R 3025 r. oO, RESOLUfION ID. t..,..3...9.~2u&. . , . ^ RESOLUl'ION (F TIlE CITY COON:IL CF mE CITY a:' MROYO GRJ\NJE J\MENJIm aJRRml' DrSPCB/\L SERVICE FRJ\OCHISE l\rnED1ENI' RATES, EFF~IVE M^ Y 1, 1994 WltmFAS, CUy Code Sections 6-4.]0 and 6-4.11 provide for amendment of disposal service rates by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande; and wtJmEM, the City Council has reviewed new proposed disposal service rates in a public meeting. M:M, ~, the City Council of the City of ^rroyo Grande hereby amends the current rates, ~ich were effective April 1, 1991, to become the new rates, effective May 1, 1994, as displayed on the attached Exhibit "A" in accordance with SectIon 10.A of the DispOsal Service Frand1ise Agreement bet~en South County Sanitary Service, Inc., and the City of Arroyo Grande, dated February 1, 1991. On motion of Council Merrber _~...l!.t~~....~___...__ , seconded by Cooncil Menber ~_~Q~~....~....~..._...., and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES! Council Members Burke, Souza, Lady and Mayor Gallagher NOES! Council Member Brandy J\BSENl'! None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted th is 7. 6 thday of Apr 11, 1994. Nl'illiT! .~~ CI'lY CLmI( A. DAVIS FmM! .._.w~_~_~__~~__ LYON I, ~ A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis <1Jispo, State of california, do hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing R@solut:ion No. ..J.P.z:i is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and lidopt:f!d lit: a regular meeting of the Arroyo Grande City Cooncil on the ,26th day of April, 1994. ~ nw hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande, affixed this _.2.nd_ day of May; 1994. ' , '. .". Resolution No. 3025 EXfllBI'f "A" sOI,rff COlmty SAtUtAnt St.hvtCt. 11.. 43Y. A"nfJYO GnANOt, rtsHU "t.AC", ", SIIt.U. hEAt" nATtS ttt[Ctl~t 4-1-g~ I"Cn~ARt. I"Cn~^~F; ,.. H:KllrR tF'F'I=;CTl VF; ttF:F:CT1VF: 1- ~[n WF.F.K 2-1-93 4-1-94 InCREASE ------ --------- --------- --------- 1 CArl t t3910~ ~~4.0~ J2.81~ 1. .63.00 ~71.00 J2.70~ 3 ~91..00 ~91..00 12.2~1. 4 091.00 tI09.0~ 12.371. co""tnctAL-UUHrsTtnS --------------------------- 1 ,AnD 1 ~33.00 ~37.00 12.111. 7. ~48.00 ~54.00 J2.501- 3 .~3.00 .71.00 17..70Y. 1 ~81.00 891.00 12.351- 5 .95.00 9107.00 12.63Y. ~. .113.00 '127.~0 12.391- 1.9 YAno J ~37.~0 '~'-.~0 13.511- 2 858.00 t~5.00 12.071- :J t92. 0~ .92. 0~ 12.20Y. ~ .107.~0 .17.0.00 12.151- 5 '130.0~ .'~6.00 12.3J~ 6 .141.00 t165.00 11.241. . 2 'Ano 1 t~1.~0~ ~47.00 11.901- '- .'0.00 .79.00 12.e~y. 3 t100.00 tlJ2.00 12.001. 1 t132.00 .t~8.00 11..121- .. 5 .163. 00 tI8~. 00 12.21r, 6 t182.00 0209.00 12.641- j 'AnD 1 t5~.00 '56.00 12.00Y. '- tg4.00 0106.00 12.711. 3 '132.00 tI48.0~ 12.12'- 4 .112.00 '193.00 12.7.11- 5 .20~.00 '229.00 12.251. ~ .243.00 '273.00 12.35Y. 4 YARD 1 .