R 2470 , ,~ , RESOLUTION NO. 2470 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA INCREASING AND ESTABLISHING SPECU<lliU FEES FOR PLANNING AND ENGINEERING SERVICES. WHEREAS, the City Council has in the past duly established fees for services furnished by or on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, due to the effects of inflation and other factors, some of said fees are no longer adequate to equitably compensate the City for the costs of providing certain planning and engineering services; and WHEREAS, the 1991 Development Code establishes new planning and engineering review procedures that require services to be furnished by the City; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has duly proposed and made available to the City Council and to the public, data indicating the estimated cost of providing the services as to which the fees are presently inadequate; and WHEREAS, the City Council has duly considered at a regularly scheduled public hearing the question of whether or not to increase or establish fees for such services to the estimated amount that is required to compensate the City for providing such services; and WHEREAS, at said meeting the City Council duly considered all oral and written presentations that were made in respect to said question; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, California as follows: 1. The schedule of Planning/Engineering fees adopted as Exhibit "A" of Ordinance 408 C.S. are hereby repealed. 2. The schedule of fees entitled "CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE," attached as Exhibit "A" hereto, is hereby approved and adopted. 3. The schedule of fees entitled "CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE," attached as Exhibit "B" hereto, is hereby approved and adopted. On motion of Council Member Dougall , seconded by Council Member Smith , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: council Members Dougall, Smith, Olsen, Moots and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of May, 1991. ~;;)i~(Z ~Jl-, M M. Milli!, Mayor ATTEST: ~ a. G:,~.A.) u.M- Skousen City Attorney Nancy is, City Clerk f Resolution 2470 - EXHIBIT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE APPUCATlON TYPE Planning Department Fees '.- Base Fees Other Fees APPEALS . From Planning Director decision to Planning Commission $95 N/A · From Planning Commission decision to City Council $ 95 N/A ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW · Within P.D. Zone or Requires City Council approval . Architectural Review Only N/A N/A . Architectural Review with associated project $113 N/A . Outside P.O. Zone or Requires Planning Commission approval . Architectural Review Only N/A N/A . Architectural Review with associated project $ 95 N/A · Minor Project (AAC Referral/Planning Director Approval) $ 62 N/A ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW AMENDMENT . Within P.D. Zone or Requires City Council approval $141 N/A . Outside P.D. Zone or Requires Planning Commission approval $106 N/A . Minor Project (AAC Referral/Planning Director Approval) $ 38 N/A CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE . Within P.D. Zone $317 Recording Fee . Outside P.D. Zone $244 Recording Fee CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) . Within P.D. Zone $491 N/A . Outside P.O. Zone $388 N/A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT . Within P.O. Zone , $432 N/A . Outside P.D. Zone $330 N/A CONDOMINIUM, CONDOMINIUM OR MOBILEHOME PARK CONVERSION (see CUP and Tentative Map) DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT $3000 deposit (to N/A cover per hour fees + material of staff and/or consultant) · DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT (Includes rezoning, prezonlng, $624 N/A and PO rezoning) EIR/ENVIRONMENTAL STUDiES 15% of EiR or Environmental Doc. Contract and cost of document preparation by consultant or staff (time and materials) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT $712 N/A HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT $ 20 N/A LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE PERMIT $ 26 N/A LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT . Within P.D. Zone $517 $20/lot + plan check cost . Outside P.O. Zone $420 $20/lot + plan check cost LOT MERGER $356 $20/lot to be merged + recording fee MEETING CONTINUANCE REQUESTED BY APPUCANT (>6 weeks) $ 91 N/A MINOR EXCEPTION $ 30 N/A 1 -.-.....