Minutes 1989-02-28 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1989 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in a regular session at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and Deacon Virgil Glocheski of st. Patrick's Catholic Church delivered the invocation. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Millis and Council Members A. K. "Pete" Dougall, Gene Moots, Doris Olsen and B'Ann Smith. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Pete Miller, attorney for the Rancho Grande project, urged the Council to continue seeking solutions to funding of the city's needed traffic improvements. He suggested that a subcommittee of the Councilor a citizens' subcommittee be appointed to work on the problem. CONSENT AGENDA Moved by Olsen/Smith (5-0-0) to approve Consent Agenda Items J 6.c., 6.d., 6.e., 6.h., and 6.i., with the recommended courses of 10 action. 6.c. Liability Claim, Lucylle Aldridge. Claim denied. 6.d. Acceptance of Grand Avenue Fire Hydrant Improvements; Project Number 60-88-2. Approved. 6.e. Progress Payment for Construction of Woman's Club Parking Lot; Phase I and Phase II; Project Number 80-88-3. Approved. 6.h. Request for Approval of Replacement Subdivision Agreement, Tract 1513 (st. Barnabas). Approved. '\ 6.i. Approval of Parcel Map No. 86-320, Lot Split Case 86-444, 1320 Hillcrest Drive (Kim and Cynthia Hughes). Approved. Mayor Millis withdrew Item 6.a. for separate action. He presented a proclamation on "Arroyo Grande Adult School Day, March 18, 1989" to Robert Gruber, director. Council Member Dougall said Item 6.b. (February 22, 1989 Minutes) referred to his support of a Traffic Fund Advisory Commission. He asked that the establishment of such a commission be listed on the March 14, 1989 Council Agenda. Concerning Item 6. f Acceptance of Improvements; Pearwood Retention Basin Project NUmber 80-88-2; Establishment of a Price for Future Earth Removal During Quarry Operation, Council Member Dougall asked is any Council action was needed on setting the price per cubic yard for future excavation. City Manager Chris Christiansen said if the Council approved Mr. Karp's Staff Report, it would approve a charge of $2.50 per cubic yard. Concerning Item 6.g. Request of the Downtown Parking Advisory Board to Modify Parking in the Car Corral (Area Behind Bill's Cleaners), council Member Dougall asked why the two hour parking is being removed. Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck said that the Downtown Parking and Traffic Commission had recommended removing the two hour parking from spaces behind the cleaners and the beauty salon because patrons typically need to park there for more than two hours. Staff recommended that Council approve Resolution 2291 Eliminating a "Two Hour Parking" Zone on a Portion of the city of Arroyo Grande "Car Corral" Parking Lot. Council Member Moots said he would be abstaining from voting on Item 6.j. Approval of Parcel Map No. 87-203, Lot Split Case No. 87-451, West Branch Street (County of San Luis Obispo). Mayor Millis said the property would be coming to the City with the condition that it be used for municipal office space wi thin 10 years or it would revert to the county. He said he would be voting in favor of the lot split, but hoped to negotiate with the County to remove that condition. Mr. Christiansen said a Resolution accepting Parcel 1 will be placed on the March 14, 1989 agenda. Council Member Dougall referred to Item 6.k. Landmark Tree Annual Inspection Report and asked if the Council would refer to the Parks and Recreation Department the recommendation to change the Landmark Tree Ordinance to say that only certified arborists would be allowed to prune the landmark trees. Council Member Smith said those workers who prune the trees work under the Parks and Recreation Director. Moved by Dougall/Moots (5-0-0, Dougall, Moots, Olsen, Smith and Mayor Millis Voting aye) to approve Consent Agenda Items 6.a., 6.b., 6.f., 6.g. and 6.k., with the recommended courses of action. Moved by Smith/Olsen (4-0-1, Smith, Olsen, Dougall and Millis voting aye and Moots abstaining) to approve Consent Agenda Item 6.j., with the recommended courses of action listed in Public Works Director Paul Karp's February 23. 