Agenda Packet 2011-12-13• • i o cl Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair Caren Ray, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Joe Costello, Council/Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council/Board Member Tim Brown, Council/Board Member ���� �� . ' • ' _ Steven Adams, City Manager Timothy J. Carmel , City Attorney Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2011 7:00 P. M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: 4. INVOCATION: 7:00 P.M. CC/RDA TREE GUILD OF ARROYO GRANDE DR. PAUL E. JONES 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Introduction and Oath of Office - Police Officers Stephen Dohertv and Blanca Perez 5.b. Honorary Proclamation Declarinq December 21, 2011 as "National Homeless Persons' Memorial Dav 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6.a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a grou p. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion . 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period November 16, 2011 through November 30, 2011. 8.b. Consideration of Acceptance of the Arrovo Grande Redevelopment Aqencv Annual Financial Reports (KRAETSCH) [CC/RDA] Recommended Action: Receive and file the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency Annual Financial Reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011. 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Special and Regular City Council meetings of November 22, 2011, as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of Underqround Utilitv District No. 7 Panel Conversion Aqreement (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an Agreement for panel conversions with Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Underground Utility District No. 7. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd): 8.e. Consideration of Amendment of Consultant Services Aqreement with Planninq Company Associates and Assiqnment of Aqreement to Point C(ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a fifth amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Planning Company Associates for assistance in obtaining Caltrans approval for a proposal to address deficiencies at the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road — Highway 101 Interchange; and 2) Approve assignment of the Agreement to Point C, LLC, successor to the Planning Company. 8.f. Consideration of Purchase of One New Sewer Cleaninq Truck (PERRIN) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the lease purchase of one new sewer cleaning truck from Haaker Equipment Company in the amount of $294,076.68; and 2) Authorize the City Manager to execute a lease purchase financing agreement in the amount of $69,076.68. 8.g. Consideration of Acceptance of the 2011 Street Resurfacinq Pro�ect, PW 2011- 06 (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the project improvements as constructed by American Asphalt South, I nc. in accordance with the plans and specifications for the 2011 Street Resurfacing Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3) Authorize release of the retention, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of Request from South County Sanitary Service for Inteqrated Solid Waste Collection Rate Increase (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving the South County Sanitary Service integrated solid waste collection rate increase. 9.b. Consideration of a Draft Housinq Element Update Workshop; General Plan Amendment No. 11-002 (MCCLISH) Recommended Action: Hold a public hearing and review the Draft Housing Element Update with Planning Commission comments and recommendations and authorize submittal of the draft document to the State Department of Housing and Community Development in accordance with the requirements of Government Code Section 65585. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. AGENDA SUMMARY — DECEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 4 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of a Resolution Repealinq the Green Business Economic Incentive Proqram [CC/RDA] (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution repealing the Green Business Economic Incentive Program. 11.b. Consideration of Selection of Council Member Brown as Mayor Pro Tem (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Appoint Council Member Brown as the Mayor Pro Tem for the next one-year period. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action ca n be ta ke n. None. 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be ta ke n . None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT AGENDA SUMMARY - DECEMBER 13, 2011 PAGE 5 ************************* All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************* This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at ************************** City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Introduction and Oath of Office - Police Officers Stephen Doherty and Blanca Perez Agenda Item 5.a. Page 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 5.a. Page 2 LIF�R.I . ! � ��� r � � = f r i r ■ Ji r i� ' - ! � %!� I► �.� 'J,. ��lj� � ' ��! ` .� � , j� a �`'_ f �'% a a , , � , 'a I � � ��� �., f �, � � � � 1 � ��, � � ,! VIIHEREAS, difficult econom�c times and a limited amount of both rental and singte-family housing has made it diffcult for a number of 5an Luis �bispo County residents to find adequate hous�ng; and ' VIIHEREAS, the winter poses extreme hardship for unshe�tered and inadequateiy hnused Iow-income men, women and chi�dren; and VIIHEREAS, the spirit of the h�liday season of gi�ing pro�ides an opportuntty for aff rmati�n and renewal regarding the commitment t� end h�melessness; and VIIHEREAS, ❑ecember 2'15� has been designated National H�meless Persons' Memoriai ❑ay by the Nat�onal Coalition for the Homeless arrd the N�tiar�al H�alth Care for the HvmeEess Council and is so recognized by cities, counties and states nationwide; and VIIHEREAS, in this season of generosity and sharing, c�t�zens of Arroyo Grande are encouraged to commit themsel�es t� promoting compass�on and concern for al� people, espec�aily those who are poor and homeless. N�VII, THEREF�RE, BE IT RES�LVEa, that I, Tony Ferrara, Mayor �f the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Counc�l, do hereby prociaim December ��, 201'1 as "Nati�nal H�meless Persons' Memvrial ❑ay" �n the City vf Arrc�yo Grande. 1N WITNESS VIIHERE�F, I ha�e hereunt� set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to he affixed this '13�' day of ❑ecember 20'1'1. T�NY FERRARA, MAY�R �C �RR��° �' � � � �NcaAPaRat�o pZ � a c� m '!k J U LY 10, 1911 * C'� �' F ���P � Agenda Item 5.b. ' Page 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 5.b. Page 2 � �RR� �'� � �� � tNC�RPQAATED �� � � U T � JULY 1 Q� 191 1 * C',�� N'P 1 F q �t T�: FR�M: BY: C1TY C�IJNCIL MEM�RANDUM ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECT�R �F ADMINIS"�RATIVE SERVICE TRI�lA MEYERS, SENI�R ACC�L�NT CLERK SIJBJECT: C�NSIDERATI�N �F CASH aISBLIRSEMENT RA'�IFICA'�I�N aATE: aECEMBER 13, �D11 REC�MMENDATI�N: It �s r�c�mmended th� �ity ��uncil ratify th� attached listing �f cash disbursem�nts f�r th� peri�d N�v 1� thr�ugh N�v 3�: �� 11. IMPACT �N FINANCIAL AND PERS�NNEL RES�LJRCES: Th�r� is a�1,�44,�7�.21 fiscal impact that includes the f��l�wing items: ■ ■ Acc�u nts Payab I� � hecks 152124-152�74 � 572, 841. 5� Payr�ll � hecks & Benefit �h�cks $ 471, 83D.�5 N� �r minimal futi�r� staff tim� is pr�jected. BAC �CG R�U N a: �ash disbursements are made weekly based �n the submissi�n �f all requir�d d�cuments supparting the inv�ices submitted f�r payment. Pri�r t� payment, Adm�nistrative �ervices staff rev�ews all disbursement d��uments t� ens�.�re that they meet the appraval requirements adapted in the Municipal ��de and the �ity's Purchasir�g P�lici�s and Pr�ce�ures Manual �f February ����. AN�4LYSIS �F ISSi�IES: The attached listing repres�nts th� cash disbursements required �f n�rmal and usuai �perati�ns during the peri�d. The disbursements are accaunted f�r in the FY ��11-12 �udget. Agenda Item 8.a. Page 1 CITY C�UNCIL C�NSIDERATI�N �F CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATI�N DEC EM BER 'I 3, ��'I 'I PAG E � ALTERNAI'IVES: The following alternatives are provided for the �ounci�'s consideration: ■ Approve staffs recommendation; ■ Do not approve staff s recommendation; ■ Provide d i rect�on to staff. ADVANTAGES; ■ The Adm�nistrative Servtces Department monitors payment of invo�ces for accountability, accuracy and completeness using standards approved by the �ouncil. ■ I nvoices are paid in a timely manner to establish goodwill with merchants. ■ Discounts are taken where applicable. DI SADVANTAG ES: No disadvantages have been identifed as Iong as �ity �ounc�l confirms all expenditures are appropriate. ENVIR�NMENTAL REVIEIN; N� environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC N�TIFICATI�N AND C�MMENTS: The Agenda was posted �n front of �ity Hall on Th�.�rsday, December 8, ��11. The Agenda and report were posted on the �ity's website on Friday, December 9, 2�11. No public c�mments were received. Attachments: 1. Nov 1�- Nov 3�, 2�11 — Accounts Payable �heck Register 2. Nov 18, ��11 -- Payroll �heck & Benefit �hecks Register Agenda Item 8.a. Page 2 r � r W W � � a =a c� a � a � W � O .� Z r� � .y J L7 �' � Q � r•+ � �� •- � =a �� �� a� r� V U � a v r T r +�+ r �y � YN �17 v Ua c� �p r � H � � r � �°— °v °v a u�i u�i t+ r r C 7 � � a r � r � � N v � �C�7 t�7 � o � r � � v r v W m r � � � c ° � 0 �v � z � � � � � � � J � � _ � � ❑ W l,�. 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N � � � � � v � r N CD CD a = r- r � ti Ci �7 �7 � W � � ._ 2 � � J (.� � � Q � � � �� � =a �c � v � os �� t3 � � � � r r � �V p = N .�C �7 � a N �v � • � Qi Qi eo . . � � � c v v � - � r r E a r p� r o �� � � v 's? � r - r � N � � r v w 00 N � � � v � .� N � p C r � � � � z a c� � � � � � V) CI) W J W � � Z � N � W � � � v � � r C N � °v r r N •-�+ t'�*] � N r � r � � N � � v N p = �i7 v � r � � m � � � v v v �n �n v r r r ��� � N N N �? � r � a � a � � � � r r v o ww r r N � r � W ❑ � � V W � � Y �C W J � � J � � � � � °v r r N � ir] N r r � N �i7 r °v °v °v v v v � N N r r r r N e� � � �i7 �i7 N �i? �i? r N N � � v v r r v v ww r r N � r J � � _ V CI) U) Y V � � Q ❑. � � v � � � °v r r N � � N r r � N �i7 r .. .. � N � Y H � � r o � � � 0 . � � 0 �. � � t � ' C � � t Li r r Agenda Item 8.a. Page 33 r M .. Q� � � CITY �F ARR�Y� �RANDE DEPARTItiAENTAL LAB�R DISTRIBUTI�N PAY PERI�D '1 QI281�4'! '1 - � � r� orZQ'1 '! '� '� 1'� 81'�'� FIJND �1 � 3�7,D�9.57 FIJND �1fi - FL1ND �17 593.�� FUND �19 - F�.Ih1D ��Q 18,�85.31 FUND ��fi - FUND �8� 5�.7Q FUND �85 1,153.18 FLIND �9Q 114,343.75 FIJND �1� 7,D3�.7$ FUN� ��Q �3,28�.2� 471,83�.�5 �VERTINlE BY DEPARTIVIENT: Admin. Support S�rvic�s - Commun�ty Development - Pol��e 1 �,198.�� Fir� 8,94�.34 Govrnm�nt Bldg Ma�nt. Engine�ring Fleet Maintenance Pa rks 5� 1. 88 R�cr�at�an - Admn R�c - Specia� Events - �hil��en In M�ti�n - Sata S port Com pl�x Public Works Maintenance 1,9�5.8� ��,s�s.7o 51�1 51 �� 5�43 51�5 51 �7 51�8 5 �.�9 511� 5111 511� 5��3 5114 5115 51�1 5'I �� 51�3 51�fi 51�? 5�3� 513� 5133 5134 5 �I 35 5143 5144 5�4s 5'I4? 5148 5149 515� 515'i Salaries Full tim� Salaries Part-Time - PPT Sala��es Part-Time - fiPT Salaries �v�rTime Salaries Stand�y Hofiday Pay Sick Pay An nua! L�av� Buyback Vacation Buyback Sick Leav� Buyback Vacat�on Pay Comp Pay Annual L�av� Pay PERS R�tir�ment Socia� Securi�y PARS Retirement State Disabiltty I ns. Deferred Comp�nsati�n Health Insurance Dental Insuran�� Visi�n lnsuranc� Lif� I nsu ra nce L�ng Term D�sabilit�r Uniform Allowance Car Allawanc� Council Expens� Emplo��e Assistance Boot A�lowance Motor Pay Bi-Lingual Pay �eli Rhane �Ilowance ATTACH ItiA E NT 7 ��3,439.97 18, 988.12 �a,f 7S.4Q �1,s�s.7� 34�.5D �,4�7.7$ 4, 44'I . 39 'I Q,9D3.D7 6,�7�.44 �,�QQ.75 7fi,3$�.fi3 ��,��9.�'I �31.15 1,475.5D 6��.�a �5,39?.48 4,fi?9.�9 1,�57.�3 459.39 ��2.sa f75.�D � � ?. 3fi 1 ��.9� 1 �5.�D �8�.5� 47�,a3o.s� Agenda Item 8.a. Page 34 �,� R o yo �� � � � � �NcoAPoqATEV �� I�AEI�A�RANDUI�A — -v c� � * JULY 1Q, 1811 � �� `� ��F�RN T�: �ITY ��UN�ILIREDEVEL�PI�AENT A�EN�Y B�ARD �F DIRE�T�RS FR�I�A: AN�ELA KRAETS�H, DIRE�T�R �F ADI�AINISTRATIVE SERVI�ES SUBJE�T: ��NSiDERAT��N �F A��EPTAN�E �F THE REDEVEL�PI�AENT A�EN�Y'S �RDA� ANNUAL FINAN�iAL REP�RTS DATE: DE�EI�ABER 13, ��1'f RE��I�AI�AENDATI�N: It is r�comm�nd�d that th� �ity �ouncillR�d���lopm�nt Ag�ncy Board of Dir�ctors r�cei�� and fil� th� r�sp�cti�� R�d���lopm�nt Ag�ncy's �RDA� Annual Financial R�ports for th� fiscal y�ar �nd�d ,�un� 3�, ��11. FINAN��AL iI�APA�T: Th�r� is no fiscal impact from this action. BA�K�R�UND: Th� firm of Moss, L�vy & Hartzh�im, �PA's was hir�d to audit th� ��ty of Arroyo �rand� R�d����opm�nt Ag�ncy's financial r�cords for th� fiscal y�ar �nd�d �un� 3�, ��11. Audit s�rvic�s ar� r�ta�n�d for finro r�asons: first, to ha�� an ind�p�nd�nt r��i�w of int�rnal control; and s�condly, to �nsur� that th� r�sulting financial r�ports fa�rly r�pr�s�nt th� financial position of th� R�d���lopm�nt Ag�ncy. In �ctob�r of ��11, an audit was conduct�d on th� Fiscal Y�ar ��� �-11 RDA financial transactions. Docum�ntation in support of th� ass�ts, liabiliti�s, and fund balanc� of th� funds in th� RDA w�r� �xamin�d and ��r�fi�d. This proc�ss assur�s an impartial r��i�w and substantiation of th� R�d���lopm�nt Ag�ncy's fund balanc�s. Th� r�sult of this r��i�w is th� attach�d financial r�ports. ANALYSIS �F �SSUES: Auditors may issu� thr�� diff�r�nt typ�s of opinions at th� conclusion of an audit, an Unqualifi�d, �uali�fi�d, or Ad�ers� �pinion. An Unqualified �p�nion assures th� aud�t r�ader that the information pres�nt�d fairly repr�s�nts the financial position of the �ity. A �ualifi�d �pinion stat�s that th� information �s fairly pr�s�nt�d �xc�pt for a part�cular 1551J�. An Ad��rs� �pinion indicat�s that th� ag�ncy has major accounting andlor internal control issu�s. The �ity is proud to r�port that for th� Fiscal Y�ar �nd�d Jun� 3�, ��11, th� �ity of Arroyo �rand�'s R�d���lopm�nt Ag�ncy r�c�i��d an Unqualifi�d �pinion. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 1 CITY C�UNCIL . ACCEPTANCE �F f�DA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REP�RTS DECEMBER 13, �D11 PA�E 2 In addition, the Stat� of �al�fornia requires that the Redevelopment Agency's Financ�al Transaction report and the �alifornia Department of Housing and �ommunity Development �H�D} report on RDA activity be approved by the RDA Board of Directors and submitted to th� State at the end of December. These reports are based on the Audited Financial report and are attached to this report. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for �ity �ouncil consideration: - Approve staff recommendations and accept the aud ited financial reports; - Do not approve staff recommendat�ons and return reports to auditor; - Modify staff recommendations and approve; - Provide d irection to staff. ADVANTA� ES: By approving the attached of �alifornia. reports, the �ity will be in compliance w�th the laws of the State DISADVANTA�ES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIR�NIVIENTAL REVIEIN: No environmental review is required for this item PUBLIC N�TIFICATI�N AND C�IVIIVIENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of �ity Hall on Thursday, December 8, 2��'1. The Agenda and repor� were posted on the �ity's webs�te on Friday, Decerr�ber 9, 2�'1 'l . No public �omments were re�eived. Atta�hments: '1. 2. �. Redevelopment Agen�y Basi� Finan�ial Statement Redevelopment Agen�ies Finan�ial Transa�tion Report Redevelopment Housing and �ommunity Development Report Agenda Item 8.b. Page 2 F�ED�V�L�PNY��'T A�EI�IGY �F �`��E CIT7� �F �RR � Y� �RAI�]DE BASI� F�A��lAL STATENf ��17'S ' .�un e 3 Q, � [� � � � ATTAC H M E NT 'f Agenda Item 8.b. Page 3 - RT�E�EL�PM�I�'T AGENCY O�T T�E C�TY �r �RR�lf� GRAND� TA.BLE �F ��NTEr1T5 June 3D, �D1 ] lndependentAuditors' Rep�rt ............................_......---:.................................................................................................................... i Management's i]is�uss�on and Analysis ......... .................................................................................................................................. 3 BASIC F�IANCIAL ST�TE�VIENTS �avernment-ti�ride Financ2a� Stazemertts: - S�aternent oC�le� Assets ..............._....................................._........._..............................................---••----••-----...._......_................... ? StatementoCAc�Wities ............................................................................................................................................................... g Fund Financi�l 5�itements: Balance Sheet -- �❑�ernmental Funds....... ...:...........................................................----.....------................................................... 4 Re�onci��atian of the Go�ernmenta� Funds Balance S�eet to the5�atement ofNet Asset� ............. ............................................................................................................_.................. �4 Statemenz of Revenues, E�cpendi�ures, and �hanges in • Fund Ba�ances - �o�rernmental Funds ..................... .................... ............................................... .................................... � ] Reconciliation of ��e ���ernm�ntal Funds Stat�ment of Re�enues, Expenditures, a�rd �ha�rges tn Fund Batances to the 5tatementof Acti�iti�s............ .................................-----..............--•................................................._............................... i ? Aio�es to Basic Fin�n�sal Statements ........................................................................................................................._..................... i� R��UI�..EI� SCIPPLT��IENT�RY �1F�RMATI�N Lotiv and Iviodera�e Spe�ial Reve.nue �und —S�hedule of I�e�enues, Expenditur+es, and Changes in Fund Balance —�udget and Actual .............................................................................................---......._........ � 3 �TF�ER SUpPL�IV�ENTA.L �F�RIV�AT��IV • Independent Auditors' Repart on In��rna[ �vntrvl ��er Finan�i�l Report�ng and �n �omp�iance �nd �ther Matters Ba�ed an an Audit of Financia� 5�atemen�s Performed in �c�ordan�e with G�vernment Auditing 5tandards ............................................................_............. ?3 �ndep�ndenk Auditors' R�port an Calsfarnia Rede��lapm�nt A��n�ie� �ampiiance ..................................................................... ?S Excess5urp�us �a��viatian .............._..........................................................................._.................................................................. ?7 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 4 PARTNER5 � R�NAL� A LEVY, CPA CRAIG A HART�HEIM, �PA Ha�LEY Y HLJI, CPR M�55, LEV1� � H A f�TZ� E I M�L� ..__ _ _ _ �Ei�TIF�E� PU8L1� A���lJ14TANT5 INI3EFEi�IDENT AUDiT�RS' REP�RT Bgard ❑�Directors !'tede�elgprnent Agency o� th� �it� oF Arr�y� Grande Arr�y� Grande, �aliFornia 8D� EA5T MA11'V SRNTA MARIR, CA 93a5a TEL: 805.9�5.�579 FaX: 805.9�5.�� �7 www.n�cpa5.�om W� ha�e audi�ed the accampanying financial statements �f tJie g��ernrnentaJ oc�i�ities and each maj�r fund ❑f the R�de�elopm�nt Agen�y ❑f �he �i[y ❑f A.t-roy❑ Grande �Agency}, a component unit ❑f �he �i�y ❑f �rr�y❑ Grande, �a[ifornia ��ity}, a� ❑f and f�►r the fiscal yearended ��ne 3�, �� l 1, which c�llecti�ely c�rnprise the �lgency's basic Fnancial statements, as listed in �I�e f�regoin� ��bCe �f , c�nlents. These fnancial statement� orc �he re�pon�sihility ❑f the Agency's mana�ement. �ur resp�nsibility s� t❑ expresG npininns �n �ltese financ�al st.atem�nts h�.�ed ❑n ❑ur audi�. We canducted flur audit an accordance ��t]� auditing sEandards genera�]y accepted in the United 5ta�es ❑� America and the standards app[icable to Financial audits contaan�d in Governrrrent r�[crditirtg Standarcls issued by the �amptro��er Genera� ❑F the Uni�ed Slates. ihose standards requi� that we plan and perform the audil t❑ ❑btain reasonable assuranc� about whether the Fnanc�al statemen�� are Free ❑Cmateria[ misstatement. An audil includes examining, ❑n a test basis, e�idence supporti.ng the amounts and discl�sures in the Fnancial statements. An aud.�t als❑ in�iudes assessing the accounting principl�s used and significant estirna�.es mad� by mnnagemen�, as weI] a� e�a�ua��ng the ❑�eraIl Fnancinl statement presentati�n. We bel�eye �Zat ❑ur audit pr��ides a reasonable basis for ❑ur ❑pinians. � In �uropinion, the Fnancia] s�atements referred t❑ abaye presen� fairly, in a�� material respect�, �he re�pectiue f�nancia] p�sition ❑f tite go�ernrnental acti�itics and each major Fund ❑f the Agency, as ❑f June 3�, �� 1 1, the r�specti�e cl�ange� in lhe financial pt�si�ivn thereof, Fflr ihe fis�ai year then ended in canFarmity �3rikh accounting princ�p�es general�y accep�ed in the United StaEes of America. �1s discussed in n�te 1 t❑ basic financial sia�emen�,s e.f�`ecti�e July l,�� I�, t.he FZedev�lopment Ag�ncy ❑f �he �ity ❑f Arroyv �rande adop�ed Go�emmenta! Accounting 5tandards I�oard ��r�SB} 5�a�ement No. 5�, FundBala�r�e Re�n�•ting ❑nd GnuQ�-nrnental Ftrnrl ��pe �3ef nitions and GASB S�.atement Na. 59, Finarrrral Staterrrertts ar�-rrtihus. Accaunting principies �eneral]y accepted in the Uni��d 5tate� ❑f �m�rica require tl�ot the manaeement's di�cu��ion and ana�ysi.� nn page�s 3 t��rough 6, and �he budgeiary �nf�rnnation ❑n page 33, he presented �o supp�einent t�ie ba.��c financial statemen[.�. 5u�li �nformation, although not a par� oJ��lie ba5ic finanCial 5tatement5, is required b}� the G�uernmental flccaun��n� SEandards �nard_ «�I�n c�nsiders it t� be an essential part ❑r financial reporting r�r pIacin� tlie b�sic Financia[ sta�emen�� in an appr�pria�e ❑peration�l. ecan�m�c, ❑r h�st�rical �an�ext. We ha�e app�ied cer�ain 1imi�ed pracedures t� ll�e required �upplemer�tary infarmatian in acc�rdan�e «�ith audit�ng standards �enerally accepced �n the Unit�d Sta�es ❑C America, �vl�ich consisted ❑F inquiri�s oF inanagement abvu� �he meth�ds ❑f pr�paring the inf�rma�i�n and comparin� the infornnatian far consis�ency ��i�h management's resp�nses co our �nquirie�. the basic financial s��ements, and ❑ther kn��yledge �ye ob�ained durin� our audit ❑1'the basic financial sta�em�nt�. We do n�t e�pre�s an ❑pinion or pro�id� any assurance ❑n the information because �lie ]im��ed procedures d❑ n�t pravid� us ��ith suffici�nt e�idence ��► �:�press an opinivn ❑r pro�►ide any assurance. � OFFi�ES: BEVERLY HILLS • CULVER �ITY � SANTA MARIA IIJIEI'►�1�ER AA►[ERIC�N INSTiTUTE ❑� � R A'S CALIFOANIA SpCrETY ❑� �SUrwG1PaL Fi�vnnrCE ❑��I�ERS GALl�ORN�A A55�C1ATtQ1+1 ❑F SCHp�L 0 S�NE55 ❑�Fti lA1.5 . Agenc�a Item �.b. Page 5 I n ac�ordance ���h Gouerrrmenr ��rdiring Srandards, �ve l�a�e ais� issued a repon dated No�em her 3�, �� I 1, on ou r consideration o!' [he Agen�y'S �n�ernal �onUvi o�er f nancial reportin� and our tests of its camp�iance with cert.a�n pro�isions of laws, negula�ons, contracts, grant agreement,�, and other matrers. The purpose of that r+eport is t� d�scrib� the scope of our testing oC int�rnal �ontrol �ver Fnancial repor�ing and complianc� and �ie results oF that testing, and not to pro�ide an ❑pinion on lh� internal contr�l o��r Fnancia� repor�.ing or on complian�e. 1�at repart is an integral part oFan audit perfarmed in accordance vv�th �ove��menr �ludiring Srandards and should be considered in ass�ssing the results of a�tr audit. �ur audit was �andu�[ed far the purpase oF forming opinians an the financial s�etements that �allecti�eiy comprise the Agen�y's ba.sic finax��ial statemen�s lnken as a whole. The �aicula�on orExcess 5urp�us on page �? is presented for purposes oTaddit�onai analysis and is not r�quired parts oFthe finan�iaE statemen[s. The �a��ulation ❑f Excess SurpEus is [he respon�il�il�ty oFinanagement and v�►as d�ri�ed Crom and relate dire�tly t❑ the underlytng accoun[ing and oti�er records u�ed [o pr�pare t�le Fnancia� state�ne��ts. 7-l�� inf�rma�on has be�n su1�j��t�d to �.h� auditing procedures appl�ed in lh� audit oF th� fnan�ial statements and certain additiona� pro�edur�s, inc�uding comparing and re�on�iling su�h infarmation directiy to [lie underlying e�counting and oth�r re�ords used to pre�are ��e finan�ial statements ort❑ the Financial stat�ments therns���es, and oth�radditionai pro�edures in accardance with �uditing standards ��nerally accepted in the United 5tates ❑f Ameri�a. In our apinion, the inForma�on is fairly stated in a[I rnateriai resp�c� in �lation to the f nan�ial stat�ments as a whote. M�55, LEVY &. FIAR?Z�-l'EIIvi LLP �� � � . 1 ��� �1 o�em her 3 0, 2g �� Agenda Item 8.b. Page 6 - RE�EVEL�PMENT A�ENCY �F THE CITY �F ARR�Y� GRAfVDE MAf�AGEMEf�T'S DISCUSSIQN AN❑ ANA�YS15 Fvr the Fisca I Year Ended �une 30, �011 The Management's ❑is�ussion and Analysis of the Redeveloprnent Agenry of the City oF Arroyo Crande �Agen�yj prv��d�s an ov�rall re�iew of the Agenc�'s fnanc�a� activ�ties for the fis�al year ended June 3�, ��11. The int�nt of this dis�ussion and ana�ysis �s to Eook at the Agen�y's finan�fa� perform�n�e as a whole. Readers should review the dis�ussion and analysi5 in �onjun�tion w�th the basi� finaneial statements as well as the notes to the ba5i� finan�ial . statement5 to enhan�e the�r understand�ng of the Agency's fnanciai performan�e. �VERV�E�JII �F THE FIN►4NC1►4L 5T►4TE�IENTS This di5eus5�on and analysis are intended to serve as an f ntroduction to the Agen�y's basi� finan�ial s#at�ment5. The Ageney's hasi� finan�ial staternents �vmprise three �omponents: 1� go�ernment-wide financ�aR statements, �y fund finan�iai 5�atements, and 3y notes ta the finan�ial statem�nts. The fallawing expiains th� stru�ture and �ontent of ea�h af the staternen�s: �a�ernrnent-wide 5tatement5 �o�ernm�nt-wid� statement5 report �nfvrmation abaut the Agency as a whole using a«ounting rnethad5 similar ta tho5e used hy pr��a�e-se�tor �vmpanie5. The statement of net a5sets in�Eudes al� af the government's assets and liabilities. All af �he current �is�at year's re�enues and expenses are a��oun�ed far fn the staternent vf a�t�v�ties regardle5s af when the �ash i5 re�ei�ed or paid. � The two gv�ernment-wide statement5 repvrt the Agen�y'S net assets and how they have �hanged. Net assets are the di{ference between the Agency's assets and liab�lities and are one vf the way5 �o measure the Agency's finan�tal heafth ❑r poSitEan. . o ��er tirne, in�reases ar de�rea5es in the Agency's net asse�s are an indi�ator ❑f whether its financial health is �mpro�ing or deteriorating, respe�ti�ely, The ga�ernment-w�de �inanciat staternents of the Agency are di�ided intv twv �ategvries: � �avernmental activities — Funct�ans of the Agenc� that are prsn�ipaliy suppvrted by �axes and tntergvvernmental re�enues. o BLl51ne55-type activities — functions of the Agen�y that are intended to re�o�er all or a signifi�ant portivn vf its �asts through user fees and charge5. Fund Financ�al 5tatements A fund is a grvuping ❑f re�ated ac�aunts that is used t❑ matntain �vntrol o�er resour�es that ha�e been segregated fvr spe�=fic a�ti�itie5 or abje�ti�es. The Agen�y, like other state and lo�al go�ernments, uses �und a�eoun�ing ta ensure and demvnstrate �ompiian�e with finan�e-related legal requirements. AI� of the funds ❑f the Agen�y are included in the gavernrnental funds �a�egory. The Agency's basi� ser�i�es ar� repvr�ed in governmental funds, whi�h fv�us on hvw rnoney ��vws intv and vut of those funds and the b��an�e5 left at year-end that are a�ailahEe fvr spending. These funds are repvrte� using an a�caun�ing method �alied mvdified a«rual a��ounting, whi�h measures �ash an� a�l ather fnan�ial asset5 that �an readily be �an�erted ta cash. The gvvernmental statements pro�ide a detailed shart-term view vf the Agency's generat gavernment ❑perations and the basic servi�e5 it provides. Go�ernrnentai fun� infvrmat�on helps yau �etermine whethe� there are mvre �r fewer �naneial resour�es that ean be spent �n the near future to finan�� �he Agency's pragram5. The bas�� governmenta� fund Finan�ial statements �an be faund an pages 9- 13 of this report. 3 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 7 FI�IANCIAL ANALY515 �F THE AGEIUeII A5 A VIlH�LE The Agency's net a5sets at fi5cal year5 e�ded June 3D, ��11 and �D1D, are as failaws: FiS�ai Year Ended Fis�a� Year Ended IncreaSeJ June 30, �011 lune 30, �D1D �Decrea5el ASSETS . Current and ather assets $ 3,�8�,344 $ 4,DS�,8�9 $ �59S,4S5} B�nd i5suance �o5ts �7�,443 �8�,845 �10,4D�y �apital as�et� � �35 4�3 1.549,3A5 386,�55 Total a5set5 5.98�,190 6.�11,D19 �����8�9� LIA B � L�Tf ES � Liabi�itie5 outstanding 1��,751 140,�96 �17,545� �ther liab�litie5 7 D84,797 7,154,797 i1��;D��� Total liabi�itte5 7�07 548 7 3�5 ❑93 �117,545� N ET A55 ETS Tatal net assets [1.�19.3581_ �1.1I4.0741 $ �1�5.�84�_ Tatal net a55ets For the Agenry a5 a whoie decrea5ed during the fis�ai year e�ded June 30, ��11 by $1�5,�84. ThiS de�rea5e c�me5 frarn the tatal �hange in net a55ets as recarded in the 5taternent af A�ti�it�e5. Prvgram expen5es by fun�tian, general re�enues by major source, exce55 andJor deficiency �f re�enue5 o�er expense5 befare �ontributions to perma nent fu nd pr�nci pal, 5pecia i, and extraardinary item5� and total a55ets are presented �n the 5tateme�t of Acti�itie5. �hanges in the Agency'S net a55et5 for the fi5cal year ended June 3D, �D11 and �D1D, are a5 fo��ow5: FiS�al Year Ended Fisca! Year Ended Increa�el June 30. �011 June 30, �olo �Decrea5e� REVEN IJES AND TRANSFERS Praperty �axes $ 1�543��45 $ 1,589,1�6 $ �45�9�1� Inr�estment incame 14,1�4 �D,7�1 �6,557� �'ransf�r5 to City �77�,351� 1695 �9� 9�� 941 T�tal re�enu� and tran5fer5 785 ❑58 �5 4�5 87�,463 � ExPEN5E5 Community de�elopmen� Total expen5e5 Change in net a55et5 Ne� asset5 — �egEnnEng of year Net a55ets — end of year 890,34� 1.5� 1,�87 65D 945 890.34� 1,541,�87 65�,945� �1D5,�84� �1,6�6,69�y 1 5�1 4QS ��1 114,D74L 51� b18 1 �19 35� � 1,114,�0�4� 4 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 8 Governmental artivities decreased the Agency's net assets t�y $1D5,�84. The key element5 of this de�rease were eaused by the f��lvwing: • The State required the Ageney to 5h�ft approximate�y $89,��� in prvperty tax re�enue t� K-1� schvvl� during the ��1D-11 fs�al year via the Supplemental Educatianal Revenue Augmentativn FundS ' [SERAF�_ _� The Agency was a�sv requfred to pass-thrvugh supplernental tax increment payment5 to governmental ag�ncies thrvughout the �ity vf Arroyo �rande. The pass-�hrvugh required arn�unt waS approxirnate�y $5�,��❑ more than was experted. � - FINA�V�IAL ANALY515 �F THE RE�E1lELDPMENT AGENCY'S FUC�DS As nvted earlier, th� Ag�n�y u5es fund a��vu�tfng to ensure and demonstrate �omplian�e with finan�e-related lega I requirements. The facus of the Agency'� governmentai funds is tv prvvide inforrnation vn near-term i�f�aws, outflow5, and ha�an�es of 5pendoble resour�es. 5uch infarmatian if useful in asse5s�ng the Agen�y'� finan�ing requirements. [n particular� as5igned fund balonre may senre as a useful rneasure of a gvvernment's net resaur�es a�ailable for spending at the end of rhe Fscai year. At June 3�, ��11, �he Age��y's gv�ernmental funds reported a �ombined end�ng fund ba�an�e vf $3,475,�7�. Approxirnately 87°�o vr $3,�15,535 vf this fund balan�e amaunt �onstitutes restrieted fund t�aian�e tv h� Spent on communEty develvpment. The remainder of the fund barance is e�ther nan-spendohle vr FestFi�ted to �ndi�ate that it ts not readily available forspending. Bud�etary Hi�hi� o A�tual revenues far the Law and Maderate 5pecial Revenue Fund were less than the budget by $�1,571_ This is due ta re�eiving less interest revenue than expe�ted. ■ Artual expenditUres were Ivwer rhan the budget hy $1,�75. FINANCIAL ANALY515 �F THE RED�IIEL�P�VIENT A�ENCY'S CAPITAL A55ET5 ANI� DEBT ADMlN15TRATI�N At June 3�, ��11, the Agen�y had $�,�35,4�3 invested in a range of �apital assets, net of deprecration, as reflected in t�e follvwing schedule: C�VERN�IIIENTAL A�Ti1lITIES La nd �anstru�tion in pragress Tvral net capital asset5 FiS�al Year Ended FiSCaI Year Ended June 3�, ��11 _, lune 3�� ��1❑ $ 1,849,3�5 $ 1,849,3�5 , 385,058 � ��.235.4�3 $ 1,$49,3�5 For the fiscal year ended June 3�, ��11, the Agenty had Ivng-term debt autstanding of $7,�84,797. This amount represents �ong-term advan�es payabie and �Q�7 T�x Al�v�a�ian bonds. Th� RDA Tax Allacation bonds were used tv pay o�f existi�g debt and any remaining fundS will be used far future pro��rt5. Th�S� bands are ba�ked by the Redevefopmen� Agen�y and are �v be repaid with propert�r tax pro�eeds. Lang-term debr at June 3�, ��11 and ��1�, fs as follows: C�1lERN�IIIENTAL ACT11lITIES Advan�es payable Tax aila�ation bonds Total lang-�erm debt 5 FiS�al Year Ended Fts�al Year Ended June 3�, ��11 lune 3D ��1� $ 919,797 � fi� 165,�D� $ 7. �$4. 79 7 $ 919,797 6, �fi5 ��❑ � 7.18�.797 - Agenda Item 8.b. � Page 9 FINANCIAL 155vE5 A�V ❑ C��VCERNS ❑n �une �9, �011, the Gavernor of rhe 5rate of Ca�ifornia signed ASSembiy Bills xl �6 and �7 as part of the 5tate's budget pa�lcage. Assembly bill xl �6 requires ea�h CaEifornia redevelopmenr agenry tn suspend nearly a�l act�vities expe�t tv imR�ement existf ng �antratts, meet a�ready-in�urred obl(gations, presen►e its assets and, prepare for the ImpendEng dlssv[utian of t�e agency. Assembiy Bill xl �7 provides a means fvr redevelaRment agen�ies ta �ontinUe ta exist and aRerate bY means of a Vv�untary Alternative Redeveiopment Pragram. Under this program, each �ity wauld adopr an ❑rdinan�e agreeing to mak� ��rtain paYmentS to tMe Caun�y Auditor Controll�� �n f�s�al Year ��11-1� and annual paYments ea�h fiscal Year t�er�aft�r. Assemb�y Bill xl �6 ind��ates that the city "may use any ava�lable funds not otherwise obligated �o� �ther uses" �o make this paYment, The City o� ArroYo Grande intends tv use avai�abl� manies o� its �ed�v�loprnent agenty far this purpos� and the CitY and Agenty have approwed a re�mbursement agreement to aeeomplish that vbjeetive. The amounts to he paid aft�r fis�ai Y�ar ��1�-13 have Yet to be determin�d bY 5tate I�gislatur�. Fvr �urth�r info�mation, 5ee note 9 in th� notes to the hasic financia� 5tatem�nts_ CQNTAi.i'1NG THE CITY'S FINANC�AL MA�VAG�MENT �rhis Fnan�ial report is d�sign�d to Rrov�de aur �iritens, taxpaYers, cu5ramers, investars, and �reditors with a gen�ral overview of the CitY of ArroYa Grande Redew��opment Agen�Y's finan�es and ta demanstrate the Agen�Y's a��ountabiii�y �vr the revenue it receiwes. lf Yau have anY questivns abvut this report or n��o! add�tianai f nan�ial infarmation, �onta�t Angela E{raets�h, Director vf Administratiwe 5�rvi�es at 3aa East Bran�h 5treet �n ArraYv Grande, Caiifornia. 6 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 10 . � BAS�� F�1ttN���L STATEM ��TS Agenda Item 8.b. Page 11 1 RE�EVEL�PNiEiVT ��E�CY �F THE C��'Y �F ARR�Y� GRANDE STA7E�1iIE1uT �F IuET .�SSE�'S 1un� 3�, 2� 1 ] Gn�ernmen�al AC�i Wi ti e.s � ss �rs Curr�nt a ssets : �asli and in�estm�nts Receivah��s: lnter�t � Ta x es I�at e recei �a h l e Prepa id �xpcns�s Inven �nr� - Land held for resa E e �an�urr�nt ass�is: Bnnd �ssuanCe CostS, net vf accumulat�d am�rtiaatinn �apita� asse�s: �vndepre�iab�c: Land Cvnsuv�tivn in progress Ta�l asscts L�ABILIT`IES: �wr�n� li�hi�ities: �ccaunts payahle and accrued I�ahils�ies Dep�vsi�.s payab�e Intere.st paya bl e �i��icurre:it lial�ilities: Due ��ri [h in nne year Du� in mvr� than a year Tntal li�bilities �E'T �SSE'TS Restricted fnr: Lv«� and mv �er� l� hvusin E Ca pi la � prv} ect� Debt servfee uN�U��t� Tvt� 1 ziet ass�ls , lli� a�campan��n� notcs �re an �nte�ral �art nf th�s Statemcnt. 7 � ?,? 68 ,? ] $ ?.�7� 3 4, 7? 8 3 l a,5[�[3 ��[3 ����,9?� ?7[3,�-�.� i,$�9,��� 3� 6,D58 5,g88, a g� G, 7 7? 3[3Q " l f�,F�79 • � Q 5,���] 6,�79,797 7,?[37,��� i ,$7?.{]�7 � 1, I ��,?7� s�?,? a� �4,���,�� l } � � � ,? 19,3�8 a � Agenda Item 8.b. Page 12 REDE1lELQPN�ENT A�E1��Y �F THE �IT1� �F ARR�Y� GRANDE ST�7`EMENT �F ��Ti�ITtES For the Fiscat �ear Ended lune 3�, �� � 1 ^ Prvgram Re�enues Ne� {E�cpenSe] �perating �api�al Total R���nue Cl��r��s fflr Gra��t,s and Gran�s anr� Prt��r�rn �nr� �han �e.s Fun�ti�n�lPr�gr�m,s� �ense.� 5ervi�GS Ct�n�rihutit�n� �nntrihulin�is Revenue.s in �1e1 Asfiet.fi General g�v�rnmen� � 8�0,34? � - � - $ - � - $ R9A,3�?} T�t�l g��ernmen�al � a�li�ities � 8�0,3�? � - � - � - � - {890,3�?J Genera� revenue.s: Pr[�pehy l�xc� I ,5�.i,?�#; � Ln��stmenl earnings 14,1 �� Trans fers �o City fl� Arrnyo �rande �77?,35 l} To�al gen�ral re�enues and transf�rs 785,�58 Chan g� in net aSSe�s , ���5,? $�#} Net a5sets, b�ginning vf f�s�a� year � 1, ! 1�,�7�} N�t assefs, end of Fs�al year $ t 1,? 19,358} �c a�con��ra��y�ng nnte.fi arc a�� i��1�Era� �an n�' tl�is st��cmcr�t. � � Agenda Item 8.b. • Page 13 RED.EVELflP�NT �G��CY fl� T�-1E �ITY �F ►�tRR��'fl GR�I�T'DE G�VE TAL F�T�S . BA.LArTCE SHEET .fune 3D, ��� l A55ETS �a5h and inv�stmenl5 Rcceiv�ble,s; In t ete.5 t � Taxes Lonn rece�va hle Prep�id exp�rtditures •L�ventary - Land he�d for resale Tata l assct�s I.��1I3ILl TI�S A1�D T LJ�D $ALA��° CES Liahilitic.s: Ac�ounts p�y�ble and a�crued li�bili�ies 17e�5its payab[c Tvtal liahili�ies Fund Bnlonces: NQnsp�nd.ahl e: Prepaids Resirictcd: Debk servicc Cammunity develapm�nt ' Tntal fund hal�nc�.� Tot�� l liabilities nnd fund h� l�n�es � I►��j�rFunds Law �nd . MndcroEc R�]A Spe�i� 1 C�pi��f Debt T�t� I Revenue Pra jects . S crvi c� � avernmen taJ Fund Fund Fund Funds � 1,� l ?,18d � ?93.�6� � �157,g7? � ?,?f8,? 1 � I ,� �i} Rd� ?, I 7f3 �,��� ??,7�? ��,??$ � 1 �,5�� � i 5,Sf3� d4� ��D 8 [�i� 35,799 8?5,1?9 86{�,9?8 � ] ,87?, l �9 � 1,1 �I?,? 13 � 4�?,9?? � 3,48?,3� � S,��S � I ,G3� � �� � �,??? ��}i� �t}f) 5,�98 I ,939 �5 7,(�7? ��� �� $f3f3 4�?,]�? �5?,9�? 1,$?1,6�1 l,l�,$?�1 �,�}1 F,5�5 l,F�??,D� I ], I d�,??� 45?,9�? �,�1?�,??? � l.B??, l 59 � l, E�?, � l 3 � 45?,�3?? � 3,�8?, 3�14 �lt� �ccnmps�riyin� n�les are,ln iritegt�f p�� �f this s�.~�temcnr. 9 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 14 - REDE�ELQP��YT A��N� QF THE �ITY QF ARRQYQ �R.A�TDE R���N�ILIATI�N �F THE ���RNMENTAL FUNDS BALA��E SHEE7' T� ?H� STA1`�NiENT �F NET A5SET5 ]un� 3�, ?0 � 1 T4taJ Fund Balances - Go�ernmenta] Funds � 3,�75,27? Amounts report�d for go�ernrnental aciivities in t��� 5tat�ment af N� Ass�ts ar� difFer�nt because: CapitaJ ass�t� us�d �n gouernm�nta� acti�iti�s are not current fu�ancia] resowces. Tiierefnre, t���y were not ren�rr[ed in the Gov�rnmental Fun�s B�lan�� Sl��e�. CapitaJ ass�ts at histnri��l �r�st � I,S�9,3�5 Cnns�ruc��on �n pr[�gres� 3 Sl�,�355 ►�ccumul �te�i depr�ciation - �,2�5,��]3 In go��rnmentai Funds, �.nterest on long-��nn d�bt is not recognizet� until t��e perind in �vhicl� it matwes and is paid. in gaveTnrn�nt-wide statement vf acti�iues, it iS reC4gntZ� in �h� perivd thal it is incu�red. � _ t 1 I S,G79} In go�ernmentaI funds, d�bt issue r.osts are re�vgnized �s expenditures in th� period iliey ve incurr�d. In the gv��rnment-�vid� siat�m�nts, deht issu� �ns�� ar� amnrtiz�d n�er t��e � life nf t�te d�Ut. �7�],��3 Lnng-term liat�iist�es are not due and p�yable in tl�e curren� perind. Ther��nre, th�y were not renorteri �rt Uze �nvernment��1 Funds Ballnce Shee�. T��e �nng-t�rm iiabiliii� wer� . �5 fDllflwS: Tax A�lvcation Bonds Ad�an�es fa-om the City of Amnyv �rand� �I'nt a� Tnta] Net Assets - �o�ernmeniaJ A�buiRics T�ie �ccnmp,�nying nn��s ar� �n intcgrai p� nf thi� sta��ment. I� � �, l �5,0�0 9I�,797 �7,�5�,7�7� � �1,?1�=355} Agenda Item 8.b. Page 15 R�I]E�L�FN�ENT ���NCY �F THE C�T�' �F �R.R�Y� �TtAI�iI]E ��V��1'�Ir�ENTAL FU�'�S STATEM�E�IT �F 5, �E�NI)�TURES, AND CHANGFS ]�N FUN� BALA�I�ES ror the Fiscal Year �nded ]une 3D, �D 1 1 - � iVl�jar Funds .� Low a nd Madera t� R.Da 5pecia l �api� I l�ebt Tn�n I Re�enue P�vjects S�nrice �n��ernmental Fund Fund Fund Funds Itc�enues; T��cs 5 ��8,G�9 � ],?��,�9G � - � 1,3��,?45 Uses �!' money and propeKy �,38� �,7�� S I I 4,164 Tatal r�v�nue5 ��8,fl?9 �,?�9,?99 Ri l,»7,4�I� E�penditures: Cw-r�nt : ��mmwiity de��loprn�nt n�bc ser���: . Interest and �scal �gent Cees Principal Total cxpenditures E�cce.5s �f rcvcnucs over (under) e�penditures Qther Fiz��n�i��g 5nurces (�Jscs} Tra n s fers in Tr�n � fer� aut Trans!'r.rs to Ci�y ❑I'Arroy❑ �rande Totn� �1hcr Cin�ncing �ur�es {uses} Re��nues �nd flther fu�ancing .SOuraces c��er {unti�r} �.�cpcnditures and ❑U��r Cinancing uses Fund bal�n�es, beginnin� af fuca� year Funti ba[anccs, cnd nf fisca� year � �?7,?? l 65�,45� 9 i ] ,?7� 35f,�68 356,�68 • � ��,��� l ��,��}� ??7,?Li h84,�I53 45h,�1Fi8 l ,�f 7,7�? 9�},8fl8 5�5,?df {�15fi,�87) l S9,�fi7 �SF.387 �5�,387 � 16d,?�9) �?9?,I�8B) ��Sf,�87} (39,4 � 8} �733,3�3} �77?,�S l } �?��,� 17} � � ,[]?5,4? 1 � 45G,�87 �77?,35 ] } � I � ?,5�93 �47[],17�j �58'-,h��} l ,984,57� l,b � �,�1d� �157,9�7 d,�]57.9�f � l ,87?,flG � S t , t ��,?7d � �157,9�7 � �,�7�,�7? ?he ���cusii��tiying nntcs arc an int��il ��n ni'chis St�lement. . ' �� . Agenda Item 8.b. _ Page 16 � REDEVEL�P�IEI�'j' A�EN�Y �F THE �ITY �F ARR�Y� �R.A�1D� RE����ILIATI�N �F THE ��VER�IVIENTAL FUNDS STATEM�T DF REVENU�S, E�PEND��URES, AI�1D �HAI�IGES Ih] �U�ND B�4LA.��ES T� THE ST�4TEME�VT �F A�TiIiTiES For th� Fis�al Year Ended �un� ��, 2� � I Ne� �hang� in Fund Ba�an�es -�a�ernmenCaI Funds Am�unts reported Far gn�emmenta] a�ti�i��s in �» stat�rnent �f activ�ties a.re different because: In gn��rnmental Funds, repR�ymenf5 nf lnn�-[erm debt 1.re r��rt� �s cxpenditures. �n the gn�ernmerit-wide siatemc�ts, r�paymen�s nf �c�n�-�erm deht 1.r� r��ne�I �s rexlu��nns aF li�hilitie�. In ga��rnmentaI funds, intere�t nn �ang-��rm deht is rec.�gnize� �n �Ze perind that ic hecnm� tiue. In the ga�ernment-wide statement nf act��iti�s, it i� re��gniz�d �n tl�e perind that it is incurred. iJnma�ured inter�s� awing at �he �nt� af the periad, �ess matured intares� paid �uring but ���ing fr�m !he pri�r peri�d was: �apita� autl�s are r�parted in ga�ernmenia� Cu.nds a.s e.xpenditures. H�wever, in il�e staterneni af a�ti�iti�s, the �nst �f �lase assets is alla�ated n�er their e5timated useful ii�es �.s clepre��atinn cxpense. ?`l�is is ��e amnunt by whi�h �dditi�ns tn c��n�Ca� c�u��y c�f �3HF,�}58 excetx� dcpreci;��in�1 exp�nse $4 in �he peric��l. � �SH�,F�B�} l �}I�,[�[�[� l,?� 3 S�,[�S� The i�su�n�e af I�n�-�erm deb� prn�id�s �urrent ��nancial res�ur�e� tc� the gc��ernmen��l Funds. Als�, , �nvemment�l funds rep�rt �Zie effe�i ni'premium�, disc�unts, and simillr items when �le�t is Frst issued, 1�h�reas, lhese am�unts are d�ferred and �umariize� in the statemeni nf a�ti�ities. Tii�s amaunt is net nf these differenc� in U�e treatmeni ai' lang-term deht and reja�ed �t�ms. � 1�},��}?} Chan�e in Net Assets -�c��ernmental A�ti�ities T�ic a��nmp�nying nnte,s are �n intcgral p1n �f t�iis statein�nt. - 1� � � 1 I�S,? 8�) Agenda Item 8.b. . Pag�e 17 REDE�EL�PIyi��IT A��N�1� �F THE �ITY �T A�RR�Y� �]ftANDE ��TES T� BA 57� TINA�V�IAL STATE�IrIEAI'T5 � . June 3 �, �� � 1 �i�TE l- 5 LTM�Y�A�R�' �F SI��VITICANT ACC�UiWTII�� P�LICIES The �asic f nancial stat�ments� of the Rede���opment Agen�y �Agency} af the �ity of Arnayo Grande, �al�fornia, ��iry� ha�e been prepared in canformity with accaun��ng principies generaily ac�ep�ed in the United States af America a� appEied tc� ���emmen�al .. agencies. The �o�ernmental A�count�ng �tandnrds Boards [�ASB� is tJ�e acc�pt�d standard se�ting body far est.abl�sl�inE go�ernmental accouniang and financ�al reporiing purposes. The more signif��ant of th� Agency's accoun�ing po�ic�es are described below. • A. R� ortin En�it The Rede�elopment Agency oF the �ity of Arroyo �rande �the Ag�ncy} is a s�parate go��rnment entity estab�ishcd on September 1 �, 199 �,�;rith the project area being Fonned on August �7, 194�, pursuant to the State of �a�ifornia Health and Safety �vde, S�ctivn 33UUU entitled "�ommunity Rede�e�opment La��'. I�s purppse is t❑ prepare and carry out pIans for imprpvernent, rehahilita�on, and redevelopment ofbligl�ted areas �;rithin the �ity limtts of tJ�e ��ty of Arroyo �rande. T�e State �-Iea1Ch and Safety �ode prov�des that, upon apprpva� of a r�de���opmen� p�an, aIl futur+e incrementa! sncrea�e�s in �he tax hase �v�ithin the designated praject area �vi�� he paid to the Agen�y unt�i al� indehtedness incurred to f nance the praject has been paid. The ��ty of A.rroyfl �mnde exercises o�ersi�eh� respflns�hi�ity o�er the Agency. This incYudes seiection of its �fl�ernin� authqrity, tl�e designation of it�S management, the ��ty's ability to influen�e the Agency's operations, financial interdependency, and the accountability for tE�e Ag�ncy's fiscal matters. Based on �his o�ersigl�t criteria, the Agency is a component unit of the �ity aF Arroya �rande. AccordingIy, the Agency's operations are also included in �he �iry's basic financia.l statements. B. Descri tion of Funds The accounls of �he Agency are ❑rganized on the basis of funds, each of u�ich is considered a seporate accounting entity. The aperations of each Fund are accaunted �or �;riti� a separat� set of self-ha�oncing ac�oun�s that comprise its a�sets, liahil:�ies, fund equity, re�enues, and expenditures. The Agency's resources are allocated to and accounted for in indiv�dua� fund,� hased upon the purpose for wl�icl� tJiey are tp be spent and tJ�e means by whicli spendRng acti�ities are control led. Tlie minunum number of �unds is maintained consisten< <v��� Iegal and managerial requtrements. �. �ov�rnment — vrride Financial Statemen �s The Agency's go�ernment-wide financial statements inc�ude a 5#.�tement ofNet A.ssets and a Statement oFActiv�ties. These statements present summaries oF go�ernm�nta] acti�ities far Ehe Agency. The Agency do�s aot ha�e any business-t�rpe acti�i�ies, t��er�fore pnl� governmental activities are report�d. These hasic �nancial statemen�s are presented on an "economic resources" rneasurement focus and the accruai hasis of accounting. Accordin��y, alI of the Agency's assets and �iabili�ies, including capital asse�s and long-temi �iabilitie�, are included in the accvmpanying S►a�ement of Ne� Asset,s. Tiie 5ta�emen� of Acti�itie.s pr�sen[s cl�anges in net a�sets. Under the accrual basis of accounting, expenses are recognized in the period in wliich the liabi�iry is incurned. �ertain �ypes of transactions are r�ported as pro�ram re�enues for the A�ency in three categories: � 1} charges for ser►rices, {?} operating granls and con�n`hutions= and �3} capilal gran�s and �ontri�utions. This fiscal year has no program r���enu�s. �]. Fund Financi�l 5tat�men[s Fund financial statemen[s include a I3alance �h�et and a 5ta�ement of Re�enues, Expendi�ures, and �hangc� in Fund Balances �or atl major go�emmental funds. �n accomp�nying schedule is present�d io reconcile and explain the differcnces in fz.ind balances as presented in these st,�[emen[s to the ne� ass�ts presented in �he €o�ernment-�yide �nancial statcmenc.�. Tiie Agency h�s pr�sented all fund,� as major. AI1 �overnmental funds are accounted for on a spending orcurr�nt financiaj r�sources measurem�nt focus and tl�e modi �ed �ccrual basis of accounting. Ac�ordin��y, only curren� assets and curren� �iabil ities are included on �l�e Balanee 5 hee�. �'lie Sta�ement of Re�enues, Expenditures, and �hanges in Fund 13alances present increases �re�enues and o�her � nancin� sources} �nd decrea.ses �expeiid�tures and o�her f�nancing uses} in net current assets. Und�r �he n�odif�ed accrual basi� af accoun�in�, re�enues are recognized in che ac�ountin�e p�r�fld in ��hich they b�come ho�h rneasurab�e and a�ailabl� �o �nance ehpenditures vf �he current period, - 13 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 1�8 - REDE�EL�PME�IT AG��V�Y �F THE �1TY QF ARRQY� �RAND� I�1�TE5 T� �ASI� FII�]AN�IA.L ST�TEMEI�ITS June 3 �, ? 0 ] 1 w N�TE 1 - �i]I►►IMAR7� flF �IGNIFICA31iT �CC�LJNTING P�LIC]E� �Continued� I]. Fund Financial 5ta��m�nR.s �Continued� Fte�enues are recorded when recei��d in cash, excepl that re�enucs subjec� to accrunl (gen�rally 64 days aFt�r �scal year- end� are recognized �vhen due. Th� primary r��enue sour�es, which ha�e been treated as susc�ptib�� [o accrua� by the Ag�n�y, ar�e in�rement prop�rty ta�c, intergo�ernmen�.a1 re�enues, vther tax�s, in�erest re�enues, r�ntal re�enues, and certain Charg�5 FDr SeNiceS. Exp�nditures are recorded in the accounting perivd in which ti�e relat�d fund liab�liry is in�urred. I]eFerred re�enues arise when potentia� r���nues do nv� meet bv�h �he "measurnble" and "a�ailable" criteria for recognition in the current perivd. I]�ferred r+e�enues als❑ arise when the gv�ernmerti recei�ed resvur�es before it has a I�gal claim t❑ [hern, as when gran� mvnies are recei�ed prior tv incurring qualifying exp�ndi[ures. �n �ubsequent perivds, when both re�enue recvgnition criteria ar� met or when the go�ernment has a lega! claim to �he resources, �he deferred revenu� &om the baiance sheel and r���nu� is recognized. . 1�e Fteconci]iations vf the Fund Finnncial �tetements to �he Co�ernment-wide Financial S tatem�nts are provided tv explain the difFerences created by �ze integrat�d approach ❑f �A�B Statement I�lo. 3�. E. Use o f L'stima[e 1�e preparation of financial statement� in conformi�}► with accounting prin�iples g�neraljy accepted in �h� LJni�ed 5ta�es of Am�rica requires manag�ment to make estimates and assumption lhat aFfect th� report�d amounts ❑f ass�ts, liabilitie�, re�enue.s, and expenditures or expens�s, as appropriate. Actual results cvuid di f�'er �r-am �hose estima�es. F. Pro e Tax Re�enues incremen[al pt~aperiy �ax re�enues represent pt~aperty ta�ces in each project area arising fi~am increased assessed �aluations ❑��r hase �a�ua�ion5 established at �ie inc�ption oF the project area. Incremenlal properiy taxes from each prvject area accrue tv the Ag�ncy un�il all liabilities and commitm�n�s of the proj�ct area ha�e been repaid �including cumulati�e fvnds pro�id�d or commilted by the Agency}. Af�er ail such indebtedn��s has been r�paid, a�] prvperty [axes from the projec[ area re�ert 6ack to the �arious tax in� au�horitie.s. �. Low and Moderate Income HousinQ 1�e Ca�ifornia H�al[h and 5afety Code requires Ag�ncy pro�ec[ areas to d�posit ��nl� ❑f al�ocated incr�mental property [ax re�enues {or 2�°I� of net bond pmceeds plu� ��°/� of incremental re�enu�s in ehcess ❑f deb� servic� payments on �lze bond� in�a a Low and h�oderate Income Housing Fund. This money is restricted f or the purpose of increasing and impro�ing the communit�s suppiy of [ow and modera�e income housing. ^I'he Agency accounts fvr these re�enues in a special re��nue Cund. H. Def�rred Re�enue Deferred re�enue ariscs ��hen assets are recei��d before re�enue rcco�nition �ri�eria I�a�c been �a[i��ed. Cranl�� and en[itlements recei�ed before e�igibi�i[y requir�menls ar� rne[ are recorded as d�ferrcd re�enue. �n �1�e go��rnn�ei��l Funds �nancia� slatements, rec�i�abE�s associated wtEh non-excl�ange �ransactions thaE will noi be collec��d ►�i�hin �he a�ailabili�y period have alsv been recorded as deferred re�enue. Fu nd B alan�es an d Net �lssets. Fund 6a �ance �s the d i fference bet�veen �he assets and l iabili ti es reported in Ehe go�ern men tal T�nds. In compi ia nce �vi �h �ASB 5�atement �io. 5�, the Ciry has es�ablis��ed [he folivwing fund balance types: - 11ta��-sperrdQble — The non-spendable Fun� balance c�assi�ication inclu�ies amoun�.� t�2al cannot be spen� because they are either {a} not in spendabie Torm or {b} �ega[ly or �on�ra��ually r�quired tv he main�ain�d inEact. �� Agenda Item 8.b. Page 19 REDE�L�P�EN�' A�EN�� �F T�lE CITY �F AF���� GRANDE NOT�S TD B A5?� FI�AIV�IAL STATEMEI�7'S June 3�, ��11 N�T� ]-- �L�IV1M ARY �T SI�NTFI�ANT ���OUNTIi�� P�L1�1ES ��on tin u ed} I. Fund Ba�ances and Net Assets Continued Restric�ed — The restricted fund baIance classi Fcatian includes amaunts tha� r�flec� canstraints p�ac�d on the use o F resources �other than non-spendable i��ms} thar are eit�ler �a} ex�erna�Iy imposed by creditors �such as through debt co�enants�, grantors, contn`bu�ors, or lazvs or reguiations of o�her ga�ernments; or (U} imposed by Inw thraugh . cons�itutional pro�isions or enab�ing �egislation. � Cornmitred — The committed T�nd ba�ance classi I icalion includes amounts �ha� can only be used for �peci Fic purpose� pursuant �o canstraints imposed by formal ac�ion of the City Councii. Yhase committ�d an�ount� canno� be used f�r any o�her purpos� unless the �o�ernmenr remo�es or change.s 11�e speciFied use by �akin� the same �ype oF acrian [�egisl��ian, resoEu�ion, ardinance, erc.� ir employed ro pre�iously commit those arnount. Committ�d fund balance should als❑ incorporate contracrua� obtigalions ro the �xt�n� tha� existing resour�es in �he fund ha�e been speci�ical�y cornmi�red far us� in satisfysng those contractual requirements. .�ssigrred— The assi�ned fund baIanc� classiFcation includes amounts �hat �-e constrained by th� go�ernment's in[ent t� be used Eor specific purpos�s, but thnt are nei�her restricted nor committed_ Such in��nt to be �stablished by ��} the governing bady itselF or �b� a bady or ofFc�a[ to which �he ga�erning body had delega�ed the au�hority �o assign arnounts �o be used for speci �ic purposes. Unassigned— `Che un�s�gned fund balance classi�ication includes amounts �ha� do no� Fall in�o one of �he above Fvur ca�egaries. This c�assiFca�ion represents fund baIance r��a� has not been assigned �o other ftinds and that has nat been restric�ed, camrnitted, ar assigned for specific purposes within the Genera� Fund. The General Fund is tl�e on�y filnd �ha� shou�d repar[ this ca�egory of Fund bal�nce. Net assets is the differ+ence behveen the assets and ]iabi]tties r�p�rt�d in �he go�ernmen[al-��ic�e and proprie�ary Fund FlnanciaJ statements. Net assets are classified in �he F`ollo��ing ca�egories: �nvesred ir� �apiral �sse�s, rrer nf Relcr�ed Dehr — Th� sn�es�ed �n capital asset�s, ne� oF re�a�ed debt c�ass�fication inc�udeS amounts cansisting oFcapi�a� a�sets net of accumutaied depreciation and reduced by out�tand�ng deb� directly attributed tfl Lhe acC�uiSittvn, constructaan, ❑r impra��men� of the assets. • Res��-ie�ed Net �ssers �- The resr.ricted ne� ass�is classification includes amounts �hat are res�ricted by external cred�t�rs, �rantors, can�ributors, )a«rs or regulations oFother governments. �Inrestricted Net �lssets — Th� unrestric�ed net assets classiFicalions i� the amounl rernain�ng �ha� do na� F`all into ❑ne af t1�e abo�e t��o categories. The ���y's practice pro�ides tha� restrict�d fund balan�� or net ass�ts be �penl lir�� «►hen an �xpendi�ure is incurred f�+r which both resrricted and unreS�ric�ed �fund ba�ance i� a�ailab��. .I. �e�� A�countin� Pronouncements Go�ernmen�al Accoun�ing 5�andards Board Sla�eni�n� No. �� . Far �he Fiscal year �:1ded lune 34, ?�I l, [lle A�ency �mp�ernent�d G�ISB Statemen[ rlo. 5�, "Fund Balanc� Reportin� and �o�ernmcntal Funtl l'vpc �efinitions." The Statemen� is effecti�e F`or p�riodfi begfnning aFter June I 5, ?� I�. The objece��c o�l�iis �ta[emen[ is �o �nhance the useT��ness.oF`fund balance inFarmation by pro�►idin� clearer fund balanc� �la���fic�tians �hat can be more consist�ntly app�ied and by clariFying the exis�ing go�ernm�nta� fund type deFni�ions. Tl�is Sta�ernent es�blishes Fund ba�anc� classir�ations tha� comprise a hierarchy based primari�y on �he ex�ent to which a go�ernmen� i� baund to observe constraints impas�d upan the use oF`the resources repo�ed in ga�ernmentaI �unds. Imp�emen�ation oF`�he Stalement and t��e impac� an �le Agency's Iinanciai s�atemenls are e,�plained in �a�e 1-- r Fund Balances and Net As�et��. 15 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 20 REDEV�L�PME�1T A���1�Y ��' 'I'HE �IT'� �F ARI��Y� �RANDE I��TES T� B AS1� FINAN�TA.L STATEMENTS , �un� 3�, ��1 � . � N�TE �- 5U�i1►�AR7' �F SiGNIFI�A�1T ACC� L�iTING P�I1I�iE5 �Con nn ued} New Accountin� Prnnouncements �Cantjnued� Ga�ernrnenta] Accounting 5tand�rds Baard 5tatement Na. 59 For the fisca] yaear ended June 3�, 2�1 ], the Agency �.mplem�nted �ASB 5tatement No. 59, "Finan�ial Instniment� Qrnnibus." The �tatement is eFF�cti�e ��r p�riods 6eginnin� aft�r June � 5, ?� i �. Ti�� objece�e af tl�is Statement i� to up��a�e and improWe existingstandards regarding Fnancia� r�pvrting und disclofiure r�equiremen�.5 ofcerrain �inancial instrumen�.� and exlernal in�cstm�nt pvols for �vhich sign�Fcant issues haWe been idcntified �n practice. Implemencac�vn o� the G�SB St�tement ]�io. 59, did noi have an impac� on [h� Agency's financial s�.atements �vr ehe Fscal year ended .fune 3�, Z� i I. N�TE � - CA5H AND Il�IV�STNXENTS Cash and investments at June 3�, 2� 1�, cons�st�d oF the Follow�u�g: �ash and inWestmen�s pooIed «rith the �ity Restricted cash and investments with Tscal agen� Tv tal cash and investmen ts $ 1,81 �,?�� �57,97� ��,7�s�-J..3� The Agency has pooled i�s cash and in�es[men�s �vith ��e Ci�y in order �o achie�e a higher return on in���men� Certain testrict�d fund�, wrhich are h�ld and in�ested by �ndependeni. vutside custodians through contractual agreements, are not pvoled. The��e restricted Funds �nc�ud� cas� �;ri[h Tsca! agen�s. See the �ity's Comprehensive Annual Financiai Repvrt For disclosures related to cash and in��stmen�s pooled �viih �he �ity and the re�ated cus�vd�a� risk cai.egoriaativn. �nvestmen�s Authori�ed b Deb� A ements ln�estment of note praceeds held by trusiees are goW�med by the prv�isinns v��he debi agreements, rather #.han #.he g�neral provisions o� the �alifvrnia Gvvernmenc �ode or �he Agency's investment policy. T`he cable belv�v, identifi� che in��tment type� cllat are au�horized for in��stmenis held by fis�al ug�nts. The table also identi fies certain provisions oF these debt agr�ement� �ha1 address interest rate risk, credit risk, and concentraeion of credit risk. �u�horized Investment Type �1 vney rnarket accounts DiscIvsures R��at�n tv Interesl Ra�e Risk �Vlaxirnurn Maximum N�aximum Percentag� Inve.��mene Ma�turity Al�owed in Qne Issuer N!A None None interes� r�te risi: is t��e risk �hal ch�n�es in markec in[erest r�tes �vil� adversely af�ect ch� fair Waiu� ❑��n inWestmenc. Gen�ra�l�, t��� longer tl3e rnaturi�y of an inv�tment, the greacer che sensi�iWity ❑F i�s fair �alue to changes in mar�et interest rat��. �ne o� ihe �yay� cl�at the �►��ncy m�nage5 i�� �Yposure co int�re�t race ri�k �s by purchasing a com6snacion oFsh�r�er cerm �nd Ivn�er cenn in�e�tmei�t� and Uy timing cash �v�ys �rorn rnaturiti�s sv �h�t a portivn of �he portfolio is maturing or comiz3� close co maturit}► e�en�y v�rer time as necessary to pro�ide the cash �ow and liquidity needed for operativns. �� Agenda Item 8.b. ' Page 21 . Yt�D��L��'N�ENT A��NCY �� T13E C�TY �F ARR�Y� �RAND� N�TES T� BAS�� FT�VAN�IAL STATEiv�E1VT5 � June 34, 2�1 t N�T� Z- CA5i3 A��D lIYV�STMENTS {Continued} Tnfanna�ian abvut the sensili�ity ❑f �e fair wa�ues ❑f the Agency's in�estmenr.s to market in�erest rate fluctua�ivns is prawided by ��e fallowing table thot shou� c.he distrihutaan ❑f the Agen�y's in�estrnen�s hy maturity: Remainin N�aturit in �Vf on#.hs �arrying 1 � Monc.hs I3-�� �5-6D Zlrlare �han Inwestment T�rpe Amaunt �rl,ess Monlhs �Vlonths 6d �Vfantlls H�ld by fisca� ag�nt: Money marke� funds �}isc�o.�ures Relatin� �o �redi! Rislt � 457.97� � �57.�7� - � � 57.972 � ._, 457.�?? " � ,� . - . Generally, credi� risk is tlie risk thal an issuer of an in�estrnen! will not fiilFl.l i!s vhl�gation �o �he holder ❑f [he in�esUnen�. Ti15 15 measured by the assignment of ra�ing by a nativnal�y recognized s►atisUca� rating ❑rganizabon. Presented helow is �ie minimum ra�ing requ��ed by �he �alifQrnin Gowernment �ode, and the actual ratin� as ❑f Fscal year end for each in�estment type. �n�estment Type �-Ield by f s�ai agen�: IV�aney market fund5 �ustodial �redit R�sk r . Mintmum �arrying Lega] Amaunt Ratin $ 457.97� NIA ���}� ' Exempt From Ra�in� as of Fiscal Y�ar End Disclosure �A AA I�at Rated � - � - � - � �57,97� � - � - - �45� 7`he custodia� credi� risk for �rrveslmerrts is the risl� t�at, in the ��ent of the failure ❑F the caunterpart� �e.g., hroker-dealer) ta a transaction, a go�ernment �vi�l nat be able t❑ reca�er �he �alue ❑f i!s in�c�stment of callatera� securi�es that €�r� in the possessian o� anvther party. T�» �alifarnia Ga�ernment �ade and the Agen�y's in�estm�nt pali�y d❑ no� can�ain l�gal or policy requirement�s tha� �wau�d 1im�t t�ie exposure to custodial credit risk for in�estments. 1�Vil1i respect to in�e�s�menl, cus�odia� credit risk �enerally applie� on�y to direct in�estments �n marketable securities. �ustodial credit risk doeS noE appiy to local gv��rnment'� indirect in�es�ment in securit�es through �lie use of rnoney marke� funds or in�estment with L�TF. � In�estmcnt in Slate 1 n�estmen� Pool. The Agen�y is a �afunlar}+ participant in the Local Agency Tn�esiment Fund �LAIF} that is re�ulat�d by �he �alifornta �o�►ernrnent �ode uncier the ❑�ersight ❑f �lie Tr�asurer af 1Jie 5tnte of�aliFornia. The fair �alue ❑f tl�e Age���y's in�esirncn� in this pofll �s reportcd in t�ie acevmpany�ng basic �inancial sta�ements a� the amvun�s based upon the �lgency's pro-rata share of'ihe �air �aiue pr�vid�d bv LATF f�r the entEr� LrtIF' pvrtfol io ��n re lation to the amortized cvst of that port f oiio}. The ba lan�e a�ai lable far �y+�hdra���a I i� ba�ed an the accounting recvrds mnintained by LAIT, wli�ch are re�vrded an an amor[ized �vs� basi,�. N�TE 3 — TN�E��T�RY �_ The Ag�ncy purchas�d land in the arnoun� of �8�5,1 �9 during tlie ?d�71?00$ �iscal year. During �he �a�91�0 I 0�is�al year. the RT�A . �ransferred $95Q,�00 iv the General Fund, in exchange for land tlie �i�y purchased far apprax�mately �35,7��. The Agency is currently holding uie land for resale. In�enlary is �aiued at cvst �yhi�l� appraximates fair �alue. » - Agenda Item 8.b. Page 22 REl��VEL�PNIENT AGEI�iCY �F TTHE CITY �F ��Y� GRAI�iZ]� � N�TES T� �ASI� FINAI�I�IAL STATEME�TS June 3�, �� i � • N�T� � — N��'E R.�CEI�ABLE _ The Ciry's Rede�elopment Agen�y �RDA} has en�ered in�❑ a pur�hase agreemen� with k�� I�ousing Au�hority ❑Fthe City oFSan Luis �bispo. The RDA purchased property uti�izing Low and II�[odera�e 5et Aside funds. The property was tl�en sold !o the Housing Aukhority For ��85,4d� in �ash, plus $55,5�4 as a noCe rece��ab�e. This note is t❑ be repoid �vf�en and if the property is sold. The City's Rede�e�opmenk Agency �RDA} has entered into a�oan agreemenk with Habit�it for Humanity of San Luis �bisp❑ �ounty for �?6�,��� in Fanan�ial assistance t� be used for !he acquisition costs �o purc�ase a property at 18� Brisc� Road. i�io �nterest shall accrue on t�ze ��an. Habi tat for Hun�anity ��rili ha�e up to one year t❑ negotiate an Affordable Housing Agreemenk but iF an egFeemen� is not execu�ed by that �ime, Habi�at for Humanity will ha�e the op�ion oF repayin� the �oan ❑r con�e}r�ng the property to the C�ty. 2�1�1'� 5 — CAPTTAL ASS�TS �apitu� Assets - Additions and Retirements Al� capital assets are �alued �t his�orical cost ❑r estimated historical cost if �ctual historical cost is no� a�ei��ble. Contributed �apiE.al assets are �aIued at their estimate� fair �alue on the date contributed. The Agency's poiicy is to capitalize all capital assets wi�h cost�� exceeding �ertain minimum th�esho)ds, $5,���, with t��e exceplion of inf'rastructure at �5�,��� and urith us�fu� �i�es exceeding t�yo years. 1�Vith th� imp�ementa�ion oF GAS� Statem�nt �io. 3�, the Agenc}► has recorded all its public domain �infr-astructure} capital assets. which in�lude r�ads, bridges, curbs �nd gutters, s�.reets and side�vall;s, dra.inage systems, and lighting systems. The purpose oFd�pre�iation is �o spread the cost ❑f capit�� assets equitubly among a�l user� oyer the life ❑f �hese essets. The amounl char�ed to depreciation expense e�c�i Fscal year represent.s that Fs�a� year's pro rata share ❑f' the cost of capitai assets. GASB Statement�o. 3� requi�-es lhal a�l capilal assets �;rith limited useful li�es be depreciated o�er�he�restimated useful li�es. Qeprecotton is pro�ided using the straight line me�hod which means tJxe cost ❑f lhe asset is di�ided by �!s expe�ted use�ul life in ye�r� and the re�ult is charged to expense each fsc�l year until the asset is Fully depreciated. The Agency has ass�gned the use�u] lives listed he�o�v to capital assets. S tru�tures and Impra�ements 5� years Equipment 5-?5 years InFrastru�ture 15-5� ye�rs Capi�al assets a�iiviry for the fscal year ended �une 3�, ��_11, was as foilows: �a�ernmental Aztiviti�s �londepreciab�e capital assets Land Construclion in Progress Tot3� nondepreciabte �apita� assets �le� cap i�a i assets Balance 1u�y 1, ��I� $ 1,8�9,3�5 1.8�9.3�5 � ,� 3� S - Add itions � - 38� ��8 386.