Agenda Packet 2001-02-13 CITY COUNCIL (5"& tt/ AGENDA ~/7~ Michael A. Lady Mayor Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tern Steven Adams City Manager Thomas A. Runels Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Jim Dickens Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Sandy Lubin Council Member NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday FEBRUARY 13, 2001 6:30 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande AGENDA 1. ROll CAll 2. PUBLIC COMMENT on Special Meeting Agenda Items. Members of the public wishing to address the Council on any item described in this Notice may do so when recognized by the Presiding Officer. 3. CITY COUNCil CLOSED SESSION: a. CONFERENCE WITH lEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a): Name of Case: Clawson v. City of Arroyo Grande et ai, San Luis Obispo Superior Court Case No. CV 000748. 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Announcement of reportable action from closed session, if any. 5. ADJOURNMENT. c:closedsession.agenda.021301. CITY COUNCIL &"tW r;/ AGENDA ~/7~ Michael A. Lady Mayor Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tem Steven Adams City Manager Thomas A. Runels Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Jim Dickens Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Sandy Lubin Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13,2001 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL COUNCIURDA 3. FLAG SALUTE: BOY SCOUT TROOP 70 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR PAUL BAUTTS, BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, ARROYO GRANDE 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Certificates of Special Recoanition for Outgoina Commissioners 5.b. Proclamation - Spay Day U.S.A. 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Moye that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. -"---~-~- AGENDA SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 13, 2001 PAGE 2 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS: Persons in the audience may discuss business not scheduled on this agenda regarding any item of interest within the jurisdiction of the Council. The Council will listen to all communication; however, in compliance with the Brown Act, will not take any action on items that are not on the agenda. Upon completing your comments: . You may be directed to staff for assistance; . A Council Member may indicate an interest in discussing your issue with you subsequent to the Council meeting; . The Council may direct staff to research the issue and subsequently report back to the Council (generally in the form of a memorandum or staff report); or . No action is required or taken. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approye the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approye the listing of cash disbursements for the period January 16,2001 through January 31,2001. 8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of January 31,2001. 8.c. Adoption of Ordinance Establishing a Mandatory Construction and Demolition Debris Recyclina Proaram (McCANTS) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Ordinance amending Title 6, Chapter 4 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to establish a mandatory construction and demolition debris recycling program; and 2) Direct the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination with the County Recorder. 8.d. Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 23. 2001 and Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of January 23. 2001 (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approye minutes as submitted. 8.e. Approval of Aareement to Purchase Fuel Throuah Lucia Mar Unified School District (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement between the City and LMUSD to purchase fuel. AGENDA SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 13, 2001 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA: (continued) 8.f. Fair Oaks AvenuelTally Ho Road Overlay Proiect. Proiect No. PW-2000-2. Proaress Payment No.6 and Notice of Completion (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Authorize progress payment in the amount of $22,379.40 to R. Burke Corporation; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 3} Authorize release of the retention of $75.020.65, thirty-five days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens haye been filed. 8.g. The Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Villaae of Arroyo Grande. Phase II. Pro9ress Payment No.1 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Authorize progress payment in the amount of $27,988 to R. Simons Company, Inc. 8.h. Authorization to Issue Request For Proposals (RFPs): Traffic Way Bridge Barrier Rail Replacement Proiect (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Authorize distribution of the Request For Proposal (RFP) for design services to qualified consultants. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of Resolution IncreasinQ Lopez Contract Charges (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution approving increase of Lopez contract charges to meet increased costs associated with the State mandated seismic remediation of Lopez Dam. 9.b. Proposed Ordinance Repealing or Amending Obsolete. Superceded. or Unconstitutional Ordinances and Portions Thereof in the Citv of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Introduce Ordinance repealing or amending obsolete, superceded, and/or unconstitutional ordinances and portions thereof in the City of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Conditional Use Permit Case No. 00-015: Horizon Senior Housing: 579 Camino Mercado (McCANTS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution denying Conditional Use Permit Case No. 00-015. AGENDA SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 13, 2001 PAGE 4 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Fiscal Year 2000-01 Mid-Year Budget Status Report (SNODGRASS) [COUNCIURDA] Recommended Action: 1) Approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations; 2) Approve Schedules A through E included in the Mid-Year Budget Status Report; and 3) Approve/Deny requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund. 12. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 13. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 14. ADJOURNMENT AGENDA SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 13, 2001 PAGE 5 * * * * * * * Copies of the staff reports or other written materials relating to each item of business referred to on this agenda are on file with the Director of Administrative Services and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If you haye questions regarding any agenda item, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473- 5414. * * * * * * * In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at the number listed above at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting. * * * * * * * Note: This agenda is subject to amendment up to 72 hours prior to the date and time set for the meeting. Please refer to the agenda posted at City Hall for any revisions, or call the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473-5414 for more information. www.arrovoQrande.orQ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - ABBREVIATIONS revised 08104/00 A Agricultural Preserve AB Assembly Bill LAFCO Local Agency Formation Commission ADA Americans with Disabilities Act LOCC League of Califomia Cities AG General Agriculture LLA Lot Line Adjustment AGMC Arroyo Grande Municipal Code LUE Land Use Element AGPOA Arroyo Grande Police OfflCel'S' Association MER Lot Merger APN Assessor's Parcel Number MF CondominiumITownhouse APCB Air Pollution Control Board MFA Apartments APCD Air Pollution Control District MHP Mobile Home Parks ARC Architectural Review Committee 0 Office Professional ASCE American Society Civil Engineers OCSD Oceano Community Services District ASD Administrative Services Department OSCE Open Space and Conservation Element AWWA American Water Works Association PC Planning Commission BD Building Division PD Police Department CA City Attorney PF Public/Quasi Public CC City Council PPR Plot Plan Review CCC California Conservation Corps PRD Parks & Recreation Department CCCSIF Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Fund PRE-APP Pre-application CD Community Development PSHHC Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corp. CDBG Community Development Block Grant PSP Planned Sign Program CE Circulation Element PUD Planned Unit Development CEC California Energy Commission PN Public Works Department CEQA California Environmental Quality Act RDA Redevelopment Agency CIP Capital Improvement Program RE Residential Estate CIWMP California Integrated Waste Management Plan RFP Request for Proposals CM City Manager's Office RFQ Request for Qualifications CMC California Men's Colony RH Hillside Residential CMP Congestion Management Plan RHNP Regional Housing Needs Plan COC CertiflC8te of Compliance RR Rural Residential CPI Consumer Price Index RS Suburban Residential CUP Conditional Use Permit RTA Reversion to Acreage DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board DC Development Code SAC Staff Advisory Committee CEA Drug Enforcement Administration SB Senate Bill E.C. Election Code SCAT South County Area Transit EDD Economic Development Department SEIU Service Employees International Union EDU Equivalent Dwelling Unit SF Single Family EIR Environmental Impact Report SLO San Luis Obispo EIS Environmental Impact Statement SLOCOG San Luis Obispo Council of Governments EOC Economic Opportunity Commission SLOHA San Luis Obispo Housing Authority EVC Economic Vitality Corporation SLONTF San Luis Obispo Narcotics Task Force FAU Federal Aid Urban SLORT A San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority FD Fire Division SLOWRAC San Luis Obispo County Water Resources Advisory FDAA Federal Disaster Assistance Administration Committee FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency SR Senior Housing FID Financial Services Department SSLOCOWA South San Luis Obispo County Water Association FPPC Fair Political Practices Commission SSLOCSD South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District FTA Federal Transit Administration SRRE Source Reduction & Recycling Element FY Fiscal Year SWRCD State Water Resources Control Board G.C. Government Code TPM Tentative Parcel Map GC General Commercial TT Tentative Tract Map GF General Fund TTAC Transportation Technical Advisory Committee GP General Plan TUP Temporary Use Permit GPA General Plan Amendment UBC Uniform Building Code HCD California Department of Housing and Community UFC Uniform Fire Code Development USA Underground Service Alert HOP Home Occupancy Permit VAR Variance HUD Housing and Urban Development Dept. VC Village Commercial I Industrial and Business Park VCB SLO County Visitors & Conference Bureau ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation VSR View Shed Review JPA Joint Powers Authority ZONE 3 San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Zone 3 (Lopez Project) 5.b. "onOrary ProclamatiOIJ Recognizing February 27, 2001 .s ..Spay Day USA- WHEREAS, dogs and cats give companionship to and share homes of over 50,000,000 individuals in the United States; and WHEREAS, two unaltered cats and their kittens can produce 420,000 more cats in seven years and two unaltered dogs and their puppies can produce 67,000 more dogs in six years; and WHEREAS, humane societies and shelters euthanize 8 to 10 mOlion dogs and cats each year, although many of them are healthy and adoptable, simply because there are not enough good homes; and WHEREAS, the problem of companion animal overpopulation costs the taxpayers of this country millions of dollars annually through animal control programs aimed at coping with the millions of unwanted dogs and cats; and WHEREAS, spaying and neutering dogs and cats has been shown to drastically reduce dog and cat overpopulation; and WHEREAS, veterinarians, humane societies, and national and local animal protection organizations worked together to ensure the spaying or neutering of more than 100,000 companion animals through .Spay Day USA" in 2000; and WH EREAS, veterinarians, humane societies, and national and local animal protection organizations have joined together again to advocate the spaying and neutering of companion animals during .Spay Day USA 2001". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Michael A. Lady, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim that February 27, 2001 Is designated "Spay Day USA"; and encourage people of Arroyo Grande to observe the month by having their own dogs or cats spayed or neutered or by sponsoring the spaying or neutering of another person's dog or cat. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affIXed this 13th day of February 2001. Michael A. Lady, Mayor 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SE~V~CE~ BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR C~)~ I v SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TIFICA TION DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period January 16 - January 31,2001. FUNDING: There is a $806,358.54 fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing ATTACHMENT 2 - January 19, 2001 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT 3 - January 19, 2001 Payroll Vacation Checks and Benefit Checks ATTACHMENT 4 - January 26,2001 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT 5 - January 26,2001 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks ATTACHMENT 6 - January 31,2001 Accounts Payable Pre-paid Checks --- ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS For the Period of January 16 Through January 31, 2001 February 13, 2001 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period January 16 to January 31, 2001. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. AMQUNT January 19, 2001 Accounts Payable Cks 98978-99039 2 340,590.06 Less Payroll Cks included in Previous Attachment 5 (232,441.75) Payroll Vacation Pay Checks and Benefit Checks 3 22,082.47 130,230.78 January 26, 2001 Accounts Payable Cks 99041-99131 4 256,743.71 Less Payroll Cks included in Attachment 3 (21,540.95) Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 5 251,672.74 486,875.50 January 31, 2001 Accounts Payable Pre-paid Checks 6 189,252.26 Two Week Total $ 806.358.54 --- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) SPEOAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Coundl 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - City Oerk Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Constroction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Fund (Fund 271) 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant 4140 - Management Information System 4203 - Federal COPS Hiring Grant 4145 - Non Departmental 4204 - Federal Local Law Enforcement Public Safety (Fund 010) 4201 - Police ENTERPRISE FUNDS 4211 - Fire Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4212 - Building &. Safety 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4213 - Government Buildings Water Fund (Fund 640) Public Works (Fund 010) 4710 - Water Administration 4301 - Public Works-Admin &. Engineering 4711 - Water Production 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance 4712 - Water Distribution 4304 - Street Lighting Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4305 - Automotive Shop 4750 - Lopez Administration Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4420 - Parks CAPITALIMPROVEMrnNTPROGRAMS 4421 - Recreation 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4422 _. General Recreation 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4423 - Pre-School Program 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 4460 - Parkway Maintenance Dept. Index for Council ATTACHMENT 2 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 01/17/01 09:10 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 343 01/09/01 101589 CALPERS HEALTH INS-CAL PERS 1-01-01 011.0000.2109 42,057.20 42,057.20 344 01/11/01 005616 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE G.A.REIMB.1-04-01 P/R 011.0000.1015 190,384.55 190,384.55 345 01/11/01 100795 CPRS DISTRICT VIII REGIS-CPRS AWARDS 010.4421. 5501 120.00 120.00 346 01/11/01 088218 UNITED STATES POSTMASTE POSTAGE-CITY NEWSLETTER 010.4002.5504 995.11 995.11 98978 01/19/01 102168 4 IMPRINT KOOZIE HOLDERS (525) 278.4207.5504 606.45 606.45 98979 01/19/01 100479 A.G.CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHAMBER CHAIRMAN CIRCLE-SHEELY 284.4103.5503 900.00 900.00 98980 01/19/01 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS RHINEHART SVCS-12/30 220.4303.5303 492.24 98980 01/19/01 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS RHINEHART SVCS-1/6 220.4303.5303 562.56 1,054.80 98981 01/19/01 102174 ASICC REGIS-ARTS/CRAFT WORKSHOP 010.4423.5253 15.00 15.00 98982 01/19/01 007176 ATCO INTERNATIONAL CLEANER 010.4305.5255 289.20 289.20 98983 01/19/01 008346 BACKYARD IMPROVEMENT CE STEEL TIES 010.4430.5605 12.23 12.23 98984 01/19/01 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB.NY EVE OVERNIGHT-BARROW 010.4424.5252 43.54 98984 01/19/01 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB.SUPPLIES-BARROW 010.4425.5255 13.72 57.26 98985 01/19/01 011700 BOB'S ARROYO GRANDE CAR CAR WASH-NOV 010.4201. 5601 30.00 30.00 98986 01/19/01 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER PAINTING SUPPLIES/TOWELS 010.4213.5604 46.13 98986 01/19/01 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER SLEEVE/FITTING 640.4712.5610 2.96 98986 01/19/01 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER GLASS SAMPLE 220.4303.5603 6.42 55.51 98987 01/19/01 102167 BUILDER'S BOOK,INC. CALDAG 2000 MANUAL 010.4212.5503 54.16 54.16 98988 01/19/01 101499 R. BURKE CORPORATION FAIR OAKS/VALLEY/TALLY HO 350.5631.7001 9,931.60 98988 01/19/01 101499 R. BURKE CORPORATION FAIR OAKS/VALLEY/TALLY HO 350.5630.7001 4,719.28 14,650.88 98989 01/19/01 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY P.TOWELS/GLOVES/SCRUBBERS 010.4213.5604 212 .29 212.29 98990 01/19/01 022632 CHAPARRAL COPIER MAINT & USEAGE 010.4421. 5602 101. 85 101. 85 98991 01/19/01 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET RSPORD CORE 010.4211.5601 54.43 98991 01/19/01 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET NIPPLE 010.4211. 5601 9.97 98991 01/19/01 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET OIL DIPSTICK 010.4211.5601 6.52 70.92 98992 01/19/01 026286 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 105.00 105.00 98993 01/19/01 100188 CSMFO 2001 ANNUAL CONFE CSMFO ANNUAL CONF-SNODGRASS 010.4120.5501 225.00 225.00 98994 01/19/01 100332 ENGINEERING NEWS SUBSCRIPTION-ENGINEERING NEWS 010.4301. 5503 74.00 74.00 98995 01/19/01 033072 FARM SUPPLY CO. BLUE WILD RYE 010.4420.5605 38.07 98995 01/19/01 033072 FARM SUPPLY CO. STATION CONTROLLER 010.4420.5605 96.53 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 01/17/01 09:10 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 98995 01/19/01 033072 FARM SUPPLY CO. GALCON CONTROLLER 010.4420.5605 13 9.14 273.74 98996 01/19/01 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN BACKFLOW & PIPE FITTINGS 350.5607.7001 168.53 168.53 98997 01/19/01 102143 FOREMOST PROMOTIONS 1000 STICKY PADS 278.4207.5504 334.62 98997 01/19/01 102143 FOREMOST PROMOTIONS 250 POLICE WHISTLES & CHAINS 278.4207.5504 147.61 98997 01/19/01 102143 FOREMOST PROMOTIONS 500 PERSONAL SAFETY KEY RINGS 278.4207.5504 763.34 98997 01/19/01 102143 FOREMOST PROMOTIONS 500 YO-YOS 278.4207.5504 595.72 1,841.29 98998 01/19/01 101963 TAFIANNE GARDNER REF. CHILD IN MOTION CARD-GARDN 010.0000.4602 58.50 58.50 98999 01/19/01 100523 GEO SOURCE INC. SOIL TESTING-FAIR OAKS 350.5630.7401 270.00 270.00 99000 01/19/01 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 198.71 99000 01/19/01 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 202.38 99000 01/19/01 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 201. 71 602.80 99001 01/19/01 042174 HIGGINS ASSOCIATE, INC ENGINEERING SVCS-GENERAL PLAN 010.4130.5318 3,124.00 3,124.00 99002 01/19/01 045162 INTL CONF OF BUILDING 0 97 UNIFORM ZONING CODE 010.4212.5503 24.34 24.34 99003 01/19/01 051168 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CI ECON.DEV.HANBOOK 284.4103.5201 15.00 15.00 99004 01/19/01 102172 DAVE LIGHT CLOSING BILL-205 CORBETT CYN 640.0000.4751 8.27- 99004 01/19/01 102172 DAVE LIGHT REF.O/PAYMENT-205 CORBETT CYN 640.0000.4751 142.51 99004 01/19/01 102172 DAVE LIGHT PREVIOUS BALANCE-205 CORBETT 640.0000.4751 67.12- 67.12 99005 01/19/01 102170 LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMIS ST.DESIGN VIDEO & MANUAL 010.4212.5503 36.83 36.83 99006 01/19/01 054482 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTEND MSA MEETING 220.4303.5501 105.00 105.00 99007 01/19/01 102173 HEATHER MARTINEZ REF.C~ILD IN MOTION CARD-MARTI 010.0000.4602 22.50 22.50 99008 01/19/01 101252 MCI WORLDCOM L/DIST PHONE 010.4145.5403 222.08 222.08 99009 01/19/01 056706 MID STATE CONCRETE PROD SEWER MANHOLE GRADE RINGS 612.4610.5610 96.98 96.98 99010 01/19/01 102043 MID-STATE BANK RENTENTION-FAIR OAKS/VALLEY 350.5630.7001 524.31 99010 01/19/01 102043 MID-STATE BANK RENTENTION-FAIR OAKS/VALLEY 350.5631.7001 1,103.56 1,627.87 99011 01/19/01 056940 MIER BROS. CONCRETE 612.4610.5610 55.98 99011 01/19/01 056940 MIER BROS. CONCRETE 640.4712.5610 41. 51 97.49 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CONCRETE 640.4712.5610 16.22 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HARDWARE 010.4420.5605 4.06 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE RATCHET 640.4712.5273 7.48 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 9V BATTERY 010.4420.5605 3.20 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE WD 40/FLAG TAPE 612.4610.5255 23.01 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HARDWARE/SOAP 010.4211.5255 22.78 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE REEL STRINGLINE 640.4712.5273 6.41 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINT SUPPLIES/HARDWARE 220.4303.5613 42.69 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 01/17/01 09:10 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BUSHING/COUPLER 010.4420.5605 14.38 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE COUPLER/WASHERS/NUTS/BOLTS 640.4712.5610 6.87 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINT SUPPLIES/LETTER SETS 220.4303.5613 94.80 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE HOOKS/STRAP EYE 010.4211.5601 12.26 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE STRAP EYE/CAR PROTECTANT 010.4211.5601 14.42 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE VALVE/SHOVEL 640.4712.5273 37.94 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CABLE TIES/ELECT/RULE TAPES 010.4420.5605 12.89 99012 01/19/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SPRAY PAINT 612.4610.5255 10.68 330.09 99013 01/19/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 46.35 46.35 99014 01/19/01 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4213.5143 87.35 99014 01/19/01 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4213.5303 51.75 99014 01/19/01 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 220.4303.5143 107.40 99014 01/19/01 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 640.4712.5143 64.00 99014 01/19/01 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 612.4610.5143 33.80 99014 01/19/01 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4420.5143 72.00 99014 01/19/01 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4213.5303 26.50 99014 01/19/01 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4213 . 5303 40.80 483.60 99015 01/19/01 060724 NAT'L REC & PARK ASSOC. NAT'L P & R AGENCY DUES 010.4421. 5503 350.00 350.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF.BLDG.PERM-539 PALOS SECOS 010.0000.4181 2,063.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF.ELECT.PERM-539 PALOS SECOS 010.0000.4183 195.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF.SMIP-539 PALOS SECOS 010.0000.2208 29.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF. MECHANICAL PERM-539 PALOS 010.0000.4187 155.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF.TRAFF.MITIG-539 PALOS SECO 223.0000.4025 2,656.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF.TRAFF.SIGNAL-539 PALOS SEC 222.0000.4020 175.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF. PLUMBING PERM-539 PALOS SE 010.0000.4182 183.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF. SEWER INSPEC-539 PALOS SEC 010.0000.4184 15.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF. SEWER HOOKUP-539 PALOS SEC 760.0000.2305 2,000.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF.GRADING PERM-539 PALOS SEC 010.0000.4185 144.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF.CONST.TAX-539 PALOS SECOS 230.0000.4021 400.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF. POLICE IMPACT-539 PALOS SE 010.0000.4725 '100.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF.LAND CONSERV-539 PALOS SEC 010.0000.2216 100.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF.FIRE DEPT.FEES-539 PALOS 010.0000.4124 150.00 99016 01/19/01 102175 BARBARA NATALE REF.L/SCAPE BOND-539 PALOS SEC 010.0000.2210 1,200.00 9,565.00 99017 01/19/01 062322 ONE HOUR PHOTO PLUS COLOR PRINTS/FILM 220.4303.5255 33.21 33.21 99018 01/19/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 11,907.18 99018 01/19/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 44.70 11,951.88 99019 01/19/01 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS 5 COPIES-CREEKSIDE PHASE 2 350.5607.7301 46.99 46.99 9,9020 01/19/01 067782 DENNIS PORTE PUppy PLAY SCHOOL CLASSES 010.4424.5351 682.50 682.50 99021 01/19/01 100143 QUAGLINO ROOFING CITY HALL RE-ROOFING PROJECT 010.4213.6401 37,716.15 37,716.15 99022 01/19/01 069108 QUINN COMPANY SCRAPPERS/WATER JETS 220.4303.5603 928.65 928.65 ~--_._.- ~. VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 01/17/01 09:10 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99023 01/19/01 100210 JIM RITTERBUSH REIMB.CFCA MEETING-RITTERBUSH 010.4211.5501 25.00 25.00 99024 01/19/01 100200 RRM DESIGN GROUP R.G.PARK PLAN DESIGN-DEC 350.5512.7501 3,436.95 3,436.95 99025 01/19/01 100192 SAN LUIS MAILING SVC WATER BILL MAILING-DEC 640.4710.5201 834.43 834.43 99026 01/19/01 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. DIESEL FUEL 010.4211.5608 217.65 217.65 99027 01/19/01 074178 SLO CNTY CLERK-RECORDER RECORDING FEE-PARCEL MERGER 010.4130.5201 16.00 16.00 99028 01/19/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY TIRE CLEANER 640.4712.5603 6.42 99028 01/19/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY PAINT 220.4303.5613 7.49 99028 01/19/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY AUTO CLEANING SUPPLIES 220.4303.5613 14.23 99028 01/19/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY CARB.CLEANER/SEALANT 612.4610.5601 31.22 99028 01/19/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY LEVER HOOKS 220.4303.5613 7.59 99028 01/19/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY BATTERY HOLD DOWN 010.4211.5601 7.76 74.71 99029 01/19/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 442.74 99029 01/19/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 499.55 99029 01/19/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 10.85 99029 01/19/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 155.62 99029 01/19/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 391.90 99029 01/19/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 79.79 99029 01/19/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 211. 24 99029 01/19/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 93.29 99029 01/19/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 230.48 2,115.46 99030 01/19/01 081978 STANLEY MOTORS BELT ASSEMBLY 220.4303.5601 81. 34 81. 34 99031 01/19/01 102171 STRONG PLANNING SVCS.CO GENERAL PLAN UPDATE #1 010.4130.5318 8,290.00 8,290.00 99032 01/19/01 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER CLEAN ROLLERS/PRINT HEAD 220.4303.5602 85.00 85.00 99033 01/19/01 085644 TOSTE GRADING & PAVING TACK OIL 220.4303.5613 112.50 112.50 99034 01/19/01 086034 TRI-CITY DISPOSAL SERVI DISPOSAL SERVICES 010.4213.5303 380.21 99034 01/19/01 086034 TRI-CITY DISPOSAL SERVI DISPOSAL SERVICES 010.4213.5303 145.96 526.17 99035 01/19/01 087398 USA BLUE BOOK USA MARKING FLAGS 640.4712.5610 14.03 99035 01/19/01 087398 USA BLUE BOOK 612.4610.5610 14.03 99035 01/19/01 087398 USA BLUE BOOK PIPE LOCATOR 640.4712.5273 39.66 67.72 99036 01/19/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CHIEF 010.4211.5403 20.14 99036 01/19/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PORTABLE 010.4211.5403 17.14 99036 01/19/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-ENGINE 1 010.4211. 5403 20.28 99036 01/19/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CM 010.4145.5403 32.30 99036 01/19/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-DIV.CHIEF 010.4211.5403 17.33 107.19 99037 01/19/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE REPR.TIRE 220.4303.5601 370.87 370.87 99038 01/19/01 092586 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC COM DEC SIGNAL MAINT 010.4304.5303 1,212.75 1,212.75 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 01/17/01 09:10 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 74,182.81 Oll PAYROLL CLEARING FUND 232,441. 75 220 STREETS FUND 3,654.79 222 TRAFFIC SIGNAL FUND 175.00 223 TRAFFIC CIRCULATION FUND 2,656.00 230 CONSTRUCTION TAX FUND 400.00 278 99-00 FED LOCAL LAW ENFORCE.GT 2,447.74 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 915.00 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 20,201. 22 612 SEWER FUND 265.70 640 WATER FUND 1,250.05 760 SANITATION DISTRIBUTION FUND 2,000.00 TOTAL 340,590.06 AT'rACID1ENT 3 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION VACATION CHECKS 01/19/01 Fund 010 19,238.96 Vacation Buyback 20,408.47 Fund 220 1,130.43 Social Security 1,561.26 Fund 612 1,713.08 SDI 112.74 Fund 640 - 22,082.47 Total 22,082.47 ATTACIDlliNT 4 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 01/24/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 347 01/19/01 005616 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE G.A.REIMB.01-18-01 P/R 011.0000.1015 21,540.95 21,540.95 99041 01/26/01 000468 A T & T-L/DIST SVC. L/DIST PHONE-MIS 010.4140.5303 43.08 43.08 99042 01/26/01 000898 ADDICTION MEDICINE CONS PRE-EMPLOY DRUG SCREEN-BASKIN 010.4211.5315 45.00 99042. 01/26/01 000898 ADDICTION MEDICINE CONS DOT TESTING-2001 010.4145.5303 1,550.00 1,595.00 99043 01/26/01 101591 AEP WORKSHOPS REGIS-MCCANTS/MCCLISH/HEFFERNO 010.4130.5501 480.00 480.00 99044 01/26/01 100203 AMER.PLANNING ASSOC. APADUES-MCCANTS 010.4130.5503 292.00 292.00 99045 01/26/01 005772 ARROYO GRANDE COMM. HOS LEGAL BA-NIELSEN 010.4201. 5324 30.00 30.00 99046 01/26/01 006006 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SH FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS 010.4001. 5504 235.62 99046. 01/26/01 006006 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SH FLOWERS-IANNEO/NIEMESEN/FRANKS 010.4201.5504 238.10 473.72 99047 01/26/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE POSTAGE 010.4201. 5201 15.58 99047 01/26/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CCPOA MTG-HULGAN 010.4201. 5501 10.00 99047 01/26/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TRAINING EXPENSES 010.4201. 5501 99.00 99047 01/26/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CAD/RMS MTG-FERDOLAGE 010.4201.5501 6.00 99047 01/26/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FILM/DUI CHECKPOINT SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5255 35.50 99047 01/26/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE POLISH FOR MOTOR 010.4201. 5601 4.28 99047 01/26/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 12.61 99047 01/26/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PRISONER LUNCH 010.4201. 5323 4.28 99047 01/26/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DIVERSION & CAC MTGS SUPPLIES 010.4201.5504 22.52 99047 01/26/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SRT LOCK & KEYS FOR CAGE 010.4201. 5604 19.17 99047 01/26/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMPUTER KEYBOARD 010.4140.5607 21.44 250.38 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CHIEFS CONF 010.4211.5501 95.28 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER LODGING-CONF 010.4211.5501 207.99 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER LODGING-CONF 010.4211.5501 415.98 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER LODGING-CONF 010.4211.5501 54.00 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER PROGRAMS/INVITATIONS-FF AWARDS 010.4211.5201 143.95 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER POSTAGE 010.4211.5201 68.30 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301. 5201 129. 73 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301. 5255 35.95 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 4.70 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 612.4610.5602 149.95 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON SUPPLIES 010.4001. 5504 168.60 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON SUPPLIES 010.4001. 5201 46.21 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4101. 5201 28.95 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER BOOKS 010.4130.5503 112 . 96 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CR:BOOKS 010.4130.5503 112.96- 99048 01/26/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4421.5201 10.69 1,560.28 99049 01/26/01 010800 BERETTA USA CORP. BERETTA CONF-CLEAVER 010.4201. 5501 200.00 200.00 99050 01/26/01 012168 BOXX EXPRESS UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4211.5201 27.88 99050 01/26/01 012168 BOXX EXPRESS UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4201. 5201 92.95 120.83 99051 01/26/01 100272 BOY SCOUT TROOP 26 DONATION-FF AWARDS CLEAN-UP 010.4211. 5255 100.00 100.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 01/24/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99052 01/26/01 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER SAND PAPER/PLUG 220.4303.5613 10.99 10.99 99053 01/26/01 101431 BURDINE PRINTING PRINTING-CITY NEWSLETTER 010.4002.5504 1,839.55 99053 01/26/01 101431 BURDINE PRINTING BUNDLING FOR PO CARRIER ROUTES 010.4002.5504 95.00 1,934.55 99054 01/26/01 021940 C.COAST TAXI CAB SERVIC TAXI SERVICES-JAN.1-14 225.4553.5507 1,465.75 1,465.75 99055 01/26/01 019812 ARON CANBY WELDING ANGLE FOR CONST.SIGNS 220.4303.5613 74.45 74.45 99056 01/26/01 101856 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS MONTHLY CABLE MODEM/MIS 010.4140.5303 239.30 239.30 99057 01/26/01 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY PLANTS-TALLY HO PROJECT 350.5631.7001 983.26 983.26 99058 01/26/01 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET REPL.SEAT BELT 010.4420,5601 108.47 99058 01/26/01 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET LUBE/OIL/FILTER 010.4420.5601 31. 00 99058 01/26/01 023322 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET LUBE/OIL/FILTER/SAFETY INSPECT 010.4301. 5601 31. 00 170.47 99059 01/26/01 101305 THE CITY CHURCH REF.C/B.DEPOSIT-CITY CHURCH 010.0000.2206 100.00 100.00 99060 01/26/01 024180 COAST NUT & BOLT FASTNERS/WIRE TIES/BRASS FITTI 010.4305.5255 110.77 110.77 99061 01/26/01 024:'192 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 53.50 53.50 99062 01/26/01 026208 CREDIT BUREAU REPORTS, CREDIT CHECK-STEARNS 010.4201.5303 7.00 7.00 99063 01/26/01 026286 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 70.00 99063 01/26/01 026286 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 15.00 85.00 , 99064 01/26/01 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4421.5201 40.00 99064 01/26/01 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4130.5201 21. 66 99064 01/26/01 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4101. 5201 21. 67 99064 01/26/01 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4120.5201 21. 67 99064 01/26/01 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4001. 5201 10.00 99064 01/26/01 026754 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C BOTTLED WATER 010.4301. 5201 15.00 130.00 99065 01/26/01 100282 SARA L. DICKENS FIRST AMENDMENT-NEWSOM SPRINGS 350.5754.7301 3,000.00 3,000.00 99066 01/26/01 101241 ROBERT F. DRIVER CO,INC COMM PROPERTY INSURANCE 010.4145.5579 419.00 99066 01/26/01 101241 ROBERT F. DRIVER CO,INC U/GROUND FUEL TANKS-2001 640.4710.5578 147.00 99066 01/26/01 101241 ROBERT F. DRIVER CO,INC U/GROUND FUEL TANKS-2001 640.4710.5578 21. 