R 2468 /) '. -, -' RESOLUTION NO. 2468 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN NO. 90-03 AND VESTING TENT A TlVE TRACT MAP NO. 1994,. FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN JAMES WAY AND RANCHO PARKWAY IN THE "RANCHO GRANDE" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande adopted Ordinance 186 C.S. in 1978 which approved the Rancho Grande Planned Development; and WHEREAS, said Planned Development included approximately 163 acres which were denoted as "unplanned areas" and for which more detailed development plans were required; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande adopted Ordinance 302 C. S. in 1983 which approved a development agreement for the later phases of the Rancho Grande Planned Development, including the portion which is the subject of these applications; and WHEREAS, said development agreement limits the regulations, requirements and restrictions which may be placed on future phases of the Planned Development, including the portion which is the subject of the current applications, to those regulations, requirements and restrictions which were in effect at the time the agreement was adopted; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 186 C.S. designated the entire "unplanned areas" for 133 residential units; and WHEREAS, OTISE, Inc. has applied for a general development plan for all the unplanned areas, and said general development plan designates the portion corresponding to Tract 1994 for 75 residential lots; and WHEREAS, OTISE, Inc. has applied for a specific development plan and vesting tentative tract map for a 75-lot residential subdivision within the portion of the unplanned areas in accordance with the proposed general development plan, Ordinance 186 C.S. and Ordinance 302 C.S. for this portion of the Rancho Grande Planned Development; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande have considered the Specific Development Plan No. 90-03 and Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 1994, in accordance with applicable provisions of the zoning ordinance and with Chapter 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did conduct a duly noticed public hearing on subject applications on January 29, 1991, continued to March 5, March 18, March 27, and April 2, 1991; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did recommend to the City Council approval of said applications, subject to various conditions and mitigations; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a duly noticed public hearing on April 9, 1991, continued to April 23, 1991, and did, with the Planning Commission, also visit the subject site on February 5,1991, at a duly noticed public meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council did certify the EIR and did consider the EIR in the review and analysis of the subject applications; and WHEREAS, said Specific Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Tract was referred to the Planning Commission, various City Departments and the Staff Advisory Committee for recommendation; and WHEREAS, based on the Planning Commission recommendations, staff reports, oral and written testimony, and the draft and final EIR, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: 1. The proposed map, design and improvement of this subdivision is consistent with the General Plan land use designation, "Development Plan Required", and the applicants have provided that plan; furthermore, based on an analysis by staff RESOLUT[ON NO. 2468 TRACf [994 PAGE 2 and included in the EIR, the proposed plan and map are consistent with applicable provisions of the General Plan and City ordinances in effect at the time the development agreement was adopted. 2. The mitigations recommended by the EIR have been included as conditions of approval. 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed type and density of development because it meets or exceeds the development standards contained in the Ordinance 186 C.S. and other applicable requirements. 4. The proposed subdivision is not likely to cause substantial and considerable damage to the natural environment, including fish, wildlife or their habitat, provided that the proposed conditions and mitigation measures are adopted and implemented. 5. The proposed design of the subdivision or proposed improvements are not likely to cause public health problems. 6. The proposed subdivision design, will not conflict with public easements within or through the site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Specific Development Plan No, 90-03 and Tentative Tract Map No. 1994, subject to the conditions and mitigations measures as set forth on Exhibits "A" and "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Council member Dougall, seconded by Council member Smith and, by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Dougall, Smith, Moots and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: Council member Olsen the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 30th day of April, 1991. ~~t~~A~ ATTEST: ~fJ..~ Nancy A. Davi ity Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: I i "Exhibit A" Conditions of Approval Specific Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Tract 1994 General Conditions 1. The development of the property shall be in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance 186 C.S. and all other City ordinances and policies in effect at the time the Development Agreement (302 C.S.) was approved, except as expressly modified herein. 2. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all applicable requirements of the State, County and other local agencies. 3. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 66474.9, the City hereby requires, as a condition of approval for this tentative map, the subdivider to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers or employees to attack, set aside, void or annul this approval. The City shall promptly notify the subdivider of any claim, action or proceeding and cooperate fully in the defense. 4. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans and exhibits approved by the City Council at its meeting of April 30, 1991 and marked as Exhibits "D-1" through "D-3" on file with the Planning Department. 5. An EIR has been prepared for this project. Mitigation measures are listed as Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Said mitigations shall be implemented as conditions of approval and shall be monitored by appropriate City departments and other responsible agencies as indicated in Exhibit "B". The Developer shall be responsible for verification in writing by the monitoring department or agency that the mitigation measures have been implemented. Fire Department 6. The construction site shall be kept free of fire hazards from the start of construction until final inspection and individual lots shall be maintained as outlined in City of Arroyo Grande Ordinance No. 394 C.S. regarding construction job-site maintenance and cleanliness. No burning of construction materials shall be allowed. Where feasible, wood waste shall be segregated from other waste and salvaged for biomass conversion. Containers shall be provided for glass and aluminum collection and recycling. The CC & R's shall expressly prohibit backyard burning of tree prunings and other waste products. 7. The subdivider shall provide on-site fire protection as determined necessary by the Fire Chief and Utilities Supervisor. Minimum fire flows of 1250 gallons per minute shall be provided with minimum residual flow pressure of 20 pounds per square inch. All fire hydrants shall have one, four and one-half (4112") inch outlet and two, two and one-half (2112") inch outlets. The center of the lowest "spud" (water valve that opens hydrant) shall not be less than eighteen (18") inches from the pad using a center line measurement. All fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with City standards. Fire hydrants and City approved fire flows shall be installed by the subdivider, and inspected and approved by the fire Chief, prior to the storage of framing materials on the job site. \ --------- I Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 2 8. The emergency phone number of the Fire Department shall be posted near all telephones on the site immediately following the beginning of construction. 9. Street numbers of all buildings shall be posted so as to be easily read from the street at all times, day and night. 10. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall contribute a fee of $100.00 per lot which shall be placed in a special fund to be used toward the development of a Fire Master Plan and related activities. Said plan will help identify the long-term needs of the Fire Department, including possible sites for a future station and associated equipment needs. Building Department 11. Temporary restroom and sanitation facilities shall be on the job-site and be properly maintained until finish of all construction, as per City of Arroyo Grande Ordinance No. 393 C.S. 12. All dwelling units in the development shall be designed and constructed to meet PG&E Energy Conservation Home Standards promulgated by PG&E, most recent edition. Parks and Recreation Department 13. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall submit three copies of a landscaping plan for all newly created slope banks, common areas, public right-of-way and for all street trees. Said plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and subject to the approval of the Parks and Recreation Director and the Planning Director. The plan shall include: a. The location, type and size of all plant materials; native and low- water use and drought resistant species shall be emphasized; b. The extent and method of irrigation, emphasizing low-water use techniques wherever feasible. c. Erosion control systems during the period when plants are becoming established. d. Soil preparation, staking techniques and planting methods for all trees. e. Street trees provided at a rate of one tree per 50 feet of street frontage. 14. Prior to recordation of the final map, developer shall submit a master fence and signage plan for the tract which shall be subject to the review by the Architectural Advisory Committee and approval of the Parks and Recreation Director and Planning Director. Said master plan shall indicate the type, size, design, color and location of all fencing and signing proposed for common areas and street frontages, both public and private, in the subject tracts. Furthermore, said fencing plan shall also provide standards for the type, size, design, color and location for i Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 3 fencing on all private lots in the subdivisions. Said standards shall be incorporated into the Design Manual. In developing a master fence plan, the following guidelines shall be considered: a. Fencing should avoid obstructing views. b. Fencing should complement a large lot, rural ambience and should help retain a feeling of openness. c. Fencing may allow for reasonable privacy for yards on the smaller lots. 15. The developer shall install all common area signs, fences, street trees and landscaping materials according to the approved plans and in conjunction with other subdivision improvements, unless an alternative schedule is approved by the Planning Director and adequate security for same has been deposited in a manner approved by the City Attorney. The subdivider shall maintain and replace, when necessary, all plantings and fencing until ownership is assumed by the Homeowners' Association. In lieu of installing street trees, the subdivider may pay a fee equal to the cost of a 15-gallon tree and its installation, as determined by the Parks and Recreation Director. 16. Unless and until the City explicitly accepts the responsibility, maintenance and replacement of street trees and landscaping on any City right-of-way shall be the responsibility of the subdivider until assumed by the Homeowners Association. The Association may assign the responsibility for maintenance and replacement of street trees and landscaping to the adjacent lot owner pursuant to the approved CC&R's. 17. All common areas and amenities shall be administered and maintained by a Homeowners"Association composed of all the residents in the project area. The CC & R's shall address, at a minimum, oak tree preservation standards, design guidelines and review processes, setbacks and height limits, access, parking, maintenance of common areas including drainage facilities, fence maintenance and repair, sign maintenance and repair and other issues associated with common lots and maintenance. The CC &R's shall prohibit any further re- subdivision of any lot/unit. Said CC &R's shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney and the Planning Department prior to recordation of the final map. Said CC &R's shall be recorded prior to or concurrently with the recordation of the final map. 18. The windmill shall be preserved and the developer shall contribute a sum of $3,000.00 to the City which shall be used to create an interpretive exhibit, explaining the history of the site and the use of such windmills. This condition is contingent on the City accepting ownership of said windmill and the surrounding area. If the City refuses the offer of dedication for lot 77, the City shall either accept an offer of dedication specifically for the windmill and immediate surrounding area, or reimburse this contribution to the applicant. 19. In conjunction with the final map, the developer shall record open space easements over lots 76 and 77. I , I Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 4 Said easements shall be in favor of the public and the City of Arroyo Grande, and shall prohibit all structures, grazing, grading, filling or vegetation removal except as may be required for City-approved trails, walkways, drainage facilities or other City-approved infrastructure. Said easements shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director and the City Attorney. An enhancement plan shall be prepared for each open space area, subject to the approval of the Planning Director, which shall include recommended plantings and other features intended to improve the aesthetic and habitat value and to minimize futher erosion in these ~reas: Said plan shall be impl~mented as part of the subdivision Improvements. In addition, the developer shall record an irrevocable offer of dedication to grant fee title to the City of lot 77. Said offer shall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney. 20. The developer shall install pedestrian, bike and equestrian trails on-site, in accordance with the approved Master Plan as part of the subdivision improvements. Plans for said trails shall be included in the improvement plans for the subdivision and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Parks and Recreation Director. If the Master Plan is not approved when the other subdivision improvement plans are submitted, the developer may post a bond or other security for the cost of the design and construction of said trails. Said trails shall be opened to the public only upon the City or other responsible public agency accepting responsibility for maintenance and liability. Public Works Department 21. The improvement plans for this subdivision shall be prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer and shall be approved by the Public Works Director prior to recordation of the final map. 22. Said improvement plans shall include, but not be limited to, grading, erosion control, street, drainage, sewer, water, and appurtenant improvements and shall be submitted concurrently for the tract unless otherwise permitted by the Public Works Director. In addition, a master utility plan for the tract shall be submitted showing the layout and location of all the on-site and off-site utility facility improvements of the subdivision. This plan must bear approval signatures by appropriate representatives from each utility company (including Cable T.V.) unless otherwise permitted by the Public Works Director. The plan submittal shall also include construction cost estimates, plan check fees, soils and geologic reports, and all pertinent engineering design calculations. The final map may not be recorded unless all said improvement plans and utility master plan have been approved by the Public Works Director. 23. "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction", latest edition, and any modifications thereto by the City, including City of Arroyo Grande Standard Land Development Specifications and all applicable City standard plates, shall be the project specifications, except as noted otherwise on the approved improvement plans. Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 5 24. The City of Arroyo Grande reserves the right to upgrade or add to City Standard Plates and Standard Land Development Specifications. If the required subdivisioo improvements are not completed within one (1) year from date of approval of the improvement plans, the subdivider shall be responsible for conformance to any and all upgraded or revised City Standard and Specifications, provided, however, that any improvement installed at the time of the specification revisions shall not be required to be removed unless necessary, in the judgement of the City Council, to address a significant public health or safety problem. 25. The subdivider shall provide all necessary on-site easements for streets, alleys, sewers, water facilities, utilities, drainage facilities, and other facilities as required by the City, prior to or in conjunction with the final map. Said easements shall be subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. 26. The developer shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the City prior to construction adjacent to any City right-of-way. 27. The subdivider shall enter into a contract agreement with the City of Arroyo Grande to perform the installation and construction of all improvements as contained in the conditions of approval of the subdivision and those required by the subdivision sections of the Arroyo Grande City Code; and shall post bond, cash deposit. instrument of credit, or such other security which conforms with State law and as approved by the City Attorney, guaranteeing the installation and construction of all required improvements within 12 months from recordation of the final map or within an approved time extension in accordance with the provisions of the Arroyo Grande City Code. 28. No construction shall commence and no grading shall be performed prior to the recording of the final map, unless special permission is granted by the City Council. 29. A licensed Engineer in the State of California shall be retained by the developer to assure that the construction work conforms to the approved improvement plans and specifications, as well as to provide certified as-built plans after project completion. Submittal of the certified as-built plans will be required prior to and as a condition of the final acceptance of the tract improvements by the City. 30. Cost of all inspections related to on-site and off-site improvements shall be borne by the subdivider per City Ordinance. 31. The subdivider shall designate in writing, before issuance of any City permits, an authorized representative who shall have complete authority to represent and to act for the subdivider. Such written authorization shall be provided to the City. Said authorized representative shall be reasonably available at all times while work is actually in progress on the development. A representative with written authorization to represent the subdivider in emergency situations shall be on site at all times that work is in progress. During periods when work is suspended, arrangements acceptable to the City shall be made for any emergency work which may be required. 