�58 � 8���5� i8 �eleti�n5 � - � Balance �une 3�, ?�ll � l ,8�9,3�� 3861�58 �.?35,��3 � � �35,��3 �� �r J rt _ w. Agenda Item 8.b. - Page 23 � REI3EV�L�PME�T AGENCi� �F THE CIT� �F ARR�i�� GIt�NDE �I��S �'� �ASI� FINAN�L4L STA�'EM�TS � June 3�, �� 1 ]. N�TE � — L�N�-TER� DEBT Tax Al�n�nnnn Snnds Dn Z►rlay 1, ���7, the Agency issued �6,�55,4�� oF2007 tax allocation bonds to pro�ide funds f�r impm�ement acti�ities. The bonds are secured hy a piedge vf th� Agei�cy's tax increment re�enues exc�uded �� he paid tv other taxing authorities, pursuant 10 pass- thmug�i agreements, hears an interest rate of 5.3��°�� For a term bond �F� 1,�84,�Q4, maturing on 5eptember l, �0 l 9, and an in��res� rate vf 5.5��°�� for a term bond of �5,��5,D��, ma�urin� 5ept�mber l, ��37. As oFJune 30, 2� 1�, the principal halance oulstanding was $6,165,���. � Thc future minimum paymen� obl�gativn Fvr thc bvnds payabie at Jun� 3�, �O 1 i, are as fvllows: Ga��rnrn�nlal Acti�itic� Fisc�� Year Endin� �unc 34 Princi�ai ln�crc,� T�+ta� �Di? ?Dl3 �[] 14 �DIS ?�16 �n � 7-�a� ti �{I��-�{I�fi �D�7-�D� i 2���-�D3C� �D3?-�D3S Ad��n�es Frnm �he City �f �rrayn Gr�nde � 1(}S,DO[] � 3�9,03? S �5�.D3? 11 �,O�D �a3,33� �53,330 l 15,DOD �3?.363 �5�,3b� 1�D,��4 33�,131 45�,[3] � 3�,0�� 3 Z�,50 I � 5�1,54 I ?�S,onn I ,S i [i,[i�9 �,�55,[1��3 98[i.�i� I .�F�?.RRIi ?,��?,SR[i 1.3�O,�f1[i 93g,�ii�i� �,?39,�i�f1 [,??S,D[i[i S�3,R?5 ? ?�R.R?5 835,�0� �9, I 55 88�1,155 � 6, I 65,�4D S 5,955,9 I b � I�, I?d,9 I 6 The �ity �f Arr-oyo Grande has �n agr�emen� �vi�.h �he A�ency pro�iding For �he ad�ance oF fund.� to �inance impro�emen�,s and vperations relating to and withan tlie praject area. The interest ra�e ���ar��d hy the CiCy lo Che Agency is 4°In. At June 3�, ��I l. th� Agency has ou�tanding ad�ances payable to the �i�}► o!' r�rr�y� Grande ❑F �� 19,797. �io payment is due within one year. �hnnges in L�n�-Term Debt �bli�atians The fo�lowing is a sumrx�ary oC lvng-te�m deht ❑h�i�atinns during the fs�al y�ar �nded �une 3�, 20 l E. Go��ernmenGal acti�ities: Ta.� allocation h�nds Ad��ances !'rom Ci �y o F A.n-oyo Grande $alance Ba�an�� ❑ue 1�Vitl�in 1uIy 1, �a l� Addit��ns Deletinns Jun� 3�, 2� j 1 Dne Year � 6,?b5,��0 � - � 1�4,�D0 � b,16�,��� � ���,��D 919,797. 919,7�7 $ 7,1 H�,797 � - � 3�a,aa4 � 7,�5�,7�7 � i 45,�0� N�T� 7 - I�sTER�'U�D TRA�iSt1�TI�NS lnterCur�d transaciions are reported as e�th�r loar�s, servi�es pro��ded, reimbur�cments, ❑r transFer4. Loans ar� repar�ed as �nterfund recei�ahles and �ayab�es, as appropriate, and are suhject to eiimination upon cnnsolida�i�n. Services pro�ided, deemed t❑ he a� n�ark�t �r near mark�t rat�s, are [reat�d as revenues and expendi�ureslexpense�s. f�eimhursemen�s occur when one Fund in�ur� a c��t, charg�.s Che appr�priate ben�f ��in� fund, and reduces i�� related cost a� a reimhur�emen�.. Al] ❑tJier interfund transactions are trea�ed a� traiisfers. TransCer� amon�e go�ernmental Funds ar� netted as part �!'the recon�iliation t� �he go�ernmen�-�v�de fnan��al si.a��m�n��. 19 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 24 REI3EVEL�PN[�Ni A�EN�Y �r T� �ITY �F ARR�Y� �RAI�D� �1�TE� T� BA�I� FII�IAN�L�L. �rATEMLNfiS lune 30, 2�1,1 N�TE ? - IN1`�RFiJND T"�SACTx�I�JS tContinued} �n terFund Trans fe� • Interfund �-ansFer� consist ❑f operating transfers fmm ftinds rece�ving re�enue tv funds through which the resources are tv be cxpended. Ini�rfund �ransfer� far �he 2� 1�-?� ]] fiscal year, are as fo�jow�: Fund Ma��r Funds: L�ty and Moderate Spec�al Revenue Fund RT�A Capifi.aa Prvlects Fund Debt Senrice Fund Tatals Transfers In �SG.38? � �5�,�8� Transfers �u� � lG�,�99 �92,D88 � S N�TE 8— L�'�V A��ID �1�I �D�RATE SP��I�iL I�"L�I�Ii]� FLTNDS �alifornia Rede�elvpment �aw requEres tllat ea�h fiscal year, ��°�� of the Agen�y's gmss tax increment revenue be se� aside tv enhance the �ity's supply of h�using a�aiiable tv i�w and moderate income persons. During �sca� year ��] �1�� 1 i, the Agency set aside for �his purpose �3�8,G�9. The Imprv�ement Agency spent $��?,?? I during fiscal year �D 1 D1�� 11, fvr low �nd mvderate in�vme housing prvgrams, and for its administration. At �une 30, 2�� 1, the �gency had no excess surplus a.� defin�d under the �ali fornia Nealth and Safety �ode Section 3333�. l�. M�TL 9 - 5U6SE�[]E�IT EVE�T Recent �han�es in Le�isla�son Affectin� �alifornia Rede�e�opment Aeencies �n June 29, �D � 1, the �o�ernor ❑f lhe State of �alifornia signed Assemb�y IIil�s � 1 ZG and �7 as part of the State's budget package. Assernbly B il l�� 26 requ ires each �a�i fornia rede�e��pmen� agency to suspend nearly al l acti�ities expect to implernent ex isting �ont.racts, mee[ already-incurred �hliga��ns, preserve its assets and prepare for �he impending dissolution of the agen�y. Assem�ly Bili � l?7 pra�ides a means for rede�elopment agencies t❑ continve to exist and operate by means of a Volun�a.r-y �Il�ernattve Rede�el�pment Pro�ram. Under �his program, each city wou�d adapt an ordinance agreeing �o make certain pnyments to tl�e �ounty Audit�r �ontr�lle� �n fisca] year �a � I- I� and annual payments each �iscal year thereafter. A�ssemhly Bill �]�� indicates that tl�e ci4y "may use any a�a�]able Funds nat ❑t�ierwi�e ob�igoted far other v�es" ta make this payment. Tl�e �iry of Arroyo �rande in�end� t� u�e a�ai]ab�e monies orits rede�eloprnen� agency for �his purpos� and �he Cit}� and Agency ha�re app�ov�d a reimbu�sement a�reement [� accomplish tha� ob,��ctive. Th� arnaun�s �o he paid �f�er �scal year ��] �-l3 ha�e ye� to be deiennined by sta�e leeislature. Assembly Bil� � 1�� directs �he Sta4e �ant�aller of the 5tate of �aliforni� t� �e�iew the pr�prie�y of any transfers ❑f a�s�ts be�t�een redevelopment aeencies and otherpublic bodies that occurred a['ter]anuar� l, �I�� I. tf �he public body that �ecey�ed sucl� tran.�f�rs iS not contractvally �omrnitte� ta a thi�d party for the expenditure or encumbrance of thos� a�Sets, the St.ate Cantrailer is �equi�ed co order the a�ai)abie �ssets ta be �ra.nsferred to �he public body d�signated as thc successar agen�y by AssembIy Bill � l?�. tn the event �hat Assembly Bi�l �]�5 is uphe�d, ��e interagency �e�ei�abte re�ognized by funds of ��e �ity that had prevtousiy �oancd ❑r ad�anced �unds t❑ ��e rede�eIopment agency may became unco�lectible �esu�ting in a�oss �ecognized by suc�� funds. The �ity might addi�ional ly h� �mpacted i f�eimbursements previously pa�d by the �ed��eloprnent aoency to the City far shared �dministrati�� services are r�duced or elimina�ed. ' �p Agenda Item 8.b. . Page 25 I�I�]EVEL�PMENT AGEN�Y �F TI3� ��'TY �F Al�i��Y� GRANI�E N�TES T� �3A5I� FINA��IAL STAT'EMEIV�'S ]un� 3 �, �� ] ] N�T� 9 - SLIBSE�U��iT EV�NT {Canhnucdy The League �f California �ities and the �alif�rnia Rede�elopment AsS�c�a�i�n �CR.�} f�l�d a lawsuit ❑n luly E 8, 2� l l❑n bel�al I'vf- cicies, cvunties and rede�e]�pment agencies petiti�ning �e �a�ifornia 5upreme Court I❑ ❑�rer�urn Assemb�y Bills ���6 and ?7 ❑n th� grvunds that these bi�Is �i�late the �a�ifornia ��nstituri�n. ❑n August ��, ��l �, th� �alifornia Supreme Cvurt issued a stay ❑fall Ass�mbly Bi I1 �]�7 and most ❑FAssemb�y Bi] I�C i�6. The �alif�rnia Supreme �vurt scat�d in its ❑rderthat "the briefin�2 schedule is designed tv fac ilit�ate ❑rai argum�nt a� early as poss�`ble in �a 1�, and a decisivn beFore lanuary � 5, ?� ��." A second ❑rd�r issued by the �alifornia Supreme �ouri ❑n August l 7, �a �� indica�ed that certain pr��isions ❑f Assemb�y Bii1s ���6 and �7 w�r� st��i in eFfect and not af!'ec�ed by its'pr�Wivus siay, including requir�m�nts t❑ file an appeal ❑['th� d��erm�nation of tE�e communi�}rr�rnittance payment by �ugust I 5, the re�uirerneni t❑ ad�pt an Enforceab�e ❑bli�2alion.s Paymcnt Schedu�� {"E�PS"} by �ugust�9, �� � 1, and the requirement t❑ prepare a preliminary draft ❑f the inttial Recogniaed Qbli�ation Pvyment Schedu�e �"R�PS"} by S�ptember34, �d I I. Because the s�.ay pro�rided by Assemb�y Bil� �] �6 ❑niy affects enforcement, each agency must adopt an En['orceable Qbiigation Paym�nt Schedule and �.raft Reco�nized �bligativn Paymen� Schedule privr t� Sep�ember 3�, as re�uired by �he sta�ue. Enforceab�e ❑b�igations inc�ud� bvnds, )vans and paymen�.s re�uired 6y the federal ❑r State go��rnrnent; legally enForceable paymen�.s re�uired in connectivn wi�h agency empl�yees sucl� as pension payments and unempIvyment paymen�s,�udgments ❑r set��ements; Iegally bindin� and enForc�able agr�ements ❑r contracts; and contracts ❑r agreemen�s n�c�ssary �or the �ontinued administrati�n ❑r ❑perativn ❑f the agency that are permitted for purpos�s set f�rth in AB i��6. ❑n Au�ust?3, ��� �, the City �ouncii adopted �rdinance �i❑ 636, indicating �a� the �ity wilt compiy with the Vv�untary A�ternati�e Rede�elopment Program in ❑rder to permit tl�e continued exis��nce and ❑peration ❑f the Agency, in the e�ent As4emhiy C�ills 1}� �F� andlor ?7 are uph�ld as constitutional. The iniiia� payment by th� �ity is �stimated t❑ be �d75,99�, with ❑ne l�a��due �n lanuary 5, ��1 � and u�e other ha�Fdu� May 15, �a i�. The amounts to b� p�id after Fscal y�ar ?� i�- i 3 ha�e yet ta be deterrn ined ��itl� Fna�ity. The semi-annual payments will be due �n lanuary ! 5 and May I 5❑Feach year and would increase ❑r decrease ��th changes in ta� increment. Additiona.11y, an increased am�unt would be due t❑ �choo�s �f nny "new debt" is �nc��red. A.ssernb�y Bi�i 1�?? �i�n��s a one y�ar reprie�e ❑n the agency's ob�iga[ion"t� con[ribut� ��"!� ❑f ta� �ncrement t� low and moderate income housin� fund �� a.s tn perm�t �he ��ency to assemble suffici�nt funds t❑ mal�e its initia] payments. Fa�lur� t❑ maI:e the semi-annual payrnents would require agencies t❑ b� terminated under prv�ision ❑f Assembly Bill i��6. Management beiie�es that #�e Agency wi�i ha�� su�fcient fiinds t❑ pay its ❑b�igat�ons as they be�ome due during th� fisca] yearendin� 1un� 3�, 2d l 2. Z`he na�ure nnd extent of �h� ❑peration �f rede��aopment agencies in the State ❑f �aiifornia bey�nd ��at time frame ar� dependent upon th� ❑utcome ❑Flitigati�n surrounding ��e actions ❑Fthe state, In th� e�ent that �ssembIy Bills ���6 andlvr �7 are specifically fvund by t��e courts tv b� un�onsii�utiona[, lhere is a p�ssibil�ty ��at futur� I�gislati�e ac� may creale new�hal�enges to the ability ❑f r�de�el�pment agencies in theState ❑F�nlifornia t❑ continue �n �iew ❑Fthe �alirorn�a St�te I,egis�atur�'s st.ated inten� ta eliminate �aliFvrnia redeWeiopm�nt agen�ies and t❑ reduce their funding. N�TE ][� — FIIti A�1C]�1L C��1D C"TT�� The �tgency has def�cit n�t a.s�ets ❑f � i,� � 9,356 at lune 3�, �� 1 i. The Ag�ncy praj�cts tt�at Future resvur�es wiil be suffi�ient t� pay �ong-term abiig�tians as tl�cy become du�. ?i Agenda Item 8.b. Page 26 This page intentivnalty l�Tt blank. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 27 R��UII�.ED 5L�'PLE�NENT�R� INF�RI�+1ATl�i1t Agenda Item 8.b. Page 28 REI3���,�PMEI'vT A�E�IICY 4F TH� �ITY 4F ARR�YQ �RA1�DE L�� Al�l] M�DERATE SPE�IAL REVEN�TE FUI�D S�HED�L� �F I�EVET�UES, E�END �TURES, AND �N A��I G�� I�I FLT�D B ALAN�E - B LJ� G�T AND A�TUAL ��r th� F isca l�ear �nd�d ]un� 3�, �� I I ilanance �vil�� Bu�e�ed Amoun�� _� Ftnal Buci��� P�Si�.iWe - �ngina�l Fzna� AC�u�I AmDunls �lVe atiWc) RCVCi111C5; Taxes � 300,d40 � 300,400 � 3D8,G�� � R,t5�9 I[�WeSE..me]�! e�7Criing5 �D,��O �,400 9,380 3D,b?4} Tacal re�enu�s . 34D,40D 3�0,{�44 3 i S,4?9 �? 1,9? � j �xpendi�ur�s: Cu.rren �: �eneral goWernmen� Community de�elopmen! D �b! 5ervi ��: Interes� Principa� � To �a l expend i�ures E.�c�SS Di reWenues 4Wer � und er} ex pend i tures C3��i�r FEd�d�in� SourC�s �Lls�s}: Transfcr� �u�. TranSfer ta Gi �y ❑f Arroyo Grand e TotaI v�hcr rnancing sour�es �uses} Re��cnue.� and other Fz�ancin� sourccs ❑ver �unde.r} c�Penditures and �t��er �inancin� us�s - Fund ha lan�e, b�ginning ❑f fiscal y�ar Fund ba lance, end o� 1is�a1 year ?3�,7�4 ??5,49� ?? 7,?? l � ,? 75 ?34,754 ?? $,49b ?? 7,?? I 1,? 7� 1��,?�� l l I,50� 9�,��8 t��,59U} { 1 G�,?�9} � I 6�,?��} �6�,340} ���,74D} �;�,418} t5R? �6�,3Q0} �3�J,7Q0} �3D�,3 � 7} � � 63,b � 7} �$.�]�{� i i ,R{�� � t 1 ?,,�(3�} � 1 �4, � 1 � ) � ,�R�,�?4 � ,9 R�,��� � ,984,5?4 $ ?,4?3,5 �4 � ?,4�6,� 7� � [ ,8 7?,Ob � � t 18 �,, ! i } 7~ .r.� Agenda Item 8.b. Page 29 � Z'his page snc�nli�nally le Ft 61ank. . ,. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 30 �7�I�R 5 UPPL�MEIVT�i►L INF�RM ATI��I Agenda Item 8.b. Page 31 IIII�S�, LEV1I & �1-��T��EiM LL� �E�2TiFIEQ PUBLi� A�C�UNTANTS PAR7"NERS R�NALD A LFVY. CPA CRAIG A HART�HEIM, CPA HADLEY Y HLlZ, CPA 80� EAST MAlN SANTA MARIR, CA 93454 TEL: 805.925.Z579 FAK: Ba5.925.2 � 47 www.mlhcpa5,�pm I�D�PENDE�IT AUD�T�R�S' I�P�RT �N r�T�RNA_L C�NTR�]L �V,ER Fii�'�INClAL 1Z�P�R'TIl�G �D ��i ��]MPi,IA��E r�TI3 �THER �fA�'T�RS BASED �N A� �UI�i'�' �T rTNA�V�l�t�, S'�'A'�'��ElV'�'S P�TtF�T�►�IED FN - A��� RD �►N �F �V3 T� I Gp t�EI�11�1�►IE11�T �! UDITI�VC ST�i11rI]�t RDS Board ❑FDi�ect�rs Rede�elopment Agency ❑f t[�e �i ty❑F Arroyo �rande Array❑ �rande, �aIiForn�n V�e have audited the �inancial statern�nts 4�the gavernmcntal activ�ties and eac� major fund of t��e Redev�t+�pment Agency oFti�e �ity af Airaya Grande {the A�ency}, a camponenz unit ❑f th� �ity ❑f Arroya �rander as �f and For th� fiscal year ended June 34, ?4l 1, ti�hic�� collecti�ely camprise t?�e Agen�y's basic financial s#.atements as listed in the table ❑f contents, and �ia�e issu�d ❑ur report thereon dated �tov�rnber 3�, ?�] ]. VVe conducted aur audit in accordance witi� auditing standards g�n��ally accepted in the United 5tates of Arnerica and th� standar�s app�i�able to financial audits cont�ained in G�verrrmen� �1udi�iMg S[Q�idards, issu�d by t1�e �arnptrflller�eneral af the Un�ted States. Internal �ontra! �ver �'tnanci�[ Rep�rdn� In planning and perforrning our aud�t, we considere� the agency's internal c�ntrol ovsr Einan�ial reparting �s a�asis far designing our auditing procedures f�r the purpose af expressing aur ❑pinians an the Financial st�ternents, but nat for the purpose ❑f expre��ing an apinion fln the effe,�tiveness af the Agen�y's internal contr�I �ver iinancial reparting. Accordingly, we da not express an opinio�i ❑n the efrectiveness �f the Ag�ncy's internai �ontroi o�er Fznanciai reparting. A de�icrerrc�� iM inlerrra! �orr�rol exists when ��e design ❑r aperation of a control does nat al�ou+ management or employ�es, in the normal caurse of perf�rming t��eir assigned fvnc�ons, to pre�en[, ar delect and correcc missta�ernents on a tirnely basis. A rna�errQ! �veakir�ss is a d�fic�ency, ar a �ambina�on ❑fdef ciencies, in internal cqntral such that there is a reasanab�e passibility t��at a material misstatement af the ent��y's financia� stat�men�s �vi]I not be pre�ented, ❑r detected and carre�ted an a tim��y ��s��. Dur c�nsideratian of internal control over finan�ial r�p�riing was for the �imited purpose de�cribed in t�e First paragraph ❑f �hi� section and tiwou�d nat ne�essarily identify al� deficicn�ies in interna� c+vntrol that might be signi�icant deFciencies ar rnaterial �yeaknesses. We did not iden�iFy any deiiciencies in in�erna] c�n�rol a�er F�nancial'reporting that ��e consider t❑ be materiai �vea.�nesses, as defined above. ��mp�iancc and �th�r.Nlazters As pari aF ❑btainin� reasonahle assurance abaut whet��er the Agency's �uzan�ial �tatements are free ❑f materia� misstacement, �ve performe�d tests �f its cornpiiance ��ith �ertain pra��sions vFtaws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreernent,�, nancornpliance ti�th «hicl� �ou�d have a direct and materi�l �fFect an ��� determination af financi�l staternent amounts. 5uch pro�isions include tho�� provisi�ns of lavtirs and re�ula�ions identifi�d in �he �uide�ines for ��mp�iancc Audi�s o!"California R�de�eiopmenc Agen�ie.s is�ued by the St�te �ontroller's �ffice, �3i��ision ❑f Ac�ountin� and Reporting. F�o«re�er, pro��idin� an ❑p�nian an cvmpliance ti�ri �l� �lin�e pro�ision� was not an ob�ec�i�� ❑f our audit and, accordin�ly, w� do not expre�� sucli an opininn. Tl�c �e.�u��s oFour t��t� di.��ln�ed no ins�anGes of nancomplian�� or other matter:s tha� ar� �cquired t❑ be report�� under G�ve�,�mer�� �rrrli�i�rg S�nr�rlur��. �5 OFFICE5: BE�RLY HILLS •�ULVER �1TY - SA�1TA iVIAREA MEM6ER AMEAiCAt�t iNSTITCJTE QF C.P.A.'S C��FQRNW S�CRETY QF �UN:C�P�� �tt�ANC� dFFtCERS CA�1'�dRt�iiA A5�QC1ATIQN QF 5�H0�� BU5iNE55 QFFtCIA�S Agenda Item 8.b. Page 32 This report �5 intended s�le�y fvr the infvrmativn and uSe af t�� �1�ency's Baard oFDirecl�r�. mana�emen[, and tf�e �al�f�rnia S�at� C�n�rvller's �f�i�e Di�isivn vFAccaun�ing and R�poriing, and is nvt in�ended t� be and �hould nflt be u�ed by anyone nther than the��e �pe�if ed parties. ' �! �5 S, LEi�Y & HART2HEIIvI L�P �=�' • �� ` � . ��1. � ��� �� . �- � Na�ember 3�, �� I ] �� � Agenda Item 8.b. Page 33 PARTNERS RONALD A LEVY, CPA CRAIG A HART�HE[M, CPA HADLEY Y HL]�, CPA �11� �SS, LE11Y ��A f�TZ� E� M LL� �El�T�FI�D PUBLI� A���IJNTAf4ITS f��I]�P�i1�DENT AUDIT�RS' REP�RT �N �AL�'�RNTA R��] EVEL�PNI E�T AGEI�i�TCS ��M PLI �NCE Board of Direcivrs - . Rede�e�opment Ag�ncy vf the �ity of Arroyo Grande Arrvy� �rande, �alif�rnia �ompliance 802 EAST MAIN SANTA MARIA, CA 93+d5d TEL: 805.925.25?9 FA}L• 805.925.� 1 dT www.mlh�pa�.com We have audited the R�de�elopment Agency vf �he �iry �f Arr�yo �rande's �Agency} comp�iance with [��e ��iidelirres.fnr CQnrpliarree �J�rdits of CaltforrriQ �4edeveloprrrert[ �tgertcies issued by khe �ali�orni� 5�[e �vnlroller applicable [o the agency fvr [he fiSCa 1 year end�d ]u ne 3�, �� i �. ��mpi iance wi th tf�e requ irem en ts re ferred to a bove is tJ�e re.spons i b i i s[� � F[he Ag�nc�+ r� managemen�. �ur respvnsib��ity �s to e�press an opin}on on the A�ency's �vmp�iance based ❑n vur audi�. We conducled our audi� of comp�iance in accordance with auditing standards generai ly accep�ed in �e [Jnited States of Arnerica; the standards applicab�e to f nanciel audits cvntained in �ou�rnrr=errt��rdi�irrgS[crrrdards, issued by the ComptrollerGeneral of the United 5�ates; and the �tiid�lirres for �oirrpliarrc� �trdirs of Califorrrie R�developrrrerrt �gerreies �ssued by t.he �alifornia Stete �ontro�ler. Those s#.andards r�quire tha� we.p�an and perform tl�e audit to obtain reas�nab�e assurance ab�ut whether nvncompliance wit�� �he compli�nce requirements referred to abo�e that could ha�e a materia� effect on 5tate la�vs and regula�ons oc�w�-ed. An audit includcs �xamine, an a test basis, e�idence abvut tlle Agency's compliance with thvse requ�remen�s and performing such other pro�edures a� vwe �onsidered necessary in tl�e cir�umstan�es. �e belie�e t�1at vur audit pro�ides a reasanabie ba�is fvr ❑uropinion. �ur audit dn�.� not pro�ide a legai determination of'the Agen�y's complian�e with thase requiremen�s. In vur apinivn, �he Rede�elopment Agenc�+ vf ��e �ity of Arroy❑ Gr�nde complied, sn all material respe�ts, with the compliance requiremen�.s reCerred lo abvve �hat are app�icabEe [o the �omplisnce requiremen� For the fis�al year �nded lune 3�, 2� I 1. Znternal �ontro� ��er �omp��an�e Management ❑f t.he Agency is responsib�e For est.ablishing and maintaining effecti�e snterna� cvntroi ❑�er cvmp�iance with the cvmpliance requirements referred ta abaye, In planning and perfarming ❑ur audit, we considered t�1e Agency's internal control o�er compliance �o d��ermine the auditing procedures for the purpose ❑f �xpre�sing our apinion ❑n compliance, bu� not for the purpo�e ❑f expressing an.opinion ❑n t]�e effecti�eness ❑f in�ernal cvntrvl o�er c�mpiiance. A�cordin��y, we d❑ nv� express an ❑pinion �n �he eFfectiy�n�ss of the Agen�y's intemal contro[ ❑�er �omplian�e. A defi�i�ncy in interna� �ontrol ❑ver compiian�c exisis w��en the design or ❑peratian of a con[rol docs no� allow mana�emen[ ❑r emplo�+ees, �n the normal course ❑FperFarmin� [heir assigned Func�ions, [❑ pre�en�, ❑r de�ec[ an� correc[, noncomp�iance ❑n a ttn�e�y basis. � materia� ti�real�ess in interna] cantral ❑ver �omp[iance is a def icien�y, ❑r combinat�on ❑f deficiencie.s in internal contr�l nv�r complianceT such tha[ there is a re��onab�e possibiiity that materiat noncompIiance �vith a cort�plianee requircmcnt �viIl no� be pre�ented, or detec�ed and corrected, �n a tim�ly basis. �ur consideratian ❑Finterna� control o�er complian�e ��as �or [he iimited purpase d��crilaed in t1�e �r:�[ paragra�l� nC this sectian and �vas not �esi�ned to identi #"y all deficiencies in int�rnal control tha� migllt be de�cienci�S. Si�ili�cant de I iciencie�, ❑r rna�eria� �veal�nesses in internal con�rol ❑�er camplfanee. We did no� iden[iFy any de�ciencies in internal �ontrol ❑ver cornpliance �ha[ ��e� considcred [o be material ►ueaknesse�, as de�ned aba��e. �? pFFtCES: 6E1lERLY HELLS • CULVER �ITY -�AIUTA N�ARlA A�lEA�l6ER Al�A,ERIC'.�I�! �NSTiTUTE ❑F C.P.A.'S �ALIFOANIA SOCIETY OF MIJNIC�PAL �ILVAT(CE OFF�CERS CA�lFORNIA A&S�CtAT�QN pF-5CH00� BU51wE55 ❑FFICsA�S - � Agenda Item 8.b. Page 34 This r+eport is in�ended sa�ely For the infonna[ion and use vFthe Agency's Bo�rd oFDir�c�ors, managemen[, and the �aliforni� 5tn[e �ontr�l�er's pf�ice Divisian of Accvunt�ng and Repvrting, and is not intended [fl be and shvuld no� be used by �ny�ne �ther �an ��es� specified part.ies. �v1D5S, L.EV�` & HARTZI-I�TM LLP - ' �f�-�f_ � =.•,: L: i � ' ` ���'' . I � a ` �� . � - �ovemher 3 �, �� 1 � �S Agenda Item 8. b. � Page 35 REDE��P�VIENT AGENCY �F T�E CITY �F A.RR�Y� GRANDE E�CE55 SURPLLJS CAI..CULATI��I Fvr the Fisca� ��ar Ended June 3�, ?� l t Fvnd BaEvnce -- Beginn�ng o�Yc�r g 1,984,5?� Less Una�ailable Funds -1n�luded in beginning fund balan�e: Land held �or resale �35,?99} Tota� Un��aElable Funds �35,?99} A��ilahEc Fund Ba�ance-B�ginning ��l�evr _ 1,9�$,?? � Current �ear Prn�eedslUses Proceeds 3�8,6�9 Llses ��� I , � 58} A��il�h�e Fund Bal�n�e-End or Yc�r I,$35,�f�� Unspenl b�nd pr��eeds present � I,?35,941 } A�ailahle �und B�lan�e-F�r ExcesslSurpfus � 10�,3? 1 I]oes Available Fund Balan�e for Ex�essl5urplus exceed $1,��0,0�0? If so, enter A�ailab�e Fund Balanre and ��aivate �hat arnaunt aga.inst tax incrernent� I� Iess en�er zern. �oes �1�ailable Fund Balan�e �or ExcesslSurpius exceed the greater v�pri�r F�ur years s�t-asid� dep�Sits �r � 1,0��,��U? Tax �ncrement Set-Aside Am�unt� Fisral Year 2�4$-�? Fisca� Year ��4?-�$ Fis�a� Year �0�$-�9 F�s�al Year ��U9-1 U T��a1 S�t-Asid� I]eposited int� Fund �r�ater ❑�Tax Incr�ment �ep��its �r � I ,��D,��� Ex�esslS urp 1 us Funds Creater oC A�ail�b�� F�nd Balance ��r ExresslSurptus ❑r priar four YGars [a:► incrernen� set-a5ide dep�5ils. �� � - ,� ��,235 �51,?�8 293,915 3 �?,$33 � l, ] �?,?�3 l , ] �7,7�3 � - Agenda Item 8.b. Page 36 F�EaEVEL�PMENT A�EN�IES FINAN�I►4L TRANSA�TI�NS F�EP�RT Fiscal Year: 2�11 ��VE R PA� E Arroyo � ra nd� R�d���lopm�nt A��ncy ID Nurr�ber: 13984��27�� ATTACHMENT 2 Certification: I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the report forms fairly reflect the financial transact�ons of the agency in accordance with the requirements as prescribed by the CalifornEa State Cantrvller. . Fiscaf �fficer G� Sig ature Name �P ase Print� , , . � � -�v t- fl� � � � �+�.r�D Title � .,. — Date Per Health and Safety Code sect�on 33�8�, this repart is due within six months after the end of the fiscal year. The repart is to include twv �2} copies of the agency's camponent un�t audited financiaR statements and the repart an the 5tatus and LJse of the Low and Maderate Incame Housing Fund �HCD repart}. Tv meet the filing requirements, all portions must be rece�ved by the Calffom�a 5tate Controller's �ffce. , Please complete, sign, and mail this cover page to either address below. � Mailing Address: Express Mailing Address: State Cantrvller's �ffice State Cantroller's �ffice D�vis�on of Accvunting and Reporting Div�sivn of Accvunting and Reparting Local Gavernment Reporting 5ection Local Gavernment Reporting 5ection P. �. Sox 94285� 33�� C 5treet, 5uite 7�� Sacramento, CA 9425� 5acramentv, CA 95816 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 37 Supplement to tbe Annua� Report of �ommunity Rede�elopment Agen�ies Rede�elo ment A enc ID Num ber: 1,� �] -7 � Name of Rede�elonment A�enc�: �►�►,� ,., ���•� .��� �� , Mark the appropriate box be�ow to indicate the endin� date of your agency's fiscal year. Report data for that period only. � � Se tember �� 1� r December �� 1� J June �� 1� P Return this form to the California State Controller's affice. If you ha►�e any questions regarding this form please contact: U.S Bur�au of th� C�nsus, Shannon Doyl�, 1-�00-Z�Z-4SZ3 A. Personnel Egpenditures Report your go�rernment's total expenditures for salaries and wages during the year, including amounts paid on force account construction projects. z�� �'7 � .a� B. Mortgage Re�enue Bond Interest Payments Report your go►��rnment's total amount of interest paid on mortgag� re�renue bonds during the year. U.S Bureau af the Census — Re�ised 5�2U 11 U24 $ � Agenda Item 8.b. � Page 38 �._...�. �...... _�. ._ _ ... , _., . . � � _. . f J � � ` � � � � '�� ���1 �� �I� � � � w� � m, n ! � � f � � � � ��� ' � �1 � � > > � � � �� � �� , I i � � ��� ,� � � �� � � � � ��� � �, ! , �� � � � � � � ; .._,, ...... 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ROLL CALL: Mayor Ferrara called the special meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. Council Member Tim Brown, Council Member Jim Guthrie, Council Member Joe Costello, City Manager Steven Adams and City Attorney Tim Carmel were present. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 3. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: City Attorney 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mayor Ferrara announced that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 5. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg ) Agenda Item 8.c. Page 1 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Member Joe Costello, Council Member Tim Brown, Council Member Jim Guthrie, Mayor Pro Tem Caren Ray, and Mayor Tony Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Steven Adams, City Attorney Timothy Carmel, Director of Legislative and Information Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Paralegal/Deputy Clerk Hannah Miller, Director of Administrative Services Angela Kraetsch, and Community Development Director Teresa McClish. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ferrara led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Robert Banker, Open Door Church, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Introduction and Oath of Office - Police Officer Tierza Foster. Chief Annibali introduced new Police Officer Tierza Foster and highlighted her educational and career background. City Clerk Wetmore then administered the Oath of Office to Officer Foster. 6. AG E N DA REVI EW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Council Member Brown moved, Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read by title only and all further readings be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS The following members of the public spoke during Citizens' Input, Comments and Suggestions: Steve Ross, Garden Street, spoke as a representative of SLOCOG's Citizens' Technical Advisory Committee regarding the status of various County-wide transportation projects and related funding. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited public comment on the Consent Agenda. Steve Ross, Garden Street, referred to Item 8.d. and requested the Council announce publicly the proposed members to be appointed to the Economic Development Element Update Committee. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 2 Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesda y, No vemb er 22, 2011 There were no further comments received, and the public comment period was closed. Mayor Ferrara requested that Item 8.d.be pulled. Page 2 Action: Council Member Costello moved, and Council Member Brown seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.i., with the exception of Item 8.d., with the recommended courses of action. City Attorney Carmel read the full titles of the Ordinances in Items 8.g. and 8.h. The motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Brown, Guthrie, Ray, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.a. 8.b. 8.c. 8.e. 8.f. 8.g. 8.h. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period November 1, 2011 through November 15, 2011. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report listing the current investment deposits of the City, as of October 31, 2011, as required by Government Code Section 53646(b). Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of November 8, 2011, as submitted. Consideration of Approval of Lease Agreement for Public Parking Area. Action: Approved and authorized the Mayor to execute a Lease Agreement between the City and Howard and Aileen Mankins and Blair and Mark Mankins for the lease of certain parking areas on the north side of East Branch Street for public off-street parking. Consideration of Adoption of Resolution Approving Amendment No. 2 to extend the Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans for Development of the Brisco Road- Halcyon Road/Route 101 Interchange Project through Project Approval and Environmental Determination (PA&ED). Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 4412 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI TY OF ARRO YO GRANDE APPROV/NG AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT #05-CA-0140 FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE BR/SCO ROAD-HALCYON ROAD/ROUTE 101 INTERCHANGE PROJECT THROUGH PROJECT APPROVAL AND ENV/RONMENTAL DETERMINA TION (PA&ED)"; and 2) Authorized the Mayor to execute the Amendment. Consideration of Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 16.08 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to Incorporate Public Art Guidelines by Reference. Action: Adopted Ordinance No. 640 entitled: "AN ORD/NANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI TY OF ARRO YO GRANDE AMEND/NG CHAPTER 16.08 OF TITLE 16 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCORPORATE THE PUBLIC ART GUIDELINES BY REFERENCE". Consideration of Adoption of an Ordinance Adding Chapter 9.32 to Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Regarding Mobile Vending and a Resolution Establishing a Permit Processing Fee. Action: 1) Adopted Ordinance No. 641 entitled: "AN ORD/NANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADD/NG CHAPTER 9.32 TO TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARD/NG MOBILE VEND/NG"; and 2) Adopted Resolution No. 4413 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Agenda Item 8.c. Page 3 Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesda y, No vemb er 22, 2011 . .i. Page 3 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMEND/NG THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO ESTABLISH THE AMOUNT OF A MOBILE VENDOR PERMI T APPLICA TION FEE". Consideration of a Resolution Adopting an Amendment to the Full Flex Cafeteria Plan Section 125. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4414 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI TY OF ARRO YO GRANDE ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FULL FLEX CAFETER/A PLAN SECTION 125 TO UPDA TE THE CAFETER/A PLAN RA TES FOR 2012 ". ITEMS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA 8.d. Consideration of Appointments to the Economic Development Element Update Committee. Recommended Action: Approve the proposed members of the Economic Development Element Update Committee. In response to a request from Council, City Manager Adams reviewed the list of inembers proposed to be appointed to the Economic Development Element Update Committee. Mayor Pro Tem Ray suggested involvement from more segments of the community when the public workshops are conducted. Action: Mayor Pro Tem Ray moved to accept the appointments to the Economic Development Element Update Committee. Council Member Brown seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Ray, Brown, Guthrie, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Consideration of Annual Local Sales Tax Appropriations and Allocation Report and 5-Year Plan. City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council: 1) Approve the proposed Annual Local Sales Tax Appropriations and Allocation Report; 2) Approve the proposed revised local sales tax appropriations for FY 2011-12; and 3) Approve the proposed updated Local Sales Tax 5-Year Plan. Mayor Ferrara opened the public comment period. There were no comments received, and the public comment period was closed. Action: Council Member Costello moved to approve the proposed Annual Local Sales Tax Appropriations and Allocation Report; approve the proposed revised Local Sales Tax Agenda Item 8.c. Page 4 Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesda y, No vemb er 22, 2011 Page 4 appropriations for FY 2011-12; and approve the proposed updated Local Sales Tax 5-Year Plan. Mayor Pro Tem Ray seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Ray, Guthrie, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS The Mayor and Council Members provided brief reports from the following committee, commission, board, or other subcommittee meetings that they have attended as the City's appointed representative. (a) Mayor Ferrara: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Brisco/Halcyon/Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee (4) 5 Cities Diversity Coalition (b) Mayor Pro Tem Ray: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (3) Tourism Committee (4) South County Library Donor Recognition Committee (c) Council Member Costello: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) (d) Council Member Guthrie: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Community Action Partnership (CAPSLO) (3) Homeless Services Coordinating Council (HSOC) (4) As the Alternate, attended and reported on South San Sanitation District and Air Pollution Control District meetings. (e) Council Member Brown: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). 13. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. Regional Transit Luis Obispo County Agenda Item 8.c. Page 5 Minutes: City Council Meeting Tuesda y, No vemb er 22, 2011 Page 5 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Ferrara announced the Village Christmas Parade to be held on Sunday, November 27, 2011 and the Grover Beach Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 3, 2011 and encouraged Council participation. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 18. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 8:17 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg ) Agenda Item 8.c. Page 6 � PR�° �'o ° �� �' iNCOAPOAArEV � • � � — v c� � � JULY �o, �s�� ,� MEM�RANDUM �,�L N`p . �FQR T�: �i�r ��uru�i� FR�IVI: STEVEN ADAIVIS, �ITY IVIANACER SUBJE�T: ��NSIDERAT��N �F UNDERCR�UND UTILITY DISTRI�T N�. 7 PANEL ��NVERS��N ACREEIVIENT D AT E: D E� E IVI B E R'13, ��'1 '1 RE��IVI IVI E N DA'�I�N : It is recan��mended the City Cauncil autharize the City Manager ta execute an Agreement far panel can�ersians with Pacific �as and Efectric Campany �P�&E} far Undergraund Util�ty District Na. 7. IIVIPA�T �N F1NAN�IAL AND PERS�NNEL RES�UR�ES: The Agreement will ha�e na impact an City financial ar persannel resaurces. BA�KC R�LIND: At the March �5, ���3 meeting, the City Cauncil adapted a Resalut�an establishing Undergraund Utility District Na. 7�"District"}, which directs rema�al af all aba�e graund utilities and requires undergraund installatian af said fac�lities within the District. The District is lacated an East �rand A�enue between Elm Street and �ak Park Bau�e�ard. The majarity af wark is perfarmed by P�&E under credits they allacate ta the City each year pursuant ta the Rule ��A issued by the Califarnia Public Utility Cammissian. Des�gn af the undergraunding wark is currently under way by P�&E and canstructian is anticipated in ��1 �. ANALYSIS �F ISSUES: Under the ariginal farmatian af the District, praperty awners wauld be required ta perfarm can�ersian af their electrical panels fram an a�erhead ta an undergraund feed, at their cast. Staff has recently learned that these casts can be paid far thraugh the Rule ��A cred�ts and perfarmed by P�&E alang with the ather undergraunding wark. Accarding ta P�&E staff, this actually aften e�en reduces tatal casts because it eliminates the delays and wark in�al�ed ta natice and caardinate w�th e�ery praperty awner. The prapased Agreement enables the City ta take ad�antage af this aptian. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 1 ���r �ouN��� ��NSIDERATI�N �F RES�LUTI�N REVISING UNDERGR�UND UTILtTY DISTRI�T N�. 7 DE�EMBER '13, �fl'1'1 PAG E � ALTERNATiVES: The following a�ternatives have been identif ed: 1. Approve the Agreement; �. Make changes as appropriate and approve the Agreement; 3. Do not approve the Agreement and require property owners to pay for electrical and perform panel conversions; or 4. Provrde staff other direction. ADVANTAGES: This Agreement will reduce costs for property owners within the District and will help expedite the process of constructing the underground utility improvements. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages of the recommendation were �dentified. ENVIR�NMENTAL REVIEIN: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLI� N�'�IFI�ATI�N AND ��MMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of �ity Hall on Thursday, December 8, ��'I 1 and on the �ity's website on Friday, December 9, ��'I'I . No comments were received. Attachments: '1. Pa nel �o nversion Ag reement Agenda Item 8.d. Page 2 r -' Pacific �as and Ele�tri� Cvmpan� f � ATTACHMENT 1 Agreement ta Perfarm � APPLICANT �L�riginal} Ml�.}C# Tariff Scheduied Retated Wark, � D�V�SI�N ��riginal} PM # 3�323741 Rule �4A Elactric Panel Service Can�ars�ans � ACCTG. SER1�iCES PR�JECT MGR. Ken Brem CitylCounty of City of Arroyo Grande, �App�icant} has requested PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC C�MPANY, a Califomia corp�ration �PG8�E} to perform the tariff scheduled related work as �ocated and described herein. Electric Pane� Service �on�ersion Proqram: In �rder t� exped�te the �ompletion �f Rule 2�A Pro�e�t.s, PGB�E has offered to manage the electric servi�e conversi�ns, and pay t�r this work �rom the Appficant's a��vcativn �unds. Th� undergr�und efeciric feed that repla�es the existing overhead service will be Enstalled in the m�st e��n�mi�a! manner possible, as detemnined by PGB�E. To ensure the suc�ess �f this program, the Applicant agrees to suppor# the Electric Panel Service C�nversi�n Program as f��lows: Responsibilities of the Applicant: 1. Pr�vide ac�urate list �f �wner, par�el #, address, phone number. �. Ma�l in��rmational letters tv al1 residents describing the program and their resp�nsibilities. a. PGB�E wiil prov�de templates f�r these letters. 3. �btain Right �f Entry agreements from property �wners pri�r to scheduling �onstruct�on. a. PGB�E will provtde the document for ea�h property �wner to ��mplete and sign. ' 4. Provide a liais�n for resident,s and property owners to c�nta�t with questions. 5. Waive permit fees. - 6. Waive inspecti�n fees. 7. Fa�iiitate a preltminary j�b walk with the �iais�n, building inspectvr and others. a. F�eview PGB�E's intended ptacement o� new equipment required f�r ��nversions. b. �lari�y the inspection and permit requiremen�s and timing, if ne�essary. $. Pr�vide inf�rmati�n enabling the field �rews t� determine the Iocation �f property iines. 9. Disclnse all special cir�umstances a. For example: hist�ric buildings, ha�ard�us materials, envir�nmental issue�, buria! grounds and �ther items that may af�ect the overhead-to-underground c�n�ersi�n. 1�. �ommuni�ate with the property �wners if additi�nal w�rk bey�nd the ��nversi�n will be required. a. PGB�E will pay �ar the work required to rep�a�e the existing overhead ele�tri� feed with a new underground feed on�y. The ��st of any additi�na� w�rk required to bring the pr�perty up t� �urrent codes will be b�me by �thers �property �wner �r Applicant�. b. The Applicant wilE communicate to the property owner ali items that must be brought up to c�de in a timely manner, and all ��de issues will be managed by the Applicant. 11. Dis�lnse w�rk h�u rs a nd d ays. 12. Agree prior to constructi�n regarding the required n�tificati�ns'tfl residents and property owners. 13. Failure to �omplete the ab��e requiremen�s may result in �onstru�tion delays. PR�JECT NAME: Arroy� Grande 2�A Grand �ak Park - Elm L�CATI�N: Grand A�enue, �ak Park to E�m, �ALIF�RNIA City: ►4rraya Grande Exe�uted th is day �f , 2� CitylC�unty of: Arroyo Grande ►4pp�icant By: PA�IFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC C�MPANY By: Sindy Mikke�sen �Print �r Type Name} �Print or Type Name} ' Rule 2�A Pro�m Mana4er Title: Title: Mailing Addness: C itylCo u nty � f: Form T9-1 1� 3�Re� 111 U) Agenda Item 8.d. ��"'��`�'�'�$ Advice No 3fi4Z-� Page 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.d. Page 4 � PRR� �'O ° c� � INCOAPOAATED p.� Li � � ���Y '�. ,g►, * MEM�RANaUM �4� � �,.� FQR T�: �ITY ��UN�IL FR�M: 5'�EVEN AaAMS, �ITY MANA�ER SUBJE�T: ��N51aERAT��N �F AMENaIIAENT �F ��NSULTANT SERVI�ES A�REEMENT WITH PLANNIN� ��MPANY A55��IATES ANa A551�NMENT �F A�REEMENT T� P�INT � aATE: aE�EMBER '13, �D'I 1 RE��MMENaATI�N: It is recommended the �ity �ouncil: '1 } authorize the �ity Manager to execute a fifth amendment to the �onsultant Services Agreement with Planning �ompany Associates for ass�stance in obtaining �altrans appro�al for a proposal to address deficiencies at the Brisco RoadlHalcyon Road — Highway '1 �'1 Interchange; and 2} appro�e assignment of the Agreement to Point �, LL� �"Point �"}, successor to the Planning �ompany. IMPA�T �N FINAN�IAL ANa PERS�NNEL RES�UR�ES: The proposed cost of the amendment to the a�greement is $9�,���. This will reduce their monthly fee from �9,��� to $?,5��, wf�ich is recommended to be funded from Transportation Facility Fund monies budgeted in the �apital Impro�ement Program for this project. The total not to exceed amount of the agreement will be increased to �2�3,5��. The authorized expenses "not to exceed" budget will be �ncreased by �3,���, resulting in a total expense budget amount of �'13,5��. The services of the consultants ha�e reduced staff workload since they ha�e pro�ided much of the necessary coordination with �altrans staff on behalf of the �ity. The Brisco Interchange project is a priority identified in the �ritical Needs Action Plan. BA� K� R� U N a: The �ity has been working on a proposed project to address defic�encies at the Brisco RoadlHalcyon Road — Highway 1�1 Interchange for o�er a decade. "fhe Project Study Report �PSR} has been pre�iously appro�ed. The Project Appro�al and En�ironmental Document �PA & ED} has been under way for se�eral years, but the �ity reached what can be described as a stalemate with �altrans due to concerns with design exceptions required by impro�ements the �ity belie�es are necessary to address both regional and Iocal transportation system deficiencies. As a result, it was determined that professional assistance in coordinating the process with �altrans would be helpful in achie�ing a positi�e outcome. The �ity �ouncil appro�ed a consultant services agreement with the Agenda Item 8.e. Page 1 CITY C�UNCIL C�NSIDERATI�N �F ANlENDNlENT �F C�NSULTANT SERVICES A�REENlENT INITH PLANNIN� ��NlPANY ASS��lATES AND ASSI�NNlENT �F A�REENlENT T� P�INT � DE�ENlBER'f3, �0'f'f PA�E � Planning Company Associates at the August 11, 2��9 meeting as recorr�mended by the Brisco RoadlHalcyon Road -� Highway 1�1 lnterchange City Counci! subcommittee. Four amendments extending the agreement ha�e been appro�ed since that time. ANALYSIS �F ISSUES: The City has made significant progress on the Brisco Road Interchange project o�er the past two years, which is largely due to the services pro�ided by the Plar�ning Company. A n�w alt�rnati�e was d��eloped, which primari�y in�ol�es mo�ing the northbound on- and off-ramp to_ Rodeo Dri�e. This alternat��e passed the Caltrans fatal flaw analysis. Staff and the City Councrl subcommittee ha�e worked with the consultants and a group of stakeholders, including representatf�es from the neighborhood and St. Patrick's School, to address their concerns. SL�C�� has recommended �5.� million in State grant funding for the project, which is the projected amount needed in addition to local r��enues to fund the total project cost of $11.� million. The Planning Company was instrumental in de�eloping funding strategies embraced by SL�C�� that enabled inclusion of the Brisco Interchange project in their list of recommendations. If appro�ed by the California Transportation Commission �CTC} in March, construction of the project may begin as early as ��15. Consultant assistance is st�ll needed to: 1} obtain CTC appro�al of the funding plan; 2} complete the Project Appro�allEn�ironmental Document �PA&ED} process and document; and 3} obtain Caltrans appro�al for the project and 'design excepttons. It is anticipated that this will be the fast contract extension. It is hoped that the remaining steps necessary will be completed by Fall 2�12, in which case the contract will be terminated prior to the expiration date. The Planning Company is transitioning to Point C. Therefore, they ha�e aiso requested the Agreement be assigned to Po�nt C. The terms of the agreement pro�ide for this with the written consent of the City. Vllork will be performed by the same representati�es under the same terms and costs. ALTERNATIVES: The following alt�rnati�es are pro�ided for the Council's consideratEOn: - Authoriz� the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Planning Company Associates for assistance �n obta�ning Caltrans appro�al for a proposal to address deficiencies at the Brisco RoadlHalcyon Road — H�ghway 1�1 Interchange and appro�e assignment of the agreement; - Do not authorize the amendment and assignment; or - Pro�ide staff other direction. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 2 �ITY ��UN�IL ��NSiDERATI�N �F �IVIENDIVIENT �F ��NSULTANT SERVI�ES ACREEIVIENT VIIITH PLANNiNG ��IVIpANY ASS��fATES AND ASSIGNIVIENT �F ACREEIVIENT T� P�INT � DE�EMBER'f3, 2D'f'f PAGE 3 ADVANTAGES: Staff Strongly believeS continued and expanded aSSiStance provided by Planning �ompany AsSOCiateS iS �mportant in order to obtaEn �altrans approval for a project alternative that will addr�SS Iocal circulation needs, aS well as �SSUeS on the Highway 1D1 mainline. DISADVANTAG ES: The agreement will require an expenditure of �ity fundS, but neceSSary funding iS available in the project account. ENVIR�NMENTAL REV�EW: No environmental review is required f�r the approval of this item. Env�ronmental review on the project proposal is be�ng prepared as part of the PA & ED process. PUBL�� N�T1Fi�AT1�N AND ��11r111rIENTS: The agenda was posted �n front of �ity Hall on Thursday, December 8, 2D 11 and on the �ity's website on Friday, December 9, 2D11. No publ�c comments were rec�ived. AttachmentS: 1. Proposed �onsultant Services Agreement Amendment Request Agenda Item 8.e. Page 3 � --- ATTA�HMENT 1 � o� � � o �� � �i�L��T�� TF�I��K��� �L��TAi�lp.S�E ���L�Tifli�� " November Z9, Z�11 Mr. Steve Adams ��ty vf Arroyo �rand� 30� E . Branch Street Arroy� �rande, CA 934�a RE: ��nsu�#ing Agreement Amendment Re�uest Dear Mr. Adams: P�int C, a Limited Liability Company organized in �altfarn�a, �s the successor entity to Planning C�mpany Ass�ciates, Inc. �"P�A"}, a�alif�mia C�rp�ration esfab��shed �n 1988. Poinf C's -� , skilled and experienced staff creates comprehensi�e, integrated strategies to achie�e appr�vals, funding, pr�gramm�r�g and implemer�tatior� �� land use, #r�nspnrtatinn, jnbs-hous�ng �onnection programs, w�rkforce development, and p��i�y init�atives that benefit b�th the publ�c and pri�ate sectors and the c�mmun�ty af large. . PCA has been assist�ng fhe C�ty �f Arroyo Grande since August ���9. As the successor entity to PCA, Po�nt C appreciates the opp�rtun'rty t� continue to pro�ide strategi� services t� develop and implement transportation solutions that address the City's access 1 c+rculation objecti�es and meet Caltrans' �peraf�onal needs for the L1S 1�1 c�rridor. Progress has been achieved and the Pr�je�t Appr�val 1 En�ironmental Do�ument (PA�ED} phase for the U S 1 Q 1 1 Brisco Road -- Halcyvn Road �rrterchange impr��ement project with a set of alternatives acceptabl� to both the City and �altrans is undennray. Completion �f that process is targeted f�r late 2�12. AEso, a funding plan has been developed f�r the project and �an Lurs �b�spa ��un�i� of Gaverr�ment staff has rec�mmended c�nstructi�n funding f�r the proje�t be in�luded in their �a1 � State Transportafian Impro�ement Program re�uest to the California Transp�rtation Commission. "�he purpose �f thts le#ter is to re�uest an amendment of the ex�sting agreement for Point � t� continue to pr�v�de servic�s to assist during the pr�je�t appr��al and en�ironmenfal d�cument phase for the Brisco Interchange. �, S��PE �F SERVI�ES Exhibit A vf #he ex�sting agreement is amended to add the f�llov�ring scope �f work: A. Point � wif I work wifh San Luis �bispo Counci� �f �overnment and ��a#iforn�a Transportation C�mmission fo de�elop and implement a fund�ng plan for projec� implementat�on� The foeus �s to obtain programming in the 2a1 � State Transportation Impro�em�nt Program. �5 �4 L ak� �vEnu�, S�e �4 0 r �sdc��n�, �r�l CJ � 'i � i T�� f �G �9� � �70� Poin�Cpar�ne�s c�m Agenda Item 8.e. Page 4 i��r. S#Et�r� Ad2ms ' fJcver�b�r �°, �� i � F�a� � u Point C will continue to perform th� foflowing scop� �f wor1�: B. ln c�njunction with 1N��d Rodg�rs, P�int C wtl� ��ordinat� with Caitrans and r�vi�w draf# pr�ducts as ne�d�d to �ompl�t� the Pr�ject Appr�vai 1 Env�ronm�nta� D�cum�nt t"PA�ED"} phase of th� proj�ct. C. P�int C will assist 1N��d Rodg�rs, th� Ci#y and Caltrans D�stri�t 5, in �ffarts to obtain th� n�c�ssary Caltrans H�adquar��rs' appr�val �f th� n��essary d�sign �x�mptions and Caltrans Distric� 5's appr�val of the proj�t r�po�t for the � c�mpi�ti�n o� the PAB�EQ phas� �f th� pr�j�ct. D. Point C will ���raiinat� w�th th� City and ��nsultant t�am t� p�rform quali#y assuran�� during th� preparation �f the �nvir�nm�ntal do�um�nt and t�chni�al -_ r�ports. � lI. DURAT��N Th� t�rm �f the �xisting agr��m�nt �s am�nd�d to �x�end th� duration by �v�r�l�►� �� �} months w�th a r�vised �xpirati�n dat� o� Q��emb�r 31, 201 �. . III. CDiVIPEh�SATI�h� Exhibit B�f th� exist�ng agr�m�nt �s am�nded t� En�r�as� the pr�fessi�na� servi�es 1 expens�s budget � 90,Q�� r�sulting in a revised total not to �xc�e�d $�53,5��. C�mp�nsat�on f�r a�l prof�ssional servic�s to be performed by Point C sha�l be a rnonthly ��� of $7,5��.��. Exp�ns�s will be bill�d in addition t� pr�fessional �s�rvi�es "at cost� with no additional markup. "f h� auth�rized exp�nses "not t� exc�ed" budg�t shall b� incr�ased �3,��0.�� resulting in t�tal budg�t amount �f � 13,5��.Q�. Point C appr��Eat�s the oppor�unity t� ��ntinu� to b� �f s�rv�c� ta the Ci#y of Arrayo �rande and lool�s fflrward t� the succ�ssful camplet�on of this pr�j�ct. �incerely, �- - � � �ny . arr�s, P.E. Cc: Da�►id Grannis y Carolyn �utton � Agenda Item 8.e. Page 5 �iftr. St��e ��ams �a�rember ��. �p11 PagE � � A��ep�an�e af Agreement Point �, LL� is hereby authonzed to furnish aI� materia�s and labor as provided abo�e t� cvmplet� the spec�fi�d scope ot services, for which th� �ity ot Arr�y� �rande agrees to pay the amQUnt mentioned in th�s Agreement and accvrding t� the �erms there�t. It is further acknvwledged that this wvrk in�olves pub�ic processes ot a discre�ionary nature and, as such, Point C, LL� makes no �uarantees or uvarranties , regarding the vut�ome vt any such pr�cesses. � �. Ar�cepted by: , ❑ate: , �D 1 �t � City otArr�y� �rande r Ar�cepted by: , ❑a�e: � , �D 1 � int C, � Agenda Item 8.e. . Page 6 � �RR°�o ° �� � fNCORPOqATED �� � � u �, �.iu� r � G. ��► i � ��� ��P AAEAA�RANDUAA ►��� T�: C�TY C�UNCIL FR�AA: D�U� PERRIN, DIRECT�R �F RECREATI�N AND AAAINTENANCE SERVICES � . , BY: SHANE TAYL�R, AAAINTENANCE SERVICES SUPERVIS�R SUBJECT: C�NSIDERATI�N T� LEASEIPURCHASE �NE NEW SEWER CLEANIN� TRUCK - D ATE : D E C E AA B E R'13, ��'1 '1 REC�AAAAENDATI�N: It is recommended the �ity �ouncil: 1. Appro�� the I�ase �urc�ase of one new sewer cleaning truck from Haaker Equi�ment �ompany in the amount of $294,D7�.�8. 2. Authoriz� the �ity Manager to �xecute a lease �urchase financing agreement in �the amount of ��9,D7�.�8. IAAPACT �N FINANCIAL AND PERS�NNEL RES�URCES: The �urchase of this truck has no impact on the current fiscal year budget. "fhe future financial im�act will be annual payments of $1 �,28D.D7 from the sewer fund balance for th� next fi�� years, beginning July 31, 2D12. The total cost to the �ity will b� �7�,4�D.3�. Minimal future staff time is �rojec#ed to implement the recommendation. BACK�R�UND: Th� �ity own�d a s�wer cl�aning truck, which was used for maintenance of th� ��ty's sewer, water and storm drain infrastructur�s. �n Se�tember 12�, 2�11 crew members w�re shuttling the sewer cleaning truck to La Vern�, �al�for-nia, to ha�e specialized re�a�rs done on the wat�r ��amp hydraulic system. "fhe truck broke down with a ma�jor cooling system fa�lure on the southbound 134 Freeway. The truck was pulled off to the shoulder of the freeway and required warning triangles wer� set out afong w�th the truck war-ning lights flashing. While waiting for the commercial tow truck, a semi-truck with a wide Ioad sidesw��ed and totaled the sewer truck. The �alifornfa Joint Powers Insuranc� Author�ty has det�rmined the �ity's Ioss at $237,7�4.17, which includes th� insured amount of $22�,���.DD, plus �12,7�4.17 for towing and rental of a replacem�nt s�wer truck. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 1 ci�rcouruc�� C�NSIDERAI'I�N T� LEASEIPURCHASE �NE SEWER CLEANIN� TRUCK DEC EI�I BE R '13, ��'1'1 PA� E � In accordance with Arroyo �rande Municipal Code Section 3.�8.�6��D}, the City Manager has made a�etermination to authorize �ispensing with the need to follow the formal purchasing proce�ures contained in Chapter 3.�8 for the purchase of the new sewer clear�ing truck. Section 3.�8.�6� provides that, at the discretion and judgment of the City Manager, the proce�ures and provisions of the purchasing process can be d ispense� with if d�ing s� is �eemed in the best interests �f the City, when it is reasonably necessary for the preservation or protection of public peace, health, safety or welfare of persons or property. The City Manager's determinat�on was based upon the fact that the City's sewer cleaning truck is a very specialized piece of equipment, only ava�lable from two sources, and is critica�ly nee�ed for vacuuming, hy�raulically excavating, an� jet rodding sewer mains. Vll�thout the truck, the C�ty's utility system will be put into a vulnerable position. ANALYSIS �F ISSUES: Staff solicite� quotes for a replacement vehicle and proposals were received from Haaker Equipment Company �Haaker} �Attachment �} and Municipal Maintenance Equipment Incorporated �MME} �Attachment 2}. Haaker is the authorized Vactor dealer in California. MME is the authorized VAC-C�N dealer in Califorr�ia. Haaker's propose� cost is $294,�?6.68. Less a$225,��� down payment, the financed amount will be $69,�?6.68 at an interest rate of 3.885°Io. The annual payments from the Sewer Fun� will be �� 5,28�.�? for five years for a total of �?6,4��.35. "fhe Municipal Maintenance Equipment, Inc. proposal for a comparable vehicle was $298,668.18, with $?3,688 finance� for five years at a 3.94°Io interest rate. Annual payments would be $16,288.21 and a five year totai of $8�,441.�5. Both companies offere� a free toaner whi�e a new truck is built. The truck that was totale� was purchased new in 199? at a cost of $� ?5,���.�� and was schedule� for replacement in FY 2�� ?118. The actual cash value of the truck was �eterrr�ined to be �9�,���.��, but was insure� for a replacement value of �225,���. The insurance statement of �oss �Attachment 3} ind�cates the City will receive a totaf of $23?,?54. �?. �f this total payment, $225,��� is available for a�own payment on a replacement truck. The remaining $12,?54.1? will cover the cost of towing the old truck and temporary rental of a replacement. �69,�?6.68 w+ll need to be fnanced.. If the old truck was replaced as sched uled in FY 2� 1?118, the estimated replacement cost will be approximately $35�,���.��. Authorizing purchase of this new truck now appears to be very cost effective. In response to the insurance adjuster's request, staff originally sol�cited an informal price from Haaker to replace the damaged Vactor with a comparable machine. Staff then sent MME the Vactor speciftcations and requeste� that they provide a price for a VAC-C�N with matching or equivalent specifications. The two companies began competing with each other and it became apparent that the City neede� to get fina� quotes. �n November 23�, 2�� 1 a request for quotes was �istr�buted to both Haaker Agenda Item 8.f. Page 2 �ITY ��UN�IL ��NSIDERA'�I�N T� LEASEIPUR�HASE �NE SEINER �LEANING TRU�K DE�ENlBER 13, ��11 PAG E 3 and MME usin� the individual spec�ficat�ons listed in their most recent proposals. The q�.�otes were due November 3��'. Haaker's quote was $�94,�7�.�8. MME's quote was ��98,��8.18. Maintenance staff called both companies and �ave them the results. Subsequently, MME sent the City an e�-mai! claimin� that Haaker's prrce d�d not meet the �isted specifications and requestin� the City allow them to provide a modified quote, red ucin� their price by approximately $1 �,���. Staff is still recommendin� the City Council approve the lease purchase for the followin� reasons: 1. The Vactor features a�7� de�ree rotatin� hose reel, compared to VAC-C�N's 18� de�ree hose reel. This provides two advanta�es; a} it allows for �reater flexibility when cieanin� sewer I�nes without havin� to repos�tion the truck, and b} allows for the vehicle to be parked closer to the curb reducin� lane blocka�e. �. Vactor includes aluminum tanks compared to polypropylene for VAC-C�hl. The aluminum tanks can be repaired if necessary. _ 3. The financin� provided through Vactor's vendor included a 3.885°/o interest rate over five years. The VAC-C�hl financin� is 3.94°/� over five years. 4. City staff has used the Vactor product for twenty-seven ��7} years and have been very satisfied with the machine. Staff has been rentin� a new Vactor wh�le the City has been solicitin� quotes. They have been pleased with the performance of the rental machine. After VAC-C�hl representatives demonstrated their machine, staff still preferred the Vactor. 5. Staff made informal inquiries to other cities regard ir�� their experience with Vactor and VAC-C�N sewer cleaning trucks and based thereon believe maintenance and customer service also favors the Vactor truck. An attempt was made to locate a used truck via the intemet. �ne truck was found that met City specifications. However, the truck was two years old and the price quoted was more than a new truck. �ther used trucks were ei�ht to nine years old, but did not meet required specifications. The old Vactor truck is currently at a salva�e yard in the Pomona area. The truck could be towed back and repairs made, but the current estimate to repair the truck is $21 �, 59�.12. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternat�ves are provided for the Council's cons'rderation: 1. Approve staff s recommendation to leaselpurchase a new sewer cleaning truck from Haaker Equipment Company, and author�ze the City Mana�er to execute lease purchase financing for the $�9,�7�.�8 balance after a$225,��� down payment; �. Direct staff to reject both quotes and request new quotes; Agenda Item 8.f. Page 3 CITY C�UNCIL C�N5IDERATI�N T� LEASEIPURCHASE �NE 5E1NER CLEANIN� '�RUCK DECEMBER '13, Z�'I'I PA� E 4 3. Do not approve stafF's recommendation and direct staff to have the old sewer truck repaired; 4. Direct staff to pursue purchase of a used sewer cleaning truck that meets �ity specifications and Air Pollution �ontrol District emission requirements; 5. Place the insurance settlement in the sewer fund and contract out al� sewer and drair�age system maint�nanc� and cleaning; 6. Dir�ct staff to formally re-bid th� v�hicl�; or , ?. Pnav�de d ir�ction to staff. ADVANTA�ES: The recommended action will provide the �ity a new sewer cleaning truck at a low cost of �?6,4�� over five years. The estimated cost to replace the destroyed vehicle at its FY��1 ?118 replacement date is �35�,���. The new truck will provide our maintenance services employees the continu�d ability to properly maintain and operate the ��ty's sewer, water, and drainage �nfrastructures. It is �stimated that purchas� of a new truck will also Iow�r the vehicle and equipment maintenance expenses of th� Sewer Fund for the next ten years. D15ADVANTA� E5: The lease purchas� will cost the Sewer Fund �?6,4�� over the next five years with annual lease payments of �15,�8�.�?, which is a fund currently with a Iow fund balance. ENVIR�NIVIENTAL REVIEIN: No �nvironmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC N�TIFICATI�N AND C�MMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of �ity Hall on Thursday, December 8, ��11. Th� Agenda and report wer� posted on the �ity's w�bsite on Friday, D�cember 9, ��11. No p�ublic comments were received. Attachments: 'I . Proposal from Haaker Equipment �ompany �. Proposal from MME I ncorporated 3. Statement of Loss from �JPIA 4. LeaselPurchas� Agr��ment from Baystone Financial Group Agenda Item 8.f. Page 4 ��� !� �:�� a.� - - �f _� �,��� ��ti.7 �� ATTACHMENT'I HA�]K�R E�UIPMENT ��MPANY S��E 197� A CALIFDRNIA C�RP�RAT��N 2�1� N. VVhite Avenue La Verne, �alif orni a 9� 75fl {909� 598-�7D6 • FAX {9D9� 598-� 4�7 http:!lwww. haake r.com PR�P�SAL Na�ember 3�, �U11 �. ARR�Y� �RANDE 214 E. Brand 5t. Arroyo �ra.nde �A 93�2� �� �� �� �av �� � �� tt ��� Y� c��,�, e��,��� ���� � ; r-ti � 1 ,� __� _ � { �� ,.,. ,�i3- , ;_ , i .� - 1 �-'��� � . � . . � _ - • I�elly Wetmore City Clerl� Email: kw��more�arroyagrande.arg In accardance with y�ur request, we are p�eased to submit the follaw�ng propasa.t for your cansiderataon and appraval: �ne �1} NE�V VA�T�R �11� PLUS JET R�DD�R 1�-�ubic Yard Capacity 5ingle S tage Fan with John Deere Tier III Auxiliary Engine, 1 D�� Ga.tlons of Wat�r, �aunted or� a 2�12 Freightlin�r 4x�. �hassis with 35� HP Engine, 2��� Emissians and Allison 3D�D RDS Autamatic Transmission. �9uipp�d with all Standard and �ptional Equipment list�d: � J ✓ J � J ✓ � J � J J � J � J r � J � J J Standard �a ui �rnent: �ne Alum Tool Box-Weather Proof Lockahle- 48x22x2� Lvcated Passenger 5ide �n 5u� frame A�uminum Fenders Mud Flaps Electr�clHydraulic For Way Boom Color �aded Sealed Electrical System Remote Pendant �antral With �5' �ord Double Acting Hydraulic Dump Hoist �ylinder �" Y 5trainer �ith 25' Fill Has� �andgun Assembly And 112" � 35' Hose, With Quick Disconnect Ex-Ten St��l �ylindrical I3ebris Tank Flexib�e Hvse Guide �3} Nozzles With Carbide Inserts And Nozzle Rack 1" 3�ozzle Pipe Flat l�e�u- Door With Hydraulic Locks And Door Power Up, Power pown, �penlClose. tNo �rabber} Dual 3 4" Ss Float Shut flff SystemfRear Mounted Debris Bady Vacuum Relief System Hydraulic �i� High Temperature Lightl�larm Liquid F1aat LeveS Indicat�r 1 SD Degree Rotation Non-Telescopic Boom, Front Laading S" Suction Hose Boam Transpart �rad.Se 3" Y 5trainer At Water Pump W13" Drain Val�e Midship Handgun �oupling J J J J J f J J J J J J J J J J J J � J f � Water F�ow Meter Hose Wind Guide, Dual Roller Hose Footag� Counter Hose Reel Manual Hyd ExtendlRetract Hose Reel �hain �o�er �Full� Hydraulic Extending 15" Hose Ree� �$�D' Capacity� Tachometer ICt�assis Engine Tachometer & Hour MeterlBlower ' C ircu i t B reakers Vactor Manual Electroni� Back Up Alarm Module-Wet On Wet Dupont Paint S" Vacuum Pipe Package Emergency Flare �it Fire Extinguisher - 5# 48" Dump Height Debris Deflector Plate Suction Tuhe 5torage: �urbside 2 Pipe, Rear poor � Pipe Vansco-�lectroni� Package Performance Package: Hyd Variable Flow, Dual H yd Fumps Side Mounted Water Pump Water Relief Val�e , Agenda Item 8.f. Page 5 � ti�na� E ui ment In��uded: f De�ris Body Flushout System � 5" B utterfl y V a1velRear poor f Debris Body Vacuum Relief System with Dehris Body Load Limit Alarm f Fold Down Pipe Rack �urhside and Stree�side f Splash Shield f Lube Manifo�d f Low �Vater Alarm with Warning Light f 4' Hydrau� ic Extendahle Boom with 180- Degree Ratation f Joystick �ontrol for Boom Function f 80 GP�12500 PSI �Vater System-IL� Standard Water System f Accumulator System for �Vat�r Pump f Front and Rear �-Iandgun �ouplers � Indexing Automatic Hose Le�el �Vind Guide f Digital Hose �ounter f Handgun Hose Reel, Spring Retractable with 50' Hose Assemhly f Telescoping Hose Reel With Dual �ontro�s, 800' �apacity f Hydraulic Shut-�ff Va��es at Suction, Return and Filterline �3} f Rodder Pump Drain Val�es ��} f LED �Vhelen Light Package --��} HA�38� Hide Away Strohes --��} 4E Gri I p Grille Master HS G Strohes with 402000AU Linear Strobes --� 1 } �SP550 Power Supply --� 1} 9M252000 �55"} Light Bar with Alley Lights with Front Flashers, �ab Mount�d --� 1 } P��RSR �ontroller -�� 1 } TA870A Traffic Ad�isor --�2} TATPR��- 20' Extension �ahle f LED �Vorklights on Extended Boom f LED �Vorklights at �perator Station � 15� 12� 18 Taal Boxes �2}, Locat�d Qn Front Bumper f Long Handle Tool Storage f Module — Imron Paint f Rear poor Stripes — �hevron UnitPrice .............................................................................................. $ 272,925.