00 99066 01/26/01 101241 ROBERT F. DRIVER CO,INC U/GROUND FUEL TANKS-2001 640.4710.5578 112.00 99066 01/26/01 101241 ROBERT F. DRIVER CO,INC U/GROUND FUEL TANKS-2001 640.4710.5578 70.00 769.00 99067 01/26/01 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 84123 D10.4002.5301 60.00 99067 01/26/01 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL-84124 010.4002.5301 67.50 127.50 99068 01/26/01 102181 CHRIS FOLKS REF. PARK DEPOSIT-FOLKS 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 99069 01/26/01 036114 FULTON FIRE ENGR.INC. FIRE SPRINK-SHEPPEL BLDG 010.4212.5303 165.00 165.00 99070 01/26/01 101881 GREATAMERICAN LEASING C LEASE PAYMENT-PANASONIC COPIER 010.4130.5303 319.07 319.07 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 01/24/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99071 01/26/01 039992 DONNA HAMILTON BASIC HOSTAGE NEG-HAMILTON 010.4201. 5501 729.50 72 9.50 99072 01/26/01 043914 JOSEPH IANNEO BASIC HOSTAGE NEG-IANNEO 010.4201. 5501 729.50 729.50 99073 01/26/01 100204 IMPACT SCIENCES ARROYO LINDA EIR-DEC 010.0000.2431 5,388.68 5,388.68 99074 01/26/01 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES DP ON LINE TRANS-OCT/DEC 010.4201.5303 141. 00 99074 01/26/01 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES DP ON LINE TRANS-DEC 010.4201. 5606 59.29 99074 01/26/01 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES MIS TECHNICAL SUPPORT 010.4140.5303 104.00 304.29 99075 01/26/01 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY MEETING SUPPLIES-LOPEZ 010.4001. 5201 4.26 99075 01/26/01 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY SODAS-CMC CREW 220.4303.5613 73.27 99075 01/26/01 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY ORAL BOARD SUPPLIES 010.4425.5259 10.60 99075 01/26/01 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY CREDIT ON ACCOUNT 4-00/12-00 010.4001. 5504 45.90- 42.23 99076 01/26/01 048516 KEYLOCK SECURITY SPECIA KEYS-SRT CABINET 010.4201.5272 15.02 15.02 99077 01/26/01 100869 KIS COMMUNICATIONS,INC HOSTING WEB SITE DOMAIN 010.4140.5303 89.85 89.85 99078 01/26/01 052728 LONG BEACH UNIFORM CO. I NAME TAPES BLACK & GREEN 010.4201.5272 92.19 92 .19 99079 01/26/01 101173 LONGS DRUG STORE DEC.PHOTO PROCESSING 010.4201. 5255 69.80 69.80 99080 01/26/01 102176 TRICIA LUBIN REF. PARK DEPOSIT-LUBIN 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 99081 01/26/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGES-YOUTH B/BALL 010.4426.5553 69.62 99081 01/26/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGES-YOUTH B/BALL 010.4426.5553 280.85 99081 01/26/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGES-YO~H B/BALL 010.4426.5553 487.32 99081 01/26/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. AGHS CUSTODIAL CHARGES 010.4424.5353 116.03 953.82 99082 01/26/01 102137 MARSALEK TREE FARM CHRISTMAS TREE 010.4130.5201 30.00 30.00 99083 01/26/01 102086 MEDSTOP URGENT CARE PRE-EMPLOY PHYSlCAL7DOOLEY 010.4211.5315 50.00 99083 01/26/01 102086. MEDSTOP URGENT CARE FIRST AID-MOSS 010.4425.5141 135.00 99083 01/26/01 102086 MEDSTOP URGENT CARE FIRST AID-J.SORENSON 010.4425.5141 135.00 99083 01/26/01 102086 MEDSTOP URGENT CARE FIRST AID-J.SORENSON 010.4425.5141 60.00 99083 01/26/01 102086 MEDSTOP URGENT CARE HAZMAT PHYSICAL-BRANDT 010.4211.5315 55.00 99083 01/26/01 102086 MEDSTOP URGENT CARE PRE-EMPLOY PHYSICAL-DEPEW 010.4211.5315 60.00 99083 01/26/01 102086 MEDSTOP URGENT CARE PRE-EMPLOY PHYSICAL-GOCHENOUR 010.4425.5315 243.00 99083 01/26/01 102086 MEDSTOP URGENT CARE PRE-EMPLOY PHYSlCAL-OLDS 010.4301. 5315 10.00 748.00 99084 01/26/01 056580 MID STATE BANK ACH DISTRIB-1/09/01 010.4145.5319 66.45 66.45 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SPRAY PAINT/CLIP ALL 010.4211.5255 17.07 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DOLOMARK 010.4430.5605 8.54 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DOLOMARK 010.4430.5605 25.62 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES 010.4211.5601 8.74 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SPRAY PAINT/BRUSH 010.4211.5255 7.36 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CLEANING SUPPLIES 010.4211. 5601 10.68 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CLEANING SUPPLIES/TOILET SEAT 640.4712.5604 9.39 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE NUMBERS 220.4303.5613 48.24 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 01/24/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE GAS TEST GUAGE/NIPPLE/BUSHING 640.4712.5610 20.94 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BATTERY TERM.POST/MISC.HRDW 010.4420.5605 5.75 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE GASKET MAKER 640.4712.5610 25.62 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE WIRE 640.4712.5610 80.25 99085 01/26/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CR:WIRE 640.4712.5610 19.93- 248.27 99086 01/26/01 102180 GREG MIRELES REF.PARK DEPOSIT-MIRELES 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 99087 01/26/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 43.51 99087 01/26/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 284.4103.5201 326.89 99087 01/26/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4101.5201 121. 06 99087 01/26/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4101. 5201 15.94 99087 01/26/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 88.26 99087 01/26/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 58.80 99087 01/26/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 3.20 99087 01/26/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 220.4303.5201 33.76 691.42 99088 01/26/01 057252 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORMS/MATS/TOWELS 010.4102.5255 5.80 5.80 99089 01/26/01 101116 NEW TIMES CLASS AD-P&R JOBS 010.4421.5316 51.75 99089 01/26/01 101116 NEW TIMES CLASS AD-P&R JOBS 010.4421.5316 24.70 76.45 99090 01/26/01 102044 NOSSAMAN,GUTHNER,KNOX & PROF.SVCS-SANTA MARIA WATER 640.4710.5575 6,167.61 6,167.61 99091 01/26/01 102153 NOVACOAST INTERNATIONAL MIS TECH.SUPPORT-9.5 HOURS 010.4140.5303 1,425.00 99091 01/26/01 102153 NOVACOAST INTERNATIONAL CR:l.5 TECH SUPPORT 010.4140.5303 225.00- 1,200.00 99092 01/26/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 14 .41 99092 01/26/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 12.84 99092 01/26/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5201 15.75 99092 01/26/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5201 79.33 99092 01/26/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 38.60 99092 01/26/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 88.68 99092 01/26/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 1. 61 99092 01/26/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5201 6.42 257.64 99093 01/26/01 062322 ONE HOUR PHOTO PLUS DEC PHOTO PROCESSING 010.4201. 5255 4.60 4.60 99094 01/26/01 101665 ONEMAIN. COM INTERNET SVCS TO JAN 20 010.4140.5607 46.90 46.90 99095 01/26/01 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE TREE SKIRT 010.4420.5605 8.56 99095 01/26/01 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE TREE SKIRT & TRAPS 010.4420.5605 29.99 38.55 99096 01/26/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE-473-5400 010.4145.5403 1,353.99 99096 01/26/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL RADIO 451-0183 010.4145.5403 186.43 99096 01/26/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 473-1935 640.4710.5403 33.22 99096 01/26/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 473-2041 010.4145.5403 18.42 99096 01/26/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 489-2345 010.4145.5403 33.32 99096 01/26/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL CLETS NET 021-2713 010.4145.5403 295.53 99096 01/26/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3953 010.4211. 5403 31. 94 99096 01/26/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3956 220.4303.5403 31. 94 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 01/24/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99096 01/26/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3959 640.4710.5403 31. 94 99096 01/26/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 841-3960 010.4211.5403 31. 94 99096 01/26/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PAY PHONE 489-9816 010.4145.5403 51. 85 2,100.52 99097 01/26/01 065520 PEPSI-COLA LOS ANGELES COKE 010.4422.5258 80.72 80.72 99098 01/26/01 066534 CITY OF PISMO BEACH CHANNEL MEETING-RUNELS/FERRARA 010.4001. 5501 60.00 60.00 99099 01/26/01 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE DECORATE CONTEST RIBBIONS 010.4424.5252 57.92 99099 01/26/01 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE CITIZEN ACADEMY TROPHIES 010.4201.5504 64.20 99099 01/26/01 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE NAME PLATE-GUTHRIE 010.4130.5201 13.41 135.53 99100 01/26/01 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS PRINTING SVCS 010.4102.5306 21.45 99100 01/26/01 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS CITATION ENVELOPES 010.4201.5255 87.16 108.61 99101 01/26/01 068484 BEAU PRYOR FIELD TRAINING OFFICE-PRYOR 010.4201.5501 688.40 688.40 99102 01/26/01 100686 PURCHASE POWER POSTAGE BY PHONE#16459877862 010.4201. 5201 615.00 615.00 99103 01/26/01 099082 SAN JOSE STATE UNIV.FOU REGIS-HAMILTON/IANNEO 010.4201. 5501 838.00 838.00 99104 01/26/01 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE CLASS AD P&R JOBS 010.4421.5316 118.95 99104 01/26/01 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE LATERAl. PO AD 010.4201. 5301 277 .44 99104 01/26/01 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE CLASS AD-P&R JOBS 010.4421.5316 118.95 99104 01/26/01 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE WINTER/SPRING 2001 ACTIVITY 010.4421. 5504 162.15 99104 01/26/01 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE CLASS AD-ENGINEER/CHILD CARE 010.4421. 5316 35.21 99104 01/26/01 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE CLASS AD-ENGINEER/CHILD CARE 010.4301. 5301 70.43 783.13 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4001. 5141 66.79 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4101. 5141 658.32 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4102.5141 133.57 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4120.5141 610.61 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4002.5141 152.65 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4130.5141 753.73 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4201.5141 53,915.20 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4211.5141 8,758.48 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4212.5141 1,202.14 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4301. 5141 1,593.32 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4213.5141 1,144.90 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4305.5141 1,545.61 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4420.5141 6,382.81 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4421. 5141 171.73 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4422.5141 486.58 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4423.5141 276.68 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4425.5141 2,394.75 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 010.4430.5141 1,459.75 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 220.4303.5141 6,144.29 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 284.4103.5141 276.68 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 612.4610.5141 2,232.55 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 640.4710.5141 1,211.68 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 640.4711.5141 801. 43 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 01/24/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99105 01/26/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-3RD QTR 00/01 640.4712.5141 3,034.00 95,408.25 99106 01/26/01 076740 SANTA MARIA TIMES PUBLIC HEARING# 81799 010.4002.5301 213.75 99106 01/26/01 076740 SANTA MARIA TIMES AD-POLICE OFFICER 010.4201.5301 118.32 99106 01/26/01 076740 SANTA MARIA TIMES CLASS AD-P&R JOBS 010.4421.5316 45.47 377 . 54 99107 01/26/01 102179 CHRISTINA SCHERMER REF.WTR DEP-1425 BRIGHTON 640.0000.2302 180.00 99107 01/26/01 102179 CHRISTINA SCHERMER CLOSING BILL-1425 BRIGHTON 640.0000.4 751 64.81- 115.19 99108 01/26/01 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. GASOLINE/DIESEL 010.4201. 5608 1,311.18 1,311.18 99109 01/26/01 078234 SECURED STORAGE OFFSITE 'STORAGE CHARGES 010.4002.5303 24.00 24.00 99110 01/26/01 102046 RICHARD SLADE & ASSOC PROF.SVCS-SANTA MARIA WATER 640.4710.5575 8,432.95 8,432.95 99111 01/26/01 074100 SLO CNTY AUDITOR-CONTRO TAX RATE & ASSESSED VAL.BOOK 010.4120.5201 5.00 5.00 99112 01/26/01 074256 SLO CNTY CLERK-RECORDER GENERAL ELECTION CHARGES 010.4002.5506 6,058.81 6,058.81 99113 01/26/01 100124 SLO CNTY OFFICE OF EDUC LIVE SCAN PRINTS-BEARD 010.4425.5315 12.00 99113 01/26/01 100124 SLO CNTY OFFICE OF EDUC LIVE SCAN PRINTS-HARRIS/COOPER 010.4201.5324 36.00 48.00 99114 01/26/01 073944 SLO CO. ANIMAL REGULATIO ANIMAL SVCS-OCT/DEC 010.4201. 5321 8,525.00 8,525.00 99115 01/26/01 080418 JOHN SOARES REIMB.EMERGENCY BATTERIES-SOAR 010.4213.5604 154.88 154.88 99116 01/26/01 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT SEWER SVC COLL-12/00 760.0000.2304 56,099.54 99116 01/26/01 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT SEWER HOOKUPS-12/00 760.0000.2305 12,000.00 99116 01/26/01 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT 12-1 SAN DIST-203 N.RENA 010.4145.5401 13 .47 99116 01/26/01 080808 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT 12-1 SAN DIST-ASH R/RM 010.4145.5401 13 .47 68,126.48 99117 01/26/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY CABLE EXTENSION' 010.4420.5601 2.24 99117 01/26/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY ANTI-FOG 010.4211.5601 8.45 99117 01/26/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY SEALED BEAM 010.4211.5601 26.02 36.71 99118 01/26/01 102177 SSDDTRFTF REGIS-BEAU PRYOR 010.4201. 5501 76.50 76.50 99119 01/26/01 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE AGREEMENT-FEB 010.4201. 5606 995.00 995.00 99120 01/26/01 084084 TAYLOR'S TUNE-UP SHOP REPL.MAP SENSOR/WIPER BLADES 220.4303.5601 238.87 238.87 99121 01/26/01 084708 RICK TERBORCH CALIF. CHIEF'S CONF 010.4201. 5501 758.00 758.00 99122 01/26/01 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. SHRUB ADAPTER 010.4420.5605 15.28 99122 01/26/01 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC. VALVE BOX LID 010.4420.5605 7.09 22.37 99123 01/26/01 087672 UNITED RENTALS BROOM/FACE SHIELDS W/RATCHET 220.4303.5255 78.30 99123 01/26/01 087672 UNITED RENTALS BROOM 220.4303.5255 23.66 101. 96 99124 01/26/01 089426 VAVRINEK, TRINE, DAY & CO PROF.SVCS-12/00 010.4120.5303 2,000.00 2,000.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 7 01/24/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99125 01/26/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CM 010.4101.5403 45.41 99125 01/26/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-RDA 284.4103.5403 43.07 99125 01/26/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PW DIR 010.4301.5403 44.81 99125 01/26/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-SHOP 010.4305.5403 45.61 99125 01/26/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHPNE-WATER SUPER 612.4610.5403 37.26 99125 01/26/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-STREET SUPER 220.4303.5403 37.40 99125 01/26/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-EXTRA PHONE 010.4301.5403 43.47 99125 01/26/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PW INSPECTOR 010.4301.5403 50.70 347.73 99126 01/26/01 101866 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAG GOV'T BLDG. PAGERS 010.4213.5303 21. 21 21. 21 99127 01/26/01 100220 VHS MEDICAL CLINICS,INC PRE-EMPLOY PHYSICAL-MCCAA 010.4425.5315 100.00 100.00 99128 01/26/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE REPL.TIRE 220.4303.5601 64.00 99128 01/26/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE LUBE/OIL/WIPERS/PITMAN ARM 010.4201. 5601 242.89 99128 01/26/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE LUBE/OIL/REPL.MARKER LITE 010.4201. 5601 53.96 99128 01/26/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE LUBE/OIL/ALIGN 010.4201. 5601 83.91 99128 01/26/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TIRES 220.4303.5601 322.91 99128 01/26/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE LUBE/OIL/FILTER/WIPERS 010.4213.5601 39.41 807.08 99129 01/26/01 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO ENVELOPES-PAPER 010.4102.5255 294.57 99129 01/26/01 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO PAPER 010.4102.5255 517.35 99129 01/26/01 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO PAPER/ENVELOPES 010.4102.5255 669.65 99129 01/26/01 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO COPY PAPER 010.4102.5255 401.25 1,882.82 99130 01/26/01 092586 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC COM REPR.SIGNALS-NOV 010.4304.5303 222.94 222.94 99131 01/26/01 092976 WITMER-TYSON IMPORTS K-9 MAINT.TRAINING-DEC 010.4201. 5322 135.00 135.00 99132 01/26/01 094146 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES STREET NAME SIGN BLANKS 220.4303.5613 496.91 496.91 TOTAL CHECKS 256,743.71 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 8 01/24/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 130,476.03 011 PAYROLL CLEARING FUND 21,540.95 220 STREETS FUND 7,732.49 225 TRANSPORTATION FUND 1,465.75 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 646.64 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 3,983.26 612 SEWER FUND 2,419.76 640 WATER FUND 20,379.29 760 SANITATION DISTRIBUTION FUND 68,099.54 TOTAL 256,743.71 ATTACHMENT 5 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 1/05/01 TO 1/18/01 01/29/01 FUND 010 220,352.20 Salaries Full time 155,788.21 FUND 220 11,605.55 Salaries Part-Time 21,333.84 FUND 284 4,762.36 Salaries Over-Time 9,593.37 FUND 612 4,231.13 Holiday Pay 675.22 FUND 640 10,721.50 Sick Pay 3,111.00 251,672.74 Annual Leave Pay - Vacation Buyback - Vacation Pay 2,439.22 Comp Pay 2,650.48 Annual Leave Pay 354.14 PERS Retirement 14,966.92 Social Security 13,989.76 PARS Retirement 184.66 State Disability Ins. 654.51 Health Insurance 19,706.38 Dental Insurance 3,439.95 Vision Insurance 739.90 Life Insurance 548.10 Long Term Disability 759.72 Uniform Allowance 400.00 Car Allowance - Council Expense - Employee Assistance 237.36 Uniform Allowance Motor Pay 100.00 Total: 251,672.74 ATTACHMENT 6 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 01/31/01 16:18 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 20 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 348 01/25/01 005616 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE G.A.REIMB.1-18-01 P/R 011.0000.1015 189,079.50 189,079.50 349 01/26/01 101002 KELLY HEFFERNON REIMB.LAMINATION OF MAPS 010.4130.5201 72.76 72.76 350 01/31/01 102196 AJ SPURS BANQUET ROOM DEPOSIT 010.4001. 5504 100.00 100.00 TOTAL CHECKS 189,252.26 -----, 8.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 9f SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: February 13, 2001 Attached please find a report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of January 31,2001, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b). ~---- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT As of January 31, 2001 February 13, 2001 This report presents the City's investments as of January 31, 2001. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, type of investment, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of January 31, 2001, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. Current Investments: The City is currently investing all short-term excess cash in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) administered by the State Treasurer. This is a very high quality investment in terms of safety, liquidity, and yield. The City may readily transfer the LAIF funds to the City's checking account when funds are needed. At this time, the City does not hold any other investments. The following is a comparison of investments based on book values as of January 31, 2000 compared with the prior month and the prior year. Date: January 2001 December 2000 January 2000 Amount: $9,050,000 8,550,000 7,010,000 Interest Rate: 6.52% 6.47% 5.49% -----.....- S.c. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCil Jr FROM: KERRY McCANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE AMENDING PORTIONS OF TITLE 6, CHAPTER 4 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH A MANDA TORY CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS RECYCLING PROGRAM DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Adopt the Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande Amending Portions of Title 6, Chapter 4 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to Establish a Mandatory Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Program"; and 2. Direct the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination with the County Recorder. FUNDING: Additional staff time will be required from the Building and Community Development Departments to administer the new program. However, administration costs are not anticipated to exceed $3,000 annually. DISCUSSION: The City Council, at its meeting of January 23, 2001, introduced for first reading without modification an Ordinance amending Title 6, Chapter 4 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code establishing a mandatory construction and demolition debris recycling program. It is recommended the City Council adopt the Ordinance. Al TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Adopt the Ordinance; - Modify and approve the Ordinance; - Do not adopt the Ordinance; - Provide direction to staff. ---_.._._---_.-------- , . ORDINANCE NO C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 4 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH A MANDATORY CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS RECYCLING PROGRAM WHEREAS, AS 939 (California Integrated Waste Management Act) requires that each local jurisdiction in the State divert 50% of discarded materials (base year 1990, state methodology) from landfills by December 31,2000; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that every city and county in California could face fines up to $10,000 a day for not meeting the above mandated goal; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that reusing and recycling construction and demolition debris is essential to further the City's efforts to reduce waste and comply with AB 939 goals; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that, except in unusual circumstances, it is feasible to divert an average of at least fifty (50) percent of all construction and demolition debris from projects involving construction, demolition, and renovation; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that, to ensure compliance with this Article and to ensure that those contractors that comply with this Article are not placed at a competitive disadvantage, it is necessary to impose a civil penalty for noncompliance of this Article; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and has determined that establishing a mandatory construction and demolition debris recycling program is in substantial conformance with the Program Environmental Impact Report adopted for the City's Source Reduction and Recycling Element. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Section 6-4.02 of Title 6, Chapter 4, of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is amended to add the following definitions: "Applicant" means any individual, firm, limited liability company, association, partnership, political subdivision, government agency, municipality, industry, public or private corporation, or any other entity whatsoever who applies to the City for the applicable permits to undertake any construction, demolition, or renovation project within the City. --.-.-'.- . ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 2 "Compliance Official" means the designated staff person(s) authorized and responsible for implementing this Article. "Construction" means the building of any structure or any portion thereof including any tenant improvements to an existing facility or structure. "Construction and demolition debris" means used or discarded materials removed from premises during construction or renovation of a structure resulting from construction, remodeling, repair, or demolition operations on any pavement, house, commercial building, or other structure. "Conversion rate" means the rate set forth in the standardized Conversion Rate Table approved by the City pursuant to this Article for use in estimating the volume or weight of materials identified in recycling plan. "Covered project" shall have the meaning set forth in section 6- 4.18.2(a)(1 ). "Deconstruction" means the systematic removal of usage items from a structure. "Demolition" means the decimating, razing, ruining, tearing down or wrecking of any facility, structure, pavement or building, whether in whole or in part, whether interior or exterior. "Divert" means to use material for any purpose other than disposal in a landfill or transformation facility. "Diversion requirement" means the diversion of at least fifty (50) percent by weight of the total construction and demolition debris generated by a Project yia reuse or recycling, unless the Applicant has been granted an Infeasible Exemption pursuant to section 6-4.18.2(e), in which case the Diver$ion Requirement shall be the maximum feasible diversion rate established by the recycling plan Compliance Official for the Project. "Noncovered project" shall have the meaning set forth in section 6- 4.18.2(a)(3). "Project" means any activity that requires an application for a building or demolition permit or any similar permit from the City. "Recycling plan" means a completed recycling plan form, approved by the City for the purpose of compliance with this Article, submitted by the Applicant for any Covered or Noncovered Project. . ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 3 "Renovation" means any change, addition, or modification in an existing structure. "Reuse" means further or repeated use of construction or demolition debris. "Salvage" means the controlled removal of construction or demolition debris from a permitted building or demolition site for the purpose of recycling, reuse or storage for later recycling or reuse. SECTION 2: Section 6-4.18.2 is hereby added to Chapter 4 of Title 6 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to read as follows: Sec. 6-4.18.2. Mandatory RecyclinQ of Construction and Demolition Debris (a) THRESHOLD FOR COVERED PROJECTS (1) Covered Projects: All construction and renovation projects within the City, the valuation of which are, or are projected to be, greater than or equal to $50,000 ("covered projects"), shall comply with this section. The cost of the project shall be the valuation ascribed to the project by the Building Department. In addition, all demolition projects having a total square footage of more than 1,000 shall be a covered project. Failure to comply with any of the terms of this section shall subject the project applicant to the full range of enforcement mechanisms set forth in subsection (d)(3)(iii). (2) City-Sponsored Projects: All City-sponsored construction and renovation projects within the' City, the costs of which are, or are projected to be, greater than or equal to $50,000 ("covered projects") shall comply with this section. The cost of the project shall be the valuation ascribed to the project by the Building Department. In addition, all City-sponsored demolition projects haYing a total square footage of more than 1 ,000 shall be a covered project. These City-sponsored covered projects shall submit a recycling plan to the Compliance Official prior to beginning any construction or demolition activities and shall be subject to all applicable provisions of this section with the exception of subsection (d)(3)(iii). (3) Noncovered Proiects: Applicants for construction, demolition, and renovation projects within the City whose total costs are yalued at less than $50,000 ("noncovered projects") shall be ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 4 encouraged to divert at least fifty (50) percent of all project- related construction and demolition debris. (4) Compliance as a Condition of Approval: Compliance with the provisions of this section shall be listed as a condition of approval on any building or demolition permit issued for a covered project. (b) SUBMISSION OF RECYCLING PLAN (1) Recycling Plan Forms: Applicants for building or demolition permits inyolving any covered project shall complete and submit a recycling plan on a recycling plan form approved by the City for this purpose as part of the application for the building or demolition permit. The completed recycling plan shall indicate all of the following: i) the estimated volume or weight of project construction and demolition debris, by materials type, to be generated; ii) the maximum volume or weight of such materials that can feasibly be diverted via reuse or recycling; iii) the vendor or facility that the Applicant proposes to use to collect or receive that material; and iv) the estimated volume or weight of construction and demolition debris that will be landfilled. (2) CalculatinQ Volume and Weight of Debris: In estimating the volume or weight of materials identified in the recycling plan, the Applicant shall use the standardized Conversion Rates approved by the City for this purpose. (3) Deconstruction: In preparing the recycling plan, applicants for building or demolition permits involving the -removal of all or part of an existing structure shall deconstruct, to the maximum extent feasible, and shall make the materials generated thereby available for salvage. (c) REVIEW OF RECYCLING PLAN (1) Approval: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, no building or demolition permit shall be issued for any coyered project unless and until the recycling plan Compliance Official ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 5 has approved the recycling plan. Approval shall not be required, however, where an emergency demolition is required to protect public health or safety as determined by the City Manager or designee. The recycling plan Compliance Official shall only approve a recycling plan if he or she first determines that all of the following conditions have been met: i) the recycling plan proYides all of the information set forth in subsection (b); and ii) the recycling plan indicates that at least fifty (50) percent by weight of all construction and demolition debris generated by the project will be diverted. If the recycling plan Compliance Official determines that these conditions have been met, he or she shall mark the recycling plan "Approved", return a copy of the recycling plan to the Applicant, and notify the Building Department that the recycling plan has been approved. (2) Non-approval: If the recycling plan Compliance Official determines that the recycling plan is incomplete or fails to indicate that at least fifty (50) percent by weight of all construction and demolition debris generated by the project will be reused or recycled, he or she shall either: i) Return the recycling plan to the Applicant marked "Denied", including a statement of reasons, and so notify the Building Department; or ii) Return the recycling plan to the Applicant marked "Further Explanation Required". (d) COMPLIANCE WITH RECYCLING PLAN (1) Documentation: Prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy or final inspection for the project, the Applicant shall submit to the recycling plan Compliance Official documentation t~at the diversion requirement for the project has been met. The diversion requirement shall be that the applicant has diverted at least fifty (50) percent of the total construction and demolition debris generated by the project via reuse or recycling, unless the applicant has been granted an infeasible exemption pursuant to subsection (e), in which case the diyersion requirement shall be the maximum feasible diversion rate ORDINANCE NO. C.5. PAGE 6 established by the recycling plan Compliance Official for the project. This documentation shall include all of the following: i) Receipts from the vendor or facility which collected or received each material showing the actual weight or volume of that material; ii) A copy of the previously approved recycling plan for the project adding the actual volume or weight of each material diverted and landfilled; iii) Any additional information the Applicant believes is relevant to determining its efforts to comply in good faith with this section. (2) Weiahina of Wastes: Applicants shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that all construction and demolition debris diverted or landfilled are measured and recorded using the most accurate method of measurement available. To the extent practical, all construction and demolition debris shall be weighed by measurement on scales. Such scales shall be in compliance with all regulatory requirements for accuracy and maintenance. For construction and demolition debris for which weighing is not practical due to small size or other considerations, a volumetric measurement shall be used. For conversion of volumetric measurements to weight, the Applicant shall use the standardized conversion rates approved by the City for this purpose. (3) Determination of Compliance: The recycling plan Compliance Official shall review the information submitted under subsection (b) and determine whether the applicant has complied with the diversion requirement, as follows: i) Full Compliance: If the recycling plan Compliance Official determines that the. applicant has fully complied with the diversion requirements applicable to the project, he or she shall approve the recycling plan and inform the Building Department that a certificate of occupancy or final inspection can be issued. ii) Substantial Compliance: If the recycling plan Compliance Official determines that the diversion requirement has not been achieved, he or she shall determine on a case-by-case basis whether the applicant has made a good faith effort to ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 7 comply with this section. In making this determination, the recycling plan Compliance Official shall consider the availability of markets for the construction and demolition debris landfilled, the size of the project, and the documented efforts of the applicant to divert construction and demolition debris. If the recycling plan Compliance Official determines that the applicant has made a good faith effort to comply with this section, he or she shall approve the recycling plan and inform the Building Department that a certificate of occupancy or final inspection can be issued. iii) Noncompliance: If the recycling plan Compliance Official determines that the applicant has not made a good faith effort to comply with this section, or if the applicant fails to submit the documentation required by subsection (a) within the required time period, then the applicant shall pay a penalty in the amount calculated as two (2) percent of the total project valuation. After payment of the penalty, the Compliance Official shall inform the Building Department that a certificate of occupancy or final inspection can be issued. (4) Falsification of Records: If the applicant deliberately provides false or misleading data to the City in violation of this section, the applicant may be subject to penalties in addition to those specified in subsection (d). In any civil enforcement action, administrative or judicial, the City shall be entitled to recover its attorneys' fees and costs from an applicant who is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have violated this section. (5) Final Approval: All conditions of this section shall be met prior to final approval by the Building Department. (e) INFEASIBLE EXEMPTION (1) Application: If an Applicant for a covered project experiences unique circumstances that the applicant believes make it infeasible to comply with the diversion requirement, the applicant may apply for an exemption at the time that he or she submits the recycling plan required under subsection (b). The applicant shall indicate on the recycling plan the maximum rate of diversion he or she believes is feasible for each material and the specific circumstances that he or she believes make it infeasible to comply with the diversion requirement. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 8 (2) Meeting with Recycling Plan Compliance Official: The recycling plan Compliance Official shall review the information supplied by the Applicant and may meet with the Applicant to discuss possible ways of meeting the Diyersion Requirement. The recycling plan Compliance Official may request that staff from the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority or designee attend this meeting or may require the applicant to attend a separate meeting with San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority staff. Based on the information supplied by the applicant and, if applicable, San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority staff or designee, the recycling plan Compliance Official shall determine whether it is possible for the applicant to meet the diversion requirement. (3) GrantinQ of Exemption: If the recycling plan Compliance Official determines that it is infeasible for the Applicant to meet the diversion requirement due to unique circumstances, he or she shall determine the maximum feasible diversion rate for each material and shall indicate this rate on the recycling plan submitted by the applicant. The recycling plan Compliance Official shall return a copy of the recycling plan to the applicant marked "Approved for Infeasible Exemption" and shall notify the Building Department that the recycling plan has been approved. (4) Denial of Exemption: If the recycling plan Compliance Official determines that it is possible for the applicant to meet the diversion requirement, he or she shall so inform the applicant in writing. The app1icant shall have 30 days to resubmit a recycling plan form in full compliance with subsection (b). If the Applicant fails to resubmit the recycling plan, or if the resubmitted recycling plan does not comply with subsection (b), the recycling plan Compliance Official shall deny the recycling plan in accordance with subsection (c)(2). (f) APPEALS (1 ) Contents of Appeals: An appeal of the recycling plan Compliance Official may be made to the Community Development Director in writing not longer than ten (10) calendar days after the Compliance Official's decision. The decision of the Community Development Director shall be final. The appellant must specifically state in the notice of appeal: ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 9 i) The name and address of the appellant and appellant's interest in the decision; ii) The nature of the decision appealed from and/or the conditions appealed from; iii) A clear, complete, but brief statement of the reasons why, in the opinion of the appellant, the decision or the conditions imposed were unjustified or inappropriate; and iv) The specific facts of the matter in sufficient detail to notify the City. The appeal shall not be stated in generalities. (2) Acceptance of Appeal: An appeal shall not be accepted by the Community Development Director unless it is complete. (g) CIVIL PENAL TIES (1) Ciyil Penalty: If the recycling plan Compliance Official, or on upon appeal, the Community Development Director determines that an applicant is in noncompliance as described in subsection (d)(3)(ii), the applicant shall pay a civil penalty in the amount calculated as two (2) percent of the total project yaluation. Until the civil penalty is paid, a certificate of occupancy may be withheld by the Building Department. (2) Enforcement: The City Attorney is authorized to bring a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction to recover such civil penalties for the City of Arroyo Grande. SECTION 3: That all ordinances, codes, sections of ordinances and cod~s, and resolutions that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, or unlawful by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the yalidity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase be declared unlawful or unconstitutional. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 10 SECTION 5: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of ,2001. . ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 11 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 0~p~ STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~~YAITORNEY S.d. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2001 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Lady called the meeting to order at 6:15 P.M. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara, Council Members Runels, Dickens and Lubin, and City Manager Adams were present. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 2. CLOSED SESSION: Mayor Lady announced that the Council was going to meet in closed session to discuss the following matter: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: City Manager 3. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Lady announced that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 4. ADJOURNMENT TO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 P.M. to the regular City Council meeting of January 23, 2001. Michael A. Lady, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administratiye Servicesl Deputy City Clerk MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2001 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lady called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Runels, Dickens, Lubin, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara, and Mayor Lady were present. RDA: Board Members Runels, Dickens, Lubin, Vice Chair Ferrara, and Chair Lady were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams; City Attorney Carmel; Director of Administrative Services Wetmore; Director of Building and Fire Fibich; Director of Financial Services Snodgrass; Director of Economic Development Sheeley; Community Development Director McCants; Director of Public Works Spagnolo; Associate Planner Heffernon; and Assistant Planner McClish. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Lady led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Rabbi Norman Mendel, Congregation Beth David, San Luis Obispo, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. City of Arroyo Grande Energy Conservation Resolution Mayor Lady presented an Energy Conservation Resolution acknowledging the number of actions the City has taken to immediately reduce electricity, and urged residents and businesses to also reduce ongoing electricity use. 6. AGENDA REVIEW None. 6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only Council Member Runels moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. ----.....- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23, 2001 PAGE 2 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Gail Lightfoot, 849 Mesa Drive, submitted a copy of a letter she wrote that was published in the local newspaper regarding her views on the expansion of City boundaries. She read the letter into the record. Richard Venable, 849 Mesa Drive, acknowledged the recent publication of the City's newsletter, Stagecoach Express, and referred to an article regarding the update of the South County Youth Master Plan. He stated he was glad it was being updated. He expressed concerns in the Youth Master Plan regarding the Bill of Rights compiled by middle school students in the Lucia Mar Unified School District. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara requested that Item 8.g. be pulled for discussion. Council Member Dickens moved and Council Member Runels seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.j., with the exception of Item 8.g., with the recommended courses of action: 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Approved the listing of cash disbursements for the period January 1, 2001 through January 15, 2001. 8.b. Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance from the-Water Facility Fund. Action: Received and filed November and December Cash Reports and approve the interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficit in other funds at November 30,2000 and December 31,2000. 8.c. Minutes of Special City Council Meetings of December 12, 2000 and January 9, 2001 and Minutes of City Council Meeting of January 9, 2001. Action: Approved minutes as submitted. 8.d. Report on Project Development (AB 1600) Fees. Action: Accepted and filed the report on the receipt and use of AB1600 fees during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000. 8.e. Adjustment of In-Lieu Fee for Off-Street Parking. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3497 approving an adjustment to the in-lieu fee for off-street parking in the Parking and Business Improvement Area of the Village. 8.f. Annual Adjustment of Impact Fees. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3498 approving an adjustment to the City's Impact Fees. 8.h. Determination of Industrial Disability. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3499 determining that Police Officer Jason Pole suffers from an Industrial Disability. 8.i. Acceptance of Easements in the Rancho Grande Area. Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 3500 accepting and rejecting offers of dedication offered in 2920 OR 980; 2) Adopted Resolution No. 3501 accepting - ---,_.~ CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23, 2001 PAGE 3 easements and offers of dedication for Tract 1834, Phase 1; and 3) Adopted Resolution No. 3502 accepting easements and offers of dedication for Tract 1834, Phase 2. 8.j. Acceptance of City/Redevelopment Agency Audited Annual Financial Reports as of June 30, 2000. Action: The City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board received and filed the respectiye Audited Annual Financial Reports for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2000. City Council AYES: Council Members Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Redevelopment Agencv AYES: Board Members Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 8.g. Council Appointments to Various Boards and Commissions Recommended Action: 1) Approve the appointments to various Boards and Commissions; and 2) Approve the recommendation of Council Member Dickens to appoint Tim Brown to the Planning Commission, replacing Martin London. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara asked for clarification on the manner and intent in which the Council makes recommendations for appointments to Commissions and Boards. City Attorney Carmel referred to Government Code Section 40605 which states that in general law cities where the office of Mayor is an elective office, the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, shall make all appointments to boards, commissions, and committees unless otherwise specifically provided by statute. He explained the current policy allows each Council Member to make its own recommendations; however, there must be a majority yote of the Council to officially appoint the members. Following further discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moved to 1) Approve the appointments to various Boards and Commissions; and 2) Approve the. recommendation of Council Member Dickens to appoint Tim Brown to the Planning Commission, replacing Martin London. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23,2001 PAGE 4 AYES: Ferrara, Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Preliminary Approval of Fiscal Year 2000-01 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Projects. Assistant Planner McClish presented the staff report. She explained that the City's allocation of CDBG funds this fiscal year is approximately $152,000. She reviewed the three alternatives presented for the Council's consideration, explaining that Alternative #1 emphasized the funding of City projects; Alternatiye #2 reflected a greater emphasis on contribution to regional programs while providing funding for most of the City projects; and Alternative #3 which placed an emphasis on regional programs with reduced funding of City projects. Staff recommended the Council review the applications and provide preliminary approval of the projects to be submitted to the County for funding. Mayor Lady opened the public hearing. Maura Hugh, representing Economic Opportunity Commission - Health Services (EOC), gave an overview of the "Forty Wonderful Program" that serves women forty years of age and older who live below the poverty level and do not have access to reproductive health cafe services. She requested the Council consider approving the EOC's request for funds. Joey Hughes, representing Camp Fire Council of the Central Coast, gave an overview of the Teens-In-Action Program which is a new program fOf teens in Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach and requested the Council consider approving Alternative #3 which includes funds for their program. Michael Pascarelli, representing the Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County, gave an overview of the history and operations of the Food Bank and said their application for funds would assist in the purchase of a new, larger warehouse in Paso Robles. He explained that although the Food Bank is located in Paso Robles, the Food Bank serves the South County, including Arroyo Grande, by distributing food to low/moderate income persons. He referfed to Table 2 on page 4 which lists the six organizations that obtain food from the Food Bank for distribution. He explained that there was a long-term goal of establishing a second location in the South County; however, at this time, the cost and accessibility of warehouse space in Paso Robles makes it easier for them to remain there. -------,..,- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23, 2001 PAGE 5 Ron Hannah, Food Bank Coordinator at St. Patrick's Church, stated that the Food Bank distributes food three days a week from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. He spoke in support of the Food Bank. Herman Olave, representing Harvest Bag, Inc., stated Harvest Bag has been in the community for 21 years and serves San Luis Obispo County. He gave an overview of Harvest Bag's yolunteer operations and submitted a letter for the record stating there is no need to duplicate services with the addition of a warehouse. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady closed the public hearing. Council questions and discussion included clarification on the intent for the use of CDBG funds to benefit low income families; whether the Camp Fire's proposal for a new teen program qualified under the CDBG criteria; using CDBG funds for established programs in the community; and review of the proposed City projects. Council Member Dickens stated that he felt CDBG funds should be spent to serve and benefit the citizens of Arroyo Grande. He supported a modified yersion of Alternative #3 and proposed moving the proposed allocation of $2,000 from the Camp Fire Boys and Girls to the City's Cedar Street Sidewalk project. Council Member Runels spoke in general support of Alternative #1. Council Member Lubin spoke in support of Altemative #2 as modified to reduce the allocation to the EOC Home Repair program and to increase the allocation for the City's Cedar Street Sidewalk project. Mayor Pro Tem spoke in support of Alternative #2 as modified to reduce the allocation of funds to $5,000 for the EOC Home Repair program, allocate $5,000 to the Food Bank Coalition and $2,000 to the Camp Fire Boys & Girls. Mayor Lady agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara's suggestion for Alternative #2. Council Member Runels requested that next year Harvest Bag, Inc. is informed about the CDBG program so that they have an opportunity to submit an application. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moved to provide preliminary approval on the proposed funding of Fiscal Year 2000-01 CDBG projects as listed in Alternative #2, with the following modifications: #4. EOC Home Repair - reduce the allocation of $12.000 to $5,000; #8. Food Bank Coalition of the Central Coast Property Acquisition - allocate $5,000; and #9. Camp Fire Boys and Girls of the Central Coast - allocate $2,000. Mayor Lady seconded the motion. Council Member Dickens commented that there had been discussion about allocating funds to organizations with in the City rather than to regional organizations, that the ~-_.. , CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23, 2001 PAGE 6 EOC Home Repair program keeps the funds in the City, and he could not support reducing the amount for the program to $5,000. Further, he stated that although the Cedar Street Sidewalk project was designated as appropriate according to the 1990 census, he did not feel the project would meet CDBG guidelines according to the new census. He stated he could not support the motion. On the following roll call-vote, to wit: AYES: Ferrara, Lady, Runels, Lubin NOES: Dickens ABSENT: None There being 4 AYES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9.b. Plot Plan Review No. 00-016 for Special Event Banner Standards and Installation of Cables Across West Branch Street Attached to the Buildings at 106 W. Branch Street and 102 Bridge Street. Assistant Planner McClish presented the staff report. Staff recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving the installation of cables spanning West Branch Street for the location of a special event banner to announce community based events. Council questions and discussion included the condition of the buildings to which the cables were to be attached; installing the cables permanently for safety and convenience purposes; insurance liability issues; whether or not advertisement of sponsors should be allowed on the banner; positive comments received from the Village Improvement Association; interpretation of 1900's theme design guidelines; decreasing the timeframe between the display of banners; installation and removal of the banners by the Fire Department; and the requirement for obtaining approyal and permits from Caltrans. Mayor Lady opened the public hearing. John Keen, 298 N. Elm, commented that he was involved in the installation of banner cables on Marsh Street for the City of San Luis Obispo. He addressed technical and safety issues involved in taking down the cables after each special eyent. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady closed the public hearing. Council Member Lubin suggested reducing the time frame from 20 days to 10 days for the placement of banners in between special events. He supported the project. Council Member Runels commended Mr. Derril Pilkington for his perseverance in pursuing this project and stated he supported the project. -.- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23, 2001 PAGE 7 Council Member Dickens stated this proposal was a benefit to the City; however, he recommended proYiding the Architectural Review Committee with design guidelines regarding the 1900's theme; and supported reducing the time between displaying banners to 10 days. Council Member Runels moved to adopt a Resolution approving standards for special event banners for community-based events and the installation of cables across West Branch Street atta9hed to the buildings at 106 West Branch Street and 102 Bridge Street, as modified that there shall be a 10 day interval between the display of banners. Following further discussion, Council Member Runels further moved to direct staff to establish 1900's theme design guidelines for use by the Architectural Review Committee. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Runels, Ferrara, Dickens, Lubin, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a. Approval of Second Amendment to the Street Sweeping Service Agreement with Daystar Industries. Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report. He explained the contract amendments included a recommendation that the contract be extended for another year; increasing the curb-mile rate from $15.50 to $16.50; increasing dump fees to $250.00 per month; and increasing monthly fuel fees to $198.00 per month. Staff recommended the Council approve the second amendment to the Street Sweeping Service Agreement. Council questions and discussion included clarification on the definition of secondary sweeps; clarification that the contractor has not had to pay dump fees in the past; and how to resolve ongoing issues with construction debris in the street. Mayor Lady opened up the discussion for public comment. Dane Phillips, Daystar Industries, gave an overview of how he established his business and the competition regarding rates. He explained that secondary sweeps were established in 1998 as an ongoing operation to address routine problem areas that have been identified in the City. Mr. Phillips further addressed questions regarding dust complaints and dumping fees. --, CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23, 2001 PAGE 8 Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady brought the discussion back to the Council. Council Member Lubin moved to approve the second amendment to the Street Sweeping Service Agreement with Daystar Industries and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None- ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Proposed Ordinance Amending Portions of Title 6, Chapter 4 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to Establish a Mandatory Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Program. Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report. She explained that State law required each local jurisdiction to develop and implement waste diversion programs that ultimately achieve a 50% reduction in waste that is landfilled by the end of the year 2000. She stated that the City has implemented various programs to accomplish this goal. She stated that a significant portion of the City's waste stream that has yet to be diverted was construction and demolition debris, which has sharply. increased over the past several years. The proposed Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Program Ordinance was initiated by the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority, and was derived from reviewing similar ordinances throughout the state with input from the building industry. She gave an overview of the key components of the proposed program. Associate Planner Heffernon noted for the record that a letter had been received from Castlerock Development supporting the proposed ordinance. Bill Worrell, representing the Integrated Waste Management Authority, spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance and stated that implementing the ordinance would help in the City's continued compliance with the requirements of AB939. Council questions and discussion included clarification that recycling efforts are reported to the State on a regional basis; what locations were available for the recycling of construction and demolition waste; the effectiveness of implementing a civil penalty for non-compliance at the completion of the project rather than requiring a performance security up-front; and providing educational materials about the program to the contractors. -_.._--- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23, 2001 PAGE 9 Following further discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moved to introduce for first reading by title only an Ordinance amending Title 6, Chapter 4 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to establish a mandatory construction and demolition debris recycling program. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Ferrara, Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Mayor Lady called a break at 9:55 p.m. The Council reconvened at 10:00 p.m. 11.b. Discussion of City Approval of Development Applications. Community Development Director McCants presented the staff report. He explained that the Council had directed staff to develop a proposal that would provide for Council input and increased involvement in the review and approval of potentially significant land use proposals. He gave an overview of the four alternatiyes and recommended the Council provide direction to staff concerning existing policy and alternatives for the City's development application approval process. Council Members Dickens, Runels, and Lubin supported the current process as described in Alternative One which would be to retain the existing appeal provisions and process as recommended at the December 12, 2000 City Council meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara agreed with Council comments; however, he commented that he felt a customer-oriented development review process is required. He noted that often an applicant would go through the process favorably only to have a project denied by the Council. He felt allowing the Council to see concept plans early in the process may better assist the applicant. He noted that there was no clear way to fix this problem and that he could support Alternatiye One at this time; however, he suggested continuing to review the development process to refine the criteria used to evaluate projects. Mayor Lady commented on the Council's accountability for projects that are built in the City. He acknowledged the role of the Commissions and stated he supported Alternative One. City Manager Adams commented that within the next few months, staff would be coming to Council with an annual review of the traffic guideline standards; the Grand Avenue Master Plan process will provide more specific guidelines for projects in that area; the Council will be reviewing the Village Design Guidelines; and there would be other planning efforts that will provide more specific guidelines in reviewing projects. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23, 2001 PAGE 10 Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moved to approve Alternative One retaining the existing appeal proYisions relating to the City's development application approval process. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Ferrara, Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11.c. Budget and Financial Planning Recommendations. City Manager Adams presented the staff report. Staff requested direction from the Council regarding proposals that include modifications to the annual budget process; establishment of budget goals and priorities; a long-range financial planning process; and a future two-year budget process. He stated the recommended changes to the process are proposed to take place over a three-year period. Director of Financial Services Snodgrass gave an overview of the proposed annual budget process; long-range financial plan, and two-year budget process. She explained that the proposed annual budget process would incorporate goals into the draft budget; a long-range financial plan would identify long-term financial implications of decisions, facilitate long-range planning, and link planning to financial resources. She then detailed the benefits of preparing and adopting a two-year budget for the City. Council questions and discussion ensued regarding the proposed goal setting process; incorporating the contents of the General Plan and Economic Development Strategy into the Long Range Financial Plan; recognizing that the City was approaching build-out as far as future planning efforts; how Policy Items would be addressed; how requests for funding from non-profit agencies would be addressed; the trend of cities who are converting to two-year budgets; cost savings realized as a result of preparing two-year budgets; the importance of increasing the City's reserves; involving the City's commissions in the preliminary budget process; and the approval of the recommended goals and priorities for next fiscal year. Following discussion, there was Council consensus to approve staff's budget and financial planning recommendations. 11.d. Redevelopment Funding Recommendations. City Manager Adams presented the staff report. Staff presented recommendations to address the current Redevelopment Agency financial trends and to proceed with implementation of the City's economic development goals as follows: ~_.,-_._--,~ CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23,2001 PAGE 11 . That the interest rate charged to the Redevelopment Agency by the City be decreased from 10% to 0% until the Redevelopment Agency Administration Fund annual revenues and expenses are balanced. At that time, the interest rate would be reevaluated. In order to affect this modification, two (2) resolutions, one for the Agency and one for the City, were presented for consideration. Staff recommended the Agency/Council adopt said resolutions. . That the personnel costs and transfers charged to the Redevelopment Agency Administration Fund be reduced by the increased revenue amount projected from the increase to the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT). It was recommended this change be made in the mid-year budget report. . That the personnel costs and transfers charged to the Redevelopment Agency Administration Fund be further reduced and shifted to the General Fund by an increasing amount of $20,000 per year. . That the Redevelopment Administration Fund expenditures be reduced by $32,000 beginning in FY 2001-02. City Manager Adams stated that based on approval of these cost containment recommendations, it was then proposed to study the feasibility of assistance to a project utilizing potential debt financing. He recommended that initial efforts focus on Key Site 2, located on the northwest corner of EI Camino Real, and Key Site 4, located on the southwest corner of East Grand Avenue and Elm Street, which are identified in the Redevelopment Implementation Strategy. Consultant Steve Harding reviewed the Redevelopment Implementation Strategy; provided additional information about the City's financing options; the process for developing a project; and observations about project viability on East Grand Avenue. Council and staff discussion ensued relating to Redevelopment Agency fund projections based on the recommended adjustments to existing deficiencies; concerns about utilizing revenue from the increase in the Transient Occupancy Tax rate increase; Redevelopment Agency fund projections based on revenue increases from current and future proposed projects through fiscal year 2005-06; requirements for receiving tax increment; issues concerning the unknown economic climate over the next several years; an update on Key Site 4, a project which has been identified as Priority 1; and concerns about Key Site 2 with a recommendation by Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara to not focus on this location until the interchange issue is addressed. Following discussion, staff was directed to not include efforts directed at Key Site 2 in the next steps of the redevelopment strategy implementation process. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23, 2001 PAGE 12 Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moyed to adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande approving a First Amendment to Cooperation Agreement between the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency and the City of Arroyo Grande. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Ferrara, Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Vice-Chair Ferrara moved to adopt a Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency approving a First Amendment to Cooperation Agreement between the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency and the City of Arroyo Grande. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Board Members Ferrara, Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. At 12:00 midnight, City Attorney Carmel noted that according to the Policy/Procedures for Conducting City Council Business, the Council must unanimously consent to continue the meeting. The Council voted unanimously to proceed with the meeting. 11.e. Review of City Council Parliamentary Procedures. City Manager Adams presented the staff report. Staff recommended the Council review the Policy/Procedure for Conducting City Council Business and provide direction to staff if any modifications to the parliamentary procedures are desired. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara stated he wanted clarification on the manner in which motions are processed. He said in reviewing the Policy/Procedure, he had no issue with the content. He stated he was familiar with Robert's Rules of Order regarding motions and suggested incorporating portions of Robert's Rules of Order into the current Policy/Procedure. He requested that staff provide Council with the full text of Sturgis' Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure for review before recommending any modifications to the current procedures. There was discussion about the similarities of Robert's Rules and Sturgis' Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure; that the intent of Sturgis' Standard Code of Procedure was to simplify Robert's Rules; motions in general; and concerns about Item I. in the current policy/procedure regarding how tie votes are handled. -".,_.__.~,- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23, 2001 PAGE 13 Following further discussion, the Council requested copies of the Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure. There was consensus of the Council to defer providing direction to staff until after the Council had an opportunity to review Sturgis' Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a. MAYOR MICHAEL LADY (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). The City of Pismo Beach will not be pursuing joining the District. (2) Other. Will be attending upcoming Mayors Meeting. b. MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). No report. (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). No report. (3) Long Range Planning Committee. No report. Requested that staff direct the Planning Commission and Traffic Commission to appoint new representatives to serve on the Committee. (4) Other. Attended a League of California Cities Public Safety Policy Committee meeting. The League is starting a new grass roots approach in trying to influence legislation and will be establishing approximately 14 field offices throughout California to align with the Divisions. As a result, membership dues may increase for the cities. c. COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS (1 ) Zone 3 Advisory Board. No report. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). No report. (3) Other. None. d. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORT A). No report. (2) Community Recreation Center Subcommittee. No report. (3) Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC). No report. (4) South County Youth Coalition. No report. (5) Other. None. e. COUNCIL MEMBER SANDY LUBIN (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). No report. (2) Economic Vitality Corporation. No report. (3) Other. None. 13. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 23, 2001 PAGE 14 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lady adjourned the meeting at 12:36 p.m. to the next Regular City Council meeting of February 13, 2001. Michael A. Lady, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Servicesl Deputy City Clerk ----.-.-- 8.e. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE FUEL THROUGH LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the attached agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and the Lucia Mar Unified School District to purchase fuel. FUNDING: Fuel is purchased approximately six (6) times per year. These purchases are paid from a revolving fuel account. Each department including Public Works, Police, Fire, and Parks, Recreation and Facilities budget an amount for fuel each fiscal year and are charged based on their monthly consumption. DISCUSSION: In 1997, the City entered into an agreement with Lucia Mar Unified School District to buy fuel through their contract with J.B. Dewar. In doing so, the City of Arroyo Grande was able to buy fuel at a lower rate than the City was previously receiving. The Lucia Mar Unified School District, in conjunction with the County Superintendent of Schools, recently solicited new bids to find the best fuel prices available. This year the bid was awarded to J.A. Fischer, Inc. of Santa Maria. The bid allows the Lucia Mar Unified School District to purchase gasoline at a rate of .045~ over Oil Producer Industry Standard (OPIS). J.A. Fischer, Inc., has indicated that they would also provide the City of Arroyo Grande with the same price structure of .045~ over OPIS for unleaded gasoline and .09~ over OPIS for diesel. By purchasing fuel through the School District, the City does not have to duplicate the bid process. Annually, the City purchases approximately 25,000 gallons of both unleaded and diesel fuel. City vehicles for the Public Works, Police, Fire, Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Departments fuel their vehicles at the City's Corporation Yard. By entering into an agreement with the Lucia Mar Unified School District, the City is receiving a competitive price for fuel. - AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are proYided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendation; - Do not approve staff recommendation; - Modify staffs recommendation as appropriate and approve; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Fuel Agreement with Lucia Mar Unified School District Previous Fuel Agreements Letter from J.A. Fischer, I nc. dated October 17, 2000 - -----..-.,,-..-... AGREEMENT This agreement is made and entered into this day of ,2001, by and between LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, hereinafter called "LMUSD" and the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, hereinafter called "CITY". This agreement is entered into for the purpose of the CITY obtaining fuel through LMUSD. 1. LMUSD will allow the CITY to obtain fuel for its transportation operations through the resources of LMUSD. 2. The CITY is directly responsible for remitting payment for such fuel to J.A. Fischer, Inc. 3. The CITY fueling privileges may be suspended by LMUSD in the event payment in not promptly received by J.A. Fischer, Inc. 4. The CITY is to indemnify LMUSD against all liability arising out of use of LMUSD fuel facilities. It is understood and agreed that LMUSD shall not at any time or under any circumstances be liable or answerable for, and the CITY agrees to hold LMUSD free from, any all penalties, costs, expenses, claims, demands and causes of action arising o~t of or from any occurrences at the bus barn, causing injury or damage to any person or persons, or property whomsoever or whatsoever due directly. or indirectly from any wrongful or negligent act or omission of the CITY. The CITY shall appear and defend LMUSD at the CITY's sole expense in the event of claim or suit against LMUSD due directly or indirectly from any wrongful or negligent act or omission of the CITY. 5. This agreement has an annual term which may be extended for an additional term(s) by mutual agreement. Either party may cancel this agreement with thirty days written notice. 6. It is expressly agreed that this agreement contains all terms, conditions, and agreements between the parties hereto relating in any manner to the use of the demised premises, and that no prior agreement or understanding pertaining to the same shall be valid or of any force or effect, and that the terms, conditions, and provisions of this agreement cannot be altered, changed, modified, or added to except in writing signed by the parties hereto. 7. In the event of a breach of this instrument by either party hereto, the prevailing party may be awarded reasonable attorney fees as well as costs incurred in any action at law or equity instituted as a result of that breach. 8. This agreement is made subject to the laws of the State of California. .IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: By: Date: Date: AGREEMENT This agreement is made and entered into this 25th day of March , 1998, by and between LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, hereinafter called "LMUSD," and CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, hereinafter called "CITY." This agreement is entered into for the purpose of the CITY obtaining bus fuel through LMUSD. 1. LMUSD will allow the CITY to obtain fuel for its transportation operations through the resources of LMUSD. 2. The CITY is directly responsible for remitting payment for such fuel to J.B. Dewar. 3. The CITY fueling privileges may be suspended by LMUSD in the event payment is not promptly received by J.B. Dewar. 4. The CITY is to indemnify LMUSD against all liability arising out of use of LMUSD fuel facilities. It is understood and agreed that LMUSD shall not at any time or under any circumstances be liable or answerable for, and the CITY agrees to hold LMUSD free from, any and all penalties, costs, expenses, claims, demands and causes of action arising out of or from any occurrences at the bus barn, causing injury or damage to any person or persons, or property whomsoever or whatsoever due . directly or indirectly from any wrongful or negligent act or omission of the CITY. The CITY shall appear and defend LMUSD at the CITY's sole expense in the event of claim or suit against LMUSD due directly or indirectly from any wrongful or negligent act or omission of the CITY. 5. This agreement has an annual term which may be extended for an additional term(s) by mutual agreement. Either party may cancel this agreement with thirty days written notice. 6. It is expressly agreed that this agreement contains all terms, conditions, and agreements between the . parties hereto relating in any manner to the use of the demised premises, and that no prior agreement or understanding pertaining to the same shall be valid or of any force or effect, and that the terms, conditions, and provisions of this agreement cannot be altered, changed, modified, or added to except in writing signed by the parties hereto. 7. In the event of a breach of this instrument by either party hereto, the prevailing party may be awarded reasonable attorney fees as well as his costs incurred in any action at law or equity instituted as a result of that breach. 8. This agreement is made subject to the laws of the State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: ~L By: Knkn L. 1-tLw--r Sandra G. Davis Assistant Superintendent, Business Date: March 18. 1998 Date: .3 . d S . <f~ -~---_.~._- AGREEMENT - This agreement is made and entered into this 10th day of April , 1997, by and between LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, hereinafter called "LMUSD," and CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, hereinafter called "CITY." This agreement is entered into for the purpose of the CITY obtaining bus fuel through LMUSD, 1. LMUSD will allow the CITY to obtain fuel for its transportation operations through the resources of LMUSD. 2. The CITY is directly responsible for remitting paym~nt for such fuel to J.B. Dewar. 3. The CITY fueling privileges may be suspended by LMUSD in the event payment is not promptly received by J,B. Dewar. 4. The CITY is to indemnify LMUSD against all liability arising out of use of LMUSD fuel facilities. It is understood and agreed that LMUSD shall not at any time or under any circumstances be liable or answerable for, and the CITY agrees to hold LMUSD free from, any and all penalties. costs, expenses, claims, demands and causes of action arising out of or from any occurrences at the bus barn, causing injury or damage to any person or persons, or property whomsoever or whatsoever due directly or indirectly from any wrongful or negligent act or omission of the CITY. The CITY shall appear and defend LMUSD at the CITY's sole expense in the event of claim or suit against LMUSD due directly or indirectly from any wrongful or negligent act or omission of the CITY. 5. This agreement has an annual term which may be extended for an additional term(s) by mutual agreement Either party may cancel this agreement with thirty days written notice. 6. It is expressly agreed that this agreement contains all terms, conditions, and agreements between the parties hereto relating in any manner to the use of the demised premises, and that no prior agreement or understanding pertaining to the same shall be valid or of any force or effect, and that the terms, conditions, and provisions of this agreement cannot be altered, changed, modified, or added to except in writing signed by the parties hereto. 7. In the event of a breach of this instrument by either party hereto, the prevailing party may be awarded reasonable attorney fees as well as his costs incurred in any action at law or equity instituted as a result of that breach. 8. This agreement is made subject to the laws of the State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: ~L By: ~TL .1tlJii/' Sandra G. Davis Assistant Superintendent, Business -Date: f- ~-97 Date: ot~ 10 'Cf7 ---'--'~_.- .- .! ~ Chevron === ~.hevron J.A. Fischer, Inc. ,~, enevfCi) U.S.A.. Produc.t!; Com~}y 1'.0. /lOX 1126 . SANrA AlAR~. CA ~4S6 I&as) ~l5.365o October 17, 2000 ~ City of Arroyo Grande P.O, Box 550 Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420 ~ To Whom It May Concern, This letter is to coniinn our conversation on Wednesday, October 11, 2000. JA. Fischer Oil of Santa Maria will deliver to the City of Arroyo Grande on the Searne terms and conditions as Bid for the County of San Luis Obispo for 92 Octane Premium Unleaded Gasoline and #2 La-Red Diesel. All fuel will be biJled directly to the City of Arroyo Grande. We are looking fotwsrd to doing business with you soon. 8.f. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER I! SUBJECT: FAIR OAKS AVENUEITALL Y HO ROAD OVERLAY PROJECT, PROJECT NO. PW-2000-2, PROGRESS PAYMENT NO.6 AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: A. authorize Progress Payment No. 6 in the amount of $22,379.40 to R. Burke Corporation for work completed on the Fair Oaks Avenueffally Ho Road Overlay project; B. direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and, C. authorize release of the retention of $75,020.65, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. FUNDING: On June 27, 2000, the City Council awarded a construction contract for the Fair Oaks Avenueffally Ho Road Overlay project to R. Burke Corporation in the amount of $599,559 and authorized a contingency of $142,591 to be used for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project ($742,150 total available construction funds). DISCUSSION: The City received an application for progress payment NO.6 from R. Burke Corporation. As of December 29, 2000, R. Burke had completed all items of work on the project in accordance with the plans and specifications. Upon final calculation of the contract bid item quantities, it was determined that some of the final quantities were more than the original bid estimates. This has resulted in a final adjusted contract amount (including contract change orders) of $750,206.50, which is $8,056.50 more than the available funding in the approved construction budget. The total 1998 STIP Amendment grant funds ayailable for the Fair Oaks Avenue and Tally Ho Road Overlays in FY 2000101 was $826,900. The total expenditures as of January 31, 2001 are approximately $809,900, leaving a balance of approximately $17,000. The $8,056.50 differential in construction costs can be accommodated in the overall project budget as not all of the engineering and soils testing budgets were needed. .---------.--'.-". Deducting the 10% retention of $75,020.65, and the money previously paid, $652,806.45, from the final adjusted contract amount of $750,206.50 gives a current progress payment of $22,379.40. Staff is recommending that the 10% retention of $75,020.65 be released to R. Burke Corporation thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens are filed. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendations; - Do not approve staffs recommendations; - Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendations; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Application for Progress Payment No.6 2. Notice of Completion c i:ty of Avvoyo-Gv~ Public Works Department Application for Progress Payment No.6 ( FINAL) Contract Name: Faj, Oaks Avenue, Vall." Road and Tall. Ho Road Contract No: 2~2 350 - 5 b 3 i) -700/ ::u S,.J..3S. Co8 City Account No: 4J,....,""""'v-'~1. ~ Payment Date: OI/3Itt1I 3S1) - ~ 10 ~i - I 0 Q I =.8 17/ I"{ 3 . '72- I Bid Estimate Amended Estimate I Pay to Date Bid Unit Unit UnR 'Percent Item Unit Descriotion Otv Price Amount Qtv Price Amount Qtv Price Amount Comolete PHASE I Genetal Rl!nuirements Fair Oaks 1 LS Mobilization Allowance 1 $ 5000.00 5000.00 1 5 000.00 5000.00 1 [$ 5000.00 $ 5000.00 100% 2 LS Traffic Control 1 $ 7 500.00 7 500.00 1 7 500.00 7500.00 1 [ $ 7500.00 $ 7500.00 100% 3 LS Trench Sheetlm Shotim or Bradno 1 $ 600.00 600.00 1 600.00 $ 600.00 1 [$ 600.00 $ 600.00 100% 4 LS Construction SurveY 1 $ 1 400.00 1 400.00 1 $ 1 400.00 $ 1 400.00 1 [ $ 1 400.00 1 400.00 100% SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 5 LS Grlndl"" Pavement 11 ~ 19 500.00 19500.00 1 19500.00 19 500.00 11 $ 19500.00 . $ 19500.00 100% 6 SF A.C Patch R"""lr 3630 I $ 3.40 12 342.00 11263 3.40 38 382.20 112631 $ 3.40 $ 38 362.20 100% 7 TON aass B Asnhalt Concrete 2300 50.00 115000.00 2071 50.00 103 547.50 2071 [$ 50.00 $ 103 547.50 100% 8 LF Concrete Cum and Gutter 742 21.00 15582.00 728 21.00 15 288.00 728 [ $ 21.00 $ 15288.00 100% 9 EA Concrete Cross Gutter and Soandrels 2 4 800.00 9600.00 2 4 800.00 $ 9800.00 2 4800.00 9800.00 100% 10 EA Wheelchair Ramo 10 1 380.00 13800.00 11 $ 1 380.00 14862.75 11 1 380.00 14 862.75 100% 11 SF Drivewav Ramo 728 6.00 4 356.00 770 6.00 4 620.00 770 6.00 4620.00 100% 12 EA Conduits for Traffic Sianals 1 15000.00 1$ 15000.00 1.00 15000.00 15000.00 1.0 15000.00 15000.00 100% 13 SF Concrete Sidewalk 850 4.30 1$ 3 655.00 1213 4.30 5 215.90 1213 4.30 5215.90 100% 14 LS RAnlace Frames and Covers 11 $ 8000.00 1$ 8 000.00 1 8000.00 8000.00 1 8000.00 8000.00 100% 15 LS Pavement Delineation 11 $ 5800.00 I $ 5 800.00 1 5800.00 5800.00 1 5800.00 5800.00 100% 16 LF Cum Palntino rz-<:oatsJ 3001 $ 0.90 I $ 270.00 264 0.90 237.60 264 0.90 I $ 237.60 100% UTILITIES 17 I LS RAnlace Traffic Sianal LMM I 11 ~ 11500.00 I $ 11500.00 I 01 $ 11500.00 [ $ 01 $ 11500.00 I $ 100% STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS 18 LF 18" HDPE Storm Drain Pi"" 381 $ 83.00 3154.00 38 63.00 I $ 3154.00 381 $ 63.00 1$ 3154.00 100% 19 LF 24" HDPE Storm Drain Pine 621 $ 120.00 7440.00 9.5 120.00 [ $ 1140.00 9.5 [ $ 120.00 1$ 1140.00 100% 20 EA Storm Drain Manhole 11 ~ 3400.00 3400.00 1 $ 3400.00 [$ 3400.00 1 [$ 3400.00 1$ 3400.00 100% 21 LF French Drain - Ind. Pine Filter and Backfill 01 ~ o $ - [ $ 0 100% 22 EA Storm Drain Drop Inlet. 1 $ 5.400.00 $ 5.400.00 1 $ 5,400.00 $ 5.400.00 1 $ 5.400.00 $ 5.400.00 100% Per Detail Al18 W= 7ft 23 EA Storm Drain Drop Inlet. 1 $ 8.800.00 $ 8.800.00 1 $ 8.800.00 $ 8.800.00 1 $ 8.800.00 $ 8.800.00 100% Per Detail 8/18 W= 14ft 24 LS Removal and Disoosal of Ex. SO Facilities 11 $ 2000.00 I $ 2 000.00 1 2 000.00 I $ 2 000.00 1 $ 2000.00 1$ 2000.00 100% SUBTOTAL BID. PHASE I $ 279 099 [ $ 278 428 $ 278 427.95 100% PHASE II GENERAL REOUIREMENTS Vall- 25 I LS Mobilization Allowance I 11 $ 2 000.00 I $ 2 000.00 I 11 $ 2 000.00 $ 2000.00 11 $ 2000.00 I $ 2 000.00 100% 26 I LS Traffic Control I 11$ 1900.001$ 1 900.00 I 11$ 1900.00 $ 1 900.00 11 $ 1 900.00 I $ 1 900.00 100% 27 I LS ConstnJction SurveY I 11 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 I 11 $ 900.00 I $ 900.00 11 $ 900.00 I $ 900.00 100% SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 28 LS Grlndi"" Pavement 1 6 500.00 $ 8 500.00 1 6 500.00 I $ 6500.00 1 $ 6 500.00 [ $ 6 500.00 100% 29 SF A.C Patch Reoalr 8800 2.65 ~ 23320.00 5544 $ 2.65 1$ 14891.60 5544 $ 2.65 [$ 14691.60 100% 30 TON aass B Asnhalt Concrete 700 54.00 $ 37800.00 1891 54.00 102 118.86 1891 54.00 102 118.88 100% 31 LS R~aceFra~andCovers 1 1 200.00 $ 1 200.00 1 1 200.00 1.200.00 1 1 200.00 1 200.00 100% 32 LS Pavement Delineation 1 $ 2 800.00 $ 2 800.00 1 2800.00 2 800.00 1 2 800.00 2800.00 100% 33 LF Cum Paintim n-<:oats 400 $ 0.60 $ 320.00 81 0.60 64.60 81 0.60 64.60 100% SUBTOTAL BID. PHASE II $ 78740.00 $ 132 175.26 $ 132 175.26 100% PHASE III GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Tallv 34 LS Mobilization Allowance 1 ~ 5000.00 $ 5 000.00 1 $ 5000.00 5000.00 1.0 $ 5 000.00 1$ 5000.00 100% 35 LS Traffic Control 1 $ 4 000.00 $ 4000.00 1 $ 4000.00 4 000.00 1.0 $ 4000.00 1$ 4 000.00 100% 36 LS Trench Sheetino. Shortno or Bracino 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 11 $ 500.00 500.00 1.0 $ 500.00 1$ 500.00 100% 37 LS ConstnJction SUrvtIV 1 $ 2700.00 $ 2700.00 11 ~ 2700.00 2 700.00 1.0 $ 2700.00 1$ 2700.00 100% SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 38 LS Grlndlm Pavement 1 ~ 19 500.00 $ 19 500.00 1 19500.00 19 500.00 1 19 500.00 19500.00 100% 39 SF A.C Patch RAnair 5275 $ 3.60 $ 18990.00 1916 3.60 8897.60 1918 3.60 6897.60 100% 40 TON aass B Asnhalt Concrete 2600 $ 50.00 $ 130 000.00 3186.2 50.00 158 310.00 3188.2 50.00 158 310.00 100% 41 LF Concrete Cum and Gutter 60 $ 25.00 1 500.00 102 25.00 2 537.50 102 25.00 2537.50 100% 42 SF Drlvewav Ramo 240 $ 7.00 1 880.00 195 7.00 1 365.00 195 7.00 1 365.00 100% 43 LF Asohalt Concrete Dike 70 $ 7.00 490.00 135 7.00 945.00 135 7.00 945.00 100% 44 LS RtonIace Frames and Covers 1 ~ 8000.00 6000.00 1 6000.00 1$ 8 000.00 1.0 8000.00 6000.00 100% 45 LS Pavement Delineation 1 ~ 3000.00 3000.00 11 $ 3000.00 1$ 3000.00 1 $ 3000.00 I $ 3000.00 100% 46 LF Cum Paintim "'-<:oats 450 $ 0.60 $ 380.00 2821 $ 0.60 1$ 225.60 262 $ 0.60 1$ 225.60 100% STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS 47 I LS ICuIvert SYStem 1 $ 49000.00 I $ 49000.00 I 11 $ 50 325.00 $ 50,325.00 11 $ 50 325.00 I $ 50 325.00 100% 48 EA Asnhalt Concrete Ovetside Drain I 21$ 500.00 I $ 1 000.00 21$ 800.00 I $ 1 800.00 I 21$ 800.00 t S 1 800.00 I 100% 1 SUBTOTAL BID. PHASE III I S 243,720.00 S 282,905.70 I I $ 262,905.70 I 100% I CONSTRUCTION COST - PHASE I,ll & III I $ 599,559.00 I I $S73,501.91 I I $ 673 501.91 I 100% Contract Change Orders NO.1 Ammended quatitles are renected in above items - See ceo No. 1 $ na na NO.2 There are lour Rems in this ceo. See ceo No.2: Plus two (2) days S s 6 677.59 1.00 6677.59 100% NO.3 There are two Rems In this ceo.; Plus nine (9) wort<ing days - S 47470.00 1.00 47470.00 100% NO.4 Rework at South Valley S 2000.00 1.00 S 2 000.00 100% NO.5 Paving Mason SI. (Misc. Cost Only. AC paid under Bid Item No. 40) $ 10550.00 1.00 S 10550.00 100% NO.6 1 Repair e>dstino Ac Swale alano Taltv Ho $ 10000.00 1.00 10000.00 100% TOTAL CCO COST. PHASE I,ll & III S 76697.59 $ 76697.59 100% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST. PHASE I,ll & III I $599559.00 I $ 750 208.50 $ 750 206.50 100% ~ -"1..- 0 \. Dale :2/0 ~/CJJ Pay to Date $ 750,206.50 Retention $ 75,Q20.65 Dale Previous Payments $ 652,806.45 Previous Retention $ 72,534.05 2..)-07 This Payment $ 22,379.40 This Retention $ 2,,486.60 Date Contract Start Date: 7/13/00 Orijtinal Contract Days: 75 Adjusted Contract Days: 135 City Mana~r Dale Adjusted Contract End Date: ~Dec-OO Stt,fil PlJVrM"t to: R. Burke Corporation PO Box 957 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 _.~.,..~.- RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: JOHN L WALLACE & ASSOCIATES 4115 Broad Street Suite B-5 San Luis Obispo. Califomia 93401 NOTICE OF COMPLETION Project Title: Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road and Tally Ho Road Pavement Overlay City's Project No.: 2000-02 Contract Date: July 13, 2000 Project Completed: IMPROVEMENTS PLANS - Pavement Overlay and Strom Drain Improvements - FOR Fair Oaks Avenue, Valley Road and Tally Ho Road Date of Completion: December 29, 2000 The work performed under this Contract has been. inspected by authorized representatives of the State, the Contractor, and the Engineer, and the Project is hereby accepted by the Owner and declared to be substantially completed on the above date. Completion of the Work shall be the date of such acceptance of the Work by the Owner, as provided under California Civil Code Section 3086. Comp/~tion shall mean substantial performance of the contract as such is defined in Black's Law Dictionary, Revised Fourth Edition, West Publishing Company. NO TRANSFERORS R. BURKE CORPORATION ~--'~~ L-'L-ol Contractor/Date The Owner accepts the project as substantially completed and will assume full possession of the Project at 8:00 A.M., on December 29, 2000. The responsibility for maintenance, security and insurance under the Contract Documents will be assumed by the Owner after that date. I, the undersigned say: I am the Owner of the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion; I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof; the same is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: OWNER Authorized Representative 8.g. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER IiJ SUBJECT: THE SCENIC CREEKSIDE PATH THROUGH THE HISTORIC VILLAGE OF ARROYO GRANDE, PHASE II, PROGRESS PAYMENT NO.1 DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council authorize Progress Payment No. 1 in the amount of $27,988 to R. Simons Company, Inc. for work completed on the Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase II project. FUNDING: On Noyember 14, 2000, the City Council awarded the Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase II project to R. Simons Company, Inc. in the amount of $225,555.85 and authorized a contingency of $22,600 to be used for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project ($248,155.85 total available construction funds). DISCUSSION: The City received an application for Progress Payment No.1 from R. Simons Company, Inc. for work completed between December 18, 2000 and January 25, 2001. Staff has reviewed the application and has determined that the amount requested is in conformance with the quantity of work completed as of January 25, 2001. Progress Payment NO.1 is in the amount of $27,988 of which $2,798.80 will be held in retention until the project is completed in accordance with the project specifications. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendation; - Do not approve staffs recommendation; - Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendation; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Application for Progress Payment NO.1 jep:232.5607\phasell\prog pay 1.creekside Il.doc ----..-------..- fldilt/of ~rd~ Public Works Department Applicationfor Progress Payment Contract Name: The Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of ATToyo Grande, Phase II Contract No: PW-2000-3 Progress Payment No: 1 City Account No: 350-5607-7001 = $25,189.20 Payment Date: 02/13/01 Bid Estimate Amended Estimate Pav to Date Bid Unit Unit Unit % lIem Unit Descriotion Oty Price Amount Otv Price Amount Oty Price Amount Como GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 LS MobiliZation Allowance 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 100% 2 LS Construction Area & TraffIC Control 1 $ 2,200.00 $ , 2,200.00 1 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 1 $ 2,200,00 $ 2,200.00 100% 3 LS Compliance wtth OSHA Requirements 1 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 1 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 0 $ 2,200.00 $ - 0% 4 LS Clear & Grub, Earthwor1< 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000,00 100% 5 SF Demolttion and Removal of Existing Concret 142 $ 21.00 $ 2,982.00 142 $ 21.00 $ 2,982.00 142 $ 21.00 $ 2,982.00 100% 6 LS Construction Survev 1 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 1 $ 7,000.00 $ 7000.00 1 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 100% SOUTH CREEKSIDE HARDSCAPEIMPROVEMENTS 7 LF SpHt Rail Fence (LImited) 260 $ 14.15 $ 3,679.00 260 $ 14.15 $ 3,679.00 0 $ 14.15 $ 0% 8 SF Overlook Deck Structure 665 $ 29,50 $ 19,617.50 665 $ 29.50 $ 19,617.50 0 $ 29.50 $ - 0% 9 LF Overlook Guardrail & Posts 85 $ 52.50 $ 4,462.50 85 $ 52.50 $ 4,462.50 0 $ 52.50 $ - 0% 10 LF 18" High Retaining Wail, Seat and Planter 85 $ 257.00 $ 21,845.00 85 $ 257.00 $ 21,845.00 0 $ 257.00 $ 0% 11 LF CMU Retaining WaU 65 $ 195.00 $ 12,675.00 65 $ 195.00 $ 12,675.00 0 $ 195,00 $ 0% 12 EA Concrete Pier and Post Cap 5 $ 4,725.00 $ 23,625.00 5 $ 4,725.00 $ 23,625.00 0 $ 4,725,00 $ - 0% 13 SF Brick Paving 225 $ 37.80 $ 8,505.00 225 $ 37.80 $ 8,505.00 0 $ 37.80 $ - 0% 14 SF Concrete Paving 245 $ 6.30 $ 1,543.50 245 $ 6.30 $ 1,543.50 0 $ 6.30 $ 0% 15 LF Concrete Curb 780 $ 15.25 $ 11,895.00 780 $ 15.25 $ 11,895.00 0 $ 15,25 $ 0% 16 LF 8" Wide Concrete Wall Cap 54 $ 15.75 $ 850.50 54 $ 15.75 $ 850.50 0 $ 15.75 $ - 0% 17 TON Aggregate Subbase 3 $ 262.50 $ 787.50 3 $ 262.50 $ 787.50 0 $ 262.50 $ - 0% 18 SF Dec,omposed Granite/Resin Base Walkway 2900 $ 7.35 $ 21,315.00 2900 $ 7.35 $ 21,315.00 0 $ 7.35 $ - 0% 19 EA Relocate Historic Pilasters 2 $ 315.00 $ 630.00 2 $ 315.00 $ 630.00 0 $ 315,00 $ - 0% 20 LS Boulder Placement 1 $ 1,525.00 $ 1,525,00 1 $ 1,525.00 $ 1,525.00 0 $ 1,525.00 $ - 0% DRAINAGE 21 LF 4" ASS Perforated Drainpipe w/Drainguard 90 $ 12.60 $ 1,134.00 gO $ 12.60 $ 1,134.00 0 $ 12.60 $ 0% 22 LS 4" PVC Rigid Drainpipe wi Catch Basins 1 $ 5,160.00 $ 5,160.00 1 $ 5,160,00 $ 5,160.00 0 $ 5,160,00 $ - 0% 23 LS Rock Rio-Rao Slooe Protection 1 $ 1,900.00 $ 1,900.00 1 $ 1,900.00 $ 1,900.00 0 $ 1,900.00 $ 0% PLANTING 24 EA Tree - 24" Box 1 $ 360.00 $ 360.00 1 $ 360.00 $ 360.00 0 $ 360.00 $ - 0% 25 EA Tree (15 gallon) 9 $ 115.00 $ 1,035.00 9 $ 115.00 $ 1,035.00 0 $ 115.00 $ - 0% 26 EA Shrubs (1 gallon) 69 $ 10.50 $ 724.50 69 $ 10.50 $ 724.50 0 $ 10.50 $ 0% 27 EA Ground Cover (1 gallon) 148 $ 10.50 $ 1,554.00 148 $ 10.50 $ 1,554.00 0 $ 10.50 $ - 0% 28 EA Ground Cover (4~nch) 89 $ 4.20 $ 373.80 89 $ 4.20 $ 373.80 0 $ 4,20 $ - 0% 29 EA G round Cover (Flat) 4 $ 32.00 $ 128.00 4 $ 32.00 $ 128.00 0 $ 32.00 $ 0% 30 SF Soil Preparation 2025 $ 0.37 $ 749.25 2025 $ 0.37 $ 749.25 0 $ 0.37 $ - 0% 31 SF Erosion Control Matting 2025 $ 0.27 $ 546.75 2025 $ 0.27 $ 546.75 0 $ 0.27 $ 0% 32 SF Broadcast Seed 2025 $ 0,36 $ 729.00 2025 $ 0.36 $ 729.00 0 $ 0.36 $ 0% 33 LS 90 Dav Maintenance 1 $ 975.00 $ 975.00 1 $ 975.00 $ 975.00 0 $ 975.00 $ - 0% IRRIGATION 34 EA Controller 1 $ 367.50 $ 367.50 1 $ 367.50 $ 367.50 0 $ 367.50 $ - 0% 35 EA Control Zone Kit 5 $ 142.00 $ 710.00 5 $ 142.00 $ 710.00 0 $ 142.00 $ - 0% 36 EA Coupling Valve 5 $ 115.00 $ 575.00 5 $ 115.00 $ 575.00 0 $ 115.00 $ - 0% 37 EA Air Relief Valve 5 $ 42.00 $ 210.00 5 $ 42.00 $ 210.00 0 $ 42.00 $ - 0% 38 EA Gate Valve 6 $ 84.00 $ 504.00 6 $ 84.00 $ 504.00 0 $ 84.00 $ - 0% 39 EA Main Line 285 $ 7.50 $ 2,137.50 285 $ 7.50 $ 2,137.50 285 $ 7.50 $ 2,137.,50 100% 40 LF Drip Tube 2180 $ 1.10 $ 2,398.00 2180 $ 1.10 $ 2,398.00 0 $ 1.10 $ Q% 41 LF Sleevina 110 $ 2.10 $ 231.00 110 $ 2,10 $ 231.00 110 $ 2.10 $ 231.00 100% ELECTRICAL 42 EA Light Poles' 4 $ 1,470.00 $ 5,880.00 4 $ 1,470,00 $ 5,880.00 0 $ 1,470.00 $ - 0% 43 LF Trenchlno. Backfiil Conduit and Wire 600 $ 11.00 $ 6,600.00 600 $ 11.00 $ 6600.00 600 $ 11,00 $ 6600.00 100% NORTH CREEKSIDE HARDSCAPEIMPROVEMENTS 44 CY Aggregate Subbase 1 $ 267.50 $ 267.50 1 $ 267.50 $ 267.50 0 $ 267.50 $ - 0% 45 SF Concrete Paving 30 $ 42.00 $ 1,260.00 30 $ 42.00 $ 1,260.00 0 $ 42.00 $ - 0% 43 SF Concrete Stem Wall 10 $ 252.00 $ 2,520.00 10 $ 252.00 $ 2,520.00 0 $ 252.00 $ - 0% 47 LF Split Faced Retaining Wall 19 $ 126.00 $ 2,394.00 19 $ 126.00 $ 2,394.00 0 $ 126.00 $ - 0% 48 LS Ant~Grafftti Seal system 1 $ 945.00 $ 945.00 1 $ 945.00 $ 945.00 0 $ 945.00 $ 0% 49 EA Concrete Pier wtth Post 4 $ 1,225.00 $ 4,900.00 4 $ 1,225.00 $ 4,900,00 0 $ 1,225.00 $ - 0% 50 SF Wood Deck Structure 42 $ 94.50 $ 3,969.00 42 $ 94.50 $ 3,969.00 0 $ 94.50 $ - 0% 51 LF Wood Stairs 108 $ 23.10 $ 2,494.80 108 $ 23.10 $ 2,494.80 0 $ 23.10 $ - 0% 52 LF Guard Rail and Post 54 $ 52.50 $ 2,835.00 54 $ 52.50 $ 2,835.00 0 $ 52.50 $ - 0% 53 LF Stair Handrail 41 $ 15.75 $ 645.75 41 $ 15.75 $ 645.75 0 $ 15,75 $ - 0% 54 SF Soil Preparation 500 $ 0.37 $ 185.00 500 $ 0,37 $ 185.00 0 $ 0,37 $ - 0% 55 SF Erosion Control Matting 500 $ 0.27 $ 135.00 500 $ 0.27 $ 135.00 0 $ 0,27 $ - 0% 56 SF Broadcast Seed 500 $ 0.36 $ 180,00 500 $ 0.36 $ 180.00 0 $ 0,36 $ 0% 57 LS 90-Dav Maintenance 1 $ 575.00 $ 575.00 1 $ 575,00 $ 575.00 0 $ 575,00 $ - 0% The Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase II Progress Payment No: 1 Contract No. PW-2000-3 Payment Date: 02/13/01 Bid Estimate Amended Estimate Pav to Date Bid Unit Unit Unit % Item Unit Description Otv Price Amount Otv Price Amount Otv Price Amount Como PLANTING 58 EA Tree (15 gallon) 6 $ 114.00 $ 684.00 6 $ 114.00 $ 684.00 0 $ 114.00 $ 0% 59 EA Shrubs (1 oallon1 63 $ 10.50 $ 661.50 63 $ 10.50 $ 661.50 0 $ 10.50 $ - 0% SUBTOTAL (BASE BID) $ 211,971.35 $ 211,971.35 $ 26,150.50 12"1. BID AL TERN A TE NO 1 SITE FURNISHINGS Ail 1 EA Bench 5 $ 1,386.00 $ 6,930.00 5 $ 1,386.00 $ 6,930.00 0 $ 1,386.00 $ - 0% All 2 EA Trash Receptacle 2 $ 655.00 $ 1,310.00 2 $ 655.00 $ 1,310.00 0 $ 655.00 $ - 0% Ail 3 LS Drinking Fountain (includes 1/2" Pl/C Wateni 1 $ 3,675.00 $ 3,675.00 1 $ 3,675.00 $ 3,675.00 0.5 $ 3,675.00 $ 1,837.50 50% Ail 4 EA Bollards - Removable 1 $ 157.50 $ 157.50 1 $ 157.50 $ 157.50 0 $ 157.50 $ - 0% Ail 5 .EA Bellards - Non - Removable 12 $ 126.00 $ 1512.00 12 $ 126.00 $ 1512.00 0 $ 126.00 $ 0% SUBTOTAL (BID AL TERNA TE NO.1) $ 13,584.50 $ 13,584.50 $ 1,837.50 14% TOTAL $ 225,555.85 $ 225,555.85 $ 27,988.00 12"1. . $27,988.00 .;).-0 I - f) I Pay to Date Retention $2,798.80 Date Previous Payments $0.00 t(I/Ol This Payment !:~:~:~:I~:~:~:~:~:I~@~:~:J.~iM~o.j Dat Contract Start Date: 12/18/00 2-6 - 01 Original Contract Days: 90 Adjusted Contract Days: 0 Date Adjusted Contract End Date: 03/18/01 City Manager Date Send Payment to. R. Simons Company, Inc. P.O. Box 810 Nipomo, CA 93444 (805) 929-3517 jep:232.5607\phase 11\5607 ppLxls 02101/01 8.h. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS (RFPs) FOR THE TRAFFIC WAY BRIDGE BARRIER RAIL REPLACEMENT PROJECT DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council authorize the distribution of the attached Request for Proposal (RFP) for design services to qualified consultants for the Traffic Way Bridge Barrier Rail Replacement Program. FUNDING: The project will be funded with $117,612 (or 88.53%) of Federal Bridge Barrier Rail Replacement grant funds and a local match of $15,238 (11.47%) from the City's Construction Tax Fund for a total project cost of $132,850. The City is pursuing further reimbursement from the driver's insurance company from the recent traffic accident. If the City is successful in securing this reimbursement, it will be used towards the local match thereby reducing the City's Construction Tax Fund contribution. DISCUSSION: On November 14, 2000, the City Council included the Traffic Way Bridge Barrier Rail Replacement Project in the 2000-01 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Traffic Way bridge over the Arroyo Grande Creek was constructed in 1932. This project was added to the CIP to upgrade the existing wood barrier railing utilizing funds provided by a grant through Caltrans and as a result of a vehicle accident that damaged approximately 40 feet of the existing wood railing. This barrier rail replacement project includes removing the existing wood railing and constructing a new railing to meet the needs of both pedestrians and vehicles. The Request for Proposals provides an introduction of the project, a scope of services, the proposed selection schedule and requirements for each proposal including provisions for a cost summary. The City's Purchasing Policies & Procedures Manual dated February 2000 states that professional service contracts with a value of more than $25,000 require City Council approval and must follow a formal bid process. It is estimated that the cost for these professional services will be approximately $25,000. Therefore, staff is recommending the Council authorize the distribution of the RFPs to solicit design services for the new barrier rail. .._~-- -~.._,_..._._.._-_.- AL TERNA TIVES: . Approve staffs recommendation; . Do not approve staffs recommendation; . Modify staffs recommendation as appropriate and approve; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. List of consultants solicited 2. Request for Proposal Attachment 1 LIST OF CONSUL T ANTS TO RECEIVE TRAFFIC WAY BRIDGE BARRIER RAIL REPLACEMENT PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Scott Onishuk Bengal Engineering 250 Big Sur Drive Goleta, CA 93117 (805) 685-3488 Dave Carter Applied Engineering P.O. Box 4445 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 (805) 544-5684 Fred Schott Fred H. Schott & Associates 200 Suburban Road San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 544-1216 Robert S. Vessley 743 Pacific Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 541-2003 February 14, 2001 Consultant Contact Firm Name Address 1 City, State and Zip Code Subject: Request for Proposal - Traffic Way Bridge Barrier Rail Replacement Project Dear Consultant Contact: The City of Arroyo Grande is inviting proposals to prepare plans for the replacement of the existing bridge barrier railing on the Traffic Way bridge over Arroyo Grande Creek. If you wish to provide the City with a proposal for professional engineering services for this project, please review the attached Request for Proposal (RFP) and submit your sealed proposal by 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 9, 2001. We look forward to receiving your response and completing the project. If you have any questions regardin.g this RFP, please contact Jill Peterson, Senior Consultant Engineer, at (805) 544-4011 or me at (805) 473-5440. Sincerely, Don Spagnolo, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer ------ Attachment 2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC WAY BRIDGE BARRIER RAIL REPLACEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT NO.: PW-2001-01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 208 EAST BRANCH STREET P.O. BOX 550 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 FEBRUARY 2001 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC WAY BRIDGE BARRIER RAIL REPLACEMENT PROJECT I. INTRODUCTION The City of Arroyo Grande is soliciting proposals to prepare plans for the replacement of the existing bridge barrier railing on the Traffic Way bridge over Arroyo Grande Creek. The Traffic Way bridge over Arroyo Grande Creek was constructed in 1932. This project will include removing the existing wood rail and constructing a new rail to meet today's standards. This project is being funded through the Federal Bridge Barrier Rail Replacement grant program. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES The following is an outline of the proposed scope of services being solicited: 1. Preliminary Design There are several types of bridge barrier rails that may be appropriate for use on the Traffic Way Bridge. The consultant shall research, identify and present the various bridge barrier rails to the City for selection. 2. Enyironmental Determination The consultant shall be available to assist the City in preparing an environmental determination for the project. The type of environmental determination will depend on the type of bridge barrier rail selected and the method in which it is to be installed. 3. Plans, Specifications, and Estimates The consultant shall prepare a set of construction drawings to be used in bidding the construction contract. The consultant shall also prepare the following items to be included in the contract documents and specifications: engineers estimate, bid schedule, measurement and payment, and technical specifications. 4. Requests for Information The consultant shall be available, on an as-need ed-bases, during the bidding and construction phases of the project to answer questions, clarify items on the plans and in the specifications, and perform any site visits required of the engineer. 5. Record Drawings The consultant shall prepare a final set of record drawings, on mylar, to be submitted to the City upon completion of the project. 1 III. PROPOSED SELECTION SCHEDULE The proposed schedule for consultant selection is as follows: . City Council authorizes RFP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 13, 2001 . Issue RFP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 14, 2001 . Closing Date for RFP ............................. March 9, 2001 . Contract Negotiations ................ . . . . . . . .. March 12-16, 2001 . City Council awards contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 27, 2001 . Notice to Proceed ............................... March 28,2001 IV. INQUIRIES All questions regarding this RFP should be directed to: City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Attn: Jill Peterson, Senior Consultant Engineer Phone: (805) 544-4011 Fax: (805) 544-4294 E-mail: JiIIP@jlwa.com V. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS The proposal shall be limited to 20 pages and include as a minimum the following: 1. Introduction This section shall consist of an introduction to the Proposal. Present your understanding and description of the proposed project. Briefly discuss the consultant team's qualifications for the project including specific experience on these types of projects. 2. Personnel This section shall define the experience of the Project Manager, other key personnel, and any sub-consultants to be assigned to the project. The designated Project Manager shall be the primary contract with the City during the contract period and shall function in that capacity while employed by the firm. 3. Schedule This section shall include a project performance schedule for each stage of the project detailing the length of time for completion of each task as defined in the Scope of Services. Include milestone dates and processing time for review by the City and any other applicable agencies. 2 ___~~_._..._'_.__"__c__.._ 4. Proposers List Federal regulations require that each recipient of DOT-assisted contracts create and maintain a bidders list. The City of Arroyo grande has created and is maintaining a bidders list, consisting of information about all Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and non-DBE firms that bid or quote on DOT-assisted contracts. The bidders list includes the name, address, DBE/non-DBE status, age, and annual gross receipts offirms. The Consultant shall submit this information using the attached form entitled "City of Arroyo Grande - Proposers List." 5. Cost Summary This section shall define the total contract price with a NOT TO EXCEED fee for each phase of the project. The Consultant is to submit the calculations used to determine the "Not to Exceed" fee and shall include: a. A listing of all phases of the work. b. A listing of all the tasks required to accomplish each phase. Include all fees and expenses, including all reprographic costs (all blueprinting for plan checks, photocopying, and miscellaneous costs). Also, include any escalation or inflation factors anticipated. No increase in fees will be allowed during the life of the contract. However, extension of the contract will be a basis for renegotiating the fee. The fee for other agency permits will be in addition to the above Not to Exceed fee. The cost summary shall be submitted in a separate, sealed envelope and marked on the outside, "DESIGN FEE." 6. Signature The Proposal shall be signed by an official authorized to bind the firm, and shall contain a statement to the effect that the Proposal is valid for ninety (90) days. 7. Submittal Requirements Three (3) copies of the complete proposal must be submitted. Hand deliver or mail proposals to: City of Arroyo Grande Administrative Services Department/Deputy City Clerk's Office P.O. Box 550 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 3 Your proposal must be received on or before 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 9, 2001. VI. SELECTION CRITERIA Each proposal will be reviewed by City staff to determine if the minimum proposal requirements outlined herein are met. The City of Arroyo Grande may reject any proposal which fails to meet the requirements set forth in this RFP. Proposals meeting the RFP requirements will be evaluated and ranked by City staff. Final selection will be based on the overall proposal score and the reasonableness of the proposed design fee. Final selection will be based primarily on the following: I. Professional qualifications II. Experience and performance on similar projects III. Project familiarity IV. Time frame proposed V. Previous experience with the City of Arroyo Grande VI. Compliance with Request for Proposal VII. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Invoicing All work is to be inyoiced to the City in accordance with provisions in Section 4, Compensation, in the Consultant Services Agreement currently in effect. The City will make payments no more that once monthly on approved invoices up to the negotiated fee. Payments for additional work, if any, will be negotiated as required. Final payment will be made after approval and acceptance of the work. 2. Insurance Requirements The consultant shall maintain in full force, during the term of the service contract, limits of insurance as stipulated in Section 14, Workers' Compensation, and Section 15, Insurance, of the aforementioned Agreement, which is to be no less than: a. General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. b. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. c. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability: Workers' Compensation as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employer's Liability limit of $1,000,000 per accident. 4 d. Errors and Omissions Insurance: $1,000,000 per occurrence. It is the consultant's responsibility to notify the City if there are any changes in insurance provisions that would impact the above requirements. 3. Miscellaneous This RFP does not commit the City of Arroyo Grande to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals in part, or in entirety. The City also reserves the right to withdraw this RFP at any time without prior notice and to postpone opening proposals for any reason. All data, documents, and drawings used or developed during the life of the Project will remain the property of the City of Arroyo Grande upon completion of the Scope of Work or termination of the contract for any reason. S CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE... PROPOSERS LIST All consultants are required to provide the following information for all DBE and non-DBE consultants, who provided a proposal or were contacted by the proposed prime consultant. This information is also required of the proposed prime consultant and must be submitted with their proposal. The City of Arroyo Grande will use this information to maintain and update a "Proposers Lisf' to assist in the annual Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goal setting process required for Federally Funded projects. This information is also being made available to other local agencies for the same purpose. To the extent permitted by law, all information submitted will be held in strict confidence by the agencies and will not be shared without your consent except as noted above. Consultant: o Prime Consultant OR o Subconsultant Firm Name: . I Contact Person: Years in Business: Address: Phone: Fax: I Certified DBE under 49 CFR Part 26? DYes 0 No Gross Annual Receipts for Last Year: o Less than $1 Million o Less than $5 Million o Less than $10 Million o Less than $15 Million o More than $15 Million Consultant Specialties: o Architecture (541310) o Environmental Studies (541620) o Public Relations (541820) o Architectural Engineering (541310) o Feasibility Studies o ROW Appraisal & Acquisition o Bridge Design (541330) o Geotechnical Engineering (541380) (531320) o Civil Engineering (541330) o Hydraulics & Hydrology (541330) o Surveying & Mapping (541370) o Construction Management o Landscape Architecture (541320) o Structural Engineering (541330) o Drafting (541340) o Materials Testing (541380) o Traffic Engineering & Studies o Electrical Engineering (541330) o Mechanical Engineering (541330) (541330) o Other (describe): Consultant: o Prime Consultant OR o Subconsultant Firm Name: I Contact Person: Years in Business: Address: Phone: Fax: I Certified DBE under 49 CFR Part 26? DYes ONo Gross Annual Receipts for Last Year: o Less than $5 Million o Less than $10 Million o Less than $1 Million o More than $15 Million o Less than $15 Million Consultant Specialties: o Architecture (541310) o Environmental Studies (541620) o Public Relations (541820) o Architectural Engineering (541310) o Feasibility Studies o ROW Appraisal & Acquisition o Bridge Design (541330) o Geotechnical Engineering (541380) (531320) o Civil Engineering (541330) o Hydraulics & Hydrology (541330) o Surveying & Mapping (541370) o Construction Management o Landscape Architecture (541320) o Structural Engineering (541330) o Drafting (541340) o Materials Testing (541380) o Traffic Engineering & Studies o Electrical Engineering (541330) o Mechanical Engineering (541330) (541330) o Other (describe): - Copy sheet as needed - 6 9.a. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande to consider the following item: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION INCREASING LOPEZ WATER RATES. APPLICANT: City of Arroyo Grande PROPOSAL: The Council will consider the adoption of a Resolution to increase Lopez water rates to meet increased costs associ~ted with the State mandated seismic remediation of Lopez Dam. REPRESENTATIVE: Financial Services Director Any person affected. or concerned by the proposal may submit written comments to the Office of the City Manager before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal at the time of the hearing. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Financial Services Department at 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, or by telephone at (805)473-5430 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). The proposal will be available for public inspection at the above address. If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the 'action of the legislative body for which the notice was giyen. Date and Time of Hearing: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. Place of Hearing: Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, California 93420 ~uJ~ Kelly etm e Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk Publish 1T, Friday, February 2,2001 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES~ SUBJECT: ADJUSTMENT OF LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution increasing Lopez bi-monthly contract charges of: 1. $9.50 effective April 1, 2001; and 2. $4.50 effective April 1, 2002; and 3. $4.00 effective April 1, 2003; and 4. $4.00 effective April 1, 2004. FUNDING: An increase in Lopez contract charges will impact utility customers. Increased charges are required to meet costs associated with State mandated Dam remediation, operations and maintenance, and capital outlay associated with Flood Control Zone 3 and the Lopez Dam. Staff recommends a rate sufficient to cover all costs be implemented over a four-year period, beginning on April 1, 2001. DISCUSSION: In 1992 engineering consultants began an evaluation of the stability of the Lopez Dam and Reservoir should a major earthquake occur. Though the dam was built to the highest standards at the time of construction in 1968, the discovery of earthquake faults in the region required further evaluations of Dam stability. The studies determined that should there be an earthquake of 7 or greater on the Richter Scale, it is probable that liquefaction of the Dam foundation material would cause a major release of water, resulting in a public disaster with the most severe impact to the citizens of Arroyo Grande. Liquefaction occurs when soil turns to liquid and the structure collapses. The California Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) required Lopez Dam to be retrofitted and brought to current seismic safety standards by 2002 or be drained. In 1997 San Luis Obispo County began evaluating possible solutions to the potential liquefaction problem. Remediation methods were proposed and ultimately the County and DSOD agreed to excavate and replace a portion of the downstream berm of the dam adding over 2000 stone columns. This was seen as the least expensive option, causing the least environmental disruption, and with the shortest construction period. .""-.- ADJUSTMENT OF LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES Page 2 In September 1999 the Arroyo Grande City Council endorsed a Zone 3 wide ballot measure to finance approximately one half of the Lopez Dam seismic remediation costs through general obligation bonds. Subsequently, the County and members of Zone 3 conducted an education program on the benefits and savings of financing the remediation through revenue and general obligation debt. This measure was subsequently approved by over 70% of the electorate in March 2000. On October 11, 2000 the SLO County Financing Authority (Zone 3) issued and sold $28,905,000 in bonds. The bond sale consisted of $13,200,000 in general obligation debt to be repaid by property owners and $15,705,000 in revenue bonds to be repaid through water rates. The City of Arroyo Grande which is contractually entitled to 50.55% of the Lopez Reservoir safe yield, is therefore responsible for the repayment of 50.55% (approximately $14,611,500) of the total debt. The City's debt share will be repaid from the property tax rolls (approximately $6,673,100) and through Lopez contract charges ($7,938,400). The City's annual debt service payments, which vary from year to year, will be approximately $557,300. Though a portion of the bond proceeds were used to retire the remainder of the 1965 debt (City's share-$233,500) there will still be an annual increase in debt service costs of approximately $343,800. This additional debt service cost will require that additional revenue be generated. In addition to the increased debt service payments, additional equipment, pipe maintenance, and other improvements have increased the capital outlay charges passed to the City from the County of San Luis Obispo. In total the City's share of operating costs of Lopez Dam has increased by approximately 11 % during FY 2000-01 and is projected to increase by 15% in FY 2001-02. Not included in the proposed rate increase are major capital improvements to the Water Treatment Plant, estimated to cost $5 million. Though the City will be responsible for 50.55% of that cost, the method of financing the project, the exact amount, and the debt service amounts are unknown at this time. The revenues in the Lopez Fund are insufficient to meet future costs because of the magnitude of the City's share of the seismic remediation project; the capital outlay; the increased operating costs; and the large debt service payments. This results in the need to raise rates by over 100%. If Lopez contract charges remain the same, without an adjustment at this time, the Fund will deplete current cash reserves and be unable to purchase water for delivery to the customers by June 2003. If the City was unable to make the semi-annual payments to ._ ..n._... .__..____"'..,_._ ADJUSTMENT OF LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES Page 3 San Luis Obispo County, the County has the authority to withhold the water supply. It is critical to note that approximately 76% (2290 acre feet per year) of the City's water supply comes from the Lopez Reservoir. To soften the impact of the rate increases, staff originally planned to phase in rate increases over a five-year period by revising the Lopez rate structure last fall, before the bonds were offered to the public. Howeyer, changes in construction estimates left the amount of the proposed bonds in doubt. Given that staff did not want to raise rates any more than was absolutely necessary, rate calculations were postponed until after the October issuance of the bonds. Unfortunately, this delay, work load constraints, public hearing requirements, and the need to notify citizens of the pending increase will delay rate adjustments until April 1, 2001 . The delay in implementing revised rates will shorten the phase in period of rate adjustments from five to four years. The shorter time frame is necessary to stop the depletion of cash reserves. It is estimated that approximately $363,500 of cash reserves will be used in FY 2000-01 because of the increased costs and current insufficient rate structure. Because of the delay in increasing rates and because of the large amount of reserves being used in FY 2000-01, it is recommended that Lopez bi-monthly contract charges be increased by nine dollars and fifty cents ($9.50) beginning on April 1, 2001. Rates in the following years will be increased by $4.50 and $4.00 until the bi-monthly rate of $41 .10 is reached. The proposed rate structure is shown below. Proposed Rate Structure: FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY02-03 FY 03-04 FY04-05 Bi-Monthly Rate $19.10 $19.10 $28.60 $33.10 $37.10 Bi-Monthly Increase 0 9.50 4.50 4.00 4.00 Revised Bi-Monthly Rate $19.10 $28.60 $33.10 $37.10 $41.10 The City Council is understandably hesitant to raise any rate that affects the citizens. Howeyer, this rate increase is brought about because of circumstances far beyond the City's control, namely, State mandated repairs to Lopez Dam, increased capital equipment costs to maintain the Dam, and increase debt service costs. This rate increase is necessarv to ensure that the City has a continuina water supply. The total annual payments by the City to San Luis Obispo County result in a $667 per acre-foot cost of water. The State Water Project currently charges between $850 to $950 per acre-foot. Therefore, maintaining this local water source continues to provide saYings of up to approximately 30% to the City's customers. The overall impact to the ayerage customer's bill in FY 2001-02 will be an increase of about 12%. On the following page is a comparison of the City's proposed (combined Water and Lopez contract charge) water billing with other central coast cities. This comparison shows that the average Arroyo Grande bill for 32 Cet of water will continue to fall within the median billings of the central coast cities. ADJUSTMENT OF LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES Page 4 Water Rate Comparison City 32-Ccf Water City 32-Ccf Water Arroyo Grande $65.20 Grover Beach $56.06 Lompoc 79.48 Morro Bay 193.75 Paso Robles 24.84 Pismo Beach 43.39 San Luis Obispo 90.07 Santa Maria 88.98 Many different rate increase scenarios were prepared in a quest for the least intrusive rate increase that meets the City's cash flow needs. Attachments A-H provide information on the current rate structure (A); a five-year graduated rate increase (S); a four-year graduated rate increase(C); the proposed rate increase (D), and four other scenarios briefly considered (E-H). Attachment A-Unadiusted Lopez Contract CharQes: This projection shows that maintaining the current rates despite rising costs, will result in a cash deficit of approximately $216,700 at the end of FY 2001-02 and a cash deficit of approximately $2,749,600 at the end of FY 2004-05. Zone 3 requires semi-annual payments for the City's share of costs to receive the water allotment. Therefore, the City would be without its primary water source as of June 30, 2002. Attachment S-Increase of Lopez Contract CharQes in FY 2000-01: This schedule shows that the cash balance at July 1, 2000 would have supported a rate of increase of $4.40 on July 1, 2000 and for each of the following four years until reyenues exceed expenses in FY 2004-05. This schedule would have produced an easier transition to higher rates, but, because the debt payment costs and the capital equipment purchases were unknown until October, the rate increase was delayed. This schedule shows that at the end of FY 2004-05 the cash balance would be approximately $288,500-a large difference from the $2.7 million deficit in Attachment A. Attachment C-Increase of Equal Yearly Amounts: In an effort to minimize the rate increase effect on customers, this scenario was deyeloped. The effect of a proposed rate increase of $5.50 over a four-year period was calculated. Unfortunately, the cash reserves would be exhausted by July 1, 2003 leaving the City unable to purchase Lopez water. Attachment D-Proposed Lopez Contract CharQe Increase: This schedule shows the impact of the proposed $9.50, $4.50, $4.00, and $4.00 increases during the next four years. Smaller increases over a longer period would lessen the impact on the customers, but the current year's $363,500 reduction of cash reserves requires that two years of rate increases be accomplished in one year. The $9.50 bi-monthly increase provides enough cash to maintain a positive cash position through slower rate increases over the remaining three years. Revenues will not exceed expenses ADJUSTMENT OF LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES Page 5 until FY 2004-05-but the cash reserves will be just adequate to continue the supply of Lopez water until that time. Attachments E throuah H- Four Different Rate Scenarios: The four scenarios are offered as alternatives to Attachment D-Proposed Rate Increase. Each of the four proposals will accomplish the goal of producing cash reserves sufficient to purchase water supplies. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations for an increase in the Lopez contract charges; - Approve a contract charge rate increase as deemed appropriate; - Provide other modifications to staff recommendations and approve; - Provide other direction to staff. Attachments A. Unadjusted Lopez Contract Charges B. Increase of Lopez Contract Charges in FY 2000-01 C. Increase of Equal Yearly Amounts D. Proposed Lopez Contract Charge Increase E. Year One $14 Rate Increase F. Year One $8 Rate Increase G. Year One $22 Rate Increase H. Year One $12 Rate Increase RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDe SETTING FORTH THE AMOUNT OF LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has adopted Ordinance Number 509 C.S. which provides for the setting of Lopez contract charges by resolution of the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City has calculated the estimated future revenues under existing Lopez water contract charges to determine if they are adequate to meet costs associated with Lopez Dam seismic remediation project operations and maintenance, and capital outlay associated with Flood Control Zone 3 and the Lopez Dam; and, WHEREAS, Lopez water contract charges are designed to cover the City's share of costs to operate and maintain the Lopez Dam and Reservoir, to purchase capital outlay equipment, and to meet debt service costs associated with the Dam seismic remediation project; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at a duly noticed public hearing, and in the staff report and record of this matter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the Lopez contract charges set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of February 2001. Resolution No. Page 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Exhibit "A" LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES - APRIL 1. 2001: Schedule I - Water Services on Individual Meters CharQes Size of Meter Inside City Outside City 5/8 to 3/4 inch $ 14.30 $18.64 1-lnch 20.51 24.93 1 1/4 to 1 1/2-inch 26.65 31.07 2-lnch 32.94 37.36 3-lnch 39.08 43.50 4-lnch 45.37 49.71 6-lnch 57.87 62.14 Schedule II - Unmetered or Multiple Uses on One Meter CharQes Inside City Outside City (1 ) SinQle-F amily $14.30 $18.64 Each additional single-family dwelling On the same meter 14.30 18.64 (2) Mobile home parks and travel trailer parks One Space 14.30 18.64 Each additional space on the same meter 14.30 18.64 (3) Multiple-dwellinQ, one unit 14.30 18.64 Each additional space on the same meter 14.30 18.64 (4) Motels and Hotels, one unit 14.30 18.64 Each additional space on the same meter 14.30 18.64 (5) Hospitals. convalescent homes and Convalescent hospitals, per bed on the same meter 3.82 4.87 (6) Businesses not otherwise provided for in this section: Businesses on separate meter 14.30 18.64 Multiple-business on one meter Each separate water service, such As restrooms, kitchens, etc. 14.30 18.64 Exhibit "A" LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES - APRIL 1. 2002: Schedule I - Water Services on Indiyidual Meters CharQes Size of Meter Inside City Outside City 5/8 to 3/4 inch $ 16.55 $21.57 1-lnch 23.74 28.85 1 1/4 to 1 1/2-inch 30.84 35.96 2-lnch 38.12 43.24 3-lnch 45.23 50.34 4-lnch 52.51 57.53 6-lnch 66.98 71.92 Schedule II - Unmetered or Multiple Uses on One Meter CharQes Inside City Outside City (2) , SinQle-Family $16.55 $21.57 Each additional single-family dwelling On the same meter 16.55 21.57 (3) Mobile home parks and travel trailer parks One Space '16.55 21.57 Each additional space on the same meter 16.55 21.57 (3) Multiple-dwellinQ, one unit 16.55 21.57 Each additional space on the same meter 16.55 21.57 (4) Motels and Hotels, one unit 16.55 21.57 Each additional space on the same meter 16.55 21.57 (7) Hospitals, convalescent homes and Convalescent hospitals, per bed on the same meter 4.42 5.64 (8) Businesses not otherwise provided for in this section: Businesses on separate meter 16.55 21.57 Multiple-business on one meter Each separate water service, such As restrooms, kitchens, etc. 16.55 21.57 Exhibit "A" LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES - APRIL 1. 2003: Schedule I - Water Services on Individual Meters CharQes Size of Meter Inside City Outside City 5/8 to 3/4 inch $ 18.55 $24.18 1-lnch 26.61 32.34 1 1/4 to 1 1/2-inch 34.57 40.31 2-lnch 42.73 48.47 3-lnch 50.70 56.42 4-lnch 58.86 64.48 6-lnch 75.07 80.61 Schedule II - Unmetered or Multiple Uses on One Meter CharQes Inside City Outside City (3) SinQle-Family $18.55 $24.18 Each additional single-family dwelling On the same meter 18.55 24.18 (4) Mobile home parks and travel trailer parks One Space 18.55 24.18 Each additional space on the same meter 18.55 24.18 (3) Multiple-dwellinQ, one unit 18.55 24.18 Each additional space on the same meter . 18.55 24.18 (4) Motels and Hotels, one unit 18.55 24.18 Each additional space on the same meter 18.55 24.18 (9) Hospitals, convalescent homes and Convalescent hospitals, per bed on the same meter 4.95 6.32 (10) Businesses not otherwise provided for in this section: Businesses on separate meter 18.55 24.18 Multiple-business on one meter Each separate water service, such As restrooms, kitchens, etc. 18.55 24.18 Exhibit "A" LOPEZ CONTRACT CHARGES - APRIL 1. 2004: Schedule I - Water Services on Individual Meters Charoes Size of Meter Inside City Outside City 5/8 to 3/4 inch $ 20.55 $26.79 1-lnch 29.48 35.83 1 1/4 to 1 1/2-inch 38.30 44.66 2-lnch 47.34 53.70 3-lnch 56.17 62.50 4-lnch 65.21 71 .43 6-lnch 83.16 89.30 Schedule II - Unmetered or Multiple Uses on One Meter Charoes Inside City Outside City (4) Sinole-Family $20.55 $26.79 Each additional single-family dwelling On the same meter 20.55 26.79 (5) Mobile home parks and travel trailer parks One Space 20.55 26.79 Each additional space on the same meter 20.55 26.79 (3) Multiple-dwellino, one unit 20.55 26.79 Each additional space on the same meter 20.55 26.79 (4) Motels and Hotels, one unit 20.55 26.79 Each additional space on the same meter 20.55 26.79 (11 ) Hospitals, convalescent homes and Convalescent hospitals, per bed on the same meter 5.48 7.00 (12) Businesses not otherwise provided for in this section: Businesses on separate meter 20.55 26.79 Multiple-business on one meter Each separate water service, such As restrooms, kitchens, etc. 20.55 26.79 ATTACHMENT A City of Arroyo Grande Unadjusted Lopez Contract Charges Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2001 to 2005 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 CASH POSITION: Beginning Projected Lopez Cash Balance 995,580 632,084 (216,689) (1,000,745) (1,877,560) Fiscal Years Profit or (Loss) (363,496) (848,773) (784,056) (876,815) (872,059) Projected Year End Cash Balance 632,084 (216,689) (1,000,745) (1,877,560) (2,749,619) REVENUES & EXPENSES: Revenues Operating Revenues 860,000 868,600 877,286 886,059 894,919 Other Income 49,779 31,604 - - - Rate Increase - - - - - Total Revenue 909,779 900,204 877,286 886,059 894,919 Expenses Lopez Water Contract Payment - O&M 824,249 971,869 935,822 1,036,950 1,037,678 Lopez Water Contract Payment - Debt Service 233,526 557,298 501,314 497,233 4%,036 City Transfers 215,500 219,810 224,206 228,690 233,264 Total Expenses 1,273,275 1,748,977 1,661,342 1,762,873 1,766,978 Net Profit (Loss) (363,496) (848,773) (784,056) (876,815) (872,059) Estimated Number of Customers 7,420 7,470 7,520 7,570 7,620 (1) Lopez Fund sales revenue based on Average Number of Accounts. Oct 99 Water Rate Study estimated growth of 50 customers per year which equals a 1 % percentage increase per year. (2) Based on 7,420 customers in FY2000-01 with an increase of 50 customers per year. (3) FY 2002 Expensesfrom Flood Control Zone 3 Budgetfor FY 2001-02 (4) FY 2003 through FY 2005 Expenses from Lopez Dam Improvement Revenue Bond Official Statement (5) City Transfers estimated to increase by 2% per year ATTACHMENT B City of Arroyo Grande Increase of Lopez Contract Charges in FY 2000-01 Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2001 to 2005 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 CASH POSITION: Beginning Projected Lopez Cash Balance 995,580 827,972 383,409 214,108 147,390 Fiscal Years Profit or (Loss) (167,608) (444,562) (169,302) (66,717) 141,151 Projected YearEnd Lopez Cash Balance 827,972 383,409 214,108 147,390 288,541 REVENUES & EXPENSES: Revenues Operating Revenues 860,000 868,600 877,286 886,059 894,919 Other Income 49,779 41,399 19,170 10,705 7,370 Rate Increases: FY 2001 195,888 197,208 198,528 199,848 201,168 FY 2002 - 197,208 198,528 199,848 201,168 FY 2003 - - 198,528 199,848 201,168 FY 2004 - - - 199,848 201,168 FY 2005 - - - - 201,168 Total Revenue 1,105,667 1,304,415 1,492,040 1,696,156 1,908,129 Expenses Lopez Water Contract Payments: O&M 824,249 971,869 935,822 1,036,950 1,037,678 Debt Service 233,526 557,298 501,314 497,233 496,036 City Transfers 215,500 219,810 224,206 228,690 233,264 Total Expenses 1,273,275 1,748,977 1,661,342 1,762,873 1,766,978 Net Profit (Loss) (167,608) (444,562) (169,302) (66,717) 141,151 Current Rate 19.10 23.50 27.90 32.30 36.70 Bi-Monthly Increase 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 Revised Bi-Monthly Rate 23.50 27.90 32.30 36.70 41.10 Percent Increase 0.00% 18.72% 15.77% 13.62% 11.99% ATTACHMENT C City of Arroyo Grande Increase to Lopez Contract Charges of Equal Yearly Amounts Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2001 to 2005 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 CASH POSITION: Beginning Projected Lopez Cash Balance 995,580 632,084 29,821 (256,424) (383,809) Fiscal Years Profit or (Loss) (363,496) (602,263) (286,245) (127,385) 133,781 Projected Year End Lopez Cash Balance 632,084 29,821 (256,424) (383,809) (250,028) REVENUES & EXPENSES: Revenues Operating Revenues 860,000 868,600 877 ,286 886,059 894,919 Other Income 49,779 31,604 1,491 - - Rate Increases: FY 2002 - 246,510 248,160 249,810 251,460 FY 2003 - - 248,160 249,810 251,460 FY 2004 - - - 249,810 251,460 FY 2005 - - - - 251,460 Total Revenue 909,779 1,146,714 1,375,097 1,635,489 1,900,759 Expenses Lopez Water Contract Payments: O&M 824,249 971,869 935,822 1,036,950 1,037,678 Debt Service 233,526 557,298 501,314 497,233 496,036 City Transfers 215,500 219,810 224,206 228,690 233,264 Total Expenses 1,273,275 1,748,977 1,661,342 1,762,873 1,766,978 Net Profit (Loss) (363,496) (602,263) (286,245) (127,385) 133,781 Current Rate 19.10 19.10 24.60 30.10 35.60 Bi-Monthly Increase 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 Revised Bi-Monthly Rate 19.10 24.60 30.10 35.60 41.10 Percent Increase 0.00% 28.80% 22.36% 18.27% 15.45% ----~ . A TTACHEMENT D City of Arroyo Grande Proposed Lopez Contract Charge Increase Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2001 to 2005 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 CASH POSITION: Beginning Projected Lopez Cash Balance 995,580 632,084 209,101 67,180 11,284 Fiscal Years Profit or (Loss) (363,496) (422,983) (141,921) (55,896) 134,345 Projected Year End Cash Balance 632,084 209,101 67,180 11,284 145,630 REVENUES & EXPENSES: Revenues Operating Revenues 860,000 868,600 877,286 886,059 894,919 Other Income 49,779 31,604 10,455 3,359 564 Rate Increases: FY 2002 - 425,790 428,640 431,490 434,340 FY 2003 - - 203,040 204,390 205,740 FY 2004 - - - 181,680 182,880 FY 2005 - - - - 182,880 Total Revenue 909,779 1,325,994 1,519,421 1,706,978 1,901,324 Expenses Lopez Water Contract Payments: O&M 824,249 971,869 935,822 1,036,950 1,037,678 Debt Service 233,526 557,298 501,314 497,233 496,036 City Transfers 215,500 219,810 224,206 228,690 233,264 Total Expenses 1,273,275 1,748,977 1,661,342 1,762,873 1,766,978 Net Profit (Loss) (363,496) (422,983) (141,921) (55,896) 134,345 Current Rate 19.10 19.10 28.60 33.10 37.10 Bi-Monthly Increase 9.50 4.50 4.00 4.00 Revised Bi-Monthly Rate 19.10 28.60 33.10 37.10 41.10 Percent Increase 0.00% 49.74% 15.73% 12.08% 10.78% ATTACHMENT E City of Arroyo Grande Lopez Fund - Year One $14 Rate Increase Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2001 to 2005 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 CASH POSITION: Beginning Projected Lopez Cash Balance 995,580 632,084 410,791 459,434 604,831 Fiscal Years Profit or (Loss) (363,496) (221,293) 48,643 145,397 164,023 Projected YearEnd Lopez Cash Balance 632,084 410,791 459,434 604,831 768,854 REVENUES & EXPENSES: Revenues Operating Revenues 860,000 868,600 877,286 886,059 894,919 Other Income 49,779 31,604 20,540 22,972 30,242 Rate Increase FY 2002 - 627,480 631,680 635,880 640,080 Rate Increase FY 2003 - - 180,480 181,680 182,880 Rate Increase FY 2004 - - - 181,680 182,880 Rate Increase FY 2005 - - - - - Total Revenue 909,779 1,527,684 1,709,986 1,908,271 1,931,001 Expenses Lopez Water Contract Payment - O&M 824,249 971,869 935,822 1,036,950 1,037,678 Lopez Water Contract Payment - Debt Servic 233,526 557,298 501,314 497,233 496,036 City Transfers 215,500 219,810 224,206 228,690 233,264 Total Expenses 1,273,275 1,748,977 1,661,342 1,762,873 1,766,978 Net Profit (Loss) (363,496) (221,293) 48,643 145,397 164,023 Current Rate 19.10 19.10 33.10 37.10 41.10 Bi-Monthly Increase 14.00 4.00 4.00 - Revised Bi-Monthly Rate-3 Yr Increase 19.10 33.10 37.10 41.10 41.10 Percent Increase 0.00% 73.30% 12.08% 10.78% 0.00% ATTACHMENT F City of Arroyo Grande Lopez Fund - Year One $8 Rate Increase Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2001 to 2005 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 CASH POSITION: Beginning Projected Lopez Cash Balance 995,580 632,084 141,871 86,828 77,335 Fiscal Years Profit or (Loss) (363,496) (490,213) (55,043) (9,493) 137,648 Projected YearEnd Lopez Cash Balance 632,084 141,871 86,828 77,335 214,983 REVENUES & EXPENSES: Revenues Operating Revenues 860,000 868,600 877,286 886,059 894,919 Other Income 49,779 31,604 7,094 4,341 3,867 Rate Increase FY 2002 - 358,560 360,960 363,360 365,760 Rate Increase FY 2003 - - 360,960 363,360 365,760 Rate Increase FY 2004 - - - 136,260 137,160 Rate Increase FY 2005 - - - - 137,160 Total Revenue 909,779 1,258,764 1,606,300 1,753,380 1,904,626 Expenses Lopez Water Contract Payment - O&M 824,249 971,869 935,822 1,036,950 1,037,678 Lopez Water Contract Payment - Debt Servic 233,526 557,298 501,314 497,233 496,036 City Transfers 215,500 219,810 224,206 228,690 233,264 Total Expenses 1,273,275 1,748,977 1,661,342 1,762,873 1,766,978 Net Profit (Loss) (363,496) (490,213) (55,043) (9,493) 137,648 Current Rate 19.10 19.10 27.10 35.10 38.10 Bi-Monthly Increase 8.