R 4489 RESOLUTION NO. 4489
WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") adopted an Economic Development
Element to the General Plan in October, 2001; and
WHEREAS, in October, 2011 the City Council initiated General Plan Amendment 12-003
to update the Economic Development Element ("Amendment") of the City's General Plan;
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the Draft Economic Development
Element update at a duly noticed public hearing on September 18, 2012 and
recommended approval to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has reviewed the project at a
duly noticed public hearing on October 9, 2012; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that this project is consistent with the City's General
Plan, Development Code and the environmental documents associated therewith, and has
reviewed the project under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA); and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the
following circumstances exist:
1. The proposed Amendment to the 2001 General Plan Economic Development
Element provides consistency with the goals, objectives, policies and programs
of the General Plan and the proposed amendment will not result in any internal
inconsistencies with the General Plan; and
2. The proposed Amendment will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and
welfare; and
3. This project is covered by the general rule that the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEAQ) applies only to projects which have the potential to cause a
significant effect on the environment. It can be seen with certainty that there is
no possibility that this project may have a significant effect on the environment;
therefore CEQA does not apply to this project per the State CEQA Guidelines
General Rule Exemption, Section 15061 (b)(3).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande
hereby approves General Plan Amendment 12-003 amending the 2001 Economic
Development Element of the General Plan as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto.
On motion by Council Member Guthrie, seconded by Council Member Costello, and by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Council Members Guthrie, Costello, Ray, Brown, and Mayor Ferrara
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 9th day of October 2012.
- RESOLUTION NO. 1'14/061
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of the Arroyo Grande
General Plan
Prepared by the City of Arroyo Grande
Community Development Department
Adopted by City Council Resolution No. 4489
on October 9, 2012
Table of Contents
Section 1. Background and Primary Goals ................................................................................................. 3
Section 2. Community Image Enhancement .............................................................................................. 4
Section 3. Office, Mixed Uses, Light Manufacturing, and Technology ...................................................... 6
Section 4. Agriculture ................................................................................................................................. 8
Section 5. Retail/Commercial .................................................................................................................... 9
Section 6. Tourism, Marketing, and Promotion ....................................................................................... 11
Section 7. Development Process ............................................................................................................. 13
Section 8. Sustainability ........................................................................................................................... 15
General Plan Economic Development Element
Background and Primary Goals
Section 1. Background and Primary Goals
The purpose of the Economic Development Element is to provide a
framework for residents , business owners, prospective new
business owners , andACityAofficialsAtoAguideAtheACity’sAeconomicA
growth for the next 10 years. The goals, objectives, policies and
implementation measures are in tended to encourage the
development of the types of business and commercial activities that
serve the community and promote a healthy, thriving economy. A
balance is continually sought between economic vitality and the
preservationAofAtheACity’sAqualityAo f life and small -town character.
development that should be considered when establishing
priorities, weighing economic impacts of land use decisions , and
determining the progress toward poli cy implementation. The four
goals are:
1. Create a thriving economy
2. Meet unmet community needs
3. Promote business activity
4. Provide superior customer service
Create a thriving economy
Meet unmet community needs
Promote business activity
Provide superior customer
General Plan Economic Development Element
Communi ty Image Enhancement
Section 2. Community Image Enhancement
ED2 : DevelopAaAmarketingAprogramAtoAenhanceAtheACity’sAattractiveA
and vibrant small town image.
ED2 -1 : Maintain a long range, comprehensive marketing program
to promote the City as a business friendly community with small
town character.
ED2 -2 : Create a balanced economic image of agriculture, history,
technology and commerce for the City of Arroyo Grande.
ED2 -3 : Encourage investment through the provision of sustainable
infrastructure, attainable housing opportunities and attractive
commercial areas and create an awareness of business
opportunities within the City.
ED2 -4 : Promote participation with diverse partnerships to
implement improvements and programs for communi ty
ED2 -5 : Promote businesses that foster or derive benefit from multi -
modal transportation opportunities such as bike touri ng , bus , and
car -pool commuters.