�� Sales Ta.x (7.75�'�} ................................................................................. �1 151.�8 Subt�tal ................................................................................................. $ 294,�76.58 Less I3�v�n Paym�nt .............................................................................. ($ 225,���.��} � - =- � - =" �- - � � � :- _:- _�. � f :__�_ ►� � : �_ ', � ' I � � : Haaker Equipmert� Company witt suppty a toarter uni� a� "nQ charge" unt�t new machirte arrives. L.easin Is A�ailahle stimate : --Principal Balance: $59,075.58 --Term: 50 Month --Annual in Arrears --First Payment Due: July 31, 2012 --Interest Rate: 3.885°l0 --Payment Amount: $15,280.07 --Payment Factar: 0.221 �44 Price Good Through Decemher 31, 2012 THE PR�PERTY HEREIN IS GUARANTEED BY MANCJFA�TURER'S W TY �NLY AND SELLER MAKES N� WAR.RANTY EXPRESSED �R IMPLIED, (3F �ER�HANTA.BILITY �R �THERWISE, �R �F FITNESS F�R ANY PARTI�ULAR PURP�SE, THAT EXTENDS BEY�ND THE A.B�VE DES�RIPTI�N �F THE E�UIPMENT. N4TE: Pric� is good until 50 Da s. �ost incre�ses due to the addition of Go�ernment mandated safety or en�ironmental devices incurred after the dat� �f this pr�posal, will be charged to you at our cost. Proof of such costs, if any, wil� be documented. TA�ES: SALES TA� appl�cahle at time of d�li�ery will be shown on our in�oice. FEDERAL EXCtSE TA�ES, if applicahle, w�ll require payment unless a properly executed Exemptian �ertificate is suhmitted. DELIVERY: A rflx 15�-21� l�a s TERMS: �et 3� We appreciat� the �pportunity t� pres�nt this proposal and l��k f�rward t� b�ing of further and continu�d S�iV1C�. HAAKER E�[JIPMENT ��MPANY BY: I�a� ai�►a� A�CEP'TED 13Y: DATE: Agenda Item 8.f. Page 6 . � - ATTA�HMENT � , � , t. ' ��Il�fl�p�� ��igfl����'8���� ��E�����ll� 23f� liarvard ��ree� •�acramer�t�, CA 9�S � 5��� l 6� 9?2- ! I� l � F'ax: �9 I f} 922- I�3� 1 �6 l [�. Shepard Street, Un�t B � Anaheim. �a �28�f • �? � �� 6�7-�5? 1 � F'ax: �71 �} f�2-28?� � �?5� Caterpitlal� R�ad, Unit�D • Red�iirig, CA 9����� ��53�]� 7��-4�56 • Fax: �53�� 2�3- I�+�? I 93� �f . Wint�n A��., Suite S• 1laywai=d, C.A ��+��� •�51 �y � i�-�2 a� • Fax: �5 l�} 6?��� � . . . �r�� iVavember �8, ��1 � . � ��� 3 a � . � �Q �� � �� R� . ' CI� � ` ��� ['; ��.�1� �ity af Arroya Grande ' T� �����.� � - �� 4 E. Brand Street - - �Arroya G ra nde, �A 934�� , , Attent�an: Kelly 1fV�tmare, �ity �lerk � kwetmore�arraya� rande. ar� RE: f�equest far �uotation � � . � . �ne �� } New Vac-�on Model V39�LHA-�1� ��� , � � Du�: Nov�mber 3�, �� � � �: �� p. m. � • V11e.are pleas�d ta prov�d� the fallawing quotation on the Vac-�on �ombination �ewer , � and Storm Drain Cleaner meeting your published specif�cations without� exceptjon . �ne ��I } Each 1Jac-�on Model V39�LHA-�1'I ��� complete w�th the following standard � features: � . � � 3-Stage Vacuum System � • 31��" Car�en St�el De�ris Tank -- � yards , �- * Full �pen�ng Rear poar . . . , � � * Hydraulic R�ar poor Locks, with Doar Grabber with Safety Latch . . � * Grav�ty Dra�n �ff System, 5" Butterfiy Vatve and 1� ft. Layflat Hose � � •* Debris Tank Dumping: Minimum 5� Degree, Hydraulic Sci�sors L�ft -- Po►nwer U plPowe� Down � � � , � � Polyethylene Vllater Tanks— ���� gallons -� � � � �� Autamatic Vacuum Breaker and �verfill Protection • 8" Vacuum Intake Hose - � . • Baam Trav�l T�� Dawn � - ' � � •� Way Hydraulic Soom with �7� Degree Rotatian and Joystick Cantrois � . •� Frant Maunted ��� ft. Capacity �1" Hose}IHydraulic Hose Reel . , • IVlanual Hose Rewind Guide � � • Has� �ufd� �Tiger Tail} � � . � � + 3�" Leader Hose •�� gpm at ��� psi Vllash Dawn Hand Gun with �5 ft. of Hose and Nazzle � , , + Sealed and Locking Tool Boxes ` . • 1} Each Sanitary and Penetratar iVazzles � � • ��.5 ft. Aluminum �,ntak� Pipe �1-3', 1-5', � -�', and 1-�.5' iVaule} - � . e I �� Lig ht�ng . . • DuPont lmron ���� Palyurethane Paint in V1lhite, w�th �Reflective Blue or V1lhite � Strip�s �you r ch oice} � � ' 0 5# Fire Extinguisher - � . a Set.TriangRes - . � ' �ircuit Break�rs a ' � . ' r � ' � Agenda Item 8.f. . � � � � Page 7 � - "�ust�mer Satisfacti�r� i� ��r �oal �' . . - Novem �er �8, ��� � � � ' � C ity of Arroy� G rande Va�-�on V39�LHA-C]I'I ��� G�uotation Page � � � • Va��Con Manual . • � 2 Month Standard �IVarranty - . � Complete with the follow'rn� optional features: . ' � Blower: Hydrostati� Drive Eaton � 6��� Upgrade � Boom: ''I � ft. Aluminum Te�es�o�ing� Boom �7� degree Rotation with Pendant , , Control Station � � . • Hose Reel: Front Mounted, Arti�ulating to Driver Side, S�� ft. �� "} Capacity � .• Jet Rodder Hose: 8�� ft. x�" x 25�� psi16�5� psi �4��' standard} . - ��IVater System: 8� g�m1�5�� psi Pump `_ �. • � �IVater,Pump: Giant . , � � • Auxiiiary Engine: Deutz TCD����� L� 1.9?HP Tier �[1 � . • De�ris Body Flush �ut System, 6 Jets � . - , • Rear Splash Guard �4 -- 8 0'�lo�k� Tank Il�ounted . • Rear Hand Gun Conne�tion � � . o Front Bu m per Hand � un Conne�t��n �_ � . . � � • �/ Turn Ball Valve �IVater Drain a Var�ab�� Flow Valv� � - • Automati� Leve! �IVind �uide . . � F�ldRn� Pipe Rack 43�, Tank Il�ounted, Driver Side �- '� .• Folding Pipe Ra�k �3}, Tank Mounted, Cur�s�de ' . . � Storage Box Behind Gab.15" x 4Z" x 9�" � . � � • Lang Handle StoragelPVC • • L�w �11later Alarm with L�g ht . , '• Front Axle Load Limit Alarm � � • Ba�k Up Alarm � , r . * 5� ft. Capa�ity Retra�ta��e Hand �un Hose Ree� , � � * Dig�tal �le�troni� Foota�e Counter � � ■ Remote Bo�m �rease �erk Assem�ly ��round Level -- includes water pump dr�ve} - . , • Rem�te Delarfs Tank �rease Assemlaly �Grvund Level} , . • ' �rease Assem�ly Arti�u�ating Hose Reel , Hydrauli� System Temperature Gauge , � ' � - � � • �" Noz�le Ra�k � Alumir�um Storm N�z�le . - . •. �" x� 5 ft. length Leader Hose ' � ■�mnilaus--� Singie J�ysti�#c with Eie�troni� �ontroller System -- Color Manit�r - includes Ta�hometer reading for Chassis Engine an� Ta�hometer and Hour Meter Reading far Blower _ � - , • �11later Pump Remote �il Drain � • Air �illeigi� Scale System . . • � ea. HA�38� Hideaway Stro�es ' • •� ea. 4� �ril� �ri�iemaster HS� Stro�es w14�����AU Stro�es �Luiar � • � ea. CSP55� Power Supp�y , . Agenda Item 8.f. � . • . � � Page 8 , . , . . ` . . ' , Nov�mber 2S, 2�� �, � � • . City �f Arr�y� �rande . - Vac-Con V39�LHA-�1� ��� C�u�tatron Pag � 3 . � � ea. Arrowstick 5trobe Cah Mounted ` . • � ea. TA57� Traffic Advisor . . � • LEa Wark Lights Boom � . � � . • LE L� 1!1l��k Lig ht at �perator Statia n . • Factory Pre-Shipment Inspection in Florida for two �2} Agency EmpEoyees � . Mounted on a 2�� 2 Freightliner M2 ���V 4x2 Truck �hassis complete with the f�llowing: •�LJM-ISC 35D HP EPA '� D Em�ssions • Al�is�n 3���R[�S Aut�matic Transmission � • 43,D�� �VWR � - � . • Driver S �de Air Ride Seat � • Air Conditioning - � • AMIFM . � . . • Painted Wh'ite - � r . Price F.�. B. Arroyo �rande, CA �$257, � 56.25 " ` SpecEa I Factory D�scou nt -, ��, ���. D� , . , � Su�-Tfltal $277,1SS.�5 • . . 7. 75°/0 5a les Tax 2 � 4S �. 93 � Total . $29S,6�S.�S � � C�uotation includes delivery and �n-site train�ng. . � . - Loaner unit will be made availabRe at no charge upon receipt af purchase order until � � del�v�ry of�the new vehicle. � � • Norma� delivery 9�-� 2� days A.R.�. - Terms N�t 3�. � � ' � � C�uotation va lid for '3D days. Pl�as� f ind attached an updated iease purcha$e proposat prepared by. Leasing �. You � may contact Rick Carney at Leasing � directly .at S��-�S7-5 � 55 ext. �� regarding this , lease purchase praposal. 4 � Thank you for your continued interest in this fine product line. 5hould you have any � questions or need a��Eti�nal �nf�rmati�n; please !et us know. Illle �ook forwar� t� b�i�g , of service. - . � Ssncer�ly, � , . Municipal aintenanc Equipment, Inc. � � . • nk Wheeler IlI, �- . Vice President � Enclas�ure � : . � . t • Agenda Item 8.f. � Page 9 . _ � � • NiaitE P�AIER T� Y�7L! Lessee City af Arraya �rande, CA Shane Taylor Proposa� Date: Equ�pment Description: Commencement Date: Equipment Cost: Lessee Down Payment: Amount Financed: Lease Term : First Payment Date: Payment Frequency: Lease Rate: Payment Amount: Payment Factor: Vendor �Ulunicipal Maintenance Equipment, Inc. N o�em ber 22, 2011 1- Vac-Con M�de! V390LHA011000 Vacuum Truck wl a 2012 Freightliner M2 Chassis December 1 � 2011 �ption 1 �2�s, ��s $225,000 $?3,�sa 4 Years ?11512012 41 year 3.?2°/0 $5,045.8? �.�fi849 ��tion � ���s, ��s $225,00� $?3, �sa 5 Years ?11512012 1 1 year 3.94°/� �1 s,�as.�1 0.22110 The inf�rmaiion c�ntained in this lea�e quote is pri�ileged and c�nfidential. Any communication of this informati�n in wh�le or in pari is prohib�ted. ,, Glualificatlons: 1. Pricin : This is a lease proposal ior the payment stream{s� indicated abo�e. l# any �f the intormati�n identified above are not c�rrect, please advise us so thai we can deteRnine if a n�w proposal is requ�red. �ther imp�rtant etements �f this propasal are: aj Rate Exp�ration: Signing this proposal does n�t in i#sefT lock in y�ur rate. This lease must be credit approved, contracts properly signed, and the iease h�nded by Leasing 2 within thirty days iram the date ot this proposal to protect the rates quoted in this propasal b) Closinq CvSts: There will be a$25� document fee charged at closing. c) Tvae of Lease� ThES is a 1eas�purchase type vf tinancing. After a11 the lease payments are made, Lessee will own the equipment without �urther cost. 2. Credit A ro�al and Documentation: This �s a praposal �nfy, and does not represent a commitment to lease. This fnancing is subject to credit re�►iew and apprv�al and executi�n of mutually acceptable dacumentaiion, includ�ng the �pinion ot lessee's c�unse� �pEning that the agreement is legal, �alid and binding, and qualifed as a tax exempt obligaiion under the tax reform act �f 1986 as amended. Leasin� 2, lnc. gY: Rick Carnel� {v�a email or facsimile) Ph�ne: 800-287-5� 55 Fax: 813-258-9333 DATE: No�ember 22, 2�11 REQUEST T� PR�CEED: 1Nhen y�u are ready to praceed and would like to m��e towards (inalizing this lease� please ackn�wledge that y�u ha�e rev�ewed this entire proposal and understand its c�ntents and thai you ha�e awarded this business to Leasing 2, Inc. by c�mpleting this section ot the propvsal and �ax�ng it to Leasing 2. 1Ne w�l� immediately fax you "next step" instructions. There will be a$250 fee charged if the lease �s not closed ��r any reason accept a credit decline. �it �f Arr�y� �rande. �A Name of Lessee �ption Chosen: {where applicable) Authvri�ed Slgnature Date Cvntact E-Mai1 Address Contact Phone Last month of your budget year? Please com lete �he above rnforma�ion and fax all pages of the � ro � i 3-25�-933� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 10 ��',4�'�1�����' []F LC�SS - - - i�'��J�.��.�: ��:��s. ,����t �a���e��s ��s. Auth��►r�tv 1�E���}�__���`�: ��tw of ��-�-��� �r-�n�Je A.��F����: �C�t`� ��.�t ��•ai�ch 5�.. ArraSr� VI•a��de. CA 9?3�?� � . L��� L����''��:�: ] 3� Ft-eel�ra}► �1�tadena. �"A P��.��� T: 84��: ���?��1 ]'�`�'�'E C�F` L�� 1��otar Vehicle �cciden� �]a'� � �� ����: :�1 � �1 l l � C� �. F[ �, � #: i �? 5563 ��'��1��'���.�� � ,_ Builain;�: A1�au�t �� �a�t��-��e �BII�t}: . uSin�'�S ��?"S�'iI��1� �:�p�Irt}+: Autam�i�ile: A.s S�he��! �ed ATTA�HMEMT 3 '���IUE L�S� �LAIN1 __ �? 5.�0�,���.�� It�clu�ed Ineluded '� �.��J�: Rep��cement �'o�� , i3�t��ct�b�e: iJLL�1L1�1�� �,�+ �Ly.�lti.ss Prope��r. �J,����}.�}� . .��tom�h���: . . $] .���.�t�!��.���.q� �emer�er�+ey ��el�icles� � , IL��� �5 �E�'����I�E�3: . . ----- - �ehicle Schedu�e: . U I7I� � ��-� � : ' . Rep�irs: �? 1 �J.��{�.1 ? $3 �$,443.3�] $�?�y�J�J�J.�� � T�«'1���`- � 5�?.S� � 5��.5� F�e����I: . � 1?,���.�� � I�,D�(�.�� ��nert^�n�}� �c���al: . � ��7.G7 $ 227.G7 Sub�atal (estim�.1� �: $ �71,233.�7 $?37.754. I 7 Deduetib��: . �� �� ,ppp.��} � v�. �� E, ����, � � �� � : �� �,���,U�4.UU $3 7�Q,�33.47 $�37,7�4.17 Agenda Item 8.f. Page 11 November 3�, ��11 ATTA�HMENT 4 �ii �. � � [� Toge��er, ►�e k��p C017i17] u�rt1�5 �unnin�. Formall'�-o osal �BLS��R: C�7if �F ARR�Y� GRANDE � This is a finance�ownership contract. � Fixed €nterest rate for the Five t5y Year term. E�L!lPMENT: Atquisltivn Cost: Dvwn Payment: TradQ fn: Print�pal Balante: VACTOR 7110 PLUS A JET RQDDER $�g4��76.68 TQrm: $��5,O�O.QO Payment Mode: $Q.QQ �ntQrQSt RatQ: $69,076.68 Rate Factor: FivQ {5 j Yea rs Annual �n Arrears 3.885�'a 0.��1�Q4 First Payment DuQ: Juiy 31, ��1� Payment Amount: $15��8�.�7 • This transact�on must be credit approved, documents properly executed and returned to Bayst�ne Financial Gr�up and the transaction funded on All pr�p�sals �n �r before December 3�, �011. if funding doe� not �ccur within that time-f�ame, or there is a change of circumstance which adversely affects the expettat+ons, rights, �r security of �biigee �r its assignees, then �bligQe or its assignees reserve the r�ght t� adjust and determine a new interest ratQ fattor and payment amount. �r withdraw this proposa! in its entirety. • This transaction must be desi�nated as tax-exempt unde� Sect�on 1�3 of the �ntemal Revenue Code o� 1985 as amended. • �blig�r's t�tal amount �f tax-exempt debt t� bQ issued In this calendar year will not exceed the $1�,000,0�� lim�t. • This is a proposal vnly and is not a c�mmitment to finance. This proposal is subjQCt to cred�t review and appr�val and pr�per execution of mutually acceptab�e documentation. • Failure to c�nsummate this transaction once credit appr�val is granted and the documents are drafted and delivered t� �blig�r will result In a documentation fee bQing assessed t� the �blig�r. �AYST�h� E F I NAN�IAL �7 R�l� P 1NI��IQriT BQ[1riTQR Irce Presldent Signature: Typed Name & Tftle: �ate: c�rr oF aRROYo ��NnE 5725 N CQntral Avenue, 5ulte 718j Pho�nlx, A2 85�17 Lotal: �502y 55�-1184 Tofl FreQ: 888-345-0071 Fax: �60�y 65�-1194 wbau ma n@ bfgfinancia l. net www.baystone.n�t Agenda Item 8.f. Page 12 � � Version #��1 '1 Q224 ., - � .� � - _ . . _ _ --- - � ���1' f�� Slf�l PLE FUNaING PR�GRAM Return campletea► appllcatlan wlth requlrea► �lnan�lal lnfarmatlan. Legal Name of Dbligor: Address: � f �]I: Contact Person: Phone: � } Ema�l Address: Alternative Conta�t Person: Date municipal entity was established: Tota� Cost of EquipmentlPraject: $ *Down Payment: $ Trade In: $ Dther: $ Fed. Tax ID #: Cou nty: State: Zi p: Title: Fa x: } Alt Contact Email Address: Title: Phone: Does the vbligar self-insure for p�operty � liabtlity insuran�e? Term ears : Source of Down Payment: Payment Amount: $ Payment Due: Del �very Date: ❑ Advance ❑ Arrea rs Amount to Finance: $ Payments: ❑ Monthly ❑ Quarterly ❑ Semi-Annua! ❑ Annual '�b�rgors down payment should he made be6ore or at deli►►ery. Proo6 06 down payment is required prior tv payment vf any contract proceeds, unless otherwise negotiated. Has the obligor paid, or does obligor intend to pay, a vendor for any portion of the equipment being financed wilh the intent of being reim�ursed with pro�eeds from this financing? ❑ Yes ❑ No What fund wil� the remaining oontra�t payments �e made from? ❑ General ❑ Special �specify} W�1! any federa� monies be applied to the contra�t paymsnts? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, explain. Equipment D�scription: New Equipment: ❑ Yes ❑ No If no, list age of equipment or date manufactured: Refurbished: ❑ Yes ❑ No Year: Replacement: ❑ Yes ❑ No Age of �urrent equipment: Year purchased: If not a rep�a�emen�, why is the equipment needed? Buyout In�luded: ❑ Yes ❑ No Amount of buyvut induded: $ Soft Costs In�luded: ❑ Yes ❑ No Amount of soft costs in�luded �shipping, software, and sales tax�: $ Physicai tocation of equipment after delivery: Describe the essential use of the equipment: Has the obligar ever defaulted or nan-appropriated on a�ease, bond, or �egal obli�ation? VlJill the obligor issue more than $1�,���,��� in tax-exempt debt in this �aiendar year� fs the proje�t a�uilding? ❑ Yes ❑ No lf yes, who owns the land? What is the physical addr�ss of the new buildinglproje�t? Financial Information R�auired ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ■ Two ��y most recently comp�eted audits e If the fiscal year end of the audit is more than three �3y months ago, afso pro�ide �urrent year-to-date Balance Sheet with Debt Service Commitments and �ncome Statement e For any unaudit�d fiscal year pro�id� compr�hensi�e financial stat�m�nts to include a Balance Sheet with Debt Servi�� Commitments and an fncome Stat�m�nt in plac� of the aud�ts Without compiete finanaa! information, the r.redit re�iew process may be delayed. Please call if you ha►►e any questions or con�ems prior to retuming th�s app�ica�ian to Bavstone Financial Grouo. Campieted By ��gnaturey• Prin�� N�rrre and Tit1e. D�te: • Additional financial informatton may be requested if deemed necessary during credit re�iew. • By signing th�s appli�atton obligor representati�e agrees to the fo�lowing statement; "E�erything stated in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand obligee will retain this applic.ation whether or not it is appro�ed. �bl�gee is authorized to �erify any information on this applicat�on with an appropria#e #h�rd party as necessary #o comp�ete the credi# re�iew process." • A lost deal fee will be charged lo the obligor if the transaction fails to �und once the transaction has been credit appro�ed and contract documents deli�ered to the ob�igor. This fee will not be changed if the transac�ion is funded by obligeels. 1 fi8� Gharies Place, Manhattan, KS fis5�2; soo.?52.3552; Fax ?85.53?.4� enda Item 8.f. Manhattan * Phoenix � ChiGagv Page 13 �bligor ttLesseefVame» ttLesseeAddress» tt Le sse eC itySta te Z i p�3 Dated as of ttLeaseDate33 ��VERNMENT �BLE�ATI�N ��NTRA�T �bligee ttLessvr Name» tt Lessvr Address» tt Lessvr CityStateZip» CA Sta ndard ��7 � 1 This Ga►�nemment �btigatian Cantra�t dated as af the date fisted abave is between pbligee and �bligar I�sted dire�tly aba�e. �bl�gee desires to �inan�e the purchase af the Equipment des�ribed in Exhibit "A" to �bligar and �bligar des�res ta finan�e the purchase af the Equipment fram �bligee subje�t ta the terms and cond�tians af this Contra�t ' whi�h are set farth belaw. I. Definitions: Se��ion 1.01. Def�nitians. The follawing terms will ha�e the meanings indicated befaw unless the context �lear�y requires ❑therwise: "Additianal 5chedule" refers ta the praper executian of additianal Schedu3es ta Exhibit A, Exhib�t 8, Exhibit C and Exhibit ❑ as weil as ather exhibits or dacuments that may be required by the �bligee eil af which relate ta a Fnan�ing of additianal Equipment. "Budget Year means the �bliga�s Fsca� year. 'Cammen�ement ❑ate' is the date when �bliga�s abligaUan to pay Cantract Payments begins. "Cantract" means this Go�ernment �bligation Contra�t� all Exhibits, and all document� re�ied upan by �bl�gee priar ta executian af this Cantract. 'Cantract Payments° means the payments �bligar is requ�red ta make under this Cantract as set forth on Exhibit '8`. "Cvntract Term" means the �riginal Term and a!1 Renewaf Terms. "Equipment" means a11 vf the items vf Equipment listed an Exhibit "A" and afl replar.ements, restaratians, modifcativns and �mpra�ements. 'Ga�ernment' as used in the t�tle hereaf ineans a State ar a palit�cal subdi►risian af the State within the meaning of Sectivn 103{ay of the Intemal Re�enue Gade af 198fi� as amended ["Cade"}, ❑r a �anst�tuted authanty ar distri�t autharized ta issue ❑bligativns vf vn behaEf af the State vr pvlit�cal subdi�islvn vf the State withi n the meaning ❑f Treasury Regulat�an 1.103-1 �by, ❑r a qualifed �alunteer Fre �ampany within the meaning af sectian 150�e}�1 j af the Cvde. "�bligee" means the entity vriginally listed aba�e as �bligee vr any af its assignees. "�bfigvr means the entity listed aba�e as �bligar and which is �inancing the Equipment fram �bligee under the prows�vns vf this Cantra�t. "�riginal Term" means the perivd from the Gammenr.ement Date until the end vf the Budget Year af �bligvr. "Renewal Term' means the annua! term which begins at the end of the �ngina! Term and which �s simultanevus with �biiga�s 6udget Year. "State" means the state in which �biigor is located II. abligvr Warranties 5ect�an 2. 1. �bli�ar re resents warrants and co�enants as fvllaws far the beneFt af �bliQee ❑r its �ssiqnees: �a) �bligar is an 'issuer vf tax exempt abligativns' because �btigar is the 5tate ar a paiit�cal subdi�isian af the State within the meaning ❑f Sectivn 1 Q3[a� af the Intemal Re�►enue Code vf 198fi� as amended, �the "Code"j ar because �bligar is a �vnstitu#ed authority ar district authoriaed ta issue abligat�ans an behalf af the State or pofitical subdiwsivn vf the 5tate within the meaning af Treasury Regulatian 1.103-1�bj. (b} �bligvr is authariaed under the Constitutian and laws af the State tv enter inta this Cantra�t, and has used su�h authvrity ta praper�y execute and deli�er th�s Contrac� �b�igvr has fvllawed all praper pracedures of its ga�eming bady �n executing this Contra�t. The �fficer af �bligar executing this Contra�t has Ehe autharity to execute and • deli�er this Cantract. This Cantra�t const�tutes a 1ega1� �a1id, binding and enfvnceable ❑bligat�an af the �bligor in ac�ardan�e w�th its terms. �c� �bligar has �omplied with a1� statutary laws and regulatians that may be applicable to the execut�an af this Cvntra�t. {dj �bligvr sha11 use the Equipment vnly far essentiaf, tradit�vnal go� r �e� Shauld the IR5 disa!!aw the tax-exempt status af the Interest P v t t ct Payments as a result af the failure af the �bligar to use the Equipment far ga�►emmental purposes, then �b�igor shall be requ�red to pay a' 1 e igee ❑r its assfgnees so as ta bring the after tax yield tv the same le�el as the �bligee ar its assignees wvuld attain if the transa�tivn cvntinued b �fj Shvuld the �bligar cease to be an issuer vf tax exempt �bligatio s I�g i n a� hligor �reated under this Cantract ceases ta he a tax exempt vbligat�vn for any reasvn, then �bligvr shall be required tv pay additianal sums ta r a ees sv as tv bring the aRer tax yield an th�s Cvntract tv the same level as the �bligee ar its assignees wauld attain if the transactian continued i. �gy �bligvr has ne�er nvn,apprvpriated funds under an Cvntract sim 1 (h� �bligvr will submit tv the 5ecretary vf the Treasury an informatio n s quired by the Gvde. �i� Upon request by �bligee, �bligar wi!! pra�ide �b�igee with �umen n m , vrts, budgets ❑r vther re�e�ant �scal infvrmativn. (j� �b[igvr shafl retain the Equipment free of any harardaus substances as defined fn the Camprehensi�e Enwranmental Respanse� Compensation and LiabElity Act, 42 U.S.C. 9fi01 et. seq. as amended and supp�emented. �k� �bllgar present�y intends ta cantinue this Contract far the �riginal Term and al� Renewal Terms as set farth an Exhib�t "6' heretv. The aificiai af �b�igar respansible far budget preparation will include in the budget request fvr each 6udget Year the Cantract Payments ta be�vme due in su�h 6udget year, and will use all reasanab�e and lawful means a�aifable tv secure the apprapriativn vf mvney fvr such 6udget Year sufficient tv pay the Cvntract Payments cvming due therein, �biigvr reasonably believes that maneys can and will lawfully be apprapriated and made a�ailable far this purpvse. 5ectian 2.02. Escrow Contra�t. In the e�ent bath �bfigee and �bligar mutually agree ta utilize an Escraw Ar,�ount, then immediate�y fvllvwing the exe�ut�vn and defNery vf this Cvntra�t, �bligee and �bligar agree ta execute end deli�er and tv cause Escraw Agent to execute and deli�er the Escraw Cantract. This Cvntra�t shall take effect vnly upvn execut�an and defi�ery vf the Escraw Cantract by the parties theretv �bligee shal� depvsit ar cause tv be depvsited with the Escraw agent for credit tv the Equipment Acquisit�an Fund the sum vf $NIA, whi�h shall be held, invested and disbursed in ac�ardance with the Escraw Cantract I11. ACqulsition of Equ�pment. CorrtraCt Payments and the Purchase aption Pri�e S�,c�o .01. Acnuisit�an and Ac�eptance. �bligar shall be sa�eEy responsibfe fvr the ardering af the Equipment and far the de�i�ery and installatian ❑f the Equi�ment. Execut�an af the Ar,�eptance Certif�cate by an emplayee, a�icial ❑r agent af the �bllgar hawng managenal, supervisary vr pracurement au#harity with respect to the Equipment shall �anstitute a��eptance af the Equipment ❑n behalf af the �bligar. Se�tian 3.02. Contract Pavments. �b�igvr shall pay Contract Payments exclusi�ely to �bligee ❑r its assignees in lawful, legaily a�a��able money of the United States vf America. The Cvntract Payments shall be sent �a the �vcat�an specified by the �bligee ar its assignees. The Cvntra�t Payments shall �onstitute a current expense af the �bligar and shall nat �onstitute an indebtedness af the �bligar. The Cantract Payments are due as set farth ❑n Exhibit 6. �bligee sha11 have the opt�on to charge interest at the highest lawful rate vn any Cvntract Payment recei�ed later than the due date far the numher vf days that the Gantra�t Payment�s� were late, plus any additiona! accrual an the vutstanding ba�ance far the number vf days that the Contract Payment�sj were late. �bligee shall alsv ha�e the aption, an manthly payments vnly, to �harge a late fee af up ta 10°Io of the manthly Gantract Payment that is past due. The Cantract Payments wilf be payable withaut nati�e ar demand. Sectian 3.03. Cantract Pavments Uncandit�vnal. ExCept as prv�ided under Se�tian 4.01, THE �BLIGATI�NS �F �6LlG�R T� MAKE G�NTRACT PAYMENTS AND T� PERF�RM AND �6SERVE THE �THER C�VENANTS G�NTAINED IN THIS C�NTRACT SHALL BE A85�LUTE AN❑ UNC�NDITI�NAL IN ALL EVENTS WITH�UT A6ATEMENT, D�MINUTI�N, ❑EDUCTI�N, SET-�FF �R DEFENSE. Section 3.04. Pur+chase �ntion Price. Upvn thirty �30j days wntten nvtice, �hligar sha�l ha�►e the aptian to pay, in additian ta the Cantract Payment, the cvrresponding Pur+chase �plivn Price which is listed vn the same line an Exhihit B. This aption is ❑n1y a�ailable ta the �bligar vn the Cvntract Payment date and na partial prepayments are allawed. Ef �bligvr chvases this ❑ptivn and pays the Pur+chase �ptian Pr�ce tv �bligee then �bligee will transfer any and all af its r�ghts, title and interest �n the Equipment ta �b�igar. 5ectian 3.05 Contract Term. The Gvntract Term af the Cvntra�t sha11 be the �rigina! Term and aIl Renewa! Terms until al� the Contract Payments are paid as set farth vn Exhibit 8 ex�ept as pravided under 5ectian 4.Q1 and Sectivn 9.Q1 belaw. If, after the end of the budgeting pracess which ac�urs at the end af the �nginal Term ar any Renewal Term, �bfigar has nat nan-apprapriated as pra�ided far in this Cantract then the Contract Term shall be extended inta the next Renewel Term and the �bligar shall be ab�igated to make aIR the Cvntract Payments that �ame due during such Renewal Term. 5e�tian .�fi. D�s �aimer af Warrantles �BLIGEE MAKES N� WARRANTY �R REPRESENTATI�N� EITHER E7{PRE55 �R IMPLIEO, A5 Tp THE VALUE, ❑ESIGN, C�NDITI�N, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS F�R PARTICULAR PURP�SE �R ANY �THER WARRANTY WITH RESPECT T� THE EQUIPMENT. �gLIGEE SHALL NpT Agenda Item 8.f. Page 14 BE LIABLE FQR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL QR C�NSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE AR151NG QUT QF THE INSTALLATI�N, �PERATIQN, PQ55ES51QN, STQRAGE QR U5E �F THE EQUIPMENT BY QBLIGQR. !V. Non-Apprvpriation 5ection 4.01. Non-ARaro riation. li insu�fcient funds are a�ailabie in Qbligo�s budget for the next Budget Year to make the Contract Paymenks for the next Renewal Term and the funds to make such Contrac# Payments are otherw�se una�ailahle hy any law�ul means whatsoe�er, then �bl�gor shali ha�e the option to non-appropr�ate the funds to pay the Contract Payments for the next Renewal Term. Lack of a sufficient appropriation sha11 be e►ndenced by the passage of an ordinance or resolution by the go�eming hody of �bligor specifically prohibit�ng �bligor from performing its obligations under this Contract and from using any moneys to pay the Contract Payments d ue under this Contract for a designated Budget Year and all subsequent Budget Years. If �bligor chooses this option, then ail ohligations of the �bl�gor under this Contract regard�ng Contract Payments for all remaining Renewal Terms sha11 be terminated at the end of the then current �rig�nal Term or Renewal Term without penalty or liabil�ty to the �b�igor of any kind pro�ided that if �bE�gor has not del,�ered possession of the Equipment to �biigee as pro��ded herein and conveyed to �hligee or released its interest in the Equlpment hy the end of the �ast Budget Year for which Contract Payments were paid, the termination shafl ne�ertheless be e�Fectir�►e but Qbligor sha11 he responsible for the payment of damage� in an amount equa� to the amount of the Contract Payment� thereafter coming due under Exh�bit 'B' which are attributable to the number of days after such Budget Year during whfch �bfigor fa�ls to take such actions and for any other foss suffered by Qbligee as a result of �b�igo�s failure to take such actions as required. �hligor sha11 �mm�diately notify the �bl+gee as soon as the declsion to non-appropnate is made. If such non-appropriation occurs, then Qb�igor shall deli�er the Equrpment to Dbligee as pro►rided below in 5ect�on 9.04, phligor sha[! he liable for a11 damage to the Equipment other than normal wear and tear If Qbligor fails to deli�er the Equipment to Dhligee, then Qhlfgee may enter the premises where the Equ�pment �s located and take possession of the Equspment and charge �hligor for cost� incurred. V. lnsurance, Damage� Insufticiency vf Prviceeds 5ection 5.01 Insurance. �hligor shall maintaEn both casualty insurance and liability insurance at its own expense with respect to the Equipment. Qbligor shall he soleiy responsihle for selecting the insurer(sj and for making ali premium payment� and ensuring that all policies are continuously kept in e�Fect during the period when �hligor is required to make Contract Payments. �bligor shall pro►ride �htigee with a Cer#ificate of Insurance which Itsts the �hligee andlor assigns as a loss payee and an addit�onal insured on the policies with respect to the Equipment. �ay �hligor sha[1 insure �he Equipment against any loss or damage hy fire and a11 other risks co�ered hy the standard extended co�erage endo rsement then In use in the 5tate and any other risks reasonably required hy �hligee in an amount at least equal to the then appl�cahle Purchase Qption Price of the Equipment. Altemati►�ely, �hligor may insure the Equipment under a hlanket insurance pol�cy or palicies. �hy The liahility insurance shall insure �hligee from liahility and property damage in any form and amount satisfactory to �hligee. �cj �hl�gor may self-�nsure against the casualty nsks and liability risks described aho�e. If Qbli�Dr ChD0585 thl5 OpUOn, �h�igor must fumish �bligee with a certificate andlor ather documents which e�idences such co�erage. �d) All insurance policies �ssued or affected hy this 5ection shall he so written or endorsed such that khe �hl�gee and its assignees are named additiona! insureds and loss payees and that alf losses are payahle to �hligor and Qbligee or its assignees as their interests may appear. Each policy issued or affected hy thls Section shall contain a pro►ris+on that the insurance �ompany sha11 not cance! or materia[ly modify the policy vr►�thout first gi�ing thirty �30j days advance notice to �hl�gee or �ts assignees. �hl�gor sha[I fumish to �bligee certificates e�idencing such c��erage throughout the Cantract Term. 5ection 5.02. Damaqe to or Destruction of Equipment. �biigor assumes the risk of loss or damage to the Equ�pment. If the Equipment or any portion thereof is lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed hy tire or other casualty, Qhligor will immediate�y report all such losses to all possibie insurers and take the proper procedures to attain al� ir�surance proceeds. At the option of �bligee, �bEigor shall either (1 y app�y the Net Proceeds to replace, repair or restore the Equipment or {2j apply the Net Proceeds to the applicahle Purchase �pt�on Price. For purposes of this 5ection and 5ection 5.03, the term Net Proceeds shall mean the amount of insurance proceeds �ollected from a!I appficable insurance policies aRer deducting all expenses incurred in the �oltection thereof. 5eclion 5.03. Insu�iciencv of Ne1 Proceeds. If there are no Net Proceeds for whate�er reason or if the Net Prviceeds are insufficient to pay in fuli the c�st of any repfacement, repair, restoration, modif�cation or �mpro�ement of the Equipment, then �hligor shafl at the optian vf Qbligee, efther {1 j complete such replacement, repa�r, restvration, modification or �mpro�ement and pay any costs thereof �n excess of the amount of th t t 2} ap !y the Net Proceeds to the Purchase �ption Pr�ce and pay the def�ciency, if any, to the �bl�gee. 5ection 5.04. �bfiQOr Ne4liqence. �bllgor assumes all nsks and liahilities, whether o + � r ce, for loss or damage to the Equipment and for injury to or death of any person or damage to any property whether such injury or death be with respect ❑ t e f�hligor or of third parties, and whether such property damage be to �bfigo�s property or the property af others �including, withvut I�mitation, [iahi�ities ❑r a r at d to the release or threatened release of haaardous suhstances under the Compreher�sn►e En►rironmenta! Response, Compensation and Liah�lity Act, th o ' n and Recovery Act or simifar or successor law or any 5tate or local equi�alent now exisiing or hereinaRer enacted which in any mar�ner arise vut of i o y ossession, use, operation, condition or storage of any Equiprnent hy �bligor] whlch is proximately caused hy the negligent cvnduct vf �bligor, its �ffi n nts. Qbligor herehy assumes responsibility fvr and agre�s tv reimhurse �hl�gee for a!I liabifities, vhligations, Ivsses, damages, penalties, claims, ac a e p se {including reasonahle attomeys' fees� vf whatsoe�er kir�d and nature, imposed vn, incurred hy vr asserted against �hligee that in any way relate to i a , uit vr proceeding, based in whole or in part upvn the negllgent conduct vf �hligor, its officers, employees and agents, to the maximum extent permitted hy kaw. VI. T+tle and 5ecurity Irrterest 5ection 6.01. Title. T�tfe tv the Equipment shafl �est in �hligor when �hligor acquires and accepts the Equipment. Title to the Equipment wrll automatiGally transfer to the �bligee in the e�ent �hligor nvn-appropriates under 5ection 4.01 or ir� the er�►ent �hligor defaults under 5ection 9.01. ln either of such e�ent$, �hligor shafi execute and deli�er to �hligee such document� as �hligee may request to e�idence the passage of legal title to the Equipment to �bligee. 5ection 6.02. 5ecurit lnterest. To secure the payment of all Qbligor's ahfigat�ar�s under this Cvntract, as wel� as all other ohl�gatfons, dehts and liahifit�es, whether now existing or suhsequently created, �hligor hereby grants to �hligee a security interest under the Uniform Commercial Code cvnstituting a first lien on the Equipmer�t described more fully on Exh�bit 'A'. Furfhermor�e, �hligor agrees that any and all Equipment E�sted vn any other Exhibit A, whether prior to or suhsequent heretv, secures a11 ohligativns� dehts and I�ahilities of e�ery kind and character, pEus �nterest therevn, whether nvw ewst�ng or hereafter arising. �hligvr agrees that any Equipment listed vn Exhihit'A' wdl rema�n personaf property and will not hecome a tixture e�en if attached to real property. The security interest estahlished hy this sect�on includes not oniy additivns, attachments, repairs and replacement�� tv the Equipment hut also al� proceeds therefrom. �hligor authvr�es �bZigee to prepare and record any Financing 5tatement required under the Unifvrm Cvmmer�c�al Code to perfect the security interest created hereunder. Vll. Assignment 5ection 1.01. Assiqnment hv �hliQee. A[I of �hligee's rights, title andlor interest in and to this Contract may be ass�gned and reassigned in whole or in part to one or more assignees or suh�ass�gnees �inc�uding a Registered Dwner for Participation Certificates� by �hligee at any time without the oonsent of �bligvr. No such assignment shali he e�Fecti�e as against �bligor until the assignor sha11 ha�e tiled with �bligvr written notice of assignment ideniifying the assignee. Qhllgvr shall pay a11 Contract Payments due hereunder re�ating to such Equipment to or at the directivn of �hligee or the ass�gnee named in the notice of assignment. �hiigvr shall keep a�omplete and accurate recvrd of al� such ass+gnments. 5ectlon 1.02. Assi�nment bv �hliatar. None of �bsigor's right, titfe and interest under this Contract ar�d in the Equipment may he assigned by �bligor unless �hligee appro►res of such assignment in writing hefore such assignment occurs and only after �bfigor first ohtains an opinion from nat�or�afly recvgnized counsel stating that such assignment will not jevpardiae the tax-exempt status of the ohligativn. VlI1. Maintenance vf Equipment 5ection g.01. �bligor shall keep the Equipment �n gvod repair and working order. �hligee shall ha�e no ohl�gation to inspect, test, sernce, maintaln, repair vr make impro�ement� or additions to the Equipment ur�der any cir�cumstances. �h��gor wili be liahle for a[I damage tv the Equipment, other than normal wear and tear, caused by �hligor, it� employees vr its agents. �hligor shall pay for and ohtain a« permits, licenses and taxes necessary for the installat�on, operat�vn, possessivn, storage or use of the Equipment. tf the Equipment ir�cludes any titled �ehicletsj� then �hfigor is responsib�e for ohtafnir�g such titletsy from the 5tate and afso for ensuring that �hligee is listed as First Lienholder on all of the titletsj. If any fees ar�e required to be pa�d by the Califomia Deht 8� In►restment Ad�isory Commission ther� such fees shall be paid directiy from the �hligor to the Califomia Deht 8� lnvestment Ad►risory Commisslon. �h�igor shall not during the term of thls Contract create, incur or assume any 1e►+ies� Iler�s or encumbrances of any kfnd wEth respect to the Equipment except those created hy this Cor�tract. Qbligor agrees that �hligee or its Assigr�ee may execute any additional document� including tinancing statements, affida►rit�, natices, and similar Ir�stn.rmer�t�, for and or� beha�f of �hllgvr which �bE�gee deems necessary or appropriat�e to protect �hligee's ir�ter�est ir� the Equipment ar�d in this Contract. The Equipment is and shall at af� times he ar�d remain personal property. �hligor sha11 allow �hligee to examine and ir�spect the Equipment at a!I reasonable t�mes. ix. Defau[t 5ec�ivn 9.01. E�ents of Default defined. The following events sha11 cor�stitute an °E�ent of Defauft" under this Contract: Agenda Item 8.f. Page 15 {ay Failure by �bl�gar ta pay any Cantract Payment listed an Exhib�t "B" for f�een �15] days after such payment is due accard�ng ta the Payment Date listed an Exhib�t "B ". �hj Fatlure to pay any ather payment required to he paid under this Cantra�t at the time spec�fied herein and a cantinuatian of sa�d failure for a penod of fif�een �15j days a�er written natice hy �bligee tha# such payment must be made. If �bligor Continues to faii to pay any payment a�#er such period, then �hligee may, but will not be obligated ta, make suCh payments and Charge �hligar for a!I costs inCurr�d plus interest at the highest lawful rate. �cj Failure by �bligar to observe and perfarm any wananty, ca�enant, canditian, promise ar duty under this Contract far a period of thirty �3Qy days after written natiCe speCifying suCh fai�ure is gi�en ta �bligar by �hligee, unless �bligee agrees in wr�ting to an extens�an af t�me. �hligee will nat unreasona h!y withhold its cansent ta an extensian af ume if carrect�ve actian is instituted hy �bligar. 5ubsection �C� daes not apply ta ContraCt Payments and ather payments d �scussed above. �d} Any statement, material am�ssian, representatian or wananty made by �bligar in ar pursuant ta th�s CantraCt which pro�es to he false, incarrect ar misleadingan the daUe when made regardless af �bl'rga�s intent and whiCh materially ad�ersely affeCts the rights ar seCUnty af �hl�gee under this ContraCt. �ej Any pravisian of this Contract which ceases to be �alid far whatever reasan and the lass af suCh provlsian wauld materially adversety affect the rights ar seC�nty af �hligee. �fj �hligor admits in writing its inahility ta pay +ts abligations. �hligar defaults on one ar mare af its ather obligatians. �b�igar applies ar cansents to the appaintment af a reCei�er ar a �ustadian to manage its affairs. �hl�gor makes a genera! assignment for the benefit af creditars. 5ectian 9.0 . Remed�es an Defaul� Whene�er any E�ent of Default exists, �bligee shall ha�e the right ta take ane or any c�mbinatian af the fallawing remedsal steps: �aj With or withaut terminating this Contract, �bligee may deClare all Cantract Payments and ather amounts payable hy �bl�gar hereunder ta the end af the then current Budget Year to be immediatety due and payable. {b} With or without terminating th�s ContraCt, �bfigee may require �bEigor at �bl�ga�s expense ta redelE�er any ar all af the Equipment to �hfigee as pro�ided belaw in SeCtlon 9.0�. SuCh defivery shall take place within fifteen {15� days after the e�ent af default oCCurs. If �bl�gar fails ta deliver the Equipment, �bligee may enter the premises where the Equipment is lacated and take possessian af the Equipment and Charge �hligar far cost incurred. Natwithstand�ng that �hligee has taken possess�an oi the Equipment, �bligor shall s#�I1 be obligated to pay the remaining Cantract Payments due up unti� the end af the then current �riginal T�rm ar Renewal Term �bligar will be liah�e far any damage to the Equ�pment �aused by �b�igor or its employees ar agents (c� �hligee may take whatever aCt�on at law or in equity that may appear necessary ar desirable to enfar+ce its nghts. �bligar shafl he respons�ble to �bligee iar all casts inCUrred by �hfigee in the enfor�cement of its rights under this Cantract inCluding, but nat I�mited to, reasanable attamey fees. 5ec ion 9.�3. Na Remedv Exclusive. No remedy herein canierned upon or reserved ta �bligee is intended to be exclusi�e and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shail be in addition ta e�ery other remedy given under thls ContraCt now ar hereafEer exls�ng at law ar in equity. Na delay or amission ta exe�cFse any nght or power accruing upan any default shall impair any suCh right or shall be canstrued ta be a wai�er thereaf. 5ectio n 9.��4. Retu m of E uc�l me nt a nd 5tara4e. �ay 5urrender: The �bligor shail, at its own expense, sumender the Equipment to the �h�igee In the e�ent of a defautt or a non-appropnatian hy delivering the Equipment ta the �hligee to a lacatian accessihle hy camman camer and designated hy �bfigee. ln the case that any af the Equiprnent cans�sts of sof�ware, �bligor shall destroy all intangihle items constituting such soFtware and shall deli�er to �bligee all tangible items canstitu�ing such soFtware. At �h�fgees �equest, �h�igor sha11 also certify in a form acceptahle to �bl�gee that �bligar has complied with the abo�e softvvare retum pro�sions and that they w�il immediately cease using the saftware and that they shall permit �hf�gee andlor the �endor of the software ta inspect �bligar's lacations ta �enfy campl�ance with the terms hereta. �b� Deli�ery: The Equipment shall he deli�ered to the locatian designated by the �bligee hy a comman carrier unless the �hligee agrees in writing that a Cammon r.arrier is not needed. When the Equipment is delivered inta the custady of a Common Carrier, the �bligar shall anange far the shipping af the item and its ins�rance in transit in accardance with the �bligee's instructions and at the �bliga�s saie expense �bligar at its expense shafl campletely sever and disCOnnect the Equipment or its component parts from the �btigar's prvperty all withaut liability ta the �hligee. �bligar sha�l paCk or Crate the Equipment and a11 of the campanent parts af the Equipment carefully and in aCCOrdance with any reCammenda�ians af the manufaCturer The �hligar shall deliver ta the �bligee the plans, speCificatians aperatian manuals ❑r ather warranties and dacuments fumished by the manufacturer ar �endar an the Equipment and such ather documents in t1�+e �bligar's passessian relating ta the maintenanCe and methads af aperat�an of such Equipmen�. �C� Canditian: When the Equipment is surnendered ta the �bligee it shall be in the canditian and repair r�quir�d to be maintained under this C.vntraC�. It wfil alsa meet aEl lega! regu�atary canditians necessary far the �hligee to sell or lease it ta a third party and he free af a11 liens. 1f �bligee reasanahiy determines that the Equipment ar an item of the Equipment, anCe it is returned, is nat in th o'ti y, �hligee may cause the repair, serviCe, upgrade, madifcatian ❑r a�erhaul ❑f the Equipment or an item af the Equipment ta aChie�e s c i 1 n p n emand, �bligar sha11 promptly reimburse �bligee far all amounts reasonahly expended in canneCtian with the taregaing. �d) 5tarage: Upan written request by the �bligee, the �hligor shafl pro�id e quipment ar any item af the Equipment far a periad nat ta exC�ed fi0 days a�er the expiratian ❑f its CantraCt Term befare retuming It ta the i � o s all anange for the �nsuranCe descnbed to Cantinue in full farce and effeCt with respeCt to such item dunng rEs starage period and the �blige s rs t e � igor an demand far the inCrementai premium cost of prv�ding such insuran�e. X. Miscelfaneaus 5ection 1.01. Nati�es. All natiCes shall be suffiCiently g��en and shall he deeme e! e d r mailed by reg�stered mail, postage prepaid, ta the parties at their respeCti�e plaCes af business as first set forth herein ar as the partaes sha12 designate hereafter in writ�ng. 5ect�an 1Q.02. BindinQ Effe�t. �bligar acknowledges this Contra�t Is nat binding upan the �bligee ar its assignees unless the Canditlons ta Funding listed an the DoCumentation lnstruCtians have been met ta �bligee's satisfaCtion, and �bligee has executed the Cantrac�. Thereafter, this CaniraCt shall inure to the benefit of and st�all be hinding upon �h��gee and �bligor and their respecti�e successors and assigns. 5ectian 10.03, 5e�erahilit►r. In the event any pro�sian af this ConiraCt sha�1 be he�d in�alid ar unenforceable hy any Court af campetent jurisdiCtian, such hafding shail not in�alidate or render unenfor+ceable any ather pro�sion hereot. 5ection 1Q.0�. Amendments. Addenda ChanQes �r MadifiCatians. This Contract may he amended, added to, Changed ar modiFied hy written Contract duly exeCuted by �bligee and �hligor. Furthermore, �btigee reserves the right ta charge �bligar a iee, ta he determined at that time, as Compensatian ta �bligee far the additianaf administrati►re expense resulting from suCh amendment, addenda, Change or madifi�ation. SeCtion 1�.Q5. ExeCution in Caunter�arts. This ContraCt may he simultaneousiy executed in se�eral caunterparts, eaCh at whiCh shal! be an original and all of whic#� shall canstitute hut one and the same instrument. 5ec �an 1 a.06. Caatians. The captions or headings in this Cantract da nat define� I�mit ar describe the sc�pe or intent ❑f any pra�isians ar seCtions at th�s Cantract. 5e�ti n 1 Q.Ol. Master CaniraCt. Th�s Contract �an be utiiized as a Master Cantrac�. This means that the �b�igee and the �bligor may agree to the financing af additianal Equipment under this CantraCt at same pa�nt �n the fiature by exeCuting ane ar mare Additianal SChedules ta Exhibit A, Exhibit B� Exhibit C and Exhibit D as wel� as other exhibits ❑r daCuments that may be requ�red by �bligee. Additianal 5chedules will be canseCuti�ety numhered an each af the exhihits wh�Ch make up the Additianal SChedule and all the terms and canditians af the ContraCt sha11 go�em eaCh Additianai Schedufe. 5ec ian 10.08. Entire WrifinQ. This CantraCt constitutes the entir� writing between �hEigee and �bligar Na wai�er� COnSBnt, maditiCati�n ❑r �h8nge of term5 af thiS CantraCt shatl bind either party unfess in writing and signed by both parties, and then suCh wa��er, c�nsent, madifcatian ar Change sha�l be effective ❑nly in the specifC instanCe and far the speC�fc purpose gi�en. There are no understandings, Cantracts, representations, aonditions, ar wananties, express ar implied, whiCh are nat specifed herein regardir�g this Cantract ar the Equipment financed her�under. Any terms and Canditians af any pur►chase arder ❑r ather da�uments submEtted by �bligar in �anneCtion with th�s CantraCt which are in addition ta or incansistent with the terms and canditians af thts CantraCt v�n11 not be hinding on �bligee and will not app�y ta th�s Contract. �bligee and �bligar have r.aused this Contract ta be executed in their names hy their dufy autharized representati�es listed befaw. ccLE55EENAME�� ccLE55�R NAME�� Signature S�gnature Typed Name and Title Typed Name and Title Agenda Item 8.f. Page 16 Schedule �ttScheduleNumheryy} EXHIBIT ►o► DESCRIPTI�N �F E�UIPMENT RE: Gv�ernment �bl�gat�vn Cvntra�t dated as vf «LeaseDate��, t�etween ccLessvr Names� t�t�ligee� and ccLesseeName» t�b�igvr� Below is a detailed description of all the �tems o� Equipment in�luding quantity, model number and serial number where applicable: ccEq uipmentDeseripti8n» Phys�cal Address of Equipment after Deli�ery: Agenda Item 8.f. Page 17 Schedule �ttScheduleNumber}}� E}CHIBIT B PAYIUlENT S�HEDULE RE: Gv�ernment �b1 igativn �vntract dated as �f cc LeaseDateff, between cc Less�r Name ss �pbligee} and cc LesseeNamefs ��blig�r} Date �f First Payment: �riginal Balance: T�tal Number �f Payments: N um b�r of Paym�nts P�r Year: cc Lessee�lVamefs 5ignature Typed fVame and Titie *Rssumes a« Coniraci Payments due to date are paid ccDate�f Fifs#Payment}y $cc L�]anAm�unt}} cc T�ta I N u m ber�f Pay m� nts }} cc N u mb�r�fPaym�ntsPerYea r}} � Agenda Item 8.f. � Page 18 S�hedule �t�S�hedu�ehlumber��} EXHIBIT � CERTlFiCATE �F AC�ERTANCE RE: Go�ernmen# Qhliga#�on �on#ract dated as of ccLeaseDatess, between ccLessor_Name 33 �Qhligeey and ccLesseeName33 �Qhligory I, the undersigned, hereby certify that ! am a duly qualified representative vf �bligvr and that I ha�e been given the authvrity by the �vverning Bvdy vf �bligvr tv ssgn this Certificate vf Acceptance w;th respe�t tv the abvve referenced Cvntra�t. I hereby certify that: 1. The Equipment described vn Exhib�t A has been delivered and installed in accvrdance with �bligvr's specifications. 2. �bligvr has �vnducted such inspe�t'rvn andlvr testing vf the Equipment as it deems necessary and apprvpriate and hereby acknvwiedges that it a��epts the Equipment fvr al� purpvses. 3. �b�igvr has apprvpriated andlvr taken vther lawful act+vns necessary tv prvvide mvneys sufficient tv pay all Cvntract Payments required tv be paid under the Cvntract during the current Budget Year vf �bligvr, and such mvneys will be applied in payment vf al� Cvntract Payments due and payab�e during such current Budget Year. 4. �bligvr has vbtained insurance �vverage as requ3red under the Cvntract frvm an insurer qua�ified tv dv business in the State. 5. Nv event vr �vnd�tivn that cvnstitutes vr wvuld cvnstitute an E�ent vf Default exists as vf the date herevf. fi. The gv�ern�ng bvdy vf �bligvr has apprv�ed the authvrizativn, executivn and deli�ery vf this Cvntra�t vn its beha�f by the authvrized representati�e vf �bligvr whv signed the Cvntract. 7. Please list the Svur�e vf Funds �Fund Item in Budget} fvr the Cvntra�t Payments that cvme due under Exhibit B vf this Cvntract. ., r., r-, �„--, ,� ,--, cc5ourceOfFundsf� If the abv�e 5vur�e vf Funds is svlely a grant ty �eneral Fund vf the �bligvr as a ba�kup svur�e u LesseeName33 5ignature Typed Name and Title ��e t e�bligor, by signing belvw, hereby authvrizes the n s ram w�ch the Cvntra�t Payments �an be made. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 19 SGhedu�e �cc,SGh�duleNumbery3} E�H IBIT D �BLI��R RES�LU1'I�N RE: Go�ernment �bl�gation Contract dated as of «LeaseDateyy, between «Lessor_Name s� ��bligee� and «LesseeNameyy ��bligor� At a duly �alled meeting of the �o�erning Body of the �bligor �as defined in the �vntra�t} held on the following resolution was introdu�ed and adopted: BE IT RES�LVED by the �o�em�ng Body of �b�igor as fol�ows: 1. Determination of Need. The �o�erning Body of �bligor has determ�ned that a true and �ery real need exists for the a�qu�sition of the Equipment des�ribed on Exhibit A of the �o�ernment �bligation �ontra�t dated as of «LeaseDatey�, between ccLesseeName�y ��bligor} and «Lessor Name�� ��bligee}. �. Appro�al and Authorization. The ���em�ng form presented t� this meeting, is in the best �o�erning B�dy hereby appr��es the enteri auth�rizes the f�ll�wing pers�n�s} t� exe�ute ai su�h person�s} deem�s} appropriate, and any �onsummation of the transaction c�ntemplated r as determined that the ��ntra�t, substantially in the bligvr f�r the acquisit��n �f such Equipment, and the vntract by the �bfig�r and hereby designates and ntrac# on �blig�r's behalf with�su�h changes thereto as e ts, in�luding any Es�row ��ntra�t, ne�essary ta the Authorized Indivrdual�s�: �Printed ❑r Typed Name and Title ❑f individuai�s� autharized ta execute the Cantract} 3. Adoption of Resolution. The s�gnatures bel�w fr�m the designated indi��duals fr�m the C��erning B�dy �f the �blrg�r e�tden�e the adopti�n by the ���erning B�dy �f this Resoluti�n. Signature: �Signature af Secretary, Baard Chairman ❑r ❑ther member ❑f the Gaverning Bady� Typed Name 8� Title �Typed Name and Title af individual wh❑ signed dFre�tly above} Attested By: �Signature ❑f ❑ne add�tjanal persan wh❑ can wttness the passage af this Resalutian� Typed Name 8� Title: �Typed name af individual wh❑ signed directEy abave} Agenda Item 8.f. Page 20 Sch�dul� ��Schedul�Number�� BANK C��ALIFIED �ERTIFI�ATE RE: Go�ernment �bligation Contract dated as of «LeaseDateyy, between «Lessor Name» ��bligee� and «LesseeNameyy �Qbligor} Whereas, Dbligor hereby represents that it is a"Bank C�ualifed" Issuer for the calendar year in which this �ontract is �x�cuted by making the following d�signations with respect to 5ection �65 of the Internal R���nue �od�. �A �Bank C�ualified Issuer" is an issuer �hat issues less than ten mi��ion �$� 0,���,��0} dollars of tax-exempt obl�gations during the cafendar y�ar}. hlow, therefor, Dbligor h�r�by d�signat�s this �ontrac� as follouvs: �. Designation as C�ualif ed Tax-Exempt �bligation. Pursuant to 5�ction Z65�b}�3}�B}�i} of th� I nternal R���nu� Cod� of �9SS as am�nded �th� "�od��}, the Dbligor her�by specifically d�s�gnates the �ontract as a"qualified tax-�xQmpt obl�gation" for purpos�s of 5�ction Z65�b}�3} of th� Code. In compliance uvith 5ection 265�b}�3}�D} of �he �ode, the �bligor her�by represents that th� �bligor uvil� not designate mor� than $�0,0��,��� of obligatians issued by the �bfigor in the cafendar year during uvhich th� �ontract is �x�cut�d and deli��red as such "qualifi�d tax-exempt obligations". Z. Issuance Limitation. In complianc� with tr repres�nts that the �bligor �including all sub of �h� Code} reasonably an�icipat�s not to d�li��r�d, obligations b�aring inter�st �x�mp Lpri�at� acti��ty bonds" as d�fin�d in S�ction ct LesseeNameyy Signatur� Typed hlam� and Title 5ection ZSS�b}�3}��} of the �ode, th� �bligor her�by the �bligor within the meaning of 5ection �SS�b}�3}�E} dar y�ar during which the �ontract is �x�cut�d and ne taxat'ron und�r 5ection ��3 of the �od� �other than an amount greater �han $��,��4,4�D. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 21 IN � �1�AN�E 1�E �I1�EMENT� Pursuant to Article V in the Go�ernment �bliga�ion �ontract, �ou ha�e agreed to pro�ide us e�idence of insurance co�ering the propert� in the �ontract. A�ertificate of Insurance naming a11 utsured parties and co�erages must be determined to us as soon as possible, but no later than the date on wl�ch de�i�ery of equipment occurs. If you have not taken possession of the equipment, please wrike a memo to �bligee statin our carrier insurance a ent and tele hone number to reach them u on delive . In khe case of self-insurance, khe amounts of liability and physical damage co�erage are to be listed on some form of certificate supplied by you. In addition, information regarding the nature of your self-insurance program should also be forwarded to us as soon as possible. INS CE RE(�UIREMEIV�S: 1. LIABILITY ►� �il�itr�ul�z of $Z,DDD,DDD.DD cotr��iMed siMgte-Iilnit oM �odit� iMjur�� aMd pr•operh� datr�age. ►� Q�tigee aMd,lor �fs Assigris M�.JST �e tisfed c�s additioMat iMSUred aMd toss pa�ee. 7. PHYSICAL DAMAGE ►� AII 1�zsk coverage fo guaraMtee proceeds su�f c�eMf to pa� the apptica�te Purcl�use Qp�ioM Price crs set forfl� iM Ex1�i �i f B of fhe CoM fracf. Q�tigee aMd/or � fs Assigris M�S T�e tis �ed as addi �ioMat i Msu red aM d toss payee. ►� �ze deduc�i�te atr�ouMts oM fhe iMSUraMce potir���1q�t� ��c� $«�MsuraMCeDeduc�i�teArrtoul�f». 3. END�RSEMENT ►� Q�tigee u�itl 1'eceive at teast f�zirty �3D} dc��s z j IMSUrer prior fo alfera�iaM, cal��etta�ion or 1�eductroM of iMsu raMCe c�verage. PLEASE FA�C THE CERTIFICATE T� US AS S��N AS P�SSIBLE AT �785ti 587-4�b8, AND MAIL THE �RIGINAL T�: Y�UR ASSISTANCE IS GREATLY APPRECIATED T� C�MPLETE THIS TIZANSACTI�N, IF Y�U HAVE ANY (�UESTI�NS, PLEASE GIVE US A CALL AT «Lessor_Tele hone». ccLesseeName�� Insurance �ompany: Agent's Name: Telephone #: Fax #: Address, �i#y, 5#ate & Zip: Agenda Item 8.f. Page 22 � Information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental �bligations Far'" � Under lntemat Fte�enue Cade sectivn 149�e� �Re�. May 2�1fl) O See separa#e instructians. �M� �a• �5�5-4720 Departmeni of t�e Tre�sury Cau#ian: If the issue pri�e rs unc�er $�QQ,QQQ, use Form 8Q38-GC. Intemal Revenue S�rvic� � ReportRn� Authari 7 Issuer's name 3 hlumber and street (or P.� box if mail is not delivered to street addr�ess� �f Amended Return, cl�eck here ► ❑ 2 lss�e►'s emplayQ► identifc�t��n numb�► (�1N] � Roomisuite 4 Report number �For IRS Use �nlyj �3 5 City, town, or post offiCe, state, and ZIP code I S Date oi issue 7 Name of issue 8 CUSIP number 9 hlame and title of of�icer of the issuer or other person whom lhe lRS may call �or more iniormation � 0 Telephone number ❑f officer or othe► pe►son � � Ty�e of Issue �enter the issue price� See instructions and attach schedule � � Ed ucation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Health and hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Public safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Environment �Encluding sewage bonds�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 fi Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 7 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 �ther. aescribe ■ 19 If �bligations are TANs �r RANs, check �nly b�x 19a . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ ❑ �f �bligati�ns are BANs, check �nly b�x 19b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ ❑ 2� If obligati�ns are in the fnrm af a lease �r installment sale, check bnx ....... d � �� 13 �4 15 Descr�pti�n of �bligations. ��m lete fvr the entire issue fvr which this fvrm is bein filed. �aj Fina1 maturity date �b� Issue price ic) Stated redemption �d} Weighted price at maturiiy a�erage maturity 2� � � • LJses of Proceeds of Bond Issue [includinA underwriters' discou . {ey Yield % 22 Pr�ceeds used far accrued interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ 23 Issue price af entEre issue �enter am�unt fram line 21, cafumn �b}� .. ....... �3 24 Pr�ceeds used f�r b�nd issuance c�sts �inc�uding underwriters' disc�untj . �4 25 Pr�ceeds used fnr credit enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . �� 2fi F'r�ceeds all�cated t� reas�nably required reserve or replacement fund .. �s 27 Pr�ceeds used ta current�y refund pri�r issues ......... 2? 28 Pr�ceeds used ta advance refund pri�r issues . . . . . . . . . �8 29 T�tal �add lines 24 thraugh 28} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �g 3� N�nrefundin roce�ds af the issue subtract line 29 fram line 23 and enter am�unt her� 3� • Descripti�n of Refunded Bonds �Campl�te this part vnly for refunding bonds.j 31 Enter the rema�ning weighted average maturity �f the bands t� be currentiy refunded ...■ years 32 Enter the remaining weighted average maturity �f the bands ta be advance refunded ...■ years 33 Enter the last date �n which the refunded b�nds will be called (M MIDDIYYYY� .....■ 34 Enter the date�s� the refunded b�nds were �ssued ■ IMMIDD�YWYj For Pri�acy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. hlo. fi3773S Fom, $�3$-G �Rev. �-�o�oj Agenda Item 8.f. Page 23 Form 8038-G �Re�. 5-2D10� �ISC���aC���LlS Pag e � 35 Entsr ths amaunt af th� stat� valums cap allocatsd to ths issus under section 14� �b}�5} ... �� 3Sa Entsr ths amaunt af grass pracssds invest�d or ta bs invsstsd in a guarantssd investmsnt cantract �Gi C} �sse i nstructians} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3sa b Entsr ths finaf maturity dats of ths GIC ■ 37 Paafsd financings: a Prac�sds af th�s issus that ars ta bs ussd to maks loans ta vthsr gavsrnmsntal units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37a b If th�s 'rssue is a �aan mads fram the praceeds af anathsr tax-sxempt issus, chsck box ■❑ �nd snt�r ths n�me of the issusr ■ and ths date af ths issue ■ 38 If th� issu�r has d�signat�d th� issu� under ��ctian �fi5�b}�3}�B}�i}�III} �small issu�r �xc�ptian}, chsck bax ....! 0 39 If the issusr has slsctsd ta pay a psnalty 4n �ieu af arb�trage rsbats, check bax .............■❑ 4� If the issusr has identifisd a hedge, chsck bax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ ❑ Signature and Consent Under penalties ❑i perjury, ! declare that I ha�e examined th�s retum and accompanying schedules and statemerits, and �❑ fhe best ❑f my knowledga and belief, they are true, correct, and comp}ete. I further declare thal I consent �❑ the IR5's disc�osure ❑f the issuer's retum infarmation, as necessary ta procass th�s return, ta the person that I ha�e authorized abo�a. 5ignature ❑f issuer's authonzed representati�e Pa � � Preparer's signature Preparer's Firm's name tar u5� �17��1 yours �f self-employed�, eddress, and ZIP code ❑ate Type ❑r pnnt name and title Date Check if 5e1f-employed ❑ EIN Preparer's 55N ❑r PTIN Phone no. � Form $��$��i �Re�. 