CC 2015-11-24 Supplemental Info MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DIANNE THOMPSON, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 9.J. – NOVEMBER 24, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CONSIDERATION OF LEASE WITH REMAX DEL ORO FOR THE EXISTING CITY HALL BUILDING AT 214 E. BR ANCH STREET DATE: NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Attached is correspondence received today for the above referenced item. cc: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Public Review Binder Dianne Thompson From: Sent: To: Subject: Dianne, Glenn Martin Friday, November 20, 2015 3:31 PM Dianne Thompson Lease Renewal 214 East Branch The lease renewal on the council consent agenda should be pulled and put up for discussion. I understand this tenant is existing, but the renewal rate is substantially below current market for the village. Given the fact this is a gross lease, plus the fact that the tenant has access to a portion of the basement for storage, base rent should be at least $1.50/sf. I understand that is a significant increase over what they are currently paying. If there is resistance to a sharp immediate increase, then I recommend annual increases closer to 5%. The 2% annual adjustments are at the low end of the current market. This tenant is receiving a real benefit compared to other real estate businesses in the community. I am not sure who was contacted concerning market lease rates, but as outlined in this lease agreement, they are truly below the low end. In addition, I recommend the tenant be instructed to address the peeling paint situation on the face of the building. It is identified in Paragraph 11. Paragraph 3 of the Addendum calls for Tenant to be responsible for painting the exterior of the building. That should be done forthwith. I am happy to meet with you or your staff at any time to discuss commercial leasing issues at any time. Glenn Martin glenn martin company 407 Traffic Way, Suite B Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 1 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 10.a. -NOVEMBER 24, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CONSIDERATION OF LOT MERGER NO. 15-002, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 15-006, AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION; CONSTRUCTION OF AN APPROXIMATELY 45,000 SQUARE-FOOT, THREE-STORY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING; LOCATION NORTHWEST CORNER OF FAIR OAKS AVENUE AND WOODLAND DRIVE; APPLICANT -TRIPLE P, LLC; REPRESENTATIVE -STUDIO DESIGN GROUP DATE: NOVEMBER 23, 2015 Attached is correspondence received today for the above referenced item. cc: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Public Review Binder ·s T'(JD l·O: .... ·.. . DcSIGN. GHOUP. ARCl-llTECTS, INC November 23, 2015 City Council Members and Mayor Hill City of Arroyo Grande 300 E. Branch St. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Re: Proposed Medical Building at 850 Fair Oaks Ave. Dear Council Members and Mayor Hill, The Matthew Will Memorial Medical Center proposed at 850 Fair Oaks is intended to provide much needed outpatient medical services to the city of Arroyo Grande. Arroyo Grande Community Hospital is lacking space in which to provide outpatient cancer care and imaging services. Accordingly, the hospital has entered into an agreement to occupy over 50% of the proposed building which will also function as an expansion of the hospital campus. The remainder of the building will be occupied by Commun)ty Health Centers of the Central Coast. Together these two healthcare providers will help meet the needs of the healthcare needs of the community. The proposed building is a 45,517 SF, three-story structure situated in the center of the existing vacant parcel immediately south of the hospital. Following the November 4, 2015 Planning Commission review of the proposed project we have revised the plans to include the following modifications in response to the comments and concerns expressed at the meeting: Building Height Although the proposed building complies with the height limitations (as described in the staff report) the revised plans have lowered the building pad 1 '-6". Rather than the typical mechanical screens above the roof11ne we have chosen to use a gently sloping mansard roof to screen the roof .mounted mechanical equipment. Additional exhibits illustrating the building height relative to the adjacent residences and to the hospital will be available at the November 24, 2015 City Council Meeting. Retaining Wall Height As stated above the building pad elevation has been reduced 1 '-6" which in turn has reduced the height of the retaining wall at the corner of Fair Oaks and Woodland. Additionally the retaining wall is now terraced with two walls (4'-0" maximum height) instead of one single wall. The revised wall design· will be constructed of colored, split-face masonry block and include planting at each of the terraces to further soften the appearance. Per Planning commission conditions the retaining wall design is required to return to the City Architectural Review Commission to confirm the final details of the design. 762 Higuera Street, Suite 212 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805 • 541 • 3848 !