R 2364 194 RESOLUTION NO. 2364 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DES I GNATING A LANDMARK TREE 89- 53 WHEREA~, Sec.10-3.06 of the ~unicipa1 Code of the City of A~~oyo G~ande p~ovldes fo~ the p~e~e~vatlon and.p~otectjon of ce~tain t~ees in o~de~.to p~oduce a mo~e desl~able, pleasing and beautiful community and to maintain and enhance community histo~ic, cuJtu~a1 and p~operty values, as well as to p~omote the public health, safety, comfort, and welfa~e; and WHEREAS, these t~ees at 417 O~cha~d St~eet, in the City of A~~oyo G~andet and as located and identified on the map attached to this ~esolu ionl have been examined by the Parks and Rec~eation Di~ecto~ of the City 0 A~~oyo G~ande and have been found to be two Deoda~ Ceda~s and one Redwood t~ees; and i I , WHEREAS, these t~eeSt due to thei~ age, species, configuration, and I histo~ica] value meet c~i e~ia fo~ Landmark Tree desIgnation as dete~mined by the Pa~ks and Recreation Director and Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHiREAS, t~e Pa~k. and Re8re.tion Commission of the City of A~royo G~ande ~.comm.n . to the City ouncl1 that th... t~.es should be preserved and protected and designated .s a Landm.~k Trees. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of A~~oyo G~ande he~eby designates these trees as Landmark Tree! and directs that they shall be I monumented as Landmark Tre. Number 99-5 I and I FURTHERMORE, these trees shall be protected, preserved and I maintained by the tree owner and sUbsequent tree owne~s and such t~ees i shal] not be removed or destro~ed by any ~arty unless othe~wise authorized by Sec.10-3.06 of t e Municipa Code of the City of Ar~oyo Grande. . pn motion of Council Member smth , seconded by Council Hemt - Dougal , and on the ~ol]owjng ro]1 call vote, to wi t: AYES: ~il Members smth, Dougall, Olsen,~ and Mayor Millis NOES: ABSENT: None - , Re100lutlon day of , i , ne 0 ~ees ATTE T: 1l~ fl. ~~~ J (.;J I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City CI. of the City of A~~oyo G~ande, County of San Luis Obispo, State ~f California, do hereby ce~tify that the fore?oing Resolution No.2 64 is a true, full and co~~ect COpy of sai, Reso ~~on passed and adopte~ at a regu1a~ meeting of said Council on the day of January, 19 O. WITNESS my hand and the Sf~b of the City of Arro~o Grande affixed th i $ 12th day of January . '11~ O. Q,I~ ------ ._.. '_"+_h.. __,__~_,.____ n.____ ... --~....-......:---~-~,_.- )V '.... ~... . . 0 0 - - ~- . i I ! - .. .. ...... cr. " . I '" . I I . I I I I - \ .,~