5-��� Q) Agenda Item 8.f. Page 24 � �RR� �'� � �� � �NC4APaqATE �� _ .. � � � iR .tu� r� v. i e>>,F ��L ��P �F�R MEM�RANDUM T�: CITY C�UNCIL FR�M: TERESA McCLISH, C�MMUNITY DEVEL�PMENT DIRECT�R BY: M�KE LINN, ASSISTANT CtTY EN��NEER SUB�IECT: C�NSIDERATI�N �F ACCEPTANCE �F THE �D11 STREET RESURFACING PR�JECT, PYV ��11-�� DATE: DECEMBER 13, ��11 REC�MMENDATI�N: It is rec�mmended the �ity ��uncil: 'I. Accept the pr�ject impr�vements as c�nstructed by American Asphalt S�uth, Inc. in acc�rdance with the plans and specificati�ns f�r the 2�'I'I Street Resurfacing Pr�ject; 2. Direct staff t� file a Notice of �ompletion; and 3. Authorize release of the retention, thirty-five �35} days after the Notice of �ompletion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. IMPACT �N FINANCIAL AND PERS�NNEL RES�URCES: The �apital Improvement Budget for Fiscal Years 2�'1�12�'I'I and 2�'I'112�'12 included $5'12,9�� for the subject project. The actua� total construction project cost, including authorized construction changes, is �5��,554. The recommended action will not result in any impact on staff resources. � BACK�R�UND: �n August 23, 2�'I'I, �ouncil awarded a construction contract to perform the subject project to Amer�can AsphaEt South, Inc. for $4fifi,25'I and authorized the �ity Manager to approve change orders in the amount of �4�,��5. The project scope of work invoEved the application of a Type II slurry seal for residential streets, a Type II microsurfacing �n arterial and collector streets, and striping and pavement markings. ANALYSIS �F ISSUES: The contractor has c�mpleted the work in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. There are no outstand ing issues. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 1 ci�rcouNCi� C�NSIDERATI�N �F PR�,,IECT, PW ��'1'1-�� DECEI�IBER '13, ��'1'1 PACE � ACCEPTANCE �F THE ��'1'1 STREET RESURFACING ALTERNATIVES: Th� f�ll�wing alt�rnativ�s are pr�vid�d f�r the C�uncil's c�nsiderati�n: - Ap�r�v� staffs r�c�mm�ndati�ns; - D� n�t acc��t th� pr�j�ct; - Acc��t th� �r�j�ct, but d� n�t auth�riz� r�leas� �f r�t�nti�n; �r - Pr�vid� d i r�cti�n t� staff. ADVANTAGES: Th� pr�j�ct is c�m�l�te. Acc�pting th� impr�v�m�nts will all�w staff t� cl�s� �ut th� pr�j�ct and return any r�maining funds t� th� fund balanc�. DISADVANTACES: ^fh� disadvantag� �f acc��ting th� im�r�v�m�nts w�utd b� if subs�qu�nt d�fici�nci�s in th� w�rk ar� id�ntifi�d. How�v�r, th� c�ntract d�cum�nts includ� a�n�-y�ar warranty ��ri�d f�r th� c�ntract�r t� add r�ss any c�nstructi�n d�f�cts that may aris�. ENVIR�NII�IENTAL REVIEW: "fhe pr�j�ct is cat�g�rically �x�mpt fr�m CEC�A pursuant t� 5�cti�n 153�1 �cy. PUBLIC N�TIFICATI�N AND C�II�IMENTS; Th� Ag�nda was p�st�d in fr�nt �f City Hall �n Thursday, D�c�mb�r �, ��11. "fh� Ag�nda and rep�rt w�r� ��st�d �n the City's w�bsit� �n Friday, D�c�mb�r 9, ��11. N� public c�mments w�r� r�c�iv�d. Attach m� nt: 1. N�tice �f C�mpl�ti�n Agenda Item 8.g. Page 2 REC�R.DING RE�UESTED BY AND �HEN REC4R.DED RETURN T�: CITY C LERK CITY �F AR.R�Y� GRANDE 344 EAST BRANCH STREET AR.R�Y� GRANDE, CA 93424 N�TICE �F C�MPLETI�N N�TICE I5 HEREBY GIVEN THAT: ATTACHMENT l 1. The undersigned is owner or agent of owner of the interest or estate or the property hereinafter described as stated below. 2. The FLI LL NAME of the �WNER is: The Cit�ofArro o Grande 3. The FULL ADDRE55 of the �WI�TER is: 3nn East Branch Street Arro o Grande Cali ornra 9342n 4. The NATURE �F THE INTEREST or ESTATE of the undersigned is: in fee 5. THE FULL NAME and FULL ADDRE55 of ALL PER5�N5, if any, who hold such interest or estate with the undersigned as J�INT TENANTS or as r['ENANTS IN C�MM�N are: NAMES ADDRE55E5 IWone �. THE FULL NAMES and FULL ADDRE55E5 of the PREDECE55�R'S in interest of the undersigned if the property was transferred subsequent to the commencement of the work of impro�ements herein referred to: NAMES ADDRE55E5 IWone 7. All work of impro�ement on the properiy hereinafter descr�bed was C�MPLETED ll�ovember 11, 2n11 8. '['he NAME �F THE �RIGINAL C�NTRACT�R, if any, for such work of impro�ement is: American Asphalt South, lnc. 9. The street address of said property is: IWone 14. The property on which said work of impro�ement was completed is in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis �bispo, State of California, and is descr�bed as follows: 2n11 Street Resur acin Pro'ect PW 2n11-n6 Ver�fication of N�N-INDIVIDUAL owner: I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjwy under the laws of the 5tate of California that I am the Community De�elopment Director of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property described in the abo�e notice; that 1 ha�e read the said notice, that 1 know and understand the contents thereof, and the facts stated therein are true and correct. Teresa McClish, Community De�elopment Director December i 4, 2D i l, Arroyo Grande, Cal ifornia -- END �F D�CUMENT -- Agenda Item 8.g. Page 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.g. Page 4 � PRR� �'a � �� �` iNCQRPQRATEO p � � � � V r� � JULY 1 Q. 191 1 * �4� ��� Enno�ruauM ►FO� M To: c��r �ouruci� FRC]M: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANACER , SUBJECT: C�NS�DERATI�N �F RE�UEST FR�M S�UTH C�UNTY SAN�TARY SERVICE F�R INTECRATED S�LID WASTE C�LLECTI�N RAYE INCREASE DATE: DECEMBER '13, 2�'I'I REC�MMENDATI�N: it is recommended the ��ty ��uncil adopt the attache�l r�salution app�oW�ng t�e Soutt� �ounty Sanitary Service integrated solid waste collection rate increase. IMPaCT �N FINANCIAL AND PERS�NNEL RES�U�CESIMPA�T: There is no cost to the �ity or impact on staff resources related to the proposed action. The rate re�iew was paid for by South �ounty San�tary Service. Annual franch�se fee payments ta th� �ity ar� pr�jected to increase b� approxim�tely $11,��� as a result of the rate increase. BA�KCR�LJND: �n No�em�er 1�, 1997, the �ity entered into a franchise agreement with South �ounty Sanitary Service for collection, di�ersion and disposal of solid waste. �n August �4, 1999, th� �ity also entered into a franch�se agreement with South �ounty Sanitary Service for recycling services. The agreements sp�cify procedures for rate adjustment requests, re�iew and appro�al. At the June 1�, ���8 meeting, the �ity �ounc�l appro�ed an Amended and Restated Sofid Waste �ollection, Recycling and Greenwaste Franchise Agreement �Franchise �greementy with S�uth �ounty San�tar� Service, which extended the franchise for a 15-year period. Per the franchis� agr��ment, rate r�Wiew �s establ�sh�d in accordance with the "�it� of San Luis �b�spo Rate S�tting Proc�ss and Methodology Manual for Integrated Solid Waste Management Rates" �Manualy. The franchise agreement allows for a base rate adj�stment every three �ears and int�rim rate increases in the other �ears. In interim rate periods, the operator is limited to increases resulting from inflation, tipping fee adjustments, and franchise or regulatory fee increases. Dur�ng base rate years, the operator is able to request adjustments due to changes in other operational costs as set forth in the Manual. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 1 CITY C�UNCIL INTEGRA`�ED S�LID WASTE RATE lNCREASE DECE�IABER 13, ��11 PAG E � The City received an interim year rate increase from South County Sar�itary Service on April 1, ��11 as follows: Annua! cost of I�ving adlustment 1.�3°/0 Transport of greenwaste to Santa Maria 1.7�°Ia T�pp�ng fee increase �.4�°Ia Totaf 5.15°Ia ANALYSfS �F ISSUES: The operator has not requested a rate increase since ���7. Vllhile they were eligible for a base rate review in ��1 �, they have only requested an interim rate adjustment at this time. The City contracted with consultant Bill Statler ta prepare a review of the rate increase request to determine if it complies with the provisions of the City of San Luis �bispo Rate Setting Process and Methodology Manual for I ntegrated Solid Vllaste Management Rates. Mr. Statler has expertise on rate adjustments since he was responsible for development �f the manual when he served as the Director of Finance for the City of San Luis �bispo. A copy of the review is attached and Mr. Statler will present the findings at the City C�uncil meeting. He has deterrriined the basis for the rate increase request is consistent w�th the Manual. As a result, staff recommends appr�vai. The review was contracted for jointly with the City of Pismo Beach, City of �r�ver Beach and �cearr� Community Services District. The rate increase has been approved by the C�ty of �rover Beach and the �ity of Pismo Beach. It will be considered by the �ceano Community Services District at their December 14�' meettng. Since they have not requested an increase in four years, Mr. Statler concludes the 1.�3°Ia �ncrease in controllable costs is reasonable. Th�s is well below CPi during this period. The landfill increase is based on a�5 per ton increase effective January 1, ��11. They increased another $5 per tor� in July ��11. The other item is the �ncrease request for arrangements to compost gre�nwaste material at the Engel &��ray facility in Santa Maria. This was done at the rec�mmendation of the San Luis �b�sp� Integrated Wast� Management Authority. Prior authorization from the City for these casts was requested by South County Sanitary Service prior to makir�g thes� arrangements, which was approved by the �ity Council at the December 14, ��1� me�ting. In order t� better control future cost increases, the new franchise agreement also added a clause providing the City with the ability to terminate the Agreement if rate increases ever exceed the cumulativ� cost of living increase up to that date. The City Council Agenda Item 9.a. Page 2 CITY C�UNCIL INTEGRATED S�LID WASTE RATE INCREASE DECEAABER 13, �D'�'� PAG E 3 approved ex�luding the �ost of �omposting in Santa Maria from this �al�ulat�on. Therefore, the total remaining in�rease is 3.45°/0, whi�h is below the �umulative �ost of living in�rease of 3.4$°/0. The in�rease wi11 result En the fo�lowing �hanges to rates effective January 1, ��1 �: 3�-Gallon �ontainer: �4 Gallon �ontainer: 9� Gallon �ontainer: � u rre nt Rate -� 14. 71 � �� rre nt Rate - � 19 .13 �urrent Rate - ��3.55 New Rate - �15.47 New Rate - ���.11 N ew Rate — ��4. 7� Noti�es of the proposed rate in�rease were maiied to re�ord property owners �and tenants respons�ble for the a�cvunt} more than 45 days prior to the publi� hearing. If, at the �on�lusion of the publi� hearing, written protests aga�nst the proposed rate in�rease are re�e�ved from a majorfty, the �ity may not adopt the proposed rates. "�here are �urrently �,��� a��ounts. Therefore, 3,�3� would represent a majority. A�iti�en request was re�eived to establish a��-ga�lon �ontainer servi�e. South �ounty Sanitary Serv��e has indi�ated they �ould offer a��-gallon �ontainer option. However, it would result in an in�rease in rates for other a��ounts. It would also result in a rate stru�ture not identified in the Proposition �18 noti�e. Therefore, su�h a�hange would require a delay and additional noti�e and publi� hearing. If �oun�il is interested in this �on�ept, staff re�ommends it be requested to be in�luded as an alternative when the next rate ad justment is �onsidered. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provrded for the �oun�il's �onsiderat�on: - Adopt a Resolution approving rate in�rease of 5. ��°Io; -�ontinue item and request additional information; - Do not approve an in�rease if justif�ation �annot be found in the rate review; - Do not approve the in�rease if a majority of protests are received; - Request South �ounty San�tary Servi�e to establish an option offering a��- gallon �ontainer at a redu�ed �ost and delay a�tion so another publi� hearing and publi� noti�e �ari be s�heduled; - Adopt a Resolution, but request South �ounty Sanitary Servi�e to provide an alternative in�luding a��-gallon �ontainer when the next rate adjustment �s �onsidered; or - Provide staff dire�tion. ADVANTAGES: Approval of the rate in�rease is �onsistent with the terms of the existing fran�hise agreement. C�uality of servi�e provided by South �ounty Sanitary Servi�e has been good. Therefore, the re�ommended a�tion will enable �ontinuation of uninterrupted refuse cvlle�tion and re�y�iing servi�es at a reasonable fee level. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 3 �ITY ��UN�IL INTE�RATED S�LID 1NASTE RATE IN�REASE DE�EMBER 'I3, Z�'I'I PA� E 4 DISADVANTA�ES: Vllhile staff believes the fee increase request is reasonable and complies with the terms of the franchise agreement, any increase in fees results in a negative financial impact to the �ity's residents. ENVIR�NMENTAL REVIEIN: No environmental review �s required for this item. PUBLI� N�TIFI�AI'I�N AND ��MMENTS: South �ounty Sanitary Service was required to ma�l notices to all customers and property owners 45 days prior to the public hearing per Proposition �18 regulations. A copy of the Proposition � 18 notice is attached, which was reviewed by the �ity Attorney prior to distribution. A copy of all protest letters received will be distributed to the Council. Attached to the staff report are other publrc comment letters received. Attachments: 1. I nteri m Yea r Rate I ncrease Req uest �. Review of South County Sanitary Serv�ce Interim Year Rate Request 3. Proposition � 18 Public Notice 4. Public �orresponden�e Agenda Item 9.a. Page 4 RES�LUTI�N N�. A RES�LUTI�N �F THE �iTl� ��UN�IL �F THE �ITI� �F ARR�Y� CRANDE ESTABLISHINC INTECRATED S�LID 1111ASTE ��LLE�T��N SERV��E RATES 1111HEREAS, the �ity of Arroyo Grande establishes rates and charges for sol�d waste, recycling and green waste collection services pursuant to Public Resources �ode Section 4DD59 �a} and AG M� �� 8.32. � DD and 8.32.2 � D. 1111HEREAS, South �ounty Sanitary Service, Inc. has submitted a rate increase application �the "application"} in accordance with the �ity's franchise agreements for solid waste, recycling and green waste collection services; and 1111HEREAS, the application has been comprehensively reviewed in accordance with the �ity's rate-setting policies; and 1111HEREAS, notices of the proposed rate increase were sent to property owners and tenants in accordance with the requirements of Propos�tion 2�8 and a public hearing was held on C3ecember � 3, 2D� � to consider protests against the proposed rate increase; and 1111HEREAS, it was determined at the conclusion of the public hearing that a ma jority protest to the proposed rate increase does not exist. N�W, THEREF�RE, BE �T RES�LVED by the �ity �ouncil of the �ity of Arroyo Grande as follows: The application for a rate increase is hereby approved and the integrated solid waste, recycling and green waste collection service rates set forth �n Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein shail become efFective on January '! , 2D'! 2. �n motion of �ouncil Member a nd o n the fo I Iowi ng ro I I ca I I �ote, to wit: AYES: N�ES: ABSENT: , seconded by �ouncil Member the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2D� �. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 5 RES�LUTI�N N�. PACE � T�NY FERRARA, �VIAY�R ATTEST: I+CELLY INET�VI�RE, �ITY �LERK APPR�VED AS T� ��NTENT: STEVE N ADA�VI S, �ITY IIAANAC E R APPR�VED AS T� F�R�VI: TIIIA�THY J. �ARIIAEL, �ITY ATT�RNEY Agenda Item 9.a. Page 6 S�UTH C�UNTY SAN�TARY SERVICE RATE INCREASE EFFECTIVE JANLlARY 1, Z�1Z CITY �F ARR�Y� �RAN DE Ser�iCe DesCript�on RESIDENTIAL: 3� �allon Waste Wheeler 64 �allon Waste Wheeler 96 �al�on V1laste V1lheeler TW�-64 �allon Waste Whee�ers �NE 64 8� �NE 96 �allon TW�-96 �allon Waste Wheelers Garbage extras �p�r bag� Extended Vacat:on 5ervice Pickups Pe r Week 1 1 1 1 1 1 Current I�lonthly Rate Effecti�e 11-1-�? $14.?1 $19.13 $23.55 �� 7 . �s $3�.39 $36. 8� �4.�s $11.94 P ro posed Rate Ad i ustment °I� Res�dentia� customers must use the waste wheelers pro�ided by the �arbage company. Notations in parenthesis �} refer to information found at the end of this rate schedule, on pa�e 4. APARTII�IENTS, TRIPLEX, DLlPLEX Rates are the same as commercial rates �belvw}. C�MII�IERCIAL DLlII�IPSTERS - ALL AREAS: 1 d dum ster 1 1 d dum 5ter 2 1 d dum ster 3 1 d dum ster 4 1 d dum st�r 5 1 d dum ster 6 1 d d u m ste r ? 1.5 d dum s�er 1 1.5 d dum ster 2 1.5 d dum ster 3 1.5 d dum ster 4 1.5 d dum ster 5 1.5 d dum ster 6 1.5 d dum ster ? 2 d dum ster 1 � d dum ster � 2 d dum ster 3 � d dum ster 4 � d dum st�r 5 � d dum ster 6 2 d dum ster ? 3 d dum ster 1 3 d dum ster � 3 yd dumpster 3 $?�.68 $1 �6. �4 $139.44 $1 ?8.?1 $�1�.1� $249. 38 $303.11 �8�.49 ���7.s� �� $o.s$ $235.65 $285.?1 $324. �3 $3?9.41 $92.3� $1 �5.14 $�19.95 ���o.s� $359.36 $4�2.5? �4s$.o7 �� o�.�s ��os.�s ���o.s� ExHN�iT A 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv 5.15°Io 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv Proposed Monthly Rate Effecti�e �►o�►�o� � 5.15°Io 5.15% 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv 5.15 °Iv 5.15°I� 5.15°Iv 5. � 5°Io 5.15°I� 5.15% 5.15°Io 5.15% 5.15°Iv 5.15°Iv 5. � 5°Iv �. � ���o �.����o �.����o �.����o Agenda Item 9.a. Page 7 $15.4? $��.11 $24.?5 $29.4� �34 . �6 $38.?� $4.38 $1 �.55 $��.42 $111.5� ��4s.s� $18?.91 �22 � . 92 $��� . �2 $318.?2 $8fi.?4 $134.22 $1$9.99 $�4?.?9 $3� 1.48 $34�.?2 �398.95 $9?.�? $163.13 $�31.2$ �3�5.59 $3??.$? $4�3.3� $49�.18 �� � �.s� $218.88 �3�5.59 3 d dum ster 4 3 d dum s�er � 3 � dum st�r 5 3 d d u m ste r ? C�I�II�IERCIAL DUI�IP5TER5 - ALL AREAS Con't : 4 d d u m ste r 1 4 d dum ster 2 4 d d u m ste r 3 4 d d u m s�e r 4 4 d d u m ste � � 4 d dum st�r 5 4 vd dumqster ? $3?8.99 $449.?� $�35.�9 $584 . ?4 $13?.4? $243.�� $349.53 $449.?� $55�.?4 $6�9.83 $84�.3� � .1 � °/o �.1�°/0 �.1 �°/o �.1 �°/o �.1 �°/o �.15°/0 5.15°/0 �.1 �°/o �.1 �°/o �.1�°/0 �.1 �°/o $398.�1 $4?2.85 $�53.?� $?2�.�� $144.�� $�5C.�4 $35?.�3 $4?2.85 $584.35 $693.81 $883. �8 The rates sho►►vn above include the monthly container rental fee and a semi-annual dumpster cleaning. The rates are the same for bins and garwoods, ►►vhen volume �s identical. Bins and garwoods are types of containers used for recycling. C�II�III�IERCIAL �ARBA�E CANS - ALL AREAS: 1 Can * 1 2 Cans * 1 3 Cans * 1 4 Cans * - 1 Garba e extras �pe� bag} �arba � �xtras �per ard Commercial Waste Wh��l�r rent $1?.C? $3?. 31 $43.21 $�4.9? �4.1 C $8.?8 $3.21 Com actors er ard $11.82 * Maximum volum� and ►►v�iQht �er QarbaQe can : 33 Qallons 18� qaunds �.1�°/0 �.1 �°/o �.1 �°/o �.15°/0 �.1 �°/o 5.15°/0 �.15°/0 5.15°/0 $18.�8 $39.23 $4�.44 $�7.8� $4.38 $9.23 $3.38 $12.43 � 11�1�5CELLANE�US CHAR�ES - ALL CUST�II�lERS: � �verstack�d Garbage & extra ba s Minimumlunit each $4.15 �.1?°/0 $4.38 Qverstack�d G reenwaste & �xtra ba s Minimumlunit each $1.�5 1�5.5�°Io $2.19 �verstack�d Blue Bin & extra ba s Minimumlunit �ach �2.12 3.3�°Io $�.19 In yard s�rvic� �per can or commodity} IN ADDI"fI�N T� STAN DARD GAR BA� E RATES er month $1 �.4� 5.15°/0 $1 �.94 Monthly charg� for additional 95- allon reen waste service er month ��.88 �.1 �°Io $3.�3 Ext�nd�d Vacation Servic� �r month $9.59 5.15°/0 $1 �.19 Wast� ►►vh��l�r cl�anin �ach tim� $1 �.�1 5.15°/0 $15.31 Trip charge �ach tim� $1 �.4� �.1 �°/o $1 �.94 Nvn- a m�nt do►►vnsiz� s�rvic� �ach tim� $1 �.4� 5.15°/0 $1 �.94 Non-payment redeliver ►►vast� ►►vhe�l�r ��Ch t1m� $1�.4� �.1�°/0 $1�.94 Non- a ment reconnect service �ach tRm� $25.�� 5.15°/0 $2�.29 Small it�m icku TV, toilet �ach $24.4� 5.15°/0 $2�.55 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 8 A liance icku -residential each Larger than residential appliance or glass, glass doors, or plate qlass by quote onl Garbage extras on your scheduled icku da er ard �arbage extras -N�T �N Y�U R SCHEDULED PICKUP DAY er a�d Commercial Waste Wheeler rent e� month Re-deliver bin on stoQaed acct each time ��4.40 $8.78 $24.23 $3.21 $29. 84 5.15°Io 5.'15°Io 5.15°Io 5.15°Io 5.15°Io $3�.17 �9.23 $25.4$ $3.38 $31.38 Large Com actars �� 4 yards} � per yard � $1 �.82 � 5.55°Io � $� 2.48 Small Compactors �4 yards & belvw assume 3 to 1 com action Sunday Service �in additional to garbage service level} er month $52.D8 5.15°Io $54.75 R�cycle bin rental er month $5.79 5.15°Io $5.D9 Stand b time e� hour $�D. DD 5.'I 5°Io $52.58 Extra bin cleanin $45.53 5.'15°Io $48.93 Damage�Destruction of bins or replacementlrepair at market waste wheeiers rice Short Term Dumpsters: Delive & Picku -B�n � $�9.84 5.15°Io $31.38 Delivery & Pickup-Waste Wheeler $� D.4D 5. � 5°Io �� D.94 Rental Per Da �2.2D 5.15°Io $2.32 Em ties Per Yard $24.23 5.'I 5°Io ��5.47 Mattress: �. � r, Twin Each $11.25 5.15°Io $11. 84 Dou ble Each �2D. 89 5.15°Io $21. 9fi Queen Each $28.9� 5.15°Io $3D.4D Kin Each $33.75 5.15°Io $35.49 Late Fee 8 Per Month �S.DD �5.DD _� ADDITI�NAL INF�RMATI�N ALL �UST�MERS: ! Late Fees are imposed for residential customers over 30 days delinquent and commerc�al customers over 30 days delinquent. The fee is '1.5°Io per month of the outstanding charge, with a minimum fee of $5.DD. No prior notice �s required, as th�s late fee policy is stated at the bottom of every b�ll. Please recycle, its cheaper and it helps the �ommunity achieve its AB939 goal to reduce waste. Any additional recy�ling services are charged out at 5�°Io of the �arbage rate. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 9 � i - • ATTA�HhIIENT '1 So� h t �o�r� t Sa r� � ta S� r►ri� y � � � � 8�� W�st Grand A��nu� • Gro��r B�ach �A 93433 a 8D5-489-4�4� • 8D5-489-3534 • 8D5-489-�'ID4 �ity of Arroyo Grande 5te�e Ada m s P� Box 55� Arroyo Grande, �A �34� � 4-'i �-�� �I 'i Re: ��� � Interim year rate increase request En�losed please find the ��'I'I interim year rate in�rease request. annua! �ola gre e nwast� to Sa nta M a ria ga rbag� tipp� ng f�e i n�rease 1.�3% 1.�v�Q �.4�% 5.15�'Q f Th�s increase in�ol�es tru�king the �urbs�de �reenwaste to Santa Mar�a to be turned into compost at the En�el & Gray facility for $3�Iton. I would be more than happy to meet with coun�il for a study session if that �s what they want. `�he annual �ola per�entage is based on the No�ember ��'I�� Bureau of Labor all city a�era�e for inflation. The �reenwaste percenta�e is �ased on the cost of takin� it to Santa Maria. The landfill in�rease �s based on a$5 per ton increase effecti�e 'I -'I -2�� 'I . �ontractors tippin� fees were raised $'I �Iton and will go up another $51ton in July ��'I 'I . . �all me with questions Tom Martin, General Mana�er � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 10 5auth Caunty 5anitary 5ervic.e CITY OF ARRQYQ GRANDE . . . . n�r�m �a r a� us m�n i�a f�n -: ..::...: ..:.�.�..: . _ _ . ::: : : ...: . . . : ������ �n.���s� ::� - l. Ra�e Increase Req uested 5. � 5°/o - � - .�. �:���r�u�e::�� � - - - ' . �urrent Increased Adjustment New Rate Schedule Rate Rate � Rate Single Family Residen tial 2. �ne C�n Senrice � 14.'I 1 � I 5.47 $ I 5.47 3. Two Can Service �� 9. � 3 $24. l l. 524. l. l 4. Three Can Service $23.55 $24.7� $�4.76 5 �Vlultiunit Residen�ial and Rate increases ❑f 5.15°/0 �QI�-nesiden tial wi]1 be applied to all rates in each structure with each rate rvunded up ta the nearest $0.01 i .•. .• •�ti'.tt.•r.•. •...� . . . � �. . • '�������`'ti ..'l.1ti. .• •. ' •� . • _ • _ _ ___ � •- . •��.�• ► Ta the best af my �rnawledge, the data and infvrmatian in this applicatian is cvmplete, accurate, and cansistent with the instructivns prv�►idzd by the City af Arraya Grande. Name: T�M MART`Q�i Ti�e: General Manager 5 i gnature: Date: � 3131111 Fiscal Year: �-T-��1 T�o T�-37-��77 P. 7 of � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 11 5outh County 5anitary 5ervice r ■ � ■ - � �r�r� ��r � � .�s r��� ��� ��n Financia� �nformation - ' 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ]2. � :.L'......... '... . ..-���i�13 .������. �@�� ���•- .. .. • .. .......... �'�� ...... ..... ... . . . ......... . .. . . . :•s:.. Base Year Controllable Costs Total Allowabl� Costs P�us Al�owabl� �perating Profit P�us L�ase Payments to Affiliated Companies Equa�s Total Controllabl� costs Base Year Pass Through Costs Tipping Fees P�us AB 939 and Regu�atory F�es Equals Total Pass Through Costs �7,255,86� �630,944 �0 $7,8$6,SD4 84.3% S 1,4�8,567 • �0 � 1,468,567 15.7% 13. Base Year Re�enue Requirements ��ss Franchise Fee� �9,355,371 �DD°/o : . ������::�±��a�� i�-::�fls� . � - -- : - -- . r-. ... . .. _ . . _ . . .. . . . � . Change in Controliable Cost 14. Historical Percentage Change in Consumer Pric�-Ind�x l.1 % 15. ]6. 17. 18 ]9. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Change in Pass Through Cost Proj ect�d Base lTear 2010 Tip ping F�es Plus Projec�ed lTear 2010 AB939 Fees �quals Total Base lTear Pass Thr�ugh Costs Proj ected Interim lTear 2011 Tipping Fees Projected Interim lTear 20l 1 AB939 Fees Equals Total Proj�cted Interim �ear Pass Through costs $1 468,567 �0 � 1,468,567 � } ,815,26� �0 � 1 815,�6� Proj ected Per�entage Change in Pass Through Costs 23 .6 }°/a .. - : :.... :. - : . .- ���n ��������������:������� •��1�� #g ���:::: •::: .:: •:: .. . . L••_:_... "'"'"" ""'""" "' •4:•:•.• • : J. J. . � •A • : .. • . . �•. �.}:.�.�:. �..::{• V'Veighted Change in Controllable Costs � Control�abie Costs as a Per�ent of Base lTear Re�enue Requiremen 84.3°Io Multip2iE Per�ent change in CPI 1.1 % EquQ�s Weighted Per�ent Change in Controliable Costs 4.93% Weighted Change in Pass Through Costs Pass Through Costs as a Per�ent of Base lTr Re�enue Requirements 15.7% �IultipliE Per�ent Change in Pass Through Costs 23.6 l°/a Equa�s W�ight�d P�rc�nt Chang� in Pass Through Costs 3.71 °/a Total Change 28. Total Percent Change in Cost �Line 24+ Lin� 27+ Line 28� 29. Divided � Adjustment for Franchise Fee � l- l 0.0 percen�} • 30. Equa�s Per�ent change. in Existing Rat�s 4.53 °/� _ 94.4°/a 5.�5% Fiscal Year: �f-7-�D7 7 to 7�-31-�D11 Page � of � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 12 10°Io franchise compas# i# cola 1.D3°IQ greenwaste � .7D°Io landfi�l • 2.42°Io 5.15°IQ 6°Io franchise compas# �t D.99°Io �.s2Q�Q 2.32°IQ 4.93°IQ + �� ' Agenda Item 9.a. Page 13 � � ` � � � ^ W o � O N � w w �D C �D � �{y N • 'Z` r Q r (y � 47 '� � r► N7 [V �d � � � � � � � r r � � � ��� � ���� � o � � � � � � ►� Q - - - � . r � � � � , � � .i� r r Q !V � � �n o 000 � o cy o 000 W`q � � � !'�7 [�11 F a � r r ° w w r� r� w N � �o°� °m � � T r o r cy o � � o m � � � U�7 � r A � � [V L11 � � r C r N W W W IA W IA W W � �� � � 7+ � 1'► [11 � ' ' � r+ m C r � � H � � � � � Q r 0 N � � A N O O O O �•+ � N7 �CW 7� ` LV � !'7 [V � � o� � 0 r ° r� r� w r� w N ry � � r � � � sl7 � � � � W u^7 G u^7 W N�� N u�7 � G � [11 � W [V �'7 C ��ly � �il�'!1'a►u�i !� cV � N u7 . r r � � W W W W W 1r4 1r4 1r9 C � u�7 �1�N� p� O 1'► N � r�� N� r r- � r(y � � � � � 7 C C d� n�i o 0 0°o � N N7 ��[�V 0. IA W W W W � 1'► 1'► C � � O 1'► � � 1f7 C [V � � [V r► „�„ m Q� � W r ry � � N [V � �L�9 �r [�'7 O Pry► � C C r CV N � w � W W IA W W W 1r4 W r �11 � C C�r � o °o, � e�, u�i c i � ~ '� � � r � O L�11 C O 00 � � L N � �!'7 f�V � m 0. r� r� w w r� � }' �' L� ¢ � � L� N � �� U � � � � � � � � � c� � � ��� � _ �� � � � a�.+ m � �a ? ��� `J � m c� c� t� � � � � � � O N t� .. � C!7 � L11 � � � {i � N � � e� u4i � � � � � � 1r4 IA W Iri W 1r4 � v N iD � o `� o • L11 p r � � � Q N O p p L � tl7 [O N � a r� w w rg U m � � � � EV � o�[ � � � m� � �� � �� � � � D a m � � e9 � c�¢ m t�� � � � ^ � ^ � � � ... � N ��� r► �f'J �f7 r► � � ^ � � � � � �v � N L11 � � � � � W Iri Iri W W W W C � �1�9 p o r- � ca 1'7 L11 O � � � O [�V G C O L � �Cl � � . � a w w rg w m _ � � � � � � � E � � � � Q m� ' � �� � � c � `� � � a� m 4 � +� c�a m �� � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 14 5�th Caasnry 5anidry SCrvitx BA E YEAR �� TE AD � TMENT PLI�ATI�N � � � RA J L� � AP` Fir�ar�cia! Ir�forrnatior� � ' Section I-Allo�•86�e Cosks �from Pg. 4) 6. Direct La�or $�,8�0,� 12 ��,849,912 $2,641,938 �2,668,022 �2,694,702 7. Corparate ��erhead $274,2�4 �284,545 �296,116 �299,373 $302,367 8. �ffice Salaries $6�5,8�3 �629,644 �621,464 �615,816 �621,974 9. �ther General and Adnun Costs $3,292,723 $3,575,555 �3,654,656 �3,672,649 ' $3,749,775 10 T�tal All,owabie Casts 5�,972,962 �7,Z99,756 �7,174,174 �7,255,860 $7,365,818 Section TI-�ilowable �perating Profit 11. �perating Ratio 92.9°/0 94.1 °/ 93.7°/ 92.0°/ 93.4°I 12. Al�awabt+e Qperat�ng Pr�Ct �529,741 �459,175 �483,314 $634,944 �554,642 ' : �' � 5ection IIT-Pass Thraugh Costs � � . 13. Tipping Fees 14. Franchise Fees 15. AB939 Fees 16. Lease Pmts ta Affiliated Compani 17. Total Pass Thrvugh Casts � 1,595,�Q2 �932,�56 �0 �0 ��,5�7,658 $1,543,756 $1,126,532 �0 �0 ��,674,388 � 1,487,145 � 1,08�,549 �0 $0 �2,557,594 $1,468,567 $1,017,387 �0 $2,485,954 $1,483,253 � , $1,037,735 �0 �0 �2,5Z0,987 . . . .. .. -+:- - . - - ':: ='- ... . �rrc���n � �t�v� :: �ii��e:�ne�.�.. .... .... ... . ... . ..... . ..... . . .. .... .. :�.� ....:� . ..... . .. . . - . ... .... . . ........ .. �.� • � • • • • � •�L� � � .1� � ��tii . '� f f � � 18. Re�enue Requirement $10,434,361 $14,429,319 � 10,225,182 � 14,372,758 $10,444,447 19. Total Re�enue �f�'sets � l 4,030,361 � l 0,429,3 l 9 I � 14,225, l 82 � 10,226,835 � 10,388,426 �frnm Page 3) � � � - � 5e�tioo �' - Net Sbortfell (5u "rpius} � ' 20. Net Shortfa�l �Surplus) ' � l 45,923 2l . Total Residential and Non-residential Re�enue without increase in Base Year �pg.5, line 76) 22. Percent Change in Residential and Non-residential Re�enue Requirement 23. Franchise Fee Ad}us�nent Factor �l - 6 perceat} �4. Percent Change in Existing Rates ���,10�,293 ���,1��,�93 ���,1�0,�93 l .4% 1.4% 1.4% • 9�.�0�°�a 94.�4�% 92.7��°�0 1.6�°/a 1.49°/0 1.51 % Fiscal Year: 7-7-�070 �a 7��37-�070 . Pg. ,� of fi Agenda Item 9.a. Page 15 ATTACHl1AENT � ' 124� �erro Romauldo A�enue . ` San Luis �b�spo, �A 934�5 r • 5�5.544.5S3S ■ �elt: SD5.459.fi32fi � bstatler a�7pacbell.net ., ; - www. �statle r. co m r. �' '�Y.t�� ���� ' �' • „a....r�•�.--� _r� ; � ;;� h _. r -�s:' r�'y�-= �'�•��' �. .S^�9 " .:«� �� �«.z Y•7:��� r.. -..-r'y--�-'� �- �..r�..� � µti : r+�. ry i: - � � , � .. �. � v � * ���r • . � z .,- " �.' _..k �:'.' . . s j _ _ .�.z � � arii = � � i � � _ , .�' � - �_ � -� , i :+r � � . 4t. � �i�-�� r y � J " �yr '� �, � _ '� �{": � : . i-,^�.- 1+. � �, ' r � � .„ ' . ; . `��'• -'I"4 _ „'�. � u�• .} . �7• ' y* � T � �'' F"' ^T ',i' �� � F � �� F ` • � �.Y.' 1' j' �-��. ��3� ti' � - r� ^�, ��� -� � �-^ �� ..+ � - - •y - " -'+ " •r. _7 -✓I. �' _�t �, �: ''•tiC: `�. - -! r �i `.= - y -. -: �` 'r'.,J k +-�- • ..� -i. , i:�y„�'� -s ~ . '} ,r '�; . , . - • � ' .:,' �,: _ ,- , ~' '� • . 2 ;� - . _ _ .. .� - 1 • !• � 1� 1 � �� � W �• �- y' C �ii 'r1iF = �.►t--•. . +!•: .� • ' ~ . � • . 1�_ '� ' . w � ^ �. � '�. Fh �w • . + � •� �.�"w ..' p! w" �i .Yw �_ ' .4.r � 1J �.�'� - " . ' ^ - " • •-' y • � �. : . r `1 1- • ,1 _'� � � '� F�I � � I �. � � �. •�- � ��� �S� - _" ,_ -�.':._,.. _=- �:-_ ' ' -+• - •F' � , :i;i ,-, , _�,,,. � , . _.�' . . .:;,, ��y-.,•. _- �a � ' ., ^ -._ ` . +�'`" :• -' - .- �, �� .:z'� � -t�:. •r•�� ±, .�'.� �' -.F��1� _ r-. ' 'y__ r •�- � ■ _ �` � . :. - ;r� �_ ;,� . . ^'�� � ; _ J � • .f'# `.'" . ' . ••� � � � i :� {f�; �^ � "^� .' � ' �.' Sr' �� . �+� �.� • .�� :. _` �� �Z• '� � ` �• - -- • �5��• - . { � . 7�. - ' •- - • � 'f' • "_. _ •i'� � - -'�r r�.'.�, � -� _ rti:s:,, r' Y�-, :,�`• �.� , ;: : �i�ti _i;.i• r �' ...y- R�`�,�. - � ��lyY __+-_' �u�•+,� _.. _ �e� � , .. r, 'ti. : r�- r'• ..�►�, . � � , - � 'LIr;T _ �: �r�,- : . i •ti . .r . . . ; � - � t ; r • ° � „ � + �.r. �1 `rr •-"a; - - tir; �s_ -�: � �y �:1. � � __ , .-..r._ �� ..ry + •, , ' i . - r - � _ ,, " " .- y + '- � _ a . • . _ ° � _ - � - T~ F ' _.�- • t- i ,� �Fiscal P�lic� � Finaricial Plannin � Anal sis � Trainin � � �r anizational Re�iew � � .. . - . y � _ _. ,. r: ;._ w . �- ,: y� . �. . _ _ .� . _ .� . _ _� . • � � ' 1� � `� 7� w~ _y •��•i J ~1 � A` L�•- ~�„_' l+ • s r •a v7• 'f � - � rr _ _. � ' • - _w • ; • � �Y � i• . �i •. . . � / � � ! - • 1 • � `' � �.� �' • Ji�• • '�{ _ __ �C • r ; � ' J� ' a . . � � � wl . � + � � • � _ ►. w•...s 1 � • '1 � � . L ,�• • . ' � .�' " r.:e��'ti"�r_..� ar. i� -•-.' ��" • ;"� � �w J..�f.�.':r .... � ..�.�. w •...��4 • .�.. _ . ..��... ... . .L.• .- . r � .. _. . .. • June 15, 2�11 REVeE1N �F S��JTH ���JfVTY �AfVITAF�1( SEF�VI�ES I HTERIIVI-1(EAR RATE REC��JE�T �ities �f ►otrr�y� �ra�d�, �r�ver 8ea�ch, P�sm� 8ea�h an� . �ce��� �omr��anity �ervices District R.�PQRT PURP�S� The purp�se �f this rep�rt is t� re�iew the rate increases recently requested by S�uth �ounty �anitar}r Ser�ice �SCSS� f�r the Cities �f Arr�y� Grande, �rro�er Beach, Pism� Beach and the �cean� C�mmunity Services District, and t� make rec�mmendati�ns t� these f�ur agencies as appr�priate. S�SS pr��ides similar services t� each �f these agencies under f�rmal�y appr��ed franch i se agreements that regul ate rates and estab 1 i s h pr�cedures f�r c�nsidering rate increases. Because the financial inf�rmati�n f�r S�SS is cl�sely related f�r these f�ur agencies, this rep�r� j�intly re�iews rate requests and rec�mmendations for each� �f them. Senefts of the Joint Approa�h. There are significant "ec�n�mies �f scale" with a jaint re�ie�v, including: ana�ys�s Qf S�SS f na.ncia� operativns; re�iew �f th� rat� appircataon; follaw-up as needed with their General Manager; and report preparation, �n sh�rt, while each of the four agencies has unique franchise terms, the underlying financial infarmation is the same for �11 of them . �VERVIE'�V [�F FXND��S ■ The last S�SS rate re�iew was four years ago, wf�en an across-the-board rate increase � of 3.4% was appr��ed in 2007 for Arroyo Grande, Gr��er Beach, and �ceano; and 2.�% in Pismo Beach. �The minor diff�rence in rate adjustments is due to the G% franchise rate in Pism,o Beach comFar�d ►av�th � D°�o �n the other th�-ee cvmrr�unities}. �� S�SS has fu11y pro��ded t�e supporting documentation required for "interirn-year" rate requests und�r the franchise agreements in Arroyo �ratade, Pismo Beach and �c�ano; and recommend�d in �ro�er Beach. SCSS's rate increase app�ication for each agency is prov�ded in the Appendix. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 16 5C55 interim-Year Rate Request Re�iew . Page Z • As d iscussed below, SCSS's "interim year" rate request represents a"hybrid appraach,' �since SCSS did not request a rate increase in 20l 0, and accardingly, did nat submit a"base year" rate applicatian. �n the ather hand, gi�en the faur years that ha�e �apse� sinee SCSS's last rate re�iew, t�� underlying rate increa5e of �.�% far "contro�lable costs" �as def ned in the franchise agreements� is �ery modest. Rate Recomm end ation It is recommended that the go�erning bodies of these four agencies adopt SCSS's requested "interim--year" rates for 2� 11. As supported by their rate request dacumentation and the adopted rate-setting rnethodofogy, this results in a 5.15% across- the-board rate increase for the communities of Arroyo Grande, Gro�er Beach and �ceano; and 4.93% in Pismo Beach if it retains the current �% franch�se fee. If Pismo Beach decides to increase its franch�se fee to 10% .like the other three agencies, then the �. i�°ro rate increase would apply and a separate ra�e increase of 3.9% would be required to set the franch }se fee at 1�%. Rat� Summary f�r R�Sid�ntia� CuStomer5 Table 1 summarizes the current and proposed rates for single-family residential �SFR� customers. As reflected in this summary, the increases would be �ery modest. For example, for collection af a 32-gallon Tabte l. ►Single Famil� Residerztial Rates garbage container �the most common Canta�ner S�ze Gallans SFR ser�ice le�el� as well as separate 3� 64 96 waste wheelers for recycling and green ' ■ � ■ ' � waste, �he proposed monthly rate wi1.l Arroyo �rande $15.4? $�0.11 $�4.?6 increase by �7 cents on a�erage for the �ra�er Bea�h 14.0� 18.96 �3-gg four agencies. If PiSmo Beach rai5e5 its ��eana 1�.�4 18.04 3�.30 franchise rate to 10%, the monthl rate Pismo Beach y Franchise Fee �a 6°Io 13.�5 �6.�0 39.?5 increase there would sti.11 be, a rnadest Franchise Fee 1�°/0 13.?? ��.�4 4�.3� �� •�4• Arroyo �rande $14.?1 $19.13 $�3.�� �ro�er Beach 13.33 18.03 ��.?1 �ceano 'k 1.93 'k ?.16 33.�? Pismo Beach 1 �.63 ��.�6 3?.89 ., Arr�yo �rande � $a.?6 $0.98 $1.�1 �ra�er Bea�h � a.69 0.93 't .'t? �ceana a.61 a.88 1.?3 P�smo Beach � BACK�R�UND �n April l, 2�11, SCSS submitted an "interirn year" rate increase request to the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Gra�er Beach, Pisma Beach and the �ceano Community Set-�ices District. .Franch�se Fee �a 6°Io 0.6� 1.�4 1.86 Under the agreed-upon rate re�iew Franchise Fee �a � Q°/o �.�t4 �.�8 3.4� m�thodolog�, SCSS wou �d t�p�cally ha�e submitted a"base year" rate , appl ication in 201 �. This did not occur: gi�en the state of the economy, SCSS chose ta nat submit a rate request for.2010; and � accordingly, they did not submit a"base year" rate application and related , docurnentatian. The 2� 11 appl ication is based on the "interim year" rate setting methodolo�y rather the much more comprehensi�e "base year" one. The fo llowing is a Agenda Item 9.a. - Page 17 5C55 Interim-Year Rate Request Re�iew Page 3 brief summary af the differences between the tvvo rate-setting methadalagies, vvhich fol.lovv a three-year cycle: • Base Year. r�he first year of the cycle the Base �ear requires a cvmprehensi�e, detailed analysis af re�enues, expenses and aperating data. This information is e�aluated in the context af agreed upan factars in the franchise agreements in determining fair and reasonable rates. The last "base year" analysis for S�SS under this appraach vvas completed in August �007. • Interim Years. In bath the second and third years af the three-year cycle, S�SS is e I igi ble far Interirrr �ear rate ad j ustments that address twa key change factars: chan�es in the cansumer price index for "contral�able" aperating costs; and chan�es in "pass-th4Ll�h C�5t5" (primarily tipping fees}, vvhich S�SS daes not contral �they are set by the �vunty Baard of S uper� �sars}. These ad j ustment factars are "vveighted" by the proportionate share that these costs represent of total costs. The rate re�ievv for the twv �rrterirrr �ears requ ires less i nformati on and preparat i on t i me than the Base �ear re�ievv, vvhile still pro�iding fair and reasonable rate adjustments. Does fhe "rnferrrrr }�ear" a�pproa�ch for ���� ma�ke sense? The rate re�ievv far 20l l has taken the less camprehensi�e "interim year" appraach as praposed by S�SS. �hile this ss not as comprehensi�e as a"base year" analysis, the use of the interim rate re�ievv approach results in a reasanable outcome in e�aluating the apprapriateness of the S�SS rate request. As noted abave, gi�en that S�SS has not requested a rate increase in four years, the l.I °/a rate increase for "contrallable costs" is very madest. �n the other hand, using the more comprehensive approach vvvu ld take longer, cvst more and is unl i kely to have significantly d ifferent resu Its. �In fact, a pre I iminary assessment ind icates that the mar� comprehensi�� appraach cauld r�sult in high�r rates.} RATE REV]�W METH�D�L��Y Under the adopted franchise agreements, there are three major cast categories for revenue recvvery through rat�s: • Allowahle Costs �Dperafrons and Marntenar�ce�. The target is an aperating prafit rativ vf S% on "allavvabl� casts," vvhich include dir�ct callection Eabar, fuel, �ehicle ma i ntenance and repai rs, depreciativn, i nsuranc� and bi l l ing and col lectivn. Allovvable costs p� us the al lovvable operating profit eq ua l"contra I l able costs." • Pass--Through Cosfs. Pass-through costs such as tipping �landf Il} and franchise fees may be fu I ly recovered thrvugh rates, but no prof t is allovved vn them. • Excluded ar�d Lrmrted Costs. No re�enue recovery through rates are allavved for any excl ud�d casts, vvh ich incl ud� charitabl e and pal itical cantri butions; nan-IRS appra�ed prafit-sharing plans; entertainm�nt, fines and penalties; and incame tax�s. Additionally, there are limits on officer cvmpensation. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 18 SCSS Interim-Year Rate Request Re�iew Page 4 In the case af SCSS, $4% af their casts are ."cantra:llable casts" subject ta the S% aperating prafit ratia; and t 5°�v are pass-thraugh casts that may be recaWered thraugh rates but na prafit �s allawed an them. (Na reca�er� is al�awed at al� far excIuded casts.� 2�11 Interim Year Request In e�aEuating the SCSS 2�� 1 rate request, the fal�awing submittaIs and dacuments were reWiewed in determining camplsance with the �rr�er�rrr ��ar rate adjustment pra�isions of the franchise agreements. , • Current franch ise agreements between SCSS and the � ities af Arraya Grande, GraWer Beach, Pisma Beach and the �ceana Cammunity Ser�ices District. • Priar base year and interim year rate reWiews. •� Aud ited financial statements far 2� 1� and 2��9. • The carrect pracess, farms and calcuIatians were used in preparing request in accardance with the Ra�e S'e���rrg Process and Me�hodolog� Manual , f'or �n�egra�ed S'ol�d �Yas�e Managerrren� Ra�es referenced i n the franch i se agreement as the bas is far ad j usti ng rates. • Cansumer price index data was carrectjy gathered and "weighted" in accardance with the franchis� agreements. • Adjustments ta prajected tipping fee casts were adequately dacumented and "weighted" in accardance with the franchise agreements. • Adjustments ta account far franchise fees, at either at the 5% ar 1�% le�el, were carrectly calculated. • Far Pisma Beach, the suppartin� da�umentatian pra�ided by SCSS was ana��zed an the rate impact and added re�enues af increasing the franchise fee fram 5% ta ]�%. "I�}�brid Approach." Norma��y, "base year" infarmatian f�r an interim-year rate request wauld be taken fram the priar base year rate increase appl icatian in determining the re latiWe we i�hting af cantra I. iable Wersus tipp i ng fee casts . Hawe�er, as nated abaWe, SCSS did nat request a�ase year rate increase in 2� 1�(and in fact, has nat requested any rate increases since 2��7�, and accord ingly, did nat subm it a base year appl icati�n. For this reasan, in preparing the 2� � 1 interim year rate request, SCSS used the infarmatian far 2� l� that it wau ld haWe used had it fi led a�� I 4 base year rate app[icatian. �n the ather hand, an independent audit far 2� 1� by certified public accountants (Caliber Audit and Attest, LLP� �ased an actual results has since campleted. As reflected in Table � below, for the purp�se �f the interim year reWiew, �ith�r s�t af numbers praduces the same result in allacating casts between cantrallable and tipping fee casts. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 19 SCSS Interim-Year Rate Request Re�iew Page 5 Table 2. Controllahle vs Tinpin a Fee Costs Costs Cvntrvllable Cvsts Alfvwable Costs Allvwable �perating Proft * Tvtal �vntrvllable �vsts T�ppin F�es T ota I * 8% of Con�rollable Cos�s Amount I °/o II Amount I °/o 7,�55,S�fl �3fl,944 7,88�,8fl4 1,4�8,5�7 $9,355,37'I 77. fi°ID fi.7°ID 84. 3°/0 15. �°/o 1DD.�°/a 7,3�9,fi34 �37, 359 7,9��,993 1,5�fi,�34 $9,493,227 77.�°ID �.8°ID 84 . V �ID 1 V . V �ID 1DD.�°/fl Howe�er, if S�SS submits an interim-year request in �O 1�, it recommended that it use the audited results for 2010 rather than the pro forma for the 20I0 base-year application that it d id not subm it. �To return to the normal three-year re� iew cyc I e, S�SS shou ld submit a base year application in �� 13.� RatQ �a��u lation Su m mary rf here are three main dri�ers for interim year rate increases: •�ontr�llahle �osts. Rates attributable to controllable costs are allowed to increase by changes in the [.J.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers ��PI-LJ�. rC'his increased by 1.1 % from ]�Io�ember 2� l 0 to No�ember 2011. Based on these representing 84% of controIlab�e and tipping fee costs, a rate adjustment of 0.��°Io 15 al.lowed for increased operating and maintenance costs. As noted abo�e, there ha�e been no rate increases to co�er increases in "controllable costs" since �0�7. • Pass-Thr�ugh ��sts: Tipping Fees. �n June 7, �011, the �ounty appro�ed an increase in tipping fees at the �old �anyon Landfill of $5 per ton �from $�9.�5 per � ton to $34.�5�. T'he last tipping increase prior to that one occurred almost fi�e years ago in �ctober �006. Additionally, curbside green waste will now be taken to the Engel � Gray facility for compos�ing at a cost of $30.00 per ton, compared with �he prior rate at the �old �anyon facility of $18.�� per ton. Based on tipping fees accounting for 16% of a llowable and pass-through costs, a rate ad j us�ment of 3.71 % is al.lowed for �ipping fee cost increases. • Pass-Thr�ugh ��sts: Franchise Fees. The final adjus�ment in the ra�e-setting model is �o account for pass-through franchise fees. At a 1�% franchise fee ra�e, this resul�s in an o�erall allowable rate.increase of 5.15%. �1t a 6% ra�e, this results in a slightly lower o�erall allowable ra�e increase of 4.93%. �ons�dQration of Fran�hisQ Rate In�rease in Pismo BQa�h The �i�y of Pismo Beach is currently considering increasing its franchise fee from 6% of re�enues �plus a flat fee of $ I,50� per mon�h� �0 10% of re�enues �without �he added flat fee�. This change would make Pismo Beach's franchise fee consistent wi�h al.l of �he other communities in �he South �ounty. Making �his change would resul� in an annual increase in franchise fees re�enues of about $68,�00 �from $ l I 0,��� �o $178.0���; and Agenda Item 9.a. Page 20 S�SS Interim-Year Rate Request Re�iew Page S would requ�re a separate increase of 3.�°/0. Addit�onai ly, rather than an interim year rate i ncrease of 4.93 %, the increase �ou I d be 5.] 5% Ei ke the other south county agenc ies. SU Y Based on the rate-setting pol icies and procedures forma[ly adopted by Arroyo Grande, . �ceano and Pismo Beach in their franchise agreements (and conceptually appro�ed by Gro�er Beach}, thi s report concl udes that: � The SCSS request for an interim-year rate increase of 5.15% for the three agenc�es �ith a 14% franch ise fee rate and 4.93 % fo r the C ity of P ismo Beach if it retai ns its franchise fee at �% has been correctly calculated in accordance �ith each agency's franch i se agreement. m If the C ity of P i smo Beach decides to i ncrease its franchi se fee to 14% I. i ke the other th ree agenci es, then the 5.15 % rate increase �ou ld app ly and a separate rate increase of 3.9% �ould be required. r. � �.� .�- � r +"'rf� ' ' w��r����-��+rr�j ; -��� - �� •- r � ' s�R� � � �' 1 ' ' �� y _ ' T• _� 4 .y' ` ` � ' , �• '� +' s� J-J • . � � • �' 'y t ' f ' i ' r i ., =+-�rr.� � • ` • . . r• � •'l�.n� '1 • •�` 1 i ' �7 y � J �J_ r ' � +_�� � i � � �� r -� � 1 � F• �. � . �� � �~. � � � � � � � � � � � � � �T r .. - • L � �~ r ." Y" � + � • � +' "` � _ • y ' � i � • r �• _ �� y _ � � ' _ '• f.. � � � a l Lx ��-=L� 1y "1 i�• �•y• - • � �� ��� , . � _ _ • � � ���F ��.�..' � r _ 'r _ � ,;1 ., _+_ ° `r � � ','�•-+~'- w -` r « ' �Z �^ , � � . . 4 '- - ' _ 7 �* � �.r � . � � . . � � • � ' _ � ' r�... 'L .�_�u1 �..� ..� i�w�.�r. F�w �.L= '••- r..�.�r .#.� �a. �1 r�-3 . � _ � . . r.w _ . �.ri li Agenda Item 9.a. Page 21 2�11 Inter�m Year Rate App�ication 1 � % �'ran�l� ise �'ee • �i of Arro�o Gra.nde � •� it� of Grover B each • �ceano �ommunit� Service5 I]i5trict G % �'ran �1� ise �'ee • �it� of Pismo Beach � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 22 5auth Caunt�y� Sanitary 5ervtce �ITY �F ARR�Y� GRANDE i �,t �I�1�11� � ' . . e ea Ad m ate u s r� A I i t e t �at� o r� r . �' � , , Requested ��ncrease, :' �;:�, ,' � ^ ; -, • �- , , 1. R��e Iner�as� R�qu�s��d 5.1.5°�� � -, � ,i � ,� -- --� }'� - `�Rate�Scheduie`�'�+ �• �- ii •�,, ,�- � ,� _ � , ; - , ; � � � r, � �, ti,� t �- ���. � T �� �-r� <<7�. r4'4. •���i-!'}� 1 . -� , �z .�� r, r Current Increased Adjustment New Rate Schedule Rate R�te �a} Rate Singl� Family R�sid�Rtia! �. Dne Can 5ervice $ l 4.71 �� 5.47 $ I 5.47 3. Two Can 5ervice �� 9.13 �2�. i 1 $2�. � 1 4. Three Can 5ervice ��3.55 $24.7fi $�4.76 5 N1ultiuni� R�sidentia! and Rate increases af s.i s°�o ��R-resrd�ntia! will be appl�ed to g�l rat�s in each structure with each rate rounded up ta the nearest SQ.O1 -►--,T" +*.r� ��-'►�yrYT;�i�!7+'77 +- � *�t . n------.r'+,.�±��7 {�T s + T R� tiF �--r--* —r�-�- y� ' =�"� ��t � ���,� Ger��ficat�vn a ��r�����' � �' ���; �• �, �. r r � ��+i� y it1'�i, iF�!.� -�f�` Tf � �'rt���x �]�uu �r.r. �Nr.,�"'��'kfj+�s3 � 37 ��� 1.�� i�{�j' {-x�974�'�i� �t+� Ta tl�e bes� of my knawledge, the data and tnfarmat�on in this appiicatian is complete, accurate, and consistent with the instructians pro►►ided by the City of Arrvyv Grande N�une. TQM MARTIN T�tle: Gsnsral Managsr 5ignature: Date Ofil07I11 Fisca! Y�ar: 7-7-��7 7 to 7�-37-��7 7 Pg. 7 of � , Agenda Item 9.a. Page 23 5vuth Cvunty Sanitary Service ClTY �F GR�VER SEACH . . � . . r� t� ri m�� r at� � s tr��r�t ��ati�r� ' � Requested lncrease,� - � - • - .� � 1 . .� — � _ F �-� r� ►r — ��-1 .i • ��. _ -/� . • — . � l � 1. Rate I ncrease Req uested 5.15°Io _ ' - Y Rate 5chedule _ , . � �urrent I ncreased Ad j ustment New Rate Sc h ed u le Rate Rate �a} Rate Single Farrrily Residenfial 2. �ne �an Service $13 .33 $14.�2 $14.�2 3. Two �an Service $18.�3 $18.96 $18.96 4. Three �an Service $22.7] $23.88 $23.88 5 �ulfiuni� Residen�ia! and Rate increases of 5.15°In ��17-residen f ia! wi I I be appl ied tv al� rates �n each structure � with each rate rvunded up tv the nearest $�.O 1 , ,� �,f,, , r � ; � ��� � « � � , �._ ��,;� , � ; .; . . �,, , . � .� ,; � f ��erfiif cation' ' � � ._,. �� ,�.�� � ,.. . � � �' . , ,, .�-. .r �.. i i+.+.. � µ ri�r .. ... � . � � r .�+ ��ir..�.iw� . Ir�N..�v4'.4�. .. �ti• w4�� ti a .4 �+. +ti . r .. ti � i' e w � -_-• Tv the best of my knowledge, the date and �nformativn in this applicativn is complete, accurate, and cvnsistent with the instructions pro�ided by the City vf �rv�er Beach Name T�M MAATIN 5 ignature. Tftle: Generaf Manager Date: �61�?'1� � , Fisca! Year: 1-1-��11 f� 1�-31-2�11 P. 1 of � � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 24 Svuth Cvunty Senitary 5er��ce �CEAN� CSD . , . . rr� r� i �ati � r� � us � t �i rr� at� t r�t �a � ' � � Requested In�rease � • - - � , . - - -� . ..._ . � . _ 1. Rate I ncrease Req u ested � 5. � 5% _ ' _ ' , ' ' � ' ' ,Rat'e'S�hedule. .: ' ' . . _ > �_ _ _ _ . . _ Current Increased Adjustment New � - Rate Sc h ed u 1 e Rate Rate �a} Rate Sin��e Fami�y Residentia� z. �ne Can Ser�ice $11.93 $1 z.54 $1 z.54 3. Two Can Ser�ice $17. ] 6 $1$.44 -� 1$.44 - 4. Three Can Ser�ice $33.57 $35.3U $35.34 5 �ultiunit Residentia� and Rete increases nf 5. � 5°/a �4j?-1"�SIC��I? tic3� wi] I be appl ied tn el I rates in each structure with each rete raunded up tn #he nearest $�.� j , o- � �. � _� ,� , � �ert�fi�ation� � � . , � , , , ; ■� � � •• ti � R.�Y r • �-�r� - � A � Y�1 I � �r'.� i4�. � • r�� �I • • �Nrf ��•i�� �ri� ti �Yt '�l • �� r ��n • --H � �rl�� � � � ��i� Jr. n�� Tn the best vf my knawledge, the data and infvrmatian in this applicativn is campiete, accurete, and cvnsistent w�th the instructivns prv�ided by the �ceana Cnmmunity 5er��ce D�strict Name. T�M MARTIN T�tle General Manager Signeture: Dete- n61n7'111 Fiscal Year: 1-1-Z411 to 1Z-31-Z411 Pg. 1 of Z . Agenda Item 9.a. Page 25 5o�ith �ounty 5anitary 5ernce IntrimY rR A� mnA i� � �a at� ust � t I �at��n Financia! lnformation y'` •�' .F ''� Section'.I=Base�]'ear Costs `� r -- � r -��' � ' ' _ . _-� ___ _ �. . _ � .�y _ _____ . _ _ � �_....._ . a _ _ _ _ . �._ _ _ � Base ti'ea r Controlla b[e Costs . G. Total Allowable Costs $7,255,8�Q 7. Plrl,r Allowable �perating Prof t $630.944 S. Plrl,r Lease Payments to Affiliated Com anies �0 9. Equcrls Total Contro�labEe costs $7,885.804 84.3 Base 1'ear Pass Through Costs I Q. Tipping Fe�s , $ l.468.567 l 1. Plrl,r AB 939 and Regulatory Fees �� 12. Equals Total Pass Through Costs $�.468.567 15.7°Ifl . 13. Base Year Re�enue Requirements (less Fran�hise Fee} $9,355.371 lUU°/o � .,;,- -:� T � ,Se�tROn ��Z�Changes, iu�Costs �r{} , � ;�{; ��, �.� ,.,_ : *�� �,� ,,;, - �1 . ' ��� + � 5 r.� ..�. � � � .r�� . „ , . i ��� � ..ti. r � , � � „ �� Change in Controllable Cost ] 4. H istorical Percentage Change �n Consumer Price lnd�x l. I°/a Change in Pass Through Cost l 5. Projected Base Year ZO] 0 Tipping Fees � �,4�g,567 l 6. Plrl,r Projected Year ZO 1 � AB939 Fees �4 � 7. Equals Total Base Year Pass 7'hrough Costs � �,468,5�7 . � S Proj�ct�d Interim Year 2011 Tipping F��s � S 1.8 l 5,2�� � 19. Projected Interim Year ZOl 1 AB939 Fees �4 2Q. EquQls Ta�al Projected Interim Year Pass Through costs . $ I,S 15.�60 21. Proje�t�d Per��ntage Change in Pass Through Costs - Z3.G l°/a � �ti e st rt �i si,� i�, rrf �' 1*rii• i x� � YY 5r' a �}{� �}' ��i ��=�� '�Se�tionl�Ill- iY alcul�tion► of Percent' Chareg�,iri�Rates �� �;+ �� �� {� �..M.I�i JrNi�M�r�.iw..�ef�M•►•���-��•�w4��1J.....�.w..f�.r..w..��►►e��.l.�.i�rw.. F1��F�MiFK+ilr►+Ni:i� Fi+. Weighted Change in Controll�ble Costs 22. Contro�labie Costs as a Percent of Bas� Y�ar Re�enue R�quir�ments 84.3% 23. l�ultrplie Percent change in CPI i. i°�a 24. Equals W�ighted Percent Change in Control�able Costs 0.93°/fl .-- _' Weighted Change in Pass Th rough Costs 25. Pass Through Costs as a P�r�ent ❑f Base Yr Re�enue Requirem�nts t 5.7°I� 26. �Iultrplle P�rcent Change in Pass Through Costs 23.6 l�/v 27. Eqr�Qls VWeighted Percent Change in Pass Through Costs 3.71 % Total Change 28. Total P�rc.ent Change in Cost �Line 24+ Line 27+ Lin� 28} 4.63% 29. Divided 1 Adjustment for Fran�his� Fee � �-14.4 percent} 94.0% 3�. Equals Percent change in Existing Rates 5.15°/� Fisca! Year: 'f-�-2n� � to '�2-3�-2n� � Pa e 2 of 2 0 � � Agenda Item 9.a. � Page 26 . � 5vut� Cvunty 5anitary 5ernce CITY �F P15fVl� BEACH ' Int�rirr� Y�ar �at� A�'�strr��nt A lication J �� � �' i - - Req uesied �� ncrease ' �� � � f-- ; - � -�i,' - �� � ' � i _ � , � 1 • • � � . � 1 � � • � 1. Rate lncrease Requested 4.93°/0 . y r�/� ��, •• Y �{ r1Y'11f' 1 21 �i l,ii T 1+di+y—� '� +! � i� { . �°�� �' � ���• �Rate�Scliedule� < ; f �, _ ' - � �tia ..�� � i�r �.� ..n 1 � � r.�ti1�� 7i.- r.+..` i� �� ..�:Z.��flfn i:i'`i'i7'�'1i ' e��l� i..�� r� i=�zr 7 1' Current Increased Ad�ustment New Rate Schedule Rate Rate {a} Rate Single Family Residential 2. �ne Can Service 512.63 513.�5 $]3.25 3. Two Can Service $25.26 $26.51 �$�.� 1) $26 5� 4. Three Can Service $37.89 $39.76 �$4.fl 1} 539.75 5 lVlultiurrit Residerrtial arrd �atz �n��a �f a.93°�0 ���i-re.siderrtial wili be a�plied ta �11 rates in eacl� swcture with eacl� rate rvunde.d up ta the nearest S� �1 { �J 7y� 7 F� S 1� ' Yii Sy�f r � �+��1 I � F�•�.ii--�fi ��if f}jAi- f y�rr�Ve������ir.,���Ce�tification��t� �11ti�+H.��13��1hr�;��+f}t�+�fi��i+�,�;�#-�rg1�*��: } �� � S � 1 � i i i- � ti eY, � r. �� ,..�a..]ii�i.J. � �.. ��H.�J •��i�i .a.i�.����r--i�.cai�i�.�N-+Lf.�-�.. i�..�++1a J� +1.�,.j�if�1 ••� '..^:.�+. aa+.l.ia..��-: f�y__ �,__. Tv the best vf my knawledgr, the data and informativn in this applicativn is cpmplete, accurate, and cpnsistent with the instructians prv►+ided by the C�ry af Pisma Beacl� Ntunc; T�M MARTIN Tstlr: General Manager 5i6na�urr; Dacr: Ofi107111 . . .� . Fiscal Year: T-T-�DT T to T�-3T-�DT T P. T of � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 27 South County Sanitary Servi�e I r�t� ri rr� Y�a r Rat� Ad' u strr� � r�t A i i�ati � r� J �� Fin an cia l ln forrr� a ti on ; `'�,/5ection'1�-Base yl�ear'Cos�sI' { 4�1'j�� ~'- J � i .-� • ` � fj� i} .L .ti .I � r.L. -.`^J. � w ♦ 1� � �y �JFw �� � 1 � : 15 �• f t� 1 1 ��. �!-�� • � � B�se Year Control�able Costs fi. Tvtal Allowable �vsts 7. Plrts Allvwahle �perating Prvfit 8. Plrts Lease Payments to A f�il iated �vmpani � Equals Tvtal �vnvvllahle costs Base Year P�ss Through CosEs � �. Tipping Fees 11. Plus Ag �3� and Regulatary Fees 1 Z. Equals Tvtal Pass Thrvugh �vsts $7,255,86� $630,�44 S� �7,8$fi,844 84.3°Io � 1,458,5�7 $0 ��,468,567 15.7% I3. Base 1'ear Re�enue Requirements {iess Franchise Fee} 5�,355,371 laa°/o, , �, � � i`�I •i�-� � � ' g � �� �. ,������*� � �sft,,,. I��—t,�f'' '�tf f,��r- +�— ,� ; , 5e�tivn;Il Changes5in'Costs� ���_, ^ * " , 4,: . � ��� ,a• ^ � i .,**�. .1���..�.. • ti ? a �a��_...4..r.J'- `�'.7� '* •� -'{_!�. Jiti: ++a• F•�,.�+ Change in Controjlable Cost � 4 H iStorical Percentage �hange in �vnsumer Price Index 1.1 %] ChAnge in Pass Through Cost 15. Prvjected gase Year Z� 1� Tipping Fees � fi. Plrts Projected Year ZO 1� AB�3� FeeS 17. Equals Tatal Base Year Pass Thraugh �asts � 8 Projected lnterim Year ZO 1 1 Tipping Fees ]�. Projected interim Year ZO 1 l AB�3� Fees 20 Eqrlals Total Pro�ected lntenm Year Pass Through costs �1,468,5fi7 SO � I .468,567 $1,S15,Z60 $0 $1,8 I 5,25� Z l. Projected Percentage Change in Pass Through Costs Z3 61 % "'�"'��;Section��tI�' �,alculation�of percenrlChan" e in��Rates '� ,�� T{F , , �..;'� ��....�.a_.�.�. �.�k,....�....�.�..�...a.x.:.�u,f,.,.,���a,.,.rr �� u,..�.,�..�..�.g� .�_�,�..�.� ..,r.�.,�� t��._ Weighted Change in Contrvllable Costs ZZ. �ontrnllah[e �osts as a Percent of Base Year Re�enue Requiremen 84:3% Z3. Mul�rplre Percent change in CPI 1.1 % Z4. Eqr�crls Weighted Pe�cent Change in �ontrollable Costs 0.93°/0 Weighted Change in Pass Through CosEs 25. • Pass Thrvugh �vsts as a Percent of Base Yr Re�enue Requtrements ZG. Mulrrplre Percent Change in Pass Through �osts Z7. EquQls Weighted Percent �hange in Pass Thrau�h Costs Tvta� Change Z8. Total Percent �hange in �ost {Line Z4+ L,ine Z7+ L.ine Z8} 4.53°/fl Z�. Drvrded � Ad�ustment fvr Franchtse Fee (1-10.0 ercent� �4.U% 30. EquQls Percent change in Existing Rates �. d.93°/Q, Fiscal Year: 7- 7-��7 7 to 7 2-3 7-2� 7 7 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 28 ATTAC H M E N T 3 �: :: � � l ►' �y � t, i ,_ . . . . - : . . � . � , -.'� - ; . � � , . � �. . , �ITY �F ARR�Y� G E N�TI�E �F PUBLI� HEA�RTNG REGARDIN� l �r T � � � �� � �{ ' � � PR�P�SED St]LID WASTE R.ATE IN�REASE Dear Proper�t3r �wners and Tenants-�ustomers: This notic� is i.nt�nd�d to i_nform you that th� �ity of Arroyo Grand� �"th� �ity"} will hold a pub�ic h�aring regardi.ng solid waste disposal rate increases �the "Proposed Rate Increase"} proposed by South �ounty Sanitary Service �"the Garbage �ompany"} for properties and custorners recei�ing so�id waste ser�ices within the �ity. The Pr�posed Rate Incr�ase v�ll be considered by th� Arroyo Grande �ity �ouncil at the dat�, time and location specified below. �onsistent with the r�quirem�nts of Proposition 218, this notice a�so provides you v�rith the following information: ■ The Date, Time and Place of the Public Hearing ■ Th� Maj ority Protest Procedures ■ Th� Basis for th� Proposed Rate Increas�; and ■ Th� Proposed Rat� Incr�as� Amounts N�1TI�E �F PLTBLI� HEA.RING A Publi� I�earing for the Proposed Solid Waste Rate In�reases within the �ity limits wil.l be held on: Date: December 13, ��11 Time: 7:�� pm � Pla�e: Arroyo Grande �ity �oun�il �hambers, 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, �A At the Publi� Hearing, the Arroyo Grande �ity �oun�il will consider all public �omment in support and in opposition of the Proposed Rate Increase and whether or not a Ma;ority Protest exists pursuant to the �alifornia �onst�tution (below}. If appro�ed, the Proposed Rate In�rease wouZd become effecti�e January 1, 2�12. MAJ�RITY PR�TEST Pursuant to S�ction � of Article �III D of th� �alifornia �onstitution, the follov�ing persons may submit a writt�n protest against the Proposed Rate Increase to the �ity �lerk before th� close of the Public Hearing referenced abo�e. � ■ An owner�s} of propezty �parcel�s}} recei�ing solid waste ser�ice within the city limits. If the person�s} signing th� protest, as an own�r, is not shown on th� last equalized ass�ssment roll as the owner of the parcel�s} th�n the prot�st must contain or be accompanied by written evidence that such person signing the prot�st is the own�r of the parcel�s} receiving so�id waste ser�ices; and ■ A Tenant�s} whose name appears on the Garbage �ompany's r�cords as the customer of record for the corr�sponding parcel receiving solid waste service withi.n the city limits �tenant-custom�r}. A valid writt�n prot�st must contain a statement that you protest th� increase in solid waste rates, the address and Assessor's Parcel Number �A�N} of the parcel or parcels which receive solid waste service and must be sigz�ed by either the owner or the tenant-customer of the parcel or parcels. �ne �vritten protest per parcel shall be counted in calculating a ma j ority protest to th� propos�d solid waste rate increase sub j ect to the requir�ments of Section � of Articl� �III D of the �alifornia Consfitution. Wri�ten protests wili not b� accepted by e-maii or by facsimite. V�rbal protests will nat be counted in determining the e�istence of a majority protest. To be caunted, a protest must be recei�ed in writing by the �ity �l�rk before th� close of the Public Hearing referenced abo�e. � � Agenda Item 9.a. �ritten prvtests regardi.ng th� solid wa.ste rate increase may be mailed to: Page 29 �ity of Arroyo Grande Attn: �ity �lerk 3�� East Branch Stre�t Arroyo Grande, �� 93��� �Vritten prvtests may alsa be persanally delivered ta th� City Clerk at Arrayv �rande City HaII Ivcated a� 3�� Easf Branch Street, Arr4ya Grande, Ca�ifQrnia. If �alid written protes�s are presented by a maj�rity af awners andlor �enants-eustamers af parce�s receiving solid wast� ser�ice within the city limi#s, then the City will not adjustlincrease the solid waste rates. �nly ane pratest per parcel will be caunted in determining whether ar nvt a majarit� prvtest exists. REAS�N F�� THE PR�P�SED RATE IN�REASES The Prap�s�d Rate Increases �amaunting to an increase af appraximately 5.15 % for each ca�egary af service} are necessary far the ��.rbage Campany ta cantinue to prnvide safe, enviranmenta�Iy s�und and reliaL��e soird waste remava�, transpQrtation and disposal ser�ices ta the citizens af the City af Arr�ya �rande. The increases reques�ed by the �ar�age �vmpany are due to increasing operational casts. Several factars have contributed ta these increased costs, including, but nat Iimi�ed ta, the nsing casts assacia�ed with �he aperation of a garbage cQr�p�ny, increased costs assaciated with operation and fuel f❑r vehicles, angving maintenance, i.ncreased labar casts, increased landfill rates, increased green waste fees, and increased casts assaciated with meeti.ng mar� stringent S�a�e and Federal regu�atians. BASIS F��t THE P��PQSED RATE IN�REASE The Proposed Rate Increases �amaunting ta an increase af approximately 5.15°/o far each ca�egary of sernice} is based on the fallowing cost increases incurred �y the �ar��ge Campany: 1. 1.�3°Io af the Prapased Ra�e Increase is �ased an i.ncreased casts far fuel, far vehicles, angaing maintenance, and increased �arbage Campany �abar cas�s. � 2. �.42°Io of �he Propased Rate Increase �s based �n a$5.�� per tan �increase in landfill tipping fees �vhich is the result of decreased ton�aage processed at the landfill com�ined vvith compliance �vith ne�v environmental reguiations. 3. 1.7�% of the Proposed Rate Increase is �ased on increased �andf�t� tipping fees far pracessin.g green�rast�. Because vf odar complaints, the current method of composting greenvvaste has �een sus�ended, there�y causing an increase in casts for processxng greenvvaste from $18.�� per �on �o $3�.�� per ton. Agenda Item 9.a. Pa�ge 30 S�LITH C�LINTY SANITARY SERVICE - RATE 1hlCREASE EFFEC"fIVE JANLIARY 1, 2�1� � CITY �F ARR��� GRAN DE � _. __. , .. _ _ _. , �. � • � � - _ •_ • _ _ � - _ � � r � �. - � _ _ � ti.-. F ` � .. '�� . � ; -" � : - F L • i � � . ~ � r � ` • � • _ t • . � ► i. - _ ' T . • - � � + _ i. _y ' . � �% - - J • - / i _ � � � _ ` �� � � i � ` + � w� � .'• ' � • � � ' � - � ; -� 4�' , -� - , � �� - = Y � - , �� � - � �. � � � .- _ - -� � ~ � � y' '�� 1 � -' . � - ` _� - .. w " P'ropo5ed �I�IQlnthl , . � �} r�� � f` •� + • • + M1 _ � t � � - " `j = Y `-, _ ' s y.'T - x � � t �+ ;cti � : *� - ti � . � r_ y � A -';Picku,ps� y, , Cur.�erit� IlAonth�y,.Rate; "Rrapased� Rate s Rate,`Effecti�e .-, �% " ar " r ` r` � Fi .�, �' ` i +a � " n iv � a: . a � ' f O 1 r �. • [ r . � - 'Sen►ECe�. Desc�i t�on � - °Per� Y,Ireek�,. � ti . ��Effecti�e �: _r- :4 1� 1 �.'I'=�? �- � r Y�� _� .� Ad'ustment •Io � ' ` - �1 !�'��12D1 �� �- -- � _� - • ► . � � • ._ - _ •• � .-- ,,�r., . _ _ . - - - , •- -- , .-_k �- _ - •_ ° • - � - " - � - •-� - -f r . RESIDENT�A�:� -' - - --- -- : , ` r �; ,:• - , < < �_ - � � � =1 j, --� , ` - _ - . Y- ,- - �_ . �__ _ . ' `. . � - � r- �x . _ r _ _ s 5, ' a� i. � �_ i� • 3 . + � �* _ .� .� 32 Gallvn Waste Wheeler 1 � $14.71 5.15°Ia $15.47 �4 Gallvn Waste Wheeler 1 , $19.13 5.15°Ia $��. � 1 96 Gallvn Waste Whee�er 1� $�3.55 5. ��°Io $24.76 TW�-�4 Gallvn W aste W heel�rs 1 � $�7.96 5. ��°Io $�9.