffic Study Revisions to the traffic study must be provided, as required by the City. The City will determine whether revisions are necessary. The need for revisions will be based on the completeness of the traffic study, the accuracy of the data, the thoroughness of the impact evaluation, the compatibility of the study with the proposed access and development plan, and other considerations. Executive Summarv The Executive Summary of the report must be a clear, concise description of the study findings. It is anticipated that the report's final chapter will serve as an executive summary at the front of the Final full report. It must include a general desaiption of all data, project scope and purpose, findings, conclusions, mitigation measures, and recommendations. Mitigation Measures shall be identified by bullet line items other prominent pagination. Technical publications, calculations, documentation, data reporting, and detail design must not be included in this section. The Executive Summary should be no longer than one page, complete in itself,. and not dependent on supplementary data included by reference. 11 ~. .~ Technical ReQuirements of Final Report The Final Report must also meet the following requirements: a. Computerized Analysis All computerized analysis output sheets and supporting raw count data, both ADT and turning movement, and intersection delay data must be submitted with draft reports for review. All assumptions used in the calculations must be referenced to the appropriate table, chart or page in the approved publication (e.g., VIC ratios, operating speeds, etc.). Calculations must be comprehensive and presented in a clear manner. b. Graphies All maps and graphies involving improvements must be drawn to scale with roadway geometries appropriately dimensioned (e.g., street width, lane widths, etc.). Intersection geometries must include bus stops, parking areas, pedestrian crossings, driveway locations, etc. c. Pa~s-bY Factors Pass-by factors are to be used to reduce the estimated additional total daily traffic to street( s) serving a proposed development. They are not to be applied directly to reduce trip generation and turning movement volumes at driveways serving the proposed development. e. Raw Count Data All raw traffic count data (including average daily volume and peak hour turning movement) and analysis work sheets must be provided in the Appendices of the report. Computer printouts may be used as part of the report. Deliverables Three copies of the staff review draft technical report and the draft Executive Summary must be submitted for City review to the City Engineer. At least eight copies of the proposed final technical report, including the final Executiye Summary, must be submitted. Reports must be bound on the left-hand edge, 8-112" x 11" format, printed on one side. Maps may be no larger than an 11 x 17" foldout. After the City Engineer approves the proposed final report, the consultant shall submit eight copies of the final Traffic Study. 12 ....... MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER - GRAND AVENUE PHASE II, ELM STREET PAVING DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve a Contract Change Order for the Grand Avenue Phase II Project to Whitaker Contractors in the amount of $106,800 to pave Elm Street from Grand Avenue to Fair Oaks Avenue. FUNDING: On June 22,1999, the Council awarded the construction contract for the Grand Avenue Phase II, Elm Street to Halcyon Road Project, to Whitaker Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $1,707,S35 and authorized a contingency of $170,750 to be used for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project ($1,878,285 total available funding). With all current construction costs included, there is approximately $111,344 of available funds remaining. DISCUSSION: The Grand Avenue Phase II, Elm Street to Halcyon Road Project is nearing completion. Through careful design and project management during construction, staff has determined that sufficient funds remain in the project contingencies to allow additional paving beyond the original project limits. Due to the poor payen:'ent condition of Elm Street south of Grand Avenue, staff is recommending that an additional portion beyond the original project limits on Elm Street be paved. The extent of the additional paving would be from Grand Avenue south to Fair Oaks Avenue. The scope of the proposed change order would include 1.58 of asphalt overlay and new striping. The Public Works Department has completed the upgrade of water services within this, project area so that future utility cuts in the new pavement can be minimized. The estimated cost of this additional paving is $106,800. The final cost of the additional paving is subject to change depending on field measurements of the final quantities. Attachment: Contract Change Order -"'"- CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NOTICE TO PROCEED: July 19, 1999 CONTRACT NAME: Grand Awnue, Elm Street to Halcyon Road; No. 60-70-90-98-06 CITY ACCOUNT NO.: 350-5806-7001 CONTRACTOR: Whilak8r Contractons, Inc. THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY MADE TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Item No.1 1.5-In AC overlay on South Elm Street from Grand Awnue to Fair Oaks Awnue. (Mix design:112 . Aggregate, Mu. MedIum, type B. AR-8000 (See attached sketch) CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: Item No.1 The Contract TIme for the above Item No.1. increases by: 0 Total Time 0 CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE Item No.1 The Contract Price for the above Item No.1. increases by: (See attached WCI'. Coat Bre8kdown) $108,800.00 Tot.! PrIce 1101,800.00 JUSTIFICATIONS: Item No. 1 ExIra funds from Grand Awnue Phase II Project became available to pave additional roads. CHANGE TO CONTRACT PRICE OrIginal Contract Price: $1,707,535.00 Net Change In Contract Price due to d pravioua Change Orders: $51,274.48 NIIt Change In Contract Price due to this Change Order: $108,800.00 New Contract PrIce including an Change 0rdenI: $1,_,101.. CHANGE TO CONTRACT TIME OrIginal Contract TIme (days): 180 OrIgInal Contract End Date: 1......,mOO NIIt Change In Contract TIme due to d pravioua Change Orders (calendar days): 88 Net Change In Contract TIme due to this Change Order (working days): 0 NIIt Change In Contract TIme due to this Change Order (calendar days): 0 N.w ContnIct TIme (calendar days): 248 New Contract End o.te: 20-Mu~ APPROVALS REQUIRED: RECOMMENDED BY: CONTRACTOR'S ACCEPTANCE JLWA - ConauiIant Engl..- Date Whilak8r COlltrac.tors Date APPROVED BY: Dnctor ~ Public Works Date ccot15 CMnge02Jda 02117/2000 1 PnIpenId by. RSV ii.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL J.~ FROM: KERRY McCANTS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DRAFT GENERAL PLAN ELEMENTS DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Direct staff to distribute the Draft Land Use Element and the Draft Agriculture/Open Space/Conservation Element for a 60-day public review period; and 2. Direct staff to prepare and circulate a Notice of Preparation for the Environmental Impact Report as required by the California Environmental Quality Act; and 3. Set a date and time for a City Council workshop to consider the disposition of the pending requests for General Plan Amendments which have not been included in the Draft General Plan Elements. FUNDING: There will be a small cost associated with mailing and publishing the Notice of Preparation. DISCUSSION: On November 17, 1999 the Long Range Planning Committee reviewed the preliminary draft land use policies and map as presented by the City's consultant, Envicom. The Committee established November 30, 1999 as the final date for written comments on the policies and map to be received by the Community Development Department. One comment was received and transmitted to the consultant. The consultant was directed to review the comments received at the meeting and in writing. Based on the consultant's professional judgement, the comments will be incorporated. The Long Range Planning Committee directed the consultant to prepare a draft Land Use Element, an Agriculture/Open Space/Conservation Element and selected General Plan policy statements. These documents were to be presented to the City Council for approval and subsequent distribution for public review. The Committee also approved the initiation of the California Environmental Quality Act process concurrent with the initiation of the public review of the draft documents. -, The Long Range Planning Committee also recommended that the City Council hold a separate workshop to determine the status and appropriate disposition of the pending General Plan Amendment applications. Altematives The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Approve Staff's recommendations; - Modify the recommended actions; - Reject the recommended actions; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1) Draft General Plan Update 2) List of General Plan amendment requests ~ 0 Q. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 t- ~~ ~ 0 0 g ~ t"\ 0 '" .,; '" '" .... .... .... .... 6) Oil .a tf) -R ?;- 0 u ~ g ~ .~ ~ g ~ -0 ~ .$ '1JI Wi u ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :?? 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