Implementation Measures
ED 2 -1.1 : Prepare updated marketing plans identifying issues and
opportunities consistent with the long -range, comprehensive
marketing program.
ED 2 -1.2 : Implement a community signage, public art , and
landscaping design program by working with business groups and
interest groups such as Arroyo Grande in Bloom.
ED 2 -1 .3 : Develop coordinated promotional marketing materials for
the City through social media.
ED 2 -1.4 : Leverage limited marketing dollars with local
organizations such as the Econ omic Vitality Corporation and S tate
General Plan Economic Development Element
Community Image Enhancement
t rade and c ommerce groups to increase the visibilityAofAtheACity’sA
economic development programs.
ED 2 -1.5 : Cultivate community pride and participation by local
residents and businesses through fostered partnerships with
business and non -profit groups such as Arroyo Grande i n Bloom.
ED 2 -1.6 : Cond uct, promote, and encourage training workshops
through the Arroyo Grande Valley Chamber of Commerce, the
Economic Vitality Corporation, the Cuesta College Institute for
Professional Development/Business & Entrepreneurship Center , Cal
Poly’sASmallABusinessA Development Center for Innovation , and Cal
Poly’sACenterAforAInnovationA and Entrepreneurship.
ED 2 -1.7 : Continue implementing community outreach programs
including active participation with the Arroyo Grande Valley
Chamber of Commerce, the Village Improvem ent Association, and
local service clubs.
ED 2 -1.8 .AAPromoteAtheAEconomicAVitalityACorporation’sARevolvingA
Loan Fund and m icro -loan programs to Arroyo Grande businesses.
ED 2 -1.9 : Collaborate with the support organizations that contribute
to the economic we ll -being of Arroyo Grande, including but not
limited to the Chamber of Commerce, SLO Vintners, the E conomic
Vitality Corporation , the Visitors and Conference Bureau, the San
Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau, Cal Poly, and Cuesta College.
General Plan Economic Development Element
Office, Mixed Uses, Light Manufacturing , and Technology
Section 3. Office, Mi xed Uses, Light
Manufacturing, and Technology
ED 3 : Enhance business retention and expansion consistent with the
General Plan Land Use Policies to promote and enhance baseline
job opportunities within the City for local residents.
ED 3 -1 : Encourage adequate infrastructure to support business
expansions , redevelopment, and new development.
ED 3 -2 : Continue outreach and networking with industry and
technology groups, real estate brokers, developers, and others
including accountants, lender s, and attorneys to promote and
enhance baseline job opportunities within the City for local
ED 3 -3 : Incorporate z oning regulations that promote infill
development with opportunities for retaining and expanding
ED 3 -4 : Continue to balance economic goals with strong policies and
environment, quality of life, and rural character.
Implementation Measures
ED3 -1.1 .AA ssistAtheACity’sAsmallAbusinessAcommunityAinAretainingAandA
expanding bu sin esses by fostering partnerships and providing
forums for information, training , and shared resources.
ED3 -1.2 : Work with the E conomic Vitality Corporation to monitor
and measure business trends to develop programs and policies
appropriate for Arroyo Gr ande.
ED3 -1.3 .AAContinueAtoAdevelopA“one -stop”Adevelopment -related staff
meetings with businesses prior to submission of any formal
applications to the City.
ED3 -1.4 : Support a citywide building and land availability database
in partnership with the local real estate and broker groups.
General Plan Economic Development Element
Office, Mixed Uses, Light Manufacturing, and Technology
ED3 -1.5 : Review and annually monitor the Home -Based Business
Development Plan to support the needs of the home -based
business owners.
ED3 -1.6 : Provide pertinent information on business development
efforts and opportunitie s in Arroyo Grande to business owners,
property owners, tenants, site locators, and other agencies to
promote business expansion and head of household jobs.