32. The subdivider shall be responsible to the City for all actions of his contractors and subcontractors until such time as the improvements have been accepted by the City. 33. Whenever orders are given by the City to the subdivider's representative, or superintendent. or foreman, to do the work required for the convenience and safety of the general public because of i Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 6 inclement weather or any other similar cause related to public health or safet~, and said orders are not immediately acted upon by such person, the City may do or have such work done by others at the Subdivider's expense. This shall not be interpreted to require additional significant changes to the approved improvement plans. 34. Subdivision construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. No construction activity shall be permitted on Sundays. Exceptions to these limits may be granted by the Public Works Director for emergency situations. 35. The subdivider shall set all monuments required by the Subdivision Map Act before subdivision improvement bond or security is released. 36. No request for occupancy shall be approved until all conditions are completed and accepted or approved or in suitable condition satisfactory to the Public Works Director. 37. Complete grading and drainage plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Public Works Director prior to recordation of the final map. 38. The subdivider shall deposit with the City, at time of first plan check submittal, adequate funds to cover the costs to review grading and drainage improvement plans and to inspect the site prior to and during all major site preparation and grading. The City may use in-house personnel, or other temporary starr or consultants, to assist in the review and inspections. A qualified Soils Engineer shall submit tests and reports to certify each of these lots as ready for construction prior to issuance of a building permit thereon. 39. Except as otherwise required by these conditions and mitigations, all grading performed shall conform to the City of Arroyo Grande Ordinance No. 303 C.S., Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code, and/or as recommended by the Soils Report, with prior review and approval by the Public Works Director. 40. Where the difference in average elevations between adjacent lots is in excess of six inches, slope shall not exceed 2 to 1 grade or a grade found reasonable in the soils report, or a retaining wall shall be required. Any required wall shall extend at least six inches above the higher finished grade. 41. Prior to any site grading or construction, an erosion control plan and program shall be submitted to and approved by the Public Works Department. Said plan and program shall address specific temporary and permanent erosion control measures associated with the project. 42. Section 7-1.13 of the City's Grading Ordinance shall be followed in order to control erosion and sedimentation. 43. Site grading shall be restricted to the spring or summer season, April 1 st through October 31 st, unless otherwise approved by Council; and required replanting for erosion control in accordance with plans prepared by a landscape architect, shall be implemented during October - November and maintained during at least one wet season, November through March, following grading, to assure minimum siltation. 44. It is the contractor's responsibility to use watering, dust fences, or other methods as directed by the City, to control dust throughout the Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 7 construction operation. No water from the City's potable supply shall be used for construction or dust control purposes, except for irrigation of plantings. This condition shall not be interpreted as prohibiting the use of City water supplies for the irrigation of street trees and landscaping required in common areas. 45. All grading construction debris materials shall be removed and disposed into an approved dump site prior to any excavation or fill operations and/or as directed by the City. 46. The subdivider or his agents or employees shall be responsible for removal and clean-up of any spill on public streets during his entire grading operations. 47. In the event phased grading is permitted by the City Council, the subdivider shall install the required drainage facilities concurrently with the rough grading operations or provide an interim drainage and erosion control plan, and construct interim improvements, with prior approval from the Public Works Director, for mitigating any potential flooding and erosion that may adversely affect adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. 48. Drainage facilities, as required by the approved drainage plan, shall be provided and constructed as directed and approved by the Public Works Director, prior to acceptance of tract improvements by the City Councilor sooner at the discretion of the Public Works Director. 49. Lots shall drain into a street or approved drain in such a manner that there will be no undrained depressions. The design of all such drains shall be subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Director. 50. Drainage structures should be designed in a manner to minimize the need for continuing major maintenance, and interim work must include programs on-site to protect the downstream facilities from effects of erosion. 51. A retarding basin will be required on-site. This basin will be located within the drainage channel adjacent to James Way and it and other on site drainage facilities shall be maintained by the Homeowners' Association. Alternatively, the City may maintain the basin and other onsite drainage facilities at the expense of the Homeowners' Association. An agreement and mechanism for funding such maintenance shall be subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Director and City Attorney. Prior to recordation of the tract map, the applicant shall ensure that the Homeowners' Association or owner shall enter into an agreement with the State Department of Fish and Game, to assure implementation of a maintenance program with appropriate inspection by the Department. Construction of the retarding basin will require a streambed alteration permit from the Department of Fish and Game, and may also require a permit from the Corps of Engineers, under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Proof of receiving such permits shall be provided to the Public Works Department. The materials and design of the basin and associated facilities, excluding trails, shall be subject to the review by the Architectural Advisory Committee and approval by the Planning Director, prior to recordation of the final map. Fencing of the retarding basin is discouraged. I Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 8 52. The subdivider shall procure easements or consents from all affected landowners for any diversion of historical flows, changes in drainage conditions, or acceptance of any additional water flowing over their property, as determined by the Public Works Director and according to law. 53. Drainage fees may be required in conformance with adopted City drainage plans. 54. All public street improvements shall be as required in the Arroyo Grande City Code or in any duly adopted sections of the General Plan, unless otherwise specified herein, and shall be constructed as directed by the Public Works Director. The location and design of all private streets and alleys shall be subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Director. All street names are to be approved by the City. 55. All streets shall be 32-foot curb-to-curb, with two 12-foot travel lanes and one eight-foot parking lane; the side of the street with no parking shall be maintained with a red curb and signed as a fire lane. A concrete sidewalk shall be included on one side of each street. Such sidewalks shall generally be integral with the curb; provided, however, that the sidewalk may be located apart from the curb when necessary to save trees. On the other side of the street, a pedestrian path, which may meander to avoid damage to trees, shall be provided, unless deemed unnecessary by the Public Works Director in consultation with the Parks and Recreation Director and the Planning Director. Curb and gutter shall be provided on both sides of all streets. The location and design of all streets and related curbs, gutters and sidewalks shall be included in the subdivision plans and shall be subject to the approval of the Public Works Director. Said streets shall be dedicated to the City prior to final acceptance of the tract improvements by the City Council, or sooner, at the discretion of the Public Works Director. 56. All streets, alleys, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters adjacent to the subdivision shall be improved as necessary to provide safe vertical and horizontal transitions to connect improvements constructed within this subdivision to existing improvements, as directed by the Public Works Director. Any street, alley, sidewalk, or curb damaged by the subdivider or its agents or employees shall be repaired, prior to final acceptance of tract improvements by the City Councilor sooner at the discretion of the Public Works Director. 57. The developer shall install street frontage improvements per ordinance to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. These improvements may include, but are not limited necessarily to, grading, curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, storm drain, sanitary sewer, and water facilities. 58. The stub ends of all streets planned for future continuation shall be temporarily protected with warning barricades, redwood headers or equivalent, and bars, as required by the Public Works Director. 59. The subdivider shall pay for, and the City shall install, street name signs, traffic regulatory and warning signs, and any necessary street striping and markings as required by the Public Works Director. The signs' shall conform to the City's requirements and shall be purchased by the subdivider. Striping and signing shall be paid for by the I Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 9 developer subject to review and approval of the City, and made a part of the improvement plans. 60. The paving sections for the public and private streets shall be designed on the basis of an R Value Test, and Traffic Index to carry the anticipated traffic loads, but shall be no less than 2" of AC over 6" C I 2/ Base for local streets and 3" AC over 8" C I 2/ Base for collectors. This design shall be subject to the approval for the Public Works Department. 61. A master utility map shall be prepared by the subdivider and made a part of the improvement plans. The map shall indicate the relative location of all the public and private utilities as directed by the. Public Works Director. (Gas, electric, telephone, and cable television lines may be shown on the plan prior to obtaining the encroachment permits of installation of these utilities.) 62. All water, gas, sewer, underground electrical power, cable T.V., or telephone lines, or conduits, or underground drain lines shall be installed before any paving is placed. Utility stub connections to property boundaries of each lot may be omitted only with the express and written permission of the Public Works Director. 63. All utility facilities shall be placed underground in accordance with the City Ordinance. 64. The subdivider shall install adequately sized utility services and laterals, if appropriate, to each lot prior to final acceptance of tract improvements. 65. Except as the utility companies may otherwise agree, the developer shall provide cable T.V., without charge, the reasonable opportunity to utilize and jointly occupy for the same purpose a trench provided by the developer to a utility for the purpose of connecting the utility to service the development. 66. The home builder shall pay the standard sewer, water and connection fees, as required in the Arroyo Grande City Code, prior to obtaining any building permits. 67. Street lights shall be required in accordance with PG&E standards on ornamental (non-wooden) poles. Design of said poles shall be subject to the review by the Architectural Advisory Committee and approval by the Planning Director. 68. All water wells within the tract shall be filled, capped, and abandoned in conformance with the San Luis Obispo County Environmental Health Department's standard requirements. 69. The subdivider shall install water mains, fire hydrants, and services in conformance with the Water Department Standard Design and Specifications. 70. AII/ots shall be sewered to publicly maintained mains. Developer shall be responsible to assure City that downstream facilities are appropriately sized to accommodate the subdivision prior to improvement plan approval or concurrently with improvement plan preparation. System reinforcements may be required. Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 1 0 Police Department 71. A fee of $100.00 per lot shall be required by the home builder, prior to issuance of a building permit. Said fee shall be deposited in a special account and used exclusively for police services. Planning Department 72. The following uses, and only said uses, may be permitted on the lots in these subdivisions: a. Single family dwellings, not more than one per lot. b. Gardening, orchards, vineyards and other non-commercial horticulture not exceeding 20,000 square feet in area. c. Home occupations, subject to provisions of the Municipal Code. d. Keeping of small animals or fowl for FFA, 4-H or similar projects, only. Keeping of large animals, such as horses, is expressly prohibited. e. Other structures or uses normally considered accessory to single family houses except that no private swimming pools, tennis courts or second residential units ("Granny Units") shall be allowed unless and until a Conditional Use Permit has been approved by the City. 73. Outdoor storage of recreational vehicles or boats is prohibited. Said items may be stored only in covered and enclosed buildings. 74. Detached guest houses shall be prohibited; plumbing shall be prohibited in any detached structure, except for any otherwise allowable greenhouse, pool cabana or unenclosed barbecue area. 75. In areas where private streets have 32-foot wide curb-to-curb paving, additional parking shall be provided on said road section. Prior to recordation of the final map, and as part of the subdivision improvement plans, the developer shall submit a parking plan illustrating the location and design of the necessary parking. Spaces should be grouped together in areas where tree loss is avoided and grading can be minimized. The amount, location and design of said parking shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director and Public Works Director. 76. Maximum building size shall be determined by application of the following formulae: a) If the area of the lot is less than or equal to 10,000 square feet, the maximum building area shall be given by: Maximum Building Size = (Lot Size - 6,000) x (.275) + 2,400 square feet. b) If the area of the lot is greater than 10,000 square feet, but less than or equal to 20,000 square feet, the maximum building area shall be given by: Maximum Building Size = (Lot Size - 10,000) x (.05) + 3,500 square feet. c) If the area of the lot is greater than 20,000 square feet, the maximum building area shall be given by: i Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 11 Maximum Building Size = (Lot Size - 20,000) x (.04) + 4,000 square feet, but in no case shall any building exceed 6,000 square feet in area. d) A minimum building size of eighty six percent (86%) of the maximum building size derived under sub-sections a) through c) above shall be allowed for houses on every lot. e) In the event that 86% of the maximum building site cannot be achieved without relieving yard setback requirements, oak tree setbacks, or height limitations, exceptions to one or more of said requirements may be granted to achieve the minimum building size. Which requirements may be excepted and the extent of each exception, as long as the minimum building size is achieved, shall be determined at the discretion of the City. Requests for relief under this condition shall be reviewed by the Architectural Advisory Committee and approved by the Planning Director. The intent of this condition is to allow creative and sensitive development while minimizing tree loss and adverse aesthetic impacts. In general, the following priority shall be considered when analyzing options for exceptions: 1. Setbacks. 2. Encroachment into oak tree drip lines provided that the mitigations recommended by a qualified arborist are implemented so that such encroachment will still enable the long-term viability of the tree. 3. Removal of isolated oak trees, mitigated with a three-to-one replacement as outlined in the mitigation measures. 4. Height limit. This priority list is to be used as a guideline only. "Building Size" includes all covered and enclosed structures on a site, except for a two car garage, not greater than 500 square feet. Any portion of a garage larger than 500 square feet shall be included in the building size calculations. The following table demonstrates the application of these formulae over common lot size ranges. Lot Size Maximum Building Minimum Building Size Size" 6,000 2,400 2,064 10,000 3,500 3,010 15,000 3,750 3,225 20,000 4,000 3,440 25,000 4,200 3,612 30,000 4,400 3,784 35,000 4,600 3,956 40,000 4,800 4,128 45,000 5,000 4,300 50,000 5,200 4,472 55,000 5,400 4,644 60,000 5,600 4,816 65,000 5,800 4,988 70,000 6,000 5,160 > 70,000 6,000 5,160 ""- Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 12 .The property owner is not required under any circumstances to build a structure as large as this minimum size; rather this indicates the minimum-sized house that the City must allow on a given site. 77. A 20-foot setback shall be required from the boundary of all open space ea~ements. No covered or enclosed structures may be permitted in said setbacks; however, minor improvements including but not limited to benches, observation decks and spas may be permitted. No such permitted structure shall extend above any oak tree canopy nor shall it extend closer than 10 feet to any canopy. All landscaping in this setback shall be limited to native species. This setback shall not apply to the side yards of lots along narrow extensions of the easements, which extend between lots and which are intended for drainage and/or access purposes only and not for habitat protection, as determined by the Planning Director. 78. The following special setbacks shall be applied in accordance with the following table: A 15-foot setback shall be required from Rancho Parkway. A map shall be prepared illustrating the above listed setbacks shall be prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Planning Director. Documentation noting these special setbacks, shall be recorded with each of the affected lots, in a manner and form approved by the City Attorney, and shall also be noted on the Final Tract map. 79. Other setbacks shall be calculated as follows: sideyard setbacks shall be 10 percent of the width of the lot, but in no case shall they be required to exceed 10 feet; rear yard set backs shall be 20% of the depth, but not more than 25 feet shall be required; front yard setbacks shall be 20 feet. Prior to the recordation of the Final Tract maps, the developer shall submit a diagram showing setbacks for all irregularly shaped lots. Said diagram shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director and shall be recorded with each said lot; further, the setbacks for irregularly shaped lots shall be noted on an exhibit recorded with the Final Tract map. 80. On lots with an average slope of 12% or greater or in cases where in the judgement of the Planning Director cutting, filling or tree loss can be reduced, the street yard setback for a garage may be reduced to five feet; the usual setback, however, shall apply to the main structure. 81. On the following lots, the maximum height limit shall be 19 feet, measured parallel from the natural grade. For purposes of this condition, natural grade shall mean the elevation of the ground after tract improvements but prior to any grading or construction for individual houses or related on-site improvements. The house builder may apply to the City for buildings higher than this limit subject to approval by the Architectural Advisory Committee. The Committee may approve such height exceptions only upon a finding that such an exception will not significantly block views, cause problems with privacy or overlook onto adjacent properties, and will result in a more pleasing aesthetic design, and/or better tree protection or less grading on the site. Approval of such height exceptions is strictly discretionary with the City and is not a right attached to the lot. 29-55, inclusive; 59-73, inclusive. Notice of said height limits shall be recorded with each lot and shall be noted on the final tract map. Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 13 82. The maximum height for residences on all lots except those listed above shall be 27 feet. The height shall be measured parallel to the natural grade (before cutting or filling) covered by the building footprint, excluding eave overhangs. For purposes of this condition, natural grade shall mean the elevation of the ground after tract improvements but prior to any grading or construction for individual houses or related on-site improvements. 83. Prior to recordation of the final map, an analysis shall be conducted for lots 25-28, to determine if, and to what extent, views from nearby residences across Rancho Parkway lTIay be affected by construction of homes built to the 27 foot height limit. A view protection plan, which may include building height limitations lower than 27 feet and/or building envelope restrictions, shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. Prior to approving said view protection plan, the Director shall provide a reasonable opportunity for review and comment by the neighbors whose views may be affected. If determined necessary to minimize significant view impacts, the Director may require the 19 foot height limitation be placed on all or some of these lots. 84. Mitigation measures included in Exhibit "B" require the protection of oak trees. The developer shall enter into an agreement with the City such that if any tree is destroyed during construction of the tract improvements, which was designated on the approved subdivision plans to be retained, the developer shall pay a fee of $5,000.00 per tree to the City. This payment shall be in addition to replacement requirements in accordance with the mitigation measures. The form and content of said agreement shall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney. 85. Prior to recordation of the final tract map, developer and City shall enter into a written agreement approved by the City Attorney that upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any residence on any lot in the tract, that lot shall thereafter by governed by Ordinance No. 333 C.S. Said agreement shall also provide that upon City acceptance of tract improvements, all common areas of the tract shall become governed by Ordinance No. 333 C.S. 86. A notation shall be placed on the tract map and recorded with each lot stating that penalties shall be imposed for the unauthorized removal or destruction of oak trees. 87. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall install the modifications to the Brisco Road underpass as illustrated on Exhibit "G" and attached hereto, or shall submit engineering plans and post a bond or other security approved by the City Attorney for the cost of said improvements. The location, design and construction of said improvements shall be subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Director. 88. This approval shall not take effect unless and until Ordinance No.438 C.S, approving the PD Re-zoning and General Development Plan for this area becomes effective. 89. Prior to recordation of the final map for Tract 1834, 1994 or 1997, the applicant shall contribute a one-time fee of $25,000 (only one such contribution is required, not one per each tract) to the City which shall be used to provide a grant to the San Luis Obispo County Land Conservancy, or other suitable non-profit organization. Up to $15,000 of said grant shall be used to identify and establish a program for the , , Conditions of approval Tract 1994 Page 14 acquisition and maintenance of land for open space and as habitat for badgers and other common animals. Said land should include grassland and oak savanna areas similar to those found on the Rancho Grande area. The program should include both short term acquisition priorities as well as an on-going mechanism for identifying, purchasing (in fee or easement or other mechanism), and maintaining open space and habitat. The Land Conservancy or other non-profit organization , may recommend other organizations or agencies to implement the program (eg: the Nature Conservancy). Said program shall be reviewed by the City Planning Director, Parks and Recreation Director and the Department of Fish and Game. Furthermore, prior to issuance of the building permit for any house in the tract, a fee of $100.00 shall be paid to the City, which shall be granted to the Land Conservancy (or other non-profit organization) to be used for implementation of the open space/habitat acquisition and mainentance program. I EXHIBIT B RECOMMENDED MITIGATION MEASURES AND MONITORING PROGRAM SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 1994 Note: The numbering of the mitigation measures corresponds to the numbering in the FEIR. The numbering may not be sequential because some of the recommended mitigation measures do not apply to every application. GEOLOGY Mitiaation 1. All structures shall be designed for a peak bedrock acceleration of 0.28g from an 8.25 maximum probable earthquake. 2. If the earthquake regulations of the Uniform Building Code (UBC) are used for structural design considerations, the site shall be assigned a Seismic Zone Factor (Z) of 0.40 and a Site Coefficient (5) factor of 1.0 in accordance with Table No. 23-1 and 23-J of Chapter 23 (1988 Edition). Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 1 & 2: Program Description: Construction drawings submitted for building permits shall denote the above listed standards. City staff shall check plans, inspect site during and after construction, sign off when completed. Responsible Department/Agency: Chief Building Official. Timing: During building plan check and building inspection. Funding: Plan check and inspection fees determined by the Chief Building Official. Mitiaation 3. On Lots #1, 4, 40, 48, 50, 51, 52, 59, 68, 69, and 72 in Tract 1994, site specific geologic and geotechnical engineering studies shall be prepared for the affected parcels prior to home construction to determine site specific geologic and geotechnical engineering conditions. Said studies shall be subject to approval by the Building Official and Public Works Director. All recommendations contained in said report shall be incorporated into the building plans for grading and houses on said lots. Runoff from streets and other impermeable surfaces should be directed as much as possible away from these areas and not be indiscriminately discharged into these drainages as the addition of water may generate shallow landsliding and/or gullying. 4. Recommendations contained in the "Soil Engineering Report for Rancho Grande, Phases 1 A and 1 B", September 1988, by Buena Engineers, Inc., are incorporated herein by this reference, and attached as Exhibit F, shall be implemented during all phases of the subdivision and construction. 5. The Site Development Recommendations listed on pages 18-21 in the Pacific Geoscience, Inc. report dated April 6, 1990, entitled "Soils Engineering and Engineering Geology Report, Tract 1997, Rancho Grande, Arroyo Grande, California" which are incorporated herein by this reference and attached as Exhibit F, shall be applied to Tract 1994. Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 3, 4, & 5: Program Description: Building permit and subdivision improvement plans shall reference the requirements in Mitigations 4 and 5. The report required in mitigation #3 shall be submitted with the building permit application. City staff shall check plans, inspect during and after construction, sign off when completed. Responsible i I Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 2 Department/Agency: Chief Building Official. Timing: At plan check, and during and after subdivision construction and building construction. Funding: Applicant shall reimburse to the City plan check and inspection fees as determined by the Chief Building Official and Public Works Director. Mitiaation 6. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall provide an Erosion Control Plan for the tract, prepared by a qualified person, which shall address potential erosion issues. Said plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director and Public Works Director. The plan shall include methods of revegetation of disturbed areas, grading and planting periods and maintenance provisions. Except as otherwise permitted, grading shall be prohibited between October 31 and April 1; all exposed cuts and fills shall be protected from erosion through appropriate methods including but not limited to hydroseeding, straw bales, energy dissipators, siltation ponds and other appropriate means. Said methods shall be described in the Erosion Control Plan. 7. The Improvement Plans for the tract shall incorporate features designed to reduce onsite erosion, such as energy dissipators at the ends of drainage pipes, and lined drainage channels where appropriate. They shall also incorporate features which limit erosion impacts to off-site areas, such as desilting basins. Monitorino Prooram Mitigations 6 & 7: Program Description: Applicant shall submit erosion control report for approval. City staff shall check plans and inspect site per report's specifications. Responsible DepartmenVAgency: Public Works Director and Planning Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for erosion control report, during construction for on-site inspections. Funding: Applicant shall pay for erosion control report. Applicant shall reimburse direct cost of plan check and inspection fees as determined by the Public Works Director and/or Planning Director. DRAINAGE Mitiaation 8. The project shall incorporate a drainage retarding basin to limit post-development runoff to pre-development levels. The developer shan submit drainage calculations that demonstrate that said basin will retain sufficient water to avoid downstream flooding during a 100-year storm; these calculations, and the location and design of said basin shall be subiect to the review and approval of the Public Works Director. The drainage basin shall be installed and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit for a new unit in any of the tracts. Design of the retention basin shall include a riparian restoration plan which shall include revegetation with native riparian species; said plan shall also extend upstream to the areas above the culvert in Tract 1997 and downstream of the basin along the intermittent stream corridor to the property boundary. Plans for the retention basin and riparian restoration shall also be subject to the review and approval of the California Department of Fish and Game; no grading or construction shall take place unless and until a stream alteration permit is approved by said agency. 9. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall contribute a one-time fee toward enhancing the East Fork of Meadow Creek; said fee shall not exceed $2.625. Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 3 10. The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the public Works Director that the development will not adversely affect the triple 42" RCP under Highway 101, and that the development will not contribute any additional runoff to the 36" CMP under Highway 101. Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 8 & 10: Program Description: The applicant shall submit drainage plans and calculations to Public Works Director for review and approval. The applicanf shall submit riparian restoration plan to Planning Director for review and approval. The applicant shall submit both drainage and riparian restoration plans to the California Department of Fish & Game (DFG) for review and approval. City staff shall inspect site during and after construction to ensure adherence to approved plans. Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Director, Planning Director, California Department of Fish and Game. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for drainage plans, restoration plans. and DFG Streambed Alteration Agreement; during and after construction for site inspections. Funding: Applicant shall reimburse direct cost of plan check and inspection as determined by the Public Works Director. Mitigation 9: Program Description: Applicant shall produce evidence of payment of one-time creel< maintenance fee. Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map. Funding: Applicant. BIOTIC RESOURCES Mitiaation 11. Not applicable. Mitiaation 12. All subdivision construction activity, including cutting or filling, shall be outside the drip lines of oak trees, where possible. Attempts shall be made to avoid trees by making adjustments in paths of the roads and driveways and areas of filling. Prior to any grading or other construction, the developer shall submit a tree removal and protection plan showing in detail the location of all trees, including the approximate size and location of the trunks and drip lines, within 100 feet of any proposed roadway or other cut, fill or trench. Said plan shall indicate which trees are intended to be removed or pruned during construction_ The developer shall mark in the field the trees which are intended to be removed or pruned and those which may have construction activity occur within their drip lines. The plan shall also include protection measures for the trees which are not to be disturbed, including but not limited to marking of trees to be saved, fencing of trees which might be damaged during construction and other methods to help ensure the. survival of as many trees as practical. The plan shall be prepared by a qualified botanist or licensed arborist, and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director, in consultation with the Parks and Recreation Director. 13. On any lot that contains an oak tree over two inches in diameter. all construction, grading and filling shall avoid the drip lines of said trees, to the extent possible. A specific site plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval i Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 4 which will identify the location, both trunk and drip line, of all trees. If encroachment into the drip line is unavoidable, a certified arborist shall be retained at the applicant's expense, to determine the best way to mitigate such impact. If building envelopes and recommended mitigation measures cannot be designed to completely avoid tree removal, a tree replacement program shall be required, in accordance with Mitigation 14, below. 14. If it is impractical to retain any tree with a trunk diameter of greater than two inches but less than six inches in its place, whether during construction of the subdivision improvements or residences on the lot, the tree shall be dug carefully and boxed by an experienced company or individual approved by the City Planning Director, set aside and replanted in the same general area when filling or grading is complete, if deemed feasible by a certified arborist. For any tree greater than two inches in diameter permanently lost, three replacement trees shall be planted in the general vicinity for each tree removed. When practical, two of the replacements should come from seeds of trees on the tract so that the new trees are as genetically similar to the old as possible. One replacement shall be a 15- gallon size or larger tree. Planting should be done in the fall so that the trees may become established before the hot. dry summer. The developers shall retain a qualified nursery or arborist to plant, grow and make available for at least five years, oak trees from onsite acorns which can be used as replacements by lot owners for trees that must be removed. The developer may grow replacement trees onsite, in a location and manner recommended by a certified arborist. 15. For both subdivision improvements and construction on individual lots, each tree or group of trees designated to remain shall be protected by fencing prior to the beginning of construction. The location of the fence shall be five feet beyond the drip line of the tree, to the extent possible. 16. No parking of vehicles or equipment or storage of materials shall be permitted within five feet of the drip line of the trees designated to remain. 17. In the event underground utilities must be placed within the drip line of the trees to remain, the utilities shall be installed by auguring to twenty-four inches minimum depth or by hand trenching. If roots over one-inch in diameter are encountered, the roots shall be preserved without injury. No machine trenching shall be allowed within a tree's drip line. 18. Landscaping that requires permanent or ongoing irrigation shall be prohibited within the drip lines of oak trees. Project CC & R's and the Design Guidelines shall include measures for ongoing protection of oak trees on individual lots as part of future home construction, including the prohibition of irrigated landscaping in drip lines and the requirements of Mitigation Measures Nos. 13-17, above. 19. (Deleted.) Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 12 through 18. inclusive. Program Description: . Subdivider shall submit Tree Removal and Protection Plan for review and approval by the Planning Director. Home builders must submit a plan showing all trees on the site at the time of the permit application. " the site includes a tree greater than 4 inches in diameter, a tree removal and protection plan shall be required. . Prior to grading or construction, City staff shall inspect the site to verify tree flagging and fencing per Mitigations 12, 13, and 15. . The subdivider shall enter into a contract with a qualified nursery or arborist to germinate and grow oak seedlings for a period of five years, at the applicant's expense, per Mitigation 14. Said contract shall include a provision that the nursery or certified arborist conduct an annual inspection of the transplanted trees to ascertain their health. Should any , Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 5 deficient trees be identified, the applicant shall replace such trees from the nursery's stock. Said contract shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review prior to any grading or construction. . City staff shall inspect the site prior to installation of underground utilities to verify correct placement per Mitigation 17. . Applicant shall submit CC&Rs to Planning Director for review and approval per Mitigation 18. The CC&Rs shall include a provision for a conformance inspection by City staff, with adequate advance notice, at the City's discretion. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for Tree Removal and Protection Plan for subdivision improvement and for CC&R submission and approval; during and after construction for on-site inspections. Prior to issuance of building permit for house construction, during and after construction for on-site inspections. Funding; The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred by plan check and inspection, as determined by the Planning Director. Mitiaation 20. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall have the project site surveyed by a qualified botanist familiar with rare, threatened, and endangered species of San Luis Obispo County during the flowering period of the Pismo Clarkia in May to determine where it is actually present. Areas where the capsules were observed and other likely habitat should be searched. If the plant is determined to be present, the habitat of each site should be marked and protected from disturbance. A protection plan, including the requirement of open space easements and buffers, shall be required for all lots on which the plant is ascertained to be present. Said plan shall be prepared by a qualified biologist and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. All recommendations of the protection plan shall be implemented in the design, construction, and maintenance of houses and other improvements on such lots. This mitigation shall not be construed as to reduce the approved number of fots. In the event that the recommended easements and buffers render a site unbuildable, relief from yard and oak tree setback requirements and height limits may be considered to provide the minimum building site. Offsite replanting, as recommended by a qualified biologist, shall be the least preferred mitigation alternative to provide the site with the minimum guaranteed building site specified in the conditions of approval. 20a. Development shall include drought resistant, native vegetation. 20b. Wildlife warning signs should be placed at appropriate distances on James Way east and west of the La Canada intersection. The eastern sign (for traffic traveling west) should be 600 feet east of the La Canada/James Way intersection and the western sign should be placed 1600 feet west of the same intersection. This second sign should also warn of deer moving down the riparian corridor 1200 feet west of La Canada. 20c. Wildlife corridors should be included on the cluster housing site as shown in revised Figure 9a of the FEIR. Monitorina Proaram Program Description: The applicant shall submit results of site survey to Planning Director, . including Protection Plan should Pismo Clarkia be found. The applicant shall incorporate the plan's recommendations into the design guidelines and CC&Rs to implement the plan. The applicant shall record open space easements on the final map showing locations of Pismo Clarkia. The CC&Rs shall include a provision for a conformance inspection by City staff, with adequate advance notice, at the City's discretion. The Design Guidelines and CC & R's shall include provisions for planting Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 6 native drought resistant vegetation throughout developed areas. Wildlife warning signs described in Mitigation 20b shall be installed prior to recordation of the final map. The approved Tentative Tract Map for Tract 1998 shall include the wildlife corridor as described in Mitigation 20c. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director. Timing: During the month of May for site inspection, prior to subdivision construction for plan submission, approval, and incorporation into the design guidelines and CC&Rs. Plan check and site inspection during construction for compliance at house building stage. Prior to recordation of the final map for Mitigation 20b. Upon approval of Tentative Tract Map 1998 for Mitigation 20c. Funding: Subdivider shall pay for the plan, guidelines, and CC&Rs and the direct cost of City staff review. Subdivider shall pay for the cost of inspections during subdivision improvements. Home builder shall pay for plan check and site inspection for the individual lot as determined by the Planning Director. AESTHETICS Mitiaation 21. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall submit a design manual that establishes site design, architectural and landscaping guidelines (including use of drought resistant native California plants) to guide future development. Said manual will incorporate the mass, height, setback, grading and tree protection requirements contained in these mitigations measures as well as the other conditions of approval. Said manual will also incorporate the recommendations listed on Exhibit C, attached hereto. The manual will be subject to the review and approval of the Architectural Advisory Committee and the Planning Director. Monitorina Proaram Mitigation 21. Program Description: The applicant shall submit design guidelines to the Planning Director and Architectural Advisory Committee for review and approval. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs of design guideline review, as determined by the Planning Director. Mitiaation 22. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any house, a site plan, landscaping plan, preliminary grading plan, elevations and colors and materials shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval; the Director may approve said plans only upon a finding that they are substantially in conformance with these conditions of approval and with the approved Design Manual. Said plans may be submitted prior to or concurrently with the construction plans for the house. The Director shall prepare a checklist of items necessary for a complete submission to meet this requirement. The developer shall record with each lot and shall incorporate by reference in the CC&R's notice to all future lot owners that any grading or construction is subject to this discretionary review and approval by the City. 22a. A lighting plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Arroyo Grande City Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits. Lighting plan shall be compatible with existing rural residential uses, serve to reduce or eliminate glare onto neighboring land uses and directs outdoor lighting downward and not into the sky. Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 7 Monitorino Prooram Mitigation 22 & 22a. Program Description: The Planning Director shall develop a checklist, check plans, certify compliance with the approved Design Manual. The applicant shall submit the lighting plan to the Planning Director for review and approval. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director. Timing: Prior to building permit issuance. Funding: The building permit applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred in building plan review, as determined by the Planning Director. TRAFFIC Mitiaation 23. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the City, in a form approved by the City Attorney, whereby the developer agrees, on behalf of himself and his successors in interest, to pay the City a fee of Two Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Six Dollars ($2,656) per residential unit for traffic mitigation. This fee shall be paid for each residential unit, prior to issuance of each building permit or within five (5) years of recordation of the final map, whichever is sooner. 23a. The applicant shall offer to dedicate to the City, or to another public entity as directed by the City, a strip of land up to twenty (20) feet in width for construction of a shoulder on the east side of Noyes Road. The City may restrict the use of said strip for such purposes until after assessment of the environmental impacts is performed and the feasibility of installation of the shoulder is evaluated to the satisfaction of the City. The applicant shall have no responsibility for any such environmental assessment or feasibility study, or for such shoulder construction unless the Specific Development Plan for lots 10 and 11 allows for access to either of those lots directly from Noyes Road. Monitorino Prooram Mitigation 23 & 23a. Program Description: The applicant shall develop agreement for payment of traffic fees, in a form approved by the City Attorney. The Chief Building Official shall sign off on the building permit that said fee has been paid prior to permit issuance. The applicant shall offer to dedicate the shoulder referenced in Mitigation 23a. Responsible Department/Agency: City Attorney/Chief Building Official. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map. Funding: The applicant shall pay traffic mitigation fees. Mitiaation 24. Developer shall provide transit stops and/or shelters at convenient locations after consultation with the South County Area Transit District. Developer shall submit a lelter or other documentation from the Transit District indicating that they have reviewed and approved plans for such transit stops and/or shelters. Subdivision plans shall also show the location and design of said stops and/or shelters. 25. The applicant shall prepare a Master Recreational Trails and Circulation Plan. The Master Plan shall outline recreational trails, bike lanes, sidewalks. street widths and right-of-way. Any trail system which utilizes the drainage area adjacent to James Way shall be constructed in a manner or a location which will not be adversely impacted by such drainage improvements. The Master Plan shall be approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission and City Council. The applicant may deposit with the City a sum as determined by the Parks and Recreation Director to I Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 8 ensure completion of this task without unreasonably delaying the project 26. Applicant shall provide dedicated bicycle lanes or separate path in areas of high traffic density as along James Way, Rancho Parkway, the Branch Street frontage of the site (from Rancho Parkway to Brisco Road), La Canada, and Vista Drive, as outlined in the \ Master Recreational Trails and Circulation Plan referenced in Mitigation 25. Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 24, 25, and 26. Program Description: The applicant shall submit Master Recreational Trails and Circulation Plan for review and approval by the Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council. The applicant shall submit a letter from South County Area Transit district indicating approval of revised subdivision improvement plans showing proposed transit stops/shelters and bikeways, The applicant shall submit transit improvement plans for review and approval by the Planning Director and Public Works Director. Responsible Department/Agency: South County Area Transit, Public Works Director, Planning Director, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission and City Council. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred from plan checking and inspection as determined by the Public Works Director and/or Planning Director. AIR QUALITY Mitiaation 27. Construction equipment shall be equipped with Caterpillar pre-chamber diesel engines (or equivalent) and shall be properly maintained and operated. Retardation of injection timing and adjustment of air-to-fuel ratios shall be required of construction equipment, where feasible. 28. A comprehensive construction activity management plan shall be developed and designed to minimize the number of large construction equipment operating during any given time period. Said plan should also include the following features: construction truck trips shall be scheduled during non-peak hours to reduce peak-hour emissions; limiting the length of the construction work-day period, if necessary; phasing of construction activities, if appropriate. Said plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the APCD prior to the commencement of construction activity. 29. Prior to the start of construction, the developer shall submit a detailed dust control program which shall tie implemented during construction; said plan shall be subject to the approval of the APCD. The plan shall incorporate the following features: Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Frequency of watering will vary with existing weather conditions, but, at a minimum, sl10uld include the wetting of all actively worked areas at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Increased watering frequency shall be required whenever wind speeds exceed 15 mph. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. should be paved as soon as possible. All dirt stock-pile areas should be sprayed daily as needed. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project re-vegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading should be sown with a fast-germinating grass seed and watered until vegetation is established. All disturbed soil areas not subject to re-vegetation should be stabilized using approved chemical Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 9 soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD. Monitorina proaram Mitigations 27. 28. & 29. Program Description: The applicant shall submit a construction activity and dust control plan to the San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District for review and approval. Re,sponsible Department/Agency: San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District. Timing: Prior to any construction activity. Funding: To be determined by the APCD. WATER Mitiaation 30. Prior to recordation ot the final maps, the developer shall submit a detailed water conservationlwater efficiency plan which shall at a minimum incorporate the following features: . Maintaining an overall pressure of 50 psi or less through use of pressure-reducing valves. . Require installation of low-flow fixtures in all units (i.e., 2.5 gpm faucets, and 1.5 gallon/flush toilets). . Limiting the area which can be devoted to turf to not more than 400 square feet per lot. . Building designs to maximize water efficiency (eg: short distances from water heaters and water outlets). . Ability to use "grey water" for non-potable water use. Said plan shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director and Building Official. The provisions of the plan shall be incorporated into the CC&R's for the project and shall be noted as requirements for all homes in the tracts. Monitorina proaram Mitigation 30. Program Description: The applicant shall submit water conservation/water efficiency plan to Planning Director for review and approval. Upon approval. the applicant shall incorporate said features into Design Guidelines and CC & Rs as appropriate. Plans for home construction shall reference and incorporate the approved standards. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director for plan and design guidelines and CC&Rs. Chief Building Official for house plans. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for overall plan, guidelines. and CC&Rs, at plan check for building plans. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs of reviewing the overall plan. Building plan check fees will cover house plan review. Mitiaation 31. The Design Manual shall include information about water-efficient landscaping, including but not limited to the following: . Identification of drought-tolerant species appropriate to the area; . Identification of efficient irrigation practices to reduce water use; and . Identification of etticient landscaping practices to reduce water use, such as grouping of plants with similar water use and use of mulch. Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 10 Monitorino Proaram Mitigation 31. Program Description: The applicant shall submit the Design Manual to Planning Director for review and approval. Building permit applications shall include a detailed landscaping plan. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for design manual submission. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred, as determined by the Planning Director. PUBLIC SERVICES Mitiaation 32. Applicant shall construct sewer collection system, including a sewer lift station if deemed necessary by the Public Works Director, per the requirements of the City of Arroyo Grande and to the approval of the Public Works Director. If the required lift station creates additional capacity beyond the applicant's contribution to such need, the City shall enter into a reimbursement agreement to repay the applicant for that excess capacity. Monitorina Proaram Mitigations 32. Program Description: The applicant shall submit proposed sewer construction plans for review and approval by Public Works Director. City staff shall inspect during and after construction to assure adl1erence to approved plans. Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for construction plan submission, during and after construction for on-site inspections. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred, as determined by the Public Works Director. Mitiaation 33. Applicant shall pay the SSLOCSD the required sewer treatment facilities impact fee. Monitorino Proaram Mitigation 33. Program Description: The applicant shall submit documentation that required sewer connection fees have been paid. Responsible Department/Agency: Chief Building Off/cial. Timing: Prior to issuance of building permits for each home. Funding: Applicant. Mitiaation 34. A vegetation management program shall be prepared and submitted prior to the recordation of the final map. Said plan shall indicate specific means for reducing the risk from fire at the interface between housing sites and open woodlands or savannas. Said plan shall be subject to the review and approval 01 the Fire Chief. The plan shall be submitted to the California Department of Fish and Game for review and comment. The plan shall include a mechanism of annual maintenance at no cost to the City. The provisions of the plan shall be incorporated into the CC&R's and shall be noted as a requirement of all homes in the tracts. Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 11 Monitorino Prooram Mitigation 34. Program Description: The appiicant shall submit vegetation management plan to Fire Chief for review and approval. The appiicant shall incorporate approved plan into Design Manual and CC&Rs. Responsible Department/Agency: Fire Chief Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map. Funding: The appiicant shall reimburse the City for direct costs of review of the plan, manual, and CC&Rs, as determined by the Fire Chief. Mitiaation 35. All proposed dwelling units accessed by roads whose width is less than 32 feet, curb-to-curb, or located on flag lots, shall be constructed with automatic fire sprinkler systems, subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. 36. All dwellings and structures shall have roofs of non-combustible materials, subject to the approval of the Fire Chief and Building Official. Wooden shake roofs, in any form, are expressly prohibited in the project. 36a. Developer shall contribute to a fund toward the cost of conducting a fire protection analysis of the City. Monitorino Prooram Mitigations 35. 36. & 36a. Program Description: The appiicant shall record on the final map those lots subject to Mitigation 35. For those lots. building permit applicants shall submit building plans to Fire Department for review and approval. City staff, or contract personnel retained by the Fire Department. shall inspect and test installation of fire sprinklers after construction. The applicant shall contribute to the fire protection analysis described in Mitigation 36a. Responsible Department/Agency: Fire Chief. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map and prior to building permit issuance. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for direct costs of plan check and system inspection and testing. as determined by the Fire Chief. Mitiaation 37. The CC&R's shall include provisions that require future development to install appropriate security hardware, implement construction techniques which comply with the Model Security Ordinance and the UBC relating to residential security, and utilize appropriate site design and building layout that provide crime prevention. Said provisions shall be reviewed and approved by the Police Chief. 37a. The developer shall install fencing around open space areas to limit access and potential damage by vehicles in accordance with approved fence plan. 37b. The developer shall pay a one time fee per lot to the City to mitigate police costs. Monitorina Prooram Mitigation 37. 37a & 37b. Program Description: CC&Rs shall be reviewed by the Police Chief. Building plans shall be checked by the Chief Building Official. City staff shall inspect and test installations after construction. Applicant shall install fencing as described in Mitigation 37a. and pay fees as described in Mitigation 37b. Responsible Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 12 Department/Agency: Police Chief for review of CC&Rs, Chief Building Official for review of house plans, Planning Director for inspection of fencing around open space areas. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for CC&R review, prior to building permit issuance for house plan check. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for direct costs of reviewing the CC&Rs, as determined by the Police Chief. Building plan review will be covered by plan check fees. Mitiaation 38. School impact fees shall be paid to the school district prior to the issuance of any building permit for a house. Monitorina Proaram Mitigation 38. Program Description: Building permit applicant shall provide evidence of payment of required school fees. Responsible Department/Agency: Chief Building Official. Timing: Prior to building permit issuance. Funding: Applicant. Exhibit "C" Recommended Design Manual Standards The folloWi~g standards shall be incorporated into the required Design Manual whIch shall control development in the tract. Conformance with the Design Manual shall be a requirement of any construction in the tract. This requirement shall be explicitly incorporated into the tract CC&R's and shall be recorded with each lot; the CC&R's shall incorporate the Design Manual by reference. Format 1. The design manual shall be in booklet form, easily reproducible. It shall be clearly written and illustrated, easily understood, and, to the extent practical, shall avoid ambiguity or the use of standards based on non- objective measures, to the extent feasible. The manual shall include illustrations of the principal design concepts and should include examples, both written and graphic, to clarify areas of possible confusion or otherwise requiring interpretation. See also #25, below. General Guidelines 2. The intent of the manual is to encourage buildings which are visually compatible with the oak woodland, savanna and hillside context of the tract. Houses should not over power or dominate their sites. In general, houses should not extend over or above oak tree canopies on their sites or nearby. The size, orientation, materials, colors and design of houses should strive to blend or harmonize with the setting. Other guiding principals should be site and building design which contributes toward a rural ambience or character and which affords privacy and separation among the homes. To the greatest extent practical, grading should be minimized and oak trees, native shrubs and special status plant species shall be protected. Setbacks. and Height and Floor Area Limits 3. The manual shall state or reference the setbacks, and height and floor area limits explicitly called out in the tract conditions. 4. A variety in front yard setbacks should be encouraged. 5. Where garages on steeply sloping lots are allowed reduced front yard setbacks, the floor area of the garage shall not exceed 500 square feet. 6. Detached structures should not exceed 14 feet in height above the average natural grade' of their footprints. (' "natural grade" in the context of these guidelines means the surface of the ground after subdivision improvements and tract grading is complete, but prior to any other grading or construction for a house, private driveway or accessory building.) 7. On the downhill side of a house, no vertical wall plane shall exceed 16 feet in height above finished grade without a break in that plan in the form of an upper level setback. Said setback must be at least eight feet in depth before another vertical plane may be permitted in the design. Pitched Design Manual Standards Rancho Grande Page 2 roofs which do not exceed the overall height limit may be permitted in this setback. 8. Exposed pole-type supports for buildings or decks or other structures greater than six feet in height above finished grade shall be prohibited. Accessorv Structures 9. The fencing master plan shall be incorporated or referenced in the manual. 10. Satellite dish antennae shall be prohibited in front or side yard setbacks. !5atellite dish antennae, exceeding four feet in diameter, may be permitted If they are located so as not to be visible from public or private roads. Site GradinQ and Retainina Walls 11. Filling is discouraged. Fill pads greater than two feet above natural grade shall be prohibited. 12. Except strictly within the building footprint, cutting deeper than three feet in depth shall be prohibited; exceptions may be granted for driveways if there is no practical alternative. 13. No retaining walls shall exceed four feet in height. 14. Individual residences shall be designed to avoid driveways steeper than 15 percent to the extent practical. In cases where driveways must exceed 15 percent in slope, the house shall be required to install fire sprinklers, as approved by the Fire Chief. 15. In any grading operation, including tract grading, all top soil shall be stored on site in a manner which controls dust and other erosion. After grading is complete, top soil shall be redistributed over all scarred areas and replanted. 16. All new banks or slopes shall be planted to aid erosion control and to reduce the adverse visual impacts. Irrigation shall be provided for such planted areas, at least until the planting is established. Oak Tree Protection 17. All oak tree protection conditions and mitigations shall be incorporated or referenced in the manual. 18. If grading, filling, trenching, paving or construction within a drip line is unavoidable, mitigations recommended by a qualified arborist shall be implemented to ensure the long-term viability of the tree. LandscaDing 19. The manual shall incorporate or reference all conditions and mitigations related to retention of native species and related to limits on turf and irrigated landscaping. 20. A landscaping plan shall be included with the submission of all building permit applications. Said plan shall include: a. The location, type and size of all plant materials; native and low-water use and drought resistant species shall be emphasized. I ,j Design Manual Standards Rancho Grande Page 3 b. The extent and method of irrigation, emphasizing low-water use techniques wherever feasible. c. Erosion control systems during the period when plants are becoming established. d. Soil preparation, staking techniques and planting methods for all trees. The guidelines should provide a list of acceptable plant materials; however, other plants may also be permitted, provided they meet the overall intent. Colors and Materials 21. The manual shall prescribe a color palette for the tract. In general, colors shall reflect those predominant in the oak woodland and savanna: browns, greys and dark greens. In general, darker colors will be preferred to lighter ones, especially on roofs. Red, orange or other light-colored tile roofs shall be prohibited. Large expanses of light-colored stucco shall be discouraged. The house design should incorporate materials such as wood or stone, and should not emphasize stucco, tile or metal. Mechanical EauiDment 22. All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and all other mechanical equipment, whether on the ground or elsewhere, or on the structure, shall be reasonably screened from public view with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure. It is especially important that gas and electric meters be completely screened from public view. 23. All mechanical equipment shall be located and constructed in such a manner that noise emanating from it will not be perceptible at or beyond the property line of the subject property. Where necessary, noise mitigation measures shall be incorporated into the design. LiOhtinO 24. All lighting shall be installed in a manner that avoids offsite glare. Exceptions 25. The manual shall prescribe a procedure whereby the the Director may grant exceptions to any of the standards if in his/her judgement such an exception is necessary to ensure the reasonable use of the property or if such an exception would reduce the overall grading or tree loss on the property. Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 9 soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD. MonitorinG Proaram Mitigations 27,28, & 29. Program Description: The applicant shall submit a construction activity and dust control plan to the San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District for review and approval. Re,sponsible Department/Agency: San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District. Timing: Prior to any construction activity. Funding: To be determined by the APCD. WATER Mitiaation 30. Prior to recordation of the final maps, the developer shall submit a detailed water conservation/water efficiency plan which shall at a minimum incorporate the following features: . Maintaining an overall pressure of 50 psi or less through use of pressure-reducing valves. . Require installation of low-flow fixtures in all units (i.e., 2.5 gpm faucets, and 1.5 gallon/flush toilets). . Limiting the area which can be devoted to turf to not more than 400 square feet per lot. . Building designs to maximize water efficiency (eg: short distances from water heaters and water outlets). . Ability to use "grey water" for non-potable water use. Said plan shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director and Building Official. The provisions of the plan shall be incorporated into the CC&R's for the project and shall be noted as requirements for all homes in the tracts. MonitorinG ProGram Mitigation 30. Program Description: The applicant shall submit water conservation/water efficiency plan to Planning Director for review and approval. Upon approval, the applicant shall incorporate said features into Design Guidelines and CC & Rs as appropriate. Plans for home construction shall reference and incorporate the approved standards. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director for plan and design guidelines and CC&Rs, Chief Building Official for house plans. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for overall plan, guidelines, and CC&Rs, at plan check for building plans. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs of reviewing the overall plan. Building plan check fees will cover house plan review. Mitiaation Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 10 Monitorina Proqram Mitigation 31. Program Description: The applicant shall submit the Design Manual to Planning Director for review and approval. Building permit applications shall include a detailed landscaping plan. Responsible Department/Agency: Planning Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for design manual submission. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred, as determined by the Planning Director. PUBLIC SERVICES Mitiaation 32. Applicant shall construct sewer collection system, including a sewer lift station if deemed necessary by the Public Works Director, per the requirements of the City of Arroyo Grande and to the approval of the Public Works Director. If the required lift station creates additional capacity beyond the applicant's contribution to such need, the City shall enter into a reimbursement agreement to repay the applicant for that excess capacity. Monitorinq Proaram Mitigations 32. Program Description: The applicant shall submit proposed sewer construction plans for review and approval by Public Works Director. City staff shall inspect during and after construction to assure adherence to approved plans. Responsible Department/Agency: Public Works Director. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for construction plan submission, during and after construction for on-site inspections. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for the direct costs incurred, as determined by the Public Works Director. Mitiaation 33. Applicant shall pay the SSLOCSD the required sewer treatment facilities impact fee. Monitorina Proaram Mitigation 33. Program Description: The applicant shall submit documentation that required sewer connection fees have been paid. Responsible Department/Agency: Chief Building Official. Timing: Prior to issuance of building permits for each home. Funding: Applicant. Mitiaation Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 11 Monitorinq ProQram Mitigation 34. Program Description: The applicant shall submit vegetation management plan to Fire Chief for review and approval. The applicant shall incorporate approved plan into Design Manual and CC&Rs. Responsible Department/Agency: Fire Chief Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for direct costs of review of the plan, manual, and CC&Rs, as determined by the Fire Chief. Mitiaation 35. All proposed dwelling units accessed by roads whose width is less than 32 feet, curb-to-curb, or located on flag lots, shall be constructed with automatic fire sprinkler systems, subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. . 36. All dwellings and structures shall have roofs of non-combustible materials, subject to the approval of the Fire Chief and Building Official. Wooden shake roofs, in any form, are expressly prohibited in the project. 36a. Developer shall contribute to a fund toward the cost of conducting a fire protection analysis of the City. Monitorinq ProQram Mitigations 35, 36, & 36a. Program Description: The applicant shall record on the final map those lots subject to Mitigation 35. For those lots, building permit applicants shall submit building plans to Fire Department for review and approval. City staff, or contract personnel retained by the Fire Department, shall inspect and test installation of fire sprinklers after construction. The applicant shall contribute to the fire protection analysis described in Mitigation 36a. Responsible Department/Agency: Fire Chief. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map and prior to building permit issuance. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for direct costs of plan check and system inspection and testing, as determined by the Fire Chief. Mitiaation 37. The CC&R's shall include provisions that require future development to install appropriate security hardware, implement construction techniques which comply with the Model Security Ordinance and the UBC relating to residential security, and utilize appropriate site design and building layout that provide crime prevention. Said provisions shall be reviewed and approved by the Police Chief. 37a. The developer shall install fencing around open space areas to limit access and potential damage by vehicles in accordance with approved fence plan. 37b. The developer shall pay a one time fee per lot to the City to mitigate police costs. Rancho Grande - Tract 1994 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 12 Department/Agency: Police Chief for review of CC&Rs, Chief Building Official for review of house plans, Planning Director for inspection of fencing around open space areas. Timing: Prior to recordation of the final map for CC&R review, prior to building permit issuance for house plan check. Funding: The applicant shall reimburse the City for direct costs of reviewing the CC&Rs, as determined by the Police Chief. Building plan review will be covered by plan check fees. Mitiaation 38. School impact fees shall be paid to the school district prior to the issuance of any building permit for a house. Monitorina Proaram Mitigation 38. Program Description: Building permit applicant shall provide evidence of payment of required school fees. Responsible Department/Agency: Chief Building Official. Timing: Prior to building permit issuance. Funding: Applicant. Exhibit "C" Recommended Design Manual Standards The following standards shall be incorporated into the required Design Manual which shall control development in the tract. Conformance with the Design Manual shall be a requirement of any construction in the tract. This requirement shall be explicitly incorporated into the tract CC&R's and shall be recorded with each lot; the CC&R's shall incorporate the Design Manual by reference. Format 1. The design manual shall be in booklet form, easily reproducible. It shall be clearly written and illustrated, easily understood, and, to the extent practical, shall avoid ambiguity or the use of standards based on non- objective measures, to the extent feasible. The manual shall include illustrations of the principal design concepts and should include examples, both written and graphic, to clarify areas of possible confusion or otherwise requiring interpretation. See also #25, below. General Guidelines 2. The intent of the manual is to encourage buildings which are visually compatible with the oak woodland, savanna and hillside context of the tract. Houses should not over power or dominate their sites. In general, houses should not extend over or above oak tree canopies on their sites or nearby. The size, orientation, materials, colors and design of houses should strive to blend or harmonize with the setting. Other guiding principals should be site and building design which contributes toward a rural ambience or character and which affords privacy and separation among the homes. To the greatest extent practical, grading should be minimized and oak trees, native shrubs and special status plant species shall be protected. Setbacks. and Height and Floor Area Limits 3. The manual shall state or reference the setbacks, and height and floor area limits explicitly called out in the tract conditions. 4. A variety in front yard setbacks should be encouraged. 5. Where garages on steeply sloping lots are allowed reduced front yard setbacks, the floor area of the garage shall not exceed 500 square feet. 6. Detached structures should not exceed 14 feet in height above the average natural grade* of their footprints. Design Manual Standards Rancho Grande Page 2 roofs which do not exceed the overall height limit may be permitted in this setback. 8. Exposed pole-type supports for buildings or decks or other structures greater than six feet in height above finished grade shall be prohibited. Accessory Structures 9. The fencing master plan shall be incorporated or referenced in the manual. 10. Satellite dish antennae shall be prohibited in front or side yard setbacks. Satellite dish antennae, exceeding four feet in diameter, may be permitted if they are located so as not to be visible from public or private roads. Site Grading and Retaining Walls 11. Filling is discouraged. Fill pads greater than two feet above natural grade shall be prohibited. 12. Except strictly within the building footprint, cutting deeper than three feet in depth shall be prohibited; exceptions may be granted for driveways if there is no practical alternative. 13. No retaining walls shall exceed four feet in height. 14. Individual residences shall be designed to avoid driveways steeper than 15 percent to the extent practical. In cases where driveways must exceed 15 percent in slope, the house shall be required to install fire sprinklers, as approved by the Fire Chief. 15. In any grading operation, including tract grading, all top soil shall be stored on site in a manner which controls dust and other erosion. After grading is complete, top soil shall be redistributed over all scarred areas and replanted. 16. All new banks or slopes shall be planted to aid erosion control and to reduce the adverse visual impacts. Irrigation shall be provided for such planted areas, at least until the planting is established. Oak Tree Protection 17. All oak tree protection conditions and mitigations shall be incorporated or referenced in the manual. 18. If grading, filling, trenching, paving or construction within a drip line is unavoidable, mitigations recommended by a qualified arborist shall be implemented to ensure the long-term viability of the tree. Landscaping Exhibits "D-1" through "D-3" are the following: D-1 : General Lot Layout & Lot Areas D-2: Proposed Water, Sewer and Grading Schematics D-3: Supplemental Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan (previously provided) .r . .1 I Q. I ~ ract 1997, Rancho Grande 18 April 6, 1990 I slopes, road:! and buiidingpads. The cstab1~shment of permanent vege.tath~c ,c:over on slopes is recommended mitigate :th~ erosive potcntial of uncontrolled runore over slope faces. I 10.0 ~ITE DEVELOP~t:MT R~COMMENDATI.ol~S . ' A. Site DeveloDment - BuildinR Areas I 1. It is, anticip~~edthat :tJ}e 10~s v.:iII be developed through normal grading I i I . I procedures using cut _al\~ na ~cthods. . , 2. Over "much of the' sHc;,soi~~_ ar,c. thinly mantled ovcr bedrock. Heavy I equipment may, be req~i~~~:qo f~P the bedrock in deeper cuts. 3. Prior to mass grading op~ra~r,?qs, loo~c alluvium in drainage channels should 'I bc removcd. and subdraiJ1s ~hould QC installed to control subsurface water. " ':.. ,. . I The depth and extent of removals as well as the type and location;, of subdrains should be determined in the field during grading. '1 ' . 4. Prior to placing fill, org~niqs, debris and any other deleterious materials ~~ould b~ i removed. A representative oC this firm should observe the 'I exca,vated area beCore pl~ce~ent of fill. S. Areas to receive fill shpu1d, Pc: scarified, moisture conditioned, and I '. . . I, "; ,'. , compacted, except in drajpa&,~ ~hannel areas as discussed above. I 6. If individual site evaluntion~ indicate that foundations bearing in soil are appropriate, cut portions of ~,lt/ fill transition lots (i.e., where a cut/fill line I crosses the building area or lies within 2 feet of the bottom of the footing) should be overcxcava~e1 to a depth of 2 feet below the planned foundation I " bottoms. This should also be ~ccomplished if a soil/rock transition line I'.' .. ",. "" I ' crosses the building arer. or ~ic,~' )yitl1in 2 fect of the bottom of the footing. 'I:'~c resulting surface ~ho~l~ b9 sca~jfied 12 inches, moisture: conditioned, I PG-61i64-WOl 9004-026.RPT .1 _..._._.._------~-_.....- I I Gael 1991, Rancho Grande I 19 April 6. 1990 I: ~nd recol1lpacted ba,ck to ,grad~. ,This will help mitigate differential set~lement an<;i provide';1 more u.q~fCirm bearing layer. I: 7. Excavated soils which have been cleared of debris and/or organics may be Ii used for structural fill whe~ p~a~ed in thin, mechanically compacted layers o~,J)reviously tested sub~~adcr. . 11 8. , Slopes exceeding 10 percent sho~ld be benched prior to fill placement. If fm ... .. I is, to be placed on slopes exceeding 20 percent. the toe of U1e fill should be I~ keyed. Th~ mi,nimum depth of the keyway should, be 2 feet; the minimum width should be 10 feet. The bottoms of keyways and benches consisting of . . I . . Ii soil should_ be scarified 12 inches, moisture conditioned, and recompacted . . . , . . I; prior to placement of fil~., ~r roc~ i~ exposed in the benches or keyway b~ttom, no scarification or recompaction is necessary. ~I!. 9. TO' protect slabs from eXI>~nsrve soil' damage; the use of nonexpnnsive import ,~ or presaturation of sU,bslab sqil~ in areas where slabs will overlie expansive -Ii " soils is recommended. : If, it 'i$ elected to use nonexpansive import, the I:, thickness of nonexpansive ';ma,terial should be determined based upon the r!=su1ts of expansion in~~x test~n~ pc;rformed on individual lots. The import 1-:' should be placed in lifts nQt e?tceeding 12 inches and compacted to II minimum of 90 percent of maximum dry density until finished grade is I' reached. ~. B. Site DevcloDment - General I:. " 1. Fill and' backfill" shoul~ be ~ortpact~d to a minimum of 90 percent of I~ maximum dry, density obtainable by the ASTM D 1557-78 test method. RJ -, PG-6664-WOl 9004-028.RPT I~ . * ~: - ---------_._--_.~..--._.~----_..- ----------...---------- Q ~ Tract 1997, Rancho Grande 20 April 6, 1990 Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code contains specific considerations for. grading and forms a part of this report. 2. A shrinkage factor dt,le to compaction is expected to be approximately 5 percent. Shrinkage and/o~ exp~nsion of bedrock materials is expected to be ,. nominal. Loss due to, grub~ing and recompaction op~rations m~y ,affect quantity calculations and sh~uld be taken into account. This estimate is based on an average ,re\qtive compaction of 94 perccnt of maximum density , . . . . ~t the completion of gradrl1~ and ~s dependent upon contractor methods and the Cinal compaction attai~ed. 3. Final site grade should be such,. that~lI water is diverted away from the structures and slopes, an~ f\o~ ~l~owcd'to pond on or near paved surfaces. , 4. H is recommended thl,1t ,t~,is, firm be retained to provide testing and , "", , I . .rinspection services during ,tbe ~rading, excavation, and foundation phases of the work. This is to ob~ep'~ g~mpliance with the project sl>ecifications and the recommenda tions of' tl,is repC?rt, an'd 'to prov'ide additional recommendations in the event that sU1J~urface conditions differ from those an ticipa ted. 0 C. Utilitv Trenches Rock is very shallow in some ~reas and will be encountered during trenching. The upper horizons of the rock arc in a weathered condition, and it is expected that . ,.:.- ... excavation can gen.eraII:f be - accompl~she~ '~sing backhoes. The rock becomes . , increasingly dense with depth, and ~~~1Vier equipment may be necessary for deep trenches. -' PG-666'-WOl ,', 0004-026.RPT II --.,.-------.------ :1 - o. I . : I fa. ... ,. ..... .. I ... ..... -= - mct 1997, Rancho Grn'ndc' 2/ April 6. 1990 , " . ~.. . ~ . ~ ... '" .. .... I I \;; .... . ", . . " . .',. ... ':'1' , J.. Where necessary,' and....f~r. ,~~J .~r.~ncI1. depths "clo~:.~5.. fcct,pr.~vide..tither I ndc:quntcsh9dng.,orslpp~ '.the sidewalls.'- tQ mc_ct the. np'plicable State and , - .. ',"':". ':.",. Fl:dcral' safety' regulations.;> I .2.',;::::,;JJa<;l~nll of utilities within _r,q~d Tights-of-way shouJd be placed in strict .. .... . I . - I conformance with, the require~!?n~~'or .the .governing 'agency -(Water District, ::-. ."~"''': Road-.Dcpanmcnt,. Sat1i~a:~'iqn:; I?;:,.(r~qt. ~~~;);' .-, ,'. .t,' :--:. -'0 "ON ," .~. ,4o I ,3.: ' Use"of a sclcct~ sru~"I;:"~ :1;~~UY"'9omp:1(;tc:d matcrial is recommended for I trench backfill immec1ff'-~~J_Y' af~~~~JutiHtjes. While the material found, at tbe site may be uscdfo[ ti':en~~ P;lckfilJr,tbove the select m.\terial, obtaining . . . . . . " - . I adcquatc'co,?paction ~ay' b.~ ~~ffic~lt due to the clay c:ontcnt. If .this is thc : casc, importation of a C~;~n.Cfo, ~~~c ~a$i~y compacted sand may be necessary. I . _.r J t.O Sl'UUCTURES , I' ..~ : ~ .=; I: .:' ::,.' Foundati'ons. and slabs~on-gra~c. 1~~~1~' b~ .~~,I~port(:d by eithcr 'compacted soils or firna I " bedrock. Dctermin3tion of the apPf9pri~tc ~ctl~in'g' r;\:~t~rial sho'uld bc' acc'oinp1ishcd on an . . . .'- ~ '. ~:": .: '. ,. " . " individual lot basis once plans' f91' 'gr.~~i1'18 ~~d construction have been developcd. I " 'f.' I' ; ;,' , Expansion index tests should. also ,p~ ~9.~~~v.~~~~ .~m a Jot-by-lot basis as rough grading is I compJeted. The (oHowing criteria ~~~c:bccn, c1cvc,Joped I\S gcneral guidclincs and may be supplemented or modified by individual sitc'cvaJu3!iqns. I A. Found~.ti!2JU. ., . . C:on~cnliol1al continuous-footj'Jlgs and spread (pad) footings may be used for "' ,',., ,_. ,. I , I .. support otthe residences. SPfe~d"footjn~~ !>caring in soils should be; restrained with grade b'canis; : -' ~":,-;- . I .. . . . . . .'~' " . ," ". '- I "," . . , - : PQ-G'"-WOl .... , 0004-026.IlPT I ," : I . r.' t '. . t' I Q~ ":.. ~ . I -.: - Tract 1997, :R.!!f.1t:h~ qr~ndc . 22 April 6, 1990 I~ " 1. FootiOgs sb.<?_~ld:.bcar: i~ .~j~!~~r. fir~) ~e~rpck .or ~ogtp~C:le~I ,s2il~ .pIa,ced, as I, :;;)e~i.ficd clsc~hcrc An,,Jhis r~p~rt, ~~t lliU. in both. Footing depths and .; r~~nrorcc:nWllt. . for. footing:;.. .beadng..in..soil shQ.uld.. be:. in accordance with I ;..~;~- ~ ; f ~rJ~c.. ~prop;!~!e . m~ n~jg~ c~t~gory. o;~c,' t~.c r.cQ.u iremen t.' or I : ... "- !J~C;:~~f;~~tural engineer, Foo~ings bC!1.[ing in rock should ~cnetrate the rock a miniD;\u.m 0.r.6. ineqe;, with in1i~il'!l!Jm overall dep.ths .pcr the U.D.C. .' . ..:.... ..... " '.,' '..., -. ..' . ... '. . I R;ci~ro~ce~eJlt sh.ould .~~#~t~J C?f :t~1. ~ar~ toP aJl~ bpttor.J~. The min~mum size of ~pr~ad fooLings s~Qu~~. :pc 24inchc~i square. Reinforcemenl for spread I Cooti~gs should be i~ ~~~I'r~a,n~~ ~jththe rcquir:mcnts of the structural I .. engineer. . .' ~.' Max.imumallowable bc~ril)g 9a.p'acit:~s for dead and sustained live loads arc . ' ., ", ",' " " I · as Collows: . "Jyt~xip1Um Allowable I ! MnterialTvDc ~carinS!. CnDt\cit;Y (~sl} Soil 1400 Bcd rock 10." 2500 .' I 3. Bearing cl1Plleitie.s rq~y' ~~ ~\1crc:~~~d by one-third when W~J~d and seismic '" " I ~omponents arc includ~~. : 4. Foundation excavations should be observed by a representative of this firm . .. ~'i ~ '. , .' , '. I ~urin& ~.:~~:~~ti9.ns_~~:~ p,;i~t t9.P;~~lc~mcnt .of reinforcing stcel or concrete. B. Sin bS-OT1-G..til.Wi. I 1. Con~rcte sJab~-on-graqc. .t.~~~lq b~ :;1!I~portcd by either firm bcdro.;:k or .' I . compacted SOil~..i>hiecd')~: ~!=~()r~,u~~e '~it~ the applic~lblc sections or this report. . .. - . ~ .. . PC-6&6~-WOl ..... OOO.&-026.RPT I I' . \.. . -----,_. --------- . 0 0' '.. .., I .... " ,- Q. . 0 I " .- y- ~ - , '0 " ~ ' 23 " Tract 1997, Rancho Grande April 6. 1990 .!....I.... , , , - 2. Slabs should have a ,minimum ,thickness 1'of.:l ful.l~in~hes and should be rein farced '. in accordance with' Table 3 for the appropriate expansion I en tegory. 3. Slab,s and: .foo.tings Sl'lou'd: ,be dowele~ together with: ,rebar extending to - ~ .in~hes,from :tb,c. bottom of the.,footing and a'\ minimum of 18..inches inta ,the ~la,1>. 0'. h-~ -"' - , i.. 4. Slabs should be underlaid':l:>Y a. ptiqimumof 4 inches of ~ sand. Clean sand is defined as a sanuor whicb Ic~s than 3 percent passes the #200 sieve. , ,- ,',. . . S. A vapor barrier placc~ ~t ~(1~ rpj~s,ection of the sand is recommended ta . . ~ pratect floar eaverings from infHtrution of subsurCacc moigtm'c. Ca,rc should ! be taken ta praperly lap a~~ :;callhe barrier. particularly around utilitics, .r and ta pratect it fram daml1~oc a~ l11,uch as possible during construction. 6. Six' inches .of illi.u. gravel cn.pi~l~ry break mat\':r1alcan.be sub:stituted for the ! sand 'and vapar barrier; Capillary break; material shauld Culril1 the Collowing . critcria: 'Sicve Size ,Pcrcent Pas3in~ J" JOO #16 0-20 #200 0-3 . - 7. To minimize sh,rinkaCG Cn\~~~~q~l~c concrete, contnu;tion jaints can be . .. ". '" installed if' desired. ' Joint ~p~~~ng ~hould be specified by the project . ". "' , , architect or structural c;nginc~r. .. . ..' ~. 1 i ,I :: 11 0' . ... i- .'." . 0 0' . : PC-15M- WOl -" DOO4-02GJIPT , , . -~'~_.~-.. - ' I O!l.' ... ~ : I ~ ract 1997, Rancho Grande 24 April 6. 1990 , . 8. To proteet. exterior fl~twork sueh as patios or \Valkw~;;s from expa~sivc soil damage, it'is recommended that they be underlaid with a minimum of _ 8 inches of nonexpansive mat~rjal. 9. Please not~ t'h~t these ar~ ri,j'n.imum requirements only anci: that additional :" , ",' ' . I slab thickness and reinr~rccmeni. m:;1Y be required by the siructural engineer. I C. Frictionnl nnd Latern! Coerfi~ 1. R~sistance to lateralload~'n~g m~y"bc prQvided by fricti~n' acting on the base . . ,'" ". I, ..', .:..... ~ of foundations. A-CQcrr;Ci,~n,t!~r friction as shown may be applied to dead load forces. I 2. Passive resistance,' t)~tj v~ p,ressurc;, and coefficien t of friction for :11I .. foundations in soils and r081' are ~s f0110ws: Material Pas~ive . Active Coefficient 'I ..~ R~sisttin~~!'(.~~P Pressure (ocn of FrictiQJl . Soil.': -;! ., ,300 :' .' .... ." ".' 45 . . . .35 . Bedroek 400 35 .sO 3. ^ one.'thi~d increase 'bi ~~e passive value may be uscd .,when considering '. .. .. I transient loading such a~ win~..~nd seisp1icity. D. Ex.oansiQ.Q. I ' 1. If, following grading. e?,pan~~~;c soils arc present in slab a.reas, it will be . necessary. to use a f~>rJ~ ..~( ~'~b pr9~~<?tion. If it is clected to premoisten .1 '~-ubSlab:soils"instead)Qr y~i~g ~one~pansi"e import, premoistening should . . :, . ...._:.:. . 'I I' . I ~on.r.o,~m.:.:o; ;~~~.~:- ~ec~~~~.~,~N~!~;n~~f ~~ble 3 for the appropriatc expansion category~ ,Please note ~~M M~P:HHh.'c s9il protection is not necessary if slabs :t : .... 'I~' . '. .:. .~ '-',:. ~..' ..... .':.: :;.~.~;: :i : ,:,1: .' .;' '.. ~ . ," '. ..'. II ~il1...~~. d~~e~t1~',~v~r~~.iq:g ~?~i.~~~~~Cd rock. . . , . ,.. . " , . . ... PC.666(.WOl '. '. . ~ 000<C.026.RPT . .. .. .... -. , . .... ..... I I Q '. - . I . . ~ Tract 1997, Rancho Grande 25 April 6, 1990 I 2. Jfcxp.ans~vc soils arc present within the footing depths, the bottoms of the ... '. . .... . .. ~o.'?ti.QJt .c'x.cavations. s.hould be prcmoistcned in accordance with the I ,":',.,rccom~endations for t!1e appropria~e catFgory of Table 3. 3. ~~cmoistcn~ng of sla1?and footing a,reas should be observed and tested by a I .. .. .... .. 0"'. -.. .. ..' ....... . " r~prcsent~tive of, this, firm .for compliance wit~ t~es~ .rcc<?mmcnd,.1tions .prior I to placement of sand, reinforcing st\:el, or concrete. The recommendations presented in Table 3 arc minimums and should satisfy the I requirements of most conventional anq govefnment financing institutions and comply with normally accepted geotechnical practices. FHA, HUD, or structural requirements may be I more stringent. 'I E. ,.Settlement Considerations 1. Maximum expected' 8ctqem~nt of less - than 1/2 inch is anticipated for -I r . . . foundatIons and floor slabs ~esl~ne<,J as recommended. . . t" . I, 2~ Differential settlement between adja'cent load be~lring members 'should be , ",' . I .. . , . . .. 'Iess than 1/4 inch. 3. The majority of sett'em?n~ SAould occur during con:;truction. I Post-construction settlcment should be minimal. . . I' ;' I F. RetaininR. Walts Sitework retaining wafls ma r ~~ fo~n~<fd either in -soil or in rock. However, I if the foundation of the wall. will spqn both soil and rock, use of a construction . . ,'.. ," . . I joint is recommended at th~ transitWn of soil to rock ~o minimize damage due to . . . ,I . . d1rfercntial settlement. . For ~val1s' foun~!cd .- in soil, o 0'" "\ extend the' foundations or I keyways a minimum depth or' ~ & 'inches below lowest adjacent grade. Foundations . . I .. . . . '"1 ," . 0;. ... . I I'C-6SM-WOl ., v004-026.RPT I . . -~------_.- ~ ' ' :1' , , ' . I o ..... , , , , II ~ - ract -1997, Rancho Gr~nde " 26 April 6, 1990 -- for walls foundcd in rock-' s'U:)Uld - pcnet~ate' thc rock a minimum depth of -, -, 12 inches. sign of rctaining ~a,psshould be based on the 'fo:lI0 \"; ing' ~~'i:~m"~tcrs:' I ' , . .. .". I .. .. Active prcssure, na tive backfill. ; . ': . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . 45 per At restprcssure,-I)ative backfill. .. ,. .... .. . . . . . . . . . .:. . . . . . . . 60 pcf, . . ,. '.... ' . .' " - ...... ,; . 35 per Achve prc..sure, granular backfJll .... .'. . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I At _re~t pressurc,'granular:,bac~fiU.. .... . ... ',' .. . . .'. .. .. . ',' ,50 ,pcf Passive prcssure, soil.. .'.... ..';..:...:..:......... .'....... 300 per PJlssi vc_ press\) re, rock.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . .'.:. ." .,. . . . . 400 pcr , I Maximum toc'prcssure~' soil.. .'.. .,~....:... .'........ ....:..2000 psf Maximum, tge_ pressurc, rock... . . . . .. . . J ',' . . . ',' .. . . . . . . . . . . 3t100 psf Coefficicnt of sliding friction, soil. :. . .:. . ,'. . . . . : . .. . . . . .. ' 0:35' , I C09fric,i~.nt of. sli<,1ing friction, roc~. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . ~ .. . . . .. O.~o., .:--9r~~~lar b~9kfill should b.e 'uscq aboyca 1':1 plane fr~~1 thc base of the wall to daylight. I Notcs: I " 1).' The above valucs ar~ aPl?licable for walls rctaining a horiz~ntnl surface. Walls having a backfill th;tt slopes upward away from the wall should be I " designed for an additional equivalent fluid pressure for the active case of 1 P9f nnd 1.5 -pcf for the at-rest ca:iC, for cvcry 2 degrees of slopc inclination. I 2) No othersurcharge~,are ta~~nint~ 9onsidcration)~ the above values. No factor of safety. has beel1i~~9rpor~tcd into thc aetivc' and at rest cQuivalent I 'fluid pressurc.s prese~,t~~ ~boye. . 3) It is assumed that,~al.l:h,ei&hts wi~~ ~~t c~ceed 10 fect. '.. '" I . All retaining ~a.lls shou~~ be ~r~ine~ with perforated pipe, encased in a free draining blanket of gravel. T,~~c. (?iJ:>.c s,~Quld be placed pcrforation:; downward and I ~ : ~.'" .. sh~ll ~ischarge in-a noner9sh~c: !T1;lnucr away'from foundations and other , , I improvcments, Thc grav~l blank9~ ~~ic;>~l~ J1ay~ a width of approximately I foot and . . ,'. . .-, ".' . . . shall extend upward approximately 18 i~ch~s. To prevent infiltration of the native I soil into th,e gravel" a, permenble sypthetic filter fabric should bc placed bctwccn thc ,. two: Manufactured synthetic drains such as Miradrain, Enkadra in, or thc Eljen . " . ". I . '- Drainage, System arc acccptable. aHcrnat\ves to thc use of gravel. Walls facing I .... PQ-6664-W01'.' , 9004-026.RPT I~ . -------.'.,....---..-'.---- I i , , I (~ract 1997, Rancho Grande I 27 April 6, 1990 I - habit~ble ;areas should be thoroughly waterproofed in accordance with the . ,recommendations- of the architect. .. ! I 12.0 CLp~URE " ~ ~h~ report is valid for eond~t,jonsas they exist at' this time for the type of '. '" .' ... . . . I . . develop,ment ~escribed herein. The iny~stigation wa,s performed in a manner consistent I with the level of care and skill ordinarily exer~ised by members of the profession currently : I' . . ., pract'icing i~ tI,lC locality of this proj~ct ~nder similar conditions. No other representation, .- I warranty, or guarantee, either expre~sed or implied, is made. -' . If chances with respect to dcveloPpleynt type 9r location become necessary. if items , ' I " not addressed in this report arc incorporated into p1ans, or if any of the assumptions stated ~. . , -I ' il\ ,this report a rc not correct, this fir~ shall J;>e not~fied for modifica tions to this rcport. . .. This document, the data, conclusion~, and -recQmmendations contained herein are the " I property of Pacific Geoscience, Inc, Tois r:~port shall be used in its entirety, with no , individual sections reproduced or used out of contc:xt. Copies may be made only by Pacific . I Geoscience, Inc., thc' client, and his authorizecJ agents 'for use exclusively on the subject , project. A-ny other use is subject to feder~l c<?pyright laws an'd the written 'approval of I Pacific Geoscience, Inc. I Thank you for this opportunity toha'le been of service. If you have any questions or if discussion or' alternate concepts is desired, please feel free to contact this office at I your convenience. I E~d of Tex't ' , I I PQ-6564-WOl v004-026.RPT I ' , II .'