R 3376 - . h RESOLUTION NO. 3376 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY .. .. OF ARROYO GRANDE SUPPORTING THE SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT O~ CONSERVATION'S.. AGRICULTURAL LAND STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM FOR THE DIXSON RANCH AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE WHEREAS, the legislature has established the Agricultural land Stewardship Program 'within the Department of Conservation, and through a grant program is providing assistance to conserve important agricultural land resources that are subject to conversion pressures; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande supports acquisition of conserVation easements for the purpose of conserving priority agricultural land resources; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande certifies that any easements obtained will meet the eligibility criteria set forth in Public Resources Code Section 10251, to wit: (a) The parcel proposed for conservation is expected to continue to be used for, and is large enough to sustain, commercial agricultural production. The larid is also in an area that possesses the necessary market, infrastructure, and - - agricultural support services, and the surrounding parcel sizes and land uses will support long-term commercial agricultural production. (b) The City of Arroyo Grande has a General Plan which demonstrates a long- term commitment to agricultural land conservation. This commitment is reflected in the goals, objectives, policies, and implementation measures of the Plan, as they relate to the area of Arroyo Grande where the easement acquisition is proposed. (c) The grant proposal is consistent with the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the City Council of Arroyo Grande, by this Resolution, approves the grant proposal. (d) Without conservation the land proposed for protection is likely to be converted to nonagricultural use in the foreseeable future. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby support the submittal of an application for grant assistance funding from the Agricultural land Stewardship Program by the Coastal San Luis Resource .. ----------_._-~-~--- ---- RESOLUTION NO. 3376 PAGE 2 Conservation District and American Farmland Trust for the Dixson Ranch Agricultural (. ., Preserve located in the City of Arroyo Grande. ~ t '-00" : , On motion of Council Member Tolley, seconded by Council Member Ferrara, arid on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: T olley, Ferrar~, and Mayor Lady NOES: Runels ABSENT: Dickens the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of June, 1999. .,_.. - - - . \ ; - --" .. . RESOLUTION NO.3376 PAGE :3 MICHA~A.~~ .. ATTEST: ORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK -- APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~kLTL,~. ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: - - - ~.T@ .-Q TI OTHY . CAR EL, CITY ATTORNEY . - RESOLUTION NO. 3376 PAGE 4 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of pe~ury, that Resolution No. 3376 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 22"d day of June, 1999. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 28th day of June, 1999. ORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK -