CC 2015-10-08_09a Agreements - NCMA Work ProgramMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA MCCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC. FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE NORTHERN CITIES MANAGEMENT AREA WORK PROGRAM DATE: OCTOBER 8, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council receive and file additional information regarding the previous approval and authorization of Amendment No. 7 to the Agreement for Consultant Services with Water Systems Consulting, Inc. ("WSC"). IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The total direct cost to produce the annual groundwater monitoring report, including technical and managerial activities in support of the Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group (NCMA TG) for FY 2015-16 is $220,740. The cost is shared among several agencies of which the City is responsible for approximately $7 4,494 ($44,919 for Fugro and $29,578 for WSC) which is overall, slightly higher than last year (due to a slight increase in costs for FUGRO and the agency split for WSC) but within the range of previous annual report costs. The WSC costs are reduced by approximately $20,000 from last year's proposal. The budget includes $76,000 for the work which will be paid from the Water Fund. The shared costs related to NCMA work are determined by groundwater allocation. The City's portion for the WSC contract is 39 percent of $75,840, or $29,578 as shared by each participating agency's groundwater allocation. If the cost were also to also be shared by the Oceano Community Services District (OCSD), the cost for the City as divided by groundwater allocation would be 31 percent, or $23,510. The City Council amended the Critical Needs Action Plan for the 2015-2017 work program and budget. Addressing water supply and demand is directly related to addressing the City's water needs and is identified in the Critical Needs Action Plan. BACKGROUND: In 2014, along with the workplan for the 2014 NCMA annual report, the Council approved the NCMA Strategic Plan, augmentation of the City's water conservation strategies, the development of a Water Shortage Response Team (WSRT) and provided direction for a joint water workshop with the elected bodies of NCMA agencies that include the Cities of Item 9.a. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENTS FOR THE NORTHERN CITIES MANAGEMENT AREA WORK PROGRAM OCTOBER 8, 2015 PAGE2 Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, Grover Beach and the OCSD. Work has been completed in accordance with Council direction including completion of one of the studies identified in the Strategic Plan-the water supply production and delivery plan, the WSRT have been implementing approved water conservation initiatives, and the South County Regional Water Forum was held on August 1ih. . The City has continued to participate with neighboring jurisdictions in the preparation of required reports and studies concerning the management of the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin. For the last several years, the City has contracted with WSC to provide engineering and water resource technical services in order to meet court ordered requirements for the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin, as well as for overall water resource management and evaluation of conjunctive use opportunities. Water sampling and preparation of the annual report is required by the Court's decision in the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin Adjudication. Staff has participated with other staff from neighboring jurisdictions to form the Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group ("NCMA TG") in order to coordinate these water management activities. On September 8, 2015, the City Council approved and authorized two agreements: Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with Fugro in the amount of $44,919 in connection with the annual monitoring report for the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin Adjudication and Amendment No. 7 to the Agreement with WSC Consultants in the amount of $29,578 for groundwater management and technical studies related to the NCMA. However, the WSC agreement was predicated upon OCSD providing in-kind services that would compensate for their lack of participation in the WSC shared NCMA contract. Subsequent to the September 8, 2015 City Council meeting, the OCSD General Manager and OCSD Board declined to formalize any agreement for in-kind services. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: In 2007, a water balance study of the groundwater basin conducted by Todd Engineers indicated a need to implement a monitoring and reporting program. Such a program was recommended as a way to more efficiently manage the condition of the water supply in the groundwater basin. Since April 2009, the NCMA TG has coordinated the collection of sentry well water quality samples and prepared an annual report to submit to the court. The work program has evolved to increase and augment water sampling by the rehabilitation of wells, increased sampling locations, the addition of transducers, the coordination of data with the County sampling program and the Nipomo Mesa Management Area Technical Group and grant applications and studies. Although several years ago, agency staff coordinated the necessary NCMA activities, including developing scopes of work, issuing requests for proposals, designing and modifying monitoring plans, determining the adequacy of wells and monitoring equipment, providing QA/QC of NCMA technical reports and those related to the NMMA, etc., the participating agencies quickly realized that these activities represented a significant Item 9.a. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENTS FOR THE NORTHERN CITIES MANAGEMENT AREA WORK PROGRAM OCTOBER 8, 2015 PAGE3 workload and require extensive time commitment of agency staff. Additionally, it was determined that readily available access to knowledge of specialized technical experts, was needed to address urgent and technical issues. To assist with these efforts, WSC's proposal for ongoing support services to the NCMA TG includes contract coordination and administration and providing necessary technical analysis in support of the annual report and NCMA strategic plan and drought related activities (Attachment 1 ). The costs are split between NCMA agencies in accordance with respective groundwater allocation, with the exception of the OCSD who chose not to participate. Last year, when the City approved a similar contract amendment, OCSD was anticipated to contribute in the shared costs ($20, 160), however, they ultimately did not participate. Thus, this is the second year that the WSC contract would be shared only between the Cities of Grover Beach, Pismo Beach and Arroyo Grande. WSC performed last years' services under budget. Although OCSD has opted not to participate in the WSC contract again this year, staff still supports the proposal at this time due to the highly qualified team of water experts made available through the contract, the crucial timing and impact to the groundwater basin due to pumping activities and the drought, and that water supply issues are identified as critical and thus prioritized for use of adequate resources. The Cities of Grover Beach and Pismo Beach have also been satisfied with the work product ofWSC and are proceeding with the WSC contract as proposed. Staff will explore alternative means of contracting for the annual report for next year to attempt to address the inequities created by OCSD's decision not to participate in the WSC contract within the NCMATG. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Confirm approval of Amendment No. 7 to the Agreement with WSC Consultants in the amount of $29,578 for groundwater management and technical studies related to the NCMA; • Do not approve Amendment No. 7 to the Agreement with WSC Consultants in the amount of $29,578 for groundwater management and technical studies related to the NCMA; or • Provide staff direction. ADVANTAGES: Implementation of the monitoring and reporting program to identify changes in water levels and quality, will enable the City and its partner jurisdictions to react quickly to any issue affecting the water supply in the groundwater basin. The monitoring program has provided a mechanism allowing all parties to be better informed with regard to the changing Item 9.a. - Page 3 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENTS FOR THE NORTHERN CITIES MANAGEMENT AREA WORK PROGRAM OCTOBER 8, 2015 PAGE4 condition of the basin, and consequently, has allowed for the opportunity for better collaboration between the City and partner jurisdictions included in the Arroyo Grande Groundwater Basin Management Agreement. WSC has provided valuable expertise for the NCMA TG, including providing quality assurance/quality control for the annual report, agency coordination and writing two successful grants for the NCMA agencies. Additionally, WSC coordinates technical information and provides important analysis for related water planning, including Zone 3 activities and the regional water resource planning efforts of the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. DISADVANTAGES: By approving the amended agreement, the City will need to pay its share of the cost according to the Arroyo Grande Groundwater Basin Management Agreement. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, October 1, 2015. The Agenda and staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, October 2, 2015. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. Consultant Services Agreement Amendment No. 7 -WSC proposal to provide staff extension services for the NCMA TG for FY 2015-2016. Item 9.a. - Page 4 CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 7 This Seventh Amendment ("Seventh Amendment") to Consultant's Services Agreement ("CSA") by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC. (WSC), is made and entered into this day of September, 2015 based on the following facts: WHEREAS, the parties entered into a CSA dated March 16, 2010 to provide as-needed staff extensiori" services to the Northern Cities Management Area Technical Advisory Committee (NCMA); and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a First Amendment to CSA dated September 26, 2011 to continue to provide support services to the Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group; and · WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Second Amendment to CSA dated September 25, 2012 to continue to provide support servrces to the Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Third Amendment to CSA dated January 22, 2013 for additional costs related to associated technical support for coordinated management of the groundwater basin; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Fourth Amendment to CSA dated September 10, 2013 for additional costs related to associated t{:lchnical support to coordinated management of the groundwater basin; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Fifth Amendment to CSA dated April 8, 2014 for additional costs related to associated technical support to coordinated management of the groundwater basin; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Sixth Amendment to CSA dated June 10, 2014 for additional costs related to associated technical support to coordinated management of the groundwater basin; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the CSA as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. The CSA is amended to include the additional services at the increased cost related to the 2015 Annual Report, related coordinated technical support, as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. The term of the CSA shall expire on December 31, 2016. 3. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this Seventh Amendment the day and year first above written. WATER SYSTEMS CONSUL TING INC. By: ___________ _ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: ___________ _ Jim Hill Mayor ATTACHMENT 1 Item 9.a. - Page 5 6/12/2015 Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group Oceano Community Services District City of Arroyo Grande City of Grover Beach City of Pismo Beach SUBJECT: PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE STAFF EXTENSION SERVICES FOR THE NORTHERN CITIES MANAGEMENT AREA TECHNICAL GROUP FOR FY 2015-16 Dear Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group, As requested, WSC has prepared the following proposal to provide ongoing staff extension services to lead various technical and managerial activities in support of the Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group (NCMA TG) for FY 2015-16. The purpose of these services is to provide as-needed staff extension to assist the NCMA TG in managing their water supply portfolios and project management services for the preparation of its Annual Report. Mr. Jeff Szytel will serve as the Principal-In-Charge and Mr. Daniel Heimel will serve as the Project Manager and lead resource for WSC. Additional support will be provided by WSC staff and/or specialty sub-consultants as-needed. Consistent with our ongoing staff extension services role, it is envisioned that these activities would include the following tasks: Staff Extension WSC will serve as an extension of the NCMA member agencies’ staff to manage the activities of the NCMA TG. WSC’s activities are expected to include: Organize and lead NCMA TG meetings Attend Zone 3 TAC meetings on behalf of the NCMA TG Organize and facilitate meetings with Local Ag Representatives Review analysis and recommendations for the items on the committee agendas Advise on proposals by the County Provide additional research and options as-needed Provide independent technical review of various work products Provide as-needed technical and/or managerial support Participate and coordinate regional water management activities on behalf of the NCMA TG Provide Annual Report Project Management, including: o Contract coordination and administration o Management of project budget and schedule o Coordination with the consultant(s) and NCMA member agencies to set meetings, obtain data, and maintain project progress o Technical review of consultant deliverables o City Council and Board of Directors presentations Strategic Planning efforts for the NCMA TG Pursuit of grant opportunities EXHIBIT A Item 9.a. - Page 6 NCMA TG, page 2 6/12/2015 Fee The fees for the staff extension services are shown in Table 1 below and are divided amongst the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach based on SMGB groundwater allocation (including ag conversions), see Table 2 below. The Oceano Community Services District (District) has declined to participate in the Staff Extension Services Contract and thus the total budget for project has been reduced to account for their non- participation. The District intends to contribute to the efforts of the NCMA TG through in-kind contributions of staff time by its General Manager. Table 1. Cost Share – NCMA Staff Extension Services Task Description Split Based on GW Allocation NCMA TG Staff Extension Services $75,840 Agency Cost Share Arroyo Grande $29,578 Grover Beach $31,094 OCSD Pismo Beach $15,168 Table 2. Groundwater Allocation Calculations Initial Groundwater Allocation (AFY) Ag Conversion Credits (AFY) Current Groundwater Allocation (AFY) Fraction of Groundwater Allocation Arroyo Grande 1,202 121 1,323 0.39 Grover Beach 1,198 209 1,407 0.41 Pismo Beach 700 700 0.20 Total 3,100 3,430 1 Item 9.a. - Page 7 NCMA TG, page 3 6/12/2015 We appreciate this opportunity to be of service, and look forward to supporting your ongoing efforts. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this amendment, please call Jeff at (805) 457-8833, ext. 101 or Dan at ext. 104. Sincerely, Water Systems Consulting, Inc. Daniel Heimel, P.E., M.S. Project Manager Item 9.a. - Page 8