R 3077 RESOLUT ION NO. 3077 Ois:ister Number 1046 STl\TE OF Cl\LIfORNIl\ Feder:il PA Number PA 079-02868 OFFICE OF I::MERGENCY SERVICES State Application Number DESIGNA T10N OF APPLICANT'S AGENT RESOLUTION BE IT R€SOL'/ED BY THE City Council . OF THE City of Arroyo Grande I"o.,d af Oh.e'on Of' 0""'.'"""'17 "OlltYI f,...,. 0' O'......r.'.... THAT Rick TerBorch , Interim City Manager ,,,-"". of O...~...,.d ~".",J ,n".. - .. OR Director John Wallace Public Works , t",.""" a' a.'IO".'ad .....,,,n" ,n.... OR David Bacon , Finance Director Itlern. 01 0.,'"""." Ao_nU .n"., is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande a public entity '''''a,"" fl' U'''_'''O'''f$tt . . !stablished under the l:iwS of the State of California. this application and to file it in thl! Office of Emergency -Services (or the purpose of obtaining certain (ederal financial assistance under P.l. 93-288 as IJmended by the Roben: T. Staffar:d Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988. and/or state rlnancial assistance under the Natural Dis3ster: Assistance Act (or Flood , which occurred in March of 1995 I"'., F1GlJd. I!~""""..... .t~.1 ,M.,...ftIQ..... tv._, THA T the City of Arroyo Grande . a public entity established under the laws of the State of U'.."",, 0' ufO....'...,""1 Cali(ornia, hereby authorizes its agem to provide to the State Office of emergency services ror all matters pen:aining to such state disaster assistance the assurances and agreements required. Passed and approved this 13th day of June . 19 9S IUU.' 1....."..,.. 'f..,. A. K. "Pete" Douqall , Mayor ,,,''''. Iftd "". el A..,....... 10"d er Cevnd U........ James Souza, Mayor Pro Tern ("sme ~ nit. e' ...",ow..., ".111 ., C..-d M.."e.... Drew Brandy, Council Member rt'.,.-ne and "". ., ~00f~ Ie.,,, ., ~ MWft8"' Michael Fuller, Council Member Michael Lady, Council Member CERTIFICA TION I, Nancy A. Davis . duly appointed and City Clerk of the It..,."., 111". .1 0.,.. .. C"'1I~ Orner." City of Arroyo Grande . do hereby cen:lfy that the above is a true and correct copy of I".,,"e ., O,.,."".nfln, a resolution passed and approved by the City Council of the ,lie.,., ., OIr-oe..... _ 0.......... 'Ody. City of Arroyo Grande on the 13th day of June . 19~ . IY,...' ct'wna .1 0'''.'"'1.''0"' to.... 1M"",". Date: JW1e 19 , 1995 71 a.~ ~~ A. Davis, City Clerk -~ 1$'__.. Ric ~ TerBorch. In terim Ci ty Manager "J!5 ""7ftft 1'30 rn_ ,,~..q OAII ~