. , , . ~eptember 6# 1966 -8- Job No. 84-0S:so.-SL 1 66-9-416 II son liquefaction is the loss of soil strength during a significant seismic event.. It occu~s primarily in loose, flne to medium grained, granular matenal occurrmg below the groundwater. Uquefaction occurs during II rearrangement of the so11 particles into a denser condition, resulting in localized areas of settlement. Due to favorable groundwater conditions and II a predomInantly bedrock sHe, the potentIal for 11Quefact1on Is cons1dered very low. II Shanow cracking of the ground at the si'te', due to shaking from seismic events, is not considered a significant hazard and would have a minor impact on the proposed development. ' II BEDROCK/SOIL CONDITIONS " .. ..,' II Evo1uot1on of subsurface sHe characterIstics Indicate sons consIst of sandy s11ts overlying bedrock. The bedrock is comprised of the Pismo and Paso II Robles Formations. Bedrock was generally encountered at depths varying from two to six (2-6) feet below existing grade. Typical1y, two to three (2- 3) feet of severely weathered bedrock was encountered in the exploratory II borings. General1y, the transition from weathered bedrock to bedrock is gradaU ona1. ,j sons were-; found' to be relat1vely ffrm throughout the depths II A. invest 1 gated. Penetration resistance was generally greater than thirty (30) blows per twelve (12) inches of sampler penetration. In II' bedrock formations, blow counts often exceeded one hundred (100) for twelve (12) inches of sampler penetration. II B. The expansion characteristics of the materials encountered was .very Jow. in accordance with Table 29-A in Appendix B of this report. c. Free ground water was not encountered 1n any of the bOrings. I SITE DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS III Based on the resu1ts of this evaluation, it is our opinion that ~he site is , , suitable for the intended development. Appendix C, .Standard Grading II Specifications., contains specific suggestions for removal and disposal of deleterious substances.. and, as such, forms a port of these Site ,Development and Grading Recommendat1ons. 1:-, . " :":', ;~.:~ :~..:~. : .', . ..............e; II' ------- I I" 5eptemb~r 6, 1968 . '7"9- Job No. B4-0530-SL 1 r II 88-9-418 . ! 1_' ,. .";. ! . . ......,.. -. .. .-.- I .... '. I,,', ~ " ... '. I (,": ':. . - . .) I:.. TABLE I ! "), -.. .; . ~'" .: . , .. ,'.;." 1 . . ~. " t .. SEISMI.CITV FOR ACTIVE AND t POTENT I ALL Y . ACT I VE F AUL 15 . i I Maximum Estimated" Repeatab1e : . Distance From Probable Peak Bedrock High Ground Faults Site (Mi1es>' Magnitude Acceleration 1 Acce1eration2 . San Andreas 38 N.E. 7.4 .16g . 1 09 Rlnconada 11 N. 7.3 .41 g .27g Hosgr1 18 W. 7.1 .28g .18g . Edna 2.5 N.W. 5.5 .39g 00 .25g i .... r:. I' '; , : 1. Seed and Idriss (19~k;i~ . .'I',,~, : ) . .} . 2. Ploessel &. 510sson( 1 914) "" .: . ~ . '....,. .....,. : . ..... .. ..; 1 . :.... . ~ ., ........ "';.!.; . ;'\,j;';',{:,~:,~.f,i~..:,,~~.~:'.:::,:.~'~~) )'l,. ~ r ,.! . '.;. ';;H.' ~'/)I..rrii:.'n~.i"r.~)." .,: .' ~ : .. I c;...~.\ .r\-I~:'" " .~ .. t. ~ ~~;. \ '~':;".;'::;;;".'''''' ,~~,,~.;~~t ""'?i~',i;~~<:: "+~r, .". . .. , . ' . ,'Ii;,) I..., I . ". . ... ........ ,. ........_.*.J.,.. ;;>N1i~;": .' r, ," .,... . ~. >.,. .... ." "';;>, " :" '. .;,\:":.:1 . ',' ': .......... . '" ." .',. '._ .." .:J<:~ Itf~"';"':' - ~ "..........I'<~~\! ""'" .~..,..II..~ "'~/<)f" ''''''ft,1 ., ';"1 ;;'- '..: . ;",' : : ..Rt".,! ~ , ,'., '\ '. ~ .'-' ;.-. t \-'1" . ': \ I.' ::::1 .~. .}!!~!~~'."<, :L:....,. ...:"._,' '._'~t~...;,:~~~.;.i~)~~;'~'~':-~'~rri.:'~~:j~~'<: >~'.:.,:'1 .::;f;::'-' . ,:..:.. -,...<'. .;;;{i; f.~~l'\\~':':.>"~' t. '. '.. ';;~~",,~\#.NtI't'~'''' .q'~rf.#~,........~.....'^'..Jc"""iyi.\1'" . J .' .......', . " ',' :.!;'~I';; .,~ 'y~i~;.::.t:. 'f ...,.,. . - . h', 't.~.hi~''1''''''''..''1<",.,'''~I. #.r~~.\',HI) ..'. .'J '. ". , ,'<'. ':,.1 '.:';:". IU,~(:;~. ',"_.:1 .':- . . :~.. <' - .' - '-. ". .''-::'<~:\:'X\~:::;,<';.~~'~.:~~;:'.:~f<~.\:::.,';'...''; : >!. .. . . .., _.... ...._ _.'. .,.. .....~...:~:.~;...:.~',.:..:..-lV:}. . I~,..-'", . . ) i....,.. n. I.'.;..': . ,'. J, \: ",'''''''p'~, ~.t..,;4 ~~,,~~.,~..ot."~\jo II:, ':: '_ ". ';..; .~.. ,. '. . !..',:. . -: ~ I':"",,~ I "~;:'.:. -.J.f, '''_.'' .., ......., . I".' .' .. .:... . " . I,.,,,,.,., ...<<,.... ~...,1,.. "i'.U"- ." '.' . , . -".- ..... -. "... . \.. . ... .' e . " -. I' J II ' , >. , .', , . ':':~:'::-:':". ,.: ",.' . ., . .. . .',. ., II I I : ; September 6, 1988 -10- Job No. 64-0530-SL 1 I 88-9-418 II A. Site Grading ; ., ~": J .. . t~"" 1. It is anticipated that the property win be developed through normal grading procedures using cut and fil1 methods. , 2. Over much of the site, soils are a thin mantle over a sevorly weathered bedrock. The rippabi1ity of the bedrock units will vary, as some of these materials will present difficulty rtpptng II within several feet of the surface tn areas of shallow bedrock. 3. Prior ,to moss grading operations, loose alluvium in drainage II channels should be removed. Depth and extent of removols should be deter~ined in the field during grading. Subdrains should be insta11ed os required to control subsurface waters. , III 4. Prior to placing fi11, organics, debris, any non-complying fill, topso11 and weathered bedrock should be removed to firm competent bedrock. The so11 engineer or his representative II should observe the excavated area before placement of fIl1. 5. Areas to receive fil1 should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted. II 6. In m~st areas where finished grade is entirely in cut, no recompaction should be necessary. II 7. Cut portions of cut/fi11 transition lots should be overexcoyated to"- a : depth of one fool, below the foundation bottoms and. I I recompacted back to grade. This wl1l help mltfgate different1al II sett1ement'and provide a more un1form bearing layer. B. Excavated so11s which. have been cleansed of. debris and/or organics maybe used for structural fil1 when placed in thin, III mech('nica11y compacted layers on previously tested subgrade. 9. Import sons necessary to raise site grades should be equal to, or better than on-si te soi 1 s in strength, expansion and II compressibility characteristics. Import should be submitted for testing and review. by the so11 engineer prior to placement on the III project. Import wl11 not be preQualtf1ed by the so11 engineer. Acceptance of any import will be given ofter the material is on the project, either in-place or in stockpiles of adequate quantity II to complete the project. " , - .' ,'.' . . . I;, .' I.,. '" II II, ,- .' I., U . . " . . ,.,' .' '.',' .' ",', . ....; . .." ---------..---.- II . " September 6, 1988 -11- Job No. B4-0S30-SL 1 : II 88-9-418 II B. Site Development - General. 1. Fi11 and backfill should be compacted to a minimum of ninety (90) percent of the maximum dry density obtainable by the ASTM II D 1557 test method. Appendi x C, "Standard Grading Specifications", and Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code contain specific considerations for grading and form 6 part of II thf s report. 2. A shrinkage factor due to compaction is expected at about 8 to III 10 percent of the affected soils. Shrinkage and/or expandion of bedrock materials is expected to be nomine1. Loss due to removal of non-complying fi11, grubbing end recompaction I III operations mey affect quentity calculetions and should be taken into account. This estimate is based on an average relative compaction of n1nety-four percent (94:t) of max1mum dry dens1ty ; II at the completIon of grad1ng and 1s dependent on contractor methods and final compaction attained. 3. Fino) site grade should be such that 011 water is diverted away . III from the structures and slopes, and is not a110wed to pond on or ! near foundation areas or ar~as to be paved. III 4. W~_ recommend Buena Engineers, Inc., be retained to provide continuous soil engineering services during site development, r grading and foundation construction phases of the work to III observe compl1ance with the design concepts, spectftcot1ons and recommendations, and to a11aw design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the III start of construction. Plans and specHicetions should be , provided to Buena Engineers, Inc., prior to grading. Plans should III' include the grading plans, foundations plans, and foundation delai1s. If possible, structural loads should be shown on foundation plans. . t ,'.'" :',,'. . ,- " .' .. ~. " . t: . ...:. .~ i ," . ~'. ~,: ...: . . ~ . - C. UtiHty Trenches; -:_..... ", l' ,,' '...-.:,....,.. ," ..; . .;. t .1.. : . I. _, ~.: ", '.::' i ';J~ . ' ,. t_.; ,. I' '." {.. "';1 ~ ' '. '. ~ t '. "," :. ~ ' . ;., :.' r. . '. " .,; 1. It is anticipated that uti1ity trenches wj1J be constructed III throughout the site to service various utilities. Typica11y, mains wi11 be located within rood right-of-way and laterals wi11 extend from main to building connections. II ., ',':} ~ ,t.),..; Ht~.(,!, ;: j~,n I' jYI~; , ~,...'..:' i:: : ," " .~,'"....,.i'I,.... t,~...' " , ,. J. :~;~)~) ~ ~ " , .' ,..'. . r,~~:j~":"c ~.: , 'w'('(' . , .: '. .:' ~ : ~,~ ~;.) I" ;I., ~1.,1.- . , ,'. q., \';~.. .. ...... " '~,~,;:'.'.<-:, ... .-, ,", III,' . . ,.., September 6, 1988 -12- Job No. B4-0530-SL 1 66-9-416 I 2. Backfi11 of uti1it1es within rood light-of-way should be placed in stlict conformance with the requirements of the governing agency (Water District, Road Department, Sanitati~n Distlict, etc.>. 3. Utility trench backfll1 within plivate property should be governed by the provisions of this report relating to mln1mum compaction standards. In general, service lines 1nside of the property lines may be backfil1ed with native sons compacted to ninety (90) percent of maximum dry density. 4. Trenching may be difficult in many areas due to th~ shol1owness of the bedrock units and -cap rock-. 5. Backfil1 operations should be observed and tested by the 5011 engineer to monitor comp1iance with these recommendations. STRUCTURES ,,' ;~':': ""-;.;~" ~'~';:":i:'::.. ~'.;. t'.Ut"(~;~~J.~~;'i':. ~'\"G(~ 1.1.:;:': !'<'~:\!,.~1:.", ; . ~.', ,', ",' , ;::i~t'.-' Based upon the results of this evaluation, it is our opinion that structure foundations may be supported by either compacted so11s or firm native soils and that slabs-on-grade should bear on either compacted 50115 or firm native 50115, but not on both. Due to the yariable expansive nature of the on- $ite soils, J reinforcement for both footings and slabs-on-grade w111 be conl1ngent upon resu1ts of expans10n 1ndex tests which should be conducted on a lot by lot basis as rough grading 1s completed. A. f oundat ions. " Conventional continuous 6n~ spread footings may be used for support of the buildings. Footings should bear into firm native sol1s or 1 compacted sons placed as specified elsewhere in this report. Continuous and square pad footings should be founded 6 minimum of twelve (12) 1nches below ffnfsh grade or to depths necess1tated by expansive so11 condlt10ns. Allowable values for dead and sustained live loads for twelve (12) inches deep, twelve (12) inches wide continuous footings and 2 x 2 foot x 1 B inch deep pod footings are by soi 1 type: , . :. ," U. ::..~ :';. ,:)f .fi:.:~~.!~r."':"H'i:~o1~~)r<1 :j'( t~:'; .-".~:;~~~:::, i<;.n ;'i~' . '. 'f.' . ';.i' " : I.;" .,-.....~ +"'+"1) 'T,I 1'.'/'" 'Al1ow6ble Bearing Pressure (pst) "I' ',,' '.0/4~~t""'.';)I' ~ t".:'.'.:J., ~...,. }.\. .'~' , '._ ' Continuous Pad SolJ ry~ Footln~ Foot1ng~ A1 1500 1800 Bedrock 2500 2500-3500 '. ' " - , , . ~ ' . . " , . ." . . ,.'.' . . .l. ~ ....., _ , . ~_._.- ----- III I . -' September 6, 1988' -13-:- Job No. 64-0530-SL 1 I 88-9-418 II Bearing pressures may be increased as indicated in the fol1owing table: ,Allowable Bearing Pressure Increase (psf) II '., Per.6.,lncrease Per t foot Increase Soi 1 TYQg , In DeDth In Width A1 125 100 III Bedrock .. -250 200 , Bearing values may be increased one-third when wind and seismic force components ore inc1uded. B. S1abs-on-Grade ' , _ . ~ '. " , . II . I . " -, . ~.: ~ . . .' ... f , I . . ; ,. ~ -. . ' ~ .' - , 1. Concrete slobs shou1d be supported _by firm native soil or compacted so11s p1acedin accordance w1th opp11cable sections of , thl s report. 2. Reinforcement is contingent ,upon the resu1ts of expansion index determination for soi J s supporting the s1obs. These II determinotions should be mode on 0 Jot by lot basis. 3. We recommend perimeter slobs, (walks, patios, etc.) be designed II re1~tively independent of footing stems (i.e., free f1oating) so t foundation odjustment wi1l be less 1ikely to cause cracking. .. 4. S10bs that ore to receive corpet1ng or other floor coveHng shou1d II be provided w1th moisture protection such os a 6 m11 visQueen membrane and four (4) inches of rocl< or coarse sand (minimum Sf of 75). 11I- ,. .' . .: ~ . .: .;' . '. ~ ~ . . . . I . , . ..... ~,..... .. . '.. .',. . . .. '. . c. EXDonsion; ".-' : d'-'_ - ;-~tyi 0 d ',"', ~ .- ~'. do i ; - '-"': ," ;'-,- ';" ~.,~ .... ',', '.":: 1 ,; ; '; ~: 1"' ::: . ! . .... .";:.'.' r~" 1 '. .: t . . " ~ f' '" ,.. , I', ' . .'. '.' ... '. : . _ t 1. Design of structure foundations and slabs may be contingent on II import so it used for fi11. It is important to qua1ify any import source os to its expansfve Quol1ty and determine the economfc I va1ue associated with its use. 2. It is expected that import along with the on-site soits witl have expansive c1assifications of .very 10w. (EI of 0 to 20) to .10w. I (EI of 21 to 50). 50115 should be tested during grading on a 10t by 10t basis for determination of expansion properties of bearing I sons. Minimum design cr1teria for these ranges are as foHows. - , . 1-;.' .,' .',.. . - , .,' . - ........ ..u:. '- ' - ...... ... . ~ . . 11-'" '.; , , _" :J,\\ : .,.'. " . ", . ' . ---'-"---~ II . ..' ,. September 6, 1966 -14- Job No. B4-0530-SL 1 III 66-9-416 . 3. Expansion Index 0 to 20. a. Footings twelve (12) inches below grade for single story and eighteen (18) inches below grade for two story. . . b. Although reinforcement is not required per Table 29-A, we - recommend a minimum reinforcement of 1 '4 rebar top and bottom. . c. Concrete slobs-on-grode should be re1nforced with a minimum of 6" x 6" - 10/10 welded wire fobric placed at mid-depth. . d. Soils should be mojstened prior to placing concrete. 4. Expansi on Index 21 to 50. . a. Footings fifteen (15) inches below grode for single story and eighteen (18) inches below grade for two story. b. Footing re1nforcement of two -4 bars, 1 top ond 1 bottom. . c. Concrete slob-on-grode reinforced with ot least 6" x 6" - - 10/10 welded wire fabric or #3 bars at thirty-six (36) inches on center both ways. . d. Presaturotion to 120~ optimum moisture; twenty-one (21) .:'. inches below adjacent grade. . 'The above recommendat1'ons' ;:ore~ 'minimum' <-and should satisfy requ1rements of most convent1onal and government financ1ng II institutions ond comply w1th normolly occepted geotechn1cal proct1ces. ~. FHA, HUD or structurol requirements may be more stringent. II D. Frictional and Lateral' CoeffiC'timts . .:. · - 1. Frictional and lateral coefficient ore provided below by soil type. II 2. Resistance to lateral loading may be provided by friction acting on the base of foundations. The coefficient of friction may be . oppl1ed to deod lood. forces. II . 3. Pass1ve res1stonce 'octing 'on the s1des of foundotion stems. __ (equivalent fluid weight) may be included for resistance to loteral load; however, when used in conjunction with friction, II the coefficient of friction should be reduced one-third for - application to dead load forces. I". .. .~4\;::.:.', " . .. - ""~\~~'i;;:'" . I~':'.:..... ~I-.'" . - - . . '~i&t{:;..:: .:. .;......:.> : '. . . " :tIi!.ttc::'II!I'ij~::",'::_.": ....'....>. - . .. . ,,!J!~':I;~,. ~. . .. . ";. '.. . ,'01.., -' i ,-'.' . . t\:~:...< ."-- . . . . . ,~,f.~~~,!;!:~:..~ '..,' "',' . .:': '.~ ",.. . I I September 6, 1988 '-15- Job No. B4-0530-SL 1 I 68-9-416 4. Conventional canti1ever retaining walls backfil1ed with native I so11 may be designed for active pressures of on equivalent f1uid' weight for well-drained, level backfill as given below. I 5. Coefficients are: Possl ve Act1 ve At-Rest I .5011 FrictIon Pressure Pressure Pressure IYIm Coefficient { rLtl>. ~QQ>' {12tl>' AI 0.48 325 39 52 I Bedrock 0.65 450 30 45 E. Settlement Considerations I 1. Once grading plans have been submitted to our office showing antIcipated cut and fIlls, settlement calculations can be made, I as necessary. 2. We anticipate the majority of settlement should occur during construction. Post-construction settlement should be minima1. I "i .' ~.! ",' : ' : . I' .. ., SLOPES". ,.- ..' i . '.' '",. ~ ,,'," . ~ '. . ," , " . . ' f : :,' "'I' . f I, ,~~...' ',. ',' .' . . '", r' .- j '.:.~;' ~ ~:: .: :1;.1~ :-:~{':r~) ~,'~':"I ~;(.~..t:.;.~~.. .~:.r '1;tt{..~~r.~':1t~.'~1,;~~.(,~ ('.-~ ;.~':~.\ ;" ", ~ . . : . . .', " ". .'~ .' ~ ,; " . '.' ; I Both cut and f1"ll slopes have been analyzed for the soils on the site. L I A. Cut SJQDes .::\;..'~}:'~, 'I~,~,:~,~".~.~'l,~" ~.:";":.:i<":'/~~.', It is anticipated that cut slopes win be of moderate height. Specific analysis cannot be mode until grading plans ore developed. However, , cut slope stob11ity was analyzed using stability charts and shear strength parameters from direct shear tests on relatiyely undisturbed I samples. In general, cut slopes will be stable in the range of heights of 'I thirty (30) feet without additional terraining. ~ Due to the potent181 for 8dverse bedding ond ot~er rel8ted problems, cut slopes should not be steeper than 1-1/2: 1. Cut slopes should be observed by a certified engineering geologist to check for adverse I exposure or other geologic features of significance. .' ',. " I , i I. . , t;,',: .:!... J', I' -,.'... ,..,../' .' ---'--~'~--_.,"-'.__._._._- I I September 6, 1988 -16- Job No. 64-0530-Sl t I 88-9-418 B. Recompocted soils disptoyed good cohesion which will be odvontogeous I in .desig.ning fill slopes. Fill slopes were onolyzed for stotic conditions usmg Smghs chorts bosed on Janbu solution and strength porameters I from re~olded soil sampl.es. In ,general, fi11 slopes constructed at t- 1/2 honzontal to 1 vertlcal wl11 be safe to heights of 15 feet and more, and slopes constructed at 2 horIzontal to 1 vert1cal w111 be safe .1 to hetghts of 24 feet and more. A110wable Fill Slope Heights (feet) I ))o~l: ! ..:.-A.(,'.-" '..' Bedrd~k' . . '. " . . I 1-1/2:1 Slopes i., ,;.,_:. .1'5;;~~;..:"-\:'::':: :." '/:.'jo~'" " 2: 1 Slopes 30,'-',. ". 30*.. . . . .. ""..... I *Will require obserVotion' by a certified 'engineeri'ng g'eologistto verify that adverse jointing or other geologic hazards do not exist. I We anticipate fi11 slopes wi11 be constructed with a combination of soils and therefore the lower or intermediate a110wable slope heights I would 1ikely govern. i.', . .,' '-'.:',':i~ ':0,;:' ""'.-';" 1..h....4':~...:.~:r:...'~,.'. :~;' ~ .~.i'.. \", ' . ~ ".f ,:'. I '," ,;;';:;"" -ADDITIONAL SERVICES " " " This report is based on the .assumption that an adequate program of I monitoring and testing witl be performed by Buena Engineers, Inc., during construction to check compliance with the recommendations given in this report. The recommended tests and observations include, but are not .1 necessarily l1mited to the fo11owing: : J ;' n"i,'~' 1'~..~f~~1 ~"'.':i.....,;..:~~''-.:'~'''....r:...~,f'':''','. .:;..:..... '. ..'.-~.~': 1. Revt ew 'of the butl dt ng' arid gradt ng . plans dun ng . the dest gn phase I of the project. 2. Observation and testing during site preparation, grading and placement of engineered fi11. I 3. Consultation as required during construction. I. '. '....., ",' - . '-'" i.' ,. :..;. ~ . J ", " - . I~;;;; . .. : ,:,:h~: ,.. . ',:, ..... ,.. .... '. ~:,1.....: . - ., " . . '.::.