-.. , Resolution 2470 - , APPUCATtON TYPE Planning Department Fees I.' Base Fees Other Fees PIJ>.NNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING (see Development Code Amendment) PIJ>.NNED DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC OR GENERAL DEVELOPMENT $762 N/A PLAN AMENDMENT PIJ>.NNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT . Processed concurrently with Tentative Map and Architectural $388 N/A Review . Processed alone $575 N/A PLANNING COMMISSION INTERPRETATION/WAlVER/REFERRAL $ 37 N/A PLOT PIJ>.N REVIEW $ 29 N/A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE $160 N/A (deducted Irom application lee when official project submitted) PREZONING (see Development Code Amendment) RESEARCH(perhou~ $ 41 N/A REVERSION TO ACREAGE . Within P.D. Zone $554 $20/lot to be merged . Outside P.O. Zone $444 $20/lot to be merged REZONING (see Development Code Amendment) SECOND DWELLING UNIT (see CUP) SIGNS (Includes refeffal to AAC~ . PIJ>.NNED SIGN PROGRAM . Within P.D. Zone $339 N/A . Outside P.O. Zone $275 , N/A . ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PERMIT 3 $ 53 N/A SPECIFIC PIJ>.N , $1500 deposit (to N/A cover per hour fees + material of staff and/or consult-ant) · SPECIFIC PIJ>.N AMENDMENT $ 800 deposit (to N/A cover per hour fees + material of staff and/or consult-ant) 4 SURFACE MINING PERMIT (see CUP) TEMPORARY USE PERMIT $ 20 N/A TENTATIVE PARCELfTENTATIVE TRACT MAP . Within P.D. Zone $598 $20/lot . Outside P.D. Zone $488 $20/lot TENTATIVE PARCELfTENTATIVE TRACT MAP AMENDMENT . Within P.D. Zone $494 $20/lot . Outside P.O. Zone $383 $20/lot TIME EXTENSION (Tentative Parcel or Tract Map/CUP jPUD etc.) . Within P.D. Zone $168 N/A . buts Ide P.O. Zone $153 N/A VARIANCE . Within P.D. Zone $485 N/A . Outside P .D. Zone $382 N/A VESTING TENTATIVE PARCEL OR TRACT MAP . Within P.D. Zone $831 $20/lot . Outside P.O. Zone $700 $20/lot VIEWSHED REVIEW PROCESS . Staff Review $ 51 N/A . Planning Commission Review $121 N/A 2 _._--~----- Resolution 2470 : . . NOTES: 1 For applications processed concurrently (other than Architectural Review), a reduction In fees may be approved by the Planning Director If the Director determines that a redundancy In fees will occur (I.e., advertising and mailing costs). 2 At the applicant's request, the Planning Director may approve a waiver of 50% of the fee amount of Planned Sign Program applications If the Director determines that legal nonconforming signs are proposed to be replaced with signs that conform to the sign ordinance. The fee waiver does not apply to illegal signs that are proposed to be replaced with legal conforming signs or to existing legal signs that are proposed to be revised. 3 At the applicant's request, the Planning Director may approve a waiver of 100% of the fee amount of Administrative Sign Permit applications If the Director determines that legal nonconforming signs are proposed to be replaced with signs that conform to the sign regulations. The fee waiver does not apply to Illegal signs that are proposed to be replaced with legal conforming signs or to existing legal signs that are proposed 10 be revised. 4 In order to recover the full cost of service for any application, If the Planning Director Is of the opinion that the processing cost of an application will be substantially In excess of the above amounts, the Director may notify the applicant at the time the application is found complete that the total processing cost will be determined by cost-accountlng techniques and that additional charges may be forthcoming. . 3 --~--- . , " - . CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION TYPE BASE FEES OTHER FEES Engineering Department Feel PLAN CHECK FINAL TRACT MAP $ 297 $11/lot PLAN CHECK FINAL PARCEL MAP $ 215 $11/lot PLAN CHECK IMPROVEMENT PLANS . $0 to $100.000 of estimated cost of Improvement 1 % of construction N/A . estimate . $100.001 or more of estimated cost of Improvement 0.5% of construction N/A estimate GRADING PLANS See Tables 70-A and 70-B of Uniform Building Code ENCROACHMENT PERMIT $ 14 N/A SUBDIVISION AND PUBUC WORKS IMPROVEMENT PERMIT INSPECTION . $0 to $500.000 of estimated construction cost of Improvements 1 4% of construction estimate . $500.000 to $1,000,000 of estimated construction cost of 3% of construction Improvements 1 estimate . $1,000,001 or more of estimated construction cost of 2% of construction Improvements 1 estimate 1 To be dedicated as established by preliminary cost estimate approved by Public Works Director or City Engineer. .-------- -- --.