Minutes 1991-05-16 396 MINUTES REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1991 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met for a 1991- 92 Budget session at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. 1. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Millis led the pledge of allegiance to our Flag. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Millis and Council Members A. 1<. "Pete" Dougall, Gene Moots and Doris Olsen. Council Member B'Ann smith was absent. Staff Members present were City Manager Chris Christiansen, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Police Chief Rick TerBorch, Police Lieutenant Bill Andrews, Planning Director Doreen Liberto- '-' Blanck, Finance Director David Bacon and PUblic Works Superintendent Dave Mulkey. 2. INTRODUCTION Mr. Christiansen referred to his May 16, 1991 Memorandum, and said that the City is in difficult economic times. He said in April the County reduced the city's property tax by $44,000, as authorized by State legislation. He said the General Fund had taken the revenue loss. He discussed the possible loss of a percentage of City vehicle license fees to the County, and said the Governor's budget contains no commitment for repealing Senate Bill 2557, but it proposes to broaden the sales tax base. He referred to a May 10, 1991 League of California Cities Legislative Bulletin article titled, "City Revenues at Risk Again to Balance State Budget." Mr. Christiansen listed his proposed cost-savings to the City's Generat Fund as follows: 1. No Cost of living increases for City employees. 2. Conference accounts for city Staff have been reduced to zero. 3. Social donations by the city have been eliminated. 4. Capital expenditures have been slashed. 5. Other reductions as indicated in the various budget pages. Mr. Christiansen said the Water Enterprise Fund and the Sewer Fund essentially remained at the same level of service, and no manpower reductions were proposed in the Police Department. He said the General Fund must be balanced with employees layoffs. Those designated for layoff were Records Clerk/City Clerk's Office, Long Range Planner, Senior Clerk Typist/Planning, Construction Inspector, Associate Engineer, Mechanic II, Building Maintenance Person, Park Maintenance III, Street Maintenance II (2 positions), i Office Clerk/Part-Time, Planning Interns/Part-Time, Tree ! v Coordinator/Part-Time, and Fire Marshal/Part-Time. 3. REVIEW OF REVENUES Mr. Christiansen said Arroyo Grande is a General Law City and the Council does not have much control over its revenue base unless it goes to the electorate. Mayor Millis said he had discussed procedure with SCOTT SPIERLING, chief shop steward for the SEIU, and that Mr. Spierling should provide his input as the Council moved through the agenda. Mr. Spierling distributed to the Council copies of the SEIU 1 _.-.------~----_.,_._._._-~-_._.~..,.._-~.__.~._-_.- .' -. - -- - 397 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 16, 1991 Local 817 proposed budget revisions. The revisions were based on reductions in City departments' budgets, the transference of employees among departments where needed, and eight additional revenue proposals. 4. EXPENDITURES The Council proceeded through the budget proposed by the city Manager, with Mr. Spierling requesting reductions in the various departments' budgets, and the Council deciding whether it wished to accept the SEIU proposals or the city Manager's recommendations. Mayor Millis and Counci1 Members Moots and Olsen agreed with the city Manager that in order to make sufficient reductions to balance the budget, employee lay offs would be necessary. council Member Dougall said he would like to see the City do as many projects in- house as possible and save the city employees. There was discussion of the Automotive Shop Account No. 231 - Maintenance of Vehicles, and Mr. spierling said the Council should investigate the Automotive Shop employees' work records concerning the mechanics doing work other than vehicle maintenance. Mr. Christiansen said he would look into the matter. Speakers from the audience were: JOHN SOTO, 312 Alder street, who said materials and supplies should be cut and large projects delayed in order to prevent employee layoffs. WILL HIRST, SEIU field representative, who said the union wanted to work with the Council, city Manager and Department Heads on a budget which would save employees' jobs. SEIU Members DOUGLAS BARMAN, SHIRLEY PAYNE AND GINA REA, who I supported Mr. Spierling. , I JEANNE SMiTH, an employee of the Building Department, who said that Account No. 240 in the Building and Safety budget should not be cut by more than half because funds would be needed to pay a contract plan checker. Following are budget fund activities and Council-approved reductions in the city Manager's budget: $200.00 , a. city council - i I b. Central Services - $1,000 c. Public Relations - 0 d. Finance Department - $2,100 e. city Clerk/Treasurer - $800 f. city Attorney - 0 g. Planning - 0 h. Printing - 0 i. Taxes/Insurance/Bonds - 0 j. Retirement/Fringe Benefits - 0 I I k. police - 0 I l. Fire - $2,000 2 ,-.---..---------- . . 398 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 16, 1991 m. Building & Safety - $300 n. Animal Control - 0 o. Administration/Engineering - $1,000 p. Streets/Bridge Maintenance - 0 q. Government Buildings - 0 r. Street Cleaning & Lighting - 0 s. Automotive Shop - $100 t. Parks - $500 -' u. Recreation - $500 5. REVIEW OF EARMARKED FUNDS Mr. Christiansen discussed the various funds on Pages 50 through 72, and 74 through 119, with no cuts being made. In the Streets/Bridge Maintenance Activity, Page 73, $8,000 was cut from Account No. 218. After Council discussion, it was moved by Moots/Olsen (3-1-1, Moots, Olsen and Millis voting aye, Dougall voting no and smith absent) to approve the budget recommended by the City Manager, with the additional reductions made at this meeting, and with Council Member Olsen's stipulation that if the (City's financial) picture should improve very quickly, the Council should go back and review the budget again and, if the city had to layoff people, it should immediately takes steps to rehire, employees. 6. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Moots/Olsen, and the motion passed to adjourn at 10:58 P.M. ';J?:~~ ATTEST: ~a. ~ NANCY A. VIS, CITY CLERK , , ,-.J / 3 --'---'--'-"'-~------_.. --_.~...- ,-_....__._~ .._~..~.__...,._--,-_.,- ------ .-----.-.----- --