R 3391 . .. . RESOLUTION NO. 3391 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MODIFYING THE - POLICY/PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING CITY COUNCIL BUSIN"ESS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande' does desire to amend the Policy/Procedure For Conducting City Council Business. THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOllOWS: 1. The Policy/Procedure For Conducting City Council Business ("Policy/Procedure"), adopted by Resolution No. 3264 on December 9, 1997, is hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to post copies and/or extracts of said Policy/Procedure in suitable places for the guidance of the public. On motion of Council Member Tolley, seconded by Council Member Runels, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: , AYES: Council Members Tolley, Runels, Dickens, Ferrara, and Mayor Lady NOES: None - - ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of August, 1999. . - ----' > . . > RESOLUTION NO. 3391 PAGE 2 ~ . ' J MICHAEL A. L . M~~ ATTEST: 1AA()~ RE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 1!:lli- L. ~ ROBERT L. HUNT, -CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: , 666 ~ 'lsn6n'v' ~6EE 'oN uonnlosa~ Aq paldop'v' ::f0 SS3NISnS 11:JNnO:J ALI:J f)NI1.:JnaNO~ HO::l 3Hna3:JOHd/A:J110d - 11:>NnO:> All:> 3aN"~~ OAO~~" . . . . . . . POLICY/PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS . The following guidelines are to assist the City Council in the conduct of City business and are procedural only. Failure to strictly observe such procedures s,hall not affect the jurisdiction of the Council nor invalidate any action taken at a meeting that is otherwise held in conformance with the law. Except as otherwise provided for in this Policy, any special rule adopted by the City Council, or as otherwise provided by state statute, the procedures of the City Council meetings shall be governed by the latest revised edition of "Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure," as modified by Council practices. The City Attorney is designated as the parliamentarian for City Council meetings. The City Manage,r shall pr~side as the parliamentarian in the City Attorney's absence. MEETINGS A. The City Council shall meet in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. B. Business at regular sessions shall be conducted from 7:00 PM to 12 Midnight - only, unless extended by unanimous consent of the Council Members present. C. Special adjourned meetings and study sessions of the City Council may be called by a majority vote of the City Council. D. The order of business for the City Council shall be as arranged by the City Manager, except for matters set at a specific time by the Council. ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Each person desiring to address the Council shall proceed to the speaker's stand upon recognition from the Mayor. The speaker shall state for the record his/her name and address. Unless further time is granted by the Mayor, (unless overruled by a majority vote of the Council), the speaker shall limit his/her remarks to three (3) minutes. All remarks shall be pertinent to the subject at hand. All remarks must be addressed to the Council as a whole and not to any Member individually. No questions shall be asked of a Council Member or member of City staff without the permission of the Mayor. 1 . H_ , ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL (continued) , A. In order to avoid repetitious presentations and delay in the business of the Council, whenever any group of persons wishes to address the Cpuncil on the same subject matter, it shall be proper for the Mayor to request a spokesperson . be chosen by the group to represent its position. B. After a motion has been made and seconded, or a public hearing has been closed, no member of the public shall address the Council from the audience on the matter under consideration without first securing permission to do so .from the Mayor or a majority vote of the Council. f.ROCEDURES A. Council ordinances and resolutions must be reviewed in written form before binding action is taken on same. B. A Council order applies mainly as a dire~tive to City officers or employees. It need not be in writing, as it generally applies to one specific act only. C. In the absence or inability of the Mayor and the Mayor Pro Tem to attend a meeting of the City Council, the Members present shall select one Member to . temporarily preside. - D. A motion shall not be debated 'or "put to vote", unless the same is seconded. When a motion is seconded, if requested, it shall be stated by the Mayor or City Clerk before debate. E. Upon a motion having been made and seconded, it shall be deemed to be.in possession of the Council, but it may be withdrawn at any time, before decision or amendment, with the assent of a second. F. A Member called to order should relinquish the floor, unless permitted to explain; and the Council, if .appealed to, shall decide on the case, but without debate. If there is no appeal, the decision of the Mayor shall be final. G. Upon demand of any Council Member, or at the discretion of the Mayor, the vote shall be by roll call, except that the vote on all ordinances or resolutions shall be by roll call vote.' H. Tie votes shall be lost motions. 2 .-- , . . PROCEDURES (continued) I. Tie votes on the appeal . of a Commission/Board/Committee or staff decision sustain the action of the Commission/Board/Committee, or staff. - J. Every Council Member, unless disqualified by reason of a conflict of interest or as otherwise provided by law, shall cast his/her vote upon any matter put to vqte by the Jegislative body. - K. Any Council Member who abstains from voting without a valid reason shall be deemed to have voted with the majority on that particular issue. L. A Council Member who publiCly announces that he/she is abstaining from voting on a particular matter for specified reasons shall not subsequently be allowed to withdraw that abstention. M. In order to avoid any attack on the validity of Council hearings, Council Members shall avoid forming final conclusions or making commitments with proponents and opponents during any meetings, conferences, or discussions regarding the merits of the matter or issue before the body, including but not limited to, specific zoning and related land-use proposals, comprehensive planning, and like matters. - - N. A motion to reconsider a legislative or quasi-legislative action taken by the Council may be made only at the same meeting at which the action was taken. Quasi-judicial actions shall not be subject to a motion to reconsider. COMMITTEES A. The Council shall appoint committees as deemed necessary -for the proper conduct of City business. B. No committee shall include in its membership more .than two (2) Council Members. C. The City Manager, or his/her designee, shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. AGENDAS A. Agendas for the Council will be prepared by the City Manager. 3 . . , , AGENDAS (continued) B. Agendas shall be posted on a bulletin board, publicly accessible, in City Hall and/or the Council Chamber. MISCELLANEOUS A. Items referred to departments for action by the City Council shall be routed through the City Manager's Office. B. The City Council shall occasionally review this Policy/Procedure. C. Amendments to this Policy/Procedure shall be by majority vote of the Council. - - 4 . RESOLUTION NO. 3391 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, Director of Administrative ~ervices/Deputy. City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that Resolution No. 3391 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 24th day of August, 1999. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affi>eed this 26th day of August, 1999. .