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 Revised Bi-Monthly Rate-Stepped Inc. 19.10 27.10 35.10 38.10 41.10 Percent Increase 0.00% 41.88% 29.52% 8.55% 7.87% --------"--_. ATTACHMENT G City of Arroyo Grande Lopez Fund - Year One $22 Rate Increase Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2001 to 2005 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 CASH POSITION: Beginning Projected Lopez Cash Balance 995,580 632,084 769,351 1,016,402 1,189,648 Fiscal Years Profit or (Loss) (363,496) 137,267 247,051 173,246 193,264 Projected Year End Lopez Cash Balance 632,084 769,351 1,016,402 1,189,648 1,382,911 REVENUES & EXPENSES: Revenues Operating Revenues 860,000 868,600 877,286 886,059 894,919 Other Income 49,779 31,604 38,468 50,820 59,482 Rate Increase FY 2002 - 986,040 992,640 999,240 1,005,840 Rate Increase FY 2003 - - - - - Rate Increase FY 2004 - - - - - Rate Increase FY 2005 - - - - - Total Revenue 909,779 1,886,244 1,908,394 1,936,119 1,%0,242 Expenses Lopez Water Contract Payment - O&M 824,249 971,869 935,822 1,036,950 1,037,678 Lopez Water Contract Payment - Debt Servic 233,526 557,298 501,314 497,233 496,036 City Transfers 215,500 219,810 224,206 228,690 233,264 Total Expenses 1,273,275 1,748,977 1,661,342 1,762,873 1,766,978 Net Profit (Loss) (363,496) 137,267 247,051 173,246 193,264 Current Rate 19.10 19.10 41.10 41.10 41.10 Bi-Monthly mcrease 22.00 - - - Revised Bi-Monthly Rate-Stepped Increas 19.10 41.10 41.10 41.10 41.10 Percent Increase 0.00% 115.18% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% --------_._._._~- ATTACHMENT H City of Arroyo Grande Lopez Fund - Year One $12 Rate Increase Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2001 to 2005 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 CASH POSITION: Beginning Projected Lopez Cash Balance 995,580 632,084 321,151 320,192 458,627 Fiscal Years Profit or (Loss) (363,496) (310,933) (959) 138,435 156,713 Projected Year End Cash Balance 632,084 321,151 320,192 458,627 615,340 REVENUES & EXPENSES: Revenues Operating Revenues 860,000 868,600 877,286 886,059 894,919 Other Income 49,779 31,604 16,058 16,010 22,931 Rate Increases: FY 2002 - 537,840 541,440 545,040 548,640 FY 2003 - - 225,600 227,100 228,600 FY 2004 - - - 227,100 228,600 FY 2005 - - - - - Total Revenue 909,779 1,438,044 1,660,384 1,901,308 1,923,691 Expenses Lopez Water Contract Payments: O&M 824,249 971,869 935,822 1,036,950 1,037,678 Debt Service 233,526 557,298 501,314 497,233 496,036 City Transfers 215,500 219,810 224,206 228,690 233,264 Total Expenses 1,273,275 1,748,977 1,661,342 1,762,873 1,766,978 Net Profit (Loss) (363,496) (310,933) (959) 138,435 156,713 Current Rate 19.10 19.10 31.10 36.10 41.10 Bi-Monthly mcrease 12.00 5.00 5.00 - Revised Bi-Monthly Rate 19.10 31.10 36.10 41.10 41.10 Percent Increase 0.00% 62.83% 16.08% 13.85% 0.00% ---..._----------- 9.b. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the following item: PROPOSED ORDINANCE REPEALING OR AMENDING OBSOLETE, SUPERSEDED, OR UNCONSTITUTIONAL ORDINANCES AND PORTIONS THEREOF IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE. Applicant: City of Arroyo Grande Proposal: The City Council will consider a proposed Ordinance repealing or amending obsolete, superseded, or unconstitutional ordinances and portions thereof in the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. Representatiye: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services Any person affected or concerned about the proposal may submit written comments to the Director of Administrative Services before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal at the time of the hearing. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Administrative Services Department at 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, or by telephone at (805) 473-5414 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). A copy of the proposed Ordinance .is available for public inspection at the above address. IF YOU CHALLENGE AN ITEM IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE CITY COUNCIL AT, OR PRIOR TO, THE PUBLIC HEARING. FAILURE OF ANY PERSON TO RECEIVE THE NOTICE SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE GROUNDS FOR ANY COURT TO INVALIDATE THE ACTION OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY FOR WHICH THE NOTICE WAS GIVEN. Date and Time of Hearing: Tuesday, February 13, 2001, 7:00 p.m. Place of Hearing: Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers, 215 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 ~~~ Kelly etm e Director of Administratiye ServiceslDeputy City Clerk Publish 1T, February 2,2001 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE~ SUBJECT: PROPOSED ORDINANCE REPEALING OR AMENDING OBSOLETE, SUPERSEDED, AND/OR UNCONSTITUTIONAL ORDINANCES AND PORTIONS THEREOF IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council introduce for first reading an Ordinance repealing or amending obsolete, superseded, and/or unconstitutional ordinances and portions thereof in the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: Consistent with previous Council approval and subsequent direction, City staff has completed the first steps to update and modernize the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code ("Code"). In Fiscal Year 1999-00, a comprehensive legal analysis of the Code was performed by Book Publishing Company ("BPC") to identify problems and discrepancies. The Code was reviewed for ambiguities, inaccuracies, duplications, and compliance with current State and Federal statutes. BPC supplied the City with an Ordinance Analysis and Report with recommendations for appropriate repeal or amendatory action of various provisions of the Code. The Director of Administrative Services and City Attorney conducted an extensiye review of the comments and recommendations by BPC, requesting clarification and input from Department Directors with regard to provisions directly related to their functional responsibility. Following review of the report, the attached ordinance was then drafted. The sequence of provisions in the proposed ordinance correspond with the sequence of recommendations in the BPC Ordinance Analysis and Report. The majority of revisions reflected in the proposed ordinance are minor in nature, dealing with amending conflicting, duplicate, or obsolete proYisions, as well as some grammatical corrections within the Code. Some of the proposed substantive amendments to the Code are as follows: . Repeal of Article 6, Chapter 3, in Title 3, Utilitv Users Tax. The City has not collected the Utility Users Tax since the November 1998 General Election at which time the provision for collecting the tax expired and was not extended by a majority vote of the citizens. . Repeal of Chapter 8 in Title 4, Private Patrol Services. The licensing of patrol systems and their employees is regulated by State law. It has been recommended that the Chief of Police replace this provision by bringing forth an ordinance at a later date imposing a registration system as authorized by the Business and Professions Code. . Repeal of Chapter 3 in Title 6, Food and Drink Establishments. Health and sanitation standards for retail food facilities are regulated by State law. . Repeal of Chapter 14 in Title 5, Sales of Drua Paraphernalia to Minors. State statutes governing the manufacture and distribution of drug paraphernalia have preempted the subject to the exclusion of local legislation. . Amendment of Section 9-13.050(1), Exempt Signs. This section now provides for the placement of non-election related political signs on private property with the consent of the property owner, and retains time restrictions on election related campaign signs, consistent with Federallaw. . Amendment of portions of Chapter 1 in Title 10, Parks and Recreation Commission. Provisions were amended to clearly define the powers and duties of the Commission and the Director to eliminate overlapping responsibilities, inconsistencies, and conflicts. Over the last year and a half, the City Council has also adopted approximately eighteen (18) new ordinances reflecting the City's current policies and procedures. These ordinances include revisions to purchasing procedures, development impact fees, recycling, water services, sewer system requirements, subdivision map approvals, affordable housing requirements, specific use development standards, and the juvenile curfew provisions. If the proposed ordinance is adopted, the next step will be to proceed with the recodification and republication of the Code. This will result in a state of the art, well- organized Code which will reorganize the ordinances by subject, include detailed ordinance history notes, have a reYised, expandable numbering system, and a new comprehensive index for quick and easy access to the City's current legislation. It should be noted that this proposed action is the first and most important part in the overall process of updating an antiquated Municipal Code. There are many sections of the Code that should be updated and/or simplified in order to make it an effective, user- friendly tool for the Council, staff, the Superior Court, and the general public. Once the revised Code is in place, the next part in the updating sequence will involve each department reviewing and identifying Code provisions which need to be replaced. The proposed action before Council will make that process a far simpler task. It is recommended that the Council introduce for first reading the attached ordinance which repeals and/or amends obsolete, superseded, or unconstitutional ordinances and portions thereof in the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. Attachment: 1. Ordinance Analysis and Report 2. Proposed Ordinance ORDINANCE ANALYSIS AND REPORT FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1111 BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY 201 Westlake Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98109 800-537 -7881 206-343-3038 (fax) e-mail: hpc@halcyon.com www.bpcnet.com ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE ONE Ordinance Analysis and Report for Arroyo Grande, California SPECIAL NOTE: This Ordinance Analysis and Report has been prepared by the legal editorial staff of Book Publishing Company for use by the city attorney of Arroyo Grande, California. It should be thoroughly reviewed. It has been prepared as a research tool to assist the attorney and should not be relied upon by city officials as a substitute for the attorney's advice. Before the city takes any action with respect to any of the comments contained in this report, the attorney should be consulted. All ordinances the city indicates it will repeal that are not repealed by the cutoff date will be left out of the code. Any provisions the city indicates it will amend which have not been amended by the cutoff date will be codified as is. The Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is referred to throughout this report as the prior code, abbreviated "PC". ------..-,.,'.------ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO Title 1 General Provisions This title is intended for those provisions of the code which apply generally to the code as a whole. The code adoption ordinance would fit logically within this title. Chapters: 1.01 Code Adoption (Ordinance to be adopted; PC ~~ 1-1.01-1-1.09) Note: Sample code adoption language will be sent to you at the same time that your new codes are delivered. Once the new code is adopted, we will print the first supplement to the code, adding the code adoption ordinance and any other ordinances you may wish included at that time. PC ~~ 1-1.01-1-1.09 will be superseded by the new code adoption ordinance and will not be codified. 1.04 General Provisions (PC ~~ 1-3.01-1-3.13) 1.08 Municipal Elections (pC ~~ 1-5.01, 2-9.01, 2-9.02) 1.12 Administrative Appeals (pC ~~ 1-4.01-1-4.07) 1.16 General Penalty (PC ~~ 1-2.01-1-2.07) ------.-- ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE Title 2 Adminiqration and Personnel This title is intended for those provisions of the code which relate to municipal officers, departments, boards and employees and to the administration of municipal affairs. Chapters: 2.04 City Council (pC ~~ 2-1.101-2-1.103, 2-1.201, 2-10.01; Ord. 504) 2.08 City Manager (pC ~~ 2-2.01-2-2.12) 2.12 Fire Department (pC ~~ 2-6.01-2-6.12) Note: The phrase "will minimize protection in the city" in PC ~ 2-6.07 should probably be "will not minimize protection in the city." If directed, we will correct the wording. The reference in PC ~ 2-6.09 to Chapter 2 of the Code is either incomplete or incorrect. We suggest amendment of PC ~ 2-6.09 to correct the reference. 2.16 Finance Department and Finance Director (pC ~~ 2-8.01-2-8.05) } 2.20 Recreation Department (pC ~~ 10-2.01, 10-2.02, 10-2.04) Note: With respect to PC ~ 10-2.04, please see our note to Ch. 2.24 of this report. 2.24 Parks and Recreation Commission (pC ~~ 10-:1.01-10-1.06) Note: In our opinion, there are some inconsistencies between the powers given to the parks and recreation commission by PC ~ 10-1.06 and the powers given to the recreation director by PC ~ 10-2.04. For example, PC ~ 1O-1.06(k) requires the parks and recreation commission to submit the budget for parks and recreation to the city coUncil for approval whereas PC ~ 10-2.04(k) appears to give the same power to the recreation director. We note also that PC ~~ 1O-1.06(a), (d) and G), which require the parks and recreation commission to advise the recreation director, and PC ~ 1O-1.06(h), which requires the commission to make periodic appraisals of the effectiveness of the recreation director, create a conflict-of- interest situation, since the commission's interest in having the director act favorably upon its advice conflicts with the commission's duty to objectively rate the effectiveness of the director. We suggest that the city amend PC ~~ 10-1.06 and 10-2.04 to clearly defme the powers and duties of the commission and the director, respectively, and to eliminate overlapping responsibilities, inconsistencies and conflicts. 2.28 . Senior Advisory Commission (pC ~~ 10-5.01-10-5.06) ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR Chapters: (Continued) 2.32 Traffic Commission (pC ~ 4-3.21) 2.36 Teen Advisory Committee (pC ~~ 10-6.01-10-6.06) 2.40 Emergency Services Organization (pC ~~ 4-1.01-4-1.09) 2.44 Reserve Police Officers (pC ~~ 2-5.301, 2-5.302) 2.48 Police Officer Standards and Training (pC ~~ 2-5.01, 2-5.02, 2-5.101, 2-5.102) 2.52 Personnel System (pC ~~ 2-3.01-2-3.19) Note: Several sections of PC Ch. 2-3 refer to the city administrator rather than the city manager. See, for example, PC ~~ 2-3.02, 2-3.03,2-3.04,2-3.11 and 2-3.18. If directed, we will editorially substitute "city manager" for "city administrator" in PC Ch. 2-3 and elsewhere throughout the code. ) ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE Title 3 Revenue and Finance This title is intended for those provisions of the code which relate to contracts, purchasing and receipt and disbursement of municipal funds. Chapters: 3.04 Claims Against the City (pC ~~ 2-11.01-2-11.12) 3.08 Purchasing System (pC ~~ 2-4.01-2-4.05; Ord. 503) 3.12 Transfer of Property Tax Assessment and Collection Duties to County (pC ~~ 3-3.101, 3- 3.102) 3.16 Real Property Transfer Tax (pC ~~ 3-3.401-3-3.412) Note: We suggest amendment of PC ~ 3-3.417 to add the tax exemption required by Revenue and Taxation Code ~ 11930. ) 3.20 Sales and Use Tax (PC ~~ 3-3.201-3-3.218) Note: PC ~ 3-3.217 is a standard severability clause contained in most ordinances which is usually not codified. We will plari on editorially deleting PC ~ 3-3.217 from the code. PC ~ 3-3.218 is a transitional provision which serves no current purpose. We will plan on editorially deleting PC ~ 3-3.218 from the code. 3.24 Transient Occupancy Tax (pC ~~ 3-3.01-3-3.314) Note: We note that the city cannot levy a transient occupancy tax on food served to lodgers which is subject to a sales and use tax. See Revenue and Taxation COde ~~ 7203.5 and 7282.3. The city may wish to amend PC Art. 3-3.3 to exempt such sales from the transient occupancy tax. 3.28 Construction Taxes (pC ~~ 3-3.501-3-3.507) ) /' -_.._-.--_.._...._-"~.- ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIX Chapters: (Continued) 3.32 Utility Taxes (pC ~~ 3-3.601-3-3.622) Note: The reference in PC ~ 3-3.602(d) to Public Utilities Code ~ 215-5 should be to Public Utilities Code ~ 215.5. We will correct the error editorially. Severability clauses like PC ~ 3-3.620 are usually not codified. We will plan on editorially deleting PC ~ 3-3.620 from the code. PC ~ 3-3.621, pertaining to the operative date of Ordinance 454, serves no current purpose. If directed, we will delete PC ~ 3-3.621 from the code. 3.36 Emergency Response Fees (pC ~ 3-7.01) 3.40 Development Impact Fees for Transportation Facilities (pC ~~ 3-2.501-3-2.508) 3.44 Traffic Signalization Fees for New Developments (pC ~~ 3-2.301-3-2.308) Note: Was it the city's intent in enacting Ordinance 461 (see PC ~~ 3-2.501-3-2.508) on transportation facilities development impact fees to supersede PC ~~ 3-2.301-3-2.308 on traffic signalization fees? If so, we suggest repeal of PC ~~ 3-2.301-3-2.308. ) 3.48 Capital Outlays Fund (pC ~~ 3-2.101-3-2.105) 3.52 Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund (pC ~~ 3-2.201-3-2.203) 3.56 Special Contingency Reserve Fund (pC ~~ 3-2.401-3-2.403) ) -------.------..---- ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SEVEN Title 4 Reserved This title is reserved, as are others throughout the code, to accommodate new enactments which do not fit logically within an existing title. ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE EIGHT Title 5 Business Licenses and Regulations This title is intended for those provisions of the code which relate to licensing, regulation, and taxation of business operations. Chapters: 5.04 Business Licenses Generally (PC ~~ 3-1.101-3-1.120,3-1.201-3-1.217) Note: It is not clear to us what is meant by the phrase "in addition to any common procedures" in PC ~ 3-1.209. Perhaps the phrase should be "in addition to any criminal procedures." The city may wish to amend PC ~ 3-1.209 accordingly. 5.08 Business License Fees (pC ~~ 3-1.301-3-1.307, 3-1.401-3-1.406, 3-1.408, 3-1.409, 3- 1.412, 3-1.414-3-1.416,3-1.418-3-1.420) Note: PC ~ 3-1.303 grants a license fee exemption to peddlers and solicitors wh9 are disabled war veterans if the disability is service-connected. Business and Professions Code ~~ 16001 and 16001.5 require the exemption whether or not the disability is service- ) connected. We suggest amendment of PC ~ 3-1.303 to conform to the statutes. California Constitution Art. 13 ~ 27 contains no subsections. We therefore suggest amendment of PC ~ 3-1.305(a) to delete the reference to subsection (a). The phrase "or to himself' in the fourth line of PC ~ 3-1.418 is grammatically awkward. We suggest amendment of PC ~ 3-1.418 to correct the wording. 5.12 Auctions (pC ~ 3-1.407) 5.16 Billiard Halls, Bowling Alleys and Similar Establishments (pC ~~ 5-6.01-5-6.03) Note: Are the closing hours in PC ~ 5-6.01 still enforced? If not, we suggest that PC ~ 5- 6.01 be amended to conform to current closing hours. Are PC ~~ 5-6.02 and 5-6.03, which require unobstructed views into poolrooms, bowling alleys and similar places, still enforced? If not, we suggest repeal of PC ~~ 5-6.02 and 5- 6.03. ) ./ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE NINE Chapters: (Continued) 5.20 Bingo (PC ~~ 3-1.413 and 5-12.01-5-12.09) Note: We suggest amendment of PC ~ 5-12.09 to increase the maximum [me for violations of PC Ch. 5-12 to $1,000. See PC ~ 1-2.01 and Government Code ~ 36901. PC ~ 3-1.413 essentially covers the same topic as PC Ch. 5-12. To eliminate unnecessary duplication, we suggest repeal of PC ~~ 3-1.413(b), (c) and (d). 5.24 Cable Television Franchises (PC ~~ 5-2.01-5-2.43) 5.28 Card Rooms (PC ~~ 5-1.01-5-1.03) 5.32 Closing-Out and Similar Sales (PC ~~ 5-4.01-5-4.20 Note: PC ~ 5-4.19 is a transitional provision which serves no current purpose. If directed, we will editorially delete PC ~ 5-4.19 from the code. 5.36 Circuses, Bazaars and Similar Events (PC ~ 3-1.410) Note: PC ~ 3-1.41O(d) refers to Revenue and Taxation Code ~ 23701(d). There is no such subsection (d). We suggest amendment of PC ~ 3-1.410 to update the statutory citation. , 5.40 Contractors (pC ~ 3-1.411) 5.44 Dances and Public Entertainment Activities (PC ~~ 5-3.01-5-3.10) 5.48 Delivery Vehicles (PC ~ 3-1.424) 5.52 Entertainment Gatherings (pC ~~ 5-17.01-5-17.12, 5-18.01-5-18.07) Note: The cross-reference in PC ~ 5-17.04 to Section 3-1.303 of the code appears inaccurate since Section 3-1.303 pertains to disabled veterans, not charitable organizations. We suggest amendment of PC ~ 5-17.04 to either delete or correct the reference. PC Ch. 5-21 on noise appears to supersede PC ~~ 5-17.1 0 and 5-17.11 on the same subject. If so, we suggest repeal of PC ~~ 5-17.10 and 5-17.11. 5.56 Filming Activities (pC ~~ 4-17.01-4-17.17) 5.60 Massage Establishments (PC ~~ 5-11.01-5-11.25) ) / ARROYO GRANDE, CALJFORNIA PAGE TEN Chapters: (Continued) 5.64 Private Patrol Services (pC ~~ 4-8.01-4-8.04) Note: Pursuant to state law, the city may require private patrol operators and their employees to register their names and copies of their state identification cards with the city. See Business and Professions Code ~ 7582.5(c). No fee may be charged nor may any application be required by the city for such registration. Cities may also regulate the unifonns and vehicles of private patrol operators. See Business and Professions Code ~ 7583.38. Otherwise, the subject appears to be preempted by state law. Accordingly, it is our opinion that PC ~~ 4-8.01-4-8.05 pertaining to the licensing of patrol systems and their employees should be repealed and replaced with an ordinance imposing a registration system as authorized by Business and Professions Code ~ 7582.5(c). 5.68 Public Exhibitions (PC ~~ 5-20.01-5-20.07) 5.72 Rummage, Parking Lot and Garage Sales (pC ~ 3-1.417) Note: The zoning districts mentioned in PC ~ 3-1.417(b)(2) are out of date. We suggest amendment of PC ~ 3-1.417(b)(2) to conform to the zoning districts established by the city's development code, PC Title 9. 5.76 Secondhand and Junk Dealers (pC ~~ 5-8.01-5-8.15) ) 5.80 Taxicabs (pC ~~ 5-10.01-5-10.16) 5.84 Vending Machines (PC ~ 3-1.422) -) ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE ELEVEN Title 6 Animals This title is intended for those provisions of the code which apply generally to the regulation, control and care of animals. Chapters: 6.04 Definitions (pC ~ 6-1.11) 6.08 Administration and Enforcement (pC ~~ 6-1.01-6-1.06, 6-1.15, 6-1.16, 6-1.18, 6-1.21, 6-1.35, 6-1.60) Note: PC ~ 6-1.18 makes PC ~ 6-1.60 unnecessary. We suggest repeal of PC ~ 6-1.60. 6.12 Animal Control Regulations Generally (pC ~~ 6-1.07-6-1.10, 6-1.31, 6-1.32, 6-1.36, 6-1.58, 6-1.59) 6.16 Dogs and Cats (pC ~~ 6-1.17, 6-1.19, 6-1.20, 6-1.22-6-1.30, 6-1.33, 6-1.34, 6-1.37- 6-1.57) 6.20 Pet Shops and Other Animal Use Operations (pC ~~ 6-1.12-6-1.14) 6.24 Apiaries (PC ~~ 6-2.01, 6-2.02) ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TIllRTEEN Title 8 Health and Safety This title is intended for those provisions of the code which relate to the regulation and control of sanitation and disease, and other measures to protect the health and safety of the community. Chapters: 8.04 Alann Systems (PC ~~ 5-19.01-5-19.06) 8.08 Accumulated Waste Material (pC ~~ 4-6.01--4-6.03, 4-6.06,4-6.07) 8.12 Fireworks (pC ~ 4-2.02) 8.16 Food and Drink Establishments (pC ~~ 6-3.01-6-3.12) Note: The state has preempted the field of health and sanitation standards for retail food facilities except for the specific areas listed in Health and Safety Code ~ 113715. See Health and Safety Code ~ 113705. PC ~~ 6-3.01-6-3.12 appear to cover the preempted area. We suggest repeal of PC ~~ 6-3.01-6-3.12. 8.20 Hazardous Materials (pC ~~ 6-10.01-6-10.05) Note: If directed, we will editorially update PC ~ 6-1O.03(a)(I) to substitute Health and Safety Code ~ 25281 for Health and Safety Code ~ 25280. 8.24 Noise (pC ~~ 5-21.01-5-21.08) 8.28 Nuisances (PC ~~ 4-15.01--4-15.16) 8.32 Obstruction of Streams, Drainage Channels and Watercourses (pC ~~ 4-9.01--4-9.03) 8.36 Radios, Phonographs and Similar Devices (pC ~~ 5-7.01, 5-7.02) Note: PC Ch. 5-21 on noise appears to substantially supersede PC ~~ 5-7.01 and 5-7.02. We suggest repeal of PC ~~ 5-7.01 and 5-7.02. 8.40 Removal of Unauthorized Vehicles on Private Property (pC ~~ 4-12.01--4-12.07) 8.44 Solid Waste Disposal (PC ~~ 6-4.01-6-4.29) ----,_..,._~_.- ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOURTEEN Chapters: (Continued) 8.48 Traffic Visibility Obstructions (pC ~~ 4-10.01-4-10.04) Note: The reference in PC ~ 4-10.03 to Government Code ~ 3873 is incorrect. We suggest amendment of PC ~ 4-10.03 to either delete or correct the citation. 8.52 Unifonn Fire Code Adopted (pC ~ 4.201) 8.56 Weeds, Grass and Rubbish (pC ~~ 4-5.01-4-5.05) Note: The last sentence of PC ~ 4-5.05 provides for recovery of attorney's fees by the city in any action to recover costs for abatement of weeds and rubbish on private property. Government Code ~ 38773.5(b) requires such ordinances to provide for recovery of attorney's fees by the prevailing party, rather than limiting recovery of attorney's fees to the city if it prevails. We suggest amendment of PC ~ 4-5.05 to conform to the statute. -.. --~----_._.. ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIFTEEN Title 9 Public Peace, Morals and Welfare This title is intended for those provisions of the code which relate to the prohibition and regulation of certain conduct for the preservation of the public peace, morals and welfare. Chapters: 9.04 Offenses Against Public Peace and Decency (pC ~~ 5-9.01, 5-15.01, 5-15.02, 6-11.01) 9.08 Offenses By or Against Minors (pC ~~ 5-5.01-5-5.03, 5-13.01, 5-14.01-5-14.06) Note: PC Ch. 5-1, which prohibits cardrooms, appears to make PC Ch. 5-5, which prohibits minors in cardrooms, unnecessary. We suggest repeal of PC Ch. 5-5. The curfew imposed by PC ~ 5-13.01 is probably unconstitutional. See Nunez v. City of San Diego, 114 F.3d 935 (9th Cir. 1997), which struck down a San Diego curfew ordinance because it did not exempt legitimate First Amendment activities from the curfew. We suggest amendment of PC ~ 5-13.01 to conform to the Nunez decision. State statutes governing the manufacture and distribution of drug paraphernalia have preempted the subject to the exclusion of local legislation. A & B Cattle Co. of Nevada, Inc. v. City of Escondido (1987) 192 Ca1.App.3d 1032,238 Cal.Rptr. 580. Accordingly, we suggest repeal of PC ~~ 5-14.01-5-14.06. 9.12 Weapons (pC ~~ 4-4.01-4-4.04) Note: To the extent that PC g 4-4.01 pertains to guns and pistols, it has been superseded by PC ~ 4-4.03. To the extent it pertains to bombs, it is preempted by Penal Code g 12301 et seq., which make possession of bombs a felony. To the extent it pertains to fireworks, it has been superseded by PC ~ 4-2.02. We suggest repeal of PC ~ 4-4.01. ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIXTEEN Title 10 Vehicles and Traffic This title is intended for those provisions of the code which relate to the local regulation of vehicles and traffic. Chapters: 10.04 General Provisions (pC ~ 4-3.01) 10.08 Traffic Administration and Regulation (PC ~~ 4-3.09, 4-3.10, 4-3.15, 4-3.18, 4-3.19) 10.12 Parking (pC ~~ 4-3.02-4-3.08, 4-3.11-4-3.14, 4-3.20, 4-12.08) Note: PC ~ 4-3.03, which requires the wheels of parallel parked vehicles to be within one foot of the curb line, conflicts with state law, Vehicle Code ~ 22502(a), which requires such vehicles to be within 18 inches of the curb. We suggest amendment of PC ~ 4-3.03 to substitute "18 inches" for "one foot." 10.16 Abandoned, Wrecked, Dismantled and Inoperative Vehicles (pC ~~ 4-11.01--4-11.13) 10.20 Recreational Vehicles (PC ~~ 6-5.01-6-5.08) 10.24 Bicycles (PC ~~ 4-7.01-4-7.15) Note: PC ~~ 4-7.02 and 4-7.03 do not reflect the bicycle licensing and registration scheme established by Vehicle Code ~ 39001 et seq. We suggest repeal of PC ~~ 4-7.02 and 4-7.03. We suggest amendment of PC ~ 4-7.01 to add the following words at the end of the section: "pursuant to Vehicle Code ~ 39001 et seq." .'~-~ Vehicle Code ~ 21206, which formerly authorized local regulation of bicycle operation . b: ( v.c ~ ~ = / generally, has been amended to authorize only local regulation of the parking and operation , of~ioycle fA.:aities on pedestrian or bicycle facilities. PC ~~ 4-7.10-4-7.13 therefore appear J to exceed the city's authority. We suggest repeal of PC ~~ 4-7.10-4-7.13. We suggest that PC ~ 4-7.14 be amended to delete imprisonment as a penalty for violations of PC Ch. 4-7 and to limit the fine for such violations to $10. See Vehicle Code ~ 39011. 10.28 Wheeled Toys (PC ~~ 4-13.01-4-13.04) ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE EIGHTEEN Title 12 Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places This title is intended for those provisions of the code which relate to the use, maintenance, and construction of streets, sidewalks and other public places. Chapters: 12.04 Public Works Construction Standards (pC ~~ 7-2.01-7-2.05) 12.08 Building Numbers and Street Names (PC ~~ 8-2.01-8-2.06) 12.12 Excavation, Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control (pC ~~ 7-1.01-7-1.14) 12.16 Obstructions (pC ~~ 7-3.01-7-3.04) 12.20 Parking and Business Improvement Area (pC ~~ 3-5.01-3-5.10) 12.24 Pedestrian Mall (pC ~~ 10-4.01, 10-4.02) 12.28 Community Tree Program (PC ~~ 10-3.01-10-3.09) 12.32 City Parks (pC ~~ 4-14.01-4-14.06) _ _____.__w_______ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE NINETEEN Title 13 Public Services This title is intended for those provisions of the code which relate to the regulation of the use of water and sewage facilities and other public services. Chapters: 13.04 Water Service System (PC ~~ 6-7.01-6-7.28) Note: When codifying PC ~~ 6-7.01(aHd), we will, if directed, editorially delete the water rates that expired on September 19, 1991 and January 19, 1992. 13.08 Water Wells (pC ~~ 6-8.01-6-8.08) Note: The statutory citation in PC ~ 6-8.02(b) is out of date. We suggest amendment of PC ~ 6-8.02(b) to update the citation, perhaps by reference to the California Safe Drinking Water Act, Health and Safety Code ~ 116275 et seq. 13.12 Sewer Service System (pC ~~ 6-6.01-6-6.125, 6-6.201, 6-6.301-6-6.311, 6-6.401-6- 6.412,6-6.501-6-6.503,6-6.601-6-6.603, 6-6.701-6-6.706, 6-6.801, 6-6.802, 6-6.901-6- 6.904, 6-6.1001-6-6.1006, 6-6.1101,6-6.1201) Note: PC ~ 6-6.1005 authorizes the city to disconnect utility service to delinquent customers. Please be aware when enforcing this provision and similar provisions that public utilities cannot shut off service to delinquent customers until notice of intended termination has been sent to the customer along with information on procedures to contest the termination. Memphis Light v. Craft, 436 U.S. 1(1978). 13.16 Cross-Connections (PC ~~ 6-9.01-6-9.11) ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWENTY-ONE Title 15 Buildings and Construction This title is intended for those provisions of the code which relate to the regulation of the construction, maintenance and repair of buildings and their appurtenances. Chapters: 15.04 Building and Construction Codes Adopted (PC ~~ 8-1.01-8-1.05, 8-4.01, 8-7.01, 8-8.03, 8-9.04; Ord. 505) Note: PC ~ 8-4.01 relates to the 1967 Uniform Building Code, not the 1997 Uniform Building Code currently in force in.the city. We suggest that PC ~ 8-4.01 either be updated or repealed. PC ~~ 8-8.03 and 8-9.04 are identical provisions. To eliminate unnecessary duplication, we will codify only one of the two sections. Furthermore, since PC ~~ 8-8.03 and 8-9.04 amend the Uniform Administrative Code as adopted by PC ~ 8-1.01, we will plan on codifying them inthis chapter along with PC ~ 8-1.01 rather than in the chapters in which they were codified in the prior code. 15.08 Construction Site Maintenance and Sanitation (PC ~~ 8-8.01, 8-8.02, 8-9.01-8-9.03) 15.12 Moving Buildings (PC ~~ 8-6.01-8-6.22) 15.16 Signs (pC ~~ 8-3.01-8-3.04, 8-5.01-8-5.05) Note: The references in PC ~~ 8-3.03 and 8-3.04 to "Section 8-6.02" should be to "Section 8-3.02." We will editorially correct the error. ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWENTY-TWO Title 16 Development Code This title is intended for those provisions of the code which relate to the regulation of land use. Chapters: 16.04 Introductory Provisions and Defmitions (PC ~~ 9-01.010-9-01.060, 9-18.010-9-18.030; Ord. 501 ~ 4 and Exhibit B) 16.08 Administration and Enforcement (pC ~~ 9-01.070, 9-01.090-9-01.170) 16.12 Development Review Process (pC ~~ 9-02.010-9-02.180) 16.16 Land Use Permits and Approvals (pC ~~ 9-03.010-9-03.210) 16.20 Land Divisions (pC ~~ 9-04.010-9.04.170; Ord. 502 ~ 5) 16.24 Zoning Districts Designated (pC ~ 9-01.080) 16.28 Agricultural Districts (pC ~~ 9-05.010-9-05.040) 16.32 Residential Districts (PC ~~ 9-06.010-9-06.050) 16.36 Commercial Districts (PC ~~ 9-07.010-9-07.050) 16.40 Industrial Districts (PC ~~ 9-08.010-9-08.040) 16.44 Special Districts (pC ~~ 9-09.010-9-09.050; Ord. 501 ~ 3 and Exhibit A) 16.48 General Development Standards (PC ~~ 9-10.010-9-10.150) 16.52 Specific Use Development Standards (PC ~~ 9-11.010-9-11.200; Ord. 506) Note: We note that PC ~ 9-11.025(C), which restricts the location of adult businesses, is valid only if it does not suppress or greatly restrict the number of such businesses. See Young v. American Mini Theaters, Inc., 427 US 50 (1976) and Topanga Press, Inc. v. City of Los Angeles, 989 F2d 1524 (CA9 1993). PC ~ 9-11.030(A)(1), which requires a pennit for installation of all satellite dishes, apparently does not take into account the existence of small satellite dishes less than two feet in diameter. The city may wish to amend PC 9 9-11.030(A)(1) to exempt small satellite dishes from the permit requirement. ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWENTY-TIIREE Chapters: (Continued) 16.56 Parking and Loading Requirements (pC ~~ 9-12.010-9-12.170) 16.60 Signs (pC ~~ 9-13.010-9-13.100) Note: Although PC ~ 9-13.050(1) exempts election-related political signs from pennit requirements, there is no exemption for political signs which are not election-related. In this regard, see City of Ladue v. Gilleo, 512 US 43 (1994), which held unconstitutional an ordinance which prohibited a person from displaying a sign stating, "For Peace in the Gulf," on her front lawn. The city may wish to amend PC ~ 9-13.050(1) to add an exemption for signs that are not election-related containing political, religious or personal messages on residential property. 16.64 Dedications, Fees and Reservations (pC ~~ 9-14.010-9-14.090) 16.68 Improvements (pC ~~ 9-15.010-9-15.130) 16.72 UndergroWld Utilities (pC ~~ 9-16.010-9-16.120) 16.76 Annexation Fees and Procedures (PC ~~ 9-17.010-9-17.040) ORDINANCE NO. C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REPEALING OR AMENDING OBSOLETE, SUPERSEDED AND/OR UNCONSTITUTIONAL ORDINANCES AND PORTIONS THEREOF IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following Municipal Code Sections are hereby repealed: A. Repeal Section 3-3.217 - Severability; and Section 3-3.218 - Repeals (Sales and Use Taxes). B. Repeal Article 6, Chapter 3, Title 3 - Utilitv Users Tax. C. Repeal Sections 3-1.413(b), (c), and (d). - (Games of chance). D. Repeal Section 5-4.19 - Application to sales conducted on effective date of chapter. E. Repeal Section 5-17.10 - Music shall not disturb peace; and Section 5- 17.11 - Loud. boisterous noise or commotion unlawful. F. Repeal Chapter 8, Title 4 - Private Patrol Services. G. Repeal Section 6-1-60 - Violations (Animals). H. Repeal Chapter 3, Title 6 - Food and Drink Establishments. I. Repeal Section 5-7.01 - Hours of operation in public places.; and Section 5-7-02 - Disturbina the peace. J. Repeal Chapter 5, Title 5 - Minors. K. Repeal Chapter 14, Title 5 - Sales of Drua Paraphernalia to Minors. L. Repeal Section 4-4.01 - Firing Unlawful. M. Repeal Section 4-7.02 -Issuance of licenses; 4-7.03 License plates; 4-7.10 - One person onlv; 4-7.11 - Holdina onto or pullina other"vehicles; 4-7.12 - Traffic signals and signs; and 4-7.13 - Liahts at niaht (Bicycles) N. Repeal Section 8-4.01 - Fire Zone Number Three. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 2 o. Repeal Section 8-8.03 - Amendments: Section 202(d) Uniform Administrative Code; and Section 8-9.04 - Amendments: Section 202(d) Uniform Administrative Code (duplicate provisions) P. Repeal Sections 10-1.06(e); 10-1.06(h); 10-1.06(k) - Parks and Recreation Commission: Powers and Duties SECTION 2: The following sections of the Municipal Code are hereby amended: A. Section 2-6.07 - Assignment of eauipment. Amend to read as follows: "The duty officer in charge of the Department shall have the power to assign equipment for responses to calls for assistance outside the City, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-6.12 of this chapter, and in other cases only when the absence of such equipment will. minimize protection in the City." B. Section 2-6.09 - Inspections of buildinas. Amend to read as follows: "Inspections of buildings shall be as provided by Chapter 2 _ of this Code or as otherwise provided in this Code for the regulation of inspections of buildings for fire prevention purposes." C. Section 10-1.06(c) - Parks and Recreation Commission: Powers and Duties. Amend to read as follows: Meet with the Council in ,^.pril and in Ootobor of oaoh yoar to discuss proposed policies, programs, budgeting, future needs, or other matters requiring joint deliberation. D. Section 1 0-2.04(k) - Recreation Director - Powers and duties. Amend to read as follows: Prepare a recreation budget and, with the cooperation of the Director of Public Works, a park budget for the approval of tho Park~ and Roomation Commi~~ion and the City Council. E. Section 3-:3.412 - Exemptions. Amend to read as follows: "In conformance with the State Revenue and Taxation Code Sections 11926 through 11929 _, the following shall be exempted from any tax imposed pursuant to the provisions of this article:..." F. Section 3-1.209 - License fees: Debt to City. Amend to read as follows: "The amount of any license fee imposed pursuant to the proYisions of this chapter shall constitute a debt to the City, and any person engaging in business in the City without having a license from the City or with unpaid license fees shall be subject to an action in the name of the City in any court of competent jurisdiction for the collection of the amount of the license ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 3 G. Section 3-1.303 - License fees: Exemptions: Disabled veterans. Amend to read as follows: "Disabled war veterans shall be entitled to receive a free license for peddling or soliciting provided such persons first exhibit to the Finance Department evidence of such character as shall satisfy the Finance Director that the veteran applying therefor has received an honorable discharge from the United States armed servicesl and ovidonoo of tho sor\'ioo oonnootod disability." H. Section 3-1.305(a) - License fees: Exemptions: Other. Amend to read as follows: "(a) Banks, including national banking associations to the extent provided in GubGootion (a) of Section 27 of Article XIII of the Constitution of the State;" I. Section 3-1.418 - Solicitors. peddlers. and itinerant vendors. Amend to read as follows: "Any person either employing or contracting with one or more individuals to have such individuals solicit monetary contributions or the retail sale of any goods, wares, merchandise, services, or other things of value for future delivery or te. himself solicit monetary contributions or selll or peddlel such goods, wares, and merchandise within the City, and who does not have a regularly established place of business within the City, shall obtain a principal's solicitor or peddler license and pay a license and pay a license fee in the amount of Seventy and no/100ths Dollars ($70.00) for the principal and one solicitor or peddler per year, plus Twenty and no/100ths Dollars ($20.00) for each additional solicitor or peddler per year. J. Section 5-12.09 - Violations: Public nuisances. Amend to read as follows: "Any person or organization violating any of the provisions or failing to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any pOfson or organization OOAyiotod of a miGdomoanor undor tho provisions of this ohaptor Ghall bo punishablo by a fino of not mora than Fivo Hundrod and Ao!100ths ($500.00), or by imprisonmont in tRO County Jail for a poriod not oxoooding six (6) months, or by both such fino ~md imprisonmont. Each person or organization shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this chapter is committed, continued, or permitted by such person or organization and shall be punishable accordingly. K. Section 5-17.04 - Police Entertainment Permit. Amend to read as follows: "No person shall conduct or allow to be conducted a party where admission is charged without first having obtained a Police Entertainment Permit as defined in Section 5-3.01 of this Code, except, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to fund raising activities by charitable, religious, or nonprofit organizations as designated in Sections 3-1.301 aM 3 1.303 of this Code." ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 4 L. Section 3-1.417(b)(2) - Location of Sales. Amend to read as follows: "Rummage sales shall be held only on property M. Section 6-10.03(a)(1) - Hazardous Materials. Amend to read as follows: "A waste or substance that is hazardous according to the criteria set forth in Article 11 (commencing with Section 66693) of Capter 30 of Division 4, Title 22 of the California Administrative Code, or any hazardous substance as defined in either Section 25280 _, Section 25316 or Section 25400 of the Health and Safety Code; .." N. Section 4-10.03 - Notices to abate public nuisances. Amend to read as follows: "Whenever the Director of Public Works, following review by the Traffic Commission, finds a public nuisance to exist, as set forth in Section 4-10.01 of this chapter, such public nuisance may be abated under the direction of the Director of Public Works fifteen (15) days after he/she has caused a notice of a hazardous condition to be mailed to the concerned property owner, as required by Government Code Section d373 _." O. Section 4-5.05 - Failure to remove: Performance of work by City: Costs: Lien. Amend to read as follows: "Should such owner or occupant fail, refuse, or neglect to remove such weeds, grass, rubbish, or other easily combustible mat~rial within such time as may be prescribed, the Fire Chief may employ labor and equipment to have the same done under his direction at the expense of the City and upon the payment of the cost by the City. Such owner of the property shall be indebted to the City for the cost thereof, and there shall be created a lien against such property in an amount equal to all costs inyolved in such work. In an action to recover the costs thereof, the,GHy shall be entitled to recover in such action a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court and to bo paid, in addition to the costs of such work. P. Section 4-3.03 - Parallel and anale parking. Amend to read as follows: 'The operator of a yehicle shall not stand or park such vehicle in a roadway other than parallel with the curb and with the two (2) right-hand wheels of the vehicle within ono foot of the regularly established curb line, except that upon those streets...." a. Section 4-7.01 - Licenses Reauired. Amend to read as follows: "It shall be unlawful for any citizen of the City to operate or use a bicycle propelled wholly or in part by muscular power upon any of the streets, alleys, or ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 5 public highways of the City without first obtaining from the Police Department a license to do s . R. Section 4-7.14 - Penalties for violations. Amend to read as follows: "Each person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than T\a/onty fi\'o and no/100thE ($25.00) Dollaffi or by impriEonmont in tho County Jail for not moFO than ton (10) daYE, or by both Euoh fino and impriGomnont, and any pOrEon dofaulting in tho paymont of any fino Ehall bo impriGonod ono day for oaoh fivo and no/100thG ($5.00) DollnFE of Euoh fino Fomaining unpaid. _ _. The Court may, in lieu of or in addition to such fine and imprisonment, prohibit the operation upon the streets, alleys, and public places of the City, for a period of not to exceed thirty (30) days, of the bicycle used in such violations, in which event the bicycle so used shall be impounded with the Police Department and retained there for the prohibited period. S. Section 6-8.02(b) - Definitions. Amend to read as follows: "Community water supply well" shall mean a water well for domestic purposes in T. Section 8-3.03 - Prohibited structures: Removal. Amend to read as follows: "Any advertising structure or sign that is in violation of the provisions of Section 8 6.02 _ of this chapter...." U. Section 8-3.04 - Exceptions. Amend to read as follows: "The provisions of Section 86.02 _ of this chapter...." v. . Section 8-1.06 - Amendments: Section 202(d) Uniform Administrative Code. Section 202(d) Stop Orders of said Uniform Administrative Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 202(d) Stop Orders. Whenever any work is being done contrary to the proYisions of this code and the technical . codes, or in violation of any other code of city ordinance, the Building Official may order the work stopped by notice in writing, served on any person(s) engaged in the conduct or causing such work to be conducted; and any such person(s) shall immediately stop such work until authorization is provided by the Building Official to proceed with the work. If unable to serve such person(s) with a notice, the Building Official shall post the Stop Order in a prominent place on the site. Such posted notice shall only be removed by the Building Official or designated representative. Any person(s) proceeding with unauthorized work after being served or having ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 6 a notice posted on his or her (their) job site shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day, or portion thereof, during which such work is being performed. W. Section 9-13.050(1) - Exempt Signs. Amend in its entirety to read as follows: "Political and religious signs which are no larger than sixteen (16) square feet, placed on private property with the express consent of the property owner and which comply with all other applicable provisions of this Chapter. If the political sign pertains to an upcoming election, the sign cannot be posted sooner than sixty (60) days prior to the election and must be remoyed no later than seven (7) days after the election. SECTION 3: The repeal of an ordinance herein shall not repeal the repealing clause of such ordinance or revive any ordinance which has been repealed thereby. SECTION 4: This ordinance does not affect prosecutions for ordinance yiolations committed prior to the effective date of this ordinance, does not waive any fee or penalty due and unpaid on the effective date of this ordinance, and does not affect the validity of any bond or cash deposit posted, filed or deposited prior to the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 5: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office. of . the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of ,2001. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 7 MICHAELA. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: S~~~, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY 10.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCil JI;v---- FROM: KERRY McCANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: KEll Y HEFFERNON ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 00-015; HORIZON SENIOR HOUSING; 579 CAMINO MERCADO DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution denying Conditional Use Permit Case No. 00-015. FUNDING: No fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The City Council tentatively denied the proposed project on January 9, 2001 and directed staff to return with a resolution supporting the tentatiye decision (reference Attachment 1 for City Council meeting minutes) . The attached Resolution contains findings for denial based on Council comments and other evidence from the January 9, 2001 public hearing in this matter. Al TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Adopt the Resolution; - Do not adopt the Resolution; - Modify as appropriate and adopt the Resolution; - Provide other direction to staff. Attachments: Resolution denying Conditional Use Permit No. 00-015 1 . City Council Meeting Minutes of January 9, 2001 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 00-015, APPLIED FOR BY HORIZON SENIOR HOUSING, lOCATED AT 597 CAMINO MERCADO WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at the duly noticed public hearing on January 9, 2001, the staff report and other information and documents that are part of the public record in this matter; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, that the following circumstances exist: 1. The proposed use is not consistent with the goals and policies of the Housing Element of the General Plan because the proposed development does not provide for affordable senior housing. 2. The proposed use is not consistent with the goals and policies of the Land Use Element of the General Plan because the height and mass conflicts with the rural, small town character of Arroyo Grande. 3. The proposed development is not consistent with the Development Code because the proposed structure exceeds the three-story maximum height limit in the Professional Commercial (PC) District of the Oak Park Acres Planned Development (PD 1.1). 4. The proposed 'use will impair the integrity and character of the neighborhood because the height, density and mass of the proposed structure are out of scale and incompatible with surrounding development. 5. The site is not suitable for the type and intensity of the proposed development because the topography is too steep to accommodate pedestrians with disabilities and is unsafe for access by senior citizens. 6. The proposed use will be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity because the increased trips resulting from the project will adversely impact traffic. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby denies Conditional Use Permit Case No. 00-015 based on the above findings incorporated herein by this reference. RESOLUTION NO. Page 2 On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: A YES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this day of 2001. RESOLUTION NO. Page 3 MICHAEL A. lADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KElL Y WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTORI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: S~~~~y MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ATTACHMENT I JANUARY 9, 2001 PAGE 3 8.j. Implementation of New State Minimum Wage Rate Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3495 to increase wages for th positions that fall below the new State minimum wage. 8.k. Approval of Park and Ride Lot Lease Agreement. Action: Approved the Park and Ride Lease Agreement wi the California State Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and authorized e Mayor to execute the Agreement. AYES: Runels, Dickens, Lubin, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the m on is hereby declared to be passed. 8.c. Adoption of Ordinance stablishing Maximum Building Size for Commercial Uses. . Recommended Acti : Adopt Ordinance No. 522 C.S. establishing maximum building size for co ercial uses. Council Member Di ens moved to adopt an Ordinance establishing maximum building size for commer . I uses. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara seconded the motion, and on the following roll- vote, to wit: Dickens, Ferrara, Lubin, Lady Runels None There being 4 AYES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit 00-015 to Construct an 84-room Assisted Care FaciUty at 579 Camino Mercado (Horizon Senior Housing). Associate Planner Heffernon gave the staff report. She gave an overview of the project . stating that the proposed project was an 84-room assisted care facility approximately 100,000 square feet in size and would include a total of 50 parking spaces. She explained that the Planning Commission discussed concerns about the project relating to issues of pedestrian accessibility from the facility to the street, landscaping, building height, traffic impacts, and affordable housing. She stated that conditions of approval were added to the project to address pedestrian accessibility, landscaping, and affordable housing. The Planning Commission recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. 00-15 subject to the conditions of approyal. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 9, 2001 PAGE 4 Council Member Dickens asked questions regarding Condition #43 and Mitigation Measure #17 relating to the Vegetation Management Plan and what it included. Associate Planner Heffernon explained that there was a significant amount of brush located on a portion of the site that would be cleared away for fire prevention. She stated that Condition #43 was added due to the high occupancy of the project and the existing conditions of the topography at the location. Council Member Dickens referred to Mitigation Measure #1 regarding neutralizing the estimated increase in water demand created by the project. He asked how the funds would be used to offset or mitigate the increase in water demand, if the applicant chose to pay the in-lieu fee. Director of Public Works Spagnolo responded that there were two options in utilizing the in-lieu fees. One option was to identify a project, such as a reclaimed water line; or the City could set up a program to conduct retrofits. He said that the City did not have these programs set up yet. There was further discussion relating to the Water Neutralization Program. Council Member Dickens referred to Mitigation Measure #4 regarding drainage. He asked if water run-off could be accommodated by existing facilities since there was not a retention basin on the project site. Associate Planner Heffernon replied that was correct. Council Member Dickens asked about erosion control measures and; specifically, if the City had an erosion control ordinance which should be referenced in the Resolution. Director Spagnolo responded that the City has erosion control measures within the grading ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara referred to the Traffic Study provided by Higgins & Associates and clarified that the information was based on the trip generation rates published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation, 6th Edition. He said the charts were developed based on information that was gathered in 1981 in Oregon and questioned its relevance and usefulness in evaluating this project. Mayor Lady opened the public hearing. Steven Puglishi, Project Architect and representative for Horizon Senior Housing, spoke in favor of the project. He stated that they had reviewed the staff report and they agreed with the findings and conditions of approval for the project. Chris Skiff, President - Horizon Senior Housing, spoke in support of the project. He referred to Wyndam Residence on Elm Street, a 37 -room senior assisted living facility CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 9, 2001 PAGE 5 that was built in the City several years ago, which has served a vital need in the City. He explained that they had been looking for another site to build another type of senior housing which was more affordable and had larger units. He stated that this project, Arroyo Crest, would be a congregate care facility which would provide meals, maid service, and transportation for its residents. He explained that they can lower their cost to residents because 24-hour care was not provided. He stated that if someone needs additional care, they may contract with a Home Health Agency that is located within the . building so that the resident is provided with the services they need. Mr. Skiff stated that he felt the project meets the City's Development Code and General Plan objectives. Council Member Runels asked if there would be someone on-site in case of an emergency. Mr. Skiff replied there would be a resident manager to respond to emergencies on-site. Council Member Dickens asked what the cost range is expected to be. Mr. Skiff responded that Wyndam, which is an assisted living facility, starts at about $2,200 per month. He said units in the proposed facility would start at over $1,000 per month. He said the larger 2-bedroom units would be between $2,000 and $3,000 per month. Council Member Dickens asked if the Wyndam residence was currently full. Mr. Skiff responded that it was close to full; however it fluctuates as people move in and out. Ray Abdener, 955 Via Las Aguilas, stated his residence was about 400 feet from the project and expressed concerns about traffic and on-street parking. He suggested painting the curbs red for no parking on either side of the street and installing a signal at the intersection of W. Branch and Camino Mercado. He expressed further concerns regarding erosion. water run-off, and the height of the project. He commented that his residence was the closest to the project and he did not receive notice from the City regarding the project. He stated he was opposed to the project until these concerns were addressed. Stephanie Painter, 541 Mesa View Drive, spoke in support of the project. She stated there was a need for more of this kind of senior housing in the City. Phil Kolbo, 550 Via Vaquero, spoke in support of the project. He stated he owned the commercial property just below the proposed project and lives in Phase I of Rancho Grande. He said from his home, he would be able to see the entire project. He said the project has merit for the community. He spoke of older people moving to the area, as well as the need to retain the City's residents in the community as they get older and need assistance. He acknowledged the traffic issue and stated that seniors would rely CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 9, 2001 PAGE 6 more on public transportation. He said that the nature of this type of senior development would help mitigate traffic impacts compared to that of a high-end commercial project. Laura Kierney, spoke on behalf of Mid State Bank, which is a commercial neighbor to the project. She stated there was no objection to the project and commented that Mid State was aware of the previous two projects completed by this developer which turned out nicely and were well-conceived. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady closed the public hearing. Council Member Lubin asked for clarification regarding viewshed. He stated he understood that even though the proposed project was a three-story building, the building falls below the terrain and was not three-stories above street level. Associate Planner Heffernon replied that was correct. Council Member Lubin expressed concern about the living costs for the seniors; agreed with Mr. Abdener about the traffic problems on Camino Mercado, and supported any efforts to address truck parking on the street. He stated he did not think the additional trips to this type of facility would add significantly to any traffic issues on Camino Mercado. He said he was in favor of the project. Council Member Runels referred to the 15% slope at the entrance going up to the parking lot and asked if there w.as any way it could be altered to lessen the grade. Associate Planner Heffernon replied that it would be difficult without removing many oak trees. Council Member Runels referred to the run-off from the project and asked if it would go down to the basin below Wal-Mart. Director Spagnolo responded the developer would be required to connect into an existing catch basin that would lead to the open air basin located on W. Branch near St. Patrick's cemetery. Council Member Runels stated he supported the project. Council Member Dickens stated there was a definite need in the community for senior housing; however, he researched whether the City needed this type of senior housing for individuals who are above the median income. He stated he had asked the Area Agency on Aging how many requests it received for this type of facility and they responded none. He said his research found there was a need for more affordable housing for seniors and this type of project would be unaffordable for most senior citizens who currently live here. He referred to statistics and demographics in the City's CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 9, 2001 PAGE 7 Housing Element regarding seniors. He stated that there were two significant issues that would need to be addressed prior to approval of the project and negative declaration. He referred to Mitigation Measures #1 and 2 and stated there should be an approved Water Neutralization Plar1; and he referred to the Initial Study, Section Vl.e. Transportation/Circulation, and said it should be marked as "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated" as it relates to hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists. He requested that the language in Condition #19 be strengthened to include benches and handrails. He stated that there should be more effort to address affordable senior housing needs. Council Member Dickens stated the second significant issue is the mass and size of the proposed project. He disagreed with Finding #2 in the resolution, which states that the proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the district in which it is to be established or located. He addressed building height issues and referred to the Development Code, which states the maximum building height will be two-stories or 30 feet, whichever is less, and he felt that two-stories was less. He said based on his concerns, he could not support the environmental determination or the project. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara distributed handouts of photos depicting The Manse senior housing facility on Marsh Street in San Luis Obispo. He referred to the 15% grade from the sidewalk to the project and asked for clarification regarding the length of the roadway from the sidewalk up to the project. Associate Planner Heffernon replied it was approximately 300 feet. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara asked for clarification on ,how the Affordable Housing Ordinance can be reconciled with the Land Use Element of the General Plan with regard to the number of affordable units to be set aside, and also expressed concerns about the 15% grade of the slope as it relates to Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. He commented that the project may meet ADA standards; however, it does not meet the spirit of ADA Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara also expressed serious concern about the mass of the structure and referred to Land Use Element Policy 15 which limits the scale of buildings within both the urban and rural portions of Arroyo Grande to low profile, horizontal forms. He displayed photos of The Manse senior living facility which was located on level ground and close to public transportation and pointed out the contrast to this project's steep and potentially dangerous access. He agreed that there was a need for senior housing in Arroyo Grande, however, he was concerned about the size, scale, and location for this proposed project. He suggested that there were other areas in the City more suitable for this type of project. Further, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara referred to the Level of Service standard for the City, and said he was not prepared to validate the traffic study for this project. Based upon concerns for the safety of seniors, traffic, and adherence with ADA, he stated he did not support the project in this location at the proposed scale. Mayor Lady said there was a need for affordable senior housing in the community; however, he had concerns regarding the proposed project. He stated the street that -----_.- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 9, 2001 PAGE 8 services the project would be impacted by significant development in progress on James Way. He spoke of the number of projects that have been approved for that locale, and expressed concern about the density, size, and location for this project. He shared the same concerns regarding the results of the traffic study and the steep grade to the project, and stated he did not support moving forward. Council Member Lubin moved to adopt a resolution adopting a mitigated negative declaration, instructing the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination, and approving Conditional Use Permit Case No. 00-015, located at 597 Camino Mercado, applied for by Horizon Senior Housing. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll call-vote, to wit: AYES: Lubin, Runels NOES: Dickens, Ferrara, Lady ABSENT: None There being 2 AYES and 3 NOES, the motion failed. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moved to tentatively deny the project and directed staff to return to the Council at a future meeting with a supporting resolution for consideration. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Ferrara, Dickens, Lady NOES: Lubin, Runels ABSENT: None There being 3 A YES and 2 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Proposed Ordinance Amending Portions of Title 9 of the Municipal Code 'minating Mini-Storage as an Allowable Use in all Commercial Zoning Dis . ts. Associate Planner ffernon gave the staff report. She explained that the proposed ordinance would elimin mini-storage as an allowable use in all commercial districts, but would continue to allow . use in Industrial districts. Council Member Dickens asked fo arification regarding nonconforming uses and stated there were quite a few areas in the . lage with nonconforming uses. Associate Planner Heffernon clarified that the curr mini-storage businesses would be considered legal nonconforming uses. Director ants stated there was no amortization provision in the Code that would require that t se be phased out over a certain period of time. Mayor Lady opened the public hearing. _.,..",,- 11.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVJCES~ SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2000/01 MID-YEAR BUDGET STATUS REPORT DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council/Agency Board: . Approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations as shown in Schedule B . Approve Schedules A through E included in the Mid-Year Budget Status Report . Approve (Deny) requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund FUNDING: The requested actions will impact several fund budgets as outlined in the Mid-Year Budget Status Report and supporting schedules. The General Fund ending balance will be impacted by the approval of the recommended revenue and appropriation adjustments as follows: Projected Fund Balance at First Quarter Report $444,700 Additional Revenues 222,450 Transfer Changes (68,400) Approved Expenditure Adjustments (44,700) Proposed Expenditure Adjustments (23,550) Total Decrease to General Fund Balance 85,800 Adjusted Fund Balance 6/30/2001 $530.500 DISCUSSION: Each year, the City Council adopts a budget, which commits resources to the accomplishment of its policies. The Financial Services Department routinely prepares quarterly budget updates for the City Council. The purpose of the City's Mid-Year budget review is to: . Compare revenues received and expenditures made to budgeted amounts to determine appropriate adjustments. . Report on Departmental accomplishments. MID-YEAR REPORT FEBRUARY 13, 2001 PAGE 2 . Provide a link between the City budget, the financial records, and the independent financial audit. . Compare current revenues and expenditures against the prior fiscal year. SUMMARY OF KEY MID-YEAR POINTS: . The 1999-2000 Fiscal Year audit has been completed and the Annual Financial Report was accepted by City Council on January 23, 2001. The audited Fund Balances reported in the Annual Financial Report have been incorporated into Schedules A, Unreserved Fund Balance-Control and Schedule D, Unreserved Fund Balance - Mid- Year Changes. The total Citywide Fund Balance at June 30,2000 is $8,168,528. . The current projected available General Fund Balance for June 30,2001 is $530,465, an increase over the projected fund balance of $434,441 published in the FY 2000-01 Annual Budget. This projected Fund Balance assumes revenues are received exactly as budgeted, all budget expenditures are made, and all capital transfers required by the CIP Program are completed. Historically, the General Fund has not been required to fund all budgeted capital transfers and expenditures at year-end are traditionally less than budgeted. Therefore it is likely that the June 30, 2001 General Fund Balance will be greater than the existing $530,465 projection. . The budget for General Fund revenue is being increased by approximately $222,500. The increase is primarily the result of the State reimbursements of costs incurred by the Fire Department to respond to the King Fire ($4,500) and the Viejas Fire Incident ($8,315); a review of Parks and Recreation revenues to date; an expected $67,000 increase as a result of the passage of Measure R-2000 increasing the transient occupancy rate to 10% from 6%; and adjustments to bring budgeted revenues equal to actual revenues received. The detail of these adjustments may be found beginning on Page 8 and Schedule B (Page 18) of the report. . The personnel transfers from the Redevelopment Agency to the General Fund have been decreased ($67,000), the RDA interest expense paid to the Sewer Facility Fund has been eliminated, and the interest earned by the Sewer Facility Fund have been decreased. These measures were approved by the City Council on January 23, 2001. The report presented to the City Council at the January 23 meeting outlined steps required to change the projected three-year RDA financial downward trend. Further information is detailed on Page 13 in the Redevelopment Agency section. . The cancellation of the Envicom contract and subsequent hiring of an in-house staff person to complete the General Plan reduced the General Fund appropriations by approximately $20,500. . The Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Department is making $6,300 in adjustments to appropriation accounts. These adjustments are the result of savings in the City's roof repairs (reduction of $4,900), increased vehicle maintenance ($2,900), and increased program expenses ($8,300). The $6,300 increase in appropriations is offset by $7,600 of increases to Parks and Recreation revenue. MID-YEAR REPORT FEBRUARY 13, 2001 PAGE 3 . Salary savings in the MIS ($37,400) and Public Works budgets ($108,300) are being transferred into contract services accounts in the two Departments. The MIS salary savings will be used to fund a contract with the County of San Luis Obispo to provide computer/network maintenance services. The Public Works Department, who have been unable to fill current position vacancies, will use salary savings to pay for contracted engineering services from John Wallace and Associates. . Because of the increased cost of gasoline, the Automotive Shop requested an additional $1,200 in appropriations. In addition, a budget transfer of $500 was transferred from the Automotive Shop contract services account into the gasoline account. . An additional $6,000 appropriation is requested for the contract with San Luis Obispo County for computer services. Staff anticipated that salary savings from the yacant computer technician position would be able to cover all but $4,000 of the additional cost to contract with the County. Unfortunately, the former computer technician incurred additional benefit costs that reduced the available funding. . Additional appropriations of approximately $19,300 are requested for legal costs associated with a lawsuit settled in FY 1999-2000. These additional appropriations will be allocated to the General Fund - $16,350; Water Fund - $1,275; Sewer Fund - $444; and the Street Fund - $1,235. . The Management Reporting System focus on departmental accomplishments and key issues in progress is presented as a separate section at the rear of this report. Each department /division reports the work accomplished during the first half of the fiscal year toward an improved City government. Also reported is the progress toward those on- going projects/work efforts that will continue into the remaining quarters. . Approve the following Schedules A through E, included in the Mid-Year Budget Status report that summarizes budget adjustments. A. Unreserved Fund Balance-Control. B. Recommended Adjustments. C. Adjustments to Fund Balance. D. Unreserved Fund Balance-Mid-Year Changes. E. Two Year Comparison of Mid-Year Reyenues and Expenses. <",""""'''' ....... ~ = ~ e 0 ....... 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Coordinated development of a recommended process to complete the General Plan update. . Developed a strategy to address Redevelopment Agency funding issues and proceed with implementation of the redevelopment program. . Coordinated development of a public participation strategy for the East Grand Avenue Master Plan. . Coordinated development of an overall strategy for budget modifications and financial planning. . Established an orientation program for new commissioners. . Coordinated employee training programs regarding communications, management and employee relations. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Initiate activities to pursue a redevelopment project proposal. . Coordinate implementation of the Grand Avenue Master Plan public participation process. . Schedule and coordinate a joint meeting with neighboring jurisdictions to discuss potential joint efforts regarding fire services. . I mplement recommendations of the Risk Management Assessment. . Establishment of an organization-wide value-based management system. . Develop recommendations to consolidate the development fee ordinances and resolution. . Develop a City Illness and Injury Prevention Program. . Develop a City-wide Safety Committee. ----.