ED3 -1.7 : Identify workforce training services and programs at Lucia
Mar Unified School District (i.e. s chool to c areer programs), Cuesta
College,ACalAPoly,ASCOREA“CounselorsAtoA merica’sASmallABusiness”,A
San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau, Mission Community Serv ices
Corporation , and the Better Business Bureau of San Luis Obispo
County .
ED3 -1.8 : Encou rage business participation in g eneral p lan and
development code amendment processes through social media
ED3 -1.9 : Identify, amend , and approve neighborho od enhancement
plans or form -based codes, including adopting appr opriate
environmental documents for sections o f El Camino Real, Halcyon
Road , and East Grand Avenue appropriate for intensified infill
expansion. This will provide certainty for allowed deve lopment and
to attract and facilitate larger scale (e.g. >20,000 SF) office and
manufacturing uses.
General Plan Economic Development Element
Section 4. Agriculture
ED 4 : Encourage and support the retention and expansion of
a gricultural business activities.
ED 4 -1 : Provide adequate support services and resources to
maintain economically viable commercial agriculture.
ED 4 -2 : Recognize and increase value -added agricultural
Implementation Measures
ED 4 -1.1 : Collaborate with the San Luis Obispo County Farm Burea u,
the U.C. Cooperative Extension, SLO Vintners, the E conomic Vitality
Corporation , f armers ’ m arket a ssociations, the San Luis Obispo
County Farm Bureau , and others to develop and implement
agricultural opportunities that enhance a gricultural business and
tourism for the City and region.
ED 4 -1.2 : Work with the foregoing organizations to promote the
sales and expansion of value -added agricultural opportunities.
General Plan Economic Development Element
Retail/Commercial Services
Section 5. Retail/Commercial Services
ED 5 : Pursue unique opportunities to promote cont inuity within
commercial service and retail business sectors of the City.
ED5 -1 : Promote local patronage and strong performance in
satisfying local demand for goods and services and the creation of
additional jobs.
ED5 -2 : Continue to enhance con nectivity and increase retail
utilization of the East Grand Avenue corridor , the Village Core, and
the Traffic Way and El Camino Real mixed -use corridors.
ED5 -3 : Implement revitalization and rehabilitation of historic and
older structures and provide incentives for adaptive reuse.
ED5 -4 : Expand and enhance the Village Core as a focal point for
civic and tourist activities.
ED5 -5 : Promote a pro -retail and hospitality program .
Implementation Measures
ED5 -1.1 .AA ssistAtheACity’sAsmallAbusinessAcommunityAinAretainingAandA
expanding businesses through recognition events with the Chamber
of Commerce and the development of social media programs.
ED5 -1.2 : Implement comprehensive design guidelines pertaining to
both public and private improvements, including, but not limited to,
building façade restoration, landscaping, street furniture
installation, undergrounding of utilities, historic district character ,
and the development of parking facilities.
ED5 -1.3 : Determi ne the feasibility of the voluntary formation of a
Business Improvement District.
ED5 -1.4 .AAIncorporateAinfrastructureAprojectsAintoAtheACity’sACapitalA
Improvement Program that address deficiencies in commercial
corridors that include major street reconstr uction, provision of
fiber -optic cable, storm drain and sewer improvements, water
capacity improvements, underground utility projects, public parking
General Plan Economic Development Element
Retail/Commercial Services
improvements, improvements to park facilities, recreation areas,
community facilities, and other public bu ildings.
ED5 -1.5 : Work with the Village Improvement Association and the
South County Historical Society to preserve the historic nature of
the Village asAtheACity’sAcommercialAandAculturalAcenter:
General Plan Economic Development Element
Tourism, Marketing, and Promotion
Section 6. Tourism, Marketing, and
ED 6 : Develop a strategy that promotes the importance of tourism
and capitalizes on the City’sAnaturalAresources:
ED6 -1 : Become an active participant in c ountywide tourism
ED6 -2 : Enhance the image of the City through special events and
promote and increase those event s in the off -peak retail season and
at sites that are economically accessible to residents and visitors
ED6 -3 : Capitalize on development opportunities to increase lodging
ED6 -4 .AExpandAtheACity’sA t ourism potential through the Internet and
social media.