=ax: 805 • 541 • 3848 SDG architects.com November 23, 2015 Proposed Medical Building at 850 Fair Oaks Ave. Site Ingress/Egress (Fair Oaks) At the request of the Planning Commission the main. entry off of Fair Oaks has been studied further. Although we will offer an alternate ingress/egress configuration for your consideration we continue to believe that the ingress/egress design submitted with our original proposal is the most intuitive for drivers to immediately locate and access the building and preserves valuable parking spaces on the Arroyo Grande Community Hospital site. Site Ingress/Egress (Woodland) . The Public Works department requested that the westerly drive on Woodland be realigned to match the driveway to the houses across Woodland. We studied this and found that the requested re-alignment would eliminate one on-site parking space and one off-site parking space. As this situation is not an actual intersection, has relatively little traffic and risks losing valuable parking spaces we are requesting that the driveway alignment remain as originally submitted. Parking On site parking includes 184 spaces including 7 motorcycle spaces in compliance with the City requirement for 1 space per 250 SF. Concern was expressed about the project's impact on existing off-site parking on Woodland Drive. If the residents and City agree, the applicant has no objections to a parking permit system that reserves the street parking on Woodland Drive for residents across from the proposed project. Related to the discussion about Woodland· Drive several neighbors requested that the existing barrier at the near the southeast corner of the project property remain 1n place. The applicant has no objection to this request. It should be noted that a portion of the hospital's outpatient services are current hospital services that will be expanding into the new building. Accordingly these employees already park on the hospital campus and will not add to the demand for parking. Traffic Impacts Neighbors that spoke at the Planning Commission hearing expressed concern about traffic impacts at the Fair Oaks/Woodland intersection. SDG subsequently consulted Stantec (traffic engineers) to determine if the projected traffic impacts might warrant a signal. The projected trip count at the intersection is 894 (am) 1050 (pm), well below the 1165 (am) 1850 (pm) trip count that would require installation of a traffic signal. The traffic report prepared specifically for this project by Stantec clearly indicates that this project will not negatively impact the surrounding intersections. Pedestrian Circulation Although the proposed project is for outpatient care it is anticipated that there will be a need for staff and some patients to walk between the hospital ar:id the proposed building. The proposed plans have been revised to provide a clearly marked pedestrian walkway between the two facilities. Site Lighting As indicated on the plans submitted for review, the proposed site lighting will conform to the City of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and include shielding to restrict illumination from spilling beyond the subject property. Photometric plans (sheet A 1 .2) indicate the specific lighting levels and distribution. All parking lot lighting will be equipped with occupancy sensors that reduce the lighting to minimal levels when there is no activity. Lighting levels are increased when activity is detected and reduced back to minimal levels once no activity is detected. Trash and Recycling- The trash enclosure has been increased from two dumpsters to three dumpsters to ensure adequate capacity for the proposed building. November 23, 2015 Proposed Medical Building at 850 Fair Oaks Ave. Charging Stations In response to request of the Planning Commission the project will include two Electric Vehicle Stations. Employee Shower Requirements MM Vll-1 of the proposed Resolution (page 29) requests that employee lockers and showers be provided. This condition has been inserted as a means of reducing green house gas by encouraging bike transportation. However as many of the employees are hospital staff with access to .the hospital employee lockers/showers and in light of the equally important concerns for water conservation we request that this requirement be removed from the proposed resolution. We believe that with the recent revisions as described above the proposed project has will be an asset to the community. Thank you for your consideration of this project. Sincerely, SDG Brian W. Starr, Architect President MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 1 O.a. -NOVEMBER 24, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CONSIDERATION OF LOT MERGER NO. 15-002, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 15-006, AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION; CONSTRUCTION OF AN APPROXIMATELY 45,000 SQUARE-FOOT, THREE-STORY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING; LOCATION NORTHWEST CORNER OF FAIR OAKS AVENUE AND WOODLAND DRIVE; APPLICANT -TRIPLE P, LLC; REPRESENTATIVE -STUDIO DESIGN GROUP DATE: NOVEMBER 23, 2015 Attached are revised DRAFT Minutes of the November 3, 2015 Planning Commission meeting, to be replaced as Attachment 4 in the above referenced staff report. Also attached is a comment letter received on the proposed