CC 2015-10-08 Supplemental InformationMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KITTY NORTON, DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 7.A. DATE: OCTOBER 7, 2015 Attached is a correction to page 7, Item 7.a., second action item of the September 81h minutes (shown in redline). Iris recommended the Council approve the September 8, 2015 minutes, as amended. Thank you. Minutes: City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Page_7 In response to a question by Mayor Pro Tern Barneich regarding the Alternate Resolution in the Agenda report, City Attorney Whitham noted the revised site plan on Page 110, and stated that condition #6 would need to be revised to state that development would occur in substantial conformance with the plans and specifications presented to the City Council at the meeting of September 8, 2015, identified as revised Exhibit EX-1, on file in the Community Development Department; and that throughout the Resolution references to the previous project description would have to be revised. Action: Mayor Pro Tern Barneich moved to adopt a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 14-002, SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 14-001, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14-009, AND VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 14-001; LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF EAST GRAND AVENUE AND SOUTH COURTLAND STREET; APPLIED FOR BY NKT COMMERCIAL 11 with the following modifications: that in General Condition No. 6, change the date from December 9, 2014 to September 8, 2015 and change the Exhibit to revised Exhibit Ex-1; that Condition 40 through 43 be deleted and that subsections f. and g. of Condition 39 be combined to reflect the revised language presented by staff and to remove the four mixed use vertical apartments and use the parking to maximize the commercial. Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Barneich, Guthrie, Harmon Brown, Hill None City Attorney Whitham noted that the proposed Ordinance would also need to be modified to reflect the revised project description and to correct the typographical error in the date of the Planning Commission's review (from August 4, 2015 to August 18, 2015). Action: Council Member Guthrie moved to introduce an Ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 15-002 FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF EAST GRAND AVENUE AND COURTLAND STREET", as modified to reflect the changes as noted by the City Attorney. Council Member Guthrie Harmon seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Guthrie, Harmon, Barneich Brown, Hill None Mayor Hill called for a break at 9:45 p.m. The Council reconvened at 9:55 p.m. 10. OLD BUSINESS 1 O.a. Consideration of Temporary Closure of the Highway 101 at Brisco Road Ramps. City Engineer Horn presented the staff report and recommended that the Council: 1) Receive update on the planning status of the temporary closure of the Highway 101 at Brisco Road Item 7 .a. -Page 7 TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: DATE: MEMORANDUM CITY COUNCIL TERESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MATTHEW DOWNING~SOCIATE PLANNER SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 8.a. -OCTOBER 8, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 14-002, SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 14-001, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14-009, VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 14-001, AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 15-002, AND DRAFT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OCTOBER 7, 2015 Attached is additional correspondence received after finalization of the staff report regarding the subject project. c: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Public Review Binder Matt Downing Subject: From: Jarratt Trudy Date: October4. 2015 To: Teresa McClish -, .. Project on Courtland an-d Grand Subject: Pro,jecton ·Courtland and ·Grand Hi Teresa~ I understand ·that there is yet another meeting on the Courtland and Grand project this week. I seni-~e email directly to the Council expressing, my support of the project, b~t did not send it lhrough your office. That was my error. rbelieve my email (below) should be in the official Council package for the upcomingcmeeting .since it was scnta/terthe approval and not considered.at_thetime of that vote. 1 would like to have my input be.-part of the Council~s consideration at this coming Thursday's-special Council meeting as. I am not su1:e I can be fo attendance. · Thank you. Trudy Jarratt 555 Windermere Lane -Arroyo Grande>· CA 93420 Be.gin forwarded message: Dear Mayor a-.HiU and Council Members, I am writing-in-suppo1t of the subject project. It is my understanding that tl1e project has finally b_c.cn-approved, and 1 thank you for that. Ifl:hat inf(_Jrmation is incorrect, please consider my input below when considering your support. I have reviewed thefatestplan and feel that the look of foe-project, and the nice blend of comm'ercial and residential-units, will eil.harice,the overall appeal of the area. NKT Commercial, in-my opinion, only constructs quality projects. I work~d as a successful real estate broker in my second career; and saw first hand the difference-between developers that provide quality projects, and those who,do not. Importantly, I am pleased to lrnow that the project v.111 include affordable housing for seniors aQd young folks starting out in life. For seniors to-have good housing options within walking distance to stores· is essential to the -quality of their lives. Such housing is in.short supply and this project helps to fill such an important need. No project is perfect, but I believe this project, upon completion, ·will be an asset to Arroyo Grande. 1 Thank you for your consideration of my remarks. Sincerely, Trudy Jarratt Trudy Jarratt Arroyo Grande, CA 2 Matt Downing Subject: Support for Court.land_ and ·Grand From: Claire Clark PDT Subject: Support for Courtland and Grand Teresa, Wou1d you please include uw note.ofsupp01t f()r fue:Courtlf.md and_ Grand.project.~n your report to Council. Thank you. . . ~ .... -1 ........................... --~ near Mayor and City Council Members, Thank you for .your service to the community on Council. As a resident of Arroyo Grand~, I urge you to again approve the; development at Courtland and firand. It brings needed housiniin a location-that is walking distance to stores and is.adjacent fo existing housing. As .such, it is an obvious place ·for the t;h,qughtful mix of development being proposed. ln regards to -this.project ·and others coming for your consideration, J urge you f9 listen-to residents and not .to the outside,agitators .that have descended on our fair city. W c are counting on yo'+ to· bring good judgment.based on ihe merits· of each project. Please sta11d finu in your approval of this project and qthers that have111erit for the future of our town. Best regards, Claire.Clark Ciaire ~r,;., :J,1_ 1 Matt Downing Subject: hi from nan fowler from: Sent: Monday; October 05, 2015 10!13 AM To: T~resa Mcclish .~ubje_ct: ~i from ·n~n fowler Teresa, please add·my name to the list of supporters f<?r the Courtland and Grand project. Notonly do i think it is an approprfate l.lse·of that property, but i believe lliat Mr:Tompkins-has proven to be.a good steward of our~area and resources. I hope.I can.attend the meeting thursday and· show rhy support, Will. you share this with Jim Hiii and Tim Brown.· or should i Write fo.them personally? thanks, .nan · · 1 Matt Downing Subject: I support Courtland and Grand Project! From: Anita Wasserman Date: October 5, 2015 at7:S0:36 PM PDT To: Subject:,! support Courtland and Grand Project! Dear City Co~mcil, I have been watching the progress, or I should say. lack of progress, on the· development at Courtland and Grand. ! ~elieve the' project is being developed by Nick Tompkins. Our-community·desperat~IY needs new housing. I have a daughter attending college getting her graduate.degree •. 