1989 Staff report. excluding the third recommendation reaardina accectance by resolution of Parcel h (Underlined words were added as corrections to these Minutes at the City Council meeting of March 14, 1989) REGISTER OF WARRANTS Moved by Smith/Dougall (5-0-0) to approve the cash disbursements listed in the February 22, 1989 Staff Report of Finance Director David Bacon. PUBLIC HEARING - PARCEL MAP CASE NO. SS-461 rAG SS-087) TO DIVIDE ONE PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS USING OPTIONAL DESIGN STANDARDS. 230 WEST BRANCH STREET. CERTIFIED FREIGHT LINES Ms. Liberto-Blanck referred to her Staff report of February 28, 1989, and said the Planning Commission recommends that the City council adopt a resolution approving Tentative Parcel Map No. 88- 087 through the use of Optional Design Standards and adopting the Negative Declaration. She said the City Clerk should be instructed to file a Notice of Determination. She said the Staff Advisory Committee could not recommend approval due to inconsistency with the General Plan. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Millis declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. Speaking in favor of dividing the parcel were JIM MC GILLIS, surveyor for San Luis Engineering; EDWIN NELSON Of 204 Larchmont, the applicant; SAB IKEDA of 230 Larchmont; JOE MANION of 255 Larchmont, and WILDA THOREAU of 252 W. Branch (also speaking for MYRTLE JENKINS and JOHN FLETCHER). There being no further public comment on the matter, Mayor Millis closed the hearing to the floor. After Council discussion, it was moved by Dougall/Smith (5-0- 0, Dougall, smith, Moots, Olsen and Millis voting aye) to adopt Resolution No. 2292 Approving Parcel Map Case No. 88-46l, 230 West Branch Street, Under optional Design Standards and Adoption of a Negative Declaration (Edwin Nelson/Certified Freight Lines). HOOK RAMPS AT CAMINO MERCADO Mr. Christiansen reported that Caltrans is supporting the City's position in the matter of improvements in the traffic corridor between Oak Park Boulevard and Grand Avenue. POST OFFICE CIRCULATION Council Member Dougall referred to the February 22, 1989 Staff report of Public Works Director Paul Karp, and reported that a mail drop box will be set up at Bridge Street and Traffic Way intersection. Council Members requested that there be no left turn allowed out of the installation onto Bridge Street. Mr. Karp said that a resolution will be returned to the Council on this matter at the meeting of March 14, 1989. WEST BRANCH STREET/GRAND AVENUE/TRAFFIC WAY CIRCULATION Mr. Christiansen requested that this item be placed on the Council meeting agenda of April 11, 1989. Mr. Karp said the requests for proposals have been completed and will be returned by March 31, 1989. He said a design is called for that would take the minimal right of way acquisition at all locations in the project area (eg. West Branch Street intersections at Grand Avenue and at Vernon and Wesley). He said the consultants will be asked if they will be able to prepare the bid documents so the City can go to construction by June 30, 1989. PROPOSED POLICE FACILITY EXPANSION Mr. Christiansen said this item would be on the Council agenda of March 14, 1989. EXISTING SETTING REPORT OF THE GENERAL PLAN Ms. Liberto-Blanck referred to her Staff report of February 23, 1989 and recommended that the Council receive and authorize release of the draft Existing Setting Report. She introduced Lloyd Zola of The Planning Network, who explained the report and asked for council comment. Council Members said the draft report was very well done. Mayor Millis said it will be important for the pUblic to attend the town meetings on the new General Plan in April, 1989. STATUS REPORT ON 1988-89 CURB AND GUTTER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Mr. Karp referred to his Staff report of February 24, 1989 and recommended that the City Council abandon the project and reallocate funds under account number 20-4800-901 for use on cooperative projects between the private property owners originally included within the assessment district and the City of Arroyo Grande; authorize use of the remainder of the allocation for Miscellaneous Street Repairs, and other road projects approved by the City Council through the remainder of the fiscal year. Moved by Smith/Olsen to approve Mr. Karp's recommendation. There was Council discussion covering the point that individual homeowners in the proposed district could go ahead with installation of curbs and