Implementation Measures
ED6 -1.1 : Financially support the San Luis Obispo County Visitors
and Conference Bureau and continue partnerships with the
Chamber of Commerce.
ED6 -1.2 : Participate with the Vintners Association to promote City
wine related business.
ED6 -1.3 : Continue to work with the hospitality industry to ensure
overall understanding of the importance of customer service.
ED6 -1.4 .AAPromoteAandAmaintainAaA“touristAfriendly”AcustomerA
service policy within and among City staff and departments.
ED6 -1.5 : Work with local event coordinators, including the
Chamber of Comm erce, Village Improvement Association , and the
S an Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau to promote
special events, activiti es, and attractions.
General Plan Economic Development Element
Tourism, Marketing, and Promotion
ED6 -1.6 : Assist in planning and executin g special events and
promotions focusing on economic devel opment, cultural
awareness, interaction, education, and other civic causes. These
may include expanded f armers’A m arket s , street fairs, parades,
outdoor dining/cafes, wine tasting, outdoor music, and concerts in
the park.
ED6 -1.7 : Develop additional tourist attractions and lodging in the
City such as the development of cultural -related facilities.
ED6 -1.8 : Work with developers, landowners, and others to site and
design appropriate hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, and country
ED6 -1.9 : In collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce, provide
links and support a calendar of local events and activities available
through social media and on theACity’sA website.
General Plan Economic Development Element
Development Process
Section 7. Development Process
ED7 : Develop a pro -business community image, including
simplifying and improving the development review process.
ED7 -1 : Monitor and modify where necessary the deve lopment
review process and identify ways in which it can be streamlined and
Implementation Measures
ED7 -1.1 : Update guidelines for desi gn and development review for
East Grand Avenue and El Camino Real.
ED7 -1.2 : Prepare clear thresho lds for lev el of project review and
required improvements.
ED7 -1.3 : Provide a helpful pre -application service available for all
prospective projects to establish a level of pred ictability of City
requirements, concerns, process , and anticipated timelines.
Customize the level of pre -application re view according to
project size.
For larger projects, provide workshops/charrettes to
facilitate the understanding of project objectives and buy -in
from stakeholders .
Scope CEQA documents considering input from public
meetings and benefits depending on the anticipated
magnitude of impacts.
ED7 -1.4 : Maximize efficiency and communication for customer
service by specifying one staff contact to be a project shepherd.
ED7 -1.5 : Clarify r esponsibility and role of each a dvisory c ommi ttee
and c ommission, and reduce redundancy and potential conflict in
project review where feasible.
ED7 -1.6 : Use new technologies allowing developers, builders, and
business owners to submit plans , access updates, receive approved
building plans , etc. via an online system to eliminat e any
unnecessary costly printed copies.
General Plan Economic Development Element
Development Process
ED7 -1.7 : Explore options and consider incentives for projects that
meet any of the four primary g oals of this Element.
ED7 -1.8 : Consider both community and project -specific economic
i mpacts of land use and policy decisions.
ED7 -1.9 : Provide City staff with ongoing education and training to
facilitate efficient application processing , emphasize the importance
of timely responses to applicants , measure progress , and provide
accountabili ty.
General Plan Economic Development Element
Section 8. Sustainability
ED8 : Support and encourage a sustainable local economy.
ED 8 -1 : The City shall encourage busine sses that use green
ED 8 -2 : The City shall conduct public education and outreach to
support employment opportunities that minimize the need for
automobile trips, such as live/work developments , telecommuting,
satellite work centers, and home occupations, in addition to mix ed -
use development strategies.
ED 8 -3 : The City should purchase green produ cts from local
businesses whenever feasible.
I, KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis
Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached
Resolution No. 4489 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and
adopted at a Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 9th
day of October 2012.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 11th day of
October 2012.
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