---- ..--- MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 2000 - December 31.2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Mid-Year Accomplishments . Prepared Candidate Handbooks and guided eight (8) candidates through the Nomination Process for the November 7, 2000 General Municipal Election for the purpose of electing a Mayor, 2 Council Members, a City Clerk, and a City Treasurer. . Coordinated process for placement of a City measure on the ballot relating to an increase in the Transient Occupancy Tax ("hotel/motel bed tax") rate. . Hosted a Fair Political Practices Commission Candidate/Treasurer Campaign Workshop for City of Arroyo Grande election candidates. . Implemented "Laserfiche" Document Imaging System for ease of storage, retrieval, and preservation of vital City records, replacing microfilm. . Compiled and edited articles for the City-wide newsletter, Staqecoach Express, which was published and mailed in September, 2000 to approximately 8,729 residences, post office boxes, and businesses. . Completed review of legal analysis of the City's Municipal Code and prepared draft Ordinance to repeal or amend obsolete, superseded, or unconstitutional ordinances and portions thereof in the Municipal Code. . Coordinated update and redesign of City's website to include more comprehensive information on all City Departments. . Compiled information to report the amount of time spent during the second quarter preparing City Council Agendas to receive reimbursement for State-mandated costs relative to SB90. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . Complete update and recodification of Municipal Code. . Administer Oath of Office and distribute Assuming Office Statement forms to all newly appointed commission, board, and committee members. . Distribute Annual Statement of Economic Interests Forms to all elected and appointed officials of the City, including members of the City Council, commissions, boards, committees, staff, and consultants. . Publish and distribute next issue of StaQecoach Express in April, 2001. . Continue scanning vital City records dating back to 1911 into the Laserfrche Document Imaging System for ease of storage, retrieval, and preservation. " ...-- MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR Julv 1. 2000 - December 31. 2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: FINANCIAL SERVICES Financial Services consist of the Financial Services and Non-Departmental budgets. Mid-Year Accomplishments . Completion of Fiscal Year 1999-00 audit. . Designed and issued Fiscal Year 2000-01 Annual Budget. . Redesigned and enlarged Budget In Brief brochure highlighting Fiscal Year 2000-01 Budget Information. . Implemented direct utility payment plan for citizen's payments of utility bills. . Modified contract with CALPers to base Miscellaneous employee retirement benefits on 2% at 55 plan. . Modified contract with CALPers to base Police and Miscellaneous employees retirement on single highest year of earning. . Participated in development of Official Statement for Lopez Zone 3 debt issuance. . Investigated and recommended financing options for replacement tank for Reservior #1. Kev Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . Completion of Long Range Financial Plan. . Completion and presentation to City Council of adjustment to Lopez Water Rates. . Issuance of RFP and evaluation of financial-management computer system. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID. YEAR Julv 1. 2000 - December 31. 2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development consists of the Planning Commission, Architectural Review Committee, Downtown Parking Advisory Board, Code Enforcement, and Current and Long Range Planning functions. Responsibilities include development review, enyironmental review, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) administration, and administration of recycling/solid waste programs. Mid-Year Accomplishments . Continued to work with Cal Trans, Public Works and the applicants of the Arroyo Linda development project on the traffic issues associated with that project. . Worked with Impact Sciences, environmental consultant for the Arroyo Linda project, towards the redistribution of the EIR. . General Plan Update - Coordinated the effort to hire a local consultant to complete the General Plan Update . Developed the contract with Strong Planning Services to complete the General Plan Update . Deyeloped an agreement with Higgins Associates for the Circulation Element Update and Traffic Model . Prepared a Commercial Construction and Debris Recycling Ordinance . Prepared an Ordinance to establish "Maximum Building Size" for commercial uses . Prepared an Ordinance amending Title 9 of the Municipal Code regarding Second Residential Dwelling Units. . Proposed the East Grand Avenue Overlay District . Coordination of an Ordinance eliminating mini-storage as an allowable use in all Commercial zoning districts . Administered the City's CDBG program for Fiscal Year 1999 - 2000 . Received 64 discretionary/administrative reviews projects for review. . Acted on 139 code enforcement complaints; completed 64. _.~-~_...__._-_._-- Kev IssueslWork Efforts in Proaress . Continue coordination of General Plan Update . Continue processing the Arroyo Linda Environmental Impact Report . Coordinate with Public Works on the standardization of Traffic Studies and level of Service Thresholds . East Grand Avenue Master Plan . Continue with the administration of the CDBG program for Fiscal Year 2000/2001 --- ._._'U_ MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1, 2000 - December 31, 2000 FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: POLICE Mid-Year Accomplishments . Overall crime declined 9.25% during the first six (6) months of FY 2000-01. The FBI Index crimes have declined by 12.1%. . The Police Department upgraded its document imaging system through a law enforcement technology grant received from the State of California. The Department's old system was transferred to the Director of Administrative Services. . The Police Department provided new ballistic vests to all sworn personnel through the Federal "Bulletproof Vest Program", which reimbursed the City for fifty percent of the total costs for the replacement vests. . The Police Department has received approximately 63 written commendations from the community during the first six (6) months of FY 2000-01 and the Department's Quality Services Program continues to show a 98.9% citizen satisfaction rate with the Department's overall performance. .-.-- -- - ----_.~,-- Kev Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . The Police Department was selected to receive a state-funded live scan fingerprint system, which will permit the Department to electronically transmit fingerprints of both arrestees and applicants to the California Department of Justice. The equipment has arrived and is awaiting installation. The County CAL 10 Program is coordinating installation. . As a result of receiving State Law Enforcement Technology funds for FY 2000-01, the Police Department, along with five (5) other municipalities in the County, is finalizing a proposal for a consolidated automated information system. Upon receiving approval from the City Council, installation of the new countywide system is expected to be accomplished in the spring. Upon installation of this system, the automated information systems of all the law enforcement agencies in the County will be interconnected. . The Police Department is in the process of receiving seven (7) emergency "radio alert transmitters" which will be installed in patrol vehicles. The transmitters will warn motorists, via a message receiyed over the car radio, of a patrol vehicle operating under emergency conditions within the area. The transmitters are being funded by Federal Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds. --~_._., ..-.... ._--.---,-~- MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR Julv 1. 2000 - December 31.2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: BUILDING & FIRE DIVISION: FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES Mid-Year Accomplishments . Public Education Programs Daily crews provided station tours, school presentations, and local business presentations to over 1,300 children and adults during this period. This included topics on fire safety, emergency preparedness, and fire extinguisher training. The Division has successfully coordinated two quarterly blood drives with the Tri-Counties Blood Bank. In addition, the Division joined together with Pismo Beach, Groyer Beach, and Oceano Fire Departments to successfully host the Second Annual South County Fire Prevention Open House at the Prime Outlet Center in Pismo Beach. . Call Statistics During this period, the crews responded to the following number of incidents: Medical 365 Fire 44 Vehicle Accidents 46 Hazardous Materials 1 Automatic/Mutual Aid 61 Public AssisUOther 139 TOTAL INCIDENTS 656 The Department goal of a 6 minute or less response time was achieved 75% of the time. . Administrative Report The Fourth of July Safe and Sane Fireworks celebration was another success. Six non-profit organizations were issued permits to sell Safe and Sane Fireworks in the City. No fire activity was reported during this holiday that was a result of fireworks activity. The Annual Weed Abatement Program was successfully coordinated with only haYing to invoice one property owner for not complying with the City's weed abatement guidelines. The Diyision entered into the Allan Hancock College Fire Academy's Intern Firefighter Development Program. We are one of four Fire Departments who is co-sponsoring this program dedicated to providing academy graduates training, education, mentoring and career development. During this period we provided two interns this opportunity. A Fire Department Facilities and Staffing Study was implemented for our Diyision. DMG-Maximus will identify key issues that impact the delivery of services within the Fire Department. Planning assumptions and objectives will be developed to support the Department structuring, and appropriate alternatives will be suggested. In addition, Fire Department programs that focus on risk control and support of operations will be evaluated. The Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) provided over 290 hours of assistance to fire administration during this period. . Recruitment Nine Volunteer Firefighters were hired after successfully completing a six-month Rookie Training Program. . Training Report Staff expanded the training program to include multi-agency training drills. This provides familiarity and consistency of practices used on the fire ground during automatic/mutual aid responses. . Fire Inspection Report The Diyision implemented an aggressive Fire Safety Inspection Program. This program is enhancing the public safety throughout our business community. ,-+,-",., Kev Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . The Division continues to co-sponsor the Allan Hancock College Fire Academy's Intern Firefighter Development Program. We will dedicate three months to each intern firefighter. . DMG-Maximus continues the Fire Department Facilities and Staffing Study for our Division. Staff will review the study and ask Council for direction. . The Diyision continues to recruit for Volunteer Firefighters. . Staff continues to proyide training with neighboring fire agencies. . Staff continues to provide fire safety inspections for the business community. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR Julv 1. 2000 - December 31. 2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: BUILDING & FIRE DIVISION: BUILDING AND LIFE SAFETY Mid-Year Accomplishments . Certificates of Occupancy were issued for Starbuck's, Jamba Juice, Trader Joe's Broadway Jewelers, Blakeslee & Blakeslee, Mission Community Bank, and other tenant spaces at the Village Center. . Permits were issued for the Sheppel office building, Village Center, and Village Promenade commercial projects. . Construction has begun on Village Glen Homes and continues at The Highlands, Rancho Grande subdivision and several P.U.D's. . Assisted the South County Historical Society with seismic retrofit for the !.O.O.F. Hall. . The Office Assistant II position was re-classified to Building Permit Technician. . Building permits totaling 267 have been issued this period, holding steady with 275 permits issued for the same period last year. Projections for FY 2000101 indicate another productive year compared to this Division's ten-year valuation average as shown in the following chart: PROJECTED FY 2000/01 INDICATORS Projected number of building permits 520 Proiected number of field inspections & plan reviews 4,000 Valuation Actual yaluation 7/00 - 12/00 $ 13,687,627 Projected residential yaluation 1/01- - 6/01 $ 12,000,000 Projected commercial valuation 1/01 - 6/01 $ 2,000,000 Total Projected Valuation FY 2000/01 $ 27,687,627 1991 - 2000 Ten-Year Valuation Ayerage $ 18,049,607 Kev Issues / Work Efforts In-Proaress . Plan reyiew for the Kolbo office building and Kennedy Fitness. . Plan review and inspection services for Berry Gardens, Village Glen, and The Highlands housing tracts. . Continue with tenant improvements for Village Center and Village Promenade. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1 , 2000 - December 31,2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION / ENGINEERING Mid-Year Accomplishments . Hired three new full-time employees to fill existing vacancies: an associate engineer to address land development projects; an engineering assistant for the City mapping, counter support and addressing; and a public works inspector. . Revised the existing cost-sharing electrical facilities agreement with Caltrans so that all maintenance/repair costs of the City/Caltrans shared traffic signals will be paid for by Caltrans. . All of the underground conduit was installed on Grand Avenue between Barnett Street and Halcyon Road in preparation for removing the overhead lines and replacing the wooden light poles with new steel poles. . Prepared funding applications and secured a total of $556,612 in grant funds from SLOCOG and Caltrans. . Updated the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DB E) Program in accordance with the revised federal requirements. . The Director of Public Works/City Engineer was appointed chairman of the SLOCOG Technical Transportation Advisory Committee (TTAC). . Negotiated cell phone transmission agreements with various providers to install transmission facilities at the City's reservoir sites which will generate additional revenue to the City. . Sent out annual notices to all of the developers in the City regarding erosion control and ensured that the developers took action to control the erosion on their sites. . Revised the sewer area charge to address open space easements and performed the necessary background research which will be used to revise the fee to the appropriate per unit charge. . Presented approximately 20 items to the Traffic Commission for consideration and accomplished the necessary steps as follow-up to its recommendations. . Processed approximately 50 planning applications, including Berry Gardens, Camino Mercado Office Project, Village Center, Village Glen, Vista Del Mar, Branch Mill Road/ Cherry Avenue, and Village Creek Promenade. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . Continue to recruit for new full-time employees to fill existing vacancies. . Completion of the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 and EI Campo Road/Route 101 Project Study Reports. . Begin process on obtaining public input on securing City control of Route 227 right-of- way including relinquishment ofthe state route designation. . Revise and update the City's Standard Plans and Specifications. . Continue to monitor and apply for all available grant funding. . Complete the sewer area charge study and revise the fee to the appropriate per unit charge. . MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1 , 2000 - Deceinber31,2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: AUTOMOTIVE SHOP Mid-Year Accomplishments . The Automotive Shop has the overall responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the City vehicle fleet, exclusive of the Fire Department vehicles. The Automotive Shop also maintains the mechanical equipment by providing limited in-house repairs and maintenance. Most extensive repairs are contracted out to private shops and staff monitors these services to be assured of the best service in both price and workmanship. . At Mid-Year, the Automotive Shop has carried out the following services: Services (lube, oil, filter, safety insp.) 80 Tune Up (scope, spark plugs, rotor, cap) 9 General (mechanical i.e., pumps, cables) 75 Electric (starter, alternator, wiring) 41 Brake Repair 13 Warranty Repair 11 Transmission Service and Repair 10 Tire Services (replacing, mount & balance) 11 Tire Repair 14 Pre Trip Check 39 Smog Certificates 27 Key Issues I Wo'rk Efforts In Proaress . Preparation of seasonal equipment (e.g., crack sealer, chipper) for the next cycle. . Deploy PD 984 Radar Trailer two (2) times per week in cooperation with Police Department and the Traffic Commission. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1 , 2000 - December 31,2000 FUND: STREET FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: STREETS Mid-Year Accomplishments . Completed annual underground storm drain line cleaning program. . Completed annual cleaning and repainting of sidewalk drain program. . Completed 350 feet of curb and gutter removal and replacement in front of Valley Auto on Traffic Way. . Completed annual cleaning of Tally Ho Ro, Meadow and Arroyo Grande Creeks. . Completed annual Pavement Marking Program. . Completed 15 locations in concrete replacement program. . Completed asphalt repairs on City streets using 65 tons of asphalt. . Completed Traffic Botz Dot Reflector Replacement Program. . Continue with Street Name Sign Program. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . Continue with asphalt repairs on all City streets. . Continue with concrete replacement program as long as weather permits. . Completion of biannual striping program. . Completion of guardrail on Branch Mill Road. . Completion of updating all Maintenance Programs. . Completion of Annual. Sign Program. . Completion of Sidewalk Grinding Program. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2000 FUND: SEWER FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: UTILITIES I SEWER MAINTENANCE Mid-Year Accomplishments . Rebuilt the wood enclosure for the electrical panel at Sewer Lift Station #1. . Completed quarterly problem area cleaning program. A total of 40,000 feet of problem sewer main was jet rodded clean. . Completed quarterly sewer lift station wet well cleaning. Six (6) sewer lift station wet wells were high pressure washed and vacuumed clean. . Completed Bi-Annual Sewer Lift Station check valve maintenance program. All twelve (12) lift station pump check valves were disassembled, cleaned, lubricated and placed back into service. . Replaced two (2) 4-inch suction gate valves at Lift Station #3. . Assisted County of San Luis Obispo on sewer lift station cleaning. . Completed asphalt overlay of the driveway to Sewer Lift Station #1. . Located and raised buried sewer manhole along the Arroyo Grande Creek at Stanley Avenue. Kev Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . Sewer System Master Plan . Grove Court sewer main repair . Acceptance of new sewer mains in new housing tracts, ie., Berry Gardens, Rancho Grande Phase V, Village Glen, Vista Del Mar. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2000 FUND: WATER FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: WATER ADMINISTRATION Mid-Year Accomplishments . Responded to 134 customer Service Requests of various nature (ie. leaks, pressure readings, repairs to meters, service inquiries, water quality complaints). . Completed 309 service orders, ie. open and closing of water meter accounts/services. . Completed a total of 168 Underground Service Alert markings. . Administered and completed record keeping of 180 Cross-Connection device inspections. . Completed a total of 178 customer non-payment of utility bill shut-offs. . Investigated and resolved five (5) "blue water" complaints by working with developers in obtaining data and testing water quality. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . Lopez Dam Project . Huasna Road M.O.U. . Acceptance and testing of new water mains, services in Tracts 2207,2260,2265, and 1834-Phase V . Reservoir #1 C.I.P. . Plan check/reviews for new school site in Tract 2265 . Plan check/reviews for South Elm Street Deyelopment . Plan check/reviews for Vista Del Mar Water Booster Pump Station MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 11 2000 - December 311 2000 FUND: WATER FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: UTILITIES I WATER PRODUCTION Mid-Year Accomplishments . Pumped a total of 467 acre feet of well water into the distribution system. This is up 25% for the same period of 1999. . Received a total of 1,453 acre feet of Lopez water. This is up 2% for the same period of 1999. . Completed the removal and replacement of the suction column piping and vertical turbine pump for Well #5. . Completed mechanical seal replacement for Rancho Grande Booster pump. . Completed the removal and replacement of the 6" propeller water meter for Well #4. . Completed mechanical seal replacements for Brisco Booster water pump. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . Design/budget for expansion of Well #7/8 building and chloramination disinfection system. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2000 FUND: WATER FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: UTILITIES I WATER DISTRIBUTION Mid-Year Accomplishments . Completed annual Valve Exercise Program. A total of 1,600 valves were exercised during this program. . Completed annual AirNacuum Valve Maintenance Program. A total of 80 valves were cleaned and lubricated during this program. . Completed bi-annual Booster Pump/Motor Maintenance Program. . Installed 49 new water meters. . Changed out 102 old water meters. . Converted 62 water meters to Touch Read water meters. . Completed the repair to five (5) 8" water main valves. . Completed repairs/rebuild of 3 Cla-Vals which control Well #8 and the Soto Sports Complex irrigation system. . Completed reading water meters during this period, a total of 17,000 meters were read for utility billing. . Completed annual Meter Box Cleaning Identification Program. A total of 2,000 meter boxes were cleaned out, identified and broken lids replaced as needed. . Completed Annual Fire Hydrant painting/maintenance program. A total of 200 fire hydrants were cleaned, lubricated and repainted. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . Phase I Crown Hill Water Main Project. . Huasna Road service/valve replacement prior to street repairs . Water Main Flushing Program MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1 , 2000 - December 31,2000 FUND: CAP IT AL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Mid-Year Accomplishments . Completed the Fire Station Re-Roofing project. . Advertised, awarded, and completed the City Hall Re-Roofing project. . Advertised and awarded the Scenic Creekside Path Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase II project. . Secured right-of-way easements for the Oak Park Boulevard widening project and an additional appropriation to underground the existing overhead utility lines and poles. . Purchased the American Public Works Association (APWA)'s Micro-PAVER software to use as the database for the City's Pavement Management Program (PMP) Plan. . Obtained City Council approval of the final Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 PSR and secured $150,000 in funding from SLOCOG for the Project Report, the next step in project development. . Awarded and completed the Spring 2000 Pavement Management Project. . Completed the Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road and Tally Ho Road Overlay project. . Advertised and awarded the Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road Traffic Signal project. . Received authorization to proceed with the design of the Traffic Way Bridge Barrier Rail Replacement project from the City Council and Caltrans. . Assisted the Financial Services department in identifying and presenting to the City Council various funding options for the replacement of Reservoir NO.1. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . Complete construction of the Scenic Creekside Path Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase II project. . Re-advertise the construction contract for the Oak Park Boulevard Widening project. . Complete the update the City's Pavement Management Program (PMP). . Obtain Caltrans approval on the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 PSR. . Finalize the EI Campo Road/Route 101 PSR. . Begin process on obtaining public input on securing City control of Route 227 right-of- way including relinquishment of the state route designation. . Complete the Fair Oaks AvenueNalley Road Traffic Signal project. . Complete the traffic signal modification at the Grand Avenue/Halcyon Road intersection. . Determine the feasibility of implementing the remaining phases of the Paulding Middle School Bicycle Lanes project. . Complete the design of the Traffic Way Bridge Barrier Rail Replacement project. . Complete the design of the Grand Avenue, Phase III (Elm Street to Oak Park Boulevard) project. . Complete the City's Sewer Master Plan. . Advertise the construction contract and obtain funding for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement project. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 2000 - December 31. 2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES DIVISION: RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Mid-Year Accomplishments . Finalized schematic plans for Rancho Grande Park. . Assumed management and operations of Government Buildings Division. . Completed playground safety inspections for all City play structures. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Complete construction documents for Rancho Grande Park . Complete Request for Proposal for lighting of Pilg Field. . Implement revised fees for Children in Motion and Playground Programs. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 2000 - December 31. 2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES DIVISION: GENERAL RECREATION Mid-Year Accomplishments . Conducted the Summer Playground Program at Elm Street Park with an average of 34 children participating daily. . Conducted 15 mini-trips to local businesses during the summer program. . Conducted the Winter Playground Program at the Elm Street Park site with an average of 25 children participating daily. . City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club Community Center uses, 451 group meetings, 2,819 users. Elm Street Community Center, 303 group meetings. Key IssueslWork Efforts In-Progress . Organizing the playground's children's files to combine summer and winter. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 2000 - December 31. 2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES DIVISION: PRE-SCHOOL Mid-Year Accomplishments . Completed the Summer Pre-School Program with 19 children participating. . Conducted an open house and orientation for new fall students and parents. . The Fall Pre-School Program is operating with 69 students participating. . Conducted a mini-trip to Holloway's Pumpkin Patch with 60 students and parent chaperones. . Closed the program during the holiday break from December 18 to January 5. Key Issues/Work Efforts In-Progress . Inventory the condition of equipment and supplies. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES DIVISION: SPECIAL PROGRAMS Mid-Year Accomplishments: . The noon-time sports program for the Lucia Mar Unified School District successfully operated at Harloe Elementary and Branch Elementary schools. . Conducted the Halloween Carnival and Haunted Maze on October 28th with over 600 participants. . Conducted the Holiday Decoratin~ Contest for business and residences with 16 businesses receiving 1st, 2nd or 3r place awards and 19 residences receiving 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place awards. . Conducted a New Year's Eve Overnighter with 3 children participating. . Conducted a new program called "Parent's Night Out" that operates the1st and 3rd Friday of each month from 6:30 p.m. to midnight for children ages 5 to 13. . Worked with Cal Poly students and the Arroyo Grande Lions Club to organize the 23rd Annual Turkey Trot Fun Run with 253 participants. . Organized Harvest Festival Activities including the Diaper Derby, BBa Booth, and a fun run, which was co-sponsored with Kennedy Club Fitness. . Conducted the Summer Adult Softball League with 60 teams. . Organized 15 special interest classes including, karate, art, puppy training, Jazzercise, tennis, babysitting, cheerleading, bridge, volleyball, basketball, and dog obedience. . Arranged three sports card shows. Key IssueslWork Efforts In-Progress . Youth wrestling registration and scheduling. . Adult basketball league registration and scheduling. . Preparing for the 1 ih Annual Egg Hunt and Family Festival. . Preparing for the 22nd Annual Arroyo Grande Talent Show. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 2000 - December 31. 2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES DIVISION: 5 CITIES YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE Mid-Year Accomplishments . Registered 138 teams with approximately 1,175 participants. . Prepared game schedules for the league season (over 800 games). . Recruited, trained and assigned 30 referees. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Preparing the end of the season tournament schedule MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1, 2000 - December 31.2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS, RECREATION & FACILITIES DIVISION: PARKS Mid-Year Accomplishments . Completed preparation, clean-u~, and re-planting in City planters for Annual Peddler's Faire in the Village during the 4t of July. . Staff assisted with the set-up for community special events including the Harvest Festival, Halloween Carnival and Haunted Maze. . Assisted the Assistant City Clerk with setting up and returning voting booths throughout the city for Election Day. . Completed annual inspection and repairs to the City's 70-75 back flow devices. . Staff attended annual classes to maintain chemical applicator licensing and Pest Control Advisor licenses. . Prepared Elm Street Park to receive new playground equipment. This process included dismantling equipment, and pouring concrete pads. . The windmill at the James Way green belt habitat was repaired and is now working. Kev Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Initiate winter turf renovation at Strother, Elm Street and City Hall. . On-going Citywide tree trimming and weed abatement. . ADA required improvements to swing structures at playgrounds to include replacement of swing seats, chairs, and S-hooks. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 2000 - December 31. 2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES DIVISION: GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Mid-Year Accomplishments . Installation of new roof on Fire Station. . Installation of new roof and air conditioning/heating unit at City Hall. . Installation of new carpet at Elm Street Community Center. . Repair of stucco at Woman's Club Community Center. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Complete installation of new carpet at Police Station. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 2000 - December 31. 2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES DIVISION: CHILDREN IN MOTION (AM/PM) Mid-Year Accomplishments . Conducted the Children In Motion Summer Day Camp which offered games, crafts, sports, and field trips for approximately 100 children daily. . The summer Open House attracted parents and children who enjoyed viewing the crafts and projects presented by the children. . The summer program visited over 15 local businesses for field trips and had 5 special guests visit the program. . Introduced the pre-pay punch card in the Children In Motion program. Parents must purchase a 10, 25, or 50 hour punch card prior to attending the program. Previously, parents paid for the hours their child attended the program at the end of each week. The new system has significantly reduced the amount of uncollected and overdue payments. . The school year program offered before and after school child care sites at Branch, Ocean View, and Harloe Schools, averaging a combined total of 150 children daily. The Kindergarten site offered care to 45 children daily. . The Children In Motion Parent Handbook was revised, updated, and distributed at each site. . Hired and trained new staff members to work at the Harloe, Ocean View, and Branch child care sites. Promoted several staff to fill vacant Assistant Teacher and Assistant I positions at the Harloe and Ocean View sites. . Conducted the Children In Motion winter program at Ocean View School which served approximately 60 children daily. Kev IssueslWork Efforts In-Progress . Staff will be receiving training from the Arroyo Grande Police Department on how to determine and report child abuse. . All sites will review state licensing requirements in preparation for their annual reviews in the upcoming months. . Staff will be attending motivational and game workshops during the spring. MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR July 1. 2000 - December 31.2000 FUND: GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES DIVISION: SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX Mid-Year Accomplishments . 500 pounds of seed and 30 yards of top soil was applied to all fields at the Soto Sports Complex. No hydro-seeding was done this year. . Staff provided support for AYSO, 1700 children, CYSA 135 children, Youth Football, 125 children, and numerous adult teams. . Eight softball and baseball tournaments were hosted at the Soto Sports Complex, including the Babe Ruth 14 Year Old All-Star District Championships and the Central Coast Sober Softball Tournament which features 62 teams from throughout California. . One major soccer tournament was held at the Soto Sports Complex. The Condor Classic hosted 53 teams, while the A YSO Tournament featured 84 teams. . Five tennis tournaments were held on the Theis/ Keisler courts, New light bulbs were also installed. . Cops and kids Day was held in November on Ikeda and Volunteer Fields. . Over 1,200 field preps were done for Baseball/Softball and Soccer/Football. . All the wooden bleachers at the Soto Sports Complex were sand blasted, painted and new boards were installed on each bleacher . . Porter dugouts, and all the of the back-stops were painted and about one-fourth of the concession stand building was also painted. Key Issues I Work Efforts In Progress . Completed retaining walls and slabs at Ikeda field. . Completed Winter turf renoyation. . Completed annual tree pruning. . MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR Julv 1. 2000 - December 31.2000 FUND: REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Mid-Year Accomplishments . Created Economic Development and Redevelopment web site . Developed City's first Community Profile for the years 2000-01 . Monitored Arroyo Linda Crossroads pass-through Agreement . Actively participated in the Economic Deyelopment Director Team meetings including establishing a protocol agreement with the City Managers . Spoke to the Arroyo Grande Rotary Club Key Issues I Work Efforts In Proaress . Continue to implement the Redeyelopment Implementation Plan Strategy . Continue to implement the Economic Development Strategy . Draft the Economic Deyelopment Element to the General Plan . Continue to work with Urban Futures, Inc. on behalf of the applicant for the Arroyo Linda Crossroads project . Continue to work with Economic Vitality Corporation of San Luis Obispo County on regional economic development issues . Continue to represent the City of Arroyo Grande on the San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau Board of Directors