Minutes 1994-06-13 .. \ 305 . MINUTES BUDGET STUDY SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1994 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met for a 1994-1995 Municipal Budget Study Session at 5:00 P.M., with Mayor Matthew Peter Gallagher, III, presiding. 1. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Gallagher led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. 2. ROLL CALL Present with Mayor Gallagher were Council Members Drew Brandy, Bernard Burke, Michael Lady and James Souza. Staff Members present were city Manager Chris Christiansen, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Finance Director David Bacon, Director of Building and Fire Kurt Latipow and Planning Director Doreen Liberto- Blanck. 3 . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS JONNI EYLAR of the San Luis Obispo county visitors and Conference Bureau requested that the City budget $4,100.00 for bureau activities and $1,000.00 for a tourism development plan. 4. PROPOSALS FROM THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OF THE ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TIM QUIGGLE said a sub-committee of the EDC Community Improvement Sub-Committee had volunteered to look at the city's budget. He said he and Tim Banducci, Ray Burnell and Hank Wachtmann met with the City Manager to discuss the budget. He requested that the City budget $2,500.00 for a brochure designed to increase retail growth and City revenue. He distributed to the Council information that would go into the brochure. Mayor Gallagher said Mr. Quiggle's request would be an investment to get a return, and Council Member Lady agreed. The Mayor explained to the representative of the County Visitors and Conference Bureau that funding the brochure would be a more direct investment in the community. Ms. Eylar said her bureau needs to better educate Arroyo Grande in what it does for the City. Mr. Quiggle made a second proposal to the Council. He said the budget subcommittee also was recommending that the city restructure the Building, Planning and Public Works Department into a community Development Department. He referred to an information sheet entitled "Community Development." He said a community Development Director would run the three departments, 1 '- -30'6 CITY COUNCIL BUDGET STUDY SESSION JUNE 13, 1994 which would be managed by supervisors or team leaders, eliminating three director positions (or two, since the Public Works director position is vacant now). He said the benefits of the proposal would be (1) More efficient use of resources, (2) Improved communications and (3) position the city to more effectively promote economic development. council Members asked questions and made comments concerning the timing for a study of this issue, and it was decided to direct the department heads and management team begin a study of the concept. Mr. Christiansen said he could appoint some people from the management team to take a look at the issue and report back to the Council. Council Member Brandy said he hoped everyone would be working together as a team on the study to find out what is best for Arroyo Grande, and the Mayor agreed. 5. CONTINUATION OF BUDGET STUDY SESSION Ms. Liberto-Blanck referred to her Staff Report regarding the FY94!95 Planning Department Budget. She said on June 6, 1994, the city council requested Planning staff to return with options that would enable the city to explore, and hopefully obtain, alternative funding sources. She said council also asked Planning staff to consider what could be done to provide assistance with the workload in the department. She listed goals, options and estimated costs for the Council's consideration. After the Planning Director gave her report, Mayor Gallagher asker her to prioritize the goals, and she said "Goal No. 1: To identify alternative funding sources for public improvements and economic development." council Members discussed the matter and decided that "option 1 - contract with a consultant" would be the best way to implement the goal. Council Member Burke said he would like to go on record against budgeting the $5,000.00 for the consultant until the city knows how it might be affected by State cuts. Mayor Gallagher said he would like to clarify what he thought the Planning Department's Travel and Training budget should cover. He said it was his interpretation that those monies be used only for economic development training. He said the city is making an investment in staff training for economic development. Council Member Brandy said it is also important to keep up to date with land use issues and new laws and legislation. Ms. Liberto-Blanck asked if the Council would approve the attendance by the Planning commissioners at a local training workshop at a minimal cost, and the Council said yes. 2 ~ ~ . 307 CITY COUNCIL BUDGET STUDY SESSION JUNE 13, 1994 Council Member Brandy asked about cross-training some city personnel to assist the Planning Department, and the Mayor requested that the idea be included in the analysis of the structure of the Building, Planning and Public Works Departments. The Council continued to go through the budget. On Page 25 Taxes/Insurance/Bonds, Account 260 Liability Insurance was increased to $141,350.00, and on Page 26 Retirement/Fringe Benefits, Account 120 retirement was reduced to $325,000.00; Account 122 Health Insurance was reduced to $270,000.00, and Account 123 Workers Compensation was increased to $176,000.00. At Page 36 public Works Administration/Engineering, there was discussion with Chief Latipow on cross training of the public works inspector and the building inspector. The Chief said it -, would be more efficient. He said he had discussed the issue in a proposal concerning a Community Development Department in January, 1994. Council Member Lady said he believed there were two proposals submitted in January and asked to see both. The City Manager said he would send them to the Council Members. At Page 42 Street Cleaning and Lighting, DANE PHILLIPS of Daystar Industries, current holder of the City Street Sweeping contract, spoke to the Council. He said that three years ago, when the City cut the amount of the Street Sweeping Contract in half, he was promised by the former Public Works Director that in exchange for the cut he would get a three-year extension of his contract. He said the former Public Works Director did not take the extension issue to the Council before his services were terminated. Mr. Phillips asked the Council to extend the contract at this time. After Council discussion with the city Manager, it was decided that the matter of the legality of an extension would be submitted to the City Attorney. 6. REVIEW OF EARMARKED FUNDS On Page 57 Sewer Maintenance, Accounts 120 and 122 Retirement and Health Insurance were adjusted lower to $15,800 and $16,000 respectively. Account 123 Worker's Compensation was increased to $7,900. On Page 58, Account 260 Liability Insurance was increased to $11,250. On Page 77 Streets/Bridge Maintenance, Accounts 120 and 122 Retirement and Health Insurance were adjusted lower to $26,600 and $30,000 respectively. Account 123 Worker's Compensation was increased to $21,500. 3 ~ 3- 0-8. . . CITY COUNCIL BUDGET STUDY SESSION JUNE 13, 1994 On Page 78, Account 260 Liability Insurance was increased to $12,000. When the discussion of Page 87 Traffic Circulation took place, Mayor Gallagher requested that staff look for solutions to the traffic problem at West Branch, Traffic Way, Grand Avenue and Wesley Street intersection. At Page 91 Transportation, Mayor Gallagher asked staff to study other options for the Senior Taxi Subsidy program. He said the local taxi company may not be able to meet the city's insurance requirements, and there should be an alternative for the senior program. Mr. Christiansen said the city had given the current taxi company until July 1, 1994, to provide proof of Workers compensation Insurance. On Page 99 Drainage Facility Capital Projects, the $15,000.00 amount in Account 805 will carryover to the 94/95 fiscal year. On Page 105 Water Administration, Accounts 120 and 122 Retirement and Health Insurance were adjusted Lower to $43,000 and $49,000 respectively. Account 123 Worker's Compensation was increased to $23,000. On Page 106, Account 240 was increased to $44,000 and Account 260 Liability Insurance was increased to $44,600. On Page 121 Downtown Parking, Mayor Gallagher asked about the progress of paving the parking lot behind the City Council Chambers, and the city Manager said he would look into it. 7. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Phillips spoke to the Council on increasing the sweeping schedule on some city streets. He also spoke about the City developing some form of industrial job base. 8. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Burke/Lady, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the session at 8:20 P.M. '--YY\ YOR ATTEST: ~tJ.. ~ NANCY A. AVIS, CITY CLERK 4