O 433 C.S. .,.., ~ . , , .. , . ORDINAOCE ro. 433 C.S. AN ORDINAOCE OF THE CITY CXXOCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDHK; THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL COOE RELATHG TO ARROYO GRANDE CITY WATER RATES BY AMENDI~ CHAPTER 7 OF TITLE 6, SECl'ION 6-7.01 (a), (h), (c), AND (d): RELATI~ TO FIRE AW 0l'HER ~ WATER RATES BY AMENDI~ CHAPTER 7 OF TITLE 6, SECl'ION 6-7.21: AW RELATI~ TO IDPEZ RATES BY AMENDIro CHAPTER 7 OF TITLE 6, SECl'ION 6-7.01 (g) AW SECl'ION 6-7.22 (a) (4) (Hi) . THE CITY COUN::IL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLI!W3: SECl'ION 1: Section 6-7.01 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 6-7.01. C1araes. (a) Basic IIDnth],y charges. Mlenever water is supplied and meters are used I or installed, as provided in this chapter, a basic IOOnth1y charge shall be made to each user. Such charge shall cover the cost of water used for each IIDnth up I to 800 cubic feet for 1/2- to 3/4-inch meters or larger cubic feet for larger meter sizes. THE FOLJ:arr~ RATES SIW..L BE EFFECl'IVE MAY 20, 1991, 'IflR(){X;H SEPTEMBER 19, 1991: .MINIMUM !oDmILy rnARr.F.C: Maxim.un O1bic Feet Size of Meter of Water Sl1UDli..cl Insi& City Oltside.Citv 1/2- to 3/4-inch 800 $ 5.90 $ 11.80 I-inch 1,200 9.30 17.15 I 1/4- to 1 1/2-inch 1,600 12.45 19.65 2-inch 3,000 23.35 32.35 3-inch 6,000 46.60 67.35 4-inch 9,000 69.95 86.80 6-inch 27,000 209.85 233.20 In addition to the above d1.arges, each user shall be charged for water used above the basic minim.un rates, in accordance with the following schedule (all rates are on the basis of 100-cubic feet, or fraction thereof): MINIMUM KTh1I'FITy rnARGR<: Insi~ Cit;y Q.]tside Citv For all water in excess of 800 cubic feet, rate per 100 cubic feet $ 1.00 $ 1.25 THE FOLJ:arr~ RATES SIW..L BE EFFECl'IVE SEPTEMBER 20, 1991, 'mROOOH JANUARY 19, 1992: MINJM!1M foDNl'HLy rnARGR<: Maxim.un Cubic Feet Size of Me.t.er of Water SUcclied Inside Citv Q.]tside Ci t;y 1/2- to 3/4-inch 800 $ 6.60 $ 13.20 I-inch 1,200 10.40 19.20 I 1/4- to 1 1/2-inch 1,600 13.95 22.00 2-inch 3,000 26.15 36.25 3-inch 6,000 52.20 75.45 4-inch 9,000 78.35 97.20 6-inch 27,000 235.05 261.20 In addition to the above charges, each user shall be charged for water used above the basic minim.un rates, in accordance with the fOllowing sd1.edu1e (all rates are on the basis of 100 cubic feet, or fraction thereof) : ---- -.--... " , . 2 ORDINl'H:E 00. 433 C.S. MINIMUM M)Nl'HLY rnARGF..<: InsidP.Citv Outside.. Ci t,y For all water in excess of 800 cubic feet, rate per 100 cubic feet $ 1.l0 $ 1.40 THE FO~ RATFS SHALL BE EFFEX:TIVE JANUARY 20, 1992: MINIMIJM M)N!'HLY C'HARr.F..<: Maxinum Cubic Feet Size. .of Meter .of Water Su.DD1ied Insi~ Cit,y Outside Cit,y 1/2- to 3/4-inch 800 $ 7.40 $ 14.80 I-inch 1,200 11.65 21.50 I 1/4- to 1 1/2-inch 1,600 15.60 24.65 2-inch 3,000 29.30 40.60 3-inch 6,000 58.45 84.50 4-inch 9,000 87.75 108.85 6-inch 27,000 263.25 292.55 In addition to the above charges, each user shall be charged for water used above the basic mininum rates, in accordance with the following sdledu1e (all rates are on the basis of 100 cubic feet, or fraction thereof): MINIMUM M)Nl'HLY rnARGF..<: Insi& Citv Outside Cit,y For all water in excess of 800 cubic feet, rate per 100 cubic feet $ 1.25 $ 1.55 (b) Sin91e-fami1y dwellina and ccmron ownership businesses. ~ere two (2) or IOOre separate buildings on the sane parcel of land are used for a single- family dwelling and/or a business owned in a comnDn ownership and are being furnished water through one service connection, there shall be dlarged and collected from the owner or person in responsible charge thereof, in addition to the established mininum ronthly meter rate set forth in subsection (a) of this section for water furnished to the first single-family dwelling and/or business, an additional meter mininum ronthly charge for each additional single-family dwelling and/or business furnished water through the sane service. THE FOLIJ::MIN3 RATFS SHALL BE EFFEX:TIVE MAY 20, 1991, 'lHROOOH SEPl'EMBER 19, 1991: MINIMIJM M)!I1I'RTY CHARGF..<: Inside. Cit:v .Outside Citv $ 5.90 $ 11.80 THE FOLIJ::MIN3 RATFS SHALL BE EFFEX:TIVE SEPl'EMBER 20, 1991, 'lHROOOH JANUARY 19, 1992: MINIMUM M)Nl'HLY C'HARr.F..<: Inside Citv Outside.City $ 6.60 $ 13.20 THE FOLIJ::MIN3 RATFS SHALL BE EFFEX:TIVE JANUARY 20, 1992: MINIMUM M)N!'HLY ('HAR(.:F.<; Ins;&:. Ci~ Outside. Ci~ $ 7.40 $ 14.80 (c) Multiple-Dwellinas and JIDbile hanes. ~enever a single meter serves nu1tiplEH3welling units, as in the case of duplexes, triplexes, apartments, nd:>ilehome parks, and travel trailer parks, the 800~ic feet miniIll.lll1 set forth in subsection (a) of this section shall apply to the first such dwelling unit. Each such additional dwelling unit will entitle the consumer to an allowance of 400 cubic feet of water for each additional miniIll.lll1 dlarge each ronth. , ,. . 3 ORDI~E NO. 433 C.S. THE FOLUMI~ RATES SHALL BE EFFOCTIVE MAY 20, 1991, 'IHROOOH SEPTEMBER 19, 1991: MINIKJM MJNl'HTY CHARc.F..C: InRi.n.=.,.City .OUtside Cit;y $ 3.20 $ 6.40 THE FOLUMI~ RATES SHALL BE EFFOCTIVE SEPTEMBER 20, 1991, 'ffiROOOH JANUARY 19, 1992: MINIKJM MJNI'HLY ~ .Ins;i1~ .,Citv .cutside Ci~y $ 3.60 $ 7.20 THE ~ RATES SHALL BE EFFOCTIVE JANUARY 20, 1992: MINIMJM M)NPHTY ~ Insi&.Cit;.v Cbtside ' Cit;v $ 4.05 $ 8.10 (d) .Motels. ,hnt-,:.ls... and s;m; ';:tr units. In the case of Jrotels, hotels, auto trailer canps, auto courts, and/or housekeeping units wherein individual units, cabins, and spaces are served by a single service connection, there shall be charged to the owner or person having the managenent and control of the same, in addition to the prescribed IOOnthly meter minillUlll charge set forth in subsection (a) of this section for each cabin, unit, or space in excess of one, an additional IOOnthly minillUlll meter charge, whi9h will entitle the consumer to an additional allowance of 200 cubic feet of water for each cabin or unit or space per month. THE FOLUMI~ RATES SHALL BE EFFOCTIVE MAY 20, 1991, ':l'IiroOOH SEPTEMBER 19, 1991: MINIM!JM. KWrHTY ~ InsidP- Citv OUtside Cit;y $ 1.60 $ 3.20 THE FOJ:.UMI~ RATES SHALL BE EFFOCTIVE SEPl'EMBER 20, 1991, 'IHROOOH JANUARY 19, 1992: MINIMUM M)NJ1HT ~Y MtA"Rl:RC: Inside'Cit;y OUtside City $ 1.80 $ 3.60 THE ~ RATES SHALL BE EFFOCTIVE JANUARY 20, 1992: MINIMUM, M)NT'HT,y rnA~RC: .Inside Cit;y OUtside City $ 2.00 $ 4.00 SOCTION 2: Section 6-7.21 of the folmicipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec... 6-7 .21. Fire and other lwdrant,-,metered watE!r:. ~rmit rEqliredto USE!: Charoes Fire hydrant meters shall be furnished and installed by the Water Deparbnent. All persons and contractors using water through fire hydrants or other hydrants owned or controlled by the City shall obtain a permit so to do from the Director of Public WOrks. No such permit shall be issued to any person or contractor who has violated any of the provisions of this chapter or who is indebted to the City for water used or for damage to hydrants. ---- ._~- -'-'-'- , , .' 4 ORDItwCE 00. 