1 have always hoped that she would be able :to move back to this area. Other cities have multiple ~ousing projects underway to help with our significant shortage. I read the comments of one Council person complaining about the·.si;nal.1 size. lots. How.do yoµ ever expect young families to.be able to live here if we always mandate-that old fashion large lot homes continue to be·the norm'? Those are things,ofthe past except for the old an'd fairly wealthy. I-am not so interested in the.commercial portion of the-project but hope that you will finally let this project move forward. It is frustrating-~Q watch and I'm not even involved; Ple<1se approve-the project now. Sincerely, Anita Wasserman 1 Matt Downing Subject: Regarding Thurs. meeting From: Angiemello Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 9:59 PM To: Teresa-McClish . Subject: R~garding Thurs. meeting -Dear City Council, I would like to drop you a note expressingmy support for Mr. Tompkins_prgject on Courtland Avenue. I believe it is a·project that is becoming to our city. -Mostimportantly it helps provide housing that is desperately needed.· You may.not understand this issue as most of you are older bufifyou were young, employed, and want to·own your:own house-here~ you arc out ofluck. I know first hand how hard ·and h~peles~ it made mefeel. J was fortunate-enough to get the small amount is-help 1 needed to be able to uow say I mn-ahouse owner in this amazing town. We need morenousing. These homes as shown appear. to. tit a missing piece of our local market. Ultimately 1 sincerely hope that you wiU encourage other developers to add some housing inventoryin Arroyo.Grande· that doesn't cost $850,000 or more. Thank you for the-consideration. Please_ be the voice of all those residents who work hard-and depend on-you to be the voice of reason. These homes will change lives for the better and thus change our city for the better. 'Timnk you for younjme, AngjeMello ·sent from my iPhone 1 Matt Downing ·subject; Courtland Project From: Barbara Hoelle Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2015'8:56 AM To: Teresa McClish Subject: Courtland Project Dear Arroyo·Grande Ctty Council Members, I believe this-week the city Council is considering one more time the commerciaLand residential development of the property on the west entrance to the city at Courtland Avenue. If my memory serves me right it seemsthatthis project has.been going on for many years or. maybe I should say it has not been_going qn~ It is made me curious as to what is causing the hold.up. I read in the paper early th'is year that thEfCitY"Council had reached an a·greement witli Mr. Tompkins on the type· cifdevelopment-that he could· bl!ild. If he is proposing what the city agreed to. 1. can_'t understand -why you-.could possibly be·me~tir:ig again on the same subject. If the city has· made an agreement they sh_ould honor it. If the developer is not following the agreement, don't approve it. I believe it1s'sirnple. I believe based on the representations of the paper he is following the agreement. Please move this project forward. Thank you for reading this. Barbara Hoelle Arroyo Grande; CA 93420 Matt Downing Subject: Arroyo .Grande Development From:· Kyle Marsalek•••••••••• Sent: TuesC:lay, ·october 06, 2015 11:21 AM To: Teresa MCCiish Subject: Arroyo Granae_ Development Today I saw an-article that was written in.the San Luis Obispo Tribune. It said that the Tompkins.project was going up· for a revote. 1 thmighrthis·project was approve4. Why is it that Arroyo Grande seems to make nm.v development. especillny a project fill nice as_thi$ one~ SQ difficult?·T don't know how a developer.can ever stay in business it! our town. It seems to me·that the council or t11e planning.commission repeatedly puts. development projects.through the-gauntlet. __ Why is that necessary? I.would ask you to drive down Grand Avcnu~:and show me any-commercial property that is as nice as the pictures that were shown. I strongly support-that you approve this project, Jor the last and final time! · 1 Matt Downing Subject: Courtland & Grand From: Mike Miner Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 9:01 AM To: Teresa McClish Subject: Courtland &.Grand October 7, 2015 Dear Council Members: 1 am away until next week and unable to attend tomoITow night's Council Mec~ing. but hope you \viii consider my _comments below. regarding !he project on Courtland and Grand. As l -sce it,-the.reaJ.issuc before thc-CounciLregarding-the Couriland & Grand Project is simply this: Is Arn~yo (}rqnde lo b,e a Ci~v ntletl by.facts and policy, 01: by.feelings ,aJ:Zd inm~endo? The facts are that 1'.i'KT has, ~fter years of effort and good faith. presented a pn,lject to the City of AG that adheres to-the Planning Policies ofthe City and has sougl1t to address the.concerns of Staff, the Planning Coui_mission= Council, and the public. Most importantly~ the-project meets the'MOU t11e Council has already ~~~ ' ' lurge you, therefore, to stick to the facts, honor your apprqval of:September 8, and not be swayed in your decision by NIIv1BY'·s and special interest woups. Sincerely. Mike Miner MattDowning Subje~: _Support for-t11e Courttand and Grand· project From: Steve Holli?te sent:.WedneSday1 October 07,2015.9:05 AM To: Teresa-McCllsh · Subjec:t:,SiJpportforthe Cqurtland and Grqnd.p~oject· Mr.· Mayor and the City Council! TP the extent the·courtesy filing was i_ncorrect aoci_ neees~itate:s a new vote.on. ihe G_ourtland and Grand project, I believe in'aah'ering to proper procedures and support:a revote, · More to the point, the Council-voted 3-2 to-supporHhe current project-after duly-considering-all facts, support and dissent. Apparently, ~he opponents to the project were hot.willing to~ acceptthis outcome··i:irid he;tve.rescfrted to ~ny _rrieaf!~_av~ilable to delay this project. I h~V~-read.the cqm~spond~ence from Ms. Welsh tha~ amounts-.~9 a th-reat tQ.SOme Council' members •. As a citizen.of this area/this is-very disturbing. In.previous corresl?ondence to·the Council prior to the September board meetfog, f speculated t~atsome opponents'h~d·a per~onal dislike or mistrust of Mr. Tompkins. At the .City Council-meeting, rny;fears wer.e·confirmed. It is.personal.. Now Ms: Welsh is making.thJs,personal-towards members ofthe Coundl. Not only is· this unacceptable,-· most oT: the aC::C::usatioris she makes are incorrect. 'This is even ·more disturbing from an appointed .Parks and Recreation Commi:ttee member. I believe every·elected official, whether. you·agree with· them or-not, has a duty-to, the eiectorate to act in a responsible manner. To try to.suggest otherwise because· you disagree.with their vote denigrates the political process and a civilized society. The project from Mr. Tompkins was done_in good faith Wffhthe City, adhered to_·a MOU negotiatedwittrthe_City (and Mayor Hill), and provid~s forthe needs of Arroyo Grande.· Cpnstantl.Y del~ylng_Mr. Tompkins' ability to develop tf!is property is m_aking an expensive proje~teven mpre so._ J believe that is ,the goal of at least_ one opp_onent. This projf;!ct is not a windfall for Mr:. Tompkins, as some believe1 but he is entitled to_ make a profit. This is not a win/lose proposition. Arroyo ·Grande will get mw;:tr needea entry leveFhousing an\:i·s9_me well-constructea comrrieri::ia_I properly. Thlfpropetty .is_nofan ''A" location wit!J.,unlimlt~d p9ssibiliti~s: It appears t~e-curr~nt·design meets-the desire.ofthe grea~er-Berry Gardens-neighborhood to.limit-tra,ffic on Courtland. As before, I support _this ·project ;;md urge the .