project. cc: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Public Review Binder ATTACHMENT 4 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Keen, Martin, Fowler-Payne, Mack None George 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS PAGE2 8.a. CONSIDERATION OF DE ELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT NO. 15-002 TO AMEND CHAPTER 16.84 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REQUIREME S; LOCATION -CITYWIDE; APPLICANT -CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Associate Planner Heffernen p es~nted the staff report an Commission adopt a resolution r ommending the City Co amending Chapter 16.84 of the P.. royo Grande Municip Model Water Efficient Landscape Or ·nance of the Stat , AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ' commended that the Planning iprove the proposed Ordinance and adopting by reference the 8.b. CONSIDERATIO. ,, F LOT MB~fGER NO. 15-002 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 15- 006; CONSTRUC ,'L-. OF A~ PPROXIMATELY 45,000 SQUARE-FOOT, THREE-STORY MEDICAL OFFICE B Ell CATION -NORTHWEST CORNER OF FAIR OAKS AVENUE AND WOODLAND DR~ . PLICANT -TRIPLE P, LLC; REPRESENTATIVE -STUDIO DESIGN GROUP Associate Planner Downing presented the staff report and recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending the City Council approve the project. Associate Planner Downing responded to questions from the Commission. Nate Stong, Omni Means, explained the traffic study for the proposed project and responded to Commission questions. · PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE3 Will Drake, representative, Studio Design ·Group Architects, Inc., presented the project and responded to Commission questions. Russ Garrison, principal engineer, Bethel Engineering, discussed slope, grading, stated dirt is being removed to keep floor level low, and responded to questions from the Commission. Chair George opened the public hearing: Ed Cox, asked that staff revisit the lighting in the parking lot and requested that consideration be given to monument lighting for the proposed project. Jeanie Downer, Creekview Court, presented pictures of th her concern with traffic and opposed opening the gate. grade and gate. She expressed ~ Gerald Yops, Thunder Gulch, opposed opening t :-' e, said thef~ '·11 be cut through traffic, and excessive speed. Ken Dalebout, Hospital Administrator, Arroyo · '" Commun.ity Hospita , ~ke in support of the proposed medical building, stated the hospital wil ~~p reci. ·tJI access tf1r;~tlgh the parking lot, does not want to increase traffic thro h the hospital~ · er, does not sui%~ the pedestrian trail, addressed access to the hospit , esponded to ission questions. Jerry Carrasco, Cree stated Fair Oaks Av pay attention, vehicle park. e lig , supports monument lights, g 1 1 ~>.to pull out, added drivers do not Avenue and asked where will the employees ·.,.j;Y parking spaces are handicap and stated pport of the medical office, but is concerned with the , ening Woodland, stated Fair Oaks should be looked at a co ern if the gate is open, questioned if this is a phased t designed to be more similar between the two phases. 1:ated with the two schools and hospital, traffic will impact Fair ~d her concern with parking. Beatrice Spencer stated the project is under parked, does not see a need for seven motorcycle parking spaces, suggested two more handicap spaces, does not feel two dumpsters is adequate, opposed opening gate. Gary Reinhart, Creekview Court, expressed concern with traffic, noise, lights, too many motorcycle parking spaces, the trash containers will cause a lot of banging, and safety is an issue. Hearing no further comments, Chair George closed the public hearing. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 PAGE4 Commissioner Fowler-Payne provided the following comments: concern with circulation coming out on the short existing side of Woodland and asked if there could be another access point on the northerly property boundary of the hospital that would eliminate traffic on Woodland Drive, expressed concern with lighting for adjacent neighbors and concern with trash enclosure. Commissioner Martin provided the following comments: opposed the gate being opened, supports removing Condition of Approval No. 32 requiring pedestrian access and Condition of Approval No. 84 be amended to be dedicated to the existing six feet wide easement. Commissioner Keen provided the following comments: suppo e project, not fond of the height but willing to accept it, likes the architecture, concern with dri off Fair Oaks being too sharp of a turn and that it needs to be moved up, does not feel the , r seven motorcycle spaces, would rather see two more vehicle parking spaces, supports tQ! s the lighting will not be 24 hours like the hospital, Condition of Approval No. 32 dee· io ou e made by City Council as the pedestrian paths are done with the Master Plans, e 6 foot P , ~· ets the code and should be sufficient. Commissioner Mack provided the following Woodland, not in favor of creating pedestrian container may need to be bigger, G' · should stay closed, installation of tra bring building down in height, not in su the building to exceed 45 feet in height. stalls were Action: Commissi ,, ed to adopt a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMM/ , CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADO · lTIGA TED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVE LOT MERGER 15-002 AND C ,,.' TIONAL USE PERMIT 15-006; LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF FAIR OAKS AVENUE AND WOODLAND DRIVE; APPLIED FOR BY TRIPLE P, LLC. ", as modified to include the lower driveway on Woodland shall be aligned with the driveway coming out of Walnut Creek, an electric vehicle charging station shall be included, omit Condition of Approval No. 32, Condition of Approval No.'s 10, 19, 24 are amended to include ARC review, Condition of Approval No. 84 in the first sentence be reworded "Dedicated to the existing 6 feet wide adjacent to all public streets", and remove minimum ten feet wide. Commissioner Keen seconded and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2015 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Martin, Keen, Fowler-Payne, George Mack None PAGES Action: Commissioner Keen moved to recommend keeping the access gate closed on Woodland Drive. Commissioner Mack seconded and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Keen, Mack, Martin, Fowler-Payne, George None None Commissioner Keen moved to continue the meeting p~ Commissioner Martin and unanimously carried. 9. NON-PUBL C HEARING ITEM 9.a. CONSIDERATI N OF APPOINTMENT TO C , Commissioner George . The motion was seconded by Community Service Gra unanimously carried. Commissioner Fo None 13. ADJOURNMENT Action Planner· · A S. standards need to be reviewed. Community s scheduled a meeting to start the review. On motion by Commissioner George, seconded by Com issioner Keen and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned 9:59 p.m. ATTEST: COLLEEN MARTIN Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 To the Mayor & City Council of Arroyo Grande: I can see the 70-foot eucalyptus trees adjacent the hospital (where a 57 ft. tall medical office is proposed) from my kitchen window on Olive Street. I attended the Planning Commission meeting on November 3, 2015. I am confused when many of the concerns expressed by the residents were not incorporated into the plan now before the Council. It is evident that if the proposed changes were not included in the motion by the Planning Commission, they were not taken seriously. An example of this is the resident of Walnut Grove who shared at the Commission that she must stand in the street to retrieve her mail. Now that the upper proposed driveway would unload right there; it is no longer safe to have the narrow street and mailbox situated where it currently is. (Please see photo) Although I am very concerned with the parking and traffic, I am in support of additional medical facilities in Arroyo Grande. The safety issue would be EPIC, if the Council chose NOT to keep the gate closed to the Cerro Vista neighborhood, as cut-thru traffic to the high school would be absolutely scary. Mostly, I am concerned about the mass of the building and the height of the roof. The Municipal Code calls for a 35 ft. high roof. The proposed building is not a hospital. It is not zoned a public facility. It is a private building that a portion will be leased to Dignity Health. That's it! However, the roof exemption is based on this building being a hospital, which it is not. Sitting on top of a 12-foot elevation, then 45 feet of building with more feet for decorative accouterments make the building almost as tall as the existing tress that I see out my kitchen window right now. In your report for item 1 Oa., (page 7), the Disadvantages state: "The proposed building would be one of the tallest in the City and would be a change from what the nearby neighborhood is accustomed to seeing. This may not be compatible with neighboring residential neighborhoods." The medical office is OK, the height of it, is not. The hospital itself is only 19 feet tall and the entrance 32 feet tall. The proposal in your packet is for a minimum of 57 feet! (Almost 3 times the height of the hospital!) I guess I will view all that glass from my kitchen window streets away! All this in Arroyo Grande? The applicant could "dig in" the building reducing the overall stature in the neighborhood. If the 45- foot building were not on top of an addition 12 feet, it would be more palatable to everyone. Right now, as proposed, the amount of asphalt, glass and the height of all those hard surfaces are daunting. Once again, "this would be the tallest building in the City", a City where the hospital is only one story! Please consider the safety when you make decisions about the gate, and please think about the skyline for Arroyo Grande. Is this what is best for the people who live here? I trust my elected officials to consider all the elements to such a large permanent decision. Keep the "Village" in Arroyo Grande and stick to the municipal code when deciding height and other important issues. The codes and General Plan should be our guide. Thank you for your consideration and service, Co{{een Colleen Martin Check out the mailbox location. The postman fills the mail and the resident get their mail in the same direction. Needs to be flipped to safer sidewalk . Also, if the furthest driveway is close to the property boundary , then the street might need to be widened on the applicants side to accommodate those turns etc.