&2.00 '70.00 12.901- 2 t110.00 t124.00 12.731. 3 .15a.00 .178.0~ 12.66Y. 4' .204.00- '27.9.00 12.251- 5 .7.57..00 .2~J.00 12.30'- G 8299.00 0336.00 12.311. -------~------------------------------------------------------------------- . :' " ~ . ftesoluHoh No. 3025 EX II I B l'r "^" . suu.tI, cuunTY sANH""' s~nvtcr:; 17..431- Annoyo unANbt, "19"0 REACII. .. SnELL 9F.:^CII RATES r::rrr::ctIvE 4-1-9~ (flCRF.:^SF.: lIIl:nF:M;F: rJcKtlrS F.:HF:CTIVr:; F:rn:CTJ v F: Yo rr::R WF:EK 1.-1-93 "-1-9" lt1cnF:ASF.: ------ --------- --------- --------- "r:;~ I OF:flT JAt. ._--------------------------------~-----------~----------------------------- 6 CAli cunD 1 .7.60 ~8.55 12.5Q1y' f; CAr' 1 N YARn 1 ~13.35 ~15.QI0 12.361- :ACII AOb1TI0flAt. t:AN IN YARD rEA HOtlTII .3.60 414.05 12.501- CU""F.:RClAt. cAUS ------------------------------.-------------------------------- 1 CAr' 1 ~9.0~ ~9.'MI 12.5911- 1- 4117.0101 !!I 19. 910 11.76Y. 3 *2".00 027.00 12.50Y. 2 CAli 1 +11.-091 !!II 9. 091 11. 71;Y. :7- .23.010 ~'-6.00 13.QI1Y. 3 ~33.00 ~37.00 12.12Y. " .:19~00 +"101.910 12.8?Y. 5 .49.00 t54.00 12.591_," . 3 CAN 1 .20.00 ~7.2. 9191 lQ1.00Y. 2 ft33.00 .37.910 12.12Y. :J !t"3.00 ...,8.010 1 1. 63Y. " t52.QI0 t!t58.0Q1 1 1. 511- 5 ..59.00 +65.00 12.fi)"11. 6 .69.00 .13.00 12. 3JY. 4 CAN 1 .29.00 ft28.QI0 12.00Y. 2 M0.00 ft"5.0Q1 12.501- 3 .53.00 .60.00 13.1.11- " .63.00 .71. 00 11..701- 5 .14.00 '93.00 12.16Y. 6 t92.00 092.00 12.201- .. - 5 tAft t .30.00 t3i.00 13.33Y. 2 ~49.00 t5!'5.00 12.2"" j .62.00 .70.0Q1 12.9Q11- .. fJ17.00 t87.00 12.991- 5 !l9" 00 ~107..00 12.091- 6 t107.00 t120.00 12.15X 6 CAr, 1 ~35.00 ft39.QI0 11. "31- 7. t5S.00 t6:J.0Q1 12.501- 3 t1:J.0)0 !I~2.0Q1 12.331- " 009.9191 ~100.00 17.. ~J6X 5 fJ101.00 .120.00 12.151. 6 t123.00 .139.00 12.20Y. . ., .. ". - " -.R!,!solution No. J025 EXIIIBJ1' "1\" . ~tJtJTfI COlUltT SANtfAlty S~nVIC~ 17..-131- A"mJJU t.JnANot, rt9lfU u~ACIf, ~ gUru. RF.M:n nATrs rttrcflVE 4-1-94 _I rn.:m::M;r:: 1 ru:nF:M7F. r t CfUJrR r.rrF.CT IV!=; F;Fn:CT I VF. Y. rF.n n:F.K 2-1-9:J 4-1-9" IflcnF.^SF. ------ --------- --------- --------- ~mont fr"" UINS (JEU VEnY tlG, !H !lIe. 55 1 7.. ~1r, 1. RF.flTAL to.0ot ~0.95 13. 101. EHrTtE9 "rn YAnD t 11. 00 ~12.00 9.09Y. "AnnESS fWIN .~.00 .7.091 16.67Y. DOUUU: .12.00 ~13.00 9.3~Y. OUI::EN ;16.00 "'18.00 11..501- Klt1U 019.00 11I21. 00 J0.531. bUrtl::~ tALL HUltl-UNIt bWELllf1US .. ---------------~--------_._-------- I ,AnD ntN 1 ~".0Qt .5.00 25.9101- I TAnt) IU N 2 .7.00 ~O.00 H. 29'- 1 TAnl) BIN 3 ~ 11. 00 tI1..00 9.091. 1. YAnb BtN . 1 ~".00 .5.00 25.001. 2 uno bH. 1. .7.00 .8.00 H. 291- 2 TAnD ntH 3 fit 1. 00 .12.00 9.09'- 3 TA"" nUf 1 ....00 .5.00 25.001- 3 ,Mm Inti 2 t7 . 910 .9.00 H. 291. 3 TAnD IUN 3 t11. 00 .12.00 9.09'- ALL "ULtl-b"~LllNI1 hUts t'lUS HOIfTItLY ;15.00 . 17 . 00 13.331. B1fI nEIIUl . ... ,