~ity <;oundl tq do the_scime. Thank you. f9r'yourtime. Steve Hollister 1 To Arroyo Grande City Council, I would like to voice my support of The Tompkins development at Courtland. This project, calls for construction of three commercial buildings and 36 single-family homes on the west side of the city. This is the fourth time Nick Tompkins has proposed a project for the property he purchased in 2007. In a 3-2 vote last month, with Mayor Jim Hill and Councilman Tim Brown dissenting, the City Council approved the redesign that cut the single-family units from 38 to 36 and increased guest parking from 23 to 37 spaces. Councilwoman Barbara Harmon said at that Sept. 8 meeting. "She would like to support it and have it move forward." Nick Tompkins has participated in study sessions with the City Council and the city's Planning Commission, where he has brought five plans for review. The City Council needs to vote to approve this project and move on to other issues for the City of Arroyo Grande. This proJect has been dragged out far to long. I own Cafe Andreini in the Village of Arroyo Grande. As a business owner over the last 19 years, I have seen NKT develop commercial projects here in Arroyo Grande. supported the Development of Rooster Creek Tavern, Roberts and Mason Bar and the Mural on the Building in the Village of Arroyo Grande. NKT has proven to this community that his projects to develop commercial property have helped enhance the City of Arroyo Grande. There cannot be an argument that his developments have been an asset to this Community. Nick Tompkins has gone above and beyond working with the city to maintain the intrgerty of our city and has put forth, what I believe, to be projects that bring our city much needed commercial and residential development. Please Vote in support of The Courtland project. Thank you Denise Andreini City Council, Staff, and citizens of Arroyo Grande, I am writing you to communicate my support(once again) for the Courtland and Grand proposed (and already approved) project. I believe that the positives far outweigh the negatives. This project has been negotiated and mitigated. It's issues have been heard and acted upon by the applicant (quite possibly more than any other project in recent history) . I urge you to(once again) approve this project. Respectfully, Frank Schiro 206 Miller Way Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 / RECEIVED OCT 06 2015 ARROYO GRANDE CITY CLERK October 6, 2015 Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members, lrw·~o ! OCT 01 2015 J ;'.::/TY Cf M~~OYO GRAr>JDc ~ C:~;~~;:!!~~J!,~EVEl.Ol'Ml:i";I I am extremely concerned about the proposed development on the corner of Courtland and Grand Ave in Arroyo Grande. I would trust that this project will be further addressed by the Planning Commission, as there are numerous issues that have still not been addressed TRAFFIC Traffic would be diverted through my street, Blackberry Avenue, because of the poorly designed parking lot on the proposed project. Cars will not be able to make a left hand turn on to Courtland, from the commercial lot, back up to Grand because of "cueing" in the left hand tum pocket. There needs to be a double loaded parking lot in the commercial area to allow vehicles to exit back onto Grand Avenue. And, there should be a specified right hand turn lane from Courtland (both North and South) onto Grand Ave. Even now, cars are backed up and unable to make the green light if there are pedestrians or other cars turning in front of them. This is becoming a dangerous intersection especially with increased foot, bike and auto traffic. We just had an accident a few weeks ago at this intersection Traffic on Courtland and Blackberry continues at unrealistic speeds with 90% of the cars from nonresidents. They want to avoid the lights at Courtland and Oak Park. With This, Blackberry traffic has increased 3-fold in the past year. And, cars traveling on through Courtland rarely stop at the Kingo Park stop signs. I witnessed last weekend, four Northbound cars racing through the same stop sign during a 4 minute time frame and another two cars heading Southbound the same day. MIXED USE This project is not mixed use and is a residential sub-division with a strip commercial building being placed on Grand Ave. A mixed use project is a multi-level or vertical development with commercial/offices on the lower floors and residential on the upper floors. This should also be of a sufficient size to truly allow for a parking lot to be used for all the overlapping uses and to bring in businesses like a nice restaurant instead of more tacky fast food or nail parlor establishments (of which we currently have too many on Grand Avenue) A great example of a successful and thriving mixed use development is Santana Row in San Jose. This is truly a "destination" and one that we should try to emulate in style as a "gateway" to Arroyo Grande PROJECT IMPACT Based on the current wording and development agreement there is no assurance that the City will ever get a commercial project, rather money that is deposited in an escrow account after 5 years. This leads to Blight. And the look of the poorly designed residential neighborhood-neither fits the character of Berry Gardens and the design guidelines for the area. The proposed housing architecture resembles an inner city "PROJECT"! It will only devalue the rest of Berry Gardens. A very tacky and poorly thought out design for this area. It is also way under scaled with the existing commercial buildings on either side, and the Peoples Self Help Project. At the end of the day we will still have a vacant lot at the corner of Courtland and Grand Avenue. In addition to an ugly commercial building towering over uglier single family residential homes. FISCAL IMPACTS Staff has indicated that the proposed Commercial is to bring 25k a year to the City. By not doing an all mix-use commercial project the City is losing $751</year. This calculation is based on the fact that 3 ac is going to residential homes and 1 acre is going to commercial for a 75% loss in revenue to the City. However, the City will now have the burden of providing services to these new homes at a deficit (ie Police, Fire, Water, Traffic Calming, Street Maintenance etc .... ) Please send the current proposal back to the Planning Department. This is not a good plan for Arroyo Grande or Berry Gardens. But, if we really do this project properly, this can truly become the "grand" entrance to Arroyo Grande. TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: DATE: MEMORANDUM CITY COUNCIL TERESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MATTHEW DOWNING~~SOCIATE PLANNER SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 8.a. -OCTOBER 8, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 14-002, SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 14-001, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14-009, VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 14-001, AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 15-002, AND DRAFT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OCTOBER 8, 2015 Attached is additional correspondence received after finalization of the staff report regarding the subject project. c: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Public Review Binder Matt Downing Subject: Special Meeting -October 8, 2015, Item 8.a. From: Janette Peli _____ Sent: Tuesday, o~ To: Teresa Mcclish Cc: Dianne Thompson Subject: Special Meeting -October 8, 2015r Item 8.a. Teresa: This email is regarding the Special Meeting scheduled for October 8, 2015, item 8.a. Because this is a rehearing of the item heard on September 8, 2015, I understand the reason the staff report is a duplicate of the previous agenda item. However, I am hopeful that instead of rehashing the project that was denied by the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, time can be spent discussing the revised project as proposed by the applicant. As a resident of the Berry Gardens, I want to understand the applicant's proposal for the East Grand and South Courtland project. This particular project has been discussed for years and has morphed from a strictly commercial development to a mix of housing and commercial development. If there is any way to steer the meeting toward a discussion regarding the latest project proposal to allow for public input on the revised project, I would recommend it. Government decision-making today requires transparency and accountability. Each concept, transparency and accountability, is part of an approach used for and by citizens to influence decision-making and affect development outcomes. I believe if the city pursues both of these concepts, it will go a long way in addressing those suspicious of how decisions are made within the government. Respectfuily, Janette Pell 1 Matt Downing Subject: East Grand and South Courtland Project From: Mark Pell Sent:Wednesda , ' ... -. . To: Jim Hill; Kristen Barneich; Jim Guthrie; Tim Brown; Barbara Harmon Cc: Teresa Mcclish Subject: East Grand and South Courtland Project Mayor Hill and Council members, We are residents of the Berry Gardens and have issues with the East Grand and South Courtland project. In the past, we have participated in informational meetings with the property owner and his representatives, which at the time was Oasis Associates. We purchased our home in the Berry Gardens in June 2003, as original owners. Wanting to be informed homeowners, we reviewed the Berry Gardens Specific Plan and decided to purchase our home based on future planned development of the land to the north of the Berry Garden's residential development. Clearly this plan has been modified significantly since we purchased our home. Our major concerns are an increase in traffic into our neighborhood, additional parking on Courtland, and the density of the housing being proposed. The Berry Garden's neighborhood is already experiencing issues with traffic. Here are just a few examples of the current situation: 1. Cars do not stop as they exit onto Courtland, behind CVS. We anticipate this issue will occur when cars are exiting the two driveways on the west side of Courtland. Given the high density of housing, this will create an unsafe condition for those traveling north and south on Courtland. 