433 C.S. Charges for the use of such hydrants shall be as follows: For the installation of a portable meter, Twenty and no/lOOths Dollars ($20.00), plus a deposit of Two Hundred and no/lOOths Dollars ($200.00) toward actual usage. Water charges shall be based on actual water used at the rate of $7.30 per 100 cubic feet. SECTION 3: Section 6-7.01 (g) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to recrl in full as follows: (g) LoDez Water Contract Charges. In addition to the monthly water charges set forth in this chapter, each City water user shall be charged an additional sum each IIa1th, to be designated "Lopez Water Contract Charges,. in accordance with the greater of the following schedules: THE FO~ RATES SHALL BE EFFECTIVE MAY 20, 1991: saIIDULE I - WATER SERVICFS ON INDIVIDUAL METERS Olaraes Size af Meter Insi~ . Cit"y Q.ttside Citv 5/8- to 3/4-inch $ 8.65 $ 11.30 I-inch 12.40 l5.l0 1 l/4-inch ta 1 1/2-inch 16.15 18.80 2-inch 19.95 22.60 3-inch 23.65 26.30 4-inch 27.45 30.10 6-inch 35.00 37.60 SCHEDULE II - rD!E.'l'ERED OR MULTIPLE (l<;ES ON ONE METER O1araes .Inside Citv Q.ttside Cit"y (I) Sinal~ami~y dwel]inas $ 8.65 $ 11.30 Each additional single-family dwelling on the same meter 8.65 11.30 (2) Mhhile home parks and travel trailer parks One space 8.65 11.30 Each additional space on the same meter, except as provided in subsection (i) of 11.30 this section 8.65 (3) MultiDle-dwe11ings, one unit 8.65 11.30 Each additional unit on the same meter 8.65 11.30 (4) MotF!lR.and.hotels, one unit 8.65 11.30 Each additional unit on the same meter 8.65 11.30 (5) HoRDitals. convalt:!scent hOW!s and convalescent hospitals, per bed on the 2.95 same meter 2.30 (6) 8.1sinF!S~ not otherwise provided for in this section: Business on set;)Brate ~t:.er 8.65 11.30 Multiple businesses on on.. IIIPt"r Each separate water service, such as restr<>al'2, kitchens, etc. 8.65 11.30 ----- -- --.-- -------- . ., 5 ORDINANCE NO. 433 C.S. SECrION 4: Section 6-7.22 (a) (4) (iii) of the Municipal Code is hereby emended to read in full as follows: (iii) The City shall collect the water availability charges, as provided for in this subsection, by billing the charged land on an annual basis. In the event such availability charges have not been paid at the tine a water service connection application is made for such parcel, all accunulated water availability charges, continuing at One Thousand and nO/lOOths Dollars ($1,000.00), effective July 1, 1991, and increasing annually by Fifty and no/lOOths Dollars ($50.00) on July 1 of each succeeding year, per dwelling unit; motel, hotel, or hospital roan; or camnercial unit developed, shall be paid. SECrION 5: A slJI(1[(Bry of this ordinance shall be published in a newspaper and circulated in said City at least five (5) days prior to the City Council neeting at which the proposed ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance shall be posted in the office of the City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the ordinance, the SlJI(1[(Bry, with the names of those City Council menbers voting for and against the ordinance, shall be published again; and the City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted ordinance. . ORDINl\NCE NO. 433 C.S. f '..' ."..' ... . .. ........ :) , On rotion of Council Merrber Smith , seconded by Council Merrber Douqall , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: ^YES: Council Members Smith, Dougall, Olsen, Moots and Mayor Millis OOES: None ABS EN!': None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the City Council on this 26th day of February , 1991. J-::X:iI~JJ~ A'ITEST: ~ II. ~J CITY C ~ I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 433 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted. at a regular rreeting of said Council on the 26th day of February, 1991. WI~S my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 8th day of March, 1991. ~a~ CITY .