Minutes 1997-06-17SP 361 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY,. JUNE 17,1997 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRAND~ CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in a special session at 6:30 p.m., with Mayor A. K .Pete. Dougall presiding. 2. ROLL CALL Present with Mayor Dougall were Mayor Pro T em Michael Lady and Council Members Michael Fuller, Thomas A. Runels, and Steve Tolley. Staff members present were Community Development Director Doreen Uberto-Blanck, Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler, Public Works Director John Wallace, Finance Director Lynda Snodgrass, Chief of Police Rick TerBorch, Director of Buifding and Fire Terry Fibich, and City Clerk Nancy Davis. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT ON SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA ITEMS None 4. CONSIDERATION OF RSCAL YEAR 1997-98 PREUMINARY ANNUAL BUDGET City Manager Hunt said staff recommended the City Council review, modify as appropriate, and adopt a resolution approving the FY 1997-98 Annual Budget; and hold in abeyance the request from the Visitors and Conference Bureau for a portion of the City1s Transient Occupancy Tax and re-evaluate at Mid-Year. He said adoption of the budget would establish an Expenditure Program in the GeneraJ Fund of $7,705,933 and an overall Citywide Expenditure Program of $12,684,325. He said approval of the Visitors and Conference Bureau would reduce City revenues by approximately $8,900. He listed the 1996-97 Accomplishments of the City staff, gave the order of presentation by Department Directors, ~d recommended Policy Items be discussed after the Council reached consensus on the Base Budget. Finance Director Snodgrass presented the 1997-98 Fiscal Year Budget to the Council. She showed charts and graphs on the overhead projector illustrating Citywide Estimated Revenues by Source, Estimated Revenues by Fund Type, Appropriations by Fund Type, Appropriations by Use, Allocation of Property Taxes Collected, Allocation of Sales Taxes Collected, General Fund - Sales & Property Taxes, and General Fund - Budgeted Revenues & Expenditures. She said staff was projecting that Fiscal Years 1997-98 will be ending wit., revenues exceeding expenditures and a balanced budget. Mr. Hunt gave an overview of the City Administration budget (City Council, City 1 362 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 17, 1997 Manager, Economic Developmen~ Printing/DupUcatingl in addition to the Management Information System and City Attorney bud~ets. ( The Finance Director discussed the budget of her department Mr. Hunt said with the i I adoption of the 1997-98 FY Budget by the Council, the name of the Finance I Department would be changed to a more appropriate one, -Financial Services.. Other Department Directors listing their departments' goals, objectives, and accomplishments and using charts, graphs, and slides to illustrate their budgets were City Clerk Davis; Commun~ Development Director LJberto-Blanck; Police Chief TerBorch; Director of Building and Fire Fibich; Parks and Recreation Director Keisler, and Public Works Director Wallace. Council Members asked questions and made comments. City Manager Hunt reviewed the Redevelopment Agency budget and said if the Council adopts the ordinance adopting the Redevefopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project, some funds have been made available for 1997-98 agency activities. The Council proceeded to hear presentations of Policy Items, those requests for new or expanded programs/activities by Department Directors. Community Development Department 1. Part-Time Code Enforcement Officer (Contract) 2. FuJi-Time Code Enforcement Officer Police Department 1. Lead Support Service Technician (Joint Request by Police and Building and Fire) 2. (2) Mobile Video Units 3. Enhancement of Animal Control Contract Building and Fire Department 1. Reclassify part-time Senior Clerk Typist to fuil-time for the Building and Ute Safety Division Public Works Department 1. Reclassify permanent part-time Clerk Typist to permanent fuil-time Clerk Typist position 2. Create a permanent, part-time position in the Automotive Shop. This position would be a Mechanic's Assistant. 2 363 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 17, 1997 .. 3. Addition of a permanent full-time Maintenance Worker in the Streets Division 4. Substitution of a permanent full-time Maintenance Worker for an existing contract worker in the Streets Division. Council Members discussed the budget requests of the Visitors and Conference Bureau and the Economic Vitality Corporation. In answer to a question by the Mayor, Mr. Hunt said there would be a mid-term review of the budget when these items could be brought up again. It was moved by Council M~ber Runels and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern lady to table all special requests and Policy Items untif the mid-term budget review. Council Members Tolley and Fuller said there were items that could not wait until then. The motion was approved on a roll call vote, as follows, Council Member Runels, Mayor Pro Tem Lady, and Mayor Dougall voting aye and Council Members Tolley and Fuller voting no. Mr. Hunt said staff would bring back the Policy Items at mid-year. It was moved by RunelsJFuller (5-0-0, with Runels, Fuller, Lady, Tolley, and Dougall voting aye) to adopt Resolution No. 3238 Adopting the Fiscal Year 1997-98 Annual Budget and Making Appropriations for the Amount Budgeted. There was Council consensus that if any situations arise and the need justifies further expenditures, staff should bring them to the Council's attention. Mr. Hunt said that with the adoption of the 1997-98 Pf Budget. the City's Utility UsersJ Tax would be reduced from 3.4 to 3.2 percent. 5. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Runelsllady and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10 p.m. to the Regular City Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, 1997,' City Council Chambers. 215 East Branch Street. A. . R ATTEST: ll~a.~ NANCY A. J\. VIS, CITY CLERK 3