2. Cars already use the Berry Gardens neighborhood to circumvent Grand Avenue and Oak Park Boulevard, most exceeding the speed limit, many not stopping at stop signs. 3. We have personally been challenged by drivers as we cross the street at intersections within the neighborhood. It is no longer a pedestrian friendly environment. We believe more can be done to ensure transparency and accountability when it comes to decision-making regarding the East Grand and South Courtland project. We suggest the following: 1. Do not allow this project to be developed on the "fly.'' It was difficult to follow the suggested changes by watching a laser marker on a map. We request you send the plan revised by the applicant and presented to the City Council on September 8, 2015, back to the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission for review. Direct the Commission to keep discussion regarding the project within the scope agreed to in the Memorandum of Understanding. There were enough issues identified by the Planning Commission that need resolution, and should not be passed over with the assumption they will be "self-correcting." It is imperative the Council address the concerns of city residents. 2. Conduct a hearing of the City Council regarding the proposed project, allowing input from the commission and the public. Bring back the final project and do not allow major redesign during the meeting. 3. Ensure that any future noticing of this project is reviewed for accuracy. We understand staff errors occur from time to time. However, the number of errors regarding noticing on this particular project seem high. Even small errors, such as publishing an incorrect address, may seem trivial to some, but the appearance of impropriety or incompetence remain. A final check for accuracy should alleviate those suspicious of the process. 1 We understand this is an emotionally charged project. We understand the financial impacts this project has had on the applicant, but we too have a financial interest. We do not want to see the value of our property decline due to poor planning decisions by the City of Arroyo Grande. We believe careful consideration to all issues identified be resolved, reviewed, and approved in full view of the public. Respectfully, Mark and Janette Pell 1426 Strawberry Avenue, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 2 City Council City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 October 6, 2015 RECEIVED OCT 08 2015 ARROYO GRANDE CITY CLERK RE: Petition Against Courtland Project -General Plan Amendment 14-002, Specific Plan Amendment 14-001, Conditional Use Permit 14-009, Vesting Tentative Tract Map Dear Council Members, Please find attached a petition of 11 ~ residents of Berry Gardens and surrounding neighbors which oppose the project. These residences respectfully request that you carefully reconsider your stance on. the project proposed and have given 6 reasons for not supporting the project which is listed on the petition and are as follows: 1. Project js not a Gateway Mixed use project and does not follow the City policies. (The General Plan, Gateway Plan, Enhancement Plan, Berry Gardens Specific Plan, land Use Element) 2. The project should be mixed use with the Neighborhood Commercial uses being built first. Residential Component to-occupy less commercial land. 3. The commercial parking shall be increased to allow circulation of vehicles within the commercial component and not be allowed to circulate back out onto Grand and Courtland Street. Parking shall be provided to allow a variety of food and restaurant uses and not the minimum I space per 200 sf. - 4. Commercial driveway exiting out on to Courtland shall be moved further South to allow left hand turns from the commercial parking area to not conflict with the left hand turn pocket. Driveway should restrict right hand turns from occurring for cut through traffic through Berry Gardens. 5. Shall be compatible to the Adjoining Grover Beach commercial to the West and CVS to the East in size and scale. 6. Residential Component shall be in same scale, massing, architecture as existing Peoples Self-Help NAME Petition of Non: Support The latest project revised September 8, 2015 lrnow as Courtland and Grand, General Plan Amendment 14-002, Specific Plan Amendment 14-001, Conditional Use Permit 14-009, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14-00 I is not in the publics best interest. The proposed development is not adhering to the Cities General Plan and falls short of providing a Gateway Mixed use project as required by current City policies. The proposed phasing by NKT Development which allows the residences to be built first with the commercial component several years later offers no assurance that the commercial component will ever get built. There is no new tax revenue for the City~ The following are citizens of Arroyo Grande who are not in support of the project. See Additional Reasons on back. · AD RESS SIGNATURE (. !<( 5770-: Reasons for Non·:-Suppert _ . 1. the project shoUld -be mixed use with the; Neighborhood Commercial uses bCmg built first Residential Component tO occupy less commercial land. --. . . 2. -The~ommen::iatparlcing shall be increased tQ rulow'ciroulation of vehicles wj.tbih th!' co~ercial component and not be-allowed·to clroUlate back out· onto Gnmd and Courtland Street to find a vacant stall. Patt.ins shall be provided to allow S·\'miety of food and restaurant uses and not the minmrum I space per 200 sf. - 3. Commer:cfal driveway-exiting· out on to Caurtfand shall be nioyed further-South to allow left · hand turns from the commeroi~_J parking area·to not conflict 'With the left hand tum pocket Driveway should restrict right hand ·rums fro~ ~ccurrlng_ fut cut thil:Jugh traffic through Berry Gardens, 4. ·Shall he compatible to the Adjoining Grover Beach commercial to the West and.CVS-to the East in size and scale; . · - 5. Residentia1 Component shall be in same scale, massing, ai'chitecture as existing Peoples Self- Belp project to the South. ' J t NAME Petition of Non. Support The latest project revised September 8, 2015 know as Courtland and Grand, General Plan Amendment 14-002, Specific Plan Amendment 14-00 I, Conditional Use Permit 14-009, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14-00 I is not in the publics best interest. The proposed development is not adhering to the Cities General Plan and falls short of providing a Gateway Mixed use project as required by current City policies. The proposed phasing by NKT Development which allows the residences to be built first with the commercial component several years later offers no assurance that the commercial component will ever get built. There is no new tax revenue for the City. The following are citizens of Arroyo Grande who are not in support of the project. See Additional Reasons on back. AD RESS 1'1 tf9 Reasons for Non._: Suppert I. The project should be mixed use with the Neighborhood Commercial uses: being built first . ~sidentiat Component to occupy less commercial land. 2.. Thecommereialpnrking shall be increased to Wlowcirelllation of vehicles witbiit the commercial-component and not be allowed to cirouiate back: out onto Grand :!Ui.d Courtland Street to find a vacant-stall. Parldng shall be provided to allow a variety of fuod:and restaumm uses and not the minimum 1 space per 200 sf: 3. Commercial driveway exiting out en-to Courtland shall be moved further Sooth to allow left hand turns ftom the commercial parking area to not conflict with thecfoft hand tum pocket Drh-eway shou14 restrict right hand rums from occuning for cut through trafiic through Berry Gardens. 4. _'Shall he compatiole to the Adjoining Grover Beach commercial to the West and CVS to the ~t in size and scale. , · S., ReSidentia1 Component $hall be in same seale, massing, architecture as eXisting Peoples Se1f- Help project to th~ South. NAME Petition of Non:,'. _Support The latest project revised September 8, 2015 lrnow as Courtland and Grand, General Plan Amendment 14-002, Specific Plan Amendment 14-001, Conditional Use Pennit 14-009, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14-00 I is not in the publics best interest. The proposed development is not adhering to the Cities General Plan and falls short of providing a Gateway Mixed use project as required by current City policies. The proposed p~asing by NKT Development which allows the residences to be built first with the commercial component several years later offers no assurance that the commercial component will ever get built. There is no new tax revenue for the City. The following are citizens of Arroyo Grande who are not in support of the project. See Additional Reasons on back. AD RESS SIGNATURE ~ereaA-Stnee, f1ARt/ LlAt£E 7 SI Reas9ns for.Non._: SuppQrt 1. The.project should be mixed use with the Neighborhood Commercial uses being built first ResidentiaI'.Component to occupy less commercial land. · 2. ~ commercial parking sruill be increased to allow circulation· of vehicles within tbe commercial component and not be allowed to circulate back out onto Grand and Courtland Street to find a vacant stall. Parldng shall be proVidetl to allow a variety of fo'od and restaurant ilses and · not the mirumum lspace per 200 st: , · 3. ·commercial drive\vay e~iting out on to Co~lanc;l shall be imiv~ further South to allow left hand turns ftom tbe commeroial parking ·area to not conflict with the left.hand. mm pocket. Driveway should ~ct righthand·mfus from occurring for cui through ~c. through Berry ·: Gardens. · 4, Shall.be ~atible to the Adjoining Grover Beach commercial to the West and CVS to the East :in size and scale. · 5. Residential Component shall be in same scale,·massing, architecture-as exisdngPeopfos Self- HeJP project to the Squth. , · Petition of Non Support The latest project revised September 8, 2015 know as Courtland and Grand, General Plan Amendment 14-002, Specific Plan Amendment 14-001, Conditional Use Permit 14-009, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14-001 is not in the publics best intere. The proposed development is not adhering to the Cities General Plan and falls short of providing a Gateway Mixed use project as required by current City policies. TI1e proposed phasing by NKT Development which allows the residences to be built first with the commercial component several years later offers no assurance that the commercial component will ever get built. There is no new tax revenue for the City. The following are citizens of Arroyo Grande who are not in support of the project. See Additional I Reasons on back. AD RESS I &~l ~ ;L&f blA.frcid Pl ~ 1u 'l.ec\. ·~tic»-XL~. A\.i \1 Reasons for Non._: Suppert 1. The project should be mixed use with the Neighborhood, Commercial uses-being built first Resid~tial Component to occupy less commeryiial land: 2. The commercial parking shall be increased to llllow ciroulation of vehicles within'the _ commerefal component and not be allowed to circulate back out onto-Grand and Courtland Street to find a vacant stall •. Parking shall be provided to allow a variety of food and restaurant uses and not the minimum lspace per _200 sf · 3. Commercial driveway exiting ~ut en to Courtland shall be moved further South' to allow left hand_tums from the commercial parking area ro µat conflic~ with the left hand turn pocket Dri\reway should restrict right hand turns from occuning fur.cut f:brough 1rafiic tbro~gh Berry Gardens. , 4~ ShaU be compatible totlieAdjoiningGroverBeach co~ial to the Weshmd CVS-to the East -in Size and scfile. - 5. ~identiaf qomponent .stiall be in sa!Jle scale, massing, architecture-as existing Peoples Self: Help project to the South. -SJ::W«r~Dn -fd!f~ •&led ~l.hrb--•t11$ ~~ •11 ~.,,,,~-lo Petition of Non: .. Support The latest project revised September 8, 2015 know as Courtland and Grand, General Plan Amendment 14-002, Specific Plan Amendment 14-001, Conditional Use Permit 14-009, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14-001 is not in the publics best interest The proposed development is not adhering to the Cities General Plan and falls short of providing a Gateway Mixed use project as required by current City policies. The proposed phasing by NK.T Development which allows the residences to be built first with the commercial ' component several years later offers no assurance that the commercial component will ever get built. NAME There is no new tax revenue for the City. The following are citizens of Arroyo Grande who are not in support of the project. See Additional Reasons on back. AD RESS SIGNATURE Reasons for Non.:. Suppert _ -1. The project should be mixed use with the.Neighborhood Commercial uses being built first Residential Component-to occupy less commercial land. 2: The commercial parking shall be increased to allow circulation ~f \.ehicles Within_ the _ commerciil componentand no~ be allowed to circulate back~ onto Gmnd and Courtland Street to find 1.1: vacant stall. Parkin,g shall be provided to allow a variety-Of food and restaurant use~mid notthe minimum l space per 200 sf- 3. Commercial driveway eriting·out on to Courtland shall be moved further South tMillow left · hand turns from the commercial parking area to not conflict with tbe'1eft hand tum pocket. DrivewaY, should restrict right hand turns ftom occurring for cilt through ti:affic through Berry Gardens. -- 4 •. ·Shall be compatible to the Adjoining Grover Beach c~ia! to the West and <;VS· to the_East- -· in size anti .scale. · S. ~identia1"Component shall be in same &C\lle, massing. architecture a_s existing Peoples Se]f,. Help project_ to the s_outh. NAME \. (' Petition ofNoiw Support The latest project revised September 8, 2015 know as Courtland and Grand, General Plan Amendment 14-002, Specific Plan Amendment 14-001, Conditional Use Pemrlt 14-009, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14-001 is not in the publics best interest. The proposed development is not adhering to the Cities General Plan and falls short of providing a Gateway Mixed use project as required by current City policies. The proposed phasing by NK.T Development which allows the residences to be built first with the commercial component several years later offers no assurance that the commercial component will ever get built. There is no new tax revenue for the City. The following are citizens of Arroyo Grande who are not in support of the project. See Additional Reasons on back. CONTACT# or EMAIL j -"-'~'-:'T-..:.-~-1-~~~~~~~~~~-'->=-+-~~iPA.__L~L-.o~4~c~°'°-=-.l.·Ll),"'- araf>Arf/2 &'Y-rSCl110,~~ 1tP. ~. oS-td) 1'L 24> ~ q ~;_ib.P-"SL LL)t ~ B ( -S'-'? =;-7 'f :Ju Ile..-I PJtfll~ So% ~(LA., L'\ A b-. ( go.s){-~4-3~7Jo £rairl1L~4'.C ft(, CHLa fin Cn1f /; f'<3-~ 1-BI -(p_p 70 {>+-PV C.06 CQ,~~/k~ J)r, 1J>Y ~ J) ., {l J hh\,--l/\ vl6 1L / \ II r\ ( ( I o\J Ot ~ 11 \\ -s o 4 1f 1ftou 'L- -· --,...... Re a s o n s fo r No n . : Su p p e r t l. Th e pr o j e c t sh o u l d be mi x e d us e wi f u th e Ne i g h b o r h o o d Co m m e r c i a l us e s be i n g bu i l t fi r s t . Re s i d e n t i a l Co m p o n e n t to oc c u p y le s s co ~ e r c i a l - I~ d . - 2. Th e - c o m m e r c i a l pa r k i r i g sh a l l be in c r e a s e d tt n d l o w ci r o u l a t i o n o f ve h i c l e s wi t h i n th e co m m e r c i a l co m p o n e n t n n d no t be a l l o w e a w ci r c u l a t e ba c k ou t ' on t o Gr a n d ,a n d Co u r t l a n d . S t r e e t to fi n d a va c a n t st a l l . ~a r k i n g sh a l l be pr o v i d e d to al l o w a va r i e t y o f fo o d an d re s t a u r a n t us e s an d no t th e mi n i m u m ls p a c e pe r 20 0 st : - 3, Co m m e r c i a l dr i v e w a y ex i t i n g ou t on to Co u r t l a n d sh a l l be mo v e d _f u r t h e r So u t h to an o w le f t ha n d tu r n s :f r o m th e .c o m m e r c i a l pa r k i n g - a r e a to no t co n f l i c t wi t h th e ' le f t ha n d tu m po c k e t . Dr i v e w a y sh o u l d re s t r i c t ri g h t ha n d tU l l l S fr o m oc c u r r i n g fo r cu t tb J : o u g h tm f f i c th r o u g h Be r e y Gf i l 9 e n s . 