�� �N E 54 &�N E 96 Ga Il�n 1 $32.39 5.15°Ia $34.�6 TW�-9fi Gallon Waste Wheel�rs 1 $3fi.8� 5. ��°Ia $38.7� �arba e extras er ba Extended Vacat�on Service $4.1� 5.15°Ia $�.3$ $11. 94 5 .15 °Ia _ $12 . 55 Resid�nt�al custom�rs must use the waste wh�elers pro�ided by the garbage cvmpany. Nvtat�ons in par�nthesis �� refer to infvrmation found at the end of this rat� schedule, vn page 4. � APART�I ENTS, TR�PLEX, DUPL-EX { r- � - . _. � � � _ ,-s + . . _ . . _, . - . � �, -�: - -. � -., : _ _ ... - . , ; � . -_ , _ r �^ f i .1. - e ' i ' - - Ra�es are �he same as commerc�al ra��s �be�vw}. C�IIA IIA ERC�AL _DU M PSTERS -' ALL ARE`AS:.-' � , � _ =ti � .T 1 d dum st�� 1 1 d dum ster � 1 d dum ster 3 1 d dum s��r 4 1 d dum ster 5 1 d dum s#er fi 1 vd d� m aste r 7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 �.5 1.5 0 � 0 0 � 0 0 dum ster dum ster dumpster dum ster dum ster dum s#er dum pster dum ster dum s�er dum ster dum s#er dum ster dum ster dumQS�er � 0 0 0 � 0 � � 0 0 0 � 0 0 . �- , �., . ,. . = -- � r ' i -. • - � � � � , • - r . ,. � , L�... �.s_� ' �7�.s$ $'I �5 . �4 $139.44 $178.71 $21 �.1 u $�49.38 $3�3.1 � $$2.49 $��7.fi5 $18�.68 $235.�5 $286.71 $3��.�3 $379.41 $9�.32 $�55.�4 $219.95 $�9a.�2 $359.36 ����.5� $468.�7 ^ i-.�-. ' f� - �.� �°fa �. '� �°�a 5.15°Io 5.15°Ia 5.15°Io �. '� �°%a 5.15°/a 5.15% �.'� �°%u 5.15°Io 5.15°Io 5.15% 5.�i5°Ia 5.15°Io 5.15% �.'� �% 5.15°/a 5.15°Io 5.15°Io �3.'��J% 5.15°Io .. . - .. . . l $7fi.42 �'I 'I 'I .5� $146.62 $187.91 $2��.92 $��2. �� $31$.72 $$6.74 $'I 34.�� $1$9.99 $247.79 $3�� .48 $3��.7� $39$ .95 $97 . �7 �'Ifi3.�3 $231.28 $3�5.59 $377 . $7 $4�3.3� $492.1$ 3 d dum Ster 1 $1�9.96 5.15°Ia $1 �5.62 3 d dum st��' � $2�5.1 � 5.15°/0 $�� 8.88 3 yd dumpster 3 $29�.62 5.15°Ia _$3�5.59 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 31 3 d dum ster 4 $37$.99 � 5.15°Io $398.51 3 d dum 5ter 5 $449.7� 5.15°Io $47�.8fi 3 d dum ster fi $536.�9 5.15°Io $553.7� 3 d dum ster 7 $fi84.74 5.15°Io $7��.�� C�MMERCIAL-DllMP.STERS'- ALL�AREi45� � n `-��.- �- _T' � _ n � ��- - � _ Y - - - � _ . _ � . � � � 4 �� � r, ^ Y ° � + Sti � � r� • �, ' '! _ i ',:r. �r � " n- * �,►- �1� - � r " f 4 d dum 5ter 1 $137.47 5.15°Io $144.55 � 4 d dum Ster � $�43.5� 5.15°Io $25fi.�4 4 d dum ster 3 � $349.53 5.15°Io $367.53 4 d dum S�er' 4 $449.7� 5.15°Io $47�.8fi 4 d dum Ste� 5 $��5.74 5.15°Io $584.3fi 4 d dum ster fi $659.83 5.15°Io $�93.81 4 d dum ster' 7 $84D.3� 5.15°Io $S$3.5$ The rates shown abo�e include the m�nthly container rental fee and a semi-annual dumpster cleaning. The rates are the same f�r bEns and garwo�ds, when �olume is identical. Bins and garw��ds are types of conta�ners used for recyc�ing. � � . _ .,a .=v __ _ _� _ _-: .. r '�-- ., ,�• - ._. b� _ -_ - r� , , , .. . _,• _.� , r - - , C�MMERC,IAL .CARBACE CANS'- ALLiAREAS: Y '-�� � Y - r, �L: � ���= �-r` '_ ` ,�:'},; ; ` , � - = 1 �an �" 1 $17.fi7 5.15°Io ��a ns �" 1 $ 37 . 31 5.15°Io 3 �ans �" 1 $43.�1 5.15°Io 4 �ans * 1 $54.97 5.15°Io Garba e extras er ba $4.1 fi 5.15°Io �a�ba e extras er ard $8.78 5.15°Io ��mmercial Waste Wheeler rent $3.�1 5.15°Io �om actors er ard + $11.8� 5.15°Io '� Maxtmum ��lume and we�4ht per Qarbaoe can : 33 Qallons l 8� p�unds M ISC ELLAN E�US CHAR�ES -�AL' L C UST�N! ERS: � ��erstacked Garbage & extra � ba s Min�mumlunit each ��erstacked Greenwaste & extra ba s M�nimumlunit each Q�erstacked B I u e B i n& extra ba s Minimumlunit each In yard service �per can or commodity} 1N ADDITI�N T� STAN DARD GAR BAG E RA^f ES er m�nth Month�y charge f�r additi�nal 9fi- allon reen waste service e� m�nth Extended Vacat�on Service e� m�nth Waste wheeler cleanin each time Trip charge each time Non- a men# d�wnsi�e service each time N�n-payment redeli�er waste wheeler each time - f t , �, . , . � �r � - • � $4.1 fi $1.�fi $�.1� $1 �.4� $Z.88 $9.fi9 $15.51 $1�.4� $1 �.4� $1�.4� 5.17°Io 1�6.6�% 3.3�°/a 5.15°Io 5.15% 5.15% 5.15°/0 5.15°/0 5.15°Io 5.15°Io � �. � 1 �� ,J � $18.58 $39.�3 $45.44 $57.8� $4.38 $9.�3 $3.38 � $1 �.43 $4.38 $�.19 $2.19 $1�.94 $3.�3 -� $1�.19 $1 fi.31 $1�.94 $1 �.94 $1�.94 Nnn- a ment rec�nnect serv�ce each tEme $�5.�� 5.15°/0 $�fi.�9 Small item icku TV, toi�et each $24.4� 5.15°/0 $25.fifi .. Page 32 A liance icku -residen�ial each Larger �han residential appliance or glass, g�ass doors, or plate lass �arbage extras vn yvur scheduled icku da er ard �arbage extras -N�T �N Y��JR SCHED�JLED P1CK�JP DAY er ard Cvmmercia! Waste W heeler rent er month Re-deli�er bin vn s#v ed acct each t�me �� a uvte anl $34.4Q $8.78 $�4. �3 $3. �'I $�9.84 �.'� �°fo 5. � 5 °Io 5. � 5°Io 5. � 5°Io 5.� 5% $3f.'17 $9.�3 $25.48 $3.38 $3'I .38 Large Com pactvrs �� 4 ya rds} I pe� yard I $� �.8� I 5.55°Io � $��.48 I Smal� Compactors �4 yards & 3 times garbage below assume 3 tv '1 com acti�n rate Sunday Service �in additional tv garbage service le�el} e� month $5�.48 5. � 5°Io $54.7� ReGycle bin rentai er month $5.79 5.'15°/0 $�.�9 . Stand b time er hour $54.44 5.'I�°Io $5�.58 Extra bin cleanin $45.53 5.'15°Io $48.93 [�amagel[�estruction vf bins vr replacementlrepair at market waste wheelers rice Short Term Dumpsters: Deli�e & Picku -8in $�9.84 5. � 5°Io $3� .38 [�eli�ery & Pickup-Waste Wheeler $� 4.44 5.'I �°Io $� Q.94 Rental Per Da $2.�Q 5.�5°Io " $�.3� Em ties Per Yard $24.�3 5.'15°Io $25.47 M attress: Twin Each $� � .�f 5. � 5°/0 $� � .84 Dvuble Each $2�.89 5.� 5°Io $�� .9� Queen Each $�8.9� 5.� 5°Io $3�.4Q K�n Each $33.75 5.� 5°Io $35.49 Late Fee 8 Per Mvnth $S.�Q $5.�Q ADD�ITI�NAL INF�R�I�IATI�N� AL-L CUST��I�lERS: : �- -�_ - '. - - � � 5 - � � ' '- -� Y � � �* �, , , �--" �� . - � k Late Fees are impvsed fvr residential custvmers o�er 34 days de�inquent and cvmmercial custvmers v�er 34 days delinquent. "fhe fee �s '1.5°Io per mvnth vf the vutstanding charge, with a min�mum fee vf $5.QQ. Nv prior notice �s required, as this late fee policy �s stated at the bottom vf e�ery bi�l. Please recycle, its cheaper and it helps the Community achie�e its AB93� goal to reduce waste. Any addit�onal r�cycling s�rv�c�s ar� charg�d out at ��°Io of th� garbag� rat�. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 33 Nov�mb�r �1, ��1 � Arroyo �rande �ity ��erk Steve Adams, �ity Manager} 3�� Eas� Branch Street Arroyo �rand�, �A 934�D L�ear Ci�y �ierk and Mr. Adams, RE: Proposed rate increase by Sauth �ounty Sanitary, Waste �onneGtions ATTAC H M E N T 4 ��� ��� �ra�r ,� � z�t� 'gRR� Y CITy �������� L��� I am wri�ing �o you as a property owner and �oncerned ci��zen regarding �he proposed ra�e increase by Sou�h �oun�y Sani�ary. if �here is to be a ra�e incr�ase, please consider implemen�ing �he following: �]fFer a small�r size container ��D gallons} for the garbage �black container� at approximately'/z the rate of the 3Z gallon contain�r, If Svu�h �vun�y San��ar�IVllas�e �onnec�ions offers ��e �� gallon size con�ainer a� a reduced ra�e �his would help wi�h the overall increase in ra�es as we11 as to encourage recycling �which shouid �e the overa�l goa�3.. � I am familiar wi�h Recology, �he major soltd was�e company in �he Bay Area. Recalogy affers a smaller size cvn�ainer �2D �ajlons} for gar�age. The smaller size has a reduced ra�e �nearfy '/z �he cost of �he 32 gallon size}. This is helpful for �he serrior ci�izen popula�ion whv are on f xed incomes and often have only one small �ag of gar�age each week because novw almosi everything can �e recycled or compos�ed. It also concerns me that rate increases come along wi�h "decreased �anrrage processed at �h�e landfill" �when people recyGle more as they shou�d}. The objective shauld be to reduce waste in order fo �engfhen �he �ife of the iandflls, so we don't ha►�e to �u� more landfil� rea� estat� vr hau� gar��ge out of the area. The company needs to find ways to cut their overall costs of doing .�usiness, as recy�ling is increased and the landfill tonnage is decreased. 1 will �e out or town when the hearing is scheduled and request that you read this information at the hearing for me and fhaf you provide a capy to your contact a� S�uth �ount� Sanita�y and 1Naste �annec�ions. `� � � ^rhank yvu f�r �rour asststance, and I�auld apprecia#e an email upon �our receipt of this fetter and the results of you comrnunicating this information with VVaste �onnections. I will �e sending hard copy to �he Arroyo �rande City �ierk per the notice� �est regards, Marsha Lee Assessor Parcel No. ���-55� -�� � cc. South �ounty S�nitaryNVaste �onnections, GrQuer �each �ol psou�hcou nty�wastecon nectio ns . com} Agenda Item 9.a. Page 34 �uth �u nt an ita �rv��� y � �..��, �� ._ . _ .. � 8�� West �rand A�enue •�r��er Beach, CA 93433 8D5-489-4�4� • 8�5-489-3534 • 8�5-489-�'1 D4 �ity of Arroyo �rande Steve Adams P� Box ��� Arroyo �rande, �A 934� 1 November �9, ��11 Re: Marsha Lee letter regarding �� gallon rate Disposal costs represent 17.�°/0 of your garbage bi11. If you are a 3� gallon customer at $1 �.47 per month, then $�.66 represents the disposal portion of your b�ll. If you were to downsize to a�� gallon can, that would save the garbage company approximately $1.33 per month in disposal costs. If the rate for a�� gallon can was 5�°/0 of the 3� gallon rate it would be $7.74 per month. So the garbage company would Iose $7.43 in reven ue but save $1.33 i n d isposal, a net Ioss of $6.1 �. �ther tha n disposal, my expenses remain the same because I still have to fuel the trucks; dr�ve the trucks past every house; and pay my drivers for a full day. In order to prov�de a�� gallon can at ��°/o of the 3� gallon rate, it needs to be subsidized by the 3�, 64, and 96 gallon customers. If you Iook at the rate structure from Burlingame, �A below, you can see the revenue for a 96 gallon can far exceeds the actual expense of picking it up.....because it has to subsidize the �� gallon rate. Bur�ingame AG rate5 rate5 2� gallan 1�.32 32 gallan . 19.�8 15.47 64 gallan 38.17 2�.11 96 gallan 56.64 24.76 change °/o cha nge 3.61 23% 18.�6 9�°/0 31.88 129°/0 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 35 � uth o u r�t a r� ita � rvi�� y � �� � 8�� 1Nest G ra nd A�en ue • G ro�er Beach, CA 93433 8�5-489-424� • 8�5-489-3534 • 8�5-489��'1 �4 As I've said every time we adjust rates, I'm w�lling to Iook at any rate structure that the Arroyo �rande counc�l wants to explore. �iven that the cost of labor, trucks, and fuel in Arroyo �rande are probably pretty close to the same as Burlingame, the rate structure would be roughly the same adjusted for the difference in disposal. Fifty three �53°Io} of the customers in Arroyo �rande are families in the �4 and 9� gallon size. That would be quite a hit for families to be subsidizing single customers. �all me �f you have any questions. �'om �Vlartin, eneraC�Vlana er � � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 36 Steve Adams Fr�m: m lee �� Sent: Thursday, Decem ber 0�,�011 9:4� AM T�: Ste►►e Adams ��: Tony Ferrara; Caren Ray; Joe �ostellv; Jim �uthrie; Tim 8rown Subje�t: Praposed Salid Waste Rate Increases Atta�hmentS: Marsha Lee �-�0 gal can 11-�9-�01 �.dac; Waste Management Letter to AG.doc Dear Ste�e, I pre►►iously sent a letter ta you and to South County Sanitary suggesti�g that the company offer �0 gallan waste conta�ne�s at a��duced �a#e t�om the 32 �allan containe�s, and ta res#ructure th� rates fvr the cvntainers vffered in �rder ta encaurage more recycling. My letter and Mr. Martin's �Sauth Cqunty Sanitary} respanse letter are attached to this email. I ha�e additivnal comments and I would Itke yqur input on Mr. Martin's letter. Th�se are my thou�hts. A���rding t� Mr. Mart+n �3°/0 of the people in AG are using the fi4 and 9fi gallon size cantainers and South Ca SanEtary doesn't think these people should subsidize the 2a gallon people. 1 wauld not refer ta it as subsidizing, but rather an incentivelencouragement to recycle schedule. I am familiar with Burlingame since I ha►►e relati►►es there, and I see the garbage containers that are being set aut. Many famifies, with 2 and 3 chtldren, are using the 20 gallon size, since they have learned ta recycle and cqmpost most �f their waste. Sa it is not �ust singfe persans using the 20 gal�on cantainers. � Yes, l think South Caunty Sanitary shauld encourage recycling by making the costs for larger containers much higher, and offer a 20 gallon container, like in Burlingame. Laoking at the picture another way, paund for pound of garbage, aren'� the 32 gal�on residents currently proportianaiiy subsidizing the �3°/0 of p�ople that use large cantainers? If we structure casts with mare of an incenti�e ta recycle, maybe then we can achie►►e aur goals af resaurce reduction, recycling and reuse. Wouldn't it be nice to ha►►e Arroyo Grande be the role madei of the cou nty. Thank you far your attentian to this matt�r. Marsha Lee Agenda Item 9.a. Page 37 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 9.a. Page 38 � aRR°�'o ° �� � �NC�RP�AA�ED �� V � � �uL Y � o. � e ti� ,F - �4�! N�p MEM�RANDUM F�F� T�: - �ITY-��UN�IL i FR�I�: ��ERESA IVIc�LISH, ��IUII�UNITY D�VEL�PIVIENT DIRE�T�R BY: , � �tELLY HEFFERN�N, ASS��IA'�E PLANNER SUB�IE�T: DRAFT M�US�N� EL�IVIENT LIPDATE V11�R�CSHC]P; GENERAL PLAN AIVI EN DIVIENT N�. 11-��� DATE: DE�EIVIBER 13, ��11 RE��IVIIVIENDAT��N: It is rec�mmended the �ity ��uncil h�ld a pu�lic hearing and rev�ew th� Draft H�using Element Update with Planning ��mmissi�n c�mments and rec�mmendati�ns and auth�rize su�mittal �f the draft d�cument t� the State Department of Housing and C�mmunity De�el�pment �H�D} �n aGG�rdance with the requirements of �o�ernment ��de Secti�n �5585. IIVIPA�T �N FINAN�iAL AND PERS�NNEL RES�UR�ES: No �nancial impact is iden�ified at this t�me. There wiii �e additi�nai staff t�me necessary to implement the policies and programs of the H�using Element. BA�K�R�UND: �tate law requires each city and c�unty to adopt a�eneral Plan containing at least se�en ��j elements, including the H�usin� Element that must be updated ever� �We ��} years. The Housing Element is su��ect t� deta�led statut�ry requirements and mandatory review and cert�f�cation �y the State Department of Housing and ��mmunity Devel�pment �reference �overnment ��de Secti�ns �558�, et seq.}. In accordance w�th ���ernm�nt ��de Section �5555 it must �e su�mitted to H�D at least �� days pr��r to adopt��n. H�Q v���l then review the draft and make vuritten findin�s regarding its c�mpliance w�th State law. `�heref�re, it is �eing presented to the ��ty ��uncil at a "w�rksh�p" f�r review and appr�val pr��r to su�mittal t� H�D. The Housing Element is a c�mprehensi�e assessment �f current and prajected h�using needs for all ec�nomic segments of Arr�y� �rande. - Under State law, the purp�se of the Hous�ng Element is to assess housing needs, identify o�stacles to meeting th�se needs, and dem�nstrate capacity f�r each city t� acc�mm�date its "fair share" �f the pr��ected need f�r new h�using units in the regi�n. H�D all�cates a regi�n's share �f the statewide h�us�ng need t� Metrop�litan Planning �rganizat��ns �r ��uncils of ���ernments ����} �ased �n State Department of Finance p�pul�tion project�ons and regional p�pulati�n forecasts. The San Luis �bispo . Agenda Item 9.b. Page 1 CITY C�UNCIL WC�RKSH�P F�R THE H�USING ELEII�IENT UPDATE DECEi�1BER 13, 2D11 PAGE 2 Council of �overnments �SL�C��} adopted the Regional Housing Needs Plan �RHNP} for the incorporated cities and unincorporated areas of the County in August 2��8. Each jurisdiction is required to integrate the housing unit disti~ibution numbers identified fn the RHNP in their Hous�ng E�ement update in order to accommodate their "fair share" of �he anti��pated future housing demand. For SL�C��'s 2��7 — 2�'15 Housing Element �ycle, the Regional Hous�ng Needs Allocation �RHNA} data has been established for the City of Arroyo �rande as foliows: InGOme Catego Number of Units V� Law I ncome ��-5�°Io of AMI }* 8� Loin� Income �5�-8�°/0 of AMI} 5� Maderate Income ���-���°/o of AMI} 57 Above Moderate I n�ome �o�er ���°Io of A��} � 52 Tota I 3�2 *AMI = Area Median In�ome The distributian of 3�� tatal housing units for the City �s �onsiderably less than the prev�ous program period, which allo�ated '1,��9 total housing units ta the C�ty. The City's previous Housing Element was adopted on November �5, 2��3, whi�h the City amended on March H, 2��5 to include re�ommendations from HCD. HCD certi�Fied the City's amended Housing Element on June ��, 2��5. This was the City's first Housing Element certified by H�D. �n November 2H, ���7, th� City updated the Housing Element t� be �n compliance with �o�ernrnent Code Section �59'I5 regard�ng density bonuses and development con�essions for qualified affordable housing projects. ��ven the cvmplexity of the statutory requirernents, the �ity contra�ted with Lisa Wise Consulting to assist with the Housir�g Element Update. Staff and the consultant h�ve been workir�� to�ether to e�aluate the ex�sting Housing Element and the local housin� supply, inventory Uacant land and underut�lized sites, �nd �ssess cvnstraints t� the production of housing as requ�red by State law. Based on the statutory scheme, the next steps to the City's Housing Element cer�if��ation include: 'I. H�D Review — Following the �ity �ouncil workshop, staff will submit the Draft Housing Element to H�D for re�iew and comment. HCD has �� days ta prv�ide - the City with their �omments, and often a second H�D review is required. �. Planniri� �ommissian and C�ty �ounc�l Public Hearings — C�nce HCD review is complete and has approved the Housing Element, staff will present a final �ersian of the Hausing Element to the Planning Commission and �ity �ouncil in order to hold required publi� hearings and for review and adoption. 3. H�D Certi��i�ation — After ��ty �ounc�� adapts the Housing Element, the C�ty sends the document ta H� � far certificatian �9�-day rev�ew}. 8�y�nd �omplian�e with State law, a certified hous�n� element pro�ides the C�ty eligibility to obtain State and Federal funding for various housing pro�rams. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 2 ciTY couNCi� INDRKSHDP FDR THE HDUSiNG ELEAAENT LIPDATE DECEMBER '13, ��'1'1 PAGE 3 � The Pfanning Commission held a public workshop on the Draft Ho�asing Element Up�ate on November 'I 5, ��'I 'I . Input �from the workshop is provided further below after �iscuss�on of Housing Element Chapters. ANALYSIS �F ISSUES: The full text of the Draft Housing Element Up�ate �Update} has been distr�buted under separate cover and copies are ava�lable from the Community Development Department. A brief �iscussion of each chapter is �iscussed below: Chapter 'I - Introduction - The Intro�uction provi�es an overview of the require� components as well as the organization of the Hous�ng Element. I n summary, the require� components of the Housing Element inclu�e: • Analysis of housing needs base� on the population and ex�sting housing stock; • Analysis of lan� suitabie to accommodate the City's regionai "fair share" of housing; • Anaiysis of constraints to hous�ng production an� mitigat�on of those constraints; ■ Hous�ng ob�ectives, policies and act�ons, which gui�e dec�sion making and a��ress the City's i�entified housing nee�s and mitigation of constraints; an� ■ Description of programs which implement the C�ty's housing goals an� a��ress housing needs. Cha ter �—�oals Po�ic�es Pro rams an� Quantified �b'ectives To meet the purpose of the Hous�ng Element, the �ocument provi�es fifteen �'15} main goals, policies that enact those goals, an� actionslprograms to implement those pol�cies. Most of the goals, policies an� programs have been retaine� from the previous Housing Element since they are still relevant an� �esirable. Many of the policies have been revised to comply with the most recent State law requirements, such as the a��ition of "extremely" Iow-income households as an income category, an� adherence to Senate Bill ��Chapter �33, Statues of ���7, hereafter referre� to as "SB �"}, which a��resses emergency shelters and trans�t�onai an� supportive housing. "fhe State does not require "extremely" Iow-income househol�s to be quantified in the C�ty's RH NA or included in o�ur goals, policies an� programs. However, these types of househol�s m�ust be incl�u�e� in the �emographic analysis, wr�ich is presente� in Chapter 3. Since HCD generally encourages inclusion of "extremely" Iow-income units in goals, policies and programs of housing elements, they are included in Chapter � �see Attachment 'I for more information on hous�ng for extremely Iow-income househol�s provide� by HCD}. SB � strengthens hous+ng element law to ensure zoning encourages an� fac�litates emergency shelters and limits the abi��ty of a juris�iction to �eny al�owance of emergency shelters. Spec�fica��y, the zon�ng must provide for this type of use without re�uiring a public hearing �see Attachment � for more �nformation on SB �}. Currently, the Development Co�e only a Ilows emergency shelters th roug h the Cond ittona I Use Agenda Item 9.b. Page 3 CITY C�UNCIL ' 1N�RKSH�P F�R THE H�USING ELENIENT LIPDATE DECEMBER 13, 2�11 PAG E 4 Permit process in Muit�-Family res�dent�ai districts. The proposed Update would amend the Development �ode to administrati�ely allow emer�ency shelters in the Industrial Mixed-Use �IMU}, �ffice Mixed Use ��MU} and H��hway Mixed-Use �HMU} districts. � Listed further below are the new Housin� Element polECies and pro�rams that the �ity �ouncil may w�sh to focus �ts review. Please note that staff is introduc�ng a new concept of "attainable housing" in the updated Housing Element. The intent is to encoura�e certain types of housin� that is affordable by design and tar�eted for appropriate �nfill areas of the �ity. Attainable housin� wouid not be par# of our inclusionary housing pro�ram; instead, the �ity would provide incentives and set� parameters to attract the type of housin� that meets corr�n�uriity needs. Althou�h the attainable housin� pro�ram is current�y a broad concept and needs def;n�tion, the �dea is to promote this type of hous�n� �n the M�xed Use and Multi-Family zonin� districts where infill development is desired and where the �ity would intend to accommodate future growth. If approved, a Development �ode Amendment would be brou�ht forward in the future to implement the policy. Some of the characteristics of attainable housing mi�ht include: small square foota�e per unit, sin�le room occupancy �SR�} units, speciai needs design, ur�iversal desi�n, and exceedance of Titie �4 requirements re�ardin� ener�y conservation. The units could be for rent or for sale. In return, incentives such as reduced parkin� or setbacks, reduced affordable housing in-lieu fees, or reduced im pact fees cou Id be provided . An exam ple m i� ht be a project to construct th ree �3} 75� squa re foot stud io un�ts above a commercial use on an underutii�zed property lacated in the Fair �aks Mixed Use �F�MU} district. The studios could be for rent or sold ir�div�dually as condos, but because of the small livin� area ar�d increased dens�ty, the rents or saies pr�ce would be more affordable than the typicai housin� we see in the �ity's res�dential areas. A parkin� reduction and reduced or eliminated housin� in-lieu fees would be provided as an incentive. Because the F�M U zoning d istrict a 11ows for zero setbacks, red uced setbacks would not be available as an incentive. Below is a table that generally shows the ho�asing characteristics and incentives of the attainabie housing concept. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 4 CiTY C�UNCIL IN�RF�SH�P F�R THE H�USING ELEMENT LIPDATE DECEI�IBER 13, Z�11 PAG E 5 , Attainable H�usin� - H�usin �haracteristics and Incenti�es Must be lo�ated in Redu�ed Redu�ed Redu�ed or Redu�ed or Mixed Use or Multi- Parking setba�ks in MF eliminated eliminated Family zoning requirement zoning distri�ts affordable impa�t fees distri�t �e.g. one spa�e housing in-lieu �spe�ify whi�h or less per un�t} fees ones} Less than � ,��� s.f. � � �r unit *SR� � � � **Uni�ersal Des+ n ***Spe�ial Needs � � � � Des� n Energy . _ � �onservation ��om pl ies with � or more items on Tier �I or T�er � of G reen Buildin �ode " '`SRD = Single Room Dccupancy housing. '`*Uni�ersal Design = creation of buildings and li�ing en�tronments that are inherently accessible to hoth people with and without disab�lities to allow tenant flexibility. ***Speciai Needs Dessgn = des�gn of buildings to accommodate housing for peopie with mental, physical and emotional disabilities that can range from miCd to se�ere. An exam�le that demonstrates haw a parking reduction might work w�thout creating significant �arking de�cienc�es is as follaws: ■ Proposed 1� unit Multi-Family develo�ment with universal des�gn. Five �5} of the u n its a re stud ias and 5 are one-bed room . • Twa ��} of the units provide far spec�al needs with na vehicles. • Three �3} af the un�ts are cau�les with � cars per unit. ■ Three �3} of the units are individuals w�th 1 car per unit. • Twa ��} af the units are individuals utilizing transit with na cars. ■ Current regulations wauld requ�re a total of 13.5 spaces. - • The �roject as described wauid need 9 s�aces. • IlVith the �raposed parking reduction, a total of �� spaces wauld be re�uired, which would meet the demand and allow far one extra guest space. "fhe City could alsa consider allawing �.5 space per unit under certain circumstances. Cancepts far determir�ing a�pro�riate parking reductians would be analyzed through the Attainable Hausir�g �rogram. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 5 . �ITY ��UN��L ' VII�RKSH�P F�R THE H�IJSiN�, ELEMENT LIPDATE DE�EMSER 13, 2011 PA� E C New Housin Element Policies and Pr� rams PolicylProgram Page Discussion No. A.14: The �i�y shall �rorno�e infill housin_q_► 7 Attainable hous�ng is also opportuni�ies �hrough an attainable housing prograrn. add ressed i n C h a�#e r 3, �age 55. A.14-1: The ei�y shall arnend �he Developrnen���ode �0 1� in elude a de fini�ion of �h e�errn "A ��ain able F�o using►" � A.1-�: Report annually on �he �i�y's progress in rrlee�ing 7 Further disseminate i�s fair share housing �arge�s. Provide �he eollee�ed �nformation about Hous�ng inforrrla�ion �o F�I�D, developrrlen� eorrlrrluni�y, and non- Element status. profi� housing developers. A.1-3: The �i�y shall arrlend �he Developrrlen� �ode �0 8 Eliminate existing �oning revise �he requirernen�s for �he Traffie Way 1Vlixed Use constraint. (T1VlU} Dis�rie� �o rerrlove �he lirrli�a�ion �o only live-work residen�ial uses. A rnix of residen�ial use �ypes shall be allowed as allowed in all of �he rrlixed use zoning dis�rie�s (exeep� 11VlU}. The Developrnen� �ode shall also be arrlended �o allow residen�ial projee�s a� densi�ies up �o �4 uni�s per aere in �he T1VlU Dis�rie�. � A.1 a-�: The �i�y shall evalua�e and arnend �he Planned 9 The PIJD �rocess is used Uni� Developrrlen� (PUD} permi� proeedures in �he mainly for smaller infill lots De veloprrlen� eode (See�ion 7�. 7�. 4�4} �o provide rrlore with o ut added a me n ities . predie�able op�ions for srnall lo� infill projee�s in �he �i�y's Possibiy create a revised Residen�ial land use designa�ions. �rocess aimed at smailer �nfill subdivisions. F,3-1: The �i�y shall evalua�e and arrlend �he inelusionary 17 The inten# is to streamline affordable housing requirernen�s in �he Developrnen� �ode the �rocess, encourage (�hap�er 7�.84} based on experienee using �he construction of rental units, requirerrlen�s in produeing affordable uni�s. a nd exte nd th e i nco me ' category to "extremely low" income households. F.3-�: The �i�y shall arrlend �he inelusionary affordable 18 Due #o #he eGOnomiG housing requirernen�s in �he Developrnen� �ode (�hap�er downturn, the City has lost 7�. 84} �o elirrlina�e inelusion of rrlodera�e-ineorrle uni�s in se ve ra I of # h e m od e rate ly �he requirerrlen�s. . restriGted un�ts to marke# rate units �issue of modera#e , units having the same or higher �r�Ge as marke# rate units}. F.3-3: The �i�y shall arrlend �he in-lieu fee as 18 The City has Gom�ieted a ealled for in �he inelusionary affordable housing study and analysis regarding requirernen�s in �he De veloprnen� �ode (�hap�er 7�. 84}. #i115 iS5 L!� . Agenda Item 9.b. Page 6 CITII C�UNC�L 1N�RKSH�P F�R THE H�IJSING ELEIUIENT I�IPDATE DECEMBER 13, 2�11 PAGE 7 N�w H�us�n Element P�licies an�! Pro rams PolicylProgram Page Discussion � No. G.�: ��re Ci�y shal! consider preparing a master plan or � 9 Th�s type of effort �s best form-based code for the Eas� �rand Avenue Corrrdor wi�h utilized along the �ity's main �he goals of s�reamlining �he development review process �ommer�ial �orridor and and encouraging economic c�evelopmen�. would not in�lude the Village Area, which has its own des+gn guidelines and review pro�ess. Form�based �odes are used to provide predi�tabie buiit resuits by us�ng phys��al form �vs. - separation of uses� as the organizing prin�iple. �See Atta�hment 3 for more information on form-based �odes}. H.'1-�: ��re Ci�y s�ra!! develop a program �o � offer �D �iven the e�onomy, the housing developers an al�erna�ive �o meet affordable intent of this program is to �rousin+q► reauirements by #� con�ribu�$in some �`swea� allow smaller developers to equi�y" on projec�s where exis�ing housing uni�s wi!! be "work off' their affordable rehabili�a�ed or conserved and where a propria�et deed housing in-lieu fee res�ric�ed as affordable as per �he Ci�y's Affordable requirement by upgrading �lousing Program. ex�st�ng "at-risk" housing units. K.�-'1: �he Ci�y shall amend �he Developmen� Code �o �4 More information on SB � is allow emergency shelters wi�hou� a condi�iona! use permit in�luded in Atta�hment �. or o��rer discre�ionary permits in appropriate locations in compliance wit�r SB �(C�rap�er �33, Sta�u�es of ���7), ��re rrFair S�rare �oning" law. ��re Developmen� Code amendmen� s�rall include a defini�ion for uemergency s�rel�er" Emergency s�rel�ers are curren�ly no� allowed in commercial mixed use distric�s, and are allowed ��rroug�r ��re Condi�iona! Use Permi� process in ��re Condominium�Town�rouse (IV1F), Apar�men�s (IV1FA) and Mul�ifamily very �1ig�r Densi�y (MFV�1) residen�ia! dis�ricts. ��re Development Code s�ra!! be upda�ed �o require adminis�ra�ive approva! only for emergency s�rel�ers in ��re lndustrial Mixed-Use (!MU), �ffice Mixed Use �MU and �1ig�rway Nlixed-Use (�1MU) dis�ric�s. ��rese commercial districts �rave sufficien� capaci�y �o �rouse emergency s�rel�ers wi��r approxima�ely 7 8 acres of vacant or underutilized land available. �ransi�ional and suppor�ive �rousing s�rall be defined as residen�ia! uses subjec� �o ��re same s�andards �ha� apply �o o��rer �rousing. � Agenda Item 9.b. Page 7 �ITY ��UN�IL III��RKSH�P F�R THE H�iJSING ELEME�VT iJP�ATE ❑E� EMBER 13, 2�11 PAGE 8 N�w H�usin El�m�nt P�lici�s and Programs P�Ii�ylPr�gram Page Dis�ussi�n N�. L.�-�:. The �i�y wil! have broch�res on �niversa! �lesign �7 The intent is to provide available a� �he �DD fron� co�n�er. The �i�y wi!! also universal design in new consi�ler �p�la�ing �he b�il�ling co�1e �o enco�rage �se of construction for propert�es �niversa! �lesign in home �lesign. � ocated � n m ixed u se zo n i n g districts. This would facilitate changes in use from commerciai to residential, and v�ce versa. M.1-�: The �i�y sha!! es�ablish a program �o a!!ow �9 This is provided as an resi�len�ia! projec�s �o receive minor excep�ions if �hey �ncent�ve to produce more mee� �5% of i�ems on �he Tier 7 lis� of �he �aliforrria Green `green buiidings'. B�il�ling �o�1e (Ti�le ��} or 7 5% of i�ems on �he Tier � lis� of �ha� co�1e. Cha ter 3— Back round �nformation This cha ter resents and analyzes demographic, population and housing characterist�cs P P for better understanding of the Iocal housing market to accommodate different types of houstng for ail income levels. �emographic trends show that the population growth rate for Arroyo G ra nde �8. $4°Io} is roug h ly consistent with the County �9. 3 �°Io}; the la rgest increase in populatson by age group is 55-64 and the largest decrease in age group is 35- 44; and the largest change in household income is in the $5�,��� -$�4,999 range �22°Io}. Housing prices for Arroyo Grande have remained consistently higher than the �ounty. Cha ter 4— Housin Resources . - �hapter 4 evaluates the availability of land and public services available to support future residential development, and summarizes financial resources available for affordable housing and energy conservation opportunities. Key aspects of this chapter include the inventory of potentiaE affordabie housing development sites. �ne of the most important aspects of the Housing Element Update is to identify sufficient sites and densities for affordable hous�ng to demonstrate that the RHNA numbers can be satisfied. Demonstrating that the City has sufficient land zoned to support mixed use or higher density housing is critical for H�� certification of the Housing Element. Tables 4-� �Vacant �ites Inventory} and 4-8 ��pportunity �ites Inventory} present a potential list of sites that could support development of or redevelopment to higher dens�ty projects in the �ityTs mixed use zoning districts or affordable residential develo ment in residential districts. The tables describe the site conditions, s�ze of p properties, existing zoriing, potential density and number of affordab�e units. As the tabies indicate, the �ity has sufficient land area to support additional �and affordable} housing to meet its RHNA numbers: The most notable change from the prior Housing Element Update is the recently annexed Pearwood property owned by the �i . Agen a Item 9.b. Page 8 CiTY C�UNCIL W�RKSH�P F�R THE H�USING ELEMFNT UPDATF DE�ENIBER '13, ��'1'1 PAGE 9 A camman miscanceptian af the law is that jurisdictians m��st build their regianal hausing needs allacatian by the end af the pragram periad. VlJhat is instead required is that jurisdictians must shaw that their palicies and zaning can accammadate these units. The �ity's Draft Hous�ng Element identifies vacant and opportunity s�tes where hous�ng could be provided to meet our RHNA of 36� un�ts, and in areas where we want more density. The �ity cannot ensure that these s�tes will be developed for affordable housing or when they might �e developed. However, �y ident�fying specif�c sites where housing would �e an appropriate use, and adopting Hausing Element policies that support hausing.develapment, the �ity will enhan�e the chances that it will accur. It is anticipated that in mast cases, afforda�le hausing development would or�ly a��ur through �the com�ination of supportive po�i�ies �e.g. density �onus, in�lusionary zoning, fast tra�k pracessing, wa�ver of fees, et�.}, the involvement of non-prafit hausing providers, housing su�sid�es from 5tate or Federal sources, and the use of the �ity Redevelapment Agen�y �RDA} hous�ng set-aside funds or affordable hous�ng in-lieu fees �olle�ted from ather proje�ts. Staff recammends that the �ity �ouncil review the list af potential affarda�ie housing sites and provide carr�ments ta staff a�out the suita�ility af these sites and whether any additiona� sites cou�d �e added. � � �ha ter � — Housinq �onstraints This chapter analyzes the constraints to housing development, including gavernmental constraints �e.g. land use and development contro�s, �ui�ding code requirements, impact fees, perrnit pracessing timelines, and impravement requirements}, enviranmental constraints �e.g. water availa�ility, traffic and circulatian, site constraints}, and non- governmental canstraints �e.g. land C�5t5, canstructian C�5t5, financ�al costs, and rnsuran�e availability}. � �hapter 6— Review of the Previous Housin_ Element �hapter 6 evaluates the status and implementation of the programs of the ���'I-���6 Housing Element, focusing on programs that were su��essful and should �e continued, and thase that were ineffectsve and shauld �e eliminated ar madified. Plannsn �ammissian Review � . The Plann�ng �omm�ssion held a pu�lic workshop on the Housing Element Update an Novem�er 'I �, ��'I 'I �see Atta�hment 4 for Meeting Minut�s}. Below is a summary of �ommissioner and citizen �omments made during the workshop. C�mmissi�rrer C�mmerr�s: ■ Program H.'I -� ��uilder sweat equity} �- question of whether this program should aniy apply ta units resulting from �hapter '16.80 �Affardable Housing}. ■ Attaina�le Hausing Program —�lar�fied that these units would not be deed- restr��ted and wauid be afforda�le �y design. A quest�on was asked whether there should �e more spe�rfic goals a�out atta�na�le housing �uiit in sp��ific Io�at+ons rath�r than g�nerally in mixed-use zones. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 9 CiTY C�UNCIL IN�RKSH�P F�R "fHE H�USING ELEMENT UPDATE DE�E11�8ER 13, 2�11 PAGE 1 � • Ghapter � Review of Previous Housing Element �Program M.�-'I , page 'I �'I of current draft} -- question of why this solar access program was not continued. It was clarified that Policy IVI.3 on �page �8 addresses similar issues, but since it is a policy and not a program, it is less of a requirement. •- Program A.2-2 — issue of separate water meters on second units. Gurren��ly, only one water meter is allowed for second units. The intent of allowing two water meters was to save water usage costs. However, staff explained that second units a Iready rece�ve a d isco u nt �y paying the sa me lower rate for the f rst 24 water units rather than only the first '12 units. Each unit Es charged a"Lopez" fee, which is pa rt of the rate structure a nd can not be mod ified at th is time. A second meter from the Gity is expensive, but if a property owner desires to have separate private meters to determine the second unit's usage, they can purchase their own at little cost. • Separate electrical meters — question about the rules for second e�ectrical meters. Section �'1 �.52.'15� of the Municipal Gode indicates that second units shall have only one electr�c meter. There are no recommended policies or programs in the U pdate to cha nge this req u� rement as it does not appea r to save electrica I usage costs. However, staff is not opposed to includ�ng a policy that provides this flexibility. Ultimately, P�&E m�ast approve the second electrical meter. Publi� �omments: .• �ne n�em�er of the pu�lic attended the meeting. • Federick's property — question of whether this property was included �n the vacant land inventory. Staff clar�fied that it was, but was not proposed for high-densrty development. • Attainable housing — commented that it is an interesting idea, and would encourage construction of affordable homes. L�ked the proposed incentives. • Universal design — the consultant explained that universal design means producing build�ngs and environments that are accessi�le to both people with and without disa�ilities. Stock plans for this type of interior design could be included as a program. • Solar energy — proponent of including strong language in the Update regarding solar siting �previous Program M.2-'I ; current Po�icy M.3}. • Lig ht com mercia l a nd I�g ht i nd ustria l uses -- com mented that there is a demand for th�s type of use and our zoning shouid allow more of it. These types of smaller �usinesses could include livelwork configurations and provide locai jo�s. • Second electrical meters — recalls that the Gity Gouncil was opposed to them. � Moderate income units — concerned about eliminating the moderate income category from Ghapter '1�.8� of the Munic�pal Gode. Issue of market changing again and moderate being useful. Staff note� that we update the Ho�asing Element every 5 years, so can modify to reflect the change if there is a rapid increase in the ho using ma rket. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 10 �ITY ��UN�IL VtiI�RKSH�P F�R THE H�USING ELEIVIENT UPDATE DE�EMBER 'f3, 24'1'1 PAGE '1'1 P� surnrnary�na! carnrnents: o Attainable ho�asing is a good idea; needs further definition. o�eneral concern about relaxin� parking requirements for apartments �policy D.1 }, althou�h acknowledged that very fow and low-�ncome units genera�ly need fess park�n�. o�olar orientat�on �ssue — recommended referring to the �reen Building �ode. o�ommiss�oners looks forward to a plan for East �rand Av�nu� �Policy �.2}. • Dp�n itemslnext steps 1. Revise Program A.2-� to allow separate rr�ate water meters on second units. �. Research rules surroundir�g second electrical meters. 3. �heck solar or�entation info in the �reen Buildtng �ode. ALTERNATIVES: The foilowing alternatives are offered for �ouncil's consideration: - Prov�de �omments for in�orporation into the Draft Housin� Element Update and d�re�t staff to submit the Draft document to H�D for review. -�ontinue the public workshop to allow for additiona� publi� comment. - Provide other dire�tion to staff. AaVANTAGES: �tate law requires jurisdi�t�ons to make a dil�gent effort to involve all economic segments of the community in the Housing Element Update process. -fhe workshop provides an opportunity for the public to identify constraints and propose solutions to housing �ssues facing the �ity. �ubmitting the Housing Element to H�D will be in complian�e with the statutory pro�edure for adoption of an updated Housing Element. aISAaVANTAGES: - Some of the policies �dentified co�ald result in parking or other neighborhood issues related to future proposed projects. ENVIR�NIVIENTAL REViE1rV: - No environmental review is required for this item. �taff will prepare and circulate the environmental do�ument thirty �3�} days prior to the Planning �ommission Publi� Hear�ng on the Draft Hous�ng Element Update. PUBLI� N�TIFI�ATI�N ANa ��IVIIVIENTS: A Pub�i� Notice was placed �n The Tribune on December �, ��11 for the �ity �ounc�l hearing, and noti�es were sent directly to interested ind�viduais and organizations. The Agenda was posted in front of ��ty Hail on Thursday, De�ember 8, ��11. The Agenda and report were posted on the �ity's website on Friday, De�ember �, ��'I1. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 11 �irv ��uN�i� W�RKSH�P F�R THE H�uSlNC ELENlENT uPDATE DE�ENlBER 13, Z411 PAGE 1 Z Attachments: 1. Extrernely Low-Income Households Housin� Information �. SB � Information 3. Form-Based Code Information 4. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of November 15, �D11 5. HausEn� Element Update �provided to Council under separate cover and available on the City's website} Agenda Item 9.b. Page 12 �alifornia Department of Housing and �ommunit� Development� ATTAC H M E NT 1 ���a rt m�n t a f %I 1l7 I�t + �1.�� �1 ��"�1 f'1""l�.l I�tl� ��1�� � i'�1 l7� � � � Extr�m�l Low-In�om� Hous�holds Hous�n N���S y � Skip Ta: Re uisite Analysis � 5ample Analyses � Links � Previvus Nex Last Updated 51fi1Z�1 � Gnvemmen� Cnde �GC) Sec�inn fi55�3{a) r�quir�s � Dncumen�a�inn nf projec�inns and a quan�ifca�inn nf �he Incali�y's exis�ing and projec�ed hnusing needs fnr all incnme levels, including ex�r�mely Inw-incnme hnusehnlds �G C fi55�3 {a){ 7)) �. :� REQLI151TE ANALY515 Chapter 89'! , 5tatutes af �DD6 requires quantificatian and analysis af existing and pra�ected hausing needs af extremely low-inCVme �ELI} househvtds. ELI is a subset vf the �ery law-incame and �s defined as 3D percent of area median and below. A tharaugh analysis includes the fa�low�ng: an estimate of the number af existing hauseha�ds with extremely low- i ncame. an estimate af the number af prajected hausehaids with ELI. Lacai agencies may caiculate the pra�ected hausing need far ELI househalds by: A. Using a�ailable census data t❑ calculate the percentagelnumber af �ery law-incame hausehalds that qualify as ELI hvusehv�ds. �R: B. Presume that �D percent af �ery law-incame hausehalds qualify as EL1 hausehalds. 'fhe pra�ided number af ELI hausehalds and �ery law-incame hausehalds must equal the �urisdictian's regianal hausing need allacat�an far �ery law-�ncame hausehalds. The analysis shauld assess the kind af hausing a�ailabie and suitable far ELI hausehalds �including 5upparti�e Hausing and 5ingle-Raam �ccupancy [SR�s] units} and whether existing zaning permits thase hausing types. EL! hauseha�ds may require specific haus�ng salutians such as: deeper incame targeting far subsidEes; i1�1J51C1� WIti1 SLIpp�It1VB S�NtC�S; single-raam ❑ccupancy �SR�'s} andlar shared hausing; and rent subsidies ��vuchers}. The HUD and census data fram the Camprehensi�e Haus�ng Affvrdability 5trategy �CHAS} Data, can be used t❑ detemnine the number vf ELI hvuseholds �Househvld Incvme �=3D°/o MFI} and �ery low-incame hauseho�ds with housing cast burdens and ❑ther housing prablems. http:llvvv�w.h�d.�a. gavlhpolhausing_element2lEHN_extremelylawin�ame.php Agenda Item 9.b. Page 13 l l ll �12� � � � �alifornia Department of Housing and �ommunit}� De�elopment Sample Table Page 2 of 2 Th� fallawing is a sample table t❑ assist in ❑rganizing �riti�al infarmat'ran. Th� infarmatian pra�id�d in the tables shauld be tailared t❑ th� �urisdi�tian and fallaw�d by apprapriate analysis. This sample tabl� is nat intended t❑ substitut� far addr�ssing th� analyti�af r�quir�m�nts af hvusing �l�m�nt law. H�USlNG PR�BLEMS F�R ALL H�USEH�L�S CHAS �ATA B��K � Tatal Renters Tatal �wners , Tatai Hausehalds - --- �- __ _ --�, - - - - Hausehald Incame �=3a°/o II�IFI ; ; �°/o with any hausing prabl�ms !�_ � u + � � � f � °/o �ast Burd�n �3�°/0 � . °/o �ast Burd�n �5�°/0 � � __��� � _.��_ , Hausehald Incame �3�°/o ta �=5�°/o II�IFI ' _ �� _ _, . °/o with any hausing prabl�ms ' � °/o �ost Burden �3�°/0 � � � Hausehald Incame �5�°/o ta ��-8�°/o II�IFI � � , , _ � ...�.� °/o with any hausrng prabl�ms . ' ` � � _ � � , � f °/o �ast Burd�n �3�°/0 - - - - --- - ------ �-_ _ .�--__ - � --- _ _ -- � -- ___ ---- Saurc�: Stat� af the �ities Data S st�ms: �amprehensi�e Hausin Affardabilitv StrateqY ��HAS} Data SAMPLE ANALYSES Sample Analvs�s LINI�S H�D: �alifarnia's Deeping Hausing �risis . __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ��� ._ .. � _ _�_� ... ... .. .. ....�_ .... ... . �� .�..... . . __ ._ . �ensus ���� Summary Files . . . _ . . �. _.. _., ... .. , . . ... .. . ... . ..... ._ ._.. . . � .... . .. _._ . . _.�. .. . _..._ .,. . _. ---. _ ... _ ._ .. . . State af th� ��ties Data Syst�ms. �ampreh�nsi�� Hvusing Affardabiiity Strategy {�HAS} Data HUD Affardabl� Hausing N��d:_A Repart ta �angress, May.���? _ Sa�ram�nt❑ S�If H�Ip Hausing: Affvrdabl� Hausing far P�opl� with Extr�mely La►►v-In�am�s in the Sa�ram�nta Area Pre�iaus �vnditians af Use � Pri�a� Pvli� �apyright � ��11 State af �a��farnia , http:llwww.hcd.ca.go�lhpolhousing_element2lEHN_extremelylowincome.php Next Agenda Item 9.b. Page 14 1111 ��� 11 SAM PLE ANALYS I S PAG E 1 H�USING NEEaS ASSESSMENT EXTREMELY L�W INC�ME H�USEH,�LaS SAM PLE ANALYS IS � SAMPLE 1 Extremely Iow-income is defined as households with income less than 3� percent of area median income. The area median income in the County is �7�,2��. For extremely Iow- income households, this resuits in an income of �2 �,��� or less for a four-person household or �� �,0�� or less for a one-person household. Households with extremely Iow-income have a variety of housing situations and needs. For example, most families and individ�aals receiving pLJ�]IIC a55�5ta�Ce, SLJCh a5 S�C�aI 5�CL1�Ity 1�5L1�a�C� �SSI} �� dl5a�]�Ilt]I 1�5LJ�a�C� a�� considered extremely Iovi�-income households. At the same time, a minimum wage worker cou Id be considered a n extremely Iow-income household vi�ith a n an n ual income of approximately �� 7,��0 or less. The following are examples of occupations with wages that could qualify as extremeiy Iow income households. + � ■. ■ - -.. ■ .�- Hotel and Resort Clerk ��.72 Child Care Workers $9.�� Housekee ers ' $8.6� Manicurists and Pedicurists �8.33 H�5t5 a�d H�5t�55�5 $�.2'1 Education, Trainin and Libra Workers �8.�6 A ricultural Graders and Sorters �8.�� Waiters and Wa�tresses $8.0� Food P re aratio n a nd Servi n Related Workers �7. �7 Sour�e: Employment Deve�opment Department, �ccupational Employment Projections Existing Needs I n 2���, approximately 3,272 extremeiy Iow-�n�ome households resided in the City, representing �� .8 percent of the total ho�aseholds. Most �88.� per�ent} extremely Iow-in�ome households are renters and experien�e a high in�idence of housing problems. For example, 82.� per�ent of extremely iow-in�ome househotds fa�ed housing problems �def ned as �ost burden greater than 3� percent of in�ome andlor overcrowding andlor without complete kit�hen or plumbing fa�iliti�s} and 78.3 percent were in overpayment situations. Even further, ��.2 per�ent of extrem�ly iow-in�ome househo�ds paid more than �� percent of their in�ome toward housing �osts, �ompared to �7 per��nt for all hou�ehold�. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 15 SAMPLE ANALYS�S Tat��e '1 Z: Hou$in� Need$ for Extremelv Low-In�ome Hou$ehold$ PAG E � Total Number of ELI Households �,89� 3?� Percent with An Housin Problems 83.9°/� ?4.7°Io P�rcent with �ost Burd�n ��°Io of incom� ?9.5°/� �9.4°/� P�rcent with Sev�re �ost Burd�n 5�°/0 of incom� 59.�°/0 59.�°Io Total N umb�r of Hous�holds 9,?�6 5,�5 �. Saur�e: HUD Camprehensi�e Hausing Affardahility Strategy �CHAS} May �DD4 P ro j e�ted N eed$ 3,2?2 �2.�% � 78.3% 59.�°/0 �5,��? To calculat� the projected housing n�eds, the �ity assum�d 5� percent of its very Iow-incom� regional housing need ar� �xtremely low-incom� hous�holds. As a result, from th� v�ry low- incom� n�ed of 'I �� units, th� �ity has a proj�cted n��d of �� units for �xtrem�ly Iow-incom� households. Many extr�mely low-incom� households will be seeking r�ntai housing and most likely facir�g an ov�rpaym�nt, ov�rcrowding or substandard housing condition. Som� �xtrem��y Iow-tncom� hous�holds cou�d b� with m�ntal or oth�r d�sabiliti�s and sp�c�al n�eds. To addr�ss the rang� of ne�ds, th� �ity will employ a d�tailed housing strategy including promoting a vari�ty of housing types, such as singl�-room occupancy �SR�} units. Vllith r�sp�ct to s�ngl�-room occupancy units, th� �ity has adopted provisions in its Zon�ng �ode �S�ction X�C.39} to encou rage th� d�v�lopment of SR� uses in its R4 multifamily district. Provisions for th� �ity's SR� ordinance includ�: �'I y requirem�nts for a mana�gem�nt plan outlining objectiv� polic��s and proced�ures that do not d�t�r th� us�, ��y on sit� management and a minimum unit size of �5� squar� fe�t. For a more detailed analysis of thes� standards and d�cis�on-making criteria for approvai and examination of different housing types to address th� housing needs of �xtrem�ly Iow-income households �se� page 4� of the element �Vari�ty of Hous�ng Typ�sy}. , -- , Supp�rtiv� housing is g�nerally d�fin�d as p�rman�nt, affordable housing with on-site s�rvices that h�lp r�sid�nts transiti�n into stable, more productiv� lives. S�rvic�s may includ� childcare, aft�r-sch�ol tutoring, career couns�ling, etc. Most transitional housing includes a supportiv� s�rvices component. Th� �ity regulat�s supportiv� h�ussng as a resrd�ntial use, provid�d supportive services are sub�rdinat� to the resid�ntial use. To addr�ss the housing n��ds of �xtremely low-incom� househ�ids, th� �ity will id�ntity and m�et with nonprofit build�rs who specializ� in bu�lding housing for extremely low-income households and support�v� h�using. This effort is d�sign�d to: • build a Iong-t�rm partn�rship in d�velopm�nt, • gain access to sp�c�aliz�d funding sources, including app�ying f�r funding sourc�s that support d�eper targ�ting, •�d�ntify th� rang� of Iocal resources and assistance need�d to faciiitate th� d�vel�pment of h�using for extremely Iow-incom� households, and Agenda Item 9.b. Page 16 SAM PLE ANALYS I S PAGE 3 • promote a �ariety of housing types, including h�gher densi�y, multifamiiy supporti�e, single room occupancy and shared housing. As part of this effort, the ��ty will de�elop an action plan with its nonprofit, partners to de�elop housing for extremely Iow-income households. Acti�ities include assisting with site identification and acquisit�on, Ioca� financial resources, assisting and stream�ining entitlements and pro�idEng concess�ons and incenti�es �see Program 4, page �5 for more detaiis on this st ra teg y} . . Agenda Item 9.b. Page 17 �. ld�_AGENCY DEPARTMENT �F H�USING AND ��MMUNITY DEVEL�PMENT DIVlSI�N �F H�USiN� P�LICY DEVEL�PMENT i S�� Third Street, Suite 43� P. �. Box 95��53 Sacramento, CA 94Z52-2�53 {9 i fi} 3Z 3-3 � 77 FAX {9 � fi} 3�7-z543 DATE: T�: NIENI�RANDUNI May ?, �DDB Planning Director� and Intere�ted Partie� FR�ItiII: �athy E. e�well, Deputy Director Divi�ion Hou�ing Policy Development ATTACHNIENT � �o,nK� v�r� a° �, ��'�. � ��+r`�� _ � x � � �� � �� ty � y . �'�tl�oRr��. SLIBJE�T: SQnat� Bill z-- L��islatian Eff�cti�� January '1, z��8: Local Planrring and Appraval for Em�rg�ncy Sh�lt�rs and Trarrsitional arrd Suppor�iv� Housirrg �hapter �33, Statute� of ���7 �5B �} clarifie� and �trengthen� hou�ing element law to en�ure zon�ng encourage� and facilitate� emergency �helter� and limit� the denial of emergency �helter� and tran�itional and �upport�ve houSing under the Hou�ing r Accountability Act. The law will facilitate effort� to addre�� the criticai need� of homele�� population� and per�on� with �peciai need� throughout all communitie� in �alifornia. �enerally, 5B � amend� houSing element law regarding planning and approval for emergency �helter� and tran�itional and �upportive housing a� follow�: Pla n ning ��overn ment �ode Section �5583} • At least one zone shall be identified to permit emergency shelters without a conditional use permit or other discretionary action. •� Sufficient capacity must be identified to accommodate the need for emergency �he�ters and at lea�t one year-round emergency shelter. � • Existing or propo�ed permit procedures, development and management �tandard� must be objective and encourage and facilitate the development of or conver�ion to emergency shelter�. _ • Emergency shelters shall only be s+ubject to development and management standards that apply to res�dentia l or commercia l with in the same zone. •��VVritten and objective standards may be applied as specified in statute, including maximum number of beds, provision of onsite management, length of stay and �ec+urity. • Incl+ude� flexibility for jurisdictions to meet zoning req+uirements with existing ordinance� or demonstrate the need for emergency shelters can be accommodated in existing shelters or through a multi jurisdictional agreement. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 18 C ha pt�r 533, Statut�s of Z��l �S B Z� Pag� Z • Transitional and supporti�e housing shall be considered a residential use and only subject to those restrictions that apply to other residential uses of the same type in the same �one. Local Appro�al �Go�ernment Code Section ���89.�: Housin� Accountability Act} • Limits denial of eme�gency shelters, trans�tional housing or supporti�e housing by requiring specific �Findings. • Some findings sha�f not be uti�i�ed if new planning �requirements of SB � are not met; such as identifying a�one without a conditional us� permit, Attached is a briefing paper informing local go�ernments of SB �, pro�iding assistance in e�aluating these new pro��sions to effecti�ely implement this important new State faw; in addition to a copy of the legislation. Electronic copies of these can be found on the ❑epartment's webs�te at www.h�d.�a.qov or the Senate's website at www.s�nat�.�a.qov. You may also obtain copies of published bills from the Legislati�e Bill Room by calling �91 �} 44�-�3�3. If you ha�e any questions, or seek additional technical assistance, please contact Paul McDougall, HPD Manager, at �91 �} 44�-47�8. Attachments Agenda Item 9.b. Page 19 �ha t�r �33 �tatut f Z � a �s � ��7 ��r�at� Bi I ! Z TABLE �F C�NTENTS Introdu�tion ` Homeless Needs P u rpose a nd �bjectives of S B� � � S��tion '1: Planning �Go��rnm�nt �od� S��tion 65583� Identifying and Analyzing Needs and Resources 4 Identifying Zoning for Emergency Shelters 5 Permitting Emergency She�ters without Discretionary Action 7 Development Standards to Encourage and Facil�tate ,, 7 Encouraging Multi jurisdictional Cooperation and Coordination 9 - Existing �rdinances and Existing Shelters that Accommodate Need '� � Transitionaf and Support�ve Hous�ng '�� Hous�ng Elem�nt Policies and Programs '�'� Timing: VlJhen SB � Applies '�� S��tion 2: Lo�al Appro�al �Go��rnm�nt �od� S��tion 65589.5� "fhe Hous�ng Acco�untability Act '� 4 Zor� ing I nconsist�ncy '� 4 Atta�hm�nts �— Statutory Changes to Housing Element Law �Underlin� Version� '� 5 � — Defir�itions �7 3 — H�Ipful Links �9 Agenda Item 9.b. Page 20 � 5tate Depar�rneRt af Ha�siRg aRd Camm�Riiy De�elapmeRt �ay zooa Agenda Item 9.b. Page 21 �Chapter 633, Statutes �f ���7 {5B �}� Homeless Needs Homelessness �n �alifornia is a continuing and growing crisis. �n any given day, there are at least 35'I ,��� homeless individuals in �alifornia — or �.� percent of the State's total population. �f this number, �wo-thirds are estimated to be single adults, while the other third are famil�es. Some 34 percent of �aliforn�a's homeless —��8,��� — are so-ca�led "chronic" homeless who have been homeless for s�x months or more. This population tends to be comprised of singie adults who face such obstacles as mental illness, substance abuse problems and chronic physical health problems or disabilities that prevent them from work�ng. Homeless indivRduals and families are without permanent housing largely because of a lack of afforda�le housing, often compounded �y lim�ted edu�ation or sk�lls, mental�illness and su�stan�e a�use issues, domestic violence and the lack of family or other support ne�works.' �alifornia's homelessness �risis demands the effe�tive involvement of both the publi� and private se�tors. A housing element �an be an effe�tive and powerful tool in �ombatir�g homefessness. Passage of 5B � strengthened the law to increase its effectiveness in addressing the needs of �alifornia's homeless population. The up�oming hous�ng element update presents an important opportunity to make ending homelessness a cr�tical pr�ority. P u r ose a nd � b'ecti�es of S�� p J The framework of 5B � resulted from a�ollaborat�ve effort by key stakeholders in�luding housing and homeless advo�ates and prov�ders, lo�al governments, planners, and the building industry. 5B � strengthens existing housing element requirements to provide the opportunity for the development of emergen�y shelters and transitional and supportive hous�ng. 5B � ensures zvning, development and management standards and perm�t procedures encourage emergency shelters wh�le allowing flexi�ility for existing lo�al strategies and �ovperative efforts. 