-..:'.....:11.:. .,'.-":.'.- . . tl)' , . .'.';;:, ~..... ...... . . . . ". ... I . ~:.~~ . '., - .', , . " ~'. . "':~.:,:"'- - -_._-_....._._.._,~._._----.--- II . o Rancho Grande North II 3 October 11. 1989 II D. An expansion index test was performed i", ;l;ccordance with UBC Standard 29-2. and II the soil's maximum dens.ity - optimum moistpre was determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557. . II E. To determine preliminary pavcmef1t s~ctions. an R-value test was conducted in II accordance with California Test Method 301. . , F. Tabular and graphic representa~ion~ 9f the test results are presented in Appendix B. II 5.0 - SOIL CONDITIONS' . -.. ',-.1. .' . The surficial soils at the boring loqanons were determined to be clayey sands. silty . I . ".. '. II -' sands. and sandy clays overlying bedrock~ TJ1e bedrock was classified as sandstone and II siltstone containing varying amounts of ~iatomaqeous material. A. The depth to bedrock was determined to be approximately 6 feet at the boring II locatedrnear the southeast corner of the site (Boring 6). Bedrock was encountered at depths of 1 to 3 feet a t the other 1.>qring loca tions. II D. An expansion index test was perform~d on a s.oil sample taken from Boring 1 I resulting in an expansion i~~ex of J~. This places the soil ~n the "very low" expansion category. as defined by Ta,ble I (Appendix D); however, more expansive II soils arc expected to be presel1~ on other portions of the sitc. C. The soils were in a dry to moist condition at the time of dri1Jing. Free groundwater II was not encountered in any of the borings. 6.0 SITE DEVELOPM~NT RECOMMEND A TIONS II ' . Based on an analysis of the data obtained from the field and laboratory II investigation. the site is considere~ t<? be' suitable for the intended development. The II . PC-&739-WOl 8910-030.SER II , I to Rancho Grande North II 4 October 11,1989 ~ primary concerns at the,site are the, PQ~ential for differential settlement and expansive soil conditions. ,'. .... " ' I A. , Site DcveloDment - Duildin2 A~e"s .. 1. It is anti~il?ated that the propert.y ~ill be developed through normal grading I , procedures using cu~,and fill-methqcls. I 2. Over much of the site, soHs are thinly mantled over bedrock. Hea vy equipment may ~ereQuired to rip the bedrock in deeper cuts. I 3. Prior to mass grading' op'~r~tion~, lQose alluvium in drainage channels should be removed, and subc$rains' 'should be installed as required to control . ' I , subsurface water. The ~9pth. ~l1d ex~entof removals as well as the type and location of subdrains sJtould be determined in the field during grading. I 4. Prior to placing fm, organi~s, ,debris and any undocumented fill should be I r~inoved. A representative of this firm should observe the excavated area before placement of fill. . , - I S. Areas to receive fill should be scarified, moist,ure conditioned, and I compacted, exccpt in can'Y,Qn ~rcas t1~ piscussed above. 6. Cut portions of cut/fiJJ transition l<?t~ should be overexcavated to a depth of I 2 feet below the planncp fQund:\liprt bottoms. The resulting surface should be scarified 12 inches, moisturc conditioncd, and recompacted back to grade. I This will help mitigate differential settlement and provide a more uniform bearing layer. I ' . 7. Excavated soils which' have been cl~ared of debris and/or organics may be I used for structural fill when placed i~ thin, mechanically compacted layers on previously tcsted subgradc~ I 8010-030.SER PG-5730-WOl I " . I I o Rancho Grande North . I 5 October II. 1989 I 8. Slopes exceeding 10 percent should be benched prior to fill placement. If fill is to be placed ,on slopes exceeding '20 percent. the toe of the fill should be I keyed. The minimum depth of the keyway should be 2 feet; the minimum width should be ,8, feet. 'pie bottQms of keyways and benches should be I scarified 12 inches. mois!ure c()nd,itio~ed. and recompacted prior to placement offill. I , 9. Import soils necessary to raise si~e grades" ~hould be equal to, or better than I on-site soils in streng~h.' ~~p'~~sion., and, compressibility characteristics. Material to be imported should bo observed by a representative of the soils I , engineer and tested as required prior to placement on the project. Final acceptance of any import will be $iven after the material is on the project. I A either in-place or in stockpiles of a(jequate quantity to complete the project. I 10. T...o protect slabs from exp~nsiv~ ~oi~ d;:lmage. the use of nonexpansivc import or presaturation of s~1Jslap soqs i~ areas where slabs will overlie expansive I soils is recommended.' If, it is elected to use nonexpansive import. the thickness of nonexpansive material should be determined based upon the . ! ' I results of expansion index tcsti[\g.' The import should bc placed in lifts not I exceeding 12 inches and cOn)pqcted to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum , dry density until finished gr~Q~ is reached. I B. Site DeveloDment - General 1. Fill and backfill should be compaqtcd to a minimum of 90 percent of , , I maximum dry densfty obtaj'I');\bl.~ by'the ASTM D 1557 test method._ Appendix C - Standard Grad~~g Specifica tions. and Chapter 70 of the I I PG'-673D- WOl 8010-030.SER I' I I 0 y ~ I - - Rancho Grande North 6 October II, 1989 I Uniform Building Code co.ntain specific considerations for grading and form a part of this report. 1- 2. A shrinkage factor due to compaction is expected to be approximately 5 , percent of the affected $oils. Shrinkage and/or expansion of bedrock I materials is expected to be nominal. Loss -due to grubbing and recompaction ,I opera tions may affect quantity calculations and should be ta ken into account. This estimate is based on an average relative compaction of 94 I percent of maximum density. at the completion of grading and is dependent on contractor methods ~I'\~ tq~ qnl,11 compaction attained. I I 3. Final site grade shoulct be such tI,a~ all water is diverted away from the structures and slopes, anp not allowcq to pond on or near paved surfaces. . '." . I " It is recommended that ~he spits engineer b() retained to provide testing and 4. I inspection services durin!; ~j1~ ~ra~~n~, excavation, and foundation phases of the work: This is to ob~er'(e cP!11p.liance with the project specifications and I the recommenda tioJ\s . of this report, and to provide additional " recommendations in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those I anticipated. I C. Utilitv Trenches Rock is very shallow in some are~s and will be' encountered during trenching. The I upper horizons of the rock arc. in a~e~thcred condition, and it is expected that excavation can generally be accompqshcd using backhoes. The rock becomes I increasingly dense with depth, and heavier equipment may be necessary for deep I trenches. I , 8010-030.SER PG-6739-WOl I - - ~--- II I ORanehO Grande North . '/ October 11, 1989 . 1. Whcre, neces~ary, an~, for all trench, dcpths below, 5 feet, provide cither adequatc shoring ,or slope, the sidewalls to meet the applicable Statc and 'I Federal safety regulations; 2. Backfill of utilities ,within r9ad rights-of-way should be placed in strict I conformance with the requirements of the governing agency (Water District, ,II Road Department, Sanitation Distr4<;t, etc.). , 3. Use ora select, granular? e;1sHy compacted' material is recommended for I trench backfill immediately around utilities. While the material found at the . . . site may be used for trench back.fill above the select material, obtaining I adequate compaction may be ~iffic\!lt due to thc clay content. If this is the case, importation of fl clc~ncr, more easily compactible :;nnd may be' I .- necessary. I .. 7.0 ST~UCTU~ES Foundations and slabs-on-gra~e may be supported by either compacted soils or firm I bedrock. Duc to the anticipated vari~ble c~pansive nature of the on-site soils, reinforcement for both footings an~ slabs-on~grade will be contingent upon results of I . I expansion index tests which should be C0J19u~te~ 91\ a lot-by-Iot basis as rough grading is I con1pletcd. A. Foundations ' .. I Conventional continuous foo~ing~ np.~ ~prC;,ad (pad) footings may be used for support of the buildings. Spread footings pe~ring in soils should be restrained with grade , . I bcahts. ! I I.' Footings should bear in ~it~~r, fir~ bedrock or compacted soils placed as specified elsewhere in this r~port. Qut !lQt in both. Footing depths and I .. PG-6739-WOl 8910-030.SER I - ---._._~_._._--_._- I I ORanehO Grande North I 8 October 11, 1989 I reinforcement should. be in accordance with Table I for the appropriate expansion category, or per the requirements of the structural engineer. The I minimum size of spread footings should be 24 inches square. Reinforcement Cor 'spread footings should be in accor'dance with the requirements of the : I structural engineer. I 2. Allowable values for dead and sustained live loads for 12 inch deep, 12 inch wide continuous footings ~nd 24 inch square by 18 inch deep pad I Cootings arc by soil type. I , Material Tvoc Allowable Pressure (DSf) Soil 1400 Bedrock 2500 I If required, additional found;1tion pressures may be provided for increased I Cooting depths and widths. 3. Bearing values may be increased by one-third when wind and seismic force I components are inclu~e~. 4. Foundation excavations should Qe observed by a representative of this firm I during cxcavations~nd prior to placement of reinforcing steel or concrete. I D. Sla bs-on-Grn de 1. Concrete slabs-on-grade shQ~ld ~e suppprted by either firm bedrock or : I ~.; .. I compacted soils placed in accor~ance with the applicable sections of this report. I ' ; 2. Slabs should have a ~inimum thickness of 4 full inches and should be . ' . , , ' I reinC orced in accordance with Tn ble 1 for the appropriate expansion , -. category. I PG-5730-WOl SOlO-030.SER I . . ---"--_.~_.__._-_._- . II C Rancho Grande North . 9 October 11, 1989 . -- 3. Slabs and footings should be doweled together with rebar extending to 3 inches from the bottom pf the footing and a minimum of 3 feet into the slab. . 4. Slab~ should be underlain by a minimum of 4 inches of ~ sand. Clean . sand is defined as a sand of which less than 3 percent passes the #200 sieve. , S. A vapor barrier placed at the midsection of the sand is recommended to . protect floor coverings from infjHration of subsurface moisture. Care should. be taken to propcrly:lap and seal thc barrier. particularly around utiJities, II and to protect it from damage as much as possible during construction. 6. If preferred, 6 inches of ~ gravel capilJary brcak material can be - - . substituted for the sand and vapor barrier. Capillary break material should - -fulfill the following criteria: , Sieve Size Percent Passi"~ 1" 100 #16 0-20 I #200 0-3 7. To minimize shrinkage cracks in, the concrete, contraction joints can be I installed if desired. Joint spacing should be specified by the project architect or structural engineer. I 8. 1 To protect exterior f1atwqr~ ~~C;l~ as patios or walkways from expansive soil be underlain with minimum of ' . I I damage, it is recommended that they a i 8 inches of nonexpansive material. " , I 9. Please note that these arc minimum requirements only and that additional slab thickness and reinrorcem~nt may be required by the structural engineer. I . PG-5730-WOl aOlO-030.SER I --~"---_..._~-_.- . I C . I 10 ~ Rancho Grande North October II, 1989 . C. Frictional and Lateral Coefficients I 1. Resistance to lateral loading may be provided by friction acting on the base of foundations. A coefficient of friction as shown may be applied to dead .- load forces. I 2. Passive resistance, active pressure, and coefficient of friction for foundations in soils and rock arc as follows: I Material Passive Active Coefficient ~ Resistance (ocn . Pressure (ocn of Friction I , Soil 300 45 .35 Bedrock 400 .38 .50 I 3. A one-third increase in the passive' value may be used when considering transient loading such as wind and sC(ismicity. " I 4. Passive resistance of soils against grade beams combined with frictional , . I resistance between the floor slabs and supporting soils may be utilized provided that a one-third reduction is the coefficient of friction is used. I D. Exoansion 1. Design of foundations and slabs may be contingent on imported ~oils u~ed I .!. for fHl. It is important to qualify any import material as to its expansive characteristics. I 2. If, following grading, ~xpansive soils a.re present in slab areas, it wHl be I necessary to uSe a form of slab protection. If it is elected to premoisten . . subslab soils instead of uS4~g nonexpansive import, premoistening should I conform to the recommendations of Table 1 for' the appropriate expansion I PG-573D-WOl 8910-030.SER I I - . C Rancho Grande North II II October II. 1989 - category. Please note that expansive soil protection is not necessary if-slabs will be directly overlying undisturbed rock. III 3. If expansive soils are present within the footing depths. the bottoms of the footing excavations shquld be premoisten cd in accordance with the .1 recommendations for the appropriate category of Table 1. I 4. Premoistening of 'slab and footin~ areas should be observcd and testcd by a representative of this firm for compl~ance with these recommendations prior I to placement of sand. reinforcing steel. or concrete. The recommendations presentcd in Tabl~ I are minimums and should satisfy thc I -' rcquirements of most conventional and gQvernment financing institutions and - . ~ I comply with normally aceeptcd geotechnical practiccs. FHA. HUD. or structural , requiremcnts may bc more stringent. I E. Settlement Considerations 1. Maximum expected settlemcnt of less. than' 3/4 inch is anticipated for I foundations and floor ~labs dc;signed as recommended. 2. Differcntial scttlcmcnt bctwocn adjacent load bearing mcmbers should be I . lcss than 1/2 inch. I 3. The majori ty of settlemen t should occur during construction. Post-construction settlement should be minimal. I F. Retaininll Walls Sitework retaining walls may be fo~nded' ~ither in soil or in rock. However. if the I . . foundation of the wall will spao both soil and rock. use of a construction joint is I rccommended at the transition of soil to rock to - minimize damage due to differential settlement. For walls founded in soil. cxtend the foundations or I PG-&730- WOl 8010-030.SER I --".~---~----- . I OR.nehO Grande No~th I 12 October II, 1989 I keyways a minimum depth of 18 inches below lowest adjaeen t grade. Founda tions for walls founded in rock. shou~d penetrate the rock a minimum depth of . 12 inches. The design of retaining walls should be based on the following parameters: 'I Active pressure. native backfill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 pcf II At rest pressure, native backfill. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 pef Active pressure. granular backfill.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 35 pef At rest pressure. granular backfill.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 50 pcf Passive pressure. soil. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 300 pcf I Passive pressure. rock. . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 pcf Maximum toe pressure. soil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500 psf Maximum toe pressure. rock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 3500 psf II Coefficient of sliding friction. soil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.35 Coefficient of sliding friction. rock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.50 · Granular backfill should be used above a 1:1 plane from the base of the wall I to daylight. Notes: -- r 1) The above values are applicable for walls retaining a horizontal surface. Walls having a backfill that slopes upward away from the wall should be , designed for an additional equivalent fluid pressure for the active case of 1 pcf and 1.5 pcf for the at-rest case. for every 2 degrees of slope inclination. 2) No other surcharges are taken in~o consideration in the above values. No I factor of safety has been incorporated into the active and at rest equivalent fluid pressures presented above. - 3) It is assumed that wall heights will not exceed 1,0 feet. All retaining walls should be drained with perforated pipe encased in a free - draining blanket of gravel. The pipe should be placed perforations downward and shall discharge in a nonerosivc manner a way from foun'da tions and other - . . improvements. The gr,avel blal'\ket should have a widtJi of approximately 1 foot and ~ shall extend upward approximately 18 inches. To prevent infiltration of the native soil into the gravel. a permeable synthetiy filter fabric.:should be placed betwecn the ~ PG-6'130-WOl 8910-030.SER II I . ~ e Rancho Grande North I 13 October 11, 1989 . two. Manufactured synthetic drains such as Miradrain, Enkadrain, or the Eljen Drainage System are acceptable alternatives to the use of gravel. Walls facing I habitable areas should be thoroughly waterproofed in accordance w,ith the recommendations of the archite,ct. . 8.0 CLOSURE I It will be necessary to develop a program of quality control prior to beginning . grnding. A preconstruction conference between a representative of this firm, the grading II engineer, developer, and contractor is recommended to discuss planned construction procedures nnd Quality control requirements. This firm should be notified at least 48 hours II prior to beginning grading operations. It must be recognized that the recommendations contained in this report arc based I on a limited number of borings and rely on continuity of the subsurface conditions ',I encountered. .rPacific Geoscience, Inc. should therefore be retained to interpret this report : during construction and to provide construction monitoring services in the form of testing I and observation. If Pacific Geoscience, Inc. is not retained to provide such services, it shall not be held responsible for the interpretation of the information by others or any I consequences arising thereof. I It is the responsibility of the owner, contractor, or project manager to determine what, if any, certification shall be required and to contact this firm so that the inspection II program maybe discussed and key inspection items outlined. The above must be accomplished prior to beginning earthwork. I This report is valid for conditions as they exist at this time for the type of I development described herein. If changes with respect to building type or location become necessary, or if items not addressed in this report arc incorporated into plans, this firm I PG-6730-WOl BOIO-030.SER I .' " _._-~-- ... ..... . .... ......,...._..________ _.......... ...0. . . . . . . . . ADD RIGHT TURN IANE WEST BRANCH STREET .. - .. . . . . . . - - -- - .. - .. '.. It POSSIBLE ADULT ADD LEFr . CROSSING GUARD 'IURN LANE AT EXISTING CROSSW~LKS ~gpS~~~~ALI<: WITH . . _ A"'-MPS "~ . . - - .::. -- .... --:::..... - 00 -- -.. = . . ::-----..- r> ~ ,,_ ' -..---...::.. I ". ': 1 --.(17" -'-, - NOTE: HIGHWAY lOt. " ?- :8RIDOB NOT SHOWN - .... .... : II ~ _ - ~ fOR CLARITY. I 4. ') - -: ADD 4' CONCRETE '" SIDEWALK ON . > _ _ : -- -1 lWST 3IDJ5 WJTI1 WIDEN WEST I HANDICAP RAMPS SIPS 4 FEET .r J -- -J ') _. - ~. j f ' TOP". ~ ADD"!WO WAY '- .......<J J -- - 1 TOP LEFfTURN V........,~ b-- ~ lANE OR 85' . , . \. /. I I TANDEM LEFT TURN f ~ . .-'" I TOE L lANES WITH 60' . ... TAPER~ ---.. -.. : I POSSIBLE ADULT _ ----- _ . . '. \J I: CROSSING GUARD -. '--.. .1 AT EXISTING - . . _ - _ '" CROSSWALK CASE. NO. TENT. TRACT 1994 : ----..- EXHIBIT "G" - - - '. - ~ -- ----.. - //.. .BL ., :--- - - / C.A "A 1TN - / ,. 7..Lv.u. O.REAL - '. - _ .: . RECOMMENDED BRISCO ROAD / UNDERCROSSING tNTERIM IMPROVBMENTS KBH 4/2/91 V.rm I B. H'CCI~I!: ~ .Aao<:V'.'tCt.. IHO. --- .. ---...-... _._-'.~- --"'---"---'--