4. ~ Sh a l l be Co m p a t i b l e to th e Ad j o i n i n g Gr o v e r Be a c h cO l l l i l l U C i a l to th e We s t an d CV S to th e Ea s t in Si z e an d sc a l e . - · 5. Re s i d e n t i a l Qo m p o r u m t sh a l l be in sa m e sc a l t ; ma s s i n g , ar c h i t e c t u r e as ex i s t i n g Pe o p l e s Se l f , . He l p p r o j e c t t o th e So u t h . Al T ~ l ' . ' 5 1 1 <.. " l j l J ; 1 l I I ~ i j t 0 (\, emmrnB15n~~~~ttt~~0111'©0mFa:Ha~r@v'aiYGmiWJ:eee:.~ The latest project revised September 8, 2015 lmown as Courtland and Grand plan Amendment 14-002, specific plan amendment 14-001, conditional use permit 14-009, Vesting tentative tract map 14-001 is not in the publics best interest. The proposed development is not adhering to the cities general plan and falls short of providing a Gateway Mixed use project as required by the current city policies. The proposed phasing buy NKT development which allows residences to be built first with the commerical component several years later, offers no assurance that the commercial component will ever get built. There is no new tax revenue for the city. The following are Anyo Grande residents who are not in favor of the project. - Name address contact # d C( ' \\l)'J ~ w. f\b 0?:>4!20 Ii:: Reasons for Non._: SuppQrt 1. -Theproject should be mixed use with the Neighborhood Commercial uses being built first Residential Component to occupy less commercial land. . . 2: The commercial parking shall be increased to allow· circulation of vehicles within the; _ commercial componentand not be·alk>wed to circulate back out onto Gmnd and Courtland· Street to find a vacant stall. Parking shall be provided to allow a variety of food and restaurant uses and not the minimum lspace per 200 st: 3; ' Commero_i&1 driveway erifi!lg. out OD 1o CoUrtland shall he mnved further South to allow left hand turns from the commercial parking ar~ to not conflict witb.~e:leftJ;mn.d turn pocket. 'Driveway should restrict right hand lUills from occmrlng for cut through traffic through Berry · · (lardens. · _ 4. Shall be compatible to the Adjµining Grover Beach commercial to the West and CVS to the East· m size and scale. ' 5.. Residential Component shall be in same scale, massing. architecture-as ~risting Peoples Self~ Help-pf9Ject to the South. j -I f I ! I I 1 NAME Petition of Non·. Support The latest project revised September 8, 2015 lmow as Courtland and Grand, General Plan Amendment 14-002, Specific Plan Amendment 14-001, Conditional Use Permit 14-009, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14-001 is not in the publics best interest. The proposed development is not adhering to the Cities General Plan and falls short of providing a Gateway Mixed use project as required by current City policies. The propose~ phasing by NKT Development which allows the residences to be built first with the commercial component several years-later offers no assurance that the commercial component will ever get built. There is no new tax revenue for the City. The following are citizens of Arroyo Grande who are not in support of the project. See Additional Reasons on back. Reasons for ,Non..: Support l . The project should be ID.ixed use with the Neighborhood Commercial uses bceing built first Residential Component to occupy less commercfal land. · · 2. The'commercial parking shall be increased to allow ciroulatfon of vehicles within the commercial componentandnot be allowed to cirou1ate lla.ck out onto Orand and Courtland Sireet to find a vacant stall. Parkin3 shall be provided to allow a \rariety of food md restaurant uses and nouhe minimtnn lspace per 200 st: · · , . 3; Commerc~al driveway exiting out 011 to Courtland shall be moved further·s~th to allow left · hand turns irOm the commeroia,l parking area to not conflict with the left hand tum pocket. Driveway ·Should restrict right l,uuld turns fu:im occmpng for cut 'through traffi.c through Berey Gardens. · 4. ·ShaU.he compatible to the Adjoining Grover BeRch commereial to the West and CVS to the:East :in size and scale. · · · S. Residentia1 ·Component shall be in same scale; massing, architecture a·s e>-Jstihg Peoples Self.. Help project to the South. c ~-,_.,Ob'lil 111:1J d ...... °"'*"~--*:l loa.MAWh.~~-~ Petition of Non.; Support The latest project revised September 8, 2015 know as Courtland and Grand, General Plan Amendment 14-002~ Specific Plan Amendment 14-001, Conditional Use Permit 14-009, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 14-001 is not in the publics best interest The proposed development is not adhering to the Cities General Plan and falls short of providing a Gateway Mixed use project as required by current City policies. The proposed phasing by NK.T Development which allows the residences to b~ built first with the commercial component.several years later offers no assurance that the commercial component will ever get built. There is no new tax revenue for the City. The following are citizens of Arroyo Grande who are not in support of the project. See Additional Reasons on back. NAME AD RESS SI~e1 Reasons for Non.: Support 1. The-project should be mixed use with the -Neighborhood Commercial uses being buiit first Residential Component_ to occupy less commercial land. -· '' . . 2. The commercial parking shall be increased to il.llow circulation of vehicles within the commerciaf componentand not be allowed to circulate back out onto Grand and Courtland Street to find a vacant_ stall. Parking shall be provided to allow a variety of food ana restaurant .uses and not'the minmrum l space per 200 sf · - 3. 9ommercial driveway exiting out on-to Couttland shall be moved_ further South to allow left_ hand tlirns from the commercial parking area to not.conflict ~th the left hand turn pocket - Driyeway should restrict right fuµld turns from· occuning for ~ut through traffic through Berry Gardens. ' 4. Shall be cony)att"ble to the Adjoining Grover Beach nommeroial to the West ~d CVS-to 'the East -in size nnd scale. 5. ~idential Component shall be in same scale, massing, an::biteeture as eiistingPeoples Self. Help projeet,to the South. I I I ; I City Council City of Arroyo Grande 300 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 October 6, 2015 Dear Council Members, Paula Renner 1501 Loganberry Avenue Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 RECEIVED OCT 08 2015 ARROYO GRANDE CITY CLERK I respectfully request that you carefully reconsider your stance on the project proposed for the corner of Courtland and Grand A venue. As a resident of Berry Gardens since it was constructed, I have been aware of this crucial lot in my neighborhood. I have been very pleased with the documents written by our governing committees and appreciate their hard work in developing guidelines which will maintain the character of our town as well as bring in new business to grow our economy. (The General Plan, Gateway Plan, Enhancement Plan and Specific Plan.) This large parcel is the last of its kind in Arroyo Grande. It is an area that not only locals but visitors drive by continually and must reflect our community's commitment to excellent design. The proposed project does not fulfill this commitment. It is a traffic disaster for the people who live in the neighborhood as well as for any people attempting to make use of the businesses that will be placed there. It will create a negative feeling which will result in people taking their business elsewhere. I have had many personal experiences trying to shop in places that did not have a thoughtful traffic plan or sufficient parking and I personally choose to go where the driving/parking is easy. This project does not fit the definition of a mixed use plan. One definition of mixed use by Wikipedia is as follows: Mixed-use development is the use of a building, set of buildings, or neighborhood for more than one purpose. Since the l 920's, zoning in some counties has required uses to be separated. However, when jobs, housing, and commercial activities are located close together, a community's transportation options increase. In addition, mixed-use developments often have higher property values. Often located in existing urban areas or as part of a new town center, mixed-use development provides a range of commercial and residential unit sizes and options. In planning zone terms, this can mean some combination of residential, commercial, industrial, office, institutional, or other land uses. It is my understanding that mixed use projects are built vertically, making thoughtful use of the acreage available. Building up instead of out allows the parcel to contain several businesses that would serve the community, add needed affordable residences above, while providing room for pedestrian traffic, vehicular traffic, sensible parking and perhaps even an attractive courtyard or gathering place for our neighbors to meet. This newly proposed project is mostly a new residential development with a small element of strip commercial along Grand A venue. It looks like an afterthought. Or perhaps, it is an attempt at appeasing the City so that the residential portion can be built. We all are aware that the residential portion is where the developer is going to make his profit. Please demand from this developer a project that conforms to those ideals which are in the plfilis noted in the second paragraph above; do not abandon the thoughtful work of those in the past to allow the developer to have his way with our hometown. With the proposed commercial component that comprises only Y4 of the acreage that is available, the $25,000 in revenue that the City will received is actually $75,000 less that it should be counting on. It seems that the City will have all the burden of providing services for the new residential without the revenue that the project would create ifthe full mixed-use commercial were to be built out. Along those lines, I am concerned that if this project is approved as presented, the residences will be built and sold with the developer obtaining his goal of maximum profit and then the commercial will be sold off, maybe never to be built and no revenue at all going to the City of Arroyo Grande. I have no faith that this developer will remain in our community or that he really cares about what type of finished project is realized. Finally, I do not believe that we need to abandon the goal of having a good, thoughtful, beautiful project at this location. I realize that the lot has been vacant and does need to be developed. I truly believe that this is the time to demand the best that we can get and not settle for having "just anything" approved so that we no longer have a vacant lot in a critical location of our city. Once again, I ask that the City Council reconsider and uphold the denial of this project that was given at the Planning Commission. Sincerely, Paula Renner Matt Downing Subject: Please Forward To City Council From: JUDY OMORROW Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 10:36 AM To: Teresa McClish Subject: Please Forward To City Council I understand that, due to a clerical error, City Council must vote yet again to approve the currently proposed project for the corner of Courtland and Grand Avenues. If this is the identical project City Council approved last month, it represents a reasonable and realistic compromise between neighborhood traffic concerns, the city's very real need for housing and City Council's desire for more commercial building along Grand Ave. I would hope that City Council will remain firm in its decision to approve this project, in order that we can finally move on with the long overdue development of this property. Sincerely, Judith O'Morrow 1499 Raspberry Ave. Arroyo Grande 1 October 8, 2015 Mike Patrick 637 Oalaidge Drive San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Sent via Email to; tmcclish@al!'oyogrande.org Ms. Ie1esa McClish. Director of Community Development 300 East Brach Street Auoyo Grande, CA 93420 RE: Courtland and Grand Avenue Proposed Mixed Use Project Dear Ms. McClish. This is a letter of support of the proposed project by NK I Commercial at the comer of Courtland and Grand in Anoyo Grande to be voted upon tonight by the Auoyo Grande City Council.. I encourage all of the members of the City Council to vote "yes" on the proposed project After what seems to be close to a decade of false struts the time has come to giant app1 oval and move fotward. I am the owner of two commercial parcels along Gtand Avenue. One is in Arroyo Grnnde and the other is in Grover Beach. The proposed project will enhance the area and be a positive . influence for the entire Grand A venue couidor. The overall design is good. The development is in harmony with smwunding uses/neighborhood. Thank you for your time and consideration. Matt Downing Subject: Attachments: City Council -Copies of Tribune Editorial Oct 8, 2015 Tribune Editorial Oct 8, 2015.pdf From: MIKE OMORROW •ilil•llillllliili•ll Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 12<:20 PM To: Teresa Mcclish Subject: Re City Council -Copies of Tribune Editorial Oct 8, 2015 Dear Ms McClish, Attached is a PDF copy of today's TRIBUNE editorial. Just in case some Council members or Staff may have missed it, could you make copies available to them? I'd really like to be able to pass out copies at tonight's meeting, if that's possible, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I think it's always important for the Council to be fully aware of how Arroyo Grande issues are being spotlighted and reported throughout the County and beyond. Thanks, as always, for your patience and help. MIKE OMORROW 1499 Raspberry Ave Arroyo Grande 1 SLO Tribune Editorial; October 8, 2015 royo Grande should approve Grand Avenue project High-density development would benefit city, despite delay tactics from plan opponents BY THE TRIBUNE Opponents of a mixed-used development proposed for Arroyo Grande's Grand Avenue are expected to be out in force at tonight's special City Council meeting in a last-ditch effort to kill the project. We urge the council to stick to its earlier decision to approve it. That was made on Sept. 8, when the council voted 3-2 to allow the project on 4.4 acres at Grand Avenue and Courtland Street. The council is rehearing the matter tonight because of a minor error in noticing. Here's what happened: Meeting notices were sent to neighbors of the nearby Berry Gardens residential development as a courtesy; notification was not required, but the applicant requested that it be done anyway. The notices listed the Arroyo Grande City Hall address as the location of the hearing; the meeting actually took place across the street, at City Council chambers. A sign was posted to notify attendees of the mistake, but a group of opponents objected and asked the city to rehear it. "Asked" is putting it mildly; demanded -even threatened -is more accurate. Here's an example: One project opponent sent an email to a couple of council members, describing what might be done if the city did not schedule another hearing: ''There is always demonstrations we can do in front of city hall, there are press releases that can be done, recall, the ballot box and/or there is always the court system," states the email. "We can do this nice and quiet, or we can do this another way, loud and messy." We hoped the toxic atmosphere in Arroyo Grande would improve following the 2014 election that ousted longtime Mayor Tony Ferrara and replaced him with write-in candidate Jim Hill. Instead, it appears a group of malcontents continues to bully council members who do not fall in line with them. The council, by the way, did the right thing in rescheduling the hearing, but it should not let itself be badgered into opposing the project this time around. We don't expect everyone to like or support the project -that's never going to happen. However, we believe the development would be an attractive addition to a portion of the city that's sorely in need of an upgrade. The plan includes three commercial buildings at the front of the property -which is in line with what the city wanted -with parking behind the businesses. A 36-unit housing development is behind the commercial portion. The housing is high density -18.5 units per acre -making it the type of affordable-by-design project that is exactly what the Central Coast needs to attract and retain young people trying to break into the housing market. Yet even the affordability of the project has been under attack by opponents, who complain the homes will be scooped up by investors who will turn around and rent them. Would they prefer the $1.8 million brownstones going up in downtown San Luis Obispo? Enough. The project on the table is the result of eight years of planning and compromising that culminated in a memorandum of understanding between the city and developer Nick Tompkins. The memorandum -which included guidelines on land use, parking and design -was unanimously approved by the council in February. While the memorandum of understanding did not obligate the council to approve the project, it was an informal blessing. As long as the developer complied with the requirements -which he did -the city should honor its commitment and approve a project that will generate jobs and sales tax revenue, while increasing the stock of lower-cost housing that our region desperately needs. Matt Downing Subject: 10 08 15 From: Anita Showe··· Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 1:01 PM To: Teresa McClish Subject: 10 08 15 Good afternoon. I am unable to attend tonight's special meeting. Please note: I am in favor of Mr. Topkin's project on West Grand Avenue at Cortland. It is a very good design with consideration for affordable housing as well as an area for commercial space. It will be close to a grocery store and several banks; perfect for all. -Miss Anita Anita Shower Residence: Anita Shower 867 North 6th Street Grover Beach, CA 93433 Owner: 320 and 404 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Anita Shower 1 Matt Downing- Subject: Correspondance In Support of The NKT Courtland and Grand. Ave. Project From: Adam Verdin Sent: Thursday, Octa er 08, 2015 2:45 PM To: Teresa McClish Subject: Correspondance In Support of The NKT Courtland and Grand. Ave. Project Mrs. MCCiish: If its not too late, please forward this email to the City Council. As a property owner in Arrroyo Grande, and a resident of our community, I support the NKT project for the following reasons: 1. The MOU was negotiated and agreed to and the Applicant proceeded with plans, at coresiderable expense, in good faith that the Council would honor the MOU. The coundl should a!so demonstrate good faith and approve the project. 2. The courtesy notice was just that -a courtesy • A technical defect in that notice should not serve as a method to derail a project in what already has been an unfair process. 3. The project is a good one. Please do the rnght thing and UN.ANIMOUSl Y approve tlhle project. Regards, Adam Verdin 1 City Council City of Arroyo Grande 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Dear Council Members, RECEIVED OCT 08 2015 ARROYO GRANDE CITY CLERK: The current proposed language modifying LUS 10.1 as proposed "Within the specific plan area, small lot single-family detached housing may be allowed at mu/ti-family densities if integrated with and located behind a primary, distinctive, and attractive commercial/mix use gateway component." Adopting this language will pave the road to all Gateway Mix Use Commercial developments, existing or new, to apply the same standard of converting rear sections of commercial property to high- density residences. Furthermore, the current proposal will send a message to these property owners that a ratio of 3 to 1 and perhaps a 4:1 ratio of homes to commercial, (if you included the Peoples Self Help Project) can be achieved. This makes no sense to tear into the very fabric that supports the City with Tax Revenue from commercial developments. There is approximately 60 acres or so of gateway mixed use commercial that stretches from Oak Park Blvd to Brisco Road. If the design standards used for the current proposal were applied to these parcels, of only allowing 120 feet of commercial development along Grand Avenue with the balance being high density residential we have the potential of losing 45 acres of commercial use. This will slowly deteriorate our Tax Revenue, gateway commercial opportunities and residences of the area that will now begin to commute out of these areas for neighborhood type services. There is no such thing as horizontal mixed use, if that were the case the entire City would be considered mixed use for the underlining reason that different uses butt up to one another separated by property lines and fencing. True mixed use are vertical stacking uses and when seen from an aerial view, you would not be able to distinguish separate Land Use Categories. To separate off back portions of commercial property for High Density multifamily units is no different than re-zoning a portion of commercial property for strictly residential use. Please also be aware that actual drawings of the project, other than illustrative renderings, have not been provided. It is important that actual sections of the development, street elevations, building elevations to scale be provided to better understand what this project is going to look like and issues that may arise. I have attached a cross section though the project so we can properly evaluate the impacts this project has both from a visual standpoint and a compatibility standpoint. I find the results alarming and should not go unnoticed or addressed. Also, please see attached a portion of the Land Use Map attached that shows the new high density residential in the overall scheme of things which, as you can see, will now render this Gate Way mixed use commercial component the smallest depth lot in the entire City. The second map is the future potential if this type of approval continues for the balance of the Gate Way mixed use properties. This is a serious matter and should not be overlooked from a long range perspective. Thank you for your time ~ John ack ---- Architect ZONE MAP: With Current Proposal F===~~d ,_,...n... -1 ;=;=::;,:;;=~~==~ '- ZONE MAP: Future long term effects ZONE MAP KEY Single Family Village Residential Multi-Family Multi -Family Apartment Mobile Home Park Multi-Family Very High Density . ~ 6 ~ ~ :; ; 5ci Il l 0 :i t : ~ g jo ~- - - - - - = . . ' - l ; f - - .. . 1 :J : 0 < '/ w , ,. - r - - l1 i 1 - ' m ~ti - - - - - - - - . - - - -F t t l ~ . ..-:. ~ I ~ jl l ~ IL . O · • ~- ' _,. -- ~ ~:; (3 . · l , J I '1 " :i I I I ,. , • • , , 111 -s · er TI !A R Y .i j h EX I S l l N G s• CM U WA L L (T O RE M A I N ) I a· ~I E 8 ~ z ~, l .1 p .. ;! u ~1~ - " 8 1:; ~ I ~ ~ ~ !: : ; §1 :;: c " 0 w ~ += 0 u z ::5 Q) £ < C / ) i£ Q) ~ :: ! : : : : Cl ' ) w ~ 0 ~ I > I 0 ~ Matt Downing Subject: For Distribution to Council From: Sean Murphy Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 3:54 PM To: Teresa Mcclish Subject: For Distribution to Council "Members of Council, My name is Sean Murphy, and my wife and I are homeowners in Arroyo Grande, just outside the Berry Gardens neighborhood. We would both like to urge the council to approve (again) the proposed project at the intersection of Courtland Street and Grand A venue. First off, the gentleman who purchased the property several years ago has a right to develop it. He has jumped through multiple hoops in order to comply with the wishes of the council and the local residents, and deserves to be able to develop. Secondly, the longer that parcel ofland sits empty, the longer the town goes unable to collect any income whatsoever from it, either commercial or residential. At this point we're cutting off our collective nose to spite our face. Third, the empty plot is both an eyesore and a safety concern. It's unpleasant to look at, which is bad enough. What's much worse, however, is what my wife experiences whenever we take a walk through the neighborhood in the area of the undeveloped land. Because it is completely undeveloped, it is overrun with transients and garbage. My wife has been accosted numerous times by aggressive transients either panhandling or making inappropriate comments. Considering how many children live in this area of town, my concern in this regard certainly extends to them as well. Lastly, I am flabbergasted by the small contingent of people so staunchly opposed to this project, several of whom are not even Arroyo Grande residents, and the lengths they have gone to to make their demands known. Threatening emails, hateful public comments, etc. Why any consideration is being given to this group is beyond me. Again, I urge you to please approve the project and get the ball rolling to a better, more beautiful and more prosperous Arroyo Grande. Thank you, Sean Murphy" Sent from my Ninjendo GameBoy ~> 1