5B � fo�uses on the� impa�ts of zoning requirements on the development of emergen�y shelters. While the new statute requires that every local government zone for the development of emergen�y shelters, it does not restri�t how �ocal governments allo�ate resour�es to address Io�at priority needs. For example, nothing in 5B � prohi�its communities from also adopting a"Hvus�ng First" strategy to provide homeless persons with housing immediately and then providing services as needed. ' Go�errro�s �nferagency Task Fo►�ce on Home�essness, Progress Report and YVork P�an for �443. Heal�h and Human Services Agency"and Business, Transporta�ion and Housing Agency, December 2��2 Sta�e Departmen� �f H�usfng - 5- 1Vlay 2��5 and C�mmunfty De�e��pmen� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 22 4Chap�er fi33, Sta�u�es of �DD? (SB �j4 . � . s ��ernmen � e e� ��n Sta�e Depa►�#men� of No�rs�ng - fi- Nlay �DDS and Comm�rn�ty Deve�opmen� Agenda Item 9.b. , Page 23 -�Chap�er 533, Sta�u�es of Z007 (SB Z}-� Ider�ti ir� ar�d Ar�al zir� Needs ar�d Resour�es � y � �urrent law, Government �ode Sectivn fi5�83�a}�7}, requires an identifcation and analysis of the needs vf homeless persvns and families. The analysis is an essential component of an effective hvusing element; hvwever data sources can be lirr�ited and vary in estimates of need. As a result, an analysis should consider a var�ety of data sources and include proactive outreach w�th service providers to examine the degree and characteristics of hvmeless needs in the community and surrounding communities. A thvrough anaiysis �nc�udes: • An est�mate or count of the daily average number of persons lack�ng shelter. Wherever possible, and to better describe the characteristics of needs, this figure couid be divided intv single males, single females and famMlies �one or more adu�ts with chi�dren} as the needs of each subgroup dfffer significantiy. • As Iocal data or other existing sources permit �see list below}, a description of the percentage of the hvmeless population who are mentally ill, developmentally disabled, veterans, runaway or emancipated foster youth, substance abusers, survivors of domest�c violence, and other subpvpulations of homeless considered significant by the �urisdiction. • An inventory of the resources available within the community including shelters, transitional housing and supportive housing units by type. The analysis should est�mate the number and type of existing shelter beds, and units of trans�tional and supportive housing avaiiable. • Assess tiie deg ree of u n met h omeless needs, i nc� ud i ng the exte nt of need for emergency shelters. As part vf this analysis, SB � now clarifies the need assessment fvr emergency shelters must consider seasvnal and year-round need. In recognition of Iocal efforts to encourage suppvrtive housing, 58 � allows �urisdictions with 'I � Year �lans to End �hronic Homelessness to reduce the need fvr emergency shelters by the number vf supportive housing units �dentified in an adopted 'I �-year plan a' that are e�ther vacant or funding has been identified to allow construction in the housing element planning period. Resources tv �dentify and analyze hvmeless needs, include: • �onsol�dated plans • �ontinuum of care plans • '1 � Year �lans tv End �hronic Homelessness • Interagency �ouncii on Homelessness, Guide to Developing Pfans and Examp�es �hftp:Ilrwwvri. ich. _ ov/slocal�ncJex. html} Sta�e flepartmen� of �lousing - 7- Nlay Z0�8 and Community flevelopmen� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 24 ��hapter �33, Statutes vf 2447 fSB 2)� � Local service providers such as continuum of care providers, locai homeless shelter and service providers, food programs, operators of trans�tional housing programs, rocal drug and alcohol program service providers, county mental health and social serv�ce departments, local Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries, ch u rches and schools, a nd •� 5 countyw�de Designated Locai Boards certified by the Department's Emergency Housing and Assistance Program �h ttp:1/www. hcc1. ca. c�o �/�a/eh a�a/cn t�s-with-c11b. h tml} . Ider�ti i r� Zor� i r� for Err�er er�c SMelters � � � Y Prior t� enactment �f SB �, h�using element law required local g�vernments to +dentify ��ning t� encourage and fac�litate the devel�pment �f emergency shelters. SB � strengthened these requirements. [Illost pr�minently, housing element law now requires the identification of a��ne�s} where emergency shelters are permitted with�ut a c�nditional use permit or other discretionary action. To address this requirement, a I�cal g�vernment may amend an existing z�ning district, estab�ish a new zoning district �r establish an �verfay zone f�r existing �oning districts. F�r example, some commun�ties may amend �ne �r more existing c�mmercial z�ning districts t� all�w emergency shelters with�ut discretionary appr�val. The ��ne�s} must pr�vide suffcient � opportu n ities fo r new emergency shelters in the pla n n i ng peri�d to meet the need ide ntified i n the - analysis and must in any --- - - case acc�mm�date at least - �ne yea r-r�u nd emergency �' " r � � � a, � �� - � F � { i i �t shelter �see m�re detailed �� , discussion below}. -- �" "'` `� � :--�' * '�""` � �, _, _ .. :a •i � r �rr4 i M„n �s�- z� � ` .j,r�F r, �a When identify�ng a zone or . analyzing an existing z�ne fo r e me rge n cy s h e Ite rs , th � ���Verfield 5ervi�es Center -- Emergen�y 5helter hy �PCC in 5anta Moni�a, CA Phofo courtesy of �P�� in Santa N�onrca element sh�uld address the c�mpat�bility and suitability �f the z�ne. The element sh�uld c�ns�der what �ther uses are permitted in the ��ne and whether the zone is suitable f�r residential �r emergency shelters. F�r example, an industrial ��ne with heavy manufactur+r�g may have en�ironmental c�nd�ti�ns rendering �t unsuitable for residential �r shelter uses. In some I�calities, manufacturing or industrial ��nes may be �n transiti�n, where older industrial uses are rede�el�ping t� residential, �ffice �r commerc�al. Transiti�ning z�nes may be c�mpatible State �epartment vf Hvusing - 8- N1ay 2��g and �virlmunity �e�elvpment Agenda Item 9.b. Page 25 �Chap�er 633, Sta�u�es vf ���7 (SB �)� with residential uses and suitable for emergency shelters. Also, a commerc�al zone allowing residentiai or residential compatible services �i.e., social services, offices} would be suitable for shelters. For example, Sacramento �ounty permits emergency shelters in its commercial zone along with other residential uses and uses such as retaii that are compat�ble with residentiai. SB � c�arifes exist�ng law by requiring zoning identified for emergency shelters to inc�ude suffcient capacity to accommodate the need. The identifed zone�s} must have sufficient capacity, when taken as a whole, to meet the need for shelters identified in the housing element, and have a realistic potential for development or reuse opportunities in the planning period. Further, capacity for emergency shelters must be suitab�e and ava�lable and account for phys�cal features �flooding, seismic hazards, chemical contamination, other env�ronmental constraints, and slope instability or erosion} and Iocation �proximity to transit, job centers, and public and community services}. The element should also address available acreage �vacant or underutiiized} and the realistic capacity for emergency shelters in the zone. For example, if a jurisdiction identifies the public institution zoning district as the zone where emergency shelters will be allowed without a conditional use permit, the element shouid demonstrate sufficient acreage with in the zon ir�g d istrict that could accommodate the actua I development of an emergency shelter. The element could also discuss the potential for reuse or conversion of existing buildings to emerg�ncy sh�lt�rs. SB � ensures that �ach Iocal gov�rnm�nt shares the responsibility to prov�de opportunities for the dev�lopment of emergency shelters. Regardless of the extent of need identifed in the element, Iocal governm�nts must provide zoning to allow at least one y�ar round emerg�ncy shelter, unl�ss the need for emergency shelters is accommodated through existing shelters or a mult�-jur�sdictional agre�m�nt �se� discuss�on b�low}. This is especially important given the fact that the homeless populat�on is not always visible in the community; is sometimes trans�tory; data resources ar� frequently inad�quat� and the availability and adequacy of s�rvices and programs vary significantly by community and can impact the hom�iess count. If a Iocal government's existing zoning does not ailow emerg�ncy shelters without a condit�onal use permit or oth�r discretionary action, the housing element must include a program to identify a specific zone�s} and amend the zoning code wi�hin one �ear of ado��ion of �he housinq e�emen� (65583�a}�4}}. The only exc�ptions permitt�d to th� non-discretionary zoning requirement are where a jur�sdict�on d�monstrat�s the�r homeless needs can be accommodated in existing shelt�rs; or where th� jurisdiction meets all of its need through a multi jurisdictional agreem�nt �d�scuss�d in later sections}. V1lhere a Iocal governm�nt has id�ntified a zone and suffcient capac�ty to encourage emergency shelters consistent with th� provisions of SB �, a Iocal government may also id�ntify additional zones for th� deve�opment of emergency shelters that require a conditional use permit. Sta�e Departmen� vf Hvusing - 9- May ���5 and Cvmmunity De�elvpment Agenda Item 9.b. Page 26 �Chapter �33, Statutes of ���7 �SB �}� Perrr�itkir� Emer er�c SMelters without Discretior�a Actior� � � y � To comply with S8 �, Iocalities must have or adopt a zoning classification that permits emergency shelters in a non-discretionary manner �Iocalities may however apply development standards pursuant to Section 655�3�a}�4}}. In such zones, permitted uses, development standards and permit proced�ures must include: •�bjective development standards that encourage and facilitate the approva! of emergency shelters. • Decssion-making criter�a such as standards that do not require discretionary judgment. • Standards that do not render emergency shelters infeasible, and only address the use as an emergency shelter, not the perce�ved characterist�cs of potentiai occupants. � Requirir�g a variance, minor use permit, speciai use permit or any other discretionary process does not const�tute a non-discretionary process. However, local governments may apply non-dis�ret�onary design review standards. Emergency 5h�lt�r — Jackson, �alifomia Ph��� �urtesy �f Amad�r-Tu�lumne C�mmunr'ty A�ti�n A Iocal government should not require publi� not�ce of its consideration of emergency shelter proposals unless it provides public notice of other non-discretionary actions. For example, �f a local government permits new constru�t�on of a single-family residence without dis�retionary act;on and publi� not�ce is not given for these applications, then a lo�al government should employ the same procedures for emergency shelter applications. The appropriate po�nt for public comment and dis�retionary action is when zoning is being amended or adopted for emergency she�ters, not on a project-by-project basls. - De�el�pment Standards t� Enc�urage and Facilitate Emergency Shelters S8 � requires that emergency shelters oniy_ be subject to those development and management standards that apply to residential or commercial use within the same zone, ex�ept the lo�al government may apply certain opje�tive standards discussed on the next page �Government �ode Se�tion 655�3�a}�4}}. For example, a l�ght commerc�al zone might permit a range of wholesaier, servi�e repair and business services subject to bu�ldable area and Iot area requirements. In this case, the emergency shelter may be subje�t only to the same bui�dable area and !ot area requirements. The same zone might permit residential uses subje�t to certain development standard �i.e., lot area, heights, and setba�ks} � requirements. In this case, emergen�y shelters shouid only be subje�t to the same development standards. Stat� D�partrn�Rt �f N�usrRg � - 7�- 1V1ay ���8 aRd C�rnrnuRrty D�veloprn�Rt A g e n d a I te m 9. b. Page 27 4Chapter �33, Stat�tes of 7QQ7 (SB 7j4 To demonstrate that processing procedures and standards are object�ve and encoura�e and facilitate development of emergency shelters, the housing element must address ho►n�: • zonin� expl�citly allo►n�s the use �meanin� the use is spec�fically described in the zonin� code}; • development standards and permrt procedures do not render the use infeasible; • zonin�, development and management standards, permit procedures and other applicable land-use regulations promote the use through objective; and predictable standards. SB � allo►n�s flexibility for Iocal �overnments to apply ►n�ritten, objective development and mana�ement standards for emer�ency shelters as described in statue and belo►n�. • The maximum number of beds or persons permitted to be served nightly by the facility. � •�ff-street parking based upon demonstrated� need, provided that the standards do not require more parking for emergency shelters than for other residential or commercEai uses ►n�ithin the same zone. • The size and Iocation of exterior and interior on-site vvaitin� and client intake areas. • The provision of on-site mana�ement. • The prox�mity to other emer�ency shelters prov�ded that emer�ency shelters are not req u i red to be mo re th a n 3�� feet a pa rt. • The len�th of stay. • Li�ht�n�. • Security durin� hours that the emer�ency shelter is in operation. These standards must be desi�ned to encourage and facilitate the development of, or conversion to, an emergency shelter. For example, a standard esta�lishing the maximum num�er of �eds should act to encoura�e the development of an • emer�ency shelter; Iocal �overnments should establish flexi�ie ran�es for hours of operation; length of stay provision should �e consistent vvith f nancin� programs or statutory definitions I�m�tin� occupancy to six months �Health and Safety �ode ' Section 5�8�1 } and should not unduly impair . shelter operations. Appropriate management standards are reasonable and lim�ted to ensure the operation and maintenance of the property. � State Department of Ho�sing - 7 7- _ n�ay �aag and Comm�nity Development � Agenda Item 9.b. � Page 28 �Chapter �33, S�atutes of Z��T �SB Z)� En��u rag ing Mu i�i�lu ris� i�ti�na I���perati�n an� ���r�inati�n SB 2 recognizes and encourages multi jurisd�ctional coord�nation by allowing Iocal go�ernments to satisfy ail or part of their obl�gation to zone for emergency she�ters by adopting and implementEng a mult� jurisdict�onal agreement, with a maximum of two adjacent communities. The agreement must commit the participating jurisdictions to de�elop at least one year-round shelter within two years of the beginning of the housing element pfanning period. For example, jurisdict�ons in Southern Calrfornia Association of �o�ernments �SCA�} region with a statutory due date of ;June 3�, ���8 would need to ensure the de�elopment of shelter�s} by June 3�, ��� �. To utilize this pro�ision, Iocal go�ernments must adopt an agreement that allocates a portion of the new shelter capac�ty to each jurisdiction as credit towards the jurisdiction's emergency shelter need. The housing element for each participat�ng Iocal go�ernment must descr�be how the capac�ty was allocated. In addition, the housing element of each participating jurisdiction must describe: ■ How the joint fac�lity will address the Iocal go�ernments need for emergency shelters. ■ The Iocal go�ernment's contribution for both the de�elopment and ongoing operation a nd ma nagement of the shelter. ■ The amount and source of the . funding to be contributed to the � shelter. ■ How the aggregate capacity claimed by all of the participating jurisdict�ons does not exceed the actual capacity of the shelter facility. If the Ioca I go�ernment ca n� demo nstrate th at the mu Iti-j u risd;ctio na I agreement can accommodate the jurisdiction's need for emergency shelter, the jurisdiction is authorized to comply with the zoning requ�rements for emergency shelters by identifying a zone�s} where new emergency shelters are al�owed with a conditiona� use permit. State �epartjr�ent of Hovsing and Community �e�elopment Quinn Cottag�s, Transitional Housing in Sacramento, CA Phata ca�rtesy af Cattage I�o�srng, lnc. - TZ - � Nlay Z��B Agenda Item 9.b. Page 29 4�hapter 633, Stat�tes of �nn7 (SB �}4 Existin �rdinanc�s and Existin Sh�lt�rs that � � Acc�mm�dat� N��d- Ex�s#ing �rdinances Permitting Emergency 5hel#ers Many local governmen#s . h ave a reco rd of effective act�on� to address the homeless needs in their community. SB � recognizes and provides flexibi�ity far jurisdictians that have already adapted an ordinance�s} tha# camplies with the new zaning requirements. Far thase Iocal governmen#s w�th existing ordinances and zoning consistent with . requ�rements af SB �, na further act�an will be required ta identify zones available far emergency shelters. The hausing element must however, describe haw the ex�sting ordinance, pal�cies and standards are cansistent w�th the requirements af SB �. Hendley Circie Apartments — Supportive SR� Hous�ng in Burbank Photo courtesy of Burbank Housing Exis#ing 5he�#ers Tha# Accommoda#e #he Need for Emergency 5he�#ers Lacal governments #ha# can demanstrate, ta the satisfactian of the Department, the existence af ane or more emergency shelters either within the juri�dictian or pursuant ta a multi- jurisdic#ianai agreement that can accommodate the need far emergency shelters identifred �n the housing element may comply with the zaning requirements of SB � by identifying a zane�s} where new emergency shelters are allowed with a canditianal use permit. Ta demonstrate hameless needs can be accommodated in existing shelters, an element must at minimum list ex�st�ng shelters including the total number af beds and #he number vacant. The analysis shauld support and dacument the est�mate of vacant beds and must consider seasanal fluctuatians �n the need far emergency shelters. Transiti�nal and S� �rti�� H��sin �� � Transiti�nal h�using is defined �n Section 5��75.� of the Health & Safety �ode as rental housing far stays af at least six manths but where the u n its a re re-c+rculated ta a nather pragram recipient after a set periad. Trans�tianal hausing may be designated far a homeiess indiv�dual ar famiiy transitianing #a permanent hausing. This hausing can take several farms, including graup haus�ng ar mult�family units, and may �nclude suppartive services #o allaw State Department of Housing - T3 - Nlay ���5 and �ommuniiy De�elopment Agenda Item 9.b. Page 30 -�Cl�apter fi33, Statutes af Zaa7 �SB Zj-� ind�vidual� to gain nece��ary life �kill� in �upport of independent living. SUppart�ve haUS�ng a� defined at Section 5���5. �I 4 of the Health & Safe#y Code haS no limit on the length of Stay, i� linked to on��te or off�ite �ervice�, and i� occupied by a target population a� defined in Health & Safe#y Code Section 532�� �i.e., Iow income per�on� with mental disab�litie�, AlDS, substance abu�e or chronic health condit�ons or per�ons whose d��abilities or�ginated before the person turned 18y. Services typically include assistance designed to meet the needs of the target popuEation in retaining housEng, livir�g and working in the community, andlor improving health and may include case management, menta� health treatment, and �ife skil�s. SB 2 provides that transitional and �upportive hou�ing con�titute a residential u�e. SB 2 require� zoning to treat transitional and �upportive housing as a propo�ed re�identiai use and �ub�ect only to those restriction� that apply to other residential uses of the same type in the �ame zone. For example, if the tran�itional housing is a multifamily u�e proposed in a multifamily zone, then zoning should treat the transitional housing the same as other muitifamify uses proposed in the zone. If �ur��diction� do not expl�c�tly permit tran�it�onal and �upportive hou�ing a� previou�ly de�cribed, the element mu�t include a program to en�ure zoning treat� tran�itional and �upportive hou�ing a� a re�ident�al u�e, �ub�ect only to tho�e re�triction� on res�denttal uses contained in the �ame type of structure. � Hou�in Element � Policie� and Pro ram� � �.��, ��__ � Effective prog ra m� rellect the resu Its ��y� � �Y r�- - � � _ � �t � . of the Iocai hou�in need anal �e� ��� �- �.__ 9 Y � � � } � , , ,. . ��' �f �� r ident�fcation of avaElable re�ource�, , _ �. �� �� �� including land and financ�ng, and the �- .;_ _ �� ^ , � r mitigation of identified governmental �° � - � �- and nongovernmental constra�nts. � � , P rog ra ms co ns i�t of �pec�fic actio n ; n - �� H in 5an Jo cA G s Apartmen#s 5upport e ous g, se, �te p� t h e I oca I ity w i I I ta ke to Photo courtesy of Frrst Commu�ify� Housi�g a�d Bemarr� A�dr� implement its policie� and achieve goai� and objectives. Programs must include a�pec�fc timeframe for implementation, identify the agencies or officials respon�ible for implementation, and describe the jurisdiction's specific role in implementation. Vllhere a jurisdiction does not provide an analysis demonstrating compliance with the provisions of SB 2 through existing�zoning, the element must have a program�s} to address the results of that analy�is. For example, if the element does not identify an exi�ting zone to permit emergency �he�ters without a condrtional use permit or other discretionary action, the element mu�t �nclude a program to establi�h the appropriate zoning, unless the jurisdiction ha� �at�sfied its needs through exi�ting emergency shelters or a multi jur�sdictional 5tat� Departrn�nt of Housrng - �4 - and Comrnunrty Dev�loprnent ' - Nlay Za�B Agenda Item 9.b. Page 31 ��hapt�r 533, Statutes �f Z��T �SB Z}� agreement. If development and management �tandard� do not encourage and facilitate emergency �helter� or zoning doe� not treat tran�itional and �upportive hou�ing a� a re�idential u�e, the element mu�t include a program��} to amend exi�ting zoning or proce���ng requirement� to comply v►rith SB �. Program� to addre�� the requirement� of SB � for emergency �helter� mu�t be implemented v►rithin one year of adoption of the hou�in� eiement. Program� to addre�� requirement� for tran�itional and.�upportive hou�ing �hould be implemented early in the planning period. Further, �ince the program for emergency �helter� mu�t be implemented v►r�thin one year of adoption, the hou��ng element �hould provide analy�i� to �upport and a��ure effective implementation of the program. For example, the analy�i� �hould examine the �uitability of zone� to be included in the program and v►rhether �uffic�ent and �u�tab�e capacity i� availab�e. The �ame type of analy��� could evaluate development and management �tandard� that v►rill be con�idered a� part of e�tabli�hing or amending zoning. "fhi� analy�i� �hould demon�trate the nece��ary commitment to en�ure zoning, permit procedure� and development �tandard� encourage and facifitate emergency �helter�. - Tim i n: When S B� A I ies � pp In accordance v►rith �ov�rnment �ode Section G5583�e}, any draft hou��ng element �ubmitted to th� D�partment after March 3� ,���8 v►rill be required to comply v►rith �SB �. State Depa►�rr�ent �f H�usrng - 75 - Nlay Z��8 and ��rr�rr�unr�y De�el�prr�ent A g e n d a I te m 9. b. Page 32 �Chapter 633, Statutes of ���? �SB �}-� ■ � _ � �r� rr� rn � r� � � � � � � r� . State Depar�rnerrt of Housrrrg - 76 - lHay ���� ar�d Commur�rty De�e�opmer�t Agenda Item 9.b. � Page 33 �Chapter 633, 5tatutes �f �aal {5B �}� Th� H�usir� A���ur�tabilit A�t � Y To prom�te predictabiiity f�r the development of housing aff�rdable t� Iower- and moderate- income househ�lds, the Housing Acc�untabi�ity Act ���vernment �ode Section �558�.5} prohibits a jurisdiction from disapproving a housing development project, �ncluding housing for farmworkers and f�r very I�w-, Iow-, or moderate-income households, or conditioning approval in a manner that renders the project infeasible for development for the use of very !ow-, Iow-, or moderate-income households, including through the use of design review standards, unless it makes at least one of five specifc written findings based on substantial evidence in the record ���vernment �ode Section �558�.5}. SB � adds emergency shelters t� the list of uses protected under the Housing Accountability Act. In addition, SB � clarifies that the definition �f a housing development project includes transitional or supportive hous�ng �see Attachment �: SB �- changes are underlined}. �oni ng I nconsistQncy Pursuant to the Housing Accountability Act, a Iocal government is prohibited from making the finding regarding zoning and general plan inconsistency �Section �558�.5�d}�5}} t� disapprove a development if the jurisdiction identified the site in its general plan �e.g., housing or �and-use element} as appropriate for residential use at the density proposed or fa�led t� identify adequate sites to accommodate its share of the regi�nal hous�ng need for all income gr�ups. In addition to extending these provisi�ns to emergency shelters and transitionai h�using, SB � prohibits the' use of the zoning and general plan inconsistency finding t� disapprove an emergency shelter if the jurisdict�ons have: • not �dentified a zone�s} where emergency shelters are allowed as a permitted use without a conditional use or other discretionary permit, � • not demonstrated the identified zone�s} include sufFicient capacity t� accommodate the need for emergency shelter, or • not demonstrated the ident�fied zone�s} can accommodate at least one . emergency shelter. "fhis provisi�n applies to any site identified in any element of the general pian for industriai, commercial, or multifamily residential uses. In any court action, the burden of proof is on the Iocal jurisdict�on t� demonstrate its housing element satisfies the above r�quirem�nts af SB �. 5tate Department �f Nousing - T l- 1Vlay �a4S and C�rrrrrrunity De�el�prrrent Agenda Item 9.b. Page 34 r �Chapter 533, Starures af ���7 (SB �}� � a u � a, r� �s � . �usir� �r��r� aw . . un �1� 117� V�I�S1�17 State Department af Hausing - 78 - JNay 2��8 and Community Develapment Agenda Item 9.b. Page �5 �Chapter fi33, st�t�,t� of �oo� �se �}� Atta�hment 1 Changes to State Housing Element Law C ha pter �33, Statutes of ���7 �5 B�� (changes �nd�cated �n str�keauts and underl�nes} �5582. As used �n this article, the fol�owinq definitions appiV: �a} "�ommunity," "Iocality," "Iocal go�ernment," or "jur�sd�ction" means a city, city and county, or co�a nty. �b} "�ouncil of go�ernments" means a single or multicounty council created by a joint powers agreement pursuant to �hapter 5�commencing with Section �5��} of ❑i�ision 1 of Title 1. �c} "�epartment" means the ❑epartment of Housing and �ommunity ❑e�elopment. �d} "Emerqenc shelter" has the same meanin� as defined in subdi�ision �e} of Sect�on 5�8�1 of the Health and Safety �ode. e"Housing element" or "element" means the housing element of the community's general plan, as required pursuant to this article and subd��is{on �c} of Section �53��. "Su orti�e housin " has the same meanin as defined in subdi�ision b of Section 5��75.14 of the Hea ith and Safetv �ode. ��} "Trans�t�onal housinq" has the same meaninQ as def ned in subdi�ision �h} of Section 5��75.� of the Heaith and Safety �ode. �5583. ��he housing element shall consist of an identification and ana�ysis of existing and projected housing needs and a statement of goals, pol�cies, quantified objecti�es, financial resources, and scheduled programs for the preservation, impro�ement, and de�elopment of housing. The housing element shall identify adequate sites for hous�ng, �ncluding renta� housing, factory-buiit housing, �mobilehomes, and emer�encv shelters, and shall make adequate pro��sion for the existing and projected needs of all economic segments of the community. "�he element shall contain all of the following: �a} An assessment of housing needs and an in�entory o�f resources and constraints rele�ant to the meeting of these needs. The assessment and in�entory shal� include al� of the following: �1 } An analysis of populat�on and employment trends and documentation of projections and a quantification of the locality's.existing and projected housing needs for all income le�els, inc�uding extremely low income households, as defined in subdi��sion �b} of Section 5�1 �5 a nd Sect�on 5� 1�� of the Heaith a nd Safety �ode. "�hese existing a nd projected needs sha II include the locality's share of the regional housing need in accordance with Section �5584. Local agencies shall calculate the subset of �ery Iow income househotds allotted under Section �5584 that qualify as extremely low income households. The local agency may eith�er use a�a�lable census data to calculate the percentage of �ery Iow 'rncome households �that qualify as extremely Iow income households or presume that 5� percent of the �ery Iow income households qualify as extremely Iow income households. The number of extremely low income households and �ery Iow income households shall equai the jurisdiction's ailocation of �ery low income households pursuant to Section �5584. ��} An analysis and documentation of household characteristics, including le�el of payment compared to ability to pay, housing characteristics, including o�ercrowding, and housing stock condit�on. S�a�e Departmen� of Ho�s�ng -�9 - May 2Dn8 and Comm�n�ty De�elopment Agenda Item 9.b. Page 36 -�Chap�er 633, Sta�cr�es of �DD7 (SB �)-� �3} An in�entory of land suitable for residential de�elopment, including �acant sites and s�tes ha�ir�g potential for rede�elopment, and an anaiysis of the relationship of zoning and public faC�Iltl�S a�C� S�NRC�S t� th�5� 5[t�S. �4} �A} The identificat�on of a zone or zones where emer�ency shelters are ailowed as a permEtted use without a conditional use or other discretionarv permit. The �dentified zone or zones shall include sufficient caqacity to accommodate the need for emerqencv sheiter identified fn ara ra h 7 exce t that each local o�ernment shail identi a zone or zones that can accommodate at least one year-round emer�ency shelter. If the local �o�ernment cannot identify a zone or zones with suffcient capacitv, the local �o�ernment shall include a proqram to amend its zonin� ordinance to meet the requirements�of this paraqraph within one year of the adoption of the hous�n� element. The local �o�ernment may identify additiona! zones where emer�ency shelters are permitted with a cond�tional use permit. The Iocal qo�ernment shall also demonstrate that exist�ng or proposed perm�t processinq, de�elo ment, and manaAement standards are obiecti�e and encoura�e and facilitate the de�elo ment of or con�ers�on to emer enc shelters. Emer enc shelters ma oni be subiect to those de�elopment and manaqement standards that ap�ly to residential or commercial de�elopment w�thin the same zone except that a Iocal Qo�ernment mav aaply written, obiecti�e standards that include all of the followin� � �i} The maximum number of beds or persons perm�tted to be served nia�htl�by the facility. �ii} �ff-street ark�nq based upon demonstrated need, �ro�ided that the standards do not re uire more qarkin� for emer�encv shelters than for other residential or commercial uses within the same zone. �iii} The size and iocatEOn of exterior and interior onsite wait�nQ and c�ient intake areas. ���� The ro�ision of onsite manaqement. �� -f he �roximity to other emerqencv shelters, pro�ided that emer�ency shelters a re not re u} red to be mo re th a n 3�� feet a�a rt. � ��i} The len�th of sta� ��ii LEqhtinq. �iii Securi durin hours that the emer enc shelter is in o eration. �B} The permit rocessin�, de�elopment, and manaqement standards applied under this ara ra h shall not be deemed to be discretiona acts within the meanin of the �alifornia En�ironmental QualitV Act Qi�ision '13 �commenc�nq with Section �'1 ���} of the Public Resou rces �ode . �� A locai �o�ernment that can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department the existence of one or more emer�enc shelters either within its iurisdict�on or �ursuant to a multi'urisdictional a�reement that can accommodate that i��risdiction's need for emer_ enc shelter identified in paraQraph 7} may complv with the zoninq requirements of subpara��raph �A} by identi �nq a zone or zones where new emer�ency she�ters are aliowed with a conditional use permit. �Q} A Iocal �o�ernment with an existin� ordinance or ordinances that comply with this paraqraph sha�� not be required to take additional action to identify zones for emerqency shelters. The hous�n� element must only describe how existina� ordinances, policies, and sta ndards are cons�stent with the req uirements of this aara� ra ph. �An analysis of potential and actual go�ernmental constraints upon the maintenance, impro�ement, or de�elopment of housing for all income le�els, inc�ud�ng the types of housing identified in paragraph �'1 } of subdi�ision �c}, and for persons with disabtlities as identifred in Sta�e D�pa►�tm�n� of Hocrs�ng -�D - Nlay �DDB and Commcrn�ty D�velopmen� Agenda Item 9.b. • Page 37 �Chapter �33, S�at�tes of ���T rS8 �)� the analysis pursuant to paragraph �6}, including land use controls, building codes and the�r enforcement, site improvements, fees and other exactions required of developers, and Iocal process�ng and permit procedures. The analysis shall also demons�trate Iocal efforts to remove governmentai constraints that hinder the Iocality from meeting its share of the reg iona I housing need in accordance with Section 65584 a nd from meeting the need for housir�g for persons with disabilities identified p��rsuant to, supportive housinq, transitional housin and emer enc shelters �dentified ursuant o paragraph Transitional hous+n� and sup�ortive housin� shall be {�cons�dered a residential use of property, and shall be subiect only to those restrictions that apply to other residential dwellinps of the same tvpe in the same �one. �6} An analysis of potential and actual nongovernmental constraints upon the maintenance, improvement, or development of housing for all income levels, including the avaiiabi�ity of financ�ng, the price of land, and the cost of construct�on. ��7} An analysis of any special housing needs, such as those of the elderly, persons with disabilrties, large fam�iies, farmworkers, families with fema�e heads of households, and families and persons in need of emergency shelter. The need for emerqency shelter shall be �assessed based on annual and seasonal need. "fhe need for emergency shelter may be reduced b the number of suaportive housin� units that are identified in an adopted 'I �-vear plan to end chronic homeEessness and that are either vacant or for which fundinQ has been �dent�fied to allow construction durin� the plannin� �eriod. �} An analysis of opportunities for energy conser�ation w�th respect to residential development. ��9} An ana�ysis of existing assisted housing developments that are eligible to change from Iow-income housing uses during the next 'I � years due to termination of subsidy contracts, mortgage prepayment, or expiration of restrictions on use. "Assisted housing developments," for the purpose of this section, sha�� mean multifamity rental housing that receives governmental assistance under federal programs listed in subdivision �a} of �ection 65863.'1 �, state and Iocal multifamily revenue bond programs, Iocal redevelopment programs, the federai Community Development Block Grant Program, or Iocal in-lieu fees. "Assisted housir�g developments" shall also include multifamily rental units that were developed pursuant to a�ocal �nc�us�onary housing program or used to qualify for a density bonus pu rsua nt to Section 659'I 6. � �A} The analysis shall include a listing of each development by project name and address, the type of governmental assistance rece�ved, the earliest poss�bie date of change from Iow- income use and the total number of elderly and nonelderly units that could be Iost from the lacality's law-incame hous�ng stack in each year during the 'I �-year periad. Far purposes af state and federally funded prajects, the analysis required by this subparagraph need only contain information available an a statewide bas�s. �B} The analysis shall est�mate the totai cost of producing new rental housing that is camparable in s�ze and rent levels; to replace the units that could change from Iow-incame use, and an estimated cost of preser�ing the assisted housing developments. Th�s cost analysis far replacement hausing may be dane aggregately for each fve-year period and does not have ta cantain a project-by-praject cast estimate. ��} The analysis shall identify public and private nonprafit carporatians known to the local government whi�h have legal and managerial capa�ity ta a�quire and manage these housing deve�opments. - S�ate Departmerrt of Ho�s�rrg . -�7 - . Nlay ���5 arrd Comm�rr�ty De�elopmerrt A g e n d a I te m 9. b. Page 38 -�Chapter G33, Statr�t�.s of ���7 �SS �j-� �D} The analysis shall id�ntify and consid�r th� us� of all f�d�ral, stat�, and Io�al f nan�ing and subsidy programs whi�h �an b� us�d to pr�s�rv�, for low�r incom� ho��s�holds, th� assisted housing d�v�lopm�nts, id�nti�fi�d in this paragraph, in�luding, but no�t limit�d to, f�d�ral Community D�v�lopm�nt Blo�k �rant Program funds, tax �n�rem�nt funds re�eived by a r�d�v�lopm�nt ag�ncy of th� community, and administrativ� fees re���v�d by a housing authority op�rating within th� community. In considering th� us� of th�se financing and subsidy programs, the analysis shall id�ntify th� amounts of funds und�r each availabl� program which have not b��n I�gally obligated for other purposes and which could b� avaElable for us� in pr�s�rving assisted housing developm�nts. �b} �1 } A stat�m�nt of th� �ommunity's goals, quantifi�d obj�ctiv�s, and poli�i�s r�lativ� to th� maint�nan��, pr�servation, improvem�nt, and development of housing. ��} It is r��ogniz�d that th� tota� hous�ng n�eds identifed pursuant to subdivision �a} may exc�ed available r�sources and th� community's abil�ty to satisfy this ne�d w�thin th� cont�nt of th� g�neral pian r�quir�m�nts outlin�d in Articl� 5�comm�ncing with Section �53��}.� Under these circumstances, the quantifi�d objectiv�s n��d not b� id�ntical to th� total housing needs. The quantifi�d obj�ctives shall estabiish th� maximum numb�r of hous�ng units by income category, including extremely Iow in�om�, that can be constructed, r�habilitat�d, and cons�rv�d over a fiv�-y�ar tim� p�riod. �c} A program which s�ts forth a five-year schedul� of actions th� �o�al gov�rnm�nt is undertaking or intends to undertake to impl�ment th� polic�es and achieve the goals and objectiv�s of the hous�ng element through the administration of land use and dev�lopm�nt �ontrols, the provision of r�gulatory concessions and inc�ntives, and #�e the utilization of appropriate f�deral and state f nancing and subs�dy programs when ava�labfe and th� utilization of mon�ys in a Iow-- and moderate-incom� housing fund of an agency if the Iocality has established a r�development project area pursuant to th� Community Redevelopment Law �Division �4 �comm�ncing with S��tion 33���} of th� H�a�th and Saf�ty �od�}. 1n ord�r to mak� ad�quat� provision for the housing needs of all ��onomi� s�gm�nts of th� community, the program shall do all of the following: �1 } Id�ntify actions that will b� tak�n to make sit�s available during the planning period of th� g�n�ral plan with approprtat� zoning and d�v�lopment standards and with s�rvic�s and fac�lities to accommodate that portson of the city's or county's share of th� r�gional hous�ng need for �ach income lev�l that could not b� accommodated on s�tes �dentifed in th� inv�ntory completed pursuant to paragraph �3} of subdivision �a} without rezoning, and to comply with th� r�quir�ments of Section �5584.�9. S�t�s shaif b� id�ntif�d as n��d�d to facilitat� and �ncourage the development of a variety of typ�s of housing for all income lev�ls, including mult�family rental housing, factory-built hous�ng, mob�l�hom�s, housing for agricultural employ�es, supportiv� housing, single--room occupancy units, emergency shelters, and trans�tionat housing. �A} Where the inventory of sites, pursuant to paragraph �3} of subdiv�sion �a}, does not identify adequate s�t�s to a�corrimodat� the ne�d for groups of all household income levels pursuant to Section �5584, the program shall identify sites that can b� dev�loped for housing within th� planning period pursuant to subdiv�s�on �h} of S��tion �5583.�. �B} Wher� th� inv�ntory of sit�s pursuant to paragraph �3} of subdivis�on �a} does not identify ad�q uat� sit�s to accommodate the ne�d for fa rmworker housing, th� prog ram sha II provide for sufiFicient sites to m�et the need with zonir�g that p�rmits farmworker hous+ng use by right, . including d�ns�ty and development standards that could a�commodat� and facilitate the feas�bility of the development of farmworker housing for Iow- and very Iow income households. State Departmerrt of H�r�sirrg -�� - May ���8 arrd C�rrrrrrr�rrity De�el�prrrerrt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 39 �Chaprer �33, Starures af �pp7 �SB �j� ��} Assist in th� d�v�lopm�nt of ad�quat� hous�ng to m��t th� n��ds of �xtr�m�ly Iow, v�ry Iow, Iow-, ar�d mod�rat�-ir�com� hous�holds. �3} Addr�ss and, wh�r� appropriat� and I�gally poss�bl�, r�mov� gov�rnm�ntai constraints to th� maint�nanc�, improv�m�nt, and d�velopment of housing, including housing for all income I�v�ls and housing for p�rsons with disabil�ti�s. Th� program shall remov� constraints to, and provide reasonable accommodations for housing des+gned for, intended for occupancy by, or with supportive services for, persons with disabilit�es. �4} �onserve and improve the condition of the existing affordahle housing stock, which may include address�ng ways to mitigat� the Ioss of dw�lling units d�molish�d by public or private actior�. �5} Prom�t� housing opportuniti�s f�r all p�rs�ns r�gard��ss �f rac�, r�ligion, s�x, marita� status, ancestry, nationai origin, color, familial status, or disability. ��} Pr�s�rv� f�r I�wer income households the assisted h�using dev�lopm�nts id�ntified pursuant to paragraph ��9} of subdivision �a}. The program for preservatton of the assisted housing devel�pments shail utiiize, to the extent necessary, all available federal, state, and Iocal financing and� subsidy programs id�ntified �n paragraph ��9} of subdivision �a}, except where a community has oth�r urg�nt n��ds for which alternative funding sourc�s ar� not availahle. The program may include strategies that involv� �ocal r�gu�ation and t�chnical assistanc�. �7} The program shall includ� an id�ntification of the agencies and officials responsible f�r the impiementation of th� vari�us acti�ns and the means by which consistency will h� achi�v�d with other general plan elements and community goals. The I�cal government shall make a diligent effort to achi�v� public participati�n of all econom�c segments of the community in th� d�v�lopment of the housing el�m�nt, and the program shall describe this effort. �d} {'I } A Iocal �overnment may satisfV all or part of its r�quir�m�nt t� id�ntiflr a zone or zon�s suitable f�r the d�v�iopm�nt of emer�en�y shelters pursuant to para�raph �4} of subdivision �a} b adoqtinq and im�lement�nq a mult�iurisdictional a�r��m�nt, with a maximum of two other ad'acent communities, that requires the partic�pat�nc�jurisdict�ons to develop at least one �ar-round emer�ency shelter within two ears of the b�qinnin� of th� qlanninq a�riod. ��} The aqreement shall a�focate a ort�on of the new she�ter capacitv to each iurisdict�on as credit towards its em�rqency shelter need, and each iurisdiction shall describe h�w the capac� was allocated as part of its housin� element. . �3} Each m�mher iurisdiction of a mult�iurisdictional a,g,reement shall describe in its housir�g_ e�ement all of th� followin�: �A} How the �oint fac�lity will meet the iurisdiction's emerqencV sheiter need. �B� The iurisdiction's contribution to the facility for both the development and on�oinq_ operation and mana��lement of the facility. ��� The amount and source of the fundinq that the iurisdiction contribut�s to the facility. �4� The aQ�r�Qate capac�tv claimed by the participatin� iurisdictions in the�r housinq elements shall not exceed the actual ca�a�ity of th� sh�lt�r. �e} Except as �therwise provided in this art�cle, amendments t� this art�cle that alter the r�quir�d cont�nt of a housing �I�m�nt shall apply to both of th� following: �'1 } A housing �lement or housing element am�ndm�nt pr�par�d pursuant to suhdivision �e} of S�ction �5588 or Section �5584.D�, when a city, county, or city and county submits a� draft to th� d�partm�nt for review pursuant to Section �5585 more than 9D days aft�r the effective dat� of the amendm�nt to this section. State Department af Hausr'ng -�3 - May �pp8 and Cammunr'ty Deve�apment �, . Agenda Item 9.b. Page 40 �Chapter 533, Stat�tes �f 2DD7 �SB 2)� ��} Any housing element or housing element amendment �re�ared �ursuant to su�divis�on �e} of Section 6��88 or Section 6��84.��, when the city, county, or c�ty and county fails to submit the frst draft to the de�artment before the due date s�ecifed in Section 6��88 or 6��84.��. Housing Accountability Act 6��8�. �. �a} The Leg islatu re f nds and declares a I1 of the following : �'I } The lack of housing, includin emer enc shelters, is a cr�tical �roblem that threatens the economic, environmental, and social qual�ty of life in California. ��} Calffornia housing has become the most expensive in the nation. "fhe excessive cost of the state's housing su��ly is �art�aily caused by activities and �olic�es of many Iocai governments that I�mit the a��rova� of hous�ng, increase the cost of land for housing, and require that high fees and exactions be �aid by �rodiacers of housing. � �3} Among the consequences of those actions are discrimination against Iow income and minority households, lack of housing to su��ort em�loyment growth, im�alance in jo�s and housing, reduced mobility, ur�an s�rawl, excessive commuting, and air quality deterioration. �4} Many Iocal governments do not give adequate attention to the economic, env�ronmentai, and social costs of decisions that result in disap�roval of housing �rojects, reduction in density of housing �rojects, and excessive standards for housing �rojects. �b} It is the policy of the state that a Iocai government not reject or make infeasible housing develo�ments, includinQ emerqency shelters, that contribute to meeting the need determined �ursuant to this artic�e without a thorough analysis of the economic, soc�al, and Env�ronmental effects of the action and without com�ly�ng with su�divis�on �d}. �c} "fhe Legislature also recognizes that �remat�are and unnecessary develo�ment of agricultural lands for urban uses continues to have adverse effects on the availa�ility of those lands for food and f�er �roduction and on the economy of the state. Furthermore, it is the �olicy of the state that develo�ment shouid �e guided away from �rime agricultural lands; therefore, in implementing th is section, Ioca I ju risdictions shou Id encou rage, to the maximu m extent practica�ie, in �Filling existing ur�an areas. �d} A Iocal agency shall not disa�prove a housing develo�ment �roject, �ncluding farmworker housing as defined in su�div�sion �d} of Section ���I��.�� of the Health and Safety Code, for very iow, Iow-, or moderate-income households, or an emerqency shelter, or condition approval in a manner that renders the �roject infeasible for development for the use of very low, �ow-, or moderate- �ncome households, or an emer�encv sheiterL including through the use of design review standards, unless it makes written findings, based upon substantial evidence in the record, as to one of the following: �� } The jurisdiction has adopted a housing element �ursuant to th�s article that has been revised in accordance with Section 6��88, is in substantial compliance with this article, and the jurisdiction has met or exceeded its share of the regional housing need allocation pursuant to Section 6��84 for the plannir�g �eriod for the income category �roposed for the housing deve�opment project, provided that any disap�roval or condit�onal approval shai� not be based on any of the reasons prohibited �y Section 6���8. If the hous�ng development project includes a mix of income categories, and the jurisdiction has not met or exceeded its share of the regional housing need for one or more of those categories, then this paragraph shall not be used to disapprove or conditionally approve the project. The share of the regional State Depa►�#ment �f N��s1ng - 24 - Nlay 2DD8 and Cvmm�nity De�el�pment Agenda Item 9.b. Page 41 --Chap�er 533, Sta�u��s af �QQl (SB �}-- hou�ing need met by the juri�diction �hall be calculated con�i�tently with the formS and definition� that may be adopted by the Department of Hou�ir�g and �ommunity De�elopment pur�uant to Section �54��. In the ca�e of an emer enc �helter the 'uri�dict�on �hall ha�e met or exceeded the need for emer enc �helter a� identified ur�uant to ara ra h? of �ubdi�i�ion a of Section �5583. Any di�appro�al or conditional appro�al pur�uant to thi� paragraph �hall be in accordance with applicable law, rule, or �tandard�. �2} The de�elopment project or emer enc Shelter a� propo�ed would ha�e a�pecific, ad�er�e impact upon the public health or �afety, and there E� no fea�ible method to �a��sfactorily mitigate or a�oid the �pecif c ad�er�e impact without rendering the de�elopment unaffordable to low- and moderate-income hou�ehold� or renderin� the de�eloqment of the emer�enc �helter financially infea�ible. A� u�ed in thi� paragraph, a"�pecific, ad�er�e impact" mean� a�ignifcant, quantifiable, direct, and una�oidable impact, ba�ed on ob�ecti�e, identified written public health or �afety �tandard�, policie�, or condition� a� they exi�ted on the date the application wa� deemed comp�ete. Incon�iStency with the zonir�g ordinance or general plan land u�e de��gnation �hall not con�titute a�pec�fic, ad�er�e fmpact upon the public health or �afety. ' �3} "fhe den�al of the pro�ect or impo�ition of condition� i� req�aired in order to comply with �pecific �tate or federal law, and there i� no fea�ible method to comply without rendering the de�elopment unaffordable to low- and moderaterncome hou�ehold� or renderinq the. de�elo ment of the emer enc �helter financ�all infea�ible. �4j "fhe de�elopment project or emerqency �helter i� propo�ed on land zoned for agriculture or resource pre�ervation that i� �urrounded on at lea�t two �ide� by land being, u�ed for agricultural or resource preservation purpo�e�, or which does not ha�e adequate water or wa�tewater facilitie� to �erve the project. �5j ^fhe de�elopment project or emer�ency shelter i� incon�i�tent with both the jurisdiction's zoning ordinance and generaE plan land use de��gnation a� �pecifed in any element of the general plan a� it ex�sted on the date the appl�cation wa� deemed complete, and the � jurisdiction has adopted a re�i�ed hou�ing element in accordance with Section �5588 that is in �ubstantial corr�pliance with th�s article. �Aj This paragraph cannot be utilized to di�appro�e or cond�tionally appro�e a hous�ng de�elopment pro�ect if the de�elopment project i� propo�ed on a�ite that i� �dentified a� �u�table or a�ailable for �ery low, low-, or moderate-income hou�ehold� in the juri�diction'� hou�ing element, and con�i�tent with the density speci�Fied in the housing element, e�en though it is �ncon�i�tent with both the jur�sdict�on's zoning ordinance and general plan �and u�e designat�on. �Bj If the local agency has failed to identify in the in�entory of land in its housing element sites that can be de�eloped for housing within the planning period and that are sufficient to pro�ide for the �urisdict�on's �hare of the regional housing need for all income le�els pursuant to Section �5584, then this paragraph shall not be utilized to disappro�e or conditionally appro�e a hou�ing de�elopment pro�ect propo�ed for a�ite de�ignated in any element of the generai plan for residential u�es or designated in any e�ement of the genera� plan for commercial uses if re�idential u�e� are permitted or conditEonally permitted within commerc�al designations. In any action in court, the burden of proof shall be on the Iocai agency to show that its housing element does identify adequate �ites with appropriate zoning and de�eiopment standards and w�th services and faciEEties to accommodate the Ioca� agency's share of the regional housing need for the �ery Iow and Iow-income categories. Sta�e Department af Flausrng -�5 - May �QQB and Corrirriun�ty Deve�oprrient Agenda Item 9.b. Page 42 �Chapter 833, Statutes vf �DD7 �5B �}� ' � If the Iocal a enc has failed to identi a�one or �ones where emer�ency shelt�rs are allowed as a permitted use without a condit�onal use or other discretionarv �ermit, has fa�led to demonstrate that the identified �one or �ones �nclude suffcient capacity to accommodate the need for emer�ency shelter identified in �araa�ra h 7 of subd���sion �a� of Section 65583, or has failed to demonstrate that the identifed zone or zones can accommodate at least one emer enc shelter as re�c uired b�IvaraQra h 4� of subdi�ision �a� of Section 65583, then this paraqraph shail not be utilized to disappro�e or conditionally appro�e an emerqencY shelter proposed for a site desiqnated in anV element of the �eneral plan for industrial, commercial, or muitifamil� residentiai uses. In any action in court, the burden of proof shall be on the Iocal a�ency to show that its hou��n� eiement does satisfy the requirements of aara_c�ra h 4 of subd��ision {a} of Section 65583. �e Nothin� in this sect�on shall be construed to relie�e the Iocal a�encv from complying with the �ongestion Management Program required by �hapter �.6 �commenc�ng with Section 65�88} of Di�ision '1 of Title ? or the �alifornia �oastal Act ��i�i�ion �� �commenc�ng w�th Section 3����} of the Public Resource� �ode}. �a+sNeither shall anythin� in thi� section �'� �'��be construed to relie�e the Iocal a_Qencv from making one or more of the findings required pursuant to Section �'I �8'I of the Public Resource� �ode or otherwise comp�ying w�th the �alifornia En�ironmental C�uality Act �Di�i�ion '13 �commenc�ng with Section �'I ���} of the Public Resources �ode}. �f} �a+s�'I } Nothinq in th+� section ^���shall be construed to prohibit a Iocal agency from requiring the de�elopment pro�ect to comply with ob�ecti�e, quantifiable, wr�tten de�elopment standard�, condition�, and polic�es appropriate to, and con�i�tent with, meet�ng the �urisdiction'� share of the regional ho�a��ng need pursuant to Section 65584. Howe�er, the de�elopment standards, condition�, and policie� �hall be applied to facilitate and accommodate de�elopment at the dens�ty permitted on the s�te and proposed by the de�elopment '}.-�. ��} Nothin_Q in this sect�on ^'^�� �^}�hall be construed to proh�bit a Iocal a�enc from requ�rin_ an emerqency shelter proiect to comply with obiecti�e, �uantifiable writt�n de�elopm�nt standard�, condit�on�, and Qo�icie� that are consistent with qaraqraah �4} of subdi��sion �a� of S�ction 65583 and a�proariat� to, and consistent with, meetinq the jurisdiction's need for emer�ency shelter, a� identified qursuant to qarapra h? of subdi�ision a} of S�ction 65583. How���r, th� d���ioam�nt standards, condition�, and polici�s shall b� apali�d by �th� local a��nc to facilitate and accommodate th� d���lo�m�nt of th� �m�rq�ncy sh�lt�r proi�ct. 3 This s�ction does not rohibit a Iocal agency from impo�in� f��� and other exactions oth�rwise authoriz�d by law that ar� �ss�ntial to pro�id� n�c���ary public s�rvic�s and facilities to th� d����opm�nt pro�ect or �m�rq�ncy sh�lt�r. � �g} Thi� s�ction shall be applicabl� to chart�r citi�� b�cau�e th� Legislatur� finds that the lack of hou�ing, �ncludin� �mer�ency sh�lter� is a critical statewide probi�m. �h} "fhe following d�finitions apply for th� purpos�s of thi� s�ction: �'I }"Fea�ib��" m�ans capabl� of b��ng accomp�ish�d in a succ�ssful manner within a rea�onabl� p�riod of tim�, taking into account economic, �n�ironm�ntal, social, and t�chnolog�cal factor�. - ��} "H ou�i ng d���lopm�nt pro��ct" m�a ns a u�� con�i�ting of ' a�n� of the following : �A} R��id�nt�a� un�t� only. S tate Department vf Nvus�ng -�B - 1VJay �DDS and Cvmmun�ty Deve�vpment � Agenda Item 9.b. Page 43 �Chap�er 633, Sta�u�es of �DD7 �SB �j-� �B} Mixed-use de�elopments consisting of residential and nonresidential uses in which nonresidential uses are limited to neighborhood commercial uses and to the first floor of buildings that are #wo or more stories. As used �n th�s paragraph, "neighborhood commercial" means small-scale general or spec�alty stores that furnish goods and services primarily to res�dents of the neigh borhood . � Transitional housin or su orti�e housin . �3} "Housing for �ery low, low-, or moderate-income households" means that either �A} at least 2� percent of the total units shall be sold or rented to Iower income households, as defined in Section 5��79.5 of the Health and Safety �ode, or �B} 1�� percent of the units shall be sold or rented to moderate-income households as defined in Section 5��93 of the Health and Safety �ode, or middle-income househo�ds, as defined in Section �5��8 of this code. Housing units targeted for Iower income households shall be made a�ailable at a monthly housing cost that does not exceed 3� percent of �� percent of area median income with adjustments for household size made in accordance with the adjustment factors on which the lower income e�igibiiity limits are based. Housing units targeted for persons and families of moderate income shall be made a�ailable at a monthly housing cost that does not exceed 3� percent of 1�� percent of area median income with adjustments for household size made in accordance with the adjustment factors on which the moderate-�ncome ei�gibi�ity limits are based. �4} "Area medEan income" means area median income as periodically established by the Department of Hous�ng and �ommunity De�elopment pursuant to Section 5��93 of the Health a r�d Safety �ode. The de�eloper shall pro�ide sufficient legal commitments to ensure cont�nued a�ailability of units for �ery Iow or Iow-income households in accordance with the pro�isio ns of this su bd i�isio n for 3� yea rs. �5} "Disappro�e the de�elopment pro�ect" includes any instance in which a Iocal agency does either of the following: �A} Votes on a proposed housing de�elopment pro�ect appl�cation and the application is disappro�ed. �B} Fails to comply with the time periods specified in subparagraph �B} of paragraph �1 } of subdi�ision �a} of Section �595�. An extension of t�me pursuant to Article 5�commenc�ng with Section �595�} shall be deemed to be an extens�on of time pursuant to this paragraph. �i} If any city, county, or city and county denies appro�al or imposes restrictions, including design changes, a reduction of allowable dens+ties or the percentage of a lot that may be occupied by a building or structure under the app�icable plann�ng and zon�ng in force at the time the application �s deemed complete pursuant to Section �5943, that ha�e a substantEal ad�erse effect on the �iability or affordability of a housing de�elopment for �ery Iow, Iow-, or moderate-income househoids, and the deniai of the de�eiopment or the imposition of restrictions on the de�elopment is the subject of a court action which challenges the denial, then the burden of proof shall be on the Iocal legislati�e body to show that its decis�on is consistent with the findings as described in subdi�ision �d} and that the findings are supported by substantial e�idence in the record. � U} When a proposed housing de�elopment pro�ect compiies with applicable, objecti�e generai plan and zoning standards and criteria, including design re�iew standards, in effect at the time that the h�using de�el�pment pro�ect's application is determined to be complete, but the Ioca� agency prop�ses to disappr��e the project or t� appro�e it upon the condition that the project be de�eloped at a lower density, the I�cai agency shall base its dec�sion regarding the proposed housing de�elopment project upon written findings supported by substantial e�idence �n the record that both of the following conditions exist: 5ta�e Depart►nent of Housing -�7 - n�ay �aa� and Co►n►n�ni�y De�elop►rrent Agenda Item 9.b. Page 44 �Chapter �33, Stat�rtes o� ZDD7 (SB Zj� �1 } The housing de�elopmen# project wouid ha�e a spec�fic, ad�erse impact upon the publEc health or safety unless the project is disappro�ed or appro�ed up�n the conditi�n that the project be de�etoped at a Iower density. As used in this paragraph, a"spec�fic, ad�erse impact" means a signifcant, quantifiable, direct, and una�oidable impact, based on objecti�e, identifed written public health or saf�ty standards, polici�s, or conditi�ns as #h�y �xist�d �n th� dat� th� application was deemed c�mpl�t�. �2} Th�r� is no f�asibl� m�thod t� satisfactorily mitigate or a�oid the ad�erse impact identified pursuant to paragraph �1 }, other than the disappro�al of the housing de�elopment project or the appro�al of the projec# upon #he condition that i# be de�eloped at a Iower density. �k} "f he appiicant or any person wh� wouid be eligible #o apply for residency in the d��elopment or emer�encv shelt�r may bring an action t� enf�rce this section. If in any � action brought to enforce the pro�isions �f this section, a court finds that the Iocal agency disappr���d a proj�ct or conditi�n�d its appro�al in a mann�r r�nd�ring it inf�asibl� for th� d���lopm�nt of an emergency shel#er, or housing for ��ry Iow, Iow-, or mod�rate-income hous�holds including farmw�rk�r housing, with�ut making the findings r�qu�r�d by this section or w�thout making suffici�nt f ndings supported by substantial e�idence, the court shall issue an ord�r or judgment comp�lling compliance w�th this section within 6� days, including, but not limited #o, an order that the Iocal agency take action on the de�elopment project or emer�encv shelter. The court shall retain jurisdiction #o �nsure that its order or judgm�nt is carried out and shall award reasonable att�rney's fees and costs of suit to the plaint�ff or p�tition�r who propos�d th� housing de�elopm�nt or �mer enc shelter, �xc�pt �and�r �xtraordinary circumstances in which th� court finds that awarding f��s would not further #he purpos�s of th�s s�ction. If th� court determines #hat its order �r judgment has not b��n carried out within 6� days, the court may issue further orders as pro�ided by law to ensure #hat the purpos�s and policies of this s�ction ar� fulfilled, including, but n�t limit�d to, an order to �acate #he decis�on of #he �ocal agency, in which case the app�RCation f�r th� project, as constituted at the tim� the Iocal agency to�k the init�al action determined to b� in �iolati�n of this section, along with any standard conditions determin�d by the court to be generally imposed by th� Iocal agency on s+milar proj�cts, shall be d��m�d appro��d unl�ss th� applicant cons�nts to a d�ff�r�nt d�c�sion or ac#ion by th� I�cal ag�ncy. ��} If th� c�urt fnds that th� I�cal agency �1 } act�d in bad fai#h when it disappro�ed or conditionally appro��d #h� h�using de�el�pm�nt or emerqencv shelter in �iolation of this section and �2} faiied to carry out th� court's order or judgm�nt within 6� days as describ�d in subdi�is�on �k}, the court in additron to any other remedies pro�id�d by this sect��n, may impose fines upon th� Iocal agency that the Iocal agency shall be required #o d�pos�t into a housing trust fund. Fines shall not b� paid from funds that are already dedicat�d f�r affordabl� housing, includir�g, but n�t limited to, r�d���lopm�nt or I�w- and mod�rat�-incom� hous�ng funds and f�d�rai H�ME and CDB� funds. Th� local ag�ncy shall commit th� money �n the trust fund w�thin f�e years for the sole purpose �f financing newly construct�d housing units affordabl� to extremeiy Iow, �ery I�w, or Iow-incom� hous�holds. For purpos�s �f this section, "bad fai�th" shall m�an an action that is fri�olous or otherwise entir�ly without merit. �m} Any action brought #o �nforce #he pro�issons of this sect��n shall be brought pursuant to Section 1�94.5 �f th� Code of Ci�il Procedure, and #he Iocal ag�ncy shall pr�pare and certify the record of proc��dings in accordance with subdi�is��n �c} of Section 1�94.6 of the C�de of Ci�il Procedur� no later than 3� days aft�r th� p�tition is s�rv�d, pro�id�d that #h� cost of State Depar�ment o� Ho�rsing - ZS - N1ay ZDDS and Comm�rnity De�elopment Agenda Item 9.b. Page 45 ��hapter �33, Statutes of �DD7 �SB �)� preparation of the record shall be borne by the Iocal agency. Upon entry of the trial court's order, a party shall, in order to o�tain appellate re�iew of the order, file a petition within �� days after ser�ice �upon it of a written notice of the entry of the order, or within such further time not exceeding an addit�onal �� days as the trial court may for good cause aliow. If the local agency appeals the �udgment of the trial court, the local agency shall post a bond, in an amount to be determined �y the court, to the benefit of the piaintiff if the plaintiff is the project applicant. � �n} In any action, the record of the proceedings before the Iocal agency shall be fled as expedit�ously as possible and, no�withstanding Section ��94.� of the �ode of �i�il Procedure or subdi�ision �m} of this section, ali or part of the record may be prepared �1 } by the petitioner with the petition or petitioner's points and authorities, ��} by the respondent with respondent's points and authorities, �3} after payment of costs by the petitioner, or �4} as otherwise �irecte� by the court. If the expense of preparing the recor� has been borne by the petition�r and the petitioner is the pre�ailing par#y, the expense shail be taxable as costs. �o} -�his s�ction shall �e known, and may be c�te�, as th� Housing Accountabiiity Act. Stat� D�partm�nt of Nousing -�9 - May �oos and �ommunity De���opm�nt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 46 �-�hapter 533, Stat��e,s �f ���7 {SB ��� , . . . � � � � ���� � � � S ta �e Depa►�tmen t of NvuS�ng � - 3� - N1ay �OOS and Cvmmun�ty Develvpmen� Agenda Item 9.b. Page 47 -�Chapter �33, Statutes of ���7 (SB �j-� Atta�hment � Qefini�ions Emer�ency Shelters �Health and Safety Code Section 5�8�'1 �e� "Emergency shelter" means housing with minimal supporti�e services for homeless persons that is limited to occupancy of six months or less by a homeless person. No indi�iduai or household may be den�ed emergency shelter because of an tnabiii#y to pay. Transitional Hous�nq �Health and Safety Code Section 5��75.�� "Trans�tional housing" and "transitional housing de�elopment" means buiidings configured as rental housing de�elopments, but operated under program requirements that cail for the termination of assistance and recirculation of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at some predeterrriined future point �n time, which shall be no less than six months. Su port��e HousinQ �Health and Safety Code 5��75.'14� Hous�ng w�th no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the target population as defined in subd��ision �d} of 5ection �32��, and that is iinked to on- or off-site services that assist the supporti�e housing resident in retaining the housir�g, impro�ing his or her hea�th status, and maximizing h�s or her ability to li�e and, when possible, work in the communi#y. Tar�et Po uiation Definition per HSC 53����d� �dj "Target population" means adults with Iow-income ha�ing one or more disabilit�es, includ�ng mental illness, HIV or AIDS, substance abuse, or other chron�c health conditions, or indi�iduals eligible for services pro�ided under the Lanterman De�elopmentai Disabilities 5ervices Act �Di�ision 4.� �commenc�ng with Sec���n 45��� �f �he V1lelfare and Ins����t��ns ��de} and may, among other populations, include famil�es with children, elderly persons, young aduits aging out of the foster care system, indi��duals exiting from institut�onal settings, �eterans, or homeless peopie. State Department of Housing - 37 - Nlay ���5 ana� Community Development Agenda Item 9.b. . Page 48 -�Chapt�r fi33, s�r�r� o� �vv� �se ��-� � . � � �� � S�a t� Departmen t af Hausing � - 3� - n�ay �vv� and Cammunity D��e�apm�nt Agenda Item 9.b. Page 49 -�Chapter fi33, Statutes of ���7.(SB �j-� Attachmer�t 3 Helpful Lir�ks Nativnal Alliance to End Homelessness htt :Ilrwww. endhamelessness. arc�/sec�ian/�aals/�en year�larr Interagen�y �ouncil on Homelessness h ttp:Ilrwww. ich . qa vI Interagency �oun��i on Homelessness, Guide to De�eloping Plans and Examples h ttp:Ilrwww. ich. ga v/s!a calln dex. h�m! IJ.S. Department of Health and H uman Ser�►i�es, Homelessness Resource �enter htt :Ilrwww. rrrchmi. samhsa. av1 X 7 S ax 555dhrr54�45 h vn '4 I�e�aul�. as x?As xAu�a De�eC�CookieSupport= 7 "�he National �oalition for the Homeless — Locai Resour�es in �alifornia htt�a:Ilrwww. na�ianalhameless. arqlresaurcesllacallcali�arnia. h�m! H�D Selected Bibliography on Homeless Issues h ttp:Ilrwww. h cd. ca. 4� v/�']pd/b1bl1�. h�m! Building Blo�ks for Effe�ti�e Housing Elements �finks to funding r�sourc�s, data, policy and r�s�arch on hom�l�ssn�ss} htt :Ilrwww. hcd. ca. av1� dl�ausirr elemerr�rrdex. h�m! State Departrnent of Housing and Cornrnunity De�eloprnent � �� w N�ay ���8 Agenda Item 9.b. Page 50 1 1 � F . � ,� � ■� � � t� � ATTA�HMENT3 n the two years since the Local �a�ernment �ammission's St��art Grot�tjt ,�oning Codes: �1 �esot�rce Guide was first published, the nla�ement ta reform zon.i.ng �odes has gained momentum. Tad.ay, farm-based codes ha�e became an increasing�y popular approa�h to a�hie�e these refornls and create communities where peaple want ta li�e, wark and pla� . � The old ad.age "form follows fun�tion" describes the comman approach •-- � behind land use regulation as it has been practiced in the past. Form-based -- -- -- -- -- codes turn that relationship on its head. Since �he primary basis for regulation � is the buildings, nat the uses, "fi�n�tion follows form." These �odes �on�entrate ,.; ' � � first an the �isual aspect of de�elopment: building height and bu1k, fa�ade ., � �� �reatments, the lacatian af arkin , and the relatiansh� of the buildin s ta � p � P � the street and to ane anather. Simpl� put, farm-based codes emphasize the _ appearance and qualities af the public realm, the places created by buildings. ,.. .