CC 2015-11-24_06a Water Conservation Champions_WetmoreCITY O·F :M.ayor's Commendation Present ea to Scott ancf Carofe Wetmore 'I'fie City of'.Jlrroyo <;irancfe recognizes you as '"Water Conservation Cfiamyions"for reducing your water usage 6y ayyroximate{y 50% since 2012, saving a6out 54,000 ga{fons of water yer year, in yart tfirougfi your yarticiyation in tfie City's Casfi for <grass ancf 'Pfum6ing 'Retrofit 'Programs. 'I'fie City sincere{y ayyreciates your efforts to conserve our yrecious water resources in times of a serious ancf ongoing cfrougfit. 'Datea tfiis 24tli clay of November 2015 Jim §li[L !Mayor Item 6.a. - Page 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 6.a. - Page 2