O 004 [ON O d' 'N 4 Sec. 8. It is hereby made the duty of the dark of sa.id . city to see that the r tnance O. polling place is provided with, booths properly set up. bal.1ote, stam1>8. erasers, stamp pads and blotters, and any and AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR all other, tbing. nece~.~ry to. conduct the electIOn; such legitimate 6:1:penSes THE CALLING OF AND HOLDING as he may incur therefor shall be a OF 'ELECTIONS WITHIN THE proper charge against tho city and pay' ~ first duly sworn de- able out of any fund thereof. ' CITY OF ARROXp ~KNDE AND Sec. 9. After the vote has been cast ' """'" TO PUNISH FOR THE VIOLA. at any election held nnder tbe provis- )f the Umted States, T iODs of this ordinance, the election ...... TIONS HEREOF WITHIN S4ID board sba I immediately proceed to tbe the rinteI)!" of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, count of the vote and shall keep contm- p . uou81y ther~at until the whole vote cast The Board of Truste~ of ~he Clty 01 shall have been been counted; then the ished and printed at Arroy~ Grande do ordaIn 8S :ollows: . . returns, together with the ballot!!, shall Section 1. There may be In the city be delivered to the City Clerk, who . 0,1 Arroyo ~rande two (2) kinds ol.lec- shall put tqe same under lock and key. S ObiSPO, state of Cal- tlODS., to. Wit: (~) General ElectlOnl; S6c.10. . The clerk shall thereafter (b) SpecuJ.l Etectlo!1s. A Stenere.l Elec- make to the Board of Trusteees a state- "0 is hereto attach- 1.100 18 one at which rnemb.ers of the lDent showing the results of the said '" PY Board of Trustees and ot~erClty C!ffiC~!B election. This statement. must be in 1/ n:- 8.re to be ~lect~d; a .S~CIal Election IS writing and verified. by his oath. d the . (p , '/day of one at which IS submitted to the elee- . - - - - - -- torate of said city 80me 8pacial propo. Sec. 11. At the first meeting oi the sition: J30ard of Trustees alter said el~eLion, last publication there- Sec. 2. The first aeneral electIOn of the presJdent of "he board shaUm the ~ the City of Arroyo GrAnde shall be held presence of the ~ther members t~ereof // /11 on the second Mondavof April,A.D.1912; and of such a,!-dJtors as may be In at. _ _ _. _<.P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _day of 'and thereafter -8 general elEction shall tenda~ce pUb!ICly declare the resulta of be held in and for sai.d city on the sec. ,he sOld electIOn. D 19 ! ,- th t th ond Monday of Apnlm eacheven..num- Sec. 12. All of the election laws oithe . -" -, a e \~ bered year. state of California. th&.t are not contrarv Sec. 3. Special elections mav be held to the provisions of this ordinance and 1d entire issue of ev- wheneverin the judgment of the Board that a.re in harmony with the spirit and of Trustees of the City of Arroyo meaning of the municipal Corporation __' . Grande it is proper and needful that Bill &s passed by the .lej;tislature of the :le penod and tIme of sucha.n election bebeld; provided,how- state of Ca1ilornia.in1883 Bnd the acts ever, that a special eleetion may be amendatory thereof, are hereby made called by !!sid board whenever a peti':.ion ap~.licable t~ the Chiy of Arroyo Grande cQntaining the signatures of at leust and they ar~ by ~eference ,hereto made twenty~five ~r .cao.t of the qualifi~d a part of thJS ordmance. , _ _ _ _ elooto~1 of 8&14 clty J~ pre8~~ted to sald Sec. 13. The violatiolW' of any of the board, the.basls of said pE'tItlOn shall ~e provisions of this' ordinance is hereby >--'/ I t~e precedIng ~eneral electIon _ of saId tnf\de a miedemea.Jlor, and any officer ~,. - - . . -0<../- - - - - ~ -- CIty; srljudged guilty thereof may be pun- Sec. 4. Within ten (10) days after !shed therefor by a .1Ine no~ exceed- _ _ ~ __ the dut}" of the board of trustees to call lUg ($50.00). d?l~ars or t.haW (30) fLn electioDshall havE:' accrued, it shall . dars lD the ~Ity J811. Any other pe~son _ issue its ca.lL therefQr a.nd in its said ad1udged gUIlty thereof ma.y be pum~h~ ~ ~ - call it ahall appoint a board of election, ed t4erefo,r by a fine not exceedmg establish Do polling place Bnd take any twen~y':fiv~ ($25 op) 40~IBr8 or fifteen and all other needJ111 ilteps to hold said (10) (l9.ys m t~e Clt>:, JaIl. . - - - - -. electlon 88c.14. This ordmanceshall take ef. '. fect from and after its first publication. .8e<;. 6. .No election sb9.11 be held Passed and adoptt!dthi8~3th day of Beptern. . _ _ - - - - - e - WJthul. thIrty (SO) days after the first ber,191l, qy the following roll CII.Il: publication of the call therefor; and ev- Ayes: Trustees Alexander, GUUam, Henry. ery ~&1l for an e1ection shaH be pub.. Urich, Bennett. Hahed once in Bome weekly newspaper Noes: None. bl' h d. th 't f A G d F. E, BENNETT. PQ I.S e JD e ~I y.orroyo "tri\n ej President of the Board of Trusteell of the City A D 19 " proof of the publicatIOn thereof shaH bf of Arroyo Grande. ' . . - an affidavit by the printer or publisher Attest: B. F. STEWART. of said newspaper; (Bes.l) Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande. lewspaper proper and . . Th' I, B. F. Stewart, clerk of the city of Arroyo Sec. 15. e whole cIty of Arro,ro Grande, do hereby certify that the foregoing Grande shall be and constitute one (1) ordtna.ncewl\.Stntrodueedandre&d.ataregulA.r election Precinct in for and of said city meeting of the llaid board of trustees of the . . cUy of Arroyo Grande, held on the 6th day of ,. Sec. 7. .AIl persons qualified to vote September. 1911, and was paased at a regular ~ at Rny election in the state of California' meeting held on the 13th day of September,l91I, . .' by the following vote on roll call: - - - - . !,re qua~Ified to vote at anyelectJOD ~eld Ayes: TrullteesS. Alexander, J. W. Gilliam m the City of Arroyo Grande; provided A. A. Henry, F. E. Bennett. G. Grieb. . /J that to be an elector in said city of Ar- Noes: None. '7 J TOYO Grande said elector must have re- Said ordinance wa.s then and there silfned br . -<. ~ ~- Bided within the county of Sa.n Luis the president of said board of trustees and at- . thIS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .. 1ested by the clerk of Mid city. ObJapo for the perIod of nmety days and In witness whereof I have hereunto Bet my within the corporate limits of said city h4ndand ILffixe1the' lIe8.l of piddty of Ar. ~ for the period of thirty dayt! immediate- toyo Grande th18 13th day of Beptember,1911. -- I d' th I t B. F. STEWART, Y prace IDg . e ec Ion. I (Seal) Clerk of the cUy of Arroyo Grande. ' e..H_~<.._L_~H_ _ _ of San Luis Obispo,