CC 2015-11-24_09d Full Flex Cafeteria Plan Amendment 2016TO: FROM: BY: MEMORANDUM CITY COUNCIL DEBORAH MALICOAT, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES KAREN SISKO, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER 'fb SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FULL FLEX CAFETERIA PLAN SECTION 125 TO UPDATE THE CAFETERIA PLAN RATES FOR 2016 DATE: NOVEMBER 24, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a resolution establishing an amendment to the Full Flex Cafeteria Section 125 Plan ("Cafeteria· Plan") for the Management Group, the Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association ("AGPOA"), the Service Employees International Union, Local 620 ("SEIU"), the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 4403 ("IAFF"), and the Five Cities Fire Authority Management Group. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL REOUSRCES: There will be -an increase in cafeteria plan costs of approximately $15, 100 in FY 2015- 16 as discussed in the staff reports that approved the negotiated contracts. ·The budget will b~ amended at mid-year to reflect the increase in _cafeteria plan costs, as well as other staffing related costs. Minimal staff time is projected to make the changes. BACKGROUND: In 2008, the City implemented the equal. contribution plan under the CalPERS Health Benefit Program to control costs of retiree medical insurance. In doing so, the City was required to provide a Cafeteria Plan to its employees. Under a Cafeteria Plan, employees are given flex dollars to spend on their benefits, which include medical, dental, and vision insurance. An employee may opt out of medical coverage only if they can provide proof of other coverage. The Cafeteria Plan was adopted on November 13, 2007 for the Management Group and the IAFF with an effective date of January 1, 2008. An amendment to the plan document was adopted on August 12, 2008, with an effective date of January 1, 2009 to include employees represented by the AGPOA and SEIU. - Item 9.d. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AMEDNMENT TO THE FULL FLEX CAFETERIA PLAN SECTION 125 TO UPDATE THE CAFETERIA PLAN RATES FOR 2016 NOVEMBER 24, 2015 PAGE2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Under the CalPERS Health Benefit Program equal contribution plan, the City is required to provide the same benefit to active employees as retired employees. The amount designated is the minimum amount required by CalPERS. For 2016, the minimum is $125.00. This amount is increased annually by a cost of. living adjustment. Under the Cafeteria Plan, the City designates this minimum amount as the medical contribution towards active employees. Under the equal contribution plan, this same amount is then designated as the retiree medical contribution. The City's contributions towards the Cafeteria Plan are negotiated with each bargaining unit. The Cafeteria Plan rates for 2016 are the only items changed in the amendment. The adjustment is necessary because increased amounts are not issued to the City by CalPERS until August for the upcoming year. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Approve staff's recommendation by adopting the resolution; Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; or Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The Cafeteria Plan was established in conjunction with the CalPERS Health Benefit Program equal contribution plan for employee groups to assist in managing future retiree medical costs. Approval of staff's recommendation will maintain the City's medical benefits consistent with contractual obligations set forth in the terms of the existing labor agreements. DISADVANTAGES: There are no disadvantages to the Cafeteria Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, November 19, 2015. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, November 20, 2015. No public comments were received. Item 9.d. - Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FULL FLEX CAFETERIA PLAN SECTION 125 TO UPDATE THE CAFETERIA PLAN RA TES FOR 2016 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") d,eems it in the best interest of the City and the employees in the Arroyo Grande Police· Officers' Association, the Service Employees International Union, Local 620, the unrepresented Management group, the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 4403, and the Five Cities Fire Authority Management group to amend the Full Flex Cafeteria Plan Section 125 to update the Cafeteria Plan rates for 2016; and WHEREAS, the City has met and conferred with the Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association, the Service Employees International Union, Local 620, and the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 4403 and incorporated the Cafeteria Plan provisions into their respective Memorandums of Understanding; and WHEREAS, a copy of the City of Arroyo Grande Full Flex Cafeteria Plan Section 125 is on file in the Administrative Services Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that: 1. An amendment is made to the Full Flex Cafeteria Plan Section 125 to update the Cafeteria Plan rates for 2016, marked 'Exhibit "A", attached and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. The terms of this Resolution as contained in Exhibit "A" shall become effective December 1, 2016. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of '2015. Item 9.d. - Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE2 JIM HILL, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: DIANNE THOMPSON, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: HEATHER WHITHAM, CITY ATTORNEY Item 9.d. - Page 4 Exhibit "A" AMENDMENT This document amends and replaces Appendix B of the City of Arroyo Grande Full Flex Cafeteria Plan Section 125 Document. This amendment shall become effective December 1, 2015. Appendix B shall now read: APPENDIX B FLEX-DOLLAR ALLOWANCE ARROYO GRANDE MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES With Medical Coverage Total Monthly _____ _____ _______ _______ ______ _ ____ ~'!!Pl~~ee ~~~~f_!!__ -~mploy~e _QnlL__ ___ _____ _____ ________ $638.33 ~_mp_!pye~~!_us_Q_n~ ______________ --:~-=~ $1,18Q:_19--__ Employee Plus Two or more $1,514.66 --fr employe-e-waives meciicaf-coverage( cash ___ --$537 .i1 ____ _ __ bc:ick optio~L___ ___________ ___ _____ ________ _ _ _ _______ _ ARROYO GRANDE POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION EMPLOYEES With Medical Coverage Total Monthly _____ ___ _____ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _____ _ . _ _ __ ~'!IP!~Y~~~e~~f!L __ _E_1!.1.r:?!9-Ye~_Q_r]!t_ _ ________ _ ___________ -------~~~~-~~---_____ _ _E_l!.1.plqy~e ~lus_Qne _______ ______ __ _ ____ _j1,_18Q._!Q___ _ __ _E_l!.1.plgy~e EJ~~-}"~o _or more ____________ _ _ _____ jJ,514:66 _ _ _ __ _ If employee waives medical-coverage (cash $537.21 ~back _o_ptiQn_} ___ · __ ___ ____ _ _________ ------~--_____ __ _ __ ARROYO GRANDE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL 620 EMPLOYEES. With Medical Cov~rage Total Monthly Employee Benefit ~_Em~[oy_e~~Only_-=~~~-==-=-~-~ -=-=-~-~ -~~-$Efa~~~~~----__ --~-== --~mr:?!~Y~_e Plus q~~-----_________ $1 ~1~Q:-1_L_ _ _ __ Employee Plus Two or more $1,514.66 If employee waives-medicafcove-rage ~cash _____ $53i2_1 __ ------- bac~_opt!o~---___________________________________ _ Item 9.d. - Page 5 Amendment to Full Flex Cafeteria Plan Section 125 Page 2 INTERNATION ASSOCIATION _OF FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 4403 EMPLOYEES With Medical Coverage Total Monthly _____ __ _ ___ ______ _ _ _ _ ___ ______ _ ______ -~rl!~-~q_~~e Be!!~fit __ -~!!}~loy_~~-Q!ll~---_ _ ________ _ $691.25 _ _ ____ _ EnJ_plqy~e_plu~_Q_r:1e ______________ -=-$(28-6.25 _ E!!lpJ.9yee Plus Two ()~J:!lO~~ __ _______ ---_ $(652-.23--_-______ _ If employee waives medical coverage (cash ---$590.S-1 _ b~ck 9~tio!!l____ __________ ___ ___ __ _ ___ ___ _ __ - FCFA MANAGEMENT GROUP With Medical Coverage Total Monthly _______ _________ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _____ Ef!!~lo~~e Be!:!_~fi_t _ Employ~~ OnlL___ _ _ _____ ____ _ ___ _ __ $724.68 _ _ ____ _ _ Em~!Q_ye~_Elu~_Qne ___ _ __ _________ _ $1,353.18 -~mpl~yee_plu~_"I~o ()I_ m()!'e _ ______ _ ----~~~~$1}~~:14 ~~--- If employee waives medical coverage (cash $624.09 _!~ac~_optiont____ _ _ _ ___ _______ _ _ _____ __ _ __________ -- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Dianne Thompson, City Manager Item 9.d. - Page 6