gutters with the cooperation of the city. Mayor Millis said no one is being forced to install curbs and gutters. Mr. Karp said he would make that clear in a letter to the property owners. He also said he had received another protest to the Assessment District from residents of North Alpine. Council Member Dougall asked if monies designated for the Assessment District could be used for traffic improvements in the Oak Park/Grand Avenue corridor. Mayor Millis said there is need for traffic improvements allover the city. In response to Council Member Smith, Mr. Karp said there is no time limit for the property owners to receive City assistance with installation of curbs and gutters. Council Member Smith said her motion to approve Mr. Karp's recommendation should also include the Council discussion which followed it. Mayor Millis called for a vote on the motion, and all Council Members voted aye. AUTHORIZATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO UTILIZE DRAINAGE EASEMENT. LOT 63. 719 OAK LEAF CIRCLE. OAK PARK ACRES Mr. Christiansen referred to the February 23, 1989 staff report of Mr. Karp, in which the Public Works Director recommended that the City Council authorize encroachment within an unaccepted dedication of drainage easement created on lot 63 of Tract 1149 for the purpose of constructing a residence in conformance with all building codes and the exhibit. Moved by Dougall/Moots (5-0-0) to approve Mr. Karp's recommendation. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE. TITLE 2. CHAPTER 5. REGARDING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT (POLICE DISPATCHER TRAINING) Mr. Christiansen read the title of the proposed ordinance, and it was moved by smith/Dougall (5-0-0, Smith, Dougall, Moots, Olsen and Millis voting aye) to adopt Ordinance No. 404 C.S. Amending the Municipal Code Title 2, Chapter 5 Regarding the Police Department. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION. NAMELY: JEAN BUCKNER. BERNARD BURKE. EDWARD COX. ROBERT GRUBER. CHARLES PAINTER. KATHERINE SILVA AND NORMAN STEVENS Mayor Millis said the Senior Advisory Commission will meet for the first time in March. He said members will draw lots for terms in office. He asked that the Council consider the appointments as a group. The Mayor nominated Jean Burkner, Bernard Burke, Edward cox, Robert Gruber, Charles Painter, Katherine Silva and Norman stevens to the Senior Advisory Commission, and the Council voted (5-0-0) in favor of the nominations. Mr. Burke, Mr. Painter and Mr. stevens were introduced from the audience. PURCHASE OF A PLATEMAKER FOR PRINTING DEPARTMENT-UNBUDGETED ITEM Mr. Christiansen referred to his memo of February 23, 1989 and recommended that the City Council authorize the purchase of the platemaker. He said the cost of the platemaker is approximately $2,600.00 and would be allocated from the reserve account. City Printer Lee Shankland spoke in favor of the recommendation. Moved by Olsen/Moots (5-0-0) to approve Mr. Christiansen's recommendation. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Smith expressed concerns about inadequate commercial parking and asked the Planning Commission to review the matter. Council Member Olsen said she did not approve of subterranean parking, or shared parking. She said she would like to take a closer look at projects with these. She requested Staff review of the matters. Council Member Dougall submitted the San Luis Obispo County Hazardous Waste Plan EIR to Staff for review and recommendations to the Council. Mayor Millis said the new Senior Advisory Commission will be in operation as of March 1, 1989 and he will assume that items coming to the City concerning senior issues will be routinely referred to the Commission. Council Member Moots said th~re is a lot of Community support for a measure that would support some type of road improvement fees. . ._, City Attorney Art Shaw said the law firm of Burke, Williams and Sorensen has been retained to represent the City in the Ii tigation case of Corona - Grand Avenue Associates vs. City of Arroyo Grande. CLOSED SESSION The Council adjourned at 8:30 P.M. for a Closed Session on personnel, and litigation concerning Corona - Grand Avenue Associates vs. City of Arroyo Grande. ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 9:30 P.M. and immediately adjourned. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK