R 2386 236 RESOI:.UrION ro. 2386 A F"IDWl'ION CF 'l'BE CI'.l'!/' c:x>tH:IL CF 'l'BE CI'l'r CF AMaYO GRAWE ~RI'.T.TOO 'l'BE ~ MEDICAL SERVICES 00N1'R1C1' WITH '!'BE ~ CF SAN LUIS OBISPO WBEREIIS, the City of Arroyo Grande adopted an agreanent on June 1, 1976, with the County of San IJ.1is tbispo, transferring the City's &Jergency Medical Services authority for anbulance service to the County for five (5) years I and WHERFAS, the existing m4S Contract is autQ\Btically renewed for an additional five (5) year period, unless the County is notified of the intent to cancel it one year in advancel and WHERFAS, the existing m4S Contract does not provide for City input into County anbulance ordinance changes or changes to the &Jergency Medical Response J Manual (EMRM) 7 nor does the contract allow for City input on anbulance transport charges7 and WHERFAS, since the 1976 contract Was signed, nwnerous changes have been made without City input7 and WHERFAS, the changes to the m4S Contract have a direct affect on the anbulance service level to the CitY7 and WHERFAS, the City Managers and City Fire Chiefs of San IJ.1is tbispo County have reviewed all City/County m4S contracts regarding anbulance services levels and found the existing contracts to be lacking provisions for local input, and they require JOOdification7 and WHERFAS, it is iIIportant to maintain local control and have input into how anbulance services are delivered to a city and at Viat cost; and WHERFAS, ~tion, service demands, and county-wide changes have occurred since the contract was originally signed; and WHERFAS, it is essential to review and update emergency medical services, with the involvement of mmicipal government on local control issues. tOl, 'l'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande shall take the following action: 1. '!be County of San IJ.1is tbispo shall be notified that the City intends to cancel its current City/County m4S contract, effective June 1, 19907 and 2. '!be City staff is hereby directed to evaluate the emergency medical service level and negotiate a new m4S contract as necessary. On mtion of Council Menber ~~ . seconded by Council Menber Olsen, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council ~s ~, Olsen, Dougall and smith NJES: None ABSENl': Mayor Millis I , the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of April, 1990. .J fj~ B'ANN SMITH, MAYOR PRO '!'EM A:I.'~~.1': '17dAA.Aj: a . .Q"N~) twCi A. ~, CI'lY CLERK APProVED lIS 'ro FOOM: .. ___'m _._______._.._~____. _~__ ------~._._~-_._--,--~._- .- -