��.� I� � � � �������� � � tk � As w�th ather smart grawth cancepts, form-based codes ha�e been applied � in new gmwth areas, in e�isting neighbarhoods, in limited situatians to �������II]�1�11��1 spe�ial dis�ri�ts, and in wholesale �ode revisions for entire �onununities. _f�r rx1- I� s� � ? � � r R . y � ^ k 1 {';_i 'V e ! , u '��'rki,++w 1 � -6. ? �_ � i�+ � ` ' ' - . - _ - Y.�n - __ rii� �Yr. ���� � T� ' - r� , or��1-Ua��d codes� pl�ce a� �r_inl��.-�r enip.l���s ol�.� builriin��;� ����� .`, a� et# ��$��f���� �� , r r� -�-���— 4 a� '� � arkin. , lacation �u��-�� fa ade ��atu�-e�„'�� Te�s em �.h�si�,o.��'u:s�`� h��� `,. z;�� _ p � � � P . , - -,�_ _� srr�ss the a�a.�.-ance of the sti-e�rsca � or ub1i�,Tr �� "���. `�' ��-_ =_ - � f � �p ' p , p � = ea�lii��;�'��,�e lo � g lists} r.��« - �,- � ,- . �,. � ry , _ , �� r - - a� t ir-; - �� � �� " � of di�erent use types. Th�se,� codes, li���� the follo��� e1z���ra�G�e�YS�'rc-s:; ,,Cr ���t;--���+': _, ' � � ' _•��� s - �"� � -�_ � P " � � '•� i�;. i � �- r �"� Zonin Dis�ricts -- Forni-based� cod�s are defi���d} aroLa�dr,�dis�' 'ctts y����� -.'�-'' � � � _�,� �� z�� �� _ � � ileighl�orhoods aild �orridor�s �7here ean�rznt�anal. 2onin��d�s �`���ts nza��� �°�"1���, ' • • . - ��t i � " -� � ,r���' � '► ��' U�3I Lld C��3�1dL1S�1�] �Q �1�, tran_s�ortltian traine«ro��k��utf �h��1�3r� ��''' ��r �`�; � � ar�a� _ � ' � $ ,� i,��- �,, i� ��� a � � � ,��� �� r =r o rr� � n E ' , � . `_ . r� :i '�''!"+q� � �� i � r� - � i "�# Regulatory FoGUS - Fanll-�based cad�s de-enl�l��si��: ci��n�i 3�ra,n��'��,s�}`" �.tiw ,;',; �- � ce ��ia�� in fa�ar af rul.es� far buxldin , farYZl. �lie reea�� 1{ii `�'t�l�����ius�s, � = F , � . - , � � � � � u�. r � �;}x� , k��y�"�' �rr u� �k,`* r �+�. , � ma�r �hange o�� c t�me, but �he UL� ild��lg ��rill e.�1dL� re: - , - - �. , �,����; � �� �.-. i s'^k,_ ; �'`, , �ar�•' �-; ±� � . "� Z.Tses -- Forni-bas�d_ cod�s eni hasiz� E�zd_ _; L �`� -�'_ ' � L1S� 111C�� 3' 171L�C� ��7` `•���L1S�I1�� �, ; • ,�5�_ � i ��.� 3'� 1F- � �_ '■ i tc� b cin � c��sti �Za tio t�s into �los� p i-axun.itv to ha L� si n�; a xid� g,ro�•ri'e" h,' `-��" �Y, �_'� � ou�sin�, _ i.t* _.. �i� " i a � r c � i �ho�ices to me�t man� it�di�idu3ls' ilee,d� at diff'ereilt tinles� in���tli'e�r�l`i,��s�.�� °,r°,'„� �� �"� Desi --- �reater at�entioil is �7ivzn ta s�r�ersca z an�d� th� �esit� i� o��t���e�,�� �rt � � � ��Y� _ ,�. ' publi� realxz�, a�ld the rol� of �ndividual bu�7d�ings in sh�pi�l�� Ch� publi� �i��11nz. Forn1-ba�ed code� r�cag�ruze llal�r critical thes� public�` spaces° -ra�e��,�op�:�de£�i�ii:�i� �� 3 �` �„1� L�l��`�� CL C[p1���Lr. ' , * _, -���r�� ��R �Z'� '�� � i _Y s }-� � � �i r � l': '�1 �'ly ► � - ' � . . •� . . � - • � . . �`� �•� +- rr-u���'i�r � J �:. _ �ct � . , "� Publ�� Partic�patxon -.� d�e$rg�1-focused puUli�. p�ra��at�on�����;e�e�s�'��s;�, �'' , . _���. ��x:��_ �� � � , essential ta assure tharaug�i di�cL�s$�on of 1=and �.xse� issue�L as� th�,�c� � e�s .���r�ated�:.� i # � +� _ � � � �. � Thi� hel�s rzduce canfliet, Yui�.��nderstandin� anc�� �h� ii�eci!k�Fo�r��he� '�i' �•�` � �rin�� as�_. ,, . —�— ��' ���_ � � i � r f'T - i�div�dual proj��ts ar�� �������«r�a. , - ��`s-��_ . �-- � ���� i� , r ' y� �� � _ � �#�. � . . - � � � �� r �r i tis�A �� ��I} � _ � r ` li i a t �1 k i ��}'���� �1 �� •L�a uT f�i l i �� � � ` �1�[�}di�e�1: f�c}1sr+ �1�jJ ii•�i�,ra�z} f� '�f�#l�?�rr��trl� ��`r�c�r� t� t'�� !�,"f��',�� �. . ✓ � _ '� - � c� � i � � ' i _ _ - f l - ��r '; '` y Y a = 1 y' - L � + � �1 �-�� f � - ' _ u 1 � � _ � Agenda Item 9.b. Page 51 are �rm- ' � v a�e c� e� e ect��►e . he focus on building and street design in form-based codes allnws graphics and photos — instead of lengthy, repeti- tive text — to e:�plai.n the detai�s nf zoning requiremen�s. In turn, these codes are much- ��zore democratic ins�rumen�s, because they are more readily understnod by residen�s who are not otherv�rise in�ol�ed in land use or de�elnpment pmfessions. ■ Pictures tell the star� Form-based codes can greatly reduce discussions about the meaxung of zoning terms and argumen�s n�er the interpretatinn of code language, allnwing e�ery- body in�olved in a public partici- pation pmcess to fncus their time and energy on the essence of the regulatinns, rather than on "word- smithing." Using form-based codes, a picture really can be worth a thousand wnrds. ■ Easy-ta�-find infarmatian Annther improvement o�ered by form-based codes is that they c onta in all rele�ant ir�fnrma tinn in a concise format. �y contrast, con�entional codes usually include this information in se�eral di$erent sectinns nf the code, sometiiries e�en in side documents that may not be readily apparent or a�ailable to the ine�perienced user. By consolidating infor�riation and using a simple pictorial style that a�oids jargnn and complex, repeti- ti�e langvage, form-based codes n�er a much mnre acc�ssible format. ■ Great far mixing uses Annther key characteristic of form-based codes is the way they treat di$`erent use types. Since � the d.awn of zoning, con�entiona.] codes were built around the concept of separating uses. They seldnm allow uses f'rnm a di$`erent category �retail, single-fam�ly, multi-family, office, etc.} within the same zoning district. �Then uses frnm different categories are pmposed by prnject de�elopers, extra processes and additinnal hearings are often required. �n contrast, fnrm-based codes assume a mix of uses, especially in neighborhond nr town cenrers. ■ Better, f aster, cheaper pracess This clarity of f�rmat and intent can ]ead to a shift in appm�al pmcessing f'rom a hearing-heavy pmcess tn one that is largely � adnunis�rat��e. Simply put, if all the details are discussed and clarified when the code is de�eloped, and if they are accurately represented in a format that lea�es no doubt as to the requiremen�s, then a"bu�d- by-right" approach �s pnssible. ' i � � � i i i i i i i i i i � i i � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 ' ' h ri� � N ew state I aw a ut � es � � use �f f�rm�-I�ased ��des � � � � ike m�ny unconvent��i�al ideas, f�rm-UaSed C�deS ti�ere met w1Ch � c��zsiderable skepacism in many cnmmunities, and at times it v�ras � � argued that �hey ti�ere n�t e�en a le�al means of regulating land � use. To clarify [haC isSUe, the Calif�rnia legislature v�reig�zed in by ad�pting � �eais�ati�n SpeCiFCal�y aut�i�ri2in� Eorm-ba5ed CodeS. Assembly Bill 1?6� � � was sign�d into l�v�r in July ?���, resulting in very clear language in �he � stare s General P�an G�lid�lines 1nd the sratutes g�verning z�ning �hat all�ti� r _--- L___� __�-- This means the review of a project application follows procedures sim�lar to thnse for obtaining building permi�s. If the propnsed project mee�s al] of the code's requiremen�s, the application can be approved administrati�e�y. �b�r-inusly, this reduces time, expen.se and uncer�ainty for the de�elnper, but it also reduces processing and hearing cos�s for the jurisdictinn in�ol�ed. This can free up sta� time for more prnacti�e planning. � �'orrr�-basec� cndes t�se pictir�es �o �e!! �1�e s�or� � --------�--____----------------- � � ; � , , � � � � � � , , , , f ; fee� ; �irnurn ; � � � � � � � � � � � � i ' Public R�V� � � ' and Bvild-�o-rine � � � � �--------�-----------------------: ����+��i �_ . , �; � � �,, � �I ! _ai 1 • ��_ �� i i _ { _ � . �u _ 4l _ " �� 4 � * I 1- �� 1 . � ' _Tf ,, x R LJ R A L.1 I I I i I�!� 1! I 1 i R A N S E C T I� 1! I i� M I� I!! U R B A N RIJRAL UR�AN DISTRI�TS n� }I�f� � {c- * l -, ���'I � + F � �R F � .I � �� �- _ t � '_ n r �f � � ~ 1rl �' ll i _ �,. '���ti �� '� t� ,�, _ IC �` _ �� �, = _ a �N F �y - ^ - _ � - L _ _ _ it L • r �- i����,� �1µ ��i' � 1,J � � ��1'_ �r ■ Sc�i�����i ����:����� �3rx��rr�� cr�x�'�r�r��rr � ec����:s �t� ��r� �� +a Irrr���� a,r��.� �t�rr��i���rr�c�rr — �i�r, ���i�x��r�,�r�r�z1' `'`��arr����:��'��'i;��r� �.��;r��i��r' 1�x�1 ��;,� ,,'��,� C . �, � � � ..� _ � �y �,`�� � ' -- ' � �_ �� �' � , �� ��s ��:•�r�r i,��jxz��r ��arr�- ii�12�.�rc: t!i i�r���i� ���.7� �i�i�� ��ril��ii��j �V/*,,�I ��. ��•l��ii�, aj�c� ���lr�ar��� �1i�.� �rrr� l��,tt ��y �i+i;ici � , �r��� i rr�r��. ,_ ,�,� _y�R�� � ..� �' � _ .�?.� P ��' _ � 1 J � _ �E L-�^ fs 1 y�:i � #i "' _ ,�p 'r�� - r '+1� y y�!i r* ; � �!{���y' �� �i�� � ' T � 'r + ` ,+� � �� � � �IEF� !+ � ! - '� e _ �� - �' ' � i�L�- H _ � � �- - ' � J �' ���-r - �i �- ~ ti � t 1 � � .� i+rf � 4F � �� y t � r y}+ �` i T h T r a r� ��� t: ��� � r� I a r� d u���� -�_. � r�F�, �, ,� _�� ., n� t e� x� t F��.�t� � � - - - 2 y� i� S�� �i9 � i .�_ s� �� �� �p( �L i �� f a � c,F�1M�- T+f'i:a ,i�!11'= �.� ��`!J, �' � a i � � , y " ' � _ -i � 1� �..��' �r:��10 �-' �t lr{ n� • y' r �r�s,=�- � y uf �,.; ��f-1L4 �_ � i i�+; r�I � r � r i� - f�� I e ��r� f�'7-�c1=%Z� ��� �. I 4yl�r�'Z _ _ -.k -���' ��_` � � �� � � ,� � . i � t . . � i�'�r �reativ A ]�ed to an u�-�an/r-ura]_ coi�tin- �ot� � ��o,�ilA`3�����xr��t � � F � i�i�.s��or� ��'� � -Yr '' a�nx��u ut� �s d � � PP Y �- � 1 �a� � ��, �x� � r � � in siz� Co � L-a hv d�n5i uLlm �hz tr�u�se�� he] s�-� b�tter ��i�-d £eatt�r�s''� i��'� diR�iQ ��` ����" �� ,�� � � p � p � � ? � __ _ �� _ r��btilk;���#r�e,��� ,F, �', � -� � • � r fY�L - � � - 3� � ,�ti�,!'��r, ii • �±�,�a+' - �� _--; r r i� �l r-�, i�.��~� and �L-o«rth ra�es. Iti same ut�dzL-�ta ��d �,vher� diff`zLeiit ��se� ligl�tin�,. s��d��� � A���.3�ki�n�r ar�d�,, �., �_�� ,� - areas. thz -r,i�n � cot�ceriis are and lLiildu� es� fiC «�ell ot ��rhere 1'an��a � ii��k�� ; ,'t��` �� `.�, ��'�. � � � J` .- . ��• ,� � _*,`- P � � � p �._ to zz � d�'er�ri�� cli.s ���ts�: , , , � ,�� �- , - . - �,� '� � '� . � � - _ ''+; � � _ a�out ne��° dzvelopm�ilC taking �lie}r �ce in�ppro��-��te. Szen �rolrl . -_,_ -. r _ .'Y _ � � � � �Y , .� r i� � i�, . . r This f�-ani���oy�r afllo� s� F�o�° �� �ou� �.; �� pla�e on. pr�v�ausl�= und�v�loped �s p�rsp���i.��e, �,ve ���rn t�11aC � - - - '=_ - �- �' - _�� � . �}- _ _ _ , � � � � .z � ,�, . Y�zon ��nderSCan°�uzg� � � at,�eli3��S�a �.',. ,�, � � - l�uid a�: �ree.��held�: �ther cotri- �aY��ro��L-sia� us� ac de��elopment �- x s�, 1� -. ...Y,.` ��;, • . . de�� elopni�nC. �hara���e,�isti��s��Co� �"` ;' �*- � � � � i����ni�ies ar�� i�ios�]}r L uilt out and pro�ect is noC inlierentiv �ad. �ut � `-, ,_ `�1' ��� _ ' • pla�es �,�itl�.iri, th'e��� { i��a� J��aUt;i'c:�fi{,'�t ; � '4: � � ta�us more o�a �od'e5 th�C �.iide ma�r si�ripl�r have been praposed �.� �-� � / .° r,� rr , f S i • ThiS �a i�o n� . lan� u�T ge� all�a��� '� _� _ ii�hll or reshap� and �:e�iCalize �'or the «�rati� lo�atioii. � � � - ' ' ' � de�ela�ers,��la�inersk and.�-�esi�Gr�t$� �: =' ne�le�t�d n�i�h�aclioods. 5till . - - - ,.. - � � �� ��n}� co d�s all �he �ea ture5 and �r� �n �n �eLeaz�` c�iti�s, -��; Cor re��a di�}�. � ~ athz�:� ne��-i ne��r codes ro address .. _ ',� �a�i��pts rhat �uid� co�n.muivaes, co��aprel�e���� t]7�.,�aizC��k foi�' ,,. _� �,� de�:elop�17ent a�par�uiiiaes aroull�-i 31ei iborlloo�-�s a.�id de<<elo iazenC d�'ere�t L�ses- �iic�: Uual��iii �v �_� ��s.� '` 1p`�}�y,�*^��.}�rlrr}.p-���+ � _ � � �? � �, 11L..Y`7 41 SC.iL3�6 �1; �1L4t1L7. . • • ' f� " � �ry r � � r uzCa sL� dit�erent ��stt��ts aloug In Peta�uma°,. �'a1itoz iiia�� Ys-z� .iiext� �� � E facm-�as�d i ._ - � �'. �� _ _ � �ne at th� �c.aut��s� a t.he Cransec:t �T1 Go T�i}, fron ru�-al a�e th�s'� shar.ed c�am. ' teh�i��i�oii� . �ad�s x� that the - can �e �� lied res�nre d�.s�icc� Ca those in the ��}' r.� � ti_ ,-r --_ . � g� � . o��erc�u�ze t hz 'ca��i�s�an: ai� c i� can= � » sa man� dif�erenC. Co.i�1mu i� i ties Lirb�xz �a r�. He a�o �nclu des a f li�ts �li� t stood� in= �lze.� ��..V� a A` o�a�i� and sit-�zaa�i�s. spec�al dis�r�cti fo� ��s�s suclz a� a _ ' _ ��� � � ��, , . i..nCznt�ans, a�ld all, tia o atc�,�z,, g,o a d� A n drzs �uan ; one a t t hz r� �a�.iu� � ' ' � �.h���iviee I�r�Ylcipl�s' �uthors aizd a Eounder of thz Cangress for �e�� �Trl�ai�ism, ha�s� C�t�.er� thz id�a o� t�ie �`Cranse�t" trarrt na�ural s�ien�� and applied it Ca land ��sz planiii�z�. The tL-ansecC, as used in e�a�agic�l st�idies, dra�vs � �rass-- sz�tian thrau�h di.�zr��zt h3bi�a�s Ca �zttzr u�zt��rs��nd the�r uzCzr- r��ations}�i�s along a �anti��L�uni, Li�� e r s i t v c a m p�i s, au- po ar s . . _ � f pro�e�ts. �1e� gz�plu�c�� � na"�.u�e'oE` � � - r �� S�t�acks, tar in�t.�nce� shriril� as de�rzlap�nent ptogr�sses froru the rural Ca the mare hi�hl� url�an. Likz�vi�e, Cliere is lzss area dzvated �o grzen er� in thz u��an �ore Clza �z �iz th e rur�l dis�ric�s.13 �ulding he��hts, ha�-�rz�•er, increasz. �'his uiufied d'zvelapnzznt ardi-- uan��. ar "S�arC�adz; ' links a11 the trallse�t fi�s �rer�r �vell �viCh _ �arui-�ased_ Cad�s�. 3 ' �� , � � � R __ 17Uauzy 171a ter-�� r erl�� S�; C-ampa�n:�� � has beelz i:n�C�u�zntal�. '<<7 ' �r.in'g;`uig - r ;.� �, � �, k , . , . � , . . this, cl�ssifi�aaan, �e'tlia,dolog.y� _ � � � - c T : � ., _ . ■ . a" � • •'4 '�f+� i inCa rea�-�rvr� [�; a�pli��a�aa u; u� -�� ; r �, .�,« , �- p p�'�` �f �'+�' �4 +y' r � ` �, � , Eariu-�ased�� t+��L.. r�tZ�j�..���c�14iVSSr k� r� c � i�� � _ IIJ� _ � r,, ' • �I � � `� `r ��pr f � � � � th� ca untir�.. ; , _ } _ � , � . r « _ � ��.� � � � 4 _ �, - r. _ � �'� a i, r l � :�r� � , , , :�, � �.� , . � _ — � < < , �,�, Agenda Item 9.b. Page 53 � t� s- �r r� ar�r� a rm- � as� �� � aw do�s a community 1 go about preparing a Form-based code? What are the steps that n�ed to b� tal�en to prepar� a Form-based code? Accord.ing to planr�er Paul �11ti�{Q1C�, one of tl�� natiol�'s experts on Form-based codes, the typical steps ar� required to prepare th�s type oF code include: � Existing cvnditions analysis and inventory Before embarking on de�elopment oF the code it is critical to under- stand clearly what the existing patterns oF de�elopment are in a coiruriunity. This record oF existing cond.itions — especially oF areas that the community ident�fies as special, or significant — can help de�elop a code that fits local characteristics. Using diagrams and notes, a typical analysis will loo� at: � Street types �by setbac�, walk- way, roadway, and landscape} � Bloc� types �shape, size, alleys, parcelization} � B uilding types �Footprint, profil�, streetfront, access by car or p�d�strian, s�rvice areas} � �pen space types ��ont, bac� and side yards, squares and parks, unde�elop�d parcels tivith urban zot�r;�g} � Par�ing types and location �parallel, diagonal, lots} � Natural Features �creeks, signif- icant trees, �iews, hills, etc.} � Public visivni_ng and charrette Input �om the community is gathered early in the process through a public �isioning and charrette process. The charret�e is a collaborati�e plannu�g process that brings together residents and design proFessiona.ls in an intensi�e multi- day process that typically includes Focus group meetings, workshops, presentations, and public engage- ment exercises to de�elop a Feasi- ble plan for future revitalization and de�elopment. ' S�ep 1: Exrs�i�z� eniidi�in�is' i��veii�vr�� fror��i �l�e Ci��� v_f 5v��rv»�ra's deve�vpr��er�� e�de trpda�e � � � ., � � � � � � , , � � � � � � , -. � -. � � � ,, _� � � � � ;;��� -�_--;:� : .. �. � � .• r r� , •�� i,;...:�,r-- n _ --;����� �: r� 'F� �� �;l : ;____,; � �- �r� _ .� �������= '� � µ�� ��� �? � :� `'��`.s, :-�--�= � � � �:fff��'�i�[+ r i�i�mr�=� i , ie■ti+�wr•� �'�—... � � � ! �{ �� ^r — _� '�i 1 �`� �� r �7'; `� � � ! ;F i � ��� ��- ' I �� � - � ..., �� ,rn : i,,:,��� •�4 . 1 ,�.. }::�_►_��:.==�- -----_______: r ,. .. .. .: ," - - - ■ 5�ep 3: Azusc�'s cnd e dr v�des t�re er�� irt�o vperz spaee, residert�rc�! areas, evi�Tl�zercra! corrid�rs aiid cn»�►riercla� distrre�s. . , � Determine apprvpriate spatial basis for regulation �C�1Str1Ct5s trSIlSeCt, 5treetS vr special zones} There are a number oF different approaches that can be taken in determining how the Form-based code will be defined and regulated. A�though there is some o�erlap between these approaches, �raw-ford describes Four baslc alternati�es that are typically used by different practitioners: � Neighborhoods, districts, corridors � Transect � Street-based reg«lating plan � Special purpose zones This process entai�s identif�ring which parts of the community are appropriate For different types of de�elopment. For e�ample, if the transect-based approach is used the plan would identif� those areas that are suburban �T3}, general Agenda Item 9.b. Page 54 'f �"_-�_�-��' F�rrn-based ��des: G��d �inta e f�r wine ��untr ��'':�{�� .� �- � � y �� _ �� � � _ _ Y � . �� ,.; � � �� , � � �.�-�� � ■ Sonorna, �alifor�.iia '� � - r , � � �s � . , � ' � � '� ne of California's oldest cities and located in the scen�c �nne countr�, the city of Sonoma had � � , seen post-war subt�rbia grow into older neighborhoods bui�t arouncl its old pueblo tliat dates F' -`` back to Spanish colonial times. This jumble of neighborhoods and building types represented a �_ f _ � .,__ � significant challenge to those deWeloping a new code. �, , x , �� �. i� � � Adopted in ?�� �, the n�tiW form-bas�d code coWers th� ent�re city. To -break the daun�ing task .of a tiWholesale � � code revision into znorz readily understood pieces, the city was diWided i�ito � 3 plani�ing areas iYi four cate- � � orizs — resident�al, commercial district, con�unercial corridor and o zn s ace. �ithin each area, the exista3i� �- _ � p p � �� _ situation was inWentoried �1id coiripared to the desired future state. This allaws the code to recogni�e �� � e�s�ing dzWelopnient while ;mposing a new regulator� frame�ork on future deWelopment. Areas of speci�l � , � _� concern such as n.�ral roads, rhe urban edge and creeks are highli;hted, and subj�ct co speci.fied guidelines. �;� ` r { � � ' � Cvr�e prepare�� �i� Cr��r�'�rd, l�rr�t�ri ���c� Cl�r� t�sa��'rn�es . F � � � � .�-,.�--�.-� _ � _ � _ - r �-, � �' _���� ���u"' ��f � � � , r"� ,i ��a�_ _ �„''4z "x' �1 � '� ;,ii = - �,�•• � � � 4r, _� i�C �1t, z� -� i t �� , * ; ' � I'y "} '" -. �� �, �r�� . �� �� ir,�'1�Er # � i tirban T'�1J , urba iz c�nt�r +l�T�-1J , ���� T,�. Lat Wtdth at &treet frontaga fo i-n� -bas�cl� �o=d�e�� foLt tlie� ��* i� r���r o���_ :;+s -�' � ■ � _ 1 ■ � � �i � _ r _ 5 0 n �� i� 1 0 e r� a i�� � 4• i t �_�, •^,�,� .� ►�_ t'� -� �''' ---- �-, � � ur baii cor� � T� a�= an d speci� I� ���ic t s �� � T��itura, � a l i�o�r,ia..�.�a,r foz��e=.�����ng l re,; � �. suclz a�� �chaol�, civic cenrer.s or a,�. ; idet�[�.fies th�° fol],o���ing, �;,� ;, e$�of�'���,�.,-._ - . I I xµ ' .F' _ _ � � v. � �;y 9 ' _� � - . � , inc�ustr� ����. � bt�ildi���, as� a x,gr,o�r��3te��Ffopi���d����;: ,} _ _____ 1 , h f =1 �,� � d ,- .�ll'�� �j �1�,�' 'k�fy iL�� � �:�„ � � et� � �art� o£ ,th e� c�or���i���r�.�t�v:��.s�.�r��l�� , �', �a�d F�ga'y ' Li�.f.1 111 C 3 r� 1�� �.�+ �'1.{� L25 L� ��4a °�4��� r� ` r• r r, y,� ��' ' 4 4 Develap urlian. standarc�s � , y, �, * _ ,• �p, - - _ _ - . , - -� r }, �� ,. a �streets, blacks; bu.ildirig; �� � � tnple�, c�t���p�l�e��-_ iizansion} a�a��=���.,,,�;��_v ��� , � ' � ; � �z` �� �'i _�_ , i. � , , placernent, heig��t,, �and T'"�° � � irien�, bu�i�alo�W� cou���. �oti�4�i�l�o�$e;,��>� . , ;�,'°°r' H`°°�'� I I I 1 ' , . _ _ = � � �� _ . uses �etc:}� , sideWard housing,,l�����I�:ock� �1-x `� �`'-�` , c.a�r�� � . , I� _.� _ _,��. _..__._._ _� � _ � _ - � _ � ,�_r _ �raL�. st��cked� �l�ts';r �o�ti � � `����i "� , _ .� � � * �� ,; . The n��-t �te � to �z�ne a nd � _ _ _ - � -�� '=• �� , p ■ Sre� .�: �3 alit�l�.��e ��r-�r.J�d�t7 rcrt��e �1ack, �u�d bler�d'ecif'���elia�_ ��`e�nt� .'�_ _ - , �od� tla.e url�i3l1 SC�.1I7C�32Ci5 �(�r t�7�' �tr�ir�s lzc��.r� ���rr��i�rr �• c�d� ��.��rta��-s ' _ � �, '`` �, -� . ".-�� �'-�� ��= d�t�'ere��� arts af t�ie comllit�ru�r The code tlien:�l��s' ot�t,-�v�r��-cle�z�� � � . � t� i lc�r t�t� p r�C��lt� �. , 3h : r�- iliappe c� in Step 3. T he ces u l�s �-�-i 1 1 ��w luc h t}i�es, a� b u. i l' din�g,s� �re� ,��, �: l�e a s�t of d i�� rams �or each zot� � . . ap pm Pr ia t� uz tlie� `di$�r��i� ���stt�:: i�ct5� ' � znt,s o� a�1 urban pla�e. stx-e�� ��nc� _. t�at clearlv establi��z st�ncl�rcls �or ,. . �or dit�'ereii� _lo� �ii.�t ` �1, tlzrou��i�-a:�� _�- �ide��r�.lk ���dt]�s, bu�l�in� lacei�i�iit . ' � ' �_ so�ne af th� follotiv�ng �e�� ingre�i- . � � ' table an th�� left. - '_ � � , �, ,� �� �� ; _ bu�l�.-i�i�g lie�glit 3nd pr�file. �u�c�, if � , _ �� - � Y , r �_ _ r�1�Want, loc�tioi� o� oi�--sit� p�rk�n�. - . , ' � : -� ■ �r���.� �: �'G�rrl!-l�a.sec� �-�.�r�cs �lr�c�: � �ilacate arid} il�ustrate� � � ' , ; r ���!l��rc� ��rr�aii7� rrli��a� bC jc]C{lFc'r�. , standards' � � �, ' � Develap a.��hitectu�aY =� � ` -��' standards �building; ar The hual step� ui tlie- �ro�es�� �� to a�����r�w��r����������i�����.��.�����r�.� � - � , � � ��: i� frantage ty�alagies, etc.} �repare ��e st��id_al;dst in� a� forui�t� �- � y f.l � � 1 • 1 _ � [ V . I' �`r:j Parking only i; The in�Te��tor con�uc.ted iii St� chat � graghic,. �vell-ill�t�ate.��,*���-_ � + r�7 attowed on i � �' . � . . p �on-�ree, and �as-}r �o t� nders��n�l. _ � + ; �. riear hatf of tot = , i ar�d the pt�l�l �c u��YOnrn�; �u��,-� . _ _ , � � :�'' i ; char�-e��� proee�s in S�ep ?, help to This forrn3t sliot�ld.': .i�izclu�ie, � � � . „-' _ , ; � f-� ��s , �� � .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..�._ � ic��nti-� the differ�nt t�pe� of ir.�orn�.�tio�z and=�e�uTa��on�'rele�ua�i�t,- -;. � f • - - . ti' � - �`-�= i t bt�ildings a�id ho��r thev Frox�t the �o a p�racul�ar c�sri;i�t �s�reet� tyg'e;� . , H� , � � •�r � .xry !1; srre�t tv defi�ie the public realm. nei�hl�orhaoc�; etc:}: i�n on� can ��s�. �'. ! � J i r � � • - ' , r � + ���,+i i� p i�ce. Thi�Y a��a�ids* the: ca.n�.lsioi�, �_ ��� • ; Tli� �ori�n.-U�sed code Ut� ilt-�s on � _ _.�� ; , �-k � z �T�f � 11,�, i� �_ - I � that cs oss-r����'�I��1lla�r y i L� r� f il �` � }._ � � tlus inforni� �on to d�fi�ze ��� hat . _ �,_ scattered� f `. .,� � ��; �:: � � . r�C�U1r�I11eri�,ti � �ids =obs�ure� ,terms� �- � ,' � _ � � �- �.:. . „�� . , : ., ,.. . , , ,. ,.. . a.. _� 7: «w � t�rp �s of bualdi.�a�s fit �n �a c�i �'erent . . � ,��,: : _ , - . � - ' � ���,,� r�`� :-�: - � ���� : r�: r* �alz lntroduce. --� _ , � - �-, � , ,� :`� _ � � ; � _• . ,�-- ,..; � � par�s o� the ca��lmulut�� The _ - . , �_ � . . � �,� : - L� _Y . a � ' ��.�.�. �.�� a � .. fi � _ - , f � i � � ' �y I° _x - -,Agenc��;lt�m -�:�:-. . -_ -_. . �� _ w _ - �-;�� Page��5 - - � �� 1,� ��������� ' � � � -r�v� � � z� ��r� ■�Petal�u.rY-i�a,� �a7liforriia �� _ c:��xi''t t�e��l i�'"th� Sxx�arCCod� is �� radic:al, grzzn,, ]zf.t-��ving doc.u- � i�ne.rit or a, d�veloper--�ri�iZdlv, r�ark�t b�s�.�i �.--i�lit-�.vi_n� oIZc," a �ar����r�� R�s�r, Pr��-D'etr�l�trat reparter E�TI'O�� ]i7. ���3i1� �L;l����. ��lL' �r1�E�Lr u�lderscores th� 6r,aad appe3l of t�ri�n-���sed cod�s. The �i�v ot P��luiz�a� stru��l�� for se��eii, }rears �o� a�.iii�.��� c:onS�nsL�s an a�p�ca..�ic pl�.�i� -for a 4�f�--acre rede�relopi�ent s�:t� adjac�nt to �ts do4�rnto4vx� . D�:s�ite e�t���s i�re pul�li� autre��h, palitic�l l�attles con�inue�i �et4veen resid�nts, d�ve�.op�rs and �n�-ii-vn�izentalists. The �ropos�d. �o�iil� cod'e «a.s f illl af leg��l�se and nutiz�ers and did �zo� �ssure th�� s��ke- liold�rs ��zat �z�«r de�rel- apnl�n� ��rould mimic the e_�ting i�istt�ric dt���� �zta��=n. To nzo�re fo r�ra rd, th� cicv hired a CQi15L1�t�i1� . ��h� inr�.-aduc�d rize �3riS�'C� �i113Ct��L��. This code foeused lzss o n s��para t�ng us�s r�d mo rz � ri descr.i h i iz� thz hu il di �z� to r �r�s tha t ��o u ld rea li ze ��ze cor�z- in�wit�r'S v�si o n o f�� 1 pe��st� iaiz-ari�izted, I71L��C�-L1S� C�.1Str1C�. Residznts 11ave heen r�a.�s�.�red �y th� clarit� and rel�ti�xz sunpli �i�y ot the ne��r cade� and de��elapzi-s app�-eclate irs clear rt�les and e�-pedited Pert7�1ttu1� �7r�3[�55. � Y.r`'d �1 ��� 7f' +�19��' TrE�` r7l. �- � i� rn z�� ti� _ .Y-� Y � � i'� y� i - a =- ; f r+. � If ' i�_ �c i d_� �� i i.d ��+� ��i + n y � i� L 4 �� � � T � �{l� � #.'x � - { r - ;�� � c ` ' - � � � r "�:��j "`�ii-� ���` ��a _ . � - - ` �. - -!�l �r ! 's, ••°_ . p •�--- ,�-- , _ r �' r+. � . - ?3r� . � � ^ �` - �. �1- ,-• y -r.��. ' k ��s n��,' � y� . _ � r • - � � ' - ��'� � li - � � =� _ i + . � i � i �y �+ � �. y ` + , ' � F . F i_ - �� , r � r-L t � _ -, ' Yi�= - - + R�i' 1 �I� i��i I! fti c�i.��a�yt�ac�t..���ts��; �sr�a. �r�� ��. �rv ts� �*�xT 4•a+�.a..tr.',.��.�+ 1� Yr��E��]f•,�(,�4+•! .1c.+ol+��t�.s Air�l+c���rr._.nc...�..nt�l�e..�ttr+w� 11 � _ � ��--�.:--- _ ;,�_---�_ „ Orwr� raN . C�.v1 �•w. nr ry� .. �►�� 1{ �I7�sw� r�w A r.+:ri► at. "1� �7 +rt Gw�1 = �' ! ..r.�.wti.Q�r�e..a,�.aa�+�u.n•��Jr��..� , 1� i•,�r..,.ai ��t�,.�.r..s. �.�c•, �s.ti. i� v� �+ �sr,a. �r�+;.+�a �x■ cr a.. �a *. �n cs�� �-�C.a � �r4 � [E �� _____. .� __� _ --- -- � - � ;r Ar�� �M 1� e f�rpp �+•+� R�itrf �r +' er+ � k..r��.s..��r.�h..:.r.r��cs.3�.+-..� na. �`� soK_� �Ma:ir �M#ic�w'i�+rl tC.rt:i d E� 4t�� [� �i �* ►�Cf i 1r * Ri7� ier � ��I I�a�s:�' {A y� ! [i C.�7w ��� �+r,7 S��s+1.� � r_ 3 f� rarqe. r� C1Nr, ��.�t} r�r..•, r+. v.� 7� � c. J�. � C. l.rri n• a,i1.�..r v;,•.�- •. fi.► ��. � � i` a 4t�x� ��+7 a jf r� '� �r :+J'!r� a's�+� «..i � F.X+ .'t� f� M i *�"Ci�/{� !!1 � a� ru 4 f."17 �7 a r*�rf+�++ •� r•+�r � t.a �M h wlta� �F�r�q [ i � �iwM1t •�"r1�r ��r� �ai��'�tr fy:��CaV ca ' t� i�.-.�, .� ..+.� ■ .rx�a.+ �sr�y+��� o �rr � ■ ^f�. � � � �sdr u� -w.c� �ru]r +� �.�ea .c � �.� '+� 1�•. i � �ar. �. ax�r . ��U7 � �rrrMr .� r1�r+► � r�+ � ��t ��••� �r� 1'+� 1►•w1� rr� ■�rr! t■ c�aall l+ , � �f r � etr� �+�L� A��s 4�� .T �r ss tM � E t.s'�,� Cr A1 !* b� t� ca+�! t� tw �J■rr 1 �4.c� #r xavi ��� t� !r +Kl.tira "� a�ta � � 14- d�} �` C�'N 7t1 �C Ir+lt� f ���� �1 �7* Ir �. ry�.t�.,,.,,s�.r.... ��� �� _ - _-,.��--_ ...__ �__�_�� � ,, a��.� .� ���.�v `, �;�r u�. r, -� �..r�. �• •w �., c.+�v � r��+ .� � . R..� t.� '� rx:. . G.r�.■ � r.r 1. .U+ .r .�+ � � l�Li�7� :+►71i :� � C+�d'�I► 4�+� N�+ � �71y t"� a� [ a� �a n.-.�r,y TM va .� t� rr s�.ra.a C�� i i -�-�-� �.__.. - � - } r. - -� 1 o.., ..�n,r.�...+-. �.s a 4 ,..s-� � s. � +a�n�r +s.+a r�a.rr� c�..� r.r v.�le.�,r � �.�+r� t a.��.� L►r ie►.r+ 1� ra � a� a 1i 1 +� .a. '*. �.7I C.�r �.+ � e.� . r .b i +.r,a n. .n ��-�+ .� e► sr±.. r r� . nr, : a. � rr � � �� , � �' 1�+� . �.sf r.... �. t�,pr �#�... +�ti�r. i �� �..r�,.�a r• u�r� .rr� s . ra.,. a� -...a . � �w . � � �•�,� a�•► "� � t �t�'.ri6 r� •�� � '�r a►�� � �� ^• rc � nr C +�� w.� +e7 a�� r• �:,. � �i �, h e�r� O ra �: �a �!�a �i !] 1- � .. f ��� 1� • ' , , _' �,_ .' , After or��r nulz lllont�l5 o�E CoY11- _, 1 inuxu �f ��isi a u.ing and c an.5 en5 Li s- L�u�lcUng, farm�r ad�rer5ari�s agreed an the ne��r tariil-l�ased code, hreaking a 1 olzg-ti lue la�ja�i . . '� t Th� �entral Pe�al unza S��cifi c� P�an, adopred i�� J��:ine'+ ?�J�3'�,; �1as_, w j urnp--s�art�d �h� can���.z�ic;ri ol� a� � ,� a ne��r, m��ed-Lis� 't]z�atez- district. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 56 � � �� �r a � �w �w � ��r� �r ■ Hercules, �alifornia lze "kegu]at�izg �vde," adopted for the snzall ciry ' vf �3ercules across the bay fram San Franciscv i.n the summer of ���1, is similar tv anvther pre- pared by the same firm fvr the �iry vf Wii�ter Sprin�s, in Flvrida. Intended tv fvster sinart grvwth de�elvpment in ne�ly crea ted tvwn centers, bvth cvdes ha�e been extremely successFul, immediately trigger�ng de�elop- ment p%jects cvnfvrming tv the principles and details embvdied in the cvde. The Hercules cvde cv�ers fvur districts in the central part vf town. It �ncludes eight stree� types, though nvt all will appear in each �vn�. The use table is a mercifully shvrt three pages, with a half-page vf fovtnvtes. Fvur times that number vf pages are de�vted tv fa�ade details and architectural stand.ards. .�� _ `,,,. _,*� -- _ ■��tractrve 1�reua �roirres ir� Herca�tes lv�k �r.�t or�t� tl�e S�ix �'r�r�cisco �a}� This architectural material features phvtvgraphs and drav�rings vf desired and un�elcvme features, signs, porches, trim and sv vn. These details precede the use � tables �n the cvde, cvnsistent v�rith fvrm-based cvdes' emphasis vn building fvrm and the public realm. �ne page is de�vted tv each street type, detailirig streetscape features such as pa�ement �idth, curbs, vn- street parl�ing, landscaping, cvrner radu, sidewalks, bui�ding setbacks, ea�es, awnings and balcvn��s. This format allows the user to quickly access all the mvst rele�ant requirements and standards fvr a piece vf prvperty, just by referenc- i.ng Che street type that frvi��s the prvperCy. HerCU�es' new l�egulating �vde has clearly been a success. Since its advptivn, de�elvpinent has Ilvurished in the area it cv�ers. Se�eral traditivnal-appear�ng resident�a] prv�jects ha�e been built, v�rith a total of 3�� uni�s, and cvns�ructivn is under vway vn the first phase vf the main srreet area vf the �aterfrvnt District. That main srreet build�ng i.ncludes �ifteen ?,7��-square-fvot vwner- ship uni ts v�rith cvmrriercial space vn the grvund Ilvvr and twv-stvey tvwnhvuse uni�s abv�e. The si.ngl.e- family projec�s include a number vf creati�ely designed duplex, triplex, and fvurplex uni�s that blend i.n �er� well with the sur- rvundi.ng hvus�ng. Building styles are �aried. The structures, landscaping, street design, and e�en the street lamps ha�e design details specified �n the cvde. This thvrvugh apprvach tv the details can make all the differ- ence in the finished appearance and appeal vf a prvject. Cvde �re�c�rer� b� �over, l�v��] � I�artf�ers •r�dr a�ad4n arx� pk��#ut.,e.r+re �r, �. B' inQ �iolum� i.n��.r t�x 7t+re ��r►r A�,er.r�a � qufr�t Q}�dg. «'id�e td [� ofr�am �dd�rzs �paci�lly v:�11 �uitrri tv IfiD� �idasv.c� � r�csdrr�t�3 and a�fiar ux� � I ehl� ��pa� �� [ti m�,in,o,�, � � ���� :���, � - � � strRia rnazi:narn � 1 �. B ii ' n� Pla�emenr ��. �►�.�,�m � �y �1�-!�r� ix�da�a 0 c� tiW. [ra� Tha f�s�t �a�vr shall 6e � � L' T�il p��'teY �tr'� �o cd t+��lti� (l�j � ' H�twr�, �.�Rh� � � �_ � ' dilii+: i� 0 �i �! aaamc.*�ci 1. Appz�rsrr+a,rr� mar rx[r�d bay�o�d du ha�,g.ic L'�ut. � � ��0 fl. ef drwrl�rd Z 8aildh�g irmtts ue n�q�rrd Oo Rro+ri�e ��n m rhr �w�R b�� trsc�as � � cf �! kss� erte a! el�e lai�x+• tr�: irr�. �ala.e�ru '� marqve�e. i��sir,�, es � � Nx�a+d fIr*� ���ar,ry�. ' �.1�ra aIFgnm� ad [l�ar►oo-iiDa� he�tLS o! sbatB�g tru�d�tg� ts � F�ca�r�a to a�a�• :� s:ur� u�e d��+ra�v�. 1 1 V }k;1�1•r�� birti � 1 � 1 1 � 1 1 � 1 1 , . � 1 � J I ; • � 1 . � 1 � 4 ■1 1 � � - ri � , . � _ �• � . � r � [i � , + � 4 �', � ��.. .,,� . � i � ;7 f � � i i �--' = i � i I : t� 1 .• I ���� , �•• � ea _, ! i�� I a' � r _'� _a� _ 4� � �g _I 1 � 1 ��' ��s_�r 3v� 1 I " R 1 I �. _ ;� � _ � � _ _ .�� 1 �� R � ".� °� � �` � � � � � �r � � 1 � � � � .n .� � ~ � � � �� � � r � � + � � �,� C� � � � 3. � � � "' + „ 31 � , � �. � 1 � 1� , , +� � - 1 , � •. 1 ..._._ _ _ � ` w � � � � w i � � � � �r � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � J �3ther Poi r�ts to� �or�sider ar�e-scale re�risions of zor�ing codes always ha�e the potential for � unanti�ipated problems, whether a form-based approa�h, or a nzore con�entionally structured code built around smart growth principles, is used. The need to monitor and re�ise these new codes aFter they are adopted must not be o�erlooked with any format. �Iith form- based codes, these problei�.s will likely surface when the underlying basis for regulation is chan�ed Trom a focus on uses within and around buildings to a fo�us on the stru�tures first. Form-based codes require re-educaring e�eryone in the communiry — e�e�ted and appointed o��ials, planriers, engineers, de�elopers and residen�s. This be�ins with a broad public participation effort as the code is de�eloped, of course, but it must al.�o continue after the code is adopted. Code modi- fica�ions should be expected o�er time; and must be expla�ned to e�er�one in�ol�ed. Some cities ha�e hired an architect or urban designer to work ��rith builders and de�elopers to help implement the code's o bj ecti�es. This edu�ation — parti�u�ar3y of staff — will help reassure de�elopers and the publi� that appli�at�on appro�als will meet the �ode's intent. If code reForm streamlines the pro�ess in a way that eliminates hearin� �he�k- point�, people must be confident that staff are trained to properly assess whether proposed projec�s co��.ply with detail re9uiremen�s in the code. �d�Ci�lg+d�s�g�: daVe d�V�s Agenda Item 9.b. Page 58 PLANNING C�MM1�51�N -MINUTES N�VEMBER '15, ��'1'1 The matian was appraved by the fal�awing rall call vate: AYE�: Gammissianers Keen, Speraw, Martin, and Ruth N�E�: Nane ABSENT: Barneich the faregaing Resolut�on was adapted this 15�' day of Navember ��11. ATTACHMENT4 II. PUBLiC HEARING ITEMS: A. PU8L1� VII�RK�H�P T� REVIEIN AND ��M�1rIENT �N '�HE D�AFT H�U�ING ELEMENT UPQATE; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CA�E N�. 11-���; APPLfCANT — CITY �F ARR�Y� GRANDE; L�CATI�N -- CITYWIDE Assac�ate Planner Kelly Heffernan presented the staff repart far the Cammissian ta hald a public warkshop to dtscuss the prapos�d Gity of Arroyo �rande Draft Housing Elernent Update. T�e intent af the warkshap is ta pravide infarrnatian and share �deas abaut hausing issues in Arraya �rande. Na act�an will be taken at this meeting. Amy Sinshe�mer, AICP, cansultant, Lisa Vllise Cansulting, Inc., presented the Arraya �rande Draft Hausing Element Update. The fallawing discussian ensued: new palicies and pragrams r�iated ta at#aina�ie housing; additianal atternatives far praviding in-lieu affardabl� h�using fees including a"sweat equity" alternative; "green" requirements including salar arientation; Chapter -� review af previaus Hausing �lement �- gaal M, af current draft relattng ta energy efficiency; Pragram A.�-2 relating ta separate water meters an secand units; separate electrical meters an secand units; and new reguiatians relating ta the sitir�g af hameless shelters. The meeting was apened ta the public: Steve Rass, �arden Street, had questians far staff, wh�ch were answered and he pravided the follawing comments: in favar af maintaining strong language in the Haus+ng Element regarding safar arientat�an even if deve�apers lase tatal number af units allawable in a development; City is lack�ng light commercialllight industrial land uses and th�nks there is a demand for thrs type af use, which allaws Mom and P�p type businesses ta lacate and pravide jabs; these types af �ndustriai businesses cauld have apartments — livelwark; rernembers the City Cauncil being oppased ta separate ele�trical units an secand units; and has cancern abaut the idea af eliminating the maderate categary frarn Chapter 15.Sa. Chair Ruth summarized the Cammissian's input with the fallawir�g: Further define a�#ainabEe haustng; cancern abaut re�axing parking requirernents far apartments; salar arientatian issue — what does the �reen Building Cade say; and laoks farward ta a plan far East �rand Avenue as prapased in this draft. Cammunity Development Directar McGlish stated the next step is to present the Draft Hausing �lement Update ta the City Cauncii an December 'I 3, ��11, priar ta submi�#ing ta the State. Agenda Item 9.b. Page 59 . THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 9.b. Page 60 � PRR� �'� � ��P � INCOAPORATED �� �.i � i� suti �r ti a, i s� ti ,� r'�� N`� MEM�RANDUM �FpR T�: �ITY ��uN�ILIREDEVEL�PMENT AGEN�Y B�ARD �F DIRE�T�]RS FR�M: STEVEN ADAMS, �ITY MANAGERIEXE�UTiVE DIRE�T�R SUBJE�T: ��NSIDERATi�N �F A RES�LU1^I�N REPEALING THE GREEN BUSINESS E��N�MI� IN�ENTIVE PR�GRAM DATE: DE�EMBER � 3, 2�� � RE��MMENDATI�N: it ts recomm�nded the �ity �ouncil adopt a Resolution repealing the Gr�en Business Economic Incentive Program. �IV�PA�T �N F�NAN�IAL AND PERS�NNEL RES�URCES: Repeal of th� pr�gram w�ll have no f nancial impact at this time an� w�ll re�u� impa�ts on staffing resources in the future. BA�KGR�UND: in Ai.�gust �Da9, the �ity �ounc�i and Redevelopment Agency Board of Dire�tors established a Green Business Econom�c Incentive Program. Most of the area along EI �amino Real was designated as a"�reen �orridor". The program includ�d reductions in business �icense fees and reimbursement of property tax increment and sa�es tax revenues from new business�s that sell "green" products or seniices. A marketing brochure was prepared and distributed. No businesses have taken advantage of the program thus far. ANALYSIS �F ISSUES: The primary objective of establishing the Green Business Economic Incentive Program was to develop a proactive econorr�ic development tool given conditions at the time. However, changes in �onditions have limited the need for, and success of, the program. First, at that time, �xtensive Federal �ncentives were propased for new green businesses, These types of businesses were anti�ipated t� repr�s�nt the ma��rity �f futur� economic growth. Staff proposed creatin� the Green �orridor largely to position the �'rty to b� competitive in attracting this projected business growth. However, the level of incentives anticipated from the Federal �overnment never materialized. �f the incenti�es that were prov�ded, none were directed to �an Luis �bispo �ounty. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 1 �ITY ��UN�lL ��NSIDERATI�N �F A RES�LUTI�N REPEALiNG THE GREEN BUSINESS E��N�M I� I N� ENTIVE PR�GRAM DE�EMBER '13, ��'I'I PAGE � Second, the �ity partnered with other agencies in San Luis �bispo �ounty to request energy conservation grants �From �the State and Federal go�ernment. Funding was requested for a compressed natural gas ��NG} �ehicle fueling station and solar powered electric �ehicle charging stations, which were to be key infrastructure to support the Green �orridor bus�nesses. Howe�er, these grants were not appro�ed. �nce again, none of the funding was directed to San Luis �b�spo �ounty. Las�tly, the Rede�elopment Agency budgeted funding for promotion and marketing of the program, additional incenti�es, and support for the fuelir�g station and related businesses. Howe�er, this funding was all taken by the State. As a result, a potential business owner staff had been working with on the concept of opening a"�reen �enter" withdrew his proposal. Staff has been coordinating with another business proposed to offer home energy efficiency equipment and installation. �fhey ha�e proceeded, but ha�e delayed use of the program due to pre�ailing wage concerns. - Staff belie�es the program is not worth offering unless it Es part of a concentrated effort and focus of resources, which is no longer possible. Therefore, it is recommended to discontinue the program at this time. A key to good go�err�ment practices is the elimination of unsuccessful programs rather than keeping them in place after they ha�e o utl i�ed their pu rpose so that staff resou rces ca n be ta rgeted on other effo rts. The program can be reinstituted if cond itions change. ALTERNATiVES: ^fhe following alternati�es are pro�ided for the �ouncil's consideration: - Adopt the Resolution repealing the program; - Mod ify the prog ra m; - Do not adopt the Resolution and �ea�e the program in place; - Pro�ide staff other direction. ADVANTAGES Elimination of the program wi11 enable staff to de�ote resources to other efforts and will eliminate a program that has been unsuccessful because it has not been supported by the resources originally anticipated. It will also a�oid the potential of pro�iding unnecessary subsidies to businesses that woutd ha�e been established absent the program and a�oid ha�ing to administer a complex program for a �ery limited number of pa rtic� pa nts. DISADVANTAGES It will elirr�inate what staff belie�es has been a creati�e economic de�elopment tool and something the �ity has been able to promote as a�ailable incenti�es to potential businesses. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 2 ���r ��uN��� G�NSIDERATI�N �F A RES�LUTI�N REPE�ILING THE GREEN BUSINESS EG�N�MIG INGENTIVE PR�GRAM DEGEMBER'13, ��'1'1 PAGE 3 ENVIR�NMENTAL REVIEW: No en�ironmental re�iew is required for this item. PUBLIG N�TIFIGATI�N AND G�MMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of �ity Hall on Thur�day, De�ember 8, �411 and on the City's website on Friday, De�ember 9, ��11. No pu�li� �omments were re�ei�ed. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 3 RES�LUTI�N N�. A RES�LUTI�N �F THE �ITY ��UN�IL �F THE �ITY �F ARR�Y� �RANDE REPEALIN� THE �REEN BUSINESS E��N�MI� IN�ENTIVE PR��RAM WHEREAS, on Au�ust 11, 2DD9, the �ity �ounc�l adopted a Resolution creating a �reen Business Economic Incentive Pro�ram for the purpose of encoura��n� the creation and Iocation of "�reen" businesses in the ��ty; and VIIHEREAS, the �reen Business Economic Incent�ve Pro�ram provtded economic incentives to attract �reen �LJ51n�55�5 to the �ity and provided a mechanism for desi�nat�n� areas of the �ity in which such businesses were encoura�ed to Iocate in order to promote the use of the economic incentives and rebates in areas where they woufd achieve the maximum positive results; and WHEREAS, Federal, State and Iocal financial resources anticipated to support the pro�ram have been reduced, eliminated or never received; and VIIHEREAS, economic conditions have chan�ed, which have impacted the success of the pro�ram and the desirab�lity of continuin� to offer the pro�ram at this time; and VIIHEREAS, it was determined that eliminatin� the pro�ram will be in the best interests of the �ity in order to dedicate both �ity financial and personnel resources in the most cost effective ma n ner. N�W, THEREF�RE, BE IT RES�LVED by the �ity �ouncii of the �ity of Arroyo �rande �that the �ity of Arroyo �rande �reen Business Ecanomic Incentive Pro�ram is hereby repealed and eliminated. �n mot�on of �ouncil Member a nd on th e fo I Iowi ng ro I I ca I I vote, to wit: AYES: N�ES: ABSENT: , seconded by �ounc�l Member the fore�o�n� Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2�11. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 4 RES� LUTI� N N�. PA�E � T� N Y F E R RA RA, IVI AY� R ATTE ST: KELLY VIrETIVI�RE, CITY CLERK APPR�VED AS T� C�NTENT: STEVEN ADAIVIS, CITY IVIANA�ER APPR�VED AS T� F�RIVI: TIIVI�THY J. CARIVIE L, CITY ATT�RN EY Agenda Item 11.a. Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 11.a. Page 6 � aRR ° ro ° �� � tNCQRPQqATEQ p� �. _ L3 � # �uir �a. �� � e ,* L'4� � N�P E Fa� M M�RANDUM T�: CITY C�UNCI� FR�M: STEVEN ADA�VIS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ��NSIDERATI�N �F SELE�TI�N �F C�UNCIL MEMBER BR�WN AS MAY�R PR� TEM DATE: DECEMBER 13, ��11 REC�MMENDA�fI�N: It is recommended the �ity �ouncil appoint �ouncil Mem�er Brown as the Mayor Pro Tem for the next one-year period. IMPA�T �N FINANCIAL AND PERS�NNEL RES�URCES: There is no cost or stafiFng impact from this action. BA� KC R� U N D: At the De�ember ��, ���� meeting, the �ity �oun�il established a policy regarding selection of the Mayor Pro Tem. At that time, the �ity �ouncil agreed to appoint the Mayor Pro Tem Qn a ane-year rotational basts by s�niarit�. �n ���5, the pali�y was modified to in�lude additional language to address cir�umstan�es in whi�h two members ha�e the same tenure on the �ity �oun�il. If this situation exists, the order of rotation is then based upon time served on a�ity �oun�il appointed �ommission andlor �amm�ttee pr�ar to being e�ected ta the �it� �ouncil. The following pro�isions are set forth in the �ity �ouncil �perations Manual under Policy 4. �ity �ourrci! appoirrt►nerrts: A. The �ity �oun�il appoints a�ouncil Member as Mayor Pro Tem to serve the duties af Mayar in hrslher absen�e. B. The Ma}�ar Pra Tem shall serve a term of one year. �. The appointment of the Mayor Pro Tem takes pla�e at the first meeting in De�ember of each year. D. It is the �ity �ouncil's pol�cy to rotate appointment of the Mayor Pro Tem based upon the seniority of �ity �ouncil Members that ha�e not yet served in the position of Mayor Pro Tem. If two Members of the �ity �auncil ha�e the same Agenda Item 11.b. Page 1 ��r�r ��uru��� SELE�TI�N �F ��UN�IL �VIE�VIBER BR�WN AS �VIAY�R PR� TE�VI DE�ENIBER '13, 2�'1'1 PA�E 2 seniority, the order of rotation will be based upon time served on a City Co�uncil appointed Commission andlor Committee prior to being elected to the City Council. ANALYSIS �F ISSUES: Co�uncil Member Brown is the only current Council Member that has not previously served as Mayor Pro Tem. Therefore, based on the rotation by seniority, Council Member Brown would be the next in line for the position. ADVANTA�ES: The current process provides an orderly and fair procedure for altemating the position of Mayor Pro Tem. The proposed recommendations are consistent with the current policy. DISADVANTA�ES: No disadvantages have been identified reganding this item. ALTERNATlVES: The following a�ternatives are provided for the Council's cons�deration: 1. Appoint Council Member Brown as the Mayor Pro Tem for the next one- year per�od; �. Do not appoint Council Member Brown and modify the established policy; 3. Provide staff d irection. ENVIR�N�VIENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLI� N�TIFI�ATI�N AND ���VI�VIENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, December 8, ��11 and on the City's website on Fr�day, December 9, ��11. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 11.b. Page 2 f pRR° ro ° �� � �NcoRPoa�rEO �Z — ^ v V rr� #.�UL Y 1 D, 19 ti 1 * �'�� N`� MEM�RANDI�M �F�� T�: �ITY ��UN�IL - FR�IVI : STEVEN ADAM S, � ITY IVIANA� ER SI�B�IE�T: A�ENDA ITEM 9.A — SUPPLEMENTAL INF�RMATI�N DA'�E : D E� E IVI B E R'f 3, �D'f 'f Pf�as� find attach�d copr�s of protest I�tters recei�ed re�ardin� the South �ounty 5anitary 5ervice inte�rated solid waste colfection rate increase. attach ment ��ty of Arroyo Crande - �ttn: �ity �ierk 3�� East Branch Street Arroyo � ra nde, �A 9342D RE: Proposed Solid Waste Rate Increase _ . � �� ��� �ov � � 2�rr . A���Y� G��y�,D CI?~y �i.,�R� � Property Address: 523 �uesta Place � � Assessor's Parcel Number: APN ��7-�22-�13 r4s a�r�pert� own�r in the �ity of Arroyo �rande and �ursuant to se�ion � �4rticle �CIII D of the Californsa �onstitution, I unitateraliy obje�t to the praposed solid waste rate increase planned to be heard on December 13, 2�11 by the �ity of Arroyo �rande �ity �ounci�. At a time of global fiscal economic crists, is not a prudent time to raise the cost of mandated city services. ��tizens are finding ways to cut costs and so should city services, including solid waste service pro►►rders. Sincerely, � � lohn L. �reen � 5�3 �uesta Place Arroyo � ra nd e �A, 9342� . 4 Letter �f �pp�sition t� a proposed Trash rate increa;se. To: �ity �ler�, Arr�y� �'rrand� I�ame- Edward �a�xstin Address 657 Garfield P�. � Arr�y� �de, �alif�rnia �34�� Parcel number �from pr�perty tax Bill} �77, 37�, �3�. � �EI�ED I� Q � :� � � �'�'� �RRC3Y'C� GRAND� CITY CL�R�{ I want t� be ree�gnized as pr�testing to the requested increase i� s�lid waste rates n�w bei�g . c�ns� ered. Reasons. I recognized that fuel and �ther c�st� in��l�ed are g�ing up. It is been my e�perience that businesses, that ha�e n� c�mpeti�i�n, tend t� ign�re �ther c�sts tra.de-�ffs. In �is ec�n���, we must c��s�d�r the real need.. I ha�e been paying f�r four days per month �f garbage pickup, while �nly tw� is really needed. At this ti.me, we can't aff�rd sueh lu�uries. �'heref�re, it is recvmmended tha.t the resi�.ent�al ne��h.i�orh�ods be gi�e� the �pportunity v� having tw� piekups per m�nt,h rather than f�ur. T�is w�ll cut fuel c�sts in ha1f, inerease maintenanee time and redue� wear and tear �n equipment� Those that require more �olume can set �ut extra bags �r get extra barrels, according to their needs. It's time we m�re frugal. . �ign.ed _ __ _ --. - _ date _ _ _ _ -- __ _ - _ � � ���� � t �� � . ��� s� . �� � � � � . � �— � . ,t +t'..�, _ , ' z :� .. � `•• • �.�•. � �,.�. • {L "" �Y �y �1 .�! . .��: � . 'r .. .! � ,. � � � �r: i -�` 'L+".�^ . � _ * �1� �i r. � w/. :1• �{ s/' � _�.` n� f ' L r � _ r'i ` � r� ( r r;� li.,' yyrf�Rr t . .-i �: .. `;1' :,,��,:���ti ' 1. •�•I � _ �.. �T. �' •, r r.� J±-� . . ��.� , r . •�. ti, , � , � � ., : � ,• � �a ' �,� _ � ' ti; , s� ` ■� •.. f �`�ti _ : • � :.,;. . �� ��,. �'�..-�?s�-�.: .. „•' '� ,,�, r�r;• :.i.`�, Ly�j�ti .`i .. .. ,F. •�i. 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Arroyo �rarrde, �� 9342D P�ease co��r� me as ����'�►��'l�� the proposed solyd waste rate rr�crease. S'rr�cerely, Darrrry R. �c�all r'st�r �� o 0 7, 3��, � 1� 41 � �re�rr�ood Dr. Arro�o �rar�tde, �� 9342D �Srgr�ature � ��w � THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK � ■ P�p�QYQ G RqN�L� -� i_-� �� ''��' �.ti.• �.a'L �a`'u.�tlia}�� p ■ i � � f�.���.- . �IE�I�RAN�U�I T�: �ITY ��UN�IL FR�RI�I: STEVEN ADARI�IS, �ITY RI�IANACER SUBJE�T: SUPPLERI�IENTAL INF�RRI�IATI�N — ACENDA ITERI�I 8.f. PUR�HASE �F �NE NE1111 SE111lER �LEANINC TRU�K DA'�E: DE�ERI�IBER 13, ��11 Atta�h�d is �orr�spond�n�e receiWed t�day fr�m Mur�ictpal fll�air�ter�ar�ce Equipmer�t regarding the ab��e-referenced item. c: City Att�mey Gity �lerk I�luni�ipa� 1�a��t���nCe �quipment ?3�� r�ar��rd 5�r��t • S��rar�ri�:r��r�, Cfi J�81 �•�9 � Ei� �3��- I 1� I • Fax: �3 l�� �2i- I�34 l �� ! h. Sh�pard 5tre��, Llni� [3 � Ar�c]Il�in7. Cr� ��8��'� � �� 1 ��� � ��-��3� ! • Fax: i7 � #� G32-2$74 47�Q Ca��rpi��a�� F��ar�, Uni� D • Rcdc�i�t�. ��'� ���C�3 • t5,��� �� �-�8af� � �ax: ��3�� �4a- � ��7 I �34 1��J. �Ninron A�c., Sui�� 8 • ri�}�►�•ard, ��'1 ��'��y�� • {� 1 �� � � ��-��30 • �ax: �� I �} G?�-94�� �ecem�er � 3, ��� � �i#y of �lrroyo Grande 214 E. Brand Street Arroyo �rande, CA 9342Q At#ent�on. Honorab�e C�ty Counc�f N1emb�rs and �ity hllanager ��� ��� flF� � � ���� AI�R� �r� �� �I�'Y �L,�'���� � . � RE: Agenda Item 8F. To Lease Purchase �ne New Sevr►er �lean�ng Truck I n th�s evenings Agenda Item SF. To Lease Purchase �ne New Sewer �leanfng Truck, ther� is a recommendat'ron to forgo formal purchasing procedures for thi� process. I was actively invo�ved offer�ng proposals on our equipment with the informal process starttng No�ember 1�, 201 �I w�th a quote �ro�iding equipment follovr►ing a meeting with the Regi�nal Sa�es Manager. Then � was asked t� pr�vide a qu�te equi�ped with our standard Vacuum Fan. IIlly November �1, ��11 offer Encluded th� Vac-�on 2-Stage Vacuum System. I unders#and this �ffer was s�gnificantly �ess than the pr�ce �ffered by the com�et�tive unit's supplier. Then I was asked to �ro��de a quote that inciuded our o�#�ona� �remium 3-Stage Vacuum System. My November ��, ��11 offer included this o�ti�n. Then I was inf�rme� we would be asked t� su��ly a f�rmaljzed �ffer �f �ur �re�i�us qu�te by the ��#y �lerk. The ��#y �lerk's request dated N��em�er 23, ��11 vr►as � responded to meeting the publ�shed specifica#ions w�thout exce�#ion in my November 2S, 2011 qu�tati�n. We were not t�ld to m�d�fy �ur pr�ce or that th�s was a last and final �ffer, but was t�ld #his was to formalize �ur �revi�us �ffer. The ��ty's publis�e�i sp�cifications included �II of the �pti�n �ontent that each �f �ur qu�tes included, in�luding the �pti�r�ai premium 3-Stage Vacuum System. Items �ro�ided in each �f �ur quotes �nclude a 1� fo�t Teiesc��ic B�om, Hydr�static Drive f�r the Vacuum ��m�ress�r, �mnibus ElectrQnr� �ontr�!ler, and the �reen ��nce�t ��erati�ns. N�ne �f the higher �erformance features vr►ere offered in #he c�mpetiti�e unit's su��lier's qu�te. ``�zss���rrr�r ��'r��isf�,r�ti��� is C�lr�cr �r�r��'. �ecem ber 13, �� 11 ��ty �� Arrayo Grande Agenda Item 8F. Ta Lease purchase �]ne Nev� 5ewer���ea�ing Truck Page 2 �r� Manday, Navember �8, ��11 we demanstrated our un�t at yvur lacation. At thar #ime, #he �ity staff and Qperat�rs were asked by 5h�ne Taylor, in �ront of my associa#es, Terry F'eliecch�a and Richard �affey, haw they felt aur truck compared ta the ather brand they were renting. The operator preferred #he single cantrol �mnibus feature on the Vac-�on and �he Vac-�on unit, and he stated sa �n front of everyone in attendance. _ Vlihen 1 heard that the �ity was planning to award to the competit��e suppl�er due to the Iower price on a mach�ne that� does not include any of #he higher performance featur�s specified, 1 immediately pravided a re�ised praposal, dated December 1, ��11. Th�s proposal still inciudes many op#�onal features, but in order to be price sens�#i�e, we remo�ed the premiurn 3-5tage Vacuum 5ystem and pro�ided a 2-Stage Vacuurn System. We rema�ed the 1� ft. Aluminum Telescoping Boom and provided the fi ft. Telescoping Baorn. Vlle r�moved the �mn�bus E[ectroni� �ontrol�er and pro��ded the Standard �antrols. . I sent informa#ion to the �i#y �1�rk and re�e+�ed a call back from �huck Perrin. At his request, I am pro��d�ng this in�armation as back up for my affer. � None o� the higher performance features were offered in the competit;ve unit supplier's proposa I . �ur proposal in�ludes a �acuum sys#ern that is twice as powerful as the othe� supplie�'s propased machine. "fhereby fncreasing the ability of the machine to pro�ide more efficient operating character�sti�s during the ownershiQ �f the mach�ne. The othe� supplier can offer an opt�anal 2-5tage Vacuum 5ystem and Hydrostatic Dri�e, but nat asked #o'? The �� ft. boom w"rth �?� degree rotati�n as specifi�d, and supplRe�! s� �u� Nflvernbe� 28, ��1 'I quote, ail�ws significantly rnore work area far placement of veh�cle in, around, and over �ars, etc. when needed. The ❑ther supplie� can offe� an ��t��nal 8 ft. baom, but not asked to'? The �mnibus Electronic Control System as specified, and supplied in aur No�ember �S, ��1 � quote, thrs contr�� system remaves multiple fun�i�n that are done manually an the other supplier's machine. The srnall difference, in price wiNl be returned many times o�er with #he Vac-�on in h�gher perforrnan�e and effcienc�es, ove� the life of the vehicle. . If pr�ce is t� be th� dete�min�ng fa�t��, it is un#ai� to expect our prvduc� to be pra�ided w�#h the premiurn options and not the cornpetitive uni#. Decemher 13, ��11 C i#y o� Arroyo � rande . Agenda Item 8F. To Lease Purchase �ne Nevti► Sevti►er Cieaning Truck Pa�e 3 S�nce your last machine was purchased in 1997, we have sold numeraus machines in your area. Please see attached lo�al user list �ar the Vac-�ons in neighboring agencies. We feel our parts and suppart in your area is secand ta nane. As �ar as the justification offered as be�ng a lang time user and �7� degree hose ree! and Aluminum water tanks, aperatianally, that justificatian has little comparat�ve val�e �n the overall operation and performance to your C�ty. The water tanks we supply are cross-linked polyethylene and are warranted for 1 a y�ars, nan-prorated, not the materia! po�yp�opy�ene, as noted in the staff justif catian repart. The process was not �air. Aithaugh it had the hlessing of the �ity Manager, it stili should have h�en fairiy applied. I belie�e the �est decision for your ��ty's a��rall operatian vti►ould be to award to IVlun�c�pa! Maintenance Equipment, Inc. at the higher amount, or re-bid with an equal standa�d appl�ed to the sp�cificati�ns �ffe��d by both sUpplte�s. Respectfully suhmitted, Mun ic�pal Ma�ntenance Eq uipment, I nc. _ �. . �� 1 � � r r� � nk Wheeler I I �, . Vice President Encfasur�s 1} Questians regardin� process to I{elly 1Netmore dated 12-1-��'I 'I �} Quotation ta I{elly tilVetmore dated �12-�1-���1 �1 3} �uotat�an to I{el�y tilVetmore dated � 1-28-�� � 1 4} Quotation to Shane Taylor dated 1�-��-��1 �1 �} C�uotation to 5hane Tay�or dated 11-� 1-��1 � 6} C�uvtati�n t� 5han� Taylo� �dated ��-� �-2�� 1 _ti T'ti � �• ' ��r . — �.�• 'r�e � ��C �� '•r�.,r'Y �: - �� � � • 1� !: 4 — •1 � �; � =-! 'z k '� i ? = �� M1 i� �� r- I.t!' r.��IC,S'�" � +ti �"' �� �'�� � �(-�����'Sf'r'a"`y_ . . ��c�•�':,r�� :-i � ': •�" � *t1' f � � °i�r�= Y���-,�ir/ �=�--�7 _ � .! � F F `—=��'' i - }:.. _ �: �� �� .,�.....�'�-�._ �r�. --r..=��*.� , .-- • .,. �.�. � i ;i! .�: } } ,si { ' e'' ' .+' T i � ' =�' - :�: .- 236� �larvard 5kree� � Sacr'ainento. CR �5815 • �� i �ii 9�2- � � � [ � Fax: �915� 92�- � D34 ��5I f�. Shepar�d S�reet, L���it B• pt�a��eirT�. CA ��8�� •� ���-} 5.�2-�S? �• Fax: �7 i�-} 632-2874 • 475D Caterpi�Iar Raad, �nik D•��ddir�g, CR g���.� •��3Dy �+.�-4855 � Fax; �53�� 243- I 4�7 I 93D W. �I1ir���n R��e.. 5���te S• I�aylward. CR ��5�5 ��51 D� 57�-D23� • Fax: �5 l�� 6?D-9��3 December � , ��� � � i ty of A rroy o� ra n d e � � � E. Brand S�ree� Arroyo �rande, CA 334�� �ttention: ��I�y INetmo�e, �sty �lerk kwetmore ;arroyoq rande.arq RE: Request for �uotation -�ne �� � New Vac-Can Model V33�LHA-��1 ��� ��ened NoWember 3�, ��� � �:�� p.m. �flle understand that a recommendation for auvard has been made for the purchase of a Combina��on Sewer �leaner unit that does no� meet the �ity's publ�shed specificatinns. The unit the ���y is reGOrnmending is not suppiy the following features spec+fied in the �ity's Request for �uotation: Item '!. 3-�tage Vacuum System. The unit the Ci�y is recommend�ng wilf be supply a ��ngl� Stag� Va�uum Sys�em. Item �8. Bvvm: �� ft: Aluminum Telescop�ng Boom 27� degree Rota��on with Pendant �ontro� Station. The unit the Ci�y �s recommending will be supplying a� ft. Telescoping Boom. - . Iter�n 57. �mnibus —� Single Joystick wifh Electranic �onfrofler System —�olor Mnnifar includes Tach�meter reading fa� Ghassis Engine �and Ta�h�mete� and Hou� �lleter Reading for Blow�r. The uni� #he �ity �s recommending w'rli be supplying standard cantrols wif h a dig ital foo#ag e cou nter. � If #hese specified fea#ures are not req uired by the City, in order to make �h-is a fiair� and �omp�ttt�v� Request f�r Quatatior�, th�se it�ms should not haWe �een inGiuded in the Reques� for �uotation. � - If fh� �ify is able fo make an award an a unit thaf is no# mee#ing #he published specifications, then we request �he City reWiew and consider #he attached reWi�ed qua#a��on on #he Ilac-�on wi#hout �hese added features. Thank you for #he opportunity to bring these sp�cifcations issues to yau� atten�ion. Shauld you haWe any ques#ions or need additional informa#ion, please le# us know. We laok forvriard #a �eing of service. Sincereiy, - MunicipaR Maintenanc� Equipr�n�r�tr Ir�c. i� ' r -{ ' �� l� ' -��� �� � Helen Mackenzie Wheeler, Pres�den# ' Enc�osure "�u5���2�� �a�ZSfQC�2�n 25 C�2�f' ��ul'� . } � r . . � ��r �� ti F i r. . ���i�n��� ���i����a��� ��u���n��a� 23�� Karvard St�ee� • 5a�rainet��c�. CR �58 i S•(91 �y 9'? �- ���� �� Fax: �9 t�� 9��-1 �3�+ f�� ! I�I. 5i�epa�-d Stree�, �i�it B• Anat�eii�i, �A 9�8�� •{? 1�+� ��?-�S � l• Fa�: �71 �+� �32-287�+ 475� Caterp�lla� Road, �nrt D• Redd�ng. CA 9���3 -�53�a ��+a-4�56 � Fax: �53�� �43- I 447 � 93� �1. �linto�� Ave., Suite 8• i�ay�ua�-d, �f� 94545 ��51 �� 67�-�23� � Fax: �5 � �� fi7`�-9��3 Decem �er 1, �� 11 � �ity of Arroyo �rande � � 21� E. Brand Street Arroyo �rande, �A 9342� Attention: Kelly Wetmar�, �ity �lerk - kw�tmare�a7arrayoArande.or� . RE: REViSED PR�P�SAL . � R�quest far �uotatian far �n� �1} N�w Vac-�an Model V39�LHA-�11��� �pened Nov�mb�r 3�, ��11 �:�� p.m. � . INe are pl�ased to pravid� th� fallow�ng quatatian an th� Vac-�an �amb�nation S�wer and Storm Drain �leaner meeting your publ�sh�d sp�cificatians with th� fal�awing exceptians: We are affering a�-Stage Vacuum Syst�m in li�u ❑f the sp�cifi�d 3-Stage Vacuum System. INe are off�ring a 5 ft. Aluminum Telescoping Boom in iieu af #h� specifi�d 1� ft. Aluminum Tel�scop�ng Boam. IN� ar� off�ring S#andard �ontrols in lieu af #h� specEfi�d �mnibus-� Electronic �ontroll�r Sys#�m with �vlor Mor�itor. �n� � 1} Each Vac-�an Mod�� V�9�LHA-�1� ��� complete with the following standard f�a#ures: � 0 2-Stage Vacuum Syst�m ■ 3115� �orten Steel Debr�s Tank — 9 yards ■ Full �p�ning Rear poar ■ Hydrau�ic Rear poar Loc�s, wi#h Daar �rabb�r with Saf�#y La#ch ■�ravi#y Drain �ff Sys#em, 5� Butterfly Valv� and 1� ft. Layflat Has� ■ De�r�s Tan� Dumping: Minimum 5� D�gree, Hydraul�c Scissars Lift — Pawer U plPawer Dawn • � ■ Polye#hylene Wa#�r�Tanks — 1 ��� gallans = ■ Au#arna#ic Vacuum Br�aker and �verfill Pra#�c#ian ■ 8" Vacuurn i n#ak� Hose ■ Baam Travel Tie Down . ■ 4 Way Hydraulic Baom wi#h �7� Degre� Ra#a#ion and Joys#ick ��on#rals ■ Frant Maun#ed 5�� ft. �apacity �1" H�s�}IHydraulic Hose R��I ■ Manual Hose Rewind �uid� ■ Hase � uide �Tiger Tail} ■ 3�� L�ad �r Hose ■�� gpm a# 5�� psi Wash Down Hand �un with �5 ft. af Hos� and N�zzle ■ Seal�d and Lacking T�ol Baxes ■ 1} Each Sani#ary and P�ne#ra#or Noz�les . . ■ 2�.5 ft. Aluminum Inta�e Pipe �1-3', 1-5', 1-5', and 1-5.5' Nozzl�} • "C�tSt�Y�I��' ����'2S�'CZC��D� �S ���Y �r��Ll'� D�G�mb�r � , Z�11 Gity af Arraya � � rand � Vac-Gan V29� L HA-�l1 ��� C�ua#atia n Pag � �Z - • IGG Lighting � � • DuPant Imran 5��� Palyur�than� Paint in V1lhit�, with R�fl�cti�� 61u� ar VIlhit� St ri p�s �ya ur Gha ice} . � • 5# Fire Ex�inguish�r , • Set Tr�ang I�s . � - o �I�CU�t ���a�C��S , o VaG-Gan Manual • � � Man�h S�andard Vllarranty Gampl�te with th� follawing aptianal featur�s: • B�awer: 'Hydrastatic Driv� Eatan � ��cc Upgrad� . ■ B��m: � it. Aluminurn T�IesGOping Boom �7� d�gree Rotation with Pendant Cantrai Stati�n ' o Has� R�el: Frant Maunted; Articulating ta Dr��er 5ide, 8�� ft. �� "} GapaGity o J�t Rodd�� H�se: 8�� ft. x�" x�5D� psi{�25� pSi t4��' standa�d} • Wat�r. 5ystem: 8� gpml�5�� pst Pump � Wat�r Pump: ��ant ■ Auxil�ary Eng in�: �eut� TG�2� � 2G L� 19�' HP Tser I I I • D�bris ��dy F�ush �ut 5yst�m, � Jets � � • R�ar 5plash �uard �4 -- 8 a'clack} Tank Maunted � � • Rear Hand �un Canne�t�on � • , • Frant Bump�r Hand �un G�nn�cti�n . '/� Tu rn �all Valve V1lat�r �ra�n ` . . ' • Varia�le Flo�r ValUe . ■ Autamatic Le��l VIlind Guid� • F�Iding P�p� Rack �3}, Tank M�unted, �ri�er Side • F�lding Pipe Rack �3}, Tank hllaunted, Curbsid� � • St�rage B�x Behind �ab 1�" x 4�" x 9�" T • Lang Handl� 5toragelPVC , � � - • L�w INa�er Alarm with Light • Frant AxI� Laad Limit A�arm • BaGk U� Alarm . • 5D ft. Ga�aG�ty R��raGtabl� Hand �un Hos� Reel � • Digital E��Gtr�nic F�atage Caunter � . • Rem�te Baam �r�ase �erk Ass�mbly ��raund Le�el — inGlud�s water pump dri�e} • R�m�te Debris Tank �r�as� Ass�mb�y �Gr�und L��el} . • Greas� Assembly ArtiGU�atEng Hvs� R�e� , o HydrauliG System Temp�ratur� Gaug� � • 'I" N�zzl� Rack • Aluminum Starm Nazzl� - •�I" x 15 ft. I�ngth Leader Has� • Wat�r Pump Rerna�e �il Drain � . Decem ��r 1, �� 11 �ity af Arraya Grande Vac-�an 1lZ9DLHA-41�1 ��� C� u�tatian Pag� 3 � A�r Weigh Sca�e Syst�m � • � ea. HAZ38� Hideaway Stro�es . � Z ea. �E �rill Grillemast�r HSG Stro��s w1��Z���AU Stro�es L��ar • 1 ea. �SP��� �owe�. Supply � • 1 ea. Arrawstick Strv�e �a� Maunted � � 1 ea. TA57� Traffic Advisor . � LED Work Lights Baam - • L E D Work Lig ht at 4perator Statian . � Fac�ary Pr�-Shipment Insp�ction in Florida for two �Z} Agency Employ��s . �11�unt�d on a Z�'I � Freightlinert tl�� 'I �5V �x2 T�uck �hassis �omplet� w�th the fo�l�w�n�: • �UM-fSC 35� HP EPA'1� Emissions - � • A�lison 3�4�RDS Automatic Transmission � • �3,��� �V1NR � Driver Side Air .Ride S�at � . • A�r Canditioning � AMIFM � • Pa�nted WhEt� . Pr�ce F.4.B. Arroyo �rande, �A ��77,8�7.Z5 � Special Factary Discount - 1 �, ���. �� Su�-Tatal . �2�7,8�7.25 ' - 7.75°/o Sales Tax Z�,756.61 T�tal $Z88,583.8� � �uatation includes delivery and on-site training. Loaner unit w��l �e made avaiia�le at no charge upon receipt of purchase arder until delivery of the new veh�cl�. N�rmal d�Eivery ��-12Q days a.R.�. , Terms Net 3�. - , • - �uotation valid for 3� days. . Thank you for your continued interest in this fine product lin�, Should you ha�e any questians ar need �dd�tiana� information, ��e�s� �et u� know. 111le �ook fon►�ard �o laeing af S�NIC�. • SI�Cere�]I, . Municipal Ma�ntenance Equipment, �nc. . . •t C���- ,, . . �� � H�len iVlacken�ie Wheel�r, � President - Encio�ure r ��: �;;:: _ - --. �,,�;::� -,: _ - r ;L '!iT �� _ . ��Ji � � ^ - -` "rLi..ti ---• .�; •} � , :;��{ : ~� 1• ... �� . �. �=\ i}� r.-_;�}n[ ."e�M1'. J J�fr. `F��.�.L _ ;f� .;: : �-; _ .r :e' : � �:7y.� �-'^ -�-r F• �• -�: - c4. 'kr' �y 'Z' ;.�:,. . ,�r . � ..�ti Lessee Ci#y af Arroya Grande, CA Shane Tay�ar Proposaf Date: Equ�pment Description: Commencement Date: Equipment Cost: Lessee Oown Payment: Amount Financed: Lease Term : F�rst Payment Date: Payment Frequency: Lease Rate: Payment Amount: Payment Factor: Vendar �IAUnicipal fNatn#enance Equipment, InG. December 1, �0 � 1 1- Vac-�on Model V29DLHA�1� 0�� Vacuum Truck wl a 2012 Freightliner M2 Chassis December 1, �011 . �ption 1 $�BB,5B4 $225,DOD �fi3,5B4 4 Years 71151�012 41 year 3.93°!� $�,377.B3 D.�fiBB5 ��tion 2 $�BB,5B4 $225,0�� $63,5B4 5 Years 71 � 51�� 12 1 1 year �.Y5°Y� $14,13� .7fi 0 22�25 The iniormation eontained in lhis lease quote is pri�leged and �onfidentia}. Any �vmmuni�ation of th�s information in whole or in p�r�t �s�rahihited. t]ual�ficatlons: 1. Pri�inq: This is a fease propasal for Ihe paymer�t s�ream�sj indicaied above. It �ny ol the inlormation iden[Efied aho�e are not �orrect, piease ad�is� us so thai w� �a�n determine i1 a new proposal is required. Qther importa�t elements of this propasal are: ay Rate Expiration: Sigrnng this proposal does not in itse�f lo�k in your rate This lease must he cred�t approved, �antra�t5 praperiy signed, and the lease funded by Leasing 2 within thiny days trom the date of Ihis proposal to protect the ra�es quated in this proposal hj CfDSlnq CDSLs: There wi�l he a�250 document !ee charged a� �3os�ng. c] T e oi Lease: This rs a lease-pur�chase type o� financing. After al1 the lease payments are made, Lessee will own the equipment withaut funher cost. 2 C ed ra a! a d[] u n ation• This is a proposal onfy, and does no1 represent a �ommitment to lease. This linan�ing is suhje�[ ta credit re�►iew aind approval and exe�ut'ton o� mutually acceptab�e do�urneniation, in�fuding �he opinion oi les�ee's �ounsel opining that Ihe agre�m�nt Is legal� ►►atid end binding, and quali�ied as a tax exempt �ligation under the iax reform a�t ot 198fi as amended. Leasing 2, Inc. 6Y: Rick Carnev t�ria email or facsirnife} Phone: 8�0-287-5 Z 55 Fax: 813-258-9333 DATE: December 1, 2011 REC]lJE5T TQ PROCEE�: When yvu are ready to pro�eed and would Eike lo move towards fnafizing �hi5 lease, pfease acftnowledge that you have reviewed this entire proposal and understand its contents and that y�u ha�e awarded this busine5s to L�asing 2, tn�. by cornptet�ng this sec�ion oi the proposal and fa�xing it to Leasing 2. W e will im rnediately fax you "ne�d step' instructions. There will he a$25� iee charged if the lease is not �lnsed tor any r�ason accept a credil decline. Ci# vf Arro o Grande CA N am e of Lessee Authari�ed 5ignature Opt�an Chosen: {►r�here appticah�ej Date Canta�t E-Ma[1 Address Canta�t Phane Last month of your budget year7 Please campleie [he ahove rnfvrmarron and fax all pages vf Che praposal rv ��3-25�-933� 1 •r.,� --�. � _ ��..-._ �.'{ —� S" ' �4 �r e: i�- --z - i � � •� i .I, 4 t: , i? 2 �4 iz ..i �•��•_-�� T�---:3��;,y;,�•-�; �" - $�..."y�' �='jr=G `i%'�`.."T";•`►3•a�.-�u'-�k`�s'"�w"_. r�.. "�.�r`��l+��i�.7�t�=�� ����+�_?:� �:'. ii*s+?�!3��'��: ��1.= r:_ . �"iSi�}"�.i�T'1��:' �.•■.�3�1."�f1:�:,i.. 4a`.�s' �. �.:-. -� '�.+'� r j r t i;�,' }: + ,I� �� �'�� i << i i lw � l�� f I F'�� � `' i 236D �arvar� Street • Saerar��er�ta, CA 95S � 5•�� i G� �? 2- �[ D 1 � Fa��c: �9 � fi} 9��- ��3� 106 � i�. 5i�epar� 5treet, LJni� B• Rna��eir��. CR 92846 • t � I�-y ����-287 I• Fax: �7 [ 4} ��2-287�- 4754 �ater�pillar Raad, Ll��it D� Redding, .CR 9G443 •�534) �43-�-856 • Fa.►c: t530} 2�.�-I �-�-7 19�4 �. �f intoz� Ave.. 5izite 8 • �1ayw��-d, �R 3�+�=�� • �514} �7fl-fl��4 • Fax: �5 i �} ��fl-3��3 Nov�m ��r �8, �� � � City of Arroyo Grand� � 2� 4 E. Brand Str��t Arroyo Grand�, CA 934�� , Att�ntion; Kelly VV�tmore, City Clerk RE: R�quest for C�uotation � �n� � 1}�ew llac-Can Niodel V3�� LHA-��� aaa Due: Novem �er 3�, 2� �� 2:�� p. m. kw�tmore� arr�►� oq rande . �ra� �!I!e are pleased to pro�i�� th� follawsn� �uatatROn an the l�a�-Can �ambs�ation Sewe� � and Storm Drain Cteaner meetrng your published specif�cations without exception. �ne �'I } Ea�h 11a�-Ga�n Mo��l V39�L�iA-�f 1��� camplet� with the follawing standard features: � . ■ 3-Stage Vacuum System • 3I'I �" �orten Steel D�brts Tank -- � yards ■ Full �pening Rear poor � ■ Hyd rau �ic Rear poor Locks, with Door G ra ��er with Safety Latch • Gravity Dra�n �ff System, 5�' Butterfly Valve and �� fk. Layf�at Hose � ■ Debris Tank Dump�ng: Minimum 5� Degree, Hydraulic Sc�ssors Lifk — Power Up�Powe� Down - ■ Polyethylene VVater Yanks — ���� gallons . o Automatic Vacuum Breaker and �verfill P�otection • 8" Vacu um I n�ake Hos� ■ Boom Travel Tie Down y 0 4 VIlay Hydraulic Boom with 2�� Degree Rotation and Joystick Controls • F�ant N�ounted ��� ft. �apa��ty t'I" Hase}1Hyd�aulic H�se R�e� ■ Manual Hose Rewind �uide � � ■ Hose �uide �Yiger Tail} � � ■ 3�� Lead er H ose ■ 2� gpm at G�� psE VIlash Down Hand �un ►n►ith �5 fk. of Hose and No�le . ■ Sealed and Locking l"ool Boxes ' . • �1 } Each Sanitary and Penetrator No�les ■ 2�.5 ft. Aluminum Intake Pipe �'1-3`, '1-5', '1-G", and '1-G.�' Nozzle} • ICC Lighting . ■ DuPor�t Imron 5��� Pofyurethane Paint in VIlhite, with Reflective Blue or �Nhite St�ipes �your choice} ■ 5# F�re Extinguisher o Set. Tr�ang les . ■ �ircuit B�eakers . , « � ' �us��rner���is��c�io�t is �r�r ��c��" ,'����,f �y . l � No�ember �8, ��� � C�ty of Arroyo �rande Vac�Con V3�DLHA-Q11 DDD Quota#ion Page � o Vac-��n Manual ■ �� Month 5tandard Warranty �ompl�te with the following optional features: - ■ Blower: Hydrostatic Dr�ve Ea#on 16Dcc Up�rade ■ Boom: 1 D f#. Aluminum Telescoping Boom 27D d��ree Rotation with Pendant �ontro� Station � o H�Se Reel: Frant Mount�d, Art�culating to [�rir�er S�de, S�� it. �� "j Capa�ity o Jet Rodder Hose: 8D� f#. x 1� x 25�� psi15�5D psi �4D�' standard} ■ Water System: 8D gpm1��DD psi Pump ,� o � Water�Pump: ��ant . ■ Auxi liary Eng ine: Deutz TC D��1 �C L5 197 H P Ti�r I I I � DebrES Body Flush Qu# Sys#em, 6 Jets . � Rear 5plash �uard �4 —$ o'clock} Tank Mounted . ■ Rear Hand �un Connection � o Front Bumper Hand Gun Conn�ction • ■'/� Turn Ball Val�e Water Drain o VariabRe F�ow 1�alUe � � Automatic Le�e� Wind �uide o Foldin� Pipe Rack �3}, Tank� Moun#ed, Dri�er 5�de . Folding Pipe Rack �3}, Tank Moun#ed, Curbside ' ■� Storage Box Behind Cab� � 6" x 4�" x�5" ■ Long Handle 5tora�elPVC � ■ Low Water A�arm with Light • Frant Axle Load Limit A�arm ■ Back Up Alarm . � 5� ft. Capacity Retracta ble H and �u n H ose Reel ■ Digita! E�ectron ic Foa#age Cou nt�r � ■ Remote Boom �rease �erk Assembly �Ground Le�el -- includes water pump dri�e} � Remote De�ris Tank Grease Assem�ly ��round Le�el} ■ �rease Assem�ly Articulatin� Hose Ree� � ■ . �iydraulic 5ystem Temperature �au�e . ' � ■ � " Noz�le Rack ■ Aluminum Storm Noz�le � - . ■, �" x 1� f#. length Leader Hose ■�mni�us-� 5in��e Joy$tick with Electronic Controller 5ystem -- Color Moni#or includes Tachometer reading for Chassis Engine and Tachometer and Hour Meter Read in� for Btower _ ■ Water Pump Remote C3i1 Drain � � Air Wei�h 5c�le 5ystem ■ � ea. HA�38� Hideaway 5trobes ■� ea. 4E ���(I ���Ilemaste� HS� 5t�obes wf4�����AU 5trol�es Luiar � 1 ea. C5P55D Power SuPP�Y _ -- -; i - .�_ •! i ' � �` j� G - r'i . N��ember 28, 2�� � � Ci�y of Arroyo Grande � Vac-�on V39�LHA-�1'I ��� C�uotati�n Page 3 � . 1 ea . Arrowstick 5�ro be Ca b Mo u n�ed _ ` . ■ � ea. TA57� Traffic Ad�isor ■ LED Vllork Lights Boom � . . ■ LED Work L�ght at �perator Sta�ion . � ■ Factory Pre-Shiprnent InspectEOn in Florida for two �2} Agency Employees Mounted on a 2�'12 Freightliner M2 ��6V 4x2 Truck Chassis cornplete with the follow�ng: - ■ CUM-15C 35� HP EPA ''I � Ern�ssions • All�son 3���RDS Autornatic Transm�ssion ■ 43,��� GVWR � ■ Dri�er Side Air Ride 5eat � ■ Air ��ndit��nin� • AMIFNi • Painted Wh'i�e . . Price F.�. B. Arroyo �rande, �A � $287,18fi.25 . Special Factory Discount - 1 Q,�QQ.Q� . Sub-Total $277,18fi.25 7.75°Io 5a1e5 Tax 21,481.93 T�tal . $298,fifi8.18 C�uotati�n includes deli�ery and on-site training. . Loaner unit will be made a�ailab�e at no charge upon receipt �f purchase order until � deli�ery of the new �ehicle. � � Normal deli�ery 9�-'12� days A.R.�. Terms Net 3�. � ' C�uotati�n �alid for 3� days. Please find attached an updated lease purchase proposal prepared by. Leasing 2. You rnay c�ntact Rick �arney at Leasing 2 directly at 8��-287-5� 55 ext. � fi� re�ard�n� this . lease purchase prop�sal. . Thank you for y�ur c�ntinued interest in this fine product line. Should you ha�e any � questi�ns or need additional information, please !et us know. 1l11e Iook forward to being of service. � � Sincerely, �- � , N'iunic�pai aintenanc Equipment, �nc. � nk 1l11heeler II�, � Vice President � Enclosure � A R►�E P�E� T� 1f�O�J Lessee Venda� City af Arraya Grande, CA llJlunicipal Maintenance Equipment, Inc. Shane Taylvr Proposal �ate: Equipment �escrlptlon: Commencement �ate: Equipment Cost: Lessee Down Payment: Amount Financed: Lease Term: First Payment �ate: Payment Frequency: Lease Rate: Payment Amount: Payment Factor: Na�ember 22, 20� 1 �- Vac-Can Madel V39QLHA�1� Q�Q Va+cuum Truck wl a 2Q� 2 Frelghtliner M2 Chassis Decembe� 1, 2Q11 �ption 1 $298,fi68 ���5,000 $73, fifi8 � Years 71�512��2 41 year 3.72°/a $5, �45.87 �.�fi849 �ption 2 �2�s,ssa $225,QQQ $73,fifi8 5 Years 7115t2� 12 1 1 year �.��°la �� s,�sa.�� �.��� �o The intormation ��niained in �his lease quote is privileged and �onfidential. An �ammunication of this informativn in whole or in Part is Proh�b�ted. Qualiii�ations• 1, Pricinc� This is a tease pr�posal ior Ihe payment siream�sy indicated above. li any of the inforrnatton iden�i#ied above are n�i �orrect, please ad►►ise us so tha3 we can determine if a new propvsa! is required. �the� importani e�ements at this pr�posal are: ay Rate Exqiraiion: 5igning this proposa! does not in itselt locbc in y�ut rate. This fease mus� be credit appr�►►ed, c�nlracts properly signed, and the lease funded by Leasing � wilhin �hiny days from the dale of this propasal to pro�ect the rates quoted in this proposal bj Closina Costs: There wiii be a$�5d document [ee �harged at �Iosing �j Tvae oi Lease: This is a teas�purchase lype �� (inancing. After a!! Ihe lease paymen�s are made� Lessee will vwn lhe equipment with�ut iurther C05t. �. Credit ro�al end D�cumeniation: This is a proposal only, and daes not represenl a cnmmitment to lease. This �inan�ing is subject to credii review and appro►►a! and executi�n oi mutualiy acceptable dacurnenta3ion, inciuding the opinion o! �essee's �ounsel opining t�at the agreemenl is tegal, ►►a1id and binding� and qualified as a tax exemp; obfigation under the tax reform a�t o! 1986 as amended. Leasing 2, 1nc. BY: Rtck Carnel� {�ia email or la�simi�e� Phone: 800-287-5155 Fax: 813-�5&9333 ❑ATE : Na�em he� 22, 2Q 11 REQUEST T� PR�CEED: W hen you ere ready to pr�ceed and would like to mo►►e tvwards finaliz�ng this lease� please a�knowledge that y�u ha►►e reviewed th�s entire p�D�58I B11d 1111C���5tafld 115 COI1tetltS B11C� ih81 ]IOiJ h8N@ aY11�d� th15 b1151f1PS5 t0 LL'aS�n� 2� 117C. by �ompleEing this section of the proposal and faxing it to Leasing �. We will immediately iax you °next step" �nstru�tions, There wilf be a$250 tee �harged if the fease is not closed Eor any reasan a�cepl a �redit decline. C� af ArraVa Grande, CA w Name ol Lessee �p �i�n Ch osen : �where applicable� Authori=ed 5ignature Con#act E-Me�l Address Last month of your 6udget year7 Date Contact Phone Please cnm le�e rhe above intormariarr and �ax all pages o� fhe propasal [o B� 3-258-9334 � r.��j �f���^ n�t�. 7�rJ� -_ �i;��,*, `� �.a � �..3- f._- l,+ .�,��'� . . . . H=.� -�;, � � . � 'y "i.�-� �. .� � •� �f� �r f. ' •� �� i �� � 4 �� :A}?��' .� i� . • .�i_'• 1 ��Y,i- •�����- •}�' ,:�— �;",•• :.•-.r �,_ ,�• � — �rr�r� - �a �� � VA�-C�N� as seller, warrants al� equipment manufactured �y it and �earing its name f shaif be free frvm defects in material and vuvrkmanship, under nvrmal use and servi�e as de- -�- termined by us, fvr a peri�d �f �1 �} hnrelve mvnths fr�m the date of delivery to the first retail . purchaser. � Should any equipment vr pa�t of such equipment s�ld hereunder prvve to be defective tn ' material vr wvrkmanship within said perivd, and be returned to Seiler's fiactory n� �ater than 1� . days after the expiration date of the warraniy, transpo�tativn charges prepaid by the Buyer, and � upvn examinati�n be f�und tv be defective, such pa�t will �e replaced at the factvry by the � Seller free of charge, but the Seller shall be under nv furtlier �iabi���y in respect t� such war- ' ran�y. It :s expressly understovd that the Se�ler's ��ability is �imited tv fumishing of such replace- ment parts within a reasonable iength of time and that the Seller wi1� nvt be liable for any dam- , �` ages, Iosses or expenses arising in cvnnecti�n with the use �f or inabili�y tv use the unitts}, including but not IEmited t�, injuries to pers�ns or damage tv prope�ty, Ioss of profits or antici- pated profrts, vr Ivss af vehicle use. Buyer shall be responsible for the payment of duties or taxes �n warranty parts, if applicable. The SelEer shall be under no I�abi�ity because of normaf wear and tear �f �peration or maintenance contrary to the manufacturer's official �perator's IUlanual. Yhe Buyer accepts any li�bili�y for damage or injury resulting from the removal or al- � teration of safety guards and safety precaut�ons provided on the unit at the time vf delivery. . This warranty shall n�t apply and VA�-��N shall have nv fiabil�#y under it or otherwise if the �� -� unit shall have been injured by accident, �areless handfing or improper applications or if any ° repa�rs have been made t� the unit by other than VA�-C�N, its agents or employees. _ Y , 1l11arranties covering major c�mponents n�t of VAC-��N manufacture �power plants, hy- , draulics, trucks, vacuum compressors, transm�ssions, eleGtrical components, �atteries, tires, ., etc.} are warranted by the�r respective manufacturers. � 1lUe give n� warran�y express or implied, as t� description, quality, productiveness or any , other matter and the Buyer hereby waives the right of refusal and return of the goods which is , usually connected with non-warran�y. � � It is the sole responsibility vf the purchaser to use this equipment in an appropriate appli- � cat��n and a safe manner. VA�-��N assumes no responsibi��ty or Eiabi�i�y for its misuse. - ` FIVE t5} YEAR 1lUAF�RANTY: ;;� VA�-��N warrants that the fans, auxiliary engine water pump drive camponents � _ texc�uding engine and pum p} and debris tank sha�l �e free from defects in materEal and work- ;- , manship, under narmal use and service as determined by the manufacturer, for a period of - sixty t6D} mvnths tnot pro-rated} fram the date the unit is first placed into service. TEN t1 �} YEAR WAR�ANTY; VA�-��N warrants that the fresh water tanks sha�� b� free frvm defects in material and - workmanship, under normal use and service as determined �y the manufacturer, for a perivd � of �ne hundred twenty (12�} months tnvt pro-rated} from the date the unit is f rst placed into � . � service. � This warran�y is nvt transferable. � •. . _ � , -1}►���YD GRA II�D E . .,, , �•r'�'._'_i=�`•'�� '��►:� :'� 1 � � .- �.,.ax'f � �IT1� �F �AL� F�R�IA �ITY �F ARR�1�� � RAN DE RECREATI�N AND �I�AAINTENANCE 5ERVICE5 DEPAR'��I�AENT �U�TATI�N N�TI�E N�vemt��r �3, �D11 Th� �ity �f Arr�y� Grande Recreation and Maint�nanc� S�rvices D�partm�nt is requesting a qu�tati�n pr�p�sal f�r �n� n�w VAC-��n M�d�l V39�LHA -- �11 ��� c�mplete with the f�llowing standard and optional featur�s: Sta n da rd Featur�s: 1. 3-Stage Vacuum Syst�m �. 311 fin ��rt�n St��� De�ris Tank — 9 yards 3. Full �p�n�ng Rear D�or 4. Hydrau�ic Rear D��r Locks, with Door Cra�b�r with Safety Latch 5. C raWity Drain �ff System, 5" Butt�rfly VaIWe and 1�ft. LayFlat H�se C. Debr�s Tank aurnping: Minimum �� Degree, Hydraulic Sciss�rs Lift — P�wer UpIP�w�r aown 7. Polyethyl�n� Water Tanks — 1��� gallons 8. Aut�matic Vacuum Break�r and �Werfill Pr�tecti�n 9. 8" Vacuurn Intak� Hose 1�. Bao m TraW�l Tie Dawn 11. 4Way Hydraulic B��m with �7� Degr�e Ratation and Joystick Contrals 1�. Front Mounted fi�� ft. Capacity �1 n Hase�IHydraulic Hos� R�el 13. Manual Hose Rewind Guide 14. H�se Gutde �Tiger Tai1� 15. 3�° L�ader Hose 1�. �� gpm at fi�� psi Wash D�wn Hand Gun.with 25 ft. af Hase and hiazzle 17. Seal�d and Locking Taal Baxes � 18. ���ach Sanitary and Penetratar hiozzles 19. ��.5 ft. Aluminum Intake Pipe �1-3', 1-5', 1-�', and 1-�,�' Na�le� ��. I�C Lighting �1. DuPont Imran 5��� Palyurethane Paint in whit� ��. 5# Fire Extinguish�r �3. Set Triangles �4. Circuit Break�rs �5. Vac-C�n Manua! - ��. 12 Month Standard Warranty �pti�na I Features: . �7. Blaw�r: Hyd rostat�c ariWe Eaton 1�� cc Upgrad� �8. B�am: 1�f#. A�uminum Telescoping Baom 27� d�gree Ratataon with P�ndant Cantr�l Stat�on Z9. Hose R�el: Frant Maunt�d, Articu�ating ta DriWer S�d�, 8�� f#. � 1"� Capacity R�CREAT]�N AND MAlNTENANCE SER�CES DEPARTMENT ■ 1375 Ash Str�e� ■ Arroyo Grand�, California 934�� Phone: �8�5� 473--5��� ■ FAX: �8�5} 473-54�2 � E-Mail: ag�ity@arrvyvgrande.vrg � Website: www.arrvyvgrande.org 3�. .31. . 3�: 33. 34. 35. 3fi. 3?. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 4�. 45. 4fi. 4?. 48. 49. 5�. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 5fi. 5? . 58. 59. so. fi1. fi2. �3. ��. �5. fifi. fi?. �et Rvdder Hvse: aoo tt. x 1" x�5QQ psi1��5Q pst ����' standardj Water System: 8Q g pm1�5QQ psi Pum p Water Pump: ��ant Auxiliary Engine: Deutz T�D�Q1 �� Lfi 19?HP T�er 111 Debris Body Flush �ut 5ystem, fi�ets Rear 5plash Guard �4-8 o'clock� Tank Mvunted Rear Hand �un �vnnection Front Bumper Hand �un �onnect�on '/� Turn Ball Valv� W ater Dra�n Varia�le Flvw Val�e Automatic Levei Wind �uide Folding Pipe Rack �3j, Tank Mounted, Dri�er 5ide ' Fo�ding P�pe Rack �3j, Tank Mounted, �urbside 5tvra�ge Box Behind �ab 1 fi° x 4�" x�fi� Long Handle 5toragelPV� Low Water Alarm with Light Front Axle Load Limit Alarm Back Up Atarm � 5� ft. �apacity Retracta�le hand �un Hose Reel Digital Electrvnsc Footage �ounter Remvte Boom �rease Zerk Assern�ly ��round Levei -- includes water pump dri�e� Remote �ebris Tank �rease Assembly ��rvund Le�el} �rease Assembly Articulating Hose Reel Hydraulic 5ystem Temperature �auge 1 � Nozzte Rack Alurninum 5torm Nvtzle 1° x 15 ft. length Leader Hose �mnibus -� Single Joystick with Electronic �vntrvller 5ystem -�v�vr Monitor includes Tachometer reading for �hassis Eng�ne and Tachometer and Hour Meter Reading for Blower Water Rernvte �i1 Dra�n Ai r W e�gh 5cale 5ystem 2 ea. HAZ38� H�deaway 5trobes 2 ea. 4E �rill �ri��ernaster H5� 5trvbes w14Q�QQQAU 5trobes Luiar 1 ea. �SPfi�� Power 5upply 1 ea. Arrowstick 5trobe �ab Maunted 1 ea. TA5?Q Traffic Ad�isvr LED Wark Lights Bvvm LED Worlc Light at �perator 5tat�vn Factory Pre-5hipment Inspectton �n Florida for �►nro �2} Agency Employees Mounted on a��12 Fre�ghtliner M� 1��V 4x� Truck Chassis complete with the foll�wing: �8. �UM-15� 35� HP EPA '1 � Emtssions fi9. Aflis�n 3���RDS Automatic Transm�ssion ?Q. 43,Q�� �IIU11R ? 1. Dri�er Side A�r Ride Seat ?2. Air Condttioning ?3. AmIFM ? �. Pa inted W hite A Laner unit wi�l be made ava�lab�e at na charge upon receipt of purchase ordsr unt+l delivery af the new veh�cle. In additian ta the truck proposal, the ��ty �s requesting a leaselpurchase propasal. The proposal shall bs based upon the following: Down Payment: Trade — in: Term: Paymgnt Made: First Payment Due: �225,���.�� � �.q� Five �5j Years Annual in Arrears J uly, 2q 12 All propasafs must include applicable taxes and delivery charges. All praposals shal� be on campany letterhead. Please E-Mail your praposals to: Kelly V`letmore �ity �lerk �iiy of Arroyo � ra nde E-Mail Address: kwetmore a�7arrayogrande.org Praposals must be received by �:�q pm, No�ember 34, �411. The �ity of Arroyo �rande reserves the right ta accept or relect any or all quotations upon recommendation of the Director of Recreation and Maintenance 5ervices. If you have any questions, contact 5hane Taylor, Ma�ntenance 5ervices 5upervisor - Utilities at �8q5� 473-54fi4 or E-Mail: staylor a�arroyogrande.arg . � �s.Q illl������ ������(Jil��� �� i.+q������ � 2364 Fiarvard Skreek • Sa�rai��ent�, CA 958 I���� I�� 3��- ! l 4 I � Fax: �3 � 6j 922-1 Q34 i D6 ��. Shepard Street, Unit B• Ana�7eirr�, CA 9?8a� •�? i�-� ��?-�87 j� Fa�: �7 l 4j 632•287� 4754 Cakerpi!!ar Rvad, Unik D• Redd�r��, C� ��a4�� ��53�} 2�-�-4$5� • Fax: �53Q} 24.�- I 447 • I 934 L�I. 1Nintn�� Ave., S��ite 8• Fiayward, CA 94545 ��5 �❑� 67Q-o��o • Fax: i5 i❑� �7�-3�43 No�em ber 22, 2fl � � ��t� of Arrayo G ra nd e , 2� 4 E. Brand Streef . � Arroya Grande, �A 934Zfl A�tention: Sha�e �faylor stayior a�arrayogrande.org Vlle are pleased fo pro�ide the following �uotation on the Vac-�on �ambEnatton Sewer and Storm Drain �leaner far your re�iew. �ne �� } Each Vac-�on Model V39�LHA-�11 �fl� complefe w�th the follow�ng standard . featu res: • 3-Stage Va�uum System • 31� S° �orten Stee! Dehris Tank — 9 yards � • Full �pen�ng Rear povr - • Hydraul�c Rear�Door Lacks, with Doar Grahher wifh Safety Latch ■ GraWity D�atn �ff System, �� Butterfly lla�lve ar�d � fl ft. Layflat Hose • Debris Tank Dumping: Minimum 5fl Degree, Hydraulic S�issors Lift — Power L1 plPower Dawn � • Palyethylene Vllater Tanks — �flfl� gaElons � • Aufamatic Vacuum Breaker and ��erfill Prote�tian • 8" Vacuum intake Hase . � • Baom Tra�el Tte Down - •� 11Vay HydrauRic Boom with ��� Deg�ee �otation and .�aysti�k �ontrals • Frant Mounted 5fl� ft. �apacity ��" Hose}IH yd rau I ic Hose R�el • flllanual Hase Rewind Gu�de • • Hase Guide �Tiger Tail} � • 3�" Leader Hase • 2� g pm at 5�� �si INash Down Hand Gun with �5 ft. ❑f Hase and NazzEe • Sealed and Lacking Tool Box�s � • 1 } Each �anitary and Pen�tratar [�az�Ies • 2�.5 ft. Alum�num Intake P�p� ��-3', 1-5', 1-S', and 1-6.5' Noz�le} • ��� Lighttng � � � • DuPont Imran 5�fl� Polyuretha�e Paint in your cofar �hoi�� � 5# Frre Exting u isher • � ■ S�t Trta�ng{es . ■ �ircuit Breakers ■ Vac-�an Manual • 1 � Month Standard Vllarranty . . ���?�S�DYY�QY St� �25�'C,� C�zD� ZS � t� Y�x�7� � r� � Novem�er ��, �a1 � City of Arroyo Grande Vac-Con V39�LHA-�11 DDD Quotation Pag e � Compiete with the following optional features: - • Blower: Hydro�tatic Drive Eaton 1�Dcc upgrade , ■ Boom: � D ft. A�urn{num Telescoping Boam 27D degree Ratation with Pendant Control 5tation • Hose Reel: Front Mounted, Articulating to Dri�er 5ide,. 8�� ft. ��"} Ca pacity ■ Jet Rodder Hose: ��� ft. x 1" x�SDD psil���� psi {4DD' standard} ■ `IVater System: �0 gpm125�� psi Pump � ■ •`IVater Pump: Giant � ■ Auxiliary Eng ine: Deutz T� ��2D'1 �� L.6 � 97HP �'ier II � . ■ aebr�s Body Flush �ut System, 5 Jets ' ■ R�ar Splash Guard �4 = 8 o'clock} Tank IVlounted ■ Rear Hand Gun �annect�an ■ Front Bumper Hand Gun Connection . ■ �/ Turn Ball Valr�e Water Drain - ■ 1�ariabl�'F1ow IJa1�e � . ■ Automatic Le�el VII�nd Guide � ■ Folding Pipe Rack �3}, 7ank Mounted, �ri�er 5ide • �olding Pipe Rack �3}, Yank Mounted, �ur�s�de . ■ 5torage Box Behind Cab 15" x 4�" x 95" • Long HandEe 5toragelPVC � � , ■ �aw IIIIate� Aiarm with L�ght � � ■ Front Axle Load Limit Alarm ' ■ Back Up Alarm • 5� f�. Capa�ity Ret�a�ta�le Hand �un Hase R�el ■ C3igital�Electronic Footage Counter � � ■ Remote Boom Grease �erk Assembly �Groun� Le�el — includes water pump dri��} • F�emote �e��is� Tank G�ease Assembly �Ground LeUel} •� rea se Ass�m bly Articu lating Hose R�el ■ Hydraulic 5ystem Temperature Gauge ' � 1" Noz.zle Rack ■ Aluminum 5torm Nazzle � ■ �1 � x� 5 ft. length Leader Hose •�mnibus-� Single Joystick with E�ectronic �ontro�Eer System — Color Manitar . includes Tachometer reading for ChassiS Engine and Tachomet�r and Hour IVleter � Reading for Blower , . • - ■ INater Pump Remote �il Drain � ■ Air VlJeigh 5cafe Systern . ■ � ea. HA238� h��ideaway 5trobes � ■� ea. 4E Grill Gr�llemaster H5G 5trobes w14D2QDDAU 5trobes Luiar � ■ � ea. CSP55� Power- 5upply ■ 1 ea. Arrowstick 5trobe Cab Mounted � ■ 1 ea. TA57� Traffic Adv�sor N�vember ��, ��� 1 - C ity af Arroyo � ra nd e • � Vac-Con V39�LHA-�1���� Quo�ation • Page 3 . ' • LE D Work Lig hts Boom . • LE D Work Light at �perator Station • Fac#ory Pre-Shipment lnspec#ion in Florida for #�nro ��� Ag�ncy Employees Mounted on a��'I2 Freight�iner M2 'I ��V 4x2 Truck Chassis complete with #he following: • CUM�ISC 35� HP EPA '1 � Emissions • Allison 3Q��RDS Automatic Transmission • 43,��� �VINR . • �river S�de A�r Ride Seat • Air Conditioning � • A111�1�M • Painted White Pr�ce F.�. B. Arroyo � rande, CA �287, � 8�.25 , Special Factory. Discount - 'I �,���.DD � � Sub-Tota� ��77' 18fi. �5 7.75°/a Sales Tax �� ,48� .93 To�a� �298,�58. � 8 C�uotation in�ludes delivery and on-site training. Loan�r un�# w�ii be made avaiiable at no �harge upon receipt of purchase order unt�i deli�ery of the new veh��le. � �ptional item does not include sales tax. . hformal deli�ery 9�-� 2� days A.R.�. , Terms hlet 3�. � C�uotatEon �alid for �D•days. � Pleas� find attached an updated lease purchase proposar prepared by Leasing �. You may �ointa�t Ri�k Carney at Leasing 2 directly at S��-287�5 � 55 ext. �� regarding �h�s lease pur�hase proposa�. � Thank you for your continued in#erest in th�s fine �rodu�# �ine. Should you have any � � ques#i�ns �r need additi�nal inf�rmat��n, please 1�# us know. Vlle Iook forward to bein� of service. Sin�erely, � � Municipal M'.#enance E �pment, Inc. � � . r - r � � • ----� _ f � � � 111iheeler I11, ' Vi�e President - � Enclasure -, _- ,-- : {� ,=; �:,,: - - � �,-� - ;, • � ^ � • r "= P- .', . . . • �.+ 7`• 7L.:� +. R �-: : i: �� �i r� �:;. - � *:. r f'� .�-a; �. �' 3A=;, ' ; -,:,'� � r -- ;�Li ��ti`�- f'�r_,' ;�M,?' � ���-� S' r'- - -- .r= _ �- ��-1 r• 'x' _ : ■'�-' '-�° '• � .�i . Lessee City o� Arroyo Grande, CA Shane Tay��r Prapasal Date: Equipment Descrlptian: Commencement Date: �quipment Cast: Less�e Down Payment: Amaunt Financed: Lease Term: First Payment Date: Payrnent Frequency: Lease Rate: Payment Amaunt: Payment Factar: Vendnr Municipa� IU�aintenance Equiprnent, In�. Navember �2� 2D1 � �- Vac-Gan M�del V39�LHA0110�� Vacuum Truck wJ a��1 � Freightliner M2 GhassEs �ecember 1 � 2D11 �ptfon 1 $�98,668 ���,000 $73,fifi8 4 Years 7J 15J2D 1 � 41 year 3.72°/a $5,�45.87 D.�fi8d9 �ptian 2 $298,ssa �zz�,00a $73, fifi8 5 Years 7J15J2D1 � 1 J year 3.94°/0 �� 6,288.21 D.2�11 � The infarmafion conla�ned in Ihis lease quote is prNileged and confidentlal. An r.ommuni�ation of this information in who�e or in ari is rah�bited. �ua�N�catinn s: 1. PricinQ: This is a lease proposaf tor the payment slream�sj indicated aba�e. If any af the informati�n idenlified abave are nat correct, ptease advise us sa that we �an determine if a new proposa! is required. ��her imporianl elemenls ol this proposaf are: a] Rate Ex !ra lon• Signing th�s proposaf daes not in itself lack in your rate. This lease must he credit appra�ed, cantracts property s�gned, and the lease �unded hy Leasing 2 within thi�ty days fram the dale at this praposa! to protect the raies quated in thts propas.af b� �losin� Gasts: There wi[I be a$25d dvcument �ee �harged at clascng. c} T e of l.�ase: This is a lease-purchase type af financing. Aher a!I the lease payments a�e made, Lessee will own �he equipment wi�hout fu�ther cost. ?. �redit A�aro�al and Documentat�on: This is a prapasai only, and does nvt represent a commitment to le.ase. This ilnancing is subject to cred�t review and �ppro�af and execution ai mutually ac�eptable documentatian, inctuding the opin�on ol tessee's counsel apin�ng that the agreement is legal, �aiid and binding, and qualiiied as a tax exempt obfigaiion under the tax reform act ot 198fi as amended. Leasing �, Inc. BY: Ri�k Carnev ��a emai! ar facsimiley QATE: Nnvember ��, 2�11, Phone: BdI�-287-5155 Fax: 813-258-9333 RE�UEST T� PR�EED: When you ere ready to praceed and woutd I�ke to mo�e tvwards finali�ing th�s lease, plea�e ar.�cnowledge that yau have review�d this entire proposal �nd understend its contents and thal you have awarded this husiness ta Leasing �, tnc. hy cornp�eting this sect�on o1 the propasa! and faxing it to Leasing 2. We will immediately �ax you "next step' instructions. There will be a$25d fee charged ii the lease is nat ctvsed tor any reaso�r accept a credit decline. C�ty of Arrovo �rande, CA. Nam e o� �.eSSee �ption �hosen : {where applicable� Authorl�ed 5ignature �ate �ontact E-Meil Address �ontact Phone Last manth af yaur budget year? Please com lete Che above inlorrrration and 1ax a�! ages vf the ro asal to 8� 3-258-9334 � � � � � � ' ��, � �,:, �� �~ _�� .f '�' .�j � � �' � *� � -r. � _Y.+[ �� y�� c"'-"�C+r"rti.�, �y�'-"_-�t:x...:� �-r•.- r �r.�-tw. zl.�.-ti�.w��•I^Lf=:+7c'""'Iy'_ Yy.�. :► � f.:� ��l,G it�l.�%�� µ .se. 4�-?5..�.�'�SC•_1:- IV'�ti-._ ?+ti. �i4.;��e�_ 4y'r•i�JC y .4 d..L.�� ,.r! S a�'�.�...��+R�"1lr ._ �f+-.�.�.� — s.rw: �►''�� l" �n �.�r— �. ' � � r�• .I. � -5 � i �F e �C � � s � i :�� � ��!� �� � f.M f 3 � �35� Karva�d 5�reek • 5acra���enkv, �A 958 l 5•�9 I�� 9??- I��i I• Fa�: �9 Z 6� �22- ��34 l�6 I�i. Shepard 5treet, lJn�t g• Ai�aheim. �A 928�5 •{i I 4i �32-28? ]• Fax: {7 l 4} �3�-28?4 4?5� �aterpii�ar Rvad, Unit D� Reddrng, �A 9���3 ��5��� ��3-485� • Fax: �5��7 �43-I 44? � 93� �Ll. �linton Ave.. St�ite 8• hay►ward, �A 94545 •�5 � �} �7C�-�23� � F�x: �5 l �} 6?�-9��� Na��mb�r �1, �D11 � �ity of Arraya �rand� �14 E. Brand Str��t Arraya Grande; GA g342D Att�ntian: Shan� Tay�ar W� ar� pl�ased to pro�'rde th� fo�lowing quotation on the Vac-Gan Gambination Sewer and Storm D�ain �I�an���o� yo�� �e�iew. �n� �1 } Each Vac-�an Madel V�gDLHA-��1 DDD cample�e w�th �he fallawing standard features: ■ �-Stag� Vacuum Syst�m a 311 �" �arten Steel Debris Tank — 9 yards ■ Ful� �pen�ng Rear Daor . .■ Hydraulic Rear poar Locks, with Door �rabber with Saf�ty Latch � Gra�ity Drain �ff Sys�em, 5" Bu##erfEy Valve and 1 D ft. LayfEat Hose � Debris Tank Dump�ng: Min�mum 5D Degree, Hydraulic Sc�ssors Lift— Power Up�Power pown v Po�y�thylene Wat�r Tanks — 1DDD gallons - ■ Autorr�at�c Vacuum Br�aker and �verfill Protectian d 8" Vacuum Intake Hos� ■ Boom Tra�e! TEe Down ■ 4 Way Hydraul�c Boom with �7D Degree Rotat�on and Joystick Gontrols a Front Mounted ��� ft. Gapaci�y �'I" Hos�}�Hy�raulic Hose Reel " ■ Manuai Hose Rewind Guide � d Hose �uide �T�ger Tail} � 3�" Leader Hose ��� gpm at ��D psi 1Nash Down Hand �un with 25 f�. of Hose and Noz�le ■ Sealed an� .Locking Tool Boxes ■'I } Each Sanitary and Penetratar IVoz�les . ■��.5 ft. Aluminum Intake Pipe �1-3', 1-5', 1-�', and 1-�.5' Noz�le} � � I G� L�g hting � � , ■ DuPont lmron �DDD Polyurethane Pain� in your color choice ■ 5# Fire Extinguisher • . ■ Se� Tr�ang I�s � ■ Gircuit Breakers � Vac-�on Manual o � � Month Standard Illrarranty "�us�o�er �c�tisfacti�� i� f���Y ����-' NoWember ��, ��� � � City of Arroyo Grande Vac-Con V�9�LHA--�1� ��� �uotation Page 2 Cornplete vrrith th� follovrrtng optional featur�s: v Blower: Hydrosfatic Dr�ve Eaton '� 5�cc Upgrad� ■. Boom: '� � ft. A�urninum T���scop�n� Boom 27� d��re� Rofaton with P�ndant Cont�ol Sfati�n � ■ H os� Re�l : Fronf M�u n#�d, Articu lati n� t� DriW�r S id�, 8�� ft. t'� "y Capacify ■ Jet Rodder� H�s�: $�� ft. x,'1" x�5�� psil6�5� psi t4��' standardy . � Vllaf�r Systern: $� �pm125�� psi Pump � � Vllat�r Pump: � Gianf � � ■ Auxi�iary En�in�: Deutz T�D2�'I 2-C L6 '� g7HP Ti�r �II ■ D�bris B�dy Flush �ut Sysf�m, 6 Jefs � ■ R�ar Splash Gua�d t4 — 8 o'cl�ck} Tank M�unt�d . � � R�ar Harid �un C�nn�ction � � Fr�nt Bump�r Hand Gun C�nn�cfi�n . ■'/4 Turn Ball VaIW� Waf�r Drain � Variable F��w VaIW� v Auf�rnatic L�W�I Wind Guide a Folding Pip� Rack t3}, Tank IVl�unt�d, D�iv�� Sid� o F�ldin� Pip� Rack t3}, Tank M�unt�d, Cu�bsid� � St�ra�e Box B�hind �ab '� 6" x 4�" x 96" - � L�ng Handle �St�rag�1PVC � L�v�r Wat�r Aia�rn with L�� ht ■ Front Axl� L�ad Lirnif Alarrn � ■ Back Up Alarm • 0 5� ft. �apac�ty R�f�acfabl� Hand Gun H�se R��I . ■ Di�ital El�ct��nic F��fa�� C�unt�r a Rern�te B��m �r�as� ��rk Assernbly tGr�und L�WeI — includ�s wat�r purnp driWe} ■ R�rnote Debr�s Tank Gr�ase Assembly tGr�und LeW�I} � ■ Grease Ass�mbly Articulatin� Hos� Re�l � Hyd�aulic Syst�m T�mp��atu�� Gau�� � 0 � " N�zzle Rack . � Alurninurn St�rm N�z�le - a �" x� 5 ft. len�th Leader H�se ■�mn�bus-� Sing�e J�ystick wifh Eiecf��nic C�ntrol��r Syst�m —��I�� M�nif�r � includes Tachorn�t�� �eading f�� �hassis En�ine and Tach�m�ter and H�ur Mete� � Read in� f�r. B��w�� � ■ Wat�r Pump R�m�te ��I Dra�n o Air Wei�h Scal� Syst�m . ■ � ea. HA238C H�deaway Sfrobes � ■� ea. 4 E�rill �rillemast�r H SG Sfr�b�s w14�2��DAU Sfr�b�s Luiar ■ � ea. �SP66� P�we� �upply . ■�� ea . Arr�wstick Str�be Ca b M�u nt�d ■ '� ea. TA57� Traffic Advis�r _ - - r• :�' •a ,r. - �{,. Y,. — - 1 'S• f� F,' C r, <<, November� � � , �� � � City of Arroyo C rande • - Vac-Con V�9�LHA��I�I ��� C�uvtativn Page 3 . e LED Vllark Lights Bvorn . e LED Vllark Light at �peratar Station � Factary Pre-Shipment I nspectivn in Flarida far twv ��} Agency Emplvyees Mvunted an a��1 � Freigh�liner M2 1�6V 4x� Truck Ghassis camplete w�th the fv�ivwing: ��� M-l5� 35� H P EPA ' 1� Emissions � Allis�n 3���RaS Aut�mat�c Transmissivn � 43,��� GVWR - � Dr�ver Side A�r'Ride Seat • e Air �onditivning . � AMIFM � o Pa�nted White Price F.�. B. A�rvyv �r�nde, CA ��84,686.�5 Special Factary aiscount - 1 � ���.�� 5ub-T�ta� $�74,686:�5� 7.75°Io Sales Ta�c �� ,�88.18 Tatal ��95,974.�3 �pti�nal 3-Stage Fa n i n lieu af 2-Stage Fan, ADD ��, SDD. DD C�u�tatEVn inciudes delivery and on-site train�ng. Lvaner unit will be made ava�lable at nv charge upor� receipt af purchase arder until deEi�ery �f the new �ehicle. • �pt��nal itern does n�t include sales tax. Normal delivery 9�-1 �� days A.R.�. � Terms Net 3�. � � � C�u�tativn �alid f�r 3� days. Please refer t� previ�us lease purchase prapasal prepared by Leas�ng �. ShvuEd yvu need additivnal lease praposals ar wvuld like tv see �pt��nal terms, please let us kn�w, . or y�u may con�act F�ick �arney at Leasing � directly at 8��-�87-5�I 55 ext. 16. `fhank yvu far yvur interest in this fine praduct line. Shvuld yvu have any quest�ons or - need �ddit�ana� inf�rmativn, please let us know. Vlle lvak forward to �eing of service. Sincerely, � � Municipal aintena � Equipment, Inc. ' _ f� ' - ���- `'~ ' . . i� � • _ F nk Vllheeler III, Vice President Enc�osures - -r :; �.� ti t.• �� � 1 •l .ryY � � il � � ` y! � i F�. - .� a� �� e . C��e���i��l C����t�r��r�c� ���i�m��t 236� Harvat�d S�ree� • Sacr��nenta, ��1 95S � 5��9 i�� 9?2- ��� 1 • r�x: �9 I 6] 922-1 ��� I�6 � hl. 5��ep�rd 5treet, Unit E3 • At�a�zefn�, ��1 �28��i ��71 ��} 6��-�8 � l� Fax: {7 � 4j 6��-2$7� 475� �aterpiEEar Road, u��it D� Reddi��g. �R 96��� • t530} 24�-485� • Fax: t53Q� �43- [ 44? 19�� U�J. Wintoi� �1ve.,- St:i�e S� HaV�yard, �A 94545 •(510� C70-f���0 • Fax: t5 ��� 6?�-�0�� No�ember � �, ��11 C�ty of Arroyo Grande � � 4 E. Brand Street Arroyo Grande, CA 934�� Attention: Shane Taylor staylor a�arroyogrande.org We are pleased to pro�ide the fo��owing quotation on th� Va�-Con �ombination S�wer and Storm Dra�n �leaner for your r��i�w. �ne �1 } Ea�h VaG-Con Model V3gDLHA-�l� ��� �omplet� with th� following standard f�atur�s: ■ �3-Stage Va�uum System • ■ 3l1 �" Corten Steel Debris Tank -- g yards ■ Full �pening R�ar poor . � ■ HydrauliG R�ar poor LoGks, with Door Grab�er with Safety Lat�h ■ Gra�ity Drain �ff System, 5" Butt�rfly Val�� and �� ft. Layflat Hos� ■ Debris Tank Dumping: iVltnimum 5� Degree, Hydrauli� SGissors L�ft — Power UplPower pown ■ Poly�thyl�ne Wat�r Tanks -- 1��� gallons ■ AutomatiG VaGUUm Brea4�er and ��erfill Prote�tion � � 8" VaGUUm 1 ntake Hos� � ■ Boom Tra�el Ti� Down • 4 Way HydrauliG Boom with �7� Degr�e Rotat�on and Joysti�k Controls ■ Front Mount�d 6�� ft. �apa�ity ��" Hos�}lHydraulic Hos� R��I ■ Mant�al Hose Rewind Guid� ■ Hos� Guide �Tiger Tail} ■ 3�" Leader Hose ■�� gpm at ��� psi �lVash Down Hand Gun w�th �5 ft. of Hose and Nozzle ■' Sea�ed and LoGking Tool Boxes � • �} Ea�h Sanitary and Pen�trator Nozzl�s . ■��.5 ft. A�um�num � ntak� Pip� � 1-3', 1�5', �-�', and � ��.5' Nozzfe} ■ �CC L�ght�ng � ■ DuPont Imron 5��D Polyurethan� Paint in your Golor �hoi�e ■ 5# Ftre Extinguisher ■ Set Triang les � - ■ C�rGU�t Breakers ■ VaG-�on Manua� ■ 1 � Month Standard Warranty ``�usto�n��• �atis��c�i�� is �u�� ��ct�'' No�em ber � Q, �� 11 � ity of Arroyo G ra nd e Vac-�on V39QLHA-�1'I �D� Quotati�n Page � �omplete with the following optional features: .. ■ Blower: Hydros#atic Dri�e Eatan ���cc Upgrade ■ Baom: 1 Q ft. Aluminum Telescvping Boom �7Q d�gree Rotat�n with Pendan# Control .Sta#ion . ■ Hose Reel: Front Maun#ed, Ar�iculat�ng to Dri�er Side, ��� it. �1 "} �apacity � Set Radder i�ose: 8�� ft. x 1" x�5flfl psi16�5� ps� �4�fl' standard} ■ Vllater System: 8Q gpm1�5�� psi Pump ■ Vllater Pump: Giant � � ■ Auxiliary Engine: Deutz TCD�Q1 �C L� 197HP Tier I II - ■� Debris Body Ffush �ut System, � Jets ■ Rear Spiash�Guard �4 — 8 o'cl�ck} Tank Mounted • R�ar Hand �un C�nneets�n ■ Front Bumper Hand Gun Connec#ion ■'/4 Turn Ball Val�e IlVater Drain ■ Variable Flaw Val�e ■ Au#omatic Le�el Vllind Guide - ■ Fald'rng Pipe Rack �3}, Tank Moun#ed, Dri�er Side ■ Folding Pi�e F�ack �3}, Tan4� N�oun#ed, �u�bside ■ Storage Box Behind �ab 1�" x 4�" x 9�" ■ La ng H a nd le St� ragelPV� � ■ Low Vllater Alarm with Light ■ Front Axie Load Limit'Alarm ■ Back U p Alarm � 5� ft. Capacity R�tractable Hand Gun Hose Reel ■ Digital Electron�c Faa#age �ounter � � ■ Remote Boom G rease Zerk Assem bly �G r� u nd Le�el — incl udes water pum p dr��e} ■ Remote Debris Tank Grease Assembly ��round Le�el} ■ �rease Ass�mbiy Articulating Hose Ree� ■ Hydraul�c System Temperature �auge - d 1 " Nozzfe Rack � ■ Aluminum St�rm No�le ' � 1" x 15 ft. length Leader Hose ■�mnibus-� �ingle J�ystick with Elec#ronic �ontroller System -- �ol�r Monitor �ncludes Tachometer reading far Chassis Engine and Tachometer and Hour Meter Reading for Bl�wer ■ Vllater Pump Remote Dil Drain ■ Air Vlleig h Scale System . � . ■ � ea. HA�38� Hideaway Strobes ■� ea. 4E �ri11 Grillemaster HS� Strobes w14����QAU Strobes Luiar ■ 1 e2�. �SP��� � Power Sup�lY 0 1 ea. Arrowst�ck S#robe �ab Nivun#ed ■ 1 ea. TA57� Traffic Ad��s�r Novem�er � �, 2�1 � • . City of Arroyo Grande Vac-Con V�9�LHA-�1� ��� �uotation Page 3 . • LED Work Lig hts Boom � ' • LED Work Light at �perator Station • Factory Pre-Shipment lnspection in Florida for two {2} Agency Employees .�IJ�ounted on a 2�� 2 Freightliner M2 ��6V 4x2 Truck Chassis complete with the following: • �I�IM-IS� 35� HP �PA '� � Emissions � � • Allison 3���RDS Automatic Transmission �3,��� GtfVllR � . - � • Driver Side Air Rid+e Seat • Air Conditioning - • o A�IJ�IFM o Paint�d �!�lhite Price F.�.B. Arroyo Grande, �A $28?,�8fi.25 7.75°/o Sales Tax . 22,�56.93 Total , $3�9,443.�8 Quotation includes delivery and on-site training. � ��ptional it�m does not inciude sales tax. � Nvrmal detivery 9�-� 2� days A.R.�. - Terms Net 3�. . . Quotation valid for 3� days. - � Pi�as� see attach�d lease purchase proposal prepar�d �y �easing 2. Shoul� you �ee� additional �ease proposals or would like to s�e optional terms, please let us know, or you ' may contact Rick Carney at Leasir�g 2 directly at 8��-�8?-5155 �xt. � 6. Thank you fve your inter�st �n this fine product iine. Shou�d �ou have any questions or need add�tional information, please let us know. tilVe Iook forward to being of sen�ice. Sincerely, . . un icipal �Il�a�, t�nan�e uipment, I nc. ' ��� � ank �11lh����r �II, - . . Vice P resid e nt � � �ncl�sures - V-,,� ;=�; �: _ � +p {� �r f �= � - �i. �� } ti r' - .. . � . I` : a� •�!. 1+ +. �'a' �t� �. 1 r? � �; ,�r • �: [i .� i = ` � v �E P�ER T� 1�J Lessee vendor City �# Arroyo �rande, CA IVlunicipal �aintenance Equipment, Inc. � 5hane Tayl�r Proposal ❑ate: hlo�ember 1 Q, 2�11 Equipment Description: 1- Vac-�on Model V39�LHA�11��� Vacuum Truck wl a 2�12 Freightlfner N�2 �hassis Commencement Date: ❑e�ember 1, ��11 Optlon 1 Equtpment Cost: $3�9.443 Lessee Dow n P�yment: $�25,��� Amount Flnanced: $84,�3 Lease Term : 5 Years First Pay m ent ❑at e: 711512� 1� Payment Frequency: 1 1 year Lease Rate: 4.449�0 Payment Amount: $18,899.fi4 Payment Factor: � ��381 The in�ormation contained 4n this lease quote is pri�ileg�d and confidential. Any communication at this intormaiivn in whale or in parl +s prohibited. ❑uelilications: 1. Prictnq; This is a fease propasai tor 1he payment stream�sy indicated aba�e. Ii any ol the �niarmat+on idenlit�ed abo�e are not correcl, please ad►►ise us so that we can determine if a new propasai is required. �iher imporlant efements of ZhiS propoSal are: ay Rate Expiration: Signing this prapasai does no! in itself Iock in your rale. This lease must he credit appraved, c,�nlracts properly signed, and the lease turxfed by Leasing 2 within thirty days frorn the date oi th�s proposal to protecl the rates quoied in th�s proposal b) ClosinQ Costs: Tiiere wi�l be a$250 dacument �ee charged at closing. c) �`ype oi Lease: This is a leas�purchase type of financing. AFter ail the lease payments are made, Lessee wi�� own the equipment without furlher cast. 2. Credit Ap�oso�al end �ocurnentatlon: ThiS i5 8 prOpa58i Only� 811d dOBS �Ot r@pf@5@�t 8 C01111111[111@17t t0 I@352. Th�S ���BiiCln9 15 511�jeCt �0 Cf�l[ re►►�ew and approval and exe�ution of mutuaily acceptable documente3fon, includ�ng the opinion ol lessee's counse� op€ning that the agreement is legai, �a��d and btnding� and qua�ified as a tax exempt ohligaiion under the tax reiorm act ot t 9Bfi as amend�d. Leas�ng 2, 1nc. BY: Rick Carne� ��ia email or farsimife� DATE: November 1�, 2�1 � Phone: 800-287-5155 Fax: B13-25B-9333 RELlUEST T� PR�CEED: W hen you are ready �o proceed and would like lo man►e towards finalizing thiS lease, please acknawledge that you ha�e reviewed lhis entire proposal and understand its contents and thai you have award�d thEs �usiness to Leasing 2, Inc. by compfeting this section of the proposaJ and faxing it to Leasing 2. We wi11 immediatety fax you "nex� step° instructions. There will be a�250 tee charged tf �he lease is not clased for any reason accept a cred�t de�cline. Citv of Arrovo �rande, CA Name oi Lessee �p�ion Chosen: �where applicadlej Authorized 5ignature �ate Contect E-Mail Address Conteci Phone Last month of your budget year? Please cam lete the aba�e informar�on arrd �ax arl ages• of [he ro osal ro B T3-25B-9334 � •�•--:.'_'-:---�� -- �.�r _j:���- ---':[� : ' �y . -��- -- �r '* :+' '� '� �-'�- � �'' ""� 1�� :a '-s�'!- ' . � � '.� c� it��. r_'�V ,`i '��ti t. �����y � ��� �ir� _ �' i �` _�=i- � " - - -� :� �����+i' ! :'tr.... 't�••� 'cy' ,'�'� -'+=T� - - �. .r�- arrar� - �a a� VAC-C�N, as seiler, warran�s a�! equipmen� manufac�ured by i� and bearin� t�s name shall be free from defec#s in ma#erial and workmansh�p, under norma! use and service as de- #ermined by us, for a period of �� 2} twel�e mon#hs from �he da#e of de�i�ery #o �he first re�ail purchaser. 5hould any equipment or part of such equipmen# sold hereunder pro�e �o be defec#i�e in ma#erfal or workmanship wi#hin ,sa�d period, and be re#urned #0 5eller's fac#ory no la#er #han 'i 5 days a�ter #he expira#ion da#e of #he warranty, #ransportation charges prepaid by �he Buyer, and upon examination be found to be defecti�e, such part will be replaced a# #he fac�ory by �he 5eller free of charge, bu� the 5eller shall be under no further I�ability in respect to such war- ranty. I# is expressly understood tha# #he 5elter`s liability is limited to furnishing of such replace- ment parts within a reasonable length of #ime and #hat �he 5e�ler wi�l not be �iable for any dam- ages, losses or expenses arising in connection wi#h #he use of or inabirity to use #he unit�s}, including buk no# limited to, in�uries to persons or damage to property, loss of profits or antic�- pated profits, or Ioss of �ehicle use. Buyer shall be responsible for #he payment of du#�es or #axes on warranty parts, if appficab�e. The SelEer shalf be under no liabi�ity because of normal wear and #ear of operation or maintenance c�ntrary #o the manufacturer's official �perator's Manual. "�he Buyer accepts any liabflity for damage or injury resulting from the remo�al or aE- teration of safety guards and safety precautions pro�ided on the unit at #he time of de���ery. This warran#y shall no# apply and VAC-C�N shall ha�e no liability under it or o#herwise if the unit shall ha�e been in�ured by acciden#, careless handling or improper applica#ions or if any repairs ha�e �een made #o the un�t by o#her than VAC-C�N, its agen#s or employees. Vllarran#ies co�erin� major componen#s no� of VAC-C�N manufac�ure �power p�an#s, hy- draulics, krucks, �acuum compressors, �ransmissions, electri�al componen#s, batteries, tires, etc.} are warran#ed by their respecti�e manufac#urers. Vlle gi�e no warranty express or implied, as to descrip#ion, quali#y, producti�eness or any other matter and the Buyer here�y wai�es the right of refusal and re#urn of the goods which is usually connected with non-warranty. It is #he sofe responsi�ility of �he purchaser #o use this equipment in an appropria#e appli- ca#ion and a safe manner. VAC-C�N assumes no responsibility or liabifity for its misuse. FIVE �5} YEAR VIJARRANTY: VAC-C�N warrants tha# #he fans, auxiliary engine water pump dri�e componen#s �exciud�ng engine and pump} and debr�s #ank shall �e free from defects rn material and work- manship, under normat use and service as de#ermined by the manufac�urer� for a period of sixty �6�} mon#hs �no# pro-rated} from the date the un�t is first pfaced in#o service. TEN �'i �} YEAR VIIARRANTY: VAC-C�N warran#s tha# the �resh water tanks shall be free from defec#s in material and workmanship, under normal use and service as determined by #he manufacturer, for a period of one hundred twenty �'i 2�} mon#hs �no# pro-ra�ed} from #he da#e the unr# is firs# placed in�o service. This warranty is no# transfera��e. � . �, City of Bakersfiel� 41 � 1 Truxtun A�enue Bakersfiel�, CA �33�� Mike Rogers �i� 1-3���3��� Carpenteria Sanitary District 53DD Sixth S#ree# Carpen�eria, �A �3�13 John Miko, Jr. 8�5-�84-72 � 4 Montecito Sanitary D�s�r�ct 'I �4Z Monte Cristo Lane Santa Barbara, �A �31 �8 �hris Botel�o 8�5-�G�-4��� � �ity of Paso Robles �Z5 Ri�ersi�e A�enue Paso Robles, CA �3445 �hris Slater 8�5-Z37-388� �ity of Morro Bay ��5 Harbor Street Morro Bay, �� 93��2 Jim Hayes 8�5-77Z-��74 Lag una Sanita��on 35�� B�ack Roa� Santa Marta, CA �3455 Mark Moya 8�5-�34-�Z8� Loca I Vac-Con User List City of Buena Ventura P.�. Box 99 Ventura, CA 93�� 1 Ralph Casillas 8�5-�5�-�545 Golet� Sanixary District �ne 1Nilliam f�l�off�tt Pla�e G o�eta, CA 931 � 7 Jeff S�I� 8�5-��7-45'I � �ity of San Luis �bispo 955 Morro S�reet San Luis �bispo, CA 934�1 Bu�l Nance 8�5-781-7�33 San Luis �bispo Count� 14�5 Kansas A�enue San Luis �bispo, CA �34�5 Jim Berg 8�5-78'I -5'I 1 Z Ci�y of Sol�ang 'I�'I S. Aiisal Road So�Wang, �A �3�G3 Mark Kaveney 8�5-�88-5575 Nipomo Community Services District P� Box 3Z5 Nipomo, CA �3444 Robert �ru� 8�5��Z�-1'133 � i pRR�Y� G RA 11�QL� .-� �� • -� - � � � i� ��:.� �..��•.�.�;...��i . .- . !� �r �E�.�.� nnEnn��NOUnn T�: ���r ��uN��� FR�NI: S'�EVEN ADANIS, �ITY NIANAGER SUBJE�T: SUPPLENIENTAL INF�RNIATI�N -- AGENDA ITEN19.a. RE�UEST FR�NI S�UTH ��UNTY SANITARY SERVI�E F�R INTEGRATED S�I_ID INASTE ��LLE�TI�N RATE IN�REASE DATE: DE�ENIBER 13, Z011 Attach�d ar� thr�� �3} prot�st 1�tt�rs r�c�i��d subs�qu�nt to distribution of th� Ag�nda pack�t. c: �ity Attorn�y �ity �I�rk .' � �oM rHE oE sK a� N FL��D ��7 M�RR� AWE. SHELL BEA�H, CA. 93449 De�ember 1 l, �� 11 ������ ��C 1� ���i - ARR�Y� �}��I�DE �ITY CL�RK �it}� of Arroyo �r'ande �.�tention: �it}� �lerk Re: Proposed Solid �aste Rate In�re�se From I�aren Floyd, Thomas VI��1COCk, PropertY owners� of ��� VI�alnutStreet ParCel # �]�7�7��3� �ear �it� af. .r�rroya �rande, I am writing in opposition a.nd protest �o the re�en� porpo�ed solid waste rate increase for the �i�}r of Arroya �rande, where my brother and I ov►rn the above parCel of prop�rty. �V� feel at thi.s tme th� �urrent rates are in faCt suf�- cier�t �r�d r�ason�b�e. � SixZ�er�ly yours, I�. aren F o�rd $�� � � 3-�$� � - --t - - � --� --- t - -� - � ----, �-� ,- - 4 - ---,y - , -� ---t --1 , � .�t ____: _. _t - � i- ` � '� �' � i _ �____.._ ���_--_ --_ _ � �_ �-- __ ____. ''�� � r ���-t� t� � � '�'�� � L C � ���,i`�� � _._ � _� - �`_�_ _. _ -- _ _ _ _ -- _ - - - - - �- � � 1 � � � _ _. � ' � � .�. _� � � -�- � � +'•� 1�''`� -�,•d_ pS �: � _ � - j � � � � � _ �� � � �. 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The San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation received a $1.5 Million bequest to address homelessness in the South County area.The SCities Homeless Coalition, a local non-profit committed to empowering the homeless to become self-sufficient, was selected by the Foundation as the lead organization for the project and recipient of the funding for this collaborative project. Partners The SCities Homeless Coalition will be the lead organization for the South County Community Services Center. Partners with the Coalition will include: Community Health Centers (CHC) San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation Cuesta College Catholic Healthcare West South County Peoples' Kitchen Faith Communities (South County Churches) Community Volunteers Collaboration These partners will collaborate to provide: Children and Family Programs Health and Medical services Education Job Training/Placement . Groceries and Hot Meals Housing Assistance South County Community Services Center The 20,000 square foot South County Community Services Center building includes space for: Health clinic Collaborative case management Computer lab/career assistance Group meeting space/job training/classrooms Intake triage needs assessment Commercial kitchen/career assistance Laundry facilities Clothing exchange Food distribution of non-perishables Congregate meals Children's center and playground Separate family area Recreational space for outdoor activities Lockers/storage/shower facilities Potential for emergency shelter Lounge/quiet room Support agency offices Message center Services such as those addressing children,nutrition,education/training,job search and health are designed to be available to all in the south county region regardless of ability to pay, 'San Luis Obispo County 2011 Homeless Enumeration Report 2 City Data Website Poverty Data Statistic 3 The Small Area Health Insurance Estimates from the 2010 U.S.Census Bureau 4 Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County 2011 Website 5 San Luis Obispo Tribune,Sunday May 15,2011 Children/family programs • Benefits services including Social Security • SAFE bilingual, bicultural Family Advocates will provide parenting education and support, translation services, connection with community resources, and case management • Youth Coalition will teach specialized parenting classes • Altrusa will offer literacy programs, magazine &bookmobile, after school tutoring programs Education/Job training/Job Placement • The 5Cities Homeless Coalition will work with partner organizations to establish job training/education/placement programs in the Hospitality Industry including commercial kitchen food handling and culinary arts, housekeeping, supervisory skills, office operations • Cuesta College is working with the 5Cities Homeless Coalition to offer career/vocational training,teach job search and life skill classes, offer core curriculum classes, and Nursing School student intern programs • Computer science/training programs Food • South County People's Kitchen will provide nutritious noon-time meals 365 days a year • A number of organizations have expressed interest in working closely with the 5Cities Homeless Coalition on the feasibility of building a food preparation/distribution business on site which will also include job training/education/placement Health/Medical services • Mental health services: counseling, substance abuse, and psychiatric services • Health education and prevention services including Healthy Living classes • School and community immunizations • Community Health Centers will provide primary health care services and ancillary services Veteran's services • Assistance for local veterans to obtain benefits and medical services from federal, state and local agencies will be offered as almost 1 in 5 of the homeless in our county is a Veteran Housing Assistance • Housing assistance for both interim and permanent housing solutions will be available. Volunteers • South County People's Kitchen draws 300 volunteers from 19 South County churches,Arroyo Grande Hospital and the Santa Maria Rescue Mission to feed people 365 days a year • SAFE volunteers and Youth Coalition volunteers will assist with special events • Faith Community volunteers will assist in a wide range of programs and activities • Altrusa International will offer literacy programs, after school mentoring/tutoring programs • High school and college students will offer mentoring/tutoring programs Project Costs • Our estimates indicate that$6.5 Million will be required for acquisition of a site, construction of the South County Community Services Center, and operation of the facility for 4 years. • Service providers will each pay for their own employee salaries and benefits. • The good news is that with the anticipated Klaproad Family bequest and in kind contributions, the additional funding support needed would be$5 Million. 1�' legend South County Community ` 4 1 entry 10 security 19 washer/dryer 28 multi-purpose space 2 info/mail 11 office 20 computers&phones 29 food storage Services Center, - 3 bike rack 12 100 sf office 21 day lockers 30 kids outdoor space Schematic Plan ' 4 animal area 13 500 sf office 22 cafeteria 31 adults outdoor space , . . 5 child care 14 1000 sf office 23 kitchen 32 med. fragile outdoor , 6 family space 15 admin office 24 lounge space . 7 handicapped safe zone 16 450 sf mtg space 25 bathroom 33 outdoor bathroom 8 library 17 day labor 26 showers 34 parking 9 health clinic 18 clothing exchange 27 family shower 35 cistern/fountain CI medical space 1, 0 0 quiet/safe zone 34 `4; w-- — , 0 family space ��� I__�� 1 OM children's space / I l__,I, %_di- ;� i 29 �, 4tµ i offices '�-' �S!! _ ,, , / ! 14. .,!7*:` � t �` 31 I• kitchen/cafeteria / ' 4 :14 4 „, I y.- �_ © food storage l' / i �- 1 - _ _‘ i F / ,115 � I= public/common i / 1 --i' �4 " 1f - 1, 12G;.� �� - �N ' 12' , ' 1v4r 7 :k; _, — g4 /25 ' ,. 12 =2 N'''411.',.." ___ .I 1 �1y _� i _J A- t 12 4 16 16 _� / ,, , ., : �ti 18 ''?-.,.1 10-,E 4 23 I -� 2 �� f �',12�� 13 , �� :r. 1 viii' _ /./ m ir355 ^1 �� _ `' " 1 24� I r 1 22 28 �y-l— 14 M'''�; t ( I I a_ �_ L �—. 1 a S _L 1 k 25., 5i"4 v_ i�,y i air 26 , � _F =26-,, 71,11 uii��; -7 -— 1 e�� E26=7- ,T..11, ll 25 I 25 ji ' L pi====-.L, 5 1 , I . -. I 7 = S_ \/� ��� 1 -3 1 - - 1 34 - t - - r 7-- _-- ` - --4- C R S A / q 4 R — — A R C H I T E C T U R E Provided by the generous support of CRSA ARCHITECTURE 1 1 i —.-. ___\ - 890 Monterey Street,sub A,San Luis Obispo,CA 93401805-544-3380 5CITIES HOMELESS COALITION ADVISORY COMMITTEES TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS December 12, 2011 Report Current 5Cities Homeless Coalition Board of Directors, Senior Advisors and Committees as the South County Community Services Center project moves forward. Existing Board The existing 6 Board members include: • Tom Clough: Intellectual Property Attorney • Patti Diefenderfer: CHC Manager, Special Populations Health Services Programs • Betsy Ehrler: Teacher, President of South County Peoples' Kitchen • Rev. Eugenia Gamble: Pastor of Nipomo Community Presbyterian Church • Rev. Valerie Valle, Ph.D.: Pastor of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church • Fred Wolf: Retired Educator& Fundraiser Project Partners Two existing Board members are directly associated with Coalition project partners, CHC and Peoples' Kitchen. Two project partners are not represented on the Board, but could be considered as the project moves forward. • Catholic Healthcare West • Cuesta College Senior Advisory Committee Members The Senior Advisory Committee consists of well-known community members that the general public recognizes by name. These advisors lend their name to the organization and can be called upon occasionally for advice. They are not expected to actively participate in committee work. Existing Senior Advisory Committee Members include: • Roxanne Carr: President of The Mortgage House, 34 years as a mortgage banking professional, 2003 Volunteer of the Year at Cuesta College. • Nan Fowler: Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce Director, 4 years as an Arroyo Grande Planning Commissioner, 2002 Cuesta College Woman of Distinction award, 2006 Arroyo Grande Chamber Citizen of the Year. • Steven Harding, Regional President of Rabobank, NA, Treasurer of the Economic Vitality Corporation of San Luis Obispo County. • Bernard Horton: HFT Mortgage Investor. • Peter Keith: former City Councilman and Mayor of Grover Beach, decorated combat Veteran, local business man. • Carrol Pruett: former President of Mid-State Bank for more than 30 years, 2004 Distinguished Banker of the Year award, former Arroyo Grande Hospital Foundation Board member, former President of the San Luis Obispo County Board of Education, former President of the Arroyo Grande Rotary Club, founding board member of the UCSB Economic Forecast Project, and former Board member of the Economic Vitality Corporation of San Luis Obispo. Active Advisory Committee Members Active Advisory Committee Members are a group of expert advisors who sit on committees and work on various aspects of the project. They come from a wide range of professions; their common denominator is their commitment to the Coalition and the project and satisfying a professional need. Advisors.could,become Board members based on the recommendation'of the Board Nominating�ICommittee and approval by the Board. Fund Development And Marketing Committee Members Existing Active Advisory Committee Members include: • Steve Adams: Arroyo Grande City Manager, member and past President of Pismo Beach 5Cities Rotary Club. • Jacqueline Frederick: Attorney, local newspaper columnist, Philanthropist • Jim Guthrie: Arroyo Grande City Council and General Manager of Spyglass Inn • Duane Leib: SLO County retired Gen. Services Director, Construction Expert • Mary Ann Reiss: Real Estate Broker, 6 year Mayor of Pismo Beach, City Councilwoman 1996 to present, former California Coastal Commissioner. • Anita Shower: Former Pismo Beach Rotary president, Author"Images of America: Grover Beach". Administration/Finance/Program/Facility Committee • Brian Beck: CHC HR Director, Allan Hancock College Nursing Advisory Committee. • Warren Hamrick: Principle Architect Hamrick Associates, Inc., former Director Cuesta College Architecture Department. • Abby Lassen: Attorney, CA Rural Assistance League. • Laurie Morgan: SAFE, Services Affirming Family Empowerment. Endorsement List • County of San Luis Obispo • City of Arroyo Grande • City of Grover Beach • City of Pismo Beach • Jim Brabeck: CEO Farm Supply • Howard Mankins: Brisco's Hardware & Lumber • Bob McFall: Glendale Homeless Shelter . . . , , .. . 1 af,e -2. --, •. 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Arlit-, . - . . . . ,..110Mite. , D b 13 ii-3,1,1,'.,,,,:!..„4,,,,,*40.14rAie, ,.!'itr,,,,,L,,''' , ,,,,,' ," '0, •' ie kf-,... 12011 , .... ... . „,.. .... _ .. ., ,1,..„. . , ,, 64, ,42,. ...ir. ii. 0,---;„,zt...„,,,..__,„.....,„H„..,.... c,ifx ,...,,,-17,...$,...12m, — " ,,..:11-- -, — .. - ,,,vmo,,,,,, ,,,,--..-„,..4-.,,,,,,-1--,- .".oko.:-. O4.1"-4;' '?' •'1.:Oroll",n-,,,,, '.,„','"4.-.4,‘111,11r;- ".,.,. ,, -,4k.:.--,:;‘,' «;P"',', `,.«=«Z;I:•.1' ''',n' ii.- 44tki,414.1,44f4i,ie f.4*..?,,IA, 40111.:. '1 Report Purpose _ _ Analyze SCSS rate • Why jointly? increase request for: • Similar services • City of Arroyo • Similar franchise Grande agreements • City of Grover Beach • Similar rate review • Oceano Community methodologies Services District • Financial information • City of Pismo Beach closely related for �w9u. each agency M Overview of Findings Last SCSS rate review was over four years ago , when 2 . 9% rate increase was approved in 2007 . SCSS has provided the supporting documentation required for an "interim year" rate increase under the City's franchise agreement with them . The resulting analysis supports their requested rate increase of 5 . 15% . . .,,„ _ • Cost RMethodology •' 92% gprofit o eratin ratio on "controllable" p costs • Cost recovery but no profit on p ass-throug h costs that are not controllable by SCSS • Tipping fees w �a • Franchise fees r o No revenue recovery at all for excluded costs ae • Charitable and political contributions 6 ✓` \ Vx= • Entertainment � L • Income taxes xi • Limits on officer compensation LA . .. , Implementation : Three Year Cycle ______ , , Base Year. The first • Interim Years. In year of the cycle - Base second and third years, Year - requires SCSS is eligible for comprehensive, Interim Year rate = detailed analysis of - adjustments that :r { revenues, expenses address two key . and operating data change factors • Last "base year" • Consumer price index analysis completed in (CPI) for "controllable" y :§ , ; , August 2007 operating costs , , , • "Pass-though costs" fi: tt (primarily tipping fees), s which SCSS does not R e control 2011 "Interim Year" Request "Interim year" rate request for 2011 reflects a "hybrid approach :" • SCSS did not request a rate increase in 2010, and accordingly, did not submit a "base year" rate application. • SCSS proposed "interim year" approach for 2011 , using 2010 as basis for cost apportionment. • Given the four years since last rate review, underlying rate increase of 1 . 1 % for "controllable costs" (84% of all costs) is very modest.. Document R 1 and e v ew Analysis - ■ Franchise agreements and amendments for each agency ■ Prior base year and interim year rate reviews ■ SCSS audited financial statements ■ SCSS rate request application and supporting documentation — ensured that 3 . • Correct process, forms and calculations used in preparing request • Consumer price index data correctly gathered and "weighted" � . • Adjustments for tipping fee costs adequately documented =yeKrik and "weighted" gq • Adjustments to account for franchise fees correctly calculated , . Rate Calculation summary .;-. . r 1: Controllable Costs • CPI increased by 1 . 1 % '' ' ., � , • 84% of costs are subject to this factor r ���, � �` �: ❖ No increases for "controllable costs" since 2007 ,, ., :.::.. :.._,_, , , ,,, ,.:, . , Pass-Through Costs : Tipping Fees , ,-, � , ��,) • County approved $5 per ton fee increase in June _, . 2011 .� • Last tipping increase 5 years ago in October 2006 y ::R Fsa �= ' • Curbside green waste com ostin fees increased yf q, .�. � g p g ; _ by $12 per ton .. 6 • 16% of costs subject to this factor I. .. - , Rate . ,_ ,.....„:„....:„...... . �., « . . . ._� a �w mx ._ ,---- . i .. 't' =:• Annual cost of living adjustment 1 : 03% , . , .. . ,,, ,,-' , - a Tipping fee increase 2 .42%,, , , „, „,, „ . , . , „ . I , Subtotal 3.45% ' L '-- - ■; Greenwaste transport 1 . 70% 1 , -, :. .. 1 .. ., . „ „„ ., ,,,,..„, Total 5. 15% . ,. „ ,„ , .., ..,,, „„0, ,:„ , t . . . ° :':,,,,,',/, e. �a.nh C �• ., ,. „,, - . w„ b � ��h � � talW o� a m N nl oS t n ti o . f � c � � � xee � n.uat P r eases eced thcuIveC a «« « ■ a t" o yam � 'i 4^ " increase .° � pp Applicable rate o :.°2 . . _-'''e' ' .a. 345% below the CPI . n.crease of 3.44„ %a► a . ° m ,-,..,..,,e,,- -', Rate Summary • • „ „ � �:Single Family Residential Rates L T:Coananer �Sie u:rren PPr31�. C t oosed ncrease 32 Gallons $ 14.71 $ 15.47 $0. 76 64 Gallons . 19. 13 20. 11 0.98 96 Gallons 23. 55 24. 76 1 .21 , - 32 gallon containers are the most common SFR service, so most residential customers will see a very modest increase of 76 cents per month , the first increase in four years. .. . . . . l Questions? ,.. .. • , , ,_::ZiegzegritOMOVINgr ,, '''' -Z„,7,:',"Mir,„:72=77,2L'7%-t- ,,1-7,12,;2.1 <ME....•«.�.m-:-.:,» a�arw�t " '..:s...att ., ..�.a..auzu,z..+a ..zmxm i 11 , t "^$ 'pmt ,,:,,,' ', ,;,'...-->,„;.,-' .`,‘,-°', i g E yr l'': let="1:,-„:, ''`'`,`'-':,.',.-: ,- .'.;',::.1 5 t..4,-s '' '13 3'N J�q '� "�,"s .PEby , ' ',i';o